#partners in time 🕰️
pinkkittysaw · 9 months
MY DEAREST SAINT ty for giving me the space to be mentally ill about my beloved(s)
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i’m answering these for clive since i’m the most mentally ill about him right now 👁️👁️
answers will be under the cut due to length (and some embarrassment)
🥺: how long have you two been together?
about four to five years or so
❤️: any talk of marriage?
not in any official capacity. though vows may have been whispered to each other on a particularly romantic evening. our souls are both intertwined for the rest of eternity ^_^
🕊️: any pets?
TORGAL!!!!!!! the most loyal and fluffy hound in all of valisthea. so warm and cuddly. such a good boy. i enjoy feeding him lots of treats. clive’s heart always aches seeing the two of us snuggled up together napping.
i also have a habit of caring for any strays that wander about
🫂: do you two live together?
💌: if yes to the last question - how long?
technically we’ve been living in the same place together since he arrived to the hideaway but we didn’t start sharing chambers together til a short while after we starting dating.
💭: where did you two meet?
the infirmary 😭 i was working as an apprentice under tarja at the time and aided in tending to jill when cid brought her in.
after completing my training i started going on assignments as a healer and would often join clive n co. 😌
🥰: have you met their family? have they met yours?
i have!!! i’ve met joshua, jill, his uncle and his mother (unfortunately). did not get to meet his father before his passing, sadly (RIP TO A DILF 😔)
i simply do not have living family in most of my selfships 😭😭 so he has not met any of my relatives
😜: who is the silly one who jokes and laughs a lot?
definitely me 😔 it’s always 50/50 on whether my jokes hit or not.
clive is funny but it’s always unintentional (whereas i’ll put in effort to make people laugh) he’ll do or say something and get a giggle out of me and be like ???
😯: have you two ever taken a road trip/vacation?
not intentionally. we’ve traveled lots of places but never for leisure because we’re both such busy bees. if we’re both not out on assignments we’re usually still working. i spend most of my time in the infirmary than not.
that being said, i do make note of all the scenic places we visit to bookmark them for when more peaceful times come. the first place i’d want us to go to together is the sea. i feel the most at peace there.
😠: what’s the worst fight you’ve had?
we both have a habit of running into danger especially when the other’s life is at stake heh heh i’d say the worst outburst was during one particular scare clive gave me with his injuries.
after patching him up i became sort of passive aggressive towards him and when he calls me out on it i kind of blow up about how he can be really reckless sometimes, that i understand the importance of destroying the mother crystals but his safety will always be most important to me (as selfish as it is) and it ends up with me sobbing in his arms crying about how if anything ever happened to him i don’t know if i could go on.
obviously he’s very powerful but i can’t help but worry!!!!!!
navigating our relationship with our joint trauma sure has been interesting 👍
🤑: who has the worst spending habit?
me 😔
clive is a man of necessity for the most part and while i’m not reckless per-say, if i’m out and have the money to buy a little trinket i probably will 😭
❤️‍🔥: how does your love languages differ?
tbh i don’t know which love language of mine is the one that i need most so honestly idk!!! 😭 i am the most greedy for love angel throughout the heavens
imo, clive is big on words of affirmation. gentle reminders that he’s not actually the big bad monster he often thinks he is. just sticking by him throughout everything means a lot.
😽: who likes pda?
we both do! though clive is more reserved than i. i kinda get in fits where i’m overwhelmed with energy and need to melt into him like butter and crawl all over him. there’s no containing me at that point.
though most of the time in public it’s just me holding him from behind or hugs. his embrace is always really comforting and calming and he always indulges me ^_^
though he won’t initiate kisses in front of others cause it makes him embarrassed. i’m always the one pressing a chaste kiss to his lips after finishing up in the dining hall, leaving him in his flustered state with the rest of our dining companions.
🛏️: who stays up late? goes to bed early?
depends on the day tbh. i’m the one who usually tries to go to sleep early, since i love mornings. sometimes we’re both up late working, or plagued with thoughts of the past. i usually fall asleep before he does regardless of what time it is while he keeps a watchful eye over my sleeping form.
😘: any pet names they call you? you call them?
clive and i are both chronic calling each other by their name type people 😭
but in more intimate settings, he’ll call me angel and i’ll let a baby or two slip out
👄: talk about your first or best kiss thus far
first kiss!! first kiss!!!
okay so it wasn’t long before we started dating. he had gotten injured while he was out and had to visit the infirmary. tarja wasn’t in and i was the only one running things. he had a few gashes that needed to be stitched as well as a few abrasions.
after 13 long years of fighting, i was the first gentle and “loving” touch he had. we’d friends for a short while at that point, some mutual pining going on though neither of us were acting on it.
at that point he was still in the mentality of not thinking he was deserving of any kindness due to what happened in his past. so when i come around gently stitching up his and tending to his other wounds, he’s taken aback. plus i may have been chastising him on being more careful cause there’s people around the hideaway (me) who worry for his safety and bla bla bla.
basically he gets overwhelmed with feeling and doesn’t know how to deal with it other than pulling me for a kiss. (mid stitch mind you!!! he was lucky no further damage was caused)
🖼️: who decorates the house?
both our stuff is has a place in our chambers but i’m the one who decides what goes where
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 20 days
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Hey everyone! I have starting working with Apollo on all of my readings. Also come join my divination discord. Take what resonates and leave all that doesn't behind. Enjoy the shadow work 🩵
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Crystal: Smokey Quartz
Astrology: Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Sagittarius
Vibes: 💘🌎💙🧿🩷🧠🫐🛼💎🎀♿️🏳️‍⚧️💗💦🎟️🪼🦋🌸🌷🧵💅🏽🥶🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💕🌊🛝🪬
Hello, pile one. You have a considerable rocky relationship with love. It’s pretty obvious you have been taking a major break from romance all together. Your efforts towards loving yourself have not gone unnoticed by the universe. You have slowly been building up your self confidence. Unfortunately, I also see you still long for the old relationships you used to be in. This person you are longing for has some scorpio placements. My dear when you were with them it was you who was doing all the loving. You held up a two person job by yourself. Why do you think you were so exhausted after it ended? You were doing everything for this person. It’s going to take a while for this to click in your mind just how dependant this person was on you. That’s perfectly alright. Take your time with this healing. There is no need to rush your progress. Take a deep breath and acknowledge your progress so far. You are strong and have been persevering without that person. Look at how much more peaceful it is without them. Once you have fully realized your worth I see something wonderful being your reward. I see this probably having something to do with a career you want deeply. I wish you luck on your self-love journey, friend. The universe will support you along the way.
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Crystal: Yooperlite
Astrology: Cancer, Gemini, Pisces, Aquarius
Vibes: 🤎💚⚰️🪚📻⏳🕰️📗🏈🍺🥜🥥🍐🪴🍂🪵🏔️🦇🧳🍀👩🏾‍🦳🍩🪲👒🇮🇪🥾🍈🍾🌰🧋🥝🟤
Hi, pile two. Welcome to your reading. You got an extra card which tells me your messages are a bit complex and should be read with nuance. Love is a daunting task to you. Your relationship with love has been heavily affected by your childhood. Your parents were not kind to you. I see you were often treated as a scapegoat. Which has convinced you that you are this awful monster who can never be forgiven. At some point it looks like you claimed this role that was forced upon you. Started wearing it as a badge of honor and playing the part along with it. I understand this perspective a lot myself. What confuses me is you are actually a really sweet and compassionate person underneath all that. You don’t like playing this mean role that you were taught to be. That’s not who you are. Until you were taught to embody the shadows of others you were as harmless as a kitten. I still think you are as harmless as a kitten to be honest. The cards tell me even when you put on this persona you are just showing off your bark. You would never bite. You can talk a big game but you hate doing it. I have some really good news my dear. You don’t have to play anymore. You can drop the act. You are completely capable of cutting out this persona and getting to know your true self. Once you accept this love will not seem as scary. You will feel more capable and vulnerable with your partners. I wish you luck in love, my friend. I’m rooting for you!
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Crystal: Quartz
Astrology: Virgo, Leo, Aries, Scorpio
Vibes: 🖤💛🔏🔑🌻🏁🕷️🐝😎🍯🎱🍳🌤️🌼☀️🍌🥥♟️📣🔌⚱️💣🔔🗝️⚜️♠️🎷🏆🚧
Hey there, pile three. I’m so sorry you have to feel this way. Your relationship with love is hard to describe so bare with me a bit. You are a wonderful lover. When you love someone you would do anything for them. I am not exaggerating when I say ‘anything’. When you find someone you deem worthy of loving, you will give everything you have just to see them truly cherished. However, when you deem someone unworthy of love you are just as excessive with your reaction. You will be outwardly mean to them out of a sense of justice and this sentiment unfortunately applies to yourself as well. You believe your judge of character is unbias and therefore makes you the best one for the job of delivering this justice but then you judge yourself unworthy so you treat yourself horrendously. You skip meals to spite yourself. You refuse to shower because you think you just arn’t worth the effort or time. You need to pump the breaks on that behavior and reflect a little bit. If you are capable of loving someone so deeply you would conquer any obstacle in the name of that love? IM PRETTY SURE THAT MAKES YOU LOVABLE DUDE. Perhaps, just maybe, your criteria for judging peoples character is a little more bias than you originally thought??????? And, just maybe, you justify your self-hatred with zero logical evidence. You are worthy of your own respect. I am not telling you to stop delivering justice just to be clear. I’m telling you to think a bit more about why you deem yourself unworthy of love but worthy of delivering justice to the people you hold to be unworthy. Isn’t that a little unfair? I’ll let you answer that yourself on your own time but either way. I wish you luck on your journey of self-acceptance. The universe deems you worthy and it would be healthy to start seeing that perspective.
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psychicreadsgirl · 8 months
❤️Ask Game: Love Edition ❤️ (CLOSED)
This ask game will close on October 10, 2023 at 11:59 pm KST. Any asks sent after this time will not be answered.
I may or may not answer everyone's asks.
For non anons:
a. Reblog or like this post.
b. You can pick only ask 1 question.
c. You can ask for yourself or for a celebrity. If you are asking about a celebrity, you must let me know the name of that celeb.
d. The question that you ask must be one of the following:
i. 💌: What's holding you back from love? (For a celeb, it'd be what's holding them back from love?) ii. 💋: What would a relationship between you and your crush be like? You must tell me the initials of your crush and how you know them (i.e. like are they your friend/classmate etc) for me to answer this question. If you're asking for a celebrity, you can ask what a relationship between this celebrity and another celebrity would be like or generally what are they like in a celebrity. iii. 🤝: What will your next partner be like? (For a celeb, it'd be what sort of partner are they usually attracted to.) iv. 🏹: What problems or obstacles do you usually face in love or in a relationship? (If it's for a celeb, then the q what problems or obstacles does this celebrity usually face in love or in a relationship?) v. 🔥: Free for all - I will tell you whatever I can pick up about you and love. (If this is for a celeb, then I'll tell you whatever I can pick up about them. vii. 🕰️: Past life & love - How have your past lives influenced your current love life?
4. For anons:
a. Give me your initials and at least 2 different emojis to represent you.
b. You can only pick 1 question. (Anons, you only have 4 qs to pick from. If you go as non-anon you get more qs to choose from.)
c. You can ask for yourself or for a celebrity. If you are asking about a celebrity, you must let me know the name of that celeb.
d. The question that you ask must be one of the following:
i. 💌: What's holding you back from love? (For a celeb, it'd be what's holding them back from love?) ii. 🤝: What will your next partner be like? (For a celeb, it'd be what sort of partner are they usually attracted to.) iii. 🔥: Free for all - I will tell you whatever I can pick up about you and love. (If this is for a celeb, then I'll tell you whatever I can pick up about them. iv. 🕰️: Past life & love - How have your past lives influenced your current love life?
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bellyasks · 4 months
Another Stuffing Ask Game Yipeee
🥙 Is your character easily persuaded to eat more on top of an already-full stomach? Under what circumstances? What foods are most likely to get them into this situation?
🍵 How does your character respond to nausea after overeating? What about being so full that their stomach feels sore and stretched out? Which is worse for them?
🩲 Does your character have any particular clothes that they like to wear when their belly doesn't feel good, especially if they're feeling really bloated? What would they wear at home vs if they had to go out?
🔍 What do others (friends, partners, strangers, coworkers, etc) think of your character when they're very visibly stuffed after a big meal? Whether it be about their appearance, habits, capacity, etc
👁️ How visible is fullness on your character? After a small meal? A big one? After being stuffed to their absolute limit?
🏔️ What food group is most likely to make your character overeat? Do they have any favorites within the category? Any notable exceptions?
⚖️ Have your character's dietary habits affected their weight at all? If so, how do they feel about it? How do the people in their life feel about it?
🏚️ Is your character more likely to find themselves overstuffed while at home or out somewhere else? If they're more likely to be too full while they're out, what circumstances tend to lead to this?
🍣 Is there a particular country/culture whose food your character is more likely to overeat, whether it be their own culture, one they encounter often, or just a culinary favorite? What dishes are most likely to leave them stuffed silly?
🤢 Are there any foods that your character can't resist despite knowing it'll give them a bellyache?
🕰️ What time of day is your character most likely to overeat? How does this affect the rest of their day, especially whatever they have to do next?
🧀 Is your character's tummy more likely to get upset by eating too much food or by eating the wrong kind of food? Quantity vs quality, if you will?
🕴️ Does your character have a job? Have they ever been way too full while at work? How did this affect them?
📈 How far past their comfortable limit will your character eat when circumstances call for them to keep going? Will they push themselves to the point of nausea? Pain? Actual sickness? Does somebody have to tell them to stop? Or will they just quit when they're full no matter what?
🧑‍🍳 If your character cooks, do they do a lot of taste testing in the kitchen? Do they ever find themselves feeling full before the finished food even hits the table?
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heartblobs · 6 months
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July, 1890
🎶She's the sunshine of Paradise Alley Ev'ry Sunday down to her home we go, All the boys and all the girls they love her so, Always jolly, heart that is true I know, She is the Sunshine of Paradise Alley🎶
Evaline and Walter were deeply infatuated with one another. When all of the housework was over and done with, the young couple would dance to their hearts' content well into the night, happy to have one another as their dance partner.
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Then the two would whisper sweet nothings to each other, acting like bashful teenagers sneaking around their parents. Evaline loved the gentle way his hands would hold her, the way his eyes never faltered from her gaze whenever she spoke. She especially enjoyed when her husband would whisper close into her ear, "Eres el cielo mismo, mi amor." You are heaven itself. It ran chills down her spine and flutters throughout her heart every time. How lucky she was to have such a romantic for a husband, she thought to herself.
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🕰️ / 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 / 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡
(Also special thanks to @aheathen-conceivably & @surely-sims for inspiring me with the songs linked with their posts! I listen to every song y’all link to 🥰)
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You have told us how to court your average gallifreyan but how would one go about courting a Gallifreyan member of the Faction Paradox? Like are they in to freaky shadow stuff because I can not move my shadow like that? Like what major differences are their in courting a member of Faction Paradox compared to your average run of the mill Gallifreyan or Renegade?
And is it technically possible to court a Celestis or is that to messed up?
Courting a Faction Paradox member is very much NOT recommended by the Institute, however, here are some pointers you may find helpful:
🧠 Continue to be intellectually stimulating: Faction Paradox members are no different to normal Gallifreyans, at least when it comes to you remaining intriguing enough for them. Discussing the intricacies of time loops over dinner might score you points, and so might proposing a toast to the entropy of the universe.
🍽️ Pick the right meal: Forget the spaghetti bolognese; think of dishes that defy physics or even just culinary decency. Maybe go for a meal that exists in a state of quantum uncertainty or a dessert that tastes like regret, if you can find such a thing.
✔️ Embrace mind games: Members of the Faction Paradox love a bit of an enigma. A potential partner who can maintain an aura of mystery is likely to be very intriguing to them. A sudden, nonsensical act or something like an outburst of Woody Woodpecker laughter signals that you're not just another predictable human.
🗣️ Give what you get: They'll probably test you with some snappy comments and insults, cos they love a bit of bants. Give back what you get like some kind of interstellar rap battle.
🫨 Embrace the rituals ... and the chaos: The Faction love a good ritual. You might not be able to move your shadow in eldritch ways, but participation in or even just an appreciation of these can go a long way in impressing them.
👏 Laud their achievements (but not too much): Faction members like to hear how good they are. But not too much, because there's a fine line between providing compliments and just being a sycophant.
🔥 Show hatred for Gallifreyan traditions and customs: They really don't like them, so you shouldn't either. Down with Rassilon!
😍 Physical and telepathic boldness: Unlike typical Gallifreyans, Faction members might be more open to physical and telepathic intimacy, though this could vary, as some may just find it all primitive.
🌟 Courting a Celesti
The Celesti inhabit a realm of existence that transcends conventional physical and temporal boundaries, making the concept of "courting" as we understand it a challenging idea. It'd be a bit like trying to date a cloud.
If you do manage to get into a relationship with a Celesti, don't think in any way you'd be able to control or influence it. Sorry, but you're not driving that ride.
🏫 So ...
Once again, despite all of this, remember that every person is unique, with their personality traits, interests, and views. Tailor your approach based on the individual you're courting.
Hope that helped! 😃
》📫Got a question / submission? 》😆Jokes |🫀Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts 》📚Complete list of Q+A 》📜Masterpost If you like what GIL does, please consider buying a coffee or tipping below to help make future projects, including complete biology and language guides.
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sysinacgi · 29 days
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Hey there! 🤎 Super thrilled to give you a sneak peek of my latest creation: a magical 3D isometric room for time travelers! 🕰️⏳
Partnering up with the amazing folks at @divoom_global for this one, and they've graciously provided their awesome Times Gate product. Can't wait to share the full reveal with you soon! Stay tuned! 🎩🩶 🛍 Times Gate: https://divoom.com/products/times-gate 🏷 Get 10% off with the code: SYSINACGI Instagram • Support Me • Comissions • Links
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smallkittilicious · 2 months
Intro post!
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Hi! We're either called by Miles or Zelda! Whichever is fine by us! We're a system, you can look up more about us by checking out our blog hehe. Our interests ranges from: ■ 🦑Splatoon🦑 ■ ⚡Pokemon⚡ ■ 💨Sonic💨 ■ ☁️Sky: COTL☁️ ■ 🦄Mlp🦄 ■ 🎙️Vocaloid🎙️ ■ 🎸Bang! Dream🎸 ■ 🛡️Genshin impact🛡️ ■ 🗡️ WoW🗡️ ■ 𖨆Stick figures𖨆 ■ 🌳The Last of Us🌳 ■ 🐕 Bluey🐕 ■ 🐒 Monkie kid🐒 ■ 💠 Sanrio💠 ■ 🐈 Warrior cats🐈
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Our, favorite aesthetics are: ■ 👁️Weirdcore👁️ ■ 🩹Kidcore🩹 ■ ⛓️Traumacore⛓️ ■ ☁️Dreamcore☁️ ■ 🕰️Steampunk🕰️ ■ 🍼Babycore🍼
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For a little more detailed info we pet regress, and age regress. Our favorite colors are: ■ 🪙Gold🪙 ■ 🩷Pink🩷 ■ 🌈Rainbow!!🌈
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Normally when we regress, most of our little ages ranges between 4-6, or 8-9 Y/O! And at times 3! We actually have a pacifier so if we ever get the chance we'll post some of our agere stuff we got irl :P also our bbg is @sillystickz! ;) I have no idea how many times this post will be edited hehe
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Also if you recognize us from our main blog, no, you do not know us, at least act like you don’t know us (not unless we personally know you as a close friend or our partner), leave us be on this account and do not interact. This is for age regression stuff only. Although feel free to interact on our other accounts other than here.
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■ Social media links:
■ Moodboard/Banner/Avatar/Headcanon Requests: Open!
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spectermansion · 1 year
taylor swift legacy challenge 🦋✨☔️🧣🕊️🐍💕🌲🍷🕰️
— SURPRISE!!! hi!! welcome to my very first written out legacy challenge. it’s no big surprise that i love taylor swift AND the sims, so here i am, combining the two. she has ten albums, legacies have ten generations, there you have it. the hashtag for this will be swiftlp because i cannot genuinely think of anything better. let’s get into the…
rules below the cut!
- this legacy will require most packs other than batuu and the kits - aging must be turned on, but you can have it at any length you wish (normal/long recommended!). i'd recommend pausing aging during generations three and seven's university runs. - each goal must be met before the new heir takes over. - as for partners, they can have random aspirations/traits unless specified! they don’t need to complete it. - don't give the sims dramatic makeovers or personality adjustments (again, unless specified). slight changes to the appearance are fine but leave their facial features be! - there should be no need for money cheats other than like…freerealestate. there will be plenty of opportunities to grind for those simoleans. - if you do this challenge, tag me or use the hashtag swiftlp! i’d love to see it!
🦋 gen 1 - debut
“oh, i'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world…” ever since you were a little kid, music has been your biggest dream. now, you’re a ditzy, daydreaming, young adult who is out on your own for the first time in your life. life is full of adventure in your humble opinion. you’ve always wanted to make people smile, so the only logical choice is to establish a music career before you dream of settling down later in life. - traits: music lover, cheerful, ambitious - aspiration(s): musical genius, big happy family - career: entertainer (musician branch) - world: any non-city objectives - master the singing, guitar, and charisma skills. - reach level ten in the entertainer career before you finish adulthood - date around during your young adulthood before marrying your best friend when you become an adult. have two children after you get married. - finish the musical genius aspiration before having your kids. then, switch to the big happy family aspiration. - optional: have a garden!
✨ gen 2 - fearless
"but with you, i'd dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless." you grew up in a perfect, loving family. you believe in all of those fairytales that your mother told you, even though what they consist of is fake. there's one thing that's real in them though: love. you want nothing more than to grow up and fall in love. yet when you grow up, you discover that real-life love isn't all it's cracked up to be. - traits: bookworm, romantic, childish - aspiration(s): soulmate, best-selling author - career: freelance writer - world: any, copperdale objectives - meet a sim in your teen years that you have an on-and-off relationship into adulthood with. break up twice and get engaged. break up and after this, stay apart. - have a great relationship with both parents until the end of your teenage years and move away from home. they don't approve of your relationship. - master the writing skill. write mostly romance novels. - have one child with your rocky romance. move them into your household as this will be the heir. - never finish the soulmate aspiration. switch it to best-selling author after you break off your engagement. - move to a secluded part of copperdale (or any woodsy-ish world) to raise your child. you don't need them getting hurt! adopt as many cats as you want. go nuts. - optional: have a dog named white horse
☔️ gen 3 - speak now
"you learn my secrets and you figure out why i'm guarded. you say we'll never make my parents' mistakes..." after the life your parent had, they are extremely overprotective of you. they just want what's best for you, right? you don't know much about their life before you except that they had a rocky relationship with your other parent. oh well! that's their business. you're off to college in a new town and ready to mess things up. you're only young once! - traits: genius, cat lover, outgoing - aspiration(s): friend of the world, serial romantic - career: social media (any branch), critic (food branch) - world: britechester, windenburg objectives - get all a's until you graduate high school. - attend college at either school you'd like and complete your degree. i'd recommend turning aging off during this time. - never date until you are in college. your parent forbids it. once you can, date around all throughout your young adult life. - master the charisma and mixology skills. - reach level 5 in the social media career before switching to the critic career in your adulthood. mid-life crisis! - marry the fling you had the highest relationship with at the end of young adulthood. have as big of a family as you'd like! they're your soulmate! - ...until you have an affair with someone during adulthood. have a child with them. this will be the heir! - optional: have your sim master the guitar skill.
🧣gen 4 - red
"ugh, so he calls me up and he's like, "i still love you." and i'm like, "i just, i mean, this is exhausting, you know? like, we are never getting back together, like, ever..." you are the black sheep of your family, but you could never exactly figure out why. as soon as you're old enough, you get out of there to make it big in life! it's your dream to make it as an actor. school was never really your thing, so you drop out early and move to del sol valley to find yourself. - traits: creative, gloomy, perfectionist - aspiration(s): master actor, mansion baron - career: actor - world: del sol valley objectives - participate in drama club until you drop out. - master the acting, wellness, and violin skills. - date two people in your lifetime. the first is a relationship so bad it ruins your perception of love. stay single until you meet your second love interest on set. have a big white wedding! - reach level 10 of the acting career as an adult. - have as many kids as you'd like with your spouse. - move to tartosa to settle down before you retire. - optional: have your sim wear red lipstick with every outfit besides sleep. no one wears lipstick to bed.
🕊️ gen 5 - 1989
"heartbreak is the national anthem, we sing it proudly!" you grew up in the spotlight and LOVED it. heck, your parents are famous celebrities! they were humble people who loved their family as much as they could. you got everything you wanted and more. you might be spoiled, but you deserved it, right? what do you mean you have to be a responsible adult all on your own now? - traits: outgoing, high maintenance, non-committal - aspiration(s): city native, party animal - career: simfluencer (teen), style influencer - world: san myshuno objectives - move to a nice apartment in san myshuno as soon as you turn into a young adult. your parents love you so much that they bought it for you! - attend every festival - go out at least twice a week and throw parties once a week! you're a social butterfly for a reason! - oh no! spend all of your money and move to a needs tlc apartment. - date around until you get pregnant from a one-night stand. marry them, but never have a high relationship with them. cheat on them with hired help. - master the singing and charisma skills. - move to a penthouse once you're back on your feet - only have one child. - optional: have your sim's favorite drink be wine
🐍 gen 6 - reputation
"but i got smarter, i got harder in the nick of time. honey, i rose up from the dead, i do it all the time." you never had a real connection with either of your parents; everything in your childhood was superficial. all you ever wanted was a real family. if you weren't hanging out with your butler, you were on the streets of san myshuno late into the night. darkness called your name, so you abandoned everything you knew for another life...the life of a criminal. - traits: active, evil, family-oriented - aspiration(s): public enemy, super parent - career: criminal - world: any objectives - have a non-existent relationship with both parents, but a high relationship with the live-in butler. - master the fitness, mischief, and parenting skills. - reach level ten of the criminal career (either branch). - have a relationship with a sim that has the exact opposite personality as you (good, friendly, etc.). marry them as an elder. - adopt one child and be very close to them. give them the best life you can. - optional: throw a party every new years eve if you have seasons
💕 gen 7 - lover
"and there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear. have i known you 20 seconds or 20 years?" you may not have had much growing up, but you had love. love, love, love. this love showed you that the world is a good place and nothing bad ever happens, right? wrong. when your parent tells you that they're a criminal, your world comes shattering down. everything else sucks outside of your little bubble. can you make the world less cruel? - traits: good, overachiever, romantic - aspiration(s): academic, soulmate - career: law (private attorney branch) - world: any objectives - have a high relationship with your parent until your late teenage years. - meet a sim during childhood and become best friends, later high school sweethearts. marry them after you finish college. - pursue a distinguished degree in history as soon as you finish high school. - master the charisma, logic and research and debate skills. i'd recommend starting early so you can get that distinguished degree. - reach level ten of the law career - have as many children as you'd like. - reconnect and become best friends with your parent before they die. even have them move in! - optional: have a child named betty be the heir!
🌲 gen 8 - folklore
"i want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet 'cause i haven't moved in years." you grew up in a chaotic but loving household where there wasn’t a moment of quiet. of course, you love your family, but you are a loner by nature and always preferred to spend your time with your pets or doing art. you come out of your shell during your teen years, but are you making the wrong choice? - traits: loner, creative, loves the outdoors - aspiration(s): country caretaker - career: sustain yourself off of your farm and royalties from painting and writing - world: henford-on-bagley objectives - have the highest relationship possible with your pets. even higher than your siblings. - make one best friend as a child. - during your teen years, date a sim you meet at school. break up when they cheat on you at the beginning of your young adulthood. woohoo with them one last time and “surprisingly” end up pregnant. - immediately move to henford-on-bagley after you graduate. have no contact with anyone except your best friend. you can play off the grid if you’d like. - master the gardening and painting skills. if you’re feeling funky, master cross-stitching and writing, too. - publish books and sell your paintings in addition to running your farm. - marry your best friend as an adult. - only have one child. - optional: have three cats!
🍷 gen 9: evermore
"long story short, it was a bad time; long story short, i survived." you grew up on a farm isolated from the rest of the world. even though you had loving parents and all the animals a child could want, you wanted nothing more than a big family. as soon as you could, you knew you'd have the picture-perfect family you'd always dreamed of...or so you thought. - traits: good, foodie, proper - aspiration(s): big happy family, master chef - career: culinary (chef branch) - world: any objectives - as soon as you become a young adult, move out of your parents' house and to a new world. - get a job in the culinary career to support yourself. - become romantically involved with the first sim you meet. have a whirlwind romance and get married only to find out that they have the hates children trait. - reach level 5 of your career before quitting to focus on family and saving your marriage. - have four children with your spouse. - when you become an adult, divorce them and move your family to a new world. your spouse gets weekend visits. - rejoin the culinary career back at level 5 and continue to level 10. it is okay to cheat to get here! - master the cooking and knitting skills. - marry a coworker and have two more children. - optional: open a restaurant called olive garden!
🕰️ gen 10: midnights
"i'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror...it must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero." your family is a big, blended mess of people who aren't exactly the best, but they tried. and now it's your turn. you always wanted to be better than your siblings, but your parents always preached that all of you meant the same to them. can you prove your worth as the best to them and yourself? - traits: self-absorbed, ambitious, adventerous - aspiration(s): extreme sports enthusiast - career: part-time barista - world: mt. komorebi objectives - have low relationships with each of your siblings. - master the skiing, snowboarding, fitness, and rock climbing skills. - meet and date a sim you meet on the slopes. - have a family after you master one of the winter skills. - reconnect with your siblings - optional: decorate with midcentury decor!
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gnaga37 · 2 months
want to ramble a bit about my little angel guy :3
context. made up her story before the gay rewrite and it was too locked in before that to change much about it so my girl does have a boyfriend 😔 but he's cool and a bit pathetic so I'll let it pass ✌️
her name's Anita and she's an angel 👼well. she was 🥀 she has fallen 🖤 and put to earth 🌏 since medieval times 🕰️ her bff 💕 (and future relationship💍) is another fallen angel 💘 that didn't want to leave 🚶‍♂️ his bff 💙 so he followed 🕺 her to earth 🌎 heaven says L. you suck. go touch grass 😪 and they take away his angel title 🏅
character design time 😀 our girl 😎 has colors 🐰 she goes by red 🌹 mostly. but this is my stupid story 🐤 so red And black 🖤 a true "there's a darkness inside me.." girl 💋 I remember she gets a new look by the end of the first act but I do not remember exactly what it was. I'll have to look in the archives 📑 I do know we get more colors 🌈 maybe a yellow 🤔 to go with the red 😜 a lot of clothes with holes 🚧 frayed edges 🌳 and a lot of lace 🥻 in her wardrobe 🚪 her arc in the first act is revenge 🗝️😈 she had been living under rules of this other guy 😒 and she does not ❌🙅‍♀️ like it. but she's sweet innocent angel 🥺 she can't possibly kill this guy 👼 wellll 🎅 she doesn't lmao 🤶 but she does get more violent 🙌 and beats up the guy real badly 🙋‍♀️ done with that problem! 🙆‍♀️ now she only has a pathetic boyfriend to worry about 😇 (they aren't partners yet here lol 😀)
this story has been reworked so many times there's almost nothing left of the original idea I was going for. just a couple of characters and concepts remain. and are now almost exclusively in the first act lol
I've started mentally diving my stories into acts btw. it makes them flow much better. instead of 1 big blob of events. also helps with characters that disappear at a certain point lmao they were exclusive to that act what can I say!
ok no more for today. I love my violent girl <33333333 she's everything to me. I love her so much. I wish she wasnt only real in my mind </3 the world would be a better place with her in it no doubts, ok eyes are closing on their own goodnight :3
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y-so-hungry · 4 months
🍵 🔍 🏔️ ⚖️
I'll answer these for my OC Adam whose been featured in the story Hungry Boy!
🍵 How does your character respond to nausea after overeating? What about being so full that their stomach feels sore and stretched out? Which is worse for them?
To nausea? Adam absolutely hates it, the fear that he'll throw up all the food he worked so hard to make and eat would make him so nervous and unfortunately, more nauseated lol. He can keep it down 99% of the time though. However, being sore and stretched out? God Adam loves that. Especially if someone else made the food for him. He's not used to being taken care of, so the idea of someone making him food and stuffing him full of it would make him so happy.
🔍 What do others (friends, partners, strangers, coworkers, etc) think of your character when they're very visibly stuffed after a big meal? Whether it be about their appearance, habits, capacity, etc
Honestly, it is a bit difficult to get Adam completely stuffed. Big meals for a normal person are normal meals for him, so he can pack away a lot. So for him to be eating enough that he's stuffed... Honestly people tend to wonder where the hell all the food is going. On a meal where one person is stuffed his belly has barely changed shape, looking fuller but no where near stuffed. He'd probably have to eat that meal over again before his belly bulges out.
🕰️ What time of day is your character most likely to overeat? How does this affect the rest of their day, especially whatever they have to do next?
Dinner for sure. Adam forgets lunch sometimes, and on those days his stomach rumbles near constantly, angry he's forgotten to feed it. He works out often, so for his body to keep up with him he has to eat a lot and often, so when he misses a meal his stomach absolutely notices and will always punish him for it. That means when he forgets lunch, his stomach will moan all the way until dinner, and it makes him overestimate how much he can eat.
Fortunately this doesn't affect much of the rest of his day, since he doesn't have any work to do at home. He can just lay on the couch and nurse his stuffed belly until Joseph gets home and can help with belly rubs.
⚖️ Have your character's dietary habits affected their weight at all? If so, how do they feel about it? How do the people in their life feel about it?
A bit! He tries to eat fairly healthy, so he's pretty fit, but he also eats a lot. He doesn't mind eating healthy obviously, but sometimes he's a bit ashamed of how much he has to eat to feel full. Usually when someone gives him a portion of food, such as at a dinner party or something, he ends up still being hungry because that was a normal portion for someone else, not for him. For that reason he prefers to eat food he's made for himself, or at restaurants where he can pay for all his own food. If someone else offers to pay for his food or makes him food, there's almost a garuntee that he'll go hungry because he doesn't want to eat someone out of house and home 🥲
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pinkkittysaw · 1 month
noct would feed my gaming addiction 🫶🏻
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seung-scrittore · 11 months
all of them
was js gonna reply with “no” but challenge accepted
🖌️ - Do you have/want any tattoos?
i hv 2 rn, i wanna get a full body piece in a couple years
💚 - What's your favourite colour?
black / orange
🍕 - What's the last thing you ate?
🌯 !
🕰️ - What time is it where you are rn?
22:17 or 10:17 pm EST
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
libra ♎️
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
aussie, but im biased cuz of my own accent 💀
⚡️- Do you have any scars?
more than i can count but theyre all small so idc
🌺 - What's your MBTI type?
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
…idk… tie between the first ice age movie & up !
📺 - Favourite show?
😂 - Are you ticklish?
barely but yes
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
if that’s what my partner wants absolutely
😳 - Do you like your name?
yes ?? what does this question mean 😭
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
🤓 - How did you get your name?
my mommy
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
n/a, prefer not to answer publicly
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
yep, 6 rn. i want more in the future tho
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
greyish-greenish-bluish? idrk i always get dif opinions
👱‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
uhm,, messy
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
n/a, won’t catch me incriminating myself on main ‼️
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
n/a, ^
😱 - What's your biggest fear?
being forgotten prolly,, or chickens
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
too cold
🌦️ - What's your favourite weather?
hm… post-rain, when it’s foggy n a little gross but it feels calming to be out,,
🍂 - What's your favourite season?
🐷 - What's your favourite animal?
wallabies !!!!
🐶- Do you have any pets?
yes, 4 kitties ! they’re menaces, i love my kids
😴 - What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?
60 something hours,,, in my defense i’ve been an insomniac since i was little
🎨- Any hobbies?
sketching, soccer, rugby, journaling, gaming,, etc.
🛩️ - If travelling was free, where's the first place you'd go?
i alr travel a lot (my poor wallet) but i haven’t gone to the caribbean yet,,, i’d go to jamaica 🇯🇲
🎇 -What's your most searched thing on Google?
idk… probably random definitions
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
spotify >>>>
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
i wouldnt survive in the country,, im a city boy 100%
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psychicreadsgirl · 8 months
🕰️ - asking for myself! Thank you
Trigger warning ***
You've drowned many times in your past lives - some of them involve events where you were with your lover/partner. Sometimes they were accidents; sometimes they were not. I keep seeing someone grab your neck, choking you to death while submerging your head in the waters. You're struggling and also you're in disbelief because you can't believe this is someone you trusted choking you to death. This person seems to be your relative/cousin (male) - someone you trusted/respected, perhaps you even felt you loved them in a way. (This was like probably early 1800s.) They then staged this as an accident. The motive for killing you was for money - some inheritance related motive bc you were the only daughter of the family and if you were gone, your parents would have passed the wealth to him. That's the feeling I got.
Anyway due to this incident you can have much hesitation trusting male figures and doubt men. I think you feel more comfortable with women/people who identify as being a woman. You can be more drawn to feminine energy and prefer people who don't have very stereotypical masculine features physically like you prefer more flowery types (? - not sure how to word it well. Sorry). You also may have an odd fascination with waters.
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system-society · 1 year
We are in a relationship with someone who probably a singlet. (Wdk what goes on in their head lol) and we want to come out about our system. We’re worried about a few things..
1. Actually telling them. We don’t wanna just,, drop it on them,, but this is kinda a big deal, we don’t want them to get too invested and then come out.
2. He is the first irl person we’re coming out to. We worry he’ll freak out or tell people, or think we’re crazy, or something. He’s always been so sweet and patient, but you never know how they’ll react. He known about the very very surface stuff, we’ve told him we’re a really inconsistent person and we change a lot but we never told him why.
3. And what happens if they accept us?? What will happen?? How do we take the mask off?? We don’t know how to take any of our masks off. We can’t tell where the mask ends and we begin. We have autism, so some unmasking tips for that would be great too.
Thank you& so much for even reading this, and even more so if you respond. Have a wonderful timezone, you all are amazing. -🕰️
Hey there! I totally get what you think its terrifying!
My advice is: test the waters. See what he thinks about plurality. We, personally, use the Moon Knight television series as it has decent rep and is explicitly plural. Watching it with them/asking their response/etc, seeing how they feel about it and guiding a conversation from there.
Ultimately, I cannot tell you how or when to come out. That’s something you must figure out. But I am here for you, and from what he sounds like, he sounds like he will support you.
As someone who’s partner came out as plural before we figured it out, one thing I do want to add is reassure him that he is not loosing his partner. Reassure him that x amount of people or the whole system loves him—whatever’s applicable—and your love has not changed. It may seem obvious, but as a receiver when a big thing happens, thats our first response—how is it going to be different from now on? Lay that part out, explain whats the same and what changes.
But most importantly, give him time, its a lot to process. He might react badly at first, but give him a day or so to process it. It was a LOT for us to handle at first, but we eventually got the hang of it!
After that, taking down the mask is going to be hard. I wont lie to you. It will take time. Take it slow, wear fronting indicators if you so choose. If you’re ready, ask him to ask you& who’s fronting at times. Do not rush yourself.
I want you to know that we are rooting for anon, and I hope that he knows how lucky he is to have people like you&
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 years
🕰️ for an OC of your choice (sorry am on mobile or I'd pick one)
all good, i need a mobile friendly character list, ty for the reminder :>
🕰️Has there been an event that happened in your OCs past that affects their future or one that they think about still? Is this a bad event or a good one? What are a few of their childhood memories they can recall?
I wanna go for Sanne here? I feel like talking about Sanne. One of the most formative, kinda traumatic events that happened to her at the ripe old age of ~21/22 (timeline's a little off i'll fix it, i think) is that she lost her mate. Kiaran, the man she was with at the time, died in a raid to a Svanir homestead oustide Hoelbrak. Worse yet, he promised her he'd come back. It's done two great things: 1) it's made her hate Jormag and their minions in all forms (and let's not forget she lost family members to Jormag's minions too, aka Forgal's wife and kids and I'd wager more, bc she has a laarge extended family) 2) it's made her wary of romantic entanglements for almost a decade. She's had no partners between Kiaran and Braham that stuck, only an occasional ONS.
From her childhood, she recalls hunting with her father Njall, practicing shaman skills with her mother Hel, taking care of her little sister and best friend Ragna, training with Eir. She recalls playing music for her friends in Hoelbrak, crushing on Skarti Knutsson, amongst other things :) A pretty good childhood, I'd say! Sanne's family is a delight and a very good one <3
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