#idk seems really pointless atm
quokki · 2 years
idk when / if I’ll be making more content (maybe not for this era) but I just wanted to say that I adore my lil hanji
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damnprecious · 2 years
apartment hunting be like 'that flat is in an inconvenient neighborhood, that building is right next to a massive construction site, that kitchen hasn't been updated since like the 70s and the stove looks like a fire hazard, this apartment has a super inconvenient layout, this hasn't got enough storage, a minimum one year contract...'
#noopa rambles#frigging studio apartments having stupid layouts#esp the trend with new apartments to have the kitchen just along the living space wall is killing me#it makes furnishing the rest of the apartment such a pain#fucking hate that moving seems like a smart option atm#bc there's gonna be construction that will last for years right outside my window soonish#I'll have some time to find a place before it starts#I really don't want to live right next to a construction site for years when I work from home#if I didn't work from home it wouldn't be an issue#ofc I could wait and see just how loud the construction will be when they start doing the demo first#kinda still wanna move cities but the city I wanna move to is so much more expensive#I'd either need a roommate or live far from downtown#which would be super annoying for a side job commute and I'd like a side job#and I don't exactly know anyone I could ask to be a roommate#and let's be real I also wouldn't want to ruin friendships by existing as a roommate#I feel like I'd be a disaster as a roommate#I really like my current flat the layout is sooo good and the location is excellent#I'm lowkey just considering finding a flat in the same group of apartments but a few buildings down#so that there'd be at least a block and two-three buildings between me and the construction#but idk if that'd still do enough to protect from the noise so it might just be pointless to move half a block#but this location is just so good man!!!
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panelshowsource · 6 months
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i agree that the podcast really is so interesting — and imo it's a lot of plain gossip and tv criticism masked as "professional insight", which i live for lmao — but there are times she is really too much... she often mocks or eye-rolls things in a way that, again, doesn't feel constructive and comes off as very rude. mean girl energy. it also bothers me how she will talk at richard instead of engaging in a back and forth, and sometimes that turns into an episode in which she speaks 80% of the time. then again, as content cycles throughout the year, sometimes what's on/hot atm is just more in her wheelhouse than his, so we just have to wait for new taskmaster, new bbc comedies, new doctor who, whatever interests him, and then hopefully he'll have even more opportunities to shine... i do cherish when he gets a chance to speak lmao
but fr take a shot every time she says "a friend of mine who works at _______ told me blah blah"
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i'll work on tracking that down!! it would be fun to watch more of them 😋
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aren't they too much? i was just thinking how amazing would it be if they were a pair on pointless celebs ...........
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you know how once you notice an actor then suddenly you start to see them everywhere? (especially on uk tv which is not as big a pool as you'd think it would be...) that was me and charlotte ritchie! it was like wow this girl is everywhere!
anyways, i'm not sure what her aims are atm... she's done quite a bit of comedy but am i the only one who thinks she would body a crime series? or something like broadchurch?
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glad you got a chance to catch my response and watch some fun things! i was thinking a little more about what else to recommend, and i think if you enjoy the quirky nature of repertoire then you should check out huge davies, and if you enjoy the storytelling format like greg davies typically does then you should try out dara ó briain and russell howard (maybe the 2021 lubricant special to start) :) enjoy!!
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hahaha this is funny... it's a good question 😅 there are a few reasons... he's good bantz! he doesn't take himself too seriously, laughs at himself, can be teased, isn't mean spirited. people really appreciate that. plus, he represents a lot of people who aren't otherwise on tv — not primetime bbc, at least. there starts to be an issue when he just...doesn't try, doesn't contribute. he's fallen asleep on like three different shows? didn't he just...not show up to the second-half of his bakeoff special? often he's got nothing to say? mo really carried the convos on his talk show, his teammates carried him on bfq, and so on. he just doesn't seem to have the interest or perhaps the stamina (orrr perhaps the respect) for long records 😅
anyways, he was being pushed for a little while, but that appears to have stopped. he's hasn't been around too much lately 🤔 (tho ngl idk what he's up to!)
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yesss this is a great video and i'll link it here in case anyone wants to check it out! it reminded me that i really need to seek out his celeb hunted episodes hahaha
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when the news came out he would be playing an 'egon spengler type' i was like yep lmao
he and ed mention quite often how many auditions they go to, especially james, for big movies like wonka and ghostbusters — no surprise to me imo! especially since it seems he's focused on films over tv 🤔
can't say i saw ghostbusters tho i'm sorry 😭
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WELLLL now that it's out how have you been enjoying it? 😊🥰 where is your review, anon !!
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susie dent gifs are high on my list, working on those for this week for sure!!! it's just...how to choose...she's just too pretty....
but i love ALL of your suggestions, duly noted 😍
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sapphire-weapon · 9 months
Your mentioning of why Ada works with Wesker in OG, I'd love to see any explanatory info that you have on hand? I never really looked into it (being brutally honest, I find OG so messy that a lot of the time I'd rather settle with my confusion, than look far for something that should be much clearer within the actual gameplay in the first place). Did she have reasons other than financial? Would like to see any sources you have (including from CV and Umbrella Chronicles, as those games are sadly inaccessible to me atm!) I want to understand it because I just can't understand her OG portrayal at all. She always seemed absolutely pointless to me. no matter how much I wanted to say the opposite, but idk, she just offered up a fat load of nothing but melodramatic side-stories that never really gave anything positive to the games in the first place (just my opinion, and I do actually like her lol, the potential was... there, but the "well you see, she's mysterious and independent" card goes stale very quickly, and I'm just happy to see Remake actually developing her, lol).
I can't pull the exact quote right now because I'm at work, but in the epilogue of her campaign in Umbrella Chronicles, she says that her relationship with Wesker will last a bit longer because they both understand what it's like to be manipulated and betrayed. It's on YouTube; it's the voiceover she has over that image of her in the green dress. Her campaign is called "Death's Door" if that also helps.
Basically, UC has Wesker and Ada both working for some shadowy organization. So Wesker contacts her after RE2 while she's still in Raccoon City and gives her a big "What the fuck, Ada" because he was watching the events of RE2 play out via satellite, and he tells her he can't help her after her colossal failure due to getting all fucked up over Leon; the organization they're working for won't accept her failure. But Ada pulls a g-sample out of her ass and Wesker's like "Okay cool I can work with that" and gives her the hookshot and directions to get out of the city before it's nuked.
So, her relationship with Wesker has always been a combination of business and pleasure. It might be a stretch to say that they were friends, but they looked out for each other. Like, Wesker did not at all have to contact her post-RE2, but he did it anyway as a courtesy. They operate under "let a bitch know" rules.
Either way, Ada's motivation for working with Wesker was just as personal as it was financial. Even if she did eventually betray him, they were on the same side for a while.
Of course, this went nowhere and whatever organization they worked for never got revealed or became relevant; I assume it's the same organization that Ada mentions in OG Separate Ways, but. Eventually, Wesker broke away and formed Tricell, and that's probably what caused the breakdown in their relationship.
But yeah. It was personal. She found him familiar and comfortable and felt a connection with him due to similar experiences in their past. And I also got the sense that UC wasn't the first time he saved her ass.
It's worth a watch tbh
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hospitalterrorizer · 3 months
did a bit of writing today.
and the j-card is done. metadata undone, that changes 2morrow for sure...
all it takes to write is heat exhaustion and slightly fried nerves and dysphoria. so i guess mega fried nerves. and matcha.
here is da j-card:
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i like how unreadable it is to beeeeeeeeeeeeeee honest. it's like it just makes you stare at the thing and the text just kind of melts into a mess. especially the big chunk there which is just every song title listed unspaced.
there's some stupid discourse out on the internet today, obviously i shouldn't look but there's some insanity about all the stuff going on re: sexual politics atm. the way people are throwing around 'sex positivity' which can really mean 30 different things, some of which were pretty minimal and like, don't judge people who have lots of sex because sex can be a thing that happens for all kinds of reasons, we ought to have conversations about sex outside of the regular assumptions re: desire and what it leads to, an aversion to moralism, or rather directionless 'having sex is liberating*' (* meaning: if you want to have sex), there is more here too.
really the baffling part for me, outside of the moralism, or i guess i should not say baffling, but it's generally how each generation seems to have bought more and more into the distinct generational character thing, creating insane stereotypes as if they're super real and just proceeding with a huge chunk of earth being those things and never really thinking about or interacting with, those people, or when they do, what they see are the assumptions/signs that they are what they imagine, and nothing else. and as this goes on, it strengthens each prior generation's notion that it is a thing unto itself, it solidifies against the stereotype as if that defends itself, or taking these features as points of pride rather than spectacular invention. this results in the kinds of millennial you see getting mad about eminem getting cancelled or this discourse about how millennials didn't know what boundaries were.
one thing lost in all this is the fact that the mid 00s were a horrific time to be feminine, thinking abt a lot of the ed stuff, the american apparel ads and so on (i recognize the irony in me saying this after posting that image i made where i am wearing american apparel thigh highs + the general uhm sexual nature of the cover and stuff but i'm messed up okay i don't want to get into it but i guess i have and i am crazy and whatever and i at least want to use that in a way that isn't me doing things that hurt myself okayyyyyyyyyyy), this wasn't liberating but it's also not because of 'sex positive feminism' that these images came to be, it's because of patriarchal exploitation and the pornographic gaze which is deeply bound to advertising already, a lot of these things remain the same, we have our current day forms of this. it's an issue that does not need to be so complicated and obfuscated by generational fingerpointing, but i think it feels good to do this, and this is the essential drive mobilized by posting inside the computer, the feeling good and right, and the invention of things to be right about, creation of logics which enable the rightness, and the ability to litigate truth with these methods, at their root they are not very complex usually, it's just about being able to 'see' a demographic and point at it. it goes beyond strawmanning to the point of really seeing people in a distorted way, not inventing them, but seeing them speaking, and not being able to understand because you know what they are already. it's wholly spectacular and strange.
anyhow, this is a pointless thing to look at. interesting to note i guess though. or useful for me. it does wig me out though, everytime you see surges of radical leaning or, idk, i don't think this is radical at all really, but this "radical" appearing way of thinking, you see terfs pop up, young ones too, that always wigs me out, they're funny though, not like in a good way, they're just, funny, as a notion i suppose.
anyway i need to sleep, i hope nobody finds my blog somehow over this and hits me with a t.i.m. moment, they love 2 hit that shit like the griddy.
oh one other thing, there was this british kid in the store today, he put a box of triscuits in his shopping cart, his mom asked what they were for as her and her friends were looking around for crisps, and he said "smores", and i felt so bad and i wanted to say something, as i stood there waiting for my girlfriend, like how he needs graham crackers for his smores and not triscuits but i didn't say anything but he put them away anyways. i am glad there was no tragedy but i feel bad that i might have enabled a minor tragedy in some way, that's kind of a stupid way to think but it's true . as in true that i felt that. or even feel it.
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j3scax · 29 days
Okay small rant time.
I'm getting real tired of like, social media atm. Idk if it's like, my own fault or the fault of the world or whatever but it just feels like everything is somehow so much more aggressively aggressive and in your face. Maybe when I was younger I just didn't realise, but it feels like recently all I see is drama, hit pieces or identity war shit.
I fully understand politics and such are important, as well as trying to help people understand why something may be problematic. But sometimes it feels so extremely overbearing. A lot of my YouTube feed is just "___ is over" or "___ is horrible" rather than like, random video essays I watch pretty much all the time. Most of the videos I watch aren't these kind of drama videos, I may watch an odd Moistcritical video now and then but other than that I wanna watch a fucking hour long video about Venus or something. It's why I appreciate channels like Wendigoon so much, even when he does get dragged into drama (which mind you is the personification of pointless drama I'm seeing) his channel just stays the same as always, I can just sit down and listen to him talk about some random cool niche thing.
Some social media platforms have always been like this, for example Twitter - that has always been a shit hole so it has always been easy to circumnavigate that kind of community since all you need to do is not to go on Twitter. But now it's just fucking everywhere and it makes me feel like shit. I'm tired of it all, and I don't care for it anymore. It feels like no matter where I go I have to deal with this shit, and although you could argue this stuff is important it surely isn't that important if I can talk to my friends or meet people irl and never get onto these subjects or topics. Sure it might come in passing like "Oh did you hear about ___" but that's the extent of it.
It also feels like no matter what your opinion is online you're somehow wrong to someone. You could give an extremely well detailed, well reasoned and well thought out opinion and you'll just be criticised just because mob mentality. And the inverse is true, it gives people with unreasoned opinions that are genuinely terrible to have a platform to share them. I've always said this is just the issue of free speech, if you allow people to freely speak there's going to be bad or negative opinions, but this shit shouldn't be constantly peddled to me on platforms like YouTube when I don't engage in the content.
I just feel like everything is more hateful and everyone seems to need to take sides on something, and if you even dare not to comment or remain partial (either because you don't care, don't want to involve yourself or believe you're not educated to give your opinion) you're somehow worse than fucking Satan himself. Yet even if you do give your stance you're still somehow hypocritical or a bad person. I just hate it and I genuinely don't think the internet used to be like this. I might be talking out of nostalgia. But pre-COVID compared to post-COVID just feels so much more noticeable to me.
I remember my time on social media back in 2019-2021 and while there were still some of the things I've discussed, it was nowhere near as obvious. Sure you had your niche areas of hatred like the DreamSMP, but as someone who never really engaged in the fandom or community I never really experienced the negatives of it and it wasn't as pushed into my face. That's how it used to feel to me, stuff like this would be relegated to just one area or fandom, rarely did stuff spread out of their own communities - and those that did spread out gained the reputation of being toxic with people knowing to avoid them. But now stuff begins to feed over into everything, and I mean everything. I could just be watching a streamer or whatever - someone who doesn't need to be or wouldn't be involved in said issue - and they'll be interrogated on every single view they have on every piece of drama. I was peddled a fucking GODZILLA drama video a couple days ago, a fandom I have never interacted with once or engaged with on YouTube.
I'm tired of it. Just because other people want to engage in a constant hate spiral to ruin their lives, want to constantly make money off of milking every topic of note, doesn't mean I want to. And if you ever express an opinion like this, suddenly you're a bad person, or you're defending whoever in whatever drama, or you're ignorant for ignoring current issues. Yes. I think knowing about and educating people on current issues is important, and I'm not saying it's bad to inform people or report news, but this shit is all I'm fucking given. Like I said earlier, you'd still have drama videos or exposés back before COVID, but it wouldn't constantly be in your face. It isn't like the News where you can choose to interact with it or not.
Even then, I'd still argue that the only issues that really matter are problems that relate to you - and these are the issues we should push people to research or interact with. We should push people to look into whether their tax money is being misused and we should educate them on it. We should educate people and give news to people about what is happening in their war torn home country. We shouldn't be constantly pushing people and forcing people to decide whether Mr. Beast is a pedophile or not. As someone who has no care for Mr. Beast, I don't fucking care and I don't want to see it or hear about it.
That's my little rant over.
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miniwolfsbane · 5 months
I need to stay awake, so here's a list of things we should have gotten in The Sims 4's Growing together that would have improved it even more! (Also pleading in some spots. If they could just refresh it slightly, that would be boss.):
An easier (even customizable) compatibility system. (I loved the idea, but trying to get one of my sims to have mutual dislike with his future-son-in law is like trying to find chicken lips. I even changed his traits, but it didn't help. Unless my game was glitched, IDK. I haven't looked at that save file in months.)
Gender reveal parties (Because let's bring the chaos of those into sims. Fits perfectly!
New careers would've been fire. (Something similar to an OBGYN, if EA is so scared of scarring special snowflakes and supposed children playing this freaking game (GIVE US BURGLARS BACK YOU COWARDS!!), call it a baby doctor and give us real ultrasounds already. I mostly play on console, so mods aren't an option.
LESS infant milestones. (I understand that they were clearly going for realism and longform play, but I think I got my favorite (and only) mermaid twins to do nearly all of the applicable ones (with my game glitching slightly because it didn't register the first trip to the park) before turning them into toddlers. But if you have your sims on non-aging, it can get tedious. I had to cheat needs to do all that, keeping them awake constantly and they still got the tired moodlet as infants. They should have cut them back by 10 or 12 and not gone so hard on this. We love our realism as players, but sometimes enough is enough. Also the standing up milestone is broken on console. Ugh.)
This or HSY would have been the perfect EP to put driving lessons. Even if we don't have cars yet...well...was gonna say it wouldn't make sense, but it could have just been a rabbit hole to driver's ed or driving school. (Just writing those words gives me PTSD. I had a hard time of things.)
They could have really expanded on stuff for kids. The toy options are endless. Hula hoops, new teddy bears that are actually useable, dolls (knock off Barbie maybe?), new action figures for boys (and girls), more toddler specific toys, And we got bikes? BIKES?! I know 4 Rent was awful for bugs, but at least they gave us marbles and hopscotch. Better than nothing. Glad modders exist, but that doesn't help people who play exclusively on console because of disabilities or other reasons.
Maybe pregnancy specific clothes, I dunno. Seems pointless, but also sounds cute.
Bring back the dang pregnancy cravings (unless I imagined these?), and add in some mood swings. Teenagers get mood swings, but pregnant women don't? Yeah, nice going EA. *Sarcastic clap*
On that note, as long as it's from my head, we could have used some more realism, if just slightly. (Keep in mind I've never been preggers and haven't had anyone close to me be pregnant, just parent's friends or people older than me at the time. Edit and family members out-of-state many years ago.) Sore boob moodlets, milk pumps, swollen feet, real back aches and not just stretching, baby books (I miss those!!), maybe some stuff for the dads to be but I can't think of anything off had atm but books? Maybe some "I want to teach my kid about repair skills" want or moodlet when they hit the child stage, pacifiers (the CC ones are so cute!), teething if we didn't get it already I can't remember, teething toys, being able to put infants/toddlers on beds (mixed bag because in real life you shouldn't have babies in bed with you because it's dangerous. Saw a story about it.), more stuff for grandparents, plus the canes from TS3 and so on.
Okay, I might edit this later. Starting to feel tapped out for ideas
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lonespektr · 1 year
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White sand brain death
It's all black for the first convo
Camera on tilt
Whoa creepy clone rejects
Oh mask WOW
That's already the second time she's altering reality and he is confused
But they just swapped positions, she asked for permission
Ok weird indigenous vs idk what
The Chinese food
He always playing this odd combination of abuser and manipulated calculating and oblivious
Oh lordt acting
Cuts of idk ominous sensual visuals
Discordant tones intrusive throughout the back ground
Fictional sort of combo country
Leaving the resort
Men always think they are brilliant and the first person to come up with that scene and the oddness of it some how invalidates it's banality or they claim it as commentary when it really is just wish be fulfillment
Poor help me nothing i could do some young blonde came at me
This one i find annoying because his wife is extremely younger, smarter, hotter looking than this woman
Why pick her to be nag wife?
On the way back
Oh just to be closest i think this is a set up from jump
I mean day 1 like before curtain lift
The question is who is in on it
Drugs, food drinks
No thought to the man whatsoever
Cops already (clear from the trailer)
Hospital gown white
Nothing to get the male protag going by vague sexualized threats to the wife-property
Lol he just really said federal law says the eldest son will kill you back
Literally just offered an in house clone via the embassy/cops and signed a random
Lol why is the atm wild like that if it can be gotten with one withdrawal (from him, who we established is broke) then how much is it
Lol straight into clone station 🤣
Lol visuals horror seems to be doing like a mini resurgence of these 80's kinda visuals
13 & 9 they said
Wait if they can see him then what's the point
Gown with a stab embroidered circle
This is literally pointless
Is this just sold as catharsis settlement check
Lol what the heck was that
Ok... passport
What, she's putting him on the back foot
Tattoo eyes?
Prior experience (also expected)
Omg just for a book, lordt
And there's a sicko crew of them
Didn't bring, well i guess she didn't get one
It's always the wife who just doesn't get it can't follow
"zombies" that's so typical rich people
Lol he never thought about it
She kissed him in public
Actual danger threat couched in joke
Playing ego
Creepy masks
Lol whut
Full purge vibes
Idiot shootout
Omg they are all doing it again
Omg now they are karening in the court house
Silly boy ego trip
co opting traditional herbs
Orgy montage miraculously heterosexual
Some aesthetic lezzies
This is just succession, rich people getting away with shit
Trigeminal Neuralgia sux ass
Fully decanted another one for a prank.
They knew seems like
Omg why they outside lol what
Okay he had it the whole time
Lol they chasing him
Oh they were planning
I never read your book
Good actress
It's largely misogyny
Old Rich playing with new rich
Not the same family
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babygirldennis · 3 years
This shit is fake bby!!!
Here she is.. My masterpost of all the dumb, illogical bits of info contained within these s15 “leaks” that make me fairly confident they are complete bullshit. It also includes my little tinhat theories that have absolutely no evidence.
I will be putting it all under a Readmore in case you don't want to risk it or if you simply Do Not Care
First up, I'd like to point out that these call sheets repeatedly give very detailed backstories to characters that have few lines which conveniently paints a picture of each episode's plot. And I'm not an expert so correct me if I'm wrong, but after looking at other similar casting calls, they only ever include the demographic and necessary skills.
Basically who in their right mind would write up casting calls that give away so many spoilers? Seems like that could cause and issue if they were leaked lol. But anyway that's my 1st point. But onto the actual content
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So the conceit of this episode as a whole is that during the pandemic, the gang "gamed the system" and received three (3!) Loans to start businesses that went bankrupt. One of these businesses is implied to be the one started by dee and charlie who end up selling to Qanon shaman. Already this is so impossible baby.
1. We've already seen the gang try to get a loan and it didn't work. They don't have good ideas. Ur telling me, they managed to finagle 3 separate loans for 3 separate business ideas from an actual bank?
2. Maybe I just have bad reading comprehension but how does one have a business that is both fictitious and bankrupt?
3. If the customer is supposed to be Qanon shaman, an actual real life guy, why are the only descriptors white and male? They say he's shirtless so are they going to paint on all of the tattoos he has? And if so, doesn't that kind of ruin the dramatic reveal when charlie "throws in" the viking helmet? Why would he do that anyways? Sus.
Moving on
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Alright this episode would fucking blow for obvious reasons but im going to refrain from looking at this through my gay dennis thruther lens because im biased.
Purely from a narrative standpoint, a woman hasn't been shown to be interested in dennis in nearly 5 years during the wade boggs episode. Ever since, every single woman he approaches has been actively creeped out by him. And now I'm supposed to believe that 3 "smart, passionate woman" (In Their Twenties!!!!!!) agreed to go on a date with him? And Anna even slept with him! Just because he what? Agreed with her? I'm not buyin it.
Plus the concept of this scenario lacks any potential for comedy. When iasip gets political, they always discuss a very specific topic using hyperbolic situations and flawed metaphors. If this is supposed to be a political episode, what ultimately lukewarm point would rob be trying to make here? So far we know they're ranting about
The patriarchy
No more personal responsibility(?)
The... nature of power in society(??)
How on earth would an episode like get approved? This shit sounds like a Ted talk. It sounds like it was written specifically to sound like a political episode so boring and pointless it would generate outrage and mile long essay posts from Tumblr users and reddit users alike. Almost like this one lol.
On a completely unrelated note, do not try and convince me that Frank "casual cock ring wearer" Reynolds is unable to perform.
Jeez this is getting out of hand fast. Let's move on
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Ok now we're starting to getting into the Ireland of it all. Let me go on a bit of a tangent here about all this.. Now I thinq there are just 3 possibilities. Either this is all a publicity stunt and there is some truth to the Ireland rumors, the entire thing could be bogus from some weirdo fan (ps, if a fan did write this I want you to know I fucking hate you. You did this to me), or it is a publicity stunt but Ireland is just more bullshit.
I am going to assume it was a publicity stunt, otherwise I just wasted my entire evening and I can't have that kind of mentality rn. Additionally, I'm Going to tinhat here for a second and say that the Ireland rumors are true, but the details are different.
I say this because if they were going to do filming in Ireland, they probably figured that that information would be impossible to hide. In essence, my completely unfounded hypothesis is that this leak was their fucked up little way of controlling the situation while simultaneously messing with us.
Ok tangent is over, returning to the casting calls. From the looks of it, dee starts a "scam" acting class and has some very devoted students (Note that Tony was also the name of the porn shop owner. Seems weird!) Presumably after the gang replaces her with a monkey as the title suggests.
Honestly, there isn't too much here that's a red flag to me... seems like a nice little dee-centric episode that is the link to the Dublin angle. Assuming I am At All right, this could be a genuine plotline for Dee. However, the monkey could be a red herring and there could be a whole different side plot with the guys. who's to say. Next one!
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Ah yes this is the dennis we all know and despise.. no red flags for me here really, I'm also running out of steam because idk if it shows, but I am majorly sleep deprived atm. Anyway I'm going to the next one
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Okay this is where things start getting weird again ough a migraine just hit, anyway back to my earlier point about how casting calls would never contains major spoilers bc the people who see these wont be under any kind of NDA..
These ones reveal that bonnie dies. Again, that info wouldn't be in a casting call.
But also they suggest charlie has a irish penpal named Shelley who is his biological father. First off charlie is illiterate, although as pointed out by @undeadbreeze shelley could also be communicating in symbols. However, this scenario is still unbelievable to me for a couple reasons:
1. Bonnie's last name is Kelly obviously, and we know it's her maiden name because Jack's last name is also Kelly. But Shelley's last name is... also Kelly? In the context of this big ol hoax, it feels like it was written to show that look! his last name is the same as charlie's! That's how you know that's his dad! But It would be way too big of a coincidence if charlie's dad happened to have the same last name bonnie.
And 2. There's the whole mystery of charlie's long-lost sister from 'charlie got molested' but never any mention of a brother which according to this, shelley has been pretending to be his brother for years. And we all know how much rcg loves their continuity, it seems uncharacteristically lazy to just tack this on without any prior buildup.
And finally let me talk about mac for a second and specifically the line in gus's summary "both are gay men who are attracted to the priesthood for all the wrong reasons"
Iasip has commented on pedophilia in the priesthood many times in the past which leads me to believe that they are implying that mac is a pedophile? Please let me know if I completely misread the implications of that statement, but if not, then that is completely insane and one of the biggest indictators that this is fake. Mac is awful, just like everyone in the gang but he is definitely not a pedophile.
However even if i did completely misread that, it's still proof this is fake.. For all his faults, Rob put a surprising amount of care and effort into mac's coming-out. It hasn't been perfect, but Mfhp in particular firmly established that mac's faith is integral to his identity so Its unlikely that rob would throw all of that away for a cheap shot at priests.
Ok my brain is irradiated sludge at this point, but in conclusion. I hope that 1. I'm right, at least about it being fake (Otherwise damb that'll be so humiliating for me) And 2. This eases ur fears a bit. I don't want to lose all faith in future seasons bc I love iasip and miss the gang. If you read this far youre insane but I literally love you so goddamn much because I spent so so long tapping this out on my silly little phone
Please feel free to add on or message me your thoughts and opinions I need to know I'm not the only one who uhhh went a bit insane. And finally: whoever made these is a cunt. Mwah.
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omarscurls · 3 years
The Prince actually has very nice clothes
Idk about the title but roll with it lol
This is some sort of future fic/AU where they are sort of out to the school? Idk they are at least together and like not hiding.
TWs: none? I don’t think
A/Ns look like this, don’t mind me commenting as I write haha
It’s November. Simon is absolutely freezing. He hates the winter in Sweden. Where he lives, they don’t even get that much snow. It’s just dark and constantly raining for like 5 months straight.
He was shaking from the cold after just waiting for the buss a couple of minutes this morning.
And then his terrible boyfriend just laughed at him, when he entered the school in an awful mood and with wet hair.
Said boyfriend does give very warm hugs though so he couldn’t stay mad for long.
Reading and editing atm, and I actually like that sentence. :))
The lesson started, but Simon wasn’t really paying attention. To be fair, no one was paying attention. It was a very dark, early, Monday morning, so who can blame them really.
But then the teacher called his name, and since he obviously hadn’t been listening, he did not know what the question was either.
Why does none of these sentences make sense omg
So for obvious reasons did his mood not get better during that lesson.
But he did have choir practice that afternoon, so at least that was something to look forward to.
During the second lesson of the day he had finally somewhat managed to warm up, with a little help from his boyfriend between two lessons.
He was having lunch with Wilhelm when somehow, another first year managed to trip all over him and spill a big glass of water on his shirt.
On his very warm, very nice purple hoodie, specifically.
I feel like I’m forgetting what time tense thing (idk what is called) I’m writing this in aaah
The guy did seem sorry, but Simon was too tired of it all to care.
And now he didn’t have anything to wear. Which was quite a problem since he had two lessons left that day.
He just sat there wondering about what the hell he should do now, he would freeze to death if he kept wearing this shirt.
Wilhelm assured him that he would indeed not, but if it was so horrible he could just borrow one of Wilhelm’s shirts.
Simon considered it for a moment, but quickly realised that it was his best option. And while he would not admit it to Wilhelm, he did quite like wearing his boyfriend’s clothes.
Did I just realise this story is pretty pointless and that I don’t know where I’m going with it? Yes.
They went to Wilhelm’s room, and he could finally pull of the wet hoodie and T-shirt.
The sight of his shirtless boyfriend made Wilhelm stop looking for some clothes that could fit Simon, and instead he just stopped to look for a second.
Simon was not having it though. “I’m literally freezing to death here, and you’re just standing there”. Wilhelm did not have a good response for that, so he continued looking for a shirt instead.
“You look good though” he mumbled as he turned around and threw some clothes to his boyfriend.
And suddenly Simon was the one who was flustered. But he tried to hide it and pulled on the random black hoodie Wilhelm had given him.
He had to roll up the jeans he got to borrow a bit, which Wilhelm made sure to not say anything about after one look from Simon.
In conclusion, Wilhelm decided that his boyfriend looked very very cute in his clothes.
So cute that they in fact have to cuddle and make out for a bit in his room before going to class again.
And funnily enough did Simon not seem to mind when he gently pulled him onto the bed with him.
They arrive a couple of minutes too late for the lesson, and they both make sure to avoid Felice and Sara’s knowing looks when they sit down.
Weirdly enough, Wilhelm never sees that particular hoodie again.
Until one night, when he’s back in Stockholm for some Prince business. He is FaceTiming his boyfriend and they’ve been talking shit about the crown, when he notices what Simon is wearing.
He decides to not say anything though. He doesn’t really want that hoodie back anymore, considering just how good it looks on Simon.
And maybe ha does secretly like the idea of Simon walking around in his clothes.
Ok I’m ending it now I’m so done with this one and I just lost all of my (not very existent) writing skills, anyways tell me what you think cuz I actually dislike this one ok bye thanks for reading <33
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beautyofthend · 3 years
I saw on your twitter that you're worried you won't feel the same about Jack and Nikki when you rewatch and I'm sad 🥺 I only have a few places where I talk about them and the other place seems to be so negative at the moment. I feel that the last couple of weeks people have got really down and negative about what to expect next season from them that it's made people go a bit negative.
I think because so many people have rewatched or just started watching, every else has been watching along with them and the over analysing has kicked in where every scene is being watched over and over again, instead of just watching and enjoying in the moment.
I hope when/if you rewatch you still feel the buzz with them because I love reading your thoughts about them and I was so happy to find people that enjoy them.
…Carrying on from my last post about the rewatch burnout thing. Thinking about it more, maybe you are just going through something similar to myself. When the s24 finished I was reading fanfic and talking non stop about theories and reading along with new people's rewatches of s16-24 and if I wasn't doing that I was rewatching myself. And now I can't remember when I last read a fic or watched a scene let alone an episode. I think maybe it's because s24 gave us so much that we all couldn't stop talking about it non stop that we've burned out quicker maybe. Dont get me wrong I'm really excited for the new season (and a little nervous to what they'll do), but I'm happy to not really think about it for a while and recharge if that makes sense lol.
I know I still love Jack and Nikki the same as I did when I watched but I'm not jumping to rewatch all their moments or anything at the moment. Maybe don't force yourself to rewatch if you're not feeling it right now and watch something else. When we get trailers etc I'm sure the excitement will kick back in.”
THIS 1000% I’m so glad it’s not just me tbh 😭 I also - and this is going to sound awful but my brain has always worked like this lmao - think it’s because it’s suddenly become so popular (especially Jack and Nikki) and don’t get me wrong, I LOVE THAT. I LOVE that Silent Witness is FINALLY getting the recognition it deserves and people are loving Jack and Nikki. But I have been championing this ship for the past 4/5 years, I’ve done all the analysing that people are doing (and they should, by all means, CONTINUE!!!) atm so idk I’m just bored?
And you’re so so right in saying that S24 gave us EVERYTHING. Me and a few other people have described the series as fanfic on crack 😭 Like there were things in there that I was like..wait I’ve literally written this? So in terms of writing for them I’ve not been inspired because everything that I have written/would write has transpired in the show itself. And I’m also very happy with how they left it? Like a part of me is worried that they won’t do them justice ofc but I’m feeling very safe in that they ended S24 with Nikki at his house and Jack stroking her head, I’d be MORE worried if they didn’t have that resolution at the end.
You’re also spot on with people being negative about it all, I know you can’t trust writers all the time but they dedicated an entire series to getting Jack and Nikki together, they’re not going to abandon it the moment S25 starts. Is it going to be plain sailing? Absolutely not, they’re gonna have drama for the sake of drama, it is Silent Witness after all. But to just completely chuck them to the side would be a disservice to the audience and would just make S24 completely pointless - and if we’re going to go into it, it would make the entirety of S21-24 pointless (including Awakening of course). I do think they will be taking a sort of backseat given Sam is coming back so she’s going to be bigged up A LOT, but they’re not going to be disregarded.
I’m going to watch until the end of S15 and then make a decision from there (because I have spent a lot of that era missing Jack [but I have also spent it missing Sam so 🤪 that’s fun]). I deffo will get my spark back when we get new content for them but right now I’m quite happy to sit back and let people carry on. I haven’t intentionally read any Jack and Nikki fanfic since S24 started tbh (unless people have sent me things to check/read through).
I think S25 is going to knock people’s socks off, it’s definitely going to be their strongest series yet and the fact Sam Ryan is coming back? People need to focus on that and give my Sammy some love!!! (But that’s a rant for another day lmao, love Nikki - which is debatable after the incident of S24 - but she wouldn’t be anywhere if it wasn’t for Sam laying the foundations in the first place).
I’m quite happy in my Sam era so think I’m going to stick around here for a while 😭 But I’ll always be here to analyse and discuss Jack and Nikki because once you get me going I can’t stop (clearly w this answer lmao) and the spark is still there deep down!!
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st-just · 3 years
imo the thing about getting rid of the billionaires/corporations it's that our lifestyle will inevitably change and most people would probably go along with it unless there's a mass societal collapse. so it seems pointless to be like "wow I can't wait to change my lifestyle" or whatever it wants us to do, it's just gonna happen? and we're adaptable, we'll figure it out! so idk, I just don't really get the post I guess.
So honestly my main issue with the sentiment is that it's often phrased as - 'these few dozen oligarchs are the ones responsible for climate change. Get rid of them, and the problem is solved.' (there's an incredibly viral tweet I'm thinking of here that I can't find atm).
Which is just, not how systems work? Like, say what you will of capitalism, the corporations and people who are getting filthy rich off of boiling the planet aren't doing it to be captain planet villains, they're doing it because it's profitable. Get rid of them and do nothing to change the market or incentive structures, and someone else will just end up doing the same thing.
And, like, shaming people for having a car isn't going to help much when our cities are designed so that you need one to, like, live. But any vision of fighting change that's going to work does in fact need to include an economy that doesn't rely on cheap gasoline or assume everyone can drive. Otherwise you can dissolve Exon and execute all its executives, and whoever the assets are split up between will just end up doing exactly the same shit soon enough.
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dinglemingle · 3 years
I feel like they're gonna kill someone else off because as much as everyone wanted Paul gone,no one's gonna miss him so it's not tragic or sad
So who will it be?
Jimmy? I doubt it,he's the last remaining King (of the original brothers) and a long-standing well loved character. I feel like if they were going to kill him off then it'd be his own big sl. Also it would pretty much end the custody SL as Juliette would probably get Carl. This wouldn't be good as 1) they'd be taking away a young King and be again removing iconic families and 2) what would they do with Nicola? She'd grieve,lose Carl, grieve some more and then...?!! Her and Jimmy's realtio ship is kinda her main thing. If he died would she be able to manage the haulage company? I'm not too sure,which would then take away her other main component. So I'm ruling Jimmy out
Vinny? No. Why? 1) Would they really kill off both of Mandy's main family members? 2) If he dies it'll be Aaron and Liv's word about the abuse?? There's no way Mandy would believe them. If he lives however it'll be good conflict as Vinny probably won't want to say anything because Mandy is grieving,so he'd bottle it up for weeks before it would finally all come out. Great drama and angst. 3) He's technically a Dingle and he's just old enough to have more adult and less teen SL"s. Do I really like Vinny? No,but the show and the general public definitely do,I can see them having Vinny copes with his abuse sl, maybe they'll try make him a knock off Aaron who knows! Either way,he has some potential,I don't think it's him.
Which leaves everyone's favourite pointless ,personality less,plot device ,Liv!
Of course we all dislike for a multitude of reasons but from the producers perspective it also makes sense
1) Sad Aaron being sad. It's the shows biggest gimmick,has been for over a decade. Danny is fantastic at angst heartfelt stuff, they'd be stupid to waste that. Plus it'd give him more screen time which surely they want seen as Aaron is a public favourite.
Also, it'd be a way to introduce Ben again (dramatic sigh). Aaron's sad,he 'needs' Ben. I hate it as much as everyone else but given the show atm,it seems a route the producers would take. Why else would Ben show up?? He turns up having heard of Liv's death, see's Aaron's state decides to stick around and try help him,boom, romance! (What do we do to deserve this honestly)
2) What are they going to do with Liv after this sl? She'll comfort Vinny, they'll get back together and then??? She's an adult now, she's passed getting drunk with Gabby and terrorising pensioners. Everyone else has moved on,she still feels like a child. Gabby is up at home farm, rivalling with Kim Tate,she's had jobs, she's having a baby, she could potential be the next soap bitch. What has Liv done? She isn't in education,she doesn't have a job,she hasn't really had her own story line in 5 whole years! Everything she's been involved with has been as a sideline to the other characters. Robron, Jacob, Vinny. The things she could have had were dropped or not very good. Prison sl didn't really have much impact,no real aftermath. Alcoholism was just glossed over. Asexuality was better than the rest but still a bit lackluster. She's the shows (and maybe soaps??) first explicitly and out asexual character yet they don't explore it that much,a waste! Epilepsy is what, pending? Okay so she hasn't been diagnosed,then show us how she's feeling about that, show us her fear,her anger! Anything!
To me,she feels like a nothing character. There is nothing for her in Emmerdale. Roblivion (shudders) dead, Ryan's gone,they don't know if he's coming back so they can't just wait around. Her wanting a stable family unit made sense when she was 16 but she has the Dingles now?? It doesn't make much sense anymore to have that narrative,she's literally referred to as 'our Liv' so...
Besides even of Ryan does come back she will definitely be in her twenties, maybe thinking about living on her own, having a career or something. The whole kid sister robron doing the dad bit will be past it then. They will be in their thirties, being parents,not really pushing people through floorboards and nicking cars anymore. It's inevitable that they will become a bit less prominent as the younger characters (cough liv cough) take centre stage
But as I've said,she has nothing going for her. Iz is young, she's a great actor and has a flourishing music career (her cover of the winner takes it all is one of my favourites). From that interview she seemed a bit idk bored?? She clearly didn't give a shit about Ben and only mentioned Robron. If were her I'd be sick of being sidelined and only appearing to meddle in my brother's love life. I don't think Iz had much reason to stay,she deserves better.
Anywaysss that's my take, dragged on a bit but I'm passionate
Do I honestly think they'll kill her? Probably not cause Emmerdale hates us and the producers couldn't make a good sl if it slapped them in the face,but I can hope at least, and it's the most logical approach.
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sunflowerstache · 3 years
Hey!! Honestly you’re a great writer, i just think most of us follow a ton of people and most blogs just get lost. Hopefully more people will come and interact!!
I’m gonna read Big God now, cause i hadn’t seen it before and I’m obviously gonna be reblogging one im done!!
Hope you’re doing great!!
you’re so so sweet for taking the time to send me this! thank you🥺💛
idk it just seems pointless to come on here and post new writing I have when based on recent interaction, I would get little to no feedback ya know? like it seems like it would be a waste of time. And that feels especially true since so many of my writer friends have all but stopped posting on here for most of the same reasons. No one wants to beg for interactions, and as much as we all love writing and posting stories, having interaction and feedback and such is a huge driving force of posting on tumblr. and since that’s not really happening anymore, except for with a few select blogs, it’s driving people away from tumblr and to other posting sites. it’s just a lot to think about for me as a writer atm and what I want to do I suppose😔
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fairycosmos · 4 years
why do ppl keep forcing you to write those long ass fake positive messages about life when they come to you complaining like you're their damn therapist? you dont even believe those words yourself and with good reason. everythings fucking shit and nothing ever gets better. people need to stop complaining to you expecting to gain hope from someone who's fucking hurting too
hey it's ok, there's a lot of ppl who vent to me that i never even get around to replying to bc my own mental health is shit - and it's rare that anyone gets pissed at me for not responding. so i don't feel forced at all, until people start getting mad, or until people expect something more than just a stranger's opinion on the internet. that's when i feel the need to take a step back esp with what im going through atm. but other than that it's cool. we're all in pain, might as well talk about it. look i totally get what you mean and so much of me agrees with you but also like...... i Do believe what i tell people to an extent. i believe in seeking professional help, i believe in growth and perspectives shifting with time, i believe that the apparent permanence of intense emotional pain is an illusion, i believe that we'll be dead for eternity and alive for only a fraction of a second so there's nothing to be gained by harming yourself or worse. maybe in the grand scheme it is all pointless and we are fighting a losing battle, but in the small scale of our lives there's generally a way forward. even if it's not true for me, it's true for many. thats how the world keeps turning. i believe all of this for other people but i don't believe it for myself because i have a different relationship with myself than i have with others, and i know what i'm like. but i'd feel weird taking that hopelessness and projecting it onto those who are seeking support and who are already vulnerable. it's definitely hypocritical, and i've thought that for years, but i'm unsure what to do about it. but yeah, everything is absolutely fucking shit. there's no way around that. we don't have much of a say in anything. my friend told me the other say that being alive really is just battle after battle. literally the only thing we can do is look at what's actually in our control and try to make it slightly more bearable for ourselves and each other. it's all going to be over sooner than we think anyway. anyway thank you for thinking of me n acknowledging me n making me feel idk. like it's normal for me to not know what to do/to be at a loss. bc i really am, but it doesn't mean i think everyone should be. that's why i try to stress the importance of therapy or working with professionals to overcome whatever's going on. anyway i really appreciate it and i hope you're ok, or as ok as can be in this place. at this point i think it's just about coping. i know it doesn't seem like much of an existence, but there has to be some moments of peace or positivity waiting for us somehow. even if it's like laughing really hard with someone while everything else is going to shit
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eccho-system · 4 years
Hey Darling whats going on?
Idk. Covid-19 an this whole isolation/not seeing the people I care about really get's under my skin.
I'm not even sad or angry or anything. I'm just empty, so I try to focus on things that I like. I started to work in my garden again and that gives me at least something to do that doesn't seem completely pointless. I sketch a lot and I'm really getting better and as soon as possible I'm gonna start tumbling again.
Idk even missing people seems so pointless atm. Everything just seems pointless that's somehow connected to people. And there's not even something you can do about it.
At least it's getting warmer and I get to spend another spring and summer working in our garden. There's still much to do and as soon as I'm done with university there won't be much time for things like that anymore.
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