#if anyone has any questions lmk !!
So I’m reading MNMC for the first time, and I see Leon and Casey signing at each other a lot. Do the other turtles know sign? I’m just curious why Casey signs not your fault at Leon when Donnie is right there in the lab
Also amazing fic!! Leon really needs therapy (and so do all of the turtles)
Hey, great question. This is something I've never really explicitly clarified in the story itself. Casey and Leon's tendency to communicate with each other through sign is a fun little headcanon that stemmed from the idea of having something that was shared just between the bad future boys. Sign language was one of the first things that came to mind as it's reasonable to assume that having a form of silent communication would be very helpful during missions (as well as in resistance meetings or negotiating with allies). I imagine Donnie would have been the one to teach his brothers sign language, if not before his injuries (whenever they had free time), then definitely after (that blow to his face would have caused substantially hearing damage to his tympanum, causing him to be partially deaf in one ear. Something I imagine Donnie's mask/filter could be modified to help with as a hearing aid, but it's not perfect).
Younger Donnie herein the lab probably knows ASL, however what Leon and Casey use is kind of a bastardised version of the official version (both due to Leon making up his own signs he can use with just one hand, and because Leon is a terrible student that often made up his own hand motions that, at first were accepted ironically as in-jokes before they were suddenly being used by the family all the time unironically, to F!Donnie's dismay). Current Donnie probably can pick up a few words here and there but I imagine it would be very difficult for him to follow what Casey and Leon are saying to one another.
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jinxybri · 24 days
What is family?
For a long long time, Rae only knew his family a mother who was trapped in a land he never knew of. He found his purpose in trying to find and free her. She was his family through blood. He cared for her.
Then came along two little lab assistants who cared. They brought him food, made him take breaks and listened to him when he needed to be heard. They became his family through choice. He loved them.
Through horrid pain he found out that a woman, a goddess, who had tortured his friends and used them as tools, was his second mother. She was his family through blood. He loathed her.
He came to learn that he had a sibling somewhere, wandering the world. He found hope in that knowledge; hope that one day he could find his blood family. He held out hope.
And then he found them. Through the God of Creation, he found his brother. They ran into each others open and waiting arms, thanking the world that they finally found each other. They were his blood family. He loved them.
His brother also had a father - their family was split into two; one with the God of Creation and their mother; and one with the Goddess of the Mind and their mother. He chose the first one, hoping that they would choose him in return.
For a time, they seemed to.
His purpose shifted, wanting to free the man who claimed to be his father - not by blood, mind you, but by choice. He worked day and night, barely sleeping, through his own sickness and declining health, to find a away to free him. To free a man who claimed to be his father.
He had almost died to a sickness and a vengeful goddess to free the god, and yet when the plan had failed, the God had retaliated with a reset.
Eventually though, through hurting an another family, he saved the man who claimed to be his father. He reunited father and child in hopes that he would be chosen.
And yet, when things went wrong, when he had a moment of panic and hurt his brother once, he was cast out. He was chased out of the family who had claimed they chose him.
Instead, an another person rose. He found a connection with the Goddess of the Mind, his mother. At first, he loathed it.
But over time, as she learned to be more like a parent to him, his brother and supposed father's presence faded from his side.
And then he died. He died, giving his powers to a man who called him a bastard. He was brought back to life with his mother's final choice. She had chosen to love him, and in turn, he loved her.
But he lost her.
Instead he was left in a world with a man, who's words were so foul and wrong, who twisted every promise and good thing into a nightmare. Such a horrid nightmare that his mind shattered.
His family was the one who helped him. The nephews who, throughout the years, still chose him as a family every single day; the friends he cared and loved as did they; and his partners, who he found home within, all came to his rescue.
His brother and supposed father were nowhere near.
When he returned, when his mind pieced itself back together and he had more answers about their mother, his brother turned him away and called him a liar.
And instead his brother turned into a nightmare, molded by the God of Creation.
But he kept trying, kept finding ways to show his brother that he was still there. That he cared. That he loved them.
That all broke when his brother took a step too far. When his brother killed one of his nephews.
Icarus had fallen far before, but this was the final strike.
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charrfie · 14 days
I know you might not do this but maybe you could doodle your take on a baby Spamton?
So, this is actually an extremely compelling prompt because it gives me an opportunity to talk about a certain hc of mine that I've not really gone in depth with at all!! Here is your baby spammy, I'll talk more in depth under the cut!
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The spamton I've drawn here is roughly a week or so old, despite how he might look. This is because addisons are manufactured in factories rather than born, and their creation warrants almost immediate functionality. To put in simpler terms: addisons are created to serve a purpose from the get-go, and a newborn infant who can't operate without excessive help simply won't fit the bill. Because of this, addisons are created at a child stage where they're able to moderately comprehend the world around them, the basics of marketing, and how to take care of themselves. The reason for addisons not being manufactured as adults from the start is for multiple reasons:
It's not cost effective, both in terms of the code that must be written and material that must be produced (as adults are obviously bigger)
The child phase in itself is critical for the addison in many regards. This is key for their development in their marketing style, preferences, and personalities. It gives them a developmental buffer
It provides the addison with more insight into other, younger demographics that can't be programmed into them otherwise (think of actual modern day corporations trying to market to kids/teens... it feels incredibly forced, out of touch, and usually very behind the times)
Generally there are sets of 5 addisons in one batch produced (and it's worth noting that while colors vary in each set, white is a fairly uncommon addison color). These sets which are manufactured simultaneously, while not biologically related, are the closest an addison has to a family. This family system will go on to assist one another in the basics of survival once they're put out on the streets as well as establishing themselves. From those unfamiliar with addisons and their creation, it might seem rather cruel to kick "newborns" out and immediately expect them to understand how to fend for themselves, but it's a normal part of their lifestyle that doesn't put too much stress on the average addison. Addisons are also provided free housing in specifically allotted apartments up until they are deemed old enough to reach an expected amount of success; they are then moved to another sector of apartments and must meet a certain quota for rent at the very least. It's at the point of their moving that some family sets seperate from one another, though some choose to stay together and will be grouped into apartments appropriately.
Thanks for the request! The quick rundown on addison manufacturing probably wasn't expected but I hope it's interesting :^D
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ask-shane · 2 months
Hi Shane! What’s your favorite movie or book? I hope you have a great day with lovely Charlie❤️ Love you!
hey anon. my favorite movie right now is probably wumbus. it's so absurd and awful it's almost good. almost.
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phroobin · 14 days
May I know what fabric you used for the cloaky bit of the siffrin cosplay perhaps?
Oh, absolutely!! I used this fabric in the colour ivory (and I actually used the same fabric for the hat, too, so they match)!
It's a pretty heavy fabric so it hangs really nicely, but it does fray quite a lot so you probably want to get some fray check or do a rolled hem to contain it! I went with the former option, as I didn't really fancy trying to do a rolled hem on a curve.
If you choose to use it for a matching hat too, you'll need a decent amount of heavyweight iron on interfacing. The brim took 4 layers of it, and the cone shaped part took two so just be aware of that!
Good luck, Stardust!!
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sickly-victorian-boy · 10 months
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Because I’m an actual insane person I’m working on a sort-of-parody dating sim starring wildly historically inaccurate classical composers — from left to right, the LIs are Shostakovich, Mozart, Bach (J.S. specifically), and Chopin. These are the concept sprites I’m currently working with. I apologize for inflicting this on you but if I have to think about it I’m going to drag as many others as possible down with me
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autistic-boydog · 9 months
thinking about,,, theriotypes right now,,,, heres some things i vibe with vaguely that are probably connected to theriotypes in some way :3
canine in general but domestic dogs specifically
big fluffy white housecat
big cats (especially ones in colder weathers?)
bears (in general)
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uncleghostt · 9 months
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happy 1 year of being even hotter and sexier <3333333 (the change was the mullet not top surgery in case u were wondering :/)
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ifacotarwasgood · 10 months
why is chapter 2 of acotar bad? some short craft lessons
CH 2
click here for the full comparison between the original chapter and my revision.
DISCLAIMER: this is not an exhaustive list.
heightened prose style = distracting
we're told feyre barely has a formal education and has nearly turned feral in her struggle to keep her family alive, but we're supposed to believe her internal monologue sounds like:
My father had once convinced a passing charlatan to trade the engravings against faerie harm in exchange for for one of his wood carvings. There was so little that my father was ever able to do for us that I hadn't possessed the heart to tell him the engravings were useless...and undoubtedly fake.
using heightened diction and formal sentence structure isn't inherently problematic, but it sounds uppity and pedantic, which doesn't match feyre's characterization at all. instead, it just sounds like sjm's authorial voice.
it also makes every sentence real clunky, which is...not good.
thin characterization = the archerons are a bunch of losers
elain, nesta, and papa archeron are barely described beyond how useless and helpless they are. while this puts feyre's competence into greater relief, it also makes it hard for the reader to care about her main motivation, which is to keep them alive.
why should we care about their survival when feyre describes her family like:
The undercurrent of hunger honed [Elain's] words into a sharpness that had become too common in recent weeks. No mention of the blood on me. I'd long since given up hope of them actually noticing whether I came back from the woods every evening. At least until they got hungry again.
sections like this remind us again and again of feyre's resentment toward her family, but we're also told that her only motivation is to keep them safe. it's a very tricky needle to thread, and I don't think sjm does it successfully. I end up being annoyed by them all equally.
this isn't how people talk, sarah
sjm's dialogue is real bad.
on one hand, it's bad because of the word choice. again, the diction is so heightened it just doesn't feel believable, especially since this chapter focuses on family members bickering.
an example. nesta says:
"I thought all you wanted was for us to get out of the house—to marry off me and Elain so you can have enough time to paint your glorious masterpieces."
but a) real people don't talk in complex sentence constructions, especially when they're agitated. and b) "glorious masterpieces" is so distracting I genuinely rolled my eyes when I first read it.
dialogue isn't accurate to real life speech—the same way fiction in general doesn't match real life exactly. real people talk about nothing most of the time when we want characters to talk about something relevant.
but dialogue has to balance mimicking real life speech while not cleaving to how any of us really speak. it has to reflect speech's cadence without its disorganization (which is why we don't clutter our written dialogue with "um"s and "uh"s; readers will skip over that shit anyway).
sharper (i.e., more efficient), simpler dialogue will almost always sound the most natural on the page.
on the other hand, sjm's dialogue is bad because it doesn't seem to be guided toward any particular emotional or logical revelation. (this is a symptom caused by sjm's larger problem with writing scene arcs.)
the argument at the end of this chapter jumps around until apparently sjm felt like it went on long enough, and then nesta flounces away, delivering this killing blow:
"You're just a half-wild beast with the nerve to bark orders at all hours of the day and night. Keep it up, and someday—someday, Feyre, you'll have no one left to remember you, or to care that you ever existed."
except it's not a killing blow.
partly because it's in response to...well, nothing. before this, feyre says nesta would be a burden to the mandrays (which is repeated, in slightly different language, earlier in the conversation), but that's not really what their argument is about.
what's happening beneath the dialogue is a power struggle between nesta, who believes she can marry tomas mandray on her own authority, and feyre, who's decided she's the head of the family and vetoes that decision. nesta delivering a killing blow should be in response to feyre putting her foot down for good. and what she says should be more specific to their specific power dynamic.
so that's what I did in my revision. here's the link again if you want to read it in its entirety!
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thueenz · 6 months
wait I thought the dodo posted animal welfare/rescue content? What is shady about that corporation/brand? :0
hi i just woke up hopefully i can word my thoughts! so sorry if none of this makes sense ahshshg im not like a professional in these spaces just someone very into animal welfare so bear with me here. this is all from memory as well because i refuse to watch a bunch of dodo videos but i doubt they have changed at all judging by my quick skimming of their account lol
basically it...is and it isnt. Not all the dodos content is bad on technicality. but the people behind it clearly dont actually care about accurate information or animal welfare at all, or at least not in a way that actually helps animals.
concerning point one: improper keeping of wild animals. theres many videos on the dodo of wild animals being kept as household pets, where they most certainly are not thriving lmao. Most of their content is dogs atp at least but theres still a hefty amount of wild animals. foxes, deer, raccoons, opossum, and monkeys i just saw from a quick scroll. not the monkeys good lord the poor things. the dodo promotes and shares this content, these wild animals playing with domestic ones (unsafe), the keeping of monkeys is especially bad they cannot mentally thrive in a home environment and should not be cuddling dogs 😭 all these animals are going to suffer. they are not domesticated, they are not fit to live by humans and get their needs met outside of a zoo where they have an entire enclosure and team of people looking after them. opossums are also if i remember incredibly tricky to keep healthy in captivity and almost always become dangerously overweight in the hands of pet owners, if not always.
ive seen the dodo post 'heartwarming' videos of baby animal rescue by the layperson and how 'cute' it is that the animal got attached and now has to live as a pet. its not cute. its not heartwarming. what you did was fail to rescue the animal. take it to a professional so it can be released properly. if the animal gets habituated to humans, then you failed. it is a failure of a rescue, not cute. organizations try their best to PREVENT that usually.
concerning point 2: promoting dangerous animal pairs. small prey animals and cats are the most common. cat saliva is dangerously toxic to small rodents, lizards, and birds. they should never be put together. every time i see a video of a cat 'playing' with a little hamster or something i die a bit its so stressful. these animals are often stressed by the cats as well. cats have prey drive, instinct. they are going to kill your hamster girl. they just are.
concerning point 3: rampant anthropomorphism. im not sure if people understand what i mean by that so let me try and explain. anthropomorphism is the name for the human tendency to apply human thoughts, emotions, and morals, to inhuman objects and creatures. its what we do. we view things from the only lens we know. however, to do this to animals so freely without a second thought is horrifically damaging. animals are not people. the dodo promotes false images of what animals are feeling and thinking, and applies human concepts of what 'freedom' and 'respect' is to them if that makes sense. its the basic thing all animal rights activists do- which, animal rights activists advocate for animals to have the same rights as humans. the term gets watered down and accepted but most of them genuinely want this, something incredibly damaging for these animals.
anthropomorphism leads to abuse. each animal is different and needs different needs for its own health, not what a human thinks it would want in the animals place. a common point is to say "what if that was you" to a farm animal. its not me. because i am not a cow. a cow has no concept of caring about freedom. it cares that its well fed and healthy. or insisting animals are feeling guilty for something, or insisting they dont have instinct or prey drive and 'would never' because they 'know hes family', or other human views of what animals are feeling instead of understanding what is really going on, which, surprise, damages the animal greatly. they need to be cared for as an animal, not a human.
concerning point 4: a common talking point among animal rights activists, as you can guess, is veganism and completely stopping animal agriculture. this is obviously not good. i wont get into veganism right now unless someone wants me to(but living in a house with a family of animal rights activists vegans, i know first hand unfortunately.) i dont remember what videos exactly but i know the dodo has spread these points in the past, maybe not outright, but with falsified information about farms and livestock. animal farming is not evil. if i have to see one more video of "omg the mother cow is crying for her baby 😭think before you buy meat.." and its a cow crying to be bred bc shes in heat i will explode LMFAO. and then they bring in a calf to reunite with her thats clearly an entirely different breed they just bought for the video to make people sad. not talking about a dodo video there just a general genre of video but i wouldnt be surprised if the dodo posted one of those too 💀.that space is rich with dangerous misinfo about animal welfare and animals themselves, prioritizing human feelings over what the animals actually need. anyway the dodo tends to post content from that point of view
im sure the dodo fakes a lot of the content. in general like. livestock arent just laying near dead on the road from farm trucks after falling out. and other stuff but i dont remember specifics but its a pretty common thing in the animal rights activist scene. believe it or not farmers want their animals alive and healthy for good product if nothing else. mass factory farming and neglect is a product of capitalism not a product of "inherently unethical farming"
if anyone thinks "well, the dodo might not know all this" then they should not be running a widely viral brand about animals. full stop. they dont care. if they did they wouldve long since changed. they care about what makes people feel good, not what is good for the animals. there is no excuse to not know at least this basic information if you are running an account like that. i see a lot of abuse online from people who dont know better because the average person knows next to nothing about animal welfare beyond how to keep a dog alive. and i wish desperately there was more education on this stuff but it is what it is. i will never blame someone for not knowing something as long as they are willing to learn. the disconnect from animals and understanding them in this world is a huge problem, especially the disconnect of where you get your food. but they do not get that excuse.
tl;dr dodo promotes neglectful and dangerous keeping of animals, and false information about them.
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halobolts · 11 months
I have a question was does wasp mean like wasp au ?
WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, and (in my experience) refers to New England old-money socialites. A lot of country clubs, ski trips, cocktail parties, that sort of thing. Financially well-off and snobby, but not too overt about it, because they want to seem refined. It's a culture that I grew up adjacent to, so for fun I stuck the Targaryens into the setting for "the horror of seeing your family, and then that spiraled into quality time and the epilogues!
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starspilli · 6 months
i love love love your rogues designs :0 how tall do you think they are???
thank u sm!! i have like zero concept of height but it’s roughly :
riddler: 6”2
catwoman: 5”10 but that’s w the helmet and the boots lol
harvey: 5”4. short king
jason: 4”11 😭😭😭😭
ivy: 5”8ish
joanna : 5”6 (she’s wearing lifts)
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hirazuki · 10 months
You know I'm gonna do it to ya, Lotor for the blorbo bingo 😉
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*brushes off 5 years worth of dust* *cracks knuckles*
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bununuu · 1 year
FINALLY home, so random mn onlyoneof concert thoughts:
vvip was very surreal and tbh i had a hard time making eye contact and just went down the line lmao. snapshots were also very surreal but imo offer a better option to actually say something to them
the boys seemed to be having a great time and are getting used to the vibes of the crowds (there were a few call-and-response moments where they looked actually shocked that we were that loud... wait until they learn about the wave)
if you are near the barricade i would advise not filming as much because they really interact with the crowd SO much and you'll miss it :(
((actually, this is a general call to not film as much because they seemed so happy to see people enjoying the songs + my experience at the chicago show was spoiled by people filming above their heads the entire concert))
i was on the far left near the barricade and imo this is the PERFECT spot bc i was able to see but also had more room to move around because people weren't pushy. i'm not really into y/n moments with them, so i enjoyed just vibing and getting random interactions lol
random pet peeve: why were so many people (fans and volunteers/staff) not pronouncing rie's name correctly??? they were announcing last call for his snapshots and the volunteer said it as ray. i know if you've never heard them say it you might not know, but idk it kind of bothered me
bring a lightstick! they seemed to really enjoy them and asked for certain colors for certain songs.
i feel like the tour is a huge stepping stone for them, and hopefully they'll come back again <3
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wandersong x wings of fire au weehee
i am here with a new long post about a crossover au. this one i’ve been thinking about for a LONG time so i have lots developed in my brain already! i’ve been waiting to make references but i’ve been too lazy to do that so. just have this small silly doodle instead
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(these designs are not final because again. i have been too lazy to make actual references for them but they’re a Basic Idea for dragon kiwi and miriam)
this is going to be VERY long so i’m putting it under the cut!!!
With this being an au, it doesn’t take place in any set time period in canon Pyrrhia—I think it’s like somewhere when the Night Kingdom is still on the Talon Peninsula, but also RainWings are already pacifists (though they still have some connection to other tribes, less than in Darkstalker’s time but more than modern Pyrrhia. And they can read). NightWings have animus dragons, and IceWings still do as well, though I haven’t decided if there are any living ones at the moment (NightWings did not get their magic from the IceWings in this AU). Most canon characters don’t exist except i guess past IceWing animus dragons because i want the Ice Kingdom to still have those gifts and stuff!!! ANYWAY onto the actual Wandersong part of the AU:
Act 1 & 7 take place in the Rainforest Kingdom, Act 2 is in the Sky Kingdom, Act 3 is in the Kingdom of the Sea, Act 4 is in the Ice Kingdom, Act 5 is in the Kingdom of Sand and the Night Kingdom, and Act 6 is in the Mud Kingdom! I originally had the Sky Kingdom and Mud Kingdom swapped, because Act 6 and mountains and the fact that the Mud Kingdom is closer to the rainforest, but with the theme of Act 2 being winds/freedom and Act 6 being hearts, it just made more sense this way. Though I’ve yet to figure out how the swamps would be super dangerous.
Kiwi is named Kiwi (wow) and is a RainWing/IceWing hybrid! They grew up in the Ice Kingdom before changing their name and moving to a village in the Rainforest Kingdom later in life. They look mostly RainWing, just with IceWing back spikes and smaller teeth (so they have no venom). They also have no frostbreath, and have normal non-serrated claws so they are about the least threatening dragon ever. And they can change color! They like to do that a LOT. Most of the time they change their scales to fit vaguely with their surroundings, like the way their color palette changes in the game, and they change some spots to align when they sing to align with the color of the note! Kiwi has strangely good control of their scales when it comes to the emotions shown on them. Unfortunately they have had a lot of practice; their ‘strategy’ is simply to not think about negative emotions and repress them to the point where it’s basically like they’re not having them anymore (this isn’t true, of course, but they also try not to think about that either). They’ve spent a lot of their life only letting the happy thoughts through for their mother, who is a RainWing named Iridescent. Their father is an IceWing named Evergreen (A.K.A. the Baron), though the only thing they know about him is that he is an IceWing. They didn’t have a lot of friends growing up—they didn’t live within the Circles, so it wasn’t as hard as it would have been in them, they still had the status of being weird. Which is also a reason why they’re so good at controlling their scales, but I don’t think they’d interact that much with others anyway. Nobody remembers them when they return. Mostly they’d go outside for suntime.
Okay some more wholesome tidbits: they named themself Kiwi because it was the first fruit they ever had! And in the rainforest, they have LOTS of pet sloths. And also other pets??? Animals there are just very drawn to them. Though they’re less ‘pets’, really, the other RainWings call them that. Kiwi also looks after everyone else’s sloths when they’re busy, which basically became their assignment by accident. They always wanted to have ‘bard’ be their assignment (although it’s not an actual Official one), and then it ended up being petsitter. Oh well, they can have two!
Miriam is a NightWing. I haven’t entirely figured out her name, so any suggestions would be helpful! I’ve been thinking something related to the sun (because I love Miriam sun symbolism and also the circumstances of her hatching which I will get into in a bit), something to do with fire? Explosions? Or anything relating to her personality, etc. I’ve been using the name “Magicspinner” for now as a placeholder although I’m not entirely sure, but I’ll just be using that for the rest of the post. Again, any suggestions welcome!! Magicspinner lives with her grandmother, Sapphirevision, in a small house around the Claws of the Clouds mountains—just a cave away from a little town in one of the lower parts of the Sky Kingdom. Saphy has future-seeing abilities, while Magicspinner doesn’t have any moonborn NightWing abilities. However, you may have guessed from her placeholder name that she is an animus! That’s why she always carries a broom on her; it was the first object she ever enchanted! Her earrings are probably enchanted too, and she also wears an enchanted necklace (I haven’t fully figured out what they do yet but they are there!!! I’m not getting rid of her broom. The Broom Is Eternal).
They live separated from the rest of the tribe to be safe from the war going on between the NightWings and SandWings. Saphy initially lived on her own out there—her sister, Rubysight, also left with her, but decided she didn’t want to live with Saphy and instead went to the rainforest—until Magicspinner’s parents left her egg with Saphy to stay protected as well. And also to raise her, because the two were important generals in the war, and wouldn’t be able to do it themselves. They may have also feared that if she ended up being an animus that the queen would find out and use her as a weapon.
And there’s a reason they live by the Sky Kingdom specifically! They have SkyWing genes in them! That’s how their family got animus magic—some generations ago, a SkyWing discovered they were an animus, but didn’t tell anyone out of fear of being killed for it. They lived on the edge of the kingdom for a while, isolated, just to make sure they wouldn’t be found out. Through some events they ended up meeting a NightWing, falling in love, and moving to the Night Kingdom. They still decided staying hidden was the best option, and continued to carry that belief down each generation, but at least they didn’t have to constantly live in fear anymore. So, the NightWings have had animus dragons for a while now, and still don’t know about it. Saphy managed to find that same house in her ancestor’s story and has been living there.
I mentioned I’d get into the circumstances of Magicspinner’s hatching later, and later is now! I wanted to give her sun symbolism while still being a NightWing, and also a special hatching considering her always having had a “special destiny” in the game (not exactly stated ingame but confirmed outside of it and implied in things like the way she’s the Only one of the main trio without a change in color palettes), so! She hatched during the dark period of a solar eclipse. Saphy had seen it in a vision, and knew to put her outside at the time, but the fact that that could happen at all was very surprising to her.
And now onto Audrey! She is a MudWing! Originally I had her as a SkyWing, but honestly I think she works better as a MudWing. She’s maybe even a blood-red egg MudWing. Her name in this AU is just Redheart, referring to the small tree that can be found on the edges of swamps.
The sword is an enchanted object that lets Redheart breathe lightning if she holds in her fire for long enough! It also lets her breathe fire in colder climates. I can’t decide whether to keep it as a sword or to have it be a wearable item or something though.
And also this is getting super long!!! And it is late! There was a lot more I wanted to talk about but unfortunately I’m too tired right now. I didn’t even get into the story bits!!
If people enjoy this I’ll probably make another post. And also I’m open to answer any asks because I’ve got a lot fleshed out in my head so 99% of the time I will probably have an answer!! (Of course any suggestions are 100% welcome too!)
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outragedslime · 1 year
Top surgery recovery observation
One thing I didn't hear anyone else talk about is the deal with coughing/sneezing.
If you are getting top surgery, I suggest to be very careful to avoid these. Dust your house well beforehand. Spring allergies? I recommend not doing it during spring. Take extra care while drinking or eating to not choke (I'm really bad at this one lol)
I might've inhaled near some dust? I'm not sure but I felt an urge and had my first sneeze post op today. It was very scary😭
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