#idk i am just figuring out what the hell i'm doing fr
wrecking · 9 months
need to beat shame to death with a hammer i am tired of being scared of posting random bullshit on the freaky gay sex website
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yuzukult · 1 month
crush 04 | jww & oc/reader
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title: crush 04 pairing: jeon wonwoo x reader/oc (ft. seokmin) rating: 16+ (mentions of sex, but no act of sex) genre: angst, fluff, eventual smut, racecar driver!au, mechanic!au wc: 5.9k summary: all he knows are fast rides, drag-strips, and speed ovals until he meets you, someone that’s got his heart racing instead of his car. warnings: explicit language, suggestive content (but nothing follows through), mentions of sex a/n: lmfao idk when the last chapter was or if you've long forgotten me but i have arrived... i'm praying that this is good enough :(
The air is cold.
The stiffness of your cheeks and the tinge of pink on Seokmin’s nose speaks volumes, the thin cardigan you decided to run out with wasn’t much help to combat the briskness. You’d been so quick to grab him out of the restaurant that you didn’t get a chance to snag your coat—why the hell did he just show up here? It’s almost like he’s asking for a fight. 
You huff. “What are you doing here?”
“I saw your location,” he says calmly, almost like it’s a normal thing to do. He shows his phone to you, the screen bright and displaying the maps feature with a little icon of a picture of you by the restaurant, the blue dot beside it being his own. “I figured I was in the area, so I decided to stop by and surprise you and your friends. You know, as… boyfriends do.”
You grit your teeth. Seokmin is far from being your boyfriend, especially with the acts he’s been performing lately—so pulling out this ‘boyfriend’ card just because he sees the back of Wonwoo’s head feels low. The location you shared with him was for the time you were stranded on the side of the road, the car battery completely depleted. You must’ve forgotten to turn it off, but nonetheless, it wasn’t something for him to take advantage of. “I thought we weren’t dating.”
Seokmin clicks his tongue. Eyes skimming the area, he shoves his phone back into the front pocket of his jacket. If he truly was your ‘boyfriend,’ he should’ve offered you his coat by now. (Well, he also never said he was a good one either).
“We aren’t, but in the future we will. We agreed,” Seokmin’s gaze is on you now—those irises that used to sparkle underneath any light, including the stars in the sky, are suddenly dull. “I just don’t get it. I thought you said you’d wait for me. Why am I finding you with him?” 
Him. There he goes again, the bitterness he has for Wonwoo is practically seeping out of his skin. The pronouns used to identify him even got a taste of the hatred. 
“He’s a friend,” you state, arms crossed over your chest. It’s freezing out here. “I’m allowed to hang out with friends. Plus—does it really matter if I date around? You’re doing it.”
Seokmin scoffs. In disbelief, too! He contradicts himself more frequently than not now, especially with Wonwoo in the picture. “You’re kidding, right? I told you why I’m like this.”
You sigh. Truthfully, it’s becoming emotionally exhausting when it comes to Seokmin; your heart doesn’t seem to palpitate as it used to when he looks at you, instead you feel it racing from all the anger pent up. You still long for him from the distance, wishing it was you who made him laugh and smile in that way that makes his eyes twinkle as you feign ignorance to his irresistible charms, but the reality sinks in and the clouds cast their shadows when it smacks you in the face that Seokmin isn’t doing that for you. He’s doing those things for another girl, someone who he hadn’t promised his end game to, and it leaves you wondering if he actually means when he says you’re the one he’ll finally come home to.
“I just…” There’s a part of you that wants to end all of this, end all the suffering he’s caused you and the feeling of suffocation in your chest. It’s like he’s got your heart chained and locked, himself being the only person with the key, and you’re stuck in this position until he tells you to go. “I don’t think it’s fair for you to tell me how to live my life while you get to freely live yours.”
“You could’ve had anyone else,” he retorts with a soft whisper this time. “Why’d it have to be him?”
“He’s nice to me,” you shrug your shoulders. “And… right now, maybe I just need someone like that to heal me.” You don’t really know what you mean by heal, but something in you felt like… that was the right word to describe Wonwoo. He’s caring, sweet, and he tends to you when you’re having a rough day—no words exchanged, just quick glances and he just knows.
“Heal you?” Seokmin’s voice raises this time around, his brows furrowing in frustration. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You’re joking, right? A guy like him? He’s an asshole—he keeps secrets and hides shit from people. People he’s close to, people who he claimed to be his family. And he goes behind my back and steals my girl? Do you see how he is?”
He—what? You’re the one confused now. “What are you even talking about?”
Visibly, his vexation lowers along with his stance. “Nothing, just—I don’t trust that guy. I need you to wait for me, just a while longer—”
And before you could ask, ‘how long?’ with smoke whistling out of your ears, a pretty gal with bleach blonde hair and lashes that touch the clouds in the sky eagerly grabs onto Seokmin’s arm.
“Minnie, our table is ready! Oh—” her face brightens at the sight of you. “Hi! Are you Minnie’s fan? I’m Kaykay!” she extends her arm eagerly as you shake her hand gently with an awkward smile. “Well, we have to get going, do you guys want a picture together?”
Your jaw twitches.
There’s something worse about being identified as ‘the girl who Seokmin keeps on the backburner,’ and you’ve never run into it until today. A fan. You’ve been demoted to a fan. You’ve chased him around for so long, in hopes he’d throw away his current lifestyle for you, despite what he says about how he’s so grateful that you’re waiting for him.
All to only be downplayed and lowered to the level of a fan.
“Actually, it’s okay,” you wave her off politely and glance over at Seokmin before slowly making your exit. “He gave me his autograph earlier, but I appreciate it.”
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Truthfully, Seokmin knows he fucked up. 
He knew from the moment your lips curled into that warm smile, an effortless laugh erupting from your chest, and when you dip your chin bashfully at a compliment thrown your way without him being the one responsible for it. He messed up big time. And if he’s too late, he’ll never forgive himself for it.
The best solution is to give you up—and in reality, if this was another person, he’d straight up tell them that they missed their chance and it’s time to move on. Yet, he looks himself in the mirror every time and the words never come out. He can’t do it. He can’t let you go. In the forefront of his mind, he’s fully aware of how selfish he’s being for asking you to wait for him without a timeline. 
But he can’t help himself.
He wants you. 
It can’t be anyone else but you.
In all honesty, he ponders if this exact scenario played out with a different love interest would have him this angry. Would he be equally as fueled? Or was there something more because of his own personal history with Wonwoo? Either way, that didn’t help, and putting you in the middle of it was doing more harm than good.
The history that the two of them have is one that’s been inscribed in his brain—he remembers it as if it was yesterday when a group of intimidating men enter the garage that both of them worked at. The leader snickered at the sight of Seokmin, spitting the toothpick that hung on the side of his mouth with a smirk dressed upon his face. “Is this the fresh meat?” he asked, dark eyes observing Seokmin’s face as he grabbed his jaw between his fingers. 
“Yeah,” Wonwoo said coolly, wiping his hand off a rag before tossing it onto his tool cart. “He’s still fresh, so don’t scare him.”
Seokmin relives the feeling of fear—his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach and his hands began to perspire. “I’m the boss ‘round here,” he spat. Hair slicked back, doused in so much gel that the lights reflected on the strands. Clean shave, smelled like expensive cologne (although he definitely squirted half the bottle), he wore a tank top that displayed the plethora of tattoos that decorated his skin. “That’s all you need to know. I’m the boss.”
Wonwoo lied to Seokmin; he told him that he’d take care of him, help him earn some money and make an honest living.
Working for a guy who has done more illegal things that Seokmin is aware of doesn’t sound like making an ‘honest living’. 
He felt embarrassed, finding himself in a position where he could’ve been just any old regular mechanic but instead as a front of a fucking drug lord’s secret business. When the nights came around, the sun disappearing along the horizon, he smelled the stench of cigars and weed permeating through the cracks of the walls and doors. The hollering of gamblers were faint underneath the concrete floors, but the evident line of expensive vehicles that hid behind the building were enough to give it away. Any idiot would know what was happening there.
But the city was so corrupt; a newly graduated high school student who severely needed a job had to settle for a shady ass job couldn’t even go to the cops about it. He recalled frantically waving his arms to express his story at the local police station, only for them to scoff and turn the other way.
It earned him slashed tires the next day. A threat. A warning. Lee Seokmin would then go as Dokyeom at the shop, just in case they wanted to go any further.
Seokmin spent years trying to cut ties with them. 
“Hey baby,” her soft voice spoke, reaching out from under the covers to lay her hand on his chest. “What’s on your mind?”
And here he is again.
In the sheets with someone else.
She interrupts his thoughts and she only stirs them more. He can’t remember her name, only that when she says it and calls you a fan, the expression on your face made it clear that you didn’t want to stick around any longer. Seokmin hates how he pains you every time he does stupid shit like this, but some masochistic part of him can’t seem to stop. He needs to stop, especially with Wonwoo at arms length to you, ready to catch you when you fall.
“Nothing,” he replies curtly. She’s not you. He wishes he could tell you all the things that happened, all the things that run through his head, and how much he wants to break out of this cycle but even you, the girl who has his heart, can’t even take him out of his own despair. 
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Just your luck.
Dodging potholes should be something you’re familiar with considering how frequently you drive in and out of the city, but it’s evident that it’s still a skill you need to improve on.
“Fuck,” you mutter under your breath. The gash on the side of the tire is so big that you felt the hissing of the air blowing into your face. “You can’t even patch this.”
You’re supposed to meet up with Wonwoo in fifteen minutes. The traffic had gotten heavier, and Google Maps suggested taking the local route but of course it had to be the street with the most unpatched potholes you’ve ever seen. Where the fuck were your tax dollars going into?
You sigh in distress. Running your fingers through your hair, you puff out another heavy breath. Maybe you should do what you learned—yeah, after all, Wonwoo taught you for a reason, right?
Just then, your phone dings twice.
(2) New Messages.
One from Wonwoo, and one from Seokmin.
Both said the same thing, coincidentally, reading: “where are you?”
It’s easier to copy and paste the text in return, letting them both know where you were and had a flat. 
As you pop open the trunk, you roll up your sleeves. Thankfully, Wonwoo’s first date idea is more useful than you thought. Although, there’s a part of you that ponders if Seokmin would ever come. He promised, you think to yourself, because the charming words he spewed always meant that he would be your Knight in Shining Armor in any time of need. 
Would he come?
You sort of wish that he did, just to feed that little glimmer of hope still in your heart but a huge part of you knew he wouldn’t. He’s different now, not the same Lee Seokmin you once knew. So why are you wondering if he’d be here?
There’s a latch inside the trunk, and just when you’re about to flip it open to grab the tools and your spare tire, someone’s lights shine from behind.
Is… Is this your Knight in Shining Armor?
Turning around, the headlights are blinding, and it makes you squint in the direction. The door opens, and a figure comes out—brown hair, built frame, and driving a sedan, you wonder if it’s really Seokmin that comes to your rescue.
With the slam of the door and the figure coming in closer, that’s when you feel your stomach churn and your heart drop.
“Hey, pretty,” he says, voice deep and smooth as honey. “I saw your text. I was on the way, and I spotted your car on the side and recognized you. I guess you could say it’s fate.” That cheeky smile already has you swooning.
It’s… Wonwoo.
“How’d you even know it was me?” You laugh, arms crossed over your chest. “What if you were wrong and it wasn’t?”
“Then I’d have to let you know that I ended up having to help someone with a flat,” Wonwoo grins, tapping your shoulder to move you aside. “But I knew I wasn’t wrong. How could I forget the silhouette and the car of a girl I’m crushing on?”
And with that, Wonwoo makes you forget.
There’s something about Wonwoo walking out of the fog (in this case, blurry and bright headlights) that makes you feel like he’s bringing you with him because at the end of the day, he’s here and not Seokmin. 
Should you set strikes for him? Things that Seokmin does that has you reconsidering even waiting for him anymore, and if it was worth your time being put on the backburner for a man you didn’t even know anymore. Did his dreams and goals even align with yours? Did he still want to settle down and have a family? Did he still want you to meet his mom?
Did he love you or did he like the idea of you?
“I can help, you know.”
“Yeah, but I only really taught you so you’d know. Not so that you can do it yourself. Now hold my tools and don’t stand too close to the lanes, gotta make sure you’re all in one piece so I don’t have to eat alone tonight,” he winks playfully.
Maybe… Maybe being with him wouldn’t be so bad.
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“Ma’am, are you sure?”
You blink blankly at the boy who stands behind the counter.
Recently, you’ve come to terms that your Toyota had little life in it left and with your current promotion salary, maybe it’s time to turn in the fella in exchange for something new and durable. 
And maybe slightly flashy.
The dark grey Lexus IS 350 F-Sport is a complete 180 from your aged Toyota; an affordable, casual, everyday car that took the cheapest gas option and for the most part, fuel efficient to a luxury vehicle of the same parent company. Sleek interior, leather beige seats, tinted back window—there’s even a functional Apple CarPlay! The Toyota’s radio didn’t even work, and the air conditioner was a gamble to get running. But the new car had heated and cooled seats, an entire class upgrade.
Wonwoo had the car sitting idle in the yard of his auto shop. It was barely used, to the point where the temporary tag taped to the rear window was still there, crisp and clean just like it was just bought off the lot.
Because it was.
“Look, I’m so over this car,” you remember hearing while eavesdropping from inside the auto shop. “Plus, I’m selling it to you for cheap. Get rid of that Honda Fit and take this instead. Boss would kill me if I couldn’t convince you to take it.”
Wonwoo raised a brow suspiciously to the man with long luscious blonde hair that stopped at his shoulders. “I drive a Prius,” he clarified and the other male just rolled his eyes. “You’re charging me $2k for a brand new car, Jeonghan. I’m not doing that. And I’m not paying what the market price is for this car.”
Weird. At the time, you pondered why this guy Jeonghan was working so hard to convince Wonwoo to buy the car, but with each attempt, Wonwoo kept rejecting him.
That is, until Jeonghan saw you peering out of the garage opening.
“Is she your girlfriend?” he asked in a teasing tone, nudging Wonwoo jokingly before waving in your direction. “You might as well buy this off of me so you can show it off to her—but also get Boss off my back.”
Who the hell is this Boss they’re talking about?
But before your thoughts could go on any further, Wonwoo was shoving Jeonghan away with a head nod in annoyance. “OK, OK, fine fine I’ll buy it off of you, maybe you can get off my back.”
Little did you know, he only really agreed to buy the car because of you.
Not in the way Jeonghan had suggested but rather for you to buy off of him because he had reached the point where he felt like the Toyota wasn’t sustainable enough anymore. “You’re gonna end up spending more on this car than if you just bought this car off of me,” he warned. “Plus, you’d be doing me a favor ‘cause the longer this stays on this lot undriven, it’s gonna fucking mess with the battery and engine.”
So, you finally agreed after some more convincing. He suggested you to get new tires, mostly because they were low-profile tires (and, you quote “Even though it’s gonna look funny, at least you won’t get a flat tire every time you a hit a pothole.”)
Which brings you here—standing in front of Wonwoo’s new hire. 
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“These tires aren’t what is spec’d when you buy ‘em off the dealership lot,” he says, watching you warily. “I’un know about selling you these. I mean, they already installed them and all, but… I’unno how it went through.”
“It’s fine,” you clarify again, resting your arm on the counter. Slightly frustrated, you close your eyes momentarily before taking in a deep breath. You’ve been at this for ten minutes now and he still keeps coming back with the same responses. The tires are on the car now! “Let me pay for it. I got exactly what I requested—let me be the one to face the consequences if it gets fucked up.”
“I get that,” the new hire doesn’t let up. “But if my boss finds out that I went against my judgment and something does happen, then that’s my fault.”
“Your boss was the one who recommended this to me in the first place!” you exclaim, but he stays stoic. “Listen, I just want my car, go home, and—”
“Jonathan, what’s going on here?” Wonwoo comes out from the back; in his navy overalls with his name tag that reads WONWOO in blue stitching to match, he’s wiping his hands off on a used rag with oil and dirt stains all over. He looks over at you with furrowed brows in confusion, tossing the material over his shoulder. He’s… kinda cute like this. “I thought you said you gotta go.”
“I did,” you emphasize, eyes darting lasers at the new hire. “Something came up.”
Wonwoo pats the new hire to move over and he takes over the computer. 
Then, that’s when it happens.
“What’s wrong, love? Let me clear this up so you can get going. Can’t have you miss your client presentation, can we?”
All the anger dissipates immediately. 
The storm above your head clears, and your gaze is glued onto Wonwoo.
Did… did he just call you ‘love?’
And why did you like it so much?
“I-I-um,” he’s got you stuttering over your own fucking words. Shaking your head from the thoughts, you regain yourself again. “Jonathan said the tires I wanted installed weren’t the styles you get at the dealership. He said he didn’t trust it.”
In the midst of it all, Wonwoo reaches for a lollipop from the candy bowl, unravels it and pops it in his mouth. The stick hangs out from the corner of his lips, sucking and shifting as it makes clacking sounds against his teeth. “Oh, alright,” he begins, turning to look at Jonathan. “Is that so?”
Jonathan gulps with a slow nod.
“Good job, kid,” Wonwoo grins, turning back to the computer. “I want you to be honest if you don’t think something is recommended or preferred. But for this situation, I made the call so we’ll just let this one slide, yeah?”
The new hire’s face heats up. 
And somehow from the exchange, he makes your heart tighten too.
“Alright, pretty,” Wonwoo hands your keys over to you. “Your car is out front. Let me know how it goes, yeah?”
You tilt your head. “But—I didn’t even pay yet.”
“On me,” he’s got that slick smirk on his face again. “I just want you to be safe.”
“You’re gonna go bankrupt if you keep having to pay for me. Let me pay—”
“For you, I’ll go bankrupt. Now, head off to your presentation and give me a call after.”
Uneasy, you check the analog clock over their heads that ticks obnoxiously loud. It’s so close to 10, and your presentation starts at 12, a solid 1.5 hours away. If you head out now, you’ll still make it.
“Fine, fine, only ‘cause if I stick around any longer, I’m gonna be late,” you narrow your eyes at Wonwoo. “I’ll be back.”
“I hope so,” Wonwoo counters, hands in the pockets of his overalls. He knows how flirtatious he is, he does it on purpose but you brush him off to prioritize getting to your meeting on time.
And faintly in the back as you push the front doors of the auto shop, you hear the new hire ask Wonwoo if you were his girlfriend.
Oddly enough, you… sort of wish you were.
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“Can I show you how cars are more than just a means of transportation? Or just a fast toy you can play with on a racetrack?”
He looks so sweet when he asks; the fronts of his brows curl up in question, in hopes that you’d agree to his proposition. 
“Mm,” you hum, fiddling with the pen in your hand. It’s mostly teasing when you hesitate, only because an eager, anxious Wonwoo is adorable. He wants to show you his perspective of things, how he portrays beauty, and the excitement that rushes through his veins when he convinces you to give him a chance to share is wholesome. “Sure. Where are you taking me?”
When Seokmin introduces you to cars, they’re fast and flashy. The need for speed is a priority and so is how exorbitant they are. Whenever you’d ask, the value he discloses had an obligatory minimum of six zeros behind the first digit. “They’re sexy,” he describes them, their aesthetics and price a main concern. “Who wouldn’t want a car that drives like the ones on the track?”
Although when it’s Wonwoo, the discernible way he illustrates his cars verbally is different. He doesn’t brag about the acceleration or shares the name of the brands—he talks about the drive, how he loves how the wind blows through his hair and it hits his fingers when his arm hangs out the car. Cold starts in the winter, there’s something familiar about the loud roar of the engine; it brings him back to the old days where his dad would toss him the keys to warm up the car when it snows. A silver 1993 Ford F-250 with an open truck bed for him to hop in on summer days, sleepovers on cooler nights, and a place to sit underneath the stars to draw out his dreams that once felt unattainable. He romanticizes moments with cars while Seokmin showcases adoration for the vehicle itself. 
“My favorite thing about old cars,” he begins, unlocking the doors to a champagne beige 2003 Honda Accord before slipping into the driver’s seat. “Is the wind-up windows. They don’t make those anymore, and this car unfortunately doesn’t have one, but I love them.”
“What do you love so much about it?” You ask, following in suit in the passenger seat. “It’s so inconvenient. You’d pull up at the last second at the drive thru, try rolling down your windows while the worker asks for your order but you’ve barely made it halfway down.”
“Because the lack of tech makes time slow.”
Wonwoo makes this point detectable when he’s going through a drive thru, and you could hear the workers snicker through the speaker. He takes longer than usually anyone would these days just to get the window down, but the expression on his face shows enjoyment instead of frustration.
Then with a turn of his head, your heart nearly stops at the sight of his charming smile and sweet voice. “What do you wanna eat?”
There’s something so familiar about sitting in the parking lot of a burger joint; food sitting on the dashboard, windows down and the sun roof pushed open, the sun sets in the horizon in blends of different hues or oranges, pinks, yellows, and blues. The colors remind you of an old summer love, one that’s so in-the-moment, you get lost in someone else even if it’s for the season and you’d have to part ways after August. The shared ice cream cones, hands linked on the boardwalk by the beach, and never forget the romantic Pier rides and attractions, where you’d hold their arm in fear and they’d squeeze you for reassurance.
Wonwoo makes you feel… homey.
“I know we’re not dating, but this is my favorite kind of date,” he admits cheekily, warmth rushing to his cheeks. “No crazy distractions. No drama. Just… me and you. And of course, the High School Musical 2 soundtrack,” Wonwoo smacks the player a couple times. It’s been stuck in there since the last owner. “I don’t have the heart to actually uninstall this because this CD is a banger.”
You snort. “Is this your favorite?”
“Mm, only ‘cause it’s the origin of Fabulous. Otherwise, if we’re talking about the whole soundtrack, I’d say HSM3 is my top.” 
Wonwoo makes you laugh—genuinely laugh. He says what’s in his heart and in his mind, regardless of how he’s depicted. Truthfully, it’s been a while since you felt as light as this and you wonder if this is how people come out of meditation like.
Cars used to be just a means of transportation to get from point A to point B to you. Either that, or an ostentatious hunk of metal that Seokmin loves to flaunt.
Wonwoo… gives you the perspective of cars in a different light these days.
Another day, another car.
This time, it’s a white 2009 Volkswagen Beetle.
When Wonwoo lets you sit in the driver’s seat, the smoothness of the leather underneath your fingertips is a reminder of what he says about cars. It’s the experience, the feelings that you get during those fleeting moments in your life and how they're so easily forgotten with the daily work grind taking up most of your thoughts. 
With an early 2010s Spotify playlist blasting through the speakers, the vibration brings you back to a different place. Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men on a CD was in the background, your irises melted into a boy’s who sat in the front seat of his car, palms cupping your jaw as he leaned in, nose bumping into yours amateurly. Your hands were sweaty, breath stolen from your lungs because of all the nerves, and keeping your gaze locked with his was harder than it seemed. He was your first love—now your first kiss. 
The fog of your childhood memories dissipates; that boy you fell for in high school with his long dark skater hair and cheeky braces smile is replaced with the view of a boy from today. Eyes that curl into the shape of moon crescents, voice sweeter and thicker than honey, he goes, “how do you feel?”
You sort of want to kiss him.
There’s this sudden shift in the air when Wonwoo is around; the weight on your shoulders abruptly lifts, allowing you to stretch and move freely. You never once noticed how prettily the sun peers through the sheer white curtains of your apartment on those Saturday mornings where you get to sleep in for a couple more hours after slamming the snooze button once more. His presence at your front door, a bag of groceries in hand as he offered to cook breakfast—everything about him gives you a new outlook on life.
As he sits beside you, in a car that Seokmin would never let you behind the wheel of, Wonwoo watches you eagerly with no hint of fear that you’d hurt the most valuable thing to him… you want to kiss him.
“Can I…” you hesitate, but he’s patient nonetheless. 
Wonwoo furrows his brows. “What’s wrong?”
“Can I kiss you?”
He blinks blankly. “You… You wanna kiss me?”
Quickly, reality sinks in. What’s wrong with you? Why would you ask him that, especially sitting in the driver’s seat of his car like that flag girl would’ve wanted, asking him to make out with you like some horny teenager?
Before you could apologize, Wonwoo places his hand underneath your jaw gently, pulling you in close. “I thought you’d never ask,” he whispers against your skin, eyes hooded as he leans in more. 
His lips are soft, pillowy, and they’re minty from the Altoids he had earlier; his touches are delicate, gingerly moving down toward your neck to bring you in, head tilting to the side to avoid bumping noses. Wonwoo even smells good. Being this close gave you a whiff of his cologne; notes of peach, blood orange, subtle hints of rum and patchouli leaves, you think it’s the Witch’s brew for a love potion, falling victim under his spell.
Drawing back just barely, your bated breaths ghosts over each other’s faces. Forehead pressed against yours, his hand reaches to push back a couple strands of your hair behind your ear. 
“I know what you think this means,” Wonwoo says softly, almost like he’s sharing a secret but the words that spill are nothing but obvious to everyone. “But I don’t want you to feel like you have to jump all in this with me. If you decide after this that you don’t want to be with me, I’m okay with that too. Just… take your time, okay? We’ll go at your own pace.”
But I’m scared, is what you want to admit but it never comes out. The silence fills the air, the whooshing of cars driving over the wet asphalt being the only noise, it’s strangely soothing despite the current event. Wonwoo makes your heart stutter, and it’s been a long time since you’ve felt this nervous around someone. Not even Seokmin.
He pecks your lips cautiously, thumb rubbing against the softness of your cheeks. “I want you to resolve your relationship with Dokyeom.”
That’s when you retreat.
“What?” you furrow your brows frustratedly. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Wonwoo sighs, leaning back in his seat before pushing his hair back. “Whether or not we pursue this thing between us, I think you need to figure out your situation with Kyeom.”
“I just asked to kiss you,” you retort. “That’s a clear indication that I like you. Why did you have to bring Seokmin into this?”
“Because I don’t just like you, I love you.”
You freeze.
This drive was supposed to be just a mini trip—a time to get away from the city, enjoy the fresh breeze by the shore, and try out driving his Volkswagen for the first time. The stickiness of the air accumulates a layer on your skin, tacky and sweaty, oftentimes causing discomfort but nothing about now feels uncomfortable.
Did… Did Wonwoo just tell you that he loves you?
Maybe it’s an oversight, you think, because he spills it so naturally. Sometimes people accidentally say things outside of what they mean in the spur of a moment, especially this moment, because you found yourself asking him for a kiss just seconds before. 
“I mean it,” he adds. When he turns to look at you, his irises are like pools of warm hot chocolate, bringing the same satisfaction as holding a cup of it by a lit fireplace on a cool day. “I love you. And I know you’re barely just figuring things out, but I think for you to fully move on, you gotta talk to Kyeom.”
“This is sudden,” you pause, fiddling with your fingers. “Why are you saying this now? I barely confessed, we even kissed, and—”
“Why couldn’t you tell me you liked me?”
You blink. “Huh?”
“Why,” he reiterates, gaze never leaving yours. “Why couldn’t you tell me how you feel? Why do you feel like… you have to apologize for wanting to kiss me? Even though I’ve clearly stated my feelings?”
Rolling your lips, you turn to look at the horizon.
“You’re holding back because of Kyeom. If—If I’ve been overstepping boundaries, you would’ve told me by now. That's the kind of person you are. You wouldn’t lead me on, kissing me, coming by my shop, and taking all my advances if you didn’t feel some type of way. But you’re holding yourself back.”
“Seokmin doesn’t control my life. He doesn’t need to know anything about us. He doesn’t deserve that.”
That’s when Wonwoo reaches to hold your hand. 
“And you’re right, he doesn’t. But… you’re letting him… own your feelings. Own your love. You’ve been sitting here with me, and your heart is with him. I’ll take whatever—I’ll give you all the kisses you ask for, I’ll take you on all these drives, you can be behind the wheel of every car I own, but I can’t… I can’t have you because you’re still with Kyeom.”
“So… what now?”
“This kiss was a reality check for me,” he discloses, tapping his feet against the mat on the floor. “Not that I want to push you away, but… to make things clear between us. I love you, and I’m not gonna pressure you to date me. But if you’re gonna kiss me like this, like you’re in love with me too, I need to establish my own boundaries. I’m your friend, but if you want anything more, I need you to fix this thing with Dokyeom.”
And somehow, it always goes back to Seokmin.
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averytirednerd · 5 months
About Episodes 7 and 8...MASSIVE SPOILERS!!
Initial thoughts (because if I talk about EVERYTHING right now you'll be here for at least half an hour)...
I mean I loved getting to watch the season finale, don't get me wrong. But I have just as many grievances as things I loved about it and also SO MUCH happened?!?!?!
Charlie: Loved getting to see her be all demon-y, I've been waiting all season. Also loved her and the cannibals (especially Rosie!!!). So glad she got to work w/ Luci to protect the hotel <333 She and Vaggie are adorable too.
Vaggie: I really enjoyed watching her and Carmilla's song, that was cool. Protecting her girlfriend, very cute. I liked seeing her and Lute have that little face-off.
Husk: Sad that we didn't get to see much of him, but I get it. His interactions with the others were sweet (especially Angel). I loved the one line he got to sing on his own in that last song of episode 8. 😍
Angel: Ngl I am very glad he wasn't the one to die. It would've been a fun little "oh crap" moment but I really didn't want to be right. He's still got business down there. His interactions with the others here are everything to me, and he's just grown so much and aaaaaa. It's lovely to see! I love him more and more with every episode.
Niffty: YOU GO, GIRL!!!! Love to see the stabbing. I also really loved the...one line Nifty got. Kimiko Glenn's voice is a gift, I freaked out over getting to hear one line. Anyway. not much else to say other than I definitely thought it was Alastor doing a big "oh look, I'm alive!" thing when Adam got stabbed, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Cherri Bomb/Sir P: I was surprised, to say the least, when Cherri and Sir P had that little moment. Glad they got it before he went and DIED. Cherri is such a good friend to Angel and she's great. Now, onto Sir P...WOW, OKAY. Glad we know Charlie's plan isn't completely stupid. Wonder how Sera's gonna react to him being there now, lol.
The Vees: FIRST OFF, VOX?????? "This is better than sex!" 💀💀💀 Truly was not expecting to see as much of the Vees as we did. Not complaining though. It was...interesting...to say the least, watching Vox get as excited as he did over the prospect of Al dying (still as obsessed as ever, fr). Not at all surprised to see Val and Vox have a thing going, I figured from the interactions we've seen so far. Them dancing together was silly, them practically making out was less so 😃. Also, gotta continue the love for Velvette--putting up with these two idiots must take a lot. Also also, her HAIR! HER HAIR!! EEEEE
Lucifer: I reallllyyyyyy enjoyed seeing Luci make a return to help Charlie, even if it was in one of those "last-minute saves" that I usually hate. Idk, makes sense here I guess because he's probably always watching over Charlie some way. ALSO LUCI AND CHARLIE GOING ALL DEMON-Y TOGETHER WAS <33333333 I really loved him starting off that last song in episode 8, and telling Charlie that he believes in her. It was so sweet. I love Luci sm, hoping he becomes a more integral part of the crew in s2.
Adam/Lute/Lilith: HAHA HOW DOES IT FEEL TO LOSE??? Lute got what she deserved with the whole...arm thing. ALSO WHAT--JUST GONNA CASUALLY DROP LILITH IN HERE NOW? Sure, fine, whatever, totally cool. Not sure how to feel about Lilith atm so moving on. I dunno why I was so shocked upon seeing Adam's face. I guess I expected him to...not look as good as he does? Also so upset that he broke Al's staff. How rude. He sucks.
Rosie: Not how I expected her to sound, but I'm most certainly not disappointed. I don't have much to say other than I loved literally everything about her. No complaints--at least not yet ig, need to go back and rewatch the episodes critically. Her and Alastor is everything to me, and seeing them dance was <333333 I cannot express my excitement over it enough.
Alastor: Saved him for last because yes. If I wasn't limiting myself to a short paragraph for each, I'd be writing a whole essay just about Al, I swear....CANNOT believe what just happened omg. Not only did we get to see silly Al in episode 7, but we got to see scary (and scared) Al in episode 8. He's really freaking out, it's so entertaining! I'm so glad it wasn't him who died, I started getting a bit worried for a minute there....His relationship with Rosie is aaaaa, best of besties fr. Fighting Adam scene was glorious. Making Vox act like an idiot even when not trying was funny to watch (Vox's obsession with this guy is so silly). Him retreating sure was a move, but I'm glad he didn't get all stubborn and end up dying. Him ranting a bit in his section of the final song was so...AAAAAAA. Man is so scared, he looks stressed as can be. I need to see Alastor just have an external breakdown because he honestly feels like he's on the verge of one. 💀
Stopping for now before I go on a bigger rant than I already have. To those who read all this, I'm so sorry pfft. Feel free to leave a comment if there's something you wanna discuss (or, better yet, send one of those ask thingies. I do not have comments figured out yet...)
Anyway, have a good one <3
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cvnt4him · 4 days
i would request monoma x reader bc I'm literally going crazy about him but idk-- OMG NVM MONOMA X KIND/SOFT READER
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You know you wrong as hell for that picture tho.. bc why he look so goofy, bones js doing my man wrong this season😞
*˖°My heart.°˖*
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"I don't get what you even see in him, my love."
Mina scolds as she finishes crocheting your last butterfly loc into your hair.
It was 4 AM, you both had school in a couple hours and she had been doing your hair since 12 o'clock. Your head was pounding and was going to be throbbing for the next week. You can only imagine how bad it'll be once you put your hair into a ponytail...
You sigh from relief knowing that was the last braid you had to endure. She puts muse all over your hair, the soft yet cold air like foam covering your hair as she gently slides her hands down each braid costing it in the pleasant and calming scented hair applicator.
You stand and stretch deciding to just put your bonnet on without putting your hair up so you can just head straight to bed, not that you'd get much sleep since school started in like what less than an hour and a half? What's the point in even trying to sleep.
"he makes me laugh. he's a gentleman, he--"
"gentleman my ass."
She cuts you off with a scoff straightening up all of the things she used to do your hair, putting them away and washing the icky foam texture off of her hands.
"okay first of all, don't you ever in your life; he's a sweetheart, really he is. and I don't need you questioning my choices, you're like a sister to me so please for the love of God just fucking trust my choices for once, yeah?"
She hums and rolls her eyes putting her bonnet on and getting under her leopard printed covers. She sighs and wishes you a good night as you leave and head back to your dorm.
All you could think about while getting ready for school was how rude mina was. Sure he was quite unpleasant to your classmates but he's a sweet guy to you!! Well no.. he's just less of an asshole. You noticed that Everytime he would say some smartsss remark to your peers he wouldn't say anything even remotely bad to you. He wouldn't even look at you. It's like there was something about you that just made him go silent.
The way you looked at him however, that was a game changer. He would get all stuttery over his words and just get flustered to the point he'd live without kendo needing to assist. (Knocking his hardheaded ass out)
You figured he had a crush on you which you were completely alright with due to you reciprocating his feelings! He was so beautiful and rather charming in his own way. He was distinguished and quite dashing!!!
You had no idea how people could just say such mean things to him!!
You finish off your look with a silver necklace that makes everything pop so beautifully. Your many rings matching indefinitely. You wore a white turtle neck and a pastel pink plaid skirt with white opaque tights on underneath. Baby pink Mary Jane's accompanying your soft aesthetic.
Being in college was fun for you, the party's the sleepovers the random socks on other people's dorm handles. It was an interesting experience, one of the greatest parts about it was how you could wear whatever you wanted! No dress code, no uniforms just your own unique style!
You walked with a sway to your hips as you made it to your class, to your surprise seeing how there were different students there than normal.
You look around and see groans and laughter coming from somewhere, you turn your head out the classroom door to see some of your friend and peers angry and uncomfortable whilst a manically laughing monoma boasts about something.
Mina sees you and lights up nodding her head in monomas direction telling you in girl talk or whatever the fuck to "get your fucking man before I have kirishima walk him like a damn dog."Her eyes saying more than enough.
You chuckle which catches others attention, including monomas. He turns with a raised brow to see you, his eyes widening and a pinky tint slightly becoming visible on his features.
"hello, neito."
He clears his throat and turns to you dusting off his outfit and giving you a small grin looking to the ground, unable to hold eye contact.
"hi y/- ahem. Y/n."
His voice cracked whilst he tried saying your name instantly making him get flustered and asking a loud and entertained kirishima have a belly laugh.
Monomas turns to them and instantly shouts at them calling them "Imbeciles" and "incompetent losers" and such, the way he spoke with such sophisticated mannerisms was just amusing to you, even while arguing and being angry with people he disliked he still manages to not use foul language and be somewhat civilized. It's quite neat.
You giggle catching his attention again, he turns to you and bows his head lightly with a smile as an apology.
"what are you up to, neito?"
You ask with a tilt to your head.
"who me?! I- uhm-- y'know the usual, classes are just taking over my brain at the moment, haha!"
He jokes, making you giggle again. God you were so cute to him, the way you innocently giggled or laughed at anything, the way you dressed to adorably like an innocent little girl was oddly compelling to him.
"i see you've gotten your hair done. It looks very nice, y/n."
He says to you nodding his head to your hair, the way you had little sparkles raying off of it and how you had little star shaped clips in your locs just completes your outfit.
"awh thank you neito!! You're so sweet!"
You jump into his arms with a hug, snuggling your nose into his shirt. He blushed intensively, getting stiff and tense underneath your touch. You did such foul things to him, making him flustered and blushy like this. He never felt this way for anyone, he always wanted to be a hero and show everyone that he was just as capable of doing things his former class rivals could.
He slowly wrapped his arms around your shorter figure leaning his head down and resting it on your head, his nose burying itself into your locs and smelling the sweet smell radiating off of them.
It was an unfamiliar smell to him, yet it was so intoxicatingly sweet. Like he'd smelled it before, or like it was just something he couldn't resist. A smell he was sure he wanted to take over his senses all the time. For the rest of his life even.
The hug lasted quite some time, an angry kirishima faux clearing his throat to end the long hug. Mina rolled her eyes and nudged him, she didn't like monoma really, but if you had then she'd just have to thug that shit out. For your sake.
You pulled away first, having monoma realize where he was, which was not in a perfect mansion with a beautiful rose garden, white picket fence, and a golden retriever running around with happy and cheerful barks.
He looks down at you ass you peer up at him with beautiful eyes, the way they shine so brightly even without sunlight raying into them, the way you bat your eyelashes at him and smile innocently.
He blushed while staring deep into your eyes. Fuck he'd just imagined a whole entire life with you, making you his wife and you have his kids.
You were evil and putting him under your spell. Your evil, wicked, enchanting, perfect, beautiful, absolutely breathtaking spell. Wait what?!
He got flushed and hid his face with his hand as he looked away, his other hand still on your waist.
You put one of your hands on his neck causing him to snap his neck to look right back to your face. You look down at his chest and rub your other hand up and down it and slowly look back up to him. You smile and move your hand that was once in his neck to his flushed cheek.
He wss going to kiss you. Fuck he was actually going to kiss you, finally, after having a huge crush on you for all these years you were going to kiss him. He'd finally make you his!
"AHEM. So yeah uh, we have to get to class, right y/n? Wouldn't want kids to catch you guys Frenching in the middle of the hallway while classes are in right? Right?"
Kirishima interrupts, making up an excuse to get you away from him.
Mina face palms herself while pulling kirishima away from the two of you. Monoma watching while he gives kirishima an evil, shit eating grin. Kirishima was practically foaming out of the mouth like a raccoon with rabies.
You simply giggle before letting him go. No no no, that's not what was supposed to happen! Why'd you let him go?!
"he's right, we should get to class."
You say quietly, never taking a step back still being rather close to him, peering up at him with wide eyes and offering him a smile.
He sighs and looks away. He was extremely disappointed. Why'd that shitty shark toothed fucker have to get in his way? You were finally going to kiss him.
"but, we can hang out later, if you'd like."
"yes!-- I uhm.. yes, I would like that, if you would."
He answers quickly, before stumbling on his words and saving himself from eternal embarrassment, not that toud ever make fun of him. He was cute, and flushy. Most people didn't get to see him like that not even kendo. You were honored and wnsted to spend more time with him. So you agreed. The two do you made plans and agreed to meet and have lunch, he'd take you to see a movie and you'd go out on dinner dates.
He had so many plans for the two of you. And once you start dating you better believe you're not allowed to be around anyone without him, not that he's jealous.. he's jealous. He's so jealous, he hates anyone that's not him being in your presence. He loves you! More than anything and anyone.
He holds you with grace, being so gentle with you throughout everything. Making sure you don't have tod I anything, not lift a single finger. He holds you tight at night making you feel safe and warm. He loves matching with you, and eating with you, and doing anything to ensure everyone knows you're his. He isn't insecure or anything but he's not oblivious to the rather hot people that swarm your school. He has a hard time reassuring himself that you only have eyes for him!
You're so kind and nice to everyone it's hard to believe you're his girlfriend. Seriously, no one believes you two, but you are. You're his and he's yours. No doubt about it, he'd choose you over the world.
He loves showing you off, boasting and bragging about how cute you are, how you're his girlfriend and how no one can ever even compare to you. How your skin glows in the sunlight without any help. How you're so strong and are better than anyone who ever existed. You can be a bit of an airhead at times, he even teases you about it, but let someone dare say some shit about you, he's ready to throw words. Something tells me hes not the best at hand to hand combat..
Anyways, he loves you dearly, he makes sure to tell you constantly. He doesn't want you feeling like you're less than perfect. He has standard, rather high ones too, and you meet them to a tee.
AN: this is x black!reader bc I js got my hair done and I've become kinda obsessed w him so. Yeah!!! I'm definitely making more monoma and tenya content bc they've recently been clouding my head. Anyways love laugh love monoma!!!
This is kind of all over the place so come back later for more and much better content including him.
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alexluvsskittlez · 2 months
new blog into because uhhh
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my name is Alex, I also go by Sam, Reagan, Zoe, and Binoo. most people call me Alex though (plus its the name I prefer most)
im 14 and go by he/they :] my birthday is April 23rd :D
my special intrerests are Paramore and Steven universe
my current hyperfixations are Jake Webber, regretevator, and madoka magica
i am asexual, demiromantic, pan, genderfluid, polyamorus, and possibly transmasc? maybe somewhere on the aro spectrum too (still figuring that out lol) I also use xenogenders :)
i have ADHD, dyscalculia, and I'm autistic (I might also have ocd I'm not sure though)
my humor can be a bit... heh... lets just say... 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 👅 no but seriously, my humor is weird. I usually don't think before I post shit so if I do or say anything wrong please let me know !!
im bad at socializing
i use emoticons a lot
i don't use tonetags a lot unless I feel like its necessary, if you want or don't want me to use them around you please let me know ^^
i get angry pretty easily and I rant sometimes (mostly on Instagram and sometimes TikTok)
i make jokes about shipping real people. i don't actually ship real people unless they're actually dating
i'm fr a 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 and I'm nothing like y'all 👅😎😭😭😭
what I post:
stuff related to my interests (especially Paramore)
art, sometimes animations
oc stuff
music stuff
memes and other weird shit
rants sometimes
bigots, maps, zoos, just gross ppl in general.
this would also be counting as gross ppl in general but PEOPLE WHO WRITE SMVT OF REAL PEOPLE. IM LOOKING AT YOU JAKE AND JOHNNIE FANS ON THIS WEBSITE. STOP IT. ITS GROSS. YALL ARE FREAKAZOIDS OH MY GOD. (this isn't aimed towards all of their fans on here ofc some of you guys are cool as hell)
other than that idc who interacts with my shit. I'll just block you if I don't like you
fandoms/other stuff I like:
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steven universe
gravity falls
murder drones
madoka magica
inside job
the owl house
clone high
toopy and binoo
the nightly manor
the ghost and molly mcgee
spooky month
scott pilgrim takes off
invader zim
Paramore (y'all don't fw this band like I do)
Pierce the veil
linkin park
sleeping with sirens
my chemical romance
Hayley Williams
lemon demon
meet me @ the altar
get scared
stomach book
the used
Jake Webber
Johnnie Guilbert
panic! at the disco (pre split)
picture me broken
bring me the horizon
not enough space
black veil brides
la dispute
Florence + the machine
owl city
Will Wood and the tapeworms
Will Wood
vylet pony
fall out boy
green day
asking alexandria
Avril Lavigne
attack attack!
the final riot (its actually a documentary but I'll count it as a movie)
steven universe the movie
toopy and binoo the movie
across the spiderverse
into the spiderverse
scott pilgrim vs the world
mlp the movie
splatoon 2
animal crossing (nh and ww)
doki doki literature club
sally face
baldis basics
youtubers I watch:
Jake Webber
Johnnie Guilbert
Danny Gonzalez
Kurtis Conner
Drew Gooden
Laikas comet
uhh idk what else
Marcy's journal
yeah I don't read that much lmao
other interests:
alternative subcultures/fashion
animation memes (more specifically the ones from 2016-2019)
nostalgic stuff
old internet stuff
galaxy print stuff
video essays
animals (especially cats)
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stuff i'm okay with!:
asking to be moots/friends
fanart of my ocs
art trades
do NOT:
draw n$fw of my ocs
s3xualize my ocs
s3xualize me
make fun of my insecurities
send me n$fw
ask me to draw n$fw
vent to me
bring up Chester Bennington's death (unless i bring it up first)
where you can find me:
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instagram: paramorenumber1fan
art instagram: alexluvsskittlez
youtube: alexluvsskittlez
roblox: alexluvsskittlez (display is paramorenumber1fan)
discord: alexluvskittlez
newgrounds: alexluvsskitlez
deviantart: pixelisgay
spacehey: alexluvsskitlez
thats all! later sigmas 💯 DATTEBAYO
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shitshowkb · 2 years
FINALLY started watching SEAL Team and because this is clearly my new favorite thing to do, I will be writing my reactions/emotions down as i go, so here we go:
✧ SEAL Team season 1 spoilers under the cut ✧
finally watching SEAL Team and decided to write my reactions/emotions down as i go:
• david boreanaz is so mf fine
• and max thieriot 😍
• clay spenser loml
• i literally can not stand ash spenser omg
• oh god his shoot isn't working
• oh shit, is he gonna die!?!?
• yep he's gonna die
• nooo not brian, why'd it have to be brian? 😭
• that smirk on clay's face during that SERE interrogation 🥵
• "actually i'm still kind of thirsty" this man i stg
• my boy made it through SERE
• not the boys sneaking off to get some spicy chicken
• hayes with his hat on backwards 🥵
• 8am and bring beer? these are my kind of people 😅
• this mans smile makes me WEAK
✧ lowkey got super into the show and forgot to write my reactions, but i'm on the episodes where the boys are in afghanistan on their deployment tryna figure out who put the hit on echo team & i'm stressed tf out, i think i have like 4 more episodes in season 1 ✧
• not these grown ass me throwing darts at each others feet
• oh shit, ray's frag killed a little boy
• this man needs to stop lying about his injured shoulder
• god clay is gorgeous, i will never get over it
• also brock??? that man is fine as hell
• "what are you not telling me?" babe his shoulder is FUCKED
• jesus that was stressful
• also jason hayes could ruin my life, i'd thank him & let me him come back & do it all over again
• man i feel so bad for ray bc that little boy died but also homie you lied about being okay before deployment???
• "i want to deliver him to you" idk man that sounds too easy, is this a trap???
• this feels like a trap
• lmao i am so in love with clay spenser
• oh shit
• all of this kidnapping shit for a talk???
• homie is not only going to show you where to find his brother but also tell you how to kill him???
• this shit has to be a trap
• still pissed that ray lied about his shoulder & now he's in there spilling the tea about his injury
• oh okay??? this man does not even care about ray's shoulder
• fr tho ray GO SEE A DAMN DOCTOR
• this journalist gets on my mf nerves
• i do not like the vibes i'm getting rn
• yeah no i don't like this
• oh god oh god oh god
• something bad is gonna happen, i can feel it
• so i obviously know that these guys survive because they're still on the show but COME ON this is so mf stressful
• oh god no
• holy shit
• this shit just keeps getting worse omg
• "I AM NOT EMOTIONAL!" sonny babe you really are
• sonny is stressed tf out, someone better buy him all the beers when they get home
• covered in dirt & bleeding and clay is still fine as hell
• oh god not again
• if jason hayes doesn't sit his stupid ass still omg
• what the actual fuck jason
• jason hayes needs his ass beat, i don't care if he has a head injury
• is that mans bone sticking out of his arm?? 🤢
• damn, i knew medders was dead :(
• oh god is shit gonna go down again
• can these boys please go back to the states like now??? thanks
• this mf and his concussion does not need to going out right now omg
• omfg get tf outta this damn mountain
• well fuck
• jase and the girls are about to fuck some shit up
• oh shit danny overdosed???
• jase is really planning to just kill cutter? lmfao
• i am so excited for the crew to go home
• clay's car 😍
• i feel so bad for davis :(
• stella stayed composed way longer than i would've, i'd have seen clay & lost my shit
• sonny needs a hug :(
• dear god, jase needs to go get his head checked
• someone please get this man some help
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Hi again
Just chatting atp(mb 😢)
Not being able to pick a character is SO valid, like THEY FR ARE ALL SO GOOD. I can't decide between Choso and Junpei.. Though with Choso it's a different kind of Favorite.. Like I want to have a type of romance that a movie would have yk? MARRY ME AND HAVE MY CHILDREN CHOSO!!!
But yeah atp characters written by gege in general is just so tragic, and unfortunate 😔
Also your choso priest makes me feel the relief of someone scratching a really difficult itch on like my back or smth, it's so good I can't stop looking at it 😭 Permission to make it my wallpaper?? (I'm just jay kaying.. Sorta)
(Sorry I'm typing so much fr but I'm abt to type more so just buckle up, relax and accept your fate. I had finally figured out how to use the anon ask last night and I am going to ABUSE this power)
So I was curiously looking for your other smau stories, and I noticed a question you left on a spellbound chapter. I think, and this is me personally, a character who would smoke weed would be like idk, Toji cause he's a bum, but like the loml bum. But I also think of Sukuna and how he'd DEFINITELY smoke weed just for the hell of it 🤷🤷 I'm not sure what other things you write on, SO I MAY BE BACK WHEN I FIND OUTTTTTT.
(I'm also going to be lurking around your profile a TON, and going to be living in these asks rent free so I hereby sign my asks, cause I know I WILL be back)
Xoxo 👽
i need to marry all three of my fav characters... they do smth to me... they make me feel like those wolf memes
if i was a character written by gege id just have to die tbh. but by my own means not his 😒😒
EHEHEH THANK U SO MUCH IM SO GLAD U LIKE PRIEST CHOSO... ive never posted my art on here b4 so that was scary ngl! 😍 also u can make it ur wallpaper if u want i dont mind lol !!
omg idk how i didnt think of toji for smoking weed??? im a fool and you have opened my eyes.... he would FOR SUREEEE smoke weed... im moved... im a changed man...
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incorrectinfinity · 1 year
Ok I am gonna talk about the things I like in this post because it's fresh in my mind and most of these things will be spoilers! Also this could be long.
First of all hi pjo mutuals!!! Idk if any of you are reading this but I really am thankful so many of you decided to stick around despite the Cookie Run hell of it all.
It's been like two years now and even if we haven't talked much in that time, you guys mean a lot to me <3
This book has been on my mind since it was hinted at at the end of TOA, so it's been a sec. The idea of this book actually helped me quite a bit when I wasn't doing very well mentally, which is very sad!
Ok, first thing's first.
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Ok my soul can be put to rest now.
Second of all, my statement still stands:
For the most part the queer representation is pretty damn good this time around!
Epiales and Menoetes immediately getting defensive was a bit jarring and a little bit worrying to me but thankfully their bursts of anger about it last like five seconds each.
I'm really glad they say the words gay and queer naturally and not like they're some forbidden line to be crossed in a novel for young teens/late tweens. It genuinely made me smile.
Persephone even bringing up the notion of aromantic people almost made me lose my shit!! I am aromantic!!! That's me!!!! Just like me fr!!!!! But seriously I kinda feel forgotten a lot in queer media and literally any mention of aromanticism makes me smile, it was a very nice thing to see.
That's barely even mentioning the queer characters!
Nico bluntly saying he's gay is so fucking satisfying to see now, it's so nice to see him so comfortable with who he is.
Will canonically being bisexual is really nice to see, I could feel the writers' sigh of relief as they put the discourse to rest.
SPEAKING OF DISCOURSE... Piper MyQueen! It's nice to see a questioning character because I haven't really seen one represented before! She's still figuring herself out after the months following the end of toa and it's nice to see the message that it takes time to figure yourself out being shown because it's a surprisingly rare one to see. I appreciate how she also gravitates towards the queer label :)
Now minor characters:
Epiales: I appreciate them because of how ridiculous their existence is
Hiss-majesty: iconic and also that name makes me confused
Menoetes: my beloved
Geryon: Ok that's just hilarious I cannot deny that
Besides uh....
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That. I have LOVED seeing how Bianca and Maria have affected Nico over the years! It's so tragic and amazing and YES.
Seeing Bianca one last time and Maria for the first time ever was so so so satisfying even if they didn't say much. I almost teared up a bit. A lot. I got emotional.
Nyx using them against Nico was SO fucked up and I love it
Speaking of... Nyx.
Very cool, moving on.
Hades and Persephone's growth was so unexpected I am just gonna be real.
Hades was going to happen naturally because of what we say in HoO but him caring enough to send Nico a prophecy? And bring back Maria and Bianca? That's so sweet! I love that! I love that SO much! And also he isn't completely not an asshole which is appreciated.
Persephone is my favorite one of Riordan's interpretations of the gods.
I never thought I would say that sentence ever in my life. She's so caring and sweet for the 10 minutes we see her and I really appreciate her growth and seeing how she's finally getting over her grudge. It was unexpected and completely welcome.
Also I appreciate clarifying that Hades and Persephone's relationship is a good one from Persephone herself.
Also Nemesis is a badass and I did not realize how much I missed her! She has no reason so be so cool and yet she still is.
Gorgyra's chapters were all wonderful, I love her SO much and I hope Bob visits her sometime.
Speaking of which: Bob and Small Bob are amazing as always.
I appreciate the theme of change around Bob's character, he's different from how I remember him being is HoH but that's probably more natural than Nico's change in character (which I don't mind as much as most people I've seen but is still jarring) because of him and Iapetus switching every two seconds for over a year so yeah.
Small Bob is Small Bob. Cat. Gato. Wonderful.
Will actually having more of a character was nice to see too! Also his ultimate magic hidden deep within being hayfever is very funny to me.
Actually talking about the trauma these characters have been through and addressing it is also very satisfying.
Overall I think it was a good send off to these kids who have been through too damn much. I will have a post airing my criticisms probably but I really did like this lovable train wreck of a book, me from two years ago would be very pleased.
Can't wait for the road trip book where both Percy and Annabeth come out as bisexual simultaneously and for this series to be OVER!!!
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pinkadork · 3 months
One day words will stop being exchanged and knowing you're more likely to be relieved than devastated or even a bit bummed is sending me
Like okay
Pause for a minute
Lets be real my tumblr page is like my public diary or whatever and like
Idk i look at shit and its sad how much through the entirety of this shit therapy or not ive been trying to see more than my side and be able to see my faults for what they are while also doing something about it but i swear im either villaianized or pacified by you in any given moment and then its like im both a dumb ass for wanting you so badly was and i feel like my feelings get overshadowed bc the bpd and oooh i take meds now, and you still treat me like like an abuser and thats what you tell people. And i just wanna stop feeling like I'll never be able to enjoy anything fr ever again. Even at my best i still have you on my brain when it feels like you're doing everything to erase me and then make me feel like thats the right response. I fucking hate this shit so much its like i sit here and I'm fine and then i keep fucking setting myself off with how upset this makes me. Like nigga i live in my aunt basement, i work in a fucking factory, im a fucking temp worker nigga , and yet and still my stupid ass is worried about who? Trying to figure out how to get right for who? Pathetic as shit.
I know you wouldn't do the same bc you didnt.
I'm so frustrated. it's unbelievable. I keep wrapping my head around how bs this all is, or how i swallowed how angry certain shit has had me.
Again nigga its been months and i know for a fact the same shit is being peddled.
You doing your thing is whatever but doing so and then trying to undermine the fact that itd hurt me (which you later admitted to trying to do anyway) nigga fucked someone then was like "i mean we broke up like 6 months ago so i did good right lol" fucking first of all at 6 months vs 5 years make it make sense, second of all it let me realize that the second time we tried when shit felt "so right" mesnt nothing to this nigga it was a good two months which for me made the breakup reset and st the time this happend made this like 4 months but as you can see by me writing this out who the fuck other than me cares about some weird shit like that. Regardless its like i have to be either high as hell or always working now more thsn ever to not walk into the very accessible highway.
I accepted that i ruined my life but holy fuck did you make it worse
I am forever sorry about how shit ended and every rude outburst ever spouted from my lips, any time i made you feel any negative way, but my brother in christ i didn't and dont deserve this shit and sometimes it really bothers me that i love you the way i do. You act scared of me like im obsessed but i feel like im going mad bc it was like you made me this way. From jump, the constant vc, the way youd make me feel insignificant or like i wasnt enough, and then have the nerve to try and make it a thing about my insecurities that yes i told you about but fuck.
I feel so dumb because i actually would wait until you're ready because i feel deep in my core that i fw you for life type shit. Its always gang shit whatever. I love you and want things to be okay regardless to how i feel .
Fuck im tired
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hey!! this might be really long and if so i'm sorry for that, just trying to figure some stuff out.
okay basically, i'm a cis female and idk what my sexuality is. i've never been in a relationship, never had strong feelings for anyone, i've kissed three boys all in club settings, and i am so confused.
i think women are pretty?? and i love looking at them in a respectful, 'you're so gorgeous way', and men are good looking in a very different way to me but i still think i'm attracted to them
i'd like to kiss a girl but i can't ever see myself being in a relationship with one. and i don't know if that is some sort of internalised homophobia that i need to address or if it's just lack of experience, bc i don't think i can see myself with a guy. or maybe a can because it's what i see all around me???
and then the idea of being approached by a women in a sexual/romantic way scares me. is that just lack of experience??
and then i've had multiple people say to me 'are you sure you aren't gay?' and other things along those lines in a non-serious way, and if i am queer, i feel like i'm proving them right, and how did i not see or realise this sooner?? like i should've known right?? if everyone else did??
and a lot of my friends are queer and i feel really safe and accepted with them, so i don't know if i just want to be apart of that and am simply creating issues that aren't even there to begin with??
but then i've dreamt about being with women and straight women don't have them?? right?
then i tell myself i don't have to know right now, but it seems like everyone else but me knows. i'm 20 yrs old and i have NO idea about anything, and maybe that's okay? plus sexuality is fluid? and always changing so maybe i'll never know?
this was very messy and i'm sorry for that, but if you have any advice or thoughts, i'd be so grateful, i'm so overwhelmed right now. - a <3
Hi hi hi A!! Don’t worry about it long rambly asks are totally fine I’m here for u homie
Wow bro ur getting some action 😭 😭 can we switch places lmao
Oh wow you’re 20?? Okay disclaimer, I am a teenager haha so take everything I say with a pinch of salt bc I explored this whole sexuality thing when I was like 13, so we’ve had v different experiences but I’ll try my best to help u out bro I gotchu
What do you mean by “in a different way?” That can mean two things. Do you find women pretty objectively and men like ATTRACTIVE, or are you attracted to both men and women in different ways?
The whole being scared thing is, as my generation would say, a Big Mood. It could be either internalised homophobia or lack of experience or maybe you just don’t like women at all.
In terms of dreaming about being with women, that could mean anything or nothing. Dreams are just your subconscious putting everything in a blender and pouring the smoothie of hell into your sleep brain. It could mean you want to be with women or it could mean that shit in ur skull is just fucking around.
Honey you do NOT have to know right know. You’re twenty. That’s like. You’ve lived like 25% of your life, approximately. That’s jack shit. That’s not even the pass mark on most tests. You have got SO MUCH of your life left to live, you’ve got like decades and shit man, you don’t gotta have everything down right now. Talk to like ur parents or older friends and see *how much* life you have ahead of you.
It’s possible that this may also be contributing to that whole young adult early 20s “oh my god everyone else knows everything and i’m floundering” but honey trust me EVERYONE is floundering. Everyone is fucked. People seem put together but trust me dude we are all goddamn messes. You’re not alone. So many people are trying to figure themselves out, just like you.
Imma be fr thinking about this shit? Overrated. You’ll just think urself into another spiral and it’ll be the mental equivalent of doing like 19 buzzfeed quizzes titled “Am I Gay?” at 3:41am and wondering where ur life is going.
Just. Stop thinking. I know it’s hard trust me I have shitass anxiety and it’s so so hard to stop thinking but stop. Tell ur brain to stfu
And then just think of one thing. what makes you HAPPY?
Because that’s all that matters in the long run, doesn’t it?
Kiss a girl and see if it makes you happy. Kiss a guy and ask yourself the same thing.
If I were you, what I would personally do is just uhhh fuck around and find out? Go to a bunch of clubs and just be really slutty til things eventually make sense lmaoo
But once again that’s not for everyone so maybe just try and think about it. Does the idea of being with a girl make you happy? With a guy? Being single?
Also one idea might be for you to explore the aromantic label—you said you’ve never had strong feelings for anyone and it sounds like you might be aro. Look under my #aro questioning tag and check out these posts:
Remember, A, there’s no time limits on these things. There’s no deadlines. You’re young, you’ve got your whole life ahead of you, so take it slow and just be HAPPY and be true to yourself. Bend society to fit you—don’t bend yourself to fit labels, yknow what Im saying? Labels aren’t all that important at the end of the day. Just. Just *be.*
I hope I could help you out A!! Sending so so much love <3333 If you ever wanna talk again feel free to drop me an ask!! Have an awesome day <33
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greenshi · 2 years
For the character ask game. Larrold Floridaman (and, if I may suggest an additional one, Prismatic Shadow :))
Larold <3
Do I like them: yeaaaAAAAAH that dude Rules
5 good qualities:
- will die for a tootsie pop. who wouldn't honestly
- but fr for as chaotic as he is, he is So loyal to those he trusts. Very open about his care for others (mostly J0hn tbf)
- this dude is a (spoilers) Doctor. and I would trust him with my life, I'm sure itll be fine.
- dudes just chill, idk what to say! I feel like I could grab a beer with him. I dont even drink.
- hes a little rat. He eats cheeeeeeeeese.
- no actually. Dudes Resilient. Put up with a metric fuckton of crap, and came out the other end halfways decent! Good for him!
3 bad qualities:
- Will Die For A Tootsie Pop. Fifth place king can be anything and choses to be bad at fighting.
- hey larry. hey j0hn. Theres Got to be a better way to summon the death god than. Yknow. reviving Sephiroth.
- so self sacrificial! Dude you can Chillax stop trapping yourself in Hell for the sake of others! Let the people you care for help you pls
OTP: Hackshifter. There is no other option.
BrOTP: Rn, Sqenny. Love the Choas Bastard and the reporter who he has to try and explain himself to. Free big brother figure too. (But also, with how (spoilers) Limbo might go, he miiiiight usurp her. Maybe)
OT3: uhhhhhhh j0hn. but again. Wait actually what if Dan. Two fucked up guys and their third guy who's trying to reason with them. Yeah that can work.
NOTP: Dr Order. Sorry Susan n Barry, I'm sure you're happy, but, like, cmon.
Best quote: god theres so many........"persona", curing losing for his 'son', any sappy moment with j0hn........ but I'm going with his first convo with cobalt, with the bloody notes. It's just a good scene
Headcanon: larry is very very goopy, especially when injured or emotional, but also all the time. While Limbo (since crimson is also v goopy) hes less of a man and more of a puddle. Just a jrpg slime monster with a hat on.
Ok, anon? Anon. Idk if you know the can of worms you've opened by letting me talk extensively about The Frog, but omg. (Also, since PS has not that much going on in canon, I'm adding all my headcanons to this. Frog Theory, that one Powerfrog fic I wrote and no one read, secret hcs that only exist in my head, Everything. Sorry in advance.)
Do I like them: YEAHYEAHEHAHUEAHYEAHYEAH (backstory: I got attached during 7 cuz Hes Green and i Like Green. didnt have any thoughts about it tho until frog theory, and now I am overcome with brain worms)
5 good qualities:
- Determined. this guy is studying such a niche martial art, and he gives it his all.
- little guy. 4'7, built out of slime, and will try and fight you
- puts up with prism's crap, what a king
- I feel like he'd be good with plants. he helps yopper with gardening.
- Has Punched Crimson. he still lost but he did Punch Him.
3 bad qualities:
- French.
- All My Favs Are Bad At Fighting And He Is No Exception
- is too much. always on, always moving, always doing something. while that has been "fixed" by Prism, now hes just a walking corpse, basically. nothing going on in that brain except for :|
OTP: Geico. Small, feisty green dude plus large, tired green dude is Good.
BrOTP: .......also geico. That, or CBT. Crimsoned dudes who never got fixed because people forgot they existed
OT3: oooohhhh what about take on my kirby and marshmallow? Like the two T.O.M guys. Idk I'm just pulling up irrelevant characters and seeing what sticks.
NOTP: man idk. Prism? Crimson? Just keep this guy away from pkmn trainers.
Best quote: he like. has barely spoken. and what is has said is pretty short and to the point. all of his fun words are in my brain <3
Headcanon: IF YOU. KISS HIM. HE TURNS INTO. KING DEDEDE. PRINCESS AND THE FROG STYLE. (also, he is severely fucked up due to being like double possessed. His memories are totally scrambled, his personality is basically gone, he is a Husk. And, the reason prism went after him is to clean up the mess crimson left behind, while also gaining eyes on the goings on of the kerfuffles. And yknow how she three stocked him? And yknow what she did to google in green? Yeah. she took no chances)
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