#if anyone has them GIMMEE
o-i-w-u · 5 months
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theflannelwizard · 1 year
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PLEASE. gimme your scout thoughts NAOOOWW GIMME GIMME GIMMEE
THIS IS THE BEST ASK ANYONE HAS EVER SENT ME. Buckle up cause I have a LOT of Scout thoughts. Some of these are supported by canon and some of them are just random ass headcanons but fuck it we ball. Under a read more cause it is gonna get long.
The more he brags about something, the more insecure he is about it. To me he reads as deeply in need of validation and when he's out here flexing and talking about how hot he is it's largely in hopes that someone will agree for once.
That said I don't think the ego is entirely an act. He does think he's hot shit. He just ALSO really really really needs to hear someone else say it cause he's starved for affection.
Not to be a scoutpauling enjoyer on main but I think he calls her all the time for no reason. Calls her to tell her a joke he thought of or to brag about whatever he's just done or to awkwardly ask how she's doing and then say "yeah, me too" no matter how she responds. And she's usually too busy to really engage him but she wouldn't pick up if she didn't want him calling. And she does usually pick up.
Middle school dropout. I do buy into him being dyslexic but I also think he just isn't very educated. It was more important to get a damn job. His family is huge, his mom is single, and I am no longer certain whether I'm joking when I say Spy didn't pay child support.
I think he calls Medic 'Ma' sometimes and it started 100% as a joke, like when teenagers call their teacher 'Mom' on purpose, but now it's just Something He Does.
Sometimes I see people write him and Soldier as not getting along and I totally get where that's coming from but it's not my truth. To me they are best friends who chase each other around the base with BB guns and make campfire food and root beer floats together and get too hyped for the 4th of July (Soldier likes the America of it all, Scout likes the candy and fireworks, they both like American marching band music) and like. They have fun together. They egg each other on.
Blinks in photos. Every. Single. Time.
He claims he’s good at cleaning but he is not. If you ask him to wash dishes he will rinse them, if you ask him to sweep or mop he will not do anymore than makes the place Look clean at surface level, etc etc. He’s the same way with cleaning himself. He counts rain as a shower and swimming pools as baths.
The exception to that rule is his ma and Miss Pauling, he cleans up pretty nice for them. They're also the only people he'll wear a suit for.
If he knew Spy was his dad he would be mad about it. He would not call him Dad. He would probably try to use it for comedy but not because he actually thinks it's funny, just cause he uses humor to cope. And uhhh he would go from "that guy's a prick" to "that guy ruined my life and I am never speaking to him again." sorry for not thinking he would forgive and forget right away but he deserves to be angry at least at first.
Speaking of. I think the scoutpauling and spydad dynamic is so funny. Imagine you're the spy and you abandoned your son as a toddler and then not only does said son end up back in your life as your obnoxious ass coworker but he's dating your boss. And he complains to your boss about how hard his life was growing up fatherless. And your boss knows you're the deadbeat dad her boyfriend got fucked over by. I would be SWEATING.
This man LOVES comic books but he skips over big chunks of text and words that take too long to sound out. When that happens he just infers from the pictures what’s going on. Secretly he really wants someone to read his comic books aloud to him and do silly voices and help him get better at spelling/phonics but he would NEVER ask. He’s not a little kid anymore, he doesn’t need to be treated like one.
I think sometimes he flat out refuses to take his shirt off for anything and when this happens it is always because he’s been bleeding so heavily from his chest, back, or side that his shirt dried into the scab and now it would hurt like hell if he tore it off. However this is also the only time that anyone actually encourages him to take his shirt off because nobody cares about his abs and shoulders but they do care a little about making sure he doesn’t get super infected and die.
Swears he isn’t scared of escalators but that’s a lie, he thinks he’s gonna trip and get shredded.
Not licensed to drive but knows how. His driving is insane off roads, people die if they get in a car with him off roads, but when he's on a road he actually drives very well cause he knows he can't afford to get pulled over. A cop sees him speeding and suddenly he's being taken in for countless charges of murder and possession of illegal firearms and who knows what else.
And of course, he hates the Mets and the Yankees <3
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Who do you think out of the cullens Bella would be best with?
Personally I think Jasper, (maybe Carlisle). They both love books, they both like alone time, quiet time etc
Do you think if she was with someone else they would have said feck it and turned her instead of going through all that crap Edward made Bella go through ?
Not Edward.
Seriously though, pretty much anyone but Edward is a step up.
Though, that said, Edward is the only one who would engage in this sort of nonsense. Bella was this teenage, human, girl in one of the many towns that the Cullens visit. All the other Cullens are in (for the moment) stable relationships that they see as very healthy. Their eyes are not going to wander to seventeen-year-old Bella Swan who they barely meet.
We'd have to be deep in AU land for any other pairing to work out. Which, of course, would result in coven destroying drama (both from Edward as well as the rest of the coven).
But you didn't ask about that.
However, I suppose to be a completionist, we should do things in order.
1) Carlisle Cullen
Given that I've written fics for this, this is probably a gimmee. I've also written this post.
Bella's a giant emotional mess. This is what enables her relationships with both Jacob and Edward. Even had Edward not been Edward, Bella right now won't be good in a relationship. She has this tendency towards codependency and uses her significant other as a source of validation. Bella becomes somebody solely because she's dating somebody. This isn't good for her.
Carlisle is generally stable enough, emotionally mature enough, and shows enough insight to help Bella see this in herself and work through it in a way that other Cullens probably wouldn't be able to do.
He and Bella have one conversation and it's a surprisingly deep one. Granted, Bella completely ignores the vast majority of what he's talking about to fixate on "Edward's religious beliefs are dumb" and "Oh my god, he had green eyes" but it was a very memorable conversation.
I can see them really clicking.
Though it requires a significant amount of character development, AUness, and will be accompanied by so much drama and baggage you could drown a cat in it.
2) Jasper Whitlock
I've also done a post on this already. This will be accompanied by Alice/Jasper falling apart, which will also be a giant mess, but I think Jasper's in an awful place emotionally with Alice and there's deep potential that he and Bella can connect and help each other through a relationship.
Now, that said, if Carlisle bores Bella (and she sees him as Vampire Dad Man) then she just does not get Jasper at all. She believes he actively dislikes her for avoiding her. More, he's this very quiet, stoic, scarred man who is different than the other Cullens.
Bella the teenager, as of Twilight, is not in a position to understand who Jasper is and where he came from. She won't naturally gravitate to him.
But I do think he and Bella could have a very good relationship.
Though, again, enough drama to drown a cat.
3) Alice Cullen
A post on this.
Alice and Bella do already have an... emotional relationship that has the appearance of depth. Alice may have higher priorities, but she does care for Bella. If Alice sees Bella as a romantic partner, they would have a fairly easy relationship that neither Alice nor Bella would see anything wrong with.
Would Alice pull the shit she does with Jasper on Bella? Oh, certainly. And this isn't the basis of a good relationship.
However, Bella would be... stable in it and probably see nothing wrong with it. And it's something that's somewhat likely to happen without too much AU madness, which ranks it above others.
4) Rosalie Hale
A post on this.
If this could work out, and if Rosalie and Bella could both do a lot of self reflection and soul searching, then it'd be better for both of them than their current relationships (Rosalie/Emmett is generally great, but they also have significant issues).
However, the trouble is, Bella and Rosalie are unlikely to ever gravitate towards each other. They're such different people who want such different things out of life. Bella values nothing that Rosalie values and vice versa.
And just by existing the pair of them poke at each other's worst vulnerabilities. It's just... it's not going to work out.
5) Emmett Cullen
A post on this
Emmett's a very laid back guy and a good emotional pillar of support. He's been great help for Rosalie. However, his love for Rosalie speaks for itself. It's not so much about her, but more about her beauty. Emmett loves Rosalie because she's beautiful.
Emmett doesn't find Bella attractive. That's a nail in the coffin right there.
But mostly, he just wouldn't be what she needs. He wouldn't look for the depths in Bella and help her find herself. Which, for Bella, is crucial.
It's just not going to work out.
6) Esme Cullen
A post on this.
Esme first is deeply committed to her relationship with Carlisle and is also a deeply weird person. Esme is not ready for any other relationship than the one she has. This wouldn't be Esme helping Bella, it'd be the other way around, Bella would have to be a pillar of support as Esme's entire universe collapses.
Bella at seventeen would not be able to pull the both of them through. It'd be such a disaster relationship.
7) Edward Cullen
And Edward comes last because, well, read this blog.
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Hey Zagtoon, you should hire me to write for Miraculous Ladybug. I wrote a whole episode script and it’s amazing:
(The episode starts with Alya, Rose, Juleka, Alix, and Mylene huddled outside Marinette’s house)
Alya: ok girls
Alya: it’s time to put our master plan into motion
Alya: you all know your parts right?
*nodding and agreeing*
Rose: I already called Adrien to tell him that Marinette needs a large bouquet made out of pigeons instead of flowers
Juleka: I got the trapeze nets
Mylene: I have the soundtrack
Alya: I have the video recording set up and Marinette’s number on speed dial
Alix: wait I’m confused
Alix: we’re doing plan Turquoise, right? That’s why I brought these ice skates with hearts drawn on them
Rose: no, you fool, we’re doing plan Aquamarine!
Alix: ooh. my bad.
Rose: it’s fine, we can make it work still
Alix: ...
Alix: hey guys, does this ever seem kind of pointless to anyone else
Juleka: what do you mean?
Alix: like, most of our plans end up making everything worse
Alya: of course they’re not pointless
Rose: last  week, Adrien and Marinette made eye contact for 12.8 whole seconds before either of them started crying. The progress is real
Alix: okay but why can’t we just have them talk to each other and be done with it?
Mylene: Shhh! Everyone hide! Adrien’s coming!
Adrien: hey guys  I got the pidgeons what’s the emergency? wait  where’d you guys go- atchOOO *he sneezes so hard he catapults onto the roof of a building*
Alya: oh no, ;) ;) ;) poor Adrien, ;) ;) ;) I totally ;) ;) ;) forgot he’s allergic to feathers ;) ;) ;)
Alix: you guys-
Rose: Wow Alya, ;) ;) ;) you are right, whatever should we do ;) ;) ;) ?
Alix: guys he’s on the wrong roof
Mylene: if only some brave girl ;) ;) ;) could climb onto the roof and save him!
Alix: he’s not on Marinette’s roof, he’s on a different building, I know you guys can hear me stop ignoring me
Alya: You’re right Mylene, but who do we know who’s brave enough ;) ;) ;) to do such a thing ;) ;) ;) ?
Alix: y’all, I think Adrien’s in actual danger, can we please call the fire station or something I don’t want another hospital trip
Juleka: hey, why don’t we ask Marinette ;) ;) ;) to help him
Alix: you guys please listen
Rose: Hey, and then maybe, they could ;) ;) ;) , I don’t know, fall in love ;) ;) ;) ?
*Hawkmoth senses Alix’s extreme frustration and akumatizes her into the creatively named “Akumatized Villain”*
Akumatized villain: No more hiding behind convuluted schemes, I have the power to reveal the deepest and greatest desires of anyone!
Marinette: Hey guys I just got downstairs, what did you nee- eek!
Akumatized villain: Aha Marinette Dupain Cheng, what do you secretly desire?
Marinette: Everyone run! I’m sure Ladybug will be here soon, just get to cover!
*the girls scatter*
Akumatizes villain: Mwahaha, it’s too late, Marinette, I’ve hit you with my laser emotion vision, now everyone will know that-
Akumatized villain: oh, ok, my psychic powers are telling me you really really want to take a nap,
Akumatized villain: ...are you okay?
Marinette: No not really
Akumatized villain: seriously you should get some rest, you’re really sleep deprived, it’s actually kind of worrying
Marinette: well I WOULD be finishing up my homework right now so I could go to bed early, but I was sort of interrupted
Akumatized villain: oh my God I didn’t even think about that, I’m so sorry. That was really thoughtless of me. I can reschedule my attack on Paris if you want
Marinette: it’s fine, just, you know what, where’s the akuma
Akumatized villain: oh the little butterfly? It flew into my skates. Here, do you want it?
Marinette: thanks
Marinette: hey, Chat Noir! Over here!
Chat Noir: *appears on top of a building and leaps down by Marinette’s side* yes?
Chat Noir:...
Chat Noir: oh my god you’re right next to the akuma, don’t panic, I’ll protect you
Marinette: No, wait, here, just *long yawn* take this, it has the akuma and you can hand it to Ladybug whenever she gets here, she’s probably on her way or something I don’t know
Chat Noir: wait how did you- Ok bye then I guess. It was nice seeing you again- and she’s gone.
*awkward silence*
Akumatized villain: do you want to know what your deepest, most hidden desire is?
Chat Noir: *shrugs* it’s probably just crippling loneliness and my psychological craving for a family who actually acknowledges my existence and gives me the bare minimum levels of affirmation and love I need to survive
Chat Noir: *finger guns*
Akumatized villain: oh my God is anyone in Paris at all okay?
Chat Noir: I think Hawkmoth has screwed with the mental health of the entire town tbh
Akumatized villain: tell me about it, he’s literally screaming in my head right now telling me to take your Miraculous.
Chat Noir: oof, sorry dude
Akumatized villain: but no, that’s actually not your deepest desire
Chat Noir: wait, really? Ok now I’m just curious, what is it?
Akumatized villain: wait one second *writhes in pain for a cool minute while struggling with Hawmoth for control* Shut. Up. Butterfly. Demon. Man.
Chat Noir: you tell him!
Alumatized villain: ok where were we- oh yeah, you’re in love with Marinette and you want her to like you back
Chat Noir: really? What the heck, how did I not notice that?
Akumatized villain: beats me, I know absolutely nothing about romantic attraction
Ladybug: hey guys here I’m. I mean my here. I mean, ugh just gimmee it.
Chat Noir: *hands her the ice skate while bowing* at your service, my lady
Ladybug: yea, yea, time to deevilize, bye little butterfly, miraculous ladybug, goodnight bye peace
Chat Noir: wait!
Ladybug: mmm?
Chat Noir: pound it?
Ladybug: oh yeah haha whoops *fist bumps him*
Chat Noir: ok bye for real
Ladybug: yep goodnight
Chat Noir: you know it’s 2pm right?
Ladybug: time is fake but sleep is real
Alix: hey guys, mood, but also where am I?
Ladybug: you were akumatized
Alix: oh.
Alix: oh my gosh can I have your autograph?
Ladybug: hhhhh no-
Alix: oh no, no offense, I meant Chat Noir’s autograph
Chat Noir: yes!
Ladybug: well then I’m leaving. bye everyone, *through megaphone* the next person who interrupts me will die. That’s not a threat, it’s a statement of fact
Chat Noir: goodnight my lady
Chat Noir: I love you with my entire soul
Ladybug: yeah I know
Ladybug: I kinda like you too but don’t get cocky about it
Chat Noir: *vibrates with joy*
Ladybug: *flings herself onto her own roof where she proceeds to do homework for 20 seconds before passing out*
Chat Noir: hey Alix, do you think you could talk to Marinette’s teacher about getting her some more free time? I couldn’t help but overhear that she’s really overworked
Alix: um yeah I could try
Alix: can you do me a favor too though?
Chat Noir: sure!
Alix: can you just tell Marinette that you like her? because I am done with all this nonsense
Chat Noir: um okay?
Alix: thanks Adrien, you’re the best
Chat Noir: you’re welcome- wait how do you know- and she’s gone too
Alya: Alix we were so worried about you, we’re sorry for making you upset but to make up for it, we’re doing plan Turquoise right now so you’ll actually be prepared!
Alix: oh about that.. I actually have to go run back to school to talk to Mme Bustier. What a bummer *roller blades away as fast as she can*
Marinette: ack! Adrien how did you get onto my balcony?
Adrien: we really need to talk
Marinette: about what?
Adrien: Ok so for our future daughter do you prefer the name Emma or Marinette Junior- oh my god is Juleka ice skating on your roof?
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seethinghearts · 4 years
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𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐚  𝐬𝐚𝐰𝐲𝐞𝐫  ;  sunlight   peeking   through   broken   shades   ,   a   smile   breaks   across   the   face   of   girl   afraid   of   darkness   ;   daydreams   and   midnight   ruminations   ,   curiosity   is   sparked   as   dark   eyes   land   upon   an   ominous   raven   perched   upon   an   ancient   tree   ;   promises   are   made   everywhere   ,   a   father   in   a   child’s   bedroom   (   i’ll   keep   the   monsters   away   )   ,   a   friend   under   an   willow   tree   (   nothing   can   tear   us   apart   )   ,   a   witch   in   front   of   her   crystal   ball   (   i   see   ...   )   ,   but   they   are   all   just   words   ;   at   the   end   of   the   day   you’re   left   with   air   and   echoes   and   certain   sort   of   emptiness   that   leaves   you   aching
full   name   :  amanda   june   stone   angelina   margo   sawyer
nicknames :   lina   
species  :  human  /  supernatural - hunter
birthdate   :   april  21
zodiac   sign   :   taurus
age :   thirty
occupation   :    journalist   at   local   newspaper
label   :   the   facade   ,    the   insurgent    ,    the   vindictive 
gender   /   pronouns   :   cis woman   , she / her
sexuality   :   bisexual   &   biromantic
hogwarts   house :   gryffindor   first   ,   slytherin  second
moral   alignment   :
deadly   sins   :   pride
playlist   :    dark   lady -  cher 
character   inspo   :  lois   lane  (   dc   )    fox   mulder   (  the   x   -  files  )
archetypal   character   :  the  seeker  -   a   seeker   quests   for   the   truth,   uncovering   mysteries,   lies,   deception   and   gaining   knowledge   about   themselves   and   the   universe. 
trigger   warnings   :   death   ,   mysterious   disappearance   ?? 
chapter   one   :   the   sullivans   never   really   knew   a   lot   about   salvation   .   it   was   a   founding   principal   that   what   is   lost   is   lost   ,   what   is   done   is   done   ,   there   is   no   such   thing   as   forgiveness   &   even   less   of   redemption   .   so   when   octavia   sawyer   (   a   woman   from   a   long   line   of   esteemed   &   powerful   witches   )   fell   in   love   with   henry   stone   (   a   three   -   hundred   year   old   vampire   —   noble   ,   chivalrous   ,   his   only   flaw   having   a   tendency   to   suffer   from   extremely   time   -   occupying   existential   crises   )   ,   she   was   casted   out   ,   abandoned   ,   her   branch   sawed   off   from   from   the   family   tree   ,   face   blasted   off   the   tapestry   ,   she   was   ,   in   every   sense   of   the   word   ,   banished   from   her   coven   and   might   as   well   been   exiled   out   of   new   orleans   .   but   she   remained   ,   with   her   now   -   husband   ,   in   a   little   house   at   the   edge   of   town   .   they   tried   their   best   to   isolate   themselves   from   any   supernaturals   ,   vampires   or   witch   and   desperately   attempted   to   live   their   life   as   though   they   were   merely   simple   humans   .   and   the   first   step   ,   have   a   child   .
chapter   two   :   since   their   biology   was   perhaps   the   most   incompatible   in   the   baby   -   making   section   ,   they   resorted   to   adoption   .   and   that   was   where   amanda   came   in   .   amanda   had   been   the   product   of   two   teenagers   who   fervently   believed   they   were   madly   in   love   .   got   married   at   eighteen   ,   had   a   baby   the   year   later   and   unfortunately   ,   the   tribulations   of   young   adulthood   left   them   with   very   little   room   to   care   ,   much   less   love   ,   their   year   -   old   baby   .   and   they   gave   up   ,   got   caught   up   in   unhealthy   coping   strategies   ;   drugs   ,   drinking   and   their   baby   was   taken   from   them   ,   though   they   had   very   little   will   to   put   up   a   fight   .   but   little   mandy   was   too   young   to   remeber   any   of   it   ;   the   arguments   from   the   back   -   seat   of   the   car   ,   the   splinters   of   smashed   glass   in   the   kitchen   ,   the   holes   punched   in   the   cheap   plaster   of   the   living   room   .   there’s   very   little   of   them   that   she   remembers   .
chapter   three   :   childhood   was   a   blur   .   at   three   years   old   ,   she   was   whisked   away   to   english   countryside   .   the   uprising   had   left   her   parents   paranoid   and   afraid   ,   fearful   that   they   would   be   forced   to   choose   again   ,   between   their   love   and   their   families   ,   so   they   ran   away   .   stayed   with   a   family   friend   in   a   little   college   south   of   chesire   ,   where   the   air   was   cold   and   crisp   and   just   hills   upon   hills   of   green   .   but   that   memory’s   a   distant   one   too   .   mandy   and   her   parents   returned   to   new   orleans   after   the   uprising   had   been   tamed   and   dealt   with   ,   resorting   to   their   little   home   at   the   edge   of   town   and   continuing   with   their   silly   little   charade   of   humanity   —   her   mother   had   stoped   using   her   powers   ,   her   father   only   fed   on   animal   blood   .   they   tried   to   give   their   daughter   everything   that   they   so   desperately   desired   ,   normality   .
chapter   four   .   though   what   they   couldn’t   change   was   who   amanda   was   and   what   they   couldn’t   prevent   was   the   magic   in   her   blood   .   a   witch   .   imagine   that   !   out   of   the   children   they   could’ve   adopted   ,   fate   ,   so   agonisingly   obsessed   with   irony   ,   gave   them   her   ,   a   wtich   .   a   girl   who   will   never   know   normalcy   had   it   been   right   in   front   of   her   .   with   a   constant   stream   of   temper   tantrums   ,   it   wasn’t   long   before   her   emotions   erupted   and   her   powers   were   revealed   .   and   she   was   strong   ,   her   raw   power   at   the   age   of   seven   was   enough   to   trigger   the   pureblood’s   spies   .   her   parents   begged   for   mercy   ,   she   was   just   a   kid   ,   she   didn’t   know   how   it   was   forbidden   ,   much   less   control   it   !   she   doesn’t   remember   most   of   that   night   ,   only   that   it   was   the   last   time   she   had   seen   her   parents   .
chapter   five   .   the   remainder   of   her   adolescence   was   spent   in   hiding   ,   a   member   of   her   mother’s   old   coven   had   rescued   her   .   vampires   were   immortal   ,   there   was   no   chance   of   them   leaving   or   forgetting   anytime   soon   .   so   she   was   hidden   ,   raised   in   a   basement   under   the   woman’s   house   .   there   was   taught   all   about   the   supernatural   of   new   orleans   ,   about   the   uprising   and   the   purebloods   and   their   tyrannical   rule   ,   about   how   one   day   there   will   be   another   revolution   and   one   which   witches   will   win   .   but   in   the   meantime   they   had   to   submit   to   he   purbelood’s   power   ,   they   must   seem   obedient   and   docile   but   should   never   forget   the   fires   of   rebellion   within   them   nor   should   they   forget   the   many   sacrifices   of   their   ancestors   .   it   was   in   that   tiny   little   basement   ,   where   it   was   almost   always   cold   and   dark   that   mandy’s   rage   was   fostered   ,   where   her   parents’   dreams   of   normalcy   ended   .   it   was   time   for   reality   .   and   reality   ,   like   the   sawyers   ,   was   much   more   unforgiving   .
chapter   six   .   amanda   stone   was   rescued   from   that   tragic   night   but   angelina   sawyer   emerged   from   that   basement   from   which   she   was   raised   .   though   the   alias   was   not   much   of   a   change   ,   word   had   gone   around   the   supernatural   town   that   amanda   stone   never   survived   ,   some   say   that   she   was   turned   along   with   her   witch   of   a   mother   ,   permanently   robbed   of   her   power   was   an   immortal   ,   some   say   that   she   perished   in   fire   with   the   decapitated   parts   of   her   vampire   of   a   father   .   nobody   really   knows   .   and   she   had   been   seven   .   she   was   thirty   now   .   twenty   when   she   left   the   basement   ,   nobody   remembers   .   nobody   cared   .   so   lina   ,   under   the   guise   of   a   simple   human   ,   graduated   university   and   got   a   job   at   the   local   newspaper   as   a   journalist   .   but   at   night   ,   she   convenes   with   her   coven   of   witches   ,   planning   a   revolt   whilst   trying   to   uncover   the   mystery   of   her   parents’   disappearance   .
VENGEFUL   :  basically   has   a   vendetta   out   for   whoever   harmed   her   parents  
EGOTISTIC   :   often   thinks   about   her   life   &   her   purpose   only   
DECEPTIVE   :   will   exploit   people’s    kindness   ,   trust   ,   loyalty   to   get   what   she   wants 
CLOSED - OFF   /   RESERVED  :    doesn’t   want   to   let   anyone   in to   her   life   /   discover   her   secrets   ,   doesn’t   trust   people   easily 
AMBITIOUS   and   INDUSTRIOUS   :  often   appears   as   though   she’s   constantly   seeking   some   sort   of   answer   for   some   sort   of   story   ??   
SOCIAL   and   LOQUACIOUS   :   very   talkative   ,   hates   awkward   silences   and   will   instead   fill   them   with   questions   that   perhaps   nobody   really   knows   the   answer   to   nor   the   purpose   of    
yknow the drill ,,, gimmeee gimmee gimeee yah yah 
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would you do Rositara for the thingy thing thing as well?
Honestly, I should post more Rosita/Tara stuff. I used to love these two and they’re so damn neglected by canon, they deserve it.
1. Who likes to sit in the other’s lap?
I kinda see Rosita as more of a lap sitter? I don’t think it happens often but Rosita just out of nowhere sitting on Tara’s lap and acting like it’s nothing. Like, you can tell Rosita has her patented ‘yeah, you gonna say something?’ look on like she’s done it a thousand times but Tara’s face just says everything you need to know about how surprised and happy she is.
2. On a cold day, who likes to snuggle up to the other?
I am a firm believer that Rosita is always hot – not just figuratively, literally a walking furnace. Which Tara considers a plus because, one, a warm Rosita in her bed is always a good thing and, two, Tara is always cold. Basically, Tara has consistently got her hands around her girlfriend trying to warm herself up.       
3. Who cooks the food and who does the dishes?
Rosita was the oldest sibling (if I remember correctly - I think so, it’s been too long since I rewatched older seasons, TBH) and I can easily see her having more experience in the kitchen cooking for her siblings but being utterly unenthusiastic about it. So, after hearing a little about it, maybe Tara decides to cook breakfast from then on. She’s not perfect – Tara sometimes browns the edges on eggs and accidentally puts cream in her coffee when Rosita has taken it black since she was nine but it’s by far one of the sweetest things that anyone’s ever done for her. 
4. How would they describe each other to loved ones who haven’t met their partner yet?
Rosita (about Tara): You know, there’s not too many people you can count on. Like, really count on. Everyone’s got an angle, everybody wants something. Not Tara. She’s…Tara, completely herself, doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. And she cares, ya know? Not just some capullolooking for a good time before they find something better. She’s the real deal.    
Tara (about Rosita): So, the most important thing to know about Rosita is don’t piss her off, okay? She is, hands down, the toughest person I’ve ever met. But she’s also really sweet. You just-you have to know her. There are these moments where you can see she just-she looks at you and you know she’d take on anybody that ever looked the wrong way at you. Kill for you, die for you, whatever. It’s just what you let everybody see, you know?
5. Who is more likely to kiss their partner on their forehead?
I’d like to say Tara because I headcanon her as more outwardly affectionate but thinking about Rosita giving sweet forehead kisses? Is adorable? Maybe Tara gives the forehead kisses but Rosita gives top-of-the-head kisses? I can see that. 
6. Who makes a scrapbook of all their memories to give to their partner for a special event? Ex- anniversary, birthday, etc.
Erm. I feel like Tara is more likely to do it out of the two of them but I also think she’d think it was too cheesy? IDK.
7. Where would they go to get away from everyone else and just be alone?
I could see these two on watch, flirting back and forth and generally roasting everyone for their bad decision making/obliviousness. Gimmee that scene. 
8. Who would want to take cute pictures for Instagram?
Tara. Probably just as funny as they are cute, too.
9. Who would most likely call their partner, dude, babe and idiot, all in the same sentence?
Tara. Matter of fact, that’s pretty on brand for her.
10. How do they let their loved ones know they are dating?
I have a feeling they don’t? It’s literally just Rosita moving in with Tara but nothing changes, they’re still attached at the hip and no one questions it. One day someone from the group asks Eugene to ask Rosita something when he sees her later and Eugene busts out, “Rosita has neither lived nor slept in my vicinity for 96 days straight.” and everyone’s like, “Oh. Ooooooh.”
11. Who breaks out in a dance when they hear their favorite song and who joins their partner dancing no matter what they are currently doing?
Tara. 10/10, Tara is the light-hearted goofball of every situation, making Rosita’s lips turn up at the corners and shake her head. And when her girlfriend grabs her hand and pulls her into a dance that is only half in line with the rhythm of the song? She goes, smiling all the way.
12. If they each went to go buy an outfit for one another, what would they get?
 I…don’t know. I’ll be honest, I feel like they’d both have a weird time with that.
13. Who still blushes when their partner compliments them?
Tara. Rosita doesn’t shower anyone with compliments but she does take a little smugness out of giving out small, teasing compliments, like, “You look cute holding that gun” or “That knife work’s great, you’re good with your hands” because Tara is a true useless lesbian and dissolves into wide-eyed blushing.
14. What memories do they share together that will stay with them forever?
Rain pouring down on the two of them, laughter shaking them both as they lie next to each other, disbelieving; a barely-lit garage where the only hope comes from her, challenging her to keep going and calling her gorgeous; arms wrapped too tightly around her, relief laden heavy into her voice, “You’re okay, you’re okay, oh, thank God, you’re okay.”; desperation turned to panic as she pulls away from the kiss, only to get pulled back in; small shapes traced into her back, words that write I love you, you’re still here, stay with me.    
15. Who would dedicate a song to their partner at a karaoke night? Bonus - what song would it be and why?
Why do I picture Tara drunkenly serenading Rosita with Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede? In an off-key, mic-stand-dipping manner?
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Thanks for asking, nonnie!
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herawell · 5 years
A prompt inspired by the fanvid - pre Prince Thomas when Henry is being :| & possessive/jealous - five times Anne & Tom comfort each other and one time Henry comforts them?
(So I shifted this to take place between Anne’s miscarriage and the January 1536 joust, because mutual pining that is acknowledged but cannot be acted upon? GIMMEE IT ALL.)
1. Her second child rushes from her far too early in a torrent of blood, and Henry does not come to her, consumed with anger and disappointment and grief (this is the eighth child he has lost, while it is her first). Courtiers murmur their condolences, and to their credit, most of them are genuine. “It was God’s will.” “You are young, Your Majesty, with a fine daughter in the nursery and surely a fine brother to join her there as well soon.”
But it is Cromwell’s soft words, about the two daughters he lost to the sweating sickness, and his hand in hers, that allow Anne to smile for the first time in weeks.
2. Someone sneers at Thomas “lowborn gutter rat” and at the feast that evening, Anne very pointedly snubs the offending miscreant and very pointedly asks Master Cromwell for a dance.
They do not touch.
3. The Queen announces that she is with child again, but while the King is as visibly pleased as anyone else, the uneasy hesitance between them remains. Thomas had thought the new pregnancy would bring them closer, but Henry still seems wary of becoming too attached to this child, lest it be snatched away as well, and consequently keeps Anne at a distance as well. He does not know why, but he finds himself uncommonly angry with his king and lord, for behaving so towards his wife, and grieved on his queen’s behalf.
4. “This child is my last hope," Anne says suddenly. 
They had been sitting in her chambers together, taking in the autumn air, idly discussing matters of state when she voices this fear. All at once, the words come out: "If it should be a girl -- or end in blood again -- suppose -- suppose he wishes to punish me -- all Katherine did was speak a few words in anger, and he had Mary taken away from her for years so that he might control her-- then Elizabeth -- he might --"
"If he takes such an idea into his head, I will be the first one to raise my sword against him," Thomas vows. "And Princess Mary would be the second to do so -- she would not allow you to suffer that which you rescued her from." He thinks Anne's fears all but unfounded, the result of too many sleepless nights and the wildness that pregnancy brings out in women, but he knows that dismissing them out of hand is not what she needs now, so instead he offers reassurance. And part of him wants her to know that he would fight for her, even against his liege lord. 
5. The Lord Chancellor sends her a message that he is unwell and cannot visit her today, for fear of infecting both her and the child. Anne feels strangely disappointed, as she had come to rely on Thomas for comfort almost -- almost like she used to do with Henry. But Henry is still disillusioned with her in a way that leaves husband and wife far apart, and Thomas is unwell, and she is alone with her worries. Just the same, she sends her own physician to Thomas and help him recuperate.
1. Henry is distracted and distant, even after Anne’s second (third) pregnancy had been confirmed. Once, though, at a council meeting, he can feel the baby kicking even through the table and clears the room, just so that he might feel it, and invites Master Cromwell to feel it as well.
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jozstankovich · 6 years
oc interview | Ji-ae Choi
Tagged by: @jonhseed thank you ambieee!  i love that you think of me even tho we aren’t active in the same fandoms lol
Tagging: @fiftyshadesofdes, @crytalstellar, @jylcie, @perseus-huntress, @fuwafuwagem, @sarah-choi, @saambell
Rules: Pick an oc and answer the questions as they would.  ^^
putting under cut bc longggg
What is your name? Ji-ae Yeong-Choi
What is your real name? That... is my real name?
Do you know why you were called that? Because my parents named me that?  I dunno, ask them.
Are you single or taken? Happily taken~
Have any abilities or powers? Uhhh... I know tae kwon do and I’m good with computers lol that’s not really a special power tho.
Stop being a Mary Sue. Wow, rude.
What’s your eye colour? Rose gold.
How about your hair colour? Brunette.  Thought about dying it, but I’m too lazy for the upkeep lol.
Have you any family members? My dad, step mom, and older step sister, Yue.  Oh, and since she’s married to Jumin I guess that would make him my... step brother by marriage.  And of course there’s my brother-in-law, Saeran.  ^^
Oh? What about pets? I’d love to get some, like a cat and maybe a dog, and I know Saeyoung wants a cat... but right now we only have the robot cat and puppy.
That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like. You guess?  Why did you even ask the question if you’re gunna react like that?  >:/  Something I don’t like... uhhh, copy cats I guess.  In my line of work, it’s really annoying, like get your own hook. 
Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing? I love playing video games.  I mean, it’s kind of my job to play them on camera, but it’s my hobby too, y’know?  I also love surfing the internet and blogging.  Watching horror films.  Memorizing actors and what movies they’ve been in.  Those are hobbies right?
Ever hurt anyone before? Yes... emotionally... and physically.
Ever... killed anyone before? No, but... I wanted to.
What kind of animal are you? Cat, for sure.  We have the same tendencies.
Name your worst habits. ...I sleep in late, go to bed late, eat too much junk food.  let’s see... oh yeah i tend to worry about well, everything :|
Do you look up to anyone at all? I look up to my step sister, Yue.  She’s got her life together and she’s smart and sophisticated and strong.  I also really look up to my husband.  I know that might seem weird to some because of the way he can be perceived if you don’t know him well, but he’s been through so much in his life and has come out the other side stronger and manages to keep a smile on his face.
Gay, straight, or bisexual? Bi
Do you go to school? I did.  I... took a break for about a year, but I finished and got my degree.
Do you ever want to marry & have kids one day? I’m already married... and about kids... well, *blushes and fidgets with her hoodie strings* despite my stance against them in the past I’ve been thinking about it more and more recently.  Having a little mini-Saeyoung wouldn’t be so bad. 
Do you have any fanboys/fangirls? I have a pretty good amount of youtube fans, but no crazy ones... that I know of.
What are you most afraid of? Hell is other people.  Can we... not talk about this anymore?
What do you usually wear? I love hoodies.  Especially fun quirky ones.  I also love cute stockings and tights with skirts.  Although, most of the time when I’m at home I... don’t wear pants.
Do you love someone? With all my heart~
When was the last time you wet yourself? Wha- uhh?  Wait... is this a serious question?
Well, it’s not over yet! Wait, the weird questions, or the interview?
What class are you? (High/upper/middle/low) Uhm... I guess maybe upper class?  I’m not entirely sure.  I’ve never thought about it much, but I guess Sae and I are kind of eccentric rich hermits lol.
How many friends do you have? More than enough~  I’ve never been one to have many friends.  I’d prefer a few close friends over a lot of acquaintances, and the members of the RFA are just the friends I need.
What are your thoughts on pie? GIMMEE.
Favourite drink? Red Bull... or really any energy drink.
What’s your favourite place? My bed.  For a couple reasons  >_>
Are you interested in someone? I... already told you I was married?  I’m verrry interested in my husband, Saeyoung.
What’s your bra cup size/how big is your willy? None of your business.
Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? The ocean, I guess.  I’ve... never been.  *a far away look crosses her face*
What’s your type? Hm... someone who’s funny and sweet, but knows how to be serious when the mood calls for it.
Any fetishes? HA.  *turns a bright shade of red*  I mean, I’ve got a few... and that’s all I’m gunna say about that.
Seme or uke? Top or bottom?  Dominant or submissive? Wouldn’t you like to know?~
Camping or Indoors? I n d o o r s.
Are you waiting for the interview to end? God yes.  I mean, haha no~
Now it’s over! Yay! 
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frankxkaren-blog · 8 years
so darcy being tony’s sis
A teaser related to this headcanon
She’s thirteen when she has her first heartbreak.
Tony’s there with a bag of M&Ms (“The peanut kind! You are the best brother.”) and one of her favorite old Hollywood classics. When she starts crying thirty minutes in, Tony doesn’t say anything as he drags her into his lap and holds her tight.
Tony’s twenty nine when he gets engaged. He’s thirty when his fiancee leaves him at the alter.
Darcy remembers being ushered from the church, asking Mr. Jarvis what in the holy banana balls is going on and why isn’t Julia here yet?
“There isn’t going to be a wedding, Miss Darcy.”
The fifteen year old peers at her caregiver. “What do you mean?”
Mr. Jarvis sits on the edge of the chair, giving her a smile. “You have grown up so fast, Miss Darcy.”
“Eddie…” she whines. Yeah, she’s turning sixteen in a few weeks but she can still use that voice and get her way.
Mr. Jarvis’s eyes are soft. “Julia decided to call off the wedding. She gave Master Tony the ring back. I do believe she will be by here sometime tomorrow morning to pick up a few things she may have left behind.”
Darcy scoffs but worry flushes through her. “Where is Tony?”
He shrugs a shoulder. “I’m not sure,” he says. “I haven’t seen him since Julia left the church.” When Darcy tries to push past him to leave the apartment, Mr. Jarvis’s hand gently closes around her upper arm. “Miss Darcy, it would be best if you leave him be. Even if you could find him, I do not believe he wants to be around anyone right now.”
Wincing, she nods. “You’re right.”
Tony comes home about four hours later, his eyes reddened and his suit filthy. Darcy’s sitting on the sofa, a bag of M&Ms resting on the coffee table and a Fred Astaire movie in the DVD player.
“Well big brother, you look like hell,” she says. Tony rolls his eyes, running a hand through his hair. “Mr. Jarvis went home about an hour ago. He put some clothes in the bathroom for you. Go get showered and then we’ll pig out on junk.”
His face is so grateful and Darcy’s heart cracks. When he joins her twenty minutes later, dressed in sweatpants and a teeshirt, she’s already devoured half of the bag of chocolate. “Gimmee.”
Darcy passes him the bag, lifting her feet off of the couch so he can sit before flopping them back into his lap. She hits the play button on the remote again and Fred Astaire is twirling Ginger on the dance floor.
“She wasn’t the love of your life, you know.”
Tony’s voice is cracked from disuse. “How do you know that?”
“Because it didn’t work out. Granted it would have been a little nicer if the witch hadn’t waited until today to drop the bomb, so to speak. But yeah, this is obvious that your great love is out there waiting for you.”
He smirks. “When did you get so philosophical?”
Darcy stretches her arms out behind her head, gently knocking the palm of her hand against Tony’s hair. “Since I got you as a brother.”
Tony reaches behind and grabs her hand, holding it in both of his own. “Thanks.”
She yawns loudly, lightly pulling her hand away from Tony’s so she can sling her feet back into his lap again. “Anytime, bro.”
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