#idk how to use a lot of makeup
davekitties · 9 months
I know fuck shit about contour and proper blush placement and similar things so like sorry not sorry but im here for the allllll the glitter and the glitter ONLY and I put blush over the rosacia on my cheeks when wearing foundation bc I don't like how my face looks without all the red lol
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hearts401 · 5 months
I love how i have pointless headcanons about gregorys transness because his whole ggy era got twisted around to me thinking about how hes trans and how that might connect with his time glitchtrapped especially since he was referred to with fem terms (in other languages but shhhhh let me have this) and how his recovery period of taking back his life could include reclaiming his gender and hitting that "tboy enough to fuck with gender without being scared of being misgendered" type thing and thats why i find any headcanons of him wearing skirts/makeup/nailpolish or other traditionally feminine things so so so special
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m1ckeyb3rry · 6 months
wattpad is so crazy because users will leave comments expressing nothing but pure disdain and anger for whatever reason (y/n’s characterization, the decision to include original characters, temporary ships and subplots, etc)…like at a certain point i start to wonder if they realize that no one is forcing them to read anything 😭
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faillen · 3 months
realized moments ago that i'm almost out of my fragrance of choice (the pran fragrance!) and truly like. idk, adulthood is a series of letting yourself use up the things that make you feel good, huh?
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wewontbesleeping · 13 days
I haven’t worn a full face of makeup regularly in literal years, and I only wore it twice last year for weddings that I was in. So tell me WHY I just went through everything and while I did manage to throw away like 50% of it, I still was like… well… maybe I should keep this purple eyeliner from 2009 just in case…
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melkinpump · 1 year
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A sketch based on @marshmallowprotection ‘s Cereus au (again) except we’re getting even farther from the source material lol
@suspiciouslybluemilktea talked about how it would be cool if the town was in a area with a very cold winter (don’t ask me about geography I have no idea if the area they’re in has those bc my only point of reference is that one Lucky Luc comic) and if the performers wore fur coats and since I am a degenerate I decided that if they wore more on top they could wear less under it! You can’t stop me
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alsoyooraiyah · 6 months
thinking abt how much my makeup collection has minimized and shrunk down through the years bc for some reason youtube decided to show me some old t*ti w*stbrook videos while on autoplay
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essektheylyss · 2 years
also cuz I was complaining about makeup yesterday, my phone camera kinda smothered the green color in this (and it should be brighter. i will make it brighter.) but yes i did go to Salem for cider on the eve of Halloween Month looking like PSL Barbie, as is my god-given right
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hauntedbythenarrative · 8 months
(a lot of tmi in the tags, just saying)
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weenhands · 10 months
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funfactory-moved · 1 year
being unsatisfied w/ my default appearance is sooo annoying like. why can’t i just accept that this is literally what i look like
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volfoss · 1 year
God I cannot wait for the weather to get less cold so I can do doll faceups
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watched ten minutes of a video explaining good vs. bad madness archs but it started out with describing one character and why they are confusing to the viewers and how that related to madness and i kept waiting and waiting for some deep point until i realised i (english lit student with a firm grasp on how narratives/character building/tropes etc. work) am definitely NOT the right audience for this vid
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prans-micellar-water · 2 months
to knowis to be loved and to be known is to b eloved. I want transgender friends who will know me and love me in a way that cis people usually do not
#getting floored by transgendered feelings tonight. I went full femme last night in a way that I haven’t in a long time and it really made#it clear that what I enjoy about looking feminine is the ATTENTION. PEOPLE PAY SO MUCH GODDAMN ATTENTION TO PRETTY WOMEN#I will fully admit that I love getting positive attention for my looks irl. Like I’m not really pretty unless I#put a lot of effort into makeup and clothes so getting compliments on my clothes/appearance is like crack cocaine#which is not healthy. I don’t WANT to care about what I look like#but tbh one of the reasons I enjoyed cosplaying so much is that I got all that attentiob without the requisite feminity. Hahaha hhhhhhh#Last night as I was putting myself together for the charity dinner I felt like I was dressing up a doll. FULL out-of-body barbie vibes#I’m so disconnected from feminine feelings right now. But at the same time I had so much fun being pretty and getting compliments#idk. I don’t even know how to feel. I’m so goddamned tired of all this#if I could beam a perfect understanding of gender fluidity into the brains of everyone I meet I would have come out YEARS ago#I just don’t want to be alienated any more than I already am from the people around me#living in the us south means suffering alone in transness I guess.#I don’t want to be the first genderfluid/nonbinary person EVERYONE has ever met. I don’r want to have to justify my existence#but this cannot go on. but I’m afraid of T. I don’t want to go bald 😭#and I still want to wear dresses from time to time#maybe the solution is becoming a lolita lifestyler. dress myself up as a doll every day for the fucking compliments#leave no room for dissatisfaction with feminity. FUCK#I NEED A GENDER THERAPIST WORSE THAN ANYTHING#BUT IT’S THE SOUTH AND THE NEAREST ONE TO ME IS OVER AN HOUR AWAY#AND she’s out of network. FUCK#anyway I watched an episode of the new f*llout show and it was pretty good 😊#AND I’m playing st*rdew valley again on the new update and the update IS SO FUN#<-lil media update to lighten up this post.#this post was typed up not from a place of despair but from a place filled with the same emotions that a dog chasingits owntail experiences#I’m doing well enough mentally that I can deal with my transgender feelings again yknow. maslows heirarchy of needs with m#with transgender feelings at the top#weekend whining
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my heels have been raw for a WEEK now from the flats i wore to my interview last week. i had to go out, get a decent looking outfit JUST for it, had to put on some makeup -i don’t wear makeup-, had to buy a cheap ass pair of dress shoes from walmart to go with it, couldn’t just show up in my old tennis shoes… only to get there and for all the guys i was up against to be wearing jeans and their tennis shoes like they just came from the gym- and MOST of them got the job. every single woman in there was dressed nice, hair done, modest yet professional clothes, PRESENTABLE. and almost every guy was dressed like they just came from a bar. idk.
they tell you not to have blue hair or visible tattoos or piercings “BeCaUsE nO oNe WiLl HiRe YoU!!” and so you never dye your hair like you want to, you dress nice, you put effort into your appearance for this one day, you wear uncomfortable shoes that shred your heels and you have to wear bandaids for the next week, you give your most thoughtful answers to the interview questions, and it still might not be enough. meanwhile Mr Burger Grease Stained Shirt McGee beside you in his beat up sketchers bullshitted all his answers and landed the job
#i shouldnt still be thinking about it. but i just had to change my bandaids AGAIN and my heels dont look like theyre getting better at all#theyre still raw#it was a group interview and the only other lady in there didnt get the job#only a couple guys out of thr entire pool for my time slot were dressed Nice#like not in their every day casual clothes. one guy wore a marble looking maroon suit jacket which i respect the hell out of#he got the job.#but almost everyone else was in casual wear. hell I was the only girl in pants!! business type pants but still#ALL the women were dressed up. only a few of us made it through#a lot more effort was put in on our part. and yet#idk. im not trying to articulate any specific point here. just kinda cant stop thinking#about how none of the guys are having to wear bandaids on their heels for a week#after their 4 hour interview process#i was only in the damn things for 4 hours. from start to the time i already had the job and drug tested it was only ~4 hours#just my life#vent#im not complaining that they got the job…its just the fact that they didnt put half the effort into looking presentable as we did yknow?#why did i have to put concealer on to be taken seriously. why couldnt i have gone in in my old tennis shoes and still gotten the job#because LAST time i went in for the same interview i DIDNT wesr makeup#and i DIDNT wear flats. i went in in my tennis shoes and formal-ish pants and a sweater and didnt get the job#im not saying how i dressed this time is what did get me the job…but i know that i put more effort into looking the part of an interviewee#this time and i did get the job. so idk. did it make a difference? it was the only thing i did different this time so i have to think it did#idk. i guess i just would like to see the same amount of effort put in. either that or dont make ME put in so much effort.#let me show up in MY casual wear and MY comfortable shoes.#idk. my heels hurt and its annoying
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neverendingford · 9 months
#they were so right peroxide wash on your face is magical and great#tag talk#I feel three times cleaner than normal. which tbf might be because it's been a while since I real long shower but anyway#I feel like I always have to defend myself to my own mind when I buy skincare stuff but like.. we buy other toiletries and don't give a shit#skin is important. and topical skin infections can in fact happen#and like. idk. skincare can be important like nail care and hair care and anything else#just because taking care of your skin has been conflated with buying an entire rack of makeup and other beauty products.#anyway. I continue to learn how to take care of myself#also. once again. being a cna taught me so much about the human body and I've become so much more observant of my own body as a result#being raised the specific flavor of xian that I was. other people's bodies were taboo. so by extension.. mine was too#plus body dysphoria. as a result - massive dissociation. blindness to self. failure to learn about my own functions#I used to think I would use randomly gain weight. it wasn't until 23 yrs old I realized “nah babe that's the bloating that people talk about#I only realized that because a resident had similar stomach fuck up cycles to mine and I was like wait a fucking second...#also. idk. people freak out and think it's gross. but you can genuinely tell a lot by poop. I can tell stress levels. diet. sleep health..#learn all sorts of stuff from paying attention to your body. and it's cool to reconnect with my own skin. learn to get along with myself
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