#if it isn't one consisting of desert and rocks only...
mimikusu · 7 months
This one is a bit unorthodox, so pls bear with me:
All that talk about colds and space made me think of a person in some random scifi scenario. They travel by themself, transporting goods and acting as something inbetween mailman and merchant.
Since they travel by themselfs, their immune system is not the sturdiest, as it remains untrained. Once every few months, they dock at one of the bigger trading posts to deliver something or pick up goods and first thing for them to pick up is a cold every damn time.
I like to think that, since this is an 'everything goes'-scifi scenario, that ppl will openly share whatever kink or interest they have and since the merchant is guaranteed to catch something awful whenever they dock, they have certain clients with rather... special interests as well.
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gav-san · 2 years
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It's warmer here, near the desert. 
You aren’t sure when exactly you left Hyrule, never having reason to leave the confines of the country, but you know that you are not there. The small villages you sneak around contain no flags or ensigns, and the people talk in ways and with words that aren’t familiar. You’re not taking any main road, paths of dirt are far more common than stone.
You grimly wonder if an even more primitive manner of living awaits you if you make it to the mysterious Gerudo City. What would living in the desert entail? Hiding under boulders in those sealskin tents, everyday sand creeping in your clothes, having to watch for terrible things who want to make a home in your shoes? That your buttox is in a consistent state of pain?
You had even given in to wearing a veil, like a true Gerudan woman, but only because it was the best way to save your face from burning under the increasing heat.
The stories the Gerudo women have told you with smirks no longer are so strange or jesting. What if they were the truth? Would you have to so soon come to terms with your own ignorance and pride?
“My moon, look aloft. The spires of my forefathers.” He says, pointing to the distant mountain peaks that had grown over the ride. You do your best to be unimpressed, not wanting him to know this was your first time seeing such mammoth rocks. The ones in Hyrule now looked like gentle hills!
“Are they so tall to keep thieving Gerudo in?” You say sharply, giving your best to appear as haughty as you can. It’s the worst insult you know, sharpened to hurt him as best you can.
There was a lot of time to ponder these things, riding aloft the mighty black horse of the Gerudo King. Ganondorf, as he wanted you to call him, did his best to capture your attention. He seemed to be able to read your mind, and unfortunately, the fears deep inside. 
The worst part isn't all in vain. He is successful, in part because you are bored but mostly because he is an excellent conversationalist.
“Or to keep rogue princesses in.” He replies lightly, not falling for your bait.
How you hated how charmingly intelligent he was. There would never be a day when you wouldn’t be entertained!
Witty, clever, and educated to an absurd extent he is exactly the sort of knife you like to sharpen yourself against. But unlike most with those qualities, he doesn’t cut when he finds himself.
You pause, jaw left open.
You realize that despite everything, you are having fun. Real, genuine enjoyment just speaking to him. You aren’t bored or tired or even offended. He has navigated you better than you can understand!
And more so, you weren’t the only one.
Occasionally when you do come across a traveler it becomes apparent that you aren’t the only one who finds him delightful. Strangers do stop and stare at your spectacle, a male Gerudo adorned in gold, pulling a giant black demon horse with an angry, sunburnt fairy in matching silks.
Not even you can deny the absurdity of your situation. 
For those that do recognize him, it’s even worse. You think you might be saved when you first see the group of men, riding their horses. They appear to be a mix of both Lanyruan merchants, with their carts, and as soon as they see you they start catcalling. 
Not at you, but the Gerudo King.
“Desert-man!” They say, comfortably approaching, “How good to see you, Gerudo King!” Another called, “Where are your fair retainers?” 
Your eyes stay wide as they pay you little attention, entirely fixed on the King. The foremost gives a deep bow as you approach. 
“Beedle, fine to see you this day.” The Gerudo King says, placing his large palm on his chest and nodding. 
“King Ganondorf! I’m surprised to see you alone on this back road! Are you here to trade?” He says, black eyes bright. Ganondorf smiles, moving to the side and holding a hand out to the merchant who enthusiastically shakes it.
You blink, flabbergasted at the strange friendship 
“Alas, I am not,” He tilts his head, but doesn’t quite move out of the way to fully reveal you on his horse. You glance down to the ground, wondering if it’s possible to dismount the horse and steal one of theirs. 
The man’s eyes widen, so big they look like tea plates, round and white. 
He bows again, arms to his sides.
“My apologies. I hadn’t realized you had gotten married, King Ganondorf.” He says, and you gasp. “I shall gift my finest specimens.” He has turned, opening up a large box and you almost gag. Inside are a variety of thick bugs, pinned to the back like some macabre show.
You are about to chastise him, but your ‘husband’ intercedes, pulling Beetle and his disguising bug box aside.
“Ah my friend, your fine gift honors us both, but we are traveling light,” Beetle nodded, not being the slightest bit offended. “Next time you are at the Gerudo Market I shall accept your trade and give you my best dyes in return. But my bride and I must be on our way.”
The man nods, placing his hands together, thrilled. His companions look awestruck and jealous.
You aren’t sure what warrants this level of awe, but it’s clear that these are Gerudo Allies, though you think they should be yours.
So you keep your mouth shut.
After you had left in different directions you couldn’t help but satisfy your curiosity.
“I didn’t think Gerudo Town let in any males.” You said, thinking back to how you promised to seduce one, and his resounding rebuttal.
“You are right,” Ganondorf replies, moving to stand by your side. Even with you riding on his large horse, his height is impressive. He holds his hands aloft, and you let him take your waist so you can dismount. Standing on the ground your legs feel shaky, but you are glad for the rest. “But at the first outpost, before entering the desert we hold a large marketplace every two weeks during summer. That way traders can come to us without having to risk the desert until it is cool enough for the Oasis Marketplace to be opened. There are more adventurous travelers but few.”
“Sounds complicated.” You say, watching him unpack. You accept a woven blanket, finding two bare trees that it can be strung between, making quick work to set up your hammock in a victory for all independent women. 
You aren’t as ready to collapse as days before, but the thud you make when both you and the hammock hit the ground gives him reason to chuckle. You don’t even bother getting up, and the King easily strings you and the hammock more tightly.
Once he’s done you lazily wave a hand and he goes and fetches your watch and some of the jerky he’s saved. You take both gladly, scarfing them down much to his amusement. He lifts his hand as if to caress your hair, only to pull it back before he touches you. It makes you feel bereft for some reason you shove deep down.
“How are you, my moon?” He says softly, eyes Milton gold as he looks to your feet, and shortly, your rear end. It’s clear he knows that you’ve been biting back your pain.
Your groan is enough confirmation, and he goes to pull out the blister gel.
You don’t remember the name of the first ‘shrine’ you come across, and you’re not even sure you know what exactly a ‘shrine’ is. You’ve of course heard of the Spirit Temple, along with the ‘Temple of Time’ and other mysterious old ruins. They dotted Hyrule as well, but you hadn’t had much interest in them, nor had even looked at one up close before.
So when you find yourselves approaching something like a gray toe with a long nail sticking up out of the ground, it is a bit underwhelming. 
You make a noise in the back of your throat as Ganondorf pulls the black horse, and he glances back with a highly amused look. It strikes you that things have become very comfortable between you both, far too quickly. 
You had been trying to be as cool as possible after waking in his arms again, knowing that it had indeed been you who had crawled into his warm embrace. Again. It turns out desert nights were not warm, but freezing cold.
It makes your cheeks warm, almost sting, to know how wanton you have been. You want to escape, you tell yourself over and over. You have to! This man has kidnapped you, a great princess! 
But under the smooth veneer that you desperately cling to, there is something in you that ignited when you first saw the Gerudo King. Something bubbling under the surface that brooked no pretty lies you can fool yourself with.
It scares you, that thing.
So you sniff loudly, twisting your head away, and he gives an audible laugh. Shifting your brows, and mouth purse you hold back the smile his laughter brings. But in a moment you don’t need to hold it back, because it’s completely gone.
Because you can see the path you’re going to have to take to get to the blasted thing, pardon your language. 
Because the path to the shrine finished at the end of the most unstable-looking rock you’ve ever seen, filled with curves and turns that would make an experienced climber cry.
“Never fear, my moon. I promise that you shan’t be disappointed inside.” He replies to your disdain, even misguided as he is as he leads down the winding tunnel.
“Are you not tired?” You ask as he navigates the path, not a trail of sweat coming off of him as he bounds down, in an extremely good mood. 
“How can I not possibly be?” He says, only glancing back a moment. “I am with you.” It’s enough to make those butterflies in your stomach begin flying with attention. Oh yes, your butterflies love his attention. He gives a low chuckle.
You clear your throat knowing it’s not just the fictional butterflies that enjoy his throaty voice.
Instead, you focus on things you know will keep you bothered. The rocky path, the way your rear hurts in the saddle, the uncomfortable pink where the sun hits your skin, veil notwithstanding. You want to wail the loss of your carefully manicured visage.
You look to the cliff side realizing it isn't a perfectly smooth wall. There are many pathways, carved into the deep rivets and winding deep into the mountain. A heavy sense of something tangible rests on you.
It isn’t until you reach the bottom that you can name it.
It takes a surprisingly short time for you both to reach the bottom, and in the shade, you hold your arms until Ganondorf can fish out your bear covering that you reluctantly pull on.
You can’t help but be glad for the cool air inside the mouth of the shrine, though it makes your sweat feel uncomfortably cool. It’s here you can see the deep blue glow intertwined with the shrine’s stone.
“It feels… sacred here.” You say to Ganondorf as he softly helps you down until you balance steadily on your feet. 
He nods, looking pleased.
“Yes. We have long believed that the old sheik who served the great goddesses built these shrines so that those who entered would be given a test that they must pass to gain enlightenment.”
You blanch, and he chuckles.
“Have no fear, my moon. I have already entered all the shrines here in Gerudo as all things do. For the Kings and Queens of the Desert, it is a right of passage. Now they are only used for ceremonial washing and marriage cleansings for the couples.”
You blink.
“Marriage cleansings? We’re not just going to… wash in separate areas?” 
He grins wolfishly, leading you to the mouth of the shrine, rather quick for his laid-back nature.
“They say that the fated couple who binds themselves together in the waters of the sacred shrines, then present themselves at the Spirit Temple will gain the power to wipe away the calamity of the world.” You press your lips together, your nerves starting to build as he presses a hand against the stone, almost wrapping you into his embrace doing so.
It lights up bright orange, startling you into jumping back into him. You latch onto him, wrapping your arms around his torso. He softly returns the embrace, looking both concerned and thrilled.
A panel in front of you slides away, revealing a black hole where it seems like you’re just supposed to trot in.
You turn up to him, hands digging into his arms.
“If you are going to sacrifice me, I am taking this moment to object.” You hiss. He thinks you’re joking again, because he laughs, gently pushing you inside.
The entrance closes behind you when you are both inside but it isn’t the pitch black that you expected. The soft orange glow is inside as well, leading down a deep path into the rock. Slowly Ganondorf coaxes you down it until you reach the bottom. 
You enter the overlarge room, eyes wide. 
The room is lit in a soft blue glow, from strange, cut rocks from the ceiling. Crystals are at every corner, aloft tall spires exiting the perfectly smooth pool that fills most of the room.  
You don’t need to be prompted to go forward and stick a toe in.
You yip at the cold.
“What in the!”
“Water, especially cold water, is precious in the desert.” The King says, wasting no time in taking off the long strip of silk that crosses his chest.
“Wha- What are you doing?!?” You cry out, and he raises a brow, stepping in as if the water had been heating on the stove to a pleasant temperature.
“The water can only accept those with a willing heart and mind,” Ganondorf says, his thighs already engulfed. You watch as the thin, silky fabric goes dark and saturates the deeper he goes, something dangerous and terrible inside prompting you to stare unabashedly. You shouldn’t look but there is no stopping, watching as his abs flex as the cool water hits them, the way goosebumps pimple his flesh.
“In order to survive the desert without the special skin and constitution of the Gerudo, this holy water must be visited.” He pauses for a moment. “No sunburn.”
You raise an arm, chuckling, eyes narrowed.
There are parts of him revealed you cannot speak of, but you don’t turn away. 
Instead, your feet move.
You’re in the water before you realize it, and even then you’re sure you wouldn’t break from your trance but it’s the coldest water you’ve ever felt. You automatically try and calculate how long until you lose feeling and are in threat of hypothermia- but your mind stops cold.
Ganondorf has his hand out to you. 
And you can feel his heat, almost boiling in this pool of ice.
He’s only standing a few feet away but the ground looks like it drops off, enough for the water to be at his clavicle. His hair has been let loose, falling into the water and surrounding him like a circle of flames. Droplets bead down his jaw, winking in the mysterious light of the crystal walls.
“Come my queen.” He commands, “Think no more of those people who don’t appreciate and can’t love you I see. I wish to worship you.”
Who are you to resist such passion?
You’re not sure that the ceremony you just went through is legally binding, but for the first time in your life, you feel bound. Not captured, violated, and dirty, a prisoner to some system you can’t overcome. But you feel safe, like a chick under its mother’s fluffy feathers. 
It seems that you spend hours in the embrace of the Gerudo King, the water lapping at the edges of your searing skin. You almost believe that you have been reborn anew. 
“The moon is brighter here, I think.” You mutter under the stars. “Hyrule is always cloudy. I do love the rain but at the expense of the stars?”
You had finally exited the shrine, choosing to camp next to it. And tonight, you didn’t bother waiting for a reason to lay on him. It was so much warmer to snuggle up together.
“It does rain in the desert, for around a month every year.” Ganondorf murmurs sleepily, “It just pours and pours. It’s quite the problem because it washes away the sand.”
You turn, tapping a finger on his chest.
“When I first became a princess of Hyrule Castle I wanted to help the people from the country that I loved, just like my own parents. I didn’t just want to parade around, so I decided to study with the most eminent tutors who would accept a girl. My uncle thought it was fine. I remember reading in a report something about how the deep slopes of the caldera, next to the village of the Gorgon had an unusual amount of rain one year. One of our most learned men found that if he placed sandbags measured with a specific mix of both rocks, dirt, and sand, that it absorbed the excess water.”
You pause, a bit sharply. It causes Ganondorf to look at you.
“I apologize. I hardly think such a topic is suitable for the moment.” You say, voice getting soft. It causes Ganondorf to shift, twisting so you rest on his chest. It makes you shy to try and look into his eyes, but he brings your chin back, holding your gaze.
“I love hearing you talk.” He says with no guile. “The world would be a much worse place without your voice in it.”
Tears fill your eyes.
You give a sad smile.
“The world is no place for such things anymore.” You say. 
“You told you that? Who dared say anything to hurt you?” You blink, surprised at the venom in his eyes. Not for you, but for whoever hurt you. “Give me the name, and whoever hurt you shall be dealt with.”
“I think I have left those things behind me.” You struggle to form the right words, turning to sit up and sliding off him. “They no longer matter.”
Ganondorf isn’t dissuaded, sitting up to follow you.
“Everything about you matters to me.” He replies like it’s only natural. “Tell me everything.” Your throat catches, and you struggle to breathe. 
If he had pushed you any further, had tried holding you like you were a baby, you would have shut your mouth and may never have spoken again. 
But he just listens. 
And so you tell him, everything that has ever happened to you. 
He isn’t sure when he goes to sleep. He had thought himself alert enough to wait one more night until he reached the outpost. He shouldn’t have waited, should have let you kiss him later. The was so much danger that he didn’t want to inflict on his beloved. 
He should’ve waited.
But how could he have?
Not when you told him of your entire life. Not when you have revealed how alone you had felt since the death of your parents. How you had been assaulted by the Archduke, and how you had contrived since that day to overcome every enemy you had ever met.
How you had received a dream about delaying your marriage but only after being almost forced into a tenuous marriage with several men. 
“And your dream.” He said, remembering you looking at him so vulnerable when he asked such a question. Your hair was still wet, clinging around your fair face, and you brushed it out of your lashes, blinking as you did so. 
“A meaningful existence.” You close your eyes, letting your arms reach the cool air around you. “For freedom to be myself.”
You lay asleep, your glorious hair spread like a halo of light, still curled from the water. And looking at you so free and unbound by the thick Hyrulian dresses and crowns made his spirit soar, putting his heart at rest.
So just like that, he fell asleep. 
And he only woke up at the attack of the Yiga Clan.
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auduux · 3 months
Sick rn
Started feeling like shit yesterday and now it's worse but i've been reminiscing about pokemon so I decided to dig out my old region from the depths of my mind. It's been like three years since i've talked about this.
It's called Rubilaxia, I named it after where Evangelyne found Dally and Rubilax in that one episode. Props if you get the reference.
I'm not sure if this is still an au but it's an au where pokemon used to be used as the dogs of war. They were used, hunted, tamed, and bred specifically for war and combat. Rubilaxia used to be allied with Alola during that time, as they aren't that far apart, but the alliance fell once Alola stopped using Pokemon for brutal combat and tried getting them to switch as well. They threatened Alola after deciding they were asking too much and too often and Alola broke off the alliance. They've remained passive.
They are right in the middle of Alola and the Decalore archipelago but very far off from both. They are surrounded entirely by ocean and going from there to Alola would take a month by boat and up to nine weeks on a pokemon, and that's with no stops at all.
Rubilaxia is, technically, consisted of three different archipelagos that are not very far off from each other but they are one continent and considered a nation as a whole. Each archipelagos consist of eight to six smaller islands and one main island which is the largest and where their government stands. Each one has different rules and laws as well. On larger matters, the three leaders work as a whole.
They are all surrounded by some kind of odd condition that makes travelling to and from them by water and air extremely difficult and the equivalent of a death trap. All three have large spiked rocks that protrude from the depths as well as smaller ones that come just shy of the surface but will fuck up a boat or pokemon. The water isn't shallow at all, the rocks are just tall as fuck. If you capsize or fall of into the water, the tides will throw you around until you drown and/or get ripped to pieces. There's also multiple tidepools because of the constantly changing and fighting tides.
Grielur, the smallest of the archipelagos, is a desert. All of its islands. Despite being surrounded by water, they are constantly plagued by drought and lack of water. They are the most primitive and least diverse of the three but make up for it in brutality. They are, however, nowhere near the most brutal. There is no way to collect water from the sea as there is either dead drop cliffs or sharp rocks coming from the islands edges to form somewhat of a dome around the island. The heat of day is hot enough to melt off skin and there is no way to ward it off. The cold of night is extremely frigid but will only cause frostbite if you aren't protected properly, or venture out for too long. The people and Pokemon have, recently, resorted to drinking Pokemon and human blood. The types of pokemon that reside there are ground, light, rock, fighting, flying, electric, fire, poison, bug, and normal.
Dury is the second largest and surprisingly, nicest to outsiders. It is constantly storming and never stops, causing frequent floods and turning most of its woodlands to swamps and grasslands to marshes. Oddly enough, the smallest island there never rains, but it's also never night. No one lives there, but a very specific type of pokemon lives there and is regarded as the god of the sun. The types that reside there are water, ground, rock, electric, poison, bug, psychic, dark, normal, ghost, and grass.
Smuong is the largest, always snowing. It has glaciers everywhere, most commonly lining the edges of islands, large mountains, and dead drop cliffs off the islands. It is the most military and brutal of Rubilaxia. It is also home to the Szmynov family, the family with the most authority over Rubilaxia. They rule in a monarchy and whatever they say goes. The current head of family is on her deathbed and her firstborn son and daughter are currently fighting over authority. They're twins, though technically the son is older. By five minutes. The types that inhabit these islands are ice, dragon, flying, ghost, dark, steel, ground, poison, water, electric, fire, fighting, psychic, fairy, and rock. It is also home to the Pokemon regarded as the god of the moon, which has been in possession of the Szmynov family for centuries.
Each of the leaders are a "gym leader" as well. Gyms there fight to the death and none of them, except for the Smuong gym, allow outsiders to fight because they know the connection they have with their Pokemon and would rather not deal with a sobbing outsider. Viktor(the son) finds amusement in it.
The mc is from Alola and is a 20 year old man who had always wanted to visit Rubilaxia. Why? Who the hell knows. He's a professor, and was finally allowed to go there for a field trip after begging the chairman enough. Why? Who the hell knows. (Spoiler alert he and Viktor start dating by the end)
If anyone wants to make anything based off this, like art or a written work, be my guest. I'm probably not going to turn this into a fanfic but you're free to try and create fakemons for the islands if you want.
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letthewhumpbegin · 1 year
Sandstorm - The Mandalorian
Fandom: The Mandalorian Characters: Din Djarin, Grogu Prompt: this was written based off this amazing piece of art! Requested by: anonymous (by wish of the requester) Warnings: some angst, but otherwise no warnings.
A\N: contrary to my other pieces, this isn't a whumpy piece. Some angst, but mainly just cute stuff 😇
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Din looked ahead in concern at the huge reddish-brown cloud at the horizon. He knew exactly what that was: a sandstorm. Nothing out of the ordinary on a desert planet like the one he was on now, but this sure looked like a big one. It would be at least another mile and a half back to where he had left the Crest, and Din was fairly sure the storm would overtake him before he made it back.
No, it would be wiser for him and Grogu to seek shelter someplace else, and wait it out until the storm had passed. Din's eye fell on an abandoned trader's hut a few hundred meters to his left. It looked unkempt, but at least still somewhat solid. And since they were in the middle of nowhere, with not much else around, it would have to do.
"Come on, kid." Din lifted Grogu off the ground and into his arms. "We're taking shelter for a little while."
Din quickly made his way over to the hut. It took some effort to break the small wooden door down, which lead him to believe the structure was at least still mostly strong. Din closed the door behind them, barricading it with a few big rocks which had clearly been used for that purpose before.
The hut consisted of only one small room. There was no furniture, apart from one rectangular wooden bench placed against the back wall. The tiny window in one of the walls provided the only bit of light inside.
Grogu cooed softly as Din set him down on the floor. "I know," Din grumbled, "I don't like it either, but it's better than getting caught in that storm." Grogu softly brabbled in reply, but finally sat himself down on the sand-strewn floor.
Din realized they could be here for a while. It was impossible to tell how long the oncoming sandstorm would last for, but it sure looked like a big one. He sat down on the wooden bench. It creaked softly under his weight, but held him easily.
While Grogu busied himself with playing with a few pebbles lying on the ground, there wasn't much for Din to entertain himself with. He watched Grogu play for a while, but slowly felt himself get more and more drowsy. The sounds of the storm coming ever closer didn't bother him much, nor did it make him feel uneasy. Maybe a nap wasn't such a bad idea. If ever there was a good moment for it, this was surely it.
Din looked longingly at the rest of the bench beside him. Grogu seemed to be calm and enjoying himself, and he couldn't easily wander off somewhere, so he shouldn't have to worry much about the child's safety.
Din slowly took off his helmet and placed it quietly on the floor. He ruffled his flattened hair somewhat, before stretching himself out on his stomach on the bench. Resting his head on one of his arms, he turned his face to the wall. Grogu had seen him without his helmet on, but it still felt unnatural to Din.
He relaxed his muscles and closed his eyes. The soft sound of the pebbles ticking together, combined with the thunderous sound of the sandstorm closing in on them, was the perfect lullaby to drag Din to sleep.
Din wasn't sure how long he slept, but when he woke up the sandstorm was fully upon them. Sand swirled in through the small glass-less window and hurricane-like winds stormed around the hut, but the structure held on strong.
Din was about to let himself drift back off to sleep again, when there was a soft tug on his sleeve, and he immediately realized that was what had woken him up in the first place. He slowly propped himself up on his elbows, and peeked over the edge of the bench he lay upon to look underneath it. His heart sank when he found Grogu sitting there, looking absolutely terrified. The child's drooped ears and wide eyes told Din everything he needed to know.
"It's alright," Din soothed, reaching a hand under the bench. "We're safe here, no need to worry." Grogu gave a scared squeak and wrapped his tiny hands around Din's fingers. "Nothing's going to happen, buddy, I promise," Din reassured once more. "Come up here, it's okay." Grogu shook his head, making his big ears flap. Instead his hands wrapped even tighter around Din's fingers.
Din looked deep into those big, black eyes. He could see the fear in them, and most certainly Grogu's determination not to leave his safe space under the bench. "That's fine," Din assured, tone fatherly, "you can stay there. Just hold onto my hand." Grogu cooed softly, which Din took as a confirmation.
Din lay back down on his front again, head resting on one arm and face turned to the wall. His other arm limply hung over the edge of the bench, so Grogu could continue to hold onto his fingers for reassurance. Din felt the child's soft hands squeeze around his fingers, clinging on for support and comfort. If it provided comfort to Grogu, than Din let him. And somehow it comforted Din, too, and he fell back asleep within minutes.
A single ray of sunlight shone into the hut through the tiny window. It hit Din across the shoulders and the warmth of it slowly woke him up. He stirred, groaning softly as sleep left him. The fact that there was quiet all around now, meant the sandstorm had well and truly passed them.
His arm hanging over the edge of the bench felt heavy, and somehow he felt like he couldn't quite move his hand. Din slowly raised his head to look under the bench. The initial frown on his face quickly vanished and was replaced by a soft smile when he saw why his hand was immobile: Grogu.
The child was fast asleep with his head resting in the palm of Din's hand resting on the floor, and he didn't look anywhere close to waking up.
Din smiled to himself. He never would have thought he would come to care for Grogu as much as he did. But when he saw Grogu like this now, sleeping sweetly and seeking comfort with him, Din realized how much of a unity the two of them had become and to what lengths he would go to protect Grogu.
Din carefully rearranged his body somewhat on the bench, mindful not to move the hand Grogu had curled up against. The sandstorm was over, and normally Din would have jumped up and continued his way at first opportunity, but not now. Right now he would wait for Grogu to wake up. They weren't on a high profile mission, so staying here for another hour or so wouldn't make a difference.
But, Din had to admit, the real reason he didn't want to wake Grogu up was that he had grown to care deeply for the little creature. Secretly, Din liked the way Grogu slept with his head in the palm of his hand. So Din would wait and let Grogu sleep.
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Request from my prompts list Useful Links Section | Writing masterlist
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randomnameless · 1 month
TS expresses multiple times that Aesfrost explicitly did not loot pillage and plunder Glenbrook or slaughter civilians when they invaded. The heroes caused more destruction taking Whiteholm back than Gustadolph did when he conquered it. Hyzante's problem isn't "religion bad" the religion itself was corrupted by Idore.
Do you have a website akin the the FE Datamine for the TS script ?
I remember how Whiteholm being relatively "unharmed" being a major point in the Roland routes, the Whiteholm peeps don't see anything wrong with Aesfrost' rule because Aesfrost (Gustadolph) specifically made sure that all exactions wouldn't be made in the main city ? But I can't remember the chapter...
However, several character supports (or stories? I don't remember how it was called) like iirc Flannagan, Avlora, Medina and Cordelia's were pretty revealing about what was happening in Glenbrook -in Flanagan's chapter iirc some Aesfrosti are pillaging for funsies, Medina has to heal an Aesfrosti soldier and meets opposition, Cordelia receives her share of flak and Avlora is hated by randoms because of what her army did.
Hyzante's religion is as consistent as swiss cheese, but iirc it thrives on enslaving Rosellians to hide the secret that salt didn't come from the goddess but they just happened to find some salted lake in the desert and hide the existence of rock salt to keep their monopoly. And that nonsense existed before Idore became the head honcho with his mechanical doll!
EDIT : someone compiled the script on the wiki!
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Pariatte, out of anyone, notices how Gustadolph didn't attack the city of Whiteholm, but only focused on the castle so he wouldn't lose a lot of "popular support" from people who matter, aka not the peasants from Falkes, but the randoms in Whiteholm.
And as expected from the ones who aren't subjected to the worst of Aesfrosti occupation, Whiteholm people don't think Aesfrost's occupation is "that bad after all".
Heck, even Patriatte expected better of them lol
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mutimatuti · 8 months
HII MUTI 15 27 24
15: What NPC's do they like? Which one's do they dislike?
Voss is an old buddy of hers. Kind of. He saved her ass a bunch of times so she was glad when she realised he's on her side.
She likes pretty much every character who has attitude issues.
Big beef with Oscar though.
Also old beef with pretty much all of the Ch'r'ai
24: Does your character believe in the afterlife?
Yes but also more like she doesn't believe in death really...
27: What was their life like before the events of BG3?"
ok.... (;′⌒`)
Taame'sze was hatched on Aebrynis and as an adult quickly achieved her knighthood. She proved herself both a warrior and a leader, and after one battle in which the supreme commander in charge was killed, she took over the role and lead her people to victory. This was the start of her long career, she was welcomed in Tu'narath and both her and Doh'lmir (her peer, they grew up together) became pretty prominent figures, although with questionable reputation.
The thing about Taame'sze was that while she was a fine leader, she wasn't necessarily the best githyanki leader. She was under a lot of scrutiny from the Ch'r'ai. She resented them for it but after centuries of the continued struggle she began to cave in and started resenting herself. She abandoned her instincts and values, and began behaving how she was taught.
At that point her relationship with Doh'lmir, a powerful sorceress who was more of a lone wolf type, was already strained. It began with simple character incompatibility and miscommunication which evolved into rivalry. It only got worse once they began training Ashniya'tni - an exceptionally young knight who showed a lot of potential, originally trained by Taame'sze but eventually also taken in by Doh'lmir who insisted she can provide much more valuable knowledge and experience. Doh'mir was never prone to being manipulated and saw the injustice and corruption in their society, and eventually began looking for a way to dethrone Vlaakith.
(I'm not getting into the specifics of the plan since this is just too damn long lol)
Ashniya'tni was the first person to discover this let's call it 'ritual' around their shared creche Va'ath and tried to reason with Doh'lmir while Taame'sze receaved orders to burn the whole area to the ground.
What happened next:
Doh'lmir achieves lichdom
Ashniya'tni is nowhere to be found
Taame tries to destroy everything in sight
Taame gets stabbed by Doh'lmir
Taame wakes up pierced through the heart, laying on a chalk like desert next to a dead dragon with almost no memory of what happened or who she really is
Now begins act 2
Taame'sze is surrounded by nothing - the wasteland consists of chalky sand and rich, dark reddish liquid beneath the ground. The whole chunk of land has been divided into inorganic and organic forms, some rocks' shapes resemble what they might've once been: a tree, a cliff, a house, but eventually everything crumbles to dust.
She is lost and confused but she knows one thing - there's someone she needs to find and that person is the key to fixing everything. Eventually she finds a single life form in the wasteland, a mushroom that look like jellyfish and respond well to the dark liquid beneath the surface. They become the means of her cultivating the land, she plants them in every source she can find and eventually they grow to huge sizes, blocking the sharp sun and act as a catalyst to entropy, which seems to be the only way of fixing what has been done to this place.
The gigantic jellyfish floating in the air like clouds are the only things that prove to Taame she isn't going in circles. She's able to navigate the desert in terms of the parts where she has already been. But even experiencing growth doesn't stop her conviction that she is stuck in a time loop. This whole time she feels nothing, her body doesn't exist and she is sure of the fact that she's being punished for something. She doesn't let her thought go any further though, as she is afraid of them as she is afraid of her body. She doesn't want to be someone, she just needs to make things happen.
Eventually she finds [redacted], and inside is Ashniya'tni. As Taame'sze holds her, the memories of everything that happened, along with all her thoughts and feelings began to flood her. Doh'lmir appeared behind her, offering Ashniya'tni a choice. From her view, she was laying next to a corpse while Doh'lmir, an intimidating entity stood before her. There wasn't much of a choice to her.
Because of [redacted] this has caused a chain reaction all across the wasteland that began to undo the damage done to it two centuries ago.
Taame'sze was found in a lush forest by a group of researchers from a town near the edge of the desert. After they explained to her what happened to the land everything in her mind was clear. She knew what had happened but she didn't know what she had to do. Eventually she noticed red dragons flying above the land and quickly went there, not for guidance, not for forgiveness, but just as a proof that she didn't run away.
She was greeted by a Kith'rak she once considered a friend, but who could barely recognise her at this point. She spoke to Vlaakith, who only agreed to talk to her after ordering her to fight two of her knights. Taame'sze was offered a mercy: she was allowed to live on one condition - she was going to hunt down and kill Doh'lmir, alone, as she was now not allowed to talk to any of her kin.
We made it to act 3!
Taame'sze was alone but she didn't feel alone as before. She knew herself now more than ever, and so she learned to trust herself.
Her struggle got her the attention of Lathander and so began her paladin work as a protector of the sanctity of life. And with that turn of events, from the initial fear and distress, she eventually found peace and joy.
She travelled to Toril and found out that Doh'lmir might have joined with the Red Wizards of Thay, however as more she travelled, the more she started doubting if she should fulfill her mission at all.
All of the events from her life put into perspective made her question almost everything she knew to this point. She loved her people, but at the same time she knew that her going back wouldn't fix anything. She was angry with Doh'lmir but at the same time she understood her a lot, as they shared so much together. And she didn't want revenge, she wanted to find peace.
And that's all I have to say (for now) ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
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mercowe · 3 years
Hi! I saw the reblog, I didn't think anyone would be that interested in what I was doing but this is a welcome surprise lol
On the subject of Aesop though I was more concerned with both things (food they eat and plants, fruit, animals, whatever) that thrive or grow there to have a better idea of what types of dishes they would eat like for a quick snack, brunch, breakfast, dinner you get the gist :)
I hope this isn't me piling on too much stuff 😅 im just REALLY interested in any information about Aesop 😁
Mercowe: I don’t blame you!! Aesop’s Falls is a pretty dang interesting place in my opinion. There’s quite a lot going on.  First of all, to understand what grows there, you need to understand how the place is set up. It’s composed of four different districts that make up the town. There’s Sweethaven. (Where Olive and Canola’s grew up.) This part of town is by the port and the beach. There’s a thriving fishing community there. (And a lot of strange fish.) That part of town draws in a lot of wandering sailors. Aesop’s Falls is an island right off of a peninsula. So it’s a good stopping point for sailors to take a break before making the last stretch to the mainland port.  The part of town that tends to stand out the most is the Candy District. If you’re interested in food, they have the monopoly. Just starting off, the Candy District has Dandies’ Wood, which is made up of trees that are completely made of various types of chocolate and candies. Dark, milk, white, peppermint, etc. The evergreen needles of the trees are made up of peppermint chocolate. 
Between Dandies’ Wood and the main part of town are the Hot Chocolate Dunes, a desert (or dessert ;D) like area made of hot chocolate powder. Somewhere in the desert are the Hot Chocolate Springs. They had peppermint bamboo, marshmallow lily pads, and a creamer pool nearby. 
Just outside of town where the desert turns more to fudge than cocoa powder, there is a ‘rocky’ area made up of gum drops and frosting. Kids like to play hide and seek here. (Some get clever and eat their way into a gum drop rock cluster to hide) Really the Candy District is such a death zone for children. XD It’s not unusual to go out there and find a random child in a sugar coma. 
And that’s not even getting into what’s going on IN town in the Candy District. The toons there are zany baked goods. Literal gingerbread men, bakers who made cakes the size of house regularly, I could go on and on, but I don’t want to get off topic again. XD So let me know if I miss anything you wanted to know. 
Stars . . . I haven’t even touched on half of this!! X,D What people eat does depend on which part of town they live and what they are. Holly’s regular morning meal consisted of tea (or hot chocolate when she was little, before she made herself sick on it) and some sort of baked good from the Candy District. If her mother had her way, it was only a plain croissant with some jam or cheese. But more often than not it was a creamy pastry or a chocolate one or literally any baked good you can think of. Seriously, Holly had so many sweets as a child. Her mother tried to control her sugar intake, but in a town where literally a fourth of the city is completely made of candy . . . well, Canola did her best.  Lunch or dinner usually involved seafood of some sort. Aspen, Holly’s dad liked fish and would often go fishing with her. So even if they weren’t living on an island, they would have favored fish. Which is really funny, because their neighbor is a fish that they had for dinner one day.  Okay, I honestly could tell you more. I haven’t even touched Toyland or the wooded area where Holly’s family lived. But I’m going to stop for now. Let me know if you want to learn more. 
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y'know what? more lore for the tyrant, even though this is a bonecrusher blog. obvious warning for obvious sex talk.
first off, to expand upon tyrant's multiversal escapades and thoughts on sex, he's been asked about if he has a dick (among other similarly topical things) multiple times from different organisms, such as anthropomorphic planes, living rocks, xenomorphs, and (for some goddamn reason) transformers. every time, he denies so, saying that his 'bulge' is simply an extra piece of armor that he couldn't find a fitting place for. of course, nobody believes him (not even his teammates). (this one time, coincidentally while the tyrant was in a bad mood, he blasted one girl's brains all over a wall because she was being too pushy about it.) now, seeing as (new information moment) nobody knows how long he has existed for, it's unknown just how many people he's killed over the topic, or how many universes he's jumped to just to be asked for a quick fuck. one can only hope not too many corpses have been piled just because of hormones, of course.
next topic, what the hell is the tyrant anyways? he's obviously not a robot, no matter how much he tries to say he is, he has similar-looking friends/teammates (no, really, the only differences between him and maniac, for example, are the clothing choices (fancy tuxedo vs. full-body armor vest), the weapon choices (overly long pump-action shotgun vs. minigun), the heights (7'6" vs. 8'9") and the faces (ear to ear smile (extremely deep, too) and extremely dilated eyes (near-invisible pupils) vs. square eyes (and pupils) and square mouth (unusual). the facial features feature the same color of neon yellow. obvious behavioral differences and manners of speaking associated as well.), and he's obviously not a human because he's just... too unusual? like, extreme height, frightening face, long-ass shotgun, teleportation magic(?)? you'd call that a human?, he's also not a cybertronian (can't transform, no kibble, teleports or uses a motorcycle when he wants to get around). therefore... fuck, idk. i don't even know what to call his species, or his homeworld (even though it's been gone for primus knows how long). all i can tell you is he ain't no robot, it's just the (extremely tight) armor that makes it look like he is.
another topic: who the hell are his friends???? well, for starters and since we already covered the maniac, the psycho is ~8'1", and is a buff mfr, relying on his entire upper torso to kill people. he, like the tyrant, isn't into sexual activities (but not to the tyrant's extent). his clothing consists of one pair of cargo pants, black color with no camouflage patterns. his shoes are... nonexistent. he doesn't need shoes for some goddamn reason, even though he ALWAYS finds a way to stub his toes at least once per multiversal trip. nobody knows how or why he's able to do so, and he's just as confused as everyone else. he also doesn't wear a shirt (his muscleeyes are too powerful), and his face consists of a pair of dodecagon-shaped (12 sided polygon) eyes, and a glowing mouth, usually slightly grimaced.
overwatch is the team's one and only sniper, preferring to use an anti-material rifle over something like a shotgun or a minigun. he also has a desert eagle holstered on his hip, for if anything sneaks up on him, since an anti-material rifle isn't the most maneuverable of ranged weaponries. his clothes are something not dissimilar to what the operator montange from rainbow six siege wears, just with red accents instead of blue, and no GIGN patch. his face consists of five blob-like eyes, with similarly blob-like pupils, and a facemaskshield similar to what you'd find on optimus prime that moves around and flashes yellow whenever he speaks. his blob eyes can move around his head if he wishes to, for example, gun down an enemy trying to sneak behind him. he ALSO has an extra set of arms just incase he needs to shoot two people at once. he's prepared like that.
the team consists of no female or female-like characters, since their species doesn't fuck like humans do (i already went over this in another post, but the original species that the tyrant, maniac, psycho and overwatch descend from procreate in a way not dissimilar to how nebulas form, two put some materials together to make a third and all that), for those wondering.
no other topics for now, but when i think of one, i'll try my best to write it down. as thanks for reading/scrolling down to here, here's my cat. her name's sweepy, and if i recall her birthday correctly, she's five years old. i love her with all my heart, and i hope you feel the same. have a good day.
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bonjouritshaley · 7 years
Morocco 1-6 Novembre
Jour 1 - Mercredi
Day one consisted of mostly travel, shout out to Air Portugal for all the delays! No biggie though, because we got to spend an extra hour in the airport in Lisbon, Portugal. Portugal is very, very pretty, at least what I saw from the plane windows. There are a lot of orange roofs and the houses look stacked. The plane we transferred to from Portugal was a propellor plane, I felt like I was in that DiscoveryKids show Flight 29 Down. The airport in Fes was absolutely beautiful! So many beautiful colors and chandelier looking things! We arrived around 5:30 pm to which we were soon greeted by some Arabic men from ISA. They took us to our hotel in vans, where I learned our drivers spoke 7 languages, but nbd. We spoke in French with him. That's the cool thing about Morocco, they used to be a French colony and so French is a second language there, before English. We arrived at the hotel, ate dinner, and then a group of us walked across the street to a Carrefour to buy giant 6 packs of water for only 23 dirhams (2 euro).
Jour 2 -Jeudi
Our second day in Fes was awesome! We went on a tour of the city starting off with a stop to the old king's Palace, which was built in the 1960's but looked quite ancient. Then we went all around the Medina, which is the old city of Fes filled with shops and merchants and stray kittens and strange smells and donkeys. We first went to a Pharmacie(but this isn't your average Pharmacie), this Pharmacie was a place where they made different spices and minerals and creams and oils. (Moroccan oil of course). I bought two little canisters of "magic lipstick." They were lipsticks that were beautiful packaged with gold embroidery and were colors such as green, black, purple, blue, but changed to pink when swatched or put on. After that we went to a silk store, where they showed us how to rap head scarves and where we got to buy pretty scarves and or Arabic garb for the desert. Next stop: a leather store, where we were given mint leaves to brace the upcoming bad smells. Outside of the store, were gigantesque bins where the men were dying the leather (sometimes in pigeon poop —hence the smell). The man in the store put a leather jacket on me and zipped it up and tried to get me to buy it for 5000 dirhams (500 dollars). I said no way hosé, but that doesn't usually work, and so he basically followed me around the store trying to haggle a lower price with me. But hey, when in Morocco...after this our last stop was to an ancient pottery shop. Where had I accidentally broken something, I would've owed my left leg.
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Jour 3 - Vendredi
DESERT TIME! The day starts off with an 8 hour bus ride-- Woohoo! But destination of the iconic Sahara Desert, so not complaining at all. This bus ride was filled with some interesting events, including pee breaks...OUTSIDE IN NATURE. This basically meant the scattering of everyone to go behind rocks and trees to squat down and pee. I saw several bare butts around me, but hey it was a bonding experience for us all. Also too, there were several stray dogs at every stop we went to. We stopped every two hours and then finally when we got close, we all had to split up into small groups and ride in Jeeps into the desert. Our driver played some interesting music as well. Maybe it was all the water I was drinking, or maybe it's because I have a small bladder, but I had to pee at EVERY stop, and when we stopped for a hot sec in the middle of the desert to take a photo, Taylor and I departed from the group so that I could pee yet again. Finally we all got to our destination, after what seemed like a sketchy drive because there were no other Jeeps in site. Nonetheless, we made it, and to a beautiful assortment of tents complete with little mattress beds, several rugs, a giant eating tent with a band, and actual toilets!!!! (Huh-zah!) For dinner we were served mostly cooked vegetables and chicken and then after there was a massive dance party with a live band! But now here's the crazy part, the band started asking for us to come up and play the instruments and sing. Two guys from the Spain program went up on guitar, and when they asked for a singer all my friends volunteered me as tribute. So basically, the rest of the night included me and some guys giving a full blown concert to everyone in our program. I didn't know the lyrics to many songs(curse my horrible memory!) however I got to sing some slick harmonies for Hallelujah! After this a bunch of us went out and explored the sand dunes! Unfortunately the stars weren't as amazing as I thought they would be, just because it was a full moon and it was SO incredibly bright. We actually had shadows behind us as we walked. The sand was so fine and so cool, it reminded me of moon sand.
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Jour 4 - Samedi
The next day I woke up around 6:30, just in time for the desert sunrise. Right after it was over, everyone went back to bed for a short few hours before we had to wake up again for breakfast. But soon after breakfast was....drum roll please...CAMEL TIME!!! (Chameau fois!!!) We chose our camels and then rode for about 30 minutes. My camels name was Humphrey. It was quite relaxing riding them, and only hurt my crotch a little bit. The camels made cool/ kinda gross gurgling noses. Their noises also sounded like monster roars. There were 4 desert children following us, and they were super cute and excited to see us and even offered to take our phones and take pics of us on camels. We rode them all the way to a giant sand dune, or should I say sand doom, because I felt doomed climbing this thing. I was so out of breath when I got to the top, and my legs hurt SO bad, but in the end it was worth it because the view was pretty hella. Soon after we rode into town on our camels and visited some shops in the city. After that we walked back to our camp site and ate and I took a beautiful 3 hour nap and then hung out for a bit in the dunes with friends. There was a man selling rings outside of one of the tents, and so before bed I tried to haggle a cheap price for this very pretty flower ring I liked that had a pink stone! I failed and so I sent in some of my best weapons. First Ian tried, then Gûnnar, and then Nic. Can you guess who succeeded in getting me the cheapest price for the ring?
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Jour 5 - Dimanche
After yet another sunrise in the desert, we headed onto the bus and took an 8 hour bus ride to Meknes city! This was again another 8 hours full of pee breaks in the wilderness and a few stops at markets. We also got to see wild monkeys!!! So cool!!! After we got back, I emptied out a mountain of sand onto my private balcony (hellz yeah my hotel room had a private balcony) and then you best believe everyone and their mother took showers. After that I got to eat dinner with some of the kids from the ISA Spain program, and afterwards we went to the club near the hotels swimming pool. The night then ended with me and some friends playing intense rounds of Castle in their room.
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Jour 6 -Lundi
On Monday we woke up and me and a few friends explored the city of Meknes. The weather was absolutely GORGEOUS. Everything in Morocco is dirt cheap. We bought 9 chocolate Bounty bars for a total of only 2 euro. Madness. And then afterwards stopped to get some drinks at a little cafe, again super cheap. After that we went back to the hotel and played cards until the ISA taxis arrived to take us to the airport. Morocco was definitely an amazing experience, but I was so happy to return to France and just take the longest nap and also eat French bread.
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