#if loki can be one so can klarion
dreamer2dusk · 1 year
Welcome to my Tumblr
Greetings I am Dreamer2Dusk, but you can call me Dreamer, sometimes I go by Cute-Thing too.
Tumblr is the only place I allow requests from, cause let's face it this place has more respect for content creators as long as they have something to vibe of an interest together with.
You can ask me things, ask my oc things, make art/poem/story requests of me, and more. I do reserve the right to refuse anything I am uncomfortable doing or just not in the mood to do.
Things I am into... -Klarion the Witchboy, be it Young Justice or the Seven Soldiers version... I love both UvU -Vilgax the Conquerer, something about how he cares for his people makes me swoon at his hidden gold. -Loki, who doesn't like this prince of mischief XD -Jack Frost, is probably the only hero on this list that I simp for.
My ocs are too many to list so just ask me about them in general.
If you want to share something to my page, use the cookie Jar, I love sharing the love with a cookie and a smile.
Ask box is always open, so never be afraid to say something.
I have a few original projects I work on not just fanwork. -META-Force | Follow along Cyra Kareen and her friends. -Mystic Fever | Follow along Lia Hardy and their friends. -Game Over | Follow along the life of a Gamer from the future. -The Unlivings | Follow along the life of an Immortal. these are just some of my main projects in the work.
I am an Asexual, Female, Genderfae, using She/They/Fae pronouns. I am Nuerodivergent and will never use it as a shield. I am an artist by trade, who wants to connect the world through art. We have the power to change the world, one friend at a time.
Thanks for reading to the end, take a cookie from the metaphorical cookie jar now. BYEEEEE!
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lordofbrattiness · 2 months
hc section 2: more about klarion the witch-boy!
klarion had once been just a regular witch-boy who lived in the underground isolated town of limbo with his witch coven though his mother - charity bleak - was no witch but had married a witch-man by the name of mordechai bleak, given birth to witch-girl and was pregnant with klarion at the time and therefore was accepted by the coven.
however mordechai would leave his family upon the birth of the witch-boy and never return to limbotown leaving klarion to have no memory of him, not even knowing what the man looked like. growing up with his mother, a step-father in a witch-man by the name of ezekiel - who would be killed by the horigal that turned out to be the leaders of limbotown during klarion's early childhood - and an older sister by blood in beulah bleak who was strict but helped him when it truly mattered.
his mother, charity. she did her best with what she had but it simply wasn't enough to tame either klarion or beulah as both grew to not feel for others and harbour hatred towards authority figures. beulah more hating men in general due to how perverted many of the witch-men in limbotown were while klarion has a respect for women due to seeing his sister and mother deal with said witch-men but still found himself longing for a father figure..
his curiosity mixed with a drive to find his father were the reasons klarion would leave even when offered the position of leadership in his hometown. while klarion understood leaving that place, what he didn't understand was why his father left him there. it is unknown if he will ever find him or if he had found him already without knowing.
unfortunately klarion would get his hands on a fatherbox or what his people called the "witch-god". spending so much time with a fatherbox corrupted his mind and - with how curious he was - exposed him to infinite answers for infinite questions. some questions that a boy so young shouldn't have been given answers to yet he asked with such eagerness to know the truth. this shattering the belief system of his small minded town and turning klarion into a polytheist who mainly worships gods such as loki, hades and anubis.
the original idea I had was for the whole witch coven to be polytheist but in canon source, the people of limbotown aren't exactly open minded. perhaps the reveal of the "witch-god" could lead to them forming this belief system but either way, klarion was always viewed as "curse" bestowed upon the town by a god as he either often got into trouble, trouble would find him or bad things just tended to happen when he was around leading klarion to believe that chaos follows him wherever he goes and fully embracing this fact of life for him.
this mixed with the possiblity of having been hunted down and killed by the law would be the reason the lords of chaos would look to him in favour. teekl becoming klarion's anchor to the earthly plain as she is the one creature in his life who never failed him and klarion fully believes she can do just about anything. literally anything.
seeing as the gotham villains vary in ancestry, species and character - klarion has naturally picked up different pitches, accents, slangs and just different ways to speak from spending a lot of time in arkham asylum and just around the criminals of gotham. klarion would at first be completely unaware that there are means of living where you don't have to potentially deal with the cops and upon learning this fact was quick to find one. this mixed with his masterful skill with techno magic led to klarion becoming a streamer and gamer.
able to create holographic screens with his techno magic that klarion can use to text, call, hack and search the inter-web without leaving a single trace behind since it's magic. people can contact him via an app he created himself and that klarion can imbue onto any phone.
his black eyes will glow red whenever he is using his powers or whenever they are in affect. his eyes also glow in intense high emotional situations as well.
klarion is very adhd and just overall neurodivergent.
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gib-vinegar · 3 years
Honestly surprised Klarion never became a Tumblr Sexyman™
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jokerislandgirl32 · 3 years
what are some of your favorite villains
Welp since you asked….
For Cartoon Characters we have (I know some of them become reformed villains , but I will include them anyway):
Reuben, or Sandwich Boy, from Lilo & Stitch (He is the first Villain I fell for)
Shego and Dr. Drakken from Kim Possible
Hacker from Cybercase
Joker from the Young Justice animated TV series
Klarion the Witch Boy from Young Justice
The Onceler from The Lorax
Varian from Tangled
Vector from Despicable Me
Cedric the Sorcerer from Sofia the First
The Grinch from the book and any of the movies
Zach Varmitech from Wild Kratts (He is my favorite right now 😊)
I also adore all the other villains from Wild Kratts: Donita, Gourmand, Dabio, Paisley, and Rex, but Zach is MY FAVORITE 😍
For TV and Movie or Book Characters we have:
Loki from Marvel
Joker from DC (Heath’s Joker and Arthur Fleck are my absolute favorites)
Oswald Cobblepot or Penguin from DC (RLT’s representation of him in Gotham is my favorite)
Edward Nygma or Riddler from DC (I prefer his representation in Gotham and Batman Forever)
Catwoman from DC ( I prefer her representation in Gotham and The Dark Knight Rises)
Harley Quinn from DC
Poison Ivy from DC
Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter
Kevin Wendell Crumb from Split (he is a bit odd to categorize, so I will list his more villainous personalities that I like in the following order: Dennis is my favorite, Hedwig, Patricia, and the Beast)
I am sure there are more I am missing, but these are the ones I can think of right now. I hope this answers your question, thank you for asking 😊!
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ellana-ravenwood · 5 years
NEW PART : “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore” 2/3 - Batfam x Fem!Reader (Marvel crossover)
Well, almost two months of not writing as I really lacked the motivation to do...anything, here I am. Back, with the part two of my little Batfam/Marvel crossover ! This is a transition chapter just to settle a few things before the big final chapter where the all action will take place ;). I hope you will still like it :
If you wanna catch up, here’s PART 1 And here’s my masterlist : @ella-ravenwood-archives
“Wow, this looks a LOT like Wayne Manor !”
Damian exclaimed as he looked down from the jet and spotted a gigantic house in the middle of the trees. Even the grounds looked like his home, with the forrest surrounding it, and it’s remote location a bit out of a big town. 
The basketball court opened, and the “X-jet” slowly lowered down into it. 
The guy called Wolverine absolutely refused to take one of the Avengers’ planes, saying that the S.H.I.E.L.D tracked those down, had all kind of surveillance on them, and didn’t want one of them inside the school. Too many valuable informations could be stolen and used against them. 
When “Iron Man” assured him he checked those planes daily to make sure they weren’t rigged, Wolverine just raised his eyebrows, smiled and said : “Sure bub, sure. Nick Fury would totally let that happen, and your technology is definitely superior to the S.H.I.E.L.D. They most definitely do not steal and copy everything you do, and know how it works”...And they ended up taking the X-Jet.
According to your youngest sons, it looked and was much cooler anyway. Kinda reminded them of the Batplane...It made Bruce smile, that they liked the X-Men’s plane better just because it kinda looked like his. 
You were landing inside a bunker like place, when Wolverine said :
“Welcome to Xavier school for gifted youngsters.”
A few hours before :
Shortly after Wolverine announced you needed to go see a certain “Charles Xavier”, and after a quick introduction, most of you got ready to leave. 
It was decided that not all of the Avengers would go to the school because searches and investigations were always more effective when multiple groups would work in multiple places. And there were a LOT of those dudes, so they could most definitely cover more grounds by scattering all around, and asking questions. 
You absolutely refused to be separated from your family again, and even if Bruce thought it would’ve been better to split up and each go with a search team, he didn’t push it too much. 
Obviously, none of the kids wanted to be separated either, and when you had an idea in your head, it was very difficult to change your mind. You’ve always been a very stubborn woman. 
So Bruce relented and it was decided you’d all go to the Xavier school, as you were the one that knew Klarion the most, and could help Charles to narrow his search down a bit. 
With you came Wolverine, Nightcrawler and Storm of course, the Xavier school was their home after all. Along also came that Captain America guy, Iron Man, Spider-Man and Thor. 
Hawkeye, Black Widow, the big green guy and a few other Avengers you could not remember the name of for the life of you (there were so many new people ! Even with your “charity” practice, where you often faked remembering people’s name, you just couldn’t keep up...it didn’t help that they obviously all had code names rather than simple easy to remember ones like... “Kevin”, for example. Or John. John was good, short and easy to remember) left for other places where the trail was still warm.  
And so multiple “teams” were formed to cover multiple grounds. 
Your family and a few others were going to the school in the hope that Charles Xavier could find Klarion thanks to his mental powers, while other teams would go investigate the Brooklyn Bridge where Klarion was last seen, and yet another team was going to find a certain “Dr Strange” since he was apparently able to travel through dimensions or something ? 
You weren’t too sure, honestly, after hearing so many new infos and names you kinda zoned out and expected Bruce to remember everything for you (as often, really, more than once he was the one to help you remember the name of a politician or actress, whispering it in your ear as they walked towards you).
As you were in an elevator that would lead you all to the roof’s airport so you could go and try to find Klarion, Dick bended to whisper in your ear :
“Do you remember any of their names ?”
You turned to him and, as discreetly as you could, answered :
“Absolutely not. Except for that Spider kid, because he’s adorable and Damian seems to like him. And the one that got Jason and I here, Deadpool. Though he’s not even here anymore. I can’t recall any of them...I think one is like, Odin or something ? The one who brought Tim, I forgot which one but I know he’s a viking god or something.”
Your son let out a little snort, trying to suppress his chuckle so none of the people can hear you, but...
“I wouldn’t blame ya if you can’t remember many of us. After all, travelin’ in another dimension and seeing all those new things is a lot to take in, I know what I’m talkin’ about. So rememberin’ our names ? Tough.”
The short man who made you blush earlier said. He had a sort of gentle smile on his face that you’re pretty sure was rarely there, but it seemed yours and your son’s inability to remember much of anyone’s name made him genuinely smile. He adds, his voice lowering a few octave in an intimate way :
“I can help you rememberin’ in the plane if you want to.”
“I’ll help her, thank you very much.”
Your husband says, interposing himself between you and that...Badger guy ? Was that his name ?
He answers the question you didn’t ask, and you’re genuinely surprised. With a charming smirk that you thought only Bruce could have, “Logan” adds :
“It was written all over your face you didn’t remember my name. And hey, I’d like for you to call me Logan more than Wolverine y’know.”
Bruce gives an outraged look to “Logan”, as you try your best not to blush (that guy had a strange kind of aura...he was essentially a hairy midget who was totally not your style and yet he seemed to have a strange effect on you).
Wolverine answered your husband’s glare with an infuriating knowing smile, and you could almost feel Bruce’s blood boiling. 
It’s only Tim and Damian laughing quietly that eased the atmosphere. But their laughter most definitely finish to vex your Broosh, who threw an arm around your shoulder and looked proudly high in front of him. 
Jealous Bruce always made you smile, and here, doing some PDA while on a mission ? Yup, definitely jelly. 
The elevator quickly brought you to the top floor, where you discovered a rather big “airport” for such a building. Quite the fancy place. Even Bruce never even though about putting an airport on his roof. A heliport was amply sufficient. 
The man called Tony Stark, who had a rather advanced armor around his body, casually walked towards one of the plane stamped with a big “A” on. 
“Seriously, those people don’t know the meaning of the word “discreet””. 
Your husband said as he saw the planes. You roll your eyes, but don’t say anything. You don’t think any less though, because those words were coming from a guy who had a “bat” aesthetic in everything he did, including flying vehicles so...Not particularly discreet either. 
But Logan grabbed Iron Man’s shoulder before he could reach one of the “A” plane, and said : 
“Ah where are you going Stark ? We’re not taking one of yours.”
Tony rolled his eyes the hardest he could, as he shooed away Logan’s hand and said, beyond exasperated : 
“I’m telling you for the thousands time Logan, our Avengers planes aren’t tracked !”
“Says you. We’re still taking the X-Jet.”
“But there’s more space on our planes.”
“We’re still taking the X-Jet.”
“They’re faster !”
“We’re still taking the X-Jet.”
“I promise you they’re safe, they won’t spy on your precious little school, the S.H.I.E.L.D has no hold over our planes !”
Short silence. 
“We’re still taking the X-Jet.” 
“Be reasonable Wolverine please, this is getting ridiculous.”
“Bub, do I look like someone who’s reasonable ? We’re taking the X-Jet.”
But the short hairy man known as “Wolverine” was already leaving, clearly not about to listen to more of that Stark guy’s plea. 
Well apparently...you were taking the X-Jet.
It must’ve been less than ten minutes since your family, a few of the X-Men and a few of the Avengers climbed into the jet flying in the direction of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, when Logan jumped on his feet, put the plane on auto-pilot and rushed at the back of the vehicle.
“The hell is wrong with that guy ?”
Jason asks as you all turn to look at him run across the plane. Your husband looks insistently at you as if to say : “see, I’m better” (like you needed a proof of that). Clearly not quite over the fact the clawed mutant managed to make you blush. Twice. 
For the past fifteen years, he was the only one that ever managed to do that !
Dick says :
“Maybe the toilets are over there ? I mean, when you gotta go, you gotta go.”
But then Logan comes back with Deadpool, dragging him by the collar.
“What are you doing here Wade, I thought we told you to leave and never come back !”
“Wow alright Scar, tell your hyenas to lower their guard please I’m not here to cause trouble; honest !”
Deadpool says, his hands up as he faces the Avengers taking a fighting stance in front of him. 
The man who brought you to the Avengers’ Tower was immediately kicked off of the building as soon as you all started to make plans to run after Klarion and Loki.  Somehow though, and oddly enough it didn’t really surprise you, he managed to get onto the X-Jet. 
“Wade, whenever you’re around trouble just comes by itself. We told you not to tag along already. Three times at the watch tower until we forcefully throw you out. So now, time to leave.”
Wolverine was opening the jet’s hatch, but before he could get a hold of “Wade”, Deadpool jumped on his feet and went to hide behind your husband.
“He’s clearly a mad man, he’s trying to kill me ! Hey, you’re very against killing right ? I read it somewhere in a comic once...”
“What ?”
Deadpool was yelling dramatically, latching his arms around your husband’s leg.
And you had to admit, there was something comical about seeing a grown ass man holding the big scary Bat like that. Bonus point for the face Bruce was making, clearly unsure as to how to react to all of this. It was rare to see an unsure Batman.
Ah, but in the short time you’ve known that Wade Wilson, you already realized that he was probably the only person that could destabilized anyone with his behavior. You kinda liked that. 
Logan was rolling his eyes now, and with a sigh walked resolutely towards Deadpool and Bruce. 
But your husband stopped him by putting a hand on his chest. And though Logan was at least an entire foot smaller than Bruce, he still looked impressive as his eyes narrowed at your husband and his muscles tightened, fists slowly closing. You had a bad feeling about all this...
“Listen, bub. You have no idea what this guy is capable of. And believe me, if I throw him out of the plain  he won’t-”
“I can’t let you do that. He might be clinically insane, but we can’t just kill him like that !”
“But he can’t die and-”
“YES ! YES I CAN, I’ll die a horrible death if he throws me out.”
“Wade you-”
“Please mister Batman, don’t let him throw me out ! Show that you have a heart and ignore all the bad writing you’ve been a victim of lately !”
Once again, there’s a small silence following Wade’s apparent words of madness...But you have to say, you’re not a big fan of throwing people out of planes either. So before everything turns sour, as you can see both Wolverine and Bruce getting wayyyy too tense, you interpose yourself in-between all of them. 
You know that Bruce already having prejudice against Logan because he flirted a little with you is not any good news, and Wolverine himself ? Well it seemed like he also could suddenly snap if pushed too much. 
“Wow wow wow wow. Let’s be reasonable about it. Yeah yeah I know, you’re not a reasonable guy. Well you’re going to be right now.” 
Your words surprise the Wolverine so much, that his fists unlock and his eyebrows raise. Your husband gives him a sneaky look that most definitely means : “haha, she got you didn’t she ?”. But he’s immediately put back in his place as you glare at him too, and he relaxes as well. Forcibly.
“Ok. I must admit I don’t know Deadpool since very long, but he’s the one that lead us to the Avengers. You guys are the one that instantly attacked him without giving him any chance ! Now maybe you gave him lots of chances before -at those words, all the Avengers and X-Men nods- but just give him one last one ok ? I have a good feeling about him.” 
You were sitting next to Deadpool...Who was literally taped to the wall. You guessed in this world, the black electric tape was very strong. According to Logan, this was the only way to make sure he wouldn’t do anything stupid. Dangerous for everyone, or for himself. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t convince them to let you join and all.” 
“Ah well no worries, at least they didn’t throw me off the plane ! I hate when that happened. Regenerating from being as flat as a pizza is very painful.”
“You can..regenerate ?” 
“Yup ! Haven’t you noticed, the tear your kid made with that knife looking like a bat in my awesome costume I definitely clean often...is still there. But the wound isn’t.” 
“Oh right. Neat.” 
“Not really. Healing powers mean I can’t die, and I really want to die...” 
“...That’s awful. Are you ok ?” 
“Does someone that tell you they want to die sound ok ?” 
“Well if they say out loud they want to die it’s like a cry for help, so a sort of step to recovery you know ?”
“I-Wh-...What ? I never saw it like that. I mostly just talk about it out loud because I hope someone will hear me and finish me off somehow.” 
After that, it seemed like Wade did not want to talk anymore as he turned away from you, and somehow managed to put on a pair of knock-off air pods in his ears, and blasted the main theme from the movie “The Godfather” so loud that you could hear it as you were sitting next to him. 
There was a long silence that installed itself in the plane, as no one talked and thought of the task ahead, completely focused on...
“So, I have no idea what you guys’ names are. I zoned out half-way through the little man’s explanation, as I already listened to it when I found him and my friend Hulk was holding him upside down.” 
Thor said casually, shattering this all impression of seriousness. It makes you chuckle, even more so when Dick exclaimed : 
“OH THANKS GOD (literally) ! I was so afraid to ask ! I’m so glad you started. Because except for Logan, Ororo and Kurt who literally saved my life, I cannot remember who any of you are !”
You full on laughed, as the idea that none of you really knew how the others were called and yet still managed to trust each others was very funny to you. Quickly, your communicative laughter reached the rest of the team (well, almost, Bruce and Logan only exhaled a little bit of air, like a millisecond chuckle). 
It takes you all a little while to calm down, but as you all stop to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation, Thor continues : 
“So, should we introduce ourselves again ? This time there’s much less of us, it should be fine. Guests must start, it is the norm. Go ahead now, little Red Robin’s sidekicks. Introduce yourselves.”
“...Red Robin’s sidekicks ?” 
Your entire family turns to Tim, who turns very pale all of a sudden. He smiles awkwardly at you all and says : 
“Um. To my defense, I was hung upside down by a green goliath who was threatening to “smash” me and the subject of family seemed a little iffy with Thor here. I said the first thing that came to my mind.” 
This makes you and your husband smile, and your two oldest son to roll their eyes. Your youngest however, jumps on his feet and says : 
“I’m Robin ! And most definitely not his sidekick ! I’m...”
There’s a pause where Damian looks at his brother almost sadly, and oh you know exactly what he’s about to do. 
“I’m his brother. His equal. Or so I thought...” 
Oh. Smart little Damian. Guilt tripping your Tim, so that in a near future he will do something for him. Tim reddens even more in embarrassment and adds : 
“It really was just to save myself ! I don’t think of any of you as my sidekicks ! Of course you’re my equal Dam-Robin ! And um, I’m Red Robin by the way. Like the restaurants. Um.”
Thor shakes his head, lost in thoughts, and then says : 
“Robin and Red Robin. Very smart. I see how much research you put in your aliases.” 
You weren’t sure if the man was serious or being sarcastic...But the way he was nodding thoughtfully made you think he was actually more serious than anything else. The blond bearded man continued : 
“Well my turn now ! I am...Thor ! GOD OF THUNDER ! Son of Odin, God of all. We’re going after my brother, Loki. Who befriended that Klarion of yours. Your turn again now.”
Thor points at your oldest son, who doesn’t hesitate to jump in and say : 
“Nightwing ! Son of Batman, the Black Knight of Gotham ! I’m the oldest of our ass beating organization. Criminals. I mean, we’re not criminals...Well, depends of your definition I guess. But what I was saying is, we beat the asses of criminals. Um. Yes. Have I said I’m the oldest of the family ? Well technically my dad is the oldest, but I mean-”
“I’m Jason. Perpetually helping my older brother here to avoid embarrassment by cutting him off rudely and fulfilling my little brother’s duty at the same time. Two birds with one stone. I like guns. Unlike my dad...”
Bruce just gives an exasperated look to Jason, and your son rolls his eyes : 
“I just gave you the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself ! Amazing transition ! But I guess you weren’t ready, so um...Discout Bruce Wayne, go.”
You slap the back of your son’s head at his disrespect towards your new friend, and give an apologetic look to the one you think is called “Iron Man”. But clearly, your son’s jab doesn’t bother the man (probably because he has no idea who Bruce Wayne is) and with a hint (a big big hint) of arrogance and pride, he says : 
“Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Also Iron man, I saved this planet multiple times.” 
“...And very modest. Not over the top at all. Mm. Reminds me of someone, before I met him, and with less charisma.”
You say, giving a look at your husband. He smiles and winks at you, while Tony Stark frowns, pretty sure you just insulted him. But you don’t leave him the time to say anything as you continue : 
“(Y/N). I don’t have a superhero name because technically I’m not one. It was kind of...unlucky for me to be there. At the same time lucky, I would be dying of being worried sick right now if I wasn’t there and knowing where my family was. And...That’s all.”  
“Wolverine. But y’all can call me Logan.” 
Ah. Short (like him). To the point. You liked it. 
Even shorter (unlike him), you liked it even more. 
Turning to your husband you smile and forgetting for a second you were surrounded by a bunch of strangers, you cuddled a little closer to him. 
“I’m Storm. Or Ororo. As you wish. I control the weather, and I teach at the Xavier school, I help young mutants to understand their power more. As I wish I had that kind of help as a child.”
Wow. Majestic. You were quite impressed, and clearly, so were your sons. You had to close Jason’s mouth. And Dick’s. Tim and Damian got the message. 
“Spider-Man ! I um...Can do whatever a spider does. According to that song at least. Sorry. I’m not good at introductions, my teachers always said so. ”
You smile encouragingly at him. He was one of the only one you remembered the name of, only because he brought your youngest son and seeing how Damian talked about him, he seemed quite fond of him already. And it was rare, that your kiddo was fond of someone that fast, so that Spider kid must be quite something. You got it though, he did have a relaxed, nice vibe about him, if not a bit awkward. 
“I am Captain America, please to meet you all, I am very glad we’re on this mission together. Let’s hope for a peaceful coalition until this is all over. Now that the introductions are done, I think we should-”
“Oh, typical American to forget the German guy ! I’m Kurt, an X-Men since many years. But a lot of people in the circus called me Nightcrawler and it stuck. You can call me whatever you want.”
“In the circus ! No way I used to be in a circus ! I was an acrobat !”
“Oh me too !”
Dick excitedly jumped on his feet, so did Kurt, while the one called “Captain America” was clearly feeling very uneasy. 
“I um, am sorry, Nightcrawler. I did not pay attention. I would never-”
“Relax Kapitän, I was only teasing. I know you would never forget me on purpose ! It was my fault. I was standing in the shadow. I disappear, in the shadow.” 
Damian’s eyes widen as he witnessed Kurt slowly becoming invisible as he retrieved to the shadows. 
“WOW ! So cool !”
Nightcrawler came into the light again, and smiled brightly at your son : 
“Thank you very much young man, it is rare people think of my ability as rare. Usually, they’re frightened.” 
Damian looked curiously at Kurt, and asked : 
“...Why ?” 
You could clearly see the shock on the mutant’s face, at the candid and innocent question Damian asked. It was probably the first time in a very long time he met someone that did not judge his appearance at all...You were very proud of your son, in that moment. 
“Wow is that really what you’re all going for ? What a joke ! And you say I’m the dishonest one ? Well let me re-introduce all of you.” 
The cute and sweet moment is shattered by Deadpool sly laughter, the shift in the mood is brutal and you wonder how it happened. He continues : 
“I can’t say anything about you all...Batfamily, I don’t know you, only through a few terribly written comics. I’m sure you’re much more than the cliches in there...Proof is that little Tim here hasn’t had a drop of coffee in hours ! And Jason didn’t shoot anyone, also that Damian kid totally accepted Nightcrawler seconds ago and wasn’t a brat !” 
Silence. What ? Comics ? What was he even on about...
“You’re such hypocrites though, all of you -he points at the Avengers and X-Men- Stark for example, he’s an ex-arms dealer. He likes to think of himself as a philantropist but he really never did something for someone else that didn’t benefit him in some ways, so he really isn’t like your husband. I don’t know why people in the real world always compare the two...”
“What ?”
“Nevermind. Wolverine. He killed more people in his life than me, and my job for a long time was literally to kill people. Granted his life is long, but the man can get crazily out of control and kill anything that moves ! It happens a scary amount of time. Storm, thought she was a goddess back home but really was just a pickpocket that gullible villagers put on a pedestal ! Kurt ? Act all nice and religious, but did some pretty terrible thing in moments he had to survive ? Isn’t that right Kurt ? Oh and Cap ? A literal war criminal. Well, I mean in some stories, but like he fought during World War II and was most definitely not always nice and did questionable things...As for Spidey here ! ...Well he never did anything wrong. I refuse to hear about all those times he supposedly was an asshole. Spider-Man is amazing. That’s all.” 
There’s a big silence, as your family looks at the Avengers and X-men suspiciously. But then Deadpool adds : 
“Oh, and by the way, I’m Wade. Completely crazy, and highly unreliable. I hear voices. A lot of them. Well not a lot of them. Just two. But it’s two more than most people do.” 
And then he laughs like a mad man, and the sudden tension falls just as fast as it rose. Wether Deadpool was telling the truth or not, you couldn’t know. But there was something sure about this all thing : he was most definitely not all there in the head. 
Plus, you had a gut feeling that you could trust those guys, after all, they did look like a lot of people you knew back in your own world. Like if they were their counterpart in this universe. Plus it seemed you all had the same goal...Stopping Klarion, and whoever that Loki was. 
It was vital, to avoid chaos across the multiverses. 
The introductions made, you started to all talk about your respective world. How it was where you were from, and how it was here. 
“Registering mutants ? It sounds very...Germany nineteen forties.” 
“Ah yes, some of our mutant compatriots think the same. But us, X-Men, still hope for a peaceful and nice way to resolve everything.” 
“But what are you really avenging ?” 
“I’m telling you it’s just a name !” 
“...It makes no sense. Like, the X-men are called like that because of the X genes, if I understood. Back home, our League of Justice is called like that because...Well, pretty self-explanatory, but you, why “Avengers” ?” 
“It just sounded cool ok ?!”
“And so we did that trick in the circus, where I would jump and teleport to the other side and in the dim light people would just think I did an impossible jump !” 
“That is wayyy cool !” 
“Are you a mutant too ?”
Damian asked Spider-man, and Peter answered : 
“No, I was bit by a radioactive spider.”
“Oh ! Were can I acquire such a spider ?!”
“Damian ! Stop trying to get superpowers , you’re perfect as you are !”
You scold your son, and Damian continues, looking dad : 
"I used to have superpowers...When my father resurected me with a crystal from Apokolips.”
“You died ?”
“Yeah. We all died once. Or faked our death.”
After those words your youngest son glares at your oldest, who yells : 
Conversations were happening a bit everywhere, as you were steadily flying towards The Xavier school for gifted youngsters, slowly discovering each others, and the worlds you were coming from.
“Wow this looks a lot like Wayne Manor !”
“Wayne Manor ?”
“Our house, back in our World.”
Damian exclaimed, and his father cleared his throat in a scolding way (a talent, really).
“What ? Do you seriously expect them to come to our dimension and tell everyone who we really are ? The chances are thin father. They’re the good guys of this world as well. Plus look at them, none of them really hide their identity. Except for Spidey.”
“Well they’re wrong. I already told you keeping your true identity secret is crucial. This is why we keep our aliases, even here.”
“AH ! Couldn’t agree more dude !”
Spider-man says, turning to your husband. Bruce continues :
“Very poor choice of them. If any of their enemies truly know who they are, their home will be targeted.”
“RIGHT ?! They all parade around with everyone knowing their real names like what’s their problems right ?”
“I have to agree young man.”
“You know the X-Men ? Their school was blown up like, thirty times because everyone knows where they live, and because they dox themselves all the time !” 
“RIGHT ?! I’m so glad you agree !” 
Ignoring the current conversation about secret identities, Wolverine, or rather “Logan” as he himself told you to call him (most definitely have a problem with the concept of code names and secret identities, in this universe) lands and says : 
“Welcome to the Xavier school for gifted youngsters.” 
“So, how dangerous exactly is this Klarion boy ?”
Charles Xavier asked, sitting in one of the salon in the school. 
“He’s already extremely dangerous, but if paired with someone like Loki, he’d be even worst. At least according to what Thor told us about his brother.” 
Your husband answers, all stoic and serious, and then Thor awkwardly says, as if ashamed : 
“He’s adopted.” 
“Adopted brothers are still brothers !”
Damian fiercely said, narrowing his eyes at the god of Thunder. It made your heart warm, to think how such a long way he came. A few years ago, when he first entered your life, he would’ve never defended adopted sibling with such convictions. 
Tim ruffles Damian’s hair, and winks at him before saying : 
“Look at him Dam-Robin, he clearly didn’t think before he spoke ! And I think it was a joke, right Thor ?”
Thor nods, even though he wasn’t sure he was really joking. He most definitely loved his brother, but it was true he was adopted ? The God of Thunder was a bit confused as to why the little man took it so personally. Ah, but they were raised in very much different ways...
In any case, the focus of the conversation went back to Professor Xavier.
“So, do you think you can find Klarion ?” 
Your husband asks, his seriousness back (he might have been a little on the softer side when he witnessed Damian defending his “adopted” brothers as being really his brothers, but now he was all back to business). 
“Well, we won’t know if I do not try, right ?” 
You, Bruce, Tim, Jason, Dick, Damian, Storm and Charles Xavier went to the school’s underground, while Wolverine, Nightcrawler and the Avengers stayed in the upper levels. 
Logan didn’t seem to trust them much, especially not Tony Stark. And if he stopped Tony Stark from going down to Cerebro, then in all fairness he had to stop all the other Avengers too. 
You and your family ? It was different. He had a good feeling about you, and his guts never lied. Plus Charles needed you to guide him to find Klarion, the infos you had on the boy being crucial in his search.
And so Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor and Nightcrawler stayed up there, discussing any plan of action possible once they’ll find Klarion. If, they find Klarion. 
Deadpool was there too, now taped to the wall in the salon, as no one was quite ready to give him his freedom yet. He was softly whistling an unknown song, all the while carefully listening to his “friends”. 
Cerebro was an impressive room with a single helmet in the middle. Was this huge size really necessary ?
“The size of the room is indeed necessary. It permits for a lot of components to be added, and for it all to function. All the walls are made of very complicated circuits without which the all machine wouldn’t work. 
Wow ! It was as if he-
“Read your thoughts ? I am sorry, I tend to indeed do so with people I just meet. It’s a...defense mechanism if you will, to make sure they’re not ill intentioned. But in your thoughts, I perceived no malice, which is why I’m allowing all of you here, in my Cerebro. Plus, your common knowledge of that Klarion boy is crucial to finding him.” 
Ah. So this is why the X-men left you alone with their leaders so easily. He was a telepath, not just able to find people with his mind. He could read them, and know if someone was thinking something bad or not...Well, at least, it was easy to build trust. 
At least on his side, because thinking about someone always reading whatever you thought were made you uncomfortable. What if you suddenly thought about a wild night you spend with Bruce ? Oh my God, here you were, thinking exactly about that !
“Ah, do not worry, I read into the minds of those I do not know up until I trust them. And I trust you know, so you can...Think of whatever you want. I’ll just add that you most definitely find each others well.” 
What Professor X implied as he smiled at you and Bruce made you both blush, and you quickly looked away, trying to think only about Klarion. Thankfully your son had been completely oblivious to it all, or...Well, those poor souls.
“Stay perfectly still, please.”
Before you could ask why, the machine started and WOW, it was overwhelming ! Millions and millions of voices all talked at the same time, and silhouettes of people started to appear everywhere. 
How the hell did that Xavier did...whatever he was doing ? 
Slowly but surely, less and less people floated into the air, until eventually, only one person remained...
“It’s Klarion !” 
Tim exclaimed, and sure enough, in front of you, was Klarion. He was sitting on something, and saying unintelligible things. 
“Where is he ?” 
Bruce asked avidly. But Professor Xavier’s forehead had more and more creases, and sweat slowly pearled at the corner of his temples. 
“Hey, hey what are you doing you sneaky little rat ?!” 
Klarion. That was most definitely Klarion. Looking straight at you all. Did he just sense Charles ?
“I’ll have you know I’ve been train about mind invasion, it’s witch school 101 ! Now, get...OUT !!” 
And suddenly, the entire machine shut down and with a groan of pain, Xavier took his helmet off. You rushed to him, worried, but in his calming voice he said : 
“I am alright my dear, but this Klarion boy is much stronger than I thought. I wasn’t quite able to get his exact location, but I think we can work with what I have...”
Charles managed to have an area where Klarion could possibly be, but it was very vague. However he projected the 3D image he found of him as he searched with Cerebro, and showed it to everyone in one of the X-Men’s many briefing room. 
“This is what he looks like. I can actually manage to print a decent quality picture of him, based on the mental image I have in my mind. If we go to the area I spotted  him, we could...”
“Heyyyyyy ! I know that little Wolverine haired guy !” 
Cutting the professor off, Deadpool, who, from his spot handcuffed to a heater (it was still an improvement from being taped to the wall) said. He had managed to catch a glimpse of Klarion, and clearly...recognized him ?
“You’ve seen him before ?” 
Bruce asks, suspicious. After all, Deadpool had proven so far to not be the most reliable guy indeed. Yet he still somehow tried to help nonetheless. 
“Yeah I did ! You should’ve told me what he looked like, would’ve saved us a lot of work ! I kinda thought he was just yet another one of Logan’s kid, I mean, the dude NEVER uses protection ! Anyway I saw him on my way to get you two from the subway station, and I saw him go in a very special place, from which I was coming out. He’s at my ex-wife’s Shikla’s place...And I mean “ex” as in we’re no longer married, not like, she’s part of the X-men; They’d never accept her, she’s a total psycho ! She kinda rules over the world of monsters and often plans for the end of the Human race. Should we go visit her ?”
And that’s how you embarked for a new adventure down under...Literally. 
To be continued...
Well after months of not writing...I tried :/. I hope you still like this little transition chapter. You probably noticed a lot of characters had almost no “screen time” even though they were present (and how Deadpool has a lot of said screen time...i needed him to find the witch boy), I’ll do better in the next chapter ! It’s just I needed a little sort of transition to go from searching Klarion to finding him, if that makes sense ? I hope you’re not disappointed and think things are moving too fast, or things aren’t making sense/are a mess, with this more lighthearted chapter, real action coming next chapter, and thanks for reading ! 
If you did like it, as always : feedbacks and reblogs are more than welcomed <3. Thanks in advance !
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thenightling · 5 years
Doctor Endless became Doctor Thaumaturge  (And the mess that is Suicide Squad: Black Files)
Remember back in 2017 when Bleeding Cool News discovered that Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman characters of The Endless were about to be ripped off for Suicide Squad: Black Files?  This was to be done with a a character named “Doctor Endless” with “All the powers of The Endless.”  Worse than that was DC attempted to claim that Doctor Endless was their first Genderfluid character, essentially pretending Desire of The Endless (who was partly the bases for Doctor Endless) never existed.  Desire is DC’s first true Genderfluid character.
The comic was abruptly delayed indefinitely while changes were made (Particularly with the Doctor Endless character.)
Anyway, I recently got a hold of Suicide Squad: Black Files, which was published in late 2018 and early 2019 (So the complete version is roughly six-months-old).   And it’s rather... well... stupid.  
The plot is very, very thin (barely there) and there are so many explosions and clutter on every page that my attention was wandering.  I haven’t skimmed a comic book in ages.  I was skimming this.  I hate skimming.  I miss stuff when I skim.  
And some of it just badly written.  Really badly written.  For starters Klarion the witch boy faces execution in Texas.   Really!???   F--king really?  
When they recruit Klarion he’s in heavy duty hand-hiding restraints and a Loki-esque (Think: Avengers) muzzle to keep him from using magick but just a page later heavy, sigil covered cuffs do the same job.   Was that just to evoke thoughts of MCU’s Loki?!  What was the point?
It’s a six part “event” (Read: Miniseries) and mostly deals with Sebastian Faust going rogue to try to protect his unborn child from the forces of magick.   He blames magick for his father’s evil and his own predicaments with it and is obsessed with protecting his yet-to-be-born baby.   Points for effort on tragic antagonist I guess.  
So Amanda Waller creates Suicide Squad: Black, the supernatural version of Suicide Squad, which sounds like it could be fun... in theory.  I mean how do you go wrong with Amanda Waller in front of suited officials and one says “But how did he survive?” to get a straight faced “Every time he dies The Devil brings him back but takes another piece of his soul.”  
Doctor Endless is there but renamed Doctor Thaumaturge and their importance to the story is considerably downplayed now.  
There are several panels where it looks like they were originally talking and it was changed at the last minute.  They’re practically a non-character.  So much so that I can’t even find a listing for them on the DC Wikia.    
I THINK Doctor Thaumaturge dies in issue 3 but I’m not sure.  My attention wandered from all the explosions on literally every page.  So I wasn’t paying enough attention.
Hell, I didn’t even see Teekl by the end of this.  She was there in issue 2.  Where the Hell is Teekl?   Klarion without his cat is a no.   He’d stop working and be screaming his head off or in a fatal position without his cat.  
There’s no humor. The whole thing felt forced out because DC promised it would be published.   It kind of feels phoned in.  Every character is under-developed.
The artwork is too busy and cluttered, and not in the fun Bernie Wrightson or J. H. Williams III way where it’s “Ooh, look at all that nice detail!”  No. Instead of nice detail here it’s just clutter and business and big explosions. 
I don’t feel any attachment to any character and that’s never a good sign.  The personalities are under-portrayed so that the dialogue can be swapped among them easily.  There’s a lot of action but little story.  
The roster is too long and you can tell there were hasty, last-minute edits that make some parts feel like a broken jigsaw puzzle.   
I don’t hate this comic.  Honestly, it just kind of bored me and felt inconsequential.  Maybe that’s worse than hating it...
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arklayraven · 4 years
Pass the happy! When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the most recent people in your notifications!
Aaaa thanks for sending me this!  💜
1) Loki
He’s just been making me very happy(and I mean VERY HAPPY) in life lately and has to be listed as number one right now. I love him so much. This should be obvious though by now. =w=;  💚🐍
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2) Writing 
I’m still amazed with myself on writing more again finally after all these years. Though it’s been a joy to finally do it again, and yeaaaah most of my stuff is about Loki. Also I’m not the best in writing I feel personally, but I’m having fun and all, so that’s all that should matter in the end I’m sure. 
3) My cats 
Arsenal(or Roy, but I call him Arsenal. Yes named after Roy Harper) and Loki(Yes, her name is Loki as well, ironically this was before I became the huge Loki fan that I am now) are my stars in my world. They mean everything to me and whenever I can hold them or cuddle them, it just helps me remember some happiness, love and calmness again. Especially during my depression or anxiety moments. 
4) Resident Evil games
 I don’t play them as much as I’ll like too, but whenever I do. I really do feel excited over them. I know shooting zombies or BOWs isn’t for everyone, but its fun to me, so yeah. pfff
5) Klarion the Witch Boy
I haven’t been giving him much love/attention lately as I would want too. Though Klarion still is very close in my heart and seeing him or just hearing about him makes me grin widely. He’s a wicked nerd who clearly charmed(pun not intended, maybe) his way into my heart and life. Yeah he has his chaotic moments, but they don’t call them the Lord of Chaos for nothing though.  💙
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isolaradiale · 6 years
Lost in Space 06
Hello, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of January!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least three in-character posts during a calendar month.
Only one drabble and/or meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: If you are removed during two consecutive activity checks, you will not be allowed to re-apply as that character for two calendar months. 
Additionally, anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large. 
Es (Blazblue, TOWNHOUSE 247)
Eiji Biwasaka (Caligula Effect, APARTMENT 324)
Dukemon (Digimon, OUTSIDE) *DASH ONLY
Noboru Kodo (Future Card Buddyfight, CONDO 435)
Rutger (Gigantic, APARTMENT 353)
Brodia/Alexiel (Granblue Fantasy, HOUSE 147)
Vane (Granblue Fantasy, APARTMENT 369)
Dice Arisugawa (Hypnosis Mic, APARTMENT 334)
Oboromaru (Live A Live, HOUSE 153) *DASH ONLY
Scott Calvin/Santa Claus (The Santa Clause, HOUSE 136)
Snow White (SINoALICE, HOUSE 146)
Shiva (Totsukuni no Shoujo, CONDO 403)
Ookurikara (Touken Ranbu, CONDO 448)
Mythra (Xenoblade Chronicles, HOUSE 132)
Sabitsuki (CONDO 460)
Lemongrab (APARTMENT 316)
Marshall Lee (HOUSE 111)
Lup Taaco (CONDO 454)
Anne Shirley-Cuthbert (HOUSE 164)
Ava Ire (HOUSE 116)
Odin Arrow (HOUSE 173)
Katara (HOUSE 105)
Eiji Okumura (TOWNHOUSE 265)
Elizabeth (CONDO 459)
Hazama (CONDO 475)
Jin Kisaragi (HOUSE 125)
Litchi Faye-Ling (TOWNHOUSE 275)
Makoto Nanaya (CONDO 471)
Nu-13 (APARTMENT 339)
Senna (TOWNHOUSE 208)
Ulquiorra Cifer (CONDO 409)
Izumo Kamiki (APARTMENT 304)
Akutagawa Ryunosuke (HOUSE 110)
Dazai Osamu (HOUSE 104)
Eiji Biwasaka (APARTMENT 324)*BROKEN URL
Cath Palug (TOWNHOUSE 275)
Katherine McBride (TOWNHOUSE 238)
Soma (CONDO 455)
Keyleth (TOWNHOUSE 226)
Lavi (TOWNHOUSE 265)
Kanon Nakajima (HOUSE 138)
Komaeda Nagito (HOUSE 115)
Kiibo (TOWNHOUSE 225)
Tsumugi Shirogane (TOWNHOUSE 264)
Damian Wayne (Robin) (HOUSE 107)
Jason Todd (Red Hood) (CONDO 472)
Klarion Bleak (HOUSE 135)
Mera (CONDO 402)
Zatanna Zatara (HOUSE 133)
Marie Rose (CONDO 419)
Cayde-6 (APARTMENT 355)
Nero (APARTMENT 351)
Yamato Hotsuin (CONDO 431)
Johannes Kleeman (CONDO 469)
Azusa Mukami (HOUSE 105)
Helen Parr (Elastigirl/Mrs. Incredible) (HOUSE 158)
Wreck-It Ralph (APARTMENT 346)
Cole (CONDO 412)
Urick (HOUSE 145)
Male Mage (Dimension Walker) (HOUSE 118)
Izaya Orihara (CONDO 401)
Ainchase Ishmael (Richter) (CONDO 446)
Chiaki Morisawa (CONDO 417)
Vincent Law / Ergo Proxy (APARTMENT 341)
Stefano Valentini (HOUSE 127)
Assassin (Charles Henri Sanson) (HOUSE 170)
Assassin (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) (TOWNHOUSE 262)
Berserker (Florence Nightingale) (APARTMENT 312)
Berserker (Sakata Kintoki) (CONDO 437)
Caster (William Shakespeare) (APARTMENT 354)
Foreigner (Katsushika Hokusai) (HOUSE 151)
Lancer (Diarmuid Ua Duibhne) (CONDO 445)
Rider (Quetzalcoatl) (CONDO 408)
Rider of Red (Achilles) (TOWNHOUSE 207)
Saber (Richard I) (Richard I's House (Archimedes))
Balthier (TOWNHOUSE 240)
Cloud Strife (CONDO 422)
Fordola rem Lupis (HOUSE 139)
Genesis Rhapsodos (CONDO 439)
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret (TOWNHOUSE 248)
Warrior of Light (Arishan Ruruwai) (HOUSE 126)
Warrior of Light (Kerasos Kahkol) (CONDO 424)
Zack Fair (HOUSE 171)
Zephirin (APARTMENT 333)
Nina (APARTMENT 350)
Pieri (APARTMENT 338)
Mike Schmidt (CONDO 441)
William Afton (Scraptrap) (OUTSIDE)
Coffee (HOUSE 144)
Rin Matsuoka (TOWNHOUSE 225)
Alphonse Elric (CONDO 415)
Riza Hawkeye (CONDO 435)
Gao Mikado (HOUSE 119)
Kakeru Futaboshi (HOUSE 175)
Kanata Ozora (CONDO 433)
Noboru Kodo (CONDO 435) *BROKEN URL
Ranma Kakogawa (CONDO 470)
Red Riding Hood Emma (HOUSE 153)
Goblin Slayer (Ted) (CONDO 428)
Soma Schicksal (HOUSE 125)
Gene (CONDO 447)
Arthur (TOWNHOUSE 231)
Brodia/Alexiel (HOUSE 147) *BROKEN URL
Mordred (TOWNHOUSE 231)
Narmaya (TOWNHOUSE 253)
Threo (TOWNHOUSE 220)
Lars Van Allen (Miriam's House (Fibonacci))
Lockon Stratos/Neil Dylandy (HOUSE 121)
Antimony Carver (CONDO 428)
Michael Myers (HOUSE 138) *DROPPED
The Conductor (APARTMENT 342)
Seras Victoria (Seras's House (Cotes))
Chahut Maenad (TOWNHOUSE 267)
Diamonds Droog (HOUSE 112)
Equius Zahhak (CONDO 401)
Hearts Boxcars (HOUSE 109)
Marsti Houtek (HOUSE 172)
Marvus Xoloto (HOUSE 159)
Roxy Lalonde (CONDO 404)
Stelsa Sezyat (HOUSE 135)
Tavros Nitram (APARTMENT 301)
Terezi Pyrope (APARTMENT 318)
Tyzias Entykk (TOWNHOUSE 263)
Aloy (HOUSE 106)
Bortz (CONDO 436)
Gon Freecss (APARTMENT 351)
Drifter (APARTMENT 329)
Dice Arisugawa (APARTMENT 334) *BROKEN URL
Samatoki Aohitsugi (HOUSE 159)
Ryuunosuke Tsunashi (CONDO 407)
Ten Kujou (CONDO 423)
Sesshomaru (HOUSE 152)
Matei "Draco" Cernat (TOWNHOUSE 240)
Nene Yashiro (HOUSE 156)
Bruno Bucciarati (TOWNHOUSE 220)
Joseph Joestar (HOUSE 149)
Jotaro Kujo (HOUSE 129)
Leone Abbacchio (HOUSE 172)
Mikoto Suoh (APARTMENT 338)
Totsuka Tatara (APARTMENT 360)
Konoha (CONDO 426)
Kuroha (CONDO 416)
Tsubomi Kido (CONDO 461)
Kadoya Tsukasa (TOWNHOUSE 243)
Chrome Dokuro (APARTMENT 311)
Fran (APARTMENT 327)
Hibari Kyoya (TOWNHOUSE 240)
Squalo Superbi (CONDO 444)
Kayo (APARTMENT 319)
Mako Mankanshoku (TOWNHOUSE 221)
Demyx (CONDO 432)
Even (Vexen) (TOWNHOUSE 257)
Ventus (APARTMENT 344)
Hajime Tenga (CONDO 402)
Shui (HOUSE 104)
Neeko (CONDO 460)
Rakan (HOUSE 128)
Zelda (Breath of the Wild) (CONDO 456)
Oboromaru (HOUSE 153) *DASH ONLY
Elatha (Aichi's House (Cotes))
Ja'far (APARTMENT 361)
Jessica Jones (TOWNHOUSE 264)
Loki Laufeyson (Ikol) (Earth-616) (APARTMENT 312)
Thor Odinson (APARTMENT 301)
Kurokami Medaka (APARTMENT 330)
Roll (TOWNHOUSE 230)
Hitagi Senjougahara (HOUSE 107)
Kiss-Shot (APARTMENT 318)
Suruga Kanbaru (TOWNHOUSE 212)
Draculaura (HOUSE 165)
Claus (HOUSE 172)
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic) (CONDO 426)
Kaminari Denki (CONDO 464)
Kyouka Jirou (Headphone Jack) (CONDO 445)
Midoriya Izuku (APARTMENT 350)
Tamaki Amajiki (HOUSE 113)
Toshinori Yagi (All Might) (APARTMENT 302)
Arthur (TOWNHOUSE 246)
Yoosung Kim (APARTMENT 362)
Neji Hyuga (HOUSE 101)
Sasori (TOWNHOUSE 217)
9S (HOUSE 138)
No. 4 (APARTMENT 317)
Casey Hartley (APARTMENT 360)
Kurotsuno (HOUSE 117)
Therion (CONDO 409)
Sugar (CONDO 432)
Portgas D. Ace (HOUSE 130)
Sanji (HOUSE 149)
Hiromasa (HOUSE 140)
Kamikui (TOWNHOUSE 260)
Cliona Finn (CONDO 446)
Deborah Yoon Chestnut (APARTMENT 353)
Eli McKendal (APARTMENT 330)
Ellis Morgan (CONDO 468)
Fin (HOUSE 105)
Hadwyn Murolo (CONDO 440)
Hawthorne Althaea Rolohden (CONDO 431)
Liu Canglong (HOUSE 159)
Mira Lumren (CONDO 440)
Nemi Ollin (HOUSE 171)
Oni (Ibaraki Doji) (HOUSE 152)
Pembroke (APARTMENT 337)
Rose Castavet (HOUSE 117)
Shade (TOWNHOUSE 244)
Zack Ledger (HOUSE 161)
Brigitte Lindholm (HOUSE 145)
Fareeha Amari (Pharah) (APARTMENT 356)
Hanzo Shimada (CONDO 459)
Jamison Fawkes (Junkrat) (APARTMENT 328)
Lucio Correia dos Santos (Lucio) (APARTMENT 356)
Alex (APARTMENT 345)
Reim Lunettes (HOUSE 166)
Fuuka Yamagishi ("Meme House" (Golden))
Marie (HOUSE 130)
Rise Kujikawa (HOUSE 152)
Tae Takemi (CONDO 435)
Yukari Takeba (HOUSE 120)
Felix Argyle (CONDO 459)
Nicholas St. North (CONDO 446)
Puppy (CONDO 448)
Hazel Rainart (CONDO 455)
Sun Wukong (HOUSE 114)
Tyrian Callows (HOUSE 162)
Killbane (APARTMENT 334)
Sha Gojyo (APARTMENT 334)
Scott Calvin/Santa Claus (HOUSE 136) *BROKEN URL
Hannah Marie (HOUSE 102)
SCP-2337/Doctor Spanko (CONDO 429)
Zan Audupon (APARTMENT 322)
Adora (She-Ra) (APARTMENT 346)
Catra (APARTMENT 359)
Princess Glimmer (TOWNHOUSE 241)
Nana Daiba (CONDO 405)
Tendou Maya (CONDO 428)
Snow White (HOUSE 146) *BROKEN URL
Sung Jin Woo (CONDO 450)
Simon Jarret (TOWNHOUSE 253)
Agent 8 (HOUSE 123)
Pearl (APARTMENT 334)
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Well, either of your ideas that you had written was already written before (albeit differently) by someone else a while back basically (out of the fact that I made questions similar to the ones I gave you which resulted in tumblr bloggers giving me different answers to them). 
gingerly-writing: to this ask I filled out for them. I’m pretty fucking pissed off, and I’ve had my fury checked out by uninvolved parties to make sure it was righteous. It’s righteous.
Me: Not entirely so.
gingerly-writing: First off, feel free not to send people rude-ass messages after they’ve put time and effort into coming up with a response to you? 
Me: The top comment there (the “Well, either of your ideas” comment) wasn’t really the rude comment I typed out. The other one was (which I’m sorry for) which you didn’t copy paste in your third post so other bloggers can see it as that public evidence is vital for context.
gingerly-writing: Also, I thought you were going to use my idea and have me to thank you or something for it when I came up with something like my asks I gave you and something to the equivalent of your “heroes and villains school” stuff before I replied to your ask box sometime ago. Basically, wanting me to give you undeserved credit for my very own idea. I certainly didn’t know you were going to make comments like this either.
So, I actually have a hero and villain school in my own original superhero works, and I did come up with a solution to this one. If you’re writing your own original stuff, please change this up, but if you’re writing fic I don’t mind if you nick it wholesale (as long as you tag me in it! I’d love to read it).
Y’know, for me, this was just background information, but now I kind of want to write a whole book focusing on it.
gingerly-writing: It took me a good 45 minutes to get tumblr to accept my answer to your damn ask, so you’ve just made that a waste of my time.
Me: Maybe. But, from below, you were not bettering the situation.
gingerly-writing: Also, feel free to simply not respond rudely to people’s posts, at all, ever, especially if you were the one who sent the ask in the first place. I didn’t need to know how shit my ideas are, thanks.
Me: Yeah...not really sure where you’re going with this. Are you saying your ideas were horrible because they were based on my idea and how I spread more around on tumblr? Or do you think I’m saying your ideas were horrible because you think I’m somehow saying, implying or thinking that? 
Either why, that comment of yours was not helpful for anyone. Yourself included.
gingerly-writing: Also, as a more general PSA, feel free not to send identical asks to multiple bloggers. 
Me: Not happening. As I can sent any ask at any time by my own free will. As is my right.
gingerly-writing: Seeing someone else answer the same ask really disincentivizes me to answer it, even if it’s in my queue: I worry about stepping on the other responder’s feet, 
Me: Well, to be fair, I can understand the sentiment there. Still, what you say next will lower that sentiment.
and also, it’s motherfuckin rude, you absolute assclown. 
Me: Childish name calling. So...how is it you’re any better with what you had said. What would you benefit from doing that other then venting out your anger. ...Which ironically enough I didn’t even do here and wouldn’t now just so I won’t sink to your level of rudeness. 
gingerly-writing: And if you do send multiple asks and get similar responses, maybe it’s simply because it’s a good fucking idea. If you get different answers, maybe it’s because we’re all different fucking people with awesome different ideas that I’m not sure you deserve.
Me: You know what, I’ll be upfront, and say that I should have not jumped the gun and assumed the worse and could’ve worded my comments better (or just replied privately about the whole matter), you, on the other hand, didn’t do much of anything to resolve the situation as best as you should’ve. In the end, you basically became me. But a little worse.
: feel free to block me on the way out
Me: Already did. I’m hoping you don’t treat other bloggers the way you had treated me. Especially if they were nicely bringing up stuff to your attention among other things. And especially, even, in the ‘ginning once they asked you something.
gingerly-writing: #I try to be nice on this site #but I have my limits #and now I'm in rage mode #the asks and the answers #rude #ungrateful
Me: As if you were better with your own fair share of rudeness that might be on the level of hackedmotionsensors’. 
hackedmotionsensors: THIS PERSON IS SO WEIRD!! All they ever do is send these bizarre questions about the DCEU being in MCU!
Me:  Actually, that's not ALL I do. I asked other questions too. And my qs aren't as weird as any one else's either, hacked. Best to not go by assumptions and call people weird for what they say or do. Be it in front of their faces or behind their backs. Also, don't like me or my qs? Then either block me or just blacklist my name.
See ya...never, I guess.
Here’s some context on what I was talking about on this post:
TumblrFrostbite: How would you want schools for villains' kids (for Marvel villains' kids, for DC villains' kids, etc) to be ran? And who would you want to run those schools?
gingerly-writing: This is one of those things that I’ve put way too much thought into after you sent this, because I love stuff like this. The question is, are the villains running this school for their kids, or is this something the heroes are putting on to try and rehabilitate the kids while their parents are in prison? I’ll assume the former, but the latter is also super interesting to me.
Disclaimer: this will have a strong DC bent because I have little to no interest in most Marvel villains, whereas I could yack on about DC villains for month. In fact, I might just stick to DC in its entirety because other than Loki (who would be the worst teacher ever, he would encourage so much shenanigans) most of the Marvel villains I know are Nazis or space monsters. Second disclaimer: I’ve watched a lot more animated DC movies and read a lot more fic than I ever have comics, soooooo these depictions might not be comic book accurate. Fanboys, please don’t come for me…but I also don’t really care that much tbh. I like the incarnations that I like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Actual answer under the cut because this got hella long. Hope you like it!
Sponsor: Lex Luthor. Funds the school, shows up to speech day to give speeches and hand out prizes, gives the brightest and most stable kids scholarships to work at Lex Corp in the holidays. Absolutely 100% has his own ends, no one knows what they are. Chucks buckets of money at every problem. Likes to bring the school up at fancy soirees in front of Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen just to piss them off.
Headmaster: Deathstroke (or rather, Slade from Teen Titans). Has no idea how he wound up with this job, complains about the pay 24/7 even though it’s in the range of millions of dollars a term paid in untraceable cash from 50 different countries. Basically ends up like Gordon Ramsey: threatens to assassinate the teachers and parents all the time, has actually taken out some abusive parents, but is weirdly, gruffly nice to the younger kids. Teachers self-defence to all the non-powered kids and weapons to anyone who’s interested and has the discipline for it. Grudgingly tolerates old man jokes.
Deputy Headmistress: Talia al Ghul. Absolutely terrifies all the older kids, mothers the younger ones. In charge of who graduates and who doesn’t; will only let kids graduate if their villainy won’t critically endanger their own life. Sometimes shows up in the backs of random classes and lurks there for ‘assessments’; shows up in more than 50% of Deathstroke’s classes to harass him about his technique. Keeps a photo of Damien on her desk, refuses to acknowledge it’s there if someone asks about it.
Biology: Poison Ivy. Excellent teacher, surprises both herself and her students at how brilliant she is. Everyone wants to take biology with her even if they have no villainous interest in the subject. Litters her lectures with feminist rants, eco-warrior tirades and talks about LGBT+ rights, will gently but forcefully correct anyone who disagrees with her. Runs a vegetable outside the school and encourages the kids to get closer to nature. Just enough passing knowledge of memes to make her older students roll about with laughter: ‘Batman’s homophobic because he inconveniences me and I’m gay’. PDAs with her girlfriend in the corridors.
Women and gender studies: Harley Quinn Ivy’s girlfriend, part time teacher. Wanted to take up the psychology post, but after she seriously suggested sharing it with Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) no one wanted to let her anywhere near it. Knows every meme. Gives great relationship advice, will kill anyone’s abusive boyfriend with no questions asked. Brings her hyenas to school in a ridiculously massive handbag. Has her own locker.
Thievery, sneaking around, Gotham safety: Catwoman. Definitely brings in her cats to act as therapy/comfort animals for the kids. Unofficial therapist; absolutely mothers anyone from Gotham, no exceptions. Brings the kids super expensive (stolen) jewellery to wear on prom night and for big dances, charges in secrets about their parents.
Business and Economics, with a side in mind control: Maxwell Lord (in the more business-orientated editions). Keeps to himself, is one of those teachers who doesn’t actually seem to like kids. Always wears a freshly pressed suit. Bit of an asshole. Selina tripped him down the stairs once.
Magic: supposedly taught by Felix Faust, but Klarion enrolled as a student just to show up in his lectures and argue. Every. Single. Point. Magic classes have turned into a magical war several times. They can only get along when someone else turns up claiming magic isn’t real. Faust has a lecture prepared for the non-believers, Klarion has a fireball. Circe often shows up in these classes, ‘borrows’ all the female students for private lessons and turns all the boys into pigs. Pig-Klarion does not appreciate this.
Physics and advanced thermodynamics: Killer Frost. Gets on really well with the Gotham City Sirens; they have cocktail parties in the staff lounge every second Thursday. Is paid by other villains kidnapping Firestorm so she can feed. Absolutely has favourite students and students she hates with a passion; has been known to freeze some students to their chairs in lieu of detention.
Other random villains that show up from time to time: - Flash’s Rogues Gallery. Created the infamous ‘Rogues week’ at the end of the year where every single one of them shows up and helps the students wreak absolute chaos across the school. Can never be stopped from showing up and starting this. Captain Cold comes grudgingly, sits in Slade’s office and has a drink with him; the rest of the Rogues join in with the chaos a bit too enthusiastically. Best week for the seniors. The younger rogues would totally be students and help to smuggle the older ones in for Rogues week.
- Black Manta: shows up sometimes, teaches a few lectures, leaves. Always on super random topics, often tangentially related to his latest evil scheme. The students have a betting pool that reawakens after each visit on how his talk will relate to his next scheme. Literally no one understands why he shows up. Doesn’t get paid, doesn’t seem to enjoy it. ?????? Has great on-land fashion sense though. A lot of the older students have lowkey crushes on him
- Cheetah takes advanced genetics and many other complex of aspects of science. Only shows up to teach special classes for the seniors. High fives Ivy in the corridors.
- Deadshot. Sometimes shows up and interrupts Deathstroke’s guns lessons (poor guy can never teach a lesson in peace), always gets chased out of the school. Gets teary eyed over the young female students kicking ass. Doesn’t seem to do anything useful but somehow gets paid a salary. Sleeps in the gym when he’s on the run from Amanda Wakker/Batman.
- Hugo Strange keeps showing up in disguises and trying to get the psychology job. Last time it was just a fake moustache. What is he even hoping to achieve.
- Merlyn shows up when he’s bored to host archery competitions on the front lawn. Mostly does this when Oliver Queen is in town. Keeps saying he’s going to pick a protégé out of the best archers and never does because the Arrow Clan kids annoy him so much he’s wound up thinking he hates kids. Actually loves kids, pretends to be snooty and above them though. 100% has to prove he’s still the best archer at every competition, even the one for 12 year olds.
TumblrFrostbite: If the super villain academy children, by the time they hit twenty, had to do some VERY impressive villainous in order to graduate, what type of villainous stuff would you have the rookies villains do to not only graduate, but also to be considered as full fledged villains?
gingerly-writing: So, I actually have a hero and villain school in my own original superhero works, and I did come up with a solution to this one. If you’re writing your own original stuff, please change this up, but if you’re writing fic I don’t mind if you nick it wholesale (as long as you tag me in it! I’d love to read it).
My thought was: all villains are going to be different, with different strengths and gifts. Sending them all to, I don’t know, infiltrate an island or fight Black Canary (which no one would win, let’s be honest) doesn’t seem fair on those it doesn’t suit. I was really struggling to come up with something that could work for everyone that didn’t force them to work in a team, because, well…villainous teams never work so well. Too many egos and whatnot.
My solution was: have the kids pick their own challenges. Make it their end of final year project. They submit a fully researched plan, all the way from the developmental stages to the final polished article. Plans like ‘killing Batman’ or ‘blowing up the planet’ are swiftly vetoed, but as long as they’re convincing enough the plan can get as elaborate and dangerous as they like. Half the marks come from the plan itself, and half for execution. Sometimes, my particularly vindictive kiddos make their plan to screw over their nemesis’ plan; I particularly enjoy when their plans are both to screw over each others’ plans. That gets entertaining.
They’re assigned a teacher whose knowledge base best fits with the plan the kid wants to execute, and they submit and resubmit and re-resubmit it to improve and refine their scheme until it’s as perfect as it’s going to get. Then, with no further outside help, they have to execute it.
This method lets you titivate the grand finale to best suit your plot needs. Your character has a serious nemesis? Pitch them against each other. Parental grudge? Make their aim to foil their parent’s plans. Hero that they hate? Plan to ruin their day. Plus, you can shove in bureaucratic nightmares and whatever other problems you can dream up (sabotage, indecision, dreams too grand to execute) into the planning stages.
I’m not sure you could do anything in a school situation to make the outside world consider them ‘real villains’: that would take time, money, and a body count, all things a school probably can’t afford to have on their books, villainous or not. But a huge, large-scale, dramatic graduating plan probably wouldn’t hurt any young villain’s rep!
Y’know, for me, this was just background information, but now I kind of want to write a whole book focusing on it. xx
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batreyn · 7 years
Comics I’m Selling
Costs: $10 for the first book, $5 for each book that follows (unless otherwise noted)
Why $10 for the first book? So that $5 can cover packaging supplies and shipping costs.
If you are down to pay international shipping rates, expect shipping fees to run around $33.
All books are in EXCELLENT condition unless otherwise noted.
How to purchase:
PM me a list of the comics you want, along with your PayPal address.
I send you an invoice (to help protect the both of us).
You pay the amount and your address will automatically be given to me for shipping.
The List:
Batman: Haunted Knight Batman: Noel Batman: Son of the Demon Batman: The Widening Gyre Batman Secrets of the Batcave DC’s Greatest Imaginary Stories The Batman Adventures: Mad Love Batman Detective Comics Annual (Nov ‘09) $5/$1 Batman Knight Gallery issue $5/$1 (the one where we see Batman’s sketchbook of costume design ideas)
Damian Wayne Titles
Batman: Son of the Demon (technically not Damian)
Batman and Son Batman the Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul Batman the Black Glove Batman RIP Batman: Battle for the Cowl Batman: Life After Death
Dick Grayson Titles
Robin Year One Young Justice issue #11 $5/$1
Nightwing: Year One Nightwing Freefall Nightwing: Love and Bullets Nightwing:A Knight in Blüdhaven
Jason Todd Titles
Batman Under the Red Hood Batman issue 629 Jason Lives! $5/$1 Batman the New Adventures issue 408 $5/$1 (the issue when Jason first steals Batman’s tires and calls him a boob)
Stephanie Brown Titles
Batgirl Rising Batgirl The Flood Batgirl The Lesson
Superman Titles
Superman Earth One hardback $10 The Man of Steel Jimmy Olsen oneshot issue (May ‘11) $5/$3
Dick + Damian Titles
Batman & Robin: Batman Reborn Batman & Robin: Batman vs Robin Batman & Robin: Batman vs Robin hardback $10 Batman & Robin: Batman and Robin Must Die! hardback $10 Batman & Robin oneshot issue (Dec ‘10) $5/$1
Batman: Streets of Gotham Hush Money Batman: Streets of Gotham Leviathan Batman: Streets of Gotham Leviathan hardback $10
Batman Long Shadows
Dick + Tim Titles
Batman: Prodigal Teen Titans/Outsiders: The Insiders (the one where Superboy goes evil)
Superman/Batman Titles
Finest Worlds World’s Finest $8/$3 (slight damage) Absolute Power Supergirl Supergirl (yeah, I have two copies) Public Enemies
Young Justice (cartoon verse)
Young Justice 1 (contains issues 1-6) Young Justice issue #11 $5/$1
Titles featuring Klarion the Witch Boy and Zatanna and others
Seven Soldiers of Victory vol. 1 Seven Soldiers of Victory vol. 2 Seven Soldiers of Victory vol. 3 Seven Soldiers of Victory vol. 4
Marvel Titles
The Art of Thor (movie concept art book) $20 Thor and Loki: Blood Brothers
Young Avengers: Family Matters Young Avengers: Sidekicks
The Art of Jo Chen: illustration collection (autographed) $20 One Piece Color Walk #1
Batman Story Cubes $8
18 notes · View notes
gingerly-writing · 7 years
TumblrFrostbite: How would you want schools for villains' kids (for Marvel villains' kids, for DC villains' kids, etc) to be ran? And who would you want to run those schools?
This is one of those things that I’ve put way too much thought into after you sent this, because I love stuff like this. The question is, are the villains running this school for their kids, or is this something the heroes are putting on to try and rehabilitate the kids while their parents are in prison? I’ll assume the former, but the latter is also super interesting to me.
Disclaimer: this will have a strong DC bent because I have little to no interest in most Marvel villains, whereas I could yack on about DC villains for month. In fact, I might just stick to DC in its entirety because other than Loki (who would be the worst teacher ever, he would encourage so much shenanigans) most of the Marvel villains I know are Nazis or space monsters.Second disclaimer: I’ve watched a lot more animated DC movies and read a lot more fic than I ever have comics, soooooo these depictions might not be comic book accurate. Fanboys, please don’t come for me…but I also don’t really care that much tbh. I like the incarnations that I like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Actual answer under the cut because this got hella long. Hope you like it!
Sponsor: Lex Luthor. Funds the school, shows up to speech day to give speeches and hand out prizes, gives the brightest and most stable kids scholarships to work at Lex Corp in the holidays. Absolutely 100% has his own ends, no one knows what they are. Chucks buckets of money at every problem. Likes to bring the school up at fancy soirees in front of Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen just to piss them off.
Headmaster: Deathstroke (or rather, Slade from Teen Titans). Has no idea how he wound up with this job, complains about the pay 24/7 even though it’s in the range of millions of dollars a term paid in untraceable cash from 50 different countries. Basically ends up like Gordon Ramsey: threatens to assassinate the teachers and parents all the time, has actually taken out some abusive parents, but is weirdly, gruffly nice to the younger kids. Teachers self-defence to all the non-powered kids and weapons to anyone who’s interested and has the discipline for it. Grudgingly tolerates old man jokes.
Deputy Headmistress: Talia al Ghul. Absolutely terrifies all the older kids, mothers the younger ones. In charge of who graduates and who doesn’t; will only let kids graduate if their villainy won’t critically endanger their own life. Sometimes shows up in the backs of random classes and lurks there for ‘assessments’; shows up in more than 50% of Deathstroke’s classes to harass him about his technique. Keeps a photo of Damien on her desk, refuses to acknowledge it’s there if someone asks about it.
Biology: Poison Ivy. Excellent teacher, surprises both herself and her students at how brilliant she is. Everyone wants to take biology with her even if they have no villainous interest in the subject. Litters her lectures with feminist rants, eco-warrior tirades and talks about LGBT+ rights, will gently but forcefully correct anyone who disagrees with her. Runs a vegetable outside the school and encourages the kids to get closer to nature. Just enough passing knowledge of memes to make her older students roll about with laughter: ‘Batman’s homophobic because he inconveniences me and I’m gay’. PDAs with her girlfriend in the corridors.
Women and gender studies: Harley Quinn Ivy’s girlfriend, part time teacher. Wanted to take up the psychology post, but after she seriously suggested sharing it with Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) no one wanted to let her anywhere near it. Knows every meme. Gives great relationship advice, will kill anyone’s abusive boyfriend with no questions asked. Brings her hyenas to school in a ridiculously massive handbag. Has her own locker.
Thievery, sneaking around, Gotham safety: Catwoman. Definitely brings in her cats to act as therapy/comfort animals for the kids. Unofficial therapist; absolutely mothers anyone from Gotham, no exceptions. Brings the kids super expensive (stolen) jewellery to wear on prom night and for big dances, charges in secrets about their parents.
Business and Economics, with a side in mind control: Maxwell Lord (in the more business-orientated editions). Keeps to himself, is one of those teachers who doesn’t actually seem to like kids. Always wears a freshly pressed suit. Bit of an asshole. Selina tripped him down the stairs once.
Magic: supposedly taught by Felix Faust, but Klarion enrolled as a student just to show up in his lectures and argue. Every. Single. Point. Magic classes have turned into a magical war several times. They can only get along when someone else turns up claiming magic isn’t real. Faust has a lecture prepared for the non-believers, Klarion has a fireball. Circe often shows up in these classes, ‘borrows’ all the female students for private lessons and turns all the boys into pigs. Pig-Klarion does not appreciate this.
Physics and advanced thermodynamics: Killer Frost. Gets on really well with the Gotham City Sirens; they have cocktail parties in the staff lounge every second Thursday. Is paid by other villains kidnapping Firestorm so she can feed. Absolutely has favourite students and students she hates with a passion; has been known to freeze some students to their chairs in lieu of detention.
Other random villains that show up from time to time:- Flash’s Rogues Gallery. Created the infamous ‘Rogues week’ at the end of the year where every single one of them shows up and helps the students wreak absolute chaos across the school. Can never be stopped from showing up and starting this. Captain Cold comes grudgingly, sits in Slade’s office and has a drink with him; the rest of the Rogues join in with the chaos a bit too enthusiastically. Best week for the seniors. The younger rogues would totally be students and help to smuggle the older ones in for Rogues week.
- Black Manta: shows up sometimes, teaches a few lectures, leaves. Always on super random topics, often tangentially related to his latest evil scheme. The students have a betting pool that reawakens after each visit on how his talk will relate to his next scheme. Literally no one understands why he shows up. Doesn’t get paid, doesn’t seem to enjoy it. ?????? Has great on-land fashion sense though. A lot of the older students have lowkey crushes on him
- Cheetah takes advanced genetics and many other complex of aspects of science. Only shows up to teach special classes for the seniors. High fives Ivy in the corridors.
- Deadshot. Sometimes shows up and interrupts Deathstroke’s guns lessons (poor guy can never teach a lesson in peace), always gets chased out of the school. Gets teary eyed over the young female students kicking ass. Doesn’t seem to do anything useful but somehow gets paid a salary. Sleeps in the gym when he’s on the run from Amanda Wakker/Batman.
- Hugo Strange keeps showing up in disguises and trying to get the psychology job. Last time it was just a fake moustache. What is he even hoping to achieve.
- Merlyn shows up when he’s bored to host archery competitions on the front lawn. Mostly does this when Oliver Queen is in town. Keeps saying he’s going to pick a protégé out of the best archers and never does because the Arrow Clan kids annoy him so much he’s wound up thinking he hates kids. Actually loves kids, pretends to be snooty and above them though. 100% has to prove he’s still the best archer at every competition, even the one for 12 year olds.
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