#if this goes well though and there's interest I may take a one time commission in this style on FR. It'll be big expensive tho so we'll see
blackpaws-fr · 5 months
I may be cooking something up, just for the fun of it.
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spidermanifested · 3 months
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okay so. since the other post hasnt gotten any takers and i am still broke im opening up more general commissions as well lol. shoot me a friend request on discord @spidermanifested if youre interested in any of the following:
regular commission fare
flat color headshot ($20): a shoulders-up drawing of any character you want, human or furry or robot or Watever. my specialty is, as always, old people. lineart and flats only.
painted headshot ($35): a shoulders-up drawing but this time i get to go hog wild with the shading. i like doing this better so youre basically getting swindled that it costs more
flat color full-body ($40): a full-body drawing in a pose of your choice. please feel free to give me some kind of reference for how you want the pose to look. even if its a stick figure. its So much easier that way
painted full-body ($55): a full-body drawing with shading. pose references also greatly appreciated
The Special Stuff
anime screenshot redraw ($30 per character in the shot): i love doing these also. if youve ever had a really good anime screenshot and you wanted an artists more detailed semirealistic rendition of it. even if its just that one of the guy from naruto kicking his leg up and saying "pathetic". especially if its that. i am your man
oc design collab ($10 per day): give me the details on an oc youre having trouble designing, from a description to existing reference material, and ill provide feedback and concept sketches until we settle on something youre happier with. it can be as much as asking me to design them from the ground up or as trivial as "do you think their hairstyle looks dumb"
fma eyecatch ($40): one of the intermission cards where the guy goes Full Metal Alchemist. with your character, matched to the fmab style to the best of my ability, which is preddy good i think
further info
if you want me to draw naked people or horny stuff thats another 20 bucks on top of whatever the price is
no horny art of characters under 18, period
i dont want to just open up ship commissions point blank because drawing people interacting is so much harder. but if the ship is something i am into as well i MAY be open to it. itd be double as expensive though
im allowed to tell you something is going to be too hard or i dont want to do it for any other reason
i take payment via paypal or cashapp, whatever works better. payment details will be given via discord. please have the money ready upfront and if for whatever reason i cant complete the commission ill refund you. once again thats spidermanifested on discord, or you can dm me on here if you dont have discord but i Vastly prefer it 👍
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maspers · 10 months
Ranking the Miracucast by good they are at playing UNO
Marinette: She has a strategy. She plays to win. Her family has been playing UNO since before Marinette was in nursery school. She is ruthless and takes no chances. There are no allies in UNO. ...She still ends up losing more often than not because that's just how UNO is. 7/10
Alya: She's mostly just at the table for fun, and really enjoys how into it her friends get. 4/10
Adrien: Yes. 10/10
Nino: You would not expect this man to be good at UNO. But everyone just kind of... ignores him? He just casually goes along causing no drama, until he's the first person to call "UNO!" and everyone wheels around in their seats to face him with shocked looks on their faces. Adrien, however, can see right through Nino's facade and the moment Nino says "UNO!" both of them know that it's on like Donkey Kong. 9/10
Chloe: She has no idea whatsoever how to play, but she refuses to lose to Marinette. There is drama. There is house rules. There is drama about house rules. But they keep inviting Chloe back to the table because when she plays she also *hosts* the game at Le Grand Paris, and while they may not be good at much the Bourgeois family DOES know how to host events better than anyone else. 5/10
Sabrina: Initially didn't participate and was just there to act as Chloe's valet. Then one day she joined the table and curbstomped everyone, then went back to helping set up the snacks like it never happened. This has happened a couple times since then, and nobody understands it. Adrien and Nino have begged her to teach them, and she acts like she doesn't know what they're talking about. The only person to ever match Sabrina in a game of UNO was Marinette's mother Sabine, and all the players that were involved in that game signed an NDA stating they can't reveal who won. I have no justification for any of this, but I can feel it in my bones. 11/10
Mylene: Surprisingly vicious, but experienced players have no difficulty dispatching her. 6/10
Ivan: Unfortunately he is not very good at this game. There was one time he actually won though, with a pretty good strategy, and his smile was brighter than the sun. Since then everyone has wanted him to win again, but none of them are willing to sacrifice their own chances of victory for it. Ivan doesn't mind. He's just happy to be included. 2/10
Rose: Everyone expects her to be secretly good at this game for some reason. She doesn't understand why. She's pretty average at the game, but enjoys when she plays a card normally and everyone else glances around in a panic. This is fun! 4/10
Juleka: By herself she's a little better than average, but she's a real menace when Luka is also in the room. She knows all his tells and micro-expressions, and since Luka is Luka (see below) that means she knows everything. There have been talks of banning the Couffaine Twins from playing in the same round as each other, but such a ban was pretty impossible to enforce. 8/10 by proxy
Kim: In regular UNO he's a complete failure, but when the group is playing with large amounts of house rules he starts doing really really well. Not on purpose. Most of the time, however, he just shows up to eat snacks and arm wrestle with Ivan in the background while everyone else plays. 3/10
Max: Like with every game he's played, he knows ALL the strategies. Card percentages, color probabilities, the works. He should, by all accounts, be an expert at this game. But he does not understand the Heart Of The Cards and so he keeps losing. 6/10
Alix: Is definitely cheating. All the time. Everyone knows it. And it hurts, because Alix is legitimately good at the game too. Her classmates are begging for a regular game, but she just loves seeing what weird stuff she can get away with. Alix/10
Nathaniel: He wasn't particularly interested in the game originally, but then someone (Chloe maybe?) commissioned him to make a massive custom deck with original art based on the superheroes. Since he makes the cards, he somehow also became the judge on what can and cannot become a permanent house rule, since that often leads to new cards being made. He's still really awful at the game itself, but everyone showers him with praise and view his title as Deck Keeper as worthy of unparalleled respect. And since he made the cards, he's the only one capable of countering Heart Of The Cards bullcrap. 5/10
Lila: Has literally never played UNO before, though she will never admit it. 0/10
Luka: The jury's still out on whether or not his inner music hyper-empathy counts counts as cheating or not. Since they can't prove he's using it to know what everyone is feeling about their cards and plays, he's still permitted at the table. But the fact remains that he's very good at this the game. 8/10
Kagami: She has absolutely no idea what she is doing. The amount of cards in her hand sometimes gets so large Felix or Adrien has to provide one of their hands to help hold them. But she is also having the most fun she's had in a long, long time. So let's focus on the positives, shall we? -10/10
Marc: He swears the deck is not rigged in his favor. Nathaniel asserts there's no way he COULD rig the deck in Marc's favor, and Max ran the numbers to prove it. But somehow every time the group starts a new round Marc draws his cards and yup full of wild cards again. 6/10
Ondine: This was Kim's idea of a date. Ondine was not impressed. But she did stay for the snacks, and at least gave it the old college try. UNO just isn't her vibe, and that's okay. 1/10
Aurore: Doesn't usually play with everyone else, but she DOES know how to play, and one time she was asked to join a game when most of the group was unavailable and they needed more players. It was a bit awkward because she's a big Adrien fangirl and is used to playing with a different set of house rules, but they made it work, and fun was had. 4/10
Felix: He tries. He tries so hard. Everyone was wary when he joined the table, but there fears were unfounded because Felix is absolutely pathetic at UNO. He has the rules memorized. He keeps track of all the house rules meticulously, which interestingly means he's very good at keeping the game running smoothly. Everyone turns to him when there's uncertainty about a particular situation. But he just can not win. Ever. He doesn't even get close. He's managed to call "UNO" a grand total of once in his lifetime, and that was because the rest of his cards ended up in Kagami's hand instead somehow. It's awful. It's mortifying. He's a chess prodigy, an expert tactician, how has he been reduced to this? 1/10
Zoe: Was really excited to play, and let out a squeal of joy when she saw Nath's custom cards. She knows how to play really well, and was really quick on the uptake when it came to all the house rules, too. Since she's around technically the group no longer needs Chloe to host, but Chloe took that as a challenge to be an EVEN. BETTER. HOST. Zoe is not complaining, less work for her. And she still beats he sister most of the time, so it's all good. 7/10
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stardustlyssa · 1 year
Hunter Pin Update!
EDIT: please read my new update pinned on my profile!
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Hi everyone! I just wanted to pop in and say that I am actively looking into manufacturing my Hunter pin designs! I was so surprised at all of the engagement, and I want to work as hard as I can to make them real.
The issue for me is, I have nowhere near enough money! Pins require a lot of work and resources, including access to mailers, a good manufacturer, and pantone color books to best ensure accuracy. I want to purchase the latter so I can continue to use it in the future as well.
This can all add up REALLY, REALLY FAST though. And as someone with no selling experience, I am taking a lot of time to research so no one is disappointed or nothing goes wrong.
So, to acquire the funds to open my own, PERSONAL shop, I am offering donations to my Ko-fi and selling my Hexsquad sticker designs on RB! My Ko-fi Commissions will also be opening this week.
Being a full time college student with only a part time income (and pets and myself to feed), money is always short. So any support and shares will be 100% valued and appreciated!
NOTE: RB has not uploaded my designs yet, but they should hopefully be up at some point today. Please follow me there if you are interested in purchasing them or any other designs I may upload!
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trashlama · 1 year
I feel like Raph would call his darling Mona /Mona Lisa since to him his darling is the most beautiful thing in the world 🥺 
Which can be sweetest thing in the world or the most scariest thing ever if he goes to yandere route ~ 
What are your thoughts on this ? 💗
(also hi I was wondering are we allowed to send in request? If you do are we allowed to send in LMK request/theories)
hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of water 💗
Brah, my dude your radical. You've been sending in some pretty fire ideas for me to brainstorm~. Also I love LMK, it's one of my favorite shows a part of the Mokey King fandom. So fuck yeah if ya' wanna send in some LMK req/theories l would love to write/draw/theorize for that fandom! Actually I already have some sketches/doodles for Monkey King.
Though one of them got messed up recently because of my clumsy ass....
I'm always open for all sorts of requests! It just takes me a sec to get through them since I got daily obligations I must attend to. Also I just want to let you guys know I never delete any reqs that are in my inbox unless they're straight up rude or don't follow the Tumblr guidelines. I like to try my best to full fill all the asks that in my inbox despite how challenging I might find some commissions however I like to believe trying my hand at them helps me develop as a writer/artist.
Also I just want to thank everyone for their support and kind words. They really help me get through some days. Thank you! I really appreciate all of you guys!
Sorry for all the rabblin' ! On with the show!
Raph calling his darling by an endearing name? I got'cha~
Since in the TMNT universe in general there is already a canonical Mona Lisa chick(who I might add actually hooks up with Raph acouple times in a couple verses~😏). Sooooo- I don't know about Raphael tryin'na pickin' you up/or addressing you with that pet name.
Thooouuugh a couple weeks ago I finally had enough cash to go see the Super Mario movie and I could TOTALLY see 2k12 and Rise Raph being like Bowser in his approach to his love interest.
Non-Yandere Route
In a normal situation this could be applied to 2k12 as well. While I wouldn't really call Rise Raph a Tsundere; 2k12 is most definitely a Tsundere.
Like Bowser 2k12 Raphael would be all imposing up front to all his comrades though when alone/or with Spike/or Chomp (Kamek in this scenario) is all love struck for Peaches(s/o). I could see Rise Raph doing this too except he probably gush about his crush on his s/o with Buddy.
In both situations like Bowser, both Raphael's would refer to you by a nickname. May you be allies or fighting as enemies Raph would be the only one to call you by the nickname he had given you(much to 2k12 Dr. Name-stein's(Mikey's) jargon).
Normal route wise? It would probably just play out as an average slow burn story. 2k12 Raph being a Tsundere who eventually has to confess due to circumstances(like one of his brothers "accidentally" outing him).
Meanwhile Rise Raph just tries to play it cool kinda like Bowser in the fluffy moments in the film when he was acting out scenarios. Except in Rise Raph's case this soft boi would definitely perform these acts of adoration for real-zeez. Flowers? Check. Flustered pick up lines? Check. Though the love song might be a stretch. Idk if either version of Raphael would go as far as writing a whole song for his crush.
Yandere Route
Yandere route wise both 2k12 and Rise Raph would react in a similar ways when denied/rejected by their s/o.
Bowser to me in the Super Mario movie is a literal yandere for Princess Peach. Dude destroyed a kingdom, took the whole Donkey Kong Army/any infidels captive, AND to top it off tried to sacrifice all his prisoners in Peaches honor for their wedding. Which by the way he cohersed out of the monarch by choking the fuck out of her companion while threatening to destroy her whole Kingdom. Only to be shocked when Peaches doesn't just give in and retaliates against their union. Which of course pisses off Bowser especially when he sees Mario and Peaches holding hands all close and such~ Anyways—
Both Rise and 2k12 Raphael would definitely fly into a rage like Bowser during the wedding scene after Peach froze him and reunited with Mario. Between 2k12 Raph with his hair wire triggered anger and Rise Raph's sensitivity this is not gonna end well. Maybe you're really a villain and reveal you were just playing with him for kicks/or ulterior motives. Perhaps you're an ally who's just not interested or has a crush on one of his brothers/or comrades. Either way he's losing his shit. Hopefully whatever is holding the mutant back restrains him long enough for either version of Raphael to calm down cause if the red color coded Hamato breaks free it is a matter of how fast his brothers and comrades can calm him down before the turtle does something extreme...
Btw here's some sketches I did for another request that I'm working on that @ladydoe8 had asked for. It's a writing req but I always find brain storming designs by drawing them makes it easier to describe them.
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Thank you everyone for looking and I hope you guys have a great week! Thank you guys again for the support!
Here's some memes I came across while at work.
Sorry this is long↓ I don't own these memes. I've never claimed to do so. I just come across them on Pinterest when I'm on break at work and think they're funny so I like to share them. If I mistakenly put one on here that I shouldn't have please let me know! I like to respect people's wishes. And if you could add the creator names too that would be great so the same mistake isn't made twice. Sorry for the inconvenience that my sharing may cause. I hope you have a good day.
The one in the top right is from TigerFrog's fan made comic Mutant Ninja Turtle Gaiden (MNTG). I was re-reading it online since it's been a couple years when I came across this beauty. There were more but, this is my favorite line. I really recommend it! It's a fantastic comic, pretty dark, I love the plot! More people need to read it. I would love to write some scenarios/fics for it for you guys.
Donatello bro. Donatello. That dude in MNTG is— just— Brrrraaaaaaahhhh!!!!!! The same thing goes for the rest of the brothers. I just can't emphasize how much I recommend you guys to read this it's soooo good. I wish there was more fanart/works for this series!
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mera-k1 · 3 months
Mira's 'Commissions' Info!
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these are writing commissions for your selfship (yume) or oc x canon ships! they are free of charge. yes, free! there's no catch, i just like writing for fun!
there are a few rules and guidelines i'd like to set for these 'comms' though. they're listed below so if you are interested, please take the time to read them all~
i do reserve the right to decline the commission request with or without telling you the reason for declining. i may tell you my reasoning for declining but if i decline, do not ask me why if i don't already tell you the reason.
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-> you must be comfortable with dm-ing me.
this feels like a given because i need a way to communicate with you about your fic! i won't accept if you are only comfortable with communicating with me through the anon feature on tumblr, you have to dm me! the dms between us will stay private!
-> anything is on the table!
this goes for fluff, angst, comfort, nsfw, etc. if i'm not comfy with smth, i'll let you know! nsfw stuff is only reserved for characters or yumeships that are of age. i will not write underage characters in smut! this also goes for genders. i'll write any gender!! poly stuff? sure! just no character x character stuff!
-> this is not solely for paralive or hypmic!
i will write for most any fandom. please ask me first if i know the fandom because it'll be an extreme struggle if i don't know anything about the media you're asking for...
-> do not ask for multiple fics at once.
i need time to write your first one so please be patient!! they will take time for me to write because i have a life outside of writing unfortunately... please allow me time to write!
-> don't post it anywhere. (without crediting me)
i understand if you'd like to share with your friends but please do not post it anywhere and pass it off as your own! please credit me for my hard work. if you are simply just sharing with a few friends, tell them not to post it anywhere without credit.
-> there are only limited amount of slots
i will only have a few (3-4) slots for these comms. this is so i don't get too stressed out! still, be patient as they will be done when i am able to work on them. if i respond to your dm about a 'comm', then that means you've earned yourself a spot in the few slots that i have! if i don't respond, don't worry! you'll be priority when i open the slots back up!
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so.. what stuff should you have ready if you're interested in asking for a specialized fic? well...
-> a description of your sona or oc. which would include: personality, their dynamic with their s/o(s) or f/o(s), how your oc or sona looks (can be a description or art!), and any other details that might be important for the fic.
-> optionally, a plot. it'll make my job a lot easier but be warned, the longer the plot is, the longer it will take for me to write!
-> an idea this goes with above but have some sort of idea when you come to me. whether that be like "a fluffy morning" or something simple, it's much easier if you have an idea you want written!
-> answers i'll probably ask you few questions when i start writing the fic. stuff like the pov you'd prefer (if you don't specify) or any other troubles i run into while writing! i might ask about your oc or the character if i'm unfamiliar with them.
-> patience just like art comms, have patience with me! it takes time to write just as it does to draw. please do not dm me asking about it more than a few times. if you ask, i can send you a sneak peek if i have anything written for it but do not pester me to ask if it's done! i will send it to you when it's done.
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for simplicity, here's a list of other fandoms that i can write for...
-> a whole lot of popular mangas including... blue lock, bsd, demon slayer, jjk, tbhk, tokyo revengers, black clover, blue period, kaiju no 8, bleach, csm, and plenty more!
-> quite a few games such as... genshin, hsr, zenless zone zero, league of legends, stardew valley, monster prom (1, 2, or 3), and plenty others!
please just ask if you're wondering about a series. i might not have listed it to avoid the list getting too long but i have read a lot of obscure series so it's likely that i might know of it! the series highlighted in orange are only selective characters so be warned! and of course, hypmic & paralive are welcome as always♡♡
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epickiya722 · 2 years
Yeah, I have been thinking (which all I really been doing nowadays, but that's for another time) and I came up with the relationship between Miruko and the Hero Public Safety Commission (HPSC).
Alright, so... Miruko should be #1 or at least #2. Sure, she's my favorite and I definitely will stand by this but, without even being a fan, think about it.
She managed to take out several Nomus and a High End ON HER OWN using just her strength and speed. A tiny (she's 5'2") rabbit woman managed to take out several opponents and hold her own for a while. Meanwhile, two of the top pros had trouble dealing with one. (Which happened to be the same one Miruko once met some years back. Ain't that something?)
Yes, at the time Hood was flying around and causing chaos. So of course, Endeavor and Hawks would have trouble.
But Miruko was able to take out one High End permanently just by realizing "He's not good at close combat" in moments while fighting other High Ends with a missing limb? In a more compacted area underground opposed to open air?
All in that first half of that second episode, we see that Miruko is fast, strong and a quick thinker.
And even injured she still went after Garaki and let's be honest, if she didn't bust that capsule Shigaraki was in, his body would have fully developed and there would have been a lot more chaos that would be happening in the current anime arc.
(Sadly, the anime didn't show that bit but I digress.)
Now, you're probably wondering why I bring up her rank.
Well, let's talk about her history.
Long story short, Rumi was a bit of a wild child as a middle schooler. Somehow always barging into underground fights. She did it so much, she became known for it. Eventually, she had been taken into custody, expelled and her middle school was exposed.
This where Theorist Kiya came in.
Off rip, you cannot tell me her actions did not catch the eyes of the HPSC. Middle schooler manages to find underground fights and crash them every single time to the point she was known for it in Hiroshima (her hometown)?
Wouldn't that spark some interest from the HPSC?
Especially, since after she was expelled, she "disappeared" and got enrolled into a hero school.
Of course, it wouldn't be Yuuei since it's the top hero school, but it's a hero school no less.
What if the HSPC pulled some strings for Rumi and got her into one because they saw her potential, hm?
It's implied, if not clear, that people with "tarnished" backgrounds aren't necessarily "hero material". Even Bakugou points it out whenever he scolded those other kids about wanting to go to adult places and smoke.
So how did Rumi get into a hero school even though she is a known fighter, a troublemaker? Well, I ask again, what if during her "disappearance" is when the HPSC got a hold of her? As they did with Hawks when he was a kid and Lady Nagant (as you'll see later)?
What if the HPSC at least attempted to turn Rumi into their perfect little hero?
However, they couldn't because Rumi is Rumi. She is a fighter, she's stubborn.
She actually operates a lot more different than other Pro Heroes. It's why I think while she may be an employee and has to listen to HPSC, she still a lot more freedom than other Pros and therefore, the HPSC doesn't have complete hold of her.
She works alone, she goes from place to place, she doesn't have her own agency. Miruko possibly doesn't even have her own PR to do interviews or photoshoots because she doesn't want to and doesn't have to.
And the HPSC can't even tell her so because she is one of the best they have.
Now rounding back to her rank.
I also want to bring up that that Miruko works alone and moves from place to place. What if she actually scores a lot more rescues than we're lead to believe? And she's fast, strong and a quick thinker. She's also gorgeous with a rabbit quirk. Yes, that's important because if it wasn't, Hawks wouldn't have his own fanclub due to his charms. Mt. Lady wouldn't be ranked so high despite being a new hero.
It's not even an attitude problem because Endeavor was ranked at #2 before All Might's retirement and he doesn't put on a fake smile or anything to please people. They're aware he's mean, even his own fan points it out that he's known for it.
So why isn't Miruko a higher rank even when she has the capability of being in one? (For goodness sake, rabbits are cute. You cannot tell me that alone doesn't boost up her status a bit.)
Because of the HPSC.
Remember, they oversee what the Pro Heroes do. Hell, they make the Heroes.
They oversee the rankings. What if they place Miruko at #5 where she's still ranked high to appease the public and so it wouldn't be too suspicious, but not too high as a way of "keeping her in place"?
But the joke's on them because Miruko actually doesn't care. So she keeps doing her own thing.
She might even have some stuff on the Commission and they don't even know yet.
To put this whole mess of a post simply...
The HPSC may have made Miruko into a hero and she didn't mind it because she got to fight bad guys and she's about that action. However, unlike with other Pros, they don't have that complete hold on her so she still does what she wants.
I just wanna say I am not some analysis/theory/meta blogger. I just got a lot of thoughts.
This post serves... let's say a headcanon. Just a big one kinda? This is just mostly me rambling and no I'm not looking for any debate. I know how this fandom gets. Some of you really can't help but argue with people and get your panties in a twist when the initial post is a headcanon or something. For real, chill, damn it.
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jacensolodjo · 2 years
Buy Ukrainian
If you saw my post about the book "Unconquered" but couldn't take the heavy price tag just yet, you can get a second wave of the book on Indiegogo leading into March. Your name won't be added to the support list but you'll at least be getting a copy yourself sooner than waiting for it to be available months down the line and know that your support is there sooner as well.
Alternatively, please consider checking Made With Bravery, which is kind of like etsy, with the bonus of money spent on commission going to help Ukraine (sent to charities devoted to it) as well as an additional 5% of purchase if you use your Visa card. You can get clothes and accessories and the like.
There is also Spend With Ukraine, which offers a list of Ukrainian based companies you can buy from. (The only thing missing that might be of interest are entertainment companies such as for video games. See below.)
An important note, of course, should be made that you shouldn't expect ship times to be the same as you get from other places. Remember, it is still a war zone. But they are doing their best to get things out in order to bring money in to help the effort.
Speaking of, I got another email from Frogwares (developer of the super successful Sherlock Holmes games such as Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter and Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper) about having to delay the next SH game (Sherlock Homes: The Awakened which is technically a redo of an older game but same difference really since they are adding a bunch of stuff to it). So perhaps consider proving to them you really don't care it's been delayed and pre-order it or buy one of their other games (such as Magrunner Dark Pulse or The Sinking City in addition to the Sherlock Holmes games they've made). Also an option on the video games front: 4A Games, known for the Metro games (lost at least one of their developers in the war); GSC Game World, known for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (also lost at least one of their devs in the war and changed the spelling of their next game to Chornobyl which has garnered even further scorn along with its delaying due to the war). GSC also asks for support sent to United24, which is where the Made With Bravery money goes as well.
Also worth mentioning though I don't see them having many big games on the horizon: Beatshapers, Best Way, Vostok Games, Room 8. Best Way is apparently working on Men of War 2, and Room 8 has actually helped develop games like Deathloop and Returnal (both very similar) and have a couple games in-house that have been published since the war started such as Syberia: The World Before.
(You may also be familiar with Chernobylite which is actually developed by a Polish company but they have given their support to the Ukrainian war effort so it's only fair they be mentioned as well.)
We all offer support in our own ways. If it takes getting something out of it yourself that is more tangible, there are options. I'm sure there are a few I'm missing outside of any earlier posts I may have reblogged when it comes to charity for the war effort. If any links break or don't send you to the right place, they are all easily (re)found via Googling the names I have given (maybe with 'video game' tacked on or w/e) or however else you search for sites.
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crabbypalsart · 1 year
🦀Regarding Requests!🦀
Hi everyone! As I mentioned before I do take art requests, but I don't believe I've ever made a clear rule list regarding them; and what a better time to state them than now? So here it goes! I will add on to the lists as I go. I ask of you all to please respect my boundaries, and take them into consideration when making requests. If you are personally not sure about your request, please ask/discuss with me. Thank you very much in advance! :•)
*In addition to that, please send in your requests to my ask box! It is to keep things more organized, and in one place so I won't miss anyone :•)
I will draw:
Original Characters. You may ask me to draw your OCs. I love drawing OCs, :•) but please be sure they are yours, and that you created them (even if on a character creator). If you would like me to draw or include someone else's OC, please confirm that you have permission from it's original creator to commission/request other artists to draw them. :•)
Fanart. Its what I draw most of the time anyway. X•D What this means to me is characters from existing fictional series. I mostly specialize in drawing cartoon characters, but if you would like for me to draw a more realistic character (or a character with a more complex design in general, like a mech), do discuss it with me/ask me, and I will try the best to my ability to draw them as accurately as possible if I agree. X•D If you are interested in knowing what series I create fanart for/am interested in, please feel free to check my Carrd. ^_^
AU stuff. :•)
Horror/Slight Gore. Stuff like blood, and certain kinds of body horror, as well as other certain kinds of horror elements. If you would like specifications, feel free to ask!
Ship Art. Please read the "will nots" first though.
I will NOT draw:
NSFW. I do not want to expose any of my minor followers to that.
Anything considered heavily "Dead Dove". Things like inc3st, n0n-c0n, p3dophilia, abus3, b3stiality, and the likes of that being portrayed or painted in a good light. Please respect that, and I kindly ask of you to block me in addition to that if that's your kind of flair. Thank you!
Fetish art. If you send me something oddly, oddly, specific, I will question it. I'm sorry, I don't mean to put you on the spot. I'm just personally not comfortable with drawing that type of stuff (I reckon this should technically fall under the same category of NSFW).
Things from AI generated art. or NFTs
Anything hateful. This involves things including but not limited to racism/xenophobia, LGBTQ+ phobia, ableism, fascism, right-wing propaganda, or exclusionism. This one's kind of a given. Nothing involving targeted harassment of a community or an individual either.
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haveamagicalday · 8 months
Books read in 2023
Here is a list/short reviews of the books I read in 2023! My top ten can be found here.
4 Stars
All the Dangerous Things by Stacy Willingham - A year prior to the start of our story, Isabelle's beloved toddler was stolen in the night while she and her husband slept. Since then, Isabelle rarely sleeps and won't rest until her son is found. When a podcaster comes to town looking to interview her about the case, Isabelle sees this as a chance to dig up new clues that may lead her to her son. This is a great follow up to Willingham's debut and I loved the setting and overall vibes of the book.
Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine- What's interesting about this book is it was released about a month before American Horror Story premiered their season that is based on it. So I don't know if it was commissioned to be written for that purpose or if Ryan Murphy got wind of it prior and sought to make the adaptation or what. I have not seen the new season and I've heard it isn't that good but I really ended up liking this book! Anna is a young actress determined to have a baby. After many rounds of IVF it finally happens. But then tragedy strikes and Anna miscarries the baby, or so she is told. She can still feel the baby inside her and the doctor's confusing answers and explanations are just a further mystery to the phenomenon. As her miracle pregnancy goes along, threats to her safety and strange instances  build up to a shocking conclusion. I was expecting it to be kind of silly but it was an engaging read with a surprisingly happy ending. It did not go in the direction I thought it would and I was pleasantly surprised by that. Would not recommend it if you are pregnant or trying to be though.
The Ghosts of Rose Hill by R.M Romero- Illana, a biracial Jewish girl, is sent to Prague to live with her aunt for the summer. Illana discovers a Jewish cemetery behind her aunt's house where she meets the ghost of a long dead boy, named Benjamin. The two become friends but their happiness is threatened by a mysterious man with no shadow that also takes a keen interest in Illana. Written in prose, this is a hauntingly beautiful fairytale.
Greymist Fair by Francesca Zappia- I didn't realize going in that this would be divided up into a collection of short stories rather than a linear story. However the stories are all connected and often explain things that may have happened in the previous stories and there is a conclusion at the end. I really enjoyed the take on some of these lesser known fairy tales. My favorite was Doctor Death and the Prince's Riddle.
I Will Find You Again by Sarah Lyu- This is Lyu's second book and I have to say that she does toxic relationships really well. Both of her books have a mystery to be solved but they both read more like a character study and deep dive into a tumultuous relationship that the MC has. Chase and Lia are best friends that are estranged but when Lia goes missing, Chase's world is turned upside down as she follows a trail of secrets and betrayals to find out the truth of what happened.
The Legacies by Jessica Goodman- Another fun teen thriller from Goodman! Eight students from a prestigious prep school are selected to join New York City's exclusive Legacy Club. But tensions rise the week leading up to their induction Ball leading to a shocking death. There are moments you have to suspend your disbelief but that doesn't take away from the story. My only complaint is that it is told in first person with three different narratives and at times they don't sound much different from one another. I still flew through this one and look forward to the next book from Goodman!
Lying in the Deep by Diana Urban- Jade is off on the adventure of a lifetime, a semester at sea visiting 11 different countries. But the presence of her ex boyfriend, now dating her ex best friend, leads to an obsession which spirals until a shocking murder takes place. Now Jade must clear her name and try to stop the killer from murdering again. I honestly enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. It was a page turner that was a lot of fun. I read after that it is apparently a loose retelling of Death on the Nile but for me it felt like murderous version of Suite Life on Deck lol
The Narrow by Kate Alice Marshall- Eden attends a boarding school haunted by a river that takes all who fall in. All but Delphine who fell in six years prior and somehow survived. Now Delphine lives isolated in quarantine for a mysterious illness and Eden is tasked with being her companion. But the more time Eden spends with Delphine, the more she feels haunted by a dark presence. This was a very engrossing ghost story with some gothic vibes. There was a sweet love story and I loved the complexity of Eden and her relationships with her friends. There were a few creepy twists throughout but the most interesting aspects were the human relationships, especially between Eden and Delphine. A real fun spooky read!
Out of the Ashes by Kara Thomas- This is going to sound bad but I really don't remember this book but I gave it 4 stars so I guess I enjoyed it. This is Thomas's first Adult novel and focuses on Samantha, whose home was burned down and her entire family murdered years prior. However, renewed interest in the cold case reveals the shocking revelation that Samantha's baby sister may have made it out alive. This turns Samantha's world upside down as she desperately seeks answers. I do remember the ending of this and it was pretty satisfying
Royal Blood by Aimee Carter- Evan is the secret illegitimate daughter of the King of England in an alternate history. Circumstances force Evan to spend the summer with the father she never met before and her secret is quickly found out. What was supposed to be a fun night out with her half sister and others turns deadly and Evan finds herself the main suspect. This is another book I enjoyed more than I thought I would. It's like the Princess Diaries if it were a thriller. I also love that despite being a series, the mystery and storyline was wrapped up in the end
The Sandman by ETA Hoffman- I had no idea the ballet Coppelia was based on this! The ballet is so cutesy and this is so dark and creepy. I would love to see a version of Coppelia that followed The Sandman more closely.
Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher- This is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty that tells the tale of Toadling, the fairy that was sent to bless the princess on her birth. Now that the princess is asleep, Toadling guards the tower but in a shocking twist, she is determined to keep everyone out of it. A fun and interesting take on a classic fairy tale!
The Villa by Rachel Hawkins- This is an interesting retelling based not on Frankenstein, but the story behind the novel's creation. Emily and Chess are two friends that are spending the summer in Italy at a beautiful Villa. The Villa just happens to be the same place that famed rock star Noel Gordon spent a summer in 1974. Along with Noel is Pierce Sheldon (an up and coming rock star), his girlfriend Mari, and her stepsister Lara. The summer turns deadly for the group which inspires Mari to write a prolific horror novel and then disappear from the limelight for the rest of her life. Now Emily is determined to discover what really happened that summer by using clues from Mari's novel. This was a really fun read and while the big mystery was honestly not that solid, the characters and unique premise were interesting enough to hold the plot.
3.5 Stars
Mister Magic by Kiersten White- A mystery children's show called Mister Magic was canceled and nearly erased from history 30 years prior to the start of the novel. Val was a child actor on the show but has no memory of it. When her fellow castmates find her, they bring her along for a reunion which is bound to expose dark secrets along the way. So, this had to be partly inspired by Candle Cove, no? I really enjoy all things to do with lost media and was super excited when I read the blurb for this book! For the most part, I think it lived up to expectations. The ending wasn't a let down but it did leave me wanting more. There was also an reveal about two thirds of the way through which I wish would have been made sooner. It wasn't really a twist or anything but it did add a lot of context that could have been used earlier. Otherwise it just felt really thrown in at the end.
The Night Shift by Alex Finlay- At the end of 1999, four teens are attacked during their shift at a Blockbuster. Only one survives and the killer is never found. Now it is 15 years later and a similar crime takes place at an Ice Cream parlor. A solid thriller.
The Quarantine Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot- A welcomed return to the diaries of Princess Mia. This was a fun read but it was also kind of tough to read about people dealing with the beginning of the pandemic. Not the best of memories to be honest.
Where He Can't Find You by Darcy Coates- When I started this I was expecting more of a mystery/thriller based on the blurb but it became apparent pretty quickly that this is a supernatural horror novel instead. A small Midwest town is haunted by a mysterious figure known as the stitcher. When someone goes missing, the town knows that there is no hope of ever finding them until the stitcher wants them to. And they'll always find them in pieces. When Abby's younger sister goes missing she is determined to find her no matter the cost. It becomes a race against the clock to find her with the help of Abby's friends. This was very reminiscent of horror like It or Stranger Things. TW: Body Horror, Gore
You Can Trust Me by Wendy Heard- I flew through this one but in retrospect, it was very cheesy and what I would deem a Fast Food Thriller. Fun, but you really have to dispense your disbelief throughout. Summer and Leo are best friends who swindle and pickpocket. Leo makes the mistake of going after a self made millionaire and when he offers her the chance to visit his exclusive island, she jumps at the chance. When Leo doesn't return, Summer is determined to infiltrate the island to get her friend back.
3 Stars
The Blackhouse by Carole Johnstone- I loved Johnstone's Mirrorland but this one was a let down in comparison. The book takes place in a small island town and I could not keep all of the townspeople straight. Plus the mystery just wasn't that interesting and it dragged in a lot of places.
Episode Thirteen by Craig DiLouie - A ghost hunting reality tv crew decides to make their thirteenth episode about the infamous Paranormal Research Foundation. Written as journal entries and transcripts, things get creepy real quick for the crew. I felt like this book started off strong but faded as it went along. I was not a fan of the last third but recognize that others might like the direction it went.
Loved by PC Cast- The first book in the Night of House sequel series. I decided to read this because the tumblr blog: @houseofzoey was making me feel nostalgic. It was not good but it was fun to revisit the characters and world. As always, the stakes are high but the conflict is resolved ridiculously easy. Zoey continues to be one of the worst characters in existence but the others are enjoyable in a dumb way.
Lullabies for Little Criminals by Heather O'Neill - This was kind of a tough one to get through. I love the author's later work and this had the same style of writing but felt lacking in comparison. I found both The Lonely Hearts Hotel and When We Lost Our Heads oddly whimsical despite the heavy subject matter but this was definitely just bleakness with no hope in sight TW: Child Abuse/Neglect, Pedophilia, Drugs/Alcohol
Midnight is the Darkest Hour by Ashley Winstead- Ruth is the preacher's daughter in a small southern town. Ruth's only friend as a teen was the bad boy Everett who she was bonded to with a dark secret. Now as adults, bodies are being found in the swamp and Ruth and Everett want to get to the bottom of things. This book had such a great premise but did not deliver. The religious town is portrayed as cult-like but the messaging behind this book was confused and all over the place. We are clearly supposed to root for Ruth and Everett but by the end of the book, I wasn't rooting for them either. Also there are way too many references to Twilight. At one point Ruth seriously thinks that Everett is a vampire and I don't know if that was just to be funny or if we were actually supposed to believe that as well.
Nothing but Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw- People on Goodreads hated this. It has one of the lowest ratings I've ever seen and I really don't think it deserves that. It's not the best but it's not that bad. A lot of people were bothered by the "purple prose" but I didn't mind it (I also hate that phrase). However, it was somewhat confusing and anticlimactic.
Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno Garcia- Garcia's last few books since Mexican Gothic have been really disappointing to me. I was expecting a lot of spooks with the cursed film premise but there really wasn't much of it. When we finally did get some magic towards the end it was pretty cheesy. Neither of the characters were really likable and the ending with them was weird. Overall not my favorite of Moreno-Garcia's but also not the worst.
This is Why We Lie by Gabriella Lepore- I'm going to be honest, this was one of my first reads of 2023 and I don't remember a single detail. Two teens find a body in the lake and mystery ensues!
To Make Monsters Out of Girls by Amanda Lovelace- This was not my favorite of Lovelace's. I'm starting to notice she writes a lot of her poetry based on a past relationship and at this point it's like, girl move on!
We'll Never Tell by Wendy Heard- Another book I really don't remember. The official blurb describes it as a whodunit doused in Hollywood lore. I remember it being a fun little read but apparently not that memorable.
Winterset Hollow by Jonathan Edward Durham- The idea behind this was really fascinating but it lost its appeal one third of the way through. Three friends visit the island that an author wrote and based a children's book on in a similar vein to Watership Down or The Wind in the Willows. To their surprise, the characters in their beloved book are real and they want their visitors to celebrate the famed Harvest Day with them. Pretty quickly things fall apart and the majority of the book is the characters being hunted and it got old pretty fast. There were definitely parallels and themes of colonization but the colonized and mistreated characters were also the villains seeking revenge so... make of that what you will
Wolfpack by Amelia Brunskill- Written in prose this book is about nine girls who live together in a cult commune. It was a very quick read but nothing really happened. One of the girl's goes missing and the rest of the book is trying to figure out what happened. The book's biggest problem is that it's told from 8 different perspectives and they all blend together. When the reveal comes at the end it leaves little impact because we don't know or care about these characters.
2 Stars
Daphne by Josh Malerman- Daphne is a local boogeyman. A seven foot tall, denim clad woman who always has her face painted like Gene Simmons. That image alone was too ridiculous for me. Kit is a teen on the basketball team whose teammates start disappearing one by one. She believes Daphne is the culprit. The book was more so a metaphor for mental health struggles but it was just too silly and boring for me to enjoy. I couldn't picture any of the scary stuff that was happening very well and people seemed to under react to a lot of things. Plus I learned way too much about basketball.
The Little Book of Manifestation by Astrid Carvel- I was going through it when I read this lol. Whether you believe that you can actually manifest things in your life or not, I do think positive thinking goes a long way and this was a nice little reminder of that.
Brother by Ania Ahlborn - Just a big bummer all around. I read this in one sitting but looking back some of it was kind of boring? The book was much tamer than how it was advertised to me. Don't get me wrong, there was a lot of implied gore and horror but we didn't see much of it. To give some background, the main character lives out in the Appalachians with his murderous family. He helps kidnap women, the mother tortures them and then they eat them. With a premise like that you think this would be horrifying. We are given very little backstory as to why they do this. Well, it turns out to be rather boring as Michael (our lead) spends most of the book feeling sorry for himself and trying to woo a girl at the record shop. He also has a tumultuous relationship with his abusive older brother, who he fears but craves approval from. Not much happens for the majority of the book and then we have an explosive ending in the last 1/3rd. And it's just a huge bummer. TW: Rape, Murder, Gore, Cannibalism, Attempted Incest, Abuse
Not Since Carrie: Forty Years of Broadway Flops by Ken Mandelbaum - A look into Broadway flops over the past 40 years. The flops are categorized oddly and usually there is only a page or two dedicate to each one which made it really repetitive. I think would have preferred a detailed deep dive into maybe 10 or so Broadway flops.
Slenderman: Online Obsession, Mental Illness, and the Violent Crime of Two Midwestern Girls by Kathleen Hale - This book doesn't focus so much on the crime but the aftermath. For those who don't know, Morgan and Anissa, two preteen girls, stabbed their friend (who lived) in an attempted sacrifice to please the popular Creepypasta character, Slenderman. Of course, all the coverage of this case focused on Slenderman and the dangerous of the internet but really this is a case of severe mental illness that went untreated for a long time. Anissa did the stabbing but ultimately it was Morgan that concocted the whole plan. Morgan showed signs of schizophrenia (a disorder her father was also diagnosed with) at a young age but this was ignored by the adults in her life. After the crime took place, Morgan was denied any kind of treatment or medication during her time in prison prior to her sentencing. Morgan was left to live in her delusions and hallucinations for over a year before she was finally given help. In a harrowing section of the book, Morgan describes "waking up" from her psychosis only to be flung into a nightmare where she had committed a terrible crime against her friend. No where am I saying that Morgan does not deserve the prison time she was given but the prison system's treatment of mental health was really highlighted here and was horrifying to read about.
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nordleuchten · 2 years
24 Days of La Fayette: December 17th - Joseph-Pierre-Charles, Baron de Frey
Joseph-Pierre-Charles, Baron de Frey was probably, along with Pierre, Chevalier Du Rousseau de Fayolle, one of La Fayette’s unluckiest aide-de-camps. The poor man spend almost a year as a prisoner of war but nevertheless returned to La Fayette’s side after his release. I am getting ahead of myself though, so let me introduce you to the Baron de Frey. He was born in 1740 in Constanze, what belonged at that time to Austria and is today a part of (southern) Germany. He entered the Austrian Army and saw service in Poland in the Polish War. There are also sources claiming that he was a Swiss and moreover a veteran of the Austrian and the Polish army.
Frey was recommended to Benjamin Franklin, who in turn wrote a letter of recommendation to George Washington on June 13, 1777:
The Person who will have the Honour of delivering this to your Excellency, is Monsieur le Baron de Frey, who is well recommended to me as an Officer of Experience and Merit, with a Request that I would give him a Letter of Introduction. I have acquainted him that you are rather overstock’d with Officers, and that his obtaining Employment in your Army is an Uncertainty: But his Zeal for the American Cause is too great for any Discouragements I can lay before him, and he goes over at his own Expence to take his Chance, which is a Mark of Attachment that merits our Regard. He will show your Excellency the Commissions and Proofs of his military Service hitherto, and I beg Leave to recommend him to your Notice. With the sincerest Esteem and Respect, I have the Honour to be Your Excellency’s most obedient and most humble Servant
“From Benjamin Franklin to George Washington: Two Letters, 13 June 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, vol. 24, May 1 through September 30, 1777, ed. William B. Willcox. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1984, pp. 156–158.] (12/17/2022)
Frey joined the Continental Army in September of 1777. Not much is found about Frey’s early years of service, but two interesting details stand out nonetheless. First, La Fayette choose Frey as one of the French officers to accompany him on the eventually doomed Canada-expedition and Frey was made an aide-de-camp. A resolution of Congress from February 2, 1778 reads:
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Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 1, December 7, 1776–March 30, 1778, Cornell University Press, 1977, p. 273.
Frey fought in the Battle of Monmouth on June 28, 1778 while still being employed as an aide-de-camp. He was transferred to Pulaski’s Legion a few months later in the fall of 1778 and retained his captaincy there. A year later, Frey was also a witness on the court-martial of Lt. Stanislaw Kotkowski’s for “Riotus and Mutinus Behavior at the House of Daniel Westfall in Minisink the 9th January 1779��.
Westfall was supported by the testimony of four members of Pulaski’s Legion: Capt. Joseph-Pierre-Charles, baron de Frey, Adjutant Seidelin, and two soldiers. Frey and Seidelin, to whom Westfall and his crying wife had gone for help after escaping from the rioters, said that they went to the house and confronted Kotkowski. When Kotkowski tried to justify his bad behavior by saying that Westfall was “a Rascal,” Frey “told him that he was not in Poland.” Kotkowski then drew his sword and tried to attack Frey. Disarmed by Frey and Seidelen and unable to find a rifle, Kotkowski punched Frey in the face before a guard arrived to confine him.
Notes of “To George Washington from Brigadier General Edward Hand, 15 January 1779,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series, vol. 19, 15 January–7 April 1779, ed. Philander D. Chase and William M. Ferraro. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2009, pp. 3–6.] (12/17/2022)
Frey wrote to George Washington on September 28, 1779:
I am under the necessity of informing your Excellency, that the Situation of my private affairs at Home require my immediate presence and am therefore constrained to beg your Excellencys Leave of absence for Eight Months to go to france, to settle my Buisiness.
I hope your Excellency will be pleased to indulge me with the gratification of my request, as I Suppose my conduct in the Course of two y[e]ars Service in america will plead in my behalf, and having now the oportunity to go to france with the franch Fregate being now at Boston. I recomand myself in your Excellencys Protection
The furlough was granted by Congress in November and Frey promptly embarked on his voyage back to France. It appears that Frey was in financial troubles at the time since he borrowed money from Benjamin Franklin (20 Guineas on September 2, 1780). Benjamin Franklin wrote to Stürler on September 10, 1780:
M. De Frey has, I think, quitted our Service, and is excused by the Congress from the Necessity of returning. I nevertheless lent him 16. Guineas on his Promise of repaying me in a few Days. He broke that Promise and borrowed 4. Guineas more of me on a new Promise, which he likewise broke; for when he paid me it was much after the Time. I do not like to be troubled with such uncertain Borrowers or their affairs, or their Pledges. I therefore return the Billets he has sent me, thro’ your Hands and desire to be excused lending him any more Money.
“From Benjamin Franklin to Stürler, 10 September 1780,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, vol. 33, July 1 through November 15, 1780, ed. Barbara B. Oberg. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1997, pp. 279–280.] (12/17/2022)
Despite his annoyance, Franklin would continue to lend Frey money and Frey eventually paid the money back.
Frey arrived in Bordeaux sometime in April of 1780 and was in Paris by July 1, of 1780. He aimed to return to America in October of 1780 but was captured by the British while at sea and not released until July of 1781.
Baron de Frey returned to America after his release and continued to serve as a volunteer aide-de-camp to the Marquis de La Fayette. He was a member of the Marquis’ staff during the battle of Yorktown in October of 1781.
Frey was desirous to continue to serve America even after the end of the Revolutionary War and he wrote to George Washington on October 29, 1781:
I beg leave to represent to your Excellency that I obtained a Commission of Captain from the Honorable Congress the 2d of february 1778. I Served in the family of Major general Marquis de la Fayette till after the battle of Monmouth. in the Month of July following general Count Pulasky gave me a Company in his Legion—but on its reform being at that time a prisonner of war, I was unavoidably without a Command. as Soon I was exchanged. by Count de Barras I followed and joined the army where I have had the Honor to act in the late Siege as a Volunter in Colonel gimats Regiment of light infanterie. all that I now find left me is to intreat that if your Excellency is Satisfied with my Services in the Several Situations in which I have been placed in your army; that your goodness would imploy me in Such a maner as you please, being very desirous to Serve longer the United States or if this can not be done that I might obtain from your Excellency a recommandation of my Services to Congress, as in this case I am determined to return to Europe—I hope Your Excellency will be pleased to take my present Situation into Consideration and let me Know as Soon as possible your intention. I have the Honor to be with the most profound Respect Your Excellencys most obed. humble Servant
“To George Washington from Baron de Frey, 29 October 1781,” Founders Online, National Archives, [This is an Early Access document from The Papers of George Washington. It is not an authoritative final version.] (12/17/2022)
George Washington therefor wrote to Thomas McKeene on November 2, 1781:
I do myself the honor of inclosing a letter from Baron de frey, in which after giving me a State of his services, he requests either that he may be employed suitably to his rank—or have a recommendation to Congress to facilitate his retiring to Europe. The former being impracticable in the present circumstances of the Army—the alternative cannot be refused him—I therefore do myself the honor of informing Congress that from an inspection of the certificates given him by the several commanding officers under whom he has served, it appears to me that his military conduct has uniformly gained their applause—and that he may retire from the service with the reputation of an officer who has on all occasions done his duty—I have the honor to be with the profoundest respect Your Excellencys most obedt Servt
“From George Washington to Thomas McKean, 2 November 1781,” Founders Online, National Archives, [This is an Early Access document from The Papers of George Washington. It is not an authoritative final version.] (12/17/2022)
Frey informed Washington on December 11, 1781 of his resignation:
I do myself the Honor to inform your Excellency that the Honorable Congress has been pleased, by their Resolve of the 28th November last, to accept of my Resignation, and as I had the Honor to serve in the army of the United States four year and upward, and conducted myself on all occasions as becometh an Officer of honor, as appears by the Several Certificates from the general officers under Whoes Command I had the Honor to Serve. Therefore my desire is, that your Excellency would be pleased, in consideration of my Services, to recommend me to Congress for the Rank of a Major by Brevet in the Service of the United States, which Rank would do me Honour in my Country, and would be to a great advantage to me in the Service of France. I doubt not that upon your Excellency’s recommandation the Honorable Congress will be pleased to grant me my demand as a gratification for my Services in this Country during four years. Therefore I recommand myself in your Excellency’s Protection, and Have the Honor to be with the profoundest Respect. Your Excellencys most obedient and humble Servant
“To George Washington from Baron de Frey, 11 December 1781,” Founders Online, National Archives, [This is an Early Access document from The Papers of George Washington. It is not an authoritative final version.] (12/17/2022)
Such a commission was of course not possible, and Washington told Frey so on December 12, 1781:
I have received your letter of yesterday’s date. After your application to Congress and their acceptance of your resignation, I do not conceive myself at liberty to recommend you to the Rank of Major by Brevet in the American service, because that would imply a new introduction into the Army.
Congress have in their Resolve of the 28th November expressed their sense of your Merits and have assigned a reason for accepting your Commission which reflects no dishonor upon you. I am Sir Yr most obt Servt.
“From George Washington to Baron de Frey, 12 December 1781,” Founders Online, National Archives, [This is an Early Access document from The Papers of George Washington. It is not an authoritative final version.] (12/17/2022)
Washington wrote a certificate of Frey’s honourable service on December 17, 1781:
Monsr Charles de Frey obtained the Rank of Captain in the Army of the United States in January 1778—At which time he joined the family of Major Genl the Marquis de la Fayette and continued with him ’till after the Battle of Monmouth in the Month of June following.
Capt. de Frey was then appointed to the command of a Company in the Legionary Corps of Brigadier General the Count Pulaski—In October 1779 he sollicited and obtained leave to return to France upon Furlough—On his passage back to America he was unfortunately taken prisoner and remained in Captivity untill July 1781.
Finding upon his release that the Legion to which he belonged had been dissolved upon the death of Count Pulaski, he joined the Army as a Volunteer at the Seige of York in Virginia and acted under the immediate command of the Marquis de la Fayette from whom he obtained a very honorable Certificate of his services upon that occasion.
By the testimonials of the General Officers under whom Capt. de Frey has more immediately served, it fully appears that during his continuance in the Army of the United States he acted with the bravery and good conduct of an officer and the Reputation of a Gentleman. Given under my hand and seal at Philadelphia the 17th day of Decemr 1781—
“From George Washington to Baron de Frey, 17 December 1781,” Founders Online, National Archives, [This is an Early Access document from The Papers of George Washington. It is not an authoritative final version.] (12/17/2022)
Besides Washington’s certificate, Frey also received a letter of recommendation from Benjamin Franklin, bearing witness to his military merits and behavior as a gentleman. As with many other of La Fayette aide-de-camps, money and adequate compensation were a problem but Frey was rather lucky with the way his case was dealt with.
Robert Morris paid Frey all but 500 Dollar of the money due to him. For the remaining 500 Dollar he wrote a cheque on December 5, 1781:
The Bearer of this Letter the Baron de Frey will shew you a Certificate for five hundred Dollars signed by Joseph Nourse Esqr. Register of the Treasury of the United States and issued by Virtue of a Warrant of this Day from me. This Money is on Interest at six per Cent from the fifth of December and is the Balance still due after a partial Payment. Should it be perfectly convenient to you it will be [a] great Favor to him and agreable to me that this five hundred Dollars be paid to Baron de Frey taking his receipt in full of all Demands against the United States on the Back of the Certificate with three Copies signed by him and sending them by different Opportunities. I mention five hundred Dollars without noticing the Interest, because in Case of Payment by you the Transaction will be substantially as if I had given him here a Bill of Exchange. With all possible respect I have the Honor to be Sir your most obedient and humble Servant
“To Benjamin Franklin from Robert Morris, 5 December 1781,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, vol. 36, November 1, 1781, through March 15, 1782, ed. Ellen R. Cohn. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2001, pp. 196–197.] (12/17/2022)
Joseph-Pierre-Charles, Baron de Frey was married and had at least two siblings. One brother, who served as a Captain in the Austrian Army (Belgiojoso regiment.) He met his brother in Paris during his return to France and on several occasions asked Benjamin Franklin if he could forward letters from him to his brother in America.
Then there was also a sister living in France with her husband. She was one of the “Favour seekers” that Franklin encountered in Paris.
Mme. Buzard, the sister of Joseph-Pierre-Charles, baron de Frey, writes, possibly in 1778, seeking Franklin’s protection. After the death of her uncle General Hille in the service of the King of Sardinia, she married the sieur Buzard, of known probity. He served for eight years in the artillery. Now, having suffered a number of setbacks, they and their children have no money. As a favor to her brother will Franklin obtain for her husband a place in the service of the U.S. or advancement in his French regiment?
“To Benjamin Franklin from James Harriman and Other Favor Seekers, 6 November 1778,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, vol. 28, November 1, 1778, through February 28, 1779, ed. Barbara B. Oberg. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1990, pp. 44–52.] (12/17/2022)
The Baron de Frey died in 1796.
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
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A few days late, but better late than never! Usually, Yuulan is the one to interview my ocs for their birthdays, but this time, Farron will be interviewing her! I hope you all enjoy getting to know my Yuusona better! 
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Farron: Hello, Yuulan! Wishing you a very happy birthday! I hope you’re having fun!
Yuulan: Of course, you’re presence always manages to bring a smile to my face so I would be having fun regardless. Thank you for coming, Farron!
F: How does it feel to be celebrating your birthday here in Twisted Wonderland?
Y: It feels a little strange, especially since I’ve begun remembering more things from home. Initially, I didn’t really have anything planned and I doubted Crowley would go out of his way to give me a fancy school party like you and the others have had. Really, I planned to pass it quietly like any other day. But Ace, Deuce, Danica and Taima would have none of that and planned this party for me. 
F: Ah yes, I helped them a little. Our plan was originally to have this be a surprise party but I know Grim told you about it ahead of time. 
Y: Yeah he did, but you know I still tried to act surprised. And honestly, I was surprised seeing how much trouble you all went for me. Since I’m kind of a special-case student, and Crowley doesn’t seem to bother with me unless he needs something, it’s sometimes difficult for me to know where I stand with everyone. Even those who seem to like me. 
F: That is sad to hear, but I do hope you know how much I truly like you, Yuulan. And I know Danica likes you a lot as well! And I’m certain your classmates do too! Speaking of which, what do you think of our present for you?
Y: The bike? Ohhhhh, I love it! You even made sure that it had a cute little basket for me to carry around Grim!  I can’t wait to try it out, I’ve been wanting to explore more of the Isle of Sages and now I will have than chance! Yes, it’s a wonderful gift. 
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F: Since you don’t have any magic skill, what would you say you are best at?
Y: Handcrafts for sure, kitting, crochet, embroidery, things like that. I tend to fidget a lot so keeping my hands busy with some kind of craft is good for that. 
F: I’ve seen some of your work and it’s very nice. I especially like how you’ve tailored your uniforms to your own personal style. Have you ever considered maybe selling some of your work? Considering your skills, you’d definitely have a lot of business!
Y: Haha, I’m way ahead of you on that! Soon after coming to NRC, I made Crisanta an embroidered patch to go on her bookbag. She really liked it and paid me fifty madol for it, even though I didn’t ask for any compensation at first. But after that, word got around and now I take different kinds of commissions for students. Crisanta has commissioned more embroidered patches for her bag and even Jack has expressed interest in me making a scarf for him in the future. It’s a great way for me to support myself and keep Ramshackle tidy and supported since Crowley can’t be bothered most of the time. 
F: I’ve noticed that as well, but considering how…modest things are at Ramshackle, have you ever considered going to another dorm. I know you have many friends in Heartslabyul who probably wouldn’t mind your presence and Danica and I definitely wouldn’t if you came to stay at Pomefiore. 
Y: That may be so, but between you and me, I don’t think I’d do well in Heartslabyul or Pomefiore even as a guest. Though Riddle has gotten better, I don’t think I could deal with his strictness on a regular basis. The same goes for Vil, no offence. 
F: None taken, I fully understand where you’re coming from. On that same note, if you could attend NRC as a magic-using student, in which dorm would you like the Dark Mirror to sort you?
Y: Ahhh, well, if I’m being honest, and again this is no offence towards you or my Heartslabyul friends, but I’d want to be sorted into Scarabia. I just resonate with their mission statement the most out of all seven dorms as I consider myself an intellectual at heart. And the stories I’ve heard about the Scorceror of Sands are fascinating. Also, of all the dorm leaders, I feel like I get along the best with Kalim. So yeah, I’d like to be a Scarabia student. 
F: Ohhhh, I’m certain Taima would be happy to hear that! 
Y: Haha, I once told her this while Ace was nearby and he went on a five minute rant about how Heartslabyul was the better dorm, causing an argument between them, I think he forgot about how he’s often in trouble with Riddle and only wanted to play devils advocate against Taima. But I digress. I still would prefer Scarabia to Heartslabyul. 
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F: What are some things you’ve learned since coming to Twisted Wonderland?
Y: Well, since I’m not a magic-user, what I’ve learned in school has been somewhat limited. When in class, Grim usually handles the magic related stuff and the one class I can really be independent in is Professor Trein’s. But back on topic, I guess one thing I’ve learned is that things aren’t always what they seem and that strength comes in all shapes and sizes. 
F: Interesting, care to elaborate?
Y: Well, without giving too much away, I’ve had a lot of crazy experiences since coming here. Crazy but also very remarkable. And with each new thing, I learn a little more about myself and about people in general. Like how someone can seem very stern or frightening, but can truthfully be very loving and kind. Or how even the strongest people have their own weaknesses and sometimes, there are weaknesses we can’t always overcome. But still, simply trying is enough and that can be considered strength too. 
F: You’ve had a lot of time to think about these things, hmm?
Y: You could say that, I often have a lot of time to think when I’m alone here. And even if I can’t use magic, I still observe a lot of things around me, even if I don’t say much about what I see. 
F: Being observant is a good skill to have, magic or not. And I must say, Yuulan, I admire how you have been able to make the most of the incredible situation you find yourself in. Between you and I, I’m not sure I’d be able to have even half of your courage if I found myself alone in a strange new world where I don’t know anyone or understand how things work.
Y: *laughs a little* I’m not sure how courageous I am, I guess you could say I’m just resilient more than anything. And I don’t think I can afford to be anything else. 
F: Still, I find it very admirable. And with that, our interview has come to an end. Thank you for sharing all of this with us. And I hope you continue to enjoy your birthday! 
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robertogreco · 1 year
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Near the end of May 2022, I received my first watch, and a week later, already in June, I made this post to the watch forum about that watch. The original post had a different photo – I like the one I have used here more even though it doesn’t show the bracelet or any of the straps mentioned in the description. I’m also adding a few additonal notes to the text as I migrate it to this Tumblr.
California Rail Explorer
Last fall, shortly after my daughter returned to campus for her last year of undergrad, she sent me a text letting me know that a classmate had established a watchmakers club. (She'd observed as I'd become increasingly interested in watches during the preceding months.) In January, she encouraged me to commission a watch from the club and put me in touch with its founder. It worked like this: we would order the parts and when they all arrived to her she would take them to the club and donate 20% of their cost in exchange for assembly.
Here are twenty points explaining the choices I made about this California Rail Explorer, my first watch and the product of more than a year of watchless watch enthusiasm:
1. California dial: Not long after I first became interested in watches a bit over a year ago, I learned about California dials and their history. I like them because of that history, but also because they are a bit playful and unserious, and as a long-time resident of California I am legally obliged to like them. This specific dial is from Orion Watches. It has embossed numerals and hour indices and they almost look like they are applied (hard to see that in the photo). [I’m pasting here some more that I wrote about California dials in another place.]
I am a big fan of them, but I agree that they don’t enhance legibility. The story goes that it was about orientation (up and down) too, but I don’t think it really helps in that way either with a watch on the wrist and with the triangle at 12. What I do like about them is what happened next and how that gave them the name California dial. I don’t need numerals to be able to read a watch and I imagine most people don’t – so many watches completely forgo numerals, so for me the numerals represent an opportunity for decoration, and California dials now represent a quirky / goofy / silly way to do that with a cool story to go along with them. (The horizontal marker at 6 is a part of this too for me, because it would probably be more ~rational for that one to be vertical.) And it’s a somewhat subtle playfulness, which is perfect for me.
2. Railroad Track Minute Scale: I like trains and this is the first nod to trains on the watch. A lot of California dials tend to have railroad track minute scales, so that was very convenient. [This is the part of the watch that I have come to appreciate the least.]
3. Sterile Dial: It was important to me that there be no branding or text other than the numerals on the dial. I don't like advertising brands and I don't need to be reminded about any of the specifications or features of the watch.
4. Black Dial with White Numerals: I wanted this watch to have a simple color scheme that would wear well with with any color clothing.
5. No Faux Aging or Patina: This is a new watch and I want my use of it to age it – I don’t want to imitate or accelerate that process.
6. C3 lume: This was mostly about making sure that there was no faux aging on the watch. My second choice hands actually had C1 lume, which I like even more because it’s white and not green. I know that C1 lume is weak (the dial has the faintest lume), but lume isn’t really important to me. Generally speaking broad arrow hands don’t come without lume, so that wasn’t really an option to consider, but I also like the way that the hands look with the additional texture and detail of the lume space.
7. Explorer Case: It’s a classic design. It’s very comfortable. It’s not super thin, but it’s also not a thick watch. I don’t have a need for an adorned or moveable bezel. I ordered this case and the bracelet (notes below) from riyi002 on eBay, but I have since learned from another [redacted] member that this seller also makes signed Rolex cases and that might change my mind about ordering from them again. [No tears for Rolex from me, though.]
8. 36mm: I like smaller watches even though I have a wrist that can accommodate larger watches. 36mm seemed like the perfect size for my first watch and now that I have it, I think that is right.
9. Screw-down Crown: I find this to be a helpful feature for some additional peace of mind because it is more secure and more water tight.
10. Broad-arrow Hour Hand: This is the second nod to trains in the watch, specifically to the hour hands used on some classic Railmasters, but it also plays a role in filling some of the empty space on the dial. This pair of hands from Namoki Mods was a backup set that I ordered because my first choice was out of stock and my second choice had not arrived yet (and might never arrive? maybe I will swap them if they do). [That second choice pair of hands with C1 lume got caught in the shipping slowdowns of the early pandemic, but they did eventually show up.]
11. Dauphine Minute Hand: I am just a big fan of dauphine hands, but they also tend to accompany broad arrow hands.
12. Drilled Lugs: I find this feature to be very practical especially given how this watch works well with a wide variety of watch band types. [I have been doing a lot of that band changing in the year and two months since I got the watch.]
13. Brushed Oyster Bracelet: Like the case, this bracelet is a classic design and is usually paired with Explorer watches. riyi002 offers various versions, and I chose the older design with the rivets on the side because I like the look, but also because the clasp was smaller than the more contemporary version. [I use the bracelet from time to time, but generally like the watch most on two piece nylon straps and the two-piece silicone strap shown above.]
14. 20mm lugs: As part of the case selection, I wanted a watch with 20mm lugs to make my watch band choices as extensive as possible. I think 18mm would have also been fine, but with this case the proportions would have looked off to me. I also like the idea of the straps I use starting off a tad bit wider.
15. Alternative Straps (not pictured): I ordered five additional straps for the watch from Cheapest Nato Straps – a dark brown leather band that tapers some, a light blue ribbed nato strap, a gray seatbelt single-pass, a blue and white single pass, and a multi-color (light blue, red, pink, and lime green) striped single pass strap that glows in the dark and had California in its name. [In the end, I have decided that I don't really like nato straps and single-pass straps, but I plan to convert those into two-piece nylon straps.]
16. Seiko NH38: What can I say? It’s inexpensive, ubiquitous, reliable, accurate, easily serviced or replaced, and as opposed to the NH35 it has no ghost date. I ordered a pre-regulated one from Crystal Times and it has been accurate to within seconds a day since I started wearing it two days ago. [The watch continues to be as accurate as it was when it arrived.]
17. Time Only: I just wanted the time on the watch. I like the second hand because it's a visual reminder that the watch is running.
18. Collaborative: I am a sucker for collaborative work and this watch represents that through the several people involved in its making.
19. International: I am also an internationalist of sorts and I like that this watch has parts designed and/or made in many different countries – China (case and bracelet), Singapore (hands), Japan (movement), Malaysia (movement), US (dial), Sweden (bands and straps), and Switzerland (case and bracelet). It was assembled in California.
20. Solid Caseback: I wanted a blank space for an engraving that I will make myself, but which is still to be done. [I am still debating what to put in that engraving, but I have pretty much decided that it will not be posted online.]
I guess it’s time to change my watch profile. [There was a screenshot of the profile here that included the “zero watches” phrase, which I then changed to be sentence below.]
Watch enthusiast with exactly z̶e̶r̶o̶ ̶w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶e̶s̶ one watch. Watch stories, customization, mods, Frankenwatches, California dials, everything else.
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shutupbrain · 2 years
sus, last 6-12 months
Suddenly opened a new, separate individual bank account which he said he made to better track his finances. All his commission checks go in there. I was very caught off guard only because we've had joint finances for over 9 years and have made all our major financial decisions together. He says he got it to better track his finances.
Makes "he" not "we" statements more often now I think about it.
He goes from buying himself a bunch of new gym equipment for our garage (which he used daily for some time) to saying he needs to workout at a gym every single workday instead. His reason being that he doesn't have what he needs at his home gym.
Bought and began wearing name brand cologne (has never worn cologne in our 11 years prior), new watch, investing much more effort into appearance. Explanation could be that he is just trying to have better self esteem after struggles with that in the past, feeling more confident from working out.
Stopped using the sharing feature we set up in Google photos with me.
After guilt tripping me for so long because I got to WFH, his job gave him a nice raise and told him he could now WFH because they want to do whatever they need to keep him. That was about 2 months ago and he's worked at home twice.
1 day he wouldn't give me the pin to log into his phone when I just wanted to Google something since I didn't have mine. He was cooking and said that he "doesn't remember it" and "only uses face ID." I thought that was bullshit and gave him side eye but brushed it off. I then realized after cooking that he came and swiped the phone up off the table and disappeared upstairs to "poop." Convenient..
Both of his phones are on total lockdown, I have no way to access them. He says it's because of how I've reacted to porn and porn subscription services he'd paid for in the past that I found. His computer is on lockdown too and he keeps a guest account for me to use if I need to on the rare occasion. He uses the same excuse he has for the phones for his PC. So he's hiding something on all devices without a doubt, but what exactly and the seriousness of it is anyone's guess.
He has suddenly expressed interest in getting a full sleeve tattoo, to cover his hand as well, which he was not very into when we discussed getting tattoos in the past. He also used to say he hated acrylic nails and when I got my hair done but now he's all for it. Suggested we take couples dance lessons which shook me but I thought was a really great attempt to reconnect. With all these other coincidences now though, I don't know. Personal growth or something else?
He has a girl he works with that he talks about on a daily basis. He's always told me about the office drama and coworkers which I like to hear about! But in the last few months he has said her name in conversation almost daily and together they talk about me and her fiance based on stories he's told me. He recently, unprompted mind you, told me they're like "brother and sister." He said he tells me all this to be more open so I don't worry or feel unfortunately. See my other post about how she's a total dime which he never mentioned.
He has been calling me a bitch frequently which is not a normal thing for us. When we were drunk the other night and having fun, we lost the keys and got into an argument. He looked me dead in the face and yelled that "you ain't shit! We all know who is paying for the locksmith and new keys, that's right, it's me!!"
I laid it all out for him tonight about how I'm feeling, that I may very well be crazy in this but I need to know if anything is going on. If there's nothing to hide, please just let me see your phones to ease my mind. He is taken aback and reluctant, it's obvious. But he gives me the personal one and logs me in while I follow him up the stairs to get the work one.
He tries to stall but I'm right up on him because I won't be able to feel at ease unless I can look at his phones without him having time to go thru and hide or delete anything first. He won't let me have both at once and trades me for the work one which I'm most curious for because of the situation. I see there's no texts with her, he's deleted them because I know they've definitely texted because he told me they do. There were many other conversations (mine included) so I know he's specifically deleting his conversations with HER! My heart drops to my stomach. This lack of text trail says so much. I go to the call logs and see some short calls with her too but those can be explained as work related. When confronted about the deleted texts, he says he always deletes the group texts with them it's never just with her. There were several other group chat message trails clearly there though and not deleted sooo.
When you've been in a romantic relationship as long as ours, spouses share everything with each other and want to because of their bond and friendship and closeness! Privacy in this stage is for things like planning surprises, time alone for whatever "you time" that's needed (showering, hobbies, not wanting to have an important work interview listened in on, etc.) Deleting messages isn't privacy, it's SECRECY. You are hiding something!
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bitcodeprime · 2 years
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sparrow-stunned · 3 years
ohhhhh my . OHHHH MY. your yan venti headcanons were… MMMMMMM
may i propose to you… yandere thoma?? i’m interested in how his dynamic would play out specifically, since his top priority SHOULS be the kamisato clan (aka ayaka, ayato)
i wonder how he would react when darling (presumably not from inazuma) leaves to and from inazuma? i don’t really imagine thoma as being a dominant yandere, but more a needy, pining one… (like we discussed a couple asks ago >:))
content warning: yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, helplessness/dependence
notes: glad you enjoyed the venti hcs! took me quite a while for thoma as I’m not too familiar with him! I just finished his hangout and oh my god, mihoyo actually had the courage to make a malewife character?? standing ovation for their boldness. and the fact that their hangout touched on issues like xenophobia and misogyny is just. wow. stunned. his and ningguang’s are two of my favourites.
i'd agree that thoma doesn’t seem to be the… forceful? type. very subtle yandere. very mild as a yandere. how could i ever think that he was similar to childe??? blasphemy. i have truly sinned. as for character priorities, even though i give them yandere qualities, i try to keep them as in character as possible. so yes, i definitely agree that he’d be torn between darling and the kamisato clan. i think for thoma, loyalty wins above all else... but he's called a fixer for a reason :winks:
funny sidenote, but when you said yandere thoma, after playing through that one ending with the windwheel aster, my thought immediately went to a darling that’s from mondstadt visiting inazuma hehe. big brains think alike (or is it just thirsty ones?) anyway, as always, this turned out longer than i expected. after this, i think I’m done with yandere thoma for a while. he takes actual brain cells to write, and the booster shot fried too many of mine.
word count: 1.6k
officiale | yan thoma x reader
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i. alight
Carefree wind. Feathered wings. Scattered wishes and dandelion seeds. To Thoma, that is who you are. Whenever the Alcor first lowers anchor in Ritou, the first to greet you at the docks is always Thoma.
"You're back," he says with a friendly grin. You always smile back, and it makes the waiting all the more worth it.
ii. settle
A customary offer of tea at the Komore Teahouse, and you accept. A careful slip of his hand at the small of your back. A rustle as his fingers sink in fabric. Thoma guides you toward the teahouse with a gentle force. You’ve been here enough to know the way, but he likes to make himself useful. He sees you so rarely, that any touch he could steal, he does.
Warmth seeps into his fingertips from your skin. Burns like Pyro. Your clothing has always been too light for his liking—but also a blessing. In more ways than one.
You never comment. Perhaps you never realized the intimacy. Perhaps you don't care.
“Seems like you had a difficult journey,” he says when you yawn, the corner of his eyes crinkling at how adorable you look. He wishes he could capture it, but you’ve always shied away from Kameras.
“The weather was as awful as ever,” you say, shaking your head. “Always so turbulent, with that raging storm. The Raiden Shogun should learn how to relax. I have some advice if she needs it.”
He laughs at your nonchalant, irreverent words. You never did have the fear of the gods instilled in you. Perhaps it is the Mondstadt in you, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything else. “Maybe she should. I have some teas for recommendation then,” he jokes, drawing a chuckle out of you. Good thing the Komore Teahouse is known for privacy. “How long are you staying this time?”
“Only a few days, if all goes well.” You blow gently over the tea before taking a careful sip. “I’ve got this letter I need to deliver for a commission. After that”—you hum, eyes closed in thought, and Thoma wonders if you ever think of him—“I think I need some photos of the Narukami shrine and a fortune slip for a merchant. As though me drawing it will transfer the luck to him somehow,” you scoff. “But you know merchants and their strange superstitions.”
“Nothing major then?”
“Nope,” you say with a pop of your lips, and then sprawls over the table, one cheek flat on the table. “Boring, easy commissions are all I ever get. The most excitement I’ve gotten was probably the ship ride here.”
Thoma glances and notes the sallowness of your skin. He’ll get you something to eat later, he decides. But for now, he ruffles you hair, mussing it into tangles entwined in his fingers. You squawk in protest, one hand already trying batting him away. Like a cat, he thinks, amused. “Wanna go feed the strays with me?”
You sit up, eyes sparkling. “Strays?”
For the briefest of moments, Thoma allows himself to feel self-satisfied at your unrivalled attention on him.
iii. root
You are a wind of nostalgia, storming through Thoma’s heart every time you come. An adventurer, always in search of the unknown. An adventurer, always flitting from nation to nation.
Mondstadt is so far away; yet in you, it is so close. Stories of places he only remembers in hazy memories long ago, of people he’s only heard in passing, all of it falls from you lips and settles in his mind. Were he not tied irrevocably to the Kamisato clan, he thinks he would have liked to be an adventurer accompanying you on your travels. Or at the very least, a home for you to return to.
But an adventurer never stays in place. The wind never stills, and the dandelions is never far behind.
Thoma balances pros and cons in a mental account book, tallying up debts and credits in columns in hopes of arriving at an answer. In hopes of having you stay. But despite his skills, the calculations never succeed.
So when he sends you off, the Alcor raising anchors, spiriting you away from him, Thoma always smiles. Carefree. He hopes that’s how you’ll remember him.
Even if he feels anything but.
iv. entwine
“Is that…” Thoma sniffs the bottle in your hand and wrinkles his nose. “Dandelion wine?”
“Bingo!” you slur, wrapping one hand around his neck and pulling him close. You press your face into the crook of his neck, always so casually intimate when you’re drunk; he should be used to it, but fires burn every time. He stills at the feeling of your breath on his throat, at the scent of alcohol so heady around you. “Dandelion wine, straight from Mondstadt! Want some, Thoma?”
“You know me and alcohol," he says hoarsely. His heart is racing, but you’re too drunk to hear its rabbit-fast rhythm. "We don’t mix well together.”
“Come on! Shouldn’t wine run in at least half your veins? I'll drink for both of us then.” You laugh softly, and Thoma thinks of the quiet rustles of small lamp grass. A swaying glow, disturbed by pattering feet. Something in his chest clenches, and for a second, he’s left breathless. Dazed at the power of you.
It never lasts long. Just like how you never last long in Inazuma.
v. imbibe
There’s one time that you do stay. Like Furuya, you’re prone to illness. As luck would have it, you fall sick in Inazuma. You can’t handle the rough journey back. Captain Beidou fusses over you, saying that the Crux is more than willing to wait, but you dismiss her concern with a weak wave of your hand. I’ll be fine, you say. After all, Thoma’s here.
Thoma becomes your crutch, and when you lean on him, there’s something right. Like sweeping away dust, leaving behind shiny, lacquered wood.
Like making a home.
“I’ll take good care of her, Captain,” Thoma promises, and Beidou lets you go reluctantly.
It had definitely been an ordeal, getting you back into the Kamisato Estate. Halfway through, you almost collapse. Thoma sweeps you up in his arms, and you don’t even protest. Curls up in his arms like a kitten, murmurs nonsensical things in your feverish state as he carries you back home. Questions about the sky, about the stars, about the unknown abyss, and how you wish to visit them all.
It’s too bad that you’re too sick to do it. Too sick to leave. Unfortunately.
For three days and three nights, Thoma watches over you as the illness runs its course. Housework needed to be done. Deals needed to be made. Messes needed to be cleaned. Later, Thoma tells himself. Later, he’ll make up for it. He’ll apologize to Master Ayato and Lady Ayaka. They’ll understand.
Because how can he leave when you’re like this? When you’re so weak, you can’t dress yourself, can’t eat, can barely even breathe without him.
He wishes you could stay like this. Wishes on a dandelion that you could stay.
Sometimes, when you’re in another fever dream, Thoma lets himself help you drink water—lets himself to you. He sips the cool fluid into his mouth and then slants his lips over yours. The water trickles from him to you, and you greedily gulp it down, as though he were your life source.
Needy. Helpless. Dependent. That’s how he likes you best.
vi. flower
It is inevitable that you would leave. You have the heart of an adventurer, too mercurial for the eternity of Inazuma. So on the last day, he gives to you a parting gift.
“Thoma… you shouldn’t have!” You murmur, one hand gliding over neatly stitched wool. A determined look sweeps over your face. “I’m going to put it on right now!”
He laughs at your enthusiasm as you tug the knitted sweater over your head. Just as he expected, it’s the perfect size. Sharpness snags on his throat at the way it molds to your body. His work wrapped around you. Him around you.
“It fits so well,” you say in astonishment. “How’d you know my size?”
“Oh, you know me,” he says easily, voice with just the right amount of cheer. “I’m not a housekeeper for nothing. My eyes are pretty good at guessing stuff like this.” A lie, but you didn’t need to know that he had taken measurements while you were feverish. Feverish enough to not remember his touch.
“You didn’t have to do something like this," you fret, wringing your hands.
“It’s nothing much! I finished it yesterday.” Another lie. He’s had it finished before you even arrived. But he didn’t want you to have before you left. Perhaps he had hoped that the chill of autumn...
He sweeps those thoughts off aside, before they clutter the rest of his mind.
vi. flight
Before you board the ship, as you always do, you press a dandelion seed into his hand. A gentle grasp of his still hand with calloused fingers—you always did push yourself too hard when training.
“A gift to remind you of Mondstadt,” you say, and he doesn’t say that he’d rather you than all the dandelions in the world. Instead, he forces himself to smile as you relinquish him and leave. Waves goodbye as the ship fades into the distance, hiding his clenched fist with the small seed behind his back.
As a child, Thoma remembers chasing flying dandelion seeds, small fist snatching at air as he races through the grassy fields. But dandelion seeds were meant to glide far, far away, his mother had said with a laugh. They carry your hope within, so that your wish can be heard by Barbatos, even when afar.
Thoma’s loyalty to the Kamisato clan does not waver. He cannot leave Inazuma. He has decided his path. But when you’re here, he doesn’t miss Mondstadt so much. You’re a dandelion seed that’s braved tempest and storm to arrive in Inazuma. To grant his wish. He used to want to go home to Mondstadt, but now… he’d rather have you.
He’s not a child anymore. He’s grown older. Taller. His arms are longer. His hand bigger. Maybe now, he’ll finally be able to snatch one of those flying dandelion seed.
Maybe next time, he’ll learn how to keep you.
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