#if that's true then hopefully they get bored soon and move on
iris-drawing-stuff · 10 months
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!!! Hell yeah! We're getting there, inch by inch. We can save him!!!
We have until October, I think.
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breadbrobin · 6 months
luke castellan x reader — percy jackson and the olympians
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[child of apollo reader, should be gender neutral]
i tried to write a summary but it sucked so: reader is a child of apollo and luke is always hanging around the infirmary with a new injury. you hate it (do you really?)
(this got so out of hand but im so obsessed with luke castellan rn it’s not even funny. like. help.)
warning: like one or two swear words, mentions of injuries and illness, fluff i think
word count: 1.2k
you’d never been a fan of luke castellan. you knew it, he knew it—hell, everyone at camp knew it.
but a little unfriendliness never stopped him.
children of apollo were meant to be warm and kind all the time, but you’d rather die before being happy-go-lucky all the time like your siblings. you’d rather do your job: healing the campers who injured themselves throughout the days at camp. you’d also rather those campers not include luke castellan for once, but not all wishes can come true.
scarcely a day could pass by without luke coming into the infirmary, or coming up to you elsewhere in camp if you weren’t there, with a minor injury that he insisted needed healing immediately.
“i just don’t think i can continue kayaking with a sprained ankle, y/n.”
“what if it was your knees you skinned? wouldn’t you want to get them healed so you could get back to arts and crafts?”
“if my cut finger isn’t healed as soon as possible i’ll have to sit capture the flag out tomorrow! yes, i know it’s a paper cut. that’s not the point!”
he really was ridiculous.
either way, you had to heal him, technically. at your heart, you were a good person. on the surface, you wanted to punch him. give him something to really cry about.
“y/n, your boyfriend’s here again.” one of your sisters, cassidy, called out to you as you checked the stock of bandaids.
you rolled your eyes, not even bothering to correct her. “what this time?”
“i just have the worst headache, doc. it’s killing me.” luke said dramatically, holding his forehead. the small grin on his face didn’t support his statement at all.
you turned around, eyes wide and face serious, but trying not to smirk. “oh no, you might have meningitis! if it’s the worst headache of your life, we should get to you a hospital so they can do a spinal tap and run some tests.”
the grin on his face faltered as you pulled him to a seat. “uh—“
“lie down. don’t move. i’m going to get chiron.”
he gripped your arm. “no, wait, i think—“
“you’ll be fine?” you turned around with raised brows. “yeah, thought so. drink some water, castellan.”
“what? you won’t be able to do sword fighting practise with a headache? big deal.”
“you need to stop coming in here every time you get bored. we’re not an entertainment space.”
“but, i really do have a headache. like. a migraine.”
you stopped and turned back around, dropping the bandages you had been organising. “oh. shit, i’m sorry. hold on.”
cursing yourself internally, you rushed off to get nectar to hopefully help, along with some painkillers and a bottle of chilled water. when you came back, luke was lying on the bed, eyes closed.
“you okay, soldier?” you patted his shoulder gently.
he cracked one eye open and nodded. “kind of.”
you gently pulled him to sit up. “come on. gotta get some meds in you. eat any food today? drink enough water?”
he shook his head as he sipped the nectar, his eyes squinted. “got busy.”
you shot him a disapproving look and he smiled guiltily. “you need to eat or you’ll die. do you want to die?”
he looked up at you with furrowed brows. “you don’t have a very good bedside manner, you know?”
“then why do you keep coming back here?” you went back to organising bandages, busying your hands.
“i like my doctors prettier than they are kind, honestly.”
you froze your movements and looked over at him. luke was smiling slightly. your cheeks weren’t turning red, you told yourself. they weren’t allowed to. “whatever,” you finally said. “take your meds, drink all of that water—sip it, don’t chug—then get some sleep, alright?”
he nodded, taking a sip of the water. “yes, doc. got it.”
you nodded at him firmly and walked off once he’d taken the painkillers, hoping he couldn’t see right through you.
luke hadn’t been to the infirmary in a week, and you were genuinely starting to get concerned.
every free moment you got, you were staring at the door, or out the window, waiting for him to come in with some stupid injury and even more stupid excuse. but he didn’t.
after watching you pace for the seventh time in one morning, cassidy groaned. “just go find him.”
“i’m sure he’s fine.” you said, wringing your hands. “i mean, he’s probably just busy.”
“just go. you’re stressing me out. i can’t get anything done with you filling the room with your nervous energy. go find your boyfriend.”
“luke’s not my boyfriend.”
“i never said who it was.”
“well, it was pretty obvious—“
“just go!” she threw a bandage at your head, effectively forcing you out the door.
you didn’t even know where he was.
camp was huge, so it took you around twenty minutes to find him, he sun glaring into your eyes and likely burning your cheeks. regardless, you were on a mission. finally, you spotted him in the arena. of course.
you watched for a while until he noticed you, standing in the shade with your eyes squinted in the sun and your arms crossed over your chest. he grinned and jogged over.
“hey, doc. what brings you here?” he asked, sheathing his sword.
your eyes followed the precise movement. “why haven’t you been to the infirmary?”
he shrugged. “i haven’t been injured.”
“didn’t stop you before.”
there was a silence.
then he smiled again. “did you miss me?”
your cheeks burned. “no!” you cleared your through awkwardly. “i just… i get… bored. and you… keep the monotony away.”
“you missed me.”
“i did not miss you.”
he leaned closer, rocking back and forth on his feet. “you missed me.”
you glared up at him, but couldn’t fight the tiny smile that forced itself on your lips. you shook your head, pressing your lips together tightly. “nope. didn’t miss you.”
“well,” he shrugged. “guess i don’t need to tell you that i did actually just hurt my hand while training, huh?”
you frowned. “are you aware that consuming as much nectar and ambrosia as you seem to want to will cause you to burn to a crisp?”
“i don’t need godly food if i have you as my doctor.” he smiled cheekily, clenching his fist then wincing. “seriously, though. it hurts.”
“aw, poor baby.” you pouted, leaning forward and placing your hand on his and trying to feel if there was any injury present.
before you could do anything, his fingers had interlocked with yours and he was stepping closer to you.
you looked up at him, heart pounding and cheeks burning. “what are you—“
“i don’t know what we can do for a date around here, but i’d love to take you on one, doc.” he said, his voice uncharacteristically soft.
you froze, heart fluttering. butterflies danced in your stomach. you found yourself nodding before you could stop yourself, smiling. “okay. yeah. take me on a date, soldier.”
“yeah?” he smiled, squeezing your hand. “great! i’ve been trying to work up the guts to ask you for weeks now. also, can i kiss you?”
“i’ve been trying to pretend i didn’t want you to ask me for weeks.” you said, stepping slightly closer to him. “also… yes.”
his free hand cupped your cheek and his lips pressed to yours, soft and sweet.
you wondered why you ever said you didn’t like him.
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hellisharchive · 4 months
・﹒・ comatose dreams [1]
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Summary: After suffering from a fatal car crash, you had become comatose and had no hope of waking up anytime soon. You didn't know that, however, you thought you had died. After finding yourself in Hell, you wind up landing a job with Vox as your boss. You both fall quickly and deeply, but true love doesn't always work out.
Warnings: 18+, mentions of sex, masturbation, slight StaticMoth,
Notes: This fanfic is inspired by this lovely post by @timeslugarts! I would suggest reading it for a full summary, however if you want to go in blind, then don't!
﹒Stepping Stones﹒
An entire year working for VoxTech, what was your job, you ask? Well, you started out as a simple camera operator, then worked your way up to personal assistant, and you've had a crush on the television man for a good year now. Unfortunately, Vox always seemed so out of reach, so out of your league, you never even tried to even flirt with him and hoping he'd notice. He was an Overlord, one of the Vees, you were probably seen as nothing to him. Which hurt to think about, but was true nonetheless. So, you worked and went through your days with all your feelings festering inside you, ready to burst.
"Vox, you have a meeting with Vel and Val at three pm today to discuss potential strategies with Alastor returning, would you like to cancel?" You watched him as he adjusted his bowtie, ensuring that his outfit was perfect as always. He also had a tendency to cancel his meetings, but to the chagrin of his partners since he arrengaed them in the first place, but you still forced him to attend at least some.
"No, I know if I don't they'll be on my ass about it later" Turning from the mirror, he looked at you with a bored expression before putting on one of his smiles that you thought would be fake, but it was genuine. From working with him, you've learned to identify what smiles are real and ones that aren't.
"What? Do you really want to be alone with me THAT badly?" His smile then moved to a smirk, causing you get flustered and fumble with the tablet you were holding. Shit. Was that the first time he flirted with you? Vox chuckled as you regained your bearings, clearing your throat, you tried to remain professional.
"Well no sir, I was just uh, caught off guard by your uh...assumption" You coughed as he started to walk out of the room, knowing you'll diligently follow, and you did. You shut the door behind you and followed him as he made his way to his head of operations. He didn't tell you where he was going, but you knew his route every single day, that is- if he does, you'll still follow him wherever he went. You'll always be loyal to him and him only.
"Well, let's hope I don't have to calm Valentino down again today after yesterday..." He scowled just thinking about it. Yesterday, Val had yet again another temper tantrum and you watched as your boss did his thing. It was something you've grown accustomed to with your time as the tv man's personal assistant, they both fucked with no strings attached. Sure, they weren't together, but it still squandered you telling the truth about your feelings even further.
"Hopefully not, sir" You spoke as he entered his main control room, where he could spy on everyone and everything. He mainly has been monitoring the hotel and Alastor, even when the Radio Demon was gone for seven years, he never stopped bringing him up. The deer Overlord has only been back for a few months and he was the only thing Vox brought up for entire days sometimes. You didn't mind it though, it was pretty entertaining to witness. Sitting down in his chair, you grabbed yours and sat next to him as he observed everyone, trying to find Alastor roaming around. He checked the hotel first but couldn't find him with his scope of range. Time passes as he does his daily checking and observing, replying to emails, and the like. You busy yourself with checking his schedules and any business opportunities. You didn't realize that he stopped speaking until his sudden voice breaking the silence startled you.
"Do you think he'll ever take me seriously?" He spoke oddly quiet, his usual self gone as you swore you heard the faintest crackle in his voice. Looking up from your tablet, you saw that his head was down, looking at his lap with his hands fiddling each other as a sign of nerves. Sighing, you stood up and walked in front of him. Gently setting your hand on his shoulder, it caused him to look up with a face similar to a sad puppy. Smiling softly, with your other free hand, you placed it on his other shoulder.
"I know one day he will, sir. Trust me, you'll beat him and be the strongest overlord in Hell" You almost said "with me by your side" but refrained, knowing it was best not to mention that at all to him. This was about cheering him up, not entertaining your stupid fantasies. But, you saw as a digital blush faintly appear on his screen made your heart leap. You? A measly assistant managed to make THE Vox blush? You two were entranced, the feeling of leaning closer overwhelmed you as you both slowly inched closer and closer. What were you doing? You both were about six inches apart as he placed a hand over yours, now smiling devilishly as he chuckled.
"Of course I will, I just need someone by my side to do it" Did he...? You didn't have to fully process what he meant by that as you saw Vox's screen change to an incoming call with a ring. The moment ended as you cleared your throat and pulled away, taking your hands off his shoulders like they became fire. Of course- Valentino.
"Are you fucking-" He scowled as he transmitted the video call to one of his many screens, showing a very scandalously clad moth lounging on his bed, smoking and turning the screen into red before dissipating.
"Hey Voxy~ I need a fuck and I need it now. Angel Dust won't return my calls" Now, you weren't the biggest fan of Valentino, despite Vox also not being the best. But even as a sinner, you still did not agree with how that man treated others, especially his main star. Hearing the fact that he was demanding sex from your boss made your blood boil, yet you remained calm and neutral.
"Not now Val, find one of your other whores to fuck, I'm not in the mood" He didn't try to hide is displeasure as he held a very pissed off face staring at the pimp. Usually Vox never denied having sex with Valentino, so the sudden anger surpised you. Valentino just sighed, leaning closer to the camera. You weren't sure if he could see you, you hoped he didn't.
"You aren't fucking anyone else, right baby?" The question gave you whiplash despite not being the receiver. The moth sounded innocuous when you knew very well he manipulated Vox along with others. You knew his game.
"Fuck off Val" The tv Overlord than hung up, growling as he pushed out of his chair and started to walk towards the middle of the room. Following him, he headed back into the rest of the tower and back to his room. Before you could step in, he stood in the doorway, preventing your access.
"Don't bother me, do whatever the fuck you want for the next few hours, I don't care" and just like that, he slammed the door in your face. What the hell just happened? Taking a deep breath in, you mull over what you could possibly do when you decide to just take a walk. You needed some time outside the tower every once a while, so a walk would be perfect. Not wanting to head out in your work attire, you head to your room which was right next to Vox's (easier to be his assistant with you so close) and change. As you walked by your boss' door, you heard him panting and immediately flushed, walking away quickly as it felt wrong to hear him masturbate. You did walk in on him one time by pure accident and even to to this day he still teases you over it and makes fun of you. As you passed by, you could have sworn you heard him moan out your name, but he couldn't have. Right? Your ears were just playing tricks on you. Rushing past, opting to ignore it entirely, you went on your walk.
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thesilmarillionblog · 29 days
Summary: You need to distract Black Noir during a party in Vought Tower so that your boyfriend Butcher can steal some files from the CEO's room that could be Homelander’s undoing.
Pairing: Black Noir / Female! Reader
Warnings: +18 (Minors DNI), Language, Supe Reader, cheating, reader is a member of the Seven
Word Count: 1203
A/N: English is not my first language.
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You adjusted your tight black dress when Butcher told you what to do for the fifth time as you sighed with frustration.
“I got it, fuck, I got it, Butcher. I am no fucking dumb,” you said as you shut your eyes, irritated.
“Just do your best, love, and try not to die. Meet me an hour later in the parking lot,” said Butcher as he gave you an encouraging squeeze on your shoulder. “Cuntlander is not going to survive this if the rumors are fucking true and, of course, if we play our cards well.”
You answered, “Yeah,” sounding pensive and not particularly thrilled. “Hopefully, whatever he has done has been so vile and repulsive that everyone despises him.”
With a sly smile, he continued, “Well, you know, love, try, or fucking die tryin'.”
“I don’t know, Billy,” you sighed. “It’s like, even if he commits mass murder, which he has done many times already, he’ll get away with it again. I just don’t understand.”
“Hey,” he said, lifting your chin. “It will all end soon, I promise. Also, let’s hope everyone is enjoying the party out there, huh?”
He gave you a hard spanking on your ass and a swift kiss on the lips, amused by the crowd at the top of the tower while you two waited patiently in the elevator. “We can enjoy our fun later.”
He gave you one last warning, and when the elevator stopped, you gave him the finger and parted ways. After all that, you two made a great team.
As you greeted the reporters, other members of the Seven, and all the shady old rich folks in the room who seemed to be enjoying themselves with dull conversation, your eyes looked around for Homelander. When you saw Homelander discussing his new spin-off with Ashley and two men from VCU, you sighed with relief.
You panicked and followed Black Noir when you noticed he was moving in the wrong direction. Fuck, you thought.
You followed him for a while, touched his arm just before he went into the room Butcher had just been in, and then you dragged Noir into a dimly lit corner.
You walked up to him and smiled, saying, “Hey, Noir. You seem to be as bored as I am out here, huh?”
It was impossible to get him to talk and start a conversation with Black Noir, even though you tried your best each time. However, he didn’t even nod his head, at least showing that he was actually listening to you.
Not even moving a bit, he made another move to get into the room he shouldn’t, so you grasped his clothed, strong arm tighter, trying to take his attention. You moved closer to him, and you felt the sharpness of his eyes behind his mask. Moving your hand slowly between his legs, your fingers touched the funny piece placed before his dick.
You removed the pointless chunk from his thigh, taking your time so you could measure his response.
You palmed his hard length through his suit and muttered, “We two are bored as fuck out there, Noir. How about we enjoy ourselves together? What do you say?” Fuck, he felt big.
Although this was not part of your evening plans, there was nothing wrong with taking all necessary measures to steal Homelander's data and bring him to an
end. After all, that was a pretty good excuse to finally fuck with Noir. What Butcher didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
You touched your lips to his clothed ones as you began to stroke him through his suit and asked, “Do you want me to jack you off right here? Do you want me to make you cum?”
As you touched him, you heard him gasp and get firmer. He lifted his hand suddenly and gave you a hard shove to get on your knees. Excitedly, you waited for him to remove his tight suit and reveal his length. You were thrilled to finally have another dick because, for the past few months, all you had ever tasted was Butcher's. It didn't even make you feel bad—rather, it only made you more excited.
You cried out, “I want you to fuck my mouth,” as he gave himself a quick pump or two and then tightened his grip on your hair and forced his hardness into your mouth.
If you weren’t a supe, he would have broken your jaw already, but you were a supe and definitely built for this.
He moved quickly and forcefully to fuck your mouth while you moaned all around him, encouraging him to go farther. While trying to control your gag reflexes and take all of him, your spit was flowing around his shaft. Every time his big balls crushed your chin, they made obscene noises. You moaned loudly as someone else fucked your mouth in a dark corner, making you feel so hot and wet.
You stroked his balls with one hand, licked the salty precum, and wrapped your lips around the thick tip of his cock. He tasted even better than Butcher and was twice as big as fuck.
You spit on his cock and kept sucking him off, moaning, “You taste so good. Which would you prefer—to cum on my face or in my mouth?”
You could tell he was having a great time fucking your mouth, even though he was just moaning.
He took a firm hold of your hair and pressed his entire length down to your throat, causing both pleasure and pain to make your eyes water. As he placed your head against his thigh, the scent of his pubic hair filled your nostrils, making you want to savor every square inch of him.
He moaned like a whisper and pushed himself even more as he poured his thick and salty sperm down to your throat while holding your head firmly. You did not waste any of his sperm since you ingested every drop. You kissed the top of his dick after he removed it from your mouth. Then, he began to stroke himself a little harder and spilled on your face as well.
“Fuck, yes,” you moaned as he jerked off against your face. You knew that Butcher could never be like this. He was so soft and nice with you.
He helped you get up after he tucked himself back in his suit and watched you lick your lips with the taste of his cum. You heard him chuckling under his mask.
You would take your time with him for another day.
A/N: I wish there were enough fics about Black Noir because he deserves the best, and I miss him so much. Let me know if you want to be tagged for Black Noir fics.
Taglist: @anundyingfidelity
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chunksworld · 1 year
Office Hours
Loosemble Gowon x Male Reader | (Tags: Smut) | bratty student!Gowon
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A/N 1: For @gangplanksorenji and @kaedespicelatte. Thank you Kaede as always for your input.
“And the last step to solve this problem is integrating by substitution.” 
The red marker creates an audible squeaking sound as you drag it across the whiteboard, creating complex mathematical symbols and equations that your five-year old self would be confused by. The silence doesn’t surprise you considering how you struggled with this same topic as an undergraduate, you can only hope that the students truly understand what you are writing. 
“I’m pretty sure Dr. Lee taught you all how to do that right?”
Hushed whispers of confirmation gives you the cue to erase the contents of the whiteboard and to continue on with the lecture—with some students quickly taking their phone out to take a snap of the whiteboard. Take a quick peek at your watch to make sure that everything is right on schedule. You wait a few more seconds for any objections and thankfully there is none. Great, looks like you’re going to be able to go home early. “Okay good, so let’s move on to the next prob–” 
“Gosh, this is so boring.”
Turn your attention to the blonde sitting in front of the classroom. Park Gowon, a third year mathematics major who is known around campus for her otherworldly visuals—and more importantly, for being one of the smartest. Some say she already has multiple job offers from top companies but who knows how much of that is the truth. What is true though, is that she is incredibly difficult to work with, both as a teacher and a student. Her inflated ego as the smart student makes it a hellish time to deal with her. But of course since you are relatively new, you have no choice but to take on the task the department assigned to you. 
A disinterested look paints her face as she rests her chin on her palm, making it as clear as possible that she does not enjoy sitting in your lecture. This is not the first time she’s done this but it is getting on your nerves—she claims that your class is “too easy” and that she can pass with her eyes closed (which is probably true, but still). You must maintain your professionalism, however, you don’t want to lose your teaching assistant position when you only earned it last year.
Audible gasps can be heard throughout the small classroom as your other students are absolutely enjoying the spectacle unfolding right in front of them. “What was that, Miss Park?”
Every word that comes out of her mouth is venom and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. “I said this class is boring. There, happy?” Then a raise of her eyebrows, seemingly trying to urge you on. It’s working because you loosen your tie as you can feel the tension starting to grow. 
You usually tolerate her antics but perhaps the fact that you spilled your morning coffee is causing your patience to be much shorter than usual. Or maybe because the bratty, annoying look that she gives you every single damn time is starting to irritate you. It doesn’t help that she’s wearing that stupid uniform in the first place—causing your mind to travel to places it definitely shouldn’t.
You grit your teeth, holding yourself back before you lash out any hurtful words; she’s still your student after all and you do not want to involve yourself in any altercations. You will just have to discipline her instead and hopefully such incidents don’t occur ever again. “Miss Park, please come with me to my office right after this class. The rest of you may leave.” You don’t miss the way she rolls her eyes but you chose to ignore it.
The classroom quickly empties out and you begin to pack up your belongings and Gowon does the same. Soon, you are leading her towards your office; it’s at this point that you realize that she’s the first student to ever enter your office, which is surprising considering you always hold office hours every semester; would more of your students pass if they just reached out to you for help? Who knows. Maybe it’s because of that fact that you are just now noticing how messy it is once you’ve finally reached the small, confined space.
Paperworks are scattered across your work desk while crushed cans of energy drinks fill up the trash can; the dissertation that you’ve been working on for months is due in just a couple of weeks so you are extremely tired and stressed. You almost feel embarrassed as she scans her eyes with a disgusted look but you remember the reason why you brought her along in the first place. You close the door behind you and shut off the blinds as you make your way towards your chair.
“Please, Miss Park. Have a seat.”
She fortunately doesn’t spit out another complaint  as she takes a seat right in front of you. Her doll-like features are more apparent in such an intimate setting and it’s hard to focus with her in such close proximity, though that annoyed look with her eyebrows raised is causing your blood to boil once again. “Would you care to explain to me why you act so disinterested and rude in my class? Is it really that boring for you?” You try to speak to her in a soft and calm voice because escalating the situation is not going to help you or her; you just want to help her if you can.
But it doesn’t matter anyways because Gowon is not paying attention to you at all, humming as she casually scrolls through her phone as if her instructor isn’t lecturing her, as if she’s on a date with a guy she’s clearly not interested in, as if she’s a princess and you’re just a mere peasant invading her space. Apparently even talking to you bores her and it’s a major insult to you not just as her superior, but as a man. “Miss Park, I’m speaking to you.”
She continues to ignore you, deliberately avoiding your gaze as she would twirl her curly hair around her fingers while lightly tapping her feet on the floor. “Miss Park.” Your voice is becoming more stern, but it just makes her more stubborn as she goes back to scrolling through her phone. You ball your fists in rage, you may be a patient guy but she’s driving you over the edge. You can only tolerate her for so long before you end up exploding.
“Yah Park Gowon!” You shout, far louder than you anticipated which causes her to flinch—you’ve never been this angry before. You hoped that it would be enough to persuade her but you knew better than to escalate the situation and now, there’s no turning back. She takes a deep sigh as she stands up from her seat, fixing her skirt and checking her hair using her phone.
“If you have any concerns, you can just email me sir. I don’t wanna be here in your disgusting office.” 
She picks up her bag and proceeds to make her way out of your office but you stop her in her tracks just in time, barricading yourself between Gowon and the door to prevent her from leaving. You are going to get an answer from her and you are going to get it now. You can’t just let your manhood be insulted, you still have your pride and ego after all. Not when she already trampled all over your dignity by disrespecting you in front of all your students.
Unfortunately for her, you are just as stubborn. And considering that she already pushed you to your limits, you have decided to play along with her little game—even if it may cost you everything. Fuck it, you’re going to let your dick do the thinking for once.
“What are you talking about, sir?” For the first time, you have the upper-hand; a cruel realization in the dynamics between an instructor and his student. She could only look at you in a mixture of curiosity and fear as she has never seen this side of you, and perhaps no one else has seen this side of you.
“I’m done trying to play nice with you, you’re gonna need to be punished.” You lock the door behind you and close all of your windows, making sure that no one can see the sinful events that are about to follow. “And as per university policy, it’s my duty to carry out any form of punishment.” You completely loosen your tie before taking it off. “Now get on your knees and suck my cock.”
The request flabbergasts Gowon, though a faint trace of lust can be seen in her eyes. “What?!”
“I said get on your fucking knees and suck my dick, I won’t repeat myself.” You’re surprised by how commanding you sounded, though that’s probably fueled by the fact that you can’t think of anything else right now other than ruining this brat in front of you, maybe it’s because she looks so damn irresistible in that uniform.
Thankfully she obliges immediately, kneeling down as she begins unbuckling your belt but she struggles—whether it’s because of her inexperience or nervousness you don’t know. Your skilled hands are much quicker however and you remove it and your pants in no time along with your boxers and your fully erect cock almost hits her in the face, dripping with so much precum. 
She can only look in awe as those soft and gentle hands of hers begin to stroke you. Her touch feels cathartic and it’s causing your libido to increase, your busy schedule rarely allows any time for such activities so your sensitivity is through the roof. “Fuck, you’re so big sir.” More precum continues to dribble out with each careful stroke and she reaches a finger out for a taste, a satisfied hum escaping her lips. 
“If I just knew how much you were packing, I would’ve gladly sucked you off eve—hmph!” If you can’t use your words to get her to shut up, then your dick surely can. In one swift motion, you plunge your shaft into her welcoming mouth. You don’t give her time to adjust to your length nor to your pace as you start off with frantic thrusts. Fortunately, Gowon catches up to speed and begins slurping on your meat with hunger and even uses her hands to fondle your heavy balls.
“You’re not stubborn anymore, huh? Guess all you needed was dick in your mouth to be tamed.” You don’t stop thrusting in her mouth, tears falling down her eyes and drool oozing out of the side of her lips, ruining her princess-like image as she devours you. The sound of your cock hitting the back of her throat adds to the lewd display in what is supposed to be an academic sanctuary and it just turns you on even further. If you just knew how good those lips are at dick sucking, you would have punished her a long time ago.
Her lipstick has stained the base of your cock but you absolutely don’t mind because all you care about is how good her mouth feels. You grab her hair into a makeshift ponytail as you quicken your thrusts to match the bobbing of her head, using her mouth as your personal fleshlight while you continue to vent out all of your frustrations on her. And considering that you rarely receive blowjobs, it doesn’t take too long for you to reach your peak.
“Gonna cum, I’m gonna fucking cum inside your mouth and you’re gonna take it all in you hear that?”
The built up stress of the past few months is released with an animalistic growl as you unload thick shots upon thick shots of cum down her throat, pushing your tip as far deep as possible while you hold her head steady. You lean your head back as your vision goes white from the strong orgasm, the result of such a heavenly experience leaving you breathless and yearning for more. You both rest in that position for quite a while as you recover from the intensity of it. Eventually your shaft begins to limp and you remove it from her mouth, leaving a string of saliva and cum in the aftermath.
Without even being asked, Gowon opens her mouth to show the massive amount of cum that you’ve released, with some staining her lips. She then swallows it before wiping the excess using the sleeves of her uniform, then that bratty look shows up on her face and you are rock hard again in just a matter of minutes. “That was such a big load, sir. Maybe we should do this everyday to help you relieve it.” But alas, her words continue to affect you at this very moment, your eyes burning with even more passion and lust. 
“Take off that uniform now.” Another command that she quickly obliges to and perhaps she’s starting to get the hang of it, she should have been obedient a long time ago anyways. Your dress shirt was the only piece of clothing you still had on so you were able to get rid of it with ease, helping Gowon just in time unzip her skirt and you throw the flimsy piece of clothing at the door; not a smart decision but neither is what you are currently doing with her.
You always knew she had a deceptively curvy body underneath those hoodies and oversized shirts that she loved to wear occasionally but seeing it with your own eyes beats any imagination you had. Time is ticking however and as much as you want to appreciate her body more, you’re not exactly in the appropriate place to do so—the result is you stripping her off of her remaining undergarments and turning her around on your work desk, swiping the paperworks to the floor and any other obstruction to your goal: to ruin her.
“If you want this dick badly, I’m gonna give it to you. Gonna ruin you so badly you’ll barely be able to walk out of my fucking office.” It’s not a surprise that her juices are already leaking down her thighs, your words turning her on even more. “When you do manage to walk out of here, everyone is gonna know how much of a slut you are fucking a teacher in his office in broad daylight when they see my cum flowing out of your skirt, you get that?” 
You give her cute and petite ass a slap which causes her to moan; the reaction only urges you on as you bend her over, slowly inserting your cock in her tight pussy and you groan as her walls constrict around you, making it difficult to move. Her moans increase in volume as she holds on to the edges of your desk tightly and you have to place a hand over her mouth to prevent her from getting too loud—though inside you want everyone to know just how well Gowon is taking your dick. Hell, they could walk in and you won’t mind them watching you tame the blonde in front of you.
“S-Sir! Ruin me with that cock, please!”
It’s a good thing she’s already aroused otherwise it would take you longer to establish any sort of rhythm. A few more slow thrusts and you feel her starting to loosen up, giving you the green light to start pounding her instead. Look down and you watch how easily your length moves in between her buttcheeks, each thrust causing more of her juices to leak on your table as she tries to hold on for dear life. Not satisfied with the position, you wrap an arm around her body to pull her upper body upwards and press her back against your chest.
This allows you to inhale her intoxicating scent as you leave kisses all over her shoulder and neck, continuing your assault on her pussy and her moans start to turn into desperate cries of pleasure. The position also allows you to feel how amazing her body truly is as you give her breasts a gentle squeeze before resting your hands on her stomach. She’s so warm, so tight, so hot and you wouldn’t mind spending the entire day here in your office fucking her until you’re both completely spent. 
“Shit, fuck, fuck! You’re taking my cock so fucking well, Gowon. You’re truly made to be ruined.”
“And you feel so big inside me, sir! Keep fucking me, please! I-I’m so close!”
It’s evident with the way her walls are starting to tighten around your cock again but you are also nearing your peak. With both of your pleasure in mind you push her down to the table and bend her over once again, increasing the pace of your pounding as they become more desperate and hurried. The idea of any sort of rhythm is gone as the table start to creak with how hard you are fucking her. Sweat starts to drip down your face but it doesn’t matter, the only thing you can focus on is how her wet and tight pussy is going to handle your load.
“Faster, sir! I-I wanna cum with you!”
“Shut the fuck up! Don’t tell me what to do.”
Your cock is throbbing violently and it only takes one, two, three deep and powerful thrusts for Gowon to completely unravel underneath you, a high-pitched moan so loud that someone outside will definitely hear it. She quivers as her body is laid completely flat on your table, hips pushing themselves back towards you as her orgasm continues to run through her small, tiny body. Her juices begin to squirt out of her pussy in a violent manner, completely spraying your table with her essence and such overwhelming pleasure brings you to your own orgasm as you empty yet another thick load from your balls, this time it’s going straight inside Gowon as every thrust pushes your cum deep inside her breeding hole. The combination of your juices on your table is definitely going to be a messy job to clean but that’s not your concern right now. Your punishment for her is not over.
“We’re not finished yet.”
You grab Gowon by the hands and drag her towards your chair. Sit down on it and pull her closer towards you, effectively making her straddle your lap. She squeals at the motion as you don’t waste any time and bring her down your needy dick, coated liberally with your cum and her squirt. One orgasm down the drain makes it easier to penetrate her this time around as you are able to bring her to your hilt in just one go.
“F-Fuck! Be more gentle, sir!” She wraps her arms around your neck and buries her face in it, her hot breath giving you goosebumps as her tight, velvety walls clutches your shaft once again. “I’m s-still sensitive.” But instead of slowing down and giving her time to adjust, you begin to thrust upwards at an unrelenting pace, wrapping your arms around her body as you press as much of your skin against hers. The squelching sound after each pump into her wet cunt only gets louder as more cum begins to flow out of her from your orgasm earlier.
“Shit! So fucking tight, so fucking wet!” 
Knead her buttcheeks as you plant kisses on the side of her face, the sounds of her cries of euphoria fueling you to chase yet another orgasm. Gowon pulls away from you this time, running her hands through her disheveled hair to fix it. The intensity of the session completely left her a mess and ruined. And yet the burning passion in her eyes is still there and they’re only telling you one thing: to breed her. You lean forward and begin nibbling on the porcelain skin of her neck, leaving dark love bites as she bounces intensely on your lap while you try to match with her thrusts.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum again, sir. Oh fuck!” 
Gowon is struck by a second, smaller orgasm as she falls again into your arms, but the amount of squirt gushing out of her is still the same as it completely drenched your thighs. Your tired, aching body follows her orgasm with one of your own—replacing the cum you’ve left inside earlier with more shots of semen, wringing you completely dry and exhausted. Carefully run your hands through her hair as she comes down from her high, her breathing taking minutes to stabilize but when it does, she’s already drifting to dreamland. It’s not a surprise considering how hard you fucked her and how much energy she spent.
It’s a good thing you don’t have any more classes for today as you let Gowon fall asleep in your arms while you follow suit. When you both woke up, you quickly cleaned up the mess you’ve made in your office then brought her back to your apartment where you ended up having more rounds of intense sex. All it took was a quick nap for both of you to re-energize and you were already filling her up again, this time she wasn’t afraid to vocalize her pleasure as her screams reverberated around your apartment (your neighbors will definitely file a noise complaint). As expected, she wasn’t able to walk at all the following day and so you excused her absence. But it was all really just a part of your bigger plan…
Because you fucked her again when you came back home that day.
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If you're still going nsfw request, can you do one with senku but he's a sub. And he tries to dominate the reader but it always fails with him being completely submissive😅
This is late af, but I’ll give it a go 💪🏻💪🏻
“Awww, you tried so hard, Darling~” MINORS DNI
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Senku x gender neutral reader
Warnings: power balance dynamic, Senku being a sub, heavy degradation. Blowjobs, edging, being called a whore/slut. Please let me know if anything should be added❤️ this is my first time writing after a long time so hopefully it’s ok
Senku, one of the greatest scientist of all time, was in a predicament that he couldn’t see himself getting out of. No matter how much he tried to think of ways to fix this issue, there was just no possible way that it could be solved: his partner was too good at taking control.
It wasn’t like he didn’t know going into this relationship that they could be… a lot sometimes. As much as he enjoyed just handing over his entire existence to his partner and letting them decide every decision, he was embarrassed that he wasn’t doing the same for them. Senku was no pillow princess but with the way their dynamic had been plying out recently, Senku left gasping and crying from how good it all felt, his body unable to take the pleasure before passing out, he was starting to get worried they would get bored.
Thus the man began to devise a plan. At first he tried to be subtle, offering to take the lead in things inside and outside if their private room. Every time it was met with a gentle laugh if another was around and once alone, another night of being worshipped.
And look, as much as Senku wanted to take some more control, as soon as his partner had his dick in their mouth and called him a pretty, desperate whore, he was as weak as jelly. It really was unfair.
One night, whilst his partner had his dick in their mouth, grip tightly keeping Senku’s hips in place, Senku decided that enough was enough.
“Mghh~!” He moaned, bucking his hips into the hot heat. It was insane how hypnotic they were in any position, but for now he really just wanted to concentrate. Miraculously, for just a moment, Senku was allowed to move his hips as fast as he wanted, fucking their throat to his hearts content as they took it.
“Yes! Oh shit~! Yes yes! Your throat- fuckk!” Just when Senku was close to cumming, they pulled themselves away from his grip, a hand wrapped around the base to stop him from cumming. Senku wept as the pleasure bubbled under the surface, unable to explode and make his body spasm.
“Nuh ah honey… you think you can just take control like that? I thought all your cared about was being a dumb whore for me and cumming when I tell you to?” They asked, raising an eyebrow as their spare hand gripped at his thighs and moved up and down his body. “Hmm… what do you think an appropriate punishment should he? I’m thinking not letting you cum for a week.”
Senku sobbed and shook his head quickly, almost close to tears as he thought of that torture. “N-no~ oh please no please please please I can’t handle it, I just want to cut, I want to make you cum Nghh~” Senku begged and pleaded.
“It’s ok, I find great pleasure in making such a great scientist, the leader of humanity’s innovations, crumble in my touch. I cum from just thinking about how much of a slut I’ve made you.”
Senku whined and nodded, knowing that their words were true, and that somewhere deep down in his heart, that they were right.
They eventually talked it over. Whilst Senku now had some nights where he took the lead and made them cum more than 3 times, he found himself a lot more comfortable with the idea of being used for someone’s pleasure in taking him apart.
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I could teach you things
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Part 1 here
Summary: Just a regular trip to the store with your new mommy, of course you’re still not keen on anything that’s going on, not that you had much of a choice anymore, maybe Wanda’s uninvited friend can do something to help?
Warnings: mentions of smut, minors DNI, Wanda being herself mommy kink (obviously)
A/n: I had a sudden burst of energy to finish part 2 so here ya go!
You watched Wanda speak to the neighbour about watching the boys while you were forced to go shopping for ice cream, by the loos of it the neighbour happily accepted and waltz into the house and Wanda came back towards the car so you decided to look out of the passenger window even when Wanda sat in the car kissing you on the cheek you remained still, not giving her any satisfaction.
"If you behave I'll make you cum later" she winked at you and you just rolled your eyes, you wished you'd never told her about being inexperienced so you changed the subject before she could continue "Does Agatha know how much of a crazy bitch you are too?"
"I'm not crazy, I just know what I want and I know how to get it" she started the car and moved off of the driveway, after a few minutes you were out of the neighbourhood and Wanda spoke again "spread your legs"
You whipped your head around so quick you thought it snapped "what?!
Wanda wasn't fazed she just repeated herself "spread your legs, we'll be in traffic for a little bit and I don't want you to be bored"
"I don't want too" you mumbled squeezing your legs together so she couldn't pry them apart "soon you'll have them open every time we're alone, but I understand it being the first day, I won't push you" her eyes went back on the road as you both neared the store
"You're so fucking confusing-" she yanked your hair back cutting you off and shouting in pain “see?! This is what I’m talking about, you’re nice and caring one minute then try and hurt me the next, make up your damn mind"
Wanda chuckled annoying you even more "you're adorable my love, I said I wouldn't push you and I stand by that, but that bratty behaviour won’t stand for much longer”
"Stay with me princess, don't want you wondering off" Wanda gripped your arm pulling you into the store "I'm not a child, I can walk by myself" you tried pulling away but Wanda didn't let you instead leaning in close whispering to you "I'll get you a collar and leash, I was just going to use one in the bedroom but I have no problem dragging you around in public with one, maybe I'll have you on all fours too, really treat you like-
"Okay! I get it, let's just get the ice cream and go back" you looked around the store, hopefully no one heard what Wanda just said, or if they did they didn't show it and you were thankful.
Wanda just smiled and kissed you on the cheek "good girl, do you want a teddy?"
You looked at her oddly "er no thanks, maybe the boys want one though?" You wouldn't tell her bu you definitely did want a teddy but considering everything going on you thought saying yes would make her think you'd given in, and like hell you were going to give in to her, but dear god there was this seal one here that you’d seen and would sell your soul to buy it, a little dramatic but it was true
Wanda shrugged "they're not into stuffies much, let's go, remember to stay close" you sighed staying close to the woman as you walked round the store getting some ice cream and some ingredients for tomorrow's dinner.
The whole time Wanda kept you close every now and then kissing your neck and making a show of touching you, your arm, your back and even your ass smirking when you jumped away a little
"Can you stop?" You said after you both left the store embarrassed at her behaviour and the strange looks you had received "Wanda please-
Wanda pressed herself against you against the car and wrapped her hand around your neck "you're such a brat Y/n" she kissed you hard causing you to whimper at the sudden action but you refused to kiss her back until her fingers dug into your neck and you gasped inadvertently letting Wanda slip her tongue into your mouth
She pulled away smiling at your breathless expression and licking her lips "aww honey, you look a little flustered"
You got your breath back pushing her away and getting into the car refusing to look back at her.
Wanda smiled to herself, she was breaking you down and she was loving every second of it
When you returned back to the house you were surprised to see a new face besides Agatha looking after the boys "Natasha I didn't expect you coming over" Wanda pushed you into the house when you were hesitant to do so
"I like surprising you Wanda you know that now come on, tell me who this princess is" the woman who you now know was called Natasha walked over to you putting a stray hair behind your ear "aren't you cute?" You pulled away from her and surprisingly held onto Wanda's arm making the redhead smile, thank you Nat.
"This is Y/n, the boy's babysitter, we just went to get ice cream for the boys" she held up the bag and Tommy came running over grabbing the bag thanking his mom and running into the kitchen followed by Billy and Agatha making sure they didn't make a mess
Now that you three were alone Nat asked again "so who is she really?"
Wanda rolled her eyes "my new little girl, she's a little shy but we're getting there"
You let go of Wanda's arm regaining some of your own composure "I'm not your little anything, just let me go home"
Wanda growled "you are my little girl, and you are home, my room is now our room and everything in this house is yours now”
Your stomach dropped, you guessed this was what was going to happen but you held onto some hope that she didn't mean it, you were so in your thoughts you didn't notice the smiles on both women's faces and their silent conversation
"You look a little pale malen'kiy, do you want to lay down?" Nat gents pulled you away from Wanda walking you upstairs with the woman walking close behind, she pushed open the bedroom door and lay a reluctant you on the bed
"I have to see how the boys are doing but behave for Nat princess okay?" Wanda sweetly kissed your forehead and then looked to Nat "behave"
Nat smirked "always"
The door closed behind Wanda leaving you with the scary looking redhead who sat down next to you and roamed her eyes over your body making you self conscious "so has Wanda told you about me yet?"
You were thankful for the broken silence even if it was a strange question "no"
Nat hummed "hmm are you sure? Nothing about 'showing me which Maximoff I should've chosen?"
Your eyes widened and you sat up straight "you're the one she fucked in his office?!"
"So she did tell you? I knew she would, she enjoyed using me and still does, did she tell you about the time we got caught by Agatha? The poor woman just rolled her eyes and told us the boys had gone for their swimming lessons"
You couldn't form any words or even sounds, were they sneaking around when you were looking after the boys? That was so weird!
Finally you managed "wh-why am I here then? If she's sleeping with you?"
Nat laughed "well sometimes I'm not around, plus she's been fantasising about you for months, whenever I'd go down on her bringing her to orgasm it was your name she'd moan, I don't mind, especially seeing you in person now I know why she wants you" she inched closer to you placing her hand on your cheek
"You're fucking beautiful" she whispered leaning foreword attaching her lips to your own in a much softer kiss than Wanda gave you before, pulling away you found yourself embarrassingly trying to chase her lips and she giggled “it’s a shame really”
“Why?” You whispered and Nat’s eyes looked past you clearly to someone stood at the door ad be your blood ran cold, you had a really good idea who it was, considering this was her house after all
“Oh don’t stop on my account honey” Wanda’s sickly sweet voice engulfed you but before you could turn around she was behind you rubbing your back feeling you tense up “you steal my husband and now you want my little princess? You’re a menace” okay she wasn’t mad at you, that was okay you thought
“She totally came onto me Wanda”
Okay what the fuck? No you didn’t
“No I didn’t! You did, and what does it matter? You’re the whore who let her spit on you and fuck her on her husband’s desk” you jumped from the bed just barley out of each woman’s grip
“Watch your fucking tone” Nat snapped, a clear contrast to how she was just a few minutes ago “she’s a brat Wanda I hope you know what you’re doing”
Wanda just shrugged “she’s just an innocent untouched pretty girl who needs direction and I plan to give it to her”
There was a silence in the room now and you were unsure what to do, both woman were still sat on the bed, Nat playing with her nails and Wanda looking at you with her head tilted “anything to say princess?”
You didn’t know what to do, you just-just stood there, you could try and leave and call the police but what would they do? Probably nothing, instead you hung your head in defeat sighing “no…”
Wanda was pleased, you were breaking down and were finally accepting your fate, she stood and slowly walked towards you bringing you into a hug kissing her forehead and whispering “mommy can make sure you never have to think or worry about anything again, just let me in”
Even though you were silent tears wet your cheek and onto Wanda’s shirt “shh baby it’s okay, let’s lay you back down again and you can sleep” then as you have was small but enough for Wanda to bring you back to the bed and lay you under the covers, she let Nat fluff the pillows and kiss your cheek “I’ll see you again Y/n, daddy won’t stay away for too long”
You were so tired you didn’t even register what she said which Wanda was glad about because she just rolled her eyes at her friend and kissed her “as I said, you’re a menace”
“You love it” she said leaving the room and closing the door softly not to stir you up
Wanda spent a few minutes looking at you drifting off to sleep with the tears drying on your face, eventually she quietly got under the covers with you pulling you against her and nuzzling your neck placing a soft kiss there “goodnight moy milyy angel” she too drifted off to sleep, that was until a loud bang woke you both up
“Y/n! Where are you?! I’m here to take you home!” Wanda groaned, of course your ever persistent and idiotic mother wouldn’t accept that you belong to her now, she wouldn’t let you worry though and told you to stay quiet “mommy will be right back”
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bringbacktim · 11 months
imagine schlatt going on your tiktok live... you werent a content creator or anything, nor did you watch his videos so you didnt know him and he didnt know you. when he requested to join your live, you were confused to who this person was, but let him in anyways (and let me tell you, that was the best decision you ever made)
them falling in love on live I CSNT MY HEART
You have the best ideas omg , keep them coming honestly
Like she's just on tiktok live with her friends or something chilling, he joins , they maybe flirt and just cuteness
Falling in love on live-jschlatt
Synopsis : above
Warning: alot of dialogue, some sexual jokes/flirting(I couldn't not) , not edited or proofread
Wc:721 words
Y/n was bored of facetime and how laggy it was and how someone's internet was always glitchy so her and her friends turned to tiktok live , so many people go live on tiktok every day so no one was going to notice one more person , right?
She was the only person actually on live and her friends were in the chat so it didn't shock her when she had a few viewers
It did however shock her when 'bigmanschlatt' joined and didn't say anything for a few minutes
"Does anyone know him?" She asked her friends hoping one of them did and it wasn't some perv ( I love perv!shclatt )
After all of her friends said 'no' or 'not personally' ( the latter confused her but she didn't want to stalk him just yet)
She just decided to continue as if he wasn't there and carried on cracking jokes to her friends
'Whoever said women aren't funny clearly haven't you' he wrote in the chat which made her flush as she thanked him and made even more jokes just for him
Her friends kept commenting about the hearts in her eyes any time he commented and flirted with her but
y/n was denying it with her life
'Bigmanschlatt has requested to join this live' was the notification she got about 15 minutes into this livestream that was meant for her and her friends but turned into y/n and schlatt taking turns to flirt
As soon as his face showed up on screen the chat went absolutely wild as her friends freaked out as to who it was , but she remained completely oblivious
"Like what you see?" He laughed as he saw her staring
"I'm reading the chat" she lied
"Unless the chat has moved onto my face , that's a God damn lie" no truer words had ever been said , they were so true that she stuttered and lost her train of thought
"I'll take over if you're too flustered , I know a big tough handsome man like me can be intimidating" he said with a serious face as he stroked his chops
The conversation flowed like a waterfall until she suddenly was getting a lot of viewers like thousands of viewer
"Are you like famous or something, what is with all these viewers" she asked almost scared
"Yeah something like that , they'll disappear in a minute don't worry"
"Are you sure? There's so many of them"
"If they don't I'll just have to get your number so we can facetime instead" he half joked hoping more would join so they could flirt without thousands of people watching
"You heard him guys, get as many people on her as you can so we can flirt in private" by that point at least a hundred thousand people were watching and her friends especially were going crazy
"Do you're friends want to join this borderline phone sex conversation or have they had their fill" schlatt mostly asked so one of his fans could get as much video footage of her that he could watch back
"hopefully I get filled by you later" she said not caring if that got clipped and spread across the internet
"You won't but your mom will" absolute silence on the other line as she just stared blankly at him
"You can keep your number now I don't want it anymore" she joked seeing if he would play along
"If you change your mind , just ask your mom it should be under 'daddy' in her contacts" the sentence came out in 3 parts as laughter kept escaping his lips
This banter went on for a few more minutes until the chat begun to ship them and they decided to move to facetime
"Thanks for letting some random guy into your live stream, it's nice to talk to someone who isn't a fan" he sincerely said as a hello on the call
"Best decision I've ever made"
What they didn't expect from that random weekday evening was that the story would be told later to a lot of people on streams and friends who ask how they met (maybe at their wedding as well if they have one)
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honeytama · 16 days
True love.
Matthew C. Honeycutt X Fem!Reader
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A/N: Sorry I ended it a bit early, things were getting out of hand. <3
Content and Warnings: Read at your own discretion, SMUT 18+ only, established relationship, use of daddy (not dd/lg), anal, switching holes (raw, oh god please don't do this), piss kink
Summary: “You know when you have a girlfriend? You really like each other for a while, things are great, and then you just get bored? But then, something will happen and you’re like, God, I love you.”
“Yeah, you try anal.”
Word Count: 1.1k
In just a few minutes, your long-term boyfriend, Matt, would be coming through the door of your shared apartment after having toured with his band for a month.
You two would FaceTime and text while he was away, but sometimes you two could never get around to giving each other your full attention. He seemed to feel bored as you two talked on the phone and you felt the same, shamefully.
However, you pushed yourself to do your hair, makeup and put on a little slutty outfit to hopefully interest him again. You just wanted your sexy, attentive, and romantic relationship back. You hoped he wanted the same.
Your heart pounds as you hear the clink of his keys on the door knob. He opens the door and you melt at the sight of your lover, but he seems exhausted with his duffle bag weighing down his right shoulder. 
You take a calming breath before stepping toward him, “Matt, my love, welcome home!”
“Hey,” he turns to you and his eyes widen, taking in the sight of you. “Hey, my beautiful.” He smirks and his gaze noticeably falls directly to your exposed chest. The halter top you're wearing shows off one of his favorite parts of you.
You brush the strap of his duffle off his shoulder and allow it to thud onto the hardwood flooring below. He’s enamored with you as you pull his waist to embrace him in a feverish kiss to his plush lips. 
His and your lips move together with a rush of heat. You continue, despite him trying to pull away after a minute, by testing the waters with your tongue. To your pleasure, his lips part your tongues intertwine as his hands explore your body eagerly. Soft sighs and whispered names filled the space between gasps. And then, he pulls away successfully. 
“Don’t get my dick hard just yet, honey. The drive home was too fucking long; I have to piss so bad.” His dominant hand comes to grip his groin mindlessly. “I better see your ass on the fucking bed with your legs spread open for me by the time I’m done.”
Fuck, you found that hot. You had always thought about trying new things with your boyfriend, and today would be perfect to try something out. As long as you could be brave enough.
You place your hands on his chest. One of your palms drags down his abdomen to the front of his pants; he grunts as your hand clutches his junk.
“Does it hurt, baby?” You whimper teasingly. You massage his clothed shaft while making direct eye contact with your boyfriend. 
“You’re making it– worse,” his breathing hitches as you squeeze his balls over his clothing.
“If you need to go, just do it,” you say with a tilt of your head. You smile up at him as you make your way onto your knees onto the hardwood. Both of your hands caress the length of his body as you make your way down until they're just resting on his thighs as you wait patiently.
“Baby, what are you— god, damn,” your actions interrupt his thoughts as you pull both sides of your halter top to the side, exposing your breasts fully to him. “Sweet thing, I need to go. I promise I’ll be back soon and I’ll fuck you like you deserve.”
“Do it. Here.” You lift your chin and caress above your breasts in wanting.
“Here?” He questions you, but the look in his eyes means he’s hoping you're giving him consent to defile you.
“Piss on me. Mark me. Please,” you beg of him while on your knees.
“You’re fucking crazy,” he grins widely as he hungrily undoes his pants and pulls the front of his briefs down to unleash his weeping cock. The tip of it is deep reddish-pink with the yearning to be relieved.
He grips his shaft and points himself directly where you want him. You hear him groan and the sensation of warm liquid splashing and trickling down your breasts and abdomen greets you.
“So good,” he moans. “What other crazy ideas do you have in the pretty little head of yours?”
You smile up at him, proud of yourself. Your hands explore your breasts which are now slick with his relief. “You’ve always wanted to try anal, right?”
“Oh, fuck,” he hisses. Something takes over him, and suddenly he’s flipping you over on your hands and knees on the floor. “What’s gotten into you, sweet thing?”
“I just missed you, daddy,” you whimper.
He groans in your ear behind you, “You want me to destroy both of your holes? You know I’ve missed my girl so fucking,” he rips your bottoms and underwear off, “much.”
“Mhm, yes,” you repeat pleadingly. “But, you still have all of your clothes on. No fair.”
“You’ve gone and done this to yourself, baby,” Matt grunts as he leaves you on the floor to retrieve the lube from the nightstand in your shared bedroom.
He returns to you, still fully clothed, pumping his cock with a familiar clicking sound that came from your favorite lube. He takes his place behind you and smacks his cock on your clenched, tight hole.
“You ready?”
“Mhm,” you whimper with your face’s cheek pressed against the hardwood.
You feel his tip prod your entrance and he slowly presses in. 
“Matt,” you hiss. Your eyebrows furrow and you focus on relaxing every muscle in your body.
Once your winces turn into moans, he inches deeper and deeper until he’s bottomed out. You feel unbelievably full. 
“Such a good girl for taking me so well,” he pumps into you with selflessness. He praises you with every time your ass cheeks touch his hips. 
He uses a free hand to reach underneath you to your sopping cunt. 
“You’re soaked, my sweet thing,” he announces, but you knew. You felt that your wetness was just dripping out of you onto the floor, mixing with his piss beneath you both. With that, he exits your ass and slides himself easily between the lips he’s so familiar with.
“All mine,” he gloats.
“Yes, I’m all yours,” you moan.
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tokiro07 · 3 months
Undead Unluck ch.199 thoughts
[The Master Rules Strike Back]
[Contents: analysis/speculation - Gods/Master Rules]
I want to start this one with a quick note about last week's review: when Soul said that Luna gave people "potential," I assumed that was a built-in aspect to Soul's Rule. Based on what Soul says this week, though, it seems that human potential is a direct result of Change, not Soul. Perhaps there's still more to it that I'm not quite getting, but is it possible that Soul isn't the only UMA created by Luna? That would kind of reduce the impact of Soul's revelation, but I guess we'll find out sooner or later
The big event for this chapter is definitely the beginning of Language's offensive, but that's more of a transition into next chapter, so unless I want to speculate on where this is going, that doesn't give me a lot to work with (and I don't want to do that, you all know my predictions are always wrong)
Instead, what stands out the most to me this chapter is what Soul tells the other Master Rules as they mourn Beast: "we need to usher Beast into a validated world." I'm sure this ties back into what Beast said about God wanting the "greatest life of all." What exactly is the end goal? What interest does God have in creating a world with set rules?
I've talked about it before, but if God just wanted to torture humanity, there're definitely better ways to do that than to have a game with a set win/lose condition. I've long since believed that God (or at least Sun) is not doing any of this sadistically. UMA being ordered to make humanity suffer and Negators experiencing tragedy upon selection have both only fed into the Negators becoming more determined to fight and grow their abilities, suggesting that this is a calculated effort to groom them into worthy enemies for the Master Rules, trials to help them achieve their full potential
So what happens when the final world is created? When Sun has proven to Luna that humanity cannot reach the Gods and no longer gives them any means of fighting back? Will the Rules simply run rampant, killing humans for fun for all eternity? It's been made quite clear that Sun would one day grow bored of that, so what happens then?
I think that Sun has really just been experimenting with the Rules to see which ones make the most sense, which ones help the world run the most smoothly without simply giving humanity unearned happiness. The final world won't be a paradise, but it will presumably be one with clearly defined order. Perhaps human autonomy will be erased and the world will continue to loop, like Heaven in JJBA, or perhaps Sun will simply abandon the final world and move onto create another, a failed experiment that failed to meet his expectations. Whatever it ends up being, I get the feeling it will be presented as something good at first glance, true happiness on paper, only to fall apart upon closer inspection
The fact that the Master Rules, the most human UMAs, have been fighting as long as the Union has tells me that they have a vested interest in creating this validated world. They aren't blindly loyal to Sun like Ruin is, their happiness is set to be found in that world. Perhaps they will inherit the world, and they will be the new humans, like the end goal of the Curses in JJK? They have goals of their own beyond just trying to beat the heroes because they were told to, and that depth is definitely the puzzle piece that was missing in the early parts of UU
I hope that we'll get more insight here with the Language fight, since Language seems by her nature to be less overtly antagonistic. If Beast, a creature of instinct, was the expositor of the bare circumstances, then it would make sense that Language, presented as an intellectual, would be the expositor of the philosophical motivations behind those circumstances. Perhaps not, though, but hopefully we'll find out soon
Until next time, let's enjoy life!
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Hamster and Gretel, oh boy..
Now we are gonna move past the unforgivable and horrendous act of this series being greenlit and given a second season immediately over giving us more Murphy's Law which, unless this show proves it's worth, I will not be forgiving anytime soon, but anyway let's talk about the actual show itself.
It's honestly not that bad. The more I watch it the more I find myself enjoying Gretel and Kevin's relationship and of course Kevin is the TRUE protag of the story (no one will convince me otherwise, we all know it's true), his character is PEAK. I genuinely like the songs, hamster is amazing and Fred is a MOOD. I like the concept of an alien species giving someone powers and then also creating villains for them to fight as well. It's actually a pretty cool concept and makes you wonder what is more at play here. I also LOVE the songs, as usual Dan's shows produce hella bangers. I also love the relationships and dynamics between all the characters.
I like that they made Kevin the center focus but I'm gonna be frank, I DO NOT like Gretel as a character (so far, this is obviously subject to change as the series goes on). First of all Gretel's face makes me hella uncomfortable everytime I take a second to look at her. Her smile doesn't have any emotional weight behind it so it loses all meaning (with her character in general being as bland as white bread with no crusts, but I do respect the accurate ADHD they added to her character) and on top of that her smile is so unnaturally wide and her eyes are so big and she sticks out like a sore thumb amongst her friends and family to the point it feels uncomfortable. I get they wanted to make her overly cute but that's less cute and more reaching into uncanny valley.
Milo's wholesome smile and character was optimistic and cute, so was Isabella's, even their pets. But Gretel? I'm sorry but it looks like she is staring into my ever waking soul and plotting my demise as we speak. I'm a younger sister myself and I understand where they were going with her character, believe me, but OH MY GOD can she GRIND MY GEARS sometimes with her character and choices.
They made such a good realistically optimistic and calm yet still remorseful and caring character when it came to Milo, they treated it all with care and gave his gentle smile towards his shitty situation so much weight but with Gretel they made her optimism intentionally over the top with no other parts of her character aside from her having ADHD and nothing else, along with the fact she normally succeeds in nearly everything she does, and rarely ever see her need or try to fix mistakes she'd made on her own, and all this makes it to the point that she just feels- soulless to me and I don't like it. It rubs me the wrong way. I love the ADHD representation but they could've done a hella a lot better with her character as a whole, especially with her being a character meant to represent and inspire others.
I stand by what I said that people need to stop treating optimistic characters in media as a bad thing and projecting their issues onto them, but it's a different story when you have a character who is completely hollow and only has an over the top amount of optimism to the point it becomes boring and diminishing because that's all they are. I'm sorry but her character, to me, is like the embodiment of a children's song that is so repetitive you wanna replace your ears with cotton balls.
This show has so much potential and I love so SO many things about it, but they still have A LOT of work to do, especially with one of the heroines of the story. Here's to hoping season 2 will, hopefully, be better than the first one and they'll patch some things up at bit.
And no, her being a little sister doesn't justfy her character as in both pnf and mml they main characters were younger siblings and they were not like this, at all.
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brickstick3000 · 2 years
sub!male reader x Eddie Munson
reader is at Eddie's place to smoke when Eddie isn't home (he's allowed to), he gets excited from smelling Ed's pillows and tries to get off quickly, Eddie comes home and smut ensues-
A classic!!! I can't wait to write this anon, thank you, good sir.
❧✎High on you
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Dom!Eddie Munson × Sub!male reader
⚠️CW: 18+ | drug use⚠️
Clouds of aromatic white dispersed across the room; hazy and weightless, just as Y/n himself felt. Lying there, slewn across that familiar and rickety sofa with a slouch in his posture- the man inhaled deeply every fume he could catch beneath his nose.
Damn, that weed was good. And even better to smoke it in the confines of Munson's tiny caravan.
Eddie would be back soon, Y/n took a mental note, reminding himself that the campaign session was due to end in a half hour.
'Unless Munson gets caught up in his little Wizard world again...'
With a lazy wrist, the man brought his spliff higher, placing it between parted lips and inhaling. There's a crackling of plants... the aroma of some deep, and indulgent mixture filling his lungs once more... Y/n's eyes defocus.
After having been trapped in a trance for an indiscernable stretch of time, he rose from the sofa, bored of Eddie's living room now and wandering languidly through the vehicle. Y/n's fingers dragged across all the different counter tops and several cupboards above his head, making his way through the stretching and warping hallway. How many steps did it usually take? Wow, this caravan was super long...
And finally, there was Munson's door. So inviting, calling to him---
Y/n entered, leaving the door open a crack before exploring this new-found haven. Deep down, he'd hoped to see Eddie's face behind that shield of wood, but the man knew that if he had, he'd be going insane.
Roaming around Eddie's room in this state  added something intriguing to the experience. It was more... adventurous without Munson there, and everything that caught his eye had a new character about it: as though he could feel his boyfriend's presence held with all of those objects.
Then Y/n took halt once something red and very glamorous caught his eye.
Eddie's infamous 'one true love' hung proudly on his wall.
Countless of times before he'd been warned not to touch, and never had he disobeyed once. But surely no one would notice. Right?
"Ah, so sorry I ain't Eddie, sweetheart," Y/n chuckled, kissing his hand and strumming the guitar... just as his boyfriend does. Every. Day. "He'll be back soon...
That idiot."
Shaking his head to himself, and feeling quite mischievous now, Y/n continued to float around the room, ogling at random trinkets and posters, and making sure to memorize everything before the tour ended.
Sooner or later, Y/n had collapsed against Eddie's sheets.
So snug and welcoming- the mattress hugged his form softly, just as Munson would when laying there together.
Y/n drew another short drag of his joint  before finally stubbing it out against the head board.
Yep, Eddie taught him that move too.
The joint was flicked to the side, hopefully having landed somewhere he would be able to recover it, and Y/n hummed into the air.
More silence...
More sluggish...
Staring into the soft yellow hue that kept the room warm and peaceful. Where was Eddie when he really needed him?
Then, Y/n rolled over- stretching out flat across the bed as he sighed into crumpled up sheets.
'So lonely here...'
By now, he was drifting in and out of sleep, the evening quiet taking a toll on him. Lulling away into nothingness.
When all of a sudden,
Y/n took in a profound breath of air.
With one eye smushed into the pillow and his other droopily lifted open, he's now staring into the blur of Eddie's room.
Oh. That smelled really fucking good.
Whether he had meant to or not, the man had already inhaled more of that intoxicating smell, and extracted a much lewder sound from his throat. Y/n man was quite literally turned red on that mattress with the shock of his distorted breathing.
"What the fuck did you put in your hair, Munson?" He murmured, dragging his drunken face flat into the pillow now, and moving to grip the surrounding material.
Something amazing, that was for sure.
His weak knuckles kneaded into the sheets- flexing, relaxing, trying to pre-occupy themselves as Eddie's aroma worked him over like a fucking aphrodisiac.
With another elongated breath in, Y/n broke into a full moan.
"Oh my god."
Whatever was happening now had most definitely everything to do with that weed. Did Eddie put something weird in it? Or was Y/n just losing his goddamn mind?
'Lord, help me,' was the last coherent thought he had that night: those soft sheets, which tightened up below his crotch, being the thing setting him on his joy ride of bliss.
Y/n's wrist was alive: griping at his raging boner as Eddie's rustic smell took control. He rutted violently into those sheets. No dignity at all- morals and reason having completely vanished.
"God, Eddie, please." He groaned, being choked with more of Munson's drug at each sigh and wheeze.
It wasn't enough. Y/n needed more.
In a flash, he'd discarded those awfully tight pants and was rubbing impatiently against a length of straining material. Every part of Y/n's body felt ablaze. Thighs, forehead, chest: all itching with a flame of passion.
"Shit, aha-" he choked on the dampness of Eddie's pillow- unable to breath anymore with all that adrenaline, and flipped himself over.
The cold had Y/n gasping.
And he couldn't stop. His body on full autopilot as whimpers escaped every which way; Y/n's fist had finally breached any fabric that still stood in the way. Alas, his cock was free, springing up right before his hazy and hungry eyes...
...but also Eddie's.
Everything froze. Both of them halted in awe, and staring an unreadable gaze.
Y/n- struggling to conceal his panting- was the first to speak.
"Jesus, Eddie, I am so sorry." His words came out like a slur of hormones and utter garble.
"What the hell got you in such a state?" Munson chuckled, finally, throwing his bag to one side and stalking forward. "Surely a bit of weed can't make you this horny, Y/n. Or did you take something else?"
Sadly, he had nothing to say. Any response would worse than his current situation, and so Y/n just lay there with a hand still shamelessly wrapped around his dick.
Sighing, Munson finally made it onto the bed. He leaned closer, hovering over his boyfriend to brush the loose strands of hair from his face. All kinds of intoxicated thoughts could be seen whizzing behind those distant eyes, and Eddie couldn't gauge even one.
"I couldn't wait to get back to you tonight, baby." He smiled fondly, raking gentle fingers through the other's hair. "But I've gotta be honest, this was the last thing I expected." He leaned down to place a kiss on Y/n's lips.
"Sorry I took so long."
"Eddie, you don't gotta apolo-"
"Don't worry. I'm more sorry for myself than anything," chuckling (with those perfect creases lighting up his eyes) Eddie pulled their mouths together- tongues already dancing a passionate waltz as his calloused palms began to grope across Y/n's chest.
Teeth dragged against skin as his warm hands massaged over Y/n's nipples and pressed a gentle caress over his torso. Easy going. Almost perfect...
But Y/n needed something more.
As Munson's fingers travelled and his mouth began it's journey toward Y/n's neck, his boyfriend took a weak handful of brown locks. The man's eyes flicked upward, waiting for a sign.
"Eddie. Fuck me."
"Please--- I need you."
Peering from his position of hiding below Y/n's chin, Eddie placed a final kiss against the man's throat before he pulled away, slipping something metallic from his jeans and looking back up.
"Don't worry, baby. Leave it to me."
And he did just that; going limp as Eddie slinked an arm around his back helping Y/n's onto his lap. Eddie embraced him- warm and strong as two vaseline coated fingers trailed a long and steady line down across his skin.
Nose deep in Munson's electrifying hair again, Y/n found himself moaning aloud, before he'd even been penetrated. Oh, it was bliss.
Soon, they were kissing. Y/n groping, and rocking and feverish like never before. His lips hung apart- frozen in ecstasy whilst Eddie's fingers was massaged him open.
"Feel good, baby?"
"Ahhh." Bettee than good. So much good that Y/n couldn't respond. All his body would allow was an endless and desperate fir of rutting. Feeling. Indulging in the sensations Eddie's fingers gifted him. They would slide in and out of him like a burning rod of bliss, and the cold shock of each chunky ring caught against his fiery skin, tormenting and urging his excitement on.
Eddie buried his face into the crook of muscles that flexed with every moan, kissing and sucking wherever he could reach and feeling along Y/n's back with a different set of calloused fingers.
The heavy sound of panting lingered by his ears- muffled whenever Y/n would rock his head back or gulp down dry air. He was a holding a complete wreck, and that wreck just couldn't get enough.
"Y/n. Will you help me take these off?"
"Yeah," that moan was unmatched by any other.  It had Munson's cock screaming to get out. Following Y/n's wrist down toward his trousers, Eddie tried to help undo the too-many buttons and awkward zip.
"Ah- be careful. It's sensitive, baby,"
That chuckle would quickly turn exclusively a moan- Y/n had pried his dick free.
"Don't move."
Hot tears welled in the folds of Y/n's eyes as the slow burn of Eddie's fingers pulled out of him, and now he was being raised higher and then edged lower and now
Y/n's mind had cleared. Eddie groaned into the other's neck. "Oh jesus."
All sounds were flying right past his lover's heae; all he could muster was babbling and some other incoherent sounds, drowning in that sea of pleasure.
Munson pushed deeper- as deep as he could- before the rocking ensued.
Skin dragged and tugged- losing the vaseline's slickness quickly as Eddie picked up the pace. Their skin slapped painfully loud as both halves had completely lost themselves in the moment.
Soon, Munson's fist had slid from behind Y/n's back and in between them; grazing over planes of pink and dripping skin before eventually wrapping around his cock. The fever dream had become much more apparent now as Y/n's intoxication was slipping, and Eddie's fingers were slipping over each bump and pulsing vein in his dick.
"God, Y/n- hmpf. You're beautiful." He could barely whisper it out, hurriedly kissing the latter's chest to conceal another moan as his hips jerked and rocked.
Just perfect. Just right.
With his muscles tensing, and eyes rolling somewhere far, far away, Y/n's orgasm rushed right through him. Silent and colossal as his brain shivered with elation.
The bubbles of semen dribbled over Eddie's fingers as they were urged from his cock, seeming to never end even once Y/n could no longer feel.
"Ah- that's it baby, there you go-" Eddie moaned, eyes holding that grotesque image before them as he jutted uncontrollably into his lover's body.
"Shit-." And he came.
Yeah, this could have been better (shit ending), BUT I've been working on this for 2 days straight and it's 2 in the morning so no more beta-reading, ok? It's the 4th goddamn time 💀.
I hope it met expectations, Anon. Sorry I couldn't make it more ⭐ atmospheric ⭐ (I really tried to.)
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kfedup · 1 year
Sunday 7
or more, I don’t know, we’ll just have to wait and see...
1. Wishing the fathers in my orbit a beautiful day and sending love and light to all of the many who I know, like myself, have hard, complicated feelings about it all. I texted mine this morning and see that he read it, but no reply. I can’t recall the last time he reached out to me beyond a rare FB messenger note and we haven’t been face-to-face in the same room, or even the same region of the US for 20 years. Oh, wait, that’s not true. I was in Florida last year at this time and tried to get together with him, but he couldn’t make it work. It is what it is. I’m working on letting go of my resentment and imagining what life was like for him. We’ll see if that gets me anywhere. 
2. Those somatic movement exercises for Psoas are truly saving my life. As soon as I do them, I’m back in business. Hopefully the pilates work will help strengthen the muscles around my hips so I’m not in constant distress. Last night was weird. My 20-year-old cesarean scar began to hurt the way it did when it was healing. Lila’s 20th birthday is in a few weeks and I’ve been writing a lot about my body and specific traumas that have occurred and how i’ve compartmentalized and outsourced so much. I had just eaten a gummy and as it kicked in and the pain increased, I got myself into a relaxed position in bed and turned on a breathing meditation and I just fucking went into it. I won’t bore you with the details of my traumatic release other than to say holy hell the body holds onto some shit. I got up afterwards and wrote it all down, then hit replay on the meditation and let it carry me on waves of relaxation and deep body sensations into an incredible night’s sleep. Oof. 
3. This morning/afternoon I went to an ecstatic dance event in the CVNP at the Octagon shelter. I haven’t been since before the pandemic started and gracious, I didn’t even realize how much I missed it. The setlist was such a perfect flow and I was able to move some of that shit through and let it go. Several times I felt tears starting like I hoped would happen, but then they immediately jammed up. Maybe feeling self conscious about crying in front of strangers, I don’t know. My hips and lower back hurt after I really let myself go deep into the dance and I had to slow my ass down even though I felt so close to falling through this blockage. In due time. I’m going to go to the next one in two weeks and break out my hula hoop to use out in the back yard. 
4. I’m fantasizing about dropping everything and becoming a 5rhythms teacher. Just spend the rest of my life dancing. 
5. I put up the new hammock this afternoon and sat in the shade listening to the birds and the breeze, reading It Didn’t Start With You and listening to the new Ben Howard album with my earbuds to help drown out the psychos next door. Although, I will say they didn’t start screaming until I had already gone inside. 
6. The Vermont job that I want is posted again with a new title and slightly tweaked description. My goal is to get my application in by end of day Wednesday. The imposter syndrome is intense this time because I applied already and I have no idea if they hit the pause button on the search because they didn’t like any of the applicants or they really did want to evaluate their staffing needs once the new ED started like they said. What if it’s both things and they were just being polite? Oh well, the only real and true thing I have to go on is the deep in my gut knowing that I will regret it if I don’t try. 
7. I was supposed to do a couple hours of client work again today, but I’m wiped and needed a day that’s just for me to process and release and relax. I also got myself a DQ sundae. The screamers next door are out monopolizing the beautiful evening with their chaos, so I think I’m going to run a bath to soak with some epsom salts and essential oils and then watch a movie. 
8. This week is going to be busy af and I need to wake up and have my poop in a group right away. Wish me luck. No THC at bedtime tonight for sure. 
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Autumn Cafeteria - Fall for All 6
Season: Autumn Characters: Shu, Tsumugi Translator: taiyaki-translations Proofreader: raspberrytls
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Tsumugi: —So, our main goal is to keep the café as a place that can offer round bread. However…
Shu: ……? Is there another problem?
Tsumugi: Yeah, you can even call it the fundamental problem. These idols are new and unknown to the public, so we don’t know how much appeal they will have.
Our first move is key, so I wish we had a good countermeasure in place. Hmm…
Ahaha. I can’t think of anything ♪
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Shu: Is this really a laughing matter?
Tsumugi: Now, now. Hopefully a good idea will pop up soon—
By the way, how is the costume design coming along, Shu-kun?
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Shu: It's almost done. I'm going to let it sit overnight and add some more to it, though. 
Tsumugi: Let’s see…
Wah. As expected of Shu-kun, you have good taste~♪
Shu: Hm, that’s a boring impression. Like me, you are in charge of making costumes for your unit, so please give me at least one constructive opinion.
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Tsumugi: Even if you say that, even with a quick glance, it looks perfect.
The long length of the jacket, which would usually restrict movement, has deep slits to make it easier to move around in.
Most importantly, it matches the atmosphere of the store very well. Changing the color of the shoes to match the employees is also quite fashionable~
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Shu: Hm? What’s the matter?
Tsumugi: Um. The specifications for fabrics and accessories you wrote are very detailed. Do we have to match them to a tee?
I'm just guessing, but knowing you,  I think all of the materials are going to end up being very expensive…
Shu: Hmph, I don't use inexpensive materials. The cheaper the fabric is, the cheaper the overall outfit will look.
Tsumugi: I guess that’s true~.... Well, I don’t want to make you compromise your vision. You put in all this effort on our behalf, after all.
It would be nice if a generous sponsor conveniently appeared to drop some money into our laps. But reality doesn’t work that way.
...Even if we're only in charge of promotion, the overall cost of this is going to be quite high.
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Suou-kun, who is in the same agency as me, might be willing to lower his fee if I negotiate with him. But that won't work for Shu-kun and Yuta-kun from CosPro and Koga-kun from Rhythm Link.
On the other hand, it’ll be a leap of faith if we just leave it to new idols…
Ah, maybe…
Shu: ? What are you looking up on your phone?
Tsumugi: ���Fufu, as I thought.
Shu-kun, form a unit with me.
Shu: …Haah?
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What are you talking about? My partner cannot be anyone but Kagehira.
Tsumugi: Ah, you misunderstood because I didn't use the right words. What I meant to say was "us”, as in the five of us: myself, Shu-kun, Suou-kun, Koga-kun, and Yuta-kun.
You might have heard, but there’s a cross-agency project that the P-Association created called “Shuffle Units.” Fortunately, none of us five have been selected for one yet.
We need to approach the P-Association about it, but once we get their approval, we can work together beyond the boundaries of agencies.
From what I've seen of past projects, the budget is pretty generous. I’ll start writing the proposal right away~
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Shu: Mhm. You're good at that sort of thing, so I'll leave it to you.
Even though you used to frequent that café too, unlike me, you felt it was inevitable that it would close.
What made you have a change of heart?
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Tsumugi: Hmm~? I don't know if I had a change of heart necessarily, but I thought, "If I'm going to repay Shu-kun, this is the right time.”
You see, you helped us out when "Switch" was stranded on that southern island, didn't you? I wanted to express my gratitude for that time. (1)
Shu: Hmph. I only saved the boy and Chibisuke. You were just a bonus.
Tsumugi: Wah, you said it again~♪
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Shu: You’re obviously being treated coldly, so don’t look so happy.
Tsumugi: Well, it's not like I'm happy, it's just that Natsume-kun often picks on me, so maybe I’ve developed a tolerance.
Though in his case, he's more likely to resort to violence~ 
Anyway, I'm grateful to you, Shu-kun. If you hadn’t come across us then, we would have been forced to live a life of survival.
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If we couldn’t get on that ship—if we didn’t get that job on stage as the opening act in the show—we would have ended up with bitter memories.
Thank you so much, Shu-kun.
Shu: ……
Tsumugi: Actually, I wanted to repay you sooner, but~
Shu-kun is away from Japan a lot, and since you’re already a proper adult, you can take care of yourself, right? 
A lot of time has passed since then, so I’m sorry this is so late. But I’m happy I’ll finally be able to repay that debt ♪
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Shu: ...It's still too early for you to say that. It's uncertain at the moment if the café will survive.
Tsumugi: Fufu. That's true, I haven't even drafted the proposal yet.
Let's do our best to avoid making any bitter autumn memories...♪
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Translation Notes: 1. Referring to the story Cruise.
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shonpota · 10 months
Computer (Kasumi - Yakou)
Kasumi pet Yakou's head when Yakou was using Haseyama's computer. The computer was always been in front of him, so of course Yakou would be interested in it, yet the interest is also dangerous since the computer has all personal informations of the casts, like names and everything, rumours said it even has personal and crime records of each casts.
Yakou spent times to open random files after he finished his task. Yakou simply got bored, that's all. His hand almost moved to file that keep all secrets of the casts, Starless hidden history, and underground works.
Quickly, Kasumi tilted the seat back and sighing, then he leaned closer when Yakou was surprised with sudden movement. Yakou stared at him with confused eyes,
"Kasumi, that surprises me.. Since when you are here?"
"Since awhile ssu, you sure like to explore about Starless huh?" Kasumi return the chair position, then gave him a warm tea. "This is still Haseyama's computer, don't open it like it is yours, ok?" He let a soft warning, after all isn't he the adult compared to him?
Yakou frowned for a bit while thinking, he did admit Kasumi is right, but his ego insisted that he have to find something deeper in Starless that he can help,
"I guess.. You are right, but I am so curious...!!!".
Kasumi chuckled and watched Yakou showing stubborn youthfulness as usual, he then carried him up and took him outside of the office,
"I know, why not asking everyone about what they think about problems in Starless? " Asked Kasumi softly and tap his nose.
Yakou nodded excitedly and took some papers and pen, "I am going start from you!". Kasumi suddenly feels a bit nervous, Yakou is a grown up, yet somehow there's a feeling to protect him from Starless underground side. Kasumi will feel bad about lying too...
"Uhm, I wish everyone start getting along, Yakou. That's all, do you know how?"
Yakou stunned at the answer and shook head, "I don't know how, everyone is already an adult, do adults usually fight a lot?" His gentle blue eyes gazed to the stage, "The stage is like a fighting place!! I just realized it! It is still beautiful!"
Kasumi lit up his smoke and blew the smoke, "Yakou, true.. The stage is beautiful. I want to protect it, we all want to protect it.".
Yakou nodded and sit down on floor, "I have idea!! Let's write what casts think about ways to protect Starless, then we can grouped them into similar thoughts and have brainstorm session together.". Kasumi laughed and almost choked on his cigar, " i guess you are right, let's draw something on whiteboard. We will ask everyone okay?". Yakou nodded softly and smiles, "I want to! But I am hungry, going to get food from Kongou!" He then run off.
Kasumi sighed and cameback to the room and hide the bad files, "How to repress the curiosity in him, this is bad...". Takami came to the room and chuckled, "Kasumi, he is an adult, he can protect himself. Since when Starless is a soft place where we start to like each other? This place been distorted." He pour tea and gave it to him,
"Yakou's temper is something else. He can be so twisted under bad people. He is also greedy and ignorant. Yet he is also innocent at times. Isn't it ironic that both of us volunteer to help him? " Kasumi sighed. "Why Kei don't want to be the owner? This doesn't make any sense. Wasn't he came to takeover Starless? This is a good time." Kasumi added.
Takami was amused and smirked at the confused mob-looking man, "I know right? Both of us and most of the casts are bad adults, but I guess not enough to affect him and twist him to a demon.". He drank the tea and looked at rhe computer, "Hiding the files? Clever. Hopefully no one will find the secrets.". " I really hope Haseyama wake up soon, this room is most corrupted after all-oh! Yakou? You carried lots of food, want to share?"
Yakou nodded and put the food on table, "Let's eat together!" He gave them plates amd start to eat, enjoying everything he ate, "So tasty!! Starless is the best!"
Takami and Kasumi looked at each other and chuckled, "Starless is your heaven, huh Yakou? You have everything you want?". Yakou nodded and drank juice, "Pretty much! Everyone is good!".
"Aah, i hope this heaven can be given to everyone too." Takami chuckled and start to eat with Kasumi.
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teejaysnow · 2 years
Translation: Manusoverlevering, part 2
Here's part 2 of the youtube video translation, from 24:21 to 43:23 (also, there will probably be two more parts, rather than just one - otherwise this will begin to feel too much like work...)
Any mistakes are there for your enjoyment - I'm a Swede translating Norwegian into English, which gives me two extra languages to føkk up. Ooops.
Also, there are a lot of starts, stops, pauses and unfinished sentences going on during the panel - I haven't cleaned that up, you're getting it just as it was said. So, yeah. Sorry, not sorry.
Anyway, translation (hopefully...) under the cut because, once again, it's looooong...
[link to part 1]
Christopher Pahle: It’s nice when scenes are so well improvised that it seems like you’ve just been really good at writing them.
Julie Andem: I… Yeah. I remember that scene, or the filming of that scene as really exhausting, it was like at the end of the day and everyone was tired, and I know that there’s a really funny blooper from that scene where we’re running out of time to shoot so I’m trying to communicate during the take, I think it was to Marlon, that he should move, and then the whole group began to move, so they remained standing in a small herd. So it was a lot of not very good stuff we returned home with from that scene too.
Henrik Holm: And a lot of takes.
J: Yeah, there were quite a few takes of it too.
David Sjøholt: And you were… you were doing it after… after another one. We had an earlier recording that day, so it was like…
J: Yeah, it was pretty late in the evening when we did it.
D: Mmm.
J: But, yeah…
C: But, but that reaction where you suddenly realise who Even is is first of all really, really funny, but it’s also nice how it’s played out, how did that come to be?
D [shrugs]: I don’t know. I really don’t know, it’s just like… how improvisation works, it just happens and it just… I remember so well, um… when it happened, you got so flustered that you said ‘Henrik’, you didn’t say that your name was Even.
H: I think we all said our own names in that scene.
J: Marlon says Marlon, doesn’t he?
H: Yeah, he does.
D: That too, but it was, yeah…
J: But you are a bit, like, what’s so great with you is that as soon as you get a bit bored because nothing happens, like I think, if I’d have to guess, what you felt here is that you felt that Tarjei, or, slash Isak, wasn’t mocked enough, or it being embarrassing enough for him…
D: Maybe, I don’t remember… I guess it was… Yeah, that was probably it. It was so little that was happening.
H: But it… I remember very well that we did it so many times. And you’re very good at that because you always dared to do different things because you were the character that you were. I remember that you always played around with, like, how we boys communicated with each other, the comments you threw in were different from scene to scene, right? So it’s like you say, when you said that I got completely flustered and was just like, “uh, Henrik?” 
D: I’m very…
H: So after a while I remember that it became our task, so… in that scene I remember hearing Marlon about to say “Maaaarrrlllo-” and I’m just like [speaks very quickly] “pleased to meet you”.
D: That’s true, and it’s like...
J: You said it in slow mo.
D: But… I shouldn’t sit here and be praised, because that part is really easy to have. It’s you…
H: You should get all the praise.
D: …who should get all the praise because you have all the boundaries, I can pretty much do as like, it’s just like [he shrugs].
H: Yeah, but that’s, like, so subjective. You think it’s easy, but for most people, having that sense of humour, timing, and playfulness… that really did a lot for the boy squad and what kind of mood they were in.
J: Definitely.
[Audience and panel applauds an embarrassed David]
C: Is there anyone of you that doesn’t like to improvise? I have a feeling it’s a condition to be a part of Skam.
J: A bit, yes. Really.
H: It was part of the audition.
J: Yeah, yeah. There was a lot of impro during the audition.
C: Carl Martin, you also like it, right?
Carl Martin Eggesbø: Yeah, I really like to improvise, yeah. It almost became a bit like, when we recorded it was a bit because I, too, failed to learn the script. So then I had to, yeah… mm.
C: Are there any improvised scenes that were left on the floor of the editing room that you’re missing? Where you’ve thought, “Damn that that isn’t in”?
J: There is so much good left on that floor.
C: Is there anything in particular that you can think of? Or the rest of you?
J: No… or can you?
CM: No, nothing spec… or, like, it was really exciting to see when the clips were released what had been selected. Because I just remember, at least for my part, it was… there were so many different clips. So it was really exciting to see what was kept in and what worked and contributed to, well, adding on to the story.
C: Right. How many times did you record the coffee spitting… How many takes for that?
Ulrikke Falch: That was pretty fast, wasn’t it? 
J: Yeah, I think so. It was… you were totally awesome. In the script it just says something like…
U: We’re a couple.
J: …Vilde and Magnus are a couple and in love in an annoying way. I think it says.
D: Spit coffee and…
U: I spit coffee, yeah.
CM: Don’t you remember that?
D: Yeah, I remember it but I just remember that it was kind of different, and…
J: Ulrikke…
U: You liked it.
D: Noooo.
U: It seemed like you were in on it.
D: Yeah, I was, but…
H: You liked it.
U: You opened your mouth.
H: You enjoyed it.
D: It was a lot of fun. Definitely.
J: And Ulrikke is absolutely amazing…
D: Yeah, fucking hell.
J: …at impro, like, she’s made me laugh so much on set that I’ve peed myself a little bit, like it is, it is completely random what comes out, like it’s a party. It’s like I can’t make myself say “cut” even if we’re running out of time because I just want to sit back and watch what comes out, what her next strategy to keep the scene running will be. It’s just so much fun.
C: What is going on in your mind when you’re doing it?
U: It’s images, images appear and I just follow the images. Um.
CM: That is… What does that mean, I can’t…
U: No, I can, I can begin and then I see a light and I think “what else gives off light” and then there are fourteen different alternatives and then I pick one of them and then there are new alternatives there, and…
J: Yeah, there’s that kind of association, you’re really good at association, and it’s just like, “how did you end up here?”
C: Don’t the rest of you have any techniques like that?
H: I don’t recognise myself there. But is it acting in general or is it the character?
U: It’s mostly Vilde, it’s when you know the character.
H: Mmm. Because when you say it like that, then I can really see it. And you do it so brilliantly.
D: That was really wild to listen to. Cool. Wow. A light.
U: There are images.
D: Like, a light.
J: It’s not always a light, though, it’s an image of a light, it’s just an example, it’s not always a light.
U: Yeah, of cou… there’s an improvisation light in the far distance and then I follow it…
D: Whoa… whooooa… light…
U: No, that’s not it.
H: Yeah, but you are so present, that’s what it is. You’re so present that you can just stand there and just pick things from… from… who knows where it comes from, if you understand what I mean? 
U: Yeah, but that’s the thing, that I’m good at improvising on my own but I’m not so good at improvising with others. And I never felt like I was. Julie, can’t you say that I was? No, that wasn’t what I meant.
J: Well, now that you mention it, you really sucked… No, you were really fantastic at it. And I think it’s really a lot of fun, especially in scenes with Lisa. Because Lisa doesn’t really like to improvise, but she’s really good at accepting everything that comes at her in a natural way. That scene where you’re talking about her having chlamydia in her eye. I think it said in the script, “discuss if Eva has chlamydia in her eye”, but when you began, like, “and you’ve touched your foo foo and then you’ve touched yourself there”, and how Lisa manages to keep a straight face in that scene, because I was completely destroyed, so…
H: There were a lot of times that we burst into laughter…
J: Yeah, there were some…
H: …I have to say. There must be some bloopers of that.
J: Yeah.
C: There is something else that is in the script that I think is very funny and interesting. So we can go back to the very first screenshot we planned to show. It’s from the Gabrielle scene, where you’ve written down, “I spent a long time looking for a song that Even would be feeling exhilarated by and it was really totally random that it was Fem Fine Frøkner but I ended up with it because the lyric was on point and Henrik managed to get exhilarated to it”. Have you… there it is, right. What I found interesting there is that what’s in the script is that it is Maroon 5.
[Julie laughs]
H: I never saw that.
J: Okay, but this has to be said, Maroon 5 is, like, my insert for anything daft. So in the script for the first season when William is coming up behind Noora, it also says “Noora puts on Maroon 5” because I just put that in and then I find a song afterwards. But it was never going to be Maroon 5, because it had to be over a minute and we didn’t have the rights, it had to be Norwegian.
C: Yeah, right. So that’s the reason that it says…
J: Yeah.
C: Yeah. Right. It would have become a pretty different scene if it had been Maroon 5.
J: Yeah. I really wanted Roxette, but we didn’t get…
C: Which one?
J: Yeah, what was it, name a title.
C: Joyride? That’s my…
J: Yeah, maybe.
C: …goto karaoke song.
J: Yeah. Maybe it was Joyride. Isn’t that, like, really upbeat so you feel like dancing to it?
C: Yeah, it’s very, like… maybe not dancing to it? I’m not going to sing it.
J: Are you sure?
H: That was what I said when she showed me Fem Fine Frøkner. I am not going to sing this.
J: But you did it, though.
C: You did it. 
H: I did it.
J: Just like Christopher now will sing Roxette, go ahead.
C: Umm…
J [laughs]: I’m just kidding.
C: It’s the one, “Hello, you fool, I love you”...
J: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think it was that one.
C: Yeah, yeah. [Julie hums a bit of the melody] That would have been something.
J: Because it had to be, yeah, yeah, but that would have worked in that scene. 
C: Yeah, yeah.
J: If we’d had the rights. Which we didn’t.
C: Yeah, because it’s only Norwegian songs that you…
J: That can be over one minute.
C: You’re clear on how lucky you are that you can use so much…
J: Yeah.
C: Um. I just have to rifle through here again. Yeah, uh, here. Carl Martin. It is back to Eskild and episode five which includes your big Pride monologue. Where you get to know some new sides, or more layers to Eskild. What were your thoughts when you got that script?
CM: Umm… There was a bit of a process in the beginning of that because I remember that we talked about how such a monologue, such a text, would come, and it was, like, I thought it was really cool because, like, when I was cast as Eskild, we talked a bit in the beginning that it was important that Eskild didn’t turn into a stereotypical, uuh…
J: Wooden?
CM: Yeah, wooden. Like a typical gay boy that it often becomes, yeah… often on film. And I remember that you asked me what I wanted and what I thought and we went back and forth and you sent me a text and I was a bit, like, I didn’t really know what I felt about the theme in a way? Um. And then I also fretted over doing that monologue because Eskild had been such a funny character all the way. And then he’ll suddenly become someone completely different. And also, during that scene he goes from joke, joke, joke to, like, deeply serious. So that was, like, really tough in a way too, because I felt like it was really strict what I said, that I thought Eskild was really strict with Isak in that … in that scene. Um.
J: I remember that I sent it to you, I have, because it’s been a while since I read that chat, I sent, before I sent the script, I sent just the monologue and wanted your input. And one day passed. And two days passed. And three days passed, and I never got anything back and I thought, like, oh f… he hates it, I’m going to have to rewrite it, and then I messaged you, and you were, like, “Yeah, I’ve read it. Shit…” A bit like you’re talking about it now, like, “I don’t really know, but it’s important…” and then you talked about it both from Eskild’s point of view and from Isak’s point of view. 
CM: Yeah, because it was a bit, like, for me it was a bit, like, what’s the… why is that monologue important, because it’s like, “Oh, gay rights, hallelujah”, in a way? Why is it that Eskild gets so… take it so… gets so serious just because of this? And I felt implicated in a way because I felt like I could just as well have been Isak. At the time that I got the monologue, I didn’t think Isak’s questions and the view that he held, I didn’t think it was that weird in a way? And when I had to act as counterpart to that, I had to take some time to understand it. And that’s why I didn’t answer, because I didn’t know what to say to how I felt about it. Umm. And it’s really not until after that episode was released that I, like, see, like, and I’ve talked to people who this monologue has really hit home with, that I’ve understood what it… what it really… what it really means. Umm. So in a way it was both an acting challenge, but also a challenge for me as a human in a way, that I should jump into it in a way. Because those thoughts that he… that Eskild had… I thought that he was this simple, nice guy, but he… he… suddenly he isn’t, and then I had to… it was also a bit, like, yeah, a bit of a turn.
J: Yeah, we had to do a turn with Eskild’s backstory. And it was, like, Eskild’s backstory was on its way into the script a couple of times but never made it in season three, or any season. Um. But we talked a bit about what he had to, what he probably had experienced to be where he was.
CM: Mmhm.
C: Is it something you can talk about?
J: Um. No, I don’t think, I think we should keep it a secret.
C: We’ll save that to…
J: We’ll save it.
C: …for Eskild’s season.
J [giggles]: Yeah, we’ll save it for Eskild's season.
C: But it is interesting, as you say, that he was, that the perception of Eskild was that he was funny and sarcastic and… sassy, and then suddenly he gets an extra layer, a little like what happens to Vilde in the last episode at home with her mother, although we’ve seen more seriousness in Vilde, but, what do you think that kind of… umm… Does it make it harder to laugh at the characters after you’ve found out those kinds of things, or? Does it add something extra that might…
CM: I think it’s just [cuts himself off because he thinks Ulrikke is about to speak. Ulrikke fakes a yawn instead.] I think it’s just [makes a face at Ulrikke] No, I think that it was really nice and I think it’s, I think Eskild’s had a lot of funny scenes after. So, so I really think, at least for Eskild’s part, I think it was super important and it was also, like we talked about in the beginning when Eskild was created, that even if he’s fussy and sarcastic, that doesn’t mean that you’re a simple person.
J: No, and also, has everyone forgotten how Eskild was with Noora in season two when she lies in bed and Eskild comes in and tells her that she doesn’t have to do everything on her own? You have actually seen that Eskild has a side that isn’t just silly and when it comes down to it, he can… he will be there. If he has to. He doesn’t really want to be there for long, but… but… but he realise when he has to go there.
C: Right, but… but you can also see in that scene that… you act it with a lot of heat and it is very clear that it is a sorrow in Eskild’s life that you might not have thought a lot… ah, yeah… he’s got… um, happy-go-lucky guy, and then something like that appears, it was a leading question, I think it adds a lot to the character, so that’s… I didn’t mean to set a trap for you, but… it is pretty interesting and pretty… I think… now I’ll just start talking here, but I think that it’s… when it comes, when such a thunderous speech comes from that kind of character, I think it hits a lot harder because you don’t see it coming. 
U: We had, at the beginning, because for me, it’s a lot about telling a story, and you have taught us a lot about that. At least I feel like I’ve learnt a lot about it. In the first season, the comments started flowing in with “Vilde sucks” and “Vilde is a bitch” and “Vilde is annoying”, so me and Julie talked a lot about that. First advice was to not read the comments, but I still felt that it hurt. But then, I think, at one point or another, you made a comment that was like, “I can make everyone love you just via one scene and I can get everyone to hate Noora just via one line”. That there is something with the way a story is told that you have a lot of power over. Yeah.
J: Yeah.
U: Yeah.
J: That’s true. 
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