#if you are familiar with one fandom and not the other feel free to vote based on gut feelings and/or impressions as to what he comes off as
baby-chirp · 1 year
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ds9anonkinkmeme · 2 months
Interest check
Hi, just doing an interest check for an idea we have about making a DS9 anon kink meme! A kink meme is an ongoing prompt event where people can anonymously request fics and others can choose to anonymously fill any prompts they feel inspired by.
See below the poll for our initial thoughts on pros and cons and considerations.
On ao3 we could very easily set up a prompt collection open for anyone to add prompts or fill prompts anonymously. But we don’t know how easy it is to maintain momentum on an ao3 prompt collection. Maybe that doesn’t matter and it can be an ephemeral thing until people forget about it and it becomes inactive, and then the next generation of folks in the fandom can start up their own new one in a few years haha. If we do it on ao3, should we make subcollections for individual “seasons” or “rounds” (there would likely be no actual deadlines, it would just be whatever length of time it takes for the list of prompts to get too long and unwieldy to be usable), or should we have people put all the prompts into a single collection that just grows and grows and grows?
On dreamwidth there would be comment threads so there would be a way to anonymously register enthusiasm for a prompt even before it gets written, which seems really good for encouragement and feeding off of each other’s hype. (Dreamwidth might also tell you when new comments are added to the community, unlike prompt collections on ao3?) But we are less familiar with dreamwidth so we aren’t sure there’s enough ds9 fandom hanging out there (or willing to make an account there) to sustain it over there.
Tumblr doesn't seem like an option for a number of reasons (can't post fully anonymously to tumblr except via asks, and having everything be done via asks would make it difficult to organize and connect prompts with fills because to keep them both anon they'd have to be separated, and tumblr is a website with a famously terrible search function).
If a DS9-focused kink meme already exists, we’d love to hear about it! We’ve found a few seemingly inactive ones in our research. But if there’s an active one out there, we could absolutely just pivot to supporting/participating in that, instead of making our own thing and dividing up the fandom’s energies. (Another question we don’t know the answer to: Is it possible/desirable to work on reviving one of those inactive ones, just by encouraging a collective effort to start participating in one again? Or do we think the mods of these inactive ones have abandoned them and might be stressed out to suddenly see new activity?)
If you have something to say but don’t want to say it publicly, we also have an anonymous, slightly expanded google form version (that can be found in our pinned post) with space to leave freeform feedback. You can vote in one or both forms of this poll, depending on what you feel like.
We’d very much appreciate reblogs to spread this poll around since we just made this account, but no pressure to do so. We still want your vote in the poll if you’re interested in this idea, even if you don’t want to reblog a post about it. <3
Anyway, if you have any thoughts on this DS9 kink meme idea (or messages of encouragement!!!), please feel free to send them in! <3
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1moreff-creator · 11 months
DRDT + Milgram AU: Undercover (Introduction)
Finally succumbed to the Urges and came up with ideas for a full Danganronpa Despair Time - Milgram AU, and now I feel like sharing. This means giving each character a MV + VD concept (not a full VD though I ain’t writing that much dialogue, and not a full MV because who do you think I am), plus this Undercover post! I’m not sure if I’ll commit to this for a full three trials, or I’ll just drop it after just one, but I can guarantee I’ll do this trial in full. Feel free to make analysis posts (no pressure obvs), but also obvs don't expect this to be that good, I'm doing this for fun.
And if you come from the Milgram side, uh... have fun? I am curious about what people with no prior conceptions of these characters would think, but I do recommend DRDT if you haven't watched it (the overlap between the fandoms is non-trivial, I imagine you'll like it). If not, you should probably look up the character designs at least, but be wary that there will be DRDT spoilers.
As an obvious disclaimer just in case, I am not affiliated with either DRDT or Milgram in any way, this is just a fanmade AU done entirely for fun.
Basic Concept
Pretty simple. What if the 16 students of DRDT were prisoners in Milgram? This means they're all "murderers" by some loose definition of the word, implying most of their backstories must be changed to acommodate for that. For the prisoner pairs, I just paired them based on the Chapter 1 recap. The rest is pretty self-explanatory provided you know how Milgram works; three trials, vote Forgiven/Unforgiven, etc. I won't repeat it all here. You can go to the official Milgram YT channel for more information if you're not familiar.
Meet Es
Although they are of unspecified adult age, this universe’s Es is very similar to canon Es from the main series, at least in appearance. The only differences are red highlights in their hair, as well as sharp yellow eyes and taller height. They also wear arm sleeves on both their arms, being particularly adverse to people touching the left one, and their voice is slightly higher pitch. As for their personality… well, you’ll have to wait for the VDs, right? But as a heads up, they’re quite a bit nicer than canon Es, though they can still get pretty strict with the prisoners. 
(Can you tell who they’re connected to yet?)
Their uniform is the same as canon, including the band thing which in Milgram runes reads “reciffO eciloP”. The only difference is that their other band thing is longer and has the following runes:
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(As a heads up, since there's no rune for 'q' I just used the rune for 'c/k' in its place. You probably don't need to translate it all to know what this says if you're familiar with DRDT lore)
Jackalope is replaced by DRDT canon MonoTV, no big changes to its personality. It still breaks the fourth wall and talks to an audience,which is odd for the prisoners (and Es) seeing as there is no audience in-universe (at least, that's what it claims). 
*Es’ VD is mostly the same, besides changes in dialogue caused by the difference in personalities. The only real difference is that there is no ‘extra cell.’
*Cover is still Hibana. 
Alright, let's get to the fun stuff.
(It is highly recommended you know what the canon Undercover looks like before reading this, since a lot of it is pretty similar)
The opening is still the same minus Es' different appearance and MonoTV replacing Jackalope, and only starts changing when the prisoners begin showing up.
(Don’t- Don’t expect this to actually work as a song btw. I’m not insane enough to make that work)
UNDER Split in between decisions, my conscious is made up of torn stitches
Levi (01) holds a mostly neutral expression as he holds up his prisoner card, which displays his face alongside an image of an alleyway. His pose keeps changing slightly in smash cuts. Levi’s face darkens right before there’s a switch to the next prisoner.
(Note: I won’t mention the pose switching and the face on the card all the time, since that’s part of canon Undercover. Just assume it always repeats)
UNDER The beauty in simplicity, wilting with rising complexities
Arturo (02) has his chin up arrogantly at first, showing a prisoner card with a picture of a bathroom. He scoffs and turns around before the switch. 
UNDER A liar? No, that’s wrong! My honesty shines like a star in the night
David (03) (speaker persona) smiles nervously, rubbing at his cheek with a finger. His card shows a bedroom. He covers his face with his free hand, sighing before the switch.
UNDER A sinner? No, you’re kidding! I’m innocent as can be, just don’t mind the gaps
Whit (04) throws a cheeky grin to the camera, doing a finger gun with his free hand. His card shows a park. He nervously rubs the back of his neck before the switch.
(Note: Yes I gave him 04 because of the tetraphobia thing sue me-)
UNDER With a fury and a passion, unstoppable, show them your fangs
Ace (05) snarls at the camera. His card shows a city street. He throws it to the floor angrily before the switch. 
(Note: Sometimes I wasn't quite able to tie their talent to their murder, so it's either tangential to their story or has been replaced with something similar. I am mentioning this with Ace for... no reason in particular, sure, you'll believe that)
UNDER Your fears and anxieties, Respond to the stress, show me fight or flight
Nico (06) hides under the part of their cloak which looks like a scarf, peeking out nervously. Their card shows a locker room. They take a step back as the scene switches.
UNDER Each existence is like no other, Lucky, unlucky, showtime reaches all
J (07) holds up her card with an unsatisfied expression. It shows a bridge surrounded by camera equipment. She rolls her eyes as the scene switches.
UNDER And yet, it’s all the same In the end, this wretched still life goes on
Rose (08) yawns as she holds up her card lazily. It shows a large dining room. The card slips from her hand as she falls asleep.
UNDER It’s too much, too much, I’m high strung, please forgive my sins
Hu (09) looks nervous, glancing around as if to find a place to hide. Her card shows a zither in a non-descript room. She drops her card, and closes her eyes with a pained expression, a hand on her chest. 
UNDER Please do condemn me, Bloodletting, the horror inside us is what makes me feel.
Veronika (10) spins and gives the camera a bright smile as she pulls out her card. It shows a rooftop. She throws the card in the air dramatically, laughing as it spins around and falls beside her. Her eyes fall back on the camera, and she smirks menacingly. 
UNDER  Unopposable, incontestable Merry kings, life’s queens, for me they bow down.
Arei (11) is sticking out her tongue and looking to the side dismissively. Her card shows a bowling alley. She laughs into her hand before the scene switch.
UNDER My weakness haunts me, Alarm bells are ringing, there's no going back.
Eden (12) fidgets with her hands, shaking nervously. She hides her face behind her card as she shows it, but her teary eyes are still visible over it. The card shows a bedroom full of clocks. She cries into her hands before the switch. 
[The music winds down, a bridge of sorts. As it plays, a few scenes are shown, where only the characters’ silhouettes are visible, white noise covering them]
[01: A steaming kettle covers most of the foreground. In the background, Levi is seen sitting at a table, head slumped forward. Most of the table is visible, but no one else is in the frame]
[02: Arturo is seen to the left, holding a white turtle neck shirt in his hands. Behind him, an open suitcase sits on a bed, clothes splayed haphazardly around it]
[03: David stands alone on an empty stage, arms wide out. The spotlights are all on him. The entire stage and some of the front row seats are visible, with David’s silhouette only covering a small part in the center of the frame]
[04: A computer monitor covers almost the entire frame. There are countless photos and words, but they’re all too blurry to see, with the exception of a small message on top which reads “Analyzing profiles…” Whit is reflected on the screen, resting his head on one of his fists]
[05: Ace sits on a motorcycle, looking up and admiring the night sky which takes up most of the frame]
[06: Nico is crouched beside a cat, holding out a pink mouse toy for it to play with. Only their legs are visible, but there is a puddle of water under Nico]
[07: J has her palm spread out all over the screen, as if blocking the camera. There are flashes of light behind her, but the source is impossible to see]
[08: Rose sits slumped in a chair, hands on her face. All around her, dozens of canvases can be seen, painted entirely in black. Small bits of color poke out at the bottom, but no full paintings are visible]
[09: The camera is entirely focused on the top of a zither. Hu’s hand is visible, touching the strings with her plectra]
[10: Only Veronika’s footwear is visible over a dark floor. The rest of the scene is filled entirely by blood]
[11: Arei stands in front of a bathroom mirror. She’s holding the right side of her hair, the only part that’s visible. It looks very unevenly cut]
[12: Eden is holding her head in her hands, slumped over a work desk full of small machinery. Behind her are a multitude of analog clocks of various designs, all showing the same time; 6:00]
[13: Min is sitting on a chair, slumped forward and apparently collapsed over a notebook. A pen sits just beside her right hand. A bit of the writing can be seen, showing this:]
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[The brown part being Min's hair. Don't make fun of me I'm using Paint and have zero art skills]
[14: Xander, the focus of the shot, stands in front of a crowd, standing on a simple chair. His fist is in the air, and so are the fists of everyone in the crowd]
[15: Charles is kneeling over a grave, the name on it hidden behind the silhouette. Charles is pulling at his hair with his hands. Other graves are visible around him, but the edges of the screen are darkened and it’s impossible to see them well]
[16: Teruko’s hand is reaching out to a black figure, this one without white noise. The figure is completely non-descript, more a simple shadow than a proper silhouette. Blinding white light surrounds this figure] 
UNDER No mistakes, no corrections, 100% Perfection, results shall not vary. 
Min (13) wears a neutral expression, and she holds her card perfectly upright. Her pose changes only to match the exact angles actual mugshots use. Her card shows an untidy bedroom. Before the switch, she lowers her hand, and looks briefly to the side, before turning back to the camera. When she does, her left eye flashes magenta behind her hair. 
UNDER Fighting for true justice, Stand strong, a reflection of the will of the many
Xander (14) is glaring at the camera, moving his card around flippantly. Said card shows a window overlooking an entire city. Xander throws the card away before throwing a punch at the screen.
UNDER Leave no room to hide, No hesitation, a chain reaction of truth unfolds
Charles (15) looks serious, if a bit annoyed as he holds up his card. It shows a laboratory table with several test tubes. He turns his back to the camera, adjusting his goggles, but gives one last, softer look behind him as the scene switches. 
UNDER Or shall the secrets remain? What lies beyond the lies, armageddon untold
Teruko (16) looks at the camera with cold eyes, but a hint of a frown on her lips. Her pose never changes; unlike everyone else, her segment is one continuous shot. It starts with her holding her card at an angle such that only her face is visible on it. She closes her eyes solemnly, before finally flipping her card around so only the backside is shown. It has the Milgram logo combined with the DRDT logo. She never shows the rest of the front of the card, as the scene switches moments after. 
[Pre-chorus, as the prisoners hold their hands to their mouths before a scene of them smiling plays. At the end, for a few frames, a white camellia blooms, before there’s a sudden shift in scenery as we hit the final chorus. All the prisoners’ silhouettes have a still shot each with Es, with a blood splatter always under the latter. The scene starts to focus on each individually]
[Levi’s punching Es in the face, Es thrown to the floor from the impact. Brass knuckles are barely visible on his hand. Levi’s shouting, as are all the other prisoners]
[Arturo is kneeling, facing away from Es. The latter is laying on the floor behind him in what would be a pretty uncomfortable position. Arturo is holding his head in his hands, his mouth visible from the side and open in a shout. One of Es’ shoes is off]
[David is holding Es by the neck of their shirt, shouting at their face (from now on I’ll stop clarifying that they’re shouting). The following symbol appears over where his eyes would be, glowing yellow: 正] EDIT: I forgot to mention one of Es’ shoes is off. RIP to the theorists I’m so sorry-
[Whit is pointing what looks to be a gun at Es, who is recoiling as if they’ve been shot in the heart]
[Ace is seen running, Es’ body falling to the ground beside him and twisting as if they’d been bumped into]
[Nico sits on top of Es’ back. With one of their hands, they’re grabbing onto Es’ hair and apparently pushing it forward. With the other they’re holding two ends of a wire firmly planted on Es’ neck]
[J stands normally, pointing what seems to be a remote control at Es. The latter is face-up on the floor, their limbs contorted in unnatural angles]
[Rose is standing, facing away from Es, who is kneeling and grabbing at their throat. A small jar sits beside them, the cap taken off]
[While standing, Hu is grabbing Es by the throat with both hands, blood coming from the Warden’s throat]
[Veronika is kneeling besides Es’ face-up body. Her hands are on her chest, and there is blood under her as well as the Warden. Meanwhile, Es’ limbs are contorted in unnatural ways, and one of their shoes is off]
[Arei is violently swinging a bowling ball at Es’ head, causing their body to twist around as it falls]
[Eden is standing, covering her eyes. Her right hand has a Ⅵ symbol glowing bright yellow. Es is uncomfortably laying face-up on the floor]
[Min is standing with her back turned to Es, who is kneeling on the floor and grasping at their neck. Min is shouting into a landline phone. Along her arm, an equation glows bright yellow:
ln(x³ - 2 . 13) = 0]
[Xander is grabbing Es’ shoulder, plunging a knife into their stomach]
[Es is standing neutrally, but there is still blood on the floor. A glowing yellow question mark floats above them. Charles is nowhere to be seen]
[Teruko is kneeling calmly besides Es, who is lying face-up with their hands crossed over their chest as if in a coffin. A question mark glows on Teruko's left hand. Teruko is the only prisoner besides Charles who is not screaming]
[The song winds down while a sped up and translucent version of the video plays in the background. A shadow begins growing in the middle, and for just a moment, two sharp yellow eyes stare at the camera from the center of the screen. The finale simply has Es exiting to the left as they do in canon Undercover]
And there's Undercover! How we feeling? Hope you enjoyed! Take care!
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
wip wednesday
So, final results from yesterday's poll?
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🦇 familiar!Eddie 🦇
I want to say I'm surprised, but I'm really not, lol. We love us some bats in the Steddie fandom. I'm not sure if you 34% were hoping for vampires, but I hope you're pleasantly surprised regardless.
I had a lot of fun with the poll idea, and I hope you all did too! As you can tell, I didn't actually vote myself because I wanted to be surprised by the results, so I've spent the last 24 hours bouncing off the walls lol. Thanks to everyone who voted!! I might do this again next week, we'll see :)
I promised a synopsis and a snippet, so here you are! Snippet is under the cut!
Supernatural Creature AU. Dustin is a witch whose familiar, a bat named Eddie, is not as cooperative as other familiars he’s met. The little creature has a big personality and isn’t afraid of doing whatever he wants, and Dustin is more than used to dealing with how sassy the bat can be. It would also be good if Eddie didn’t go off on his own every chance he got, although he seems to have a built in homing-beacon for locating one Steve Harrington, a Merman adopted into Dustin’s little friend group that the witch not-so-secretly adores.
When Dustin tries to cast a spell that lets him communicate with Eddie, it backfires and turns his familiar into a human. He knows that Eddie can’t stay at his house - he’s not even supposed to be using magic on his familiar, not until he gets older, so his mom will flip if she finds out. The witch begs Steve to keep an eye on the new human while he figures out how to reverse it and Steve agrees, completely oblivious to the fact that he’s going to fall head over heels for the man in the two weeks they spend together. 
And then Dustin's mom finds out. 
She’s upset, of course, but she knows how kids can be. She says she can fix it, she knows what Dustin did wrong and is able to reverse it. But because Eddie is human now, he has human rights, so he gets a choice: does he choose to return to being a bat, to being what he’s always known? Or does he choose to stay human, to exist as something other in the world?
(We all know he chooses Steve, in the end.)
Steve is lounging by the pool, basking in the sun warming his skin and scales alike, the fin of his tail floating lazily in the salt water. He's on the verge of falling asleep - he put on enough sunscreen that it wouldn't be any worry, and it's so tempting with how quiet it is right now. No kids bugging him, nowhere to be any time soon. For once in a while, he's free to just chill.
The relaxing atmosphere is ruined when something crashes into his chest, and - yeah, he screams, but it caught him off guard, okay? He grabs at the object, intending to throw it away from him, but immediately releases it when he hears an annoyed squeak. Startled, he looks down to find- 
"Eddie! That’s the third time this week, you little monster!"
The bat looks up at him from its position with its wings splayed across Steve's chest and makes another, much happier noise. Steve can't help but smile even as he whips his tail out of the pool, flicking water onto the creature who lets out an affronted squeak and quickly crawls up to bury itself in the crook of Steve's neck.
The Mer chuckles softly and brings one hand up to gently scratch at Eddie’s head, and reaches over with the other to dig his walkie free from where he'd wrapped it in a towel to keep it dry.
"Dustin, this is Steve. Come in, over."
A brief pause, then a soft crackle. "This is Dustin, what's up? Over."
"Your familiar got out again, over."
"Shit. He must have got out when I left for Mike's. Is there any way you can bring him to me? Over."
Steve frowns at the idea of having to get up and get dressed when he had planned to do absolutely nothing but lounge around all day. Eddie gives a soft grumble and Steve starts up his idle scratching again, and he feels the bat practically melt into a puddle at the gentle affection.
“I can, but do you mind if I bring him later? This is the first chance I’ve had to sun my scales in like, two weeks, over.”
Dustin gives a long suffering sigh that makes Steve roll his eyes, before giving a disgruntled “I guess. Just be glad I don’t actually need him today.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault that your familiar likes me so much. I’m not even a witch but he latches on to me any time he sees me.”
“He’s a familiar, Steve! He’s attracted to magical energies or something, I dunno!”
“I mean, you can just admit that I’m Eddie’s favorite-”
Eddie gives a soft chirp at the sound of his name, but for Steve it almost feels like an agreement. He coos softly at the creature as the walkie crackles to life again.
“Just- Get him back before dinner, okay? I don’t want my mom to worry about where he is.”
"Roger that. Over and out Dust Bunny."
"That's not my-"
Steve clicks the walkie off, something he knows he'll get an earful for later, but right now he sets the device to the side as he shuts his eyes again, enjoying the heat of the sun and the soft noises from the bat cuddled in the crook of his neck.
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rocklemania-2024 · 7 months
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As some of you know (hi mutuals), I am Violet, creator of both @theprogrockbstheorist (entirely unrelated to this other than how I got involved in Fandom Stuff) and co-creator of the now-on-permanent-hiatus @the-prsc, and now I bring to you Rocklemania, the nastiest, gnarliest showdown in Tumblr history!!!!***
Rocklemania matches up classic and prog rock bands submitted by YOU and puts them in a death match scenario!!! (Okay, not actually but it sounds cooler that way).
Throughout Rocklemania, there are a few things to keep in mind:
When you are voting for a band, DO NOT VOTE FOR THE ONE YOU LIKE MORE!!!! Vote for the one you think would win in a fist fight. I repeat, this is NOT about the music, THIS IS ABOUT VIOLENCE!!!!
SUBMIT BAND PROPAGANDA!!! PLEASE!!!! I do not know everything about every band on here; I am a prog shitposting account, and even then I mostly know about Rush and Yes. When I am writing up the reports of the match results, I want to be as accurate and specific to Tumblr canon as possible. Tell me what YOU think would happen in the matches!! Tell me about the bands!! Feel free to info dump in my ask box, I don't mind.
When submitting band propaganda, please be a good person! Don't harass other users, don't send death threats, just be courteous.
Have fun!!! This is meant to be a fun, over-the-top, ridiculous event. Don't take anything too seriously!
***yeah lol no it's not, but it sounds cooler
Anyway, here is the official bracket! The first match will take place on March 1st, and you are welcome to submit propaganda until then! Expect (besides the first day) 2 posts a day: One new poll, and a write up of the previous day's poll. For example, the first match will be posted on March 1st, and on March 2nd the second match will be posted, along with the results of the first one.
This bracket will be updated with all of the Round One winners after the completion of Round One.
Oh wait, one last thing!!! Some of these bands have gone through many lineups (looking at you, prog bands...), so in those cases I will just pick the ones that are most familiar.
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funakounasoul · 3 months
Survey Results! We're a bunch of courteous folks (lol)
The Tumblr version of the poll finally ended, so here are the results that I got between both here and over on Twitter. The results are quite overwhelmingly in one direction:
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Twitter definitely had a more active presence for the 12 hours it got for its poll. Those are 17 different people! I can't even vote in that version - I get to see the results live! But I did have to pick something if I wanted to do the same over here, hence that third option. I AM surprised, though, to see that not many actually picked that option, so there are definitely Tsukutabe fans following me!
Or...there are fans that check out the fandom tags frequently, at least. Hey! You should follow me! I draw a lot of NomoKasu~~!
Anyway, what does it look like? Well it looks like a lot of us are simple and courteous folk. "Nomoto" and "Kasuga" are how they're referred to in most of the stories, and in summaries, etc. They still address each other as such (they're so polite! lol), so that's what we tend to use, too! While we know their first names, it still feels odd to use it because they don't, like we're being considerate of their own ways of addressing.
Or, you may just call them that because it sticks to your brain quicker. That's fine, too! Sometimes it's hard to remember full names! I barely remember the names of all the regulars at my job, so I take what my mind can get down!
But hey, lookit you, little handful of folks that endearingly call them by their given names! All Tumblr folk, it seems~ You see them as close friends, just like Sena (Nagumo for those that didn't realize it during the poll's active time). But I see we got a long way to go before that becomes a majority, if at all.
...Do you think we may all start shifting that way when the actual ladies themselves finally shift gears? Or will we all be stuck in our ways by then lol?
I guess only time will tell. Right now, for me anyway, it feels weird to think of them with their given names. A weird background, nagging feeling. Nomoto and Kasuga just sound more Familiar. Friendly? Something like that.
Feel free to reply with your reasons, as well! I am especially curious of the YukiToto folks!
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scottsummersevents · 1 year
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For the Sexy Days of Summers Event happening right now we've invited Scott Summers (Cyclops) fans to take part in spreading more love for him out there on the internet by creating fanfiction, fanart, fan works, etc. to celebrate our favorite X-Men leader and the possibility of what if. For the duration of this challenge so far we've received some really incredible submissions with super rare pairings that are new to us. For the month of September we'd like to share some of those and also share some various fandom creations along the way in terms of content. Some might be an old favorite pairing while others might be something in terms of shipping you've never considered before.
Today's spotlight pairing is another pairing that picked up some traction during the X-Men Evolution days.
Below under the cut you can take a look at this pairing and see what fun it could prove to be!
Also if you have a favorite Scott pairing and a fanfic that you've written or that you love, then feel free to drop us a note and let us know so we can showcase it in the future!
Stay tuned for more duo spotlights coming soon!
Cut a Rug - A Gift for Tasseomancy by Maedelin (Rated T) During the first Hellfire Gala, Cyclops and Rogue steal a moment.
Touch by Kount_Xero (Rated M) A short time after the battle with Apocalypse, Rogue is having trouble adjusting to life. Her fear of touching, coupled with strange dreams about Cyclops, is driving her up the wall. What she doesn't know is that she isn't going towards a wall, but towards a secret kept beyond it.
The Rest of the World is Noise by Kount_Xero (Rated E) During Scott and Rogue's journey to the Academy of Tomorrow, in a roadside motel, one night.
Mouvement by Kount_Xero (Rated M) Scott and Rogue on the road to Academy of Tomorrow, trying to cross the distance between who they were and who they are going to become.
The Dividing Line by Kount_Xero (Rated E) Scott and Rogue have made it to the Academy of Tomorrow, but all is far from well as Rogue is slowly slipping away. As the line between herself and the echoes of all she's absorbed is slowly fading away, Rogue finds that there is only one person she can turn to: Scott Summers.
Out of Touch by Kount_Xero (Rated T) Rogue leaves the Institute to go back to her home, to find out what her name was and to recover a piece of herself. On the way, she runs into a familiar face: Gambit, stranded on the side of the road.
Untouchable by Kount_Xero (Rated M) Ms. Marvel arrives at the Institute as a show of solidarity on the eve of the Mutant Registration Act being put to vote. During this tumultuous time, Charles Xavier's ghosts come out to haunt Rogue and Scott... and force Rogue into a confrontation that will change everything - herself, the world and the X-Men.
Road Trip by roguewords (Rated G) Rogue and Scott take a trip.
Fools Who Fall Behind by roguewords (Rated M) "She says that love is for fools who fall behind, And I'm somewhere in between, I never really know, A killer from a savior"
A Modern Day Fairytale by roguewords (Rated G) This is no fairytale.
The Man Underneath by GammaGaze (Rated T) Scott Summers (a.k.a Cyclops) is the fearless leader of the X-Men. People think he has it all and has it easy. Little do they know about his life and his past. When things unravel, will he still be calm and composed or will he turn to his old self?
This story takes place when Scott is still in Bayville High and Jean and Duncan are in a relationship.
Thrill Sex With Scott and Rogue by MarvelMaster616 (Rated E) Rogue wants to spice up her sex life with Scott. So she convinces him to have sex in the most dangerous place imaginable. Wolverine's bedroom.
X-men Supreme: Scott and Rogue's Outdoor Romp by MarvelMaster616 (Rated E) This takes place in my X-men Supreme Series. Rogue and Scott enjoy a sunset that quickly gets heated.
X-men Supreme: Scott and Rogue's First Time by MarvelMaster616 (Rated E) This takes place in my X-men Supreme Series. Rogue and Scott are dating. This is their first time together.
Reflux by blueskypenguin (Rated T) “Rogue,” the groan from the region of her feet drew her attention immediately, and the bowl clattered to the floor, spilling milk and soggy bran flakes everywhere. Rogue dropped to her knees into the stuff, and it began to seep into her jeans. She didn’t notice, as Scott Summers gave a relieved smile from his prone position on the step before passing out.
Close Your Eyes by DallonR (Rated T) Scott and Rogue both know how it feels to not be in control. When Rogue decides to trust Scott, she finds that she probably trusted him with a little too much.
Sunshine by sarcastic_fina (Rated T) Rogue and Scott are expecting their first child. Unexpected complications change their future, leaving Scott unsure how he's going to go on.
Falling Slowly by flareonfury (Rated T) How Scott and Rogue slowly fell for each other... Basically deleted/alternate scenes in Seasons 1 and 2.
Of Dreams and Red Socks or the Lack Thereof by angeladex (Rated T) “Scotty’s an obedient kid, believe it or not,” Jack was saying, bragging to his weird friend. “Ain’tcha Scotty-boy? I always thought so. Took ‘im offa the streets myself, ‘bout a year ago, y’know. He does whatever I tell ‘im to.”
A firm shove, and Scott was mobile; he kept his face carefully neutral as he felt the barrel of a gun at his back.
Scott dreams a dream, has a conversation about it, and gets his butt kicked at cards. Probably. Set directly after "Turn of the Rogue." Scott/Rogue -ness with a nod to the Dysfunctional Teen Mutant Club. Because I like it.
And many more at AO3 here.
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p-artsypants · 2 years
Edge of the Sky (1) - In Which Hiccup Meets his Fate
The Miraculous - Gems created to tether the soul of a human to that of a god. Some may consider this a curse, and others a blessing.
Hiccup Haddock, son of the Jarl of Whiterun, found the Circlet of Night and was connected to the king of Dragons, staking his claim as Dragonborn. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, daughter of the newly appointed High King of Skyrim, found the Earrings of Creation. Astrid Hofferson, a Viking from a frozen world, found the Necklace of Flight and walked into a world not so different from her own. And Adrien Agreste, an intern from Paris, found the Ring of Destruction and was flung through time and space to a land that made no sense to him at all. These four souls, separated by time and distance, are brought together by the gods to fight a war on many fronts.
A Miraculous Ladybug and How to Train Your Dragon crossover, in the setting of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Hi! I may be a familiar face to many, and new to many more. I had been working on a Skyrim AU idea for both HTTYD and Miraculous for a few years now. I had art and chunks of both versions plotted out, but never could decide which one I wanted to do more, since they were both hefty but had similar plots. So I decided to combine them. I rarely do crossovers, and never with three fandoms. I apologize if it’s a little jarring, but I hope you still enjoy it. My goal is to create a story that requires no deep knowledge of any one of the three fandoms I’m exploring. I will hold your hand as we go, and hopefully everything will make sense. Feel free to ask questions, as that will help me develop the story more!
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Hiccup’s eyes shot open, startled awake by an ancient, booming voice for the fourth time this week. Just like every time, it was at the break of dawn.
“Even on my day off?” He lamented. 
Well, if there ever was a day to investigate, it was today. 
Hiccup dressed and descended from his room in Dragonsreach, the palace of the Jarl of Whiterun. His father, Stoick, was the Jarl of the whole Hold of Whiterun. And so what was the 16-year-old son of the Jarl to do? 
Be an apprentice to the Blacksmith, apparently. 
Yes, since the day Hiccup could work, he was busy helping his mentor at the Skyforge. It was fulfilling work, if not monotonous, and he relished his days off. 
Days like today. 
“Son! You’re awake early!” Said Stoick with a boom. “I thought you’d sleep until midday!” 
“Yeah…uh, I have an errand to run, so I thought I’d get an early start.” 
“An errand? What would you possibly need? Where to?” 
“Uh…Riverwood. And nothing special, just…something that got waylaid there.” 
“At least come eat breakfast with me, lad.” 
Hiccup was not one to argue with his father, especially when the man was able to pick him up with one hand and throw him across the Cloud District. He had a feeling there was more to come. His father often preferred to handle news over meals. 
Hiccup obediently took his seat as the bread, fruits, and porridge were served. 
“I’ve received news from Solitude.” 
Hiccup sat up straight. “About the successor to High King Torygg?” 
“I thought it was settled on his wife, Elisif? At least until his son is old enough.” 
“I thought so too. His son Oleg was sent to Cyrodiil for his own safety in the wake of the attack. Apparently, Torygg had another son before he was married. Elisif mentioned him to the Moot, as a precaution, and they voted to elect him to the throne until Oleg is old enough.” 
Hiccup blinked. “They elected an illegitimate heir over Elisif?”
“That’s what I wondered as well. According to Spitelout, it was the Thalmor that preferred the man over Elisif. After all, she’s quite distraught over Torygg.” 
“I’m not surprised. Any idea what this new king is like?” 
“Rumor is that he is a baker from Helgen. What’s more, he’s married to an albino dark elf and has a young daughter.” 
“Oh. Good for him,” Hiccup shrugged as he drank his canis root tea. 
“I can’t imagine people respecting his authority. So, at the end of this week, we will be going to Solitude to meet him and show our support. I will need you on your utmost behavior, understand?” 
“Yes dad.” 
“Good good. So, what’s this errand you have to run?” 
Hiccup internally groaned. He had hoped his father wouldn’t ask. 
Stoick the Vast. He didn’t get his name without reason. The man was mountainous, and a good foot or two taller than most Nords. Hiccup, on the other hand, was the runt of the entire Hold. Maybe even all of Tamriel. Stoick wanted a proud warrior son, but instead was gifted with a toothpick. As such, Stoick was wary of his son going out and doing anything reckless. But Hiccup wanted to do whatever he could to make his father proud. 
It was a vicious cycle. 
“It’s…you know how you’re always telling me those little tasks you give me will help build character? It’s like that.” 
Stoick frowned. “This better not be a troll hunting errand. I thought we discussed that those beasts are too strong for you!” 
“No trolls! No fighting at all…if I can help it. I’m just…looking for something.” 
“What kind of something?” 
How to explain? ‘Dad, I’ve been seeing a Nordic burial mound in my dreams and keep hearing this booming voice calling to me.’ That certainly wouldn’t go over as well as he’d hope. “I’m looking for information. Does the word ‘Dovahkiin’ mean anything to you?” 
“Dovahkiin.” The same voice that always pulled him from his dreams echoed in his mind, clear as day in his waking life. He’d never heard it while awake, though he had never said the word aloud either. No one else seemed to hear it. 
Stoick gave a little chuckle. “Now I know you’ve been spending too much time in the forge. Gobber loves the Tale of the Dragonborn. I don’t know all that much about it, though.” 
“It’s a folktale,” said Spitelout, the Steward to Stoick. “‘Dovahkiin’ is the ancient word for Dragonborn. Dating back to the age when Dragons roamed Skyrim. The Dragonborn can speak the language of the dragons, the Thu’um.”
“I’ve heard that word before. Thu’um.” 
“You’ve probably heard it in regards to the death of High King Torygg. It’s also called a shout. It’s how Drago Bludvist killed Torygg. He used his voice, like a dragon would, and killed him.” 
Hiccup frowned. Killing someone by shouting at them? That made little to no sense. “So if the Dragonborn can do this…is Drago a Dragonborn?” 
Stoick chuckled with a shake of his head. “Don’t think about it too much, lad. The Dragonborn is a legend.” 
“But the shout—“ 
“No one knows how Drago learned to shout. He never explained. And now, since escaping the empire’s imprisonment, he stays holed up in Windhelm.” 
“The best place for him!” Spitelout shouted. “Let he and his lot rot in that frozen wasteland!” 
“If you want to hear the legend of the Dragonborn, I’d ask Gobber. He’s the best orator in town.” Stoick wiped his beard. “What does the Dragonborn have to do with your errand?” 
Now he had to lie. He had hoped being vague would be enough, but now he had to lie to his father’s face. “Just…taking the initiative to learn more about our history. The word ‘Dovahkiin’ was mentioned in some text, and I was unfamiliar with it. I was going to see if the trader in Riverwood had any books on it…since I already asked Belathor.” 
“Dovahkiin!” The ethereal voice echoed in his mind again. 
“Ah, good lad. Always wise to learn our traditions. Do you want your cousin to go with you?” 
“Oh, no no, I’m fine. I’ll take a shield and knife from Gobber’s.” 
“You’ll take your horse?” 
“Of course! Of course!” 
“Very well. I can’t say I’m fond of you leaving the city in the wake of current events, but Riverwood isn’t far. As long as you stay on the main road and return as soon as possible, I will permit your leave.”
“Thank you, dad.”  
After breakfast, Hiccup went out to the stairs outside of Dragonsreach. From there, he could see all the fields that surrounded the city, out to where the mountains began. Whiterun stood like a beacon in the middle of it all, with nothing but high walls to protect it. It was nothing like the mountainside Windhelm, or Solitude that was built upon a natural arch. But it was home. 
He closed his eyes and listened, doing his best to block out the chatter from the people below. 
“Dovahkiin,” he said softly. 
“Dovahkiin!” His summoner responded. 
He felt it then. He felt the call from a direction, south. Actually towards Riverwood. The city name had been a ruse to his father, but it might turn out to be where he went after all. 
Now with a direction in mind, Hiccup headed over to the Skyforge, the official forge of the Companions. 
“Morning lad!” 
“Good morning Severio!” 
“Morning Hiccup! Is Gobber done with my ax yet?” 
“He should finish today, Olfrid!” 
“Where are you going so early, boy?” 
“Morning Fralia! Just out and about!” 
The trip to Jorrvaskr was familiar and could be carved out of the stone by now. When Gobber spotted him, he laughed. 
“Did you forget you had the day off, lad?” 
“No, I just came to borrow a shield and a dagger.” 
Gobber gave a little nod and went to his inventory. “Off on some adventure, I bet.” 
“Something like that. My father said you're a fan of the Tale of the Dragonborn?” 
Gobber immediately stopped rooting around and broke into song, swinging the ax that was in his hand. 
“Our hero, our hero, claims a warrior’s heart! 
I tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn comes!” 
Hiccup backed away from the scene in an effort to avoid getting hit. 
“With a voice wielding power of the ancient nord arts!
Believe, believe, the Dragonborn comes!
It's an end to the evil of all Skyrim's foes!
Beware, beware, the Dragonborn comes!
For the darkness has passed, and the legend yet grows!
You'll know, you'll know, the Dragonborn’s come!” 
Several townsfolk and members of the Companions gathered around the Skyforge when they heard the ruckus Gobber was making. He was so loud, even Heimskr stopped his preaching and stared across the district. 
Hiccup regretted bringing the topic up. 
“Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin!
With a bindle of cheese! 
For the wine, for the food, 
May the guard’s horses be drunk!” 
This new verse brought many protests from the townsfolk. 
“That’s not how it goes!” 
“Are you trying to bring the wrath of the divines on the town?!” 
He yelled right back at them. “Alright, then you sing it!” 
There were some nonsensical mutters before people wandered away. 
“Yeah! That’s what I thought!” 
Hiccup slowly peeled his hand off his face. “What was that?” 
“You wanted the Tale of the Dragonborn, so I sang it. Though you should get Luka to perform it next time he’s in town. He’s got the voice of an angel.” 
“So…it’s a song.” 
“Aye. Though, based on a true story. Legend tells of a great warrior called the Dragonborn—“ 
“I got that.” 
“—who had the gift to speak with the dragons. Anyone can learn how to shout, as you heard about with Drago.” 
“But it’s not easy. There’s a reason why no one but the Greybeards know how to do it.” 
“Wait, Greybeards? Who are they?” Hiccup asked. “Are they how Drago learned to shout?” 
“That’s the theory! Though no one can get confirmation. The Greybeards live up on High Hrothgar, on the Throat of the World. They’re completely removed from this world. So no one can talk to them.” 
“Okay, so…the Greybeards figured out a way to learn how to shout like a dragon?” 
“Exactly! Through centuries of study, and long days of practice, they are able to use a shout. But the Dragonborn, he can learn it immediately.”
“So…he’s just smart?”
“You’re missing the point, lad.” 
“It’s all so confusing! What is a shout anyway? How did Drago kill a man with his voice? That’s the thing I keep getting caught up on.” 
“Aye, that would be confusing if you think it’s a normal holler. But it’s not. The Thu’um, the voice of a dragon, is said to carry absolute authority. So much so, the very nature around the dragon bends to its will. The dragon yells ‘fire’ and fire comes from his mouth. He yells ‘stop’ and time itself comes to a standstill around him.” 
“Oh…that makes more sense then. So Drago yelled ‘death’ at Torygg?” 
“Not according to witnesses. The shout that Drago used threw Torygg across the room and he slammed him into a wall. It’s said that every bone in his body was shattered.” 
“That’s…that’s scary to think someone alive right now can do that.” 
Gobber went back to rummaging in the equipment trunk. “My favorite tale of the Dragonborn is when the city of Winterhold, before it fell into the sea, was attacked by a giant frost troll. The Dragonborn said, ‘you like ice? I’ll show you ice!’ and he turned the troll into solid ice. A single iron arrow hit it and it fell to pieces.” 
“I think you made that up.” 
“I embellished it, but it’s true!”
“So what happened to the Dragonborn? Was it just one guy?”
“I don’t know how many there were, but I would guess there was more than one. The stories span thousands of years. As for what happened? The last one died, and so did the dragons. So the divines didn’t pick a new one.” 
Hiccup couldn’t ask the question he wanted. ‘If the voice in my dreams is calling for the Dragonborn, does that mean the dragons are coming back?’ 
If he did ask, he might get a few more days off, but strict supervision on top of it. 
He held up a banded iron shield and a steel dagger. “Why do you ask, lad?” 
Hiccup blanched. “Don’t you have a shield that isn’t so heavy?” 
Gobber rifled again and pulled out a hide shield.
“How about one that doesn’t suck?” 
Gobber practically frisbeed the steel shield at him and pointed. “Now be on your way!” 
“Thanks Gobber! See you later!” 
Finally, he was free. He wasn’t the kind to leave the city very often. Occasionally, he’d go see the Khajit caravan outside the gates. But outside the walls of Whiterun, Skyrim was a dangerous place. 
There was a giant camp not too far from the gate and he’d heard tales from the guards about travelers getting too close and being punted into Sovngarde. 
He merrily went to the stables and obtained his horse, a black stallion named Thump. 
The joke here is when horses and cows get hiccups, it’s called thumps instead. 
Now, the courageous adventurer was off to Riverwood to face his destiny…or at least attempt to learn more about it. 
The safest route was the stone road. It wasn’t perfect, as many of Skyrim's most hostile would wait at the edges for the richest or tastiest. But taking the road kept you from wandering over a Spriggan clearing or Falmer cave. 
It was a pleasant summer day. Summer in Whiterun meant it was warm enough to not have to bundle in furs, and farmers could actually get a decent harvest of wheat, leeks, and potatoes. The sun was out, the sky was blue, and the elk frolicked through the tall grass. 
The road to Riverwood was sandwiched between two mountains, along the edge of a fast flowing river. Hiccup kept Thump at a steady pace until the village was in sight. 
Riverwood had all the essentials in a Skyrim town. A logging mill on the river, a blacksmith, the tavern, and of course the trader. 
Hiccup hitched his horse outside of the Sleeping Giant Inn, waved greetings to the quiet townsfolk before going in. 
A young woman with black hair swept around the hearth in the middle of the inn. She glanced at him briefly. “Welcome,” she said rather tersely. “What can I do for you, Stranger?” 
Hiccup tilted his head slightly at the girl. She must have been two or three years younger than him and she was working the tavern? “Uh, not to bother you, Miss. But I was just looking for information.” 
“I’ll tell you what I know. Or direct you to someone who can help.” 
“Does there happen to be a Nordic Burial mound nearby?” 
“You must mean Bleak Falls Barrow? It’s a little ways North from here, across the river. There’s a path that leads right up to it. But watch out for wolves on the road…and also bandits. The Barrow is mostly a bandit haven these days. Same bandits that robbed the trader I suppose.” 
“What did they take?” 
“Something about a Golden Dragon Claw. A trophy of his that he always had on display. Why do you ask?” 
“I…was just…” he cleared his throat. “My business is my own.” 
“Fine. So if anyone comes looking when you’ve been missing for a week, I don’t know anything.” 
“I mean…hopefully that won’t be a problem? Thank you for the information, Miss…?” 
“Kagami. If it’s not too much…do you own this inn?” 
She scowled at him. “Does it look like I’m old enough to own an inn?” 
“Sorry, right right…I just…there’s no one else in here.” 
“I run the inn for my mother. She’s gone blind. But we don’t often have visitors, so it isn’t very hard work.” 
“Oh! Well, good for you. Um…” he started rummaging around in his pockets for money. 
“Please don’t bother. If you wish to buy some food or a room, I will accept your gold. Else, keep it.” 
Hiccup ended up buying some food for the road and leaving a generous tip before heading in the direction Kagami gave. 
The path winded up the mountain, becoming snowier and windier the higher he climbed. 
He came around the bend of the mountainside and saw it. The stacking layers of stairs, the towering, crumbling arches, the huge black door. All the things he had seen in his dreams. This was it, for sure. 
What he wasn’t prepared for, however, were the two bandits standing outside, guarding the place. How was he supposed to get in now? 
If there was one thing he knew about bandits, it’s that they weren’t exactly smart. He led his horse back down around the bend and opted not to tether it. 
“If you get in trouble, run back to Riverwood. I’ll find you.” 
Thump, being a horse, merely mosied over to a snowberry bush and began to eat. 
“Good enough.” 
He slowly crept up the path, staying close to the mountain wall to stay out of sight of the bandits. The front of the barrow faced the mountain, and so the bandits weren’t looking there, only off to the two sides. 
He took up a small rock and waited patiently. When the bandits had their backs to each other, he threw the rock at the smaller of the two. 
It hit him in the head, and made him yelp. “Hey! Who threw that?” 
Hiccup stayed out of sight behind a pile of rubble, where there was a tiny space through which he could see. 
“You threw that, didn’t you, you oaf?!” 
“I didn’t throw nothin! I bet it fell from up there!” He pointed at the ancient arches above. 
“Fell my ass! It hit me square on me head, it did! I betcha threw it!” 
“You callin’ me a liar?” 
“I ain’t callin’ ya for dinner!” 
And just like Hiccup had hoped, the two started brawling. 
Quickly, he stole from his hiding spot and darted to the nearest column. When he wasn’t spotted, he went to the next, and the next, until he reached the door, unnoticed. 
Thankfully, the bandits had the door propped open ever so slightly, and Hiccup, in his small frame, was able to squeeze inside. 
Inside, a large part of the ceiling had collapsed, making more rubble to hide behind. The room was bigger than the grand hall in Dragonsreach, all carved out of mossy stone and illuminated by candles and filtered sunlight. Besides arches for support, there wasn’t much other cover. On the other side of the hall, he saw a campfire, with three more bandits around. And beyond them was the door to the next part of the barrow. 
“Great,” he thought to himself. 
Being quick to hide behind the rubble, he watched and planned his next move. 
As he adjusted his stance, he stepped on something squishy. The corpse of a skeever, a rat easily the size of a dog. 
Looking around the room, he could see a couple more. Where had they come from? 
There. A hole in the wall up on a ledge. If he could find a way there…
He had a gross idea, but there was no other way. He couldn’t take these three bandits on. He couldn’t even take one! 
As quietly as possible, he skinned the skeever and made a grotesque cape from its hide. Luckily, he was the size of a large skeever, or this wouldn’t work. He donned the cape and scuttled over the far side of the room. There was a stone pillar he had to clamor up, but if he did it quickly and quietly enough—
“What in the name of Talos is that?!” A female bandit shrieked. 
He didn’t stop. He kept going. He just had to reach the hole! 
“Another damned skeever! They just keep coming!” 
An arrow whizzed by, plinking against the wall. 
“Don’t waste your arrows if it’s not attacking!” Someone else shouted. 
That gave Hiccup enough time to leap into the hole and out of sight. 
So far, so good. He only hoped this place had a back door to leave or he was in trouble when he left. 
The hole was formed by tree roots, which gave him extra cover. It led to a hallway alight with huge braziers. Again, there were skeever carcasses, and even a dead bandit. The path was quiet for now, so he climbed down and walked quickly, staying close to the wall. The hall snaked around, descending further and further into the earth. 
When he found another guard, there was another partially collapsed arch that he could squeeze through and avoid them. 
Then, he found a new type of obstacle. 
A lever and a portcullis. A series of podiums on dais. A puzzle. 
And three dead bandits covered in little darts, no doubt, poisoned. 
Above the portcullis, the same images on the podiums were visible. The middle one had fallen, and laid on the floor, still visible at least. 
From left to right, the pictures were of a snake, another snake, and a whale. 
The podiums were turned to three eagles. 
Hiccup had to stop and contemplate the sheer stupidity of these bandits. 
He turned the podiums to match the images on the door, and then, with heightened blood pressure, he pulled the lever. 
When the portcullis opened and he was not impaled with darts, he had to let out a relieved chuckle. 
On the other side of the door, there was a beautiful table with three vials of healing potions, a lesser soul gem, and an ancient Nordic bow and a dozen arrows on it. 
He hadn’t come here looking for treasure, but he wasn’t about to pass it up! Next to the table was also a chest with a handful of gold coins. 
Not bad! 
Once his treasure was secured in his bag, he spotted a spiral staircase going down further into the dungeon. 
“Dovahkiin,” he said quietly. 
“Dovahkiin!” The voice was now unbearable, rattling him to the core and nearly knocking him off his feet. 
No going back now. 
At the bottom of the stairs, the room was dark and dank, with lots of cobwebs in the corners. The webs got worse and more thick as the hall went on. 
“Not a frostbite spider, not a frostbite spider…” Hiccup chanted as he carried on. 
At the end of the hall, a door led to a large open room. He peered inside and his heart got caught in his throat. The biggest frostbite spider he had ever seen was hanging from the ceiling. It was easily the size of the dining room table in the great hall. 
This was going to be harder to solve. He almost wished the bandits were here instead. 
But! He had just acquired a new bow!
Taking a vantage point from the doorway, Hiccup took aim and shot the spider in the thorax, making it writhe and spit its poison everywhere. 
He didn’t stop. He shot arrow after arrow, missing half the time, at the foul creature until it stopped squirming and laid on its back, its legs curled up. 
“I am never dungeon delving again. Not if there’s more spiders!” He shivered. 
Moving into the room, he saw a few human sized egg sacs, one guess at what they held. 
By the door, a partially desiccated dark elf laid with an arm outstretched. In it was a golden statue, made to look like the hand of a dragon with three claws, likely the one stolen from the Riverwood trader. Hiccup pried it out of the bandit’s hand, with the intention of returning it, and moved on, hoping that his adventure was coming to an end. 
It didn’t get any more pleasant. The next leg of the journey held the crypt; walls lined with skeletons and mummified remains of his ancestors. 
“They’re all dead, Hiccup.” He whispered as his heart thundered in his chest. 
One footstep he took gave way underneath him, and he heard the sound of a hinge creaking. He couldn’t even consider what it meant before he was smacked fully with a spiked grate. The spikes tore into his skin and ripped painfully back out, puncturing his arm, side, and leg. 
He was thrown several feet backwards, skittering on his ass before he came to a stop, limbs akimbo and stunned. All the air had been knocked out of him, and he struggled to breathe, making sounds like a dying animal. His vision blurred from the impact as he laid on the ground, unable to do anything else. 
Then the pain set in. A burning, throbbing pain all down his left side. 
He peeled his eye open, watching his clothing rapidly turning red. This was not good. He had to do something, but what? He had gotten some healing potions earlier in the dungeon, right? He fumbled around in his bag as his pulse thundered in his ears. He was growing tired very quickly. He then grabbed a muted red vial, the color for healing he had grown accustomed to seeing at the healer's hut from all the blacksmith accidents over the years. He downed it and felt the liquid trickle down his throat and into his stomach. Within seconds, his vision flashed yellow and his strength returned. His puncture wounds healed for the most part. Now they were simply scratches. He considered taking another potion, but opted against it in case he got hurt again. He’d have to have Gothi look at his wounds when he returned. And he was going to return, damnit! 
Getting back up on his feet, Hiccup could now clearly see the round stone on the ground that had triggered the trap. 
“Note to self, watch out for pressure plates.”
The next trap he encountered was easier. A set of three swinging pendulum blades. This was just a test of timing. 
More mummified remains, and more feelings of uneasiness. Some of these remains were standing upright, with swords in hand, almost seemingly ready to spring to life and protect the barrow. 
Hiccup elected to stay quiet and move quickly. 
As he wandered over a waterfall and even a full cave, he wondered if the barrow filled out the entirety of the mountain. How long had it taken his ancestors to build this place? Why had no one gone in? Certainly if someone like him could make it this far with only a few scratches, then surely some stronger adventurers could clean it out. What a much more defensible fortress than Dragonsreach! There was so much space here too! They could have a whole city!  
The hundreds of dead bodies might pose a problem though. 
In the inner sanctum, Hiccup found the barrow in better repair, less ruins and more ancient architecture. And more stone coffins. After a while, he stopped appreciating the work that went into building such a mausoleum, and instead wondered where all these corpses came from. It was easily a city’s worth, but most were buried in armor and weapons. Were these all warriors killed in battle? Or just buried to look like it?
Maybe he really should read those books he told his father he read. 
Finally, he came to a dead end. A wide, arched hallway, with murals carved into the walls. Each mural depicted what looked like a burial. At the end of it all was a circular carving. 
It had three ebony rings, each inlaid with an ivory pendant. And like the podium at the beginning of the dungeon, these pendants featured animals. 
In the center was another circle, with three holes in it. 
Was this what he came for? Surely not. A door perhaps? But how to open it? 
The three holes were not aligned. The middle was higher than the others. 
“The claw!” He nearly shouted. 
Indeed, when he took the dragon claw out and inserted it, the claws inserted perfectly in the holes. But as he tried to turn it, nothing happened. 
“Another puzzle,” he lamented. 
Though he needn’t have fretted. Turning the claw over in his hands to study it, he found matching images engraved in the palm. 
Moth. Eagle. Dragon. 
He turned the rings on the door, excited that he could see the matching images. 
Now when he inserted the claw, it turned and clicked into place! 
The whole door shuttered, and the circular apparatus slid away and revealed a staircase beyond. 
The air was surprisingly fresh compared to where he had been, and he could hear running water. 
He was in another cave. A waterfall broke through the rock on the left and carved out a trench along the floor, but a bridge crossed it and led up to a looming feature. It looked like a curved wall, with old words on it. In front of it was another stone coffin, and an ancient chest. 
This felt like the place he needed to be. This was where the voice had been leading him. 
Cautiously, he approached the wall, and watched as it reacted to his presence. Three words in a language he did not recognize glowed, and beckoned him closer. Though he could not read it, he understood. 
What did it mean? 
The chest, now behind him, flung open, its lid banging loudly on the floor and disturbing the bats above. 
Hiccup looked inside, and saw a pile of ancient golden coins, jewels, and on top of it all, a golden circlet with a black stone. 
“Dovahkiin,” the circlet said, pulsing with each syllable. 
Hiccup didn’t even think about grabbing it. His body acted on its own, reaching in with both hands to take hold of the crown. It was beautifully crafted, and despite moldering for how many thousands of years, it was polished to a near mirror shine. It buzzed in his hands like a trapped insect, and sent tingles up and down his spine. He was compelled, and obeyed. 
Once the circlet was on his head, he felt immense power rush through him, down to the tips of his toes. It was so much, he blacked out. 
The place he was conscious of next had to be a dreamscape. It was black, with a rolling fog surrounding him. His body felt impossibly heavy, and he was unable to do anything except sit as a creature emerged from the fog before him. 
It was a dragon, but not what he imagined one would look like. It had a soft, friendly face, like a salamander. Instead of twisting horns, it had two earflaps. Its claws didn’t look any less deadly, though. 
 “So, Dovahkiin, you have finally decided to answer my call.” It spoke with a deep lulling voice, but didn’t move its mouth. 
“You were the one that called me?”
“Yes,” the dragon circled him. “I have been calling for the Dovahkiin for a long time. Two centuries at least. It seems you finally heard me.” 
“Well, I only started hearing you call last week. But, you really think I’m this…Dragonborn person?” 
“I do not think, I know.”
“But…Gobber said they’re supposed to be some ultimate authority or proud warrior. Look at me! I’m…I’m nothing.”  
“This Gobber is correct. As Dragonborn, you will learn the way of the voice as you grow. It matters little what you look like. The voice brings power and authority.” 
Hiccup let that digest. It would be nice to have people listen to him for once. 
“The people of Tamriel will look to you for guidance as an unbiased opinion. You will find yourself in the middle of many upcoming wars, as a voice of reason.” 
“Wars? What wars?”
“Is there no conflict in your time?”
“No, there’s…well, actually…the High King was just killed…but they appointed a new king. It’s…it should be all over, right?” 
“I have seen glimpses of what is to come. A war between men. A war between men and Dragons. A war between the arcane and nature. A war among families. A war among friends. And a war among life and death itself. They will all need your guidance.”
“What if I just don’t tell anyone? Surely people can’t just assume I’m the Dragonborn…unless I get a giant sign on my back or start glowing…”
“It matters little. There are those who are attuned to the changes in nature I am associated with. They are sensing your awakening now. Doubtless, the world will know tomorrow.” 
“Great. And I bet a hundred people are going to come at me with swords to try to kill me…or at least to take this circlet. The last thing my father needs is me bringing conflict to his front porch.”  
“The world will know the Dragonborn has returned, but not who he is. It will be up to you to stand up when the time is right. And you will. I have seen it in you.”
“How could you possibly know that? Who are you anyway?”
“I have been called many names. Each Kingdom in Tamriel has a name for me. My original name has been forgotten over the years. I will respond to the name you give me.” 
Hiccup blanched. “Oh, you don’t want me to do that. I’m terrible at naming things.” 
“You will have time to think on it. What do your people call you?” 
“Hiccup. My full name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, son of Jarl Stoick of Whiterun, but that’s a bit of a mouthful.” 
“The son of a Jarl? How intriguing!” The dragon opened its mouth then, in a mock parody of a human smile, though it had no teeth. 
“You’re toothless.” Hiccup stated in shock. It was more of a question, but not the way he said it. 
“My name is now Toothless,” the dragon nodded sagely. 
“No! No no, it’s not! Ohhh let me pick something else!” 
The dragon came close, the heat from its nostrils fanning Hiccup’s hair. “It is the name my soulmate has given me, why would I not like it?” 
“Because it’s dumb! I should have–” he stopped. “Wait, soulmate?”
The dragon nodded. “The circlet you wear binds a human soul to that of a god. We are now connected, in this world, and the next.” He leaned in and touched his nose to his chest. 
“You’re a god!?” Hiccup yelled. 
“Yes. As the Dragon god, I prefer the one that wears my crown to be Dragonborn, which is why I have been calling to you.” 
Hiccup grew increasingly more panicked as his actions began to stack up. “Dragon god? You mean the god of Lightning and Death?! You’re Akatosh!? But you’re–you’re the head of the pantheon!” 
“I am? How interesting.”
“I can’t wear this crown. I have to give it to someone more qualified! I’ve never even fought a person, let alone fought in a war!” 
Toothless walked around him, coiling Hiccup with his tail. “You cannot take off the circlet. It is bound to you, as I am. This is your fate. It cannot be passed onto anyone else.” 
Hiccup felt weak and leaned against Toothless for support. “I…I can’t believe this. I…you said some people are learning about me right now? Anyone bad? I don’t know if I could defend myself in a fight. And I wouldn’t want anyone to take a hit for me! By Talos, I renamed Akatosh Toothless!” 
“You are already on your way to becoming untouchable by mortal men. The Word Wall you read before donning the circlet taught you the word Fus, correct?” 
“Yeah…it means ‘Force’ right?” 
“Very good! Think about force as it is applied in the natural world. You push against Nirn, and Nirn pushes back. Fus beckons that force without the reciprocate. Now, I will teach you the other two words of the Thu’um.” 
Toothless roared at the ground and words appeared, in the ancient text just like the Word Wall. 
 Ro. Da.
“‘Ro’ in your tongue means balance. Combined with Fus, it gives precision to your Thu’um. ‘Dah’ means push. A thu’um that combines all three can be powerful and deadly. Be careful. I give you this Thu’um because I heard its echo in your world not too long ago. Someone else knows it.”
“That had to be Drago! He killed High King Torygg with a shout. My father said witnesses saw him collide with the wall and all his bones were shattered.” 
“As I said, the Unrelenting Force is a deadly Thu’um. It is also one of the easiest to comprehend. It does not surprise me that someone would know it. I do wonder where he learned it from, though. The Greybeards perhaps.” 
“Gobber mentioned them too! They live on a mountain or something?” 
“Correct. The Throat of the World. The tallest mountain in Tamriel. The Greybeards are monks that study the way of the voice.” 
“So I could learn shouts from them?” 
“Certainly. You will have to go to them. You can also learn shouts from Word Walls, like you saw not long ago. And I will teach you shouts when I believe you are ready…but I have been removed from Skyrim for so long with no one to talk to, I’m not sure if I remember them all.” 
“Are you going to be able to see through my eyes and talk to me whenever?” 
“For now, we will speak while you are asleep. As our bond grows, the more one we will become.” 
“I see.” 
“There is another group who is learning about you now as well. They will have to seek you out, as they are impossible to get to.” 
“The Psijic monks. The Guardians of the Miraculous.” 
Hiccup frowned. “What’s a Miraculous?” 
“The crown on your head is a Miraculous. A jewel that connects the soul of a human, and that of a god. The Psijic monks have sworn to keep track of them, but these jewels often have a mind of their own. One of their order will seek you out, no doubt.” 
“Do they know any shouts?” 
“No. And it’s likely they will only take note of you before disappearing again. They are rather hands off.” 
“So…I should visit the Greybeards, and I’ll be visited by these…cystic monks.” 
“Psijic monks.” 
“Right. Anything else I need to know?” 
“All in due time, my Hiccup. Now, you should probably wake up.” He reared back and unleashed a thunderous roar right in Hiccup’s face. 
Hiccup startled awake for the second time that day, still on the floor of the cave in the burial mound. He glanced around, checking his surroundings. No bandits or skeevers or spiders had found him. He was alone. 
He absently went to scratch his head, and touched the circlet. He tried to remove it, but it was just as Toothless had said. He couldn’t take it off. 
“What am I going to tell dad?” He lamented. 
He considered this as he gazed over the pile of gold still in the chest in front of him. He earned it, after all of this. So he shoveled it all into his satchel, and then shouldered it. 
“Right. Now to figure out how to get out of here.” 
He looked back the way he came, lamenting the long walk and all that he had to sneak past. As he studied the room, he found another set of stairs not too far away, leading towards the wall.
He followed them, noticing that there was a lever built into a podium next to the wall. 
“Oh please be a back door…” 
As he pulled the lever, a doorway in the stone gave way to reveal a tunnel, and daylight glowed at the other end. 
Hiccup ran down the tunnel, elated to see the sky again, and proud to have finished his quest unscathed. 
But as he came out of the mouth, he smacked face-first into a bandit. 
“Well well. Isn’t this interesting?” He cracked his shoulder. “Told the boss it was crazy to patrol this back entrance, but he didn’t care. I should tell him he was right.” 
Hiccup panicked, looking for a way out. The tunnel had ended rather abruptly, and if the bandit hadn’t been there, he likely would have run off a cliff.
“So kiddo, whatcha find in there? Let me see that pretty crown.” 
It happened on instinct. The bandit reached forward, and Hiccup sucked in a lung full of air. 
“Fus Ro Dah!” 
The blast echoed across the landscape, making nature itself grow silent. 
The bandit ragdolled right off the cliff, being flung several feet before falling and rolling down the mountain like a limp sack of potatoes. 
Hiccup peered over the edge, only to see the body still and unmoving. 
“By the nines, I killed him.” 
Hiccup glanced around the cliff edge, looking for a way down. There had to be one if the bandit got up there in the first place. He found a steep, narrow path along the wall that he could shimmy down if he was careful. 
It led to a rock, which led to another rock, on and on, until he finally reached the road. 
Exhausted from the descent, he sat on a stone to catch his breath. The sun was now making its way to dusk, and night would be upon him soon. He had spent more time in that dungeon than he thought! 
He whistled for Thump, assuming it was pointless as his horse had either wandered to Riverwood or was still on the other side of the mountain. But fortunately, the blessed sound of horse hooves trotting across the ground graced his ears…shortly followed by another set, and then another. 
Thump happily galloped around the corner, followed by two Whiterun guards on horseback. That couldn’t be good. 
They all came to stop in front of him. 
“Young Master Hiccup, the Jarl has been looking for you. We are fortunate to find you alive.” 
“He’s been that worried about me? But I’ve only been gone a few hours.” 
“A few hours? No. We are nearing two days of your absence. We found your horse outside Riverwood and have been tracking it, hoping he would lead us to you. Luckily, he did.” 
Hiccup stood then, on shaky legs, and mounted Thump. 
“We will hurry you back to Dragonsreach, Young Master, you look wounded.” 
“Oh, I’m okay, I just—“ he glanced down to his side, where he was punctured earlier. In the light of day, his entire side was bloodied. “It looks worse than it is.” 
But nevertheless, the guards escorted him quickly back to Whiterun. 
When they entered the city gates, townsfolk started cheering. 
“It’s good to see you alive boy-o!” 
“Welcome back from the brink!” 
“Had enough adventure for one lifetime, huh?” 
Hiccup tried to shrink on his horse, but still saw every eye on him. 
When they reached Dragonsreach, he developed a lump in his throat that he couldn’t quite swallow. The second Jarl Stoick saw him, he came running with his arms open wide. “Son! Hiccup! You’re alive!” He effortlessly lifted Hiccup off the ground and embraced him. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again!” 
Just as quickly as he had been lifted, he was rushed over to Gothi, the healer and court magician. He was stripped of his bloody clothes and his wounds were examined. Stoick didn’t leave his side for a second. 
“What happened? Where did you go? Who do I need to put a bounty on?” 
“Dad, dad, please calm down.” He prepared to tell his father all about his fate as the Dragonborn, but couldn’t quite find the words. His father was already overly protective of him, and if he shared the truth about his fate, chances are he’d never be allowed to leave the city walls. Maybe even Dragonsreach. 
With the way his father was acting, that might be true no matter what. 
Hiccup decided to tell the truth, just not the whole truth. He sighed. “I found some information, and it led me to Bleak Falls Barrow.” 
At the name, Gothi pulled tight on a bandage, making him wince. 
“The old Nordic burial mound by Riverwood? What possessed you to go there!?” 
“I thought there would be some information about the Dragonborn there.” 
“And? Did you find what you were looking for?” Stoick asked with a grimace. He didn’t seem too indulgent at the moment. 
“Not…not really. I found the treasure in my bag, and then this circlet.” He gestured to his head. “It’s…we’ll it’s cursed, dad. I can’t take it off.” 
Stoick looked devastated. “Cursed? What is going to happen to you?” 
“Nothing, from what I gleaned. I just can’t remove it.” 
Stoick sighed. “I suppose that is enough punishment. Can you confirm, Gothi?” 
The old woman scrutinized the circlet touching the band before breathing in the stone. She tugged on it for good measure. No, for sure this wasn’t coming off. 
Gothi was a mute, and as such, she had to communicate her findings through writing. 
Hiccup and Stoick sat awkwardly as she scribbled out her message. 
“She says,” Stoick read her note, “‘this circlet contains a vast, intense power that sleeps. It does not seem malevolent in nature. I see no reason to try to remove it at this time.’” Stoick frowned. “No need to remove it? It’s a curse!” 
“Dad, let’s just see where this goes. She said it’s not malevolent, maybe I’ll be blessed with strength or magic or—“ 
“Common sense?” 
“Look, Hiccup. You are the only family I have. Your mother went out on an adventure and never returned. I don’t want the same for you. Please promise me your adventuring days are over, alright?” 
“I promise.” 
No one noticed he had his fingers crossed.
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nekoannie-chan · 12 days
A new beginning
A new beginning
Title: A new beginning.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Steve Rogers X Reader.
Word count: 1079 words.
Square: 8 “Redemption.”
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Steve knows he made a mistake, but he's ready to redeem himself.
Major Tags: Time travel, treat with Morgan.
Additional tags: This is my entry for the @fandom-free-bingo Flight Edition.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate my work myself) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. Please let me know if you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber
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Steve had returned from leaving the gems and living with Peggy, but something else, a nagging pang, made him feel incomplete. It was as if in returning to the life he had always wanted, he had left something fundamental behind, something that now, in his old age, he could not ignore.
He walked through the streets all alone; it was as if he had now lost his friends and everything he once had. As he walked, his thoughts turned to you.
However, when he returned, he thought of you more than he had anticipated. You had been there, and he had left you without an explanation. He knew he had broken your heart in a way that not even time could repair for him. And now, as he walked the streets alone, he couldn't get you out of his mind.
Steve came to a small park where they used to train together and stopped by a worn wooden bench. He sat down, letting out a deep sigh as he looked up at the stars beginning to appear in the night sky.
“Why can't I let you go? “he muttered to himself, though he knew the answer.
While he was lost in thought, a familiar figure appeared at the entrance to the park. It was time to face the person he had hurt with his departure, the person who had thought about him all this time.
You approached slowly, your eyes fixed on him.
“Steve,” you said, ”I knew you'd be here.
Steve looked up, surprised to see you there; he was sure you didn't want to see him again.
“Y/N,” he replied, standing up slowly. I didn't expect to see you here.
“I didn't expect to find you either,” you admitted, crossing your arms to protect yourself from the cold of the night while still holding tightly to your dog's leash. But it seems we couldn't help it.
You were both silent for a moment until Steve decided to break it and stood up.
“I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left you without an explanation. I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you.
“You lived the life you always wanted, Steve,” you replied. I don't blame you for that. But you left me here, without a word, without a goodbye.
“I thought I was doing the right thing,” Steve admitted, taking a step toward you. I thought that by coming back and living that life, I would find peace. But all I did was leave a part of me behind—the part that was with you.
Your lips trembled slightly at his words.
“Steve, I can't just forget everything. What you did, what you chose... it changed me. I'm no longer the same person you knew.
“I know. I don't expect you to forgive me, but... I want to try to make it right. I want to be a part of your life again if you'll let me.
“And how do you expect to do that, Steve? How do you expect to fix what you broke?
“I don't know,” he admitted. ”But I'm willing to try. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to prove to you that I choose you... this time, I choose you.
“It's not that simple, Steve,” his hands trembled slightly. You can't just go back and expect everything to be the way it was before.
“I know,” he replied, taking a step closer to you. But I can't go on living with this guilt, knowing that I left you behind. I need to try, even if it means starting over.
“Steve... I don't know if I can. I don't know if I can risk you hurting me again.
“I don't want to hurt you anymore,” he said softly. I just want to be with you. I just want you to give me a chance to prove to you that I can be the man you deserve. I will do whatever it takes. I won't fail you this time.
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The next day Steve went to Strange to ask him for help; there must be some way he could be young again; however, Strange refused to help him with his request.
So, Steve had no choice but to go to Morgan; he didn't care what he had to do; he was going to keep his promise.
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“I never meant to hurt you,” Steve said as they both huddled in front of the lit fireplace. The last thing I wanted was to leave you alone, but at that moment, I couldn't see beyond my own desires. I clung to an idea of what my life was supposed to be, and in the process, I forgot what was in front of me, but I'm not that man anymore.
“Steve, I never asked you to be a hero. I just wanted the man I knew you could be—someone who was present right here, right now.
“I'm here, Y/N. I'm here, and I'm not leaving. Ever again.
You leaned into him, your lips meeting his in a kiss.
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One day, as you were walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, Steve stopped in the middle of the road and turned to you.
“There's something I've been thinking a lot about,” he said, taking your hands in his. Something I want to ask you.
Steve took a deep breath, and for a moment, he seemed to be searching for the right words.
“I've spent so long chasing an ideal, an image of what I thought was the perfect life. But now, after everything we've been through, I've realized that what really matters is being with the one you love.
Steve pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it.
“Will you marry me? Will you give me the chance to be your partner, your friend, and your lover for the rest of our lives?
“Yes, Steve, I want all that with you.
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The day after the wedding, you woke up and Steve was beside you, his arm wrapped around your waist. You looked at his sleeping face, and for a moment you came to think that maybe what had happened before had simply been a bad dream.
“Good morning, Mrs. Rogers,” Steve murmured, opening his eyes slowly and smiling as he looked at you.
“Good morning, Mr. Rogers,” you replied, smiling back. Did you sleep well?
“I've never slept better,” he replied, leaning down to kiss you on the forehead. You snuggled closer to him.
0 notes
seokwoosmole · 3 years
K-Pop Album Suggestions???
So...lovely thing happened at the beginning of 2021 – I got properly into K-pop. As in not just casually listening but proper fan life with all the "introduction to...(such and such group)" videos and voting apps, fandoms, merch searching, the whole shebang. Ppl who follow my blog know I'm no stranger to SF9 & iKON/B.I and I'm also a big fan of other groups/artists, but outside of those artists (and even portions of the discography of some of them), my musical knowledge is still quite lacking and very surface level. Soooo I'm doing an album binge. Please feel free to comment, message, or send in asks with some albums you recommend. I want to listen to as many albums as I can by the end of the year!
That being said...
I already have my own personal list of albums I have in mind on top of any recommendations I get, and while I'm open to almost anything, I may not get to everything either because of lack of time or I just might not be feeling the artist or their music or that particular album. So if I don't listen to your recommendation, please don't take it personally or as an act of hating on the artist. We all have different preferences and opinions and I'm not here to spread hate nor do I welcome it, please and thank you. I will try to do reviews on the albums that particularly stood out to me or left me with a lot of thoughts though (if I can)! I haven't figured out a rating system yet, if I'll even have one, but that can come later.
Anyway, as much as I adore these artists, please don't recommend anything by SF9, iKON/B.I/Bobby, KARD/BM, Lee Hi, The Rose/Woosung, Key (SHINee). I know most to all of their music so listening to them won't give me anything I haven't heard yet😂 My goal is to expose myself to artists I'd like to listen to more or familiarize myself with more of the discography of artists I already like that I might not know as much of their music that I'd like to. So far, this is my list:
Raid of Dream – Dreamcatcher
COLORS from Ars – Youngjae (GOT7)
7 for 7 – GOT7
Palette – IU
Blue – ONEW (SHINee)
NOEASY – Stray Kids
1+1=1 – HyunA&DAWN
Note: I am open to suggestions from most artists, but these particular artists I'd love to listen to more of especially, but would like a little nudge in the right direction for picking which album is best:
Monsta X, Wonho, BTS, Jackson Wang, Exo, Somi, NCT, TXT, THE BOYZ, Pentagon, 2NEI, BIGBANG, Weeekly, CHUNG HA, Red Velvet
And more GOT7 & SHINee please! Yes, I consider myself ahgase & shawol, but they both have such huge discographies that I have not fully conquered, especially since they both have members with solo careers.
Also, please recommend me some girl groups. I have a harder time finding girl groups I like mostly because I'm not the biggest fan of most (most, not all) cute concepts, which many girl groups do. But like I said, my knowledge is lacking and I'm here to learn, so if there's groups with a similar vibe to Dreamcatcher, Purple Kiss, or Red Velvet (but like with "Bad Boy" or "Psycho" vibes) that I seem to not be aware of, please let me know!
Anyway, this was soooo unnecessarily long, I'm giving anyone who stuck around this long mental cupcakes🧁🧁🧁
Let the binging begin!
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 68 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 146 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 140 Responses
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The anime continues its positive streak with just over 90% of respondents rating the episode a 4 or 5. MAPPA appears to be blowing this season out of the water for most of us!
I liked it
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We got a pretty mixed pie chart this week. To be expected, given how many moments were in this episode. At a tie with the largest pieces of the pie were Hange’s eccentric attempt to greet the Marleyans and Eren’s gunshot figuratively hitting Sasha. Behind that two more options tied in each with 10.4% of the vote - EMA’s conversation at the shooting range and Sasha appreciating Nicolo’s cooking. This is followed closely by Eren’s mirror scene with 9.7% of the vote. Onyankopon explaining why he looks different when Sasha asks him about it took a solid 9% of the vote.
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This was almost too close to call, but Mikasa sitting alone managed to edge out just slightly over Connie’s “I’ve lost half of me” moment at Sasha’s grave. Trailing behind the two were Nicolo’s grief and the agreement between Papa Braus agreeing to a free meal from Nicolo.
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The larger chunk of respondents are feeling relieved to get a break from the action for a few episodes. 21.7% prefer the action but don’t mind a break here and there, while 21% state that they enjoy the exposition more than the action anyway, so they are content. A small handful don’t care either way. 
We needed this for another build-up to more action
I like the action but it’s important to move the story along 
These just feel mandatory fillers to me.
I miss the warriors
I feel fine with it. I thought that was going to be some happy-go-me episode, but gladly it still had a serious tones.
This episode felt like a very welcome respite after the absolute shitshow that was spoilers week and....whatever the fuck chapter 137 was. 
Nice breather of sorts, I always like seeing characters from action-heavy series in their downtime.
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The vast majority of respondents would prefer the slightly less lethal greeting given by Hange and Eren at the beginning of the episode. We’re not sure if the other 29.1% are masochists or just really love Levi and/or Armin that much more. Or perhaps they’re intrigued by the pig piss from the filthy island devils.
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Overall, fans are happy to be back in familiar territory and put into the perspective of the Survey Corps again. Let’s get ready to rumble!
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Though subtle, MAPPA did include some anime filler (such as Eren’s, erm, mouth breathing). 51.1% enjoyed the noticeable additions, while 37.4% are completely confused by the question and didn’t realize there were any. A handful generally don’t prefer additions but enjoyed what little ones we had this episode. A small sliver didn’t care for them.
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MAPPA is shuffling things around to pick up the pacing of this arc, and 48.2% of respondents are feeling very positively about it. 38.8% also feel that both the order of events in the original manga and the anime work out just fine regardless. A couple of smaller groups either felt that things were a bit off from the manga, or didn’t really care either way. 
I think it's great because it allows an episode to start and end on the same chapter if mappa ever wanted it, allowing the right twists or cliffhangers to be in the right episodes, all WITHOUT having to slow down, which I wholly appreciate.
I'm fine with the changes. Mappa is doing good job.
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Nearly half of voters feel that both MAPPA’s take and Isayama’s original take work just fine for Gabi’s character. 28.9% prefer the anime’s take on Gabi’s reaction to all that happened, while 14.8% feel that her more defeated posture in the manga makes more sense for her character. 
I'm a mix of both? Her defeated posture implies that she's not happy with the way things worked out with them in jail and Zeke betraying them. On the other hand, her angry face is realistic to the scene too because it implies she really blames Eren for their current predicament.
She looks like some female version of young, angry Tarzan. This time Mappa should have kept the original postures, because the defeated Gabi feels to be more realistic, than the crazy anime one. 
I think they both work but the anime's take might be the anime team beating us over the head that she's just like Eren when he was young.
Makes it clear to the anime-onlies that she really is psychotic
Gabi sucks
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The response to MAPPA’s take on Eren’s shot inadvertently hitting Sasha was overwhelmingly positive, with only a few people saying that they could have done better with it. 
Eren shot linked to Sasha's death was awesome. Mappa is nailing it!
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Exactly 50% felt that while having that JSC characterization would have been very much welcome, they’re okay with that small detail missing from the manga (granted, it was at least acknowledged by one panel being animated). 25.7% have a more nonchalant response, stating that if it helps with the pacing, they’re fine with small cuts like this. 10.7% are just let down by JSC’s lack of characterization in the anime overall and didn’t appreciate even more being taken from their characterization in this episode. 
I was more so interested in our Paradis Peeps talking about newly discovered technology but I’m happy with what we got.
Not dissappointed since I understand you can't show everything but I love them so sad
Why was it animated then?! I’m so confused
Normally I don't like it when they cut corners like this, but I wasn't fond of that scene in the first place so it's okay.
If by "anime" you mean the entirety of it including the past 3 seasons, then option 3. I'm always going to be salty about how much they took out or changed for these three during the uprising arc. So far mappa has done okay with them, I guess. 
Would have been a funny JSC moment, but it was really absolutely pointless. In manga format it works as just background words on a panel. Animating it takes seconds of an episode that could be used elsewhere. So I'm fine with it being cut out.
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43.5% were receptive of the anime only shots, but favor the way the scene was portrayed in the manga more. 34.1% felt that both versions were done well, with only 9.4% feeling that the impact was largely the same (if not better). Based on the write-ins, the main complaint seems to be the lighting/color scheme of the scene not quite meeting expectations, or that MAPPA made Eren’s back look weird. 
theyll make up for it when eren screeches at hange next ep
Impact was there, art just felt a bit wonky and toned down the scene overall. 9/11
This goes into my criticism of the color palette and shading style mappa uses, which is far more subdued. The contrast is lowered and the scene is very dark, and there is little rim lighting, so while the actual lineart has far more detail, the detail in the lighting is reduced. Damn I really am writing a wall text aren't I? I prefer Wit Studio's art style a lot but Mappa has honestly been doing great so I couldn't care less, manbun Eren is hot.
I prefer the manga version. I think the anime version have weirds shadows in eren's back. Plus the mirror don't have the same energy, less impactful
Cool scene in the anime, an unforgettable blow to the brains in the manga
Most of the time seeing things for the first time is what's really impactful. Feel this way towards Armin's transformation in the boat as well. It was definitely less impactful than when you first read it in the manga.
I understand the fandom because this moment was very popular when the chapter was out. I think that in the anime Eren lacks the anger he had in the manga. His voice was too calm while repeating his mantra. .
I didn't care for it in the anime, it was really underwhelming. 
I think most people are annoyed about the lighting than the impact. It’s a bit too dim and the lamp hides Eren’s new hair.
Didn't like the anime version at all
The animation wasn't good and they totally fucked his hair, face, and body up. Although the added shots were definitely welcome.
Eren could've been sexier/animated better, I hope they do better next ep 😭
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With Mikasa meeting Kiyomi presumably being inevitable in episode 69, we wondered if any opinions had changed on this. 34.1% feel hopeful that the tattoo will be retconned into the anime and that we will see this scene faithful to the manga. 28.9% think that Mikasa will happen to have some kind of embroidery on hand already. 25.9% don’t want to make a call either way, and a small handful think Mikasa’s going to just pull out an embroidery kit and go with it, lol.
The embroidery will be on the inside of her bandage.
Japanese are very taboo about tattoos because of the Yazuka... it will 100% be the embroidery.
I don't know but I hope it gets retconned. Never liked the embroidery thing.
It won't be included
Let’s just... ignore it..
I really really hope MAPPA retcons Mikasa's tattoo next episode. This will be the one retcon I will absolutely celebrate. Plus, it's not really a retcon if they're just amending Wit's changes.
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Uncertainty continues to loom over exactly how far MAPPA will get into this (first half of the?) season. Nearly 40% don’t want to make predictions one way or another, while 23.4% feel that it won’t make it quite to chapter 122. The rest believe it will make it to chapter 122, with 17.5% feeling there will only be minor cuts, if any, and the remaining 13.1% feeling that there will be major cuts to make the feat to chapter 122. 
116 (?) when the allied force attack paradis
122 with the amount of cuts being somewhere in between. They can cut a lot of the Gabi and Falco plotline and still have the story remain intact.
See, I'm not sure buy I'm also worried and curious about it all. It brings up the question of will the story continue in a possible second half of the season? With the manga ending very soon now, it makes sense to have the story wrap up in its anime medium as well. Fees like there's some kind of uncertainty surrounding this, it's unnerving tbh. 
119 with Eren's head being blown off.
gabi no scoping eren, ending creds is eren entering paths and we see ymir standing behind him, s4p2 starts w the ymir backstory
No idea and I don't think about it. I just enjoy the show. 
Your guess is as good as mine, I'm still fearing major cuts.
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With Nicolo now formally introduced in the anime, we were curious how you felt about his portrayal. Overall the reaction was positive, with 48.6% agreeing that he’s a “cutie pie chef”, and another 45.7% feeling that his design and seiyuu are absolutely great! A small handful were less happy with the voice, but happy with the design, and a sliver went in the opposite direction, preferring voice over animation.
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Respondents vastly appreciated the flower symbolism from MAPPA with 82.9% of the pie. 12.9% aren’t really sure what symbolism there even was, and a small amount either don’t care or felt the effort could have been spent on something other than flowers for Sasha.
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This pie chart wound up being almost eerily even. 42.7% are most looking forward to the 104th discussing Eren (hopeful for the train flashback?). 39.9% instead are looking more forward to Hange and Eren’s tense conversation at his jail cell. The remaining three preview moments were pretty evenly split as well.
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71.5% feel that there is a chance we will get the train flashback of the 104th in this episode, but don’t want to say for absolutely certain. 18.5% feel that it is a guarantee based on what we saw in the preview. 10% feel it is instead guaranteed that we will NOT get the scene in 69.
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The plotline that continues to be a frustrating mystery in the manga - Historia’s pregnancy. 34.3% aren’t particularly looking forward to seeing her in the rocking chair and aren’t very stoked about having to relive this plotline all over again. 33.6% mainly just care about seeing how the anime only fans react to the scene. 17.9% just miss Historia altogether and will take any scraps they can get. And a small handful, at 9.3%, are actually looking forward to seeing anime!Historia with a baby bump. 
Don't really care about historia
It's in MAPPA's hands now. I just hope they can add a little more of her screentime somehow.
I hope so. I want to see the design of her adult self. 
I honestly wouldn't mind if Historia's entire arc, which consists of equal parts pregnancy, irrelevance and uselessness, is just completely cut in the anime lol
not interest
I'm not interested 
I've hated this fucking plot line with all my being and what it's done to Historia since the leaks for this chapter were revealed years ago. So I'm not looking forward to anime-only people jumping in with their hot takes too. 🤮🤮
mikasa was shown in sasha's grave in the morning/afternoon and then she was shown again at dusk. SHE SPENT THE WHOLE DAY THERE. and annie... what a queen. and hisu's few scenes? so pretty.
Really glad the pacing was well done
nicosasha ship just flew in and took the spotlight
fantastic!! maybe it's just because this isn't my first time going through this arc anymore, but i feel like the anime feels chronologically less confusing than the manga—I remember being very confused my first time reading these chapters.
The lack of score by Hiroyuki Sawamo is negatively impacting my relationship with the anime. The depth of the emotion that could have been evoked was not present. I also did not get the sense that Nicolo and Sasha were in love, which was a major disappoinment. There were other aspects that weren't so bad, though; specifically, Levi's portrayal and Onyankopon's philosophy.
It felt a bit all over the place, but just seeing things from the manga being animated, I ain’t even mad.
I think that the scene between Sasha and Nicolo was made better in the anime. Isayama has problems with writing romantic moments, so in the manga the whole moment looked like it was taken from some light romance. Mappa made this scene more serene. I liked it. 
I think MAPPA is doing so great tbh! I just need them to hurry up and explain if there will be a part two to this final season or what?! I need to know if we get more anime or they'll diverge into movies or.... just tell us! Lol! 
How DAREEEE they not give Levi his black steed!!!! .....Although knowing what happens ummm yeah maybe his pony gets to live another day this way lol
Here comes the train wreck, choo choo!
I'm really sad I didn't get to hear Sasha call Jean a perv. I was really looking forward to that. LOL I love them. When EMA were at the shooting range, it looked too much like Mikasa wasn't wearing any pants. 
VERY solid. Not the biggest fan of the War for Paradis arc but I'm here for the ride.
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Thanks again to everyone who participated!
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lilydalexf · 4 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with MaybeAmanda
MaybeAmanda has been a longtime participant in X-files fandom. She has 29 stories at Gossamer, the earliest being archived there in 1998 and the latest in 2012. I've recced some of my favorites of her stories here before, including "Malus Genus" and "Snow in Alabama." Big thanks to MaybeAmanda for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
It does, in a way.  The feedback I get nowadays is either of the "I read this like 20 years ago and I just read it again" variety or the "I was too young back in the day but I have been watching the show in reruns/on XYZ streaming service/on the full-series of DVDs I got for $3 from the thrift store and I was THRILLED to discover fanfiction was being written even in the Dark Ages!" So it's a bit of a surprise, but it's a pleasant one. I answer every mail/comment because my mama raised me right!
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
It was great. It was fun. It was educational. It was a godsend. Even with the occasional bouts of back-stabbing and flame-throwing, it was mainly a welcoming, inclusive place to be. I made so many online friends who have turned into meat-friends (do they still call them that? Probably not).  During the first run of the show I had small children and we had relocated for my husband's job.  I had very little social life, but the fandom gave me a chance to meet and connect with people who liked what I liked. Then I discovered online fanfic, and it was even better!
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
ATXC I think.  A lot of email lists - 5 or 6 or 7 or so over the years. Gossamer, of course, Ephemeral when that came into being.  Haven discussion boards. My own websites.
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
More than anything?  I am a fangirl.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
I have always been partial to sci-fi and speculative fiction, but it rarely makes it to the screen - large or small - without being trite, clichéd, or just plain bad. It's easy to forget that The X-Files was groundbreaking - smart, scary, funny, insightful, intriguing, complex plots, on-going mythology. It looked great. It sounded great. David Duchovny was pleasant to look at, too, and damn! Gillian Anderson is/was one hell of an actress.
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
I found XF fanfic - somehow - probably by accident, or by way of a recommendation - and it blew my mind.  I had written fanfic (of a sort) with my friends in highschool, so I was familiar with the beast, but to find what amounted to excellent story after excellent story for free within (relatively) easy reach (because dial-up, right?) written by people who, for the most part, were thrilled you read their story and were happy to talk to you about it, about writing in general, about your shared obsession - that was amazing. As I am sitting here typing this I am feeling that thrill again - discovering Karen Rasch, Madeliene Partous, Paula Graves [Lilydale note: AKA Anne Haynes], Sheryl Martin and all the other early BNFs was, well, the only word is exciting. I felt like I was a member of a secret society and that I was sitting at the popular kids lunch table, all at once. (Don't forget, in the early days, shippers were considered delusional outliers - seriously!)
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
Good?   It's not as lively a place as it once was, but I haven't renounced my citizenship or anything. If I get a rec, I check it out. I know there are those who like to pretend they never had anything to do with the fandom, but why? I am still a proud XPhile.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
Angel (a teeny tiny bit) while XF was still running, but those fans were - I don't know the word.  Hardcore does not begin to do it justice. I wrote two short pieces at a friend's request then backed away slowly. Sherlock (a bit) - it is/was very LJ centred and that made it hard to find things. A lot of it moved to tumblr which made it harder, then to twitter, which - no.  I was involved in one of the less fashionable facets of the Sherlock fandom, so I was really a fringe-dweller there, too. It seemed clique-ier than XF, and they all seemed so young, and they all knew EVERYTHING about everything, and every damned thing was political, and, and, and... GET OFF MY LAWN!
But maybe I am remembering the XF fandom wrong. ;)
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
Like, all fiction? Mulder and Scully for sure. Arthur Dent. Sherlock Holmes in most of his incarnations. Spock. Winnie the Pooh. Why do I like them?  They speak to me, I guess.
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
I haven't watched an episode in probably two years (back when it was on regular tv).  Yeah, I think about them surprisingly often.  Story ideas, weirdly.
Do you ever still read X-Files fic?
I finished re-reading The Iolokus Series a couple of weeks back, so yes.  It's excellent comfort reading.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
Lots! But as far as authors go, I hate playing favourites. I will miss someone I shouldn't and feel like crap.  The Iolokus Series by MustangSally and Rivka T. is probably my all-time favourite fic because it's so very well-written, and so very fucked-up. Kipler's Strangers and the Strange Dead is also terrifically well-written and clever. For complex, interesting case files, you can’t beat syntax6 - pick any of them.
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
Oh geez. Seriously? I wrote a lot of collaborations and I love them - and my co-authors - all!  Stuff I wrote on my own: Anniversary Waltz (first XF fic I wrote so it's sentimental.) Or Blue Patches. Or Epiphany. Or The Gifts of the Magi (On a Kaiser Roll). Or 221XF.  Gonna stop now.
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story?
Every time I thought I wouldn't, I did. I would never say never.
Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
Nothing finished ever went un-posted. All the unfinished stuff remains unfinished.
Do you still write fic now?
Haven't for a while, but it's not as if I have said "I SHALL NEVER WRITE FANFIC AGAIN!" I just have nothing in the works at this moment.
Where do you get ideas for stories?
With fic, it's usually from canon - some question unanswered, some road unexplored, some "what if?" that needs iffing.  With "original" fiction, damned if I know.  A snippet of overheard conversation, an interesting photo, something a random story generator spit out at me.  Sometimes things just click.
What's the story behind your pen name?
Okay so...many years ago I was on a (smallish) fic list with a friend.  There was a challenge posted - a bad fic challenge. We knew we could write some truly bad fic if we really tried.  One of the rules of the challenge was to post under an assumed name so no one would know who they were voting for. Well, my friend and I wrote something truly, painfully horrid and we were very proud of its ghastliness, so were brainstorming possible pseudonyms. She hated everything but had no real suggestions of her own.  I knew that she was a bit of a Trekkie (like me) and I said - What about Amanda Greyson and Joanna McCoy?  And she said  - What?? Huh?? Why?? And I said - Spock's mother and McCoy's daughter and she replied, "Maybe Amanda is Spock's mother but on Star Trek there is not a Joanna." By this point, I was SO DONE, and I became MaybeAmanda and she became NotJoanna. Really.
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
It took years for me to admit it, but yeah, they know.  They didn't entirely get it.  The reactions I most often got were:
"Ew! You write stuff without being forced?? Ew!!"
"Is it smut? I bet it's just smut. You write smut, don't you? Pure filth, right? I can't believe you are wasting your time writing pornography! That's disgusting! You sicken me! Um, can I read some of it?"
And of course:
"If you are going to write anyway, why don't you get published and become fabulously wealthy?"
which is really two questions, neither of which is easily answerable.
Anyone who tracked my work down (because I told them I wrote, but not my pseudonym) usually said something like, "Hey! You're an okay/passable/decent writer! Why don't you get published and become fabulously wealthy?"
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
Same old email (maybe_a@rocketmail_dot_com). Gossamer, my site, my LJ and probably some other places.  I can't lie - it's a bit scattered.
(Posted by Lilydale on August 4, 2020)
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puddygeeks · 3 years
Wᴇ Cᴏᴍᴇ Rᴜɴɴɪɴɢ - Tʜᴇ 100 Bᴇʟʟᴀᴍʏ x OC - Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 72: Hᴀʀsʜ Rᴇᴀʟɪᴛʏ
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Rating: Mature
Summary: During her time in the Skybox, Indigo formed a precious friendship with fellow outcast Octavia Blake, the girl under the floor. At first they thought their departure from the oppression of the Ark was a blessing, but quickly came to rely on Indigo's keen survival instincts. The 100 struggle to meet the challenges of Earth whilst Bellamy strives to lead the wavering teenagers and his irresponsible attitude fuels constant conflict with Indigo. Their only shared interest is in protecting Octavia and Indigo beings to suspect that there is a deeper cause to Bellamy's seemingly irrational choices. As the consequences of his actions mount up around him, he finally begins to confide in her and she discovers more than she ever bargained for.
Fandom: CW’s The 100
Pairing: OC x Bellamy Blake
My writing is entirely fuelled by coffee! If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate toward my caffeine dependency: will work for coffee
Warnings: Mature content. Non-consent, language, sex, self harm, suicide, anxiety, helplessness, torture, captivity/confinement, alcohol/drug use.
Episodes: Watch The Thrones
Chapter Seventy-Two
Convincing Jackson to allow me to leave Medical was more challenging than we had even expected and after a considerable effort from both of us, he finally conceded. He agreed for me to briefly visit Bellamy due to the circumstances, but stressed that I was to return immediately after and that if I didn’t, he would send guards to retrieve me.
The camp was eerily quiet as Octavia and I crossed the courtyard and a tense atmosphere could be felt in the air. With the vote for the new Chancellor taking place in the morning, the delicate balance of power seemed ever present and there was the constant sensation that each of us was barely holding back the tide of rebellion.
I paused at the entrance to the holding area, taking a moment to steel myself the reality of Bellamy behind bars, beside Pike. Though I was furious with him and undoubtedly hurt, I couldn’t deny that it would be difficult for me to leave him in that position and reminded myself that I needed to be strong. Octavia slipped her hand through mine, giving me a supportive squeeze and I smiled gratefully at her.
“You’re gonna have enough of an audience already. I’ll wait out here for you.” She explained, placing herself by the door protectively as if assuring me that she wouldn’t allow anyone to interrupt and I took a deep breath before entering.
The room inside was dimly lit and I was met by a guard who explained that I wouldn’t have long. It felt strangely similar to the Skybox as they led me to the cell where Pike and the others were being held and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest from nerves. Bellamy immediately rose to his feet when he noticed me and approached the bars to view me with a conflicted expression.
“Well. How the tables have turned.” I remarked lightly, causing a slight hint of a smile in his tired features and I sighed as I studied him. “What were you thinking? Were you even thinking?” I muttered as I stared into his eyes with intensity and he shuffled on the spot as if he wasn’t prepared to face me.
Bellamy’s faze fell down to his feet and the finer details of his posture indicated that he felt guilty about his actions. Deep down, he knew that this had been a mistake, but I could tell that he wasn’t ready to admit this yet. If anything, being arrested simply gave him an excuse to feel victimised and provided him with a reason to push harder against our leaders.
“I can’t believe that you would do this.” I appealed as I desperately attempted to reach whatever ridiculous justification had convinced him to take part in this, but I could tell that he was conscious of his allies listening. 
“You were willing to kill everyone in Mount Weather to rescue us and I’ve watched how that affected you since. It’s torn you apart from the inside. You think that you’re hiding it, but I can see the pain in your eyes. I can’t bring myself to believe that you want to do that again. You’re not that person.” I stated insistently and appeared utterly shameful. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you. You’re seeing threats everywhere and it’s like you think you can justify killing anyone who makes you nervous. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you can’t!”
“You’re being an idiot.” He snapped, forcing his face back up and when our eyes met, the guilt that had been present at first was replaced with defensiveness. “You think that every grounder is going to respect us like Arlo respects you, but I remember a time not so long ago when Trikru were spearing our people to trees. They hunted us, Indie. Now, there’s an entire army surrounding us! How can you not see that as a threat?” He presented in a passionate manner, seeming entirely convinced by his points whilst I stared at him in disbelief.
“Because I’m able to understand that they are here to protect us! Clearly that concept is too complicated for you to wrap your head around.” I spat nastily and he shook his head as if I were the one that was being foolish. “We finally have peace. What I can’t understand is why after everything that we went through and everyone that we lost fighting against Trikru, why would you ever want to go through that again?” I interrogated, pleading with him to offer some kind of explanation that I could understand and instead, he simply glanced over at the others in the cell, causing my blood to boil.
“Please don’t tell me that all of this is just because that psychopath thinks that war is the answer?” I growled as I indicated towards Pike and he chewed on his lip. “You are smarter than this, Bellamy.”
“I know that! I’m the one who kept us safe when we had nothing to defend ourselves with. I have to act, because no one else will. I have to protect us before it’s too late!” He yelled, riling himself back into a frenzy and I sighed in disappointment.
For a while I’d known that he felt responsible for us and I understood well how protective that could make someone. I’d considered some insane actions in the past, but Bellamy seemed to have completely lost his grasp on who the enemy was. It pained me to witness him fighting with such passion to do the right thing, whilst we were on opposite sides.
“Indie. Listen to me. You weren’t there when Lexa turned on us. She cut a deal for her own people that handed us over to be killed. The army turned around and left us all there as if it was nothing. I came back to an empty harvest chamber and no way out. This Commander that you are trusting was willing to allow Mount Weather to exterminate us like rats. Even Indra left. She abandoned Octavia and renounced her as her second. How can you honestly stand here and tell me that you trust them?” He recalled with an earnest pain filling his expression as he regarded me and I felt lost for words.
A few moments of silence passed as I battled my emotions, which all swirled around too quickly for me to untangle and Bellamy stared at me with vulnerability as he awaited an answer. Despite the heartbreak that it caused, I had to accept that I couldn’t reach him through the hate that had poisoned him against me and I forced myself to put on a brave face as I clarified our positions.
“If Pike becomes Chancellor and you stand by him, I can’t stand by you.” I declared coldly and though my words were clearly hurtful for him, his expression remained unchanged. “I will never be able to forget that you did this. You will have destroyed everything that we’ve worked for. There will be nothing left for me with you.” I explained, ensuring that he understood the cost of this decision and he nodded slowly as his eyes filled with tears.
“I’m trying to protect you.” He muttered firmly and I had to swallow hard to contain my reaction as I struggled not to crumble right then. “If I have to lose you to keep you safe, then so be it.” He confirmed, his voice shaking slightly as he spoke and I struggled to accept that he was willing to allow me to hate him for his cause.
“Earlier you told me how much it destroyed you to think that you had caused my death. If you kill this army, then my blood really will be on your hands, Bellamy. I hope that you can live with that.” I responded curtly with a stern tone and his brows furrowed just slightly, despite his attempts to remain emotionless.
“I always thought that you were a survivor. You don’t have to die alongside the grounders. You’re not one of them. You’re one of us. Choose the winning side.” He pleaded, placing his hand on the bar beside mine and I stepped back, snatching my hand away in disgust.
“And I thought that you were your own man. I never realised that you were such a sheep.” I spat cuttingly as I regarded him with a barely contained fury and I sighed as I battled to contain my anger. “There are 300 warriors out there. If you attack, then hundreds more will come seeking vengeance. You might be too blind to see it, but I know that I am choosing the winning side and the right one.” I growled, watching him slowly step back too and as we both stared into each other's eyes, it was clear that we had reached an impasse.
Part of me longed to remain, to keep arguing until we could reach a solution, but I knew that both of us were equally stubborn. Regardless of how much it pained me to admit, Bellamy had openly admitted that he was content to lose me and I couldn’t think of anything else that could convince him to reconsider. If he wouldn’t fight for us, then I had no choice to accept that we were through.
I sighed deeply and turned to leave, when a familiar voice caused my blood to turn cold.
“I guess that makes me the wolf in sheep's clothing in this analogy then, Sloan?”
Pike called, wandering over to view me with his usual smug attitude and I found myself clenching my jaw the moment that he came into my sight. I trembled with anger as he surveyed me and it took every ounce of my self control to prevent myself from striking at him through the bars.
“Please. You are nowhere near that subtle.” I drawled, thinning my eyes at him and he chuckled under his breath at my comment.
“We have a new start here. Our previous structures are no longer relevant. Our laws are not needed. People are free from oppression and control. I thought that would appeal to you.” He preached, every word that he spoke only increasing my anger and I had to concentrate on controlling myself. “We don’t have to be the people that we were on the Ark. You can stand with your people, instead of struggling against them.” He offered in the kind of tone normally used when presenting someone with a grand gift and I gritted my teeth from the intensity of my scowl.
“The person that I was on the Ark saw you for what you are and that person hasn’t changed. If anything, I’m more certain of my opinion every time that you open your vile mouth.” I spat as my words escaped me like venom and he held his hands out, gesturing for me to elaborate on what I thought I knew of him.
“You’ve always been a manipulative little worm, desperately clinging to any hint of significance and power. It was clear to me in that classroom exactly how self important you are, viewing yourself as our one and only saviour. Look at you, here to save us all, again. Well, let me enlighten you on something. I don’t give a shit what the outcome of the election is, I will never bow to you. One day, you’ll finally get what's coming to you and you had better believe that when you do, I’ll be the one pulling the strings.” I threatened with as much spite as I could muster and he simply sighed, shaking his head at me in disappointment.
“You’re an intelligent girl, Sloan. Headstrong and capable. There is not a single person in this camp who isn’t aware of how useful you are.” He complimented and I rolled my eyes in disinterest. “It's a shame that you couldn’t see sense like your partner here. I heard that the two of you made a hell of a team.” He added with an entirely false sympathy and I bashed my hands against the gate in fury.
“Whatever you did to manipulate Bellamy into following you, I promise, you will pay for it.” I hissed viciously before the guard returned to pull me away from the cell and I shook his grip off to storm out of the holding area in fury.
Octavia hurried after me in confusion as I passed her outside and I could feel my entire body shaking with anger, until she placed a hand on my shoulder. I paused on the spot, allowing a long breath to escape my lips as I closed my eyes and tried to summon the energy to cover my emotions from her.
“What happened?” She enquired, moving in front of me to take both shoulders in her hands and I opened my eyes to face her with an even voice.
“He won’t listen to me. He’s chosen his side and nothing is going to change his mind. We’re on our own.” I answered in a calm manner and surprised even myself at my ability to mask how broken I felt.
“What? I-” She stuttered in disbelief as she tried to form a response and I observed the same mixture of hurt and anger cross her face as I currently felt. “Are you okay?” She asked gently, regarding me with a deep sense of concern and just as I worried that I wouldn’t be able to maintain the façade, I noticed Lincoln waiting for her out of the corner of my eye.
“I’m fine. I just really need to get back to Medical. I’m sore and pretty drained.” I excused, hoping that I could use my condition to escape her scrutiny, before my emotional pain burst out of me. “Besides, I think someone else needs your comfort right now.” I added with a glance in Lincoln’s direction and she peered over her shoulder at him.
Though his timing was convenient, his need was genuine as he watched Octavia with an expression that revealed a sense of betrayal that I completely sympathised with. She turned back to face me with a visible conflict and I squeezed her arm gently in approval, before slowly moving away to return to Medical, allowing her to support her lover.
Every step that I took back toward the solitude of my room took too long and it became a battle to keep myself from crumbling whilst I could still be caught. It was fortunate that the halls were empty at this time of night, as I knew that I would not manage another conversation without the dam inside of me bursting and I willed myself to hold it together for just a little longer.
Closing the door carefully behind me to avoid drawing attention, I leaned against it and sighed as I covered my face. Bellamy’s face was clear behind my mind, the pained expression that he wore as he said that he was willing to lose me already haunting me and my heart shattered into a million pieces. Doubt crept into my mind, questioning if anything between us had ever been real and as I caught sight of The Iliad on my bedside, the last of my self control snapped.
I stormed over to the book and snatched it up, launching it across the room with a yell. My ribs ached from  the movement, but I was too out of control to stop myself as I began clattering things over in a mania. Rage that pulsed through me, feeling like a force of its own and I was puppeted by its whims as I tore around the room. 
The door swung open as Jackson rushed inside and regarded me with an expression of disbelief.
“Indie! What are you doing?” He gasped as I continued on my path of destruction, blinded by emotion and he ran over to block me from continuing. “Stop this! You’ll rip your stitches” He pleaded as he grabbed my arms in an attempt to contain me and I fought against him in desperation.
“I don’t care!” I howled as I struggled against his grip and without warning, my body lost all strength as tears exploded out of me. 
Jackson held my arms to steady me as I sank to the floor and didn’t hesitate for a moment in sitting at my side. Sobs wracked my delicate chest as I gasped for breath and he carefully pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me protectively. I couldn’t calm myself enough to speak as months of buried emotion forced its way out of me and Jackson held me tight with a hand stroking my hair for comfort.
“It’s okay. Let it out.” He whispered as he gently rocked me just slightly and I clung to him with desperation.
Denial had allowed an overwhelming amount of fear and pain to gather within my mind and now that I finally released it, I understood how destructive it was. My body trembled violently, as my mind filled with all of the recent horrors that I had buried, such as the captivity in Mount Weather, the pain of my loved ones in the aftermath, the guilt of my own actions, the loss of Gina and, the final straw, Bellamy’s betrayal by attempting to murder Trikru in cold blood. In all of the time that I had leaned on him, I’d failed to rebuild myself and now that I was alone, I felt like an empty void with nothing else to give.
Jackson patiently waited for me to calm myself enough to risk moving me and once I caught my breath, he lifted me gently onto the bed. Tenderly, he wrapped the sheets around me to combat my trembling, before sitting closely at my side and allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder.
“I can’t do it anymore.” I whispered, my chest burning from the strain and he threaded his hand through mine, tracing his thumb along the back of my hand soothingly. “I can’t carry it all. I can’t carry everyone. It’s too much.” I confessed in a voice that was hoarse from my tears and Jackson sighed thoughtfully.
“You know, I admire all of you kids for surviving. All of the odds were against you and still, you held out. But honestly, it’s you that I admire most of all.” He divulged in a soft voice and I glanced up at him in confusion.
“Most people would be broken after a day in your shoes. I remember your case. You’ve never had it easy and I can’t even imagine how you’ve not gone completely insane at this point. You have every possible reason to be a hateful, distrusting sociopath, but instead you have the biggest heart and I’ve watched as you wear it on your sleeve. You love so earnestly and you stand up for what you believe in, even when you know that it will get you hurt. You are endlessly brave, Indigo and I wish that you could see yourself as I see you, because you amaze me.”
“They say that there’s a fine line between brave and stupid.” I muttered, rubbing at my tired eyes as I tried to comprehend the idea of Jackson admiring me and he chuckled sweetly under his breath.
“And yet you balance it so well.” He praised, flashing me a reassuring smile and I fidgeted awkwardly under his gaze. “Listen. I know how much it hurts to be betrayed by someone you love. It feels like your heart will never heal right now, but I promise that it will. What’s important is that you allow yourself the time to do so. You need to rest your body and stop putting everyone else’s needs first. I know that you think of yourself as the mom of your little family, but they’re all adults. They can take care of themselves whilst you take a little time to rest.” He advised with a wise attitude as he smiled fondly at me and I scoffed at this idea.
“Now is hardly the time for me to take a break, Jackson. If you hadn’t noticed, we’re on the verge of either a rebellion, or a war. Hell. Both is also possible! They need me.” I argued, sniffing from my tears and he raised a brow at me sceptically.
“Things will always be chaotic. No one said that life on Earth was gonna be easy. Fortunately, though, you are not the Chancellor, so it’s not your job to care of everyone. Your only job is to take care of yourself and it’s my job to make sure that you do that.” He remarked lightly as he stood and left the room, returning with a medical cart.
“Speaking of rest. I’m going to give you something to help you sleep. The votes won’t be counted until tomorrow, so there is no reason for you to be out of bed tonight. If things are as bad as you say, then you’re going to need your strength.” He lectured as he injected me with a sedative and I simply sighed in defeat, feeling too drained from my outburst to argue with him.
“Promise that you’ll wake me to vote.” I ordered drowsily as I felt the last of my reserves fizzling away and he smiled fondly at my attitude.
“Promise.” He confirmed as he dimmed the lights and carefully ensured that I was tucked in, holding my hand gently whilst I gradually drifted to sleep. “Goodnight, my little rebel.”
❖ ── ✦ ──『✙』── ✦ ── ❖
Jackson kept his word to ensure that I was able to submit my vote for Kane, forcing the team to attend my room to collect it so that I wouldn’t leave my bed. I managed to stay awake for long enough to complete the process, before slipping back under the effect of the sedative.
When I next woke, afternoon light streamed through the window and I felt better rested than I had in a while. Regardless of the outcome of the election, I knew that today would be difficult and took some time to calm my thoughts before I got dressed.
After yesterday’s breakdown I felt much more in control of myself, having released all of my hidden upset and all that remained was a subtle anger that simmered in my stomach. Though I knew that this was the most dangerous for me, hiding from the chaos of camp wasn’t an option and I had to believe that I was strong enough to control it.
I didn’t rush to leave my room, taking the time to brush my hair back into a neat ponytail and splashed my face with cold water to calm any redness which might reveal how much of the night I had spent crying. Bellamy’s jacket remained on the chair beside my bed and I stared at it for a few moments, before leaving the room without it.
The air outside was cool, but it simply allowed me to feel clear headed as I wandered toward the courtyard to find a crowd was already gathered. It seemed that the election results were due to be announced and from the grim expressions that Kane and Abby wore, I felt dread pooling in my chest.
Kane took the responsibility of informing the crowd, whilst Abby silently seethed at the edge and I began trembling again as he cleared his throat to speak.
“Listen up, everyone! All of your votes have been counted and verified. It was a close decision, but I can now confirm that Charles Pike has been elected as the next Chancellor.” Kane declared in a remarkably calm voice and I feared that I might vomit as I held a hand to my mouth in shock.
Much of the crowd cheered in celebration, more than I could believe and for a few moments, it was as if the world was crumbling around me as I considered the power that he would now wield. Fear clutched at me, as I worried for Octavia and Lincoln, and all of the sick grounders that were currently being treated within our walls and a surge of anger burst out of me.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I yelled in exasperation, drawing the attention of the crowd as I glanced around me in disbelief. “It is statistically impossible for this many of you to be this stupid!” I exclaimed, causing several sounds of disapproval, but I couldn’t stop the words that flowed out of me.
“Charles Pike is a class A manipulator and a borderline sociopath and you all want him to be your Chancellor?! Fuck. We were better off being led by a bunch of terrified teenagers! This man was supposed to prepare us to come to the ground, but instead he abused his power by assaulting his students, inciting a riot and threatening us with manic behaviour. What a fucking glowing example of the Ark way of life!”
“Pike has already answered these accusations, Sloan. Perhaps if you had been willing to learn, then he wouldn’t have had to resort to such desperate measures.” A familiar member of Farm Station called out and although I could see Kane making his way toward me, I refused to be silenced.
“What the hell was attacking us supposed to teach us? How to identify dangerous lunatics? Yeah, we never would have learned that down here. Or maybe we were supposed to learn to fight for survival? But then, we were born on the Ark. We’ve fought for our right to live every single day of our lives!” I yelled as people shook their heads and hurled insults back at me. 
“You know what. Fuck it! He is exactly the kind of leader that you deserve.” I spat, before turning on my heel and stomping away, needing to escape all of the furious eyes that currently viewed me.
Before I could even decide whether it was a wise idea, I found myself inside Octavia and Lincoln’s quarters and dove into searching the chest where I had hidden my things from Arlo. I pulled out all of my clothing and daggers, before finally reaching the radio at the bottom.
Holding it in my hands, I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders as I tried to decide whether I could allow Bellamy the element of surprise to strike the army, knowing that alerting them to this plot might result in his death. My heart ached from being forced to choose between Arlo and Bellamy to such an extreme degree and as I battled over it, the faces of all my loved ones that were being put at risk by this plot flashed through my mind. I tugged at my roots in stress and took a deep breath, before pressing the button to speak.
“Arlo. It’s Indigo. Are you there?” I asked in Trig, my voice small and uncertain.
The minutes felt like hours as I waited for a response and I agonised over the decision in the silent that followed. Despite my feelings for Bellamy, I couldn’t sacrifice my entire family for his delusional commitment to Pike and I prayed that my decision wouldn’t cost me his life.
“If you can hear me, please. Press the button and hold it in whilst you talk. Just like I showed you, remember?” I instructed carefully as anxiety gradually overwhelmed me. “It’s an emergency.” I added, holding my breath in anticipation, but after another few minutes passed without a response, I began to feel deflated.
“I don’t know if you can hear me, but I don’t know what else to do. There’s been a coup. A tyrant has overtaken Arkadia and he means to start a war. They will attack the army that surrounds us soon. I can't get out to help. There are still people here who want peace, but we’re trapped inside. Please, if anyone hears this message, you have to warn them. You have to stop this.” I rambled, using every ounce of faith that I had to believe that she would hear me and in the silence that followed, I felt my hands begin to shake as tears filled my eyes.
“Please, Arlo. I need you.”
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aurora-nuova · 4 years
Rude Love
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: Naruto  
Universe: Modern AU
Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara (main)
Senju Hashirama/Uzumaki Mito (side)
Characters: Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna, Senju Hashirama, Senju Itama, Uzumaki Mito
@madatobiweek Week 4: There was only one bed OR Not realizing they are already dating
Summer sun, cool waves, a beautiful beach. Nothing could go wrong on this long awaited, blessed holiday to the sea, right? W r o n g!
Madara should’ve just pushed his best friend off of that cliff they had been playing on as kids when he had the chance.
Read on AO3
Chapter 01: Something new
Madara startled awake with a curse on his lips when a cheering Hashirama‘s elbow hit the pillow his head had been resting upon but momentarily got distracted by a female speaker announcement.
“—and gentleman, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position and your seatbelt is securely fastened—”
Ah, apparently it was time for their airplane to land. And surely, looking out of the window confirmed it as no clouds were greeting him. Instead, the ground was rapidly closing in on them. 
Turning his head away from the window, he threw Mito—who was sitting on Hashirama‘s right— a tired but bemused look that she promptly returned when her husband started making quiet hooting noises at the bumpy arrival at their destination.
What a child, he thought fondly as he acknowledged a warm feeling making its way through his body. Though such mushy thoughts were only allowed in the privacy of his mind and were never to be discussed out loud or lest he got made fun of by Izuna or his other siblings.
Looking at his best friend, he sometimes wished he had half as much, well, or maybe only a third of his positivity. At least on his good days.
Though, on second thought, it sounded rather exhausting.
Maybe his slightly more realistic approach to life wasn‘t so bad after all, he mused as said best friend turned around to him with a beaming smile, not even having noticed that he had been the cause of his interrupted sleep in his glee. Returning a sleepy smile, he realized that Hashirama probably was positive enough for both of them. Or rather both of their close families, if he were to be honest.
It still amused him to this day that no sane person would expect this child of a man to be a renowned paediatrician but sometimes people were apparently wrong. Very wrong.
Because jokes aside, fortunately, Hashirama indeed could be serious when his patients and their parents trusted him with the children’s life. And doing so, he tended to them with unmatched enthusiasm and passion.
So all was good, he guessed.
Stretching his stiff muscles through a yawn, he noticed familiar tresses of long, dark hair sticking out from between the gap in the seats in front of him. Zeroing in on it with a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips, he nimbly stuck his hand through the gap to pull one of the bigger chunks of hair, only to immediately receive a satisfyingly high pitched yelp.
“OUCH! You ass!” Izuna screeched turning his head back around to him and hastily reclaimed all of his hair with a scowl, making Madara huff in amusement.
“Oh please, stop being such a drama quee-” the older of the two started retorting when suddenly his younger brother turned around in his seat somewhat—seatbelt still fastened, making the endeavour pretty awkward looking as he smushed his face between the backrests to make a grab for Madara’s own hair.
“No!” he groused out, leaning away from the squiggly hand. “Stop!”
“Payback‘s a bitch, Nii-san!” the younger Uchiha snarked back, voice muffled by the seat and continued to make grabs for his hair that Madara defended by slapping his grabby hands away.
“Children, please,” Mito‘s exasperated voice suddenly broke through their argument, making both of them stop—Madara crossing his arms while Izuna turned back around and untangled himself from the space between the two seats, arm almost getting stuck in the process.
“I‘m not a child, he is!” Izuna grumbled out as he was facing the right way again, missing the red head‘s amused but quiet laugh.
Wondering why the biggest child of them all hadn‘t joined them in their squabbling and actually kept quiet for once, the Uchiha looked back at Hashirama, noticing that he too had an arm moving, but in the right gap between the seats in front of himself. The Uchiha made a confused sound and nudged the taller man who then looked at him with a questioning smile.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to wake up Tobi and Itama, I saw them asleep when I left for the bathroom a few minutes ago,” the brunette answered with a sunny smile as the Uchiha hummed in acknowledgement as people around them started to get their luggage from the overhead stowage spaces to leave the plane.
Finally exiting the airport‘s sliding doors with their heavy luggage to walk into a metaphorical wall of humidity as the sun tried to roast them alive only made Madara close his eyes in misery. The heat was so much worse than he had anticipated.
To be completely honest, he hadn‘t even wanted to come here in the first place, would have instead preferred a milder, more enjoyable weather for his long-awaited vacation but unfortunately, he had lost in the poll their two families had held to determine what this trip‘s destination would be as everyone except Itama and him had voted for this dreaded hot climate as their travel destination.
Surprisingly even Tobirama—currently dressed in long pants with a long-sleeved sweatshirt‘s hood and a pair of sunglasses covering his face—had wanted to come here.
Whatever, he would make the best of this holiday.
As it was, unfortunately, not all of their siblings had been able to come with them due to scheduling difficulties. However, they had already agreed on another trip in winter when hopefully their schedules would align a bit more smoothly with much more desirable weather, at least for him.
He already looked forward to it.
Something he could live without though, was the planning and scheduling part as arranging things for the six of them had been a logistical nightmare already. What with Itama having to hand his last thesis in the day before while Izuna and Tobirama respectively had to write their exams a few hours before their flight took off.
He himself probably wouldn’t even have been able to take time off on such short notice if his position at work as detective hadn‘t been so high and he himself and his good reputation hadn’t been so well regarded amongst their ranks and—no, he was joking. In reality he still had a few open favours with his boss and promptly used one of them to be able to be here with his family and friends when Hashirama had texted him the booking confirmation.
His boss obviously hadn‘t been too happy. But after Madara had helped out countless of times, sacrificing his free time again and again when needed, raked in so many extra hours, that he had accumulated a lot of those favours. And just to be on the safe side, had tied all loose ends at work in preparation which thankfully had swayed the man to agree in the end.
The Uchiha briefly wondered how Obito and his fellow colleagues were doing before Izuna chatting him up caught his attention.
Next thing he knew, they were leaving their rented cars parked outside an Italian restaurant and taking their seats around a big but crammed table as Hashirama had rejected the friendly personnel’s offer to push two tables together because apparently he wanted to cuddle in this inhumane heat or who knew why tree brain hadn‘t wanted the second table because Madara for sure didn‘t.
Smushed between Izuna and Hashirama, he could already feel the sweat run down his back as he pushed his sunglasses atop his head, tangling up a few strands of hair that he couldn’t care less about at the moment in the process.
“Get anything you want, it‘s on me to celebrate the end of the semester for our three youngest and of course, the start of our amazing holidays together!“ his best friend exclaimed when everyone had received their beverages and toasted all of them, resulting in clinking of glass and various intonations of gratitude amongst them.
After Madara downed his glass in one go and lowered it back on the table with a loud clink, he rummaged through his pockets to find a godforsaken hair tie. His hair was already uncomfortably sticking to the back of his neck. Frowning, he gave up when he came up empty.
Hashirama probably didn‘t have one on hand, as he only tied it for work and Mito used hair pins, which left him with only Izuna who was typing away on one of his social media accounts. Leaning over, he saw a snapshot out of the airplane window.
“Pretty picture.”
Izuna immediately shot him a dubious look.
“Okay. What do you want?” his younger brother asked with an expectant look on his face.
“Can‘t I compliment you without wanting anything?” he asked bemused.
“Oh please,” the other huffed out.
“Alright, whatever. Do you have a hair tie?”
Izuna took a terribly amused look at his horribly mussed up hair. The stupid humidity wasn‘t doing the older Uchiha any favours, making his usually wild hair poof up and stick out in an even crazier mess than usual. He was well aware but the brat didn‘t even try to stifle his derisive snort.
“Yes, but know that this will cost you a third of your dessert,” the little shit haughtily replied as he took a tie out of a bag between them.
“A fifth and you have yourself a deal,” Madara huffed, holding his hand out.
“A fourth and you have to order something I actually like,” Izuna countered, holding out the desired hair tie just out of reach.
“Deal,” he heaved out with a heavy sigh, accepting the cargo and tying up his hair into a messy ponytail, immediate relief flooding him, as the slightly less warm air of the ceiling fan caressed the back of his neck. Much better.
Madara shot his greedy brother and his mostly immaculate hair an annoyed look, when the other happily turned back to continue typing away on his smartphone.
He would need to steal whatever the little shit had used to wrestle his own mane into submission out of his luggage and use it on his hair tomorrow when the other inevitably would still be snoozing away the morning, since he liked to sleep in.
They had the same hair structure, after all, but he wasn‘t willing to pay the unreasonably high price his sibling surely would come up with as soon as he asked him about the product he must‘ve been using to tame their family brand of crazy hair.
Under no circumstances would he walk around like some caveman after today, though.
Right now everyone was still tired and mussed up from their flight, even elegant Mito, so his crazier than usual hair wouldn‘t be noticed too badly.
But starting tomorrow, that excuse wouldn‘t fly anymore, as everyone would attempt to look presentable for the undoubtedly many pictures Hashirama and Izuna would take in the span of their holidays. And seriously, latter didn‘t need even more blackmailing material, as he already had more than enough of that stowed away already.
But more importantly, tomorrow Tobirama wouldn‘t be so exhausted anymore that his head would look like it was ready to loll onto the table.
Seriously, the poor guy looked ready to fall off the chair any minute if it weren‘t for Itama on his left, holding him up in an embrace while happily chatting with him and Izuna squished in on his right, forcing him into a somewhat upright position.
The younger Senju seemed way too tired to even notice much today, belatedly reacting to any verbal or physical stimuli as far as he had seen.
In fact, the exhausted albino probably couldn’t wait until they finished their food and finally drove to the hotel so he could catch up on all of that lost sleep tonight. However, that also meant that the albino‘s sharp eyes would be scrutinizing and analyzing everyone and everything starting with tomorrow, so he needed to look presentable if not a bit nicer than usual at least.
Feeling eyes bore into the side of his head, he inwardly startled at being caught staring, as his eyes slid back over to Izuna who was wiggling his eyebrows and pursing his lips at him in an imitation of a kiss.
“Shut up!” he quietly hissed and shoved at him, hoping no one had noticed the idiot.
“But I‘m not saying anything!” the brat cackled, as he bumped into an unresponsive Tobirama next to him, subsequently rattling Itama who shot them a quick bemused but confused look.
“Just stop it, you ass,” he grumbled out, refraining from hitting his younger brother upside the head to avoid any additional spotlight from the chatting couple by his side to keep the cause of the start of the situation under wraps.
There was no need for Izuna to spout lies about him ogling the light haired man like he had a crush on him or something similarly stupid. Definitely lies. Shut up.
He avoided looking in the albino‘s direction for the rest of their duration at the restaurant, even when Izuna stole more than a fourth of his dessert.
But apparently things were still going too smoothly and the universe wanted to punish him for whatever sins he had accumulated over his life at once because right before they entered their hotel to check in, Hashirama abruptly planted his feet on the searing hot concrete under a palm tree and waved them over.
Oh god, what would this be about?
Judging by the massive grin on his face, it couldn‘t be anything good.
When everyone was situated around him, Hashirama clapped his hands.
“Alright, since we always, well, almost! Since we almost always do the same room distributions, I came up with an idea this time,” he revealed giddily.
“Wait, what?” Madara exclaimed confused as the taller man started rummaging in his pant pocket.
“We‘re drawing straws!“ the idiot exclaimed joyously as he held out a fist of sticks, receiving mixed reactions from everyone around him.
“Please tell me you‘re not serious?“ the oldest Uchiha replied with a sinking feeling.
“Why not?“
“Mito, your wife, is the only female in this group?“ he tried reasoning to no avail.
“Oh yes, that‘s why we‘re sharing a room!“ the stupid tree answered him cheerfully.
And it was that moment that Madara actually took a look at the sticks in his hand and noticed that there were only four of them. Opening his mouth, Hashirama immediately interrupted him.
“Because we booked on such short notice, they only had one room with two single beds, the other two are double beds. Mito and I will take one of those but there‘s still the question of who will get the other two rooms each,“ the older Senju explained with a smile.
“Still, it doesn‘t make any sense why we should draw lots in the first place. I don’t care in what kind of bed I sleep in with Izuna,“ Madara said scowling as he crossed his arms.
“But Itama and Izuna want to try something new and right now you’re the only one not agreeing,” the brunette said pouting.
“You didn’t even give me a heads up— Wait, what? Since when does snowflake agree to your stupid ideas?” he asked, throwing the two Senju brothers in question a confused look. One of them half asleep and not even listening, the other one pouting down at him.
After all, out of the siblings Tobirama was the only one stopping Hashirama’s mischief on a daily basis when things looked like they would get out of hand while the two younger ones loved to indulge in their eldest brother’s silly antics.
“Anija asked him on our way to the airport,” Itama helpfully supplied, the corners of his mouth twitching.
“Do you really think that‘s fair? Snowflake has been closer to a walking zombie than a human being!“ he groused out, scowl intensifying.
Tobirama very belatedly pursed his lips in a pout and softly furrowed his brows but didn‘t react any further, making the older Uchiha feel all sorts of fuzzy and mushy things. God no. Trying to not show any emotion besides annoyance on his face was getting harder by the second.
“No offence, but that’s a very underhanded tactic for you, Hashirama. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days,” the older Uchiha accused to hammer in his point.
“But that’s the only way he agreed for once,” the older man admitted with a chuckle.
He zeroed in on Izuna when he too chuckled.
“And since when do you like trying out new things?” Madara accused his sibling.
“Excuse you! I try new things all the time and you would know that if you followed my social media accounts like you said you would!” the younger Uchiha answered scandalized with furrowed brows.
The older Uchiha groaned. Not this again.
“Is it too much to want some fun on this vacation?” Hashirama asked with one of his better renditions of a puppy look directed at him while Tobirama slinked off to sit down next to Mito on a bench not far from them.
Huffing, he shuffled his feet, looking around and tried to think of a way out of this.
Izuna would be his best bet of course. But if he had to share a room with Itama, things would probably get awkward pretty fast as they never had spent time on their own until now. However, Tobirama would be an even worse pick. Not because he had anything against the younger man but because of other things that he didn’t want to think about at the moment.
No, he wouldn’t play Hashirama’s stupid games this time. Why should he? Especially when his idiotic friend easily had taken himself out of the equation. Unfair. He was here to relax and enjoy himself.
Having decided against his best friend’s plea, he looked back to said friend only to freeze at the triumphant look on his face.
Oh no.
“Have you forgotten? You owe me!” the idiot exclaimed with a wry grin.
Now it was his turn to furrow his eyebrows in incomprehension.
“You lost that bet at our last poker evening weeks ago,” the tan man replied giddily.
Madara’s eyes widened. He was right but he wouldn’t, would he?
“Are you seriously going to waste it on something like that? Hashirama, you wouldn’t, right?” he asked, rubbing his forehead to soothe his growing headache with a grimace.
He knew he was doomed, when three grinning faces met his.
“I absolutely would and I am henceforth officially claiming the favour you owe me!” the childish tree trunk of a man exclaimed laughing in glee, hands on his hips.
Suppressing another groan, Madara felt more sweat trickle down his back. Honestly, he could’ve done worse, he guessed. Hashirama could’ve used the favour to send him off to do much more horrible or embarrassing things. This was absolutely not ideal but whatever. What were the odds of him having to share a room with Tobirama, after all? Two to one against it, not bad at all. And he surely could make it work with Itama, too.
Being already fed up with the situation and the sun searing what felt like holes into his back, he decided that he didn’t care anymore as long as they could go inside soon. Preferably right this instant.
“Fine,” he conceded defeated, receiving surprised looks at his unusually short lived refusal and hooting from Hashirama.
“Alright, youngest first! There’s two short and two long ones,” the excited man exclaimed, holding out his hand with the sticks to Itama after he had shuffled them behind his back. “Don’t reveal them until everyone has a stick!”
When it finally was Madara’s turn, he didn’t have much choice but to accept the remaining stick as the oldest of the four.
“Reveal your sticks on the count of three! One, two, three!” Hashirama exclaimed excited.
Madara blanched when all of them unfurled their fists to showcase each of their picks. Had he seriously ended up with one of the short sticks? Wait, if the other two had the two long ones, that meant that Tobirama and he—
Hashirama clapped him on the shoulder with a huff of laughter.
“Looks like you and Tobi share a room!”
“Okay, now I need those back and the winner team picks one of two to decide who the winner of the room with the two single beds is,” the older Senju exclaimed.
When Itama picked the longer stick, Madara despaired internally.
How could his luck be this bad? Had he seriously just lost two times in a row? Also wasn’t the looser supposed to get to pick first and—
Oh no.
His eyes widened and he paled even more when suddenly the realization hit him that he had to share a double bed with his cru- Tobirama for the upcoming two weeks here.
He was doomed.
Suddenly he didn’t even feel warm anymore.
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kaisooficrec · 4 years
hi admins!!! u know how some artists have one-hit-wonder songs that are so good they get remembered for that their entire life? well, r there any authors with the same thing going on? like authors who write really great stories but for some reason only has one to four stories in their repertoire? xxoo
Whew this was difficult to put together because many authors are not active in the fandom anymore and many also moved on and took down their only exo fics that were popular during their time :( A number of authors who have written famous but less than 4 fics were also part of our KFR project so we really recommend you to check them out here ♥ That being said, these are the ones that we could find or think of! 
lababoreine: the name may not sound familiar to you but their fic Gicleur is one of the ‘it’ fics in the early kaisoo ficdom times! the author is not active anymore and the fic was posted in an exo fest ‘runandgun’ hence you’ll only find it there. indeed a classic. which means angsty (:
teddyescher/shikae (39smooth): also one of the og kd authors. most notable fic is are you going to age with grace? - one-sided love, yes hello angst!! other only kaisoo works are so i closed the curtains - songfic & waterworks. - pwp
starsthatlast:  they’re also unfortunately not in the fandom anymore but their famous fic is hands down summer, 21 - early kaisoo classics are very angsty so yes, what else :)) hospital au and a love story in 21 days before one of them is gone
Soomise: there are still a handful of kaisoo ft. other member or drabbles that are no less amazing and most notable kd fics are past ten & dress-up games - both pwp where jongin is a kitty hybrid or he wears make-up and lingerie for kyungsoo sobs :’) they are only on lj and not active anymore :(
peonysoo: aka our former Admin K!!!! the impact that Mr. Do has left. age gap, dilf, inspiration to many other ficdoms as well. a cultural reset. Sweet Like Sugar - we got a sugar daddy au by popular demand (aka Mr. Do) also Hidden Treasure - the underdog but also sweet and mellow with rich/poor au, countryside and romance!
hobash: Sins of the Flesh aka kaisoo smut has over 10k subs that’s a legendary status, other no less popular are Glory Days and Hold Down My Shaking Body (all smut :)) + Reign O'er Me written for our KFR project ^^
HOJICHADUST: this author just put breathplay on the map with like liquid gold (how your love runs through me) and two fics for special occassions  - thorny skin, blooming heart - sweet high school au and the third path - fantasy, the witcher!au written also for our project *screams*
byun-b: Between Us - this got so many hyped but it’s not finished TTshy jongin has a fat crush on his brother’s friend kyungsoo and turns out kyungsoo also likes him (kyungsoo seduction game strong lmao)
TAHC: I just found out they deactivated :( fell in love with Smile which is such a beautiful hurt/comfort and I also remember Somebody Waits for You which is the only second exo fic but fluffy this time!
0KKULTiC: Flesh to Fabrication - aka the only kd fic! kyungsoo orders a maid droid baek but receive a sexdoll kai model instead. it’s crack+smut in one, it got very popular and i can see why! 
Layittofire: has two popular kd fics and the other one is also not finished ;_; Hello Chibi: Demo Version - yes kyungsoo takes care of chibi jongin & Shining Knight - early famous wolf au. alpha jongin lives on his own never wanting to form a pack until an abused omega ksoo hides in his place and asks to help him (incomplete)
sailorsoo: The White Collar - the one and only fic i’Ve ever seen from this account and it made everyone shook. priest!soo got me feeling some type of way
Quaila: A demon Who Came To Tea - comedy, wizard!au shy and awkward Jongin + demon soo, Jongin summons a demon and gets infatuated with him so hard. This is the only kd fic the author has written and it’s also early popular fic (2013)
floraxiu:  Maintenance - jongin is a catholic school boy and he gets madly attracted (sexually) to kyungsoo, his brother’s friend. which makes jongin feel conflicted. internalized homophobia. can’t believe they dropped this bomb and never finished rip i’ll 4eva wait for an update
FeliciaSueLynn / FelishNavidad: one kaisoo office au The Rough World of Business - this is pretty much well-known fic too, the author’s only kd fic also one of the og topsoos from 2013 kyungsoo is cold, downright jerk and only uses jongin first but then he changes for better
taegyungie: out of all exo fics they’ve written only one is kaisoo and it’s so nice! Come One, Come All - med student kyungsoo wants to run away and he joins a group of friends owning and working in a circus and he is mesmerized by a graceful acrobat jongin. set in 1920′s and it slaps okay!
Hajinnie: one kaisoo that is Across - jongin works as a cashier at a grocery store where kyungsoo frequently buys stuff and jongin is very interested in him. but kyungsoo is not just your regular customer. but neither is jongin your regular clerk a very intense and a bit dark fic with a plot you can’t predict (read tw) but i really enjoyed this! (also happy ending)
Chlexcer: has 2 fics! Seasons (college student!nini and prof!kyungsoo) & This Could Be Messy (neighbours!kd) are two cute fluff fics with some small age gap!! can i read moar juiceyoo
Red_Threads: has two fics which are Black Magic - which is very popular also almost 200k so understandably they quality > quantity!! and my fave The Last of the Wilds - the pining here got me crazyyy. both are amazing fantasy fics and i love them a lot!
rhewoon: i’m sure there are many many lj authors with amazing fics that left the ficdom now :( one of them is rhewoon with Blackboards and Sweet Things - teacher kyungsoo is flustered whenhe sees one of his students has a very handsome brother riding a motorcycle and introuces himself as jongin. flustere!soo and jongin with sweet tooth is so cute + sassy bestfriend tao lol
teatimetaemint: i remember this author having more kd fics but for some reason could only find one kd that’s still up and it’s Popular Vote - where jongin really likes kyungsoo but is shy to confess so he avoids him to not embarrass himself :))) it’s the fluffy ‘they like each other but think the other doesn’t like them’ ♥
annafeu: the author’s most intense and crazy kaisoo psychological thriller Egg Head (not for the the fainthearted!) is not available anymore, but you can still read From Your Arms the the Floor and Back Again, 3rd Arabesque & El Dorado if you’re into dark but brilliantly writen fics
Lalaluhanne: everybody knows and adores Siren Song (pirate au), but there’s also Love Game (non au) also written for us ;)
We’re always open to suggestions (not just in this req but any req really!) so feel free to either tweet it to us or share on our fanboard :)
- Admin J
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - One Angry Princess
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There’s two halves to this episode. The first is a well constructed, if over simple, mystery for the kiddos to solve. The other is a failed attempt at being ‘deep’ and ‘mature’.  
Summary: Attila is finally opening up his own bakery, but people generally don't want to stop by because of his scary helmet. The next day, Monty's Sweet Shoppe is destroyed, and Attila is arrested. He is about to be banished from the kingdom, but Rapunzel makes an appeal to investigate the matter further. 
The Episode is Meant to be a Homage to 12 Angry Men, but Misses the Point of the Original Film
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So for those who haven’t seen the movie, (though really you should) 12 Angry Men is about a jury trying to decide if an accused person is guilty of a violent crime. At first the evidence seems clear, but one lone juror refuses to vote guilty until the evidence has been gone over again. One by one he convinces the other men to vote not guilty as they each have to face they’re own personal biases.
Sound familiar? 
In the show Rapunzel is the sole believer in Attila’s innocence despite evidence to the contrary. She insists on investigating herself while challenging everyone else’s personal biases. 
The difference?
12 Angry Men is a hard hitting look at how privilege, prejudice, and cognitive bias can interfere with the American judicial system. None of the jurors are named, but they are all middle class, presumably Christian, white guys. And that is the point. They are all different from the accused; a young, poor, arguably non-white teen (the play is intentionally vague about the kid’s race so that you can slot any minority in there) who has a history of getting into trouble. If you were to change the ethnicity, race, gender, class, or age of any of the 12 characters then you would suddenly have a very different story. It’s their backgrounds and pre-formed opinions that inform their decisions. Even the main protagonist is not exempt from re-examining his own personal biases. 
Meanwhile the writers of Tangled: the Series are too busy showing off how clever Rapunzel is to actually deal with the themes of injustice and bigotry that they added in themselves in the first place.
Rapunzel Knowing Attila Before Hand Weakens the Message
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In 12 Angry Men none of the jurors know the accuse. In fact, they can’t know him. It’s against the law. In order to have an impartial jury, no one can have any ties to either the defendant or the prosecution, and they must not have knowledge of the case or have had specific experiences that might cause them to be biased or unfair. 
Rapunzel being Attila’s friend means that she already has her own bias and an invested interest in making sure Attila goes free. She’s not acting out of the simple goodness of her heart here. She’s doing something that directly benefits herself. 
I don’t expect a children’s fantasy show to recreate the US judicial system with all of the complexities there in, but I do expect it to uphold it’s heroine as the selfless person it claims her to be. Yet the show constantly undermines this supposed character trait by only having her help the people she befriends, and only if that help doesn’t require anything emotionally challenging or mentally taxing from her.   
How much more powerful would this episode be if Rapunzel was defending a stranger or someone she actively disliked? Imagine if it was Monty who was being accuse and Raps had to swallow her pride in order to do what is right. But that would require the show having Rapunzel actually learn something instead of placing her on a pedestal. It would also mean giving Monty a reason to exist rather than keeping him around to be a convenient red herring.      
Rapunzel Shouldn’t Have to Prove Attila’s Innocence 
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Rather than have a courtroom drama the show opts to have a ‘whodunit’ story instead. This unfortunately gives the implication that Corona’s judicial system runs on a ‘guilty until proven innocent’ mantra, which is backwards to any humane legal system. ‘Innocent until proven guilty’, ‘reasonable doubt’, ‘due process’, are the cornerstones of our modern social ethics. 
In 12 Angry Men, we never find out if the accused actually committed the crime or not. That is because his actual innocence isn’t the point of the story. It’s about whether or not the system is working like it should or if it’s being compromised by human error. 
Once again, I don’t expect a recreation of the US judicial system, but if you’re writing a story for a modern audience then you need to reinforce modern morals. Simply crouching Corona’s legal system as ‘of the times’ or ‘fantasy’ while ignoring why we no longer have such systems in place reduces the story to puerile fare. 
It also means that show’s writers didn’t put enough thought into their world building. 
No One Calls Out the Obviously Corrupt System 
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The show has interwoven throughout its ongoing narrative themes of classism, injustice, abuse, and authoritarianism, but then fails to follow through on those themes by not having any of the protagonists actually examine any of these issues. They just sit there in the background, even as the show tries it darndest to present Rapunzel as an arbiter of reform. However a person can’t bring about change if they can’t even admit that there is a problem to begin with.   
In this episode alone we have
Banishment is considered a reasonable punishment for an act of vandalism. A crime that is usually considered only a misdemeanor unless the damage goes over a certain amount. Keep in mind that not even most felonies would be given such a punishment in the real world
Introduces the prison barge that regularly carries away convicts. In the past ‘undesirables’ would be shipped off to prison colonies as a form of persecution. Attila and every other person we see subjected to Corona’s legal system are of a lower class. 
Many prejudge Attila based off his appearance, lower class, and past upbringing. However, it is either Attila who is expected to change or Rapunzel who is expected to win people over. At no point is anyone told that they shouldn’t be prejudiced to begin with. 
There is no judge, jury, or lawyers. The king alone decides the fate of criminals, the Captain is expected to be the both the prosecutor and the ‘executioner’, which is a conflict of interest, and the defendant has no one to represent them unless they so happen to know a kind statesperson. Meaning you have to be either rich or well connected in order to even have a chance to defend yourself. 
Oh and there’s this...
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Uh, yeah you do. You’re the flipping king. You make the law. You’re the one to bring charges against Attila, and nearly every other criminal in the show, in the first place. 
The show constantly wants us to view Frederic as simply an everyman who is only doing his job, but he’s not. He’s a ruler and as such he has powers and responsibilities that no one else has or ever will have. The series gives both him and Rapunzel all of the privileges of being in charge without holding them to account for the consequences of their actions. 
By not pointing out how wrong these actions are, the show winds up avocating them instead. When I call Tangled the Series authoritarian, this is why. Because authority is never questioned even when clearly wrong and nepotism is presented as the solution to conflicts as oppose to being the problem itself.
The Show Introduces Complex Issues but Then Oversimplifies the Conflicts Surrounding Those Issues
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The creators of the show have constantly declared that the series is ‘not for kids’. That they were shooting for an older audience than the pre-school time slot they were given. Now ignoring the fact that Tangled was always going to have a built in audince of pre-teen girls and ignoring that children’s media can be mature, TTS lacks the nuance needed to viewed as anything other than a pantomime. 
As stated before, this episode alone ignores the very real issues interlaced within the conflict in order to give us an overly simple mystery that anyone over the age of five could figure out.  
It’s frustrating to watch the show constantly skirt towards the edge of complexity only to see it chicken out and go for the low hanging fruit instead. As a consequence the series winds up being for no one. Too shallow for adults and older teens, but too confused in its morals to be shown to small children and younger adolescents. 
I wouldn’t recommend this show to a parent, not without encouraging them to view the series either before or alongside their child in order to counteract it’s ‘lessons’ and I know parents within the fandom itself who’ve stopped showing newer episodes to their kids; stating that they want their child to be old enough to point out the harmful messages to before doing so. 
Once Again No One Learns Anything 
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Rapunzel doesn’t learn that the system is flawed. Attila doesn’t learn to open up to people. Nobody learns to treat people with respect and to not judge others based on appearances alone.
The whole point of the episode is to just show off how much ‘better’ Rapunzel is than everyone else. The show constantly feels the need to tear down other characters in an effort to make its favs look good as opposed to just letting the mains grow as people. 
Tangled the tv series is no 12 Angry Men. It’s no Steven Universe/Gravity Falls/Avatar:TLA/She-Ra/Gargoyles/Batman:TAS either. It barely reaches the same level as the likes of DnD, Sonic SATAM, or Voltron. Interesting ideas but poor pacing, build up, and lack of follow through, with some naff decisions thrown into the mix bring things down in quality. And unlike the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon from the early 80s, TTS lacks the benefit of being a pioneer in the field of animation, where such flaws are more forgivable. 
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