#if it helps our party will be level 4 when they first get the item
ritunn · 8 months
5 TTRPGs to Try in 2024
In 2023, I wrote up a short post pitching 5 TTRPGs I think folks should give a look at over the year in light of WotC's controversy. WotC has yet to do something on the scale of what happened last year again, but I think it's fun to tell people about the cool Indie TTRPGs I've been reading since then. So, here are 5 MORE TTRPGs you should read in 2024.
1. Lancer
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Do you like mecha? Well, Indie darling, Lancer, has you covered! A highly tactical TTRPG that makes use of a hex-grid for combat and even has its own online character builder, Lancer has you play as well... lancers! Professional mech pilots who are called in when the going gets tough. There is an insane level of customization in Lancer for your mech, being able to use parts from 4 different manufacturers each with their own pros and cons, and then mix and match them together to create your ideal fighting style based on your choice of frame, weapons, and systems! The RP doesn't fall behind either, with the trigger system allowing one choose a variety of phrases that give you a bonus on skill checks when it applies, while outside of mech combat. The dice system itself is also quite simple, with a majority of checks being a d20 against a difficulty level of 10 with some modifications based on the situation. If none of this convinces you however, just check out the vibrant community for the game here on Tumblr and the terrifying ransom note style memes.
2. Ryuutama
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Last year, I highlighted Fabula Ultima, but a lot of that game was influenced by other games, primarily D&D 4e and Ryuutama. The latter of which it gets some of its mechanics from! Coming straight from Japan, in Ryuutama you take on the role of a traveler venturing out into a vibrant medieval world straight out of a Ghibli film, your adventure helping the growth of the seasonal dragons who made the world. It's a game that emphasizes travel, exploration, and preparation with a simple class system. One could really call it the Oregon Trail of TTRPGs! Except with less dysentery and more dragons and Dragon Quest influence. The dice system is identical to Fabula Ultima, your stats being assigned a die and rolling those for checks. However, something that stands out is the Ryujin system, which has the GM make a character as well! The GM's Ryujin can be carried over multiple games and grows as the parties they challenge and protect accomplish more. Honestly, a great game of choice for a forever GM! Just like Fabula Ultima as well, the whole group helps build the world, so everyone gets to add a little something.
3. Mausritter
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Mausritter is an OSR style game that has you play a mice on an adventure in our own wide world! There they contend with other animal threats and dungeons composed of buildings in the countryside. Doing away with classes, inventory management takes center stage in Mausritter, your items expanding what you're capable of in the absence of class specific abilities. Spells themselves are even items, each with their own set of charges that make them a valuable but limited resource. Other than this however, the system emphasizes hexploration and provides plenty of tools for GMs to make an adventure just as grand for the mice as any other. The dice system is also d20 based, but focuses on a roll under your stat style instead of meeting difficulty classes, with d6s and d8s used for other rolls like damage and stat generation. Though, you'll mostly be rolling those d20s for saves as your attacks always hit! Attacks first taking away from your HP, then your Strength stat when you're hit by the enemy. If the latter gets too low, that's game over for you, but getting your Dexterity and Willpower reduced can be just as detrimental for more than just saves.
4. Corvid Court
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In the city of the Nest, you're members of a cult of assassins called the Corvid Court. Are you actual birds or just bird-themed cultists? That's up to you. Either way, Corvid Court is a very short TTRPG that has you carrying out assassination missions for the cult against others who are often just as terrible of people as you are. With 5 corvid themed classes to pick from, each with their own unique capabilities to benefit the party for taking out targets, like the murderous Crow and the talkative Jay, you'll need to be clever or incredibly violent if you want to take down your targets. However, don't expect to be around for a long time. The system is a d6 dice pool system where the best result you roll determines the outcome, most of them coming with the consequence of stress for one of your stats. Accumulate too much and you'll quickly fall into a downward spiral and have to deal with the fallout... or perhaps just die. No one ever said this was an easy life.
5. Quest
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Quest's goal is to be approachable and inclusive, the best option for someone's first foray into TTRPGs, and in that it very much succeeds. A high fantasy TTRPG, Quest simplifies the formula while still keeping it interesting and deep by cutting out modifiers and grid based combat and simply having you roll 1d20 with the outcome depending on the roll. 11 - 20 being a success, 1 - 10 being failure, each with their own degrees of such however. Combat itself being based on distances. Damage is also just a simple number, no need for another die to roll after that. Other than this, there is a wide selection of classes to choose from that pull from your typical themes with the Ranger, Fighter, and Wizard with newer ideas too like the reality bending Magician! Each class has different subclass tracks of which you can invest into each as little or much as you want. Characters then get a pool of ability points they can spend to activate their most powerful abilities, with standard features being free. Overall, however, Quest shines in being a casual TTRPG that doesn't require tons of rules expertise and rewards creative thinking and use of abilities. It's free too! So, if you got someone you want to introduce to the hobby, don't bother with D&D 5e, grab Quest instead.
Got a TTRPG you love? Talk about it in the tags or a reblog! I'm always looking for new systems to check out and others are too, so do share. I hope you get to check these systems out though, each is loads of fun, that I can promise. Feel free to check out last year's suggestions here.
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Chapter 9- Part 5
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Hmm, yet another healing spot? Such suspicious placement…something must be coming up. Maybe we can finally find Amaria!
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We found this, though! More gross floor Berries, yay!
With nothing else to find, we go up here, and…
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Oh?? Oh!! It’s a Scraggy! I knew the guy from earlier was talking about them when he talked about the “Sc”! Is that what was making those boxes move, was it like- under the boxes? Can we catch that Scraggy? I hope so!
We can follow it up north-
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-after finding this hidden item. We’re not in need of using the Light Shard, so let’s proceed.
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Oh- ooooh…oh yeah, this was heavily foreshadowed with all the Pokémon gang talk earlier, huh? But like- can we still catch one of the Scraggy, though?
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Oooh, that’s how they’re doing this big horde battle with the multiple Pokémon- it’s like a Trainer battle! Or, well, it is a Trainer battle, but like- not against a legit “Trainer”, it’s- ah, you see the screenshots, you can see what’s happening.
Sadly, that means we’re not catching a Scraggy today- there is only warfare, and both sides have Intimidate. Although, only one Scraggy has that as its Ability, so the other…Shed Skin or Moxie? Well, we’re about to find out- I’m having Glare paralyze the higher-leveled while Breeze uses Gust on the weaker one.
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And that confirms it, the other Scraggy has Moxie! I don’t think that’ll be much of an issue, though, just have to make sure none of my Pokémon faint. Anyways, with another Gust from Breeze, we take out the first Scraggy-
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And Glare uses Acid to deal some damage to the second one, so from here we should be fine, and Glare should be fine-
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Welp, so much for not allowing Moxie to proc- good thing we had Intimidate, so the boost isn’t really a boost, it’s just…evening things out a bit.
Anyways, I think the best thing to do here would be to send in Prong- either her Bug-type attacks will do good, or we take more…drastic measures, hehe…
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Question is, what’s gonna come out next? Another Scraggy, or-
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Oh shoot, they’re bringing out the Scrafty already!? This isn’t good- we’ve gotta get the big one off the field sooner instead of later. Focus all of our attacks on the Scrafty- Bug Bite and Gust, let’s go!
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That did not do nearly as much as I hoped it would! Plan B- heal up Breeze with a Potion while Prong prepares to let loose with Charge.
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So far so good, now she should be able to survive another round of attacks…
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BUT NOT IF SCRAGGY’S ATTACK CRITS! AGAIN! What is this Scraggy on!? And why isn’t Paralysis activating at all!?
Welp, looks like we don’t have much choice- bring in the starter!!
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With some help from Riptide and Charge, Prong is in a perfect position to start BLASTING! GET ‘EM WITH THE CHARGE BEAM!
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Ooohohoho, now we’re REALLY playing with lightning!
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That one Scraggy’s still up, though, and for the last Pokémon, they send in the third and final one!
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They’re both kinda spooky- one for the Moxie boost, one for being slightly higher-leveled…but the Moxie one is still paralyzed while one isn’t, so it might be better to face down the non-Paralysis Scraggy first.
With the power of +1 Sp. Attack Prong, that Scraggy is as good as-
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W…What? IT LIVED THAT!? HOW!? STAB-boosted and Sp. Attack-boosted Charge Beam (including a 4-level advantage)- WHAT!?
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OH AND RIPTIDE’S DOWN TOO. TO THE SAME SCRAGGY. TO A THIRD CRITICAL HIT- this one being completely unnecessary because he would have gone down to a regular attack anyways…
Okay, FINE! BLOOM GAMING IT IS! Yeah, he gets have to have screentime again because the rest of the party’s levels are catching up to his.
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We finish off that one stubborn Scraggy with Bloom’s Magical Leaf first and foremost-
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And as for that accursed Moxie Scraggy…you guys know what I’m about. AVENGE YOUR SISTERS AND RIPTIDE, PRONG! FIRE THAT LASER!
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Yeah! There! What do you have to say for yourself now!?
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rosymourning · 8 days
The Custody Battle - a Tav build
“I’ve got a lot on my mind. And, well… in it.”
Various forces are staking their claim on Tav’s soul, who is a Great Old One Warlock with a brain riddled with tadpoles. No weapons are required to shred through a battlefield when you’ve got Illithid powers and Eldritch Blast at the ready.
[check out my other builds!]
Gameplay Notes
At its core, this is an Eldritch Blaster build with as many unlocked Illithid powers as possible. Great Old One’s physic damage resistance and general vibe make for a strong Warlock build to pair with powerful abilities like Cull The Weak, Black Hole, Psionic Overload, etc. — you’ll end up with an arsenal at your disposal. This build assumes you get the Awakened buff from the Zaith'isk in Act 1, so Illithid powers are less costly! Also, it does not itemize towards Reverberation or Radiating Orb, because I think that’s boring and irrelevant to the theming here.
Stats and Leveling
Final build: Level 12 Great Old One Warlock
Tav’s stats: STR 10 / DEX 14 / CON 15 / INT 8 / WIS 10 / CHA 17
Level 1 - Warlock (Great Old One) Level 1
Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Friends
1st Level Spells [Hex is a classic]
Level 2 - Warlock (Great Old One) Level 2
Eldritch Invocations: Agonising Blast and Repelling Blast
Level 3 - Warlock (Great Old One) Level 3
Pact Boon: Pact of the Chain [mostly just for a lil friend]
2nd Level Spells [Cloud of Daggers is very strong]
Level 4 - Warlock (Great Old One) Level 4
Feat: ASI+ CHA>18, CON>16
Cantrips: add Minor Illusion [I guess]
Level 5 - Warlock (Great Old One) Level 5
Eldritch Invocations: add Mask of Many Faces [weird pick, but fun!]
3rd Level Spells
Level 6 - Warlock (Great Old One) Level 6
Entropic Ward
Level 7 - Warlock (Great Old One) Level 7
Eldritch Invocation: add Armour of Shadows
4th Level Spells
Level 8 - Warlock (Great Old One) Level 8
Feat: ASI+ CHA>20
Level 9 - Warlock (Great Old One) Level 9
Eldritch Invocation: add Whispers of the Grave
5th Level Spells [Dominate Person feels right for this build]
Level 10 - Warlock (Great Old One) Level 10
Thought Shield
Level 11 - Warlock (Great Old One) Level 11
Mystic Arcanum [Eyebite fits the theme]
Level 12 - Warlock (Great Old One) Level 12
Feat: Spell Sniper or Lucky [for funsies]
Eldritch Invocation: add Book of Ancient Secrets
Illithid Powers
Eat as many tadpoles as possible, and be sure to get the Awakened buff from the Zaith'isk in Act 1! In the spirit of transparency, I personally hate using Illithid powers in most playthroughs and tend to ignore them entirely, so I am not the expert here and plenty of other people have done great analyses of which powers to take first, etc. That being said, my favorite Illithid Powers for this build are:
Luck of the Far Realms
Psionic Overload [especially after level 10, when you have Psychic Resistance]
Cull the Weak
Psionic Dominance [Counterspell is really expensive for Warlocks, so use this instead]
Black Hole [so fun]
Mind Blast
Armor - Potent Robe (2 Last Light/Alfira)
Melee Weapon -
Caitiff Staff (3 Devil’s Fee)
Shield of Shielding (3 Stormshore Tabernacle) [if you have racial proficiency in shields]
Ranged Weapon - Bow of the Banshee (2 Grymforge) [why would you ever use a ranged weapon though]
Amulet -
Amulet of Misty Step (1 Goblin Camp) [helpful, but not important]
Fey Semblance Amulet (3 Hag) [offsets Risky Ring]
Helmet - Birthright (3 Sorcerous Sundries)
Ring 1 - Risky Ring (2 Moonrise Towers) [offsets Spellmight Gloves]
Ring 2 - After Death Do Us Part (3 Lady Jannath’s Estate) [this is a bit of a meme pick, but does fit the vibe of the build… so…]
Gloves - Spellmight Gloves (3 Circus)
Boots - Disintegrating Night Walkers (1 Grymforge) [or something random like Mystra’s Grace (1 Arcane Tower) if another party member needs the good boots]
Cloak - Cloak of the Weave (3 Devil’s Fee) [not necessary for the build, just nice to have]
Lore and Flavor
Tav is, of course, a blank slate lore-wise. But that just means we get to write our own! For this build specifically, something about the idea of having a warlock patron and the threat of ceremorphosis looming being flavored as a custody battle for Tav’s soul makes me absolutely enthralled. [somewhat sorry for the pun] Whenever I play this build, I also make sure to sell Tav’s soul to Raphael as well, just for a bit of extra credit. It helps that it’s a super strong build that itemizes well in game, so you never feel underpowered even though it’s prioritizing story.
I picked Great Old One because I didn’t want to step on Wyll’s toes and have another Fiend Warlock, but also because I think the Psychic damage resistance pairs well thematically with the Illithid powers.
[check out my build disclaimer for info about how and why I don't min/max or completely optimize builds, prioritizing lore and vibe instead]
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sailorofcosmos · 2 months
Rant. Very big rant. I am not @ anyone and mean no offense to any single person or entity. These are my personal feelings/viewpoints. If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing. If you don't like it, don't waste your time reading it.
To everyone who gives me shit over the fact that I shop on Temu:
Not everyone is privileged enough to be able to buy from whom they want to buy.
Would I like to buy from and support my local artisans? Yes! Absolutely! I was one of them once. I know how hard that is, how much time and love and energy goes into their craft. When I have a little more cash than usual, I love to look in artsy fartsy local shops. I frequent the crystal place off main street.
Can I afford a $15 pair of earrings sold at the artisan fair? No. Even when I have the money, no.
I am often at and below the poverty level. I can't afford to feed myself sometimes; I often get malnutrition symptoms due to being unable to buy food that is good for me. I have severe mental health conditions. Severe as in, I could use a service dog. My brain is MESSED UP and does not produce enough of certain hormones, and too much of others.
And sometimes I just want to treat myself. It's okay to want nice things. Pins for my backpack. Stickers for my car. Tiny Lego flower sets. Maybe I finally give in to my scrapbooking hyperfixation. And I can afford to do that every once in a while because of Temu.
And it's not just things I WANT either. My pillow that I bought on Temu has lasted me 2 years. I buy laundry soap, school supplies, a couple of mini things such as a handheld car vacuum and an air purifier. An air purifier at Walmart would've cost me $50 minimum. The one I got on Temu was $12. Why do I need an air purifier? The dorms are humid and a prime environment to mold growth. I had very bad mold sickness my first semester.
People have reported getting scammed by Temu. I always pay through a third party encrypted service, such as PayPal or Afterpay. I've never experienced such scams, but I'm careful. You should be too. Everyone should always be careful, regardless of where they shop. Amazon has been hacked before. There have been card skimmers at Walmart.
People have said it's bad quality. Some things are a miss, but most other things I'm shocked at the high quality for the price I paid. That makeup brush cleaning machine? Nope. My mini car vac? Wow, yes.
People have said they use questionable manufacturing processes. First, there's almost no way we can prove that. Everything I've ever heard about it was hearsay, and how can I tell if you're genuine or if it's xenophobia? Second, how can we prove someplace like Walmart or Amazon aren't using the same processes and charging fivefold? Most things are made in China. It's incredibly hard sometimes to find something that isn't. The difference is that the wholesaler paid that dirt price to China and then turned around and sold it to the retailer for threefold, who then turned around and sold it to us another threefold. Same item, same price, hidden by corporate greed. Would I willingly, with good conscience, buy from a manufacturer proven to use sweatshops and/or employ children? Absolutely effing not. Can I help/prevent it if something I buy uses that process and I don't know about it? Unfortunately, no.
Do you take me for a fool who doesn't understand economics? You'd be wrong. They are targeting Americans and undercutting our market due to individualistic consumerism, inflation, and people like me, unable to afford nice things, existing. They're selling their inventory at a loss in order to establish a customer base. Once they have said customer base, they begin to raise prices. I've already seen this start to happen. Most shirts now cost $6-12 on Temu instead of $4. Amazon did this exact same process when they started out. Look at how Amazon has taken over the American market. I distinctly remember when Toys R Us closed, due to being outsourced by Amazon.
"Oh but you're supporting China taking control of America." First of all, go off. Y'all need to remember that the difference between the CCP and the Chinese people is immense and the Chinese people are greatly suffering under their own government. Second of all, do I look like a politician? Do I seem like someone who has control over foreign policy? Didn't think so. I'm one out of hundreds of thousands or millions of people who use Temu.
"But that's the mentality of everyone and if everyone chose to stop shopping there one by one, they wouldn't have their customer base." First off, this is again a very privileged viewpoint. Second, I have no control over the other Temu customers. Neither do you. They aren't going to stop shopping there just because someone they don't know said so.
Third, it is human to put ones own welfare and survival over others. And for those with mental health issues, this can be very hard. If I spend $10 on Temu liquid pods instead of $30 for a container of Tide, that's $20 I can spend on food, gas, bills, or other necessities. If I decide to spend the $30 on Tide because I MIGHT be hurting someone who is already being hurt/used REGARDLESS of what I chose, I may not eat that day. I maybe can't afford ramen cups. I might not be able to put gas in my car (and as a delivery driver, that means I lose opportunity capital from not being able to work).
I am not financially stable. Maybe if I was, I would be able to purchase things that are knowingly made ethically. Maybe if I was, I wouldn't even want to treat myself very often because I would mentally be in a better headspace. Their is nothing like the stress of not knowing if you're going to be able to eat that week.
I do not need to prove anything to you. I do not have to explain my reasons behind my shopping choices. I do not need to defend myself against your accusations.
But I am tired of being looked down upon. I am tired of being labeled as someone who "doesn't care" because I shop on Temu. Go off! Like you cared before Temu, or SheIn, or AliExpress existed. But we are all victims of the same system. The only difference is that you have privilege and I don't.
That's all. Thank you 🙇🤷
0 notes
evokersapprentice · 5 months
Wizard vs. Fighter
Following on from the last post where I admired the strengths of my martial colleagues, I do think that the wizard is a much more powerful class overall. Now that I'm exploring what different classes can do, I wanted to dwell on that comparison a little more: not just to soothe my wizarding ego, but because I find the difference in ceiling at higher levels to be ridiculous.
I'm going to use fighters as an example, not because I have anything against them, but because they're the shining role-model of what a martial class stands for. When it comes to melee performance, you think fighter. Similarly, 'wizard' may be substituted for 'sorcerer' at some points, and they may even be surpassed in some areas. This is more of a martial vs. spellcaster comparison.
To start off, we can look at your average fighter. A purpose-built tank, which is something I am shamefully only just really learning, also lacking any experience of video games with similar roles. He has heavy armour and a shield, which give him 20 AC off the bat, and in our case he somehow takes it to an eye-watering 24 via his fighting style and magic items. The majority of attacks slide right off him.
On the other end, he has +8 to hit and two attacks per round, with the potential for another attack of opportunity. This isn't quite as strong as his defensive capabilities, which are already at the top of the game's spectrum, but he'll get more as he matures, with four attacks per turn being the highlight. Even with a mundane 1d8 sword, he'll have +11 to hit and 38 damage (9.5 x 4) per turn. His melee stats will be in line with some dragons.
The great thing about the fighter is that a lot of this was front-loaded. As long as the party earns enough money, he can go out and get top level armour from the start of the campaign, and it will take a while for enemies to catch up. But by the same token it also doesn't progress as much. A 1d8 sword continues to be a 1d8 sword, and adding +5 rather than +3 as an ability score modifier doesn't make that much difference, even when you're doing it four times.
The wizard's progression feels far more linear. We already start at a similar level to the melee guys, using cantrips as our martial weapons. Fire bolt does 1d10 damage, which is up there with the strongest melee weapon types, plus the bonus that it's a ranged attack and only needs one hand. We can't help the party by tanking, but in terms of damage we're only slightly behind: the same modifier to hit (proficiency bonus plus relevant ability score) and just not able to add that +3 ability score to damage.
Cantrips scale similarly to multiple weapon attacks for a fighter: two attacks at Level 5, three at Level 11, and four earlier at Level 17 rather than 20. But without that attack modifier, they just fall further away. The difference between a Fire Bolt and a basic sword goes from 5.5 vs 7.5 at the start of the game to 22 vs. 38 at the end. Wizards start off with more flexibility in terms of range, damage type, and other impacts of their cantrip attacks, but the damage doesn't keep the pace.
Fortunately, the levelled spells ramp up considerably. Even Magic Missile, a first level spell, would do 38.5 damage if cast using a ninth level slot. A first level wizard who didn't bother to learn any other spells when levelling up would still scale to being able to do the sort of damage a fighter can, except from 120ft away and disregarding all of the fighter's precious AC, whereas the fighter would still need to roll to hit four times.
They can only do that one, and the damage reduces when working down the exhausted spell slots, but it's still possible that a Level 20 wizard could beat a Level 20 fighter in a one-off duel using first level spells alone. Something like Expeditious Retreat to get away, Mage Armour and Shield to still have a 50% change of dodging attacks, and then Magic Missile at descending levels as you continue to bonus action Dash into the distance. If you don't start next to each other, or have time to prepare, even better.
That discrepancy only gets worse with each rung of higher level spells unlocked. At Level 5, the wizard has Fly or Gaseous Form or Thunder Step to get away, and once scaled up they can then do 49 damage from 120 ft away with a Fireball. Again, the fighter's carefully assembled Armour Class counts for nothing, and Silvery Barbs is on hand if they make the DEX saving throw against a high DC of 19.
It carries on like that. At the end of the game, a fully matured wizard can win the one-off fight in any way they like. Wish can probably just stop the fighter outright, whilst True Polymorph offers various tantalising options within one spell. It's tempting to permanently turn the fighter into a toad at the risk of a WIS saving throw, but the other alternatives offer a much more certain victory.
As one example, the wizard can turn themselves into an Ancient Brass Dragon, which could simply beat the fighter in a melee slugging match (20 AC and 297 HP, four attacks per round with +14 to hit and 49 average damage on its turn plus another 17 as a reaction). Not that they need to, with breath attacks and the ability to fly allowing them to deal 56 damage from 90ft above.
Or the dragon can themselves shapeshift into a Level 20 fighter, who will by definition win any match-up due to reverting to their 'true' form on death, whereas the actual fighter will just die. I'm not even sure the fighter can beat a younger dragon on their own. The wizard could use one of the spell's other options to turn a building into a Young Silver Dragon loyal to them, and then take a rest and finish off the fighter if they survive that first encounter.
There are various other summoning or conjuring spells which can keep the fighter more than occupied whilst the wizard takes a nap, but perhaps the most broken would be Simulacrum, which would allow the wizard to make a duplicate of themselves whilst enjoying that well deserved rest. Presumably the duplicate can then do the same thing, creating an army who can deal with the fighter without the original wizard needing to be on the continent. It's expensive, but any of them can use Wish to keep the enterprise funded.
The most fun would be in copying the fighter themselves, but unfortunately that requires 12 hours of touch, something perhaps only achievable by sneaking a spider familiar into their armour. But a second wizard would be plenty, given that one is already more powerful using their normal attacks. Anything more is just overkill.
I think that the fighter's only chance is if they get to strike first, close up; for example if they take the wizard by surprise. With action surge, they could be doing a massive 76 damage in one turn on average, subject to hitting eight times in a row (which they might be able to do, although any purebred wizard should be wearing Mage Armour and have Shield ready to react, without Mirror Image or anything stronger). That could kill the wizard outright. But if they do take a shot at the queen, they'd better make it count.
Otherwise, there's just no chance of keeping up. A wizard is simply more powerful than any martial class, and even some half-casters/multiclass builds, in any conceivable way. Wizards are more mobile, so you can't catch them, and you can't run away. You can't hide, thanks to their divination abilities, but you can't find them if they don't want you to. They can hit harder and shield themselves more definitively, and that's before getting into all of the weird stuff.
If you let them get away, which they can do easily with a teleport (and no opportunity attack for you), they can buy themselves enough time to build an impregnable fortress and set you all sorts of traps. A wizard with time to prepare can also make themselves largely immortal, with the options of Contingency or Clone, another way of making duplicates. The fighter could try to destroy the back-up first, but good luck finding it against a class who can teleport, breathe underwater, walk through walls, reshape stone and everything else.
I haven't even mentioned the simple option in Meteor Swarm, which does 140 damage to a massive area from a mile away, easily eliminating a hundred fighters at once. No abilities gained by the fighter even pretend to keep up with the new spells becoming available. The best ability they have is multiple attacks, which is closest to a wizard's cantrips. It's a ludicrous match-up, come the end. But not all campaigns make it that far, and fortunately the fighter's front-loading means they can actually start the game in a stronger position, and stay competitive for most of it.
There are a couple of big levellers which I think help with that. One is the wizard's limited spell slots. In the mid-game, when they don't have the god-like ability to spirit themselves away and prepare or recover, they can only manage a few decent hits before they exhaust themselves. They might still win a one-off fight, but over a long adventuring day the fighter can emerge as the more reliable hitter in the team. Every spell has a steep opportunity cost. A wizard can be better at anything, but it's hard to be better at everything at once.
That's the distinction between theory and practice. DnD is not a one-on-one duel in a vacuum. It's a party game (in the sense of a team, not like musical chairs), and an ongoing one. Wizards are mostly going to be cautious to use their spells, like a bee with its sting, worrying how many more encounters they'll face before bedtime. Fighters have one or two daily tricks, but mostly their damage and AC stays constant and they don't have to worry about holding anything in reserve. They might do more damage over the day, as well as doing a better job of protecting the team.
On that note, wizards in a team are a domesticated breed, unable to simply start dropping AOE attacks (unless they have evocation privilege, as mine does) or abandon the party to lick their wounds in a cave somewhere. Most of those one-on-one scenarios involved the wizard finding time and distance from the immediate danger. A selfish wizard may be almost impossible to kill, but when I'm in a tough conflict I don't run away and do all of that, because I can't abandon my more magically-challenged friends.
A fighter is therefore superior in terms of both stamina and readiness in practice. A surprise attack doesn't bother them. They wake up fully ready for battle, and rarely have any need for a time-out to prepare or recover. Their only limit is HP, which doesn't decrease too often for ours, and when it does he can either heal himself, chug a potion, or ask the druid for a favour. She can't restore my wizard's spell slots, and they drain away at a much faster rate. I burn out quickly, and then need to sleep whilst the others can keep going at full strength.
The other great leveller is magic items. Funnily enough, they seem to favour the non-magic users in the party. The classic example would be a +1/+2 weapon, which comes in the form of both a +1/+2 sword for the martial types and a +1/+2 Wand of the War Mage for the likes of me. That all seems fair, until you look at how that works in practice. I can add +1 to my spell attack rolls, which I rarely use at this stage, with no impact on damage. They can add it to both attack and damage rolls, which is all the more significant when they have three damage rolls a round.
Even +6 damage a round doesn't sound like much, but the gulf grows once the party gains access to rarer items. Our fighter has one sword which lets him do an extra 2d6 damage per hit in certain circumstances, and another which allows 3d6 in another set of circumstances. All of a sudden he's doing 20 damage a hit, and gets two attacks, and an opportunity attack. With action surge and a bit of luck, he's doing 100 damage in his first turn and 60 after that.
The scaling can escalate those sort of advantages until he's suddenly doing the most damage in the team. In times like that, it may be that the fighter becomes the striker needing the rest of us to tank for him and give him advantage, as he has so often done for us. I'm wondering if there are more items out there which will help him to compete for longer: not in a duel with the endgame wizard, as even doing 100 damage per turn won't save him there, but in remaining an equally useful member of the team over a longer period.
I haven't yet found the equivalent for a spellcaster. This may be by our DM's choice, or the luck of the random item tables, but most other wands and staffs just contain charges with various spells, which is helpful in terms of preserving spell slots, but doesn't massively raise my ceiling in the same way: no extra 10.5 damage per cantrip dice, which would be the equivalent. Worse, many of them are just as useful to the martial characters, whereas I'd be much less use with a magic sword (one attack for less damage which may not even hit).
It may be that this is the way the game balances things out later in the game, giving powerful magic items which make mid-game spells redundant in the way that spells made early-game abilities redundant. Fighters get better weapons to match wizards getting higher spell slots, and there aren't equivalent items to boost spell damage in the same way. That would seem fair, although it's nice to get fun loot. I guess I'll have to content myself with my eventual ascension to omnipotence.
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eltomimi · 6 months
Today is the last session of a dnd campaign I started with my friends like 3 years ago. And I think my character is going to die.
Viliria is a level 11 Valor Bard. We started the campaign when she was just level 3.
Back then she was a versatile fighter, she could keep up with damage with other martials but also had spells like Healing Word and Lesser Restoration to keep the rest of the party in the fight. She had an AC of 18 and the Tough feat, meaning she could make time for the party to recover if necessary.
She was a Jack of All Trades and master of none, every party member could do one thing she could do a lot better. But her versatility was the reason she was fun to play, every turn there were a lot of things she could do to help. Every choice mattered.
As the adventure progressed a pattern started to emerge though. All of the magic items we found were kept by other members of the party. The Fighter, Artificer and Rogue got the weapons and armor, which meant that Viliria was getting left behind in those aspects.
Even though she was getting stronger, relative to everything else she was getting weaker. Time passed and she could not keep up in damage anymore, she also could not make time by tanking a little while. Everything got too deadly too fast (The party is full of optimizers too, so the GM also compensated by adding stronger monsters with more HP and Damage).
Along the way we lost two party members she was very attached to: the rogue, who was kind of a sibling to her, ran away from the party because he needed a change of pace; and the cleric rolled badly 3 or 4 times in a row and turned into a monster.
These was pretty hard losses for her, she cared a lot about them both. And as the cleric died, she became the only caster in the group, which was the beginning of the pressure. Suddenly she had to save her spells more than ever, if she miss-used one of them it could mean death.
She became level 9 and her AC was still 18, which meant enemies cached up to her. While her magic was growing stronger I (the player) only picked spells that matched her vibe. Which was good for roleplaying and identity, but pretty bad for combat. I didn't take spells like Polymorph, Hypnotic Pattern, or Animate Objects which are super strong.
The initial campaign was Curse of Strahd, I won't spoil the module. All you have to know is that in Curse of Strahd you are trapped, you don't have the freedom to leave the region where you are (you'll understand on session 1 if you play the module.).
The thing is, Viliria wanted to retire after they were done with Strahd (if they survived). That was what kept her going, she wanted to see her family again, she wanted to pay the scolarship of her little brother.
And they managed to defeat Strahd and were free.
After that, the party went to a local fair to celebrate, and have a silly time for the first time in what felt like years. It was a really nice session.
However, by the end of the day, Viliria met her parents and they told her that her brother had been kidnapped. There went the plans of retiring.
After investigating, the party found that the kidnapper had similar powers to Strahd and was related to the Cleric who died. Maybe it was the monster he became after death.
So the party embarked on another adventure, but this adventure quickly became too much for Viliria.
By now, enemies could do half her health in a single turn of combat, her AC was still 18. All she could do was use magic from afar. (Our gm also told us after strahd that he didn't wanted us to increase our AC any more than what we had)
So yeah, Viliria came to an adventure where anything could kill her if they looked at her weird. She felt weaker every day, and not only in combat, her out-of-combat magic also started having less effect.
She once tried to use Sleep at level 2 to sleep 5 commoners who were harrasing a lady, she rolled a 28 and slept only 3 of them. None of the commoners were important people, they were just random npcs with no features.
For context, commoners usually have 4 hp, and sleep rolls an amount of hp to sleep. Which meant a 28 should sleep 7 people.
As she felt weaker everyday, and everything else was stronger, she started to feel in constant danger. Every day was another combat and another chance to die.
After a while in the adventure, she found out that her selfish asshole sister had her brother as a slave in a city far away. And as the group started to head that way, she started to have the thought "What if I don't save him? He has at least survived with her so far. What if he's safer with her than with me?"
Those thoughts only grew stronger as they got closer to the city her sister was. Last combat she was immediately critted and left in 8 hp, from full in one hit. The second to last, she had to spend 3 turns to find a torch, light it up and pass it to a party member to kill some enemies that regenerated if not hit with fire. That same combat the artificer casted haste and did all she did and attacked in a single turn.
She has around half the dps of other martials in the group given they spend no resources in their turn. Her only magic item is a +1 sword that can cast Crusader's Mantle once per day (which fights for the concentration spot with other spells).
Right now they have to escape a coloseum that has at least 4 archwizards I think. And she has only one 4th level, one 2nd level and three 1st level spell slots.
She has no hit dice left, no bardic inspiration, half her hp, and the guards in this coloseum have anti illusion magic googles. So yeah, little chance to escape, and if she fights in combat she will die.
I think she dies today. I've thought of some scenarios of how that can happen, as well as her last words on each of them.
What would her last words be for everyone in the party, for her brother, for her asshole sister and her parents.
I think I'm satisfied with all the scenarios I've thinked of. It's a miracle that she has come this far. I had a lot of fun playing her, and after all this time, I think I'm ready to let her go.
I wish that after death she can finally rest, she deserves it.
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d4leveligmeet · 1 year
Diablo 4 Level Up Fast - Best Ways To Earn XP - IGMEET Methods
Leveling up your character is crucial in any RPG, and Diablo 4 is no exception. Having a higher level will make it easier to face future bosses and events in which you can participate. This guide will cover how to get XP in Diablo 4, as well as how to level fast.
Complete the main story missions
We're starting off with an obvious one, but it's a tip that some players do tend to forget. When you make it to the hub city of Kyovashad, you may be tempted to go out and explore the region of Fractured Peaks while putting the main story off.
While you can take this route, you will be increasing the amount of time it takes to reach max level. By completing all of the main story missions quickly, you not only get to explore the world and discover different waypoints and dungeons, but you'll be earning a ton of XP along the way. In addition to that, the main quests reward you with gold and unique gear, which can help you get through the first 15 levels or so before you start unlocking better gear.
High World Tier
We’re starting this list with a high-risk-high-reward mechanic in Diablo 4 called World Tier. There are four tiers in the game called Adventurer, Veteran, Nightmare, and Torment. Adventurer is the easiest, while Torment is the hardest.Higher World Tiers are challenging, but the loot you get from them is worthwhile. This also applies to XP drops, as enemies in higher World Tiers grant more XP.
As well as any main story quest, you’ll receive some nice XP rewards from completing any quests you take on. Diablo 4 does a pretty good job of keeping you at the level you need to be at for the story, so just by completing each main quest, your levels will go up pretty quickly, especially at lower levels.
But that doesn’t mean you should just stick to main quests. Everywhere you go, you’ll find NPCs offering a range of side quests, each with their own rewards on offer. Taking them on will also give you the chance to nab yourself some great loot along the way, making them great ways to level up and get some new items along the way. Some side-quests even link in with our next method.
Renown system
The Renown system in Diablo 4 is brilliant for getting Bonus XP. To get it, though, you’ll have to explore the open world and complete challenges that give Renown and access Renown tiers.The five regions in Diablo 4 have their own Renown challenges, meaning that you can get Bonus XP 25 times. To get all Renown rewards, make sure to check out this guide on the Renown system in Diablo 4.Descend into Dungeons
Dungeons are a central feature in Diablo 4, filled with powerful enemies and even more potent rewards. Clearing dungeons not only rewards you with XP but also provides you with high-tier loot, making yourself a more fearsome proposition for all those who lie in wait.
Many of the dungeons around the map offer permanent rewards, some unique to the character class. It pays to complete as many as possible, but prioritize the ones that suit your build and playstyle. Some will offer rewards that make grinding levels much easier.
Diablo 4 supports crossplay and couch co-op, which makes the multiplayer experience a delight. In the Diablo 4 open beta, players in a party received Bonus XP, and there are similar advantages in the full release as well.
Malignant Tunnels
Exclusive to Season of the Malignant characters, Malignant Tunnels are a great source of XP if your character can handle Malignant Elites. Malignant Tunnels are variants of normal dungeons with guaranteed Malignant Elite monster spawns. These enemies can be slain twice and count as Elite monsters, meaning they give a ton of XP when slain. Paired with the Overgrowth event at the end of every tunnel, you can earn a nice chunk of XP farming these if you have some invokers to spare. Check out our seasonal quest guide for more information on how to access these tunnels.
World Events
Local and world events, along with unique sites like the Tree of Whispers and Helltide areas, are all around the map and are perhaps a great way to level up fast in Diablo 4.
These events typically pit you against hordes of adversaries, providing ample opportunities to gain XP rapidly.
They also act as player magnets, attracting a host of other players seeking the same XP acceleration, thereby augmenting the overall experience reward.
Engaging in these events not only hastens your leveling speed but also serves as a means to interact with the larger Diablo 4 community.
Play with a Group
Diablo 4 encourages you to call your friends to play the game by giving a bonus XP when you’re in a group. It’s not a game-changer, but, just like using elixirs, at the end of the day, you’ll have leveled up faster.
Use XP Elixirs
No matter what type of content you participate in, make sure you have an XP elixir always active. For example, you can use Weak Iron Barb Elixir to gain a 5% XP boost for 30 minutes. Using its stronger version is not recommended, as the experience bonus stays the same.
To get your hands on this and other elixirs, find the Alchemist. This NPC is marked on your minimap and has the icon of the mortar and pestle. Gather all the required ingredients, prepare a few pennies of gold, and head to the Alchemist to craft the desired elixir.
Use the right skills
While killing enemies isn't the best way to earn XP, there are ways you can utilize mobs to vastly speed up the leveling process. If you equip area-of-effect skills, you can kill hordes of enemies in a matter of seconds. All of these eliminations added up makes a difference in your XP gains. If you keep killing hordes of enemies along the way to a main story quest or a dungeon, then you're basically earning free XP. AoE skills make it so you barely have to do anything to kill these hordes, cutting down on your time spent fighting enemies.
Finally, Buy Diablo 4 Power Leveling Serices
With that, you know the best ways for Diablo 4 how to level up fast! There are multiple methods that you can use and switch between if you ever get bored of one. But the most important part of it all is to enjoy the process while you grind for XP! And if you ever get bored, this is where our power leveling services shine, providing you with a swift and efficient way to Diablo 4 Power Leveling Boost your new character. Click https://www.igmeet.com/Diablo-4-Powerleveling to know more information.
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amit122 · 1 year
5 Top Must-Have Men's Accessories You Can Buy Online
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We are all aware that the appropriate accessories can quickly elevate an ensemble to a whole new level, taking it from 0 to 100. Men's accessories, as we all know, are what finish the look and show that you took the time to put together a presentable ensemble and did not just throw on the first things you saw.
We are also aware of how easy a bad accessory choice can destroy a whole outfit.
Many guys feel uneasy wearing jewellery or other accessories. We can assist if you fall into this category but still want to try wearing accessories (which you should). You may utilise our comprehensive list of the top men's accessories you can buy online.
Every man can appropriately wear accessories and look beautiful. Don't be afraid to experiment with different accessories until you are sure of the ones that are best for you.
Men's chains are becoming more and more popular every year. A chain necklace is a straightforward accessory that is available in a huge variety of designs and lengths online. If you want something delicate, you may choose one that is shorter and thinner; if you want more volume, choose one that is longer and thicker.
2. Watches
There is no doubt that wristwatches will always be fashionable. A watch is a means of personal expression. The watch you wear on your wrist might reveal a lot about your lifestyle.
Considering that will help you choose the right watch to wear. Some people would rather simply own one watch that is in good shape and that they may wear at any time. Others, who like more options and diversity, possess a number of different timepieces that they may switch between on a regular basis.
Looking at current watch patterns, it's simple to identify two significant trends online. The first and most popular trend involves timepieces with relatively basic and straightforward designs.
Right now, wearing suits and dressing formally is in vogue. To make an impression, you must correctly accessorise your outfit; merely donning a suit is insufficient.
When we refer to suit accessories, we mean all the extras you require to complete your suit look. A fashionable man accessorises his attire with ties, bow ties, pocket squares, cufflinks, tie clips, and lapel pins.
If you're new to wearing suit accessories and want a good selection to start with, get the Classy Men's Accessories. The set comes with a tie, a pocket square, a tie clip, and cufflinks. Simple black is always a good choice!
If you are familiar with and have used suit accessories in the past, try to add some excitement with new hues and materials. Think of donning a knitted tie, bow tie, or a colourful pocket square. Even better, try designing a unique and sophisticated tie.
Sunglasses are ageless and functional. Their original purpose was to protect the eyes from the sun's harmful rays. As in the past, sunglasses now provide eye protection.
They are, however, more frequently worn simply as statement items to express one's personal taste. Some people have many pairs so they may choose the ideal set according to the situation, their attire, and their mood.
Whether you use sunglasses or not, you should have a classic pair, such aviators or wayfarers, in a neutral colour. These glasses may be used anyplace, whether it be a casual day, a party, or a funeral.
If the fundamentals are covered, experiment with colour and texture and even add mirror lenses to complete the design.
5. Wallet
It's been said that a guy is defined by his pocketbook. Your clothes will look wonderful if you have a nice wallet.
Wallets come in a variety of styles, including leather ones. All of your identifying documents are stored secure in a wallet. Additionally, it gives your money a suitable home. A stylish wallet enhances your appearance and perspective.
Not least of all, ensure all of your accessories are clean and in good condition. The start of a new year has presented the perfect time to evaluate all of your needs and decide which ones need to be replaced.
Do you require new bags, or are your present ones in perfect condition? Do you own belts that never go out of style and look excellent with both jeans and suits? Check out the variety of reasonably priced, high-quality belts from men’s accessories shops if you don't.
Finally, does your wallet meet your demands (have enough space for all of your cards and cash) and is it neat and organised? Consider all the accessories you use often or on a regular basis, and replace everything that is damaged or worn out.
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gameguides · 1 year
Brown Dust 2 Tier List
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If you're looking to find the best playable characters in the newly released Brown Dust 2 RPG, take a look at our up-to-date Brown Dust 2 Tier List. Our experienced writers have compiled a tier list featuring the game's best characters. With a wide range of characters and powerful costumes to choose from in Brown Dust 2, our tier list will help you discover the strongest combinations. By consulting our tier list, you can make well-informed decisions and avoid any potential regrets along your epic journey! We will continuously monitor the meta of Brown Dust 2 and make adjustments to our tier list by testing characters with each update. If you want to stay updated on the most powerful characters in Brown Dust 2 at all times, be sure to bookmark our page. By visiting our page after every patch, you can stay informed about the current Brown Dust 2 meta. Additionally, take a look at our Brown Dust 2 codes guide to obtain valuable in-game items for free. These codes are distributed to the community by the game developers themselves. They are completely free and secure.
Brown Dust 2 Tier List
S A B C Meaning of Tier List Ranks Before we get into the tier list, let's go over what each tier means: - S Tier: These are the best characters currently available in the game. They should be your top priority to add to your party, and you should level them up and equip them first. - A Tier: These characters are great for filling gaps in your party when you don't have enough S Tier characters. Look for ones that can counter your party's weaknesses. - B Tier: These characters are helpful during the early stages of the game, but become less useful as you progress. Use them when you don't have enough S or A Tier characters, but try to swap them out later on. - C Tier: These characters can have niche uses in certain game modes or be strong early on, but they're not recommended for late-game parties. Who is the Best Brown Dust 2 Character right now? At present, the popular opinion is that Alec holds the title of the best character. Regardless of the costume equipped, Alec inflicts significant damage, making early game progression a breeze. Coming in a close second is Justia, particularly when equipped with her White Reaper costume, which grants formidable light damage capabilities. As for support characters, Arines stands out as the top choice, offering her teammates attack and critical rate boosts. Brown Dust 2 Costume Tier List In Brown Dust 2, costumes are as important as characters. After selecting your best character from our tier list, take a look at our Costume Tier List that showcases the best costumes and their features in the game. We have classified the costumes into S, A, B, and C tiers based on their power. Below, you can see the costume ranks in Brown Dust 2 according to their tiers. S Tier Costumes The costumes found in the S Tier are the most powerful costumes in the Brown Dust 2 meta. These are the costumes you should prioritize searching for first. The Destruction - Alec The Destruction - Alec is one of the strongest costumes in the game and exceeds at single-target damage. He deals true damage based on 200% of his ATK rating. - Costume's Tier List Rank: S - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Fire - Ability Name: Raging Strike - Ability: Deal 84 True Physical DMG based of the 200% of ATK. Kind Liberator - Samay - Costume's Tier List Rank: S - Rarity: **** / Four-Star - Element: Dark - Ability Name: Blade of Hesitation - Ability: Attack 2 times, each attack deals 24 Magic DMG based of the 80% of Magic ATK. Decrease Magic Resist by 50% for 4 turns. White Reaper - Justia - Costume's Tier List Rank: S - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Light - Ability Name: Quater Moon Jab - Ability: Deal 66 True Physical DMG based of the 185% of ATK. Light DMG increases by 50% for 2 turns. Priest of Vitality - Arines - Costume's Tier List Rank: S - Rarity: *** / Three-Star - Element: Light - Ability Name: Fair and Square - Ability: Increase ATK by 25% for 6 turns. Increase Crit Rate by 30% for 6 turns. A Tier Costumes The A Tier Costumes strong and highly viable. While not as dominant as those in the S Tier, they still offer significant value and can be effective in various situations. Top Idol - Helena Top Idol Helena is a very strong support AoE costume that can reduce the damage - Costume's Tier List Rank: A - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Light - Ability Name: Let’s Sing Together! - Ability: Decrease incoming DMG by 20% for 4 turns. Acquire 4 SP. Loyal Butler - Andrew - Costume's Tier List Rank: A - Rarity: **** / Four-Star - Element: Fire - Ability Name: Life Steal - Ability: Attack 2 Times, each attack deals 18 Physical DMG based off the 75% of ATK. 12% of the maximum HP will be restored. Decrease 5 SP every turn for 4 Turns. Liberated Marauder – Kry - Costume's Tier List Rank: A - Rarity: **** / Four-Star - Element: Dark - Ability Name: Armor Attack - Ability: Attack 2 times, each attack deals 24 Physical DMG based of the 80% of ATK. Decrease DEF by 50% for 4 turns. Killer Doll - Lecliss Killer Doll Lecliss is one of the very few costumes that has a taunt. She can also reduce incoming damage—an overall great tank. - Costume's Tier List Rank: A - Rarity: **** / Four-Star - Element: Wind - Ability Name: Curse Replica - Ability: Decrease incoming DMG by 35% for 2 turns. Enemies attack focuses on you for 2 turns. Desert Flower - Sylvia - Costume's Tier List Rank: A - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Water - Ability Name: The Sword Fortress - Ability: Counter the target and deal 54 Physical DMG based of the 150% of ATK when you get attacked during 4 turns. Decrease income DMG by 50% for 4 turns. The Fiend Scholar - Olstein - Costume's Tier List Rank: A - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Wind - Ability Name: Silent Fury - Ability: Deal 2 Magic DMG based on 10% of Magic ATK. Cannot use skill for 4 turns. Acquire 1 SP for each attacked target. Decrease 4 SP for each attacked target. The Sharpshooter of the Mist - Gray - Costume's Tier List Rank: A - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Wind - Ability Name: Triple Shot - Ability: Attack 3 Times, each attack deals 11 Physical DMG based of the 35% of ATK. Deal Physical DMG base off of target’s 125% of ATK every turn for 4 turns. Steel Engine - Rafina Steel Engine Rafina can deal massive +Shaped AoE damage, and can also purge enemy barriers. She’s great against enemies with lots of shields. - Costume's Tier List Rank: A - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Water - Ability Name: Mechanical Dive - Ability: Deal 38 Physical DMG based 175% of ATK. Remove a Barrier Effect on the target. Gentle Maid - Anastasia Gentle Maid Anastasia is a +Shaped AoE damage dealer. She can also deal 100% Crit Damage. However, she does need Crit Chance on gear, or the help of Arines to really excel. - Costume's Tier List Rank: A - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Fire - Ability Name: Cluster Bombardment - Ability: Attack 3 Times, each attack deals 13 Physical DMG based of the 35% of ATK. Increase Crit DMG by 100% for 1 turn. White Cat - Rou - Brown Dust Tier List Rank: A - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Dark - Ability Name: Half Moon Kick - Ability: Deal 0 Physical DMG and knock back the target 3 squares to the back side. The knocked back target deals 100% of their max HP to the impacted target with Physical DMG. Evade the enemies attack with 75% chance for 2 turns. Demon’s Daughter - Seir - Costume's Tier List Rank: A - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Dark - Ability Name: Protective Instinct - Ability: Heal HP by 0 based of the 0% of Max HP when you get attacked for 4 turns. Decrease incoming DMG by 35% for 4 turns. B Tier Costumes B Tier Costumes are considered average or moderately useful. They may lack certain advantages or have limitations compared to higher tiers, but they can still contribute positively to your gameplay experience. The Curse - Celia The Curse Celia can deal decent AoE damage and also reduce the enemy’s ATK for a few turns. She’s a really good Magic AoE debuffer. - Costume's Tier List Rank: B - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Dark - Ability Name: Miming Clowns - Ability: Attack 7 Times, each attack deals 3 Magic DMG based of the 12% of Magic ATK. Decrease ATK by 35% for 4 turns. Lovely Lady - Elise Lovely Lady Elise deals +Shaped Physical AoE damage that also reduces the enemy’s magic resistance. Good for those looking for a magic build. - Costume's Tier List Rank: B - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Fire - Ability Name: Death Ending Love - Ability: Attack 3 Times, each attack deals 9 Physical DMG based of the 35% of ATK. Decrease Magic Resist by 35% for 4 turns. Beautiful Girl Devotee - Jayden - Costume's Tier List Rank: B - Rarity: **** / Four-Star - Element: Light - Ability Name: Power of Beauty - Ability: Heal 5% of maximum HP for 4 turns. Decrease incoming Magic DMG by 50% for 4 turns. Thorn of the Desert - Rubia - Costume's Tier List Rank: B - Rarity: **** / Four-Star - Element: Fire - Ability Name: Dagger Dance - Ability: Attack 3 Times, each attack deals 7 Physical DMG based of the 20% of ATK. Deal 27 Physical DMG based of the 75% of ATK every turn for 3 turns. Seductive Wings - Lucrezia - Costume's Tier List Rank: B - Rarity: **** / Four-Star - Element: Dark - Ability Name: Seductive Gesture - Ability: Attack 2 Times, each attack deals 7 Magic DMG based of the 20% of Magic ATK. Cannot use skill for 2 turns. Acquire 1 SP for each attacked target. Code Name 0 - Elise - Costume's Tier List Rank: B - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Fire - Ability Name: Steady… Bang! - Ability: Attack 3 Times, each attack deals 13 Physical DMG based of the 35% of ATK. Increase Crit DMG by 100% for 1 turn. Rodev’s Star - Liatris - Costume's Tier List Rank: B - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Fire - Ability Name: Air Piercing - Ability: Attack 5 Times, each attack deals 9 Physical DMG based of the 25% of ATK. Deal 27 Physical DMG based of the 75% of ATK every turn for 3 turns. The Dimension Witch - Eclipse - Costume's Tier List Rank: B - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Dark - Ability Name: Terra Drain - Ability: Attack 3 Times, each attack deals 15 Magic DMG based of the 50% of Magic ATK. Heals 0 by 12% of the maximum HP. Decrease 3 SP every turn for 4 turns. Haggard Delinquent - Emma - Costume's Tier List Rank: B - Rarity: *** / Three-Star - Element: Light - Ability Name: I’m the Best! - Ability: Increase ATK by 200% for 6 turns. Anvil of Creation - Layla - Costume's Tier List Rank: B - Rarity: **** / Four-Star - Element: Light - Ability Name: Anvil of Destruction - Ability: Attack 2 times, each attack deals 21 Physical DMG based of the 60% of ATK. Acquire 1 SP for each attacked target. Bomb in the Hoodie - Wiggle - Costume's Tier List Rank: B - Rarity: *** / Three-Star - Element: Fire - Ability Name: Dancing with Bombs - Ability: Attack 3 times, each attack deals 10% Physical DMG based of the 20% of ATK. Deal 39 Physical DMG based of the 75% of ATK every turn for 3 turns. Medicinal Herb Tracker - Lathel - Costume's Tier List Rank: B - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Water - Ability Name: The Sword of Fresh Blood - Ability: Attack 2 Times. Each attack deals 28 Physical DMG based on 100% of ATK. Increase ATK by 50% with the cost of 5% of current HP for 2 turns. C Tier Costumes The C Tier represents below-average performance or less optimal choices. Costumes in this tier might have significant weaknesses, limited usefulness, or be outclassed by higher-tier options. They may require additional effort or specific strategies to be effective. Healer - Julie - Costume's Tier List Rank: C - Rarity: *** / Three-Star - Element: Wind - Ability Name: Regeneration Bestowal - Ability: Heal allies HP by 8 based of the 25% of Magic ATK every turn for 6 turns. Wandering Priest - Lisianne - Costume's Tier List Rank: C - Rarity: **** / Four-Star - Element: Wind - Ability Name: Praying for Healing - Ability: Heal allies HP by 14 based of the 50% of Magic ATK. The Mercenary Knight - Carlson - Costume's Tier List Rank: C - Rarity: *** / Three-Star - Element: Water - Ability Name: Unbreakable Will - Ability: Decrease incoming Physical DMG by 35% for 2 turns. The Lapis Witch - Scheherazade - Costume's Tier List Rank: C - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Water - Ability Name: Aqua Break - Ability: Attack 3 Times, each attack deals 15 Magic DMG based of the 40% of Magic ATK. Remove the target’s Buff Effect. Righteous Raider Girl - Bernie - Costume's Tier List Rank: C - Rarity: **** / Four-Star - Element: Wind - Ability Name: Drain Dagger - Ability: Attack 2 times, each attack deals 17 Physical DMG based of the 50% of ATK. Aquire 2 SP for each attacked target. Cannot use skill for 2 turns. The Mighty Warrior of the Tribe - Beatrice - Costume's Tier List Rank: C - Rarity: *** / Three-Star - Element: Fire - Ability Name: I’ll Beat You! - Ability: Attack 2 Times. Each attack deals 38 True Physical DMG based on the 125% of ATK. Little Hunter - Rigenette - Costume's Tier List Rank: C - Rarity: **** / Four-Star - Element: Wind - Ability Name: The Next Target is You! - Ability: Attack 2 times, each attack deals 9 Physical DMG based of the 35% of ATK. Ally’s attack focuses on target for 4 turns. Piercing Magic Bow - Eleaneer - Costume's Tier List Rank: C - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Dark - Ability Name: Triple Arrow - Ability: Heal HP by 0 based of the 0% of Max HP when you get attacked for 4 turns. Decrease incoming DMG by 35% for 4 turns. Angel of Destruction - Teresse - Costume's Tier List Rank: C - Rarity: ***** / Five-Star - Element: Water - Ability Name: Berserk Smash - Ability: Deal 0 Physical DMG and knock back the target 2 squares to the back side. The knocked back target deals 50% of their max HP to the impacted target with Physical DMG. Acquire 3 SP. Deal 6 Physical DMG based of the 50% of ATK every turn for 0 turns. In conclusion, the Brown Dust 2 Tier List serves as a valuable resource for players seeking to optimize their gameplay experience. By consulting the tier list, players can discover the strongest characters and combinations available in the game. The tier list is regularly updated by experienced writers who monitor the game's meta and make adjustments accordingly. This ensures that players stay informed about the most powerful characters, even as the game evolves through updates and balance changes. Additionally, the inclusion of a Brown Dust 2 Costume Tier List further highlights the importance of costumes in the game. Players can explore the best costumes and their respective features, enhancing the power and capabilities of their characters. By considering both character and costume tiers, players can strive for optimal combinations and maximize their potential in the game. Read the full article
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zelsisi · 1 year
Ok. So I’ve had a bit to come to terms with this but I’ve had my first D&D character death after around 3-4 years playing.
My male Tiefling Swords Bard named Thyn is the first character I’ve lost to death. We had just wrapped up his whole character arc and him having a very bad mindset (cause I mean he just killed the last of his childhood friends so who wouldn’t spiral?) when the BBEG comes onto our ship and stops right in front of Thyn.
Thyn of course doesn’t want to talk the situation down cause he’s ducking pissed and wants to hit something which just so happens to be Hawkins (BBEG) at that moment. So combat starts. Thyn’s first in initiative cause he’s fucking ready to rumble and in soldier mode but misses and then goes unconscious in the first round of combat. Comes back up with the Wither and Bloom spell and Dimension Doors away cause he just went down so. Thyn had like 46 max health at level 7 so not surprising. The Wizard had more than him
But Thyn’s on the other end of the ship and Hawkins dashes up to him taking opportunity attacks. They have a small conversation “Nkt surprised you’d come after blood in the water it’s your type.” “My type?” “Type of character. You see an opening you take it.” “You would know wouldn’t you?” The last part was only so Thyn could hear and then he’s stabbed, knocked unconscious again and thrown into the main mast losing a death save. The party starts to try and get him back up while trying to get his focus off of Thyn
Thyn comes back to conscious after Kharis (Paladin and boyfriend) uses all of his lay on hands to get him back up. Chrone (best friend and Captain) starts taunting Hawkins. Hawkins kills the two zombies we had. Thyn runs to the back of the ship using whole movement and action while shouting out “What do you mean I would know?!” To which Hawkins replies “Oh I’d love to tell you but so many memories so little time.” Chrone is blasted with lightning to kill him however since he’s a vampire (and a halfling) he becomes mist and gets back to his coffin but as far as we know in character he’s dead. The Kharis goes unconscious. Hawkins moves up to be within 30 feet of Thyn. Kharis comes back up with Aura of Vitality (or life can’t remember but is at one hp)
Thyn seeing Hawkins closing in and nowhere to run decides to just go down swinging so to speak and casts Dissonant Whisperers. Then Hawkins is finally on him. So Thyn goes down. Gets stabbed once then twice and he’s failed all death saves. In his finally moments he stares unafraid at Hawkins and says as he grabs the sword imbedded in his gut “They’ll ruin you…” Hawkins leans down and whispers so that only he could hear “Not before you ruin them.” Then Thyn looks to Kharis and says “Time was never in my favor. Never…” Opens his mouth to say I love you but dies before hand. His eyes don’t close and he’s staring up as his hand falls off of the sword.
That was a session ago. This week’s session was even more emotional. We picked up from where he just died. Kharis, enraged goes to fight Hawkins as he screams. His goddess helps him to save his life and they wake up on an island with a dog bank and a mountain on it. Just Kharis, Daziss (Druid), and Malcer (Wizard) on the beach with the ship aground and slightly wrecked. They found a coffin with Chrone’s body inside but couldn’t find Thyn’s body. They did find his spear and his viol his signature items/tokens. There was inter party drama. Malcer has a fucked up view on life and death is all I’ll say. Kharis goes to Thyn’s room on the ship and finds letters to the crew and a journal. The letter were farewell letters that they read that night and the journal contained a story. All of these I read aloud and had the desired effects. Then they had a mourning ceremony for Thyn. They threw an item into the fire that reminded them of him and explained why. Malcer threw manacles in saying that he was a soldier and used it to capture people just like we were. Daziss threw his own flute into the fire since Thyn was a bard and sang and played music they even said they’d jam out when they had time. Kharis threw in his hair band saying that Thyn had said he always liked him better with his hair down. Kharis is also keeping Thyn’s spear and viol, the latter entrusted to him.
They slept. Kharis was knocked out cause he wasn’t going to sleep. He had a vision of his goddess unconscious with black tendrils making their way towards him and the message of “Find me.” Malcer had a nightmare. Then they ascended the stairs to find a woman who said she wasn’t impressed with a Mortal Combat like tower behind her and that’s where we ended session. It feels weird. I know Thyn’s story isn’t over tho. Cause the DM and I have plans but that’s all I’ll say for now. Tho if any artists would like to draw any of theses scenes please do I beg since I can’t commission anyone
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kdpinterior · 2 years
This excel sheet file will Lead your kdp account to the Next Level. With over 8400 niches and sub-niches that will help generate more then 10k$ on kdp Hidden and rare niche to beat your competition . We also attached a guide on how to use those niches : Bonus : 6 blank interiors Cover samples PLEASE NOTE! I do not receive returns after you have purchased the digital item. LEGAL INFORMATION These prints can be used commercial purpose and use as your book interior in print or digital form and then sell the book online. You can't sell this item as it is to third parties as a digital book interior. QUESTIONS? If you have any questions about this print, please use the “Ask a Question” button next to the price and we’ll get right back to you as soon as possible. There are a lot of advantages to self publishing over traditional publishing, To be a successful author, it needs hard work! Self publishing requires you to have knowledge of every aspect of the publishing process, like designing, formatting, and marketing. Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing make self publishing accessible to everyone, but it can feel overwhelming to independent authors. What do you need to use Amazon KDP? What technical skills do we need to meet Amazon KDP requirements? How to promote our book? How to use Amazon Bundle +8400 Niches Here are seven tips and tricks to hack Amazon’s self publishing platform and be a successful author. 1. Make Your Book's Title and Description Perfect: Amazon Bundle +8400 Niches has various ideas. A good Amazon book title and description are important for your book to rank well on Seo. Your book description gives readers a taste and overview of your writing skills and tells them exactly what to expect when they buy your journal or planner . Your journal title and description should look professional. A poorly written description have huge impact on sales. Run your blurb through a grammar checker to check for mistakes and readability. Aim for a genre-appropriate, specific set of rich keywords. We’ll talk more about keywords in the next section. Amazon will allow you to use HTML formatting on your descriptions, so get the benefit of this awesome feature. You will be able to organize your keywords. 2. Use long-tail keywords like . One of the most important aspects to getting ranked on Amazon self publishing is the seven keyword boxes. They allow you to add up to forty-nine characters. A keyword is a word or phrase that people type into the top search box on Amazon to find a specific journal or planner... You need to focus on specific long-tail keywords. Instead of a broad, short-tail keyword, you might enter a specific long-tail keyword. You can research these using a keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner Tool, hire an expert in KDP categories and keywords, or simply search for them manually by yourself. Look for keywords that give you only a few results, not thousands, to beat your competition. 3. Choose Extra Categories Amazon KDP has preset categories for books, and it’s hard to choose the best one for your work. When you upload your journal or planner interior, you can select two Amazon categories. Your book might fit into multiple categories. You can also increase your chances of being a bestseller in a category when you choose less competitive categories. A little secret : you can add additional categories with these simple tips : If you can call KDP customer service, KDP will allow you up to eight more categories, for a grand total of ten! 4. Purchase a High-Quality Designed Cover The first thing that Amazon visitors see is your book’s cover. A high quality cover can make a big difference and impact your sales numbers. There are a ton of elements that impact whether a book cover is engaging. Various classifications have different expectations. A basic cover does not take into account genre trends and expectations. A nonfiction book should not look like a kid's activity book or vice versa.
Unless you’re an experienced graphic designer, avoid using tools offered by Amazon. Find an experienced designer who is familiar with your theme and check their portfolio. Try to reach out to other authors for recommendations, or browse Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to find a freelance designer who works with other authors. 5. Emphasize covers and interior design. The quickest way to a one-star review is an ugly book cover or interior. When your print book format is a mess, Amazon's visitors will move on to the next competitor. Don’t gloss over this step. There is a lot of software, like Canva, Photoshop, or Illustrator, that allows you to format your book and make it look professional. You can also outsource your formatting to an expert. In our case, the Amazon Bundle +8400 Niches is already formatted for KDP, so you will save a lot of time and money. 6. Adjust Prices for International Markets When you publish a journal or planner on Amazon KDP, make sure that you adjust the price accordingly .99 : This is a marketing psychology that works on any markets. If KDP adjusts the price automatically for other markets, You can manually change it to international prices, however. You can add a .99 to the end of each price for each currency. And keep your eyes on royalty rates. You should also monitor the pricing boundaries for 30% and 70% royalties for each currency. 7. Becoming an Affiliate for Your Own Book Promote affiliate links for your own book and earn 70% royalties! Use your Amazon affiliate link on social media, website links, and anywhere else you can think of. Your amazon affiliate link allows you to earn additional 4% on the selling price of your book. It seems like not much, but that additional 4% can add up quickly with enough sales. Keep in mind that you only get this income when someone buys through your affiliate Amazon link, not from Amazon's search box. Finally, make Amazon KDP your friend; Using tips and tricks like these can assist you in succeeding on Amazon KDP.
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Top 5 Basic House cleaning tips
The primary purpose of house cleaning is to keep your home clean and organized. With this method, both comfort and cleanliness can be made sure of. However, making beds, mop floors, cleaning the kitchen, and polishing the bathrooms takes a lot of time.
You might find our guide to decluttering useful if you'd do something else on the weekend rather than keep up with the boring housework, laundry, and linen changes.
Dusting surfaces, sweeping and vacuuming floors, cleaning mirrors, emptying trash cans, cleaning the kitchen, living room, bedrooms, bathroom, laundry room, and emptying trash cans are all standard parts of general cleaning.
How to clean your home best
1. Step No. 1 is to decide what you want to clean.
When you clean your house regularly, you may have a reason in mind.
Cleaning can be done for many different reasons, such as daily upkeep, moving in or out, seasonal maintenance, cleaning up after a party, or any other specialized cleaning.
You can schedule a specific cleaning method depending on what you want.
2. Find the places that need to be cleaned.
Start by putting the things you want to get rid of into different groups. It's best to start the planning process with an itinerary already set.
If you need to clean the kitchen counters first, it's best to do the most important things.
You can save time and effort by having a mop, a bucket of water, and a dust cloth on hand.
It might be easier for you to do one thing at a time than to try to clean everything at once.
You can clean tile, wood, vinyl, and laminate floors with a broom and dustpan that can be used for many different things.
3. Use a different way to clean each room.
Sweeping and mopping the floor are two basic ways to clean. If you have a lot of carpet on your terrazzo floor, the best way to clean it is with a vacuum or steam cleaner.
You can dust furniture, shelves, cabinets, and railings with a soft, slightly damp cloth. A microfiber duster can make it easier to clean up dry dust.
If you want to eliminate germs on kitchen counters, doorknobs, and electrical outlets, you can wipe them down with a disinfectant.
It's hard to think of a house with no mirrors. However, cleaning mirrors, glass doors, windows, and other glass surfaces can be tricky. You should use materials and cleaners that don't leave any scratches to get the desired gloss.
If you use the correct method, it's more likely that your cleaning job will be successful.
4. Make sure you have the right gear.
There are a lot of essential cleaning tools like mop heads, dustpans, buckets, and a variety of sponges and brooms.
If you want to reach the ceilings and get rid of cobwebs that have been there for a long time, get a cobweb duster with a long handle.
If you have a lot of heavy cleanings, like cleaning upholstery, vacuum and steam cleaners can help. In addition, the tubs in your washer and dryer can be used to do laundry.
5. Use cleaning products
You need to use the right cleaning supplies to have a clean house. But, if you want it to, the cleanser should do the job.
There are a lot of different cleaning products on the market, and each one is made for a different surface or texture. As a result, it's not unusual for all-purpose cleaners to be able to clean and sanitize simultaneously.
Before buying any cleaning chemicals, it is essential to read the labels carefully to ensure they are safe for the item being cleaned.
You must put your cleaning product into a category, like a floor cleaner, kitchen cleaner, window washer, or laundry washer.
Cleaning solutions, sprays, and detergents all have different levels of chemicals. If you don't choose carefully, your work could be hurt.
6. Prepare Your knick-knacks
Organizing many things may be part of a quick or more extended clean-up to eliminate clutter in your home.
The best way to keep your house clean is to use cleaning supplies that can also be used to store things.
Sort essential and extra items and put them in stackable baskets or portable containers that are easy to get to.
7. Complex Expansions Cleansing
It's not unusual for toilets to overflow, shower drains to get clogged, or roof gutters to flood. At first, these tasks may look like they will be hard and take a lot of time.
You can take care of many of these cleaning tasks yourself if you plan and use the proper cleaning solution and tools.
Buy a natural agent or make one yourself to get rid of a clog in your kitchen sink.
If you can't do the job yourself, you may decide to hire a handyperson to take care of your plumbing or other service needs.
8. Cleaning Dedicated Services
Cleaning up after cooking with ovens, stoves, freezers, and chimneys can take a long time.
Before starting any cleaning project, it's a good idea to read the manual to learn how to care for and maintain the product.
9. Hire a professional to help you clean.
You can do better with the time you save by hiring a cleaning service.
If you search the Internet for "best housecleaning services," you can find independent service experts who are experts in cleaning.
Ensure the cleaning service you choose has a good reputation and is licensed to do the job.
10. Make sure you stay safe while you clean your house.
Keeping a house clean not only makes it look better from the outside but also helps keep the people who live there healthy and safe. You can contact the best Santa Cruz Window Cleaningprovider to serve your purpose
Safety precautions should be taken at every step of the cleaning process, including climbing stairs, using cleaning products, and using electrical tools.
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tonkiisrael · 2 years
Best sleep tracker app iphone
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#Best sleep tracker app iphone skin
#Best sleep tracker app iphone full
#Best sleep tracker app iphone download
Users can also program a haptic alarm that produces gentle vibrations when it’s time to get up, which many sleepers prefer to loud beeps first thing in the morning.
#Best sleep tracker app iphone skin
The tracker monitors metrics such as active and resting heart rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygen levels, and skin temperature. Each of these items features a small pocket to secure the sensor while you work out or sleep. While the WHOOP tracker is designed with a wearable wristband, the sensor can be detached from the band and used with different garments such as sports bras, compression tops, leggings, athletic boxers, and intimates. One of the most innovative changes is the addition of Any-Wear Technology. The WHOOP 4.0 builds on its predecessor with a lighter, more compact design and more enhanced tracking capabilities.
#Best sleep tracker app iphone full
Customers may try out the ring for 30 days, during which they can return the ring for a full refund minus shipping charges. Oura delivers rings for $15 throughout all 50 states. The membership is complimentary for 6 months, after which it costs $5.99 per month.
#Best sleep tracker app iphone download
In order to fully access the Oura’s features, you must download the Oura app and purchase a monthly membership. The battery lasts for 4 to 7 days, which is an above-average battery life compared to other trackers. The ring is available in four colors – silver, black, stealth, and gold. The ring also provides 50 audio sessions to guide you through activities like meditation, sleep, and better focus. Based on your data, the Oura offers recommendations for improving sleep habits. The ring also serves as a fitness tracker, measuring data such as steps taken, calories expended, and periods of inactivity. The ring translates this data into three scores – a sleep score, activity score, and readiness score – to assess the quality of your sleep, rest, and daily physical activity. The ring is equipped with sensors that measure your heart rate, body temperature, and blood oxygen levels throughout the day and night. The sleek, lightweight design makes it one of the most attractive wearable sleep trackers you’ll find on the market. The Oura Ring Generation 3 is a wearable sleep tracker that monitors an impressive array of metrics to evaluate your sleep and daytime activity. We’ll go on to explain what to consider while you shop and answer common questions about sleep trackers. We’ll highlight some of our favorite sleep trackers and share what makes them stand out. Virtually all sleep trackers upload this data to a device that runs it through an algorithm to analyze and display the results. Other trackers may rest on the mattress, under the mattress, or next to the bed to collect information unobtrusively. Wearable devices remain on the sleeper throughout the night to measure data. While lab-based sleep tests generally track patterns directly through brain activity, sleep trackers rely on sensors to detect other physical signs, like heart rate and body movement. You can use this information to help optimize your sleep experience. It monitors your sleep patterns for a clearer picture of how much quality sleep you’re getting. What separates the good nights from the bad isn’t always clear, but a sleep tracker can provide valuable insight. Others, it feels like you barely slept at all. It is one of the best apple watch sleep app out there if you are not looking for anything fancy. You may, however, need apps from third parties because sleep only shows, only during sleep, a few cardiac ranges. It’s considerably simpler than any other application on this list, so you could feel a little bored if you are used to getting thorough data about your sleep cycle, deep sleep, or other physiological information. You can deactivate some characteristics with the Sleep mode. It also hides removals and allows for sleep mode. The alarm and hour of the next day are displayed. Notwithstanding, this app is a wonderful choice. Like I said earlier, Apple has its in-built sleeping app but it has very basic features. There are numerous sleeping applications on the Appstore, therefore we bring the finest ones for you. The beauty of the Apple Watch is that a strong third-party application ecosystem extends the features beyond the conventional watchOS experience. So, this article discusses the best sleeping apps for apple watch.
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d4leveligmeet · 1 year
Diablo 4 Power Leveling Guide: How to Level Efficiently in Diablo 4
It will be a real challenge for most players to reach level 100 in D4, taking up to 150 hours to reach level 100 in Diablo IV. We look forward to helping you level up quickly and offering the best advice for a power leap level. Wondering how to level up fast in Diablo 4? Maybe you’re struggling with a boss, or simply want to power through to start doing endgame content as soon as possible. Whatever the reason, more levels means higher stats and more Skill Points, and we’ve got some tricks to help.
What is the max level in Diablo 4?
The maximum level you can reach in Diablo 4 is 100. The game has multiple progression systems, meaning that only reaching character lvl 50 won't be enough to get into the end-game. Follow our fast leveling guide to ensure you take advantage of all the details and abilities that can speed up your journey through the early game.
Work Through The Campaign
In Diablo 4, leveling up can be daunting, but there are ways to speed up the process. One effective method is to work through the campaign. It tells a compelling story of a hellish uprising and is designed to gradually introduce the game’s core systems and uncover all areas of the Diablo 4 map. By completing the campaign on the first World Tier of difficulty, you’ll be well on your way to reaching level 40. Of course, you can go even further with a few simple tweaks to your gameplay. Stick to the main objective and avoid distractions to maximize your progress. With dedication and strategy, you can level up and become a powerful force quickly.
How To Unlock World Tier 3
Create a new character of your choice, choose "Skip Campaign," and start your adventure on World Tier 2. Next, invite your high-level friend to your party and enter the Cathedral of Light capstone dungeon in Kyovashad. Because there is an unlimited range for how XP is shared while in a group, all you have to do is sit at the entrance at the dungeon while your friend rushes through and completes it. You'll soak up all the XP and be well on your way to level 50. Leave the dungeon and turn in the quest by inspecting the World Tier statue in Kyovashad. Change the difficulty to World Tier 3.
World Tier 4
This is where things start to really hurt in Sanctuary. Despite the new difficulty, the strategy itself has still not changed; back to dungeon grinding. Doing Nightmare Dungeons here will be a lot tougher, so be careful as you first try it out. Once you’ve unlocked Nightmare Dungeons, and you’re capable of doing them comfortably, they should be your main source of experience, Glyphs, and Glyph experience. For the best overall efficiency, don’t forget to participate in Helltide Events when they are available!
As well as any main story quest, you’ll receive some nice XP rewards from completing any quests you take on. Diablo 4 does a pretty good job of keeping you at the level you need to be at for the story, so just by completing each main quest, your levels will go up pretty quickly, especially at lower levels.
But that doesn’t mean you should just stick to main quests. Everywhere you go, you’ll find NPCs offering a range of side quests, each with their own rewards on offer. Taking them on will also give you the chance to nab yourself some great loot along the way, making them great ways to level up and get some new items along the way. Some side-quests even link in with our next method.
Ruins of Eridu & Champion's Demise
Once you have made it to level 50 and finished the game's storyline, you will have to go another 50 levels to reach the level cap. You have a ton of options to achieve this goal but we would like you to pay attention to the following leveling method. We are talking about leveling up in Ruins of Eridu and Champion's Demise. Both dungeons become available only after you finish the campaign and unlock World Tier 3 or World Tier 4. Until this moment, you will not be able to find these dungeons and farm them.
Currently, Ruins of Eridu and Champion's Demise are the fastest leveling ways in Diablo 4. Why? The reason for this is that both dungeons feature an abnormally high number of mobs, including Elites. On top of that, they are located close to each other making it easy to group them together and kill at once. On top of that, these dungeons are a perfect source of gold, as you can make up to 2 million of gold per hour just by farming Ruins of Eridu again and again.
At the same time, Champion's Demise is especially good for XP farming if you are playing in a party. This is because your friends and you can split up and farm three different locations in the same dungeon and get a tripled amount of XP. On top of that, you will have a 10% XP boost just for being in a party.
If you wish to level up your alts as quick as flash, it is high time to order our Diablo 4 Champion's Demise Powerleveling and Diablo 4 Ruins of Eridu Powerleveling services. By doing so, you can be sure our professional players will boost your alts in a blink of an eye. All that comes at the most attractive market price and with a guaranteed result. Make sure to use these leveling methods before they are nerfed, click the orange links and get to level 100 in no time!
Earn renown
In every region you visit, the Diablo 4 renown system rewards you for doing a whole range of activities. Anything from questing and clearing dungeons to simply walking around and discovering new waypoints and altars of Lilith will earn you renown for that region. As your renown increases, you’ll earn renown rewards like more potion charges, but most importantly you can earn bonus XP. The best bonus XP isn’t available until the late game, though, so don’t go grinding renown straight away, but make sure to keep it in mind during your playthrough.
Activating Obelisks for Buffs
One of the best ways to level up fast in Diablo 4 is by activating obelisks for buffs that will help you earn more XP. These shrines are scattered all over Sanctuary’s open world and dungeons and come in seven different variants. Each obelisk offers a 30-second buff to make your demon-slaying journey much more manageable. The Artillery, Blast Wave, Conduit, and Lethal shrines are useful for quick kills and earned XP. So, if you want to level up quickly and become a more powerful demon slayer, activate these helpful obelisks whenever you come across them.
Playing with Others
Playing with others will be essential to level up quickly in Diablo 4. Blizzard has made co-op a core element of the game, and there are plenty of incentives to group up with friends or even random players you encounter in Sanctuary. When you’re playing in a party, you’ll earn a 10% XP boost on every enemy kill, regardless of who takes it down. And even if you’re not in an official party, sticking close to other players will give you a 5% boost. So don’t be afraid to lend a hand to other adventurers you come across – it could pay off with some serious leveling up.
Finally, Buy Diablo 4 Power Leveling Serices
Leveling up in action RPGs, and Diablo IV in particular is a journey of its own. It’s a process of acquiring new skills, loot, and valuable rewards, learning the most efficient ways to deal with the enemies which all turn you into a force to be reckoned with. However, it can also be a time-consuming task, requiring hours of gameplay to reach higher levels. This is where our power leveling services shine, providing you with a swift and efficient way to Diablo 4 Power Leveling Boost your new character. Click https://www.igmeet.com/Diablo-4-Powerleveling to know more information.
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mainswhere · 2 years
Mweb co za email login
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It's now been almost 4 years that my mother paid for all this crap due to a dodgy sales tactic and unethical sales methods by MWEB. This is clearly extorting money from clients with misleading and dodgy sales tactics.
She did not explain how to get access to any of the value added services she will be paying for. She quickly said a couple of things right at the end that added probably R300 to her bill with my mother clearly not hearing what she is saying and saying OK after the sales agents uses cleverly placed tie downs. This is again blatantly misleading a client. But forgot to mention after 6 months you pay something like R149 p/m.
She told her, you get free funeral cover for 6 months. During the last 2 min of the call, she sold my mother a whole bunch of items that was not relevant one after the other. The agent went as far as telling her she must just remember to cancel her Telkom data package and said "To cancel your Telkom line, here is OUR cancellation line number" This gave her the impression the lady was from Telkom as she said here is our cancelation number, not their cancellation number. This is obviously the modus operandi of a scammer. (The sales person did not know who her providers was, or how much she paid monthly) At the time, she was with a provider that was by far the cheapest. Secondly, the agent said it will be cheaper. This was a blatant lie and extremely misleading as it's physically impossible to get faster internet on the ailing Telkom infrastructure in her area. She was already at the maximum possible bitrate with an unshaped, capped account. This is a 100% false statement as her infrastructure does not allow for faster internet due to the distance from the exchange. (Her ADSL line is with Telkom, her data was with another ISP.) The agent said her internet will definitely be faster. The sales person asked her if she is with Telkom, she said yes but she does not know what package. The first thing I noticed was they gave her the impression that they are from her existing provider and want to offer her a better deal with faster internet for less money. I was absolutely shocked by this call.įirstly, MWEB is scamming clients on many levels. I found one of the companies deducting money from her account and after weeks of struggling they gave me the call recording. I have since investigated the matter as we realized there are a myriad of unknown debit orders on her account all linked back to this dodgy sale. "Mr Bramwell Barnes thank you for your help, your effort, your understanding and mostly thank you for being the manager you are, and if ever the world gets you down think of this, you Mr are a winner, you have helped me and ensured that you gave me your best i would even say your all, THANK YOU!"In 2014, MWEB cold phoned my unsuspecting elderly mother to offer her a data contract. I must inform you that Mr Bramwell Barnes is one of your top agents, apart from being able to listen, understand and take action, he has managed to keep me from completely going on a rampage via social media against your company.ġ) Mr B Barnes has not only helped me deal with non compliance but also helped me resolve an issue with your 3rd party installer XXXXXXXXX who never kept to their commitments.Ģ) Mr B Barnes kept to his word of making contact as and when he said he would.ģ) Mr B Barnes also ran around asking the questions that we customers can ask the people that interface with your team or even extended team.Ĥ) Mr B Barnes has gone over and above what he needed to as a Team Manager
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a homebrew i'm working on as a gift for a friend and would especially appreciate any feedback on -- an ancient draconic sword that's intended to level up with its wielder (currently i've only made the lowest level version of it, the Ancient Flame). my thought is that it imbues the wielder with fire in both the metaphorical and literal sense, but can burn those who aren't worthy by the standards of its creator. specifically, it's going to our party's dragonborn monk, who is the only good party member and generally a classic Heroic Adventurer archetype, and who always wishes her breath weapon could be used slightly more often
homebrewery version
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