#if ANYONE can tell me where the exact translation ['We must help each other at all costs'--it's not like that. You see with us it's 'We mus
every-yumichika · 4 months
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enthusiasticharry · 3 years
Second Best
summary: you and Harry meet at a party, but he seems to take more interest in your sister than in you, and you won't be Second Best. 
author’s note: bonjour mes chéris!! this is the first instalment of hannah being the history/french student she is and merging all three of her worlds and creating her own little fictional one. this is based off of lousia may alcott’s little women (one of may favourite books ever) but with my own little twist on it. this is set in the 1860′s during the civil war but i haven't made it too historical at all.  i have done all of the translations myself and even though i'm semi-fluent i still make mistakes so if you spot any let me know. this is so long so i'll shut up now, thanks for all the support bye!! <3
word count: 16k of good old fashioned marriage talk (there’s a lot of it, its all they spoke about tbf??), fluff, angst and a lil’ smut. there is marriage and children at the end (woo, exciting!) not proofread because my eyes are already asleep. 
masterlist   |    speak to me about second best here!
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“Stand up straight, don’t slouch. You have a tendency to do so, and these people will not tolerate it.” You sister, Lizzie, says as she pushes her arm between yours, walking you towards the fancy house in front of the two of you, “Whatever you do, don’t speak about your art at all. Nobody can stop you once you’ve started. Do speak if you’re spoken too, and if you’re asked to dance, dance.”
You shake your head, “But I don’t want to dance.”
“You will dance.” Lizzie says again, squeezing your arm slightly, “You may find yourself a husband if you act proper enough.”
“I shouldn’t have to act proper just to find a husband, Lizzie.” You scoff, shaking your head, “If they don’t love me, oil paints and all, then I don’t want them. I don’t think I’ll ever find a husband.”
“Oh shush with you.” She says, tapping your arm slightly. It didn’t hurt, but it did cause your lips to part in shock, “How lovely would it be if father returned and you were married! It would make his life.”
“I think he’d have a heart attack.” You mutter, removing your arm from around hers as you stand outside of the door you were going to walk through in mere minutes, “I’m his little girl, you are also, Lizzie. If we were both to be married I’d think we’d kill him off.”
“You shouldn’t joke about that.”
“I’m not joking. I truly believe that would happen.” You deadpan.
She scoffs and slips her arm through yours this time, using her free hand to ring the bell. A man wearing one of the fanciest suits you’ve ever seen in your life opens the door, allowing the two of you to slip through. You help Lizzie remove her shawl, whilst she does the same to you. The man hangs them up amongst the array of other jackets. You lips part in shock at the sight of the house you were in, the first thing your eyes falling upon being the large staircase, with paintings littering the walls. For once, you were speechless, unable to control your excitement and want to gawk at the art upon the wall.
“Lizzie!” You gasp, gripping her arm tightly, “Look at the—”
“Don’t you dare say paintings!”
“Lizzie!” You groan again, pulling her arm so that she’s looking your direction, “Look at them.”
“I’m looking at them.” She lifts her eyes to look at the wall you were looking at, where the pieces hung with such grace and elegance, “They don’t seem too spectacular.”
A shocked gasp escapes your lips, “Take that back, Lizzie! They are beautiful!
“If you say so.”
She removes you from your awe of the paintings and pulls you towards the ballroom. There’s people everywhere, the most amount of people you think you’ve ever seen in your life. You watch as they mingle with glasses of Champagne in their hands, the expensive material of their dresses sparkling in the light from the chandelier. Men stood wooing the women before them, flicking their suit jackets and inviting them to dance. The dresses the women were wearing were something out of dreams. You weren’t the biggest fan of dresses, in fact, you lived in trousers around the house, but you couldn’t help feeling embarrassed about your tattered dress. You’ve had the dress for a year or so, and the holes and rips and anything else you’d manage to do to the material could be seen in the light even if you’d fixed it.
“Lizzie!” The call comes from somebody who you don’t recognise, but Elizabeth certainly did and before the syllables of her name could escape your lips, she’s gone. You watch as your sisters whisked away with the crowd, leaving you stood there with no clue as to what to do.
Gripping the material of your dress, you slip yourself to stand by one of the doorways, away from the hustle and bustle of everyone in the room, but close enough for you to be able to watch. Lizzie stands in the middle, just as she always is, with a group of people around her. She was always the centre of attention, the one that everyone loved — you included. You were only a few years younger than her, but you were the only siblings each of you had, so you were close. You had your disagreements, that was certain, but you always came back stronger. You weren’t shocked when you noticed her spinning around holding some man’s hand, dancing away with a smile on her face that always made your insides happy. If she was happy, you were happy.
“Not one for dancing?” You eyes almost bulge out of your head as you hear a voice next to you, a male one at that.
“Oh, um, not really.” You laugh, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear, “I’m not a very good dancer. I don’t really like dancing, to be completely honest.”
“Everyone loves dancing.” The man says, and you’re able to get a good look at him. A black suit, with a crisp-white shirt sits upon his torso. His hair was a fluffy brown, a chestnut that you found yourself in awe of. His green eyes ones of masterpieces, better than any art you could ever see upon any wall in any gallery, “I believe you are just lying.”
“I am not.” You shake you head, “My sister told me that if anyone asked me to dance I must say yes, but I have decided that I mustn’t. I have two left feet and anyone who is to ever dance with me will regret it, I know of it.”
“I highly doubt that.” He shakes his head, sipping from the glass he had in his hand, “Your sister shouldn’t force you do dance either.”
“Oh.” You shake your head, “Lizzie isn’t forcing me to dance, she just wants the best for me. Dancing is how people meet.”
“It’s how we met.” He says after a few seconds.
You let out a small chuckle, running your tongue over your lips slightly, “Sir, pardon me, but I don’t even know your name.”
“Harry.” He smiles, “M’names Harry.”
“Oh!” You exclaim again, “Harry Styles! You’ve just moved in next door with your father! Mother saw you the other day.”
“You must be—”
“—YN YLN.” You hold your hand out for him to shake, immediately shaking your head and pulling it back, “I’m so sorry, Mr. Styles, Lizzie forgot to remind me to not shake hands. It’s not very ladylike, I know.”
“It’s perfectly okay.” He holds his hand out, and you bite your lip and shake it, “And please don’t call me Mr. Styles. I’m not my father. Call me Harry.”
“Harry.” The name slips from your lips, “I think Lizzie would die if she saw me talking to you.”
“If I may, would you show me Lizzie?” He asks and you nod.
You nod and turn back to the crowd, fluttering your eyes across all of the people in hopes to spot your sister. She was wearing red, the colour which suited her the most in your opinion, so she wasn’t too hard to spot. She was dancing in the middle of the room with a man with blonde hair, a suit similar to the one that Harry was wearing upon his body. She looked happy, and the sight caused a smile to flutter across your lips.
“She’s in the middle there.” You say, nodding your head in the girls direction, “The one in the red dress.”
You turn to look at Harry and once his eyes fall upon your sister, you can tell that the whole world stops around him. His lips part, his eyes widen and if you look closely you can see the reflection of the red dress in his eyes. You’re unsure how long he’s staring at her, but you’re staring at him for the exact same amount of time.
“It’s a. . .” He fumbles with his words after a few seconds, lifting his hands to scratch the back of his neck, “It’s a beautiful dress.”
“It is.” You agree, “Mother let her save up her allowance to buy the material. I should’ve done the same but I spent mine on paints.”
“You paint?” His raises his eyebrow, finally looking back at you.
You nod, “I love to.”
“Then you have every right to spend your money on paints.” He says, and you try to hide the heat that falls upon your cheeks, “You dress is perfectly swell
“It’s not beautiful though.”
“It’s swell, YN.” He reminds you again, “I’m sure you’ll get a beautiful dress at some point.” 
Then you’ve lost him. You’re not surprised, though. Everyone prefers Lizzie to you, it’s just how it’s always been. You watch the back of him as he walks towards your sister, taking the world in his stride behind him as he does so. You watch as she courtesy’s for the man she has just danced with, and before Lizzie can go anywhere, she’s scooped up to dance with Harry. Maybe if you had bought the Emerald material your mother had wanted you to, Harry would be dancing with you right now instead of Lizzie. Maybe if you hadn’t been so against dancing in the first place he might’ve asked you to dance.
No, you wouldn’t stoop to that level for a man of all people. If Harry didn’t want to dance with you, ‘swell dress’ and all then you weren’t going to change yourself, no matter how much you wanted to, for a mere man.
“YN!” Lizzie delightful glee of your name came after their dance had died down. Lizzie came bouncing towards you, a just as bashful Harry following behind her, “Harry has offered to take us home in his carriage!”
“Now?” You ask, your heart hopeful that they’d both say yes.
Lizzie turns to look at Harry who shrugs his shoulders slightly, “If the two of you want to, we can.”
“Oh no.” Lizzie places her hand upon his shoulder, “We couldn’t dare take you away from the festivities. We will wait until you’re finished.”
“I’m ready to leave myself, Miss YLN.” He says to Lizzie, the same heat falling upon her cheeks as you had felt earlier.
“Please. Call me Lizzie.”
“Okay, Lizzie.” He grins, “I’ll just go fetch the carriage, see you by the front door?”
Lizzie nods, and you give him a small smile and watch as he walks towards the door. You try not to stare as he shrugs on his coat but it’s hard to, and you know that Lizzie is feeling the exact same way that you are.
“Oh YN.” She gushes, turning to you and placing her hands upon your shoulder, “He’s a perfect gentlemen.”
“Is that so?” You ask, walking towards the door also to fetch your shawl, shrugging it on your shoulders.
“It is.” She copies your actions with her own, “He asked to dance, saying that you were the one to introduce me to him. I can’t thank you enough, dear sister.” 
“It’s no issue.” You shake off, turning away from her so that she can’t see the fall in your face, “He seemed to take a fancy to you once I’d pointed you out from the crowd.”
“Oh yes.” You nod your head, turning to look at her. Her shawl was scraggly thrown upon her body, probably from how distracted she was, and you lean forward to sort it for her whilst she gleams over your shoulder at nothing. You wonder if this is what it was like to meet your husband, butterflies and distractions from that moment on. It hadn’t happened yet for you, and seeing the way Lizzie was acting, you decided that you didn’t really want it happen, “Couldn’t take his eyes off you, sweet one.”
She squeals and wraps her arms around you, squeezing you slightly. You were happy that she was happy, and you wouldn’t take that away from her.
The door opened, revealing a blushed faced Harry due to the cold outside, “Ready?”
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“YN!” Your mother calls from the floor below you, “Can you please come and set the table?” 
You groan and remove your paintbrush from your canvas. The day prior you had been given a small sum of money from your Aunt Jemima after visiting and immediately gone to the store in town to pick up some new canvases. It was heaven to receive little amounts of money like these and you almost always spent it on canvases so you wouldn’t have to use paper, which was the cheaper alternative that you had to buy. 
“I’m a little busy!” You call back, moving so that you can shout out of your door, “Can you ask Lizzie?” 
“She isn’t here!” Your mother calls back and you groan. You place your palette down on the table beside you, as well as your brushes in the pot of water you had brought up with you. You wipe your hands on your apron before pulling it over your head and off your body. You drape it over your bed carefully, being careful to not get anything on the linen.
You bounce down the steps, tucking your hair that falls down in ringlets by the side of your face behind your ear. Entering the kitchen, you place a kiss to your mother’s cheek. She stands over the side, chopping some vegetables that she’s going to bring to boil for your dinner. She greets you with a smile and continues chopping. 
“Is Lizzie with Harry?” You ask, placing the cutlery beside each mat on the table, noticing that there were four like there had started to be now.
“Of course she is.” Your mother shakes her head, “They’re always somewhere causing trouble.” 
You had to suppress your grin. Lizzie had been the good girl of the family for so long, always doing everything that was asked of her and your were the one who tended to ignore requests so that you could continue doing whatever you wanted to. Since Lizzie had met Harry, that had been completely flipped upside down. You were the good girl of the family who did everything that was asked of you, and Lizzie was the one always getting out of doing things by sneaking off with Harry. 
Since the two had met just over two months ago, they had been inseparable. When the two of you weren’t being taught how to read and write by your mother, Lizzie was always somewhere doing something with Harry. The other week he had taken her to the theatre and words couldn’t explain how jealous you were. You and Lizzie did everything together, and you always had done, but now you felt second best to someone who she hardly knew. You knew a part of you was jealous, but you would never admit that. What you did admit to yourself was that you were lonely and missing your sister. 
“Is Harry staying for supper?” You ask, filling up the water jug to be placed upon the table. 
“I’m guessing so.” Your mother says, moving to bend down by the fire to check on the meat, “It’s ready. Will you go get them? I think they’re by the river.” 
You nod your head, moving to the front door to retrieve your shawl and boots. They were always at the river, as though it was there place. You couldn’t understand for the life of you why they’d chosen that place out of all, especially during the winter months. Snow was just around the corner and the two of them decided to spend their days moments away from catching a cold by the river. 
The walk itself was five or so minutes through the woods behind your house, watching your step for fallen branches and wild animals. Lizzie was usually the one who brought you to the lake, so it was a given that you hadn’t been in a while. 
Once the trees start to disperse, you stand in the middle of the opening to try and spot them. You do, quite quickly in fact. They’re stood by the water, picking up stones every now and then to skim across it, rippling the stillness with their movements. Skimming stones felt like a normal thing to see people doing, but once you watch Lizzie throw her arms around his neck, you feel like a little portion of you crumbles inside. You hadn’t seen them like this before, and you never ever wanted to see them like that again. 
“Lizzie!” You call, snapping them out of their trance so that they turn to look at you. Lizzie immediately removes her arms from around Harry’s neck.
“Is there something wrong?” 
“No.” You shake your head, “Mother just asked me to collect the two of you for supper.” 
The two nod and move around where they were stood to collect their things but you don’t wait for them. Instead, you turn around and walk back towards the house. You can hear them laughing but you refuse to look back, because you know that you won’t be able to handle it. The temperature drops dramatically as you walk back, and you pull your shawl closer to you to help preserve some heat. You had a suspicion that at some point this evening it would start snowing, which you weren’t too unhappy about. It would give you time to finish the painting you started today, and hopefully create some more. 
They aren’t close behind you as you reach the door, so you enter and immediately walk towards the table which is looking a lot fuller than it had been. 
“Are they coming?” Your mother asks and you nod, sitting down at the table. They enter a few minutes later, Harry greeting your mother with a kiss on the cheek. 
The three join you at the table, Harry next to you, Lizzie next to him and your mother sat next to the spare seat — where your father usually sat. You all join hands in saying grace, your hand feeling completely natural sat in his. The way his encompassed yours was something that will be etched into your brain for the rest of the day, and for the days after that. It isn’t a light hold either, it’s a prominent one, and his fingers squeeze yours tightly. You drop your eyes to your plate, unable to look up at him because you’re unsure of what his features may hold. 
You don’t say anything over the dinner, you just listen to their words. It’s all about Harry’s time in London, like it usually was, and the rest about what the two had been up too. Your mother asks the dreaded question, and yet again, you ignore any word that comes out of their mouths.
It was inevitable at this point that Harry and Lizzie, at some point, were going to marry each other. You were surprised that Harry hadn’t proposed yet, if you were honest. If soulmates were a thing, no matter how much it pained you to believe, you wouldn’t be surprised if they were the example. You wouldn’t ever say anything to anyone about this, but you do think a part of you wished that was you in her place. You wished that you were the one that he smiled at, held hands with, kissed upon the cheek as she left. 
After the dinner had finished, you had returned up to your room and lit your candle, leaning against the window frame to peer outside. They stood by the gate, Harry’s hand holding hers and her hand holding is. They looked as though they truly loved each other and what you expected to be a measly kiss on the cheek like it usually was, wasn’t that at all. A little part of you died inside when you saw him lean forward and place a kiss upon her lips, his hand lifting up to rest against her cheek. You managed to draw yourself away from the window after you’d watched for a while or so, slipping under your sheets and into your linen, turning so that you’re facing the wall. A few minutes or so later, you hear the door open and the rustling of clothes and you suspect Lizzie gets ready for bed. You try not cry but you can already feel the tears starting to fall down your face.
“YN.” You hear the soft whisper of your voice over the crackle of the candle that was still on in the room, “Are you awake?” 
“Yes.” You manage out through the hesitation within your voice. 
After a few seconds, and a slight giggles escaping her lips, “He kissed me, YN.” 
“Oh.” You try not to sound like you’re upset, “Are you going to marry him?” 
“He hasn’t asked me.” She’s quick to say, “But I think he might.” 
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A month or so later, you’re stood in front of a carriage, one that sits Lizzie inside on her way to Etiquette Lessons. Every young lady in the village had to go to them when they reached a certain age to make sure that they are properly prepared for how to look after their husbands when the day comes. You weren’t quite at the age yet, but Lizzie was. 
You had given her a hug, and watched your mother kiss her cheeks and hug her, but you now found yourself watching something that you had seen so many times now. Harry and Lizzie stood by the door of the open carriage, her hands in his as they whisper and chuckle at whatever they’re talking about. You can’t hear what they say, but you can tell it’s emotional from the tears that are running down his face. 
You mother wraps her arm around your shoulder, squeezing your shoulder. You wondered if she knew. You hadn’t said anything to her, but she always seemed to know what was going on in your life even if you hadn’t told her anything. 
Harry helped Lizzie into the carriage, and closed the door for her before coming to stand next to you. Your eyes fluttered up to look at him for a second, but he didn’t even look anywhere near you, he was watching the carriage as it left. The love of his life was leaving in it, so I’m not surprised he did so. 
“Mother.” You say quickly once the carriage had turn off the path, “Can I return and paint?” 
“Of course you can.” She places a hand on one of your cheeks and a kiss to the other, “Take Harry with you. He’ll need the company.” 
You turn to look at him, and he just shrugs, so you nod. You return back to the house with Harry trailing behind you, looking like a lost puppy. The way his eyes seemed to droop, as well as his hair, all hinted to the fact that he was actually upset that she was leaving. He follows you into the room, and sits on the end of Lizzie’s bed whilst you pulled your paints out of your drawer. 
“I’ve only been in here once before.” He says after a few seconds, running his hand over the linen of her sheets, “You were out. Something about Aunt Jemima.” 
“Oh.” You start to face place some of your paints upon your palette, “I read to her, sometimes, and she pays me so I can buy paints. I’m hoping that one day she’ll take me to Europe with her.” 
“Europe?” He asks, “You want to go?” 
“More than anything.” You sigh, swirling your brush in the green paint you had just placed upon your palette, “More specifically I’m hoping she takes me France. I’ll be able properly practice my art then.” 
“Can you not do that here?” 
You hesitate for a second, hovering your brush over the canvas slightly, “I’ll be better suited if I go there. People will care more about my work.” 
“It’s beautiful work.” He says after a few seconds, “I don’t know how France would change that.” 
You think for a second about how to explain this to him, “Think of it like Etiquette school. The girls go and return as better wives than if they hadn’t gone. They would’ve been good wives, but not as good without the school.” 
“I don’t think I understand.” 
“My art is good without France, just like the wives are without Etiquette class, but they are better with it. My art will be better with France.” 
You turn around to see him nod his head, “I think I understand.” 
“A part of it is also me wanting to leave this town.” You say, turning back around so that you can place your paintbrush back upon your canvas. 
“I cannot fault you for that.” He says, and you turn to him again, only to see that he’s laid back upon the bed, a hand over his eyes, “Sometimes I wish I could leave.” 
“Why don’t you?” You ask, “If one of us had the beings necessary to leave it would be you?” 
“Beings necessary?” He pushes himself up on his elbow so that he’s looking directly at you, “And what would be those necessary beings?” 
“Money, for one.” You say, moving so that you’re sat on your bed, looking straight at him, “Carriages. Knowledge of the world. The furthest I’ve ever gone is the neighbouring town and that was to drop something off for my mother.” 
“Why don’t you leave then?” 
You chuckle, raising your eyebrows, “I plan on it.” 
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“Ice Skating.” Harry says as he walks through your bedroom door, holding two pairs of ice skates in your hands. 
“Harry!” You exclaim, placing your hand upon your chest at the shocked sight of him, “I could’ve been indecent and you would have never known!”
“But you aren’t.” He tips his head to the side, “Ice Skating. We’re going ice skating. The lake has frozen over and it’s perfect.” 
“Are we now?” You ask, placing your palette down upon the table next to your easel, “Is Mr. Styles bored of his mansion.” 
“I’m going to loose my mind.” He drops down on your sisters bed, the skates clattering to the floor as he does so, “Please come ice skating with me.” 
“Harry.” You sigh, pulling your painting apron off, “I don’t even know how to ice skate.” 
“Then I will teach you.” He says. 
After a few seconds of contemplation, you nod your head, “I’ll do it if you let me paint you.” 
Over the past two weeks you and Harry had grown close. Not as close as Harry and your sister, but close enough for you to class him as one of your good friends. The two of you had started to do everything together, similarly to him and Lizzie but with some barriers. You hugged each other but you certainly weren’t as touchy deeply as they were with each other. You couldn’t do it to your sister, so you avoided doing anything that would be seen as wrong.
 You did feel sorry for Harry. He had told you that he had sent three letters to Lizzie during this time and she hadn’t even replied to one. You weren’t quite sure why, but that was quite despicable on her part. The poor man was making himself sick with how much he was worrying about her, and you were the one who had seen it, and been the one to try and get him out of it. One of the things that you had begged him to let you do was paint him, but he kept rejecting your proposal. Instead, he told you that he liked to enjoy watching you paint rather than having you paint him. 
You were excited to say the least that he had agreed to let you paint him, and you certainly weren’t going to miss that opportunity. 
“Slow down.” You call to Harry, who’s around ten strides a head of you as you waddle your way with your dress in your hands through the snow, “I can’t keep up with you.” 
“Walk faster then.” He says, turning to look at you with a grin across his face. 
You groan and try to pick up the pace, nearly slipping a few times on some particularly icy parts of the ground but you make it to the lake in once piece. Harry passes you the skates he had picked up for you and you thank him for passing them to you. You kick your shoes off and fasten the skates, just as he does the same. 
“Stay away from the middle.” He says, “It’s thinner than the edge.” 
“I think you’re forgetting something.” You say as you try to stable yourself on the blades, “I have not idea what I’m doing.” 
“It’s like walking, but on ice.” He deadpans and you resist the urge to roll your eyes, “I’ll let you hold my hand if you want.” 
He holds his hand out and without really thinking you place your hand in his, allowing him to guide you onto the ice. His hand was cold, but so was yours, but having his in yours sent little flames across the entirety of your body. 
At first you were unsteady on your feet, and you’re sure that you could’ve nearly broke Harry’s hand with how tightly you were squeezing it. He chuckled and made sure that you were continuously upright. After five minutes or so, you found the swing of what you were doing, and managed to move forward without any wobbles.
“I’m letting go of you.” 
“No!” You exclaim, gripping his hand tighter so that he wouldn’t be able to pull away from you, “I’ll fall.” 
“You won’t fall.” He chuckles, trying to pull his hand away again. “I will.” You shake your head, “Please, don’t.” 
“You’re not going to fall.” 
“I am.” 
“You’re not.” 
He somehow manages to release his hand from yours and skate backwards away from you, leaving you on your own. You hold your hands out, straightening them as though that’s going to help balance you out. With the little momentum you had left, you moved forward slightly until you came to a halt, where you pick up one of your feet to push forward and move forward. You manage to do it, without falling which surprises you. 
“Harry!” You exclaimed, beaming at him, “I’m doing it.” 
“I told you that you would.” He smiles, tilting his head to the side, “Shall we?” 
“We shall.” You smile, and the two of you continue off across the ice. 
Everything seems to be going well and good until you manage to catch your blade in a slit in the ice and go tumbling forward, going over on your ankle as you do so. You drop to the ground with a thud, a throbbing immediately falling upon your ankle. 
“Harry. . .” His name escapes your lips through the the hiss of pain you let out. 
“Are you injured?” He’s quick to ask, skating over to you as quickly as he possible could. 
“My ankle.” You say, “I think I’ve sprained it.” 
“You probably have.” He’s quick to say, “Lift up slightly, I’ll carry you back home.” 
You shake your head, “You don’t have to do that.”  
“What are you going to?” He laughs, “Crawl?” 
“I might.” 
“You wouldn’t make it home for Christmas.” He bends down, “Come here.” 
You lift your hand up and wrap your hands around his neck, allowing him to place his hands underneath your knees. He looks at you with a small smile on his face and skates back to the edge of the lake, placing you on the floor for a second so that you could both remove your skates. 
“How did you get so good at skating?” You ask, returning to your prior position his arms. 
“Home.” He says, “In England. It’s cold year round there, and the lakes are often frozen. My mother taught me.” 
“You don’t talk about you mother.” 
“She died when I was young.” He says, not looking at you the way that he had been, “I don’t remember a lot about her.” 
“I’m sorry.” You say, “I didn’t mean to pry.” 
“You didn’t.” He shakes his head, “You were merely curious.” 
You drop your eyes to the white around the two of you, “My mother says that my curiosity may get me in trouble one of these days.” 
“I wouldn’t be surprised.” He chuckles, “But that’s something that makes you, you.” 
Without really thinking, you say the next few words, “Sometimes I wish I wasn’t me.” 
He shakes his head, “You don’t mean that.” 
“I do.” You nod your head, “There’s nothing special about me. I’m no Lizzie YLN.” 
“No.” He shakes his head, “You aren’t Lizzie, but you are YN. This world doesn’t need anymore Lizzie’s in it.” 
“I thought maybe you’d have a thousands Lizzie’s if you could.” 
“I wouldn’t need a thousand if I could have the one.” 
“You do have you.” 
He shakes his head, “I told her before she went that there was no need for Etiquette classes because to be my wife all I wanted was her. Lizzie wanted to go to get the best experience she possibly could.” 
“You respected that?” 
He looks directly over you again, “Why wouldn’t I?” 
“We all know what actually happens at Etiquette classes, Harry.” 
Harry only nods his head once, not saying anything else. He still carries you home, one of his arms rested comfortable under his knee whilst the other rests behind your back. You hoped you hadn’t offended him, but there was no way for you to know. 
Etiquette classes, as a whole, were to teach young women the proper ways of being a wife during the day, and through the night thy would attend balls and such. The balls were so the women could hopefully meet eligible, rich men who they were hopefully going to marry. If you were already meant to marry someone else, it didn’t seem like a right thing to go to this place where the people were always after one thing. 
As your feelings grew for Harry, you wondered whether Lizzie’s had diminished and that was why she decided to go to the classes. You certainly shouldn’t want that, but you couldn’t lie and say that a part of you did.
“Mrs. YLN?” You mother comes running towards the two of you at Harry’s call of her name, “We’ve had a little accident.” 
“What have you done now?” 
“I went over on my ankle.” You deadpan. 
“Harry will you get me some ice?” He nodded and moved towards the kitchen whilst you mother freed your ankle and rested it upon her knee. 
He came back with ice wrapped in a cloth and passed it to your mother who placed it upon your ankle. 
“Thank you for bringing her home, Harry.” 
“It’s no problem.” 
“Would you like to stay for dinner?” 
“I shouldn’t.” He shakes his head, “Thank you for the offer, though. But I should be returning home.” 
“Pass my love onto your father.” 
“I will.” 
He throws you once last look, one that you can’t quite pinpoint the emotion of. After a few seconds he drops his eyes, and walks out of the door without looking back. You turn to look at your mother, who’s got a skeptical look upon her face as she looks at you. 
“What is it?” 
“Does he know?” 
“Does he know what?” 
A small smile crosses her lips, “That you love him.” 
You lips part in shock before you clamp them shut, “I. . . I feel no such thing.” 
“You had just lied to me, child.” She shakes her head, “I know love when I see it.” 
“Mother.” You shake your head, “He loves Lizzie.” 
“I know.” She places her hand upon your cheek, “You’ll be the one to pick up the pieces when she breaks his heart.” 
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Lizzie was due to return home today, on Christmas Eve of all days, and the house certainly looked as though it was ready for her.
You, your mother and Harry had spent quite a while this year decorating the house to be as Christmassy as possible. The thing that you still think about to this day was jumping on Harry’s back so he could lift you up to reach the star, your mother smiling as she watched the two of you. 
The carriage returned at around midday. You were stood next to Harry at the end of the garden, with you mother next to him. The carriage came to a halt and the driver was the one to open the door, Lizzie immediately tumbling out and throwing her arms around your mother who had taken a few steps forward. 
She didn’t look like Lizzie, in your opinion. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a tight bun, the dress upon her body looking more expensive than the ones that she had gone with. The material was a blushed pink colour, with fancy detailing upon the corset and a puffy skirt that was one of the biggest that you had ever seen in your life. Lizzie looks happy to see your mother to say the least, but you’re quite surprised when she moves to you next instead of Harry. 
“Hello!” She throws her arms around your shoulder, placing her head on your shoulder whilst you placed yours on hers, the material of her fancy coat hitting your cheek. You hadn’t seen anything quite like it before, never mind felt anything quite like it before, “I’ve missed you so much. How are you?” 
“Well, thank you.” You pull away. clearing your throat and wiping your hands upon your skirt slightly, “The same old. It’s you who I should be asking that question to.” 
She smiles and pulls away, holding her small bag close to herself as she looks at the person stood next to you. Harry looks as though he’s about to cry, and so does Lizzie if you’re being brutally honest. The two of them needed to be alone, and you understood that. When your mother motioned you to follow her back into the house, you didn’t hesitate with your movements, following her back into the house. 
“I feel as though dinner might be late tonight.” You mother says as she closes the door behind you, fumbling to take off her scarf, “I feel like they might be out there for a while. Why don’t you go up and finish your painting?” 
You nod your head, not wanting to say anything. You remove your outdoor gear and race up the stairs. You know you shouldn’t, but you immediately run to the window to see whether you can see the two of them, but you’re unable to. 
Lizzie looked like a different person, but she sounded like Lizzie when she opened her mouth. The clothes that she wore might have changed but she was still your sister, the same sister who had the man you loved following her around like a lost puppy. Lizzie was the same Lizzie as she always had been, and that meant that she probably did feel the same way about Harry as she did before she left. There was a selfish streak in you that wished that wasn’t the case, and she had completely forgot about her feelings for Harry and had met someone else, but until you properly had a conversation with the girl, you couldn’t be too sure that was the case. You couldn’t be sure either that if that had happened, Harry would want you in that way. 
You found yourself unable to paint, so you dropped down upon your bed and sat with your back against the wall, watching the outside world as your thoughts danced around within your head. You found the thoughts spiralling through your head that you were still a young woman at the end of the day, one who could have a line of men wanting to marry you but you instead found yourself second best to your sister, and that shouldn’t be happening. No matter how much you loved the man, or had grown to be accustomed to his company, being second best wasn’t something that you had set your heart on being, and you wouldn’t be for him.
You were the first YLN he had met, yet he had chosen your sister first and he was going to lay in that bed now. 
“YN!” You mother called from downstairs, “They’re here.” 
Christmas Eve dinner, to say the least, was one that you’d never forget. Harry looked as though he was either going to burst out crying or kill someone at any moment, Lizzie looked exhausted and your mother and yourself were sat in the middle of the two of you trying to make ends meet of what had happened. Harry’s eyes caught yours once, but he was quick to flutter them away and take another forkful of vegetables and place it in his mouth. 
“Lizzie, you haven’t told YN and I anything about your time away.” Your mother started, probably not the best topic of conversation but one that would split up the silence hopefully, “Did you enjoy yourself?” 
“I did.” She wipes her mouth upon her napkin, “I had an amazing time. Met some amazing people. Actually, there is one person that I’ve invited for you to meet for the new year.” 
“You have?” Your mother raises her eyebrow, “How wonderful.” 
“His name is Theodore.” 
That’s all it takes for Harry’s fork to clatter to the plate, his chair screech across the floor and his body to stand up. 
“I’m, uh, truly sorry Mrs. YLN.” He says, “The meal was lovely but I’m not feeling very well so I think it’s best that I go home.” 
“Are you alright?” 
“I will be.” He nods his head, clearing his throat and scratching the back of his neck, “So sorry again, have an amazing Christmas.” 
“You too, Harry.” 
Once the doors closed, Lizzie’s the next person to drop her cutlery and sulk off upstairs. The slamming of the bedroom door shakes the whole house. You place another bit of potato into your mouth and slowly chew whilst looking at your mother. 
She sighs, “Will you go check on your sister for me?” 
“You’ll get to see him later, don’t worry.” She says, “I’m going to plate him and his father some food. God knows they won’t eat without it, and you can take it over for me.” 
You nod your head, taking a sip from your glass of water before standing up and making your way upstairs. You cam hear Lizzie’s cries before you open the door, and you know that its because of what had obviously happened before the two of them had come to lunch. You push the door open, to see her laid on her bed face down, her head deep within her pillow. You push the door closed behind you and back up until your back is directly placed upon the solid wood. 
“Are you engaged to him?” You say, looking down at your shoes so that you don’t have to make eye contact with her. 
You can hear the bed creek beneath her as she moves, but you still don’t look up, “To who?” 
“To Theodore.” 
“No.” You lift your eyes up just as she shakes her head, “I’m not.” 
“But you want to be.” 
“What makes you think that?” 
You scoff and shake your head, crossing your arms over your chest, “You forget that I’m your sister, Lizzie. I know you better than you know yourself.” 
After a few seconds, she speaks again, “He’s going to propose.” 
“He is?” You take a few steps forward until you’re sat upon your bed, directly across from her, “Why, Lizzie?” 
“We’re in love.” She quickly says, her eyes bulging out the way that they do when she starts to get upset, “When you’re in love, you get married YN.” 
“I thought you were in love with Harry.” 
“I love Harry.” She says, shaking her head, “But I’m not in love with him. I love him as a best friend.” 
“He loves you.” 
“I know.” She shakes her head, “I just didn’t love him the way I love Theodore. He’s just so kind, and so gentle and he makes me feel things that I just haven’t felt before.” 
The way that she stands up immediately makes your mind immediately fall to a place that you know isn’t where it should be. Your eyes widen and she looks at you the exact way that you know that what you thought is right. 
“Lizzie.” You voice comes out as a whisper, and you shake your head, “You didn’t.” 
“I love him, YN.” She shakes her head, “And he loves me.” 
“We always said we’d save that until marriage.” You shake your head, “You told me that’s what you have to do.” 
She sits down on the bed next to you, reaching so that her hands are placed upon both of your shoulders, “And you do. Promise me you will, YN.” 
“I will.” You quickly say, “I promise, I will.” 
“Good.” She sighs, dropping her hands from your shoulders, “You will not end up like me, I won’t let you.” 
“How have you ended up?” 
She looks at you with tears in her eyes, “I think I’m pregnant, YN.” 
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You were holding a basket of food that your mother had collated for Harry and his father. You had knocked upon the door once and now you were stood, waiting for someone to open the door and let you in from the cold. The temperature had certainly dropped since you had been outside earlier, but you weren’t surprised at that fact. 
“Miss. YLN.” Harry’s father opens the door. You’ve only ever met him once, and from what Harry has told you, he’s quite a cold man, “May I ask why you’re here?” 
“Uh, my mother sent you and Harry some food over.” You say, holding up the basket within your hands, “I just came to deliver it.” 
“Please.” He says, “Come in.” 
You step through the threshold of the house, entering one that was three times the size of your own but just as empty as yours. 
“I’ll take that to the kitchen for you.” He says, holding his hands out so you can place the basket within them, “H is upstairs, in the library. Third door on the left.”  
“Thank you.” 
The stairs themselves were probably bigger than your entire house, and as you ran your hand across the wood of the banister you couldn’t believe how expensive it felt beneath your fingers. You followed Mr. Styles’ instruction and walked along the grand hallway until you found the third door on the left. It was slightly ajar, so you placed your hand upon the wood and push it open, the door creaking as you did so. 
Your mouth drops open at the sight of the room in front of you. When Mr. Styles said Library you thought it may have been a small room with bookshelves in it, but it wasn’t, it was a full library at the most. It was full of the most books you’ve ever seen anywhere, floor to ceiling bookshelves. You couldn’t help your want to run your fingers across every single cover. 
You spot Harry sat at the window, his knees bent and a book placed open upon them. You cross your hands in front of you, taking a few steps towards Harry. The sound of your shoes against the wooden floor notifies Harry that you’re there, and he lifts his eyes to look at you. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, closing the book that he had open. 
You take a few more steps towards him, sitting at the opposite side of windowsill to him, “I should be asking you that question.” 
He chuckles, lifting his leg up again so that it’s on the windowsill, “I’m okay.” 
“I don’t believe that.” You shake your head, coping him so your feet are up also and you’re facing him, “Tell me truthfully. How are you?” 
He shakes his head, dropping his eyes down to his knees, “She doesn’t want to marry me.” 
“You asked?” 
“Today.” He nods, looking back at you again, “I had a ring.” 
After a few seconds you whisper, “Can I see it?” 
“See what?” 
“The ring.” 
He opens his jacket and fumbles around in the inside pocket, bringing out a small blue velvet box which he throws towards you. You catch it, nearly dropping it but you manage to keep it in your hands. You raise your eyebrow at him and he offers a small smile, one that you knew wasn’t the most truthful of how he’s feeling.
You open the box and see a beautiful ring in the box. The ring itself was silver, but the thing that drew your and probably Harry to it was the gem. It looked to be diamond, not a large one at that but one that was a lovely sized. The light from the window caused the diamond to glimmer slightly, a gasp escaping from your lips.
“Harry.” You shake your head, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear, “It’s beautiful.” 
“I thought so too.” He says, running his thumb across his bottom lip before shrugging his shoulders, “Lizzie didn’t think so.” 
“It’s not because of you, Harry.” You quickly say, “Nothing to do with you.” 
“It must’ve been, YN.” He says, “You’re sister doesn’t want to marry me. Me! Not anyone else.” 
“She can’t marry you, Harry.” You say, the tears starting to collect in your eyes, “I don’t know whether if situations were different she would marry you, but in this situation it isn’t your fault. I can promise you that.” 
You watch a tear fall down is cheek, “Has she met someone else?” 
You look away, pursing your lips and closing your eyes to try and stop the tears from falling down your cheeks, “I’m so sorry, Harry.”
“Is it Theodore? Is she engaged to him?” 
“She will be.” You say, standing up and moving so that you’re in front of him, placing your hand upon his knee, “I’m so sorry, Harry.” 
“It’s not your fault.” 
“She’s my sister.” 
“You’re not in charge of her.” 
You reach forward and place your hand upon his cheek, using your thumb to delicately wipe the next year that falls out of his eye. His tilts his head slightly so that it’s nicely rested within your hand, and you smile at him, which his returns. 
“Did she ever love me?” 
“She did.” You say, nodding your head, “She loves you. She’s just not in love with you.” 
“That doesn’t make it any easier.”
You shake your head, “I don’t think anything will at this point. You just need to wait, time will heal. I’ll be here for you.” 
“I think.” He says, dropping his knees so that he can move closer to you, “I think you might be able to.” 
“Whatever you need, H.” You say.
He moves closer, you can feel him closer to you, but you certainly hadn’t expected for him to place his lips upon yours. The kiss at first in gentle, his lips pressed against yours so gently that at the start you couldn’t quite feel him upon you. Then it’s more urgent, with his hand placed upon your cheek, his lips moving against yours at a quick pace. 
“H.” You whisper, pulling away slightly as he removes his lips from yours, using them to dance down your cheek, to your jaw and then resting against the skin of your neck. 
He removed his hand from your cheek and hooking it underneath your thigh so he can manoeuvre you to be on his lap.
This is the first time you’ve ever kissed a boy, and you can’t believe that the boy of all people is Harry Styles. You hadn’t been this close to anyone before, straddled across his lap with your knees each side of his waist, your skirt bunched up at your waist. The second you were comfortable, his lips attached to your again, his hands rested upon the small of your back. A feeling brewed within you, causing your hips to involuntary buck towards his. You felt him smile against your lips, and that was when you snapped out of the daze that you were in.
Without really thinking, you pulled away and clambered off of his lap. He looked flushed as you pulled away, his hair a little messy and his lips red from the kissing. 
“No.” You hold your hand out at him, shaking your head, “You can’t do that.” 
“Why not?” He said, standing up and taking a few steps towards you. 
“Because. . . because you just can’t.” You shake your head, lifting your hands to run through your hair. 
“I thought.” He looks at you quizzically, “I thought that’s what you wanted.” 
“Maybe I did, a little bit.” You say, shaking your head, “But you didn’t want it to be me. You wanted it to be Lizzie.” 
“No.” He shakes his head, holding his hand out as if to touch yours, “I didn’t want that.” 
“You did, I know you Harry, and you did.” You sniffle slightly, shaking your head, “I’m not Lizzie and I’ll never be Lizzie, and I’ve accepted that. You’ll never love me like you love Lizzie, and I know that. But, Harry, I won’t be second best. I don’t deserve to be second best.” 
“You aren’t second best, YN!” 
You can’t help but let out a small sob at his words, “I am, Harry. From the first day that we met each other, Lizzie came first. She was the one who you couldn’t bore your eyes away from, not me. I don’t think I had a full conversation with you until Lizzie left for her classes.” 
“That’s not true, YN.” He shakes his head, “I swear to you, it isn’t.” 
“I’m sorry, Harry.” You take a few steps back, “I won’t be second best.” 
With that you turn away, leaving the house and leaving Harry. You couldn’t help the tears that fell as you walked across to your house. 
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You had made the decision that day that you weren’t to stay in America, that you were going to leave and you knew that Aunt Jemima was the person you knew would be able to help you with that.
Your Aunt Jemima was getting older, but before she died she wanted to go to Europe on last time, more specifically France. She had asked you years ago to be her companion on the trip, and you had agreed, but that was the last time you’d ever spoken to her about it. On Christmas day, you had been the one to bring the idea back up in conversation, dropping in little hints until Aunt Jemima picked up what you were saying. She had been the one to say that in the new year you were going and that you had to be ready to leave on January second with no complaints, not that you had any anywhere. 
When Aunt Jemima’s carriage came, you said your farewell’s to your mother and you sister, and Theodore who had proposed to your sister the day prior — and left. As you sat in the carriage, you couldn’t help but look at Harry’s house, and you weren’t shocked to see him at the window watching your every move. You didn’t look away from the window until you could no longer see the house, when you turned to look straight in front of your, your gloved hands resting upon your knee. 
“Forget him.” Aunt Jemima says, sighing slightly and shaking her head, “He isn’t right for you.” 
“I have no idea what you are on about.” You shake your head, looking out of the small carriage window so that you don’t have to look at your Aunt. 
“That Styles boy.” She says, and you immediately snap your eyes towards her, “Don’t think I don’t know about the two of you.” 
“There isn’t anything to know.” You shake your head at her. 
“There obviously is.” She says, “Or you wouldn’t be sulking the way that you are.” 
“I’m not sulking.” 
“I haven’t brought a liar with me have I ?” She asks, raising her eyebrow at you.
“You haven’t.” She shakes her head, “I am sulking, I’m sorry.” 
“Apology accepted.” She says, pursing her lips, “Are you going to tell me about him, then?” 
“There’s nothing to tell.”
“You’re about to cry, my dear.” She flutters her eyes to you slightly, “I could sense your heartbreak from a mile away. He’s the reason you wanted to come, isn’t he?” 
“I wanted to come.” You say, messing with your fingers that sat on your lap, “He just. . . gave me a reason to finally do it.” 
“I think he’s the idiot in this situation.” She says after a few seconds and your lips part in shock, before you clamp them back together, “He’s the one who got involved with you and your sister. I wonder if he can even get out of bed.” 
“What does that mean?” 
“Well. First of all your sister broke his heart by not marrying him and marrying that other man, I’ve already forgotten his name.” She shakes her head, “Then you broke his heart by doing whatever you did when you went to go see him on Christmas Eve and you’ve been depressed ever since you left.” 
“Who told you that?” 
“Who do you think?” Aunt Jemima clicks her tongue and shakes her head, “My daughter told me. Wouldn’t stop crying saying that you’re leaving the love of your life and her other daughters pregnant by some pretentious nobody.” 
You run your hand over your forehead, scrunching your face at the fact that everyone knew, “My mother knows too much.” 
“Your mother just knows you.” Aunt Jemima shakes her head, “At least you haven’t ruined your life before it’s even begun, with a child of all things.” 
“You’re just saying that because you never had children.” 
“Why would I want an offspring of myself and some other man?”
“It’s about love, Aunt Jemima.” You can tell that you’re about to cry, so again you turn your head, “When you love someone, that’s something to bring that love into a being.” 
“I just don’t see why.” She says, curling up her nose, “But then again, that’s why I’m seventy, unmarried and childless. Don’t think about the Styles boy too much. You’re going to a different country for heavens sake, think of all of the people that you’ll meet whilst you’re there. You’ll forget him soon, my dear, and he’ll forget you. That’s what we’ll hope for anyway.” 
The tears do start to fall now, in quick streams down down your cheeks. You couldn’t stop them. Aunt Jemima, no matter how much you despised her sometimes, she certainly knew what she was talking about. You turned your head so that you were looking away from your aunt, looking out of the window and trying your hardest not to let any sobs fall out of your lips.
You did love Harry and if he had stopped your from getting into the carriage, your probably would. If he had asked to marry you, you probably would have said yes without any hesitation but at the same time you also felt as though you were second best, and that wasn’t a place that you ever thought you’d be.
No matter how much you loved him, and yearned to be with him, you knew for the sake of your sanity and for the sake of staying as a strong independent woman. You were taught from being young from your mother that no matter how many people try to say that all you were worth is more than just being the wife of some rich man. Your mother also said that you had a talent and that you had to use it. 
France was going to be the place that you were going to use your talents, and be a better person for doing so. 
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Four Years Later
“Pierre.” You say, smiling at the man as he held his hand out to you, “Puis-je vous demander ce que vous faites?” May I ask what you’re doing? 
“Je demande à la plus belle fille de la pièce de danser.” You can’t help the blush that falls across your cheeks. You nod your head and slip your hand into his, standing up and following him into the middle of the dance floor. I’m asking the most beautiful girl in the room to dance. 
The music changes around them to one of the most popular songs in Paris to dance to. He lifts his arm up, just as you do to his, and start the movements in the same way that everyone else in the room had.
You had arrived in France with Aunt Jemima four years ago, fresh faced after the journey and ready to start your new life there.  At first it took a while for you to get used to the new life that you now lived. Aunt Jemima’s French house, if it was even possible, was bigger that her house back home with more nooks and crannies to explore but more importantly, a bigger garden that you could paint every corner of. The main thing that you focused on during the first few months of your arrival was settling in and learning the language which you knew would be hard, but it was something that you needed to do. 
Pierre was the person who had helped you do that. 
Aunt Jemima had hired him to be your French tutor. She said that he was one of the best for you, and that he certainly was. You learnt the basics within the first few months until you were able to finally communicate with the people around you in their native language. At first, you despised Pierre and his pretentious way of making you feel small, but here you were, fours years later, dancing with him and waiting for his proposal at some point. 
Aunt Jemima would be turning within her grave if she knew you were planning to marry Pierre. Even though she hired him when you first arrived to teach you, but she found him incompetent to do anything else. She could tell that you were falling for him, and told you multiple times to not settle for him but you were ignoring her. 
If you listened to every one who your Aunt Jemima told you to not settle for, you’d never marry at all. 
“Do you have plans tomorrow?” He asks, in English this time, his accent seeping through with every word that he spoke. 
“Plans?” You raise your eyebrow, “To paint, yes, but I suppose I can clear my schedule.” 
After learning the French language, that was when you had started your painting classes. You started taking everything in, listening to every single word the teacher said to you until you were good enough to start on your own. The first time one of your pieces was shown in an exhibit, people loved it, and you found yourself creating more and more works and creating more and more links with people around. 
“Do.” He says, nodding his head, “Je veux t’emmener quelque part. Quelque part spécial.” I want to take you somewhere. Somewhere special.
You bite your lip, nodding your head whilst trying to suppress the large smile that’s ready to cross your entire face. 
Pierre was a hopeless romantic, always showering you in large gestures that caused your heart to flutter within your chest. He hadn’t kissed you, and even though you knew that you knew deep down that you shouldn’t compare it, you found yourself not feeling the way that you did the last time you found yourself with a man. 
At twenty-three you were late to get married, and if you ever wanted kids you would have to do so quicker than anything you had ever done in your life because you knew that your days were going to start become numbered. 
“What time should I be ready?” 
“I’ll pick you up at eleven.” 
The song ends, your courtesy and he bows and that’s when you walk back towards the table you were sat at, picking up your glass of Champagne and taking a sip. 
“YN.” You stop drinking immediately, nearly choking on the liquid that you had already started to sip. You know that voice anywhere, etched into your brain from when you were just a mere eighteen year old with a heart twice the size of the one you had now, “As I live and breathe.” 
You turn around, immediately seeing a man that you had left years ago stood in front of you. He looked exactly the same as when you knew him all those years ago, except his features were a tad harder and his hair curler that it was before if it was even possible which you weren’t too sure about. 
“Harry.” You swallow the lump in your throat, placing your glass down on the table and turning so that you were facing him, “It’s been a while.” 
“It certainly has.” He says, lifting his own glass to his lips, “You look good. Happy.” 
“I am.” You nod your head. You look at him, his eyes emptier that you had ever seen them before, not even when Lizzie refused to marry him, “I wish I could say the same for you, but. . .” 
“I look exhausted.” 
“You do.” You say, watching as his lips curled up into a smile as do yours, “How are you? Genuinely.” 
“I’m. . .” 
“Ma chérie.” You feel an arm slip around your waist, rest upon the small of it as he stands next to you, “Qui est-ce?” My darling. Who is this? 
“Ah.” You brush a piece of your hair that had fallen out of place away from your face, “Pierre, this is Harry. Harry this is Pierre.” 
Harry raises his eyebrows, lifting the glass to his lips to drink the rest of it. As you watch, it doesn’t seem to even hits the sides with how quickly he drinks it. 
“Bonjour.” Pierre holds his hand out to Harry, “Comment allez vous?”
Harry looks at Pierre’s hand but he doesn’t shake it, and that’s when you lift your fingers to run against your forehead, “Are you two, marié?” Married.
“No.” You shake your head, stepping to the side slightly so that Pierre’s hand isn’t upon your waist anymore, “We are. . .” 
“Courting.” Pierre’s quick to interject, “I think that’s what to call it.” 
You watch as Harry’s eyebrows raise, and without saying anything to the two of you, he turns around and mutters, “I need another drink.” 
As he walks away, you can see the slight stagger in his walk, one that many intoxicated people hold and you know that him being not himself treads deeper than just seeing you there today. 
“YN.” Pierre places a hand upon your shoulder, “How do you know that man?” 
“He’s someone from home.” You say, watching as Harry drinks another full glass of Champagne where he’s staggered off to, “He’s an old friend.” 
He leans down until you can feel his breath at your ear, “Just a friend.” 
You nod, leaning into him as he places a kiss to your neck, “Bien.” Good.
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Since Pierre wasn’t picking you up until eleven, you decide that you have the time to at least start your next painting. In the garden of your Aunts house that you had inherited, you had built a gazebo with the money that you had made from selling your art pieces to exhibits that overlooked the garden and the pond from the four different directions that it had around it. 
You had decided that the swans that swum in the pond were looking particularly delightful today and you decide that is the direction that you want to start your painting. You set up your easel and your canvas, as well as your paints that you brought on a palette and start figuring out the dimensions of the painting and what you wanted it to look like. 
You hold up your paintbrush, closing one of your eyes as you move it from portrait to landscape and back again. 
“You always were a perfectionist.” The paintbrush in your hand clatters you the ground as it slips through your fingers, due to you jumping. You weren’t expecting anyone to be here, and you certainly weren’t expecting to hear his voice. 
“And you always had a tendency to shock people.” He laughs, his dress shoes hitting the decking with loud pats.
“My apologies.” He says, slipping one of his hands into the pocket of his trousers, taking another step closer to you, “I didn’t mean to shock you, love.” 
You place your palette down, brushing your hands off slightly on your apron. You’d usually wear your comfortable clothes to paint in, the attire usually not even being a skirt but often trousers, but because you were meeting Pierre later, you knew that you had to dress up. It wasn’t the fanciest dress you owned, but the light blue material complimented your features in a way that you just couldn’t resist when you saw it in the shop. 
“Yes you did.” You lips curl up into a smile, “You forget that I know you Harry, even after all these years.” 
“Lots of things can change in four years, YN.” 
“You haven’t.” 
“You haven’t, either.” He smiles.
You tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear and take a step closer to him, clearing your throat slightly as you do so, “I want to apologise for last night. Pierre can be a little. . .” 
“Intrusive.” Harry leans against the pillar nearest to him and you nod, knowing that is exactly what he is. 
“I’m very sorry. I would have loved to have caught up with you.” 
“I probably wouldn’t have been in the best frame of mind to do so.” He runs his fingers through his hair, “I was drunk, if you couldn’t tell.” 
“I could.” 
“Now.” He lifts his hand up and motions to the garden around you, “Are you going to tell me what I’ve missed in the last four years?” 
“Uh.” You move so you’re stood next to him, leant against the barrier, “I moved with Aunt Jemima. This was her house but she died a year ago, if I remember correctly. She left me the house in her will, and I decided that I wanted to stay.” 
“Have you been at home at all during the last four years?” 
You nod your head, “I went home when Lizzie got married, that was when I met Anna for the first time. Then I went back for Aunt Jemima’s funeral because she decided she didn’t want to be buried here.” 
“I must have missed you.” He says, “I spent a lot of the last four years in England with my grandparents.” 
“Lizzie told me.” You say, “She said that she did invite you to the wedding but your father explained that you were in England.” 
He nods his head, “I left a few months after you. I think my father was fed up of my moping.” 
It shouldn’t have hurt you, but his words did. Your chest squeezed slightly at his words. Even though you knew you were doing what you were doing to benefit yourself, you couldn’t lie and say that you hadn’t missed him. You had lost a friend when you left, as well as your first love. 
“Are you married?” You ask, not really knowing why the words escape from your lips in the way that they do. 
He shakes his head, holding his hand up to reveal his completely ring free hand, “Nope. I can’t really say that I’ve been looking.” 
“I’m sure you’ve had opportunities.” You say, “You’re the perfect gentlemen, Harry. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve had women queuing to marry you.” 
He chuckles, scratching the back of his neck, “People have tried but I haven’t been interested.” 
“Why not?” 
“Some may say that I’m still hung up on somebody.” His eyes flutter away from yours, and you take it as the opportunity to look down at your hands, “But that doesn’t matter. What about you and Mr. Intrusive.” 
You chuckle, lifting your eyes up to look at his, “He was my French language teacher. I didn’t like him, despised him to be fair but here were are a few years later and I think he’s going to propose to me later today.” 
“Do you want to marry him?” 
If you were asked this question but anybody else, you probably would have immediately said yes and that was enough for you to know that you should marry him. But seeing Harry stood there, the way that he is, waiting for you to answer what should be one of the easiest questions ever, reminds you that this may have gotten a lot more confusing now with Harry’s reappearance. 
“I. . .” You hesitate and drop your eyes down to the ground again, “I think so.” 
“You think?” He says, “I can’t say that I believe that you do if you only think that you want to marry him.” 
“I do.” You say, quickly. 
Harry stands up and takes a few steps towards the opposite end of the gazebo, “Do you love him?” 
This answer, so it should be another one, was easy to answer, “No.” 
“Then why are you marrying him.” 
“I’m twenty-three, Harry.” You say, your heels tapping the wood as you move to stand next to him, looking at the pond in front of you, “I’m certainly not getting any younger. If I returned home to mother and father without a husband and children I believe they would disown me.” 
“They wouldn’t.” He shakes his head, “They love you too much.” 
“I’ve had three letters from them asking about grandchildren.” You deadpan, looking at him with a stoic look on their face. 
“I’m sure they wouldn’t want to marry someone who you don’t love.” He says.
“If I don’t marry Pierre, who will I marry?” 
After a few seconds, the smallest whispers escapes his lips, “You could marry me.” 
The whole world seems to slow down around you, and you turn to look at him. He’s already looking at you, with those green eyes that you became so accustomed to all those years ago. You knew each other in all for three months, but you spent every second of every day with each other when Lizzie was away, and it certainly showed with how close you became. Marrying Harry could be the thing that you need, have always needed. You haven’t been as happy as you were when you were back him with him in a long time. 
“Harry.” You say, the words coming out in a small whisper, “You can’t mean that.” 
“I do.” He says, quickly to say the least, “I haven’t been more sure about anything in my life before.” 
“Madame.” One of the groundskeepers say, walking towards the two of you, “Monsieur Perney est là.” Mr. Perney is here. 
“Merci, Alfred.” You clear your throat to try and mask the uncertainty in your voice, “Ça ne prendra qu’un seconde.” Thank you, Alfred. I will only be a second. 
The man nods and walks away, and you turn back to look at Harry, who has the same look on his face as you do on yours. There’s a level of defeat between the two of you. 
“I need to, um, go meet with Pierre.” You say, hands gripping the material of your dress. 
“Is that a no?” He takes a step towards you. 
You sigh, “It’s a, I have to think about it.” 
He nods, “When will you know? This is probably a good time to tell you that I’m leaving tomorrow.” 
That changed everything. It wasn’t as though now you had a few days to think through and make your decision, you had to make it quickly before he goes. 
He nods, “Father’s ill. Paris was my last hooray before I go back home to be an adult.” 
You take a few moments to think, “Will you be able to return back here this evening?” 
“For you? Of course.” He says as though he doesn’t even have to think about it. 
You nod your head and take a few steps towards him, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “Goodbye Harry.” 
“I’ll see you later, love.” 
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“C’est une belle journée.” Pierre says as the two of you walk side by side around a park, the spring heat light upon your skin as you do so. It’s a beautiful day. 
“It is.” You say, not being able to pull your eyes away from the ground below you.
You knew that you shouldn’t be thinking about this at all, that it wasn’t fair to Pierre, but all you could think about was Harry. You couldn’t get the look of his face out of your head as you kissed his cheek and walked away, as though he felt like that was it between the two of you. You were still unsure of the decision that you were going to make, but once you found yourself stood at the top of some steps, looking out at the park below, you knew that you were to make your decision sooner of later. 
“Is something bothering you?” 
“No.” You shake your head, finally lifting your eyes to look at his, “Everything is swell, thank you.” 
“Good.” He takes a step closer so that his fingers are brushing yours, “YN?” 
“We’ve known each other for a long time.” He says, and the two of you turn so that you’re facing each other, his hands gripping yours, “A very long time, and I was wondering whether I could ask you something?” 
“We have.” You know what the question is before the words have left his lips, and you’re already beginning to prepare yourself for what you’re going to hear the next time he open his lips, “And you can.” 
He clears his throat and fumbles within his inside pocket, drawing out what you know is a ring box. He lets go of your hand which he was still holding with his free one and drops down to his knee, using his other hand to open the small box. 
“YN YLN.” He sighs, “Ma chérie. Will you marry me?” 
The same feeling that you felt before overcomes you, when the whole world around you seems to be moving in slow motion. He looks so happy, his cheeks lifting in a wide grin that you can’t seem to shake from your sight. You can’t even bring yourself to look at the ring he had chosen for you, because it was at that time, seeing him on his knee, that you know what your answer is. 
“I’m so sorry, Pierre.” You slip your bottom lip between your teeth, “I don’t think I can.” 
“What?” His whole face drops, and guilt starts to wash over you. He immediately stands up, looking at you with wide eyes, “No?” 
You shake your head, “I’m so sorry, Pierre.” 
“I thought that you wanted to marry me.” He shakes his head, “Comment ai je pu être si stupide?” How could I have been so stupid?
“You haven’t. I promise you, Pierre.” You reach your hand forward to touch his arm, but he moves away from you, not wanting you to touch him you suppose, “I did want to marry you.” 
“What has changed?” You look at him with sad eyes, tears threatening to spill and you watch the realisation flutter across his features, “He has.” 
You drop your head, lifting your hand to wipe away the tears that had started to spill, “I’m so sorry.” 
“Who is he?” His features switch to angry ones next, and his voice deepens and it shocks you to say the least, “You have never mentioned him and now you will not marry me because of him?” 
“He’s an old friend from hime, like I said.” You repeat your words from the party last night, “I haven’t seen him since I moved here.” 
“Do you love him?” The words are quick to leave his lips and you once again drop your head, in shame if you are completely honest, “Do you? I want to hear you say it?” 
“I do.” His hostile tone scared you into answering, “I always have.” 
“Did you ever love me?” 
You shake your head, the little movement causing him to throw you one of the worst looks you’ve ever seen in your life and stalk away from you. Tears stream down your face, and you know that you probably look the worst you’ve ever looked in your life at this given moment but you couldn’t care less. You thought that you’d feel worse than you do, but you you feel more relieved than anything. You feel bad that you’ve had to break his heart, but the idea of going back home with Harry, seeing your family and saying that he is the man that you’re going to marry was enough for your heart to burst with excitement. 
In your opinion, you couldn’t return home quick enough. The second you return to the house you’re fluttering around as quickly as possible, packing all the belongings that you’d need immediately when you returned but you knew that you could get the rest of your belongings shipped in at a later date. 
The evening rolled around quicker that you had imagined it would, but you supposed time went quickly when you’re packing to go across the world with the love of your life. When you hear the knock at your door, you race to open it, not caring what people think because all you want is to see him. 
You throw the door open, and there he is, stood in the exact same suit that you’d seen him in earlier. He did look tireder then he did earlier, but if you had spent the day worrying you probably would’ve looked worse than he did. 
“Come in.” You open the door wider, so that he can step in, “Please.” 
He takes a few seconds to look around at the entrance way to the house, his lips parting at the sheer size of it as you did when you first arrived. Aunt Jemima was an odd woman, you couldn’t lie, but she certainly knew how to pick a lovely house. You’d probably sell it now that you were going back to America. 
He looked around for a while before he noticed your pile of belongings in the corner, all packed away and ready to leave. 
His eyes meet yours and he looks as though he’s going to cry at any given moment, “Really?” 
You nod your head, “I want to marry you, Harry. Always have.” 
He takes two steps forward and places his lips on yours, his hands falling to your cheeks. It sent you back to four years ago, stood in the library after you’d just kissed him. You couldn’t believe that he was back with you, kissing your lips in the way that you had yearned for him too for so many years. 
He pulls away and rests his head upon yours with a sigh, “I haven’t stopped thinking about you. Ever since that day. I should’ve done more.” 
“It was my fault.” You thread your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, “I shouldn’t have left. I should have sulked for a while but gone back to you. I missed you so terribly.” 
“I know why you did it.” He says, pressing another quick kiss to your lips, “I shouldn’t have proposed to your sister when it was you who made me happy. I knew that I shouldn’t have the second I said it, and I’m sorry for that.” 
“We’ll start a fresh.” You whisper, resting your forehead upon his, “Forget everything that happened four years ago and start fresh. I love you, Harry. I always have.” 
“I love you too.” 
You lean forward and place your lips on his again, his hands resting comfortably upon your waist. It felt so familiar for you to be in his arms, his lips upon yours. He was the only person you had ever kissed, and now he’d be the only person that you’d ever kiss, and you certainly weren’t complaining about that. 
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“You may now kiss the bride!” 
Harry smiles at you, and you beam up at him before the two of you lean forward and kiss each other. Cheers and applause erupt around the two of you, as well as confetti and flowers being thrown across the two of you as you walk down the aisle. 
You had arrived a few months ago from Paris, and immediately thrown into trying to nurse Harry’s father back to health, which didn’t go to plan. It was hard on Harry, but he had you and that was the most important thing to him. His Father gave you his blessing for the marriage, saying that it was the best thing he’d heard in a while. The funeral was a few weeks later, and the two of you decided to have the wedding two months afterwards.
The two of you were moving into Harry’s house, across the road from the house that your mother and father still lived in. You had so many plans for what you wanted to do to with the place, seeing as though it was way too big for the two of you to live in on your own. 
It was your wedding night, and you were walking up towards the front door of the house when you felt Harry’s arm slipping under your thighs. You squeal as he picks you up, wrapping your arms around Harry’s neck. Giggling, you lean forward and place a kiss to his cheek, causing the dimples to show within his cheeks. 
“I love you, husband.” You say, smiling as he places you down in the entry way. 
“I love you too.” He leans forward and places a kiss to your lips, “Wife.” 
It was as though the atmosphere within the room changed the second he said that word. His hands found your hips, resting on the material of your dress. You took a step backwards, causing you to press your back against the inside of the door, your lips immediately attacked by his. Your hips involuntarily buck up to Harry’s, causing a groan to escape from his lips. After a few seconds, he pulls away, kissing down your neck. 
“Harry.” You whisper, feeling a moan ready to tumble from your lips at the feeling of his teeth grazing your neck, “Take me upstairs.” 
“Are you sure?” You nod your head and he’s quick to pick you up again, this time carrying you over his shoulder. You squeal and grip his shoulders to steady yourself, “Better give my wife what she wants.”
Once you were up the stairs safely, he placed you down and connected your lips again. The first thing you did once your feet touched the ground again, you gripped the edge of his suit jacket and pushed it off his shoulders, listening to the material tumble to the ground and drop. 
“Can I take your shirt off?” You mumble against his lips and he hums, allowing you to unbutton his shirt and shrugging that material off of his shoulders. This was the most you’d seen of Harry naked, and another human being at that. 
“What about you?” He says, walking you both back until he’s sat on the bed, “Can I see you?” 
“You’ll have to help.” You giggle, turning around. He starts to unbutton your dress, letting the material slip from your body into a pile upon the floor. He starts to unfasten your corset next, allowing that to slip from your body also. You were very exposed now, and you knew that, but the way that Harry looked at you sent all of your worries flying from your head. 
He leaned back on his arms and clambered back into his lap, similarly to the way you had done all those years ago when you first kissed in the library of this very house. You wrapped your arms around his neck, just has his rested upon the exposed skin of your waist. 
“YN?” You hum against his lips, “Can I make you feel good?” 
You pull away and nod, tucking some of your hair behind your ear. It made you feel nervous that he was going to see you in the way that he was but this was Harry, your husband and the person you had wished to be touching you and near to the years that you had been apart. He helps remove the rest of your undergarments until you’re completely naked in front of him, laying and waiting for whatever he is going to do to you. He removes his trousers and underwear as you do so. There’s something about seeing him like that causes your hear to flutter and the rest of you to follow it. 
He hovers over you, pressing another chaste kiss to your lips before moving down your neck and to your chest until he reaches your breasts, pressing kiss to the plushy skin around it until he wraps his lips around your nipple, lifting his hand up to pinch the other one between his fingers. 
“Fuck, love.” He smiles up at you as you whither beneath him, feeling all of your senses heightened at the feeling of him on your skin. 
He kisses down from your breasts to your stomach until his face is directly where you want it the most, where you’re literally throbbing for him. Without any warning, he leans forward and starts to attack your clit with his tongue, causing your hips to buck up from the bed and moans threatening to spill from your lips. Your hand drops to the top of his head, tugging at the curls that rest there. You’ve never felt like this, ever, in your life and you believe that if you feel it too much you will become accustomed to it. Your thighs try to clamp around his head but he stops you from doing so by gripping your thighs with his hands. After a particularly hard tug of his curls, a moan erupts from Harry and vibrates against your clit causing you to shudder. 
He moved one of his hands up from your thigh to run over your wet slit, “Can I?” 
“Please.” You’re quite embarrassed about how breathy it comes out but once he slips one of his fingers in, and a whine escapes his lips you can’t be bothered to care about the sounds that are leaving your lips. 
“I need to stretch you out.” He says, curling his finger in you, “Can I?” 
You nod your head, “Please.” 
He pushes another finger into you, leaning his head back down to attack your clit again. He’s quite gentle with his tongue, using it to make a skilled attack on your clit, using it and his fingers to coax you closer and closer to the first ever orgasm you are to experience. 
“Harry.” You whine his name and the feeling washes over you quicker than you had expected it too, but at the same time the man knew what he was doing and you to bring you to that peak. He continued to move his fingers and kitten lick at your clit until your thighs stop shaking. Once you have, he moves up your body again and kisses you. 
“Really good.” You laugh, wrapping your arm around his neck, “I want to feel you, H.” 
“Certain? Because we don’t have to if you don’t want to.” 
“I do.” You place your hand on his cheek, pecking his lips, “I want to.” 
“I don’t want to hurt you.” 
You smile, “It’s going to hurt whether we do it now or later. I want to.” 
It’s uncomfortable to say the least, the feeling contrasting the one that you had felt earlier. You weren’t in a lot of pain, but it made it a little harder to feel the pleasure that you know you can feel from this act, Lizzie had told you plenty about it when you were younger. Harry grunted as he pushed into you, scrunching up his features. From the way that little groans and deep breaths escaped his lips, you knew that he was feeling an immense amount of pleasure. 
“Feel good?” He grunts against your neck, pressing a small kiss to the skin as you smile, running your nails down his back. You knew that he was close, from the way he twitched inside of you, and your tried everything to coax it out of him. 
“Feel so good, love.” He comes soon after his words, spilling into you and filling you up. 
He collapses on top of you and you hold him close to you, pushing his curls off of his forehead that have stuck. You giggle as his pouts his lips, leaning down to play a kiss to them. 
“I love you so much.” You smile. 
“And I, you.” He pulls you close, “You were never second best, I hope you know that.” 
“I do now.” 
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Three Years Later
“Mary.” You smile, placing your hand on the back of the little girls shoulder, “That looks beautiful.” 
“Thank you, Mrs. Styles.” She says, continuing to add the green paint to her painting. 
You and Harry figured out not that long after what do with the large house you had been left by his father. With your art and French skills, and Harry’s love for reading and slight knowledge of simple maths, you decided to convert the house into a school for the kids in the village. It was a place for them to come without having to worry and learn and focus on new skills. 
At this point you had just finished one of your art classes and left the kids to let their creativity flow with some paper and paints, as well as pencils and other materials for them to use. You were making your way outside, smiling at the sight of Harry sat in the garden with a group of children sat around him, listening to every word he spoke as he read from a book. 
The next thing you saw was your sister, stood with her husband and her children. You were surprised to see your little boy, Oscar, sat comfortably in her arms. The second he sees you, he’s making grabby arms in your direction. 
He had just turned one and was now in a phase of not wanting to walk but be carried everywhere. He was certainly his father’s son, in more ways than one. He looked identical to his father, with green eyes and unruly brown curls and dimples, but he was also the exact same person as your husband, and if you thought it was a struggle to live with one Harry Styles, having an Oscar Styles as well was just as hard. 
“Hi baby.” You pick him up and place him on your hip, his hand resting on your neck lovingly. From the way he drops his head to your shoulder, you can tell he’s almost ready for his nap. You smile and press a kiss to his cheek. 
Harry comes over a few seconds later and kisses you on the lips briefly and places a kiss to Oscar’s cheeks. The two of you look over at what you have created for the kids around you and smile at each other. 
“I’m glad I didn’t give up on you.” 
“Me neither.” You smile, “I love you, mon chéri.” 
“I love you too.” 
Oscar looks up at the two of you with a pout on his lips, causing Harry to chuckle, “And we love you too, little man.” 
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ootahime · 3 years
analyzing every gojohime moment in the manga p2
part 1 is here :3
this post includes more excruciatingly long paragraphs so grab urself something and enjoy LOL
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chapter 40 
i know they’re not interacting in this panel but i still want to bring it up.  i’m gonna give some context to this scene in case someone needs to jog their memory.  so basically, mei’s ability to command crows is what allows the staff to observe the students from afar.  however, gojo notices that there’s lack of footage where yuuji is and asks mei why that’s so.  she tells him that they’re animals at the end of the day so she can’t control what they look at.  he doesn’t believe her so he asks her whose side she’s on (for yuuji’s execution vs against yuuji’s execution) to which she responds with, “whose side?  i’m on the side with money, of course.  there’s no value in something that can’t be bought since you can’t exchange that for money.”  in other words, she’ll always choose the side that offers her more money because she doesn’t care about how morally “correct” or “incorrect” something is.  it’s not worth fighting for a cause that doesn’t benefit her in the long run which is why she views things that are unable to be bought (friendships, relationships, favors) as useless - they can’t be exchanged for money.  it’s clear that gojo knows she’s not on his side because he replies with, “spoken from experience!” or “i wonder how much!” (translation varies).  he says it out loud to perhaps let gakuganji know that he’s onto him.  i find it interesting how utahime is in the panel as well with a “?” to express her confusion at his words.  let’s overthink dissect that.  why is she there in the first place? if the message was to let gakuganji know that gojo is aware of his ulterior motives then a panel with gakuganji and gojo would have sufficed.  why add utahime with a question mark? 
here’s a personal headcanon of mine that makes no absolute sense, but who cares? it makes me happy LOL.  so let’s examine the panel.  gojo’s face is more simplified and cartoonish with a grey background on top and some sort of white bubble surrounding the three characters.  gakuganji is staring at utahime and gojo.  in the official viz translation, he replies to mei with, “i wonder how much!”  
normal and logical explanation: shading the principal by asking out loud how much mei was paid by him to avoid monitoring yuuji.
gojohime brainrot explanation: 
mei: “there’s no value in something that can’t be bought since you can’t exchange that for money”
gojo: (in response) i wonder how much utahime’s love would cost if it did have a price.
utahime: ?
you’re probably thinking i’m delulu (true) BUT HEAR ME OUT.  IT WOULD SOMEWHAT MAKE SENSE IN THIS CONTEXT...
mei’s saying seems to be what she lives by.  relationships, love, friendships, etc. do not matter to her as this is evident when she ultimately abandons everyone in shibuya to escape to malaysia, selling all her stocks before japan’s economy goes down.  she doesn’t care about anyone else.  she even takes advantage of ui ui’s adoration for her.  she contrasts utahime.  utahime is loved by her students.  children, especially teenagers, are picky when it comes to choosing the adults they admire and respect.  while everyone trusts gojo, they do not respect him because of his childishness and overall absurdity.  it’s refreshing to see how they always call him an idiot or have a -_- face when he’s around.  when akutami says everyone absolutely adores utahime-sensei, it says a lot.  we haven’t seen her interact with her students all that much, but she’s obviously close to them because she’s frequently arguing with momo.  even a closed off person like mechamaru wanted to keep her away from danger.  she most certainly expresses a lot of concern and care for her students, and gojo and her students can pick up on this. 
i’ve talked about this in every post LOLOL but there’s a reason why he went to utahime first to help him investigate.  utahime is a loyal person through and through.  she would never do something that harms the students even if she was offered everything in the world.  she values relationships above everything else.  besides her concern for the students, how else was i able to come to this conclusion about her character?  well, she got shoko to stop smoking because she was worried about how it might damage her friend’s health.  from these two details, it’s obvious that she’s the complete opposite of mei.  
maybe that’s why he calls her weak.  she’s too selfless and compassionate in a world where every sorcerer is for themselves.  the world is cruel as a sorcerer.  no matter how hard you try to fight, in the end, you’ll always die alone.  remember his talk with megumi after the baseball game?  after witnessing megumi pull a sacrificial bunt to help his teammates advance, gojo has a talk with megumi about his attitude and potential.  he says that being selfless and caring about others is not a bad thing, but in a world like this, where people always die alone, he is wasting his potential by being concerned with others.  it’s okay to be selfish.  this is why we see fierce independence in a lot of the sorcerers like mei, nanami, and gojo.  they each have their own reasons as to why they work alone, but it’s still a common characteristic.  i feel like utahime doesn’t have a selfish bone in her body.  i speculate that her selflessness is the exact reason why she is being held back.  during her mission to exorcise a grade 1 spirit by herself, the final task before being promoted to grade 1, she likely got distracted trying to help civilians out of danger and failed her mission.  he’s right when he says she doesn’t have the guts to be the traitor, utahime doesn’t have it in her to do something so boldly solely for her own benefit.  
after this long tangent, how does this relate to your headcanon, ootahime?  
as you know, love is not transactional.  you can’t pay someone to love you.  what if gojo is asking himself how much it would cost to buy her love.  hence, her confusion because she is oblivious to what he really means.  it could be probable because gakuganji is observing not only gojo, but utahime as well.  so what gojo says must involve her too, right?  
or she could just be confused because his words seem out of place because she is unaware of what gakuganji is doing behind everyone’s back.  that explanation makes sense for viz’s official translation but it doesn’t make sense when he says, “spoken from experience!” because his words make sense in that context.  he’s basically saying that mei’s beliefs must be based on her past experiences so he understands why she feels this way.  that’s an appropriate response to mei’s statement so i don’t see why utahime would be confused by this.  unless i’m interpreting this whole scene completely wrong.  in that case, whoopsies!  
let me know if you’re confused because i’m willing to clarify.  idk why but i found this really difficult to explain.  maybe because i’m reaching so hard haha
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chapter 40
he finds any way he can to tease her.  they seem like a married couple watching a movie or something.  does he take pride in being the only person she doesn’t get along with?  i mean, she says it herself so he is aware she thinks he’s annoying, but he keeps picking on her anyway.  he doesn’t even pick on his enemies this much LMAOOO i think the only other person he likes to make fun of is gakuganji but he does so because he doesn’t agree with his views.  with utahime it’s different.  he trusts her a lot and even looks out for her.  
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chapter 44
why are there two separate instances of gakuganji observing utahime and gojo’s interactions from afar?  nah i’m just playing.  he’s just looking because he’s concerned she’ll run into the semi-grade 1 curse he had for yuuji.  OKAY BUT I NOTICED SOMETHING KINDA CUTE?  whenever utahime says something suddenly, he always has those 3 little triangles near his head.  it’s like he’s thinking, “oh!  utahime is speaking, i must listen <3″  look at his face too.  he’s looking at her like :O
this is also an example of her showcasing her concern for the students in front of gojo.  i feel like he questions why she’s so caring because if it were him, he would have left the student to figure it out themselves.  i really wonder how she would react if he answered her truthfully when she asked what he’d do if she were the traitor.  
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chapter 45
there’s not much to say here...they’re just cute.  i know it’ll never happen but i’d like to see them fight side by side one day.  i’m aware that gojo works best alone but i just want to see how they’d work together, okay? 😔
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chapter 45
see the little triangles on his head again?  UGH SO CUTE.  
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chapter 45
IS THIS NOT INTENTIONAL???  they share the same thoughts.  he even finished her thought.  mannnnnnnnnnnnn what is akutami doing?  giving us false hope and stripping it away just for fun?  making them work so well together for what??
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chapter 52
cute how he looks out for her.  i have nothing more to say LOL
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chapter 53
notice how they’re sitting across from each other?  HEHE
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chapter 53
yet another instance of her caring for her students in front of gojo.  in the anime she has the cutest expression when she says she’s glad the students are safe.  i bet gojo saw that too.  i also bet that she looks prettier from his point of view.
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from the manga and light novels, gojo and utahime are the ones that talk about sports the most.  he most definitely chose baseball to cheer her up.  it’s not a coincidence people!  
i feel like i had a lot more to say but i completely lost my train of thought while writing this, especially with chapter 40. i’m once again writing this at 4 in the morning LOL........  please please please add on or share your thoughts!  thank you for reading and sorry for any mistakes.  
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(未定事件簿) EVENT! 「眷然恋影」 [Tears of Themis] EVENT: Zuo Ran Birthday 2021- Days to Re-Live Forever (4.26: Birthday Celebration)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist / Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Will also be filed under Zuo Ran’s tag #Tears of a Lawyer *The tracking tag for ALL Event Stories will go under: #Tears of an Event
4.18 / 4.20 / 4.22 / 4.24 / 4.26 Messages / Investigations / Call
On the day of Zuo Ran's birthday, I asked sister Zhao Xing for her help beforehand to arrange his schedule so that he got off work right on the dot.
And, using the reasoning of "The volunteers need more hands to finish setting up the set", I invited him to the Film Museum.
I explained what I did as a volunteer along our way there, doing my best to avoid the topic entirely, for fear that he'd pick up on my intent.
Very soon, we found ourselves at the Live-action Studio.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Live Action Studio
Zuo Ran: Is the place that requires help still up ahead?
MC: Yes. Soon. We'll be there soon, just a little more!
I did my best to suppress the nervousness that nagged at me, turning at the curb together with him up ahead before reaching a did. I knew that what laid behind the door was none other than the set that I'd painstakingly decorated.
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▷Choice: Push the door open
Tugging at his hand, I took a deep breath and opened the doors.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Set
MC: Happy Birthday, Lawyer Zuo!
I cheered right as we entered.
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Zuo Ran: You… This...
All we could see around us were the streets that gave off a foreign vibe, the light shining through the windows comforting and warm.
This was the set I chose— This was where Mary and Tim had their first date after he'd time travelled.
In the film, Mary stood in front of the shop's entrance after dinner, asking if Tim could see her off. This was also where their story had truly begun.
Be it the signboard atop the entrance, the hanging plants, or the colourful street decor, it all made people reminiscent of that one beautiful, destined night.
Zuo Ran: This is the Restaurant on the corner that Tim and Mary had their first date at?
MC: That's right, I knew you'd recognize it at a glance!
Of course, I'd also done a couple of adjustments to the set itself by adding a couple of birthday decor.
For example, the row of lights hanging from the roof, the colourful flags the spelled "Happy Birthday", and the many gifts stacked beside the coffee table.
And hidden among those gifts, was the "Collector's Edition: The World-wide  Film Script Collection".
This made Zuo Ran, who'd remained calm and unfazed in the face of all that has happened, express a rare moment of surprise.
Zuo Ran: So, that's why you...
I knew that it was going to be hard to explain everything to him immediately, so I decided to sit him down first.
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MC: Okay, okay, I know that you must have a truckload of questions; but first, have a seat and try the desserts and coffee that I made.
MC: I'll slowly tell you about the secrets of this place after that.
Zuo Ran: So, you recreated the scenes in the movie "About Time" because you saw how much I loved it…?
Zuo Ran's expression gradually grew fonder as he heard the reasoning behind how this set came to be.
MC: That's right! Besides, birthdays are meant to bring happiness to the birthday star, so obviously I'll have to choose the movie you love best!
Zuo Ran: Thank you.
He surveyed the surrounding decor, gently stroking the shop window beside him that had been fully decorated with plants.
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Zuo Ran: Tim invited Mary away from the boring party, bringing her to this restaurant with a transparent window instead. 
Zuo Ran: Here, they had dinner with each other, shared their most heartfelt sentiments, and walked along this path after.
MC: Yes, that's a classic, and very memorable scene!
Zuo Ran: Even the small chef miniature on the storefront looks almost exactly the same. I never thought that you'd manage to recreate even that— To such perfection.
MC: You'll have to thank the Film Museum for those. They were the ones who made replicas of the original; all I did was to exchange for them with the points I earned.
MC: Oh yes, I've got another special gift for you apart from all of these. That was one of the main reasons why I'd decided to become a volunteer in the first place.
I handed him a small booklet.
MC: This is what the guests of the Film Festival have said about "Robin".
After obtaining permission from the Film Museum, I picked out all the answers pertaining to Robin from the survey and bound it into a small booklet as a special gift for Zuo Ran.
And now, I was eagerly anticipating his reaction to this gift.
Zuo Ran: ……
He tensed a little at the mention of "Robin".
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Zuo Ran: "Robin"? Why are you giving this to me?
MC: Well… I felt that "Robin" was different from the other Film Critics out on the net that you'd probably find a little distasteful.
MC: His reviews all give off a vibe similar to your own. So, I think you're… Probably acquainted with him?
Zuo Ran: So you're saying that you really like this guy?
MC: Yeah. I've reread all of his reviews a good many times now. The only unfortunate thing is that he never did share anything about his person, and neither did he leave any contact details.
MC: And even though the organizer wants to invite him for the closing ceremony if the Film Festival, they have no choice but to attempt contacting him through online means. Otherwise, I'd really have wanted to know his true identity.
I scrutinized his expression, trying to find any tells that he might show when trying to debunk my guess about his other identity. But who would have thought...
Zuo Ran: ... I'm Robin.
He'd admitted to it, unwavering, driving his point straight home.
MC: So..  Does this mean that you admit to it?
Zuo Ran: And I'm presuming from your reaction that you've already long since guessed it?
MC: Yeah, I did.
Zuo Ran: Sorry, I should have told you earlier.
MC: I probably guessed it back when I saw the picture of the shadow puppet that you sent out.
MC: And then, I slowly came to realize that you and Robin happened to coincide more and more frequently, so much that the answer to it all was pretty much already set in stone.
MC: This present is the reason why I specially added questions about Robin into the questionnaire, and also because I wanted to know a little more about you.
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Zuo Ran: You're the first person...
Perhaps it was the trick of the light, but Zuo Ran's face had a faint red tint to it.
Zuo Ran: You're the first person to have gone through so much trouble for me. This present gives me innumerable joy.
MC: Yeah, I'm glad you like it...
His eyes appeared soft beyond words, unconsciously sucking me into it's enchanting depths.
Zuo Ran: It was never my intention to hide it from you, but I'd rather my Film Reviews to be just that; a pure and unhindered exchange of personal opinion.
Zuo Ran: And that might be harder to achieve if my real identity becomes associated with my identity as Robin.
Zuo Ran: ...I've always thought that I managed to keep it well under wraps since I've never let anything slip with my real life, and neither did I post any personal info.
Zuo Ran: Even acquaintances. It’s hard to find even a single connection between any of us even if you tried.
Zuo Ran: I never thought that you seriously re-read everything I wrote over and over again that many times...
MC: I just...
Zuo Ran: I suppose that’s why you’re probably the only person who’s capable of finding out my other identity.
MC: Don’t worry, Lawyer Zuo. I won’t tell anyone about your identity as Robin. Just treat it as our little secret, okay?
Zuo Ran: Okay. Our little secret.
Suddenly, he gently held my hand.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Zuo Ran: Thank you for preparing so much for me, for my birthday.
Zuo Ran: Recreating a movie, preparing presents, carefully planning everything up till today… I really like this surprise of yours.
Zuo Ran: It is only thanks to you that I truly know now, what “Every moment in life brings innumerable joys” really means.
Zuo Ran: “Every day of our life is a journey in time. All we can do is to do the best we can to cherish this beautiful and wondrous journey of ours.”
That was the same exact line of the movie that he’d just murmured ever so softly.
MC: Isn’t that Tim’s final monologue on “About Time”?
Zuo Ran: Oh? You still remember it? He finally had an epiphany, realizing the value of an ordinary life after his countless journeys through time and space.
MC: I remember. He finally understood that time-travel was not the most important thing in the world; but what was most important, was for him to cherish everything he currently had,
Zuo Ran: That’s right. Even if living life like this will give birth to some regrets.
Zuo Ran: I watch this movie several times a year; and every time, I’ll get a new experience through these lines.
Zuo Ran: I too, once longed to Time-travel just like the hero; to change the past that could no longer be turned back in time.
Zuo Ran: But I don't think so anymore. Especially ever since I met you.
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His ears were slightly red, but the sound of his voice that had reached my ears were firm and as clear as the day. I felt my cheeks warm.
MC: ……
Zuo Ran and I both immersed ourselves in the scene of the foreign street that we were in for a while. The night waxed, the colourful lights shining bright.
And he'dheld onto my hand throughout it all; across the stars and till the end of time.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Home
After the Film Festival had ended, the popular and renowned Film Critic among the masses, named "Robin", turned down the interview for the column and ended up not showing for the closing ceremony.
But he'd still heeded the organizer's request, releasing a long article to express his thoughts about the Film Festival and its many different movies.
I carefully read through this article; and unsurprisingly, I spotted a particular line.
"Every moment in life brings innumerable joys."
So, "All we can do is to do the best we can to cherish this beautiful and wondrous journey of ours.”
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MC: (Yeah, I'll do my best to cherish what I have now too.)
My eyes lingered on this line for a long while, my lips curling into a knowing smile.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Previous Part: (4.24: Exchanging Movie Reviews)
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anxiousstark · 3 years
S3 13 | Galvanize
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 2405
Warnings: Mentions of  injuries, blood, death, swearing (always), etc.
A/N: These kind of chapters are boring but necessary for the story. It would be nice if at least, the people who asked to be tagged did vote. It takes time to write, to add things or to think of future scenes.
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"You're back in school?" Those were the first words that came out of Scott's mouth as the twins parked their motorbikes next to my brother's one. Of course, Scott's bike didn't look as expensive as the other two.
"No, just to talk."
"Oh." Stiles and I walked closer to where my brother was standing. "That's kind of a change of pace for you guys. Usually, you're just hurting, maiming, and killing." His hands were gripping the straps of his backpack.
Aiden rolled his eyes. "You need a pack. We need an Alpha."
"Yeah. Absolutely not." Stiles intervened again, nodding his head, and patting Ethan's chest, who hit his hand off him. "That's hilarious, though."
"You came to us for help. We helped."
It was my turn to roll my eyes. "You beat his face into a bloody pulp." I furrowed my eyebrows. "That's not helping. In my opinion, that's actually counter-productive." Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I glanced to my side. Stiles was beaming at me, a goofy smile on his face.
"Why would I say yes?" My brother asked.
"We'd add strength. We'd make you more powerful." Both of the twins nodded their head at the same time. "There's no reason to say no."
Stiles dramatically rolled his eyes.
"I can think of one." Isaac appeared from nowhere, and I quickly sent him a look, asking if he was feeling better. At the forest, he didn't have as much luck as I did. A trap closed around his leg. "Like the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd. In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now." Stiles agreed with him, nodding his head.
Aiden didn't hesitate to show his fangs and flash his eyes. "You want to try?"
Scott swiftly grabbed the curly-haired boy's arm, holding him back from getting closer to one of the twins. "Sorry, but they don't trust you. And neither do I." We ignored Aiden and Ethan, walking into school.
As soon as we opened the door, a roll of toilet paper hit Stiles right on the face. "All right, that's my face!" His hands immediately patted the other boy's back. "Hey, dude, good decision, buddy. Good Alpha decision."
"I hope so." He sighed.
"No, you know so." We walked to our lockers. The Hazel-eyed boy fastly grabbed his things while I did the same.
I noticed that my brother was dumbfoundedly looking somewhere. "What are you looking at?" I asked him, closing my locker while Stiles took his backpack off to fill it with some books.
"You," I replied.
"You looking at her?" Stiles followed his gaze for a couple of seconds.
"Her? Who her?" Oh, come on, Scott. It was so obvious.
"Her her. Kira." Stiles answered back. "You like her?"
"No." He spoke up too fast. I smirked while staring deep into his eyes. "Hey Y/N, don't do that. Don't d-. Okay yeah, she's okay. She's new."
"So, ask her out." The Stilinski boy finally shut his locker.
"Yes, now." I intervened. "She is leaving."
"Right now?" He asked again while Kira seemed to walk away.
"Right now." He patted my brother's back. "Scott, I don't think you get it yet. You're an Alpha. You're the apex predator." I rolled my eyes as Stiles gave him advice related to girls. "Everyone wants you. You're like the hot girl that every guy wants." I chuckled.
"The hot girl?"
"You are the hottest girl." Stiles smiled as if he was sure of what he was stating.
Isaac, who had come back, glanced between the three of us. I just shook my head. "What?"
"I'm the hot girl." Scott's expression was earnest as he raised his eyebrows.
Isaac nodded his head. "Yes, you are."
I felt an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to a warm body. "So you swing both ways?" To my question, Stiles seemed surprised. "I thought I was the hot girl, but I can see you think my brother is the hottest girl." I jokingly tried to look mad. "I guess you are just dating me to make my brother jealous." My tone was dramatic. "It was Scott McCall all along. He is the one you desire."
As soon as my boyfriend noticed that I was joking, he couldn't help but laugh loudly. "Don't tell Scott." His mouth came near my ear as he whispered the following words. "You are the hottest girl."
"I was hoping so." A peck was placed on the corner of my mouth. My gaze shifted as soon as I saw Mr. Stilinski on one of the corridos, which couldn't mean anything good. "Hey, Stiles," My hand rested on the middle of his chest as he continued kissing me. "Isn't that your dad?"
His gaze moved to where I was looking. He wandered towards his father, bringing me with him. "Wait a minute, wait a minute! The William Barrow? The Shrapnel Bomber? Spotted nearby?"
"A little closer than nearby, actually." A shiver ran through my body, even though I didn't know who that person was. If Stiles seemed distraught, then it couldn't be anything good.
"Dad, what's really going on here?" Stiles brought me closer to his side, muttering his words.
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We had found Allison, Lydia and Isaac. Agent McCall didn't want anyone coming in or out of the school. "Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes?" We walked down the stairs as Isaac asked all the questions that could come to his mind. "He said those exact words?"
"Yeah. And no one knows how he woke up from anesthesia. Just that when they opened him up, they found a tumor full of live flies, which in any other circumstance would be all kinds of awesome." I punch his arm, which made him groan and pout.
"Did you say flies?" As soon as Lydia asked that, a fly buzzed next to my ear, and I quickly moved my arm, trying to scare it. Allison's eyes went from Lydia to me. "All day I have been hearing this sound. It's like this buzzing."
Again, I felt like a fly was near my ear.  The Argent girl continued glancing at me, but this time, everyone was staring at me too. "Like the sound of flies?"
"Exactly like the sound of flies." Lydia nodded her head. "Y/N, there isn't any fly around you."
We ran towards Scott when we finally found him. "Hey, dude, where the hell have you been?"
Lydia came closer to us. "The police are leaving. Why are they leaving?"
"The police?" My brother glanced at me, confused.
"They must have cleared the building and grounds, which means he's not here?" I tried to have a little hope.
"Who? What are you guys-."
"He has to be here. That sound The buzzing I've been hearing? It's getting louder." She glanced at me. "She has been hearing it too."
"I only heard it when you said it! I'm not hearing it now!"
"How loud?" Lydia closed her eyes as soon as Stiles asked her, trying to control her breathing. So it was loud, quite loud.
"Scott and Isaac are in the basement, right?" Lydia asked as we looked around the art room. Her voice was a mere whisper.
"Yeah, with Ethan and Aiden. The plan is they meet in the middle, in the boiler room."
"All of the wolves. All of the ones with glowing eyes are in the basement at the boiler room?"
"Not really," Stiles replied. "Y/N," He pointed at me. "She also has glowi-. Oh, my God! An engineer could use a boiler room to blow up the whole school."
"We have to get them out of there."
And we did, Stiles pulled the fire alarm. However, we were caught by Coach, who expressed his desire for punching Stiles's face. Thankfully, we got out of school, meeting the rest. But Scott and the twins weren't able to pick up a scent.
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Scott had been invited by Mr. Yukimura to have dinner with him and his family, and let me tell you he was quite excited. Melissa was working all night, and she didn't want me to be alone at home. Therefore, Mr. Stilinski was happy enough to let me stay with them.
I laid on Stiles's bed as he was adding things to his board. "Scott has never eaten sushi before. He is going to make a mess."
I chuckle. "Maybe they won't eat sushi."
He turned around to glance at me. "They are Japanese."
"Stiles," I groaned. "That's stupid. Japanese people don't eat Japanese food all the time! They can eat other foods too!" He shrugged. "What do the different coloured strings mean?" I asked while I glanced to the strings that were on top of his bed.
"Oh, just different stages of the investigation. So green is solved, yellow is to be determined, blue's just pretty." I couldn't help but chuckle. "They are the colour of your siren's eyes."
I got up from the bed, walking closer to him until I was engulfed by his arms. "My siren side is melting."
He snickered. "What about your other side?" He hummed, his lips trapping my bottom lip. "Does she like it too?"
"Hhmm," I pecked his lips, my tongue peeking out to lick his bottom one. "She is a little more complex." His tongue parted my lips, going inside my mouth as his hands rested on my cheeks. Our breaths mangled while our tongues continued grinding against each other.
"I believe she clearly likes it." He stopped kissing me as he seemed to notice something. "We are going to school." I stared at him, puzzled. "We are going to school. Now."
And that's what we did.
"This is just like the first time." I referred to Stiles, Lydia and I being inside the school at night. "So what are we looking for?" I squeezed one of Stiles's hoodies around my body, hating the cold temperature. He ignored me, opening a door that had a warning sign. "That was supposed to be locked." I glanced at the sign 'Caution. Chemical Storage.'
"Yeah. I know." He took his phone out, turning on the lantern. "Notice anything else?"
I entered the room. "Crystal bottles."
"The smell of chemicals. They wouldn't have been able to catch his scent." Lydia added, offering me one of her gloves as my hands were freezing. I offered her a smile, grabbing the soft item.
My boyfriend nodded his head, glancing at the floor. There was some shattered glass, and what looked like blood. "He was here, performing very minor surgery on himself. Lydia was right."
"I don't feel good about this, Stiles." I peered around.
"Probably because he was here to kill somebody."
"But who?"
"That's what we gotta figure out. We could spread out, start looking for anything." We looked around the room, in hopes of finding something else that would tell us where that crazy dude could be. "Lydia, what are those?"
As I heard Stiles, I glanced up, seeing Lydia walking towards something written on the blackboard. "Atomic numbers." I answered before the strawberry blonde girl could.
"Is it a formula?" The boy walked closer to me.
"Not really. 19's potassium. The first two make potassium iodide." She grabbed chalk, writing a K next to the number 19.
"Potassium is K?" Both Stiles and I asked at the same time.
"From kalium, the scientific neo-Latin name." Next to another number, she wrote the letter I.
"What's radium?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and getting closer to the blackboard. "Is it R-A?" As soon as the words came out of my mouth, Lydia nodded her head. Kira, he wanted to kill Kira. "We need to call Scott."
Stiles was already calling my brother while pacing around the room. "Nothing, he isn't answering his phone." He glanced at me, biting the inside of his cheek. "W-What do we do?"
"We are going to Kira's house." I quickly walked to the door but stopped when Lydia and Stiles weren't following me out. "I know where she lives, okay? I made my research too." Stiles furrowed his eyebrows. "I wasn't going to let my brother go to a stranger's house! Have you watched any criminal documentary?" I rolled my eyes. "Let's go!"
When arriving at Kira's house, we found my brother lying on the ground. He had blood running down his forehead. "Barrow, he took Kira!" I nodded my head, more worried about his condition. He seemed to notice, squeezing my right hand and offering me a smile.
"We know. He was after her the whole time."
"We have to think of something. He's going to kill her."
"I knew he was there." Lydia seemed to be distracted. "How did I know that?"
"Because you heard the flies, right?" I asked.
My brother's gaze shifted to her. "What do you hear now?"
"Nothing. I feel like I can do this. But I don't know what to do. It's like it's on the tip of my tongue, and I don't know how to trigger it. I just I swear to God, it literally makes me want to scream."
"Okay, then scream." Stiles stepped closer to her. "Lydia, scream."
And she did. We all covered our ears, faces scrunched. "It's not flies. It's electricity."
"Wait a second, Barrow was an electrical engineer. He worked at a power substation."
"What substation?"
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Scott and Stiles got out of the jeep. "Okay. Wait here, all right?" The Stilinski boy glanced at Lydia and me. I was going to protest, but he didn't let me do so. "Just wait for the cops to come."
"Why?" Lydia asked.
"I only got one bat."
Both boys disappeared inside the building. And as soon as I saw them disappearing, I quickly moved in the car, trying to grab my backpack. "What are you doing?" I only offered her a smirk. "Stiles will kill me if he knows that I let you go inside!" She grabbed my wrist. "You aren't going!"
"I'm sorry." I moved the seats of the back, getting inside the truck of the jeep as I knew Stiles had closed the car. Once I was inside, I used all my strength to kick it, opening it. Then, I also went into the building.
But it seemed like they didn't need me because Kira was something supernatural.
TAGLIST: @og-baby-ob14 - @savemypostcards - @cas-loves-pizza - @used-avocado - @mvrylee - @bilesxbilinskixlahey - @honeydoll-stark - @arieltheworldisamess - @softpeteparker - @kit-kat-katie99 - @thatsuperherosidekick - @bexbetterxthanxwords - @big-galaxy-chaos - @littlemiss-forgotten - @enchantedcruelsummer - @coldfreakeggsexpert - @merla123 - @sammypotato67 - @weirdowithnobeardo - @maggiesblogsblog - @itskindyl - @bobo-bush - @moongoddesskiana - @multifandxm353 - @irwxnhugsx - @xoprincessmel - @iclosetgeek - @andreagf956 - @niawoods - @anerroroccurrrrred - @perrytheplatypus11 - @trustfundparker - @nmriia - @steve-harringtonnn - @trustfundparker - @brithedemonspawn - @weirdowithnobeardo - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @azayamari - @poguestyle17 - @bibliophilewednesday - @10minutesofscreentime - @momentitodebruh - @drikawinchester - @perrytheplatypus11 - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @linkpk88 - @royalreadery - @sweetest-serpent01 - @teenwaywardasgardian - @sadcupofcoffee - @maliyamay - @seninjakitey​ - @tairisceana​ -
People in bold means it doesn’t let me tag them.
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commentaryvorg · 3 years
Digimon Savers Commentary Episode 5 - Break into the Digital World! Drimogemon’s Trap!
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In this episode, both Tohma and Masaru separately enter the Digital World to resolve unfinished business with the Digimon they failed to stop last episode. While there, they meet up in a perilous situation and end up bonding, learning to respect each other and work together at last.
Since this episode follows on directly from the events of the last one, we start with a recap of last episode. This is a rare thing for now as most of these early episodes are self-contained events, but it’ll soon become very regular once we get into the series’ overarching plot.
There’s nothing particularly interesting about the recaps; the narration is done by a non-character narrator, and they sometimes tend to show far more clips than necessary to remind people of the relevant things that happened. I often just skip them, though since for the purposes of this commentary I’ll be obligated to watch every single part of an episode to comment on the full experience, I will probably end up moaning about how unnecessarily long they eventually shift into being.
Narrator:  “To fulfil his duty, Tohma went to the Digital World to chase down Drimogemon.”
It’s interesting that the narration frames it this way, since disobeying very strict orders isn’t exactly what one would usually consider fulfilling a duty to the organisation that gave him those orders. And yet, this also is to do with Tohma’s very strong sense of duty and need to complete every job perfectly.
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Anyway, as we get back into events happening in the present, please appreciate this Very Done Yoshino Face as she realises that Tohma’s gone and endangered himself by going to the Digital World alone and she’s going to get in trouble for it.
As it happens, Masaru and Agumon have got the exact same idea into their heads of disobeying orders and sneaking into the Digital World to finish things with Drimogemon. While Tohma was legitimately very good at the stealth aspect of this plan, Masaru and Agumon’s idea of stealth is, uh… not so great.
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Masaru:  “Successful infiltration!”
Agumon:  “We’re so smooth, Aniki!”
Yep. The smoothest.
Yoshino:  “What are you doing.”
Naturally, Yoshino has very much noticed them. The subs put a question mark here, but I’m using my judgement to not include it, because her voice is so deadpan and I love her.
Masaru:  “Tohma did a Digital Dive? Damn it, he got away before us!”
Yoshino:  “Before?”
Agumon:  “Nothing, he’s just talking to himself.”
Yoshino does seem to be genuinely rather wrapped up in trying to deal with the Tohma situation and bring him back, because she doesn’t appear to pick up on the obvious implication of Masaru’s slip-up here (and the obvious only reason they’d be sneaking in in the middle of the night like this in the first place).
Yoshino:  “Doing a Dive when the equipment hasn’t even been tested on humans…”
Huh, interesting. I guess this particular version of the Digital Gate equipment that DATS has is newer, then, which tracks.
Yoshino manages to detect the signal from Tohma’s Digivice, but before she can use that to bring him back, the signal is lost.
Masaru:  “Really. Well isn’t that a pity.”
Masaru sounds so incredibly (not) concerned here. Though I’m sure this isn’t him genuinely not even caring if Tohma dies; he just assumes Tohma can handle himself and doesn’t see this as his problem at all.
Yoshino:  “Listen to me! It’s dangerous!”
Masaru:  “That doesn’t matter! I’m just going there to settle my fight!”
Yoshino:  “Who cares about your fight? You’re just going to make things worse!”
I mean, it seems like Tohma cares about this fight just as much as Masaru does, actually, if in a somewhat different way. We have two stubborn idiots refusing to let this go here, not just one.
Masaru wanders into the Dive chamber, and, naturally, doesn’t have a clue how to start it up. Yoshino seems quite willing to leave and not help him with this, until he and Agumon start the appropriately Masaru approach of hitting the machine to try and get it to work. (We saw how successful that approach was last episode.)
Masaru:  “You think I’ll just sit back while that guy gets all the action?”
Obviously, Masaru is not exactly thinking this through here; he just wants to somehow get to finish his fight before Tohma can do it for him, damn it!
Since Masaru and Agumon are clearly not about to be sensible and stop trying to break the equipment, Yoshino has no choice but to give in.
Lalamon:  “Yoshino, are you sure about this?”
Yoshino:  “Letting him have his way is better than a broken machine and Tohma stuck over there…”
It really is only because Tohma went first that Masaru is able to get his way here. A broken machine that can be fixed later would be better than Masaru throwing himself into the unknown, but a broken machine while Tohma is stuck over there is not okay at all.
Yoshino:  “Listen! I’m sending you the co-ordinates where we lost Tohma. Make sure to bring him back, okay?”
Masaru:  “Whatever, just do it!”
Yoshino is making the best of this she can and at least using Masaru as a way to try and ensure Tohma is safe. Masaru acts like he doesn’t care – but note he also isn’t explicitly saying he definitely won’t try to help Tohma and will leave him to fend for himself no matter what.
Yoshino:  “I can’t help you when you get to the other side.”
Masaru:  “Like I even need it.”
Yoshino:  “Oh, really.”
Obviously. Masaru is a tough independent fighter who can definitely throw himself into a completely different world without a clue what he’s doing and manage just fine. Being a liiittle cocky there, Masaru. (Exactly as much as Tohma was when he sent himself over knowing he’d have no backup.) And I love how Yoshino isn’t buying it for a second.
Yoshino:  “Return to where you first entered by 0500. That’s where I’ll bring you both back.”
Apparently they need to be in a specific location in order for the Dive equipment to work in reverse (since there isn’t a big handy machine with a chamber in it on the Digital World side). Yoshino was briefly attempting to pull Tohma back earlier before she lost his signal, so I guess that was when he was still within the range of the reverse-transport?
Masaru:  “Bah, it’s like having a curfew.”
Haha. Something Masaru is probably quite used to, since he is only fourteen and his mother must worry about what he gets up to a lot. He did mention having to sneak out of the house to come to DATS last episode, which I surmised was not because DATS was a secret to Sayuri but rather just because it was late.
Masaru looks at his Digivice, which has a clock feature telling us it’s 0:33 right now. Yoshino apparently expects him to navigate a completely unfamiliar world, find Tohma (and also defeat the Drimogemon because she knows he’s going to want to do that even if she’d rather he didn’t bother), and get back to where he arrived, within four and a half hours. That seems a little bit tight – why couldn’t she just let him have as long as he needs and just wait to pull him and Tohma back whenever they appear back in range?
The reason, I imagine, is that she’s really hoping she can get this all wrapped up before the morning shift at DATS starts and Satsuma finds out what’s been going on here. I don’t blame her.
Agumon:  “Aniki, I’m kinda nervous…”
Masaru:  “Don’t get scared now, idiot.”
I like how Masaru is admonishing Agumon for getting scared not as if he’s being a coward or anything like that, but just as if he’s being an idiot. Obviously if they let themselves get scared and hesitate, that might get in the way of them winning their fight! It’s like Masaru is thinking of “getting scared” less in terms of the initial emotion that you can’t help feeling, but in terms of whether you choose to let it control you, or you just push it aside and press on anyway. Anyone who wouldn’t want to do the latter is an idiot, right?
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Agumon:  “You sure this is okay?”
Masaru:  “You think I know?”
As the countdown to transfer gets close to zero and the energy starts swirling around them, I love the tiny little hint that Masaru is actually just as nervous about this as Agumon is – he has no idea if this is gonna be okay or not either! – and is just very stubbornly refusing to show it.
As we briefly see here, moving from one world to another involves travelling through a trippy computery in-between void. Future trips to and from the Digital World in the series will (usually, with one notable exception) skip over this part, but we can assume that it’s a thing that happens every time.
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The opening also contains a shot of the characters going through this void between worlds. Yoshino doesn’t head to the Digital World herself in this episode, of course, but she will in time.
Masaru:  “This is the Digital World? Cool… The sky and the ground are upside-down!”
I like how Masaru is totally willing to buy that the Digital World really is this weird.
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Agumon:  “Aniki… You’re the one who’s upside-down.”
Masaru:  “I knew that.”
…Rather than the much more likely option that he’s just a huge ridiculous dork.
(The subs say “I knew that” like Masaru’s trying to save face, but the word he says in Japanese could also translate as “Oh, I see,” as if he isn’t even trying to hide how he genuinely thought the Digital World was upside-down for a second. That doofus.)
Agumon:  “It’s my first time seeing it, too.”
Masaru:  “But you’re a Digimon, aren’t you?”
Agumon:  “Yeah, but I’ve been in DATS all my life.”
Yep, just like he said in the first episode about not remembering anything but being in DATS. Seems like, unlike the rampaging Digimon they deal with, Agumon came to the human world while he was not exactly “alive”, as such.
They wander through the Digital World for a while, marvelling at some of its weirdness. Circuit board patterns in the sky! Pixelated rivers! All sorts of Digimon walking and bouncing and flying around!
Masaru:  “We’re looking for that mole thing. If we keep walking, we should come across a clue or something.”
Man, Masaru, you sure thought this through and planned things out real good.
Agumon:  “What about Tohma?”
[cut to the DATS control room]
Yoshino:  “‘Leave him, he’ll figure something out on his own.’ …If he said that, what’ll we do?”
Lalamon:  “You’re overthinking it.”
[cut back to the Digital World]
Masaru:  “Leave him, he’ll figure something out on his own.”
Oh dear. Yoshino has already got Masaru pretty figured out and knew full well he wasn’t likely to take looking for Tohma that seriously. Though, to be fair, it is pretty reasonable to assume that Tohma can figure something out on his own. Masaru wouldn’t admit this just yet, but this is him having faith in Tohma’s capabilities! If Masaru had reason to believe that Tohma was definitely in life-threatening danger he couldn’t get out of by himself, I’m sure he wouldn’t be so nonchalant about this.
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As Masaru and Agumon explore more Digital World weirdness – more stuff in the sky! Digital plants! A crystalline colosseum-looking thing that’s actually a Chekhov’s Gun for this episode! – a particular piece of BGM is playing that evokes a sense of grand exploration and discovery, as you’d expect for this moment. This piece happens to be called Savers’ “Main Theme”, which was a little surprising to me when I saw its name on the soundtrack. You’d expect this series’ main theme to be something more actiony, in fitting with all the focus on fighting and the way Masaru is. But maybe a more discovery-like piece is actually quite appropriate for what the overall themes of this story are.
Agumon:  “But it feels kinda nostalgic.”
An interesting comment from Agumon here. Though he doesn’t consciously remember anything about the Digital World because he was born in DATS, it seems like he has a subconscious sense of familiarity with it. As we’ve seen every time DATS defeats a Digimon, they don’t die and are simply turned into eggs and “reborn” – so maybe this is a sign of Agumon’s previous life, in which he did live in the Digital World, still vaguely there with him even though the conscious memories of it are lost.
As fun as showing off Digital World weirdness is, we soon get to the point as Drimogemon happens to pop out of a cliff face nearby. Which, yes, is kind of arbitrarily convenient. But I will take this any day over them wandering aimlessly having unnecessary filler adventures for episodes on end before getting to the actual point that the story is here for.
It also may make some reasonable amount of sense, actually. Masaru was sent to where Tohma was last seen, and it’s likely that Tohma deliberately sent himself somewhere near where he could detect Drimogemon. Tohma sending himself over here with absolutely no idea where to find a single Digimon among an entire world would have been incredibly stupid, after all, and I don’t think he could have justified that to himself even with his determination to fix his mistake. Given that, it’s not so unreasonable that Masaru would have run into Drimogemon at some point, since it was going to be somewhere near to where he arrived.
Also, while the other Digimon they’ve seen were just kind of wandering around naturally, the Drimogemon straight up crashed out of a cliffside. It’s still rampaging, exactly as they were worried about last episode, and therefore it’s even more likely that Masaru would have noticed it sooner or later with all the commotion it’s making.
Drimogemon tunnels into the ground, so naturally Masaru heads straight after it – and back at DATS, Yoshino loses his Digivice signal just like she lost Tohma’s. So apparently these signals can be picked up through the boundary between worlds, but not if someone is in another world and also underground. Uhhh, okay then.
This also means that presumably the reason she lost Tohma’s signal is because he went underground while trying to track Drimogemon, not because he was necessarily in any severe danger.
Lalamon:  “This may be the worst…”
I’m amused by Lalamon borrowing Yoshino’s catchphrase, but hedging her bets on it a little bit. Maybe it’s not actually the worst! Maybe.
Satsuma:  “What are you doing?”
Yoshino:  “Searching for an idiot! Geez, why me?”
Yoshino is so focused on frustratedly searching for Masaru’s signal that she doesn’t even register that Satsuma and Kudamon have shown up at first, which is probably the exact thing she was really hoping wasn’t going to happen until Masaru and Tohma were back. Nope, turns out this definitely is the worst.
Back in the Digital World, Masaru’s tried-and-true strategy of tracking Drimogemon down by simply following it through its own tunnel has led them into a huge underground cavern.
Masaru:  “Doesn’t matter where this is! Let’s go, Agumon!”
As before, Masaru doesn’t care about the location so long as he gets to fight! Or, perhaps, he’s trying to tell himself the location doesn’t matter, because on some level he’s realising that Drimogemon is very much in its element and has the advantage here. Which it does, as Masaru and Agumon quickly learn they’re not very good at Whack-a-giant-Digimole.
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Bear in mind that Drimogemon is not saying a word, just like it hasn’t since it grew bigger last episode. It’s still in that mindless rampaging state, and so it seems to have no issue with straight-up collapsing the ground underneath Masaru and Agumon. That would be going a bit far if this were a Digimon that was still properly in control of itself.
Agumon:  “Aniki!”
Masaru:  “Idiot, don’t get scared over something like this!”
Masaru is still trying to set an example for his follower and insist that there’s no point in getting scared, even though being in an underground cave-in is in fact a pretty legitimate reason to be scared right now.
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They both fall into a pretty deep-looking chasm but manage to somehow land reasonably unhurt, because shounen anime. Agumon’s awkward legs-in-the-air pose he landed in is pretty cute.
It turns out that Tohma and Gaomon are down here too. Seems like Drimogemon took the same approach when it was faced with them.
Masaru:  “What’s this? Does that mean the same thing happened to you?” [he and Agumon burst out laughing] “I see, you’re just like us!”
I really like Masaru’s reaction here. He’s not trying to be mean-spirited; if you listen to the tone of his laughter, there’s nothing malicious or mocking about it. It’s just such a huge relief for him to finally be seeing proof that Tohma’s human. He can fail sometimes and mess up in ways as equally ridiculous and undignified as Masaru. He’s not actually some kind of infuriatingly perfect walking supercomputer who can never do wrong like Masaru’s kind of been resentfully seeing him as. He’s just a person.
The relief of that realisation comes out as laughter not because Masaru’s really trying to mock Tohma for failing, but just because of the elation of finally being able to see Tohma as an equal. “You’re just like us”, indeed.
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Tohma’s response is also great. He’s not getting frustrated and snapping back at Masaru like he often would in the previous episode, because he must be able to tell that Masaru isn’t actually trying to insult him here. He’s just embarrassed to be unable to deny the fact that he really is more of a fallible human person than he would have ideally liked Masaru to see him as.
Gaomon, meanwhile, the good dog that he is, has been carefully excavating rocks and found a potential way out. As Tohma heads towards it, he stumbles, because his leg was injured from the fall.
Masaru:  “Hey, you’re hurt!”
Tohma:  [grimacing] “This barely counts as an injury.”
Tohma clearly doesn’t want to give Masaru even more reason to think he’s human and fallible and might need help or something. But Masaru doesn’t care about Tohma’s stubbornness and immediately moves to put himself under Tohma’s arm to support him.
Masaru:  “Here.”
Tohma:  “Stop that. I don’t need you to help—”
Masaru:  “When you’re a man… When you’re a man, there are some things you just have to *do* despite yourself.”
I love Masaru so much. This is the first time we’re getting to see that his manliness thing is about a whole lot more than just fighting. It’s about honour, and integrity, and simply being a good person. The “despite yourself” is because he still doesn’t really like Tohma just yet and there’s a part of him that stubbornly wants to continue to be irritable and contrary towards him for the hell of it – but since Tohma’s injured and needs help, Masaru’s principles about doing the right thing in this kind of situation are more important to him than anything, so he can put that petty stubbornness aside. And these principles of Masaru’s come from exactly the same place as the reason he always gives it his all in fights!
(All those parts earlier in the episode where I confidently asserted that there’s no way Masaru actually wouldn’t have cared if Tohma had got himself killed, and that if he’d believed Tohma was in genuine danger then he wouldn’t have just left him to his own devices? Yeah, this is why. Masaru is Good.)
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Masaru’s manly speech was mostly about himself, but it also works as advice to Tohma in this situation. He could continue to try and be stubborn and prideful and insist he doesn’t need help from anyone, but when there’s someone right here offering to help him – someone who was until recently at his throat, no less – what kind of a dick move would it be to reject that offer? Accepting Masaru’s help is the right thing for Tohma to do as well, despite his own pride. And he does.
Agumon:  “You’re making me cry, Aniki!”
Agumon also approves of his aniki’s manly principles, like a good follower should. Aniki is teaching him so much.
Masaru:  “Let’s get outta here first. Then we can think about other things.”
Implicit in Masaru’s statement here is “then we can get back to arguing with each other if we want” – but I like how he isn’t even mentioning that here, because right now it isn’t about that. Their lives are in danger, they need to help each other and work together to get out, and so nothing else matters for the time being.
This turns into a brief cute montage of the four of them helping each other make their way through the tunnels, which turn out to be quite the underground labyrinth. A lot of time implicitly passes here, and while I doubt Masaru and Tohma are saying very much to each other, this is no doubt making them bond a bit. They’re finally spending some time seeing each other as a person and an equal, rather than as some kind of infuriating representation of everything opposite to their own approach that brings out all their insecurities.
Meanwhile at DATS, Yoshino is indeed getting fiercely chewed out by Satsuma.
Yoshino:  “But that was all I could do…”
It really was, or Masaru would have broken the equipment and left Tohma stranded there! She did the absolute best thing she could under the circumstances! Alas, Yoshino doesn’t seem to quite have it in her to stand up for herself and more clearly express this.
Kudamon:  “Instead of berating them, we should find out where they are quickly!”
At least Kudamon has the right idea. And I imagine Satsuma understands this, too – he’s probably only so furious at Yoshino because he’s worried about Tohma and Masaru. He likely would have chewed them out if he could, since this is absolutely far more their fault than Yoshino’s. But they aren’t available for him to yell at, so poor Yoshino got the brunt of it instead.
Masaru:  “Hey, why didn’t you evolve Gaomon and break out?”
Back in the Digital World, Masaru asking this suggests he’s been thinking himself about, naturally, the most straightforward way to get out of here – he’d just evolve Agumon to GeoGreymon and smash their way out, if only he could!
But it says a lot that Masaru is then also applying his mindset to Tohma and assuming that he’s probably thought of the same thing, hence asking why he hasn’t done so, since Tohma can evolve his partner more easily. Masaru’s starting to empathise with Tohma and see him as a person!
(I guess technically Masaru might be able to get his Digisoul by turning around and punching Gaomon in the face? But it’s entirely possible that it wouldn’t work against a Digimon that’s not actively trying to fight him. Or, even if it did, that’d be a dick move to suddenly punch someone who’s not ready to fight and defend themselves, so I doubt Masaru would want to do that.)
Tohma demonstrates why he didn’t just evolve Gaomon by asking Gaomon to punch the wall, showing how dangerously unstable these tunnels are. Which is, uh, something he really could have just explained with words rather than taking a risk like that. But then again, Masaru is definitely someone who learns things better through actions rather than words, so maybe this is Tohma beginning to appreciate that!
They reach another fork in the tunnel and disagree on which path they should take. Tohma explains that the path he’s choosing isn’t random; he’s been dropping coins on the ground as they’ve been moving, and the path Masaru picked has a coin in it, indicating that they’ve been that way before.
(This is a 100 yen coin, by the way, which is roughly equal to one US dollar, and Tohma’s apparently been dropping loads of them. Could he not have used, I dunno, just 1 yen coins? Someone has more money than he knows what to do with.)
Masaru:  “Hey, you’re pretty smart!”
I like how Masaru remarks on this like it’s the first time he’s noticing this, as if he wasn’t already infuriatingly aware that Tohma’s a straight-up genius. This is Tohma displaying his smarts in a low-key, down-to-earth way that a regular person like Masaru can understand and appreciate is a useful way to go about things, rather than a way that makes him just come across as incomprehensibly, unreachably perfect.
Tohma:  “As I said, I’m not like you.”
Tohma’s still taking a little longer to warm up to Masaru and acknowledge that they might actually be similar to each other in a lot of ways, since he insists on stressing this point. Come on, Tohma! Masaru’s already started to admit that maybe you’re more like him than he would have liked you to be a day ago; you should start closing that gap, too!
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Masaru makes a face in response to this comment. Apparently he’s agreeing with my sentiment about Tohma being a little too unnecessarily uptight here.
Agumon:  “Aniki… When are we gonna get outta here?!”
Masaru:  “Don’t worry! Keep up your spirits and we’ll use it to work this out somehow!”
Tohma:  “Spirit has nothing to do with it, but we *are* heading up.”
I love the contrast between Masaru’s baseless emotion-driven optimism, and Tohma preferring to base his optimism in actual facts. Both are good ways to be optimistic!
Masaru:  “You’re really unbearable.”
Tohma:  “You too.”
They say this, but they both sound a lot less vitriolic about it than they did in the previous episodes. They still have huge differences in their approach to things that inherently frustrate each other, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be beginning to respect each other anyway!
Masaru and Tohma reach an opening into a wider cavern, but they’re too high up for it to be safe to drop down into it. They’re about to turn back when Drimogemon shows up in the lower cavern.
Masaru:  “He’s out of luck to meet us here! Let’s go, Agumon!”
Yes, out of luck, this is definitely the least advantageous possible position that Drimogemon could be meeting them in. Masaru is still being Masaru and paying no heed to the environment; he sees Drimogemon as being out of luck to meet him at all, because hey, this means they don’t have to go searching for it later!
Tohma points out the incredible disadvantage they’re at, including reminding Masaru that it’s not safe for their partners to evolve in here, and insists they should keep heading for the surface and leave it be for now. But Masaru is having none of it.
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Masaru:  “Not gonna!”
I absolutely adore his ridiculous grumpy walk towards Tohma. It’s so perfect for getting across his stubborn attitude here. No. Masaru is gonna fight the thing and no amount of logic or safety is gonna stop him.
Masaru:  “I’m not gonna run or hide! A man takes his fights head-on!”
Also, running away at a time like this isn’t what a man does, according to him, and it’s already become pretty clear just how important sticking to that principle is to Masaru.
So he pulls Tohma with him to the edge of the tunnel and straight-up leaps down onto Drimogemon’s back, with Agumon and Gaomon frantically jumping after them.
(Tohma grimaces in pain as he lands on its back. Yeah, considering his leg injury, ouch.)
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Masaru:  “Yo.”
Masaru climbs forward onto Drimogemon’s head and has this delightfully audacious moment.
Then, realising they’re there, Drimogemon goes mad trying to shake them off. When they keep clinging on, it rushes towards the nearest wall trying to tunnel away. Masaru tugs on its fur like reins to redirect it to tunnel where he wants it to – in a more upwards direction, since they soon emerge out on the surface.
(It’s a little questionable how Masaru and co. aren’t just utterly crushed between Drimogemon’s back and the earth as it digs its tunnel, but then again it’s questionable how Drimogemon’s drill even manages to drill out a tunnel big enough for its entire body through what seems like not earth but solid rock in the first place. Shush, it’s anime physics; it’s fine.)
Tohma:  (He… Did he plan all of this from the start? But wait…)
And here’s Tohma applying his mindset to Masaru, imagining that Masaru might have planned this! He’s, uh… not precisely correct on that one, but it says a lot that he’s even considering it at all.
Rather than jump off its back and fight it here, Masaru keeps pulling on Drimogemon’s fur to direct its panicked running.
Masaru:  “Yahoo! This is just like a rodeo!”
(And he’s having a whale of a time while doing it, too, the huge dork.)
Tohma:  “Where are you taking us?”
Masaru:  “You’re the one who said to think of a good battleground!”
Look at Masaru actually thinking about this and applying a decent amount of strategy! He’s really not that bad at doing so when someone prompts him to actually consider it; he’s just usually so raring to jump straight in that it doesn’t occur to him to do so.
The “good battleground” in question is the crystalline colosseum Masaru noticed earlier – just the kind of place where Drimogemon won’t be able to dig. Inside the crystal arena, Masaru gives it a nice big punch before leaping off its back, and its evolution time.
…Except, it turns out, it’s also about to be evolution time for Drimogemon. For some reason. It starts twitching and shaking like it’s having some kind of adverse reaction to something, but I cannot come up with any possible reason why it would be doing so. The robbers who may or may not have been (read: they definitely were) responsible for it growing bigger and rampaging in the first place back in the human world are long gone and out of the picture. This does not make any sense to me. Maybe this is just something that happens if a Digimon that’s grown bigger but not evolved is left to rampage unchecked for long enough? I don’t think we see any other instances in the series that would contradict this, but this is definitely me reaching here.
Meanwhile at DATS, Miki and Megumi have also been called in to help search for the two reckless idiots, and they finally manage to relocate their signals – probably because they’re above ground again now. But they also detect Drimogemon evolving, which, for some reason, activates DATS’s alarm. You know, the one that’s supposed to be for Digimon appearing in the human world, because it’s hardly like a Digimon evolving back in the Digital World is usually anything they need to worry about.
Drimogemon finishes evolving, and it’s now… a Digmon. (Dig, without the second “I”; yes, this is very easy to awkwardly misread as just Digimon, I know.) And, uh, Digimon evolution level facts: this shouldn’t be a stronger Digimon.
If Drimogemon, an Adult-level like Gaogamon and GeoGreymon, had evolved upwards like you’d expect into the next proper evolution level, it’d have reached Perfect level. And, as I’ve mentioned with regards to evolution levels, they are each ridiculously exponentially stronger than the last, to the point that even GeoGreymon and Gaogamon working together would not have stood a chance against even a single Perfect-level.
So, well, obviously that couldn’t actually happen here, because Masaru and Tohma need to win this fight. Instead, Drimogemon just evolved sideways into a bonus gimmicky evolution level called Armour level, which, from its appearances in other series, seems to be roughly just as strong as Adult. This is not actually any significantly more of a threat at all.
Tohma:  “It’s Digmon. He’s far more powerful and has a higher mobility than Drimogemon.”
I guess we’re meant to assume that Armour levels work somewhat differently in this Digimon universe and are in fact just a little bit stronger than Adult, while not nearly as much so as Perfect? Sure, I guess; the general mechanics of Digimon don’t always work exactly the same in different universes.
(Still, Tohma conspicuously does not mention Digmon’s evolution level and explain the fact that it just evolved more sideways than upwards, because the writers don’t want you to notice how awkward this is.)
This whole thing, nonsensical DATS alarm and all, is a hilariously transparent attempt by the writers to inject more artificial tension into this situation, and, I dunno, to maybe showcase a different Monster of the Week since we’ve been dealing with Drimogemon for two episodes now. It’s very silly. Drimogemon should have just stayed as a Drimogemon and everything would have been fine.
At least this does mean, thanks to Digmon’s apparent higher defences and mobility, we get GeoGreymon not winning the fight in a single attack. (Though my brain looks at Digmon and sees something that’s clearly a Bug/Steel-type and is very bothered by how an obviously Fire-type attack like Mega Flame doesn’t harm it at all. Shush, I was raised on Pokémon; I can’t help but see things this way.) It puts up a decent fight for a while, dodging or withstanding their attacks and hitting back, which at least is a refreshing change from the one-attack victories we’ve seen before – because there’s a narrative point to be made in this fight that wouldn’t work if they won straight away.
…I still think this could have been made to work just fine with Drimogemon turning out to be tougher and have more mobility above ground than they’d been expecting, though. It shouldn’t have needed to evolve sideways for this fight to be a challenge.
So anyway, after a little bit of them not getting anywhere in defeating it, Tohma reminds Masaru of the part last episode where GeoGreymon and Gaogamon’s attacks collided from opposing directions and cancelled each other out.
Tohma:  “But what if the opposite happened?”
Masaru:  “What’d happen?”
Tohma:  “Let’s find out!”
Look at Tohma getting into the Masaru spirit of things! He has an idea, but unlike his usual carefully-calculated strategies, he doesn’t know exactly how this one’s going to play out. And yet he’s going for it anyway!
Tohma:  “Isn’t that your style?”
Masaru:  “Now you’re getting it!”
Not only that, but Tohma knows this is him pulling something Masaru would pull, and he’s okay with it! And of course Masaru enthusiastically approves.
Believer kicks in here, by the way, not earlier when they were evolving. We’re still hearing it every episode for now, but even then, the music directors know better than to just blindly throw it in the moment an evolution animation happens, regardless of context. They’re deliberately saving it for the actually triumphant moments, like all “evolution” songs should be.
Masaru:  “The timing has to be perfect.”
Meanwhile, Masaru is taking a leaf out of Tohma’s book and caring about little strategic details like timing! Look at them both go.
On their command, GeoGreymon and Gaogamon fire their Mega Flame and Spiral Blow attacks together in the same direction at the same time, which turns them into a huge flaming tornado that engulfs Digmon and overwhelms it.
Tohma:  “The opposing attacks didn’t clash… they fused! Their combined powers enhanced each other and became amplified to more than before!”
Which, though I don’t know if Tohma himself quite realises this or not, is also a very fitting metaphor for his and Masaru’s methods, just like what happened last episode. If they oppose each other, all they do is get in each other’s way and achieve nothing at all, but if they work together, they can each complement the other’s skills to become something greater than either of them could be on his own!
Masaru:  “Who cares about that? All that matters now is… he dies!”
Meanwhile, of course Masaru doesn’t care about figuring out the sciencey logistics of how this is working (and he certainly cares even less about possibly making some kind of metaphor). He just knows that it’s awesome and it means they win.
(The “he dies!” is, uh, rather dark, especially considering it’s only being turned into an egg, but I’m pretty sure that’s a subs thing and that Masaru doesn’t actually directly reference death here. The subbers were probably just going for something that sounds a bit snappier than “he’s defeated”, which I imagine is closer to what Masaru actually literally said.)
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As Masaru starts celebrating their win like the adorable excited dork he is, GeoGreymon and Gaogamon give a small smile to each other, and it’s cute.
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Tohma, meanwhile, isn’t quite the type to join in with Masaru’s loud celebrations, but he has a smile to himself and is obviously happy about this outcome as well, in his much more subdued way.
We cut to sun…set? Huh, now that I think about it, I guess this part of the Digital World runs on a different timezone to Japan in the human world, because it was daytime the whole time over here while it was night in Japan. Maybe this world even has an entirely different day length.
Masaru, Tohma and their devolved partners are heading back to the recall point – with Masaru still supporting Tohma’s walking, because he is still good and Tohma probably still needs it.
Tohma:  “When you jumped down towards Drimogemon… Did you plan right from the start to use him so we could get to the surface?”
Tohma only asks this now even though they’ve been implicitly walking back from the fight for a while. It seems he tried to tell himself that it probably was all planned, but the thought kept nagging at him – was it really, though? This is Masaru, after all – that he eventually just had to ask and confirm it.
Masaru:  “Nah, that was just spirit! But the result was great, wasn’t it?!”
Aaaand of course it wasn’t all planned from the start. Of course not. But, hey, there was still deliberate intent and strategy involved as it was happening. It seems Masaru can be pretty good at the whole seat-of-your-pants, make-it-up-as-you-go type of strategising when he needs to be!
Tohma:  (I hate to admit it, but I can’t analyse his ability with my intellect.)
And that’s okay, Tohma! This is Tohma acknowledging that Masaru’s approach is nothing like his, but that it still works just as well and is just as valid a way of going about things. He’s opening his mind to more than just his very rigid way of thinking!
Tohma stops in their walking and… offers Masaru a fist-bump. I really like how he’s the one to offer here, after Masaru was the first to offer support to Tohma earlier and Tohma was still being kind of hesitant about fully accepting Masaru as being similar to him. He’s making up for that now and closing the rest of the gap himself, just like he began to do in the battle when he suggested a Masaru-like risky strategy!
Masaru accepts it without question, of course. He probably already felt like they’d grown enough of an unspoken bond from their experiences that it didn’t need to be said, otherwise I imagine he’d have already made this gesture himself sooner. But I like that it didn’t occur to him, so that we could see Tohma be the one to choose to initiate this.
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They are friends now and it is good!
Agumon:  “Aniki’s got himself another follower!”
That’s, uh, not quite what this is, Agumon. But it’s adorable that Agumon jumps to seeing things that way, because to him his aniki is just The Coolest and he can’t imagine anyone else ever being his equal. So if Aniki’s gained the respect of someone new, that must mean he’s also become an aniki to them, right?
Gaomon:  “Master is no follower!”
Meanwhile, maybe Gaomon feels pretty similarly about his master, too. He is, after all, a very good dog.
Safely back at DATS, Masaru and Tohma and their partners have the grace to look appropriately sheepish about this whole thing as Satsuma yells at them. Yoshino is also there and also looks like she’s getting yelled at along with them, which seems unfair to me – she already bore her share of the blame earlier, and it was far less her fault than theirs!
Kudamon:  “You were able to make it back this time, but did you think about what would’ve happen if you’d failed? You still know nothing of the Digital World!”
It’s pretty interesting that Kudamon says this to them, considering that he knows far more about the Digital World than anyone else in this room and yet hasn’t ever thought to inform his agents about it in case something like this ever happened.
Satsuma drops his anger and turns his back to them before finally complimenting them on managing to return. Despite his sternness, he does care about his subordinates! I really do think he was only so angry because he was worried about them never making it back. Going there in the first place was monumentally reckless on both their parts, but Masaru and Tohma did at least handle things quite impressively while they were there, and that deserves to be acknowledged.
(Speaking of worried, I imagine Masaru is very much not planning on telling his mother about how he nearly went and got himself stranded in another world, which is definitely for the best. Poor Sayuri would be terrified just thinking about how close that came to happening.)
Overall thoughts
When I first watched Savers, I think there was a part of me that expected the Masaru-Tohma rivalry to drag on unnecessarily long, like for ten episodes or more, and probably become kind of stale and tiresome before it finally got resolved. But no! Savers doesn’t waste any time with this mini-arc. We’ve seen Masaru’s insecurities brought out by Tohma; we’ve seen Tohma’s insecurities brought out by Masaru; now it’s time to shove them into a situation where they can learn to get along, so that the story can move on with them actually working together.
And, really, it was never going to take Masaru and Tohma that long to reach this point. They always had so much in common along with their differences, and they’re both fundamentally decent people despite their tendency to be very stubbornly insistent about their own way of doing things. All it took was putting them in a situation where they can come to see the other as a person and not have their own issues brought out by the other’s very presence, and each one was always going to see that there’s plenty about the other that he can respect.
So I like this episode a lot, because I think it pulls this off really well. There’s a lot more to it than just the basic premise of “put them in danger so they’re forced to work together” – there’s all sorts of little moments I’ve talked about here that show each of them is slowly beginning to see the other as human and come to understand and respect his different way of thinking. The writers really thought about this, and about these characters. Savers’ character writing is great.
And yeah, the Drimogemon evolving into Digmon is pretty silly, but that’s only a small thing. The conclusion of the metaphor started last episode with GeoGreymon and Gaogamon’s attacks is a narratively appropriate way to end the fight, at least.
[Dub comparison]
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honesthammie · 3 years
Te amo
I am working on a few of the other prompts and a part 2 to prompt 4 the soulmate au I just recently got another puppy and I still have uni work to do so I'm a bit behind schedule with these and I'm so sorry. Hopefully this little kinda songfic makes up for it.
13th doctor x female reader
Warnings: swearing as usual, fluffy, sad thoughts, twist the original songs meaning, long as fuck.
Probably terrible as its my first songfic
I don't know much Spanish so some of the examples later on are Google translated and I know it can be wrong so I do apologise for any mistranslations
This is based off Rhiannas song Te Amo but I'm switching it up a little. I dont why 13th doctor came into my head when I was listening to it but it gave me this lil oneshot idea so enjoy! The picture is not mine but the rainbow effect added is done by me! Same for the picture later on.
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I've been travelling with this amazing alien for a whole year now. The adventures are always amazing if she's there! The others sometimes complain and say its boring, especially on a junk planet but to see her face light up with excitement makes my day and it well worth the dirt we cover ourselves on by the time we are done. And when she finds something that she thought was useful and it turns out, it's not her scrunch is amazing.
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm in love with this alien. I know, weird, a human and an alien together? But I can't help it! I'm completely besotted with her. If she even looks in my direction, my legs go to jelly and I get butterflies. I know, cheesy. But thats exactly how I feel around her. I barely want to touch her because I nearly fainted the last few times. And I fear she may pick up on how I'm distancing myself from her. I don't want to break her heart and leave, the thought of her look kills me as is so I'm trying to get her to kick me off.
It doesn't seem to be working though. I've been distancing myself since I found out about how I feel, which is now 6 months ago and she's trying to get me to be as close as I was with her.
I'll tell her. On one of our amazing adventures but I can't do it straight forward, it's making me sick with anxiety just thinking about it. I'll fancy it up, make her work it out. Whenever we are next to each other and the moment is right, I'll tell her in another language!
I finally get out of bed after I finished writing in my diary. I slip some comfy clothes on and head out to the TARDIS library and hope no one is there, especially her. I'll be distracted and right now, I need to concentrate. I wonder the warm halls, grateful that the TARDIS had considered my preferences. I think the TARDIS likes me more than the others because I talk to her and show her gratefulness for taking us somewhere amazing and I chat to her regularly and I try to involve her in my conversations. The others find it weird, except for the Doctor, she just smiles and joins in with me. Im still learning how to translate her but I think I've sort of got it.
I reach my hand forward and grab the aged bronze doorknob and open to the giant room. There were so many floors that an elevator had to be used to access some of them as the Doctor said "walking would literally take weeks to reach some floors". Thankfully the TARDIS organises them to make them easier to find. I looked forward and saw an interactive map in front of me. My hands touched the screen and many subjects and categories came up. Anything ranging from kiddie tales to straight up smut, I have a feeling either River or Missy are to blame for that addition.
I've never met them but the TARDIS showed me videos from her database and brought books to my attention about them. They both seem very dirty minded people so I'm not surprised those are there. I wonder if the Doctor has ever stumbled upon this section or is it for none Doctor eyes only? If she does know about them, has she ever read one? No, don't go there you stupid brain! She probably doesn't know!
I quickly stop that train of thought and catch my breath. I've never thought about those kinds of things about anyone before. Stupid Timelord, making me go all weird and think dirty things. Now my face is all red, I really hope I'm alone in here. I quickly focus back to the task at hand, finding a new language to learn. The TARDIS seemed to know where to go and blue arrows appeared, guiding me to the right section in what could be a maze.
As I walking, I felt excitement rise within me. What if she felt the same way? What if she was impressed by how far I wanted to go just to say those 3 words? Would her hazel honey eyes sparkle with delight? Would she scronch her nose in amazement?
Before I knew it, I'd arrived at the language learning section and there were many alien languages but the TARDIS seemed to have a better idea of what would be perfect for me as a white hardback book fell off the 4th shelf onto the wooden floor. I picked it up and noticed how smooth the cover was and how old yet unused it looked. The white was a little off, almost a dull cream from ageing which made the gold writing harder to read. The title was simple:
Spanish basics and need to knows.
I did always find Spanish in school fun to learn, more than French or German anyway and I don't wanna stereotype this into a typical French is the language of romance. I never really found it romantic sounding compared to Spanish.
I picked up the book and quickly flicked through to the right page and took a note on my phone as to what the translation was and put the worn book away. I quietly thanked the TARDIS and rushed out of the library and back into my room where I could practice without getting caught.
A few weeks have passed since I picked up the new words and practiced them until I was confident and had the TARDIS' approval that I was saying it right. Today the Doctor wanted to take us to this party in the 18th century and we all decided to dress for the part once we landed.
Yaz was wearing a beautiful black and red ballroom gown, accented with little bows around the bottom and lace cuffs. She had her black hair curled into a ponytail. It was simple and cute, much like her style normally. Graham and Ryan wore similar suits but Graham wore green accents and Ryan wore yellow accents.
I let the TARDIS pick my dress. She picked a black and dark blue ballroom gown with blue roses on the bottom. It had black lace underneath and blue lace as the cuffs. The gown also seemed to glitter slightly in the light making me sparkle very subtly. I put my comfy boots on as you couldn't see my shoes as I walked anyway so why did it matter? With all the running we do, I'm not risking my ankles with heels, thank you very much. I had my (h/c) hair in (fave style). It suited my dress perfectly.
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I nearly choked on oxygen when I saw how hot the Doctor looked in her suit. It took me a few moments to realise we match. We both blushed at the realisation. Of course the TARDIS makes us match! No wonder why she was more than eager to help me pick an outfit! Stupid sentient ship, shipping us already!
I quickly cleared my throat and complimented everyone on how amazing they looked but I just couldn't take my eyes off the Doctor for long. She was like a magnet for my eyes. Someone help before she realises!
"Don't we all look brilliant? Perfect for the party! 18th century Yorkshire to be exact! What a great century for you guys. Now then, this party is for Nobles and higher, as per usual in these times. Ryan, I suggest you keep in mind about any racist comments that may come out. But as long as you say your Graham's personal butler, you should be welcomed with little resistance. And Yaz, I want you to be (y/n)'s personal maid. That does mean you'll have to follow your so called "masters" around and do anything they ask unfortunately and Graham, (y/n), please act like the others around you and use them. Unfortunately this is the only way all 5 of us can join the party. You'll be fine as long as you bite your tongues. Now the Noble Edward Collins is the host so be sure to thank him for inviting you, even though you technically weren't. And try not to get too drunk, I know what you humans are like! Now follow me." The Doctor explained. I was going to tell the Doctor today, but I guess, I'll have to wait.
The Doctor opened the doors and we were in a cupboard under some gorgeous marble stairs. As we walked towards the party I noticed some family portraits along the walls. They were a very beautiful looking family. The mother had long blonde hair and pale blue eyes. The father was buff, long brown hair and daring brown eyes. There were two children, a girl and a boy. The girl had long brown hair and sparkling blue eyes, whilst the son had blonde hair and brown eyes. They also had a brown greyhound dog laying by the sons feet. The son must be the host, Edward. He looked not much older than 10 in the last painting but the daughter was no where to be found in the portrait and theu all looked mournful. Is she dead and is that the picture capturing the moment of grief? Why would anyone want that? It's so strange, even for this time period.
The Doctor held me and Yaz close, stopping us in our tracks. My heart was racing at the simple touch. But as soon as the touch was there, it was gone. "I hope its okay with you (y/n) but you're going to have to be married to someone."
My heart stopped for a moment and I nearly choked on air. "What? Why?"
"Because women like yourself would have been married as young as 13 or 14. Now your only choices are me and Graham. You can't choose Ryan as he's supposed to be a butler and you can't choose Yaz as she's your maid. The choice is yours, I just need to know wether or not I should refer to you as my darling wife or not?"
What. The. Fuck.
Why did her even calling me that l, turn me on? Obviously, I'm going to choose her but I'm going to have to perfect my reasoning here.
"As much as I love Graham, it's going to be awkward if I have to kiss him or anything because he's like my grandad! I guess you'll do Timelord. Come on then husband, we don't want to be late to the dancefloor!" I spoke clearly hoping she didn't notice how excited I actually was to have even a hint of a relationship with her. It may be fake but ill take anything when it comes to her.
We arrived at the welcome committee and handed our cards over, aka the psychic paper. We were going as Mr and Mrs (last name). The Doctor was holding my hand this entire time and it's driving me insane. I don't know if she can feel my racing pulse under her fingers but if she can I hope she puts it down to excitement! We walked down the most grandest staircase you would ever lay your eyes on.
First we walked around, greeting everyone as they came up to us or if she dragged me to someone she knew, but not personally. She was cute when she was fangirling over these people. Yaz found it annoying as she just wanted to party but I couldn't help it. The way her eyes shimmer with recognition was more beautiful than any galaxy she could ever take us. Sometimes her eyes flickered with admiration and it did make me have jealousy for just a moment before I remembered, I'm staying with her and they aren't .
As the party moved on we met the host Edward. He looked a lot different than in his paintings. He was around 20 years old now and his blonde hair was below his shoulders. He looked a lot like his father with his muscley build. And he was very charismatic which I did not like as he poured all his charm into the Doctor. Does everyone here know that he's gay or does he see through the Doctors disguise? Either way, it was rubbing me the wrong way. I quickly excused myself with Yaz and walked into the bathroom.
"I did not like him. I do not like this Edward guy. Something about him rubs me completely wrong. He's handsome but something is telling me he knows the Doctor isn't a man."
"I felt the same way. He knows something we don't. Before we go out there again, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Yaz asked. My mind was racing a hundred miles an hour. She knows. The jig is up with Yaz. "How do you feel about her, honestly? One minute you 2 are inseparable, then you distance yourself and now you are a nervous wreck around her! I won't judge but I just want to make sure my theory is correct."
Shit. I guess I really was obvious. Does she know?
"If your theory is about me falling hopelessly in love with the Doctor then you'd be correct. I can't help it. I'm going to tell her how I feel without being completely stupid. I just need a right moment to say it." I spoke with a heavy sigh. Hopefully, Yaz can help create that moment thay I need. She nods her head and opens the door. We walk back to the Doctor and notice Edward has gone to other guests and she was talking to Graham. I looked around and saw Ryan flirting with a pretty lady near the food table. Why am I not surprised?
A few hours had passed and the Doctor seemed bored with standing and talking so I made a plan in my head. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dancefloor as the next song came on. I didn't quite know how to dance properly but I knew the basics if it. She has to lead and I simply follow suit. It took a few moments but I got the hang of it with the Doctors help. Soon we were dancing so gracefully underneath the most beautiful candelabra that lit up her face perfectly.
Her hair swayed to our perfect dance ever so gently. Her eyes sparkled with amusement and her lips were in a permanent smile. She even laughed a couple of times. Then as the music slowed down to a pace that was perfect, I grabbed her waist and looked her. My heart was going crazy and my legs were about to buckle but I had rehearsed my lines. I can do this.
"Hey Doc. Its been an amazing time with you but I can't continue this without being honest with you. But everytime I get close, I back down in fear. So I'm going to let you figure it out. Doctora te amo. Entiendo que si no sientes lo mismo y me iré si quieres. (Doctor i love you. i understand if you don't feel the same way and i'll leave if you want.)" I spoke with as much passion and intention as I could. I looked into her eyes and saw her confused and trying to work out what I said. I would find it cute if my heart was beating right out of my chest. "Well, I've had a great time but I'm fucking knackered. I'm calling it night. I'll be heading to the TARDIS if you need me."
"I'll come with ya. I'm knackered as well and we both need each other to undo the corsets and mine is starting to hurt a little bit. How we used to do this for a full day, everyday, is beyond my understanding. As beautiful as we look, I don't think its worth the pain this will bring in the morning." Yaz spoke with a slight mumble as proof of her mental state and finishing with a yawn. I chuckled at her state and walked back to the TARDIS with a small amount of chat along the way.
She is right though. These corsets really do hurt you after a while, I'm glad I chose not to wear heels or else I'll be fucked for in the morning. I would literally scream. I think the Doctor had the right idea in wearing a suit, no pain. I do feel bad for leaving her but I just need some space after basically admitting everything that's been built up within me for too damn long. Maybe I should tell Yaz how it went and maybe she can help determine if the Doctor is happy or not.
We walked back into the wardrobe room and I helped Yaz out of her corset. She immediately sighed in relief. She finished getting herself into comfy clothes and started to untie my ribbon.
"So did you tell her?"
"Sort of. I basically told her everything but in Spanish. I just hope it doesn't change anything, except in a positive way, of course! If she wants me gone, I've told her that it's fine and I understand. She's very socially awkward and as cute as I find it, it may not help me in this situation. Do you have any clues on how she may react once she figures it out?"
Yaz stopped untying my corset for a moment and placed 1 finger upon her chin in thought. Her eyes were almost shut and seemed almost completely black in the light. After what seemed like forever, she took her finger off her chin and beamed a toothy smile. Her eyes sparkled as she remembered something and seemed to gleam slightly menacingly. A smirk replaced her smile soon after.
"There's a few times she's shown affection towards you. And I mean romantic affection. She always chooses to hold your hand over anyone else's if given the choice. She always steps I'm front of you when an enemy threatens to kill us all or hurt us in anyway. When you go wandering around on your own, she's terrified thats she's lost you forever to an enemy we don't even know of!" Yaz starts explaining carefully as if she's worried on how to word it.
"Those are just friendly affec-"
"I wasn't done. I was warming up." Yaz interrupts me as I was about to go into a self deprecating speech on how I'm just a friend to everyone and never a lover. "She always looks to see your face on adventures because she secretly loves your reactions, bad or good. When the Master revealed himself, she looked straight at you for support on how she should react. When she came back from the Kasavin, she ran straight to you and made sure you were ok first before any of us. When we were in the Tsungra medical ship, the first person she asked for was you! Whilst she was unconscious on board the ship, she kept mumbling your name, over and over again. When she saw how gorgeous you looked today, I thought she'd take you right there on the spot! She fucking loves you (y/n)! You're just so unbelievably blind to it all!"
Yaz was almost red with rage. Did she really do all that, for me? The TARDIS mustve read my mind and seemed to hum positively in reply. If everything Yaz said is true then she'll be so happy about it and maybe we can be a thing! But then again, maybe losing so many in a similar position as me will turn her away. Maybe her soul is awry and she's asking why right now.
Once I had gotten changed I went to sleep almost straight away, I suppose all that dancing and social ques having tired me out more than I thought.
I woke up to a soft knock on my door. I rubbed my (e/c) eyes and told them I'd be a few minutes as I've only just woken up. It wasn't until I finished brushing my (h/c) hair that I remembered what happened yesterday. All the panic rushed within me at once and I nearly threw up. I took several deep breaths and opened the door.
"GRAHAM THANK FUCK ITS YOU!" I almost shouted at him. He looked a little bewildered for a moment before he seemed to remember what brought him here in the first place.
"Hello Love, I'm here because Doc wanted to speak with you privately in the library. She says that the TARDIS will guide you to her location. She seemed a little off after you and Yaz left. Did something happen? Is everything ok?" Graham asked cautiously. He must be so confused.
"Sort of. I'll explain more when I get back but what do you mean by "a little off"?"
"Well she seemed lost in all sense of the word. She kept muttering "Te Amo" all the time. She was all over the place aswell. She got me and Ryan back here not long after you guys. Something about not trusting Ryan to not get alcohol poisoning without her around. She hasn't really left the library since if I'm honest. She's been in there for 12 hours. I only know she wants you because she whattsapped me on my phone. Whatever is going on, please sort it out, she's starting to really worry me. She hasn't been the same since that Master guy came around." Graham spoke clearly, albeit confused. I nodded my head and walked in the opposite direction to him and hoped the TARDIS would take me there quicker than normal. I want to treat this like a plaster, rip it off in one go.
Sooner than I realised, I grabbed the all too familiar door knob of the library. I took a deep breath and walked in. A blue line appeared towards the interactive map. I awakened the console and I saw a black screen with a few words on it. It looked like a message with how it was presented.
Hello (y/n)! Don't walk until you calm. Breath deeply and try not to panic. I promise you, all will work out in the end. I see more than you realise and I know my thief better than anyone whoever stepped foot into my being. I know of her main problem about the situation. If she loves you, drink this. It won't hurt, she'll know what it is.
I should have been surprised by this new knowledge that she could speak to me, in a way, but I've seen so much and I am so tender hooks so I didn't take much notice of it. I quickly sat down and tried to control my breathing. After about 5 or so minutes, I felt calm enough to finally meet up with her and hear what she has to say.
I followed the blue line carefully until I spotted her in a comfy room. She mustve gotten changed at some point as she was wearing her usual rainbow outfit, minus the jacket. She was sat on a deep purple sofa, legs curled into her body. Her shoes were on the carpeted floor underneath her, seemingly forgotten for the moment. There were many books surrounding us from many cultures and spieces. One wall had a cozy wood burning fireplace crackling within the silence that surrounded us.
Her face was scrunched within deep thought. Her eyes sparkling with an emotion that I couldn't quite put my finger on; hope, sorrow or excitement? Her lips had a small smirk gracing them and her teeth had bitten a small part of it. Her hands were holding a book in a way where I couldn't quite see what it was.
I didn't want to disturb her as she looked so ethereal with the warm glow of the fire highlighting her in the perfect way. Unfortunately, it's plaster time and I wanted this sorted sooner rather than later. I took a deep breath took in the picture for memory.
"Hey, Graham said you wanted to talk to me? Is everything ok?" I asked gently and as softly as I could so she was carefully brought out of her little world. I didn't want to scare her. She raised her eyes from her book for a moment and bookmarked the page she was at with a little TARDIS paperclip. She placed the book on the table at the side of her and patted the seat next to her.
As I sat down my nerves were through the roof. She gave nothing away as she stared at me for a minute, as if assessing something about me.
"Why are you so nervous? Calm down. You are right, It is to do with last night. You left pretty abruptly after basically confessing your feelings to me. I was so confused, not just about what you said but about myself and what I wanted to do about you." The Doctor spoke monotonously. Did she mean get rid of me? "I had to first of all, find out what you said, well done on learning a new language by the way, one even I'm not fluent at. I'm guessing the old girl had something to do with that idea. Not that, you aren't smart enough but you don't know what languages I do or don't know."
The Tardis seemed to chuckled at the accusation and I simply nodded my head. "I wanted to buy myself time and to impress you."
"You impressed me a long time ago Miss (l/n). That is just a cherry on top. After I figured out what you said, no thanks to my old friend here, I went through a lot of thinking. I've not been in many relationships and you know my history regarding the ones I have been in. You know, River and Missy? And I have such a bad past with it ending in nothing but tears for me. I always lose those I care for deeply." She spoke with tears spilling from her gorgeous eyes. I grabbed her face gently and wiped away the stray tears that managed to escape their home.
"That was when you were a man. You're a woman now, everything is so different. Relationships can be heartbreaking. I know what you're main problem is and the TARDIS has a solution to that. I just need you to tell me the truth. How do you feel about me? Do you want me to stay or not?" I stated holding the small shot glassed amount of liquid in my hand. The liquid was golden and sparkled slightly in the light. There were specks of orange and silver within it and it was as hot as a nice cup of (hot drink). Her eyes sparkled with hope and shock. Her lips were smiling wide. And she seemed to giggle at the sight of it. She held it for a moment as if examining it like a rare artefact, maybe it was. Either way, I trust her judgement and if she's happy about it, then so am I. Once she had analysed the drink, she practically leapt into my arms and pushed me down on my back. She smelled of custard creams and the TARDIS which was odd but completely her and I couldn't imagine her smelling any other way.
"That does solve our problem! What she has just given you is the rarest liquid in the universe seeing as only one thing in the entirety of space can produce it. That drink is known as the nectar of the chosen ones. It's rare as the race that used to make them has practically gone extinct. There's only 3 left in the known universe and you're living in one. That drink is the blood of the TARDIS. It grants you immortality if you drink it. It is said to resemble your favourite beverage no matter who you are. However, it only lasts 100 years and you must drink it every century or else your body clock will kick in and you will age and be as mortal as you are now." She speaks with a warning as we sit up holding holds.
"I have no problem with that. I would sacrifice everything if it meant I got to call you mine. Just please tell me and I'll drink it." I told her with adoration in my eyes.
She held me close and planted a soft and gentle kiss to my lips. It was short but it sent more fireworks than you can imagine through my body. I knew I had found her. She grabbed my waist and whispered next to my ear:
"Te Amo"
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VERIVERY - Get Away | Weird details & connection to old MVs | MINCHAN IS THERE! | secret French message on cake!
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They are observed by a strange flying sphere.
As in Tag Tag Tag MV, Kangmin tells us (?) to be silent, which still and again hints on him having a secret.
One of them runs through the forest and gets kidnapped, someone puts a bag over his head.
The person who kidnapped him wears this strange compass watch. | Minchan had a compass in Thunder and G.B.T.B, the compass always pointed to Kangmin |
In the tent we see all 6 boys, sitting around a round table, while being observed by the sphere.
Yongseung has a letter, it reads as follows (I'm leaving out some parts):
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"My dear friends, we are confident that you remember us, for we have always been with you [...] we would like to present you a small gift [...] quaint but delectable meal [...] is your job to find the key to that party [...] a hint: Each possess a small point. [...] 7 will make a large point will open [...] able to enter [...] Merely imagining the glorious spectacle makes our blood tingle with excitement. We will be waiting for you.[...]"
It's signed with a name, I on the first look thought it means Viktor, but it's likely that the first two letters are a VR an the rest idk. Looks like a VRtoR to me, if anyone can decipher it pls comment.
After the letter is read, they round up in the forest. | As in G.B.T.B, the circle symbolism is strong in here |
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Whatever now the "key" was, they apparently found it and could open a gate | that's when those forks appear ... But the forks ain't the keys are they hahahahaha |
They wake up in an empty room, but on beds. It's 7 beds, the one in the center is empty. | Minchan's bed? |
The gate is open now, a black hole in the ground, there's a red cloth floating over it/falling into it. | Minchan held a red cloth, the exact same, in G.B.T.B. In G.B.T.B he was about to drop the cloth but then tightly grabbed it so it couldn't fly away. Did he now lose it? Did G.B.T.B predict the future? Is Minchan the mastermind behind that all, and that's why he always knows the correct way by using the compass? |
Someone left his shoes there. If you compare it with pic 7, it's Kangmin's shoes. There's fog coming outta the shoes. | In Tag Tag Tag, Kangmin suddenly was barefoot and seemingly possessed by ? The evil? He left into the dark without his shoes, Minchan was the only one who noticed it, the one who watched him leave |
The freaking kidnapper (?) comes to the hole/gate, we don't see his face.
Hoyoung observes the members, INCLUDING himself (!) on a screen. | The CCTV symbolism from previous MVs and my beloved TV that appeared in almost each MV are back |
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Note that there arguably are 2 different Hoyoungs. One that is with the other members, and the one who observes them. Observer-Hoyoung has another style, glitter in his face and blue eyes. | In Tag Tag Tag there actually were two Hoyoungs as well, one in a mirror world and one in the actual world. |
Observer-Hoyoung wears black gloves. The kidnapper wore black gloves as well (see pic 3 and 4).
For whatever reason Kangmin seems weak and Dongheon has to help him walking.
Dongheon wants to drink sth but ends up handing the glass over to Kangmin without taking a sip.
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Kangmin attempts to drink Dongheon's drink, Yongseung for whatever reason watches him.
The cake has French writing on it, it says Tirez-moi de lá, which translates to "get me out of here". | Note: "lá" actually means "there", and usually you'd rather say "Tirez-moi d'ici", as "ici" means "here". Interestingly, photo MV already used the word "there" where you actually would have had to use "here"... |
Yongseung gets angry and destroys the cake. | There's some strange fog above the table, the same that came outta Kangmin's shoes |
We get to see the scene in style of a thermographic/infrared camera. I believe that's the point of view of the observer sphere.
Dongheon suddenly randomly appears with an apple. The lyrics of the song basically deal with an irresistible temptation, the apple always has been used as a symbol for temptation. But what tempts him?
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They fall in some low-key delirious state in which they eat whatever they can find, almost animalistic. At some point some of them seem to lose interest, Gyeheon drops his fork, Yeonho pours wine (?) on the floor.
It's still observed in CCTV style, interestingly now not only by Hoyoung but ALL MEMBERS!!!
Kangmin enjoys himself a lot, but then wants to grab the srly weirdest food on the table: Toast. It seems totally out of place, next to all that fancy food.
Dongheon gets angry at that and rams a fork into the toast. The others watch the scene without really caring. | The entire scene seems to be about greed, in my eyes. Wouldn't that, alongside the apple, be a somewhat biblical reference tho? |
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Following the fight over the ...toast..., Dongheon aggressively pushes Kangmin against some metal lattice/cages idk. After a weirdly sexually suggestive (???) almost kiss (???) he wants to stab Kangmin with the fork...
Now things however get complicated. The outfits changed. The Kangmin that ate the grapes wears another outfit than the Kangmin who wants the toast. Same with Dongheon and his apple. In the apple scene, he wore a different outfit than in the toast scene. The outfit in the toast scene and in the fight scene are the same. Arguably, it's the same clothing style like Observer-Hoyoung wore since beginning.
The newly clothed Dongheon now also fights with Gyeheon.
At the same time, members who wear the initial outfit, passed out and lie on the floor.
Newly clothed Dongheon wants to stab Gyeheon with his fork...There is a bathtub.
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Observer-Hoyoung stops Dongheon (still new clothes) from killing Gyeheon. In the close-up one sees that Dongheon also has glitter on his face, like Observer-Hoyoung previously.
They all are in the CCTV room, watching how Dongheon (IN OLD OUTFIT HOWEVER) passes out.
The bathtub is in that CCTV room.
Everything hints on the existence of 2 different versions of each member. The clothes and room change might show us when we see the original members and when we see the low-key violent and corrupted members. | Note that the entire mirror world / 2 versions of the group have already been a theme in previous MVs, I wrote that down in a previous post |
CCTV members leave the...base. Everything suddenly seems very space-ish. A connection to G.B.T.B.?
The members in the old, simple outfits, are tied to chairs, sitting in a circle. The center chair, like previously the bed, is empty. Minchan's chair?
The CCTV members, wearing the fancy outfits, aim with guns at them.
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Kangmin is the only member opening his eyes. When looking at his eyes thoroughly, one notices that his iris has a very strange pattern and a structure that one usually knows from screens.
A very short shot at the end shows a spiral-like way, literally spiraling down. The interesting thing however is that there's a person with a bag over his head, walking down that way without seeing anything, stretching his arms forward - arguably to find his way through touch because he literally can't see. That DEFINITELY is the member that was kidnapped in the very beginning. My assumption still is that the kidnapped person must be Kangmin. With the kidnapper I'm not sure, it might be Minchan (because compass and cloth) but could also be Hoyoung (because gloves and 1st observer). Maybe they even worked together?
1. Ever since Tag Tag Tag sth is wrong with Kangmin, it seems that he's forever locked into some dark and lonely world and the others constantly try to reach to him but somehow don't manage to do so.
2. They definitely made sure to implement Minchan in the MV, even if only indirectly.
3. There again seems to be a good version of verivery and an evil version. Why ? What do they want ?
4. The letter is utterly creepy. It seems as if someone wants to play with them. To play a nasty and dangerous game, but I have no idea what the purpose it.
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saladejin · 4 years
Call An Uber? | 07
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BTS x Reader | idolverse au, uber driver!Reader, translator!Reader | Fluff, flirting, super slow burn, angst and hurt/comfort, mature themes and eventual smut
Summary: Your normal life with a normal, yet inconsistent job gets drastically changed when your dreams come true. Sounds boring right? 
What happens when all of this occurs, but you’re still doing something you love AND getting a large sum for it? Now there’s something to think about, and it’s definitely not what you’re thinking.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5k
< masterpost >
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  Soojin’s heels clapped loudly against the hardened floor as she sprinted through the office. Her straight black hair swung uncontrollably in her haste, and her hands were clammy from the sudden exertion.
“Unni! Why are you rushing?”  I called hopelessly, left to trail in her rapid footsteps in a desperate attempt to catch up.
I’d only just arrived at the building for work five minutes prior, but someone had grasped my wrist after crossing the threshold into my own office. Soojin’s flurried instructions and widened eyes were the only indicators I was provided with before apparently having to make a run for my life.
“We need more people down at the concert hall! There’s no-one available, hurry!” 
My eyebrows furrowed as my brain grasped at her words, not really understanding what was happening. The concert was tonight? How could I even forget something like that?
“Shit, but I thought we didn’t get involved with the concerts?” I questioned the short-haired woman, who was clad from head to toe in office-wear ironically as if to fortify my point. We had stopped sprinting once we reached the carpark outside and I squealed when the assistant bundled me straight into one of the transport vans out the back. I was extremely surprised at how spontaneous everything seemed at the moment.
“Well, we don’t usually. But I received a call for help, and you were the only person who didn’t have a packed schedule for tonight,” Soojin huffed, combing her hair away from her flustered face. She didn’t join me, but instead waved a hand towards the driver as a signal to depart.
“Sorry for the short notice, you’ll have fun though!”
Before I could even open my mouth in protest, the door was closed with a thud and I was left to wallow in the deafening silence. Sighing in defeat, I wondered if these kinds of things always happened around Bighit Entertainment.
“Oh my…we’re so sorry (Y/n)-ssi.”
I glanced up to see the remaining seats taken up by three other women, much to my surprise. They looked just as shocked as I did, but I could tell they were relieved they’d actually received the help they wanted.
“We didn’t expect Soojin to rush you over here like that, I apologise.” The oldest of the bunch shook her head and muttered drowsily. She was so obviously used to the stress-head assistant being excessively dramatic.
I noticed they were all dressed in darkened clothing to remain hidden if they ever needed to be directly backstage, and was just glad I hadn’t decided to adorn anything too flashy or bright for the working day.
It’s a bit of a change, but I didn’t have anything else planned anyway.
“It's fine, I’m willing to help out with anything the stylists and backstage crew need. What will I be doing tonight?”
The women were surrounded by plastic boxes full of stylistic and colourful stage clothes, but one also held a smaller crate full of makeup and cleaning supplies in her lap. I was a bit confused about what particular job they would be doing for the event.
 “We’re bringing over supplies for now, but we just help out with anything that needs to be done. Usually we have many other volunteers, but tonight we had too many people call in absent.”
I fought the sudden urge to roll my eyes at the statement. This exact thing had happened when they needed an interpreter a few weeks back. Why were the employees around here so unreliable as of late?
“Okay, so we’ll be pretty pressed tonight, right?”
“Yep, unfortunately,” the eldest spoke again, looking crestfallen all of a sudden. “But we’re good at what we do, so we’ll be able to hold it together for them the best we can.”
Admiration for their resolve sizzled within me, and I nodded to try and put out the same attitude. I would do my best to make sure everything flowed nicely as well, even though I had no experience with backstage shenanigans.
“If you could,” the one holding the smallest crate piped up, “would you please take these down to the stylists when we get there? You can station yourself in the dressing rooms and help them with anything they need for the night.”
I was growing more excited by the minute, and the thought of spending more time with the stylists at an actual concert made me outright giddy. I was actually becoming quite close with them now, as I still made occasional coffee stops downstairs whenever they needed the extra energy.
“Of course. I’ll do my best.”
The crate wasn’t too heavy to lug around, and there was no trouble navigating the concert hall based off the given instructions. The entire hall was flurried with excited workers, and I almost got trodden on by way too many anxious supervisors and staff while trying to get to the stylist’s hallway.
Damn, these functions are intense…
I finally managed to reach the humid room, trying to rush in time for the working men and women to gather everything they needed. The concert was due to start soon, and usually all the makeup and necessary last-minute fittings would’ve been completed already. Something must have gone awry with the entire line of communication.
I could only manage a throaty cough when arriving at the dressing room. The stinging smell of scented hairspray laced the air way too thickly for me to even breathe. Nobody else seemed to be having a problem though, because I was instantly greeted with a skyrocketing enthusiasm.
"(Y/n)-ah! Thank God you’re here!”
“(Y/n)’s here?”
A male stylist popped his head around one of the ajar doorframes, and I managed a smile when he bowed and hurriedly took the crate from my outstretched arms. Obviously, they had been wanting these extra supplies for quite some time.
I glanced around to see darkly attired people promptly going about their usual jobs, but my breath hitched when I saw a few of the performers themselves seated in the chairs assigned for the hair specialists.
Min Yoongi, Kim Namjoon, Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin.
 Even though I’d recently come to know them on a personal level, the simple fact that they were existing within my vicinity caused my heart to beat erratically. I was continuously flooded with love and admiration for these boys, and having to contain it for so long was probably detrimental to my health. The sudden spike of adrenaline from the thrilled atmosphere did not help my churning emotions.
My mood dampened slightly when I saw the effect of the miscommunications painted clearly on each of their features. Yoongi was still cool and collected, having his earbuds plugged right in and his eyes closed placidly as a hairdresser worked gel deep into his fading locks.
Namjoon was fiddling impatiently with his fingers, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth occasionally as he tried to analyse the situation. On the outside, it looked as if he was as composed as ever, smiling at anyone who met with his perusing eyes, but I knew he was growing frazzled at the edges due to everyone losing their minds around him.
Jimin and Jungkook both looked quite lost, in one way or another. The younger members were glancing around and tapping their toes against the hardened flooring in bouts of anxiety. Jimin kept glancing at the maknae next to him, almost as if majority of his burden was a direct result of worrying too much about the other boy, and I saw him murmur a few soothing phrases here and there. It wasn’t as if they were a complete mess. They had obviously dealt with poorly planned concerts before, but I knew it still wasn’t pleasant for anyone.
Not one of them even knew I had entered the room.
“(Y/n)-ah, can you please, please do me a massive favour and straighten his hair? I’ll be back very soon!” One of the noonas scrambled towards me and dropped a large straightener right into my startled fingers. I snapped my eyes upwards to see the woman’s pleading gaze boring into my own before she darted away to address a more urgent matter.
I eventually shifted my gaze to Jungkook’s chair, which she had abruptly abandoned, and slowly began to make my way in that direction.
“Hey, maknae.” I smirked and rested one hand on the boy’s rigid shoulder, coming up to push his swivelling chair further into the makeup bench. His doe eyes widened, and I felt his whole body jerk underneath my touch, letting me know just how on edge he truly was.
“(Y/n)-noona? What?”
“Hey, hey. Everything’s gonna be fine, don’t get so tensed up or you’ll give yourself a cramp,” I chided, keeping my voice steady while attempting to plug in the straightener swiftly enough. If I wanted the boy to feel prepared, he needed this done as quickly as possible. Probably even quicker than that.
Under my hand, which I had begun to rub against his shoulder sympathetically, he sighed with a profound heaviness and loosened his posture. Feeling playful, I raised my fingers upwards to comb through and ruffle his messy dark strands of hair. He chuckled at my actions and even tried to duck away eventually, but I was just glad to see his cheeky smile again. The mirror was a little dirty from dustings of powders and sprays that just continued to build up, but I could still see what I was doing clearly.
“I have to straighten this mop now, so hold still you brat,” I teased the younger boy with a whine, since he wouldn’t stop trying to move away from me.
“Well, well. What brings you here Ms. Uber?” a deeper voice suddenly droned from the seat to our left, and I turned my eyes away from Jungkook’s gleaming ones to figure out where it was coming from. There, I was met with Yoongi’s curious pucker, which in turn morphed into an amused smirk at my expression.
I gave a sharp raise of my eyebrows before saying, “I don’t know what kind of show you people are running, but this seems more like a zoo to me.”
He laughed brusquely and pressed his tongue into the side of his cheek, catlike eyes crinkling up with his smile in the most adorable way.
“You’re definitely not wrong there.”
“(Y/n)? When the hell did you get here!?” a breathy tone, which undoubtedly belonged to Jimin, caused me to smile wider before turning my head in the opposite direction. He was currently getting the finishing touches done to his makeup via the powder brush, but I must’ve been pretty identifiable by voice alone. It was probably the bluntness.
“I’ve actually been here for about ten minutes or so, but you guys were way too stressed out to notice. I hope you all know things are getting sorted out as we speak, it just looks like bomb-zone because humans are awkward and don’t know how to deal with their shit.”
The three of them snorted or exhaled their mirth, and I even saw Namjoon who was scrolling through his phone absentmindedly nod in agreement. The taller man’s whole frame trembled once as a sign of laughter, and I sniggered inwardly at the thought of him eavesdropping. The leader was sitting one seat further down than Yoongi, but it seemed like he wasn’t going to join into the conversation just yet.
“Well, that’s a relief,” Jungkook mumbled, casting his eyes downwards once more before sighing again. I couldn’t massage his shoulder comfortingly anymore because my sole task was now straightening his freshly cleaned hair. Though I still badly wanted to engulf the wearied boy in a heartfelt hug to help him forget all his misgivings.
“I know you guys would do great out there, regardless of what went down backstage anyway,” I continued, running my fingers gently against Jungkook’s scalp once I had straightened out all of the kinked tresses. He leaned back into my hand, a small smile appearing at the kneading sensations against his skull. All of his worries were hopefully grooved out in these short moments of serenity.
“If she’s here, someone get Jin-hyung before he blows a fuse,” Yoongi exclaimed indignantly and jerked out both of his earbuds to look around. I watched with confusion as the other members gasped and started calling out raucously for the eldest member. Jimin couldn’t contain his chortles and leaned over to wack one small hand against Jungkook.
“Quick, he’ll starve us if we let this happen!”
The woman from before suddenly appeared next to me, and my eyes tore away from Jungkook’s peaceful expression to see her smiling visage. “Ah, thank you so much (Y/n)! You can go back to what you were doing now,” she said before sliding across to examine Jungkook.
“Wow, you’ve done an excellently thorough job, maybe you should be in the styling room with us instead of that stuffy office!”
I giggled, handing over the warmed straightener into her pale, awaiting palms. “I’m sorry unni, but your room is no less stuffy. How do your lungs even function with that much hairspray in your system?”
She sighed and shook her head knowingly before returning to work on the glossy mop of hair in front of her. The young singer had once again tensed up in the shoulders, and I had to bite back a growl of disapproval.
“Okay…I guess I’ll see you guys some other time, maybe after?” I managed to half-sigh, surprisingly more saddened than I thought about leaving them. Jimin, Yoongi and even Namjoon had turned to give me their undivided attention while Jungkook simply met my gaze directly through the mirror in front of him. All four looked taken aback, the reason for their bewilderment a complete and utter mystery.
“Break a leg, I’ll be cheering from wherever I am.” I began to back away, teasingly blowing a kiss towards all of them to break the tensioned air. At the gesture, Jimin reached upwards sharply to catch the kiss with widened eyes, and this caused everyone to break out into giggles and chuckles.
I continued to help out wherever I was needed, mostly carrying boxes and supplies around the concert hall whenever there was an impromptu need for them. I even ran into a breathless Taehyung a good fifteen minutes or so before the concert was about to launch. Since the walkway was tiny, I quickly pressed myself into the wall with my hands splayed on the painted surface to let him pass by.
“(Y/n)? Hello! I’m sorry, I’m in a rush.” He grinned widely and rested both of his large hands on my shoulders to inch along as quickly as he could. He’d clearly been rehearsing, so the body heat radiating from the boy was borderline crazy.
“Hey, good luck out there!” I called after him when I finally managed to regain some breath into my body, receiving a half-hearted wave and a booming ‘Thank you!’ in return as he continued to sprint down the narrow passage. My eyes trailed his slightly wavy grey-brown hair as it bobbed with his movements, endlessly thanking whoever invented bandanas. It wouldn’t be so farfetched to believe they were made exclusively for him.
 It was time for the boys to get fitted with the clothes they would be performing in, and I quivered gleefully at the thought of seeing their dances and vocals up close. This was about to be the best concert experience I could possibly dream of.
“It’s going to start soon!” A woman who was part of the backstage crew ushered me out of the walkway, and I met up once again with the three helpers I’d arrived with. Their brows were glistening, and their breathing ragged. I knew they’d been working just as hard as I had been.
“Well done, all of you.” The eldest chuckled airily. “Now we’ll be side-stage to help with equipment and props. When you feel like you don’t have a job to do, talk to that blonde coordinator standing next to the curtain.”
I followed her gesture to see a significantly younger looking woman who was preoccupied with ordering workers around rapidly. Even though she was under fire from the stressful organisation, she threw out directions and commands like a programmed machine gun. I gulped as I watched her alternate between muttering into her headset and steadily directing every single person who so much as peeped in her direction.
The other assistants moved off, obviously already having things to see and get done, but I was left to consult the aforementioned coordinator herself.
“There’s so much to do, but everything is being looked into. Could you please go to the left wing and speak with the crew there? I think there was something about quick changes,” the blonde woman barely took a breath before dishing out the instructions, and I knew things were really starting to intensify as the lights of the concert hall dimmed.
The sounds of loud cheering and screaming only flooded my ears now, and I was left baffled on how they had been tuned out for so long. The adrenaline must have worked its way into my head and created figurative earplugs.
Wow, maybe you’re just going deaf already. Let’s face it.
The excitement continued to bundle around within me as I ducked into a different walkway that crossed backstage. I hadn’t been over to this side yet, but I knew it was where the resting and recovery section was most of the time.
“Okay, are you the helper?” A middle-aged woman with deeply set eyes greeted me as soon as I emerged into the open space, and I could only nod enthusiastically. She smiled warmly in relief and guided me over to where a few piles of clothes were lined up against the back wall.
“This is where quick changes happen, but it’s only occasionally and there’s never a point where all the members need a quick change of clothes at the same time. You’re here for us if we need the extra help, it’s always good to have another pair of hands when things don’t work out.”
“That’s understandable, I’ll look out and help if I need to,” I responded with confidence, and only received a brisk nod in reply. The concert had begun, and the shrill screams of fans rose upwards until it was a literal roar of exhilaration and awe. I suddenly grew disappointed, because I realised only then that I wouldn’t actually see any glimpses of the concert at all. I would just be stuck back here listening to the action unfold.
 Well, it’s better than nothing. This job has already brought me a lot more than I could have ever asked for.
I strained my ears intently to listen to the boys as they greeted their fans affectionately, just as they usually did, and tried to conjure up the image of their smiling faces. Their declarations of love for ARMY used to make my heart clench and squeeze with a crushing adoration, but now I felt somehow disconnected. It was as if they were addressing something completely separate, almost like…I wasn’t even a member of the fanbase anymore.
It wasn’t as if I was any less of a fan, it just felt so different and alien to identify as normal now. Especially as an International-ARMY, who were known for collectively struggling with the idea of never meeting the boys and only getting rare visits. I suddenly felt as though my fortified world as a fan had shifted on its axis.
When ‘Fire’ started blaring through the speakers of the stadium, the tumbling thoughts vanished, and a smile suddenly erupted onto my features. Memories of the action-packed lesson back in the practice room at Bighit caused me to shake my head fondly. Was it strange that I had to fight the urge to break into the dance routine Hoseok and Jimin had taught me? Maybe, but I wasn’t ashamed.
Maybe, there was an off chance they were reliving the same memories? I doubted it, but it would be hilarious to see their faces during this performance and catch any random, straying grins or chuckles.
As the minutes flew by, I hung back against the wall a few metres away and glanced around to see if my help would be required. Then, a couple of seconds after the third song – ‘Save Me’ – drew to a close, the sound of hasty footsteps ricocheted off the large surrounding walls. There was barely any warning before three of the members burst into the area and scrambled for the piles of clothes on the ground. In the darkness of backstage, I could just distinguish the features of Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok. The three rappers.
They quickly shrugged on oversized coats and the crew helped them speedily by looping shimmering chains around their sweaty necklines. I figured they must have been going out to perform one of the ‘Cyphers’, as suggested by their suddenly delinquent fashion sense. I watched with wonderment as the heavily breathing performers worked themselves up to deliver their savagely natured disses.
A couple of minutes soon passed after they’d taken their leave. The loud, banging track was pulsating through the air around those of us waiting in the wings. When the final verse opened up, more panting bodies arrived into the changing area. The vocalists needed to begin gearing up for their own performance after this one, and I was eager to possibly hear ‘Dimple’ or maybe even ‘Lost’? Anything would’ve literally been A-okay with me at that moment.
The vocalists tried their best to remove their shirts in the quickest and quietest way possible, but it wouldn’t have mattered much because ‘Cypher 4’ had enough noise and adlibbing to accompany a battlefield movie scene. Plus, they were getting enough help from the crew members to shuck their decorative getups in no time. All except a very flustered Seokjin…
Seeing the oldest member of BTS up close for the first time rendered me speechless, and it suddenly struck me that he was the only one I hadn’t actually met. My eyes scanned over the broad-shouldered man as he tugged off his shoes and snatched at the clothes to find the right button-up shirt. Cypher was drawing to a close, and he was fumbling with the buttons of his shirt despite the shakiness of his fingers. It looked like he was way too hyped up to even look in a straight line, and I saw that he still hadn’t even fixed up his earpiece.
Everyone else is occupied! Shit, why am I forced into this with the one member I haven’t spoken to?
I instantly jumped to my feet when the black-haired man bit his bottom lip in frustration, looking towards his bandmates desperately for help.
Seokjin's eyes blew wide when I swiftly appeared in front of him and gently knocked his hands away from the buttons of his snowy white dress shirt. I averted my eyes away from the view of his exposed chest, because the sight would surely only muddle my mind further. The wafting tendrils of fragranced cologne and body sweat were already doing enough to my insides as it was, and I really didn’t need the added suffering.
“Fix your mic-earpiece thing!” I whispered urgently and snapped the buttons of the shirt into place quicker than he ever could’ve managed. His concentration flew back to the task at hand, and I felt rather than heard his rickety sigh of pure relief. There was only about a handful of seconds remaining before all four of them had to rush out on stage, so I kept a level head and willed any tremors far away from my fingertips. The man towered above me, so my average height had somehow become useful for once. Only when it came to doing up shirt buttons, so it seemed.
Seokjin looped the cord of his earpiece back around to the correct position, making sure to avoid knocking my rapidly moving fingers, and craned his neck from side to side to loosen the muscles there. Sweat gleamed from his hairline down to the flawless skin of his collarbone, and I couldn’t even bring myself to be disgusted by the coating of it on my fingers just from his clothed chest alone. I now knew why changing outfits halfway through a concert was such a brilliant idea.
“Are you (Y/n), by any chance?” his hushed voice suddenly whispered close to my eardrum, and I looked upwards to see him covering his mic with one careful hand. He had leaned in slightly to make sure it was easy to hear, and I gulped at the scorching temperature blooming from his body. My cheeks were definitely serving consequences.
“Well, how did you manage to figure that out?” I smirked in a sorry attempt to push down any unnecessary stammering, finally finishing up with the buttons and leaving him to smooth out any fabric creases. He did so, and I saw his eyes sparkle with triumph as he rolled his shoulders to release the cramps.
“You’d find it weird if I told you why.”
He shook his head with a smile and reached up to wipe at the smattering of salty droplets cascading down his jawline. I raised an eyebrow at the statement, blaming it on the obvious lack of time, and reached behind me to grab a blue bleach-stained towel resting over a chair.
“I’ll question that later, for now you should have a drink,” I murmured and reached up to smooth his bangs away, letting me dab at his sweat covered brow. He looked positively stunned at my forwardness, but then broke into a mischievous grin and spread his feet further apart so he could lower himself enough to stand at eye-level.
“Hey, I’m not even that short,” I grumbled, narrowing my eyes while continuing to wipe at his jaw more forcefully than before. He almost fell over because of the unbalanced stance, and ducked his head away from my violent towelling, covering his mouth with one hand to muffle his laughter.
“You guys better stop messing around, you’re going out in ten seconds Seokjin-ssi.” A hand tapped my shoulder harshly and I whipped my head around to see the coordinator fixating me with a warning glare. She then scoured it over Seokjin before muttering into her headpiece and departing towards the stage manager’s desk.
I puffed out my cheeks and met Jin’s equally terrified expression, my heartbeat hammering at the daunting encounter. Then seeing his offended pout made me purse my lips, and we could both barely contain ourselves from snorting with amusement again. It was so weird how things seemed to get funnier when you really weren’t supposed to laugh.
“Stop, or you’ll get me fired.” I cleared my throat softly, trying to stop my lips from quirking at every single movement or sound he made.
“Oh, so it’s my fault now? I seem to remember a certain somebody attacking me with a towel…”
Before I could even bite back with a witty reply, Jimin hopped over and tugged Seokjin by the loose flowing fabric of his shirt.
“Hyung, we have to go on!”
I heard Seokjin curse under his breath before he adjusted his earpiece and rolled his wide shoulders once more. His exhilarated but nervous demeanour had made a comeback suddenly, and I felt bad for distracting his focus from the actual concert.
“You’ll do great.” I flashed a thumbs up to both boys and received a heartfelt smile from Jimin in return. Seokjin nodded towards me with one corner of his lips tugged up, and I felt my brain start swimming when he winked.
Not usually being one to back down from a challenge, I dared to throw my own wink back. He definitely wasn’t expecting that, and I turned away with a chuckle upon seeing his widened eyes and confronted expression. He’d tried to turn to Jimin and point at me accusingly, but the signal was finally given for the boys to venture out onto the stage and the vocalist instantly fell back into his serious stage front.
I could only watch them go, feeling giddy that I had finally met the famous ‘worldwide’ man and his luckily genuine sense of humour. It was easy to think that everything he portrayed for the fans was just a mere persona, but after finding out that he truly was the dork we all knew and loved, I could rest easy.
Next thing I know, we’ll be battling it out to see who has the best dad jokes.
As the concert finally mellowed out into the bittersweet goodbyes and thankyous, I was tasked with packing away the supplies and loading them into the transport vans behind the venue. The process took longer than usual, as the organisation was still short on helping hands, but the concert itself had definitely been a huge success.
Humid night air filled my nostrils, and I observed the glittering stars above me serenely. I considered how the world was seriously full of countless blessings: friends, family, joyful memories, wealth, education, sleep, laughter, love…and boybands, I guess. The conclusion, which only took seconds to figure out, was that I was just lucky to have experienced them all.
Well, hopefully I would.
"(Y/n)! Wait up!"
I turned and saw a very flustered Jimin running at full pelt towards me. His hard-soled shoes echoed against the concrete of the emptying carpark, and I couldn't help but smile fondly at his excitable expression.
All six of the remaining members appeared from the double glass doors, and I knew I was about to be faced with the combined elation of them all. There was absolutely no feeling like pulling off a successful concert, and today I could even consider myself a part of it.
Maybe...no hopefully, this wouldn't even be the last time.
          Copyright © 2020 by salade. All rights reserved.  
tagged: @l4life​, @joyful-jimin​, @gee-nee​
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four-loose-screws · 3 years
FE8 Novelization Translation - Chapter 5, Section 2
FE8 Novelization Translation - Chapter 5, Section 1
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I call this a “section” because it is not a separate part of the chapter in the book, but divided from the rest of the chapter by a scene break.
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Chapter 5: Fog of War (con’t)
The moment Eirika's army left Serafew, they were already in Grado territory.
They continued on even more carefully before, avoiding all major roads and traveling around the outskirts of every town they neared. The supplies and food they'd prepared was more than enough for their journey, but without even a moment to rest their tired minds, their anxiety only multiplied. 
Still, Eirika had determination to spare. Each step brought her a little closer to her brother.
Her ever growing group of allies also helped to ease the pain in her weary heart. The mage Lute, strange as she was, indeed had the skills to back up her claims that she was a prodigy. And not only that, she was also knowledgeable about plants and animals, and knew the names of many of the weeds growing alongside the road. Whenever they were marching and one of the young soldiers found a rare plant, she would give its name and medicinal properties in the spot, gaining the fascination of those around her.
Her friend, the monk Artur, was quiet and did not stand out, but studied fervently. Almost all of the items in the heavy bag he carried on his back were books. Whenever he had a free moment, he cracked one of them open, and often asked Moulder questions. Moulder seemed happy to find someone he could make good conversation with.
The ally they'd made in Serafew, Natasha, was pure in both beauty and kindness, making her wildly popular among the soldiers. Some would even fall down and injure themselves on purpose in an attempt to get her to heal them. Seth realized this and scolded them harshly for it, and since then, of course none dared to try that ever again, but some never stopped trying to talk to her whenever the opportunity presented itself.
Then, there was the other person who'd joined them in Serafew, the mercenary Joshua. He seemed to be distant with everyone.
He was lighthearted and joked around, however, the moment anyone tried to get close to him, he would distance himself from them. And even if someone was just having a casual chat with him, he would not speak a single word about his personal life. Behind his cheerful face lied a man who did not want to even try opening up his heart to anyone.
Perhaps his many years as a mercenary had made him wary of others, but Eirika did not think that was all there was to it.
Seth saw right through her, and knew exactly how worried she was. She still hadn't gotten very good at horseback riding, so she continued to ride with him. Because of it, they had ample opportunities to talk about topics that they did not want to discuss with anyone else.
One day, a thick fog had enveloped the land around them since the morning, obscuring their field of vision. The air was chilly, and the soldiers' footsteps were heavy. 
Eirika was lost in thought as she rocked atop the horse. When Seth started talking to her in a low voice, she gasped in surprise.
"Something seems to be bothering you, Milady."
"Hm? Oh, no… not exactly…"
"Is it the mercenary?"
Eirika was surprised that he'd seen right through her. She looked around to make sure that no one else could hear, then answered, "Yes… I think Joshua seems to be keeping a secret of some kind. I have no intention of investigating it, but I'm a bit worried about the fact that he will not open up to everyone."
"I think it would be best to keep watch over his movements."
His tone was firm. It made Eirika uneasy. "What do you mean by that?"
"He's a person who casually switched to our side while he was employed by Grado. There's no guarantee that someone like him-"
"Seth!" Eirika realized what he was trying to say, and interrupted him. "No way, are you saying that he will betray us?"
"I'm saying that it would be best to assume the possibility."
"I… believe him. Even if he does possibly have something to hide, I do not think he is a bad person. And his skill with the sword is very reliable…"
"That is the exact reason why he is terrifying."
Eirika couldn't bring herself to respond.
Seth's apprehensions were probably justified.
If a mercenary of Joshua's skill turned over to the enemy's side in the middle of battle, then… he might be able to destroy Eirika's army in an instant. Just as she feared might happen, she lost her confidence in whether or not it was right to make him one of their allies.
Suddenly, the horse stopped. She started to ask what was wrong, but her body froze.
Several people appeared in front of them. Eirika didn't know where they had come from. They were an unsettling group that seemed as if they had burst up from the ground.
The man standing as the leader was nearing them with shaky, unsteady footsteps. His head was entirely hidden under a hood, and his body was shrouded in a long robe. He couldn’t possibly be an ordinary traveler.
He continued forward until he was standing in front of them.
His facial features, shadowed by the hood, were now easily visible. His eyes were sharp, and his cheeks sunken in. He ordered in a hoarse voice, "Stop, Princess Eirika of Renais."
"...Who are you?" Eirika's hand swiftly moved towards the hilt of her sword. 
All of her allies followed suit and grabbed their weapons in unison.
They had no idea what the man's intentions were. He didn't look like a soldier, but who would challenge them unarmed?
"The bracelet you are wearing… I want you to hand it over to me."
The man's demand baffled Eirika. "My bracelet? What are you going to try to do with it?"
"Do you think I would be privy to such information? His Majesty wishes to have it." 
She guessed that he must be referring to Grado's emperor.
In that moment, she realized they were being ambushed, and bit her lip. They'd intended to march carefully, but the empire seemed to have figured out where they were all the same.
"Do not hand it over, Lady Eirika." Seth said.
She of course nodded.
The man laughed haughtily. "I advise for your own safety that you try not to be stubborn. In this case, I shall tell you one thing. Prince Ephraim's army has already lost to the Grado Army. He is currently in the Renvall Castle dungeon, awaiting his execution."
Eirika’s face stiffened. "That's a lie! My brother would never lose!"
"You can cry all you want, but it's the truth. Ephraim lost. So it would be pointless for you to continue on any further. It is best for you to hand over your bracelet quietly, then run on home."
Eirika glared at him.
He seemed to have anticipated that she would not do as he said, as he chuckled, and continued, "If you will not comply, that is fine. Bring me the hostages!"
The man ordered the group following behind him like shadows. Several people were pushed forward.
They all appeared to be ordinary villagers. There were even small children staring blankly at their surroundings, with no idea what was going on. A slightly older girl was crying and screaming, "Help me!"
So his plan was to use people that have nothing to do with the situation to get Eirika's bracelet.
'How awful…' She whispered, but couldn't move.
"These are hostages I brought with me from Renais. Now hand over that bracelet! If you don't, they will all die!"
"...Understood. I will give it to you, so please let them go."
"Lady Eirika!!"
Seth tried to stop her, but Eirika said with determination in her voice, "We cannot take back the lives of the citizens. Please let me do this, Seth." Eirika dismounted his horse and took off her bracelet.
The man snatched the bracelet out of her hands, then cackled a vulgar laugh into the air. "Yes, this is it! This is the genuine item! His Majesty will certainly be pleased… Now, next, will you drop all of your weapons for me?"
"We refuse." Seth instantly replied. "I doubt you have any intention of letting Lady Eirika return home safely. Do you really think we'll comply with such a request?"
"I don't care what happens to the hostages. By the way, did you know? Rumor has it that huge spider-like monsters are living around here…" The man placed one of his wrinkly hands on a small girl's head. "The monsters will no doubt be pleased if I give these hostages to them…"
The children all burst out crying.
Realizing what their enemy was planning, Eirika screamed.
He was going to take the hostages with him. Eirika felt anger and regret stronger than she ever had before in her life, and glared at the hooded man once more.
"You seem disappointed, princess of Renais. But this is war. There is nothing that the losers can do. The people of Renais, resenting their powerless king, will be eaten by monsters…"
"Silence!" Her voice cut him off mid-sentence like the crack of a whip.
The man jumped back and looked down at Eirika. "Wh… What? Watch your mouth, and know your place…!"
Eirika glared at the man again.
She knew she had startled her opponent. Before she could even realize what she was saying, she yelled angrily, "I… throughout all of this, have told myself that I will never hate Grado. Even when the army attacked the palace, even when I heard that Father was dead, I thought to myself that I must not let my sadness turn into anger. Renais and Grado share a long history of friendship. I did not want to ruin that bond!"
Eirika pictured Prince Lyon's face in her head.
Could he possibly know that his soldiers were committing such atrocities? Could he have allowed them to go through with cruel plots like this one?
There was no way. Surely he didn't know anything about the current situation of the war...
"But if this is Grado's way, then I will not forgive them. If these are the empire's orders… then I will never forgive the Grado Empire!"
"Y-You sound awful full of yourself, girl…!” The man was intimidated by Eirika's anger. His voice sounded indomitable, but it was also shrill with anger. "If you intend to defy me, then I will show no mercy! This will be where you all meet your end!” He disappeared as if he had blown away with the wind.
"Was that magic…?” Eirika panicked and looked around. ‘Where did he go?’ 
"I believe the spiders live in the mountains just ahead of us…"
Lute said, but even when Eirika looked at where she was pointing, the mountains she claimed were there were completely covered in fog, and they could only just barely see them in the distance. 
"Let's hurry. The hostages are in danger!" When Eirika pictured the villagers all huddled together in fear of the presence of the giant spiders, she could hardly stand the thought.
The further they progressed, the thicker the fog became. Even after they lit torches, they couldn’t see very far ahead of them.
Before Eirika even gave her orders, Vanessa said, “I will go to them.”
“But it’s too dangerous in this fog…”
“I will be fine. There is no doubt that I can move faster than all of you on the ground.”
However, the enemy was probably using the fog to hide and wait for Eirika’s army to come to them. It was far too dangerous to let Vanessa go ahead on her own.
While Eirika was deliberating over how to respond, someone else spoke up.
“I will go with her.” The person who stepped forward was Joshua. He spoke in his usual tone of voice, and flashed Vanessa a smile. “I’ve always wanted to try riding a pegasus once. Let me ride with you. While you're saving the hostages, I'll take care of the monster spiders."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
"...No." She held him back. Why did he say he wanted to ride a pegasus now, of all times? 
He looked back at her, puzzled. 
Eirika felt Seth's gaze on her as she spoke awkwardly, “...I want you to stay here. The person to go with Vanessa will be… Sir Garcia. Will you go with her?”
Garcia was surprised to suddenly be called out, but nodded. “If those are my orders, then of course I’ll go! But… Lady Eirika…?”
The pained look on her face was probably suspicious. Garcia tilted his head.
Joshua asked incredulously, “What? Why not me? I should be able to take out something like spider monsters…”
“It's not that, it’s because there are likely a lot of enemies lying in wait just ahead, so I want you to fight here.” Eirika turned her back to him and avoided explaining anything further.
When Joshua had announced that he wanted to go with Vanessa, she'd immediately remembered the conversation she'd previously had with Seth. 
It was entirely possible that Joshua might betray them. He might kill Vanessa, then turn back over to the Empire's side.
She couldn't deny the fact that she wanted to trust him, but she was also worried. If he betrayed them now, they would lose both Vanessa and the hostages.
"Okay then, let's go." Vanessa helped Garcia mount her pegasus, then the two flew off.
Joshua furrowed his brow slightly and looked at Eirika with a dissatisfied expression on his face, but turned around with a huff and withdrew his sword.
Eirika called out, "Cavalry, march to the front! Because our field of vision is so poor, please always confirm where your allies are before making any movements. We must be careful not to split up, even for a moment…"
Before she was even finished giving her order, enemy soldiers started leaping towards them from within the fog.
As they'd suspected, the Grado soldiers had been waiting all across the plain for them. The injured enemies went down shrieking into the air. 
Eirika's army panicked at first, but only for a moment, and quickly regrouped. Maintaining their formation in the thick fog was no easy task, but the soldiers remained calm. They cut down their enemies while periodically calling out to each other to confirm their positions.
This battle was their first true fight within Grado territory. The enemies they'd fought before could not possibly compare to this group. And on top of that, the Grado soldiers knew this area very well, and used that to their advantage by trying to lure Eirika's army into dangerous areas such as cliffs and swamps whenever they found an opening.
Throughout the grueling battle, Eirika confirmed Joshua's position several times. His red hair stood out even within the fog. He rushed so boldly into the enemy lines that one would think he was being reckless, and broke through areas so that the cavalry could advance. It was clear that he was an essential member of Eirika's army now.
Was her previous judgement a mistake? Perhaps he had noticed that she doubted him, and she had ironically lost his trust in the process...
Seth's voice snapped her back to reality. 
An enemy soldier was running straight toward her.
It took all of her strength just to dodge his attack the moment he lunged. If Seth had not rushed over to her, the Grado soldier likely would have skewered her with his lance.
Seth defeated the soldier, then pulled her up atop his horse.
"I'm fine, Seth. I can still fight…"
But Seth ignored her plea. The moment she realized that maybe her concentration was still lacking in battle, her body shrunk back.
The battle was gradually reaching its conclusion. The enemy army seemed to be mostly defeated. Franz was rushing around their ranks and confirming the number of casualties. They had not suffered many sacrifices at all.
“All that’s left is their leader. We have to search for the man that stole the bracelet!”
Eirika shook her head. “No, Seth. I am more worried about the hostages. Let’s follow after Vanessa and Garcia…”
“It seems like that won’t be necessary!” Colm said while looking up at the sky.
Perhaps because of his experience as a thief, his hearing was far better than that of the average person. Even on a battlefield like their current one with poor visibility, his keen senses had been helpful, allowing him to give effective directions to the soldiers.
“I can hear her pegasus’ wings. Sounds like they’re comin’ back here.”
Just as he finished saying that, the noise reached Eirika’s ears. It was the unmistakable sound of wings soaring through the sky.
As the fog slowly started to clear, a lone black shadow became visible. It became much bigger in the blink of an eye, then lightly started to lower in front of Eirika and the others.
Vanessa landed with a small girl in her arms. “I apologize for returning late, Lady Eirika.
Vanessa’s cheerful expression caused Eirika to breathe a sigh of relief. “Good work, Vanessa. What about the other hostages…?”
“They are safe. Since I could not carry such a large group at once, I returned with the youngest child for now.”
“And what about Sir Garcia?”
“He is safe as well, of course. He fought the monsters all by himself. Since there may be others still lurking about, he is staying by the hostages’ side for the time being.”
“So they’ve already been killed…?” Lute cut into the conversation with disappointment in her voice. “However, ‘Spider Monsters’ is not their proper name. That would be ‘Bael.” I really wanted to see one once with my own eyes, but… I’ll at least go just to see their corpses…”
“Lute!” Everyone shouted.
“We don’t have time to be studying spider monsters right now. Leave the rescue of the hostages to Vanessa and the cavalry. Everyone else has to go after the man from before.” Seth ordered.
“Bael are much more endearing than that seedy human…” Lute looked up at Seth, but realized that there was no chance her request would be granted, and nodded her head in acceptance. “Understood. It is unfortunate, but I will likely have another chance to encounter a Bael. Let’s chase after the seedy human for now.”
Seth gave the soldiers their orders, and they all searched for the man who should be hiding within the fog. Before long, he received a report that a man had been found hiding in a thicket at the base of a mountain.
The fog had cleared considerably at that point. They were able to see him with their naked eyes.
The hooded man realized that enemies were coming towards him, and tried to flee. It was likely that he’d decided to try to leave the fighting to his subordinates while he watched from afar atop high ground. Thick tree cover and cliffs blocked him off, and there were no escape routes behind him.
Eirika jumped down from Seth’s horse and ran up to him. “There’s nowhere for you to run! Now hand over my bracelet!”
The man glared at Eirika with bloodshot eyes, and clutched the stolen bracelet tightly. “S… someone… wants to give it to His Majesty…!”
“Why does the Grado Emperor want my bracelet?”
“I-I don’t know…!”
The man muttered a spell without moving his mouth.
Eirika realized quickly what he was doing, and jumped back. A pillar of smoke rose from where she’d been standing.
It was now obvious that he could wield offensive magic.
Battle with a mage was difficult because while they had no physical strength, they could launch an attack with magic even from far away. Those skilled in magic could somewhat defend themselves against it, but the average soldiers, like sword fighters and knights, had no protections at all against it. It was far from uncommon for those who were unskilled in combat to be killed by a single spell. 
Would it be best to send Lute and Artur his way? But they were not used to battle yet, and he might be difficult for them to put up a fight against... 
While Eirika was still at a loss for what to do, Joshua rushed far ahead of her.
Eirika was in complete shock, and before she could call out "Be careful…!" to him, he sliced his sword through the man's skin.
"Ahh…!!" The man stifled a scream, and tried to chant one more spell. 
However, Joshua's attack was faster.
 The moment the sword glistened in the light, the man screamed his death cry. 
"Hey, this is valuable, right? Take good care of it." Joshua said teasingly, then handed the bracelet over to her.
"Th-Thank you, Joshua…"
However, Joshua immediately turned away as if he was rejecting her.
Eirika felt the giant rift between them become even deeper.
The cavalry returned with the hostages soon after. Garcia was of course with them as well.
When asked about what it was like fighting the spider monsters, he simply answered “They’re creepy,” and grimaced. They seemed to be a particularly disgusting monster. Lute, on the other hand, had the opposite reaction from everyone else. A twinkle appeared in her eyes, and she started bombarding him with questions, which disturbed him deeply.
That night, they unsurprisingly decided to give up on marching any further for the time being, and rested on the plains. 
After their meal, while everyone else was sitting in a circle and enjoying themselves, Seth called Eirika over to him, and broke away from the group.
She had a feeling she knew what he wanted to talk about, and put her returned bracelet tightly on her wrist, then waited for him to begin speaking.
Seth walked all the way over to the shadow of the trees, where they could not feel the presence of anyone else, then said gravely, “Lord Fado ordered me not to tell you anything until the time was right… But since the secret has been leaked to the Grado Emperor, it is probably best that I tell you now.”
“...About this bracelet?”
Seth nodded. “As you know, Renais has handed down one of the Sacred Stones since ancient times. And the countries of Grado, Frelia, Jehanna, and Rausten all pass down the other four.”
“Yes, it is said that during the ancient war, the Demon King’s power was sealed away within the Sacred Stones. They should currently be enshrined in each of those countries, which protect them. In Renais, our stone is kept in a large shrine, and the people worship it…”
“That stone is a replica.”
Eirika was surprised by his unexpected words. “A replica…? No… I cannot believe it…”
“I have been told that an exact copy was made and placed inside the shrine. The real stone is sealed tightly away in the Renais Castle basement.”
She couldn’t believe what he was saying. She herself had prayed countless times at the shrine where the Sacred Stone was kept, and she’d seen her father hold sacred rites in front of it before. Had all of that been a large-scale performance to keep the real stone hidden from sight?
“That’s… but… isn’t it pitiful for the people who have prayed at the replica? Everyone visited that shrine with such pure, devoted hearts…”
Eirika’s clouded expression made Seth smile. “No, on the contrary, it was likely for their sake. Lord Fado said that the Sacred Stones contain such great power that they have an effect on people’s hearts… and they will be entranced by that power, so much so that they cannot look away from them. That is why one of the previous kings thought up the idea to hide the real stone. And the key that unlocks the seal is that bracelet.”
Eirika looked down at her bracelet once more.
When she was young, her father had given her and her brother each a bracelet. Her father’s voice had been so uncharacteristically insistent when he told them to take good care of them, that Eirika had always thought it strange.
“Father… never told us even one word about how important these bracelets are…”
“He probably thought the day when we would need to unlock the seal would never come, and decided that it would be for the best. It is likely that Lord Ephraim still does not know his bracelet’s secret. Lord Fado only told me in the case of a one in a million scenario.”
“But then how did the Grado Empire learn of it…?”
“They probably found a way to get the information out of Lord Fado.”
There shouldn’t have been an easy way to get her father to spill such an important secret. No matter how terrifying their methods were… Eirika felt the warmth drain from her body. She couldn’t bring herself to think about it. Now wasn’t the time to lament the tragedy that had befallen her father.
“As Natasha said, the Grado Empire is trying to destroy the Sacred Stones. That is consistent with their actions so far... In order for the emperor to destroy Renais’ Sacred Stone, they are after my bracelet.”
“Brother also has the same bracelet as I. So that means…”
“If that man’s words are to be trusted, then Lord Ephraim has already been captured. It is possible that they have stolen his bracelet.”
“Brother…” Eirika clasped her hands together tightly.
They were so close to reaching him… and yet they still might not be fast enough to be able to save him.
“The enemy knows that we have already entered Grado Territory. If they become impatient… it is conceivable that they will execute him.”
“Yes. We haven’t a moment to waste. Let’s hurry!” Eirika looked up at the edges of the mountains above them, clearly visible in the night sky now that the fog had cleared. And past that, she could finally see Renvall Castle.
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nanigma · 4 years
Blue Lions Translation Chapter 2
I’m still doing this guys. Things just got a bit hectic for me, but it’s cleared up for now.
Going forward, I am going to rely on the Datamine website a lot, so I’ll be using screenshots from it as well. Having the portraits next to it should help put things more in context as well.
Again, I gotta mention that things are tight for me financially, so if anyone can spare anything, I kindly direct you toward my Ko-Fi Page.
Anyway, without further ado, let’s continue:
My comments in italics
Scene 1 Discussing the Fugitive Bandits
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Seteth: Anyway, as has been discusses before, this time your task is the suppression of bandits.
Seteth: For students currently studying battle only as theory, experiencing actual combat will prove a valuable experience.
Seteth: Of course, the suppression will be handled under the guidance of the Knights of Seiros. The battle ought to further prepare the students. 
Seteth: That being said, this is no mock battle. Be prepared to face an appropriate amount of danger. 
Seteth: Wait to receive a message from the knights and then depart. Until then do not be carelss in your preparations. That is all.
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Dimitri: This will be our first real battle. We are counting on you, Professor.
[Choose: Same to you] or [Choose: I am worried]
Dimitri: During the mock battle, your commands were precise. With you there, professor, we should be able to handle the suppression well.
Dimitri: There still seems to be some time before our departure. Right now, we have to do whatever we can to prepare.
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Dimitri: Seems we have been entrusted to suppress a group of bandits just after enrolling at the academy. 
Dimitri: ... Hearing about the objective makes it sound all well and good, but it will mean fighting to survive. It's the same as war. 
Dimitri Even with the support of the Knights of Seiros, we must brace ourselves. 
The next section isn’t in the Datamine. Or at least not in the part I checked, so I got the script from elsewhere.
ディミトリ:  大修道院での過ごし方や戦闘について、 まだ何か聞きたいことはあるか?▼   
Dimitri: Is there anything about spending time at the monastery or battle that you wish to hear about?
[選択可: 教員研修]
[Choose: Faculty Training]
ディミトリ: 先生が俺たちを指導するのと同じように、 先生方も互いに指導し合っているそうだ。▼ もしも興味があるなら、ハンネマン先生や マヌエラ先生から指導を受けてみるといい。▼
Dimitri: Just as the professors instruct us students, they also offer guidance to each other. ▼ If you are interested, you should accept instructions from Professor Hanneman or Professor Manuela. ▼ 
[選択可: スカウト]
[Choose: Scouting]
ディミトリ: 生徒の所属する学級は出身によって決まるが 適性も、学びたいことも人それぞれだ。▼ そこで、生徒が希望し、かつ教師が許可した 場合には、他学級への転属が許されている。▼ 修道院での活動を通じて生徒と仲良くなれば そういった話も出てくるかもしれないな。
Dimitri: Though a student's affliation with their house is decided by their country of origin,each of them have their own strengths and interests. ▼ Meaning that if a student so wishes, while having their professor's permission, they can be allowed to transfer to another class. ▼ This might come up should you spend more time with students during monastery activities.
Back to better business
(……近寄らんほうがいい )
(Speech Bubble: ... It would be best not to get close.)
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Dedue: It would be best not to get close to me. 
Dedue: ..Associating with someone from Duscur might lead to rumours and the like.
(Speech Bubble: You need to be careful)
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Felix: Me and that boar prince have been inseparable since birth... no, even before that. 
Felix: That's why I am warning you. ... That guy harbours a beast in his heart.
Felix: You can trust in his skill and animal strength, but you cannot put your faith in this man as a human being.
Felix: You need to be careful, so you don’t end up getting gobbled up as well.
(僕もあんな大人に…… )
(Speech Bubble: Becoming an adult like that...)
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Ashe: It is all thanks to my adoptive father, Lord Lonato, that a commoner like me was able to enroll at the monastery. 
Ashe: He is strict yet kind, the very model of a knight... I like to think I'll be just like him someday.    
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Sylvain: So our first mission is about taking down some bandits, I see. Makes you think just how Lady Rhea values human life, right? 
Sylvain: For example, there's my estranged older brother. That guy lost himself to bandits...
Sylvain:  is something that could have happened at some point. Ahaha, well, I was joking though.
(Speech bubble: This place is so calming~)
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Mercedes: The cathedral is so nice and quiet.~ Whenever I am here, I can let go of my worries.~ 
Mercedes: By the way, have you come to offer your prayers to the goddess as well, professor?
[Choose: That's right] (+Support with Mercedes)
Mercedes: My my, just the same as me. Shall we pray together, professor?
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[Choose: I had no reason for coming]
Mercedes: My my, is that so? Since you are here already, let's pray together.
(Speech Bubble: Sweet food, spicy food...)
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Annette: To prepare myself for the day I'll be assigned cooking duty, I have to learn everyone's favourite and least favourite foods. 
Annette: Professor, do you prefer sweet food or spicy food?
[Choose: Sweet food] [+Support with Annette]
Annette: Ahaha, just like me! I'll be sure to remember it!
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[Choose: Spicy Food]
Annette: Spicy food... you really are an adult, professor! I'll be sure to remember it!  
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Ingrid: Me, Felix and Sylvain are childhood friends. His Highness too.
Ingrid:  ... Felix and Sylvain are the worst kind of problem children. Please be careful with them. 
The exact phrasing she uses is “Problem children among problem children” xD
Ingrid: Since I can remember, the second I take my eyes off of them, they're off to goddess knows where doing whatever they please.... haah..
The First Real Battle – Blue Lions
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Dimitri: Professor, just now a message from the Knights came in. They have managed to gather up the bandits.
Ingrid: They seem to have cornered them just as planned. The location is the Red Valley, Zanado.
Ashe: We mustn't let such immoral bandits escape. Let's all work together and do our best!
Dedue: ... Whatever enemies we face, they will not lay a single finger on His Highness.
Felix: What a pain... We are facing simple bandits. I doubt any of them will pose a challenge.
Sylvain: Don't talk about it so indifferently. I am actually excited. I mean, hey, there could be a pretty girl among those bandits.
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Annette: ... At any rate, this a great opportunity to see how we perform in a real battle.
Mercedes: That's true. We already did well in the mock battle, so if we act like before, we should be fine.
[Everyone besides Byleth and Dimitri leaves]
[Choose: Everyone seems to be having fun] ot [Choose: I wonder if we will do well...]
Dimitri: They are bit too excited, but... since we have the knights' support this time, it should be fine. ... 
Dimitri: Ah, speaking of the knights, I heard Sir Jeralt had returned to the Knights of Seiros.
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Dimitri: If we get close, I might be able to see him and you fight alongside each other again.
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[Choose: It's not that exciting.] or [Choose: It's not really strange]
Dimitri: Is that so? ... That might be the case for you, professor. 
Dimitri: To tell the truth, I am a bit jealous of you. My parents are gone after all.
[Choose: What do you mean?] or [Choose: They are gone?]
Dimitri: They died. Both of them. ... I was the only one to be left alive. 
Dimitri: ... I am sorry for talking about something so dull. Let us depart now, Professor!
[Byleth nods]
Before the Battle  
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Dimitri: The Red Valley... This is the first time I've come here. I can see some kind of ruins, but... 
Dimitri: ... No matter, let's begin, Professor. The bandits must have already been driven into the valley.
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Kostas: ... Damn! It's the knights? I can't believe I let myself get chased this far.
Bandit: Boss, let's make a break for it already! There is no way we can win against them!
Kostas: ... You goddamn moron, where are we gonna run at this point? How can you call yourself a bandit when you’re scared to die?
The bandits have a pretty rude way of speaking, but I am not about to embarass myself by repeating it in English. They sound like thugs, okay? 
1st Turn
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Dimitri: According to our information, there is a short cut along the west side. How about we split into groups, heading both west and forward? 
Dimitri: If we move correctly, I think we should gain the advantage in the fight with a pincer attack... 
Dimitri: I will of course leave you to decide our movements, Professor. Either way, first we have to cross this bridge.
First time killing an enemy
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Dimitri: No matter if they were bandits, this is something I can never get used to.
Dedue: ... I hope His Highness is all right.
Felix: You guys aren't worth killing. What, finished already?
Sylvain: Well, it couldn't be helped. Don't hate me for this.
Ashe: Had we hesitated, we'd be dead. ... So this is what a battle is like.
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Mercedes: May you at least find rest at the goddess' side...
Annette: Thank goodness, I managed somehow.... Even I can fight... !
Ingrid: I mustn't drop my guard here. I have to prepare for the next enemy...!
Kostas vs. Dimitri
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Kostas: You sheltered noble brat! You better shut up and die this time!
Dimitri: Unfortunately, I cannot do that. ... You will regret your actions.
Winning the Battle
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Dimitri: We successfully dealt with the bandits. From here, we should listen to the knight's orders. 
Dimitri: You did well, Professor. ... Your commands were excellent.
After Battle
During Sothis’ Memories
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Dimitri: Professor? It's about time we returned to the monastery. The others have already assembled.
After the First Mission
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Dimitri: We've finally arrived. Professor, I'll entrust you with reporting to Lady Rhea.
[Byleth nods]
Dimitri: .......... Over there, is that... Edelgard?
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[Edelgard and Manuela appear]
Dimitri: Are the Black Eagles headed for their first mission? You can never tell what is going to happen in a real fight. 
Dimitri: Even the worst case might happen. Take care of yourself, Edelgard.
Edelgard: No need to tell me. I wonder why you insist on worrying so much about me. 
Edelgard: Could it be you are looking down on me? If so, I am disappointed in you.
Dimitri: ... That is not what I meant. If I offended you, I apologize.
Edelgard: ... Well, no matter. Professor, everyone is waiting. Let us go.
[Edelgard leaves]
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Manuela: Oh my... Anyway, I shall be off as well. No need to worry, Dimitri.
[Manuela leaves]
Dimitri: .......
[Choose: Why are you so worried?] Instantly skips to the end
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[Choose: Are you in love...?]
Dimitri: Haha, no way. Looks like even you can tell a joke sometimes, Professor.
Dimitri: I will explain the circumstances later. ... Later, okay?
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Main Story Chapter 3-14: 海水与火焰 Seawater & Flames Translation
“The more capable you are, the more troublesome the things you have to take care of.“
*Light and Night Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Main story tag will be #For Light and Night
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❖ Location: Abandoned Building
The old store heralded the arrival of another wave of visitors.
A black sedan car stopped under the shade of trees. A tall and built figure exited from the passenger's side of the car, standing in front of the door that had been left unlocked.
Evan scrutinized the ground before the door.
 He turned to shoot Zhou Yan a look before he strode through the entrance.
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Osborn took away the small piece of orange-coloured paper on my fingertips. 
I snapped back to reality. My tears had already slid down my cheek to the edges of my mouth. Osborn brought his thin, calloused, fingers up to my face, gently wiping the tears away.
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Osborn: What's wrong?
MC: ……
I stared blankly at my palm, feeling a stifling feeling in my chest.
Here it was again. This feeling didn't belong to me. Once, twice, thrice… It had occurred with such frequency in my life that I was dying to know just what it was.
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MC: Just now…
Osborn: What?
MC: You might not believe me, but when I touched that piece of paper earlier, I felt something very strong from it.
Osborn: You felt something very strong?
MC: I felt warmth and hatred that didn't belong to me, and with acute clarity.
MC: As if another soul was living within me.
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Osborn slightly furrowed his brow in thought.
Osborn: Is this the first time something like this has happened?
MC: No. This has already happened thrice recently.
And it got fiercer and much stronger each time it happened. It was something I couldn't control.
Osborn lowered his eyes, his expression gradually turning serious.
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Osborn: That's probably your "Ability".
MC: …."Ability"?
Osborn: It's an inherent special ability that you were born with. If my guess is right, it should fall in the spiritual category...
Osborn: You're an Empath.
MC: An Empath? And what's that?
Osborn: You can see things that others cannot. Or perhaps you can feel lingering emotions that have been left behind on items. They all fall under Empathy.
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MC: I can feel… emotions that have been left behind on things? And I can see things that others can't?
MC: Are you sure you’re not talking about something that can only happen in fantasy movies?
I looked up at him incredulously, unable to help the scoff that escaped me. I thought he was joking with me. But when he maintained his serious look, I started to inwardly panic.
Since he said that I could feel things…
I quickly reached out towards the skull necklace that he wore.
A surge of anger exploded in my heart, followed by the cold emptiness of having no place to belong to. It felt as if the whole world had turned onto a single, innocent, soul.
MC: This necklace… I feel a strong thrum of anger coming from it. Have you been wronged in the past?
Osborn dropped his gaze, removing his necklace from my grasp.
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Osborn: That happened a long time ago. Do you believe in your own ability now?
I quickly sorted out and digested the huge amount of information packed in his words, and even bigger questions made themselves known.
MC: But, why would I have an Ability like this? I’ve been living a normal life for the past 23 years...
Osborn: Looks like it's time for you to get to know yourself again.
Osborn: Actually, I started suspecting that you might be one when you mentioned my blue flames. Ordinary people can't see my flames.
MC: ...So the blue flames I saw in the afternoon were real? Is that your ability?
The words had only barely left my mouth before deep-blue flames erupted, appearing within his palm once more, lighting up the dark space.
I never thought that there’d be a day where I’d be put in relation to these seemingly preposterous terms. I repeatedly questioned myself inwardly: Is this really happening?
But, with the flame currently burning within Osborn’s palm, the sudden wave of emotion I felt in my head, and the strange man who was suspected of draining his victims...
All these things that shouldn’t make any realistic sense at all were now happening before my eyes. What else is there to doubt?
Looking into Osborn’s eyes that reflected the dancing flames, I felt like I’d touched upon the reticulated network of blood vessels that were behind the world.
And I had a faint inkling that these invincible blood vessels had long since interwoven themselves into my past and future, just that they’d never come to my notice.
When I snapped back to my senses, I turned to look at Osborn, only to find that I still had a huge pile of questions for him...
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★Night Choice: When did you realize that you had an Ability?
MC: When did you figure that you had an Ability, Osborn?
Osborn: When I was a kid. I happened to find out by chance when I got into a fight with someone.
MC: ...So you won the fight with your Ability?
Osborn: Yes and no. We didn't actually throw hands or anything. They all got spooked from the heat in the air and scrammed before that.
MC: Did you find that many things changed after finding out that you had an Ability?
He shot me a look, raising his hand and flexing his fingers in the same manner as one would when playing with something soft and squishy, manipulating the shape of his flames.
Osborn: There's nothing particularly different. This word's still the same.
Osborn: But the more capable you are, the more troublesome the things you have to take care of.
MC: Oh… You're right. I mean, you've always been protecting me.
Osborn: So quick to write yourself off as trouble?
MC: But since I have an Ability now, I can protect you in the future too.
Osborn smiled as he retracted his flames. He patted my head.
Osborn: Your Ability naturally has strong points where it excels in, but you can't go forcefully barging in headfirst when things get dangerous.
MC: Got it!
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☆Light Choice: How has your Ability affected you?
MC: You must have found out about your own Ability a long time ago. Did it affect you?
MC: Did you feel different from others around you, for example? Do you feel… segregated from people?
He paused for a while, as if I’d hit the bullseye, but his usual carefree smile quickly returned.
Osborn: Nothing that serious.
Osborn: 'Sides, don't I still have you?
Osborn smiled as he retracted his flames. He patted my head.
The icy feeling of emptiness, of having no place to belong, that had its grip on my heart all these while suddenly subsided.
Yes; it doesn’t matter whether I accept this Ability or not, for it is a fact that this Ability exists within me whether I like it or not. The trouble that may come with it may be inevitable, but fate is still something that can be affected by choice.
MC: Suddenly, I feel like it’s not all that bad being one of the odd ones out. I mean, you’re with me after all!
As soon as the words left my mouth, Osborn suddenly looked at me with a deep and inexplicable look, almost as if he’d just unexpectedly fallen into a vortex of memories.
It was obvious enough that he was thinking about something. Shock, joy, doubt, among a myriad of many other emotions that I couldn’t quite put a finger on buried bright in his eyes, like embers of a smouldering flame.
Seeing him like this made my heart thump loud and violent in my chest. I had a fleeting delusion in his trance-like moment: perhaps those memories he was reminiscing had something to do with me...
MC: ...What's wrong?
After a moment’s silence, he broke eye contact, lowering his eyes with a somewhat self-deprecating laugh and shaking his head.
Osborn: Nothing. It’s just that someone once told me the exact same thing you did back in the past.
Osborn: Unfortunately, I only ever saw her once.
So that's what it was…
MC: You never know, you might meet them again one day. Aren’t all encounters a long-awaited reunion after all?
Osborn merely smiled. When he looked back up this time, his usual playful expression had eased back in almost naturally.
Osborn: My bad; I digressed from the topic. What was I talking about again…? Oh, Abilities.
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Osborn: Okay. Don't overthink things.
Osborn: You need to understand that you can use your Ability, but you must also lead a normal life. You're not all that different from the average Joe.
Osborn: Also, your Ability doesn't seem to have stabilized yet. In any case, don't tell anyone else about it; got it?
MC: Okay.
Osborn: Good. Now we have something much more important to do.
MC: Yeah.
I nodded, holding up the small shred of orange paper between my fingers.
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MC: If I’m not wrong, I think the one who left this piece of paper behind was the same guy who attacked me before.
Osborn shot me an approving look.
Osborn: Looks like you CAN find him.
MC: I'll try.
I focused hard, concentrating as I carefully touched each door.
These doors didn’t invoke any special feelings within me. I was starting to think that my so-called Ability was actually just a fluke… Until a stabbing pain erupted in my head!
Grief, fear, despair… It felt almost as if all the deep dark emotions to ever exist in the world were assaulting me at once.
I could already feel the strong emotions seeping out from the door before me despite not having touched it.
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Osborn: This one?
MC: ...Yeah.
Osborn signalled for me to step back and was just about to bring the door down when a small noise came from behind it.
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MC: !?
I grabbed him by the sleeve and he instantly nodded in understanding.
I watched as he knelt down, taking out a small delicate tool from his pocket and used it to fiddle with the door’s lock.
As the minutes went by, the sound coming from within became increasingly active. It made me a little uneasy.
Then, a click sounded in the otherwise silent surroundings.
The door was open.
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Night⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Chapter 3-11) | Next Part: (Chapter 3-16)
17 notes · View notes
nekoannie-chan · 4 years
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Witch! Reader
Word count: 1742 words.
Summary: You're one of Earth's protectors, you mistakenly end up meeting Steve and other heroes, what's going to happen between you and Steve?
Warnings: Magic, mentions of nudity.
A/N: This is my entry to the @nastybuckybarnes ‘s Lex’s 7K Follower Challenge with the theme:
“Witch! AU”.
Venefica means witch in Latin.
The reader is a witch, so in the reader’s universe, the Avengers don’t exist.
Loa, Shadows, Dark Dimension is the same.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog. 
Tags: @navybrat817 @saiyanprincessswanie​
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 Once upon a time, there was a princess, so the wicked witch hated her so much that she kidnapped her, a charming prince was willing to save her....blah, blah, blah...
You closed abruptly the book and exhaled frustrated, keeping the secret tired and overwhelming, especially with all the "lies" there were about witches thanks to popular culture.  
No matter what happened, the result was always the same, the last time ended in trials against the witches since then you had agreed that you would not say anything about your existence again, you would simply remain in the shadows protecting the world from any danger. 
You settled in the chair, looked up into the forest, after some incidents you decided to live in a remote place, of course, you knew about the stories that were going on, you didn't care, when you saw some curious one you offered them some of the fruits you harvested, pretending that you were nothing more than a woman who lived in a quiet place.
Then you looked up at the little campfire you lit in the yard to cook one of your potions, the flames glowed strangely, you snort, you knew that meant.  
"There will be problems, the Shadows are very restless, nothing good, I think I should start preparing some things just in case," you told your cat.  
The cat lazily raised his head, wagged his tail and stretched to show his support.
 New York
 "Cap, where are you? Clint questioned.  
"In position, has anyone seen Cloak?” Steve replied as he peeked out to try to spot Tyrone.  
"In the shadows, watching as usual," Tandy replied.  
"We can't miss any chance, if they take the experiment, we'll be in serious trouble," Natasha reminded them. 
Tandy approached carefully and silently, would take advantage to "feed" on the hopes of the opponents and thus leave the way clear to their companions, reached the first, felt powerful as every time he did that. On the other hand, Ty was attentive to the movements of his partner, for no reason would he allow someone to damage her.
Once the road was clear, Dagger informed others that they could already enter, Tyrone took care of taking them to where his partner was.  
Natasha went in with Tandy, the place seemed empty, and they began to suspect that something was not right. The rest waited outside, hiding, in case they had to do some kind of intervention. 
"Guys, this is weird, there's nobody," Natasha reported by the communicator.  
"Don't let your guard down, it can be a trap," Steve ordered.  
They did not count on their enemies having thought of all the possibilities there would be, however, the superhero team never suspected the secret weapon with which they would attack them.  
The girls' screams were heard, without hesitation, the rest of the team came in to help them, they were found unconscious.  
“Ty... I think we should run away, it looks like it's a trap...”
A gas was beginning to appear in the room, they had no idea if it was poisonous or what it might cause them so as Tyrone could wrap covering the team with his cape to take them to safety.  
 The team showed up in the woods, Natasha and Tandy woke up, everyone looked confused. 
"Ty, where are we?” Tandy questioned.
"I just thought about going to a place that kept us safe, but there was an alteration in the Loa...” 
“Who are you and what do you want?” You questioned when you saw them.  
They immediately set their sights on the broom in your left hand.  
"Well... we are the Avengers," Tony replied as if it were obvious.  
"The Avengers?" you repeat. 
"Come on, how can you not know us? How can you not meet the famous Tony Stark?” Tony said incredulously.  
On the other hand, Steve didn't take his eyes off you, there was something about you that caught his eye.
"I don't know anyone by that name.” 
"I think we travelled through the Loa," Cloak interjected.  
"Loa? You mean the Shadows?”  
Tandy and Ty looked at each other, probably that's how you knew the Loa, and the others knew it as the Dark Dimension. 
"Yes, maybe there was a glitch and we finished... here," Tandy said.  
"And what do you want? Are you coming to attack or something?”  
"No, no, we were on a mission... we're the good guys, we're superheroes,” Steve replied. 
"Superheroes? Like in the cartoons?”   
"Don't they exist here? So, what are you? Who defends the Earth?” Natasha asked.  
"I'm a witch and that's our job," you answered.
"A witch? Of course, like in fairy tales," Tony mocked.  
"Yes, I'm a witch...” 
"Come on, you're an adult, stop joking," Tony said an annoying.  
"Last week I met with my witch friends and did broom races, which usually have different speeds and even automatics," you made fun of him.   
Steve tried not to laugh, Tony rolled his eyes when he detected the sarcasm of your voice.  
"Sure, sometimes I turn children into mice and so many others I eat them alive and never see their families again and you know, my cat speaks too," you continued and pointed out to your cat who had just come to sit next to you.
This time your tone was serious, making everyone doubt, they still couldn't discern whether you were a friend or an enemy.  
"Are you serious?” Steve a little discouraged.  
"No, I don't do any of that, my cat is a normal cat, well it's very perceptive, but sometimes those stupid clichés are very tired, you know, the typical ones that the evil witch and the princess in distress, that's why I live here... okay, it seems that you are from another dimension, do those stories exist in your world?”  
"Yes, they're very famous, people tell to the little girls," Tandy replied.  
"By the way, I'm Natasha, this is Tandy, the guy in the cape is Tyrone, you know Tony, the one with the shield is Steve, and the one with the arrows is Clint.”  
"Y/N, I suppose now I must find a way to return you to your universe.”  
"Maybe it's not necessary, we can come back the same way we got here," Clint replied.  
"I don't think that's necessary, Ty can bring us back, just as we got here, can you?” Natasha said, looking at him.
"Yes, of course, no problem," Cloak replied for sure.  
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience we caused you," Steve said with a little sadness.  
Everyone came together so Tyrone could cover them with the cape and be able to return to their dimension and finish the mission, they stayed for a few minutes like this until they realized nothing happened.  
"I think... you have trouble getting back from where you came from,” you said.
"No... I don't understand what's going on,” Ty replied confusedly. 
"The Shadows are back to normal, I don't think it's possible for you to return," with your head pointing out the flames of the campfire.  
"What do we do now? Steve questioned.
Without saying anything you entered your house, you needed your divination tools, you could predict those alterations, although that didn't mean they happened exactly like that.  
"Where is she going?” Tandy asked in a murmur.  
"Maybe she's bored of us," Tony replied.  
You came back with the bag in your hand, they looked at you curiously, and you waved the bag and dropped the contents of it on the table.  
“What... is she supposed to be doing? Clint asked the others curiously.  
He didn't notice you heard him, maybe in his dimension, the witches didn't exist.  
"Divination, so we can know more or less when it will be the next alteration in the shadows," you explained by putting your hands on top of the small stones without touching them.
“More or less? So it's not accurate? "Tony wasn't convinced at all.  
"Are you suggesting anything else?” You asked grumpily.  
"Excuse him, he's a little nervous because we were halfway through a mission," Steve excused him.  
"The next alteration will be in two months," you informed them.  
As the days went by, you and Steve started to get closer, he told you his whole story and vice versa.  
The others don't seem too happy to be there, especially because of the mission, although it was confusing, your dimension was too much like theirs, but no one knew them there. Thousands of times Tony tried to create something to come back, nothing worked.  
One full moon night you came out, Steve noticed and went after you.
"Y/N, where are you going? He asked.  
"To pick up some water from the lake," you replied.  
"At this hour? It's something... Suspect.”  
"Why? The water has already absorbed all the magical properties of the moon, it is the exact moment," you explained.  
"Well... in that case... can I come with you?” Steve volunteered.  
You agreed with a smile, it was a little hard to be completely alone with Steve. You walked up the river, once you got there, you started taking your clothes off in front of a Steve dumbfounded by your actions.
"W-what are…are y-you do-doing?” He asked nervously.  
"We're going to swim in the river, come on, take off your clothes," you answered naturally.   
You went into the river, Steve was intimidated, his hands trembled as he took off his clothes, then he walked to the lake. At first timidly, then you began to play with the water until you finally kissed.  
Steve and you had fallen in love, even though there was a huge problem, he wasn't from your world, what would you do when the time came when he had to go back to where he belonged?   
You couldn't ask him to stay with you, you couldn't go with him, both of you had very important missions and you couldn't leave them.  
“What am I supposed to do?” You asked your cat.
The little cat saw you lazily and meowled, you sighed.  
The two months had passed, finally the day there were alterations in the Shadows came, you didn't know how to say goodbye to Steve.  
"Y/N, I promise I'll find a way back, soon we'll be together again," he told you by holding your hand. 
The rest of your team was waiting for you to leave, you two shortened the space and kissed.  
"I'll be waiting for you.” 
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Of Danger and Lies: Whumptober, Day One
Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Word Count: 2,342
Summary: After the end of the war, Garak and Bashir live together on Cardassia Prime. Garak works on rebuilding his home, and Julian explores the city looking for adventure. One day, something finds Julian.
Tags: Stabbing, Blood Loss
Garak was sick of drinking cold tea from a broken coffee machine. He was sick of the cold winter weather making him drowsy all day. At this exact second, however, he didn’t care about either of those things, because he was too busy being sick of waiting for Julian to get home.
Julian had said he’d be gone for less than an hour. It had been twice that time already, and no still sign of him. How long could it possibly take to run a few simple errands? But leave it to Julian to get distracted. He’d be back at the the office any minute now, holding something random in one hand, that same wide-eyed surprised look splattered all over his face, saying something like “I’ve never seen this fruit before! Is it native to Cardassia?” Of course it is, Doctor. And you’ll likely find it disgusting, just like the last few Cardassian delicacies you tried. But go ahead and give it a taste, because your completely unjustified optimism is the only thing that makes life seem worth it.
It had been a long day. Garak was sick of dealing with paperwork and reports. As soon as Julian got back, they were going straight home. Garak was ready to ditch his responsibilities for the night, cuddle up with Julian (who was always so WARM, even in the winter) and talk about their hopes for the future and not about the crushing realities of reality. Julian was the perfect companion for nights like that. Garak stirred his stupid cold tea with a finger, shifted his stupid scarf around his neck against the cold, and pretended to read something on his desk while he waited for Julian to come back.
“Sir!” Garak’s assistant came busting into the office, unannounced. Tain would never have tolerated that kind of behavior, Garak reflected drily. “There’s a human dead in the street outside!”
Now that was exactly the sort of thing Julian should be here for, Garak thought. Julian was a doctor, after all, and not every Cardassian doctor knew how to treat mammals. Whoever was outside would be better off with a veterinarian. Then again, he’d be better off if he came inside and waited for Julian to treat him, just like Garak was waiting for Julian. Come to think of it, though, where did the human come from? The only human Garak knew of living in the city was Julian, and…
It wasn’t a human dead in the street outside. It was his human dead in the street outside. In a swift fluid motion, Garak was suddenly past his assistant and out of the office, not even stopping to grab his coat. A small crowd was gathering in the street, murmuring and whispering to each other. Again, Tain would never have tolerated this, Garak thought grimly as he pushed though. Tain wouldn’t have let the rabble fuss over a measly dead body. If Julian was really dead, Garak didn’t know what he would do.
“Let me pass,” Garak hissed, shoving through the crowd with his sharp shoulders. He emerged into a small clear space, devoid of people except for one human lying on the ground. His dark skin color was visible through his frankly scandalous clothing choice, all that collarbone out in the open air, and in weather like this, too? Humans really have no understanding of the cold. 
The body was definitely Julian. He was lying face down on the ground, clutching a scrap of fabric in one hand. His bag must have been stolen. At a brief glance, he didn’t seem hurt. Some Cardassians wouldn’t know a dead human from a sleeping one, anyway, so it was entirely possible that everything was totally fine. Everything was fine.
Tain once said that the most dangerous lies are the ones you tell yourself…especially the ones you need to believe.
Garak knelt next to Julian, and ever so gently, flipped him over so he was lying on his back. Julian coughed at this (proving he was alive, which was good) but Garak’s new view of him revealed a dark patch of red all over his stomach, bleeding sticky red through his clothes.
“Julian?” Garak cupped Bashir’s face in one hand. “What happened?”
Julian fluttered his eyes, but they didn’t open. Come on, human medicine, try to remember something, Garak thought. He checked Julian’s pulse. There were some difficulties in finding it, so Garak could only assume it was weaker than usual. And Julian’s hands were cold. That wasn’t good. Julian was always so warm, but he wasn’t right now. That really wasn’t good. Humans were supposed to be warm. Garak scooped Julian up off the ground, hoping that he wasn’t injuring Julian more in an attempt to help him.
“Is anyone a doctor? A veterinarian?” Garak looked around at the crowd. Nothing but blank faces and confusion.
“Then get out of the way!” Garak screamed, channeling the all-consuming worry for Julian into anger and intimidation.
The crowd silently cleared a path. Despite the ridiculous cold, Garak fought through it, carrying Julian into the waiting room of his office. His assistant stood in the doorway, hovering uncertainly.
Garak took a small knife from one of his pockets and began cutting away at the fabric of Julian’s shirt. It only seemed to make the blood flow harder, and Julian’s face was starting to turn white. Garak examined the injury as best he could. It was a deep, thin cut—a stab wound. It wasn’t a very clean cut, either—clearly an amateurs work. And on top of that, humans were so fragile. No protective scales…and there was no point in carrying a knife on Cardassia if it couldn’t break a Cardassian’s skin. The knife must have ripped through Julian’s soft, perfect, unmarked skin like a…Garak shook his head, trying to focus.
“Call a veterinarian or a doctor,” Garak said to the assistant. “Whoever can get here first, so long as they know how to treat mammals.”
The assistant bolted out of the room, and Garak could only assume they were getting a communicator. Julian coughed and managed to flick his eyes open.
“I’m…I’m sorry I was running late,” he smiled weakly.
“Shh...it’s all right,” Garak said, gently pushing Julian’s hair out of his eyes. “What happened, dearest one?”
“Someone in the market...I was just getting back here when someone tried to take my purse. He called me a name and then...stabbed me,” Julian tried to sit up.
“Stay down,” Garak said. “Try not to move. Where’s your medkit?”
“There’s a spare at home,” Julian coughed. “The one I keep with me... it’s gone.”
“That’s okay,” Garak soothed. The medkit at home was a half hour’s walk away. Too far to be any use. “A doctor is on the way,” Garak lied. He had no idea if that was true. He hoped it was. “What do I do?” he asked.
“Put pressure on it,” Julian said. Garak removed his scarf, barely conscious anymore of the cold, and pressed it into Julian’s wound. Julian hissed with pain as he did so, then began to settle just slightly.
“How did this happen?” Garak whispered, mostly to himself.
“I’m not very good with Cardassian yet...but the name he called me. It was a compound word. Something about you, and something like “pet,” and something like “servant,” I think,” Julian said. “I guess I need to *cough* brush up on those lessons you’re giving me.”
“I know the word,” Garak said through gritted teeth. “Your translation is a kind way of putting it. I…I’ve heard people call you that before, but I made it clear how I felt about it and what I would do to anyone who used it,” Garak hissed.
Julian groaned. “More pressure. I’m...this hurts, it really hurts, Garak.”
Garak steeled himself, and pressed as hard as he could without breaking bones. “How’s this, my love?”
“I have no idea,” Julian sighed. “I need a doctor.”
“I know,” Garak blinked, trying to hold back tears. “I’m so sorry…whoever did this, they hurt you because of me, because of the way I love you. It’s my fault.”
“Love doesn’t hurt,” Julian coughed weakly. “And this isn’t your fault. I’m...getting sleepy. Keep me awake until a doctor arrives, okay? I might be going into shock, but I’m not sure, but I don’t know what we can do about that right now anyway.”
“Okay,” Garak said, putting all his focus on applying the appropriate pressure to the wound. “How do I keep you awake?”
“Ask me questions,” Julian said. “So I have to think.”
“Okay,” Garak said as he felt Julian’s blood beginning to soak though the scarf, warming his hands. It was almost a pleasant sensation, but that body heat belonged to Julian, and it shouldn’t be slipping away like this. Garak couldn’t stop himself from crying, like he hadn’t cried in a long time. “Julian, do you know where we are?”
“Your office,” Julian smiled. “My Garak, leading the way, rebuilding Cardassia.”
“That’s right,” Garak smiled sadly. “Do you remember how to say office in Cardassian?”
“No,” Julian furrowed his brow. “But I remember how to say home. And when I say my home, I actually say that it’s ours, and I use your name as part of the identifying structure.”
“Good,” Garak said, his vision starting to blur with tears. “You’ll be speaking Cardassian like a native soon enough.”
“You really think so?” Julian smiled, closed his eyes, and leaned his head back.
“I do,” Garak said. “What’s your favorite word I’ve taught you so far?”
Julian didn’t respond, his muscles going slack as he started to drift off.
“No, no, Julian, stay awake, stay awake, okay?” Garak hesitated for a horrible moment between shaking him awake and maintaining the pressure on the injury. He decided to focus on the pressure, trying to keep Julian’s blood where it belonged. “Julian, please, tell me any word you can remember in Cardassian, okay? You have to focus.”
Julian stirred, and said a word that froze Garak’s blood.
“Wherever did you hear that?” Garak flushed, angrily. It meant traitor, but more than that, it meant useless object. Something you’d discard. Someone who’d die in exile. It was a word Garak hadn’t heard in a long time. It was from one of Garak’s worst memories of Tain.
“s’ the first Cardassian word I learned,” Julian said, barely conscious. “Tain said it about you when I had to talk to him about the…the thingy in your brain. I thought it had to be good, because it’s about you. Is it a good one?”
“It’s not,” Garak said tightly. Some days he wished he could make Julian forget about the Wire.
“Okay,” Julian said. “Then...beloved. How do you say that in Cardassian?”
“I’ll teach you the syllables if you can stay awake for me,” Garak whispered.
“I’m…’m trying, Garak,” Julian coughed, voice weak from the blood loss. Garak’s hands were starting to stain red as the warm, sticky blood soaked through the scarf. How much blood could humans lose before they died? Garak didn’t know. Julian had already lost a lot.
“Is it worth it?” Garak asked, not sure if the question was meant for Julian or himself. “You’re only going to get hurt, staying attached to me like this. What if this is only the beginning? What if...what if it kills you, to be loved by me?”
“It’s worth it,” Julian said. “It won’t kill me, Garak…but if it did, it would be worth it.”
Despite Garak’s best efforts to keep Julian awake, that was the last thing Julian said until the doctor arrived. The doctor worked on Julian as Garak’s assistant ushered him away to wash his hands. Garak watched the red drain away into the sink. There was so much of it. It took only a few swipes of a dermal regenerator for the doctor to close the horrible hole in Julian’s stomach, but this didn’t mean Julian was safe, yet. Garak was told they’d need a matching human blood donor or a lot of replicator units (and quickly) to replace the blood he’d lost.
“Use my replicator units,” Garak didn’t hesitate. “It’ll take too long to find a donor.”
“It’s going to be a lot of units,” the doctor said.
“Use them all if you have to,” Garak glared. The doctor looked at Garak, every inch a man capable of murder, and complied. The transplant was replicated and given to Julian.
“He’ll wake up soon,” the doctor said, after the worst of the danger was passed. “We can move him to your house now. He should rest until he’s fully healed. It might be a few days.”
“I understand,” Garak said. They moved Julian on a stretcher into a vehicle and then to Garak’s house. Garak paid the doctor and set Julian up in his bed, sitting upright for circulation.
While Julian slept, Garak sifted through Julian’s pockets. Julian had kept most of his money safe in a wallet, so that had survived the mugging. In another pocket, there was a component piece that would have fixed the broken coffee machine. Garak sighed sadly. Julian really was too good for him.
A piece of paper fell out of Julian’s coat as Garak shook it out. A note, stained just slightly red with drops of human blood. Julian’s blood. It read: “Cardassia hates you. You will never weaken us with federation values. You’re next.”
It was written in Cardassian. It was unmistakably meant for Garak. Garak shredded the note and incinerated it.
Julian woke up not longer after, to a cup of room-temperature water Garak had ready for him. “Thank you,” Julian rasped. “How am I doing? Am I gonna be okay?”
“Everything is going to be okay,” Garak lied. He had no idea how things would be.
Tain was wrong, Garak decided. The most dangerous lies are the ones you tell your lover.
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sharinluna · 4 years
Chapter 21 Translation Part 1
Chapter 19
Chapter 19.5 
Chapter 20
I didn’t have to quality check this time.
As soon as I turned around, a deafening sound of explosion was heard. The very ground underneath my feet quaked, hot waves of air blew from far away.
I looked up, and a blazing flame covered the whole of my vision. Feelings of terror paralyzed my body. I could only stare numbly at this gigantic catastrophe. My ears were still ringing with the booms of explosion.
Yōurán: How….
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The scene before my eyes was creating a sense of déjà vu with my vision. The large bridge crossing the river exploded into a roaring flame and in just a few seconds was broken. The freezing river currents swallowed the cars falling from severed bridge.
Passerby: It’s not safe here. Please run!
People were screaming in panic, scurrying this way and that. The sounds of explosion were coming closer and closer.
I could only stand still, devastated by the tragedy before my eyes. My hand dropped the black umbrella I’d been holding and it blew away in the wind.
Passerby: Miss, what are you doing? It’s dangerous here!
An unfamiliar middle-aged man grabbed my hand, waking me from my trance. I joined the crowds in escaping the site.
Everything was in chaos. Cars crashed into each other. There was blood everywhere on the floor. People were screaming sharply, crying desperately. The sounds of explosion continued. All the noise combined to weave a cacophony of horrors.
Yōurán: What should I do, what should I do?
I couldn’t do this on my own. My powers were too weak to handle this tragedy.
Suddenly, someone pushed me hard with malicious intent. Unprepared for such an attack, I lost my balance and fell down on the road. 
Then, another person’s hand grabbed mine and pulled me back into sidewalk just seconds before a black car crashed into me. My savior pulled me firmly into the safety of his arms.
Yōurán: Th, thank you…
??: Hold tight.
The voice was very familiar to me. I must be dreaming. Why am I hearing Gavin’s voice? But it wasn’t a dream. Gavin was there, the same man who had threatened me just a few hours ago. 
Even though he didn’t remember me and didn’t care for me, although he wasn’t my Gavin, he was still a person who saved me from danger. 
But I could see from his flat eyes that this was not the same Gavin I used to know. To him, he was just saving a stranger pedestrian.
Yōurán: Gavin…
I was afraid he would just walk away from me without giving me a chance to talk to him.
Yōurán: Do you know what happened?
Gavin: You shouldn’t be here.
I looked into his eyes that were so hard to read.
Yōurán: What do you mean?
He didn’t answer. I didn’t think he heard me anyway. He was staring at some place far away. His jawlines were strained from tension. His expression was blank but I could tell he was suppressing fury.
Gavin: Follow me.
He grabbed my hand and ran towards the opposite direction of the crowds.
Yōurán: Where are we going?
I asked loudly to make myself heard from the noise.
Gavin: Somewhere safe.
He led me away from the crowds and into a deserted street that was calm.
Yōurán: Gavin, did you know that…
Gavin let go of my hand and started to walk away without listening to me.
Yōurán: Wait…!
I reached out to grab him but he easily sidestepped away. He turned around and warned me coldly.
Gavin: Do not follow me and leave this place.
With that he started to walk towards the direction of the bridge. Back to that chaos of flames and shouts and smoke.
Yōurán: Gavin! Don’t go there! It might explode again!
I started to run to him, but I must have sprained my ankle during the escape, and I winced painfully. I tried to call him, but he was gone.
The sky had turned dark. I could still feel senses of foreboding.
Yōurán: Gavin might be in danger.
Gritting my teeth, I limped along with my injured foot.
There was smoke everywhere. The rift in the middle of the bridge had grown bigger, and debris continued to fall into the icy river. The riverside wasn’t safe anymore now.
Yōurán: Gavin… where are you…
I couldn’t afford to feel any pain or fear for myself. I had to find Gavin. Finally, I saw him staring at the broken bridge. Feeling relief, I walked towards him ignoring the pain from my foot.
Receiver: Report. Team 1 has arrived.
Receiver: Report. Team 2 will arrive in 10 minutes.
Gavin: Stand by until there’s order.
Then I heard the sounds of feeble winds, but somehow that weak sound drowned out the loud noise of the river currents. There was no way that such a small sound could be heard in my ears.
Yōurán: This is…
I stopped walking and stared at Gavin. He was standing still. But I could feel invisible winds spiraling upwards. Then the wind turned fierce.
The broken part of the bridge stopped falling as if an invisible hand as supporting them. The wind drove away the flames into darkness.
It was an unbelievable sight. I opened my mouth in disbelief. The strong wind was supporting the bridge, allowing people to cross in safety.
I looked back at Gavin. Gavin, this is your doing right? I took a few involuntary steps toward him, then he looked around and eyed me sharply.
Gavin: Why are you here?
Yōurán: I came to see that you’d be safe…
Gavin: Why would you need to do that?
He retaliated icily.
Gavin: Is that your reason? Or excuse? I don’t understand why you continue to put yourself in danger when you don’t even have the power to bear it.
I was upset at his harsh words but couldn’t say anything.
Yōurán: Yes, I can.
My voice was too small and I cleared my throat to speak louder.
Yōurán: I’m an evolver too. I can help! My evol is precognition… I can see what’s going to happen in the future.
When he heard that, Gavin looked at me in surprise but he didn’t seem to have changed his mind.
Gavin: So you foresaw the explosion? Is that the reason you came here?
Yōurán: Yes.
I looked down guiltily.
Yōurán: I foresaw the explosion, but didn’t know how to stop it because I couldn’t figure out the exact time and place...
Gavin: I can’t verify whether you’re lying or not.
As I suspected, this Gavin didn’t trust me.
Gavin: But next time you foresee something like this, you should save yourself first.
Yōurán: …what?
I looked at him quizzically, but there was no anger or chastisement in his eyes. He rather stared at me weirdly when he saw surprise in my face.
Gavin: Did you think I would tell you to stop it with your life?
Yōurán: No, not exactly…
I shook my head. I’d never imagined that such words could be heard from Gavin’s lips.
Gavin: Why would there even be an army if we need to rely on individual Evolvers to deal with incidents like this.
Yōurán: But if there was a slightest chance that I could do something to prevent disasters, I want to do it.
I looked at him with determined eyes.
Yōurán: So I won’t escape from what I saw!
Gavin: You…
His words hung out in midair. His glance suddenly held murderous intent. Before I could react, Gavin suddenly pushed me and I fell down.
Something grazed past my shoulder and there was a hole in the place I just stood. Gavin wordlessly stared at a building far away.
Yōurán: What was that?
Gavin: Did you offend someone, by any chance?
He went back to looking at me, which meant that the danger had passed.
Yōurán: No, why would I do that?
I stopped and contemplated carefully. Everyone in this world forgot me. They didn’t even know I had the Queen’s genes. There wasn’t any reason for anyone to hold any kind of animosity towards me. Even to Black Swan, I was just a nobody.
If it wasn’t Black Swan… maybe that person behind the dream world? After thinking for a while, I shook my head.
Yōurán: I don’t know. I really can’t think of anyone.
Gavin: Then they must be targeting Evolvers in general, not specifically you.
A shiver went up my spine.
Yōurán: What do you mean? Who’s targeting Evolvers?
Gavin: You’ll be better off not knowing.
He didn’t answer my question. His receiver buzzed again.
Receiver: Rescue team has arrived…
I heard sirens, then I saw police cars and ambulances coming from a distance.
Gavin: First, you need to get out of here.
I looked back, and he was already walking away from me. The winds supporting the bridge stopped. After allowing the last of the passengers to cross safely, the bridge fell down the river with deafening sounds.
I hurried after Gavin.
Yōurán: Shouldn’t you oversee the rescue party?
Gavin: Someone else will take care of it.
He seemed unfazed by the disaster that happened in front of him. Gavin from the past knew how to be angry and sad over people getting hurt. It felt so strange to see Gavin without any empathy.
I looked up to see the giant screen on the building. The reporting was starting the evening news.
News: Breaking news. At six o’clock this evening there was a massive explosion at Loveland Riverside Bridge. The reasons for the accident are still unknown. Authorities are taking care of the situation. The officials urge citizens to stay inside their homes for safety. We are still grasping the number of casualties…
Casualties… such a simple word to describe all the deaths and pains of the people.
The long winter night had just started. But to most people, the winter night would never end.
I asked Gavin quietly.
Yōurán: Did someone plan to do this all along? Is that why you were at the river? Because you had some information?
Gavin: The information suddenly stopped coming.
I could feel frustration in his voice.
Yōurán: If I used my powers, maybe I could predict the next…
Gavin: I don’t believe in irrational prophesies. I only look at the facts.
He interrupted my words harshly.
Gavin: I won’t let something like this happen again.
It was unsettling, how his eyes became darker as he said that.
Gavin: There is no danger here now, so leave.
Yōurán: What about you?
Gavin: It’s none of your business.
He stopped and looked at me deeply.
Gavin: Be cautious and stay out of danger, no matter what your Evol shows you.
Yōurán: Can’t you just tell me what exactly happened?
I grabbed him to stop him from leaving me again. As soon as my hand touched him, I was bombarded with fragmented visions.
On the top of a tall building, two people were facing each other in the snow. One was Gavin, and the other was to my surprise, Helios.
Helios: I’ll keep cooperating.
Gavin ended my vision by shaking off my hand. The impact made me stumble until I righted myself. He looked at me with cold fury. There was a storm raging inside his eyes. I didn’t know that he would react so violently like this. In a small voice I apologized.
Yōurán: I’m sorry… I was just…
Gavin: I don’t care.
I could sense that he was tired. But his posture was still stiff and he continued to hold himself stoically. It somehow saddened me to see him like that.
What had happened to Gavin to become like this? What pain is he hiding beneath the rigid behavior?
Gavin continued to work not caring that the girl left him. When a call came from the contact that had been ignoring him, he spoke angrily.
Gavin: The information you gave me was wrong.
The other person at the line replied just as coldly.
Helios: I know. I’ll take care of it.
After he turned the receiver off, Gavin looked down and saw something shining on the floor. He bent down to pick it up. It was a simple bracelet designed with ginkgo leaves. Did she drop it? Gavin held the bracelet in his hands and held it in the light.
Unfathomable emotion shook his heart. Although he told himself that he would never see her again. He pocketed the bracelet inside his coat.
Feeling dead tired, I finally arrived home. The key turned and the door opened. I sighed thankfully that I still had a home to go back to in this world.
This proved that while my presence was erased from everyone’s memory, the trace of my existence itself wasn’t erased…yet.
Yōurán: Why did things turn out like this?
I asked myself but of course, no one gave me the answer I needed. My body was screaming for rest but I made myself turn on the computer.
The internet was bombarded with news about the bridge explosion. The government still hadn’t announced the cause of the accident. Wild guesses ran around. I browsed over the numerous rumors, then stopped scrolling when I saw the words “supernatural powers”.
Yōurán: What is this…?
I read further and almost stopped breathing. The writer was disclosing the illegal human experiment that happened 20 years ago by an English scientist. The wordy post was exposing the existence of Evols and Evolvers to the public. They provided enough “evidence” to link the Evolvers with various freak accidents in the past. Then concluded by saying that Evolvers were responsible for today’s explosion.
If I wasn’t an Evolver myself, maybe I would have believed the post and thought that the Evolvers were to blame for today’s accident. The post was that convincing. The comments below started out doubtful, but slowly came to agree with the post. As if an invisible hand was manipulating the opinions of the people.
Someone mentioned the show <Miracle Finder>, someone else mentioned the human experiments done by Lucien’s Research Institute. Finally, someone commented “Those freaks will have to pay for today.” My heart sunk.
Yōurán: What are they trying to gain by doing this… If this isn’t caused by Black Swan, is there some other party that I don’t know…?
With trembling hands I commented that everyone should calm down and wait for the official results before jumping to conclusions. As I was waiting for response, the screen flickered. I tried moving the mouse but the cursor was out of my control.
Crimson words appeared on my screen.
“We will find you. EVIL.”
The malicious intent behind the words was terrifying. I quickly pulled off the plug and the computer flashed off.
Yōurán: EVIL… what does that mean?
I felt like a fish trying to escape the net that would come swooping down at any moment.
Then I was bombarded by a sudden headache. I massaged my temples trying to relieve it.
“Didn’t you know?”
A voice whispered in my head. It was my own voice.
Yōurán: What?
“Ever since history started, humankind have always formed factions to eliminate others. The history of the human race is written in blood, trudging on the corpses of the same people.”
Yōurán: That’s not true!
I shook my head to shake off the voice trying to sway me.
“You don’t have to resist. You don’t have to change this. There is nothing you can do anyway…”
Yōurán: Shut up!!!!
I shouted and took deep breathes to calm my beating heart.
When the voice was gone from my head, I lied down. The silence was welcoming. I closed my eyes and forced myself to go to sleep.
In my dream, I was walking along the street. It was raining and the sounds of thunder made everything seem dark and dangerous. Everywhere I went I could smell blood.
Fire, lightening, and something else was entangled confusingly. There were sounds of gunshots. People were fighting each other and then they fell down. Blood joined the rain to form a pool of crimson.
I saw despair and desperation from people’s eyes. I heard their shouts and cries.
“You are all EVILs! You all deserve to die!”
I looked back. Someone had pulled a trigger, and a bullet was piercing the air towards me. Seconds later, I felt a sharp pain on my chest.
I opened my eyes. I was in my room with morning sunlight shining through the curtains.
Yōurán: It was a dream…
I sighed. My back was all sweaty and feelings of horror still remained from the dream. I didn’t know what caused the incident in my dream. But I knew that it was about a cruel war between Evolvers and the ordinary people.
I couldn’t decide whether this dream was my precognition, or just a nightmare fabricated from my fears.
“Everything started because of you. In the future there will be new beginnings, but also destruction.”
That voice inside my head started to speak again, but I didn’t want to hear it anymore.
I went out of bed and looked out the window. Despite what happened yesterday, the pure white city covered with snow looked so peaceful. But I knew that wasn’t the case. I knew that the people out there was hurting and that their wounds would remain forever in their hearts.
I drew a small circle on the frosted window with my fingers. Embracing the world in the little sphere I created.
Yōurán: I will do everything I can to protect you…
I will keep going forward, for the people, for this world.
Instead of sheltering myself in the safe sanctuary of my home, I walked out the door and ventured outside.
I only translated 1/4 of chapter 20 and it’s already 3000 words(low key starting to regret this)
In 1-18, the main villain was Black Swan with their Evolver superiority complex who wanted to get rid of all non-Evolvers. And STF who used their Evols to suppress innocent people(although this was more about the problems of dictator military than Evol itself)
Now, let’s add a third party and now EVOLVERS are being branded as EVILs! This feud between Evolvers and non-Evolvers reminded me of real life relationships between minority groups and the major populace throughout history.
I think it was in chapter 11 when MC looked over her father’s notes and concluded that with or without Evol, people were just people and should be viewed as equals. Oh, I solute you, Yōurán’s father. You definitely taught your daughter well. 
Because Miracle Finder is a show about that. There may be some Evolvers out there who are bad people(Hello, Black Swan) but many others are just living their lives like ordinary people and trying to do their best in this world. And some are even using their powers to help others.
Besides fighting the bad guys out there, Yōurán is also fighting an internal battle with her alternate self aka the Black Queen.
BQ: I told you that no one would remember your sacrifice. Don’t you regret saving these ungrateful humans?
MC: No, I don’t regret it. As long as there is hope, what I did is still worth it.
BQ: Humankind sucks anyway. They are always fighting and killing each other. Why bother saving them?
MC: That’s not true. I would still protect them.
If Yōurán gives up hope in humanity and thinks that it’s not worth it to go into all the troubles saving them, Black Queen will be given free reign to bring the end of the world. Yōurán’s struggle to keep her faith and her refusal to succumb to pessimism is the true battle here. The strong determinism and resistance is what make her character so great.
I hope I can come back with the rest of the chapter before I run out of time.
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kyouxa · 4 years
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 4)
Surprise! Dear @pjpammee​ & anonymous askers​, I have heard your requests about doing Carla’s route and I hope this makes you happy! (๑و•̀ω•́)و [Honestly, if anyone still has someone they want me to translate from Lunatic Parade in the future, please type an anon ask and I will definitely see it!]
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Place: Bernstein castle — Inside
*alarm goes off*
Yui: —Nn!
(I woke up right on time… it must be naturally a good day since I‘ve got to work really hard today)
(At the worst possible time it‘s not only the very last day of the parade… it also seems to be the day Carla-san‘s petrification reaches its final stage)
Carla: —Did you wake up?
Yui: Kyaaa!?
Carla: Why are you being astonished? Did the both of us not go to bed together?
Yui: W-We did, you‘re right… but, um… you‘re being a little too close right now…
Carla: Hmph… I was simply getting a proper view over your sleeping face.
Yui: Eh!?
Carla: You slept while grinning broadly. Did you have some sort of nice dream while sleeping?
Yui: I smirked, you say… please don‘t do such a thing as observing each and everything I do while I‘m not aware of it… !
(This is so embarrassing… !)
Carla: I was merely waking up earlier than you, which is why I am not to blame for this, am I?
If we stay in bed together this way, even if you believe it is unpleasant, I will happen to catch a sight of your face either way.
It is absurd requesting for me not to observe you like this then.
Yui: W-Well then, this bed is now yours—
*Yui tries to escape*
Carla: I will not permit that. Nn…
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Yui: Nn… but… otherwise—
Carla: I would never lose interest in examining your sleeping face. I want you to show it to me freely.
Yui: B-But… !!
*Yui pushes him away*
Carla: What? Do you want to go already?
Yui: We have to get that jewel back as soon as possible, in order to have Aji-san make the antidote since she can‘t make it without it.
Carla: Do not panic. You are being way too hasty at this hour.
Yui: Even if you say so…
I can‘t stay here carefreely and do nothing either way. Please, let's start moving as quickly as possible.
Carla: Haa… it cannot be helped. I will get dressed up then.
*Carla starts changing*
Yui: (Carla-san seems to be awfully leisurely about this situation… he almost behaves as if nothing ever happened…)
(He might be acting differently since he‘s having the abilities of the founder‘s king… but I, on the contrary, feel rather uneasy about this all…)
Carla: —Let us go.
Yui: Yes! 
Place: Demon World — Glimmer Main Street
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Yui: Hm? Carla-san… isn‘t this a different route from usual? If I recall, the underground corridor isn‘t on that way—
Carla: You simply remain silent and follow me.
Yui: ...Uhh… but…
Carla: …..
Yui: (Aren‘t we heading towards the exact opposite direction of our destination… ? Carla-san, just what are you thinking?)
Place: Demon World — Saint nore park street
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Yui: —Okay, and why did we come to this place?
Carla: There is only one possible thing you can do here.
Yui: Please wait for me! Carla-san… don‘t tell me your intentions were to come hither and then enjoy yourself?
Carla: I did intend on doing that.
Yui: ...Nn… don‘t you think it would be better to do so after you took the antidote?
Carla: I cannot. We have to do it now.
Yui: …..!?
(What on earth is your plan about… ?)
(I don‘t think this has anything to do with getting closer to obtaining the antidote either…)
Carla: Anyhow, you only have to follow my plan.
Yui: (Even if he says it like that… what is there to do?)
1) Obey him♡♡♡
2) Tell him to get the stone back first
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— Obey him♡
Yui: (But I‘m pretty sure Carla-san must've thought of something like a plan before coming here though)
(I made up my mind, I‘ll believe in Carla-san being absolutely fine, doing whatever he came up with… I do believe him, so—)
Alright, understood.
Carla: Good to know.
*Carla comes closer*
Carla: —You merely have to continue following me.
Yui: Yes…
— Tell him to get the stone back first
Yui: Carla-san, this situation isn‘t only about enjoying yourself, you know? We need to seriously hurry up and get this jewel back.
Carla: ...Are you judging my opinion?
Yui: I, um…
Carla: I told you to simply follow me. Come!
*Carla grabs Yui*
Yui: Ouch… !
(I think I made him angry by saying something like this…)
Place: Saint Nore Park — Coffee cup
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Carla: —What on earth is this?
Yui: ...U-Um, let‘s see… I think this is an attraction called “coffee cup”…
You use the handle in the middle to increase or decrease the speed of the cup you‘re riding in…
With this you‘re supposed to control it and therefore avoid hitting the other surrounding cups…
Carla: I see. This playground equipment is supposed to make you enjoy the speed.
Yui: Exactly.
*Carla gets closer*
Yui: Hm… Carla-san?
Carla: Get on.
Yui: Ehh!?
Carla: You shall join me.
Yui: P-Please wait a moment. Are you being serious?
Carla: ...Are you doubting me?
Yui: I-It‘s not like that…
(What am I supposed to say… to be honest, I didn‘t really think Carla-san would be interested in getting on that sort of thing…)
(Instead, I thought he‘d seem like a person who dislikes this kind of place…)
Carla: —Hey, come in quickly. It appears to start moving soon.
Yui: Y-Yes, I‘m coming!
(...I don‘t think there‘s anything helping us about this… I guess I have no other choice but to enjoy it for now)
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— If you win: (+CG)♡
Yui: —Fufu… I really did a good job not bumping into something, don‘t you think?
Carla: Indeed. You were handling this quite skillful.
Yui: Thank you!
(I‘m really glad Carla-san praises me for even trivial things like that)
— If you lose:
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Yui: Nn…
Carla: My, My… it appears as if you truly are not good at turning away from hitting the other objects.
Yui: Nn… I‘m sorry…
Carla: It is fine. You may have been able to enjoy yourself a little.
Yui: —Yes, I did…
(But I actually wanted to show him what I‘m really capable of…)
end Game
Carla: Hmph…
Yui: What‘s wrong?
Carla: I was wondering if I could make you feel relaxed with doing this.
Yui: Eh?
Carla: You may have not noticed it yourself, but you have been persistently showing a stiff face ever since you woke up.
Yui: I-I‘m sorry… I didn‘t even notice if I did show an unpleasant face...
Carla: Whatever. Anyway, I truly hope this has relaxed you for at least a little bit. Let us continue.
*Carla leaves*
Yui: Ah! Please wait for me!!
(Speaking of which, I don‘t know if I really feel better… but I now know Carla-san actually does care about this whole situation)
(I know it‘s way more difficult to enjoy yourself while being in a hurry though...)
Place: Underground corridor
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Carla: —Is this truly the place the twins usually stay at?
Yui: Yes, at least Aji-san said so.
Carla: Let us continue then. These vampire twins, or even just a companion of them, should be discovered right away once we proceed searching.
Yui: I think so too. Let‘s go on.
*time passes*
Carla: Here…
Yui: What should we do now?
Carla: They might think I am here for an attack. Even if I am no threat, they might try to run away when seeing me.
Yui: In that case, I‘ll try my luck….
*Yui knocks on their house*
Yui: —Excuse me. Is anyone in there right now?
*Yui knocks again*
Yui: ...Nobody seems to be inside.
Carla: ...No, that is not it. Even if you cannot see it with your eyes, I will not be tricked by something as simple as that.
They are inside, but they pretend to be out.
Yui: ….. !
*Yui knocks again*
Yui: Please! If you‘re inside there, please come out! We have something important to talk about!
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*Yui knocks again*
Yui: —Please, open up!
Nn… it‘s no use...
Carla: —It cannot be helped then.
*Carla charges magic*
Yui: Carla-san!?
Carla: If they show rough behaviour, so will I—
Yui: Whatever the circumstances, you can‘t do that! They're having children inside there after all! 
Carla: Even though they are children, is it not true that they were the ones silently stealing the gem, and now they are cowardly barricading themselves?
If so, they are splendid thieves indeed. But they will not be forgiven.
*Carla continues charging magic*
Yui: P-Please! Open up for us! Otherwise we have to—
Twin Children Vampire A: ….. !
Twin Children Vampire B: O-Our house… please don‘t break it… !
*Carla continues charging magic*
Carla: ...You two, show yourselves. You were the ones quietly stealing the melted stone from the shop, is that right?
Twin Children Vampire B: Eek… !
Twin Children Vampire A: I-I‘m scared...
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Carla: You will not be forgiven, even if you cry.
Yui: Nn…
(These children are completely startled by his appearance… !) 
Carla-san, please calm down! I‘ll take over here—
Twin Children Vampire B: Uwuahhhhh!! We‘re sorry!!
Twin Children Vampire A: We‘re so sorry!!
Carla: Nn… !
Yui: Come on, there‘s no need to cry, right? Why don‘t you tell your big sis about everything in detail?
Twin Children Vampire B: Y-You won‘t get angry… and destroy our house if we do, right?
Carla: About that—
Yui: Carla-san!
Carla: Tch…
*Carla steps back*
Yui: Good. Your big sis won‘t get angry nor destroy your house if you try to explain yourself to her.
Did you take the stone with you because you‘re in some sort of difficult circumstances? Please let me know about that first.
Twin Children Vampire B: Err… what should we do?
Twin Children Vampire A: We have no other choice but to tell her...
Yui: So you do want to tell me about it?
Twin Children Vampire B: Yes. Please come with us.
Yui: Eh? Where are we going?
Twin Children Vampire A: It will be easier if you see it for yourself…
*they start walking*
Yui: (Where exactly are they planning on bringing us?)
Carla: —Good grief. That is exactly why children are not my favorites.
Place: Subterranean tunnel — Large door
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Yui: ...Where‘s this place… ? There‘s only a huge door...
Twin Children Vampire A: Right behind this door is a direct way to the castle‘s basement. It barely opens up for anyone, and if it does, rarely any people are going through it.
Twin Children Vampire B: That‘s why… here...
Carla: ...Are you hiding something here?
Twin Children Vampire A: Yes… it‘s somebody called Gazby.
*dog barks*
Yui: A dog!?
Twin Children Vampire A: Gazby!
*dog barks again*
Twin Children Vampire B: Gazby is our dog.
Yui: ...Ah, so that‘s it. You two really have a cute doggie.
Twin Children Vampire A: Right? Gazby has been together with us ever since we were born.
Yui: I see. But we came here because we have to talk to you two about the stone, right?
Carla: —This dog, it has been bitten by the medusa snake as well.
Yui: Eh!?
Twin Children Vampire A: Nn… he‘s right. The first time I encountered the snake was when I played with Gazby in the forest… and that‘s also when he was bitten by it.
Gazby desperately needs help...
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Yui: Ah, I understand. That means, Gazby‘s petrifaction has started spreading through his body too...
But why didn‘t you even try honestly telling Aji-san about it?
I‘m sure she would‘ve made the medicine, by melting the stone, as soon as possible if you told her about it.
Twin Children Vampire A: —Because she would‘ve said that it‘s just a dog anyway.
Carla: What do you mean?
Twin Children Vampire B: Our papa and mama already told us that we should give up on it since he‘s just a dog.
They said even if we did manage to stop the petrifaction by using the gem, he would still die someday.
Yui: That is...
Carla: Then, why did you not use your abilities on Gazby in order to make his body become immortal in case the moment of departure arrives?
You should have known he might pass away sooner or later.
Twin Children Vampire A: ...Hmm.
Twin Children Vampire B: We didn‘t really think too much about that until now. It‘s true that dogs aren‘t normal animals in the demon world, so he‘ll surely die someday, but...
If we make Gazby‘s body unable to die anymore, it wouldn‘t feel as if it‘s really Gazby anymore.
Carla: …..
Yui: (Somehow, this is the same as I feel about that… this suddenly reminded me of a conversation I had with Carla-san…)
Twin Children Vampire A: We know that we have to part ways someday.
But that‘s exactly why we think it‘s ridiculous not to cure something, which clearly can be healed. 
Twin Children Vampire B: That‘s right… but both, dad and mom… no, all adults don‘t really understand us.
*dog whines painfully*
Twin Children Vampire A: We‘re begging you! Please give the medicine, made with the stone, to us!
Twin Children Vampire B: Please!
Twin Children Vampire A: I heard you‘re being referred to as a founder, a person who possesses the strongest magic among anyone else anyway, isn‘t that right… ?
Carla: …..
Yui: ...Nn…
(What should we do now… ? I really want to hand the medicine over to those children… but if we do that, Aji-san—)
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Aji: Here, this is a list of all the missing ingredients. Bring me what you can get, and don‘t worry about it too much if you can‘t.
Carla: There are quite many missing.
Aji: Can‘t change that. However, this is the only way we can obtain the antidote little by little…
It is the only way to save you.
*backflash ends*
Yui: (—This is what she said…)
Carla: —I understand. Take it.
Twin Children Vampire A: Eh!? R-Really!?
Twin Children Vampire B: I‘m so happy! Gazby!
*dog barks*
Yui: But, Carla-san—
Carla: It is okay.
Yui: Nn…
Carla: Believe in me.
Yui: (It‘s not like I‘m not believing in him. I know Carla-san is a really kindhearted person and all, but… I‘m still feeling uneasy about this situation…)
Carla: Hey, children. You have to hand over the gem first, otherwise the antidote will not be able to be finished. Aji has to be the one mixing the medicine together after all.
Twin Children Vampire A: Okay!
Carla: Good. Now, let us go.
Twin Children Vampire A: Yes!
Twin Children Vampire B: Yes!
Yui: Haa...
(I can‘t help myself but wonder about what might happen next. The most important thing we can do for now is to stop the petrifaction from spreading inside the dog…)
Place: Demon world — Reine • de • Aji store
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Carla: We are back.
Aji: Nn! I was impatiently waiting for you! Where is the stone?
Carla: …..
Aji: My, My! Ngh, you guys really did manage to bring it back after all?
Twin Children Vampire A: I‘m sorry…
Twin Children Vampire B: I‘m sorry, too…
Aji: I‘ll do the preaching later. I have to mix the antidote first, now that I have this back. Wait here obediently until I‘m done!
*Aji leaves*
Yui: Okay…
Carla: ...Good. After that — Hey, Yui.
Yui: Hm?
Carla: Follow me.
Yui: ….. ?
(Follow me, he said… where on earth are we supposed to go?)
Place: Glimmer Main Street — Zatan’s mouth
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Yui: ...Carla-san, what exactly do you want to do here?
Carla: Just watch.
Yui: (..... ? ...Carla-san, what are you doing… ?)
*Carla uses magic*
Carla: Ngh… !!
Yui: Nn… !
Carla: …..
*Carla uses magic*
Yui: Carla-san… I, um—
Carla: Stay quiet. Just a little more.
Yui: …..
Carla: Okay — this will do.
Yui: ….. ?
Carla: I have given the snake that bit me a strong punishment about its doing.
Yui: Isn‘t the snake only in there while the sun shines?
Carla: Here, look for yourself.
Yui: Kyaaaa!? T-The snake is still right there—
Carla: I already put the snake under my control by now. I had to set a curse on it.
Yui: ….. !?
Carla: —Now, medusa snake, come on my hand.
*snake peeks outside*
Carla: Oh my, you have made me go through some sort of bitter experiences indeed.
This would have never happened to me, if I had been aware of the existence of this particular matter in the first place.
But it does not matter any longer. You will be able to make up for the sins you have created with your own body soon enough.
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Yui: Nn… what does that exactly mean?
Carla: —That stone… it has been dissolved in the interior body of this snake from the very beginning.
Yui: ...Nn… so that‘s it! Does that mean the exact same stone‘s really inside that snake?
Carla: Well, the size of the jewel must have narrowed since it may have reached its upper limit.
But over this short amount of time, it could not possibly afford shrinking too much either. I would have to take out the stone to prove that.
We only have to capture it now—
Yui: Is it seriously okay to touch it barehanded?
Carla: It will not be able to resist because of the effective spell I put upon it… Nn…
—What!? What is this supposed to mean… !?
Yui: Kyaaa!?
(It spouted!!)
*Carla protects Yui*
Carla: —Nn!!
Yui: Carla-san… !!
(It can‘t be… !! Carla-san can‘t be bitten again, he can‘t…)
Are you okay!?
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Carla: Tch… it appears as if the spell has not worked successfully because of its poison... it seems to still have enough willpower to go against it...
Are you alright, at least?
Yui: Yeah, only because Carla-san ended up protecting me though...
Carla: Good...
Yui: Other than that, Carla-san...
Nn… !
*Yui hugs Carla*
Yui: Nn…
Carla: Is there anything to cry for? I have already been bitten by it once by now. If I have not changed after one time, I will not after another.
Yui: Are you sure about that? The petrifaction won‘t keep on moving forward faster… is that really true?
Carla: I have been taking this with me for a long time now, would you not agree?
So, do not cry… Nn...
*Carla kisses Yui*
Yui: (Carla-san… he‘s really affectionate. Even though… he‘s in such a critical situation right now…)
Carla: Okay. We will now take the snake with us, and then make sure to give it to Aji.
Yui: Nn… yes… !
Place: Demon world — Reine • de • Aji store
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Carla: —We are back.
Twin Children Vampire B: Welcome back!!
Carla: The medicine?
Twin Children Vampire A: Oh, yes. Look, it‘s over there.
Aji: —I‘ve heard it from the children already, but are you really willing to give the medicine to them?
Carla: Yes, that is my intention.
Aji: Good grief, our founder-sama really is a praiseworthy person. What will you do about your petrification then?
Carla: —With this, even a small amount should be enough. Would you be willing to make another antidote?
Aji: Oh my, the medusa snake… I see, that‘s what you thought of.
However, I won‘t be able to make enough medicine to completely detoxify your whole body with just this one.
Even so, are you okay with that?
Carla: It is fine. As long as I am able to continue living after only half of my body has turned into stone.
Aji: Alright. I‘ll start making it immediately.
Yui: —U-Um… can I ask something?
That snake… will you end up killing it?
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Aji: Why would you care about something like that?
Yui: That‘s because...
Carla: ...Is there perhaps a method to get the gem out of the snake without killing it?
Yui: Carla-san… !
Aji: Hmm, it wouldn‘t be much of a problem taking it out without killing it, but it will take some time to do so.
In the meantime, the petrification could be possibly completed by then, you know? Do you still want that?
Carla: Yes.
Aji: Okay, fine. Well then, keep waiting a little.
*Aji leaves*
Carla: Now, kids. Give this medicine to your dog.
Twin Children Vampire B: Nn… thank you… really!
Twin Children Vampire A: Founder-sama… you‘re really an amazing man!
Carla: I told you, I do not joke around. Now go, quickly.
Twin Children Vampire B: Yes! U-Um… this...
Carla: What is this? An ornament… ?
Twin Children Vampire A: This is to show our gratitude. Well then… ! 
*they run off*
Carla: ...Now what exactly is this?
Yui: As those two already said, they just wanted to give you something to thank you.
Carla: Hmph. Good grief… that is exactly why children are not my cup of tea.
Yui: (Even if he does say such a thing, Carla-san seems way more gentle to children than to others)
—Carla-san, you‘d surely make a good father in the future...
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Carla: ...Ngh… !
Yui: Carla-san!!
Carla: —Fuck… the petrifaction… it‘s progressing… Nn… !
Yui: (Nn… mostly every part of his body… has already turned into stone… !)
Carla-san! Please, hang in there… !
Carla: I… I‘m al… right...
*Yui gets closer*
Carla: Ngh…
Yui: (...Please! Come back… faster… please, hurry up!)
*time passes*
Aji: —I must‘ve kept you waiting.
Yui: Nn… ! Aji-san… Carla-san, he is… !
Aji: Good god, this is bad. We have to give him the medicine as soon as possible.
Be aware to be careful not to spill anything.
Yui: Carla-san… Carla-san… !!
Carla: …..
Aji: He already lost consciousness. It‘s already impossible for him to drink the medicine all by himself.
Yui: —Then, I‘ll make him drink it mouth-to-mouth...
Carla: Nn…
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Yui: (Please… work… dear goddess, please let it work… !)
(Carla-san… come back!)
*Carla slowly moves*
Yui: (Ah! The petrification… it loosened…)
Aji: I‘m so glad. It seems as if you did it right in time.
Yui: Yes… !
Carla: Nn… Yui… ?
Yui: Yes, I‘m here… ! Carla-san… how are you feeling?
Carla: I feel better now… luckily… it feels as if the petrifaction has loosened itself in my whole body...
Aji: I‘m glad. Since you‘re a founder, only this much amount must‘ve been enough to cure it completely.
This is definitely not normal otherwise.
Carla: Aji, I have to thank you.
Aji: No, No. It‘s only natural to help other people who are troubled by something. 
—By the way, I‘ll take the full responsibility of releasing the snake deep into one of the forests.
Carla: I see… please do.
Aji: Okay!
*Carla dresses up*
Carla: Well, then… next… should be your turn.
Yui: Eh? My turn?
Carla: …..
Yui: My turn you say… then, ah, is that so...
I‘m sorry. My head might‘ve been full with everything that has happened with Carla-san, and that‘s probably how I forgot about myself.
Carla: Haa, that is simply the woman you are… you are way too good-natured for a normal person.
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Yui: ...Probably...
(I only came to this parade because of a treasure that has been stolen from me, but with everything that has been going on, it must‘ve been natural that I forgot about myself)
Carla: —Hey, Walter… are you listening?
Yui: Eh?
Earl of Walter: —Kuku, as expected from your awareness.
Yui: (Nn, the voice of the Earl was coming from somewhere in the sky or something… !)
Carla: I noticed it indeed. You have been continuously doing this for a while.
Yui: W-What is that supposed to mean?
Earl of Walter: Both of your actions, I‘ve been continuously looking at them for a long time by now.
Yui: (I didn‘t even notice him at all…)
Carla: —And, what about it now? Do you feel like returning her heart?
Earl of Walter: I don‘t think so...
Carla: Nn… stop joking around… !
Yui: Carla-san!?
Place: Glimmer street — Eisen alley
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Carla: I will not accept you saying that. She is someone who, in comparison to me, should have her strength being recognized.
This woman is truthful. She is in comparison to anyone, pure.
She is the one and only woman who is worth possessing this sort of heart. I will not let you say anything different from this!
Yui: (Carla-san… I think this might be the first time I‘ve ever seen him shouting out like that…)
Earl of Walter: —My, My. It appears as if I have no other choice but to surrender.
Yui: Eh… ?
(Nn… !?)
(My chest… Nn… !)
Carla: —Hey! Hang in there!
*Carla comes closer*
Carla: Hey!
Yui: Nn… I-I‘m okay...
Earl of Walter: —I certainly did return it now.
Carla: Hey, did he surely return it back to you?
Yui: ...Yes, he did...
Carla: Nn...
*Carla leans toward her chest*
Carla: —What a relief.
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Yui: (Carla-san…)
Earl of Walter: Therefore, I‘m done here. But, enjoy the finale of the parade to your complete heart‘s content, please do this much for me.
Carla: Never appear again!
Earl of Walter: —Fufu, then…
*Earl disappears*
Yui: Ah...
Carla: This issue seems to be settled.
Yui: Yes!
(I was already wondering what would happen at first…)
(But because of all the things that happened to us, I was able to see various aspects of Carla-san again, and I did that without even being able to enjoy the parade at its fullest until now.)
(I was, once again, able to see his other colors for myself, and I‘ll never forget about this sort of feeling any longer. In order to do so, I‘ll keep on living…)
(—With Carla-san together…)
Carla: Now, in that case—
Yui: Let‘s enjoy the remaining time we still have!
Carla: Yes.
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