#idk i get this is the feeling this is an unpopular interpretation
afterthefeast · 10 months
one thing i am finding so interesting about eight is that his desire not to alienate people by being deceitful and manipulative like seven means that in order to keep them around and not end up so lonely again he lies to them constantly and is in fact deceitful and manipulative
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Hello! ✨
You asked for some serious tea, and I'll give the favour back. What about Anders and Meredith? :3
[ask game]
Oh boy, getting right to the meat huh? xD (ty for the ask!)
First impression: "Lmfao. Already love this dude." I saw him first in Awakening and i still love his character intro there so much fjsdljdfl. His animation/body language and the "wans't me." when the Warden runs into him is very fun.
Impression now: Literal embodiment of poor little meow meow. Kind of an ass but one of the most intriguing characters in the series. The fandom does him dirty by woobifying him
Favorite moment: Well again, love his DAA intro lol, but his DA2 intro also kicks ass. The way he's immediately ready to throw hands if sb threatens the clinic... kind of sad, really, but also very badass
Idea for a story: .. wish i had one :') Would love sth about his youth and his time in the Circle & with Karl, or his POV in Amaranthine.
Unpopular opinion: I do not like his romace. And before yall come at me fkldjsl, i mean it as in, i don't like how it is framed? Like. I think the romance is super intense and intriguing! But imo it does not feel healthy at all in the way that it is portrayed (especially the rivalmance, but i have gripes with rivalmances in general), and I wished the games would treat it more as "Anders (and potentially Hawke) are Very Unwell and not treating this relationship the way they should, rather than "this is fine :)"
Favorite relationship: Justice! For obvious reasons, i am sure xD Truth be told i am not the person to turn to abt meta or hcs about them, but i do love
Favorite headcanon: As said above, basically anything to do with him and Justice. Absolutely love seeing different interpretations of how they interact post possession. Also sth that is practically canon to me, but i love the HC that Hawke (regardless of romance) lets him stay at their estate for refuge, and/or lets him use the expansive basement as an extension to his clinic (ik the entrance being right beside the clinic doesn't make much sense lol, but also: Kirkwall canonically has elaborate tunnel systems under the surface, so why shouldn't there be one that leads up to the Hawke estate?)
First impression: This is the bitch??? Who allowed you to have a badass intro ftw. More composed and polite than expected. (re: her Actual Intro Scene, i know she's present behind the scenes right from the start)
Impression now: Love to hate her. Themes. Narratives. Still a bitch tho.
Favorite moment: Well. Her intro was cool xD DA2 has a way of doing that. Also cannot deny that her going batshit with that red lyrium and animating the gallows statues was pretty damn cool.
Idea for a story: Meredith POV from anywhere in Act 2 onwards. Yes it's easy to assume what she was doing and why but i wanna Know. I wanna look into her brain.
Unpopular opinion: Hmm dunno if i have one? Idk if this is unpopular but i think the very direct and very personal power she has over Hawke and their immediate surroundings makes her feel more threatening than either Loghain or Cory
Favorite relationship: Well. Hawke. Unsurprisingly xD Biting them like a chew toy.
Favorite headcanon: Hmm drawing a blank on this one rn x'D Might come back to it when i think of one dsfjdf
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nintendont2502 · 1 year
I think. there's so much potential with Ult Dirk and fanworks- specifically their meta nature
Like. Idk fanworks are usually created to try and 'fix' a perceived problem in canon (even if that problem is 'character x not getting enough screen time' or 'x and y not fucking' yk). Ult dirks whole thing is trying to fix canon and trying to maintain relevancy (there's a whole interesting side tangent there about ult dirk - a character focused on maintaining narrative relevancy as a source of power - being trapped in Homestuck's post canon, which not only isn't narratively relevant to the source but also isn't relevant to the fandom (and is in fact widely hated) and wasn't even finished - I'd love to believe that was done on purpose but that's just me trying to squeeze any scrap of meaning out of post canon I think)
ANYWAY fanworks are a pretty good way to gain relevancy methinks - unpopular characters/characters screwed over or ignored by the narrative usually flourish in fanworks, right? *But* there's the inherent trade off there - sure, you're gaining narrative relevancy, but it's in a narrative you have no control over. You as a character are being filtered through someone else's voice at best, and at worse there's a whole new version of yourself out there. And just. Fuck how do you think ult dirk - the ultimate version of the guy who had a crisis about different versions of himself outside of his control - would feel, knowing that after he finally united all splinters of himself into one, that's there's God knows how many versions of that version of himself - none of them under his control
If you want to make it really meta, I could almost imagine a version of Ult Dirk, realising he's trapped in a comic that - let's be real here - is never going to get finished, and that no one cares about (and new fans are explicitly discouraged from reading) and getting so desperate for narrative relevancy again that he embraces those fanon versions of himself, allowing himself to become watered down and diluted by the countless different interpretations of him written by the fans in order to maintain his power (or even his existence)
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scandalouslamb · 2 months
guess what character i’m going to make u answer abt- that’s right! 💞persephone price💕
Ask Game
Thanks, Lily! I definitely couldn't have expected this!
My first impression Cannibal 👀 Oh? Tell me more! (And then they told me barely anything else.)
My impression now That's Lily's girl! She's sweet! I'm genuinely so surprised that more people don't talk about her? She feels like she should be a fan favorite? Sorry, I am not being the change I want to see in the world (talking about Persephone more), but I am being held hostage by the Ravinstills. She's on the long list of people I want to make a gifset for...
Favorite thing about that character I love that she hasn't let the bad things in her life (the Dark Days and potentially even noticing a bit of Coriolanus' disdain) get her down (seemingly, again, a lot of assumption we have to do with these minor characters... it's the blessing and the curse of loving them!)
Least favorite thing Uh, we don't get that much of her which is sad, especially since all we get is from the POV of someone who really is trying not to be around her or think of her that deeply. It makes me sad!
Favorite line/scene
“People love a good love song, more like,” said Persephone, showing her dimples. (Ch. 12) <- i just remember thinking that this was cute, and also... foreshadowing for the OG trilogy?
The mention of her and Festus spending more time together was also cute! Idk if it's technically a scene and more of montage/fleeting mention?
Favorite interaction that character has with another
A character that I wish that character would interact with more I wish we saw more interactions with her and Mizzen. That would have gone a long way in giving us more canon insight into her character!
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
Deep cut from a piece of fiction that I haven't read in like a decade but Ada Vessalius from Pandora Hearts. (I remember not exactly enjoying all aspects with the execution of Ada's character in that manga but she has certain similarities with Persephone in my mind). Ada's a kind woman who grows in confidence into macabre and dark things but hides that facet of herself from others. (just including a pic because it does hint at her vibe, and also I know one will know who I'm talking about)
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A headcanon about that character
Lily, I'm genuinely trying to think of a Persephone headcanon that you haven't heard from me or potentially seen in one of my fics for your benefit... I am unforunately blanking so I shall pull from an Author's Note from an OC fic.
In worlds where she and Festus get married (which is like my most canon compliant world states), they go by the Price-Creeds because their kids stand to inherit from both the Prices and Creeds. Inheritance being very big in the Capitol. The Price name goes first because I think the Prices being railroad tycoons beats out the Creeds influence on the lumber industry.
Also and idk if this is just your blog color scheme getting to me Lily, but I associate her with red, magenta, and also jewel tones.
A song that reminds of that character
Ribs by the Crane Wives. I love it being about independence and kind of accepting parts of yourself that you don't really like, also...
" The dark doesn't frighten me / I chose to close my eyes / It is mine, it is mine / The night doesn't frighten me / I chose to let it thrive / It is mine, it is mine"
Speaks to maybe a certain myopia/blindness to certain things based on the closing your eyes that kind of rings true for my version of Persephone.
An unpopular opinion about that character
Not really an unpopular opinion, just different from some interpretations and the same as others. My interpretation of Persephone didn't really interact with Festus much pre-10th HG. Like they interacted obviously in the sense that they grew up together like with the other mentors, but they aren't like in the same close friend circles. (I do love close, childhood friends Festus and Persephone though!)
Favorite picture
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She's judging me... I love that for me. (coloring modified by me. i went in to screenshot this pic, because i remember it vividly... also she's wearing a watch! wonder if it's the same one she wears later. hard to tell from this angle)
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gilly-moon · 9 months
Ask meme. 001 with ships Black Ice and Pompous Pep? 👀
Already did Blackice, so I'll do Pompous Pep for this one!
when I started shipping it if I did:
I was definitely having thoughts about them when the show was still airing...
my thoughts:
This is one of those ships that I think I'm more...particular about than some other fans of it. Or maybe my preferences aren't as in line with the broader headcanons, idk. I guess we'll find out in this ask game
What makes me happy about them:
They fall into that beautiful category of 'rivals who are forced to occasionally rely on each other' and I EAT THAT SHIT UP. But on a more sincere note - even if they'd struggle at first to connect, I like to think that they're willing to hold each other accountable to their flaws. They have no hang-ups about calling it out when one of them fucks up, but they both (Vlad especially) could benefit from some vulnerability and honesty like that.
What makes me sad about them:
Not sure there is anything tbh???
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Ok this is where I might be getting into some unpopular opinions but I'm really not a fan of the over-exaggeration of some of Vlad's characteristics, like making him extra flamboyant or shallow or leaning SUPER hard into tropey-single-bachelor things (typically for the sake of humor). I get he's literally a cartoon villain, so feeding into his tropes is kind of expected, but as someone who came to like Vlad because he's actually got some genuine emotions under his flawless suit and ponytail, I really don't vibe with those more 2-dimensional interpretations of him. I enjoy him for his pathetic side as much as anyone else, but there's a limit to everything for me. Also any fic where Danny grows up and gets super tall or beefy is...not for me. That boy is a beanpole and he always will be.
things I look for in fanfic:
If it's written by @9haharharley1 (kidding but totally not kidding). I tend to gravitate either to the ones where they're established and toe the line between sincerity and 'we were rivals once so the mockery can never die,' OR ones where they're still rivals and Vlad manages to catch Danny off guard and has some fun. Also, topVlad/bottomDanny exclusively.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Outside the realm of pompep, I think Vlad just needs to remain single and remember how to have friends. Maybe him and Skulker can elevate their business partnership to something more. Danny...needs to go to college and learn some things about himself imo. Him and Sam really don't feel like they'll last, but maybe if he did some exploring in college he'd find someone to be with.
My happily ever after for them:
I'm not sure I can fully imagine one for them? Not in the sense that it couldn't happen, but I just really like living in the part of their relationship where they're still imperfect and growing together and figuring out how to fit their lives together. Looking beyond that is...not as interesting to me, I guess.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
I could see it either way, tbh. Danny sliding over to be a big spoon to steal Vlad's warmth, or curling up as the little spoon when he's needing to feel safe/protected.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Sparring - they know the other can take it if they get serious, so it's a good mutual challenge and way to let off steam. Maybe stargazing if they're feeling extra peaceful that night.
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add1ctedt0you · 8 months
hi! zhanchengxian for the ask game?
Ship It
What made you ship it?
Awful people should stick together <3. No, seriously lol, initially I didn't ship them, but I read one fic that made me consider them as a thing ( pillow talk by sugar_shoal). And I figured out that I enjoy their dynamic!
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Putting in a room people who have caused each other great harm and watch what will happen is my jam tbh. I like how all of them have to struggle to be together! We have jc's insecurities and grief, wwx's aversion to open vulnerability and his resentment, lwj's stubbornness and pettiness... So juicy!
Like, how do they get there? How do they reach a point of balance? How do you reconcile wwx's deflecting mannerisms, jc's snapping attitude and lwj's selective mutism? imo wangxian works so well (novel canon) because there isn't history, there aren't dead bodies or broken promises or broken comradeship. But, with jc in the mixer, we have it all! They can get on each other nerves (lwj, jc), bring the worst out of each other (jc, wwx) and enable each other worst traits (lwj, wwx). We can have interesting dynamics! They can heal each other wounds or they can cut deeper each other even more... It's so interesting!
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Mmmm. Idk even know what is unpopular here lol, but, I do think that if zhancheng happens during wwx's death, canon is different! While I emphasize with the desire of skipping the hassle of changing canon, and like, people can be into whatever, imo, to have the characters ring true to me, things have to be different!
If lwj has an affair with jc, I don't think he won't fall in love/be softer with him! If they have occasional hook up, fine, but a whole ass (sexual) relationship? He's going to catch some feelings! My interpretation of lwj's character is that, despite his cold demeanor, he's soft and squishy inside! He's prone to love! He's going to understand and emphasize with jc! Cql!lwj is already doing an half attempt at encouraging a yunmeng bros reconciliation, but a lwj who has been ball deep inside jc? Who knows that jc is cruel and snapping, but who knows that jc is much more too? Canon changes imo. (again, I fully understand people who don't want to touch canon)
(I am not talking about jc because it's obvious that he's having feelings for lwj. He's also very mad at all of them!)
(and, if they have a relationship but jc -feeling too much exposed, not used anymore at someone really watching him, doting on him- lashes out and breaks their 'arrangement'... Then yeah, lwj could be even worse than in canon imo lol)
Also, mmm, while zhancheng is mostly about wwx (and it should be like that!), lwj was very much dumped back then during the war. jc was his first real friend! They understood each other! They were a team! They were on the same page! And jc dumped him :-/
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doodlebeeberry · 1 month
your my Amelia mutual, so amelia for the ask game :]
yaaaaay fucked-up candle enjoyers make some noise!!!
How I feel about this character: I am Amelia lover #1 four years running for a reason, shes great!! i find her just really fascinating, how in particular the line is between her life on the plane and off it, how she copes with being stuck there, her relationship to her own identity, the ways she steps up when airy vanishes in ep8 and how she reacts when he comes back--to what degree is that reaction built on the fear that now she'll have to return home someone completely new? shes just so interesting to me, i like her alot :]
All the people I ship romantically with this character: not many really! im a bit of an aroace amelia fan, however i wont say no to some good scentdapack. as well i think charmelia is also pretty fun, particularly if it written as something that springs up on almost out of desperation the plane and fizzles out back on earth (sorta inverse to my preffered scentdapack dynamic lol)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: scentdapack and charmelia of course, however i am also a super big fan of sodascent. I think their friendship devoid of liam, given the place he holds in the narrative relative to them, is really fun to explore! not to mention how polar opposite they are in their mentalities in relation to the plane. I eat it up
My unpopular opinion about this character: see now I dont know how 'unpopular' this is as an opinion, but I do think they kinda fumbled the bag on her/garrett's investigations ep. I understand wanting to keep up the mystery around her earth life, the way the narrative forces that upon her is fun in one! however for investigations it just feels a bit...much, idk. like the concept that shes just like 'wreathed in mystique' or whatever normally kind of ruins the fun of her downward spiral in the show a little for me. I think we did need to get something a little more personal for that episode to work, but for the time being i choose to interpret it (baselessly) as her just not being particularly close with her manager specifically (which i think is more understandable)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: more screentime in general, of course, but in terms of more specific things I wish she couldve met airy face to face. I think seeing that shes just some guy wouldve made her brain explode more-so than it did w liam. it wouldve been fun i think. as well i wish we couldve seen what her waiting room looked like when she shattered in ep 1, particularly if we could get the chance to see it again some time later on as a point of comparison, really driving home how her mentality has changed over time. and cause im curious.
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
Eheh Dazai
Favorite thing about them: I really like how as a character he was able to deeply touch so many people!! Seeing so many people finding relief in being able to relate to and emphasize with the character makes me happy.
Least favorite thing about them: I mean, his personality? I don't like how his many flaws are written to be interpreted as strong points / good traits for his character to the point no flaw is actually a flaw, it makes the reading experience very frustrating for me.
Favorite line:
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brOTP: Mmmmhh, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about Dazai. Soukoku, probably. The Buraiha trio makes me emotional a little. Souheki, but in a very passive-aggressive, over-competitive, one-sided rivality, can't-stand-each-other way. Dazai and Kyouka. Dazai and Atsushi too I suppose, though I prefer them romantically. I think he makes for a lot of interesting dynamics with virtually all the characters, but none compells me in particular tbh.
OTP: Odazai is plain canon to me, idk what to tell you. I think they make for a beautiful, tragic love story. Get you a man who is willing to change the path of his whole life for another man just like that, nobody does it like them (actually, wait, I can think of another man... ). Although I always distantly liked them, dazatsu has grown on me like, an INSANE amount in the last few months. I'm not sure what happened. I think it was an unfortunate (lol) coincidence of growing a little fonder of Dazai and just wanting to give more space and agenda to Atsushi. Like to me a lot of what dazatsu is really is about giving Atsushi more agency and autonomy and independence and overall just respecting him as a complex, full fleshed out character. I don't see ANY kind of power imbalance in it I keep finding people talk about. Dazai pushes Atsushi to be better every day, and Atsushi does exactly the same for Dazai. Atsushi admires and respects Dazai, and Dazai admires and respects Atsushi equally. I really don't know why the ship isn't more popular and instead just gets discarded most of the time tbh. I feel like everyone should sit down a second and actually give Atsushi the dignity to choose for himself. And fyozai!!! The investment in this ship mostly goes on waves for me but despite that I firmly believe that they really make for an engaging and interesting dynamic to be interpreted romantically. The epitome of “You're both just enabling each other's mental illnesses. You're both perfect for each other. Never change. Just never involve anybody else in what you've got going on.”
nOTP: Nothing comes to my mind.
Random headcanon: Not canon related, but in modern aus I feel like he'd be one to always end up working at ceo roles and he would HATE it. He fires himself and starts working at some cheap frozen yogurt place and one month later he'll find himself as the ceo of the most important oil company of the country AGAIN without him even realizing it / despite his active efforts to avoid that. And he HATES IT. He fires himself again but the loop only repeats forever. He's just that kind of person for whom all doors open automatically.
Unpopular opinion: ............ I could be here forever. I regretfully fail to relate to a lot of characterization / readings of the character I've seen the fandom give him. I really don't want to dwell on this so I'll just mention something mostly unrelated to his characterization: I wholly can't share the take of him being physically built like??? At all??? Which got REALLY popular a few months ago. Dude feels like he never lifted a finger his whole life, I really don't know where the idea comes from???? And I personally don't take his manga visual portrayal as a telling factor for this; pretty much all the characters have the same body type, it's impossible for me to base the buff Dazai assumption on how he's drawn in the manga. Just one thing about his chracter though stop making him matchmaker for ss/kk he really isn't stop don't do it please
Song i associate with them: HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE associating him with my favourite vocaloid song ever but. Meltdown by iroha is a very Dazai song. So many other songs though... Parade of Liars by ryo. Abstract Nonsense by Neru. God-ish by Pinocchio-P. So on and so forth.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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saturnniidae · 3 months
astrid for the character ask game?
(p.s deya you are so cool)
Favorite thing about her: the way she cares so deeply for people but is bad at showing it and has the most diabolical case of cuteness aggression I fear I've ever seen. She expresses her love for her friends through actions like protecting them.
Least favorite thing: How she only has like one episode (the flighttmare episode where shes trying to regain her famliys honor. off the top of my head) dedicated solely to her, and all her other development being linked to Hiccup in some way and how she's slowly just reduced to 'supportive gf' in the later movies.
Favorite line: "Our parents war is about to become ours! Figure out which side you're on." Because it just tells you so much about her character. She's essentially a child soldier, well they all are, but the others still goof off, yknow, like kids are supposed to?? Astrid allows herself 0 moments of weakness (respite) and puts everything before herself to ensure berks safety.
BrOTP: I already talked about her and Snotlout, so how about her and Fishlegs? Like they their moments of silliness in that one rtte ep where he helped her look for a betrothal gift and her helping him protect the dramillions. It shows they have such a bond you'd think would be kind of unlikely but then it's like. Never talked about again and it makes me mad bc they're such best friends :(
(let Astrid have friends outside of Hiccup challenge: FAILED)
OTP: Her and Hiccup. Or Heather. Heathstrid is more of a 'it's cute and makes sense' ship than one I'm genuinely invested in tbh bc I don't think Heather needs a love interest, so ig hiccstrid since I'm more invested in it. (or specifically the version that lives in my head)
NOTP: idk. I saw her shipped with viggo once. That was Interesting (boo throws tomatoes👎👎)
Random headcanon:
Now knowing their war with the dragons was essentially pointless, she feels like she wasted her childhood. Had someone only realized and ended it sooner, she wouldn't have spent all her time training instead of being happy. Also she's trans <33
(Astrid child soldier Hofferson you grew up too fast. The dragon war ended only for her to be thrust into another conflict (war with viggo) shortly after but it's not like she's complaining. I feel like she spent so much time training to fight, she barely knows how to just. Be.)
Also. She keeps a little handkerchief in that pouch on her belt to wipe her hands after holding Hiccup's. Sweaty ass palms.
Also also, I feel like she has a slightly strained relationship with her parents and siblings and her uncle is her closest famliy member.
Unpopular opinion:
Sheshould get to be silly and be allowed to kind of suck sometimes. Let her be kind of a bitch with no remorse!!! let her be goofy sometimes!!!
Song I associate her with:
There's a few
Crab - Alex g (specifically her and Hiccup in the 1st movie and before it), The Wedding List - Kate Bush and The Calling - The Amazing Devil
(I've always interpreting The Calling as moving on from a desire to please and being blinded to other important aspects of life due to to one's obsession with strength, reflecting on that and starting anew which I feel fits her)
Favorite picture:
She looks so happy here it makes my chest hurt (gotnf is fhe best depiction of Astrid in all of httyd outside the first movie. I'll die in this hill)
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twisting-roads · 1 month
srs for the character ask thing
they're my favorite iterator, and also weirdly enough my introduction to iterators as a whole. I like their character a lot, how they think so far in the future about things and yet fail to consider the present. Spearmaster was so thoroughly planned out, and at the same time they thought it was a great idea to send pebbles a condescending ass apology letter and that he WOULDN'T get mad about it. They're emotionally stupid and unaware of so many things and I love them. and its sad how much they get overlooked in the community or just used as ship bait for pebbles and nsh
I kinda wish they were held more accountable for what they caused, or at least were mentioned later on. Yeah they do Feel Guilty about it but they were... part of the problem at hand.
also idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not but I don't understand any of the interpretations that make them look like a cool and badass mentor when they're just. some bloke.
anyways I think every rw ship is lame as hell romantically so I don't really have anything to say in that department
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lord-squiggletits · 6 months
For the Salty Asks (forgive us for the avalanche, if it's too many you can pick your top three): 2, 9, 10, 11, 13 (Optimus), 20, 25 (IDW1), 26
uhhh honestly I feel a bit like a hermit who's out of the loop on what's popular/unpopular so some of these might be completely off the mark but here we go
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Mmmm I think most of my brotp's aren't shipped as OTPs to start with, so I dunno if I have any that fit this question.
Guess the closest example for me would be OPli/ta. I don't actively platonically ship them but I think platonic is way more interesting than romantic. I don't like the fandom's interpretation of romantic O/Plita at all + I feel like as one of the original "token woman" Autobots, I'd like to see Elita unshackled from Optimus as a love interest, esp because any official interpretation of them is probably gonna be written extremely heteronormatively/token romance between an action hero and The Girl. And the fanon version of them that's Strong Independent Girlboss Elita with whipped simp husbnad Optimus is just as boring and gross.
I just don't like the vibes and would rather them have some sort of friendly or regular relationship together.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
IDW1 Slide, who I've gone into detail about my hatred of in several posts, but the TLDR is that she comes off as some kind of mouthpiece character? Not a mouthpiece as in for the author's beliefs, but it literally feels like she only exists to shit on Optimus and call him a piece of shit. Her dialogue is so cheesily written ("literally fascism" is an actual thing she says) and her bitching/lack of cultural comprehension about Cybertronian history is so prevalent, that for a long time during my IDW1 reading I was genuinely confused as to whether she was supposed to be some sort of parody/strawman/mockery of someone IRL (her character comes off almost EXACTLY like an anti-SJW stereotype of a screeching harpy calling everyone she dislikes a fascist, and it's only Barber's very obviously left-leaning writing in other parts of the story that told me that definitely wasn't the intent). So then I was wondering "okay is she gonna like, randomly become evil and turn against the good guys because she's just that petty? I mean she spends all of her time bitching about how Optimus/the Autobots/Cybertronians in general are the worst ever and she also hates humans too so I mean maybe? Half of this story already doesn't make sense so I can see it happening."
Thankfully that didn't happen, but like. Slide is so goddamn annoying and ignorant and gets way too much page time dedicated to her angry monologuing (in Unicron aka the finale of IDW1 there's literally a whole half page panel of her bitching about how Optimus is an evil tyrant while Trypticon is dying behind her and it comes off as a poorly timed, bad taste joke). The narrative treats her like she's some important individual whose feelings are important and valid, but she's fucking annoying. Any sympathy she was meant to garner is canceled out by badly written dialogue and the fact that she's a Literal Nobody of a character who seemingly only exists to bash the decades old, beloved legacy characters. For the sake of, idk, talking about how fucked up Cybertronians are that they just shrug and move on when people die? Bc apparently it's some sort of sin to be numb after 4 million years of war (and war that's literally still ongoing while Slide is bitching) and just soldier on trying to get through it? God forbid that a military hierarchy fighting to keep neo-Decepticons and various other alien threats from colonizing Earth be run like a military in which orders have to be followed, people die, but you still have to keep fighting anyways? Idefk man I just hate Slide so much she's basically the embodiment of all of the bad aspects of Barber's writing personified.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Mutineers arc in MTMTE/LL. I feel like (whether due to early cancellation and/or JRO wasting time on too many side plots to give it its full depth), I dislike how the mutineers were basically boiled down to pure evil morons who are the most disgusting, despicable evil ever and the only reason the mutiny had Good Guys (TM) in it was because they were horribly misled and not because, you know, the mutiny was 100% a valid thing to have happened as retaliation against Rodimus and Megatron's captaincy.
Like, I'm not opposed to the idea of Getaway and his cronies being assholes (I personally thought Getaway was a GREAT slow-burn, puppet master villain/anti-hero), I just dislike how the quality of their writing degraded from MTMTE to LL. Felt like they (Getaway in particular) got passed the Idiot Ball and then the actual reasons behind the mutiny were never addressed, it was kind of just "oh Getaway died horribly so we're all friends now and we forgive each other and Rodimus/Megatron will just go back to being captains now."
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
You mean besides IDW Optimus because anyone who's been on my blog for like 5 seconds knows he's my biggest problematic fave skldfjskd
Uhhh I guess in the spirit of the previous question, Getaway. I feel like the fandom's hatred for him is overblown mainly bc it's a combination of Tailgate/Cyga/te fans going "HE GOT IN THE WAY OF C/YGA/TE AND ALMOST KILLED THAT PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL" and Rodimus or Megatron stans going "Getaway hates my fave?? But my fave is a good captain and deserves the world HE'S EVIL MY FAVORITE IS BEYOND CRITICISM OR REPROACH GETAWAY IS THE EMBODIMENT OF EVIL."
Like to me it seems as if the hate for Getaway isn't normal dislike or even people hating him because he's a well written villain. It feels weirdly like ppl really take Getaway's actions personally and hate him with the kind of passion you normally see reserved for actual real life horrible people. Or they like, see Getaway as an obstacle to [favorite character]'s happiness and not as an individual who, before the quality of his writing tanked, was actually an interesting character who maybe even had good points? It just feels like people mainly hate Getaway because he's the antagonist to more popular characters/ships and so they project their defense of their faves into virulently hating him.
13. Unpopular opinion about (Optimus)?
Honestly 90% or more of the fan content I see for Optimus is really boring/uncompelling to me, or really just comes off as out of character. It's either Optimus being reduced to an accessory to be shipped with someone (usually turned into some sort of moe cutesy uke type) or him being turned into.... idk some permutation of "feral irresponsible gremlin" or "One Of The Good Ones (TM)" or "anxiety-ridden damsel who needs to be rescued by his lover" or, in some circles, "character I project my issues with authority onto and try to frame as evil for things that aren't even evil."
Idk how to specifically describe it, it's just... a vibe? Most of the Optimus content I see doesn't actually feel like him at all. It feels like it's Optimus/Orion in name only, who got so separated from canon and distorted by fanon/flanderization/shipping/porn stereotypes that he now only vaguely resembles the character he's supposed to be.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Ahahaha I don't really go into the realm of pure ships honestly, plus this is the war criminal fandom where pretty much every character has killed people or committed crimes or is just generally scarred by war so uhhh
Idk I think Thundercracker/Melissa is a pretty hinged ship? They get along and cope surprisingly well with all the shit that happens. There's no angst or betrayals or misunderstandings or enemies, they're just very respectfully together. Sdfklsajfksd
25. How would you end (IDW1)/Would you change the ending of (IDW1)?
Honestly, I'm pretty satisfied with the ending of IDW1 on both sides of the story. On Barber's side I would've preferred if every single planet including Cybertron didn't get fucking eaten leaving them all stuck on Earth together, and I would've also kept Trypticon alive while... minimizing Slide's role, to say the least. I don't have a problem with Optimus' ending bc I actually think that Optimus' arc in Unicron is like, one of the few 1000% good things Barber wrote for him it's just. It's pure Optimus in his best form.
On JRO's side I would've cut out the last panel with the alternate Lost Light and left it ambiguous as to whether the quantum jump successfully copied the ship or not. I dislike the vibes of the canon ending that implied that everyone moving on with their lives (almost universally to new and exciting and happier places) was the "sad" ending and going on a permanent road trip is the "true, happy" ending. In the author's notes I think JRO said that he wanted to give the readers an ending that would allow them to imagine their faves continuing to go on adventures, but I think compromising a good ending to a story to appease fans is fucking stupid + fandom has never needed permission or approval from the author to write alternate, happy endings. So why ruin a poignant, melancholy ending about how endings come with new beginnings and sadness/nostalgia can be mixed with hope and happiness by going "sike lol they're all living happily ever after on their space cruise."
Also I wouldn't have randomly killed off Ratchet for no reason because like. What was that even supposed to accomplish. I'm no stranger to writing major character deaths but like. He just fucking died of disease off-screen and that was that??? Why, like what was the narrative/symbolic purpose of that besides just making the ending more sad? Maybe to emphasize how going back to Cybertron was the "bad ending" and the quantum Lost Light is the "good ending" since on the LL Ratchet is still alive? But see the paragraph above for why I don't like that.
26. Most shippable character?
The most shippable character to me is whichever character I think is the sexiest, because if I think they're sexy it makes me want to ship them with everyone. "Guards, fuck that man for me" etc etc. Lmao
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gemharvest · 1 month
Gf for the character thing ? :] or maybe Nene if you received her already
I HAVEN'T RECEIVED HER YET THANK YOU !!!!!!!!! I'll do Nene too, I'll just make it her own post after posting this. :J
favorite thing about them: I love her dumbgirl swag. There's something so special to me that both her and Boyfriend are fuckin'. Dumb As Rocks. ALSO I LOVE THAT SHE'S CANONICALLY AN ARTIST that's such a sweet thing to me. I would pay one morbillion dollars for a GF commission (because she has no idea how they work).
least favorite thing about them: I WANT HER TO DO MOREEEEHGNJFN.. Like she's probably done as much as BF has so that's not a critique of the game, I just wanna see her do more. Because I love women. Oh also I think they should remake every canon piece depicting her and make her canonically fat. I often forget she isn't fat in canon and then I feel sickly when I look at like, the volume 1 cover and she's thin. W-Whe';re h.er tumm-.my go..,m,l,l,...,, <- sorry for crytyping but it fits.
favorite line: That's how you do it! <- I was gonna jokingly just go up down left right but then I remembered she says that in the tutorial. And I quote it to myself all the time so.
brOTP: Y'know what, similar to BF, I think a GF & Darnell friendship would be fuckin' s-tier. I often think abt this post Keyy made tbh. I know that's specifically the Funkycule AU and pup has them in a QPR but I do think abt it often. Also, before I was a romantic PicoGF guy my interpretation of RGB had Pico & GF as just friends, probably closer friends the longer they're in their relationships with BF cuz like, bonding over a shared partner or smthn LMAO so I'll give an honorable mention to Pico & GF friendship.
OTP: WOag. RGB. Wow I've never heard of that before. How many times can I joke about RGB being my OT3 for this game before it gets annoying LMAO anyways. I ALSO REALLY LOVE GFNENE I wish they had more fics. So bad. I'm actually shocked by how bare their tag on AO3 is. They weren't lying, fandom does hate femslash. /hj
nOTP: Is there anyone out there who actually ships her with Senpai. I think that'd be my only answer ALSO YOU KNOW WHAT. I chickened out on saying it with BF but I also consider BF and Senpai a nOTP but like, I DON'T HATE ANYBODY WHO SHIPS IT. OF COURSE. I don't think it's "problematic" to ship Senpai with either of them it's just, like, the most thought I have on Senpai is that I want to kick sand into his eyes. So that feeling doesn't really translate into a desire to see him shipped with anyone. I'm sorry to anybody who ships Senpai with either of them, I respect your grind, it is just sooooo not for me.
random headcanon: This headcanon is like, so deep into my personal GF characterization/ fuckin'. AU. If you wanna call it that atp. BUT ANYWAYS. Fuck this is gonna need quick background hold on. The canon explanation for her looking human iirc is literally just "true love" or whatever tf. But that's not as fun to play with. So instead I like to write her as being ashamed of being a demon, especially because of her parents' actions, so she masks her demon traits. And she reaaaalllly does not like letting them slip through, especially around a specific person (this is foreshadowing for something idek if I'll get to any time soon Sorry). BUT! She is on a limit for how long she can hide her demon traits until doing so starts to hurt her, either through draining her energy or like, it causing physical damage to continue hiding parts of her. And while she trusts Pico & BF, she's still got shit that she's just. Not. Sorting out. So when she feels she's about to reach a limit with it she locks herself away to rest until she's well enough to continue like normal. Girlie No (guy who is writing her to do this) (don't worry I'm going to also write her getting better abt this) I'm gonna eventually have to make a "Karl's Personal FNF Demon World Building" master-post or whatever just cuz this shit is so fun for me to work with Idk.
unpopular opinion: GEH once again idrk if this is an unpopular opinion but I've been using this to just. Complain. About stuff I have seen and disagree with so whatever I'm continuing the trend. Like Pico, I feel like I see. So many. Interpretations of her that just feel Wrong. Like I see people make her The Smart One or like. Dominant Girlboss with little substance beyond that. And it's like. Cool, yay, I love fandom misogyny. FUCK it's probably still rotting in my drafts but forever and always my reaction to this phenomenon with her is "This girl gets her hand stuck in peanut butter jars trying to eat pb with her hands. This is your Smart One?" and I should get it out of my drafts bc I'm real for that. DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME WHEN I SAY THIS BTW. Interpretations that smarten up BF to the same degree do not flag this to me. When making more serious fanworks with these guys, you're gonna have to give them more smarts than canon will. My issue is specifically when I have seen people still write in a degree of stupidity with BF and then just. Don't? Do the same with GF?
song i associate with them: Very basic but I think the sound is cute with her. My secondary answer would be Nelward - "Werewolf" but that's more of a. Specific Instance. That I don't want to elaborate on. grins
favorite picture of them:
Like literally all of them The Fuck you're making me choose? /silly Here's the fruits of me looking through her wiki gallery:
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^ If I had to pick a single favorite, it'd be those panels from the Nendoroid comic. She was real for that. Anyways FUCK I love her. Statements improved when you remember I'm Boyfkin LMAOOOOOO..
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claudiadiaries · 2 months
lan wangji!!! btw I still have your numbers ask im saving it for tonight lol
Thank you Cor <33 sorry for taking some time with it
My first impression idk I remember thinking he was very pretty and funny lol. I just really liked him from the start.
My impression now Probably one of my favorite characters from any media and also the only man in the world. Like this post.
Favorite thing about that character I like that he's very serious and kinda boring and methodical but very intense and commited not only to people but to his own principles, and his emotional journey tring to reconcile that. He's kind but not nice which is such a interesting contrast to me personally, esp since he's not like agressive, which is kinda common when writing characters like that. Also I love that despite struggling so hard to connect with people he's a teacher, and a very good one at that! Mentor characters are so good I love them. He's also very silly <3
Least favorite thing He is not very developed and I would love it if his relationships with other characters were more explored. His family life is so interesting, I love seeing how each person interprets what happened and how that reads into his relationship with justice and love.
Favorite line/scene The feeling of walking on a single plank bridge til it's dark doesn't feel so bad :) 'what is black? what is white? who is right? who is wrong?' is also a GREAT line
Favorite interaction that character has with another character So many of his scenes with wei wuxian are great but I love his conversation with him at the waterfall in the last episode. That one sect meeting where he stands up for wei wuxian and talks with mianmian after she quits the jin sect also has a lot of good interactions.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more I would love to see him interact more with jiang yanli wen qing And mianmian firstly bc he already has a lot in common with them and seems to respect them. Wen qing esp bc I think she's def more wary of him than of wwx even before burial mounds happened. Also the fact that he defended her and wen ning when they gave themselves over to the jins and we never saw it haunts me like What was all that about!!!
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character Spock even though I only watched 10 episodes from star trek in my entire life. Every bl manga love interest that is serious pretty hard to read but deeply earnest and commited. And choi taek from reply 1988 but only slightly bc I never finished it.
A headcanon about that character Related to the next question but I do think lan wangji would love many genres other than classical or traditional music... especially blues/jazz/r&b. For canon compliant hcs I like to think he's one of those people that had a hard time making friends as a kid but grows to be very beloved by their community, not as hanguang-jun but as lan wangji. He gets along especially well with housewives and little kids <3 I also like to think he's kinda vain lol
A song that reminds of that character Soldier of love by Sade
An unpopular opinion about that character So many but if you go into mdzstwt my most unpopular would be that I hate daddy dom millionaire lwj that characterization pisses me off so bad. But I think to compensate that sometimes people avoid talking about his class position as something that influences his actions a lot, which is a shame bc it's one of my favorite aspects of him! Esp in contrast with wei wuxian, who is more familiar with non-cultivators and is, very crucially, the son of a servant that dessected to help war refugees. Please can we go back to making horse girl lwj headcanons that was funny.
Favorite picture
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kybelles · 7 months
hi love! I'm feeling devious so for the choose violence asks, 24 and 25
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HIII BABY 💞💞 i sincerely hope you don’t mind me answering everything via your ask 🥹 i just didn’t want to spam the tl with my non-stop posting!
1.the character everyone gets wrong
JOKASTE!!! 😩 sooo many times in fan creations she’s a mustache twirling villain and look i get it! she needs to go in order to lamen to be together but i don’t know why each time she needs to cheat on damen…. people can break up for other reasons yk…..
i feel like people don’t really get how much jokaste holds damen in such a high regard. the first time she talked to laurent she was full of praises for damen and yes although the majority of the reason was to taunt laurent, it was too heartfelt to be faked entirely. i find her a quite tragic character honestly. in another world she would be proud and happy to be to be damen’s queen 🙁 i wish more ppl cared about her OR stop portraying her as this cold unfeeling girlboss who was sooo sick of damen’s bs that she punished him by gleefully fucking kastor….. i really really don’t think that’s who she is. she loved damen in her own way. she was also a sentimental woman. (her last letter to damen will never make me not emotional….)
3.screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
SCREENSHOT OMG hats off to any brave soul who actually posts it….. also the collection on bad takes is so rich idk what to choose… ok i got one: so i genuinely don’t remember the details but a few years ago there was a post circulating about how laurent was actually Good All Along (yes even in book one where he drugged damen and then threw him into a rape ring and also had him whipped after intentionally setting him up 🙂 ) and it had so many likes…. i’ll never ever understand the need to whitewash book 1 laurent’s actions. like why do you even stan a controversial character if you don’t like his controversial aspects…. i really believe this is quite the disservice to such a multidimsensional character like laurent. :/
7.what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how the fandom acts about them?
hmm i wouldn’t say hate but some posts i read about auguste made me sorta dislike him  😬 idk when and where i read it but there was one post in particular that said they wish auguste would come back to life and beat the shit out of damen and i was like WOAHHH??? you want the mc (who you spent three books with) to be beaten brutally by some canon fodder?? for what crime???  i was honestly weirded out.
there’s also the fact that i genuinely HATE l*uguste (despite not being an anti shipper in general or anything! this ship just rubs me the worst way bc laurent experienced so much trauma from the way ppl made up incest rumors about him and auguste) so any interpretation (even if they aren’t written as a romantic pair intentionally) where auguste and laurent have this unhealthy codependent bond with auguste acting like a ferocious caveman to any potential romantic suitor of laurent and laurent being all meek and allowing this treatment is a big no for me. ✋ so yes even tho i don’t hate auggie boy i can’t say i care a great deal about him. sorry baby i’m sure you are just dandy.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
that damen is an unreliable narrator 😩i talked about it in my previous post!
12.the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
EGERIA THE MF QUEEN OF AKIELOS 🗣️🗣️ i actually like every member of the akielos trio (theomedes-hypermenestra-egeria) sm because their situation reminds me of turkish harem dramas. 🤭 the lack of canon information about them allows me to make various hcs and backstories and idk i just think it’s fun!
13.worst blorboficiation
JFC i’m SOOOO old i’m ANCIENT bc i have no idea what this means….. i’d be happy to answer it if you give me some clarification (hiding my face in shame)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
oh luckily i already answered it here!
17.there should be more of this type of fic/art
I’m always a huge advocate for bottomianos even though i myself shamefully haven’t made a contribution 💔 as for art i’m beyond grateful for our wonderful artists and i humbly would like to see more of the old gang! (theo, egeria, aleron, hennike etc.)
21.part of canon you think is overhyped
hmm i unfortunately can’t think of an answer for this one, i’m sorry!
24.topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
OH DEAR… so one of the first times i actively participated in the fandom i made a post about how frustrating it was to see theomedes portrayed as an absent father despite the glaring lack of canon evidence while aleron got off the hook much easier despite laurent actually confirming he was an absentee and said i think it was about the way people perceive them (theomedes=brown and toxic, aleron=white and tastefully distant) anyways, some user whom i never talked to before (and they’re still blocked to this day despite the fact i pretty much never block anyone here) said i was “making it up” and right after i blocked them after they continued talking to me in a very rude manner some asks ✨mysteriously✨ appeared in my inbox and the person who sent them called me an “illiterature white bitch” who made up nonexistent drama…….. so yes i guess the colorism issue really ruffles some people’s feathers :) i wonder why :) 
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
“why didn’t damen figure out the regent’s abuse of laurent sooner is he stupid” setting aside the 574619 different pacat interviews where she talks about how damen needed to be oblivious bc otherwise laurent would never open up to him, why is it so wild to think damen wouldn’t assume the regent would do something like that to his own nephew? as if the entire canon events didn’t happen bc damen believed families would never hurt each other…. just wow
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brucequeensteen · 2 months
hawkeye pierce. for the character asks
how I feel about him: he's my best friend my everything my silly rabbit my sweet cheese my good time boy my rotten soldier. etc. i deeply relate to him and admit i am guilty of projecting a lot of myself but that's mash writers and alan aldas fault for creating this character who is literally me but a few degrees off. i get frustrated by his characterisation in both canon and fanon often but im trying to #chill cos i know he's a fan favourite so everyone has their own views and interpretations of him. when it comes down to it i just like him very much and wish he was real so we could queen out together 🙏
all the people i ship romantically with him: bj & trapper, margaret (sometimes), klinger (though i don't think they're romantic and more like the crossover btwn sexual and platonic), mulcahy ❤️, and kellye sometimes though she deserves better LOL and that's again more like the klinger situation...
non romantic otp: hawkeye and radar closely followed by hawkeye and margaret... hawkeye and radar are the ultimate dynamic i think. Especially with trapper in the mix as well. and margaret and hawkeye make me crazy cos they're so different and yet so similar and the way their relationship evolves over the show is beautiful. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 also theyre both hot lol
unpopular opinion: tbh im not In Touch with the mash fandom so much soooo idk what an unpopular opinion is. but one thing i see often in post-canon fics is depicting him as this desolate unsalvagable wreck of a man, especially when it comes to hunnihawk there's this idea that bj is the only one who can save hawkeye from himself and its a little overdone i think. i love deep insights into his mental issues, i love bipolar hawkeye, i love manic hawkeye and depressed hawkeye, ive loved fics that delve into him having suicidal ideation that really resonate with me, but there's a level of "damsel in distress"-ifying him that i don't like, you know? especially when it erases other characters that are important to him like his Literal Father, or margaret....
what i wish had happened in canon: first thoughts that come to mind are incredibly inappropriate and would never happen on television in the 70s/80s. i think i would have like to see a Fallen Idol/Inga type episode that either didnt mischaracterise him (that is not how he would have reacted to Inga i dont think) or treat him as being the wrong when he's clearly in the right (everyone so mean to him in Fallen idol ☹️) and while both those episodes work really well as meta commentary on the show and on hawkeye's perception in pop culture, I would have much preferred some kind of deconstruction on his character that a) addressed his real actual personality and character quirks and backstory (more like dr pierce and mr hyde meets the "dear dad" episodes) and b) isn't ignored or not addressed for the rest of the show lol 😭 a girl can dream can't he.
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ultfan · 3 months
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@oudachi sent in this prompt: 🔥🔥🔥
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i've never really understood the possessiveness the rpc has over headcanons. like — the whole "don't steal my interpretation of this character!" stuff. cause like... what if they already had the same interpretation and headcanons? or what if you just said something they agreed with and they were like "omg so true that makes so much sense!" — i get the whole... "don't steal my writing or graphics" thing, obviously, but unless your headcanons are like... VERY SPECIFIC canon divergent shit or something i'm like... ??? idk man. even for me i can't say i care if people adopt my komaeda takes into their own portrayals. it's not like i own my muses or anything. personally i'd be flattered. esp my dr3 despair rewrite which i actively encourage people to take inspo from lmao.
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listen, i may be a bitch who likes my overly complicated pretty graphics, but i do think we gotta stop the trend of only following blogs who do have fancy ass graphics. i feel like there's this vibe in the rpc that pretty graphics = high quality blog/writing and that just isn't the case. whenever i see new rp blogs follow me or just blogs w/ muses i'm interested in pop up on my dash the #1 thing that gets me to follow is their writing. second thing would be the vibes of their rules. i don't think this is necessarily an unpopular opinion but... idk. i see a trend and i must comment.
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not an rp opinion but tracing is a fucking valid way to learn art and people gotta stop dissing it. don't trace someone's art and claim it as your own, but dude if you want to trace to help learn anatomy and break down art styles then fucking do it. it's not cheating, it's building up important muscle memory!!! it's an awesome learning tool!!! and i'm sick of people saying otherwise!!! same goes for reference!!! use reference cowards!!!
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