#if i could stop apologizing i would! etc. but the urge to make everything as a way to Apologize and Repent for Being is insane. anyWAY
criticalrolo · 2 years
girl help i thought about art as a form of repentance and an apology to the world and now i have SO much to talk to my therapist about on monday
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nerdylittleguy · 2 years
Transformers Earthspark theory - how Knockout could actually be Mr Smelt
....or ideas about it, anyway. Enjoy my observations!
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So uhh here's where the neurodivergent urge to consume media and hyperfixate on it has lead me! Please, feast your eyes on my flow chart/ mind map of madness™.
I know the text is really small, if you click and zoom it could be easier to read. I did try to split the original image into quarters, hope that makes it a little easier to read. However, if anyone needs a transcript I'll do my best to sort it out, my only concern is that I have no clue how to link ideas if they're just bullet points (the idea of having a way to link ideas is what lead me to make this in this format :) )
Perhaps a bit of an explanation as to what lead to this?
A few weeks ago, I saw the Earthspark season 1 part 2 trailer and hey... Who's that?? Breakdown?? Of course, I immediately wanted to watch what existed of the series so far, and imagine my pleasant surprise when I heard Knock Out's (tfp) VA voiced a side character!
Anyway, I started watching the series, finished it in 3 days, cried tears of happiness over Nightshade's pronouns (for those of you who say representation doesn't matter, it does. You probably just feel represented), fell in love with Megatron, etc etc. But imagine my absolute, brain-rotting madness when I couldn't find episode 7 on youtube!
Meh, like that would stop my theory brain. Using various episode summaries I found on youtube (first and foremost this one, as it was short and had good attention to detail! But if anyone has any recommendations for other good summaries feel free to let me know), I started to slowly make a mindmap. That evening I found @transformers-earthspark's blog and the where-to-watch resources... Firefly I cannot thank you enough!!! You're literally amazing!! You have no idea how happy I was to find ep 7!! You do so much, give yourself a pat on the back and a nice snack :))
Anyways, armed with my new access to ALL the earthspark episodes (1 - 10, anyway, as only they are available atm), I remade some of my mindmap, added to it, made more points. Over the last few weeks (aka less than two) I polished my mindmap, did some colour-coding, added images, links, details etc until it could apparently fit on an A3 sheet?? What??? So many ideas from silly old me??
Obviously, I don't think I'm completely right. As a matter of fact, I think I made many assumptions and links that were a very big stretch (blame this overactive imagination of mine. I keep thinking of potential plot lines and then forgetting that actually, I made them up and they're not canon). However, I hope I made a few points that will inspire someone to make their own theories, or just have fun thinking!
Apologies if this all sounds garbled or if it's difficult to understand, I am tired and I have two languages running around in my head (that I'm fluent in, I've also tried to learn 5 others. Lingual hell!!!)
Have a good day/ night and enjoy the theories!
Also a quick note and thing to add: I wrote this on Monday the 27th (I draft just about everything in my notes ok), before I woke up on Tuesday and saw the new images from the episodes, including the one with Breakdown!! AHHH!! /pos So I guess I was right about something? And I mean... Breakdown and a theme of racing in one episode? If this is a coincidence and Knockout is not chilling somewhere in the background then I don't know what to say.
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jay8ashes · 7 months
{~וAngels Lament•×~}
All lyrics based of the song Noel's Lament!!!
WARNING: Angst, swearing, language, abuse references, drinking etc.
Hope you enjoy!!!
More info at the end-!//
``A hooker with a heart of black charcoal...``
Angel Dust heaved heavily as he read Valentino's message.
He shivered. He had been staying away from the studio for a while now, spending most his time at the hotel. Charlie and everyone else had surprisingly managed to accept him, trying their best to make him feel at home. It was nice, spending time with people who actually enjoyed his company, not just his dick.
But Valentino didn't see it that way. He was content on Angel coming back to the studio, every day spamming voice messages and vicious texts. He had promised Angel consequences for disappearence, and fuck, who knows what Val could make up this time.
He threw his blanket over himself, and fumed by himself. Fuck Valentino! Always ruining every good thing that ever happened to him!
He felt himself grit his teeth at the thought of the contract he had signed. How had he been so fucking stupid? He didnt even think about the consequences, he just signed, thinking it was a nice gig! Of course he did! He was just a fucking whore, who noone cared about!
He felt his anger blow up, as bright as a bomb fire.
Picking up his chair, he threw it across the room, screaming. His eyes flaming with pure fire, he completely smashed his mirror, throwing it on the floor, blinded by fury and misery. Make-up supplies scattered across the room as he pushed his shelves over,his chandelier getting ripped off the ceiling, landing on the floor with a loud clatter.
Tears rolled down his cheeks as he wrecked his room, but he didn't wipe them away, he only continued his rampage. He even flung his secret supply of drugs across the room, his crack scattering across the carpet.
Charlie tried to suppress a whimper as she heard Angels screams and the sound of everything being thrown and wrecked. Despite the urge to go comfort him, she knew her presence would only make him fume even more, so she decided to let him fight this on his own.
``I write poems to burn by firelight...``
Angel stopped mid sentence as he heard A terrified squeal come from the corner of his room. His pet pig, Fat Nuggets, gapped at him, his eyes widened and completely horrified. The animal was shaking, his meaty legs looking as if they were about to give way. Despite seeing Angel act like this before, he hadn't ever seen him THIS upset and furious.
Angel felt a sharp pain stab at his heart as he saw the traumised look on his pigs face.
``Shh. It's okay, Nuggets, mommy's here.``he cooed to the pig, cuddling up to his beloved animal. ``Im so sorry...I promise, Nuggs, it'll never happen again.``
The pig only let out a loud oink, and Angel took that as an 'apology accepted'.
He smiled at Nuggets, and leaped over the remains of his furniture, climbing onto his bed, patting the blanket, signalling for the pig to jump up. Nuggets obeyed, and snuggled up to Angel as the spider laid under his sheets, pulling out a notebook from under his pillow.
``Hm, you got any ideas for tonight's poem?`` he questioned his pet, glancing at Nuggets. Nuggs let out another oink, and Angel snorted. ``Fine then. Looks like it's up to me then!``
Every night Angel wrote a poem to try and get his mind off things, whether it was a bitchy one about Valentino, or maybe a peaceful one, about a warm summers day or whatever shit he came up with. It was first suggested by Charlie, as she said writing helps her get her mind off things. Not like he had ever admitted it, but Charlie's suggestion had fairly helped. Writing made him peaceful, and it let him use his creativity as much as he wanted.
``Andddddddd ta da!!!``he finished off his sentence, and presented it to Fat Nuggets. He let out a squeal of approval.
``Drink Champagne and guzzle gin...``
``Its great, ain't it Husky-?`` Angel said proudly, taking the paper back from Husk.
The Bartender let out a grunt. ``Its alright.``
He hadn't particularly enjoyed Angels poem, but from what he heard upstairs several minutes ago, he didn't dare piss off his boyfriend. He knew about all the shit Valentino caused Angel, and he was willing to listen to Angels complaints and help him through it, despite the fact that Angel protested it was fine.
``Surely it's better than just alrighttt~`` Angel smirked, playing with Husks bow tie. The cat rolled his eyes and let the spider plant a kiss on his cheek as he went get some champagne as well as gin from his storage.
``Hows work been?`` the bartender raised a brow at the spider, putting down the bottles, and pouring them each a shot.
``Ya know, the usual. Val's plannin' a new movie.``Angel shrugged, taking a sip.
Husk sighed, not getting the answer he wanted. He wanted Angel to be honest with him, instead of being fake about his feelings.
``You know, you can tell me if-``
``Yeah, yeah, I know! Nothings wrong!``Angel responded stubbornly. He took a large chug at his beverage, and pleaded for more. Before he knew it, he was madly drunk, and was soon spitting out random nonsense.
``Shit, Angel.``Husk muttered under his breath.
``Good girls call me "the town bicycle"..``
``I knowwwww, but maybe we can plan out some yoga and mindfulness classes!``Charlie squealed, taking Vaggies hands.
``Hun-``The Moth demoness tried to interrupt, but the princess went on.
``It would definitely help! He'd be able to talk about his feelings, and we could avoid any more disasters! And,if he ever lost his temper, we could get a few punching bags, so he could use them to get his anger out on, instead of his room...and Oo! We could have scented candles everywhere, and cute little furry animals-!``she beamed, her eyes lighting up.
``Charlie, you know how he is...``Vaggie mumbled as she continued brainstorming about ways she could help Angel. ``You really think we can help him? Maybe he enjoys being the town bicycle...``
``Lighten up Vaggie! Anyone can be redeemed! Angels just a bit broken on the inside, and it's our job to help him!``Charlie put her hands on her girlfriend's shoulders, smiling warmly at her.
``If you think it's a good idea then...I guess we can try...maybe Angel can-``
``Sumone say sumthin bout me..??!?!!?!!``A drunken Angel stumbled off towards them , his arms grasping onto their shoulders for balance.
``Oh! ANGEL-! Y-youve been drinking, huh?`` Charlie smiled awkwardly.
``FUCKKKKKKK YEs-!`` Angel drawled. ``Andd, ya know, I'm up for a nice lil' session if ya want~`` He smirked drunkingly.
``Oh, erm, ha, I think it'd be better if you went to bed... alone today, Angel! Off we go! I'll help you up the stairs-!`` Charlie offered.
Angel Dust groaned loudly as she tried helping him up the stairs. ``But I wanna ha' sum fun wi' Huskypoo~!!!" He grumbled, pointing to the bar, where Husk still sat. The cat shrugged, pouring himself some more of his drink.
``Husk! Why'd you let him get this fucking drunk after his fucking BREAKDOWN-?! He needs a cool down!`` Vaggie hissed at him.
``Dont fucking blame me! He wanted a drink, I gave him a drink! Ain't that my whole fucking job?" Husk rolled his eyes.
``Youre also his boyfriend! You're supposed to protect him, and make sure he's not fucking himself up!`` Vaggie replied harshly, glancing back at her girlfriend attempting to bring Angel back up the stairs.
``Look, if he wants to fuck himself up like this, there's no way I can convince him! Val puts him through tons of shit, and drinking helps him forget about all that for a bit! Even though I'm his fucking boyfriend, I can't help him with everything! Ofcourse I fucking love him, he's an angel when he wants to be, but your fucking out of your mind if you think he can actually get better. The only thing that will help him, is getting rid of that good for nothing pimp of his!" Husk replied sharply, turning his back on her.
Vaggies shoulders slightly sagged, and she let out a long, deep sigh.
Charlie will help him. She'll find a way to help him.
She thought, leaving Husk to his drink, and going off the help Charlie.
This is my first fanfiction!!! I hope you enjoyed, this was mainly based off of the song lyrics, but I enjoyed experimenting with all the characters different personalities! If you have any fanfiction suggestions, you can leave an ask, I'll make sure I reply to your suggestion!
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eight-cats-in-a-box · 11 months
You take requests???? Because I would love more just a little creepy but well meaning Viktor Humphries if you have more for him. X GN!Reader, imagines, headcanons or otherwise I just love just a little creepy but in a cute way Viktor Humphries.
You're my first request ever! I have no idea how well I actually captured the cute-creepy, but I made this! Hope you like it! Feel free to tell me if there's something you don't like about it, and I'll do my best to change it!
Viktor Humphries x GN reader
Word count: 1297
Un-beta'd, we die like me- I don't think there's any egregious spelling errors/etc, please point them out if you see any :)
Viktor first met you through the Range Exchange. You were so kind, always getting him whatever he needed. And when you met him for the first time, his silly little joke made you laugh! Truly the best sound he had ever heard.
He wanted to hear more. So he started inviting you over more- even if it was just to work on something. And when you invited him to your ranch("to hang out for once," you teased), he was ecstatic. He was getting closer to you, learning more about you!
The day went by all too fast, the two of you talking about nothing and everything all at once. At some point, Viktor had gone on a tangent about his work, and upon realizing you weren't talking or replying much, looked over at you, nervous. But when he saw you looking at him with the sweetest, most awe-struck expression, urging him, "Tell me more, please, Vik?"... He was so glad his datapad would record everything, so he could play back this moment.
Later, he would use the footage to reconstruct your ranch, bit by bit. This process was made all the easier by you, albeit unknowingly- inviting him over more often, and when he finished with your ranch, he started on making... Well, you.
Bit by bit, week by week, he constructed an AI that talked, walked, even acted like you- from the way your nose crinkled when you laughed, to the way you picked at the dirt under your nails absentmindedly. And when it was done, he backed it up. Multiple times. Viktor had spent far too long on this to lose it.
Over the months following, Viktor ran simulation after simulation, trying to figure out how to get closer to you. And you noticed. Well, you noticed something was up, anyway. He was more tired, the dark circles under his eyes had somehow gotten bigger, and he made more mistakes- silly ones, that a not-exhausted Viktor wouldn't have made.
His surprise when you confess to him is... Simultaneously hilarious and sad. How could you have not fallen for the adorable, pun-cracking dork that is Viktor Humphries? How could you not love him? He admits, rather sheepishly, that he had never, in all his simulations, even considered you liking him back.
All his... What now? You're confused. He explains that he had wanted to test the Slimeulation, expand it. Make it more... accurate. Given how the copy of your ranch was never seen by you, that seems doubtful. But... You're flattered. He had done all this, simply to get closer to you.
You pull him in for a gentle hug, nuzzling into his shoulder. He stiffens, but just as quickly relaxes into the warm embrace. The two of you stay like that for god knows how long, and you eventually ask if maybe... He'd like to swing by for supper? He grins, ecstatic. "I- I'd like that," he says, that soft, sweet smile you adore so wholeheartedly spreading across his face.
But when the two of you step through the teleporter, you hear a crrk-pfoom, and look behind you...
To see the teleporter a smoking pile of junk on the floor of your Lab. And he's panicking, asking if you're okay, if you were hurt (you weren't, just rather startled) and all you can muster up is- "I guess we're having a sleepover, then?"
He looks... Shell-shocked, for lack of a better term. You backtrack, apologize, but he stops you with a fragile hope in his eyes and asks a question that...honestly hurts a bit.
"Do you...Do you mean it?"
Of course you mean it, you assure him! He's wonderful company, and you adore his banter. As you head to the house, passing by corrals of bouncing slimes, you ask about the recreation of your ranch. He blushes, and you snicker.
As you cook (he tries to help, but one very stern "Sit your cute ass down and let me cook," later, he's perched on a stool.), you jabber on about whatever comes to mind, and this time, it's his turn to stare with heart eyes as you ramble.
You finish cooking, and plate up the food. It's delicious, and probably the first real meal he's had in years. You admit that you always have just enough for two people, being rather used to cooking for yourself and another. He smiles softly. He remembers you saying something about that-he listened to the clip of your soft, sweet voice on repeat.
The two of you finish your food, and Viktor insists on doing dishes, but you manage to convince him to let you actually wash the dishes, and he gets drying duty. You banter all the way through it, playfully jabbing at each other as you finish the chore.
Later on, when you're preparing to go to bed, you ask him where he wants to sleep. You can take the floor, you tell him, but he's not having any of that nonsense. You're grown adults, sharing a bed is not the worst thing that could've occured.
You fall asleep first, and Viktor rolls over to watch you sleep. He's curious. He watches all through the night, and when you cuddle up to him, he tenses. He's unused to physical contact, but this...this is nice. He raises a hand, stroking your hair gently. As he reaches for his datapad, feeling blindly in the dark, you grumble and scootch closer to him. He makes sure the flash is off, and takes what is probably his favourite picture of you.
The next morning, you wake up next to him, and the sweet scientist is passed out cold, holding you in his arms. You smile softly, and begin trying to extricate yourself from his arms without waking him.
It's no easy feat, but you get it done. Checking the time, you're right on schedule, and you decide to get started on breakfast. An hour later, you've got food and a sleepy Viktor on your hands.
After breakfast, the two of you go your separate ways to start various chores. You follow your normal routine, and Viktor heads to the Lab to see if he can fix the teleporter.
The routine repeats for a few days, and slowly but surely he fixes the teleporter. You'll be almost sad when he does, because this has been wonderful. Waking up beside him, being around him in general, all that domestic shit you never thought you'd get out here.
And he asks you for help, and who are you to deny your favourite scientist? The two of you are covered in bleugh, but the teleporter works. And the two of you step in together.
You're surrounded by the familiar crackly vwoosh, and when you're greeted by the familiar sight of Viktor's Lab, he pulls you into a passionate kiss that leaves your head spinning. He pulls back, grinning brightly and realizes what he did. And you're looking at him like he hung the moon and stars- hell, like he hung the whole damn galaxy.
And you're kissing him again. And everything is perfect- the sound of something whirring, feeling you pressed against him, the taste of honey, probably from whatever you ate this morning, you in general.
You're kissing him, and in all his simulations, he never saw this coming. But then again, he never saw you coming- you, who helped him out even with no real reward. You, with your silly little Hunter slime pin. You, who he found buried under Tabby slimes and protested when he tried to help you up. He adores you.
"Stop thinking and kiss me."
And who is he to deny his favourite person in this universe? He tells himself to shut up for once and kisses you.
Hope you like it!
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Hello there ! I would like to ask for a match-up please♡ <:) possibly with TFP Autobots or Cons (only if you feel like doing it♡)
My name is Michaela and i'm 19. My height is 5'3 (159cm) and i am a ginger with mid long hair, freckles all over my face and honey brown colored eyes. My skin is pretty pale so i ususally wear light colored clothes like soft green and cream colored shirts (i mostly wear very baggy clothes cause i'm pretty slim) etc.♡ ^^
I'd say i'm pretty calm/shy person but sometimes my zoomies hit in and i have the urge to run around and playfight with anyone and anything i see (i love playfighting) :D i also very much enjoy spiritual conversations, stargazing, playing games and i'm also a sucker for atronomy. I love learning all about space. I'm pretty loyal and affectionate (ahem touch starved ahem) person what comes to friends and family i'm very protective of them. I am used to helping people so of course if you ask me for any help or anything in particular i am here to help. <3 I often try to play things cool and calm when anything bad happens but i am actualy screaming on the inside. I'm very careful and fearfull. I'm also trying to be open minded as much as possible and kind to everyone as long as they are kind to me back. I am basically your mirror. I also LOVE animals. Mostly parrots😭❤️ they are just so adorable when they show you affection🥺 the type of person when they see a random cat on street to stop by and just pet it or any animal😭❤️
Now what comes to my body i have a pear shaped body with pretty thin waist and a lot of small and big marks all over my arms, hands and legs. I sadly suffer from asthma so i need my inhaler at all costs if i ever get a asthma attack <:/ i am also lactose intolerant so milk is another no no for me. I rather spend time indoors but still i'm open minded for a nice car ride to any lake or water. I love swimming especially in sea.^^♡♡ my fav colors are orange, yellow, turquoise, black, soft green and white♡
I think that's all. I apologize if this is chaotic but i've never wrote a request :( i hope it's not too much♡♡ if you couldn't come up with anything feel free not to write anything at all <3 thank you so so much !♡♡♡♡
A daily note to take care of yourself, to drink water and eat enough food to keep yourself healthy !♡ ^^
I match you with: Optimus Prime!
You met Optimus during a Decepticon attack. You of course were taken to the base and assigned a guardian- Optimus Prime himself. Optimus first kept you at a distance, not wanting to get too close to you in fear you’d be used against him by the Decepticons. 
One day when Optimus was driving you home you yelled at him to stop. You were both in a secluded area out in the country. You jumped out of his cab as soon as he came to a stop and squealed in delight. He transformed thinking something was wrong but saw you looking at the sky.
“What are you looking at?” Optimus asked.
“The stars, the moon- everything.” You sighed happily. “In the cities, the smog makes it hard to see the stars. Here, you can see everything. It’s amazing.”
Optimus looked at you in awe, then to the sky. He’d forgotten what it was like to just enjoy the wonders of the world. He sat down and looked down when he felt something on his hand. You were cuddling to him for warmth as you fell asleep. He made sure that you got home safely, even going as far as placing you gently in your bed from your open window.
Optimus began taking you on regular trips to see things you liked. One time he took you to the ocean so you could play in the water. You didn’t care you were missing your swimsuit and simply ran in head first. Ratchet later scolded you when you got sick.
One day he took you to the jungle to see some monkeys and parrots, and you ended up being attacked by a tiger. He quickly scooped you into his hand and away from the tiger trying to eat you. 
When you started to breathe oddly after the tiger attack, he ran to Ratchet. Ratchet shook his head at you and handed you your inhaler. Optimus asked you what it was, and Ratchet explained. Optimus was concerned and began treating you even more like precious glass.
When it came to Decepticons, you were very cautious. You would always run and hide and call the base. One day a Vehicon scooped you up to hold you hostage against the Prime and you were terrified. You were frozen in their servo while they mocked Optimus.
“Let them go!” Arcee growled out.
“Fat chance Autobot scum!” They squeeze you tighter and you begin to panic. Your asthma begins to act up and the Vehicon looks down at you in confusion. “Is it broken?” 
Bumblebee takes the opportunity to slam into the Decepticon and snatch your body flying through the air. The rest of the Autobots quickly defeat the Vehicons and take you back to base to get your inhaler. From that moment on, Optimus was so scared you’d die before he could confess his feelings.
Optimus picked you up and placed you on his shoulder as he went to the top of the base. He sat down and offered his hands to climb on. He looked down at you with love. “I… must confess something.” 
You looked up with a knowing expression. “I love you too, Optimus.” 
The shock on his face was priceless. He then smiled softly, pulling you closer to his face. “Thank you, little star.”
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metalchickaf19 · 2 years
The Bowers Gang: How the Guys Would React to Making Their Girlfriend Cry (Anonymous Request)
* Any and all credit for this idea goes to the requestor.
I honestly have no idea how this happened
Like... I’m legitimately bamboozled.
Huggins doesn’t yell at, tease, or even throw dirty looks his partner’s way no matter how pissed off he gets, so if he managed to make his s/o cry, I can only assume it was a complete and utter accident
Initially has no idea what he did, and goes into a level 10 panic, because girl emotions are terrifying
Goes full-on “deer in headlights” face, and starts apologizing for everything he’s said and done that day, trying to pinpoint what he did wrong
... Maybe he ate the last slice of pizza and you really wanted it or something.
... What? I don’t know your life (you sensitive sack). That’s just the most believable scenario I can come up with, because Huggins is  too nice to have done anything more extreme
No matter what he’s done to cause this though, no matter how big or how small...
... the guilt hits him like a fucking TRUCK. 
Like, seriously. Even if you are crying just because he ate the last piece of pizza. He wants to cry now too, and regurgitate it for you.
Overall, cares with all his fucking soul that he’s done something to make his partner sad, apologizes for it 100 times over, and will walk on eggshells around his partner for the next 10-12 hours, at least.
Okay, now this scenario is a little more realistic.
Henry yells at his s/o’s often, usually taking out all his frustrations from the day on them; he could easily push them too far simply by yelling way too hard, for way too long 
... Not to mention the cruel and abusive things that would be coming out of his mouth the entire time (i.e. has no qualms telling his s/o how stupid they are, how little he cares for them, how nobody can tolerate them except for him, etc.)
Surprisingly though, he does tend to lose steam once he notices he’s brought his partner to tears 
Just slowly quiets down until he stops talking altogether, just staring at his s/o with dead eyes while they sob
Bowers is really uncomfortable with any type of vulnerability, so he wouldn’t really know what his next move should be. He has enough heart not to want to make his partner feel worse, but he wouldn’t make any moves to make them feel better either
No hugging, no apologizing, nothing. Just observes for a while, registering the breakdown he’s caused, before completely avoiding the situation by walking out of the room
It’s some cold shit, not gonna lie - basically leaves his partner to get themselves together without him, then comes back and pretends nothing ever happened
To be honest though, Henry does feel the urge to comfort his s/o when he makes them cry; it’s not like he thinks they’re being a pathetic little crybaby or anything (*cough* Hockstetter *cough*)
Just doesn’t know how to go about comforting his partner, or taking back the things he said, so finds it easier to walk away until the uncomfortable emotions have stopped 
So Patrick’s reaction to making an s/o cry can be summed up in one simple statement:
Bro literally never gets angry enough about anything to yell, so if he’s made a partner cry, it’s probably because he was making fun of them about something to begin with 
And everyone knows making fun of someone only becomes more fun when you know you’ve really gotten to them 
Legit just laughs his bony ass off, tussels his partner’s hair, and ends with a snide comment (”Awww, poor baby... PMSing today, are we?”)
Don’t come at me, the guy’s a dick, and if you expected sensitivity you’re a clod.
... if Victor Criss makes you cry, you probably deserve it.
Like, honestly. The dude is smart enough not to make careless mistakes like Belch, kind enough not to go on a tirade at his partner like Henry, and sensitive enough never to pick on his partner’s shortcomings like Patrick.
So if Criss brings you to tears, it’s probably for a legitimate reason.
Mostly, I see Victor making his partner cry simply by being too cold to them during an argument - he doesn’t get loud when he has fights with an s/o, but can be so blunt and unfeeling in the things he says (provided he’s angry enough) that it seems almost as if he doesn’t love them anymore.
10/10 reaction to tears, though
No matter how upset he is, all arguing stops once Criss sees crying start to happen
He’ll literally just halt in the middle of a sentence, walk over to his partner, and wrap them in his arms until they get themselves together
Victor has no interest in bringing his partner to their breaking point, and, even if he feels that he’s right, and there’s more talking to be done, he’ll stop just long enough to let tensions fall back down to a level where they can have a productive conversation
In his mind, no one benefits from getting overly emotional in a fight; the only way to solve a problem is to stay level-headed and work as a team to fix the issue 
So, overall, Criss has the best reaction to a crying s/o - just accept their feelings and comfort them until they’re able to talk calmly again. Only way to live life, my dudes.
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peachymilkandcream · 10 months
Hello! So what if one night Levi went really overboard with punishing her, for eg. beating her up, hitting her with a belt, then rough sex, and at last making her sleep on the cold floor the whole night (without any clothes or blanket.) So as a result the next day when she wakes up she is really sick and weak. She has a very high fever, injuries from the previous night, etc. She is delirious and can't even sit up on her own and Levi starts getting concerned. He has to take care of her, feed her, give her medicine, dress her wounds, etc. Thank you 😊
Levi x Evelyn -> In Sickness
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(A/N: Oh this is a really cute idea! Levi having a heart for once and showing an ounce of what it means to be a decent person is great all around. The consequences to his actions showing themselves is m favourite thing. Also this might be a tad shorter.)
WARNINGS: implied noncon, implied domestic violence, manipulation, mind breaking, misogyny, yandere themes/behaviours, etc.
Levi stretches, he hadn't had that good of a sleep in a long time. Maybe it was the violent nature of it all, but he always felt better after a long night of putting his wife in her place. It was a good way to keep his urges in check, make sure he didn't fly off the handle at someone he wasn't supposed to. She could take it, that's what was great about her. She could take him the way he was and bounce back, resilient.
"Did you have a good rest my dear?" He says with a smirk, rising out of bed to see her on the floor, shivering and still naked.
She doesn't respond, shaking and muttering deliriously.
"Get up woman." He slides out of bed, nudging her with his boot, getting irritated when she didn't respond. "So what, now you can't move or respond to me? Did I go too hard on you precious baby?"
He smirks and feels her cheek, his smile vanishing as he feels the warmth in it. Then he feels her forehead, concern growing in his face as it's even warmer than her cheeks. Something was wrong here, something was really wrong.
Heart pounding, Levi lifts her up and tucks her into the bed on his side, pulling the blankets up to her chin. He'd gone too far, that's what he got for doing a punishment after sneaking more than a few shots at his desk.
"Sweetheart?" He brushed the hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. "Wake up it's me."
She keeps her eyes closed but the slight shift in breathing notifies him that she's awake. "I feel awful Levi.."
He sighed with relief that she wasn't too delirious. "I know honey, just lie still, I'm going to take care of you."
"But you have to work-" She tries to sit up but Levi quickly pushes her back down.
"Rest. That's not up for debate."
She sighs, resigned to lie back on the pillows while Levi hurries around like a madman looking for all the things he needs.
"I'm such a fucking idiot-" He mutters to himself, placing the cold compress on her head. He couldn't apologize directly, she'd let it get to her head, then all his hard work would be ruined. He'd come this far, he couldn't let a simple mistake like this ruin it all.
Evelyn was in and out of sleepy delirium, trying to comprehend everything that was happening. She felt the coolness on her head, followed by the sting of her injuries being cleaned. Each jab of pain was met with a soft kiss of comfort, she'd never seen him be so calm and loving to her. It was as if he was sorry for treating her the way he did the night before and was now making up for it. But Levi would never, he was too arrogant and proud.
She woke up to him gently shaking her awake, he looked, concerned, worried for her. Ironic considering he was the one who had done this to her.
"Here. Take this." As he held the spoon with some awful smelling liquid on it she turned away, making a disgusted face. "Stop being difficult and take your fucking medicine. It'll help with the pain at least."
Again she turns away, making his eyebrow twitch in annoyance before he grabs her jaw and forces her mouth open, making her swallow the contents.
"I said take it, you just made me do it the hard way." He sets the spoon down before looking at her once more. "Can you sit up at all?"
She tries to a few times before he just lifts her, propping up pillows behind her and laying her body back down.
"There." Levi takes out a clean spoon and dips it in what appears to be broth, blowing gently on it to cool it down. "You need to eat something, you're going to become skin and bones at this rate."
She complies, and soon he's feeding her one spoonful after another until it's finished, a small look of satisfaction on his face.
"That wasn't so hard now was it?" He moves the pillows, sliding in behind her and supporting her weight with his chest. "Now lets take care of that rat's nest."
With the most gentle of care Levi brushes her out of control mane, a curled mess from sleeping. His strong hands get out every tangle don't pull on her hair. He brushes it and then braids it down her back.
"Now it'll be out of the way."
She hesitates before replying. "Thank you Levi."
He says nothing and nods, having her lay against hist chest, listening to his breathing. Slowly she feels her eyes start to droop, and Levi hums to her softly. "Sleep sweetling..." He whispers as the rest of the world fades.
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girltomboy · 10 months
Yesterday the universe tested me and I had not studied. I woke up, did my yoga routine (new & improved edition where I put on some light ambient music on Youtube and don't count the seconds for each pose, I just do it for as long as my body needs it), had a very strong urge to clean my bathroom so I did that, washed the dishes in the sink, made myself a really nice lunch, and started gaming with my friends ALL before 2pm. Then my boyfriend got mad at the game again, and he started making these growling noises that I could overlook for the first couple of seconds, but he wouldn't stop so I asked him to please not growl anymore. And then later on he started implying that he has to mute himself to scream now, because *I* don't like it. And I was like... did you understand nothing from our discussion the other day? The point isn't that screaming while gaming is a nuisance to others, although that's true as well, it's that it's not a healthy reaction to playing a video game. He kept telling me that that's how he calms down, well if it's working so well, why does he need to do it so often lately? Where did this constant need to calm down while playing a video game come from? I mean, if it's bothering you that much that you need to "calm down" so many times in a day, then maybe you shouldn't be playing video games anymore, idk? Anyway I'm really not having any of his excuses, like I can't be babysitting a manchild's gaming tantrums at my age, sorry. And nothing I say to him goes through, so it's pointless to even try. We haven't even talked today, he hasn't even been trying to call me and idk how I feel about all of this.
But that's not even all of it. A short while after that I went to buy myself some takeout cause I didn't feel like cooking or eating leftovers again, and he texted me trying to act like nothing had happened. Every time I tell him something it's not enough, we have to have a WHOLE new fight about it for him to understand where I'm even coming from. I told him I'm not letting that go anytime soon, and then went out. While waiting on my order, I get a text from my mom asking me if I'm gonna go home to grandma on Christmas, adding casually that she actually lied about grandma saying anything about me or not wanting me there on Christmas/not wanting to talk to me, etc. I thought I was gonna fall face first onto the fast food shop floor. I haven't talked to my grandma in weeks because I thought she was part of this whole conspiracy game to cut me off, turns out grandma hadn't even said ANYTHING, and now my mom was casually telling me this IN DECEMBER when I'm sure I won't even be able to take any day off anywhere near the holidays. 😐 I was beyond infuriated and devastated, for her to lie to me like that I can overlook because she's done it before, but to involve MY GRANDMA too?? in her manipulation is just too far. I told her I was incredibly disappointed that she would lie to me like that, but she did agree with me and apologized, and I had to pretend to stop feeling hurt. But now I still don't know how I'm gonna call my grandma and tell her everything, and justify my silence for so long.
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spacexseven · 2 years
forgive me for spamming bUT dazai who breaks into yan!reader’s room and looks thru their diary. it’s all about him, just pages and pages of observations, his schedule for the day, ravings about their love for him, etc. he just finds it so cute, he makes it a habit to regularly check in to read it !!
no need to apologize :> i love yan reader and dazai
cw: yandere reader, (dazai isn't much of a yandere but he's definitely creepy), obsessive behavior, stalking, invasion of privacy, breaking in, generally creepy themes
he was just curious, really. nothing more than a harmless little urge to want to know what went on in your mind. you were obvious, sometimes, the way your eyes followed him everywhere, the startled expression when he approached you, the subtle signs—always picking the seat next to him, conveniently having his favorite snacks in your bag, reading the same books he read—those were entertaining enough, but sometimes...
sometimes he wished he could just peer inside your head.
what did you really feel? why did you like him? what else did you do, apart from doing a very bad attempt at staying hidden while stalking him, and staring at his (admittedly, very few) messages to you?
the only way to find out, obviously, was to pay you a visit—when you weren't home. not like you would mind, right?
while scouring through your room, he finds on your desk a seemingly normal notebook. it looked like you had just haphazardly thrown it onto your desk, teteering over the edge dangerously as dazai picked it up. once he opens it, he realizes it's a gold mine of information.
all about him.
honestly, some of the things you wrote down here were things even he didn't notice. things like, 'dazai picked up his book twenty-five times today. he must really be interested in it', 'dazai drank water instead of coffee today. he must be trying to cut down on his caffeine,' and the most unexpected, what he identified as love letters to him. just pages and pages of you pouring out your heart and complimenting him in a way he never thought was possible, on everything from his eyes to his fingers to his smile and his voice. it was like nothing about him wasn't perfect to you.
to be honest, he was flattered.
you wrote songs you listened to while thinking of him, lovesick poetry and extremely in-depth and elaborate fantasies, date ideas, gift ideas, books you would reccomend to him, he could almost feel your overwhelming love for him through the pages.
he sees that you bought the same brand of bandages he uses, a coat that looked eerily similar to his, and numerous other little things that reminded you of him. how, he wondered, could someone think of another person so much that it was all their life revolved around? staring at himself in your mirror, he wondered if you'd even be mad to know he invaded your privacy.
some part of him wanted to wait for your return, just to see your reaction, but he decided against it, thinking he would rather stop by more often to read your innermost thoughts again. this was a lot more fun, anyway. and maybe he could learn some things about you this way.
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ynscrazylife · 3 years
Can I please please request one where Natasha and Yelena have another younger sister (Y/N) and she gets badly injured and her older sisters are hysterical since they’re afraid to lose one they love the most
A Race Against Time | romanoff fam fic
Summary: Natasha and Yelena do their best to help their hurt younger sister.
Authors Note: Thanks for requesting!
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2 |  Main Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
header c @/twitalents
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“Everybody alright?” Natasha asked as Alexei and Melina approached her and Yelena. The redhead herself definitely hadn’t gotten out of the whole ordeal without injuries. In fact, from Dreykov punching her to the fight against the Widows, and the fight against Antonia (not to mention the injuries from the past few days that she hadn’t taken care of), she was in some pain. However she didn’t worry about herself, she knew she’d be fine. She always was.
Natasha glanced over and spotted Y/N making her way over to them, too. From the distance, Natasha couldn’t tell that she was limping and was very hurt.
“I am clearly injured,” Melina deadpanned, causing Natasha to look back over and send her adoptive mother a smile as an apology. With a quick glance, Natasha could tell that she’d be okay, she’d just need a cast on that ankle and-
The sound, accompanied by Yelena’s loud gasp and yelp, broke through Natasha’s thoughts and caused her to whip around suddenly. The sight her eyes landed on instantly sent what felt like an ice shard plunging into her chest. No. No.
By the time she snapped out of it, Yelena was already by Y/N’s unconscious figure, which the thump must have been - her plummeting to the ground - and Alexei was helping Melina over as fast as he could. Natasha sped past them and dropped to her knees, her brain wired to already be processing the situation and formulating a plan, while she lightly stopped Yelena’s wrist to prevent her from going to shake Y/N.
“You don’t move someone who is unconscious unless necessary - it could injure them,” she breathed out. Yelena, who could see that her older sister was in autopilot mode, sat back and let her do her thing, opting to look up at her parents, instead.
Both their eyes were glued to Y/N. Alexei’s eyebrows crinkled and, after taking a big breath, muttered (just loud enough for them to hear), “There’s blood on you.”
Natasha’s eyes snapped down and sure enough, her knees were bloodied. She quickly looked up only to see blood beginning to come from Y/N’s stomach where she had fallen on her side. Closing her eyes for a moment to allow herself to think, Natasha carefully and gently pulled up Y/N’s shirt, only to see an open gash in the shape of the Widow hourglass.
“Wha-?” She said, barely forming a word, and Yelena leaned over to see.
She immediately began shaking her head and pushed Y/N onto her back. “I-I know what this is, I think. I remember hearing about a weapon that’d leave that mark,” she rambled out.
Melina peered over Natasha’s shoulder and when she saw it, her face went pale. “That-that weapon, it ejects a blast that makes that mark when it meets the skin. It was made as a precaution in case any of the Widows went rogue - it was made years ago. But only a few were made because they were so confident in themselves. It-it goes along with a process they constructed to re-brainwash the Widows. The blast gets under her skin, in her body, with a chemical that’s in it, and that chemical starts the brainwashing process,” she explained.
A park of hope entered Yelena’s eyes. “So she won’t be fully brainwashed?” She asked.
“Not without the rest of the procedure,” Melina began, but then her eyes widened when she remembered something and horror quickly flashed across her face. “But if the process isn’t completed within a certain time period, the chemical will wear off its brainwashing effects and instead will start hurting her . . . A lot . . . But I have an antidote-” her tone sped up now, “-It’s back at the house. We need to get her there.”
Natasha and Yelena nodded, both having gone through a great wave of emotions throughout Melina’s words. Yelena, while racked with worry, still remained hopeful, and Natasha did her best to be, too, but her tears were drying and she was sniffling.
“The jet is-” Alexei began to say, when the sound of the engines of cars rapidly approaching cut him off.
Natasha looked over. “Shit, Ross,” she said, regretting even tipping him off to their location in the first place.
Melina bit her lip. “You girls go. Take Y/N home. The antidote is labelled ‘Ant-Widow,’,” she told them firmly.
Yelena’s lips parted to protest, not wanting to split up, but catching Natasha picking up Y/N out of the corner of her eye stopped her. She nodded, rising to her feet.
“We’ll distract them. They won’t want anything to do with us when they realize you’re not here,” Melina insisted.
Natasha sent her a look that she could only hope was conveying everything she wanted it to. A million thoughts whizzed about in her mind, none making room for each other. She wondered, would they leave them alone? Or would they be taken into questioning? Shouldn’t she be the one facing Ross - since she called him there? Is Y/N going to be okay? Will they get there in time?
By the way Melina looked back at her, Natasha thought that her message had been received. There was no time to go over the plan any longer, if they stayed even a couple more seconds they’d get caught by Ross, whose army of cars headed to a halt.
Natasha bolted off in the jet’s direction, Yelena quick on her heels. They rushed inside and Natasha took her time to gently put Y/N down before going to the pilot seat. Yelena sat down in the back, wanting to watch over their little sister.
Neither of them said anything until Natasha had gotten them off the ground and away from the field. Yelena could hear the engine whirring and she knew that Natasha was going as fast as this aircraft could probably go.
“Natasha,” she said, her voice small and hesitant, reminding Natasha of her own self when she was younger. The redhead braced herself for her sister’s words. “Do you think we’ll get there in time?”
Natasha let out a slow yet steady breath, fighting back the urge to tell her not to say that. She wondered the same thing, and she hated it. She didn’t answer, though, because she didn’t want to lie. She didn’t know herself, and she also hated that.
Yelena looked down in defeat when she didn’t get an answer and continued watching Y/N. She couldn’t stop herself from worrying and when she spotted the other injuries — bruises, cuts, scrapes — littering her body, she got up and went to the back.
The blonde grabbed the med kit they had stored and went back, quickly opening it up and getting everything she needed. First, bandages. Yelena put pressure on the wound even though she knew it wouldn’t bleed out, and a twinge of guilt hit her when Y/N moved and groaned unconsciously.
She then wrapped up Y/N’s stomach and tended to her other injures, every so often glancing at Natasha, who she could see by the way she was sitting up straight that she was tense. Upset. Worried. Yelena had to admit she was feeling those same things but busied herself by taking care of Y/N.
This carried on and they were about ¾ there when everything shifted. Y/N, who had been mostly quiet throughout the journey, suddenly rolled onto her side, eyes opening with a startled gasp.
Natasha frantically looked up at Yelena and the latter jumped to resolve the situation. Gently, she put her hands on her younger sister’s shoulders and tried to turn her onto her back, but Y/N fought her off and scurried back, against the wall.
“Y/N,” Yelena said, slowly putting her hands up in a “surrender” gesture.
The younger one shook her head as tears began to flow down her cheeks. “It-it hurts,” she got out, wrapping her arms around herself.
Yelena sent Natasha a frightened, desperate look and the glint in Natasha’s eyes held tears in them. “I can’t go any faster!” She cried out in frustration, her anger at her helplessness beginning to grow.
Yelena turned back to Y/N. “Take deep breaths with me, okay?” She said, and took a couple deep breaths to show her. It took Y/N a second, but she followed along. However, the pain didn’t take a break for long, and quickly came crashing back to her, like a magnet.
She let out another cry, but this one filled with that much more anguish, desperation, a pure rage from wanting it to be over, a rage that nearly caused her to vomit. Y/N leaned forward, hoping that there was something - anything - that could relieve this pain for even just a second. The warmth she was soon filled with from her older sister’s arms wrapping around her and pulling her close did nothing to soothe pain, but she found someone to have a steady grip on, someone to hold.
This continued on. In every cry let out, Yelena could’ve sworn each one was louder than the last. She didn’t know what to do so she did the only thing she could and stayed there. After  a particularly loud cry from Y/N, Yelena couldn’t stop a “Natasha!” from escaping.
“I’m trying!” She shouted over the engine and over Y/N, doing her best to blink away the tears and focus, but everytime she was on the brink of it, something tore her away.
After what felt like what could only be described as eons, Natasha managed to touch down in the same spot she had just a day ago. The moment they made contact, she leapt out of her seat, nearly tumbling to the floor, and practically fell against the door.
“Stay with her,” was all she said to Yelena before pushing all her weight against the door and breaking off into a run towards the house.
Natasha had run fast before. To escape Antonia, on countless SHIELD missions, and even to beat Sam in a race, but none amounted to this. The mountains and trees whipped by so fast that she felt like she was in a race car and it made her head spin. Nonetheless (and she thanked her extensive training for that), Natasha’s stamina held out and she ran through the house, tripping over things and knocking others over, until she reached Melina’s office.
At first, everything looked like a normal office space for a normal business woman, but the underlying science and spy secrecy that she knew had to be inside was revealed. Cabinets upon cabinets filled with vials upon vilas and files upon files. She scoured the entire room and nearly dropped the green-filled file when she saw its label. This was it.
A moment of victory passed until Natasha remembered the weight of the situation and she got back on her feet, running like the wind, and leaving behind the office looking like some raccoons had gotten inside.
By the time she reached the top of the hill, Natasha could make out the outline of Yelena carrying Y/N (who was draped over her like a curtain, by the way) toward her.
They met in the middle and Yelena put Y/N down, the older sisters kneeling beside her. Y/N was half-conscious at this point and Natasha moved at the speed of light to get the vial lid off. “She was getting worse, I couldn’t wait!” Yelena yelled.
When she got it open, Natasha pushed it towards Y/N’s lips. “Y/N, honey, c’mon, you gotta drink,” she encouraged, hand trembling as Y/N attempted to fight her off. It was only Yelena running her hands through her hair that calmed her down, and she took a small sip of the vial’s contents at first before gulping it down.
When she stopped squirming and seemed to no longer be in pain, instead falling into a peaceful sleep, that’s when both Natasha and Yelena had calmed down. It had been a rollercoaster, but they did it, and she was okay. The two held each other, relieved.  
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @cerberus-spectre @marrymemcgrath @celestialbarnes @kathryndimitrescu @snipyloulou @big-galaxy-chaos @cc13723things @ycfwmalise14 @unexpected-character  (could not tag)  @passionswift
MCU Taglist: @stephanieromanoff @summerlovingbaby @ineffablebean @okkulta @procrastinatingsapphictrash @prettysbliss @caseyfish @sarahp-stan @thewidowsghost @basiclesbianbitch @mycosmicparadise @kidswhofightmonsters @xtraordinaryfangrl @peggycarter-steverogers @username23345 @ima-gi--na-tion @yori-nakajima @hi-i-1 @mmmmokdok @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @mads-weasley @tenaciousperfectionunknown @afraid-to-be-me @lilclownx @acertainredhead @natromanoffxox @lilymurphy03 @thanossexual @avengersz-biotch @kozumekoi  @mjaudrey @un-name-d @leyannrae @buckyandstevesbitch @kuzome
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luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
heyy, are requests for Kaz brekker open? if so, could I request him with an s/o whose love language is physical touch? quite a bit of fluff and angst? thanks a ton and I lovw your work!!💗
Physical affection, Kaz Brekker
Headcanons, genderneutral pronouns
Tw: Kaz’s trauma etc., aversion to touch, angst (and fluff)
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- Obviously, it’s really difficult. It had been no secret to the Crows that you really liked physical contact. No one had even suspected or thought of you dating Kaz. They never even saw it coming.
- But you and Kaz had been together for a while now and everything had been going great. You didn’t push Kaz into anything he didn’t want to and you were fine with it.
- But after a while of not being able to hug, kiss or even hold a hand for a short minute, you grew tired. You weren’t great at expressing affection out of physical touch and Kaz never said sweet words or forms of endearment, so you started doubting the relationship.
- you knew what you were getting into from the beginning, but you had gotten the feeling Kaz would’ve preferred being alone, or just not being with you in general. You had spoken about it to Nina countless times, but she always rejected it as something Kaz just is and does.
- You had been making steps in your relationship, but that were things such as linking pinkies for five seconds or short pats on the shoulder.
- And confronting him wouldn’t work. You had promised to give him space and time and you didn’t want to break that promise. But the entire relationship just started taking a toll on you.
- Now, Kaz is observant. He knows when something is wrong the second you enter the room without your usual smile. He didn’t think much of it at first, thinking you just had a bad day. But as the day grew longer, you shared less jokes, initiated less interaction with him and hadn’t even bothered to make a stupid remark at Jesper’s stories.
- So he had called you to his office, knowing it might not be best to have these conversations in public. But upon arriving there, you refused to tell him what has been bothering you.
- In truth, the last few days you had cried yourself to sleep because you couldn’t help him and you thought he’d eventually grew tired of you. You had figured giving him even more space might be helpful, but in doing so, you were only hurting yourself.
- He had been talking to you, but the words couldn’t reach your mind. Your anxious thoughts kept repeating, saying you should leave or he would. You hadn’t even realized when he was quiet again, apparently waiting for you to answer him. But nothing came out of your mouth. You couldn’t. You thought your voice would betray you. And besides that, you didn’t even know what he had asked you.
- Then he started talking again, but it came out as foreign to you. It wasn’t until his hand gently touched yours that you snapped awake.
- “What’s going on?” He asked, this time reaching your ears.
- You released a shaky breath, ready to say what you wanted to say. You’ve thought about it for days, and you knew that if you wouldn’t tell him now, you might never will.
- “We shouldn’t do this anymore.”
- His face grew confused at your statement, silently urging you to continue. “This whole relationship is ruining the both of us. We don’t make each other happier, we make each other feel worse.”
- Still, he had not spoken a word, just staring at you. “There is someone out there for you, Kaz. I truly believe there is. But it isn’t me. I tried for you, I really did, but it isn’t working out.”
- When he still didn’t respond, you took it as your sign to leave. You nodded your head at him, before turning towards the door.
- And that’s when his hand pulled on yours. Only now the both of you realized you had been holding hands the entire time. And Kaz had not once made the intention to move.
- “I’m not going to beg you to stay.” He decided quietly, now looking down at your hands, “You can decide for yourself when it’s best to let go.”
- Of course he wouldn’t argue with you. He wasn’t one for apologizing or begging, you knew that. But it didn’t make it easier for you to leave.
- “I want to stay with you, Kaz, but you can make me feel so insecure without even realizing it.” You admitted, now letting go of his hand.
- “I don’t want to force you into things you don’t want to do.” Your voice barely came over a whisper, telling hike exactly what you had told him since day one. Only now, it felt different.
- He reached for your hand again, but you withdrew on instinct, afraid your had somehow pushed him too far. Instead of accepting your gesture, he took a step towards you, holding his hand up as if he was waiting for you to lay something in it.
- You were taken aback. For months you had been trying for bigger steps, yet it had always been one step forward and three steps back. And now, he was initiating contact. And you had no idea how to handle it.
- “I don’t know what you want, Kaz.” You sighed, your voice cracking a bit as you shook your head, your vision growing blurry. The entire time you had tried to keep the tears back, but you knew that they could fall anytime soon.
- “I want to make you happy.” He answered, trying to look into your eyes. “And I don’t want to lose you.”
- With these words, he grabbed one of your hands, intertwining his hands with yours gently, as if they were made out of sensitive glass.
- This was the progress you had been looking forward to for a while. You didn’t want to let go anymore, knowing that stopping now might only worsen him.
- “We need to practice more, if you want to keep doing this.” You finally said, lifting your head back up and wiping away a few tears. He only nodded at your response, his thumb rubbing circles over your hand.
- “Is this okay?” He asked, gesturing towards your hands. You showed a tiny smile at him; “This is perfect.”
- And from there on, he really did try. Holding your hand would become a great practice, also in public. At times, he’d hold your hands for minutes, while sometimes he’d let go after ten seconds. The only thing that mattered was that he did do his best to offer you comfort.
- To give you those touches when you were feeling vulnerable or down, to hand you those rubs when you were excited and to offer you that small kiss on your hand when life has been treating you horrible.
- And it were tiny steps, but they made you feel so much better. And he finally felt at comfort too. He knew you were there for him and that you were alive. And as long as he would hold you, you would be happy. And that made him satisfied, urging him to keep on trying, though he might not always show it.
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If it's okay could I request how the dr3 boys would react to their s/o being accidentally shrunk during one of Miu's experiments or something? I thought it would be a good opportunity for lots of fluff and protectiveness hehE
this was actually very fun to write, thank you for requesting anon!! also, i apologize if some of these scenarios sound repetitive, i wrote the ones i had instant ideas for first, and then sort of left myself stuck trying to think of something for the others that didn’t sound exactly like everything else i’d already written...
also, just for fun, i decided to write a little scenario for Miu, too! i hadn’t planned on it at first, but her involvement in this particular request made me want to write for her and i couldn’t help myself,,,, this is my first time writing an imagine-type thing for her so i can only hope i did her justice aha~
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warnings: a little bit of swearing
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:*✧・゚:
Shuichi Saihara
— you’re so small!! what if you get lost?! what if someone steps on you?! what if you fall off something and die?! what if-
— you’ll have to calm him down before he gives himself an aneurysm lol
— somehow he’s more worried than you are. Miu says she’ll be able to get you back to normal in no time, so why shouldn’t you trust her? Shuichi could give you about a thousand reasons but that’s beside the point
— if it were up to him he would hold you and not let go unless he absolutely has to in order to make sure you don’t get hurt or stuck somewhere but obviously that’s unrealistic
— to an extent, it’s cute how worried he is about you, but it does get annoying from time to time
— i mean, you’re shrunk, not stupid. you know to stay away from edges of tables and other things you could fall from, not to wander off, etc.
— but as frustrating as Shuichi can be you really can’t get upset with him because dammit he’s so cute when he gets protective and you love him so so much
Rantaro Amami
— honestly he’s not super concerned at first
— he trusts you to be careful and not get yourself killed, and he trusts Miu to get you back to normal somehow, so why should he be worried?
— though he’ll still be pretty chill for the most part, he will start to be more protective of you when he starts to fully process the sheer number of tragic deaths you could succumb to in your current shrunken state
— this protectiveness takes the form of him offering you way more assistance than you need
— it’s nice that you want to help out, rantaro, but your s/o doesn’t need you to help them find something to sit on, c’mon now
— he kind of enjoys the way you literally fit right into the palm of his hands
— additionally, there’s now a very small, feral urge in the back of his mind to brush and style your hair like his sisters always used to do with their dolls
— he’ll probably never mention it, but don’t be too surprised if he all of a sudden takes a strong liking to playing with your hair once you’re back to normal
Kokichi Ouma
— did you expect him to treat this situation with the proper concern and caution it deserves? because if so i have bad news for you-
— he thinks it’s so funny how small you are
— like, so funny Miu has to physically intervene to get him to stop cracking up at your tiny form
— obviously you don’t think it’s as funny as he does
— right away he’s thinking of ways he could use your size to his advantage to mess with somebody
— at one point he decides it would be really funny to pretend he’s going to step on you which essentially translates to pretending he’s going to murder you but once you chew him out and explain to him how mean that was he actually feels really bad for upsetting you
— while he’s nowhere near as small as you are now, Kokichi is a rather petite guy, so the size difference between the two of you isn’t quite as drastic as it is between you and the taller guys
— since he’s a little less likely to accidentally smush you, he’s able to sorta cuddle you as if you were a small stuffed animal
— and btw being gently held and all snuggled up in his arms like that??? HEAVEN. LITERAL HEAVEN
Gonta Gokuhara
— if i had to choose someone who’s the least likely to accidentally get you killed while you’re shrunk, it would be Gonta
— i mean, he handles bugs that are much smaller and delicate than you are now, and if he can take such good care of them, obviously he’ll be able to take care of you no problem!
— you draw the line at him putting you in the little bug box he carries with him, though. you’re a human being, not a beetle!
— he likes to have you sit on his shoulders! they’re so broad that there’s plenty of room for you, too
— his hair is long enough for you to hang onto it to keep your balance if you need to!
— being so tiny also really puts into perspective just how gentle Gonta is
— yes, you’ve seen firsthand how he’s able to handle delicate little insects, and he’s always gentle with you, too, but being in the position of an insect in the palm of his hand, so to speak, is so much different
— you’ve never had anyone touch you with so much care, solicitude, and just pure love before and it’s honestly the most incredible feeling in the world
— another very concerned boy
— (s/o) is tiny???? how??? WHY??? HUH??
— at he’s pretty concerned about his knowledge of how humans work and fears he knows much less than he thought
— nobody ever told him they could shrink!!! he didn’t know humans could do that!! that’s because they can’t, kiibo, but i appreciate the concern
— once you explain what happened to him - how you were helping Miu out when her current experiment decided to malfunction and go apeshit, making you the size of a doll in the process - he’s a little less confused but also a lot more angry
— he makes sure to give Miu a thorough lecture on lab safety! he can’t have his s/o getting hurt just by being in the same room as her!!
— don’t worry, he’ll simmer down once you assure him that you’re okay!
— similar to Gonta, Kiibo is very careful with you! he knows you’re much more fragile than he is under normal circumstances, but now that you’re so little he’s even more worried about how susceptible to injury you are
— when he holds you or touches you, he does so with the utmost precision and care, as if you’re made of glass and would shatter if he laid his hands on you incorrectly
— he won’t tell you this, but he’s really looking forward to the day Miu is able to get you back to normal just so he won’t need to be so anxious about your safety anymore
— it’s hard work worrying about the person you love!!
Kaito Momota
— another one who’s probably not as phased by the situation as he should be
— but when Miu told him that she’d accidentally shrunk his s/o, he didn’t think that meant "i shrunk your s/o and don’t have a way fix it at this point in time"
— so when he realizes that now he has to help make sure you don’t, idk, die, he’s a little annoyed. not with you, though!
— i mean, technically he doesn’t *have* to help you out, but it would be a real dick move if he didn’t lol
— he lets you sit up on his shoulder, or in the pocket of his jacket!
— at first he doesn’t totally process that you’re a little more fragile than usual, so he may accidentally manhandle you from time to time
— just be sure to tell him if he’s holding you strangely, or if you’re starting to get uncomfy
— his priority is making sure you’re taken care of and he's not about to let himself of all people get in the way of that!!
Korekiyo Shinguuji
— he’s very worried about you, but he’ll try to hide it
— the last thing he wants to do is make your situation more stressful than it needs to be by fussing over you to no end
— it’s not that he doesn’t think you can take care of yourself anymore! he just doesn’t think the world is safe enough for you anymore!
— if you catch on to his anxiety and decide to question him about it, he’ll most likely go off on a tangent about how ‘humans are at the top of the food chain’ and ‘there’s a reason most predators are large and most prey is small’ and ‘in nature small creatures are naturally put in constant danger" or something
— while you may not necessarily appreciate him comparing you to a small prey animal, you know his heart is in the right place
— he just wants to protect you!!
— Kiyo has pretty large, slender hands, and you fit in his palm rather comfortably
— under normal circumstances, he’s incredibly gentle with you, and his delicacy of his touches increases tenfold now that you’re so tiny
— in a strange way, it almost feels like he handles you the same way he would handle some sort of fragile, ancient artifact that could be destroyed with just the smallest slip of the hand
— frankly, it’s a bit of an unusual sensation, albeit in a good way!! it’s nice to be touched so gently, y’know?
Ryoma Hoshi
— he’s glad to have a chance to be the tall one in the relationship... lol i’m jk... or am i?
— unlike the other guys, Ryoma doesn’t really dote on you and assume you need his help for everything, mostly because he knows firsthand what it’s like to be so much smaller than someone
— he doesn’t really like being treated like he’s helpless, or needs constant aid from taller people, so he’s mindful of the way he responds to the situation as not to end up behaving exactly like those who frustrate him to no end
— of course if you need him for anything, whether it’s helping you go from one place to another, or just wanting some love from your boyfriend, he’s always right there for you!
— however, sometimes he needs to go get someone taller than him to help you out with something, which he really Does Not Enjoy™️, so before you ask him to help you get something from up high (by your current standards, ofc) be sure to ask yourself if it really can’t wait until you’re back to normal lol
— like with Kokichi, the size difference between you and Ryoma isn’t all that drastic compared to some of the others, so he also manages to cuddle you without much issue. it’s a little awkward at first, but at least there’s no fear he might accidentally lay on top of you and squish you to death
— perks of having a boyfriend who’s 3’5", y’know?
Miu Iruma
— you’ve always enjoyed helping Miu out in her lab, and it isn’t uncommon for her to request your assistance with something, but up until now nothing has ever really... gone wrong in there, at least not majorly
— somehow, whatever shrinking device she’d been working on decided to have an absolute freak attack and target you, not the watermelon she was about to test it on, and now you’re about ten times smaller than you should be
— at least it works... right?
— she’s very apologetic and honestly feels so incredibly guilty that she could have possibly let something like this happen to you
— you’re honestly not very upset at first. she can fix it and you’ll be back to normal in no time, right? ...right?
— now is not the best time for Miu to be telling you about how she hasn’t yet developed a way to reverse the shrinking properties of her latest invention, but unfortunately she doesn’t really have another choice
— in the meantime, she takes it upon herself to whip up a few things to make your new life as a tiny person easier until she can dedicate her time to finding out how to get you back to normal
— you’re a little surprised at the sheer amount of robotic tools and gadgets provided to you that she just had laying around, as well as how quickly she’s able to throw together little devices to help you get around quicker, or reach things up high
— if there was any doubt that she was truly upset that her experimentation could have gone so wrong, it all vanishes the second she places her lips on your head (you may be small but that’s not going to stop her from kissing you!!) and says she’s never going to let herself put you in harms way ever again
— she loves you more than anything in the world, and would spend the rest of her life trying to undo the damage she caused if she had to! that’s how much you mean to her <3
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seriouslysnape · 4 years
Hi, love! Could I request something with Snape and a female reader? They dating but lately, Snape is busy with work and the reader doesn't want to disturb him or tell him she needs attention because she's quite shy and doesn't want to be a burden. But when she finally gathered the courage to tell him, he's quite surprised she missed his affection so much. Smut or just fluff whatever you feel like writing will be nice! Don't feel pressure to write it if you don't like that idea. Thank you and have a great day! (PS: I miss Alan Rickman so much T^T such an amazing actor! Ps2: Because of you I started to be a Lupin girl like whaaat he so sweet, I love how you are writing him!) 🖤💚
This is SO sweet. Like SO SWEET. And also, I was the same way! I didn’t start REALLY liking Lupin until I started reading Lupin stuff!
Time for You
Severus Snape x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Smut, Oral sex.
Word Count: 1,891
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
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Communication is always a crucial step in maintaining a healthy, successful relationship. You knew that making your needs, wants, concerns, etc. verbally known was very important.
You were bored. Plain and simple, you were completely stricken with absolutely nothing to do while Severus remained holed away in his office. You would think that a school instructor would take the summers off, but Severus had a plan to change his usual class curriculum, so he had been working around the clock to create a brand new Potions class.
He had been staying busy for the first few weeks of summer, working several hours a day in his home office. Severus was always very in the zone when he worked. He tuned mostly everything out, only taking a break when he couldn’t stay awake or needed to eat or use the restroom. It was a monotonous cycle that had made your home life boring, and had taken a toll on your summer vacation.
He didn’t realize that he had been rather distant, and that he hadn’t shown you much attention at all. It didn’t help that you were too timid to actually speak up and say anything to him. You had always had a hard time expressing your wants and needs to Severus. You never wanted to come off too clingy or too pushy. You hated to ever interrupt him while he worked, so for the most part, you had stayed quiet. You didn’t want to get on his nerves or upset him.
Although, you could probably count the times he’s actually been upset with you on one hand.
You were growing more and more needy for him with each passing day. You missed his touch, his voice, and his hands on you. You just wanted him to pay attention to you, just for a little while.
You paced outside of his office, trying to encourage yourself to go talk to him. He was your boyfriend after all, and effective communication was important. Severus always expressed to you how he wanted you to tell him if you needed something. He wanted you to be happy and content, but if there was something that was making you unhappy, you had to be the one to tell him.
You took a deep breath, building up the courage to go talk to him. If nothing else, maybe you could steal a quick make out session.
You slowly pushed the door open to reveal Severus scribbling away on some parchment at his desk. He had stacks of lesson plans for the upcoming school year and a list of new materials that students would need. He had been going hard at this for a while. You just wished he’d take a break. You peeked your head in.
“Severus?” You called out to him.
His head didn’t turn to you. His body language gave no indication that he had heard you at all. You fully entered the room, closing the door gently behind you. You approached him from behind, gingerly resting your hands on his shoulders. His entire frame relaxed at the feel of such a soothing touch. He sighed lightly.
“Hello, darling.” He greeted, pausing his writing for a moment.
You rubbed his shoulders, drawing soft groans from him.
“How’s it going in here?” You asked.
“Quite well actually. I’m happy with the progress I’ve made.” He replied.
You pressed a kiss to the top of his head, his black hair was soft on your lips. Your hands moved from his shoulders so you could run your fingers through his charcoal colored locks. You massaged at his scalp as he continued to work, talking to him sweetly.
“It’s a beautiful day outside. It’s warm and the sky is clear.” You pointed out to him.
His eyes shifted from his desk to the window. He hadn’t even taken a moment to look at the perfect summer weather. It had been an unusually pretty summer, and you hated that Severus was spending it cooped up in his dark office. The two of you should be having a picnic under your favorite oak tree, or even feeding ducks by the lake. He was missing out on such a flawless summer. That only prompted you further to get him away from his loads of work and actually enjoy his time off.
“Oh, it sure is,” He announced; “You should get out of the house for a bit. Take a walk through the park, yes?” He suggested.
You took a breath.
“I want you to come with me, love.” You requested, pulling his hair carefully behind his ears.
A sigh resonated from his chest. He’d love nothing more than to break away from his desk that he had shackled himself to and soak up the outside freshness with you, but he had convinced himself that he simply had too much to do.
“I need to work. I’ll never be ready by September if I fail to keep working.” He said, still writing with his favorite quill that you had given him as a birthday gift.
He didn’t seem to notice that you were hinting at something. Over the years, he had learned how to gauge your behaviors and your moods to notice when you wanted something, but he still encouraged you to tell him yourself. Now though, he was so occupied that he didn’t notice at all. You felt a twinge of annoyance that he wasn’t taking you more seriously, which is what caused you to blurt out rather sternly.
“Severus, please.” You begged.
Your breath caught in your throat the moment the words left your mouth and Severus’ quill stopped scratching. You had surely gotten his attention, because you were never one to snarl at him like that. He set his quill down completely, turning in his chair to look back at you. You were stunned still, surprised at yourself for having such an involuntary reaction.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” You apologized, giving in to the urge to leave him to keep working.
You went to walk away, feeling as though you had totally crossed a line. This was always the sort of thing you tried to avoid; getting upset and possibly causing an argument. You weren’t the best when it came to confrontation, so you tried your best to maneuver around it. Before you could make any real progress to leave the room, a hand caught your wrist.
“Wait. Don’t go,” He pleaded, standing from his desk; “What’s the matter, [Y/N]?”
He knew now that you were trying to tell him something, but he wanted to see if he could get you to tell him without him having to figure it out himself. He saw the way your eyes shifted to your feet. He didn’t want you to shut down on him when he knew you wanted something.
“Please, tell me.” He added, bringing your head back so you’d look at him.
You bit your lip hesitantly. You didn’t want to seem like you were nagging him or overly pushy. But that didn’t make the fact that you were craving for his affection any less true.
“I miss you.” You finally confessed.
Severus’ expression softened even more than it was already. He could hear the desperation and longing in your voice. You were feeling neglected, and he felt guilty for not making you feel appreciated. He did appreciate you in all aspects. He adored you and he loved you. It wasn’t fair that you were feeling this way.
He was rather astonished that you had missed him enough to speak up in such a way. That’s how he knew that you were really missing him.
“Oh, my dear. Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” He questioned, caressing your smooth cheek,
You gave a simple shrug.
“I didn’t want to bother you.” You explained.
“You never bother me. I always want you to feel comfortable talking to me.” He invigorated.
You nodded into his hand, an internal cheer of victory playing in your head when he lowered his head to kiss you. His lips caught yours in a sensual way, making up for all the lost kisses from the last several weeks. You were stealing kisses from him left and right, making his heart flutter with desire. Before you knew it, you were greedily making out and he had swept you away through the house to your bedroom.
You fell onto your back onto the mattress as he continued to kiss you deeply and roughly. The noises flowing from your chest were nothing less than eager and craving. You reached for his belt, the clinking noise of it releasing was enough to get you totally excited. He pushed your hand away, a ravishing chuckle rumbling from his chest as he briefly stopped kissing you.
“This is all about you, darling.” He growled.
His lips detached from your skin, his body shimmying downwards, his face just inches away from your heated sex. He draped your legs over his shoulders as his tongue wasted no time licking a heavy stripe and your hearty whimper filled the room. He sucked and kissed as one of your hands was steady on his head to prohibit him from going too far, while the other was pressed against the headboard behind your. It felt like electricity was crackling all through your body as he mercilessly pleasured your.
“Oh, fuck...you’ve got quite the mouth, Professor.” You tried to laugh, but it came out as another moan.
Obviously this wasn't the first time you had ever been in this situation with him. But it still surprised you every time.
His chuckle vibrated against you, his voice muffled slightly;
“You better believe it.”
He knew your body backwards and forwards, which is why he put his arm over your waist to keep you from squirming too much. He smirked as he felt your muscles contract against his hold. It was a damn hot sight to see. His face buried between your legs, his tongue and lips working wonders on the woman he adored so much. Normally, he’d hold off on letting you cum. He’d slow his movements to tantalize you and make you beg. But you deserved what you wanted after these weeks.
“Severus, please...” You said feeling your legs begin to shake as his movements didn’t slow.
“I’ve got you, baby.” He spoke.
Your head fell back onto the pillow as a flash of white covered your vision. Your legs tightened on his shoulders as you crashed over your high. He continued to suck your and work you through it. He licked and swallowed your cum and lapped up your release. His name fell from your lips once more as you felt yourself settling back to normal. He grinned once your breathing attempted to slow, he returned to your side. You supposed that you owed him now, but that’d come later. He kissed you less harshly than before, you could taste yourself on his tongue.
“I love you.” You breathed out, sucking on his neck.
“I love you too.” He returned.
He hummed as you left a few hickeys on his neck. His lips finding yours soon after. He was making it a goal to stay as close to you as possible for the rest of the summer.
Potions class could definitely wait.
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Heya! Do you think you could write some hcs about a reader with heart issues (I've been experiencing tachycardias, bradycardias and chest pain recently and I'm kinda stressing over it lol) For Diluc, Childe and Zhongli please (if you don't want to please skip that ask >_<)
Hey there! First of all, I'm so sorry to hear that you have to experience all of this and I truly hope that you'll get better soon. <3 Also, I apologize for the long waiting time but I hope you're still interested in these HCs. [Tartaglia & Zhongli are under the cut.]
Having a gn!s/o with heart issues
Diluc often seems to be unfazed by the sorrows and concerns of others but that’s actually not true. He cares deeply about the ones he loves and would never belittle their problems, particularly not when it comes to you.
With that being said, he’s definitely worried about you when he learns about your heart issues. However, he’s not one to panic immediately but just because he remains calm, you shouldn’t assume that he’s not concerned about you and your wellbeing. He insists on getting a proper explanation of the stuff you’re experiencing, preferably from your doctors, because he wants to know exactly what’s going on with you.
He would find the best cardiologists for you and makes sure that you get the best medical treatment available. Usually, he’s not a big spender but when it comes to your health, he doesn’t want to make any compromises. He also reassures you that you don’t have to worry about the costs or anything like that countless times, especially since he knows that you probably have a hard time with accepting this much money from him.
Whenever you feel overwhelmed by the whole situation, you can count on Diluc to be there for you. If it helps you to calm down he would even initiate a conversation about any topic you’d like, although he usually really dislikes unnecessary conversations about anything and everything. However, for you he makes an exception, particularly when you ask him to just talk to you to distract you, for example when you’re waiting for another diagnosis or something like that.
Tartaglia is incredibly worried about you, although he tries his best to hide it since he firmly believes that it would stress you out even more to know that he’s concerned about you. He often acts like nothing can actually faze him but it drives him absolutely crazy to know that you have to deal with these issues, especially since there’s not much he can do to help you.
He accompanies you to every medical appointment if his work schedule allows it because he wants to make sure that you get the best medical treatment. Besides, it’s a nice way to show you that you’re not alone in this, and since actions speak louder than words he tries his best to be by your side when you need him.
Better be prepared for him turning into an overprotective mess whenever your symptoms get worse. He insists that you rest (he doesn’t care if you have stuff to do and will shove you to the couch without listening to your complaints) and ensures that you take your meds, all while constantly asking if you’re feeling better or if you need something. He’s aware that his behavior is probably annoying but he wants you to get better as soon as possible, and taking care of you is also the least he can do.
He tries his best to calm you down and comfort you whenever your anxiety about your condition kicks in. Since he’s pretty good at hiding his own emotions he always manages to put on a smile and maybe crack a joke or two to distract you. If none of that helps, he will pull you into a tight hug, whispering comforting words into your ear and promising you that everything will be okay.
Zhongli knows that nothing can last forever and that he’s going to lose you at some point but it still scares the living daylights out of him when you tell him about your medical condition. He knows enough about stuff like that to realize that heart issues can be quite serious if they’re not treated properly.
With that being said, expect him to read a lot about your symptoms and possible treatments because he really wants to help you, even if it’s just by double-checking if your prescribed meds are actually helpful etc. He wouldn’t dare to question the doctors’ plans and diagnoses because he’s sure that he doesn’t know more than professionals when it comes to that topic. However, he’d still suggest some alternative treatments such as medicinal herbs that help to reduce stress and make you feel a bit calmer during this time.
He tries to hide his concern because he doesn’t want you to worry about him. Still, you often find him watching you from the other side of the room to check on you and to make sure that things don’t get worse. When you reassure him that you’re fine and that he doesn’t need to worry, he usually just nods and pretends to focus on other things, although you know exactly that he isn’t going to stop watching over you.
Zhongli understands how stressful and frightening the whole situation must be for you, so he would do everything in his power to make things easier for you, be it by just listening to you when you feel the urge to pour out your heart or by comforting you when you’re upset. Also, he sometimes sneaks up on you to pull you into a tight hug, occasionally pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, to reassure you that you’re not alone in this.
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nights-legacy · 3 years
I Don't Cuddle Pt. 2 - Bakugo
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(Note: I am taking requests for MHA/BNHA imagines, headcanons, etc. I have a request post pinned on my blog you can turn to for the rules and guidelines. Thank you!)
+3453 words
+Training at the USJ was awkward to say the least. You avoiding Bkaugo and his friends at all cost. During training, things seemed to be going fine but it was a little quiet. Once your team finishes, a panicked Kaminari runs up saying there was an accident and Bakugo was hurt. After everything was said and done, Bakugo wakes up in Recovery Girl’s office with you by his side.
3rd POV
You are a relatively decent student when it came to behavior so you didn’t always piss off Aizawa. You as well are normally very confident in yourself, so your melancholy behavior has not slipped past him. You had gotten calmed down before making it the USJ but there was still tear tracks on her face. That confirmed Aizawa’s suspicion that something had happened.
His eyes travelled next to the angry blonde that was abnormally not angry and calm. Aizawa noticed the look of pain and regret in Bakugo’s eyes. It normally would be impossible to see but to his trained eye it was clear. He knew about the two being together but kept to himself. By the way they were acting, something had happened between the two.
I rubbed my face and tried to remove any trace that I was crying. I steadied my breathing as we walked in. I needed to focus on training right now, not the pain. Aizawa instructed us on what we were going. Recon and ambush training. When he split the class into groups, I saw him look between me and Kat as he said our groups.
“At least, you’re not paired with him like normal.” Jiro said. I nodded. I felt an arm go around my shoulders. I looked over and saw Sero. He just gave me a sad smile, not saying anything. He hugged me before letting go.
Training went as normal as training with Class 1-A can be. Midoriya going all out, a few others following after him, and the rest of us along for the ride. One thing I did notice that wasn’t normal was I didn’t hear explosions or yelling. I shook it off.
“That was awesome.” Midoriya cheered. I couldn’t tell if it was from the thrill or the fact that he didn’t break any of his bones. I chuckled at him and I felt a litter better but I was still hurt. We got up to the Central Plaza when Kaminari came bolting towards us.
“Woah, where’s the fire?” Midoriya asked before blanching. He looked at Todorki and apologized. Todoroki just shrugged. We laughed at the exchange.
“It’s Bakugo.” My head whipped in his direction. “He’s hurt and trapped. We need help, Kiri can’t hold out much longer.”
“Where?” Aizawa showed up quick.
“Ruins zone.” Kami said. We all ran, following Kami. We came up to large pile of rubble that had an opening off to one side. “In there. Bakugo is unconscious and Kiri, Tokoyami, and Ojiro are trying to get him out.”
“Okay. Kaminari, you’ve done enough. Go off to the side. Uraraka, L/N, and Shoji we me inside. Everyone else be on stand-by. The rest of this could go at any moment.” Aizawa instructed. He ran towards the opening with the other two followed. I stalled a little before going in behind them. It was a mess in there.
“Come on, over here!” I heard Kiri yell. I stumbled over and froze when I saw Bakugo face down, unconscious and caught under a large piece of rubble. I could see blood from where I stood. I urged myself to move forward.
“Uraraka. Get the pressure of Kirishima. Once he’s out of the way, I want you to make a pillar to hold up the rubble, L/N.” I nodded. We ran over to Kiri and I gave Uraraka step to get up and hit the rock. Kiri groaned as soon as the weight was lifted.
“Hurry, I can’t hold it long at all.” Uraraka clenched her teeth. I nodded and pulled Kiri out of the way. I immediately moved and moved the earth underneath to make a pillar. “Release!”
“Kiri, go out with Kami. He’s out with the rest.”
“But I have to help with…”
“No. You’ve done enough Kiri.” I said and set a hand on his shoulder. “You kept him alive until we got here. Go on.” He sighed looking between me and Bakugo.
“Are you going to be alright?” I took a breath and held it. I just pushed him along before joining Aizawa.
“Can you tell how much rubble is behind this?” Aizawa looked at me. I reached out and hit the rubble, sending a vibration through the rock and concrete. There were a couple rather large pieces behind and above.
“There’s a few big pieces behind and a mixture above and around. One wrong move and other portions could collapse in. I could stop a lot but not everything. I’m not strong enough in my Earth bending part yet.” He nodded in understanding. A rumble caught all of our attentions. “And it is nowhere near stable. The best bet if digging underneath him. Just enough to get him out but not cause a collapse.”
“Shoji. Start getting away as much loose debris around here as you can. Uraraka go out and get Momo in here.” They followed immediately. “L/N, I want you to focus on the rubble keep as much of it up and from falling on us.”
“Right.” I went to stand as Aizawa moved off but I caught sight of Bakugo. I reached down and brushed his spikey, soft hair back and removed his torn mask. Even with all the dust and the little blood on his face, I saw tear tracks. I ran a thumb across his face, wiping away some of the grime. He was hurting as much as I was.
“L/N.” I heard Aizawa said softly. I looked up at him startled. He had his our version of a comforting look on his face. “We’ll get him out and he’ll be alright but we need to move now.”
“Right.” I stumbled up and stood off to the side. I closed my eyes and took a big breath to clear my mind. I got into ready position. I saw Momo had created some shovels and while Uraraka had Bakugo levitating, they dug under him.
“Be careful now.” Aizawa said as they got close. Shoji stood off to the side, ready to pick up Bakugo. Suddenly, another rumble sounded and the entrance was blocked off. “Shit. Hurry. L/N, now.”
“Okay.” I shifted the rock that was pining him and they got him out. The whole structure moved when I place the rock on the ground. The little space shifted the entire thing.
“Come on, this place is about to go.” Shoji picked up Bakugo, Momo, and Uraraka. I ran ahead and checked for a thin spot in the rubble.
“Jiro, if you can hear me, get everyone back.” I said out loud as I found. “Be ready to move.” I turned and gave a swift and hard side kick to the rubble. It burst out and at the same time I shift and make the opening stable enough for all of us to get through. I was the last one out and let the rubble go. Loud crashing sounded behind me.
“Thank god!”
“Are you guys alright?”
“How’s Kacchan?”
“That was insane.” Mutiple people came running over concerned and ready to help. I was bent over, hands on my knees and trying to catch my breath. I felt my legs give out but an arm around my waist caught me. I looked up and saw Sero. I gave him a nod in thanks and he smiled in return. He helped me walk over to Aizawa and Bakugo.
“Bakugo is alright but he will be better when we get him back to recovery girl. Come on. Everyone back to the bus.” Aizawa picked up Bakugo before looking back at me. “Are you alright?”
“Fine. Just worn out.” I said. He nodded before looking at someone behind me. I closed my eyes before I felt myself being picked up bridal style. I yelped before opening my eyes to see Todoroki carring me. I looked over his shoulder to see Sero had moved to help Kaminari with Kirishima. “Thanks, Todoroki.”
“It’s fine.” He gave me a small smile.
~Time Skip-3rd POV~
The lights in Recovery Girl’s office were dimmed. Hours had passed since the class had returned and it was now early evening. Bakugo had been checked over and was given a good report. Just banged up and bruised. Nothing the boy couldn’t bounce back from. The rest of the day the class had been given off with the only requirement of the students who hadn’t been involved in the rescue to write a report on their view and how they felt the situation was handle; correctly or something they would have done differently.
It was nearing 7pm when Bakugo began to rouse from his unconscious state. He groaned quietly as he opened his eyes. Since the lights were dimmed and the sun had set, his didn’t have much to adjust too. He looked around trying to place where he was.
“Shit.” He groaned, throwing his head back against the bed as pain shot up from his right leg. He moved the blanket slowly and saw the bandages. He let the blanket drop before staring at the ceiling. A soft coo caught his attention. He looked to his left and saw L/N curled up in a ball on a chair that was pushed up against the bed.
“Mmm.” She squirmed in her sleep. She had her hand up and it was originally on top of Bakugo’s but had fallen off in her sleep. Bakugo was surprised to see her there. He reached up with his left hand and ran it through her hair.
“L/N.” He gently called, trying to wake her. She stirred only a little. He smiled at the girl’s cuteness before trying again. “L/N. Hey baby come on, wake up for me please.”
“Huh?” She moaned softly before looking up and looking at him. It took a few seconds to realize he was awake. “Baku!” She shot up and stood over the edge of the bed. She cupped his face, looking him over. “How are you feeling? Is there any pain? I am going to go get Recovery Girl.”
“Wait, wait.” He said, barely catching her arm as she went to run. He groaned at the pull of his sore muscles. She froze before moving to sit next to him and wrapping his hand in hers. “What happened?”
“You don’t remember?”
“No. I remember getting to the USJ but not much else.”
~Y/N’s POV~
“Oh.” I stared at him in shock for a moment. “Um, you, Kiri, Kami, and a few other were in the Ruin Zone. Something caused one of the buildings to collapse right on top of you guys. You got knocked out and Kiri was holding up the rubble the best he could. Kaminari came and got the rest of the class and Aizawa. You were pinned beneath rubble so we had to rescue you. Aizawa, Momo, Uraraka, Shoji, and myself.”
“Shit.” He ran his hand through his hair before placing it on the back of his head. “That explains the pain. Now that you say that, the before is coming back to me. I was distracted and I guess it bit me in the ass.” He sighed and I gripped his hand tighter. “Why are you here?”
“Oh, um. I-I…” I gulped looked away. I pulled my hand from his, feeling tears coming on again. I got up. “I’ll go get Recovery Girl.” I went to walk away.
“Wait, no!” He yelled in desperation. I looked at him surprised. I saw panic, pain, and sorrow on his face. He looked close to having a panic attack. “Please, that’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?” I whispered. I cross my hands over my stomach.
“I meant that why are you here when I treated you so badly. I treated you like shit and you were avoiding me. Why are you here now?” He looked away embarrassed. I let my arms fall and sat on the edge of the bed. It was silent for a minute.
“I am here because I was so freaking scared. When Kami came running saying you were hurt, I felt like my heart stopped. I was already worried because I hadn’t heard any explosions and when we got to where you were and I saw your unconscious…bloody body, I froze. I was so scared that you were dead or dying. Just because we had a stupid dispute doesn’t mean I don’t care for my own boyfriend anymore. I rather be here making sure you’re okay then knowing you’re here hurt and alone and avoiding you.”
“Baby.” His voice shook. I could feel the tears running down my face. I looked at him and saw he was crying too. He reached his hand out. “Please come here.”
“Mmph.” A noise ripped from my chest as he pulled me into his chest. I was draped across him while he buried his head in my neck. He sobbed. I was surprised but held onto him, running my hand through his hair until he calmed down.
“I am so sorry.” He said. He pulled back and sat up straight. I reached for couple tissues. He took them and cleaned himself up. After throwing them away he place his hand on my bicep. “I shouldn’t have reacted that way and I never should have pushed you that way and yelled that way. You’re so fucking amazing and I did that.”
“I should have just something more subtle but no I had to launch you across the room. Damn.” I felt his grip on my arm tighten.
“I would even blame you if you wanted to break up with me. I wouldn’t even try and stop you no matter how much it would break my heart. I…”
“Bakugo! Enough.” I yelled and cupped his face. His eyes opened wide. I sighed when I had his attention. “Would I have stayed here for this long if I wanted to break up with you? I may be hurt by your actions but I have no plans to break up with you. Seeing you like that made me realize that I would rather have disputes and fights like that instead of never being able to hold your hand, kiss you, or…cuddle with you ever again.”
“Y/N…” He bit his lip and gave me a watery chuckled. He looked to the ceiling trying not to cry again while grabbing onto my wrists. I smiled. “I can’t believe…Please tell me I’m not dreaming or in a coma making up a new reality because I screwed up the real one.”
“You’re not doing any of that. I’m right here.” I said leaning back. He looked at me, rubbing the tears from his face. I saw a familiar smirk grow onto his face.
“Come here.” He pulled me in and twisted us around where we were cuddling, facing each other. I yelped and laughed out loud before nuzzling into his neck. He pulled me in close and wrapped his arm around my waist.
“What happens if someone walks in?”
“Let ‘em see. I don’t have to explain one single thing to those extras.” He growled, burying his face in my hair. I felt and heard him breathe in deep. I sighed cuddling him in closer.
“Well what was it you said? Actions speak louder than words?” I said. I felt his chest rumble with laughter.
“Yeah. Exactly.” He whispered. I gathered he was growing tired again. I moved my hand up and started rubbing circles in the middle of his back. I felt him relax in my arms before I heard snores in my ear. I smiled and reached into my back pocket for my phone. I unlocked it and pulled up my conversation Jiro.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I put the phone back in my pockets before looking up at Bakugo. He had such a soft look on his face that if I didn’t know him the way I do, I wouldn’t think it was him. I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair, absentmindedly twisting a few locks. He made a small noise before burrowing his head further into my hair.
“Softie.” I whispered before setting my arm down comfortably and closing my eyes.
Just as I was about to drift off, the door opened. I looked over my shoulder to see Aizawa and Recovery Girl. She smiled warmly as she went over to her desk. Aizawa came over with his arms crossed.
“Get some sleep yourself. You’ve had a long day too.” He said softly. My eyes widen, thinking he was going to make me get up. “I know better than to try and break up you too up right now. You guys have had a rough time lately from what I heard from the girls, Sero and Kirishima. Even before the accident.”
“You knew we were together, didn’t you?” He smirked softly and nodded.
“I had a feeling but a comment from Mic a while back just solidified it.”
“Shut up.” A groan came from Bakugo. He shifted onto his back and pulled me into his side.
“Goodnight you two.” Aizawa chuckled before closing the curtain around us. I heard him go and talk to Recovery Girl. I shifted to be more comfortable and set my head on his chest. It wasn’t long before I was out.
“Hey dumbass.” I heard a faint voice. “Wake up.”
“Why?” I groaned, burying my head and curling up. A gravely chuckle made me look up. I saw Bakugo smiling down at me. “What time is it?”
“About…” He looked up at the clock, squinting. “8:05.”
“Hmm.” I set my head back down. I felt his hand weave into my hair before massaging my scalp. I crooned before blushing and covering my mouth. He laughed before setting up. I laid back against the bed. He moved to lean over me.
“We’re alright, right?” He asked meekly, hope in his eyes. I smiled softly, reaching up to cup his face. I nodded before gently pulling him down. We kissed each other sweetly before it turned warmer and possessive on Bakugo’s part.
“Damn, if that doesn’t wake me up, I don’t know what will.” I said. He smirked above me before shifting down and laying down with his head on my chest. My hands immediately found their way onto his bicep and hair. He hummed in delight. A thought came to mind in the silence. “You called me by my name.”
“Huh?” He looked up at me, confused.
“Last night. You called me by my first name.” He blushed before returning his head to my chest.
“Yeah? What of it? I can keep calling you dumbass if you like but I figured you’d want me to call you by your name. But whatever.” I kept my chuckle to myself, knowing he was embarrassed.
“It’s fine, Katsuki.” I felt him tense before relaxing again. I kissed his head. We were just enjoying the moment until a certain yellow-haired energy ball came yelling.
“Bakubro!!” He ripped open the curtain causing me to jump in fright. Bakugo didn’t move but sighed in annoyance.
“Kaminari!!” Jiro came after chiding him but they both froze when they saw us. Kiri came up behind them and looked up from his phone, undeterred by the situation.
“We hoped you were awake. We brought breakfast.”
“Oh yeah?” Katsuki pushed up and sat next to me, throwing his arm over my shoulder. “Hope it’s not terrible because you’re a shit cook.”
“Hey!” They went on arguing and I shared a look with Jiro. She shook her head in exasperation and sat in a chair next to the bed. Things were back to normal. I saw Midoriya sneak in behind Kami and freeze just like him.
“Wait a minute!” Kamari yelled. We all looked at the two as they shared a look.
“Kacchan and L/N are dating?” They said at the same time. All of us burst out laughing at the same time. Well, how about a new normal.
“Yeah guys they are but don’t feel too bad. We only found out yesterday and this morning.” Kiri said giving a side eye to Kat. He returned with a normal sneer.
“What Shitty hair? Got a problem with that?” He then smirked. “Jealous or something?”
“No problem! Not at all.”
“Are you feeling alright Kacchan? That was a pretty nasty accident.” Midoriya asked.
“I’m fine, Deku! Nothing I can’t come back from.” Midoriya nodded and we all fell into conversation. After a bit and we ate our food, I felt Kat lean against me more. He leant his head against mine and nosed my hair. I smiled, nuzzling back.
“So you do cuddle.” I whispered. He growled halfheartedly before pulling me closer.
“Shut up.”
Tags: @dillybuggg @cloudsgathering @spicy-therapist-mom @xoxo-teddybear
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altariaas · 3 years
your face all made up (living on a screen) 
Adrien knows, to some degree, that it’s the important things that are the most important to say out loud, but it would help to know that someone’s actually listening. It would also help if things would stop breaking every time he acknowledged his emotions, too. 
i’ve taken a total of three steps into this fandom but sure, let’s skip to season 4 and fall face-first into the Angst™, as it goes. I just think Adrien should get a little raw powers of destruction sneaking out of control in his daily life. as a treat. Post-Rocketear so lots of spoilers etc.
Adrien walks home from the fight against Nino’s akuma with a raging headache, a developing case of massive anxiety, and a purpling bruise the size of a basketball on his shin.
The last one isn’t actually from the akuma. Those injuries got neatly miraculoused away, along with Nino’s heartbroken betrayal. No, the bruise is from Adrien’s incredibly stupid attempt to funnel his tornado of emotions into something concrete by kicking the front gate, only to completely miss and slam his shin into the solid steel rungs instead, sending him stumbling back in a pained fit of trying to think up creative curse words that won’t result in his father murdering him if he overhears.
Metaphorically, of course. Father’s not a murderer, except when it comes to the slow death of Adrien’s social life.
Though he really…can’t entirely blame that on Father, either.
And there comes the developing case of anxiety. Adrien swallows, a feeble attempt to banish the souring feeling in his stomach and the aching tightness in his chest. He wraps his arms around himself, staring up at the mansion and fighting the increasing urge to run. The inside of his cheek stings as he chews at it, already abused from how hard he’d bitten there earlier when Nino had started making…observations. Accusations. Wildly misdirected statements that definitely aren’t any insight to how Nino truly feels about what might be the truest version of Adrien’s slowly splintering self, if he’s going to be dramatic about it.
Overly passionate, Father’s voice echoes hollowly somewhere in the back of his head. Prone to fits of drama, just like his mother.
Spinning abruptly on his heel, Adrien beats a steady path away from the mansion gates and toward…somewhere. Somewhere that won’t make that developing case of anxiety worse, and where no one can witness his fits of drama.
The urge to send the front camera a rude gesture in farewell is violently stifled as Adrien keeps his arms wrapped tightly around himself, like the action will keep everything in neat and perfect and safe from view. He feels more than hears Plagg rustle curiously in his front pocket, but Adrien ignores the action, keeping his eyes fixed ahead.
Then the sharp reminder of how it felt when Ladybug ignored him in favor of Rena Rouge comes back and bites him solidly in the guilty part of his feelings, so Adrien pats his front pocket reassuringly.
“Just taking the long way home,” he murmurs.
Plagg’s eyes are calculating, almost greener than usual as they stare at him, and Adrien feels uncomfortably perceived. Not in the cold, bug-under-a-microscope way he feels sometimes when Father looks at him, but a hot kind of uncomfortable, the way he feels when someone looks right past the Adrien Agreste mask and sees—
What? What do they see? An awkward boy stumbling back against a wall because he never learned what his real self was supposed to look like? Hollow flirting and annoying with a capital a?
Fits of drama, Adrien reminds himself. He shouldn’t take it so close to heart. Not when Nino looked so devastated, so heartbroken. Not when Ladybug’s been giving him uncomfortably clear signs that Nino might’ve been right.
“If you say so, kid,” Plagg finally replies. “But I better get that camembert sooner than later.”
A half-smile tugs at Adrien’s mouth. “Sure, Plagg.”
At least Plagg still wants him around, masks and all. It’s a small comfort, but Adrien clings to it, his arms tightening around himself. Sure, things didn’t go…wonderfully, today, but it’s not all so bad. He got slammed into a van a couple of times, and maybe a couple of busted ribs, but that’s nothing, comparatively. And sure, Father’s finding more flaws in him to coldly evaluate than usual, and Nathalie’s growing paler and sicker by the day, and Ladybug’s either freezing him out bit by bit or starting to forget about him entirely and he isn’t sure which is worse, and his schedule is slipping further and further from manageable by the day and Nino dislikes a side of him so much it sent him straight into an akuma and—
“—kid, stop!”
Adrien’s thoughts cut off abruptly as his foot catches, his sense of balance going horizontal as he stumbles, and proceeds to nearly slam the rest of him face-first into the concrete. Plagg’s sharp warning echoes in his ears as he rights himself with a panicked yelp, hopping once while frantically hoping no one was around to see — whatever that was.
“Kid,” Plagg starts, but he doesn’t finish. He’s left the front pocket, his eyes bright green as he stares at him.
Adrien blinks, shaking the slight sense of vertigo off. “Sorry, sorry, I—”
Huh. What did he do? Rubbing the back of his head, Adrien glances at the street he stumbled over. He frowns.
The culprit is a jagged, snaking tear in the concrete, half a meter deep and the length of Adrien’s arm. He stares at the spiderwebbing cracks that branch out of it, fine grains of crushed concrete already scattering in the slight wind.
Weird, he thinks. He doesn’t remember fighting Nino this far down the street. Lucky Charm should’ve fixed that, even if he did.
“Adrien,” Plagg says, and there’s an uncharacteristically cautious edge in his voice. “What was that?”
Adrien cups a hand around Plagg, running a finger over his head in apology as he draws him out of view again. “Lost in thought, I guess,” he says, ducking his head. “Sorry.”
Plagg doesn’t reply, still staring at him with a look Adrien can’t quite identify. He feels oddly disoriented, like he actually did fall and hit his head, and now it’s spinning in retaliation. Across the street in front of him, the stoplight flickers — red, then orange, then red again. It flickers out entirely, before snapping back to a bright, acidic green. Adrien rubs his eyes.
“Let’s…let’s go home,” Plagg finally says, tucking himself back in Adrien’s shirt pocket. He doesn’t entirely meet Adrien’s eyes as he does, but he curls up against his chest, solid and warm, and it’s almost enough to banish the ache that lies beneath.
“Okay,” he says, softly. “Home, then.”
There’s a memory Adrien has, from when he was younger. It’s one he holds tightly to his chest, tattered and frayed as it is.
He was much smaller than he is now — barely six years-old, maybe, and small enough to hide behind the large statues his mother would put funny hats on to make his father laugh. She’d done just that earlier, standing tiptoed on the staircase as she’d slipped a terrible orange bowler hat on the pretty lady Nathalie said was from Greece. Adrien had giggled behind his fingers and his father had laughed, an unfamiliar sound that’s faded in memory now, but a bright and real one nonetheless.
It had been a good day, until mother had come down with a cold during dinner and Adrien had jolted out of sleep from a nightmare about giant, ugly orange hats that snatched up his mother with their ribbon-like fingers and took her away from him forever.
He’d sprinted through the house like the horrible hat monsters from his dream were on his heels, slipping in his socks up to the cracked door of his father’s study.
He hadn’t needed to knock, then, or even schedule a meeting. He’d slid through the doorway and barreled into his father, only to be caught by strong arms and swept into his father’s lap, warm and safe from any monsters that dared to follow him here.
“I’m worried about your mother, too,” his father had said. “But it’s just a cold, you see? Nothing to go slipping and falling down the stairs about.”
He’d received nothing but a sniffle in response.
“Alright.” Fingers had pinched around his nose as his father sighed. “How about we read a story then, until you’re not so frightened? Just you and me.”
The book they’d started that night was about a prince and a planet and a rose, and Adrien still remembers the sound his father’s voice made as it resonated where Adrien’s cheek pressed against his chest, his arms holding tight and warm around him, like nothing bad could slip in from outside and hurt him.
It’s a favorite memory of his, one Adrien finds springing back to mind whenever Father gives him a smile, half-formed and distanced as they are.
Lately, though, it’s a memory that stings to think about. It makes it harder to look Father in the eye, for some reason.
“And like, I really can’t say this enough, but I’m so sorry.”
“I told you, Nino, it’s fi—”
“No seriously, dude, I’m really sorry, I—”
His friend finally jerks out from his puddle of miserable apologies, and Adrien gives him a weary smile. “It’s fine. You didn’t hurt me.”
“I dragged you into the boiler room then got akumatized,” Nino says, distressed. “That’s worse than like, the plot of eight different horror movies.”
“Your head was shaped like a giant blue tear, it wasn’t that scary,” Adrien assures him.
“I am ninety percent sure I remember shoving you to the floor,” Nino moans, not reassured in the least.
Part of Adrien’s mind, the part that sounds a little too much like a spurned cat whom hell hath no fury, or however the saying goes, wants to pipe up with the fact that getting shoved to the floor was five-star treatment compared to what Nino (akuma, Nino’s akuma, that’s important) had proceeded to do to him afterwards.
The bus-slamming thing had hurt.
Not as much as hurting Nino would’ve, though.
So instead, Adrien gives Nino the kindest smile he can, lays a gentle hand on his arm, and says, “As if the akuma gave you the biceps to pull that off.”
“Hey,” Nino knocks their shoulders together, his guilt ridden expression easing just a bit as he gives him a half-hearted grin. “I’m ripped, bro.”
It takes Adrien a moment to reply, too busy fighting the overwhelmingly — traitor — urge to follow the warmth of contact with Nino like a starving animal. He doesn’t need to fight for too long — his brain throws everyone thinks you’re a joke at him just in time for Adrien to hunch his shoulders in and give Nino an awkward little grin of his own.
Maybe his brain’s a traitor too, though, because he doesn’t remember Nino even saying that about Chat Noir.
He thinks.
Actually, his brain can go sit in a corner if it’s going to keep throwing stuff like this at him. Shaking anything and everything knowledge-wise that belongs to Chat Noir from his mind, Adrien turns his attention back to the scribbled game of hangman they’ve been playing on the corner of Nino’s history notes. Group projects are supposed to be fun, anyways, especially with Nino.
“Uh, c,” he guesses.
Nino adds a single c to the blank letter spaces. Adrien squints at the paper, his mouth downturning at the suspiciously familiar arrangement he has so far.
_adia_t, ca_ef_ee, d_ea_y
“Nino,” he says, carefully.
Nino smirks. “Mm-hm.”
“If this has anything to do with perfume ads—”
“Then I hate you.”
Nino cackles, scribbling in the rest of the rest of the accursed phrase as Max loudly hushes him. Adrien rolls his eyes and huffs, but he’s unable to stop the small smile of amusement. It quickly fades as his words to Nino echo with an uncomfortable emphasis in his head.
You’re being stupid, he tells himself. Adrien pushes away the nagging feeling. Nino knows he’s not serious. He knows Adrien doesn’t actually hate him. Just like Adrien knows Nino didn’t mean it, when he said all that stuff about Chat Noir.
His fingers tighten around his pencil. He’s not supposed to be thinking about that. Nino apologized, to Chat Noir himself, and just because Adrien can’t get the sting out, it doesn’t mean that Nino meant anything genuine by it.
Overly dramatic, Adrien reminds himself. Way too emotional.
The ache in his chest makes itself known again with a pang, and Adrien bites the inside of his cheek, glancing at Nino from the corners of his eyes.
Maybe he should tell Nino he cares about him, just to be sure. The words form in his mind, only to catch abruptly in his throat, thick and cloying. He thinks of how thoughtlessly he’s been able to tell Father he loves him. Thinks of how easy it’s always been to tell Ladybug how much she means to him.
He thinks of how neither of them seem to like meeting him in the eyes, lately.
He swallows the words, opting to smile brightly at Nino instead. It’s probably for the best. Nino’s always been better at picking up on people’s feelings, anyways, and he doesn’t need the kind of nagging assurance Adrien does. And it’s not like Adrien’s had much luck telling people he loves them, lately. Actually, if you look at his track record, he probably hasn’t…had any luck at all.
Adrien shakes his head, shoving the coldness creeping into his chest as far to the corner of his mind as he can, and sketches out enough blank spaces on the paper to spell fake mustaches are the new sexy.
If he can still make Nino laugh, it’s fine. He wouldn’t be laughing if he thought Adrien was annoying and obnoxious.
So see? It’s fine.
Adrien thinks about elastics, sometimes. The stretchy, rubber kind that Mme Thurston uses to pull back the longer locks of his hair while she’s doing his makeup, tying it up in a neat little explosion on top of his head that makes him look like a blond weed. She makes it look easy, twisting the little bands around and around, until they’re tight enough to hold his hair in place.
(Adrien’s hair is always easy, of course. Chat Noir’s hair, on the other hand, would probably give Mme Thurston nightmares. Mainly because Adrien has a fun little habit of shaking his head side to side until it’s an unrecognizable blond disaster, but that’s not particularly relevant.)
(Ladybug doesn’t even need to use elastics, opting for the soft strands of ribbon that hold her pigtails in perfect place.)
Adrien doesn’t normally use elastic bands either, but he likes the way they feel when he’s nervous, stretching and rubbery, then snapping perfectly back into place, like he’d never twisted them all out of proportion at all. The way he can hook his fingers in both ends and pull and pull and pull, but they never quite snap.
Felix has a fun trick with those, when they do photoshoots together.
(When they used to.)
He’ll press a little elastic against Adrien’s arm and pull the end back, just far enough, then let it snap back into place, stinging little red marks when it slaps against skin.
“Stop it,” Adrien scowls at him, but the expression wavers. Playful isn’t a word he uses along with Felix very often, but photoshoots are always more entertaining with him, at least. Or they were, until his mother disappears, and family photoshoots grind to an utter and complete halt forever—
—just for now, his father says, until something changes, until that something happens, until that metaphorical other foot that’s always hanging over Adrien’s head finally stomps its way back to earth and demolishes him in the process—
Felix replies by stretching another elastic between his fingers, shooting it toward him this time like a little slingshot. Adrien snags it out of the air, slotting it between his own fingers to fire back. It misses by a miserable meter and a half, because at the time this conversation takes place, he and Ladybug haven’t stayed up all night practicing their aim by trying to hit the left ear of Le Stryge on Notre-Dame.
Felix snorts, snatching the elastic from the floor, and makes a show of placing the band back against Adrien’s wrist. He pulls it back with a meaningful look, like an exasperated teacher. “It’s the bounce back that hurts,” he tells him. “Not the stretching part. When it snaps back to place—” He demonstrates by releasing the band, and Adrien flinches at the tiny sting. “—that’s the part that hurts.”
Four years later, having up close and personally experienced what a shattered ribcage stabbing into your lungs feels like, Adrien wants to correct Felix on tiny little elastic bands and what actually hurts, but the point, he guesses, is that he still remembers what it felt like.
He still thinks about those elastics sometimes, and how far they can be pulled until they snap back into place. How the little rubber band can make it so far, get so close to breaking, only to snap right back to where it started.
(Chat Noir doesn’t use elastics, either.)
For all that Adrien will stand by stuffing the worst of his emotions into a box and never thinking about them ever as a perfectly reasonable way to go about handling things —and whatever Plagg says doesn’t count, he’s a kwami who compares emotions to cheese — Adrien really does believe in communication as key.
Living it out is just. Another thing entirely.
But Adrien’s lived his life with a cold mansion’s worth of words left unsaid, so on principle, he really does believe that if something’s important, you should say it. Maybe nobody will really listen to you, or take you seriously, but at least you’ll have said it, and maybe at some point they’ll remember you said it, and it’ll mean something to them.
But maybe that’s what stopping him this time — he just can’t decide if it’s the idea of not being listened to that scares him, or the idea of actually being heard that’s worse.
It’s not like he wants to tell Ladybug he’s upset. It’s not like he even wants to be upset.
It doesn’t change the fact that he is, kind of, a little bit, (a lot) — but again, on principle, Adrien just — he doesn’t like being upset. It’s all uncomfortable and hot and it sits on his chest like a rock, weighing heavier and heavier until he learns to get over it.
It’s only worse when he tries to say something about it, because that never works. Maybe it’s a really sucky side effect of being homeschooled for most of his life, but every time Adrien opens his mouth to tell someone he’s upset with them and here’s why, it always backfires spectacularly. There’s a weird moment where something happens and the other person says their part, and suddenly Adrien’s complaints sound so stupid he wants to crawl in a hole and hide. There’s a dizzying one-eighty and Adrien’s suddenly the one in the wrong, and the other person’s upset at him, and now he’s got to apologize before he makes it worse than he already has.
And granted, most of those other people are just Father (or Father’s tinny voice through the phone), but he’s already enough to beat the lesson in.
Metaphorically, of course. Always — always metaphorically. Adrien’s never doubted otherwise.
“Maybe I’m just that bad at arguing,” he mutters, swiping darkly at his phone screen.
“I dunno,” Nino says, his voice consoling. “I mean, you were pretty good at it when you argued me into watching that one anime the other night.”
Adrien rolls his eyes. “I wasn’t upset with you about that.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” Nino winks at him. “Unless your voice going all high-pitched about why Sailor Moon is the peak of animation is your default setting.”
“I wasn’t upset with you, though,” Adrien shakes his head, cutting him off. “I’m never upset with you.”
And he isn’t, really. Not even when Nino tells him, in an admittedly roundabout way, that he’s annoying and irritating and has loose and shady moral commitment to love and all its forms (or something like that).
He means, it stings, but only in the way Felix’s little rubber band snaps do. Not enough to justify picking an argument with Nino. Not to justify upsetting him, and possibly losing the one friend who’s stuck by him through the worst and actually shares stuff with him these days.
Adrien bites down on the inside of his cheek. If he’s not careful with the way his train of thought’s been steering itself lately, he’s going to accidentally show Ladybug how upset he is, and that’s—
Well, the fallout of that will hurt a lot worse than a little elastic band snap.
A lot worse than it already does, so. Back in your corner, resentful thoughts.
“Uh-huh.” There’s a quiet edge of suspicion in Nino’s voice, and Adrien stiffens, suddenly feeling horribly seen. The look Nino’s pinned on him doesn’t help at all, searching and curious and—
Concerned? Upset? Angry?
Adrien doesn’t know. He thinks it’s concern, but he’s also been thinking Ladybug’s been amused with him when she’s apparently just been annoyed, so who knows, really—
Shut up, Adrien tells his subconscious furiously. Shut up, shut up, shut up.
“It’s okay, if you are,” Nino says hesitantly, perhaps having picked up on whatever storm of emotions are slipping through Adrien’s schooled expression. “Upset, I mean. At your old man or me. It’s better to talk to people upfront, y’know? Otherwise…”
Nino’s expression twists in guilt, and Adrien’s lungs feel a little like they’re shriveling up and dying. Or maybe that’s just his chest on the whole, collapsing in on itself and taking Adrien’s ability to breath right with it.
He isn’t upset. He’s not. He doesn’t need to talk to anyone upfront about it, because there’s nothing to talk about in the first place. He’s not going to be overly dramatic about this too, he’s not. He’s just— it’s just—
Is it personal? Was it something he did, that made Ladybug trust everyone else but him? Did he slip up at some point and he just — he can’t remember? She’d told him, she’d promised they were fine after New York, but maybe she’d changed her mind without telling him and decided he needed to figure out on his own where he messed up if he was ever going to be worthy of her trust agai—
“I’ll be — I’ve gotta — restroom,” Adrien stammers, shooting up from his seat and all but sprinting for the doors.
“Wait, Adrien—!”
Nino’s panicked call is lost as Adrien flies down the hall, slipping down the stairs to the bathrooms on the first floor where he’s less likely to be found. He doesn’t feel like he’s going to cry, or anything so humiliating, but there’s an awful crushing sensation in his chest that makes him think he might do something he’ll regret. Or say something, any of the raging thoughts that bang off the insides of his skull with hurt. Something he won’t be able to take back.
Adrien wavers, planting both hands on the edge of the sink and staring at the white porcelain. His breathing sounds odd in the echo of the bathroom, wavering and off-beat. His vision swims traitorously, so he glares up at the mirror instead, only to falter as he catches sight of his reflection.
He looks…not great. Pale skin and bloodshot eyes in the way that’s likely to make Nathalie call a doctor on him. Which would be just fantastically ironic, considering she’s the one who needs a doctor, even if she’s never going to admit it and keep lying to him. Just like Ladybug, all careful smiles and words chosen with forced, casual caution, staring at him with eyes that are a million other places except actually seeing him.
Stop, he tells himself furiously, squeezing his eyes shut. Stop. Ladybug is not Father. Ladybug is Ladybug, his best friend and partner and he trusts her, he trusts her to have her reasons for not telling him. He has to trust her. He does trust her, he—
A sharp cracking sound tears Adrien from his thoughts, and he snaps his head up to find seven of his own disjointed faces staring back at him. He blinks, and suddenly the faces are clinking to the floor, broken fragments of the mirror scattering around his shoes.
His first thought, apart from a bizarre sense of not being entirely in his body, is a well-timed curse word.
Instead, what he gets out is, “Seven years bad luck,” muttered, almost absently, beneath his breath.
Typical. He wonders if moonlighting as a black cat-themed superhero that leans heavily into exaggerated acrobatics counts as crossing one. Like he needs more bad luck, right now.
What he actually needs, is…
He needs an escape.
From everything, it feels like, but for now, Adrien will settle for an escape from the school bathroom with all the mirrors that just broke.
For all that he throws fits of drama about it, the thing is, Adrien has escaped.
He’s made it out of the house, to school. He’s learned physics and grammar and math that Nathalie taught him six months ago, and he’s learned how to play hangman and cut class and tell your friend’s fortune with folded paper. He’s made friends, real friends, and he’s learned how to muffle loud giggles on the phone at night and what kinds of snack food Nino likes and doesn’t like. He’s learned how to pick up on a whole slew of emotions other than disappointment and apathy and mildly reserved approval, and he’s learned how to tell when other people are hurting.
(He’s learned how to tell how he’s hurting, but he’s unlearned that one faster.)
He’s learned the words it takes to voice that Father isn’t always right, learned how to curl his fingers tight enough into his palms that they don’t shake so much anymore, and he’s learned how to stretch like a rubber band against people’s anger, bending without breaking.
(He’s also learned about the perks of night vision and bone density and six different ways to trip someone up with the leather belt you’ve got tied around your waist like a tail, but he can’t credit school for those.)
And he thinks — he thinks he’s come so far, he’s learned so much, he’s so much stronger now—
Then his father’s eyes soften just enough to resemble the eyes of the man who held him close and told him how much he loved him, loves him, who stayed up all night reading Adrien’s favorite book to him and whose lap was the safest, warmest place in the world, and Adrien—
Hates himself. Hates himself as he snaps right back into place, right back into the Adrien who crumbles at Father’s slightest snap of tone. Hates himself so much it stings.  
Because it’s so much easier to do that, than it is to hate his father.
Adrien doesn’t particularly want to go to the photoshoot after school, especially not now that mirrors are literally breaking at the sight of his face, but — and here’s the fits of drama again — like everything else Father’s deigned to want, he doesn’t have much of a choice.
Technically, though, Adrien fantasizes as he fixes his eyes upward so the makeup artist can do her best to hide the darkening circles beneath them (“—really, dear, do you sleep at all these days—”), he could give himself a choice. He could make it fun, too, striking the perfect pose before transforming into Chat Noir right smack in front of the entire studio crew, and then Father would have something truly inspired to review that evening. A perfect snapshot of Adrien cataclysm-ing his merry way out of the studio and out into the gloriously free outside, that’s what.
Except then Adrien would have way too many choices to make, and even less all at once. The identity thing, being one. How to avoid Ladybug murdering him and dancing atop his grave, for another. Not that he thinks Ladybug is capable of murdering anyone, of course—
(—no, that’s solely reserved for him and his powers alone—)
—but he can imagine she’d be angry, were he to stage a reveal that way.
Were he to stage a reveal at all, Adrien thinks sourly, blinking until the stiff feeling of the makeup beneath his eyes fades. His makeup artist’s had to use the thick kind today, the extra-strength stuff that’s going to take forever to wash off. He stifles the urge to swipe at it, trying to relax into the feeling instead. Makeup is familiar, consistent. Sure, it’s technically another lie, but it’s one Adrien’s at least aware of. Makeup, he can see through. He can put it on and take it off himself, exercising some tiny semblance of control over what’s being hidden from the world.
Everything else, though…
“Carefree, my boy, carefree,” Vincent implores, his eyebrows furrowing as Adrien snaps himself back to the present. “You look as if you’re being drowned in mud, not soaring above the clouds.”
Adrien’s cheeks puff up as he blows his breath out, short and frustrated. At least Vincent is every bit as prone to fits of drama as he is, he reminds himself. It’s better to be stuck with someone passionate than someone as open as a brick wall, even if it is just Vincent antagonizing him with a camera again.
“Sorry,” he offers, giving him a weak grin. “I’ll get it this time, promise.”
Vincent doesn’t look entirely convinced, but he rambles about lighting and angles instead of scolding Adrien, which he can’t help but be grateful for. It allows Adrien a moment to let the smile drop, staring at the ground instead of the brightening lights around him.
He toes sullenly at the smooth linoleum of the floor, the solid black of Father’s logo glaring back at him from the side of his sneaker. Maybe he should just get more sleep. Maybe all the ugly tangled emotions in his chest are just residual buildup from being overtired, that’s all. Ladybug mentioned the stress getting to her a little while back, her own eyes bloodshot and exhausted. Adrien’s brilliant solution had been to take her to the movies, which had gone just as brilliantly as every other time he’s tried something like that, which is not very well at all. He’d been worried about her, though, even before she’d thrown him from a roof on accident. Ladybug carries so much on her shoulders, and strong as they are, Adrien knows what it’s like to be strung so tightly that even the slightest extra weight feels like it’ll snap you. He sees the same weight in his own eyes, now, even blinded by the studio lights.
His stomach twists. Ladybug’s eyes aren’t half as bloodshot lately. There’s an easiness to her that wasn’t there before, a lightening of tension, and yes, Adrien’s happy she’s feeling better, he’s nothing but glad that she isn’t so exhausted and worn, but…
But she’d trusted him before, even when she was strung her tightest. And now that there’s relief in her eyes, now that he’s taking a backseat and Ladybug adds more allies to their roster by the day, allies that she knows but he doesn't, allies that Alya and Nino probably know too, just like everything else, now that—
Was he the problem? Was it his fault, that Ladybug’s eyes turned shadowed and her movements wavered? He’s tried, he’s tried to be a rock for her, to be something constant and consistent as Adrien himself wants, but the horrible feeling that he’s not enough is now warring with the awful feeling that he’s the problem in the first place, because — why else? Why else would she shut him out like this? Why else would she decide he’s untrustworthy, after all this time, why—
The lights against his vision suddenly flare painfully bright, so bright Adrien’s forced to stagger back.
Vincent jolts away with a cry, waving his hand frantically as the camera sparks and sputters. Echoed cries of surprise ring throughout the studio as the overhead lights flicker wildly, turning the studio into a frightening mockery of a particularly bad nightclub.  
Adrien stumbles again, alarm coursing through his veins like a cold burst of water, and he darts for the intern nearby, who’s fallen over in her scramble to back away from the strobing lights. She’s just taken his hand when the lights go dark, plunging the studio into blackness. Before anyone can react beyond a frightened shriek, the lights snap back on, bright and steady as if nothing’s happened.
Adrien slowly pulls the intern to her feet, staring at the blazing lights as his vision swims, blinking against the sudden onslaught of dark spots in his eyes.
“Is it an akuma?” the intern asks, her eyes wild with fear. “Should we — should we evacuate?”
Adrenaline shoots through Adrien’s veins, his head whipping back and forth as he searches for a spark of purple, for the familiar edge of butterfly’s wings. But there’s nothing out of place, save the sputtering camera Vincent’s fretting over. There’s no sign of garish transformation, no following explosions, no loudly proclaimed demands for miraculous. In fact, if Adrien hadn’t seen it himself, it would appear as if nothing’s ever happened at all.
“It could’ve been the power lines,” someone suggests. “This place is pretty old, you know.”
“With Agreste’s standards?” someone else mutters. “I doubt it.”
“The camera is broken. Unsalvageable,” Vincent announces over the outbreak of murmurs. To his credit, he barely sounds shaken. “It must have been a power failure, or a blown fuse, I suppose. Nothing we can help.”
Vincent’s word is all the rest of the crew needs, and before Adrien can clamber up to inspect the lights himself, he’s being ushered from the studio, another intern furiously muttering about how she refuses to be fired for losing a model to “subpar building inspections” or something along those lines.
Adrien, who is already anticipating Father’s reaction himself, can’t blame her for bailing the moment he’s in the Gorilla’s hands.
Adrien is six years and three months old when his father finally finishes reading Le Petite Prince to him, and he comes the closest he ever has to throwing a fit at the ending.
He doesn’t actually throw a fit, of course, because then his father might not read to him ever again. That they finished this book together is already more precious as anything Adrien’s ever owned, and he won’t ruin that with his dramatics.
“Not all stories have the happy endings you want, Adrien,” his father tells him. Adrien feels his arms tighten around his shoulders, where he sits snugly in his father’s lap. “Sometimes you must make the most of what you have.”
Even at a young age, Adrien knows that he has quite a lot. The knowledge only grows as he does, just how much he has from his last name alone. His room alone could rival some people’s homes, Adrien has no right to want for anything.
And yet.
Sometimes, Adrien thinks back to the deep timbre of his father’s voice as he reads about yellow snakes and desert flowers and feels a stinging sense of loss so sharply it takes his breath away.
Other times, though, Adrien thinks about his father choosing to read a story about a boy who could only return home by letting a snake poison him, and wonders what that says about their relationship.
It’s not even Father’s icy tone that hurts anymore, really, Adrien thinks, as he picks at his dinner. Not that he’s likely to hear that tone tonight. Father’s locked himself firmly in his office again, and even Nathalie is nowhere to be seen. It’s quiet enough that Adrien’s gotten away with heating up the cheapest dinner they have in the house, and scouring enough cheese for Plagg that he won’t be complaining for a month.
Well, a day, maybe. Plagg’s a special kind of greedy.
But it’s painstakingly clear that Adrien will be dining alone, tonight. There hasn’t even been a single message fro Nathalie, informing him of all the lessons he’s been falling short in lately. Adrien twists his fork in his hand, setting it down with a weary sigh as dark spots flicker before his eyes again.
At least there won’t be anyone to lecture him, he tells himself, tapping absently on the table. The smooth wood looks immaculate beneath his fingers, the edge of his pinky still a bruised purple from the other evening, when Adrien misjudged the distance from the rooftop to his own window.  
Father won’t be able to lecture him about that, either, so it’s a good thing, really. It’s a good thing, that no one will be saying anything to him about the studio mishap earlier, or the darker than usual circles beneath his eyes, or he way he’s been showing up late more often than not to everything. Not about his slipping grades, or the way he keeps forgetting to hide his glare when photoshoots run longer than they’re supposed to.
It’s a good thing, Adrien tells himself, as his fingers clench around the table’s edge. It’s a good thing that he’s alone tonight. Being alone and unseen is much better than the alternative. It’s a good thing, that he can stew in whatever ugly emotions keep threatening to rise to the surface all by himself, where he won’t risk hurting anyone else with them. He can’t mess anything up if no one’s there to see it, so really, it’s a good thing, it’s—
It hits him, all-encompassing and overwhelming all at once.
Unwanted, thick and horrible and choking, the sensation of being traded out and traded off and stepped over, left behind and left out and laughed at in vicious whispers, closed doors and closed expressions and locking him out, like bars sliding down from the ceiling and cutting him off, trapped in place like an animal in the zoo, entertaining for a heartbeat than easily moved past for something better, unwanted and untrusted and alone, alone, alone again—
Adrien buckles and something howls in his ears, his hands burning as his fingers crunch through wood and his vision whites out.
For a heartbeat, Adrien isn’t Adrien — he’s the swelling of flames as fire catches light, he’s the pull of the undertow as it rips across the shore, he’s the blazing burst of lightning against metal, he’s on the edge of a cliff and stepping off—
And then he’s Adrien again, small and shaking and breathing in large, heaving gasps, trying desperately not to throw up all over the table.
“—drien, kid, Adrien, please!”
Adrien tears his hands from the table as if it’s shocked him. Black flecks drift from his fingers as they tremble, and Plagg splits into three as he flits in front of him, six pairs of green eyes staring at him in blazing concern.
“Plagg?” He barely recognizes his own voice, and his throat feels like sandpaper.
“Breathe,” Plagg orders as his image solidifies back to one, more serious than Adrien can remember him sounding. “You gotta breathe, Adrien.”
He does, in stuttering, shaky gasps, because Adrien will do anything Plagg asks him to. He’ll light himself on fire if he wanted, because Plagg is all he’s got.
Plagg is here, and that means more to Adrien than anything else could.
“Breathing,” he finally croaks out. “I’m — breathing, see? S’all good.”
It is most certainly not all good, because Adrien still feels like he got thrown off a building and into a blender, but Plagg almost looks frightened, looking from Adrien to the table to Adrien again, and—
Adrien freezes. The table. The stupidly, enormous, ridiculously expensive, lonely table his family’s supposed to use. The table he definitely, most certainly felt crunch under his hands.
Adrien follows Plagg’s gaze downwards, and suddenly feels like he’s going to throw up again.
“Oh,” he whispers.
Ice coats the inside of his chest, cold and creeping. The sidewalk. The mirrors, the studio camera, and now this.
“Adrien.” Plagg sounds so very serious.
He could explain most of it away. It’d be — it would be easy.
But this?
Adrien stares at the half-decayed table, ashes still flaking from the sides in a way that’s horribly distinctive of his cataclysm. A spiderwebbed path of smoldering destruction, all tracing back to where his fingers had been white-knuckled at the table’s edge.
Something snaps in the chandelier above him, cracking once and fizzling off into sparks.
It feels like something’s snapped in Adrien’s head. Maybe he’s lost it. Maybe he’s finally gone off the edge, and that — that can be his excuse, when Father asks him what, exactly, he did to the table. He can tell Father they’ve both lost it, they’ve both gone mad, and wouldn’t mom think this was all so funny—
A sound like a sob rips itself from his chest, before Adrien can strangle it into submission. He can’t lose it now. He can’t break down, he has to — he has to come up with a way to explain this, he has to find an escape, or Father’s going to be so angry, and so cold, and…and…
Adrien goes still. Like ice, numb and calming, he realizes he doesn’t have to worry about excuses. He doesn’t have to worry about any of that at all. No one’s coming. Not to check on him. The silence of the house is overpowering, the tiny patter of the vaporized table bits as they land on the floor almost thunderous.
“Adrien,” Plagg repeats, softer this time. “I need you to look at me.”
Slowly, he lifts his head, meeting Plagg’s bright green eyes with his own. Something in Plagg’s expression goes tight, a myriad of emotions flickering in his eyes before he schools them back into careful calm.
“Oh, kid.” Plagg’s voice is gentle. It still sounds like a lament.
Adrien tears his gaze away, swallowing. His fingers, still shaking, curl into unsteady fists. They feel odd, almost scalded. Adrien ignores it.
He can hide the table, he tells himself. He can fix the chandelier. No one will notice. He can hide this.
He’s Adrien Agreste.
He can deal with a couple of cracks in his facade.
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