#idk how to explain it really. but it is what it is
pseudophan · 11 hours
Hiii I also don't watch dan and phil but I rmr followed you when you used to make these mocking pics making fun of the kinky/traumadump posts on here (idk how else to explain this lmao). And I watched part of the stream last night...when I tell you I genuinely went to their socials to check if they had a joint OF account because it looked like they were promoting it kinda? Not just one moment it felt like the whole part I watched was filled with sexual innuendos between them
i'm so serious this is what the dan and phil fan experience is like most of the time these days, you really would think they had an onlyfans to promote because WHY are they SO... it really is a strange experience to grow up with these two guys on youtube who everyone thinks are fucking and there's so much just downright filthy art and fics and then we get older and dnp kind of disappear for a while and people are like hey maybe we shouldn't have done all that... and then dnp come back and just start doing sexual roleplay on youtube because what the fuck ever i guess. everyone stopped being weird about them and they said :( can you be weird about us again :(
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ahappydnp · 9 hours
what's really hitting right now is how much we love the Real Life version of them.
idk know how to explain it but back when dan was gone and we hadn't seen them together in a long time, when i thought about them i envisioned the romanticized/timeline lore/grandiose fictional version of dnp? the whimsy and hope and beauty of it all
but the past few months have just been them as they are. that barrier is gone between us and it doesn't feel like we're witnessing a performance to react to, but being invited to exist in the same space as them.
they're real people who are more genuine than they've ever been and we love them even more and in a better way because of it. idk dude. i just genuinely love those two humans and it's truly a privilege to be let in and exist alongside them
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810nd1 · 2 days
How Jungkook acts in romantic relationships
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There’s something really funny. After I did a reading on Jungkook’s future spouse, suddenly my readings became biased, lame I’m ugly and stupid and I should burn in hell. Consider this reading as my response to all your crying in my inbox ✌🏻✌🏻
Anyway that man is always so talkative that I think I should put him in my favorite to read people. And just as always this is Jungkook’s opinion on himself but in his case it is also what he wants from a romantic relationship.
I see that Jungkook loves to surprise his partner. He likes to go out on spontaneous dates but at the same time those aren’t dates. It’s more like spontaneously hanging out together whenever he has time. It’s more about him calling his significant other at two am sharp, because he’s hungry and he was wondering if you’d like to tag along with him for a car ride to a restaurant. That’s what he’s trying to say to me. He loves some unpredictability, fun mixed with being bored together,
I don’t see him wanting to share his wealth with his partner. No, he will not buy his partner a sports car. That ace of cups is paired with the emperor. At first I thought it’s about Jungkook liking to be the leader in a relationship but that’s not it. The emperor is also the archetype of positive masculinity. That means this man likes to show his love through tiny acts of love (the acre is the beginning, it’s the offer of abundance but it’s a small one). He will show his love by doing small things for you like washing your car, doing the dishes in your apartment when you’re gone, gives you his jacket when you’re cold. It’s about this masculine energy that loves to give and take care of others. However there’s a one small detail that is leaking through. He might be scared of giving his love to a wrong person “a waste of time”, so it might take a while for him to start acting like that and be his true self in front of a new partner,
Don’t get me wrong this man’s energy is very masculine, there’s barely anything feminine about him therefore he will most likely take the lead in a relationship, he just won’t be too pushy about it, he has the authority but at the same time he will listen to what his partner wants to please them, he is the dominant one without having to push his dominance. A soft masculine
In the next row we have the 5 of pentacles rev, 3 of swords rev and the 10 of cups. Jungkook is a team player and he has a mindset that goes like “ if my partner falls down I’m here to pick them up”. He isn’t the type to pull away when the world seems to be against him, his significant other or both of them at the same time. He wants to hurt and heal together. To be on the same page, to always support one another to build something great and meaningful together. Walk together towards a better future.
Here’s the part where Jungkook presents himself as a knight in shiny armor. Idk it made me think of a scene from a rom com. This romantic cliche scenes that I don’t even have to explain but with those 2 of swords I don’t think acting like that comes super easy for him. He loves romance, he follows his heart but that seems like something his old self would do. There’s still some romance in this man’s head but there’s this other side to him that is represented by the 7 of pentacles. This version of him is much more stable, that takes things slow. He wants something long term right now and is looking towards the future but it’s the opposite of what his old self wants. He doesn’t know if he should choose a passionate romance or a stable and slow relationship. I think he had trouble finding both in one person but he seems like he can do both. But his old self is fighting with his new and experienced version of him. The man that he has become over the years.
And the last row that speaks about how little time he has for dating. He often has to be at two places at once so he is always running errands. Sometimes he can’t see his significant other for a long time, has to change his plans, postpone the dates. Sometimes he might even come off as rude and hot tempered, but he might be just stressed from all the work. And he wants to be a good boyfriend but it frustrates him that he can’t so he might project his feelings and blow up at his partner for nothing. He’s not mad at his partners, he is mad at himself. In reality he is trying so hard to spend time with his s/o but he feels like he is failing at this part of his life. Jungkook has trouble finding balance in his life, he puts most of his energy into working and he doesn’t know how to stop so he neglects people around him. But at least he is trying.
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im just gonna be honest gang obviously its gonna be easy for you to say youre in love with a character and theyre an angel when anytime they do something you don't like you brush it off as out of character
#bad writing is still canon unfortunately#the place where i absolutely draw the line is gallavich being verse don't fucking piss me off @shameless writers#unfortunately your fav characters did do and say those bad things..... and to ignore that is too fundamentally misunderstand their character#how can you love a person when you choose to be blind to who they are </3#this isn't directed toward anybody y'all are just being very dramatic lately and really i think we should remember that tv shows aren't real#i can recognize when someone is caused by bad writing but i still have to accept that it's a real thing that happened#like. do i find shameless entertaining? YES! is it well written? FUCK NO#it's actually fundamentally a bad show in many ways. but that's WHY i enjoy discussing it#it's why my hyperfixation hasn't died down. because theres just SO MUCH to pick apart and interpret and discuss!#it's actually so bad at times i blocked it out of my memory!#but if i believe something isn't canon or *shouldn't be canon* (HUGE difference between those 2 things)#then i should explain why i think that. and i also need to accept that others disagree#but if you say everything you don't like is just ooc bad writing and therefore not real to canon then#....lol what are you even doing here#like. we should be rallying against the writers for being actively racist homophobic transphobic fatphobic ableist etc#yet we're sitting here with our thumbs up our asses fighting about which character fanclub is the most oppressed#WHO CARESSSSS JOHN WELLS DOESN'T CARE ABOUT US IT TRULY ISN'T WORTH WASTING YOUR BREATH OVER#i just want to read about 2 toxic kinky boys kissing idk#let me say this tho! hardcore fiona stans you gotta be the most out of touch people on planet earth!#okay goodnight everypony#wall of text in the tags#a.txt
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pacienties · 2 days
Oh so like I have been thinking about ot5 emo txt as your academic rival lol it would've been better if you add smut🎀 shy reader x mean txt
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— emo txt as your academic rival!
warnings <3: !mean txt + !shy sweet reader, !smut, cursing, !txt nd reader r in college, !rich reader + !broke txt, parties with mentions of txt being a pot head! + fluff! &&& reader n txt like each-other, txt struggles with mental illnesses basically, pervy stalker txt kinda, txt has one sided beef with reader so (kinda enemies to kinda friends with benefits)
a/n <3: idk why i thought of chuck bass n gossip girl..
!emo txt as your academic rival who would down play all your achievements; constantly taunting you until you were brought to tears. “you’ve got an A on mr. callahan’s paper?“ the emo boy would ask you eyeing the red marked A on your assignment. with a timid nod you’d reply making the taller male scoff, “bullshit i bet daddy’s money is the reason why you got an A” he stops in his tracks before lowering down to your height “or maybe you fucked the professor? seems like something you’d do” before turning to leave you alone as you began to cry confused on why the boy hated you so much
!emo txt as your academic rival who would shove you into lockers and slam your books out of your grasp chuckling at how you struggle to compose yourself with whimpers :( he secretly thought you were so cute
!emo txt as your academic rival who would also be secretly jealous of you, how easy life was to you compared to him. you always got the highest marks while he was second despite him studying more than you did, you had a loving and rich family meanwhile his parents were never around much due to working shitty jobs and them emo boy was living in poverty.
!emo txt as your academic rival who hated sharing with you, the older male hated sharing the title ‘smartest in the whole grade’ with you, he hated sharing friends with you as well not really understanding why you were so perfect
!emo txt as your academic rival who hated that they liked you deep down, the emo boy liked your shy personality and how you always were nice to him even though he’s a total piece of shit :(
!emo txt as your academic rival who would throw the biggest parties on weekends, which surprised you when you first found out. you didn’t know the emo guy was that way, frowning at the sight of seeing the boy you secretly had a crush on smoking pot in the comfort of his bedroom apologizing frequently once he came charging at you at full speed with an angry face and a slam of his door. you were shaken up, you thought that was just a guest room
!emo txt as your academic rival who would be even more mean to you when you asked him about what he was doing in his bedroom earlier :( “what do you care about what i was doing? and who the fuck invited you over my house anyway? aren’t you supposed to fucking some professor for your next A?” the ravenette scoffed not buying your genuine concern. “why do you have to be so mean? im just worried about you” you’d say in your sweet voice making the boy in front of you melt “well don’t worry about it okay? now go home before the rest of the guys get here i don’t want you getting taken advantage of” the boy nonchalantly replies shooing you away “no im not leaving until you tell me what’s going on” you’d pleaded making the six foot male sigh in defeat. “fine just stay in my room and wait for me”
!emo txt as your academic rival who would dread the party ending meaning he had to explain your pushover ass what he was up to earlier, sighing as he watches you peacefully sleep on his dark sheeted bed. smiling faintly as you cling onto on his pillow quickly gathering that you needed something or someone to cuddle in your sleep ):
!emo txt as your academic rival who would wait until you were awake to explain himself not having the heart to wake you; “it just helps with my anxiety y/n it’s nothing serious like meth or coke” “you do know that cannabis such as marijuana actually can worse your anxiety right? it makes you so dependent on it too” “okay well i didn’t ask for a health lesson y/n”
!emo txt as your academic rival who would grow a soft spot for you after that night, he began to keep a close eye on you and would secretly be nice to you which shocked you to say the least. “another A cool congrats” the black haired male half smiles with a thumbs up. “you sure you don’t want a ride? it may not be a nice car like your dads but” the lowkey troubled boy asked you when you whined about your dad being swamped at work
!emo txt as your academic rival who secretly follow you in their beat up car home as you kindly told him you would be walking instead not wanting to burden anybody and the emo boy was half pleased because at least now he was able to find out where you lived <3
!emo txt as your academic rival who would sneak through your window every night just to steal small things he knew you wouldn’t notice, such as panties you rarely wore since you always bought new ones, and old bows you out grew he thought the way you dressed was just so cute ):
!emo txt as your academic rival who would freeze in his tracks as he watched you pleasure yourself through your window; he thought he were too innocent for that type of stuff. but what really shocked him was you whimper out his name the emo boy was so sure you hated him
!emo txt as your academic rival who would convince you to sleep with him and lucky for him you gave in; “okay but we’re using a condom and even then you’re pulling out and not making me suck your dick because i don’t know where you’ve been no offense” you stated matter of fact pulling away from the heated make out session you had with the older male making him roll his eyes with a nod
!emo txt as your academic rival who immediately bottoms out once he’s inside of you, the tip of his cock slamming in your gummy walls kissing your cervix making you squeal at the overwhelming feeling his length as you reach for his biceup. you weren’t a virgin but this definitely made you feel like you were due to his large size :(
!emo txt as your academic rival who was shocked when you didn’t wanna be together just yet; you wanted to take things slow and the right way but whatever you wanted txt were able to provide <3
a/n <3: the huening kai mistreatment is making me wanna..
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 2, Wave 3, Poll 1
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Gobber-How To Train Your Dragon
He has a prosthetic arm and a prosthetic leg. And is confirmed to be gay (in an admittedly really weird way :/)
He's gay. He's disabled. He's a viking. He's good at his job. He has a stone tooth. He uses his arm prosthetic like a toolbelt. He knows a lot about dragons. Idk man. He's cool
Zhou Zishu-Faraway Wanderers / Tian Ya Ke
He is mlm, though there's no consensus in fandom whether he's bi or gay. (He had slept with women prior to meeting his male love interest, but the way he speaks of that kinda doesn't make it sound like he enjoyed it? So there's room for interpretation. Maybe hes bi who just happened to settle with a man, maybe hes a late bloomer gay.) Either way, the novel's main romance is his relationship with another man, and they are in a committed relationship by the end! Now, for the disability part. He has a physical disability that's a result of, how do I put it, non-realistic circumstances (stabbing poisoned nails into his acupoints non-realistic), but I think it qualifies for how it affects him.
To start with, he is a martial artist, but the nails thing limits him to about half of his normal ability. Which is still pretty significant given he used to be one of the top talents of his generation, but there are many instances throughout the book where he finds himself frustrated, inconvenienced, or endangered by being unable to do what he *used to* be able to do, which I think tracks with acquired disability experience. Next, the nails also give him chronic pain issues with daily (or rather, nightly) flare ups, and additional ones when he strains himself. That usually last for several hours. (Fandom also theorizes that this leaves him chronically sleep deprived, but it's more conjecture than textual.)
Then, his biggest issue is that the nails are slowly killing him, and he has like 2-3 years to live... but uh given it's a happy ending novel his friend gives him an experimental surgery and it works out. But! Gotta note that I don't think it counts as a case of 'magically cured disability' trope. It is plainly stated that he will still have some issues post-surgery - just, y'know, no longer life-ending ones. The tl;dr here is that while his situation is not something possible in the real world, it still affects him in a way an acquired physical disability may: limits things he can do compared to his pre-injury state, results in chronic pain issues, and requires difficult medical intervention to stymie the negative effects.
Zhou Zishu, how do I explain him... He is a spymaster and an assassin. He put the current Emperor on the throne. He committed atrocities. He lost the person he saw as his little brother as a result. He still thinks he did what was right, in the grand scheme of things. He decides to start his retirement at age 28 by stabbing a bunch of poisoned nails into his chest, disguising himself as a beggar, and vanishing into jianghu to daydrink and sightsee. He is living his best life, all 3 remaining years of it. He is in pain every night. He meets a man who, unexpectedly, understands him with a glance... and then begins to annoy him ceaselessly, insisting he has fallen for Zishu at first sight.
Cue Zhou Zishu's horrified realization that he's not only into men, but into this clown in particular. Zishu falls in love the way a cat falls into a bath - hes trying to get out but keeps slipping back, and hes hissing all the while. (We love to bully him for his clownsexual ways.) (Also, if this makes anybody want to check out the novel, remember: Zhou Zishu is an unreliable narrator and Will lie to you. Pay attention to his actions and reactions, not just what he *says* he thinks!) Now, I could spend hours gushing about how WenZhou (the couple's ship name, and yes they are canon and the main romantic storyline) gave me unrealistic standards for romance, but I'm gonna hold myself back from writing a 6k essay and focus on the theme of the tournament. I consider Zhou Zishu a disabled protagonist because: while his situation itself is non-realistic (aforementioned 'stabbing a bunch of poisoned nails into his chest'), the way it affects him is actually pretty similar, and in some ways really the same, to how an acquired physical disability may affect a person. First, it limits what he can do, physical activity-wise, to about half of his pre-injury state. (Which is still rather a lot, given he used to be a top dog martial artist, but it's still noticeable to him.) Second, it gives him chronic pain issues, with nightly flare-ups. (And additional ones when he strains himself.) (Also, at a certain point in the book his love interest starts holding him through his flare ups. Which doesn't lessen the pain but does help Zishu cope with it better. It's very important to me that it doesn't magically help but it does Mentally help and thats enough. The "stay with him morning and night, holding his hand" of it all (; v ;) yes thats a quote from the book.) And third, it requires a difficult surgery to stymie its negative effects (him dying in three years ones). (Yeah btw its not the case of magic surgery perfectly 'fixing' (bleugh) the character; he still need physical-therapy-analogue after it, and his uh medical professional also states he will likely still have some issues post-op.)
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literary-motif · 2 days
Hey! I really really love your writing!!<3
I was wondering if you could write a fluff of Zaros and reader. Where zaros says something extremely hurtful to reader then immediately regrets it and he starts to feel extremely bad. After that he makes it up for them, while he makes it for them reader can obviously tell that zaros has feelings for them and that he’s bad at hiding his true feelings. (I’m sorry if this isn’t clear!! I’m trying to explain my vision but idk how T-T)
Thank you!!<333
I Mean What I Say
Zaros Atha'lin x Reader
Warnings: survivor's guilt
When Zaros saw you in the garden, the corners of his lips perked up. The usual feeling of warmth in his chest at the sight of you was overshadowed by resentment.
The talk with his mother had been rather heavy. She was beyond disappointed, furious even that he fell behind in the trials now that the throne was so close. It had not been his fault, truthfully. 
He had tried his best, but it was an open secret that had him questioning the impartiality of the scholars constructing these trials that you were stronger than him, therefore beating him in physical combat, and more popular, easily securing your favor with the nobles and the people in a vote of confidence. 
Nira had been furious, telling him to do better, reminding him about how important this was both for the good of Serulla and the Atha’lin family. It hurt to know that his best was not good enough, that he was not equipped enough despite his hard work to bridge the gap years of unfair advantage had given you. 
He was desperate, the self-satisfied grin you had given him as the Serulla people cheered for you had burned a hole through his heart. What had you done to deserve their favor? He actually had ideas and plans to make life easier for them yet you had won them over with a few empty promises and forced smiles because you were the Earis and he was nothing more than a post-disgraced leech.
“Come to gloat?” he quipped, stepping up beside you. The seething rage and the feeling of injustice boiling within had turned his voice sharp. 
He knew you enjoyed watching him fail when he had been so confident in the beginning. It was a small mercy you did not outright mock him on that stage, turning him into a laughingstock for the entire kingdom.
You did not look up, instead keeping your eyes fixed on your brother’s grave.
The garden was kept in perfect condition, but not all the riches in the vaults under the castle could halt the passage of time that slowly began chiseling away his name on the stone. It had been years, but his absence still left an aching void in your chest. 
With the trials nearly completed, you could not help but wish for him to take the throne instead. It was his right, after all. No matter the days, weeks, or years you spent perfecting yourself, trying to become someone worthy of your mother’s legacy and the place he should have taken instead, you always fell short. 
You wished you had more of your brother’s kindness, more of his calmness. You wished he was here to teach you the art of subtlety, about talking for hours with someone who did not share your view on things and emerge with a compromise. You wished you had more of his charms, his carefree appearance when you knew he contemplated all his actions carefully. 
You wished he was here to cheer you on and guide you. But most of all, you wished he was here instead of you.
“I am not in the mood, Zaros,” you said bleakly. How long had it been that you were staring at the cold grave? The grass had turned humid, staining your robes and making you shiver as a gust of wind blew through the garden. 
“I wonder what he would have thought of you,” he said, deaf to your quiet melancholy. “Then again, the way I knew him, he would be ashamed of you.”
It was not like him to provoke you this harshly. His teases had always been that, with a few truths and thinly veiled resentments added here and there, but never outright mocking. But with defeat hanging over him and the taste on his tongue of the trials rigged in your favor, even Zaros could not contain himself anymore. 
Everyone had their breaking point.
“What the hell is your problem?” you spat, rising to your feet and spinning around to face him. The heavy quiet of your contemplations was broken by the fury now coursing through you. 
Zaros stared back at you, giving a low chuckle at your clenched fists and furrowed brows. “Losing control again?” he mocked, “How do you think that will look on you when you have a crown on your head? At least he” — he pointed to the grave — “knew how to keep it together and actually cared about the people!”
“And what do you suppose I do about that?” you screamed, digging your nails into your palms to suppress the need to break something. “What do you want from me? Should I go and look for a mage to bring him back? Should I summon an entity and trade my life for his? It’s not my fault he’s dead!”
“Maybe you should,” Zaros said coldly, the iciness in his voice freezing your blood and making you feel hollow. “Serulla would be better off without you, so perhaps you should look for a way to atone for the fact it was him who died and not you.”
You opened your mouth to retort, but whatever venom you wanted to spit died on your tongue as Zaros’ words sunk in. You could only huff as your hands began to shake, the tightness in your throat choking you as tears blurred your vision. 
You turned before he could see them fall, leaving Zaros behind without another word. The steps you took towards the palace were measured as you tried to create the illusion of being unbothered by his cutting words. You only hoped he could not see your body trembling in the dim light. 
Zaros’ gaze did not follow you. He stood frozen, his eyes fixed on the tombstone as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. 
‘Should I summon an entity and trade my life for his?’ 
‘Maybe you should.’’
Had he really said that? He clasped a hand over his mouth, sinking to the ground in shock. Had he just told the person he loved to seek out death? His free hand grasped the grass, trying to ground himself as the world spun. What had he done?
“No— I didn’t mean it,” he muttered wide-eyed, heaving a shaking breath as waves of self-loathing washed over him. How could he have said something so cruel? What kind of person was he to let desperation and resentment guide him to say something like that?
How could he fix it? What could he possibly say to get back from that?
“I didn’t mean it,” he gasped, choking on his breath. “No, please. I didn’t mean it. Earis!” He looked up, but the garden was deserted. Of course you had gone, but where to?
‘Serulla would be better off without you.’
He needed to apologize, needed to make this right. 
Zaros got up shakily. He felt sick. What if this was it? What if he had ruined all the progress you two had made in getting closer again during the trials because he had snapped today?
“Damn the trials,” he whispered, bracing himself against the stone wall as the world kept spinning around him. Your chambers were just a few doors away. “Damn the throne. I don’t want it if it means losing you.”
He reached your door, knocking on it hurriedly. 
No answer.
“Earis?” he called. His voice sounded strange to his own ears, muffled and choked as if it came from far away. “Earis?” he tried again, louder this time.
“The Earis has gone out,” a servant said, poking their head around the corner, “the library is my best guess— Are you alright, Sarl Zaros?”
He nodded in thanks, waving a shaking hand in dismissal of the worried look. “Fine,” he answered curtly, stumbling towards the library before they could say another word. 
‘You should look for a way to atone for the fact that it was him who died and not you.’
“Earis?” he called shakily, letting the door of the library fall shut behind him. Silence was his answer. 
He leaned back, resting his head against the sturdy wood and wiping the tears from his face. He sighed, taking a deep breath and calming his racing heartbeat. If you weren’t here, he needed to—
His thoughts were interrupted by a sniffle echoing through the silence of the empty library.
“Earis,” he said softly, turning the corner to find you curled against one of the large windows. The light of the setting sun was illuminating your face in a gentle orange glow. The speck of dust in the air seemed to shine in the light, creating the illusion of warmth, when in reality the scene before him was heartbreaking. 
You did not look up at his approaching footsteps, turning your head away from him instead. “Come to gloat?” you rasped, continuing to look out.
Zaros flinched as you threw his words back at him. “No, I—” he sighed, sitting next to you on the windowsill. “I’m—”
“Save it,” you said tiredly, drawing your arms closer around you. “I don’t care. You’re right anyway. He would have been a better Regent. He would have been a better heir and it’s unfair that he can’t be.”
“It is,” he said, slowly reaching out his hand to take yours, “but his qualities don’t take away from yours. You can be a good ruler just as well. I’m sorry for what I said. I know it doesn’t change anything, but I hope you can forgive me with time. I— I was frustrated and angry. That’s no excuse for—”
“Thank you,” you mumbled, allowing Zaros’ hesitant touch against your hand.
“I could withdraw from contesting for the throne.”
Your surprised exclamation made a small smile appear on Zaros’ face. You looked at him wide-eyed. After all the trials and all the challenges you mastered together, why would he drop out so close to the finish line?
“Consider it my gift of apology,” he said, squeezing your hand. His expression grew serious again. “In truth, we both know you’ve won. There is only one trial left and I doubt I can catch up with how far you’re leading. Additionally” — he hesitated — “I’m tired of playing my mother’s games. Whatever revenge scheme she has is slowly burying me with its weight and I— I don’t want to be the person you saw today.”
You were speechless. It sounded like a joke, but the sincerity you saw in his expression convinced you that it was true. “You’d do that for me?” you asked, searching his gaze. “You’d walk away from ruling Serulla simply to say you’re sorry?”
“I’d do anything to show you that I’m anguished at what I said to you and I am sorry. I don’t want to be someone you— someone you hate. Not anymore, not when we rekindled—”
Your hand on his cheek silenced Zaros immediately. He leaned into the touch with a soft gasp, brushing his lips against your palm. You tilted his head, leaning forward to kiss him. 
Zaros melted against you, his arms wrapping around your back and pulling you into him. All the tension between you seemed to melt away as he held you in his arms, your hands gently threading through his hair and making him sigh. 
“I’m so glad you’re alive,” he said as you broke apart, resting his head on your shoulder and squeezing you tighter. “I’m so sorry, believe me. I lo— I—”
You hummed, slowly nodding. “I know,” you whispered, tracing circles on his back. “I’m glad you’re alive, too.”
The sky was clear, giving you and Zaros an unobtrusive view of the constellations above. You were lying in the garden, the humid grass staining your clothes, but neither of you minded. The moment was far too precious. 
“Zaros?” you asked, raising his hand to your lips when he gave you a short grunt in response. “You’re one for revolutionary ideas, aren’t you?”
He chuckled, raising his head from your shoulder to look at you. “You know I am, my Earis.”
“Here’s a thought for you then: What happens if we talk to the Queen come morning, telling her to call off the noble trials, and we instead rule together?”
Zaros was silent for a moment. “Together as what?” he asked quietly.
“Partners for now, and if perhaps it develops into something more, then we shall pursue that as well.”
“Revolutionary indeed, my Earis. Count me in.”
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minimoefoe · 2 days
Rewatch Thoughts: Rogue
I wish the ep started with 15 and Ruby showing up and seeing everyone dancing and being excited, kinda like Donna and 10 Unicorn and the Wasp vibes, rather than them already being in there idk
It’s a very difficult cheese lmao I like that little scene a lot
The fact Ruby sees Susan Twist yet again and doesn’t mention it to the Doctor at any point. They had other shit going on tbf nvm
‘Faster mover’ lmao. I like the Doctor’s vibe when he says that. Like he’s actually a bit shook by the fast moving. It’s more Doctor-y than the overt flirting in the rest of the ep.
Why would Rogue think that the Doctor was a Chulder when he’s been speaking like he’s from the future or whatever. If he WAS a Chulder don’t you think he would be playing pretend as a person from 1813. Not talking about the fuckin stars
Genuinely don’t see how ppl have said they’ve seen a gay vibe between Ruby and Emily. ur waffling sorry
I’m choosing to believe 15 doesn’t like being called Doc bc it makes him think of Graham and that makes him sad but tbh I do think 13 found Graham annoying sometimes so.. Maybe it reminds him of him in a bad way 😭
15 upping the Scottish accent and mocking Rogue’s American accent earlier lol
Shoutout to Kylie Minogue
15 being flustered over the psychic paper. Also 10/10 very Doctor-y 
New boss.. So Rogue is the Meep’s co-worker then. I wonder if whenever we meet the Boss they’ll make a reference to a person who ‘worked for them but disappeared’ aka Rogue
All the faces !!!!!
I feel nothing about Richard E Grant being there other than I know I don’t consider him in any part of the Doctor canon of my mind but I hope other ppl have fun arguing about where he should be in the timelines
The way Ruby awkwardly said ‘ah.. right’ after Emily told her who she wanted to marry made me think of Charlotte Ritchie in BBC Ghosts
15 singing before entering the TARDIS was a bit cringe
Rogue kinda is Jack just less whore-y and more romantic yknow
15’s solution to not killing the bird ppl being to send them to a barren dimension is sooooo funny like king you realise why that’s actually worse than killing right😭Unless we’re supposed to assume they can survive fine in this barren dimension? But the Doctor clearly sees it as a punishment when he thinks they’ve killed Ruby so presumably not
Rogue is very pretty I fear
I like that Rogue uses ‘they’ to refer to the person he lost idk why
‘I know the word OK’, Emily is so funny
The proposal making 15 actually freak out a bit and forget he’s acting lmfao
The Chulder’s actually using the word cosplay makes me cringe a bit. I think it would've been better if ‘cosplay’ was just the word the Doctor uses to explain what they do
On first watch it was literally right as Ruby told Emily that she was from the future that I realised Emily was one of them
Ruby not actually getting got is cool but like that scene literally shows the lightning and we hear her screaming but then in the flashback to what actually happened neither of those things happen so them putting it in the initial scene feels like a shit/lazy way of trying to hide the fact it was gonna be revealed that she was pretending all along when they coulda made it so that we the audience know she’s fine bc we don’t see the telltale Chulder bodyswap signs but the Doctor thinks she’s dead. Very strange imo
Been obsessed with the way the Duchess shouts ‘the wedding’ since I first saw it in a  trailer icl
That scene with Carla feels so out of place and tbh random bc like. This is the second time Ruby has almost died in an ep so surely we shoulda seen that flashback the FIRST time it happened not now
15 loves a cry and idk how I feel about it
Other than the non-Doctor-y flirting I think this is the most Doctor-y 15 has felt to me
Did Rogue really have to replace Ruby? He literally just shoved her off? Surely he coulda just stood at the side of the triangle and pulled her out of it instead? Or are we saying that once it’s prepped for 6 ppl then it won’t leave without 6 on it? Bc I don’t think they make that clear in the episode at all
This episode is sooooo Maxine Alderton in 13’s era coded to me in that it’s an ep where the writing, other than the couple of choices I don’t love, just overall feels much tighter than the rest of the eps in the series have been like I feel like I can tell the difference 
I love 15 and Rogue’s dynamic but I really wish 15 was more awkward in his attraction to Rogue. He was far too suggestive and direct imo, it didn’t always feel like the most Doctor-y thing ever. Like he may be 'healed' (whatever that even means) but he's still the DOCTOR
Overall a banger. 4.5/5. I think this is the first ep this season  where I’ve rated it a bit higher after rewatch
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strychninem1870 · 2 days
i'm gonna puke if i keep thinking about young vdms. anyways heres some hcs of them
Hosea made a habit of holding Dutch's hand, patting his shoulder, squeezing his knee — because he took notice that those gestures would calm him. It came so naturally that he doesn't notice until Dutch is clinging back, silently pleading that he doesn't let go. He promises to never do that to him. 
Dutch was easily rattled by how aggressive Hosea would act toward strangers. Nothing dramatic, but he definitely would've frowned and looked at Hosea with this saddening expression forming into his eyes. It was what strived Hosea to be better. He never wanted Dutch to look at him like that ever again.
If they ran low on money, Hosea was the one to cater to Dutch. Even if Dutch always would say “nono dont” he would anyway. Hosea would let him eat extras, would make sure he got enough rest, got a bath. So on, so forth. I think Hosea was a big worrier but masked that, it just slipped through his actions.
Hosea didn't actually ever cry until a robbery went wrong and it ended up in not him, but Dutch getting badly injured. It's not until they're safe and Dutch is patched up, and resting somewhat easily, that he finally crumbles and sobs. ( so so so badly want to write a fic like thst but im currently writing one now so that's not obviously not the greatest idea lol )
Always felt like Hosea was the more rowdy one. Idk I cannot explain it. Just how he spoke about his past in-game, gives hints to “yeah i was a lot back then lol”. So, maybe back then it was Dutch who had to drag them out of the ruins.
They're so playful with each other. Dutch definitely starts it, too. They end up rolling around in the grass, clothes all dirty, hair messy, and omg wow theyre kissing thats crazzzy
They sleep in the same bedroll. First, being that Hosea would “get cold at night easily”, so Dutch offered they do that. Then it shifted into a comfort neither knew they had needed. 
HOSEA BABIED DUTCH. Sorry ( not really ). But, it's such a funny headcanon of mine. He teases him, heavily bullies him, calls him a child, says he's little and is a fool. Brother, you name it, Hosea already SAID it.
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kohubohu · 2 days
About Minthara's break up dialogue
(TLDR at the end)
My biggest fantasy would be Larian bringing it back reworked in patch 7 because it actively gave her the best reaction to rejecting Bhaal out of the entire party and it's such a good moment to give her more character development.
Tbh, I was never really mad at the dialogue existing in itself. It's just that it felt poorly executed and very incomplete, and it's annoying to think that they just removed it (it was bugged anyway, but you know), when there are multiple ways in which it could have been fixed, depending on if you consider the break up out of character or not.
Take 1: Her reason for breaking up is not OOC.
It's less that I'm mad about the dialogue itself, and more that I'm mad that you, as the player, are forced to stay kinda silent and powerless about it.
You know, I personally see rejecting Bhaal as a matter of regaining agency over your own person and your destiny rather than choosing the "good" path. My durge personally isn't good, and she'd still reject Bhaal to get her freedom back. When you think about it, it should resonate with Minthara due to her backstory with Lolth and the Absolute, but you know, we're all at risk of being hypocritical sometimes, especially in high pressure situation like these, so I don't necessarily see her reaction as being automatically OOC.
But if Larian were/are 100% set on going down that path for her, please at least give the player choices other than downplaying her anger or begging her to stay with you.
Downplaying her anger just feels shitty to me. She's absolutely right about being angry over the situation (for multiple reasons I'll explain in the alternative take). I've seen a few people commenting on my video about the break up on how she should be relieved instead of angry, and like... it's not a Karlach situation, you got resuscitated in front of her eyes by Withers. She would at least be fucking mad at you for doing that whole stunt lol.
Alternatively, begging her to stay with you just doesn't sit right with me. Like, idk, if my SO got mad and broke up with me for wanting to be free from a parent's toxic influence and control over the vague promise of maybe earning something from them but probably not, I'd 100% not want to be with them anymore lol.
Let's not even take her hypocrisy into account, it's not as if something bad would have happened to her if you rejected Bhaal (whereas accepting Bhaal just makes her a convenient breeding machine in his plan, and just sets her up into another abusive relationship where she's always at risk of being discarded anyway) (and you really don't want my opinion on that)
Her anger, when laid out and explained that way, just gives me the impression Durge is getting used to gain status and power, which is even worse considering you get her alurlssrin dialogue 10-15 minutes before the break up, which in turn kinda goes against the fact that her devotion/tenderness/love is a good chunk of her character development and cheapens literally everything surrounding her romance. It basically goes back to "minthara is a drow and therefore evil" and just goes back to unidimensional evil woman concept.
But you know, if they really wanted to punish you for rejecting Bhaal, the least they could do is to let the player call her out on that, or give them the opportunity to say the break up is mutual because what she just said is pretty fucking shitty, especially coming from her. Like, I personally wouldn't want to be with someone who want me to stay stuck in a toxic relationship, and being forced to make that choice is infuriating.
Take 2: Her reason for breaking up is OOC.
Or more accurately, there is more to the dialogue/situation than meets the eyes but Larian just kinda started something without finishing it.
Lots of people consider the dialogue as being OOC because she keeps touting Durge as being the heir of such a powerful god and is mad over the fact that they gave up the power Bhaal promised them, when she is vocally critical about gods and cults many times over the course of the game.
She clearly hates Lolth and the Absolute, calls Lolth's and Bhaal's followers victims. She disapproves of you praying to any god in act 3 (especially Lolth, which gives you -5 approval instead of -1) and will criticize you/your worship if you're a cleric. She encourages Gale to free himself of Mystra (or go against her orders) and assures him he doesn't need her, that gods need you to think you need them, just like the absolute. She says that Shadowheart freeing herself of Shar's influence is at least a bit of comfort after killing her parents, and encourages Shadowheart to get vengeance from Shar when she learns the truth from Aylin. She's outright ectastic when defeating Gortash, because they're "defying divinity" by killing the gods' chosen, and seems kinda, idk, smug? over the fact that so many gods seek the one thing they are in possession of.
However, there are a few moments (other than rejecting Bhaal) where she'll be pissed at you for going against the gods. She chastises Lae'zel if she rejects Vlaakith and calls it a "childish rebellion", and approves of her if she kills Voss instead, because she should know better than to anger a god. She criticize the player/the party (if you play as Shadowheart) for holding Shadowheart back from her destiny directly after sparing Aylin, and will tell Shadowheart that Shar was right for punishing her for it. That's basically the closest equivalent we have to Durge rejecting Bhaal. So like.... It could be because of power after all...?
But when you look into it: Minthara doesn't even hold it that hard against you when Shadowheart gives up power, hell, in every case she never even holds it against Shadowheart at all, going as far as blaming herself for holding Shadowheart back, when playing as her origin. And she just let go of the matter after Shadowheart learns the truth from Aylin, and switches to advising her to seek vengeance.
With the exception of Durge's and Shart's situation, it really boils down to really not wanting to be on some god's bad side. Why would Lae'zel want to screw up their plan when she could just.... shut up and follow the rules? Better tip-toeing around all powerful beings than pissing them off because you heard a *maybe* very real rumor about them.
And that's the thing about Minthara: we're talking about a character who just started their religious deconversion, after spending their whole life, not only as a member, but as a high ranking figure of the cult. And considering Lolth is very real in the setting and is very proactive when it comes to testing and punishing her followers, it's only natural for Minthara to still default to trying not piss off a god. She literally spent 200+ years with no choice BUT to hold herself to Lolth's standard, dedicating her whole being to her, while having to witness other people being punished for crossing Lolth more than a few times. Deconverting is already a hard thing to do, taking years, if not decades, but when you live in a world were divine retribution is a very real thing, I assume it's an even harder thing to do.
You can even add more layers to the situation, or like, go for different interpretations, cause you didn't just piss off a god and gave up the power and status that he promised (even if the bargain is shit and won't end well and will doom everyone, like Minthara isn't planning that far ahead, and she's still convinced it's just something you can just... take control of if you make the effort lol). Add to that the stress of facing Orin and dealing against a big ass cult. The fact that you're romancing her, like, girly already had to kill her first girlfriend against her will, this time she's not even the cause of it but she still can't even do anything against it, and that death looks real fucking painful and she can't even try to make Durge feel better by whispering words of comfort or anything, and she's surrounded by other people, and idk, due to how things are in Menzoberranzan, I don't think she'd let herself be sad in the moment anyway, no matter how deep it cuts. Also, you know, she seems to be pretty preoccupied about her death and mortality in general (due to the fact that her soul will either go back to Lolth, or end up wandering in the fugue plane, I assume), so seeing you not only escape death that easily, but being resuscitated by a fucking god, when she's pretty sure no gods would extend the same grace to her, would probably be pretty upsetting. I know I'd be seething lol
So, to me, having her blowing a fuse because of any of those things would make the whole scolding feel a lot less hard to swallow without dumbing her character down? Hell, even in that case she would still yell at you about how you turned down power. Girly wouldn't let herself be that vulnerable in front of the whole party, so of course she'd blow up over the shallowest reason. You could literally have a follow up dialogue, explaining her reaction and resolving the whole situation. Larian gets to keep the first dialogue, Minthara gets to have character development, and you get more Minthara content and balm for the scolding you got as the player.
It's less that it's OOC, and more that the dialogue feels like the start of an unfinished idea.
Minthara is the representation of an emotionally constipated boomer dad who just randomly drops traumatizing lore about themselves while trying to make a joke without even realizing what they went through was trauma. Of course it's gonna sound like angry hot garbage when she's trying to explain herself the first time. Let her think about it for a while and she'll get back to you.
Literally, due to her personal backstory and ongoing deconversion, it wouldn't be that far fetched to say that you telling Bhaal (a god) to go fuck himself (which makes him real angry) because you (his child) don't want to become his chosen (with the powers that comes with it), even if he's the only reason you've been born and becoming his chosen was basically the plan from the start (so it's basically your life's duty), which results in you (Minthara's only person of trust and SO) dying a pretty painful death (it's not the first time she's had to see a lover dying in front of her) just after having killed orin (the whole ordeal being very stressful to Minthara), before being resuscitated (look at you, you're putting her on the worst emotional rollercoaster of her life right now) by Withers (a god, basically) like it was nothing (when no gods would come to her help), would get her at least a little bit angry.
But since there's no follow up on it, it just... sours an event that could lead to great character development if it had been completed and fully implemented.
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4littlefishies · 3 days
The 36th Floor - Could've Been an Email
satoru gojo x suguru geto
warnings: angst? is that a warning? idk lol
wc: 11.2k
previous chapter here
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“I’ll just get straight to the point I guess…” Nanami starts, taking a breath and clearing his throat before he continues. The way he quickly looks between Utahime and Suguru makes Suguru’s stomach turn in anticipation. He fidgets with his fingers as he sits back in the comfortable armchair. “If you want the position it’s all yours.” Suguru’s eyes widen and his mouth falls open, not expecting those to be the words to come out of his mouth whatsoever. 
“R-really?” He stutters, feeling like he’s in a dream or something. With wide eyes, he looks over to Utahime who nods her head with a reassuring smile on her face. 
Nanami nods his head with a soft smile. “Like I explained in my email, the other candidate dropped out.” He clasps his hands together and leans back into his chair, resting his elbows on the armrests on either side of him. “I vouch for you, Utahime vouches for you, Yaga vouches for you. I think you’re a great fit and HQ seems to agree.” Suguru can’t help but feel like his heart is going to beat out of his chest at any second. “Utahime has the official job offer letter for you.” Nanami trails off, looking over at her. 
“Oh, yeah, just a second.” She says, opening up the folder she has with her and setting the papers in front of Suguru on the desk. “You’re welcome to think about it or you can sign right now, you have until the end of the week if you want.” She reassures him as he leans forward, grabbing the paper and quickly looking it over. 
“Feel free to ask any us questions you have, I’m sure you have quite a few.” Nanami pipes up as Suguru skims the offer letter. The spacious glass surrounded office is quiet as Suguru quickly looks over the letter, seeing mostly random corporate office jargon and what some of his basic responsibilities would be. Suguru sees Fukuoka mentioned, and looks over the sentence once more. Training would commence at our Fukuoka branch on December 1st and complete no later than June 1st of the following year. 
“Six months?” Suguru asks, caught off guard when his widened eyes read over the words. Six months he would be training in Fukuoka. Six months he would be on the other side of Japan. Six months in another whole new city. Six months he would be away from Satoru. “Sorry.” Suguru says while shaking his head, realizing how surprised he sounded.
Nanami chuckles at his reaction and nods his head lightly. “Yes, it’s quite a long process, but that is the typical timeframe for training for a position like this.” Suguru listens as he explains further what the training process would look like; shadowing the current vice president for a majority of the time, visiting every branch across the country, and just learning how to do every part of the job the correct and in the most efficient way.
The more questions Nanami and Utahime answer for him, the more questions seem to pop into his head. Before they know it, they’ve been talking for over an hour. Although Suguru has what seems like a thousand more questions, he decides that he’s going to think about it and come back with his answer later in the week. 
He stands up from where he’s seated, thanks Nanami and Utahime with a handshake and starts to make his way back to his desk, tucking the offer letter in between the papers of his notebook. He nervously chews on the inside of his lip as he walks down the hallway back towards his cubicle. He rounds the corner and first sees Shoko sitting at her desk, her chin resting in her palm as she normally is. Satoru immediately turns around as he hears Suguru approaching.
“Where have you been?” Satoru questions him, spinning around in his chair to watch as Suguru takes a seat back in his own chair. 
“Nanami’s office.” Suguru responds, looking back at him with a smile. Shoko perks up, wanting to hear what about.
“Ooh, why?” Satoru questions.
“You in trouble already?” Shoko asks, a slight teasing tone in her voice. 
“Just some things he wanted me to work on this week.” Suguru decides not to say anything. He’s not completely sure why, but he doesn’t want to announce anything just yet. He needs to think it over for a couple days to figure out how he’s going to tell them; more specifically, how he’s going to tell Satoru. 
“Bo-ring.” Satoru chimes, shaking his head as Suguru shakes his mouse to wake his computer up. Suguru smiles over at him, shaking his head in disapproval.
“When did you finally make it in?” Suguru asks with raised brows, wanting to quickly change the subject to Satoru’s chronic lateness. 
“I’ll have you know, I was only 15 minutes late.” Satoru says, raising his eyebrows at Suguru over the edge of his cubicle. Suguru looks over at Shoko who’s already looking back at him, shaking her head.
“You know, for some reason, I don't think I believe you.” Suguru says, the smile on his face apparent in his voice. 
“Okay fine, it was 45 minutes, but what’s the difference?”
“30 minutes, Satoru. That’s the difference.” Suguru shoots back, looking over at him once more with narrowed eyes and an amused smirk. He turns back to his computer, trying to focus on his work to push the meeting and job offer letter hiding in his notebook towards the back of his head. He keeps his head down, and before he knows it, Satoru is leaning over the side of his cubicle, trying to get his attention. 
“Earth to Sugu.” Satoru says, tapping Suguru on the shoulder. “Are you coming to lunch? Shoko’s waiting.” 
Suguru takes a deep breath and looks at the pile of papers in his inbox. “Um, you guys can go ahead without me.” He says, looking up at Satoru. 
Satoru looks back down at him with wide eyes, not expecting such an answer from him. “Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, I wanna try to catch up on everything here.” He says, his fingers picking anxiously at the underside of his armrest. “Say hi to Yuji for me?” He looks up at Satoru with a forced smile.
“I’ll bring you something back, okay?” Satoru asks, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of Suguru’s head. Suguru nods his head, giving him a small smile and a, “thank you,” before Satoru heads out to meet Shoko, who’s already waiting in the hallway. 
Suguru puts his head back down and continues working. The more he focuses on his work, the less he has to think about a new job, and having to tell Satoru about it. How am I supposed to tell him? He’s going to be devastated when I tell him I have to be away for so long. He keeps working throughout his entire lunch, not even noticing how fast the time flies by until Satoru and Shoko make their way back into the small nook that their desks call home. The first thing he hears is Satoru’s voice loudly talking as the two of them walk down the hallway, taking him out of the extreme focus he’s in. Satoru rounds the corner with a small brown bag in his hand.
“Yuji was disappointed that you weren’t there.” Satoru says, leaving the bag on Suguru’s desk with a smile. Suguru mouths the words thank you up at him as he picks up the bag. He opens it up and sees what can only be a sandwich inside, neatly wrapped up in brown butcher paper. 
Suguru speaks with a soft smile on his face, not looking up from his desk as he hears both Satoru and Shoko sit back down. “Don’t worry, I’ll see him tomorrow.” The rest of the work day seems to go by just as quickly with how busy he’s keeping. As soon as Suguru finishes one task, he immediately buries himself into another, leaving Satoru with little room to bother him like he usually does. 
“Sugu, come on! It’s time to go home.” Satoru says, his computer already shut down and his jacket on. Shoko had already left for the day, but Satoru waited for Suguru to be done because they were going home together. 
Suguru looks at the time in the corner of his monitor, seeing that it’s well past their time to leave for the day. “Oh shit.” He says, finally snapping out of it, shaking his head to try to get some of the fog cleared out from his brain. “Sorry.” He quickly organizes his things neatly and puts them into his bag before throwing on his jacket. “What are you thinking for dinner?” He asks as he tosses his bag over his shoulder and follows Satoru out into the hallway.
“Do you have any ideas?” Satoru asks, hurrying ahead and opening the door for Suguru. 
“I don’t really care as long as it’s something quick.” He says, suddenly feeling the empty pit that is his stomach from not eating lunch. He only realizes once they’re heading out the front doors of the building that he left the sandwich from Satoru up at his desk. I’ll get it tomorrow.
Their walk to the train station is much quieter than normal. Satoru talks, but Suguru doesn’t do as much talking back as he normally does, answering with an occasional hum or head nod. I don’t even know how I’m supposed to tell him. Suguru’s mind is too busy racing with thoughts and questions that just lead to more and more questions. I wish he could just come with me. I can't ask him to do that. He’d probably have to quit - find a new job in Fukuoka just in time for us to come back here. What if I just don’t take it? No that’s stupid, I have to take it - I’d be an idiot not to. They scan their cards and make their way onto the platform to catch their train. He can’t be apart from me for six months, I mean, look at how he is when we’re apart for two days. Suguru hears sounds coming out of Satoru’s mouth, but he still can’t seem to make out a single word. I can’t be apart from him for six months… Suguru finally admits it to himself. But I can’t ask him to quit just to come with me. That’s even more insa-
“Are you okay, Gugu?” Satoru asks as they find seats on the train. Those are the first words of Satoru’s to actually resonate in Suguru’s brain in what feels like forever, but in reality was only a couple minutes. He gives Suguru’s hand a squeeze, letting him know that he’s there. Suguru takes a breath and lets it out slowly, resting his head on Satoru’s shoulder as the doors close and the train lurches forward. 
“Yeah…” He sighs. “Just tired.” He lets his eyes fall closed as they listen to Satoru’s playlist, sharing headphones as they commonly do. Satoru takes his answer at face value and doesn’t push any further, not wanting to pry deeper and irritate him if he actually is just tired. The purple bags under his eyes don’t go against what he’s saying, so he has no choice but to believe him. 
I should be excited to tell him about this, not completely dreading it. Is it a mistake if I take it? What is that going to do to us? He doesn’t particularly like the idea of having to be long distance with Satoru for half a year, but dislikes the idea of asking Satoru to abandon everything here just to come with him for those six months.
Satoru decides to just quickly order some pizza on his phone so that their food will be there to meet them when they get back to his apartment. Suguru nearly falls asleep on Satoru’s shoulder on the ride back towards his apartment, but is jolted back to life when Satoru stands up and grabs his hand, ready to head off at their stop. He follows back to Satoru’s place, excited to finally see Shiro after a week of not seeing her. 
They make it up to the apartment and once inside are immediately greeted by Shiro rubbing against both of their legs and meowing loudly for attention. Suguru smiles down at her as he sets his bag down and bends over to pick her up. “Hey there pretty girl, did you miss me?” He coos, cradling her into his chest. He carries her over to the wall of windows and looks out into the lights of the city. He’s sad that they’re home from Okinawa, but he’ll admit that he definitely missed this view. 
“What about your pretty boy?” Satoru asks with his eyebrows raised and arms crossed in front of his chest from his spot next to the entryway table, looking very impatiently at Suguru as he gives Shiro all the pets she missed from him last week. 
“You were on vacation with me. She wasn’t.” Suguru shoots back, continuing to love on Shiro until she wants to be put down. “Okay, now it’s your turn, I guess.” Suguru says, teasing Satoru with his arms open towards him. Satoru pouts and turns his back on him dramatically, heading towards the kitchen. “So you’re ignoring me now, huh?” Satoru doesn’t answer and Suguru turns around, heading towards Satoru’s room to get changed out of his work clothes.
Once he’s in the closet, Satoru joins him almost immediately. “You just wanted to watch me undress.”
“Is there a problem with that?” 
Suguru can’t help but shake his head with a smirk. “No, I guess not.” He says, grabbing a random tshirt and pulling it on. Satoru does the same, quickly changing out of his work clothes and pulling on some shorts and one of Suguru’s tshirts.
Satoru looks down at his phone in his hand just before they hear a faint knock at the front door. “That’s our dinner!” He says, heading out to greet the delivery person. Suguru finishes changing and lets his hair down before heading back out towards the living room, grabbing one of the many hair clips laying around Satoru’s apartment on the way. He sees Satoru already opening the large pizza box and taking out a slice.
As he makes his way towards the kitchen, he twists up his hair and clips it into place. “Did you need to get such a big one?” Suguru asks, grabbing a piece for himself and leaning up against the counter next to Satoru. 
“I’m a growing boy, Sugu.” Satoru shoots back with a mouth full of pizza. “I need lots of food.”
“Satoru, you’re 28 years old. You’re more man-child, if anything.” Suguru points out. “Besides, I doubt you’ve grown at all in the past ten years.” 
Satoru’s eyebrows knit together as his mouth falls open dramatically. “Hey! I could still grow more!” 
“Baby, I don’t think you need to. And besides, if you grow any taller, I won’t be able to do this.” Suguru says as he gives Satoru a quick peck on the cheek.
“Awe come on, you don’t want a big strong boyfriend?” Satoru asks, sticking out his bottom lip into a pout, trying to hide his smile from Suguru’s kiss on his cheek.
“Satoru, I already have a big strong boyfriend.” Suguru says, turning Satoru’s pout back into a self-assured smile with one compliment. He wraps his arms around Satoru’s torso and hugs him tightly, taking a deep breath as he nestles his face into his neck. 
“You think so?” Satoru returns, his voice soft and sweet in Suguru’s ear as they stand there, slightly swaying back and forth in each other’s arms. 
The two of them eat a few slices of pizza each over the kitchen island, not bothering to grab plates or even sit down until they’re both too full to eat any more. Satoru heads over to sit on the couch while Suguru puts the leftovers away, knowing that they’ll probably snack on them later. Satoru turns on the TV and picks out a movie as Suguru comes to join him on the couch. 
Suguru plops down next to him and puts his arm up on the back of the couch, an invitation for Satoru to wrap his arms around Suguru’s torso and snuggle in close. He pulls a blanket over the two of them as the movie he picked out starts playing. The two of them are surprisingly silent for a few minutes, just watching the movie, although both of their minds are far away; Suguru thinking about his job offer, and Satoru thinking about asking Suguru to move in. 
Satoru’s mind races and he has an unfamiliar feeling in his chest. It feels tight, like he can’t get a full breath of air. I wonder if Suguru forgot I even asked. I probably shouldn’t have asked in the first place. What if it was too much? Is that why he didn’t wanna go to lunch today? Shit, I shouldn’t have ever said anything. He’s too preoccupied to notice the pounding of Suguru’s heart against his chest as he rests his head on it. 
“Satoru?” Suguru pipes up quietly, bringing Satoru’s racing mind to a screeching halt. 
Satoru picks his head up from where it lays on suguru’s chest. “Mmhm?” He asks, trying to seem as if he wasn’t just silently panicking. The feeling of Suguru’s hand mindlessly tracing over his back would normally put him at ease, but right now, he feels more tense than ever. 
“I thought about your offer…” He starts, and Satoru immediately feels his heart pick up even more in his chest; something he didn’t know was possible.
Can he secretly read minds or something and just hasn’t told me? No, he would tell me. He would definitely tell me… Right? Yeah, he would a hundred percent tell me something like that… Yeah. “Oh yeah?” Satoru responds, trying to sound as cool and collected as always. 
Suguru feels his own heart beating out of control in his chest as he speaks. “I wanna move in with you.” He says, and immediately the tightness in Satoru’s chest fades away. He looks up at Suguru, his eyes bright and his lips slightly parted in pleasant surprise.
“Really?” Satoru asks, his voice soft and sweet, genuinely happy to hear Suguru’s answer. Suguru nods his head with a smile. Satoru can’t help but excitedly sit up and throw his arms around Suguru’s neck, pulling him for a hug that would put a boa constrictor to shame. 
“Baby, you’re squeezing the life out of me.” Suguru struggles to get out as Satoru hugs him tightly. 
He loosens his grip, sitting back to just look into Suguru’s eyes with the biggest smile on his face. “And you’re serious?” Satoru asks, wanting to make sure this isn’t all some kind of sick joke. 
“I’m serious.” Suguru reassures him. Satoru doesn’t know what to do and leans forward, pulling Suguru in for a passionate kiss. His lips feel soft against his own, the same as they always do, but something about them is sweeter this time. They taste like sweet, sweet honey. They smile against each other’s lips, never wanting to let go. Satoru’s arms are wrapped around Suguru’s neck, holding him in place until he finally lets go. 
“So, uh- when?” Satoru asks, nervously scratching at the back of his neck with a coy smile on his face.
Suguru chuckles at his eagerness. “Well…” He starts, thinking about his current living situation. “I would have to give my apartment a month’s notice, but I guess I could start moving things whenever.” Suguru pushes the thought of having to leave on December 1st to the back of his mind, deciding to think about it later. That’s about a month and a half… I should tell him now. No, no I can’t, it’s just not the right time yet… I’ll tell him eventually.
“So tomorrow?” Satoru asks, a beaming smile on his face as he leans impossibly closer to Suguru’s face. Suguru laughs again, leaning back slightly. 
“Baby, I haven’t packed anything.” 
“But we can start tomorrow! Right?” He asks, doubling down on his previous offer in a higher pitched tone.
Suguru shakes his head with a smile on his face, leaning in to press a kiss to Satoru’s cheek. “How about we start this weekend? I don’t know that I have the energy right now to work all day and then come home and prepare to move.” 
“That’s what you have me for!” Satoru tries to argue back. “I can do it all while you relax and watch!”
“Darling, I mean this in the most loving way possible - I don’t want you to pack up all of my things by yourself.” Suguru says, leaning back into the couch. 
“You don’t trust me?” 
“It’s not that I don't trust you… Can we please just do it together this weekend?” Suguru sighs, already feeling slightly defeated at the concept of having to move.
“Okay.” Satoru reluctantly agrees, knowing that he isn’t going to get his way this time.
“It’s only 4 days, baby.” Suguru tries to make him feel better. “And I’m gonna be with you anyways.” 
“I know…” Satoru starts, sounding slightly deflated. “I just wanna live with you already.” 
“Well, not much is going to be different except all my things will be here rather than most of my things.” Suguru continues. Satoru has a small smile on his face, looking back at Suguru once again. “I’m so excited to come home to you every day.” Suguru says, a genuine smile on his face.
“But you’ll be coming home with me, you know, since we get off at the same time and work at the same place.” Satoru says, coming back with a smart-ass answer.
“Do you want me to rethink my decision?” Suguru asks, teasing lightly as he raises an eyebrow at him. 
“No no no!” Satoru waves his hands in front of him as he begs, knowing full well that he’s joking.
The rest of the night is just like any other. They finish watching their movie on the couch and eventually head to bed, knowing that they have to be up early again in the morning to go to work. Somehow, Satoru falls asleep seemingly the fastest he’s ever fallen asleep, and Suguru is left awake and alone, staring up at the ceiling, just thinking about everything.
Why can’t I just fucking tell him? That would’ve been the perfect opportunity and I just… Couldn’t. He lets out a sigh as Satoru shifts and drapes his arm over Suguru’s chest while he sleeps soundly. I have to tell him. I’ll tell him tomorrow as soon as we wake up. Yeah, I’ll tell him tomorrow. 
But he doesn’t. He doesn’t tell him tomorrow, or the next day, or even the next day. The offer letter hadn’t moved from where it was tucked into his notebook since Monday morning. Before he knows it, it’s Friday morning. He had stayed at his own apartment the night before, which was surprising to Satoru.
“Really?” Satoru asks, a hint of worry mixed with sadness in his voice after Suguru tells him that he isn’t going to be spending the night. “But you always come over Thursday nights.”
“I know, but I promise I’ll sleep over tomorrow and all weekend, okay?” Suguru tries to make him feel better. I just need some time to think. The look on Satoru’s face when they part ways puts a bad taste in Suguru’s mouth. He feels like he’s letting him down; he knows he’s letting him down by keeping such a big thing from him. He wants to turn around and run and tell him, but his feet won't carry him and his voice won't say anything. 
It’s late that night that he signs the offer letter. He looks at it, sitting on his kitchen counter, taunting him. He had finally brought it home with the intention to sign it. He reads over every word once more with the glass of whiskey soda he’d made himself in his hand. He was looking for a reason not to sign it, but everything was perfect - other than having to be in Fukuoka for six months. It was his dream job; everything he had on his mind when he first moved to Tokyo just under a year ago. So why does it feel so wrong? 
He knows exactly why. Tomorrow. I’m telling him tomorrow whether I like it or not, he decides after telling himself the same thing for the past week. Suguru holds the pen in his free hand, hesitating for a moment with the tip pressed against the paper. It’s only six months… It’s not the end of the world. He downs the rest of his drink and sets the glass down before he quickly signs his name, his signature flowing flawlessly across the page. I did it. 
He decides to take a shower before bed. Normally he would put on some music, but he doesn’t bother this time. He allows the hot water to run over his body, letting out a sigh as the droplets kiss the intricate tattoos that adorn his chest and shoulders. He stands with his eyes closed as he lets the water fully wet his hair. He doesn’t know when or why, but silent tears start to fall from his eyes and down his cheeks. He can’t tell what’s tears and what’s water from the showerhead; it’s all the same to him at this point. 
“Why the fuck am I even crying?” He says to himself out loud, laughing at himself lightly as he rubs his eyes. Probably drank too much, he tries to convince himself, knowing that that’s not the reason at all. The stark contrast from the restfulness of last week compared to the stress and anxiety of this week had bubbled up enough and finally made its way out in the form of tears. There were a lot of big changes coming in the very near future, and it scared him, even if just a little. He stands under the water silently for a few more minutes before quickly running through his routine and shutting off the water.  
He dries off and starts getting ready to head to bed. He first heads out to his living room, passing the offer letter on his kitchen counter once more before sitting down on the couch. He opens up his phone and sees a text from his mom. Before even thinking about it, he’s holding the phone to his ear, listening to it ring for a minute before there’s an answer. 
“Hi sweetheart.” He hears his mother’s voice and it almost immediately feels a wave of calm rush over his body. He sits back into the couch, holding the phone to his ear with one hand and holding his other arm across his chest, his hand tucked into his armpit. 
“Hi mom.” He says back, his voice already sounding tired and like he’s holding something back.
“Is everything alright?” She asks, immediately sensing that something is off. 
Suguru lets out a sigh before he feels a familiar feeling welling up and before he can stop it, his bottom lip starts to quiver and tears are building up in his eyes once again. “Well,” He starts, trying his best to not sound like he’s about to cry. “I got a new job.” He says, putting a forced smile onto his face to try to make himself feel better. 
He hears her excited gasp through the phone. “Really?”
“Yeah, well, it’s actually more like a promotion, but it’s gonna be completely different compared to what I do now.” He continues explaining, pushing back against the feeling in his chest. “I’m gonna be the Vice President of Operations.” 
“Sweetheart, that’s amazing. I’m so proud of you.” She says, the smile on her voice evident through the phone. Hearing those words come from her mouth makes the tears threaten even more to spill over the edges of his eyes. “What did Satoru say?” She asks. Suguru’s stomach does a flip at her words.
“Um,” He starts feeling the familiar tightness in his chest once again, “I… Haven’t told him yet.” He continues.
There’s a long pause before Kazuko speaks up again. “Honey…” The way her voice delicately says it is enough to finally have the tears spilling over the edge of Suguru’s eyes. He was doing everything in his power to hold them back, but he simply couldn’t anymore. “You have to tell him.” She continues. 
He does his best to keep his cries quiet, but finds it difficult to, sniffling as he wipes the tears from his own cheeks. “I know.” He says, his voice slightly shaky. “I’m gonna tell him tomorrow.” 
“I’m surprised he wasn’t the first person you told.” She says with a chuckle, which makes Suguru’s stomach do another flip. 
“I know…” He lets out a sigh before continuing. He should have been the first. “I just don’t know how to.” 
“What’s so hard about it?” She asks, wanting to do her best to help her son to feel better. 
Fuck. His chest tightens even more just thinking about it. He can’t help the hot tears that continue streaming down his cheeks as he sucks in a breath. “I have to train in Fukuoka for six months…” He does his best to stop himself from continuing crying, but saying the words out loud doesn’t help. “I start on December first and I don’t know…” He trails off.
There’s silence from the other end of the phone while Suguru tries to calm himself down, taking slow shaky breaths. Now she understands why he’s feeling so disheartened. “You need to tell him, honey. I know it’s hard, but you need to do it.” 
He sniffles as he wipes his cheeks clean and puts his phone on speaker before setting it down on the table in front of him, sitting with his elbows resting on his knees and his head in his hands. “I know.” He repeats, mostly for himself. “I’m going to tomorrow.” His hands are trembling at this point. Fuck, why am I like this?
“Suguru,” She starts, her voice coming through the phone sounding just as sweet and comforting as it does in person. Hearing her say his name makes Suguru sit up, listening to what she’s about to say. “You’re not going to feel better until you tell him.” He bites his bottom lip, trying to stop himself from crying so that he can speak, but Kazuko continues on. “Honey…” She starts, but takes a breath before continuing in a soft, almost comforting voice. “When your father died…” She takes another pause, trying to find the right words. “Telling you was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.” Her voice is dead calm as she says it, like it’s hard for her to get the words out. 
Talking about his father’s death wasn’t something that Suguru thought hurt anymore, but hearing those words come out of his mother’s mouth and through the phone make him break down all over again. His eyes quickly well up with tears that quickly spill over the edges, following the same trails down his rosy pink cheeks. He clenches his jaw, trying to keep it from shaking while he wipes the tears from his face, only for more to immediately follow. He thinks back to when he was 18. His father had been sick for a while and he was expecting it, but that didn’t make it any easier to find out. He remembers how hard it seemed for his mom to say the words without crying. She wanted to stay strong for him.
Kazuko continues, doing her best not to cry herself. “I know how impossible it feels - like everything is gonna come immediately crashing down - but you will genuinely feel so much better after you tell him; like a weight has been lifted off of you.” She’s not saying anything Suguru doesn’t already know and has said to himself, but it feels worlds different actually hearing it from his mother. “I’m very proud of you honey, and I know Satoru will be too.” She finishes off.
Suguru takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, successfully calming himself down once again. “Thank you, mom.” He manages to get out with a sniffle. “I love you.”
“I love you too sweetheart. Six months will be over before you know it” 
They finish up their phone call with a few regular trivialities before they finally part ways for now. Suguru immediately sees that Satoru had tried to call him and texted as well.
‘Call me when u get this 😚’
Suguru smiles as he looks at the words on the screen through sore and red, puffy eyes. He quickly heads to the sink and downs a glass of water, rubbing the final residual tears out of his eyes and off his cheeks. He opens the door to the patio and steps outside, feeling the cold late-October night air engulfing his hot skin as he closes the door and sits down. He listens to the busy city around him as he takes a few deep breaths. 
I’m not gonna tell him right now. I’m going to do it in person tomorrow. This is just a normal phone call with Satoru. Nothing scary about it. He spends a few minutes outside, literally cooling off before he steps back inside and sits back down on the couch. He grabs his phone and calls Satoru. It only rings once before he answers.
“Hi Sugu.” Satoru’s voice is as cheery as ever when he answers the phone.
“Hi baby, I’m sorry I didn’t answer, I was on the phone with my mom.” He says, knowing he’s not telling the full story.
“No fair! You should’ve told her I said hi.” Satoru says and Suguru can practically hear his pout through the phone. “Did you talk about me?” 
“Stop being so full of yourself.” Suguru says playfully, finally starting to feel a little bit better. The noise that comes out of Satoru’s mouth at his comment is enough to make Suguru chuckle. “So what’s up with you?”
Satoru doesn’t immediately answer, which slightly worries Suguru. Does he know something? He hears him take a deep breath and let it out with a sigh. “Baby?” He asks, a worried feeling building in his chest the longer Satoru goes without speaking.
“Sugu, are we good?” He finally asks, and the question breaks Suguru’s heart into pieces. It was the first time Satoru had asked anything like that and it hurt to think that he was feeling like that.
“Baby,” Suguru starts, but interrupts himself with a nervous chuckle, “Is this because I’m not sleeping over tonight?” He asks, hoping that’s the only reason he’s asking.
“Well, yeah kinda, but I just feel like you've just been… I don’t know, weird this week…” Satoru continues on and the tightness in Suguru’s chest quickly returns. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. 
“Oh…” He starts out softly, unsure of himself with what to say. “I'm sorry I made you feel that way, baby… But I promise, me not sleeping over tonight has nothing to do with us. I just really needed to get some work done and I knew you would never let that happen on your watch.” Suguru says, lightly teasing him to hopefully lighten the mood a bit. He feels bad that he’s not telling the entire truth. I could just tell him now. No I can’t, I’m doing it in person. He has a quick mental battle with himself as he hears Satoru’s voice come back through the speaker.
“Well duh, why are you doing work at home?! It’s meant to be done at work. That’s why they call it work, you know?” Satoru says, back to his normal bubbly and slightly irritating self. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner and made you feel like that.” Suguru spologizes again, feeling guilty. “You can come over after work tomorrow and we can take some of my things over, how does that sound?” Suguru suggests, a smile on his face at the thought. 
“That sounds perfect, my sweet.” Satoru says, the smile on his face apparent in his voice. 
“Perfect.” Suguru says, now much more excited about tomorrow and surprisingly less nervous. “We can fill up a couple of my suitcases with clothes and just take the train to your place.” Suguru continues, interrupting himself with a yawn. 
“Are you tired already? Am I really dating an old geezer who gets tired at 10 o’clock?” Satoru teases back.
“Sorry I’m not a freak that can survive purely on sugar and never get tired.”
“I get tired!” Satoru argues back. Suguru chuckles to himself thinking about how that was the part that Satoru chose to disagree with. “Well, I love you and I hope you have a great sleep, gramps.” 
“Good luck getting into my apartment tomorrow when I shut the door behind me and lock you out.” 
“Okay, okay I take it all back, you’re the most beautiful, handsome, sexy, youthful,  28-year-old i've ever seen, please don’t lock me out.” Satrou quickly walks it back. They both chuckle lightly before Suguru yawns once again.
“I love you, baby.” Suguru says with a soft smile on his face, his spirits successfully lifted by their short conversation.
“I love you too. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Satoru says before they end the call, leaving Suguru alone in his living room once again. He sits, lingering for just a moment before standing up and heading towards the kitchen. He grabs the signed offer letter and sticks it into his bag, not wanting to forget it in the morning.  
He quickly gets ready for bed and climbs under the covers, feeling worn out from crying so much. Looking up at the dark ceiling, Suguru takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself for the day that lies ahead of him. 
I’m gonna tell him, and everything is gonna be fine. We’re both going to be sad, but everything is gonna be fine. He repeats those words to himself over and over again until he eventually lets sleep take him, the same thought playing on repeat in his mind. Everything is gonna be fine. Six months will go by like nothing. Everything is gonna be completely fine.
“Congratulations.” Nanami says with a soft smile, looking across the desk at Suguru as their meeting finishes up. He had handed over the signed offer letter and made it official. 
“I can’t wait to have you here soon, Geto.” Yaga’s voice comes through the phone speaker. He had been part of the final meeting over the phone, keeping busy at their corporate office.
“Thank you both very much.” Suguru says with a smile, talking towards the phone. 
The phone call ends and Nanami stands up and sticks out his hand over the desk. Suguru stands up as well, shaking his hand with an excited smile on his face.
“We’ll probably have a couple more meetings in the next few weeks just to go over all the details and everything.” Nanami continues, letting Suguru know what’s going to be happening in the upcoming weeks.
“Sounds good. Thank you very much, Nanami.” Nanami doesn’t say anything further, but nods his head with a polite smile. Suguru turns and opens the door, stepping out into the hallway and heading back towards his desk. 
It’s done. The job is officially his. Now all he has to do is tell Satoru. Suguru plans to tell him in person once they go to lunch. If I get him something sweet, maybe that’ll make it a little easier… He makes it quickly down the hallway back to where his desk is. He rounds the corner and sees Shoko at her desk, but Satoru isn’t back from his meeting yet. 
“Hey.” Shoko says as Suguru sits back down in his chair. 
“Hey.” Suguru parrots back at her, waking up his computer. 
“Exciting meeting?” She asks, not bothering to look away from her screen as she talks.
“You know it.” Suguru says in the same sarcastic tone, opting not to give too much away. He’s thankful that Shoko isn’t one to really pry and continues working like it’s just another Friday. 
About an hour later, Satoru finally returns from his meeting, entering with an exasperated sigh. 
“Yeah?” Suguru asks as Satoru plops down in his chair.
“That was the longest, most pointless meeting ever.” Satoru complains, dropping his head back over the edge of his chair dramatically. “I’m ready for some lunch.”
At the mention of the word, Suguru feels his stomach do a flip. It’s alright. I’m gonna tell him. 
“Is it okay if I come with?” Shoko asks, turning around to look between the two of them. Suguru looks down at his desk and takes a deep breath in through his nose. Fuck. 
“Yeah come on!” Satoru answers, pulling on his jacket and getting eager to start the walk to the cafe. Suguru pulls on his own jacket and joins Satoru in the hallway as they wait for Shoko to join them. “How was your meeting?” Satoru asks, shoving his hands into his pockets as he looks at Suguru with a smile. 
“Could've been an email.” Suguru says, doing his best to deceive Satoru until he has the chance to tell him. He feels his palms starting to clam up. How am I going to tell him now? It’s fine, I can do it right after work. He thinks to himself, irritated that he’s procrastinating even further. 
“What are you gonna get?” Satoru asks, looking at Shoko as they head down the sidewalk towards the cafe. All their hands - aside from Shoko’s that holds her phone - are shoved into their pockets, trying to keep warm against the cold wind. In the short time they’re outside, Satoru’s cheeks and nose turn pink from the cold. Suguru can’t help but smile as he looks at his rosy cheeks.
“I have no idea.” Shoko responds dryly, looking down at her phone in her hand.
“Why did you even ask to come with us if you’re not gonna pay attention to me?” Satoru asks with a pout. Suguru chuckles at the disgusted face Shoko shoots back at him. 
“Because I need to eat too, idiot.” She replies with furrowed brows. Satoru looks over at Suguru with a smile, ignoring her harsh reply.
“What about you, Sugu?” 
“Probably just the same sandwich I usually do.” He replies. He doesn’t feel like eating anything, but he knows that he needs to get something or else Satoru will scold him for a third time this week for not eating lunch. He already feels like throwing up just at the thought of still having to tell Satoru, and the further it gets pushed back, the harder it feels like it’s going to be to do.
They quickly make it to the cafe and as soon as the three of them walk through the door, the familiar pink haired boy is smiling and waving at them from behind the counter. “Hi Gojo! Hi Geto!” He starts as they continue inside and approach the counter. “Hi Ierie.” He says in a softer voice as they make it up to him.
They respond in a mess of “Hi Yuji” and “Hi Itadori” as they all speak at once. Yuji looks back at them with a smile while Satoru immediately looks into the display case to see what they have today. 
Shoko orders first followed by Satoru, and then Suguru. Suguru watches what Satoru orders and also adds some dango so that he can gift them to him later. The three of them sit at a table up against the front windows, and Satoru and Suguru watch the people that walk past. 
“That guy definitely looked like a Yakuza member.” He tilts his head at a man that was walking past.
“Satoru, you think that every guy in a leather jacket is in the Yakuza…” Suguru responds, raising an eyebrow as he goes in for a bite of his sandwich. 
“I don’t think they even wear leather jackets.” Shoko adds on, shaking her head.
“You guys are no fun.” Satoru says, sitting back in his chair with a defeated look on his face and his arms crossed in front of his chest. 
Suguru makes himself eat at least half of the sandwich before wrapping up the remaining half and sticking it into the bag with the dango. Satoru quickly finishes his food, leaving them waiting for Shoko to finish up. Suguru sits anxiously in his seat, wanting to go back to work so that he can try to distract himself until he has the chance to talk to Satoru alone later. 
“Why’d you get dango, Suguru?” Satoru questions him, noticing that he isn’t eating it right away like he had done with his.
“For you later.” Suguru responds with a soft smile on his face as he looks across the table at Satoru. 
This immediately puts a smile on Satoru’s face as he leans forward and rests his chin in his palm with a smile and hearts in his eyes. “You know me so well.” Suguru looks back at him with a similar look.
“Okay okay, let’s head back before you two make me throw up.” Shoko says, noting the eyes they’re making at each other from across the table. The two of them chuckle as they stand up. They all wave and say their goodbye’s to Yuji as they head out the door and back towards the office.
“Do you have a busy rest of your day?” Suguru asks Shoko as they walk. He has his hands shoved into his pockets and clenched into fists, feeling extra nervous as they’re heading back for some reason. He tries to push the feeling back and away, knowing that it’s probably just his head messing with him. 
“I just have a couple things I need to finish up, but they shouldn’t take too long, thankfully.” Shoko responds, walking with her hands in her pockets as well. “Can we stop for a second?” Shoko asks, pulling a cigarette out of the box in her pocket, accompanied by a red lighter in her hand. She holds it up, showing them.
“We’ll wait.” Suguru says, stopping for a moment. He pulls out his phone while Satoru rests his head on his shoulder, looking at what he’s looking at on his phone.
“Do you have any games?” Satoru asks, wanting to watch him play something while they wait. Suguru chuckles lightly and opens up a game that he plays sometimes. Satoru watches, seemingly mesmerized as he quickly organizes blocks of different shapes into a grid, trying to match them up so that they’ll disappear. “You should’ve put that one top left.” He says, pointing to an opposite corner of the board from where Suguru had placed it.
“Thank you for backseat driving a phone game, Satoru.” Suguru says sarcastically, continuing to not pay attention to his instructions.
“You’re welcome. Put that one there- no!” Satoru continues on, ignoring the sarcasm in his voice. Suguru smiles as Satoru gets more into the game than him. 
“You’re so dramatic.” Suguru says as he closes his phone and drops it back into his pocket, noticing that Shoko is making her way back. He smiles at Satoru’s pink cheeks and nose once again from being out in the cold. Cute. Shoko catches up with them and they continue walking back towards the office.
“I’m not dramatic, you’re just bad at the game.” Satoru shoots back with a head shake.
They make it back to the office, walking quickly to get out of the cold as soon as possible. They’re able to get into an elevator with only a couple of people, so the ride back up doesn’t take long. Satoru hurries down the hallway as soon as the doors open, wanting to open the door. Suguru chuckles and shakes his head as Satoru pulls the door open for them as they’re still halfway down the hallway. 
“Thank you.” Suguru says with a smile, looking into Satoru’s smiling eyes as he passes. The three of them make it back to their desks and Suguru drops off his jacket and bag of leftovers before heading towards the bathroom.
He quickly finishes up and washes his hands, looking at himself in the mirror above the sink. He holds his hands to his cheeks for a second, taking a deep breath and letting it out with a huff before turning the water off. You’re gonna be fine. He dries off his hands and pulls the door open, stepping back out into the hallway. 
As he rounds the corner to head back down the main hallway, he makes eye contact with Nitta, who has a polite smile on her face. Suguru smiles back at her, slowing down as she starts to speak. “Hi Geto! Congratulations on your new position!” She says enthusiastically. His eyes immediately widen and his stomach drops. What?
“Wh-what?” He stutters, looking at her slightly confused. How does she know? 
“Yeah! Corporate just sent out an email announcing that you’re the new VP of Operations! Congrats, you deserve it.” She continues explaining with a smile. 
“They did?” He asks, his heart immediately beating out of his chest. Shit shit shit.
“Yeah, look I’ll show you.” She unlocks her phone to the still open email from corporate just minutes ago. His eyes read quickly over the words, wanting to know what exactly it said. 
‘We would like to announce our new Vice President of Operations Suguru Geto. He will be starting training on December first and we are very excited to have him on the team.’
It’s a simple email, but it gets the point across. His eyes immediately look down the hallway towards where his desk is. More people are coming back from their lunch and are wanting to congratulate him as they enter. “Thank you, Nitta.” He says in a rushed voice as he continues heading back towards his desk.
“Geto! Congrats dude!” Haibara says in his normal happy, bubbly tone as he walks down the hallway. Suguru quickly thanks him and continues on.
He’s absolutely sure that Satoru is able to hear all the commotion. Shit shit shit, he continues thinking to himself. I should’ve told him, I should’ve told him. Suguru hurries back around the corner and Shoko is already turned around, waiting for him to come back. I should’ve fucking told him.
“Hey you dick, why didn’t you guys tell me about this?!” She shouts, looking between Suguru and Satoru as Suguru stands in the doorway to their section of desks. Suguru looks at Satoru who has the email open on his screen, still facing it. “Congratulations! That’s awesome!” She continues on while Suguru stands, looking at the back of Satoru’s head, breathing deeply with his hands down at his sides, feeling like his arms have gone completely numb. He can’t move until Satoru finally does. His chair slowly turns around and Satoru looks up at Suguru, his lips tucked in between his teeth at first. 
“Suguru.” He starts, talking through clenched teeth with an obviously forced smile. “Can I talk to you in the conference room for a minute?” He’s scarily calm, and that’s how Suguru knows he’s mad. He’d only seen him like this one time before in their year of knowing each other, and that was the one time Suguru ate Satoru’s last mochi ice cream. He would never make that mistake ever again.
Suguru nods his head lightly and steps to the side to allow Satoru to pass him out into the hallway, heading right across into one of the empty conference rooms. Ijichi passes by as they cross the hallway, wanting to congratulate Suguru, but deciding against it when he sees the crazed look on Satoru’s face. Satoru opens the door and heads inside, Suguru following and closing the door behind him. The blinds are open, and Satoru immediately starts closing them, pulling on the tiny chain to close each window individually. The way he’s silent as he does it makes Suguru feel like he’s about to be scolded by a furious parent. I deserve whatever I’ve got coming. 
Satoru closes the blinds on the last window to the hallway, leaving them completely cut off from the rest of the office. He turns around and has a blank expression on his face, different to just seconds ago when he had an insane smile on. “So,” He starts, walking back towards Suguru who stands there, waiting anxiously for Satoru to speak first. “When were you gonna tell me?” As Satoru stops in front of Suguru, his hands are at his sides, balled up into tight fists, his knuckles visibly white. 
“Satoru, I know it seems bad,” Suguru starts. He realizes how bad that sounds, but acknowledges that nothing is going to sound good right now and just says what comes to his mind first. “I was gonna tell you.”
“Yeah? You were gonna tell me?” Satoru asks, raising his eyebrows at Suguru and nodding his head angrily. “When? When were you planning on telling me, Suguru?” The way Satoru spits out his name makes him feel even more sick to his stomach. The look on his face is unlike one he’s ever seen before. He looks more angry than he’s ever seen him, but there’s also a hint of sadness in his eyes.
“I was gonna tell you at lunch…” Suguru says, looking nervously down at Satoru’s feet.
“Suguru, I don’t know if you’re painfully unaware, but we got back from lunch ten minutes ago.” Satoru says, his brows knitted together as he says it. There’s a silence as Suguru tries to think of how to respond.
This is the angriest I’ve ever seen him, let alone at me. I deserve every bit of this. He takes a breath, trying to think of what to say next, but just spits the words out. “I have to go to Fukuoka.” He quickly says, tucking his lips between his teeth for a moment while Satoru processes the words. “I have to be there for six months.” He finishes, putting everything out on the table in front of them. 
Satoru’s face changes completely, the little color almost instantaneously draining from his cheeks. “Huh?” He says in a weak tone. His mouth hangs slightly open as he just stares at Suguru, completely blindsided by his words. He’s unsure if what he heard was true, but subconsciously, he knows that it is. He feels like he can’t move, like he can’t blink, can’t breathe. He wants to be mad at Suguru, wants to yell at him and continue telling him off, but as he takes a breath in to talk, he can feel the shakiness in his chest, the feeling behind his nose that he’s about to cry.
Suguru stands there, looking completely defeated. His own bottom lip starts to quiver, but he does his best to hold it together as he continues talking. “I have to train in Fukuoka for six months. I start December first…” He lets out a sigh after he says it, seeing the look on Satoru’s face. He wants nothing more than to wrap his arms around him, but his body won’t move. He feels like his feet are nailed to the floor, keeping him in place. 
Satoru takes in a breath, feeling tears pricking at the edges of his eyes, threatening to spill over the edges and down his cheeks. He stops for a moment, trying to keep the tears back before he starts speaking again. “Were you just never gonna tell me? Were- were you just gonna disappear one day and not tell me?” He stutters over his words slightly, slowly losing the battle against the salty tears in his eyes that start to trail down his cheeks as he continues. “Why did you say you’d move in with me and then not tell me? These are things we need to tell each other, Suguru.” He chides, wiping his cheeks with his fingers as he talks. “I’ll come with you.”
Tears start to fall down his own face, Suguru not trying to stop them anymore. “This is why I didn’t want to tell you.” Suguru says, his lip quivering as he talks, watching as Satoru cries just feet in front of him. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm down before he continues. “You’ll be fine here without me, baby.” Suguru says, trying to comfort him.
Satoru immediately disputes. “No, I won’t.” He spits out.
“Satoru-” Suguru tries to cut him off, but Satoru doesn’t allow it. 
“No, Suguru. I don’t want to be fine without you. I’m not letting you push me away.” Seeing the hot tears running down Satoru’s cheeks makes Suguru cry harder, knowing that he’s hurt him. “I know you’re trying to be considerate, but I don’t care. I’ll come with you.” Satoru quickly says with little thought needed. The whites of his eyes are red as he looks at Suguru hopefully. 
“Satoru…” Suguru starts again. This is exactly what he expected from him. “I can’t ask you to do that. You’d have to quit here, move across the country for six months…” 
“Then don’t ask me to. I don’t care.” Satoru says, completely serious as he looks at Suguru, still breathing heavily. He steps closer to Suguru, closing the gap between them slightly. “I want to be with you.”
They stand about an arms length away from each other, Suguru still unable to move, mentally paralyzed in place, his arms crossed and one hand up against his mouth. He thinks back to when they were laying in bed together on their second morning in Shanghai all those months ago. Satoru’s words still ring loud in his head.
“I’m happier when I’m with you. I feel so alone when you’re not there. I just wanna tell you everything, I wanna spend every minute with you, I-I wanna cook for you, I wanna- braid your hair when you want it out of your face - I don't know!” Satoru’s words are as prevalent in his mind as the day he heard them. He has a mental battle with himself. Suguru feels exactly the same way. He knows how stubborn Satoru is, but he doesn’t want him to quit his job just for this. If I tell him to stay, there’s no chance he will. Satoru breathes shakily as Suguru’s mind continues racing, looking for the right answer. I shouldn’t ask him to come with me. He should stay here and work… He’ll be okay without me. I’ll be okay without him… As he thinks the words to himself, he’s never felt more like he was lying to himself. Fuck, who am I kidding? 
“Suguru?” Satoru asks nervously, looking at him and taking one more step closer, the two now right in front of each other. He waits for a response, able to see the thoughts racing around in his head.
“Satoru…” He starts, taking a breath before finishing what he’s saying. He knows it’s selfish, he knows it’s crazy, but admittedly, he doesn’t care anymore. “Come with me.” Suguru says softly, looking at Satoru through eyes blurry from tears. 
The look Satoru gives Suguru makes his heart feel like it’s going to explode. His eyes look so relieved, so happy to hear three simple words. He was worried that he’d really messed everything up. “Anywhere. I don’t care, I’ll go wherever you go.” Satoru says, his eyes watery as he brings his hands to the side of Suguru’s face and moves in closer. Their lips press together, a salty taste on both of their lips from the tears. Both of them continue crying as they pull back and press their foreheads together, looking into each other’s eyes. 
Suguru holds the back of Satoru’s head, feeling his soft white hair between his fingers. He finally finds a reason to smile as he looks into Satoru’s eyes just centimeters from his own. “You’re insane.” He whispers with a slight chuckle.
“I’m still pissed at you.” Satoru says quietly, looking back into Suguru’s honey eyes with serious ones, his normal bright blues somewhat dulled in the fluorescent light of the conference room. 
“I deserve it.” Suguru acknowledges, knowing full well that it was fucked up for Satoru to find out this way. Satoru leans back in and presses another kiss to Suguru’s lips, followed by a few more, not wanting to ever let him go. 
“Why wouldn't you tell me?” Satoru asks with a sniffle, feeling the tears finally stopping. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Satoru pushes Suguru’s shoulder lightly, shaking his head as he wipes the tears from his eyes. “Look what you made me do.” He says, referencing his puffy red eyes and tear-stained cheeks.
“I know, baby. I’m sorry, I really am.” Suguru says, feeling horrible that he didn’t tell him sooner. “I don’t want you to quit your job just to come with me. I want you to have a successful career, and I don’t want to be the one to stand in the way of that… I’ll find a way to make it up to you” Suguru starts explaining, looking down at the ground in between the two of them. 
“Suguru.” Satoru starts, bringing his hand underneath Suguru’s chin to get him to look back up at him. “I’ve told you before: neither one of us needs to work if we don’t want to. I’m fairly capable of taking care of the both of us.” He says with the familiar smirk that makes Suguru feel better. 
“But I know you enjoy working here, so I didn’t want to be the one to ask you to leave.” Suguu continues, still feeling guilty about the whole situation.
“Well, it doesn’t matter because I would have done it as soon as I found out anyway.” Satoru says with the same smirk on his face, the sight of his dimples putting a smile on Suguru’s face. Suguru shakes his head, leaning against the table that’s next to them. Satoru pulls out one of the chairs and sits, motioning for Suguru to do the same. Their knees are slotted between each other’s as they sit and talk. “How long have you known?” Satoru asks.
“Um-” Suguru starts, looking down at his lap and back up at Satoru. “They gave me the official offer on Monday, but I just signed it and accepted it this morning.” He finishes. Satoru nods along as he talks, listening carefully to everything he says. 
“Is that why you’ve been so stressed this week?” Satoru asks, leaning forward slightly with a worried tone in his voice. Suguru nods his head silently with his lips tucked in between his teeth. “Sugu, I knew something was off.” Satoru says, feeling bad that he didn’t say anything. 
“I really didn’t want you to feel bad.” Suguru continues, thinking back on the week that’s now behind them. “I kept wanting to tell you, but kept chickening out.” Suguru says, angry with himself. 
“Don’t beat yourself up about it.” Satoru says, trying to comfort him. “I get it.”
Suguru looks at him, surprised. His eyes say a silent thank you as he looks at him. 
“I would have a hard time telling you too.” Satoru admits, thinking about if he were in the same situation. 
“I don’t know how I can ever apologize enough for not telling you sooner, Satoru.” Suguru says solemnly. He feels horrible that it ended up like this after he had so many opportunities to tell him and he psyched himself out every time.
“I think the least you can do is buy me sweets the whole time we’re in Fukuoka.” Satoru says. 
Suguru smiles at his suggestion. There’s my Satoru. “Deal.” Suguru says, sticking his hand out in front of him for Satoru to shake. They shake on it, smiles on both of their faces as they squeeze each other’s hands lightly. “I love you… More than anything.” Suguru says softly, looking at Satoru.
Satoru smiles back at him. “And I love you more than anything.” Satoru retorts.
They talk for a while longer, calming down before Suguru looks at his watch and realizes that they’re been in this conference room for almost an hour. “You didn’t tell me I’d be sleeping with the Vice President of Operations, Sugu.” Satoru says teasingly as they stand up and push their chairs back in.
“Shut up.” Suguru says with a chuckle and an eye roll as he shakes his head at his joke.
“Next thing you know, you’ll be the CEO.” Satoru continues as he opens the door. Suguru follows him back out and across the hallway back to their desks, shaking his head with a smile at Satoru’s confidence in him. 
“Where have you two been?” Shoko asks as the two of them sit back down at their desks. 
“Meeting.” Satoru answers, making eye contact with Suguru over the few cubicle walls that separate them. Shoko doesn’t push any further, knowing that it was just the two of them in the conference room together. 
“Glad you got it all figured out.” She says shortly, not looking away from her computer screen as she types away. She could obviously tell that something was off when they left, but everything seemed fine as they sat back down at their desks. “I’m gonna have to cancel drinks tonight.” She continues, speaking of their weekly Friday plans. “I have something else going on.”
Suguru smiles to himself, happy that he and Satoru can just head home after work and be alone together for the night. “No worries, we’ll get it next week.” Suguru says, looking over the short wall at her. She shoots a grin back at him in acknowledgement. Suguru feels his phone vibrate in his pocket and he pulls it out, wanting to check who it was. He sees that it’s a text from Satoru and looks over to see him impatiently waiting for him to read the text. Opening up his phone, he reads the text from Satoru.
‘Does the offer from last night still stand??? 🥺’ 
Suguru chuckles lightly at his choice of emoji before typing out a response and looking over at Satoru as he waits for him to get it. ‘Ofc it does. How else do you think im gonna move all my stuff??? 🤨’ Satoru’s face lights up as he reads it. The bubble pops up to show that he’s typing again. They disappear for a moment and Suguru looks over at Satoru as he waits anxiously for what his next text is going to be. It finally comes through and Suguru smiles as he reads it. 
“Can I pretty please have that dango now? 😇😙’
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chapter 23
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g0ldilocks-utart · 3 days
First encounter‼️‼️
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I don't really know how old Sans and Papyrus are, so I decided to just make them as old as Frisk :]
(HEADCANNON) Frisk, Monster Kid, Sans, and Papyrus knew each other since they were children so basically they are childhood friends. Frisk and Papyrus aren't that close though, and their conversations lead to petty arguments or smth HDJDSJ. Ig you can call them frenemies(HEADCANNON)
Anyway I was too lazy to clean out the last page egejhejehejend
Edit: OK i just realized that some people might not know why Chara is posed like that and it's been bothering my mind so I'll explain it. Basically, Chara was running because they sensed that something was following them as they left the Ruins area. Y'know, the branch breaking and the footstep sounds that we hear at the scene before we meet Sans in the game HSJSHDK. Since it's the very first timeline, Chara and Frisk both doesn't know what was going to happen
After running, Chara got tired and was out of breath so I drew them crouching down with their hands on their knees. IDK that's just how I thought it would look. I'm terrible at anatomy and poses🤷‍♀️ Here's baby Papyrus
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averseunhinged · 8 hours
it's that time again! wip wednesday, day of suffering and reluctant sharing.
this week's offering is from the soulmate au from ages ago, the middle of which is a total disaster. so, idk how much of this is going to end up in the finished product. or if there even will be a finished product. you know how it goes. i poked at it for a couple of days, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if you want to read the previous bits, it was this and then this.
“What did the Salvatores teach you about blood sharing with another vampire?”
“The only thing I ever learned from Damon was superhuman patience," she scoffed. "Stefan got really uncomfortable and gave me some speech about urges and experimentation and being careful. And saving myself for marriage, I think? Which I still don't really get, but he's grandpa-times-five old. Maybe that sort of thing lingers. So, I gave him a pass on the unexpected abstinence-only moment.”
Elijah allowed himself a fraction of a moment to shut his eyes in pain at the sheer incompetence. “That sounds stunningly inaccurate. Though, he was correct on one point. It is not to be taken lightly."
"I," she began and twitched forward, reaching out to brush nonexistent dust from the dash. "Yes. I got that much from it. The keep your fangs to yourself lesson, not the--"
Her blush was vivid. Obvious, even in the sedan's dim interior.
“My brother made an error of judgement," Elijah continued as gently as he could manage. "He did something he should not have without your permission, counting on your ignorance. It was wrong. I will not deny that. But I hope you understand there was little chance he could have known the repercussions of his actions, and he has suffered greatly for them. We all have.”
"Explain," she ordered. If the situation had been less serious, he might have allowed himself more amusement from the liberties she took.
"When blood is shared between two vampires, it creates a sort of," he paused for a moment of thought before continuing delicately, "closeness, limited and short-term, beyond the physical. In most cases, one does not court a stranger’s fangs.”
“Most cases?”
“My father fed primarily on other vampires, not merely because he hated them, but for the perversity of the act. The violation.”
“That's--” Caroline trailed off.
“Yes. When he was human, he was a man of his time, and not a singularly bad one, at that. He loved his wife and family in the way men did--with brutality. However, he ensured we went without as little as possible and taught us the same. You might not care for his methods, but he shaped us into the people we needed to be: competent, hard-laboring survivors.”
Her mouth opened and closed again as she fought her instinct to argue, perhaps understanding he had little interest in her perspective. They may have originated from the same location, but Caroline was a staggering number of generations on from his family's origins. Mikael was a monster, there was no question. Elijah didn't need her to explain that. Mikael was also wildly successful by tenth century standards.
“And then he turned?” she finally asked, having edited out the less relevant commentary on the matter.
“And then he turned,” Elijah agreed. “It amplified an ugliness within. The raider of his youth. A marauder and a conqueror.”
“I don't think I want to know this.”
“You must.”
“Why must I? Why are you doing this? He has a baby, and a bitchy werewolf baby mama, and a whole other life, while I'm here, cleaning up the mess he left behind. Why do I have to solve his problems, too? I don't have time for this.”
Elijah smiled, a scant tilt of the mouth he tipped his chin to hide. How they snapped and snarled, she and his brother, as they tried to escape traps only they could see. He had no doubt she drew blood with her sharp tongue, vicious as Klaus with his bite.
“Yes," he agreed. "We are all running out of time, but it is important you fully understand what has occurred.”
“Why? Why now?” she begged, staring down at her hands, now tightly clasped.
“As in many areas, intent does play a role. Niklaus backed himself into a corner, magically speaking, and has been driven half-mad adhering to it, along with the numerous demands placed upon him. He made you a promise--a vow, one you reinforced upon your parting--without knowledge of the repercussions. In the time since, his mental state has deteriorated. As has yours, by your own admission, to a lesser degree."
He glanced away from the road, wanting a better gauge than his peripheral vision could provide. Eyes wide, Caroline slowly shook her head in denial, but seemed to have lost any verbal argument she might have had.
"He is an original hybrid, the only of his kind. Even he does not know the finer points of the magic from whence he was formed. Perhaps, he should have known better than to take such a risk with you, with himself, but if I have correctly parsed his explanation, the exchange of blood is not an act in which he has partaken in many centuries. Even then, it was a brief period of experimentation, given that he found the results uncomfortable. Until he a found himself desperately unhappy in New Orleans. He wished to carry a piece of you, of the contentment your presence gifted him. It was meant to be temporary. It is temporary, when the act is between vampires."
"But he's a werewolf, too."
"He is both, and neither," Elijah clarified.
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szczekaczz · 1 year
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sonknuxadow · 5 months
am i the only one who still thinks that they didnt do enough with rouge in sonic prime. and not in a "she didnt get enough screentime" sort of way but in a "they didnt seem to be putting as much thought into what they were doing with her as they were with the other main characters" sort of way
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jet-teeth · 4 months
Specifically relating to my latest post, but in general also: I feel like my attention span has gotten so bad these days in terms of actually finishing anything, to the point that the deflection/procrastination-projects get as silly as "builds a whole-ass 3D model instead of finishing the goddamn drawing because that's somehow easier than dealing with the perfectionism demon hovering over my shoulder when I draw these days"
(I think this why I'm trying to chase looser styles/play around with traditional media here and there again, since anything too precise starts to activate the Overthink Demon. I guess what I post is "oops! All sketches" anyway, but a lot of things still get overworked. Probably should start using timers again or something idk) Rarely do I actually "finish" models as well, which is generally why I don't post any (they are almost always studies/character reference models) but let's see if I can get around to making some Printable Little Guys this year, since frankly I find 3D a more comfortable medium to work in than outright painting/doing rendered-out stuff
Ramble post, but I'm always interested in the topic of "process" when it comes to art, and how struggles & limitations might actually help an individual find what their strengths really are too (or, just reveal areas that need more work. I DO want to finish a couple of the paintings in my WIP folder, but I also have accepted that it's not gonna be the natural medium for me ever) (I always try to include art in long text posts like this so they aren't as boring. Have a Banana Cat drawing I never uploaded. Also yes the printer HAS been added to my enclosure and it's great fun :> )
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