#if I make comic I'm gonna need to find more buddies to like see if they like my comicz
trashlie · 1 year
[‼️FP 237 spoilers] with nol's walls all the way up shin's "if you won't let me have you" is our only hope now <///3 tbh i had a strong feeling that nol would be extremely stubborn (after all, it's not just dieter and alyssa/"being like his father" that are preventing him from letting her in; the biggest reason remains yui) so i was actually hoping that shinae would be the initiator, that she'd back him into a corner and really push for it. but i swear to GOD if she shows up with a confession and he hits her with the "your feelings are your responsibility not mine" I WILL FIND A WAY TO TELEPORT INTO THE COMIC AND KILL HIM. LIL BUDDY JOIN ME. NOLAN PREPARE FOR DEATH 😾💥😾💥😾💥 i'm just HOPING that he's all talk and once shin shows up all his resolve crumbles ;; but it's starting to look like he's gonna need the time in jail to clear his head, sit with his feelings, read nessa's letters, and then yujing's article will probably make him see that there is hope, that things can be turned around, and maybe then he'll be willing to make alliances. but god i would HATE for them to part on bad terms i would HATE to see shin getting hurt again <///3 this girl has put up with SO MUCH she has given SO MUCH of herself to him and nothing is coming back she has been going through all stages of heartbreak how much more is she gonna have to endure i just UARGGHHHGHHHH.
-frustrated lil anon 😾
the thing is there is a big flaw in nol's thinking that someone needs to point out to him please. it's understandable that the stronger his feelings are, the closer they get, the more scared he is of what could happen - what yui could do -, and that he wants to prevent a tragedy at all cost. but boyo. guess what. YUI HAS ALREADY TAKEN INTEREST IN SHINAE REGARDLESS SO IT'S TOO LATE. whether you cut shin off or not, she is still in yui's trap!! she's actually *worse* off without you, so might as well join forces!!! GRRRRRR i'm seriously so frustrated. -lil anon 😾
GOD!!!!!!! /GOD/ Listen Lil Anon I am RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. All the way with the frustration, too, and it's so difficult because YES. I get him. I UNDERSTAND!!!! But HE DOESN'T HAVE THE WHOLE STORY.
I firmly feel like, yes, it is up to Shinae and her pure determination to tackle this, and I'm hoping he is all talk, or rather, I'm banking on the way he crumbles in her presence and how he can't stick to his guns because of her. I need them to sit and have a GOOD, HONEST conversation and I'm really afraid of how possible that is with the pace we're going at ;A; Like afkjalfkjaklfjkaf lemme lmao try to organize my thoughts.
Basically Nol lives with this fear that HE is a terrible mistake, a terrible monster, that he caused his mom's death and is responsible for all the bad things that exist as a result of his existence and caring for anything. Like, I am 300% sure that this mindset was drilled into him when he was institutionalized, that they basically took this child and brainwashed him into believing that his entire existence is a mistake because things would be so much better if he didn't exist.
He lost his mom. His father doesn't seem to love him. He's all alone. He probably said some awful things to his mom, before losing her, so it was easy to convince him that she died because of him, that he's like this poisonous gas that destroys everything it touches. But here's the thing. This is all he knows! He knows Yui is terrible - to him! He knows Rand is cruel - to him! He feels like he's a burden, a mistake. When Nana tells him how worried Rand was, Nol can't believe it, figures it must be because it's yet another mess for him to clean up, or because of his precious heir.
Nol may know that Yui played Alyssa like a puppet, but he very much thinks Alyssa's current situation is the course of her own choices, that she must've wanted to be famous, to impress Yui so much. He doesn't realize that she very much is trapped in this career.
He doesn't know that Yui has manipulated Kousuke for the entirety of his life, that she's drugged even her own son! He thinks everything she does is for his benefit, because she loves him, because she hates Nol the terrible bastard child born to her husband's mistress.
When he sees Shinae at the formal, clearly against her will, Nol believes it's because of him. I think that was the moment he remembered what happens when he cares about people, why his relationships were supposed to be fake, why it was supposed to be about him helping others and not himself. The moment he started to care about people and seek relationships for himself, he put them in danger.
Compare this to how he talks about Alyssa, how he never mentions her as one of the people he cares about, how he even brushes off the idea of her visiting him in prison. He doesn't feel responsible for her in the same way he does for Shinae being there.
It's not even that it's about Yui, exactly, but that it's about HIM, and that he cared about her, that because that friendship meant something, because she means something, he put her in danger.
Except, we know better. We've seen this story from an objective standpoint that Nol doesn't possess. Consider this: Nol only knows that Shinae was at the formal against her will, that Yui gave her a job at the company behind Kousuke's back. He doesn't know about Kousuke's birthday.
I need Shinae and Nol to talk because Nol's fears are VALID and I think we can see that Dieter can tell Nol's fears are not unfounded, even though he doesn't know what it is he fears. He just knows that he must, that bad things happen. But, right! Bad things have already happened! And they're going to keep happening! Nol is terrified because he only knows this small part of everything, and that this small point indicates it's because of him. But what happened at Kousuke's apartment wasn't about Nol. Even if Nol feigned losing interest in Shinae it wouldn't matter, because Yui is already invested. At this point it is no longer about Kousuke OR Nol. It's her OWN interest.
Shinae needs to be up front with him - tell him that first off, it's her decision to make, not his, he can't keep choosing to push people away without including them. But more importantly, she needs to tell him about the birthday incident. Tell him what Rand told her, that she'll never be able to escape from Yui's clutches, that she's already invested. Tell him about the offer, that Rand is urging her take it and use it for her benefit.
Nol cannot see beyond his fear because it's all he knows, he has nothing to contradict it or prove otherwise. But I need him to listen to Shinae, because while she probably can't fully change his mind - it's so deeply ingrained in him at this point - I think she can at least show him that her danger doesn't change regardless of whether she's near him or not. That even if he left her now and never looked back, it wouldn't change the hold Yui has on her. The problem is, can logic even combat his inherent believe, this psychologically deep fear he has?
But still, I want her to. I want him to read those letters in the Bible before he goes to jail because frankly I CANNOT TAKE the idea of them parting without resolution, parting with her still feeling like she's being thrown away, him needing to sit in prison pathetically yearning for her to realize how badly he cannot fight this. I need him to crumble in front of her, to realize that he cannot actually deny himself, that he cannot turn away from her ;A; I need him to be HONEST with her! She's already heard him in the alley talking to Lil Buddy, she knows why he pulls away. I want him to straight up tell her how scared he his, so that she can counter him.
Wouldn't it be worse, to leave her in the dark? To leave her behind and pretend that everything will be okay? AUUUUUGGGGHHHHHH
Like.... at this point I'm really banking on Shinae's pure determination and maybe like... having to actually convince him because I know if she so much as initiates a kiss, he is going to CRUMBLE his brain is going to shut off he is SO touch starved and full of want and SO in love with her that the moment she initiates anything his resolve will melt away and it's OVER IT'S OVER.
But also I need him to read the letters from Nessa and see how badly Nessa wanted to protect Rand, and how he didn't let her. And how it ended up. Because Rand did what Nol is trying to do and it still didn't protect Nessa. Shinae doesn't deserve any of it - not what Yui would put her through but also not what Nol is putting her through. The Yui aspect can't be stopped, but he CAN stop the other so ALKJFALKFLAJFKAFJK ALKFJKLAFKFAJF FRAFLJ GRRRRRRRRR LAKJFKJFJKRJKRJ LIKE /SCREAMS/
I hope he reads the letters and realizes that it isn't something that will just pass. It wasn't for Rand. Even after he lost her, years later he still carried that Bible filled with her letters with her love with her desire to protect him, with the photo of their son. Rand never moved on. Even though he pushed her away and tried to be the responsible man, he never moved on.
Be for fucking real, Nol. You think you can do that? You know you can't do that. Rand never moved on, Nessa never moved on. Does he think Shinae could?
I want her to go in guns blazing. I want her to go in mad, I want them to argue because at least when they argue they're a little bit more honest, they say the things they might not if they were calmer and thought about their responses. I want her jealousy and insecurity to come out when Nol tries to shield himself with "I have a girlfriend" and I want her to remind him he said it was fake and he resents her. I wan her to look him in the eye and ask if he can really throw it all away, if he wouldn't have any regrets if he gave up and left her. I want him to fail to answer and instead tell her that maybe he can, who knows, maybe none of this is really real. And I want her to kiss him and prove to him how very real it is, how very much they both want it, and how very much they need each other.
They can have a heart to heart afterwards ;A; She can tell him about the Kousuke birthday party nightmare fiasco, remind him how Yui manipulated her and took advantage of her desperation, tell her what Rand said, that Yui will never let her go, tell him about Yui's offer. I want her to hold his stupid face and tell him that the only thing denying his feelings and pushing her away can do is hurt her more because regardless, she's trapped. She can't get out of her contract, she still has to face them! I want him to see that even if he can't get around his own paralyzing fear that that doesn't have to be the only option. He can leave. He can disappear. He can go away - as long as he doesn't sever that tie, as long as she still has contact. ;~;
Cos look.... I don't think we, or Shinae, could handle Nol leaving without resolving things. Even if it was a "he leaves and in prison he realizes he was a fool he can't do this he can't leave her like that", can she really handle him doing this? He had his opportunity to leave - twice. He could have left for jail and never stepped foot in her presence ever again, but he still went to her. And after they talked she told him he could leave, that she wanted closure. But he stayed.
He stayed and they talked and they shared moments and she told him all about her most painful straw, about why being thrown away by him hurts so much. He stayed and he almost died and she almost lost him and while the city was asleep they found comfort in their least favorite place together. While everyone slept they flirted and finger danced and danced and he hurt her again and how can he leave after that how can he push her away. He told her that what they did wasn't "just friends" that it was something more and all but told her to come back when she'd figured it out and she has and if he tries to push her away when she finally comes back I will KICK HIS ASS. Because if he does that how can she ever accept him back after? ;A; How can he shatter her heart over and over again and ever come back into her life? ;_________________;
So PLEASE I hope she can convince him, if only by refusing to let go, by convincing him of why he's making a mistake.
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funneylizzie · 2 years
psst, hey, you. what sort of hobbies do you think casey would have in the 2020s now that his life isn't the apocalypse? traveling is definitely one of them, he deserves that, but other than that? i'm thinking maybe fashion or gardening, but i wanna know other people's ideas too :-)
GARDENING SOUNDS SOOO CUTE, SO DOES FASHION TOO ACTUALLY. I think he would pick up a ton of hobbies, he’s practically in this whole new world! I’d imagine he would want to try it all.
Especially taking interest in the boys’ hobbies, like cooking, painting, or even gaming with Mikey. If Casey got into any artistic medium from Mikey’s influence I could totally see him sticking with graffiti!!! Not sure why. I just think graffiti is cool and Casey wanting to make these big encouraging murals sounds cute hehe. Back to the cooking bit too, Casey would want to explore all the flavors and experience them ALL for himself. Boy has some catching up to do! He wants to try something new every day, and he does. But he still finds pizza to be his favorite, for sentimentality, and because of how easily you can customize the toppings.
Leo would TOTALLY try to get him Jupiter Jim comic pilled, have you seen his room? Posters n knick knacks EVERYWHERE! Casey probably heard a bit about JJ from his sensei, but just snippets of occasional references he would make. Not a lot of time to gush over comic book heroes when the world is literally being taken over by an alien life force. Would Casey like JJ? I think after being introduced to it by Leo, he would quite enjoy it!! Not to the extent Leo does, of course, but he does appreciate the action!
With Raph this one is a little harder, stick with me. Listen. I really wanna imagine Raph is the one to get Casey comfortable and settled in this new timeline, obviously everyone wants to show him around New York and show him all the sights! Their favorite pizza spots!! Go get a genuine New York Pretzel! But Raph is the one to take it slow with Casey, show him the little comforts of the current timeline. Comfy bed, fluffy pillows, cozy blanket, cuddling with teddy bears and other plushies. Casey LOVES IT! After how ever many years of sleeping in damp, dark caves, he looks forward to a safe, comfortable place to sleep and call home. That, AND they can be work out buddies when they aren’t comfy cozy! Raph loves a new sparring partner (even if he does have to go slightly easy on em ehehe, or would he? Idk Casey stopped an entire missile mid-flight and flung it back at that Kraang helicopter. Raph might be underestimating this boy a little bit.)
And now we’ve got Donnie, oh Donnie you are a treat. This one is tough. I wouldn’t say it’s a HOBBY, but Casey sure does like to watch the Master Donatello work on inventions in his prime. Casey will sit there silently and respectfully, watching in awe as Donnie rambles on and on about the inner workings of his tech while working on repairs or anything. And who is Donatello to usher Casey away? He craves the praise! As long as Casey isn’t disturbing his work, I’m sure he would be fine with a few visits to Uncle Donnie’s liar
And I’m gonna throw this last one in just for fun, if the turtles are taking Casey in you already KNOW they’re going to be sitting him down for a mega Lou Jitsu marathon. Everybody is recovering from the events of the movie and has nothing else to do, it’s the perfect time to get cuddled up on the couch with a big ol bowl of popcorn! This boy needs some mindless entertainment and he is more than happy sitting down to watch the entire Lou Jitsu collection, and finds it quite entertaining when the boys will pause the show to shoot up and ramble on about how cool Lou Jitsu was in that one particular scene for the 1000th time.
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autobot-ratchet · 3 months
“You've earned the right to see the universe without a gun in your hand” is still so good, love that Drift is the one who wrote that line. This is immediately turning into the Drift Retrospective lmfAO sorry but he's my favey and he's integral to this story getting started, I'll talk about everyone else in due time
like right now for instance, aaahhgfsghdfjdk seeing Ratchet talk about how he's joining the Lost Light to find a successor so he can retire has got me feeling things lmAO you find so much more, buddy, you find a whole entire husband and a family and aaaaaagfdshahgkadsjk
Cyclonus is making me feel things too, he's all talking about how Rodimus made promises to him out of moral obligation since he helped out during the last ordeal, he doesn't even know he's gonna kiss that guy in the last issue he's gonna end up your friend, your TRUE friend
God, Prowl referring to Rewind as Chromedome's “best friend” is still so fuckin funny. I know it was because James Roberts wasn't sure if he was gonna be allowed to make them canon husbands yet but it still works in retrospect because it makes Prowl seem like he either doesn't know they're married or does know and is being a dick about it, which are both hilarious options
Oh, sweet Tailgate. The reason I started reading this comic in the first place lmAO Straight up I just saw this cute-ass robot all over my dashboard and was like “I need to know your story” and just went for it, like just based off looks alone. Tailgate is literally so cute that he changed the course of my life for the next fuckin decade
What a fuckin way for Whirl and Cyclonus to meet. *turns to the camera and points with my thumb, smirking knowingly* They don't even know they're gonna be besties
None of these fuckin losers know how happy they're gonna make each other ha ha idiots get friendshipped and romanced
fuck I forgot these idiots have an in-universe wiki on themselves lmfAO
Swerve really did just slap his Autobot badge right on the crotch huh
*turns to the camera again, pointing with my thumb and smirking knowingly at Rung* He doesn't know he's God
Chromedome just casually being ableist at his husband for exposition reasons
extremely funny that Tailgate's first interaction with Whirl involves him nearly vaporizing him by complete accident
damn the Lost Light's journey really does start with the ship just fucking exploding huh
awww the message the crew leaves to their past selves god I can't wait to re-read this comic lmAO I'm already sitting here like “ooh that's foreshadowing for this arc, and THAT'S foreshadowing for THIS arc and THAT'S
SKIIIIIIIIDS HEY BUDDY omg *turns to the camera, points, smirks etc* he doesn't know most things
God. I'm still so mad about the foreshadowing that Rung is Primus being present from the very beginning. It was his hat, Mr. Krabs, hE WAS NUMBER ONE. AND ALSO HE AUTO HEALS
him saying that Ratchet's hands are as gentle as sunlight on snow is very adorable though, love that Ratchet immediately takes a fucking hammer to said hands right after he says this
giggles and kicks my gay little feet at Ratchet bitching about Drift, you loooove hiiiiiiiim, yOU LOOOOVE HIIIIIMMMM
they really just let Swerve shatter Tailgate's entire world for laughs huh lmAO
“I'm going to kill you,” he says, “don't think you'll see it coming,” he says, fucking LOL *points at the panel of Cyclonus crying on Whirl's shoulder in Lost Light* LMAOOOOOOOO
Tailgate saw the opportunity to write his own backstory and jumped on that shit immediately, honestly I respect it
three people died just from starting the ship lmfAO god just frame one with the tragedies
and then there's a fucking sparkeater lmfAO it truly just is just nonstop
Rodimus when the ship explodes: no one's dying on my watch, we're gonna do our best to save everyone and fix them and make sure they're safe Rodimus when he's told there's a sparkeater on the ship: cool
ohoho, it begins, Tailgate has made first contact with Cyclonus
I do like how even though Swerve very much did kind of force friendship upon Skids, Skids is still hanging out with him. He does think “Skids and Swerve” sounds cool, awwwuhgufghgusdj ❤️❤️❤️
Skids pulling Rung up into the ceilingjhdfskdlghd........ THINKS ABOUT CERTAIN PARTS OF LOST LIGHT........
poor Tailgate got told about the war from the one person on the ship who's a decepticon apologist. To be fair he probably should've gotten more than exactly one (1) perspective before choosing a side but still
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mbirnsings-71 · 1 year
What if i just start reading comics but just for Bernard because of you??? WHat then??? I am now happy when i see Bernard pictures from you, i need content now...
OKAY SO BERNARD'S FIRST APPEARANCE IS IN TIM'S ROBIN RUN OF 1993 SPECIFICALLY ISSUE #121 IS WHERE HE FIRST APPEARS OKAY OKAY AND THEN HE APPEARS IN ISSUES #122, #123, #126, #127, AND ISSUE #140 of Tim's Robin run but also gets a name drop in issue #141 but other than that isn't really there and he's in Batman issue #631 (2004) but other than that that's the most we get to see out of Bernard for a while and where I'm really out of my Depth what to say because I haven't read those issues yet so onto the stuff I have read...
He gets reintroduced in Batman Urban Legends issues #4, #5, #6, and #10, but if you're reading this on somewhere like Google play books and find the Batman urban legends Volumes (Cause Volumes and issues are different I've learned that! I went head first into this and got the Jason and Bruce Cheerdrops story out of it so Like I'm content that was the first comic I bought on Google Play books my god-) first The Tim and Bernard story is gonna be in the second Volume or if you just want the specific content of that particular story there is the "DC Pride: Tim Drake Special (2022) #1" Which contains The Batman Urban Legends Issues we covered but also a story that directly leads into the Tim Drake: Robin Run which is where I keep sending you Bernard Photos from whenever I get to infodump about this guy.
There is also a Story about them in the "DC Pride 2022 (2022) #1" called Special Delivery which is really just a sweet pride Story for them it makes me ill because god plus the art for that particular story is by Travis Moore so that's fun and neat and I can probably share it with you if you want.
Now where Bernard really continues to be a supporting character and where we actually continue to learn about him is the recent Tim Run a.k.a Tim Drake: Robin because he's in literally every issue, he gets at least one appearance in each issue. Where we learn about him the most though is in Tim Drake: Robin issue #7 where it's told through his POV and we get his inner thoughts. I really enjoy it, but you can tell I just care about the guy. He also gets a Cameo in Batman #132 (2023), but again it's a small cameo that I can just show you the page it's on if wanted.
Not Canon, (High emphasis on Not Canon because it really is just a fun light-hearted thing to read if you want) but like there's also the Wayne Family Adventures webtoon and if you're looking for Bernard content there you're going to want Episodes 40 and 41 (Better and Brighter part one and two)
But yeah that's really all I know about Bernard's comic appearances which is a list I gathered from This post here which talks about the sadder parts of Bernard's backstory if you want to read that!!:
Have fun Learning more about Bernard because literally I am incapable of shutting up about the info I retain about this guy!! (I can not help the characters I ramble about I am so sorry that this is so long-)
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chenanigans · 9 months
2023 Accomplishments, 2024 Hopes
I did a lot of stuff this year, so I'm gonna talk about stuff I'm happy about accomplishing this year!
I made the most money ever for commissions! Almost $900 I hope to make more next year!
I finished quite a few comics as well as Cherry's first journal! Comics have always been quite difficult for me to finish, so I'm proud of being able to do a handful of them!
I got to be a featured artist in an app! That was a pretty cool experience getting to test out and draw in an app! Also getting paid to do so!
Next year, I would like to try an improve on some things with my art, finish more art, and maybe get another art job!
I played a LOT of DnD this year.
In my Monday game, we're closely approaching our 100th sessions and possibly the end of our first campaign! I love Cherry so much and I hope she gets through it all with the Flockless! This is the longest campaign I've ever been in and the highest level I've grown to as well. Cherry went from level 3-13 so far, how my baby has grown! We also got to play some Kids on Bikes and Pathfinder 2e which was very fun! I hope to do more games after we finish campaign 1!
With my Tuesday group, I got to make so many fun characters and also try some new TTRPGs too! I'm excited for all the fun little things we'll get to do next year! I love Manon and hope we figure out the nature of this world.
I hope to finally run something next year for my friends next year, but we'll see how it goes!
Video Games
I played a fuck ton of games this year. I got really into simulation games because I find them relaxing and nice.
The games I beat this year:
Garden in!
Paradise Marsh
Flying Neko Delivery
Terra Nil
Alba A Wildlife Adventure
Mail Time
Katamari Damacy Reroll
We Love Katamari Reroll
Frog Detective 3
Sticky Business
Pikmin 4
Garden Buddies
Pizza Tower
Moonstone Island
Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe
I'm excited for a fuckton of indie games coming out next year and for the Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door remake. I need to beat the original before it comes out but we'll see how that goes.
My favourite games this year were Pikmin 4, Pizza Tower, Loddlenauts and Moonstone Island for sure!
No major changes happened in my life this year. I'm hoping next year I have more luck in finding an art job, but overall, I'm pretty ok with where I am.Working at a grocery store will always suck, but I'm at least making enough money to buy things I like and help my family out a bit.
I went to my first Pride parade this year. When I was sitting at the subway waiting for my friends to arrive I almost cried because seeing the sheer amount of queer people around was just heart-warming and made me feel like it was all gonna be ok. I got my first ace flags, one of which is on my desk near Rawhide. I also got handed a paper for black queer people which was a lil funny. I also got a lot of compliments on my outfit which felt very good.
Mental health wise, it's also been very ok. I'm hoping to get more support in terms of my ADHD meds since I've been on the same dosage for a while and things could be better.
This is a lil sappy, but I wanna say thanks to all my friends and my sister for making this life worth living. I haven't been in a depressive rut in a long time because of those I love, the things I love, and the things I'm looking forward to. Life for me isn't always rainbows and sunshine, but I'm always happy about the small things that make it worthwhile. I'm looking forward to making and sharing more art with my friends, playing video games and TTRPGs, and just doing what I enjoy in life!
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artzychic27 · 2 years
More SpongeBob quotes?
Mendeleieve’s Students: *Run to the park and tip over a statue*
Zoé: Now what?!
Mendeleieve’s Studente: Kill Monarch!
*a siren goes off*
Adrien: What's going on?
Alya: Something weird, I'm sure.
*the alarm stops as a curtain opens up to show a band in the background playing carnival music. Nathaniel runs out from the locker room, cheering*
Nathaniel: Yay! *kisses Alya and Adrien and takes the comic and laughs hysterically as he rubs it all over himself* Hahahahaha!
Alya: See? I told you.
Adrien: What's wrong with Nath?
Nathaniel: Nothing, Adrien! Do you know what this is?!
Alix: A very dirty comic book?
Max: *whispering* There he is.
Kim: He's hideous. He makes me sick, just looking at him. Those big bulgy eyes, that lanky body, those hideous glasses, and those stupid suspenders! *Max looks down at his own clothes*
Max: Ahem.
Kim: *blushes awkwardly* Oh! But it looks good on you, Max! Heh-heh.
Austin A: Tomassian, what are you doing?
Austin T: Uh… Nothing, guys!
Austin Q: What did we tell you about talking to strangers?
Austin T: *To Jean* Now they’re gonna kick MY butt!
Austin Q: This isn’t my show! Tomassian! Your TV’s not working! Get over here and fix it!
Austin T: *Picks up the tv and tosses it* I’ve got a better idea! Why don’t I get someone whose JOB it is to fix it?! You wanna know why?! Because when I need to get a JOB done, I get someone with a JOB to do that JOB!
Austin Q: *Glares* … What are you saying?
Max: We need to find out what that robot did with the real Marinette, but how?
Kim: Well, in the movie the hero teams up with a buddy, and they get the poop on the robot.
Max: They poop on the robot?
Kim: Yeah, you know, they get the straight poop, ask questions, get information.
Max: I never thought I'd say this, but, Kim, let's get that poop!
Simon: We can do this all night if you want. Where's Nathaniel?
Nathaniel: I'm Nathaniel!
Cosette: Where's Nathaniel?
Nathaniel: I'm Nathaniel!
Simon: Where's Nathaniel?
Nathaniel: I am Nathaniel! I am! I am! I am! I am! I am! I am! I am!
Cosette: This is one stubborn robot.
Nathaniel: *confused, then angrily yells* WHAT?! *his yelling knocks over the lamp and Cosette* You think I'm a ROBOT?!
Lacey: Day... *record scratch* anyone know how many days it's been? I've lost track.
Ismael: *Breathing heavily next to a pile of homework* 43...!
Adrien: Hey, Marc! Could we interest you in some *holds up chocolate bar* chocolate?
Marc: … Chocolate? Did you say, Chocolate?!
Nino: Yep. With or without nuts?
Marc: Chocolate?! *screaming* Chocolate?! CHOCOLATE! CHOCOLATE!
*Adrien and Nino slowly back away, and then run off. Marc chases them while madly screaming "Chocolate!"*
Jean: Remember, Cosette, flatter the customer. Make her feel good.
*Cosette knocks on the door, Zoé opens the door*
Zoé: Hello?
Cosette: I love you.
Adrien: Let's change our names to Why and Bother.
Nino/Adrien: No! Don't hurt us. Please don't hurt me. No no. Please! No! Have mercy on me! Please spare me!
Marc: *Laughs maniacally* Finally! I've been trying to catch you boys all day! Now that I got you right where I want you... *Calm* I'd like to buy all your chocolate. *Holds up a large amount of cash.*
*Adrien and Nino look shocked. Chocolate bars fall out of Nino’s pants, along with a Hershey's kiss*
Austin Q: Okay, here it is, Jean, fresh from the oven. I'll be returning to my life now.
Jean: Not yet. I got to make sure you did it right. *Grabs a piece of the pie. He is about to eat it, then stops* Wait a second... this would go great with some milk! *While walking to the milk, he trips over a book* Whoops! *The piece of pie flies into the milk, causing an explosion, sending both Austin Q and Jean out of the classroom* … So, you tried to kill me over one performance of Pippin, eh?
Austin Q: But, Jean, I had no idea. I can explain!
Denise: Attention, DuPont, the time has come to double, no, triple our efforts!
Chloé: How about a break?! We've been at it for days!
Marc: *Holds up Kiran* Think about the children!
Denise: That's a good idea! Use the children to crawl into small places you couldn't normally reach.
Nino: *whispering to Alya* This is a load of bullshit.
Denise: I heard that! No one's going anywhere until we find Simon
Ivan: Uh... uh, wait! *picks up Nathaniel* Uh, here he is!
Denise: That ain't Simon! Simon doesn’t have bangs!
*Juleka cuts Nathaniel’s bangs*
Nathaniel: *in a poor imitation of Simon* I'm your boyfriend!
Denise: No you ain't!
*Nino plays a video on a phone which shows Nathaniel in a purple night shirt downing coffee*
Kim: Look, he's on the Coffee Channel.
Nathaniel: *Pours some creamer in his coffee before drinking it again* Hey! *Drinks more coffee* If anyone’s watching this, that means I'm asleep for the rest of the day. This is because, as an artist, I haven’t slept for hours due to working on various projects. In fact, the only reason I’m awake is because of coffee so I can make this video. And remember, artists don't like to be woken up, so do not disturb. *sternly* That means you, classmates.
Nino: Look what's in Nath’s bed.
Kim: *Points to his long, messed up hair and slightly pale skin* Looks like a feral version of him.
Nino: I think this thing is Nath.
Kim: Artist sleep must mean the opposite of beauty sleep.
Nathaniel: *snoring, talking in sleep* I've had enough of your crimes, Hawkmoth. I'm gonna get you and your partner, Mayura, or my name isn’t Mightillustrator...
Nino: *giggles* He must be dreaming he’s a hero again. Look out, Mightillustrator, I'm Bubbler.
Nathaniel: I'm gonna catch you and throw you in jail at taxpayers' expense.
Kim: Oh, you better run faster, Mightillustrator!
Nino: Yeah! I'm getting away! Faster! *Nathaniel moves his arms and legs*
Kim: Hurry, we're getting away with our crimes!
Nino: Faster, faster!
Nathaniel: I'll get you two. You're nothing but pure evil! Just like newspaper comics... *snores off to sleep, the two giggle again*
Nino: Come on, Kim. We shouldn't disturb him anymore.
Kim: That's not disturbing. This is disturbing! *Covers his mouth and speaks through his hand* Hi there, Nino. My name is KimHand.
Nino: Ha! That is really disturbing!
*The two laugh uncontrollably, waking Nathaniel up. Hearing a hiss, Kim stops laughing while Nino continues to laugh*
Kim: Uh, Nino? *Points to Nathaniel, out of bed and looking like something from a horror movie*
*Nathaniel hisses and bares a set of fangs. Kim and Nino run, but Nathaniel has them both by the their pants and gives them an extreme wedgie. They run in mid-air anyway*
Kim: Faster, Nino! He’s gaining on us!
Nino: *Crying from the pain of the wedgie* Nathaniel! No! Stop!
Nathaniel: I warned you, Hawkmoth! Now, you've just crossed the border into Hurtville!
Nino: Nathaniel, it's us, your friends! Kim and Nino!
Kim: Please, Nath, I can't afford dry cleaning!
Nathaniel: Gonna skin y'all and turn your blood… into... paint… *He falls asleep and drops the two. They inch away and see Nathaniel fall back into his bed*
Kim: Fun's over.
Luka: People, people, settle down! Okay, now. How many of you have played musical instruments before?
Ismael: *holding a triangle, raises hand* Do instruments of torture count?
Luka: No.
Kim: *holding a trumpet, raises hand* Is mayonnaise an instrument?
Luka: No, Kim, mayonnaise is not an instrument. *Kim raises his hand again* Horseradish is not an instrument, either.
Luka: Okay, try to repeat after me. *plays six notes on his guitar* Brass section, go. *Alya, Ismael, and Lacey repeat the notes* Good. Now the wind. *Marc, Reshma, and Max repeat* And the drums. *Ivan, Denise, and Kim misunderstand what Luka means, so they blow on their sticks which blow out and stick him to the wall* … Crazy how that didn't kill me.
XY: Well, Luka, this is exactly how I pictured your band would look.
*Rose grins and dances*
Luka: That's her... eager face.
Simon: *runs up, his eyes are shaped like hearts* Cosette! I'm glad I caught you. I want you to buy Denise-
Cosette: Wait! Don't tell me. You want me to run down to the store and buy Denise something they don’t need! Then you want me to run back here so you can say, "Cosette! Your spending all my money!" And then I'll say, "But Simon, I'm only doing what you said!" Then you'll say, "We're not talking about this..." *makes a triangle* ..."Or this"... *Makes a square* ..."we're talking about this!" *Squiggles all over the screen*
Cosette: Simon, don't. Don't cry, Simon! Come on. Okay, I, I'm going to get it, see? *Walks off, and comes back with a washing machine* Cheer up, Simon, Here's that washing machine you wanted.
Simon: Cheer up? How can I cheer up... when you're spending all my hard-earned cash?!
Cosette: SEE?! You just did it again!
Simon: Cosette, I can't help it if you're loose with other people's money. *Cosette gets a blank expression on their face* Do you think Denise will need a dryer to go along with that?
Nathaniel: *with brushes and several paints* All right, you two foul mouths. As punishment for making Marc faint with your cussing, you're going to help me- *Jams his foot on a stool then clutches it* Ow! My [Bleep] foot! What [Bleep] genius put a [Bleep] stool in a [Bleep] path?! Can't you see I got a [Bleep] foot here?! Oh! [Bleep]
*Nathaniel continues saying a bunch of swear words, censored out by bleeps; at this moment, Adrien and Nino count the swear words he uses*
Nino: Five, six, seven...
Nathaniel: ...a whole lotta [Bleep] and with a side of [Bleep], a heapin' helpin' of [Bleep] and a load of [Bleep]...
Adrien: Nine...
Nathaniel: Oh [Bleep] crabbin [Bleep] *cries in pain*
Nino: *Gasps* That's all 13, Adrien! We're gonna tell your mom, Nathaniel!
Nathaniel: *worried* No, please, not my mommy!
Ismael: You'll get massacred!
Denise: Ismael, look at me. What you think is big and what I think is big are two totally different "big"s.
Jean: *checks through the order, and sees no drink listed* But, you didn't order any...
Customer: *yelling furiously* How am I supposed to eat this pizza without my drink?!
Jean: But... but... *tears start rolling down his face*
Customer: Didn't you ever once think of the customer?! *throws the pizza box at Jean’s face* You call yourself a delivery boy? Well, I ain't buying! *slams the door. Jean goes over to Reshma, smiling and trying not to cry*
Reshma: Jean? Jean? It's okay. Jean? *Jean drops the pizza, falls over and starts crying* Jean? *Jean continues crying, and Reshma becomes furious. She grabs the pizza, stomps towards the customer's house and pounds on the door*
Customer: *answers the door, still angry*!Another one? Look, I told your little friend I ain't payin' for that!
Reshma: Well, this one's on the HOUSE! *brutally slams the pizza box at the customer's face*
Adrien: Do souls look like pickles?
Alix: Well… As a matter of fact, they do. And he puts them where you can never get them... in his soul bag. *drops the pickle into a backpack with “souls” written on the front. She laughs evilly as Juleka appears behind Adrien in a pirate costume*
Juleka: I've come for your pickle.
*Adrien jumps up screaming. Juleka takes off her hat and fake beard and laughs*
Alix: *She takes a sip of her drink; Rose laughs and Alix looks at her, but she stops before Alix turns around* Huh? *She takes another sip of her drink; Rose starts giggling again and then Alix turns around and looks at him, but Rose is silent again. Alix finishes her drink* Ah...
Rose: *laughs loudly* April Fools! *Alix grabs Rose by the collar, suddenly panicked*
Alix: What did you do to my drink?!
Rose... *giggles* I... *giggles*
Alix: You what?!
Rose: You asked for a couple of ice cubes in your drink, and I only put in one! *laughs*
Alix: *Chuckles* I guess that is pretty funny.
Dominique: Look, we already gave you the badge. And the law of the west says: no take backs!
Corinne: Since when?
Dominique: Shshshshshsh! So that means, you're the new sheriff!
Zia: What happened to the old sheriff?
Dominique: Uh, he's at Boot Hill. *Shows a picture of a cemetery with a sign saying Boot Hill*
Zia: And, why is he at boot hill?
Marquel: Because Old Dead Tree Hill was totally full. *Shows a picture of a full cemetery with a sign saying Old Dead Tree Hill*
Jacquet: ♪And if you think that's funny, let me tell you, sonny, you won't be laughing when you SEE...♪ *Citizens of DuPont Gulch gasp* ♪HIS...♪ *Marquel, Melanie, Rochelle, and Isaiah gasp* ♪BIG...♪ *Zia gasps* ♪RED...♪ *Dominique, Corinne, Sal, Lucille, and Alyssa, gasp* ♪…DEAD EYE!♪
Citizens of DuPont Gulch/Zia: ♪Dead Eye!♪
Dead Eye Armbruster: That's me! Dead Eye Armbruster!
Jacquet: Who?...
Melanie: We just sang a whole song about him!
Isaiah: I don't know how it could get any worse. *Zia and Alexander fall right in front of them*
Zia: Hi, guys! I'm back in the nick of time!
Alexander: We're heroes!
Isaiah: You're morons!
Marquel: It's too late. Armbruster’s taken everything!
Zia: But it's only 11:55. The final showdown always takes place at high noon.
Rochelle: Well, I guess the early bird gets the worm.
Sal: And all our clothes.
Alyssa: And our money!
Zia: You can't give up! Before I came here, I would've given up, too. But in the short 20 minutes I've known you, I've come to love DuPont Gulch.
Isaiah: Could you get to the point? We're freezing!
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crybabyjellyfish · 1 year
Summer Plans
Okay asking myself how to be productive in a workplace in a desk job with a boss that's totally not organized at all and I just spend my time on tumblr pretending I'm actually doing things when I'm not.
Things I want to complete by the end of the summer
Making a zine
To do this I need to find a character, an inspo, and a storyline. Current ideas:
Clown but Major Arcana
That one story of that shark that comes back to see his diver buddy and is like a puppy
The shy dumbo octopus from EV Nautilus
Remaking my friend's mini comic in different languages.
The end goal is to bind these as a book. I have a few dif kinds of books that I want to try to make/replicate. One being a type of book that I saw in my Hindu class- so based off of ancient Hindu and Tibetan books from that class. The other is glue. Then sewn book. And the last one is the typical Zine format you see online.
Writing Long Essay
I already have the draft technically completed and the outline. The hard part is getting MORE data and being able to discuss these findings. Finding Time dedicated to that is gonna be the hardest part. I might just start posting about my journey with that on some kinda social media as a way to get through it. maybe I'll do the 100 days of productivity challenge before the seasonal depression hits in winter.
Letter Writing
I already began this portion but there are a few things I want to achieve and Idk how to do it. I want to make an interesting legend of zelda tears of the kingdom theme and Idk where to even start with that idea. Another is an axolotl one for my little sister. where the gills can be little flaps saying something lol.
Finding a Name
JFC I want to find one I like already. Otherwise I'm just gonna settle for one that totally makes me sound like a fuck boy or one that makes me sound like a prince but my parents wouldn't like it at all lmao.
IG I'm gonna have to do a summer breakdown of these plans and finding where I want to do those things. Maybe notion? lol
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kitcatimezz · 2 years
Okay this is all very random, but I just finished Brooklyn 99 for the 2nd time this month (yes I know copoganda shit LET ME LIVE IN A SIMPLE FANTASY WORLD OF GOOD POLICE, BAD CRIMINALS, AND FOUND FAMILY OKAY) and I NEED to rant about it. I'm just gonna point out my favourite relationships in the show (not in order)
- I LOVE Jake and Holt's relationship. It's mentioned jokingly throughout the series, but Captain Holt really is the father figure Jake so desperately needed. When the series started, Jake was an immature manchild who would eat candyburritos for breakfast, be in crushing debt due to barely understanding how bills worked, and who ran on complete impulse at all times. Having gone through his parent's messy divorce, his dad being Da Worst and his mom seemingly absent, he had few people around to show him how to be... a functioning adult. And then Holt comes in. Already fully grown up to a comical degree, married, captain of a precinct, overly interested in classical music and globe collecting. Yet, he too had had his struggles, being a gay black detective in the 80's and 90's was hard, and we can see how hardened and serious it made him. Throughout the series, the two constantly put their back into helping each other out of bad situations, for no other reason but because they care about each other. Holt gives Jake advice and guidance, an example, but Jake also forces Holt to have fun, ending in Holt even cracking jokes sometimes, and also forcing him to face more emotions, like when he made the captain talk to his mom, or during fights with his husband. In the last episode, Holt tells him how he heard how Jake could deduce any case, except the one about growing up, and how, if he'd had a son that turned out the way Jake did, he would be very proud. That genuinely brought tears to my eyes...
- One of the few couples in anything life action, Jake and Amy. I won't dive too deep into it, but ahg they are the best. Sure, in the beginning it was the classic 'pulling pigtails is flirting' tactic, but even then all the teasing is genuinely friendly, like yes Jake might make fun of Amy, but it never crosses a line, and he's overall genuinely supportive and trusting of her. Even when he starts to like her while she's dating someone else, he's honest about everything without it ever making it her problem. I love how when they finally start dating, their characters don't change much. You know the trope of 'high strung woman needs to find a man to go loose'? This show says no and instead makes it that every nerdy type A thing Amy does is actually something Jake (and the others) like about her, in the same way that Jake can still be a goofball with her and still make it feel like they fit. I love how much Jake is willing to sacrifice for her, how it pushes him to grow, how they're always honest with each other, how Amy starts using Jake's catchphrases casually, how they make an effort to understand each other's interests. Their wedding was amazing, and having watched it as many times as I have, I sometimes notice them wearing identical rings, even in episodes where they're split up and don't interact, it's just casually there. I was genuinely invested in them wanting and eventually getting a kid. And then at the end, when Jake decides to be a stay at home dad to be with his ' little buddy', letting his wife now chief be their main income, sure its progressive, but it doesn't feel forced, it really fits in their arcs. It was so cute how they constantly reaffirm that they're a team together. It's just so cute bro, I want them to be my parents, please give me healthy standards for relationships!!!
- Also, Amy and Rosa are best friends!! There's one episode in the beginning where Amy tries to compete with Rosa over something, and Rosa tells her to quit it, they're the only female detectives around, they gotta have each other's backs. And they DO!! during one of the heists, Rosa joins on Amy's team and is all ready for all her dorky overpreparing, when Rosa gets impulsively married within a week, she counts on it that Amy can throw it all together in the short time. There's an episode where the two of them catch some criminal together, and it is so cooool!! And then in that last episode, how they cling glasses and say 'I'm glad I could spend my time here with you' before saying some genuine 'I love you's' in a completely platonic but such an important way. It just feels so genuine, how Amy so clearly admires Rosa's strength, and how Rosa's as tough as she is, yet still has that clear soft spot for Amy.
- Also Jake and Rosa! their episodes together are usually the best when it comes to the cases. With others, it usually centers around the relationships, but Jake and Rosa are so passionate about being detectives, the case is the core, through which they then learn some emotional lesson and connect. I love how they've been friends for years, yet it's never even considered that one could have potential romantic feeling to the other just because 'boy and girl'. They're just completely platonic and seeing them work and support each other is always amazing. I loved how supportive Jake was of her when she was coming out, how they're always super supportive of each other. And then in the last season when Rosa leaves the police to become a PI to investigate police brutality, while jake himself was still with the police. I loved how they handled the conflict between the two, while still remaining friends in the end.
- Also, Rosa and Charles! In the beginning, it was the lame 'guy pining after girl out of his league trope', and I remember watching it the first time and rolling my eyes at it. But then, Charles actually gets over it, and they become genuine friends. Like, they get genuinely close and casually laugh together and support each other and all that. I love how Rosa asked him as a bridesmaid that one time, and whenever Charles calls her 'RoRo'
- Also, Holt and Amy's! Yes Holt is a father figure to Jake, but he's something similar to Amy. At the start, Amy is completely desperate for any kind of validation from an authorised person, and she often tries too hard to please, they sometimes felt a bit one-sided. But over time she grows less insecure and at the end is able to casually have an argument with someone she seemingly worshipped in the beginning. I like how Holt often acknowledges that he intends to mentor her, how he's the first to see her dream of becoming Captain and is all ready to lead her to that, and how much she looks up to him.
- What else can I say, uh... Jake and Charles! I love how much Charles cares about Jake (sometimes a bit too much maybe) and you see Jake being a bit uncomfortable with this at times. And sometimes it seems to be kinda one sided, but then the next the two of them talk it out and we see how much Jake genuinely cares about his friendship with Charles, and it seems that he just has a harder time with casual affection like that.
- Also in the last season, Holt and Kevin!! I'd been waiting and anticipating a Vowel Renewal since that one episode, but I didn't expect a full season long arc of a failing marriage being picked up again because even though things are hard they love each other!! And then Amy and Rosa bringing them back together in the rain!! Holt being ready to give up his job, only for Kevin to say he never wanted him to sacrifice that much, how they're so willing to give for each other. It was so gooooodd!!
- Oh oh!! And PB and J! Pontiac Bandit, aka Doug Judy, and Jake!! The cop and the criminal who promises to help catch another criminal before going to jail, only to slip away himself in the last moment. Their friendship is so good and I understand its a one episode a season deal but Damn those episodes are always in the top and I wish we had more. And then how they ended it, how Jake 'accidentally' gave him a way out of prison after finally catching him.. I died bro. So cute.
All in all, love this show. Watched it at least 10 times. Will watch for another 30 or so!!
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cassifictional · 2 years
Sevika showing how much she missed fem reader 🥺
Cute request! I'll do a short drabble for this one. 600-ish words.
My request are semi-open, if you have any fun ideas feel free to leave me an ask and I might write something for it if I have the time and inspiration. Also I'm gonna assume requests are sfw unless specified otherwise!
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It had only been two weeks since you had last seen her. Work took you to faraway places sometimes, often for much longer than you would prefer. A change of scenery from the dreary streets of Zaun was nice from time to time, but you couldn’t help but miss your girlfriend every second your thoughts weren’t occupied with something else. You were sure Sevika would have loved to experience many of the places you had visited, but alas. Silco needed her to stay. Zaun needed her to stay.
Quickly yet quietly, you entered the bar, which would be closing soon. Not a problem, you knew exactly where to find her. You only needed a minute to get her attention and to get her to come home with you to spend some much needed quality time together. Only a handful of people were still lingering around the table at which Sevika sat, playing what seemed like an amicable, casual game of cards as a way to wrap things up for the night. You didn’t even have to call her by her name for her to notice you standing by the side of the table this time.
Grey eyes looked up at you, glistening in the dim lights on the ceiling of the place you had gotten so familiar with because of her. You didn’t even really like bars before you met her. Now it felt like a second home whenever she would let you sit on her lap all night as she played.
“Alright, game’s over, everyone. Go home.” she said to her companions, only making eye contact with you. They obeyed without hesitation, knowing that being buddies with Sevika meant listening to her at all times, period.
As Sevika’s companions quietly made their way outside, it was only you and her left in the room. And the barman, who was instructed to get you your favorite drink with little more than a hand gesture from Sevika. And then get the fuck out.
“Took you long enough.” she said, the smile on her face revealing just how happy she was to see you. She patted her lap, shifting in her chair to make a more comfortable seat for you. “Come here.”
You happily made your way over to her and as you did, Sevika reached her arms out a bit as if to catch you in a hug. A gesture that was unusually soft by her standards, almost comically cutesy coming from her. You happily plopped down onto her lap, reveling in her warmth and her scent, both of which you had missed so much. You never quite realized just how much you had missed her until you were back in her arms again.
“Missed you, babe.” she murmured, her face already buried in your neck as you felt her inhale your scent, much like you were also doing in the moment.
“Missed you too. So much.” you whispered back at her. “Every time.. I miss you so much.”
She continued to hold you tight to her body. Hugs like that were usually reserved for private moments in private places, but tonight turned out to be an exception.
“I’m..” she seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if she was unsure what to say.
“I’m glad you keep coming back.”
“Always.” you whispered.
Sevika pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head before maneuvering your body slightly so you were looking at her now.
“Now..” she said, the look in her eyes now a lot more seductive, “How about you finish your drink so we can go home and I can show you just how much I missed you?”
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
Do you think the Star Wars universe could handle a story with gray morality, where good and evil aren't easily defined?
If the story doesn't have Force users?
Solo, Book of Boba Fett, Rogue One, these are all stories where I think there was an opportunity to really make the characters morally "gray".
If you want my opinion, in Solo & Fett, they barely scratched the surface. In Rogue One, they explored it with Cassian Andor, but also offset it by changing Jyn Erso from this kick-ass rebel into this starry-eyed girl who says "hope" every other scene.
But in each of the above-mentioned movies, there's a danger about it not feeling like Star Wars anymore.
Solo is "Star Wars meets the heist subgenre",
Fett might've been "Star Wars meets the crime show subgenre",
Rogue One is "Star Wars meets the war movie subgenre".
So it's Star Wars... with something else that - some would argue - dilutes it. At it's core, Star Wars is fundamentally about Good vs Evil. As a result, these various genres are never explored quite to my personal satisfaction.
I'm part of the crowd that thinks the Star Wars movie franchise should expand it's genres exponentially.
I wanna see a romcom that starts in the Jedi Temple and ends with a passionate speech in Cloud City,
I wanna see a buddy-cop movie between Quinlan Vos and Vilmar Grarhk/Mace and Anakin/Yoda and Maz Kanata,
I wanna see a horror film where the monster is a Sith Lord,
I wanna see a zombie movie with Doctor Evazan as the mastermind villain,
a detective noir film set between Ep. 1 and Ep. 2 featuring Rael Averross investigating the disappearance of some Kaleesh warlord and eventually finding out about Dooku's turn to the Dark Side
and a slice-of-life comedy about the entire disaster lineage. Seriously I just need this whole thread to be canon.
But I'm not holding my breath because I know that there'd be a big chunk of people who'd go "this doesn't feel like Star Wars" and "you're hurting the brand".
It's why George Lucas & Seth Green's Star Wars Detours was cancelled.
It's why Lord and Miller left Solo.
The brand can't change too much, apparently. As cheesy as it is, it has to be about Good vs Evil, it has to be about hope, etc.
So it gets relegated to other mediums. Qira and the Crimson Reign comic come to mind. She’s awesome, the whole Crimson Reign series is amazing... but I don’t think we’re gonna see anything like that in a movie.
If the story does have Force users?
On the one hand...
I think we already got it, and it's the majority of the Star Wars fandom who just couldn't handle it.
The Jedi in the Clone War are caught between a rock and a hard place. There's no morally right choices, there's only "less morally wrong" choices. They've been drafted into a war where they have to choose between the minor of two evils every day.
They're usually the guys who'll be the closest thing to perfection, but now they're gradually being sullied by the Republic's exploitation of their own compassion and sense of duty. Every morally right choice they make also comes with a morally wrong consequence stuck to it. The more they fight, the more these servants of the Light Side make the Dark Side stronger... but if they don't fight, the Dark Side gets stronger even more rapidly. And they can't help it because, again, they're being forced to do this. So all they can do is keep moving forward and hope for the best.
They're not the villains, but they're sure as hell not perfect. There's a nuance there.
But a very, very large part of the audience reacted to this as "the Jedi were evil hypocrites who sent child soldiers/slaves to their deaths and had Order 66 coming!"
On the other hand...
If you mean a story with "gray" morality in which the Force-sensitive characters themselves are "gray"... I dunno.
The way the Force works is that if you are "gray", you won't stay that way for long. At some point you either choose the Light or (much likelier) fall to the Dark Side.
In Legends, we've had Quinlan Vos and Cade Skywalker's stories echoing this.
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These are both stories with morally "grey" protagonists who vacillate between the Light Side and the Dark Side, who use the Dark Side as a tool and think they can get away with it only to get dragged deeper down by it... but both stories end with the protagonist choosing the Light Side.
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So those might be what you're looking for?
But the morality in those stories isn't gray, there's a very clear definition of what's good and what's evil... it's just the protagonist who is gray and their journey is about finally choosing and fully embracing the side of good.
Still, both Quin and Cade's stories are goddamn masterpieces.
For more info on "Gray Jedi", I talk more about it here.
In Canon, we have Bendu whose morals are very evidently “gray”... but he’s so neutral and passive that I don’t think you can center a story around him.
But yeah, beyond that... I don't know.
I don't think so, I'll tell you that. When a Force user is involved, I think that that's when Star Wars should be about good vs evil.
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thecandymattie · 7 years
It's like a minute til 6 am and I still haven't fallen asleep and slowly I feel lile I'll drift away
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mrcspectr · 2 years
Have we talked about the boys' fighting style yet? Can we talk about their fighting style? Cause I'm going rabid just thinking about it.
In the comics Moon Knight is known for how brutal his fighting style is. Not just to his foe, but to himself. The man does not know the definition of duck.
Episode 2 when we first actually see Marc show up in body as Moon Knight we catch a glimpse of how little he cares about his own well being. When he slams the jackal into the pointy mirror thing and his own body just slams into the side and bounces off. Any other super hero probably would have done a cool flip away or something. Not Marc. Just WHAM.
Episode 3 we see the fists come out and it's just a relentless force. He doesn't care about watching his back. He'll get to who ever is attacking him there in a moment. He's focused on first beating the shit out of who is in front of him.
Steven on the other hand is careful. His first fight as Mr. Knight shows his inexperience. He's mimicking what he thinks a fighter would look like. Later in the big fight with Harrow after he's communicating as a team with Marc, Steven is the one doing the fancy flips. He's the one with strategy. Harrow is clutching the cape? No more cape. Now it's Steven pulling back so Marc can come in later and get the upper hand.
I have a visceral NEED to see Jake fight. I bet it's a completely different style.
They talked about how Marc is pulling his punches. He's afraid to let loose and love his violence. As Moon Knight he does let loose a little and become the force of his rage, but it's still repressed.
From what we can gather with Jake, he is protective. He is not going to let the body come to harm. He's also not careful like Steven. Every time we come back from a Jake cut, it's a MESS. Blood everywhere, signs of a massive unleashing of force. Things are on fire...
Can we please see Oscar let loose and just GO?
ALRIGHT BUD LET'S GET INTO IT. (Also for the record, I lost it at "the man does not know the definition of duck skdlgjklsjgslkdgjl god you're so right.) ANYWAY. Also, gonna put this under a read more because this was way longer than I intended oops:
I remember watching him jump off that building in episode 2, turn in midair to slice the jackal, and just thinking. Marc. Buddy. That was so, so cool but how did you think you were gonna land that? Like, it's really just luck that he finds that spike because he ends up rolling down the roof with the jackal, doesn't grab it until he looks down and notices the sharp end, then proceeds to make a kebob out of him. AND THEN he just. Falls flat. And it barely registers because he gets up just as fast to make sure it's dead? Steven summoned the suit randomly, not knowing how it worked or if he'd even succeed and was still able to pull off a super hero landing. I know he falls over after but still not the pointslkjglsj. It's not because Marc can't do it, he just.. Doesn't want to, doesn't care.
Ohhhh I am soooo happy you mentioned the fight on the rooftop because like. Marc is all brute force and redirecting momentum and this is such a great example of it. Man comes at him with a knife? Marc uses his speed to throw him in the opposite direction. Same man comes at him again and he has to block his strikes with both hands? Marc bashes his own head against his skull, which clearly can't feel good. And at that point, the man is incapacitated already and probably disoriented, he could just pry the knife out of his hands easily but instead, Marc bashes his knee so hard into the guys wrist that he drops it. (ALSOOOO mildly unrelated but I think it's significant to mention that Marc uses closed fists on all of the adults except the younger boy, when he switches to an open palm strike. Can confirm from experience that those are more disorienting but less wounding and absolutely less painful.)
"He's mimicking what a fighter would look like," yeeeah yeah yeah yeah, and if you really wanna take it further, you could say he's mimicking what he thinks Marc fights like. Marc's telling him over and over, you can't handle this, let me do it, and Steven wants to show him, I think I can. He's standing with a solid base, striking the jackal with a closed fist because that's how he thinks Marc would do it, wants to impress Layla in the same way Marc has impressed her because he knows she's seen Marc in the suit. He's seen the way Marc can brutally damage an enemy with just his hands and tries to do the same, but it's not necessarily his style.
Now, Steven fighting is just. Sigh. I'm swooning. Because when Steven finds his confidence, his poise, his style, it is just. Something else. Instead of relying on brutality and raw force, he uses certain situations and objects to his advantage. After Layla distracts the first two men with guns, he strikes them in the throat (not fun, very very not fun). AND THE TRUNCHEONS, he thought they looked so cool and they do but he uses them specifically as an extension of himself, striking at weak points like the throat, the knees, the places that make people fall. He flips over Arthur's attack, avoids it easily, but then he even uses a technique of Marc's, using the momentum of the turn to throw the truncheon at Harrow in response. It's kind of a cool way of transitioning to them switching too, because then Marc's fronting and he catches the truncheon a few seconds later.
Now Jake. Jake Lockley. I have. Thoughts. Very, very normal ones. Because all of them show a certain level of control, right? Steven's is cool, calculated, methodical. Marc's is more restrained, you can tell he's holding something back every time. I think Jake would be the same, controlled but more. Directed. He always has an objective, a goal, and when he does, no one can stop him from getting there. A gun that doesn't miss, even if it's a little messy. Not unhinged, not chaotic, just.. specific. He gets to the point. When Jake Lockley has his eyes on you, there's nowhere you could run that he wouldn't find you, and that shit would be terrifying.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Morning Routine Pt.2 (Jung Wooyoung) Rated
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Part One
Pairing: Videographer! Wooyoung × Camgirl! Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Fluff.
Summary: Loving his new job as the videographer for a camgirl, Wooyoung has no idea about the new project she has in mind for her channel.
Word Count: 4.3+K
Warnings: Non-established relationship, p*rn filming, use of sex toys, exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation, fingering, handjob, p*rn viewing, unprotected shower sex (always use protection), slight degradation, multiple orgasm (female) these horny mfs can't keep their hands off each other, Y/N has a thing for Wooyoung's arms (who doesn't?)
Taglist: @seacottons @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers @galaxteez @multidreams-and-desires @brie02 @deja-vux @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny @yunsangoveryonder @minhyukmyluv @nanamarkie @mingismoon @ateezbabysitters
Wooyoung threw his head back, eyes shut as his mouth uttered out some rather loud and harsh grunts. Tiny sweat beads formed along his hairline, his forehead creasing slightly as he fully immersed himself on stroking his hard length. His head was filled with images of the previous night with his new housemate, images of her dressed in the most alluring black playboy bunny outfit bodysuit, completed with ears, collar, cuffs and everything else. It was like a dream come true, watching her look extremely pretty as she played around with her pussy in front of him as he filmed her. To continue the bunny theme, she had taken out her pink rabbit vibrator, making sure to tease him, and her viewers later, by licking the longer part of the device, covering it in her spit before inserting it inside her tight little hole. Wooyoung would never get the picture out of his head as he witnessed her overstimulating herself over and over until she had tears brimming down her cheeks.
"Oh fuck! Fuck! I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna-" She gasped violently as tiny spurts of her orgasm squirted out, staining the carpet underneath her. Wooyoung didn't even know that she was capable of squirting like that, but it was the most erotic thing he had ever seen before his eyes.
"Holy shit."
Just remembering that image had him holding himself up on the vanity counter with his free hand, the other furiously pumping his shaft with intensity as his white semen started to pour out of him and spill onto the floor. He panted heavily as he came down from his high, chest heaving up before lowering back down. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he grabbed a couple of tissues and proceeded to clean up the mess he had made, discarding the waste into the basket underneath the vanity. Pulling his pants back up and throwing on his black sweater, he looked at his reflection in the mirror one last time, only needing to fix the part on his growing black hair. Satisfied with how he looked, he came out of the bathroom and picked up his bag that he had laid out on his bed, books and materials ready for the day.
Stepping out of his room, he had to do a step back when a certain feline scared him by her mere presence outside his door, meowing loudly at him, almost like a whine.
"Oh god, don't scare me like that Baby." Smiling he stooped down to try and pet her head, but in her usual fashion, she hissed at him before scurrying off. Wooyoung let out a sigh and shook his head.
"One week after moving here and she still treats me so coldly." He didn't understand what was up with that cat, seemingly warming up to him only to revert back to her aggresive behavior.
As soon as he stepped into the kitchen, his face broke out into a smile as the object of his deepest fantasies and affection was currently standing in front of the sink again, finishing up her task of drying the dishes she had just meticulously washed, wearing nothing but one of his oversized shirts and cotton underwear. Coming up behind her, his hands cupped at her waist as his lips pressed themselves against her cheek.
"Took you a while to come out." She chuckled softly, knowing exactly what he had been doing in the bathroom.
"Morning to you too beautiful." He greeted her, lips pulling away only to dive into the side of her neck.
"Woo, you're going to be late for school." She reminded him yet made no effort to push him off her, enjoying the way his hands caressed her hips too much.
"No I'm not, I still got plenty of time."
Turning her around, he wasted no time in connecting their lips together, parting and closing them over hers in a fervent and needy way. Y/N couldn't suppress a moan when one of his hands dropped in between her thighs and caressed its way up. His palm started to rub her clothed heat, paying close attention to the wet spot starting to form at the bottom of them. Y/N gasped into Wooyoung's mouth when he suddenly slipped his hand inside her panties, fingers immediately working on her clit.
"Wooyoung please.." She whimpered, hands clutching onto his arms. Even through the fabric of his thick sweater, she could still feel the muscles of his strong biceps and that turned her on even more. Her hands grazed across his arms, and Wooyoung chuckled lowly as he knew what she was doing.
"Love my arms babygirl? Yes you do, especially when they're manhandling you down on the bed."
It was a good thing his arms were holding her up because she nearly fell to the floor as her mind recalled all the times she had been pinned down to her bed or to wall by Wooyoung's biceps. It was a borderline fetish now and she was not ashamed of it. Y/N began whining as Wooyoung's fingers continued playing with her little nub.
"Woo..." Her breath hitched, a sign she was about to cum, body growing hotter by the second.....
Until a disgruntled cat broke the two apart, pouncing on Wooyoung from behind as her claws dug into his thighs as they usually tended to do.
"Oh my god Baby would you kindly fuck off?!" Wooyoung exclaimed as he backed away from his lover in pain as he tried to get the Persian cat off his body.
Y/N immediately went over and grabbed her, her master's touch making her calm down and retract her claws enough to pry her off Wooyoung. The poor boy was rubbing on the attacked spot, face grimacing at the dull pain. Looking back, he narrowed his eyes at the cat, who likewise had her pupils turning into slits when she noticed him glaring.
"God dammit, can't even play with my favorite pussy because that demon pussycat wants to be a cockblocker."
As if understanding him, the cat hissed at him once more, body trying to jump out of Y/N's arms and no doubt lunge at the man in front of her.
"Ok ok that's enough. I think you need some catnip to help calm you down." Y/N kissed the top of her pet's head, trying hard to appease her.
"And you should probably start heading to school. Don't waste anymore time."
Wooyoung grabbed his bag again and slumped it over his shoulder.
"Fine, only cause you ask me to."
He came up to try and kiss her goodbye, but when the feline got agitated once more, he decided against it.
"Ok I'll see you later." Wooyoung waved at her.
"Don't forget, we're filming something else later tonight as well." Y/N smirked, petting the top of her cat's head in a comically fashion.
"Oh please, do tell me what my favorite porn star is planning." His teeth tugged at his bottom lip as he stared her up and down.
Holding a finger up to her lips, Y/N giggled.
"It's a surprise and you get to find out when you come back."
With eyes glued to the screen, Wooyoung continued to edit the video in front of him. He had been so immersed in his other endeavors with Y/N that he had nearly abandoned his other pending projects he needed to turn in. Luckily for him, it was rather easy since they weren't that difficult. The hard part was trying to ignore his classmates that were sitting and hovering around the computer next to him, giggling and snorting amongst themselves.
"Honestly, where's that mean, grouchy librarian when you need her to shut some idiots up?" Wooyoung thought to himself, twirling the pencil that was currently held between his index and middle finger.
Judging by the tiny crowd next to him and the weird moans faintly coming out of the speaker, he knew for sure that they were definitely not watching something family friendly.
"Typical." He mused to himself, humming out a little tune in hopes of drowning out their incessant and lewd chatter.
"Ok but guys, I need to introduce you all to this really hot camgirl I recently found. You won't believe it." One of the older guys named Seonghwa lightly pushed his way in the middle, fingers delicately typing away at the keys in front of him. Scrolling down for a while, he found what he was looking for and promptly clicked on it.
"This was her most recent one. Literally uploaded last night."
Although the volume was turned significantly low so that nobody suspected anything, Wooyoung's ears perked up as they distinguished an extremely familiar voice whispering obscene and dirty phrases towards her audience, ones that had been repeated over and over in his head for a while. Slightly pushing his chair away from the table, Wooyoung leaned back and tilted his head as unsuspecting as he possibly could to look over and get a glimpse of what his classmates were looking at. Just as he suspected, on the screen was none other than his beloved roommate in the attire she had worn the previous night. His face blushed slightly and he quickly looked away, afraid of getting caught looking over at their direction.
"Damn she's smoking hot." A classmate his age, Mingi spoke up.
"You know I'm more of a cat person, but fuck. I'd let that bunny hop herself on my lap and rut her sweet little ass on my cock."
Wooyoung's thumb pressed hard against the pencil he was holding, a tiny vein popping out of his neck that showed his displeasure at hearing such things being said about his fuck buddy.
"Keep dreaming Choi San." Wooyoung muttered under his breath in a passive aggressive tone.
"Ok but seriously, who's the bastard that gets to film her videos?" Mingi asked, a hand coming up to push up the glasses that were falling low on his nose bridge.
"Whoever he is, he's seriously one lucky guy." Seonghwa stated with a gloomy look.
"Yeah. Probably gets to jerk himself right in front of her as he's filming no doubt." San huffed, voice clearly laced with envy.
Wooyoung tried but failed in keeping a straight face, a smug grin appearing on his lips as he continued his task at hand.
"No but I get her to help me out after each session." He seriously wanted to say that out loud, but he contented himself with that knowledge that was a secret between him, Y/N and her cute yet menacing cat.
"Fuck it, I'm subscribing to her channel. Do you know when her next video will be up?" San whipped out his phone, tapping away at the keyboard as he looked up Y/N's camgirl profile on the website.
"I don't know but she's been a lot more active recently, posting a lot more content than before." Seonghwa answered.
"Great, cause I can't wait for her next project."
Wooyoung laughed inside himself when he heard San say that
"Trust me, neither can I...."
With the camera held in his hands and the all too familiar throbbing inside his pants, Wooyoung kept his gaze locked on Y/N as she was spread across her bed. If he thought she looked stunning the night before, it was nothing compared to what she had on at the moment. Her body was exceptional beautiful in the glittering body chain lingerie consisting of a silver rhinestone bra that had a connecting waist belt with metallic tassels dangling from the ends. To top it all off, not only was her makeup more extravagant than the ordinary, but she had even gone as far as applying sparkling highlighter on some parts of her body like her shoulders, collarbone and the top of her breasts. She truly looked like an ethereal queen, one that many people would love to get a glimpse of up close and personal.
Y/N was a mess of stuttering gasps and whiny moans as she continued bouncing herself on the 8" dildo in between her thighs. She often open her eyes and look at the camera with a hazy look while adding a few comments that were bound to rile her viewers even further.
"I'm so close. I'm gonna cum...." She exhaled deeply, teeth biting harshly down at her lip.
"Are you gonna cum with me?"
Wooyoung felt like he very well could cum untouched just by the sheer sight of her. The dildo was lodged so deep inside of her, one could see it bulge out of her lower abdomen. She herself knew it as well as her hand brushed along the outline of it.
"Your cock feels so good inside me, I don't think I can hold off any longer."
With hands firmly pressed on the mattress to hold her up, she fucked herself so roughly down onto the sex toy, her cries becoming more loud and staggered.
"Oh fuck! Cum with me! Please cum inside this pussy of mine." She pleaded.
She collapsed on the bed after reaching an intense high, her mouth agape as she took in deep breaths to calm her heated body. Reaching down, she pulled out the dildo, a thin clear line of arousal coming out as well. Holding it up, she waved it in front of the camera, knowing fully well Wooyoung had zoomed in close to her face.
"Until next time my darlings." She giggled and gave an expert wink at the lenses in front of her.
"And cut."
As soon as he said those words, Y/N sat up and took hold of Wooyoung's arm rather sharply, pulling him so he could follow her into her bathroom.
"Whoah, still got energy left after that show princess?" He snorted when she closed the door behind them.
Huffing softly, she took the camera out of his hands and carefully placed it on the vanity counter.
"I'm sticky, sweaty and in need of a shower." Within giving any other explanation, she began unzipping Wooyoung's pants and sliding then down his legs.
"And I'm here because....?" Although he knew very well why she dragged him with her, he still loved feigning like he didn't know what she was up to.
"Because showers are a lot more fun when you have company." Looking up at him, she smiled and tapped on the bottom of his shirt, a signal for him to remove it, which he of course did.
After a pile of clothes was accumulated neatly and tossed in a corner, the two individuals stepped inside the glass surrounded shower. Turning it on to a cool temperature, both of them emitted soft sighs at the feeling of the refreshing water pouring down their bodies. Taking hold of her pink and soft sponge, Wooyoung took it upon himself to clean her body of the sparkling residue left from the makeup. Making sure to create as much lather as possible, he began to gently swipe the sponge across her body with slow and gentle movements, being careful with her skin lest he accidentally scrubbed too hard. Y/N would never admit it out loud, but she loved having intimate moments like this with him. Taking showers together just because, without needing anything to happen between them. Cooking together, which she ended up finding out Wooyoung was an above average cook, which added to his fatal charms that had her melting for him. Or just cuddling together on the couch as a movie played, more often than not ending with one of them on the floor after they decided to start play wrestling amongst themselves, both of them in fits of giggles afterwards.
After making sure to cover her body with the floral scented soap, Wooyoung stepped back and moved her so the majority of the shower head was aimed at her, rinsing off the foam around her body. Watching it trail off her figure and down the drain, he let out a satisfied smile at his work.
"All better?"
Instead of answering, Y/N came up to him and rested her head on his chest, eyes closing as her hands took hold of his arms to wrap them around her. Getting the hint, Wooyoung held her body against his, fingers lightly running themselves down her back in soothing strokes. Reaching up, her hands came up to rest against the muscles on his upper arms, fingers tapping against his skin every now and then. Wooyoung couldn't help but laugh softly when he felt her grip tighten around them.
"What exactly is it about my arms that makes you horny over them?" He questioned her.
Frowning slightly, Y/N pulled away to look at him.
"I do not get horny over your arms, excuse me." She defended herself against what she considered to be slanderous talk.
Quirking an eyebrow up, Wooyoung let out a scoff.
"Oh really? Then tell me everytime I wear a sleeveless shirt, you're practically drooling and keep your eyes off them?"
It was a good thing there was water splashing all over them or else Y/N wouldn't have been able to camouflage the subtle blush that appeared on her cheeks.
"I do not." She interjected.
Shaking his head in a teasing fashion, Wooyoung leaned in and pecked her lips.
"Beg your pardon miss, but I've seen the way you eye them, especially during my workouts."
Making sure to flex his muscles, Wooyoung gripped her tighter against his body, pressing her unbelievably close as his arms encapsulated most of her body, leaving her slightly out of breath from the tight squeeze he gave her.
"Is it cause you like having me smother you in an embrace with them?"
Wanting to play around with her even more, he suddenly pressed her back against the tile wall, arms coming down to place themselves at the back of her thighs.
"Or cause you like it when I man handle you like this?"
Y/N groaned when she felt Wooyoung's mouth start pressing kisses along her jaw and neck, tilting it back so he could have more space to work with. He chuckled when he felt her breath hitch.
"You're so easy to rile up beautiful." He pointed out in a cocky manner.
Not wanting to let him get away with his behavior, Y/N slid a hand down his chest before taking hold of his dick, making it spring back to life and get hard once more after forgetting how aroused it was when the cold water splashed onto it. She made sure to pump it vigorously, causing Wooyoung to pull back and moan loudly at her ministrations.
"I could say the same about you handsome. Just one brush of my hand against your thighs and your little friend comes up to greet me."
Closing her lips over his, any sound about to escape was muffled by her tongue which slid its way inside his mouth, massaging itself against his own wet muscle. As one hand continued stroking along his shaft, her other hand came down to cup underneath and fondle his balls. That action further fed his aching need to bury himself inside her wetness.
"Getting a little hot my love? Bothered? I can feel your cock throbbing in my hand." Knowing exactly what she was doing, she squeezed his balls rather hard as her thumb circled around his tip. That and the fact she bit down at Wooyoung's bottom lip was enough to make him lose control of his senses. He could no longer hold back after hours of having her tease him.
Prying her hands off him, he placed one hand on the back of her thigh and wrapped her leg up around his waist, allowing him to slide his length rather easily past her folds to rest inside her heat. Pressing her back against the wall once more, Wooyoung dropped his other hand down to her other thigh.
"Hold onto my arms." He whispered against her ear, a command she didn't need to be told twice as her hands placed themselves on his biceps. Hoisting her other leg around his waist, Wooyoung didn't wait any longer and immediately began slamming his hips into her. Having been sexually frustrated since their interruption that morning, both of them basked in the enjoyment of having their lower bodies connect again.
"Oh fuck- you're still tight even after fucking yourself wide open with that dildo?"
Y/N's hands clung tighter to his arms, nails nearly digging into his skin. Her wails were only half heard due to the pounding of Wooyoung's cock that had her back hitting against the wall behind her, cutting off her sounds midway. The way he gripped at her thighs was so strong that she had no doubt about having purple bruises on those spots for days to come, but she didn't care. Her mind was too focused on the overwhelming feeling of his cock inside her, cries of pleasure echoing through the room.
"You like me fucking you like this baby? Cock deep inside this little pussy of yours?" He taunted her as his timed thrusts continued to impale her tight core, slick and warm walls tightening around his hard shaft.
"Yes! Fuck me just like you are doing!" She exclaimed, eyes looking down to watch as his cock drove out of her only to ram itself back in. At this point she was becoming light headed, feeling intoxicated by the tension building in her body, ready to snap at any moment.
"Fuck! You're gonna make me cum!" She whimpered as she clawed into his arm muscles, making Wooyoung hiss.
"Then fucking cum like the slut you are." He growled against her ear.
With a piercing shriek, her walls tightened unbearably against his length, pulsating as she came hard all over him. Even during the peak of her climax, Wooyoung maintained his pace and harsh pounding, not giving her an ounce of pity to diminish the euphoric sensation overtaking her. Pulling out of her and safely bringing her back down, Wooyoung tilted her chin up so she could look into his lust filled face.
"If you think we're done, you're wrong baby. I'm not quite done with you yet."
Swinging her body to the left, Wooyoung pressed her body up against the clear glass window that covered the shower. Taking hold of her hips, Wooyoung's cock lodged itself inside her warm walls once more, the sound of smacking skin bouncing against the walls. Y/N placed her palms against the clear glass to keep her steady as his hungry cock fucked her in a furious rhythm. She could barely keep her eyes open as she was overly sensitive from not only her previous orgasm but from having played with herself rather intensely during their filming session.
"Fuck- your cock feels amazing." She moaned out in a low and airy tone.
"Yeah? Is it better than all those toys you fuck yourself with?" Wooyoung cooed against her ear.
"God yes! Way better. Wooyoung you fuck me so good." She responded, her wailing becoming higher in pitch as another build up began to rise up in her.
"So good that you'll cum for me a second time? Will you?" Y/N knew that wasn't a request, it was an order, an order that her body couldn't resist fulfilling, especially when the angle his hips hit against her ass had the head of his cock brushing against her g-spot continuously.
"Cum on me one more time beautiful. Let me feel you again."
Falling under the spell of his command, Y/N let out sputters of his name as her legs trembled under her, threatening to give out on holding her up had Wooyoung not had his hands keeping her upright as he kept pushing his cock into her from behind. It wasn't long before he himself felt himself being tipped over the edge.
"Shit! Oh shit!"
With a few more pops of his hips, he was done, spurt after spurt of cum filling her pussy up until it started running down her legs, getting swallowed up and washed away along with the rest of the water pouring out from above them. They both stayed still for a couple seconds, each one trying to catch their breath and steady their heartbeats. Resting his forehead atop of her shoulder, Wooyoung's raspy breaths were the only things she could hear.
"Fuck Y/N....." She let out an involuntary smile when he whispered that, his labored breathing telling her he enjoyed that quite a lot.
Withdrawing himself from between her legs, Wooyoung's dick softening after finally being able to find release in Y/N's body. Making sure to do a final rinse to clean up any leftover cum, Wooyoung turned off the water and carefully guided Y/N out the shower, knowing fully well her thighs were burning after all that.
"Easy there beautiful, don't worry I got you." He smiled ever so sweetly at her as he picked up a towel and draped it over her shoulders. Y/N let out a groan as she reclined back against the counter, exhausted from their intense love session.
"Wooyoung, could you please get me my pajamas and help me dress?" Her bottom lip poked out, voice slightly frigging after having her vocal chords nearly ripped out from all the screaming his cock had her doing.
"Of course beautiful. I'll be right back."
Booping his nose against hers, Wooyoung tied a towel around his waist before scurrying out of the bathroom in search of something comfortable for Y/N to wear. Through pained hisses, Y/N managed to turn her body so she was facing the mirror in front of her. Bending down, her face gave out a tired smile towards the camera that she had placed strategically on the counter beforehand, the tiny red light indicating it had been recording everything that happened in the shower, unbeknownst to her partner who was still in her drawers looking for her clothes. Reaching over, she stopped the film and made sure to save the file, a sly smirk on her face as her mind was already coming up with the title of her next project.
"Fucking my camera boy in the shower without him knowing...."
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wackybuddiemewbs · 2 years
What's fascinating for me is that next season we may get some paralleling of romantic couples that currently are, romantic couples that aren't romantic *right now* and couples that could get romantic next season.
Point being: With Bobby struggling, Chim just having been through quite a lot of trauma himself, and Buck who's still not fully addressed the issues of guilt regarding e.g. the shooting or the Jonah situation...
Won't that make for some delicious drama with their respective partners?
Season 5 has featured Maddie and Eddie reaching a breaking point and finding some healing at long last. I think the same can be said about Athena.
Their partners and family have been hugely supportive and made it very clear that they show up, and that they are there for their partners as best as they can.
Bobby's had a breakdown already season 5, though it doesn't feel like all is resolved with what Eddie told him and him not breaking his sobriety (which I hope stays that way, that guy deserves NOT to have a relapse!).
I think it's possible Bobby will need some time for himself that's not just vacation and that we will see Chim back in the captain role when Bobby's not there. It may neatly tie in with how he said last season that he's more for the comic relief. So him getting the reminder that he is so well suited for this because he's very capable may actually be the thing that makes Chimney see that this is anything but the truth, among other things.
Him and Maddie undoubtedly will get back together. So my guessing is that his traumas of the past will need to be addressed and that this will in some capacity be the catalyst that makes them realize that they belong together as a couple.
Buck's speech about what love is to Maddie gave me the notion that after Chim's been after her all this time to get her home and continuously supported her, she will step in to be there for him. Whatever shape or form that may take. Because beside getting back together with Maddie, I'm honestly not quite sure where the writers wanna take Chim's arc next season.
And I think the same will be true for Bobby - Athena's gonna be one of the big players to help him navigate whatever is going on with him next season.
Which brings me, at long last, to Buddie, of course. It always does:
I can see a very beautiful opportunity to parallel 2 canon romantic relationships with a soon-to-be romantic relationship. Because if Eddie and Buck circle back on helping each other through some crisis, I can very well see bloom up on Buck's side. And how they work through it together, even though Eddie's also still struggling...
Like, that can be some delicious (relationship) drama. And a great set-up for a romantic relationship blooming between them at long last. While also showing how trauma isn't linear and that people going through traumatic events react differently and at their own pace.
I think it'd also be very interesting to explore this theme of how difficult it can be for two people to be there for each other. More so if both are struggling and coming to grips with their traumas at their own pace.
So IF they are going for it with Buck doing some more work on his traumas, it might make for some additional great drama. Because Chim and Bobby suffered trauma without their respective partners present, basically, whereas a lot of the traumatic shit of late was something Buck and Eddie shared in. So here we really have a great narrative opportunity to show two people struggling to help each other, even though they cope differently and need support themselves - because the very same event.
So yeah, I can very well see a scenario wherein Buck's definition of love will come back to us next season - and that it will apply to Bobby/Athena, Maddie/Chimney, AND Buck/Eddie. For example, we might get some variants for the love that keeps persevering, the love that reunites, and the love that finds itself at long last.
Or something to that effect.
Anywho. This will keep me thinking for a while. Even though I don't expect much to come out of it, I'll keep thinking and obsessing about the bittersweet chances of this.
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levisgirll · 3 years
hi it me uWu I read your first headcanon and can I just that I am surprised that's your first headcanon?!??? Because it's honestly SO good and you sound like a pro at this!! I want to request a headcanon with Kakashi if possible please (sorry I'm not a levi girl haha). I want it to be kinda like a domestic affectionate husband role while I am like a workaholic wife who always never seems to get a break from life. I look forward to what you will write!! (lmk if you need more details)
𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
text: Omg hey!! Thank you so much for your sweet words 🥺💙and yes it is my first headcanon post I have made and I'm so glad to hear that you found it good!! 😭✨. Well, I did say I am open to any request (but the things I post personally are usually Levi or other AOT characters but anyone is free to request a character!!) so sure thing Kakashi Hatake is it! (I really enjoyed writing this so ty for this request). now I'm simping for husbando kakashi- Also note I made it more like focusing how both y/n and kakashi are like a married couple and what they do/say to each other so hope that’s alright too ^^
synopsis: kakashi hatake is y/n’s husband, while you, as his wife, being a workaholic and how is both of your lives are like in a modern AU. (incoming some adorable headcanon-)
comedy and cute fluff ♡—
First off, you and I mean Y/N is the ONLY one who can see Kakashi without his mask. He feels that his wife is the only person in the world who is only allowed to see him without his mask and cause he loves and trusts you a lot. He feels only comfortable showing it to his amazing wife and no one else, not even Guy sensei (even though they were buddies since they were kids). His love for you is strong.
He would send you random messages during your work saying “Yo! make sure to take care of yourself alright?....Also, do you wanna order food tonight?”
You both work and I definitely see Kakashi in a modern AU with a job as a teacher and he would brag to you about his students. Especially Naruto (won’t shut the fuck up in the class) and Sasuke and how they always fight, making him slowly gonna lose it with them one day.
Also, he would talk to you about Shikamaru being such a rascal that gets on his nerves whenever he corrects him in class, or sleeps and whenever he says “Sensei, going to your lessons is such a drag..” and his friend Choji eats a lot of snacks at the back of the class but Kakashi secretly takes one of his snacks without him knowing.
Whenever he mentions them to you during dinner time, you feel at ease and even chuckle and start to relax. And he knows that cause he has seen you been so busy lately with work and he wants to always see you laugh and not tense up.
You both have the same timing of your break time so, you being such a workaholic, you try to even work during the breaks but someone stops you by doing that. Your awesome husband. Kakashi literally rings you even 5 minutes before your break from a video call.
You guys would defiantly match clothes and he loves that so much.
Kakashi catches you sometimes wearing his mask and he finds that so cute, it melts his heart. “Haha, you are so adorable!” and he would give you his happy face smile and hug you as you blush. You always get embarrassed and shy whenever he throws in comments such as “you look hot”, “you are my sweetheart” and etc.. and he knows that! but does it on purpose cause he likes to see how you get all red and especially in public ;)
During the weekends, he knows you wake up early to work and so he decided to change that and make the weekends to bake! Every morning in the weekend you guys would bake cookies and muffins and they smell and taste so good. (you eventually forget the load of work you had to do and Kakashi notices that and he gets happy lowkey-)
Okay, he is a big fan of reading, and so he loves reading comics and fanboys about it to you!
During your work, as you wait for the next customer you would get a random message from him and he would send screenshots of the comic and he’s like “Omg dear, did you read the latest chapter?!”. You know he is all excited so you texted him back. “Hm, No why?”. “Quick!! Go read it before I spoil it!”
Would chill and vibe with you for sure whenever you play some music and both of you are sitting at the balcony, stargazing.
He is in charge of cooking most of the time cause he knows you have more work than him and whenever he cooks, oh...it’s amazing and that’s one of the best things when you get back home after a long day.
He would brush your hair every time whenever you go out to work which is usually earlier than him
Whenever you sleep together, he would cover you up with the comforter while you sleep and would later hug you around your shoulders, he does that to hold you and also to shield you (it’s a habit of his and its cute)
He would give you also a thumbs up all the time before you leave and say “Good luck dear with work!” (it’s now your lucky charm before you leave work). Oh, and he would always remind you to take your lunch that he packs for you every early morning and he would usually put a cute little note there saying ‘Don't overwork yourself!’
I feel like he would get another small tattoo on his wrist after marrying Y/N.
During breaks if your work place is near his, you guys would have cafe break dates and he would literally recharge even if he sees a glimpse of you.
You guys have his pet dog, Pakkun, one of his smallest cute dogs who is usually grumpy but ever since Pakkun met you, they loved you instantly and listens to you instead of Kakashi. Ha....This damn dog. He would think and twitch his eyes as Pakkun is all over you. (The dog is doing that on purpose to piss Kakashi off).
Makes you stay up with him late at night reading comics and the stories you both like to spazz about it and he loves doing that with you.
All his students thought he is a lonely sad man who lives alone with his dog and reads comics.
He once caught Naruto using his phone in class and he was going to give him detention but....he was shocked to find him reading the comic that Kakashi and his wife liked the most.
Kakashi: “Naruto! I told you not to use your......Oh.” Damn he is in chapter 34 already?! I need to caught up, this little kid is fast.  
“Hm...Sensei?...WAIT! YOU READ IT TOO!” Naruto would scream and get up from his seat. “Naruto, shut up you are being loud.” Shit.
He would text you immediately after that. “Omg...Y/N! Naruto reads our favorite comic!!”
Y/N: “NO WAY! Bond with this kid, he seems cool.”
After that, his favorite student is Naruto and they become pretty close but still finds him annoying, although Kakashi finds him as a good kid. And when they have parent teacher conference, Kakashi wouldn’t mention to Minato and Kushina that he uses his phone during class or skipping some classes.
Alright! I hope you enjoy this and you liked it :,) And if anyone else did do leave a like and reblog ♡ (I really had fun with this-)
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Ocean Eyes - Part 12
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A/N - Finally an update!! i promise to not leave it as long for the next part.
Please like/comment/reblog, it gives me incentive to write quicker if i know people are actually enjoying my madness 💕
"You okay?" Chris asked suddenly making me jump, i thought he was asleep! He was currently wrapped around me acting as the big spoon.
"Jesus christ! You scared the crap outta me!" I chuckled quietly feeling stupid that he made me jump so bad.
"Sorry dahlin" he chuckled close to my ear "but are you okay?".
"Yeah just can't sleep, I've got so much going through my head i can't switch off"
"Its not because you're in here with me is it?"
"No of course not, this is actually just what i needed. I've missed laying in your arms...." I had caved and agreed to stay in Chris's room tonight, no funny business just sleeping. I felt Chris smile before pressing a kiss to my neck.
"I've missed this too. So what exactly is it keeping you awake beautiful? Talk to me..."
"Honestly? The whole thing with Brian.... how did he find me here??".
"I have no idea, but its very creepy!.... then again we shouldn't really be surprised, he had a habit of always knowing where you were. I got bad vibes off that guy the second i saw him".
We had called the police to report Brian but they couldn't do much about it as he technically hadn't done anything wrong, they said to call them again if we saw him around anymore.
"I don't understand why he's doing this! Its not like i led him on or anything, I've never shown that man any interest. I barely even talk to the guy!"
"He's clearly unstable"
"It scares me Chris...."
"Hey, i won't let him hurt you.... i already warned him to stay away...." Chris said through gritted teeth.
"It doesn't matter...."
I turned in his arms so i was now facing him "yes it does, what do you mean you warned him to stay away?"
"The day Scott and I came to get you and Mason to bring you here, you remember how he kept going on about where you were going and when you were coming back....then he asked you to dinner?"
"Oh yeah, you kinda snapped"
"Yeah.....I told him nicely to stay away from my family, that you were unavailable and uninterested.... that he should move on. I said if i found out he was harassing you still id make his life hell" he looked a little sheepish as he confessed to what had been said between the two of them.
"Well I'm guessing he didn't like to be told to stay away huh?"
"Apparently not. But lets not worry about  him right now, you need to sleep"
"Ive been trying...."
"Come here" Chris said and rolled onto his back pulling me close until i was laying with my head on his chest, his hand stroking up and down my back. Back strokes were my weakness and he knew it! "You'll be asleep in no time" he mumbled pressing a kiss to the top of my head. And he was right, with the steady thumping of his heart and his fingers stroking my back i was a goner.
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I woke up alone, the bed already cold meaning Chris had been gone for a while. I reached for my phone on the bedside cabinet, it was nearly 10am!! I quickly got up and headed to the bathroom to pee and check how bad i looked. Once i was done i headed downstairs to find Chris, Mason and Scott.
"Hey" Chris smiled at me as i entered the kitchen, he was sat at the dining room table in front of his laptop.
"Hey, why didn't you wake me up?"
"You looked too peaceful, besides you didn't get to sleep til late"
I nodded walking over to kiss him "thank you" i smiled running my hand over his bearded jaw "you're the best".
Chris pulled me down into his lap and deepened the kiss until i had to pull back enough to catch my breath and we both laughed.
"Where's Mason?"
"Walking Dodger with Scott, i gave him breakfast and helped him get dressed before they left"
"He wasn't any trouble was he?"
"Not at all. He's like the best behaved kid I've ever met"
"He has his moments don't be fooled" i chuckled thinking back to some tantrums id witnessed over the years.
"I don't believe you, that kid is an angel"
"You just wait and see Evans" i laughed before getting up and walking into the kitchen so i could get a coffee and some toast.
"So um, I've got to do an online interview tonight with Jimmy Fallon" Chris followed me into the kitchen.
"Okay" i nodded.
"I just thought id let you know i'll have to disappear for a while"
"Thats fine, Mason will probably be in bed by then and i'll just stay in the living room watching a movie with Scott"
"Now i feel left out" he pouted.
Later that day we all went outback and played some Wiffle Ball to pass the time, Chris and Scott getting competitive again.
"Mom I'm tired" Mason said wrapping his arms around my waist and cuddling up against me.
"You wanna go take a nap before dinner buddy?"
"Come on then" i picked him up and he rested his head on my shoulder "guys Mason needs a nap, i think you've worn him out"
"I think i need a nap too!" Scott laughed.
"Well I'm gonna make a start on dinner, you have time for a nap if you wanna"
Walking back up to the house i started struggling with Mason, he was getting too big for me to carry around now! My baby was growing up too fast!
"You want me to take him?" Chris suddenly asked, i nodded and come to a stop before passing a sleeping Mason over to Chris.
"Thanks, he's getting heavy" i said sadly.
"No problem"
"I hate that he's getting too big for me to carry him when he's tired"
"I know but its okay, I'm here to help now"
"Who's gonna carry me? Im exhausted!" Scott added making us laugh quietly so we didn't wake Mason.
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The evening flew by, we all had dinner then sat and watched Toy Story with Mason. When it came to bedtime Mason insisted that Chris read him a story and of course he couldn't say no. Once he was asleep Chris headed to his office to get ready for his interview while Scott and I headed to the living room to find a movie to watch.
"Sooooo....." Scott said dragging it out to sound scandalous as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.
"What?.... don't you what me Missy! I know you spent the night with Chris! So come on spill the tea sister!"
"You're ridiculous you know that?" I rolled my eyes at him and laughed at how comical he looked right now.
"Like i care" he shrugged "come on! Tell me what happened"
"Sorry to disappoint but nothing happened we just slept"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, we're taking things slow"
"And who's decision was that?"
"We both said we don't wanna rush it"
"But you suggested it right?..... hey I'm not judging you for that" he quickly added when he saw me look away sadly.
"You're scared you're gonna get hurt again aren't you?"
"Wouldn't you be? I just wanna make sure we're gonna be okay, that its more than just sex. We were always good at that, the emotional stuff.... not so much"
We were halfway through the movie when Chris rushed in asking Scott to join him for a game that Jimmy Fallon wanted them to do.
"Really? I can't just leave Y/N on her own....."
"Go i'll be fine" i chuckled.
"Sorry dahlin, i hate leaving you on your own.... we wont be long though 15/20 minutes tops.
"Go do what you gotta do, I'm fine here watching this" i nodded to the TV.
While they were off doing the interview
I texted my mom and Hannah to check in, they were doing good all things considered. I quickly settled back in to watch the rest of the movie but was interrupted again by multiple message alerts on my phone. I looked to see it was Hannah blowing up my phone.
When i opened the thread i gasped, my heart was racing so fast.... i felt sick as my eyes landed on one thing in particular....... the headline!
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes @bellamy-barnes @buchanansebba @rosalynshields
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave @jakiki94 @torntaltos @my-dearest-agent @ms-betsy-fangirl
If your name is crossed out i couldnt tag you.
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