#idk man I also think I’m just tired
whentherewerebicycles · 11 months
got reallyyyy in my head at work today about not naturally being a gentler, more patient, more compassionate person. like why can’t I just be nicer why am I a know-it-all and sort of a bitch. but I’m trying to hold this loosely and to be like ‘hmm that’s interesting information. how did you act and what did you do that made you feel like you were not being very patient or compassionate today and what can you learn from it’ instead of just being like This Is My Forever Character Flaw. also I gotta acknowledge too that I’m in one of those funks where I’m so sick of hearing my own voice even in my head. so I think I might just need to be a little gentler with myself and let this day roll off me. I can be a better person tomorrow. and also I didn’t actually do anything I wouldn’t stand by lol I just had ungenerous thoughts
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fantasykiri5 · 3 months
Fabian and Riz to me are like. They’re like the definition of “a secret third thing” to me but not like in a qpr way. Their thing is just Their Thing, like they’re inseparable they drive each other fucking bonkers they care so deeply and they’re stupid teenagers and I don’t think they would even really think about it at all. I don’t think either of them can imagine a world where they’re not at least around the other, and like whatever their thing is definitely isn’t allo but it’s definitely not regular besties shit. They just like being around each other, I don’t think either of them would really even think to put a name to whatever it is they’ve got going on, and I definitely don’t think either of them would ever put enough thought into it to even figure out what a qpr is, much less label themselves in one. They’re just Fabian and Riz. The Ball and Captain of the Owlbears. They’re just them I think. Idk man.
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p-s-yokubo · 28 days
Invader Zim Future AU (ooooooo!)
Hello IZ tumblr. I come bringing an AU and character designs. Enjoy them please :)
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ZiM - 200+ Years Old - College Student/Irken Invader
Ten years have passed since ZiM began his quest to conquer Earth, and things couldn’t be going better! (At least, in his opinion.) Despite the literal years of failure after failure to achieve his goal, he still hasn’t given up. In fact, he believes every scheme he makes is more amazing than the last. (Because he’s a genius, in his opinion.) There’s just one thing standing in his way… Dib. As always. But ZiM will be ready for him. He has been keeping an eye on the Dib creature, even making sure to attend the same high school as him, and now to go to the same college. Even though ZiM thinks things are going wonderfully, he can’t help but feel like something is off. Like someone is watching him…
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Dib Membrane (Agent Mothman) - 22 Years Old - College Student/Paranormal Investigator
These ten years have been absolute hell for Dib. ZiM’s constant scheming to take over the earth and tormenting of him in particular have made Dib lose his mind a bit. Okay, a lot. He’s now more determined than ever to capture ZiM- no, not just capture ZiM, kill him. He wants ZiM on that autopsy table more than ever before and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. He is now being assisted by the Swollen Eyeball Network to do it, so he’s more of a threat than ever before. (Though the Swollen Eyeball Network are only helping him because they fear if they don’t help him now, he’ll continue annoying them for the rest of their lives.)
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coco0milkshake · 5 months
something something Sonic’s regulators in New Yoke, Boscage Maze, and No place are blue right? (well they look blue)
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And in Ghost Hill, his regulators look white but (I think?) have a blue ring around it
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they almost look like eyes and Nine’s eye color is blue (rainbow18 said something about Nine’s tech looking like eyes, including the regulators)
and the regulators in the Grim are not blue, they’re purple
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Nine’s communicator (? what is it actually, why did he have that, yeah it’s used to communicate with Sonic but what was that before Sonic? anyways) is green, which is Sonic’s eye color
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goldkirk · 1 month
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porcelainvino · 1 month
culturallymaxxing.. queerpilled……..
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redemptiionss · 3 months
Sometimes I just think there’s something deeply wrong with me idk
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Vent post lol
Fighting for my life out here
(Afraid everyone who loves me will not care about me anymore once I transition, I’ll go from relatively pretty girl to ugly freak, I have no idea how to be future me)
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thefortysecondolive · 30 days
hit a rough patch processing my gender in the past few days & have been feeling down about not being able to talk about pretty much any aspect of my identity without tacking on seven disclaimers and a vocab quiz 😮‍💨 wish I could just put the identity crisis on hold until I finish my finals
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paging-possum · 2 months
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Who up listening to good luck babe by chappell roan and having it resonate not in the way intended but resonating nonetheless. About to go ham in the tags about the overlap of being a lesbian and being aromantic...if u even care....
#my art#gore#organs#its 2am so not a lot of this is going to be very coherent but this song makes me feel a lot of things about it all#like. its the Expectations#the expectation that im going to date men and the expectation that im going to date at all have always felt equally stifling#theres that feeling of not trying hard enough or not realizing it at first or trying to lean into what you're told you should feel#and having it not pay off time and time again and wishing you could just make it work#because everyone else around you has it just fine and you dont get why you're struggling with it so much#THERE ARE MORE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN THE TWO IS WHAT IM SAYING#like obviously figuring out aromanticism is especially weird because its a lack of something BUT THEYRE PRETTY SIMILAR#realizing I dont want to date anyone mirrors realizing I didn't like boys but like. idk man its worse sometimes?#I wouldn't trade it for the world it means a lot to me but its almost like people go out of their way not to understand it sometimes#at the end of the day I am the you in that song#it was a very very long road to being okay with never falling in love because that was something I wanted for a very very long time#at the end of the day I will never have to be someones wife and I think its better that way#but its also hard not to get jealous sometimes#like I know its irrational I know I get physically ill at just the thought of being asked out but like#sometimes ill see my friends with their girlfriends and ill feel like clawing my own chest out with want#but also if anyone asks me out I will have to dig myself into a pit and never come out. I think.#I want to be with women but I dont want to Be With Women if that makes sense#its another layer of difficulty that I dont think I'll ever be able to get past#I feel like at this point I should just be trying to conditioning myself out of any form of desire because its just not an option for me#which definitely isn't true and like chappell roan says. you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling.#but its also so tiring to have to sit here with the feeling and feel bad for having the feeling.#I dont know#I think if I felt a little more or a little less I’d be fine but I’m stuck in the middle#it feels very weird talking about this openly but also its very difficult to talk about with friends because most of them dont get it#anyways something something Josies monologue from bottoms#im going to bed
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myfriendtheghost · 1 year
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so i had a couple ocs as a kid (made for a story that i never wrote a lot for) and i haven’t drawn any of them since i was like. 14. so it’s been a hot minute but anyway i realized the other day that out of the 5 main cast i have gotten 3 of their haircuts. i remember vaguely thinking that one character always seemed to have the haircut i wanted and i had that haircut for years but recently i got rid of that haircut and had another one’s haircut then i changed it a bit and dyed it and now i have another one’s. so i’m like man 12 year old me had great taste in haircuts. i should go down the list and do them all
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sinnamonstache · 1 year
Just lost my job.. so I wanna try to get back into drawing.
However I’m.. not exactly comfortable picking up where I left off? I’ve changed a bit, mentally, and like. My interests aren’t very different, but…. I don’t think I can stomach making the same content I did before. I don’t know that I want it to attached to whatever I do going forward, either. I want to get more into OCs and stuff, if possible.
That said.. I know some of y’all really wanted that old art back. So I’m weighing my options…
I’ve considered making some kind of archive, but idk how to.. twitter frustrates me and feels far too public, given the subject-matter 😔 I may use it going forward but it doesn’t feel like the right place for my old works
I may just re-start with a new username and let this one lie...?
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latinokaeya-moving · 1 year
not to be talking abt something as stupid as shipping seriously like this but while i know polyam configurations are never gonna be as easily digestible as just two person pairings in media i do think it’s always funny when ppl try n logically “well actually” their way out of them by explaining how a character would NEVER be able to handle polyamory bc of xyz when those hang ups they list are then for the most part issues you would encounter in monogamous relationships too lol… like one of the most common things being smth like “oh they’re too possessive/get jealous too easily so can’t imagine polyamory for them haha!” is so silly to me. as if those traits arent naturally present in plenty of polyam rltnshps irl bc get this… polyam ppl can still act jealous or possessive…. wild right. it might even be fun to play around with that concept for the drama sometimes but like i guess who knows really
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tempestclerics · 1 year
Keep hearing my friends say some variation of “sorry I’m rambling/sorry we’re talking a lot about [thing they’re interested in]” and just. I am grabbing you all by the shoulders and shaking you and pulling you into a hug at the same time. As someone who is not very talkative at the best of times but who also gets a Lot less talkative when I’m tired I am so so appreciative of people who will just. Let me sit there and listen to them talk At me while spending time together. It’s so nice it’s So nice. Please never apologize! Please keep bickering about something I absolutely did not care about before this conversation but am ready to be extremely invested in because I’m ride or die for you and that means I’m ride or die for this obscure conflict! Please keep telling me about your blorbos of the month even if you would never actually recommend I watch the media they’re in! On purpose on purpose I am listening to you on purpose (On purpose on purpose I’m going to love you. On purpose).
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mcnuggyy · 2 years
mann I hate knowing I COULD get work at a studio MAYBE if I worked hard enough but knowing that even people who have been in the industry for so long and shit still struggle with jobs like idk if I want to do this anymore, like I always tell myself well you’ve already worked for the mouse you can get a job anywhere you just need to work on your portfolio more and do more networking, but man… do I really want an industry job anymore? Everyone I know that works in it is either burnt out as hell, miserable, or can’t even survive off the money they’re making regardless so like… idk… I know I say all of this like every few months but I still can’t fucking make up my mind, like honestly right now I’m chilling even though I have 3 jobs and money is tight.. I’m happy? I don’t wanna settle sure but like man, idk I’m pretty okay right now mentally and idk if a 9-5 studio job where more often than not I’ll be underpayed and doing overtime is really something I want… NOT to mention how expendable we are apparently so even when things are concrete they’re not… idk man, still so much to think about 😞
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