#idk how to color late night shows so i don't
forever-rogue · 1 year
Hiiiiiii so idk if you saw how Kourtney Kardashian revealed her pregnancy to Travis Barker but it SCREAMS Rockstar!Eddie to me…
Just imagine him jumping off the stage after a show all sweaty and shit, kissing you over and over again, just over the moon so happy… I- it’s doing things to me 🥵
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AN | I have not seen it, but looked it up, and it’s totally rockstar!eddie! Enjoy 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Rockstar!Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.3k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"No way," you looked between the small stick in one hand and the box in the other. You weren't sure if you were more excited or nervous or downright terrified, "no way!"
You looked in the mirror and studied your reflection; you were wild-eyed and flushed, hair in a messy bun and still in pajamas. You'd basically woken up and run to the store as such and still hadn't made much progress. You were much too excited. 
Today marked the second period in a row that you'd missed. Combined with the way you'd started to feel lately, you couldn't help but wonder. And that led you to this moment - finding out that you were pregnant.
Your first thought was to call Eddie right away to tell him the good news. You hadn't been trying to get pregnant but you hadn't been trying to prevent it either. But - Eddie was still away, so close to being home from the tour Corroded Coffin was currently on. Tomorrow night was the hometown and last show of the tour. You'd see him soon.
And that gave you a wonderful little idea.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Nancy," you called her as soon as you'd gotten showered and dressed, still feeling like you were in a daydream, "I've got a big favor to ask!"
"Uh oh," you could hear the amusement in her voice, "what did you get up to this time, trouble?"
"I may or may not have gotten myself knocked up," you waited with baited breath for her to catch on. Trying to keep it casual and nonchalant was already proving to be a challenge. It took her a few moments before you heard her excited gasp.
"You're pregnant?!" She was practically squealing in delight as you nodded enthusiastically, barely remembering that she couldn't see, "oh my god, that's amazing! When did you find out?"
"Like an hour ago," you still had the test on the kitchen counter next to you, "you're the first to know."
"Yay," your best friend sounded like she was tearing up as well, "I'm so happy for you. Seriously, this is wonderful. Our babies will be able to grow up together!"
"And Steve and Eddie can be the dorkiest dads ever," you sighed softly, "I haven't told Eddie but since tomorrow's the last show of their tour, I figured I'd surprise him then. I have an idea-"
"I'm in!"
"I haven't even told you what the plan is yet!"
"I don't care," you loved her tenacity, "I'm in regardless!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Later that evening the two of you were camped in your living room, with big, colorful markers and poster boards. Your plan was to right some sort of announcement on them to Eddie, letting him know that you were pregnant. You played around with a couple of different ideas, but eventually settled on one. You'd be front and center at the show tomorrow and would make sure he saw your sign.
"Do you think he's even going to notice?" You looked at your handiwork and let out a long sigh, "or do you think he'll ignore it? Maybe he'll think it's just a random fan."
"Seriously?" Nancy scoffed playfully as she nudged your leg with hers. You offered her a sheepish grin in return, "he always looks for you. He's…such a sucker for you."
"Hopefully," you couldn't help the way that her comment made you feel. You knew he loved you, that much was always obvious, but knowing others saw it too was an entirely different type of sensation, "especially now that I'm carrying his kid."
"He's going to freak out," you raised your eyebrows in question and she shook her head, "freak out in a good way! He's going to he terrified, but he's going to be a great dad. And you'll be a great mom. Swear."
"I hope so…if not I've got months to agonize over it," you finished coloring in the big block lettering of your word and leaned against the couch, "was it both incredibly amazing and terrifying for you when you found out?"
"Duh," she teased softly, "its normal. No one's got it all figured, but that's okay. It's going to be amazing."
"What if I'm not ready?"
"It's a little too late for that, I think," she winked at you, and your entire face flushed. You'd always been all in for Eddie - this just made you even more sure of that.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I'm having second thoughts," you looked over at Nancy who was standing to your right with a huge smile on her face. She understood your nerves - she'd felt the same way the first time she told Steve she was pregnant. You were clutching the poster in your hand so tightly that your knuckles were turning white, "maybe I shouldn't."
"You should and you will," she wiggled the poster in her hands and offered you what she hoped was an encouraging smile, "we're here, the posters are ready, and Eddie will be on stage any moment!"
"Okay," you felt sick to your stomach, but you were pretty sure it wasn't anything due to your pregnancy, "right."
Before you could argue with her any further, the crowd erupted into deafening cheers. The sudden shift in the excitement caused you to startle for a moment before nerves settled into your bones. You were in the front VIP area, close to the stage as you often were, which gave you a perfect view of the stage. 
You almost swooned when Eddie came onto the stage along with the rest of the band. The crowd was cheering their name and you couldn't help but join in. This was exactly where he was meant to be - he owned the stage with grace and ease. 
Eddie gave a little speech before the band rolled into their set. Any remaining nerves went away as you sang and bopped along to the music with Nancy. It was easy to lose yourself in the moment, but you were quickly pulled back into reality when you saw Eddie looking around the crowd. He was looking for you, just as it always was. 
You heard your heartbeat in your ears as everything around you seemed to disappear. You weren't in a sea of thousands anymore - it was just the two of you. His pretty face lit up with a saccharine and beaming smile as his eyes found yours. Your own smile in return was practically ethereal as you blew him a kiss. He winked before slipping back into rockstar mode and continued playing his heart you.
 You always wondered how he could even find you, considering the bright lights of the stage made it difficult to see much of the audience. He said it was because his heart always knew where to find you. He called him a dork; he called himself a hopeless romantic for you.
"Oh come on," Nancy practically squealed as she held onto your arm, "the two of you are disgustingly precious!"
"I know," you admitted softly, "I know."
As the rest of the show went on, you kept trying to find the perfect moment to hold up your poster. You decided to save it for the last song - what better way to end the show?
You shouted your little plan into Nancy's ear and, to no one's surprise, she totally supported the idea. Once they started playing the last song you threw up your posters and started calling Eddie's name loudly. The two of you were attracting attention from all around you. Part of you expected to find angry looking faces ready to tell you to keep it down but instead you found a lot of excited faces.
"Eddie!" You shouted his name at the top of your lungs, jumping up and down to capture his attention. That seemed to spark something in him and he turned towards you. It took him a few moments to lock eyes with you, but once he did you saw him look at the posters the two of you were holding up. 
His expression blanked for a moment before he seemed to realize what they said. In big, bright letters your sign said, Eddie, I'm pregnant! while Nancy's said Eddie, she's pregnant! 
“Hold on,” Eddie stopped playing, looking at you the entire time as he grabbed his mic, “pardon me for a moment.”
And with that, he practically ripped his guitar off and set it on its stand at the edge of the stage before jumping down into the audience and making his way over to you, pushing eagerly through the crowd. He stopped right in front of you, reading over your sign again before looking at you with a nervous expression. His heart was beating so wildly that he was surprised that it didn’t burst through his ribcage. 
“Baby,” his voice was almost trembling as you looked at him with teary eyes, “are you serious? We’re having a baby?”
“Yes,” and just like that, the tears were running down your cheek as you nodded at him, “I’m pregnant.”
“No fucking way,” he eagerly, but still tenderly, took your face in his hands before leaning in to kiss you. You could feel him smiling against your lips as he kissed you; the fact that you were in the middle of a giant crowd didn’t both either of you. He pulled back and gently brushed away your tears, “we’re having a baby?”
“We’re having a baby,” you confirmed as he looked at you incredulously. To him you were, and had always been, pure magic. You were the girl of his dreams and now you were having his baby? It seemed like a dream, “surprise!”
“Best surprise ever,” he promised as he kissed you again. He looked back at the stage and then at you, “let me, ugh, let me wrap things up real quick.”
“By all means,” you pressed a kiss to his cheek before nudging him back towards the stage, “I’ll be right here.”
He nodded before almost running back to the stage, leaping onto it and grabbing his beloved guitar again. He turned back to the rest of the band and they looked at him in understanding, already well aware of where this was going. 
“Ladies and gents,” he looked through the crowd that was eagerly watching him, “I think I’ve just gotten the best news ever from the best person ever. My girl - she’s pregnant!”
Your entire body warmed up as you shook your head at his antics. But you knew him and loved him, and the fact that he was immediately so excited made your heart feel happy and relieved. You could feel the crowd turn to you as they started to cheer. 
“She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and now she’s giving me the best thing ever,” he took a moment to breath, already feeling a rush of emotion bubble up, “baby, I love you so much. And, on that note, we’re gonna end this night on a song that I wrote for her when we first started dating. So if you know the words, sing along!”
He launched into your song, one of many, and a huge part of the crowd joined him. It was such an odd thing to have so many people singing one song in unity and to know that it was al for you. Eddie might have a been a lot of things, but he was the love of your life. That much you’d always known.
Sure, the idea of being pregnant and having a baby was terrifying, but with Eddie at your side, you were sure it would all be okay.
After the show, you made your way backstage, not even having to bother to flash your access pass as you looked for Eddie. You felt electric, but you couldn’t wait to have a moment alone with him.
As soon as you were in his proximity, he spotted you and made his way over to you. This time he was able to wrap his arms around you and pulled into his body, hugging you tightly.
“Eddie,” you laughed softly, feeling him pepper kisses all over the side of your head, “I can’t breathe!”
“Sorry,” his cheeks pinked as he looked you over, almost as if he was trying to see any visible sign of your pregnancy, “I’m just…wow. You’re pregnant and I’m just…wow.”
“I found out yesterday,” you reached into your pocket and handed him one of the several tests you’d taken, “and I wanted to surprise you.”
“Best surprise ever,” he looked at the small stick with a look of awe etched into his features, “and that little reveal? Baby, you’re a genius. This is…fuck, I’m so in love with you.”
“Are you…happy?’ you asked softly, still craving the reassurance despite his clear indication of happiness.
“So happy,” he brushed his knuckles along your cheek, sighing softly, “this is amazing, baby. There’s no one else I’d ever want to do with this. But, it’s about you too - are you happy?”
“Yes,” you promised, taking his hand and settling onto your belly, where soon you’d be able to see evidence of your child, “happier than ever. I love you so much, Eddie.”
“I love you too, baby,” he whispered so only you could hear it. You felt him gently rub your belly, “and you too, baby. Both of you - so much.”
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verysium · 10 months
how bllk boys would react when u draw them, could either be rlly good or rlly SHIT u choose idk (plz include barou and the itoshi bros) 😊😊😊 i love you and ur works, and the way u write the boys and ur content makes me laugh fr, one of my fave bllk authors mwjahaja 😓 have a great day, ily:3 and the icks post made me smile like all of ur posts do!
thank you so much anon ♡ this ask had me contemplating very seriously, so apologies if it's a bit late:
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sae is definitely awestruck in some way, even if he doesn't immediately show it. i think i talked about this in a previous headcanon, but he has a deep-seated admiration for artists who can grasp abstract concepts because he himself cannot. he would be somewhat flattered if you drew him since he's never considered his own appearance to be particularly inspiring. would be appalled if you considered him your muse. like....why? to him, his looks aren't anything of importance (clearly he is blind.) would probably say your drawing was inaccurate but then hang it up by his nightstand so he can look at it every night before he goes to sleep. if you're a full-time artist, he probably keeps a little stash of your gifts in a small box beneath his bed. sometimes if he's having a bad day or he lost a game, he goes back and flips through them just to make himself feel better. secretly loves the way you draw his bangs and the little swoop you do in your signature.
kaiser corrects every single detail in your drawing. stands behind you and gives you little pointers here and there. he should have an 8-pack, not a 6-pack. his jawline isn't sharp enough in your initial sketch. poses shirtless in front of you so that way you can encapsulate the full extent of his sexiness. shows off your drawing to every living creature in existence. "isn't he handsome?" like...🙄 yeah, michael we know. he's probably the hardest to draw because of his tattoo, so i think he genuinely appreciates it when you put in the effort to capture his intricacies. will never admit this but he's low-key proud of you and your talent (mostly just your ability to make him look good.)
rin is one of those people who doesn't understand hyperrealism. like why does he need a highly detailed sketch of his face when he can just take a photo and print it out? i don't think he understands art in general. probably despises modern art too. he'd take one look at a rothko painting and be like....i could draw this too...in my sleep. similar to sae, i feel like he's just numb to the sentimentality of gift-giving. doesn't understand why you would waste your time drawing a little picture of him, but it does make his heart feel strangely fuzzier, so maybe he'll keep it this one time. lo and behold, months later he now has a collection of your drawings he doesn't have the heart to throw away. refuses to let isagi or anyone see them because they're meant for his eyes only.
yukimiya has impeccable taste. in fact, he's probably an artist himself. i think it'd be cute if you both drew little sketches of each other throughout the course of your relationship. but neither of you ever knew until you gifted him your sketchbook for christmas, and he was like....guess what...i drew you too. thinks you're pretty even when you don't think so. sometimes when you're having a coffee shop date, he scribbles a portrait of you on his napkin because the sunlight hit your cheek just right in that moment, and the birds were chirping, and he fell in love all over again. i think it's also tragic that he's slowly losing his eyesight, so he won't be able to enjoy your drawings and the vibrant colors you infuse into them. that's why he treasures them even more. probably thumbs over the pages from time to time. memorizes every stroke and line.
isagi likes the way you always draw that little tuft of hair that sticks up on the top of his head. it looks like a cute little bean sprout. he pins your drawings up above his bed next to a polaroid of you two in germany. buys you a professional art set for your birthday. if you're a digital artist, he buys you a new tablet and stylus.
bachira adds his own doodles next to yours except he makes a chibi version of everything. always pesters you to include his little fangs. uses the boldest combination of colors. he would definitely be a messy artist. paint everywhere. fingernails perpetually stained a different color. you both draw during class, so when you two trade notebooks to actually study......there aren't any actual notes.
barou acts like he doesn't know what to do with your drawing of him but then the next day you visit his house, and he's already put your artwork in a fancy picture frame. refuses to let anyone else even stand within a ten meter radius next to it because he doesn't want their "nasty fingerprints" all over your beautiful masterpiece.
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mwahs-stuff · 2 months
haiii!!! I hope you day or night is going well!! But I was wondering if you can do maybe an actor!dazai with singer!reader and they have a fake relationship? 😋😋
(Off topic but I’ve been loving your posts!! They’re such a joy to read!!!)
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I love this. yes, of course. and thank you, sm dear. I'm glad you enjoy my posts<3
cw: womanizer dazai, super fluffy (no smut, sorry if that's what you wanted, but I'm absolutely down for a part two). confusing plot tbh, idk what else!
⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。☪"I don't like anyone better than you, it's true" ☪
dazai osamu. a name that can make fangirls eyes light up. he was known for his acting, how sly he was on and off camera and that stupid smile of his. you've been in the music game for a while now so you've met him here and there, you quickly realized he's an actor on and off screen so you made your mind up about him quickly. you didn't like him. so that's why you're pissed to hear that you'll be posing as a couple for a few weeks. another stupid publicity stunt pulled by your producer.
"you'll be meeting for coffee tomorrow." your producer spoke, making you roll your eyes and take another drag of your cig. "got it." you murmured. "this is serious (name). you both need to get to know each other. dazai's producer is a good friend of mine. he's too well known as a womanizer, and he needs to settle down for a bit. you both need to convincingly show that you know each other well. so get to know him! it'll be good for you too sweetheart" you huffed a bit and nodded. "okay, I got it. tell him not to be late." you spoke in an annoyed tone as your producer headed out.
the next day, you heard a knock on the door, and after a moment, your producer brought in no other than dazai osamu. "I figured you can have coffee at your place, more comfortable, ya know?" your producer spoke with no care as they headed off. .."I guess," you gritted out. great. not only will you have to talk to him. you have to make coffee, not a hard task, but it annoyed you. dazai didn't seem to mind this whole thing. In fact, he stood there with a smirk. you rolled your eyes. "cmon on in dazai." you spoke in annoyance as you led him to the kitchen. "call me osamu. we'll be dating after all." you rolled your eyes once again, something you seem to be doing more often cause of this. "fine, osamu." you said through gritted teeth as you sat on the counter and started to heat up some coffee. he stood on the side. your producer had given you a list of questions to memorize to get to know him. seems he got the same list because at the same time, you both asked, "what's your favorite color?" you scoffed slightly. "guess you got the same list.. alright, we'll have to look convincing, and this can't look like some hook up, so we'll say we've been dating for.. hmmm, let's say three weeks so far? I'll go to some events with you and you can come to some of my shows. coming up in october, I have a tour so we can stage a break up then. so there we go. you get a relationship so your fans don't think your a man-whore and I guess I get to say I have a boyfriend." you spoke quickly and sternly. you rolled your eyes at the last part. you weren't getting much out of this. dazai's eyes seemed to widen a bit at how simple you wanted to make this. "woah woah woah.. slow down." he walked closer to you till he was standing in front of you. "and what if I actually wanted to get to know you?" ..you were slight caught of guard.. you couldn't help but feel your face heat up. yea no snap out of it. he's just some womanizer and a fake all around. "not a chance."
it's been a few weeks since then. you've gotten used to going in public to get pictures of you guys together, going to his red carpet walks, him being at your shows, pretending to be all sweet in public.. you've honestly grown quite used to him. he actually wasn't as much of a fake as you thought. he could be quite genuine when he wanted to show it. this was one of those times. you were freaked out. dazai was in your backstage room as you smoked a cigarette and tapped your foot fast. it was a big show, a lot of people.. you'd be lying if you said your heart wasn't racing. dazai had stepped behind you as you looked out the balcony smoking the cigarette. you weren't showing all the signs you were nervous, but dazai could hear your foot tapping and the way you bit your bottom lip and how quickly you were blinking. he paid attention. as he stood behind you, he brought his hand to your hips. he snaked his other hand around you to take the cigarette out of your mouth. "this won't help with how you're feeling, you know that, right?" you rolled your eyes. "there's no cameras, so stop touching." you muttered, but you couldn't hide how your face heated up from the touch. instead of replying, he rubbed soft circles in your hip. you leaned into the touch unconsciously. "you're going to do great. you have to know that you're going to be great out there." he whispered against your ear, sending shivers down your spine. you were at a loss of words as his hands moved to your waist and rubbed softly. you felt yourself calm down a bit.. he held you like that for a few minutes, telling you how he knew you were going to do well. until you had to go onstage.
you did indeed do well.. after what felt like all night, you tiredly made your way back to your backstage room and laid down on the bed. after a few minutes, dazai came in and laid on the bed next to you. you turned to him. "...thank you." you whispered to him. "no need to thank me.. that was all you pretty girl.." you felt your face heat up once again. you didn't realize how close his face was to yours until he said that. you reached out and ran your fingers softly over his face. "you're a lot more than what I thought of you.." you whispered before planting a soft kiss on his lips.
(I rlly like this.. I kinda wanna do a part two.. should i?? also I suck!! so sorry if this plot doesn't make sense)
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
kyoho | ksj
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You love your grape boy, and your grape boy... well, he might just love you a little too much.
pairing: seokjin x f!reader
rating: pg13
genre/warnings: established relationship, swearing bc when is there no swearing in my fics, mentions of seggs, suggestive themes, fluff, crack?? idk, my brand of fics is Unedited y'all know that's how we roll
word count: 1.8k
notes: i've been buying a lot of grapes lately (am i a grape person now??) and i've been eating them almost every day and of course i had to think about grape jinnie my beloved, my ultimate favorite seokjin and i want him to come back to me :((( idk that's how this lil thang came to me lmao it's the most crackhead shit i've ever written sOoOoOoOo please laugh or else ! 👿 jk but not really
— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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"If you do this, we're done."
"I swear, if you go through with this, we are over!"
Seokjin sighs, rubbing a hand over his face, clearly not expecting you to be so passionate about the subject at hand. "The appointment is in an hour," he says.
"Cancel it. I don't care!" you cry. "Please don't do this. Don't take him away. He means the world to me."
Your boyfriend stares at you, mouth agape, then points to his head incredulously. "Him? My hair?"
"Yes!" You crawl over to his side of the couch to straddle his lap, actual tears welling in your eyes. You run your fingers through his hair, marveling at how soft and silky it feels in your hands. His gorgeous, gorgeous purple locks. The ones he's ready to sacrifice in favor of half blond, half red hair by demand of one Jeon Jungkook.
You shouldn't be this upset over him dyeing his hair, but you are, despite knowing full well that the purple will be gone soon anyway. His dark roots are starting to show already.
It's shark week, and there are not enough words in the dictionary to express how devastated you are that he's taking away your emotional support Grape Jinnie.
A couple months ago, when he told you that he'd be dyeing his hair purple, you were highly skeptical of the decision. You didn't know if he had the face to pull off purple of all colors, even though you had already seen him sport every other color of the rainbow and absolutely rocked every single one.
The whole week leading up to his salon appointment, you teased him endlessly - started calling him Grape Boy, bought him box after box of Kyoho grapes, photoshopping Kylie Jenner's purple hair onto his head and making it your lockscreen... It was mostly just grape puns, you were really milking that whole thing.
But then he came home, hair freshly bleached and colored, and your jaw dropped to the ground and stayed there for ten whole minutes.
Your eyes almost fell out of their sockets from how good he looked.
No, he didn't just look good. He was stunning, breathtaking, mindbogglingly beautiful and all the other synonyms that one could name.
The man fucking ate and left no crumbs.
That night was one of the best sex you two have ever had.
To say that you were obsessed with this shade on him is the understatement of the year.
"Don't do it," you plead. "If you really love me, you won't do it."
"You're being so dramatic. It's just hair." Seokjin puts his hands on your waist while you keep yours on his head, clutching his strands like a lifeline. "Plus, I have to honor the bet!"
Your expression turns stony then, as your eyes travel from the silky purple down to his face. You tighten your grip on his hair and tug on it sharply until your boyfriend is scowling in discomfort.
The bet. The stupid fucking bet he made with Jungkook.
You had explicitly told him there no chance in hell that he could win, but Seokjin could be an overly confident asshole sometimes.
He was in way over his head, and now you're the one suffering.
"You idiot," you hiss, pulling on his hair again, "why the fuck did you think you could do more pushups than Jungkook?"
"I don't know! We were tipsy and it seemed possible at the time!"
Releasing his hair, you tuck your face into the crook of his neck and inhale deeply.
"Why am I being punished for your actions?" you mumble against his skin, then you ask, voice full of futile hope. "What if you just... don't do it?"
"Then I have to buy him a new mattress. He cut his mattress with scissors to make it fit into his bed frame and now it's all fucked up."
You give yourself a minute to think. There has to be a solution to your distress. You just gotta think. Think, brain, think!
And then you remember. Seokjin is still a man.
You lean back to look at him properly, straightening your position on his lap. You give him your biggest puppy dog eyes before you say, "I promise I will blow you every day from now on if you keep the hair."
If he was drinking water, you're fairly certain that he would've choked. Your boyfriend's eyes widen in surprise, his skin turning a dozen shades warmer, blushing from his cheeks all the way to the top of his ears.
"What?" he asks, like this is something so scandalous.
You lean forward to pepper kisses all over his face, putting more weight on your offer. "I promise," you say, pecking his cute cheek, "to blow you," then his forehead, "every single day," then his nose, "from now on," and finally his lips.
You linger near his mouth, not pulling away just yet. Your lips brush against his once more until you feel his hands tighten on your waist. You wrap your arms around his neck to hold him closer as you press forward, giving him a proper kiss to seal the deal.
Seokjin practically melts underneath you. Victory is so close that you can taste it. You're doing this for the greater good of mankind, for Grape Jinnie. Jungkook can fuck off with his half seasoned, half fried bullshit.
But then, Seokjin abruptly rips away from you to shriek, nearly blowing your eardrums out. The suddenness of his movements almost make you tumble off the couch.
"No, don't try to tempt me! Mattresses are expensive as fuck!"
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It's been a few hours. He should be back any minute now.
Ever since Seokjin left to go to his hair appointment after having to peel you off of him because you were clinging to his body like a goddamn koala, you've been wallowing in your misery. You even busted out the big guns - Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream (with real peanut butter cups!) - to help you through this difficult time.
You're in full grieving mode now. Goddamnit. Fate is a cruel mistress.
Or in this case, Jungkook. Jungkook is a cruel mistress. That fucking guy.
When you hear the door open and the subsequent clanging of Seokjin's keys as he hangs them on one of the hooks in the entryway, you prepare to give him the biggest pout you can manage.
But then, he comes into view a few seconds later, and you gasp. You actually gasp. Before he knows what's happening, you're rising from the couch and sprinting toward him, launching into his arms with the biggest smile on your face like a kid on Christmas morning.
"You're still a grape!" you squeal joyously.
Seokjin lets out a surprise Oof! at the sudden force of your body knocking the breath out of him.
"What a warm welcome," he mutters. "I don't think you've ever been this happy to see me."
"What happened?!" you ask, eyes wide, grin even wider. "Did you change your mind because you love me so much?"
You run your hands through his hair to make sure that it's real, that you're not hallucinating this because you just love the purple so goddamn much.
And it is! It's still here! His hair is still that luscious shade of purple that you adore with your entire being.
Seokjin eyes you for a moment before he says, "I compromised with Jungkook. Did something else instead."
"What did you do?"
"I got a tattoo."
"You what?!"
"He said I wouldn't have to dye my hair if I got a tattoo of his choosing."
"Oh, no," you try to sound sympathetic but fail miserably. You cover your mouth with your hand to hide your smile, already sensing the absolute crackhead chaos that will ensue in a matter of minutes. Having been friends with Jungkook for years, you know that dude comes up with the craziest shit sometimes.
Seokjin turns around and pulls up his shirt, and you almost die from the fit of ugly snorting laughter that immediately rips itself free from your mouth. His skin underneath the transparent cling film is still slightly red, but the letters adorning the expanse of his lower back is clear as day.
You cannot find it in yourself to blink, not when the black ink is just staring at you like that. The font, so formal and classic, and yet the content of it... what a contrast.
"Kim Seokjin!" you wheeze, wiping tears from your eyes and struggling to catch your breath. "How could you possibly think that this is a better idea than to just dye your hair!"
"You begged me to keep the hair!"
"I did," you agree, clutching your stomach as giggles continue wracking through your whole body. It's almost painful at this point. "But I don't want my boyfriend to have a tramp stamp that says fucking Chicken in Times New Roman!"
"It was either this," he says, turning back to face you, "or a sketch of his head on a chicken's body."
"What is up with him and chickens? Is that his new thing now?"
"I don't fucking know!"
"Well, thank you for doing that for me," you say appreciatively as you pull him in for a kiss, which isn't very graceful because you're still tittering the whole time. "But please tell me that's not permanent."
Seokjin stays quiet, his eyes dropping to the floor, and you stop laughing immediately.
"Oh my god," you say. "Is the Chicken tramp stamp permanent?!"
"No," he finally admits after a moment of hanging it over your head. As funny as the whole thing is, you do not want the love of your life to walk around sporting the most ridiculous tattoo in human history. "It's supposed to fade after a month."
You lean into him again, heaving a giant sigh of relief and wrapping your arms around his neck. One of your hands go for his hair again, weaving through the soft locks with your fingers because how could you not? "I love you, Grape," you say, pecking his cheek with a grin.
Seokjin rolls his eyes affectionately, but returns a peck to your own cheek. "I have a tramp stamp of the word Chicken and my parents might disown me for that, but at least you get to keep your Grape Boy," he says, making you giggle again.
"Because you love me so much, right?"
"Hmm. You're lucky I do."
You give him another kiss, one full of gratitude, for indulging your antics. When you move to return to the couch, Seokjin tugs on your wrist, pulling you back into him.
"Now correct me if I'm wrong," he says, acting all coy and shit, "but I recall you making me a promise earlier, no? What was it again?"
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— all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 16.04.2023]
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etsuven · 2 years
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etsuven's first kinktober: day 4/8
rating: smut technically but it's kind of fluffy too? or like its more fluff than smut idk man cw: fluff so much fluff soft seggs mentions includes: very soft stuff, reader has a strap/d!ck, scara in a pretty outfit, usage of scara's real name, scara is unintentionally mean in the beginning but only because he's embarrassed, this was supposed to be smut but it turned into me describing how much he loves you summary: scara shows off the new lingerie you bought him...
note: hi hello! welcome to the 4th day of k-tober!! this fic isn't prewritten, like i'm starting this at 1:10 AM the day i'm supposed to post it. it hopefully shouldn't take me that while to write, and even if it does take me a while to write, i have to be up at 6 anyways! i can just stay up the whole night, what's an all nighter gonna do to me? (the answer is sore eyes and staring off into space,) anyways, since it's so late, i've decided not to write a full fic, instead it'll be more story oriented! my usual readers may know that i tend to go for very dialogue oriented fics which you can cleary tell since i'm rambling here okay i have to get onto the fic byeee!!!!!!
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scaramouche found it embarrassing, really. the second you showed him the pretty purple lingerie you bought him, he quickly exploded into a ball of flushed cheek embarrassment. how could you ever imagine someone like him, the sixth of the fatui harbingers, to ever wear something as risqué as that?
he noticed how your face fell as he said those words, the gorgeous twinkle in your eyes fading away as you looked away in shame. his heart clenched at the sight.
walking over to you, he grabbed at the fabric, analyzing the various patterns of silk and lace. it looked expensive. did you really spend this much just for him? scara felt his cheeks heat up more, and there was no doubt that you could see him blushing.
"i'll wear it one day- i'm just not telling you when that day will be."
scaramouche waited a few more days after that conversation to try the outfit on. it was a night where you were out later than him, so he knew that there was a very low chance of you walking in on him. after putting the very intricate outfit on, he walked in front of the mirror.
don't tell anyone, but he felt his 'heart' stop for a moment.
as much as he hated to admit it, he looked great in the outfit. the color was a deep purple, reminiscent of the color he usually had in his fatui uniform. the top was on the looser side, and there was an excess of lace fabric where there normally would have been breasts. the material under that was a transparent silk, and it was the same shade of purple as the rest of the outfit.
he also wore a pair of panties which seemed to fit him perfectly, and they were also lace in order to give them a sexier feel and look. paired with the outfit was a pair of thigh highs that tipped with more lace around the upper thigh. the outfit had small accents of a deep red and gold, giving it an air of royalty.
scara wrapped his arms around his torso, his eyes wandering up and down his body in the mirror. everything fit him perfectly, from the fit down to the color scheme. it just screamed him. clearly you had put a lot of thought into it. speaking of you...
he wondered how you'd feel if you saw him in the outfit. would you be excited, wasting no time in order to pin him down on the bed and make him yours? would you get all nervous because of how pretty he was? he found himself chuckling at that thought. would you-
the sound of the bedroom door being pushed open and a gasp broke him out of his thoughts, causing him to look over in fear of who caught him.
you stood at the doorway, your mouth practically wide open as you took in his form. scaramouche felt your eyes wander up and down his body, his arms clutching tighter at his torso as he looked away shyly. "s-stop staring, and close your mouth... a bug will fly in..."
he watched out of the corner of his eye as you walked over to him, your steps quiet as you continued to stare. your hands gently grabbed at his arms, pulling them away from his torso so you could better see the outfit. a small curse left your mouth, and scaramouche only had the feeling of your fingers under his chin as a warning before your lips met his, quickly leaving him breathless.
your hands went to his waist, pushing him towards the bed with pure muscle memory as you refused to stop the kiss that was steadily growing heated. scara sat down once the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed, leading him to crane his neck in order to properly kiss you.
you took a second to pull away, whispering praises onto his lips as you pushed him down. you trailed kisses down his jawline, biting gently at places you knew would rile him up. his soft pants filled the air, hitching every now and then when you bit a particularly sensitive spot.
"you're so pretty, kuni." you spoke, and scara felt himself whimper at the husky tone in your voice. now, scaramouche felt that he wasn’t pretty. in fact, he was far from it. the things he has done in the past has made him less than a pretty person. but kunikuzushi? he was everything pretty and more.
kuni was the one to wake up next to you after a long night, he was the one to stare at you in the morning when he thought you were the prettiest person in the world.
kuni was the one to get all of your praise, as scaramouche didn't like being praised in public. kuni got to grab onto you late at night, moaning into the air as you thrust into him with your cock. he was the one to lay in between your legs and please you until you felt you were satisfied.
he was the one to cook for you when he had free time, a gentle smile on his face as he chatted with you about your days. he was the one who was able to watch your eyes light up at the taste of the dish he had just tried to make for the first time.
he used to find himself hating both of his sides. one was a confident and strong yet harsh leader for those under him, while the other was broken in ways that many wouldn't understand. it was being blocked out in favor of the other, in favor of the side that wasn't about to break down at the slightest gust of wind. he and scaramouche couldn't have been more different.
though there was one thing kunikuzushi and scaramouche had in common. their pure adoration for you, their lover.
as much as they they tried to hide it, neither of them could hide the love they had for you. whether it be one side showering you in expensive gifts that made him think of you, or the other making your favorite meal on his rare day off.
luckily you seemed to love both sides of him. you kept up with scara's banter and the often unnecessary harshness he had towards his subordinates, and you stuck with kuni during the times where he sobbed into your neck after a particularly bad nightmare.
you loved the sides he deemed as unlovable, and your actions and words indirectly made him question his beliefs and views of himself. he was scaramouche... and he was also kunikuzushi. if you came to love both sides of him so easily, then perhaps he could find the courage to do the same one day.
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docwritesshit · 1 year
Hi 👋dear Author how about SFW romance
characters : Ao Lie,Azure lion,Tang,
The same lover Ao lie
Ooooooo I can definitely work with this one!
Ao Lie relationship hcs!
Where did I leave off with this one?
I've already done Ao Lie relationship hcs but I guess I can add more to it
Let's see...
Ah! He always gets you pearl necklaces or emerald earrings for jewelry!
He says you look cute in his colors!
He loooovvveeesss you playing and styling his hair for him
It's soothes him so much
And you know this sweet thing can pack a punch, so expect a semi murderous glint in his eyes of someone ever tries to dishonor you in any way
Favorite pass time is you guys learning to do calligraphy together
Idk why but he seems like the kind of guy that likes doing it
And he loves playing dress up with you!
This relationship is so wholesome and down to earth
Azure Lion
To be frank, this man seems like the type to propose as soon as he realizes he likes you
But he knows that's a little forward now a days so he takes his time courting you
His ideas for the perfect date is a picnic outside with a feast for you as you gaze towards a waterfall
He gifts you extravagant things at first, a few things you also don't care much for
But when he starts to get to know you, expect a new bracelet you showed him that you liked
Maybe that plushie you that made you squeak with delight the first time you saw it
Or a few supplies for your hobbies! This man is not above spoiling you
Love it when you cook for him. Everything you make is delicious to him no matter what it is
But his favorite moments? The quiet ones where you just sit together and do whatever it is your doing
You both doing your own things and being so comfortable. The moment enchants him
He never thought he would find comfort in the silence when all of his brothers were so loud.
He thrived in the chaos, but a calm environment let's him see how the quiet can sometimes be soothing
Oh this poor man
First of all, you make this man pay. His. Half.
He whines and pouts but mfer has the money. He just likes to tease
(do we know what his job is? Eh, hes a historian who works in a muesum now) you visit him at his job alot as he works late nights pouring over research and such
You always bring him a takeout from Pigsys
His perfect date is a library date or a book date where you two just lay together and read whatever book y'all are
He loves it when you share funny lines from yours and he tells you facts from his
His favorite moments are those where you smile
Just that bright smile you get when you're laughing so hard you can't stop for a few minutes
Or that smile when you see something cool
He loves being able to see that smile, he feels like it's a special attraction
And for gifts, he usually gets you expensive food to make up for all the times he's convinced you to pay his half for him
Oh! And book marks! Lost of bookmarks
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bluecrocss · 3 months
And you know what's so crazy about the PJO fans that are up in arms over the changes in the show and have been having a fit over the castings?
ATLA is my favorite show in the entire world. It was my favorite as a kid and still my favorite now as an adult. I have re-watched that show start to finish, more than anything in my life and it's probably the one subject I am most knowledgeable about.
When they announced the live-action I had initially been ecstatic, but as I read more about the direction Netflix was taking it, learning the og creators left the project, and a few casting choices I didn't love, I realized it wasn't for me...
So you know what I did? I just didn't watch it.
I have not concerned myself with the live-action since. I don't stay up at night wishing the worst for the show, I don't hate watch it, I'm not in the comment sections of the cast members I didn't agree with harassing actors that simply auditioned for a part, I'm not on fan pages and fan posts for the show, lamenting all the things I don't like. I don't even interact with the live action fandom.
And it's not out of anger or spite, just pure indifference.
The existence of the live action, doesn't take away from the og show I watched. It hasn't burned it out of existence. I can still re-watch it and get exactly what I want out of it anytime I want.
The existence of the live-action fandom doesn't keep me up at night. Why would it bother me that there are people who enjoy the live action, when I don't? Why would I wish for the cancellation of a show that they enjoy? What difference would not making the rest of the seasons of the live action have towards my life?
Also for the cast, regardless of how I feel about the performances or which castings I liked, and which I didn't... all I can see is a whole host of young actors of color, getting a shot at roles that wouldn't have existed for them like 10 years ago. How can I look at that and be angry? over a fictional story?
Idk man... fandom spaces have been getting progressively more vile and toxic as of late (and this is coming from a fandom veteran). Whatever happened to the concept of "scroll if you don't like"?
It's like people feel this entitlement that every piece of media correlated to something that you liked as a kid, has to cater to YOU specifically (don't even get me started on the Star Wars fandom).
With the PJO show, it's already clear it won't be a 1:1 adaptation from the books, the casting won't follow the physical descriptions of the books... if that's too far for you, don't watch it. Why are you determined to torture yourself, and bring the people who actually did enjoy the adaptation and it's changes down with you?
As someone who read the books and loved them as a kid, and watched the adaptation and also enjoyed it for what it was (Not that I think the first season was flawless. And there are definitely somethings they need to fix going forwards), I just don't understand this behavior.
I've tried to empathize with the people that are still harassing the child actors, and making hour long videos on every detail that wasn't 100% book accurate, and launching think pieces on how Rick Riordan is now the devil incarnate apparently and I just think back to my relationship with the ATLA live action, and I wouldn't even have the energy or desire to do any of that shit. Like, what is driving y'all?
Also, I'm not gonna go into my rant about the new streaming format of 8 episodes, every 1-2 years and the effect that is having on the quality of the shows we are getting, cuz we'll be here all day, but something I have noticed is that shows aren't allowed to have bad seasons anymore.
Like, people will hype up a show before it comes out and if season 1 isn't perfect, they'll start praying for it's cancellation and claiming it's unsalvageable. That's not how showrunning works. Y'all realize if that was how they did things in the past, we wouldn't have shows like: the office, parks and rec, the simpsons, Star trek tng, etc.
Rather than review-bombing a show because the first season has flaws and pushing the networks/streaming platforms to cancel it, how about we encourage shows with good foundations so we don't miss out on the gems they can become in the future?
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whittlore · 10 months
waiwai do we have any hitch lore??- I need a recap on hitch’s lore so I can start thinking of the dynamics in shattered dream’s gang :3
AREGAHAHAHA yeaahh!!!! he does a have a small lore for now
basically, hitchprint is made out of ink's vials and error's strings. hitch which is an synonym of error and print which is related to drawing, printing, ink ect.
his extra abilities are controlling emotions, and he can even feel the other's one if he cares enough to "connect" with you - how does he do that?? he connects a string on both souls, yours and his and that's how he understands you— for example, if you're feeling sad but somehow can't cry, if he connects this string to you he'll feel the sadness but will also express it for you [that's when the term cry for you becomes real eheheee🗿] he can be very vulnerable, but you don't see him like that often, he's moody and neutral most of the time it's a mix of it ig, he's not too edgy but not so kind either BUT is very protective of his partners 👀 oooooo he doesn't show it though, and with shattered's influence, ig he's got some manners from him too lol
his other ability is to make artificial souls that he can control and pressure you with it, example if he makes a fear soul he will be able to paralyze you — and this in a certain distance, if you're further than the distance he's able to control you won't be touched by it BUT if he forces too much his eyes will glitch and will hurts asf, to ease the pain he will put his glasses on and cover his eyes with his hoodie + won't be able to use his magic for a few days. [that doesn't happen so much thankfully??]
and ofc, strings that he calls emotion strings, it randomly changes colors. other functions? idk yett
so, for his backstory
when hitch realized he was just an anomaly in every way possible he was really upset about it, he used to wander in the void since he had no idea how to leave, core!frisk was here when it happened, they searched for hitch for a while until finally founding him and brought him to the Omega timeline where he sort of got used to it.
he wasn't really comfortable there though, he felt it that it wasn't his place to be on, and he was really depressed at this period of time. so he didnt go out much, sometimes he would to take some fresh air, the reason he stayed was because of dream, he was the only person he truly spent time with and genuinely concidered him a friend.
until one day, he was woken up with a lot of noises, it was late at night, screaming could be heard and fighting could be seen, someone was attacking the area, it was shattered that was attacking the Omega timeline — hitch surprised by what he was seeing, ran toward the mess and asked what was happening, when he learned that it was dream he was dumbfounded and afraid for him.
despite that hitchprint somehow tried to defend the timeline, without laying a hand on him as he simply tried to get dream's attention, mostly because he didnt want others to hurt him. of course shattered caught him, somehow recognized hitchprint, then started to say how sad he was for him, that he understood, that he could fix his broken heart, his shattered dreams... if he joined him, of course core frisk and the people of Omega timeline tried to convince hitchprint but he ignored and left with shattered.. well he didn't have a choice at that moment as he had already teleported somewhere else.
hitch couldn't help but feel fear and excitment, was that really the same person?? he wondered why shattered didn't kill him or whatsoever but quickly learned that his power did intrested him and was the only reason he was spared, he felt heartbroken at the idea that it wasn't because of their friendship [or could it be?] but stopped thinking about it much with time, now as long as he was with him, he didn't care even though he was different.
THAT'S ABOUT IT I THINK I might add some stuff but for now it's just that haha hope it's enough, also you have to tell me yours too!! I need to draw themmmmm!!!! 😆😆
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xenostalgic · 1 month
walking through a city park late at night, I come across an art installation: holographic figures glowing in the darkness, talking to and over one another. an avatar of @transgenderer appears in front of me and is trying to ask me some questions but I can't hear them; instead, @perdvivly's voice comes out, unsynced from the hologram's lips. how bizarre...
1. What virtue do you most often see in other people that you feel comparatively deficient in?
many things can be virtuous in some amount, I guess, and relatively few remain good regardless of how much of them you have (temperance being among the virtues). this feels maybe slightly against the spirit of the question but I guess I want to say something like prudence in the original sense, or judgment; I'm not sure my prudence is deficient so much as defective in that I'm over-cautious, prone to inaction, and people I know err on both sides of this but I do know some who strike a good balance
2. Show us an object in your daily life that you have an emotional attachment to - tell us a little bit about it if you want! (a favourite mug perhaps? socks with a cute pattern? dealers choice)
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I keep a steel ring on my keychain that matches the one on my collar. very comforting object to hold, satisfyingly heavy
3. If you could choose, what level of fame would you want? How many people would you want to recognise you?
if I could I'd like to have a negative amount of fame, where people are unusually unlikely to hear about or remember me. I wish I had more people who knew me, but I really don't like being recognized by strangers; I always feel very THE WHOLE WORLD MONITORS AND MOCKS MY EVERY WAKING MOMENT about it. I guess that's downstream of the context of being recognized around my neighborhood, I probably would mind less if it was people who recognized my name from my research or something. still not actively desirable, though.
4. Where do you feel language is least adequate to capture, communicate, or express your experience?
I think language is probably up to most tasks in principle even if I'm not capable of using it to adequately capture/communicate/express something. maybe... probably lots of people will say this, but like, non-analogical, non-referential descriptions for granular sense-experiences like smells or the details of visual perception like visual snow.
5. If you had to come up with a question with the following criteria:
a) it should disuade knee-jerk reaction answers (i.e. it shouldn't be something people are likely to have spent a lot of time considering before)
b) it shouldn't be too specialised (the audience should be general, don't ask about people's top 3 byzantine spice merchants opperating between 754AD-816AD)
c) it shouldn't be needlessly emotionally charged or divisive
d) it should be a question you expect people to have lots of varied opinions about
What would your question be?
idk if this is a good question but I'm sleepy and it's what I've got: you see some pervasive graffiti/sticker campaign around your neighborhood and it inspires such strong feelings that you feel like you have to reply somehow. what might it be, would your feelings be negative or positive (artistic inspiration), how would you reply?
idk who to tag that would actually want to answer. @unknought, @nightpool, uhhh. @figment-wrangler I don't think I've ever seen you do an ask meme, time to reveal yourself
(original questions & my answers below the cut)
1. Favourite colour?
green! but ideally dark green, maybe even almost black. brighter colors are good too but in smaller doses, dark green is something I enjoy wearing or would like as the focus of a painting or something
2. Last song you listened to?
Golden Age but that's like, a regular evening doing-dishes listen. Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now is the most recent one that's not in regular rotation
3. Currently reading?
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea by Mishima, which is great so far. always kind of weird to praise the language of a book in translation but I think it makes sense here—I keep being surprised by the directions the characters' thoughts go in, enjoyably, and the specific word choices are part of that but not the central thing. also A Glastonbury Romance (slowly), SPQR, and theoretically The Allegory of Love, which I haven't given up on yet this read—but I might fail to get through the "case studies" part of the book yet again. I've enjoyed the first two, more analytical, chapters several times but the further one gets into the book the more difficult it is to read Lewis going "btw, this poem is not good, it's primarily of interest for how it affected other literature which I'm not going to talk about" and still maintain motivation to hear more
4. Currently craving?
I am so full of burgers it's impossible to crave any food. kinda want to get high but this is impossible due to excessive prudence
5. Coffee or tea?
Tea, but I haven't had either in I think months. I guess I mostly enjoy tea in the winter to warm up with, I always get mint or other non-caffeinated kinds
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bubble-bobble · 7 months
@skydalorian tagged me and i haven't done one of these in a long time so here we goooo one of those form pass alongs
Last Song: Do It Again - Chemical Brothers Idk i just have a really big playlist that I hit randomize on and I don't have a lot to say about the song hahaha.
Favorite Color: I like teal/aqua if we're going by things I tend to pick out accessorywise. Something in this land:
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But I also like pink and forest green.
Last movie/TV show: Movie...uh I watched Twilight because I've never been able to sit through it and good god it's something. The filter they have going on that movie....wrow.
And then for TV I rewatched Reacher and am about to start S2. I could watch the fight scenes over and over!!!! and yeah, you know...
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-heavy breathing-
I'm also watching dungeon meshi and my happy marriage which are fun.
Sweet/spicy/savory: I'm going to pick a choice that is not here and say salty....like think pickles/cheeses...or does that count as savory?
Relationship status: married....10 years in october wrowwww
Last thing that I googled: "meal prep" lolll i've fallen off the wagon on packing decent food for lunch so let's find out how that goes.
Current obsession: dbz for about the last year I guess? then there's this poor little man
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Last book: oh gosh between all the other stuff i don't/haven't made time to read like...actual books...which feels like an awkward admission!!! I feel like I read fanfiction and comics/manga and I sit with my kid working on learning to read so it's just not something i choose to do in my leisure time at the moment.
Looking forward to: Getting over being sick!!
Thank you for tagging me!! I feel like these post games are few and far between lately and it's fun to sit down a moment and think over some basic things sometimes!
tagging @verved @happygoldfish @maze-zen @monochrome-night @artbybai
feel free to do it even if we aren't mutuals or whatever too! Go for it!!
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theblogwithoutfear · 10 months
Thoughts on the Ahmed run (spoilers)
I know we're only three issues in, but I thought I'd ramble about the current state of the union
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My main complaint is the memory loss story--it's a little disappointing. I was hoping that arc would go further and have a lasting impact on Matt; but he remembers everything so fast. Within the first issue he was back in the suit, and it feels like he moved on so easily from the trauma of everything.
Idk, I think it makes his sacrifice from Zdarsky's run feel a bit meaningless.
However, I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, and wait for a while to see how it goes.
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I'm loving Matt as a priest at the group home. It feels a little bit like a nod to the Netflix show, with Sister Maggie and the orphanage. Maybe I'm just reading into that, idk. I realize a lot of people hate when the comics start taking things from the show--but I don't mind in this case. Plus, seeing Matt interact with kids is always a win for me
And the religious overtones/dark imagery? The moral complexity of his head vs. his heart? The duality of what he does in the day vs. the night? Love it. give me more.
I do miss lawyer Matt, though. It's been a hot minute since we've seen that, and I'm really hoping Ahmed will take Matt back to his roots at some point.
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I'm torn on the artwork. There are some BEAUTIFUL panels (this one is one of my favorites) and the coloring is so vivid and dynamic. And Matt is hella attractive in this run so far, so that's a big plus
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but also, there's something a little too... like... shiny? About everything? Things look polished almost, in a way that's a little weird. Sometimes the faces don't feel very defined.
I also think there's less weight in the artwork. The movement is a lot less dynamic and fluid than the last run. Everything feels a little like it's floating, the punches don't carry much weight, and it just makes everything feel... lower stakes, I guess.
I don't know, I'm a big Checchetto fan, and his artwork felt really solid and grounded. So maybe I'm just still adjusting--I'll give Kuder some time before I really make a judgement call.
Because again, there's still some really beautiful and dynamic things here. He's doing neat things with panel placement/shape, which breaks up the page nicely and has cool effects on the pacing
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I've also got mixed feelings about the tonal change thus far. Maybe this is a hot take, but I'm not into quippy Daredevil. I think he functions best as a character when he's really serious. He's usually got a gravitas that really informs the way he conducts himself. The quips in the latest issue take away from that, at least in my opinion.
Then again, Mark Waid made it work really well. Ahmed could very well be trying to do something similar. Again, it's something I'll reserve judgement on. I'm not against a lighthearted Matt, per se. I just think the darkness makes the storytelling so much more compelling and grounded (which is the reason I think people are also tired of the quippy humor in the MCU lately).
I hope the goofiness isn't going to be a long-term thing, but I feel okay about it for the time being. Especially since it's only every so often (at least so far). The run overall still feels fairly gritty and grounded.
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I'm intrigued to see where he's going to take Elektra as the Woman Without Fear. I was pleasantly surprised by that arc in the Zdarsky run (wasn't much of an Elektra fan until recently, tbh) and I'm curious to see what's next for her. We haven't seen as much of her as I'd like so far, but hopefully that will change.
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All that being said, I'm actually really enjoying this run so far. I'm not enjoying it quite as much as Zdarsky, but I still think it's really excellent. Ahmed's doing some interesting things with the character, and I'm really excited to see where he takes it.
Anyway, I'm curious to know if anyone else has thoughts on the run thus far. Opinions? Thoughts? Vehement disagreements?
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(bonus picture because I'm obsessed with the priest vigilante look)
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edith-is-a-cat · 6 months
Answer any or all I wanna know more about you 👁️👁️
Do you have freckles? 
 Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it? 
What was the last song you listened to? 
Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? 
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 
Do you prefer drawing or writing? 
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with? 
What’s your favorite band/artist? 
When is your birthday? 
How tall are you? 
What color are your eyes? 
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
What’s your favorite color? 
What’s your favorite season? 
Want any tattoos? What of? 
Want any piercings? Where? 
Who is the last person you texted? 
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? 
What/who do you miss? 
How was your day today? 
How much sleep did you get last night? 
Do you believe in aliens? 
When was the last time you cried? Why? 
What’s your favorite decade? 
What are some seemingly childish things you like? 
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
How are you, really? 
Does it take you a long time to make decisions? 
What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
What are you looking forward to in the distant future? 
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? 
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? 
What’s your favorite flower? 
Do you currently have a squish? 
Do you like your middle name? 
Do you prefer dogs or cats? 
Do you have any phobias? 
Do you stay up late?
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? 
What’s your favorite cartoon? 
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
Do you have siblings? How many? 
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? 
Is there anyone you would die for? 
What do you need when you’re sad? 
Have you memorized your phone number? 
Who’s someone you can trust with your life? 
What does your last text say? 
Wild Card. Any question, ask away. 
good word here we go,
I used to have sun freckles i miss them a lot
Tea, coffee, and energy drinks and as sweet as i can get them, i usually use honey bc bees are cool
Toes - Glass Animals https://open.spotify.com/track/754wVXWrtf1X3ZHQOFFsnR?si=_GYqckcFRpysg3N7yFNrjA
I roll in bed like a hot dog on a roller but usually side
Yes. five.
Drawing, writing is hard for me but since when i get a flow. I prefer the defining of art though
Okay so 5-6. 1 heating blanket, 1 super soft and thick blanket, 1 big ass blanket, 1 quilt/comforter/heavy blanket, 1-2 light soft blankets
Glass Animals
7'9/175 cm
Sam (the only one i can acc hug soon), Xen (we will get there), Aster, Auburn, Grim, Silver, Malleus, Lilia, Sebek, Idia
Pink :3
Little Idia and Ortho icon on the outer facing sides of my wrists, annoying dog right wear he can peak out of short socks, as many deltarune weapons as possible on my left arm
Angel bites, Bridge, eyebrow, and a second ear piercing
Xen :3
I would say sam is my best friend? i don't get how friends work exactly but we have been friends for one year and three months
Xen's voice :((( and that cake from fresh
I felt uber sick and went home but im great now
I don't remember
carrying a plushie around (imo should be socially acceptable
Howls moving castle, Small steps: the year i got polio, and Tales from the gas station (all volumes)
hungry i really want that cake and mad I NEED MORE BOOK 7!!!!
A while...
Cruise :3
Seeing Vivi randomly and driving to see yall and force yall to watch howl's moving castle
Oregon, or moot trip to japan
..?? A squish???? googles it,,, oh?? Yes i believe
Yes i like to say two of my names show up in the book Frankenstein because of it
I love them both so much
Emetophobia i believe
you could call it a hobby
Cloudy and yes!!!
two, counting the dead ones: 4
too many people
my bed and access to tumblr so o can complian (and maybe get comfort but what ever happens happens)
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spade-riddles · 1 year
Submission: The Bait & Switch Theory
Lately I've been hate-reading a pop culture subreddit. It's not focused on Taylor, but people have been posting about her a lot lately (for obvious reasons). The overall vibe is pretty negative towards Taylor, but I usually skim the comments to see what casual fans are saying.
I want to share some recent comments I've seen (no usernames, and I rewrote some parts so they aren't word-for-word). Warning, you will probably get frustrated reading them. I did. But these are theories from casual listeners, non-swifties, who believe that Taylor really dates men, and they see this situation from a totally different angle than we do. While you read them, see if you have any new ideas about where Taylor might be going with this MH thing. I'll share my own thoughts after the comments. Another warning: this is a very long post-- sorry!
(These are all from a thread discussing a DailyMail article about how Taylor and MH are allegedly writing music together for her next album. I'll come back to my thoughts on this.)
On the subject of Midnights and MH, has anyone else gone back and listened to Question…? with him in mind? It all makes a lot of sense. Bejeweled too (the 1975 call themselves “the band”) and Cardigan.
Also “I swear that it was something/ ‘cause I don’t remember who I was/ Before you painted all my nights/ a color I’ve searched for since” from Question sounds a lot like “Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me/You showed me colors/You know I can't see with anyone else” from Illicit Affairs.
^^ Comment 1. Bolded parts from me.
All of it makes sense in context of falling in love with MH.
Anti-hero? She knew this relationship wouldn't be well received.
Midnight Rain? Joe was "sunshine she was midnight rain. He wanted a bride, she was chasing that fame."
Snow on the Beach? "Weird but fucking beautiful, you wanting me tonight feels impossible."
Labyrinth? "Uh-oh, I'm falling in love again. I thought this plane was going down, how'd you turn it right around?"
The entire album was about MH the entire time and we had no idea.
^^ Comment 2. I bolded the last sentence.
I don't understand how Taylor TOLD US Cardigan "was about" MH while on stage, into a microphone, and people are still denying it.
She wasn't trolling. She was revealing.
Cardigan is about him. And it seems like they weren't ON in 2014 and OFF for the next 8 years. Instead it's looking like they've gone back to each other again and again.
^^ Comment 3. This is the one that was most illuminating to me. Bolded part from me.
I think if they break up soon, she will phase him out and never mention him again.
^^ Comment 4. I'll come back to this one too.
Okay. So. Let's consider some hypotheticals.
Let's say Taylor wants to reintroduce Karlie into her public life. 
Let's say they want the public Kaylor narrative to be as close to real life as possible. Let's also assume that they don't want to out anyone and that there are contracts limiting what they can say about their beards.
Let's say there's someone else Taylor has known since about 2014: MH. A dude with an awful reputation, definitely worse than Karlie's.
Let's say the narrative they want people to believe, one day, is that Karlie is the one that got away from Taylor. They were a couple a decade ago, then they were together on and off, having an illicit affair with each other the entire time they were "in relationships" with JA and JK. And after Taylor and JA broke up, she privately reunited with Karlie and they lived happily ever after.
Let's also assume, maybe incorrectly (idk), that Karlie is the real William Bowery, and that Taylor wants people to know that JA didn't write or produce any of her music. Conveniently, MH is ALSO a musician. They're rumored to have written music together in the past, although we've never heard it, and now they're seen at the studio together.
So I wonder if Taylor and Karlie are limited in what they can say or imply, especially when it comes to the Karlie/JK timeline. Instead, Taylor is briefly introducing MH as her boyfriend and letting everyone speculate about how she's been in love with him for ages and how she cheated on JA with MH for years and how they write music together. She spells out the ENTIRE fucking story for everyone, and they finally start to piece it together. The only part that's wrong is that the story has the name MH where it should say KK.
What if this is a bait and switch? Where MH totally disappears from the picture, never to be mentioned again, but only after she uses him to plant a narrative. We don't get any musical collaboration after all. Maybe MH, being a loose canon, even alludes to faking a relationship with Taylor.
And then 5 seconds later, she switches out MH for KK. They do the exact same things together. KK goes to shows, they go out to dinner, maybe she's seen leaving Electric Lady, or she's seen with an LV bag going into Taylor's building. Maybe TS11 doesn't feature any songs with MH, but William Bowery is still credited even though JA is long gone. And maybe they just let people connect the dots over time. Like a folk tale, where no one really knows for sure what happened between Taylor, Karlie, JA, JK, and MH, but it's generally accepted that Taylor and Karlie have loved each other for a long time. Over the years, people forget some of the details and accept the Kaylor folklore as fact.
I'm so curious as to what you all think.
By the way, I know this is long enough already, but I do just want to say that I don't want to minimize MH's disgusting behaviors. I do believe it's morally wrong to prop up people like MH (and JK), because it lends credibility to dangerous ideas and disguises wolves as sheep. I think this is a line T & K are okay with crossing, and they are probably in a very complicated situation, but I'm not trying to excuse them for their roles here.
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wishmemel · 11 months
OMGOMG SAFI congrats on 100 ml !! hihii im here to participate in your cute slumber party event ! (i even brought my fave pillow and totoro plushie)
okok soo yk i'm dria 🩵 black / caribbean, around 5'1 (i promise im so close to 5'2 don't @ me haters will hate i drink my milk and eat my veggies) i have huge hair!! like very big hair, too many curls!! it's alot! i love reading, i write plenty of poetry, which is what i use most of my time to do — i lovelove r&b and early 2000s rap music. however, if u open my spotify rn and shuffle my liked songs it would go in order of hip hop, rap, afrobeats, classical music bcus my taste is all over the place. (i also keep a folder of edit audios for my own maladaptive daydreaming purposes lmao)
im rlly a baby blue girlie, fave flowers are tulips (idk my brain js thinks they look yummy), fave season is autumn ofc bcus rainy weather and i have an excuse to stay inside under my blankets 😭 fave animal would beee a black panther or a tabby cat! (my bby bella is a tabby lmao) i love vintage shows (rlly old noir films of all types of genres) i love cinema and visual art it stimulates me sm (im autistic btw i forgot to say mb) i've watched almost every wes anderson film in existence i love soft color palettes in film so bad <3
i enjoy watching old cartoons to relive my childhood nostalgia, jewelry (esp rings i never go anywhere without one or two on), rainy days, late night car drives, baggy shirts, scented candles, afrobeats n anything astronomy related.
im very much a social science n humanities junkie - yearning to be a clinical psychiatrist or complete my dream of teaching literature / psychology. i cry very easily (im js a crybaby istg) - in general im just very very emotional and more often than not i forget common sense and instinct are a thing bcus wtv i feel i just go with it - though i am extremely introverted and freak out when overstimulated in huge crowds and whatnot.
for the event im picking toji bcus that man is the love of my life bye ☹️ the epitome of sunshine and sunshine protector - tiny human and big scary guard dog ! in terms of our compatibility, we're so opposite it's insane! but we balance each other out well. sometimes i have to serve as toji's brain bcus this man is spending money he does not have on all sorts of things for me js cause i looked twice (my sister hced that he'd go below bankrupt buying me sanrio plushies and rings) he works mostly off instinct where i go completely off emotion so we butt heads alot in terms of decision making but he does not know how to tell me no, all i do is sigh once and HES DONE FOR.
i stress this man out like hes my full time babysitter pls
we acc spend alot of time having deep talks about the world and life in general, (i told him ab the backrooms lore and it messed w his head for weeks) which is a side of him he rarely shows to anyone (also he listens to me rant abt daily pop culture developments bcus he lowkey loves the celebrity drama) he's rlly protective, and even moreso bcus of how my anxiety gets. in a crowd this man is standing in front of me and blocking my view of everyone (he also subconsciously pulls me into his side when we're walking in public bcus my autistic ass will see one thing and wander off never to be found again) im always talking like talk talk talking and he pretends he isn't listening but he's literally able to repeat today something i mentioned two weeks ago - he's attentive, shows his love through actions rather than words. if i even make a face that gives away that im uncomfortable being somewhere, or my social battery is dead, hes taking me home no questions asked not a care as to who says what.
im an affection junkie - physical touch is my thing ! and hes so big! so im always pouncing on him for bear hugs and he acts so unimpressed and cocky abt it like "oh you missed me? im not goin anywhere relax" but he acc melts bcus when was the last time someone gave him affection?? he prob thinks im a figment of his imagination lolol
days off / dates would mainly be : window shopping, grocery runs, sitting in the park at sunset, indoor ramen dates n movie marathons and cuddles !!
AHHH sorry if i ranted way too much omg i can't wait to see what you do safi, i'll love anything u write ily so baddd <33
note: hihi dria, thanks for bringing your fave pillow and your totoro plush to the slumber party.
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dria x toji — ꒰ tojria
“in this space right here that we have made for each other, you can say anything and i will not abandon you. unwrap the worst things you have done. watch me hold them up to the light and not even flinch.”
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height differences, cinnamoroll x badtz maru, protective touches, 3 am conversations about life, romantic picnics at sunset, shopping together, opposites attract, shy x protective, princess treatment, introvert x introvert, buckling your seatbelt for you, tired bf x hyper gf, teasing remarks, day x night, accidental eye contact, blushing, midnight walks, late night phone calls, giddiness, sunshine x sunshine protector, stealing his clothes, late night drives, deleted texts, holding hands under the table, "mean to everyone but her" bf, head pats, she fell first, he fell harder.
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being with toji is not always as seamless or easy as you make it look. He's gruff and protective and difficult and incredibly stubborn. like that time you two fought because he was ignoring what you were saying and he flat-out refused to acknowledge your demand when you called him out on it. to be fair, he'd come home after an eight-hour shift and you'd started talking his head off, but it wouldn't kill him to listen. he wasn't paying attention when you were talking about that new hello kitty cafe with the fun milkshakes and the mini donuts that you wanted to try. hell, he ended up falling asleep on your shoulder after brushing off your argument and as much as you wanted to remain angry at him, you'd softened immediately upon seeing his tired face, all eyebags and troubled frown. and he did make it up to you later by taking you to said cafe and proving that he had been listening, though when you brought it up to him, he pretended not to know what you were talking about. but deep down he cares for you and he's trying — you know he's trying and you don't want to make him feel bad for things he can't control. a lot of the concerns you should bring up to him, you don't — you want this relationship to be easy and safe. you want him to feel comfortable with you the same way that you feel comfortable with him. even if sometimes he comes home with a busted lip and bloody knuckles and sends your heart skidding against your ribcage. but what matters is that he comes to you first and he comes home to you. so you know that no matter what, no matter how he's feeling, if he thinks he can talk to you or not, he'll always come home to you. and even if you doubt his commitment sometimes, he knows that you're home to him and he'll do anything to keep it that way.
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the way i loved you, enchanted, daylight, afterglow, how you get the girl, treacherous, sparks fly, so it goes...
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join safi's perfect slumber party event — requests are open for everyone!
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wolpertinger-prince · 11 months
Kinda wanna make a Captain Laserhawk version of Cookie? So like? Here's me throwing some thoughts out there.
He's a mole hybrid (part of me really wants him to be part dog, too, but idk is it possible for a hybrid to be both humanoid and a mix of two animals? Can one of his parents be a dog hybrid and the other a mole hybrid? Can hybrids even procreate?)
Obviously he works as a mechanic, although mole hybrids are usually designated miners. He gets to be a mechanic because he's just that good I guess.
Of course he's sick of all the discrimination he faces due to being a hybrid, and he gets it even worse because of his chronic illness resulting in pains in his body - especially his back - and fatigue. It causes him anxiety and God knows what other disorders. But he's too scared to actually rebel against it, join any resistances, etc.
He has been institutionalized at a mental health institution at least once in his life. He has had to wear the dreaded grippy socks.
He's on, like, a lot of medication.
He dreads seeing any kind of doctor, but after his being committed he's forced by Eden to see a therapist. It doesn't usually get him anywhere.
Probably lives with Lac-Mac. They're close friends, and he's the closest thing Lac-Mac has ever had to a guardian. They both feel at ease in each other's company.
Some bonus Lac-Mac hcs
An ordinary rabbit hybrid, much unlike the strange rabbitlike creature he is in The Animated Series. I can't decide if he's a Rex Rabbit (for his spots) or a Vienna Blue Rabbit (for his blue color).
He, of course, works as a performer. Probably has an abusive boss like Rigatoni that lovebombs him one minute and yells at him for mishaps or for generally having expectations about how he ought to be treated the next. Actually, screw it; this is Rigatoni. That's right, pasta man is here, too, and he's a human.
Would genuinely love performing and making people happy if not for Rigatoni's abusive leadership. He especially loves children.
Him and Cookie don't agree on the quality of the propaganda that is The Late Night Eden Show with Rayman. Lac-Mac, naive as he is, loves it and hopes he can rise up just like Rayman has one day whereas Cookie sees it as boring at best and a complete load of crap at worst.
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soft-lunar-rose · 11 days
Tagged by @bloody-fate Thank you! 🙌✨ I'll just tag the last 5 notes & anyone who wants to participate. No pressure! 🤍 @sheislucifer @sophblushh @holyastra @aen-hen-ichaer @swaddle @gnarlsbad
Do you make your bed?
Only when putting a clean sheet but when I wake up I kinda just toss my cover to the corner. 
Fave number?
Number 9 
What’s your job?
Case manager.
Go back to school? 
I'd like to but it's not a priority right now. It would be nice to get my LPC.
Can you parallel park?
Yes but if I can avoid it I will. 
Job you had that would surprise people? 
Teacher's Assistant. Wouldn't surprise people in general but my family really got a kick out of it. They never understood why I loved working with children. I had made it known early on that I didn't want children of my own. I just don't think working well with children has anything to do with that. Being child free is not really accepted in my culture especially with the older generation. 
Aliens real?
I 100% believe aliens are real. *X-Files Theme Starts Playing* 👽
Can you drive stick?
Guilty pleasure?
Bed rotting on my days off? I do eventually get some errands in but I mostly potato-mode it at home. 
I have none. It's not for a religious reason or a personal choice. There's been a few commemorative pieces I've had in my sketchbooks for years. Idk what's holding me back. It's a very emotional thing for me. 
Fave color? 
It used to be just red but the past few years it's been black, green, and lavender. 
Fave type of music?
Music is a huge part of my life. I listen to all sorts of music. I even love movie scores and will listen to them when I sketch or journal. That being said, I grew up on NuMetal. I listened to Deftones, Cold, Staind, Chevelle, A Perfect Circle, Korn, Breaking Benjamin, Atreyu, Evanescence, etc...so when I got older I naturally gravitated towards the more melodic-floaty stuff like alternative rock/shoegaze/and a splash of metal. Music moves me no matter what genre it's from. To experience chills, feel hyped, or tear up while listening to a song is just how it should be. 
Do you like puzzles?
As a kid. I don't even remember the last time I bought and finished a traditional puzzle. 
I have really bad Trypophobia. It's not an official phobia. My natural fight or flight response is just really strong. 
Favorite childhood sport? 
At my Aunt's house me and my cousins would play basketball when we were all kids. Does that count? Later, we made it family baseball but i kinda just stopped showing up to those in my late teens. Now it's my cousin's kiddos that are keeping the tradition alive. In school it was track. I was athletic but I was a band geek. 
Talk to yourself?
Sometimes I say my thoughts out loud on accident. 
Movies you adore?
The Iron Giant, Pride and Prejudice 2005, Gladiator, The little princess 1995, The Secret Garden 1993, Walk the Line, M. Night Movies, Ghibli Films, The Lord of the Rings, Aliens, Scott Pilgrim vs the World, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, Labyrinth, Puppet Master, Hellboy, Queen of the Damned, What If with Daniel Radcliff and Zoe Kazan(random I know), Treasure Planet, October Sky, Inventing the Abbots. I'm sure there's more I'd facepalm for not remembering I can feel it but I'm drawing a blank.  
Coffee or Tea?
I prefer coffee over tea but gotta limit them both since they flare up my wrist. Too much typing and scrolling I'm afraid. 
1st thing you wanted to be when grew up?
When I was a kid I wanted to be a veterinarian/wildlife biologist cuz....animals. As an adult I really wanted to go into dietetics as it was and still is a special interest of mine. However, I found my skills where a bit stronger and more natural in counseling. 
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