#idk why my brain says “bake when panicking’
itsmeatballworld · 5 months
i just baked a cake. Not because I have somewhere to go or because it’s for someone but because I’m so stressed??? Is this normal 😭
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celamoon · 3 years
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Warnings: Crackfic...? almost? abuse victim, nsfw jokes. please be warned
Pronouns: They/them
Summary: Y/n L/n the unhinged genius of Vyn's patients. A mentally unstable being, the result of the Flora X testing. The same unhinged being that was let into the NXX to lead the searching for the drug.
Prompt: This post by @papellie (Ty for the prompt bestie <3)
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Vyn did not have any patients he considered impossible. Well, almost none. He had Y/n L/n, the very unhinged chaos that considered his hardest patient. Someone whom one of his old friends had dropped into his hands because they were an impossible case.
Vyn only took the hardest cases, and you seemed to be the worst of his patients.
"Vynnie!" The patient grins at the sight of their favourite doctor. "Vynnie are you here to shove my medicine down my throat again? How about this time you shove your fingers down my throat-"
"Good afternoon Y/n," Vyn ignores your question. "We've changed your medication to a liquid."
"A liquid?" They tilt their head. "But water isn't a medication?"
"There are many more liquids other than water," Vyn smiles while pouring your medicine.
"Do bodily fluids count?"
"They do,"
"So like cu-"
"Drink up," Vyn shoves the cup to them, and they gag at the smell.
"It smells like the flora drug my previous doctors used to force down my throat," they mumble before downing it in one gulp. "You should really add some sugar or honey to the medicine Vinnie, it tastes disgusting."
Vyn freezes at the familiar name.
"What did you just say?"
"That you should really add some sugar or honey Vynnie," They grin.
"Before that."
"The medication smells like the flora drug I used to be forced to take as a child?" They tilt their head.
"Do you know what that drug was called?" Vyn raises a brow.
"Flora... X? Flora X," You mumble. "FLORA X!! Vynnie are you proud of me?"
Vyn's eyes widen in realization. No wonder you were so unhinged, you had been taking the very medication that was made illegal years ago. Which meant you were a lead into one of the dark pasts of Stellis.
"Say Y/n... if I were to let you out of the ward every once in a while... would you be willing to behave?"
"Vynnie I'm about as stable as a paper clip standing up straight." They blink innocently.
Vyn sighs. He would need to discuss with the NXX team about it.
"Which is... why I suddenly think we have a lead on the medication." Vyn concludes.
"Well that sounds reasonable to let her in," Rosa is the first to speak up. "She does have the lead we need,"
"But she's unhinged," Artem cuts in. "She might cause chaos."
"I mean as long as Vyn keeps her calm I think she could give us some useful information,"
"Why can't you just ask her?" Luke asks.
Vyn sighs. "I can't force anything out of her unless she says it herself."
"Is it in the contract?" Marius raises a brow.
"Then just let her join," Marius shrugs. "It's always so serious in here, having someone unhinged might crack some jokes every now and the...n?"
The other three glare at him.
"Well I think we can try meeting her in my office once to see if it works," Rosa pipes up.
"Let's meet her in her psych ward," Vyn sighs. "I don't want her to trash your place."
Which brought us to today.
"Vynnie!" Thye grin. "You brought your friends!"
"They're associates," Vyn sighs. "Y/n meet MC, Luke, Artem, and Marius."
"That's second gen richie, law boi, and bestie," You point at Marius, Artem and MC. "That last one looks like a golden retriever."
The four look at Vyn and he sighs.
"Y/n they're here to discover more about the drug you took when young. Apparently it stops brain growth and has depressive side effects."
"OOOh is that why I tried to kill myself with a plastic cup last time?"
"She did whAT-?"
"Perhaps. It could also explain why you're my patient." Vyn smiles.
"That's right! Vynnie only takes the worst of the worst! ...You have really bad taste Vynnie. I'd rather be with the mentally stable," they shrug.
"Ah so Y/n?"
"Yes bestie?"
MC flushes a soft pink. "Do you remember much about the drug you used to take?"
"Uh so I think the tablets were pink at first, and then they successfully changed it to white... I could recreate it for you if you want? But only for you bestie, Vynnie is too mean." They pout.
Vyn sighs and the other three turn to look at him.
"re...create it?"
"Well they recruited me as a scientist first so I know the basic components of the drug but then they locked me up to force the medicine down my throat. It tasted ok but I think I lost control each time I had some-" They mumble. "Oh and of course I ran away and then some random man caught me and sent me to Vynnie's. He wasn't that bad though, he fed me some good food-"
"Wait wait," Vyn steps forward. "You know the components of the drug?"
"It tasted like the medicine you fed me the other day Vynnie," They grumble. "I also remember that the lab had really pretty water next to it. I think I ran down a hill to escape them."
The five look at each other and then MC speaks up.
"Yes bestie?"
"If we let you come with us, will you help us gather information?"
Artem frowns and you catch it.
"Law boi doesn't seem very happy about me coming along."
"Your mind works incredibly but the drug seems to have limited you." Vyn steps up. "I'll give you a nice room to live in."
"Idk Vynnie, sounds like bribery to me," They shrug.
"I'll bake for you-"
"Sold." they're glowing.
'... that easy?' they all sweat at your quick response.
"So all I have to do is gather information right?"
"We need to find out where the village is-"
"Up on a hill. Really tasty fish... uh crystal clear water and then I think I bumped into a crashed car on my way down the hill." You mumble. "I think the place started with O-"
"Opaline Village." Luke speaks up. "Is that it?"
"I think so~" you smile. "So Vynnie... when do I get to move out?"
"If you behave well the next three days I can get you out by the end of the week."
Your eyes glimmer.
You're an incredible actress, and an even better hacker apparently. Luke gave you three lessons on basic hacking and you broke into the Pax firewall quicker than he could.
"Ok so what now?"
"Can you get the locked files?"
You even printed them out.
The group could only call you an unhinged genius from that point on.
"Your codename will be Flora."
"Wow you really named me after a drug huh Vynnie-" That earned you a smack in the head.
"King I can you order takeout?"
"Not to here-"
"Then to somewhere nearby! I'm hungry!" You reach for the knife in your drawer.
"ADJUCATOR!" Marius calls before you can end him.
Vyn shoves a pastry into your mouth and you continue working.
"We're heading to Opaline village today," MC and Luke tell you.
"Samples are in the third drawer in the fourth room after you turn left bestie~!" You sing.
What the hell?
"Vynnie what's for dinner,"
"What would you like?"
"Revenge," You blink.
"Rosa's working on that." He hums. "Food wise?"
"I'm not edible," He deadpans.
"No but your-"
"I'll order pizza," Marius groans. You had been pulling all nighters in the office to crack down the firewall to the other files.
"Artie can you grab me a coffee on your way here?" You're on the phone with Artem now.
Vyn snatches the phone and sighs. "Don't get them any. They've been awake for nearly 72 hours now. I want them to crash asleep before they crash dead,"
"AWW VYNNIE CARES FOR ME!!!" You grin cheekily.
Artem brought you hot tea instead.
Then MC and Luke came back. You stood with the others as they watched MC get kissed by Huey. The child then ran up to you and hugged you.
"Thank you for teaching me how to break the firewall..."
The other five turned to you in shock.
"Love you Huey. Remember not to hack anyone unless you absolutely have to," You kissed him on the forehead. "Be good in school alright?"
"Okay..." He smiles.
Since when were you good with kids??
"So uh... we found the files," MC handed you papers and you grinned.
"My medical notes!"
What kind of Harley Quinn shit is this?
"So... what kind of abuse did they exactly go through?" Vyn stands next to MC as they watch you fight Marius.
"The files we read said that apparently at first they were fed the drug inside of their meal. Eventually they were locked up in a prison cell and turned into a complete test subject. They skipped three meals before they ran away." MC mumbles. "It's really sad."
Luke pulls you off of Marius and Artem hands you your morning coffee.
"Only you're dependable out of you all Artie..." You sigh blissfully after a sip. "Only you..."
Vyn's eyebrow twitches at the comment. MC can only look in amusement.
"Y/n you need to take a break." Vyn sighs.
"I get a break when I get revenge on that bitch who started drugging my food," You hiss.
"Even if I bake?"
"Depends what it is," You continue clicking, and you're focused.
"Then..." Vyn can't get himself to say it.
"Let's bet then," You mumble. "I break the firewall in the next hour you go on a date with me, if I don't then you can drag me to bed."
Vyn sighs. "Deal." He was really powerless compared to you.
Sure enough in 30 minutes, a cheer erupted in the headquarters. It sounded like your voice with Luke's.
"WE BROKE IN WE BROKE IN RAVEN WE BROKE IN!!!!" You screamed, your voice was hoarse from the lack of water.
The two of you are in an embrace, and Vyn's eyebrows twitch again.
"The all nighters..." Luke cries. "We did it..."
Vyn can only sigh. "When would you like to go out?"
You stand up, and you make your way to him.
"When I wake up." You proceed to crash dead onto the bed next to him. The NXX team then panicked for the next ten minutes because Marius thought you stopped breathing.
You slept for three days.
The NXX thought you died. Then you woke up and acted as though you didn't just die for 3 days.
"Good morning bestie," You're back on your computer again.
"Y/n you shouldn't be back on your computer after dropping dead for three days." MC panics. "Besides, Y/n you're going on a date today with Vyn right?"
"Yeah," You yawn.
"Do you want to dress up?" You strut to your closet.
"Oh look," You throw your closet door open. Lingerie and t-shirts and shorts. "Ah here's a decent outfit."
You toss together some clothes, and MC smiles. "Would you like me to help you with your hair?"
"Sure. Thank you MC," You smile.
The epitome of gender envy. Damn bestie you looked hot.
Vyn arrives a couple minutes after you finish getting ready.
"It's... been a while since I've seen you dressed up," Vyn smiles. "Shall we go?"
You grin as he leads you to his car.
"What would you like to do?" Vyn peers at you.
"Can we bake at your place?" you fumble in your seat.
"Sure," He smiles. "What would you like to make?"
"Those are pretty hard Y/n... you sure?" He raises a brow at you.
"If I can hack a firewall then I can bake macarons." you grinned.
So turns out that was a lie.
"Vynnie ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ " You whined. "Help me!"
"You didn't beat the egg whites enough," Vyn grabs the bowl from your arms and you rest your head on your palm.
"Vynnie the male wife..." You peered at him. "Vynnie would you marry me-?"
Vyn's caught off guard and drops the metal bowl. His glasses slide down slightly, and his lips are parted in shock.
"Sorry Vynnie," You reach over the counter to help him fix his glasses, and you beat the egg whites yourself. "Must've scared you out of your mind."
"No no," Vyn regains his composure and smiles.
"Dedication is hard," You mumble. "People change after time, and changes vary from person to person... betrayal plagues a person, and people that you once loved no longer love you back. Which is why Vynnie doesn't want to date right?"
Vyn pauses, and you hum in satisfaction.
"Ooh the egg whites are stiff." You turn the bowl upside down on top of your head and grin. "Shall we mix the two together?"
"Let me," Vyn folds the mixture in, and you hum. "Vynnie do you like MC?"
Vyn nearly drops the bowl again. He just couldn't get a break from your remarks. "Why are you asking?"
"When you came to pick me up your pulse was quicker than usual." You mumble. "Then when we got in the car and out of MC's sight your pulse slowed"
Vyn stops to stare at you now. "Is that why you were holding my wrist?"
"Luke taught me," You mumble. "To read people better."
"Unfortunately your hypothesis is wrong," Vyn smiles. "My heart did not quicken because of MC."
"Huh," You mumble.
"Could you help me put the batter in the piping bag?"
"Sure," You open a piping bag, and you open it for him to put the batter in. "Can I do the piping?"
"Sure," Vyn finishes filling in the bag, and you pipe the batter onto the tray.
"Vynnie why did your heartbeat go up then?"
Vyn stares at you. "Because I got to see you dressed up,"
You stumble and nearly mess up on a macaron shell.
"Vynnie teasing me isn't funny," You pout. Vyn smiles as he rests his cheek on his hand.
"But I was being honest," He beams at you.
"Alright two hours"
"Siri please set a two hour timer-"
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sydnee-kom-spacekru · 3 years
Cosmically Connected (Spencer Reid x Reader Fluff)
Disclaimer: The first part of this one-shot is a rewrite of @reidsnose one shot, Cosmically Connected. This is in no way meant to steal credit from them, or steal their work. This is merely a rewrite and extension. I have permission to rewrite this.
Summary: Reid doesn't believe in soul mates, and you convince him. After, you go and watch movies and he reads to you, and things are said.
Warnings: FLUFF, slight language, makes me want to scream just starting to write it, etc. Nothing bad.
A/n: Idk if Reid has watched Harry Potter. So let's just say he hasn't. This is set in season 5. F/c stands for favorite color.
Requested: No. Well, by me but that's it.
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The BAU was had an unusually slow day. Paperwork and jokes were all that went on.
It was just you, Garcia, and Reid left. Even though it was only six in the evening.
You were coming back from the restroom when you heard a loud bang! You panicked, and rushed to the cubicles, getting ready to pull out your gun.
After you realized that nothing was wrong, you noticed that Garcia was the source of the loud noise. She had slammed her hands down on Reid's desk.
You sighed out of relief, "What the hell?" It was part relief, part anger at them for causing you such grief.
Garcia stood straight up, pointing at Reid, who looked amused. "Him." Was all she said.
"Uhm," You breathed out a laugh. "You'll have to fill me in." You were smiling, you adored the people in front of you.
"He, he doesn't believe in soulmates, Y/n. Soulmates! What kind of person..." She trailed off, sitting down in your chair.
Spencer just shrugged, smiling. "I am a man of science, Garcia! And science says no."
You hummed, and he turned towards you, "What's that supposed to mean?" His voice got higher as he went on.
"Because," you said, leaning against his desk. ""Science Man", science says "yes"."
"Oh! Y/n told me about this last Tuesday!" She turned towards you. "You remember, I said you sounded just like boy genius over here." She giggled and waved you on.
You nodded and stood up, stealing Reid's glasses, putting them on. Reid just smiled at you, laughing making you snort.
"Now tell me!" He said impatiently.
"I am, calm down!" You cleared your throat. "So, you know when the big bang or whatever caused the creation of the universe, there were all sorts of molecules and space dust that was together at one point, broke apart. I'm accurate so far, yes Mr. Science Man?" You smirked.
"It's Doctor. And, yes?" He glanced to the sides.
You snickered, then continued. "The whole universe is made of such particles?"
"You're correct."
"And humans are made of previously mentioned space dust?"
"Yeah, that's right." He said cautiously.
"So two people could be made of the sae space dust that was once whole?" He sputtered, you smiled. You knew you had him.
"Y-yeah, I guess that could happen."
"In such a case, these two space dust beings are cosmically connected. They are bound together from the beginning by the beginning." You watched as he slowly became more impressed. "These two souls are connected. In other words;" You paused, wiggling your fingers and underlining the imaginary word, "soulmates!"
You sat back, satisfied with the effect that the words had on him. You knew his brain was racing, you could tell. You watched him as he worked this in his brain. You loved to just watch him think, to exist, every little thing he did brought a blush to your face. Never in your life had you met a person quite like Doctor Spencer Reid. It was quite embarrassing, actually. To have such a ginormous crush on one of your co-workers.
But, you shook off your euphoria, you were convinced he didn't feel the same way. As long as you could be his friend, you were content enough, for now.
He kept opening and closing his mouth, trying to think of something to say. He felt as if you had electrocuted him, but in a good way. A refreshing way. "I-, I can't believe it, Y/n."
"Ha! You did it, Y/n! You proved our very own resident genius wrong!" She smiled an award winning smile, flashing all of her teeth at you.
"So," You grinned at him. "Wha'd'ya say, Brainiac? Convinced yet?"
"Well, Y/n, science is science. Soulmates are true." He cracked a goofy smile.
But what you didn't know is that it wasn't your lecture that convinced him. It was the fact that he believed that he had found his soulmate, right then and there. It was you.
Spencer realized as you were telling him, the way you looked at him, with complete adoration, he thought he was going to melt. He felt his heart rate speed up as he thought about the last couple of weeks, how you were there for him when he needed someone most. How he loved to be around you, how he longed to be. How he felt warm inside when you were around, how he loved every little thing about you. He was then hit with a sudden realization. He loved you.
"Yes!" You practically screamed, snapping him out of his thoughts. He realized that it had only been two seconds, two seconds of him thinking of everything about you.
You jumped off of his desk, and hugged Garcia, who had stood up. You pulled back, now you were both chanting "Science says soulmates! Science says soulmates!" You sat down, and Garcia pushed you in your chair around the office.
Garcia pushed you down the hallway, the sound of you guys' laughter fading off.
Morgan came into the office, slapping Reid on the back, laughing. "When are you going to tell her?"
"I don't know, probably never. Maybe not even then." Reid shrugged. Then, desperate to change the subject, he quickly said, "By the way, what are you doing here, Morgan?"
"No no no, Man! Don't change the subject. Why not?"
Reid turned red, "She isn't into me like that, Morgan. You've seen the guys she's gone out with." He scoffed.
Morgan sat down, getting serious. "Come on, Reid. You're a profiler, you have to know she's into you." Spencer just shrugged, but enjoyed the idea of you liking him back.
Morgan just hung his head, laughing. He stood up. "I can't wait to tell you I told you so."
"Then you'll be waiting for a long time."
"Ah! But not forever, Pretty Boy. Not forever!" He laughed as he walked out.
Reid laughed, but a small smile tugged at his lips at the idea of a relationship with you.
"Damn it." You sighed in resignation at your phone. You were getting ready to leave, to head to a friends house. Have a Harry Potter Marathon, watch all of them consecutively. You baked 200 cookies, literally.
And they just cancelled on you. You spun in your chair, you were disappointed to say the least. You've had this planned for a month.
Reid walked up behind you, peering over your shoulder. "What's the matter?"
You sighed, leaning your head back and looking at him. "It's nothing, my friend just cancelled on me. She's sick." He pursed his lips, "Oh, I'm sorry Y/n." You shrugged.
"Can I do anything for you?" He sat down in his desk, which was in front of yours, facing you. You guys only had laptops, so it was easy to see over them.
You thought as you packed your stuff. You both headed to the door, it was dark even though it was only seven. It was November. "I guess you could come over and help me eat all of the cookies I made. And you could have a Harry Potter marathon with me." You grinned, looking up at him.
"Okay," he paused. "How many movies are there?" You stopped as you came to your car.
"Have you never seen or read Harry Potter?"
"No, it didn't interest me." You raised your eyebrows.
"Okay, then we'll start the books tonight." You stated, and opened the passenger seat for him.
The ride to your apartment was quiet, The Arctic Monkeys played softly in the background. It started to sprinkle. You were nearly home, maybe five minutes.
"Hey Spencer?" You started.
"Hmm?" He turned to face away from the window and look at you.
"Do you really believe in soulmates now?" You shifted in the driver seat, glancing over at him.
He didn't hesitate to answer, "Yes." His breathing had sped up. "Uhm, Actually," You came to a stop at the red light, and turned up the heat, it was cold. "I think that I've met mine." He barely blinked as he waited for your reaction.
Your heart sunk, but you recovered. Quickly telling yourself it was never going to happen anyways. "Really?" You voice sounded unnatural, but you didn't know how to fix it. "Who is it?"
He hesitated. "I'm not sure I want to tell anyone just yet."
You swallowed, and resumed driving after a car behind you honked at you.
You waved at them as they passed you by, mouthing "Sorry."
You pulled into the parking garage, taking out an umbrella from the trunk. You could hear the rain beating down on the floors above you. Spencer got out of the car, coming up beside you and putting his hand on your shoulder, making you shiver. "I'm sorry, I didn't bring an umbrella." He shouted over the thunder, but at the lat second it ended, and his voice echoed throughout the garage. A mother holding her baby glared at him, and he whispered sorry. After she was gone, you both burst out laughing.
"That's alright," you said as soon as you calmed down. "We can share. But you have to hold it, my arm would get tired." You smiled at him, handing him the umbrella. He unravelled it, and it had a hole in it. Right in the center.
"Oh no." You said, dragging out the 'o', groaning. "It's too big, it wouldn't cover us up anyways. I hope you have extra clothes." You chuckled.
"Wait," He shrugged off the trench coat he was wearing, and held it over both of you. "There we go." He sounded proud of himself. You just giggled at him, and held yours and his things close to you.
You ran across the street, trying to keep up with Reid.
You flopped down on your couch, Reid stood there awkwardly with the sopping coat. "Shoot! Sorry, here give it to me." You stood up and reached for it, and went to put it into the washer.
"It should be done pretty quick," you hollered from the laundry room, "my washer and dryer-" You turned around, then yelled. Reid was standing right there.
"Jesus! Spencer you scared the living hell out of me!" You smacked his chest.
"Sorry, I heard you talking and I came back here..." He backed up to let you by.
You sighed, laughing and turning on the heat. It was freezing in your apartment. "Come on, I have literally over two hundred cookies in my kitchen, and I have the first book in my room." You point out the kitchen, and tell him to grab the cookies.
You went to your room, looking through your book shelves for the first book. "Ah-ha!" You whisper shouted to yourself, you had found the Sorcerer's Stone. You grabbed it off the shelf, and went back down the hallway.
"Hey, Spence! I found..." You trailed off as you found Spencer on the floor in your living room, with a large plate piled high of the different kinds of cookies you made. He was watching some random movie that was on. You just set the book down on the table, and sat down next to him, taking a cookie off the plate. He smiled close lipped at you, "These cookies are so good, Y/n." He looked adorable, he was so happy. You couldn't help but look at him for a little while, he kept laughing at random parts in the movie.
About an hour and forty-six (Spencer counted) cookies later, the movie was over. "I need to go shopping, so I don't have very much food in here besides leftovers." You said, opening the fridge. It was nearly empty, day-old Chinese, a small bottle of orange juice, and just a smidge of cookie dough. "Do you wanna order some pizza?"
You heard Spencer get up and enter the kitchen. "Do what? I heard you say that you had leftovers, but not the second part."
You turned around. "I asked," you paused, turning around and closing the fridge. "If you wanted to order pizza. Or I could just drop you off at your apartment." You added the last part quickly, not thinking about it until the last second. You walked back to the living room, sitting down sideways on the loveseat, your feet up on the second cushion. He came and picked up your feet, sat down, and put them back on his lap.
"We can order pizza, what kind do you want?" He asked you. You shrugged.
"How about we just get hot wings." You suggested.
"Oh my God, my mouth is on fire." You laughed. "We shouldn't have gotten the ghost pepper flavour."
Spencer was whining, waving his hands in front of his mouth. You burst out laughing, he glared at you but he was smiling. "Hey! This isn't funny."
You groaned, drinking some water. "Shit. That didn't help." You whined, sticking out your tongue. Spencer had gone to your kitchen, you didn't notice.
"I found Orange Juice. Can I have some?" He asked, faking desperation. It was a cheep little bottle, one you get from the dollar store.
"Yeah, just don't drink it all." He took a long drink, and handed it to you. He sighed in relief.
"It's better. Did you know, the reason the orange juice helps is because of the..." You weren't listening. You weren't trying to be rude, but you were just focused on the orange juice. You finished the small bottle and set it down on the table next to the empty container that smelled spicy. You laid down on the loveseat, closing your eyes for a second. It was only ten, but you were unusually sleepy.
"...Neat, right?" You just nodded. You were sleepy, and you still wanted to read with Spencer.
"Y/n? Are you tired?" He sat down in the space between the coffee table and the loveseat, and you felt his put his hand on your cheek, rubbing over your cheekbone with his thumb. You opened your eyes, a sleepy smile on your face.
"I have to take you home." You said, but made no move to get up.
"Hey, shh." He brushed your hair out of your face, causing you to turn red. "I can sleep on the couch here tonight."
You sighed contently, "You should come read Harry Potter to me." You whispered. You were in a daze, half asleep and unsure if this was real or not.
"Okay." Reid whispered, and waited a few seconds. When you didn't move, he reached under your head, and your legs. Then picked you up.
You woke with the sudden movement, "Sorry, you can put me down now." He set you down in the hallway, and you stumbled to your room. You pulled back the f/c blanket, and laid down. You patted the spot next to you, and he climbed in next to you.
You scooted closer to him, snuggling into his side. "Can you read to me please?" He nodded, not that you could see, but started reading.
""Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of Number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say they were perfectly normal, thank you very much."" He started playing with your hair mindlessly, lulling you to sleep even faster.
"Spence." You looked up at him, your eyes were droopy. He raised his eyebrows, asking you what was wrong. "Can you sleep in here, please?"
"Yeah, I will." He said gently. You nodded, and laid back down. You barely heard the rest of the first paragraph.
You were running through a hallway. The lights flashing. Someone was chasing you, screaming things at you. But you couldn't hear, it was like the words were blurred. You glanced back, he was right behind you. You tried to run faster, but when you turned back around, there was blood spattered everywhere. It made you stumble. The unsub caught up with you, tackling you to the floor. He grabbed onto your neck, and bashed your head into the ground-
You woke up with a jolt, terrified, in a cold sweat. You grabbed onto Spencer in pure reflex, waking him up. He sat up quickly, reaching over to turn the light on. It let off a soft light, and you saw the book on your bedside table with a bookmark in near the end.
"What's wrong?" He cupped your face in his hands, brushing your hair out of your face.
Your breathing was shallow, and your heart was racing. You were having a minor panic attack. "Spence," You breathed out, it was like you couldn't stop moving, you had to convince yourself you were safe. "I can't- I can't- I can't breathe." You were sweating, horrified that the unsub was going to find you.
He held you close, trying to soothe you. "I need you to breathe with me, Y/n." Your chest was heaving, you struggled to get your breathing under control. You nodded, and tried to breathe with him as he showed you to breathe in and out. You were tugging at the bottom of your shirt, until Spencer grabbed your hands in his and started covering them.
"You'll be alright," he whispered, pulling you close again. You had calmed down, now silent tears were falling down your face. You were just trying to listen to the sound of his heart beating.
"Do you want to talk about it? Talking about your feelings actually have positive effects. Talking leads to Catharsis, which is the feeling of relief." He toys with your hair while you tell him about the nightmare. "I'm so sorry."
He pulled away from you, looking at you. "I just want you to know, I will never let that happen to you." You pulled him back to you, you probably looked like a mess. "What time is it?"
"It's one in the morning."
"Can we go back to sleep, please?" He nodded, and lay back, taking you with him. You sniffed. "Can you read, please?" He reached over to grab the book, and resumed reading.
"I'm on the last page, I hope you don't mind that I read ahead."
"Of course not, I'm surprised you didn't finish the entire series."
He laughed a little, then five minutes later, ""...I'm going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer. . ."" You sighed, you were calm now. Still shook up from the nightmare, but calm.
"Do you have the nightmares often?" He whispered to you, tracing circles on your back.
"Yeah, almost every night." Your eyes were closed, and you were close to sleep. He lifted his head up, hesitated and laid back down.
Another ten minutes went by, you were nearly asleep when you heard Spencer say something. "You're my space dust." He sounded groggy, and you had convinced yourself he was sleep talking. But you still hoped.
You woke up to your alarm at seven-thirty. You were laying on top of Spencer, between his legs. "Sorry. Do you want me to drive you home so you can change?"
"How about we call in sick, it's just paperwork today." He sounded tired.
"Okay, I'll text Hotch." Though neither of you made a move to actually text him for another hour. When you did, he just smiled at his phone. The entire team had suspicions about the two of you, although you had never acted on it.
After, you both just laid there together, until you remembered what you thought you heard last night.
"Spencer?" You asked hesitantly.
"What's up, Y/n?" You were laying next to him, head on his chest. His arms were wrapped around you, which is weird. Because he's generally not very touchy.
"I think you said something last night. But I'm not sure that I heard you correctly..." You were timid, and you felt him tense up.
"W-what do you think y-you heard?" He stopped moving completely now, but you were very fidgety.
"I don't want this to ruin our friendship, but I thought I heard you say that I was your space dust. D-did you say that? Do you mean that- that..." You rambled on, just until Spencer interrupted you.
"Y/n." You stopped talking, and you both sat up. "I mean it like that." You sucked in a breath.
"I need to hear it." Your voice was shaky, and your throat was burning. But you didn't want to cry, you couldn't cry in front of him again.
He grabbed your hands in his, took a deep breath, and "Y/n, I-I love you." You couldn't help it, you pulled him to, and pressed your lips to his. It was like fireworks had gone off.
Your stomach was turning, Spencer had one hand on the back of your neck, and the other was holding one of yours. You had never kissed anyone and felt something deep inside you like this.
You pulled away from him, smiling. "You're my space dust too, Spence." And you gave him one last kiss before getting up and going to make breakfast
AHHHH IT'S FINISHED lmk if you like it
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hobbitsnapes · 4 years
The Red Hoods Protègè chapter 18
Older Damian Wayne x ofc
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(Photo made by my lovely friend @inspeech)
Summary:Red hood has taken a young vigilante under his wing and subsequently changes Damians life forever.
Tags: @comic-nerd-dc @comic-brew @psychovigilantewrites @psych0crybaby
Leaves crunched under her boots the further out she got. The cool air sending shivers up her spine despite the heavy jacket she wore. The faster her steps fit, the harder the leaves rustled against her feet.
Today had been a long day, having been out since before the sun breaked over the sky. She had left at 5:30 to head into the city, going to various shops with Tim. They were hurrying to gather everything they needed for Saturday.
In 2 days time, was the Wayne Halloween gala. Bruce would always host one each year, but with the help, and threats, sandy convinced him to let her decorate.
Usually, there wasn’t much. A punch bowl filled with dark red punch, people wearing black, and the ovation all scary song. But not this year.
Halloween has always been one of her favorite holidays. While her parents didn’t let her leave the house, they would decorate their home with spooky decor, bake Halloween treats for them to enjoy and dress up and have a dance party.
Since her adoption, she kept up the tradition. Last year having baked cookies whilst dressed up with her father. Her dresses up as Dorothy, and Jason as the cowardly lion. It suited him, for his large stature, and as she put it, “nearly as much body hair.” Which caused him to laugh. Halloween has a special place in her heart, it wasn’t just scary costumes and scares. It was about having fun being someone that you aren’t. Well, some did that everyday.
She kept walking outback, further out than she had ever been. Usually she stuck to the large garden, but today she went further.
She stopped in her tracks when she noticed a pond, and beside it was, a small barn? Questions swam in her brain as to what it could be. It didn’t look old, or vacant. Her curiosity got the better of her as she walked up to it.
Reaching for the handle, she braced herself. What could be in here? Is she allowed? She’s far from the manor, barely seeing it from this distance.
A noise from inside startled her, her heart sinking slightly. Somethings in there. She finally turned the knob, a gasp leaving her when she opened the door.
Tims phone rang beside him, startling him awake. Drool collected at the side of his face, wiping it away. He picked it up, answering the call without looking. “Hello?” He asked, his voice strained and groggy with sleep. “Tim, I, um. How do I put this? Help.” His heart picked up as he’s fully awake, panic fills him when he hears the tone in Sandy’s voice. Slightly wavering but calm. “What’s going on, where are you? Are you hurt?” Each question he asked came out more urgent than the last. “First off stop panicking. Second, I um, went for a walk outback and I came across a small barn. And I’m. Idk how to put this so I’m just gonna say it. There’s a cow and it’s currently sucking my hand like it’s a nipple. I’m stuck.” Relief filled him, then questions, then laughter. “So you’ve met batcow.” He chucked. “Huh? I’m, what?” Her response made him laugh even harder. “Damian got her when he was younger. She’s actually the reason he went vegetarian. Why don’t you just pull your hand out her mouth? She’s not mean.” “That’s the problem. Each time I try she cries. I don’t want to offend her.” Laughs boomer out his chest, his head thrown back as he clutched his stomach. “So she’s doing that again, alright. I hate to say this but, I’ve gotta call Damian to go get you. Sometimes she does this and he’s the only person she listens too. Are you okay with that?” “It’s fine, just tell him to hurry up. It’s cold out here.”
Damian sighed when he spotted her, confusion coming even faster when he got up to her. She sat against the barn, with batcow still sucking her hand. He watched as she talked to the cow as if it was a normal person. “So you’re talking to animals now?” He asked, a small smirk on his face. “You’re one to talk.” He raised his eyebrow at her. “You dress up every night, inspired by a bird. That’s totally normal.” Both chuckle slightly at her response. He bends down to both of them, bringing his hand and scratching the top of the cows head. “Alright come on pretty girl. You gotta let go of her hand.” As if he used magic, the cow let go of her hand. She shakes her hand, wiping it off on her pants. They both stand up, putting the cow back inside the barn.
She ran ramped down the hallway, dispersing and running back down for what was the 36 time. Dick and Damian both opened their doors, stepping out. She ran into dicks chest, nearly knocking both of them over. She had a box in her arms, handing it to dick. “There’s more in my room. Both of you, bring it down to the gala room now.” She frantically exclaimed. Running back to her room, running out with 2 more boxes.
Shock filled them when they entered the room. The usually plain grand room filled with decorations. Cobwebs strung on each wall corner. Toy bats hung down from the feeling. Pumpkins filled each window and empty surface along with candles that hadn’t been lit. “How did you-“ “lots of dedication, and a ladder. Now both of you, get everyone to come in here and help me.” Shock filled them further. She looked tired. Her usually wavy hair now curly and wet. She wore high waisted jeans with a tank top tucked into it. Her botfly glistened with a layer of sweat. Her face was flushed, shiny due to her sweating. Both of them looked around again, still in awe of the room. “You’ve done all this, by yourself?” Damian asked. “Yes, I started around 2 this morning.” She replied. Her voice sounding even more tired than before as she rummaged through another box. “Wait, 2? I heard you go to bed at 12. Have you slept?” Duck asked, worry filling him as he watched her. “Couldn’t fall asleep. I gave up at around 1:30 and started getting everything ready for tomorrow.” Worry stuck both of them at her response. “Sandy, go to bed. You need to sleep.” Dick says, his voice harder than usual. “It’s fine. I need to get this done. Besides, Tim does it all the time.” She replies, annoyance laced in her voice. “Yes and he's done this for years. You haven’t. So go to bed.” Damian said, his voice growing slightly irritated. She set the candles down on the floor, looking at him. Her eyes bore holes into him. “Damian, shut the fuck up. You’re the last person who should be talking about my wellbeing. So stay the fuck out of this.” She exclaimed. Anger evident in her voice. Rage and anger filled him at her voice, his arms slightly shaking at his sides. “And I don’t need you to fucking drop and fall because you didn’t sleep last night.” He replied, anger in his voice. “Oh so now you care. You’ve never once gave a damn if I was okay or hurt. So you know what Damian? Go fuck yourself. I tried fixing us, I tried being nice. But you have your panties in a twist. Screw you.” She yelled, tears in her eyes nearing falling. She walked away, her footsteps hard and fast as she left the room. His heart throbbing in his chest in pain.
The commotion could be heard from floors away, everyone who could make it was there for the annual Wayne Halloween gala. But while usually the room was how it usually looked, now decorated from floor to ceiling. The staircases were lined with white taper candles that stretched . Tables covered by black and red table cloths with the same candles in the center. Walls covered with old paintings, some of which were family, others horror. Pumpkins filled the corners of the room. Small fake bats and spiders lined the ceiling along with cobwebs.
She smoothed out her dress for the tenth time in the last few minutes. She added a final hair pin to her hair, smoothing the long tendrils out of her face. She wore a long black wig, styled in a curled updo with a dark rose. The front layers lay curled at the sides of her face. It was strange, seeing the way she dressed for the night. She looked as if she came from early Victorian times. The long black lace dress she wore was beautiful. The intricate lace that covered the entirety was astonishing. The only color to the dress was the dark red corset that showed through the chest piece. Very little make was applied, alert from fake blood that dropped from her mouth down her neck. The fangs she wore in her mouth weren’t as uncomfortable as she thought, having gotten more realistic smaller ones rather than the large ones you’d find at a Halloween shop. And with one final look, she stepped out of her room.
All eyes watched as Damian walked in, the room going slightly quiet. He wore a long dark black coat, along with a dark red vest underneath with gold details. A puffy white button up underneath that only showed in the chest. Black dress pants with shiny black shoes completing the store. His hair covered by a shoulder length black wig, messily tied back by a ribbon. His usual dark emerald green eyes now dark yellow. The only giveaway as to his costume was the fangs in his mouth.
His breath caught in his throat, heart thumping loudly in his chest when he saw her. She looked nothing like herself. Her usual short hair now long in an intricate updo. What would usually be her usual sweater with capris, now a long bold Victorian ball gown. His eyes follow her as she glides around the room.
She watched as countless people cane up to her, her heart beating wildly in her chest. Her stomach tied in knots as they all greeted her. She swallowed the vomit that she was sure would come up and put on a smile. She shook more peoples hands in 10 minutes than she ever had in her life. Her chest closing up the longer she was around them.
This wasn’t her thing. All the people, the dresses, the fear of someone taking photos, everything was growing too much. Tears collected in her eyes that she blinked away. Her throat burning as her heart sped up further.
She let out a gasp when a hand was placed on her shoulder. Her heart sank further. That is until she turned around, a large smile grew on her face. “Tim!” She exclaimed, throwing her arms around him. His breath being knocked out by the force of her hug. He let out a laugh as she latched into him, wrapping his arms around her. “Hey, everything alright?” He chuckled. “No” she mumbled into his chest. He let go of her, looking down at her. His face concerned. “What’s going on?” He asks, his hands on her shoulders. “How do you do all of, this?” She asks, gesturing around the room. “God I feel like I’m gonna puke.” She says, swallowing the lump in her throat again. “Here’s the thing, you don’t. None of us like this, not even Bruce or dick. What you do is you put on a happy smile, shake peoples hands, and barely answer questions. But hey, now you’ve got me with you.” He chuckles, watching as her shoulders relax. “Now come on, I’ve got a few people you should meet.”
“Sandy, this is-“ “commissioner Gordon.” Both men looked at her shockingly. “He was one of the first on the scene the night my parents died.”
Tears streamed down her face like a waterfall that couldn’t stop. The pain in her back was nothing compared to the shocking pain in her heart. It felt like white hot searing pain that wouldn’t leave as she stared at her parents. “M-mom? Dad? Please.” She sobbed. The screams of both of them ringed in her ears as her heart screamed out. She couldn’t move from the floor, the blood now cold against her front as she begged for death. “God, please.” She begged, slipping into what was hopefully death as she welcomed it.
Bright lights blinded her eyes, her coming to and hearing people all around her. Her heart beating out of her chest as she moaned out in pain. Trying to alert anyone that she was alive. “We've got a survivor!” Someone yelled. They sounded so far from her, as if she was underwater and was hearing the yell from above her. A gasp was heard before she opened her eyes, seeing an angel crouching down to her. His hair was a light red, along with his Mustache. He wore thick framed glasses that hid his light blue eyes. “Hey I need you to stay with us, everything is gonna be alright.” She heard the man say, before she fell unconscious again.
Both men look at her again, mouths open in shock, neither one knowing what to say. “How did you remember?” Tim asks. “Because that night I thought he was an angel. You gotta remember, I wasn’t allowed around people. The first person I saw besides my parents was, him. My mom and dad always taught me that before you go to heaven, you are visited by an angel.” She said, the corner of her eye shining momentarily. She watched as Jim’s eyes glossed over before he blinked it away. “You know, I always wondered what happened to you after that night. And when I saw your face in the newspaper, it took me a bit to recognize you. And when Barbara confirmed it, it made me tear up a little.” He said. Tears gathered in her eyes. A smile formed on her face before standing on her toes and hugging him. He froze momentarily before wrapping his arms around her. Tears fell down her cheeks onto his coat. Tears collected in his eyes as he rubbed her back. “It’s so good to see you doing so well. It’s cases like yours that keep me going.”
She walked over to the table with drinks, spotting a man standing there already. He wore a long black jacket with gold embellished. It was tight to his body. Showing his broad shoulders and muscular build. His hair was long and black, pulled back by a ribbon. She took in a deep breath as her stomach shook slightly. She walked over to the table, taking in a final breath before getting beside him. She looked up at him, her heart sinking into her stomach.
He heard someone walking behind him, hearing their large intake of breath before they got beside him. He heard her breath caught in her throat. Looking over at her, his heart reasoned with pain and shock.
“Wh-what are you wearing?” He asks, his tone sharp. “I should be asking you the same thing.” She bit back. Anger evident in her voice. He looked away from her, taking in a deep breath. “You gotta be kidding me.” He whispers. Anger rises in her as she folds her arms together. “What’s that supposed to mean.” She asks. Boring holes into his face. “We’re at a Halloween gala, wearing the same theme. Do you have any idea how much the press are going to write about this? They’ll have a field day with this.” He bites back. Anger in his voice as his body tenses up. “Oh I’m so sorry I couldn’t read your fucking mind. But yeah suure let’s blame me like you always do. Because Damian Wayne is never in the wrong and it’s always me.” She says, pain shooting through her heart. “Oh you’re one to talk. It always starts with you. You just bring it out in me.” He retorts. “Oh yeah like it was my fault you threw that Batarang into my shoulder.” She says, tears collecting in her eyes. He balls his fists tightly, jaw set as he bore his eyes into hers. “It was an accident!” He exclaimed. Voice slightly louder. “Just like you.” She says. She walks away from him, heart throbbing in pain.
Tears collected in her eyes as she sat in a chair, watching everyone dancing. Her heart still panging against her chest as she dabbed her eyes with a napkin.
She felt a warm hand on her shoulder, turning around and letting out a chuckle. Behind her was dick, but it was hard to tell with what he wore. His usually dark hair was covered with a blond wig. He wore a whit shirt with a blue collar poking out. Blue pants and an orange scarf. He rolled his eyes playfully, a smile on his face. “Yeah yeah yeah let it out. This was babs idea.” He chuckled. He got up and sat in the chair beside her, turning it to face her. “Now what’s going on?” He asks, her breath getting caught in her throat. She took in a deep breath. “Damian was just being an ass earlier. All because we happened to be dressed as vampires.” Dicks face slightly falls and turns annoyed as he looks away. Closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. “I’m sorry sands.” He says, eyes caster down. She puts her hand against his shoulder. “It’s fine dick. You can’t control how he is. It just sucks how it puts me in a horrible mood every time.” She says, eyes looking down to her lap. “Well then come on, I know a way to cheer you up.” He says, grabbing her hand and pulling her up.
Both of them walk onto the dance floor to Barbara, who’s talking to her dad and laughing about something. She turns and her eyes light up when she sees dick. Causing him to smile and put his arms around her waist. Kissing her lightly before she lets go from him, both smiling. She turns and sees sandy behind him, breaking from his arms and pulling her into a hug. “Hey sweetie. You look amazing. Now come on, let’s have some fun!” Barbara says, a bright smile on her face.
She can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of her as she seats side to side. Her arms around Barbara’s shoulders and they both sway fast to the music. They twirl in a circle, causing her dress to glide along the floor in a large circle. The song comes to a close as they both laugh. “Okay time to switch!” Barbara laughs, letting go of her and spinning her around. She nearly falls into dicks chest, causing both to let out large laughs. Another song starts playing, a gasp leaving dick as a wide smile takes over his face. She recognizes it as bob seger, her dad playing him when they go out driving together. She laughs as dick stars moving his hits side to side as he raises one arm in the air. “Just take those old records off the shelf!” He sings out loud, causing her to throw her head back and laugh as both dance to the beat. She can’t stop as tears stream down her face as she dances with him, her head thrown back in laughter.
He watches as her head throws back as laughter erupts from her. His heart throbbing in pain that causes him to look away. It hurts, he remembers the times he could get her to laugh just the same way. Tears falling down her face as she clutched her stomach. Sometimes getting her to laugh so hard she would snort. A tear fell down his cheek as he looked down. He couldn’t stop hearing her laughs, even with everyone else in the room. It was as if, it was just her. That’s all that played in his mind.
His feet dragged as he walked down the hallway, his eyes slowly closing the further he got to his room. All the energy he usually had, was drained from him.
His head spin slightly the further he walked, nearly falling due to his Exhaustion. Every bit of him fighting and straining to continue. But relief filled him when his hand grabbed onto the knob.
He opened the door, a smile on his tired face formed when he stepped into the warm room. He took his jacket and shirt off and dropped it to the floor. Not even bothering with his pants. Not noticing the carpet on the floor, or the smell of vanilla in the room. Not even noticing the dress that laid on the floor by his feet. Too tired to notice the completely different bed when he crashed down onto it. Smiling as he snuggled into the silk bedding, the smell almost familiar. But his exhaustion was too high to think about it as sleep overcame him.
A scream startled him awake, his heart nearly falling out from how fast it was going. Jumping as the scream didn’t stop. Only opening his eyes in sheer panic.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!” She screamed out. Panic filling him as his vision cleared. His heart going ramped when he saw her. Her hair was wet and falling in her face. Small droplets of water cascading down her body. She stood in her doorway of her bathroom that was right in front of her bed. She was bare as the day she was born, no towel or clothing to cover her. She crouched slightly, her legs and arms doing a poor job to shield her body from him. What was once exhaustion that filled him, was now adrenaline pumping through him. His body feeling like a fire burned inside him.
Panic surged through him as he abruptly got up from the bed, eyes still wide at her. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!” She screamed. “I-Im sorry, I thought this was my room.” He stuttered out. Panic still high in him along with the burning growing stronger. His breathing raged and fast. “GET OUT!” She screamed, him running out as fast as he could.
He slammed his door shut, his breathing ramped and fast. His heart beating wildly, nearly painful. He fell onto his bed, his body still feeling that burning grow. He was conflicted, he wanted to run away as soon as he saw her. But he was frozen in place. A strong urge to grab onto her, to feel her wet skin on his as his body surged with electricity and want. A feeling deep inside him craving even now to go back, to feel her skin beneath his. To feel her warmth and touch on him. Memories flooding him of that night. The feel of her skin in his hands as he gripped onto her. The paralyzing feeling of her wet lips on his neck. Her warm tongue pressing against his pulsepoint that sent shocks through his body. Energy surged through him in a way that he hasn’t felt since. It was adrenaline or fear. It was akin to his body burning from the inside as his nerves felt sensitive against the sheets. His heart still ramped.
His Breathing slowed down, feeling existed after some minutes. His heart slowing back down as his eyes grew heavy. The feeling inside him growing down the further he grew tired. Finally relaxing as his eyes shut, sleep taking him under once again.
(Warning, heavy petting)
Walking into his room, he noticed the lights were off. The only source of light coming from the windows. Panic slighting growing when he noticed that they we’re open, the curtains blowing in the wind slightly. But what truly shocked him, was the silhouette of a person on the other side of the bed. He watched as they moved around the bed to the foot of it. Their steps light against the floor. It was a woman, panic being replaced with desire as her body came into view. Her face was hidden, the lights from the windows only showing what she wore, well, lack thereof. Dark green lace barely covering her glowing skin. He watched as she walked closer to him, his body burning with energy and want pulling him to her. But he stood froze, watching as she grew closer to him. The lingerie she wore standing out more the closer she got to him. The baralet she wore was see through. Her nipples hard against the thin fabric. He watched as she stood no more than 2 feet from him. A gasp leaving him when he sees her face. Her lips painted red as her hair was curled slightly. Her usually sapphire eyes a dark midnight blue. “What are you-“ he questioned, before she put her finger to his lips. “Shh, it’s okay.” She whispers, before flushing herself against him, pulling his face to hers, their lips crashing together.
A large gasp leaves him as he jolts awake. His breathing ragged as he opens his eyes and sits up. His heart beating wildly against his chest as he shakes. That feeling inside him worse than before as the images played in his head. A groan leaving him as he shuts his eyes, trying anything to fight the sight of her body against his. His body shaking worse as he grips the blanket underneath him. That burning feeling back and worse the longer he sits there.
His cock throbbed inside his pants, the feeling almost painful.
He abruptly got up from his bed, walking into his bathroom. Tuning the light on as he walked over to the shower, turning it on. He stripped from his pants and underwear and got in. A gasp leaving him as the cold water hit his back. Causing his breathing to grow heavy as his body tensed at the freezing temperature. His body no longer feeling hot as he shivered in the stream. Hand against the wall as he lowered his head, heart still ramped as when he woke, the images still playing in his mind.
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love-dreams · 4 years
batch of love
mingyu/reader | idol!au | pure fluff
synopsis: cooking in mingyu’s life has always been surrounded with good memories. now you can add another. 
content: use of mild cursing, kiss scene, cooking scene
notes: happy birthday mingyu!! with my limited korean: 생일 축하 합니다! idk what’s happening with these updates but i don’t like them at ALL. 
wc: 1.2k
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cooking always reminded mingyu of home. full of rich, warm aromas and loving arms. nowadays mingyu didn’t go home much because of his busy schedule, but he found a way to cope with that loss. 
days like this he wished that time could stretch infinitely and that the memories would burn into his brain. 
today was mingyu’s birthday and you knew that food had to be a part of it. so that’s the reason why, at 6:00 in the morning, you woke up and dragged your fatigued body to the tiny kitchen of your apartment. 
the members of seventeen had put you on the task of simply baking a cake and bringing it to their dorm. it didn’t have to be special or anything, they assured you that anything from you would suffice.
however, an important note to mention is that you have actually never baked before in your life and all the cooking had basically been pushed onto mingyu ever since the two of you had started dating. so, needless, to say, you were slightly panicked at the thought of potentially ruining your perfect boyfriend’s birthday and very unqualified. 
scrolling through internet recipes, you started to gather all of the ingredients before hearing incessant buzzing of your phone. 
huffing as you finally laid out all the ingredient before you, you checked your messages, surprised to see multiple from members. 
[operation mingyu]
[>>y.jh] if mingyu calls you, do. not. pick. it. up.
[>>b.sk] we said you were out with friends and that you left your phone on silent. don’t text him back!!
[>>b.sk] don’t text back after this!!
and sure enough, there multiple texts from mingyu asking where you were and if you remembered that it was his birthday. 
[>>♥bf] baby, everyone’s saying that you already went out?
[>>♥bf] did you forget today’s my bday?
[>>♥bf] baby i miss you can you come over
cooing at his cuteness, you quickly made sure they were unread again before placing your hands onto your hips and getting started. after all, you had a job to do.
“okay, y/n, you got this. just follow the directions and we’ll be fine!” you took a deep breath. “everything’s fine.”
everything was not fine. you had forgotten to preheat your oven and used a whisk to mix your dry and wet ingredients, causing the dough to clump together in the whisk. poking out the batter with a chopstick, you sighed in frustration.
“this is for mingyu, this is for mingyu,” you repeated, resuming in trying to salvage the rest of your cake batter.
by the time that the cake was done, plus decorating, you had depleted your entire morning, leaving you exhausted and slightly annoyed. it was all worth it, though, to see the finishing product with homemade icing. after you popped the cake back into the refrigerator to chill, you started getting yourself ready as well; showering and then spritzing some of mingyu’s favorite perfume and wearing one of your new outfits. 
finally, you were ready to leave.
[operation mingyu]
[>>y.jh] are you done yet??
chuckling at jeonghan’s impatience, you replied:
[<<me] omw 
then, snickering to yourslef, you shot another text:
[<<me] had so much fun!!
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mingyu didn’t know where you were but he knew that you definitely weren’t out with friends. 
how did he know that?
well, he had been sending frantic messages to every single friend of yours he knew, asking if you were with them, and you weren’t with any of them. 
now mingyu was starting to get worried. what if you were kidnapped? what if you were murdered? he would never know because you won’t read his damn texts! 
sulking in his room, mingyu scrolled through his phone lazily, laying on his bed.
“come on gyu, we’re going out for groceries. you don’t wanna stay inside for your entire birthday do you?”
mingyu glowered at wonwoo for a few moments before reluctantly dragging his lanky body out of the dorm. he wished you were with him. 
it was about halfway through preparing lunch that mingyu decided that he was angry at you. you were the one had forgotten his birthday and refused to answer his texts!
washing the vegetables fervently with anger, mingyu was suddenly distracted by hushed whispers behind him. huffing, he tried to ignore his members until they got louder. turning his head slightly to reprimand them, mingyu saw jeonghan and joshua along with seungkwan huddled over a phone.
“is she coming yet? lunch is almost ready and mingyu looks pissed.”
“jeonghani, i told you already, she’s on her way, quit it.”
“y/n’s coming?” mingyu asked, looking surprised.
the trio separated instantly, feigning looks of innocence. 
“i told you to stop eavesdropping, mingyu,” jeonghan scolded. 
mingyu scoffed, “i wouldn’t have to eavesdrop if you told me y/n was coming in the first place!”
joshua rubbed his neck in embarrassment, but stayed silent, choosing not to pick sides in this argument. 
“shush mingyu, it was supposed to be a surprise. y/n’s been working super hard all morning, so don’t ruin it, okay?”
y/n’s been working all morning? now mingyu was intrigued, curious as to see what surprise the members and you had prepared for him. giddy with excitement, mingyu returned to his cooking task. 
after finishing the last dish, the members ushered for him to sit down, laying out the dishes they had prepared prettily. still no sight of you, though. when all the members were seated, jeonghan finally piped up. 
“happy birthday to our puppy mingyu! turning 23 years old!”
everyone cheered, whooping loudly. mingyu blushed at the commotion but he still was waiting for you. when everything quieted down, all the members looked awkward, shifting in their seats as they waited for you. disappointment seeped into mingyu.
“uhm, y/n should be here-”
ding dong
the doorbell interrupted jeonghan’s sentence; mingyu rushed to the door, flinging it open to see you, slightly panting.
“you’re late,” he breathed. 
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seoul was normally busy, but not this busy. as you walked through the streets, you mentally cursed as another person bumped into you; you were trying to keep the cake in pristine condition. it seemed as if fate had something against you to place this many people in the path to the boys’ dorm. finally, you gave up on trying to weave yourself through the crowds of people and called a cab:
who of course had to make you wait for another ten minutes before showing up. 
driving through the heavy traffic, you began to stress out, wondering what was going on in the dorm with all the members.
oh my god what if mingyu thinks i forgot his birthday?
after you made it to the street of your destination, you sprinted to the members’ dorm, climbing up the stairs with the cake box in one hand, slightly smooshed, but no real damage done. 
panting as you reached the designated floor, you determinedly pushed the doorbell.
it seemed as if mingyu was at the door instantly after you heard the ringing in the apartment. he stood before you, his tall figure towering over you, a huge grin on his face.
“you’re late,” he whispered out. 
you smiled, showing him the cake box, “happy birthday mingyu.”
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“did you like your birthday?” you whispered into mingyu’s chest. 
mingyu kissed your forehead softly, cupping your face gently. He nuzzled his face with yours, murmuring a quiet “yes. But not the part when you ignored me for four hours though.”
you grabbed his cheeks from underneath him, squeezing them. “i told you already, it was supposed to be a surprise!” 
mingyu pouted at you. “but you left me alone and ignored me the entire morning!”
you grinned at mingyu’s adorableness, reaching out to secure your hold on his neck, gently bringing him down to you. 
you kissed him first, lips melting into each other and tongues entangled; mingyu lead since it was his birthday, afterall, relishing in the warmth of each other. it had been so long since the two of you had held each other, felt the heat of each other. 
mingyu really liked his birthday that year.
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Idk if anybody asked you this but... DOMESTIC MODERN AU WITH KAIGAKU.
I saw Kaigaku as problematic character at first, from Himejima incident until he became demon. But now, I didn't think he's purely evil.
This dynamic is kinda different from other DomModernAU I wrote, but I really hope you like it when it comes to understanding your partner.
Kaigaku x Reader (Domestic Modern AU)
You met Kaigaku first in high school when he's... Well, let's say, not in so good state. He was all beaten up in the corner of the street, with bruises and scratches everywhere.
You offered him a hand, but he just slapped it out and said, "Get the fuck out."
But, since everybody labelling you with 'Stubborn girl', you didn't give up. He did angry and tried to pulled out his hand when you grabbed it.
"Stay still." You didn't care, you had strength to make him being a good boy and finally, he let you treat his wounds.
You put giraffe figure plaster to cover his scratch on the forehead. "Done. You're Kaigaku, right? I'm (y/n). We're in the same class. I don't know what are you into but please take care of yourself."
You stood up and leave that place, leaving Kaigaku who dumbfoundedly sat there.
It was an old story, and you still wondering how the fuck he could end up stole your heart. You're both university student, and Kaigaku took the same class as you.
And now you wake him up in the morning like a daily couple should be.
"Kaigaku, wake up."
He jumped and sat in no time, yawning and looked at your bed hair.
"Bird nest." He ruffled your hair before went to the bathroom.
After clothings and vice versa, you cooked breakfast. He stared at you silently.
"Is there something matter?"
"Your satin, I don't like it. It's too transparent. Change it to hoodie or something."
"It's just-"
"Change it." You sighed.
"Yeah, yeah. After I finished this one."
He was almost like that everyday, scanning on what you wearing and didn't want you to be flashy. But you know, deep down, he just don't want anything happened to you. He's an overprotective type.
He stood up and hugged you from behind. "Are you mad at me?"
"Guess." You turned off the stove, putting two eggs on the plate and looked up at him.
"Huh, is that a challenge." He kissed you on the lips, light-bite your lower. You bite his upper lips, cupped his cheek, brought him closer.
"Not now." You pushed him while he grinded his hips towards you. "We have class, Kaigaku."
He clicked his tongue and brought the plate after stealing forehead kiss from you.
"Kaigaku is a bad influence. Did you ever consider breaking up with him?"
"There are so much people better than him."
These words were from your daily conversation with your uni's friends. It gradually asked until you become bored of it.
"Do you know the proverb that saying, "Even demon could shed tears too"? He probably looked like a bad guy, but I still believe that he has good side."
You believed in him. And he never break your trust towards him.
He really became tame and good boy when you are around. On the other hand, people were really afraid of him.
But Zenitsu, his only 'friend', didn't really close to him
When Kaigaku took your seat and you queued up on cafeteria, you met Zenitsu. He asked about how you're doing with him.
"I had to admit, I adored your bravery, (y/n)."
"What, no..."
"Everyone distances themselves from him, everyone saying that he forced you into this relationship, but I know he's not and you're different." He scratched his cheek. "Somehow, as his 'friend', I should thank you. Our grandpa really at ease when he knew you're there to make him better."
That's how Kaigaku portraits around him. Scary, malicious, and unscrupulous.
You didn't pity him nor change him fully, you know you aren't God, you can't change human's trait easily as flipped your palm.
But instead, you taught about kindness, adoration, gratitude and appreciation. Slowly, but steadily, until he understanded the essential of being alive.
And having a partner.
That's how you live and you don't want to be bothered by some merely comments and opinions.
Simple, you love him because he's Kaigaku.
Kaigaku probably wasn't romantic type but he always made sure to give you enough affections everyday.
Like, on day-off, he baked apple pie out of nowhere, and shoved it on your face.
"You made this?"
"Ya." You take a bite, feeling the crunchiness on outside and melted inside.
"This is great, it's delicious! I don't know you could make apple pie."
"Well." He became smug. "I know I could cook better than you."
"Then, you should cook for dinner instead of me."
"No, I don't want to, I'm lazy."
"You little dipshit." He laughed while putting the plate on the table.
"Beside, I love your cooking more than anything else." He mumbled.
"Hm? You said something."
"Nothing, wipe your mouth geez."
He's actually smart and often taught you on exam when you met difficulties, but you had to hold your grudge to punch him because he often called you "Dummy" whenever you asked him about a question you don't understand.
But in the end, his teaching method is the best for your dumb brain.
And scolding, he's more garrulous, even more than your mom. He would correct almost everything wrong on your life.
Which one life's is being 'corrected' right now, you're so confused.
Sometimes, both of you went on date. But not really often, because he growled at people who stared at you for too long. You just chuckled, because you thought he's like a dog or wolf and he became flustered. He thought you didn't deem it seriously.
You literally didn't have to do anything, just smile everyday, and it will make him soft.
He always picked you up from your night shift part-time work.
Because one time you went home alone, he's panicked because you didn't pick his call nor came home on time. So he hurriedly went to the convenience store you worked on.
And you were there just in time before closing the store.
"Kaigaku, why are you here?" He rushed and hugged you, put his head on your shoulder. You could feel him trembling. "Calm down, okay? It's not like-"
"You didn't pick my phone! I thought there's something happened to you! I- I couldn't-"
"I'm sorry." You caressed him back. "There are so many things I had to sort on. That's why I came home late. I forgot to bring my charger with me. Sorry for making you worry."
After that, he will wait for you in front of the store while gazing at the sky. When you finished, you went home together with him.
He often told his problem and people who nag on him when it's dinner time. Sometimes, you listening, sometimes you gave your opinion. Nothing much.
If there are no assignments, you sleep earlier with him. He likes to put his nose on your crook, or your chest. The inside beat made him happy, knowing you still beside him until today.
You usually slept first.
He awoke at night, not feeling sleepy at all, so he just stared at your peacefully sleeping face, while slowly caressing your cheek. He pulled something from his neck, omamori necklace you made for his protection.
It was made by brocade silk bag and the lace was made by satin.
He opened the silk bag, and took a thing from its inside.
Something really precious for him. For the first time in forever, there's something he cherished and protected with his heart.
The giraffe plaster.
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cryptikats · 6 years
Whats the weirdest head canon you have for Wilford?
Weirdest one, eh? hmm.. I mean I have some unusual-ish ones I guess?? idk what to really call weird anymore lmao. But there’s more than one to be quite honest…so I guess I’ll make a small list underneath the read more! [Update. I wrote a lot, and I’m sorry]
-Wilford, once being a big-game hunter, knows how to cook really well. He specializes in meats mainly. But a good pass time for him is cooking and baking. You would think that he would make wacky meals, but in reality that’s not the case. 
-As we know about Dark, he is the embodiment of Damien, Celine, and the entity (a full house if you ask me, hah). In an RP @lost-inhibitions and I share, we have it to where Wilford actually has a huge chunk of this entity with him. That’s why he’s so bat shit. He’s like a bottle of water that was overly filled with this thing, that his mental capacity kinda just gets zapped every now and then. This causes him to become rather delusional. Yet interestingly enough, Wilford isn’t truly ditsy. He knows a lot. 
-Alongside knowing a lot, the entity causes Wilford a lot of strain on his mind. So although he may know possibly more things than Dark, he can’t outright say anything. So you really have to focus on the riddles that leave this man. He’s clever and quick witted, so everything he says could very well be crucial information. 
-At night time, when we sleep, our minds naturally sort out memories and such.(it’s really cool! Def look it up!)  It happens to Wilford too. But during this time, William’s mentality (which sleeps while Wilford is awake) awakens and rushes into panic as he realizes hes trapped in a sleeping husk. Interestingly enough, with just enough strain, this can cause William to wake up and gain control of his body. Often times, he finds that his time is very much limited due to him panicking again, and the entity shut him down to bring out his more “stable” half.
-Wilford and Dark are inseparable. And this is due to the entity being split up in both Wilford and Dark. At this point the two are like magnets. So lets say these two get pissed off at each other and Dark ends up in location A, Wilford: location B, then these two will eventually meet up at location C. Most times they can pick up on each other. Dark is a little more aware of this ‘gut feeling’ and what it is. But Wilford over thinks the feeling to the point he just goes “Idk why but I need to walk in this direction. Oh hey, its Dick, I mean Dark.” But isn’t Wilford smart?? Isn’t that what you said, Crypti? Yes. But that doesn’t mean he’s incapable of over analyzing things to the point its all just “meh”. He can still be confused.
-You cant kill him. Just like you can’t kill Dark. The entity in them wont allow it. But because Wilford has so much of this Cthulhu type thing inside him, it will heal any harm done to Wilford much quicker than Dark. 
-Wilford can warp and distort your reality if you piss him off, or if he’s bored and wants to pick at your brain. It’s one way for him (mostly the entity) to gather information. But experiencing this isn’t fun. Imagine the room growing overly saturated with colours. Things start to warp. It’s hard to walk. Everything’s loopy!! Yeah, its no fun house.
-As stated in my recent post, Wilford has a tough time with his appearance. If his mustache grows too big, much like Williams, he will grow antsy and trim it. Same goes for his hair colour. Pink is known to be a comfort color, as it is also a playful one.(It’s a colour that resembles many things, but these two are typically universal). When we are hurt emotionally most of us seek comfort or the other! So that’s what Wilford subconsciously picks. Or maybe it was William. But point is, Wilford does his best to keep his appearance very much different from William. An entity can’t control a panicked body so easily after all. Not without shutting the body and mentalities down.
-Uuh. Lets list some not so sad ones… Okay well, if he’s frustrated, his mustache twitches. He wont scratch it. Just..He’s gotta twitch it. Wilford also fidgets a lot to settle himself down if bothered.
- He’s totally down to wear dresses. Mainly cause in the 30′s William would’ve gotten taken down by society standards. So Wilford expresses Williams inner “I want to try that”. Plus he likes the feeling of different materials. Hell. This guy wore heels and such to an interview. But he will typically stick to the button ups and slacks because its an attire he cant fully let go of. I wonder why.
-Aside from the tv station, I imagine that he actually had a small podcast. He would tell his viewers about his wacky life and about Dark; many only assumed they were made-up stories. But the podcast had to be shut down due to cryptid hunters trying to find out where Dark, or even Wilfordwas. Technically, intruders would be no big deal to get rid of, but it’s mostly Dark who convinces Wilford to lay low, and not do anything that would cause them to go into hiding, and start new, again.
I know there’s more, but I….Wrote a lot. I’ll just add on to this when I can compile more! Sorry for typos!
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countessofbiscuit · 6 years
The clone trooper had been captured on Coruscant at great peril and locked in long-term medical stasis after rigorous interrogation. Apparently, the clone had been the last being to speak to a well-known Republic traitor and was believed to be in possession of vital information – not that he had been willing to confess said information to his droid interrogators. So under strict orders from Count Dooku, the clone had been frozen in stasis, and no one else, not even the droids, were to speak with him further. Not until Dooku himself could question the clone directly. That had been the plan. But something – B1-CC14 didn’t really know what – had gone wrong. It didn’t really matter. The end result was that the ship had been detected and was attacked by an overwhelming Republic force, and all the droid’s attempts to escape the destruction had failed. Now there was only one command left that mattered. Count Dooku had been very specific. The captive was not allowed to escape, no matter what the cost. [....] Reveth quickly moved to help the trooper to his feet. It was a mistake; despite decades frozen in stasis, it was clear the clone's fighting instincts were intact. 'You don't understand!' the trooper yelled as he shoved Reveth backward. The clone looked panicked. Feverish. He was babbling. 'I’m a medic,' he said between gasps of air. 'And I … I learned something … something horrible. Fives knew…. He’s the one who figured it all out after Tup … and it got him killed. But I kept investigating. They said it was a virus…' The Corsair gestured subtly to Squeaky and Pendewquell, and the two pirates began circling to either side of the sick clone. 'A chip in our heads. In all the clones’ heads! And an order. A command to betray … kill … and it comes from the Chancellor!' The clone grabbed Squeaky's outstretched hand and flung him into the advancing Pendewquell. The effort was too much though, sending him staggering. 'The Seppies… captured me.' The soldier was speaking fast -- almost too fast to follow. It was as if the clone was unaware he was speaking out loud.   'Interrogated me to find out who else knew.' The clone was sweating. Shaking. He looked sad. 'I never had a chance to tell anyone else what I learned. I didn’t know who I could trust. But I wouldn’t tell them anyway… 'So they said...' The pirates were quiet, listening as the sick and delirious clone continued. 'They said they were sending me to someone I couldn't keep secrets from ... to the Sith ... The cold ... the freezing, burning cold...' The clone slumped to the ground. His eyes were rolling into the back of his head. 'Stasis poisoning,' whispered Reveth. 'He was trapped in there for too long.' 'No...! I can still save them. Skywalker...' the clone whispered intently. 'Get me General Skywalker! He'll help. We can save ... save the Jedi ... save the Republic!' 'What's your ID, trooper?' Quiggold asked the recently unfrozen soldier. 'CT-6116.' The trooper coughed. 'Kix. They call me ... Kix ... sir.'
The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku by Landry Q. Walker
The whole short story is worth a read, but these are the scenes which explain how Kix came to be frozen in a stasis chamber for nearly 50 years. Kix was so ready to help Fives in the fresher at 79′s, and that’s still the first thing on his mind here, doing something. Like, we laugh at Kix admiring himself in the mirror in that scene, but by the end, he’s torn apart.  
Fives: “So, I guess the 501st is back on Coruscant.”
Kix: “Oh yeah, we just got back from Ringo Vinda. The strangest thing happened out there.”
F: “Yeah ... I know.”
K: “Fives!? Woah ... what’s going on? They said you tried to assassinate the Chancellor and that you’re infected with that virus that killed Tup--”
F: “I don’t have time to explain right now. All I can tell you is ... is that I’m being framed. All of us -- even the Jedi -- are in grave danger.”
K: “But -- wh-- what can I do, Fives? How can I help?!”
F: “I need to talk to Rex. Or ... or General Skywalker.” 
K: “Well they’ve been tasked with finding you. Just turn yourself in!”
F: “NO! No. I’ll never get to them. You don’t understand ... what I’m mixed up in. It goes all the way to the top. The highest levels are involved in the conspiracy. I have to talk to General Skywalker and Rex -- directly, alone!”
K: “Look, I can contact Rex, but I can’t guarantee he’ll bring the General.” 
F: “Good, good, good. Thanks Kix. I appreciate it. Here -- here are the coordinates. Just make sure he meets me there.” 
K: “Right ... Good luck, Fives.” 
Why isn’t Kix apprehended sooner, when Palpatine knows Kix spoke with Fives while the latter was on the run?
Meta, half-baked thoughts, and More Questions than Answers Below the Cut: 
Presumably, Anakin mentions offhand in the debriefing after the warehouse incident that he and Rex were directed there by Kix -- and Kix himself is probably interrogated in an official capacity in the aftermath (although he must not let on very much...). 
Many months must pass before Kix is captured ‘at great peril’ on Coruscant. 
He goes with the 501st to Anaxes during the Bad Batch Arc (which would have been the opening of Season 7). Dooku wasted no time trying to get his hands on Tup, but Kix is left alone for some time ... long enough to grow suspicious of the disturbing parallels between Tup and Fives’s deaths; long enough to do his own research and to do it successfully; and long enough to convince Rex of the truth -- although, judging by how morose and withdrawn Rex looks in that ray shield when Fives mentions the chips, he was probably half-way to taking a knife to his own head, with or without Kix’s help or research. They must have colluded. And then it becomes a chicken-and-egg conundrum: does Kix remove their chips before he knows their purpose, or does he learn the nefarious truth and then cut them out? Because it’s been 45 years and Kix is still in a panic about needing to tell Skywalker what he’s discovered, his big Eureka! moment about the Triangle of Tragedy that is Chips-Sidious-Order-66 must come when he can’t immediately get hold of Anakin... 
So. Hold that thought. 
There are plenty other clones present on Ringo Vinda who witness Tup’s breakdown, others who listen as Kix first posits a virus as the cause (which he must feel terribly guilty about after the fact). But Kix is targeted specifically by Sidious/Dooku. Why? Because a) he is confirmed to have spoken to Fives while the latter was on the run and b) he must do *something* to convince Sidious/Dooku that he knows more than he should ... because otherwise, why wait? 
One would think Kix would be easy enough to capture, it wouldn’t have been difficult for Palpatine to make him disappear and spirit him off to Dooku. So something tells me this is all done during the Battle of Coruscant ... judging by the “at great peril” line. Why would it have been dangerous to capture a single trooper from Coruscant? Massive upper-atmosphere battle perhaps? But why then? Because it would be easy not to miss a single clone in all that confusion? Or because it was absolutely vital that he be captured *at that moment*, as soon as possible, battle or no battle? 
So we come back to the timing of Kix’s Eureka! moment.
It doesn’t take place before Anaxes -- regardless of whether or not they’ve  removed the chips by that time -- because Kix and Rex and Anakin are all there, and Kix isn’t running around with his hair on fire about this terrible conspiracy. The next canonical events are, simultaneously, the Siege of Mandalore and the Battle of Coruscant. Rex is on Mandalore with one half of the 501st; Kix is on Coruscant, presumably with the other half (probably planetside, but how exactly prepositions are understood in relation to celestial bodies may be a bit different in a galaxy where interstellar travel is the norm; he and the rest of the 501st might have been on one of the ships during the battle itself, rather than stationed on the planet’s surface); and Anakin is ... somewhere in the middle (in the EU, he was on Cato Neimoidia when Grievous captures Palpatine, but new canon says he is “called back to Coruscant” from where he was seeing Ahsoka and Rex off to Mandalore when the battle breaks out). 
So Kix either does/learns something during this crucial period -- i.e. when Sidious is sensing the game is nearly up -- when Anakin is away that triggers alarm bells for Sidious/Dooku. They then send Dooku’s minions to capture him ... or Dooku decides -- perhaps while he and Sidious are chatting on the Invisible Hand during the fabricated hostage crisis before the Heroes™ show up? -- to tie up some loose ends: “Remember that problematic medic that that meddling, rogue clone talked to in a dive bar a few months ago? Seeing as my forces are in the neighborhood, why don’t we kidnap and question him so our Super Evil Plan That’s Decades in the Making doesn’t fall apart when we’re not looking?” 
IDK feel free to weigh in, but I need Super Sleuth Kix Breaks into the Supreme Chancellor’s Office and Downloads 100TB of Sidious-Dooku-Lama-Su Group Chats about How to Manufacture Brain-Control Chips for a Secret Army and 1001 Ways This Could Go Wrong written, like, yesterday. 
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