#if someone requests something please be patient i'm fighting for my life trying to use ps on a 10 year old pc
redflavor · 2 years
fine if not, but could you maybe gif txt’s nap of a star mv? it’s such a cool aesthetic mv that I never see giffed ☹️
hi! thank you for requesting, here's nap of a star 💛
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taffycandyqt · 4 months
Seeing someone who writes for the 03 characters beyond just the turtles is making me insane (/pos) like thank you for giving April and Casey some love! Wanted to say that first! But can I request fic where 03 Casey’s spouse (I’d prefer he/him or they/them be used for reader please!) gets kidnapped by the purple dragons or something and everyone’s like awww shit but actually reader comes back ten seconds later saying “I just taught those morons why they don’t mess with a jones” or something I’m sorry if this is formatted weird I’m just really excited to see someone writing for a character I’ve been obsessed since I was thirteen 😭
I'm so happy I write for a character you love!! Your so sweet this req got me giggling and kicking my feet!!
Don't Mess With A Jones
2003 Casey A. Jones x gn reader
Very slight angst, fluff, slight crack
Warnings: mentions of blood (like twice), angst if you squint
You and Casey have been married for a while now. In that time you both thought that the Purple Dragons were out of commission after the turtles took down not only Shredder but Hun as well. That was a stupid assumption apparently.
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You were missing. You were missing and the only thing in your place was a note from the Purple Dragons. And of course it was about the turtles. If he wanted you free the turtles and himself had to give themselves up to the purple dragons.
Yeeeeeah, no.
Instead of doing what they asked Casey went straight to the lair to formulate a rescue plan. Casey being Casey however, he did it... less than gracefully. Once he was lowered into the lair via ancient elevator he was yelling and effectively freaked out all the turtles there.
Everyone gathered at the entrance weapons bared and ready to fight off whatever unholy being just cursed their home. Upon seeing it was Casey though, they put their weapons away while Raph yelled at him to get it together.
"Cas- CASEY! CHILL OUT!" He shouted while gripping his shoulders. After he had calmed down he was able to ask, "What happened?"
"It- it's y/n. Look." Casey handed him the note. Before Raph could properly read anything important though, Leo took it and began reading it. This prompted an annoyed huff and arm cross from Raph.
"What's it say?" Asked Donny looking over Leo's shoulder with Mikey trying to get a better look. Emphasis on 'trying'.
"The Purple Dragons kidnapped y/n and the only way they'll set them free is if we all, including Casey, give ourselves up."
"That's lame. How dumb do they think we are?" Commented Mikey.
"Dumb as you apparently." Raph quipped in response.
"Does it say anything about where they took them?" Don asked.
Leo handed him the note, "They did give an address of where they want us to go. It's hard to say if y/n is there or not."
Donnie continued to study the note. Mikey made his way over to look too and Don moved it towards him a little to make it easier for him to read.
"So what are we gonna do? We can't exactly walk into an obvious trap." Raph directed his question towards Leo.
"I'm not sure yet. When we had run ins with the Purple Dragons in the past there wasn't the life of an innocent on the line. On top of that we know the Purple Dragons aren't exactly the patient type. So whatever we do come up with we're gonna have to act fast."
"Leo, I can't lose them. Kay'? I already lost too much to the Purple Dragons, I'm not losing y/n too."
"No one's losing anyone today Casey. Not in my watch." Leo looked around at everyone.
"Oh!" exclaimed Mikey, "What if we all went to one base of the purple dragons that we know about? We go stealth and look around for y/n!"
"That would be too risky Mikey, and it would take too long to. If none of us find y/n we could be waisting precious time." Leo told him, "I'm going to talk to Master Splinter. He might be able to see this from a different angle."
Grabbing Leo's shoulder Casey asked him, "Umm how long do you think that's gonna take. I'm kinda freaking out over here."
"Hey, Case, you need some water?" Raph offered, "Could help. At least a little."
Casey looked at Raph and then back at Leo.
"I'll be as quick as I can." Leo told him. And with that Casey was following Raph to the kitchen to get some water. Don went back to his lab to pack some equipment for some inconveniences that might present themselves during the rescue. While Mikey was back to reading comics on the couch.
After Casey had chugged his water he began to pace around the lair.
"Dude you gotta chill out. Y/n will be fine." Mikey smiled over the couch in hopes of getting Casey to sit down.
"I can't CHILL Mikey! I've got a real bad feeling and the longer I'm here the more I feel like I should be up there looking for them."
"Your anxiety is understandable but maybe you should rest had breath a little. Sharpen your mental focus a little for when we do go out to get them." Donny advised.
"I am mentally focused."
"Hey, maybe just let the guy be huh? Nothing we can say with calm him down anyways." Responded Raph.
Just then Leo came out of the dogo and with confidence stated, "I have a plan."
Everyone came from their respective areas and gathered around to hear what Leo had to say.
"First we are gonna need-" just then everyone heard the sound of "elevator" to the lair open. Then out stepped you. Bloody, battered, slightly limping, and a bat wrapped with barb wire in your hand.
"Y/N!", Casey ran to hug you. After giving you one big, slightly painful, squeeze he looked at you concerned, "What happened, what did they do to you? Oh I'll kill em' all of em'."
"Nothing much happened really," you responded and he looked at your face, "just taught them a lesson about messing with a Jones."
Casey had never felt so proud of you. Gosh he loved you so much. The pride that you were his, that you were so amazing and you were his. He hugged you again, softer this time, and buried his face in your hair. You were bloody, covered in wounds, and smelled like a combination of blood, sweat, and dust, but he didn't care. You were safe.
"Wait. Did you just... beat them all up then?" Asked Mikey.
------------------------------------------------------------Not gonna lie, figuring out how to write this one was a little challenging but in the end I can say I'm very happy with it!
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simpforchuchu · 11 months
Hi, I saw that you have HC requests open. I was wondering if you could please do some for Yamaguchi or Raoh?
Magoroku Yamaguchi | General Dating Hcs
a/n: Hi, i really love Yamaguchi too but cant find much for him :( So i hope you like it 💕🌸
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: not much just usual hnl things
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* A little different and mysterious character
* He is referred to as a lone wolf
* And we know he is pretty strong
* We know that he has challenged Raoh in past and followed him when he was defeated. Also, Kansuke is following him.
* That's why he gives me a pretty loyal vibe
* Also, as far as we can see in the first scenes, no matter how calm and cold-blooded he may seem, he also is someone who likes to fight like Binzo
* But he enjoys fighting only when necessary
* okay dating…
* Magoroku doesn't give me a very flirty or womanizer vibe
* And I don't think he could be with someone who is cocky, smug and childish.
* I believe he will be attracted to someone who is calm but funny, can be silly but not childish, strong and intelligent.
* I don't think he's afraid to take the first step, but he certainly wouldn't mind you taking the first step.
* He definitely keeps his private life secret. No one in Suzuran will know about you until they see you together or until he says so.
* I'm sure he will tell the Raoh faction but maybe after a while…
* Their friendship with Binzo is like "I hate this guy but if you touch him i'll break your all bones"
* That's why I think they have a sweet friendship
* So even though he always tells you that he hates him, you will see many times that he worries about him.
* Even if he is not very flirty, he will care about his girlfriend and will not hesitate to compliment her.
* A change in your new dress, hair, bag or make-up…
* He will definitely notice and make you smile
* He likes it when you wear something for him but he thinks you're always beautiful
* Even though he used his hair in a ponytail and tons of jelly at school, I'm sure he uses his hair untied when you were there or he'd let you do his hair.
* His whole world is Raoh faction and you.
* I don't think he will be interested in other girls.
* No one can disrespect you, he's pretty certain about it.
* You are the most beautiful girl in the world for him and he is not afraid to give you all his attention.
* He has quite a lot enemies. Even inside Suzuran
* That's why he doesn't want you to walk home alone. He wants Kamui or Kansuke to walk with you even if he can't come.
* Exactly the "I'll kill you if you touch her" vibe
* You don't need to be physically strong but he wants to teach you self defense if you want to learn
* He loves to exercise. Did you see his muscles? If you want to do it with him, I think he will be quite happy.
* Even if you have weak fists, I think he’ll find it pretty cute
* Push ups while you're on his back...
* I can't say he is great with words but he’s not too bad at expressing his feelings
* He seems like a quick-tempered person but quite patient with you.
* He’s trying not to show it to you even if he’s so angry in Suzuran
* He doesn't get hurt easily, but he's definitely hiding it from you when he gets hurt.
* He doesn't want you to worry
* He finds you when he needs to get away from all that chaos and violence. Because you are the best thing for him.
* I guess he’s good at cooking. He is also a healthy eater. So happy to cook for you too
* Gums…
* He always carries a pack of gum in his pocket.He carries your favorite ones in his other pocket and won't let anyone take them
* He absolutely loves to being the big spoon and you lying on his chest
* I don't think he likes PDA but it's okay
* He likes physical contact. But I think his love language is Acts of service
* He likes shirts and cardigans, he'll always want to make sure you're warm even if he gets cold
* I think he’s oddly good at caring for the sick people
* He looks pretty cold, but he's actually a cute teddy bear.
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx  @satraninalane @thatpoindexterpixy
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nvrcmplt · 1 month
"I think I'm going back to school." Klaus interrupted the silence with that thought. Leaning an elbow on the table, it supported a cheek as he looked through a college brochure that he'd been mailed after requesting. The university curriculum laid out, he peeked up at Shane to see his response. Though it wouldn't change his choice, he was a definite person, he still wanted to see support for some reason. Shane's opinion was important to him.
"It's been a year and a half since my injury and they don't anticipate me getting any mobility back. Even if I did, it would never be to the point that I could participate in gymnastics again." His face turned a bit bitter at that. He could feel anger festering in his chest before he swallowed it down to control it. He didn't think he'd ever fully come to terms with that fact, but he was forcing himself to think through it.
Rotting in the house all day was simply making him more depressed. Sometimes there was no cheering him up. He'd ask Shane not to come over for the day, be less than pleased if it wasn't listened to, and stay in his room. He could feel his mental health starting to revert to how it was upon the initial injury...he didn't want to go back to that. He was someone that needed a purpose and something to do.
So he gave a deep breath to try and dissuade the bad mood the fact wanted to put him in. Instead, he was scooting his booklet to Shane for him to look at the college curriculum he was looking at.
"I always loved science and physics, so I'm going the biophysics route for my degree and seeing where that takes me. But I will do online school...so I don't have to move." Softly he cleared his throat. "I'm too old to be rolling with the undergrads. And...I don't want to move away from you. So, I thought that the better option despite wanting this specific school."
Shane was never one to enjoy the bleak outcomes of sport injuries, it was with common understanding that lumbar fractures were the monster of all life takers. They didn't discriminate when it happened but when you care for people that were used to being so lively and outdoorsy be denied any hopes of being able to simply stand from their own chair without aids was hard. It took everyone their own time to come to terms with it, dark moods, darker thoughts, darkest times. Shane's smile could only help so many people willing and Shane knew it was nothing more when he was asked to finalize their paperworks and finish the sessions booked for his caring then to be moved along to the next vegetable in a chair. It hurt, seeing that life be stopped and their hope, fight and want to continue just stop.
So, when he looked up at Klaus as he was finishing reading those leaflets and booklets, his brows raise to his hairline in awe. "Oh?" He sat up a bit more, adjusting himself and pulling away from the low mood thoughts he was having himself over recent days. Leaning over the table on an elbow to stare at the offered writing to take in what Klaus had been absorbed in. Listening to Klaus speak up on another interest that wasn't gymnastic had his own heart beating a touch faster, because it was that rare one in twenty patients, friends, best friends - that have found something more than just wasting away in their circumstances. "Holy… that sounds so good." He was breathless, because he loved to hear this. This was such a massive step. "I… wait, me?" Shane finally clicked on what they were saying.
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Oh - that made his ears pink - but not as fast as his face turning red. "Y-you shouldn't p-put… whoa, okay… i mean, nice, good choice?" Shane felt his hands move to itch at his cheek, covering his face the best he could cause he knew he was burning up. "I mean, it's a great school, n-not as f-far as you'd think, ne?" Accent was falling a bit more into his mother tongue as he got more and more flustered. He had to just cover his face at the end though, clearing his throat the best he could as his lips wobble into a smile of some design. "I'm… glad ya thinking of something for the future, Klaus. Makes me super happy… I'd really like you sticking around too." It's been a while, hasn't it? They've come so far too.
Brushing his face off and looking away for a minute to gather himself he smiled stupidly - not much hidden though as he sat back from the shared booklet and instead itched at his temple then ruffled at his own hair. "I like the sound of it, Klaus. I'll cheer you on, for sure." Since this was something great, it didn't click until now that maybe, would be it too much, but… "Hey, you think that school would need a nurse?" Shane, was qualified but for schools he could happily study alongside Klaus to get into the same place.
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prnanxiety · 3 months
My day today was completely absorbed by the guy I was writing about yesterday. He's just a portrait of a tormented young man, well and truly.
All that talk about not being able to find any other chart history, well, I knew it was strange. Someone did some digging and found a different MRN with his name and information, looks like they're trying to merge the charts right now or something. Apparently he had a recent stay at a different hospital, where his behavior and presentation was almost identical to what we've been doing currently.
Morning starts off with him approaching panic, talking with me via the translator, requesting to discharge. I tell him the same basic, "it's not my call to make but I want to help you and I'll tell the doctors," etc. And, "I'm going to go get some medication for you to help you calm down."
I walk off to the med room, and while I'm in there I hear a crash. Run out to the hall, there's trays on the wall and my wonderful technician giving the patient a comfort touch/hug. For the uninitiated, "comfort touch" is basically "Holding someone without applying force." It's "Alright, I've got you. You're safe." She didn't know the guy all that well but could see the panic in his face and got right on it. I love her.
The thing is, when we started asking him about what happened, he got this look of pain on his face, like he was straining to do or not do something, so bad, that he fainted. Fainted! Right there, in the tech's arms. It was the most controlled fall I've ever seen, perfectly gentle and laid right there on the floor, just impossible to hit his head.
I jogged to the nurse's station and called a code green, and all my coworkers were immediately like "No! rapid response!" So then I called that, too. Patient wakes up, groggy, denies remembering what happened, walks without assistance back to his bed and lies there.
Of the rapid response doctors a few were fluent in bulgarian so they talked a bit; doctor tells me the patient is endorsing suicidal ideation, which isn't news, thankfully. Doctor explains to us, based on the vitals and the before/after, it was likely vasovagal syncope; Explains to the patient he wants to order some blood draws and an EKG to be safe, and informs him for me that I've got some simple medications to help him with his anxiety.
Everyone walks off and I'm left with a patient in his room and the couple of pills I'm about to give him. And as I'm getting them for him he gets that tearful, anxious, desperately restrained look on his face again. And I just fuckin motioned for him, "C'mere, just c'mere," and we hugged it out again. That was about, what, fifteen seconds? He took the pills without issue.
So I leave, I check on my other patients briefly. And then I remember "oh right, STAT phlebotomy." Heh, woops. The doctors have already left so it's clearly not life threatening STAT, so much as "Please just get this done soon so we can stop worrying" STAT. I was in the med room grabbing the supplies when someone told me the patient's behaving weirdly in the hall again.
I went into the hall and there he is, basically hugging a pillar. I start asking him, "hey, what's up?" And I have to be honest, I barely remember the next couple of minutes.
He got aggressive, with all of us. The details really are blurry to me. I was so completely focused on what was going on with him that I wasn't focused on what was going on around me. He either snatched something, or grabbed something or someone, or pushed someone away; at some point me and a security officer went in to hold him, to stop him from doing whatever he was doing. He pushed the officer, the officer fell backwards and was hurt.
At some point, inside of a minute, he stanced up like he was going to fight every single one of us, and every single one of us was like "No, no, no" and the guy backed off. And what did he do? He slowly walked over to a chair, sat down, and started sobbing again. Someone told me later I got thrown around, but I know that can't be right because I definitely never fell over. Another code was called, though.
But while he sat down in that chair, he took his shirt off his back and tied it around his neck. We stopped him before he could actually tighten it, though it took three nurses to pull it off; that guy is still fuckin beefy. And that was it. He was just sitting there crying. The security guard was asking for a wheelchair escort to the ED. I sat down with the patient, who I'd been working like hell to establish a good rapport with. Someone passed me the translator, and I just wrapped my arm around his shoulders and started talking to him. "We want to help you, we don't want to see you this way, we can't let you leave when you're in this state of mind requesting to go home so you can end it all," etc. Whatever else I said.
He was just crying into my shoulder again at this point, though since we just had another code, we now had four security officers around us, with the restraint chair wheeled to us. I had to be the one to tell him he was getting in it. "Look, you just attacked a security officer and tried to tie your shirt like it was a noose around your neck. We've tried talking to you and helping you calm down all morning and nothing is working and we don't want to see this get worse. You get in the chair and you come out when you've calmed down." I'm sure there's an actual transcript of whatever I said somewhere on the translator's side of things.
But what happened as a result of that kind of shocked me. I don't know if it was just the poor guy calming down, or the poor guy being surrounded by security officers. But he, of his own volition, got out of his chair, and into the restraint chair, on his one. He let us strap him in and everything. I thanked him for it.
We wheeled him into the restraint room and started observation protocol. He already had his 1:1 sitter from yesterday, but for this, a nurse has to lay eyes on him every 15 minutes to make sure he's doing okay. But really, for that first hour or so, I just sat with him while I tried to chart.
It was a lot of time with me just trying to get him to talk with me about whats going on. Please tell me how you're feeling. No, I can't let you out yet. I can let you out when I know you're not going to hurt yourself or anyone else. It's very similar to why you're still in the hospital, because you've made threats to other people and yourself. Hey, look, tell me about why you feel this way. No, you're not stupid. You weren't wrong to come here, we want to help you. I wouldn't do this for you if I thought it wasn't going to help you. Etc, etc, etc.
The trouble with these situations is, ideally you do them until the patient has calmed down, which is typically, what, an hour? And then you let them out after they verbally contract not to attack anyone or try to hurt themselves again. But this guy, he's all trauma and misery. Something happened to him, not just once, but all throughout his childhood. Even outside of restraints, this guy does not feel safe anywhere, and doesn't know how to feel safe. All he can do is shake and beg to be let out of restraints.
After a while, and my god I really tried to talk to him for at least an hour, I just gave in. Talking was not going to do it. I had to get up and leave. That was when he just started shouting. "Please! Please! Please!" There was only so much time I could spend explaining discharge criteria. Strong as he was, he started trying to rock the chair, and bust out of the restraints on his own. No luck. Then he just started shouting insults.
I actually got the doctor's permission for an intramuscular injection about half an hour into all of this, and it really barely touched him. That was when I really started to suspect he had a way larger prior history than what we could see. I still wonder the extent. But I just kinda... Had to leave, and keep checking on him.
That went on for a few hours. I was never truly away from him, just out of sight for periods, then back to check. Sometimes he'd be dozing off for a few minutes, then he'd go right back to shouting, screaming insults, begging to be let go. I went in with the doctors to talk to him at one point, no luck in getting him to cooperate. The security guard tried going with us, just to see if he could make a difference. Still no luck. Wonderful technician helps him pee into a urinal, with his permission of course. Still no luck.
Finally my supervisor found some information on an outside hospital stay he had. I never got to read it, but I trusted her summary. Apparently, it almost perfectly mirrored all of his behaviors that he's had since he's been here. Apparently normally they just leave him in their seclusion room, out of restraints but on a 1:1 sitter and without access to anything outside the restraint room.
The doctors took that information and formed a new gameplan; give him a really fuckall strong dose of medication, let him sleep, transfer him out of the restraint chair, and let him be. Locked door, window open, you stay there until you're calm.
They give me the biggest order for a sedative I have ever seen. If this were any other patient, I'd have refused it. For this particular patient, I was still wondering about it, but these doctors hadn't steered me wrong before. I brought the (multiple) syringes to my fellow nurse and we agreed on a plan for how to give the injections. And we go into the room, and we give the guy his injections. And he shouts at me "Doctor! Doctor! DOCTOR!" all wide eyed, and he promptly starts having a seizure.
This was another moment where I was shocked, though in retrospect it was more about how fast my coworkers sprang into action. The technician and my fellow nurse were both already undoing his restraints so he could be turned on his side in the chair, while I was making room in the cluttered hallway to get this damn crash cart in the room so we could suction his mouth while the code team arrived, again. There was that classic code moment of "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" but inside of about 45 seconds we had the suction working and suctioning any foam out of his mouth. He had a seizure that lasted maybe 30 seconds, a 20 second gap, then another 30 second seizure. Or so. We're all taught to look at a clock and count the seconds with seizures, but man. I was NOT focused on that right now.
Code team shows up, vitals are all, thank god, stable. Doctors want to transfer him to medical, after this and what just happened this morning. We were just watching him in his sedation to try to determine if he was post ictal or if that was all the damn meds. And... Fuck, this is getting long again. I hate it when I do that. We transferred him after a few hours of waiting for the stupid ICU bed to open up, no disrespect to the ICU. Poor guy was only that much more sedated by the fuckall huge dose we gave him. Just lost all his patience or care and started shouting and screaming all the time to be let out, and insults.
One of the nurses on my unit took it pretty hard when he started seizing, actually. "I thought he was going to die, right there in my arms," she said. Just kinda took her in the hallway and let her cry into my shoulder- wait, as I write that, I realize I did that like three times today. Man, I'm sleepy. I bought her chocolate pie from the cafeteria to help her chill out.
Look, I have work again in the morning, so I have to cut this off before I keep going. The guy is suffering. He's truly suffering. In the past I've assumed the best of my patients and gotten burned for it. This guy? So far he's just the most tormented, despairing young man. Needs guidance, structure, and someone who cares about him in his life. He mentioned to me he was "tortured" as a kid, and refused to elaborate.
He's a survivor. Of what, I don't know. But I have a feeling once he calms down they're going to send him back to my unit. Maybe I'll find out more then.
Whatever else I was gonna say in this post has to wait until I sleep and wake up and reread this, haha.
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If you are accepting requests, a oneshot with belos having a not so sceret interest in the reader, who is a coven scout, and kiki and some of the coven heads are petty/confused as to why he's paying so much attention to them would be funny. I don't know why but I headcannon a few of the coven heads plus kiki would literally fight each other for belos's attention or acknowledgement and he would just ignore them on purpose out of annoyance or just for laughs.
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The Silver Scout (Belos / GN! Reader)
(A/N: I'M BACK! Sorry for the wait, but life's been pretty hectic. Anyways! I'm posting this in honor of "Hollow Mind." If you haven't seen it yet, then make sure to watch it ASAP! Today's a good day to be a Belos simp hehe.
As for this story, this is Part 1 of a two-parter. I should be posting the second half sometime soon so keep an eye out for that. I have a couple more fics in the works but, since final exams are nearly upon me, I might be unable to sit down and write for a couple weeks. I can't say for sure when they'll be finished and posted but, in the meantime, please be patient and I'll make sure to get them out as soon as possible <3 Thank you so much for your support and make sure to leave a comment! They genuinely make my day and it makes me feel so much better about writing knowing that people are actively enjoying my work.)
CW: Swearing, Kikimora has a panic attack
“And so I told that hack-”
“Darius! Terra!”
Darius sighed heavily, sending an annoyed glare to the small demon barreling toward the pair. Terra, on the other hand, couldn’t be more relieved at the interruption. If you heard one of Darius’ Alador rants, you’d heard them all.
Skidding to a halt in front of the Coven Heads, Kikimora spoke, panting. The castle was prodigious enough of a size for a person of average height but, for someone of Kikimora’s stature, trying to make your way anywhere was practically a death march.
“A-A meeting!” she managed, “The Emperor… just called a meeting-”
“Yes, stubby, we know. We were just on our way. Is there a point to your bothering us?” he asked, voice dripping exasperation.
Finally catching her breath, Kikimora straightened her posture and looked Darius in the eye.
“The Silver Scout. I heard that Emperor Belos is sending them on a high-stakes operation. Alone.”
“Now that is interesting,” Darius softly mused, intrigued. The information was almost unbelievable. Terra seemed both surprised and aggravated in equal parts at the news of this development. She gave a slight ‘hm’ of disapproval.
With operations of such important standing, the Emperor tended to send at least two Coven Heads in order to assure success. No matter how skilled the witch was, no matter how trusted they were, procedure was procedure. No singular witch was allowed complete control or trust in a vital mission as a failure or a betrayal would be too disastrous of a risk. When sent in pairs, there’s always a backup in the event of a death or similar complication. At least, that was what the Coven Heads were made to believe.
To send a witch on a mission of great importance was a gesture of deep trust on the Emperor’s part in both the witch’s skills and loyalty. To be granted this honor would be undeniable proof that a witch was trusted implicitly by the Emperor of the Boiling Isles. In the violently competitive atmosphere of the Emperor’s court, each and every Coven Head vied for this seemingly impossible opportunity.
“We have to do something!” Kikimora squeaked, seeing that she now had the attention of the witches in front of her. “The closer that Scout gets to Emperor Belos, the less he’ll favor us. I will not allow it,” she declared, clenching her fist in determination. After a second, she glanced up to see Darius and Terra looking down at her with distaste.
“You know,” he began, turning to Terra, “while this little shit stain on the Titan’s ass crack is positively pathetic,” Kikimora shot Darius a dirty look, “she may actually have a point. I, for one, don’t like how close that Scout is to Emperor Belos.”
Terra looked at Darius with a puzzled expression.
“And what exactly do you plan on doing about it, Darius?” looking down her nose at Kikimora, she continued, “Or you, for that matter, Kikimora? Lord Belos knows everything that goes on in this castle. Any attempt at sabotage will be discovered and then punished before you can say ‘Scout.’”
Kikimora, suddenly hit with an idea, interjected.
“You’re right. Emperor Belos knows everything that goes on inside the castle. However, if something were to happen on the Scout’s next mission…”
Picking up on Kiki’s implication, a grin stretched across Darius’ face.
“My, my, Kiki. Now that is a good idea,” Darius looked at his watch. “While we still have a meeting to attend, Terra and I might be able to figure something out.” 
Darius bent down to Kikimora’s height and flicked her in the nose.
“You, on the other hand, should do what you do best and stay out of the way.”
At this, Darius stood up and the two Coven Heads continued walking down the hall, plotting possible ambushes in lowered voices. 
Though usually not taken seriously by the Coven Heads, Kikimora had touched a nerve with the previously unspoken truth in her report. This deviating from centuries-old tradition had only confirmed what they all had discerned from Belos’ behavior towards his second-in-command:
The Emperor had a soft spot for the Silver Scout.
It had started innocently enough with the lowly Coven Scout’s promotion to courtroom guard. These guards were the cream of the coven and upheld and represented in every respect the values and strength of the Emperor. To be promoted to this position was a great honor, but not unheard of.
And then. In an untraditional declaration of indiscernible motivation, they had been singled out from their fellow witches. Having shown great ability and promise in both their training and the field, the scout had been promoted to a position that previously only the Golden Guard held. Whispers rushed as vicious as a river current amongst the Coven Heads. Who is this Coven Scout? Why were they promoted to such a prestigious standing? Why not me? Though the discontent festered deep, no witch was brave enough to stand up to the Emperor and demand an explanation. All members of the court followed an unspoken rule: be as obedient as possible when in the Emperor’s presence. He is not a forgiving man. 
The freshly-promoted witch had been provided a sleek new uniform that was designed to be similar to the Golden Guard. The clothing pattern was where the similarities ended, however. Instead of a golden tunic and pauldron, the Scout’s uniform was silver with a belt and gloves as blue as the night sky. Their mask contained softer angles than that of the others. The eyes and slight curves of the cheeks were softer with an elongated beak that provided a strong resemblance to the face of a dove. In addition to this new uniform, the witch was granted a new title and responsibilities to accompany their ascent in status. The Silver Scout was born.
From that day on, the formerly unknown scout stood at the Emperor’s side; opposite the Golden Guard. However, while the Golden Guard’s role was to be seen and not heard, silently carrying out the will of the Emperor and Titan, the Silver Scout soon became a key factor in the Emperor’s decisions.
Belos had been explaining the logistics of a significant operation with the Coven Heads when he abruptly paused. Turning slightly to his left, he addressed the Scout.
“Tell me, Scout, how do you suggest we handle the Selkidomus? I know that you have… experience with these sorts of demons.”
Eberwolf struggled to contain their snort of contempt at having been overlooked. Darius shot them a warning glance, hoping that the Emperor didn’t hear the small outburst from the young Coven Head. If he did, however, he showed no sign of it. All eyes were on the Silver Scout.
Surprised at the sudden and unexpected attention, the Scout’s head flinched slightly towards the looming figure on the throne beside them.
Regaining their composure, they responded in a hesitant voice.
“I’ve encountered the Selkidomus and its kind only a few times, but I’d consider myself familiar enough with their strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies,” the Scout stated. “The Selkidomus’ skin is strong enough to withstand the harsh temperature of the Boiling Seas, so fire magic would be ineffective against the beast,” they continued. “As such, I recommend plant magic to bind and incapacitate the creature and then, once out of the water, ice magic to trap it further and keep it contained.” 
Belos hummed in contemplation.
“A good plan,” he noted. “Terra, Raine,” he snapped. The respective Coven Heads stood to attention.
“I trust you to enact this plan,” he said with a tone that indicated that there was no room for argument.
Terra and Raine bowed and with a wave of his hand, the Emperor drew the meeting to a close.
Meanwhile, Kikimora seethed in the corner, watching the Emperor and his trusted guards unhurriedly leave through the side door.
Belos, the mighty Emperor who was in direct communication with the Titan, asked for the advice of a mere Scout of all people. This was unheard of! She was just a mere Coven Scout only a year or two ago! I’ve been a part of this coven for years proving my loyalty to the Emperor time and time again. Why wasn’t I asked? Why not me?
Darius and Terra entered the throne room with Kikimora huffing and puffing behind them, trying to keep up with their long strides.
Standing in their respective places, Kikimora and the Coven Heads waited for the meeting to begin. After a few minutes of waiting, Emperor Belos finally emerged from his quarters, the Golden Guard and the Silver Scout trailing close behind him.
Standing in front of his throne, Belos sat down in a fluid motion and gestured for his court to do the same.
“Now,” he announced loudly, ensuring that all eyes were now on him, “the Titan has told me that in order for the Day of Unity to arrive, additional materials are needed.” He paused. “Materials,” he continued, “that can only be found in the Skull.”
Every witch and demon’s eyes widened at this, trying their best to contain their shock. The skull of the Titan was known throughout the Isles to be sacred ground. To step foot there, let alone desecrate it, was unheard of. Even so, not a word was spoken in protest. After all, who would go against the supposed voice of the Titan itself? If Emperor Belos declared it, then it was the Titan’s will.
The Coven Heads sat with uneasy expressions. This was especially prevalent on Kikimora’s face, despite it being mostly concealed.
“As this mission is of great importance, I will be sending the Silver Scout to harvest the materials,” Belos elaborated. Kikimora bristled at this. Her frustration was increasing more and more, expanding like an ever-growing bubble. Threatening to pop at any moment. “I expect none of you to interfere or otherwise hinder the operation.” Although his tone was calm and collected, there was an underlying threat to his words. A threat that Kiki failed to pick up on.
The bubble burst.
“You’re sending the Silver Scout?” she exclaimed. “Alone on a mission to the Skull no less?” she stepped forward. “Emperor Belos, I have proven my loyalty to you and the Titan time and time again during my years of service, but surely you can’t be serious!”
Belos was deathly still. Kikimora, already in motion, was unable to stop if she tried.
“This Scout has only had their position for a year and they’re already being sent on an operation with such high stakes? This plan should involve someone with more experience!”
As her outburst echoed throughout the high-ceilinged hall, the room was deathly still. Neither witch nor demon moved, holding their breath. Waiting for something to happen.
After a silence that stretched for what felt like hours, Emperor Belos broke the silence with a slow, frighteningly calm tone.
“Now, now, Kikimora. I’m doing you a kindness by forgiving your blatant disrespect. I ought to have you petrified for questioning my decision in front of the Coven Heads.” Realizing the severity of her outburst, Kikimora felt herself falling into a bottomless pit of fear. Fear for her life. “But,” Belos asserted coldly, “the Titan is merciful today. You still have a role to play in the Titan’s grand design. However, do not forget that everyone, you included, is replaceable.”
Standing from his throne, Belos raised his voice with an air of authority, sweeping the room with his icy gaze.
“All of you,” the Coven Heads flinched at this. Darius and Terra looked away. “I have chosen the Silver Scout specifically for their level of competency. Their service to the Titan has been instrumental in preparing for the Day of Unity. Can I say the same for yours?” he said, lifting his head. His eye burned like a flickering blue flame.
Kikimora felt her body go cold and the room started to spin. She felt like she was going to faint.
“I-I apologize, Emperor Belos,” she said, immediately dropping to her knee. Kiki’s former confidence seemed to have disappeared in a matter of seconds and was replaced with overwhelming panic. Similar emotions were coursing through Darius and Terra. The fool-proof schemes that they had been planning only minutes prior dissipated from their minds. While they hadn’t expected Belos to be forgiving of anyone who sabotaged the Silver Scout before, they now knew that the Emperor allowed no slander of his most trusted counsel and guard.
“If anyone dares to question my command again, I promise you now. It won’t end well.”
Following Kikimora’s example, all the Coven Heads dropped to their knees.
“Yes, Emperor Belos,” they said in unity.
Striding towards the door, Emperor announced in an exasperated tone.
“This meeting is adjourned.”
As the Coven Heads made towards the exit, gossip swirled amongst them as excitedly as smoke from a kindling flame.
Kikimora followed with shaky steps towards the door.
It was a miracle that she was able to walk away at all.
The following morning, the Silver Scout was to leave for the Skull. While the mission didn’t have a set time frame, they made sure to bring enough supplies with them to last a couple of days in the caverns. After making sure that their affairs were in order, they grabbed their artificial staff and bag of supplies. They locked the door to their bedchamber and headed on their way. Following the drama in the throne room yesterday, the Silver Scout was anxious to get to the castle bridge and complete their mission. 
Even though their quarters were a decent walk from the castle’s entrance, they finally made it to the bridge. The stone construction extended from the edge of the portcullis’ platform the second they reached the edge. After the bridge fully extended, the Silver Scout started walking on the enchanted stone. Coming to a stop halfway across, they suddenly felt a pair of eyes observing their movements. Looking up toward the top of the barbican, a tall silhouette stood there lurking as if to watch them set off.
Not knowing how to respond to their observer, the Scout gave a little, slightly confused wave, straddled their staff, and teleported to the Skull with their supplies in hand.
If they had lingered just a few seconds longer, however, they would have seen a little, equally confused wave in response.
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When he compares you to his ex - Ateez reaction (A)
Summary |  Members reaction to comparing the reader to his ex.
Genre | angst, idol! boyfriend.
Warnings |  It's angsty.
Pairing | Reader x Ateez members.
WC | Around 2K.
Note | I will be on holiday from the 12th of January till the 1st of February. I won't post anything during these days, but I will of course try to write as much as possible for you guys in my notebook. Please be patient if you have any requests.
Note | E/N is ex name.
Note | Requested by @littleunicornia
Original request |  When he compares you to his ex.
Masterlist / Request Rules / Upcoming
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Hongjoong sits down at his desk after having a quick break, which ended up being longer than he expected it to be. He grabs his phone out of his pocket, the screen lights up with a picture of you both from last year. A smile forms on his face as he remembers that day.
As he is working on some songs, he notices his screen lighting up multiple times. Normally he doesn't care, but today he just wants to finish this song so he can go home.
After a few minutes of ignoring the messages and even phone calls, he picks up his phone, sighing in the process as he leans back in his chair. Your name pops when he wants to call you back.
''Hey babe'', he hears you say in a joyful tone. He doesn't waste any second before saying something that he is going to regret for the rest of his life.
''Can you please stop calling?'', he asks with a bitter tone in his voice. Your eyes grow wide at the tone he is using, not familiar with the harshness of it because he never used it.
''I-.. I just called....''.
''E/N would never call me this often'', he mutters, not realizing the words he just let out of his mouth causing more harm. You stand still in front of your house, keys juggling in your hands as you clench your fist around them. You just wanted to let him know that you got a new job, that's all.
''Then maybe you should go back to her''.
You hang up on him, turning off your phone as you enter your apartment. Hongjoong knows he messed up the moment those words left his mouth, and you turning off your phone means he needs to get creative to get you to talk to him again.
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When Seonghwa texted you a few minutes ago that he couldn't make it because of his schedule, you threw your phone on the bed which was filled with clothes you tried on for your planned date with your boyfriend.
Seonghwa promised, literally promised with his manager standing next to him, that he would take you on a date tonight. And he promised this two months ago.
You didn't even bother to text him back, you cleaned up all your clothes, put on something comfortable, and landed yourself on the couch with a few snacks.
Around 22:30 the door opens and an exhausted Seonghwa enters your apartment. He mumbles a hello before disappearing into the bathroom. After a few minutes, he takes place next to you on the couch, but you ignore him. Seonghwa tabs your legs, signaling to put them on his lap.
''Are you that mad?'', he asks, almost surprised at the fact that you are indeed mad.
''You promised, that is all I'm going to say''.
Seonghwa sighs as he stands up, turning as he stands in the middle of the room.
''You know, E/N never made a problem of this, never''.
You glare at him as you get up from the couch, ready to do whatever it takes to make him leave. You can't believe he gets his ex into the situation, not even while you are fighting, but he mentioned his ex as casually as possible.
''Seriously, are you going to throw the ex bomb at me?. Fine, do it. But after you're done, get out''.
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It wasn't really that big of an issue, but still, it made you both angry at each other. You are someone that enjoys the peaceful silence of not having to look at your phone, social media, or whatever people do on a tablet or computer. Sometimes you just turn everything off, ignore a lot of people and sit down in the most comfortable chair you have with a book and a cup of tea.
Yunho knows this, and still, he manages to get on your nerves sometimes by literally calling you every time he gets the chance. You always let him know when you want your alone time. Always.
''Am I not important enough?'', Yunho asks, his hands resting on his hips as he stands in your doorway. You frown, not knowing what he was talking about.
''Every damn time you shut yourself off, I'm worried, I know you need that time but come on, you can talk to me right?. I'm your boyfriend after all''.
You lean against the door, sighing as you notice the pleading look on your boyfriend's face.
''Babe, I explained this to you when we had our first date, and you accepted it, you respected it. And now you are suddenly coming back from those statements?''.
He rubs his forehead with his hand, already frustrated enough by the whole situation which blew up out of nothing he managed to mumble a few words under his breath.
''E/N wasn't that weird''.
But you heard him, loud and clear.
''You know what Yunho, come back to me when you stop thinking I'm weird'', you whisper, holding back your tears as you closed the door, and he didn't even stop you from doing so.
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Yeosang isn't a talker. He sometimes prefers to be quiet or he observes people rather than communicate with them. You, on the other hand, have a bubbly personality, talkative and sometimes you have too much energy. The boys even said you are the female version of Wooyoung.
You respected Yeosang, you accepted the way he is and why he doesn't talk that much. But sometimes you wish that he would say whatever is on his mind, especially when you notice something is bothering him.
''You sure everything is okay?'', you ask him, holding his hand as you both sit on the couch. Yeosang came home with a light headache, exhausted from practice and he collapsed on the couch.
''Yeah...''. You notice a slight change in his posture as if he wants to move away from you to avoid having you ask him all those questions.
''I hear a but....''.
''You heard that wrong'', he mutters angrily, his voice deeper than normal and he pushes your hand away. He stands up and walks into the kitchen to grab his keys, wallet, and phone.
''Where are you going?''.
You stand up from the couch, not trying to stop him from whatever plan is on his mind. You lean against the counter as you watch him put on his shoes.
''To the boys''.
''Alright, maybe you should talk to them''.
Yeosang whispers something, but loud enough for you to make your heart clench at the thought of him thinking about it.
''E/N would leave me be''.
''Maybe that is why she cheated on you'', you mumble before giving him a glare, knowing that Yeosang would come around in a few hours, but you would never forgive him for what he just said.
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San likes to exercise (we appreciate it), and unfortunately for him, you don't. The only exercise you normally get is from the bed to the couch and once in a while to the kitchen and the toilet on a day off.
He knows it, he loves you for who you are and you do the same. It doesn't matter but lately, San has been spending more time in the gym than ever before.
Every time he comes home, he is covered in sweat, exhausted from working and exercising and he just falls asleep once his head touches the pillow.
''Can you skip the gym for one time?'', you ask him with a pout and batting your eyelashes.
San chuckles but shakes his head. ''No baby, I need to be in shape, look..''. He pulls up his shirt, revealing his abs smiling proudly at his achievement.
''You know I don't care about that right?'', you ask him while chuckling, pushing his shirt down again and you notice him clench his jaws.
''Yeah but I do''.
You sigh and lean against his shoulder. ''I know, but you can maintain your abs by training two or three days instead of four or five, I mean...''.
San stands up while shaking his head in disbelief. ''You just don't get it, do you?'', he asks while he grabs his bag. ''You know who does?''. You don't even get time to answer.
''E/N''. You chuckle at him, letting the words sink in before replying.
''If she does, why don't go to her and show her your abs?. Maybe she will like them now, don't forget she dumped you because you didn't have them''.
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Mingi is having the time of his life being an idol. You on the other hand are having the time of your life being a student. I mean, those times at college or university are memories you'll never forget.
While you are studying, you managed to make a lot of friends. Friends who studied in the same department but also people from other departments were part of your social ring.
You know dating an idol comes with packed schedules, not having much alone time but also not having the free will to spend some time together. And every time Mingi would be working or being late, you spend your free time with friends. What you didn't know was that Mingi hated the fact that you spend more time with your friend than him, but he also knows that he is a part of the problem.
''Again?'', he asks as you give him a quick kiss on the lips. You visited the boys at the dorm before they had to work and you made some plans with a few friends to go have lunch and study some more.
''Yeah? is that a problem?''.
Mingi shakes his head. ''What about me?''.
''You are busy today babe, what do you expect me to do?. Stay home and do nothing?''.
He bites his lip, hands in his pockets as he paces around the living room. ''E/N would do that for me''.
You look at Mingi with a confused and shocked look on your face. You never expected him to get his ex involved in your relationship.
''And I won't. So you can choose...let me know when you have the answer''.
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Wooyoung is loud (we love him for it) and sometimes his overactive behavior gets on your nerves. You shrug it off most of the time because it's his personality and you fell for it when you met him a few years ago.
But even when you fell for it, it sometimes gets annoying. Wooyoung tries to keep himself calm and quiet around you when you are having a bad day, but the fact that he isn't able to be his true self is getting on his nerves.
''Am I too loud again?'', he asks while cleaning up the table after dinner. You shake your head. ''No babe, stop saying that''.
Wooyoung notices your eye roll, not knowing if it's intentional or not he slams his hands on the counter, startling you as you sit down on the couch.
''What the...''.
''I saw that eye roll, don't lie to me. You think I'm being too loud''.
You sigh as you stand up from the couch, walking towards the kitchen to confront your boyfriend about this.
''No, I told you already. I just don't understand that you keep asking it''.
Wooyoung leans against the counter, arms folded in front of his chest as he watches you lean against the fridge, a concerning look covering your face. He shakes his head as he walks to the hallway to grab his coat and put on his shoes.
''Where are you going?. Why are you leaving all of the sudden?''.
He stops in front of the door, turns around, and looks at you with the most disappointed look on his face.
''Because E/N would never, ever make me feel uncomfortable or the fact that I need to change because you can't handle. Make a choice, you either accept me for who I am, or you let me go and find a man that is quiet enough for your liking''.
And with that he slammed the door shut behind him, leaving you unable to move or even think in your apartment.
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Jongho is a busy man. You are a busy woman with your own packed schedules. You sometimes just see each other for five minutes during the day and then one of you is off to work or whatever that is planned during the day.
You needed your sleep, some people just need five hours, some need nine hours and you are one of them. Otherwise, your body is not functioning during the day.
Jongho sometimes gets annoyed when you go to bed early. He just wants to spend time with you while you can.
''I'm going to bed, I have to get up at 5'', you whisper as you press a kiss on his lips. He just nods, making it clear to you that there is something wrong.
''What's wrong?'', you ask him, standing in front of him, putting your hands on his shoulders.
''Nothing, just go to bed'', he says and he removes your hands from his shoulders.
''Are you angry at me for going to bed early?'', you ask again, slowly sitting down next to him on the couch. ''If you are, please do tell me why?''.
''Because every damn minute I'm free I want to spend time with you. Including evenings and nights, is that so hard to believe?''.
You look down at your feet. He's got a point, but also he needs to consider that both of you have busy jobs, and sleep is something you both desire.
''You know what, E/N would never go to bed before 12'', he says as he leans back against the couch, grabbing the remote control to turn on the tv. Your heart clenches at the thought of his ex, knowing that their breakup was messy and for him to mention his ex, makes it clear that he is truly disappointed in you. But you, on the other hand, it doesn't give him the right to even get mad or disappointed about it. Out of all people, he should know that sleep is something you don't get too often when you are an idol.
''Then why...''. You pause to look at the clock hanging on the wall. ''are you still here?. Go and spend some time with her because apparently, that's what's on your mind''.
You stand up without even looking at him and you shut your bedroom door. Jongho knew he fucked up.
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rouge-variant · 2 years
About Levi's bond to reader, what if she also was bonded to him but she wasn't an Ackerman (another family with the bond thing). So they are each others host. She's always very kind, gentle and motherly towards him but doesn't understand her feelings/actions towards him or why she is the way she is towards him. (not me trying to live my dreams through your headcanons hahhahaha xD)
By the gods, you've gotten me hooked on this idea too!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying these and yes keep sending me them so I can help you live your dreams!!! Just a reminder, I'm still learning about what the Ackerman Bond is, so if I make a mistake, feel free to correct me. So sorry for the wait! Thanks for your request and I hope you enjoy!!!
Blood Bond Host Levi and his Ackerman Bond Host S/O Headcanons:
Trigger Warning: Mild bloody injury mention. Please keep this in mind while you read.
Explain this to the poor man. He is the host of someone with a bond similar to his own? And it's of the same person who happens to be his host? The confusion is never ending for Levi. You're a soft gently person, someone who wouldn't hurt a fly. But definitely a Titan, and maybe a Military Police Officer.
You became Levi's host first and he became yours not to long afterwards. The fact that he was in a position that awakened that power within you, guilts him. Going off the assumption that your blood bond is similar with his, he's added a new problem onto your shoulders. When he comes and confronts you about it, he's stunned how you just brush it off and instead, you reassure him. Something he didn't know he needed but was grateful for nonetheless.
Levi isn't shocked to see you staying close to him. He's glad you are because it makes it easier for him to keep an eye on you. But at the same time, it's a little difficult to adjust to. Even Hange isn't around him this much and he's unsure of how to act. He knows that you're instincts are responsible for this and it isn't on you by choices. So he tries to be more patient.
You surprise him more and more with each day. This time, you two were separated on a mission and Levi may have been a little careless. He managed to end up with a nice gash along the outside of his calf. He quickly wrapped it to slow the bleeding and continue on in the mission but he had to treat it when he got back. At the same time, something alerted you that something happened and the first moment everyone was together, you went to find him.
He didn't put a fight when you pulled him into his office and located his med kit. When it came to tending to the injury, he tried to convince you to let him handle himself but you told him no. Firmly but gently, very similar to a motherly nature that he used to know. But there was also another part to it that he picked up on while you worked. You were feeling guilty. Whether that be from his role as 'host' or simply that he's been around you enough to tell from your body language, how you feel.
Once the injury was cleaned and re-wrapped, you apologized. Levi stopped you before you said anything less from "I'm". He explained to you that it was ok to be struggling with this new feeling/instinct of needing to protect him. While he couldn't explain to you why it happened, he assured you he was ok with it. After all, he goes through the same thing as you. Levi's ears heat up and his cheeks become slightly rosy as he admits he enjoys you being around him and fussing over him.
The two of you eventually grow closer, whether it be romantically or just platonic. You're both learning more about each other and how to make life with being each other host's work. There's ups and downs but Levi wouldn't trade it for the world.
You've become an important person in his life and he cant imagine a day without you. Same goes for you. Levi's been the strength to your weakness. Since you're always such a caring and worrier of others, it makes it easy for people to walk over you. But ever since you've become his host, you find life is better and easier to enjoy. Maybe this is a good thing...
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sukunarii · 3 years
May I please offer an Omiki for the lyrics 'I hate everything about you. Why do I love you?' from the song I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace?
Feel free to ignore this if it does not spark any inspiration or if I'm offering incorrectly. Thank you. ❤️
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Pairing: Sukuna x Reader
Synopsis: Sometime before you died, you formed a binding vow with Sukuna causing you to become a curse. One thousand years later, you finally found him again. You wanted nothing more than for him to release the binding vow, however he refused.
A/N: Dw hon, you made the offering correctly, thank you for the request! Also, a bit of a longer fic today! With school starting it’s taking me longer to get through all the request 😣. Thank you all for being so patient!
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If there was any god, it seem that he has finally smiled upon you tonight. A malicious smile forming on your lips, you ran towards the pink hair boy that was standing alone in the streets.
"Excuse me lady—"
Before he could finish his sentence, with a single hand you grabbed his entire face and shoved him into the nearby wall, cracking the wall in the process. Dust flies in all direction and the boy falls down into a seating position, his eyelid slowly closing. You bent down, to look at him curiously.
"Finally found you," you say.
Suddenly, instead of the original brown eyes, two pairs of piercing red eyes opened and the boy taps you on your forehead.
Immediately, it seems that everything turned blurry for a moment until you fell into a puddle of blood. You recognized this place. It was Sukuna's innate domain.
You rubbed your head from the fall.
"Sukuna," you grunted, your voice dripping with hatred.
"Is that how you greet someone?", Sukuna calls out to you tauntingly.
You followed the source of the voice up and see him—Sukuna sitting on a throne of bull skulls looking down at you with amusement. Oh how much you have learned to hate that smirk.
You got up, slow and grimly, some of the blood dripping down your clothes. Sukuna didn't move as he watched you grab a buffalo skull from the pile and threw it at him. With a flick of Sukuna's finger, the buffalo skull easily dissolved into little pieces before it reached him.
"Adorable. Fiesty as always."
You grimaced, you were really hoping that it would hit him. Or even at least make him realize that you weren't playing around, but he stayed the same. He was just toying around with you.
"Sukuna don't give me this shit, you know why I'm here" you shouted at him.
He rolled his eyes, "Do you think I remember the concern of everyone that hates me?"
Those words hurts more than you would like to admit. Your entire life, you chased this fruitless dream that you could be Sukuna's 'someone'. But even after so long, he still viewed you as no different than 'everyone'.
"I became a curse because of you. We made a binding vow of some type so I didn't pass on like everyone else. I'm tired of existing. I want you to break this vow and release me," you explained.
You searched his face for any change of expression, hoping to find a hint of compassion. But you were foolish. Sukuna does not care about anyone else and you knew that more than anyone.
"I refuse."
Anger rised from your chest to your head. It was a simple request yet he turned you down so easily.
"What do you mean you refuse?," you shouted at him, "I didn't spend one thousand years looking for you just so you can refuse me. I said I don't want to be in this binding vow anymore so whether or not you like me, you better fucking release me."
Seeing you all worked up, Sukuna laughs again. You hated how he always treated you that way. He always seemed to be looking down on you when he reacts to you with a laugh like that.
"Why should I?", he said, then his voice deepened and he no longer looked amused, "A binding vow is a mutual agreement, you can't break a binding vow because you've lost interest."
"I've lost interest? What use do I have for you anyways?", you snapped back.
Sukuna seems to lean back, cocking his head higher but his eyes still locked on you, "Do you not remember the details of the binding vow?"
You didn't answer. It’s been one thousand years, the details have all became hazy.
Sukuna's laughter echoes through the vast chamber again, "So you really did forget?" Sukuna gets up from his seat and stands on the top of the buffalo skull pile.
"The biggest mistake a sorcerer can make is to make a wreckless binding vow. You can't blame anyone but yourself," he grins, "And this means that your life belongs to me."
You balled your hands into fists, "Then I'll just fucking kill you!", you shouted at him.
Moving at the fastest you can, you jumped to the top of the pile of skulls where Sukuna was standing but he easily dodged you. You tried to land a kick on him, but you missed. Every time you tried to punch him, he easily blocked your punches. He was still so much stronger than you.
He effortlessly overpowered you and knocked you to the bottom of the skull pile. You laid in the pond of blood, breath heavy from the fight. He followed you to the bottom too.
"If you want to kill me darling, you'll have to try harder."
You were trying your best to not cry....one thousand years later and you still couldn't beat him.
"I hate you," you finally said to Sukuna, defeated, "The way you always say I won't be as strong as you, the way you always laugh at me or flash me that annoying smirk, I hate how because of you I am still stuck here forever."
Sukuna crouches down beside you.
He was still above you but for once, he didn't seem like he was looking down on you.
"You don't hate me," he says matter-of-factly.
You pressed your lips into a fine line, and annoyed, you splashed some of the blood onto his face, "Says who?"
This was the first hit that landed on Sukuna today and you finally felt a little bit smug seeing him angrily wipe the blood off his face, annoyed with your antics. But he seemed to recall something and brushed it off.
"I want you to do something for me," Sukuna tells you, then he leans down to you and whispered something in your ears.
When he was done talking, you rolled your eyes, "Why should I help you?"
"You're the last piece of the puzzle, once I take over the body of the brat, the plan will be set in motion. We'll rule the era again."
There he was again. Toying around with your emotions and using you to help him fulfill his ambitions.
You laughed bitterly, "We? There was never a we. It's always just you. Me doing this, doing that for you."
Sukuna stands up, "Don't make me regret my offer," he warns you.
You brushed yourself off finally get up too, and gave him a shove, "Fine. I'll do whatever you want. Just promise me that you'll release me from this binding vow when I'm done."
A triumph smirk forms on Sukuna's face, "That's my (Name)."
Immediately, you spat back at him, "Don't say my name like that as if you love me. We both know you don't."
Sukuna didn't agree nor deny your statement. Instead, he chose his next words carefully.
"I know I need you."
And he tapped your shoulders, sending you out of his innate domain again. You woke up on the pavement. The encounter is still fresh on your mind.
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Inside Sukuna's innate domain, the King of Curses took a seat on his throne again.
His eyebrows knit together...did you really think that you became a curse because you made a binding vow with him?
"You're the one who cursed yourself," he says out loud.
Curses are spiritual beings manifested from strong negative emotions.
You can shout at him all you want about how much you hate everything about him, but the fact that you're still here is a testament that you still loved him. This is because you’ve spent your entire life chasing for Sukuna's love and died with regret of never hearing him say "I love you," in return. The only reason you were still here is because you still love him. Thus, you were still burdened by the negative emotions of unrequited love.
This is also why Sukuna could never show to you that he loves you in return. Because if he did, your one regret would be fulfilled and you would no longer bear any negative emotions.
(Name) would then pass away for real. And he can't bare at the thought of you leaving him. Ever.
It was a limbo of love and hate, and it seems that they've reached an impasse.
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Words: 2.357
Warnings: angst - fluff; mention of wounds
Synopsis: While the boys were on a mission, YN was on their own. An easy standart mission - and still something went wrong. Now, YN has to deal with the aftermath of their decision as the guys come back home.
"Holy sh- fuck!", you breathed in shock, watching how the Tyrant grabbed the rocket launcher to aim into the wrong direction. You raised your arms, waving them through the air to beckon him into your position, "Bite my ass, you motherfu-"
An explosion, as loud as hundred bangers, was shaking the district of the town you had your mission in. Windows were breaking, debris were flying around and the night got illuminated as if a sun had been exploded.
"I'm so looking forward to a hot shower.", Leon groaned while rubbing the back of his aching neck as he and Chris left the airfield.
"My plan? Greeting YN, a hot shower and falling straight into bed to sleep one week through.", Chris said, completely exhausted, rolling with his right shoulder where he had pulled a muscle after a long fight.
"YN... Yeah...", Leon breathed dreamingly and smiled softly about the image of you he had in mind suddenly, "You think they’re already back from their mission?", he asked as he realized neither of them had heard anything of you.
"Well... I'm sure they are-"
"Redfield! Kennedy!", an agent called out while running after the two men to give Chris the cellphone he was carrying.
While Chris answered the call, Leon waited patiently and listened. But the longer the call lastest the more irritated Leon became. Mostly, because he just heard your name and saw Chris' reaction about whatever got said. The questions Chris asked weren't very calming as well. As Chris said 'And how are they doing?', Leon became nervous.
Chris hung up and stood there facing Leon with his back to find the right way to tell him the news. But Chris knew, there was no easy way, "YN, they ... they had some troubles during their last mission..."
"Whoa! Leon, slow the fuck down!", Chris called out and clawed on the handle of the passenger seat above his head while he also seeked hold on the dashboard with his other hand.
But Leon ignored him and drove - no he flew - down the streets in high-speed. Chris was glad that it was already late enough that barely someone was on the streets. Yet, Chris was still concerned, "Leon, I'm serious! You kill us both if you keep driving this reckless! And that won't be helpful for YN as well.", he said and was glad to see that it had worked. Leon slowed down a little bit but he still drove frighteningly.
Ten minutes later - for a way of usually twenty minutes - Leon stopped the car in front of your apartment building and both Chris and Leon jumped out of the vehicle to run up the few stairs. Quickly, Chris opened the door and ran through the rooms to search you. First, he looked into the bedroom, expecting you there and as he didn’t find you there, Chris stormed through your living room into your kitchen.
Shocked, you stood next to the fridge with a glass in your hand, almost dropping it, as you got faced by the two tall guys you called your boyfriends who were staring at you with a mixed expression of worry, concern and anger. You had no idea who told them what kind of information but you were sure the sight of you must be scary.
On your forehead was a big scratch which got stitched several times and patched up. Your left arm was in a sling because your wrist was fractured and your shoulder had been dislocated. You just wore a loose fit, cropped shirt and boxer briefs which showed off the thick bandage around your rib cage because three ribs were broken and one got a dangerous crack. Your right foot was also bandaged because of your sprained ankle.
Before you could say something, Chris stepped forward, pointing at you with his forefinger, "You! You should be in bed! Why are you even up?", he demanded to know with a booming, angry voice, eyebrows drawn together and all.
Instinctively, you stepped back, bumping against the kitchen counter which let you flinch by the pain that got shot through your body, "I- I was thirsty and-"
"Thirsty? Look at you! You can barely stand on your own feet!", Chris called out, a bit too raging for his own liking as he saw your fearful expression but he couldn’t stop himself.
Leon stepped forward, trying to stop the taller man but Chris was already on fire. Chris shook Leon's hand from his shoulder, stepping even closer to you, "You know what they told us? That you were fighting against a Tyrant! A Tyrant! Your mission was to infiltrate and to gather information! Not to fight against a FUCKING TYRANT!"
"Please, Chris, calm down.", you said softly, trying to sound reassuringly while you were hissing with pain as you noticed how painful it was to speak louder than just a whisper.
Chris saw it and somehow, instead of calming down, to see you in pain fueled his temper even more, "I shall calm down? You could be dead now and I SHALL CALM DOWN? You know, I got informed that you triggered the Tyrant to aim for you. You did that because of- what, huh?", he asked and stepped threateningly closer, "I don't get it! Why are you always so cocky in extremely dangerous situations?"
Your eyes flickered back and forth between his. You never had seen Chris this angry before at least, not directed at you. You swallowed thickly by the sight of his fuming eyes, "I- I was... I tried to-"
Chris leant even closer, towering above your meager figure in front of him, "Yeah? I'm listening to your flimsy excuses! You tried- what?", Chris grunted through gritted teeth and even if he saw you flinching from him once again, he couldn't change to be this angry.
Leon saw your scared eyes and the pain that shook your body. He stepped between you and Chris to push the latter away from you, "Chris, calm down a bit, will you?"
Very reluctantly, with his eyes still glued at you, Chris followed Leon's request and left the kitchen to step out on the balcony for some fresh air.
You took a deep breath, "Thanks, Leon-", but you stopped as you saw Leon's angry expression. Obviously, this Tango was still not over for you.
"Don’t worry, I won't scream at you but you should know that I'm not amused about this, as well. You not just failed your mission. You also put yourself into danger. What were you thinking, huh? I read your mission file. There was nothing complicated on it.", Leon said serious.
Leon never screamed. Most of the time, he was composed even if he was upset. He was angry in his own way and this was almost as worse as the screaming from Chris. Screaming was a temperament that ran free. But Leon’s calmness even if he was angry was scary in another way because you never knew what he really felt. You couldn’t look behind his facade. It would be easier for you if he would scream like Chris did it but in the end both men were too different. Which was the fact why you loved both so much. You looked at the ground, avoiding Leon’s eyes, "I know. Both of you have all the rights to be mad at me.", you whispered meekly.
Leon stepped forward, he wanted to touch you but he feared to hurt you with all the scratches and bruises on your body that pained him to see, "YN, we... We're not mad. We're... We were scared, alright? As Chris got the call, they just told him that your mission failed and that you are serious injured.", he admitted low with a concerned expression. Softly, Leon cupped your face with one hand, guiding you to look at him, "Chris cares so much about you. We both do. We both love you, YN. You can't put yourself in danger just because you want some fun.", he said softly.
You nodded slowly, leaning against his warm touch, "I just... I just did it to distract the Tyrant from my teammates. They were the ones in real danger. I was kinda safe behind a half ruined wall. Well, at least, I thought I was. As the Tyrant fired the rocket launcher, I tried to jump aside but, well, you see the outcome of this idea. My safe hideout fell onto me.", you said with a shake of your head, still not sure how you had survived this nightmarish trip at all.
Leon, who chuckled softly, stroked over your cheek with his thumb, "You and Chris are resembling each other more than you think when it comes to such stupid ideas to safe others. I guess that's why he's so scared because you do things as he would do."
"Yeah, I know. Maybe... You think I should talk with him?", you asked carefully, gnawing on your lower lip. You hated fights mostly with the boys and you were eager to change that back into harmony again.
Leon smiled softly, just glad that you were still in their life before he leant forward and kissed you caringly but strongly to show you all the admiration he held for you. As he left your lips again, he nodded, "Yes. Go to him. I'm sure he will have cooled down by now."
Chris stood on your balcony, leaning against the barricade with his arms. His eyes were glued at the horizon, watching the city's skyline and the starry night sky at the same time. He heard you stepping out on the balcony with your naked feet. He felt your presence next to him but he couldn't look at you. He still felt angry and ... scared. Slowly, Chris kneaded his hands to channel his temper somewhere else than into your face again.
You watched Chris' impressive, broad frame against the dark sky. His profile was the one you could stare at for hours without getting bored. But you also could tell that he was still upset. So, you hobbled slowly next to his side, leaning against his muscled arm to rest your head there, "I'm sorry, Chris. I really am.", you whispered, looking at the same view as he did.
“You were reckless.”, Chris pointed out without looking at you.
Smiling, you watched how a soft breeze tousled his soft brown hair and because you had missed the feeling of his strands, you raked your fingers slowly through it, “I had a reason.”
“Oh, yeah? Which one?”, Chris asked, enjoying your affection with closed eyes.
“I had to help my comrades. They were in danger because of the Tyrant. We got discovered and as the Tyrant followed us, I had to do something. I was in a safe hideout. The Tyrant hadn’t seen me. But they weren’t. I couldn’t just watch and do nothing.”, you explained softly but serious.
Finally, Chris looked at you, all the anger was erased from his eyes and left was just sadness and worries as he saw your wounds once again, “Don't do this. Don’t play this card. That's not fair.”, he said, stroking a strand of your hair out of your face.
You smiled broadly, “Why not? Just because I know you would do the same?”
Chris chuckled low before he looked back into your eyes, “Yeah ... Don't use it against me to justify your action.”
“Well, at least you're not mad at me anymore.”, you pointed out as you saw the small, lovely smile on his lips.
Chris cupped your face carefully with both hands, trying to avoid hurting you, “I was scared. Not really mad. YN, you... You can't leave us alone. I don't wanna lose you. We both don't wanna lose you.”, he said while staring into your eyes.
With your free hand, you stroked softly over his chest, “I know. Chris, I... None of you won't get rid of me so easily.”
“You promise me that, honey?”
“I do, Chris.”, you whispered before he kissed you longingly which showed you how scared he had been before. As he leant back again, you took his hand in yours, knotting your fingers with his to bring him back inside where Leon was already waiting, happy to see that all waves had calmed down again.
And then, the caring-hell broke loose. Both guys were busy taking care of you no matter how tired they were and how often you said you would be fine. Without listening to you, they put you back to bed. Chris got you the water you wanted while Leon ordered pizza.
While waiting, Chris took a shower and Leon watched out that you wouldn’t leave the bed again and told you about their mission. As Chris was done, Leon took a shower and you rolled with your eyes because then, Chris watched out for you. With the only difference that Chris made you laugh which was painful but worth it to see this broad, tough guy in a better mood again.
The pizza arrived as Leon also left the shower and as everyone was sated and tired, the boys brought the stuff into the kitchen just to find you were fast asleep in the middle of the bed as they were coming back. With soft smiles, they watched you.
"They’re so sweet when they’re sleeping.", Leon said grinning.
"Yeah, because they’re can't do anything stupid then.", Chris admitted and matched Leon’s grin.
Both guys crawled next to you, carefully cuddling against you to make sure they weren't hurting you but at the same time, they felt your presence. While Leon’s arm laid protectively over your stomach, stroking your skin softly with his thumb, Chris grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers while his head rested softly on your shoulder.
You awoke by their soft touches. With a sleepy smile you watched pleased how these tough guys were sleeping peacefully next to you. You thanked once again to have them in your life and during your next mission, maybe, you would watch out more to keep your promise you had given to Chris.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 3 years
A Change of Heart Part 2–Matt Brody
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Part 1
Wattpad request by psych0bxtch
Matt's POV
When I heard the flatline, my stomach dropped. The only thing I could hear other than the worst sound in the world was Summer sobbing violently as Mitch tried to keep her from collapsing to the floor.
"No," she kept sobbing. "She can't be. . . Please tell me she isn't. . . Mitch. . . She's my baby sister. . . Please."
"Keep trying," I said under my breath when I finally found my voice. Everyone looked at me as I cleared my throat and took a step towards the ambulance.
"Keep trying," I said louder as they slowly started to unhook Y/N's lifeless body from their machines. "You can't give up on her. She's. . . We need her."
I ignored Summer's questioning look and instead, my eyes glanced towards Y/N. Suddenly, my view of Y/N in the back of an ambulance changed to the last time we were alone together in the South Lifeguard Tower. I couldn't decide if I was more haunted by her laying there unmoving or the look in her eyes when I rejected her.
"I need her," I mumbled. I glanced over at Summer to see her tears slowly stopping.
"Matt?" She said under her breath.
We broke our eye contact when we heard them charging the defibrillator. I held my breath as we all waited to hear the heart monitor start beeping. As we impatiently waited, Summer walked over to me, but I didn't look away from the EMTs working on Y/N.
"What did you mean when you said you need her?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper. "Be very careful with your next words, Matt."
"I can't imagine my life without her," I blurted out. I kept my eyes on Y/N and the EMTs as I continued, "I hate that us almost losing her is what made me realize it."
"No," Summer cut me off, making me finally look at her. "You aren't doing this. Y/N is an amazing girl and you broke her. You broke her, Matt. She finally got the courage to tell you how she felt and you shot her down. Are you telling me that all this time. . . Or are you just suddenly realizing it because we might. . . No. My sister deserves better. Y/N deserves a guy who knows he wants to be with her. Not some Olympic Asshole who picks and chooses when he gets a girl."
I opened my mouth to respond but was interrupted when we heard a beautiful beep. You could hear us all sucking in a synced breath when we recognized the sound. We turned around and saw the EMTs letting out relieved sighs.
"She's back," an EMT said as he glanced over at us. "We got her back."
"Alert the surgical team at the nearest hospital," the other EMT started giving instructions. "We need to get her into surgery as soon as we get there."
The EMTs started talking indistinctly as they hooked her up to more machines. I jumped when they slammed the door shut and the ambulance sped off. I turned to say something to Summer but she was already jogging towards her car. CJ and Stephanie sent me matching glares before following Summer. Ronnie cleared his throat, awkwardly avoiding eye contact with me.
"We're going to the hospital," Mitch said with not even an ounce of emotion in his voice. "Want a ride?"
We rode to the hospital in silence. I watched the buildings zoom by, the anger in Summer's voice repeating over and over again. The glare she gave me sent chills down my spine just thinking about it.
She was right. Y/N is too good for me.
As we sat in the waiting room, I thought back to our conversation in the South Lifeguard Tower. The longer I thought about it, the more I realized I never shot her down. I didn't say anything to her. She assumed I didn't have feelings for her because I didn't say anything. I didn't say anything because I was too shocked.
I looked up and noticed Summer watching me with tears streaming down her face. She had numerous reasons to be pissed at me but the real reason was because of the conversation in the South Lifeguard Tower. I stood up, nervously wiping my hands on my shorts as I walked over to her.
"Don't," she said, her voice getting caught in her throat. "I don't care how guilty you feel about shooting my sister down. I have more important things to think about. Like how Y/N is fighting for her life on a surgery table right now."
"Summer," I stuttered. "Please just. . ."
"Stop!" She yelled, quickly standing up. "My sister is dying, Matt. I don't give a shit that you feel guilty for turning her down. You have no idea how much you hurt her."
"I didn't. . ." I stuttered.
"Of course not," she scoffed. "She took two weeks off from work. Want to know what she did during that time? She spent the entire two weeks crying her eyes out. She was embarrassed, defeated, humiliated, and felt like she couldn't face you. Here's the real kicker; she came back for you!"
"What do you mean?" I asked under my breath.
"You were losing it, Matt," she sighed. "We could all see it."
I looked behind her to see everyone else watching us with the same look on their faces. When I made eye contact with Mitch, he shook his head and looked around the waiting room.
"Summer," I said, my voice breaking as I turned back towards her.
"Enough," she said through her teeth. "Y/N doesn't deserve you, Matt Brody. She deserves better."
* * * * *
An hour later, we still hadn't heard anything from the doctors working to save Y/N's life. We sat in the waiting room of the ER, all of us on edge. Whenever someone walked through a door, we all jumped.
"For Ms. Y/N Quinn?"
We all jumped up, slightly surprising the doctor when he saw how many of us were there. He looked around, trying to figure out which one of us he needed to address first.
"I'm her sister," Summer said shakily as she took a step towards him. "Is she. . . Did she. . . Please tell me she's okay."
"Your sister is one hell of a fighter," the doctor smiled sweetly at her.
"She's okay?" Summer said with nothing but hope in her voice.
"For the most part," he said slowly.
"What does that mean?" Ronnie asked.
"Well," the doctor said, slightly clearing his throat. "As you know, they were able to restart her heart in the back of the ambulance but her vitals were too low when she got to the hospital. As we took her into an exam room, she stopped breathing again. After a few tests, we discovered that it wasn't just the drowning that almost killed her."
"What was it?" Summer asked, slightly taking a step closer to the doctor.
"A bullet."
My breath got stuck in my throat. I looked over at Summer to see her covering her mouth, trying to stop the sob.
"When the hell was she shot?" CJ asked under her breath.
"Underwater," Mitch mumbled to himself. We turned around to see him thinking about something.
"Mitch?" Summer said under her breath.
"Before I jumped in after her, I thought I heard something strange. If I hadn't hesitated. . . I'm so sorry, Summer. I heard the gunshot and that's what made me jump in after her. I should've done that sooner. I'm so sorry."
"This isn't your fault," she said gently. My heart dropped into my stomach when Summer glanced over at me.
"How is she?" Mitch asked.
"We got the bullet out," the doctor continued, "and stopped the bleeding, but she still lost a lot of blood during the surgery. I'm afraid she's slipped into a coma."
"When is she going to wake up?" Summer asked almost instantly.
"We can't be entirely sure," he sighed. "She could be asleep for a few more hours or a few more days. When a patient loses a lot of blood, their mind tends to shut off until that blood is reproduced. But I can assure you that we are doing everything we can to make her feel comfortable until she does. I can take you to see her, Ms. Quinn."
When the rest of us took a few steps closer to Summer and the doctor, he stopped us. "I'm sorry," he said, clearing his throat, "but only family can go into the ICU."
Even though we didn't like it, we sat back down. I intertwined my fingers, struggling to calm my nerves. The next few days were never-ending. While the others went home, I stayed sitting in the uncomfortable ER waiting room chair.
I jumped when I felt someone kick my foot. I looked up to see Mitch standing above me with his arms folded. He sighed as he slightly shook his head.
"Go home."
"I'm good," I said, clearing my throat.
"No, you're not," he sighed. "You haven't slept, you've barely eaten, and you look like shit. Not to mention that you reek."
"I'm not leaving," I said sleepily.
"Matt," he sighed again as he sat next to me. "I know you feel guilty for what happened to Y/N, but the boat fire had nothing to do with you. If anyone is to blame, it's me. I was the one who didn't jump in after her soon enough. I keep hearing that damn underwater gunshot. It replays in my mind and my dreams. This was my responsibility. All of your safety falls on me. I failed Y/N. And Summer."
I suddenly realized how much this has been weighing down on him. His shoulders were tense, his back was hunched, and his eyes were heavy.
"Mitch," I said, making him look at me, "Y/N wouldn't blame you for anything that's happened. You jumped in, you found her, you brought her back to the boat. You saved her, Mitch. All I did was break her heart."
"About that," Mitch said, clearing his throat to cover his laugh. "What the hell, man? She told you how she felt, you shut her down, then she gets hurt and that makes you suddenly have feelings for her?"
"First of all," I sighed, "I didn't shoot her down. I didn't respond right away and she took that as me not having feelings for her. Second, I didn't say anything about "suddenly" having feelings for her."
"Hold on," he said, more anger in his voice. "After all the shit that's gone down, you actually have feelings for her?"
When he looked at me, he saw my answer clearly written on my face. He scoffed as he looked away, slightly shaking his head. When he looked back at me, I felt like a kid about to get scolded by my father.
"Please tell me you realize how much of an asshole you are," he scoffed.
"Mitch," I stuttered.
"Y/N is an amazing girl. You'd be lucky to have someone like her interested in you. Honestly, you don't deserve her anymore. Hell, you didn't deserve her when she told you how she felt. And if you walk into that hospital room and confess to having feelings for her all along. . ."
He didn't finish his threat. Instead, he stood up and wiped his hands on his pants. He was about to walk away but stopped. He didn't bother to turn around as he spoke up.
"By the way," he said through his teeth, "She's awake."
I watched Mitch leave before slowly standing up. I made my way down the hallway, my nerves jumping all over the place the closer I got to her. I hesitated outside her room, continually wiping my sweaty hands on my pants. Whenever I reached for the door handle, I never made it all the way to it. As I tried to reach for the handle again, the door swung open.
"Matt," Summer gasped. She looked over her shoulder before quickly closing the door. "I don't think you should be here."
"Summer, please," I stuttered. "I just want to. . ."
"You've done enough."
* * * * *
After Summer stopped me from going into Y/N's room, I was even more determined to talk to her. I waited for Summer to leave before sneaking back down the hallway. I ducked into Y/N's room, my breath getting caught in my throat when I turned and saw Y/N asleep in the hospital bed.
I felt numb as I walked over and sat next to her. I hesitated to grab her hand because I didn't want to wake her up. Instead, I sat back in the uncomfortable chair and thought about the last conversation Y/N and I had.
"Your sister is looking for you," I said. I got concerned when I noticed her still facing away from me. I slowly walked over and grabbed the gauze that was frozen in her hand.
"You okay?"
"I'm fine," she said, not at all convincingly.
"Y/N," I elongated. "You sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine," she said again, sounding less convincing than before.
"I'm in love with you."
I heard her suck in a breath the same time I sucked in one of my own. My mind instantly started going 100 miles an hour.
She was in love with me? Since when? Does everyone know? How could I not know?
"What?" I asked under my breath for clarity. I wanted, no needed to make sure I heard her right.
"Never mind," she stuttered. My heart sank when she started to leave the shack.
"Y/N," I said, trying to get her to look at me. My shoulders slightly sank when she remained facing the door. "What did you say?"
"Just forget it," she said quickly.
Right as she was about to leave, I quickly grabbed her hand and slowly turned her towards me. I tried to get her to look up at me but she kept her stare to the ground.
"Y/N?" I whispered. "Did you mean it? Are you really. . ."
"Yes," she forced out. When she finally looked up at me, her eyes sank. My heart clenched when I saw her struggling to hold back embarrassed tears.
"Y/N," I stuttered, "I'm not. . . It's not that . . . I'm sorry."
She roughly pulled her hand out of mine and cleared her throat like she was trying to get rid of a lump.
"Okay," she whispered.
"Y/N," I sighed.
"It's fine," she said before I could get a chance to explain what was going through my head. It wasn't that I didn't have feelings for her. The truth was, I wasn't sure how I felt about Y/N Quinn.
"I should umm. . . You're taking over, right? You're on the next shift? Okay, I'm gonna go then. Bye, Matt."
"Y/N," I said, trying to get her to stay and hear me out. "Please let's. . ."
I physically jumped when the South Lifeguard tower door shut between us. I sat on one of the extra chairs, my mind not stopping. I ran my fingers through my hair as Y/N's defeated and embarrassed look on her face was stuck in my head.
"I don't know how I feel about you," I mumbled to myself. "But I know I don't want to lose you."
I've always felt this pull towards Y/N. I just thought it was friendship. That is until she told me how she felt for me. I looked over at her, the guilt suffocating me.
"You don't get it," I whispered, shaking my head and looking away from her. "You left before I could explain. I wasn't stuttering that I didn't have feelings for you. I was stuttering that I wasn't sure. I know that's not better but. . ."
My head snapped up when I heard my name weakly said. I was met with Y/N's Y/E/C eyes. I smiled as I scooted closer to her.
"Hi," I whispered.
"What are you doing here?"
"I had to see you," I started to ramble. "Look, I know things have been weird between us and I hate it. I absolutely hate this tension between us, Y/N. When you were gone, those were the worst two weeks of my life. I was miserable. I wanted to call you but Summer kept telling me to leave you alone."
"She what?" She asked softly but I kept talking.
"And then when you came back? I didn't know what to do or say. Whatever I rehearsed, didn't seem good enough. Then the boat fire. . . You were underwater for four and a half minutes. Mitch gave you CPR for the whole five-minute boat ride back to shore. The EMTs took over for three minutes before they hooked you up to the defibrillator. One minute and forty-two seconds later, you flatlined. That was the longest minute and forty-two seconds of my life."
"Matt," she said weakly, trying to interrupt me again.
"When you told me how you felt," I continued, "I didn't respond but not because I didn't have a response for you. It was because I was evaluating."
"Evaluating," she repeated. "Matt, what does that mean? Evaluating what?"
"Us," I said before I could stop myself. "I mean evaluating who you are to me. We've been good friends since you started at Baywatch, but I've always thought our relationship was stronger than just a simple friendship. And it wasn't until you left those two weeks that I realized it was a lot deeper than a simple friendship."
"What are you trying to say?" She asked hesitantly.
"I'm saying I have feelings for you," I said quickly. I watched as her eyes widened. She was studying me hard, probably trying to decide if I was being honest with her.
To help reassure her, I continued. "Y/N, I'm not just saying I have feelings for you because I almost lost you. I'm saying it because I didn't realize how I felt for you. I had a general idea but I wasn't sure exactly. I know this doesn't make much sense, but it's the truth. I care about you, Y/N, a lot. I'm sorry it took almost losing you for me to wake up and realize that I've loved you all this time."
I held my breath, waiting for her reaction. When her eyes filled with tears, I couldn't tell if they were happy tears or angry tears. The silence ate away at me, almost as much as the guilt.
"Please say something," I whispered. My breath got caught in my throat when she slowly smiled.
"Come here," she whispered.
I scooted the chair closer to Y/N's bed and grabbed her hand. I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. The second our lips touched, we instantly started moving them in sync.
Every feeling I've felt since her confession intensified as we finally kissed. It was like everything we've been holding back, burst. Without breaking the kiss, I stood up and carefully crawled onto her bed until I was hovering over her. The kiss got heated as Y/N reached up, grabbed my shirt, and pulled me closer to her.
She moaned when I used the hand that wasn't holding me up to gently rub her hip. I smirked against her lips as I slowly slid that hand up her body. She gasped, breaking the kiss when I found and squeezed her boob. That surprised gasp turned into a painful one.
"Shit," I gasped, moving my weight off of her. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I should've. . . You've been shot and I. . . I'm sorry. For everything. I never should've. . ."
"Matt," she whispered, cutting me off as she reached up and gently cupped my cheek in her hand. "It's okay."
"No," I stuttered. "It's not okay, Y/N. None of it is. I want to make it up to you. I need to make it up to you."
"Then take me on a date," she said so simply.
"Take me on a date," she repeated.
I smiled, feeling like a giddy idiot as I laid down next to her. I let out a satisfied sigh as she immediately cuddled into my chest.
"As soon as you get out of here," I whispered, "I'm taking you on that date."
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cafeinthemoon · 3 years
Founders with s/o who’s struggling with depression and alcoholism 💔
This request  was made by @akimurachang (@nakaakiko​) and since i’ve already had some ideas for a scenario/situation like this, I decided to write it. Thank you for requesting this and for trusting my capacity to write it! Also, I hope you can forgive me for taking this long to do so. I will try not take so long to make requests from now on. Please people be patient with me, I'm trying my best XD
So here we have the Founders finding out their s/o has problems with alcohol and depression because of the proof that’s all over the place (broken bottles, etc.). How would they react to this? What would they do to take care of their loved one?
I’ll be using the same scenario for all of them, which is they going to their s/o’s house to find out why they didn’t attend to a mission about which they talked the day before and then finding s/o lying unconscious in the living room with a dripping bottle around.
Fandom: Naruto | Founders
Symbols: 💗 | ◻ | ▶▶
Warning (s): mentions to depression, emotional exhaustion/trauma and alcohol, minor injury
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Hashirama 🌱
The thing with Hashirama is not that he doesn’t know that something’s not right; instead, his first reaction is to refuse to believe in his eyes
But all the signs are there for anyone to see
The missions you didn’t attend to and never justified your absence
That time when you casually met in the village and he noticed you were talking too much with a strange alteration in your tone
Somehow a mess in your house that persists and seems to increase in the weekends
A broken bottle you tossed into trash and that small cut in your hand you got while taking out the glass
Your physical tiredness (a result from your habit of using alcohol to replace food) and a decrease in your reflexes and other skills as a ninja
Hashirama is not stupid; he sees all of this
But is hard to accept that you, his strong, brave and lovely s/o could be a victim of such thing
That day when you don’t apply for the mission about which he talked to you the day before, he goes to your house to see if you’re okay and what he sees there is heartbreaking
You’re lying unconscious on your living room’s couch, and a bottle is dropped, its content dripping out and staining the floor
He takes the bottle out of the way and looks closer at you. You have an exhausted expression, your lips had some remaining drops of alcohol on them and your cheeks were wet with what he noticed to be tears
He takes the bottle to the kitchen and tries to wake you up
You wake up dizzy, with a some sort of numbness in your muscles and a terrible headache
When you recognize Hashirama by your side, you suddenly remember the mission
But before you can speak, he explains that he already sent other person in your place and that for now you have to take care of yourself
He tells you to stay where you are, because he’s going to run you a bath
When everything is ready, he takes you to the bathroom and helps you to take off your clothes and to find the shower
After the bath, he takes you to your room and leads you to bed, saying he’s going to prepare some food (it’s obvious that you’ve spent the night before and the morning drinking and haven’t eat anything)
He brings the meal to your room and doesn’t let you leave until the bowl is empty
Then he tells you to take some rest. He leaves eft a wood clone with you in case you need something while he cleans the house
With all the minor inconveniences fixed, you have time to focus on the primary stuff
Hashirama has a way to make people be honest while talking to him, and this works on you too
You tell him your story with alcohol since the start, when you drank for the first time and when it became a real problem. You reveal to him what you feel before, during and after drinking, your fears, your insecurities, your reasons and your failed attempts to stop
He is a good listener, has empathy as no other, and most important, he’s never judgmental
He assures you he would never be disgusted or look down on you because of your problem, which was your biggest fear and your reason to not speak out before
Hashirama is not he most practical person around, so he has a hard time creating measures to help you
In this matter, you show to be more prepared than him: you suggest not leaving anything that reminds you of alcohol at your sight, not going to places where they offer alcohol and things like this
He uses your suggestions to create codes you can share in case you need immediate help
You reschedule your free time to keep your mind occupied with the things you’re good at: if you feel useful, necessary to yourself and the village, your self love and self respect will grow, and with them you will to overcome your problem
He also says that if you feel comfortable, you two can seek for advise with someone who’s been through the same as you
It is true that after some weeks of improvement, there are some relapses and you are caught drinking again
And maybe Hashirama doesn’t show necessary firmness when this happens
But he compensates this with his ability to transmit the strength of his will to other people
Hashirama doesn’t let you give up on yourself, because he knows that this is the key to your cure and he wants you to be aware of that too
When you are with him, you feel like everything is possible and that even someone with your problems can be saved
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Tobirama 🌊
Now, with Tobirama things seem to happen faster
Because he's not blind to the signs
So he doesn't take long to take some action
He has been observing your behavior for a while now, but never interfered because he was hoping that you would reach out to him sooner or later
But this doesn't happen, and when one day you don't show up to the mission you were assigned to just the day before, he decides to stop waiting and to do something
The first thing Tobirama feels about the situation is frustration
He thinks you weren’t being honest with him for all this time, and that you don't really trust him
In his mind, it means that to you he's not important enough for you to share your stuff with him
Tobirama doesn't say anything. He just goes to your house to confront you for your reckless attitude
Yeah, you might have some trouble in your personal life, but neglecting your obligations? That's too much
However, none of his previous observations have prepared him for what he finds there
Lying on the couch, unconscious, visibly exhausted and with a bottle on the floor right under your hand, you were nothing like the person he knew
He starts to question himself: did he take too long to do something to help you? Was it his fault?
Being the practical person he was, Tobirama doesn’t waste time with deliberations and approaches you
He’s not a medical ninja, but he doesn’t have to be to understand what happened there: you emptied that bottle, passed out and didn’t wake up because you probably started drinking late at night
He also notices that the skin of your face is a bit clingy: tears rolled down on it hours before
Tobirama’s first measure is to create Shadow Clones to work on your house while he is going to take care of you
While there’s a clone organizing the living room and other two or three verifying the conditions of the other rooms, he uses his sensory abilities to examine your chakra flow
It’s not that good
He uses some basic healing technique to bring you back to consciousness
When you wake up and understand what’s going on, you try to explain and apologize all at once, but he tells you to stay quiet
You do it, and he runs you a bath. But you can do it by yourself thanks to the jutsu he used on you, he goes to your room and comes back bringing you clean clothes
While you dress up and such, he goes to the kitchen to prepare some food. The Shadow Clone he sent there tells him about broken bottles he found on the trash. He dismisses the Clone and decides to talk to you later about this
You come to the kitchen and he puts the bowl in front of you
All the time you stay there in silence. It’s hard, after what happened, to have Tobirama’s eyes on you and not feel judged
You’re in the middle of the meal when you stop eating and break in tears
You hide your face in your hands, so you don’t see him approaching; you only notice it when you feel his hand on your hair
He invites you to a calm place where you can talk without distractions
You accept the invitation and he uses his Hiraishin to take you to a river’s shore
At first, you don't know what to say and he doesn't know what to say to encourage you. But you have known Tobirama for a while now, so you have no choice but to accept that the first words won’t come from him
You don’t try to justify yourself or explain your feelings right at first. You just tell him the sequence of events
He listens to you without interrupting, nodding to confirm he’s following everything. It’s always strange when you have to open your heart to him, cause these emotional matters are not his specialty
Still, he tries his best
He doesn’t sugarcoat anything: he clearly tells you how disappointed he is, not just because you failed with your appointment but mainly because you didn’t reach out to him
He says he wants you to trust his capacity of doing anything on his reach to help you
He then explains that he’s going to be by your side for anything you need, but you’ll need to fight for yourself if you want it to work
You explain that periods of depression and relapses are common for people in your situation, and that it’s not going to be easy for him to deal with you when they happen: your previous partners gave up on you during the process
You are going to need his strength, love and patience for the whole journey
Tobirama looks in your eyes and states that you are not just his loved one; you are part of the village, part of his family, and he won’t give up on his family without trying to save them with everything he got
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Madara 🔥
Well, don’t get me wrong in this one
Madara loves you and cares about you as much as the other Grandpas
But unlike them, he has a hard time to understand that even the person he loves most has their flaws and makes mistakes
With all your qualities, abilities, and after all you have been through, how could you fall for such thing?
Yes, Tobirama also finds it difficult to understand that you have a problem that you can’t fix all by yourself, but with Madara the whole question is about strength
It was never a secret to you that weakness disgust him
nd to him, your problem with alcohol is exactly a weakness
So how can he find himself by the side of someone like you? Impossible
But the evidences are all around: the appointments you’ve missed, the alterations in your behavior during weekends, the mess in your house, the headaches and tiredness on Mondays
There was one time when he noticed a cut on your hand and immediately knew it wasn’t caused by a kunai or any other weapon
When he questioned you, you lied. He knew it, but he didn’t dig deeper
However, now its impossible to close his eyes to what’s going on
You didn’t show up to the mission you had together, so he goes after you to find out what happened
When Madara finds you lying asleep on the couch, with a bottle that must have slipped from your hand and now stains the floor with the last drops of its content, he’s confused
He really doesn’t know what to think nor how to feel about the scene
He checks your vital signs to understand the seriousness of your situation
You’ve been unconscious for a couple of hours, but your heartbeats are regular; your levels of chakra seem to be normal as well, but your reflexes will be impaired for a while and you won’t be able to stand up and walk without help
When you finally wake up, you find Madara sitting next to you. It’s clear that he has been there for a long time
You’re experiencing a terrible headache and it seems that your body doesn’t respond to your brains commands
He approaches and helps you to sit on the couch
You can’t look in his eyes. You’re so ashamed that he found you in such state that you’re unable to say anything
He helps you to leave the room and says he’s going to take care of you
You’re aware of the Clone he sent to other parts of the house under the excuse of “checking if everything is in order”, but you don’t argue; you just nod and let him manage things
The first thing he does is to take you to the bathroom. You watch while he warms up the water and brings clean clothes for you
You’re so tired that you don’t even try to protest when he helps you during your bath
It’s also when he notices more marks all over your body that remind him of that one you had on your hand
When the Clone disappears, he receives his memories and finds out that you’ve tossed some broken bottles on the trash. It’s when he finally realizes that this shattered glass are the origin of your injuries
He finds some medicine for the recent (and more serious) ones and lets you resting on your bed, only returning to bring you warm food
You think of refusing it, but it smells so good and you’re so hungry you’d just eat everything in five minutes if he wasn’t there to stop you
He then brings some medicine for the headache
When everything seems to be fixed, Madara tells you to take some rest, explaining that he will return later, and you agree in silence
Days after that, your first attempt to discuss the problem is a total failure
Like, it’s clear that Madara is concerned: the idea of seeing the person he loves following a destructive path like this is intolerable
But he’s divided between this feeling and his vision of strength and weakness, which influences his manners and his talking
So every time he says “you have a weakness”, it sounds like “you are weak”
You’re already in a fragile state, both mentally and physically; you sense you won’t take this for so long
You try to explain your side to him, but he doesn’t seem to understand
Finally you become angry enough to tell him to just leave instead of wasting his precious time with a burden like you
There’s something in Madara’s silence that seems to tell that he regrets the way he talked to you, but no apology comes from his mouth and he in fact leaves
The days pass and your situation only gets worse: while you drown in your alcohol addiction, he suffers for both of you but doesn’t take action anyway
When your absence is noticed by other ninjas (in the village itself and in missions), Madara puts his pride aside and goes after you
He comes at the last moment
You’re on a pitiful and also dangerous state
He immediately takes you to the village’s hospital and asks Hashirama to examine you, which he does, not without scolding his friend for his attitude
This time, Madara is too desperate to argue
He spends day ad night by your side, and makes it clear how much he loves you
When you wake up again and find him there, you read the regret in his eyes
He tries to say something, but you dismiss his attempt, making a sign for him to approach
You say that you current situation is like the one a war would put you through, and that you can’t get out of it by yourself:
“I need the greatest warrior beside me to win”
He kisses your forehead and holds you as tight as your conditions let him
“No. I need the greatest warrior beside me. Forever”
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bumbershots · 3 years
Author’s note: HELLO! This is my part for the Valentine’s Day challenge that @1dffchallenges put together. Make sure to keep an eye out for any other pieces published by other authors. Enjoy! And happy Valentine’s weekend! (:
Summary: Harry agrees to go on a blind date set up by his friends in hopes that it will help him move on from an unrequited love.
Word count: 3K
Challenge prompt and dialogue: blind date set up by friends. “I don’t want this to end...”
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There’s a first for everything. Harry’s had his fair share of them at the age of twenty-seven. First time on an aeroplane at the tender age of six for a family holiday in Rome. First kiss on his home town’s park with someone he deeply cared about. First time in a recording studio. First time going on tour. The first night spent alone in his new and barely furnished home. The first morning he laid eyes on the girl next door. The ugly heartbreak after she got married, certainly felt worse than his first one.
Life is full of firsts, Harry knows that, and he wishes to have been the first to sneak his way into Jane’s heart, all those years ago.
"You love her" it almost sounds like an accusation coming from Jeff, though the last thing he wants is to make Harry feel guilty. The musician doesn't reply, he shrugs, eyes never leaving her no matter how deep into the ocean she seems to be. "Does she know?" Harry shakes his head in denial. "Did you bring her along just so you could tell her?"
"I enjoy writing music with her, that's why she's here," his tone leaves no room for more questions, the manager knows and sighs defeated. Harry stands from his spot on the beach and heads back inside the house, alone.
Is he being that obvious?
He reviews the past few days and wonders where he slipped, nothing rings any bell. Harry completely and conveniently forgets how he doesn't nag her for having a smoke after dinner, instead he just opens the window and stands close to it, or how he's been making her a cuppa everyday at noon. But it was the time when Jane asked him to help her French plait her hair when something clicked in Jeff's brain, the way Harry beamed at such a simple request left no room for questioning. Yet he asked him, because there was that tiny chance of it all being part of the manager's imagination, but when he looked back on it, the little things now made more sense to him and in a way he always knew.
They've been in Port Antonio for two weeks now and everything was going just dandy, Harry was writing more than ever, the first week he had a new song every day, he even polished the old ones and had a tune for his favourites, thanks to Mitch's help. When Jeff Azoff got there earlier this week, he spent a good two hours talking to Jeff Bhasker about how much of a good idea the trip was.
"Harry is on a writing spree." He complimented Azoff's client, it was nothing but the truth. However the reason for it all, was now heading back to the house to join the others after a good surfing session.
Jane went straight to take a shower, ready to rinse all the ocean's saltiness from her body, thinking how wonderful it would've been if her own worries could be washed away with her tangerine shampoo. In contrast to Harry's good spirits and excellent mood, her own cloud of trouble seemed to follow her all the way from London. She still hadn't heard from her husband, so it is safe to say he was still upset about her going away to work in Harry's album. It was impossible for her to forget the argument they had, at first thinking it was a joke on his side, insinuating that they were ‘shagging behind his back’.
After her shower, wearing comfortable clothes, Jane joins the others for supper but keeps to herself, still with the dichotomy about calling Alex or letting him be. He will eventually come to his senses and apologise. 
What if he doesn't? 
The thought alone of her clothes being packed in boxes by the time she gets back home almost makes her cry, perhaps she can call or text him just to test the waters. It is ridiculous how she seems to be more mature about this than him.
"Penny for them?" Harry's voice brings her back to the now empty dining room, the voices from the rest of their party can be heard from the living room.
"God I'm sorry H, lost myself out there for a moment," she is embarrassed, with him, the others and herself for letting this situation get under her skin. And she's also avoiding talking about it, with Harry or anyone. "I was just thinking about the tempo for Sweet Creature."
"Liar," he hates to be shut down by her more than anything. "Is it because I didn't let you eat the last peanut drop the other day?" It would've been easier for her to say it was, than to address the actual reason. But Harry hasn't lied to her, ever.
"No love, although I was a bit hurt because of that, it's actually this thing with Alex we are, I don't know, he was upset with me and said some things," Jane couldn't finish, her speech was cut short by a quiet sob and Harry was quick to pull her from the chair onto his lap and hold her tight. His own heart speeding at the sight of her distressed.
"When was the last time you spoke to him?"
"Two weeks ago." Her voice barely whispers on his chest, "he's being a wanker to be honest, just because he's not going on tour with any of his bands I'm supposed to be a stay at home wife!"
"Why don't you explain this to me, from the beginning, please?" He asks rubbing her back soothingly, and she spills it all, the having kids now or never argument, to her wanting to have a proper wedding party and finally the latest fight where Alex suggested an affair going on between her and Harry, the latter had to do his best not to put the option on the table, since her husband so kindly suggested it. Might as well, he thought. "It all sounds like a big misunderstanding, I know you're a great communicator sunshine, so it baffles me that you've let this go on for so long." He's got a point.
"You're right, but I feel like it's his turn, you know?" Jane's done weeping, but remained on her friend's lap and arms, head resting on his shoulder. "He's always forward, mature, a proper thirty year old except when it comes to arguments where we ought to reach an agreement," she plays a bit with the cross hanging from his neck, a scowl on her pretty face. "Like with the children thing, we only stopped arguing when I said that maybe in two more years we could have one instead of, you know, my early thirties." It's good that she can't see how upset Harry is.
"You gave into that one, he should do the same but it's his choice," Harry sighs and can't believe what he's about to say. "Take the day off tomorrow, call him or FaceTime, Skype whatever you choose, but have a proper conversation with him." She wants to argue and say it's not necessary to be absent the whole day, she can spare a few hours. But she will need time to think about what to say, make her point clear so they are on good terms until she goes back to London.
"Fine, but if he is still acting like a dickhead afterwards, I'm not going to let it into my head anymore, we will continue to bask in this great work environment going on here." Jane states, pulling away from his embrace just enough to give him that stern look she uses when trying to make a point, and Harry nods with a warm smile, the one she never gets tired of seeing. "I'll call it a night now, gonna be asleep in seconds now that I've got that out of my chest." She stands from his lap, missing his warmth instantly. "Thanks for that."
"Anytime honey pie." Harry says before leaving a kiss on her left hand that burns her skin from then till morning.
Jeff joins the musician in the dining room right after the girl walks away to her room, he takes a seat across from him and scrutinises the look of adoration his friend still sports once she is out of the room.
"She'll never know, if you never tell her." Jeff is right, but the thought alone of going through that again scares him to death. Or so he says, because there's a part of him that is fond of the thrill it makes him feel.
"It's not like I haven't tried, just last year I told her," Harry remembers that night vividly, how pretty she looked even with her makeup all smudged under her eyes. "I'm not sure if she heard, it was too loud like where we were at the time." He was also pissed out of his mind.
"H, there's nothing wrong with being in love."
"I'm not saying it is, but even if she did love me I– I would find a way to hurt her. Anyway. she's happily married now, it's too late." Saying it out loud doesn't hurt him any less like he thought it would. Harry sighs in defeat before rising from the chair, "she's everything to me, I wouldn't mess with her head by confessing my feelings, deep down I always knew she deserved better and now she has it and that's good enough for me." The musician disappears through the corridor where his everlasting love did just a few minutes ago, he paused for a moment outside her room, pondering whether to barge in and just follow his instincts, kiss her like he should've done after winning that award back in 2014.
Harry shakes his head and goes straight to his room, he reminds himself that it was time to let her go. It's for the best. He is not good enough for her, he can't even write a song for her, about her. He mustn't love her that much then.
What Harry doesn't know is that he can't write a song about her because he loves her too much, the poor lad can't even figure out where to start. But he's about to get rid of that curse in a day or two, he just needs to be patient.
The reward for it came, all of a sudden Harry wrote too many songs about her until she inevitably became aware of the situation they were in. Harry vowed to stay away from Jane’s life after recording the album. He dated people that didn’t remind him of her, and even moved temporarily to Japan. But despite all his efforts, four years later Harry still finds himself thinking about her, everything seems to be tainted by her. The music he adores, the new dinner recipes he cooks, the books he chooses to read.
Completely out of options he agreed to this blind date his friends set up for him.
He arrives at the modest restaurant they so kindly chose for the occasion. “All you have to do is wear something nice and show up.” Alexa reminded him over the phone last week.
This is a new first for him, it is also exciting, to take a seat at a table for two conveniently placed at the back, pretend to pay attention to the menu but let his green eyes avert to whoever approaches. Harry is having a great time, he knows that soon his date will arrive. He wonders what they’ll be like.
According to Alexa and Pixie, the person arriving is the perfect match for their young friend. Harry can only hope they like Vietnamese cuisine because that’s apparently this place’s special offer this week. If he’s lucky enough the date will agree to share a starter and perhaps two main courses, that way he doesn’t have to choose between one or the other.
“Here’s your table.” Harry hears the waiter speak and his gaze meets a very familiar figure standing beside him. It can’t be.
“Excuse me, there must be a mistake, I’m waiting for someone else.” Harry protests.
The waiter shakes his head and shows him the notepad with some specifications written down. “Nothing wrong, got specific instructions from Miss Chung, a lady will come in to say is here for Geldolf’s blind date, you are sitting at the table they reserved. I’ll be back in a few minutes to take your order.” He is quick to explain and disappear.
Jane sits because there is no way she can stand any longer, her legs are about to give out from the commotion. This was not the blind date she was expecting either. It’s been at least four years since she last saw Harry. The night after he finally admitted being in love with her, waiting for a reaction, anything from her, after what seemed like hours but was only ten minutes later, he walked out of her house and entire life, leaving her confused and upset.
“How’ve you been?” she asked after confirming that Harry wasn’t going to up and leave.
“Pretty fantastic, until you arrived.” He’s never spoken to her like that before, with so much affliction in his tone. “What are you doing here?”
“I was set up on a blind date by Pixie—
He interrupts her. “That’s fucking convenient, did you all went to this much trouble, just to mock me? I thought they were my friends, you know, that even after everything, they cared about me.” Harry stops, his voice breaks, he’s so angry, hurt and confused by the situation. “Did your husband come along, to witness my humiliation too?” He looks around, trying to find the man of Jane’s dreams.
“I wouldn’t know if he’s here, haven’t seen him since we got divorced three years ago.” She snaps before hiding behind the menu from a gobsmacked Harry.
The words he’d been waiting to hear were finally out of her mouth. Unlike the million times he dreamt about this happening, Harry is not sweeping her off her feet and running away into the sunset holding her hand. Instead he reaches out to touch her arm, testing the waters. He waits for her to lower the menu and surprisingly there are no tears in her eyes. Perhaps only a bit of sorrow that is quickly replaced with confusion, at how fast her heart raced after Harry’s touch.
“Do you want to talk about it?” His voice is back to oozing the tenderness he reserves just for her. Jane nods.
“But can we share a rice bowl and Pho noodle soup?” 
“Yes, and dessert too!” Even after four years Harry’s sweet tooth hasn’t changed, Jane sighs before the waiter is back to take their order.
Keeping a conversation between the two of them is not hard at all, even if it is an awkward topic —her not so recent divorce. “We didn’t have anything in common anymore, there were so many fights every single day. When I finally suggested the separation, he seemed relieved and I felt like a complete fool.” Jane remembers the sigh of comfort that came out of the man she once loved with all her heart before that rainy afternoon, when she finally decided that she’d had enough. “He left that night, hadn’t seen him since, his lawyer took care of everything,” a sour laugh escapes her lips, Harry’s eyes are full of sympathy for her. “I’m sorry for ruining your blind date, I know you’ve never been to one before.” Of course she did, she knows him better than anyone.
“This has to be the greatest date I’ve ever been to.” He speaks without a second thought. 
All those years Harry spent away from Jane were not going to be in vain. He was not going to neglect the feelings he still had for her. That affection he felt for her, only her. Harry shifts in his seat, this is not at all how he planned it, in a restaurant full of people on fucking Valentine’s day. It almost seemed like a tacky move.
But after all this time of pining for her, hating her and himself at times. Harry was brave enough, it was now or never, he didn’t want to wait any longer, not after his friends schemed and executed this soppy plan to bring the two soulmates together. Before she could take the final bite of dessert that Harry kindly left for her. The world stopped.
“I don’t want this to end...” Harry says with a dimpled smile she can’t look away from. “I’d like to take you out on a second date, a third, fourth, fifth. Believe me when I tell you, I have planned up to a thousand of them.” He takes her hand in his and can feel her pulse race along his own. The smile splits his face again, because he knows, he feels, he sees it in her beautiful eyes. “Janey, you’re the first person I’ve ever wanted to hold on to. I know there is a name for this emotion, I’ve written songs about it, but now I don’t think it’s a word big enough for us.”
She squeezes his hand and breaths out a laugh, tears of joy brimming out of her eyes. “Let’s call it love, until we come up with a better name for it.” Harry agrees and just then, Jane brings up his hand to her lips. 
His skin tingles where she kisses him for the first time and he beams at her.
There’s a first for everything, and although it feels like it for Jane and Harry, this isn’t by any means the first time they confess their love for each other. It was always there, in every laugh they shared, every song they wrote together, every touch. It was on Harry’s unwavering devotion, on his impatience and selfless actions throughout the years.
They were bound to be together, their story didn’t begin on that initial blind date, it did years ago after he caught a glimpse of her shiny black hair on the morning she moved into the house across the street.
Harry drives her back to her new flat on the other side of the city, enjoying every minute of the long ride, happy to hear her ramble about her newest obsession with romantic novels and burst out laughing after Jane confesses that sometimes she doesn’t finish reading books she likes, just to pretend the story keeps going. With a quick kiss to the back of her hand he completely agrees.
No tale is more compelling than one that never ends.
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vanderlustwords · 4 years
After You
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
24) You're my ex, but I think I still have feelings for you
Summary: For you, there were two important timelines in your life. There was before Steve and after Steve. Except it was complicated. Before, after, it doesn’t matter. It’s always been Steve for you. 
Warning: a n g s t
Note: I was in a mood LOL there will be a part 2! And YES, I’m still working on the requests in my inbox :)
Part I of II
Count: 2085
Things tend to fall apart before coming together. 
It had been that way when you met Steve. You've known him for quite some time, nearly all your life, really. 
You had watched him fall in love with Peggy Carter, date her throughout high school and into university. You had watched him clumsily navigate his way through his relationship, eager to please, eager to commit, eager to propose, and have children one day.
And then you had watched him fall apart when Peggy Carter left. 
Steve was a mess. 
He couldn't eat. He couldn't sleep. He was...lost. 
It seemed like Steve would never recover from the emptiness Peggy left in her wake.
He says Peggy Carter was the woman who saw him before he had a massive growth spurt and started working out.
You don't know how to tell him you were--are too.
Even before Peggy Carter. 
It had started with nothing more than casual hookups. 
The first time had been a drunken mess when you were out with Steve again for the umpteenth time at the bar.
It was Bucky's only idea left on how to get Steve out of the house, and you weren't opposed to it if it got him to leave the house, but you knew this couldn't continue on forever. 
And while he was having another drunken rant about Peggy Carter, you watched him with your own heavy-lidden tipsy eyes before grabbing the front of his shirt and smashing your lips to his.
"What are you-"
"Stop," you hissed as you bit his bottom lip in warning, "stop talking about her."
It took him a second, but he wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you close as he kissed you with renewed passion.
Casual hookups turned to friends with benefits. 
There were parts of it that gave you both relief and pain. On the one hand, Steve was starting to seem like himself a little again, slowly, but surely. But on the other hand, this wasn't exactly what you had wanted either.
He was looking at you, but not really.
But the small moments you got were what you couldn't afford to lose now that you've experienced it. 
And somehow, miraculously, casual hookups turned into a cautious, timid relationship.
"Will you?" Steve asked as he swallowed visibly as dawn settled slowly, light flittering through his curtains. "Be my girl."
You slowly turned on your side, a little exhausted after the bedroom activities you've just done with him.
You were unsure; it showed in your eyes, and Steve tensed.
Perhaps it was the way you asked it, but Steve blinked, putting the question and the unsureness in your eyes together. He tentatively pulled you closed to him, relaxing slightly when you didn't push him away. Steve traces your bare spine, warming when you shiver slightly.
"I didn't think there was anything for me after," Steve spoke softly and slowly. 
He can talk about Peggy Carter in vague terms now, it's small, but you feel like it shows he's moving on. 
"I don't know what any of it really means, but there's you. I see you."
It's not an 'I'm in love with you,' but you still want to cry as you feel the butterflies in your stomach.
Steve holds you close, rubbing your back as he smiles. 
"Besides, it's not proper of me to keep sleeping with you like this, I gotta make an honest woman outta you," he jokes, making you laugh as you slap him playfully.
"You're my girl," Steve says after the laughter dies down, almost as if he's testing the words himself.
"Yeah, I am," you smile. 
What you have with Steve is frail. It's shaky, careful, and shy. 
It's new for both of you. 
Steve's only dating experience is Peggy, and sometimes it feels like he's being overly cautious in watching for signs that you might leave him.
And you're nervous because Steve Rogers is finally yours. You didn't ever think this day would ever come. You were so sure you were going to have to swallow your feelings while you watched Steve and Peggy get married and live their happily ever after.
The first time you had a fight and survived it, you felt like everything was going to be okay. 
"I'm NOT upset," Steve firmly insisted. 
It was probably the long hours at work the both of you had to endure, meaning less time together.
There were reschedule dates, rushed good mornings and good nights, and sometimes the silence of missing the other person was too loud.
"You clearly are," you rolled your eyes because Steve's hands were clenched in a fist, his lips pressed together in a thin line, and brows furrowed.
"I'm not," Steve repeated. "Nobody likes someone who can't understand that life happens." 
He said it so fast that you almost missed it, but you didn't.
It only takes you a second to understand, and you flare up at him with a clenched jaw.
"I am not Peggy Carter," you say through gritted teeth. The name itself seems to make Steve brace himself, but you don't care. "Of course life happens. That doesn't mean it doesn't affect us."
Of course, you understood why Steve was unwilling to show unfavorable emotions.
After all, Peggy had left him for an opportunity somewhere in Europe. Understandably, Steve had been upset when she told him. Steve told her that she should have talked to him about it because he couldn't just uproot his life currently. Peggy said she didn't need his permission to go.
But Steve wasn't asking that she ask for his permission, he was asking where did he stand in her future. 
You grabbed his hand in your own, sighing as you pressed your lips to his knuckles.
"Steve, I am not Peggy Carter," you repeat. "If you're upset, then you can say so. I'm not going to leave when we're trying to build a life together. And life isn't just about everything working out without any issues. I want you to tell me if something is bothering you."
Steve stands there, staring at you while you stroke the back of his hand gently with the pad of your index finger while his hand rests on top of your other hand.
And suddenly he's pulling you into a tight hug, his head buried in your hair as he inhales the scent.
"I really missed you," he mumbles.
Building a life together turns out to be lovely. Knowing you can survive a fight seems to place the two of you in a better place. 
Steve hasn't said he loves you, but he sees a future with you. And for now, that's enough. 
"You're just glowing, doll," Bucky teases you while the two of you are going to house openings. 
Steve couldn't take time off work today, so Bucky offered to go with you.
You laugh bashfully.
"Why? Can you tell?" You smile, and Bucky just smiles softly for a second. 
"You're basically wearing a giant neon sign on your head," he smirks. "Lord knows your forehead could fit it."
"Bucky!" Your jaw drops with a hint of a smile as you slap his arm. 
He shields himself dramatically, and the two of you laugh, waiting patiently for the realtor to return.
"But, you're happy?" Bucky asks after a moment, soft and serious. 
You can't help the smile that forms on your lips. 
"Very much so."
But, like all good things, they eventually come to an end. 
And you wonder if the end was beginning when Peggy Carter returns. 
She returns, and it's like she's never left. Peggy is still clever, headstrong, witty and sarcastic, charming, and appreciative. 
It's like she never left because she still wants Steve. 
Peggy is a no-nonsense woman, but she had no qualms about telling Steve she was still in love with him, wanted him back, and was willing to wait for him. 
Even fully aware that he was dating you now. 
The entire thing had shaken Steve up. He didn't come home for a couple days, but when he did, he was red in the eyes as he pulled you into a hug. 
And he had chosen you. 
For a while, things are okay.
But okay. 
This was obviously was something Steve still struggled with because it didn't seem like Peggy was going anywhere.
When things feel too overwhelming, you sit at the bar where you first kissed Steve, downing shots like it's your job. 
Things only go downhill when Peggy is there too, but seemingly picking up food rather than drinking. 
"Do you feel no shame at all?" You glare at her in your drunken haze. "You know he's clearly with me, and yet, you're still pursuing him. Where's your morality now?"
Peggy quirks her brow at you, turning to you as she waits for her food. 
"Steve is the love of my life," Peggy tells you, "I'm willing to do what I must to be with him."
"He's mine!" You nearly scream at her.
"But he doesn't love you," Peggy says calmly, and she knows she hit the nail right on your head when you're silent.
Peggy sighs as if she's tired of this conversation--of you. 
"Look," she tells you, "no matter what you may delude yourself into thinking, I am Steve's greatest love. I'm going to tell you what I told him."
Peggy runs her hand through her hair. "Sooner or later, he'll come back to me because I came back for him. That opportunity for me in Europe was nowhere close to being done, but because I love him--I can't stop loving him, I came back. If this were a movie, I'm his leading lady. And that makes you the side character."
The bartender comes back out with Peggy's food, and she takes it and leaves, not even sparring you another look. 
And like a side character, you can only down another shot.
It comes as no surprise to you when Steve, after all that turmoil, returns to Peggy Carter.
You sit alone in the dark of your apartment, texting the realtor at an ungodly hour to back out of the bid for the house. 
Still, that doesn't stop you from showing up at the house--your dream home that was supposed to be with Steve.
You stare up at it, eyes empty as flashes of the future that will never be come. 
Hours pass, but your feet are rooted there, a stupid, foolish hope that Steve will appear.
But when you feel a jacket slip over your shoulders, and you turn to see Bucky standing there sad for you, you know Steve isn't coming. 
"What are you doing standing out here, doll?" Bucky asks. 
You turn your head to look at the house before looking back at him, blinking. 
"He left me," you say like you're in disbelief. 
"Doll..." Bucky whispers, but he doesn't know what to say because Bucky can't say that isn't true. 
"It's like all this time, it was just a dream. A dream that Steve was blissfully passing the time with until he reality hit him. And that reality was Peggy Carter," you chuckle hollowly. 
But the tears come suddenly, overflowing quick and down your cheeks, even when you wipe them away, so you hide your eyes away in your hands. 
Bucky reaching his hand up toward you but freezes before they can touch you. 
"He left me," you choke, stuttering on your own breath. "He left me, and I can't breathe."
And Bucky throws out all his thoughts, pulling you into his arms as he holds you tight. He grips the back of your neck through your hair. He holds your head close to his neck as if to hide you from the world.
You feel him swallow, but Bucky doesn't say anything as he holds you while you fall apart in his arms.
It's easy for you to leave.
Pack everything in your apartment and move to another city. 
There's no goodbye letter, no goodbye text. You delete your social media and change your number. 
It takes months, but eventually, the new city air feels refreshing, and you feel like you can breathe again.
The only person who may know where you are is Bucky, who visits frequently. And although he is Steve's best friend, he won't open his mouth about you to him. 
And you don't ask about your former boyfriend.
You're learning to live your life after Steve. 
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musicallisto · 3 years
Hello love,
Congratulations for the 800 followers! You absolutely deserve this and so much more! I'm happy to see how your blog grows and that you're still providing all of us with wonderful content. You're one of the first blogs that I've started to follow here on Tumblr and I'm so lucky to have found your blog ♡
As for your celebration event, could I please request a 🍨 vanilla milkshake with a male Peaky Blinders Character?
I'm more on the curvy side (and insecure about it) and I'm ALWAYS wearing black (which I love, no matter what others say or even more if they object). As for my personality, I'm a highly complex, paradox and complicated individium. I'm unbelievable patient, timid, awkward, kind, forgiving, open-minded, compassionate, thruthful, gentle and calm and I've been told that I have a calming effect on others, that I can easily ground anyone and anything, no matter how troubled their mind is. I prefer vintage over modern things. I think rather deep which often leads me to overthinking everything, which in turn leads me to doubting (very much) myself. You would be surprised how timid and reserved I am, I'm sure you wouln't notice me in a room full of people if it wouldn't be for my different appearance (but I like it this way). I'm always well-meaning, yet often misunderstood (maybe because it's hard for me to articulate myself). I can be incredible lazy, clumsy and forgetful. I've always felt like I don't really belong anywhere, so I've started to distance myself from others a while ago. I'm a outsider, weird, a dork, not normal, a loner and I fucking love it, because I like to be different, I would hate to fit into just one box and to be like everyone else. And I like people who are not ashamed to be their 100% true self, no matter how different that is from the mainstream. I'm the most loyal person you'll ever find, once you earn my trust, I'll always be on/by your side, no matter what. That says a lot, because I'm hard to scare away. Sometimes I feel alienated from the people and things surrounding me and I'm sure that I annoy and bore them. I'm very nervous and insecure around others, which is why I try to avoid people and why I'm not talking all that much around them (though, I'm a really good listener). I'm easily overwhelmed by large crowds and much light/noise, that's why I don't like to go outside, I prefer to cozy up at home. I would never intentionally hurt a animal and I'm not eating any meat, which is very important to me. I believe that there isn't a ounce of cruelty inside me. I'm unassuming and understanding, I only believe what I've witnessed on my own and I have endless acceptance for almost everything. Due to my Insomnia, I'm a night owl. I have strong personal values, am very opinionated and I'm really in-touch with myself and even though I'm extremly insecure, I would never reduce or change myself and views/opinions for someone and I neither have a problem to challenge authority and advocating for my beliefs. I'm a perfectionist and sometimes I really hate it. And, as you can see, I'm unable to be brief. My favourite colours are dark green, black, gold and dark purple. My greatest passion is music, even if I can't sing or play an instrument.(I prefer rock/punk/pop/80s/90s) It's the most calming and therapeutic thing when it comes to my anxiety and depression and I could never live a day without it. You will never see me in the street without headphones in my ears and even when I'm at home there's music playing almost all the time. I could talk for hours about music and what it means to me. And otherwise I love to watch films and series (I like fantasy, horror, psychological thriller, science fiction and psychological drama and almost anything from the 70s, 80s and 90s). I love rainy days and to go outside while it's pouring big, fat drops. What I love the most is to drive around without a destination, while talking and listening to music. And I love to spend time with my cat, if I could, I would have endless animals who live peacefully and loved with me. I enjoy to have deep talks and to be challenged to think. I love to take late-night-strolls, while gazing into the sky and watching the stars/moon. I have a fascination for dark and macabre things.
I really hope that's not too much? But thank you anyway ♡
Have a good day!
thank you so much for your kind words, you have no idea how much it means to me to know that I was one of the first blogs you followed ;; here’s your vanilla milkshake - and it’s also my first time writing for peaky blinders, but I hope it’s alright; and I hope finn shelby will find the portrait I paint of him accurate enough...
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Birmingham was a drab and disheartening place enough without the war adding to its joylessness; but somehow the streets are even worse to bear deserted than when they’re bustling and fetid. Especially for a ten year old boy who wants nothing but to play with someone, to talk to someone, to see someone.
With his brothers off fighting somewhere in France and his aunt too busy with her businesses (adult stuff that Finn has absolutey no interest in attempting to understand), the youngest Shelby has been fighting off an affliction worse than consumption and measles, because much more insidious for a boy his age; boredom
and he’s so sad, so irrevocably sad, with no one to bruise his knees with and throw mud at, that he just aimlessly wanders the empty streets whenever aunt Polly isn’t looking, to find a semblance of stimulation
(he used to enjoy the solitude, it gave him time to imagine delirious stories in fantastical worlds and read the most enthralling of novels, but not anymore. four years of reclusion is an awfully long time for a little boy.)
and it’s during one of his escapades that he first meets you
you’re a little girl his age, dressed in a pretty dress, wearing pretty booties and holding a pretty little woven basket, but your face is stuck on the most grouchy frown he’s ever seen on a little girl, and you don’t walk, you stomp down the wet pavement like a wrathful titan
And it’s probably the first time in four years that he’s been this close to making a new friend, so he walks up to you, despite how rusty his communication skills have become
“Girls don’t frown. It’s unbecoming.”
(Yes, pretty rusty indeed; but in his defense, he’s ten, he’s bored, he’s lonely, and he’s only ever heard Ada say it, and Ada is the most level-headed of his siblings, so anything she says must be true, right?)
“Shut up.”
(Well, if it was unbecoming of you to frown, it’s even more to rebuff someone so rudely. You don’t even spare a glance and continue walking; he has to hurry to catch up to you.)
“You can’t say that. It’s a bad word.”
“How do you know that?”
“My family says it all the time, but they told me I can’t say it.”
“Well, my family is not your family. And I hate my family!”
You’ve yelled the last words at the sky, so loud that the crows on the neighboring roofs have taken off in a startled flight.
“They want to wear this stupid dress to go to the stupid market to buy stupid meat. I don’t even want to eat meat, that’s cruel! And I don’t even want to wear a frilly dress! I want to wear black!”
And in saying so you tugged at the pink and white ribbons that encircled your waist.
And Finn couldn’t help being extremely intrigued at this little girl who said bad words and refused to eat meet and wanted to wear black. It was the most exciting thing to ever happen in all the duration of the war.
“You want to wear a black dress?”
“Yes, but my mama won’t let me. She says it’s too sad because of the war. But black isn’t sad! Black is beautiful!”
“Maybe I could find you a black dress. I’m sure my sister must have one. Where do you live?”
And, loyal to his promise, the following morning he had run to your doorstep and snuck into your house - a proper Shelby talent, to be able to go unnoticed or make a ruckus depending on the occasion - with an old, crinkled mourning dress of Ada’s, that had probably belonged to his mother and had been mended several times
And it was obviously five sizes too big for you and you looked more like a ghost from one of Finn’s horror novels, your arms floating in the sleeves and the hem of the skirt pooling at your feet, but your smile was the brightest light he’d ever seen in this whole damn town.
“Do you like it?”
(He didn’t really know why he sounds so nervous. Maybe it was having a friend, a real friend, and doing something personal for them... or maybe it had to do with how fast his heart beat, watching you in that gigantic, shapeless dress)
“I love it! Thank you so much, Finn!”
From then on started one of the most wonderful friendships Finn would ever have, and what would bring a ray of light to the grim existence of a little boy in the midst of a global war
Despite the ration cards, despite the loneliness, despite the worry that tugged at his stoic aunt’s eyes for her son and nephews across the Channel... he found an unspeakable solace in your friendship
And one day, without a trace, you were gone
He knocked on your door; gone. He asked all the neighbors what had happened to the family that lived there; gone. He wrote you letters and sent them to the confines of England; gone. He got scolded by Polly for marking numbers at random on Tommy’s state-of-the-art telephone; gone.
Suddenly he was back to the bleak existence he had battled with before meeting you, and the hollow inside his chest only grew wider as the days went on, because he had no explanation as to what had happened to you, and worried every single day
Thankfully, the war ended not long after, and his brothers came back home, all alive and unscathed - well, for the most part
Fast forward more or less ten years, and much has changed in Finn Shelby’s life and in old Birmingham, but the memory of you still stugs at his heartstrings
One evening, he’s tasked by Arthur to run some errands, send a few messages, scout a few places; the most dangerous thing his older brothers will ever let him do
His task leads him to a bar in the center of town, one that pours its joyous light and music into the street outside; he’s there to meet with a client, arrange a meeting; nothing he’s hasn’t done already
But the evening takes a turn for the unexpected when he recognizes the girl sat alone at a table, enjoying the musicians’ jazz with an air of pure bliss on her face
It’s been ten years, of course, but... it’s unmistakable. That face, that silhouette, and the black ensemble from head to toe... and he’s always had a knack for remembering faces, especially those that mark him deeply
Suddenly he’s frozen on the spot, and he has forgotten why he came to the bar in the first place, what his target looks like - all he knows is you, and how beautiful you look in the dim light of the bar, and the undisclosed and unknown feelings he had for you at the time come flooding back.
Except this time, he understands, and he fears them, because he doesn’t have time for any of this, and it’s way too dangerous for you and him
But he can’t just pass you by and not say a word?
He swallows, hard.
And walks up to you.
You open your eyes, and your face flashes with recognition, and a little bit of pain as well. Even if you fled without a word, and left him hanging all these years, he’s incapable of rancor
“Finn... wow, you’ve changed so much.”
“You haven’t.”
He gestures at your face, your clothes, how you savor the music like the finest drink in the world, and you laugh and blush, sending his heart into overdrive
“Where were you all this time?”
“I’m so sorry, Finn... my brother died in the war, and... my mom sent me to live with my grandparents in Scotland. We were all destroyed by grief... I needed to get away.”
“Without explanation? Not even a word?”
“I wanted to write to you, so bad, but... I couldn’t remember your address. I couldn’t remember anything about Birmingham at all...”
He nods, slowly, in understanding.
The war opens wounds that never heal, even after all the most beautiful friendships and love stories in the world.
“But I’m really glad I found you.”
His heart is pounding in his throat. Maybe it’s a sign of destiny that he found you here, tonight, alone, and ready to welcome him back. Maybe it’s a word from fate, that you can never truly be apart.
So he takes the seat in front of you, and you smile, that shy but bright smile of yours, and he forgets all about his mission, his client, and his brothers.
They’ll have to understand.
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800 follower sleepover
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mysmegrace · 3 years
TW: I read over your rules and I don't think I'm overstepping anything? If I am please feel free to tell me and decline the request! I didn't know if you did ships and I didn't know if r@pe comfort was too nsfw or if it would make you uncomfortable? If that's all ok, could I request Zen x jaehee fic/hcs where the setting is at a party and jaehee disappears for a while and Zen finds her in the middle of getting assaulted... How would he act in the moment? After it? And how would he react to her not wanting any sexual interactions with him and being insecure of her body for a while?
Again, if this makes you uncomfortable I'm so sorry! I'm a sucker for angst but I do know that r@pe comfort isn't for everyone to write!
hello~ i've never written from a certain ship before so i'm not sure how good at it i'll be, but i'll give it a shot lol. i wouldn't say you're overstepping my wishes, i just don't write vivid descriptions and lemons. i'm fine with writing this, thank you for being considerate.
tw: mentions and implications of r4pe, assault, drinking.
words: 1.3k
Please, Cry - Zen x Jaehee
"it's just a party" he said.
"it would help to loosen up a bit" he said.
jaehee should've just listened to her gut, she thought, now surrounded by unfamiliar men. who were they? she couldn't tell. maybe it was the masks covering the lower half of their face or the alcohol blurring her vision, neither were invited right now.
these weren't the men zen had talked about earlier. he said they were respectful, polite men. he even went as far as to show her a picture of them beforehand, attempting to calm her nerves. though she would admit it worked, she could've sworn they weren't the same people.
their hair was styled to the side, excluding the one bald. none of them wore glasses. none of them were under 5'7. they couldn't possibly be the same.
did zen lie to her..? she worried all while attempting to fight back against their pushes and pulls all throughout her body. she had grown too weak. there was no use anymore.
she couldn't help but to give up, having the mentality to just accept it. her presence downstairs, or rather- lack thereof, didn't do unnoticed.
zen had been looking for her while the clock hit the quarter after mark. washroom breaks didn't take 25 minutes, he thought, continuing to search the house. yet after searching every corner and cabinet, he felt lost.
what if something happened to her? he couldn't help but jump to the worst scenarios. there was nowhere else to be searched, besides the upstairs bedroom- the one everyone was told explicitly to stay out of. had she ran off? was she not happy with him? did she get kidnapped?
nothing was looking good at this point. he needed to check the upstairs bedroom just to make sure she wasn't lost. he left the common area to search for the home owner.
where was he though? zen couldn't find him anywhere. surely, they wouldn't notice if he checked in the room for just a second, he thought. hence why he started creeping up towards the room, looking around carefully for anyone in sight.
the creek of the door opening didn't help his case, as he took notice of it once entering. his attention wasn't taken by the sound for very long once he noticed a woman held down on the bed. she was clearly intoxicated, and she clearly wasn't consenting in any manner.
he looked the woman up and down for no more than a second, looking for any way to recognize her. her shoes caught his eye. they were jaehees...it was his woman on the bed.
all hell broke loose. subtly taking out his phone, he called 911 while confronting the three men. one being the home owner, he seemed like the leader in this case. yet who were the other two.. he thought.
that didn't matter in this moment. he was enraged. quickly pulling jaehee up to her feet, he began to argue between the trio. their words weren't comprehensible, but anyone could tell they were full of hate.
looking to his side to check up on his love, her frightened eyes stared directly at him. he had been scaring her.. he realized. no more words were spoken towards the men, at least until the cops showed up.
by surprise, they didn't take long to arrive. he lived by a police station after all. zen just watched in disbelief as the trio got arrested before his eyes. while taken away in handcuffs, he still hadn't felt it was enough.
a sniffle rang through his ear, his priority shifted once again. jaehee was standing right beside him with an expression he couldn't read. she was shaking, her eyes even doing so. she looked petrified, but when trying to talk to her, he could tell she wasn't able to put her words together.
the questioning went by like a flash. after explaining the series of events, they were free to leave. and thankfully so, jaehee needed rest. he could deal with the guys later, tonight would be spent watching over her.
paying the taxi fee, they arrived home. he quickly left to the washroom, while jaehee fell to the couch. her mind was in overload. so much was happening in so little time. as her head met the fluffy cushion, her eyes flew shut.
she was only greeted with an overwhelming headache and sense of dread the next morning. knowingly hungover, her mind quickly recalled the entirety of the previous night.
it was a feeling she had never experienced. no one dared to hurt her so deeply before. this was a new kind of pain. yet she couldn't bring herself to cry. she couldn't shed any tears over the event. and for once in her life, she actually wanted to cry.
crying would reassure her that she survived, that she's still alive. that she wasn't completely broken, and the men wouldn't permeate themselves in her mind. yet, she couldn't feel the saltiness from her tears seep in her cheeks.
zen was woken up not long after, his natural body alarm raising him from his previous laying position. he was met with her sitting figure, blankets cuddling her carefully, staring at the mattress before her.
"how are you?" he asked, his worry prevalent. it took a minute for her to talk, which zen sat patiently for, before she responded "i don't know".
he didn't respond, just reached to hug her. her body went into fight or flight, as she ripped herself away from him. as much as she loved him, she couldn't stand to be touched right now or even have the thought of being intimate in any form.
he was taken aback, quickly asking "are you okay jagiya?". she slightly panicked, knowing she probably hurt his feelings. "i'm fine zen, i just can't stand to be touched right now, or for a while" she answered, quick to explain her actions.
"ohh" she heard, as he realized what had happened. "that's okay, i understand" he said, backing away out of respect. it comforted her.
though he couldn't lie, he felt guilty for her acting like this. it was his idea to go to the party, even encouraging her to join him. he didn't know who the other two men were, but the home owner was someone he had known to be polite.
of course, that wasn't the case. his trust had been twisted and turned. "i'm sorry" he said. he couldn't help but apologize. "no zen, it's not your fault, i just" she said, drifting off at the end.
she couldn't find the words to let out. now more than ever, she wanted to break down. it felt needed to. it would provide her with a sense of closure.
almost like she could grieve properly, before moving on. zen noticed her downward look, the way she stared through the sheets. "please sweetheart, tell me what's wrong" he said.
she took a breath, almost as if she was waiting for something. "i... need to cry" she let out. hearing a confused sound come from the man beside her, she continued "i need to let it out".
"then please jagiya, cry. it's okay to cry" he said. she looked up at him, feeling a faint burning from behind her eye balls. "i can't zen" she responded with a weak voice, as soft as the comforter on top of her.
"please, cry" he pleaded. "cry, find it within yourself to cry, i know you can sweetie". she didn't know if it was her hard efforts or the voice of her lover, but she could feel the drops of water start to meet her skin.
slowly, but surely, she was crying. it felt good. it felt comforting. she could mourn how she was treated that night by natures giving. "yes, good job" his soft voice rang through her ears.
"it will be alright, everything will be alright. i swear on my life, i will get you justice. i will protect you" he said, as he passed her crying state a tissue.
21:10 AST - 09/29/21
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