#idk what tag the fandom uses nowadays
smol-and-trashy · 2 years
Just a Sip, Darling (Obey Me! vore fic)
A/N: Writing in 2nd person is extremely jarring tbh. I kinda wrote MC more insufferable and spicier than intended...oops. Warning: foodplay and semi-unwilling vore. Enjoy!
Your eyes flash open, and you find yourself in a sea of liquid. It’s dark, tepid, and a burst of chocolate overwhelms your senses. Normally, you aren’t one to complain about an abundance of chocolate, but this was almost too much; it was as if someone kept a perfume sampler strip, topped with chocolate, under your nose and refused to move it. 
You aimlessly wade through the liquid. It isn’t very deep, but it’s still mildly uncomfortable to be constantly gasping, trying not to let yourself be pulled to the bottom by the thick chocolate.
You scramble atop the only thing floating in this sea of warm chocolate--you’re grateful it isn’t scalding, but you can’t understand why anyone would get lukewarm hot chocolate. Hot chocolate is in the very name; it should at least be above room temperature. Still, you make it on top of your makeshift raft, and once you look down, your stomach sinks. 
You’re on a cat. 
Not a real cat, of course. But the impact still hits the same. It’s a cute hot cocoa topping; the liquid isn’t hot enough to completely melt it, so the marshmallow kitty still has most of its form intact. You can’t help but feel a rush of embarrassment about the fact that you’re forced to result to using a marshmallow to stay afloat. 
Suddenly, the door opens and the vibrations send waves of cocoa toward you. Bracing yourself, you cling with all you have to the slippery marshmallow fluff as a shadow looms over your hot chocolate lake. 
The ripples finally settle, and you look up to find Satan peering down at you, quizzically. 
The demon was already tall when you weren’t bug sized, but now he’s reached impossible magnitudes. Only his face fills your vision, while the rest of his body isn’t even visible past your limited line of view. 
“Is that you, MC?” His voice booms over you, and you resist the urge to cover your ears--not wanting to lose your grip and slip back into the liquid. 
“Y’know me, just taking a bath, normal human behavior and all. After all, hot chocolate happens to be great for the skin.” Considering the circumstances, the words slip out of your mouth with surprising ease.
 He blinks and you sigh, your quip wasn’t exactly lost on him, but he was likely one of the last demon brothers to play along with your terrible jokes. 
“No, Satan, I’m not okay. I’m literally the size of your thumb. What part of that is normal?”
 Satan quirks a brow. “So, you’re in there because...” He trails off, expecting some sort of explanation out of you, but unfortunately, you find yourself fresh out of those. Instead, you gesture with one hand to your edible raft for the demon to fill in the gaps himself. 
He doesn’t. 
You roll your eyes and push yourself a little further up on the marshmallow, so half your body isn’t sinking into the cocoa. It’s going to be a pain to get these stains out. You halfheartedly think to yourself as you look back up at Satan, who is still waiting for your explanation. 
“You know, just wanted to try a new experience and all.” 
He doesn’t laugh. His face isn’t completely stoic, though. Thoughts tinker behind those green-blue eyes, unwilling to spare even a glimpse. You sigh, figuring Beel or Mammon would have quite the opposite reaction if they found you instead.
A small grin paints his lips. “You are quite cute like this, MC, but how did you get so small? The only instances I’ve read about humans shifting sizes have unfortunately been constrained to the realm of fiction.” You can sense the underlying concern dripping off his words, and you sigh; your answer will only make him more concerned. 
“Don’t remember.”  
“Yeah. One moment, I was studying up on Devildom history and the next, floating in a sea of hot chocolate.” 
He frowns a bit. “I see,” is all he mumbles, but the faint pink dusting his cheeks doesn’t go unnoticed by you. 
You open your mouth, trying to coax him to at least lift you out of your mug prison, but a strangled chortle escapes instead. You couldn’t help it! But the moment his eyes flash back down at you, regret seeps in. 
“Uh, am I going to be stuck like this?” 
“Maybe,” Satan sighs, hands draping over his eyes and he looks back at you. “If this is a shrinking curse, I’ll gather the proper ingredients to reverse it, but if it isn’t... I guess you’ll just have to be patient for now, until we figure out what to do.” He shakes his head.
You groan loudly, sinking further into your mug prison. 
“Hmph. I should’ve gotten Lucifer’s help. If only he were here to help me out instead of the ever-so-helpful Satan --- here to save the day with zero ideas and no clue; really played my gacha odds here.” You murmur under your breath, but it sounds loud enough to Satan’s sensitive ears. 
“Really now?” Satan leans closer to the cup. “Well, if you think so, then maybe I should make life harder for a certain someone if he can’t find you for a little while.” Satan hums, and your stomach drops. He isn’t going to do what you think he is. He wouldn’t! 
Satan plants himself on the chair, and your heart sinks to your stomach; He totally would. 
He picks up the cup and raises it to his lips. You feel a shiver of dread run down your spine as he stares down at you with a smug look. 
Oh hell no--Frantically, you try swimming away, against the current, from the lip of the mug, but it’s no use. 
Satan laughs, “Don’t worry, I would never let anything happen to you, MC.” 
Though, you’d like to beg to differ, with his green-blue eyes shining with obvious mirth. The giant blond was getting a kick out of this. “But might as well teach you a lesson about that mouth of yours, darling.” 
Before you retort, he takes a sip of the cocoa, swallowing half of it, and you, in one gulp. 
You’re pulled deeper into his throat, and it's tight and hot. You can feel the warmth of the hot chocolate as it washes around you. You struggle for a moment, trying to give him a taste of his own medicine before the thick humid heat hits you immediately as you squeeze through the sphincter and free-fall down, with the remainder of the cocoa, into his belly. 
You take a moment to grasp your surroundings. It’s not as disgusting as you would have thought. Sure, it’s sweltering and stinks to the high heavens like old spit, but noxious food odors or the acrid bite of acids are surprisingly nonexistent. Chalking it down to Satan not exactly being human, you try exploring your surroundings, but you don’t get very far.
It’s tight and dark. After a few unstable steps, you manage to reach another wall, though, in the darkness, you aren’t sure which direction you are facing in the first place.
You slump against the curved wall, and idly, your fingers trace the soft surface lined with a mucous-like substance. You find yourself strangely comfortable, soothed by the rhythmic churning of the Avatar of Wrath’s insides and the warmth of his body. An odd combination of annoyance and contentment washes over you as the darkness slowly lulls you to sleep. 
Outside, Satan flips the page of his book while a hand rests on his middle. He sighs, still experiencing nothing short of utter bliss. It was impossible not to notice MC’s subtle movements and even as they rest, their weight serves as a constant reminder of just how close they are. His eyes feel heavy and he yawns, marking his place in the book and setting his glasses down on the bedside table. 
“Rest well, MC~” He purrs, content as he flickers off the light. 
He’ll let them out in the morning, but right now, he wants to savor this moment with his little darling. 
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Also, hey, I’m wondering if this is just me but does anyone else feel like the majority of Izzy haters are like. Weird about the term ‘Blorbo’? Like it feels like. . . Passive aggressive? I guess? Condescending? When they use it?
Like it gives off the vibe that they think they’re ‘above’ silly little fandom terms or like, they think its childish (and by association calling Izzy fans who use the term childish as well, which is what I’m getting at here, like the amount of derision in the tone of ‘your Blorbo Izzy’ from some of them is 😬) as if Ed and/or Stede aren’t THEIR Blorbos 🙄.
Idk maybe its just me. Just. Feels like they keep putting up more and more ‘no fun allowed’ signs, in the fandom and in general?
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cosmicoceans-fr · 1 year
so I understand why we can't have two accounts but as an autistic please let me have two accounts 🥺
they won't interact! I just want one for my personal lore and dragons and one for my breeding/hatchery pairs, pwease?
I just wanna sort my dragons 😭
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reptile-ruler · 2 years
Seeing more and more blogs without a [username].tumblr.com site which means you can only view their blogs in tumblr.com/[username] mode, and I realized just the other day that nowadays you have to manually go to your blog settings and toggle the "enable custom theme" switch to have a browser site activated.
I REALLY recommend activating this! Especially if you're an artist or if you have a themed blog, like if you reblog fanart for a specific fandom or ship. First and foremostly you can change the whole theme if you want to, you can really just go wild with building your personal aesthetic for your page.
But what I think is even more important, is that you NEED to "enable custom theme" to enable access to your archive!* The link [username].tumblr.com/archive doesn't work if you don't have this enabled!
If you post art or archive fanart or fandom content of any kind, letting people access your archive makes it so much easier for people (and yourself) to find older art on your blog or to look for something you drew a while ago that they remember loving and want to look at again.
We talk lots about how on Tumblr old art gets to circulate, and the archive is part of how that works. It's a really useful tool in finding good content that isn't brand new. And especially if you are good at tagging, it's very easy to filter the archive to find ship content or meta or fics, whatever you want to find.
*edit: It seems that the ability to see the archive actually has to do with the Visibility toggles. You can have custom theme deactivated and still access the archive if your blog is set to visible without an account and/or searchable on Tumblr and through search engines. Something like that, it seems like for some people... it also just glitches? IDK I didn't expect for this to take off. I'm just some guy on the internet. HOWEVER. I still recommend activating custom theme for several reasons that people have pointed out in different tags and reblogs. All of these toggles are under "edit appearance" or by going to your Settings and then navigating over to your Blog Settings. Peace ✌️
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
Getting this off my chest:
Back from a small fanfic hiatus, and I am absolutely flabbergasted by all of the fic authors now practically begging their readers to READ THE TAGS.
I’ve been seeing this warning written in summaries, in author’s notes, highlighted in all caps in the actual tags. I’ve read so many apologies written by authors in the comments in response to people chastising the author for writing what they wanted to write, for what they tagged correctly — for what essentially comes down to nothing more than having had other people actively ignore their tags or read despite them.
And there seems to be this bizarre, somehow largely accepted idea that it is the creators job and responsibility to beseech their readers to ‘use caution’ and to ‘stay safe’, to ‘be mindful of their health’…
I am beyond confused here.
Since when??? did exercising the most basic form of common sense and acknowledging one’s personal yeas and nays, likes and limitations, become some other random stranger’s burden rather than one’s own? And especially a random person who tagged their work correctly??? Does no one remember how to harness their own powers of discernment and self-regulation???
This little jaunt back onto ao3 has been unlike any that I’ve ever experienced before. What. Happened?????? Who is this new, apparently severely emotionally unstable and obstinately tags-reading resistant audience everyone has come to focus on?
It all feels so out of touch. The basic concept of ao3 is for the reader to seek out what they want, not what they don’t want. And to actually read. But there seems to have been an extremely strong shift away from reading. On ao3. A site built specifically for reading and writing. (And other fandom artistic pursuits, but not my focus, atm; though I’m sure whatever this is has crept steadily into all spaces there.)
Plummeting reading comprehension must be somewhat to blame; the popularity of fanfic amongst younger and wider audiences, as well. But… young people have always been there, as far as my own experiences go, and it was never like this. It’s as if too many readers don’t know how to make good or even practical decisions for themselves anymore, that they’ve lost the skill of choosing, and now believe that they must consume everything that passes before them; — that they have, for some reason, adopted the belief that any turmoil or dislike or discomfort felt within themselves is harm purposely being done to them by the author.
Idk. Idk, idk, idk. It’s just such a bummer to see how much nervousness and distress has entered the community. Authors notes and comments used to be hilarious fun, or a peek into someone else’s real-life world, used to be casual and full of personality, whereas nowadays, there seems to be an underlying hesitancy and distrust, a sort of growing divide between writers and readers, groups which, until recently, very much were not mutually exclusive.
Idiots have been around forever. The more you cater to them, the more entitled they get. It's best to shut that shit down fast and use no warnings that indicate a willingness to entertain stupid complaints.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Quick question: Is the level of regular engagement/posting/meta for BL series right now (particularly Step By Step and La Pluie, but others as well) a typical amount of engagement for a show in this little Tumblr corner? or above average? (or below average??)
Is it increasing because (from what I understand) things are changing and there's more to talk about nowadays?
As a newbie, I am having a FABULOUS time with reading and seeing everyone's different thoughts and perspectives and insights and learning new things. 'tis excellent. I don't think I've ever enjoyed watching TV more.
However, from what I understand the amount of BL coming out right now is actually in a bit of a lul? and so if this level of engagement is typical for the majority of shows (or only good shows idk) I'm going to have to put some time management stuff in place.
I just want to be prepared! Because this is Awesome!
Oh, this is a complicated one. I'm going to tag @absolutebl, @so-much-yet-to-learn, @lurkingshan, @ginnymoonbeam, @liyazaki, @negrowhat, @respectthepetty, and any other old fans reading this to also weigh in.
I think we are a shell of what we once were. At the height of 2gether, Bad Buddy, I Told Sunset About You, and a few other big shows you were getting banger after banger in the tags. I feel like I've been writing more lately because I miss that era and feel like I have to directly contribute to fostering it with new fans entering the space.
On the real, in 2020 @asianmade organized fans to submit letters and other content and assembled books to thank Bright and Win for the work they did on 2gether. We even got confirmation from Bright that they got the books.
I think good storytelling begets good reactions. The more invested we are, the more we're going to talk about it. I think fandom really only works when we're all actively contributing to it in some way. Reblogging and leaving fun comments in the tags. Writing crack posts. Sharing clown theories about what might be happening. Making gifs. Making fan vids. I genuinely think that the experience of watching the show improves when fans come together to share their ideas and build each other up.
Still, there used to be a lot more of us on tumblr. I hope that we continue to be this invested in the shows that follow. I feel like we're about to turn a lot more of our attention to Be My Favorite.
So, if you're enjoying the experience of having so much to read, please add to the stream! Write your thoughts down! Love the shows loudly! Tag us if you write something! Message us if you have questions!
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thrandilf · 8 months
#genuinely i think abt how dragon prince would have reigned surpreme over tumblr had this come out like 5 years ago idk like#there is no reason for dragon prince to have a comparatively small fandom when looking at the media it often gets compared to#and that it has canon whatever you wanna call This in it LMAO LIKE. WE HAVE SO MUCH QUEER REP FUN EXCELLENT WRITING AND YET lmao you're so right. truly a distortion in the fabric of the universe
I feel like any time someone talks about wanting media with grey morality, nuance, explicit LGBT rep, disabled characters, fantasy that isn't White People Central- like all of that is found in The Dragon Prince and it knocks it out of the park. We have 5 seasons, it's confirmed to finish its run of 7 seasons and we're getting some spinoff media too like the video game and who knows what else, and I'm like. There are so many people I feel who would go WILD for this but
Even its connection with ATLA (which doesn't define TDP at all but I recognize it's some of what gets some people's foot in the door) doesn't seem to have pulled Big Fandom back in
The tumblr exodus really did damage plus the production hiatus seemed to land at such a time that the show is SUPERB better than it ever was before and it's always been good but fandom seems so much smaller than it used to be
I know TDP gets critical acclaim and we reach global Top 10 when new stuff drops but
As far as online fandom presence goes
Man. It's gotta be timing or something because it's so weird to me that there's like. Not even 1k fics on AO3 tagged Aaravos. The most popular TDP posts made nowadays peak at 4k MAX while sometimes I see art from 2019 that managed 30k notes like where is everyone -sobs-
I do love this fandom but I can't believe it isn't THE big thing I genuinely don't know why except timing and online spaces being hostile to fandom? Idk
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fahbev · 7 months
Hi! Saw you jumped on the tim hate train, welcome to the club! Aplarently you're Damian fan, which is good bc hes also one of the characters who's hit by tim's..woobification? Victimization(???) while simultaneously being the bestest, most competent batfam member. You Damian fans honestly have my respect for the pure amount of shit Damian gets because of tim.
hi lmao. Thanks xD. I usually try to keep all my negativity off of the internet, but last night I was going the anti Tim drake tag bc my frustration was flaring up. At first i was collecting posts by liking them instead of rb, then I was replying, and then at some point... “Fuck it. I want this on my blog.”
(This is gonna be a ramble btw, I don’t care abt making a good post rn.)
I used to be fine with Tim! I think the whole thing was a lot less prominent in the dpxdc fandom bc DANNY was the fan favorite/community elected woobie, but then I kinda moved out and... well. It still took awhile for this issue to seep in bc those Tim fans (you know the ones) are certainly a minority, but I just don’t think you can be a Damian fan for longer than a few months without getting frustrated.
Nowadays I refuse to read anything tagged with any variation of “Tim Drake angst” that features the batfam. Timkon fics are usually just fine though.
Actually— recently? Shit’s been bothering me so bad that I don’t wanna risk reading fics that have Tim in the first relationship tag at all. He’s gotta at most be in the second one. Ship fics are again an exception, but I don’t tend to seek out ship fics much anyway.
But, like I said, I usually keep it to myself. Every time i catch myself venting in the tags I either screenshot the tags and delete, or I delete and retype them. I put them into a private notes document. I also journal in there a lot instead of posting it.
That document is pretty long.
I do wanna say that there’s nothing wrong with what tim fans are doing. It is fun to woobify your fave. It’s fun to prop them up and tear others down and make everything about your blorbo and it is harmless. I do it too (usually in my daydreams). It’s a fantasy, and that’s what fanfiction is for. People who act like it’s “problematic” are wrong. That doesn’t mean it’s not annoying. Because it is. It’s annoying as all fuck.
Also wanna mention that I once read a damian fic that like... started off with some delicious whump, but then it turned into a whole Damian pity party and it guilt tripped all his friends and family. Damian IS my blorbo and I couldn’t read that. I didn’t even know who Maps was at the time but it seemed so bizarre to throw her under the bus. Anyway I feel like that’s what a quite large portion of Tim fic is like except a bit less extreme.
I used to tell myself that “ohhh it’s just a rivalry. I’m sure Tim fans get the same shit in reverse all the time” but I literally NEVER see it in the other direction and spend the most of my time in Damian circles. The only time I see tim hate from damian fans is frustration at those particular fans in response to it or in response to favoritism of authors.
I mean i saw a good chunk of it last night, but what else can I expect from the anti tim drake tag?
It’s actually funny how most of the stuff in anti tags is polarized hate shitting on the character with a lot of bad takes, but in tims anti tag it was almost exclusively frustration from Damian and Jason fans, and usually pretty mild takes. Also people calling Tim boring.
Ngl, Idk much about Jason. I’m familiar with his fanon, but the only comic i’ve read that featured him in a major way was Gotham War. I don’t know him well, and I don’t have too much interest in him. However, I hate “Jason falls over in guilt and kisses Tim’s fingers begging for forgiveness” type posts in solidarity. It’s yucky.
Anyway, I didn’t even mean to get on this anti tim train you speak of, It just sorta leaked out of my vent doc. Don’t expect me to keep posting about it.
but also... don’t not expect it. It might happen.
Even so, my dms are absolutely open for Timothy Drake related frustration! I’m pretty tired of being nice to him.
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daisyishedwig · 3 months
Writing meme about me!
@lusthurts tagged me over two weeks ago but I have been so busy with work I haven't had a chance to answer it.
How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Unofficially I just liked messing around with the characters in the media I consumed, I've always had a habit of pausing in my watching or reading to daydream and theorize about what could happen, or maybe just what my brain wished would happen and so at a very young age I started writing those ideas down.
At some point when I was twelve or so I discovered FF.Net through the Supernatural fandom, I don't remember exactly how. But that was when I went from writing Stargate and Inuyasha fanfiction purely for myself and started writing and publishing Supernatural fanfiction. I really love the weekly 100 word drabble challenges that fandom had back in the day and most of my oldest surviving fic are for those prompts as most of my other stuff I've deleted over the years.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
So Glee is obviously my most prolific, and then Supernatural would be just behind that. In the past I've also written for Stargate, Inuyasha, Naruto, Buffy, Harry Potter, The Vampire Diaries, Doctor Who, and Takin' Over the Asylum, but most of those have been deleted and lost over the years. I do have unpublished WIPs for Stranger Things, OMGcheckplease, The Real O'Neals, Captive Prince, Magnus Archives, Hatchetfield, and probably more, no idea if any of those will actually see the light of day though.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I've been publishing it for about fifteen years but writing it for probably twenty which is an insane number to type out. Like I know I've been writing for pretty much my whole life but seeing it in words puts it in a new perspective. But yeah, my earliest posted work is from 2009.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
It depends on the era? Currently I've been writing more fic than reading, purely because I've been focused on reading so many regular books at the moment (my roommate and I are in a race to read the most books this year, and I'm currently winning, but the rules are that I can't count anything that isn't already on StoryGraph and most of the fics I read are not).
5. What is one way you've improved as a writer?
I think my ability to write banter has improved a lot. I've been writing for so long that everything has improved, but the most noticeable to me is my dialogue, especially when it's witty. I used to struggle so hard with that even though I loved good banter in stories. It's part of why I used to not write Kurtbastian, because banter is so integral to their relationship, but I've been getting more and more comfortable with it .
6. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I'm going to ditto Lusthurts Ohio geography, which is especially frustrating considering how much Glee itself ignores Ohio geography so there's this line of making it not sound completely stupid while also remaining true to Glee's own absolute disregard for it. Also songs and movies that came out in 2012 specifically since I write a lot of stuff set in season 4 of Glee and I try to keep the media I reference contemporary.
7. What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
I love all comments! But if I had to chose my favorites it's probably anytime that I drop subtle hints or foreshadow something and people pick it up and point it out, either on the original read through or during a reread. I also love when people point out symbolism I didn't intend or realize I was making.
8. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Idk I kinda write a lot of infidelity and toxic relationship stuff. Seblaine is the main ship I write for nowadays, and the nature of their relationship lends itself to a lot of infidelity in their process of getting together. I also just love writing angst, so even when I'm writing established relationships, they end up being sort of toxic throughout especially given the traits of both characters. I just find it more fun and probable to write a slightly toxic relationship than a 100% healthy one.
(I did not intend to just leave Lusthurts answer for this one, but also, ditto. I love the messy toxic relationships, they've always intrigued me and they're so fun to sink your teeth into. I also love writing a lot of polyamory, which idk how fringe it is nowadays but I've been trying to breakaway from the throuple mold and branch out into more interesting, complex, and realistic polycules)
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
I tend to stick very much to the emotional side of things, so stories that get too physical or actiony are the ones I struggle with. Since I've been reading more I've been getting better but it's still not great.
10. What is the easiest type?
Hurt no comfort, lol. Like I do enjoy writing the comfort but sometimes my brain gets hung up on it not being realistic, things getting better too quickly, things like that. But it gets less anxious about just having the angst, even with no happy ending.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I tend to write on my couch, I do like going to the library down the road when I really want to focus, but usually I just write in my living room. I usually just write to google drive, I'm interested in alternatives but I've been using google since jr high so I'm just very used to it and it has so many years of documents. And I just write whenever, but usually in the evening after work, but really whenever I have time.
12. What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I love ensemble fics and all the distinct personalities of the different characters and I would love to write one that focuses on many characters one day. I'm kind of trying that with my Season 2 AU but that still mostly focuses on Kurt, Blaine, Sebastian, and Sam, which is exactly who most of my fics focus on, so I'm not sure if it will fit full ensemble status by the time I'm done.
13. What made you choose your username?
So Daisy is an old nickname of Darren Criss' (he's talked about it in a few interviews, how he was studying abroad in Italy and when you say his initials in an Italian accent it sounds like Daisy) and when he was in Hedwig and the Angry Inch the username DarrenisHedwig was already taken but I thought DaisyisHedwig would be fun and I've been it ever since.
Oh boy, I'm going to tag @kurtsascot, @calsvoid, @fallevs, @cryscendo
@bitbybitwrites, @annepi-blog, @sperrywink, and @backslashdelta
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lusthurts · 4 months
writing meme about me!
no official tag but thought maybe time to share more about myself! mostly because I want to know more about you all as well, and @sperrywink extended an invite to seblaine mutuals so I will do the same!
How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I discovered it on accident as most of us do - I was on the Glee wiki I think? There was a link to select fanfics on the ship pages at the time, and I started reading one of the Finchel ones, and it was game over for me lol - I started writing my own a while after that, and I participated in a variety of Glee RPGs that inspired me to write other characters. I was in one of those massive Glee RPGs in like 2011 on fanfiction.net, and it was very formative for me in terms of connecting with the rest of the fandom and wanting to do more of that. RPGs are also so great for exposing you to ships you never would've liked or even thought of before, although all my current ships came from elsewhere lol
oh, and there was the whole escapism from family shit that was going down at the time thing - that was a huge factor for sure
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
I've almost exclusively been writing for the Glee fandom since the beginning, although the ships I've written for have changed drastically throughout that time. I've dabbled in some other things as well depending on my special interest at the moment, but I always come back to Glee. Other fandoms I've written for include The Outsiders, Degrassi, How I Met Your Mother, 13 Reasons Why, Girl Meets World, and Skam ! none of these are published anywhere anymore though as far as I know, it's all far too embarrassing (and yes I'm aware that's the most bizarre mix of fandoms ever)
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
at least 12, I wanna say I started around 2012ish?
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I genuinely think it's about equal, but it comes in waves. Sometimes I'm reading more, sometimes I'm writing more. I'm almost always working on something and I'm also almost always in the middle of reading a long fic.
5. What is one way you've improved as a writer?
I think I've gotten a lot better at writing comedy and ensemble dialogue. I like writing the silly goofy scenes with large friend groups a lot, especially when I feel like I've nailed the character's voices enough that I don't even need dialogue tags to know who said each line.
6. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Ohio geography lmao - I like always have Google Maps pulled up trying to map out different locations and how far drives would be, etc. I also have researched a ton about various colleges (especially for my current WIP since these characters are actively applying for college rn) and France (never been there, constantly have to write stuff that takes place there).
7. What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
I genuinely do love all comments! I especially loves one that are specific/mention parts of the chapter or the fic that they enjoyed or thoughts that they had while reading. I also like chatting about the characters and canon and their predictions/hopes for the rest of the fic. The length doesn't really matter so much - I love long comments and short comments, and I try my best to respond to all of them.
8. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Idk I kinda write a lot of infidelity and toxic relationship stuff. Seblaine is the main ship I write for nowadays, and the nature of their relationship lends itself to a lot of infidelity in their process of getting together. I also just love writing angst, so even when I'm writing established relationships, they end up being sort of toxic throughout especially given the traits of both characters. I just find it more fun and probable to write a slightly toxic relationship than a 100% healthy one.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
PWP - I struggle so much with writing smut, although I like to think I've gotten a bit better at it recently. I'm also trying to get better at writing ensemble fics, but it's definitely a struggle for me to give each ship/character enough attention. And I'm pretty awful at world building, so anything remotely fantasy, sci fi, etc. is a huge struggle for me.
10. What is the easiest type?
slow burns! I've gotten so much better at delaying the characters from getting together for a really long time in fics and it's soooo fun. I prefer a character centric slow burn with lots of sexual tension and an arc that involves characters moving from enemies/friends/strangers to lovers over the course of many months or years.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I like to write outside of my own home - something about physically relocating makes me way more productive. I write a ton on planes (I travel a lot for work). I also love a good coffee shop, Panera, park, library, etc.
I write in Word and publish to AO3 - used to write in Google Docs but it's so slow and laggy so I much prefer Word. Used to publish on fanfiction.net but I will never go anywhere else now that I've transitioned to AO3, the far superior fanfic site lol
I am most productive with writing either during the day if I'm somewhere other than at home or in the middle of the night in bed - my most productive hours at home are between like midnight and 3 am
12. What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I recently got over my fear of PWP and published a one shot that I'm very proud of. I have many ideas for things similar that I'd like to work through in the future!!
Most of this is fandom specific though - I'm super intimidated to write for big fandoms because I've gotten so comfortable in the Glee fandom, especially writing Seblaine which has a relatively small audience in comparison. I'd love to write Marauders, but that fandom is HUGE and very intimidating because there is so much lore and fanon to mess up. I hope to give it a shot one day though!
13. What made you choose your username?
it's a song lyric! lust hurts comes from the song "Barcelona Boots" by Arlie - the lyric goes "Lust hurts, could you bear it for me?" and I thought that was very fitting for someone like me who's obsessed with romance in fiction but can't be bothered with it in my real life
any of my mutuals are welcome to participate! I'll specifically throw in a tag for @daisyishedwig @calsvoid @xonceinadream @andyandersmythe bc these are the ones that come up first when I go to tag haha
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necroromantics · 7 months
not about your drama but about drama in a way, sorry.... clocky's creator is an abuser irl... if you look through the clockwork creepypasta tag theres a post about it. not saying change your fave characters by any means but thought you should know, especially if you believe the creator is only offline because of creepy pasta drama or for other reasons :/ i loved her a lot and really felt something with her story .... but then i came across that post today... i dont know if i want to like a character made by someone like that...... idk :(
Recently looked into that and damn. That shit is really disgusting and disappointing to hear about. I do think that Dani is separated from Clockwork nowadays to the point her character is like how Ticci Toby is, sorta taken in by the fandom.
It's definitely a very tricky subject because regardless of what horrible things Dani did, Clockwork is still his vent OC for his own trauma, but then he's also long left her (mostly) in the hands of the fandom to make whatever art and stories with her (without claiming her as your own). So I think at the end of the day it all comes down to what you personally feel comfortable with.
If someone wants nothing to do with Clockwork as a character that's completely understandable. But there are a lot of people, like with Sally as well who's creator is fucking weird, who find comfort in what Clockwork represents as a character outside of who initially created her yknow? So its a bit of a to each their own response regarding how someone wants to use Clockwork after hearing about the shit Dani did, and no response (besides the obvious of supporting Dani) is the wrong one
I've long separated Creepypasta characters from their creators cuz 90% of them want absolutely nothing to do with the characters anyways. I've only ever tried in the past to acknowledge the boundaries the creators set for their creations like how Dani didnt want people to rewrite Clockwork as a result of some drama
Personally, I have a very deep connection to Clockworks character that I view going outside the hands of her creator, like I said, as well with how the fandom took over Ticci Toby. Its ok if you dont want to reclaim Clockwork, everybody is completely entitled to their own responses to all of this, cuz its a very messy and disappointing situation
Also thanks for letting me know about this cuz jesus, nobody really talks about it I didnt even hear about it until this ask
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musicboxmemories · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @viola-ophelia <3 Thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 58 on my primary page, 38 on my trash page, and 5 on my catch-all.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? LOL if you think I'm going to add up the word count of 101 total fics, you're crazy! So instead, I'll just say my longest fic on my primary page is 96,771, my trash page is 34,787, and my catch-all is 11,722, for a total of 143,280. So with that being for just three fics, I shudder to think what my actual word count is for 101 fics lol.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Lately, TURN: Washington's Spies, though past fandoms have been H.annibal, E.mma 2020, and The M.agicians, to name a few.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? I'm just going to stick to my main page for this:
Wake-up Call (From D.usk till D.awn: the Series) (438)
Changing Winds (S.tranger T.hings) (384)
Lost in the Dark (S.tranger Things) (284)
Anyone But You (That 70s Show) (265)
To Thaw and Burst into Bloom (S.tranger Things) (235)
^^The funny thing is, none of these were fandoms I was overly into/participated in much, but they're way more popular than my favored fandoms, which is why none of what I'm TRULY proud of is listed in my top kudos ranking. Ah well.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! In the past, I've always made friends through reviews/reviewing, so I always respond to comments and leave comments on works I've enjoyed. :) I really wish engagement/fic friendships were more encouraged these days.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uhh, probably Folie a Deux (H.annibal) or To K.iss, to Consume (Turn). OH, and Let the Weary Rest (Turn), where I killed off Ben lol.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? After 2020, pretty much all of my fics had happy endings. The World is Made Wrong made me happiest though, I'd say.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I'd rather not jinx myself, but I haven't since I was a kiddo! And that hate was deserved tbh, cuz they were just telling me I wrote xyz wrong since I was a child/didn't bother to research.
9. Do you write s.mut? *gestures vaguely at my trash page* Uh. Yeah. lol I don't really have a specific type I write, beyond M/F, if that's what you're asking -- the specific scenarios are typically a case-by-case basis.
10. Do you write crossovers? I used to write quite a few! Nowadays, I save that more for things like RP and edits, though I do still enjoy them. Sometimes, crossovers work better than canon, I said what I said.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I have! But I was like 13 at the time, and the person posted it in the same ship/fandom, so Idk what their plan was lol. Fortunately, they deleted it the day I reviewed.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! A few times, actually (all for the H.annibal fandom).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Sure have! They're all RP-turned-fics though, cuz I've never actually asked someone to write something who wasn't an RPer themselves.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Probably David/Maddie from Moonlighting. They're timeless! <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I suppose my time travel romcom. It's basically me rewriting a book I've already created, but altering it for the Turn universe. Even though it's fun, it's kind of boring repurposing my old work, and most especially when there's so little engagement. I flourish on comments, alas. Other than that, I mostly tend to finish my works!
16. What are your writing strengths? An editor once told me my strengths are my dialogue and humor. She equated the first 20 pages of my book (a recent work) to a Shakespearean comedy, which really tickled me, ngl.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? World-building! I've improved with this by a lot, but I genuinely do think fic writers are conditioned to stop describing settings/appearance thanks to our audiences already KNOWING, and thus, our OG works suffer for it. Mine certainly do!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I wouldn't do it personally, since I doubt it'd translate well, but I encourage others to do it! I'll still read!
19. First fandom you wrote for? C.owboy B.ebop.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Probably The World is Made Wrong, since I've since reworked it and I'm still very proud of how that second run-through turned out (not the one available on AO3 -- that version is in all its heinous first draft glory lol).
Tagging: @retrograderesemblance @pagetreader @ms-march @culper-spymaster and whoever else wants to!
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hxhhasmysoul · 6 months
As a writer, can you see the appeal of self-shipping? I don't mean to be negative, but I just don't understand that concept. Like, I just got block because I wrote fics about Endeavor/Hakws and Sukuna/Yuuji by my group of fics writers.
Before I was blocked some member criticize me by saying "how could you ship age gap like that, that is wrong in so many way". And I answered, "at least better like me than wrote self shipping like some of you guys. Gojo/reader and Sukuna/reader is just weird in so many ways". Then I was blocked.
Do you think I'm wrong?
Idk if this will answer your question, anon. I hope it's not too rambly and at least a bit helpful.
I have never considered self-shipping from the perspective of being a writer, but that makes sense to me, I only write things that I want to read and can't find, or not find enough of.
And self-shipping doesn't appeal to me as a reader. The second person makes me uncomfortable as a pov, possibly due to my history of abuse. My abuser very often assumed what I must've thought in a given situation and berated me for it and didn't accept me telling her what I actually thought. The second person pov feels too much to me like a stranger trying to tell me what I'm thinking.
This is also why I hate people policing ships in any way, because it’s always assuming what is in a stranger’s head based on confusing discomfort and lack of understanding with morality, and often based on some strange inability to separate fiction from reality. It's very far right fundie coded.
As much as a lot of stuff doesn't appeal to me, including self-shipping and several other things, some of them generally uncontroversial, it doesn't have to appeal to me because people enjoy whatever they enjoy and I can't care less about it. If it makes me uncomfortable like the second person pov or abo or real person shipping, I just avoid reading it. And I also don't have to understand why it appeals to people, it's their thing. 
Nowadays I try not to tell people that they are weird or wrong for doing stuff that is a personal preference. Shipping or most other fandom activity isn't activism or a reflection of someone's character but a personal preference. It only turns into a mark of character when people use fandom to express or try to hide their bigotry. Or use it as an excuse for actual harassment. 
Basically it's okay to find things weird, or react with discomfort. But I've learned to interrogate my repulsion or discomfort. And often it stems from internalised societal or cultural bull shit, that is about policing people and trying to fit everyone into some artificial norm. It doesn’t mean that understanding the roots of your reaction must lead you to liking the thing, but it might help you remove the value judgement. One of the best skills to have is: thinking “this is not for me” and moving on to things you actually like. I’m working really hard on honing this skill. 
For me it’s very freeing to just accept that everyone experiences the world differently and has different needs and as long as their need isn’t to harm others then it’s okay not to understand them and just say okay and move on. You can’t have all the experiences, a lot of stuff people will talk about will never be relatable because their life experience is so incomparable to yours. It’s best to accept that understanding everything and everyone is impossible but also unnecessary.  You don’t need to give everything your mental energy.
As to the person blocking you. Good riddance, they will thankfully not expose you to their shitty opinions anymore. They acted in a shitty way towards you and then couldn’t take a strong reply from you. I’m of the opinion that one should only start shit if they are ready to get the same kind of energy back. I feel no sympathy for them.
Also I’m a huge supporter of blocking people, I block at least one person every time I go into the JJK tags. Either for tag spamming or not tagging so my tag blocking doesn’t work, or just for shitty opinions so I don’t have to see them and sigh.
And their opinion is shit because shipping isn’t wrong or problematic, it’s just people imagining things. What's problematic in the JJK fandom is the racism, the misogyny, the transphobia, the harassment, the graphic vitriol towards the author and so on.
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akanothere · 1 year
About me
Part time fandom artist, full time clown.
20+, she/her.
What to expect or not here:
I can tolerate/will create darker themed content when it comes to slashers or mature fandoms and villains. I would say this is NOT a safe blog (I mean come on those are bad guys what do you expect! Don’t be too delulu to a point you gonna make them a good guy). However I do not tolerate any form of violence, abuse and discrimination in real life. Seriously, get help if you come across to any of these.
All my darker artworks are NOT for you to follow irl (can’t believe I still have to say this in 2020s do people use their brains nowadays)— It is for me to explore darker concepts, trying to figure out how, for example, how people attracted by psycho criminals, WITHOUT using an existing criminal and hurting anyone irl. Bc everyone is FAKE, they don’t exist, it’s FICTIONAL. Also, to explore my own/seen traumas. I turn personal issues into NSFW kinks or simply dark shit etc, and cope with it as a fictional content. Not exactly the best idea I know but this keeps me sane and overthinking about the past irl. I do not tolerate death/abuse threats and insults towards human in real life, it’s stupid. And all of you should also keep every dark shit fictional content in fictional world. We do not need anymore crime irl thank you very much. Think before you act or talk. Fandom is not that serious to a point you wish death and suggesting violence upon someone.
For my Haikyuu or Naruto art those are mostly safe as hell (my opinion) just loving caring and tons of smooch smooch!😭💖 OMFG I MEAN BOKUAKA HOW YOU GONNA LOOK AT THEM AND THINK OF ANYTHING DARK HELLO EXCUSE ME
Generally I’m open-minded to all ships and kinks (even with complicated relationships where abuse are mentioned for plot reasons, or larger age difference), I’ll simply not interact with contents I’m not interested with… so it would be nice to not recommend any ships or contents through ask, because I mayyyyyyyy ignore it if I don’t like it lmao.
⚠️I draw fictional slashers/villains, g0re and blo0d and other dead dove/ abusive relationships shit, you are warned again!!! However irl crimes/ criminals supporters please do us all a favour go fuck yourself. People who can’t distinguish fictions from real life are not welcomed here.
I DO NOT accept any NSFW commission. Also again and again, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. This is NOT a minors safe space.
I create art for my inner peace and needs. I cannot babysit and accommodate everyone, so, if you don’t like, don’t engage. The definition of “problematic ships” differs from person to person coz fk me people nowadays overuse this too much to a point idk what is & what is not…
Fandoms and ships
Dead by Daylight
Ghostface centric, Ghostface x OC/ x reader, sometimes GhostFrank, GhostMeg and GhostFrankMeg-the-daddy-issue-trio-poly
⚠️IMPORTANT: It’s totally okay to consume my version of Jed Olsen X OC content and imagining in your brain it’s you or whoever his S/O is, but I block people who draw my version of Jed with themselves/self-inserts/OCs, or generally drawing him. It’s a culture here: impolite to draw someone’s design without permission😭💦 So please don’t take it personally, it’s just me not comfortable with sharing my design of Jed with other people’s self insert/OC. Also I have many plans for him so when people draws him (even not a ship art), it might actually interfere with my WIP sketches and ideas which makes me so awkward like “should I continue when someone drew it already???” However I am glad many people like him! Thank you for giving him love he really doesn’t deserve it he belongs in the trash💥
PS. There are some designs out here alike which of course is fine, I do not own the character himself, but I‘ll stay away or block if it’s too alike/ overly referenced. I stay quiet about things I don’t like so unless shoving it in my face, I will just walk away🧍‍♀️💦Need not worry!
BokuAka, sometimes Tsukishima centric and SunaKita
Harry Potter (Wizarding World)
Tom Riddle centric, Tomione. Casual: Tomarry, Drarry/Harco, Voldantonin, Antonmione, GGAD, SebOmi/OmiSeb, Sebastian Sallow x MC, Ominis Gaunt x MC, Seb+Omi+MC trio friendship.
Don’t follow me for ships. See me as a cheap ass £10 all you can eat cushion buffet please. No quality of art here. Just pure delulu and bad drawing skills.
KakaSaku, ObiRin, ObiKaka and InoSaku.
⚠️Note that my main ship in this fandom is KakaSaku, but only when Sakura is of age and usually I ship them in same age/ sort of colleague AU
Other games, films and anime
Who’s Lila?, Cube Escape & Rusty Lake series, Year Walk, Disco Elysiumc, Good Omens, Hotline Miami, Chainsaw Man, Golden Kamuy, Dorohedoro, any Kon Satoshi/ Ito Junji/ Wong Ka Wai’s creations, Horror and thrillers, Sci-fics
Fic recommendation lists
(Most of them are dark, dead doves and NSFW. Some are light and cracks! Read TW and tags. Read at your own risk.)
Danny x You/OC/SO
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fushitoru · 3 days
i was reading the tags on your new post and i feel like no one wants to read anything but smut nowadays. like i’m slowly starting to see fanfiction tags just overfill with nothing but smut… !! also this isn’t hate to people who read smut or writers who write it, this is just an observation i’ve been seeing on the fanfic space!!
UGHHH ok wait this is my last time engaging w discourse (forever and ever on my blog) but i just wanted to clear things up and say, yea i deffo agree. like you said, there's nothing wrong w liking smut or writers who do choose to do it a lot (me in fact :p). idk what happened but in like 2023 (when i was on tumblr) the tags weren't filled as much with smuts but rather longfics with actual plot. i guess the fandom and what it chooses to like just depends and evolves.
also tbh i dont blame authors for writing that type of content because the only thing i've written that has absolutely no plot whatsoever has done the best LOL. in the end, i dont care because i will follow authors that write the stuff i'm looking for and curate my feed so i block out things i dont like :3
and like i said last time engaging w discourse on here. anon u did nothing wrong bc i chose to answer u but im scared this (or just engaging w discourse in general) is going to come back to bite me in the ass when someone tries to cancel mekfnwkejfnk. i use tumblr to write for comfort and as a hobby and i will be very sad if i get negativity :( (esp bc im on my period rn i think)
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uriekukistan · 3 months
hello hello!! Here with some asks for you ^^ !!
What is your favorite thing about Megumi? Like a trait or maybe a certain thing he does :)
Who were you rooting for while Watching Death Note? :D I see a lot of people that say they were rooting for both L and Light so I'm curious!
What is your favorite thing about writing?
What are some musical artists you listen to! :D ( list as many as you want!)
Did you know that you're a great fic writer? Cuz you are!! >:3 ( I feel like I tell you this almost every time I interact with you but you actually are like my favorite itafushi writer) (I'M SO HYPED FOR SUMMER LOVIN' CHAPTER 3, WHENEVER YOU RELEASE IT!!)
What is the fandom you're most active in besides JJK? :)
How do you describe your fashion sense? :3
I'll probably ask more another time!! If you don't want to answer some of these you don't have to! Answer the ones you want :)
Don't forget to take care of yourself!! <3 Take breaks and just breathe ^^
hiii thank u sm for the asks :3 hope youre doing well !!
1 - hmmm this was hard to narrow down so i'll talk abt a specific scene that's been on my mind. okay ig honestly the detention center is Always on my mind because it's the first time we get a really good look at megumi's character and what he values. but mostly i was thinking abt the part where megumi takes the name tag from the guy he was so adamant about not saving for his mom. i don't think he changed his mind, but to me, it just shows how much he cares about his friends. like i think when he originally took it, it was so he could give it to yuuji so he could give it to the guy's mom, but then when he thought yuuji was dead, he delivered it as a way to pay respect dkfgjhd idk current top megumi moment
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2 - nowadays when i rewatch it im team near & mello actually🤞 and pretty anti-light, but i think the first time i watched it, i was so wrapped up in the back & forth between light & l that i probably did root for both this was like 10 years ago tho so i dont remember fs 😭
3 - ooh i think like. in terms of writing fanfic its like when i was a kid & played w dolls like it gives me the same type of feeling, but also i've always been the type to use imagination as escapism, so being able to bring the things in my head "to life" is really satisfying as well
4 - kfgdjdkg theres so many im like always listening to something different. recently i started listening to this artist called juliet ivy, her songs are all super relatable and have a rlly whimsical sound too. another artist i'll always promote is dream, ivory, i've been a fan for a while. i've also been into deftones recently. generally im more the type to listen to random songs rather than specific artists
5 - THANK UUU im always a bit hard on myself so its nice to hear that (new summer lovin' chap july 10! i think)
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6 - tokyo ghoul probably? i used to be suuuuper active but im more passive w it rn...i need to do a reread of the manga soon (<- been saying this since my jjk era started sorry to my tokyo ghoul oomfs i love u all)
7 - wait this is so hard...ig like misa amane if she was on tumblr in 2016?
thank you againn for the asks <3
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