#if anyone reads this rb with your own hcs
purpleajisai · 11 months
Drop your Madara headcannons 🧠 💣
Hi! This is going to be quite a long list. Didn't add every single hc because I'm planning on writing a little fanfic and don't want to spoil some details to you hehe. Anyways, hope you enjoy! Some of these are very oddly specific, this man occupies at least half my brain if not more.
🔥 misc!
* He drinks his tea boiling hot. Burning your tongue? Never heard of it
* Is actually good at cooking and makes the most out of any ingredient available. Growing up in war, he knows how to make meals out of anything.
* Has a pillow to cuddle in bed! The dude is lonely.
* Very elegant and expensive hanko to stamp his documents. A clan leader needs to be fancy sometimes!
* Neat freak. Never has his house messy or his clothes out of place. Even his hair strands are calculated.
* Is actually able to mend/sew his clothes very well if some stitches are damaged during training.
* Sleeps a maximum of 6 hours a day, minimum of 30 minutes. The amount of sleep he gets is like playing a roulette (ever seen the eyebags? yeah)
* Speaking about the eyebags. His eyebags are both sunken and protruding (based on my personal experience of being sleep deprived+stressed) the lower eyelid pops out a little and the dark circles extend more.
* The man is physically unable to go out in social settings during the day. Only has social battery for the night. If he has to do some sort of diplomatic celebration with other clan leaders or kage during the day, he’ll leave the talking to someone better at social gatherings like Hashirama. 
* Has houseplants both for decoration and for cooking. We’re talking pretty succulents and mint plants or peach trees.
* The type of guy to wake up and immediately jump out of bed. Things have to be done everyday and he doesn’t trust people to do things the way he likes. 
🎀 appearance!
* Shaves to perfection every single morning, no excuses. Takes a little razor to missions, hates the feeling of facial hair growing. Trims his eyebrows as well. The Sharingan needs a pretty frame, right?
* The gloves have 2 purposes: protecting his hands from getting calluses or any form of damage due to the metal handle of the gunbai, kusarigama, etc and to hide burn scars (courtesy of @madaraservingcunt go follow her!)
* Continuing with the gloves, they’re made out of leather or thick cotton. Maybe has several sets of them for different activities.
* Smells like a mix of wood (cedar or pine), soot/ash, aloe and maybe lavender or wild daisy.
* Skincare and haircare? He’s VERY serious about these. Aloe vera facial masks for soothing the itchiness of constant katonjutsu, washes face with caution, rice water to keep his hair shiny, protective hairstyles to not damage the long hair strands, bamboo hairbrush to retain the natural oils, etc.
* Either has thick straight hair or textured and slightly wavy hair, definitely cut in layers. The wavy hair would make more sense as it poofs up when dry but looks rather straight when wet, taking into account the scenes of the battle in the Valley of the End (thank you Indra for the wavy hair and gorgeous mane genetics). Definitely loves his hair, fav part about himself.
* The bandages above his ankles are to keep the pants in place because his calves are thin and not very muscular, a small insecurity when he was a teen.
* Speaking of the terrible teens, he got grumpy whenever he got a breakout, zit, etc.
* Has mixed/dry, sensible skin. Dealt with painful and itchy sores due to lack of skin hydration while in war.
* Is a bit ashamed of his height and body proportions (i.e. wishing he was taller, less lean and more bulky, broader shoulders). These were regular nuisances during his teens but he eventually controlled the insecurities in adulthood, not managing to make them disappear completely nonetheless.
🍡 food!
* The databooks say that his fav food is inarizushi, so I've added that he likes similar things: onigiri, temaki, nigirizushi, tamagoyaki or even gyoza.
* Eats with little pleasure, only to fuel his body or whatever. That changes when Konoha is founded and he can actually enjoy and taste his meals.
* Dislikes greasy foods. Not a fan of ramen or katsudon, gyoza has to be boiled and would never eat tempura or ebi furai.
* Has a sweet tooth. We're talking dango, wagashi, dorayaki and more. However, only Izuna knew about this. Can't have a clan leader that eats candy like a little child.
* Prefers his sake cold and drinks mostly umeshu in informal gatherings.
* Actually likes fruit. I have no reason for believing this but he has the face of a man who likes fresh fruit. Fav fruit is persimmons or apples.
* Was malnourished as a child, giving away his food to his brothers or clansmen. Eventually took a toll on his muscle growth and height.
* Eats very light breakfast (maybe tea and some rice with nori or miso soup with wakame), heavy lunch (meat or fish, rice, more tea and other side dishes), no dinner.
* Favourite tea is jasmine or pu'erh, mostly drinks green tea and actually enjoys a good ceremonial matcha.
Thanks for the fun ask! I legit have a google docs of 4 pages full of hcs 😭 please send more asks about him I need to dump my brainrot
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
hey :) could you like gimme recs for your favorite solangelo fics ?
this is my favorite solangelo/jasico/percico fic hope u enjoy
lmfao jokes aside i actually don't read fics of any of my ships :(, buuuut i know my moots do and i trust their taste so i'll leave u some of theirs right here <3. either way i like hcs so i'll leave some chb headcanons i did time ago, it's not particularly solangelo but still fun to read
aaand if anyone wants to self promo their own fics/hcs or by others' feel free to rb w the links !!
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Hi I hope you don’t mind me asking. I’ve been wanting to write Ethan x MC fics. But I feel like I don’t see Ethan in the “conventional” way people here in the fandom do. I know everyone writes their own version of him but honestly I’m kind of scare people would reject my stories if I don’t write him as lovey dovey as the rest. Idk why but I have a fascination for book 1 Ethan with just a few twists.
Do you think making friends is more important to have engagement on fics? I’ve seen people in the fandom RB fics that are different from their own HC, but only from people they’re friends with. If it’s something different & it’s coming from someone they don’t like or talk to, it gets rejected or ignored. I really hope this doesn’t offend anyone. And I know there’s a few people (you included) who are on both sides of the border (with more known and liked creators & those who aren’t) and RB a variety of fics. 
Hey Nonny,
Thanks for feeling comfortable enough to reach out to me about this. Unfortunately, I don't have a crystal ball, so I can't say what will happen. But I can share my personal experience and what I've observed in my time here, and hope it helps you. Then, I'll offer you my advice (which you can take or leave). 😊
There is a more "popular" version of Ethan in the fandom, and it is a romanticized version. This is not right or wrong, nor good or bad. It just is. No one dictates that it must be this way, but there are more readers that seem to want that content. These are just facts. I can attest to that because I write different versions of Ethan and, by and large, the mushy Ethan is always the most engaged with.
Personally, I think it's because people want escapism - hell - I do, too, at times. But keep in mind if your version falls outside of that (especially if it is drastically different), you may not get tons of engagement - especially with numbers so low today. And that's not an attack - it's not a judgment - it's just that's not what the majority of people are here for. People attack from both sides. Trust me, I know. My first fanfics on Tumblr were my original OH alternate ending and Delaying the Inevitable. You cannot get more sugary and sweet than the former, and the latter has sweet moments, but it is an angsty roller-coaster of emotions. The first is perfect, Ethan, and the second is very broken, Ethan, who does some really hurtful things to MC, to his father, and to others.
I've gotten anon hate for both versions. Yes, I've gotten hate for mushy Ethan, too - mocked terribly for it, actually. Have I gotten more hate for the DTI version? Yes. Absolutely - but see point #1. I believe it's just a numbers game. Yet, with that said, DTI stands in a class by itself compared to anything else I've written. I've never seen that loyalty, that excitement, and that level of interest. So, obviously, not everyone hates it. Friends and support on Tumblr can go hand in hand, but they don't always - and in my opinion - they shouldn't. Let's say you meet someone here. You have similar personalities, like the same music; you just click and become friends. But you have totally different writing styles/approaches to fanfic. Should you both be required to read a ton of fics that aren't your thing just because your friend wrote them? No. Does that mean you don't like each other and can't be friends? No. Does it always work that way? No. Are there friend groups that will RB everything someone in the group posts? Sure. Is that good? I mean, that's each person's personal opinion. I am in the camp of, no, it's not good. Why? From a writer's perspective, I don't want a bunch of empty notes. If I have 10 notes from people who are TRULY enthusiastic about my work, who I truly brought something to, it beats having 50 notes from people who skimmed my work, don't really care for it, and aren't giving me honest feedback. But that's just me. From a reader's perspective, I don't think people should be forced to read things they don't particularly care for just because they're friends. We read for enjoyment, right? I can be friends with someone and not necessarily love their style of writing. I can not be very fond of someone and think their work is spectacular. Work should be judged on taste and merit, IMO. I know it doesn't always work that way here, but that's my approach. You have to determine what's most important to you. If notes are the most important, then write what people want. But I think that gets pretty empty pretty quick. Writing is personal. Do I wish the works that were most important to me and brought me the most personal fulfillment got the most notes? Sure. And sometimes, they do. But often, they don't. I'm still going to write them. To me, it's not about a popularity contest. And if there is anyone who will stop being your friend because they disagree with your version of Ethan (or anything else), sweetheart, they're not your friend to begin with, and you're not losing a blessed thing if they walk away. My advice to you? WRITE WHAT YOU WANT TO WRITE. It will make you happiest, and I assure you, it will be your best work. DON'T MAKE NOTES YOUR GOAL. Notes are fickle. I don't know if you saw my post-Sunday, but I have had people outright tell me they have not RB me because I was getting too many notes or I was too new and had to pay my dues. I have seen people who RB just because they're friends, and I have seen people who will NOT RB just because they're not. It's a fucking game here (a stupid one), and it's gotten worse as the fandom dwindles. But that game impacts the number of notes any creator gets. If you tie your self-worth as a person or as a writer to number of notes, you're setting yourself up to be hurt needlessly. Make your own fulfillment the goal. Don't be mad if what you imagine/write isn't the most popular. We can't tell other people what to like or read. But does it make you happy? Are you proud? Do you have at least one other person excited about it with you? Then you're golden, in my opinion.
I recommend one weekend when you're free. Take the list from @openheartfanfics. Or if you're not in OH's fandom, take the list from @choicesficwriterscreations. And read every single fic. Why? You are likely to find something you like that you would not have otherwise. If you don't, don't do it again - but give it a shot. Oh, and while you're there? Give each writer a ❤️. Show them love and support for taking the time to write and then sharing it with us. I know this is long (dude, it's me lol), but I think this is very important. Always happy to chat if you like - anon is here, but DMs are open, and I won't share anything discussed with others.
Hope you do what's best for you, Nonny!
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pervile · 2 years
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welcome on in ꜀(^. . ^꜀ )੭ i'll try to cut this as short as i can, but this is my safe space so there are some things you need to be aware of !! i'd appreciate it if you read through the entirety. . . i don't think anyone likes getting their boundaries disrespected + you might learn some stuff about me !
my main & interaction blog is @pookiepup, so all likes, follows and asks will come from there. it's mainly just a placeholder for this blog but i do occasionally rb non-fandom related stuff
i am not as consistent as i'd like to be, and i get distracted quite easily. so please do not expect an updating schedule unless it is for a series (or if they are commissions. . .)
i write for gender neutral afabs, meaning the reader will have a pussy but no gender descriptors (this includes: cis women, transmen, non-binary, intersex). i do this bc it welcomes a large audience, and i want all my queers to feel inclusive! and also. . .bc i am a transman.
i'm more than okay with flirtatious remarks, but please flirt platonically!
i block very freely if something makes me uncomfortable. so if you have been hard blocked please do not find any means to interrogate me. if its a consistent thing i am seeing on my blog, i may bring it up, but other than that, please steer clear!
try not to dm me on tumblr if we have only spoken a few times. my dms are only open to mutuals, but if we have not connected priorly, i may feel intimidated or uncomfortable by the sudden approach. lets interact on the tl first and see if we click !
you're more than welcome to spam my inbox, but not with updates or repeated messages. i'm just one lil guy after all, and also, it's just annoying and childish to do this.
i may occasionally write for dominant reader on the side of submissive reader, depending on the mood and the character. but i only write for bottom reader and never top reader.
that being said, the main focus of my blog will be in the sub-genres of not safe for work. there may be the occasional safe for work stuff if i feel like it. regardless, i do not want minors following and interacting with me here on my writing blog.
i write a variety of this not safe for work content, which includes taboo and sexually explicit content. all taboo (dark) content will be tagged accordingly, so if you do not want to see that on your timeline, you're more that welcome to block tags or phrases associated with it! (ex. #cw noncon)
unfortunately i do not accept requests. . .unless it fits between my own ideas. i get nervous from the pressure it puts on me as a creator. but this may change as i get more confident in my writing!
please do not give me criticism or feedback on my works unless you are a beta reader of mine or if i have explicitly asked for it. imo it's very nitpicky and negative in a creative space
please just be a decent human being and have basic respect when interacting with me and my blog; that is all i ask of you.
all sexualities and genders are welcome to read as they please, but keep in mind that i am a transman and i may talk about that and my identity. most of this stuff will be posted on my main blog (unrelated to writing), but i'm still putting this here as a warning just in case.
under the age of eighteen, fetishisers, transphobes, homphobes, gatekeepers, racists, ableists, trump and jk rowling supporters, copycats, you post porn under the x reader tags, sexist, instigators of drama, write smut about real people (idols/actors), kink shamer, anti-dark content, you sub post people, you clog up the x reader tags with pointless shit (navigation posts/under 30 word hcs/generic reply asks/etc), trauma dumper, don't respect basic privacy, attention seeker, mention discourse unless i have brought it up first
(this list has made me realise i have a lot of pet peeves dsfkgjhdsf but if you are any of the above, i usually hard block if i see you in my notifications. sorry not sorry. . .)
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kentopedia · 2 years
this is my personal space ᵎᵎ that also functions as a multifandom writing blog, so expect to see lots of different content here. please use my TAG GUIDE to block any posts you don't wish to see ❤︎
basic dnf rules. if you are racist, transphobic, homophobic, zionist, etc.
idc about stupid fandom discourse, do not send that to me. i already did my time in the fandom wars years ago, i'm in my retirement era ◡̈
if you engage with content sexualizing minors in any form, romanticize eds, support problematic people, can't respect boundaries, try to force your own opinions onto others / don't respect different opinions, dnf me!
FOR MINORS: i mostly write sfw. so i won’t block you for following, but do not interact with my 18+ content!!!! i can’t stop you from reading anything, but be aware of the content you are consuming, and respect my boundaries.
pls block the tag after hours ☽ ⋆ ˚。⋆ to hide any of my nsfw posts
DO NOT repost my work anywhere, plagiarize, feed my work to ai, translate, or copy any of my ideas/unique layouts.
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dms and asks are open to anyone. pls be kind to me! i'm generally pretty shy but pls don't feel awkward about reaching out. i'm love making new friends ◡̈
i don't believe in withholding my own thoughts or emotions for the sake of "keeping my blog positive." having a safe place means i also should feel safe enough to vent + express my feelings.
reblogs are appreciated! that's the best way to support writers!
to break the mutual… pls hard block or unfollow.
i don't age up characters, but i don't block people who do. if we are mutuals, just expect i will not rb or engage with any of this content if you write it
i will try to get to every interaction but i apologize in advance if i don’t respond to something you’ve sent me. i'm not on here as often anymore <3
in sum: treat others how you want to be treated. i'll match your energy, so we will have no problems as long as you are respectful
anons: akaashi, 🪼, 🎧
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i don't take requests anymore but you are welcome to send in little thoughts, thirsts, hcs, questions regarding characters, etc. i would love for you to!
some asks i might not feel comfortable answering, so i’ll delete those.
i personally don’t write: scat, incest, underage, eating disorders, physical abuse, mommy/daddy kink, age play or regression, character x character, male reader, aging up, college or high school au’s, hybrids, rape
readers won’t have physical descriptions, but their personalities will align with the story & may not be relatable to everyone. feel free to send me a respectful message if i have accidentally alluded to a reader looking a certain way. i write from my own perspective, so i may slip up from time to time in that regard. it is never my intention, so just be kind about it, and i will fix it right away!
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taeyamayang · 3 years
tr boys as dads and rules
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˗ˏˋ mikey, draken, baji, mitsuya, & kazutora ´ˎ˗
ㅡhouse rules they instill if they were a dad
↬ fancy volleyball players? click here for Haikyuu!!
a/n: short and simple domestic fluff to cope with my exams to brighten your day. i feel like i should have done more but vsnsbdjshsj finals took my remaining braincells. i'm sorry and i hope enjoy.
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ㅡamong all the members of tokyo manji gang, mikey is likely the most aware of what goes on in the streets when it's past sun down and he wouldn't dare to risk an enemy crossing paths with his child. he would go batshit crazy thinking of what if's and would lose his mind if he sees a single graze on his baby's skin. i hc him as a protective dad.
ㅡdraken doesn't like his house untidy (i mean have you seen his room??) so the first thing he teaches his kid is to clean up the mess they made. he isn't the type to nag about how unorganized a room is instead he'd drag a long sigh before ushering to his kids to come see the mess they made his baritone voiceㅡthe type of voice a parent uses when reprimanding their child. but when the mess is tidied, he rewards his kid with their favorite treats. he loves seeing the small lids of his kid's eyes expand and the corner of their lips pulling up into excitement as he gives them ice cream as a reward.
ㅡhe's paranoid, not really, perhaps a bit. it's not like he doesn't trust his kid though, but the thing is he doesn't trust anyone aside from his family and friends. he's skeptical and would rather keep his loved ones secured and safe. so when a guest comes over (esp if it's a boy and he has a daughter) he insists on keeping the door of his daughter's room open. baji is usually not the hospitable type but his personality changes to a complete three hundred sixty degrees when guests are over. he makes sure to bring snacks and check on his kid every once in a while. he makes sure his child and the guest is comfortable (heck, this is just his excuse to spy on the stranger on them).
ㅡlmao he's the one to blame for this. whenever his kid would unconsciously blurt out curse words he would tell them off immediately (bc he didn't want y/n to witness their child picking up his habit) he would try to be a 'serious' dad by lecturing his child about the weight of saying bad words but halfway into reprimanding them, his serious dad persona crumbles, revealing his true identity. he can't help but roll out soft chuckles as he looks at his child endearingly. his little one's pouted lips and rosy cheeks are too cute for him and all he could think of is squeezing those chubby cheeks. so in turn his kid would assume he's playing games with them. amazed by his father laughing, the kid repeats the curse word several times, and louder this time, until y/n hears it and shoot death glares to mitsuya. the latter sheepishly smiles and scratches the back of his head in defeat.
ㅡthis may or may not be based on his experience but being older and wiser, he realized the importance of owning up to a mistake and later on apologizing for it. it doesn't matter if you made a mistake as long as you recognize your short commings and own up to it that thought alone suffices. i bet his kid is well loved by his peers and probably looked up to by many for their kind words and respectful gestures. this is enough for kazutora to feel warm and proud of his child.
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thanks for reading! rb and likes are very much appreciated :)
Masterlist | TR Masterlist
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Since I am going to be coming back on my hiatus relatively soon, there’s some major changes about to be made. I appreciate everyone reading what I have to say and doing whatever actions that need to be taken.
Number One: I am going to be softblocking some mutuals. Those of which who we haven’t written in awhile, seeing or feeling no interest on either sides, or interacting and close with too many people I don’t want to be near. However, you ARE free to follow back if you notice I soft blocked you and I will likely follow back depending on my reasonings.
Number Two: Riding off that, I am officially saying this now. I am not going to associate with anyone who associates with Ske/ptic // Hell/uva/He/ll. I am going to leave this tweet up, and have people make their own decisions about who they want to associate with. I implore you to please look at this, and look at it with your own risk. If you decide you wish to still interact with it, block me. Hard block me and never contact me again.
Number Three: There needs to be more engagement/show of interest. I am so tired of rbing memes and seeing people rb the same one from me (when I post first esp) and get usually nothing in my inbox in return. Of course, I know, sometimes a prompt list doesn’t have anything that sticks. That’s fine. I don’t want people to send something in EVERY time, but the fact 99 percent of the time I get NOTHING, aside from the same three people,while I notice everyone else seems to get something, is discouraging. But what is most hurtful is when it’s OOC memes, like HC memes, mun memes, or question memes, etc ... Sure, you might miss it, and/or sometimes you don’t send something in, that’s fine. I’m guilty of it too. But every damn time it feels like it flops except for, again, the same three people.
And I HAVE tried to give out to those, I am not gonna say I never tried. Because I did. And I say ‘I did’ because I’ve grown less and less on my dash due to my increasing discomfort being on it. But, now I am coming back, so now I am going to go back into trying to engage.
On top of that, it’s the lack of any sort of acknowledgement or likes or comments on any of my posts. I don’t ask for much of anything, I just like acknowledgement that what I wrote has been read and seen. My activity has been so dry except for, again, the same few of you. I know some people like to keep their likes organized, and that’s fine, I get it, but at the least maybe comment a <3 or something to know what I am saying is being read.
I am not asking for much. I am just asking for a little engagement. I have so long felt like no one really gives a shit about me or my portrayal here anymore.
I feel as if I do sound crazy, but, again, over the years I have notice an increased dwindling in interaction on this blog, or people reaching out or seeming to wish to engage with what I have to offer. On TOP of the harassment I still have gotten, to the point it’s followed me ONTO MY MULTI MUSE, where I have had NO issues before UNTIL my hiatus on Molly.
So, yes. I am asking for a little extra care. Because of the extreme lack of care I have been feeling lately.
To the few of you who HAVE been nothing BUT consistently caring, sweet, and supportive, even through my hiatus. Thank you. I love you guys.
And let me end this with I’m not mad at anyone over point three. I am really not. Because I do know it’s NOT just me with this issue, but I AM speaking on my own behalf and feelings upon it.
I was going to post all of this when I got back, but considering this involves a purging of mutuals and followers, I am going to post it now to give people time to block and unfollow so it gives me less work for when I do get back, and also give time for people to read and assess and all that.
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ursie · 3 years
Ok but Nico isn’t disabled he’s fully capable of walking on his own he can see he can talk he can hear he’s literally not disabled
Anon..ok actually I’ll explain this to you and everyone feel free to rb this because I feel like this is the crux of the debate-physically disabled doesn’t inherently mean wheelchair user, hoh, mute, blind, ect. When people say Nico is physically disabled they’re saying it’s v clear he’s not as able bodied as everyone else in universe. There seems to be something up-hes the only one that passes out consistently-now some think he’s chronically ill, some think a condition, some hc injury-there is no consensus on what’s Nico’s specific physically disability just that whatever it is leads to chronic fatigue. Now how you choose to view him afterwards is on you-but him being physically disabled isn’t really up for debate-interpretation? Sure but true debate where the answer no is actually being humored? No. If your knee jerk reaction to people saying x reads as physically disabled is no he’s too “able” for that I think you gravely misunderstand what disabled people actually can look like-we’re not a monolith guys and we all have different levels of “function” ok. Also the fact of the matter is Nico does have trouble walking he has waves of fatigue, he leans on people for support or is carried after what is not considered extraordinarily strenuous activities for anyone else (they get tired-they don’t pass out). Tbh it sounds like the dude needs a cane to me. Anyway. Main point is-is Nico actually not physically disabled or do you just not actually know what physically disabled means??
*ok to rb no clowning
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lilikags · 3 years
Hi Hi~~ may I request some hcs for kayron, mort, tywin, vildred, and krau with an S/O that is very smart but is very fragile, like they get sick easily and even the smallest hit can inflict a lot of damage, thanks as always!
request !! ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
‗ �� req open at @lilikags (hq, genshin, e7) & @arlitem (tot) ‗ ❍ kayron, mort, tywin, vildred & krau with an s/o who is smart but fragile ‗ ❍ fluff, hcs ‗ ❍ apologies for this being super late, I hope you don’t mind. :0 ive been super busy and i hope it hasn't been too long >< pls enjoy !!
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˗ˏˋ꒰ kayron ꒱
-> kayron is extra protective of you. when i mean protective, like- he's the only one that can even touch you, in fear of you being hurt. he's also afraid of himself hurting you- he doesn't trust himself no matter how much you assure him that he'll be okay
-> he does allow a doctor near you though- the best one he can find. the souls down in the underworld aren't exactly the most fit for the job, especially when most of them are moving bones... but he does find a good one on orbis and kidnaps him there
-> please teach him manners. he will listen to you. he trusts you because he knows of your wisdom.
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˗ˏˋ꒰ mortelix ꒱
-> mort finds you interesting by your reactions. he obviously won't do anything that could hurt you, but he'd still tease you constantly
-> first time you get sick he literally kidnaps the doctor too when you need it. the council is so close to saying "get some help" because they're so annoyed with him stealing the best doctor in eureka just because you got a cold one day and it's causing them a plethora of political issues
-> when you scold him though he understands but is definitely not sorry for his actions...
-> whenever you give him advice he acts like he doesn't listen. but later he will definitely use it- it lives in the back of his brain.
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˗ˏˋ꒰ tywin ꒱
-> he always has someone to look after you when he can't. he's protective and easy to read once you get to know him; you'll know what's coming. though if it ends up feeling suffocating, let him know and he'll suddenly not know what to do and you can set your own terms. as long as they make sense to him. else he'll get upset (at the situation)- and its not often that this happens.
-> super embarrassed about it when asked for no reason at all, but when you're doing your usual work (and he's there, because schniel gave him a day off) but he likes staring at you. it's emotionally healing for him.
-> doesn't know how tf to take care of you, but he studies. his second major is being a doctor and just for you, because he's found a new hobby: taking care of you. he's also just good at it, don't ask how.
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˗ˏˋ꒰ vildred ꒱
-> nerdy jokes. all the time. idk if anyone forgot that he actually has humor. canonically. (bc i did forget for a little while with all the drama that happened in ep 1 lmao) he definitely makes jokes relevant to what you're smart about (even if it's just like generally smart- anything you're familiar with)
-> will protect you to the ends of the earth will quit his job- when you tell him "no, don't do that" he'll take a minute to think
-> sometimes (more than not, actually) he's incapable of making certain decisions for himself and he literally asks you to decide for him.
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˗ˏˋ꒰ krau ꒱
-> nerdy jokes again but this time they're not that funny. he's trying tho, give him a kiss on the cheek.
-> born warrior not born king. you see, he's not that bad at his job... but you're just smarter at it. what taranor needs is not a commander but a ruler. he won't force it on you if you're not up to it tho,, but he would ask you for advice
-> literally hires the best doctor in taranor. no more words need to be said.
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : lili's notes...
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
➽ please rb if you liked this! it would make me so happy <3
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puppypeter · 4 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Learn more about your mutuals and followers 💕✨
1) Tom Holland’s ears. 🐶
2) RDJ’s massive butt lol 🍑
3) How many fricking amazing fics there are in this fandom. It makes me happy though it also drives me crazy cause I can never catch up and read them all, and I don’t wanna let down anyone :( 
4) When you can tell someone is going through your blog cause you get a million notifs of likes/reblogs. It just makes me happy that someone enjoys the “collection” of posts I share I guess.
5) Discussing prompts/ideas/hc with others. This is the first fandom I’m in where I actually feel like I’m not just rb stuff on my own hahahah It’s great to interact with others and exchange ideas.
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