#if he doesn't care if taylor values him; if they Don't value him.....what are we doing here. what's his reason for being here lmfao
rockingtheorange · 12 days
Why is Nick such an asshole to Taylor and the film? He already toldAmazon he will nto be doing the sequel.
I don't like answering this type of questions so I'll make it as complete as I can, so people can get a life outside their own expectations. (I'm not defending Nick, I'm stating facts.)
First of all, let's not spread false rumors. Nick has not dropped the project. (I'm baffled on how this rumor could start in the first place)
Nick signed a contract for the sequel, he has responsibilities towards it, and consequences if he doesn't follow it. Regardless, it's not us who decide the terms. If he ever decides to leave the project, he'll make a choice and ponder the consequences.
"He could do more". Well, he also could do less. He's an actor and does his job however he feels like. (Do y'all care about every single aspect of your own jobs or studies? Bet you have priorities, right?)
In pop culture, there's this conception of the artist "owes his fans". While I'm inclined to love fanservice of all kind because it makes us, fans, feel appreciated, no one forces us to be a fan, meanwhile the artists are forced to do fanservice as long as they want or their contracts stipulates that.
Now let me go onto the specific part of Nicholas' life and personality.
Let's remind ourselves that we can be the biggest fans and yet know nothing about our favorite celebrities. They show us what they want us to know, it's our choice to decide what we want to follow, hear or understand.
As far as we know Nick, he's always been a quiet reserved person, who suffers from anxiety, doesn't like big social events and hardly uses social media (especially in the recent years)
He's somewhat a fearful person who decides to step outside his comfort zone. We can know that from his song Comfort.
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Nick has talked about how one of his "great fears is being misunderstood." You can read about it in the article RWRB related from BritishGQ in which he compares his fear with Henry's experience.
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Nick has been showing multiple times in multiple occasions how he loved Henry and loved playing him. He wouldn't have said "yes" to a sequel if he didn't want to. (I'd also say it's a big deal since Nick has always only played in project that didn't get a sequel, and he consciously decided to agree to it.)
In Nick's career, we can see how diverse and interesting his characters must be. He's drawn to peculiar characters and when he finds one, he puts everything he has to offer into it. This leads him to focus on other characters that aren't the same static one from a year or two ago. (He moves on to the next project, and I don't see anything bad about it.)
Working a lot means schedule conflicts and Nick has always had this problem. If he doesn't work on something new, he rests while doing his little hobbies. (Does he need to attend every social event if he doesn't want to? Do y'all ever rest? And if you don't, can other rest instead?)
I added my personal opinion in parenthesis so it doesn't get confused with the facts. Nick is a human with personal interests, ranked scale of values and personal life.
If you don't want to be a fan, don't be. If you want to be a hater, talk it to the wall instead of harming or annoy others. If you have expectations over other people, learn to manage what you can't control. If you think you're in control of someone else, you're not.
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Now, excuse me I'll go back to watch RWRB with Henry played by Nicholas Galitzine, the actor who took his fragile character and held him in his hand, and protected him.
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lesbianrobin · 2 months
Hi for a writer new to writing 911 fics what are some key character points that you think are really important for capturing the vibes of Buck and Eddie?
omg HIII 🫶🏻🫶🏻
so first off i also consider myself New to writing 911 fics fmvjdjc but i assume since ur asking Me of all people you like one/some of my fics enough to think i am an authority which rules. thank u that's so sweet. ANYWAY on to my actual advice.
buck: you know that john mulaney bit where he's saying he's a terrible driver and he's like "i hear you honking and i also don't want me to be doing what i'm doing. i don't like that i'm in that lane either. and i sure would like to get out of it." that is buck in basically every aspect of his life besides being a firefighter. his problem is that he won't pull over long enough to figure out what the hell he's doing. buck acts before he thinks and only Later does he even consider like hey Why did i do that. What was i feeling. What was i trying to accomplish. which often results in him behaving selfishly and hurting others (see: lawsuit, Entire Relationship With Taylor Kelly, maiming eddie during a basketball game, coming to the erroneous conclusion that he was jealous over tommy rather than eddie) as well as behaving recklessly and risking his own life under the cover of heroism and necessity.
as far as more like. basic character things go. buck can be kinda dumb And smart at the same time. people often swing really hard in one direction or the other and i think it does buck a disservice. like, yeah, he loves his fun facts and research spirals and books, he clearly has a love for learning, but he's also not the Best at critical analysis of his sources and maybe has a tendency to take things at face value. like i do fear that buck could be persuaded to join an essential oils mlm.
ALSO buck is a weirdo like yes he Can be charming but he also has chronic foot-in-mouth disease and says shit like "oh we didn't kill him we just WANTED to!" TO THE COPS. WHEN BEING QUESTIONED ABOUT A MURDER. i think buck is just constantly rolling either nat ones or nat twentys when it comes to charisma.
i also think it's important to keep in mind that while buck can be deeply insecure, that insecurity doesn't Usually manifest in him like. noticeably withdrawing into himself or trudging sadly around like a kicked puppy. his response to that insecurity is most often to be loud, to lash out, or to overcompensate (see: his entire personality in s1, eddie's introduction, befriending red and taking on his end of life care, swearing to abby that he'll rescue her fiancé and risking his own life to do it, etc).
ok i think i've yapped enough ab buck SO!
eddie: i actually feel like way less confident prescribing advice for writing eddie fmvkdjc so this'll probably be shorter than the buck section. as far as the Basics go i think people can often characterize eddie as very like serious and grim but he rly is not! he's a very silly guy! mostly with chris and buck, but also a bit with carla and linda and the rest of the 118. i think eddie is a guy who can behave very differently depending on how comfortable he is around somebody, and there are many parts of himself that he keeps locked down around others.
eddie thinks about his feelings and motivations before acting in a way that buck typically doesn't, but that doesn't mean he's correctly assessing those feelings and motivations. eddie is an incredibly unreliable narrator when it comes to his own life! he'll feel the desire to do something (for example, dating ana or going from active firefighting to a desk job) and Then construct his conscious reasoning for it (i'm ready to move on from shannon and i like her, chris will feel better and it's better for him if i have a safe job) while avoiding his Deeper feelings and motivations (the compulsion to give chris A Mother so that he feels like less of a failure as a father, his own ptsd and other mental health struggles in the wake of the shooting).
this doesn't mean that eddie is entirely emotionally unintelligent! he just kinda hates himself and he's deeply repressed and he often feels that he can't do things For Him, they all have to be For Chris.
ok that's like most of what i've got for now i'm rly not an authority on eddie but i tried my best 😭
as a duo: i think the #1 thing to remember when writing buck and eddie is that they're best friends and they understand each other better than anybody else in their lives. like that doesn't mean that they're always on the same page but they Do canonically recognize each other's feelings and motivations most of the time and after the lawsuit/street fighting era, they always respond to each other with patience and care when one of them is having a rough time.
like i think you actually have to try Very hard to justify it if you're gonna have buck and eddie miscommunicating and seriously arguing with each other in a fic. i remember when everyone was like omgggg buck is gonna LOSE IT ON EDDIE when he finds out about kim!! and then when buck Did find out about kim he was literally just worried about eddie and talked to him about it and asked the questions that eddie Needed to be asked so that he could work through his feelings and address the situation. buck and eddie just have a knack for knowing what the other person needs, and they're at a point where they will go to each other for help and be openly vulnerable!
and they have fun together! they're silly! see: "locked room mystery" "locked Yard mystery", the whole bachelor party, eddie being like buck Pwease can we look for the treasure together 🥺, etc etc. they just enjoy being together and i think that is so crucial to writing them.
final thoughts: in general my #1 piece of advice for writing fic is to rewatch the show/clips from the show when you're trying to capture a character's voice. i do not do this nearly as often as i should bc i am lazy but it rly is deeply helpful for making sure that they sound like themselves!
i would also advise that even if your fic is buddie-centric, it helps to include the other characters in even small ways. our relationships with others are central to who we are! references to other characters like chris, maddie, chim, etc. can go a long way toward making buck and eddie feel like themselves.
thank you again for asking me!! it's really really flattering. i hope this was of some help to you!!
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unhetalia · 7 months
I wanted to do those posts about how we imagine each characters' features, then realised there were so many characters I wanted to do them for! Decided to start it off with the NA sibs.
Baby faced. Soft, delicate features and slightly rounded cheeks, which makes his pouting very effective. Long eyelashes, big eyes. America The Beautiful is real and he is a menace. Physically 19-20, but his IDs claim he's older.
He's 182cm/5'11.
His hair is a light golden blonde, and skin has a natural medium tan. His eyes most closely match A17 blue. Because of his skin, I imagine America is often considered mixed race by humans.
Despite America's constant preoccupation with his weight, he isn't overweight. He doesn't have abs, and his stomach is soft - but it's flat. Most of his physical activity comes from being energetic and curious - he does a lot of hiking with Canada and Mexico, and he bikes everywhere because he secretly can't drive, so while he's physically fit, it doesn't translate to a superhero body, to his endless disappointment. Though he has incredibly strong legs on top of his insurmountable strength.
America l o v e s colours. He tends to buy all of his clothing second-hand, so his fashion can mostly be described as 'eclectic'. He is not known for being fashionable among the other Nations.
He and America don't actually look very alike, and Canada thinks its more proximity that has people mistaking him for his brother all the time. Canada doesn't have America's baby face, and stopped getting what he wanted through pouting long ago. He has a sharp jawline and can be described as strikingly handsome, when people bother to look. He has the same long lashes and big eyes as his brother and are physically the same age.
He's two inches taller than his brother (6'1), but he slouches so much that they look the same height. He has a few suits for world meetings, but all off the rack. France despairs, but knows better than to buy him anything.
His hair and skin have a cooler undertone - his hair is lighter than America's and his skin is pale. His eyes most closely match A60, and looks purple in certain lights in the same way Elizabeth Taylor's did, but it is actually blue. He also doesn't actually need glasses, and wears them only because his brother had refused to wear his own unless he also had them, years and years ago. He's too used to it now, and it has sentimental value.
Canada is an avid hockey player, hiker and all around fitness buff, and his body secretly reflects that, underneath all the layers. He's broader in the shoulders and waist than America, and more muscular, to his brother's endless, ENDLESS bitterness. He's also very disciplined with his eating, and follows an athlete's diet. He REALLY cares about Hockey, guys.
HOCKEY JERSEYS. LAYERS. LOUNGEWEAR. He has the wardrobe of a typical sportsmad lad. Waterproof steel-toed boots, something he and Australia both extol the virtues of. He likes whites, greys, browns and lights blues.
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naamahdarling · 10 months
Do you have a favorite musical?
If so, what are your favorite lyrics from it, and why?
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Is it a surreal mess? Yes! But I love it before everything else.
The lyrics are silly but very clever. Most are at least partly by TS Eliot, drawn from a wonderfully nonsensical book of poems.
I think my favorite song is the Invitation to the Jellicle Ball, neck and neck with Mr Mistoffelees.
My favorite cat is Mistoffelees by a lot, followed by the Rum Tum Tugger. They are in love.
But the part that makes me feel the most in my heart is Grizabella. The only cat I relate to is Grizabella.
Memory is the big number that everyone knows and I do absolutely love it, it's one of my favorite songs and probably the best in the musical as it was before CATS 2019 introduced a new song, but I feel that out of context it simply doesn't have punch. It gets trotted out to showcase a singer's skill, as a bit of a tearjerker if you're a sentimental person. It is so much more than that.
I didn't understand Grizabella properly until I was well and truly an adult and had taken in multiple cats off the street, and lived near a colony, and watched my own cats become frail, which are all painful things in many ways; AND until I had begun to really feel the weight of my marginalization as a disabled person and an ill person, which means confronting almost daily the fact that I am unlikely to come to the sort of end I would like.
Hold on because I'm going to be unhinged about this cat for a minute.
Grizabella is an aged stray, once welcomed, now abandoned and unloved, considered ugly even by others like her (who are shown to supposedly accept differences and value, or at least respect, most everyone...but not her).
She lives in a haunted, lonely state unacknowledged by anyone except to be driven away. She can no longer care for herself, she is filthy and matted and scarred and probably in a lot of pain, she is starving, and she has nothing but her memories of better times, and every single dawn is both a gift and a miserable curse. She gets to remember. She has to remember.
If you watch, Grizabella is onstage a LOT, she's just off in the background, usually poorly lit, where she tries to mirror the dances happening on the main part of the stage, dances she knows because that was once her, there in the spotlight, shining. But now she's in too much pain to dance and her body isn't working right anymore. I have no doubt Grizabella is dying. The question is whether she will get to do that well, comforted and with dignity, or do it badly and alone.
I cannot HANDLE Grizabella.
If you have even the tiniest inkling of love for cats, if you believe every cat's life is worth something, her story should destroy you.
The legendary Jennifer Hudson's performance in the movie brought a really angry and confrontational turn to her, and it was flat out amazing. A rebuke of a performance. It really hurts to watch but it's what the role has always needed. She isn't just weak and sad, she clings to the tatters of her dignity and is angry that the others don't see her as a whole person. Just a miserable shadow to be avoided. A cautionary tale. We are never told what terrible thing she did to deserve her fall, and given that most of the Jellicles are young, I don't know that any of them really remember.
I will physically fight anyone who says she should not have been selected to ascend to a new life. She was the only choice. Even Gus. Even him. He can have his turn next year. Grizabella does not have another year in her.
And I'm going to make some folks mad but I love the 2019 movie (it's bad) and the new song, Beautiful Ghosts, is amazing, and I DO prefer Taylor Swift's version as the movie version is a little more timid (fitting the role and musical way better) but TS fucking BELTS IT and I get chills every time.
The lyrics are incredible and the song is gorgeous, gorgeous. And strung together with Grizabella's song, it finishes the musical in a way that it was a bit unfinished before. It uses an actual full song to connect Grizabella to the Ball and the Choice more directly than any choreography ever did or could:
Victoria, the White Cat and viewpoint character, still almost a kitten, has been dumped in the street and into a terrifying and beautiful new life.
After being swept up into its wonder, she sees Grizabella, utterly rejected, hissed at, made fun of, despised, and aches with the injustice of it -- Victoria was snatched right up by the other cats the instant her paws hit the ground, but nobody will take in Grizabella. Not even her own kind.
Victoria sees how strangely similar they are and feels a kinship that has no pity in it at all, but wonder and respect.
So Victoria sings this new song expressing the first admiration Grizabella has heard in god alone knows how long, reminding her she has had an amazing life worth envy and renown, and she pulls this horrible decrepit old mess of a cat into the Jellicle Ball, where she is FINALLY relieved of her pain.
Like? I'm crying right now?
It isn't a serious musical, but Grizabella's story runs through it like a cold current, something real and terrible, surrounded by absolute ridiculousness. Her numbers are deadly serious, never played for laughs. And ultimately it is her story that turns out to be the most important one, the truest one, and it is dark, and it is hopeful but only in only the most painful and grief-stricken way. She isn't brought back into a comfortable life with other cats to be happy and surrounded by love. She essentially...dies and goes to cat heaven. She embodies hope itself to the others, and her ascension represents a deeply humbling lesson in humility and grace. Her suffering and her ascent represent the possible future of every one of them, and now they have to confront that, and their treatment of her. She was rewarded, and for all their beauty and charm they were not.
Anyway I'm not normal about it.
The lyrics from Beautiful Ghosts that I love are:
Perilous night, their voices calling. A flicker of light, before the dawning. Out here the wild ones are taming the fear within me. Scared to call them my friends and be broken again. Is this hope just a mystical dream?
And so maybe my home Isn't what I had known, what I thought it would be. But I feel so alive With these phantoms of night, and I know that this life isn't safe but it's wild and it's free!
Like, come on. It's a lovely song and it took my breath away in the theater.
Ugh this musical touched me as a feral cat girl of 10 and it touches me again as a sad catguy in their 40s. Truly a very stupid work of weirdly meaningful art and one for the ages.
There are much better musicals, but none of them are part of me.
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hutchersonsgurl · 2 months
Coldest Heartbreak - Clapton Davis Part 1
paring x fem reader and Clapton Davis
Warnings: 18+ MNDI smut jealousy revenge
Summary: You and Clapton have been best friends since childhood and you were always the quiet nerdy girl of the school but Clapton was the only one who really saw you for you eventually the two of you started dating 5 months ago but unfortunately Clapton only wanted to kiss you not in public and it really breaks your self-confidence and you feel like he values his popularity over you. You were gone a few weeks because of a family emergency but now you are back at school you had a makeover while you were away trying to be the girl that Clapton wanted you to be you have dark honey-blonde hair with dark roots and you got tan and wearing clothes that reveal your toned body.
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you return to Grizzly Lake High School walking down the hallway with people looking at you like they have never met you before as you head to your locker you put earphones in and listen to music you get to your locker and open it and you can sense a pair of eyes on you and you turn around and see Clapton and his friends practically drooling over you you roll your eyes and pull out your books for the first two classes and as you turn around your face to face to them familiar brown eyes " Holy shit yn is that you?" Clapton asked in shock
"Go away, Clapton," you say annoyed
"Hey, come on I'm your boyfriend I'm supposed to complement you " He replies
" You told me to stay away from you in school Clapton" you respond
" Hey I never said stay away from me in school I just said keep our re; relationship on the down low" he responded
" way to make your girlfriend feel loved Clapton you know you can be such an ass you know that?" you responded
" you know I do love you, baby girl, it's just" He spoke but you cut him off before he could finish
" you know I changed my whole look for you because my own boyfriend is too embarrassed to let the world know we are dating" you replied
" I'm not embarrassed of you baby you just don't know how my friends are and I never asked you to change" he remarked
" well maybe you shouldn't of even asked me out because you are more worried about you care more about them then me" you responded
" That's not true and you know I love you Yn " He pleaded
"you know I heard about you being a player and using girls and I didn't believe it because I know you but then maybe I i didn't at all" you respond
"no, no don't say that baby you do know me" Clapton pleaded
"How can you say you love me but then do this to me?" You respond
" I do love you, you are the only girl for me YN you gotta believe me" he pleaded
"You have a funny way of showing it why does it take me changing my look to get you to even kinda act like a boyfriend in school?" you respond
" babe you could've been wearing a potato sack and I still would've loved you " he replies while grabbing you by your hips
" Really? Because what you say and do are two different things" you retorted
" nah babe you know my feelings for you are real and you know it" he responded looking at you with his brown puppy dog eyes
before you can respond the school's Mean girl Taylor walks over
"Man looks like you finally had a glow-up too bad it took you so long," Taylor says
" Taylor leave her alone this doesn't concern you" Clapton responds
" Uh, why are you holding her like that?" Taylor asked
Clapton immediately pulls away from you and you can feel your heart shatter right there
" just because you changed your look Yn doesn't mean someone like Clapton will want you when he can have me," she says flipping her blonde hair
The first bell rings and you turn around to start to walk to class
" wait do you still wanna sit with me in class?" he asks with his signature smirk
you don't answer him you just walk away wiping the tears off your face and trying to get far away from him
"Why did you have to open your damn mouth Taylor" Clapton snapped and walked away
" what? what did I do?" Taylor responds
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Series Masterlist
Part 2
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anaer · 1 year
In a few of your posts, you’ve mentioned your annoyance with Batfam fans trying to push Dick as Wally’s BFF (when we all know it’s actually Piper). But are there other ways you feel that fans ignore Wally’s personality and backstory in favor of putting the focus on Dick? (I’m a New Teen Titans fan, so I have kind of have the opposite problem. I get to see post after post about how “Sure, the Titans are Dick’s team, but the Bats are Dick’s ~family~.)
I'm not 100% sure what you're asking me here, tbh 😅
Here's the thing: I don't have an actual problem with Dick and Wally being best friends. They are, canonically, and I recognize that, and even write it a lot. I do have a problem with the way fandom completely devalues Wally as an entire character and his own person and makes him exist solely for the sake of Dick. Like, yeah, Wally spends a LOT more time with Piper than he ever does with Dick. Wally has a wife and children. Wally has a very, very, extremely busy life usually juggling multiple teams at once. Dick is not the be-all, end-all of his existence. You wouldn't know that from reading fic. You'd think that Wally lives in Gotham and doesn't have any goals or friends or plans of his own that don't involve Dick in some capacity. You'd think he only thinks about Dick 24/7 (also why I HATE Tom Taylor's Nightwing, like, Wally doesn't have time to be checking on Dick nonstop like that, and it's also not at all in line with their relationship, he doesn't even check on his ACTUAL WIFE like that, and Linda is his favourite person in the world).
Wally is actually...significantly more accomplished than Dick, but that also tends to get glossed over and downplayed a lot. Wally isn't just supportive Best Friend Dude, he's an impatient, temperamental, stubborn idiot who also values the relationships he has with people and tends to operate as the heart of whatever team he's on. Even when Wally is mad at people, he will try to have everyone getting along, but he will also simultaneous be a bitch about it because he's kind of a bitch. Wally can be SUPER mean, too. Just look at Kyle! Another character who he is super close to and gets ignored by a lot of fandom who only know and treat Wally as an extension of Dick.
People say Dick is friends with everyone in DC, but honestly I think Wally fits that bill significantly more (even when people don't like him) becuase he's been on so many different teams and has connections to so many more. He's been on like four different iterations of the Justice League, he hangs with the JSA, he's out there with the Titans, and he'll be managing two cities on his own on just...a regular daily basis. He has relationships with super obscure characters from all corners of DC. Wally has beef with Captain Atom, for crying out loud. Who even cares about Captain Atom??? (apologies to all my friends who do care, yall dont count, lolol)
Idk what else to say, my DC brain has been turned all the way off lately, but I think this about sums it up? Idk if I answered your question, but if I did not, I'll try to gather my thoughts better if you ask me something more specific
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extasiswings · 2 years
Sorry if I'm too curious, but what you thought about Tim during these years? Because I see so many people wanting him back and then when I see LS comments I'm like🤢
Ah, Tim. Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim.
Tim suffers from what I like to call Mediocre White Man Syndrome. This is a condition that is defined by being a white man in Hollywood who has very little talent on his own, but will get extremely far in the industry by surrounding himself with exponentially more talented and creative writers whose success is then projected onto him by association. But you see, the problem with Mediocre White Man Syndrome is that said mediocre white man has to be put into a position where he can no longer fall back on the work of others to be revealed for his true self. Which is where the OG vs. LS comparison helps.
OG vs. LS is the perfect example of how a showrunner can be an absolutely terrible, talentless hack, but if surrounded by good enough people the end result will still be good enough to mask just how bad the problem is. On OG, Tim was working with a team of excellent writers and storytellers who had the ability to prop him up and smooth the edges of his bad ideas and/or steer him in better directions. On LS, he doesn't have the same cover and the difference is...stark.
But since I don't expect you to just accept this at face value, I have receipts. Subtitled: don't ever trust a bitch who can't write his own shit.
On OG, in the 5 seasons during which he was a showrunner, Tim wrote 8 episodes. Of those, all but one were co-written with at least one other writer (3 were in season 1 and were co-written with both Ryan Murphy AND Brad Falchuk). The only episode for which he has solo writing credit is the S2 finale which, as much as I can admit I love it, has some big pacing issues resulting from the fact that the main plot was started in the previous episode, Tim finished it in the first 20 minutes, and then had to fill dead air for the whole second half. [By comparison, the last episode Tim wrote for OG was 5x1, which he co-wrote with Juan Carlos Coto, and honestly imo you can tell who wrote what parts of the episode just by the stylistic differences and it's...not a good look for Tim (I'll give you a hint, the parts of the episode that truly jumped the shark? Tim)].
On LS, which is currently only 3 episodes into its fourth season, Tim has already written 10 episodes, all co-written, primarily season openers and finales.
Also on LS, Tim has primary creative control. Everything is his idea. No one is there to tell him no. When he says that he thinks that people being happy in relationships is "boring"? No one gets to be happy because he invents random drama for no reason. When he says that Carlos is going to be secretly married despite the fact that it does not match anything from S1 at all? Who cares, it's his world and we are subject to his whims. On OG, despite being showrunner, that wasn't the case. For example, things that were Tim's idea on OG: everything with Taylor (because he has some weird reporter fetish), the blackout arc. He also regularly spoke without planning anything at all and it's clear when you compare the things he said were likely to happen vs. what actually ended up on screen that although he may have signed off, the ideas were not his (hello, the majority of S4 and Eddie's trauma recovery arc in S5). Things that were other people's ideas/responsibilities: the will/guardianship situation, the tsunami arc, Buck Begins, etc.
If you want to dig deeper, on OG, 8/10 of the top 10 episodes (out of 87) were written by just 3 writers: Kristen Reidel (4), Juan Carlos Coto (2), Andrew Meyers (2) [the last two were written by writers who are no longer on the show]. Kristen is now the showrunner, and JCC, Andrew, and Lyndsey Beaulieu (who are also EPs) are clearly the core writing team - strong, stable, and consistent. Now, I have critiques of Kristen: primarily her copaganda (which has to do with personal preference) and her pacing (a more objective critique). But I have the same critiques of Tim (and much more), and at least Kristen has proven that she can write a fucking exceptional story on her own (hello? Fight or Flight? Athena Begins? Kids Today? Awful People?). And when you look at the series overall by the numbers? The top 50 OG eps (again, out of 87) are rated 8/10 or higher (and more than half of those are from writers who make up the core team now, including Kristen). For LS, that's only 15/ 45 (and there's no LS ep rated higher than 8.7). And those discrepancies have to do with the quality of the writing and the storytelling (of which Tim has been doing much more on LS than he did on OG, to LS's detriment).
Anyway, that's my spicy take of the night. The things on OG that were actually Tim's idea (like all the Taylor) were some of my least favorite parts of the show and the core things that I love about the show are things that other people were/are responsible for. And to be perfectly blunt, given his storytelling on LS, I am so happy that he no longer has control over OG (or anything to do with Buddie).
Mediocre White Man Syndrome. A Hollywood Staple.
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clarabowmp3 · 26 days
The problem with some fans is that they think they are in charge of her life and relationships! She is already a grown woman and knows exactly what she is doing, no one needs to tell her to do what she doesn't want to do! Everyone has their own opinion! I found the way some people acted in relation to the relationship she had with Matty so ridiculous, just because of his actions. She clearly made it clear that she doesn't care who talks about them and she loved him and we all knew it! She made a song calling out to her own fans and many don't care about that! I don't like Travis and I'm not going to let her go because of him, especially because she herself will find out that he is not what she thinks he is! She is the kind of person who will only believe when she sees with her own eyes what her boyfriend is doing to her! Besides, she and no one else are perfect, everyone makes mistakes!
Okay I’m sorry but I rlly don’t understand takes like this one. The only people ‘telling her what to do’ (like for eg begging her to break up with matty Healy via social media etc) were the rlly diehard/parasocial swifties. Yes, Miss Americana touched on the pressures she was facing from her family, team, the general public etc but the whole point of the documentary was how she’s overcome them! Esp in today’s day and age, seeing all that she’s done and achieved since then shows just how much autonomy she has, as would be expected of someone in her position.
I don’t know your reasons for finding ppl having an issue with matty Healy ridiculous, because from my perspective it doesn’t seem ridiculous? At least in the case of matty Healy, ones actions/behaviours is a pretty good indicator of their beliefs and personality imo, so it feels justified to “judge” taylor/hold her accountable for choosing to associate with a person like him. To be clear, I am not blaming her for Matty’s faults, he is a despicable person in his own right, but she made the choice to voluntarily associate herself with him, even going so far as to double down in songs like but daddy I love him.
And you’re right that everyone makes mistakes - I’m all for people getting second chances and learning and growing, but even now it feels debatable whether or not taylor has rlly learnt from the mistake that was matty Healy. She didn’t rlly change her tune abt him until he broke her heart, and all her ‘revenge’ songs abt him are her being mad abt him ghosting rather than his many other worse qualities.
As for ‘not letting her go’ just cuz of Travis/matty, I think it all boils down to what would make you let her go, which is different for every fan. For me, it was a multitude of things compounding (the Matty Healy thing, her private jet emissions (even tho there is nuance to it), her excessive variant releases) because these things signalled to me that her personality had changed/I don’t agree with her current traits, values or priorities. It no longer feels the same because every day I find less and less things to admire abt her, if that makes sense.
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tayloralison · 1 year
I’m curious how you’re talking/handling this Matt Healy situation. As silly as it is, i kinda look up to you in a a way since I don’t know many other minority swifties and we already know how difficult that itself can be so. I’m kinda conflicted bc like it seems like there’s no denying that he is a shite person so Taylor dating him or at least being in her very close social circle is kinda difficult for me look past. I know you should never place your values on celebrities but right now the whole thing makes her seem like some 21st century WASP feminist (white-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant-feminist) so yah idk if I’m being very silly right now or what as a black swiftie ajsjsjsjsj
It's really hard to gather my thoughts on it because I just don't know what's going on and why ? like obviously I don't like the things he has said and done and I don't like that taylor is dating him but it seems more messy than that.
taylor just came out of a 6.5 year relationship. she went into the arms of someone she dated/hooked up with in the past. to speculate just a bit, it seems like she's enjoying how much he's showing up for her which uh seems like a contrast to how yogurt boy did, given the article we got about him struggling with taylor's fame. and honestly knowing taylor, what she herself has been through in 2016 and her delicate speeches at rep tour, she'd want to know someone personally instead of reading and believing what people are saying online especially since most of us didn't even know any of this until last week. but also I know the things he has said, she doesn't stand for that. so it's weird
I'm not shocked she hasn't distanced herself from him because well, she's friends with lena and friendly with joseph kahn who had also made some icky comments but dating him is a different thing and I'm :// about it. I don't care who she's being messy with and how messy, I just wish it wasn't someone who has made racist and misogynistic comments. and most of her friends are also in messy relationships so she doesn't really have anyone personally to call her out.
we'll see what happens ? And how long this lasts but I wish she wasn't finding comfort in him when he's a very uncomfortable person to so many of us
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You say the kindest thing is to refrain from telling stories about his relationships, but he wants us to do that no? He wants his fans to think he has a girlfriend and talk about it, otherwise why be so public with taylor. And you also said it's not kindness to assume they're dating just because they were out together. But twice now they held hands so to me that's harry saying he's now with taylor. I mean unless I'm wrong about all this and he's really with her and we should respect his privacy and not talk about his relationship than yeah I can see that point but I'm still of the belief his girlfriends are pr stunts/beards.
Here's the links to them holding hands in case you didn't see, these weren't really shared on Tumblr.
So there's a couple of things here. First is the principle - I think maybe you misunderstand me. I think it's really important not to confuse the idea that the kindest thing to do with strangers is believe what they say about themselves, with the idea that the kindest thing to do with strangers is to figure out exactly what you want them to do and then do it. Those are very different ideas.
I think the sort of scrutiny that you're doing - they're doing this, so I think that means this, and therefore they want me to do that. I don't think that would ever be a kind way to interact with a stranger (which is OK - there's no obligation to be kind).
I think the disinterested, boundaried and therefore kind way to interact with Harry, would be to put most value on statements like 'nothing good has ever come about talking about my personal life' and 'I don't think I have ever dated anyone' - and not pay much attention to his personal life. It's not how I interact with him. It's not how a lot of people interact him. There's no obligation to act towards him like that - but I do think it'd be the kind way to interact with him.
The other aspect of this is the idea that Harry wants his fans to think he has a girlfriend. In general, I am very sceptical of the idea we know how Harry thinks and feels. But I think there's nothing we're less likely to know about - than how he thinks and feels about fans.
To say he's doing X therefore he must want his fans to think Y - is very much to make this song about us. Fans are not necessarily at the centre of Harry's public performance of himself (or at what he allows to be seen). To assume that because he's holding hands with Taylor Russell, then he must want fans to think certain ways - is to put us at the centre of his world and we're not.
To draw this point out a bit I sometimes see fans say things like 'It's so insulting that he expects us to believe this'. Again - maybe he doesn't. Maybe he doesn't care what you think (he probably cares about what you do, but he's not as interested in fans' minds as a lot of discourse would assume).
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sophialikesthings · 9 months
Death Of Me Chapter 3.1
Tumblr media
Song- Carolina by Taylor Swift
"Doc says you're doing good and getting better."
I stood behind Rafe as he talked to his father.
    Ward lay almost lifeless on the queen bed, cords and IVs running his body for him.
"Don't worry, in the meantime, I'm already taking care of business. The legality of the marriage is on hold, we forgot to sign the license before we took off, but I got the other papers done, bank accounts, and passports. I got this"  He continued talking
I shifted uncomfortably, my mind polluted by thoughts of JJ.
"Not Rose though, "She doesn't know what the hell she is doing."
"The gold in the vault, just like you left it." He whispered, almost as if he thought I couldn't hear him.
We stepped out of the room and left the door ajar,
"What do you mean the legality?" I tilted my head while turning towards him.
"We aren't legally married yet, We still have the paperwork to sign. But you sure as hell are my wife." He stepped forward, placing a sweet kiss on my forehead.
"Come on... we have a meeting."
~~~ "Thank you again, I know it was a long way to travel, but I think what we have is...is pretty worthwhile" Rafe leaned back in the wicker chair, while simultaneously grabbing my hand and placing it in his lap along with his.
"Yes. Well, Michele is the most prominent antique dealer in the west indies. Unfortunately, he only speaks French,"
"No English."
We walked towards the upright cross in the living room, a white sheet covering the artifact. 
"You look good in that mini dress," Rafe whispered, moving his hand toward my lower back
"Oh yeah? Maybe you just have to take it off me later?" I winked knowing that was going to make him flustered.
Michele bent down and toughed it dragging his index finger along the embellishments.
Rafe stood arms crossed, tension rising in the room, I placed my hand on his shoulder and felt it drop with ease, as if it had taken away all his anxieties.
Michele started walking around it mumbling in French. His assistant handed him a tablet.
"He wants to know where you found it?"
"Don't worry about it. We got it. That's all he needs to know." Rafe replied quickly. Raising suspicion.
"It's here. It's for sale. So who can we get to buy it?"
He mumbled again whilst letting out what seemed like all the air in his lungs.
"Uh, for a piece like this of this value, there are very limited buyers. Like an institution or a Museum, B-"
Rafe didn't like hearing that, I could tell.
"I-" He started to speak.
"Let her finish,"
"But, he has a client in Barbados who will be interested. This client will have loads of questions. He'll want to meet with you in person."
He handed me a card and pointed to the number.
"Let's make a deal?" Rafe extended his hand.
"Let's make a deal."
"I don't have time for this Rose, Demi, and I have to get to Bridgetown. We're taking the Boat." Rafe walked across the balcony overlooking the front room.
I tune out their bickering to keep whatever sanity I have left.
"Maybe you don't need another drink. Come on Demi." He grabbed our bags leading me outside
We arrived at the place and they led us into a room filled with antiques and trinkets.
"Uh excuse me?" someone said, I knew that voice.
I spun around to see Kie, I let out a sigh of relief knowing at least one of my friends is ok.
"I knew you and Ward were behind this shit!" she stormed over.
"What are you talking about? Are you trying to weasel your way into my deal? Demi! Did you know about this?"
"Leave her out of this; she has nothing to do with it."
"Come sit, I must ask you a couple of questions." Carlos sat us down.
He continued asking about the diary Pope has and asking if we knew anything.
"I- I don't," I said, looking at Kei, my eyes asking if anything I was saying seemed believable "I want to help you... but unfortunately, I can't."
"I was hoping you wouldn't say that you know. Because unfortunately, I don't believe you. You and your friends couldn't have found the cross without it." He locked eyes with Kie
"Look this is ridiculous, I'm out." Rafe stood up and started walking to the door before someone stopped him.
"Rafe, come sit down, please," I asked
"Do I look like a fool to you Mr.Cameron? Do I look like a fool to you?"
I stood up and walked to the window admiring the view. Rafe and Kie soon joined me. We saw Carlos take someone out back and before going around a corner he turned back and showed us a gun.
"Rafe?" I got scared, he quickly took me into his arms and squeezed.
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just wanted to reply to what you Said about the Lavender Haze line. I think you are One of the few people I Saw reading it like that and it is refreshing. Ever since I heard the Song I felt the same way. I also struggle with depressive episodes, anxiety and overthinking. I don't have a partner but I know I value my time of just being with my thoughts and my sadness and it's really frustrating when people press the issue, forcing you to talk about it when you are not ready and making a big deal out of it.
When the swiftologist YouTuber made a video revisiting Midnights just to say the signs were there all along, I took my time to write a huge comment about how I did not see Lavender Haze as being a diss to Joe and those lines being a bad thing. I feel like maybe the people that understand what we mean are people that have been through and have felt similar things. Otherwise you take it as two people Next to each other and while One of them is sad, the other doesn't Speak and doesnt care. I personally believe if that were the case, Taylor wouldn't put it out like that. Not at the time atleast
Anon I really hope you’ll eventually feel better ❤️ (it doesn’t really ever get better but you know what I mean hahah).
And yeah, Taylor wrote LH as a love song. It’s irrational to think that she’d put a diss to Joe in the opening lines of a love song. Of course it’s ENTIRELY possible that she didn’t feel supported by him or that he didn’t care about her sadness - at least towards the end -, but if that were the case I really don’t think she’d be writing about it in a song that’s packaged as a love one. Especially since those lines resonate with people who have depression (I have a couple of friends who feel the same way you and I feel, anon).
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luffythinker · 1 year
That anon that was talking about Bakugo falling in love and cheating or whatever they were talking about, what about if Deku was dating Shinsou and Bakugo wanted Deku? how do you think he would go about doing that? Do you think he would leave Deku to Shinsou or "I love him more" and fight for him? What if after every pivotal moment in their lives they shared a kiss but Deku was still with Shinsou? like After they fought Allmight together in the final exams Bakugo kissed Deku never brought anything of it up again. After they fight nines they are recovering on the island and Bakugo kisses him again --Possibly even something more they are on a island away from eyes.--After they have their fight after the license exam Bakugo kisses Deku when they are cleaning the house. His final two kisses are after his body moved on it's own and he's in the hospital, he just has to see Deku and he kisses him while he's in the coma. After he apologizes to Deku about everything when Deku falls into him he kisses him one last time before they go home with everyone. Keep in mind Bakugo knows Deku is with Shinsou by before he gets stolen by the LOV do you think he could bring himself to care Shinsou was in the picture? He wants Deku he needs Deku how do you think that would go or do you think he wouldn't bother trying for him?
Oh anon this is so hard
I think we have to analyze this from both perspectives because it's not like Deku is just an NPC being kissed, we also have to take Deku's values and morals into consideration in this scenario.
So at first, I would say that Bakugo is the type to fight for what he wants and if he wants Deku he would fight for him. I can see them having an incidental kiss while Deku is still in a relationship, because of the moment or the circumstances.
But that's why I said we have to think about Izuku too, I don't think he is the type of person to cheat or lie to his partner about it, I think he would tell Shinsou about the first kiss, explain everything, and for our scenario's sake, Shinsou doesn't break up with him and they keep their relationship.
I firmly believe Deku takes promises really seriously, so I can't see the other kisses happening unless it's in a "forceful" manner (like Bakugo kissing him and Deku pushing him off or he's unconscious)
Now talking about Bakugo, I think he would care a lot that Deku is still with someone else because I see Bakugo as very territorial/possessive (not in a toxic way, just in a he's mine and i'm not sharing way), so i find it hard to believe he wouldn't actively fight for him or even have sex with Izuku while he's with someone else.
But love makes you do crazy things (taylor swift said it herself), so I think these boundaries could be pushed in his mind if he went to the line of thought of "if I'm not gonna have him I'm gonna take whatever I can get", even if this only means stolen kisses and secret meetings.
But all in all, I think both of them would prefer to end the previous relationship to be with each other fully, cause I feel like they both feel the need to love loudly, what do we think of this?
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
Seeing some of those old 5A interviews really drives home the point about how things aren’t really as “planned” as people like to say it is. Also very interesting to see how LS is going to kick off as some of the previews from “journalists” make it sound like it’s not going to be the greatest for some storylines. Timmy is going to have to get it together with the sub-par seasons that seem to be here for OG/LS this year.
OG fandom has been so passionate about these characters and their stories, and while I get wanting to believe the people in charge think just as deeply, or love them just as much...the truth is...they don't. A showrunner (or showrunners) who value a character that's been there from the jump wouldn't *literally* write him off because he shouldn't be in the 911verse without his girlfriend. A showrunner that views Buck the way the fandom does wouldn't refer to his abandonment issues (his tendency to cling because it's better than being alone) as a joke. A showrunner isn't always able to formulate some "grand plan" when there are problems behind the scenes we're not privy to. Maybe we're able to see similarities between current and previous content, but that does not mean it was intentional or that it will matter again in the future. And sometimes...a showrunner even does things that only matter in the moment! Ana's ableism? Taylor trying to fuck with Bobby? Erased. The hacker? The beacon bracelet? The BL kiss that amounted to nothing (even during the BT break up) because a significant amount of content was left out? We can also extend these one-offs to Maddie. Where's her "trust issues", exactly? Did we miss them? As far as LS is concerned, it feels like once they get past the "big emergency" the hype slows to a crawl, so for as much crap as we give OG about scenes not hitting hard like they used to, the spinoff has had this problem for two seasons now. Tim once said that he views Grace + Judd as "the foundation of everything", and it shows in how their dispatch + firefighter relationship is explored compared to what's happening on our end. I think the show would do better if Tim actually used them as the centerpiece, allowing their friendships to bring attention to the other characters. That's not possible when he hires Rob Lowe (and Rob Lowe's family) to give LS some "cred", though. And unlike Bobby, Owen may care about his team, but he doesn't treat them as his own family or the younger ones not named TK as his own kids. That connection I just mentioned for Grace + Judd, the same thing we see from Bathena and the firefam, is desperately needed. (It figures, right? The one detail Timothy probably should have taken from OG is nowhere to be found, lol lol.) [I've said this before, but I'm most interested to see if the LS cast gets their own pre-s5 salary bump and what the show will look like going forward. If the quality of emergencies starts deteriorating just as it has for our show...the budget ain't what it used to be.]
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magxit · 1 year
It's hard not to want to make assumptions about every little thing that they do, but the healthiest thing is to take the quotes in the people article at face value: They are friends, they are not currently in a romance and who knows what the future holds.
With that in mind, I think Matty should proceed to do whatever he wants on social media. Deactivating didn't save him any grief, and it doesn't erase problematic moments in his past. (We assume he did it for Taylor, but honestly, it may have just been his mood that day. He's chaotic--part of his charm.) Obviously, most of what was brought up about him this past month was overblown or willfully misconstrued, but his slate is not clean. Nobody's is—and the internet makes personal growth hard to prove because someone will always have "receipts" to stunt growth, nuance and dialogue.
They can always be friends (because apparently Swifties don't feel guilty about her having problematic friends *eyeroll*) and hopefully that means musical collaboration, at least. If they try romance again, let it be because they want it so much, they don't care about what anyone else says. There's no point trying to soften Matty's edges. I imagine that Taylor wouldn't want him to be anything other than himself, and it would be a recipe for resentment later.
I really want the music they would make together, so I will leave my wishes at that, for now.
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cowboylikedean · 1 year
What are you even talking about?! What type of person you decide to date/hang out with/be friends with is definitely a reflection of yourself?! I would never ever date a guy even casually who was openly racist etc because I would be so appalled? I couldn’t even have sex with him because that’s an instant turn off? I could also never be friends with someone whose values and morals were the complete opposite of mine for the same reasons, especially if they were racist, sexist etc. I don’t know why you’re defending Taylor so much when it’s pretty obvious she doesn’t care about what MH has done or said, she just wants a rebound and to get laid! She doesn’t give a shit. She’s made that perfectly clear.
are you not tired? reading my words in the most uncharitable/worst possible way you could read them?
all i said, literally all I said.............. Is that two people who are dating each other are not the same person and have their own thoughts, values, opinions, etc etc etc.
of COURSE who you spend your time with is a reflection on you, but IT'S BEEN TEN FUCKING DAYS, first of all. second.......... just because it's a reflection on you does not mean you sign onto their shit!
you have hit at something interesting. "reflection on you" doesn't necessarily mean "you agree with them" and it can mean "what you're willing to look past."
given that it's been TEN FUCKING DAYS and that we know Matty is different in private than on stage and we don't know what that looks like, we don't know why she's willing to look past this. I, personally, think it's safe to assume it's not because she agrees its okay and is probably because he's different in private and she doesn't intend for this to be serious.
But also we are not entitled to know that. Since Taylor is not our friend, and is instead a celebrity we like/love/enjoy/are fans of, we don't get to ask her and demand an answer. And hell.. You kinda aren't even owed an answer when your friends are dating people with values that don't match theirs. With your friends, you can ask, but they are not obligated to tell you.
Also with your friends you can't do with Taylor is clear boundaries and rules. you can tell your friend "I want to hang out with you, but I don't want to spend time with him." You will probably spend less time with your friend and may get cut out depending on how bad the relationship is, but you can do that. with Taylor, you cannot. so you have to make a choice.
I cannot make that choice for you. if your choice is to stay away until he's gone, I get it. good luck and I'm sorry. if your choice is to deal with it and try to get through, then join the club! but you do not get to decide that you know what "why are you willing to put up with it" looks like for taylor, nor do you get to decide that she owes you an explanation. you have to decide to be okay in the grey of not knowing that and trust that the answer is not "because she agrees with him" or decide that you can't do this till he's gone.
but all my original post said was that "because she agrees with him" is not the only possible answer.
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