#if we’re technically still dating that means that we’ve been dating for years…
I just remembered recently that in the 7th grade, I started dating this guy who I was friends with. I just realised that we never broke up..so technically we’re *still* dating..
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
I have a problem Cas… I think im in love. 
Okay so, there’s this girl. We’ve been best friends like 5 years. I mean i’ve always- okay I don’t know how to explain this. 
I’m basically a fan-fiction come to fucking life. 
So i’m Demisexual, and last year I decided to come out to my family. I don’t know if other Demi ppl have preferences of gender, but I don’t. Honestly labels confuse me. I’m not sure if technically i’m Biromantic and Demisexual but hey, the point is- and what I explained to my family- that i’d be open to dating anyone. 
Basically i was telling them I wasn’t straight. (Obviously Demisexual is also about sexual activities and people and stuff but I wasn’t gonna try and explain to my parents that I don’t really get attracted to random ppl- cause they don’t get it- and I didn’t want to accidentally start talking abt sex). 
So anyway, they were not happy. Have you watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine? There’s this clip where the character Rosa comes out as Bi and her parents are like “That’s okay, since you can still date a man and marry a man and be normal” and they were like that for me (i’m a girl in case that wasn’t obvious- so they wanted me to date a man).
And I didn’t really care to be honest. I had an equal level of straight friends to queer friends, I felt suitably in both worlds. I truly love my family. They’ve always been good to me. But they did imply if I did end up with a girl, they wouldn’t want to meet/know her.
Not to mention the religious trauma. I spent a shit ton of time listening to ppl tell me that same-sex marriage and relationships are a “sin”. Hell- there was this one rlly lovely women at church when I was like 9, but she got kicked out when they congregation found out she was a lesbian. (Okay- not kicked out but like bullied into leaving).
So it was fine for me to accept that I could potentially date a women since i’ve never felt immediate attraction to anyone, it never felt totally real. 
BUT NOW I HAVE A PROBLEM. So my best friend (who is also a girl) of 5 years. She’s amazing. She’s literally the funniest person i’ve ever met, she’s so generous and has helped me so much, and she’s just adorable. She’s like fucking sunshine. And ngl, I don’t often like people who are so cheery all the time because it feels fake and I like people around me to be honest. 
But she just, she has this way of finding the beauty in the stupidest things and it’s so cute. We got splashed by a car the other day, drenched both our outfits, and instead of being mad, she got all excited and had us do a photoshoot in our crazy soaked clothes, and then got all excited that we could cuddle under a duvet and watch a movie with snacks once we got home cause apparently that’s the only acceptable thing people can do after being covered in water (which is exactly what we did).
And she’s not unreasonably happy, you know? Like when people try to cheer people up at bad times and make everyone more sad, she’s not like that. Whenever i’m upset, or mad, she’ll doodle these cute little flowers on coloured paper and write things she loves about the world on the back of them, and once i’m done ranting abt how annoying the world is, she’ll give it to me and smile. She has the best smile.
I have this jar, I write the date on them and put the paper in the jar. 
We’ve been best friends five years, she started doing that like four years ago and i’ve had the jar pretty much from the start. 
It’s always been easy to be around her. We sort of knew each other for like a year, and then I blinked, and we were best friends. I read all the books she gives me even though the plot is super cheesy cause she loves talking about them, I learnt how to bake all her favourite snacks her mum made, cause she’s pretty far from home and honestly a tragic baker. And she cooks dinner (don’t ask how she can’t bake to save her life but is the most incredible cook, it’s unbelievably ridiculous) for us a lot, she learnt to make my fav food. 
We technically live together, we’re at the final year of uni (maybe not tho depending on our next courses, I dunno) so we’ve been living together this year, but before that, I basically spent most of my time around her place anyway.
So yeah, we’re friends. But I realised a few months ago that i’m pretty, definitely, in love with her. I think i’ve felt like this for about a year and it just hadn’t quite clicked yet. 
(I had this awful day and came back to our place to see her genuinely painting our wall a different colour of white. She paints as a hobby and accidentally splatter a ton of blue paint on the wall and freaked out and tried buying white paint to cover it when it wouldn’t wash of and she was sat on the floor with white paint all over her and the wall still blue. 
She told me the story and I burst out laughing. I explained you often need white primer first, to cover the blue, and then to buy the correct shade of white, since ours was sort of chill white and she’d bought bright white. 
It’s the type of thing that would’ve annoyed me so much at the end of such a tough day, but because it was her, I just found it adorable. That’s when it clicked, I love her. She noticed I was tired immediately and felt bad cause she realised i’d had a bad day. I said this cheered me up, cause it did. Then we made dinner together and spent the night reading on the sofa with music on. 
We went to the shop the next day to get the correct stuff and luckily our wall is back to looking almost exactly the same). 
So yeah, I love her. Plus like, being demi, I don’t usually find ppl attractive… I mean i’ve always known she’s aesthetically pleasing, she has good fashion sense and stuff, but like, I tend to view all people as the same sort of level of attractive. BUT NOW ITS LIKE- SHES FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. It’s kind of annoyingly actually. How is everyone not spending all day gazing at her eyes. They’re fucking caramel, like a book character. She says they’re brown but she’s wrong. In dull lighting they seem brown but they’re like dark orange (amber i guess) with little hues of green, but in the sun they’re really bright and caramel and warm. 
She’s a lesbian btw. So theoretically I’ve got a shot. Also, i’ve always been good at reading people and I know she’s had like a small crush on me at least twice in our friendship. You can tell sometimes. 
But recently, it’s been a wreck. I’m so distracted cause i’m in love with her I can’t think, and my friends keep telling me she loves me back but I can’t keep my head on straight long enough to try and tell. 
But. If I do get my head out of my ass and tell her and she does end up wanting to date me, what the fuck am I supposed to do then. Cause if it does work out, i’m pretty sure it’ll last. 
My parents never totally liked her (they probably saw this coming- but I think in the homophobic, all queer ppl date each other, way and not the, they’re meant to be together, way) and if ended up having to tell them i’m actually dating a women, they’d be pissed. 
I always thought i’d end up with man, since it’s easier. No religious guilt about that. But I can put aside my own brains stupidity for her. But I can’t change my parents. But aside from this, they’re literally amazing. But I also know them and I truly don’t think they’ll change.
All my friends having been saying me and her should’ve been dating this entire time. I don’t know, I like to think now would be kinda perfect. I always knew she was gonna be in my life forever, I guess I just got so used to imagining myself with a man I forgot she was an option? That I could be with her romantically forever. You know, assuming she wants to date me.
(We’ll see about that. I’m really not sure. But i’m totally shit at keeping my own secrets so i’m planning to tell her soon if not just for the sake of my own sanity. All my friends say she’ll reciprocate, if she doesn’t, then I guess i’ll go from there, she’s not the type to be weird or bothered that we live together despite it. And if she does… then I have to decide what to do next. My other best friend is literally always right when it comes to our friends dating lives, and she has faith we’ll end up together, so we’ll see I guess) 
But if she does. If she does I’ll have to get into it with my family. I don’t want to lie to them. And I know I shouldn’t judge, but I honestly don’t think they’ll change their minds. I think they’ll say I can come visit whenever, but not bringing my partner. And I won’t want that. And we’ll all argue.  
I never liked knowing my parents didn’t accept this side of me, but I guess I never considered it would be an actual problem i’d have to deal with someday. 
I spend a lot of my time trying to figure myself out. I haven’t had the easiest path in life. But with her, it’s so easy. It’s easier to understand what I like, it’s easier to talk about things, and I fully trust her not to be weird. Or leave. Or get mad for nothing. I don’t have to walk on eggshells around her. I trust her. We don’t argue much. We have, what she calls, three different type of arguments. 
One, “bad mood argues”. She finds it so hilarious that it rhymes. You have to say it with the syllables. Bad-Mood Ar-Gues. We have these cookies in the freezer that we make every month. If one of us is having a bad day, we cook a few cookies to eat and I bought this dumb fridge magnet of a cookie to put on the fridge to signify it’s a cookie worthy bad day. 
Another one is “justifiable anger”. That doesn’t happen much. When we first met, she had this tendency to not tell me when I did something that upset her, and it’d spiral, and i’d be mad she wasn’t talking about why she was mad. So we have a rule to always talk about problems, even the little things. For example, her yelling into the phone to her family for hours while i’m trying to study- she has planned days now, so I can go to the library or she can go out if necessary, or keep the convo below 45 min, her mums like half deaf so she does have to shout, but it’s also VERY loud. Basically we comprise. And make sure no anger builds up.
The third type of argument is, what our friends call, “married idiots”. As in, she shouldn’t use the siri talk thingy while driving cause it never understands what she’s trying to say and so I get jumbled texts that mean nothing and then she thinks she’s told me something she hasn’t told me. She’s nearly understanding that one 🤦‍♀️ And you know, the classic colour of something argument (it’s purple- she’s wrong).  
Anyway. I forgot my point. Oh yeah, everything’s easier with her. I feel comfortable. If i’m being totally honest… i’m pretty sure if I ask her out, she’ll say yes. Like 80% sure. Im just scared to fuck this up, and cause family problems. Cause yeah, she’s worth the drama, but also, it’s her that’ll be being insulted right? She very likely won’t be allowed in my house. I don’t want this to ruin what we already have. 
So yeah. That. I could really do with some advice ❤️
Hi <3
If you do not ask this girl out, I will physically pass away.
Like...I'm not usually so pushy with asks, but you're describing a relationship, hon. This is a relationship. I'm not sure if you follow me because of the Marauders, but you two are literally Wolfstar, And I'm shipping the two of you so hard right now.
If, for some insane reason, she turns you down, it's because she doesn't realize she's in love with you, too.
As far as your family...again, I'm going to be more blunt that usual. You're going to have to face their lack of acceptance for you at some point. It's absolutely shit that they don't accept you, but like...don't let that stop you from being with this girl. Because even if you put off their feelings now, you'll have to deal with it someday, and then you might miss out on an amazing girl.
Please update me. I need updates. I am so invested. I am DYING for updates.
God, I'm rereading all the things you wrote and I'm kicking and giggling. You two are ridiculously adorable. Please kiss her already (with consent).
I'm naming you purple anon. Please write back.
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writerblue275 · 7 months
How Heartsteel would act when they are tipsy. (18+)
(Seriously drinking too much is not fun. Either while you’re drinking, or the day after. I once learned the hard way in college that I become extremely emotional if I have a bit much and it’s just straight up not a good time. I still drink, but very occasionally and not much.)
Inspiration: Now all that being said……I’d love to have a drink or two with the Heartsteel members. I think that would be so fun!
Champions: Heartsteel
Genre: Headcanon
Type: Fluff (I’m still saying this is 18+ only. I’m American so technically the legal drinking age where I am is 21, but I know for a lot of places around the world the legal age to drink is 18.)
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader
TW: We’re talking about alcohol use in this one. Mention of a drinking game or two. Mention of sobriety. Swearing.
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If you want a calm, chill, but still fun night, Aphelios is the guy to drink with. 100/10 vibes and I’m all here for it.
This is when he’d use more sign language to communicate. (I’m imagining tipsy Phel signing incredibly cheesy pick up lines to his partner and I’m OBSESSED.)
And you know how words can start to slur when people get tipsy? That concept maybe translates into his sign language juuuuust a little bit. Maybe a slightly sloppy sign here or there. But you know him well enough that you know what he’s trying to say.
And while he’s not super touchy, when he’s tipsy, he’s definitely staying connected to you somehow.
Either through linked hands/pinkies, an arm around you, or just some other way of him keeping connected to you.
You two turn into the parent couple a little bit, making sure everyone, including yourselves, is staying safe and hydrated. Aphelios might be mischievous and like pranks, but he knows when it’s time to be more serious, and keeping everyone safe when alcohol is involved is definitely a time to be more serious. (Surprise surprise, you might have thought Yone would be the parent but he’s already the band mom sober. The man needs a break. Out of the other members, I actually think Phel could wrangle people pretty well.)
Ezreal would be such a fun person to drink with just in general, but especially as your S/O. He’s energetic, fun, generally positive. In my experience, those people make for enjoyable beverage buddies (alcoholic or not). He’s the life of any party (#1).
He’s also a lightweight. Absolutely no question in my mind. He’s not a large man by any means. (I love this teeny pop prince.)
It doesn’t matter if the two of you have been together for years, once he’s tipsy, he’s pulling out all his best (read: cheesy as fuck) pick up lines and using them on you.
“Hey, my name is Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?” “Ez, we’ve been dating for over a year.” “Yes we have. And? Can I not flirt with my own partner?” “…Ok that’s very sweet, please continue.” (He always manages to make you blush and make it feel like the first time you met him.)
Only uses them on you though. As flirty as Ez can be, this green bean is LOYAL to you. Only you get his flirty side. Anyone else tries flirting with him and they get some truly bombastic side eye.
Otherwise Ezreal’s just really fun to chat with or play drinking games with. The absolute best beer pong partner. There’s no one more accurate. And unless you’re sitting out a round, he’ll always ask you to be his #2. It doesn’t matter how good or bad you are. When you do sit out and he plays, there’s always an argument about who gets to be his partner. The next best player is Sett, who is also very good, so there’s a house rule that the two of them can’t be on a team together 😂.
I was struggling to figure out how to describe Kayn while drinking, and now I realize why I was struggling so very much…
Plot twist: Kayn is sober. (Shoutout to anyone on a sobriety journey, for whatever reason. I have so much respect for you. Our society loves to glorify alcohol and drinking culture, so for those who actively choose to go against that, props to you.)
I genuinely don’t think he drinks at all. Maybe he did in the past but he doesn’t currently. Rock stars historically haven’t always had the best relationship with substances. This could be one of those situations where he realized he didn’t like who he was when he drank.
Kayn is self-aware enough to know he’s already fairly impulsive and a little wild while sober. Alcohol added to that mix wasn’t helping anything. So he stopped and surrounded himself with a network of people that fully support his decision (that ofc includes you and the other Heartsteel members).
Now all of that being said, Kayn still likes to enjoy himself. He’s a fan of fancy beverages, even if they’re non-alcoholic, so he’s always getting a mocktail or a non-alcoholic beer (I’m really glad to see bartenders/companies starting to include NA options. Listen, sometimes I just want to feel fancy and sip a fun beverage that doesn’t have alcohol in it). Having something to sip on makes Kayn feel involved even if he’s the only one in a group that doesn’t have an alcoholic beverage.
Now even though he doesn’t drink, don’t think he’s a spoilsport. Even without alcohol he is a very fun person to be around, so when you’re out with him you’ll still have a great night filled with some shenanigans, fun talks, and laughter.
I’m not kidding when I say I want to have a drink with Heartsteel K’Sante so badly and I’m genuinely a little sad I cannot. I want to pick his brain. I’ve said it before but I get great vibes from him. To me, it’s very easy to see why he’s one of the co-leaders of Heartsteel.
Absolutely gets philosophical/goes into deep conversations when he drinks and those people are SO FUN TO BE AROUND. A perfect companion for someone who might be a little more introverted since he’d be focused only on you and he’d maybe take you somewhere a little quieter so you can hear each other.
I feel like it’s very easy to lose track of time when you’re talking with K’Sante. Like you look down at your phone/watch and an hour has passed just like that while the two of you chat and sip on your drinks.
These deep conversations can be about anything too. Maybe about literature that you’ve both read, dissecting their music with a close eye, discussing the meaning of life, or even him listening to you discuss your problems and offering you advice if you want it.
And even if the topics of discussion are deep, K’Sante is still making things light hearted. He never wants to cause you to not enjoy your evening.
In between discussions of deeper topics, he’s cracking some jokes or telling you funny stories about himself, his family, or the other members of Heartsteel. Whatever is being discussed, the overall vibe with K’Sante is very safe and fun. When you have a drink with him, settle in and enjoy a fun night talking about anything and everything.
Oh my god Sett would be so fun to have a drink with. He absolutely gives off “life of the party” vibes (#2) and I absolutely love that for everyone around him. Hell he gives off those vibes without alcohol.
This is going to be so damn specific: Sett gives me slight frat bro vibes BUT IN THE VERY BEST WAY!! (I SWEAR I mean this as a compliment!)
When I was in university/undergrad, I was in a sorority. (Hehe surprise! I’m definitely not the stereotypical sorority girl.) Because of this I am familiar with fraternities and frat bros. While generally I don’t have a high opinion of them, there was one frat on campus that was actually awesome. Their guys were safe/fun to be around, respectful, and kind (a lot of them were athletes so they knew they better behave if they wanted to stay on their teams).
THAT is the kind of frat bro vibe I get from Heartsteel Sett. Ma raised him fucking right. He has manners and is incredibly respectful to those around him always. (Unless they give him reason not to be but that’s a whole different thing.)
And just like Ez, his flirty side is totally coming out, but again, only with you. I can’t imagine Sett ever being unfaithful in a relationship. Ma raised him far better then that.
And if you’re out with him and getting unwanted attention, he’s definitely sticking up for you, whether or not you’re dating him. Hell even if you’re a stranger, he’s the type to pretend to be your boyfriend/brother/friend to get you out of a situation. Just overall a 100/10 man to be around. You’ll definitely have a blast with him!
Yone (Yes his is long but listen, I have thoughts!)
This man. This man is my dark horse. There are two possible ways I see Yone acting when tipsy. 1. Completely fucking normal and alcohol doesn’t affect him like at all. 2. Turns him into a clingy koala man who is a lightweight.
Clingy koala man is far more entertaining so THAT’S WHAT WE’RE GOING WITH. I feel like it doesn’t take much for him to feel it. Part of that is, Yone wouldn’t drink that much to begin with. Maybe a glass of wine on a dinner date with you, or the occasional drink at a party, but otherwise it’s not his thing.
All this to say, when he does have something, he definitely feels it. And that’s when he’ll be glued to your side. Now obviously if you’re in public, he’s not going to be wrapped around you, but even then, he’ll link arms to walk with you, keep his hand on the small of your back, or even link pinkies with you.
Now if you two are alone? And you’re not going anywhere for the evening? Oh all bets are off. You better do everything you need to do before sitting down with him, because once you do, he’s pulling you into his lap and that is going to be your spot for the foreseeable future. (It’s like the unspoken pet rule: “if a pet is on you, you’re not allowed to move until they do” but in reverse. As long as Yone is cuddling you, you’re not allowed to move. [Like of course you’re allowed to move, especially if you need to go to the bathroom or get more comfortable. He’s not an asshole. But he just really loves holding you.])
You’re already the only person besides Heartsteel’s hair stylist Yone lets touch his hair, but when he’s tipsy? He practically leans his head into your touch until you play with his hair, sighing happily as you do. He especially loves when you braid it. (God damn I want to braid his hair so badly.)
Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I was discussing with my friends which fictional characters we’d like to have a drink with and that’s where this idea really stemmed from. Random, but fun to think about! 💙
(Also this is just a small reminder that my requests are currently open. If you have specific ideas, send them through my asks! Just check the rules post [linked on my masterlist] first!)
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wrenreid · 1 year
Off Limits
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contains: sexual intercourse
Part Twenty-Six
Being left in bed naked and alone was not exactly how I pictured my first time to end, but I know it wasn’t personal. He left because he had to. Because my father might take his glock out and act irrationally if he sees his favorite agent with his only daughter. I’m not saying he’d actually shoot Spencer, but he might scare the piss out of him.
My father gets home just as I slip back into bed dressed in pjs. He doesn’t say goodnight because it’s late, and I’m sure he assumes I’m asleep.
I would be asleep. Should be. But I can’t even think to rest my eyes. I’m not one to think that first kisses and first times are that big of deal. It’s not like having sex is a life altering event. And I most definitely do not feel like a whole new person.
Books and movies make it seem like a huge deal. But it’s really not. However, I do think this will change our relationship a bit. Hopefully bring us closer. Honestly, I’m really not sure what will change between us.
I do know one thing. I’m officially his girlfriend. He’s officially my boyfriend. We’re official. Which feels good. After years of crushing on him and months of sneaking around and having fun with him, we’re finally together.
I know I said fuck it if she’s off limits, but goddamn do I feel guilty. I hate feeling guilty. I’m sick of it actually. No one should feel guilty about dating anyone. But I can’t help it. It’s wired into my subconscious.
Jade is finally my girlfriend. We had a great night together. I should be happy. Well, I am happy but I’m also feeling guilty and a little dumb.
Of course I didn’t have sex with her just to spite her father, but he did have something to do with it. They all did. They pushed me a little too far and I finally caved in to what I’ve been resisting. But I wanted it, I’ve wanted it for a while, so it’s not like their teasing was my only reason for sleeping with her.
Just as I’m about to text her the next morning, I get a call from Hotch saying we need to go to Quantico for another case. I was hoping to see Jade today since we didn’t get to talk after we had sex. But I guess that’s out the window. I grab my pre-packed go bag after getting dressed then head to work.
(skipping time because goddamn i am bored with this story… sorry)
The sneaking around that once stressed the hell out of me has kind of become fun. I mean there’s a type of thrill that comes with dating your boss’s “off limits” daughter.
Jade and I have had a fun few weeks. We’ve connected more, spent as much time together as we can, and have honestly had a lot of sex.
We’re both still getting used to our new relationship, but we’re in it together.
I spend the night with Spencer as often as I can without my dad getting suspicious. He thinks I’m either with a friend, at a party, or whatever other minuscule lie I tell him.
The lying and sneaking around is fun. I’m finally getting the experience I never had in high school. I would obviously love if I could date Spencer and not have to lie about it, but the secrecy of it all is thrilling.
It makes the sex just hotter.
After having sex on the couch, then moving it to his bedroom for more space, Spencer and I lay on the mattress together. Our hands intertwine, fiddling with our fingers.
“Want to know something a little ironic?” I ask him as his thumb rubs across the back of my hand.
Spencer shifts a bit to face me. “What’s that?”
“In 7th grade health class, us girls were all given purity rings, misogynistic, I know. I think I still have mine.”
“Give it to me.” As he says this, something in his face changes.
“What?” I question, a slight chuckle releasing from my lips.
“It’s technically mine now. It only seems accurate and fair for me to have it.”
I laugh a little once again, my cheeks burning pinker than they ever have. He’s dead serious. Something about the look in his dark eyes makes me want to go for round two right now.
I think he has the same idea. Spencer leans in, his lips kissing mine. I kiss him back immediately, my tongue sliding in his mouth. As we kiss, his hand slides down my body and he slips a finger between my folds to touch my already sensitive clit.
“You’re still wet,” he says. “Good girl.”
I moan into his mouth, moving my hips back and forth as I ride his fingers. His lips find their place on his neck and tits, sucking on the places he’s already left his mark on. It stings a little, but the pain feels good.
“God, Spencer,” I whine as he sinks his teeth into my flesh, not enough to damage my skin but enough to hurt a bit.
I beg him to touch me harder and faster, and he obliges, fingering me as I moan into his ears.
After a minute, I’m so needy that I take matters into my own hands. I sit up then place myself onto his lap, guiding his dick inside me with my hand. I roll my hips back and forth, watching his face as I ride him.
“Holy fuck,” he whines. “You’re so hot, baby.”
The way his length hits inside me as I bounce on him has me louder than I’ve ever been. He lifts one of his hands up to quiet me so his neighbors don’t hear. I personally, don’t care if they hear us. I want them to know how good he feels and wish they could feel this way.
He releases his hand after a while, holding my hips and occasionally slapping my ass while I ride him. He bucks his hips upward to meet mine, making his dick hit inside me harder.
“Fuck,” I moan, dragging out the word.
He’s moaning louder than usual too. My hands that were scratching down his chest land on his throat, choking him.
“Is this okay?” I ask.
He’s done it to me before but I haven’t done it to him while we’ve fucked.
“Very,” he nods.
As I finish, I bite into his shoulder, quieting my moan of his name. He finishes not long after me.
The next morning, Jade comes into the bullpen, she’s walking toward me. everyone’s looking. My face is red already, and she hasn’t done anything. I have no idea what she’s doing.
“My dad told me to give this to you,” she says, handing me an envelope. She smiles sweetly then turns toward the elevators.
She was bringing her father lunch and was in his office for a bit, eating with him as he worked.
I let out a soft, relieved breath. I open the letter. There’s a paper, and written on it in neat handwriting is “I think this belongs to you.” Taped to the paper is a small, silver ring with the word “promise” on it. I’m definitely blushing hard and trying to suppress a smile.
“You getting fired, reid?” Morgan teases.
“Totally,” I joke casually, my mind far away from Morgan’s question.
I slip the ring in my pocket before folding up the note and safely putting it away in my desk.
I think that little word engraved on the inside of the ring has a new meaning now.
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @scarredelirium @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz @tiredbut-here @skulzombiw @lena-1895 @eevee0722 @shakespear-picaso-lovechild @daydreamingqueen1 @regulus-black-223048 @virginmusicloverr36 @jazzerbelle14 @kylakins88 @f-me-reid @lovejules888 @marimorena06 @daph-421 @idkusername8787
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arcaneauthor · 1 year
I love your writing so much, if it wouldn't be too much trouble could do you something where Ghost and the reader get tattoos together
(kinda like the story where the 2 got tattoos for each other without the other knowing but this time they decide to get one together?)
If not thats 100% okay and I hope you have an Amazing day!
Warnings: None? Needles I guess? But it’s not described. Fluffffff
A/n: Sorry this took so long, my motivation has been 📉 lately. But thank you so much for the kind words and amazing request❤️ Hope you like it! Also this is technically a part 3 to my other story but can be read as a standalone.
“Would you get another one?” He asks suddenly one day as their sitting at the table, a deck of cards in hand.
Yes you know having poker be your date night activity is strange, but your relationship wasn’t exactly anyones definition of “normal” to begin with. But it was your normal. So, yes, sitting at the table on a Friday night with a group of playing cards in one hand and a take out taco in the other was your definition of a good time, sue you.
You look up from your deck at his question, he still hadn’t looked up from his, “What?”
“A tattoo. Would you ever get another one?” He questions, leaning back in his seat, eyes finally connecting to yours.
“I-I mean I’m not- opposed to the idea, if I found the right one.” You’re still not sure of the meaning of this. The question was so sudden
He hums, nodding his head. Eyes gazing back down at his cards, as if they held all the answers.
You raise an eyebrow, “why?” You drawl out.
He shrugs,“Curious.” Is all you get as response before he stands up, throwing his deck down on the table, “I win.” He proclaims in in a baritone voice, then promptly turns to step out of the room. Your eyes following him in total confusion.
They then flick down to his discarded hand.
A royal flush.
That bastard.
Shaking your head slightly, you can’t help but let a fond smirk overtake your face as your ears catch onto the sound of water pittering against the shower floor.
Your boyfriend, the man of many words.
About a week later.
“Are we there yet?”
Simon sighs in annoyance, the hand not on the steering wheel rubbing his temple, “You’re not bloody five years old, stop asking me that.”
You give him a pouty lip just for show,”But we’ve been driving forever.”
“Twenty minutes. We’ve drove for twenty minutes.”
That short?… really?
“Well how the heck am I supposed to know that, I can’t d*mn well watch the clock now can I?” You question rhetorically as you lightly tug on the blindfold secured around your eyes for emphasis.
He lightly swats your hand away,”Don’t touch it.”
You huff indignantly, but do lower your hand,”Can you at least tell me where we’re going?”
“Oh come on.”
Simon huffs, that seems to be a reoccurring thing for him the last twenty minutes, “Impatient little thing.”
You could’ve swore you heard some fondness in that sentence.
Around, what you assume to be, ten minutes later, you feel Ghost’s truck gently pull to a stop. Slightly jostling the both of you as you hear the gear shift click into park.
You sit up in your seat,”Are we there?”
“Oh thank gosh. Can I please take this off now?” You point towards the blind fold,”I don’t know how you wear that mask 24/7, this thing is killer.”
“It’s not that bad.” You can hear his seatbelt click and the sound of his old Ford door creaking open.
“Wait! Can I take this thing off or not?”
“Almost.” The truck shifts as he steps out. Giving a slight rock at the absence of Simon’s massive body weight.
The door shutting cuts off any response you had. For a short split second you think he’s left you, until he opens your door. Ever the gentleman.
You unbuckle and twist around, legs hanging out the door. Now how are you going to do this blind? You try wiggling your foot around, but can’t feel anything but air.
“Uh- could you like guide me to-“
You cut yourself off with a squeal as, without a word, you’re swept out of your seat. Simon picking you up in a bridal carry, one hand under your thighs, the other around your back, as you rap your hands around his neck in a panic.
“Every girl wants to be treated like a princess at least once, don’t they?” You can physically hear his smirk.
It’s embarrassing how much that made your heart flutter.
“You could at least warn me first!”
“Then I wouldn’t get to hear that cute little squeak.” He gives a deep chuckle
You’d never admit to the extent of redness that your cheeks turned to.
You’d also never admit how much you like the feeling of his large hands gripping tightly to the bare skin of your thighs. The gentle scrape of his calisced fingers being almost therapeutic. For such a large man, his hold is surprisingly gentle, always is when he’s touching you. Never wanting to bring you any semblance of pain.
Even after all this time, his touch never fails to raise your skin into goosebumps.
“Alright,” his words bring you back from your touch induced daze,”We’re here.” He sets you back onto your feet, your hands lingering around his neck a little longer than necessary.
“Allow me.” You feel his hands reach around the back of your head, fiddling with the knot.
The blindfold slips loose easily underneath his skilled fingers.
Your eyelashes flutter open now that the obscurity is out of the way. Though you’re forced to immediately scrunch them back closed as the light floods your corneas, leaving colorful spots dancing across the back of your eyelids. It’s only after a few tries that you can actually see anything then just a bright white. Vision finally clearing, you take in your surroundings, particularly the building with a big neon sign atop it.
The tattoo parlor?
You flick your curious eyes from the sign to Ghost. His face, the upper half that’s not obscured by the black surgical mask, almost looks, dare you say, nervous. Well, maybe not fully nervous, but, slightly unsure of himself?
“Wha-what are we doing here exactly?”
“Well-uh- I thought that, maybe we could get tattoos?”
“But-we already have tattoos?” He made the big deal of blindfolding you, and hauling your a** out of the car to,,get more tattoos. You’d accompanied him to this place multiple times, what’s different now?
“I meant like, together?”
It takes your brain an embarrassingly long time to catch on, your period of silence making Simon’s hesitation only grow.
“Ohhhhh, you mean like-like a couples tattoo.” You feel your smile start to grow as you grab his arm, pulling on it in excitement like a kid in a candy store.
Ghost’s hesitation seems to all but disappear in the face of your happiness, his eyes softening as he observed your childish antics.
“Yeah.” He finally responds breathily, before he remembers something,”I’ve gotta’ picture of the stencils if you wanna-“ He reaches towards his back pocket, though your hand over his stops him. He look up into your eyes, which are shining with love and joy.
“I’m sure whatever you have in mind is perfect.” You lean up on your tiptoes to give him a sweet peck on the cheek,”Thank you.”
You could’ve swore you saw his cheeks turn a little pink, though he doesn’t let you observe him for long before he’s clearing his throat, turning his face away.
He offers his hand to you in invitation,”Ready?”
You smile, placing your hand in his,”Yep!”
You both take turns since Ghost refuses to use any of the other artists besides Jackson. And refuses to let you use anyone else. Says he trusts him the most, with his whole identity thing and to not hurt you.
Simon won’t even let you in the room during his session, saying that he wants to reveal it after they’re both finished. He sits by your side during your tattooing, holding your hand and making sure you don’t look before it’s finished. Even rubs his hand over your arm when you wince, whispering a little “You got this princess” in your ear.
Jackson wipes the remaining ink residue from your lower arm,”Alright, looks like we’re finished!” He begins cleaning up his tools.
You and Simon turn to look at one another.
“You wanna see em’?” He asks.
You give him a deadpan expression,”No, I wanna wait another hour. Of course I wanna see!” You excitedly sit up on the bench
He fondly shakes his head, and when he speaks, you can hear the smile, “Alright, close your’ eyes for a moment.” An order you immediately comply with.
You hear rustling and then a slight ripping sound, which you assume is him tearing the bandage from his own tattoo if Jackson’s chastisements are anything to go by. Chastisements that Simon, of course, answers with a quick “Stop your bloody worrying, it’ll be fine”
You feel him grab your arm, careful around the tender area, and pull it up in front of you, placing it beside of his.
“You can look.”
You eyes flutter open, even though in the dim parlor lights you’re not nearly as blinded as when you removed the blindfold earlier, it still takes a second for shapes to register. When they do, your gaze immediately latches on to the two arms displayed in front of you. Your breath hitches.
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“You like em’?” And there’s that unsureness again. Rearing it’s head in the face of your prolonged silence.
You look at him, eyes hesitant to leave Jackson’s masterpieces, “Like them? I love them!”
You basically tackle him in a hug, again, being careful with your arm, and almost fall off the bench from the momentum. Ghost lets out a little huff of amusement as he catch’s your weight with his other arm, “They’re perfect. Thank you.” You lean back enough to look at him.
He bumps his forehead lightly against yours,”Anything for you, sweetheart.”
The endearment makes you heart jump, a soft smile lighting your face. Every single thing this man does, makes you fall farther and farther in the depths of love.
“Can we please cover them now?” Jackson exclaims from the other side of the room, holding up a roll bandages.
You both burst out in giggles.
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polutrope · 4 months
For the AU headcanons: Modern Feanor and Fingolfin
I bet they are still as chaotic as their Elven selves but you tell me
Well, instead of inventing a new modern AU scenario for them, I wrote a little snippet of Feanor and Fingolfin (and Nerdanel) in Beleria. This is back in the 80s, though, during their time at Tirion Technical University in Valin.
“So…” Nerdanel looked up from under her brows as Fëanor took his seat across the table. She was grinning, red hair tumbling loose from her ponytail to frame her round face. “How come you never told me you have a brother?”
Fëanor fell the rest of the way into his chair. “I…” Fëanor huffed. “Well,” he said, then stopped short. “Where did you hear that?”
“I have a class with him.”
“What? He goes here?” Fëanor blurted, then regretted it upon seeing Nerdanel's expression. Yes, that did look rather bad.
“Uh, yeah.” Nerdanel chuckled. “So wait. We’ve been dating three months, you have a brother you’ve never told me about, and you didn’t even know he went to Tirion Tech?”
“No. Yes. I did. I mean, he would.” Fëanor said, punctuating each equivocation with a tap of his fingertip against the wood table. He was doing some quick calculations to determine which of his father’s other sons (not brothers) was now old enough to be in university. It had to be Fingolfin. Damn.
“What do you mean ‘he would’?” Nerdanel leaned forward, squinting.
“Well, because my father owns the school.”
“You mean his father.”
“Yes,” Fëanor said, irritated. “His father.”
“Huh. Well, I am getting the sense there’s some tension here.” Nerdanel puckered her lips thoughtfully. “Possibly one-sided? He seemed pleased when I invited him to join us—”
“You what?” Fëanor’s knee banged the table leg, and his glass wobbled; would have fallen over if not for Nerdanel’s quick fingers.
“Fëanor.” She said, glaring. “Please don’t make a scene. Yes, I invited him. How was I to know you hated him??”
“I don’t…” Fëanor eyes roved the room, searching for the right response: and landed right on a smiling younger facsimile of Finwë. “Shit.”
Following his gaze, Nerdanel hooked an elbow over the back of her chair. “Oh!” She waved. “We’re over here!”
Fingolfin waved back. His smile faded and he stuffed his hands in his pockets. He looked as uncomfortable being here as Fëanor felt about him being here. What was he trying to pull? Some kind of reconciliation? Oh no… no! Fëanor knew exactly what he was up to. This was about Nerdanel. He thought he could rankle him, make himself look the better man and take his girl. Oh no you won’t!
He leapt up from his chair, throwing his arms wide and baring his teeth (grinning, in theory). “Fingolfin!” he said. “It’s been far too long, b— Fingolfin!” (His mouth refused to form that word.) “Please, come,” he pulled another chair over, “sit, sit.”
Fingolfin’s eyes were wide as two platters, but quickly they narrowed. He laughed. “Fëanor!” Without warning, he threw his arms around him, pulling him into a fierce embrace.
He did not let go. Under his breath, he gritted out, “Fuck you. Been too long? Ten years, Fëanor. It's been ten years." Abruptly, he released him. He smiled mildly, patting Fëanor's shoulder. “So nice to see you, bro.”
Fëanor thought he might vomit.
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4townie · 1 year
Road to 4☆TOWN
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
“Awww, you’re so cute when you’re pouting.” T said as he climbed into bed. “I promise I’ll only watch one more movie and then shut off the TV. You probably won’t even notice the noise after a while.”
“That’s not why I’m pouting.” Z paused. “Also I’m not pouting.”
“But you’ve got your arms crossed and you’re doing that adorable thing with your nose when it gets all scrunched up.” T said, imitating the face. “It’s obvious you’ve got something on your mind.”
Z chuckled. “Yeah. You.”
“What?” T blushed intensely.
“You know, we’ve been together for a while now.” Z said quietly. “Two and a half years to be exact.”
“Well, I mean,” T awkwardly averted eye contact, “technically the first year was a flirtationship. We didn’t start dating dating until Courtney gave us the green light.”
“Yeah, if you wanna get technical, but we were still exclusively seeing each other during that time.” Z grabbed T’s hand. “I was just thinking…maybe it’s time for us to take the next step.”
T just stared at him. “You wanna adopt a dog.” He nodded. “Say no more. I know a great shelter not too far from—”
“Babe.” Z stopped him. “I think we should move in together.”
T stared at him, his face entirely flushed. After a few seconds, he fell off the bed.
“Aaron?” Z looked over the edge of the bed in concern. “Are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah. Just splendid.” T refused to look at him. “I mean, I can’t feel any of my limbs, but that’s not important.”
“Is it too soon?” Z asked nervously. “Dammit, I knew two and half wasn’t enough. Should’ve just waited the extra three years.”
“It’s not too soon.” T assured him. “I’m just freaking out because once it happens, we’re gonna be one step closer to the m word.”
“I need you to backtrack. We’re not going that far.” Z narrowed his eyes.
“My point is,” T knelt beside the bed, coming to eye level with Z, “I wanna do it. I wanna be with you everyday and not worry about your family or my mom or Tae interrupting us. I want us to finally have our own space so we can just be together.”
“Really?” Z’s eyes lit up. “I was so worried you’d think we’re moving too fast. I mean, we haven’t even—” He froze and blushed.
“Right, right. We haven’t…” T averted eye contact. “We’ll get there eventually. It’s not like we have to do that first. There’s no rule book.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Z nodded. “And you’re awfully cute when you are.” He smiled and kissed him.
“Awww, you’re getting flirty tired.” T laughed. “It’s late, you should sleep.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. After one more.” Z said before kissing him again.
“Okay, we get it. I’m cute. Now go to bed.” T gently pushed him away. “Unlike me, you can’t function without sleep.”
Z paused. “Have you met yourself in the morning?”
“Please, I’m not that bad.” T rolled his eyes. “And you’re gonna have to get used to it since you’ll be seeing me every morning.” He wrapped his arm around Z.
“Yeah, but that’s worth it.” Z grinned and leaned into T. “I more than like you.”
T chuckled. “I more than like you, too, babe.”
Thank y’all all for the support and loyalty on the last post🫶🏾 I couldn’t respond to all your comments but I appreciate each and everyone of you!
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pinkkittysaw · 1 year
MY DEAREST SAINT ty for giving me the space to be mentally ill about my beloved(s)
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i’m answering these for clive since i’m the most mentally ill about him right now 👁️👁️
answers will be under the cut due to length (and some embarrassment)
🥺: how long have you two been together?
about four to five years or so
❤️: any talk of marriage?
not in any official capacity. though vows may have been whispered to each other on a particularly romantic evening. our souls are both intertwined for the rest of eternity ^_^
🕊️: any pets?
TORGAL!!!!!!! the most loyal and fluffy hound in all of valisthea. so warm and cuddly. such a good boy. i enjoy feeding him lots of treats. clive’s heart always aches seeing the two of us snuggled up together napping.
i also have a habit of caring for any strays that wander about
🫂: do you two live together?
💌: if yes to the last question - how long?
technically we’ve been living in the same place together since he arrived to the hideaway but we didn’t start sharing chambers together til a short while after we starting dating.
💭: where did you two meet?
the infirmary 😭 i was working as an apprentice under tarja at the time and aided in tending to jill when cid brought her in.
after completing my training i started going on assignments as a healer and would often join clive n co. 😌
🥰: have you met their family? have they met yours?
i have!!! i’ve met joshua, jill, his uncle and his mother (unfortunately). did not get to meet his father before his passing, sadly (RIP TO A DILF 😔)
i simply do not have living family in most of my selfships 😭😭 so he has not met any of my relatives
😜: who is the silly one who jokes and laughs a lot?
definitely me 😔 it’s always 50/50 on whether my jokes hit or not.
clive is funny but it’s always unintentional (whereas i’ll put in effort to make people laugh) he’ll do or say something and get a giggle out of me and be like ???
😯: have you two ever taken a road trip/vacation?
not intentionally. we’ve traveled lots of places but never for leisure because we’re both such busy bees. if we’re both not out on assignments we’re usually still working. i spend most of my time in the infirmary than not.
that being said, i do make note of all the scenic places we visit to bookmark them for when more peaceful times come. the first place i’d want us to go to together is the sea. i feel the most at peace there.
😠: what’s the worst fight you’ve had?
we both have a habit of running into danger especially when the other’s life is at stake heh heh i’d say the worst outburst was during one particular scare clive gave me with his injuries.
after patching him up i became sort of passive aggressive towards him and when he calls me out on it i kind of blow up about how he can be really reckless sometimes, that i understand the importance of destroying the mother crystals but his safety will always be most important to me (as selfish as it is) and it ends up with me sobbing in his arms crying about how if anything ever happened to him i don’t know if i could go on.
obviously he’s very powerful but i can’t help but worry!!!!!!
navigating our relationship with our joint trauma sure has been interesting 👍
🤑: who has the worst spending habit?
me 😔
clive is a man of necessity for the most part and while i’m not reckless per-say, if i’m out and have the money to buy a little trinket i probably will 😭
❤️‍🔥: how does your love languages differ?
tbh i don’t know which love language of mine is the one that i need most so honestly idk!!! 😭 i am the most greedy for love angel throughout the heavens
imo, clive is big on words of affirmation. gentle reminders that he’s not actually the big bad monster he often thinks he is. just sticking by him throughout everything means a lot.
😽: who likes pda?
we both do! though clive is more reserved than i. i kinda get in fits where i’m overwhelmed with energy and need to melt into him like butter and crawl all over him. there’s no containing me at that point.
though most of the time in public it’s just me holding him from behind or hugs. his embrace is always really comforting and calming and he always indulges me ^_^
though he won’t initiate kisses in front of others cause it makes him embarrassed. i’m always the one pressing a chaste kiss to his lips after finishing up in the dining hall, leaving him in his flustered state with the rest of our dining companions.
🛏️: who stays up late? goes to bed early?
depends on the day tbh. i’m the one who usually tries to go to sleep early, since i love mornings. sometimes we’re both up late working, or plagued with thoughts of the past. i usually fall asleep before he does regardless of what time it is while he keeps a watchful eye over my sleeping form.
😘: any pet names they call you? you call them?
clive and i are both chronic calling each other by their name type people 😭
but in more intimate settings, he’ll call me angel and i’ll let a baby or two slip out
👄: talk about your first or best kiss thus far
first kiss!! first kiss!!!
okay so it wasn’t long before we started dating. he had gotten injured while he was out and had to visit the infirmary. tarja wasn’t in and i was the only one running things. he had a few gashes that needed to be stitched as well as a few abrasions.
after 13 long years of fighting, i was the first gentle and “loving” touch he had. we’d friends for a short while at that point, some mutual pining going on though neither of us were acting on it.
at that point he was still in the mentality of not thinking he was deserving of any kindness due to what happened in his past. so when i come around gently stitching up his and tending to his other wounds, he’s taken aback. plus i may have been chastising him on being more careful cause there’s people around the hideaway (me) who worry for his safety and bla bla bla.
basically he gets overwhelmed with feeling and doesn’t know how to deal with it other than pulling me for a kiss. (mid stitch mind you!!! he was lucky no further damage was caused)
🖼️: who decorates the house?
both our stuff is has a place in our chambers but i’m the one who decides what goes where
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rongasm · 2 years
Okay so I’ve been reflecting on the movie and I made a list of all the things that make me happy. You’ve talked about most of them but I feel the need to acknowledge them all again and again:
1. During the movie it’s clear that Lydia treats the breakup like it’s still very emotionally fresh without any signs of her trying to be with anyone else or really get over it. I think that suggests that at the VERY least Stydia we’re together for like…8-10 years. I’m so here for this bc remember when Teen Wolf ended and people were saying they still weren’t technically together, even during 6B?? Or when people said they would probably break up in college and that they wouldn’t last, like NOPE. They stayed together for all that time which (bonus points) means that they had PLENTY of time to live out every domesticity fic we’ve read or imagined and more
2. The language of Lydia leaving Stiles and the duration of their relationship also hint that at the very least they were probably living together, if not engaged or married.
3. At this point I’m just restating the same things but for SEVERAL YEARS they were fully happy together, they never stopped loving each other or got tired of their relationship in that time! I think that gives them the longest running relationship among the teens in the teen wolf canon (that is, if you count the movie as canon)
4. The ONLY thing holding them back from spending the rest of their lives together is a premonition that caused Lydia to break up with him. Without that premonition, they’d be together forever without reservation. I know these are things we would assume as Stydia shippers but other people in the Teen wolf fandom have fought this claim for YEARS and assumed they would break up right after the show.
5. The movie basically set up the resolution to Lydia’s emotional arc as going back to Stiles. Even if we don’t see it for the sake of storytelling it’s reasonable to assume that happens (because if not, what the heck is gonna happen? After that long together they’re just gonna move on?!) Stydia could never. Even some of the reviews and podcasts I’ve listened to about the movie indicated that a reunion between them is extremely probable, and when Jeff Davis was asked if that was possible, he responded “absolutely!” (I really think that man wants to save stuff like that for a sequel and try to get Dylan to be in it which I simply do not see happening)
6. Lydia, the queen of trying to use sex and other men to avoid emotional vulnerability or to regain a sense of control, is not dating someone to try to get over Stiles. She’s not trying to start a relationship with someone to shallowly replace him. The growth🥰
7. In no world is Stiles Stilinski gonna chose safety over being with Lydia Martin. The second that he finds out her reason for leaving (and there’s no way he goes the rest of his life not knowing that is simply too tragic and as much as they put Stiles through they’ve always been set on giving him a happy ending) that man will do whatever it takes to convince Lydia that he chooses her or to figure it out together.
My apologies most of these points actually just say the same things I just needed you as my outlet. Have a wonderful weekend
Posting this lovely list so that other people can enjoy it!
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londonrih · 2 years
Chenford + valentines day (pre-relationship)
The day is finally here, the day of love! But sadly, Tim and Lucy won’t be participating in this year’s Valentine’s Day. It was the end of shift, Lucy had just exited the women’s locker room. She had no other plans besides sitting in pajamas, and watching ‘True Crime’ for the trillionth time. That’s one way to spend Valentine’s Day, right?
However, for Tim, he had no plans at all, except for hanging out with Kojo, but that was about it. As he approached the glass doors in the main lobby, he heard a familiar voice, “Tim!” Lucy shouted behind him, he looked behind his shoulder, and his eyes widened as he looked at Lucy.
She held onto the strap of her bag tightly as she rushed over to Tim, “Hey,” she said, a wide smile ran across her face.
He raised an eyebrow at her, “Oh, hey—I’m surprised you’re still here. I thought you and Chris would be on your Valentine’s Day date.”
Lucy scoffed as she looked down at the floor, “Uh—Chris and I broke up, well, technically…I broke up with Chris, so..”
“That’s a turn of events. I thought you two were happy together, just like you said?” He said as he held the door open for her.
“Mmm,” she winced, “That might’ve been a lie. Or all a lie. I mean, Chris seemed happy, sure…But I wasn’t. I was never really interested in him to be honest.”
Tim shoved his hands into his pockets as they began to approach his truck, “So, why’d you date him in the first place if you were never interested in him?”
“…Because, I have feelings for someone else. And when I found out that he was seeing someone, he seemed happy with her. I knew that it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to go in, and confess my feelings for him while he was still with his girlfriend, so I tried to bury my feelings, and pretend that I didn’t actually have feelings for you, Tim.”
He frowned in confusion as he looked at the pavement, a forced chuckle had escaped his lips, “Wow…that was a pretty smooth confession. Took me a second to actually realize you were talking about me.”
“Look, I get it if you don’t wanna pursue that type of…relationship. I mean it’s risky, Y’know? We’ve been through so much, and we’ve been friends for so long. And if our relationship weren’t to work out, I’d hate myself…forever, ‘cause our relationship is so, so important to me. It’s the most precious thing to me, and if I were to screw this up, I’d never forgive myself.”
Tim didn’t say anything, leaving Lucy worried. Her eyes fell to the ground as she puckered her lips, “…And I think I have my answer,” she heavily sighed as she began to turn away, “I’ll see you, tomorrow, Tim.”
He watched as she began to walk away. This was his chance, to actually confess to Lucy how he truly feels about her, “Lucy, wait…” he called out. He cleared his throat as he watched her turn around. A small smile began to play against his lips, “…It’s Valentine’s Day. We’re both single, maybe that could change tonight?”
“What’re you asking me, Tim?”
He inhaled, and exhaled as he began to brace himself. His smile grew even wider as he looked into her eyes, “Lucy, would you…like to get dinner, tonight? Y’know, if there’s a restaurant available.”
“And if there isn’t a restaurant available?” She asked.
He shrugged, “Then we’ll improvise.”
Lucy snickered as she looked at the pavement, and then back up at him. She ran her hand through her hair as she nodded, “I’d love that, Tim.”
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munsonmuses · 2 years
Lunch Time Lattes
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Being a bit impatient, you decide offering up lunch would be a good idea
Warnings: nothing but fluff, profanity but that’s about it. Smut will come! But you have to wait!
It had been four days since your date, and you couldn’t stop thinking about him. Having enjoyed the texts you sent back and forth. Receiving pictures of his dog, and of antics on something he called ‘10MPH’, which you’d learned was his live channel? Moreso his and Arin’s live channel, but still!
Carefully fixing your sweatshirt, you read another text. It being your day off meaning that you had your cute little house all to yourself, but we’re wracked with boredom.
‘Have you eaten?’ You texted as you set your phone down, heading to check the mail and lazily tearing it open from the side, sliding out a couple bills, a card from your nana, and a postcard from a friend who’d been traveling.
Tacking the postcard on your fridge with a magnet, you heard your phone go off as you quickly padded over, checking it over lightly.
‘No. Why do you ask?’
The text from Dan read as you bit your lip, thinking it over quietly.
‘I could, bring you lunch if you want, I’m going kind of stir crazy on my off day.’ You sent, setting the phone down but staring at it desperately, knees to your chest as you chewed on your thumbnail. The little white text bubbles driving you insane before disappearing, coming back again a few minutes later. It was clear he was struggling on how to answer that.
As you carefully relaxed, letting go of the idea, a little ‘bloop’ came from your phone, message coming in.
‘Yeah sure! That would be cool! Plus Arin wants to say hi, wants to know how you made that sandwich.’
He then texted his address as you lit up, quickly gathering up your shoes, hopping to put them on and grabbing your keys and wallet. Heading out rapidly as you mentally celebrated.
Arin looked Dan over, watching as the man ran a hand over his hair, cheeks a light pink as Arin gently bumped him.
“You need to relax man, it’s fine for you to be excited but you can’t rip yourself up over it.” He assured as Dan let out an exasperated sigh at him, looking over and setting his phone down carefully.
“I don’t want to fuck it up man. I haven’t dated in a while, and I’ve known them for six months, and if I do scare them, or fuck it up then we’ve gotta find a new coffee spot for under ten dollars by here.” He laughed out the last part as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Arin laughed lightly in agreement, before carefully exhaling. “It’s reasonable, to be nervous. Dating is hard when you’re technically a celebrity.” He assured, affirming Dan so he wasn’t unsure if his reaction was poor.
Dan pushed up off the couch, heading into the small kitchen area and taking a water, twisting off the cap and lightly sipping, setting the bottle down as he lightly threw his hands up.
“I dunno man, what if I’m too old. I mean they’re twenty five, twenty six? What if I can’t keep up?” He asked as Arin just pursed his lips apologetically.
“You’re asking if the twenty something year old barista, with the senior cat, can keep up with the YouTube famous superstar? Who’s gone on multiple world tours?” Arin asked as he quirked a brow lightly.
Dan looked down, scratching his jaw in an embarrassed manner. “I dunno, I think I’m just like insecure.” He insisted before his phone dinged. ‘I’m here? I think,’
Being let into by the building by some girl who introduced herself as Ally, you held a large bag with coffee you’d picked up, the cups in cardboard holders and stacked inside the thermal bag. Ally taking it as you slowly walked down the well lit hallway, stepping into the main room to a bunch of men looking at you quizzically, large editing equipment that probably cost as much as your Camry outside.
“Hi! I’m umm, I’m looking for Dan! He invited me for lunch!” You explained as their faces relaxed, nodding.
“We know who you are, he talks about you a little.” One of them assured as you felt your smile widen, before hearing the guys in the kitchen, catching the tail end of the conversation. Maybe YOU weren’t cool enough for him?
What a childish thought, feeling. That you weren’t “cool” enough for someone. Like a middle schooler asking somebody out.
“Uh, hey.” You spoke up as Dan looked up from his phone, carefully walking over and hugging you as you flinched a bit, not afraid, just taken aback. Still holding the to go bag of food as he looked you over.
“Aw shit sorry, that was forward.” He apologized as you laughed. “Nope, you’re fine. I’m just not big on hugging.” You explained as he nodded, understanding your boundary.
“So uh, what’d you bring?” He prompted as you set the bag on the counter, ripping the thin plastic and getting out the large to go trays. Pulling out to go bowls as you hummed. “I stopped at the deli nearby, getting you a turkey club on wheat with nothing spicy. And I got myself a grilled cheese with a chicken broth soup.” You spoke softly as he just gave you a lopsided grin. Carefully taking his portion.
“You remembered I don’t like spice? I really appreciate that.” He sat at a stool by the island, carefully sitting your food beside his as you plopped down.
Lunch was silent, sharing glances and laughing as he gave you half his sandwich, looking down at you in a testing manner, trying to see how you’d take it.
You carefully gave him half of your grilled cheese. A tender moment being shared before Arin entered screaming. Moment over.
Holding his switch over his head, cursing in a way that didn’t make a whole lot of sense. “Fuckin’ bitch tits! It’s shit! This is shit!” He cursed at the sky as Dan just laughed, leaning onto you as you carefully supported his weight.
Maybe the moment wasn’t ruined.
Lunch ended after about forty five minutes, dan walking you to your car as you hummed lightly, bumping him gently.
“I’ll pick you up on Saturday okay? Take you on a real date,” he insisted softly as you hummed lightly to yourself.
“This was a real date, minus like, a kiss, an embarrassing interaction, and then being interrupted by a server.” You insisted as Dan pulled you over, gently kissing the top of your head.
“I think you’re right…” he assured before heading back inside.
Your knees felt like jelly and brain felt like mush as you got in your car.
Oh god. You were falling.
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
Hey there Sally *hug* so I know the glitches are weird. Hopefully the great minds that follow Mitchie's blog can figure out something soon. But hopefully you're enjoying your time with Mitchie Classic™
The boys and I are glad that your nails and dokis grew back without incident. We, ah, still have Dumb Shit... Toby built him a reinforced room after escape attempt #"We Lost Count" (I got a new job and am away from home more, and Jeff can be a little careless). At least we finally got DS to stop trying to look like you, it creeped my Sal out a bit too much (btw how are you coping with the fact that another one of you made it here?)
Grace (and Toby, Jeff, and Sal)
Mitch(1): Grace? And her boyfriends Toby and Jeff…? That sounds like Grace from my ‘Intro to Biology’ class… No way!
L.S.S.: Heh, I told you you might find some people you know. I guess she goes into medicine in multiple timelines.
Mitch(1): What does she mean by, ‘Her Sal,’ though...?
L.S.S.: He’s another version of me that showed up in that universe. I think it’s like… he’s an alternate universe me that also got universe hopping powers, did his own thing for a while, and then we somehow ended up in the same timeline at the same time by random chance? We don’t really know how it works, but we’re rolling with it. He’s cool, we hang out sometimes.
Mitch(1): So wait, are you… dating Grace at some point, too, then…?
L.S.S.: No. Well, technically yes? But not this me. Different me. We’re parallel, not the same entity. At least we don’t think we are.
Mitch(1): Okay….. um, wow, this is confusing….
L.S.S.: Tell me about it. 
Anyway, thanks Grace, we’re having a great time. Except for the whole ‘being trapped in a crappy motel room’ and ‘not knowing for sure if I’m going insane and/or ruining my own anniversary’ part. But otherwise, yeah, it’s been nice spending time with her again.
Mitch(1): And it’s been nice spending time with Sally for the first time, too, even with all the weirdness! He’s as sweet as I thought he would be~
 L.S.S.: And you’re as sweet as I remember…~
So, D.S. is still in custody… Okay, well at least that rules out “Dumb Shit is fucking with us (part 2)” as an explanation for all this.
Mitch(1): ‘Dumb Shit’? That doesn’t sound very nice… Whos that? Why does Grace have him locked up?! And what did they do with your nails and… ‘dokis’?
L.S.S.:  He’s, um… god, that’s a long story. Basically, he’s a rabid fan of Mitchie number six that decided to terrorize slash torture us during our anniversery last year. He pretended to be like, my evil future self that wanted to steal Mitch away to go on a murder spree? He got us pretty good. It was as embarrassing as it was traumatic. Grace and her boys are keeping him locked up so he can’t hurt anybody else.
Mitch(1): They are? … imprisonment without trial doesn’t sit very well with me, Sally…
L.S.S.: Trust me, he deserves everything he’s getting. Nobody would have believed us if we would have turned him in. We did what we had to do.
Mitch(1): …..
…. I guess that does sound really scary… but why on earth did you believe what he said in the first place? You’re not evil..!!
L.S.S.: No, but… immortality does some crazy shit to your mind, Mitchie. I’ve gone through a lot, and it’s changed me. I’ve done things that I never thought I was capable of a few thousand years ago… I was afraid that he was me way, way, waaay down the road, when I finally snapped under the weight of it all. It was like seeing my worst nightmare coming true.
Mitch(1): …Do you think that’s really going to happen…?
L.S.S.: … I hope not. I think that whole thing is going to keep me scared straight for a while. The current Mitchie has helped reign me in, too. I was… not my best self when we met. But, they stuck with me, and we’ve grown and learned a lot together. I’m a better person because of them, and I want to stay that person for as long as I can.
Mitch(1): …
I… well, I’m… glad they could help you, and that you’re doing better now.
L.S.S.: Thanks, Mitchie. It's been hard, but it's way worth it.
Mitch(1): Ha, yeah… well, it was nice hearing from you Grace, even if you’re not the same Grace…. Um, take care!
L.S.S.: Bye Grace, say hi to the boys and tell D.S. to eat shit for me~
Mitch(1): …
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Fragments of a Cybernetic Mind: Chapter 3 - Date Night at Stardust
Summary Half a year has passed since the events of Christmas of 2064. The world is slowly adjusting to sentient ROMs. But Turing is distracted from their task as ROM-kind’s leader and ambassador by another obligation they carry. They want to deliver Leon Dekker’s last words to his daughter. But first, they’ll have to find her, which doesn’t prove easy. They ask their journalist friend for help, who seems less than thrilled.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 (final) Epilogue
CN: alcohol, suicide mention, ableism, war
As soon as I enter the club, I can feel the music as well as hear it, strong bass tones vibrating through my bones. I’ve missed this. It’s Friday night, so of course Stardust is packed full with people, drinking at the bar, talking at the high tables or moving their bodies on the dance floor. I look around for a while before I spot Crow sitting at the bar, making small talk with Gus, whenever he isn’t busy. He saved a seat for me, which tonight must have been a feat even for his big frame.
“There you are, big kitty,” I smile as I approach him. “It’s nice to see you.”
He smiles as well. “Glad you could make it,” he says in his husky voice. He’s already got a drink in front of him, a Bear’s Wintertini. Of course.
I order a Butch Flower from Gus and sit down on the high chair. “Yeah, sorry that I don’t have much time right now. I got a lot on my plate.”
“Don’t worry, I get it.”
Sitting on the chair next to him, I immediately feel more comfortable. We haven’t seen each other in weeks, but tried to make something work via texts. We’re not exactly dating, but we are seeing each other as often as we can manage. It’s nice to have him around. Takes some edge off the stress. If the stress allows me to see him, that is.
“You wanna dance?” he purrs.
I look over to the dance floor. I spot Jess dancing with some of her hybrid friends. She dances surprisingly well for someone with a stick up her ass. Close to them, completely stealing the spotlight, a white-haired hybrid with markhor-style horns is twirling around a scruffy-looking man covered in tattoos, who seems a bit out of it. 
“Maybe later,” I say. “For now, I’d just like to get a bit more drunk.”
“Rough day, huh?”
“Rough week,” I say. “Month? I don’t even know.”
“Work killing you?”
“I don’t wanna talk about that right now.” The reality is that I’m still stuck on writing, that the pages stay blank. It’s the same with Turing’s little project. We’ve been combing through data for two weeks now, with little result, except that I have less time to write. I shake my head. “Let’s not talk work right now. That’s not what I came here for.” I put my hand on his arm, fingers trailing through his soft purple fur. It might be superficial, but this might just be half the reason I like being with him so much. I doubt he’d mind. He chose that himself, after all. In fact, he doesn’t seem to mind at all, since he starts purring.
“Well, I don’t wanna talk about work either,” he says.
“You mean your ‘office job’?”
“Yeah,” he grins. “That.”
We’ve long dropped the pretenses. I don’t know exactly how Crow earns his money, only that it’s dangerous, technically legal, and that Lexi doesn’t approve of it, or him. 
“This club is really getting popular, huh?” Crow says while his eyes wander through Stardust. A small crowd has formed on the dancefloor around a very pissed-looking Jess and the tattooed man, who looks like he’s about to throw hands. His datemate doesn’t stop him, filming the whole thing with their phone. A bouncer draws close. I can’t stop myself from grinning.
“Well, you know what they say.” I turn back to Crow. “Bars come and go, but Stardust is forever.” 
 For a while, we just talk about the most inconsequential stuff, mostly what clubs Crow has been to lately, and new Hassy flavors. There’s some ruckus behind our backs as the man who messed with Jess gets led outside by security. Seems like she got the last word, as she tends to do. The music booms over the dance floor, but the speakers are far enough away from the bar that you can hold a conversation without screaming your lungs out – or order drinks, which I do now. Majid brings them over, another Wintertini and a Bionic Femme for me.
“You’re really drinking yourself through the entire menu, huh?” Crow asks.
“I’ve done that already at Christmas. But now I don’t remember which ones I liked.”
“That’s what that will do to you,” Majid laughs.
“You know, if you need help with your writing, I’m sure I could look through it and give some feedback,” Crow offers.
“Yeah, I’m sure your fanfiction experience will help with a recounting of real life events and politics,” I tease.
“Hey, it’s great writing practice.” He sounds insulted, but his grin says otherwise. “Besides, I have a good writing style.”
“Did your smut readers tell you that?”
He punches me in the arm. It’s supposed to be affectionate, but he still manages to push me off my chair.
“Everything alright?”
I get up, holding my stomach. “Yeah, but I think the Bionic Femme is doing something to the Butch Flower in my belly.”
“Yeah, they tend to do that,” Gus says, as he takes our empty glasses away.
I sit down next to Crow again. For a while, we just listen to the music, the hustle of the bar, the cheesy flirting between Majid and Gus.
“Is something wrong?” Crow eventually asks.
I look up from my glass, confused. “No? What do you mean?”
“You just seem... distracted.”
“Sorry, I...”
“I don’t mean it like that,” he adds hastily. “Just... You seem like there’s a lot on your mind.”
“I do?” I notice that I’m not smiling anymore. Damn, when did that happen? Maybe I need another drink?
As Crow orders for us, I bite my tongue. “There is actually something I wanted to ask you.”
Crow takes a sip of his Wintertini and looks at me expectantly.
“You fought in the Korea war, right?”
He looks up in surprise. “Yes, I was stationed there as a mercenary with my gang – then gang, we’ve disbanded.” He furrows his bushy brows. “Why are you asking?”
“No reason.” I can see from the look on his face that he doesn’t buy that. “There’s just something that came up in my research.”
“This better not end up in that book you’re writing,” he huffs.
“It’s not for that,” I say quickly. “I mean, not really. It’s more a personal project.”
“I thought you didn’t want to talk work tonight.” He looks broody.
I sigh. “You’re right, Crow. Sorry.”
He relaxes a bit. “Don’t apologize.” He lays a hand on my shoulder, gently this time. His fur feels warm and soft against my skin. One more drink, and I’d probably just want to sink in there. “I’m not mad. I just get the feeling you’re overworking yourself.” He’s so gentle now, so much more sensitive and receptive than the gruff exterior he showed when I first met him.
“I am,” I admit, sighing. “I promise, this is just for my own curiosity. I came here to have fun with you, not to interview you.” I lean against his shoulder. He purrs. 
“Now, are you going to ask me that question, or are you going to stew on it the entire rest of the evening?” he asks with a smirk. 
I sit up, still feeling a bit guilty about this. But then the investigative journalist comes through again. I sit up to face him, leaning one arm on the bar counter.
“Did you ever meet any combat androids during the war?”
“Oh, for sure. The military really stocked up on them at that time, and for good reason. They were mostly deployed as shock troops. Most of my colleagues stayed clear of them, to be honest. There’s something off about them. I know, rich coming from someone looking like I do. But they were not like hybrids. More like assembly-line created psychopaths. A lot of people found them creepy. Can’t say I blame them. We mostly only interacted while we were deployed in battle.” He picks up his glass and takes a sip. “I did get along pretty well with some of them. A few I might call friends.”
“Do you remember a man called Leon Dekker being among them?” I ask. “Though he might still have gone by Wilson Dekker at that time,” I add.
Crow thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. “Can’t say I remember that name.” He tilts his head. “Why are you asking? Are you looking for him?”
I nod. “It’s for...” I stock. A part of me wants to tell him everything. Another part of me doesn’t like the thought of retching up all that I’ve kept hidden inside me in a crowd of drunk partygoers. “I’m looking for him, for a friend. So to speak.”
He seems to understand that I either cannot or am not allowed to share details. “Well, I still have some contacts from back when, so I can ask around a bit.”
“Thanks.” I smile, hesitant. “What was it like working with them?” I don’t know why I’m asking. Not like it will help me. Not like I actually need to know.
“Mostly business as usual.” He shrugs. “Aside from the above average enthusiasm for murder and ultra-violence, they mostly weren’t that different from most mercs I know. I’ve worked with plenty of violent and sinister people in my life.” He looks down at his glass, swings the liquid around while contemplating something. "There’s one incident outside battle I still think of, though.”
I sit up, listening.
“It’s not a pretty story, though.” He side-eyes me, gritting his teeth.
“I’m used to not pretty stories,” I say. “I’m a journalist, remember?”
He takes a sip and nods. “One night, when I went outside to have a smoke, I noticed a combat android cleaning his rifle. Except after stepping closer I realized he wasn’t moving it, and didn’t have anything to clean it, and that the muzzle was pointed at his chin. And no matter how creepy you find them, when you see a person training a gun at themself, you stop them before they hurt themself. Or worse. I ran up to him and saw that his finger was trembling on the trigger. I yanked the gun away from him. He just stared at me from bloodshot eyes. I don’t know if I just imagined it, but I swear I could hear him whisper something like ‘pull the trigger, please’.”
Neither of us talks for a while.  Then I hear myself explain: “They have protocols installed that prevent them from harming themselves.”
“Yeah, that’s what I found out later. Poor sod. I never saw him again. Maybe he found a loophole.”
The club music drones on, swallowing up our silence. It seems muted to me. Garbled. I hear a scream that isn’t there.
“Sorry, I told you it’s not a pretty story.” He sounds apologetic.
“It’s alright,” I assure him. 
“You have any other questions?” he asks.
I consider asking more about the combat androids he met, but I’m already feeling nauseous, and that’s not just the Bionic Femme and Butch Flower doing unspeakable things to the Modest Connie I just downed. “No, that’s all for now.”
“Good.” He sounds relieved. “I thought you were gonna ask me about classified information.”
“Like what?” I perk up again.
“Uhm, forget I said anything.”
“Wait, let me get my pen real quick so I can jot everything down for my next - hey!”
He tries to punch me again, but this time I dodge. I still land on the floor again, thanks to the three drinks I’ve had. He helps me up. “You wanna dance now?”
I nod, leaning against him. “Enough sulking for today.”
“If you want we can go to my place afterwards ,” he purrs. “I’ve got some new ropes. They’re way more comfortable than the ones I used so far.”
I laugh. “You’re such a sensitive kitten sometimes.” I lean further into him. His fur bristles, tickling me. He puts his arm around me. He feels so soft and warm and smells of comfort and cologne, and now, after the third drink, I yield to the coziness and sink into him, letting him lead me to the dance floor.
We don’t talk about our work anymore that evening. We have better things to spend our time on. The day after, I return to my flat relaxed and happy, though not well rested. I could barely sleep because in my dreams I’m in the server room again, holding my zapper in Leon Dekker’s face, and he begs me to pull the trigger.
0 notes
I work an assembly line. I only have for a couple weeks now, but it’ll be at least a full year before I get back to what I should be doing, at this stage in my life. I went to college for a semester. It was lovely. Not perfect, but lovely. I want to go back. I want to make college friends and join clubs and go to events and seminars and write papers that stress me out. But instead I work an assembly line.
It’s not bad, not in the slightest. I wake up at five in the morning, but really I’m used to that. Get off at three, that’s fantastic, because then I have the rest of the day to myself. I’ve been working out, too, after work. My company has a free gym I can access, and I’ve got the ones at my college. I’m still technically in college. Technically. Kind of. Not bad.
I work an assembly line. I leave my apartment at six fifteen to get to work at six twenty and I’m on the line by six twenty five, six thirty at the latest. I have to wear a smock, it’s blue and has got four buttons and I’m not allowed to roll up the sleeves, even when it gets hot. Cuffs gotta stay snug on my wrists, keeps the parts from getting electric shocks. The smock’s got pockets, like four maybe, two on the breast and two that sit on my hips, and they had me fill them with pens and box openers and little knives and shit. I’ve got a name tag. I’ve got a badge that beeps me into the building. I’ve got shoe straps, too. On my feet all day, gotta stay grounded.
I work an assembly line, forty hours a week, making near eighteen an hour. And that’s good, means I’m going to be able to save. Right now I’m pulling from savings to stay afloat, but that’s alright. I’m making money, and people talk about that shit. People talk about their money, people talk about insurance and saving and spending and health and wellness, cars and shit. My brother’s the car guy, he’s sixteen, and all he ever wants to talk about are cars, and now all I seem to talk about are cars. This guy I’m dating, we have to stop ourselves every time we start talkin about cars. But we’re adults. We’ve got cars. We deal with money. And shit.
And I work an assembly line. “We keep the lights on,” that’s what we do. It’s not so bad, not yet. The people are nice enough, for people who have worked assembly lines for, goddamn near fifteen years, some of em. I told one guy, the guy who trained my trainer, he’s a good soul and so sweet, I told him I wasn’t going to stay, that I was going back to school, getting my degree, getting a real job. I didn’t say that last bit, about the real job. About the real career. Because these people have career paths, I guess. Some of them do. Like you learn and shit, you can move up easy if you’re good enough to. This guy, he definitely will. My supervisor, she’s maybe thirty, thirty two, she started when she was eighteen on the assembly line. But I got told that at my first job, at a grocery store as a bag girl, by the woman who hired me. Started there at sixteen, same as I was then. Hiring manager now, and when I said I wanted to be in HR, because when I was sixteen I thought I wanted to be in HR, they all told me to stay. To do it there, at that grocery store. I left after two months.
But this is an assembly line. And we keep the lights on. And it’s only been two weeks, but I don’t even know what we’re building. Keeps the lights on. I’m at the end of the factory building, “building three” they call it, even though it’s all one. I’m at the end, putting it all into place. Screwing shit. I screw chassis into boards into plates and then you put stickers onto all of it. They do something, at the end of it all. Eventually I’ll move to a different line, do a different unit. It’ll be about the same though. It’s an assembly line.
And I’ve come to the opinion that every child should be required to play with legos, should be raised on legos, should be indoctrinated on legos. Because legos give you all the skills you need to work on an assembly line. You follow instructions, look at parts, build a unit.
And legos help you do other adult things, like build simple furniture you get in the mail that you bought with gift cards from Christmas because you’re still pulling from savings because even though you work an assembly line and make eighteen, you haven’t actually gotten paid yet, but you need a fucking nightstand.
I had a hard time screwing into the nightstand too. Still can’t get the drawer handle on.
And I’m screwing now too, but that’s beside the point.
I work an assembly line. And my life is so simple. On weekdays I work, six thirty to three, work out three to four, except on Mondays, which is my rest day. I come home to an apartment, which I share with two other people, but the guy is hardly ever there because he lives with his girlfriend, who he’s only been dating two months, and he comes to the apartment to do his laundry. And the girl, who is nice and brilliant and who I can talk to for hours which is dangerous for both of us because we lose track of time, but who has a hard time cleaning up after herself in the way I’d appreciate. But she lets me eat some of her food and use her espresso machine. And is usually stoned, so she doesn’t ever hear the screwing.
0 notes
robynlilyblack · 2 years
Shes underwater again - Send me a situation along with a character and i’ll write a lil blurb (e.g sirius black x shy! fem! reader on their first date)
fred weasley x wife!reader(wolfstar daughter???) announcing that their having a baby to the family?
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Fred Weasley x wife! reader
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Summary: Fred and y/n tell their family they are expecting
Warning: pregnancy, mentions of sex and food, established relationship
A/n: 1.6k words, yes yes yes i love writting wolfstars daughter dating freddie it’s just so perfect 💛
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Navigation | Fred Weasley Masterlist | Celebration
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“Don’t look so nervous” you peer up at your husband “They’re going to be thrilled” you try to reassure him
He looks down at you “I know my mum and dad will be it’s your parents I’m worried about…and Harry…and James” he swallows hard “Not Lily…your aunties though...at least they aren’t coming...merlin I can’t believe I haven’t told Georgie yet” he was starting to stress out
You look at him in amusement “Freddie calm down...” you tilt your head “You know we’re married right?” you check
“Last time I checked yeah” he holds up your hand with the ring, giving it a kiss “Why?” he asks a little confused
You smile cupping his cheeks “Because you’re acting like we’re teenagers and about to tell them we’re together for the first time” you laugh sweetly at him
“This is different, sure that was nerve racking, terrifying even and your dad chasing me around the house as a dog is something I still have nightmares about” you both giggle at the memory “…even getting married it was only implied…” he goes on
“Implied?” you look at him strangely
He nods “Yes now they’re gonna know we did it at least once” you take a moment before you realise
“Oh merlin” you burst out laughing “Really? That’s what’s got your knickers in a twist? Them knowing we’ve definitely done it?”
“My knickers are not…shut up” he goes a little red “It’s just we’ve only been married a year and we’re young…” he sees your pout “Oh love” he puts his hand over your stomach softly “I just mean they might be a little…you know” 
“My uncle James and aunt Lily where the same age as us, and technically my dads were 18 when I was born” 
“They were?” Fred says clearly not doing the math “Wait…your older than Harry but they got you…i’m being silly here aren’t I” 
You nod “I was adopted when I was 3” you say slowly watching it click
His eyes widen nodding “Oh yeah…sorry I’m just a bit spacey” he motions around his head 
“Will a kiss help?” you pose
That makes him smile “Worth a try, right?” he looks at you cheekily, lifting you up and onto the dining table causing you to squeal before he captures your lips
As Fred’s kisses slowly make their way down your jaw to your neck your heads shoot to the door as you hear your father “My eyes! My eyes!” Sirius exclaims covering his eyes dramatically to which Remus just gives an apologetic look 
“Sorry we didn’t hear you come in” Fred laughs nervously stepping back but helps you down from the table, hand subconsciously moving to protect your stomach
“I understand your newlyweds…” Sirius starts pointing at the two of you as he walks by  “…but don’t go making me a grandfather yet” he chuckles following Remus who seems more interested in stealing a bit of the chocolaty dessert than yours and Freds slighty nervous expressions
You and he share a look “Well this is off to a marvellous start love” he bends down to whisper in your ear “Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go put on my running shoes” he tries to walk away but you pull him back giggling
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Soon everyone arrived and was seated. Sirius at the head of one end and Arthur at the other with Molly and Remus sitting around on the right of their partners. James, Lily and Harry sat on the same side as Remus while you and Fred sat opposite with Molly, leaving an empty seat next to your husband for George who had already called ahead to start because was running a tad late
“Would you like to do it now?” Fred whispers to your hand a squeeze “We can tell Georgie together later”
“You sure?” you ask with a small smile
He gives you a nod and quick kiss to the cheek “I’ll get the gifts” he whispers to you before standing up “Everyone my gorgeous wife and I have a little announcement...love” he gestures for you to speak while he moves to go grab the little bags and place them in front of the couples and Harry
You stand up, everyone ready to listen but Molly and Lily looked very interested, eyes flicking from Fred to you to your stomach, which they had noticed your hand moving to hold ever since they arrived “First, thank you for coming over for dinner” everyone smiles “The last year for us has been so amazing and everyone here has...been just the…the” you get a little emotional so when Fred re-joins your said he takes over
“I think what my darling wife is trying to say is we love all of you and we’d like to give you a little something” he gestures to the bags before wrapping his arm around your waist, his other hand moving over yours on your stomach
“Pup you shouldn’t have” Remus says looking at the bag, you knew he hated gifts but you were sure he was going to love this one
Sirius hits him playfully “Shh it’s a present” he says smiling although you and Fred weren’t sure if it would stay that way, out of everyone his reaction was the one you were on the fence about
“Aww thank you dear” Molly says smiling up at you while Arthur just gives you a warm smile and nod
You smile at them but can’t help giggling as you hear your uncle James say ‘I’m a dear’ to Harry who sniggers
“Open them” you prompt, bitting your lip in anticipation
You and Fred watch as they dig into the gifts, Lily and James pulling out their sweaters that say great auntie red and great uncle prongs, both of their faces lighting up. Harry opening his which says from godbrother to godfather, his eyes widening in shock before a soft smile appears. Molly and Arthur pulling out a tiny jumper that says my grandmother makes the best sweaters, the sight making her squeal while Arthur just smiles in a happy shock. Finally your fathers open theirs, Remus getting one jumper with grandpa moony on it and another with grandpa pads, while Sirius had a little baby onesie which read marauders grandchild
Lily is the first to speak “Your?” she looks between the two of you, her and James beaming and hugging into one another as you nod
“Aww I’m going to be a ooooo” Molly says excitedly “Arthur look oh my...” she starts but is too worked up to finish beginning to happy cry, bouncing up and down on her seat as she’s finally going to be a grandmother
You and Fred hug each other tighter before warily looking down to see your parents’ reactions, Remus has a smile on his face mouthing ‘your?’ smiling wider as you mouth ‘yes’ while Sirius just stares at his “I don’t get it…” he looks up chuckling nervously
“Of course he doesn’t” Lily shakes her head while James and Harry let out laughs
“Dad read the writing” you nod to the clothing, leaning into Fred for extra support 
He looks at you then the clothing reading it out slowly “Marauders grandchild…I…” he gives it a second to sink in before his eyes shoot to your stomach then the bit of clothing then back at you and Fred “Your pregnant pup?” he asks in complete astonishment
Harry chuckles “Looks like your pups having a their own pup…” James barks out a laugh at his sons statement before he and Harry see the look on Sirius’ face “Sorry” Harry says cringing “I’ll just give my godfather title back then shall I?” he says jokingly
You were about to turn back to your father when George walked in “Hey everyone! Ooo pressies” he rubs his hands together “What did I miss?” he says smiling away looking at you and Fred
James’ looks at Harrys jumper then at Fred “Wait George isn’t godfather” he says confused, sure you and Harry were like siblings but George was Fred’s literal twin
George’s eyes widen “I’m not a what!” he exclaims before he looks down at your stomach “Hold up...Imma be an uncle!” he says joyfully moving to push his own twin out of the way to give you a hug
Fred just chuckles “Love you too Georgie” he says moving over to grab Georges’ gift, holding it out towards him as he returns to your side
George opens it reading the jumper before looking up at you and Fred, poking his cheek with his tongue “I’m gonna kill you both…” he says light heartedly shaking his head “But since your pregnant I’m going kill you twice” he looks at you then to his twin
“What does it say?” Harrys says interested, the entire room laughing as Georges holds up his jumper which reads worlds greatest godmother
The laughter is cut off by Sirius “Wait can we just circle back to me please” he looks around the room “I just got used to reaching my fullest dilf potential, I can’t be a grilf…g-dilf…a grandpa. I’m too young and beautiful” he whines pouting to which you giggle glad that he isn’t angry just panicky about feeling old at the grand age of thirty-nine
Remus turns to his husband “Okay one, we...we are too young and beautiful” he reminds him making the rest of you giggle “Two” he turns to you and Fred “This is so great” he beams “You need anything we are here, food in the middle of the night, painting the room, building stuff, clothes we still have all your old stuff” he assures you making yours and Fred’s hearts soar “And finally three…” he turns back to Sirius “…fullest dilf potential, really love?” he starts laughing
“It’s a sirius issue” Sirius tries to say with a straight face before cracking, he then turns to you “Congrats pup really, I’m a bit shocked but I am happy…although be ready for your da to buy another bike or something, midlife crisis and all that” you smile and giggle while he turns to Fred “You work fast, take my statement earlier to heart did ya?” he teases your husband making him go a bit red
“What is a dilf?” Molly asks completely innocent
“Oh merlin…” Fred presses his hand to his face before pointing at your godbrother “Harry don’t you dare answer that question”
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boyfriendsmalec · 3 years
“Marry me.”
Pran stilled. Pat’s breath was still warm against his lips, his hair sweat-damp, his eyes shiny and warm, and just slightly unfocused. Pat looked positively love-drunk. Pran could imagine he looked the same.
“You’re just saying that because of the orgasm,” Pran said, warm and slow. His body felt like molasses, his limbs undone, his body sagged against Pat’s.
Pat shot him a mock-offended look, tugging Pran closer to him, hand firm on his waist. Despite only recently coming down from his high, the movement sent sparks across Pran’s skin, and he couldn’t help but lean in closer.
“I’m not joking, Pran,” Pat said, with a slight frown.
“We’ve been dating for three months–”
“Technically we’ve been dating for five,” Pat countered, eyebrows furrowing. "If you count the bet."
“We’re sophomores in college–”
“So the college part is the problem? Fine, we’ll wait until we’re out of college,” Pat said with a simple shrug. “I can wait two more years.”
“You know the architecture program is five years instead of four, right?” Pran raised an eyebrow.
Pat made a sound of distaste and Pran couldn’t help but tuck his face into Pat’s shoulder to cover his laugh.
“Fine, three years,” Pat capitulated. “We’ll have a long engagement. And I’ll support you as your fiancé in your final year at university.”
“Oh so we’re engaged now?” Pran pulled back to raise a challenged eyebrow. “You decided that?”
“I mean you haven’t disagreed.”
“I haven’t agreed to anything either.”
“Alright then. Say ‘yes,’ Pran.”
Pran pulled his lips into a firm line. “No.”
Pat’s face dropped a little.
“What if I want to be the one to ask you?” Pran questioned, and slowly Pat’s face began to light up again.
“It’s too late, I already asked you. You lost.”
“You think that was a proper proposal?” Pran’s lips twisted as he tried to hide his smile. “Asking me to marry you after coming inside me for the first time? You think that’s the story I want to tell our kids?”
Pat groaned. “Praaan.”
“Our first time was that good for you?”
“I would hardly call that our first time.”
“Alright, fine. First time having penetrative sex.”
“Well yes it was good for me. And it wasn’t for you?” Pat huffed, before Pran’s earlier words finally began to really settle into his head. “Wait did you just suggest having children together in the future?”
Pran’s face, against his better wishes, began to heat up. “I, uh–”
“You want to have a family with me,” Pat teased, poking at Pran’s cheek.
Pran tried his very best to give what he hoped was a heated look.
“So you want to have kids with me, but you won’t marry me?” Pat jutted his bottom lip out.
“Shut up,” Pran darted his tongue out. "I hate you."
“You weren’t saying that five minutes ago,” Pat grinned, hand slowly making his way south of Pran’s waist.
“Pat,” Pran started in a warning tone.
Pat tutted, raising his hands up in mock surrender. “You’re no fun.”
“That’s not what you were saying five minutes ago,” Pran threw back at him.
Pat’s eyes glinted and his hands cupped Pran’s face. “Want to play a game?”
“What kind of game?” Pran asked, skeptical.
“First one to say, ‘I love you’ loses.”
“That’s it?” Pran laughed. “Fine, you’re on.”
“Okay,” Pat grinned, leaning forward to peck Pran’s lips. “In that case, I love you, Pran. So will you please, please marry me?”
Pran couldn’t help the laughter that burst out of him. “What kind of game is that? You purposefully lost a second later.”
“I always let my lover win,” Pat smiled, giving him a wink. “Because that’s just the kind of husband I am.”
“Husband?” There was something about the word that sent a wave of emotions coursing through Pran. It felt like something Pran had always longed for. That he thought he could never have. Never with Pat.
“I’ll be yours if you let me,” Pat said, his voice low. Steady. No hint of hesitation. No doubt cast in his eyes. “Marry me?”
Pran couldn’t help but think of their parents at that moment. Their friends knew and accepted them, but their parents were still in the dark. Neither Pat nor Pran addressed that fact. Neither wanted to think about it. To think about the chaos that would erupt when their parents discovered they were together.
But in that moment Pran began to realize maybe he was meant for a different kind of family than the one he grew up in. Maybe even if his parents didn’t accept him, didn’t accept their love, maybe it’d be okay.
And at this point Pran was greedy. He didn’t want to let Pat go. And if his parents truly loved him, they would come around. They would have to. And if they didn’t… well then, Pran was willing to let them go. For this. For this love. For Pat.
“Yes,” Pran whispered, and the smile that spread across Pat’s face was something that Pran knew would make all the pain worth it. Even if he lost one family, he’d gained another in Pat. His boyfriend. No. His fiancé. His husband-to-be. His best friend.
“I love you so much,” Pat said, his voice reverent, like Pran was something to be worshipped, before he dragged Pran in for a kiss.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
They got out the words between their soft kisses before it began to fall into something deeper and headier and suddenly Pran was being rolled onto his back again. He let his eyes fall closed, arms wrapping around Pat’s shoulders, kissing him hard and fast and with everything in him, only half-hearing the sound of Pat scrabbling for the condom box with his free hand.
Pran didn’t really understand the term making love meant until that night. But now he knew. Because when Pat was with him, all he could feel was that love coursing through him. Pat inside him, Pat all around him, Pat encompassing him and everything he was and would ever be.
But it still didn’t stop Pran from saying afterwards:
“We’re never telling our kids the story of how we got engaged.”
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