#idw Sideswipe
crying-fantasies · 8 months
"You have them on?"
"I do, I swear I have them, I just need to get this off-"
"Look me in the optics when you say that, you won't touch anything if your little freaky organic servos-!"
"I do, I do! Just, please, stop moving like that!", pleas are laced with desperation and righteous fury, one he wants to shred from your little mouth, but there is this tremor on his open armor that goes from helm to pedes when your little fingers wrapped in synthetic gloves roam on his bare protoform to take out shattered bullets, the sensation is ripping him apart between launching you out of the window and away from him or just stay still as Sideswipe looks at you both while grinning like a complete fragger or, worse, stay still and shut up before Ratchet finally snaps that wrench on his servo against his helm.
Mech, please no is what his new conscience pleads too and so he has to follow, be stiff and feel how your fingers move, shaking, finally being fast and sharp when Ratchet says your name like a stern mentor and pulling sharp fragments with the help of a little steel gadget.
He can't think of it, being totally honest it would be more like he isn't the one thinking of it but his brother, who looks with barely contained interest how you work, it's embarrassing how Sideswipe doesn't even try to cover the interest he has for you over Sunstreaker's open arm and moving like a new medic and is also dragging him in feeling the same, it's worse than his brother, since he can feel your absurd weight over him like a constant pang on the back of his processor, it's degrading, since Ratchet seem to know what is going on and can only look more tired than he already is and Sunstreaker's situation is getting worse because the last he needs is to have Ratchet asking what is going on!
But for Sideswipe things were getting back to normal, somehow.
"Hey there, Sunny! Here comes our team's best player!", Sideswipe has taken to hold you as if you were some kind of small animal or a stuffed one before letting you rest next to Sunstreaker, who frowned at you with all the fury on his massive body before directing it to his brother.
"Sides, I swear-"
"No, no, doc's order", he put you nearer to the yellow bot with a grin so wide, you wanted to throw your shoe to him, Ratchet isn't anywhere in sight but his mere name is the only thing keeping the brothers from destroying each other, "you shouldn't move, so our favorite human is here to help you rise to health again".
"Which piece of scrap metal said that?", When he gets better he will rip their arms from their frames.
"I don't know, everyone?", and obviously Sideswipe gets to ridicule him even more while pushing you nearer to his side.
You wanted to hide and escape, Sunstreaker wanted to punch his brother in the face.
But repetition makes everything fall to some routine, you're ready with your backpack full of books, homework and your reliable laptop when Sideswipe comes to pick you up and back to Sunstreaker resting body, the fear has lessened but is still very much alive, for now your best choice to avoid touching him directly is using blankets, but Sunstreaker is a high-end bot and your wallet is still bleeding from purchasing an obnoxious yellow cashmere blanket and another one of vicuna, which is made from an animal in verge of extinction just to know how expensive that one was too, that has taken most of your savings only to please him, he didn't even say thanks, just looked at it once before giving his approval with a nod, he didn't even talk or looked at you, always treating you like a nuisance he tolerated to please Sideswipe.
Before you should've looked at Sideswipe for help, but he beamed when you dragged the expensive and eye hurting piece of fabric on a big and equally eye-catching expensive bag and presented you with it to his brother and even into a zipper bag.
They were both in this, or more like Sideswipe was dragging Sunstreaker in the whole mess, like when you first meet them, and that was hell; at least the vicuna one was nice, just what you need to roll into in order to escape from any stress around.
Just like having someone, not bot, calling out your name in the Ark.
Most of the time you're next to Sideswipe, Sunstreaker too in recent days, and while it is understandable to say you should be more familiar with the other humans there has never been a real occasion to get to know them better since they apparently know one another way before your arrival.
So imagine the surprise when Hunter starts to make little conversation with you, starts to eat with you and even gives you sandwiches from who knows where because he is under extreme care after what happened the last time and totally banned from being out of the Ark like Jimmy and Verity, and everything is new because you're interacting with humans near your age range, you really are and that part of your brain which is a sociable creature is producing chemical happiness only by being in a group that recognizes your existence after so long.
It's good, fantastic, really, and you tell Sideswipe so after stopping him from picking you up one day to stay more time with the others.
You still ask to yourself if some word was rude or... Not exactly sure how to explain why he looked so down, nor why you tell Hunter no in the end and go back to Sides who is absentmindedly on his habsuit but almost jumps out of his oversized bed to greet you before asking for a favor.
Far from their shared habsuit, Sunstreaker is doing something that makes one of the most stupid but important things he has been getting ready for, moving as he can while most of his wounds are now repaired, his pride damaged beyond repair when he feels the movement on the door, there isn't much to expect when he already knows who it is, the human, well, no longer only human, Hunter, is standing just there, a bag full of the supposed essentials on his shoulder, Sunstreaker can't say anything, can't scoff at his organic nature's features that need aid of such mundane things nor can he make a joke about it.
Because he is very much headless with Hunter walking to him, is the middle of the night cycle and no one knows what they are going to do, the deal they have done.
Sunstreaker can't and will not leave his head to human supposed scientists to play with, Hunter wants to stop hearing him and, even if he denies it both ways, he feels bad for the mech.
"It was about time", Sunstreaker gets down the medbay berth room as fast and coordinate as he can in his state, is little more easy when he uses the bond to look through Hunter's eyes, guiding him in some way even if he is going to deny it later.
Hunter, already familiar with his attitude, can only sigh and get near to the mech's pedes, "sorry, I tried to say goodbye to some of the guys", well, he at least did to most of them, Jimmy and Verity seem to have catched onto something rare happening and maybe he didn't have to do it, seems that Sunstreaker hasn't even talked with his own twin about this, as for you, he only got to say bye hurriedly because you were fast to go with Sideswipe.
The thoughts pop up and it's normal, but he is already feeling the slow movement of Sunstreaker's body, if he had his head on, it would have been the same as if the guy was about to stomp on him, "If you're gonna court Side's pet do it when we get back, better to check that one out fast" he is talking alone, again, while moving around the room and expecting the next movement of the human.
Hunter's voice is sincere, like always, it's strange, because their voices are starting to sound the same and is reaching the point of it to be unnerving, to both of them, "You get that I wasn't the one initiating it or that I can't exactly stop it, right?", The mere idea makes him remember some of the most crazy and high daze induced alien movies he has ever seen on his life, of course most alien movies don't even make full sense of reason, but now that the he is a part of the real deal-
"What does that mean?" His tone is dangerous in everyway, but Hunter has learned to round those up and return back with a response, long gone are the days in where he cowardly shut his mouth against Sunstreaker.
"Means what it means, dude", he changes, his body does now, and he has a new view when Sunstreaker links them both, looking whole again in one of the windows that reflects them, Sunstreaker loves himself more than anything, but Hunter can't stop the disgusted expression in the glass and looks back at him.
"Means what you can tolerate now, I guess", there is just so much they can take from one another, or how much they can tolerate, being Hunter the holder of the almost never ending peace if it's needed, keeping Sunstreaker down, or at least to listen, is hard as it is, so imagine his surprise to the internal notifications popping in front of him when he notices you are also there, the body almost jumping backwards in order to stop any collision, looking like you just saw a ghost, a nightmare, and they don't need to ask about it.
You just saw Hunter became Sunstreaker's helm, but you can't let that show, there is only one certainty, this bot is Sunstreaker, maybe, he is looking at you with hardly covered disgust as always, but Hunter knows best and he can see every alert of their shared HUD telling him to avoid confrontation after a second passing notification gave the protocol of auto preservation to knock you out int that moment.
No matter how much Sunstreaker denies it or how much this seem surreal for Hunter, the mech cares for you, way too much.
"Sides-", you change your words, looking around, the yellow blanket that Sunstreaker likes so much on the zipper bag as always and it makes him stop on his steps, "Sideswipe told me to have a sleepover with you".
Of course the little fragger did, it doesn't seem out of sense, "Listen to me, human, I-".
"No, you listen to me", well, that's new, all this time you have cowered away, kept your mouth tightly shut and you head low everytime he said something, apparently now you're growing some courage, Sunstreaker isn't sure if he hates it or if he likes it he likes it, he likes it a lot, "Whatever is happening I don't really want to know, but", it seems like what you want to say is being held back by some kind of restraint, but you force it out when Sunstreaker is about to leave, "but please think of Sideswipe", your voice is a mere whisper, not even Red Alert would have heard it, to that much all the courage in your body sums up at it seems, and while Hunter feels bad for you Sunstreaker doesn't show the same sympathy.
"This doesn't have anything to do with Sides or you", his resolution is final, even when Hunter tries to negotiate the situation, but it's wasted time, you aren't even near the alert bottom, there is no way you can say to anybot that he is out of the medical bay or on his way to who knows where.
Still, the fire ignited on you doesn't stop, it keeps growing, "That spark isn't only yours", he is having enough of this, you acting all though, exventing, tired, and practically leaving you to whisper like a mad thing alone in your own chatting, "it's also Sideswipe's, he may say he is good alone but he needs you, you need him-", he makes a sound with his vents, like a scoff, and while Hunter can't believe Sunstreaker is really going to leave you there, embarrassed, in the verge of tears, the raise in volume do get their attention, both stop dead on their way when you really had enough, "you weren't here!", as if your daring didn't know any limits now you did shout, and Sunstreaker is almost sure at least one bot may have heard you, while he looks at the still empty corridors, "you weren't here, you didn't see him almost going into whatever equivalent you have of alien depression! You weren't here and now you must be because Sideswipe-!"
"This doesn't have anything to do with Sideswipe, this is my thing, my business and my personal matters so give me a break and go back to whatever cave you came from", he hissed back, low but the threatening of his words is still there, it doesn't stop you, there is a crazy tint on your eyes while you point a finger at him.
"You, you, you, it's always about you!", now you're full on screaming, almost shrieking, a limit being finally broken, "I don't care about you!", Hunter has to shut up before saying anything, because your words seem to have been a low blow, hate permeating all your words, "I never cared for you, I care for my friends! I care for Sides! And you are the fucking shit that comes along with him, I don't care what you do or if you go die, I would be happy if you did it alone but I don't want to lose Sides because of you!", as if your words didn't stung enough you throw the blanket to the floor and it makes the expression of the mech to darken even more by an strange feeling, "leave Hunter behind, leave your spark behind!"
For a moment it seems like Sunstreaker is trying to reach out to you, maybe kill you by your bravery, you would expect something like that from him, not really, he would never stain himself with blood,either way the autobots are coming, you made as much noise as possible and your throat is raw by it, but if they can stop whatever madness he is trying to do then so be it, but, far from touching you he goes for the blanket, the stupid, expensive, obnoxious blanket.
A vain mech, even when you're insulting him, the almost hurt expression he has doesn't even matter to you now.
There is no much to expect, you can already hear the autobots come and so he does, looking at you in a way that makes you shudder, scared of him, Sunstreaker doesn't have time for this and changes to alt mode.
You know nothing, he wants to tell you, he really does, shout it to your face, but he really can't think of it when someone else is hearing his thoughts.
There is deafening silence, partially, only the sound of his tires can be heard and is all he wants to hear, he can also see- sense what he is feeling, and Hunter feels bad for him.
"Don't-", his voice is hard, low yet powerful in a way he hadn't heard so far, "don't you dare say anything, I don't need it".
He says so, and Hunter prefers to not say a word about it, don't even mention the now shredded yellow blanket by his transformation seams on his back seat.
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Prowl was that kid who cleaned up after himself and everyone else in school.
Change my mind.
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tiny-tf-faces · 5 months
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fiftyshadesofmetal · 5 months
First post, yippie! Anyways, have a Sideswipe. If people like this enough I'll probably try rendering it or making more posts lol
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
Cliffjumper. He definitely joined for baking and then was utterly delighted to find out the club also let him punch Overlord in the face anytime he wanted. Sideswipe was the opposite. He joined for fight club, but learning he actually enjoys baking.
Food fights are a factor.
Yes exactly
Everyone's learning new things about themselves until Command comes and knocks on their door
Then they fucking scatter to make it seem like just baking.
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A little Sideswipe because why is he kinda adorable in IDW?????
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pluralsword · 1 year
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Gosh we love this piece so much... We commissioned @ VansZero (discord) & worked with them to make this four panel fancomic "That's So Lovely Sibling," focusing on Gauge & Sideswipe, he did such an awesome job with the art in our opinion. We did the writing, spot the references around the piece to who the two's six mentors are! (if you know us it's probably not hard to guess haha)
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driftingandprowling · 1 month
Transformers as memes - a thread (pt. 4/?):
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ruindroddy · 19 days
therpy cat Ravage supireor
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Enjoy <3
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joonisstrange · 27 days
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I drew Robuts.
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tinydefector · 1 month
so often I keep thinking every night about a bot not moving their hips but can retract up and down their spike like that one diIdo machine so imagine their human sit on their spike,squirming and in ecstacy, while the bot lay still yet their spike moving wildly too augh
I don't know why I found this so funny.
But I'm positive there would be some sort of Spike mod they could get that works like that. All I can imagine is them being an absolute ass deciding to torment their human lover by using the speed, keeping it a nice pace but slowly it down when their lover, coming to a complete still while just smiling and teasing as their human lover as they nearly sob on their spike, begging and pleading for the cybertronian to pick up the pace and continue. The bots I can very much see being a tease are Sideswipe, Rodimus, Starscream, Swerve, Jazz, occasional Prowl when he's feeling rather moody.
Swerve shoots his little lover a large grin, "you look good like this sunshine," he teased while holding their hips in place. A whine leaves their lips as they shoot him a look. "Swerve, please!" They huff only for him to make a small noise of disapproval. "Ah ah, ask nicely Sparklet, you'll get what you want if you ask nicely"
Starscream sitting there smugly watching the way they take his spike as he sits there, his spike moving quickly as he rest his face in his palm. "Well, look at you, moaning like you were made for this this, my little blissed out toy" he coos, optics twinkling in delight as he watches each twitch and movement.
Sideswipe chuckles in amusement. "Awww, come on, I thought you could take more than that sweetspark." he slowly pulls them further down on his spike as it pistons up into his lover. His servo curled around their side, admiring the way his spike shifts and is visible through their smaller frame. "Mmm, that's it, sweetspark, so good"
Rodimus lays there with a stupid grin on his face as he watches the way they scold at him, "Rodimus I swear to God or primus or what ever holy creature you believe in if you don't start moving I'm leaving" they huff out only for him to start giggling to himself before slowly increasing the pace. "Roddy! Stop being a dick. " His optics continue watching. "Oh, come on, let me enjoy testing the new mods," he whines with a pout on his face.
Jazz is flirting the whole time. He's gentle, slow as he works his lover open on his spike, loving to watch the way they arch and lean into his touch. "Ain't you something cher, you make such pretty noises for me," he hums in delight as he leans up to steal a kiss from them. "Thatz it, babydoll squeeze me real good," he coos in delight while picking up the pace.
Prowl sits in his office with his human practical glued to his lap, one servo rested on their thigh, and his optics occasionally flick from his work to them. "I told you to behave. If you can't sit still, I stop," he grumbles. A deep whine and sob leaves his lover, their legs shake as their head is thrown back into his plating,
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crying-fantasies · 12 days
Forced growth
The first days of the what you called "undercover war", way before the Machination took Sunstreaker and way before Sideswipe was foolish enough to drag you around, at least when it wasn't so obvious, your interest showed for the first time.
It was a bittersweet memory data.
Sunstreaker still did double takes on whatever the organic his brother got to the ark was doing, the little thing looking horrified, mortified and unexpectedly interested, almost limiting with disgust, at how Ratchet was trying to reattach Cliffjumper's arm strut back where it was supposed to go with a burn down socket doing it harder than it really was.
Maybe you were a little weirder compared to the rest, weren't humans supposed to always go in herds? Packs? Not really his interest, all he wanted was for Ratchet to fix some damage and stop the leaking line on Sideswipe's servo, some fabric that you called "hoodie" on it and doing some work to stop it for the time being.
Sideswipe was smiling by the way you were perched on his shoulder, holding on his audial receptor to have a better sight, even when it was sensitive and you were crass enough to compare it to something called "horn", you even had the gall to say the same about Sunstreaker's finials.
You were bound to embarrass yourself if Sideswipe always let you talk like that.
Ratchet and Cliff noticed you, the older just rising an optic ridge, looking at your organic fabric on Sideswipe's wound, and the second, being a nuisance as always, greeted you with his good arm, Sunstreaker felt embarrassment in your place, making you return to Sides' servo, "okay, enough", you touched him while going back down, but at that time Sunstreaker only did a grunted a little before using a cleaning pad.
Next cycle, the brothers found you in the medbay, Ratchet had given you the littlest medical tool they had ever seen and it was being used, albeit slow and clumsily, on the very same Optimus Prime to get dirt out of his exposed wound, even with his battle mask on it was obvious he had the smile and patience to stay put to let you play medic even when two other bots were keeping an optic over whatever you could do.
Sunstreaker believed they were being paranoid, how something so little like you would do harm to Prime, to Prime! It was laughable, as if a crossed wire there could make his spark stop or something.
Sideswipe only looked with a smile, giving you a double thumbs up as you looked back at them with a bewildered expression, not believing what was happening yourself.
At that time, humans weren't so bad, Sideswipe acted like you were the novelty of the century and played his own version of hide-and-seek with your things before acting innocent, Sunstreaker treated you like some people do to a stray cat coming for food and protection against the outside weather, begrudgingly accepting your intrusion while giving you crumbs of attention.
It was before Sides started to see you in other way, it was before Sunny went down and dragged himself back up, he started to chase you away and no one wanted to tell you why.
In the middle of what you called with an explosive voice and scared face as everyone-knows-of-giant-metallic-aliens time, you had lost some of that twinkle little spark on your watery little optics, Sides noticed, little by little, how you kind of gotten more familiar with the whole deal when before you would be running back to him, only really spending time inside the Ark, it was a surprise when, after Sunstreaker was... gone, you went to him, more, now, even on the field, once, and then from then on, with that little first aid emergency kit like a backpack, and then it was not only him but whoever bot that had even the littlest scratch.
You followed him in the wild of your planet, you started to learn more, you started to fear for them more, when you got injured for the first time your finger was cut by a sharp platting end of his after a chase, "it's nothing" you said, "it'll heal" you swore, and while the little cut from where your red living fluid leaked did indeed weld and only left something similar to a flat scratch there was this, this innegable something that really felt like you weren't the same, but Sideswipe believed in you, if you said it was okay then it was okay, when the second and then the third rolled up and you said the same then he found it harder to believe when you first burned yourself with energon, saying you were fine as your finest outer layer started to burn and fall.
Sideswipe would remember forever when all you did was do and repeat, use your welding gadget right, use your little laser right, cut where it was needed and keep what was necessary, before everyone could grasp on it there was a blaster recharge unit hanging from your hip just in case someone ran out of munitions, and while some encouraged your foresight it gave him the creeps.
"Hey", Sideswipe called once, looking how you went from one to two, "Leave these guys care for themselves"
If Sunstreaker was there at the moment, Sides was sure you would have listen to him, but now you only took a blaster bigger than your whole body and recharged it yourself, "if I can help" you left the rest to the open, and Sideswipe didn't believe you doing such a mundane thing would do things to him, rendering him to a low "okay" before sending a heavy unspoken warning to whoever else catched sight of your newfound charm.
He was sure something changed in you, it felt familiar, and he commented it to Ratchet who, in reality, also sensed something was off.
What Sideswipe didn't know was that you would go back to your shared habsuit that same day, saline tears flowing and cortisol levels above what he learned were good for a human, his recharge protocols interrupted as you seemed totally destroyed, holding onto your medical kit with scarred little hands.
He had never heard so many bad words, enough to make him cover his own mouth in bashfulness, he had never seen that rage in you, before, and yeah, he admitted part of the words said in your meltdown were poorly talked and hard bitten kaonian that he may have said in front of you before, nevermind, you needed a helping hand, and he did so
When Sideswipe took the decision to leave you, "for a while, it isn't for forever, like, forever forever", he talked to your exhausted and sleeping body, again feeling something was really bad with you when before you could freak out at the sight or sound of his blaster, every click of the thing awakening you like a damn alarm, watching you recharge in peace for once made him smile sadly, so exhausted, so fragile, putting up a step to make you seem bigger than what you really were.
"Idealization", Ratchet called it, "I'm no psychiatrist, but human books lead to it, not exactly at someone, more likely a idealization of protection".
Of course, you wouldn't be left intact after being exposed to planetary war, no one is, and thinking that the bots would take care of you in the little time he was away, because they better do so, Sideswipe took his blaster and exited his own habsuit.
He didn't believe it at first, finding Sunstreaker, finding Earth as a traitor in the war, and finding out everyone was taken by the human authorities, his brother seems sad about it, murmuring "I'm sorry" as he can only watch with a heavy spark how they're denied asylum and now the decepticons have free way in the planet.
Prime may say what he wants to say, but not all humans are remediable, not all of them are good, just because they are squishy, vulnerable or whatever, Sideswipe just had to see Jazz, Jazz of all bots, he swears, for Primus sake! Be hunted down by the very same humans, see all the humans they helped, the ones that mattered the most in his, everyone's opinion, be dragged down by a supposed law implicating global treason and having the nagging voice of Ultra Magnus saying to let them be, humans have their own codes and whatever, because he didn't leak energon next to the fleshies' blood in the time they were trapped on Earth, having to leave the planet by force, not welcomed anymore, as all you say for Sideswipe is to get away before they catched him too with those things, because you're human, it may end fast, but they would take their time with him, it was one of the hardest things, walk away from their little comrades, not knowing if they will survive their own people that only waited to shred them to pieces for whatever information.
War ends, Cliff and Sideswipe end their little plan to get the humans out by force, Prime asked for amnesty, is denied, Sideswipe chooses to retake his plan, his poorly structured plan, Arcee suggested to kill the flesh bags but Sides isn't sure she won't kill you all by mistake, she still had problems differentiating one human from the other, old bot programming, you get out, and he didn't have to be a psychiatrist to realize the approaching madness that came with it as your little eyes don't have even shreds of innocence.
For once since the first time he offered his servo for you to hop on, Sideswipe seems unsure, he is happy to see you, there is no denying of it, he feels at ease when his scanner show no sings of physical abuse, but he is flabbergasted at the amount of cortisol exuding from your little body, reaching his sensors even when he is far from being a medical frame, he calls your name, digit giving a gentle touch to your cheek, "hey", he calls out to you, "you were so brave".
He isn't sure what was it, the way he talked to you or the soft touch, but for a fleeting moment the precious light returned, Sideswipe hated to see you cry but in that moment he was close to leak from the optics too when you hug his digit tight, Sideswipe lets you hold him, as a way to assure you he was real, he wasn't going away in a very long time, he wanted to hold you too, stopping short just realizing the scars again and the way you recoiled, it hurt, of it did, so he stopped, settling for let you welcome him again in your life in the most comfortable way of your election.
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shroombell · 4 months
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ohhhh sunny’s mad
sides always tries to act cute when he knows hes in trouble 😭
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tiny-tf-faces · 4 months
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fiftyshadesofmetal · 2 months
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Sneakpeak for a valveplug post ^^ Warnings: NSFW, Sticky Valveplug, Size difference, Furry..? Quite tame considering what I usually post really
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Heres the finished thing! Been super burnt out with AF happening, but heres this with me finally finishing it loool This blog is legit turning into sideswipe with a touch of sunstreaker my god
Debating posting this to e621 ngl
Also theres has been a vore ask sitting in my ask box for ages, and i have a traditional sketch of my response that I need to turn digital. Anon, if your out there and you see this, im workin on it :,]
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Sun² (Sunstorm/Sunstreaker) has somehow now become part of A Glitch In the Matrix.
I was working on the MesoProwl build a basement baby storyline and the I was just struck by it and now I have ideas. It's very much the Cygate of this Towards Peace.
I had to share this because I have been laughing at the image of Sideswipe being absolutely gobsmacked about his brother getting with Sunstorm a good five minutes.
The Towards Peace, to Captain Glitch's horror, is destined to become just as much a love boat as the Lost Light.
(There's definitely something in the oil reserve.)
Okay but Sun² is a funny ship name
dear fuck the basement baby sounds like such a fun situation. instead of a murderous phase sixer we get a beautiful science experiment
YES, Sideswipe is just so shocked at this
Ohhh Glitch. I'm imagining he's gonna accidentally walk in on mecha more than a few times and he's gonna give them the most disapproving look ever. "Really? In front of my energon??"
I hadn't even thought to blame the oil reserve
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