#oh did my cat just sneeze aww
Sun² (Sunstorm/Sunstreaker) has somehow now become part of A Glitch In the Matrix.
I was working on the MesoProwl build a basement baby storyline and the I was just struck by it and now I have ideas. It's very much the Cygate of this Towards Peace.
I had to share this because I have been laughing at the image of Sideswipe being absolutely gobsmacked about his brother getting with Sunstorm a good five minutes.
The Towards Peace, to Captain Glitch's horror, is destined to become just as much a love boat as the Lost Light.
(There's definitely something in the oil reserve.)
Okay but Sun² is a funny ship name
dear fuck the basement baby sounds like such a fun situation. instead of a murderous phase sixer we get a beautiful science experiment
YES, Sideswipe is just so shocked at this
Ohhh Glitch. I'm imagining he's gonna accidentally walk in on mecha more than a few times and he's gonna give them the most disapproving look ever. "Really? In front of my energon??"
I hadn't even thought to blame the oil reserve
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goodlucksnez · 3 months
hi, hello, hola, bonjur, (don’t know if I spelled that right, my french origin is failing me!) so remember that poll you did that said we could vote between erasermic or huskerdust? And huskerdust won and u said to put down our ideas? Well I finally have one! Could you do one that angel and husk are cuddling and angel is petting and comforting which is causing husk to purr and husk is sick, and he’s purring and sneezing because the purring tickles his nose and gets a little annoyed at himself and angel kisses him and tells him he’s ok?
love your wavs btw (also credits to @ghostlychill for the congested purr headcanon)
thank you so much for the prompt I tried my best to make it
I present h/uskerdust cuteness
cw: purring, scratching, moaning, sneezing (duh), suggestive comments,cute nicknames
(no one gets to talk bad about my angel dust voice okay, accent are hard and i am still working on it)
*purring and cat napping husk*
Aww Whiskers. Seriously, the motorboat could wait.
*moaning and angels scratches him behind the ear*
That feel good whiskers
Shut up
Never snookums
*sniffs and rubs his nose into his chest fluff*
OH we gonna take motorboat to a whole new extreme, aren't we? You enjoying the fluff?
 If you don't shut up. I'll rip it off.
You know, I ain't afraid of a little pain.
*Sneezes into fluff*
Hey, watch the merchandise, baby? Do you know how much I'm worth?
Mm-hmm. And you're free to. *hitch*
 Ohh no, no, no no, no.
*grabs his nose*
Ugh Thanks.  I don’t know what’s *stifles in angles hand* fuck
 I think you have a cold.
No I dont
right, so you just like sneezing on my tits do you?
Do You have to say it like that.
 What? The truth? I thought you adored that.
Too tired to argue with you
 You want some scratches, kitten?
*purring and groaning*
 Oh, we haven't even gone anywhere and you're already moaning.
Shut up.
*Scratches and hitches and sneezes*
Aww bless you. Bless you. Goodness. That kitten noses of yours is mad at you.
You know it's all connected, right?
Vocal cords and my nose *sneezes*
Are you telling me that you're sneezin’ because you're a cute little purr? Ohh, that's just hysterical.
It's not funny
Ohh, come on, little funny. Gotta admit that.
I don’t think it's that funny Angel
Ohh. Of course not kitten You know you wanna cuddle all this.
 You know, most people aren't really thrilled to cuddle a arachnid. There's a whole phobia against it.
The only phobia that I see is you being alone now, come here.
You do not get a complain if I sneeze on your tits
Never I’ll never, ever complain about any of your fuckin fluids on me. I mean, look at your cute little nose already bursting. *bops his nose*
 Angel, I don't want to sneeze anymore, so if you don't mind, could you refrain from messing with it.
Bless you.*kisses* You just fall asleep now Whiskers and let Daddy take care of everything.
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3ggsnbutter · 6 months
Hi I just came across your pinned post and I was wondering if you could write like a short huskerdust sickfic with hurt/comfort?
Just no one really writes sickfics about them and I just like reading about one person being clingy or something while sick and the other person taking care of them ;-;
If you're not comfortable with sickfics I understand :3!
It's been a few weeks since the new hotel was built, angel dust just got home after a long shoot and went straight to the bar where husk resides.
"mm hey husky, can I get a-"
"sex on the beach?, as always" husk grabs his bottle and started making the cocktail.
"you know me so well husky~" Angel dust leaned onto the counter looking flirty as always.
Husk gave the drink over to angel and just stood there and watch him drink it.
Before angel could drink it he suddenly freezed and sneezed, making him spill his drink.
"woah there legs, that sounds serious are ya comin down with something?" Husk got closer to angel and put his hand and angels forehead obviously catching the spider off guard
"your heating up you should get to bed, give me that" the cat demon grabbed angels drink
"aww what are you gonna take care of me and put on a hot doctors outfit~" Angel played with husks wings
"c'mon no time for kidding" husk put his hand out waiting for angel to hold it
"aw got soft there huh whiskers?" Angel smirked and held husks hand
They arrived at angels room husk making angel get on his bed
"c'mon now legs just get on your bed and rest"
"aww I liked flirting with you tho" angel got on his bed and husk felt his temperature again
"Jesus Christ, your burning up quick how the hell did you get sick?"
"mm maybe it was because the scene we did was like havin sex in the rain you know, wasn't actually rain, Val didn't really let me dry off immediately" slowly after fat nuggets waddled over to angel
"son of a bitch of course he's the reason your sick" husk thought to himself before heading to angels wardrobe to grab something for him to change into
"here get changed its not good for you to sleep in those" husk handed over the clothes to angel
"aw you gonna watch me change husky~?" Angel started to unbutton his shirt as he watched husk leave the room
"in yer dreams legs, you have my number just call me if you need help-"
"wait, don't go yet stay please I don't want to be alone" angel looked sincere so husk stayed but looked the other way from him.
"hah just cuz your sick don't mean I'm gonna wear your frilly dresses"
"didnt catch you for the clingy type" husk just scanned angels room, from the various posters from the movies he made and also posters of him as a drag queen.
"what's so fun bout dressin up as a girl?"
"it's fun, feels freein barely get to feel that y'know, yeah I like bein a boy but beein a woman is nice too sometimes maybe you should try one of my dresses"
"hah, no I'm not wearing your frilly dresses"
Angel laughed and husk did soon after.
Angel woke up from his nap seeing husk beside his bed just scrolling through his phone and angel reached out and held husks hand
"oh- how are you feeling?" Husk stopped what he was doing and faced towards angel and rubbed angels hand
"heh your acting like my boyfriend~" angel leaned his head up
That comment made husker blush "tch- just lay down"
"you didn't deny it~"
"shut up!" Husk blush turned a bit more red
Angel laughed at his reaction while still holding his hand. Slowly after husk smiled at him and just sat there talking with him.
Hey hoped you liked this I tried my best sorry if it's a little weird I never did this type of fic before
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Incorrect Quotes Generator: Two Aces II
Dani: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’ Jamie: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
Dani: I made this friendship bracelet for you. Jamie: You know, I’m not really a jewelry person. Dani: You don’t have to wear… Jamie: No, I’m gonna wear it forever. Back off.
Dani: Who hurt you? Jamie: *snorting* What, do you want a list? Dani: ...Yes, actually.
Jamie: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake? Dani: Aww- Jamie: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Dani: How many vampires do you think have been hit by a car backing up in a parking lot because the driver couldn’t see their reflection? Jamie: I’ve never considered it but you’re really shining light on what’s probably a very serious issue.
Dani: What's worse than a heartbreak? Jamie: Stepping on a cat's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
Dani: I’m afraid of clowns. There, I said it. Jamie: Dani, if you don't like clowns, why are you hanging with Zava?
Sam: Dani just insisted Jamie and I remember a code word in case we’re ever confronted by their clone or a cyborg doppelgänger and we’re not sure which is the real them and which is the imposter. Sam: Some families have a fire escape plan, but not us.
Dani: *kisses Jamie* Jamie: ! Dani: ...Did you steal my chapstick? Jamie: Did- did I what? Dani: My chapstick, Jamie. Did you steal it? Sam: Dani, for the love of God, not this again. Jamie: I- No, I didn't steal your chapstick. We use the same chapstick. Dani: No, there is absolutely no way we use the same chapstick, because it was only sold on one Etsy shop two years ago and they discontinued it, and I loved it so much that I bought the last of their stock, and I keep it in my freezer so it doesn't go bad. It's been discontinued for three years. No one uses the same chapstick for three years. So unless you've been eating a whole fuck ton of something that's flavored like chocolate and popcorn, you absolutely stole my fucking chapstick. Jamie: Chocolate and popcorn? Sam: Why do you think it got discontinued?
Jamie: All in all, a 100% successful trip. Dani: But we lost Zava. Jamie: All in all, a 100% successful trip!
*Dani sneezes* Jamie: Dani, are you sick? Here, let me wrap you in a blanket and hand-feed you some warm soup while singing you a lullaby! *Zava sneezes* Jamie: Oh my god. Shut the hell up.
Zava: The best way to gain someone's undying loyalty is by saving them from a perilous situation. Jamie: So you're just gonna wait until Dani is in danger and save them? Zava: Of course not, I'm going to create a situation that puts them in danger and then save them. Jamie: ... Jamie: You're insane.
Keeley: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something! Jamie: You left me, Dani, and Roy in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago. Keeley: I did that on purpose, try again.
Dani: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?? Jamie: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔 Keeley: Why were you microwaving a lemon??? Jamie: I read boiling lemons helps cover up up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges) but I didn't own any pots. Roy: Did you burn an orange too? How??? Jamie: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
Dani: Time sensitive question how flirt boy. Roy: Throw rocks at he. Jamie: Hot Dogs. Keeley: Kill him. Dani: Thanks guys.
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ga-yuu · 2 years
[Tail On Instinct - What If I Were A (Horny!) Cat] - Yasuchika Story
On my way home from a house call, I treated an injured cat demon---
My kindness backfired, and I was transformed into a cat,
He thought turning me into a cat would be a great act of gratitude because 'Cats are cute.'
(I don't think I want to be a cat. I never thought once in my life I'd actually turn into a cat...)
For the time being, I was able to return to Yasuchika-san's mansion but now I'm hiding under the bridge.
(What am I supposed to do?... Yasuchika-san is allergic to cats)
(However, I can't stay like this forever...what should I do?)
At that moment, a shadow appeared, blocking the sunlight that was shining in.
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Yasuchika: "Playing hide and seek in a place like this?"
All the hairs on my body stood up as I was startled by the sudden appearance of Yasuchika.
Yasuchika: "Sorry sorry. Did I surprise you? I didn't mean to do that."
His long hands easily picked me up.
When I noticed that he was not sneezing like usual when he touched a cat, I assumed that he used some kind of Onmyoji spells on him. (Just make him a god at this point! This guy can do anything...and if he could do it then why not do it all the time when he wants to pat a cat!)
Yasuchika: "You're Yoshino-san, right?"
(He already noticed! As expected of you, Yasuchika-san)
(Yes! It's me, Yoshino!)
I replied with a 'meow' and he nods his head too.
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Yasuchika: "There there. It's alright. I'm here now."
Yasuchika: "How about we go inside and talk."
When he brought me to his room....
The very next moment, I felt my body heating up and I returned to my human form.
Yoshino: "Thank god! I'm back..!"
I was almost about to jump with joy but I noticed a long tail extending from my waist.
Yoshino: "Why!?"
Yasuchika: "Also, you still have cat ears."
Yoshino: "! No way...!"
When I touched the top of my head, I feel fluffy triangular ears.
(Looks like the spell on me was only solved halfway through..but before that)
Yoshino: "Thank you, Yasuchika-san...for helping me earlier even though you're allergic to cats..."
Yasuchika: "I think you should worry about yourself first."
Yasuchika: "So what happened?"
Yoshino: "Well..."
We sat down and explained to Yasuchika-san how he had turned into a cat.
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Yasuchika: "I see. What an interesting ideology that demon has."
Yasuchika: "If he had done that to me, I'd put a hair-loss spell on him or something!"
Yoshino: "That poor thing...please don't do something like that!"
Yasuchika: "If you say so."
Yasuchika: "Anyways, don't worry. You will return back to normal in no time."
Yoshino: "Really?"
Yasuchika: "Yeah, judging from the magic spell that was casted on you, that demon is not that powerful."
(He already sensed that too..as expected of the genius Onmyoji)
Yasuchika: "But still....if all cats were like Yoshino-san, they'd be so cute."
Yasuchika: "Hey, can I touch your ears?"
Yoshino: "Ah, yes. Go ahead."
Yasuchika-san was surprisingly interested, reaching for the fluffy ear.
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Yasuchika: "Wow...so this what cat ears feels like."
Yasuchika: "Soft and squishy...strange."
(He seems interested, but his hand movements feel awkward...)
(Probably because he's not used to touching cats)
Yasuchika: "Yoshino..paw!"
Yoshino: "Why? I'm not a dog."
Yasuchika: "Aww, that's a pity."
He laughs and hugs my waist.
He makes me sit on his lap and holds me from behind.
Yasuchika: "I'm not used to patting cats. So can you teach me how to pat a cat?"
Yoshino: "Well.. cats like it when you scratch under their chin."
Yasuchika: "Oh? You mean like this?"
His long fingers tickle and stroke the area under my chin.
The touch was unexpectedly pleasant and I found myself entranced and closing my eyes.
(Oh..I feel so sensitive...It feels good)
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Yasuchika: "You look like you're melting just from this...you love this so much, don't you?"
Yasuchika: "What next? Where and how do you want me to touch you?"
In a happy mood, he pecks my lip.
Yoshino: "...I also like to have my back and waist stroked."
Yasuchika: "Sure."
He flipped my body and made me sit facing him on his lap.
He gently rubbed my back up and down gently and a sweet numbness runs up.
Seeing me twisting my body with pleasure, Yasuchika-san giggles.
Yasuchika: "I'm just lightly rubbing your back and you're already looking like this. How amazing."
Yasuchika: "I thought I'd never understand, but maybe just a little bit I now I understand why people love cats."
Yoshino: "..Mmm..Yasuchika-san..."
I take his hands that were rubbing my back and guided it to my waist.
Yoshino: "Here, slap me here..."
Yasuchika: "How can I refuse such a lovely request?"
He gently tapped my waist and rubbed them gently.
Yoshino: "Umm...more.."
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Yasuchika: "Do you prefer to be slapped hard? Such a selfish kitty."
With a happy smile, Yasuchika-san does what I asked for...
(He's not touching me directly...)
In the midst of blurring consciousness, the desire to be touched more comes up...
Yasuchika: "Raise your head, Yoshino-san?"
Yoshino: "Mm..."
I lost my patience with that kiss and took my own lips even deeper.
Yasuchika: "You're hornier than usual...is it because you're a cat now?"
In the midst of the kiss, he untied my obi sash and loosened my kimono.
Yoshino: "Yasuchika-san, hurry..."
Yasuchika: "Don't be in a hurry, it's all right..."
The moment he buried his face in my breasts, I felt the ears on my head twitch and quiver.
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Yasuchika: "Greedy, impatient...a cute kitty who loves to feel good."
Yasuchika: "Until you're satisfied, I'll take care of you."
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Canine Cat-astrophe: Chapter 2
The smoke cleared to reveal two animals in Balan's and Lance's places. One was a fluffy dog that sported white and teal fur. It was, however, wearing an oh-so-familiar top hat on its head.
The other animal was a small cat that lay in a loaf position. The top half of its face was purple while the rest of its body was white. On its head and back were small, but familiar black tentacles. The same pointy elf-like ears that Lance had were on the feline.
Emma and Leo gazed at the two animals before they put two and two together and gasped. "Balan!? Lance!?" Emma cried. "But…how did this happen!?"
"The ingredient that I thought was salt must have done this," Leo guessed. "If only I had read the label, maybe this wouldn't have happened… I'm so sorry, Balan and Lance."
Balan just panted as he looked up at Leo before he decided to knock Leo down and attack him…with puppy kisses. "Gah!" The blonde-haired boy was surprised at Balan's response. Meanwhile, Emma just giggled before she felt something softly bat her leg. She looked down and saw Lance batting her leg while purring up a storm.
"Aww, hello." Emma smiled and gently pet Lance's back, earning more purrs from the elf-kitty. "You look so cute as a kitty. Though, you'll have to be turned back to your original self."
"Leo? Emma?" Mei's voice called out. "Have you guys seen Balan and Lance? Kaylo and the others haven't heard from them in a while. Are they okay?" She entered the dining room and stopped when she saw the dog and the cat. "Uh, where did those animals come from?"
"Don't freak out but, these animals are Balan and Lance." Emma sweatdropped, feeling Lance headbutt her cheek gently. His whiskers ticked Emma's skin, making her almost giggle. "They were turned into a dog and a cat."
"H-Huh!?" Mei was shook upon hearing the news. Balan and Lance were transformed into animals!? How did this happen!? Since they were in Wonderworld, odds are, something magic-related happened to them. But what? "This isn't good, especially since…Aria's highly allergic to dogs…"
"What do we do, Mei?" Leo asked. He still felt Balan's tongue brush up against him.
"Let's talk to the others first." Mei motioned for Leo and Emma to follow.
(At the Isle of Tims)
Kaylo, Aria, Rebecca, Trisha Jane, and the twelve Inhabitants gazed in shock at the dog and the cat that followed Leo and Emma to the place. Aria, however, couldn't stay shocked for long as her eyes began to water, her vision getting blurry.
"Oh no… My allergies are acting up…" Aria groaned, feeling the urge to sneeze. "H-Has anyone seen my purse? My allergy medicine is in there…"
"I didn't know that you were allergic to dogs," Iben said, handing Aria her purse.
"Highly allergic." Aria took some of the allergy medicine with water. "If a dog sheds fur, I have a sneezing fit. But if I'm unfortunate enough to get licked by one, that's when I get hives…"
Iben flinched, already imagining how painful it sounded.
"So how did Balan and Lance get turned into a dog and a cat?" Cal asked, tapping a finger to his chin.
"I accidentally added an ingredient inside the soup that Emma and I made for them," Leo confessed. "It looked exactly like salt, but after they took a bite out of it, I soon realized that it wasn't salt."
"Is the ingredient still in the kitchen?" Sana asked. She gently scratched Balan's ear, earning happy pants from him.
"It should be." Leo nodded. "I only remember putting it back on the shelf after I used it. I didn't take it with me. It was in a glass jar with a red lid."
"We have to find a way to bring Balan and Lance back to normal," Attilio said. "But we also have to make sure that they're watched so that way they won't wander off."
"I have an idea," Jose said. "We'll have to split into three groups. One group shall head to the library so we can look through the books and see what that ingredient was that they consumed. Another group will take care of Lance and the third group will take care of Balan."
"I love kitties!" Cass said. "So I'll watch Lance. And besides, I've been taking good care of Daisy. So I know what I'm doing."
"I'll stick with Cass in watching Lance," Aria said. "If I'm around Balan for too long, my allergies will act up again. I'm not allergic to cats, fortunately. Also, I'm a cat person too."
"Sana, want to watch Balan with me?" Eis asked.
"I'm in!" Sana said.
"So are we!" Kaylo and Trisha Jane said in unison.
Soon, the three groups were formed. Balan's group consisted of Jose, Fiona, Sana, Eis, Kaylo, Trisha Jane, and Leo.
Lance's group consisted of Emma, Yuri, Cass, Iben, Aria, Rebecca, and Bruce.
All the last group that would try to search for a way to bring Balan and Lance back to normal consisted of Mei, Haoyu, Cal, Attilio, and Lucy.
"Alright, darlings!" Lucy cried. "Let's get to work!"
Kaylo belongs to @kayssweetdreams
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Aria belongs to me.
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a-regular-ol-pill · 2 years
Okay so I can't fucking move on from what Tumblr did 'nd I'm try'na see if Tumblr will eat this one up. This is my very long shitpost of MHA, when my writing was quite dogshit and I couldn't control my hormones. 13k words of absolute shit. Oh yeah, I self-inserted myself as well. Let's see if Tumblr will post this.
I purred silently as I used my cat form to walk around the school campus. My rebellious body decided to wake up early, and here I was. Waiting for the school bell and acting as a cat to trick people into petting me. I set my eyes on my homeroom teacher, Eraserhead, and casually jumped onto the window. Then down to his desk. He looked fairly surprised, I was disappointed with that and licked my paw.
He continued his work, but suddenly stopped once I stretched and laid down. The cold table felt so good, and I closed my eyes. Wagging my tail eagerly. To my surprise, I felt his oddly smooth hand rub my head, and I purred, opening one eye to catch him smiling. I leaned my chin up as he started rubbing my neck. But I had to jump away and hiss at Midnight.
Where did she come from? I didn't feel anything when Eraserhead was petting me! "You poor thing, I'm so sorry for startling you. You just looked so adorable!" She cooed, ringing my collar, I relax and lean againts her as she took me in her arms. "Don't victim the cat with your dress-up's, Midnight." Dress-up's? The hell was he talking about?
"Don't worry. I won't. This little fellow's fur is just the softest thing! Kioshi am I right?" She cooed again, nuzzling my note and making me sneeze from her perfume. It smelled awful. But that made her squeal and coo even more. I got away from her hold and trudged inside the school, hearing her say goodbye while I skipped towards the railings. I remember crossing out my quirk in the stack of papers and grinned. I loved how my quirk benefits me a lot.
I knew they've watched me in the entrance exam. But it was only half of my true form. They couldn't realize it was me. They'd think my quirk was related to a feline species and just ignore the scratch marks on my quirk section. I notice a lot of curious glances at me from the third years, but I brushed them off and let my tail curl as I reached the front of my classroom. I laid down on the railing and took a nice, long nap.
Well, not really long. Since after a few minutes that I closed my eyes, I heard a loud squeal, then felt myself being picked up from the railing. I hissed and squirmed, but paused once seeing who the person was. It was the acid girl that I saw in the entrance exam.. "Awww, you're so cute! Ki-oshi..? Your fur is so soft, can I keep you?!" She squealed, hugging me tightly and jumping up and down. I felt dizzy, and jumped out of her grasp.
Licking myself right after to get her scent off me. I didn't like anything strawberry related.. "Aww, c'mon. I'm sorry I scared you!" She exclaimed. Leaning close to me and tapping my nose. I sneezed and jumped up the railing. Noticing how she was laying down and not caring if her uniform was wrinkled or not. I debated or not whether to show my true form or not, but didn't once I realized how she'll freak out.
Who knows what she'll make me do out of her imagination.
Just then, I saw a familiar face and purred to catch his attention. Ojiro didn't notice it at first, but when he felt two eyes on him. He turned and smiled at our direction. He recognized who I was, and called out my name but nothing more. The girl turned back to me, rung my collar and pet me one last time before skipping away with a purple haired girl glancing at my direction. I licked my paw, but laid back down again.
I was able to sleep, and woke up just a few more minutes before the bell could ring. I jumped down and used my four legs to go to the boys bathroom and turn back to my form. I went back, stopped after I saw three people outside, and went in after they did. Eraserhead looked at me blankly and sighed.
"Your sister?" He asked. I took out a blood bag and opened it. There came my sister, she looked surprised and greeted the teacher immediately. "Good, go into your seats. I do not want what you did earlier to happen again. Do you understand, Kioshi?" Nevermind. I wasn't as slick as I thought. Thea looked at me and gave me a look. "Yes teacher." I answered. Me and my sister got seats next to each other while I gave her, her bag.
She created a blood template of a thank you while we turned to listen to Eraserhead. I only got dizzy at what he said. We'll get expelled on the first day? Seriously? Thea gave me a look and we went to the lockers to change into our gym outfits. "You did it again, did you?" Ojiro whispered once I put on the shirts. I nodded and purred once he rubbed my head. "Couldn't fool them. I think they study the student ID's before the principal turns them into copies." I added.
Suddenly, a yellow haired student went over and asked; "What did you do? I'm kind of curious, you just look like a normal guy. Your sister too!" He asked, I noticed that when he looked at me and my sister up and down. Kind of rude, considering the fact that he looked like Pikachu. "He- kind of- sort of.. broke into the teacher's office."
His jaw dropped, and Ojiro facepalmed. "Let's just go, Kioshi." Ojiro dragged me away while I gently meowed in disappointment. He sighed as we reached the backdoor area. "Don't use that againts me... you know I can't resist." He whispered. I laughed softly and nodded, turning around and waving my sister over. She looked happy to see Ojiro, and hugged him. They said their greetings and chatted, until Eraserhead catched our attentions.
I remembered my collar and smiled once Thea handed it to me. The quirk apprehension was alright. That was, until he made us give examples to the long distance throwing exercise. First is was a kid who scored highest on the entrance exam. And the next was the... sixth if I could recall correctly. But then, lastly and out of the blue. He called for me and Thea.
We sheepishly walk over to him, my collar ringing softly as we did. All the class' eyes were on us as Eraserhead handed my sister the ball. She looked hesitant but went to the circle, and used a blood catapult replica on her hand to throw the thing. She reached a good 762.3 and ran over to me crying right after. Eraserhead gave me a knowing look, but when I just comforted my sister, he sighed in annoyance.
"You twins are gonna make me have a headache." He mumbled out, taking something from the weapon around his neck. "Why did you choose us, then?" She asked. He pointed to the camera near the field and showed me a laser. I perked up as Thea pulled away from me. "Your dad wanted to see how his twins were doing." He turned on the laser and I perked up again. Thea nudged me and tried to make me look away, but I couldn't.
Not when he pointed the red light on the floor. I reacted on instinct and jumped on the thing, being disappointed when I didn't catch it, but following it to the circle. My other form already showing once Eraserhead threw the ball over to me and turned off the light. I sat down, purring in defeat and not really caring about the class finding out because of how upset I was.
He sighed, turned on the light as a small droplet of blood rung my collar. I chased the light for a few more minutes until I went back and felt motivated to throw the ball. My tail wagged eagerly while he started a countdown for me. My ear twitched at a small squeak, then I used my claws to propel the ball. Hard. I wagged my tail right after and looked at Eraserhead expectantly. Thea gave me a ball with a bell inside. And I ran to her side to play with it. Sitting on the dirt while doing so.
I felt embarrassed, but my instinct didn't register it for me because I was allured by the ball. I kept playing with it until I heard my score, and snapped back into reality. "875.1. But you still couldn't help yourself with basic cat toys." He said, I stood up, brushed myself off and awkwardly gave him back the ball. I wagged my tail and kept my form until the end.
Eraserhead told us that he lied about expelling us, but when me and my sister shared a look. We knew it wasn't the case. I went to visit my dad and peaked in from his classroom in my cat form. He saw me, picked me up and put me on his head. I stayed there until the bell rung, and a few students came to look at me and ask if he owns me. Of course, he said yes and put me down after all of them left.
I sat in his desk and purred once he pet me. "There you are, kid. Where's your sister? I bet both of you did so good at the test!" He asked. I went to the floor and turned back into my other form. "She's at the clsssroom, and we did alright. Great, even! Mr. Aizawa was being hard on us. As usual, but for some reason. He didn't expel anyone." I said, blinking once his smile grew. "Ah, well, you should take your lunch. Make some more friends other than Ojiro! Okay?" He kissed my forehead. "Love you."
"I will, thanks dad. I love you too."
Right on cue, a trail of blood suddenly dragged me by my tail, and I hissed and cried out in pain. Glaring at my sister who bursted out laughing, thankfully we were in a secluded hallway. So no one knew what was happening. "Dad said to make friends. Not do this thing to me in the hallway. Let go of my tail!" I exclaimed, landing on my legs once she did. "Why though? Did he said anything specific to us making friends?" She asked.
I shook my head and turned back to my human form. "He said to make friends other than Ojiro. He wants to help us adjust being in school again." I shrugged. She huffed in annoyance and I sniffed her scent. "Can I-." ; "Hell no! You're not grooming me in school." She cut me off humorously. Storming off as I slumped my shoulders, then jiggled my collar, following her to the cafeteria and meowing to her when she started ignoring me.
Sometimes, I wonder how she can ignore my tempting meows. No one ignored it instead of her. I kept trying to get her attention and finally just turned into a cat and meowed loudly. I could tell she was gonna lose her shit, and in a 'I'm gonna fucking cuddle this bitch' way. I kept trying to get her attention, and she finally snapped. Taking me into her arms and squeezing the life out of me. I wheezed and jumped away from her.
But the look she gave me made me jump. I ran away from her and jumped onto the ceiling, hissing when she tried to climb up. Forgetting that she could've used her quirk to catch me. "Come back down you cat! I need to squeeze you!" She shouted, catching the attention of the person with the legs quirk from our classroom. "You're disturbing the poor cat! This is mental abuse for the animal!" He exclaimed. But she just elbowed him and tried to reach me, but I jumped onto the guy's head.
"You little!" She shouted, the guy took off and ran with me. I laid on his head nonchalantly while he did my work for me. Chasing my sister away and putting me down in a small bathroom. "You're safe now. How'd you even get into school grounds?" He cooed, rubbing my fur and jiggling my collar. Then he read my name. I meowed in victory and turned into my human form, shyly laughing once his eyes widened from surprise.
"I'm... a cat. Y'know? I got so needy for her attention and made her chase me around for fun." I slurred, noticing him cover his face and slump his shoulders. I started to panic and tried to ease away the depressing aura he was giving off. I became braindead and ended up using my tail to try and soothe his nerves. Luckily, it worked, but unfortunately. Someone went inside the bathroom, took a good long look at us before running away.
Sure enough, my sister came in, pulled me by my cat ears and dragged me away. I thrashed, and hissed, but was powerless againts her pulling my ear. I kept my tail low and meowed againts her after she made me sit down. My tail felt uncomfortable when I didn't take my time sitting properly. She's torturing me, basically. I wagged my tail in annoyance when she used her quirk to keep it there. I kept whining and meowing to get her quirk away, catching other students attention. Much to my self confidence.
I eventually slumped my shoulders and swayed my tail to calm myself down. I sniffed out the scent of my sister's food and perked up. I looked at her with eyes that can be described as adorable and meowed.
When she ignored me, I wagged my tail even more and nuzzled her cheek to catch her attention, purring softly. I notice a few of the girls in class running in our direction, and I jumped, hissing once an invisible hand grabbed my tail. "Your fur is so soft! And you sound so adorable, we couldn't resist!" The pink girl petted my head while the invisible one felt my tail. I jumped away in annoyance and realized what I've been doing for the last few minutes.
My face turned red, and I slowly turned back into my human form, hearing murmurs and whines from the group of girls that went to check me out. "C'mon!! We wanna see moreeee, your sister can agree, she's been biting her teeth ever since you kept acting like a cat, right?!"
"P-please no, I was just getting carried away." I mumbled, shooting my sister a desperate look as she covered her mouth. Barely keeping in her laughter while she watched me get my cheeks squished by Mina. Who introduced the rest of them, at least. "You guys are twins, how come your quirks aren't the same?" Jirou asked, tilting her head at me. I hid my face with my tail- Which I was forced to do because Hagakure made me turn back and pet my head.
"Our dad has a history of blood related quirks, sure. But our half grandma had an affair and a line of mostly catboys continued, it stopped for a few years, but it passed on to him, apparently." Thea explained, sending me a grin while I slyly raised a middle finger at her. My paws weren't showing it much though. They were really chubby. "Ohh... can I keep him?" I jumped up at the question, looked at Thea with pleading eyes and shook my head no repeatedly.
My ears twitched and I turned into a cat to snuggle close to her. They cooed and pet me while she just laughed and grinned. I nudged her with my head and meowed loudly when Mina picked me up. "You're mine now!" She exclaimed, kissing my forehead repeatedly and squeezing me. I gave up and sneezed upon smelling the perfume that neared me. "Oh! Yaomomo! You heard of Kioshi right? Here he is!" Mina showed me off to the ponytailed Yaoyorozu, and I sneezed again.
Expensive perfume. She must be stacked as hell. "Aww, you're so cute! Your fur must be groomed a lot. It's so soft." She pet my head and brushed my fur. I meowed to my sister, and she finally pulled me away from them. After that. I hid behind her and turned back into my human form, puffing my cheeks because my instincts was still there. I groomed her hair and followed her when she excused the both of us and ran away. I kept grooming her hair right after, she had to pull me away and laugh.
"You didn't help me. I'm hungry." I mumbled childishly, seeing her roll her eyes and take out a packet of treats she bought from outside. I lightened up and purred while she fed me the treats. I ended up tearing the whole packet and running away with it to the teacher's lounge as a cat. I ate my treats there and even got a few pets from Cementoss. Which was oddly comforting, but it was alright, at least I knew they know who I am.
I licked my paws after I finished and took the plastic to the trashcan, still too lazy to turn back. I went to the 1-A classroom and sat laying on my desk until the bell rung. I turned back into my form, shaking off my sleepiness and listened to Cemetoss' lesson. He occasionally looked at me and smiled, because I think he kept remembering earlier. The lesson continued until the end of the day. And I stayed behind to walk with my sister to the nurse's office.
We found Midoriya there, we waited for him and greeted him as he walked out. He seemed out of it, so I just jumped on his head- Still as a cat and laid there until he noticed me and my sister. I also didn't notice Uraraka and Iida joining in to befriend the green haired guy. They talked, we all befriended each other, then I ran to my sister when she took off, past the bus stop.
"Kioshi-kun! Wait!" Uraraka shouted, I stopped and turned to them. Tilting my head and meowing. "Be careful not to get taken away as a cat, your fur is quite a rare one to breed from cats!" Midoriya exclaimed, they waved their hands while I wagged my tail and continued running. I turned into my half form around a corner and sniffed out where my sister went.
I found her in a shop, went behind her and wagged my tail eagerly. She noticed me, and turned around to pet my head. Laughing at how late I was to reach her. I raised my tail and followed her around, until I bumped into someone with a lizard like quirk. I got curious and trailed away to sniff the person out. I found the man in a video game store and sniffed their scent. They were... visibly surprised to say the list. And I wasn't in the right mind to think about how reckless I was being.
"Who the heck-?!" He turned around and froze upon seeing me. I casually raised my tail and smiled, not noticing that I was showing off my fangs and acted normal. "I got curious by your scent and appearance. I liked the saltwater perfume, I'm just saying. Sorry for acting like a creep." I told them, his face turned red when I sniffed his neck. "D-don't do things li-like that in.. public." He exclaimed, I only purred and felt my eyes going droopy. Uh oh. I should turn back.
"Sorry, sorry.. I'm Kioshi Sekijiro. You must look quite cute with your hair up.." I told him, looking down and taking a step back. He still looked surprised and stared at me, until I turned back into my human form. "S-Shuichi Iguchi." He finally responded. I wanted to know more and was about to ask for his preferences, until someone grabbed my hair and groaned. "C'mon! Dad'll be upset if we don't get back!" Thea shouted, making me whine and grab her wrist, nodding.
"Okay. I'm coming. I'll see you soon, Iguchi." I eyed his paper bag and looked back at his adorable face. He shyly walked away while I was being dragged all the way back home. I made sure to take a long sleep when I reached my bed.
When I woke up, I went downstairs to my dad. He looked so happy to see me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I hugged him back of course, and realized why he was so happy in the first place. My sister was behind me, and was greeting the both of us. It was quite weird, but I shrugged it off once we ate breakfast together. Small chats were shared, and I couldn't help but remember Iguchi from the stores. He surely looked a few years older than me. So how was he that shy?
Maybe it's just how it was, but I'll pry some information after I find him again. I took a shower right after my sister, then groomed my hair and tail so I could keep my fur soft. I went to school with Thea and Kan before exploring more of the school as a cat. I overheard All Might and Principal Nezo talking, but I didn't want to snoop and continued exploring the school.
After I got bored, I laid down on my desk in the classroom, and watched my classmates walk in. Aoyama had the most interest, and picked me up, with a twinkle in his eyes that made my heart flutter. The genuine adoration he had, and when he placed me down with a kiss on my head.. Holy shit, I may or may not have caught feelings for him already.
I watched him sit down on his desk and looked down. My tail wagging eagerly from the feelings I fully formed for him. I should try to be friends with him, but he doesn't seem to be the type to get attached to people, sadly.. My ears drooped from the thought, but suddenly, Mineta appeared infront of me. Making me hiss and jump away from the shock. "Tell me your secret..!"
I blinked at him and jumped down to turn back into my human form. "Secret?" I asked, tilting my head. Sero and Kaminari walked behind him and gave me the same look that Mineta was giving me. I felt a bit scared and noticed Kirishima walking over. Wrapping his arm around Sero. "You're popular with the girls my dude, are you oblivious or what?" He asked, grinning and rubbing my head. I was surprised at the contact and purred when he pet me. "No I'm not.. they scare me." I mumbled. Kaminari jumped in and pointed at me. Up and down.
"Why're you scared of them? You're literally a lady's guy, and you even have a sister!" He explained, I curled back and squeaked when Mineta clutched onto my leg. "Tell me!" I felt myself grow increasingly scared, and tears filled my eyes. I ended up curled into a corner, crying with most of them trying to apologize, while Mineta just screams and tries to get away from Shouji's strong grip. After awhile of me crying, and them trying to get me to stop. My sister walked in. Immediately running to my side after seeing me.
I clung onto her and sniffled my cries as she asked them what had happened. They all pointed to Mineta, and he was immediately thrown out of the room with a loud thud. She then petted my head to comfort me. "Please don't confront him like how Mineta did. He's gonna have a mental breakdown because he overthinks subconsciously.." She told them. "How does he do that subconciously?"
I shook her shoulders and wiped my cheeks before looking at them. "I don't know. I guess it's a cat trait.." I answered. Kirishima then made me stand up while apologizing for making me feel stressed. I told them it was fine and smiled. "Are we friends now or what?" Sero asked, grinning. I nodded politely and answered; "We're friends.." They all cheered and Kirishima ruffled my hair. "Heck yeah!" Kaminari shouted, shouting to everyone that I'm friends with them now as well. Oh boy... I didn't sign up for that.
After Present Mic's class and lunch, we were greeted by All Might making a mighty appearance. I changed into my hero costume and writhed at the soft cotton. I activated my quirk so I fit the suit, and went out with everyone to the training grounds. The whole thing was... huge. To say the least, but sadly. We'll only be using one building to fight each other in. Villian and Heroes. What could go wrong, except for everything?
All Might drew some balls from each box. And my eyes lit up at the red colored one. I lowered myself once All Might noticed that I was eyeing the tennis ball. Thea nudged me, and I turned to look at her apologetically. I turned back as he continued drawing the lots. And to my surprise, me and my sister became a part of the hero's side to fight againts whoever team was left to try and re-claim their win. We watched as the teams fought and only one of them won.
Midoriya's and Bakugo's was the most intense one. Lasting until the time limit, and the building exploding due to Bakugo's ignorance. Aside from me absolutely being flustered on how much Aoyama stood out during his fight, in the end. We got to fight againts Ojiro and Hagakure. One look at my sister, and I jumped up from the terrifying look. "No hard feelings, okay?" Ojiro whispered, waving to me as they both left to set up where the bomb was. I dozed off, glancing at my sister while we went and waited outside where the assigned building was.
I wore the bluetooth thingy majigy in my ear and waited next to my sister. We tested to see if he could hear the audio, then he instructed us to go inside on his signal. I looked to see if my sister will give me the look as well. And she did. I slowly lowered my ears and hid whatever she had given me there. It twitched for a moment of not getting used to the way it folded, then I look at her after All Might started the countdown. She looked back at me and I jumped again at her look. "I think it's obvious how they'll go to defend the bomb."
I shook my head. "We can't uncover how Hagakure's plan would work, because Todoroki-." I tried to counter what she was saying, but she just pushed me to the wall and groaned. I lowered my head in slight worry. This was all a part of the plan, after all. "Don't overthink it. We've been through this before." She winked and walked off. I stayed behind before following her. Hearing a few footsteps behind me and turning around with a soft hiss. I softened up when I saw no one. My tail dropped, and I felt something freeze on it before I heard running.
I searched for my sister and tried to follow the footsteps as I could, but I got lost. I climbed through a few flight of stairs and stopped when I felt a breeze rush past me. I raised my tail and looked where the breeze went. It was Hagakure trying to drive me away from the bomb. I tapped the thingy majigy and sneezed for a moment. Before talking. "Search the.. fourth floor. I'll search on the fifth so you can ready up for an attack." ; "Nice find. Just shout when you're in trouble."
I nodded instinctively and heard soft movements running away from me. Hagakure was gonna rely on Ojiro to protect the bomb and have a fight againts my sister. That's smart, but it was apart of our plan. I gently pressed my ear againts the wall and heard Ojiro's foot, anxiously tapping the floor. I followed where it went, and fell over after the door I pressed my ear againts forced itself open. I sneezed and quickly got up, seeing Ojiro cover his mouth and chuckle.
"Will this be like our previous childhood fighting?" I asked, trying to humor him as he shook his head. "Not really." Then, he got into a fighting stance. I watched his movement and lowered my ear with the item that my sister had given me. He noticed this, and used his tail to charge forward. I crouched to dodge his movement and grab ahold of his tail, he winced and unexpectedly threw me above him, but I regained my focus and pulled him with me.
He countered my movement and pinned me down instead. Stepping on my tail and making me hiss. I react with my instinct and threw him back, he hit the wall with a small groan while I furiously shook my tail. Trying to shake off the pain. "That hurt!" I exclaim, going onto all fours and waiting until he attacked that I pushed him to the ground with my paw. I searched for the capture tape given to us, but pressed down harder on Ojiro when he tried to move. My instincts were going haywire, I snapped the tape in half and had to pull away or else Ojiro would have gotten injured.
"We should capture the bomb. Thea?" I called, taking out the small packet from my ear. Turning back into my form before running to Ojiro's side. I checked his breathing and sighed. Opening the packet and screaming out until the blood moved, and covered the whole bomb. Even then, Ojiro wasn't waking up. I tapped his head, one, two, and three. The horn had finish ringing, and All Might announced that we were the winner. I nudged Ojiro's face one more time before turning to Hagakure and Thea.
"I got too carried away.." Hagakure ran over and helped the bots transfer Ojiro to a stretcher, while my sister went over to me and tugged on my ear. "You're a grade A dumbass." She told me, I smiled goofily and followed her back to the camera room. The rest of the day flew by in a whisk, but I visited Ojiro before he could leave the class. "I'm sorry for throwing you to the ground.." I mumbled. He smiled and brushed it off, looking away and tilting his head. I followed his direction and turned red at the sight of Aoyama. Why was he so damn attractive to me?
He noticed me looking and winked before walking off. Ojiro nudged me and chuckled. "You should go ahead and try being friends. No one had tried to, yet." He sent me a few winks, which I immediately returned with a nudge on his stomach. I then smiled and looked down, remembering the deal I had with my.. our biological mom. "I'll try. But I won't try to get me or him too attached. I'll be leaving soon." I mumbled. He looked surprised at what I said. "You're.. you're leaving? Like, the town?" He asked, I shook my head and hugged my elbows.
"After the sports festival, me and my mom will leave to go to the Philippines. My cousin's there, her name's similar to my sister's. But so different at the same time.." I trailed off. Shaking my head before walking away. "Wait, you're really leaving?"
"Not today, but soon. Take care of my sister, make her talk when she's accused of something. Since I'll probably die at the same time as her while staying there.." I gently shook my head and waved him to walk with me. He nodded and we hopped along the school grounds. Talking about nothing in particular as we reached the bus stop. I waved him goodbye and searched for my sister around the school. I felt a rush of heat run past me, and I hugged my elbows. Running over to a corner and sitting down.
I rubbed my eye, then my legs, and finally. My ears. Not this thing again.. "Kioshi! What are you doing there? Dad's waiting inside." She exclaimed, helping me up. I hugged her and sniffled, a light sneeze coming from my nose. "Aw.. one of these things again?" She asked, I nodded and let her drag me inside and to our dad's table. He seemed to realize immediately upon seeing me. "I'm sorry dad, it's only been a few days and I can't-." ; "No, it's okay. I'll have you excused until it goes away."
A smile made its way into my face, and I covered my nose to stiffle my sneeze. "Thanks dad.." Thea nudged my stomach, I coughed and turned away. Pouting my lips. "What about me?" She whined, playfully sneezing and mocking my condition. My dad just smiled and shook his head. "No."
That night, I huddled up under my blankets in my cat form to try and push the stupid rules of being a cat away. I purred, and let my instincts take over. I groomed my hair with my hands and crawled around under my mountain of blankets. The hours of me feeling sick had me whining and thrashing. My whole body felt weak and hot while I just suffered. Knowing that cold air will make my feeling worse. I covered my whole body with my tail and paw while I waited for the whole day to pass. Dad knew better than to visit me in my sickness, so he just left a very hot bowl of soup on my table and turned the temperature up to help.
That knowledge made me recover faster than last year... which lasted a whole week. And I was able to crawl out and eat the soup that midnight. I was surprised that it was still warm, and mentally thanked my dad for being so nice. The next morning, I made sure to wash myself and reassure to both of my family that I was alright. We went to school, and I shyly waved hello to Aoyama when we walked in. He was always so early... I wonder if I can talk to him after I was absent for a day.
Oh well.. I went to my seat and shot my sister a death glare once she glanced at Aoyama. She grinned mischeviously at my temper and talked to him. I covered my eye and laid my head down. I heard a proud voice, and holy shit.. he sounded so... Wait. What did he say about me? I looked up at saw Aoyama looking at me, and I blushed when he winked. I lowered my ears and looked down. I didn't pay much attention to the announcement, but I did know that we needed to gear up our hero costumes and are going to USJ. A building for practicing natural disasters in.
Turns out, there were class officers. But that's what I didn't pay attention to during the gossiping period.. before morning class, I mean. Gosh, I really shouldn't be dozing off, especially at a line that Iida formed for the class to enter the bus. Thankfully, I entered just fine.. except for the fact that I keep feeling dizzy. The aftereffects from my sickness was washing over me. And I covered my nose to ease my dizziness. I was barely gonna puke when we got out, I desperately clung onto my sister while we went inside.
I barely got to admire the scene until the teachers started explaining something. My siste looked intrigued at the news, I pull away after that. Thirteen started explaining what we needed to do, until he turned to Eraserhead and held up three fingers. That was when a portal appeared in the fountain, and my sister was suddenly there with the villians. Everything happened so fast, I couldn't even realize what was happening when I pounced over to them and scratched the handed man with my claws.
I regained my control and froze when he wrapped his fingers around her neck. "Kitten wants to protect her sister?" He seemed disgusted, and I jumped back when the big, distorted creature tried to attack me. I hissed and got on all fours. But Eraserhead's cloth forced me to go back to the crowd. "What the hell are you thinking?! This isn't the time to be playing overprotective!" He exclaimed. Forcing me to stay still when I tried to squirm. "Kioshi-kun, calm down!" Midoriya exclaimed, I thrashed my tail and my eyes turned into slits when my sister started a conversation with the handed man.
Safe to say, everyone was frightened because of that. "She's gonna be fine! Please calm down!" Yaoyorozu whispered, obvious she was scared to get near me. Despite her inching close. This wasn't a part of my quirk... what just.. how did I jump that high? "Kioshi-kun, calm down. The teachers will keep her safe." Tsuyu butted in, using her tongue to pet me. But I still felt restless when the villians walked past the two. The cloth tightened around me, and Eraserhead used his quirk on me to disable the immense strength I had. "Kioshi, we've been here before. We can get past it again, we have pro heroes by our side!" Ojiro threw his hands around me.
I furiously shook my head when I recalled the memory. Eraserhead stopped using his quirk and cloth on me, and instead jumped down to fight the villians on his own. I stopped fighting and started tearing up. "We can't help.." Iida whispered to himself. I watched my sister carefully, and my eyes widened at what suddenly happened to Mr. Aizawa. I pushed Ojiro off me and ran down there to push the handed man before it's too late. I used my fangs to pick up Mr. Aizawa before running off. Some villians followed me, but I focused on getting Mr. Aizawa to a safer area.
I searched for the blood pack and got it out from my ring. I took it out. Hoping to see her safe, but I was petrified when I saw her lay down, bleeding from the head infront of me. I picked both of them up with my fangs, but quickly laid them down when I felt a presence behind me. "Nomu, kill that Pussycat reject." I felt like time had stopped when I tried to turn around. A flash of green flew by, and the 'Nomu' was suddenly behind the handed man. "Midoriya!" I heard Tsuyu shout. I felt my instincts kick in again, and I decided to take the two with me, following the three who intervened with the fight.
"What were you doing, Kioshi?!" Mineta cried, throwing balls behind us. I kept my firm hold on the two and sat down when we found a soft patch of grass. My tail wagged around from the intense adrenaline, and I held my sister tightly. "Are you thinking straight? You were gonna get killed!" Midoriya shouted at me, I just sniffled and closed my eyes. "I can't lose her again. Can't you see how both of them almost died? They're villians!" I shouted back, closing my eyes shut and wrapping my tail around my leg. I sighed shakily and turned to them.
"They could've killed both of them if I didn't intervene. We could be in a lot more desperate situation if I hadn't done any of that." I whispered, tears evident in my eyes. "I'm not gonna let them take Mr. Aizawa, or my sister for their cruel experiments.." I finished, noticing them struggling to hold Eraserhead. I lowered my sister, kept myself on all fours and motioned them to place him on top of my back. They reluctantly did that, and carried my sister instead. I wrapped my tail around him as we went to hide. I felt so tired after the adrenaline went down, and nuzzled beside Tsuyu when we all sat down.
"W-wait! Why are you falling asleep?!" Mineta exclaimed. I hissed and lowered my ears. Looking up at him and blinking to help my eyes go back to normal. "It's okay.. let him. He carried Mr. Aizawa and Thea-chan after he jumped in.." Midoriya argued, hesitantly placing a hand on my head. I kept my tail around Eraserhead and purred from exhaustion. "Ribbit.." Tsuyu mumbled. I gently shook my head and passed out.
I woke up curled up in a hospital bed. Luckily, I was jusy bunked next to my sister. But it was in a bad way. I saw how fast she was breathing, I could feel mysel panic and become overprotective of her immediately. I tried to sit up, but sadly. The doctors knew about my state and bound me to the bed by god knows what. I was just there, sitting around and being super concerned until our teacher walked in. I was surprised to see Eraserhead, and bowed. Despite knowing he couldn't see me due to his bandages.
"Your sister's okay. But I have to reprimand you for jumping into dangerous situations with true villians as a student." He announced. Facing me as I lowered my head. "That will affect your school history as well. Don't worry, it's not a serious punishment." He added. I perked up at that, and slightly cringed once I tried to stand up. "Thank you, Mr. Aizawa. I'm sorry for not controlling myself.. again." I mumbled weakly. He shook his hand and handed me the letter of excuse for my painfully incident filled school record. I thanked him again and smiled once he set me free from the restraints.
"I told your dad. He'll come by right about.." He trailed off, my dad suddenly barged in the room, running between me and my sister's bed before hugging me. "Now." Eraserhead finished before walking out. I hugged my dad out of relief and pulled away after a short while. "Thank god you're both okay." He paused, then pulled on my ear with a scowl. "You're too reckless! I know you mean well, you're not wrong for protecting your sister. But remember yourself for the love of-!" He inhaled a sharp breath and let go. Turning to kiss Thea's forehead before turning back to me. Smiling softly and nearly crying until I patted his hand.
"I'm sorry dad. But we're okay now!" I said, flashing him a sweet and comforting smile. He bought the act of reassurance and inhaled deeply. "You learned well, and I'm so proud of both of you." He sniffled. I playfully rolled my eyes, but perked up once the bed behind him shifted. He turned around immediately as well, and I sat on the side to see them interract. I waited patiently until we were soon discharged and got a prescription for headaches, and possible blood stabilizer for my sister.
Once we got home, Thea blew up on me for being reckless, but told me she appreciated it. Thanked me for saving her life for the second time. I told her it was alright, and eventually she let her groom me so I could feel reassured that she was okay for once. Well... uncountable to be honest. I always groomed her whenever either of us was stressed. It was always a bonding moment for us, since we're twins after all. We both care deeply for each other. No buts or ors. That's how it always has been for the both of us. The next day at school, she recovered quickly, as expected. And nearly gave me a heart attack when she picked me up as a cat and ran to UA.
We basically reached the classroom before Iida had a chance to tell everyone to sit down. I simply relaxed as my sister did the work for me and set me down on my desk. Yaoyorozu looked at us puzzled. Figured she thought it should be the other way around, but fuck it! Right? Anyways. We were apparently on the news, and it was kind of dangerous. I thought the teachers were reckless for continuing the sports festival, but understood it was for the public's trust and safety. Faith and all that jazz. It was stupid, it will be their downfall. But who was I to accuse them of being... liars?
Anyways. After class, nearly everyone was talking about the sports festival, and how excited they were. Especially Uraraka. I found Aoyama being himself again. I couldn't help but watch him. Dazzled by how prideful he is, and shyly looking away once he caught my eye. I purred softly, Mineta shooting me a dirty glance as I dozed off. Thinking about how catnips tastes like before I felt a soft rub on my hair. "Look what the cat has started to adore! A star like me shouldn't be ignoring such a pretty kitty." I heard Aoyama exclaim proudly. I looked at him and blushed once I realized he was staring right at me. Wearing his usual smirk and keeping his hand on my hair.
I blinked for a moment before realizing what he called me and turning red. Jiro looked conflicted until I purred and looked down. Right then, she squealed and covered her mouth. "Well~? Aren't you gonna look at your star and admit how dazzling I am to your huge eyes?" Aoyama brought my attention back to him, and I stuttered over my words as I stood up. Facing him and immediately shutting my mouth as we locked eyes. His smirk grew, and he tapped the tip of my nose with his finger. I almost hyperventilated at that.
"You're an eye catcher.." I mumbled softly. He posed in victory and took my wrist. "For that, you're sitting at lunch with me!" He stated, proud and loud. The other students glanced in confusion as I turned beet red. Cursing at my sister for only watching as some of the students lined up to leave for the cafeteria. Aoyama insisted I stay with him in the classroom, so I did. I felt my heart race when he pulled me to his chair. "Now~, tell me what has gotten you so worked up over a star like me!" He brought out his lunch, I was both surprised and not once I saw the cheese on the side.
"Uhm.." I looked at him, then away. If I was in my half form, I knew my tail would be all over the place. He was still looking at me, so I nervously shifted and looked at him. "I feel something for you, and I think we could become great friends!" I answered, half honest and half not. He looked genuinely surprised, and made me sit down on the desk next to him. "You could have just said so!" He stated proudly, sharing me some of his fancy cheese and making me blush profusely at his actions.
"Thank you.." I mumbled softly. He winked at me before turning to his lunch. Eating like royalty as I nommed on the cheese he gave me. I couldn't help but watch after I finished mine. "Your name's Yuga Aoyama, right?" I checked. He nodded and didn't even glance at my direction! Such gracefulness. "You're the infamous Kioshi Sekijiro, lovely name, my prince~." He spoke up, letting go of his utensil to look at me directly. I never felt anymore flustered right then. "I've heard of your family before, a lot of documentaries, actually." I glanced at his hair and back at him. "You're perfect in every way! Why did you come to UA if you could've been at a more prestigious school than here?" I asked, curiously tilting my head.
A look of conflict flashed in his eyes before he quickly cleaned up his lunch and awkwardly cleared his throat. "I want to be a hero.. like everyone else. A light of hope, if I may say." He admitted, turning to me and slightly intimidating me at the sudden change of height. "That's really beautiful. You're using your specialty to lead others into hope in heroes." I mumbled to him. Not missing the sudden change in his heartbeat as I did. I stood up, then coddled him out of instinct. He looked surprised and froze once I did.
Once I realized what I did, I quickly pulled away and rubbed my cheek. "Sorry! I-.. I just felt like I needed to make you feel safe.." I stuttered. He still seemed tense and I felt like shit for making him feel uncomfortable. "I'm so, so sorry! I genuinely don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, I-it just happens out of-." I tried to continue explaining, but he cut me off and placed his hands on my shoulder. "Why stress out over something you can't control?" He said, placing a hand on my head and rubbing it soothingly.
I purred softly as he did. His touch felt comforting, and I couldn't help but smile at him once he pulled away. "Does your gorgeous smile run in the family?" He asked from out of the blue. I grew red and shrugged my shoulders. "If not, I am truly dazzled by how awestruck I am with your smile." He confessed. I turned even more red and sit up, locking gazed with him as he winked and took my cheek. Even though I was just a few inches taller than him. "Will you be the knight in need of a damsel in distress like me?" He leaned closer to my face, causing me to jump and quickly turn into my cat form out of embarrassment.
He looked surprised, but amused before picking me up and kissing my nose. "I suppsose I will be your knight in shining armour, my prince~." He purred and placed me back down before heading to the school bathroom. I was a statue until I realized how much we've flirted over the span of fifteen minutes. Only then did I sprinted to the cafeteria and cowered in my sister's lap. "Woah- what's up with you?" She took me and laid me on the empty seat next to her. I whined and stood up, looking at her with teary eyes until she groaned and patted my head repeatedly a few times.
"Ano nga? Bakit ka umiiyak di ka pa naman aalis eh!" She exclaimed. I curled my tail and nudged her purse next to her blood bag. "You're not allowed treats until the next few days, Kioshi Sekijiro." She said firmly. I sat down and huffed before turning back into my human form and crossing my arms. "Aoyama and I were flirting." I finally told her, she suddenly choked and covered her mouth. Eyes nearly bulging as she stared at me for confirmation. I nodded and turned red once her jaw dropped. "You didn't... DON'T TELL ME YOU TWO MADE OUT!" I covered her mouth before she shouted and shook my head furiously.
"Hindi ah! Nagsalita lang kami.." I mumbled shyly. She just stared at me and playfully rolled her eyes after awhile. Using her blood to pull my hand away and continuing to eat her food. I leaned back on my seat and looked down on my lap. I got lost in thought, only looking up once someone slid to sit infront of us. "What's up you two? Seems like you're both freaking out about something." Kaminari asked us. I jumped up on top of the table and rolled my eyes at my sister. She scoffed and shook her head. I noticed Iida looking at her, and smirked to myself.
They chatted for a bit until he got called back. I jumped on his head and zipped my mouth once Mineta's eyes bulged. I listened in on their gossip and found out Iida had a teensy bit of crush on my sister. The tea I could use againts her. I jumped down Kaminari's head and was about to walk away, until the bell rang. Dang it. We walked back to class, and it passed pretty quickly. The class idled and chatted when Mr. Aizawa left early, and we were pretty much excited. Until the very moment that we saw students surrounding the hall infront of our classroom.
Safe to say we were all surprised to see nearly all the year 1 students there. I stared and flinched when a purple haired student stepped infront and made a huge speech about 1-A... Seeing the competitors or something like that. When he glanced over at me and my twin, he grinned. I stepped infront of my sister protectively and furrowed my brows until he spoke up. "I heard rumors that your sister is a target of the villians. I feel so bad you have to leave her here, all alone just because you're of cheating descendant." My eyes grew wide and glazed when he said that. The latter didn't matter, but the first shook me to the core.
"It's disappointing that the infamous Sekijiro Twins aren't even fully related. You have two half siblings as well, if I'm not wrong." Kirishima stepped in and scolded him. "That's not manly to mention their family history! Simmer it down.. the festival is-." Bakugo cut in. "What you're saying is contradicting about declaring war. None of us agreed, yet you started, bastard." I noticed a glimmer in Midoriya's eyes while a few of my classmates looked at me with wanting an explanation about me leaving my sister. I didn't glance at them once and narrowed my eyes at him.
Pretty soon, the heat died down, and we were all able to leave. I glared at the purple haired student one more time before I was dragged away by my sister.
After school, I agreed on training with my sister, and we fought and made sure to train both her blood capacity and my urges. She was making great progress! And I was sure she was gonna make it in the finals. Until I noticed her fill a vial with blood and sent it off in the mail with a note with it. I was very curious but wasn't able to investigate as she continued our training. I got used to my tail being touched in my half form, and even used my large ears as an advantage when I figured out I could sense the movement on where my opponent was going with my ears. Our training really shed a light on our differences.
It made me and her feel confident that we weren't forced to be like each other. And we both rewarded ourselves with a movie night before the final day. We took off the moment we woke up and even ignored our half brother and sister, who were visiting us for the sake of spending time with me before I leave. We were too excited and were practically bouncing when we saw the stalls outside of the school stadium. I bought a ton of food and sneaked them in with the help of my sister's bloodbag. The moment we reached the waiting room, I didn't waste a second and nommed on the huge amount of food I bought. Yeah... rest in money heaven, my sweet allowance.
"You sneaked in snacks?!" I heard Kaminari shout. I backed away from the snacks to let my classmates take a food they wanted. Nearly everyone took something, except for Todoroki and Bakugo. I didn't mind that they didn't but I overestimated what would be left when they took some. "C-can I have some more?" Sato asked me. I nodded and he took a few more sugar based snacks before thanking me and sitting on one of the benches. Everyone went about their chatting while me and Thea nommed all of the snacks left. We tried to offer the last few that were still untouched, but no one wanted it-.
"Is this a goodbye gesture?" Ojiro joked, slipping to the bench infront of me and taking the munchkin from my stick. I tilted my head a bit as Thea laughed at my reaction. "No..t exactly." I answered. He smiled and nommed on the munchkin he took from me. I pursed my lips and slightly crossed my arms after. "We need to spend time with our half siblings, so it's a early goodbye gift.. he meant." Thea fixed.
She was right, but partly wrong.. ehh who cares? "Wait, what that student said was true?!" Sato asked, eyes wide. We nodded as Sato turned to Ojiro, mouth agape. "Don't worry, I get that a lot." Ojiro chuckled, Thea started bumping my arm, making me turn to her and the direction she was pointing her lips at. Aoyama was looking at my direction, gracefully eating the cheese he had stolen from one of the food. I turned red and looked to the side. Feeling his gaze look over my red face before turning away.
I covered my face and squealed quietly. Jiro looked at my direction but shrugged it off as an accident. Though, I knew she noted that down for future refference. There was an argument that started between Midoriya and Todoroki, although I didn't pay attention. I knew it was something between their quirks.. or just the sports festival anyways.
Pretty soon, we were called in. And we walked inside the stadium, only for me to be met with sudden anxiety when I saw the many people around. Excited to watch the UA students. As we lined up infront of the stage, I felt like wanting to be a cat again to hide from the embarrassment. Luckily, Thea kept distracting me with a few treats she also sneaked in with her blood bag. By the time she had successfully snatched the catnip from my hands, Bakugo was climbing up the stage. Ready to make a speech to represent the Hero Course. That was, until we actually heard the speech. We were all shocked, but thought it was so in character for him to tell everyone that he'll win. He got a lot of backlash from lots of people, but hey, Bakugo is Bakugo.
As Midnight was explaining the rules and was about to spin the game picker. I raised my hand. My other classmates looked even more shocked and scared at what I'll say. But luckily for them, I'm not Bakugo. "Yes, Sekijiro?" I heard murmurs of annoyance from the other classes, but I ignored them. "I trust Recovery Girl, but won't she be overwhelmed when too many students get hurt?" I asked. Her eyes grew soft, and she shook her head a bit too dramatic for a response. "Of course not! Recovery Girl wants her students to be safe and healthy. A few students with injuries wouldn't burden her at all!" I heard a few collective sighs of relief, but they were all mostly from my class. So no surprise there.
I thanked her for her answer, letting her announce that no more questions were allowed to answer before spinning the game wheel. The first one was-. "Obstacle Race!" I lit up at what she said, as I felt my sister glance at me with a grin. I smiled back at her in return and we went to the entrance of said Race. Or rather.. marathon. I hooked her blood bag on my bracelet and waited for her to prepare, while also waiting for the go signal. I felt excited, and once the go signal was announced. All the students crowded the entrance immediately. I turned into my form half form and kneeled down infront of Thea.
She smirked, I clasped my hands, leaving a small place in the middle and hoisted her up so high, she passed by all the classes and nearly hit the ceiling. I turned into a cat and jumped over the other classes' heads before being grabbed by my sister's quirk. She brought me over to her and ran as I turned back into my half form. "The Sekijiro twin's chemistry is A-MA-ZING!" Present Mic shouted over the speaker.
However, I noticed the level 0 robots from the entrance exam. I stood next to my sister in a protective manner and worked with the other students to destroy them. After we did, however. I winced and flinched when Bakugo flew by me with his quirk. We kept running until we reached lots of circles and dug up land. I bit my lip, watching Todoroki, Bakugo, Iida and Tsuyu cross it so quickly. My sister included.
She used her quirk to swing over, rope to rope in the most amazing style ever. I shook my head and kneeled yet again, then I jumped. Using my tail to help me hold onto the rope as I balanced on it. Jumping at the last part and using my swift half self to chase after the people in the front. I pulled Aoyama on my back upon noticing he was hyperventilating. I held his hand as I ran. Barely stepping on a mine until Midoriya warned me about them. I stopped to look at the mines. And at Aoyama who was nearly passed out.
I saw Thea pass a blood shaped shovel over to Midoriya and carefully ran to her on all fours. Relying on my instinct as she opened the blood bag and got inside. I closed the bag and flinched when Aoyama gripped my uniform tightly. I flashed him a gentle smile and ran, noticing Midoriya fly by me, and Bakugo and Todoroki. It motivated me to go faster, and risk my high jump so I could pass the mines. After I did, my sister jumped out and carried me and Aoyama with her quirk as we neared the finish. Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Thea, then finally. Me and Aoyama. I held Aoyama close to me as Thea carefully set me down on the floor.
"Is Aoyama okay?!" My sister and Midoriya shouted. I carefully pulled Aoyama away from me to show them his condition. Thea was the first one to sigh in relief, then Midoriya followed. "You're so kind for helping him like that, even when you fell from the fifth place." Midoriya sighed, Iida ran over to us in worry. Yaomomo following soon after and asking about Aoyama. Thankfully, when Yaomomo asked. Aoyama recovered and giggled that he is the center of attention yet again.
We just rolled our eyes at him while I subconciously rubbed his back. Midoriya and Thea raised a brow, while Yaomomo and Iida were too distracted watching to notice. Aoyama seemed to appreciate the act and let me continue doing it. Much to my instinct's enjoyment. After all the students had passed the finish line. The results were in, and the next event was being spun.
The next was a cavalry battle. Which was surprising and intimidating the moment we heard that Midoriya will be having one million points. It put tension, and frankly, I didn't like the tension. We had a few minutes to pick our teammates. My sister and I glanced at each other with encouraging looks. "U-uhm.. Sekijiro.." We heard Midoriya from behind us. Thea refused to turn, so I had to. "Yeah..?" I asked. He looked scared out of his pants, and once a girl from the support course distracted him, I took Thea's hand and followed her. Away from Midoriya. I looked at Ojiro and was about to talk to him, until the guy that said hurtful things to me walked up to him.
He somehow managed to convince him to join his team. He caught my eye and walked over. "I sincerely apologize for before. Can we team up?" He asked. I felt uneasy and took a step back. Trying to sense my sister and failing. Where was she? "Well?" He asked. I noticed my sister with Midoriya already and sighed, agreeing reluctantly. Not seeing her run over before I spoke. "Okay."
Suddenly, I felt like I was asleep. And before I even realized, Thea had slapped me with a frustrated speech about how I could have joined her along with Midoriya. But I didn't know what she meant. The game has ended but I didn't participate with my team's win. How is that possible? "I don't remember." I told her. Her brows furrowed as she glanced at the purple haired guy. I connected the pieces and froze. Oh no. "God damn it!" I cursed and ran my fingers through my hair. I turned back into my human form and ran to Ojiro, who was teammates with me. Apparently. "Do you remember how we won?" I asked.
He looked frustrated as well, and shook his head. "No, no.." He grumbled. I cursed in agreement and agreed to warn our classmates about him. I ran to my sister first and explained everything to her. She was visibly surprised; Dropping the tray she was holding and making a mess near our usual table. A few of the girls ran over with intention to help, then I warned Uraraka, Mina, and Yaomomo. They were visibly surprised and slightly intimidated. But with Hagakure's encouragement. They all relaxed and thanked me for my advice.
I wanted to go to the restroom to do my thing and excused myself. Noticing Mineta and Kaminari walk over to the girls, but I simply brushed it off and leaned againts the sink in the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and felt my stomach grumble. I purred uncomfortably but managed to relax myself so I could groom myself. I closed my eyes, but suddenly daydreamed about Iguchi from the mall. I forgot to talk to him again, I should probably do that after school.
"Kioshi?" I jumped at hearing Iida's voice, and turned to my side. Relaxing upon seeing the one and only Iida. I tilted my head as a sign for him to continue, then he walked over. Bowing in the most straightest posture ever before shouting; "I would want to court your twin, I must know if you'll give me your blessing or not!" He shouted. I was very surprised at that, and pulled him up so he could face me. He looked nervous, rather than his usual assertive manner. I slightly felt bad for him. "You're an amazing guy, Iida. But you'll have to ask our dad. You fully have my blessing, but Kan has the say with who we can date." I kindly explained to him, his eyes visibly depressed.
I panicked and tried to comfort him when a depressing aura covered the bathroom, but thankfully for me. He stood up, confident yet again and thanking me before running off. I smiled, ever so slightly and went back to the stadium. Meeting up with my classmates and lining up for the final event. Me, and Ojiro shared a knowing glance. I shared it to my sister as well, raising a brow at her clothes before we both raised our hands after the event was picked; It was a 1v1 between randomly paired students. "Yes! Ojiro, Sekijiro? Do you have any rebellion againts the selected challenge?!" Midnight asked loudly. One more shared glance before we both explained the subconcious, out of body experience we had with the other game. And how it felt unfair to us.
Another student in our team before raised his hand and admitted the same testimony as ours. Luckily, there was no punishment. Only admiration about our honesty and loyalty to our hero course status. It felt good to be praised, but I did feel worse when I saw Thea's declining confidence. I nudged her cheek with my nose as they picked three other students who were runner up's in the battle. Kendo, Tetstetsu, and Shiozaki.
I went with my sister to hopefully encourage her in the seats meant for students. I gave her all the comforting words I could, reciting a few tricks she could do and turning into a cat so she could use me as a floof ball. After she had laughed at my poor attempt of making a joke, however, I turned back and motioned to her cheerleading type of clothing. "Can you explain that?" I asked. She turned red but pointed to Mineta and Kaminari in accusation. "These two tricked us!" She shouted. The two grinned in victory while I turned my head back and stiffled a laugh. "Well, want me to get your uniform? You could borrow mine if you want." I told her. She brushed me off and smiled.
"Nah, I'm good. If I'm fighting with this, I have style points!" I cringed at what she said, and seeing Kaminari and Mineta's reaction didn't help. "You stubborn, A class bobo." ; "Excuse me?!" We started arguing over what I said, which in turn caught nearly all of the other student's attention as she pinched mu ear and kneed me in the stomach. I coughed, laughing as she pulled away and started to apologize a lot. "Not so quiet for a Kioshi, huh?" Jiro poked me on the knee with her earphone jack. I blushed slightly and nodded. "Guilty." Thea rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in response.
"Please. I'm the older twin so he's bound to be loud as a screeching cat." I perked up and purred. Seeing her frown and look away. "You're so mean, Thea-chan. Ribbit." Tsuyu added, pointing to her then to me. I smiled as Thea huffed and I excused myself to grab her some clothes for her to wear. Since Midoriya and Shinsou had finished fighting. I reached through my bag and fished out the two clothes made for this kind of match. I skipped back. Bumping into Aoyama who was suspiciously hiding something in his jacket.
"Hey Aoyama! Are you feeling okay from that tummy ache?" I asked. He nodded, a nervous look and aura surrounding him. I slowly tilted my head and cupped his cheek. He visibly flinched and turned away. Before I could ask him again, the horn blew, and I rushed to get my sister on the clothes I brought. I forcefully made her wear the shirt, the aftermath being that she wore the pants because of my action. I walked her until the entrance, and wished her goodluck and to kick ass as she went. Her name was called, I waved and ran back to the student seats.
I plopped down on my seat and felt my nerves shift into nervous ones as Thea and Shiozaki stepped in the cement stage. I didn't know Shiozaki's quirk, but I do know that it involved liquifying things. Oh wait- I'm fucking dumb. "Start!" Thea was about to cast her quirk, but somehow. Shiozaki liquified the concrete under her. I tensed when she sunk down, looking utterly terrified and fought off my instincts as I watched. She casted her quirk as she tried to cover ground to sink less faster. And somehow, she lifted herself up, barely getting her foot stuck on his quirk. Then, in a matter of seconds, she created a lasso and hurdled him out of the stage!
I cheered in victory as they announced her as the winner, my other classmates joined in with huge smiles after the first few seconds of low chances of victory. They left the stage, and I ran to greet her back with a bone breaking hug. She was taken aback, even though she just as quickly hugged back. We went back to the student viewing area to watch our other classmates and cheered them on with all our hearts. But, the blonde haired guy from class 1-B checked on us and mocked Kaminari for losing againts the beautiful vine classmate he has. We all, of course, ignored him and silently appreciated the big fist girl for dragging him away.
As the rounds progressed, all of us got increasingly worried for Midoriya's well-being. I winced at every broken bone he had while fighting Todoroki, and joined the few other students in checking up on him in the Nurse's Office. After I left early, however. I caught Aoyama's signature blonde hair and called out for him. This time, he didn't run. Instead, he turned around to face me. "Did I make you uncomfortable earlier?" I asked him. He shook his head and smirked.
"Is my Knight worried for his damsel in distres~?" He cooed. I blushed and nodded shyly. "Of course I am." I paused. "I just wanted to tell you that I really like you, before I leave. I mean." I stuttered. His jaw slacked, then clenched as I looked up at him for a reaction. My heart nearly broke when his gaze mirrored those of... Disgust. "I am truly sorry, my Knight. But this kind of relationship will never be a priority for me. Frankly, it's not.. traditional." His voice wavered, but I thought that it was just pity for me.
I cleared my throat and nodded. "Uhm.. yeah! It's okay. It- it won't work out even if I stayed anyways. Much less, if I'm a country away from you." I said, he examined me for awhile until I clasped my hands together and looked away. "Y-yeah, uh.. I- sorry.. sorry for that. I read your emotions wrong and-." He cut me off. "How could you say a country away?" He asked. I blinked and rubbed my neck. "I'm going to the Philippines to stay with my cousin. I won't come back until a few years? Maybe." I answered.
I saw his eyes glaze, and he quickly looked away. Though, he looked back to face me again. "You know w-." ; "There you are! Come on, our siblings are waiting for us." Thea interrupted, grabbing my ear and quickly dragging me away. Aoyama looked like he wanted to reach his hand out, but I looked away and hugged my elbows with my hands. My heart slowly stopped beating so hard. Instead, it just beated at a slower pace than any pulse I've ever had.
I covered up my somber mood while I spent my last few hours with my weird family. Loving my two other sibling's ways of tricking people and using each other's quick to benefit each other. We sang at a kareoke bar before midnight, and I packed my things the rest of the night. Cradling each of my pillows and snuggling in their softness as I slept.
Next morning, I got my somehow very few bags and carried them off before Kan woke up. I prepared a tasty breakfast for the both of them and ate while waiting quietly. Thea was the first to run down, sighing in relief upon seeing me. But frowning once she saw my saddened face. "Parang masarap pagkain, ah." She tested, sitting next to me. I glanced at her and smiled softly. "Syempre, gawa ko eh. Ano isip mo sa akin?" I questioned her. She smiled as well and turned to eat her food.
I could tell she was trying hard to not break down. I felt bad and groomed her shoulder while we waited for dad. Once he came down and ate. We all had a long chat, and goodbye's before Kan drove me to the airport and said goodbye to me at the front. I hugged him tightly, my sister included and waved goodbye as I went through the security procedures in entering the airport.
It was supposed to be a quick plane ride! Nothing was supposed to happen once I sat on the plane, yet somehow. I was teleported somewhere and strapped onto a chair which restricted my transformations. There was even a small chain for cats below me if I turn! I struggled againts the LOV. Kicking and thrashing to try and stall- make time for someone to call me. Someone! Please!
However, it was all in vain. I felt myself being drained and couldn't move when I tried to wake up. I felt like I was out of my body and was becoming desperate when I was suddenly submerged into something. Liquid? I didn't know, but I could breathe thanks to the gear clasped around my mouth. Due to the same lifeline that was keeping me alive. I felt myself sink out of my consciousness, and eventually passed out from whatever gear was being mounted on me as I stayed still like a statue.
It was like that for days, hell, maybe even a few weeks. I was confused, but neither hungry nor thirsty. They were feeding me, and weren't planning to let me go soon. I didn't struggle at the fourteenth hour of the fifth day. I felt like I was floating- trapped in my mind that never had room for anything.
When I finally got ahold of my body, I couldn't see for a few moments. Let alone feel the water that I was submerged in previously. So I checked. I tried using my senses to my advantage and sensed an alarming amount of air instead of water. I was both relieved and scared. Where was I? And what was happening to me? "Kioshi." I heard a muffled shout. I tried to move, but my body wouldn't let me. After a while of trying and failing to get my senses back, I finally got to see where I was. "Bakugo?" I gasped, though only in thought. He too was tied in place.
"Kioshi? Wait, wait. Why is he here?!" Iguchi.. how..? "The cat's been drained of his power. All there is, is just a normal student. I did that so he could stop defending his sister." Shigaraki chuckled behind me. I tried again, but struggled even more. "But-." Iguchi tried to argue. "Why are you attached to this; now quirkless freak? Do you have a history with him?" My senses were blocked out yet again, causing me to pass out from the lack of distractions to keep me awake. My body felt a bone numbing explosion, and heard loads of voices around me. I couldn't make out any of them, even if I tried. So I didn't try to and instead tried to recognize who was holding me. This was someone new.. someone slim?
Edgeshot? What was happening? I felt so scared without having a clue of what was happening. I shouldn't have gotten too comfortable! Damn it.. I struggled for a bit more, until eventually I was able to make my finger twitch. "Sekijiro?" I felt another hand carefully grab me, this hand more buffy and calloused. "Someone get a medic! Take Kioshi to somewhere safe!" Endeavour had shouted. I was passed to another hand, until thick water suddenly erupted from my throat and made me fall on destroyed cement.
That made me regain my other senses. I lifted one of my eyelids to look and felt my blood run cold. My half sister was there, with Thea up a building. A spear through her throat and hollowed eyes. I felt tears glazing my eyes as I tried to stand up, to no avail. "K-Kioshi.." My half-sister, Perocho rasped out, I dragged my eyes over to her and cried. Feeling hopeless as Thea dropped to her knees in my peripheral vision. I felt my heart tightening up, and I got my courage to stand up. "Kioshi!"
Iida was here. Then that means.. were they trying to save Bakugo? Well that went great. I winced when All For One used a telekinetic quirk on me. He dragged me over to him and presented me to everyone. Including a few of my classmates who were escaping with a flying thing they made. "You did this, All Might! You failed as a teacher, and as a hero. You failed your friend's children!" AFO laughed. I choked and struggled when he started constricting my airway.
"Let the kid go! You killed the only person who you could use! You don't need to involve their twin as well!" All Might shouted back. I kicked my legs and cried out when there was an invisible force tugging harshly at my kneecaps. "Do I? Or are you just scared to admit you failed as a living being?" He continued. I felt my joint crack, then I cried out in pain. Louder, this time. I couldn't cry out for help. I couldn't burden All Might because of something I did wrong. "You poor Sekijiro twin. You were left all alone with your quirk taken away from you. How does it feel?" He cooed.
I gasped at another tightness and felt my body slowly going limp. "Time is thin, All Might. Do you kill me, with him? Or do you reveal who you truly are?" I closed my eyes and sputtered, blood dripping down my ears as a rock scratched the inside of my ear canal. AFO cooed at my hopelessness. "Do it." I choked out, All Might's eyes grew wide. "Kill him." I let out, AFO laughed. He then continued his monologue as a huge passing of steam reeked from All Might. As it disappeared, AFO was eager to see All Might in his weak state.
I managed to kick my legs a few times before struggling against the telekinetic hold, much to my luck. I was able to drop down and feel more pain as I landed on my broken leg. "Oh?" AFO laughed. I turned around and lunged towards him, I was able to grab a rock and punch it on him. He stumbled back as I continuously punched and attacked him, until he pushed me off and held his palm out in front of me. My eyes widened, and I felt my heart stop. That was until I felt cold air push against me and I was away from where AFO cast a devastatingly destructive quirk in the building behind me.
"You're safe now, young Sekijiro." He told me, I looked up at him with teary eyes upon noticing his broken legs. How was he still standing? "All Might.." I heaved, letting him patt my head before he turned back around to face AFO.
I could feel myself running out of air from the quirk AFO used on me when he had me grasp. I tried to breathe, but I had no fighting back against the internal bleeding that had formed in my throat and airway. I tried, and tried. Until I eventually fell and lost the sense of being alive.
That was it for me. Wasted potential, and surely just bait for the heroes to die.
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usergf · 2 years
ooooh i love daisies a lot theyre just so pretty<33 calm Sunday except for the fact that i coloured my hair for the first time that also by myself and its only visible in proper lighting i love being a brunette ❤ also had great food👍👍
i want to watch haiku (is that how u spell it i think theres a Y somewhere in there) and ive watched atla but thats all, what would u recommend!!
omg i do!! i have a cat she is everything 2 me even though she tries to kill me every other day ^_______^
it was reallly cold today ive been sneezing all day wbu
question: do u like summers or winters more this is a very important question amd has a correct answer also omg what's your puppy's name?
happy(?????????) monday(????)
hope u had a nice dayyyyyy
hello hello 📺 oh my god that's amazing !!! daises my beloved <3 agreed, they are so pretty. hahha yes it has a y 😂 i love haikyuu, it's one of my favourite sports anime 🏐 the charcter development, team building and all leaves me so emotional on the other hand in blue lock the players wanna murder eachother and get to the top BUT they are all adorable 🥰
aww whats her name ??? how old is she ?? my pup is 6 yo, her name is lucky <3
aw :( sending you some warm cuddles pal. its pretty hot, where i am right now. i went out to get some printing done and did grocery shopping with my dad
okay summer is the right answer. winter is the most depressing time for me, hands and feet get so cold, i can't even have ice cream without getting sick, and always have a have two layers of clothes on, when i wake up its so cold when i go to bed it's so cold. so many cons and very little pros for the winter. whereas during the summer, less clothes on ✔️ ice cream everyday ✔️ cold water ✔️ sun is bright ✔️ bed is not cold when i wake up or go to sleep ✔️ so many pros and very little cons !!! so there you have my answer, summer is my favourite <3
happy tuesday 🌸
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kaitycole · 3 years
...as a grandparent (p.1)
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Summary: OM boys and how they’d be as a grandparent.
A/N: Would they be grandparents or granddemons? Granddemons sounds badass, you have to admit.
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Lucifer: While his child got the best of everything, his grandchild will simply just get everything. The sky isn’t even the limit for what he spoils his grandkid with and there’s nothing that’s off limits whether it be clothes, food, electronics, etc. Once his grandkid came over saying they were teased for not having the newest model of the D.D.D. and Lucifer’s pride cracked, later that day, said grandchild had the D.D.D. model that hadn’t even been released yet. He is 100% the grandparent that says “you might be grounded at home, but not at my house” and throws the “ridiculous” punishment out the window, letting the grandchild do whatever their parent took away from them.
Mammon: Toys. He buys whatever toy, no matter how obnoxious, how loud or how unnecessary for his grandchild. Parents said no? Oh well, Mammon doesn’t know that word and he’s using Lucifer’s card so what does he care? Before the Avatar of Greed wanted all the money he could get his hands on and while he still does, what he’s most greedy for is the title of “best grandparent ever” and if that means getting that annoying corn popper toy (image), the keyboard that only operates on loud or the tiny building pieces that hurts like a bitch when you step on them, so be it.
Leviathan: One-hour max on video games? Not in his room, how could a time limit be put on a bonding activity? How was Levi supposed to just quit a game in the middle of a quest or after they had been on a roll? The one-hour rule went through one ear and out the other because his grandkid was almost as great as he was at video games and they beat a level that Levi had been struggling with for weeks. The pair ends up playing for close to 24 hours straight, eating only Spicy Rainbow Pizza and drinking Little Devil's Slushy Soda.
Satan: The most tamed out of his brothers, he enforces the rules that his grandchild has at home, keeps them on schedule with any activities they do and when it comes to naps and bedtime. However, he is also the grandparent that will rat out his grandchild’s parents in a heartbeat. “Oh, your mom said big kids eat their veggies? Funny she refused to eat anything green until she was 16.” “Your dad said that he’s allergic to cats so you can’t have one? Strange he had a pet cat when he was your age and never sneezed once.” Will literally give his grandchild ammo to use against their parents and not even hesitate.
Asmodeus: Two words – matching outfits. This Avatar of Lust soaks up the “aww’s” and “how cute’s” they receive from others around them and is through the roof when he hears “you don’t look old enough to have a grandkid!” Everything his grandchild wears is the best of the best because the grandchild of the Jewel of the Heavens can’t be seen in anything less than perfection. He goes completely overboard on the amounts of clothing he buys, the child won’t even wear a fourth of everything bought before growing out of that size, but Asmo doesn’t care, he’ll simply just buy more when he needs to. His favorite thing he’s bought are the kid’s shoes that squeak with each step.
Beelzebub: Snack restrictions? What was this ‘no sugar’ rule his precious grandchild told him their parents had for them or the ‘no midnight snack’ nonsense? Beel couldn’t understand why anyone would deny his grandchild such luxuries and he sure as hell wasn’t going to allow it any longer, at least not when he was babysitting. His grandchild didn’t have as large as appetite as he did, but they did seem to enjoy Ghost Pumpkin Cream Puffs and Spicy Newt Chips. Beel wasn’t expecting such a massive sugar rush, but thankfully it wore off before the parents got back.
Belphegor: Belphie almost died when his grandchild looked him straight on and told him that they weren’t allowed to take naps anymore because they were getting too old for them. Too old for a nap!?! Who tf came up with such a ludicrous way of thinking? That didn’t stop the Avatar of Sloth from wrapping his grandchild up on their matching blanket set, pulling them into a tight hug before they both ended up napping for a few hours, only waking up when Beel told them it was time for dinner. He’s extremely excited when his grandkid pokes out their bottom lip asking if they can take another after they eat and when he sees them drag their little blanket around behind them.
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likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
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Part Two
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kittyprincessofcats · 4 years
She-Ra S5 E08 - Shot in the Dark
There might be spoilers for the rest of the season in this post!
I absolutely LOVE this episode, and at first, I couldn’t really put my finger on why I liked it that much. And then Noelle tweeted this:
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And yeah, that’s what it boils down to. This is the first *happy* Catra episode since... basically since “Once Upon a Time in the Waste” - and back then, the happiness didn’t last long.
(I also just think that story of AJ being so worried about Catra and Noelle reassuring her with every script is so adorable. I love to see how much they all care about these characters.)
Now let’s get into the episode!
- “Why does space hate me so much?” Yeah Glimmer, as I’ve said before, your powers don’t work in space because otherwise things would be way too easy and this show would be over way too quickly.
- “So, your plan is to, what? Ram through an armada of ships?” “No! ...Maybe!” 😂 I love Adora.
- The way Catra’s hands are shaking when she tells Adora they’re going to get caught... oh, baby 😢. And how Adora suddenly looks so worried... gosh, these two.
- Catra and Adora playfully arguing over whether or not Catra ‘defeated’ them in the past is so cute. I love this kind of ‘former enemies’ bickering and it’s why I was so glad they didn’t wait until the very end of the show to redeem Catra.
Bow: “Adora, Catra’s right.”
[Everyone’s eyes go wide.]
Bow: ... “That felt weird to say.”
😂 Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Bring on all the ‘former enemies’ bickering, please!
- So, is this just because Wrong Hordak’s “brains were scrambled”, as Bow put it, or do all the clones randomly blurt out that Horde Prime has a weakness whenever they hear someone ask about it? I’m going to assume it’s the former. Also, the way he keeps blurting out more and then denying that Krytis exists is super funny.
- I like how they set Krytis up before with Catra having visions of it back in Taking Control - still pretty convenient that just hearing the name lets her make the connection, but I’ll take it. (Is it meant to be some lingering effect of being connected to the hivemind that she’s having visions of it again now, or is it just her remembering what she saw before?)
- I love the detail that Darla’s information on Krytis is locked and they need administrator clearance to access it. Shows again that the First Ones aren’t that different from Horde Prime - they were also ashamed of their failure to conquer Krytis and tried to hide the information on it.
- “In- In- In- Incorrect. It is located nowhere, because it does not exist, because Lord Prime destroyed it.” I honestly think this line should be a meme. When you want to hide something from someone (but you know it does exist), just quote that exact line (kind of like “There is no war in Ba Sing Se”). I once said it to my sisters when they asked about certain fanfics I wrote as a teenager. (“Nope, they are located nowhere, because they do not exist, because Lord Prime destroyed them.”)
- Changes in the opening: Micah, Spinnerella, Scorpia and Mermista are now standing mind-controlled around the Heart of Etheria in the villains’ shot. They’re also all missing from the final heroes’ card. In that final shot, Perfuma and Sea-Hawk both look sad now, and Netossa looks angry.
- Catra touching her neck when she sees the spire on Krytis... 😢. I’m here for the angst, but I also just need Catra to get lots of love and comfort after everything she’s been through.
- Can we talk about how absolutely ADORABLE her space suit is, though? Bow is absolutely right to coo over those ears. And when she tries to take it off with her foot? And Adora laughs about it? And Catra smiles when she sees her laugh? ❤️❤️❤️
- Wrong Hordak still denying that Krytis exists while currently being on Krytis is absolutely hilarious to me. It reminds me of flat-earthers or anti-vaxxers, or people who try to deny Covid exists (while others are currently dying from Covid) - not that any of those are funny, of course. I just mean that wrong Hordak nicely demonstrates how ridiculous they can sound.
- Catra calling out the Best Friend Squad on how dumb their plan is and then reacting with “Honestly, what did I expect?” is absolutely iconic. They really were missing her as the team’s braincell all along.
- Bow and Glimmer teasing Catra about her “first mission”, Catra grumbling that she’s going to kill Adora’s friends, Adora responding with a really calm “Please don’t” - everything about this is perfect. 🤣
- Also, small detail, but I love how Catra has a hard time walking in her spacesuit because she’s not used to wearing shoes.
- The remaining rebels looking around the destroyed camp is really sad. Frosta immediately trapping Castaspella in ice and checking her neck is great, though. That’s what they should have been doing all along. Why didn’t they also check Shadow Weaver’s neck, though? I know she’s intimidating and all, but there was no way of knowing if she’s chipped.
- “How did the rebellion lose so many of our finest members and yet we’re still stuck with you?” Castaspella’s asking the real questions! I like how literally no one in the rebellion likes Shadow Weaver. (Though honestly, I’m also glad she’s not chipped. Imagine how hard fighting a chipped Shadow Weaver would have been.)
- “But if you try anything, I won’t hesitate to strike you down.” Castaspella said ‘I won’t hesitate, b*tch!’
- Every single part of Wrong Hordak’s existential crisis (and Entrapta’s handling of it) is absolutely hilarious. I’m not going to quote all of it here, but pretty much every line of it is comedy gold. My favourite moment is probably “It seems Wrong Hordak has begun to question the meaning of life” (and everyone’s annoyed expressions at his crying) 😂😂. (On a more serious note, though: As much as it’s played for laughs, Wrong Hordak turning his entire worldview around in such a short amount of time is also pretty epic.)
- Catra just cutting through that door - damn, she’s strong! And I love Adora’s blush! (Yeah, the door was probably just an illusion, but my point still stands. She’s at least strong enough that it doesn’t seem completely weird that she'd be able to just cut through a door like that.)
- “You have an arrow that turns into a magnifying glass? I can’t believe we were losing to you guys.” 🤣🤣 Catra realizing the people she was fighting are actually idiots will never not be funny.
- It goes hand in hand with Bow realizing Catra is actually a cute kitty with an adorable sneeze. Good stuff. And the way her tail gets fluffy when she insists she’s not cute? D’awww. (Bow saying “The angrier you get, the cuter you are” reminded me of that scene in Steven Universe where Peridot loses her limb-enhances at the beginning of her redemption arc and Steven calls her cute and “an angry little slice of pie”.)
- Castaspella’s cape getting stuck in tree branches and the like is pretty funny, ngl. This is why Edna Mode said “No capes”.
- Shadow Weaver saying that her gifts are “far subtler” than mind-control is very fitting. Her thing is manipulation, after all. She doesn’t need to control people’s minds when she can just manipulate them and raise them in a way that’ll make them do what she wants. It’s scarier than mind-control in a way because it’s far more realistic. Mind-control doesn’t exist in real life, but manipulative parents (or just manipulative people) who will mess someone up emotionally? Very realistic.
- I like that you can tell that something’s off about Entrapta’s voice this time if you pay attention to it.
- “Seriously? How have you guys stayed alive this long?” Yup, the people you were fighting are idiots and you’re the braincell of the team now, Catra.
- I love the creepy music when Entrapta tells them it’s the first time they’ve talked since the last floor.
- Also, I love how Catra’s first instinct is to just launch herself at Melog, even though you could tell she was terrified just a moment earlier.
- I really like the moment where Glimmer realizes there’s magic on Krytis, especially since she doesn’t have her other powers right now.
- Melog bonds with Catra because they have the same sneeze ❤️❤️
- “Are you... are you petting the thing that’s been trying to kill us?” I love this whole moment 😹. I also love how Adora is so protective of Catra and immediately yells “Get away from her!” when Melog seems to get angry.
Catra: “I’m sorry. I got angry. It’s something I’m working on.”
Adora [with sparkling eyes]: “Aww, you are?”
Catra: “Yes! Now can you please...” [deep breath] “Yes. I am.”
I love everything about this. Catra genuinely working on her anger issues, Adora being so touched about it (remember back in Taking Control where she wished that Catra would ‘at least try’?), Catra having to hold back her anger because she realized Melog responds to emotions - perfect. ❤️😂👍
- Catra is so sweet when she calms Melog down. And the moment where they form their bond is really nice.
- So, can Catra understand Melog because of their bond, or because they’re both cats? I’m assuming it’s because of their bond?
- Melog’s backstory is really sad. But Adora offering to take them to Etheria is a really sweet scene.
- I like the parallel between the Best Friend Squad realizing that magic is Horde Prime’s weakness (and that the only planet he ever failed to conquer had wild magic) and Shadow Weaver telling Castaspella that the First Ones weakened Etheria’s magic and they have to set it free.
- “Stop me if I try to take the power for myself.” I’m not sure how I feel about that line. I like how SPOP has very much written Shadow Weaver as ambiguous so far. She’s not a good or nice person by any means, but is she at least on the side of the good guys and really trying to help now or is she still only after her own selfish goals? I very much did not want Shadow Weaver to get any sort of redemption or forgiveness, and I’ve always interpreted her as still being power-hungry. So, I have mixed feelings about this line. I like that it canonically acknowledges that Shadow Weaver is still tempted by power and might actually try to take the magic for herself, but asking Castaspella to stop her if she tries makes her look more selfless and like she’s taking precautions against it. (But then again, could Castaspella even stop her if she tried? I’m pretty sure Shadow Weaver is the stronger one of the two. So, you could still read this as Shadow Weaver being a master manipulator and only saying this so Castaspella will feel more inclined to trust her and go along with her plan - while knowing full-well that she could easily defeat Castaspella if it ever actually came down to it.)
Glimmer: “So, just to make sure I get it - We’re going to go running through a Horde blockade while relying on the magic of a creature we just met?”
Catra: “That about sums it up, yes.”
You know what this means - Catra’s a part of the Squad now!
- “Punch it, Darla!” I still love that the ship’s name is Darla. Also, all of their expressions when they fly through the blockade should be a “draw the squad” meme.
- Catra holding Adora’s hand and getting embarassed about it ❤️❤️ (while Adora is dumb and doesn’t even notice).
- I did not expect us to get a Glitra cheek kiss this season, but I’m not complaining! Also, Catra complaining while Glimmer and Bow are hugging her is such a cat thing; I love it.
- “We made it. We’re home.” Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this is actually the first episode this season that ends on a happy / hopeful note and not on some kind of cliffhanger. And I really like that. This is where the “space arc” of season 5 offically comes to and end and I’m glad it has its own little happy ending. (And as much as I like the final episodes of the season, the space arc is still probably my favourite half of it.)
I love this episode, mainly because of what it means for Catra. She’s finally happy, she saved the day, she’s bonding with Bow and Glimmer and constantly flirting with Adora, and she has an amazing therapy cat now! I loved all the bickering between her and the others and how she’s starting to open up to them. Also, Wrong Hordak was absolutely hilarious in this episode and I commend Entrapta for having the patience to deal with his existential crisis. This was a really nice way to wrap the space arc up and bring the Squad back to Etheria.
[Previous episode]   [Next episode]
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wikiangela · 2 years
now time for Lone star - so s3e13 spoilers!
I fucking love Tommy, she's the best (also, just Gina Torres 😍😍😍)
oh fuck the sound of the lady's neck cracking when she sneezed physically hurt me
I'm sorry but "looking for a cyclist in a haystack" is way funnier than it should be (or its just really late and I'm very tired lol) 😂 why has Owen been making me laugh like nearly every episode this season what is happening 😂😂😂😂
Carlos!!! I'm always so excited to see him 😍 my fave character (equally with Grace lol) he's looking so cute in those glasses 😍😍😍
I'm so glad we're getting some tarlos
oooh, do I sense jealousy from Carlos? 👀👀
I love how supportive he is 🥺😍
God they're so adorable
you know, I find it so hot when people speak Spanish, and the hot and gorgeous Gina Torres saying literally just one word had me like 🥵🥵 lol sns
new love interest for Tommy? 👀 Blanca is making it happen lmao
I get that TK needs to talk to his sponsor and all that, but from Carlos' perspective... ouch - and I mean, like, Carlos must feel, like, rejected or something - especially with the "I just really needed to talk" when Carlos is right there - and again, I get why, it just must feel awful for Carlos 💔
just the thought of Owen taking care of another animal is hilarious 😂 this is gonna be great 😂 and omg it's a hairless car of course 😂😂
aww and we're getting Grace!!! 😍
Tommy freaking out about the date - so cute hahaha
Mateo, I'm with you, those hairless cats look creepy as fuck 😂 (and just ugly and disgusting lol)
oh my god I can't stop laughing 😂😂😂 Patrick showed up oh my God 🤣🤣 that was so funny 😂
seeing Carlos jealous is also so funny 😂 of course he has nothing to worry about but his looks and expressions,😂😂
ugh that's one ugly cat 🤢 I wouldn't even wanna be in a room with that, let alone touch it or pet it ugh
oh my god this episode is hilarious so far 😂
okay so halfway through the episode were getting serious 😂 I was just laughing my ass off at Owen and Judd, and now I'm getting emotional over Tommy and Grace - I love their friendship so much, also - I need a Grace in my life hahah
I love that TK and Carlos had that convo, loved it a lot, I hope they work it out - but also I love that they're showing the struggle of living with a recovering addict
and now I'm crying over the boy losing his mom jfc (and crying more over the pictures scene)
and here's Owen being hilarious again 😂😂 I fucking can't 😂😂😂😂
Owen 🤦🏻‍♀️ I really like Catherine wtf did you just do
aww Carlos realizing that TK really does need to talk to his sponsor, that was a great ending
so, I loved the episode, Owen's story was hilarious but I hope Catherine will get back together with him because I do like her
I loved Tommy's story and her getting back out there, and realizing that she's ready ❤️
and of course TK and Carlos - that was so good, and I love how they approached Carlos and his feelings - the, idk, rejection, feeling like he's not enough, just to then realized that TK does need to talk to someone who gets it - loved it, and loved how supportive Carlos has been through all of it (even tho there was some pettiness for a sec lol) and the ending was sweet 😍
I feel like I say it all the time but this season is really the best😂
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wxlfstxrx · 4 years
Your O'Knutzy writing is my favourite thing! I feel like Logan is very clingly...wanna write me so cute/soft headcanons abt it? Or when they boys are sick?:))))
hey hey, so i.... deviated... from the prompt I’M SORRY. like i was writing sick logan and somehow i couldn’t channel the clingy whiny part of him. maybe bc i get all awkward, guys-i’m-fine-stop-fussing when i’m sick sooooooo. honestly ngl this took a while to write, it’s been a rough two or so days and i’m just exhausted at the moment. it’s far from how i wanted it to be, but it’s bugging me and i want to post it, so here it is. hope you like it anyway! characters by @lumosinlove.
Logan wakes up one Sunday morning, head pounding and freezing his butt off. He has no idea what time it is, and he tries to open his eyes to check the time on his phone screen, but the moment he even tries to move, it feels like he’s going to throw up. 
His whole body hurts and he’s sweating under the covers, but he simply cannot find the energy to throw them off him.
Exhausted, he lets himself drift off into unconsciousness again, until he’s woken up by knocking on his door some time later. He groans, pulling his pillow over his head and hoping that whoever it is will stop fuelling his raging migraine.
When he hears Dumo’s worried voice, however, he sighs and musters up enough energy to yell a very hoarse and scratchy come in that makes him sound like a crying horse.
Dumo nudges the door open with his hip and enters the basement, holding a tray with a bowl of soup and a glass of water with some pills in his hands. “How are you feeling, mon fils?” He asks softly as he approaches Logan’s bed.
“How—” Logan’s voice cracks and he coughs. “How did you know?”
“Well, five out of seven people in this house are currently down with the flu, and it’s currently eleven in the morning but you’re still not up yet. Wasn’t hard to figure that you’d be the sixth,” He shrugs, placing the tray on the cramped nightstand by his bed. He sits on the edge of the bed, and Logan scoots closer under the covers so Dumo can press the back of his hand to his forehead.
“Merde, you’re burning up. Do you want me to bring down some painkillers for you?” Dumo asks, frowning as he combs Logan’s long brown fringe back, away from his sweaty forehead.
“Yeah, that sounds good. Thanks, Dumo,” Logan rasps out, choking at the end as he dissolves into another round of coughs.
Dumo tuts, shaking his head worriedly as he clasps a hand on Logan’s shoulder before standing up. He mumbles to himself in French while he lets himself out of the room, and Logan buries himself further under the covers.
He wakes up again when a warm hand brushes his face, tracing across his cheekbone. He frowns and crinkles his nose, making an incoherent sound as he sniffles, trying to clear his blocked nose.
“Hey, did I wake you up?” A quiet voice asks apologetically, and Logan instinctively leans into the touch. Leo.
“Mmmm, but s’ok,” Logan whispers, his hand emerging from under the duvet to close around Leo’s wrist.
“How’re you feeling?” A second voice pitches in.
“What do you think?” He scoffs, turning his head for a moment so he can sneeze into his elbow. 
“Ooh, someone’s moody,” Finn’s grinning face comes into focus as Logan blinks a few times, letting his eyes adjust to the light. He scowls, and Finn’s gaze softens. “Aww, I’m just teasing you, babe. C’mon, can you sit up?”
Leo slides a hand under Logan’s back and helps him shift into a sitting position, propped up against the headboard with the pillows cushioning his back. Finn picks up the bowl of soup and crosses over to the other side of the bed, carefully climbing onto the mattress and planting himself beside Logan, cross legged and facing him. 
He gives the soup a few good stirs with the spoon in his hand, squints at the bowl, and frowns. “It got cold.”
Without another word, he gets up and stalks out of the room. 
Logan blinks. “I could’ve just drank that. I wouldn’t have minded.”
Leo’s mouth quirks in a lopsided grin. “You know what he’s like. A complete baby at times, but he’s such a mom when it comes to things like this.”
Logan manages a weak laugh, which tapers off into a dry cough. “Fuck, I hate being sick.”
Leo grabs the glass of water and brings it up to Logan’s lips, and he closes his fingers around the glass, taking a few big gulps, letting out a satisfied ahhh when he drains the glass within the span of several seconds.
“Dumo called you two over?” He asks, frowning slightly.
“Mmhm, texted us saying you were ill, that the whole family’s ill, actually—” Leo tosses him a sympathetic look. “But yeah, Dumo’s alone in this, even Celeste can barely get out of bed, so we’re his reinforcements.”
He grins, and turns around as Finn re-enters the room with the same bowl of soup, now piping hot.
“Right, ‘m back, went to reheat the soup, Dumo’s a mess up there, with the kids just, y’know,” Finn rambles absentmindedly as he climbs back onto the bed, the soup sloshing dangerously close to the rim of the bowl.
“I swear, if you spill that…”
“I won’t, now stop talking and drink this,” Finn chides without malice. He scoops a spoonful of the scalding soup, lifts it to his mouth to blow on it gently, and turns his wrist so he can direct the spoon to hover right in front of Logan’s face.
“I— I can do it myself, Harz,” Logan splutters.
“I’m sure you can, babe, I’d be worried if you couldn’t. Now hurry up before I actually do spill this.”
Logan sighs and parts his lips, letting Finn tip the spoonful into his mouth. He sighs, closing his eyes as he feels the warm liquid slide down his throat, and he instantly feels a lot less groggy. 
Finn insists on feeding him the whole bowl of soup, whereas Leo helps to bring in a cold, damp cloth from the bathroom to press against Logan’s forehead. 
“Mes amours, I’ll be fine,” Logan awkwardly chuckles and rubs the back of his neck, not used to having people fuss over him like this. 
Leo gives him a strange look, and Finn grins. “You’re blushing! How adorable. I never thought I’d see the day where you’re embarrassed by people taking care of you.”
“No, I’m not,” Logan says indignantly, but Finn bursts out into laughter.
“You so are. I love this, oh my god.”
“Fuck you,” Logan rasps out, and does a weird, painful combination of a sneeze and a cough. 
“Okay, okay, let’s get some rest, hmm? But,” Leo points a finger at him. “Medicine first.”
Damn it.
Logan was hoping that they’d forget about it. He slowly slides downwards, further under the covers, and looks away when Leo holds out the pills in his hand.
“Wha— C’mon, babe,” Leo’s free hand attempts, and fails, to tug the covers off of Logan. “You’re not gonna recover if you don’t take your meds.”
“Don’t wanna,” Logan replies, voice muffled by the duvet covering his mouth.
“Is it the pills?” Finn frowns. “You still don’t take pills after all these years?”
Logan glares at Finn, who looks genuinely surprised for a moment, before he schools his expression, giving the brunette a small smile.
“Okay, okay,” He holds his hands up in front of him in surrender. “Hey, Peanut, give me those. I’ll be back.”
Leo hands Finn the pills, and the redhead leaves the room once again, Leo staring at the door closing.
He slides his hand beneath the duvet and locates Logan’s hand. He laces their fingers together, resting over Logan’s heart and he smiles at him tenderly.
“S’ok, mon chou,” He squeezes Logan’s hand, and he melts at how loving and caring his two boys are towards him. He lets himself snuggle closer to Leo, and Leo runs a hand through Logan’s hair soothingly, helping to ease his headache into a dull throb.
When Finn comes back into the room, grinning like the cheshire cat, Logan can’t help himself.
“What the fuck?” He croaks out.
“Is he allowed to eat that?” Leo asks, startled.
“Yeah, ice cream’s actually good for when you’re sick,” Finn answers, giving them a smug grin. He climbs back onto the bed, beside Logan, and hands him the bowl.
Logan eyes the two scoops of dark chocolate ice cream warily. “Where’re the pills, Harz?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Finn retorts with an exaggerated wink.
“You know,” Leo’s hand freezes and he leans closer to Logan’s ear. “You need to take your meds if you wanna be strong again, hmm? You’ll definitely need your strength for what I’ve planned for you.”
Logan shivers as Leo’s breath tickles his ear and the hand closed around his moves lower, trailing lightly across his abdomen.
“Playing dirty, eh, Peanut?”
“Oh, I’ll show you dirty,” Leo licks his lips, voice low and tone teasing.
Finn clears his throat and nods his head towards the bowl still in Logan’s hand.
“You’re gonna make me finish this, aren’t you?” Logan sighs defeatedly, rubbing his face against the sleeve of his hoodie wearily. 
Finn does a mock bow, which looks ridiculous considering he’s seated down, body half twisted to face him. “Any time now, Your Highness.”
Logan rolls his eyes, but lets go of Leo’s hand to pick up the spoon. He tries his best not to think about the pills buried somewhere within the scoops of ice cream, and he shovels spoonful after spoonful into his mouth while leaning against Leo’s side.
He reckons he tasted the bitterness of the pills at some points, but overall he has to admit that it’s better than he expected. Finn looks like a proud mom when Logan finishes the final scoop and leans his head back against Leo’s shoulder, his eyes fluttering shut.
Leo pulls the empty bowl out of Logan’s hands and turns around to place them on the nightstand. 
“How’re you feeling, baby?” Finn whispers, moving closer so he can wrap an arm around Logan’s shoulders. 
Logan just nods and hums a noncommittal response, full and warm and satisfied. He feels Leo adjusting his position so they’re lying side by side on the bed, Logan in Finn’s arms and Leo spooning him from the back. 
“Thank you,” he murmurs into Finn’s chest, feeling his mind drift in and out of focus once again.
A soft kiss is pressed onto the top of his head, and he mentally thanks Dumo for calling his boys, his perfect boys, over to the house. He feels much better now; his head has almost completely stopped pounding, he’s stopped sweating through his hoodie, and he feels loved. 
Logan falls right back asleep with a smile on his face, not even stirring when the door creaks open and Marc stumbles in, piling on top of the boys, right between him and Finn. He definitely doesn’t stir when Dumo stands in the doorway with his phone out to snap a picture of the four boys huddled together on the bed, tired beyond belief, but with the biggest smile he’s ever had all day.
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olivyh · 3 years
Into Wonderland Chapter 1: Heartslabyul Part One
Mc wakes up to the sound of panicked footsteps running towards them full force, followed by low murmuring. Before they can open their eyes, they're met with a kick to the stomach, which makes them jolt up and cry out.
"What the-" They start, wincing as they hold their hand over their ribs, which are sure to bruise in due time.
"I'm sorry!" A young boy their age scrambles to their side, large rabbit ears drooping down his back in embarrassment. The boy's face is flushed as he fusses over the person he just tripped over, pausing and frantically shuffling his hands around his checkered uniform. Hos dark blue hair is a mess, and the spade that covers one of his eyes is smudged around the edges, with some of it dragging towards the side of his head.
"I-" Mc begins, staring at the boy's ears as they perk up as he swears under his breath.
"Where is it?!" He whisper yells in a panicked frenzy.
"W-wait!" Mc calls out, standing and trying to get the boy attention. "Where am I?" He crawls around the small patch of grass that they lay in, ignoring them and patting the ground until his hand lays on a bronze pocket watch that ticks ominously. He whimpers as he stares at it.
"I-I'm late!" He yells, scrambling and running towards a path that opened in front of them.
"Wait! Late for what?!" Mc yells, chasing after the rabbit boy and swearing when they realize how fast he is compared to them. "Please! Just tell me where I am!" They chase after him, tripping and falling into a large hole in the ground.
They let out a shrill scream, closing their eyes and bracing for an impact that doesn't come. Slowly, they crack open an eye, staring at the objects that float past them.
"Seriously..." They groan. "What is this place...?" They cross their arms and huff, tapping some of the objects that hover in the air, making them spin and click. They finally hit the ground with a soft thud, making them wince as they roll over onto their side, which in reality ends up making them land on their head, which flips to put them back into their feet. They swallow down the nausea that threatens to rise, hearing a familiar voice from down the hall.
"Mr. Rabbit!" They yell, dashing through the checkered hallway when they see the familiar head of navy hair. The boy turns a corner and sprints through a door, slamming it behind him.
"Wait!" They call after him, not stopping in time and slamming their face into the door. They groan and rub their forehead, offering a weak, half-assed, annoyed sob to leave their lips. "Really! The nerve!" They huff.
They grab the handle, screaming when it sneezes as their hand makes contact. "How rude!" The door chides.
"Listen, I'm very, very sorry about grabbing your face but I desperately need to find that rabbit!" They plead. The door huffs, rolling its eyes.
"Why, if you wanted to get through there, you can just shrink!" The knob exclaims. Mc rolls their eyes, catching sight of a small tart that lay on the ground. Reading the tag, which says 'eat me', they decide to take a small bite, savoring the taste as they feel themselves shrink smaller and smaller. They yelp as they drop the treat.
Groaning, they stand and approach the doorknob, placing their hands on their hips expectantly.
"Can I go in now?" They ask.
"You need the key! I'm locked, unfortunately..."
"No, I'm not doing this right now." They wait for the doorknob to explain what it means, then takes the opportunity to leap through it's open mouth.
Landing in a wide sea, they choke and gasp as they reach the surface, waves slamming against the side of their head. In the distance, they spot a small island. They decide to swim towards it, the waves pulling and pushing them to and from their destination. They finally land on the island, soaked to the bone and out of breath.
"Is that all you got?" A voice booms with laughter. Mc looks up to find themselves face to face with a very large, scary, muscular man.
"Keep going, children!" The man yells as a wave blasts the students with... wow, more animal ears, huh.
"Mister Vargas please..." One of the students groans, only to be pushed ahead by another one behind him.
"Nonsense! How else are you supposed to get this swole?!" He's met with tired groans. Mc is pushed into the circle, trying to speak with the man before being hit by another wave of water. Before they can get their feet back on solid ground, they feel a pair of cold hands pull them back into the sea.
"Hey! Wait!" They yell, fighting against their captors. The being just laughs gleefully, pulling them along the current until they get to the shore. The man throws them onto the sand roughly, making them cough and sputter.
"What-" They choke on more sand. "What the hell was that for?!"
The man- peeks out from the water, teal and black hair floating next to him as a long tail splashes behind him.
"Hm? You looked like you were having fun and I wanted to have fun too!" The man giggles again. Another head peeks out of the water, smiling ominously. Mc yelps and jolts back, hitting their head against the rock that was behind them.
"T-there's two!" They yell.
"Fufufu... of course there's two. We're twins." The quieter one comments.
"Mhm! Always have been, always wil be..." The other one laughs again, pulling at Mc's feet.
"I wonder how these work-" He mutters until they squirm out of his grasp, before his claws can dig into their skin.
"That is, unless we get eaten like those poor oysters we saw the other day-" The twin with the hair on the left side of his face comments.
The other twin groans. "That wasn't fair at all! I wanted to get to them first! We were waiting for them to grow up so they'd be more tasty! Impatient walrus..." He huffs, sinking into the water so only his downslanted eyes were staring at the human in front of them. Their golden eyes seem to glow, sending a shiver down the human's spine.
"I really, really need to go- as much as I'd like to hear about oysters." They mutter under their breath.
"Aww," The touchier twin whines. "But it was just getting interesting~"
The other twin chuckles. "Patience Floyd, they'll be back very soon."
Like hell I will, The human thinks, crawling up towards the woods that lined the shore. They walk until they find a small cottage, hearing the same rabbit yelling something.
"Mom?" The rabbit yells, running past Mc on the footpath. "Mom!" He yells again.
"There you are!" Mc tries to grab a hold of him but he ends up being too quick, making them slip and fall. They follow him into the house, praying that there's no police in this weird world.
"Mom! Where'd you go?" The boy continues to yell, walking back out the door and inspecting the garden.
Mc notices a sticky substance on the leg and they look down, jolting when they see red seeping through their light blue clothing.
"Seriously? Now?" The groan, opening their pocket and pulling out the tart, completely forgetting what it had done to them before and taking a bite. This time, they jump as they begin to grow, pushing the furniture that lay around the house out of the way as they struggle to move.
The rabbit boy in the garden turns and screams upon seeing the giant human in his house.
"Help!" He yells, running in the opposite direction. "Help! Monster!"
"Monster?!" Mc exclaims, trying to wriggle out of the house. The boy comes back not too long later, pulling behind him a small cat-raccoon looking animal with flames in his ears.
"Grim, this is the monster I was telling you about..." The boy's voice shakes, as he walks the cat through his gates.
"And I'm the monster..." They groan.
"Hmm... have you tried telling it to leave?" The cat sniffs at Mc's hand, making them twist to try to get away from it.
"No...!? What makes you think that's gonna work?!" The boy yells, fists clenched at his sides.
"Well, we could always set it on fire?" The cat suggests. The boy jumps as it lets out a breath, setting the corner of the house ablaze in a bright blue flame.
"What?! No!" The rabbit boy yells. Mc nods and tries to blow at the fire, hyperventilating a bit as the fore starts to spread dangerously close to their thigh.
"What he said! Stop!" They plead. "I just need to get back to my normal size!"
"Normal...?" The bunny boy repeats, smacking his forehead when something clicks. "You're the person I tripped over this morning!"
"Yes!" Did it really take him that long? They think bitterly. "Now please! Help me shrink again!" The boy panics, looking back to his garden. He sprints to where the carrots lay and throws them towards Mc, many of them smacking them in the fave before falling to the ground.
"Quick! Eat one of these!" The boy yells as the cat continues to fan the flames at the base of the house.
Mc does as told and shrinks, plummeting to the ground, weighed down by the carrot they're still holding. They scream, before landing in a gloved palm.
"Woah..." The boy inspects them, holding them up by their collar and shaking them off the carrot. They grumble and kick, falling flat back onto the boy's palm. "I didn't think that would actually work..."
"Oh..." Mc mumbles. "Well, thank you for that. Now, how do I go home?"
"Home?" The boy repeats, looking as if he forgot something. He yelps and almost drops Mc, making them cling to his pinky as he runs over to the cat. He casts a spell, causing a small raincloud to appear above the fire.
"Hey!" The cat growls. "I was tryin' to help ya, yanno!"
"The monster is gone!" The boy yells, running a hand through his navy blue hair in frustration. In doing so, he knocks Mc off his hand and they fall to the ground, crashing into a large puddle created by the raincloud.
"Rabbit!" They yell before going underwater, swept down the path by the small creek that had been created. "Rabb-" Their words are muffled by water as they're swept onto a small patch of dirt.
"Now what is this?" A voice calls, and Mc feels themselves be picked up by the back of their shirt once again. They yelp, swinging out of the person's grasp, before opening their eyes to see the most beautiful man they had ever seen, wearing a cape made of flower petals.
"Oh! How splendid!" Another flower grabs them from his grasp, holding them at arms length and spinning them around, making them dizzy. "A new addition to our garden!"
"Not quite- they're not much to look at," The other flower states bitterly, lips pursing into a frown.
"I think they're pretty-" Another smaller flower speaks up from behind the mean flower.
"Quiet, Epel."
"Oh! How delightful! This is so exciting!" The tallest flower continues to exclaim, grabbing Mc by the hand and twirling. "What a peculiar scent! And those petals don't look like petals at all!"
That makes the smallest boy tense. "Could they be-"
"A weed!" The beautiful man fumes, face turning a light red. "How disgraceful!"
"Mon dieu!" The man drops them on the ground with a thud. They wince as he backs away to join the other two.
"I am not a weed! I'm a human!" Mc yells. "I don't belong here at all!"
"Oh? You're the one telling us that?" The beautiful flower strides towards them. "You come down here, bringing with you a flood that destroys the careful arrangements we've been working on, then interrupt our chorus practice-" The man pauses and takes a breath, going back to his regal manner. He pushes Mc down the path.
"Gone with you!" He yells. He can hear chides and similar grumblings among the other flowers in the garden as they're pushed out if the garden. When they regain their balance and turn to fave the flowers, they turn to yell at the flowers before one of them is launched at them, exploding in their face.
They stand up straight and sputter, spitting out the pollen that had exploded out of the stem arrow. "How rude!" They yell. A small voice calls out to them from the bushes. They turn to see the smaller flower, his purple hair petals poking out from the dark green leaves.
"I'm sorry about them. I think you're cool- weed or not. I know someone who can help you get back to normal, if you'd like-" Mc nods, rushing towards the boy as he explains of a caterpillar who lives not too far from the garden. They thank him and go on their way, pushing through the thick leaves, only to be met with a puff of smoke to the face.
They cough as a deep voice calls out to them. "Who are you?"
"I-I'm-" They cough out, peeking an eye open to see a man with a large fur coat and split dyed hair, lounging on a mushroom and smoking something out of a pipe. They watch in awe as the smoke forms the shapes of small dogs, yipping and jumping over one another.
"I'm Mc," They announce, and the man look at them suspiciously.
"No, who are you?"The man grumbles, taking another smoke from the pipe.
"I just answered!"
"No, you didn't, little pup." The man chides. He sighs, sitting up straighter and looking down at the scared human with a sadistic smile. "You're a human aren't you?"
"Yes! That's exactly right!" They smile, glad that someone finally understood their situation somewhat.
"You're very lost. That's unfortunate," The man gracefully falls off the mushroom, walking away from the human.
"Wait! Can't you help me?" They call out.
"Help is on the left, pup," The man calls from behind him.
"Left? There's no path here..." They search around them, twisting and craning their neck to find what the caterpillar was talking about.
The man groans in annoyance, turning dramatically and pointing his pipe towards the mushroom. "It's on the left, dear," Their mouth forms an 'o' shape as it clicks in their mind and they smile and nod, making the man's lip quirk up in a smirk. "Good doggy."
With that, the man disappears in a cloud of smoke. Mc stares at the mushroom, yanking a chunk off of it and falling flat to the ground.
"Ow..." They rub their back as they stare at it, taking a small bite. They feel themselves begin to grow again, this time to normal size. They carefully tiptoe through the garden, despite still being annoyed at the flowers for throwing them out. Despite that, they don't want to kill them. After all, the kind purple flower was with them.
They walk along the dirt path, looking around anxiously as they hear someone humming. The voice travels from side to side of the path, until it eventually lands right in their ear. They let out a yelp, jumping back as the boy next to them snickers.
"H-hey!?" They scream, covering their ears and backing away from the catboy.
"Goodbye to you too, dearie~" The boy hums, disappearing before making only his head reappear in a tall tree. His messy purple hair seems to float around him as he stares down at them with a lazy smile.
"What? Okay never mind that part I just- I really, really need to get home and so far nobody has been of any help and-"
"Hmm? Help you say?" The boy hums, tapping his feet in the air behind him.
"Yes! Please!" They exclaim. "How do I get home?!" The cat thinks for a minute, before giggling at their desperation.
"Hmm... methinks mew could find a way. That is, if mewthinks you can survive~" The cat snickers, hanging upside down off the branch.
"S-survive?!" They yelp, a chill running down their spine. "Survive what?"
"Why, the little red tyrant, of course!"
"Little red tyrant...?" Mc repeats, knitting their eyebrows.
"The Queen of Hearts, of course!" The cat howls in laughter, still dangling off the branch.
"How do I get to her?"
"To him."
"To him. Right. Respect pronouns, Mc." They mutter that last part.
"Well just follow this path~!" The cat hums, his tail pointing towards a bright path that points down behind them. "A skip and a jump and a dance later and mew'll find your way!" He giggles, using his tail to tease the human before fading away, a song disappearing on his lips as he vanishes
"Weird..." Mc utters, walking down the path the boy pointed them towards. They can hear things clicking together and loud laughter and singing from a distance. They decide to follow it and find themselves at a small tea party, housing only three people circulating around the long table.
"Happy unbirthday!" The head of the table yells gleefully, snapping a few pictures of the table. The other redhead at the table laughs loudly into his cup, dropping it and opting for a new one.
"It's always a happy unbirthday!" The boy with the heart over his eye wheezes between laughs, making the man with the hat laugh even harder, dropping the tart he'd been eating into his tea. This makes the man howl even louder, clutching his chest as his ginger hair falls out of his large tophat.
The other man at the table sits uncomfortably. Mc looks and recognizes his shaggy blue hair.
"Rabbit!" They yell. The boy sees them and smiles, waving them over. They walk over to him and sit in the seat next to him, wary about the eyes of the other two boys on them.
"I've been trying to escape from them for twenty minutes now! Riddle is going ti have my head!" He whispers in a panic. Mc nods as the other two leap over to their side.
"Is it your unbirthday as well?" The orange haired boy with a diamond under his eye asks, tilting his head and pouring them a cup of tea.
"I- unbirthday?" They ask.
"Do you really not know what an unbirthday is?" The redhead laughs, slamming his hand to his face and smudging the heart on his eye. "Dummy!"
Mc's face lights up a bright red in embarrassment, and the rabbit pats their back comfortingly.
"Be nice Ace!" He yells at the redhead, who sticks his tongue out.
"Stop being such a suck up, Deuce!"
Ignoring the other two's bickering, the ginger sits next to the human, explaining the unbirthday. "You see, the day you're born is your birthday- every other day is your unbirthday!"
"Well, then it's my unbirthday too!" Mc smiles, relaxed by the hatters comforting vibe.
"Thats such a coincidence! It's mine too! I need to tell my followers this! Smile~!" They're blinded for a second by the bright light of a camera before they go back to the two rabbit boys arguing.
"You're always late!" Ace yells at the navy haired boy, whose ears flop against his head as his face flushes a bright red.
"I wouldn't be any more if you didn't break my pocketwatch!" He yells.
"Wait- late for what?" Mc interrupts, cutting off Ace before he can make the situation worse.
"The Queen has a croquet match today!" Deuce says, sighing. "And I was supposed to introduce the opponents-"
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Poofy Part Two
Summary. Bakugo has been turned into a giant fluffy Pomeranian and gets taken home by Reader
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You woke up first in the morning to see Bakugo on his back asleep with his tongue out. Giggling you put the blanket on him and went to the shower to wash up. Bakugo was still asleep when you returned , still on his back asleep. You leaned down to scratch his stomach and Bakugo opened his eyes flailing around falling off the couch.
DAMMIT ATTACK!!! What is on me!!! He barked running in circles, the blanket just getting more tangled.
“Oh my sorry .” You said sitting down and pulling the blanket off . “I didn't mean to wake you”
Bakugo growled staring at your happy face.dammit.. was just a blanket..
“Mmm.. I think you need a name, what do you think?” You asked petting his head.
“How about Sushi? Do you like that?”
I hate everything
His angry face quickly vanished when you hugged him all excited. With a sigh and an eye roll he nuzzled into you sitting on your lap. Lucky your cute.
After a less than exciting breakfast Bakugo was sitting on the couch watching the tv. Everyone is freaking out huh? Think I'm dead? Interesting. When is this damn quirk gonna wear off . His ear twitched and he looked over to see you in the kitchen crying over the sink.
Woah hey whats - he fell off the couch. Ow. Bakugo rushed to you, putting his front paws on the counter. Cutie, hey. Whats up. His nose twitched as he watches you.
“Oh Sushi.. i'm okay . Im worried about Ground Zero” you rubbed your eyes sniffling. “I hope he's not hurt.. he's my favorite and no one can find him.”
Aww Cutie. I'm right here, if only i could show you. Bakugo laid his head on the counter watching, trying to figure out how to help. What do you like to do, I wonder? I think I remember a dog park on my route. Would you like that? I personally wouldn't but for you Cutie i'll deal with it.
He hopped down and pressed his head into your legs trying to get you to move. You rubbed your eyes looking behind you . “Sushi? What's wrong?” You pet him and he pushed harder to the door.
“Oh! Do you wanna go for a walk? We gotta get you a leash then “
Excuse me?
Suddenly you got all excited opening the door to your house . “Okay !! Cmon!!! “
Once Bakugo was in the car he was visibly upset. A collar. What am i ? A dog? I'm not going to go anywhere. His tail flicked violently for awhile while you drove to the pet store. When you arrived you opened the door and Bakugo got out looking up at you with half lidded eyes. Cutie, i swear if you pick out something girly
“Sushi are you ready?” You pet his head and Bakugo rolled his eyes again following you in the store.
So many smells, its weird. I never noticed all these cats in cages , hmm.. Bakugo wandered around the cages sniffing at the sleeping cats eyeing each one. They paid him no mind though which made him growl and roll his eyes. Hey, where's my cutie? He sniffed around the floor searching for you and found a clerk instead. You aren't cutie. Eyeroll.
“Oh my goodness did someone lose a dog?” She asked looking around the pet store. “Cmon lets find your owner.” She pet him and Bakugo was less than thrilled.
I dont need help. He told himself following the lady. Im sure shes here somewhere. He searched the fish area, the small pets and the dog food area coming up empty. ...cutie? His fur was sticking up more now and his ears were twitching. Wheres.. i cant smell her. Did she dump me here?!? He jumped shaking his head realizing the clerk left too. Dammit!! He ran around the store barking, he had no idea what to do in this situation.
“Would the owner of a .. large pomeranian please come to the rabbit section…” was heard over the PA System.
Bakugo slid to a stop . Thats me. Thats me.
His head shot forward and he saw you putting your phone away in your bag. “Sushi where did you go? I was about to call animal-“ he tackled you licking your face.
Cutie! My cutie. I think i got distracted by the damn cats.. im sorry… he gave you puppy eyes and you hugged him sighing.
“Goodness, I'm glad you're okay. Must've gotten separated.. i'm here now. Its okay” you pet his head assuring him. Bakugo let you up and stayed right next to you while you were in the store. You picked out a pink leash and he just gave you this side look. No.
He sneezed at you. You already named me after raw fish there's no way im-
“I saw a cozy dog bed on sale, it has a built in heater” you scratched his chin and Bakugos ears twitched. Heated… you say?
The basket you were holding had a pink leash in it with a Ground Zero spiked collar attached to it that was green and orange. He picked it out. You picked out some Grain Free dog food and some Milk Bones. “I think that's it, phew i'm tired.” You rubbed your eyes giggling.
Bakugo wanted to get you home and get you to bed as soon as he could. He felt bad about wandering off and causing you stress. He rubbed on your leg pushing you to the check out . Im sure one of them can load up the bed in the car so lets go check- His head spotted something green and small sitting on a shelf. You looked petting his head scratching a ear. “Want that chew toy? Its full of stuffing , can you promise not to make a mess?”
Yeah yeah. I want that. His tail wagged fast.
“Okay. Go get it Sushi.”
A fangy grin slid up his face.
You were home now , Bakugo had the collar on with an explosion tag hanging off it that said Sushi along with your contact info. He was on his bed that he had moved from the corner of the room over to the couch so he was close to you while you slept. He decided he would take you for a walk sometime, maybe it would help. You were asleep under your Ground Zero blanket hugging a gauntlet sound asleep and Bakugo was chewing the hell out of his Deku chew toy with a huge grin on his face.
@melmellimelon @tspice283 @blueriine
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solitaszn · 4 years
freak like me...
this is my first smut go easy on me
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pairing: oscar isaac x reader
summary: a long night of dancing, turns into some skincare fun, but you have something else up your sleeve.
wc: 1.75k
warnings: cursing, SMUT, slapping, degradation, dom fem/ sub mas, tying up
“i’m exhausted.”
“yeah, maybe going out dancing wasn’t that great of an idea for date night”
“next time let’s watch a movie and order pizza and get fat together.”
you and oscar had been dating for around two years now. and he still had new ideas for date nights, it’s like his superpower. you had gone into the bathroom to go take off the rest of your makeup that the sweat hadn’t taken off. 
“hmmm. he can’t be that tired. let’s find out” you thought excitedly. 
you saw that he was sitting on the bed, slipping off his sweat matted button up and his undershirt. you put up your hair to start your night routine. 
“gonna start your skincare routine that lasts 3 hours?”
“it literally takes 20 minutes oscar. come on let’s do it together”
“ok but only if i can put the mask on you”
you both head to your own sinks in the bathroom and wash your faces. then you pull out three different kinds of face masks. 
“what’s the difference?”
“you gotta brush this one on, unwrap this one, and peel this one off” you instructed. 
“oh. let’s do this one!” he pointed to the clay mask in the small container 
“ok let’s do you first” 
you open the container and dip the brush into it. he watches you carefully as you hold his jaw steadily and brush it over his face. 
“can i look now?”
“oscar please.”
“ok ok.”
“alright. done”
he turns to see himself in the bathroom mirror. his face green with the mask, he slowly smiles at himself and side eyes you.  
“i look like the hulk. but i like it. ‘cause i can do this!”
“ahh! oscar!!”
he picks you up and twirls you around and peppers kisses on you, leaving patches of mask on your cheeks. he sits you down to being putting the mask on you. 
“ok your turn”
“oscar please put it on right.”
“i can draw remember. i think i can put a face mask on you.”
he holds your head while he concentrates on your face. admiring you every second he can, like this is the last time he’ll ever see you. he tickles your nose as he glides the brush over it. 
“you’re gonna make me sneeze!!”
“alright I’m done! now you’re my little she-hulk”
you look up to him and roll your eyes, then turn to see yourself. your face mask is perfect on your face. your eyes widen as you move closer to examine what he’d done.
“where’d you learn to DO this?”
“one of my stylists taught me how to do it before i got ready for one of my events”
the both of you waited for them to dry while you watch an episode of your favorite show. the timer on your phone went off. and the two of you finish up the routine. oscar returns to the bed as you finish up. he watches you again, this time with his eyes gliding over your body. you pick up your phone to play some music. you scroll for a bit until your finger stops over freak by doja cat. your heart flutters as you imagine how the night can go if you press play. without hesitation, you press it and the music fills the room echoing off the walls. 
oscar hears the beginning of the song making his heart melt. “aww how cute she’s playing put your head on my shoulder” he thought. 
the music stops for a bit. his eyes quickly shift up from his phone and then back to you.
“freak like me”
he freezes and his gaze looks up from his phone, eyes widen at the lyrics. and you turn to him and start dancing while singing along and pointing at him. 
“you want a good girl that does bad things to you.” 
you see him shift around and squirm a bit before placing a throw pillow on his lap. he’s still watching you, cheeks starting to almost glow red on his tanned face. he bit his lip as you kept singing and then slowly move toward him. he crouches over the pillow in hopes to hide himself. 
“you’ve never been no one as nasty as me”
you pry off the pillow he was clutching and toss it to the side. his eyes dart up to you, his mouth hanging open while it curls into an open mouthed smile. you slowly climb on his lap. his arms snake around your hips and his hands steady your lower back. your hands drape over his clothed shoulders. 
“spice up your life, come get a freak”
you trace his jawline with your finger and lift his chin. his breath hitches as you begin to make a trail kisses down to his collarbone. making a few kisses prominent by sucking on the soft skin causing the capillaries to break. his eyes fluttering closed from bliss. you took off his shirt exposing his perfect caramel tinged skin and toned body. 
“chase him just enough for him to hate me”
you felt his hands roam around to take off the pajama top you had, which resulted in you putting his hands under your knees so he couldn’t touch you. 
“please. let me please.”
“not yet”
he groaned in protest. he hadn’t seen this side of you before and to be frank, he liked it. he loved the way it made you confident, which made you way more sexier than usual. 
he tried to cause what friction he could so he could feel some pleasure. you climbed off of him, which made him sigh and clench his jaw. you saw the tent you made in his boxers. you lifted his shirt over his head and tossed away in the same pile of clothes next to the pillow. he was eager to just grab you and push you onto the bed, rip off your clothes and do what he wanted to your body. before he could lift himself off the bed you had already pushed him back onto the rest of the bed. he moaned as you wrapped your hand around his jaw. you slapped his face while you told him to shut up. you leaned down to his ear and whispered to him
“are you ok baby?”
“fuck yes. please keep going”
“please what?”
“please ma’am”
you go to grab a box full of things you’ve been wanting to experiment with. 
“stay here. don’t touch yourself while I’m away. i will know and you will get punished.”
“yes ma’am”
you return to him sitting on the bed eager for your return. you place the dark wooden box on the nightstand, pulling off the lid. you pull out a few strands of tying rope and you climb on top of him again, straddling his hips. 
“are you ok with this?”
you begin to tie his wrists to the bed posts and then make your way to his ankles. you tighten it making him moan out. you stopped and admired him from the bed. you kissed a trail from where you left on his collarbone down to his hipbones. he whimpers, calling out for you to touch him. 
“p-please i need it ma’am”
you climbed back onto him. his hot skin igniting against your cold body. you start grinding against his hard on. him whining out in pleasure. 
“ride me please.”
“ok only because you’ve been a good boy”
you opened up the nightstand drawer to grab a condom. you put it up to oscars lips. he tears off the foil and spits out the rest making it flutter by his face and roll it onto him. you sink your hips into him. earning a loud sigh escaping from your throat while you steadied yourself on his bare chest, scratching as you adjusted to his size. he moaned out in pleasure causing him to buck his hips up. 
“do i make you this excited baby?”
you start moving up and down making him groan deeply and making you make high pitched cries. you lean down to kiss his full lips and bite on his lower one. he tries to grab your neck but his action is protested by the silk rope straining him away. 
“you wanna be outta this ropes honey?”
“ah ah ah! use your words”
“yes y-es please fuck”
you unknot each limb from its post and his hand make its way to your hips guiding you in and out. his short nails digging into your skin. making you bite down a moan. 
“ah i think I’m gonna-“
“no no! you have to ask permission for you to cum!”
“please let me please!”
“not yet”
as you grow closer to your climax you feel him twitch inside you, you ride out your high which caused your hips to slow down and you caught your breath. you lifted yourself from him causing him to gasp out. 
you rolled the condom off of him.
“what are you- ohhhhh”
began to bob your head up and down making one of his hand grip the duvet and the other gripping your hair. making you make a low moan that sent vibrations. he looked down at you and then back up, his eyes rolling to the back of his head in euphoria and brows curving up into his sweat matted hair hanging down. 
“i’m gonna- i’m gonna- cahhh”
you ejected yourself off of him with a pop while you still jerk him off. his chest making out shallow breaths as his back arches and he releases all over his lower abdomen. his body goes limp as his chest rises and falls slowly. you grab a towel to clean him and yourself and throw yourself next to him on the bed, putting the sheets over the both of you. you laugh as he looks at you. 
“whoa. where the hell did you learn to do that” oscar asked staring at the ceiling in awe
“lots and lots of research.” you said sarcastically. 
“you mean going through my search history?”
“yeah. i mean, you never told me how kinky you were.”
“neither did you.”
both of you looked at each other until oscar pulled a quick breath and lifted himself on one arm and picked up his phone from the nightstand, clicking it open and pressing on the pizza app. 
“so uh. you still up for ordering pizza and getting fat?”
“duh. that was the whole point dork.”
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For The Horde
Catra was so close that Adora was sweating, and not just because they were trying to get out of a cramped cavern. 
In her dreams, she longed for this. Catra’s breath on her shoulder, her fur just brushing her skin, Adora’s ponytail brushing her friend’s cheek and making her sneeze.
Boy, did she have the cutest sneeze. Adora had to use all her strength to not smile every single time. If she did, Catra would get so mad and it would throw the entire mission off. Anyway, she wasn’t supposed to be smiling. Somewhere, out there, Shadow Weaver was watching their progress. One smile could turn into a cute, off-topic conversation which could get her janitorial duty for a week.
For Catra, it could be even worse. 
Flicking a glance over her shoulder, Adora watched Catra itch her nose and then look at the walls seriously. She scraped her claws across them, easily grabbing a good hold, but she didn’t say anything, just turned in the other direction, trying to look inconspicuous.  
Typical. Catra was always more capable than she led on, but she wouldn’t leave Adora down here just to show off. 
It was one of the things she lo-
Adora shut that thought right down. That wasn’t encouraged in the horde. Especially not for her. She thought, maybe, once.
But then Shadow Weaver made it clear to her that there would be consequences, after finding her and Catra giggling in closet, hiding from Kyle trying to track them down and give them a message.
She spent her whole life vying for Force Captain, and when it came to Shadow Weaver and Catra...
Well, Adora didn't know what happened, but she didn't like the bruises that came with them ever spending time alone.
Anyway, Shadow Weaver always said Force Captains weren’t supposed to get distracted. And distractions didn’t have a place in the Horde. She didn’t want to know what that meant if applied to a person. 
"You got any ideas, Adora?" 
"Ummm..." Feeling Catra’s arm brush against her back, Adora stiffened and sucked in, trying to avoid too much touching. Touching made it hard to think. Unfortunately, though, her answer was still the same: "Not really." 
Cocking her head towards the claw marks in the wall, Adora said, "You could do it by yourself."
"Don't be dumb, the mission is to get out together." Catra frowned and tucked her fingers under her chin, a gesture so thoughtful and rare that Adora found herself staring. "Unless..." 
Sometimes Adora forgot how adorable her hands were, so sharp and soft at the same time. It reminded her of when they were little girls and she would grab Catra’s hands and drag her around the halls, taking her on different wild adventures and new places to explore every day. 
Shadow Weaver never liked their little adventures, but her scolding never stopped them. 
All of a sudden, Catra looked to Adora with a raised eyebrow and Adora gave a panicked shrug. Yep, that’s what she was doing the entire time looking at her hands, just thinking up ideas. Nothing more. Not wondering how if felt to hold them again, or maybe drag Catra somewhere again, watch her laugh, shut up her cute, loud giggles with her-
Adora shrugged even deeper and even screwed up her face to sell it. 
Rolling her eyes, Catra looked in the other direction, crossed her arms, and said, "Unless you let me carry you." 
At first, the way Catra mumbled it under her breath made it difficult to hear. But from the slight darkening of Catra’s cheeks, Adora was able to piece the words together. That didn’t stop her voice from squeaking. "What?"
Catra groaned and gestured to the tall cavern walls. "We use what we have. You climb on my back and I get us out of here." 
With one mental picture of her arms around Catra’s neck, her soft skin under her fingers, her nose pressed into her hair... Adora had to consciously think of every breath to avoid hyperventilating. "I don't know if that's the best idea-"
"What? You have a better one?" 
"No, but..." Weighing the importance of accomplishing this test and her own dumb hang-ups, Adora knew what the right answer was. She just needed to get a hold of herself. Exhaling, she admitted, "But you're right." 
Under the guise of sarcasm, Catra flashed her this proud little smirk. "Oh good, you finally get that I'm the brilliant one." Even though she could look at Catra smirking for... far too long, she needed to do this before she lost her nerve. Climbing onto Catra’s back, the only thing she could be thankful about was that her best friend could not see the blush on her cheeks and neck. 
Focusing on her mouth, the only thing not pressed against Catra, Adora said, "Pipe down, kitty cat. Let's get this test over with." 
Catra chuckled, something Adora could feel throughout her whole body. "You owe me one."
“Of course I do.” 
Then they started their ascension. 
Admittedly, Adora spent most of the time worried about Shadow Weaver’s assessment later and the way it felt to hold onto Catra so tightly. The cat-girl had her claws firmly in the wall and was climbing steadily, but Adora felt these twisting knots of anxiety growing like weeds. Normally heights didn’t get to her, but...
Well, let’s just say the lack of control in the situation made Adora feel all sort of things that a future Force Captain shouldn’t feel. 
When Catra’s hand slid down the wall a mere inch, Adora practically screeched. "Be careful!"
"Give me a break. You're not the one saving our asses, are you?" Catra scoffed, but then added, quieter, “You don’t think I can do this, do you?” 
"No! I just want to get out of this alive, okay?"
"What, can't handle a little danger, princess?"
Adora felt her blood boil. How was she anything like the stuck-up enemy? "Don't you dare call me that!"
Unfortunately, that only egged on Catra more. "You gonna make it a couple more feet, pretty princess?"
"When we get up there, you are so gonna get it, Catra!"
"I can't wait to see you try."
The longer the climb went, the more Adora could feel every flex of Catra’s shoulders, her thighs, as they went. It was hard not to think about it when it was thinking about Catra or thinking about how Shadow Weaver might react to this... behavior. 
Maybe all of it was a mistake. If she saw Adora clinging to Catra like this, Catra could-
She shook her head. Shadow Weaver wasn’t even supposed to watch these tests. The point was to abandon recruits in the cavern and see how long it took them to get back to the barracks. They’d definitely beat Regelio and Kyle (purely because they could use Kyle’s reputation as an excuse to get... distracted) but a lot was expected out of her.
Shadow Weaver expected Adora to lead. She wasn’t supposed to get distracted. 
If only Catra’s hair was so soft. 
Just then, Adora was wretched out of her conflicted, confused trance. Catra hopped them up on top of the cliff’s edge and detached Adora from her back.
Unlucky for said Adora, she didn’t realize how wobbly her legs had gotten and she collapsed to the ground. 
Above her, Catra brushed off her hands and had this wide, proud grin. "Perfect success, if I do say so myself.” Looking up at Catra distracted Adora from all the complicated things she was feeling. Instead, she felt this rush of adrenaline, the kind that couldn’t fathom that this person in front of her was hers. 
Even if it wasn’t in the way she wanted, and probably never would be. 
Catra started to ask, “So, what are you gonna-" 
Before she could contain herself, fall back on those wobbly legs and put duty first, Adora threw herself at Catra and hugged her, tight. She had to show her something."Catra you did it! We made it!"
"What the-" Catra glanced down at Adora’s wobbly legs and raised a bemused eyebrow. "Are you afraid of heights?"
"No." Adora detangled herself from Catra and crossed her arms. Sometimes Catra could be pretty annoying, too. "Not most of the time, at least. It was just I wasn't in control so..."
"Aww, Adora was scared because she’s a cute little control freak." Adora frowned, but Catra stepped closer and poked her cheek, discouraging the pout. That tail of hers even flicked at her arm.
But Adora was all that stupid or forgetful, she knew Catra’s tail wasn’t all that random. Even when she was trying to be less smug and proud, she could tell in the way it swayed at her. Shoving down a smile of her own, Adora tried to disengage. That’s what she was supposed to do. They got a little too close, but she wasn’t supposed to-
Then her brain fried when Catra tucked an index finger under her chin, giving a softer, sweeter smile and promised, "Don't worry, I had you safe the entire time." 
Adora swallowed, but it barely went down. "You're right, you did. Thank you." 
Like a wall tumbling down, Adora’s breath caught in her throat and she felt attuned to the stillness of the air, the stuttered beat of her heart, the heat off of Catra’s skin. And her eyes were on her lips and all she needed was another leaning inch and she could finally-
A Force Captain isn’t supposed to get distracted. And distractions didn’t have a place in the Horde. 
With the fakest laugh she’d ever given, and a helpless shove of Catra’s shoulder, Adora jogged a few steps away from her like it was all some silly, playful game like when they were kids. "So we better get back then, shouldn't we?"
When Catra looked at her, her eyebrows tied together, she didn’t look playful at all. She just looked confused. Her shoulders shrugged, all the pride blown out of them, so the action was weak and lacked any of the bluster of before. "I thought we might hang out alone for a bit, celebrate our victory over another stupid test."
Adora sucked in a breath. She didn’t want to walk away, but it was better they just forget moments like this, or the closet, like they never happened right? 
Shaking her head, she said. "We don't have time for that, Catra. Let's go." 
In a peace offering, Adora extended her hand back, hoping with all her heart Catra would take it. 
"Yeah, I guess we should." And Catra walked past her, before she started jogging towards the barracks. “Bet you can’t catch me, Adora!” There was a smile on her lips when she said it, but it didn’t meet those beautiful blue and yellow eyes of hers. 
Adora ran after her best friend, but she struggled to keep on the barest minimum of a lying smile. Because Catra was right; Adora would never catch her. 
And Adora had to accept that her heart would certainly break in the process. 
The things you do for your righteous duty to Horde.
For the first day of Pride Month, I can’t help but indulge in a little bittersweet yearning
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