#idk how to feel about the rest of most of it besides being unhappy that unite still exists lmao. but that's an ethics thing-
fairymint · 7 months
phew shit, no news is good news, no fucking crunch this year for pokemon mainline wise.
but! I'm actually really happy about the trading card mobile thing, because I'm one of those guys who like. would play but i don't wanna inevitably ruin my scattered, binderless cards-
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coconutcordiale · 2 years
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kiss the sun (fight the fire)
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pairing- hangman x fem pilot reader (cs violet)
You bite your lip as he attaches his mouth to the side of your neck to keep yourself from saying anything embarrassing.
Rest in Peace Violet; admitted to being head over heels for her situationship because he grazed his teeth on her pulse point and short-circuited her brain.
Yeah. Absolutely not.
warnings- angst, friends with benefits sitch, bittersweet/unhappy ending (but this is set in the middle of love that's a real long shot so you can find the actual ending there if you feel the need), 18+ for brief allusions to smut
length- 1.3k
part of the heart in danger universe (hangman x violet) but can be read separately! there's overlap with love that's a real long shot idk sorry guys i'm just lazy asf apparently
i'm not a huge fan of how this turned out but it be like that sometimes (or, all the time lately) if anyone wants to start a support group for when the muses are not musing, hmu
i'm not a huge fan of how this turned out but it be like that sometimes (or, all the time lately) if anyone wants to start a support group for when the muses are not musing, hmu
title courtesy of mountain of the sun - Greta van fleet
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North Island, 2022
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Like most conversations with Jake, it happens outside the Hard Deck.
“I’m sorry?” You’re confused, have been since the moment you walked into the bar with Phoenix, Payback, and Fanboy and watched Jake’s normally clear, sea glass green eyes cloud with irritation at your presence. “That I didn’t tell you they sent me back to TOPGUN too? I haven’t seen you in almost a year, Jake.”
Jake’s clearly biting back anger, muscles flexing in his jaw as he grinds his teeth. It’s eerie, really to have that terrifying precision directed toward you. It’s not like you don’t know that Hangman doesn’t play well with others, but it’s been years since he threw it your way.
“Don’t act like we haven’t talked since then. I think you know you were supposed to mention it.”
You deflate. You don’t even know what you’re saying anymore, mouth forming words that only seem to frustrate him further, push him back into his shell.  
“Let’s just get through this mission, it’ll be easier if we’re not fighting,” you suggest eventually, knowing there's no way you win this round, not while Jake is determined to use anything that comes from your lips against you. “You do enough goading with Rooster.”
You see the moment he forcibly relaxes, each muscle taking on tightly controlled calmness, the Hangman camouflage painting itself over his sharp features.
“We’ll stay out of each other’s way. Focus on the mission.”
“Yeah, focus on the mission,” you agree, staring down at your beer and wishing you’d brought several tequila shots outside with you. Maybe the whole bottle. Some lime for good measure.
You silently follow Jake back inside instead of opening your mouth again and making things worse, settling into a stool next to Phoenix with a hopefully less than noticeable sigh.
“What’s up with Bagman?”
You take a sip of your beer, trying not to wince. Guess your displeasure wasn’t as quiet as you intended. “I think he’s pissed I’m here.”
Phoenix furrows her eyebrows. “Why would he be mad you got called back too?”
You shrug. “Maybe I’m cramping his style – he thinks I’ll be upset if he’s sticking his hand up girls’ skirts at the Hard Deck in front of me.”
“You would be upset.”
“Not the point. Besides, it’s not like I’d actually tell him that. He probably just wasn’t expecting to see me and now I’ve ruined his plans to whore around, flirt with Rooster, or whatever he had in mind.”
“Wait, I’m sorry, you didn’t tell him?”
“No, when he mentioned he got the order, they hadn’t called me yet.”
“Then maybe he’s mad because it looks like you were hiding it from him.”
You roll your eyes. “We’re talking about Hangman here. Why would he care about that?”
Phoenix gives you a distinctly unimpressed look that you would really prefer to ignore.
Maybe it's time for those tequila shots after all.
Your skin is buzzing, has been since you listened to Hangman swoop in and save Rooster and Mav over the radios. You’d never been happier to hear that slight southern drawl make a stupid joke about tray tables in your entire life. The energy carried you through all the hops and transports back to North Island, all the way back to the Hard Deck where the air is finally filled with victory rather than uncertainty, all the way to Hangman’s room, your mind refusing to think about what a bad idea it is to be here with him. There’s only space for one thought running through your brain.
We’re alive.
“Fuck,” Jake groans, deft fingers making quick work of the buttons of your uniform. “Missed you, missed this.”
You bite your lip as he attaches his mouth to the side of your neck to keep yourself from saying anything embarrassing.
Rest in Peace Violet; admitted to being head over heels for her situationship because he grazed his teeth on her pulse point and short-circuited her brain.
Yeah. Absolutely not.
A sheen of sweat and one broken lamp later, you’re fully, frustratingly content. It's a little annoying, at this point, for Jake to look the way he does and be this good in bed.
“Don’t like fighting with you,” you admit in a whisper, lips tracing against his smooth skin, because your common sense got taken out at the knees three orgasms ago.
“Ended well. Gave us a vigor we haven’t had in a while.”
You know he’s joking. He’s teasing, doesn’t mean anything by his tone.
It doesn’t change the fact that you suddenly feel like a bucket of ice water has been upended on your head. Because that’s all this is. It’s never going to be more.
You can’t keep doing this, you think with startling clarity, not if it’s not going to mean anything. It’s not even his fault. You’ve known who he was from the beginning.
“Yeah,” you mutter, exhaling a steadying breath. “I don’t know. All the arguing, then making up so we can fool around. It’s time for us to grow up, don’t you think?”
“Probably,” Jake responds, completely unreadable.
It’s not like you expected him to disagree with you, but you feel a twinge beneath your ribs anyways.
When he kisses you, you can’t help but hold on tight, pulling him as close to you as possible with fingers tangled at the base of his neck. You should maybe be more concerned with sticking to your guns, not doing this again, but if this is the last chance you’ll get to have him you’re sure as hell not strong enough to deny yourself of that.
You know now what the end tastes like. Bittersweet.
“Heard Seresin’s opting to stay in North Island if you need more of an incentive to take Cyclone up on staying here,” Phoenix tells you the next morning, apropos of nothing and stabbing her French toast with a little more force than you think is necessary, given the cutesy restaurant you’re currently sitting in.
You cringe, having forgotten you were going to have to talk to her about this. Of course, this is the perfect opportunity for her to needle you, given none of the boys would be caught dead in this hipster brunch place, leaving you two to your own devices. “That’s a disincentive, actually.”
Phoenix furrows her brows. “Thought you guys made up after he got a chance to play hero. You were finally speaking in full sentences last night, at least.”
You look down, avoiding her eyes. “We ended things. For good.”
She grabs your hand from across the table, sympathy radiating.
Phoenix clears her throat after a second, smoothing out her expression, but her eyes still have that softness to them you rarely get to see. “That explains why you don’t want to take Cyclone’s offer.”
You nod. “Not very feminist of me, yeah? Letting a guy influence my decisions. But I just can’t trust myself around him. It’s like he’s lowered my defenses without even trying.”
“You can’t stay away.”
She’s not asking. It’s an observation, painfully obvious to the people around you that know you well. You wonder, idly, if Jake knows too.
He must. The thought makes your chest tight, hand unlacing from Phoenix’s so your knuckles can press against your sternum, quelling the pain and embarrassment that comes with realizing he’s probably been pretending not to notice, helping you save face.
You nod, a tired, small thing. “Yeah. And that’s the problem; I’ll always keep coming back.”
Looking at the waves crashing outside, you try not to miss North Island before you’ve even left. It doesn’t work, because you can still smell Jake’s cologne on your skin, can still taste the sting of goodbye on your tongue.
But Jake was just one chapter. You know you’ll have more.
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roxygobyebye · 2 years
Y'all gonna learn about my house of flowers whether you want to or not bsndnd
House of Flowers (the order of the flowering lady)
Keskrasyks, a baroness of the House of Dancers, breaks away from her house with some captains and their crews, unhappy with how things are playing out now that they've arrived on Earth after the Long Drift. It's the Dark Ages, shortly after the Collapse, and there's much turmoil and fighting to survive.
She does not stay in the Cosmodrome, she takes her crews far away from their old House, eventually settling them in Yorkshire, England. There isn't much around besides rolling hills, the occasional smoking ruin, and lots of sheep, and in their search for a place to permanently stay, they come across the remains of a small farming village.
While scavenging the village for any possible supplies, some young Dregs find the body of a dead Exo woman—who, most presumably, was killed in the initial phases of the Collapse. Having never seen an Exo before and not really knowing anything about her besides that she resembles the native residents of the planet and that she appears to be a machine, they assume that she must have been of great importance—as within their culture machines are worshipped, so, naturally, this machine must be worshipped too, yes? A machine of such intricate and detailed build? It m u s t have been special
So they go and tell Keskrasyks! and they show her the body
And she's like... yknow when you put it that way it COULD be important. We really need something mystical for morale that ISN'T the Great Machine that abandoned us. Hey servitor come over here. We could make a religion outta this
So she goes and tells the rest of her crews that hey, since the Great Machine abandoned us, let's worship this fuckin thing instead! and for some reason (idk I need to think about it more) they're all like yeah!! for sure!!
so they set her up in a barn or a church or something, decorate it all nice, clean her and clothe her in old-style Riis priestess robes and jewelery as best they can, and sit her on a chair/ at an alter to make her look important, and have the Prime Servitor live there as well as it is their main place of worship. it takes a while but eventually she gains the title "Lady of Flowers", as there are a lot of flowers in the area and people keep putting flower crowns on her.
Keskrasyks, despite setting the whole thing up and knowing that it's just a way to keep everyone happy, sort of truly begins to worship her even though she was only really doing it for show. She's a hard woman, she's a warrior, and yet she's trying to adjust herself to leading this mostly peaceful little commune because she couldn't stand to see how her House went down the drain. There's not much food, and not much scrap, and the days are getting colder and greyer—she doesn't know how much longer they can last, if winter is setting in. She's not used to being terribly kind, and she's afraid. She tells her worries to the Lady as she worships, and she feels better for it.
Everything is fine, apart from the threat of the encroaching winter, until a Ghost wanders into their little camp. And revives their Lady.
Understandably, the place is in an uproar! The Great Machine didn't abandon them, it sent a little emissary to awaken their Lady of Flowers to guide them! It's all real!! Keskrasyks is having her Captains doing damage control like CRAZY as she shields the Lady's body with her own and takes her back to her quarters for some privacy, the Lady is about five minutes old and has No Fucking Clue what's going on, and her Ghost is freaking the fuck out
anyway. anyway. eventually they fall in love. big grumpy battle-axe lesbian and her tiny priestess wife who can nuke you with Light if you're that much of a horrible person. Keskrasyks learns kindness and patience from Lady and Lady learns "Murder is Okay Sometimes" from Keskrasyks
So, in short: lesbiansssss 💕
Thanks for the ask!!
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
I can make you forget
pairing: soft dom!Jacob x reader
word count: 1.8k
synopsis: your life sucks and you find yourself seeking comfort in Jacob. he makes you forget everything by making you come twice
warnings: mentions of depression, abusive parents, nipple play, squirting
a/n: idk why I was like, yes, this needs some angst. maybe because Jacob seems like such a great comfort person so I needed to incorporate that into the story somehow
masterlist + requests
reminder: requests are open :)
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The stress of graduating soon as well as having lost most of your friends was tearing at you. 
There were very few people you could always depend on. You had become friends with Kevin first by having to work on a project together for biology class. You had gotten along so well that you became friends and he later introduced you to his other friend Jacob. Of course you got close to him, too. He was the most likeable person you knew. Both of them were absolutely hilarious and never failed to make the corners of your mouth go up.
However, life just felt so overwhelming at times and that would lead to you withdrawing from any social interactions. Jacob and Kevin seemed to be the only ones to understand that it didn't mean anything personal and that it was something you needed to do. And when you wanted to talk or hang out again they were always more than glad to do so.
Though you hated being in school, your home life was somehow even worse. Your parents were always fighting and yelling at each other and you often hid in your room trying to ignore them as tears were streaming down your face.
Those were the times when you seeked closeness to your friends. You never told them what about your struggles but your silence was enough to make them understand.
One night, your parents were fighting particularly hard.
'You never do anything around the house. How am I supposed to do everything around here?? You couldn't even do the laundry like I asked you to. Was that too much to ask?' your mom confronted your dad. Her eyes were glistening and you could see her body shaking. The wild look in your dad's eyes indicated that he was heavily intoxicated.
'You think I have it easy, huh?? I go to work all day, EVERYDAY, so that you can live. I don't know if you've ever noticed but kids are fucking expensive!' It felt like he was just challenging your mom to contradict him. His words made you flinch.
'She is your daughter. Of course we have to feed her. That is our job as parents.'
'I NEVER WANTED THAT JOB!' He slammed his fist on the table. Spit was coming out of his mouth. 'I told you to abort the child but you wanted to keep her. Look where we are now. You got yourself into this mess. Y/n should have never been born. Things would be a lot easier.'
You were struggling to breathe as you realized that you were the cause of your parents unhappiness. Everything felt like crashing down and you just felt the urgent need to get away.
You had been hiding on the stairs so you got up, ran down and dashed to the door.
Suddenly, a glass was smashed against the wall beside you.
'WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?' your father bellowed. He slowly stood up and began walking towards you but your mom grabbed him by the arm. He slapped her hands away, accidently slapping her.
You opened the door and started running. It was raining and the air was freezing cold but you knew you couldn't go back in. Tears were mixing with the rain drops as you ran through your neighborhood. It was like your legs had a mind of their own as they kept on running further and further. Before you knew it you were standing in front of Jacob's house.
It was already late but you could still see a dim light burning in his room. Since you had left in a hurry you hadn't had a chance to take your phone with you. You resorted in throwing the smallest pebbles you could find against his window. The rest of his family was probably already sleeping and you didn't want to wake them up by ringing the doorbell.
The curtains were pushed aside and a face appeared shortly. After a few seconds Jacob opened the door.
'Y/n? What are you doing here?' He rubbed his eyes in confusion.
You stayed silent because you were struggling to form any words that would accurately describe what happened.
'Are you okay?' he asked worriedly as you didn't move. Not trusting your voice you just nodded your head. You didn't want to fall apart in front of him.
'Are you sure?' Jacob asked again, doubting that you were completely fine if you were standing in front of his house after midnight.
'No,' the emotions came spilling out of your mouth. You ran into Jacob's open arms and buried your head in his chest. Tears were streaming down your face. He embraced you tightly and you fisted his sweater and began sobbing uncontrollably. He stroked your head in a consoling way.
'Hey… It's wet out here. We should go inside,' he suggested and put an arm around your waist to lead you inside.
He gave you one of his sweaters and showed you the bathroom.
You blow dried your soaking wet hair and changed. While the hot air was blowing in your face, you were feeling empty and exhausted.
What had you done to deserve a life like this? Well the only thing you had done was to be born but apparently that was already bad enough.
When your hair was mostly dried, you went to his room. He patted the space next to him, inviting you to sit down. You rested your head on his shoulders and you sat there while Jacob was humming a quiet tune.
'Do you want to talk about it?' he gently asked you after a while. You shook your head.
'I just want to forget everything,' you mumble.
'I can make you forget.' You were confused by what he meant so you turned your head to look at him.
He cupped your cheek in one hand and slowly came closer. He was staring straight at your lips. You closed your eyes and leaned in.
The kiss started very simple. At first they were some soft short kisses, then they became longer and you started engaging your tongues. Hands began roaming and before you knew he was laying on top of you, placing open mouthed kisses on your neck and leaving hickeys.
He helped you get rid of your (his) sweater and slowly started massaging your breasts. He lightly brushed his palms over your nipples which made them stand up hard.
He experementally licked over one of them and your back arched in reaction. While taking turns sucking on your nipples he pinched the free one to keep both sides excited.
You were embarrassed by how much these simple actions affected you. You had tried playing with your breast while masturbating before but it had never really done anything for you. Jacob seemed to know what exactly to do to get you squirming at his touch.
He seemed contented by your intense reactions and smiled encouragingly at you.
His mouth started to wander lower and lower, leaving wet kisses on your rib cage and belly. When he arrived at the shorts, he made eye contact with you as if to ask you for permission. You nodded and he swiftly pulled them down.
He intertwined his fingers with yours as he slowly started licking your wetness. His nose brushed against your clit and you moaned loudly, squeezing his hands tightly.
As he started fucking you with his tongue, he let go of your hands and instead began twisting your nipples. The pleasure you felt in two different parts of your body was exhilarating.
You didn't know how long you lay there but Jacob took his time in making you feel good. He didn't stop until you had your first orgasm. It made your entire body shake and you tried to keep yourself from being too loud.
In return, you wanted to pleasure him now but he (gently) slapped your hand away at your attempt to go near his bulge.
'No, let me make you feel good. I'm already hard enough.'
And that was true. As he pulled down his underwear, his hard cock sprang out. Pre-cum was already dripping from the tip and it looked eager for some action.
After rolling on a condom, Jacob positioned himself behind you and pulled your back against his chest. Because he had prepared you enough, his cock slid in with ease and both of you let out a satisfied moan.
The pace started off slow and you turned your head to involve him in a wet kiss. As he picked up the tempo you let your body fall onto the mattress, only your butt left sticking up in the air.
You were pulling at the bed sheets and tried to drown out your moans in his pillows. You wanted to be loud and scream his name but his family was sleeping and you didn't want to risk being caught and get him in trouble. His quiet groans were enough for you to know he was enjoying this interaction just as much as you were.
At one point you let your ass fall down and you lay there completely flat on the bed. No problem. He just parted your ass cheeks and thrusted into you like this.
His cock hit places deep inside you and riled you up even more. When you started clenching around him, he picked up his pace and his thrusts became more irregular.
He came hard and you regretted not being able to see his face scrunched up in complete bliss.
Instead of ending it there, he slid first two and then three fingers inside you and moved them fast while stimulating your clit with the other hand.
The wet noises that came out of your pussy were an indicator of just how good you felt. Unable to control yourself, juices started squirting out of you but Jacob didn't pull out his hands until you were done.
You were breathing heavily against the mattress. You didn't dare turn around because you felt embarrassed about having squirted.
'You did so well,' Jacob encouraged you while rubbing your back. He then left to get paper towels to clean both of you up.
To say you had left a mess would be an understatement. His sheets were completely drenched in your fluids and even Jacob was wet all over. He didn't seem to mind though and just calmly cleaned everything (and everyone) up.
He then pulled you close and spooned you from behind.
'I hope I could make you forget. You should know that there are always people by your side that love you.'
As you were falling asleep in his warm embrace you thought you heard him mumble: 'Just like I do.'
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loyally-unfaithful · 4 years
domestic life hc—tartaglia | childe
word count: 2.8k
pairing: tartaglia | childe/gn!reader
genre: fluff
a/n:  idk man i got the childe brainrot,, fictional kgb member, i love you <3
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who kisses the other on the nose and the one receiving the kiss blushes?
childe would do it a lot to you, especially at the beginning of your relationship.
not that he doesn’t like giving you nose kisses—he still loves kissing you in general <3
it’s just that when you both just started out, your reaction would be more potent. you’d be more flustered, stammering as you stared him with wide eyes.
if you asked him why, he’d give a smile that’s so painfully honeyed, while his eyes twinkled with mischief.
« you’re just too cute when you act all shy. » his voice teasing.
but here’s the secret.
he is not immune to nose boops.
do not hesitate to do it to him!! give him a taste of his own medicine!!!
he will not expect your boldness and he will be caught very off guard.
his own reaction would be just or even more incredible than yours, actually sksksksk.
tease him and reap the rewards man.
he’d snap up and blink at you, surprised. not quite believing that yes, actually, two can play at this game. he’d try to stutter out a witty comeback, but it holds no bite due to the furious blush covering his face.
either way, the both of you would laugh it out.
nowadays tho, you mostly just playfully roll your eyes at him and smile lazily, waiting until he gives you a kiss on the lips too.
who sits on their partner’s lap as they wrap their arms around their partners neck?
this man is your throne and you will sit on your rightful place.
real talk tho, childe makes a p decent chair considering. and he actually likes having you on his lap—it gives him free and unrestricted access to everything.
his arms would snake around your waist, pulling you closer to him. he’s not letting his prey you go anytime soon, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
as you wrap your arms around his neck, his hands may even wander elsewhere.
maybe you’ll simply hold each other close, tenderly closing the distance between the two of you, happy to have his affection, and him yours.
or maybe he’ll take it as an opportunity to kiss you, roughly, with desire, with want, until you’re breathless and your lips are bruised. this position, you think, as you feel his hand sneak under your clothes and trace your bare skin (which now feels unbearably hot), may also lead to something else. something more.
who kisses the inside of their partner’s palm before reassuring them everything is going to be okay?
before setting off on his travels, childe would press a gentle kiss on the inside of your hand, reassuring. it’s a message, a reminder, a promise.
a promise that he’ll stay safe, that’ll he’ll return to you, unharmed.
he does it to soothe your worries and let you know that there was nothing to be worried about—he doesn’t want you to get all stressed on his behalf. as much as it pains him to part from you for too long, he needs to do what he must; but he’ll be thinking of you and your health every step of the way.
so like
to go on a bit of a tangent
we know that childe’s work, as a fatui—a harbinger no less—is of course very dangerous. and even though he’s more than capable of handling whatever his travels throw at him, you can’t help but be worried for him.
and i also feel like, if you didn’t know this [his true nature] from the get-go, he’d hide his actual line of work or obfuscate most of the details from you.
it’s because he doesn’t want to stress you with the more gruesome details.
if you were never aware of the darker side of his profession, then he’d rather not have your perception of him be tainted. in your eyes, he was just sweet, darling tartaglia—not the murderer or weapon of war that he really was—and he'd prefer to keep it that way.
he’s aware that fatuis get bad rap as is, and he doesn’t know how he’d feel if his status made you afraid of him, or even worse, detest him. you hating him was the last thing he wanted.
you generally respect his boundaries, and accept whatever vague descriptions he gives you about his current “commission” (location, length of time). you have your doubts about his work as a “merchant”, but you have faith that he’ll see his endeavours through, even if you yourself are unsure and concerned.
anyway i…
i’m getting horribly off topic 0A0
moving on—
who initiates the forehead touch™?
after a long day of gruelling work, he’d probably long for your touch and affection, without exactly having the energy left to really vocalise his feelings. 
or at least, eloquently.
that’s why on quiet evenings, he’d seek you out and gently press his forehead against yours, pleased; you happy enough to follow his lead.
maybe childe lays his head on your lap while you play with his hair, untangling knots that have somehow formed in his unruly hair. at some point, he may reach out and pull you closer, close enough that your foreheads are touching. close enough to feel his warm breath fan your face.
you have to bend down a bit, and truthfully the position’s awkward, but your back’s protests are the last thing in your mind as you stare back into his pearlescent blue eyes.
despite his weariness, your comfort brings a smile to his face.
sometimes, he may even murmur something about how happy he was to be back home.
no words are exchanged, but there doesn’t need to be.
the love is there, and the both of you are content enough to simply revel in it.
where do they first say “I love you”?
things such as “i love you” and “i need you” are hard to utter for childe.
it’s a sign of weakness for him, and it’s a sign of weakness he does not wish to reveal nor acknowledge. if he says it, if he says that he loves you, he’s admitting a defect.
he has very little allies, and his enemies would not hesitate to take advantage of any leverage they can get. he doesn’t want you to be in danger because of him, he doesn’t want you to be used against him.
so admitting such vulnerability is very difficult for him.
however, though childe may be cold and calculated, tartaglia, ajax, is a man of feelings.
despite his consternation, he puts great importance over his loyalties and whom he offers his love to.
the first time he admits that he loves you, it is with great difficulty, as if it was a sin he shan’t utter.
he loves you, he thinks, but he cannot vocalise.
the first time he admits it, it was an accident. an impulse, the words whispered out against his consent, escaping before he was able to hold them in.
he carelessly lets the phrase out, and a part of him regrets while the other rejoices.
you make him weak when no other stands a chance to subjugate him so.
he hates it and he loves it oh so much.
it’s so so dangerous, and yet he is addicted.
he loves you.
who wraps their arms around their partner who’s cooking?
ok so like, it’s canon:
his siblings acknowledge him as the “the bestest big brother ever!” because he can cook and do housework. we stan a househusband.
anyway, this means that he’s at least a decent chef.
but because of his busy schedule as a harbinger, he rarely ever finds the time to cook, or to even be home. when he does get home, he would greet you before promptly passing tf out.
so he’d usually buy food when he remembers to eat. besides, his salary pretty much allows him to savour whatever liyue delicacy he wants to. the price, whatever it may have been, was negligible.
but honestly, truly, regardless of how luxurious and mouth-watering such expensive dishes were, nothing could beat home cooking. it hit different.
knowing this, you tended to prepare enough for two during dinner and save his portion on the dining table for when he gets home while you retreated to bed.
but on the off chance that he does get a day off, you best bet he’ll spend all that time within your presence. he is not letting you out of his sight and his arm’s reach.
he’ll ask you what you wanted to do. what you wanted to eat; he would treat you to anything, to repay your kindness, your thoughtfulness, as a way to say thank you, to say he’s glad to have you here and that he honestly truly cares for you.
you didn’t have to make him food but u did 🥺
if you said you just wanted something homemade, or if you wanted to taste what traditional snezhnayan food, he’d be more than happy to make you some of his favourite comfort food.
honestly you’re just shook that the man knows how to cook, and is quite good at it. an unexpected talent that makes you go “damn he’s the one, lads.”
as he works his magic, you’d help him around here and there, bringing this and chopping that. but for the most part, you’d just be his distraction and annoy him.
he will also annoy you back tbh.
playful digs and shade will be thrown… among other things being thrown…
yeah… cleaning up the kitchen is going to be a pain after this…
but he wouldn’t have it any other way—neither would you, for that matter.
you’re either gonna make something very delicious or nothing’s getting done, there’s no in between. you set the tone for this day dkfjd
if you want a chance in hell to actually get to eat something at the end, your best plan is to just wrap your arms around him and rest your chin on his shoulder. you’d pepper his skin with kisses while he tries his best to not be distracted from the task at hand (and maybe not slice his hand open with a knife).
oh well, what’s a little collateral damage here and there?
he’s here.
he’s yours, at least for now.
and you will take advantage of this.
who breaks out the first aid kit when the other gets a paper cut?
paternal cell.
paternal cell.
paternal cell.
we know childe do be a family man tho.
like let’s be honest, this man is a family man.
he loves his siblings and he loves his family. he has a very honest protective streak over his family and proclaimed loved ones. he hates seeing them hurt or unhappy so he will do anything to avoid such a situation.
if it does happen, he will do his damndest to remedy it.
so if he sees you getting hurt, even if it was simply just a paper cut, you best believe it’s protective ajax time and he’s pulling out the first aid kit.
bandaids, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory lotion, you name it. you tell him you don’t actually need half of these items and he shushes you before fussing over you.
he is making sure whatever ailment you have will heal up nicely and quickly.
he doesn’t want to see ur hurt :( and he rlly hopes u heal as fast as possible. you being hurt hurts him tenfold.
but not to worry, if he gets hurts? you’re also there very very quickly. you will rush to his side and you will fret over him, and his heart will fall all over for you once more, because you care about him and honestly it’s a nice feeling.
to be cared for.
maybe he doesn’t mind getting hurt if it means you would give him all of your attention and dote on him.
he just has to make sure you don’t find out he’s been getting injured intentionally because that’s instant banishment to the sofa for at least a few days.
who cuddles up to the other?
i like to imagine childe is a pretty affectionate dude, as in, he’s pretty touchy-feely. there’s also a little bit of possessiveness i think.
a lot of pda with this guy.
he wants to hold you close, he wants to be able to feel you near him.
so regardless of the time and place, he will make it known that you’re his, as he is yours.
it is no different as to when you’re in private. he’d snuggle up to you.
idk he just likes being near you? holding you, touching you, feeling you.
sometimes he can be a little restless in bed. if he doesn’t immediately conk out, he might build up some nighttime anxiety and paranoia. having you sleep soundly besides him makes it a little more bearable. it makes him feel safe and it certainly grounds him.
he finds that he sleeps a lot better and wakes up feeling a little more refreshed when you’re there with him.
of course, you were more than happy to reciprocate and curl up to him, his arms enveloping you.
though he might make a bit of a fuss and whinge, he lowkey highkey likes being in your arms. he won’t admit it, but being the little spoon is nice actually.
childe won’t ask for it or anything, he still wants to save face, but as you cuddle, the two of you would gradually shift until he has his head over your chest and he can hear the rhythmic beating of your heart. calming him.
who falls asleep on who? what is their reaction when the other falls asleep on them?
because of his job as a harbinger (not that you know that), he rarely ever comes home early or during normal human waking hours, so despite your determination you’re usually asleep by the time he slips inside your shared home.
that or by the time childe was comfortably sat next to you, more than happy to cuddle and listen to you ramble on about your day your excitement has already worn off, and in its place, drowsiness.
but it’s ok.
he would smile softly to himself, you asleep in his arms, small smile gracing your own lips, and gently lift up and carry you to your shared bedroom. slowly, carefully, he’d place himself near you without waking you up.
oh well, it can’t be helped. he’s happy enough to be around you, to have someone waiting for him.
but on the off chance you’re still awake while he was asleep, you would definitely take this chance to admire him, quietly watch the gentle rise and fall of his chest.
without that characteristic smug and self-satisfied grin, you’d wager he looked “innocent” you chuckle. but “innocent” and “childe” don’t belong in the same sentence.
stroking his hair, you’d notice how he looked so peaceful, carefree, even, when he’s asleep, and you long for the time when he’d look such a way when he was awake
you’d gently kiss his forehead, unable to bring yourself to break his peaceful repose to bring him to bed. instead, you wrapped a blanket you nabbed from childe’s bedroom around his shoulders and settle in his arms, happy to be near the man you love.
the next day, the both of you may wake up with terribly stiff necks rip
who likes to be held and who likes to hold?
i feel as if this is a shared sentiment. you both hold each one another an equal amount. ^u^
he’s used to being the older brother, the protector to his younger siblings, and he doesn’t oppose to having that role.
so in true childe fashion, he’d tease you for being all cuddly and insatiably hungry for his affection, but coddles you all the same (because he just loves the thought of, and being, held close).
you on the other hand love being adored by the object of your affection, paying no mind to his quips (ok maybe paying a little mind, as you huff and playfully hit him for being mean).
it’s ok though. he makes it up through his actions. and being paid attention to, cared for, adored and cherished by childe? you revel in it.
when you take him in your arms, he feels immensely happy and relieved.
to know that you care for him, that you’re looking out for him and that you love him—it brings forth a part of him he has long believed to have locked away and discarded.
a part of him that would’ve been considered weak, a part of him that wishes to be vulnerable, protected, and loved.
he figures that when it’s with you, it’s alright. he embraces it all the same because he trusts you.
you’re both smitten and you think to yourself that it’s alright his way.
because you have his heart, and he has yours.
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kibybun · 4 years
I think about barbaric tribe chief Bakugou alot, he and his mem take over darling 's small village, they kill everyone and take all the food, but darling catches his eyes so he keeps her to himself, she fights him and doesn't accept him so he often gets rough with her, she even stabs him at a certain time and he punishes the hell out of her.... Something like that, idk lol
This... I like this idea lots. It just plays out so well, I hope you like it!
Barbaric Tribe Chief Bakugo x Reader
Tw: Yandere, murder, non-con/rape, nsfw
🧡Chief Bakugo, The most feared and merciless man known across all the land. Only those in his tride know what he looks like due to him killing whoever comes into his path.
🧡You were the exception.
🧡Your small village was just starting to make a name for itself due to the abundance of crops the small area was able to produce. It started bringing in merchants that brought money that bought supplies to expand and advance the architecture.
🧡You were one of the people that proposed the idea of monopolizing the abundance of crops and building up the town more. You were quite proud of all your small town had accomplished, until it caught the attention of a certain tribe.
🧡Bakugo only wanted to attack your village for the food. If he managed to take most of it that would feed his tribe for about a month. He would be foolish not to go and take it.
🧡His tribe moved in the darkness, loving the element of surprise. They took joy from watching the chaos, death, and pain take place.
🧡When they reach your village everyone was softly sleeping. Bakugo had the honor of starting the chaos while part of his tribe collects their goal. Bakugo starts the small flame on the dry house that spred.
🧡Screams came from the houses with people trapped inside while others begin to panic and run like panicked rodents.
🧡The rest of his tride takes the opportunity to grab the people darting around an have their way with them. Plain killing, slow torture, brutal raping, all in the harsh glow of the fire raging on.
🧡You tried to think rationally while trying to avoid capture. You had few ties to people in the village and they weren't the strongest so you had nothing tying here. You could easily run away and live but you need something to help sustain you.
🧡Creeping through the shadows, you made it to the crops. You were disappointed to see the remaining crops trampled but glad some were left.
🧡You tried your best to collect as much as you could but you were harshly interrupted by the harsh pulling of your hair.
🧡You were found.
🧡Spikey blonde hair, strong arms, deep red eyes, bare chest decorated with battle scars and blood of your fellow villagers. Handsome, yes but you couldn't be caught in this siren song of a man.
🧡You thrash and curse him, desperate to escape while he let's out a deep chuckle at your pitiful attempt. It was cute how you tried so hard... you were quite good looking too...
🧡He throws you over his shoulder with ease, not caring for your threats. He liked how fierce you are and your looks were definitely a deciding factor. He looked forward to seeing how you would fight him.
🧡Bakugo carries you to his tribe, gaining very confused looks along the way. He responds with a very aggressive "What the hell are you looking at!?" before tieing your hands and feet too and setting off.
🧡Along the way your talking grew tiresome so he tied your mouth shut with a piece of cloth. It helped silence your anger as Bakugo fondled and smacks your rear.
🧡Everyone was jealous that Bakugo took a plaything with him. They all had sadistic fantasies they had the simply couldn't be acted out within the short time they were allowed to, so why did he get to take you?
🧡His firsthand man walks beside him, hands reaching out with lust. He thought being second in command gave him the right to touch Bakugo's captive.
🧡In a swift movement his head was exploded by the hand of Bakugo.
🧡Everyone froze, terrified and confused. Bakugo looked at his followers and told them if they dare lay a finger on you they'd suffer.
🧡You were terrified and pleased. Not only did you have protection against all these barbarians, you could potentially have the opportunity to bend things to your will with the fear this man already invoked. Downside he could have his way with you and no one would stop him.
🧡By the time you arrive at their base you had severe rope burn on your legs, arms, and mouth. When Bakugo threw you onto his bed and took off your restraints all you could do was slowly move. The pain of the air hitting your raw skin paralyzed you.
🧡You barely noticed how Bakugo watched to, scanned your every move before simply walking off.
🧡You growl in annoyance and yell at him for thinking he could just leave you. Not only did he kill everyone you knew and kidnapped you he was about to leave you while you were in pain. If you were a hostage atleast it a nice experience!
🧡He smirks and creeps towards you like a predator to prey. He asks who exactly do you think you are. You stayed silent as you sent him death glares.
🧡You are his. Simple as that.
🧡He inspects your injuries with great interest before walking over to the far side of the room. Within a few minutes he's back at your side with a rag and a medicinal smelling goop.
🧡He puts the rag in your mouth and starts to care for the burns. It was smart to that rag in your mouth because if not the whole tribe would've heard you howl in pain. He wasn't the most gentle and the goop stung.
🧡By the end of it you had tears running down your face whether you wanted them or not.
🧡Bakugo takes the rag from your mouth and wipes his hands off before sitting next to you. He pets your hair in a way that bordered mocking and sweet as he wiped you tears. He said no pet of his should show weakness.
🧡You scoff and try to scoot away from him but before you could get far your he pushes your head down into the bed. Oh, how the soft whimpers you made excited him.
🧡He growls into your ear about how you are his and he will do whatever he wants with you.
🧡You lay there once he leaves, trying your hardest to make a successful plan of escape.
🧡You managed to fall asleep somehow but what shocked you more was how Bakugo woke you up. It was shocking gentle with the offering of food.
🧡Due to your arms being injured and not wanting to eat Bakugo takes it upon himself to force feed you. While he's doing this he explains how annoying you are for making him feed you. You retort with asking for someone else to feed you.
🧡He didn't like that.
🧡He quickly shoves the rest of the food into your mouth, nearly choking you, before threatening the lives of his tribe and then yours. He was very against anyone interacting with you.
🧡Later that night he traps you with his bear arms. Comforting, yes but you didn't want to be held by him. You squirm, careful not to hurt yourself, but he only pulls you closer and tighter.
🧡As a last resort you bite down hard on his shoulder, only to get a low and rumbling laugh from him. You couldn't understand why he was laughing, you could taste his blood!
🧡You suddenly feel his hot breath on your neck, asking if that was supposed to hurt, before you feel his teeth sink into the crook of you neck.
🧡You bite your lip to hide the pain. If he could take it so could you.
🧡Unhappy with that reaction Bakugo continues to bite your neck and shoulders, harder with every bite.
🧡You somehow manage to keep all noises to yourself. You were proud and delirious considering the pain was now starting to turn into pleasure. It was short lived though since you passed out from the exhaustion and possibly blood loss.
🧡When you wake up you were all bandaged with food waiting for you beside the the bed. Cute but you weren't falling for a sadistic kidnapper.
🧡Thus, a cycle was born.
🧡For the most part you spend most of the day within his room, occasionally walking around the base with Bakugo at your side. He's gone most mornings and afternoons but is sure to bring you the respective meals. He always eats with you for dinner. The most interesting parts of you day happen when he's cuddling you, besides the killing of someone who accidentally brushed against you.
🧡At night Bakugo always starts something or returns whatever you do to him, like the biting. Most everything he does involves physical pain that fades into pleasure but by then you pass out.
🧡You were over this.
🧡That night you had managed to sneak a dagger into the room without him knowing.
🧡Once he got close enough you tried to stab him but he caught you hand. He chuckles with a dangerous glint in his eyes as he tells you this is the reason he likes you.
🧡He shoves you down and shreds your clothes, leaving you exposed and angry. You were quickly gagged with the remains of your clothes as he began gently trailing the dagger across your skin.
🧡He calls you a slut and a dirty little brat that didn't deserve his dick in you. He also begins to cut a tiny bit deeper, gently breaking the skin and leaving droplets of blood in its wake.
🧡Oh how you hated how much you enjoyed this.
🧡Skin pressed against skin, names carved into you, hot breath trailing up your thighs, pleasure and pain mixed in perfect harmony.
🧡Climax after climax and you were on the verge of passing out when you hear him threaten not being as nice next time.
🧡You suddenly lost interest in escaping.
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avasghost · 4 years
Crane Anatomy Update #2
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(slightly outdated WIP intro here)
DISCLAIMER: this is my original work. please do not plagiarize in any way.
Hello!! I’m finally back with the second crane anatomy update!
first of all, this is probably going to be a very long post, so brace yourself for a lot of mindless rambling.
LOTS of things have changed since the last update, and its going much better now thankfully! what has happened:
i restarted the book
i changed the form
i got very burnt out
i stopped being burnt out (mostly) after making a verb list (fun verbs always help)
i figured out some stuff about my writing process
so there’s a lot to cover.
first!! I restarted the book!! This is obviously the biggest change that took place. I made a post about it here, when i wasn’t sure if i was going to restart yet, and then decided to go for it and now i’m about 4000 words into the new version. It’s going a lot better in most ways, the prose is better (somewhat), and so far nothing boring or unnecessary has happened so that’s nice! but also some things are worse: this version is burning me out a lot more, probably because i’m trying harder to make it good. there was a long period when i was hardly writing it at all, but i’m getting into it a bit more now so that’s good.
secondly, with the restart, i made a few form changes that i love and really benefit the story. first of all, it’s not in vignettes anymore (sigh of relief) because i realized that wasn’t working and the book didn’t need it. vignettes are kinda light and jumpy and fast paced, and at first i thought that was perfect for this book because of its lightness, but as i figured out more things about the characters and plot, i realized that even though the settings and aesthetic are quite sunny and bright, it’s actually a very inherently heavy story and the longer chapters will help that quite a lot with the lightness and yet also heaviness if that makes sense?? and also, the exciting part: every second chapter is a vignette flashback to Isobel’s old life.
for context, at the beginning of the first chapter, they arrive at their new house, and it’s them entering a new life, which is much darker than their old life. but the vignette chapters are flashbacks to their childhood growing up in their old house. the prose in these vignettes is very hazy and bright and dreamy and saturated, because Isobel’s memories of her childhood portray it as brighter and better than it probably really was.
and finally, in all these major changes, i figured out something about my writing process: i’m a pantser, but i like to have the first few chapters outlined, as sort of a springboard into the rest of the book, something solid to base everything else off of. i guess that technically makes me a plantser, even though everything else is pantsed.
now, onto the chapters and excerpts! i’m finished the first chapter and the first vignette, and currently working on chapter 2.
you may notice that some scenes are very similar to the first attempt, because i did keep a lot of scenes and also a lot of the same prose.
excerpts under the cut.
chapter 1: this new life
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it felt soooooo good to write a full length chapter again. after trying to write vignettes for a while, writing a full length chapter was so much more enjoyable. i used to be a very serious underwriter, but (luckily) have mostly gotten over that and can write actual full chapters now, and have a hard time writing short ones!
i named the chapter “this new life” because my plan is to mirror it later in the book, when there’s a vignette flashback to right before they left their old house and its called “this old life” (if i decide to title the vignettes). i love mirroring chapter titles and lines and stuff so i’m excited for this.
ALSO i said in the first writing update (which i won’t link because it’s embarrassing) that there’s a redwood tree in the backyard, but i changed it to an oak tree lol because i realized it would be v weird for someone to have a random redwood tree growing in their backyard.
first of all, the new first line:
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(idk if this is actually an oak tree but i don’t care about tree accuracy as long as there’s aesthetic accuracy ✨)
The first time Isobel steps onto the lawn outside the new house is the first time she feels her life change in person. It’s instantaneous, like a death or a rebirth. Clouds thread across a sun-smothered sky like gossamer strands, swallows trill out of the limbs of oak trees that arrow down the sidewalk. The car only halfway to a stop, and Isobel has already clambered out. A squirrel bullets along an oak branch. A wind chime tremolos in the breeze. It’s the first day of summer. Life has never felt so dead.
a bit about them unpacking and living sad times (also i changed their mom’s name from beth to pamela because beth was too stereotypical)
Nobody speaks except to toss instructions back and forth, or ask for something to be passed to them as they unpack the few things they need to last the night. Their mother, Pamela, is quick-tempered. It’s clear she never wanted to come here, even though she always smiled when they talked about it, encouraged everybody, told them it was for the best, which it was. It was for the best, but that didn’t make it a good thing. That didn’t brighten the prospect, make it feel better. That just made it less avoidable.
Cyrus, their father, keeps up his usual attitude of encouragement, just like Pamela, pointing out every good thing: the sunlight that spangles everything in citrine, the pizza he’s about to order, the bluebird that spits music in the open window, though he says all these things half-heartedly. His faltering smiles give him away. The strands of grey hair pasted to his forehead. The woolly cable-knit sweater he only wears when he’s unhappy and has been wearing almost every day for the last two months.
and of course, margaret is having the time of her life because she’s margaret:
Margaret is the only one who shows no sign of remorse. She unpacks quickly, then spends the rest of the day ruffling through boxes and coolers for crinkly chip bags and frozen strawberries that melt on your tongue and dribble down your throat. A pocket mirror spined with cracks sits beside her on the table, in case she needs to tweak her reflection. Gold chain jewelry chimes around her throat when she moves, glints in the sunlight that pools around her.
after they eat dinner and isobel leaves (yes i’ve shared most of this excerpt before but it’s one of my favorite parts so here it is again!)
After dinner, Isobel’s throat is still throbbing and she decides to leave the house, leave her family, so if she cries no one has to see her. She doesn’t know where she’ll go, where there is to go, but at seven o’clock she lies about where she’s going, shoves out of her chair and clatters out the door without saying goodbye.
From the doorstep, this new life is just a neighborhood. A car parked in half the driveways, the others at work or school or nowhere. Hedges only trimmed on one side. Flower beds, half withering and half thriving. Marigolds are the most radiant as Isobel stalks down the road. Their fluorescent buds like blood-rimmed suns.
She walks down the middle of the road because the town is quiet at this time, no cars whisk on the pavement, swish corners because they don’t think anyone will be walking there. It’s a risk she finds thrilling because she knows Pamela would make her stop if she was here.
Isobel told them she would go explore the neighborhood, the town, maybe the empty spaces outside it. Wave hello to the skinny chiffon woman bent double over the trunk of her red Chevrolet, the man in the houndstooth jacket in his gaping garage, smoke snaking up the throat of his cigarette. Smile when they wave back.
and of course she runs into a forest because everything i write features too many forest scenes!
She runs until her breath clumps in her chest and she stops, one hand splayed over the itchy bark of an elm tree to keep her balance. It’s dark here, but she’s not afraid of the dark. It’s lonely here, but she’s immune to loneliness. Trees spoke the thin canopy, a veil of gauzy leaves. The sky is clotted with sagging clouds.
this chapter is also where we meet felix, who i love so much. i want to make a character intro for him and also his brother, miles, soon, but i’ve been planning to do that for weeks and haven’t yet so i don’t know when/if i will.
felix shows up in the forest and he and isobel talk a bit: felix is very nice and isobel is my lil psychopath wannabe <3. isobel ends up leaving abruptly because it’s about to rain, and then she gets home and talks with piper a bit and then goes to bed. i don’t like ending chapters with characters going to bed, because i do it so much! a character going to bed has a sense of closure since its the end of the day, and obviously there’s nothing wrong with ending a chapter like this, but i do it do often that it’s starting to irritate me.
first vignette
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i still haven’t decided how i’m going to title the vignettes. they’re not chapters, so this isn’t going to be called ‘chapter 2′, but they’re still sort of chapters?? right now i just have them titled as roman numerals, but i’m not happy with this and am going to change it as soon as i think of something better.
this vignette is a short flashback to that morning, right before they leave to go to their new house. it features isobel and piper going into the forest and then they leave and its v sad.
this is the first flashback in the book, and then in future flashbacks it jumps back a few years and follows their childhood right up to this flashback again. the last flashback is going to end with the same line as the first line of the actual book, so it comes full circle.
There were different types of trees. It was a different town, in a different province. Isobel and Piper had evaded Pamela’s searching fingers, hopped the fence, blotted under the trees like redwing blackbirds.
Piper slowed first, sunlight quivering over her sawn black curls, pinching out a cramp after outrunning Isobel the whole time.
same excerpt as in the first update but with an extra sentence at the end and the beginning! why share new prose when you can just recycle old excerpts galaxy brain
here’s when pamela calls them out of the forest and they leave:
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Pamela’s raspy shouts wound Piper and Isobel out of reverie. They trundled to their feet, flitted through the trees back to the house. Then they left.
Isobel stared at the house through the rear window as the car clicked into motion, wheels whirring on the pavement. She watched it shrink: first it was her home, then just a house, then a dollhouse, a triangle of roof on the horizon, and then nothing. From that point on, it was just an image in her head, a lingering wish. A life lost. A life she would never get back again.
this is v sad i’m sorry characters but i had to cause you this misery for the sake of the plot (also you probably deserve it)
anyway that’s all i have for this update! bye!
- Ava
Crane Anatomy taglist (ask to be added/removed!):
@gracestowewriting​​ @flip-phones @shaelinwrites​​​
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cursedsunoo · 3 years
is it alright if i rant? idk why but i’ve been feeling really overwhelmed and just sort of sad recently,, (the only things that are a distraction from my stress are enha videos) i’ve been getting really bad migraines and i’ve missed a lot of school bc of it and i honestly just don’t enjoy school anymore, it used to be smtg that i felt gives me like a purpose but as the day goes on, i just feel worse… i’ve always tried my best to be a happy person for myself and others but sometimes i just want to be free to be myself and complain, but my parents think i’m being disrespectful when i’m not actively smiling or anything, i just don’t know how to act, i feel alone but at the same time i have friends and know a lot of people that make me happy from our interactions.. i often go through these phases of sadness and just have to hope that i’ll have a positive mentality tmrw (manifesting and positive affirmations usually help) i’m also really stressed abt my age, i have like 3 years till i graduate and i still don’t really know what i want to do, nothing stands out to me and i’m worried that i’ll force myself into smtg that i will regret for the rest of my life, all these things are really stressing me out, i really wish that i could go back to virtual school, i had such a blast last year, it was a very relaxing school experience and i miss it so much, now that school is in person, i just can’t handle things, my life literally revolves around school now and i only sleep for like 4 hours, it’s really messing me up and i just don’t know what to do
hey love, your situation sounds similar to my own, so i’ll just say what i try to remind myself —
it’s okay to not know what you want to do after high school — a lot of kids i know take a year (or even three) to figure out what’s appealing to them. instead of focusing on one single thing to go into, maybe pick a branch — something in the sciences, the arts, emergency services, etc. (it also helps to figure out your own morals and wishes!)
i’m graduating soon, and i have no idea what i want to do with my life besides that i want to help people and make a difference — i’ve thought about becoming an emt, an emergency communicator, and even getting involved in group home work. when you group together the main things you want out of your life (impacting other’s lives for an example) it can really open up your horizons — but please, don’t rush into it just because your schools pressure you (they have no control over what you decide to you with your life in the end!)
parents can be stubborn and difficult to communicate with, especially when you’re a teen — most times problems are blamed on puberty or just the fact that you’re in your teen years in general. not everything is gonna be sunshine and rainbows, so unfortunately you just have to put up with the way they see your unhappiness as (it sucks, i know, but eventually it’ll click that not everything is as black and white as they see it)
^ if you feel comfortable, you could always sit down with them and talk to them about it — i know not all family relationships are the same, but it never hurts to try and communicate with them about important stuff like that
lastly, please do focus on yourself — it sounds ignorant and selfish, but you have to put yourself before others. be it sleep, eating, or personal care in general, the key to a healthy and happy life is a happy you. so whenever you’re feeling bad, put on some enhypen videos and let yourself laugh and smile to it, and when school becomes stressful, take a step back and take a breath — teachers (for the most part) are understanding of mental health and the struggles that teens are going through with covid)
i personally had to talk to my teacher about missing assignments (a depressive episode that i had gone through had resulted in me sleeping the days away and skipping class completely) and lay it out that i wasn’t in the best mindset, and without hesitation, she had told me to take my time and breathe.
moral of the story — take your time, breathe, and focus on the things that make you happy : only then can you properly get back into the groove of things
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annhellsing · 4 years
Your Shape.
notes: never in my life thought i’d write an original thing again, but i had a lot of fun!!! i was feeling super overwhelmed and decided to put my maladaptive daydream about a meet-cute with a mysterious entity in a forest into words. rating: teen, we stay tame in these woods pairing: mysterious entity boyfriend idk / reader word count: 3,286
The shape in the forest wants to know if you are warm enough. Moonlight falls over the crown of your head, so yellow and full as to be a parody of sunshine. This late in September, with the harvest coming soon, it is easy to confuse the two.
But the shape does not ask, he does not want to scare you. Your shoulders are slouched, cheeks pressed to your palms to hide tears and sobs. He wants to know if you are unhappy, too. He imagines you have already given him a fair answer, despite not having spoken at all.
A dirt-caked hand curls around the trunk of a tree. The shape leans out of the dark, eyes aglow and horns in danger of bumping on a branch overhead. He ducks a bit, takes a careful step forward. If he were anyone else, the twig under his foot might have snapped and made a sound. But there is an understanding between them, an old promise. The only noise in the night is of your crying.
“It’s too much,” you whisper, half-wailing around the air being pushed from your lungs. You press a hand over your mouth and for a moment, all is quiet. 
The shape decides he does not like that at all. You are unhappy, he’s sure of it, so why not express it?
“What is?” he asks, compelled to speak when before he had stayed silent. You were not crying before, he rations. You did not need help then as you do now.
You turn at the sound of his voice, it is as cold and as full as the moon in the sky. It belongs there, that voice, between the trees. You peer into the dark, not afraid of what might be speaking, but why. Creatures are not uncommon, it is their motivations you have been taught to fear.
A breeze picks up, pushing cool air at your hot cheeks. The feeling is almost pleasant, it’s accompanied by the sound of rustling leaves. Or perhaps of footsteps from your newfound companion. 
He does not walk as a human might, though he is shaped like one. With the grass, too, he has an understanding and his gait is as noiseless and natural as the way that he speaks. You stare up, up, up at him, craning your neck until you find his face.
It is a handsome face, which does not immediately set you at ease. You see the outline of his head and shoulders, framed by two horns extending back against the starlit sky. But the rest of him is a mystery. It disappears into the shadows that knit in a circle around the glade.
“Everything,” you answer with honesty, for it is the best policy.
“I can understand, then, why you are upset,” he replies. 
Your sweater scratches your cheeks as you wipe away tears. But you are very careful to keep one eye open and fixed on the shape, the visitor. It is not very smart to do more than blink in their company.
Still, you make noise. Soft sounds of life, of breath as you try to stifle sobs. Crying gets you nowhere, you remember, especially not with an audience.
“How long have you been watching me?” you ask, careful not to sound accusatory. You are not accusing him of anything, you are only curious.
“I did not mean to infringe on your privacy,” he returns.
“This forest is your home,” you reason. The shape gives a slow shake of his horned head.
“It is home to everyone,” he says, “especially to those who need somewhere safe to cry.”
“Thank you,” you nod, “but have not answered me.”
“Longer than you would be comfortable with,” he replies, “I am sorry.”
“That’s a little vague,” you say.
“Not to me,” he says, “I have seen you here before. Not often, but I have.”
“Oh,” you pass your sleeve over your left eye once more, “I meant tonight, but I appreciate the truth.”
It’s becoming easier to control the way your chest moves. The compulsive need to breathe quickly slows with your heart rate. You are not calm, but you are managing.
“You looked happy before,” he says, “the last time you were here.”
“The last time I was here, things were---” you sigh, dropping your hand and your head. Though you remember very suddenly the dangers of doing so. But when your eyes return quickly to the shape’s again, you notice no change in his appearance. “They were different.”
“They were better?” he asks. Defeated, you nod.
“I am so tired,” you let out a slow breath.
“If you slept here,” he begins, “no one else would bother you. That is a promise.”
“And you keep your promises,” you state, knowing better than to insult him by phrasing that as a question.
“I do,” he says, “the grass is comfortable, the trees keep out most of the rain. Every night I have known life, I have spent it on the floor of a forest.”
“That sounds nice,” you admit. But you are not so foolish as to blindly trust visitors. “I don’t want to go home.”
“Is it very difficult to be there?” he cocks his head to the side, the moonlight falling on a sharp cheekbone. A shadow pools there, you stare with more curiosity than perhaps you ought. The shape doesn’t seem to mind.
“It is,” you reply, “it’s quite lonely, too. Even when I’m spoken to, I feel alone.”
The visitor hums, the sound like the wind against tree boughs. Could he understand?
“I am here,” he says, “for what it is worth.”
You pause, considering his eyes that have not left yours once. Not even to blink. They are a strange colour, glassy but focused very intently on the curve of your face. They look, you consider, like the yellow moon that hangs so close to the edge of the forest.
Round and wide and curious, he stares at you. Not as one might stare at an insect, but as an interesting person.
“So am I,” you reply. And a hesitant smile of your own joins his.
“You have family,” he says, “friends who love you?” and the question at the end cuts like a knife.
“I have nobody,” you say, “though a few would likely search for me. It would be out of habit.”
“Habit?” he asks.
“Because I would do the same for them,” you explain, “my friends and I look after each other. But we’re not very close.”
“You need not be afraid of me,” he says. And that otherworldly smile returns, but it does little to dissuade the butterflies in your stomach.
The shape moves a bit closer, until only his horns are silhouetted against the inky sky. You can see him a bit better, though his lower body still remains a mystery.
You find yourself looking closely at his hands, searching the dirt and grass stains for signs of blood or cruelty. You find neither.
“I am not afraid,” you say, following a shiver.
“Yes, you are,” he says, “I am sorry. I frighten people, I know. But you need not reassure me that you shall be looked for.”
“Force of habit,” you say, “I’ve been told stories all my life, advised to be careful about what I say to visitors.”
“I understand. It is wise for you to follow that advice, but I will not hurt you,” he says.
“And you keep your promises,” you repeat, the smile once again curling on the corners of your mouth.
He surprises you with a laugh, the sound fills your chest even by proxy. As full and soft as his voice, the shape’s laugh makes you feel whole. It isn’t cold any more, you realize. A familiarity blooms in the way he speaks to you already. Perhaps he truly does understand the need for companionship.
You shift a little on the log, deciding to believe him. Not trust, not yet, but to believe.
“I am afraid, but I’m not scared of you,” you say, “would you sit?”
“Can you be both at the same time?” he asks, though he starts forward towards where you are. You’ve straightened up, your cheeks have dried. That pleases him. 
“I am afraid of what would hurt me, of the stories I’ve been told. But you are not like the stories, are you?” you ask. The shape slowly shakes his head. He sinks down beside you, with not a creak from the wood beneath.
“I try not to be,” he admits.
“The woods are lovely,” you say, “I cannot blame visitors for wishing to protect them. It should be protected.”
“But not from you,” he replies, “remember, this is also your home.”
“I never thought of it like that,” you confess.
“Perhaps not, but you do choose to come here every so often. Why?” he cocks his head to the side again, a strand of dark hair falls over his shoulder, having come loose from where it was gathered into a low plait at the back of his neck.
“No one knows me here,” you say, “except for you. And don’t apologize, I don’t dislike that.”
“You do not?” he straightens his neck again. His eyes widen a fraction, as does your smile.
“I forgive you for watching me. I know you meant no harm,” and the visitor nods. “I come here because I am unknown, I can be myself. I have no obligations here. The sounds and sights are never too much, the moonlight is never too bright.”
“Elsewhere you feel overwhelmed,” the shape summarizes. You nod.
“Precisely. And I sit on that feeling until I have no choice but to cry,” it is harder to admit out loud than you like. But in his bright, yellow eyes you find some form of agreement.
He really is quite handsome, you note the longer you’re allowed to look. And though you are less worried about when to blink around him, you find no evidence to suggest he is changing his shape. You suppose that a visitor with ill intent, looking to ensnare a foolish human would choose a less challenging mask.
The visitor is not quite right, unearthly as his beauty may be. His unbroken stare is a colour no mortal thing could ever have. His hair is braided, yes, but this close you can tell a brush has never touched it. What you can see of his ears is sharply triangular at the ends, rather than rounded. Dirt and dust are caked under his fingernails, you wonder if he might be a gravedigger.
But no blood, nor memory of blood pools at the corners of his thin mouth. His lips are not tinged with pale blue the way corpses are. While he is wan and waxy, he does not carry the chill that wraps around you. He may not be fully separate from the night, but he does not seem to belong to it.
“Who are you?” you ask. You’ve spoken at length about your sadness, but it has never felt so far away as it does now. The shape’s smile falters for just a moment.
“I am not certain,” he replies.
“You and me both,” you try to find his grin again, giving him your own so that he will not worry. “I only ask because---”
“Because there is something sinister about me,” he finishes. And he nods, as if he has heard it before. His head dips a fraction, turning from you. All the better see the horns that sprout from it.
They are long and black as his hair, arching back from his brow. They curve, just once and end in a delicate point. And yet he moves as if they are barely a hindrance, with grace that would accompany experience.
“Quite the opposite,” you reply, “I have never heard of anyone like you.”
“I am not a gravedigger,” he replies, “and I am not a monster.”
“No,” you agree, “you don’t eat people, living or dead?”
He curls his lip in disgust rather than answering, it makes you choke on a small giggle. The shape turns back to you, as confused by the sound as you were when he laughed. There is similar awe in his face.
“Then you could be a forest spirit,” you try, “that would make sense.”
“It is possible,” he concedes, “but I do not know. I have been alone for as long as I can remember.”
“That’s so sad,” you speak without thinking, usually a dangerous game. But the shape is unoffended by the obvious pity in your voice. You’ve given him plenty to pity you for, after all. “Do you speak to other people in the forest very often?”
“I have, but never frequently,” he replies. You still do not trust him, but his slight anxiety appears to match your own. As much as he belongs here, it appears he is not sure if he belongs here with you.
He stays a safe distance from you on the log, you shift a little closer. Though your cheeks still sting and the whites of your eyes are still red, you feel less lost in your misery. Less alone.
“I wish I never had to leave,” you sigh, “I could sit in this glade and watch the sky move forever and ever.”
“I have done so,” he says, “it is a very good way to spend one’s time. I enjoy it.”
You trust that to be right, at least. Still, for all his flawless strangeness and otherworldly beauty, he seems very lonely. He’s unhappy.
“I wish---” you start, but cut yourself off. 
“I could steal you,” he says, so suddenly that you wonder how long he’s been holding it back.
“Steal me?” you ask, turing to the shape with an arched brow. But you do not, in fact, sound repulsed.
“You would not have to return home if I did. You could stay here,” he reasons. Taken aback, you smile for the confusion.
“Have you stolen many people?” you ask.
“No,” he says with a firm shake of his head.
“Is it a great honour?” a teasing tone creeps into your voice, your smile turning impish. The visitor smiles too, as if your joy gives him joy by proxy.
“I think it would be my honour, as you would be my guest,” he explains. 
“But why take me?” you ask, resisting the urge to dismiss this completely as some sort of joke.
“So that you will not cry,” he says. And the faraway solemness in his voice stuns you to silence for a moment. 
“Lots of people cry, lots of people are afraid,” you try. He shakes his head.
“But you are here, I am here. Your home is here,” he says. You make a sound, like a sob but softer and more amused. Bewildered.
“Is it allowed?” you know the rules in part, never to accept food from visitors or stay too long. But he isn’t like the creatures in your grandmother’s stories. And if he is, you might be willing to take the risk. Going home with this exchange behind you feels wrong.
“I do not know, I have never offered before,” he admits. You give a slow sigh.
“Are you afraid? There may be consequences,” you try to rationalize why it could never be, and the way his face falls is heartbreaking.
“I am lonely,” he confirms, “nothing else.”
“I was worried you were,” you say. You look at him, horns and all in the moonlight. You dip your head and try to catch his big, yellow eyes. He looks back with no hesitation, like he was hoping for you.
“So, will you stay with me?” your visitor asks. His face softens, more vulnerable now than you’ve seen before. And you thought you had known it all. If this is a lie, you might like to be lied to.
“Right here?” you say, foolishly. His reedy laugh fills your chest again.
“Perhaps not only here, not all the time,” he replies, still looking happy. “I could take you to the places that I like best.”
“I wouldn’t mind staying in the forest,” you consider, pulling your eyes away. The circle of woods around you feels far bigger than before, more free and ready to explore. There is excitement under your tongue. 
Your visitor hears it, he leans in just a bit with your back turned. He couldn’t help it if he wanted to, his mind is already pushing against the confines of his skull. It’s such an old mind, such an old skull. And it has been too long since another voice occupied it the way that yours does.
When you look back to him, you are not afraid. He watches your face very intently, ready to see fear or watery sadness return. He dreads both,  he cannot stop himself from saying,
“And I would not mind your staying, say that you will,” your visitor does not know if he has breath the way humans do, but you have taken his. It will be so hard to part with if you decline. 
To his immortal joy, you lean in a little closer as well. Your shoulders slouch, you relax.
“Where is your most favourite place?” you ask, distracting him from the clutter of his desperation for a moment. 
“Along the bank of the mirror pond, it is not far due east from here,” he replies. It is hard not to smile when thinking of it. The perfect circle of still water, flanked by willow trees and daisy clusters. You might like it there.
“I haven’t been swimming since I was a little girl,” you admit. It’s almost sheepish, embarrassed that such a mundane joy has evaded you.
“You could again,” he suggests, brightening further. Until your visitor’s enthusiasm is dulled by his own hand, worried at reminding you of whatever dreadful situation you’ve come from. “But I would not make you.”
“Do you promise?” you cock your head to the side this time, tilting your head back a fraction to appreciate the full length of his horns.
“I do,” he insists. He would like to have an understanding with you, to understand you. The grass can keep his promises, but it never speaks back.
Your visitor looks so hopeful, you’re shocked by the realization that it may be mirrored on your own face. You are just as desperate, searching for a reason you could say yes. It’s right there, hiding just at the back of your throat. Another word from him and it will come.
He is made of smoke, you’re sure. Of dirt and red clay. Of pine needles and the daisies that you saw when you tried to get thoroughly lost in the woods. And of a kind thought or ten. He is so very sweet, it seems right.
“If you offer and I accept, is that still stealing?” you state your question, the final one before you answer. You’ve decided on that.
You reach into his lap, over thin knees that appear under heavy fabric. You did not see it before for the shadows, but he wears a cloak of green canvas--- so dark as to be almost mistaken for black. His dirt-caked hand, boney and cold from the night air rests against his thigh until you pick it up.
He fits his palm to yours as best he can, it is good enough. 
He smiles, showing his small fangs. You give his hand a squeeze, hoping to warm him. But, you remember, you will have a while to do so. Slowly, you stand and he follows.
“I have no idea,” your shape says.
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m-feys · 4 years
he returned so its time for more neurodivergent gaang !!
adhd/autistic? yes.
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[ID: a screenshot of Mai and Zuko standing next to each other. Zuko is wearing his royal Fire Nation robes with his hair down and bangs hanging in his face, while Mai wears her usual outfit. Zuko looks perturbed as he furrows his brow, frowning down at something, and beside him Mai looks unhappy with her mouth open and down-turned as she says something. End ID.]
- impulsive: yes. we all know it, we all watched the same show. so zuko is the kind of person whos really reserved about shit but as soon as smth crosses his mind he cant let it go, he spent like months being completely broke so he refuses to buy himself anything or accept other ppl buying him stuff until he gets some impulse and then hes buying eighteen boxes of his fav snacks all at once. he also really struggles with volume control and end up yelling way more than he means to. this makes people see him as kinda intimidating but he really doesnt mean to be.
- moral code, he has a really strong moral code but he also internalized everything he’s taught very literally when he was young, so like when he was a kid and the adults around him had these morals and rules they give to kids, just stuff like ‘cuss words are bad’ he took it SO seriously, and always felt betrayed if any of the adults around him broke those rules because they said that’s bad!!!! as he gets older he absolutely get to a point of being like, “fuck it” about everything but for a long as time he was literally the biggest goody two shoes, rule follower nerd. he really starts saying fuck it once he realizes the adults around him don’t know shit and that so much of the stuff they said mattered actually doesnt at all and he’s really really angry just in all directions about all of this
- mood swings, his trauma along with his adhd/autism means he really really struggles with regulating his moods, and often flies off the handle when hes angry, and then he feels really guilty about flying off the handle and gets SUPER depressed about it. he tends to struggle the most with those, his guilt and anger. But he also does have mood swings up, and gets weirdly happy sometimes and can’t stop laughing/smiling, which always confuses him and often times the crash back into depression can really hurt him with those
- memory, his memory is so shit <3, he cannot remember your name, sorry. what was that thing he learned in school yesterday? when was that appointment again? he really really struggles with schedules and outside help really benefits him in this area even tho he’s like hellbent on doing everything on his own, similarly to toph he has issues with relying on ppl so it takes a while for him to accept help with stuff. but when he does hes like, wow holy shit this is so much better.
- interacting w/ ppl, he scripts!!! practices so many of his conversations beforehand bc he really struggles with catching social cues in the moment so he has to think it thru in preparation, ESPECIALLY for ppl he doesnt know!!! if he hasnt got the chance to script it is really really easy for him to come off as rude bc hes very impulsive and brusque with his words. but its like, if he knows the rules he can play by them, so he he’s much better in v formal situations vs casual ones, because he knows how to be like stiffly polite but as soon as ppl want him to just like.... chat he’s at a loss.
as a bonus im including mai in zuko’s post bc i love her <3
adhd/autism 💜
- expression, got really really shut down as a kid so she really struggled with being open around ppl, and she keeps to herself as much as she can bc she finds that way way easier than trying to parse the fucking impossible interactions with everyone around her.
- stims!!!!!! she stims with objects most of the time (typically her knives) spinning them on her finger, fiddling with them, tossing them. dont worry, she’s very good at first aid. She doesn’t fidget around ppl much because her mother really hated that and so she mostly stims out of sight, but she taps her foot/bounces her leg when she’s feeling more relaxed and carefully and quietly stims more with her hands if she feels like she needs her guard up.
- special interests, throwing knives!!! she also likes caring for hair, taking care of her own and other ppls (like ty lee’s 💕)
- sensations, she likes being outside, despite claims of hating the world she doesn’t like being cooped up and enjoys running around in the woods way more than spending all day inside. the main problem is she really hates being dirty and not immediately being able to clean herself, the feeling of dirt/residue on her skin really irritates her and sets her on edge. which is why she sometimes avoids going out despite enjoying it a lot. She also doesnt like bright colors bc they tend to overstimulate her, so she always goes for muted/dark tones, also she just likes them and thinks they’re stylish. she has a lot of opinions about aesthetics but she’s used to keeping them to herself, but with ty lee and zuko she’s a lot more likely to voice her opinion
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[ID: a cropped screenshot of Zuko, he’s holding up the Sun Warrior egg in his hands and looking at the veiwer with a perturbed expression, a small frown on his face. The text on the image says, “This post made by ADHD Zuko gang.” End ID.]
badge by @meteor-sword​
rest of the gaang: Sokka & Katara, Aang, and Toph
i dont have a post for suki written already so idk when ill do her but i do have a few thoughts !
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MDZS Pacific Rim au
Ok I’m gay and love soulmate shit like souls just meant for each other whether platonic/familial/romantic just that shits so good and what better way to express that than in huge robots beating up giant monsters?
So jaegers right? Ok sect backgrounds
Yunmeng Jiang: Specialize in water battles with controlled yet fluid movements. They specialize in midranged battle with swords and whips that keep kaiju at a distance but theyre also very adept at close combat. They definitely have hidden daggers in every open crevice of their jaegers
Gusu Lan: Specialize in more aerial battles, not like sustained in air battles but using different maneuvers to gain the advantage over kaiju. They tend to work in pairs and work in tandem to disorient and overwhelm the kaiju. They’re strict because not only do you have to vibe with your copilot but you also have to know what other pilots are thinking so you can work together 
Qinghe Nie: Ok so Nies made some of the og jaegers with nuclear power and low shielding because it give them a Massive Boost in power but it was also dangerous for their pilots. While the other sects went for better shielding and less dangerous power sources, the nies kept the trade off because pilots felt that risking their lives was worth protecting their people. Nie pilots tend to die young
Lanling Jin: Kind of like the Nies the Jin style has trade offs. They opt for thing light plating so they are quick to maneuver and get at weak points on kaiju. They specialize in speed and precision to keep them alive and effective. They’re basically squishy genjis 
Qishan Wen: Idk I feel they have experimental but dangerous tech that they test. The sects are wary of them but they get results so there’s not much they can complain about. The wens have the advantage because so many of their population are drafted for their pilot program where the other sects take volunteers and people who want to become disciples.
This might get long so imma put the rest under a read more :L
Ok so do we want plot or soulmates first? Hmmm plot to explain the soulmates
We start with wwx and jc. Yzy trains them fast and hard with the other disciples and they both excel in their training. Wwx and jc have a jaeger named Night’s Envy. 
They are a team to be reckoned with as they balance each other. Wwx is impulsive but has great instincts and his ideas are brilliant if risky. Jc on the other hand is calculating and analytical and he takes his brothers ideas and turns them into a viable plan they can both pull off. 
Yzy is always harsh on wwx for his tactics saying hes going to get his brother hurt one day but wwx just laughs it off with jc bc they trust each other so well. 
Also because they drift, they know of each others insecurities and help each other when tensions spike etc etc. We are here for supportive brothers ok?? They are the Twin Heroes of Yunmeng and are inseparable. 
God I havent even gotten to the plot yet. Ok this is a bit of a step back to their training days but this is where wwx and lwj met. Wwx and jc go to the Cloud Recesses training facility because its the most advanced in the country. It’s strict there but their training is top notch and keeps their pilots alive. Ofc wwx gets busted by lwj for alcohol and thats how wwx gets on lwjs radar.
Lwj doesnt know how to feel about wwx, besides annoyed, because hes such an amazing pilot but doesnt control his actions. Wwx excels in the studies and training but is so carefree and flippant about everything that it frustrates him to no end. Doesn’t help that wwx loves to rile lwj up to get a reaction
They end up developing a competitive relationship and always try to outdo each other in training sims and sparing. All the other disciples know about the top two students duking it out for top spot but they keep switching between each session. Before they get to actually try drifting together wwx gets into a fight with jzx and gets kicked out (spoilers they are drift compatible) 
Ok back to our Twin Heroes. Night’s Envy gets deployed for a kaiju but their fight starts to drift into Wen territory. Idk regulations or smth say they shouldn’t infringe on anothers territory so yzy tells them to come back but wwx spots the kaiju headed for an undefended village. It would take the wens time to deploy their own pilots so wwx and jc look at each other and nod. Wwx says their headed to save the village and yzy is furious telling him off for being impulsive and not listening but it was also jc’s idea (he wont say that tho bc he doesnt want him to get into trouble)
Wwx has a wild idea, jc finds out how to make it work, and they go after the kaiju as it bears down on the village. They’re able to push it back but it gets a hit in and jc gets injured and knocked out. Wwx is left to pilot solo and manages to subdue the kaiju before piloting the jaeger to crash next to the village
This is where Wen Qing and Wen Ning come in because this is their village and they pull wwx and jc out from the wreckage. Wq stabilizes both of them and wwx is the one to wake up first. Their comms were broken in the fight and the village doesnt have advanced enough comms to get to the jiangs so wwx stays and helps the village while taking care of his brother who is still Out
Little do they know that the Wens are Unhappy about them infringing on their territory and bar yzy from sending parties to collect her pilots and jaeger and theres now Tension. (Wens are just using this as an excuse bc they want more power in the jaeger industry and want to incorporate the other sects)
Once wwx catches wind of this, he enlists wn’s help in getting them out and they’re able to get an unconscious jc back into the jiang’s hands but then he himself gets caught by wen chao and wen zhuliu. he’s able to say wn was his prisoner and forced so hes safe but wwx is now in their hands.
He gets beaten, tortured, etc for information but manages to escape and find his way back to the wen village. Wq helps him back to health bc he protected her brother and he stays there because he can be safe there. (This is where he basically adopts a-yuan bc i say so)
When jc wakes up hes back with the jiangs but his brother isn’t there. He goes Off and hes doing everything he can to try and get back to find his brother but he was unconscious and has no clue about the village let alone where it is. 
Soon war breaks out between the sects bc the wens are using their weird tech to take territories from the other sects and now the sects are fighting on two fronts: the kaiju and the wens. Finding wwx is lowest priority for the sects but jc is still out there searching and when lwj hears of it, so is he
I think once the war breaks out wwx starts to move his village of wens to a safer territory from both the wens and other sects bc he knows no one will be spared. During his time at he village, he ventures out to bigger wen cities and learns about their experimental/dangerous tech and learns how to use it and program it to his advantage
He makes his way back to the jiang territories once he has amassed a thorough knowledge of the wen tech. he uses that knowledge to take out wen pilots and outposts in the territories he pushes through and becomes a ghost. the only evidence of his presence is the destruction left in his wake. 
Jc and lwj at this point have just started searching together and thats when they stumble upon wwx using wen tech against the wens. Jc is so angry with wwx for leaving him and being away so long but hes also crying as he hugs him close. Lwj is wary of the tech wwx is using because its experimental and dangerous idk. Jc takes wwx back and they continue fighting the war.
Now the jiangs and thus the rest of the sects have an advantage because they have an insider who knows the wen’s plans (meng yao) and someone who knows how their tech works and can use it against them  (wwx). wwx is able to set up some tech to hold off kaiju so certain forces can be pushed to the wen front to end the war quicker
in the final battle wwx is able to get them a huge advantage with the tech but gets hit hard with backlash and gets knocked out during the battle and lwj and jc defend his unconscious figure as meng yao gets the final blow on wrh and the battle ends. 
Idk i want lans to still be healers cuz i want lwj to take care of an unconscious wwx while jc and the others deal with the end of war idk meetings etc plus there are still like,,, kaiju attacking lmao
jgs is gonna be targeting wwx since he knows the wens tech and its uses etc. the jins go after the remaining wens bc they want their tech blah blah. they find wq’s village and wwx goes off. he goes and rescues them (wn is injured but alive) and takes them away. jgs spins this as wwx trying to amass his own tech to take over or something and people believe that for some reason w/e
the massacre at nightless city is wwx trying to talk to them about the wen remnants being no fighting army etc etc but doesnt matter and someone attacks him and he fights back but of course experimental tech isnt always good and it accidentally gets too powerful and hurts a Lot of People (jyl is alive). wwx is knocked out by the backlash and lwj takes him to safety. 
wn is there and he takes wwx back to where the rest of the remnants are hiding and lwj fights off 33 elders who try to follow/intercept wn and wwx
I haven’t decided how the rest is gonna go but I have Ideas. Tbqh there’s a lot missing in between the bullets but i wanted to get this all down 
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hopeswriting · 4 years
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FANDOM: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
EVENT: Flufftober 2020
PROMPT: Adopting a Pet Together
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting​​
PAIRING: TYL!Yamamoto/TYL!Hibari
Yamamoto brings Hibari to an animal shelter, and hopes it will cheer him up a little.
TAG WARNING: Implied/Reference Animal Death, Implied/Reference Animal Abuse
WORDS: 1415
“Good—good afternoon sirs.” The man takes even less than one look at Hibari and shifts his whole attention on a smiling Yamamoto. Not that Hibari is looking at him. He’s doing this thing where he’s scrutinizing the animal shelter while still definitely looking at him. “What can I help you with?”
“We just want to take a look,” Yamamoto says.
“Oh?” The relief is clear on his face at the prospect of having minimum interactions with them. “What about—” He glances at the stray cat in Hibari’s hands.
“No.” There’s a distinct lack of any emotions in Hibari’s voice, as distinct as the unmistakable shift in the air.
The man tenses even more, which Yamamoto didn’t think possible but he’s used to it by now. People just tend to surpass themselves around Hibari out of an overwhelming desire to not die.
Hissy nuzzles Hibari’s arm, unbothered, apparently already unaffected by the Hibari effect. That’s good, seeing as she’s most definitely coming back home with them.
“Sorry,” the man chokes out. He does meet Hibari’s eye, but maybe he’s just smart enough to not risk having him out of his sight. Not that it would change anything.
“Volunteer?” Hibari asks. Yamamoto glances at the badge pinned on his chest. Oh yeah, he is a volunteer. Poor guy.
“Yes, I’m—”
“How long?”
“Err, a long time?”
“This shelter is not up to standards, Herbivore.”
Yamamoto swallows a laugh at the dumbfounded look that crosses his face. But then it takes on an outraged expression, albeit his voice comes out shakily.
“Well sir, we’re not the ones you should be telling us that. All the employees here are doing the utmost best with the resources they’re given. These animals are cared for and loved and looked after with all of our heart. Of—of course it could be better, but we make a point to make sure they’re not unhappy at all. S-so—”
Hibari subtly straightens his back, and he quiets down. “Is that so?”
The man pales under Hiabri’s preying eyes. He swallows thickly, either subconsciously aware—or worse, very consciously aware of the threat building in the air.
Yamamoto takes pity at the sheer panicked look he gives him.
He steps closer to Hibari, slides his hand down his back to rest at the small of his back. “That’s good to know, sir. Isn’t it, Kyoya?” He brushes their shoulder together, ever so slightly.
“I suppose.” Hibari looks past the volunteer again, effectively dismissing him. “I’ll write you a check.”
“No way, I’ll do it.” Yamamoto swings him around to look at him eye to eye. “Out of my own money. For the animals, and as a proof of my love.” Hibari narrows his eyes, and he gives him his most serious, solemn expression. “Because I love you.”
“Disgusting. You’re lucky I didn’t train her yet.”
Yamamoto laughs when he shoves past him. He falls in steps behind him, hands in his pockets.
“Excuse-me sir? A—a check?”
“Uhm?” He turns back to the man, to the confused look on his face. “Oh yeah, you know, for the good of the animals.”
They’ve seen worse shelters by far. Maybe there are a little too many animals for a not big enough space in this one, but at first glance the place is clean, the cages too, and the animals look in good shape.
They’ll use the money right.
“I don’t know if… I’m allowed to…”
“Ah, I forgot.” He closes the distance, puts a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll come check in regularly, so make sure we’ll leave happy alright?” He smiles, wide and cold. He lowers his voice. “Or we’ll break you.”
Yamamoto goes on his merry way without looking back.
A grin quickly plasters itself on his face, and he devolves even quicker into using his baby voice. He waves at the cats, makes faces at bunnies and hamsters, and talks gibberish at every single one of them.
Barks and growls and meowing lead him to Hibari, crouched in front of a dog’s kennel.
Hissy is doing what she does best in the fifteen minutes Yamamoto knows her, that is hissing on all fours on Hibari’s knee. She’s all puffed out to make herself bigger, but is still nowhere near the dog’s size.
Hibari doesn’t even spare him a glance when he crouches beside him. He’s too busy giving praises and incentives and advice to both Hissy and Twilight, stroking Hissy alongside her back.
It does seem to spur the animals on, and Yamamoto wonders for the umpteenth time if Hibari actually mastered the animal language.
“Twilight too then?”
“We’re not calling her that.”
“And Chocolate too,” he adds, waving at the most adorable, chocolate brown puppy he has ever seen, in the kennel next to Twilight.
Hibari rolls his eyes, as if he wasn’t keeping his eye on the puppy all this time. He sneaks his fingers between the bars to stroke the fighting animals to a cease fire.
There’s a content and peaceful look on his face that warms Yamamoto’s heart, still sad and not a smile yet, but it’s the closer to happiness he’s seen him since weeks. His pants are dirty around his knees from when he knelt on the street until he won Hissy’s trust, and a burst of fondness overtakes him.
Hibari tilts his head without looking, and he plants a lingering kiss on his temple. He nuzzles his hair, and when Hibari tilts his head again, kisses his forehead.
They move on, go around the shelter back to the entrance. Yamamoto abruptly turns back before their last turn, and finds himself nose to nose with Hibari.
“You know what,” he laughs, not fooling anyone, “I think I want to see Twilight again.”
Hibari huffs. “I can hear them, I’m not deaf.”
“He was just so cute you know? We should go back the way we came.”
“You will move aside, Kitsune.”
Yamamoto bites his lip, but eventually and reluctantly lets him pass. He doesn’t move from his spot while Hibari strides the birds’ aisle.
This is too soon. Is this too soon? The others said it’d be too soon.
Well, Gokudera and Lambo did. Ryohei and Chrome thought it could help him move on, and Mukuro warned him it could go either way.
Tsuna gave a worrying “maybe”, but he didn’t get a bad feeling and his Hyper Intuition didn’t go off, so Yamamoto thought he could take the shot.
He tries to subtly get a feel of Cloud flames, but the way they snarl at him tells him he wasn’t so subtle.
Yamamoto sighs and makes his way over. “I’m sorry Ky-chan, I’m just—”
“We’ll take this one too.”
The bird is busy eating, a beautiful white dove with black eyes and a black beak, a black collar at the nape of his neck. He doesn’t look anything like Hibird, but maybe that’s for the best.
“Are you sure? Please don’t feel like you have to become better quicker than it feels right because of me. I just—”
“Worry too much for nothing, as usual.”
“It’s not nothing,” Yamamoto says softly. He leans against him, and Hibari doesn’t move away. “Hug?”
There’s a beat of silence before Hibari puts Hissy down. There’s another beat where he strokes the top of her head before he stands back up, straight into Yamamoto’s arms.
He pretends to pull away, clicks his tongue. “Your perfume,” he says with impressive disdain in his voice.
Yamamoto laughs. “I know, I know, I’ll change it back.” He strokes the hair at the base of his neck, breathes in eagerly in their strawberry scent. “You know, Hibird isn’t in bird Heaven because he was your bird, but I’m sure he’s having the best time of his life in bird Hell.”
Hibari huffs a laugh, but then actually chuckles, low and husky at the back of his throat, his shoulders shaking. Yamamoto grins ear to ear, and pulls back to take in his happy face, the gleam in his eyes and the white of his teeth peeking through.
“Obviously, who do you think he was?”
“The best,” he says, bumping their foreheads together. “How should we call this little one?”
Hibari hums, shifting his head to look at the dove. “Blade.”
Yamamoto snorts, holds back his laugh as best he can, that is badly. “Terrible name.”
Hibari shuts him up with a biting kiss, and he’s happy to let him.
This is TYL but in a TYL!Verse where Byakuran isn’t trying to take over the world because, you know, they dealt with that.
Takeshi and Kyoya got together, err, at some point??? Not when they were teens in any case. Somewhere between after high school/reaching adulthood and when they hit 24/26 years old.
They got together because??? Not out of some lingering feelings from when they were teens in any case, of from a sudden realization of how the other is boyfriend material lol.
And Hibari’s type definitely includes “high battle skills” but he’s in it for other things too.
Maybe Takeshi was the one he used as intermediary to stay in touch with the other Guardians/Tsuna/the family business because he’s the one he tolerates the most.
Maybe Takeshi was the one Tsuna sent the most in mission with Hibari because he’s the one most successful to deal with Hibari being Hibari without it ending in a fight.
And maybe they learn to actually enjoy each other company instead of just tolerating/putting up with the other. And maybe they start hanging out with the other outside of family business.
And maybe they learn to appreciate the way they balance each other, and the way they make each other better, and the way they can deal with the other at their worst without, like, not allowing the other to be at their worst, you know? (Probably not lol.)
Yeah, something like that, that sounds nice.
Anyway, they’re together since a year or two here?
And Hibird died because??? Not some horrible death like a mafiosi wanting to take revenge on Hiabri or something anyway. Idk guys, birds just die sometimes.
So Hibird died and Hibari is sad. And he’s not going on a rampage because he’s 26 and learned how to deal with his emotions like a functioning adult. Well, as much as a functioning adult Hibari can become lol.
He does get more vicious and merciless in his missions. And more cold and with an even shorter patience when dealing with the others Guardians. And demands more alone time too.
And it’s been weeks like that, and Takeshi wants to give him back some happiness. He thinks maybe adopting a new pet would do him some good.
The actual, full pet names Hibari uses for Takeshi is Ao Kitsune (Blue Fox), for obvious reasons and also we’re not gonna talk about my poor tastes in pet names.
But only when he feels particularly proud because Takeshi’s messing with someone, or turned on because he’s being particularly serious in a fight, or mad but while still being in a loving mood.
Otherwise Kitsune it is (including in bed, yeah you didn’t ask but now you know lol).
Takeshi calls him Ky-chan, and we’re still not gonna talk about my lack of skills in choosing pet names. Kyoya isn’t much up to public display of affection tho, so it’s only when it’s just the two of them.
And it’s just Kyoya like, 80% of the time anyway because they both prefer it that way.
Hibari wants to call the dove Blade because white feathers, sword, Takeshi’s favored weapon, all that. It’s his way of saying thank you and showing how he appreciates what he did, and Takeshi knows it.
They do end up adopting all three animals, and all three names stay. Also no, we’re not going to talk either about how much worse I am at just naming things lmao.
Thank you for reading! Any and all review are appreciated ^^.
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lordxgrinnyxboy · 4 years
rewatching The Grinning Man once again,,2am edition,,just through Beauty and the Beast bc i had to give up and go to bed. @past me you really thought you were gonna. ha. haha. who ever said you’re not a funny clown.
‘ye gods’ is fully a tagphrase of barkilphedro’s. bc saying it at least twice makes it definitely a Thing.
josiana says Bark looks like a...~bug~...and ngl the cut of his coat + those limp antenna things on his hat do actually kinda create that effect. they really did make him look like a skittering creature
accidentally paused at such a moment where his head is angled just so and it’s so weird bc u can’t see the paint on his nose at this angle what
i could play barkilphedro. it would be a ghastly shame but i. no. i could though. no i couldn’t. but
everything bark says just sounds very...Like That.
gonna start doing eye makeup like bark’s
i have so many feelings about the fact that Mr. Maskell’s ensemble(?) character and Ms. Obianyo’s ensemble character stand beside each other for this scene
au where Gwyn’s mom lives and the two of them work as performers
no but fully that Green Cowl but also like. Ms. Obianyo’s entire outfit??? that is a Fantastic Look right There right There.
i like how Bark points at an audience member when he says “whose life is even worse than yours”
okay so the mist that comes up when Bark first says “laughter is the best medicine” plus the way Ms. Obianyo’s ensemble character Looks At Him plus the way Ms. Obianyo’s Ensemble Character and Mr. Maskell’s Ensemble Character stand next to each other plus the fact that this is all Barkilphedro telling the story of events he perpetrated and whatnot just generally the whole look of the bit gives me Feelings like these particular two ensemble characters are almost sort of the ghosts of Gwyn’s mom and kinda sorta who Gwyn could’ve been but also not but also Kinda
i’m just so very emotional and love seeing these two together they look amazing and i love them DX
Josiana’s Introduction/Portrait dress looks fantastic and im mad she doesn’t get to keep it
London!Jojo’s costume is better
genuinely still can’t believe Clarence is Ursus
but it’s kinda ironic tho since it’s by Clarence’s orders that Bark was ever in the situation where ‘hmm guess i havvvve to mutilate this kid’s face lol, that’s too bad” was a thought htat occurred to him so i mean both of Ursus’ characters had a hand in what happened
clarence is like “look at my unhappy children/what a tonic for my pain” ursus is like “...” and dea’s like “look at your unhappy children father i dare u”
the lords on palace hill are a gift
Ms. Brisson is just a truly adorable individual i love her ensemble character
also the material on the sort of dress/aprons the Lords wear? the print kind of looks like a map to me but idk if that’s what it is?
Osric’s “Welcome to the Stokes-Croft Faire” is like. one of the top 10 most iconic moments of the show for me negl. maybe even top 5. It’s got this particular energy i can’t describe but it’s So Good
i feel like in this scene like the top half of Mr. Maskell’s face is painted white(er) which looks fabulous once the bandages + cowl are added like heavens above but also with the whole “ooooh that’s the ghost of pre-barkilphedro!Gwynplaine” angle it’s interesting w/how Jojo’s got that bit of white paint/powder as well and it looks like Dirry-Moir’s whole face is painted at least for this number like Ooooh Is That A Lord Thing idk but it’s a Vibe
i once again think it’s interesting that it’s the actors for Angelica and Jojo who are in the picture frame for “Chained Beasts Fighting” considering how Jojo and Angelica seem to for real not get along so well during the play’s events
i’ve another theory abt mr. hubert
bark’s really like all up on Mr Maskensemblecharacter for the “stab an old man with a needle” bit.
i’ve tried so hard to figure out what the heck that could mean but all i can find is “they’re probably referring to murdering ppl with hat pins” u-u
yo the artwork on the walls behind them Wowie
gosh i love Osric
the little dance thing they do after “I’ve got the misery” is something i yearn for like. pls.
idk if anyone gets more into that last Laughter is the Best Medicine choreo than mr. Dirry-Moir like. he is positively Aggressive with it
the drum or whatever makes that little repeating like, three-point, one-two-three over and over toward the peak of this song is like. i don’t know what i was about to say but I Like This Part Of The Song Even Though It Is Very Stressful And Intense
idk man gwyn just looks Really Good when ursus pulls back that curtain like idk if it’s the way he’s standing or the way he’s moving however slightly or what he’s doing with his hands but like. A+ Gwynlit you look fantastic right here
i like how initially he looks just at Ursus but then kind of looks directly into the camera. sort of fancy the notion that in order to get through shows Gwyn’s kind of particular about where he looks and will try to focus on Ursus and Dea as much as possible but otherwise kind of just tries to not really See the audience maybe or something
oh hey that’s Born Broken that’s music boxing hangon lemme go back what plays for
i don’t reckona- give me a minute - i don’t. recognize. there we go. the music box sound that  plays for gwyn
dea is So Pretty
“I shall put my money where my mouth is” dirry-moir that is a most unfortunate turn of phrase
ngl gwyn always looks like he’s having a good time doing up the Drama for his act as Clarence
shadow!gwyn’s hair is next level kinds of floofy magnificence
even his bandages look amazing
“Sonny” :}
no but when Gwyn walks little puppet!Gwyn up the ramp to the ship but Dea’s helping and so they wind up standing Very Close and there’s Height Difference i’m sorry but they are Adorable
i reall like the ocean effect they do
Dea’s cowl look is Exquisite
can’t actually remember for real for real but i’m fairly confident that Mr. Maskell’s “MOTHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER MOTHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER” was at least 67% of what initially forced me to fall in love with this show so Thank You Mr. Maskell For That
the cowl + bandages just looks so good i don’t know what to say. that’s a Look right there. the eye makeup? the hair? The Bandages and Cowl? I’m sorry who says this is not a handsome boy?
he looks amzing
puppet!gwyn constantly looks like he’s got one eyebrow raised thanks to how the eye area is carved
i want to know how Ursus thought he wasn’t going to wind up with a couple of the most dramatic chidlren on the earth like when did he think there was a chance they wouldn’t both turn out Dramatic
high note hazlit has arrived
i wish that in the Osric Raises Gwyn au there was some way for Osric to meet like Ghost!Hazlit or i don’t even know but. they need. to meet each other.
Osric’s got vibes and i don’t know what they are but they’re so powerful and they move me to intense affection
it’s Ridiculously Tall-looking Gwyn time. he goes to stand up straight and keeps on Extending
he really just keeps his eyes on the puppet at all times tho
“your little hat can find out what it means” i know he said ‘heart’ but he said ‘hat’ gwyn needs a hat send tweet
book gwyn got to have a hat
don’t worry gwynlit osric’s gonna take care of that in the au
dea’s so cute
so when Ursus says “for certain, it would be no man” is that like a heads-up that they changed the wolf’s name bc now it isn’t Homo anymore or
it’s 3am now and im only 20 minutes in help me dea
the “No” “Yes, yes” when Ursus first gives him the Crimson Lethe kills me every single time bro.
how long is this post do i need to shut up yet
i’ve babbled for longer before i think we’re good
And Ursus Gave The Boy A Name. A Cruel Name. A Name That Means “Wow That Debilitating Wound Carved Into Your Actual Face Must Hurt Pretty Bad Huh Kidlet”
still mad about the fact that Ursus mentions “Melt into mist/no longer exist” and Barkilphedro uses those Exact Words
i always assume they’re talkin about going to Murca but i mean technically anywhere could be the ‘new world’ huh
see the one thing i
when he says “we’ll come back to the place where once we were lost in the snow” now im thinking about adult!lord!Gwyn revisiting like. the actual place. where it all Happened like. imagine adult!Gwyn going back to the gallows-site and just.
under angelica’s reign it’s probably converted into a memorial instead ofc and is no longer a gallows-site but still
puppet!Dea doesn’t wear shoes
when puppet!Dea first goes “Mojo?” puppet!Gwyn kinda reaches toward her for a sec like he’s Concerned
Dirry-Moir waving at Dea like he’s trying to figure if she really is blind smh
cowl gwyn is such a phenomenal look
puppet!Gwyn fiddles with his shirt/vest a lot
the lil motion with his head after the Kiss tho rlly does look suspicious like the “twinge (of unspeakable agony)” motion tho
love how Osric just runs along to go with to see the rest of the show like. he’s into it.
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writing-wolf · 4 years
I did it; I watched and read After by Anna Todd
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Alright, I’m going on a rant, kinda. 
I’m very single, very touch-starved and quarantine makes me pick up on my guilty pleasures: reading/watching crappy romance. So far I’ve read like 4 bad romance books besides the After series, and I’m thriving. We love a cheesy, cliché romance at 2 am, yes we do. 
I read the whole series before watching the movie, and I’m kinda glad I did. The movie was, surprisingly, somewhat better than the books and I’ll tell you why. 
The books were pretty much garbage. Like, I’m not talking about the garbage that romance books made for young adult women with a fantasy usually are (although I secretly kinda like em), I’m talking Wattpad Y/N garbage. I know that’s to be expected because it is a Harry Styles fanfic, buuut a part of me hoped that with it being published as a real book, the ignorant, horrible parts would be cut out. Yeah, nope. 
Spoiler Alert: I’m going to discuss the story under the cut.
First book was kinda bad, pretty dramatic, but like, it was your kind of mindless ‘bad boy’ story. Red flags were starting to show in the relationship (they keep fighting, Hardin’s pretty much a horrible jealous jerk when he’s drunk, and kind of when he’s sober tbh), which kind of made me a bit unhappy. You can’t start off an entire series when it already seems like the main couple is toxic as all hell. The cute parts get overshadowed by the fighting and lies, secrets, violence, double standards, etc. The bet was disgusting and I just couldn’t get behind Hardin. 
At this point, I’m kind of invested in the story though, and I want to see how the hell Hardin’s going to get back with Tessa (because of course they get back together) after this virginity bet, and I read After We Collided. It’s starts off with this Zed guy, and we see the whole aftermath of the bet, with Tessa swearing she’s over it before seamlessly transitioning back into this ‘non-relationship but actually pretty much a relationship’ (this will be an ongoing theme in the next books) when Hardin’s mum shows up. They get back together over a bracelet and some other stuff. Blah blah, book’s kind of forgettable at this point. Hardin’s a selfish dick who doesn’t want to marry, have kids or move to Seattle with his girlfriend, whilst she’s just doing really hurtful things to spite him and hanging out with a couple of random dudes. Somehow she catches feelings (only a lil, because we know she only loves Hardin) for Zed, which is incredibly illogical. But the latest thing we can hope for is character development. The cute moments are actually cute, and they give me feels, but then 5 pages later they’re fighting again, so idk why I even bother. At the end of the book, somehow Hardin gets a tattoo for Tessa, and they meet her estranged, alcoholic dad. Cliffhanger....I guess?
After We Fell is the longest book in the series and OH MY DAYS, IT’S HOT GARBAGE. I couldn’t wait for this book to be over. There’s Hardin asking her to marry him so she doesn’t go to Seattle (he’s drunk, surprise?). Well, shit gets weird, because Hardin, Tessa and Hardin’s family go to Seattle for the weekend or smth. There’s a lesbian couple that has to represent Hardin and Tessa, but better, and that was decently well-done. They have sex, she drinks underage again, he tried to get sober but fails because every time they break up it’s the same story: he drinks and trashes the place, she cries and hates his arse, vows to stay away, they get back together and he promises to do better. And then it starts again. Dysfunctional as shit, basically. There’s huge signs of a toxic, unhealthy, possessive relationship between both of them. 
Hardin sabotages Tessa’s move to Seattle, she looks through his phone (something she’s done before). For the first time though, I end up disliking Hardin a little less than Tessa, because I kind of understand his point? The whole dysfunctional family thing did a part on him, and I get it. She’s also pretty toxic, pointing out his insecurities and being self-centred and wants him to change so badly. I just. By the end of this book, I maybe want them to end up together? Not really, because they’re almost (or maybe even actually) emotionally abusive to each other. But when they get their shit together, I’d like them to have a good, romance novel fuelled love story. Anyways, it was shit.
Last one, After Ever Happy (I didn’t read Before because I was tired of this shit and I don’t massively care). Starts off with this whole thing at Hardin’s mum’s wedding and whatever. He ends up leaving her and stays in London so she can return to Washington alone and he can get high with his ‘delinquent’ buddies from back in the day. She finds her father, overdosed, in their old apartment and that’s what it takes for him to come back to her. I know. Horseshit and I still hate them. He somehow tries to fix all of this, Zed’s a manipulative asshole, Hardin asks her to marry him but Tessa’s depressed, grieving and really not ready to get back into this tumultuous relationship (and honey, I really don’t blame you). I ended up liking this book the most because it felt human. It felt like Tessa was finally growing up and making choices that wouldn’t restart the fucking cycle again. She still drank too much, but I like the change when she left for NY. At that point, I could say I liked the story. Hardin changed a lot and became a capable man/boyfriend. They end up not dating until years later, and I have to say, good for them. Neither of them were ready for a relationship, so I think it was nice that they got the time apart to live first. Epilogue was wayy too rushes and kind of meh, but I was glad it was over. 
The reason I liked the movie was because it was mindless romance and not despite, but because it was so different from the book. Not nearly as toxic and just a lot more calm. Sure, it wasn’t amazing cinema, but it was cute, and the actors weren’t that bad. The main couple looked mad cute together too. The bet got changed and you could see that Anna Todd had made decisions in her book that she probably regretted and tried to rectify. And it was decent. I’m glad Hardin isn’t as horrible, and I’m glad that it seems like they’re in a relationship I could root for, however bad it started. Because that’s romance. Encouraging the audience to love the couple is so important, and the books just forgot about that imo. I still don’t love the series, but I’d be lying if I wouldn’t watch the rest. As a break from good, meaningful cinema and literature, the movies will do just fine. 
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closetedotaku01 · 4 years
i rlly hope youll keep writing after Kinktober, bc as a writer myself i see so much potential in your writing. it's already great, but it really reminds me of my own writing from a year or two back. i was the one who asked how long you've been writing & i've been writing fanfic for 7 years so its cool to see how good you already are. youre going to improve so much over time & i'm really excited to see it, you do so many things in your stories well & theyre only going to get better! (1/2)
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This.... I—. WARMED MY HEART!! Pick a name or emoji or whatever you want and you are an official anon!! Also this got long so.. READ MORE IF YA WANNA!!
Thank you so much for saying you see potential. Sometimes I’m really.... unhappy with my work and feel like I can’t improve and this just... MADE ME SO HAPPY!! Like... hearing it from someone who does write💜💜💜💜💜 makes my whole life.
I’m so excited to keep growing and I hope you stay for the journey because this is so sweet. Maybe casually come off anon way down the road (so I can’t guess) just so I can read some of your work too 👉👈. And no worries there will be more after Kinktober. I am really enjoying this and have no plans to stop writing any time soon.
Okay so my favorite published authors are Jandy Nelson (I’ll Give You The Sun is a book I reread constantly. It’s my comfort book. I swear if my soul was anywhere besides my body, there’s a piece of it trapped in that book.), Fredrick Backman (specifically And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer), Brigid Kemmerer (literally all of the books she’s published with Bloomsbury I’ve read and adored), and Neal Schusterman (Specifically the Arc of a Scythe Trilogy). They all write in ways that affect me deeply and they mean a lot to me. I don’t necessarily try to emulate them, but they definitely are the authors I consult (by reading and rereading their works) to get ideas and to learn how to write.
Fanfic authors. I think I’ve made it pretty damn clear on here that I am hopelessly in love with @imaginethathaikyuu (I’m still too scared to tag her I’m sorry) and her writing. She means the whole world to me in every way. Her writing always hits me in a MAGICAL way. Especially her newer pieces. Works of hers that hit hard for me are: (please note this list is not comprehensive. These are just the FIRST ONES that came to mind. All her work is objectively great.) 
-Tsukishima accidentally teases his s/o’s insecurity - this one holds my heart.
-Heated argument with Tsukishima - this is the angst I adore. Honestly, this might be one of my TOP TOP favorites, because it feels so real. 
-Morning sex with Tsukishima -just the line “theyre your tits!” That’s all. Brings me serotonin beyond words. And it feels so genuine and lovely. Again... she makes the world so real. Also in my TOP TOP favs. (Is my Tsukki love showing too much?)
-Helping you when you can’t sleep - This is beyond words beautiful
-Helping you study - PLEASE I NEED THIS NOW
-Tanaka finding out his s/o is pregnant - YES! SHE DOES TANAKA SO WELL
-Tanka asks Kiyoko to dance.... but she says no - SO WELL 
-Riding Headcanons -🙈
-S/O is nervous about him going down on her  -because who ISNT the first time?
-Learning about your self-harm scars -hits close to home and Iwa’s makes me cry every time.
-Akaashi making it up to you after a fight -my favorite color is literally purple 💜
-Bokuto’s s/o has a nightmare - I literally revisit this one whenever I have a nightmare
- Kinktober 2019 - ALL .... but the ones I revisit the most are Tsukishima’s, Oikawa’s, Futakuchi’s, Yaku’s, Iwa’s, Yamaguchi’s, and Matsukawa’s.
-Kinktober 2020 - please GOD read Kuroo’s, Mattsun’s, Iwa’s, Suna’s, and Atsumu’s. They’re all immaculate but those in PARTICULAR were MASTERPIECES.
-Having an angsty fight - particularly Kuroo’s GETS TO ME. Like... damn. Makes me... melt. Idek why. It’s just, again, how real she makes it feel. From the atmosphere and setting to the way the characters behave. A lot of times in “argument angst” (is that a term?) the arguments feel so shallow and stupid. And I’m like “on my moodiest days I wouldn’t react like that” or “Kuroo WOULD NEVER”. But these feel so real. Ughhhh.
-You give Kenma a gift mid-stream 
-Kenma gets turned on during a stream - can you tell I love the way she writes streamer Kenma 😌 also this is my fav nsfw-esque Kenma piece solely because it feels accurate to his character in a beautiful way despite me headcanoning that he’s ace.
-Oikawa’s s/o wakes up without him there
-Iwaizumi getting.... caught.... by Makki and Mattsun... with you  -Give Iwa More Love 2020
-Tendo teasing his s/o by ... taking care of himself - One of the first Em pieces I ever read. I don’t think it was THE first. But it was definitely the first one I read like... RIGHT AFTER she posted it.
-Tendo comforting s/o who’s parents yell - hits very close to home for me, and I just wanted him to come whisk me away the first time I read this
-7MIH with Tendo  -hehe I love this more than anything. Also Ushijima’s ONE line makes me CACKLE. I’m in love with this one
-This two part series with Atsumu (1) (2) -haha I reread these too often
-Kneel to Pray  (Sakusa) -I have not even one criticism or negative thought. Not one. And I’ve read this TOO many times.
-Tough boys are soft for you - two of the best boys
- Countdown to Christmas - Days 6,7,11, and 12 are the ones I reread the most
THIS IS SO BAD!! I WENT STRAIGHT TO THESE AND DIDN’T THINK IT WAS THAT MANY COS I REREAD THESE ONES REGULARLY. (And there’s a lot more theatre good. Please explore her blog! It’s WONDERFUL) Sorry for spending too much time on Em’s blog, but also.... not sorry cos she’s amazing and all of these pieces inspire me.  I’ll try to be fast for the rest of these ahfihfadsfsjfh.
 @star-puff (catch a theme of me being scared of talented authors)’s piece La Lune and her Fleur d’Amour event (search #fleur d’amour on her blog) are so creative and beautiful and truly show how talented she is. She’s amazing. EDIT: I’m adding this as soon as I’ve read it because it just made me cry. Omg. Read this. Tsukishima royalty AU it is angst though so 👀 read at your own risk. EDIT: On GOD Meg could murder me and I’d say thanks. Please read this beautiful time stamp shit it makes me HAPPY. 
UPDATE: And Meg is now responsible for the most canon Tsukki piece I’ve ever read. 
There’s a cute SMAU called Sunshine by @pudding-head-kenma and idk how she does it. It’s so good. I could never tell a story this complex, THIS WELL, using only text messages and tweets and such. She also does mini headcanons that are REALLY cute.
Anything and everything by @haik-choo is gold. Literal gold. The way she writes Tsukishima is IMMACULATE. Toxic headcanons, mischaracterizations all of its gold. And she’s a beautiful shitposter. She drops shit that makes me CACKLE at the most random times. All of it is a big yes for me.
UPDATE: this is gold.
Of course I’ve read In Another Life and OF COURSE I sobbed. Took me AN HOUR to read because I kept having to take breaks to just.... sob. VERY MUCH A HEAVY DUTY ANGST. Not for the weak of heart. BokuAka. This is probably the oldest piece I’ve read that still HITS for me. 
There are other pieces but I can’t remember them.... probably will come back and add to this post later.
Thank you for this ask. Thank you for being so kind and inspiring. I was kinda worried about releasing anything I’ve ever written and still get nervous sometimes so this ask makes me feel a hell of a lot better and makes me feel like I’m joining a WONDERFUL community like... Look at all that talent ^^^^.
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madeofsplinters · 4 years
nobody asked my opinion on the new star wars shows but
i am a cantankerous opinion haver who doesn’t let that stop me so here are the new star wars shows, sorted in descending order of how excited i am about them
Obi-Wan Kenobi
UM YES, I’m excited about this for the same reason as the whole rest of my Tumblr dash is excited about it, wheee!!
The Acolyte
Is this going to have spooky Sith things? Is it going to finally show us another spooky Sith Master besides Palpatine? Because I am SO HERE FOR MORE SPOOKY SITH THINGS ASDFGHJKL. (It will probably not have enough spooky Sith things, or not in the exact way I desire, but that’s what fanfic is for.)
Whatever it is that Taika Waititi is doing
I mean, as long as they cast Donald Glover this will be very watchable even if all he does is sit around in a swooshy cape narrating his video blog, and I’m here for it. (But: why have they not confirmed if they’re casting him? :-\ )
Rogue Squadron
I feel like I’m not really as into the “flying around being fighter pilots” aspects of Star Wars as most fans, but Patty Jenkins is a director I trust. Also is Ysanne Isard going to be in this movie? I really need her to be in this movie. I really need characters like her to be directed by women, specifically.
This is going to look pretty! I don’t know anything else about it but sometimes that’s all you need.
I love her, but I’m still unhappy that we had to watch her doubling down on the “children being attached to their parents is bad!!” thing on The Mandalorian. Yes, I know the fan consensus is that she didn’t mean it that way. We’ll see how it goes.
The Bad Batch
Tbh I find the entire concept of this group of title characters to be annoying, but the trailer has Tarkin in it and also Fennec Shand and early-Empire angst so, uggggh, fiiIIIIiiiine, I guess I’m watching this
No offense to Diego Luna who is a wonderful actor, I just feel like if we were going to do a spinoff from Rogue One, this is one of the most obvious / least interesting options? Give me more of the Ersos or Bodhi Rook or the Guardians of the Whills idk I feel like any of these would have more unexplored potential than “Rebel spy who does ruthless spy things but feels bad about it.”
Rangers of the New Republic
I mean, judging from The Mandalorian, these guys are pretty bad at their jobs? I’m just picturing this as a whole show about Dave Filoni’s cop character, which is probably wrong.
A Droid Story
My other opinions are that (1) I fully expect half of these to be canceled/delayed the way the last few movie projects were; (2) the timing on this Big Announcement feels reeeeally calculated to distract everyone from the fact that they need to pay Alan Dean Foster; and (3) they really need to pay Alan Dean Foster. Like, now. But unfortunately, I can’t stop myself from fanpersoning regardless.
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