#I hope this answers your question :)
dnphobe · 6 months
the slut....
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sapphicseasapphire · 5 months
Wild likes shiny things right? So what happens when wilds left alone with warriors?
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farshootergotme · 1 month
Has dick really lost that many people? To make a whole ass list?
Well, let's see... (keep in mind I haven't read lots of comics so there could definitely be more than what I'm about to mention)
- His parents.
- A few (Teen) Titans members like Donna Troy (brought back to life), Wally West (more than once if I'm not wrong, but it'll depend which era you're reading) and Jericho (aka. Joseph Wilson). And there could definitely be more but I couldn't say for sure.
- Jason Todd.
- The people who lived in the same building as him who he was friends with, that's around 20 people?
- Haly's Circus was burnt down twice and I know one of those times at least another 20 people died and 100 were severely injured (remember many of the members in the circus were like family to him).
- Do we count the city? Because even though he wasn't close with every single person, Dick genuinely cares for the people of Bludhaven and Deathstroke killed over 100,000 citizens.
- Bruce Wayne (he was technically dead, even if in reality he was lost in time).
- Damian Wayne.
- Alfred Pennyworth.
- Tim Drake has died at least once but I don't know if it's happened in the main continuity or if his death has only happened in an alternative universe.
And I have a feeling there's a bunch of people I'm forgetting, but these are the ones I can mention off the top of my head. Not counting the Bludhaven Citizens, that's around 50 people or so.
If anyone can add more to the list, that'd be great.
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feral-ballad · 11 months
Do you support Hamas?
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vulpixisananimal · 4 months
saw a few theories in the tags and now im wondering if (building off of someone else’s theory that this is a new alter) if this is the alter that went through act 5 since they can instantly loop…
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"I have almost forgot the taste of fears; The time has been, my senses would have cool'd. To hear a night-shriek; and my fell of. . . Of. . ."
(What was the next line?)
". . . Forget it."
(You sigh and look out to the night sky. The stars hide tonight, that's alright. You just liked the cool air of the night.)
(Who are you.)
(And who do you want to be now?)
(. . . . Time is our playing, you mold it like clay. For a play has to be perfect, right? Then again, aren't the mistakes what give a play character?)
(Ha, character. You were one. You saw yourself, once, in a play. It felt. . . It felt strange.)
(Then it seemed like no time passed at all, and you were wandering in a maze, lost, with no thought⁏ with only flight, and death. Then time passed, and you found yourself fighting that one you couldn't touch. Who you spared. And then with a snap of the fingers, time passed again. Like you didn't even exist.)
(. . . You should go back to sleep. You gave yourself ten days, then you would try and confront your others.)
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jewreallythinkthat · 2 months
How can Israel be allowed to exist after citizens literally rioted over the fact that IDF soldiers might be punished for raping a prisoner? And after government officials defended that rape? Not to mention those who repeatedly blocked aid going into Gaza with no punishment.
Hi Nonnie.
Firstly, thanks for actually posing this as a question rather than just hurling abuse at me.
So, having extremists in a country - both civilians and in government - does not mean that a country has no right to exist. We literally have had fascist riots in the UK (caused by the English Defence League) the past few days based around misinformation which have targeted mosques and these are horrific but do not mean the UK should be dissolved. Expecting a country which does things that are bad, or has horrific fascists in government to be dissolved as punishment is not only nonsensical but also never going to happen. It's an ideological purity position which does nothing to help anyone.
Additionally, you never see anyone saying Iran should be dissolved for torturing women to death for wearing the hijab incorrectly, or hanging people who say things the regime doesn't like; you don't see people say the USA should be dissolved because lawmakers tried to stop aid going to Ukraine and ICE were putting children in cages and tormenting asylum seekers and immigrants. You cannot hold Israel to a higher standard than other countries.
In terms of what I've seen about the rape of prisoners, it's fucking horrific. It's unconscionable and must be condemned unequivocally - no ifs, no buts. This is a especially important topic to me personally as a man who has been sexually assaulted. The government ministers protecting them are far right extremists. They are awful people and I hope one day, soon, they will face severe consequences for their actions. The same goes for the civilians who tried to protect the perpetrators.
Those blocking aid should be punished for it. The aid situation is actually really quite complicated despite what a lot of online sources they to portray it as. The Standing Together food convoys being blocked was pretty much a manufactured issue by ST refusing to comply with rules about declaring and clearing aid so it could be sent in. They knew it would be blocked and they did it anyway. (There is a post about this from an ex member of ST which is around somewhere and I'll link back here if I find it).
The nationalist extremist citizens blocking aid are despicable however if they are saying "no aid in until our hostages come out" do you understand why they might take that viewpoint? I do not agree with it but I certainly can see why people might get to that position. I appreciate the whole of Gaza is in crisis however I can understand why people may see this as their only way to protest and try and force Hamas to release hostages (unfortunately it seems like Hamas cares even less about the lives of the average Palestinian than they do about the average Israeli.)
The fact that Hamas also steels aid, there are literal videos of this happening and Hamas attacking starving Gazans trying to get the food, and this goes ignored by so many people does not help. Now I would say that if 90% of the aid is stolen by Hamas, at least 10% gets through and that's better than nothing in my opinion but at the same time, if no one is condemning the aid being stolen and in some cases sold back to Gazans at huge prices to make more money for Hamas, then whats the point in trying to have a civil conversation.
If someone refuses to see that there are Terrible People on both sides, people who really showcase how low humanity can sink, then how can sustainable peace ever be achieved for Israelis and Palestinians.
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thedarkone121 · 3 months
I have a question about the Anne-Marie fic
Does she know that hyde and jekyll are the same person aka does she know that hyde is also her father?
Cus it's been bugging me for ages and I just couldn't figure it out :3
Ah, someone has finally asked the question I’ve been dying to answer. Sorry if I’m about to ramble-dump on here 🤣
Long story short, yes. She knows Hyde and Jekyll are the same person. Well, I say she knows it’s more of a she figured it out 2 months before Jasper came into the picture.
The longer version is this; Anne-Marie — once she got over her shock of suddenly seeing a man she never met in her home — pretty quickly clocked onto the fact that Hyde looked familiar. This was before she lost her sight, by the way. Like she noticed he looked similar to her father. Hyde, realizing that she could easily figure out the connection between him and Jekyll, immediately began to avoid her after that. For that first year, Hyde was able to avoid her like he avoided Lanyon and Anne-Marie was left to stew with the fact her father’s new assistant looked similar to him.
Then the Chemical Accident came around and Hyde, out of concern and guilt, decided to check on Anne-Marie while she was recovering.
Now, for a long time, Anne-Marie didn’t think much of Hyde. To her, he was her father’s awfully brash assistant who kept getting her angry by calling her Annie, something only her father was allowed to do. In fact, a lot of the early days of Hyde-Hunting was Anne-Marie genuinely being angry at him for calling her Annie.
But as the days went on, Anne-Marie began to notice things.
Like how Hyde would always place her back in her room once she’s tired out from chasing him. How he would sometimes slip into a Scottish accent if she surprised hit him. Or how when he does call her Annie, it’s more of him not thinking twice about it and not actually to antagonize her.
For a good while, Anne-Marie thought Hyde was like a long-lost relative of her father’s because of her memory him closely resembling her father. It’s why she was super against the rumors of the two sleeping together, even though Hyde tries to play it off like that. But then she started to notice other things…
Stuff like how Hyde would talk to himself, like he’s talking to her father when he’s not in the room. How her father would do the same even though Hyde is also not in the room. How at one point, when Anne-Marie slammed a piano lid onto Hyde’s hand and injuring him, her father had the same injury when she touched his bandaged hand.
But the biggest thing that confirmed it for her? It was when she took her glasses off with him the room.
Hyde had a meltdown. He begged, pleaded, screamed at her to put her glasses back on. Anne-Marie, not used to hearing Hyde like that, immediately put her glasses back on. Hyde took a few minutes to calm down. Then he moved on like nothing had happened.
But Anne-Marie didn’t move on. She realized that Hyde didn’t want to see her scars. Even when she commented on this, Hyde’s careless words finally hit her.
“Well, it’s not my fault you stood close to a sizzling potion made by sham of a scientist who didn’t sleep properly that day.”
How did Hyde knew that? The story she told everyone was that she was alone in her father’s lab, how she became curious with his things and started to mess around. That’s what cause the explosion, according to Anne-Marie.
How did Hyde knew the truth? There was no way her father would tell someone like his bad-mouthed assistant.
Then, it clicked for her. Hyde was her father, in some way. Hadn’t her father talked about splitting souls at some point? And looking back on it now, of course Hyde’s very bad impression of a theater villain would be her father’s idea of evil.
Anne-Marie figured it out. But she never told Jekyll and Hyde that she figured it out. Since the two kept the secret, then Anne-Marie figured she could keep it as well.
Anne-Marie knew. But Jekyll and Hyde don’t realize that she knows.
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losergender · 3 months
Hi your post about Jason with tics got me thinking so what are your other disability headcanons for PJO characters?
hi hi hi hello !!! i love talking about disability headcanons omg!
nico: i headcanon him to have chronic leg and back pain and autism, and to need crutches and/or compression knee braces! i also sometimes headcanon him to have had polio as a child in the 30s and thus has developed post polio syndrome + i think he's narcoleptic! also cfs
jason: other than tourettes, i think he has POTS! also, i think he is the most undiagnosed autistic to ever have undiagnosed autism. under the tourettes post some people said they headcanon him to have seizures for the same reason (abnormal brain activity) so i think that's also cool! and he's visually impaired !!!
leo: i think following the explosion leo would have chronic nerve pain and severe hearing loss. i like to imagine him as a non-ambulatory wheelchair user (i physically can't imagine him otherwise. i have had dreams in which he was on a wheelchair. i have had to re-read chapters in both canon and fics forcing myself to imagine him standing because otherwise the scenes didn't work and i only realized too late). and, of course, he also gets autism
annabeth: graduated with honors in Autism University. also she has chronic ankle pain due to her ankle not healing properly after the fall in tartarus (idc if it healed properly in canon, which honest to god i cant remember, she is now burdened with the chronic pain). i think she had use a cane! also i would need to look way more into it but i have considered the thought of annabeth with a tbi following the events of SoM!
hazel: i think hazel has a fainting condition and asthma or other lung related problems (i haven't read SoN in like 7 years, but the sole thing i remember from it is the description of her lungs filling with oil, and i refuse to believe they turned out healthy after that)
frank: i was about to say "he's canonically asthmatic" then remembered he isn't. well, he is now!
will: i love me some good ol deaf will solace. the first solangelo fic that i love after falling back into the hyperfix had deaf will who used hearing aids so i think i really gravitate towards this hc because it brings back great memories!
the entire cabin 15 has narcolepsy
most campers who participated in the battle of manhattan or in the battle of half-blood hill became amputees
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trashogram · 4 months
So first off; I love your 'He Chose You' series and would like to be added to the tag list for upcoming parts, please and thank you.
That being said, there's a technicality within your series that's been bothering me since Charlie was born. Whatever depressed, sinner hating state Lucifer was in when he agreed to the exterminations aside, one of the stipulations he added was that the exterminators couldn't harm hellborns. Call it Kingly if you want to, but we all know the main objective there was to protect Charlie.
But in your series, Charlie technically was born on earth and not in Hell. I have no clue if you're even planning on having the exterminations in your story, but the fact that Charlie technically doesn't count as a hellborn and the implications of it have been taking up more of my mental space than I'd like.
Hey! Thank you so much! I’m so happy you like the series and of course I’ll tag you! You need only ask!
As far as the technicality of hellborns not being harmed during exterminations — which definitely do happen in HCY — Lucifer may or may not have made that same stipulation (not for himself bc he gets so apathetic by this point, but maybe for his fellow Sins) but Charlie would still be off-limits regardless because her conception and birth were planned, in a fashion, by Heaven. They wanted the Devil to have an heir to balance things out since God exists and Jesus Christ is also a part of this universe. It’s not really utilitarian on God’s part, it’s more “I want things to look more even. I like symmetry: that’s why human beings are always seeking out patterns, they were made in my image :) Also, I don’t actually have a huge grudge against my son. I kinda pushed him into this thankless role, and I can see that he’s been lonely all this time. Gonna push my fav son into a chance at happiness with true love and a family.”
There are a lot of canon divergences in this fic that are kind of hard to put out there because I don’t know how to segue into them out of nowhere. Things like Lucifer only being able to come up to Earth via the fireplace or being able to be near Heaven at all, are some examples. Some of the things Reader will be able to do in the future are technically impossible in Hazbin canon as far as we know.
This isn’t to say that Charlie, Lucifer and Reader are totally and completely invincible. Again, God loves drama more than literally anything else in this fic, even though we may never get his POV.
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damnation-if · 10 months
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howdy fellas! i guess it's that time of year again
i'm sure all of you that have been following me for a while are sick of hearing about everything i've gone through over the past interminably long year of my life, and i'm really sorry about that... believe me, i'm sick of it too lol. anyway that's why i don't always talk a lot on here at the moment, because i'm worried about answering too many asks and coming across as annoying.
the truth is, just recently, things have finally hit a place that i can at least describe as "fairly stable." i'm hopeful i'll soon be able to afford to go to an IT place and get my files rescued, which will be a godsend for me. i'm really relieved about all of this obviously, and i keep thinking about making a post because i'm so excited to think about being able to jump right back in. but i've held myself back from telling you all that hopefully things will start moving again soon because i'm anxious about overpromising and don't want to disappoint any of you guys (any more than i already have).
if it makes any of you feel any better, i have no plans to stop writing damnation even if all of you unfollow me and i'm just writing it for myself XD i just needed to. you know. get a house and food first. so. hopefully i'll have proper good news for you all soon!
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bliss-wily · 7 months
of all characters why zarbon? he was weak and pointless.
EDIT: Please draw your attention to this post as it’s relevant to this one, only if you wish to as the two posts go hand in hand, but it’s important. https://www.tumblr.com/bliss-wily/743634450086264832/an-apology-it-has-come-to-my-attention-that-a
I’ll agree to disagree. Zarbon was formidable. Vegeta underestimated him, he transformed, he beat Vegeta up but didn’t kill him. Frieza was disappointed in him, but in the short amount of screen time he had in all of his appearances we learn a lot:
He was highly intelligent.
His avoidance of transforming most of the time reveals that the man had been holding back for decades if not centuries. The Raging Blast games imply it was ‘eons’.
Zarbon is a Prince, and despite being regarded as a narcissist unlike Vegeta he isn’t flaunting that title like some shiny badge.
Outside of…Dead Zone? I think? Zarbon is the first to showcase a transformation that isn’t a giant form.
And unlike the Saiyans he takes on a different appearance.
There was depth to his character, his on screen kill count is low, he was shown to be pragmatic and rather humane.
But…he was scared. Frieza threatened to kill him. That threw him off his game.
I think had Zarbon took a moment to process and clear his head he would have beaten Vegeta again. However, I still don’t think he would have killed him…I think he would have turned on Frieza.
Sure he said Frieza-sama in the Japanese version but…
If you had been saying that for decades it’s kinda hard to break the habit. I would give him the benefit of the doubt.
He’s not stupid, I think he was serious about betraying Frieza because think about it..
He served a man who had different values from him out of fear.
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Zarb was pragmatic, he just wanted to take care of the source of the problem and leave everything else alone - Frieza didn’t agree.
Unlike the others the boy had a genuine look of sadness and shock when Frieza was quite happy to go through with Planet Vegeta’s destruction.
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He is my favourite because there is so many layers to him. He wasn’t in the series long but he’s just so interesting. His race is unique, his personality feels unique. His fighting style was unique too. If anyone had to be revived I hope it’s either Raditz or Zarbon as those two could have been redeemed and they could have joined the Z-Fighters.
He is morally grey, but, Vegeta was down right cruel and could be redeemed. Zarbon had shown evidence of redeeming qualities in all forms of media (wanting peace, worried about Frieza gaining more power, he was self aware, with Dodoria showed remorse and shock when Planet Vegeta was blown up) and he certainly didn’t turn around and kill his closest friend/father figure. (Let’s face it, Nappa basically raised Vegeta and probably Raditz too).
Zarbon isn’t perfect, but that’s what I like to see. He had shortcomings, he was fearful but not a coward, he had phobias, but he also tried to do his job without all the collateral damage and he genuinely cares. He was shocked hearing of Dodoria dying, he gets pissy when alternate timeline Frieza starts insulting him and his ‘star subordinate’, he shows that he’s capable of jealousy and he can be thankful and apologetic.
I understand he’s branded as a narcissist because he thinks he’s beautiful but so many of his traits contradict NPD. He is empathetic, he doesn’t put himself or his own gain above others, he can take accountability for his failures. It seems more so that the other in verse characters place those traits onto him - such as when they expect that Zarbon is only using the future warrior as a slave or to do his dirty work - but he doesn’t.
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“You need only watch.” - doesn’t necessarily want help from his student.
“Excellent, I’d much rather spend time with you.” - actually enjoys spending time with his student.
“This session was deeply moving for me. It would not have been possible had we not met.” - can be interpreted in several ways. However; it sounds like a bond is developing.
“I welcome any and all who know how to conduct themselves.” - this is said to a Saiyan, implies that his detest is by person, not an entire race.
“You handled yourself pretty well out there too. My compliments.” - he is always handing out praise to his student. But not just them, there are soldiers on the ship who sound so happy that Zarbon compliments them unlike Frieza and Dodoria.
“Magnificent! You’ve done well to come this far! You’ve done your instructor proud!” - again, actually being happy for his student.
“I am dazzled by your radiance!” - this is just showing more and more depth to this man. I get Zarbon is entitled but he’s a Prince, they’re all a bit entitled.
Some more quotes seeing as I have a ton of screenshots~
“You are my prized trainee!”
“Starting now I will polish you into the most beautiful gem the universe has ever seen!”
“Yes! Yes! You’re just as beautiful as I imagined you’d be!”
“You have my apologies. I should not be so passionate in front of my trainee.”
“Your fighting style is truly elegant. So elegant, in fact, that I’ve fallen in love with it, just watching you train.”
“You are a true diamond in the rough…”
“But several will try to woo you, given your considerable strength, and I wouldn’t want you to choose the wrong master.”
Below, Zarbon being nice and a bit of tsundere/flirt. This game seemed like a dating sim at times.
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Then him when it’s life or death with his closest ally by his side.
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Also I notice in this fight he will throw himself in front of the future warrior several times. He always gets knocked out every time I do this fight as he won’t let the player get hurt - every other mentor I’ve done this with tends to make it to the end on all versions of the game but Zarbon really puts his neck out there for the player. Whether it’s a glitch in the AI or not; I don’t know. But, it plays into his characterisation.
Anyway I went on a ramble, but why Zarbon? So many reasons. The more lore they add; the more I like him. He’s a complex character in my opinion.
EDIT: Please draw your attention to this post as it’s relevant to this one, only if you wish to as the two posts go hand in hand, but it’s important. https://www.tumblr.com/bliss-wily/743634450086264832/an-apology-it-has-come-to-my-attention-that-a
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plushie-lovey · 4 months
How do you decide which plushie to cuddle with everyday? I try to change it up so everyone gets cuddles but I worry that some don’t get enough even with me just carrying around the few that live on my bed because they help my anxiety best
Most of the plush that get cuddles are part of the Bed Squad. I cuddle them depending on my mood honestly. I look at em and I know it's their turn. They've also gotta be a good hugging size, around 8 inches or larger. So plush like Lil Guy, Lil Vee, Cosmo, Wanda, and Squish don't get picked (not that they aren't loved on in some form tho. I'll usually cup them in my hands and hold them to my cheek for nuzzles). There are a few plush that are cuddled more than others, though, but the others don't get jealous.
Some plushies have the designated job of being a Cuddle Plush! They're the ones that I'll hold when I sleep or when I'm not feeling well. Plushies like Wawa the frog, and Chubbychu the pikachu, Binky, and The Baby. Cuddle Plush is it's own job, because with it the plushies have to deal with things like: getting dirty quicker than their regular plushie counterparts, getting tears or drool on them, risking flattening, discoloration, seams getting torn, etc.
Not every stuffed animal is up for the task of enduring such things. So they get less cuddles, but that makes the ones they get more special!
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sapphicseasapphire · 3 months
I have a question, and it's fitting for Mermay. In your AU are Mer generally colorful? The two canon Mer we know of are a gorgeous green and vibrant violet reminding me at least of tropical fish. Is that color saturation common or do some Mer have dark scales, or silver scales, do they have countershading?
PFFFF I kinda dropped the ball on Mermay, huh? May got. Really hard all of the sudden and I’m still not recovered.
ANYWAY. Yeah! Mer come in all different colors! Okay so Legend was originally supposed to be bright blue to match the mermaid suit in Oracle of Ages? But then I still wanted the color inverse with Ravio to make sense so I changed it to green- because Ravio is purple. This is why Legend’s eyes are also purple now! Ravio’s are green! They match! That’s… pretty much the only deciding factor for how Legend and Ravio are colored. (I’m doing my best).
I wanted to really simplify how I draw Mer for this au. I know that I failed miserably in Mermay, but I draw Mer All The Time, and I always do designs based off of specific fish and it ends up looking really cool… but usually pretty complicated. For this au, I’m making comics. Which means I have to draw the same characters consistently and quickly. So I really simplified how Mer look here. There’s a difference between Lorulean Mer and Hyrulean Mer- Ravio’s fins are pointy while Legend’s fan out. But other than that, every Mer’s structure is the same. The only differentiation between them is color.
Pods of Mer might look like rainbows in the water! They’re usually very brightly colored- so yes, this level of saturation is normal! Younger Mer might have darker scales to help blend in with the water, but they tend to swim close to the Surface where it’s warm and sunny, and when the sun shines, the sea is very bright! They tend to be out in the open ocean, far from land, but they don’t swim very deep. They’re always traveling. Mer are so cool.
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cult-of-the-eye · 4 months
on a scale of 0-10, with zero being " god please smite me or end this day" and 10 bring " I never want this to end", how would you rate the days of the week?
obsessed with the way you asked this question.
Monday - solid 5 out of 10, we are getting back into the routine so that's a positive and it means time is moving forward so this is over faster but also Ew I have to wake up Early
Tuesday - 6 out of 10. i like a good tuesday, it's proof that time is real and we are moving and also my little sister has swimming on Tuesdays so I sometimes make fancy pasta
Wednesday - I wake up. there's not much to it. 4.5 out of 10.
Thursday - PROTOCOL DAY 9 out of 10
Friday - yeehaw baby I shall go to bed early and watch 4 episodes of criminal minds until I am too paranoid to sleep. I will have the worst sleep of my life and hate the fact that the routine is disrupting and be forced to reckon with the fact that I don't know how to relax. 7.4 out of 10
Saturday - I try to convince myself that we are so back while extremely sleep deprived, probably sweaty and attempting to process the past week while also doing laundry. 6.1 out of 10
Sunday - mmm this makes sense. we are done. it is nearly over. I rot and watch TV and try not to have an allergic reaction to my sweat. 8 out of 10
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silv3reyedstranger · 1 year
Which wigs of Katie's are you talking about being party city ones? I've only seen things where her hair looks fine!
anon, you’re so lucky to have not seen the insane wig they had katie wear, but uh.
exhibit a:
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need i say more?
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pillarofawesome · 7 months
If you're like me in being, shall we say, skeptical of the NGSW program, what do you think would need to change about the XM7 to make it viable? I have a hard time thinking of any fixes that don't make it worse in some other area.
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It's an expensive game of restless rifle syndrome, combined with another ammo debate. The US military has been chasing its tail since Korea.
30-06 gave way to .308 (actually the colder 7.62x51) which gave way to .223 (actually the hotter 5.56) because logistics matters more than lethality. You can't save money on a more engineered killshot if you still need 20,000 rounds of suppressing fire to get that killshot. The FBI made the same mistake with 10mm > .40 S&W > 9mm. Some highway patrols split the difference between .40 and 9mm and carry .357 SIG so they can "punch through car doors". I don't have the heart to tell them .22 lr will punch through a car door.
The XM7 is just a DMR with a 13-inch barrel. Not hating on DMRs. Right tool for the right job and all that. Would have been nice to not take Fallujah veterans with carbines, head-to-toe armor, and humvees and throw them into the mountains of Afghanistan. If you're gonna foreverwar, at least do it right.
India has the AK-203 replacing the INSAS for regular line infantry, and the SIG 716i Tread is being issued to mountaineer units. That makes sense. Proposing a standard issue battle rifle to replace the M4 demonstrates a level of ineptitude that borders on the imbecilic. We already had this talk with the FAL, G3, M14, and AR-10 (et. al.)
The rifle is the size, shape, and dimension of a Longshot Nerf Blaster on Viagra, so good luck getting in and out of a vehicle smoothly. Also, two charging handles?? Just keep the one that doesn't need a dust cover. What, were the attachments not heavy enough?
Speaking of attachments: the military deliberately overgasses their guns to fight through mud and blood, so have fun with the can on front pepperblasting the shooter with tasty carcinogens with every shot. Also, didn't you just tell me about gas pistons and suppressors being front heavy?
And the smart optic? Thousands of bucks per unit of scope is, I assume, supposed to replace thousands of bucks of ammo on the shooting range. The difference being practice can't be looted off of a dead troop, but a scope can (assuming Pvt Snafu didn't already break the damn thing).
All of this for a weapon system that may go the way of the G11, the XM8, the OICW, and whatever gun shot those flechette rounds. The legacy of the whole program will be an already-made video by Forgotten Weapons at best, and a bankrupting, grunt-killing quagmire at worst.
Overall, the military is too many chefs, the broth is fubar, and I'm glad they all suck at management and retention because the DOD's next target isn't Russia, China, Palestine, or whatever South American country the Washington Post is writing op-eds about. Their next target is American citizens.
Good luck everyone.
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