#idk if i even unpacked everything there is here tbh
mybiasisexo · 1 year
Entangled - Part 7 Snippet
I feel soooo bad for the delayed update 😭. I want the next chapter out as much as y’all do, but this chapter is hard bro 😭. I’ve literally rewritten it like 6 times and even still I’m not satisfied with it 😪. So, here is a little treat!! Will this be in the final cut?? Shoot, idk tbh 🤷🏾‍♀️. But alas, for your patience ✊🏾😔. Appreciate y’all real bad!!! 💕💕💕
“Are you just going to stand there?” He asks. It takes you out of your hyperfocused stare and you blink up at him, catching the way he grins. He must know what he’s doing.
You clear your throat and start taking off your heels before walking over to him. He remains standing stalk still, his breaths controlled as you slowly prowl over to him.
You watch the way his irises blow out, darkening in a way you haven’t seen in years, but know all too well. When you’re about a foot away, you abruptly turn and sit on the edge of his bed.
He takes a deep grounding breath, running a hand over his face as he lets out a tortured groan before falling onto the chair holding his jacket.
A silence falls over you, but it’s not awkward like it had been in the elevator. If anything, it’s heavy with the weight of your attraction you both have for each other. That attraction is somber though, with the pain you both carry as well. With him so near after so long, the pain in your chest feels ten times heavier. You aren’t sure if you’re going to burst into tears, or maul him–you’re sure either option would lead you to regret. So instead, you stare at your lap, where your hands knot almost painfully into each other. He’s not making matters worse. If anything, you’re getting more self conscious with the way you can feel his heavy gaze. You find it a bit exasperating.
“Can you stop that?”
“Stop what?” He asks in confusion. The way his voice has deepened doesn’t pass you.
“Staring,” you clarify, lifting your gaze up to him. Once your eyes lock, he turns away shyly.
“I can’t help it,” he reveals quietly. “I just… can’t believe you’re really here. That….” He pulls gently on his earlobe, face turning pink. “That you’re in my hotel room. I feel like I’ll blink and you’ll be gone.”
He sounds so sweet, so sincere, so…heartbroken. That constant push and pull you’ve been feeling towards him this past few days hit you simultaneously. Part of you wants to dismiss him and try to deflect, but another part–that’s a lot bigger than you’d be honest about–wants to fall into his arms. You’re reminded again of last night, of how close you were to giving into him completely. If it hadn’t been for Yerim….
No, no. You can’t go there right now, not with you alone with him in such small quarters.
Time to change the subject.
“Why did you invite me here?” You ask.
“I wanted to apologize,” he reveals.
“For what?”
“There’s a lot to apologize for, I’m sure,” he begins, sinking more into his chair and leaning his head back so that he can stare up at the ceiling. “But I think the biggest thing right now is for last night.”
“You remember?” You ask skeptically. He was really drunk and, well, a lot happened in a short amount of time. A lot that you both need to unpack to be able to do…whatever it is you’re trying to do. You aren’t really sure. Closure, definitely. But what after that? You guess you’d just cross that bridge when you got to it.
“Trust me, the boys refused to let me forget,” he grumbles. That brings out your first grin since the wedding. They really are Team You, and are incredibly insufferable with it. You can only imagine the things Sehun said to him. Damn, maybe you should apologize as well.
“I don’t remember everything,” he says. “But they let me know how I made a complete fool of myself. That I…that I kissed you?”
The tips of his yoda ears turn an endearing shade of red, letting you know that he does indeed feel embarrassed over what the others told him he did. You wonder if he knows what he said to you. How he was practically begging you to take him back.
“You did,” you confirm.
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faebriel · 1 month
i’m in the midst of death note brainrot (again) and would love to hear your thoughts on misa’s character
misa is so freaking fascinating to me!! maybe next death note rewatch will be an extra special misa focus edition 🔍 she's just so fucked up in such a fun way that tbh i kind of feel is a missed opportunity, especially in the latter half of the story (the anime at least - haven't read the manga). she's so self-centred and i love that for her. her motivation to be kira pours from her own heart. while light has never personally suffered at the hands of crime afaik, misa very much has - both her family's deaths and her own being attached. her devotion to the cause is not just for the sake of saving the world but for saving herself, back on that night. it's like this vicarious way she can get back at "criminals" because she couldn't prevent her own family dying. it's ground into her!! that is the kind of experience you can't just shake out of her!! you can set misa on any path away from kira and i truly think she would barrel right onto it because the existence of kira gives her those warm and fuzzy feelings of retribution or maybe even safety that just like, filters right into her obsessive love for light
i like that even though she's clearly devoted to light, she's still an independent operator (well as much as the writing allows at certain times. eyeroll). i think light's whole attitude around "managing" her approach to being kira is so fkn illustrative of the derision with which he views a lot of people lol. there's something so interesting about how he views misa as impulsive and emotionally driven, so she's deranged, but obviously he is different even though their core beliefs are the same. like you might be using strategy but your goal is the same. idk
YOTSUBA ARC MISA AND POST TIMESKIP MISA ARE SO SPECIAL TO ME PERSONALLY. yotsuba arc because i'm like. oh my god the fact that she is not given ANY narrative space to either literally or metaphorically beat L's ass is a fucking choice BUT the fact that her dislike of him seems to come out as purely petty spats while he and light are chained together is so fucking funny. hater arc, but also, you could write a 9k character study unpacking all of this. it all kind of loops around to this iron-clad optimism that everything is somehow gonna turn out alright... and at that point in time, she doesn't even know how much shit she's gotten herself into. i do really really love that moment in this arc where misa gets her memories back after visiting the tower (when matsuda falls off a balcony. you know the one) but light doesn't have his and L is not even clued into what's happened. and light so so so wants to catch kira and clear his name and misa's sitting there like :)) like, i know she's gonna conspire to give light his memories back ASAP because that's The Plan but come on that brief glimpse in time is so fun and for misa her access to the death note & shinigami is such an important and consistent bargaining tool in her own survival. it was cool to see her have a monopoly on it, no matter how brief
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they're so fucking worsties
there's definitely something to say here about her relationship with rem too but honestly i'm gonna have to go back to sources on this one. for me i've always kind of felt some parts of the fandom try to bend rem and misa into the "cute background lesbian couple" template that so many fandoms run on and i'm like. mate. you're not selling me. rem loves misa but misa is just too awful and/or deranged for all of that. i've always kind of felt their relationship was tragic in part because misa didn't fully understand the depth of rem's love for her / took it for granted until rem died. but again, i need to go back to sources
OH and this is getting long but i have the softest spot of all for post-timeskip misa. she is so me and my husband by mitski core. her life is falling to shit around her. her lifespan has been quartered. and she gives up her memories!! her knowledge of the death note has always been her key to survival and light sweet talks her into giving it up and this is the bit where i start hollering and screaming. and from then on, she doesn't even realise how much shit she's in. it's not just that she's in a failing engagement. it's that her fiance has wrung her for everything she had to give and she is being left to the wayside. her suspicion that light is having an affair is almost framed as comical but it's all she fucking has!!! she loves him because it's all she has. she has to choose between light and kira like this is some cosmic fucking joke and she cheers on light apparently trying to catch kira because she loves him. because what else exists in her memory from the last five years of her life???? FUCK
post-timeskip misa is genuinely fucking tragic to me because like. through the sheer power of sweet talking light manages to entirely defang her. she's lost rem. she has a book, she has the eyes, but she uses them solely under light's discretion. and then she gives up her memories because light asks. and like she is 100% a terrible person with the whole mass murdering thing but that kind of adds to it in a way. you get me
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charleslebatman · 10 months
hi bestie!
i have been thinking for sometime if i should send this or not but i decided to do it.
i saw all the alexandra twitter likes when people find out her account and before she deleted it; and i remember thinking "humm theres A LOT to unpack here"
first of all - her oldests twitter likes (from 2019 that i think that was when she created it) were the problematic ones that you have the screenshots of. I agree with everything you said about it and you, who is directly affected by that law, have every right to be mad and angry with her. - im not gonna defend her on this. in the same time frame she also liked a tweet from a very weird account but the content was fine (they were talking about the importance of different cultures in society) - and i checked at the time and she didnt follow the account so 🤷🏼‍♀️.
but i have to said it to be totally fair: her other likes (from 2021- 2023) are so different from the problematic ones . Like, it shows a totally different view about the world and politics. I remember she liked tweets heavily criticizing piers morgan and the way he talks about meghan markle and antiracist suff . and yes she liked tweets about the war (ukraine and afghanistan) but the tweets weren't making fun of it (like so many people said) - in my perception it was about the dirty politics and the powerfull people and countries interests behind it (and i 100% agree with them tbh) i don't have any screenshots of it so i can't prove what im saying but istg that i have no reason to lie about it and its mostly based in my own opinions its ok if people desagree.
and in the middle of it she also liked stuff about ecole du louvre - so i think that was the turning point for her. it is common for people to go through certain changes in ideals and conceptions when they go to college. you mature and start to see things with another mentality. so maybe she changed?
idk, it is like you and other besties said before - she is a rich and privileged girl so -im disappointed but not surprised - that she liked some problematic stuff and if she changed thats good for her.
we can talk about more about it if you feel like it (because i know its not a easy subject for you and i don't wanna push it too much).
anyways, thanks for creating a safe space that everyone can share their opinnions, bestie :) 😶‍🌫️
Sincerely, I don't care if her other likes are true or not. I've seen enough with this retirement law. I could talk for hours about the consequences. About how it's enough to show that she's not as kind and gentle as we're led to believe.
How it disgusts me to see someone liking the very first one on l’Echo de la Boucle, but I'm also going to annoy people. It's not just political opinions, she's making fun through this like of people who are going to kill themselves at work and of women for whom this law is very sexist.
The first tweet said, "working more will make you younger" basically. Even the rich unionists were against this law. It's the first time that so many unions were in agreement. There were real scenes worthy of war. Perhaps other French people will tell you I'm exaggerating, except that we tend to take a lot of things in a humorous tone to put things into perspective.
I'm quite surprised that so few talk about it. I guess because it's related to Charles and it's hard to imagine him dating someone like that. I've said it many times, I love Charles but he's no angel or saint.
Plus, thanks bestie I’m glad to learn you’re feeling safe here. ❤️
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hardwaresysx0 · 6 months
i fucking love the looks everyone is giving blitz in this scene. moxxie looks beyond disgusted
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and stolas. where do i even begin with stolas
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its a mixture of "you watched them WHAT" and "WHAT IS HAPPENING" and "WHO IS THAT"
when fizz starts dissing him for something relating to relationships GUESS WHO LOOKS CONCERNED
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i feel like moxxie knows about the complications between blitz and stolas (as well as millie) and this is kind of an "oh no" look and not purely just being concerned
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and asmodeus just looks SO HAPPY its like. "My partner is finally getting to diss someone who fucked him over"
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something about this frame is hilarious to me. anyways
blitz looks so guilty here im seething
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i think i know what was happening in the scene after all of this went down. he realized that holy shit, stolas DID do that, and he's in DENIAL.
he's trying to reinforce/justify to himself that stolas does NOT love him and only wants to use him (which he also does in later episodes)
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and. and
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this fuckin g moment is just him JUSTIFYING THAT IN HIS MIND
and how he FLINCHES when stolas MENTIONS THE IDEA of actually doing something affectionate
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I AM INSANE and stolas, being the bird he is does not DENY THIS because he doesn't want to hurt blitz because he already seems HURT BUT YOU GUYS NEED TO COMMUNICATE PLEASE I BEG
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oh god THIS scene. alright this scene lets unpack this
alright a big ouchie in this moment is that we get a closer look at what blitz keeps in his house photo wise
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you notice anything? about the images with him in them? question mark?
something i find interesting is that he went to knock on loona's door
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before reading the note
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and he just looks so fucking upset tbh help.
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i really wonder what he was going to talk about
the scene with the phone is a jab in the heart but i will only be lightly touching upon it because i would ramble more than i already have
essentially he keeps photos of only the times he's been like. happy? idk how to explain
a photo with stolas, a photo with moxxie and millie, one with just moxxie, one with loona's adoption (this one feels obvious to me), one with verosika (do not ask me about how i feel about verosika and blitz you will get a paragraph at least), one with blitz and fizz at the fucking mammon concert (OUCH) and one with just blitz and fizz as children. but then fucking
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i can see why this photo made him completely break; reminded him of his sister, how she now despises him, and how he (albeit indirectly) killed his own mother (who I suspect was the only proper parental figure he had. i mean, just look at cash buckzo). and with everything that happened that night he just
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what a fucking phenomenal end to an episode.
sorry im insane. anyways
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the-kipsabian · 10 months
tell me about kip and what is your fave thing about him?
how long do you have cause i can be here all day....
hes just. wonderful. all around. never met a nicer, more realist and grounded man than he is. not to even mention how inclusive and respectful he is and he tries to make his spaces to be (and before anyone says anything, i know hes not perfect, he obviously has his flaws as he is still a stupid human being, but from multiple personal experiences i can tell he does his best). like fr hes just such a good bean, and ive never heard anyone say a bad word about him when someone has interacted with him
and then ofc his in character work is incredible. how he manages to build and tell compelling stories and keep developing himself and his character while hes at it. hes so talented on the mic and brings a really interesting flare into the ring and hes just a delight to watch, and ive especially been enjoying watching his recent heel work mocking his opponents in ridiculous ways. also the back arch but we dont have time to unpack that rn--
but uuuh yeah he plays like.. at this specific point in time im not sure about the character to be quite honest? he calls himself a 'pro wrestling artist' as he keeps weaving and telling stories through his work and arcs, but idk how thats currently working out for him (i blame lack of tv time which is such a fucking curse 😔). hes more or less alligned in a trios team(/stable) with butcher and blade atm, i think they are gonna use the deadly alliance name at least for now - apart from them being kips friends/hired guns i dont really know whats going on over there either storywise. again, the curse of lack of tv time ugh. but even with that said, they are a great team with an incredible connection with one another, and they play their designated roles so well. also they are just happy to work together which is more than enough for me to enjoy them c:
also hes just hot so like. idk what else i gotta say honestly LOL
hes so hard to explain tbh lol, but i hope this'll do at least somewhat. also no i cant still really explain the box phase he had last year unless personal headcanons count (tho confirmed canon fun fact, he was non-verbal in character with the box one which made me incredibly happy to learn), but also that boxman cryptid era was my EVERYTHING. i have a tattoo of him on my arm for (multiple) reason(s) lol
as far as my favorite thing, god theres so many... but tbh i just love him a lot because of how good of a bean he is in general. ive never had a salty interaction with him once in like two years now, hes always very supportive and tolerates a lot of random bullshit from me (being a known fan has its perks lmao) and he has been nothing but understanding and respectful at me to a point of reaching out to me personally about some things to make sure i was comfortable with it. so like.. yeah hes just the best 💜
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zhongscara · 8 months
1, 2, 3, & 8 for ei, yae, and kokomi :3
1. Canon I outright reject
ei: everything about her "redemption" tbh SHGJKSDHGJKHGJKSDHGJKSDHJK... but one specific thing is her ignoring the fatui's actions in inazuma bc it wouldnt affect eternity or some shit. i prefer to think she thought the vision hunt decree would help inazuma, like she worried over her people so much she ended up strangling them (metaphorically) instead
yae: hm... i cant think of something i like her trickster character even with how inazumas writing is.
kokomi: the fact that she accepted help from the fatui without double checking like GIRL WHAT.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
ei: she created scara based off makoto (whether on purpose or accidentally). yes i used that on scaras ask. yes i will continue talking about it until more people absorb it into their hcs.
yae: i like to think she doesn't like the shogun puppet either bc it's a glaring reminder that ei would rather be cooped up in euthymia than spend time with her
3. Obscure headcanon
this was such a struggle bc i dont rotate them in my head like that SKJHJDGKLSDJGKLSJHGKLSD
ei: i sat here for like 10 minutes. i cant think of shit. maybe after i hit post ill be hit with a WAIT ACTUALLY moment
yae: controversial but i kinda-sorta headcanon that she disliked scara when he was born bc he was taking ei's attention away. i don't think the 3 of them could be some sort of decent family in any way lmfao, although i will say in modern aus i usually have scara only willingly talking to yae but he's not polite to her at all. sorry for making everything about scara :(
kokomi: i like her as a vishap more than as the hydro dragon specifically but idk if that counts
8. Unpopular opinion about them
ei: i REALLY REALLY REALLY wish they let her be more morally grey like she's got her boobs out and as a unit she's really good so whales will pull for her anyways... her character arc wouldv'e been so much more interesting if we had to grapple with her actions and their consequences instead of just being like "oh that was just the shogun!" especially bc there's so much we can unpack with her grief and her view of her godhood like UGH she had so much potential but nah we now have to see her in events being a socially anxious waifu :/
yae: i like that she's kinda mean 🤷🏽‍♂️ also ig it kinda goes with ei as well but i think there's a lot to explore with eimiko in terms of how toxic they can be/how much they can encourage each other's worst traits <- he loves mess
kokomi: i don't think i have one bc i thiiiink a good chunk of people share my opinion that she should've shown more actual military prowess in the story
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beardedjoel · 9 months
girl i just have to gush on you for how amazing ch. 20 of closer was. idk what switch flipped in joel’s brain during the night between ch. 19 and 20 but i am SO glad that this man is finally admitting his mistakes and actively trying to win her back.
the way they were texting each other this chapter, slowly building their relationship back up? i smiled every time reader did, like dammit i am falling for joel again too. you perfectly captured what it is like to be in that stage with an ex, where there’s still a lot of shit to unpack but right now you’re just taking it slow. it feels like having a crush again, waiting for their messages and getting excited when they call. i 1000% got that feeling reading this chapter and i loved every second of it.
i also am soooo proud of reader for not immediately taking him back, even though she wants to. i know joel is really trying but he hurt her sooo bad and he needs to really show her he’s all in this time before she gives in to him again. i love how you showed her struggle between missing him & seeing that he’s trying but also remembering how it felt when he left and wanting to protect herself. the phone sex with the guilt afterwards was soooo real, also so hot, i was obsessed with that part hahaha.
lastly i just want to say that i LOVE the way you have written joel in this arc of the story. i read a lot of fic where joel is an asshole and hurts reader in some way and tbh i feel like i am never satisfied with the way they end up getting back together. i love how you have made joel actually apologize and put in the work (for weeks!!) of trying to win her back and actually grovel a little. it will be so satisfying when they finally are back together bc we’ve had so much build up now.
OH WAIT sorry one more thing — i almost forgot about the letter in ch. 19!!! are they gonna talk about it at all? i hope they do, i was about ready to cry along with her when she read it 😭
anyways i’m sorry this was so long, but this story is so amazing and the last chapter especially was so good. i can’t wait to read the rest of it!! love you! 🫶🏻💕✨💖
omggggg ok SO MUCH to address here!!! thank you sooo much, i love hearing that you were feeling the emotions and feelings and everything along with the reader, that makes me so happy to hear omg. i've honestly been going through it with her while i'm writing too lol. and for the letter!!! i am definitely hoping to bring that back up again cause it was so sweet and important to reader so i wanna make sure joel hears about it 😭 aaa but yeah thank you again so much!
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senadimell · 2 years
Most right wing econ view? Most left wing?
huh, this is a really hard question to answer because it’s hard for me to actually define what counts as a “right wing” or “left wing” econ view because:
a) I focus much more on political economy than economy and my formal training has taught me enough to recognize that I don’t know crap and introduced me to just the right amount of information to realize no one model fits everything
b) I’ve spent the past few years focused on post-communist European and post-Soviet countries and it’s a pretty common line of scholarly thought that typical assumptions about economic and political “left” and “right” aren’t super meaningful political/economic terms in the region(s)
c) I grew up in the US, which doesn’t have a strong establishment “left” or labor party presence and is also historically allergic to anything too ““communist,”” and our two-party, non-coalition system arbitrarily splits things into Republican (red) and Democrat (blue) but our “left-wing” party is centrist at best
d) specifically, I grew up in the US bible belt, which is red-voter central, but given our whole two-party thing, the most meaningful political description I’ve seen comes in the form of Pew Research Center’s 9 categories of US voter, which means that “right wing” groups encompass economic views from “no limitations on corporations whatsoever” and “corporations are evil, actually, and tariffs are the best” 
e) I was raised by what we might call a more classic soft conservative (what Pew calls a “committed conservative”) father and a populist mother in a town with its fair share of “faith and flag” conservatives but had contact with an unusually high percentage of college-educated religious adults, which really skews expectations of what various economic terms mean. It also means I’m still unpacking a lot of assumptions I grew up with.
so the end result is that classifying economic positions is...complicated for me
I initially started thinking about making linear scale that starts with neoclassical to keynesian to marxist (which is more of a critique than a model), but then realized I’d need to factor in questions of wealth redistribution, state intervention, and locality of decision-making and realized I’m trying to make a Grand Comprehensive Theory of Economic Alignment which is a far greater scope than it takes to answer the question. 
But given my upbringing, pretty basic concepts like “economic policy should serve the common welfare, actually” can be oddly controversial and turn into moral debates?
ANYWAYS, I guess one right-ish wing belief (more of a populist view tbh, or really just a non-neoliberal one) is that tariffs and capital controls can be good, actually. Also that semi-socialized programs can be worse than both fully-socialized or entirely-private ones because it combines the excesses of both (thinking here about changes to the US medical system in the past 50 years). Going along with that, the economists may have a point when it comes to voucher systems?
As for left wing, idk, frankly. It’s too hard to conceptualize what is a left-wing view. I’ve been thinking about what you mentioned when I brought up a living wage and after mulling it over it seems pretty reasonable—living stipend makes maybe more sense than a living wage, which might even come off as a right-wing thing to say in some circles but the reason I hadn’t thought about it that way before is in part because I can’t see a democratic way for it to happen in my country because there are too many people who view work and wages as through a moral lens, and can barely be persuaded to accept a living wage as a necessity, so giving people money for not doing anything? [insert victorian workhouse line here].
miscellaneous: cash is good? it is good to have cash in the economy? the bretton woods system was pretty good and i clown on nixon but there were definitely stuctural weaknesses there but the neoliberals are wrong if they think the end of Bretton Woods happened because it was inevitable that pegs fail (because pegs fail but they also recover). 
also it is good to have currency pegged to something and i’m terrified of the post-2008 quantitative easing/swap lines world we live in because people keep spending money and holding the US currency in reserve under the assumption that inflation will never hit and for the love of all that is holy i do not want to face catastrophic inflation because now is bad enough.
so make of all that what you will. I am very far from having a cohesive economic value system. I’m pro-experimenting small-scale and measuring success or failure over implementing large-scale policy over ideals, generally speaking, and suspicious of the state’s efficacy but also see it as necessary given the need to check capitalists. And also you should never ask me to write policy ever
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pashminalamb · 1 year
yess i get u. i wouldnt mind posting there again tbh so im on board! even if there isnt as much blue lock activity on ao3 at least u get to post what u like more easily? i still dont even fully understand tumblr and whatever system it has. confusing app fr
heres my acc tho 😭
tumblr - giving me a villain origin for shadow- banning me. ao3 - about to witness my insanity. Isabelle has risen. It's alright if its empty- more reason to spread my wings. Not to mention the elephant in the room, kudos are definitely a better sign of quality over quantity. And holy shit Aki - your writing *speechless cause i read the xiao fic and it is so good with his character.; especially cause of the way you write him being so... stiff which he really is!* . I was planning to write a toxic! childe fic - might start working on that cause i have the dialogues planned out and everything. And yeah- with ao3 people won't really complain abt how you didn't tag stuff right. Just put an explicit content label on it and they'll know what they're walking through.
Do you guys want me to use a different username or the same one so that it's easier to find me? idk, fresh start is what i thought- but you guys are the ones reading it and i hope i got you hooked to ocean hues cause... there is a lot to unpack soon Edit ; keeping @ playboysbunny as the username going cause it is so iconic - and i'm a multifandom blog
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Hi bestie I'm here I'm queer I'm going to ask you what's your favorite book (or if I've already asked this, what's your ultimate dating deal-breaker or maybe just relationship deal-breaker in general doesn't have to be romantic). Also, Killian is my second favorite character because Emma is my absolute favorite character on that entire show. Their relationship was EVERYTHING to me, I love sunshine v darkness trope so much, hence sterek and destiel as well. I love teen wolf but idk how much of that is because I was like 13 when I started watching it tbh. I would watch it just for dylan's performance in season 3 because HOLY SHIT he should have won a fucking Oscar.
asldjkflsdkjf oh my gosh are we meant to be best friends?? Ugh yes Emma is absolutely fantastic I just personally relate to Killian just that smidge more I think. They are both so special to me 😍 Ugh yes that trope is the best. Everlark was another couple that had that dynamic for me. Man now you're making me wonder if watching it for Dylan would be worth it. My only concern is that it might be too YA for me (I get very turned off by highschool stories). That's why I haven't picked it up yet. I'm afraid I missed the boat on that show. Now I tend to enjoy my YA stories to be fantasy because then the characters are more likely to be less immature (and potentially traumatized by the stakes of the fantasy world which is also fun - looking at you TFOTA trilogy and Grishaverse books).
Whoooo boy okay a favorite book is really hard because books mean a lot to me. I think you know that about me by now so you're getting a list from the last couple years lol:
TFOTA trilogy - the politics was so fun and the twists and turns kept me engaged. I read all 3 books in 48 hours and have reread them multiple times since in the last couple years because they were so good.
The Hunger Games trilogy - that series is straight up literature. There is so much to unpack.
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan - idk what to say about this book except that the characters are so loveable, the take on portal fantasy is unique and the way she flipped sexism on it's head was so thoughtprovoking.
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland - excellent anxiety rep, top tier slow burn without a lot of drama or miscommunications, beautifully written fantasy world with no homophobia
Captive Prince trilogy by CS Pacat - um this is a more problematic pick but if you're down for a high fantasy slow burn true hate to love romance this is where it's at man. You will have such a good time you won't even know what you signed up for until you are embroiled in the middle of it. Gosh Laurent's character arc gives me life.
Anything in Alexis Hall's Spires Series + Boyfriend Material - what this man has to say about gender and queer identity changed my mindset about what it is to be queer and I love it so much. His books made me feel so seen especially Pansies, For Real, and Boyfriend Material.
What Is a Girl Worth? by Rachael Denhollander - The only nonfiction book on this list lol. I loved how eloquently she spoke about her story and how she included the problems she's seen in the church around sexual assault. We need someone who has the legal and Christian connections to advocate for survivors but she's doing it and that really inspires me.
If I have to pick just one though - I pick Boyfriend Material and here's why (x). It's really personal to my insecurities and it made me feel very seen and loved. It's the epitome of a comfort book for me. Whenever I need a pick me up I go to that book and listening to Joe Jameson's voice gives me hope that I too will be loved in this precious way.  Honestly this is why the Spires books and Boyfriend Material are so special to me: These are stories about people who think they are broken and the men that show them that they've never been broken actually. They get to hear "I love you however you are. But also who you are is a person who can do things so you don't have to stagnate like this." It was so healing to read about I cannot even tell you.
If you're looking to check Boyfriend Material out you need the audiobook I promise you!! I will hook you up bestie just let me know 😉
Oh also my main platonic or romantic deal breaker is a combination of apathy and lack of thinking deeply about things (the reverse is also true - I find people who are passionate and think deeply about art and life super attractive. Those are the people I keep in my life).
thank you for these questions I clearly loved them lol. now i want to know all of these things about you! what are your favorite books? what do you find most attractive/unattractive in a person?
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nerdycolorcupcake · 2 years
So, to start the post abt the episode "clouds on the horizon spoiler warning for safety bc i have a lot of my own personal highlights (and a bit of a rant too) to unpack here
-For the Collector and Belos near the portal scene;
I'm neutral over either the collector as a character but i kinda have a feeling that they have no idea of the kind of deal they agreed to
-Odalia being a bitch to her entire family for the sake of envy hits too close to home
i´m most certain he ain´t gonna have a good time when the spell happen, and even then he believes so much in Belos promise it´s almost so sad, they feel like just a kid that wants to play but doesn´t know the full extent of their actions, nor the person they made a deal with, even though they´ve been around each other for quite a while, he still have doubts over their "friendship", as is shown once again with King making a connection with the Collector
Tbh, i do not enjoy the 'luz being possessed by the collector' theory but then again it does seem to be the route they're taking by Luz deciding to confront Belos herself to avoid having her friends hurt
at least it's better than having the main protagonist straight up die-
Honestly i was surprised that she wasn´t homophobic, but god did i wanted to burn her to the pyre after all the stunt she pulled and saying Luz wasn´t a suitable partner to Amity BITCH PLEASE
-Kikimora obsessed with Hunter;
Yeah... that happened, also really funny how she got miserable after the last time she appeared, and desperate too jesus, she is so annoying, but my hate goes more to Odalia and Belos, i despise them more (especially odalia bc she hits waaay too close to home as a toxic mother)
And yeah she end up taking Luz instead of Hunter bc of the illusion trick WELL SHIT-
-Luz´s egg palisman;
Welp, looks like it wil remain a mystery what she got, but honestly it makes sense, it´s so many good options and whatever that will be her choice will only happen after everything is over, she grew so much in the show and i´m honestly proud of her for maturing and growing and being more in touch with herself, but she indeed needs time to reafirm who she really wants to be
-Alador being a dad for once;
Always had a good feeling abt him ever since his introduction, so glad i was right, he finally taking a stance against Odalia and supporting his daughter endeavors and apologizing to luz AAAAAAAAAAAAH OMG HE WAS DOING SO GOOD IN THE FIGHT SCENES TOO! DUDE'S FUCKING DESTROYED THE FABRIC JUST TO SHOW HE IS DONE WITH ODALIA SHIT AAAAAAAAAH
So nice to see that the tomato face runs in the father part of the family (probably bc i enjoy deadbeat dads trying to redeem themselves after being unintentionally neglectful idk it's just such a good trope when done right)
Yes they FUCKING kissed and the animation went all smooth there and *chef kiss* delightful!
I just screamed and cried of happiness! FINALLY!! The girls deserve to show some love to one another one last time before the shit would blow
-More Huntlow crumbs :3
Hunter disguised as Luz going full protective mode on Willow + Willow going feral at Kiki and stopping her attack when Hunter was threatened + Willow desperate to go after them not knowing abt the switcheroo-
Huntlow shippers *nod nod* i see y'all going bananas too :3
-Hunter and Luz keeping secrets together
Me and my brother are in this scene and we didn't liked it WHERE ARE THE CAMERAS DANA?!
In all seriousness this is the first time both Hunter and Luz had a heart to heart to talk abt the events of hollow mind and both agreeing to keep each other secrets
(This is totally not gonna bite them in he back later yep mhm)
Plus Luz being protective of Hunter when Kiki threatened him ✨
Anyways that's it for now
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
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6x18. Listen, I can't stress this enough: JJ was missing since literally 6x02. Seeing her talking, moving, working with them and helping one, in the same frame as Penelope and Aaron, was just mindblowing. Yeah, yeah, I'm easily impressed, whatever, but I missed her so fucking much? I didn't expect her cameo until she comes back in 6x24 & I was absolutely delighted to see her.
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Literally one frame after another. Aaron being so protective and serious in a sense "I am angry. I will do everything I can to save her. She is one of my own." Emily recognizing them as "her people." ;______; Good for you, Emily, good for you!
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I thought this destroyed me, but I didn't know what was coming after this. Nonetheless, "baby." This episode was a Development for Derek. Even with his already existing respect for women, him going from "I feel like I don't know her. I trusted her with my life." to "I am so proud of you, I am not letting you go. Squeeze my hand if you can hear me. That's right, keep squeezing." was GOOD. I hope he learned something from this experience.
The trope of "let me go" though... a lot to unpack and think about here.
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Oh, that filming in the waiting room. These husbands seeing JJ coming out of the hospital area and still hoping. I genuinely love seeing them from every perspective and in every possible emotional state.
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Listen, that wasn't (was NOT) NECESSARY. This was peak acting. If I were to writing this while live watching, oh, how I cried. This was just so cruel.
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That soft Spencer's voice, not even breaking, but still quietly losing it. And I believe it was directed by Matthew himself? Talented people are talented in everything, I guess (he also draws <3).
Plot wise, Spencer saying this after telling her about his headaches & in such manner, after purposely getting up to see Emily's body to hold her hand and to say her goodbye? The writers seriously want to tell me this kid isn't on the spectrum? Idk about full on autism, but a neurotypical person would never (and I don't even think a talk about him being neurotypical or neurodivergent is even happening, it's not even a question).
This checks a lot of boxes for me (not to mention this immediate raw grief in him, the same one I felt when my dad died last year & I, too, couldn't say him goodbye between me talking to him one day & learning of his death the next day & seeing him in an open casket a few days later.)
Spencer is pretty and all, and I enjoy watching him (and Gubler's beauty and acting skills), but the importance of his character cannot be underestimated. He is so important for this show and for the media (and people that struggle with the same issues that he does). He happens to be so much more than what the show presents you during the entire s1. Whatever he is, I love, support, and relate to him.
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Everybody crying at the news, but not Aaron. If he knew, that's understandable — the weight of Emily's decision, but at least she's alive (I still wonder, what was Aaron and JJ talking about?). If he didn't know, that breaks me to pieces because how stoic can one man be? Just quietly getting up and walking away, but not being able to cry even in the hallway, where no one can see or bother him. And how excruciatingly painful his fall will be when he is alone and no one can follow and support (comfort) him. An interesting idea for a fic but I'd rather see anyone from the team (most likely David tbh, 'cause Aaron allows himself to break down only in front of Dave) following him, placing a hand on his shoulder or even pulling him in for a hug. I understand that the breakdown probably happened at home (and David, that left his grief at the hospital, holds him while Aaron breaks down), in between this hospital scene and funeral (or maybe even after, because i've been there, too, and I understand), but it's still such an important addition to his character.
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THIS what broke me. I literally washed myself with hysterical tears and "what the actual fucks". Knowing that Emily is alive didn't do anything for me, I absolutely lost it (knowing vs seeing and accepting are completely different things). Seeing the entire team carrying a casket of their found family member isn't what I signed up for starting this show & it isn't something that I could've been prepared for.
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I still wonder if Aaron knew (because others definitely didn't). I feel like maybe Aaron didn't know, but suspected & caught JJ on it (but then again, what were they talking about at the hospital???)? He was watching her very closely, but he was still kind of torn about it? I felt some reluctance from him, and there was also something heavy, this burden. I hope they explored it before the girls come back (don't tell me, I want to find out for myself).
As for Paris, I'm not sure I am ready (or want) to to talk about that. Definitely a lot of potential for fanfiction, but if I didn't saw gifs of JJ & Emily in Paris, I would've stopped after the burial and cried for god only knows how much before I could finally muster enough strength to finish the episode. They literally cut such perfect sad music to "surprise, bitch!" Like, that wasn't necessary, lol. Me sitting with tears still wet on my cheeks, and the writers and Jemily smiling in my face. Who knew JJ's appearance would lead to such mischief (definitely not me).
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maplesyrupsainz · 5 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙caught the l-o-v-e | OP81˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: oscar piastri x pop star y/n reader (she/her)
genre: social media au
warnings: some sexual innuendo from the song nonsense, but generally this is so fluffy & giggly literally jus y/n fans trying to guess who she's dating tehe
summary: in which your romance is a mystery to the fans who spin their own theories out of thin air
a/n: i jus chose sabrina coz the music fit best with the request imo linked below for context:)) i fr luv oscar he seems so shy & sweet
request!!!: Can I request something for Oscar where reader is a pop star and they’re super low key and everyone thinks she’s dating a different driver until she writes an explicit song and they’re caught making out and everyone is super surprised cause they didn’t know Oscar could pull
fc: sabrina carpenter
my masterlist
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbff, and 590,954 others
yourusername trying to record music for u lol
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user1 another one to add to my y/n is dating an f1 driver theory
user2 it's been at least a year nd we still dont know who y/n is dating 😭😭
oscarpiastri can i hear it first please
landonorris no mee
charles_leclerc i already heard it
yourusername blocking u all
gracieabrams record faster we're waiting!!!
yourusername 🫣it has to be the best for u
user3 she's one of us
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liked by user3, yourusername, and 17,283 others
ynupdates due to overwhelming request, i am here to supply you with a post of everything we know about y/n's mysterious boyfriend! the most lowkey couple in the world, here's a list of things we know/have become widely assumed at least...:
he's an f1 driver (alleged but strongly hinted)
they have been dating for around a year (alleged)
he is a man (confirmed)
he is not american (alleged)
he has been at her shows & is very supportive (confirmed (by her))
they are the masters of soft launch pics at this point
i dont have anything else sorry idk why u guys wanted me to summarise i got nothing
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user4 it's lando norris
user5 no it's daniel ricciardo
user6 i think it might be charles leclerc
user7 u cant just name the entire grid until u get it right
user9 she is definitely laughing at us
y/nupdates i am so tired y/n! free me
user10 tbh thanks for this even tho we know nothing
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landonorris posted a story
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liked by y/nupdates, oscarpiastri, and 103,283 others
y/nupdates lando norris if u dont stop cracking jokes and explain urself
yourusername omg this scared me so bad i thought u were exposing me
landonorris HAHAAAA my bad
landonorris posted a story
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liked by yourusername, y/nupdates, and 143,204 others
landonorris worth it for the chaos
y/nupdates IM DONE
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yourusername posted a story
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liked by yourbff, y/nupdates, and 87,949 others
yourusername i fight with my team every single day to let me leak all my stuff to u
y/nupdates Y/N???
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbff, and 839,183 others
yourusername my brand new single ‘nonsense’ is yours RIGHT NOW!!! if u get it u get it if u know u know 👀 this ones for the bad Bs love you all sm thank u for being so patient with me always & making me giggle on my darkest days
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oscarpiastri woww
landonorris great song or whatever
user15 stay away from her!!!
user16 ok but the orange heart on the soft launch pic
user17 OK WAIT
charles_leclerc no warning at all
yourusername i am so sorry
y/nupdates who is he y/n who is he
liked by yourusername
user18 there is so much to unpack here
danielricciardo wish i never clicked play on this
yourusername posted a story
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liked by y/nupdates, charles_leclerc, and 164,283 others
charles_leclerc as you should be
oscarpiastri yup
yourusername cant find my chill i musta lost ittt
landonorris no one in the paddock will ever look at u guys the same ever again
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y/nupdates posted a story
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liked by user4, user12, and 7,934 others
user24 omg the dress sooo stunning
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liked by y/nupdates, user21, and 34,294 others
f1wagupdates mclaren driver oscar piastri was seen out last night in his hometown of melbourne, australia with ‘nonsense’ singer y/n y/l/n. y/l/n has been rumoured to have been dating an f1 driver for a while now, coming up to a whole year, and after rumours that she was dating fellow mclaren driver lando norris, it turns out it was actually piastri all along, following pics of them making out last night. thoughts on this discovery?
tagged: oscarpiastri, yourusername
view all 11,283 comments
user26 OSCAR?? PIASTRI??
user27 ur telling me OSCAR PIASTRI has game?
user28 i don't believe it
user29 there's hope for us all if oscar piastri can pull y/n y/l/n
y/nupdates so nonsense is about oscar piastri. Huh. this changes a lot
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername, and 138,283 others
yourusername he's good for my heart but he's bad for business
tagged: oscarpiastri
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y/nupdates i still can't believe this is true
landonorris me neither tbh
oscarpiastri neither🫣
user34 omg parents
oscarpiastri omg
oscarpiastri omggg y/n/n
yourusername hello 🎉
user35 lol neither of them know how to navigate being public i fear
charles_leclerc congrats i guess i dont really care i've known forever
user36 not charles flexing on us
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likd by yourusername, landonorris, and 284,281 others
oscarpiastri it's been 2 years btw
tagged: yourusername
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user37 he was rly waiting to pull that one out the bag wasnt he
yourusername i love u showing me off
oscarpiastri get used to it
y/nupdates when i tell u i am SO glad it's not lando no offence to him...
oscarpiastri me too
yourusername me three
landonorris me four tbh
logansargeant you can probably hear me cheering from aus rn
yourusername we were wondering what that awful sound was
logansargeant ohh oscar must've left ur music on again
user38 shitt 💀
user39 so gang what do we do now that we know
user40 get a job probably
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jinhogwarts · 1 year
feeling very... idk. not bad, exactly, just helpless and tired and not sure how to feel rn.
yesterday was such a lovely day, like i didn't really do much but i got a lot of birthday wishes from people i love (including surprise flowers from my parents which was very nice)...
so idk why today i'm feelinf so shit...
i was gonna do stuff i didn't wanna do yesterday, unpacking and organizing (i can't remember if I mentioned it here but we moved house on saturday), going to get groceries, and working on my assignment for uni. i also have a meeting with my therapist in the afternoon, and a wedding in the evening.
i organized a bit of stuff about an hour ago, but even after working for only like 15 minutes, my body really gave up. i got so breathless, and my stomach hurt (from bending down to pick up stuff)... i'm only 6 months pregnant but i already feel like i physically can't do a lot. tbh i've been feeling physically shit since the start, like i get breathless so quickly, can't walk fast (or even like, normal speed), i'm tired all the fucking time... i know pregnancy isn't all fun and rainbows but my god i didn't think i will feel this shit for 6 consecutive months. everyone says the secons trimester is the easiest, you feel great and glowing, but i haven't felt that AT ALL, the only thing that got better was not having nausea anymore but other than that, everything else got even worse. i'm 2.5 weeks from getting into the third trimester, which is good because it means i'm getting close to the end, but also i'm so scared because how much worse can it get? i'm already struggling so much...
idk, i just got into such a bad mood over not being able to do such simple stuff i needed to do, and now i've completely wasted a whole hour feeling like i'm about to breakdown instead of doing the thing i CAN do which is to work on my assignment. i'm trying not to panic over it since my deadlines are getting closer and i'm nowhere near where i wanted to be, i only have half of one assignment done. i'm just so tired and stressed all the time and i can't concentrate on anything...
idk, i'm not even sure why i'm writing all of this, i'm just feeling very low today.
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komatsunana · 3 years
I really don't get all the Takumi hate, I mean, almost all the main characters in Nana are maladjusted adults. All of them have issues but other fans seems to gloss over that fact. I mean Nana O is selfish and possessive who treats her friends as objects and possessions to own and can be discarded (note what she said about Shin when he was arrested) but almost everyone forgives her and ships her with either Ren or Hachi, justifying it with her being abandoned by her mother. Ren is an addict, Shin is a victim of abuse, Reira is selfish and needy and is basically a child trapped in a woman's body. While most of these characters are viewed sympathetically, Takumi who is also a victim of abuse and neglect is vilified, when he is one of the most self aware of the bunch and seems to show growth in the future chapters.
I just find it unfair, is all. What do you think about the fandom's perception about this characters?
ok, so like I said on this post... I'm assuming you're the same sender and there is A LOT to unpack here.
So starting right at the claim that all characters in NANA are maladjusted adults... this is what we call false equivocation. Yes, correct. All characters in NANA (and frankly all people) have done some things that we would call "problematic." The thing is not all problematic things are equal and is frankly just a lazy way of saying "I know what's going on here is morally or socially wrong in someway, but I'm not going to think too hard about it and call it problematic rather than more specifically define it as racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc" and like tbh, even just defining something as misogynist as though all misogynistic acts are equal - making a sexist joke is a whole different thing than rape.
So, yes. Nana has done fucked up things. I would argue that Nana never really treated Shin as her friend and that if it had been in Yasu or Nobu who had gotten arrested instead, her reaction would have been VERY different but I digress. It's not a matter of "forgiving" her because as readers... we don't really get that right. We're just along for the ride and we get to make and form our own opinions. Whether we sympathize with the characters or not, or if we think their actions are right or wrong and what we think those characters should do as reparation for their actions.
Personally I sympathize with Nana and think her possessive, controlling traits are part of what makes her an interesting character. She's done fucked up things and I am very interested in seeing her make up for past actions and becoming a happier person.
And I do sympathize with Takumi. He's been through some shit, this is true. However, he's raped Hachi at least twice that we've seen as readers (again, chapter 29 and chapter 47) and I will not be posting panels of the acts because of the triggering content... But they are very explicitly rape, even if I don’t know how much Yazawa understands that herself even if Hachi calls it rape in chapter 48... But I feel it is important that Hachi herself very much connects both events, because after Takumi rapes her in chapter 47, in chapter 48 we see the events of what happened right after him raping her in chapter 29: her discovering the broken strawberry glasses and Takumi apologizing for “being forceful.” So on some level, Yazawa must know.
And I’m not going to get into how he emotionally abuses Hachi and to some extent Reira. Lots of people have gone through scene by scene at this point, I’m sure.
But the rape and abuse that Takumi does to Hachi are not at all comparable to anything Nana has ever done.  I think it’s fair and fine if we want to sit down and discuss the abusive natures of all the characters of the series.  If we find some dynamics inexcusable and others worthy of redemption, and like some of us are going to disagree.
I do want to quickly touch on the fact that I completely disagree with any and all statements that Reira is a “child in a woman’s body” or that Shin is the adult in his relationship with her or anything along those lines, which I hear very often in the fandom regarding Reira. I feel it’s very important to never lose sight of the fact that Reira *is* an adult, particularly when it comes to her relationship with Shin who *is* by all accounts a child. but this just a side bar.
Because I do want to talk about one aspect you said, which is that Takumi is a victim of abuse and neglect himself.  And I agree entirely and his situation is very sad and horrible.  And I think there is a lot to be said about the way media portrays abusers as being part of a cycle of abuse, as though all those who have been abused are doomed to go on to abuse others.  And this is something that is HIGHLY disturbing to see in much of our media.  
It would be very different if we saw more abusers who were never abused before as part of their backstory in storytelling, but we really don’t. And it has really horrible implications for abuse survivors who consume those stories, as well as abusers themselves.  Because it just lends to a narrative that we should be lenient on abusers, because they have been abused themselves. We definitely need more nuanced and interesting portrayals of abusive characters that are simply them being part of an abusive cycle that they were once a victim of themselves.
I sympathize very much with Takumi’s past, but nothing can excuse what he does to Hachi.  I remain very interested in his character and his possible growth in the future, to him apologizing for the wrong he’s done to other characters (and frankly, not just to Hachi but to everyone) and doing what he can to make things better for those he has victimized.
We all have our own experiences and we’re all going to feel differently about different things. I don’t think it’s entirely fair to act like being interested and invested in Takumi’s character arc is a moral failing and I think people are free to be interested in any character they want. But if people hate a character for raping and abusing well, that’s fair and no justification needed. 
Anyone feel free to reblog and add on, respectfully, please.
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
holy fucking emotions :D
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