#idk i'm just really happy for them. they're both so talented and SO skilled & their joy was palpable annd they both put that shit onn
honeyvenommusic · 5 months
just finished watching both Tinashe & Chappell Roan's coachella sets and *sigh* i'm just really so happy for them.
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seeingivy · 3 months
bsfs older brother sukuna asks!
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OUCH like you're literally crazy thank you so much. random side tangent that no one asked about but basically my mom has a masters in english literature and likes to read/write a lot (which is where i think i get that from) but basically we were talking about books that are meant to me read as books or other writing that is more like cinematic? if that makes sense.
like some people on here write fic that's really prose based and beautifully written. like truly I think the talent lies in how they choose to string the words together that always leaves me in awe. another irl author that does this a lot is celeste ng (ronnie book rec! everything I never told you is one of my favorite books ever)
but then some books are very very plot driven and kind of have plot as the main thing that kind of draws me in. I definitely think i'm this type of writer more where I know that my talent isn't necessarily in how I string the words together (not that I think it's bad, I just think that the way I build something up and make a plot out of something is kind of where I have the most fun and think I do the best in terms of the stuff I put out) an irl book that does this is the seven husbands of evelyn hugo - where it's very jam packed and driven by the actual events of the book as opposed to the actual wording and sentence structure of how they're written.
anyway this ask just validated what I was thinkiNG LOL bc I do think I tend to write some thats more like sucker punch yolo as opposed to really working on writing that's more prose like (and I admire people who can do that because I literallly fumble with normal words, like @/theragethatisdesire and @/neptuneblue are SOOO skilled at this that it always leaves me speechless. anyways.)
thank you again pookie 💌
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literally that's emotional whiplash. I reread the entire thing myself (which is crazy, because I rarely reread my own works after writing them, but I do find myself reaching to read this one sometimes) and LORD like i actually kind of forgot the stuff in the beginning so PROPS TO YOU and it's so sweet that you felt all the feels that were going on that makes my heart so so warm.
heavy on the poor weird child me. mind you that both of these characters internal monologue/and somewhat of their backstory is based on me in real life and heavy on loving little weird child you and knowing that they're still in you somewhere fighting in whatever way they can (for me its fanfic....which is very on brand when I think about it)
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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! 💌 idk where that all came from in three days but it did and im actually very very proud of it so it makes me so so happy that you enjoyed it!
anyways! idk I hope to write some more soon but someone in my family is having a five wedding events week business going on so i'm like out of capacity all weekend (and already overstimulated from so much interaction)
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
pbelase talk more abt mlp the idea of actually delving into stuff like what u posted is so interesting to me. sits with my chin in my hands and kicking my feet like we're at a sleepover. if u ever wanna infodump I'm Here
giggling twirling my hair and then taking out a massive binder of thoughts i've had since 2012
idk if you mean my thoughts on magic as a whole or on starlight but ur getting BOTH. big warning, i'm going to take this neon cartoon very seriously.
magic in g4 is wildly overpowered and there's this huge underlying inequality between the pegasi and earth ponies compared to the unicorns - which is reinforced in how the show portrays class, wealth, and nobility. The upperclass Canterlot consists mostly of unicorns, and nobility that hasn't earned their status and instead inherited it (Duke Blueblood). honestly, you could make the case that the unicorn's old role of raising the sun and moon (and therefor the crops) allowed them to maintain control over the earth ponies. In the few earth ponies we do see in Canterlot, they're mainly put in typically lower class associated physical intensive labor work. Notably, we see a group of earth ponies striking in one episode, implying that unions exist in order to prevent exploitation of these groups (notably, fancy pants speaks negatively about them because they're delaying a swan thing, a superfluous ceremony that is purely for fun and not at all necessary).
But back to magic! magic TRUMPS the other ponies' abilities. we see it can turn back time, control weather, give ponies super speed and strength, help them FLY?? anything a pegasi or earth can do, a unicorn with enough magic and training could arguably come in and do (perhaps even better than them!). When i used the example of the bakery in canterlot, i was drawing from the show. there's a scene where Starlight is able to ice a cake in seconds and Mrs. Cake asks if she's trying to put her out of business to which...yeah! could an earth pony be able to match that level of output in a unicorn dominated city? sure, someone brought up the idea of artisanal goods, but could that really compete with fast well crafted baked goods that take a fraction of the time an earth pony product would take? the answer is no. the artisanal goods would be the exception, not the norm.
Unicorns in general have a huge advantage in coordination, we see that they dominate the arts scene. They're capable of doing precise stitching for clothing, something that a pegasus or an earth pony would need to do by mouth and wouldn't be able to match the fine motor skills that magic can do. An earth pony can only sew by mouth, a unicorn without any magical training can sew multiple at once. They're at a huge disadvantage comparatively!
That leads us to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, just unicorns. Earth ponies and pegasi are completely blocked out from attending a prestige academy headed by the queen of Equestria herself on the basis that they can't do magic. We know that Celestia uses the school to scope out proteges...but that means only unicorns are considered.
now this is where Starlight comes in and look. listen. i love a good hypocritical villain but if you want to claim that she has a point in the show, ur wrong. Cutie marks don't automatically make you good at something, they don't disqualify you from other talents, and they definitely aren't limited to talents (some are personality traits!). Most importantly, they're what makes you feel fulfilled and happy. Starlight's ideology is flawed and in the show, this is how it's portrayed, and that's good.
But gotdamn. her backstory suuuuuucckkss. you can't write your friend a letter? can't be a penpal? come on starlight try a little harder. I mean they hardly stay unequal, writer's pet- i mean starlight can little outpower an alicorn princess.
so like. if you want her to have a point, she should've been an earth pony against magic. Starburst goes to an academy she's barred from tending, letters that she has to write are cumbersome and difficult because she has to do it by mouth, a lot of her labor options are limited by her capabilities - i mean come on! listen to me people, the enemy isn't cutie marks, the enemy of g4 inequality is magic.
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higurehige · 4 months
hi hello. been 5000 years since I have been tagged in much. uwu thank you @spadefish in return i slaaap uuuuh @duskdragonxiii @etakeh @vampiremasochist annnd @ponyacci (chose 2 of these based on activity feed but still important non-the-less! I hope you guys are all well even if we are but strangers in this wide blue world. Obvs feel free to ignore if you want to)
1. Are you named after anyone? A country singer. Course no one really thinks of her when they hear my name.
2. When was the last time you cried? Hrmmmm. Iunno probably 2 months ago over cirque du freak book series. I cry over books a lot.
3. Do you have kids? I am the kid. Do the 9 cats in my house count? On a serious note - no and I don't plan to. I have far too many problems and raising a kid would just wind up with me placing at least HALF of those problems on them. No. This curse ends with me. I don't think I'd even feel comfortable helping raise someone elses kid if we were in a relationship.
4. What sports do you play/have you played? I picked up archery recently! That's cool. I don't go as often as I should bc it's a bit expensive...but...yea! Archerys cool. Working on learning both recurve and compound. recurve for funsies and compound for hunting. (I just want an excuse to go sit out in the woods for hours on end doing fuck all and maybe, possibly bringing home some meat too)
5. Do you use sarcasm? Not often. I'm pretty blunt and no matter how hard I try to control myself I end up sounding like that one guy from guardians of the galaxy "Nothing goes over my head. I would catch it"
6. What is the first thing you notice about people? -shrug- Their face? I guess? Or whatever color they're wearing. Maybe their shoes. Idk...I'm terrible at facial recognition so I go ape trying to compensate for this.
7. What's your eye color? Green
8. Scary movies or happy endings? (both good but probably horror lean)
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9. Any talents? Depends what you count as a talent. Born with? Insane observational skills? Uh I can eat actual rotten and moldy food and not get sick? Uuuuuuh. Hmmm....I can dilate my pupils at will? I can bend my legs freaky directions but not freaky enough to look like a contortionist. naturally good with animals I guess? Idk, nothing to write home about.
10. Where were you born? South Haven Michigan
11. What are your hobbies? Reading, drawing, writing (lol to both of these), gardening (i live in an apartment so I cant really do like...vegetable gardening but, I got plants! =3), studying various animals (and bugs), studying plants, photography, I come and go out of other hobbies, honestly. Adhd moments of "wow that looks cool" doing it once and never again....I'm trying, chief.
12. Do you have any pets? Avery (black cat), Diva and squeakers (twin solid gray cats), Baguatte (orange boi), Tiny man (gray stripy fella), Shaggy (not really MY cat, he's just some stray but....-sigh- he is sleeping in my house rn so I GUESS. (brother to Tiny man I think. very similar appearances). then there's weasle and skunk. (also cats) Do the assassin bugs i just bought for my garden count as pets? bc I have assassin bugs in my plants now =3
13. How tall are you? 5'4 ish and built like a brick.
14. Favorite subject in school? Didn't have a good time in school, so I hated all of it. Excelled at English and reading classes.
15. Dream job? Biology field. I want to get paid to study animal/insect behaviors and write papers on them. As it is I am just doing this shit for free lol
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nitromemustdie2 · 2 years
okay, okay now what if I ACTUALLY make a Nitrome Must Die fan comic???
the ms paint esque medium mix about shady business and distant dreams, all achieved in the coldest ways possible???
well except some elements of mechanically produced magic... but uhhh we might wanna leave it to the still developing worldbuilding???
okay fine but what's with the hustle? well it's a little passion project of mine that will revolve around made up postcanon events of NMD because that open ending can be interpreted in so many ways
yeah that emo 100th game anniversary Nitrome game uh huh
here's de synopsis: our two (2) protags are angsty fellow kids (sorta) planning on opening up a game studio of their own. why did they decide to do this – only the true OGs know /hj???
the main characters are very stupid! unemployed mfs from cheap apartments! except their supposed net worths are definitely not cheap. A and J do have quite a dark story behind of course, but nah, nah they are not traumatised by bit, quite the opposite here they're the ones that traumatize.
and so they try to start their ways out of spite! here's the catch: their puny souls can be fueled by anger and hate only, so they have to pick up some unhealthy hobbies to keep their inspiration afloat. (spoiler: cartoonish violence. exclusively. maybe mafia ca-chings)
they have no talent, they have no sheer will and any actual goals in life, but one specific thing to do, like again, out of spite.
however eventually this will quickly shift solve into a maniacal production phase which pushes them forward in game-making industry. (idk much about further stuff tbh... it's the synopsis)
the perfect result would be achieved if we make it really REALLY really close to the original source. while the source itself really doesn't show the characters' true personality enough... well I sorta strive to make all the style the writing and everything both as canon and as adapted to modern stuff as pozbl.
and yeah the artstyle?? like emo 00s cartoons sort of? you know the ones? i'm having a crisis in this field it's either making it funky as heck or not making it at all kind of stance.
ohh the world they live in is a quite an interesting place. but actually not really. generic edgy big city that has a charm I've yet to practice my writing and drawing skills for.
08 Mar 2024 update:
making it public so any fellow tumblr nitromians get another dose of nmd fan content
(because to be honest i can't get rid of the terrible hyperfixation i got on NMD alone until i do something big for it, then i'll do awesome stuff for other nitrome masterpieces after that)
this post here is not a teaser; maybe just a prompt, and so far it's a little reminder (for me it's been a prompt for a year... argh help)
the style picking is still ongoing, the script is planned yet not properly written, like for example idk what other characters to add if they're not canon to the original universe
the designs might just might get released here in a few months or so
aaand the planned page amount?? idunnow... prob 50-55 by default it needs to have a finished plot.
with this being a FAN project i take inspos from other comics that use canon characters for one's own plot (this exact genre of resurrecting the unused characters) and honestly they drove me to this haha
along with one comment under that nmd trailer vid on youtube with the same idea that got 8 likes by now.
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oh it got 10 already!!! (i couldn't get in contact with the OP sadly)
so yep... now it's a semi public post xd. wait not or wait wait wait cause I still try. btw happy women's day <3
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127-spring · 1 year
since we're at most only two weeks away from having the official line-up for nct's japan unit, i figured i'd share my thoughts on the potential members now before the final lastart episodes air.
sion - he's already confirmed for debut which i'm happy about because he strikes me as very talented, and his (on camera) personality is charming. he's also very much bringing team leader vibes, which would be great except idk how to feel about the japan unit having a korean leader.
yushi - also confirmed for debut, which i'm happy about too! he's a fantastic dancer, and his voice strikes me as different in a pleasing way, but i also agree with some of the critiques he's received about how to improve his vocals. also, i love that he was so happy to meet xiumin that he cried.
jungmin - my favourite of the trainees, he's got wonderful vocals, kills the high notes every time, and i feel like he has really good stage presence. i'm confident he'll make the final line-up.
riku - he really does feel quite blatantly earmarked by sm as the unit's main rapper, but he has the skills to back it up and he always grabs my attention when he performs. i think he's a good fit for nct's general style.
minjae - i really do feel like they're too harsh on him for his dancing when overall he does a good job, and especially considering his vocal skills are so strong. unfortunately i don't think he'll make the line-up, but i am rooting for him.
ryu - i know he'd only been a trainee for two weeks when the show started filming so logically he could probably benefit from more time... but he's also very talented already and has so much potential for further growth. i don't think he has good chances of making it into the group, but i'd like it if he did.
anderson - he's a nice kid (so far as we see on camera, at least) and he's got great enthusiasm for performing. but something about him just doesn't really strike me as ready for debut? i can't explain it. regardless of my opinions, i do think he has good odds of debuting anyway. (and admittedly yeah, it would be pretty fun if the nct canada line doubled.)
kassho - i agree with one of the comments made in his last mission evaluation, he works hard at his role but he doesn't stand out much... tbh i don't tend to remember him, and i feel like he'd benefit from more training.
haruta - like kassho, he doesn't stand out a whole lot, but i do think he's stronger, performance-wise, and he can be striking sometimes. there's still room for a lot of growth in terms of developing an individual performance style, and grabbing more attention during his parts, but he has good potential.
daeyoung - he's definitely got strong vocal skills, and i'm impressed by his ability to keep up with the others given his short training period and having been dropped into the show halfway through. i do suspect sm wanted him to debut from the beginning, hence the big attention on him as soon as he arrived, and he'll probably make the line-up.
heitetsu - look, i agree with a lot of the critiques he's getting, but at this point it's ridiculous, the way he ranks at the bottom every single mission. he's not that bad.
sakuya & ryo - they're both very talented and their 'chewing gum' performance was freaking adorable, but neither of these kiddos should even be thinking about debuting yet. let them live!! unfortunately, sakuya in particular seems likely to make the final line-up...
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ectoamerican · 1 year
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Are you named after anyone? No. But a family member other than my parents got to name me. Unsure if I wanna change it when I'm able to really transition either, because it's actually a gender neutral name, and I do love that family member a lot.
When was the last time you cried? Oh, probably last night? I'm really sensitive and I can literally cry at anything, tbh.
Do you have kids? Nope! And I don't really want any? Or at least if I did, I'd want to adopt later in my life when I'm more stable. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I genuinely don't actually know. I'm sure I've made jokes that fall under that before, I just don't keep track of it like that? And I can sometimes have trouble telling what's sarcasm in text, which is how I normally talk to others. What's the first thing you notice about people? physically- probably eyes? the way a face looks? (like if you're tired looking or energetic?) idk, otherwise. What's your eye colour? Hazel. Sometimes they look brown, sometimes green, sometimes yellow-ish brown?
Scary movies or happy endings? Both. I refuse to choose. I love both horror and happy endings. I can enjoy both separately, equally. Any special talents? Uh, I like to draw I guess? But I don't consider art a talent. Not in the sense that i see most ppl say it is anyway. It's a skill you work on over a long period of time and continually get better at with practice. Where were you born? Some hospital in Michigan. What are your hobbies? Drawing, writing, video games, cooking? I wanna try piano and knitting at some point. Have you any pets? I have two(2) cats. Their names are Bob and Lucy. They were from an adoption drive and the only survivors from their litter. So the ppl at the drive didn't want to separate them. They're very affectionate. :') There are also two(2) dogs in my house but they're not mine. I do love them tho! What sport do you play/have you played? Uhhh, I liked soccer/football the handful of times I got to play in school. Wasn't ever part of a team or anything, just stuff we did in PE/gym class. I did however do cheerleading in elementary. How tall are you? I am 4'11". ( 149.86 cm according to google. I'm bad at math so I won't convert this on my own.) Favourite subject in school? Art class? But also Science classes? I liked to learn and draw. I just hated homework and math. Dream job? I used to wanna be a few different things. But by high school I just? Didn't really think I'd get anywhere meaningful so I really just only care to be able to have enough to get by. Sorry if that seems negative? For me and the way I've grown up it just feels realistic given my limitations.
Tagged by: @countlessrealities (ty !) tagging: @universestreasures @lcngdays @seafit @oculusxcaro and anyone who wants to do this. :>
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cats-inthe-cradle · 2 years
Okay so I wanna talk about my immortal-Fives au specifically The SquadTM (I need an actual name for the squad helpp) aka the squad that Domino is a part of after they join the 501st.
(Putting it under the cut 'cause it got long 😅)
Mostly because I've finally figured out who all the members are and I'm actually starting to get a feel for the ones I wasn't sure about that I'm actually happy with.
Well, I've figured out all the members for the first version of the squad. It gets changed up a bit as Domino become ARCs.
Oh wait I'm looking at my notes and realizing I'm thinking mostly about the 2nd version of the squad right now. Which is essentially the 1ist version except now Fives and Echo are ARC so 2 new people have been brought in to fill their places. Fives and Echo still stick around with the squad quite a bit tho even after becoming ARC.
So first, you've got Domina (obviously). Fives, Echo, Hevy, Cutup, and Droidbait. That makes up half the squad +1.
Then you've got Kix (Because Rex was looking at the configuration and decided it'd probably be a good idea to put someone who wasn't some form of crazy in there and who actually had some good experience. Which, Kix isn't necessarily not some form of crazy. He's just less so than most of the others.) and Hardcase.
Then you've got Vaughn (whom I love). In this au he's barely younger than Domino. So at the time the squad is formed he's only been deployed for a couple months tops. He was a shiny coming into the 501st and got promoted to Corporal pretty early on. And now he's the Sergeant of this squad :'D. And also the youngest.
And last but not least you've got Grift (an oc) who's Vaughn's honorary batchmate (I'll elaborate in a min.) No one's actually sure who's older or younger between him and Vaughn but he insists he's older. He got his name when some trainer jokingly called him a lil' grifter once, and the personality I'm thinking of for him stems from that as well as the influence of some (slightly) older vod which I'll elaborate on in a min.
So that's the first version of the Squad - with Jesse as the Lieutenant over their platoon, of course.
Now for version 2 of the squad, aka version 1 plus two more, aka the boys I've especially been thinking about tonight.
So Fives and Echo (and Jesse) head off to ARC training. Leaving the squad down 2 men. So Rex transfers in Charger and an oc whom I've been referring to as twin (don't ask me why, idk, I just know that I need a name for him).
Some background:
In this au, Charger, twin, my oc Cricket, +2 others who are in different battalions, were batchmates / a squad on kamino. In my mind their squad is very like, sneaky/stealthy and really clever. They're like a bunch of foxes, or raccoons, something like that. They're also kind of a diverse squad with a wide variety of talents/skills. One of them ('27) got picked to be trained as a scuba trooper and ended up in Kit Fisto and Commander Monnk's battalion. '29 got picked for the command track and ended up being deployed to a separate battalion (tbd). Cricket got selected for medic training, but ended up in the 501st as well (he shows up briefly in my fics Captain's Guide to Getting Cuddles and Guide to a Happy Medic). And Charger even got selected for Bomb Squad training, but ended up getting transferred back to his original training (but still with some specialist training) for various reasons. twin was the only one that didn't get selected for any special training, but that didn't stop him from picking up random skills wherever he could.
This is where Vaughn and Grift come in. Neither Vaughn nor Grift ended up staying with their original squads for very long, and both ended up getting moved around from squad to squad growing up. Eventually they found their way to Charger and twin's squad (despite them being at least a cycle or more ahead of them) and the squad kinda adopted them. It worked especially well after Cricket and '27, and even '29 got transferred to other training. With Vaughn and Grift helping to fill that gap in the squad during training, even being younger.
So anyways Vaughn, Grift, Charger, and twin are all very familiar with each other by the time they end up in a squad together in the 501st (with Hevy, Cutup, Drodibait, Kix, Hardcase, and Fives & Echo as ARCs). And they're especially all used to Vaughn being the baby of the squad, but now he's in charge of them all >:3 Not sure who's gonna be his corporal yet.
Some more stuff about Vaughn, Grift, Charger, twin, and Cricket 'cause I can't stop thinking about them:
Cricket struggles to connect with people, it usually takes some time (and being forced into meaningful interactions 😂). He's definitely the most guarded of the lot (and the most emotionally constipated, in Kix's words.) He can be hard to get to know but it's definitely worth the time and effort—when he loves someone it's with his whole heart and although he's bad about letting others take care of him, he's very good at taking care of others.
He was the first of his batchmates to get transferred for seperate training (followed closely by '27) which caused him to grow more distant from them. He didn't really get close to anyone again 'till the 501st, so by that point he'd become especially withdrawn from people. So it was a little awkward at first interacting with his batchmates again after reuniting. But he'll always be very fond of Vaughn and Grift and he loves Charger and twin a lot so it all works out. He also becomes fairly close to Kix, even if it doesn't seem like it to those who don't know them well.
Side note: '27 is rather similar to Cricket in nature and personality, although a bit less guarded.
Being the only one not picked for special training really hurt and upset twin. But it also pushed him to be better and prove that he's just as good as his batchers. He's also a natural blonde (he tends to keep it buzzed, like Rex. he's also got a scar across his nose and reaching down his left cheek), so he's always had to deal with being singled ut and discriminated against do to his 'defect'. He's always been a hard worker because of it, constantly trying to prove himself (and he did when he passed all of his exams with flying colors). He's definitely the stealthiest of his batchmates and also the nerd (so's Vaughn, they're nerd buddies).
Charger has a nack for anything electric and specifically that has to do with wiring (especially if explosives are involved). Second to '29 he's always the one looking out for the squad and is probably the most emotionally attuned to them (although Cricket is very good at reading people's emotions). He's a very competent trooper, but can also be a little impatient on missions. His hair is also naturally a brown that's lighter than the typical clone's black, so like twin he's also had to deal with discrimination in training do to his 'defect', but to a lesser extent since it's closer to the standard black. He keeps it in some variation of the standard cut.
Vaughn's my blue-eyed boy :) He could have easily made the command track, but due to his original squad having a reputation of being 'problem troopers', his own genetic 'defect' (blue eyes), and being moved around a lot, he spent the majority of his training just trying to stay afloat and (after some bad experiences) trying not draw too much attention to himself. It wasn't until he found Charger and twin's squad and the consistency that came with it, that he really began to grow confident in his abilities again. By that point he didn't really want to make the command track because it would mean getting moved again and he was happy with his new squad. But he still hoped to someday work his way up the ranks and become an officer. Also did I mention he's a nerd?
Grift's situation was very similar to Vaughn's but with a few small differences. One, his 'defect' wasn't necessarily as noticeable, being slightly smaller than the average clone, but not by much. He wasn't as focused on proving himself or trying to make the command track as Vaughn. He got easily distracted from his studies. And he had a habit of sneaking around, getting into places he shouldn't be, and just generally finding trouble. Fortunately he still managed to get (barely) passing test scores, and Charger & twin's squad took him under their wings before anyone managed to get him decommed. His scores improved with their guidance (and ability to keep him on track).
Vaughn and Grift are as close as any batchmates.
Well that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed listening to me ramble on about my boys :D
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popatochisssp · 4 years
So hi. I asked on another blog what the difference was between fellswap and swapfell was and they said they're using your version (it was on the bonely undertale dating sim blog). Anyway I thought I'd come here. Idk why but I've had a hard time grasping the personalities of the 2 skelebros in this AU and was wondering if you could help me out? I like your designs for them btw. What are your boys like? They said you call your sf (or fs? whichever you use) sans indigo. I'm just curious. Thanks!
Hi, I’ll do my best to give a quick and dirty rundown of my take on Swapfell (Indigo)!
I interpret it as a ‘Fell version of Underswap, with Sans still remaining the older brother.
Mal (Swapfell Sans) had to grow up quickly to look out for himself and his brother in their violent world and developed his intelligence and his ability to read people into a talent for manipulating them to his own ends. He’s a bit of a politico and has formed close relationships with people in power to strengthen his reputation and ensure more protection for his brother, but he struggles with (not entirely unjustified) paranoia and real emotional connections. At the core of him, though, his only concern is his family and for his loved ones to be safe and happy and taken care of-- there’s not much he wouldn’t do to make that happen.
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus) meanwhile has been pretty well-protected by his brother over the years...but maybe a little over-protected. He had a nasty case of social anxiety to begin with that was only made worse by the Kill or Be Killed nature of their ‘verse and being so aggressively sheltered by Mal over the years means that while he hasn’t hardened his heart so much and remains an affectionate person who doesn’t really want to hurt anybody, it also means that he never developed a whole lot of independence or life skills. He gets through most things by standing next to his brother and looking tough and scary while Mal handles it...
Post-surfacing, in a safer environment, both of them start to sort through all this stuff and Rus learns to be a little more independent and Mal learns to let his guard down and let go a bit, and their relationship improves.
That’s the gist of it, anyway! I have a fic that I just finished that showcases the Swapfell Indigo boys (Dirty Laundry) and a whole bunch of headcanon posts somewhere around here on my tumblr with more miscellaneous details, but in terms of broadly what their deal is, I’d say those are the biggest things.
Hope that’s helpful!
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...a month late... A birthday year ahead reading for Kim Taehyung... Featuring a startling revelation?! ... Sir Taehyung???
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Sometimes you do a reading and something arises that you didn't even ask for and never expected... But we'll get to that.
In terms of advice for this year for Tae, with the reversed ace of cups and reversed 4 of earth (pentacles) coming as significators of this reading, there's a real message of needing to unblock and release certain energies, situations, attitudes... Imagine a clod of earth blocking a water pipe and the pressure is building up behind it. Eventually something has to give, and it should be that clod of earth... Not the pipe.
Reversals for me generally indicate blockages in areas of a person's life. With an ace of cups in reverse and a four of pentacles in reverse, I'm feeling a blockage in emotional connection or at least in being able to express one's emotions with ease... Which maybe leads to compensating with shows of material wealth... Over spending... Overgenerosity... This is interesting because I think Tae seems to express his feelings and affection for his friends and family pretty well... At least from what we see... But these cards are indicating to me that he struggles a lot with this actually and that he tends to bottle things up until he explodes (like my blocked pipe analogy) or tries to express feelings through ostentatious gifts or compensates for not expressing his emotions healthily by overspending... Essentially the advice is to unblock these energies... To learn earn to release and express his emotions in a healthy way.
Going into the more specific advice cards for the year ahead, we're starting off on an extremely positive note with The Star and the reversed 3 of water (cups). I see with this that there's real potential this year for Tae to fulfill a dream or desire. Something he wants for himself. A personal goal or project that he works on alone. With the 6 of wands and King of Earth (pentacles) we can see that pursuing this will bring him a lot of praise and success as well as greater wealth and stability. This could be anything from a solo music project, to another acting job... I'm not sure exactly what it is other than it's a real wish he has and wants to do it for himself. The advice here is simple; go for it, it will be successful.
At the centre of this reading we have the reversed Sun and the 2 of water (cups). Even reversed, the Sun is still such a positive card... It's just the energy is blocked, delayed... What I'm getting from this is that there is actually a love connection manifesting for Tae in the future which will bring him a lot of happiness... But for now he's going to need to be patient because the timing isn't right. It's coming... Just not quite yet... Though not in the too distant future... Maybe even next year?... It depends on what happens between then and now of course... But i do see happiness in a relationship ... It's just the energy is blocked so it won't manifest for a bit. If he can learn to open himself up and express his emotions this will help bring any desires he has for love into fruition...
For now though he has to work on himself. With the High Priestess and Strength here I'm seeing, and feeling, a powerful development of spirituality... Honestly it was visceral. I think it's highly likely that this year Tae may begin to explore and develop his spirituality more seriously... Certainly there's some deepening and strengthening of spiritual beliefs going on here. His faith in his intuition, in the advice coming from his spiritual guides, will become stronger. As he listens to his guides and gets confirmation over and over his faith is continuously going to deepen, as is his wisdom and understanding of the world.
The last two tarot cards of advice for the year ahead are the 2 of wands and reversed 7 of water (cups). What I see here is the advice to not be afraid to consider his options and step outside the box. He has so many talents and so many opportunities to use his skills and gifts... He's being advised to look at them all... Give them all some thought... And not feel like he has to stick to one certain thing or path when he has so many roads he can walk before him.
Now, for the oracle cards, I got first Winter Solstice: Reflection. Honestly this card made me start humming Singularity, which was interesting (the lyrics make so much sense in this case) ... I feel again a sense of needing to release something. In this case, I get the message of needing to reflect on the past, on all things that have happened, good and bad, lessons learnt and how much he's grown up and matured... And release that which is holding him back from moving forward. The negative emotions and fears which keep him bottling up his feelings and being so wary of opening up to others... This is an interesting one of course because Tae is in a position where there is a legit rational argument for why he should be guarded and wary of new people... But at the same time, you can be sensible without locking your heart away entirely and living with a lot of fear and worry about your connections with others isn't healthy... There has to be balance. Basically... I think this card is telling him to reflect on himself and realise how far he's come and how much stronger and wiser he is now... He can trust himself and his intuition.
Okay... And now this is the card that gave me chills in this reading... This deck is called 'Angels and Ancestors' and I thought it was a particularly good deck to use for Tae because... Idk if I've mentioned it before but, wow, he has such strong ancestral energy surrounding him. His family probably don't play with paying respect to the ancestors because there's really such a strong link there...
Anyway, for his advice for this year I got the Knight card which says 'Be brave and honest'. However, more than just a message of advice for the year I got two distinct impressions that literally gave me chills and goosebumps... First that one of the main ancestors or spirit guides that's looking out for Tae right now was a Knight... Or the Korean equivalent thereof... A noble warrior with a sworn sacred code of morality... And second, that Tae himself, in a past life, was a Knight... (?! When I tell you i was shook!)... Not only that, but, and I kid you not, I heard French in a man's voice (I don't even speak French!!!) saying something like "Mon coeur... Lion..."?... I couldn't understand or make it all out but I recognised those words so they stuck with me. As did the impression that they were part of some kind of personal motto or vow... My heart like a lion...? Honestly I was just stunned at that point... I wasn't expecting to be told anything like this and if there is one thing here I'd like to tell Tae most it's this... This was a lot and unexpected and also... Really quite personal... So I didn't want to pry into it or ask more... I can only say, in terms of advice, I feel like knowing this and coming into that noble warrior, brave, chivalrous energy would bring him a lot of strength and comfort.
Finally... After that surprise... The angel oracle card for his year ahead was Fiona. This card says: Now that you've asked the angels for help, be open to receiving divine guidance and assistance. You deserve heaven's help!
This definitely resonates with the message of his developing spiritual beliefs and opening up to his guides and i think he's definitely already on the right path in this regard. Once he's open to listening to his guides, his angels, his ancestors... They'll lead him to wherever he needs to go and protect him from harm.
The numerology of this reading comes to 11; a number in numerology which speaks to high vibrational spirituality and receiving guidance from angels and spirit guides. Once again I'm struck by the message that this is a year of spiritual exploration for Tae.
I think this has the potential to be an amazing year of success for Tae, both materially in terms of his career and spiritually as he develops his intuitive gifts and strengthens his connection to his guides. He has the power of his ancestors behind him... And they're strong. He's in good hands truly. Bless you Sir Taehyung!!! 💜 💜💜 ♞ ⚔ 🦁 ❤️
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