#if someone has any tips that would be lovely
juuuulez · 2 days
carmy and his girlfriend who’s a celebrity chef
maybe you won one of those reality cooking shows and skyrocketed in popularity. a steady social media following, featuring on ads, before eventually getting your own daytime television show. it’s something cute, where you where a nice little outfit and apron, showing the viewers how to make restaurant quality dishes from home.
of course carmy knows who you are. it’s his job to know the local talent, and yeah, maybe you being so fucking pretty certainly helps. it’s a stupid crush, really. just someone attractive on his instagram feed, someone who also happens to be an amazing chef, and just has the sweetest, most welcoming smile.
your face has been printed out and taped next to a list of names to be aware of, different people of importance who’s opinion of the bear would be crucial. all the wait staff has been heavily trained for such an occasion.
but that doesn’t mean they’ll behave.
because when richie spots you? it’s over. he knows about carmy’s little crush, thinks it’s fucking adorable. plus, eva likes watching those cooking shows, you’re pretty good.
you’ve had a lovely meal, some wine, and find the conversation with him to be pleasant. it’s always flattering when the staff knows who you are, makes you feel a little less weird for dining alone. but richie being richie invites you back into the kitchen, and you being you, absolutely fucking loved that idea.
and you do try to stay out of the way, coat wrapped tight around your body as you step through the pass, making sure to look over the staff’s shoulders and not distract them. but carmen? oh, he has lost it. any sense of coherence has gone out the window, because what? you’re in his restaurant, in HIS kitchen?
you be polite and introduce yourself, offering out a nicely manicured hand for a handshake. carmen stares at it for a moment, before kicking into action, frantically wiping his palm on his apron to accept it.
and when you tell him your name? he says:
“i know.”
it takes you aback for a moment, brows raised in surprise at how blunt he’d been. carmy has enough sense to clock that his reply was strange, for he’s backtracking, trying to save the interaction.
“no, no, i mean— i mean, yeah, i know. you’re on, um, those ads, yeah? for the fucking.. the fuckin’, uh, french cookware.” he practically rambles.
it’s cute, so, so utterly cute. you save the conversation by complimenting the meal and how lovely the experience here has been, which has carmy flustered and red in the face. you decide not to torment him anymore, allowing him to get back to work and the kitchen return to its usual pace.
which, for the record, does not happen. carmy’s flow has been ruined for the night, unable to stop thinking about his embarrassing word-vomit.
it’s okay, though.
on the bill you leave a generous tip.. and your phone number, addressed to “that cute chef.”
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suoshis · 1 day
the bit you wrote about sakura and how he would stick out his hand and it being "a silent and nervous plea for you to come and hold his hand" had me AWWWWWWING.
THATS SO FREAKING CUTE I CANTTT, love how you write him :)))
original post here! sfw, 700 word count.
my beautiful nonnie you are so sweet and i love u for sending this ask so i wrote this lil blurb for you ! <3 thank you :>
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"huh? sakura?"
he wishes he never chose to stick his hand out the second he turns around to meet your gaze, heart thumping wildly against his chest when he sees the way you’ve tilted your head a bit, innocent eyes staring into his as you wait for an explanation. “what are you doin-”
“f-forget it!” his words stumble out of his mouth before you finish your sentence, palms clammy as he shoves them deep inside his pockets, pace quickening as he turns and walks away.
it was unlike him to do something like that in the first place. you’ve always been the one to initiate things like this, never failing to bring a furious blush to his face with each act of affection you shower him with. he doesn’t know what came over him in that moment… or how you were even supposed to understand his silent plea in the first place, but he’s confident that he wouldn’t be able to handle the dizzying heat in his head getting any worse than it already was now.
“wait!” your voice cuts through the air, and he finds himself slowing down his pace for you before he even realizes it. with how close your footsteps sound, he knows he doesn’t have enough time to fight this persistent blush. he can feel the heat continue to spread from his cheeks to the tips of his ears at the thought of you holding him—
“…you okay? sakura?”
the sound of your voice pulls him out his thoughts, and it takes him a second, a couple more blinks to realize that you’re now directly in front of him, face inches away from his to inspect his expression with a curious hum.
there’s a strangled noise of surprise from him before he’s jerking back violently, sleeve coming to hide the bottom half of his face as he gasps. when did you get so close? he pushes his nose against his forearm, seeking some sort of comfort from his makeshift shield. a part of him hopes it’s enough to mask the embarrassment written all over his face, but deep down, he knows that it’s pointless with you.
“you did that because you wanted me to hold your hand, right? sorry, i didn’t get it at first…” you continue with a giggle, and he only manages a weak nod, words stuck in his throat as he forces himself to remember to breathe.
“i—” he tries to speak, but his voice catches in his throat again. it seems to be enough of a confirmation for you though, because you stick your hand out with a cheerful smile. “it’s okay. give me your hand, sakura. let’s go.”
his breath hitches in his throat when he hesitantly takes his hands out from the bottoms of his pockets, laying it lightly on yours. the feeling of your fingers interlacing with his right after has his stomach turning inside out, and he tears his gaze from you when he catches a quick glimpse of the soft smile you’re giving him.
the walk home by your side is painful, to say the least. his mind is stuck on how nice your hands feel against his, and he’s just trying to walk straight at this point. each step is more of a challenge than the last, stiff and forced— and he thinks it’s because his mind has been consumed by the thoughts of you and the overwhelming emotions swirling inside him.
he feels so warm.
“hey, sakura…?” your voice breaks the silence, and he stiffens at the subtle change in your tone, his mind beginning to race right away. was he too harsh earlier? did he push you away? his heart sinks at the thought. he just wants to be closer to you, to be someone who can reciprocate the affection you shower him with so easily, but he struggles to let his guard down.
“..what?” he blurts out, words tinged with hesitation. his heart pounds loudly against his chest as he waits for your next words, unsure of what to expect.
“did you want a kiss too while we’re at it?” the smile he’s so familiar with returns to your face, and the world seems to stop as he processes your question.
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Okay, but I can not get over the absolutely beautiful horror of Lena’s whole arc season 1.
Her one purpose is to help this abusive shadow which is permanently stuck to her back, watching her every move, to manipulate a bunch of children. She presents herself as this outcast with a bit of edge and danger implied by her demeanor. It fits her personality, but it seems antithetical to her goal. Insinuating any sort of danger would likely hurt her stated cause, and we see that it does, getting Beakley suspicious immediately. Maybe she presents herself this way purposefully. A subconscious way to tip people off. Push them away. Keep them from the monster which lives behind her. Everything good she does, everything true to herself, she must gaslight herself into believing is for the cause of the person who hurts her the most.
The slow loss of bodily autonomy is so visibly painful and frightening to her, and the point at which she's emotionally strong enough to finally reach our for help, is the same moment she's physically weak enough to be taken over completely. It's heartwrenching to watch
And then when she is released from this abusive relationship, she's not allowed to be free, but instead now trapped in another person's shadow- but it's someone she loves. Having less autonomy with her is better than having the physical body magica gave her, even if webby doesn't even know she's there, because even if she has no body, she finally has full bodily autonomy... and no one is watching her.
It's so bittersweet, I love it, it hurts so good
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nectardaddy · 2 days
aftermath - higuruma hiromi
cw: blood, death, homicide, manga spoilers (I mean, if you know who tf he is you're fine tbh), language
notes: established relationship, gender neutral, inspired by if I killed someone for you by alec benjamin (was gonna put the song in but I refuse to put the gigantic eyesore that tumblr auto gives me and idk how to fix it)
synopsis: how should one react when their lover shows up on their doorstep covered in blood?
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You didn't mean for your breath to hitch in your throat so violently, creating an audible gasp from the air that lodged itself. Your fingers gripping the edge of your opened door with a grasp so desperate your hand already began to ache. Nails digging into the hard wood as you tried to decipher the pressing image before you.
"Hiromi-" you choked out. Voice wavering as his presence alone was enough to make your knees buckle. Dark, unwavering eyes boring into you. Seemingly nothing within them but a glimmer of something primal, macabre, and- desperate. You weren't a stranger to the unyielding looks, always transfixed on something well beyond his reach, but this was different. A look of a monster, and his attire following suit.
He was usually a well dressed, dapper man. But as he stood upon your doorstep, your opinion flipped instantaneously. A ruffled, crumbled suit jacket littered with dark blotches around the cuff, his white shirt underneath being the tell tale sign of what the mysterious blots were. A stark contrast, red on white, staining the previously ironed shirt right down to the threads. Cheeks splattered with the same red, a large spill just under his eye, like he had tried, unsuccessfully, to wipe his face. "What have you done?" You whispered, speaking softly as if it would untangle you from seeing him so heinous.
"Can I come in?" A gruff, almost uncaring, voice in comparison to your own. You didn't know why you hurriedly nodded, why you shifted out of the way for him to enter your home, why you thought letting this man back into your home was a good idea. It was against your better judgment, but you wracked your brain about the thought of 'there has to be a good reason.' This was the man you loved after all, not a cold hearted killer, or so you came to believe.
Hearing the door click shut and the lock engage, his eyes scanned his surroundings before returning to you. Tired eyes once again looking into you, almost trying to see through you with the intensity of it. "I killed them," he said bluntly, without regard and without further context. His words made your shoulders slump, your body creating shivers as his words hit you so profoundly.
"Who?" Was all you managed to ask, the word escaping your lips so quietly you hoped he would be able to hear it at all. Not asking why, not asking where or when. Who.
"The retrial was today," he said simply. It was all you needed, an impactful statement to which your eyes widened and your mouth opened. Quickly shutting it as no words were found on the tip of your tongue, your throat suddenly dry at the revelation, you could only stare. Looking over him to find any sort of answer, your eyes stopping at the collar of his suit jacket. There once was a small sunflower pin on the lapel, one you had gifted him years ago to replace the former. It was gone. It came off. Could the man you love really be so violent? So much so his beloved pin was ripped from him in the heat of the moment?
You couldn't say what had possessed you to step closer to the man, your lover, the murderer. Each step becoming easier as you neared him, stopping just before him and looking up. So close you could smell the gruesome, irony twinge mingling with the scent of his cologne. It made you nauseous, wanting nothing more than to spill your guts right then and there. But you swallowed hard and forced yourself to look upon the man who had sworn he'd love you to the end of his days. "Are you alright?"
A man of his situation might have said no, should have said no. "I've never felt better," he answered honestly. Looking down at you with a ghost of a smile, a mind fraying image now engraved in your psyche. Your fingers reached for his shoulders, letting out a shaky breath as your hands came in contact with him. It was damp.
"Oh my god," you spoke, forcing yourself to close your eyes at the sensation. You feared to lift your hands to what you would see on your palms, subconsciously pushing down the thoughts to the deepest part of your mind. "Oh my fucking god," you repeated, unable to form a single coherent thought as you couldn't stop yourself from circling back to the feeling.
But the hand, drenched in the same crimson, that gently touched your cheek made your eyes snap open and you inhaled sharply. There was blood on his hands, staining his fingers in sin so much so it was under his nails. That blood was now on you, ripping your stomach right out of your body as you wanted to heave. Desperately searching his features for any sort of answer, but only coming to the same conclusion.
The man you loved killed two people - and liked it.
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oh I'm definitely making a part 2 are you kidding??? I wrote this shit in an hour that's a new fucking record for me
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thereticx · 3 days
♰Summary: A cheater and a homewrecker. Will they be able to get out without any harm to their love and dignity?
♰Warnings: toxicity, slight manipulation, a lot of flashbacks, nsfw content etc.
♰Author's Note: This series has finally come to an end. I apologize for taking so long to write it but it's finally here. Enjoy your read :) (toji next?)
Geto Suguru was not by all means a decent man. He swore oaths of love and loyalty which he ended up breaking, making his wife suffer — her fears all coming true.
“I'm sorry” But was he really?
She bit the inside of her cheek, a bitter sentence settling on the tip of her tongue ‘No you're not’ His wife wanted to say but managed to keep quiet. The thought of her husband with that girl….changed her whole perspective of the man she used to share a bed for years at that point.
“You're a hypocrite , Suguru”
‘I know but I can't help it’
“All this time you reassured me that it was all in my head — all this time you were messing with her behind my back like a coward” The man only nodded his head, agreeing with her every word, thoughts of her swirling in his mind. He wished he was sorry for what he did but in all honesty Geto Suguru has never felt more relieved.
He was no longer imprisoned by a dull and unhappy marriage that lost its spark soon after the wedding. They were both young and foolish, clinging to a silly dream about highschool sweethearts growing old together.
He should've realized that life is not a fairytale and entertaining an extremely pretentious wife takes a toll on not only the body but the mind and soul as well.
He loved her once, he did — but fighting the same battle over and over again for years was something that Geto dreaded — and once you finally entered the picture his morals and everything he ever believed in disintegrated.
“I wanna grow old with you” She giggled, stretching her leg over his hip bone. Her boyfriend looked at her with so much adoration it basically radiated off him. He squeezed the flesh of her thigh and bent down to kiss her swollen reddish lips “Are you sure? You might come to regret it later” Suguru joked, letting his head fall on the soft pillow.
“There's no way I'm letting you run off to someone else” Jane said quickly, the image of her and her boyfriend at the altar flashing before her eyes.
Suguru hummed in agreement, caging Jane's body in his arms and letting the girl rest her head on his chest. The boy looked out the window, his eyes following every speeding car that drove down the darkened road due to the late hour “You better close those pretty eyes and get some sleep. You'd be tired tomorrow” Jane mumbled, cuddling further into her boyfriend’s front “And I don't want to deal with a grumpy Geto Suguru for seven hours straight”.
He simply nodded, darting his attention back to his girlfriend. She was now sleeping, her brows relaxed and her breathing steady. Looking at her, Geto kept hearing her words over and over again ‘I wanna grow old with you’ — is there really such a thing?
Could he really commit to one person for the rest of his life? Wouldn't that be boring? Why not explore every aspect and opportunities that come with being young? Settling down would steal from the endless fun he could have. His friend does it all the time — why can't he?
Is it because he loves her? Perhaps, although love seemed quite a strong word for what he felt for her. Yes, Jane was a nice girl, a smart one that intrigued him from the start but was that enough to make him fall in love?
“I'm not sure about her”
“Who?” His best friend asked, stretching his long legs over the desk.
“My girlfriend” Geto responded, his fingers tracing the design further on the piece of paper “She randomly told me she wants something on the long term —”
Gojo chuckled, readjusting his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. He, by all means, didn't want to laugh — to disrespect his friend but like every outsider he saw Jane in a different light. He could see deeper into her persona more like Geto ever could — his friend was just a qualified observer, describing Jane as ‘obsessive’ and ‘extremely jealous’ (he never told Geto that tho).
“Man…I say you run now or you'll later regret it”
“Why's that? Maybe I like the idea”
“If you would've liked the idea you wouldn't have told me about it” Gojo pointed out, his blue eyes scanning his friend from behind the glasses “You've only been dating for like…what ... .three months?”
Geto bit his lip not remembering the piercing he got just a week ago. The pain was like a wake up call, swearing under his breath “Fuck”
“Look, I say you should explore other possibilities instead of going along with her stupid wish. After all…you don't want to live a life without meaning right?”
Years later, a decade after, Geto realized what he meant with that phrase. They weren't friends anymore, due to certain things happening, but nonetheless Geto still remembered.
‘Living a life without meaning’
He lived that life, he knew that life well enough to get sick of it. His subconscious worked against him, pushing him into your welcoming arms.
‘I wanted out from the start’
“What are you doing?” Geto asked her, sneaking a glance at her phone's screen.
Jane school her head and continued typing word after word “I'm just making sure that bitch would be there to properly apologize for ruining us”
The man grabbed her phone before she could press ‘send’ and put a hand on her shoulder ���No. You'd be making her feel miserable” He defended you, seeing Jane visibly tense.
“Why are you defending her? She made me miserable…You made me miserable. I'm merely returning the favour” Jane raised her, pushing his hand back. She couldn't stand being touched by him now.
The woman simply could not understand why her husband was not apologetic to her? He should be kissing her feet asking for forgiveness for what he had done. It was unbelievable. How could he be so oblivious regarding her feelings? She was his wife.
“By what?! Embarrassing her in front of her parents and us?”
“Yes!” Jane yelled, getting up from her seat. She pointed a finger at his chest almost ready to tear him apart “I've warned you about her multiple times. She planned to break us off from the beginning — but no, ‘Jane, you're crazy’ — ‘It’s only in your head’. You've told me that. And I, like a fool, believed your every word. She's guilty and I want to see her suffer for it”
“I cheated on you” He said, seconds after Jane finished her sentence “Get that through your head. I wanted to cheat on you with her. Do you understand?”
His wife opened her mouth, the venom sitting impatiently on the tip of her tongue “And I'll never forgive you for it. Neither would them…her” Jane spit, a subtle smile making an appearance on the corner of her lipsa “Her parents don't know the full story — I'm sure.I'll be the one to tell them”
Geto wanted to say something in return, anything that may soften her and the rage that had built inside. He knew how wrong it was of him to rub the cheating in her face but he couldn't let her trash talk the woman he loved.
“You have no right. If anyone should tell them it's her and me”
Jane scoffed “Then do it”
“I will”
“Unfortunately I won't give you the pleasure to witness that”
Things got out of control. The two of them were in the middle of the night club, making out furiously.
Jane and Geto were obviously drunk out of their minds from the way they moved around and acted like no one could see them grinding against each other.
The music was loud and somehow added to the tension between them. Jane trailed her hand down her boyfriend's chest, tracing shapes on his sweaty skin that was exposed from underneath the dress shirt he wore.
Geto grabbed her hand and moved it further down to his leather belt while his own fingers tangled themselves into her messy strands of hair, pulling her deeper into the kiss.
From across the room, to the bar, their friends made fun of them, taking shot after shot and placing bets on the couple “Should we stop them?!” One of them shouted, trying to make herself understood by the others.
“Why?! They seem to be having fun!”
“Fucking in the middle of the club with people around ?! Go and stop them before they flash someone”
The man finished his drink and squeezed between the bodies until he reached Jane and Geto.
He put a hand on his friend’s shoulder and unintentionally yelled his ear off “Get a fucking room!”
Jane threw him the middle finger before dragging Geto away from the club. Soon, they were nowhere to be seen, leaving their friends alone.
“I saw you eyeing that girl with the butterfly top. Think I wouldn't notice?” Jane retorted, laying back on the bed.
She spread her legs and carefully discharged her underwear in a slow manner to torture her boyfriend.
Geto leaned over her body and pressed his erection to her heat “I have no idea what you're talking about. Your drunk and so am I”
Jane unbuckled his belt and threw it on the floor then she helped him get rid of his pants “I'm not that drunk. I saw you. Eyeing another girl other than your girlfriend…hmmm…not very nice”
Geto chuckled awkwardly, trying to make out whether Jane was joking or not. He had a hard time reading her especially with a clouded mind “I was only looking at you,believe me” She bit her lower lip in a seductive manner and cupped his member, slowly guiding it to her entrance “Then fuck me to prove your point”
The man hesitated for a moment — was she serious about what she said? Or was it just to mess with his head? Either way, Geto slipped inside her, thrusting up into her cunt like his life depended on it.
“You really think that I'm that stupid?! I don't care if she's your project partner. I won't have her here in our house. I'm not in the mood to see her eye fuck you” Jane argued, slamming her book down on the glass table.
It has been like this for a few weeks now. Fight after fight, nasty remarks and ridiculous accusations — for what exactly?
When she heard her name slip out of Geto's mouth she flipped. There was no way she'd stay and watch her boyfriend with another girl even if it was for a ‘project’.
“The fuck you want me to say to her? Don't come over because my girlfriend is fucking jealous over anyone I come in contact with?”
“Oh…so you think it's okay to have her as your partner? Are you okay with me back away in a corner while you have your alone time?” Geto was left speechless. Clenching his fists by his side, unsure of what he could do to calm her down.
“Text her and cancel right now” Jane demanded, crossing her arms in front of her. She sat in front of him like a statue, only her face betrayed the discomfort and rage she felt.
“I can't do that. The deadline it's in two days” He explained, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
Jane nodded her head ironically saying “Sure you can't. But you can make me feel like shit”
“Nothing’s going to happen. I swear”
“Right because you're bringing her here. Who knows what you're up to when you're alone?”
‘Maybe I can calm her down and talk her into it’
Geto placed his hands on her hips and kissed her, slipping his tongue between her lips. He was in control of the kiss and everything that came after — the sex — he controlled the pace, the positions he put her in, how many rounds they'd be going for — the only thing he wasn't in control was his own feelings.
The love and passion he once felt for Jane…it all started to dim bit by bit.
“There's really no excuse for what I did” You started the conversation. Hands clasped together, back held straight — you were in control. Yes, you were. There was nothing to worry about.
Geto Suguru sat across from you on the couch, looking desperately at you then at your parents.
‘Why would you say that?’
Your parents nodded along as you spoke, revealing almost every detail about your relationship with the older man, leaving out the parts where you confessed your love for one another “I'm aware that what I did was wrong. I should've never make Mr. Geto betray his wife like that. I'm sorry…” You turned to look at him, bits of sweat gathering at your hairline.
“Surely, Geto would have to talk to his wife first and maybe she'd stop by and have you apologize to her as well. But for the moment, I think you're done here, Y/N” Your father said, rubbing your mother's back like she was the most affected out of all of you “You've caused us a lot of stress, daughter. I thought you were mature enough especially at your age to avoid situations of this sort”
“With all due respect, Y/N is not the one to blame for this chaos” Geto interrupted. He blinked slowly, his eyes darkening for a moment. He felt terrible as soon as he walked in here. How could he not feel this way when the woman he fell for was being humiliated and put to the wall for something that takes two people for “I kissed her first and I lied to her about my wife's and I relationship”
“Keep going” Your father ordered, visibly disturbed about this new information.
The younger man did not look at him but rather at you “I took advantage of Miss Y/N and talked her into an affair with me instead of just admitting that I was simply bored with my wife. I apologize” Geto bit down on his tongue, waiting for someone to say something.
You gulped down nervously, a part of you glad that Geto had your back, the other wanting to murder him for opening his mouth in the first place.
“We've been friends for a long time, Suguru. I do not accept such disrespect from a business partner and a friend. Please leave my family alone – please leave my daughter alone”
“Y/N don't. This is not your decision to make” Your mother warned, before grabbing your hand “Come help me in the kitchen. Let them talk” She forced you off the couch and tightened her grip on your arm, pulling you away from him.
“Mother, please. Don't let dad do this. They've been partners for ages. What is Suguru gonna do from now on?”
“It's not your business. He's a grown ass man, he's gonna go back to his wife and figure everything out” Your mother pointed out, disappointed in her daughter's behavior.
You couldn't hold back the tears now. They started to drip down your face like rain, ruining your makeup and the shirt you wore “But I don't want him to go back to her. She's not good enough for him”
“And who's good enough then?!”
She grabbed your face and forced you to look at her “You?! Don't make me laugh Y/N. You're a fucking child next to him or her. This is not some fairytale. You broke up a family. Do you understand?! You ruined a marriage” Your mother yelled in your face, only adding to your disheveled self.
Everything was hurting. Everything. Your heart, your head — you just wanted to get out and never be seen again.
‘But what about him?’
“T-they were not happy, mom. He didn't love her” You tried to explain through the tears and broken voice. But instead of trying to convince her you tried to convince yourself. Jane was horrible for him and you knew it. They had to see it as well.
“And you think he loves you?” She asked, her eyebrows furrowing.
You placed your hands on hers that were still on your cheeks and continued “Y-yes…he does. And I love him too”
“Aren't those important documents?”
“Yes they are. However, you're more important” He said, pushing you back down on the counter.
Geto leaned over you, kissing and licking your exposed chest, pinching your nipples “Suguru…more” You moaned, lifting up your hips to feel his hard dick.
“Anything for my love” He whispered, ripping your skirt so he could get rid of your undergarments easier. The material was completely torn but that didn't seem to annoy you.
You parted your lips, a finger disappearing into your heat. Suguru sat back, his tongue darting out to his piercing while he watched you play with yourself.
He took off his pants and underwear leaving only the unbuttoned shirt on. He grabbed at your hair and forced your hand away from your pussy “Enough. I wanna fuck you”
Suguru slipped in without too much effort from how wet you were and started to move his hips with so much force that your eyes started to roll back “Mhhh f-fuck”
You grabbed at his upper arm, trying to match his aggressive pace. He rested his head in between your shoulder and rocked back and forth, fucking his dick deeper into your aching cunt “Fuck fuck…Y/N…you feel amazing”
He moaned loudly, his breath starting to get more and more rapid.
You whimpered, feeling yourself get close to orgasm “Please…want you deeper” You felt his dick rearrange your insides, the tip kissing your cervix over and over again.
The pleasure was too much for you to handle. Suguru, everything that came with him was simply too much to handle. His taste, his smell was all like a drug and you were its addict.
Your back was starting to hurt from the hard surface but still you could only focus on him. Suguru fucked you so hard that your body barely kept up with his fast movements. You were defenseless against him and his desires to completely break you “Shit… I can't hold back. I'm gonna cum, love” He licked your ear, one on his hands cupping your jaw.
The man locked eyes with your messy appearance, hair all over your face, lips bruised, eyes glossy — Suguru forced his tongue past your lips and kissed you messily, drool and sweat mixing together.
You felt his warm cum fill you up, walls squeezing around his dick, your own orgasm taking over.
The two of you were shaking when Suguru pulled out and took a good look at you. He rubbed your cheek, his eyes telling you whatever his mouth was too proud to admit.
You put your hands around his neck and leaned up, kissing the column of his neck. He rested his head back, giving you more access to his vulnerable body, your lips sucking dark marks lower and lower on his body.
When you finally escaped your mother you ran back into the living room, hoping that Geto would still be there.
However, the room was empty, your father nowhere to be seen as well “Where are they?”
Your mother stopped only a few meters behind you and looked out the window “Y/N, go take a shower and rest. You can interrogate your father in the morning”
Without looking at her you said “Fine”. Her stept grew more distant and when you heard stairs crack under her weight you immediately ran out.
‘I need to see him. Things can't end like this. I don't want them to’
‘the number you have dialed is unavailable’
“Fuck. Pick up” You tried again, holding the phone to your ear for minutes on end until he finally responded.
“Where are you? I wanna see you, please”
You breathed, nervously walking around without a destination in mind.
He waited a few before finally answering “I'll send you the address”
Geto ended the call and texted you the location. He wasn't sure of how your meeting was going to go down. After your mother dragged you away he was forced to endure your father's boring speech about them not being partners anymore.
Yes, he was screwed up. Being your father's partner was a huge deal to him, boosting his career but now, in one blink of an eye he lost almost everything. The only one left was you. If you'd still be willing to be with him.
After twenty minutes he heard a furious knock at the door and he rapidly went to answer.
There you were, out of breath, your face all red probably from running all the way there. He didn't even say anything and just dragged you into the motel room, closing the door behind.
“I don't know what my father told you but I'm not gonna stop being with you”
“Y/N —”
“Just listen to me -–” You insisted, playing with the ends of his long hair “I won't stop just because of them. I don't care about your wife or anyone beside you. I love you, Suguru. Please don't end this” He interlocked your hands together, kissing the top of your head. He rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb while the other hand cupped your face “You still want to be with me?” Suguru asked, giving you a slight smile “Even with that raging bitch and your parents in our lives? They won't let us be together, my love”
You cupped his face, your nose rubbing against his. You could feel his breathing fan against your cheeks “I don't care. You shouldn't either”
“He was right. I destroyed your future”
Your doe eyes seemed to speak for themselves and Suguru exhaled “You're the death of me. You know that?” He joked, kissing your forehead.
“Of course I know. And I also know that you love me too much to let me go” You bit your lip, before sliding your fingers up his tattooed arm.
Suguru hugged your smaller form and whispered into your ear “Letting you go would only make me want you more”
You only smiled, letting your boyfriend show you how much he missed you for the rest of the night.
No one could truly break the two of you up — not even the figure standing behind that damn door.
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mathiwrites · 11 hours
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“You are not Atlantis, and Arthur  is not a threat. I am.”
- Queen Atlanna (with Prince Orm)
Commission by @ywnoart Based on the first chapter of The Lighthouse on AO3
I love the way this art turned out, omg!! It's everything I dreamed of and more 💕 Below the cut, you'll find the piece of writing that inspired this commission!
This place is suffocating.
Though there is no air, she craves the crisp feeling of it in her lungs and the warmth of the sun against her face. The surface—the surface is what she longs for with its simple pleasures and its anonymity. She looks upon the great city of Atlantis, dreaming of a little lighthouse in a small town. She grew up here, and yet, this place has become her prison.
I should have been Queen.
Her eyes flutter shut. Images flood her mind of a happy little boy whose heart is bigger than his body, and of a man who’s tender eyes always see right through her. They are so different from her with their sun-loved skin of deep ochre and bright, bright smiles it’s almost blinding. At first, Atlanna could not believe a boy like Arthur could come from her.
I want to be anywhere else, she laments quietly to herself, but she does not cry. Tears and sorrow are beneath her.
A tiny cry cuts through her thoughts. She spares not a second, gathering the little bundle out of his coddling clam and holding him close. Atlanna hushes the child, a perfect blonde baby—her little fry. He quiets at her touch, his blue eyes opening to look at her. He smiles, blowing happy little bubbles at the sight of her. He is so small and so innocent; he is the only thing that makes her happy here.
But if he stays here, he will not know happiness.
Neither of them will.
It happens in a split second; Atlanna tucks her son against her chest and wraps him tightly with supple fabrics. He will not fit beneath her armour, but she will die before letting any harm come to him. She returned to this place in hopes of protecting those she loved, and she had not wanted another child. She had wanted no offspring for the Kingdom was her child. She had plans to nurture it and help her people flourish. Her presence here meant Arthur would be safe, but who would protect this little one?
Atlanna has had enough.
She has had enough of her husband’s ambition and his betrayal.
She has had enough of the roiling feelings in her chest. 
“Your Highness, what are you doing?”
“You know exactly what I am doing, Vulko.”
The High Councillor has been with her since she was born, and now, he has lived to see the birth of her sons. Both of them. His expression is grave as he watches her prepare, but he does not stop her. He never will, for the heart and soul of Atlantis has always been with her. He raised her to be the Queen she always dreamed of being, one that ruled with no male by her side, but he could not sway her father’s hand. Ever since the marriage, he atones for being unable to save her from this lesser life. The bruises Orvax leaves on her skin are his trespasses as much as they are his King’s.
“He will not let you take his son.”
“My son. Orm is my son, just as much as Arthur is, and I will not let Orvax taint him!”
Vulko hangs his head, shaking it in thought. “Perhaps you should consider challenging him, for the sake of your children.” He has been encouraging it since the first time he noticed Orvax has been laying hands on her. “You are the stronger combattant.”
“And the Council?”
She breezes past the guards outside her room, knowing that Vulko would have them stand down. He follows closely behind her, speaking quietly. He motions for them to give them room.
“We will face the Council if it comes to that, but you have their favour. They know you, your Majesty.”
“Their favour? What good did their favour do when my husband went back on his word and took my crown in the name of tradition? I will not wait for him to change his mind, and I will not wait for someone to save me.”
Atlanna stops at the armory. She tips her head up, waiting for the doors to slide open and welcome her in. Nothing happens. She presses her fingers against the door, testing its integrity.
Access denied, speaks a robotic voice.
She tries again.
Access denied.
Her entire life has been spent in this palace exploring different rooms to her delight, yet now that she is grown, she is not trusted with sharp objects. Atlanna was born with a trident in her hand, and she would often pluck the crown off her father’s head when he held her. This is unacceptable. She bangs her fist against it, denting the door. Vulko cannot help her without compromising his alliance.
“Go,” she tells him. “Warn your king.”
It doesn’t occur to her to take Vulko with her. His place is here. He would rot on the surface. People like him—like her —were made for war. He can still save himself, but her life belongs to the little one curled against her chest with his little fists balled in errant strands of her pale hair.
“Atlanna,” her old friend starts, his voice rough with an unfamiliar emotion.
“Do not .”
Apologies are not his to give. She would refuse them anyway, so he might as well save his breath.
Vulko bows to her, one last time, and swims off to warn Orvax of his betrayal. It is his duty; his Queen has ordered it of him.
There is no hesitation in the way she swims through the halls of her childhood. Memories haunt her with every stride. Children playing—a little girl, and a little boy who could have been the love of her life instead of her greatest enemy—and laughing about dreams of princesses and karathens. She turns her back on the man he could have been, finally seeing Orvax for the king that he is. 
At the entrance of the throne room, the last statue of her youth stands, tall and proud with an old claymore of human making. The two of them had found it at the bottom of the North Sea and she had been so fascinated with its abnormally large blade. They had carried it together, snuck it back through the same pocket underneath the Gates, and hit it in a wreckage that only nobles could access, but none ever dared. Orvax had been proud to gift it to her upon their betrothal, a perfect addition to honour her statue—a perfect way to mark the end of their childish dreams.
Atlanna rips the weapon out of her coral-kissed hands, testing its weight. It fits her better now that she is older, wiser and angry enough to wield a dull blade against an enemy. Her rage will be her strength. She needs nothing more than that.
The throne room is a massive auditorium. Her people are welcome to attend any official rulings and its size accommodates not only for Atlanteans, but its neighbouring Kingdoms of the Wrights and the Bright Lights. She had stood upon the dais, thinking of all the good she could do with Orvax at her side. He had stood with her, dreaming just as loudly and just as fervently. When the crown had been within reach, when he had snatched it right from under her with laws and technicalities, she no longer bothered to visit this damned place.
“Atlanna,” Orvax purrs, floating towards her with his arms spread wide as if to welcome her home. “My darling son.”
She stops out of reach, just as his eyes flicker to her sword.
“Vulko informed me that you were going to run. Here, I thought he was overreacting.” 
Once more, he approaches her. Atlanna steps back. She is not here to posture, she is here to fight and there is no need to let him anywhere near them. 
“My love, come .” Anger simmers beneath his kind words. 
His hand darts out to grab her arm. Atlanna parries the attempt with the blade of her sword. It only serves to draw up mocking laughter.
“That blade is dull.”
She draws the blade quickly, adding pressure to it. Though it does not cut on its initial contact, by the time she has run the length of it against his offending palm, blood wafts in the water between them.
“But my intent is not. You will let me leave with my son and you will not follow.” The request is simple and clear, but her husband has made a habit of not listening. “Every guard, assassin or man you send after me will die with my name on their lips and their regrets for not pledging allegiance to me . Send an army and I will answer in kind.”
“Ha! You and what army? The surface dwellers?” Orvax’s lips curl. “Ever since my coronation, you have been a hook in my side. I am sick of it, Atlanna. You could have been a great Queen, but you insist on whoring around on the surface and raising that abomination . He will bring about our ruin.” When he tries to bridge the distance, to tower over her like he has done time and time again, Altanna points the tip of her claymore in the center of his chest, where his heart would have been, if he had one.
“If you are so curious, try me and find out.” Her voice does not waiver and her grip does not tire. Orm fusses against her, but her eyes do not leave Orvax as she runs a comforting hand through his soft hair. “You are not Atlantis, and he will is not a threat. I am.”
Orvax opens his mouth to speak and she shifts her aim towards his throat, the metal testing the yield of his skin.
“I am giving you one chance. You love Atlantis, as do I, but I have found something I love more. Leave me be. We will not disturb you.” 
In his eyes, Atlanna can see the anger and the pride. She knows he will not let her swim out of this Kingdom without a fight. She also knows that he will not raise his sword against her, not yet. She is too rational to justify such public violence, and he respects tradition too much to act without a public trial. He will chase her until the ends of the earth. What a shame.
“Go, but leave the boy.”
“He is my heir.”
“And he is my son.” On that, she refuses to yield.
“You did not want him,” Orvax grits through his teeth.
“And I thought I wanted you. Things change, Orvax. If you come for him, or me, or anyone else in my family, whether it is here or on the surface, I will kill you. Slow. You are not a crown. You are made of flesh, bone and many soft things. You will not touch me again. Do you hear me?”
For a brief moment, fear flickers behind the King’s eyes. He hesitates, considering the merit of a fight.
“You are mine, Atlanna. The Widowhood gave you  to me.”
“I was never theirs to give.” The Queen turns to her former counselor. “Tell any guard you send after me that they will be slaughtered. Indiscriminately.”
“Do not command—”
Atlanna moves quickly, closing the distance between them. She shifts the sword’s trajectory, aiming the butt of the hilt towards his stomach. The feint works in her favour as he moves to block it. Her target was never something so obvious. She slams her forehead into his and a burst of blood clouds his face. She doesn’t dare wait for his retaliation; she swims as fast as she can.
“What are you doing?!” Orvax roars at his high counselor. “Go after her!”
“I am waiting for your command, your highness.” Is that not what Orvax wanted?
The delay of getting the orders to the soldiers gives Atlanna enough time to escape. The guards she encounters are reluctant to face their beloved princess turned hostage. No one speaks of Orvax’s firm hand, but they know. They always have.
This time, with her baby strapped against her chest, she does not look back.
Atlantis is not her home.
The journey from the Kingdom to Amnesty Bay is a long one. She can only ride her mighty shark so far before she sends it back on a journey back towards the only home it knows; she has no choice but to swim in  long and roundabout ways to preserve the safety of her family. Travelling by land is safer, but the shift in environment is too difficult for her little one who wails at the strange new sensations and the dry, dry air. 
“I know, my fry, I know,” she soothes, wading back into smaller bodies of water. Rivers and lakes are better, but they are not as accessible as she would like. There are brief periods where she has to travel by foot. Orm cries for the most part; she soaks him in birdbaths and forgotten kiddie pools. A family nearly calls the authorities on her. To them, she is a madwoman who has kidnapped a distressed child. 
With the lighthouse in view, Atlanna’s strength is renewed. She lights up and kisses the top of her son’s head.
“Look, we are home.”
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bullet-prooflove · 2 days
Until The Light Dies Out: Alden Parker x Reader
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @sarakafarrah @ @mandy426 
Companion piece to Crime Scene Clean Up
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The sound of your friend Lieutenant Commander Stacey Daniel's voice plays over your headphones as you listen to the interview once more. You can hear the tightness in her tone, the catch in her breath. You remember the tissue she had been clutching, the way she tore it up between her fingers.
It’s three in the morning and you’re sitting in Alden’s rooftop greenhouse, a cup of nighttime tea clasped to your chest. You’re wearing one of his button up shirts, the sleeves rolled up to your elbows. Your eyes are closed as you visualise the interview, Stacey’s demeanour, her hunched shoulders and withdrawn body language. She had come to you privately after being assaulted for the second time. You’d taken her statement before opening an investigation.
Alden watches you from the doorway, his robe cinched tightly around his waist. You’ve been restless since Liam's death, since Stacey's too. He sighs before stepping into the room, he knows you’re a little stuck, that if he lets you, you’ll stay awake all night listening to that interview over and over again, searching for the thing you missed.
You hadn’t missed anything; he’s listened to the tape himself. No one could have known that the man that Stacey was describing was your second in command, NCIS Agent Liam Cheswick
No one could have predicted what happened next.
That two days after the interview Liam would walk into your office and shoot himself in the head or that a week later they'd find Stacey dead in her car in the Nature Reserve. She'd taken a handful of pills because the knowledge that her friend, someone she trusted had done that to her not once but twice, had been too much to bear.
You pull the headphones out of your ears as Alden sits down next to you, his hip bumping against yours.
“Sweetheart,” he says softly, his arm comes to rest around your shoulders. “You need to stop torturing yourself.”
You draw your legs up underneath you, tucking yourself into his side. There’s a safety in this man, there always has been. You need that right now, his security, his comfort because you’re having trouble getting out of your own head. His lips brush over your hairline as you cuddle in close, his thumb chasing over the curve of your shoulder.
“How about we light a candle?” He says quietly, tipping your chin up so he can look into your eyes. “And we remember Stacey the way she was before all of this.”
“I’d like that.” You say as he chases the tear away from your cheek with his thumb. “Really Alden I would.”
It takes him a couple of minutes to find a candle, it’s lavender scented, one of the ones you use in the tub sometimes. He sets it in one of the holders before placing it in the window and using the firelighter to ignite it. He returns to the couch, his arm wrapping around your shoulders, holding you close as the two of you watch the light until it dies out.
Love Alden? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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bobmckenzie · 7 days
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🌳🔅🍉 picnic study date! 🧺🍀🥪
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blizzardfluffykpop · 1 year
Broke my first bone last night 😭
Well, guess who can cross breaking a bone of list? 🙂😭😭😭 it's me- I won't explain how it happened just that I did run into a wall and broke my fourth toe on the right 😭😭 I don't know really who to rant to this about, so I'll just put it here. I really just wish to sob. I had such a wonderful day leading up to it too 😭😭 Like I got to see my one friend's art in a small exhibit, and then I went out to eat with them and my other friend. And it was so great 🥺 then I went to a gas station and ran into an old friend and got to catch up with them too! It was so much fun 🥺💖 I literally felt like a new soul after it all. Then one thing led to another after I got home, and after 2 hours in the hospital, I was sent home w/some tape and a shoe 😭
The good thing is- it was kind of a perfect break like it just split in the middle but fuck- 😭 I knew it was broken 😭 and now it really hurts 😭Like shooting pain type of hurt... It sucks- royal. If you have any tips on what do with a broken bone please let me know. I'm all ears.
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tonycries · 23 days
Prettier When Messy!
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Synopsis. They aren’t afraid to get messy while making a mess of you, in fact, they love it - in all sorts of ways.
Pairing. Gojo x Reader, Sukuna x Reader, Choso x Reader, Geto x Reader, Nanami x Reader, Toji x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, bréeding, really messy, light pússy-smacking (Nanami’s), spítting, cúmplay like a LOT of it, squírting, oral (female + male receiving), fíngering, overstím, jealousy (Gojo’s), some HEINOUS things, pet names, swearing.
Word count. 3.6k
A/N. Wrote this n’ then had to have a run in the rain for a spiritual deep-cleanse. 
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♡ TOJI FUSHIGURO - Big n’ scary? No problem!
Now, Toji wouldn’t consider himself to be a nice man. But to be honest, the way you’re looking up at him with such adorably teary eyes, lips wobbling so nervously at his rock-hard cock, has got his heart lurching ever-so-slightly. And as does his swollen dick. 
“What’s wrong, doll?” he caresses your cheek, like the shameless bastard he is. Heavy balls twitching at the way he catches your sloppy pussy clenching in- anticipation? Fear? Both? “Nervous?”
“I um-” And oh if Toji thought he was painfully hard before then he wasn’t ready for that delirious little nod you give him. 
Ah, it never gets old. He loved this effect on you - how cute it was that you were so cockdrunk already, letting out a few whines. A few complains about how he was too big. And he knew exactly what to do about it. 
“Spread those legs some more, pretty.” 
And you barely even get the time to react before Toji’s impatiently wrestling open your legs so shamefully for him. Taking in one long look at how perfect you were for him - quivering and leaking so sinfully onto the sheets below - before spitting once. Twice. Thrice. 
Missing on purpose to let a steady stream of saliva and slick trail filthily down your quivering thighs. So debauched and wet for him - and if Toji was any less of a man he’d just fuck your pretty pussy right then and there. 
But, no. Oh no, instead, with a low hiss, he rests his swollen dick on your stomach, letting you gape at him in awe. How he was so hot and heavy on you. 
“See?” Toji muses, voice so infuriatingly even for someone that was leaking thick, hot precum all over your stomach. “Nothing to be afraid of. In fact, m’just gonna be right-” He traces his finger down your tummy, resting right above an invisible line where his fat tip was. “Here.” Pressing down. Hard. 
You jerk at the pressure, jolting - God, you should’ve known that Toji would fuck so mean. Playing around with the pretense of “comforting you” to tease you. To watch the way you keen and gasp at his movements. 
“But-” your breath hitches as he smears his precum all over your skin. So fucking sloppy, having way too much fun than he actually should - all at your expense.
“No buts, jus’ told ya, m’girl.” Toji chuckles darkly, leaning down to whisper hotly against your ear. Cock twitching so ferally on top of you at the way your voice cracks so adorably at the end, tinged with desperation. “N’ now, I’ve had enough of being nice so are ya gonna take it am I gonna have to make ya?”
And nothing more is said - by either of you. 
Because with that, it seems the last bit of Toji’s patience - or his restraint - has snapped at the sight of you splayed out so deliciously, too much for him. You, his favorite meal - gaping at his thick cock, all needy and messy with his precum - how could a man possibly say no?
“Oh! Fuck fuck fuck- s’too-” you squeal deliriously as he slides his angry tip between your swollen folds. 
Stretching you to your limits. Mindlessly pushing in quick, purposeful little grinds to bully his massive cock inside your tight pussy. Each movement getting more and more erratic than the last. More desperate. Sloppier. 
So debauched and dirty.  
And Toji - oh he’s just in heaven - letting out a deep, guttural groan as he just barely bottoms out. Heavy balls smacking your ass, those tufts of hair at his base scratching your throbbing clit just right. Thumb stroking that sinful little line of precum he’d made - and where he could feel himself bulging inside you. 
“Hey, doll, ya think I can go even deeper?”
♡ NANAMI KENTO - To clean
You don’t know what makes you flinch more - the way Nanami was buried dizzyingly nose-deep in your cunt, lapping so greedily at your sweet sweet juices, or the way he just stops.
“K-Kento?” you whisper breathlessly, mind reeling from both the way you were so close and the final, deep kiss your husband gives to your swollen clit. Grinning at the way your hips jerk mindlessly in protest as he pulls away. “Why did you-”
And whatever disappointed whine dies in your throat at the heavenly sight before you - and oh it was so hard to look at Nanami without wishing he was back in-between your thighs. Hair ever-so-slightly disheveled, glasses sliding down his nose, venturing dangerously towards where your slick was glossing so prettily over his lips, all the way up, up, up-
“‘Why’, my love?” 
That snaps you out of your little reverie, and no sooner are the words out of Nanami’s mouth before he’s leaning in - capturing yours. So sloppy and desperate. 
You let out a muffled moan at the way you were tasting yourself and him and you. So sweet that you wondered which one of you tasted this addictive. 
“Now now,” and then he’s pulling away, angry cock twitching so painfully at your broken little whimper. “Don’t get too greedy.” As if you could be anything but. 
And maybe if you were in any better state of mind, you’d have said anything about the pure disrespect shining so uncharacteristically in Nanami’s eyes. About how utterly mean he was being as he slid his fat, weeping head up and down your swollen folds. All the way from the base, just grazing your throbbing clit. 
“I dunno if you deserve this, my love.” Nanami gives your quivering pussy a little smack! as if it was a little punishment, letting your slick smear all over his fingertips. “You’ve just been so messy- just look at my glasses.”
And oh, you can’t look away. 
Because your juices were blurring his glass, dripping so enticingly off of it that whatever rational little part of you thought it was on purpose. Absent-mindedly, you wondered how Nanami could see a damn thing. Seemingly moving on sheer instinct as he slides a long finger along the frame. Slowly. 
“I- want it s’bad, Ken- Give it to me.”
Several things happen at once, and before you know it, Nanami’s shoving his fingers inside your mouth. Muffling your fucked-out moan as he immediately presses into your heavenly pussy. Not even bothering to ease you into it this time before he’s thrusting into you. Rough. Again. And again and-
“They were expensive, y’know.” Nanami presses right in the back of your tongue, just loving how adorably you gag and moan around him. “The least you can do is clean me off.”
And you don’t have to be asked twice - or at all, really. 
Because you’re sucking and swirling your tongue around Nanami’s warm fingers like they’re your favorite candy. Looking him right in the eyes with such a deceivingly innocently, matching the pace of his hips in and out in and out in and- “Such a cute lil’ slut f’me, my love. When you’re all done with that, take care of m’cock too, y’got it very, very messy.”
♡ GETO SUGURU - Hairband.
When Geto ties his hair back, you know you’re not going to be let off easy. Why would you?
It just means he’ll have no mercy - have you folded in half and stuffed full of his thick cock, begging and crying to just let you cum. It felt pathetic, really, but at this point you were too far gone - babbling delirious little pleas while he rocked his dick into your plushy cunt. Relentlessly.
“Please please please- hngh- Sugu- m’so close.” you whine, hips bucking wildly. Tears streaming down your face, your snug pussy clenching so tight that some part of Geto almost wanted to tease you for it. 
“Awww, poor baby. You wanna cum?” he coos, voice so mockingly innocent. Barely audible over the blood roaring in your ears. “Y’know what I always hah- say…”
And despite his words, Geto sounds as fucked-out as you - because, hell, he’s been torturing himself just as much as he was your poor cunt. Cock rock-hard and so so angry inside your heavenly pussy, teasing his orgasm while he waited for you to explode with yours. 
Sobbing out, “I- hngh- I know!” Breath hitching at the way his heavy balls sting your ass with each thrust. Sure to leave marks for tomorrow - his fingers on your hips, yours running down his sculpted back. “Wan- me to- hah- squirt, f’you. I wan’ to.”
God, it was so hard to not paint your pretty pussy white already. 
Instead, Geto’s capturing your swollen lips with his - partially because they were irresistible, partially because he really needed to shut up those cute lil’ whines right now.
“Not just squirt.” he moans against your lips. Fingers frenzied - almost painful - on your throbbing clit now. “Wan’ you to fuckin’ cover me in it- fuck-”
And he seems so content, smug about the way you flinch each time he yells out little profanities into your mouth. At the way you’re so cockdrunk, barely even realizing the soft ah! ah! ah! leaving your mouth each time he hit your poor, abused g-spot. Finger frenzied on your clit - not even bothering to draw those steady little circles anymore, just lewd little patterns to get you off. 
He wanted this. Needed this so bad - needed to have you cover him with your sweet sweet juices until it’s glistening all over him. Unforgiving. Geto Suguru was absolutely unforgiving. 
And, well, cover him you do.
Because no matter how much you might babble out those adorable little protests, Geto knew your pretty pussy well. Almost too well. 
Well enough to know that you’ll have your orgasm crashing through you. So hard and borderline violent that it’s all you can do to claw at his back in an effort to get him to fucking slow down. That familiar little song and dance. 
Because Geto didn’t stop until he was all glistening with your essence - absolutely depraved in the act. His pretty girl was so gorgeous squirting all over him. Only milking his painfully hard cock on your trembling pussy harder. 
Everywhere. See, the hairband always comes in handy. And Geto wouldn’t want to be anywhere but here right now, letting your juices smear all over his aching dick, to his abs - darting all the way to his lower face.
It was so messy. So debauched - it sends Geto over the edge as well. Pumping thick, hot ropes of cum that paint your pussy white. Loving how fucking sloppy your pretty lil’ cunt was as it sucked up everything so greedily. Again and again-
“Hey, gorgeous.” Geto mutters, tongue darting out to get a taste of the slick coating his lower lip. Honestly, he doubted you could even hear him with how fucked-out you were. “Can y’ do it on m’tongue, too?”
♡ CHOSO KAMO - You look good in white
“Fuck fuck fuck, open wider f’me, baby-” Choso groans, angling his head just right to catch the way your throat bulges so obscenely around his swollen cock. Watching the way it goes in and out in and out in and-
You were so gorgeous like this - you always were - but here on your knees, nose pressed firmly against the small tufts of black hair at his toned pelvis, he thinks you’ve never looked better. 
Now all he has to do is hold off until the best bit.
But it was so difficult when you’re shoving yourself down inch by fucking inch. Milking Choso’s aching cock for all he’s worth. So greedy with the way you were gagging and choking so prettily around his thick cock. Swirling your tongue under his sensitive slit just the way you knew he liked. 
And oh it has Choso feeling like he could just pass out. He could just feel the way you were smirking - knowing exactly what you were doing.
“Sh-shit.” he gasps, fingers trembling on your hair as he fucks your mouth like his own personal fucktoy. “Ya hngh- like this, huh?” Thighs quivering, hips stuttering deeper into your hot mouth. “Like me using that s-smart mouth like ha- this?”
The only response he gets are your nails dragging down his milky hips, leaving angry, red marks in their wake. A warning - a request. One that Choso knew was a sign that you needed to taste him - to have him. 
One that had him speeding up his sloppy thrusts, over and over- Abs aching with the movement, veins throbbing at a maddening little thump! thump! thump! against the roof of your mouth. 
“Oh- Oh fuck! Feels s’good-” he babbles, hips bucking up involuntarily into your slutty mouth. “Shit shit shit oh-.” 
Faster. Deeper. Sanity held together only by a delicate tether - one that snaps when you look up at him with those beautiful eyes, moaning around Choso’s cock like you were begging him to ruin you. 
Oh and then Choso’s cumming and cumming so hard he thinks he might’ve just died and gone to heaven right there. And you - you were such an angel, tears stinging your eyes, drool dripping down the corner of your mouth. 
Mixing with his cum in such a sinful combination as he spills desperately into you, shooting thick, hot spurts of seed down your waiting throat. 
So fucking filthy. 
Only getting filthier when that feral, debauched part of Choso really can’t help but pull out ever-so-slightly. He chuckles at the way your eyes widen in surprise when he smacks his weeping dick all over your face.
Ah, this was his favorite part - always was. And he can’t even think to bring himself to be disgusted as he smears his seed all over your face. Twitching angrily in his fist at the way it drips down all over your chin, forming a lewd little pool on the floor. So, so pretty for him. 
“Now now,” Choso lets out a guttural grunt, balls squeezing so painfully at the ruined state of you. “Wan’ see if I can hah- mess up this cunt jus’ the same, baby.”
♡ RYOMEN SUKUNA - Wipe those tears!
Your only problem was that Sukuna was as mean as he was absolutely filthy. 
“Aww, pretty baby.” Those words would be reassuring - but you knew better. Because his tone was just dripping with something so dangerous - something that had you feeling more and more like Sukuna’s little toy. “I thought you could give me another one.”
“B-but-” you gasp. “S’too much, Kuna, don’t think-”
“You will. Or-” he cuts you off, fighting that feral, cruel little urge to shove his entire dick in your snug cunt. No care or concern for those big, frustrated tears welling up in your eyes. “I’ll just make you. Your choice.”
God, you could almost sob - maybe from the way Sukuna was chuckling at your expense. Maybe from the way he was pushing in shallow, determined little thrusts to fit inside your tight pussy. Trying to fuck out- which number orgasm was this again? Ah, you don’t even know - and Sukuna doesn’t care. 
He’s had you creaming around his fingers- his tongue- his thigh. And now, all he wants is for you to cum on his dick. You could almost feel his weeping tip graze your cervix already and- was he even halfway in, yet?
“Nope.” Sukuna hums, leaning down to those tears rolling down your cheek. Shit, did you say that out loud? “Maybe m’not even a quarter inside your pretty cunt. Why don’t y’take a look for yourself, brat?”
And it seemed like Sukuna was well and fully intent on driving you insane. Because no sooner have you craned your neck to take a glance, you’re met with the most sinful sight you’ve ever seen - your swollen folds stretched so obscenely around his weeping tip, soaked with precum and sucking him up so eagerly. Sukuna’s fingers toying deftly with your sensitive clit, rolling it between his fingers.
Which really made sense why he loved this little routine - have you pathetically pretending you couldn’t cum for him again, acting like your slutty lil’ pussy wasn’t trying to fucking milk him dry. He loves it. Loves the way your mind is telling you to run away but your needy cunt wants more more more-
“Enough of the games now.” he tuts, wrapping a hand around your neck, pulling down down down onto his thick cock. 
And you can only keen in response, tears streaming down your face faster because his cock too big. The stretch too sinful. Prominent veins grazing your plushy walls in a maddening  bump! bump! bump! you were losing your mind to. 
Sukuna wants you to cum- he needs you to. More badly than he wants to cum. Thumb just erratic on your clit, so sloppy and needy.
And then you’re cumming and cumming so hard that sensitive little tears roll down your cheeks. Not even realizing it at first, barely registering the stars behind your eyes, white-hot pleasure shooting up your cunt. Over and over-
Sukuna quickly darts out his tongue to lick them away. Long, languid stripes up your face. So fucking sloppy with it on purpose. But you can’t even bring yourself to be disgusted. Mind reeling with how good you felt and those sharp fingernails resting right over your racing pulse. 
Dangerous. A warning. 
As if Sukuna would kill you if you didn’t take his cock - when he was the one that actually felt like dying right now. 
Because you were too cute like this, cockdrunk and milking him greedily inch by fucking inch. So fucking tight. Enough to give the king of curses heart palpitations, honestly. 
A full-on heart attack when he finally bottoms out. Ramming the rest of his length in one quick, harsh thrust. 
He smacks his lips, savoring the salty taste of your tears. Some tiny part of his cold heart so fucking proud. He knew his lil’ slut could give him another one - you always do.  “Dry up those tears, brat. Because I haven’t cum yet.”
♡ GOJO SATORU - “To think of me~”
“T-Toru, I really need to go-”
“No no no- fuck m’so close, sweetheart.” Gojo gasps into your mouth. Hips so frenzied and sloppy against yours, squeezing his throbbing cock in you like a man possessed. The idea of stopping not even close in his pussydrunk mind. 
It’s been this way for so long now, and you’d only been halfway out the door before Gojo was pulling you back into the bedroom. That lil’ sundress was way too pretty that he just had to hike it up your hips and pull aside your drenched panties. Making sure to stuff your pretty pussy full. 
And, well, the fact that you were going to meet one of your old guy friends might have had something to do with it, too. 
Hey, even the strongest gets jealous sometimes. And Gojo is so sloppy when he is. Hips stuttering and bucking wildly into yours. All filthy desperation where he was usually so suave in bed.
He just can’t help but make a mess of your dripping cunt, reeling back to watch the way your sloppy hole struggles to take all of him. Glistening and trying to milk the soul out of him in the dim lighting. In and out in and out in and-
You’re letting out such a pathetic whine, “But- m’so-”
Of course, Gojo rolls his eyes with the audacity of someone that wasn’t the reason you’ll have to make up some excuse about traffic being awful this time around. Instead, he’s rolling his thumb over your sore clit , breath hot against your ear, “Guess m’gonna have to hurry up then, hm?”
It’s all that’s said before he’s fucking into you deliriously. Faster. Deeper. Bouncing you on the plush mattress like some slut. 
Scoffing, “Y’should just stay home.” Hips snapping ever the more mercilessly with each word. “Stay with me insead. I’m sure she-” He gives your pussy a quick, sharp smack! laughing at the way you’re moaning breathlessly. “-definitely agrees.” 
“Shit- feels s’good hah- shit shit-”
So fucking sloppy. Like he was trying to fuck the idea of staying home into you - each thrust so harsh. Running on pure jealousy and the feeling of your heavenly cunt wrapped around him. Unforgiving. 
“Toru- m’gonna cum- I’m so-” And it only makes sense that your orgasm was the same. Nothing but white-hot pleasure behind your eyes, and it’s so good that you’re pulling Gojo closer by his toned hips. Being late be damned because you’re cumming so hard you’re sure you see the pearly gates of heaven itself.
Or maybe that was just Gojo - tears pricking his eyes as he cums with such a strangled gasp of what sounds like your name. Thick, white ropes that gush out of your snug pussy, smearing all over his sensitive balls. 
It feels so heavenly that Gojo really can’t help but check if it looks that way too. 
Thumbing apart your folds to watch the way his seed spills out of you, so fucking filthy as it pools on the fresh sheets. So bloated and messy with him. Pulling out ever-so-slightly like he was torn between milking out every last drop of cum on your cute pussy and making a mess of your panties.
The latter wins, apparently. Because he’s painting your panties white, shooting out thick spurts of cum that smear all over your legs. So drenched and flimsy that it was almost difficult for Gojo to snap them playfully back in place.
“Something to remember me by when you go. Have fun~”
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A/N. Plagiarism not authorized.
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mellowwillowy · 8 months
A Husband Duty (GN, NSFW)
Instead of another normal love making session, you ask him to do more to you (FIC, junkie reader, IMG., more in Husband...)
—𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓 - 𝑳𝑰𝒇𝑬 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕
Yan! Husband who just loves you so much that it turns into another worshipping session instead of fucking you raw without any condom on.
Yan! Husband who just eats you out / gives you head nonstop until you are overstimulated, the whole bed is wet with your cum and drool, his boxer drenched in cum as he ruts himself against the bed sheet.
Yan! Husband whose fingers teased the insides of your clenching hole, hitting that spot that makes your toes curl and eyes roll to the back. Yes, just loll out your tongue and he'll take it for granted with his mouth, sucking and licking it while he relishes in the way you whine.
Yan! Husband who will actually cum undone just from lapping up your sweet nectar, drinking it all like a thirsty man who is lost in the Sahara desert.
Yan! Husband who refuses any of your attempts in giving him head, nuh-uh, he wants to focus on you and you only. He is already wetting his boxer with his cum, what more do you want? Splatter it all over your face and hair? He'd be so fine with just your hole ♡
Yan! Husband whose cock twitches so much when it is only the tip that enters you, imagine the whole thing filling you full and deep, he is already shaking from the ejaculation, cumming deep inside you. Do you think he is done as a '5 second, take it or leave it?'
Yan! Husband who has a questionable way of ejaculating but his stamina is not to be doubted. He will pound himself deep into you while his sperm paints your insides white. Every time he pulls out, the cum would immediately pool out from your hole only to be refilled with another. (Honestly, as expected from someone inhumane)
Yan! Husband who will not stop kissing you, be it your face, lip, body, or anything as long as it's you. Can you imagine the amount of hickeys you'll be waking up to? These will surely show the servants and others just how cherished you are in his hand.
Yan! Husband who will coax more of your sweet moans, pushing your limit further with every session you have with him, yes, he will fuck you till the sun rises if you can accommodate to him. The idea of it makes his cock twitches again, he needs to be clamped tight by you.
Yan! Husband who will not stop abusing your sex, pleasuring you with his fingers as he gives you a second stimulation while he is still hammering his cock into you.
"W-why, why do you have so much c-cum, in you-!?"
"I don't know dear, maybe it's because of you. You are driving me nuts every day!"
Yulian is such a healthy man ^^ how much litter does he have left to fill you up? Ah, the bulge... it's so arousing to see your stomach bulging with his cock and cum.
Yan! Husband, the King of Aftercare, bathing you with the finest body care, roses floating while his face nuzzled up in your neck. Please, don't do anything you will regret, you don't want him to hammer his cock into you again, the whole bathtub might be his cum instead!
Yan! Husband who kisses you to sleep, letting you rest after hours of fucking you dumb. It seems like the euphoria is gone and he has regained his sanity, evident from how he's thinking how to cover all these hickeys and bite marks.
Yan! Husband who presses his lip to all those marks, kissing it better while occasionally licking some.
Maybe he shouldn't help you cover it after all.
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suguann · 4 months
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There comes a point where Simon finally admits that he hates your new boyfriend—not that he’s liked any of your past relationships over the years, but this one he’s more vocal about—with a name not worth remembering. Matt? Martin?
He’d stopped trying after his first week back from work.
“I don’t fucking trust him,” he says one night while at the pub right under your apartment; it’s become a weekly ritual of sorts when he’s on leave ever since meeting you there on Soap’s birthday several years back. 
“You say that about every guy I have you meet,” you tell him in that know-it-all voice that you always use with him. “You hardly even know him, and his name’s Marcus, by the way. It wouldn’t kill you to use it.”
He snorts. “Love, the bloke would put his cock in anyone with tits and a warm cunt.”
“He wouldn’t,” your voice is soft because maybe you already know.
He would.
You’re so fucking oblivious that you don’t even realize this, but there’s nothing except stars in your eyes whenever you look at (or even talk about) the Naval officer who thinks he’s some bigshot because he can fly a plane. 
Even now, at your boyfriend’s promotion after-party in some back alley nightclub, he’s hardly talked to you or offered to get you a drink. You’re always too nervous to order one by yourself, and only Simon—tall and imposing standing beside you—could have the grumpiest bartender reach for the blender to make a blended cocktail. 
When he comes back with your drink—too big fingers unfolding the tiny umbrella for you—he watches your boyfriend (Marcus) flirt with a girl in a tight leather dress on the other side of the room. It’s that moment that he decides he’s tired of you giving your attention to someone who doesn’t deserve it, tired of you lying belly up for men who only want to sink their teeth into you and leave once they’ve had their fill. 
He likes to think he’s a pretty good friend—opening your eyes to something better is a job he takes rather seriously.
“It’s just a bit of fun,” he says after coming back with your third margarita, a small amount of frothy liquid sloshing over the side when he sets it down in front of you. “It’s okay to want it.”
You bite your lip, eyes dropping down to where he’s patting his thigh. “Just fun?”
“Yes, love.” He smiles. “Just fun.”
Let me.
Whether you’re tipsier than he thought or he’s just really persuasive, it’s easy to get you crawling into his lap in the corner of the cracked leather booth. His hands wander the span of your smooth thighs where your short skirt doesn’t reach, and he muffles a groan in your shoulder when you start squirming against the tent in his jeans.
You say his name like a warning when his hands find their way under your skirt, yet you’re biting back a moan and don’t tell him to stop.
Simon undoes his jeans and shifts them down before pushing up the back of your skirt and adjusting your hips to watch the tip of his dick slide between the covered cleft of your ass. Nobody in the room can see what the both of you are doing with your skirt fanning around his lap, but someone could if they were truly looking, and that has him tugging your panties to the side so he can feel you.
"Your boyfriend is too stupid to realize you're sitting here riding my lap. What do you think he'd say if he saw you like this?"
 “W-wait, Simon!” you squeak. “What if he sees—”
He’s almost tempted to roll his eyes at your blind devotion—I’ll deal with it—dealing with it would be him making sure the prick never tries talking to you again.
Then, his fingers, like iron at your hips, jerk you back to impale you on his cock. "Fuck," he says, voice trembling around the edges.
“O-oh! It’s too—ah—too big!”
He wraps a hand around the slender slope of your throat, fingers digging into vulnerable flesh as he pulls you back until his lips are at your ear, nose pressing into the soft skin of your cheek. “Come on, love. I know you can take the whole thing. Right inside this tight cunt.”
Simon thrusts into you shallowly, just the tip going in and out, and you whine, little fingers scrabbling at his wrist—gasping and shivering and bucking in the trap of his arms.
A smirk curls at the edges of his mouth when he finally bottoms out in your hot-wet cunt for your boyfriend to see from the other side of the room. He'd laugh at how his jaw drops, but he can only manage little choked intakes of air at the feel of you wrapped so tightly around him.
“Squeeze my cock for me—fuck, there you go.” He presses a kiss below your ear and reaches down to pet your soaked clit with his thumb. Feels the moment you realize that your boyfriend is watching when you tense up.
“I’ll deal with it,” he says again and again until you’re melting into him, thighs trembling around his. “Promise. I promise…”
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I apologize if you see this again! I was trying to edit it, and it wouldn't format right with the gif. You can find part two here.
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textmel8r · 1 month
[ SMAU + DRABBLE ] 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 ! ( fifth installment ) in which you find toji fushiguro’s number off a sugar baby site .
୨୧˚ part; one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight.
୨୧˚ incl; toji fushiguro
୨୧˚ cw; sugar mommy! reader , sugar baby! toji , mommy kink , drug + alcohol usage , smut drabble , submissive toji , soft sex , profanity
୨୧˚ an; guys… i don’t know what took over me when i wrote this one….im sorry ,, also yes drabble time, you all knew this would happen eventually don’t act surprised 🙄🙄🙄
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come over and show me then
The last message Toji had sent you. He was bold, heart racing just the slightest bit when he thumbed that frightening, little arrow icon to send a text that would most likely change his whole relationship chemistry with you. You, the kind hearted woman who graced him with your undying benevolence and wealth. 
You, the woman Toji called mommy not even twelve hours ago during an idiotic, drunken stupor. 
You, the woman who graced his bed, peering up to him with the softest gaze Toji’d ever been observed with. It was an odd sight–you splayed on his mattress. Dawning a lavish top; silken, Toji absentmindedly recognizes the fabric ( then proceeds to grimace at the fact that he can actually discern between different breeds of fabric. Your lifestyle was rubbing off on him ) and thinks you look out of place. An expensive jewel among the dank cave of his shoddy bedroom.  
Toji crawls in after you, winding up your side, clinging akin to a baby koala bear. Still, he doesn’t speak, preferring to let the sounds of sheets sliding against each other fill the gaps of silence. You take his hulking body in those loving arms and break the quiet. “I’m not buying you for the night.” You cradle his cheek; you make him look up to you and Toji nods under your hand. “You know that, right?”
He nods again. “Sure,” and for once, it comes out without a modicum of sarcasm. Because Toji believes it when you tell him that you’re not looking to gain access to his body through flimsy transactions. Your sincerity is displayed through the months of torturous anticipation. Months of him on the cusp of begging–and Toji Fushiguro has never begged for anything in his goddamned miserable life. Your sincerity is displayed through the gingerness in which you hold his face. Because how could someone with such gentle hands ever tell a lie? And your sincerity is displayed through your words. You tell Toji things that nobody has ever told him before. Nice things, reassuring things despite his insistence on being an asshole to you.
Toji pushes his torso to be propped up on an elbow before he leans in. It’s not a tame first kiss by any means; Toji is mammalian in the way his teeth gnash yours and his tongue laves your cupid’s bow. “Slow,” you whisper in the short absence of his lips. “Slowly.” A command that he feels inclined to follow like some kept mutt, swapping out the animalistic pace with a more refined, controlled tempo. Your face was swallowed by two massive hands; they clamped on either side of your jaw, calloused and dry and forcefully pulling you closer. “Just like that, Toji.”
The way you say his name… Fuck. Toji grunts, swinging a heavy thigh over your own to situate between your legs. “I’ve never,” there's a pause when he leans in to suck the tip of your tongue, “been so desperate to be inside a woman.” His thick tongue worms back into your mouth, pushing smoky saliva down your throat. You were writhing; your hand slides over his, the one still tending to your cheek, and you guide it lower. He let you drag his hand down the smooth slope of your neck, over the hill of your delicate chest, across the plain of your soft tummy to meet the waistband of your designer pants. 
Your head tilts, something devious glinting in the colored rings of your eyes that have Toji so enchanted. He plucks at the brass button of your pants, nudging the point of his nose to the high of your cheekbone. Breathing in the luxury branded perfume that overpowered the cigarette stench still lingering in his room from his morning smoke; evidenced by the stub crumbled in the glass tray on his wobbly nightstand. “What about the girl…Girl from last night?” 
Toji smiles at the breathy question. “What girl?” He hums cheekily against your mouth, letting his tongue slip back through the seam of your delicious lips. You slap his face rather playful, but his breath hitches all the same.
At last, he pops the button. The acrylic of your nails sink into the meat of his forearm, legs widening, ass shifting; all of the signs that Toji hyperfixated on. The way you tell him to keep going without so much as saying a word has him hotter than anytime another woman has begged for his touch in bed. Toji kisses you as he dips beneath the ajar slacks, then those sheer panties, slipping down to where you needed him most. You’re wet, he notes to himself. Wet, squelching and red hot when his thick middle finger sandwiches itself between the labia. 
Both pairs of legs tangled together amidst the desperation. While Toji touches you, you’re hiking your leg up–the one snuggled between two of the man’s built thighs. It presses to his clothed crotch, and you reach around grab a handful of his ass. “Hump it,” you dictate, using his ass cheek as leverage to pull his hips down against your awaiting thigh. Toji jolts; never had his ass been grabbed like that, but he thinks he likes it.
So he grinds. His groin crashes against your leg with rough enthusiasm, so rough that it should be a threat to your poor femur bone. But he doesn’t let up. Toji’s arm tenses and shakes with exertion as he fingers you, forearm burning from the intensity at which he moves. But he doesn’t let up.
“Fuck,” he huffs. “Fuck.”
What is he, some kind of dog? Chasing his high against a leg, licking your neck, barking obscenities into existence. Had you been anyone else, Toji would have had them bent at the waist over his bed, forcing their face into his lonesome pillow and taking what he needed. But you had this certain authority–you’d always had–as if you owned him. Not that you would ever admit that, nor did you believe it, but Toji did. You pay for his living quarters, his meals, his clothes, his car, hell, his time. The leash was cuffed at his throat, leather digging into his flesh, and he fucking loved it. Toji would wait for your instructions like a well behaved puppy. 
“Take my pants off,” you utter, and it’s only then does Toji realize that the both of you hadn’t bothered shedding any layers, taking favor in rutting clothed bodies together like a couple of immature teens. His hips pause their humping, and his tongue finds one long, last lick to your jugular before pulling back.
Two thumbs hook beneath both layers of material at your hips. “Can’t believe you made me wait this long,” he mutters offhandedly, dragging your pants down. 
You’re bare. His mouth waters at the sight of glistening moisture between your legs, encapsulated by a dusting of hair. Toji stares, nestled on his knees, straddling your thigh. He just stares.
“I told you my reasons,” you say.
He doesn’t respond to that. “I want to fuck you.”
Your chest rises. Are you arching for him? “Ask me.” When he cocks a confused brow, you lightly elaborate. “Show me some of that respect I taught you and ask me nicely.”
The sole of your foot caresses his pec over the black tee shirt he sports, a gentle notion that he is allowed to take his time. Toji doesn’t need time though; he’s got your twisted little request all figured out. It’s funny, he shouldn’t have expected any less. To him, respect didn’t exist in the bedroom, but Toji would make an exception. “Will you let me fuck you tonight?” You’re not letting him get off that easy, your pointed eyes say it all. So, in an uncharacteristically piteous voice, the man adds “please, ma’am” and strokes your calf for good measure.
That does it. 
Your legs spread, arms racing up to coil around the thick post of his neck. He lets you pull him down, lets you kiss him tenderly, lets your tongue curl behind his teeth. Toji groans, reaching a sticky hand down to clumsily shove his sweatpants around his ass. “You have no–” kiss “idea what you–” kiss “you do to me–” kiss, kiss “when you call me that.”
His length drags over your core, hot and heavy and thick and raw. He doesn’t move to grab a condom knowing damn well there’s a box that sits in his nightstand to the left of them. A box that has been forgotten, left untouched in the waking months of his realization that he doesn’t want to fuck other people. Why would he? When you take such good fucking care of him, what’s the point in sleeping around anymore?
“Be grateful,” Toji husks, rubbing up against the warmth beneath him. “‘M never this nice in bed.”
“I’m not, either.”
He throbs at that. A small hand snakes behind his head, weaving into the raven shag of his hair, and tugs. “I really never meant for this to happen.” Toji narrows those steely eyes at you. “To end up in your bed, I mean. I thought I had more resolve than this.”
Too bad money can’t buy resolve, he thinks inwardly. Hand still between bodies, Toji jerks himself slowly, soaking his tip in your entrance. His gaze is glued to your face, flitting amidst all the gorgeous features it had to offer. “I knew I’d get you here eventually,” he speaks with a lilt of confidence, prodding the point of his nose to yours. And then he pushes inside without warning. You’re gooey; a hot, wet heat encasing his body from head to toe. He feels you shudder, feels nails in his nape. He feels your sticky breaths on his cheek, feels your pillowy thighs squish against his hip bones. Toji serves you the entire length in one slow thrust, holding himself inside. “Fuck.”
“Slow,” you warn once more in a broken voice. His hair was grabbed again, you used it as a makeshift handlebar to yank Toji’s head down. His handsome face plummeted into the divot between your breasts, still gift wrapped in that undoubtedly overpriced shirt. His nose pressed to your sternum, taking deep inhales. 
Slow sex was unfamiliar territory to Toji, one among the list of foreign concepts you had introduced to him during your time together. Fucking was animalistic practice between two people, fast-paced and greedy and surprisingly lonely. Toji fucked with the intention of climaxing; intimacy is irrelevant. Was irrelevant. 
Toji slips a hand beneath your back, locking a grip on the underside of your shoulder to weld your chest to his face. Slow, timely thrusts met your cunt, watery squelches filled the room. “Oh, fuck.”
Your hands wander. Crawling down the base of his spine, breezing over his tail bone, clutching his bare ass. Guiding him in a way, and he doesn’t entirely mind. “My boy,” you moan in the throes of pleasure, a free hand blindly feeling for the back of his sweaty neck. Fingers stroke the precious skin there, sensitive flesh that nobody has ever paid attention to, not even himself. Toji trembles.
“Take it,” he whispers back, as if he still had any semblance of control. But you let him, and he thinks you’re too fucking nice for sparing his pride like that. “Take it, goddamn it.”
“Yes, my sweet boy.”
Idiotic. He is no longer a boy, nor does he even slightly compare to anything sweet. God, if you knew him. If you knew what he did for work… How many people he’s gutted and bled like livestock for quick cash… You would leave. He knows this to be a fact of life, you’re simply too moralistic and caring and selfless to keep in contact with a monster like him.
“Let mommy take care of you.”
Oh Jesus Christ, he’s done for. You wax praises so sincere that Toji starts to let himself believe he’s good. He pretends he’s worthy of being here with you right now in this bed, with your lithe fingers petting his damp hair and your breasts against his cheek, and fucks you harder. The toes of two socked feet bury into the mattress.
You successfully conquered his flimsy pride. “Mom… my…,” Toji breathes out, stifling down the impending whine caught at the back of his esophagus. He bucks deep inside, pubic bone to pubic bone, and grabs a handful of tit. So fucking soft even under this stupid shirt.
The sex plays out this way until the very end. A gentle tango that reminds Toji he hadn’t actually fucked in missionary position for some time. But at last, you came around him. “Toji, baby I’m here.” As if you were charged with electricity, you twitched and jumped beneath him. Toji fucked you through it, grinding his hips in a trajectory that caught your clit with his pubic hair. The friction was passionate, and you came with your jaw unhinged on a silent yelp.
“Give it to me,” he rasped, tongue lolling out to lick at your cleavage through your shirt. Drool rolled down the palate, collecting into a small puddle and dampening the fabric. A messy puppy, drooling all over you like that. Toji fucked harder, much too hard to be considered ‘slow’ anymore, but you didn’t stop him.
“Come on.” A hand dips beneath the collar of Toji’s tight shirt, scratching the ever loving fuck out of his upper back. “Cum baby boy.”
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuckfuckfuck.” The thrusts halt abruptly; Toji rams himself deep inside and holds onto you for dear life. There’s a brief pause before he empties himself into the deepest depths of your pussy, twitching as he does so. You coo, talking him through it with an inoffensive hand raking his bangs back. They stick, his sweat acting like a sort of natural gel, and Toji’s forehead is on display. You drag him up and press your lips to it—he flushes and drops back onto you, hiding in your neck.
Toji gasps on his come down, gulping in air through his nose. He’s weak and it’s strange. Despite the stupid amount of strength trapped within that Herculean body, Toji cannot find it in him to hover anymore. His entire weight drops onto your much tinier frame, but he hears no objections so he keeps himself there.
“Worth the buildup?” You ask at last, rubbing soothing circles into the plates of his shoulder blades. Your voice is a little strained, no doubt the effects of a two-hundred-and-something-pound man crushing your lungs, but Toji likes the funny grate of it in his ears.
“You already know the answer.” It’s written in the way your cum mixes together and wets the crease of his inner thighs. He’s not exactly going to say that was the most intimate and passionate sex i’ve ever had, but he’ll show you how much it meant to him by letting you cradle him to your chest.
likes and reblogs are appreciated !
tags . • @4imhry @sugurubabe @mastermasterlist1p1 @mikisspeak @fluttershyfangs @iluv-ace @xstom @bratbby333 @mizzfizz @sserafin @wo-ming-bai @maexc @r0ckst4rjk @aesukuni
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obxsprincess · 5 months
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miguel who loves his shy girlfriend so fucking much. your so sweet. so tentative
miguel whos never been a pda kinda guy. ever. until your pretty self. now he finds himself embarrassing you over and over again while his hand slid down your thigh — resting merely. planting a wet kiss down the column of your throat when you sat with his colleagues. spoiling you with endless sweet nothings all you could do was mewl “migs!”
miguel who loves seeing you flustered… that is until you cover your mouth while he’s pounding into you, hiding your moans and words with the fear ‘someone will hear’ while his fat tip bulges against your cervix… and then it drives him insane.
miguel who eats you out while you squirm on top of his massive, wooden desk. the rough texture gone in your mind because his face is stuffed in your cunt. he laps at your drooling folds like a mad-man. suckling your swollen clit into his mouth, flicking the puffy bud in ways that had you whimpering. but you were still holding back your fucking sounds — so he did what any man munch would do, he edged your leaking pussy
miguel who tells you you aren’t getting your sweet release until you finally let go. promising you it would be a blessing to those motherfuckers to hear even a single moan of yours. but his words were so muffled, his tongue swirling around your dripping hole — dipping in and eliciting your immediate gasp. how’d he go so deep?!
miguel who has to hold you down as your eyes flutter closed, the slurping, wet sounds of your essence almost escaping the walls. you were close. the needy laced wire in your stomach tightening… “m’ah m-miguel mm fuck!”
miguel who suddenly pulls away despite his need to taste you even more — his mouth covered in your juices. “use your words,”…
miguel who denies you orgasm after orgasm until your a whining mess — in that moment, your shyness was gone, along with your sanity and anything pure about you as he finally flipped you over. guiding himself along, against, into your soaking entrance “migs! w-what if they hear!?”…
miguel who finally gets a taste of your screams while your silken walls squeezed the fucking life out of him… and he cummed just at the angelic sound
miguel who’s fat cock bottoms out inside of your tight little hole — painting your walls in his thick ropes. who still can’t believe your walls milk every last drop so perfectly
miguel who walks out of his office, hand in yours, with the biggest, shit eating smirk on his face. and you try to hide the giddy grin on yours
miguel who gets you an oversized t shirt so he can fuck you in it that says ‘my lady in the streets, but she a freak in the bed’ fuck, he’s never seen you so bashful. and his cock hardens at the cute sight
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astonmartinii · 2 months
the father who stepped up | charles leclerc social media au
pairing: charles leclerc x fem gasly!reader
mr leclerc has been spotted with an all too familiar dog recently.
- part of the brother's best friend series -
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 1,094,523 others
yourusername: ceo of milf industries
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user1: i am NO better than a man
user2: i think enough time has passed... when do we get enzo's paddock debut
user3: i'm hearing monaco at least
pierregasly: this is false advertising
yourusername: enzo is my child, i am his mother
pierregasly: you're not cute enough to be a milf, sorry!
yourusername: just cause you've got the hairline of a grandpa is not mine or enzo's fault
pierregasly: MY HAIRLINE IS FINE
yourusername: PUSH BACK THE FRINGE
pierregasly: how dare you! this is a big insecurity of mine - you are NOT a girl's girl
yourusername: pierre why is mum calling me? PIERRE WHY IS MUM CALLING ME?
user4: i bet they have a get along shirt
yourusername: all i can say is that someone rocks it, and someone doesn't
pierregasly: are you still being mean while on the phone to mum????
yourusername: the hater grind never stops
estebanocon: enzo is getting so big 😭😭😭
yourusername: time flies, oh gosh i'm crying
estebanocon: motherhood does that to you
user5: i love how pierre and este are mortal enemies but y/n is besties with him regardless
yourusername: an opp of pierre is a friend of mine
charles_leclerc: cutest boy in the world
yourusername: i didn't know you had given up that title?
charles_leclerc: oh i-
user6: say it's just y/n as if it's NOT Y/N??
liked by charles_leclerc
pierregasly: I SAW THAT
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liked by francisca.cgomes, charles_leclerc and 897,556 others
tagged: yourusername
pierregasly: what's the point of having a sister if you can't steal her dog
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user7: this pooch has to be one of the most spoilt and pampered dogs in the world
user8: i wish i died and was reincarnated as enzo
yourusername: oh sure, i'm sure i'm great for plucking your eyebrows and helping you text back girls (@francisca.cgomes you're welcome)
pierregasly: do you mind?
yourusername: did you really ever think you'd pull kika with your charm alone?
pierregasly: yes?
yourusername: the delusion of men should be studied
pierregasly: do i have to call mum again?
yourusername: you call yourself tripod, if anything i should be calling the POLICE
user9: i know kika must have the patience of a saint to deal with their bickering
user10: i fear for any man who wants to get with y/n cause lord knows at his big age pierre will be wheeling out the overprotective brother act
pierregasly: that's my god given right
yukitsunoda0511: not in the photo dump... i see how it is
yourusername: every girl for themselves sorry yuki san
yukitsunoda0511: i think pierre is just jealous of our looks
yourusername: i think that is exactly it yuki
charles_leclerc: yuki not in the post but i wasn't even invited 🤨
pierregasly: you're literally in italy?
charles_leclerc: and?
pierregasly: god forbid a man doesn't want to be bullied by you and y/n
yourusername: (pussy)
user11: not to be a freak but charles and y/n would be so cute together
pierregasly: say anything like that again and you're getting blocked
yourusername: they hate to see a girlboss winning
pierregasly: excuse me?
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liked by danielricciardo, joris_trouche and 2.784,566 others
tagged: yourusername
charles_leclerc: no paternity test needed
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user15: okay.... like... they're slay
user16: i'm personally going to celebrate now before the pierre tantrum
yourusername: oh i've already blocked his number lol
pierregasly: knock knock
user17: is charles dead? can we have a sign of life?
charles_leclerc: they can't get rid of me bitch
pierregasly: you're hiding in the bathroom I CAN HEAR YOU GUYS GIGGLING
yourusername: you're BREAKING AND ENTERING
pierregasly: i have a key?
charles_leclerc: for emergencies?
yourusername: not his ass!!!! it's so cute :(
pierregasly: not the time
user18: i can't - why are they having a conversation in the comment section when they're separated by a single door
pierregasly: WHY IS ESTEBAN HERE????????????
estebanocon: 1. i love drama and i love annoying you 2. y/n called me as back up
yourusername: you're being insane and i needed the lanky man to escort you out!
pierregasly: i just want to talk
yourusername: I CAN HEAR THE SOCK
charles_leclerc: THE SOCK?
estebanocon: i can confirm he has the sock
yukitsunoda0511: why don't i know what the sock is :(
yourusername: it's a sock full of loose change that you swing as a weapon @ MEN OF ITALY PLEASE MOBILISE YOUR GOD IS IN DANGER
charles_leclerc: tell enzo i love him :((((((
pierregasly: WHY IS MAX HERE AS WELL?
maxverstappen1: i am nosey
maxverstappen1: and esteban left the door open
danielricciardo: i am also here
alexalbon: me too, @yourusername can i have some of the dessert in the fridge?
yourusername: is the entire population of monaco in our house?
charles_leclerc: with that many witnesses he can't do anything
user19: what the fuck have i just read?
user20: are alpine down a driver?
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liked by charles_leclerc, estebanocon and 1,789,467 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername: did you guys know i recently became an only child?
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user23: now this could either mean that she has disowned pierre or that we did actually witness murder by sock
user24: enzo down an uncle
maxverstappen1: i am more than ready to take his spot
danielricciardo: me too
alexalbon: me three
pierregasly: i'm still alive?
yourusername: GHOST 🫵🏻
charles_leclerc: someone get the sage STAT
pierregasly; do not try and cleanse me away
charles_leclerc: 🤓👆 she's actually in love with me
yourusername: that's true i am actually in love with him
pierregasly: there's a difference?
yourusername: your fuckboy is showing... kika i'm so sorry
user25: we got a 'LOVE' guys it's real
yourusername: we have a child, this is so real
charles_leclerc: locked in for life 🫰🏻
estebanocon: he just passed out in the sim
yourusername: good 👍🏻
charles_leclerc: he'll come around at some point, but for right now i love you too much to care
yourusername: i love you too charlie x
charles_leclerc: i love you more
yourusername: NOT POSSIBLE
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liked by danielricciardo, arthurleclerc and 2,309,877 others
tagged: yourusername
charles_leclerc: two years strong, no pierre tantrum can stop that :P
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user26: this is my official countdown to another pierre meltdown.
charles_leclerc: bro is proving why we didn't tell him in real time
pierregasly: i will choke you
charles_leclerc: you can't kill enzo's dad and be an absent uncle?
yourusername: newsflash bozo we thought ahead and are at a super secret second location
pierregasly: are you at max's?
yourusername: yes.
pierregasly: i knew you were too lazy to leave the building
yourusername: but you don't have a key to his place 😤
user27: y/n is real for that
maxverstappen1: EVERYONE BEHOLD I AM ABOUT TO COMPLIMENT CHARLES: enzo is very well trained and good with the cats
charles_leclerc: why thank you max
maxverstappen1: he must get it from his mother
charles_leclerc: rude! i thought this was a compliment to me?
yourusername: if it is my trait, it's singularly mine god lord it hasn't been passed down to all the gasly kids
pierregasly: i can read that you know
yourusername: you can read? next you're going to tell me you're potty trained as well
pierregasly: that's it i'm calling mum again
charles_leclerc: btw she already knows about us - i got permission from your parents
pierregasly: SO EVERYONE KNEW
yukitsunoda0511: i didn't :(
pierregasly: you're not in the family yuki that's not a big surprise
yukitsunoda0511: that's not what you said the other day... :((((((
pierregasly: i can't win these days
user28: first the alpine tractor and now this, pierre can't catch a break
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername and 1,784,560 others
tagged: yourusername & charles_leclerc
pierregasly: i guess we're bffs for life now
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user32: balance has been restored to the force
user33: the way it only took some puppy dog eyes from both charles and enzo and the past three week civil war was forgiven
yourusername: thank god, you really aren't made to be a drama queen, keep it for the radio
pierregasly: you're just lucky you chose a guy i like
yourusername: you forced me to hang out with him my whole life, so really this is all your fault.
pierregasly: ????
yourusername: it's always a man's fault
pierregasly: i give up. you win. sure it was my fault
user34: y/n ain't never losing an argument i feel sorry for pierre and charles
charles_leclerc: she's never wrong 🫡
yourusername: this is how it should be ladies
charles_leclerc: how does it feel to be the third favourite to your parents now?
pierregasly: really? i can get the sock back out?
charles_leclerc: i'm sorry!!!
pierregasly: but you are right, y/n is the favourite
yourusername: baby is always the favourite
arthurleclerc: true
charles_leclerc: 🙄
pierregasly: 🙄
yourusername: are we done being dramatic now? can i come to races and can we go to dinner?
pierregasly: don't you dare wear red
yourusername: too late :P
pierregasly: excuse me
yourusername: i've always been wearing red in some way every race
charles_leclerc: i can confirm
note: finally back with my fave ever trope and the pics of little leo just gave me that burst of inspiration. leo is so cute and so is the ice cream, charles really coming for babygirl of the year
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Miguel w/an Innocent S/O
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Warnings: Protective Miguel, Slight Yandere Miguel (if you squint), Implications of Smut, Fluff, More Fluff, Spooning, Mentions/Implications of injuries, Insecurity, No Pronouns used for Reader Except 'You'.
Him being fiercely protective of you 24/7.
If someone even so much as looks at you wrong, he stares them down until they either break down and start apologising, or their heart gives out.
You’re the only person he shows any affection to. You’re also the only person allowed to touch him. Period.
He’s so touch starved; please hold him and tell him he’s your big guy :-(
Goes FERAL when you rake your fingers through his hair; his eyes roll into his skull and he can’t help but moan a little, even if the context isn’t sexual.
Don’t bring it up or he’ll punish you for it later 👀.
He finds your innocence both endearing and worrying.
On one hand, you believe in the good of everyone, which, considering how insecure Miguel can be, is what initially drew him to you; your ability to empathise and sympathise with others, to not judge them.
However, he knows people would take advantage of your kind and giving nature.
One time, he found out that one of the Spiders – a Victorian England era ‘gentleman superhero’ – had tossed you a used coffee cup and told you to dispose of it on his behalf. When you tried to say something, to tell him you were busy and had better things to do, he just dismissed you.
Of course, Miguel had seen this. He has eyes on you every second of the day.
You never saw that Spiderman again. Nor did anyone else. All that seemed to remain of him was his suit thrown haphazardly into the storage room, where a great big tear edged with blood was ripped into the chestpiece, the hero’s signature top hat abandoned and crumpled beneath it.
He also broke another Spider-Person’s arm when they tried to steal one of the fairy cakes you’d lovingly baked for him; poured your heart and soul into.
Miguel also growls at people he thinks are looking at you strangely. Full-on bares his fangs like a rabid dog and watches them cower.
He purposely grows his fangs out and lets you play with them.
He’s careful to make sure you don’t get hurt, though, guiding your hands away from the pointed tips.
His guilty pleasure is when you kiss his fangs and tell him he’s “The coolest, most handsome man in the world!”
“Just the world?” He says, smiling, raising an eyebrow. His heart melts in his chest as your smile widens, eclipsing your eyes into crescents.
“In ALL the worlds!” You say, throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him, laughing. He brings his arms, thick and muscular, around your waist and pulls you into him, pressing ticklish kisses into your neck, revelling in your laughter.
Intimacy-wise, Miguel is horrified at the prospect of hurting you.
He’s ever so careful, as if handling glass, holding back his strength.
It’s worth it, though. The strain.
Especially when he hears you mewl and try to hide your face in his chest.
“Oh no, Sweetheart,” he says, tangling a hand in your hair and pulling your head back. His pointed fangs flint as he gives a smile. “I want to watch you like this.”
Loves your gentle kisses – they give him life.
Nothing can get him down when you’re around; especially when you’re sitting in his lap.
Though, issues have arisen as a result of your oblivion to…compromising positions.
More often than not, Miguel’s had to bite his lip and tongue when you shift in his lap, catching him, making his heart start and his breath shutter, electric anticipation jolting through him.
He takes you aside in the bathroom to deal with the issue you’ve unknowingly caused, but you don’t complain. Not that you can with your mouth full.
He looks at you with eyes which have seen the deaths of countless individuals, yet when he finds yours, he sees love and light spanning infinite universes within them. And they give him hope that there is more to life than loss and grief; more to him than his failures.
He revels in the feeling of you hiding behind him whenever you’re scared.
Sometimes he takes you to areas of the facility where he knows you’ll be easily frightened – for example, where captive villains are held – so he can feel your hands tightening around his arm or gripping the back of his suit. It makes him feel useful, like he can take on the world.
And he gets off on being the only person who can truly protect you. But he’d never tell you that, of course.
Loves demonstrating his strength around you. He can pick you up single-handedly and carry you anywhere without so much as thinking of breaking a sweat.
He prefers to be the big spoon, curling around you like a shield and protecting you from the outside world, his warm, broad chest to your back.
Tells you how much he loves you through hushed post-intimacy whispers and soft touches. Shows it through acts of service and the insurmountable adoration that fills his eyes whenever you’re around.
He can’t imagine being with anybody else. He can’t even remember the last time he felt anything save for contempt before you showed up.
And he’ll do whatever it takes to protect you. No cost is too great for the love of his life <3.
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