#he’s in the grade above me and I don’t even go to that school anymore
I just remembered recently that in the 7th grade, I started dating this guy who I was friends with. I just realised that we never broke up..so technically we’re *still* dating..
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satorusugurugurl · 3 months
Hi, I saw your post about jjk characters with a reader who has ed but could you do something similar but with an ed type like "I don't deserve to eat" because honestly I'm closer to that than worrying about my appearance. Well, you know when you were brought up that food, especially sweets, was a reward, and when you did something wrong, you were forbidden to eat. I would be very grateful. Thank you in advance
I Don’t Deserve It
Summary: How will JJK men react to you not eating because of your past?
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 3,412
Warnings: E.D, childhood trauma, PTSD, self-loathing, language, fluff, the boys being sweet
A/N: Hi there, Nonnie. Thanks for the request! I did my best with this one. I hope you enjoy it! 💚💚💚
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Gojo Satoru:
It was hot, too damn hot to be outside. You whined, shielding your eyes from the sun above, and you limped behind your students and boyfriend, Gojo Satoru. You had gotten yourself into a little bit of a pickle on your mission. You quickly took out the grade two curse you were sent to exorcise. You, however, fell down the flight of stairs in the old Hospital and needed to call them for assistance.
Falling down the stairs was so utterly embarrassing. A sorcerer of yours should be more graceful and more tentative and careful. If your mother had been around, she would’ve reprimanded you, claiming you were nothing but a failure. That you needed to be severely reprimanded for your error. Your mother had been such a bitch. Even though you weren’t in contact with her anymore, her lessons still stuck with you to this day.
“Gojo! Gojo! Let’s get some ice cream!” Itadori and Kugisaki pointed frantically at the convenience store you were passing.
“Ah, yeah, ice cream sounds delicious right now! Yuuji, come on, let’s grab some! Megumi and Nobara, you're on drink detail!” your blindfolded boyfriend turned his head towards you, staring for a long moment before facing the shop. “You just stay here, babe.”
Embarrassment twisted your guts like they were knots on a boat. Of course, the strongest sorcerer of the modern age would be embarrassed by such a simple mistake you had made. If you made such a simple error as falling down the stairs on an easy mission, why would he want you to help get drinks and ice cream for the kids? Your bottom lip quivered as you shook your head, sitting on a bench outside the shop.
While your students and boyfriend headed into the shop, you could feel the heat plummeting down on you. On hot summer days like this, when you had made an error in your training or forgot to do something in the house, your mother would always make you sit outside. Other family members snacked on ice cream and drinks, while your mother always denied you the right to lovely cold iced tea or an ice cream cone.
“You failed me today; you do not deserve a treat. Sweets, like these, are earned, not given.”
Her words still rang in your ears as sweat slid down the back of your neck. It would be a long walk back to the school without anything to keep you cool. You needed to be more careful on your missions, especially now that it was summertime. It was bad enough you fell down a flight of stairs. You couldn’t imagine how you would be lectured for fainting in the heat.
“Mmm!” Yuuji hummed happily, licking his ice cream as a sliding door to the convenience store dinging the four returned. Megumi held a bag as Nobara chugged down some of her green tea. “This is great! Thanks Gojo!”
“Yeah, thanks.” Megumi nodded his head as he sipped on a bottle of water.
“It's too damn hot out here! We should go to the beach! Oooh, or a water park; maybe an agency will approach me!” You couldn’t help but smile as the trio of students talked amongst themselves and made plans to beat the summer heat. Your mindless star was cut short as an icy cold bag pressed firmly against your hot cheek.
You jumped, startled by the sudden cold against your face. Pulling back, you glanced up at your boyfriend, whose dimple deepened as he grinned. “Easy there, it’s just me, you’re loving boyfriend, with an ice cream for you.” Something in your chest swelled as you glanced at the ice cream he handed you, still wrapped in plastic.
“Uh, ice cream? For my girlfriend, here.”
He waved the treat in front of your face, emphasizing his point. When you said nothing, he waved it again, tilting his head in confusion as to why you were so hesitant about taking it. There was a look in your eyes as you just stared at the sweet treat that had him tilting his head to the other side, pursing his lips together.
He sighed, flopping down on the seat next to you, his long legs stretched out. He was ripping the plastic and holding the unwrapped ice cream towards you. “Here you go, babe.” Your fingers inched closer toward the waffle cone before you promptly pulled them back.
“Why what?”
“Why did you get me this?”
Gojo pulled his blindfold up; eyebrows scrunched together as his mouth was agape in confusion. “Because it's a bajillion degree outside? Because I bought the students ice cream and one. Why wouldn’t I get my girlfriend one too?” Gojo seemed insulted that you would ask such a naïve question.
“N-No, I get that, but I didn’t do anything to deserve it. You had to rescue me today. And now you’re giving me a prize for nothing?”
“Who in their right mind told you that?!”
With flushed cheeks, you glance down at the ground. “Uhm, well—my mother always told me that sweets were a reward. I never used to get them as a kid. Hell, even meals sometimes were considered a reward after training.” A sudden spike of nausea rose in your throat at the unpleasant memories of your childhood.
Gojo remained silent momentarily, taking your words as meaningful instructions for an important project. Instead of saying anything, he grabbed you by your chin, holding it between his thumb and forefinger, lifting it so your eyes met his. His usual charismatic, carefree charm was void, as were his gorgeous eyes. Instead, you were met with nothing but worry. Seeing him look at you like that caught you off guard as he leaned in, gently pressing a kiss against your lips.
Your eyes went wide, darting towards the trio who didn’t pay you any mind. The kiss wasn’t heated or full of desire like it usually was. It was nothing but genuine, passionate love. You kissed him back, slowly closing your eyes as your arms wrapped around his neck. Gojo pulled back, grabbing your chin, tapping the ice cream against your bottom lip, grinning wide.
“Your mother was a mythic bitch. God, I would love to beat her ass for torturing you as a child.” he sighed before turning to watch you take the ice cream, unwrapping it. “You don't have to do anything to deserve a treat. If you want one, have one, especially after a rough mission. I always get myself a treat after a mission! It's like a little reward.” His large hand stroked your hair as you happily licked the ice cream. “We gotta work on fixing that mentality.”
Your shoulders feel light as the ice cream begins to cool you down. “Right, I think this,” you motion towards the ice cream in your hand, “is a great start.” Gojo barks out a laugh, shaking his head.
“Oh baby, this is just convenience store ice cream. Wait until I take you to my absolute favorite shop downtown!”
On the way back to school, the five of you laughed as you ate your ice cream. Gojo sucked on his
while he carried you on his back. You were lucky to have a man who would tell you when you were inevitably wrong, and you were worse so much more than you thought.
Geto Suguru:
You stood in the kitchen, watching the girls running around playing, which was a good thing seeing that you had screwed up and forgotten to pick them up after school. The morning had been hectic, from filling out paperwork to doing housework, and it has just managed to slip away from you.
You were cutting vegetables for dinner when the school called. At first, you were confused, but the second you glanced at the clock, your stomach fell into your ass. You ran all the way to the school, finding the girls eagerly waving at you from the steps where their teacher glowered down at you.
“Sorry! I lost track of time, sweet peas!”
“That’s okay!” Nanako said as she held onto her sister’s hand. “We figured you were held up and knew either you or Geto would show up!”
“Mhmm!” Mimiko agreed as they tread down the steps together.
You ruffled their hands as they passed you before turning to their teacher. “I’m sorry time got the better of me. Thank you for waiting with them.” typically, people would say it wasn’t a problem, but this teacher shot daggers out at you as she stepped down to face you head-on.
“You ought to be ashamed of yourself.” Her words weighed you down as you stared at her in confusion and shock. “You call yourself a mother or a guardian? Your generation is so lazy and self-entitled, caring about no one but yourselves.”
“Excuse me; you're wro—”
“Lazy, ungrateful people like you don’t deserve the happiness they were blessed with.” She shoved past you, heading down the sidewalk. “You don’t deserve it.”
The elderly teacher was an insane coldhearted bitch. Shit happens, like losing track of time. She could fuck off all you cared. Both you and Subaru worked hard to make the girls feel loved. She didn’t know what she was talking about. So you brushed off her cruel words to the side, holding both girls’ hands as you walked home together.
Ignoring the teacher was easy, but her words triggered unpleasant memories for you. It was her and the guilt in your stomach for losing track of time that triggered flashbacks to play in your mind. Your father told you you did nothing and deserve your mother because you didn’t prepare it when you had been training all day. You never got to enjoy a warm meal with your family on days like that.
Moments and bad habits like that tended to stick around like a scar. Even when you were an adult, you knew you didn’t do anything wrong, but the interaction with the teacher and memories from your childhood had you sinking in on yourself—the little girl who watched her family eat without her.
The door opened, and Suguru grinned as the girls ran at him, throwing their arms around his legs and giggling as he walked into the kitchen. His eyes were warm down the top of their heads. You smiled at him before looking away, your stomach growling.
“Welcome home, Geto!”
“Thanks, girls.” he placed a big watermelon on the kitchen counter, drawing that girl's attention along with your own. “Look what Yaga gave me. It’s nice and cold. Perfect for dessert tonight.”
Your mouth watered as Nanamo and Mimiko chanted excitedly, watching Suguru wash his hands before cutting into the melon with a knife. Your fingers slowly inched forward, but you pulled away, focusing on your phone instead. If your father were here, he would remind you that you didn’t deserve to eat with your family. Because you had forgotten to pick up the girls today
“You girls ate all of your dinner, right?” Your boyfriend asked as he grabbed two slices of the sweet red melon, holding them out in front of the girls.
“Yes, Geto!”
“We ate everything!”
“Good, here you go.” They took the slices eagerly, munching on the bright red fruit. While they happily ate, Geto turned his attention toward you. He pushed some of his dark bangs out of his vision. “And you, Princess? Did you eat all of your dinner?”
Your boyfriend blinked, cocking an eyebrow at you. “Why not?” His voice lowered as he grabbed a slice of the melon.
“I don’t deserve to eat.” Those five words wait a ton, causing your boyfriend’s face to contort with concern.
“Yes, you do.”
“No, I don’t. I screwed up and forgot to pick up the girls today. Their teacher made sure to let me know. I didn’t deserve to be as blessed as I am.”
Suguru scoffed, narrowing his gaze as he grabbed your face in one hand, squeezing it so your lips were puckered. “That’s bullshit, and you know it. You work your ass off every day to take care of our blessings. There’s no reason why you don’t deserve to eat.”
“My father would disagree with you on that.”
“Well,” your boyfriend squeezes your cheeks gently. “If I ever meet your father, I’m going to feed him to my curses because he doesn’t deserve to breathe for making you feel like that.”
The tip of the watermelon slice is promptly shoved into your mouth. “I don’t want to hear you argue because, for once, you’re wrong.” You felt like all the worry on your shoulders and the grip your father had on you began to fade away. “Now be a good girl and chew.”
You take a bite, the sweet juices flooding your mouth. You moan at the taste, swallowing before taking another bite. Seeing the smile on your face, your boyfriend grinned back as he gently continued to hold the watermelon for you.
“Hey, Ma didn't eat her dinner!” Nanako chimed in as both she and Mimiko happily continued to eat their slices
“Oh, I know we’re just doing things out of order tonight.”
“Oh, that sounds like fun. Can we do that tomorrow night?!” The girls ask in unison before you and Suguru, smiling before saying yes. Sometimes, life was messy, but you just had to go with the flow and take one moment at a time, even if that meant doing things out of order.
Nanami Kento:
“My love,” you glanced up from your book as Nanami stepped inside the apartment, removing his glasses. “I’m home.”
Your book is thrown across the couch as you leap your feet, rushing to throw your arms around your husband. “Welcome home, Kento!” His hand gently grabs the back of your head as you kiss him. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” He presses another longing, soft kiss against your lips. “I’m starving. I can’t wait to unwind with a nice warm meal with you.”
You pull away, and Nanami watches your face pale. You yank yourself away from his arms, your hand covering up to cover your mouth as you mentally start cursing yourself out. Being a housewife meant you got to take care of the house, shop for groceries, and prepare dinner for your husband without worrying about working as an assistant supervisor. Today, you cleaned the house, shopped for groceries, and did laundry but failed to do the most important thing.
Make dinner for your beloved husband, who worked all day.
“Oh my God, fuck me!” You rushed to the kitchen, throwing the fridge open and trying to figure out what you could make. “I’m so sorry, Ken.”
“Love, it’s al—”
“No, no, I’m so sorry. I’ll make something for you, or I could pick something up.”
“I’m sorry.” In this state, you weren’t sure if you could cook anything with your shaking hands. “I’ll order you something. Please go take a bath and relax; I got this!”
Your husband frowned but didn’t argue with you. He just stared for a long moment before heading into your room to change, leaving you a shaking mess as you ordered him a sandwich and soup from the bakery down the street, not adding anything for yourself. With the food ordered, you paced the kitchen, biting down on your thumbnail with a sigh; terrible memories from your childhood and your weeping mother flashed.
When you were little, your mother was a stay-at-home mom while your father was on missions. Both your parents loved each other and rarely fought, but your father’s mother was a terrible human being. Whenever your mother was overwhelmed and wasn’t able to cook dinner, your grandmother would yell and scream at her, telling her she was a terrible wife and homemaker. On days like that, your mother would weakly smile before preparing something quick for everyone to enjoy.
Your mother would never join in, even when the hot meal was prepared or purchased. Your grandmother chastised her for even considering joining them for a meal she had forgotten to make. Your mother would stay in the kitchen until everyone else had eaten before she might consider eating for herself. Which rarely happened in fear of how your grandmother would react.
You never thought you would find yourself in her shoes one day. On top of that, you had done hardly anything compared to the miracles your mother made. She raised children, kept up with the house, cleaned, and ensured everything was in order. You and Nanami were just two people to care for in a small, comfortable home. Compared to your mother, who took care of your entire clan, you were pathetic.
If your grandmother were still around, she would lecture you like she had your mother countless times before.
You had failed as a housewife, and that fact had your stomach churning with nausea as you carried the plate of delivered food to Nanami, who had just walked out of the bedroom, freshly showered and changed. You handed him the plate, keeping your eyes glued to the floor with a frown. Your gaze was suddenly lifted as Nanami took the plate with one hand and grabbed your chin with the other, forcing you to look at his face.
“I’m sorry, Kento.”
“Please don’t apologize for something so minuscule; it’s fine.”
“You worked all day while I stayed at home. It should’ve been done.”
You sat at the table, staring at the placement before you, and your husband began eating in silence, his eyes glancing towards the table, finding nothing on a plate for you. A blonde brow cocked as he swallowed the bite in his mouth.
“Love, where’s your food?” You frown, dropping your head lower. “Darling?”
“I don’t deserve to eat with you. I’ll eat tomorrow morning.”
You listen as the chair across from you slides against the wooden floor. There are a few footsteps before the chair beside you pulls out, and Nanami’s body wash invades your senses. Your eyes clamp shut, but you hear rustling instead of a stern lecture. Opening one eye, you find half his sandwich on the placemat before you.
“Kento, what are you—!”
“I want to share my food because despite your thinking you did nothing today, just because you were at home is not the case.” He takes another bite, the bread crunching deliciously, making your stomach growl loud. “You cleaned the house and reorganized our bathroom.” He took another bite. “Then you dusted the office, shopped for groceries, and on top of all of that, you did our laundry.”
Your husband was one of the most considerate men in the entire world. He took notice of the little things you did and always made sure you knew how much he appreciated you. So, not being angry that there was no dinner waiting for him at home had your heart skipping a beat.
“Nuh-uh, unless the next words out of your mouth revolve around the sandwich, and it's good to save it; I don’t want an apology. I don’t want to hear how you didn’t do a good job. Because that’s not right, take such wonderful care of our home. I love you more than anything in this world.”
You pick the other half of the sandwich up, smiling at him. “Thank you, Kento.” You take a bite, the bread crunching as you do. You hum happily at the delightful taste that swarms your taste buds. “Mhmm!” Kento grins, leaning over and pressing the softest kiss against your temple.
“I love you; thank you for taking such good care of the house.”
“I love you too, Kento; thank you for all your hard work!” Your smile is as bright as the sun as you hold up half of the sandwich. “And thanks for sharing!”
Nanami gently taps the half of his sandwich against yours as if clinking glasses together. “You’re welcome, my love.”
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks
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uzurimisery · 25 days
hi! i love your work for logan. would you be willing to write anymore smut for him? maybe when him and the reader were still together and teaching at the school?
oh boy can i!
Warnings: unprotected sex, used of girl, same timeline as 'bitter frost, honey I'm coming home'
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He blamed it on the skirt you wore today. The way it clung to the curve of your ass. Couldn’t keep his fucking eyes off of your legs and how plush your thighs were, how the fabric rode up just a bit when you bent over. It wasn’t even that short; it stopped maybe an inch or two above your knees, which is a respectable length for a teacher. But those few inches made a world of difference to him. Your red v-neck sweat tucked into it showed off your collarbones, too. The slope of your neck, how your pule fluttered just beneath the skin. He just wanted to bite the soft, supple skin of your neck again. Leave a bruise so you’d have a piece of him everywhere you went.
Yeah, that was why he was so out of his mind today, slinking into your office right as you closed your door to grade some papers.  The lock clicked into place behind him.
“Heya doll,” he speaks while circling your desk. His boots thud on the wood floors as he walks. He goes past the two chairs you’ve got set up facing it and comes up right behind you.
Your chair isn’t one that’s got a particularly high back, so Logan leans over it and wraps his arms around your shoulders. Pulling you into the warmth of his chest. You go a little limp at the contact, the tension in your shoulders melting from his warmth. He can smell the salt of your skin mixing with your conditioner and lotion, and it’s going straight to his already half-hard cock straining against his zipper.
“Long day?” He speaks in a whispered breath that dances down your spine.
“Very,” you lean back in his embrace with a sigh, head falling to the side, and he’s got you right where he wants you—exposed, vulnerable, ripe for the goddamn picking.
He “Hmms” while kissing the exposed side of your neck, trailing down the sensitive hollow of your throat.
You squirm a little bit  as he does. Always been sensitive spot for you. Logan just has to push you a little bit more and get you a little bit further.
“Want me to make you feel better?” His right-hand finds the opening of your sweat and slides past it to cup your left breast. Fingertips tracing the lace of your bra. You’ve got one of those unlined ones on today, so he can feel your nipple get hard as he gropes at your breast. 
He pinches at it, pressing it flat, which makes you whimper, before rubbing it between his two fingers. Logan smells the change in the air, like sweet honey drizzle coating the back of the throat that makes his mouth water.
“You're wet, princess.” His teeth catch on your skin, teasing bites peppered over it.
Your moans like a reward for doing a good job, but he can hear just how many people are traversing the halls of school right now, and he does not want to be interrupted. He should carry you out to your noise-proofed quarters, courtesy of his night terrors. It made great for fucking you. Making you ride him till your throat was raw and your knees were weak from bouncing, then he’d flip you over on your front and keep fucking you. Pinning you down and lost in the rhythm of his hips. He’d keep going as your eyes glassed over with a fucked out expression on your face, and you’d look up at him like you owed him your life. You made the best fucking noises when he fucked you like that. Pitched whines and breathy moans as he slammed his hips against yours. Begging him, pleading with him. Telling him to go hard, you can take it, to knot you.
You shift in the chair, causing it to creak.
“Don’t bite.” 
Your tone sounds stern, like when you admonish one of the kids. Makes him want to push you further on it. Getcha mad at him and tell him off.
“Just can’t help myself,” he bites you again, and you turn and grab his jaw, red-lacquered nails catching in the light, digging into his skin. It should be painful, but it just turns him on more.
“Don’t bite.”
Oh, there’s that fire he loves so much. God, he loves you. 
You close the distance, meeting his lips in a messy, open-mouth kiss. Neither one of you bothers with sheepish pecks when you’re worked up. Your tongue works against his, fighting to come out dominant before you pull back, catching his bottom lip with your teeth and applying some pressure.
It only makes him smile, letting his lip slip free and crash against you. 
It’s rough the way you make out, your hand on his jaw and your nails digging in, his tongue pushing yours down. How he squeezes your breast and tweaks your nipple till you moan, and he’s able to spin your chair around and get down on his knees between your legs. He’s eye level with your pussy like this, and his hands slide up your skirt, bunching it at your hips to expose your damp panties. The scent of your arousal hangs heavy in the air. It’s like he can watch more of your arousal leak out and soak the fabric, watch how it spreads and darkens the fabric. 
His nostrils flare as he gets another whiff. Logan’s long come to terms with the fact he’s a dirty dog when it comes to you. 
You lift your hips from the seat and slide your panties down your thighs. When they reach your knees, he takes over, sliding them completely off and pockets them. Shimmying down the seat, nearly hanging off the edge of it, you throw your legs over his shoulders as he comes closer to your core. The office air is cool on your wet pussy
Logan has never understood men who didn’t eat pussy because he might go crazy if he never got to eat yours again. It’s an addiction for him, really, a craving that never goes away. He’s always gotta give his girl the princess treatment. The biggest problem was how hard it got him in his jeans, cock straining against the dark wash denim.
His right hand held your leg steady while his left spread your wet folds apart, revealing your swollen clit. Logan’s tongue flicked out as he leaned forward and made contact. He circles your clit with his tongue, pushing it along with the motion before he drags it down to your hole and laps up some of your juices.  
He’d quit drinking if they bottled it.
His nose bumps your clit as you do, making you arch your back and moan. God, he loved the way you responded to his touch. It made him feel like he won the lottery when he put his tongue on your clit and flicked it side, and your hands flew to his hair. Fisting the strands, pulling him closer by them.
He laps at your clit rhythmically, trying to get your gushing on his tongue as you as he can--fucking loves the taste of your pussy. It was almost sweet and heady when you came on his tongue. Logan takes his left middle finger and inserts it into you, a mix of salvia and your wetness, letting him slide in easily. He pumps it in and out a few times before adding a second finger. Making you cum is his favorite way to relieve stress. 
One of your hands flies to cover your mouth as he fingers you before adding a third to the mix. Your walls flutter around him like they’re thankful to have him inside. All the while, his tongue is flicking your clit back and forth. Your body trembles as he works you to a fever pitch, hips lifting off the chair. Pushing your pussy further in his face, you cum, toes curling in your flats, as he takes you over the edge, and you moan into your hand.
Logan growls as your taste explodes on his tongue. He pulls back, picks you up from your chair, and puts you face down on your desk, snaking his left hand around your front to lift your hips to angle you better. Quickly unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his jeans, he lets them fall to his midthigh as he pushes his boxer briefs down the free his leaking cock.
“Spread your legs for me,” he orders, voice low and commanding.
You obey, wiggling your hips a bit as you do, eager to have him inside you. He slides his dick through your folds. Not once. Not twice. But three times, he rakes himself over your slit. Each time the fat mushroom tip catches on your entrance, it makes anticipation settle in your belly before he finally lines himself up right and inserts himself.
It knocks the wind out of you when he goes from tip to base in a matter of seconds, not easing you into it. A low guttural moan escapes Logan's lips at the sensation of being inside you. It sends a rush of adrenaline through him. 
He sets his pace, and its rough, deep strokes slamming into you. It’s punishing and relentless. They make your whole body rock against your dark oak desk as he fucks you. The woods cold under you, your breasts squished, your nipples hard against the surface. It makes your body shudder with the force he's using. It makes you feel like a doll in his arms, made to relieve his stress, and the edges of your vision blur.
The smack of his hips meeting your echos in the room as a second orgasm quickly builds in you as Logan's balls slap your clit with each stroke. He feels you start to clench down around him and moves his left hand to play with your clit. There's so much pressure built low in your stomach.
“Fucking look at you,” Logan mutters, “Taking it like a champ princess. That's my perfect girl.” 
His words go straight to your pussy, your hips rocking back to meet his thrusts, and you nearly cum.
“Fuck,” he pulls out briefly to flip you on your back, resting his hand behind your head as he did so before grabbing your hips, and you wrap your legs around his waist. “Can’t cum unless I see that pretty face.”
“Such a romantic.” 
“Is that what they’re calling romantic these days?” 
Logan speaks as he plunges back into you, hands grasping at your waist, pushing your back further up the desk. You’ve gotten so warm the cool wood feels nice. He pulls up your sweater, going to see your breasts, and tugs down the cups of your bra so they sit just under them, pushing them up. 
“Jesus fuck,” he groans, bending down and catching a nipple in his mouth. Teasing it, his teeth scraping at it as he nips and sucks at it, his other hand coming to pinch and pull the other. The last thing he wants is any part of you feeling neglected now. The added stimulation sends you soaring, a deep pressure building up low in your stomach. Your body tenses, muscles lock in place, and your breathing stops.
With a loud pop, Logan releases your breast and places one hand on your lower abdomen, pressing down firmly while the other hand pinches your clit. It’s so overwhelming you feel like you might pass out as he thrusts into you wildly. 
You climax with a silent scream, head falling to the side as pure ecstasy washes over you and liquid gushes out of your pussy and all over Logan’s front. It is so intense it feels like it lasts forever as a regular orgasm follows right behind it as he furiously plays with your clit. Your body shakes and trembles as it fucks you through it, walls clenching down tight around him, but he continues to fuck you through it. The way he’s looking down at you now tells you he’s not done for the night either, that he wants you in bed all weekend till you get fawn legs when you try to walk. 
The lights in the room flicker as his thrusts grow more urgent and intense. Your nails dig into his arm, cutting the skin as he just keeps plowing into you. He still doesn’t slow down, driven just to keep going, chasing his own release. It doesn’t even feel like his knot has started to swell yet. You’re grateful by this time that the hallway outside is mostly empty of the slick wet slaps of skin and creaking of your desk, which would be heard by anyone passing by, as a sob escapes your lips from just how good he’s fucking you. 
His breath is hitched, eyes wild, focused in on where his cock stretches out your pussy and your orgasm that coats it. Your head feels fuzzy, and you aren't sure when the one orgasm ends and the other starts. It's oversensitive at this point, but your pleasure is so much that it's indistinguishable from the pain of the sensitivity.
Logan growls before he thrusts again, his muscles trembling as his orgasm approaches. Somehow, he thrusts deeper, harder, trying to scratch the itch. Hips slam against yours so roughly before he cums inside you with a groan, his fingers digging into your hips. His thrust slow, but they won't stop as how spurts of cums fill you. It spills out from you, unable to fit his spend and his cock inside you, but Logan wants to fuck as much of it as he can back up into your shaking body. Lazy, shallow thrusts follow until he’s completely spent.
Finally satisfied, he collapses on top of you, head buried in your chest. The air reeks of sex and sweat as the two of you catch your breath. Both of you lay there for a moment, enjoying the closeness. This week has been hectic at the school, and you haven’t seen much of each other. 
“Didn’t know you could squirt,” he laughs while pulling out of you and tucking himself back into his jeans. He takes your panties from earlier and uses them to wipe you up.
“Don’t look so proud of yourself.”
Sliding off the desk, you fix your skirt. Guess you’ll go commando since they were not covered in cum. 
“Shook like a leaf in the wind.”
“I will burn your retinas.” you bent down to slide back on your flats that come off during your quickie.
He smacks your ass.
“Only gonna grow back.”
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©️ uzuzrimisery
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nyxoz · 2 years
When you and Eddie are 9, he falls off the monkey bars at school and breaks his arm. You sit with him and hold his good hand while the teachers call an ambulance. He looks up at you with big brown tearful eyes and a sniffle and says “Don’t leave me.” You hold his hand tighter and shake your head, “I won’t.” You say.
When Eddie gets his cast on you’re the first person to sign it. You write your name with a little heart next to it in red marker. “Do you think I can get Stacey Carmichael to sign it?” Eddie asks. You frown a little and your tummy feels weird at the thought. Stacey is in the grade above you and she’s the coolest girl in school. “Dunno” you shrug before Mr. Munson calls from the living room to tell you your parents are here to take you home.
When Eddie is 11 he starts a band called Corroded Coffin. You think it’s a funny name but Eddie tells you that it’s really metal. You tell the boys they should enter the middle school talent show and they do. They come 4th but Eddie is so happy that he picks you up and spins you around even though you’re taller than him. “You didn’t even win!” You laugh as he spins you, “I don’t care, that was so fun!”
When you and Eddie are 12, you fall off your bike riding down the big hill near the trailer park. You scrap your knees and chin and you’re crying all messily. “Eddie! It hurts!” You sob as Eddie holds your face in his little hands to look at your chin. “I know. Let me go get Uncle Wayne!” And then Eddie runs as fast as you’ve ever seen back to the trailer to get Mr. Munson who comes speeding down with Eddie and a first aid kit in hand. “Okay, little miss, what have you done to yourself, hmm?” Eddie holds your hand while Mr. Munson patches you up.
When you’re 13, John Baker kisses you at the snowball dance while you’re slow dancing to a song you don’t know. It was okay but your mom’s lipstick you stole gets on his lips and he has to go to the bathroom to clean it off. “I kissed John!” You tell Eddie who is sitting on the bleachers looking bored. Eddie screws up his face “Yuck.” You frown, “I didn’t say it was yuck when you kissed Jessica Thompson!” You argue. “Did you use tongue?” Eddie asks. This time you screw up your face. “Gross! No!” Eddie shrugs, “Then it wasn’t a real kiss.” You don’t think that’s true.
When you and Eddie become freshman’s he joins a club called Hellfire and it’s all he talks about. “Our DM is so cool! He listens to Judas Priest just like me!” “The campaign is so fun!” “Look at the shirt that they gave us! I’m never taking it off.” He can’t hang out at lunch anymore because he sits with the Hellfire club and that makes you sad but you don’t tell him that. You’re just happy he’s happy.
When you reach sophomore year, you and Eddie agree that Friday nights are your dedicated nights to hang out. Eddie came to you at the end of freshman year saying he missed you and you were so happy you almost cried. You barely saw him anymore so now that you have a night just for you, you couldn’t be happier.
When Eddie turns 16 you surprise him with an audition at the hideout for Corroded Coffin to play every Tuesday night. It might just be a few drunks that heckle at them every gig, but Eddie literally tackles you onto his bed and almost squishes you in thanks. He’s bigger than you now.
When you and Eddie are 17, you’ve become somewhat of the band manager. You help them unpack and pack every night and Eddie usually drops you home after. The rest of the band have left and it’s just you and Eddie hauling the last of the equipment in the back when you almost fall out the back of the van. Eddie is underneath you in an instant, catching you bridal style. “You saved me.” You laugh as you hop down to your feet. Eddie doesn’t laugh, he just looks down at you “‘Course I did. I always will.” He says. It makes your stomach flutter and before you know it you’re leaning up and pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. You pull away and stare up at him nervously watching as Eddie’s face breaks into a smile. “Y’know, it’s not a real kiss unless there’s tongue.” He says. You slap at his shoulder.
When you’re 17 and 6 months, you’re at Eddie’s trailer and Mr. Munson isn’t home. You’re in Eddie’s bed and you’re both in your underwear and under the covers. Eddie is kissing all over your face, “You sure you wanna? We don’t have to.” He asks for the millionth time. “Yeah, I’m sure.” You reassure him.
When you turn 18, Eddie gives you a little box. You open it and find his guitar pick necklace curled up in the soft velvet. “Eddie,” you gasp, “I can’t accept this. This is the most important thing to you.” Eddie pushes a piece of hair behind you ear and leans in close, “You’re the most important thing to me.”
When you and Eddie are 20, Eddie finally graduates high school. He runs up to you and Mr. Munson (‘Call me Uncle Wayne’ he told you a million times before) and picks you up and spins you around in his cap and gown. “You did it!” You cheer, giving him a loving kiss. He holds your face in his hands “I fucking did it.”
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theemporium · 1 month
a smut-berry daiquiri, 36, & trevor zegras!🤍
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
36. "I know I said we couldn't do this anymore, but I need you. Please."
Your brothers would kill you if they found out. 
Not even in a ‘oh haha they would be angry for a while before letting it go’ kind of way.
But a ‘they would bury me six feet under themselves if they found out’ kind of way.
Especially Quinn. 
Growing up so close in age to each other, it meant you and your brothers were naturally always around each other. Your friends were close in age, you were all in school together, everyone knew you as the four Hughes’s. There was never a big age gap to really get in the way, you all felt like best friends growing up and it was great. There was never anything that really came between you. 
Except one rule—no friends. 
After a very awkward situation that resulted in Jack breaking your seventh grade best friend’s heart, it seemed like a simple rule you could all agree on. 
And all things considered, it was never a problem. Despite a few of their friends flirting with you and trying to shoot their shot over the years, the feelings had never been reciprocated. It was easy to stick by the one rule the four of you shared. 
Until Trevor. 
You knew Trevor was a bad idea. He was pretty and charming and he made you laugh. But he was also a long-term friend, he was here to stay. He got on well with your family to the point you swore your parents considered him a fourth son. It would be a bad idea to get yourself wrapped into something that would haunt you for the rest of your life. 
But he was Trevor and you couldn’t really resist him. 
“Shit,” you breathed out, your head falling back to expose more of your neck to him. “No marks.” 
“Thought you said you didn’t wanna do this anymore,” Trevor murmured against your neck in between soft kisses and licks, as he fought the urge to bite down and mark your skin like he so badly wanted to do.
“I don’t,” you said, sighing happily as he kissed the sensitive spot behind your ear. 
“And yet, here you are, letting me fuck you on the boat,” Trevor murmured as he squeezed your thighs and pulled them around his waist. 
It was late. Everyone else was inside and the boat—even docked—was the only place you could get any privacy with Trevor without any of your brothers finding out. It was risky and stupid—but none of those things mattered when you were with him. 
“I know I said we couldn’t do this anymore,” you breathed out, whining when he rolled his hips against yours. “But I need you. Please.”
“Fuck,” Trevor cursed under his breath as he leaned down to smash your lips together. “Gonna fuck you so good, baby, just how you like it.” 
“Please,” you practically begged, reaching down to push his shorts down but he quickly caught your hands and pinned them above your head. 
“Nuh uh,” he shook his head, his eyes darkening as he took in the sight of you pinned beneath him. “I know you can be good for me. Keep your hands there and don’t move them until I say so. Got it?” 
You nodded, whimpering.
He grinned. “Good girl.”
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moniquill · 5 months
Watership Down - first the film, then the book, is one of the most formative media influences in my life. I’ve written about it briefly, here https://i-blame.tumblr.com/post/69030937937/moniquill-moniquill-kucala-moniquill
but having watched the above video essay, I want to say more.
The first time I saw a deer up close was in my grandfather’s back yard; I was about four years old. I don’t remember the reason that my mom dropped me off at my grandfather’s house for an afternoon, but I know that it was unplanned - because he was in the middle of processing a deer. It had been field dressed, organs already removed, and was hanging by its ankle tendons from the t-shaped steel pole at one end of the backyard clothesline. I was startled, worried, concerned that the animal was hurt. There was blood! There was flesh!
My grandfather responded by calmly explaining what he was doing, step by step. Explaining why he was skinning the deer, and quartering it, taking it from this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-tailed_deer to this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venison
He talked about hunting, and about gratitude, and about humans and our proper place in the world - what meant to live in a good way.
By the time my grandfather was cooking tenderloin medallions and plating them up to me with grape jelly (don’t knock grape jelly on meat until you’ve tried it!) and instant mashed potatoes, I wasn’t startled or concerned anymore. I had a deeper understanding of the way the world worked, of my role as a consumer, a predator. Of the responsibilities that entailed. I couldn’t have explained it then, of course, with my 4-year-old mind and vocabulary - but Philosophy had been set into motion. This is a core memory for me. 
I did not have nightmares about the butchered deer. 
I was six when I first saw Disney’s Bambi. I DID have nightmares about that; between Bambi and The Land Before Time, I was absolutely convinced that my mother was going to die. That I was being presented with these media themes to educate and prepare me for that eventuality. I am the youngest daughter of a youngest daughter, and I have an extended tribal family. My grandfather died when I was six. His was one of many funerals I attended at that age; his generation succumbing to age and illness. I was aware of mortality. 
I wasn’t a ‘normal’ child, by the standard of the community that I went to school in. I was too poor, too indigenous, too very obviously autistic (without being diagnosed). I had very different media influences and interests than the other kids at my public school. No one else was deeply obsessed with David Attenborough’s documentaries (Life on Earth 1979, The Living Planet 1984, Lost Worlds, Vanished Lives 1989). No one else had even heard of Dot and the Whale. No one else in my class had Lifeways Lessons classes, because they didn’t have tribes.  
I wasn’t terribly interested in most media intended for children; it was boring because it was simple. I didn’t feel motivated to watch Disney movies over and over. Don Bleuth films had more staying power in my mind; An American Tale, All Dogs Go To Heaven, The Land Before Time. More complex stories, stories that confront suffering and death. My mom read me CS Lewis and JRR Tolkein, Jack London and EB White - lots of other stories that were not ‘age appropriate’, stories that were written for People, not Children.
I watched Watership Down for the first time when I was about five, and my mom read the book to me when I was about six. I was not disturbed by the violence, being far more interested in the themes explored in the video essay above. I had, by this time, seen a rabbit skinned IRL. I’d eaten rabbit stew. 
I did not have nightmares about Watership Down. 
I failed to make friends with the kids at school, for the most part - I primarily socialized with my cousins. In fourth grade (age 9), my class did a unit on tropical rainforests, and I brought in this video: I did not think that there was anything at all controversial about it, but at about 32 minutes in David Attenborough talks about the Guarani people and their traditional ways of life. There’s footage of an unclothed man climbing a tree. His penis is briefly visible. THE CLASS WENT WILD, and the teacher rushed to turn the video off, and I was sent to the office. It caused a school-wide incident, and bringing in videos was thereafter banned. I was deeply, deeply confused by this series of events. The video had come from the public library - how could it possible be offensive? But the incident became a vector of bullying that followed me until middle school - the adults had confirmed to the kids that I had done something taboo, that I was fundamentally wrong in some way. I quietly came to the conclusion that Most People(™) are very stupid and very reactionary, that one has to carefully coddle and explain things to them. 
It took me many years to only mostly overcome that conclusion.
Later that same year, I had my first real success in making a childhood friend - someone who came to my house after school and had sleepovers and such. She had transferred from another school and didn’t know I was THE WEIRD GIRL the way my other classmates did. I remember trying to introduce my favorite movies to her, as she introduced her favorites to me. She was a Horse Girl(™) and much more interested in Age Appropriate Girl Things than I was, but we shared a love of My Little Pony - I had a bunch of episodes on VHS, recorded off TV. She thought that https://mylittleponyg1.fandom.com/wiki/Rescue_at_Midnight_Castle was ‘too scary’ and preferred https://mylittleponyg1.fandom.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony:_The_Movie. 
I showed her Watership Down. She freaked out about it. It gave her nightmares.
She was, as many people, deeply disturbed by the violence of the film. She had not, at the age of nine, seen animals butchered. She didn’t seem to care about the deeper meanings and philosophical treatises presented; the fact that there was violence and death was too shocking.
I’m not sure how to conclude this essay, except with this: Watership Down is now a litmus test, for me. If a person is aware of it and appreciates it, we’re intellectual compatible. If a person’s whole reaction is shock and disgust and cries of ‘nightmare fuel!’ then we are not.
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mrsstarkey1 · 2 years
slow dancing w rafe 👀👀
SUMMARY: attending midsummers with rafe
A/N: check out my most recent rafe fic
You loved midsummers. You looked forward to it every year. You even picked out your dress in March - well, February if you were being honest.
Every year it was the same magical evening, where you didn’t have to worry about any of your day-to-day problems. It was just a time to be with your friends and drink expensive champagne and eat fancy hors d’oeuvres.
There was one other reason you looked forward to Midsummers; your designated date. You and Rafe Cameron made a pact your freshman year of high-school to always attend Midsummers together. This pact emerged after your eighth grade Midsummers, when everyone you knew had a date and you couldn’t find one. You sat in the corner alone nearly the entire night, until a little brunette boy approached you and asked if you wanted to dance.
Now, 6 years later, you walked into the party alongside Rafe with your arm interlocked with his. You and Rafe separated from the rest of the Cameron family, going to get a drink.
No more than 20 minutes into your favorite party of the year, chaos had broken out. A pogue you'd vaguely recognized was yelling at everyone as he was escorted out. The scene played out over the span of a couple minutes, resulting in the pogues leaving the party in a dramatic fashion, all eyes on them. Everyone whispered to each other, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Within seconds, the mood in the room had completely shifted.
You glanced at Rafe, seeing his jaw clenched tightly as he watched the four figures disappear into the night. You squeezed his hand tightly, and his eyes flickered to yours. “You okay?” he asked you, eyes scanning your face.
“Yeah, that was insane,” you shook your head. You glanced around the room, seeing everyone standing still, the dance floor completely empty. You frowned unwillingly, “no one’s dancing anymore.”
Rafe glanced to the dance floor, then back to your face with a smirk. “Doesn’t mean we can’t,” he said, holding out his hand.
You hovered your hand above his, hesitating for a moment. “We’d be be only ones out there, everyone’s gonna be watching,” you whispered, a red flush on your face at the thought.
“Let them watch,” Rafe said with a shrug, grabbing your hand. “I’m not going to let the pogues ruin your favorite night of the year, y/n,” he spoke matter-of-factly. He led you to the middle of the floor before you could protest anymore.
The two of you fell in step, letting the rhythm control your movements. Your left arm wrapped over his shoulder, right hand placed tightly in his own against his chest. Rafe’s free arm snaked around your waist tightly.
Your worries about people watching suddenly became irrelevant as the scenery and people around you dissolved into nothing. It was you and Rafe, alone.
Your eyes glistened, and Rafe’s heartbeat quickened as he looked at the smile that spread across your face.
Uncontrollable feelings surged through your body and your fingers tingled against Rafe’s. Arm tightening around you, Rafe pulled you closer to his chest and you rested your cheek on his shoulder.
“The night isn’t ruined, is it?” Rafe whispered and you felt his breath on your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
You shook your head without hesitation, “not even close.”
You heard Rafe take in a deep breath before speaking again, “you know how we only spend time together at Midsummers every year?”
“Mhm, it’s tradition,” you replied simply, wondering where he was going with this.
“I was thinking, um-” he cleared his throat, squeezing your hand slightly tighter. “What if we changed that?”
You pulled away at his words, eyebrows furrowed in clear confusion. “You don’t want to come with me anymore?” you had to ask, disappointment evident in your voice.
Rafe’s eyes widened and he shook his head in a panic, “no, no,” he laughed a little, “I mean, what if we spent time together.. some other days of the year?”
Your eyes lit up with realization, and you hung your head down slightly with a chuckle. “You scared me for a second,” you admitted. You lifted your head back up to meet his eyes, “I’d love to hang out with you some other days of the year,” you said with a smile.
Rafe let himself grin, a relieved breath escaping him, “thank god.”
You rested your head back on his shoulder, “best Midsummers ever,” you muttered into his suit.
taglist: @rafes-bae @willowpains @maybankslover
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bahablastplz · 2 months
All in | Chapter 4.5 (Jeongin)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
pairing: Lee Felix x f!reader (mafia au)
summary: You didn't know what you were getting yourself into when you started dating Yang Jungwon, notorious mafia boss. Your life gets flipped upside down when you're found beaten and bloody by SKZ, the rival mafia group, and you're quickly integrated into their lives. What will happen when you try to leave your old life behind and start anew?
chapter summary: Jeongin has only ever wanted one thing. How did Jeongin come to join SKZ?
warnings: please see series masterlist for all warnings
series masterlist ~~ series taglist ~~ main masterlist
The day I told my mother that I wanted to go to fashion school was the same day that my braces had been removed. Though I’d had a passion for clothing and having a great appearance my entire life, fashion school was never really in the cards for me. It was something I had been thinking about for a while, but when I talked to my mother in the car on the way home from the orthodontist… 
“Your father and I put down the down-payment for university today,” she said. I remember not wanting to have that conversation, especially then. I was still in pain from the procedure and still in a mood. 
“Okay,” I replied. 
“You need to declare your major by the end of the week. Your father and I think that with your biology grades, you would fare pretty well going the science route.” Anxiety bubbled in my gut and I started speaking before I could stop myself. 
“I don’t want to go the science route, mom,” I told her. She furrowed her brow in confusion and I hated the way her face looked. I could already tell my words were about to disappoint her. “I want… I want to be a fashion designer.” She laughed. She fucking laughed in my face. And as much as I hated being emotional, especially in front of her, tears streamed down my face. She didn’t notice. I wiped them away too fast. 
“You aren’t going to pursue fashion,” she spat. “Don’t tell that to your father. He’s going to think you might be gay or something. He will not be as kind as I am about this.” 
The words struck like a knife to the gut. I didn’t speak. I couldn’t because I knew she was right. My father would never let me pursue fashion, he would sooner disown me. God forbid I do something that could come across as slightly feminine, I would be a disgrace. And so, we never talked about it again. 
I started school that fall, after I walked in my high school graduation. I had been enrolled as a biology major, much to my dismay. The first semester went swimmingly. I excelled in all of my courses, just as my parents had anticipated. But on the side… I tried not to squash my own dreams. I filled up journal after journal with design ideas. I never showed them to anybody, but I took great care in what I wore. People started to notice. People even complimented me on my outfits, and without my parents there it was possible to imagine enrolling in fashion school and becoming successful. 
The first day of my second semester, I switched my major. I didn’t consult my parents about it but I started attending the classes I had always wanted to. I had never been happier in my life, actually. I struggled a little more than I did in my science classes at first, as the other students had a semester’s worth of knowledge above me, but it didn’t take me long to catch up. I excelled, even, and professors told me that I had the capacity to go far. 
One day when I showed up to my course, the door was locked. Rattling the handle, I remember beung confused. Why hadn’t the professor unlocked the door yet? I wasn’t late, was I? 
“Jeongin,” I heard the professor say as he opened the door. “I received word from the dean and I regret to inform you that you aren’t enrolled in this course anymore.” What? He saw my confusion before he continued speaking. “Your tuition payment has been declined. Your parents have contacted the school and have let us know that you are no longer allowed to attend.” 
I knew immediately what had happened. I didn’t even bother to check my phone, as I knew not to expect any messages. My parents, they were just like that. Passive-aggressive, cold and distant whenever they wanted to be. They wouldn’t have returned my calls if I had tried to reach out, so I didn’t even bother. 
A notice was put up on my dorm room that I had 48 hours to vacate from the premises. I said goodbye to my roommates and to my friends. My life as I knew it was over. It was great while it lasted. 
Packing up one suitcase, I found myself couch-hopping for quite some time. As long as they would let me. My parents had cut my funds off completely and I had been left with nothing. My phone bill was no longer being paid, which was to be expected. It was then for the first time in my life that I knew what it was like to lose everything. In fact, I had never not had everything. I grew up pretty wealthy and privileged, knowing my parents would always be there to take care of me and provide for me. 
The only thing able to sacrifice that security was my dream. 
I knew I needed to start making money. Somewhere deep down I had the thought that maybe if I made enough money I could find a way to enroll again on my own. I had a buddy who encouraged me to start selling drugs with him, and while I was hesitant at first I realized just how much money it made. For someone who was without a phone, had no means to get food and had no apartment, it sounded like a pretty good deal. I had already lost everything. What more could have been taken at that point?
I started selling drugs and living on the streets. I was only 18 years old. I had never touched the drugs myself, but did whatever questionable job that I had to do in order to make as much money as I could. The people I ended up surrounding myself with… they were questionable, to say the least. Sometimes I ended up feeling unsafe around them but I put up a fake smile and fought back the voice in my head that told me to run. 
One day I ran into him. The first thing I noticed about him was his outfit. He looked well put together and jealousy had bubbled in my gut ferociously. The man was a few inches shorter than me with long, beautiful blonde hair and feminine features. He walked with confidence and dominance that I had never seen someone possess. He looked border-line angelic but the deep timbre of his voice surprised the crap out of me. 
“You seem like a good kid,” he said. It was the first time since I left school that anybody had tried to look into the deeper qualities of my personality, to see past me for what I am. A drug-dealer. With just one look, the man seemed to have made a decision. 
“Your gang is getting raided tonight,” he said. “My team and I. We’re coming in here and fighting you for all you’re worth. We’re going to win. You know they’re a bunch of good for nothing scum, right?” I nodded my head solemnly. “You should leave,” he advised. 
“I have nowhere else to go,” I told him. “I’ve been disowned. This is all I am. This is all I have now.” 
“Do you really believe that?” he asked. I shrug my shoulders. “If you get the Hell away from here tonight, I will find you again. Me and my team… SKZ. If you want to, you can join us,” he said. “I’ll introduce you to my leader.” 
When he left I was trembling though I didn’t know why. All he left me with was his name, Felix. He seemed good enough, and for some reason I trusted him. I left everything behind, the people that integrated me into their gang, all of my money and all of my drugs. I hauled ass out of there. By the sound of the police sirens, I could tell that Felix was right. I did the right thing by leaving. The next day I heard that some of my gang had ended up dead, others ended up seriously injured and in custody of the police. A thought had flashed over my mind, of me dying there that night with the others. My parents would go to my memorial service and grieve for their dead son and they have no fucking right to do so. That’s not how I wanted it to end. I will end up at the top of the fashion industry and make them feel sorry that they had ever doubted me. 
Felix found me again, just like he promised. He introduced me to his leader, Bang Chan. The guy was intimidating but he extended his trust to me which I appreciated. All I needed to do was show my undying loyalty towards him and he would give me food, money and a place to stay? It seemed too good to be true. 
“Jeongin, I’d like to see you in my office,” he said to me one day. It had been almost a year since I decided to join SKZ. When I joined at first, I didn’t exactly realize what I was getting myself into. The mafia, that is. But the way Felix described it to me… ‘We’re going to make the world a better place.’ It didn’t sound all that bad even if the means were unconventional. 
“Yes?” I asked him, sitting down in the wooden chair facing his desk. 
“What do you desire above all else?” he had asked me. His question had caught me off guard. 
“May I be frank?” I asked. I wasn’t sure what his intentions were when asking me that, but by that point I had started to become comfortable. Felix, Seungmin, Jisung… They’d become my friends. People I could turn to. The first ones to support me and even ask to see my designs, which I showed them willingly. 
“I want nothing more,” he responded. 
“I want to go to fashion school,” I admitted. “I’ve always dreamt of it. I tried to pursue it, but that dream tore me apart from everybody I had ever loved. I need to go now. I need to prove them wrong, but I want to prove myself right.” 
He mulled over my words. “Very well,” he had said. “I would like for you to sign a contract. If you stay here with us for another three years and show your complete honesty and loyalty, at the end of your contract I will pay your tuition in full.” 
My heart skipped a beat at his words. Was this the opportunity that I had been waiting for? “You’re not serious,” I had said. 
“Dead,” he smiled. “I’m an honest man, Jeongin. You prove to me that you’re one of us, I’ll make it worth your while. Do we have a deal?” 
I thought of the things that he had made me do up until now. Murdering, infiltration, arms dealing… even running some of the more sketchier businesses in the area, because if SKZ is the one in charge of them, then we know everyone is safe and protected and there’s no dirty business happening underneath our noses. Everything that we’ve been doing, it’s for the greater good. 
‘Do I really want to be stuck doing this?’ I had thought. Is signing a contract a good idea? I thought of my mother laughing in my face just a few years prior when I had told her about my dream for the first time. That young, bright-eyed boy wanted his mother to support him, to tell him that he was going to do great things and that she would be there for him no matter what. Instead, she had laughed in his face and made sure first-hand that his dreams would crumble and burn before his eyes. My parents had not even contacted me one time since I had left school. 
Instead there was a man right in front of me offering me everything I had ever wanted. I would do it, no matter the cost. 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
taglist: @shuporanporang ; @purp13st4r ; @eurydiceofterabithia ; @heartsbyandra ; @thicccurls ;
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@kayleefriedchicken ; @notsojourni ; @hogwartslife64 ; @stilltrynafuckingtumble ;
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Methods of recharging – Lee Know
Minho x high school friend turned girlfriend Iris, circa July 2024
Sleep was not the only thing Minho needed after a very long day.
The street was basked in yellowish moonlight when Minho stepped out of the car. He looked up to the sky and indeed found the moon, being on its full round form, way up above him. He smiled to himself, thinking of one particular human being who he knew loved night skies and full moons so much. One particular human being who happened to be already waiting on one of the park's bench, diligently devouring the vanilla-matcha ice cream she had in her hand. Feeling his smile widening at the sight that he found way more delightful than the full moon above, he quickened his pace. 
"You still look energetic for someone who's been up since two in the morning," Iris called out when he was close enough to hear her. 
"It's the moon," Minho told her. "I'm getting energy from the full moon." 
Iris let out an amused snort. "You're more of a kitten rather than a wolf." 
"I adopted this special ability from Wolf Chan." He dropped himself unceremoniously onto the bench, letting out a long exhale. "Hi there. Interesting choice of snack for such a windy summer night." 
"I'll eat ice cream even on subzero temperature." Iris turned to him, offering her ice cream. "Here, want some?" 
After taking a taste of the ice cream, Minho blurted out laughing. "Wait, you actually did eat ice cream on subzero temperature. Remember that one excursion on winter of tenth grade?" 
Took her four seconds to walk down memory lane, then she laughed along with him. "Oh my, you're actually right! Hot chocolate is for the weak, I told you that, right?" 
"Yeah, you did." Minho smiled, both at the Iris on his memory from years ago and at the Iris sitting next to him now. "Your lips were so flushed after that ice cream, it took every single fiber of my self control not to kiss you back then." 
She surprised him by leaning over and pressing a kiss on his lips. Hers tasted like the vanilla and matcha, and just the faintest hint of her lavender chapstick. "You don't have to hold back anymore." 
He chased her lips, stealing a few more kisses. "That I don't." 
"Okay, kitten," she giggled, pulling away with a slight glance to the black car waiting for Minho just outside the park. "Maybe hold back a little since we're not alone and in public." 
"Fine." Minho rested his head on her shoulder instead – to which she responded with a protesting hum, but didn't pull away. "How was your day?" 
She told him about it; about the little experiment she conducted while ordering her coffee today, about the unexpected encounter with her former colleague, about the surprisingly pleasant traffic she had earlier while driving to this park. Feeling content, Minho let Iris' soothing voice lull him into comfort. She was a great story-teller who always had interesting things of her day to tell him, and she always seemed to know when to ask him for his own stories and when to just let him listen like she was currently doing. And at the moment, when both his physical and social energy were inching towards zero, just listening was exactly what he needed. 
"You should head back to your dorm, you're falling asleep." 
"I'm not," he argued. "You were telling me about how you think the vanilla part of the ice cream tastes a bit different than usual." 
Iris let out a chuckle. "Fine, but the fact that you're not dozing off doesn't mean you don’t need to go to sleep soon. You had a long day, and another one tomorrow." 
"This is my own method of recharging other than sleeping, you know." 
"What, hanging out at a park late at night?" 
Minho made the effort to lift his head from her shoulder for a second just to flick her forehead. "Spending time with you, silly. The moon may not give me energy but you do." 
Even without looking, he knew Iris was rolling her eyes at him. "Okay, Romeo, you can go easy with the sweet talks." She glanced at her watch, sighing at the time. "It's really getting late, though, and you've been up for what, twenty hours now? Pre-recording, press conference, music show performance and everything? You really should get some sleep." 
"And I will," he insisted. "Just – another ten percent? Let me have you until I gain another ten percent on my energy meter." 
Iris laughed softly. "Alright, alright." She leaned back to the bench and rested her head atop his. "Oh, forgot to say – congratulations for surviving the first day of comeback season. I'm proud of you." 
He'd heard that countless of times today – from Stays, interviewers, reporters, staffs, and lord knew who else – but hers automatically became his favorite. As they always did. "Thank you," he whispered. 
"I also have to say, Kim Seungmin's new hair really suits him well." 
That was enough to jolt him off her shoulder just to shoot her an incredulous look. "Are you seriously still going on your 'Kim Seungmin is my bias' agenda?" 
previously on | coming up next
Find more stories from Minho & Iris and the rest of Stray Kids here!
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sorencd · 1 year
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pairing: charlie dalton x f!reader
summary: he’s brash, annoying, distracts you from your studies, and plays the saxophone too loudly. you don’t like him at all. right?
word count: 0.6k
a/n: really tempted to make an unofficial part 2 to this one hdhasfuf
the room was frigid as the cold wind entered your room through the window, sending a chill down your body. you were staring up at the ceiling, thinking about the past events of this week. you got up from where you were on your bed to close the windowpane, deciding that you couldn't bear the chilly temperatures anymore, but sat down on the edge, you spotted your jumper that was hanging on the door.
'hi (y/n).' a voice from above you spoke, it was charlie. he had that cheeky smile again. 
'what do you want, dalton?' you replied, annoyance evident in your tone. clearly stating that you didn't want him there and bothering you. you were studying outside of the school you attended, the neighbouring academy to welton, emma porter academy. you shouldn't have expected peace and quiet when you chose a bench outside of school as your place to study.
'you're really good at organising.' he said as he pointed at your notes. 
you looked up at him with a bizarre expression, where did that compliment come from? to hide your confusion, you instead feigned irritation. 'seriously, what do you want charlie? i'm busy right now.'
'you looked lonely and i didn't see your friend amelia around here anywhere. so i figured i'd give a poor soul like you company.'
despite your best efforts to try and make him leave you alone, he was persistent. no matter how many times you told him to go away, he'd quickly change the topic and say something about you.
'you know what? i'll be the one to leave. please don't follow me.' you pleaded as you started walking away.
he didn't say anything the first few minutes you got up to leave, you were tempted to look back to see if he had any sort of reaction, but before you could, he beat you to it and spoke up.
'i like your jumper!'
you quickly shook your head as you cleared your thoughts of charlie. lately, he's been plaguing your mind and you have no idea why. it's giving you a hard time to focus and you're afraid your grades and studies would be affected if this continues.
you resumed what you were planning on doing and closed the window shut. you caught a glimpse of yourself in the reflection, your hair softly glowing from the light the moon illuminated.
'could you, i don't know, smoke somewhere else?’ you complained as you coughed while waving your hand in the air to try and get some smoke out of your face. charlie really went out of his way to sit down next to you on your favourite spot, the bench, to light a cigarette. 
‘i think i’m fine where i am.’ he snickered and raised his cigarette up towards your head and though you tried moving away, charlie still managed to put cigar shavings on top of your head. to your dismay.
you stood up from the bench and quickly cleaned your head, you hoped the smell wouldn't rub off on you to save you the trouble of explaining to your parents why you smell like cigarettes.
'would you quit that?' you angrily grumbled as you scowled at him. he only laughed again in return.
'sorry sorry, wouldn't want to ruin your pretty hair.' 
and there it was again. that feeling in the pit of your belly that bubbled up every time he'd compliment you. he's just messing around with you, isn't he? after all, you both hate each other.
for the second time tonight, you snapped yourself out of your daydreaming and made your way back to bed where you plopped down face first and let out an exasperated sigh. 
charlie has been fogging your mind all week and it was starting to get annoying. that annoying sly grin of his, his annoying handsome face, annoying compliments, annoying soft hair, annoying charlie. you disliked him. hated, even. you hated him a lot. you don't even like him that much.
but maybe it's time to admit that you do.
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© sorencd . 2023 ─ do not copy, repost, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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wannab-urs · 1 year
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You Have Me In a Chokehold | Mr. Ben (SNL) x teacher!reader | 18+
Summary: You’re a teacher at Mr. Ben’s school and you’re sitting in the “No More Fancams” assembly freaking out because he just showed your fancam on screen… Do you think he knows it was you? (AU where he’s not in love with Ms. Jenny, the assembly just ends with him being like “please don’t do this anymore, thanks”)
WC: 2.4k
Warnings: MDNI | 18+ | SMUT | no ages implied (all legal obvi), hair pulling, sir kink, very mild degrading language, fingering, unprotected PiV (don’t be silly, wrap your willy) (also y’all are teachers, you should know better), rough-ish sex but no one gets hurt, Mr. Ben is girthy (Big Ben ;) ), brief mention of the picture of dorian gray, which deserves its own warning if you’ve ever tried to teach that book to teenagers, extreme cringe in the first half. Gets weirdly fluffy at the end so if that kills your vibe just stop reading after the uhhhh climax of the story (if you catch my drift). Sorry we support aftercare in this house. I think that’s it, love y’all, enjoy! 
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It’s 8 in the morning, supposed to be first period, and the principal has called for some technology assembly. You’re unlucky enough to have first period planning, you have essays to grade, and you won’t have a spare minute for the rest of the day. But sure, let’s all go sit in the gym so the boomers can lecture the zoomers about technology use. This is a great use of everyone’s time. 
You slip into the auditorium with 5 minutes to spare, hoping to go unnoticed in the back row. You’re just about to subtly put in your airpods and watch TikToks like 90% of the students, when you hear the principal introduce Mr. Ben. This assembly suddenly became worth paying attention to. 
Ben is by far the prettiest thing to look at in this school. He’s ridiculously broad chested, always wearing these just-shy-of-too-tight button ups that he pairs with definitely-a-little-too-tight pants, accentuating his cute butt. He has toned forearms, usually peeking out of rolled up sleeves, and huge hands that he waves around in the air or clasps in front of him when he speaks. And then, despite being this big, broad, powerful looking man, he has the sweetest face. 
His eyes are soft brown, hooded and turned down a little, so he’s basically making puppy dog eyes constantly. His nose is prominent and curved and sitting above the most adorably pouty lips. His facial hair is sparse and a little patchy, but honestly it just makes him even more charming. God, you have it so bad for this man. 
Your internal drooling over Ben is interrupted by the sound of a freshman at the front of the room yelling, “Come on guuurrrrl, eat it up!” Your eyes flick to the screen beside Ben. There are two very vague tech rules followed by… Shit. 
“Do not make fancams of school staff, such as this,” says Ben, gesturing at the screen. And your stomach does a somersalt. Shit! There’s a TikTok playing on the screen, and though you can’t quite make out the username, you definitely recognize the video. That’s your fancam. And Ben looks… mortified. He looks extremely uncomfortable. 
“You have made thousands of fancams of me and i’m not sure what they mean, but I know it has to stop,” he pleads. And fuck is he looking at you? He can’t know can he? There’s absolutely no way he knows. He’s just looking out toward the back of the auditorium. Yeah. You wouldn’t want to make eye contact with a bunch of 14 years olds while pictures of you flash on the screen either. That makes perfect sense. 
“We make them because you’re our beloved and you have us a in a chokehold,” screams another student toward the front. You wish he would put you in a chokehold. GOD what is wrong with you. Pull yourself together.
“Okay, don’t say that,” Ben says, wringing his hands together in front of him. You can see that he’s clearly uncomfortable. You should delete your account. Ban him from your thoughts. You’ve crossed the line big time.
“I just don’t understand. Why do you make sparkly fast romantic montages of me every single day?” he asks. Another fancam, thankfully not yours, begins playing on the screen. You have to get out of here. 
You stand up and try to sneak out as inconspicuously as possible, whispering “Bathroom,” in response to a disapproving look from another, older teacher. 
You break into a run as soon as you get into the hall and only slow down when you’re safely locked in the handicap stall of the teacher bathroom. You slide down the wall to the floor and press your face into your hands. You are so stupid. Of course making fancams of school staff is a bad idea. It’s bad when the kids do it… and really weird because they’re kids… but when another teacher does it? He could have you fired for this. 
But he doesn’t know. There’s no way he knows. 
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You manage to make it through the rest of the day, somehow facing your classes and teaching them about nouns and reading a bit more of The Picture of Dorian Gray aloud. 
It’s finally the end of the day, but you still have those essays to grade, so you decide to set a timer for one hour and power through as many as you can. The school is so weirdly silent this long after final bell. The custodians won’t be in for another couple hours and pretty much every teacher and student has long gone home. 
You finish packing your tote bag and start shrugging on your coat when you hear a knock at the door. “Come in!” 
You freeze when the door opens. Shit.
“Ben! Hi! How can I help you? I was just leaving, but-” the sharp sound of the door slamming shut cuts off your nervous rambling. Ben stands with his hands behind his back, puffing his very broad chest out. 
“I was wondering if you could tell me something, sweetheart.” His voice is low, gravelly, and you feel like you’re being raked over hot coals. He knows. 
“Um. Sure?” you squeak out. Your face is on fire and you have no idea what to do with your hands. He takes a step toward you, looking for all the world like a predator stalking it’s pray. His eyes are dark, brow lowered, lips set in a hard line. He looks nothing like the shy, uncomfortable man from the assembly. 
Your bag drops to the floor and you take a stuttering step back toward your desk. 
“What’s your TikTok username?” he asks slowly, taking another step toward you. 
You gulp and fall back another step, thighs pressing against your desk now. Your shake your head and glue your eyes to the floor. 
“Don’t make me ask again.” And oh god he’s right in front of you now. He hooks a finger under your chin, bringing your eyes up to meet his. His pupils are blown so wide, you can barely see his usually warm brown irises. Wait is he turned on right now? 
“It’s- uh… I don’t have one!” you stammer out. You try to look away, but his fingers hold your chin in place. He leans a bit closer, his breath ghosting over your face, and presses his other palm into the desk beside you. He tsks and presses his thumb to your bottom lip.
“Don’t lie to me,” he growls out, and oh that went straight to your core. You squirm in his hold and that’s when you truly realize how close he is. His body is nearly pressed against yours. 
“It’s- it’s… fuck. It’s MrBensLittleSlut…” you stammer out. You feel like you’re on fire, ashamed of your actions, but also incredibly fucking turned on. The object of your not-so-innocent crush has you pressed against your desk like some school girl fantasy. 
“And do you really want to be my little slut, sweetheart?” Holy. Shit. Did he really just ask you that? Your heart actually stops beating in your chest for a second. You nod. 
“Aloud, please.” 
“Yes, sir,” you whisper, squeezing your eyes shut. 
He brings one hand to the back of your head and wraps your hair around his fingers, pulling your head back slightly. You whimper and he leans in, brushing his lips against your ear. 
“Good girl,” he purrs. And you think you’ll melt into puddle on the spot. His hands slide to your hips and he lifts you up onto the edge of the desk. You instinctively part your legs and he presses himself flush against you. He keeps one hand on your waist to steady you and slides the other back up into your hair and suddenly his lips are on yours. 
It’s sloppy and open mouthed and greedy. He licks into your mouth, curling his tongue around yours. Your hands find purchase around his biceps and you hold on for dear life. His fist tightens in your hair and you moan wantonly, throwing your head back and pushing your hips up into his, chasing friction. 
His lips trail down your jaw and he nips at your earlobe before sucking a kiss to the spot where your jaw meets your throat. You dig your nails into his muscular arms and choke on a gasp. 
“Please,” you whine, shifting your hips against him again.
“Please what, sweetheart?” you can feel him smirking into the skin of your throat. He loves how riled up you are. Loves watching you try and fail to grind yourself on him. 
“Please- please touch me, sir,” he rolls his hips into yours, finally giving you something. Anything to ease the burning desire between your legs.
“You’re so pretty when you beg,” he growls in your ear. Then you feel his right hand leave your waist and pull up your skirt. He drags his fingertips up the inside of your left thigh, featherlight. Finally, he hooks two fingers into the soaked crotch of your panties and drags his knuckles across your clit. 
You suck in a gasp and a little “Oh” falls from your lips. He pulls back, keeping his left hand in your hair and watches as he slowly sinks two fingers into your cunt, down to the knuckle. Your hands ball up into fists, twisting the sleeves of his shirt and you let out a long, breathy moan. 
“You’re so wet for me already, sweetheart. Really are a little slut, aren’t you?” Your pussy clenches around his thick fingers at his words.
“Yes! Yes, I’m your little slut!” you gasp out.
He pumps his fingers in and out of you, hooking them just right so that he hits the spongy spot inside you every time. You’re holding onto his shirt so tight you think you might rip the sleeves off. You can hear how wet you are, the sound echoing off the cinderblock walls. You start moving your hips to meet the thrust of his fingers inside you, chasing your orgasm. 
“I’m-- I’m gonna--” you clench hard around his fingers, so close to tipping over the edge.
And then his touch is gone. He’s pulled his fingers out of you and let go of you completely, taking a step back. You let out an actual scream of frustration. “No!” you shout, slumping back until your head hits your desk. You actually pout at him.
“Not yet, sweetheart. Want you to come on my cock.” His voice is so low, you almost can’t hear him over the sound of your heaving breaths. “Sit up, pretty girl.”
You push yourself back up and take in his appearance. Other than his rumpled shirt, he looks completely unbothered. His hair is still effortlessly tousled, his face is set into a teasing smirk. The fucker didn’t even break a sweat and you’re gasping for breath like a fish out of water. Pretty girl. He called you pretty.
“Bend over the desk, sweetheart.” 
You scramble to obey his request, standing up and bending over, pushing your ass into the air. You press your forehead into the desk and try to calm your fluttering heart rate. 
Suddenly… finally… you feel his hands on you. He grabs your skirt and bunches it up around your waist. His fingertips slide into the waistband of your panties and he pushes them down, letting them settle around your ankles. You hear the clink of a belt buckle, the tug of a zipper, and then you feel him. 
He slides his cock between your clenched thighs, through the wet folds of your pussy and oh god. You can’t see him, but you can feel that he’s thick. The head of his cock presses against your clit and you moan. 
“Such a pretty little pussy… I’m going to ruin it.” You gasp, but before you can respond, he’s moving. In one fluid motion, he pulls back, kicks your feet apart, and pushes all the way into you. 
“Oh fuck,” you moan out. You might pass out from pleasure. His cock is thick, filling you up and stretching you out more than you ever have been before. He holds still inside you while you clench and unclench around his girth, trying to get used to it. “So big.” you gasp into the desk. 
“I know, baby.” And then he moves, pulling all the way out to the tip and thrusting hard, all the way back in. The force of his hips smacking against your ass jolts you into the desk, making you cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain and sprawl forward on the desk. 
Ben grabs your shoulder with one hand, tightens his grip on your hip with the other, and resumes fucking into you at an absolutely brutal pace. 
Some part of you is scared you’ll get caught, but that part is overpowered by the euphoria you feel. You’re moaning and babbling incoherently as his cock hits that sweet spot deep inside you and grinds into it with every thrust. 
“Is my. Little. Slut. Gonna. Come. on my. Cock?” Ben grits out between thrusts. 
You cry out a garbled response. Your cunt is fluttering around his thick length and your eyes are rolling into the back of your head and there’s no way you can form words right now. 
Ben wraps his arm around your chest and pulls you back against him. His cock hits something deep inside you and you come with an agonizing cry, gushing around his cock and soaking him to the base. 
Your whole body goes limp with the force of your orgasm, but he holds you up and continues fucking up into you. After a few more thrusts, he pulls out and covers your ass and thighs in his release, letting out a low groan as the thick ropes hit your skin. 
You’re lying on the desk on your stomach, naked ass still in the air. It’s a ridiculous position to lay in, but you’re still riding the high of your orgasm and too blissed out to care. You jolt as you feel silk move across your over-sensitive skin. 
“What’re you doing?” You’re so drunk on his cock, it comes out slurred.
“Cleaning you up, sweetheart,” Ben says. Is he- he’s cleaning you up with his tie. Fuck that’s hot. And sweet? 
“Thank you…” you sigh into the desk. He pulls your panties back up for you and settles your skirt back down around your legs.
“Can you sit up for me, baby?” He doesn’t wait for you to answer before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you to your feet, nestling your head into the curve of his shoulder.
It’s not fair for him to fuck you that good and go right to being the sweet, bashful man you thought you knew. 
He brushes your hair out of your face and presses a soft, almost tender, kiss to your nose. You giggle and the sound makes him break out into a smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners and his dimple peeking out behind a 5 o’clock shadow. 
“Come on, sweetheart, I’ll walk you to your car.” 
He grabs your coat and your tote bag, slips his hand into yours, and leads you out to the parking lot.
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a/n: I’m so sorry. This is ridiculous and I apologize for the no plot snl character porn fic. 
Tags: @beskarandblasters @meveispunk
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ash5monster01 · 1 year
Perfect To Love Part 11
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, angst, trust issues, language.
Summary: Beth Walker was used to living in the shadows. She had only one friend and anyone else who paid her mind usually bullied her for her size. So she learned to keep her mouth shut, her head down, and her heart closed because she had to accept the fact that she would be nothing more than the fat girl to people. That is until Robin decides Beth needs more in life and that might just include a boy who she never would’ve thought could see her for who she truly was.
word count: 3,437
a/n: sorry it has been so long friends, I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed and am still in recovery but plz enjoy <3
Part 10 ←→ Part 12
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Beth wouldn’t go as far to say she was popular. She was still far from it, but ever since Steve Harrington held her hand in those bleachers the kids at school started to treat her better. Some going as far as talking to her and getting to know her. Now that she didn’t have this huge target on her back she didn’t hate going to school anymore. She didn’t even care if the kids were doing it to get close to Steve, for once she could take a breath of relief when she walked through those doors. For once she got to know her classmates and become friends with them. It’s all she ever wanted out of high school.
“Hey Beth, wait up” Beth turned at the call of her name and Robin almost slammed into her from their sudden stop.
“Hey Claire” Beth said kindly even though confusion was all over her face. Claire was one of the most popular girls in their grade, best friend with Chrissy Cunningham, and Captain of the Cheerleading squad.
“Hey I just wanted to give you this” Claire pulled a neon pink sheet from the stack in her hands, passing it to Beth just to see three dancing skeletons, holding wine glasses, and ‘Come for the Boo’s’ written in bold letters above them. Below was Claire’s address and information about the Halloween Party she’d be throwing.
“A party?” Beth questioned and Robin peered over her shoulder to take a look at the posters that definitely cost more than 80 cents to print.
“Yes, Tina passed the torch down to me for the big Halloween Bash this year. I figured you and Steve could come, and your friends” Claire gestured to Robin and Robins eyes widened as she realized she had been invited too.
“Of course, thanks Claire” Beth told her with a soft smile and the blonde girl moved on, like it wasn’t completely bizarre to be inviting Beth Walker and Robin Buckley to a party.
“Are you gonna go?” Robin questioned as they continued their walk to their next class.
“I mean, I don’t see why not. No one harasses me anymore. It could be fun” Beth shrugged tucking the flyer into her folder.
“Even though she was definitely inviting you to get Steve there?” Robin questioned and Beth chuckled.
“Yeah, it’s not like she’s going to steal Steve from me. We’ve been dating for a little over a week and if he does run off with Claire I know you’ll just kick his ass for me” Beth told her as they reached their classroom, slipping into the desks beside each other.
“That’s very true” Robin pointed out and Beth laughed, permanent blush still on her cheeks because she was dating Steve Harrington. They had to of been in the twilight zone.
“The real question is, is my best friend going to go to this party with me?” Beth looked at Robin with a hopeful look and Robin beamed as she realized she could actually join her two best friends at her first real high school party.
“I thought you’d never ask”
And that was how Beth, Steve, and Robin made plans to go to this silly Halloween party. This time accompanied by each of the kids. Steve had put up a fight, a permanent scowl on his face, because the last thing he wanted to do at a party was babysit. But Beth and Robin assured him they’d watch out for the kids and if anything started to go wrong they would call Nancy and leave. Beth had tried to get Nancy to come along but she planned to call Johnathon and couldn’t be persuaded.
Beth had been able to convince the group to do The Goonies. Her and Steve as Brand and Andy, Robin as Andy’s best friend Stef, Mike after putting up a fight was Mikey, Lucas as Mouth, and Dustin as Data. Max sadly got stuck home with her Mom, helping her move things into their new home. Yet she didn’t complain considering her only options were Mama Fratelli or Sloth. Lucas on the other hand had been sad because he wanted his girlfriend there for their first high school party. Apparently since Billy passed away things between them had been rocky.
“I can’t believe I let you convince me to do this” Steve said squeezing Beth’s hand, looking cute as ever in the red sweat bands that came with his costume. All Beth could do was grin.
“They’re good kids Steve, not like you were in high school” he faked a gasp but Beth’s giggles kept him from feigning hurt feelings. All he could do was laugh along side her.
“The minute I see Dustin try any alcohol we’re out of here” he told her, leaning down and capturing her giggling lips in his own.
“What about me?” Beth asked once he pulled away and he chuckled.
“You can get as drunk as you want, but if your father asks, I had nothing to do with it” Beth laughed again as the group now made their way into the house. It was mainly dark, the music loud enough to make Beth’s ears ring, and the temperature inside was drastically different from the cool 50 degree weather outside.
“Stick together, no alcohol” Robin pointed at the kids as they made their way in the house, grins from ear to ear. They were officially high school partiers. Even crazier, Beth was the reason they were even there. They all ruhed off, not even reacting to what Robin had said causing the young girl to sigh.
"I'll grab us some drinks" Steve said, side stepping behind Beth as he gave her shoulders a squeeze. Robin looked up hopeful, seeking out comfort in an alcoholic beverage despite never have trying it before.
"Strong ones" Robin said and Steve just laughed, knowing Robin would more than likely be drunk two sips into a fruity wine cooler. Yet he pretended to obey as he disapeared into the kitchen. Beth used this moment to survey the room, costumes either intricate or half assed. No in between.
“This is surreal” Beth chuckled to her friend only to see her gasp as her eyes settled on something across the room.
“Vickie is here” Robin hissed before shifting to stand behind Beth. Beth only laughed because Robin could see clear over her head, she wasn’t much of a shield.
“She’s dressed like Molly Ringwald in Sixteen Candles, wow” Beth said as she spotted their red headed friend, pink dress, and blue flower crown. Beth quickly waved to to the girl. “Hi Vickie!”
“Beth! Hey!” Vickie waved back and Robin grabbed her friends arm, making her stop almost instantly.
“Beth are you kidding? I don’t know what to say to her outside of band” Robin seethed as the red headed girl approached and Beth just rolled her eyes.
“I’m right here, calm down-“ but then Eddie Munson was twirling Beth, higher than a kite, and shocked to see the girl who forced him to do homework at a party of all places. As he pulled the girl away Beth gave Robin a sheepish smile, watching Vickie approach her.
“Beth Walker, is it actually you or am I just really greened out?” he asked curiously, hunched over to look her in the eye.
“Hey Eddie, what’s your costume? Burnout?” Eddie chuckled, a slight shake to his head. Costumes weren’t really his thing.
“It’s you all right” then his eyes flicked up behind her just to see Steve approaching as the Brand to her Andy. “Apparently with Harrington too”
“Munson, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were trying to steal my girl” Steve appeared beside her, costume to match, drinks in hand.
“Beth’s too good for me, she knows that” Beth blushed, never realizing Eddie had thought of her like that. “But you Harrington, you always snag the good girls”
“Alright, stop the pissing contest. Thanks handsome” Beth grinned at Steve, stealing a drink from the two in his hands. Steve blushed and she wasn’t sure if she actually had that affect on him or he had already taken a few sips before finding her.
“Dustin is here, might be nice to have an extra eye on him and the kids. Keep them out of trouble” Steve told Eddie, now business. He knew Dustin liked Eddie, he didn’t have to like it but if someone else was keeping him out of trouble he could accept it.
“No way, Dustin Henderson at a party. I’ve got to see this with my own two eyes” and as quick as he appeared, Eddie disappeared in search of his young Hellfire apprentices.
“Wow, this is strong” Beth told Steve after taking a sip but that didn’t stop her from giving him a grin and chugging some more.
“You’re gonna be the death of me Walker” he told her but she gave him a pout.
“Save the last names for people like Eddie” she told him and he felt his heart swell over how cute she was. He had never thought he could be so attracted to a bigger girl before but now nobody could compare. He was obsessed with Beth Walker and he wanted to make sure she knew it.
“You’re gonna be the death of me Bethany” shivers chilled her spine at the deep and sultry way her said her full name. She had always regretted answering Beth when Tommy asked her name, figuring he so easily turned it into Bertha. She was just so used to everyone calling her Beth for short. Steve calling her Bethany was something so personal she was sure to never get tired of it. That and B.
“Same goes for you Steven” she told him, grin covering her lips. Before she could react his lips were on her own in a sweet kiss, taking a small taste of the cherry lipgloss and alcohol to go with it.
“Let’s hit the dance floor baby, I got some new moves” he grinned and she just giggled, hand curling into his own as he led her to the dance floor. On her way her eyes flitted over the crowd, saying hi back to people who actually offered hellos for once. Then she spotted Colin, eyes trained on her and knuckles white from gripping his beer bottle. She wasn’t sure if he was angry about her attendance or Steve, she wasn’t sure about anything with him anymore.
As the night progressed Steve and Beth had put away quite a few drinks, spent a good hour or three on the dance floor, joined by Robin after she chugged her wine cooler to forget the embarrassment of stumbling over her words in front of Vickie. Beth realized it didn’t matter if she was here or not, as long as she was dancing with her friends. Lucas had been long gone, guilt ridden of leaving behind Max. Steve fought his departure for only a moment before allowing it. Now Dustin and Mike sat squished on either side of Eddie, deep in conversation about their latest campaign.
“I’m gonna grab a new drink” Beth yelled over the music, the alcohol making her more confident and Steve more affectionate towards her.
“Alright sweet thing, we’ll be here” he told her, hands squeezing at her waist and she was too drunk to care, even though his lust filled eyes set her insides on fire.
“Don’t cause too much trouble” she told him before scurrying off to the kitchen to find herself a refill. For the first time all night the kitchen had been abandoned and Beth appreciated the space for a moment.
“So you and Harrington are a real thing huh?” Beth jumped as the voice appeared beside her, some rum slipping up the side of her cup and onto the counter.
“Colin, you scared me” Beth said, ripping a paper towel and cleaning her mess. It was silly really, considering the whole house would be a mess by tomorrow, but she did it anyway.
“I figured you’d date a more quiet type like yourself” he said before slugging back a sip of his beer. He wore a bed sheet as a toga, half his chest peeking out from the white fabric. Colin Matterson was an asshole but at least he wasn’t ugly.
“I’m not quiet, you only think that since no one bothered to treat me like a real person” Beth told him, pouring some coke into her cup. She had made this drink stronger but only because it scared her that she was now somewhat comfortable alone with Colin.
“Guess I should have” he said and suddenly it was like all the air was sucked out of the room. “Considering everyone likes you now because of Harrington. I always figured it would be the other way around, torture the person dating you for dating you. If I had known it would be like this maybe I would’ve actually made a move”
“You don’t get to say things like that to me” Beth shook her head, taking a step back and a sip from her drink.
“Why not?” he asked, his beer bottle clinking as he slammed it into the counter.
“Because Colin, you’ve been my worst bully for years. You can’t just turn around now because you realize your reputation won’t be hurt” Beth was trying her best not to yell but once Colin jumped off the counter, vein appearing in his forehead, she realized the yelling was about to come.
“You don’t get it Beth! I fucking hated myself for liking you. I thought I was broken, that I couldn’t like the skinny cheerleaders that threw themselves at me. That I was into fat girls. I worried I’d never be attracted to anyone and people would judge me for the rest of my life for being attracted to you!” Beth gaped, shocked he even thought this was any argument at all. Calling her fat, hating himself for liking her. Who fucking cares!
“That’s where you’re wrong Colin. If you can’t see me for anything other than my size you have no grounds to stand on for liking me. Being fat isn’t all that I am! I’m fun, loud, happy, pretty, and yes fat. But if you can’t see that then maybe you are broken, but not in the way you think!” Beth yelled back, anger bubbling to the surface. She wanted to hit him, just like Steve did. Yet she knew it wouldn’t solve anything for her.
“I don’t know what to do Beth” he suddenly said so quietly she tried not to feel bad for him. He was confused, confused about why he didn’t like things most people liked. That he was different from normal. It was probably similar to how someone came to terms with being gay when being told it was wrong their whole life.
“I can’t fix it for you Colin, but I suggest you start liking people based on who they are and not what they look like. I ended up with Steve because he got to know me without someone asking him too, and that makes all the difference” Beth now at the mention of Steve instantly wanted to be comforted by him so she started for the kitchen door, absolutely no interest in hearing what he had to say.
“Hey what took so long?” Robin panted, giddy from dancing and drinking. Good thing they already figured to call Nancy for a ride home.
“Got stuck talking” Beth said, nuzzling into Steve’s side who just grinned. Beth wasn’t one to initiate intimacy so he wrapped his arms around her, guaranteeing she wouldn’t scurry off.
“Everything okay” he asked ducking down and whispering into her ear. Her free hand curled around his neck as she went to whisper back.
“It is now” she told him, suggesting that being close to him made it better. Then for the first time she pressed a sweet kiss to his lips, chest pushing against his own. She felt goosebumps rise under her hand on the back of his neck and it made her heart flutter to think she could give him goosebumps. All this time she thought no one would ever like her, see for themselves how great she was, and now she was giving Steve Harrington goosebumps.
“Ugh get a room” Robin groaned and Beth pulled back from Steve as she giggled, him still hunched over to keep his head near her own.
“I think Robin has had enough to drink” Steve said as he spun Beth around, pressing her back against his front and chin falling onto her shoulder.
“Actually I don’t think I’ve had enough, maybe one more and I won’t think about vomiting watching you two make out” she said and Beth laughed loudly, the sound causing Steve to pull her in tighter.
“She’s drunk, she’s normally team us making out” Steve said to Beth as if Robin wasn’t standing in front of them, swaying from the alcohol.
“She’s just jealous because she wants someone to make out with” Beth whispered back and Steve pressed a soft kiss to the side of her neck, half drunk and caught up in the taste of her. Beth felt the kiss all the way to her core and unintentionally pressed her ass further back into Steve. It was like her body knew how to react to his touched despite never being touched like that.
“Careful baby” Steve warned, his voice breathless. Beth turned crimson red as she realized what she had just done, the blush heating all the way to her ears.
“Alright, I’m done dancing” Robin said once she realized what was happening and rushed away. Steve kept Beth in front of him, careful not to let her move.
“You look surprised” Steve muttered, trying his best not to scare her but he was drunk and she was just so damn beautiful he couldn’t help it. Most of the night he spent fighting with himself to not look at the cleavage spilling over her white top.
“I just didn’t think I was capable of turning anyone on” Beth whispered and Steve let out a deep chuckle, closing his eyes and counting to three.
“Well Beth you are very capable, so just please don’t move” he said breathily, eyes closing shut as he pressed his forehead to her shoulder, trying to calm himself down. Beth found herself briefly wondering what Steve looked like all fucked out, probably pretty, like always. She had never had any interest before but the mix of alcohol and attractive guy stuck to her made her think differently.
“Sorry, but I have to kiss you right now” and against his wishes she turned, her front now pressed against him as she grabbed his face and pressed a slow and sweet kiss to his lips. Steve moaned lightly into her mouth and she realized now that if she was to lose Steve she would absolutely never recover.
“Alright we’re leaving, call Nancy” he muttered against her lips and Beth laughed as she kissed him again.
“So I can’t come over?” she teased and Steve groaned.
“Beth, I’m serious. It’s only been two weeks and I don’t need you seeing how badly I’m into you” Steve said and Beth sighed, sealing his lips with another kiss before another to his cheek, neck, and throat.
“Fine we’ll call Nancy” she told him and he still had his eyes shut, probably trying to remember all of the presidents and she just shook her head.
“The kids are watching please stop!” Beth turned to see Eddie was holding his hands over Dustin and Mike’s eyes. She giggled before shaking her head.
“We’re done, promise. Boys get ready to go” Beth instructed and Eddie removed his hands as they moved to obey.
“Looks like you need a cold shower Harrington!” Eddie called out and the boys both made grossed out faced as they collected their things and moved to join the group.
“Looks like you just need a shower Munson” and the boys laughed including Eddie who still wasn’t entirely sure about the Harrington boy.
“You’re probably right Steve, have a good night kiddos” he told them and Beth found Robin as they moved to the door, Steve going to call Nancy who thankfully wasn’t too far away.
“I’d say our first party was a success” Robin told Beth, her arm locked within her own, ready to have a sleepover, and pick on Alan during breakfast the next morning.
“Me too, it was more fun than I thought”
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kpop-kitkat · 1 year
i’d like to request a fluffy angst (angsty fluff) with taeyoung from cravity please!! 🥰🥰 have a good day!
imbroglio | k.ty
# . this actually took forever please forgive me *cry*. just now starting to write on tumblr again, so i hope you enjoy it!
# . pairing : kim taeyoung x female reader
# . genre/warnings : angst, fluff, moderate language,  attempt of sexual assault 
# . word count : 1.1k
the waves crashed against the shore calmly as a group of high school seniors sat around a warm campfire, under the light of the moon. they sat in silence, voices sore from singing their hearts out together. hyeongjun and his girlfriend cuddled up in blankets together, minhee and seongmin clung to each other for warmth, and everyone else sat on the log benches as they wrapped blankets around themselves. 
y/n looked up and met taeyoung’s gaze through the orange flames. she gave him a small, sleepy little smile. he smiled back. he thought she was the absolute cutest thing to ever walk the earth. 
“imma head in, i’m tired. goodnight everyone,” serim yawned, stretching his limbs before heading to the boys’ tent. 
“me too,” minhee and seongmin said in unison. and eventually everyone was heading in, even all the girls into their own tent. 
but two remained. y/n and taeyoung.
”aren’t you gonna go to bed?” taeyoung raised an eyebrow with a smile.
”not tired,” she shrugged, looking up at the stars. “plus i love looking at the stars.”
”you’re weird,” taeyoung laughed. 
“maybe i am, but i would rather be called weird than normal. normal is… boring,” she explained.
taeyoung shook his head. she was a really interesting girl. that’s why he befriended her in ninth grade, and stayed her friend for three years. she was like nobody he’d even known. she was too special to lose.
”taeyoung?” y/n began.
”yeah?” he tilted his head.
”do you see yourself getting into a relationship anytime soon?” 
the question caught him completely off guard. he swallowed the lump in his throat. “uh… not really, why?” 
“i don’t know, i’ve just been thinking about it lately,” she answered. it went quiet until she spoke up again. “taeyoung?”
”what if i told you that i liked you?” 
this question nearly made him jump, it was so sudden and unexpected. “w-what? you like me?”
she frowned. “uh… y-yes…” she admitted. “what about you?”
he thought to himself. sure he liked her, but he had never even imagined her in any way other than a friend. but he hated to hurt her feelings. he was stuck. and when he didn’t answer her, she got the message very clearly. 
“oh…” she smiled sadly and looked down. she wanted to stay and be brave, but her heart broke, and the tears fell. “sorry,” her voice broke, before she left as quick as she could, going to the girls’ tents. 
“y/n-“ he stretched his hand out, but she was gone. he felt awful. the way his heart hurt when she was gone confused him. he had never felt that way before. it was the effect she had on him that he wasn’t even aware of. 
the next day, y/n refused to see taeyoung. she didn’t want to make their situation anymore awkward, and she didn’t want to break down again. but it was hard, especially since taeyoung was trying to find her, and talk with her.
”where’s y/n?” taeyoung asked danielle, one of y/n’s closest friends.
”i don’t know, but i do know she doesn’t want to see you, so stay away from her,” danielle instructed. “or else you deal with me.”
taeyoung mentally rolled his eyes before leaving. he wasn’t scared of danielle. but he was worried for y/n. he didn’t want to make her feel so heartbroken the way he did. 
y/n angrily skipped rocks into the ocean waters as her eyes stung with angry tears. she wasn’t mad at anyone but herself. she should’ve kept quiet, and then she might not have got herself into this imbroglio. 
just then, taeyoung’s friend, kyungsun, stepped into her area. “hey.”
”hi,” she said just above a whisper before throwing another rock. 
“you look sad,” kyunsun frowned, sitting beside her. feeling bold, he moved a piece of hair behind her ear. “why?”
”I’d rather not talk about it,” she answered, moving away from him, but he only scooted closer to her.
”i can make you happier, you know,” he said, moving his hand to rest on her exposed thigh. 
“stop it kyungsun,” she told him off, standing up. but when she did, he grabbed her wrist and turned her around, quickly kissing her lips with unholy desires. “ahh!” she screamed trying to pull her face away from his, but he overpowered her.
”hey!” yelled a familiar voice in the distance. taeyoung. “get the hell away from her!”
kyungsun looked up at taeyoung in fear, quickly letting go of y/n. “t-taeyoung! this isn’t what you think it is, i swear-“
“sure looks like what i think it is,” taeyoung growled. he quickly pushed him away from y/n and held her close to him. “i can’t believe i ever called someone like you a friend. get out of here. before i tell.”
kyungsun gulped down before sprinting away from the scene. 
taeyoung sighed before turning to y/n. “you alright? did he hurt you?” he glanced over her body.
”i’m okay,” she whispered, moving away from him. she didn’t want to fall even further for him when she knew exactly how he felt about her. 
“y/n-“ he frowned.
”no taeyoung, i don’t want to hear you lie to me just to make me feel better,” she snapped.
”but that’s not-“
”please!” she yelled, looking him straight in the eyes. “i don’t want anything but the truth.”
”but this is the truth… y/n, i didn’t say i liked you back, because at the time, i thought i didn't. but seeing you with another guy like that, it- it sparked something inside me that i’ve never felt before. i like you a lot, i’m sorry it took so long for me to realize it,” he explained.
she looked at him understandingly. “it’s okay,” she smiled. “sorry for being dramatic, i shouldn’t have left like that,” she laughed, looking at the sand beneath their feet. her gaze was raised when taeyoung’s hand came under her chin, their eyes reconnecting.
”so can i kiss you yet or are you going to keep talking?” he raised an eyebrow with a smirk. 
y/n didn't answer and leaned her face towards his. he took it as a ‘yes’ and quickly captured her lips, one hand on her face and one around her waist. she grabbed his face and kissed him deeper, hands beginning to entangle in his soft brown locks.
when they eventually pulled away, taeyoung lovingly gazed down at her. “you’re so cute, you know that?”
”shut up.”
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a-strange-inkling · 2 years
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She Walks in Starlight
12/25 HellCheer Xmas Prompt: “What do you mean you’ve never decorated a Christmas tree before?”
(Part Two of Day 2: Santa Hat)
Chicago, Illinois 1986
“Next year, we’re getting a fake one!” he yells to her from beneath the tree, desperately trying to secure the stump in the stand, getting pricked and prodded by hundreds of pine needles. He tries to turn the last screw, but his hands are tacky with sap and it’s hard for him to get a grip. “Can you hand me a damp towel or something?”
He peeks up through the branches when he receives no reply, seeing her head tilted over, hand on her cheek, not listening to a thing he’s saying.
“Enjoying the view!?” he chirps.
“Baby, you know I’m all about being objectified, but could you stop staring at my ass and get me a damp towel?” he pleads.
“Oh, sorry!” she squeaks, giggling as she hurries over to the kitchenette. “Sorry!”
“That’s okay.” he sighs, tired and very much in love.
She’s soon army crawling down beside him.
“Woah, hey, Cunningham, it’s not safe under here!” he snaps. “This thing is still loose.”
“How are you supposed to hold onto the tree and clean your hands?” she asks pointedly, carefully wiping the sap from his fingers and knuckles. Even under a fucking tree with pine needles up his nose, she makes him smile.
“Why don’t you keep it steady and I’ll bolt it?” she asks, already working the wing nut, spinning it to the right.
“I spend all day under the hood of a car with a wrench, you think I’d be better at this.” he laughs, watching her with soft eyes. She turns over once it’s finished and gives him a quick kiss. “I love saving you.” she replies coyly, inhaling deeply as she looks up into the branches. “You know, it we get a fake one, it won’t smell like this.” she breathes.
“Fair point.” he replies, shuffling back, carefully helping her out from underneath.
“Can we decorate now!?” she asks giddily, folding her hands excitedly.
He laughs incredulously. “I still have to tie it down, but you can go get the boxes if you really can’t contain yourself.”
She takes off excitedly for the closet and he beams after her before reaching for the twine. He can’t get enough of how much she’s enjoying this. She’s all aglow, like she’s walking on air, like she’s made of starlight. “I never got to decorate my own tree before!”
He looks over his shoulder in bemusement, blinking a few times. Did he just hear right? “What do you mean you’ve never decorated a Christmas tree before?”
“My mom never let my brother or I near the tree, she always had it done by a professional decorator so we weren’t allowed to touch anything.” she explains as she riffles through the shelf above their coats, making his heart sink a little. Who could deny this cute little elf anything?
About a half hour later when everything’s battened down, Eddie helps her with the lights and they string cranberries and popcorn while watching old Rankin and Bass Specials.
Chrissy, unable to wait anymore, breaks into the box of old ornaments Wayne gave them when they moved out of the trailer.
“Awww!” Chrissy exclaims suddenly lifting up a clay hand print that he had made when he was in kindergarten, once painted red and now a chipped, muted pink, his name scratched in the palm. “Look how tiny you were!”
He rolls his eyes, indulgently lifting his hand for her to compare sizes. “It’s almost as big as yours right now.” he teases, holding it against her palm next, making her pout. It’s not too much of an exaggeration.
Chrissy fishes out a few more ornaments, darting back and forth excitedly as she hangs them on the tree, looking for the perfect spot for each one.
He recognizes most of them, a mischievous little elf, May’s ballerina that Chrissy loves, a few of his mother’s snowflakes, a race car, more various crafts he brought home from school, one mini frame of him in the first grade that makes her gush and him cringe.
Thanks, Wayne.
She coaxes him to help her reach the higher branches where there’s still some real estate left. It doesn’t take much. A flutter of her lashes, a sweet little smile.
She continues to hand him the old decorations in exchanges for his little stories behind each of them. She sometimes has to interrupt to instruct him on which branch to hang one on, reminding him not to crowd them.
“Anymore?” he asks, hand out, waiting patiently, but she doesn’t respond.
“You okay?” He raises a brow, finding her just kneeling beside the box, staring into it.
Slowly she pulls a homemade green and white pom pom ornament, tied off with an orange ribbon. He stills, feeling all of his blood rush to his face, remembering that cute little cheerleader in her green Santa hat last year, shyly spreading “Christmas Cheer” through the halls of Hawkins High.
“…you kept it?” she asks softly, fingers gently running over the yarn, smoothing out the tassels.
“Yeah… you um… you gave it to me.” he replies softly, rubbing the back of his neck, feeling strangely embarrassed. “I mean, heh, I think we’ve already established that I had a thing for you back then, sweetheart.”
She looks up at him with glassy eyes and a watery smile. “You hung it on your tree?”
“I mean, that is what it was for, right?” he chuckles, taking it from her, gently holding it in his hand, smiling to himself. “God, you nearly killed me that day, Cunningham… coming right over to me in your cute little hat and uniform, nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“I was so nervous,” she giggles lightly. “I was so afraid you were going to be mean or make fun of me for it.”
He matches her smile, taking her chin between his forefinger and his thumb. “Oh yeah? Why’d you come over to me then, if you thought I was so mean and scary?”
A part of him always wondered.
“Because I...” She flushes prettily, the same way she did back then. “You looked so sad and you were all by yourself and I don’t know…”
She gets flustered when he grins smugly, thumbing along the plushy pulp of her lower lip, waiting for her to continue. While he often laments all the time they could have had if he ever had enough balls to make a move, it’s still nice to know that his secret admiration wasn’t exactly all one-sided back then.
“I…” she tries again.
“I just wanted to cheer you up.” she murmures bashfully, making him lean down and kiss her deeply.
“Mmm… took your cheer captain duties very seriously.” he hums against her lips, smile widening at the petulant little noise she makes in her throat.
“Apparently it worked,” she gives his shoulder a playful shove. “You kept it.”
“I did.” he replies, kissing her neck gently, before hanging her ornament on the highest branch
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cafalla · 9 months
Care Bears: The Mystery of the Missing Dreams (1986) Book Scans
I found this book at a thrift store, which was a nice surprise because I haven’t had much luck finding picture books older than the late 90s/early 2000s (at the thrift stores near me, anyways).
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It seems this book originally would have come with a cassette tape so you could read along with the recording.
I had to edit the front cover a bit because two names were written on it in permanent marker. One name was on the grey cloud and the other name was written above the Dream Thief.
Truthfully, one of my favorite parts of the book is in the front inside cover.
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It's so old school. Do children's books still have an index of info for you to fill out in case you lose it?
It reminds me of being in grade school and having to fill out the front of your textbooks with your name, class number, and year. Do they still do that in school? I don't have children, and am not close to anyone who has children, so I have no idea what the textbook loaning procedure is like nowadays.
Do children even have textbooks anymore in grade school? They must…but I have no idea how digital classrooms have gotten in recent years.
Okay, I'm getting too off topic! Anyways.
The basic story of this book is that the Care Bears’ dreams suddenly go missing. With the help from the stars (the Care Bear Buddies), they find the dreams locked behind a door after having been stolen by the Dream Thief. The Care Bears befriend the Dream Thief and he unlocks the door, giving them their dreams back. The Dream Thief then becomes the Dream Detective, an assistant to the Care Bears. He now helps locate and return missing dreams, using his powers for good instead of evil.
It’s a cute little picture book. The story isn't anything intricate, I think the "conflict" happens for all of one page. And even then, it's just an "Aw darnit, you're right. Being evil is bad, so I'll be good now!"
It is a children's book though, I can't think too critically about its short, simple story.
The real draw of this book (for me) is the artwork. Here are a few pages that are just a pleasure to my eyes. The Care Bears are so cute!! I love their chubby cheeks, heart-shaped noses, and fluffy little tails.
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Here are a couple two page art spreads from the book as well.
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I uploaded the book to my Internet Archive account, so feel free to go read it for yourself! Even if you don’t want to read it for the story, the book is a charming flip-through of vintage Care Bears artwork.
I also have uploaded the above images on my nostaliga photoblog, so feel free to check that out too if you like just reblogging the images!
Thanks for reading!
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fumaspokemonball · 1 year
Fuma helps you feel better about college!!
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Trigger warning: There is actually quite a bit of cursing (I’m sorry) and a bit of angst? Anger is definitely a big part of the story. If there’s anything else let me know please!!
Summary: You begin to feel overwhelmed by the amount of college work you have on top of your full time job that you’re not feeling appreciated by. You’re embarrassed to ask for help and end up bottling up all your feelings. Fuma has to rush home to help you.
Fuma and female reader!
Author note: I apologize if this story is not good. It’s my first one I’ve written in a hot minute. Please feel free to help me find ways to improve! I hope you enjoy🩵🩵
I got home from a long day of work and still had so much to do. I had to clean the house, I had to finish school that was due later that evening, I had to shower still, and make myself food? To be honest, I just want to get into my pajamas and fall asleep. Work was exhausting, not even the animals made me happy anymore.
My boss is a real dill hole. No matter how hard I try I can’t seem to do anything right. I come in on my days off, I work overtime, I help other coworkers with task that I didn’t even know existed! I do everything and my manager still puts “standard employee” on my evaluation. I go above and beyond my pay grade and this is the thanks I get?! I want to quit. If it wasn’t for the amazing sea life I would have by now….but who else gets to work with these beautiful creatures? It was so hard to get this job…
I took my shoes off and carried myself to my room. I started right away on my school. Why the fuck I wanted to get my Ph.D in marine biology beats the shit outta me. Apparently it will look good? Idfk, all I know is I want out. 16 page essay due in 3 days!! Fuck you. I have a full time job! 16 pages in 3 days is so fucking much?! Not only that but a fucking math class on top?! I suck at math. Always have.
*If X is equal to 3,050 than what is y?*
Fuck if I know! This is so frustrating. I threw my laptop and screamed my lungs out. This shit is ridiculous. Im dropping out. I’m done. I don’t need a Ph.D! Nothing is worth this amount of stress.
*Knock* *Knock*
I looked up at my door to it opening up slowly. A worried face peers around the corner.
“Y/N Are you okay?” Ej walked in asking. I teared up. So many emotions were flying through my mind all at once. In simple terms I wasn’t okay. I was so stressed and I let it all bottle up. I don’t want to talk about it. I want to scream, I want to cry, I want to throw up, everything. I want it to end. All my life.
“Respectfully, Ej please go.” I sounded harsh. I didn’t mean it. I wanted nothing more than to tell him. Am I being dramatic? Am I being annoying? Idk. But I just need to relax.
Ej shut the door and I heard him walk down the hall. I hope I didn’t hurt his feelings. I grabbed my pajamas and went to take a shower. Maybe the hot water will calm me down.
~Ejs POV~
I’ve never seen Y/N so upset. I was startled when I heard screaming so I wanted to make sure everything was alright. I think I saw tears fall from her face. I wanted nothing more than to give my bestie a hug and comfort her until Fuma came home. She’s never pushed me away before. She always jokes with us and helps us when we’re stressed so it’s weird to see the rolls reversed.
“Fuma.” I whispered over the phone. I didn’t want Y/N to hear me call him. The last thing I needed was her to get mad at me for calling the one person who could calm her down.
“Is everything alright?” Fuma sounded worried.
~Fuma’s POV~
I was practicing for our comeback when I heard my phone ring. I ran over to see Ej calling me. He doesn’t call when he knows I’m practicing so I got worried.
“Fuma.” I heard him whisper from the other side of the phone. Why is he whispering?
“Ej? Is everything alright? Why are you whispering?” I was already breathing heavy but I could feel my heart face faster.
“No. Y/N was screaming in your guises dorm room and when I went to check on her she was crying and-“ I hung up before he could finish and ran home. What was wrong? Was everything okay? Why is she screaming? Why is she crying?! I need her and I need her now.
~Y/Ns POV~
I got out of the shower and went back to my room. I locked my door so I had no interruptions. I laid down on the bed and felt my eyes become heavy. I couldn’t sleep yet. I had to do school. I opened my laptop and started doing school. I started getting frustrated again. Why was it so hard?! No one gives a shit about the fucking relationship between X and Y!!
I groaned so loud and sunk into my pillow. I threw my laptop again and huffed.
“This is fucking ridiculous!!” I laid down and just stared at the ceiling. I felt my eyes become heavy when I heard the door handle turn. I groaned. “It’s locked.” I turned to my side.
“Y/N open!” Fuma said worriedly. I ignored him. Alone time. That’s what I need.
“No.” I choked. He started turning the knob really fast and knocking again and again. I put the pillow over my ears and started balling my eyes out. I’m sorry Fuma. I’m sorry.
Eventually all the loud knocking stopped. I felt a pair of hands grab mine and I looked up.
~Fuma’s POV~
I tried opening our bedroom door but it was locked. I knocked loudly and called out for her. Why did she lock the door?!
“No.” I heard a small voice call out. No? What do you mean no?! I started to panic and knock louder still calling her name. Nothing. That’s it.
After what felt like an eternity of trying, which was only like 5 minutes, I went to grab the spare key to unlock the door. She must not have cared enough to bring it with her. I unlocked the door and saw her small frame laying on the bed she had placed a pillow over her ears to muffle my yells. I could hear small sobs coming from her mouth. I looked over to see her laptop open to her homework.
I sighed in relief. Nothing was physically wrong with her but now it’s my turn to be the boyfriend I know I can be and help her. I know how exhausting this is all been on her mentally. I walked over and grabbed her hands.
~Y/N’s POV~
“Fuma? But-“ That was all I managed to get out before he shook his head at me. I was confused how he got in.
“It’s okay, I used the spare key. Love, if you needed help why didn’t you say anything? You know I’m here for you and when I’m not we’re all here for you.” Fuma began to rub my side and looked deep into my soul. I could see he was hurt but more worried about me. I couldn’t make eye contact much longer.
“It’s embarrassing Fuma!! I shouldn’t be this bad at math! I’m a fucking biologist for Christ sake!!” I didn’t mean to yell but all that stress was coming back up. This is why I didn’t want to speak to anyone! This is why I wanted to just keep the door shut and left alone! I ripped my hands out of his and cried into them. Fuma frowned and picked me up. He sat me in his lap and held me tight. The top of my head fit into the crook of his neck and I could hear his heart beat.
“It’s okay if you’re not good at math. Everyone can’t be good at everything. So you’re a biologist? You work with animals. You don’t spend every waking moment of every day solving algebra equations.” He played with the fabric of my shirt as he held onto me. I sniffled and looked up at him.
“You’re not embarrassed by me?” I pouted. My puffy red eyes looked into his for approval.
“What?! Of course not!! You’re one of the smartest people I know! You get paid to literally take care of animals all day! I love bragging to people about that! Also not just any animal but freaking water animals?! That’s even cooler!! They’re like you’re own personal Pokémon! I’m so proud of you! I’d be happy to show you off to anyone! Hell, I’ll show you off to the whole dorm right now.” I laughed and shook my head.
“Noo!!” I joked. I hugged him tightly. “Thank you Fuma. I love you.” I kissed his cheek and just felt so safe. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and squeeze me tightly.
“Pinky Promise me you’ll come to me next time before you explode? I want to help you.” Fuma grabbed my cheeks and made me look at him. He held out a pinky. I wrapped my tiny pinky around his and nodded.
“I pinky promise I will come to you next time.” I gave him a soft smile and he smiled in return.
“Good! Now, let’s go find out why, Y is trying to go back to their X.” He jumped up to grab my laptop. I rolled my eyes and laughed. Oh his dumb jokes.
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