#if anyone still care. i mean i did i think im through most of the contents now though
thunderzizi · 2 years
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think i got hit with the 2017 tumblr stanley lads
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mrfoox · 1 year
um mmmm, thinking about actually good/sweet memories and it's keeping me awake
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
Do you have any opinions or hot takes about Alfred Pennyworth?
im gonna upset the alfred girlies but my hot take for alfred is that he's bruce's most dedicated enabler and often hides behind being "the help" to disguise the fact that yeah, historically he has just stood by and let bruce do horrible things.
a lot of that is like... bruce is his kid, and alfred is bruce's father, but also they rarely vocalise it because alfred is british + bruce is bruce + would it be seen as a disservice to thomas wayne, whose death was a key instigator in bruce's path to becoming batman? i also think that alfred raising bruce in the wake of his parent's murder was always going to change how alfred held bruce accountable for the things he did. how can u be hard on a kid who's just lost everything, even when that kid goes on to hurt others, including his own kids? like bruce is alfred's son, and alfred loves bruce more than anyone else, including alfred's own children (irony).
that doesn't make him a bad person necessarily but it does explain a lot of his actions. sometimes, sure, he'll shout at bruce, and storm away, or be silently disapproving, but ultimately he'll still stand on the sidelines and watch rather than acting in the moment. it's easier to express disapproval after the fact than actually confront bruce and force some kind of change. it's easier for alfred to excuse his own behaviour this way, too. he'll lecture bruce about his sleeping habits, his protein intake, but it isn't common that he goes against what bruce actually wants. that maintains their relationship equilibrium.
i also think examining alfred's relationships with bruce's kids is interesting, especially since there's this pervasive idea that jason is alfred's favourite which is.... lol. the dynamics of dick's time as robin are always gonna be a lil funky as a result of its 40+ year timeline but both alfred and bruce both refer to dick as their boy. dick is a grandson figure, sure, but he's also like... alfred's other son in a lot of ways, as much as he is bruce's. alfred was that other parent when dick was growing up. and with that in mind, he also relies on dick as a support to emotionally regulate bruce.
that doesn't mean alfred only cares about bruce, obviously, but every successive person who joins the family is going to be tempered through the lens of bruce is alfred's son, and bruce is also alfred's employer. clearly bruce doesn't think of him that way, but it's still pervasive. that relationship will always have the foundation of a butler raising the traumatised, angry child of the couple who hired him, and then watching that child grow into someone who is the literal embodiment of my way or the highway. i imagine there's some guilt there. wondering what could have been prevented if he'd raised his voice.
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bippiti · 4 months
catalyst clc16 x rockstar! reader
after the release of your new album, life has been hectic as you've been running around doing shows. only problem is you seem to have only one person on your mind. little do you know he's having the same issue
an part two! any feedback is appreciated and please like + rb!
if you want a visual guide for the band .
part one next part
tags @bloodyymaryyy @guiseppetsunoda @maxverstappendefender @charizznorizz
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liked by king, charles_leclerc and 42,836,364 others
yourig thanks for coming out london! nyc see you soon x
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user ughh i wish i couldve come :((
yourig next time lovee💜
user sounded so good
user anyone else gonna talk about the album afterparty???
user who cares bro😭 theyre adults and tbh they would be a power couple
user right?! ive been thinking the same thing, shes not a good influence on him
user im sorry do yk y/n??? how would u know that lmfao
king looking good!
liked by yourig
user where is the fit from???
user i think vivienne westwood!
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you sighed, scrolling through your comments. it had been almost a month after your albums release, and some people still were bringing up the hug with charles. i mean, seriously it was just a hug. it wasn't like you guys had made out or anything.
both your label and ferrari were sponsored by celsius, and your management had met with one of ferraris pr heads. they had agreed to work together to promote the new album, and had picked charles because he was a fan of your music.
you clicked instantly on the first day of set, but it also helped that you spoke fluent french (you had an obsession with indila when you were younger and forced yourself to learn it) the lack of a language barrier, coupled with the fact that you guys had similar interests made it inevitable that you both would become friends.
after the album launch party, you were exhausted. you had woken up at 4am for promo shoots, and had been running around all day before singing your whole album (which was around an hour long) to the attendees. it was fun, and you wouldnt trade your career for the whole world, but man you were tired.
as you were heading out, you spotted charles and you both stopped to talk
"tu as bien fait là-dedans" he said, smiling as he pushed his hands into his pockets (you did good in there)
"merci! les heures de pratique m’ont aidé. je pense que je pourrais oublier les paroles si j’essayais" you smile as he laughed (thanks! the hours of practice helped. i dont think i could forget the lyrics if i tried)
"en pratiquant son art on devient artisan" (practice makes perfect)
you nod, turning as you hear your bandmate siobahn call for you
you look back to him, saying your goodbyes and quickly hugging him before running after her.
that was it. just a friendly hug. it's not like he liked you, and if he knew you liked him, you doubt he would still be friends with you.
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liked by yourig, pierregasly and 305,387 others
charles_leclerc i won. maybe next time @/pierregasly 😘
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user just realized pierre had a chance to fork the king and the rook in
user not y/n liking this...
user so cute😍
pierregasly i almost had it
charles_leclerc of course you did
user my fav french men
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after having checkmate charles sat back, smiling smugly as he looked at pierre try and fail to make a move. giving up, he raised his hands in defeat.
"quand vais-je jamais te battre?" he said sighing as he chuckled (when will i ever beat you)
"peut-être dans une autre vie" (maybe in another life)
scoffing, pierre changed the subject.
"so i heard you're with some rockstar these days"
"i most definitley am not"
"sure, sure. you might not be dating her but i can tell you like her"
charles paused, having a mini crisis. ok. so maybe he did like you. he couldn't help it, honestly. throughout filming ,and even after he had grown to really admire you. not only just as an artist, but as a person as well. he honestly hoped you'd be able to meet up afterwards, but he hasnt been able to see you since. between his preseason training and your concerts, you both are rarely free, let alone in the same country.
he told all of this to pierre, who listened quietly, nodding along before telling him his masterplan. he was gonna help him out, what kindve friend would he be if he didnt?
hearing the notification sound go off on your phone, you picked it up. your eyebrows raised as you read it
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part 3??
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rewrite-canon · 7 months
im going crazy with how people are starting to agree with snow that sejanus was really stupid and deserved what was coming to him. reading the books first should be a pre requisite to the movie idcccc if that takes away the wider audience, the wider audience all have smooth brains anyway.
“why was he colluding with rebels when he could’ve just thought about it pragmatically 🙄” i’m in your fucking walls. sejanus was never dumb, snow just kept pushing that perception of him through the book to deflect the fact that sejanus was an actual good person. snow thought himself the personification of good and benevolence, which was why everything he did had to have some half-assed excuse as to why he was justified in doing it. it was why he was actually tweaking in the woods when lucy gray left him, because he wanted to rid himself of her but he didn’t have an actual reason so he convinced himself of the most random scenario ever to justify trying to shoot at her. so we can establish that snow was an evil broke boy who clearly wasn’t good— then sejanus was a direct confrontation of snow’s own shortcomings towards that (i don’t think i have to detail how sejanus was genuine, it was obvious). coriolanus and sejanus are like the direct opposite characters of each other, and snow knew and took pride in this to an extent. which is why snow couldn’t admit that sejanus was good to himself, thus sejanus was deemed ‘stupid’ to protect his own deluded self actualisation (but this also includes other aspects like how the war made the plinths rich and the snows poor, leading to resentment and jealousy from snow).
“but that still didn’t mean he wasn’t doing dumb things throughout the book” was it really that dumb? a rebellion will always include some level of risk but i don’t hear anyone calling heavensbee stupid because it actually worked out for him. plus sejanus is district, so if we use our common sense of who he is as a character and emotional intelligence of his situation, it’s pretty easy to see why he would get in touch with rebels. he’s literally always yearned for the districts, he never once cared about his money or safety, which isn’t stupid, it’s sad. this was his way of dealing with the guilt of profiting from his people’s suffering— again, not stupid. you could argue he was reckless, especially when he went into the arena, but most people who simply cast him as a ‘dumb character’ ignore how troubled he is and fall into the very filtered lens of snow who was just concentrating on his stupidity.
sejanus’ growing radical actions had nothing to do with stupidity and everything to do with feeling helpless and like nothing was changing. he tried minor/low-risk things such as attempting to change the perception of the districts in the capitol, advocating against the hunger games etc etc. of course it didn’t work, so his options grew limited to more radical courses of action. its a natural line of thought— activists literally do it in real life when they feel as if their cause isn’t getting enough attention (eg. setting themselves on fire). sejanus is a desperate character who is so selfless in light of snow’s constant self-preservation. snow will always put himself first and be paranoid that he will be betrayed like he’s betrayed others, so he never understands sejanus’ disposition to help and trust people, so he labels him dumb. omg. like. sejanus is so not-stupid i’m actually gonna start freaking out!! this is defamatory leave my boo alone!! plz go read a book and work on media literacy i am begging!!!
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milliesdiary · 2 years
What if you are Jace's sister and he realizes you are in love with Aemond (and he also finds out that you two have been having premarital sex) which causes a fight so you go to Aemond for comfort and he soothes you
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𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬; princess!reader, targcest, mentions of sex. for some context: reader is daemon’s bastard child who rhaenyra welcomed as a part of the family. yes, aemond is a hypocrite :/ we still love him tho!! 
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; ngl this has been sitting in my drafts for awhile because i hate it. im going to be working on commissions for a bit though, so i decided to post it anyway to keep you guys fed :) please reblog and comment with your feedback. it means the world to me and keeps me motivated! ♡
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Those were Jace’s words the second you walked into the dining room for breakfast. They take you aback, shock you into a frozen stupor. 
You and your family have been in King’s Landing for the past few weeks, trying to set aside their differences with the Greens and do their best to reconcile. It has been rough for your younger brothers, though you have been having a brilliant time. 
You and Helaena spend plenty of time together, Alicent treats you kindly, and Aegon leaves you alone. And Aemond? Well... you and Aemond are closer than most in terms of relationships. 
But that’s a story for another day. 
No one else is in the room thankfully — Luke wakes up later in the day, Helaena is presumably outside catching bugs, and your mother is probably off at a meeting with the court — so it’s just you, your younger brother, and the few servants that set the table. 
Jace gives you an unimpressed look; his chestnut-brown eyes are slightly narrowed, lips melded into a frown. “You love Aemond,” he repeats. 
Your heart nearly stops when he says it, and you’re instantly terrified you’ve been caught. It would appear that misfortune has a tendency of catching you off guard. You honestly don’t know what to say. 
“...That is quite an accusation,” you try to deadpan. That heated expression of his is chilling; you invite him to sit next to you in hopes of extinguishing it. “Why don’t you just sit down and eat?”
Jace isn’t deterred. He holds his head high and keeps his voice stern; a trait he has undoubtedly learned from your mother. “You told me a couple moons ago that you had no affections for him.”
Oh, Gods. You don’t really want to sit here and listen to him complain about how much of a burden you are from rejecting all of your parents’ attempts at arranging a marriage. For hating every single man they tried to set you up with. You scold yourself more than enough. 
“I know what I said. And I mean it. I do not love him, Jace.” You let out a nervous laugh, trying to come across as naïve. The servants are staring now. “What has brought this on?” 
“You must think of me as a fool.”
“What do you mean?”
“Why are you acting so innocent?” 
“I don’t love him, Jacaerys. I swear it.” A bitter lie. 
For a fleeting moment, you think you’ve won; your brother stands next to the table without saying a word, his mouth clamped shut as he bites the inside of his cheek. 
And then he drops the bomb. 
“I know you have been seeing each other,” Jace says. It doesn’t come out as a question; it’s a statement. “Stealing each other away in the night.”
Your heart drops in a single second. How does he...? 
For these past few weeks, you thought you were being careful. Undetected. There was never anyone around when you slipped through the dark halls of the Red Keep every night and sidled up to Aemond’s door. Not a single voice to stop you as Aemond tugged you into his room and spoke High Valyrian in your ear as he undressed you, as he kissed you senseless, fucked you senseless. It was a dangerous game, of course — but you never actually expected to get caught. 
“…Where did you hear that?”  
“A kingsguard told me that you parted from his company last night.” Jace’s mouth twists into a disgusted frown. He hesitates, almost like he physically can’t say what comes next. “...From his chambers.”
In that moment, you knew it was over. The gist was up. 
“Tell me it isn’t true.” 
And that’s the thing: you can’t say you don’t love Aemond, because it would be the furthest thing from the truth. Your hands fall to your lap and you fist your hands in the skirt of your dress, begging for courage. 
“Don’t tell mother.” 
Your response — shameful and pleading — speaks volumes. It makes Jace’s skin boil; he had been praying that the knight was wrong. And that hope he clung to so religiously? It’s gone. You can feel the symptoms of a dispute brewing: sweaty hands, agitated eyes, labored breathing. Tension hangs over you like a dark cloud and refuses to dissipate. 
“Why?” Jace looks disgusted, repulsed even. It sparks a flame inside you. “You saw his true colors that night. All of us did. Baela, Rhaena. Luke.”
You know what he’s referring to. It is a memory that you want to squeeze the life out of. 
“I thought we talked about you sorting out your priorities,” he continues. “What self-respecting daughter of the future Queen runs off and beds whoever she likes without a marriage proposal?” 
Yes, perhaps your growing annoyance is misplaced. Your brother wants the best for you, and it’s only natural that he would have his reservations about Aemond.
But he doesn’t know the man like you do; he hasn’t seen his hidden softness.
Sometimes people lose their ability to be recognized when they are joyful — in a pleasant way, of course. Aemond is one of those people. You’ve seen him smile once before. Truly smile. It was not sly, snarky, or coy; for once, it was the sincere kind. You wished he would do it more. It was incredibly beautiful.
If only Jace could have experienced it.
“Don’t speak about him like that,” you mumble. 
"I won't restrain myself to appease your ignorance.” 
Inhaling sharply, you take a seat at the table and busy yourself by playing with the napkin beside your plate. It’s a feeble attempt at controlling your rising panic. Jace must think you’re acting a bit too calm, because he seems to bristle at your alleged indifference. “I am sorry I didn’t tell you. Really, I am. I was just scared—“
“You lied.” 
“It was a white lie. No harm was meant to come from it.”
Jace fixes you with a firm scowl. “A white lie? A white lie? Meddling with our uncle who you are not betrothed to is not something that just happens.”
“You are blowing this out of proportion. I did it to keep you from getting upset and—“
“This is not just about the lie itself,” Jace huffs. 
“Then what is it?”
“You believed I wasn't worth your honesty.” 
Your gut tightens at his remark — you know he’s right and that he deserves to be informed of such things. Finding out that someone you care for is hiding something this important is a rude awakening. 
But you can’t stop. 
“I knew you would act like this,” you retort. Raising your voice wasn’t planned, but it happens anyway. It feels like your veins are being ripped to bits as the telltale marks of wrath sweep throughout your body. “I will do you a favor next time and not tell you anything at all.” 
“Or you could not encourage him,” Jace spits out. “You think that he does not act like his brother, Aegon? For all you know, he could be gallivanting with a servant every second he is not with you.” 
Your jaw tightens so firmly that it seems to lock in place. You’re pissed now. “Aemond is not like that.” 
“When you see him next, you can tell him to jump in the damn Dragonpit,” Jace continues. You aren’t used to hearing such crude language from him; it has you reeling. “Perhaps he’ll do that after he’s done fucking you.”
Something inside you bursts. Agonizingly. Ferociously. It's a jolt to your system that throws everything off-kilter. It is a painful fury that splits you in two. 
You slam your palms down on the table and rise in your chair; you're astonished the wood doesn't split with the force of it. The plates and forks clatter, and Jace almost jumps. The servants bustling around you certainly do. 
Your brother has some nerve. You want to spit foul names in his face. Wish to seize him by the collar and force him to kneel before your feet, because why? Why can’t you be with who you want? First it was Daemon who denied that you ever get betrothed to Aemond. Then it was your mother, and now it’s him. 
“I do not need protecting, Jace!” Your chest is rising and falling faster now, like the erratic pull of the tides. It feels like there is so much bottled up energy inside of you that you could scream, erupt, or break something … you need to break something. You choose his spirit. “I don’t need you at all!” 
Jace’s expression falls then. Along with it goes your anger. 
His gaze flits to the ground for a second — as if the stone is a safe haven from your wrath — and you’re about to apologize when he lifts his chin to glare daggers at you. 
“I get it now,” Jace laughs bitterly, shaking his head in disbelief. “You would do anything to be held by him. Ceasing to care about who he might hurt next and ignoring his callousness. You see only what you want.”
In his rage, Jace’s lips spew poison from deep in his chest, a dark place that you didn't even know he had.
“You make me wonder how I ended up with a delusional lunatic for a sister.“
Dead silence.
The two of you are just staring at each other now. Jace braces himself when you step away from your seat; he looks like he’s expecting you to slap him, like he’s preparing himself for the sting. 
And as much as you would like to do it, you just walk away.
You’re not even sure if Jace tries to stop you at first. Not sure if a servant tries to tries to grab you by the arm. You are running on pure adrenaline, pure buzzing energy, blood pumping like a battle cry in both eardrums. 
It takes until you’re exiting through the giant wooden doors to hear Jace yelling your name — and you loathe how worried he sounds, detest it — and then you’re practically running through the stone hallways. 
You want to go to bed. Shut everyone out and sleep until you awaken in a different world: one where you are not expected to get married to certain people, where your brother doesn’t expect you to be a person you can’t, and the 'losing an eye’ thing never happened, and … and it’s just you, Aemond, wrapped up in the sheets of your mattress. That’s all. 
The world is just cruel. 
Every step echoes as you make a beeline for your room. Tears slip down your cheeks and your fists quake; everything hurts. Emotionally, at least. You’re too worn out, too aggravated, too... mad? Hell, you’re not even sure if you’re still mad. The emotion that rips you apart right now feels more like an indigo-drenched sadness than a red-hot anger. 
It’s a strange, crushing feeling that has you stifling a sob while rounding a corner. 
But, as if the universe hates you, you catch a glimpse of that ethereal man — the fucking bane of your existence — walking down the same hallway. His back is to you, long white hair swishing with every stride he takes, and his posture is strong. 
You don’t want to ruin his day. Spoil the mood, or show how weak you can be.
You call out his name anyway, because there’s only one thing you can think of in this moment. A mantra:
I need you right now, My Prince.
I need you to truly look at me and understand me.
Aemond, I need you to see me.
The man turns then. He says your name, and you, who denied loving him, practically run and throw yourself into his arms. 
For a moment, Aemond doesn’t move a muscle; he’s confused, at a total loss. But then his palms slowly come down to your waist, supporting your body as he allows you to sniffle into his tunic. 
He doesn’t speak for awhile. Instead, he just looks down at you.
Your cheeks are dressed in tears that resemble droplets of honey. Your gardenia scented hair, pressed against his chest, is beautiful. He discovers an unexpected heaven amidst your grief. 
“He doesn’t want us to be together,” you try to whisper, but the words falter and trickle pitifully out of your mouth. They lack the power that you so urgently need. 
At first, Aemond is silent. He has no idea what you’re talking about; and then it clicks. Jace. 
Aemond has never been one to comfort others. You don’t really expect him to do much, honestly. But when he decides to speak, his tone is gentle and holds no judgment. “Your dear brother has found out about our arrangement, I presume.” 
You pull away slightly to stare up at Aemond. You drink in every plane of his face; those high cheekbones, his pretty lips, the silver hair that brushes the ridge of his jaw and the scar he hides. You want to absorb all of him. 
Aemond’s hands come to rest on your elbows, and then they slide all the way down your arms until he’s tenderly holding you by the wrists. He doesn’t give you a chance to answer before speaking more resolutely. “Did he hurt you?” 
“No — No, of course not,” you sniffle. Jace could be stubborn and fierce, but he would never lay a hand on you. “He was just being a brat. We got into an argument and he was ... he was mean.”
Aemond hums at that. “It must not have been too bad then. He is all bark and no bite,” he muses softly. Every syllable is gentle, each vowel soothing in its own right. He’s calm somehow.
It’s in these moments that you wish so deeply you could be like Aemond. Wish that you could stand your ground, despite wanting to run away. Wish that you could hold the barbs of someone’s anger in your palm and not get stung; not allow the sharp edges to slice under your skin and leave streams of blood in its wake. 
But you are not strong like him. 
With bated breath, you move to embrace Aemond once more, arms wrapping around his middle as you press your nose into the leather of his tunic. 
It doesn’t last long. 
Aemond leans into you, and then with both hands on your shoulders, gently tugs you away from his chest. You glance at him in confusion, and meet his gaze with an infantile glare. 
For a second you think he doesn’t want to hug you. That he’s about to chide you for being a big baby, for getting in a fight with your sibling and blowing things out of proportion. 
But then you quickly realize that he just wants to see your face. 
The truth is, Aemond doesn’t want you to hide in his arms. He doesn’t want you to bury your head into his chest and conceal your pain, or for you to dig your face into his clothes until each cheek is dry and you look composed again. 
He wants you to share every emotion with him openly, no matter how warped or ugly or bruised. 
Perhaps that’s what love is; recognizing someone's greatest vulnerability and still choosing to love them. 
It’s hard to place what emotion rests itself in Aemond’s eye after that, but whatever it is almost has you numb to how he’s holding both of your hands in his own. That is, until he trails a thumb over your knuckles. 
“Convince Jace, please,” you beg once more. The edges of your mouth start to turn downwards as you tear up again, and Aemond’s eye follows; he takes in your grief intently, and you are fully conscious of that fact. “Please. Show him you are worthy of my hand.” 
There’s a sort of surprise that swirls in his lilac gaze; however, his lips are in a straight line, his face nothing else but cold, and you can picture the war that rages inside his head. 
“I bear a hatred that could draw blood,” Aemond finally murmurs. “Those who do not deserve to be forgiven will not know my mercy. I will not betray my feelings to please others.”
“Try, Aemond. Please. If not for you and your sanity, do it for me.”
Aemond can only stare at you — his only love, his life, his breath of fresh air. The woman who he hopes will be his future wife despite your family’s distaste. He inhales deeply, chest rising and flattening the creases in his tunic, gaze roaming the tear-tracks on your face. And then he caves. 
But not before making a demand. 
“Do not cry, my love,” Aemond breathes. “It does not suit you.” 
And when you blink up at him so sweetly, nodding in a wordless vow, Aemond presses a kiss to the crown of your head. Then he kisses your left cheek, and the right, before slowly tracing his lips against your own. 
“Your body is mine,” He whispers into your parted mouth. “And I will find a way to claim it. They will have no choice but to accept me.” 
Aemond is a professional at pressing your buttons. It’d be a lie if you said it didn’t excite you; quickly, you capture his lips into a searing kiss. He returns the favor, knowing damn well that you want him, and yet he doesn’t tease in between kisses. He chooses tenderness over taunts just this once. 
The air is filled with a sentence unsaid: 
Touch my soul with warm words, and I shall do whatever you wish. 
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Non con sex pollen fic where Joel and the reader are waken up in a random room together and he recognizes who you are because he used to be friends with ur dad , he starts begging the people who took them to let him out because the reader isn’t the only person that’s ended up in this situation with him, and then there’s smoke that enters the room but it only has an effect on Joel, if you even decide to turn this into anything can you add oral f receiving pls and do the smut however you want! I’ll love it either way <3 IM SO SORRY ITS ALOT
Lazaretto (sex pollen)
2.6k ONE SHOT / joel x afab!reader / master
Part 2 HERE
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WARNINGS: non-con, sex pollen, manhandling, oral f receiving, unsafe P in V sex, anal, reader menstruates. poorly edited. Horror elements apparently lol idk how sex pollen is normally written. 18+
You wake up in a heavy-duty four-wall tent with a burly stranger, both of you in hospital gowns.  You were sedated and you're still groggy when a man in a biohazard suit explains you’re being quarantined in a makeshift lazaretto outside the overcrowded army hospital.  Neither of you were bitten in the chaos earlier, but it’s a precaution.  You'll be monitored for 24 hours, treated with an antifungal fog, then monitored for another 24 hours before they release you.  You sign a release about potential side effects which include psychological and sexual disturbances. 
He doesn’t elaborate, but Joel is clearly disturbed as if it’s not his first time.  
“No,” he says.  “No!" He screams, then begs, "Let me out, or let her out, I don’t care.”
“I’m not authorized to let anyone out.”
“Then put me in my own tent!" 
“I’m afraid we’re far past capacity.  Most units have three.” 
“Can you at least tie me up or somethin’?” 
“I’m afraid not.” 
"Then get me away from her!" 
You're offended and confused.  The quarantine man leaves.  For a while, neither of you talk except to say some variation of, “this is bullshit.”  Joel seems genuinely distressed.  You have your own problems to worry about.  You’re at the tail end of your period and don’t have any provisions, not even any underwear. You want to check and see if you’re still bleeding, but not with this stranger in the tent. 
You ask him, “What are you so worried about?” 
He starts to say something but stops himself and says, “I’ll tell you later.” 
"What did I do?" You ask and your temples feel weak. 
He recognizes how mean he must have sounded.  "Nothing at all, sugar.  It's me. I had. . . a bad reaction in the past."  
He changes the subject and tells you he recognizes you.  It hits you - Joel Miller - he used to run a smuggling route with your dad.  Life has hardened Joel into a much stronger, more attractive man since then.  He’s not a big talker, but he occasionally indulges your questions about pre-outbreak life.  You start to really enjoy his company.  For a minute at a time, you manage to forget about the scary circumstances. 
There’s one old cot and a blanket.  He says you can have them because he won’t be able to sleep anyway.  You’re not comfortable but you manage to fall asleep.  You wake up shivering and ask if he’ll join you.  He hesitantly agrees, then settles in behind you.  You grab his hand and hold it tight.  You’re gushing between the legs.  You expect a nice red spot on both your gowns in the morning, but that should be the least of your worries.
“Do you think we’re okay?” you whisper. 
“Yeah, we’re okay,” he replies softly in your ear. 
You start sniffling.  “I’m scared.” 
He tightens his arm over you. “I know, sugar. You’re gonna be alright. We’re alright.”  You can hear his heart beating faster.  
As you drift off to sleep, it’s impossible not to notice through your gowns when his dick hardens against you.  He backs off a little but you push your ass back into him and tighten your grip on his hand.  His chest swells against your back and you feel him inhale your hair, but he doesn't make a move and neither do you. 
When you wake up, he’s lying on his stomach on the floor using his massive bicep as a pillow.  Before he notices you’re awake, you subtly dip your finger into youreslf to check for your period, and it’s not there.  You were just wet.  You sit up and look at the back of your gown.  Nothing.  When he sees you’re awake and sits up, the fear returns to his eyes.   He says, “I reckon the fog will come soon, now.”  There’s no clock, but he senses it.  He moves his jaw side to side anxiously and his eyes dart around the tent. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask. 
He opens his mouth several times then stops before he manages to say it.  “Look, if. . . If I do anything after they fog us. . .  it’s not me, okay?"
"Okay. . .do anything like what?" 
"It . . . The fog has an effect on certain people."  He swallows and looks away.  "Like a sexual effect. It can make you . . . Aggressive."
"Oh. . ."
"Listen.  You can fight me off, do whatever you have to do, okay?" 
Your heart beats faster wondering what's in store.  You can’t imagine it’s that bad. 
Finally, one side of the tent ripples as a small, circular portal is opened and something clicks into it.  The tent begins to fill with fog.  The fog smells faintly like a thunderstorm and settles toward the ground before it slowly rises.  Joel backs away from it, sitting in the very corner of the tent as it spreads across the floor.  As the fog continues to pour in, he stands up and turns his face toward the ceiling.  But it reaches him. He tries not to breathe it, with his mouth in his gown, but it’s no use. He squats down, facing away from you.  
He swallows.  “I’m sorry.”  His voice is shaky.  He looks back at you one last time apologetically, then pinches his eyes shut and takes deep breaths. The fog valve is shut.  For a few minutes, you can hardly see him. 
You hear the sticky footsteps of his bare feet on the floor, then he gets close enough to see him through the fog, just a few feet away from you.  His whole face has darkened.  And it further darkens as he looks at you in a trance.  He wets his lips like you’re something to eat.  His chest rises and falls with heaving breaths.  
Minutes ago, it was hard to imagine being afraid of him,  but he’s a whole different man now.   You get up from the cot,  walk backwards to the opposite side of the tent, and sit in the corner. 
He crosses the tent in two long, swift strides.  As he looms over you, it’s impossible to ignore the massive tent in his gown or his muscular thighs. 
“Get up,” he demands through the fading fog.  You look down and stay where you are, pulling your gown over your knees, shrinking into yourself.  
“GET UP NOW!” he yells with his mouth wide open, face red, hair bouncing.  
You still don’t.  
"I’m sorry,” he says, then darkens again.  “But you're askin' for it.”  He squats down and gently cups your face.  “Get up.”
You don’t. “You don’t want to do this.”  A last ditch effort:  “I have my period!”   But it only makes him more feral.  You see it in his face right after you say it. 
Joel grabs you roughly by both elbows and manhandles you to your feet, then pushes you over to the cot.   He tears your gown off and throws you down on the cot face-up.  He scans you head to toe.  You futilely try to cover yourself with your arms and hands.  You’d feel even more naked without the fog though, which still hangs in the air.  You start to sit up and he forces you back down, pinning you with an arm across your chest.  "Starving,” he growls in your ear, giving you butterflies.  He grabs your hand off your pussy then shoves his own between your legs and the butterflies swarm to your core.  You try and fail to keep your legs shut tight but the pressure of your thighs around his hand feels far too good between your legs.
“Joel, stop,” you plead. “You’re not yourself.”  You beg him to stop, but you're getting wetter by the minute.  His intensity turns you on. 
“No use, darlin’.”  He inserts his middle finger and breathes heavily.  “Nothin’s stoppin’ this." 
You still try, though.  You thrash and kick, then he grabs you by the arms so hard his fingers dig deep into your muscles, practically to the bone. “Sit still, damnit.”  He softens only for a moment.  “Don't wanna have to hurt you.” Then he darkens again.
Your face gets  cold and you swallow.  He kneels at the foot of the cot and uses your thighs to violently yank you toward him so your ass is at the end.  He pries your legs open and holds them that way with his massive hands.  His mouth latches onto your pussy and you’re flooded with a rush of arousal as the hook of his nose begins to massage your clit.  He really digs in, pressing his lips hard into you, thrusting his tongue inside you.  A ball of tension gathers in your traitorous core and you twitch.  
He’s grunting “Mm” as he sucks and laps.  You squirm and he forces you still again and continues, ravenous to consume you.  He looks up with black eyes, and the animal between your legs terrifies you.  He intensifies his eating and you feel it coming.  The next time he thrusts his tongue inside you, his nose drags up your clit.  You moan and your spine arches as you see stars. He stops and watches you unravel with his head still firmly planted between your legs.  Your eyes water with your pulsations as you stare up at the ceiling of the tent. He lifts his head and a lighter patch of his beard is just barely tinged with your period.  He dug it out of you.  He inserts his fingers and you clench around him with the aftershocks.  You close your eyes and catch your breath.
He must stand up, because before you know it, you feel his tip at your entrance.   Your body wants him inside you. You could make it easy on him, but you don’t want him to fuck you and regret it.  It’s not just your body – you’re realizing you want him, too.  You may be getting ahead of yourself, but it’s the product of a near-death experience, of being sealed in a tent with him for 24 hours, and of getting head within an inch of your life. The perfect storm. If you’re going to have him, it has to be under different circumstances or he may never want to do it again.
He begins to push in. 
“Joel, no!” You squirm and thrash.  
He sighs.  “You're just gonna tucker yourself out like that.” 
You still give it your best try, but he’s right.   You’re no match for his strength. He overpowers you, pins you down with his weight, then shoves his thick cock into you with a grunt.  Your wet little hole can hardly take him.  You yelp as his unforgiving girth splits you open and fills you up.  When his length retreats, you try to push him off, but you can’t.  “You’re takin' it one way or another, darlin’.” 
He bottoms out with a guttural roar like he’s charging into battle. He pounds you brutally, slamming to the hilt each time.  It hurts but it isn’t long before it starts to feel okay, then good, and then, the delicious stretch of his girth feels like something you never knew you needed.  After a minute or two, you stop squirming and thrashing. It's happening, and you might as well enjoy it. 
When you stop fighting, he takes his weight off you and stands at the foot of the cot, your thighs in his hands, pulling you back on his dick as his hips snap into you. His hair is messy and his face and neck are splotched red.  His big arms bulge out from under the gown.  You’ve never seen such intensity on anyone’s face before.  
After a few minutes of him pistoning into you, you feel another climax building.  You whimper and he rails you even harder, sweating, grunting, growling.  When you come, it’s a burst unlike anything you've ever felt. You hear yourself wailing as he fucks you through it.  Your walls are still contracting around his cock when he grabs onto your hips for dear life and plunges into you with more force than ever.  
You realize he’s going to come inside and yell, “No!”  You try to get away.  You try to fight back, but he’s too strong and determined.  Rage falls across his face.  A groan rips out of his throat as his cock erupts into you, pulsing massively, extending your climax longer than you thought possible.  It’s a feeling you’ve never felt before.  
Your whole body is spent.  When he’s finished coming, he slides out of you and you lie there limp with your eyes closed. It’s quiet for a minute. The fog has settled more. 
He groans softly. Then, "I'm sorry. . ."  You open your eyes and sit up. You reach for him  at the foot of the cot, but he backs away.  It seems like he can't look at you. His eyes are tearful.  
"It's okay.  Look at me, Joel. It's okay."
It's quiet for a minute.
"God damnit,” he whispers. He covers himself and when your eyes follow his hand, it’s clear he’s hard again or it never went away.   The fog has faded enough that it seems he at least has the wherewithal to jack off instead.  "Close your eyes," he says as he turns away and wraps his hand around his cock.  You study his eyes and they’re dark, but not as dark as they were. You lie down with your eyes shut and listen to his breath and the squish of his hand around his cock, wet with your slick.
The  rhythmic squish gets closer and closer.   You open your eyes to the darkest look on his face.  He’s standing there at the foot of the cot, gown pushed up out of the way again as he strokes his stiff, imposing cock. 
“Flip over,” he demands but gives you no time to comply.  He grabs you under the arms.
“Okay, okay,” you comply and he forces you down on your stomach.  
He wedges the tip of his cock between your cheeks, aligning himself at your asshole.  You’re terrified.  You beg, "no, wait," but he's not there anymore.  It's not really him. 
He plunges into your tight, virgin hole and you yelp in shock. His hands on your hips lift your ass in the air and you bury your head in your arm, biting your own skin as he yanks you back into him, making your ass flush with his pelvis.  You’re stuffed full of him, fuller than you’ve ever felt, even fuller than when he was in your pussy.  
He pummels you with abandon and your eyes well up in tears.  You're mortified, you've never done this before, and you have so many fears – is he going to ruin you?  Is there going to be a mess?  But each time he buries his length in your ass, it feels better and your fears fade into pleasure. The longer he pounds you, the better it feels.  It feels surprisingly good, much better than you ever thought it would.  The tent seems to echo with his grunts and the slap of skin.  
Another orgasm is brewing as he pounds your guts.  It builds faster this time.  He grunts louder, then your whole body is seized by the deepest, most powerful climax.  You whimper, then your whimper turns into a groan as your ass spasms and your pussy clenches around nothing.  
And then he pulses inside you, filling up another hole.  By the time he's through with you, you're filled to the brim with him.  He slides out and you turn around. 
He stumbles backwards in horror at what he's done. 
“I’m sorry, sugar.  I’m so sorry."
Part 2 HERE
Thank you for reading and engaging! Might wanna follow me if you like this because my posts are getting reported and might not show up in the tags.
All joel: @ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @lokanda @blackvelveteen1339  @manazo @wolvesandvampires @taeslarityy @str84pedro
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comradekatara · 3 months
The hate that aang gets in the fandom is, uniquely, buddhaphobic. Trying to point out to racist ATLA fans that the air nomad genocide is based directly off the very real tibetan genocide is beyond frustrating alone. Pointing out that aang and the avatar are based off the tulku system is a whole other thing too...
There's a really specific type of anti Asian racism that Buddhists and Buddhist themed characters get online. Which interprets Buddhists as backwards, misogynistic and stupid. Alot of the time also insisting they are being selfish or in some way malevolent.
I have no idea how to constructively word this beyond that aangs hate online is anti Asian and buddhaphobic.
right. the way people talk about aang, whether it’s to criticize or even simply trivialize his pacifism and other cultural values, to dismiss the effects of genocide, to joke about genocide (don’t even get me started on that one post that jokingly called aang a holocaust victim, as if that isn’t egregiously disrespectful to literally everyone implicated), or to otherwise mock or demonize him for displaying cultural values that do, in fact, have a very explicit real-world analogue is actually vile. aang may never actually say “im a buddhist” in the show, but it’s still evident to anyone with a brain. he also does call himself “a simple monk.” do they think he means christian monk??? are people just out here like “where’s his tonsure!!!!” because it’s incredibly obvious that aang’s genocide is meant to reflect the tibetan genocide; whether or not you think it’s handled well, that’s what it is. and people either don’t know, or don’t care. either way, i think people simply lack an understanding of how imperialism functions and the ideologies that underlie it, because if they did, they’d all be talking about this show very differently. but you’re right. even if people “only” hate aang because he “gets in the way” of the “most obvious” ship, they are nonetheless insistent on using post hoc justifications to rationalize why their critiques of aang are logical rather than a mere preference…by nonetheless demonstrating how their preferences are, in fact, deeply rooted in cultural bias and eminently disrespectful to his real world counterparts. because it’s not actually about shipping. when shipping becomes a platform through which to propagate culturally disrespectful notions steeped in colonial bias, it no longer matters which ship has more chemistry, but rather becomes yet another a vehicle through which the implementation of genuinely violent and harmful ideas is facilitated. and it’s sickening.
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nhularin · 9 months
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PAIRING bf! jay x reader GENRE toxic! relationship, angst no comfort WARNINGS insecurities,there might be some grammar mistakes WC 0.9k series masterlist
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December 12, 2001
"so, how was your day?"
you looked at him, your voice soft as you asked. you and your boyfriend sat in his car, the air thick with tension. but jays response was anything but kind. his eyes narrowed as he looked straight ahead of the road, his voice filled with bitterness. "fine" he spit out and silence fell upon you once again
no, it's back and forth, did I say something wrong?
the tone of his voice made you recoil, your heart sinking. it was a typical thursday night and you haven't seen each other outside of school in what felt like forever. you had only wanted to check up on him, to show him that you cared about his well being. but his words sliced through you like a dagger, leaving you feeling small and insignificant.
"thats great!" you tried to sound cheerful, but your voice betrayed you when those words came out quieter and wobblier than expected. you looked outside of the passenger seat's window, attempting to ignore the unbearable silence in the car. you could hear the joy and euphoria from passing cars and you couldn't help but feel jealousy radiating through you
All I did was speak normally, somehow I still struck a nerve
"why are you always so sensitive?" jay continued, his voice dripping with disdain. "you make everything about yourself. cant you see that I have my own problems to deal with?"
jay could feel your discomfort, he had to. hell, the passing cars could probably feel it "dont be like this" he said, sighing heavily "why do you always ask me that? you saw me at school. did you see me crying? no. so dont ask obvious shit when you already know the answer."
your eyes welled up with tears, voice trembling. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I just-" you paused, feeling your throat close up "we haven't hung out in a while and i just wanted to make sure that you were fine"
jay scoffed, his anger intensifying. "you think you can solve all my problems with a simple question? youre so naive. you don't understand anything. fine, coach Madson was a fucking asshole today but i knew you wouldn't understand. isnt a simple 'fine' enough? all you know is how to break out in song and dance with your theater friends"
im the love of your life until I make you mad
your heart shattered as his words echoed in your mind. you had hoped for a moment of connection, a chance to offer support. but instead, you found yourself facing his anger, his frustration, and his complete lack of empathy.
you longed for affection, for those sweet words of love to fall from his lips. but instead, you were met with a wall of unpredictability. one moment, he would hold your hand and make you feel like the most special person in the world. the next, he would push you away, leaving you wondering where you went wrong.
every little thing you did seemed to set him off, like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. his anger was swift and cutting, leaving you feeling small and insignificant. it was a rollercoaster of emotions, and you couldn't help but question if he truly loved you.
jays grip on the wheel tightened even further as you reached a familiar intersection. the red light seemed to mock your mess of a relationship, the halted traffic mirroring your damaged connection.
as the light turned green, he pressed down on the gas pedal, your heart pounding heavily in your chest. the car lurched forward, the engine roaring, but the noise was nothing compared to the deafening silence between you two. the streets blurred as you sped through the night.
in that moment, you realized that jay wasn't capable of providing the love and understanding you have craved. he was a storm of emotions and absolutely unpredictable, lashing out at anyone who dared to get close.
on your late night drives, you would often find yourself bracing for impact. would jay walk you home, or would he send you home crying again? it was a cruel game of chance, and you were trapped in its endless cycle.
"look" he sighed "im sorry for lashing out, im just stressed with-" he paused longer than expected "practice, AP calc, everything, okay? its nothing personal"
his apology didnt change the storm of emotions forming inside you but you tried to tame it as best as possible, trying to look unbothered by his constant outbursts of hatred.
when did it all go wrong? you have known him since forever, his toothy grin and messed up bangs permanently engraved in your head. you managed to form an awkward smile "its okay" its always okay, as long as you were with him
do you love me, want me, hate me?
finally, you arrived at your house, and jay pulled over. the quiet and calm suburb contrasting the chaos in your head. the car idled, the engine still rumbling.
there was a moment of silence, a moment where the weight of your emotions hung in the air. and then, without another word, jay reached over and opened the car door. his gesture made you feel giddy and hope filled your heart. as you stepped out, you gave him your biggest smile
"ill see you tomorrow, text me, okay? i love you"
he didnt say it back nor did he message you that night
no, I don't understand
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PERM TAGLIST @misokei @avocarua @sngvhs @essmarye @haechansbbg
SERIES' MASTERLIST @flwerfield @hyhees @mrchweeee @j1nniee @mikaluvsyouu @delulu4-life @mora134340 @beomsbeanie @leep0ems @cIphantom-hive @yla-aira @filmofhybe @nishik1
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ganondoodle · 2 months
you know, i had a totk thought (uh oh)
soemthign thats really bothering me about the whole "actually, ganondorf didnt like the guy appearing out of nowhere marrying a hylian and just saying yep das our kingdom now and we can mine it barren under your nose and also i got laserbeam pebbles that i totally wont ever use on anyone come join me or die just bc of all of that but mainly bc the guy brought some weird tech with him that he dont like" - thing is that ......... we see almost not a single tech thing in the past (and for that matter see nothing of the oh so perfect and peaceful paradise hyrule was before big evil desert man didnt want to join our paradise- like what is the point about making the whole point of the game be -we need to restore hyrule to this paradise it once was- when you dont even see it or get to care about anything of it)
it might sound like a weird hangup but no really, the most we see is like two servant constructs, thats it, when they 'prepare for war' im pretty sure all you see is some lightly dressed ( ... is it just me or does their whole get up look alot like native american/other indingenous people too ... i still dont know how to feel about that- kinda adjacent to some of the sonau armor, the battery one i think??, also having that look...) hylians with spears, where the heck is all that tech?? is it implied to be all down in the mines hollowing out the underground (for no real reason either bc .... theres only two sonau left and no one else seems to want use nor need the tech otherwise there should have been more traces or soemthing left of it -unless it all just magically appeared out of nowhere in mostly prime condition while all shiekah tech jsut vaporized for bs non reasons just for it to be in tha game but oh dont you see its always been there lmao- so whats the point really????)
or up in the sky as most battle constructs are and they cant get them down in time bc *gestures vaguely*
or is it intentionally kept out of view bc idk seeing an army of robots on raurus side he can send out on a whim might not make him look as oh so good and perfect as they want him to look when he already got laserbeam pebbles (most of which hes been hoarding until ONE falls into hands not under his control) ?? like it just ... feels weird?? so many battle constructs that can even be a threat to link are jsut fully functioning strolling around in the present still, why wouldnt you want to use any of them to battle gan and if they DID why wouldnt you show that (no the 3 second unicorn cutscene doesnt count bc its just .. gan and his monsters isnt it) ?? (also ... why isnt there a big like battle ground , like fine you dont have to animate an army of monsters and robots clashing but... wouldnt it be cool to have you discover a giant flat plain in the underground (that magically got put under ground like gan just decided to stroll down there to get sealed lol) and its the only mostly empty field in the game littered with thousands of monster bones and dead constructs intermingled?? just to give it all a bit of weight?? evidence that it happened?? cool ass discovery????)
(also also i cannot let go of ganondorf apparently being sooooo anti tech but then clamgan uses the shiekah stuff??? shouldnt he also be against that then or is that suddendly fine bc- oh woops sorry, forgot clamgan is actually just something, not connected to gan at all actually, i mean why else would miasma turn into malice only to turn into miasma again haha none of that is connected actually what is a calamity anyway? also im sorry to bring this up again but i just cannot let go of the ppl in the present being so obsessed with using sonau tech in every part of their life now- they just lived through an apocalypse of a barely understood strange tech but CLEARLY this other even less understood strang tech is not dangerous at all lets make CARS OUT OF IT and what theres no danger in miasma and that tech existing at the same time LIKE SOMETHING ELSE BEFORE THAT IDK SEEMS LIKE A BAD COMBO--- oh sorry forgot that ceased to exist in both the world and peoples minds for *gestures vaguely* plot reasons- why why why are monsters mining the sonanium?? they dont even work with the yiga no that is also completely disconnected we dont wanna draw and interesting connections after all- whats the point if it means nothing but to be a loot box for the player-- actually, so much of totk is just a so built around throwing you into a box of toys with no substance to it- listen i know games are kinda like toys but if it doesnt make sense and offers you nothing interesting to think about even slightly whAT IS THE POINT)
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breeloveschris · 4 months
You’ll Never Understand pt 5
Pt 4 Pt 6
Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Reader
summary: Y/n always been best friends with the triplets.. until one random day in sophomore year Chris despised Y/n, and till this day Y/n still don’t know why. Nick and Matt will never understand why Y/n has never stopped being sweet and caring to Chris as if nothing ever happened.
Warnings: cussing, gets a little little spicy
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Y/n’s pov:
I turn on my computer getting ready to set up my twitch. I walk over to my mirror waiting for my computer to come on, I look at the love bites still in shock. Is this gonna change everything? I mean we didn’t really do anything. We didn’t even kiss but I can’t help but wonder why he did it. He didn’t give me one explanation. But when does Chris Sturniolo tell anyone why he does what he does.
I turn seeing my Computer screen on. I set up my camera making sure both chairs will be in frame. I open up twitch and look at myself in the camera to make sure I look okay and don’t have any fly aways. “Chris!” I yell out to the living room trying to get his attention. “What? You live?” He yells back. “No I’m just making sure you stay quiet while I do this, then I’ll come in there and get you. Okay?” I say walking to the door.
“Yea whatever, you got it.” He really needs to get rid of that attitude before I go live. I shut my door and make my way back to my desk. I set everything up on my desk and put my phone there for questions later. I turn on the stream and give it a second posting a quick story on instagram telling the fans to give me questions to ask Chris. I look up seeing people flooded in making my smile grow wide.
I wave and say “Hey guys! How are we today?” I watch the chat most of them saying they want Chris in here. I smirk looking at the camera, “Y’all want me to go get Chris?” I say getting up and leaning forward to watch the chat only seeing yes which makes me laugh and shoot a quick “I’ll be right back” before making my way out the door.
I walk into the living room with a smile but seeing Chris’s pissed face made my stomach drop. “You’re fucked dude” Chris says with a mean sarcastic laugh. What the fuck did I do to him this time. “Can this wait until after the stream for whatever the fuck this is.” I say not wanting anyone to get mad at me for taking so long. “Yea that’s fine let’s go”
I sigh pressing end stream. I look straight down to my lap playing with my hands so maybe Chris just suddenly forgets about what had pissed him off earlier. “Alright talk” Chris says getting comfortable in his chair crossing his arms. “I don’t even know what happened.” I just mumble out. I just wish what ever happened would go by quickly. We were just starting to get along again.
“These texts that Jaxon posted not even 3 hours ago” Chris starts. “Wha-” I start but I get cut off by Chris “It deadass has your name at the top.” Chris just continues not letting me speak so I just keep playing with my hands wishing I was anywhere but here. “I don’t understand why’d you text him after what happened last night” Chris raised his voice. “Let me speak” I finally look up at him with a straight face.
“Go for it” Chris sighs while moving a bit to get more comfortable. “I didn’t text him. And before you scream at me, grab my phone. Check my recent text messages. The password is 080103” I tell him pointing to my phone sitting on my desk.
His jaw just drops slightly. I don’t know why he’s shocked that I gave him my password and told him to go through it. Jaxon had me so upset last night so why the fuck would I text him, but must importantly why the fuck did Chris believe him.
“Im not checking your phone, that’s not me” Chris said raising his hands. “Okay so do you believe me?” I look at him with my brows raised. He just looks at me with a huff. “Yeah I do, I honestly don’t know why I believed him. I think since we started getting along this morning got me worried” he finishes rubbing his hands on his face. I’m so confused.. why would he be worried? “Chris there’s no reason to worry tho” I state more as a question.
Chris looks at me then pats his lap. What the fuck.. is this man trying to get me to sit on his lap? When I don’t move, he rolls his eyes and grabs my hand pulling me to stand in front of him in between his legs. “Why do you think your worried Chris” I ask him standing there looking down at him. He doesn’t answer. He just keeps looking at me.
Chris moves his hands up to my waist pulling me onto his lap making me let out a small gasp. My lips are so close to his. My breath hitches in my throat due to being this close. He’s moves his right hand up from my waist to my cheek lightly stroking my face tilting his head while looking between my lips and eyes.
“You’re so pretty Y/n/n” Chris says in a soft whisper making my heart leap. I laugh and hide my face in my hands trying to hide my blush. Chris laughs pulling my hands off my face. “Cmon pretty girl, don’t hide from me” Chris whispers with a smirk on this face. Chris grabs my hips pulling me even closer.
He groans at the contact of my hips rolling over his lap, making my breath come out shaky. Chris starts to slowly lean in locking eyes with me. But of course right before his lips touch mine my phone starts ringing. Chris lets out a frustrated sigh.
I turn around staying on Chris’s lap reaching for my phone on my desk. “It’s Matt” i sigh answering the phone. “What’s up?” I said while putting the phone on speaker and giving it to Chris.
I just wrap my arms around Chris’s shoulders hiding my face in his neck. “Hey is Chris still with you?” Matt asks over the phone. “Yeah I’m here, she put you on speaker phone” Chris adds to the conversation while rubbing my back with his hand.
I reach over and put the phone off speaker while chris gives me a weird look. I just push the phone to his ear, i smirk knowingly I got him right where I want him. I start kissing his neck slowly making love bites, making him tighten his grip on my shirt. “Yeah that should-” Chris starts but gets interrupted by me grinding down on him. “No ,yeah that should work. Just let me-” Chris throws his head back and grips my hip surely leaving a bruise. This happens after almost every time he talks.
Finally getting off the phone he throws my phone over to the bed. I pull away from his neck looking at my work with a big smirk on my face. I look at Chris with a small smile. He looks back at me with hooded eyes, his eyes widening looking at my shy smile. He grabs my hips standing up with me in his arms, “you didn’t.” He says while he places me on my bed. I just lay down looking at him with a giggle. He looks in the mirror seeing the 4 hickeys gasping.
“You’re lucky they’re small and can be hidden. Mine can’t be” I sigh looking up at my ceiling. Chris just walks over to me with a grin, “yea well you’re still getting it” Chris states as he starts tickling me. I let out a loud laugh trying to push him off of me.
He doesn’t stop until his own phone starts ringing. “Damn” he says letting go, “who’s that?” I ask him leaning up on my elbows. “It’s Matt, he’s here to pick me up.” He says answering the phone with a sigh. I get up from the bed walking over to Chris throwing my arms around him.
Matt ended up not being here, he just wanted to ask what we wanted from canes. We walked to the living room turning on a movie to wait, Matt and Nick are bringing canes here and they’re gonna eat here then leave. I wasn’t really paying attention to the movie because my mind is running at full spead.
I just don’t understand how me and Chris got here, it all happened so fast. I can’t lie and say I haven’t been attracted to Chris because I mean look at him, the way his hair just sits perfectly, his hands, his eyes, his smile.I just could never act on it cause they’ve always been my bestfriends, and if something happens between me and Chris and it ends badly I’ll probably lose all three of them.
My thoughts get interrupted by Chris “we can’t tell my brothers what happened” Chris turns and looks at me. “I know you don’t want me to act mean but I’m going to, I can’t have them finding out” Chris says with an apologetic smile. I can’t believe him right now. So we’re just gonna hide? I mean he could at least be nice to me in front of them. I simply roll my eyes giving him a thumbs up. He just smirks and grabs my chin pulling me into a slow kiss.
Idk if I like this one 😅 but lmk what you think!
Taglist: @lacysturniolo @mattsaq @junnniiieee07 @sturniolosreads @creamoncreamoncream2 @robins-scoop @blahbel668 @carolsturns1 @sturniolopepsi @luverboychris @hearts4chris @freshloveforthefit @stuniolobbg @novasturniolo03 @alexb5598 @sturnioloa @nicksmainbitch @icedchailatee
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> Saturn ASPECTS < and why you ain't getting the respect you deserve Saturn puts you in shitty cycles/ patterns to make you; by breaking you > and when you inevitably return to these struggles, you'll realise you've mastered his circuits
yes i had break, im back now. so get over it.
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Saturn aspecting Sun - loosen up. but everytime you do, something else fucks up. so now your the most rigid person. its hard to have a good time with yall, because you take things so seriously, but damn do you exceed when shit needs to be taken seriously - because your so careful in your movements 🚶‍♂️. they tend to have a habit of stating the obvious then smirking about it, which is so confusing because like we all knew that, but why you acting like you did something? this type of shit is why people struggle to chill around you, but ill ask for your advice about real shit because your obsessed with being an authority and like thats the only way to approach you guys without getting iced by you Saturn aspecting Moon - Stop crying. oh wait i meant to say; start crying. jesus you got some fucked up villainous back story but your stone walling everyone because it hurts too much to even open up to anyone. because i mean whats the point? if everyone is just going to tell you "its going to be okay" when you never feel okay. feels bad man, and you know better than most how bad feels.. man.. so i guess saturn wants you to accept how cruel the world is, and how that affects everyone, so you are more prepared for bad circumstances then most. hardly a positive spin, ik.. but its to prepare you for your future. and you have no idea why you must go through so much pain - but there is a reason, and it will become clear later, so better utilize that energy to your benefit; because its just another one of saturns bitch cycles
Saturn aspecting Mercury - when you speak, people try there best to one up you, but your a master at it by now > passive aggressive, or authoritative - who gives a fuck if you belittle the other person, because i mean if your right, then you right. so better off writing it into reality, rather than watch everyone clown around with the wrong answers. but speaking ths way to others, really does make it hard to talk to you, even if you right, your just a fkn asshole. so honestyl. stop trying to figure out the right answer, and think about whats the right thing to say. stop pretending to be an authoritative speaker if no one even wanna listen to you, and start owning what you say more. Saturn aspecting Venus - joecly flores on repeat. okay i get it. you dont believe in love, because you see it how it is. well. its not actually how it is. youve ruined all your chances of anyone ever gonna love you because you think being all cold and mysterious is attractive (and it can be) but i mean who tf wanna love someone like that. its like riding a bike uphill. i mean i dont wanna do that. like these people are always attractive, but their attitude is so hard to ignore, its like trynna make a spider smile. thats why people reject you more than anythng else. and Ik that your just trying to find the real ones, but guess what, everyone that ever talked to you/ flirted with you, liked you.... oh thats too shallow or optimistic? my bad Saturn aspecting Mars - I never do anythng right ;(((((( well you actually do a lot right, but your always doing too much. your so obssessed with perfection and being a high achever that you've forgotten everything you've achieved becayse your so focused on the next one. if you just reflected on how much you work; in comparison to most, youd realize you are big achiever, and you dont understand reality as well as you think. well okay you do undersatnd reality extremely well (because you try so damn hard lol) but you've lost your sense of self because you still dont think your worth it till you achieve the next thing- hence the cycle of working yo ass off - but hey you'll achieve a lot, you just need to perfect your perfectionistic tendencies -then youll finally be perfect! (get it) Saturn aspecting Jupiter - i think this aspect is one of the coldest. because these people try so hard, but get no where for the majority of their life. till they change perspectives and realize if they try harded else where, they'd get launched into success. i mean the amount of people who are successful - and i mean hugely successful > have this aspect - and everytime it was due to massive luck. however only they could grasp the 'lucky' opportunity, and that initself makes their achievements so much cooler than others. remember its jupiter, so all your 'hardships' inevitably become your greatest 'luck'. the white guy from 'sean of the dead' has this, and look at how much he impacted movies in general... jus saying mad props to that guy and to yall
Saturn aspecting Uranus - okay these guys are outcasted from society hard, due to some bullshit, but when they get recasted back into civilization they become someone who can change society at large- but its gonna take so much work... their perspective has been molded differently to most because they've been alone for so long. they have strange ideas that somehow work into tangible assets. perfect example : eminem - i mean hes basically best case scenario with this aspect, but hey why not try for best case scenario? but then again he made that hamster song... so i mean not always best case scenario... THats the price of neglect you could say lmao. Saturn aspecting Neptune - your imagination is your greatest challenge but also the key to your ultimate glory. like Michael Jordan had this aspect and well he was hella delusional. until he wasnt.... but its hard to say how much this benefited him... because both stages of his life - pre glory - and; glory - he was heavily isolated from everyone, and (likely) suffered in seclusion, by placing so much importance on his dreams. saturn wants you to master the 'spiritual world' i.e. imagination and dreams, and this causes anxiety that their dreams will just be dreams. which is what makes them put so much effort into it becoming real... then they realize the price of it all when its too late. so just make sure your aware of what your manifesting because if anyone can make it, its you. (achieving ur dreams) Saturn aspecting Pluto - how powerless do you feel. you do realize people can see how thirsty you are for respect/power, because they can sense your insecurity from past exepriences, and thats why your easy to play with. but do not worry. you will attain true power with enough effort. not just a bullshit image of power. because you've been pushed into the most vile trials to have ever have existed, and its only so that when you become someone powerful, you utilize your power properly, and do not step on others, because you know damn well how much it hurts to be stepped on. so your power is > saturn. your trials are so intense, and you're basically broken, but things that are broken know how to cut others (like broken glass). and well saturn wants you to master this > pluto > the darkness. and it makes reaching the top so much more palpable, because you'd feel like you earnt it. but you can make others insecure about what youve overcame so you better be humble, or saturn will fuck you. no honour among thieves, and we know you experienced that, but the kings play different, and you gotta adapt or saturn will flatten you.
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spaceagebachelormann · 7 months
hii can i request headcanons of how finnick odair would be as a bf? maybe if ur also a victor
finnick odair and victor frankenstein as bfs !
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✧ warnings: spoilers for thg and frankenstein maybe?
✧ additional info: erm i didn’t know if u meant i could do victor if i wanted 😔 so i js did anyway cause i will use any excuse to write for someone from that masterlist!! if u did mean i could put victor if i wanted ily and pls send more victor reqs i barely get any for classic monsters in general <3 erm aleo i haven’t watched thg in ages so finnick might be ooc
✧ m.list — nav.
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ೃ༄ finnick odair
he’s very sweet and calm and overall js like amazing to be around and have as a bf <3
despite the fact bro is majestic and could have 6 girlfriends or boyfriends or whateverfriends if he wanted he’s very loyal and respectful of u
doesn’t even dare to look at anyone else while with u
also very willing to take things slowly if that’s what u prefer
it’s honestly what he prefers too
yk because of everything the capital put him through
he js prefers taking his time to get to know u before anything
but he will take u on the cutest dates ever even before reaching first base
will wrestle ur date preferences out of u. not literally. by that i mean he tricks u into telling him what u would wanna do then surprising u
he’s also like so soft and nice with everyone but with u it’s like 10x more
bro can be literally screaming at someone if needed at one moment and then braiding ur hair for u the next
also he’d LOVE braiding ur hair
u don’t even have to ask he js puts ur head on his chest and plays with it
also he’s still v flirty with u for funsies
esp if u get embarrassed easily
he thinks it’s funny (cute) that’s why <3
and i feel like he’s oddly good at singing
like he js taught himself how to sing once because he was bored and needed smth to do
so he was like “yk what imma learn to sing”
and holy fucking shit is he good at it!!
his voice in general is rlly calming
and he knows it is so he likes reading to u and singing to u or js talking to u and literally anything where he can use his voice
i don’t think he’d be very huge on pet names but he’d def call u honey more than anything (cause this is gn)
ik because im his gf actually!! /j
and shit like beautiful and gorgeous if ur fem don’t tell me he wouldn’t yk he would
and he loves kissing ur face
also if ur fem or js have lipstick he’d let u leave lipstick marks on his face <3
i rlly feel like he’d wanna be with someone who he knows well and feels like he can trust
especially if he’s known them for a few years
and he genuinely doesn’t care abt looks!!
go get urself a finnick odair
and his food is genuinely the most scrumptious shit u will ever taste
ೃ༄ victor frankenstein
ugh this bitch
he’s definitely very loyal to u and wouldn’t even think about other people but he’s kinda. neglectful.
he doesn’t do it on purpose and always makes up for it but there’s long periods of time where he’s sorta cold and rude to u and distant
but he feels bad after and always makes it up to u
he also would wanna be with someone who he’s known for awhile, but that’s because his dumbass would realize his feelings rlly late
but based on his canon AND fanon love interests he seems like he’d want someone who’s rlly compassionate and nice
unfortunately he might care abt looks
erm anyway!!
probably just calls u by ur name but will throw in a my love here and there if he’s in a rlly good mood
because he’s sorta neglectful he doesn’t rlly kiss u a lot because he’s never actually near u alot
but when he is he likes kissing ur shoulders and forehead and hands and wrists n shit
he’s like cold to everyone else but soft with u <3 (when he’s actually with u)
and he’d love it if u got along well with his family and henry and elizabeth
especially his brothers
and would love it if ur nice to justine because typically people wouldn’t be nice to her cause she’s a maid (/lh ily justine u deserved better)
pls let him yap to u
sometimes he js wants to rant abt his day or ideas to someone and would love it if u sat there and listened
and if u let him yap after he makes his creation and it starts slaughtering everybody he’d love it if u were understanding
after elizabeth dies he becomes 12x more protective of u to the point where he won’t even let u be alone by urself cause he left elizabeth alone for 5 mins and she died (they’re js friends here obv)
his love language is gift giving <3 he likes making u little handmade gifts everytime he sees u
also quality time. whenever he can he likes going on picnics and walks
he’s also not the best at comforting but he’s a very good listener and will let u rant to him
his presence in general is comforting
i’m laughing my ass off at this but he wakes u up to show u bugs in the middle of the night
“victor wtf is that” “goliath beetle :)” “put it back before i make u move in with it.”
he also has the most entertaining days for no fucking reason and has a crazy story to tell u all the time
and his hands are fucking freezing. that’s all bye ily
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scarasimping · 2 years
- your birthday with scaramouche
- a/n: i saw scara's birthday voice line and was inspired plz i love him so much. i wrote this very late so sorry if theres any mistakes. but i pulled c1 scara tomight and got his weapon so im very excited !! may all scara wanters be scara havers.
- fluff fluff so much fluff, kinda pining from both sides
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"take my hand."
if any sane person were to be offered the hand of the wanderer, they would most definitely say no. after all, the amount of atrocities he's committed was too many to be counted on both hands, and even though he may have left the fatui he's still not the most trustworthy type.
"there's no need to be nervous," he says, but with him staring directly into your soul it's hard not to be.
today was your birthday, your friends in sumeru had thrown you a lavish party with cake and music and a special performance by nilou herself at the grand bazaar. though it was very fun, indeed, anyone would need a break after something as exciting as that, so you decided to step out into the streets of sumeru for some air.
it was here that the wanderer, or scaramouche, emerged from the alleys, offering his hand to you with the most innocent smile he can muster on his face.
"I'm just taking you to vantage point. isn't that a normal birthday activity?"
reluctantly, you place your hand in his outstretched one and he grips it tight, beginning to lead you down the many winding streets of sumeru city. his hand, despite it being cold, spread a warmth through your body. it was late in the afternoon, the sun would be setting soon, and you had to admit that in this lighting he did look quite pretty, though you'd never say that out loud.
he seemed to sense your gaze on him, sparing a glance behind him quickly.
"stop staring at me."
it was a somewhat long walk, but where you ended up was on the balcony in front of the sanctuary of suransthana. finally, he released you hand here while you wandered towards the railing, staring at the sight in front of you.
in the time it took for you to get here, the sun had begun to set over the horizon, painting a pinkish hue over the vast lands of the deserts and forests of sumeru while the branches of the great tree framed the sight perfectly. scaramouche found himself mimicking you, with his hands on the railing, almost touching your own, the only distance between your bodies caused by his hat.
"how is it?" he asks, cocking his head towards you. a smug smile laid on his face as if he already knew your answer. "the scenery here should be quite breathtaking."
"it is, very much so," you whisper back, too in awe of the view in front of you to notice just how much he's staring at you.
you, still in your party outfit, hair blowing in the breeze that comes from being so high up, the light gracing your features. while scaramouche has never been one to appreciate the sights before, he can still admit you do look quite nice in this very moment.
still staring ahead of you, you begin to speak once again. "thank you, really, this means a lot to me."
"there's no need to thank me - i see little point in it," he sighs, eyes leaving you for the first time since you got up here.
"this really isn't much to be thanked for, especially compared to the party thrown in you honor."
he sounds disinterested saying this, you almost thought bringing you up here was something he was forced to do, but the fact that he can't meet your eyes tells you otherwise.
"i don't care about how much someone has done for me on my birthday, all the matters is that i spend time with them. like right now, for example."
it's silent for a few seconds, your words processing in his mind.
"i understand," he hums, and he truly thinks he does, because he wouldn't mind coming up here again to spend some time with you in the future.
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darkestspring · 2 years
to have and to hold
a/n: my first request! im honored. this was requested by @gulnarsultan​ for aegon I, maegor, viserys I, baelon, aerys II, rickard stark, eddard stark as yandere spouses. thank you for all your support and love. (i did leave some out that i just wasn’t feeling like i could write)
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 Aegon I “The Conquerer” Targaryen
He is the definition of devoted husband. Despite you being his third wife, he adores you just the same. he spends most of his free time with you. Even if you express your distaste or concern, he showers you with endless affection and gifts. Hair pins, books, jewels. Anything your heart desires, he’ll acquire it for you.
Of course, there’s also the fact that you’re not allowed anywhere without him, Visenya, or Rhaenys. Or five guards. It’s better to pretend you aren’t aware that they’re trying to isolate you with only them to keep you company. It’s better to smile and kiss whichever spouse is accompanying you for the day and thank them.
“My heart.” He coo at you, kisses being pressed all over your face and neck. He’s as soft as a targaryen can be when he’s with you. You’re his wife, one of his loves. “I’ll burn all of westeros down if you ask it of me.” he’ll tell you late at night as you hold you in his arms. “I’ll do anything, you need only ask it.” He’ll insist and he will. He’ll give you anything you want. But don’t ask to be free. He’s your husband. You belong with him.
Maegor I “The Cruel” Targaryen
despite the fact that he already had multiple wives, he grew an instant infatuation with you and refused to accept any other outcome than to marry you. after all, what choice did they have? who would refuse a dragon?
he most likely wouldn’t wait for approval or care what anyone else thinks. he’ll marry you in the tradition of valyria with his mother as witness. what you want doesn’t necessarily matter to him. you will be his wife. you will carry his children. he’ll make it so even if he has to spend all day in bed with you.
he’s softer with you than his other wives that’s for sure. he’ll cup his face with his hands and whsiper “My wife.” before kissing you so deeply you feel like you’re drowning. You’ll always be his wife, even after his death you’ll still be his.
Viserys I “The Peaceful” Targaryen
It’s your kindness that makes him keep seeking you out. Your kindness and care towards him makes him want to be around you constantly. He’ll gift you books and scrolls on subjects you both like. He’ll gift you flowers and little trinkets. He’ll sometimes create scenarios in which you seek him out because he wishes to be around you constantly.
He’s always holding your hand, always looking at you with this lovestruck and soft look on his face. He’s not one to isolate you. You’re his wife already. His beloved queen. But in the instance that this person talks badly about you or threatens you, he’ll get rid of them with no hesitation.
When you become pregnant, he’s overjoyed. Proof of the love you both share. “My love.” He’ll let out, his hand gripping onto yours gently as you both smile. “What wonderful news. The happiest news, my darling.” Even if you die before he does, if he is forced to take another wife, he’ll always love you. He’ll consider you his only wife. His only love. The children you have together, his only children. He’ll love you even in death.
Baelon “The Brave” Targaryen
Even before he was your husband and even after, he has a tendency to not leave your side. if someone wants to find baelon, they need only to find you first. whether you’re his first or second wife, he’ll be just as devoted. He basically worships the ground you walk on and doesn’t take kindly to other talking badly about you.
He loves to lay his head in your lap and have you run his hand through his hair, it comforts him greatly. Baelon is mischievous and regarded as brave but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have his own mean streak. he’s capable of great cruelty to those who are a threat to you and your safety. You mean a great deal to him so he won’t allow anyone to ruin the life you both have together or your safety.
“Other half of my soul.” He’ll whisper softly as he kisses your forehead. He can’t help but want to give you the entire world. He’ll acquire things that remind him of you to gift you. the moment you’re with child, he’ll devote all of his free time to you. he’s overcome with joy. A baby! a piece of both of you. He’ll place his hand on your growing stomach and be overcome with fondness. He’ll kiss you with all the gentleness in the world. A gentleness reserved only for you.
Aerys II “The Mad King” Targaryen
In the beginning he’s very charismatic, it’s easy to forget that he refuses to let others see you. people who hold conversations with you, that get to hear your voice and see your smile, die at his hand. they don’t deserve you, he’ll tell you. you’re his wife. everything you have, everything you are, is solely his.
If you’re still alive by time he starts to go crazy, you’re the only person he’ll allow to touch him. he’ll cling to you the entire time and refuse to let go. You’re his beloved wife, the only person he’ll trust.
“please love me, don’t leave me. I beg of you.” He’ll whisper into your shoulder as he clings to you. It’s hard to remember that you’re his captive wife. That anyone who even looks at you, he’ll order dead. You don’t say an ything in return as you hold him gently.
Rickard Stark
Rickard is the definition of dutiful husband. He loves you so dearly and wants to have a peaceful life with you. He’ll have warm coats made for you so that you’ll never go cold in Winterfell. Anything you wish for, he’ll acquire. You are his wife.
Rickard’s last thought is of you, whether you are dead or alive, he thinks of you. He’s already failed you, failed his children. He just hopes justice and honor will come. He wishes to see you once more. He’ll thinks about all of the moments you have shared.
“My wolf.” Is his favorite petname, he would cup your flushed cheeks his hands and press his forehead against yours. “I’ll do anything for you. My wife. Wait for me.” It’s easy to forget that rickard’s jealousy of other men leads him to sentence them to death for smiling at you.
Eddard Stark
Eddard is a dedicated husband, he brings the definition of fuck around and find out to life. He outright won’t kill people for simply holding a conversation with his wife but if he believes they’re a threat to his wife, to her safety or to their marriage, he won’t hesitate to do what he has to, to keep his wife safe, his family safe, the north safe. You’re his wife, the only one he wants.
Eddard will show you around the north and tell you about the area, the danger, the places he likes to see. He wants to be happy there, with him. With all the children you’ll eventually have. Once jon comes into both your and his life, you comfort him, you agree to care for him. You feel slightly bad but you vow to care for him as you do your other children.
It’s devastating when he’s executed, your children try their hardest to shield you from the truth. From the schemes and manipulations of others. You try your hardest to think of what he would want in times like these. Of how he would deal with those who threaten the safety of his family. You’ll do what you must. The north always remembers.
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arty-cakes · 7 months
being both a bretta and zote fan is so so painful actually ppl will always find some way to make sure they never interact again or use the latter to (seriously) demonize zote for stuff he never did while also mischaracterising bretta and i 💥👊💥🥊👊🤜🤛💥🤜👊🤜💥🤜💥🥊 🤜👊👊👊🤜💥 im not good at putting into words why this is frustrating
either make them divorced mortal enemies or reluctant friends who actually enjoy eachother's company either of those are funnier but why make up stuff that didnt happen and then pretend its canon and the reason why they should never talk again..... thats so boring
i was gonna leave this in the tags but no i wanna talk
i know im complaining here but its honestly not an issue i see a-lot like i do see them being enemies or friends in fancontent and to the ppl who do that ily very much. its always cool. and people like my dynamic too and when they let me know it makes me rlly happy lol
but i feel like people need to understand that not every situation is good or bad sometimes they are just. situations. like bretta and zote
and i still feel like there's this general misunderstanding about zote that needs to be cleared up which is that he's not actually.... a liar lol. or i mean the only person he lies to is himself and he's not pretending to be a knight he really BELIEVES he's a knight. don quixote coded like he rlly believes he killed the vengefly king and won the colosseum tournament and whatever. all confirmed by his dreamnail dialogue like it makes it REALLY CLEAR that he believes what hes saying. he's actually having delusions thats why most people in hollow knight choose to help him out its why he cant process life threatening situations. he's still annoying just because of his general personality but NOT because of his delusions. (i'd say something profound about how usefulness ties to worth in most people's subconscious and its rooted in ableism and its why zote hate is so loud and normalized but i dont know how to) basically he is not out here 'manipulating' anyone wtf
bretta's delusional too btw the game literally calls her out (gpz godhome description i think). personally i like that canon decided these two should meet and the result was this awfully tough dreamgod that u can fight 10x that's hilarious to me. if a fan made this up and it never happened in canon i would be like 'holy shit this should be a dlc this WOULD happen' because these two are just like that
also people seriously forget that bretta didnt just leave because of zote she left because of ghost too. girl just had enough of short knights ok she was done with both of them if you bring her back to town she's not suddenly gonna realize ghost is heroic and cool and be apologetic and want them back and zote's mad and jealous. <- this out here is mischaracterising ALL 3 of them its so juvenile what.... and i just dont think she'd care that much about either of them, a lot like how zote barely gives a shit about the infection or never realizes she left, they both have tunnel vision these two are the same do you see it
also tell me he was lying when he called ghost a beast because they are thats all they've been striving for this is a compliment to them i know it
this isnt reallyyy a rant. its a personal grievance because i like them both so i care about their portrayal and interactions and i like it when they aren't lonely. but also they're really light-hearted characters so why not just treat them like that....they go through shit and then they move on easily and go through it all over again. its been 7 years can we cut them a break. i dont wanna see anymore mischaracterising unless its really funny
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