#if you check all three congrats you get a free hug from yours truly
shessoft · 1 month
So I don't forget. Here is that Academy Bros AU fic that I wrote years ago. Not proofread. Rough draft. Maybe like 8th draft idk it was years ago. Anyway, here ya go!
and the birth of Academy Bros AU
Depression wasn’t something the Sawyers spoke about. In fact, to them it was something rich white people made up to get drugs from their doctors. So, when Adelina entered high school she had to double down and force herself to get through the day. As far as she knew everyone felt hollow and petrified all the time too. Besides she had her big brother’s shoes to fill, grades to maintain, and a family reputation to uphold. By the time she was 16 she had a three year old niece, Maggie, who she was determined to be there for. As long as she was ‘good’ then she was okay.
While Maggie looked like her mother’s mini clone, it was her father she took after in personality. Stubborn and competitive, and in spite of him she was loyal to a fault. Sawyer blood must have been strong because she seemed to take after her aunt Adelina as well, much to the family’s dismay. Adelina couldn’t keep Maggie from this thanks to her parents not checking the stairwell or around corners before discussing such matters.
“She’s too much like Adelina, it's not right.”
“What’s so wrong with my sister? She’s a free babysitter. We don’t have to leave Maggie with strangers.”
“She’s a stranger to me!”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“She’s not right in the head, Berto, your parents have always said-”
“Now wait one minute-”
“Do you really want Maggie around that? She's taking the pills now. Did you know?”
Before Maggie knew it her grandma took over as her primary sitter and she only saw her aunt for the holidays. They said it was because Adelina was so busy with school but Maggie knew better, Adelina was in college since she was born and she was never too busy for her before.
Christmas Eve 
“Lina! You’re here!” As soon as she walked through the door and her voice was heard she had a tiny twelve year old in a dirty soccer jersey barreling towards her for a hug.
“Hey, Tink! I missed you, look how big you are! Gonna be taller than me soon.” She compares her height to her niece jokingly. If she grew any taller than Adelina it’d be a miracle.
“I missed you so so much! I have so much to tell you!”
“I bet you do! Let me guess, you...broke the world record for dirtiest child?”
“No, silly! I’m team Captain!”
“Ahh my little super star! I knew you would! Congrats, baby!” She sweeps her up into a great big bear hug.
“Thanks, Lina. I missed you.”
“Aw, my little Tinkerbell, what d’ya say we go sneak some of gram gram’s famous tiramisu to celebrate?”
“Yeah!” Maggie grabs her hand and leads her into the kitchen giggling the whole way. Effectively ruining the sneaking idea.
Maggie always knew she was different. When her parents used to talk about her possible future they always seemed more excited than her. Her Aunt Adelina, the youngest of the Sawyer family until Maggie came along, was ‘different’ too. Maybe that’s why they got along so well or maybe it's because Maggie’s mother was an only child and Adelina was the only extended family she had. Either way the two of them never truly fit into the polished family they were born into.
By the time Maggie was entering high school she saw her aunt less and less. In the words of her mother, “she refused to settle down and start a family. She’d rather live in sin with her boyfriend.” This seemed like a ludicrous reason to be angry with her but then again Adelina never did anything her family expected of her. She was even so bold as to decline her parents' dreams for her life and instead chose her own path. Maggie respected her aunt for living so fearlessly, in fact it's why she loved her so much. To her, Adelina was remarkable despite what her parents or grandparents said. She never treated Maggie like some stupid kid. She didn’t just love her niece, Maggie actually felt loved as she is. There was never any pretense with her aunt. She never felt she had to gain her approval or ask for her attention. With Adelina, it was all just given automatically and unconditionally.
So when Maggie’s dad caught her in the school parking lot with Wren, she called her aunt crying into the payphone.
“Hey, Tink! Sweetie, slow down I can barely hear you. What happened?”
“Dad-he-he said I’m gonna burn in hell.”
“Maggie, that’s not true. He’s just-”
“Lina, he kicked me out.”
“He what?”
“He gave me ten minutes to get my things and then he told me to get out of his house.”
“Where are you right now?”
“The bus station. I walked all the way here before I realized I left my wallet. Please tell me you’re still in town?”
“I’m on my way. Stay put, I’ll be there soon.”
She’s only been back to her parents house once. The same day Adelina picked her up at the bus station she drove her straight home. She was convinced her aunt was bringing her back to try to talk to her father into letting her stay. Instead she told Maggie to get the rest of her things, as much as she could pack. Maggie expected to hear her father and aunt yelling but it was eerily quiet. The silence that crept through the house broke her heart further. Her father had nothing to say. Didn’t even bother fighting his sister because he didn’t care about Maggie, not anymore. He just wanted her gone.
When she came down the stairs with her bag she found Adelina staring her father down as he stared out the back window.
“I’m taking her with me, Berto. If you come to your senses you know where we live.” Satisfied with her statement she turned sharply and stormed out the front door leaving Maggie standing in the kitchen doorway looking at her father.
“Dad?” Nothing. He didn’t even react as if he didn’t hear her. She knows he did, he just wants nothing to do with her.
“Please. I love you.” She chokes back a small sob watching him walk out of the room without looking back. She angrily wipes tears off her cheeks and secures her bag over her shoulder and walks out the front door. Adelina was waiting for her on the porch. She pretends she doesn’t hear her sniffling or see her puffy eyes as she takes the bag from her. Adelina wraps her arm around her niece’s shoulders and walks her to the car. As Maggie opens the passenger door her heart sinks again. 
This time it's due to her mother who just pulled into the driveway. Maggie barely had time to blink before her mom was practically leaping out of the car and walking straight inside.
“Come on, Tink let’s go.” At the sound of her voice Maggie’s eyes drift to her aunt and then down to her hand on the car door and she gasps. She hadn’t realized she was holding her breath, as if she could control her mother's actions. They both climb into the car and once buckled Adelina pulls away.
“She didn’t even look at me.”
“Do you want to talk-”
“No.” She didn’t mean to snap but just the mention of talking about...any of it. The idea of telling her aunt everything that happened. She’s not ready to relive it all. “Not yet.”
“Whenever you’re ready.”
The only solace Maggie had was the fact that it was almost summer. It didn’t take long for the news to spread through the small town of her disowning. Seeing as how her father all but dragged her away from Wren by her hair in front of half the school.
“You’re home early.”
“Well it's nice to see you too.”
“Don’t be fresh. I thought you’d be at practice.”
“I quit the team.”
“What? When?”
“What, Maggie, why? You love soccer?”
“No, dad loves soccer. He only enrolled me because when I was eight I kicked Travis in the balls.”
“Oh, I forgot about that. What the hell happened to that kid?”
“He’s somewhere happy probably.”
“Okay, Tink. Regardless of how you ended up playing, you love playing! Where is my little Tinkerbell who made captain three years in a row?”
“She’s in the picture frame on her parents mantle. Maybe even in the trash now.”
“Maggie, you can’t let them take something you love away from you.”
“Besides themselves you mean?”
“I’m-sorry that’s not-I know it fucking sucks. I wish I could fix it all, I do. I just don’t want you to give up everything.”
“You have to have something in order to give up something.”
“Please talk to me. Tell me what happened that day. It’s been months you can’t keep it in any more.”
“What do you want me to say? That I’m humiliated? That I feel disgusting? That it was all for nothing?”
“Oh, sweetie. Come here. Look at me.” She holds Maggie’s face in her hands. “If anyone should be humiliated, it's him! You are remarkable and loving and you are gonna do so much good in this world. Do you hear me?” 
“Lina, I’m gay.”
“I know, sweetie.”
“That’s the first time I said that.”
“I know.” She wipes away Maggie’s tears with her thumbs and pulls her into a hug. “Your love is not wrong. It's beautiful and real, and you will get to experience it one day the way that you deserve. Uninhibited and unconditional. I promise. Now, let's go have some dinner, yeah?”
Chuckling, “yeah.” Adelina stands up and physically shakes it out eliciting a giggle from her niece. 
Later that night after watching Rhoda reruns Maggie decides to tell her everything. She’s accepted the fact that this is her home now. That Adelina is her only family now.
“She’s on the team.”
“Wren. She was on the team with me.”
“Oh. And she’s the one-”
“My dad caught me kissing? Yeah that’s her.”
“So did you quit because she’s telling everyone you’re a bad kisser-” Just then she’s hit in the face with a pillow. 
“Shut up! No, I quit because I’m an idiot that misread everything and being around her physically hurts.”
“Ouch. I’ve been there.”
“Yeah right.”
“No, I have! Cross my heart. His name was Monty.”
“That fact alone is embarrassing. I guess I believe you.”
They ended up moving to Colorado at the start of Maggie’s Junior year when Adelina got offered  a nursing job she couldn’t pass up. The fact that it was a fresh start for both of them was a bonus. After accumulating credits at community college Maggie transferred to a University to complete her bachelor's.
“Are you sure?”
“Auntie, for the last time this is what I’m meant to do. I’ve never been more sure of anything.”
“Ugh I know, I know. You’re gonna be amazing! California is just so far away.”
“It's not that far.”
She never got the full story out of Maggie until she was wasted on her 21st. If she was being honest she wishes she never knew. According to Maggie, that day started full of promise. Wren had taken to leaving soft kisses on Maggie’s cheeks every time they said goodbye a few months into the school year. When Wren leaned in to say goodnight Maggie returned the gesture for the first time. Unlike Wren, she kissed the girl on the lips and then the world fell out from under her feet. It felt as if the moment their lips touched her father’s voice erupted from the sky. Before she really knew what was happening his hand was wound tightly around her arm as he dragged her towards his car and forced her inside. Too frightened to speak up, they rode in a tense silence back to the house. She could see his knuckles turn white as he gripped the steering wheel avoiding her eyes. They pulled into the driveway and as he got out he slammed the door and stomped inside. Once out of sight she let out a garbled sob before opening the door and grabbing her bag.
“Dad?” She walked into the kitchen to see his back facing her.
“Ten minutes.”
“You have ten minutes to get your things and then I want you out.”
“What? What do you mean? Dad what did I-”
“Don’t you dare! You have the audacity to live under my roof and carry on like that?”
“Daddy, please I don’t understand!”
“You disgust me. You are a disgrace to this family. I will not have my daughter running around being a deviant!”
“I never even did anything!”
“Do not raise your voice to me! I know what I saw! I knew you weren’t right but I never thought it’d come to this. Maggie you are going where I cannot follow. I will not follow! You are burning in hell already my child. I will not stand by and watch. You’re disgusting. Get your things and then get out of my house. You are not my daughter.”
“Dad, please!”
“GO. NOW.”
That was over eight years ago. Now? Now she was about to start at the police academy. With high hopes of moving up in rank she put all her focus and energy into this one thing.
Fresh from his college graduation, James wasted no time before applying for the police academy, much to his family’s chagrin. His mom, though she means well, couldn’t understand why he spent all those years working towards his BA in journalism just to go into law enforcement. Daniella, his baby sister, thought it was a dumb idea but she’s just glad he was relocating to California.
He thought he was in peak physical condition until he started training. He was paired up to spar with a woman who was shorter than his 15 year old sister. He’s not usually one to underestimate and after this 5 foot nothing had his back to the mat for the fourth time he vowed to never do so again. He was impressed, a little turned on and definitely intrigued. He initially thought she was just trying to prove herself to everyone by taking down the tallest guy but he soon realized she was enjoying kicking his ass. The Captain called her Sawyer which could be her name but everyone got last named here so he had to do some digging. He could just ask her but she was intimidating and didn’t seem to give any of the guys the time of day. He figured she had a boyfriend already or wasn’t interested in dating cops. If you asked his sister though he was assuming too much.
“Shut up, Dani.”
“Jimmy, you don’t even know her first name. Have you even spoken to her yet? It's been a month.”
“She always disappears after training.”
“Oh my god suck it up man, you’re an embarrassment.”
That's pretty much how all his calls home ended lately. Even his mom was calling him out. He really needed to stop sharing everything with them, even though they made a good point. He was teamed up with Sawyer again the following week and he realized the captain thought they worked well together. Now was as good a time as any. He found her hanging around chatting with Stevens, another female trainee.
“Hey, Sawyer. Wait up.” When she turns around he notices a look of annoyance cross her face but it's quickly replaced with a dimpled smile. As if the realization of the voice’s owner brought it on. He takes this as a good sign.
“It's Maggie, actually.”
“James Olsen,” he extends his hand, noting her firm handshake.
“I know. What's up?”
“Some of us are going out for drinks and food. Interested? Or do you have to run off as usual?”
“You been stalking me, Olsen?”
She’s smirking but he still feels called out. “I just noticed you’re not really involved, which is cool I get it. Just here for the job and all that but it's more exciting working with friends in my experience.”
“Yeah I guess I’m just used to being solo most of the time.”
“So is that a yes?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Come on, smalls. It's Thanksgiving.”
“I told you to stop calling me that. I don’t want to impose on your family holiday.”
“And I told you my mom wants you to come. Also, I’m your best friend. I'm allowed a nickname.”
“You’re not my best friend.”
His hand goes up to rest on his chest, “ I’m hurt.”
“Shut up,” she exclaims, hitting his arm.
“No, who is it? I want to know who is stealing my best friend from me.”
“It's Ferguson.”
“You’re best friends with the jerk that caused my ass kicking? Literally kicked in the ass because of him.”
“No you deserved that all on your own.”
“I was trying to help. He wouldn’t stop harassing you.”
“I don’t need that kind of help. You can’t just out people like that.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize that's what I was doing.”
“You still never told me how you knew.”
“Smalls, we go out to bars together. I see who you check out because I’m looking too.”
“Stop calling me that.”
“Too late, my family knows all.”
“You have the biggest mouth! You told them too?”
“I didn’t know! Ow!”
“What did they say?”
“They don’t care. They’re excited to meet you. Dani had a field day when she found out I was crushing on a lesbian.”
“You what?”
“Just consider it. I’m telling you, you’ll be thanking me.”
“You say that now but your track record for setting me up on dates is disastrous at best.”
“This time is different!”
“Because she’s your ex-fling's sister? Yeah, that is different. See also, messy.”
“You’re impossible, you know that? Just go on one date with her. I’m telling you Alex is a total catch.”
“Okay, gramps, what makes her a ‘catch’?”
“She’s brilliant and badass. Sexy and soulful and-”
“Then why don’t you date her?”
“Because I have Corrie, remember?”
“Shit! She didn’t dump you yet?”
“You’re hilarious. My little sister made the same joke already.”
“I know. We were making fun of you over skype last week.”
“Anyway! Alex is like family and also gay so I’m not really her type.”
“Just because I’m a lesbian doesn’t automatically make us a good match nor does it make me her type.”
“Technically no, but she thinks you’re gorgeous so…”
“Pfft gorgeous? Yeah, sure.”
“It's true! I showed her a picture of you and-”
“What picture?”
“The one from last Christmas...and others.”
“Jimmy! Christmas pictures are for family only! You know the rules!”
“Why do you care? You don’t even want to date her, remember?”
“I never said that.”
“I knew it! Trust me you won’t regret it.”
“You better hope I don’t.”
She hates this. She physically hates everything about what is happening and everyone in the room with her. She rolls her eyes at her aunt's smug face through Dani’s laptop, who has taken it upon herself to dress Maggie for her date with Alex.
“Stop sulking Tink! It’s just a date with a hot girl.”
“You don’t even know what she looks like, Lina.”
“But I do! James showed me her pic and I met her once, briefly. Trust me she’s hot.”
“Ugh will you two stop saying that. It’s unsettling.”
“Whatever. Here, try this on.”
“Dani this isn’t even mine it’s yours.”
“What’s wrong with my clothes?”
“Nothing if I was also 15.”
“Sounds like our Maggie wants to make a good impression on this Alex.”
“You know what Adelina I think you’re right!”
“I hate both of you.”
“Olsen, if this blows up in my face I’m gonna kill you with my bare hands and no one will find the body. Call me when you get this.”
She wouldn’t say she’s freaking out so much as her family forced her on this date. God even mama Olsen gave her a hard time. Why couldn’t they just let her be?
It’s not like Maggie was opposed to the set up. In fact she was kind of excited with all the hype everyone put into building this woman up! Which was also the problem. What if they were over compensating or worse, it’s a pity date. She seriously doubts James talked her up successfully. He’s not the greatest wingman. The thing is she’s never actually had a serious relationship. Her romantic history was littered with hookups and flings and very few actual dates.
Oh fuck. She’s here. How did she miss the fact that she was standing right in front of her?
“That’s me!” Olsen was not lying at all. This woman is gorgeous. “And I’m hoping you’re Alex?” Maggie makes a mental note to try and get that smile to appear as much as possible.
“So you and Jimmy work together?”
“Sometimes but he actually works with my sister so we cross paths a lot.”
“Right, he mentioned that. The boy talks so damn much it’s hard to retain it all.” New mental note, make Alex laugh more.
“So how do you know Jimmy? He said you’re his sister but the last names seem suspect.”
“Oh! Yeah we met at the academy and-“
“He was in the police academy? You’re kidding?”
“No he definitely was. Obviously  he didn’t follow through with it but he was decent.”
“I never would have guessed! He’s not very…”
“Authoritative? Yeah no he’s artsy and soft.”
“I see. And what about you? Are you authoritative or soft?”
How the fuck does she answer that?
“I bet.” Why did she say both? Now she has to somehow be both? Pull it together Sawyer, she’s just a woman.
“Anyway, we met in the Academy and the Olsens are very welcoming people, you could say. Mama unofficially adopted me and Lina.”
“My aunt.”
Definitely not first date conversation but Alex seemed fine when Maggie skated over the subject of her past and family. So the date wasn’t awful. Actually, it was amazing and she’s seeing Alex again next week, but she’s gonna keep that info to herself for the time being. Her family is cocky enough as it is.
Text from Jman
I just met you
And this is crazy
Yes you are crazy
But heres my number
Its 8am olsen wtf
So call me maybe
I rather eat glass
Before you came into my life i missed you so bad
I’m not above murdering you
I missed you so so bad
Mission accomplished
I fucking hate you
You love me
And you LOV--LIKE Alex
Ugh go away
Not until you say it
That you’re a horrible man and you’re gonna die alone?
Then say it
Thank you. You were right, ALL MIGHTY ONE. The date was good. I really liked her.
I’m deleting you
She could hear his smug laughter from across town.
Group chat Lina Dani Jman Smalls
BAHAHAHA yeah right
Our little Maggie?
I resent that
Maggie is officially with Alex
I fucking called it!!
So which nerd do we think is gonna propose first?
I’m taking bets
Smalls for sure
I hate all of you
4 months later group chat
I fucked up i fucked up i fucked up
Did you finally murder someone?
NO little one
What's worse than homocide? Shit homicide
Telling Alex i love her
Holy shit
Well...do you love her?
Wtf does that have to do with anything jimmy?
Auntie it's everything
Yeah smalls stop being so scared
You two are useless
Are we still on for tonight?
If i didn’t fuck everything up yeah haha
You’re an idiot
Thank you. I try really hard.
Good. Can’t wait to see you xx
I am the shit
The what now
I have finals stop putting me in these group texts
Find friends your own age!!
You know morally it's wrong to fight a child but i will
Shut up you couldn’t even reach
You know what fine i won’t tell you about my love life anymore
Ha what love life
Shut up jimmy !!
You guys were right okay
About Alex
And she loves me back and that's all the info you’re gonna get from now on
Damn i’m happy for you smalls
Be quiet James i want to know how she told her
Go study little one
3 notes · View notes
“I can’t believe I let you convince me to come to this thing with you. I mean seriously, when have I ever listened to anything besides classic rock?” Dean grumbled as he followed his brother to their seats in the large concert hall.
“Oh, quit bitching,” Sam whispered angrily. “It’s Eileen’s last concert before she goes on maternity leave and you promised her you would come see one of her performances. Trust me, you don’t want to be on her bad side right now. I told her to wait a minute before I got her juice and she made me sleep on the couch for three nights.”
Dean smirked as they took their seats. “She’s got you whipped man.”
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother’s mocking. “When you get married, you’ll understand.”
“Hardly,” Dean scoffed. “Last time I checked, guys can’t get pregnant, so I won’t have to worry about a pregnant partner with random food cravings. I mean seriously, jelly dipped grapefruit slices have to be one of the most disgusting food combos ever. Even I wouldn’t eat that.”
“Whatever. Like the saying goes, people do crazy things when they’re in love. You just wait,” Sam said with a grin.
Before Dean could argue, the lights dimmed and focused on the stage. Since Sam was Eileen’s husband, they had special front row seats for family only. Dean watched with little interest as the orchestra members walked onto the stage. He saw Eileen carrying her violin and gave her a thumbs up when she looked in his direction. Dean groaned inwardly as more and more people crowded onto the stage. He never fathomed an orchestra would be so big.
His eyes were lazily gazing around him, waiting for the concert to start when suddenly his attention was snagged. Leading a row of orchestra members was the most gorgeous man Dean had ever laid eyes on. He had messy black hair that refused to be tamed. His face was square with high cheekbones and a strong jaw and Dean wanted to know what those lips felt like against his. He was tall, at least six foot with a lithe muscular build. Dean raked his eyes down the man’s body and nearly drooled at the thick thighs that were encased by the black dress pants he wore. Dean felt the breath leave his body as the man’s eyes quickly glanced at him before facing the front again. They were stunning blue sapphires that sparkled in the low light and Dean was already lost in their depths.
Dean refused to look away from the gorgeous man. He watched as the man settled in his chair before pulling a large stringed instrument towards him. Dean was mesmerized by the nimble fingers that ghosted over the strings, being careful to make a single noise. He stared as the man flipped through his music and imagined what those fingers would feel like trailing over his body. He shivered in anticipation.
Sam elbowed him lightly. “Dude, are you ok?”
Dean swallowed dryly. “Yeah, I’m good Sammy. I totally gotta get that guy’s number. Maybe Eileen could help a brother-in-law out.”
Sam looked to at the man that Dean was still staring at. He snorted before saying, “Good luck. That’s Castiel and according to Eileen, refuses to date anyone and everyone. He’s solely focused on his music and says he doesn’t have time for frivolous relationships.”
“Yeah, well he ain’t ever met me yet! I won’t be frivolous, hell, I’ll give him a hundred reasons to be with me if you know what I mean?” Dean wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“Ugh, gross,” Sam huffed. “You can try, but I’ll be here to pick up the pieces when Cas turns you down.”
“Whatever bitch, just you wait and see. Cas is gonna be mine,” Dean argued.
“I’ll give you a hundred bucks if you get Cas to go on more than three dates with you,” Sam challenged.
“Deal! It’ll be like taking candy from a baby.” Dean smirked.
The men fell silent as the conductor held his hands up and the whole orchestra readied themselves. Dean jumped when the next sound was the loud bang of a drum. His eyes glued in on Cas and they never left. Dean hardly heard the music, his gaze so intent on the man in front of him.
They had gone through three songs and Dean couldn’t recall what a single one of them sounded like when Castiel suddenly stood up and moved towards the front of the stage. Dean’s gaze followed him like a hungry wolf stalking it’s prey.
“I would like to introduce our very own Castiel Novak. He will now perform a solo that he has written himself for the very first time. I know all of you will be blown away by his talent and skill.” The crowd applauded lightly as Castiel took a lone seat in front of the rest of the orchestra.
For the first time that night, Dean listened to the music being played. Cas’s fingers moved gracefully, making the instrument sing. The notes that echoed throughout the hall told a heart wrenching story. They described a man who was looking for love but had no idea how to find it. The tune was slow and melodic, and Dean was captured in its sad embrace. The minor chords resonated through the air and Dean felt a single tear roll down his cheek. Once the last eerie note had floated through the air, the crowd erupted into applause.
Dean jumped to his feet, his hands stinging with the force of his clapping. He watched as Castiel bowed deeply a few times before picking his instrument up and walking back to his original seat. He glanced at Dean again and flashed a small smile in his direction. Dean felt his heart beat faster at the minute gesture.
The rest of the concert was a blur as Dean only had eyes and ears for Castiel. When it was over and the orchestra stood for their final bows, Dean clapped along with everyone else. His eyes tracked Cas for as long as possible until the man walked out of sight off the stage. Dean sighed heavily, hoping he would get a chance to talk to him.
“So, what did you think?” Sam asked as they waited for Eileen.
Dean shrugged, “It was better than I thought it was going to be. Still prefer my classic rock but this wasn’t half bad.”
“Well, I’ll count that as a win in my book,” Sam said before walking around his brother and pulling his wife into a hug. “Congrats pumpkin, you did so good tonight! I’m so proud of you.”
Dean watched his brother and sister-in-law with fondness. Eileen was a perfect match for Sam in every way. After years of trying, they were finally pregnant and Dean couldn’t wait to meet his niece who was due in a few weeks. He pulled her in for a tight hug and congratulated her on a wonderful performance.
“Psh, you didn’t hear her. You were too focused on Castiel,” Sam interjected.
Dean felt his cheeks heat up as he glared at his brother. “Shut up bitch. I was not!”
Sam snorted. “Yeah you were. I bet you couldn’t even describe any of the music tonight besides his solo.”
“Well, I would love to hear him describe it,” a deep voice rumbled from behind them.
Dean spun around to find the gorgeous musician standing a few feet away. Up close, Castiel was even more gorgeous and Dean couldn’t suppress the small whimper that escaped his throat. He felt the blush staining his cheeks deepen. “Uh, hi,” Dean croaked.
Castiel’s lips spread in a small grin. “Hello. My name is Castiel. From what Eileen has told me, you are Dean.”
“Uh, yeah. I’m Dean and the moose behind me is Sam,” Dean explained as he held his hand out.
Castiel’s palm was warm and smooth as he shook Dean’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Dean. Would you please tell me what you thought of my solo? I heard that you prefer classic rock and I must say I’m curious as to what you thought about such a different genre of music.”
Dean rubbed at the back of his neck nervously. “Uh, well, it was haunting and sad for one. I mean I had a tear rolling down my cheek by the end of it. I’m not usually a fan of slow songs but there’s no other tempo that song could have. And, um- I mean, well, I’m sorry that you haven’t found the person you’re looking for.”
Castiel tilted his head. “What do you mean?”
Dean dropped his gaze, afraid he had said something wrong. “Well, the whole point of the song is about being lonely and how you want to find love but don’t know how, right? That’s why it was so dark and gloomy because you’re lost, and you don’t know how to find your way. Since the song ended on such a long eerie note, I’m assuming you haven’t found what you’re looking for and you’re calling out to anybody who will listen.”
It was silent and Dean finally looked up. Sam and Eileen were staring at him like he had grown a second head while Cas looked like he was close to tears. Dean felt his stomach tie itself in knots. He wanted to ask the musician on a date but instead he had offended him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean,” Dean started to say.
“Stop,” Cas ordered as he stepped closer. He reached out and hovered his palm over Dean’s cheek. “You just described that song perfectly. Writing it was very difficult for me because of how much of myself I put into it. You’re right, I am lonely, and I wish I wasn’t but nobody has been able to alleviate that loneliness.”
Dean wanted to kick himself for his next words. “I thought you didn’t do relationships and were focused on your music.”
The corner of Cas’ mouth quirked up. “That’s what I tell people to try and hide how I truly feel. Besides, no person I’ve ever met has been able to describe my music the way you just did. I would be honored if you would go on a date with me.”
Dean’s eyes were saucers as he stared in shock at the man in front of him. “Are you serious?” Castiel nodded. Dean shifted his head, so Cas’ palm rested lightly against his cheek. “I’m free now.”
Cas’ face split into a large gummy smile. “Let me go grab my things and then I will be right back.”
Dean watched him walk off before turning to Sam and Eileen. He smirked at his brother as he said, “There’s one date. Three more and you owe me a hundred bucks.”
Eileen gasped. “You guys are betting on Cas!”
Sam wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Dean fell heads over heels the moment he saw Cas, but I told him he’d never have a chance. I bet him a hundred bucks if he could get Cas to go on more than three dates with him.”
“Trust me, I’m not messing with Cas. I really want to get to know him, money or no money,” Dean said hastily, wanting to stay on Eileen’s good side.
She eyed him warily and warned him not to hurt Cas but otherwise wished them the best of luck. She never had to worry because Dean treated Cas like he hung the moon. He did, in fact, end up going on more than three dates with Cas. It was a whirlwind kind of romance and two years later they were married. At their wedding, Cas played a brand-new song for Dean.
Dean was in tears by the end of it because this song was different than the first solo he heard from Cas. This song wasn’t sad and dark but light and jovial. This song was about a man who had been searching for love and had finally found it. It told the story of an epic romance that was just beginning.
Tagging: @lonewolf34500 @notwithd @multifandom-fanatic @flowersforcas @cockleslovesdestiel
148 notes · View notes
suituuup · 4 years
Could do where Beca actually joined Barden two years later than she should’ve because she initially joined the army, but was sent home after she lost both her legs in a horrific battle. She meets Chloe but is reluctant to have any kind of a relationship because she is so insecure about her body.
so this is what it feels like
rating: m
word count: 3,6k
ao3 link
Barden University. 
Beca looks at the sign and heavies a deep sigh as the car rolls forward, stopping at the curb a few minutes later. The driver steps out and takes her wheelchair out of the trunk, setting it up next to the open passenger door. 
“Need any help?” 
“I got it,” Beca mutters, shuffling to the edge of the seat and easily transferring to the chair. “Can you just hand me my bag? Thanks.” 
She sets it on her lap and starts rolling away towards the main building, catching people staring. “What are you lookin’ at?” Beca spits out, glaring at a group of boys who instantly glance away. 
She doesn’t want to be here. She was perfectly happy across the world, working for the Army. She had friends there, a family. A landmine took that away from her, as well as her two legs.
She was flown back to the States after an emergency amputation and moved in with her dad and the step monster. The following year was rough, as Beca dealt with both depression and PTSD. Numerous therapy sessions helped her figure how to live again and slowly dragged her out of her grieving state. She eventually agreed to her dad’s suggestion about going to college, figuring she couldn’t stay hauled up in the house forever. 
She picked English as a major, as she’s sort of a book nerd, but she’s got no idea of what kind of job she wants to do. 
She likes music and enjoys messing around on her computer making mixes but… it won’t ever be good enough for her to actually make a living out of it. 
The first few days of classes are uneventful, except for the way people keep looking at her. Beca figures they’ll get used to it sooner or later, but for now, she glares.  
She hangs out at the library a lot or at the coffee shop on campus to work on her mixes. 
She’s at the library one afternoon, rolling up an aisle to get the book she copied the reference from on one of the computers.
“Damn it,” she mutters when she realizes it’s on one of the higher shelves, which are out of reach. 
“Need any help?”
Normally, Beca would say I got it, because she hates relying on other people, but one, she really doesn’t have it and two, the words die in her throat when she takes a good look at the stranger. 
A redhead, with the most vibrant eyes and smile Beca’s ever seen. 
Her brain eventually reboots and she blushes slightly out of embarrassment for taking so long to reply. “Um yeah. Could you grab me that green book on the top shelf?” 
“Sure thing,” the stranger chirps, standing on the tips of her toes to grab it. “Here you go.”
Beca takes it, setting it on her lap. “Thanks.”
She’s about to roll away, when the girl speaks again. “Would you be interested in joining an acapella group?”
Beca’s eyebrow shoots up. “Aren’t you supposed to be able to dance, too?”
“Not necessarily. I mean, we could figure something out, if you’re interested.”
“I’m not. I don’t— I don’t even sing.”
“Oh. Okay. Too bad.” She winks. “See ya around.”
She continues on her way, and Beca on hers. 
Beca sees her again two weeks later, at the Barden Beanery. She’s stuck outside because the damn automatic door won’t work and of course it’s starting to rain. 
“For fucks sake,” she grumbles, hitting the button once more. 
“I’ll get it for you.”
Beca looks over her shoulder to see that same girl from the library heading over. “Oh. Hey there, acapella nerd,” she teases as she manœuvres her chair to roll into the coffee shop. “Thanks.”
“No worries,” she replies, smiling softly. “Wow, this place is packed.”
Beca nods towards a table in the corner. “I think those guys are leaving.”
“Nice catch. Mind if we share?” 
Beca shrugs. “Yeah, sure.” 
She tucks her chair in the free space at the table and opens her backpack to pull out her laptop, ordering a black coffee and a slice of carrot cake when the waitress comes by. 
She and the redhead work in silence for a while, Beca with her headphones on (one ear left uncovered) as she messes around with her mixes. She soon loses herself into the music, bopping her head up and down to the rhythm.
“What?” She asks when she catches the other girl staring, blue-grey eyes peering at her above her laptop. 
“Nothing,” she murmurs, a serene smile on her features. “I was just wondering what your name was.”
“Oh, right. I’m Beca.”
“Beca,” Chloe repeats, nodding. “I’m Chloe.”
“Cool to meet you, Chloe the nerd.”
“I’m not a nerd!” She cries, laughing.
“You’re in an acapella group, so you’re a nerd by definition.”
Chloe rolls her eyes. “Fine.”
They work together for another hour, Chloe bidding her goodbye when she has to get to rehearsals. Beca sticks around until 7, heading back to her hall to head dinner.
Beca looks up to see Chloe popping down on the seat across from her at that same table as three weeks ago. It’s a week later, and the place is near empty this time around, so Beca’s confused as to why she decided to sit with her. 
“Um, hello?” It looks like Chloe’s here to stay, and Beca can’t say she minds? Weird. “You look happy.”
“I am! The Bellas and I are competing this weekend.”
“Competing?” Beca cocks an eyebrow. “So this acapella thing is pretty serious, then?”
“Totes!” Totes? “Our plan is to get selected for the National championships in NYC.”
“Wow. Well, I hope you guys make it.”
“Thanks! You should come check us out if you don’t have anything planned.”
Beca scrunches you her nose. “I don’t know how I feel about being in the same room as so many nerds.”
A laugh flits past Chloe’s lips. “What are you working on anyway?”
“Um, mixes. I mix music.”
Chloe’s eyes adorably pop wider. “You mix music?? That’s so cool. Can I listen?”
The normal Beca would have said no in a heartbeat. She didn’t plan on making any friends, the last year’s events making her more withdrawn and more of a loner. But there’s something about this Chloe, something Beca can’t pinpoint, that makes it impossible for her to say no. 
“Yeah sure, if you want to.”
Beaming, Chloe switches chairs to sit next to Beca as Beca takes off her headphones to hand them over. She selects her Titanium + Bulletproof mashup and hits play, taking a sip from her drink as it starts. 
The look on Chloe’s face as she listens, one of pure enjoyment, makes Beca’s chest swell with something unfamiliar. 
“This is amazing!” Chloe nearly shouts, shrinking in her seat when people’s heads turn towards her. In a lower tone, she adds, “Sorry.”
Beca chuckles. “Yeah? You like it?”
Chloe takes off the headphones. Her eyes are sparkling, the same way Beca’s do when she listens to something she’s really into. “I really do. Have you thought about making a career out of music?”
Beca shrugs. “I did, yeah. I thought about going to LA, but my dad didn’t like that idea because he doesn’t believe there’s a career to be made. He wants me to try college first, for at least a year. I think he’s still pissed about me enlisting in the Army without telling him.” 
“How long were you in the Army for?” 
“Only a couple years,” Beca says, motioning towards her legs next. “Then this happened.” 
Chloe grimaces. “I’m sorry.” 
“Yeah, well…” her shoulder lifts in a half shrug. It took her while to reach that state of mind; to stop being angry at the world for what she was going through. She learned to accept her handicap and to live with it, even if some days prove to be really fucking difficult. “It is what it is.” 
She doesn’t know why, but that weekend, she finds herself attending that acapella competition to check out the Bellas. The songs suck big time and the outfits are questionable, but Beca is too enthralled by Chloe’s beautiful voice to really care about the rest. 
“You came!” Chloe exclaims in surprise when she spots Beca at the end of the show. She’s bending down to hug Beca before Beca can protest, and Beca feels her face heat up as she awkwardly pats her back. 
“Congrats on being selected,” she says when Chloe pulls away, her lips stretching in her first genuine smile in a long while. 
“Thanks! What are you doing later?” 
“Um… nothing planned. Why?” 
“Wanna order pizza and watch something on Netflix?” 
Chloe’s question makes Beca hesitate for a few beats. She truly doesn’t know what Chloe sees in her, as it’s not like Beca has made any efforts to strike up a friendship, but she has to admit that spending time with Chloe is nice. 
“Sure, yeah.” 
The night turns out to be one of the best Beca’s had in a while. She doesn’t remember laughing that much since before, and it’s all thanks to Chloe and her dorky sense of humor and positive energy. They hang out more over the next few weeks, either at the coffee shop or at Beca’s dorm, and Beca quickly develops a crush on her new friend, berating herself as soon as she acknowledges her feelings. 
Even if Chloe does feel the same way, which is unlikely, it’s not like she’d go out with someone like Beca. 
“I need your help,” Chloe blurts one day, plopping down across Beca at their usual table. 
“What’s up?” Beca asks, glancing up from her book. 
“Our set list sucks. There’s no way we’ll make it through to the ICCA’s.” She sighs, then nibbles on her bottom lip for a couple seconds. “I was thinking… maybe you could make us a setlist? We’ll totes pay you.” 
Beca rolls her eyes. “You don’t have to pay me. But would Aubrey be okay with me helping?” 
“She will be, I’ll talk to her.” 
They spend the next few hours brainstorming songs, eating pizza and drinking root beer on the floor of Beca’s room. 
“How ‘bout Don’t You Forget About Me? It’s a cool song,” Beca suggests; they’ve been stuck on the third song for over thirty minutes. “So while a few of you sing the end of Price Tag, the lead could start singing Won’t you, come see about me, I’ll be alone, dancing you know it baby,” Beca sang, faltering when she caught Chloe’s weird look. “What?” 
“You can sing!” She nearly shouts, her jaw dropped as she shoved Beca’s shoulder. “What the fuck, you told me you couldn’t!” 
Beca chuckles. “I was afraid you might harass me if I told you I could,” she pauses, eyeing Chloe. “Am I wrong?” 
Chloe grimaces, blushing slightly. “No. We were really desperate at the start of the year.” She shakes her head. “I can’t believe how good you sound.” 
Embarrassment wrinkles the bridge of Beca’s nose. “I’m pretty rusty. Your voice’s beautiful, though.” 
“Thanks, Becs.” 
They work on the arrangement for another two hours, and just like that it gets past midnight, but it’s done. 
“We did it!” Chloe cheers, throwing her arms up. She hugs Beca tightly, almost making her topple over from the force of it. “You’re the best.” 
“Jesus, Chlo,” Beca laughs, hugging back and momentarily melting into the soothing embrace, kind of never wanting to let go. 
Chloe’s eyes flicker down to her mouth when she pulls away, and Beca barely has time to inhale before Chloe’s lips are on hers, soft and tender and just… right. Beca loses herself into the kiss for a second; a blissful second where her mind goes blank, before her insecurities slam into her brain at once and wrench her out of the liplock. 
“I’m-- I’m sorry, I thought--” 
“Well you thought wrong,” Beca mutters, gaze fastened on her thighs. She can’t. She can’t start something and have Chloe change her mind when she realizes she could do much better than Beca. “Can you go, please?” 
“I… okay.” 
Chloe swallows and hastily gathers her stuff, the door soon clicking shut behind her. 
Beca doesn’t see her for a week; she doesn’t go to the coffee shop, preferring to stay hauled up in her room to work through her frustration. 
A knock at the door cuts through her thoughts one night as Beca is chilling on her bed messing around with more mixes.
“One sec,” she calls out, shuffling to the edge of the mattress and transferring herself into her wheelchair. She rolls to the door and unlocks it, pulling it open as she backs up to make room. Chloe is standing on the other side. “Hey.” 
“Hi,” she says, her greeting uncharacteristically quiet. “Can I come in?” 
Beca nods and backs up some more, waiting for Chloe to slip inside. 
“Aubrey loved the setlist,” she murmurs with a soft, albeit nervous smile. “She says thank you.” 
Beca nods. “That’s good, I’m glad.” 
A sigh puffs past Chloe’s lips. “I’m really sorry about the other day. I shouldn’t-- I shouldn’t have kissed you.” 
Beca wets her lips, finding the courage to meet Chloe’s eyes. “I shouldn’t have snapped. You didn’t do anything wrong, it’s just--” she sighs, struggling to find the right words. 
“Just what?” Chloe presses gently. 
“You don’t-- you don’t want this.” 
Chloe tilts her head to the side. “What are you talking about?” 
“Look at me,” Beca raises her voice, motioning towards her amputated limbs. Tears burn behind her eyes as the frustration that’s been bubbling up inside of her finally bursts out. “I don’t have legs, Chlo! I can’t walk, I can’t dance, I can’t-- do normal person stuff.” 
“Beca…” Chloe whispers, taking a few steps forward and kneeling in front of Beca’s chair. Beca averts her eyes, hating that she’s on the verge of crying. “Look at me,” she coaxes gently, reaching up to cup Beca’s cheek. “It breaks my heart for you that you don’t get to do those things anymore, but it doesn’t change how I feel about you, or the fact that I want to be with you.” 
Beca blinks, the shield surrounding her heart splitting open and vulnerability shining in her eyes. “You… want to be with me?”
Chloe simply smiles. “I thought that was pretty obvious.”
Beca’s eyes flutter shut for a few beats as she puffs out a breath, trying to tame down her insecurities about her body and letting people in in general. 
“Hey,” Chloe murmurs, squeezing her hand. “I don’t want to make you do anything you’re not ready for, alright? If you do feel the same way, we can take it slow. You set the tone.”
Chloe’s words soothe the anxiety swirling in Beca’s belly and her heart swells; she trusts Chloe and her intentions and god, she really wants to be with her, too.
Leaning forward, she cups the side of Chloe’s neck and brushes her lips across hers. Chloe hums, smiling against Beca’s mouth before she kisses back. 
“I’m taking you out on a date tomorrow night,” she says when they eventually pull away. 
Mind still tipped upside down from that kiss, Beca blinks and nods, a dizzy smile spreading across her lips. “Alright, nerd.”
The next few weeks turn out to be amazing as they easily fall into a relationship dynamic. They hang out even more, texting whenever they’re not together. It’s kind of gross, how happy Beca feels, but she figures she deserves it after everything. 
“Can we um— pump on the brakes a little?” She asks breathlessly one evening, squeezing Chloe’s waist as she straddles Beca’s lap.
“Yeah, of course,” Chloe rasps, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. I liked that, I just— I’m not there yet.”
She’s terrified Chloe might not find her attractive or worse, be grossed out when she finally sees Beca completely naked. 
“That’s okay,” Chloe assures her, pecking her lips. “You set the tone, remember?”
“Thank you,” Beca murmurs, truly appreciative of Chloe’s selflessness. “Hey, so um, I have my first physical therapy session with my prosthetics next week and uh, I guess I would like it if you could be there?” 
She’s had countless appointments over the last few months to get measurements and fittings for her prosthetic limbs, and she would finally see whether or not she could walk in them next week. While she’s been wary so far about including Chloe to that part of her life, she knows she’ll need someone there for emotional support, and she can’t think of anyone better than her amazing girlfriend. 
Chloe’s eyes widen. “Yeah? That’s exciting!” Softening, she adds, “Of course I’ll be there.” 
Beca is a nervous wreck by the time her appointment comes around. After much internal back and forth about whether she wanted Chloe to be in the room while they set up the prosthetics and for her to see her stumps, Beca eventually figured she would sooner or later anyway.
Chloe doesn’t show any signs of being grossed out once Beca’s pants are off, and she even grabs Beca’s hand and presses a kiss to her knuckles, as though reading Beca’s mind and guessing she needed some sort of reassurance. 
Once the technician slipped the sleeves and liners on Beca’s residual limbs, she straps the prosthetics on. “How does that feel?”
“So far so good.”
“Alright, ready to take some steps?” 
Anticipation and slight nerves swirl in Beca’s guts as she nods, moving her wheelchair in front of the metal bars. She puts the brakes on and with the technician’s help, rises to her feet. 
Her trembling hands reach for the bars as the technician holds onto her waist with a belt in case she loses her balance. 
“Let’s try a couple stationary steps first,” she advises, and Beca manages to lift one foot after the other, familiarizing herself with the feeling. “Great job. Let’s try a couple steps?” 
Beca nods, exhaling slowly and gripping the bars tighter as she moves her right foot ahead, then her left. It’s wobbly and the sockets are a bit uncomfortable, but she knows it’s just a question of getting used to. Tears sting her eyes because she’s walking again, and while she knows the road ahead is still long, she also knows she’s going in the right direction. 
“Doing okay?” The other woman asks as Beca takes another two steps. 
“Yeah, I just need a small break.” It’s much more exhausting than she thought, sweat beading on her forehead already. 
Chloe’s grinning from ear to ear when Beca glances back at her. “You’re walking, babe.” 
“Yeah,” Beca exhales with a disbelieving laugh. “I won’t take you out dancing right away, but someday.”
Chloe takes her out for a celebratory dinner after and once they’re back to Beca’s dorm and on her bed to watch something on Netflix, Beca doesn’t reach for her computer, capturing Chloe’s lips in a yearning kiss instead. 
Their make out session quickly turns hot and heavy, and Beca whips her top over her head at some point, staring at Chloe with darkened eyes.
“Are you sure?”
“I love you,” Beca murmurs instead, cradling Chloe’s cheek tenderly. “I’m so sure.”
Chloe’s eyes soften, and a dazzling smile spreads across her lips as she kisses Beca. “I love you, too.”
Time slows down after that as they explore this new window in their relationship, and Beca doesn’t feel one bit uncomfortable about her appearance, not when Chloe is showering her body with so much love. 
The next couple months are pretty much perfect. Chloe and the Bellas win the ICCA’s, Beca continues making progress in physical therapy, to the point where she’s able to walk short distances with just the help of a cane. 
On Chloe’s graduation day, she shows up not in her wheelchair but on her feet, intending on surprising her girlfriend, who has no idea she got that far. She spots Chloe talking with her family across the room after the ceremony and slowly but surely makes her way over, gripping the bouquet of flowers in her right hand tighter as nerves over meeting Chloe’s parents sprout in her belly. 
“Oh my god,” Chloe croaks, her eyes widening and a bright smile lighting up her features when she finally sees Beca. 
“Hey you,” Beca greets with a lopsided grin, laughing softly when Chloe shakes her head in awe and tucks herself into her arms. Beca inhales her scent, closing her eyes as she basks in the closeness. “Congratulations. I’m so fucking proud of you.” 
Chloe kisses her softly, taking the bouquet from her to slip her hand into Beca’s now free one and gently tugging her to the older pair. 
“You must be Beca,” Chloe’s dad says, his eyes the same vibrant blue as his daughter’s as he extends his hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” 
“You too, sir,” Beca replies, accepting the handshake. 
“Please, call me Mike.” 
“And I’m Alice,” Chloe’s mom introduces herself next, her smile warm and genuine. 
“You’re joining us for lunch, right?” Mike asks, offering a matching smile. 
Beca smiles and her heart warms, not having expected an invitation. “Um, yeah, sure. I’d love to.” 
Chloe kisses Beca’s cheek once her parents start to make their way to the car, walking slowly to match Beca’s pace. 
“What?” Beca asks when she notices Chloe is staring at her profile. 
“Nothing,” Chloe murmurs, squeezing Beca’s hand. “I’m just really happy.” 
The Beca from a year ago would have never thought she’d know what it felt like; to be loved and loving someone like she did Chloe. Yet, here she is, the happiest she’s ever been, and she’s got the feeling it’s just starting. 
“Me, too.” 
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jamielea81 · 5 years
Chapter 6
Tumblr media
Description: You accompany your friends on a day trip to Animal Kingdom Theme Park where you meet Scott Evans by chance. This one afternoon leads to a year long friendship with both Chris and Scott over text messages and phone calls.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Cursing, drinking, maybe a little heartache.
Word Count: 7,750
A/N: Comments and reblogs are always appreciated. Italics are internal thoughts. This is strictly for fun. I know nothing about the lives of these two individuals, so this is purely fiction.
Catch up with chapter 5
Scott called about an hour later. The two of you apologizing to each other which neither of you really needed to do.
“Look, I’m sorry about Chris taking my phone. I should have called you when I got home rather than calling you with Chris there,” Scott said.
He sounded down which you hated. None of this mess was Scott’s fault.
“You honestly have nothing to apologize for. I’m sorry that you were even caught in the middle of whatever that was,” you replied and took a deep breath. “I don’t want to fight with Chris. But I don’t think it’s fair that he gets to pick and choose when he wants to be a part of my life. I mean, it’s been about a month of us barely speaking.”
“Completely agree with you there,” Scott said.
“I get it though, he’s with Courtney now. And for as much as he and I were talking before New Year, I can see how that wouldn’t necessarily be something you could carry on doing when in a relationship,” you said.
“Plus, my brother is a flirt.”
“That he is,” you sighed.
“On to more serious topics. So how slutty did you decide to go?” Scott asked.
“You’re impossible,” you replied.
Jana agreed that neither dress would be considered as Scott put it, slutty. One just showed a tiny bit of cleavage and the other showed just a tad more. You decided that the deep purple flattered more, even if it did show a bit of cleavage.
Ethan arrived promptly at six with a bouquet of roses in hand. The varying shades of pink matched the color of his cheeks, which frankly was adorable.
The Capital Grille was a beautiful restaurant with old world charm. Mahogany stained wainscoting and rich red paint covered the walls. Crisp white linens with intimate lamp lighting adorn each of the tables. It’s far nicer restaurant than the last few dates you have been on. You like Chilis as much as the next person, but Ethan was definitely trying to impress and you appreciated the effort.
“I hear congrats are in order,” you said, pleasant smile on your face.
He ducks his face for a second but then offers a strong grin. “Thank you. Thank you. I take it Jana told you the news?” he asked. You nodded, taking a sip of your champagne cocktail, enjoying the flavor of the peach vodka. “I worked hard and it paid off.”
Lifting your glass, you angled it toward him. “Cheers to making partner,” you offered.
He clinked his glass of bourbon against yours, offering you a gentle smile and a muttered thank you.
Dinner was delicious and the ride home not as awkward as you assumed it would be. While you had known Ethan for over a year, each interaction had only been minutes and it was generally him offering you dazzling smiles. This Ethan was sweet and eager to know about you. The cockiness that he generally pushed out was more subdued and a part of you could see this moving on two a second and a third date.
Ethan walked you to your door and you were almost tempted to invite him in, but you did want to push this into a one and done date. Leaning in, you offered him a hug which he fully embraced. The woodsy scent of his cologne enveloped you as your face rested in the crock of his neck. After you hugged a bit too long, your pulled back with flushed cheeks, only to be met with his soft pillowy lips cooling the heat.
You went to bed that night with a smile on your face. Jana and Scott could hear about your evening later.
Ethan sent you a text around lunch the next day. Just a simple check in that kept that smile going.
Ethan: Hi 😊 Hope your day is off to a great start.
On Valentine’s Day, Ethan didn’t send anything or ask to take you out. It was much too early for something like that in your opinion, but he did send you a good morning text and another that afternoon.
Ethan: I know this is short notice, but can I take you to breakfast tomorrow?
Y/N: That sounds great. Do you want to meet somewhere or are you picking me up?
Ethan: I’d like to surprise you. Pick you up at nine?
Y/N: Great! I’ll see you tomorrow.
Ethan: Have a wonderful day beautiful.
 Brunch was at Disney’s Contemporary Resort. The California Grill not only offered dinner with a spectacular view, but it also offered an upscale brunch on the weekends. On your first date, you told Ethan about your love for the mouse. Even though he was a native Floridian, he confessed he’d only gone to the parks a couple of times as an adult.
“We should go sometime,” you said, pointing at the castle that could be seen from your table.
“Yeah?” he asked.
“I mean, only if you want to. It would be a fun date,” you said shyly.
“You’re going to let me take you on more dates?”
What a flirt.
“Or I could take you. Ever think of that?” you sassed.
“Alright. Yeah, you take me out. As long as you buy me a churro,” Ethan said.
“I’ll even throw in popcorn!”
Ethan stuck out his hand for you to shake. You turned your head to the side and gave him a lopsided grin before extending your own.
“Deal,” he said.
The date ended in a sweet kiss that felt right.
It was a week before Chris makes the first move and reaches out to you. Via text message of course. You’re in the middle writing an article about your brunch with Ethan a couple of days ago. The brunch is not a new offering at the hotel, but it’s the first time you’ve dined there and your boss agreed it could be a nice article for the paper’s online edition. Since you thought an article was a strong possibility, your date humored you as you took several photos of your and Ethan’s entrees, the buffet offerings as well as the Bloody Mary bar with your phone’s camera. You’re happy you did. It’s always nice to be able to use your own pictures to add a personal touch to the article rather than using images Disney supplies.
Chris: “Please forgive me – I know not what I do”
That asshole.
Using your love of soft rock against you was a cheap move. He knew about your obsession with Bryan Adams. It wasn’t something you shouted from rooftops, but you also didn’t hide it which is why you confessed one of your more recent regrets was missing him in concert at Red Rocks. A guy you were seeing at the time suggested the trip to Colorado but you didn’t feel the two of you were at the “vacation together” stage.
Chris: Can I call you? I really want to talk to you.
You slapped your phone face down on your desk.
Nope. Not right now. Work first. Chris drama later. Much later.
A second later you grabbed your phone off the desk and saw that a new message had come in.
Ethan: Hi Beautiful. Can I see you tomorrow night?
Smiling to yourself, you typed out a quick reply.
Y/N: Hello Mister charmer. Yes, I’m free tomorrow night.
Hitting send on the message, you placed the phone in the desk drawer. Out of sight, out of mind.
 With the dinner dishes currently drying in the rack, you walked outside to your lanai, sitting down on the cushioned loveseat. Tucking one leg under the other, you got comfy. Despite it being the middle of February, the temperatures were still comfortable in the high sixties at night. You dug your phone out of your pocket and passed it back and forth between your hands. The text from Chris had burned a hole in your brain all afternoon, despite your best effort to forget it. Taking a deep breath, you counted to three before hitting the phone icon on Chris’ contact information. If you two were going to have a conversation, you wanted to have some control.
It rang only twice before he answered.
“Y/N? Hi.” He definitely sounded nervous which slightly put you at ease.
“H-hi, Chris. Is now a good time?” you asked.
“Yeah…Just give me a second,” he replied.
It sounded as though he was moving. You could hear voices in the background getting quieter. Then you heard a door close.
“I can call you back later, if you’re busy,” you offered.
“No. No. Just watching TV with a friend. Not a big deal,” Chris said.
Part of you wondered if the friend was Courtney. Not that it was any of your concern.
“I’m glad you called. I was a little worried when you didn’t reply to my text,” he said almost shyly.
“I was working.” You took a breath. That wasn’t the whole truth. “Too be honest, I wasn’t sure I wanted to. This has been weird for me,” you said.
“Been weird for me too,” he interrupted. “You’re right. We haven’t been talking, so I shouldn’t have expected you to have told me you had a date. I’m sorry.”
You’re not sure what you expected from the conversation. Chris didn’t really owe you anything. If you guys weren’t as close as you once were, then that’s just the way it is. But you couldn’t help yourself.
“Why haven’t we been talking? I mean…I feel like I’ve put effort into it. Into our friendship. You know what? Never mind. I appreciate you saying sorry. I’ll let you go,” you said.
“What? No. Please. Tell me what you were going to say. Please,” Chris pleaded.
You let out a slow breath and licked your lips. “You really pulled away in January,” you started. “And maybe the last couple of weeks I’ve stopped trying as much, but I started to feel like I was the only one trying. This…this thing between us shouldn’t have to feel like work.”
He slightly groaned. “I’m sorry. I’ve just been busy and I know that’s not fair to you. Sweetheart, I don’t want to lose you. Can we please try again?”
There he goes again making you weak with that nickname. You truly missed talking to Chris and you really hoped the two of you could get back to the way you were. As long as he tried.
“Okay. But only because you said please.”
He chuckled at your response. “Good. Ma did teach me manors, I’ll have you know,” he said.
“Then how do you explain Scott?” you asked.
 You’d like to say that your friendship with Chris went back to daily phone calls and constant text messaging, but it didn’t. It was better, but it wasn’t what it once was. You chalked it up to him being with Courtney and you being with Ethan. The two of you texted each other once a day, but it was mainly memes and the occasional, “how’s your day?” Neither of you brought up your partners. But that was probably for the best. Besides, that just seemed…awkward.
That Magic Kingdom date you wanted to take Ethan hadn’t happened yet. The two of you had been seeing each other for just over a month. Two weeks in, he asked if you were exclusive and you said yes. It might have seemed fast to some, but you were seeing each other every other night. He texted you daily with sweet words and charmed you with multiple phone calls. A fresh bundle of various types of flowers in gorgeous hues of red, pink, yellow and creams were given to you weekly. Ethan was great and you were happy. Were you in love? No. But that’s something that came in time.
While you hadn’t gone on a true double date with Jana and Brooks, you had dined with the two of them at dinners with the other partners. Other nights were spent schmoozing Ethan’s clients. It had become a regular thing the last two weeks. You drew the line at three nights a week. Some nights you just wanted time with your boyfriend. And some nights you just wanted time for yourself. On the nights he was out without you, he’d come over when he was finished to spend the night at your place. Often dragging you to bed way earlier than you were used to. Scott did not appreciate your missed late-night phone calls, but you always made sure to touch base with him at some point during the day. You did not want to be accused of being a friend who forgot about everyone else once in a relationship.
“You’re lucky I love you. Taking your calls during the middle of the day like you’re my mother. Am I going to meet this boyfriend of yours?” he asked.
“Am I going to meet yours?” you countered.
“Touché…So, Chris and Courtney broke up,” he said casually like he was discussing the weather.
“Oh.” You’re so caught off guard, you’re not sure how to respond. “Is he okay?”
“Yeah, they do this. He says this is it this time. They just don’t work together,” he replied.
This is none of my business.
You reply with a hum. Since Chris and you don’t discuss your relationships as some sort of unwritten rule, it doesn’t feel right to discuss his breakup.
Scott seems to get the hint.
“What are you guys doing tonight?” he asked.
“Just watching a movie at his place. Nothing too exciting,” you replied.
Ethan knew about Scott, but he didn’t know Scott was an actor or the brother of Captain America. You didn’t hide it, but Ethan just wasn’t invested enough in knowing your friends. He was busy and you understood that.  
 Jana had taken a late lunch and met you at a strip mall near her office for a quick lunch and some shopping. With all the dinner dates, you needed to add a couple of dresses to your rotation.
“Are you out five nights a week like Ethan? I just feel it’s excessive,” you asked Jana.
“Kind of.” She shrugs. “Maybe three nights. Some weeks, just once,” she said.
“Then why the fuck have I been going three nights a week the last two weeks? I have to encourage him to go without me. Sometimes I just want to watch TV,” you whine.
She lets out a choppy laugh. “Ethan’s a work-aholic. I’m pretty sure I told you that before you two even got together. He’s just trying to prove himself to his new clients and the other partners.”
You had a pile of dresses in your hands and it was getting to the point where you were pretty sure your arm was going numb.
“Come please,” you beckoned Jana with a head nod toward the changing rooms. “I need you to help me decide.”
She followed you, taking a seat just outside your changing room door. Before you even put on the first dress, Ethan was calling you on your phone.
“Is it Ethan?” Jana asked.
“Yep. Hang on,” you told her through the changing room door.
“Hey Eth.”
“Hey Beautiful. How are you? Are you at work?” he asked.
“Good and no, taking a long lunch,” you said while shimming your pants down. Expertly holding your phone between your cheek and shoulder.
“What are you doing?”
“Shopping for some dresses. All these dinners we go on, I’m running out of things to wear. Jana met me, we grabbed lunch before and are headed back to work soon,” you said.
“Oh.” He sounded disappointed “Where are you?” he asked.
“At that strip mall on Citrus near your office,” you replied.
You’ve managed to unbutton the twelve or so buttons on your shirt without dropping your phone. You throw your fist in the air to celebrate, almost dropping your phone in the process.
“Wait, you’re near my office and you didn’t stop by?”
You love that he always wants to see you, but he spent the night at your place last night. But then again, you’ve dated guys that thought two dates a week was a lot.
“Eth, aren’t I seeing you tonight? I just needed some girl time,” you replied.
“Alright, fine. I just miss you,” he mumbles over the phone.
Your cheeks grow hot. This big, bad, scary lawyer is mush for you.
“You’re too sweet. I’ll see you later though,” you said.
“Okay. Bye sweetie,” he said.
“Bye Ethan.”
You slip on the first dress and walk out to show Jana. She immediately shakes her head and you walk right back in.
The next three she’s iffy about, but tells you to put the last of the three in the maybe pile.
You walk out in the fourth and she gasps. “That’s way too nice for a night out with clients, but that looks so good on you.”
You turn around to get a different angle in the mirror. She’s right. The cobalt blue looks great against your skin tone. The cut making your ass look great. You nod and smile, doing a twirl to make her laugh.
Before you make it back in the changing room, she grabs your hand.
“What did Ethan have to say,” she asked.
“He was just checking in,” you say with a shrug. “Wanted to know if I was stopping by when we’re done.”
“He calls a lot, doesn’t he?” she asked hesitantly.
“Jana,” you half chuckle. “Where’s this coming from?”
She lets out a small sigh. “It just seems like you guys spend a lot of time together. Do you ever feel like it’s lot? You were texting him at lunch.”
You’re not sure what’s she getting at. Yes, Ethan checks in quite often, but it’s a new relationship and you like spending time with him. It makes you feel good that someone cares that much about you. And yeah, it’s a lot, but it will probably lessen as time goes by.
“It’s new, Jana. We’re at that stage where we can’t get enough of each other. It’s fine. It’s sweet.”
She gives you a small smile. “Okay. You’re right. I’m just being weird. I am really happy for you,” she adds.
You walk back into the changing room, suddenly feeling a little down. You change out of the dress, opting to put your dark wash jeans and pink button-down back on. You grab the maybe dress and the cobalt blue dress to pay for. There’s a tiny bit of doubt planted in your mind now and you’re not sure what to think.
 Ethan’s cut back on the amount of nights he works late in the office, instead opting to work at your place or at his. He’s even trimmed down on the client and partner dinners, only going if you have agreed to go. It’s a lot of time together and it’s really starting to take its toll. At first, you loved all the attention, but you can’t help but think back to that tiny seed of doubt that was planted a few weeks ago. Scott’s even mentioned that you’re more withdrawn, despite your best effort to call or text him often.
It’s a beautiful spring night and you’re on your lanai enjoying the extra hours of sunlight that April brings. The darkness of winter always gets you down; you can’t help but soak up the sun for as long as you can get it. You’re working on an article for Epcot’s Flower and Garden Festival for the online edition. The festival has been going on for a month and you’ve already written a preview article for the paper, but this one is more your speed. You’ve been writing more and more for the online edition. Those articles allow you to really insert yourself into the story and write about the event from your personal experience.
The sliding glass door opens and closes behind you. You feel Ethan’s hands on your shoulders as he starts to gently rub them. An hour ago, volumes from The Southern Reporter and The Law of Torts, as well as his laptop were spread out across your kitchen island.
He kisses the top of your head. “Let’s go to bed sweetheart,” he softly says into your hair.
It’s eight o’clock. And the sun hasn’t set. The urge to snap at him is strong, but you bite your tongue.
“Go ahead without me. I want to finish this tonight so it can go up tomorrow,” you replied.
You turn around slightly and give him a small smile. This has become a normal fight between the two of you the last couple of weeks. Ever since he’s cut back on his nights out. You’ve always been a bit of a night owl, going to bed at ten feels like a compromise.
“Sweetie, I’m beat. It’s been a long week. You can finish that up in the morning. Wake up with me, you sleep too late anyway.”
You sigh out loud. “Ethan, this is work. I really need to get it finished and I don’t want to wake up at six and feel like I need to rush to finish. You’re perfectly fine to go to bed without me.”
He comes around the loveseat to stand in front of you.
“Please? For me?” he begs, voice light and sweet that you almost cave.
You shake your head. You’re not even tired. He’ll be passed out in fifteen minutes and you’ll be lying awake for hours.
“Sorry Eth. I’ll see you in there later,” you said.
You offer him a smile again before turning your attention back to your laptop screen.
“It’s like you don’t want to spend time we me anymore.”
Really? This is how this night is going to go?
“That’s not fair. We see each other almost every day. Even yesterday when I was at the park late for work, I still crawled into bed at your place when I was done.”
“My point exactly, I was already in bed.”
“We’re both busy Ethan. You work a lot. I work a lot. I honestly am giving you all my free time. I haven’t seen Jana in forever and she works in the same building as you!”
The two of you have only been together for two months. It’s too much too soon and you feel like you’re going to implode.
“Excuse me for wanting to spend time together with my girlfriend,” he said abruptly.
“If you’re sleeping, we’re not really spending time together either,” you counter. “I have to get back to this.” You point at your laptop.
“You write stories about theme parks, Y/N. It’s not that serious,” he grumbles as he starts to walk back inside.
You hop up, going after him, catching the door before he closes it.
“What a shitty thing to say. This is my career. I don’t care if I am writing about the neighbor’s dog taking a shit in my yard. I’m a writer and a journalist.”
Your face is on fire and you feel like your heart is going to beat out of your chest.
“You’re right. You’re right. You’re right,” he quickly offers. His hands going to your biceps.
“I think you should leave,” you said sternly.
“Y/N, sweetheart. I’m sorry.”
“Ethan, I need space. Please just leave,” you replied.
He nods solemnly, letting go of your arms and walking back in your bedroom to grab his duffle bag.
He walks back out of the room and gives you a sad smile before making his way to your front door. “I really am sorry for what I said.”
You nod your head and follow him to the door, closing it once he’s through the threshold. There’s a pit in your stomach and you’re shaking slightly. Finding the couch, you collapse onto it and as the tears start to flow. You don’t know if your crying because your angry, hurt, or overwhelmed.
Sleep that night is restless. Ethan has been a part of your day for the last two months. It was an odd feeling to sleep without him. What he said about your job was hurtful. Did he really think so low of you? The man that praises you daily with sweet words and gentle kisses found it so easy to cut you down.
The story doesn’t get posted the next day like you had planned. You opted for a sick day, staying in bed and ignoring your phone completely. You needed a day just for you. The relationship was too much way too soon. You’d always had that independent streak and to practically be living with someone suddenly, it was a big change.
You managed to finish your story before going to sleep that night, e-mailing it off so that it could be posted in the morning. Finding your old alarm clock because you still didn’t want to face your cellphone was a struggle. It was buried inside a box of clothes for donation that you’ve been meaning to drop off for the last seven months. Setting the alarm for nine, you fell asleep easy due to the lack of sleep and the crying the night before.
 As expected, you had several missed phone calls from Ethan, a call from Jana and a couple of text messages from Scott and Chris. You didn’t talk to Jana or Brooks at all yesterday and you knew Ethan wouldn’t go to her with this, so you knew it was just a normal check in call you missed. It was hard to listen to Ethan’s calls in the morning. You were still pretty angry at him for what he said about your career. You were also angry at yourself for sticking in a relationship you weren’t entirely happy with. You really liked Ethan and cared about him, but you knew you couldn’t go back to the way things had been. The three messages were all the same. Apologizing for how the conversation went. Saying he missed me and hoped I would forgive him. You still needed more time.
Y/N: I need more time. Please understand.
A few minutes later her responded.
Ethan: Of course. Take all the time you need.
You fired off similar texts about having a migraine yesterday to Jana, Scott, and Chris. Since you weren’t sure what was going to happen with you and Ethan, you didn’t want to say anything to Jana or Scott yet.
 A few days had passed when you finally called Ethan and asked to meet at the coffee shop the two of you took to visiting on Sunday mornings. You were nervous about seeing him which was such an odd feeling. You had gone from seeing him, kissing him, sleeping with him, to not speaking for several days and your nerves were shot.
When you entered the small shop, you saw Ethan already sitting at your normal table, two cups of coffee already waiting. He spotted you as well and quickly stood up, offering you a nervous smile.
“Hi,” you greeted him.
He leaned in for a hug and you accepted it.
“Hi,” he responded, still holding you.
When the two of you let go, you took a seat, already grasping on to the mug for comfort.
“Thanks,” you said, slightly lifting the warm mug.
“Thanks for meeting me,” he replied, small smile on his lips.
“Of course. Listen. I’m sorry for how I handled our fight that night. I shouldn’t have kicked you out, instead we should have talked. Actually, I think we should have talked a lot sooner than that night,” you said.
“I’m so sorry for how I behaved,” he interrupted. “I didn’t mean what I said about your job. I over reacted and I apologize.”
“Ethan, it’s more than that,” you sighed out. “We aren’t working. I care about you, but I don’t think we fit together as a couple.”
He starts to shake his head slightly. “That’s not true. We get along so well and we feel so right.”
You take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “It’s just too much for me. All this time we spend together, it’s too much too soon for me. I’ve always liked my alone time, and time with friends. I’m not used to spending every night with somebody. I’m sorry.” You pick up the mug and take a few sips. Breaking up with someone is never fun and your thankful this is only your second time. Granted, getting broken up with is no picnic either.
“But-But that doesn’t mean we need to breakup. I can give you space. Start sleeping at my place more. This doesn’t mean we can’t see each other,” he argues.
You take his hand in yours. You truly do care about Ethan, but you let yourself get wrapped up in someone else which you know isn’t healthy. Ethan pretty much planned your days and nights for the last two months and you just let him. Looking back, you wish you wouldn’t have jumped right into the relationship. Maybe things would have been different.
“I care about you, but this isn’t what I want. I’m sorry and as cliché as it sounds, I want to be your friend again,” you replied.
You’d still see Jana; she was your best friend. Neither of you would want the awkwardness that would come from your regular office visits.
He squeezes your hand and then keeps it encompassed in both of his. He takes a couple of breaths before speaking.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t work this out and I’m sorry if I pushed to hard too fast,” solemnly he replied.
You shook your head no. “That’s on me too.”
The two of you part the same way you began, with a hug.
 That night you call Jana and then Scott. Jana’s supportive of your decision but she’s also upset for you. She brings up your office visits and you explain that you don’t see a problem with them. Of course, it will be awkward to begin with, but you hope you and Ethan can get to a place where you’re able to have conversations as you are coming and going.
Scott is taken aback that you’re calling him at midnight your time, he’s even maybe a little surprised you are calling at all.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I recognize this number,” he said with such snark.
“Is this Chris Evans? Maybe I have the wrong number,” you sassed back.
“You bitch,” he said before bursting into laughter.
“Yes, it’s me calling, brat. Deal with it,” you said.
“The boyfriend let you have a free night?”
Had you still been dating Ethan, you would have only rolled your eyes at that, but now that you’re broken up, it only shows you that you really were wrapped up in each other.
You let out a small cough, then clear your throat. “Well, actually, um, we broke up.”
“You did? I’m so sorry sweetie. Are you okay?” he asked sincerely.
“Ye-yeah. It was for the best. I think I just need to pledge of celibacy. Apparently, I’m not cut out for a relationship.”
“I doubt that. That’s not what he said is it? I’ll beat him up,” Scott threatened.
“No, no. Not at all,” you chuckled. “I broke up with him. I was beginning to feel suffocated by the amount of time we spent together. And if I wanted to do my own thing, he would make me feel bad about doing so. Plus, he called my job a joke more or less.”
“Well, that’s horseshit and I hope you know that,” Scott said.
“Completely agree. Sure, maybe it’s not something I want to do forever, but I enjoy my job and I do it well. It hurt that he said that, which is what caused me to take time to myself and decide to end it. I just need some me time,” you said.
“You deserve it. But don’t get holed up in that house of yours. Call Jana and some of your work friends to go out. You need to let loose,” he said.
“Yeah. You’re right. Probably this weekend.”
But you didn’t. It was work and then home for the last five days. You did make it to the grocery store over the weekend, but that was the extent of your adventures. You hadn’t gone to Jana’s office yet, but you did meet for lunch a few days prior. It was easier to mope at home. Alone.
Scott: Please tell me you’ve left the house besides going to work.
Y/N: I went to the store on Sunday. Does that count?
Scott: Sassy, you can’t stay home and just be sad. That’s not good for you either.
Y/N: I’m fine. I was with someone almost every day for two months, being home alone is a nice change.
Scott: I’m not disagreeing there. But it’s also therapeutic to socialize with others. Maybe get drunk. Dance on a table.
Y/N: That sounds more like your speed Grumpy.
 Yes, it was nearing the end of April, but you still had those twenty or so Christmas movies to get through which is what you were working on Wednesday night when Scott called you at a surprisingly early time.
“Guess what?” he gushed.
“What?” you said with a laugh.
“I’m coming to visit you!” he sing-songed.
“What?! When?” you asked.
“Friday. So, you better call in sick or take the day off.”
“Not that I don’t want you to come, but what’s with the last-minute trip?” you asked.
“What? I can’t just want to visit?” he insisted.
“When one of my bestie’s is down, I am there for them. You’re one of my bestie’s and you need me. I’ve already booked the flight, so you can’t say no.” he chided.
“Hon, I appreciate it, but I promise you I am fine. Of course, I’d love to see you though.”
“Good. Then it’s settled,” he said.
“Are you renting a car or am I picking you up?”
“You are stuck with me all weekend, so you are picking me up. I’ll text you my flight info,” Scott said.
“Goodnight trouble,” you replied.
“Night Sassy.”
Now you needed to clean your house. Sure, it was clean, but overnight guest clean? Not even close.
It was Thursday night and Scott was packing his bag last minute for his trip to Orlando in the morning. Not entirely sure what their plans will be, even though he’s the one that planned the trip, he packs a little bit of everything. A suit for going out, shorts, tees, sandals, boots.
“Sassy has a pool, right?” he said to himself. “I’m sure she does.”
With swim trunks securely packed in his rolling bag, he zips it up, before dropping it to the floor.
His phone starts to ring and he sees that it’s Chris, suddenly remembering he was supposed to call him to cancel.
“Hey,” Scott answered.
“Hey. What time are you coming by?” Chris asked.
“Yeah, I’m sorry, I forgot to call you. I’m flying out early tomorrow so, I’m not coming by.”
“What? Where are you going?” Chris asked.
“To visit Y/N,” Scott said.
“Why are you visiting Y/N?” Chris asked, surprise evident in his voice.
“Because I want to see her. Plus, she needs me.” Scott answered.
“Needs you? What’s going on with Sassy?” Chris asked, growing tired of this game Scott was playing.
“Why? God, do you not talk to Y/N, like ever? She and Ethan broke up.” Scott exclaimed.
“We talk,” Chris scoffed. “Just not about her boyfriend. When did they break up? Is she okay?”
“Like a week or so ago. Maybe call your friend once in a while,” Scott spit out.
“Yeah, you’re right. You’re right.” Chris sighed out.
When the call ended, Chris wiped a hand down his face, leaning back into the couch cushion. Scott was right. He hadn’t been calling Y/N like he should. When they had that long call a couple of months back, he told her he didn’t want to lose her friendship and while they still talked, they were barely friends at this point. If he was being honest with himself, he was a little jealous that Scott was visiting her. He needed to make a change.
After picking up a very excited Scott from the airport, the two of you made a stop at the liquor store per Scott’s request, because, per Scott, “I don’t trust your wine selection.”
After that regretful stop which included picking up a bottle of raspberry flavored vodka, the two of you stopped at a grocery store for breakfast items, frozen pizza, and chips and salsa. The essentials of course.
After a quick tour of your house including a stop in the guest room so that Scott could set his bag down, he immediately ordered you to take a shower.
“I love you like a sister, but you’re looking rough my dear,” he said.
You had showered that morning, but didn’t put any effort into your hair, makeup, or outfit choice.
“Scott, I really don’t want to go out. I rather just hang out with you. Please?” you pleaded.
“We don’t have to go out, but we are getting pretty tonight. Go shower and I’m going to lay out what you are wearing on your bed,” he said.
You stuck out your lower lip to pout, but complied. Scott was here. In your house! Really, you’d go out if he asked. You started toward your bathroom, Scott promptly slapping your ass as you went.
“Brat!” you said, turning around sticking out your tongue.
After a quick shower, you blow-dried your hair, applied some light makeup before walking your towel clad body to your bedroom. Scott laid out the cobalt blue dress you bought with Jana about a month ago but never had the chance to wear. You smiled to yourself, quickly changing into the dress, opting to go barefoot since you weren’t actually leaving.
Walking back into your living room, you were met with a wolf whistle from Scott. He was dressed in a blue suit, the shirt underneath in a slightly lighter color. The two of you almost matching which made you grin.
“Looking pretty good yourself Evans,” you replied.
“Thank you.” He bowed to you. “Thank you,” he said.
“What are we having for dinner?” you asked.
“Let’s start with the chips and salsa. And the vodka. We’ll have the wine tomorrow,” he replied.
It was going to be a long night.
 The two of you never did eat anything else. The bag of chips was entirely gone as well as a lot of the raspberry vodka. Scott commandeered your Bluetooth speakers at one point, starting a playlist he had created. The two of you dancing in your fancy clothes and barefoot to Liam Payne’s Strip That Down.
You know I love it when the music's loud But c'mon, strip that down for me, baby Now there's a lot of people in the crowd But only you can dance with me So put your hands on my body And swing that round for me, baby (swing)
“Are you having fun?” Scott yells over the music.
Your body continues to dance to the beat. You offer him a thumbs up, because you’re singing along.
“Oh, strip that down, girl. Love when hit the ground, girl. Oh, strip that down, girl. Love, when you hit ground.”
The song changes to Demi Lovato Confident. Scott starts to sing along and you’re in hysterics.
“I used to hold my freak back. Now I'm letting go. I make my own choice. Bitch, I run this show So leave the lights on. No, you can't make me behave.” Scott sings out.
Scott grabs you so that your back is against his chest. He takes his phone and starts recording the two of you swaying and singing along.
What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident?
Scott apparently sends the video clip to Chris because a short time later, Chris is facetiming Scott on his phone.
“Chris!” Scott shouts when he sees his brother’s face on the screen.
“Where are you two?” Chris asks.
You kind of duck out of the way of Scott’s camera. Throughout all your phone calls with Chris going back to October, you’ve never once facetimed him before. Even with the amount of raspberry flavored vodka in your blood, it still made you nervous to talk to him face to face.
“We’re at Sassy’s house!” Scott replied.
Chris chuckled at Scott’s response. “I could have sworn you two were at a club. You’re dressed to go out. Sassy, you were lookin’ sexy in that video Scott sent,” Chris said loud enough for you to hear.
You know your cheeks are flushed, from the dancing, drinking, and now, Chris’ comment.
“This is just how we do big brother,” Scott said. “Sassy’s being shy from the camera.”
Scott flips around his phone so that you can see Chris and he can see you. You wave awkwardly at him.
“Hey sweetheart. Good to see you again,” Chris said.
He looks good, but, when doesn’t he? He’s got on a simple gray t-shirt and jeans, but his hair has grown out a bit and his beard is full.
“You-you too,” you said with a smile.
Scott turns the camera back to him. “Don’t give me that pout. Call Y/N on your own time.”
“I was just calling to see how you to were getting along,” Chris offers.
“Smashingly of course. But if you will excuse us, we have a dance party to get back to.”
Scott disconnects the call before you hear Chris respond back. You give him a smile and resume Demi’s song.
 You wake up to another hangover. In your defense, Christmas was months ago. You did pretty well with the whole ‘I’m never drinking again’ thing. Despite Scott being shown where his room is this weekend, he’s asleep next to you. You had managed to change into a t-shirt, but Scott had only managed to take his jacket off. Deciding to let him sleep since he is a guest, you make your way to the bathroom, slipping on a pair of sweats first, and then to the kitchen.
You make pancakes and sausage patties because it’s quick and easy and you really need something in your stomach as soon as possible. It’s already after eleven when breakfast is ready.
Walking back into your bedroom, you crawl back into the bed, running your hand through Scott’s hair to gently wake him. He starts to stir and puts on a sleepy smile.
“Breakfast is ready,” you said softly, withdrawing your hand.
“Well, don’t stop,” he said, eyes still closed.
You let out a giggle and resume rubbing his scalp. “It’s going to get cold.”
When that does nothing to get him moving, you speak again. “I made pancakes.”
“Finnnnee. I’m awake.”
 You both spend a lazy day in the pool. Scott lounging on a floaty shaped like a piece of pizza and you on a donut. A frozen pizza is baked around three in the afternoon because your stomach starts to growl much to Scott’s delight.
Jana calls to see how Scott’s visit is going, but you think she’s more calling to pry. When Scott hears his own name, he asks who you are talking to. You tell him it’s Jana and he grabs the phone from your hand. You’re only hearing one side of the conversation but he’s asking her and Brooks to dinner and apparently, they agreed because he tells them we’ll meet them at seven.
Dinner is at a bistro near your house that you’ve eaten at several times before. You always get a cup of French onion soup no matter the time of year.
“Is this one driving you to book an early flight tomorrow?” Brooks teases.
“She won’t let me leave! I don’t know how you worked with her for so long.” Scott replied.
You and Jana shake your heads at their teasing.
“The paper offers great benefits. That’s really the only reason.” Brooks said while shrugging his shoulders.
“You two love me. Don’t give me this shit.”
The table erupts in laughter and you find yourself smiling for a second night in a row.
 Scott and you opt for more pool time on Sunday. His flight isn’t until six that night, so neither of you are in a hurry.
“How are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m fine. I’m really glad you came out. This was a lot of fun,” you replied.
“It really was. I’ll bring Zach next time.”
“That’d be great,” you said.
“How are you feeling since the breakup?” Scott asked.
“Mostly good. Ethan was a really good guy, but we moved too quickly. He moved too quickly, but I just went along with it. I’m sad it didn’t work out, but I learned what I don’t like.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” he asked.
“Losing myself. While I was still very much me, I caved a lot. Mostly did what he wanted to do. I love being in a relationship and spending time with someone I care about, but I’m also important. My work is important to me. My friends are important to me. I lost a bit of that when I was Ethan.”
Scott offers you a smile. “You’re still very much Sassy to me.”
“Always,” you replied.
 With Scott safely in the air, headed back to L.A., you resume your Christmas in April marathon. You’re phone rings with Chris’ name on the screen. He hasn’t called you in months, so you’re a bit surprised. You hit pause on your movie and hit the call accept button.
“Hi, Chris.”
“Hey sweetheart,” he said.
“Scott’s already on his way home if you are looking for him.”
“Yeah, I know. He called me from the airport. I just wanted to call and talk to you, if that’s alright.” He said.
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s completely alright. Dork,” you chuckle out.
“Oh, I’m the dork? I’m not quite sure about that.”
And just like that, the two of you started to build up your friendship like it was the first time around.
Tag list: @tanelle83​ @pinknerdpanda​ @allaboutthebooz​ @estillion14​@patzammit​ @heartislubbingdubbing​ @collinsstanharbour​ @twittytelly​ @thefandomzoneisdangerous​ @linki-locks11​ @mywinterwolf​ @ab-baybay​ @rda1989​ @impalaimages​ @jesseswartzwelder​ @rainbowkisses31​ @xostephanie​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​ @xxloki81xx​@panicfob​ @mustangshelby04​ @bellaireland1981​ @carolina-thiell​ @straightforwardly​ @torntaltos​ @denise1605​ @mcuclintasha​ @southerngracela​ @iam-cj​ @trynnabemultifandom​ @chrisevansforever​ @kelbabyblue​ @broadwayandnetflix​ @kyjey​ @thevelvetseries​ @i-just-feel-like​ @daddieslittlefangirl​ @hista-girl​ @stankface​ @denisemarieangelina​ @im-not-an-armrest-im-short​ @whymalu​ @the-doctors-fallen-angel​ @mariswritingforfun​ @tessabb7​ @chrisevansfanfic​ @lakamaa12​ @thinkxlovexloud​@deidrashouseofpain  @nea90sweetie​ @the-murder-strut-murdered-me​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @dangerouslovefanfic​ @ripvandrinkle​ @bitterstar88​ @andymi3ntus​ @zestygingergirl​ @xstudiousslytherinx​ @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall​ @cocomel0613​ @onceuponathreetwoone​ @supraveng​ @michelehansel​ @fanfictionaffair​ @genesgoingtohamslam​@barnesthot @chrisevansforever​ @agirlcanstilldream @what-is-your-plan-today​
Chapter 7
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mushyjellybeans · 5 years
Sticky Situation (Bucky Barnes)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: Sassy!Bucky, unhelpful Bucky, Humour, bad editing, very mild language (hell, damn) Summary/Prompt: “For someone who is so smart how could you possibly be so dumb?” Bucky finds your predicament amusing and teases you. for @morsmordrethings 1k writing challenge, congrats!!!
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Nobody was safe. They were all going to be in for it. For your… let’s call it a sticky situation. 
And, just how did you get in this situation? His name begins with C and ends in LINT. You would gladly throw the two-day-old baguette at the semi-retired archer if you could. But he took off running last night with the team and you had seen no one since. 
Here’s how it happened.
It was a Friday evening, the team was free from missions this weekend. It was the perfect time to relax, play some very-grown-up truth or dare as suggested by Tony, drink some beer. Everything was going pretty well until it was Clint’s turn to ask you; truth or dare? Feeling brave, you figured Clint was a nice guy and opted for a dare. 
“I dare you to try and fit yourself in the high chair in the kitchen!” Clint laughed, taking a sip of his beer as the rest of the group looked on in shock and giggles. Evidently by their faces having no faith in your ability to fit into a toddler’s high chair.
“There’s no way she’s gonna fit in there!” Bucky deadpanned amusingly.
And in hindsight, he was completely right. Next time listen to Bucky!
You raised an eyebrow, accepting the challenge without thinking it through. 
“Alright. I can do that. I’m a small person! Easy peasy! Unlike you, sergeant Barnes.” You said too quickly. Taking big steps towards the said highchair with the team right behind you.
 And as you slid into the chair and your legs wedged. You cheered. “See?! Ha!” But when you tried to get out, you realized you couldn’t. “Uh, guys? Help me I’m stuck!” you panicked. The rest of the team were acting like they needed to visit Bruce in the infirmary if they laughed any harder. “It’s not funny! Help me get out of this or I’m gonna make your lives a misery!” You threatened, only as you moved - you ended up wedging your legs even more. Now you were well and truly stuck. The team was quick to take off, Bucky stayed behind to check on you, “Bucky please?” you begged. He shrugged and walked backwards with a smirk, “You got yourself into this situation doll, get yourself out of it.” “Then just leave me your arm!” You yelled after him.
A sudden realization you’d be spending the night here. You groaned in defeat. Tony and his stupid games!
And this was how you found yourself still stuck in a toddler high chair the next morning, a chair he had brought over for when his kids visited. It was a stupid idea.
Your back was stiff and so was your neck. You didn’t get any sleep and you couldn’t wait to get out of the stupid chair and slap that baguette around some heads. 
You hear heavy footsteps in the distance.
Bucky Barnes. What took him so long to get down here?
“Well well well.” He taunts “What do we have here?” The only words to come from his mouth, his finger rubbing his three-day-old stubbled chin and promptly crossing his arms over his magnificent chest. The same solid chest you always nearly suffocate, might you add when he squeezes you during a bone-crushing hug. “Are you still stuck there, doll?” he chuckles. Amused by your predicament.
“No Bucky, I just got here and hopped right back in, what the hell do you think?”
“Hmmm. Okay.” He shrugs casually and moves around you, heading for the coffee pot. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. Why isn’t he helping you? 
“Uh, Buck?” 
“Yes Y/N?” 
“A little help… here?” Your weight shifts, only causing the tray to tighten on top of your legs.
“Would my coochie coo like some bottled milk, doll?” He teases, stepping in front of you, pinching your cheeks like a baby.
“Shut up, Bucky and help me! You left me here all damn night!” 
He laughs and hums in response looking over your shoulder towards the coffee pot. 
“My coffee is ready.” 
“Bucky please help me, I am STUCK!” 
“Ask me nicely.” 
“I just did, didn’t I?!” 
“Alright, I have a busy day Y/N. Good luck gettin’ yourself out of your situation, doll.” He winks, picking up his coffee and heads towards the door. Your legs are hurting so much and you’re pretty sure your back is broken. 
“Bucky!” You cry out. “Please, please Bucky. You’re the loveliest man living in this tower and my favorite super-soldier. And I know I’m your favorite too. Please help me.” You beg. 
He smirks. You wish you were out of the chair to wipe that smug look off his face. 
“Please?!” You beg once more.
“Am I better than Sam?” He presses.
“Oh yes, tons better!”
He laughs. “Alright doll, brace yourself. Hold on to your pacifier, little one.” You rolled your eyes. 
He took hold of the plastic tray with his metal hand and with one swift yank, you were free. 
Your legs were numb and tingly. 
“Thank you. But couldn’t you have done that last night?” 
“You know doll, for someone who is so smart, how could you possibly be so dumb and think you could fit into this, to begin with?” He shakes his head, ignoring your question, a smirk evident on his face as he helps you down on the floor. 
You shoot him a cold glare, your jaw visibly clenches. And the soldier dares to laugh at you. 
“Sergeant Barnes. When my legs wake up, consider yourself my target.” You warned. 
“Oooh Doll. I’m so scared. I’m shaking in my boots.” His head is thrown back, laugh bellowing out his mouth as it obnoxiously echoes around the walls. Too early for this.
“You should be.” You deadpan. Once your legs have woken, you stand up straight, and as loud as you could possibly shout, your voice bounces off the walls of the tower, “GUUUUUUYS!”
Tags: @morsmordrethings
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jawnjendes · 5 years
the fog will clear up | shawn mendes
chapter 13/?, university au, shawn x goth oc
AN: sry its short and definitely a filler im sry its boring but it helps build up stuff thatll happen next ok ok im sry
*let me know if u wanna be added/removed from the taglist
masterlist | playlist
Annalise woke with a start. She was wide awake immediately. There was no room for sleepily rolling around the sheets, her eyes weren't heavy like always. She didn't know what dying and coming back to life felt like, but she was pretty sure it felt something like that. She had a weird urge to go for a jog.
Staring at the ceiling, Annalise reached towards the nightstand next to her, intending to grab her phone. Her hand touched the bottle, and she picked it up anyway, reading the prescription label.
Annalise Flores SERTRALINE 50MG TABLET Brand name: Zoloft
"You don't waste anytime, huh?" she murmured before setting it back down. Then, she grabbed her phone and checked the time.
8:47am. A new fucking record. Annalise rolled out of bed, unable to stay still.
In the 2 hours she had to kill before work, she tidied up the dorm, ate a decent breakfast, took a shower, and got started on the course work she had to make up. The energy levels were through the roof, she had never been so on edge and productive at the same time. Why wasn't she put on sertraline sooner? Sure, she felt hyperaware and borderline anxious, but that was apart of the process of getting on a new antidepressant. She was getting things done this way. Sure, she jumped when the lock on the door jiggled, but she was up and running anyway!
If she wasn't, she wouldn't have seen Stella entering the dorm. She was surprised to see Annalise on the couch, looking like a deer in headlights.
"Oh… I thought you were asleep. I'll, uh, I'll come back."
"No, wait!" Annalise sounded a little too frantic, but it did stop Stella from leaving. "Uh, come sit down! Please!"
Stella narrowed her eyes slightly as she went to the couch. At least she was willing to listen.
"I, uh, I'm sorry," Annalise began, rubbing the back of her neck. "I'm sorry for what I said. A stupid guy isn't the only good in my life. I have you. You matter to me, and I'm sorry for making you feel like you don't." She really couldn't stop herself from rambling. "I miss you. I miss seeing you here between classes, and I miss your optimism because a bitch could use some of that. And, and I'm sorry for the negativity I've brought in here. I'm working on it now, I swear. Just… come back. Come home… because bro, you're my wife, dude."
It could have been funny, but there was nothing funny about the way she said it. Her eyes were wide and pleading, and she was rubbing her hands together. Stella merely blinked her hazel eyes, nearly overwhelmed by that string of words.
"Look at you, expressing your emotions," she said after a while. "I can see why you hold it back."
Annalise nodded rapidly. "It's my first day on a new medication. Got me all sorts of hyped up, but I'll mellow out in a couple of weeks. And I'm taking therapy seriously again!"
Stella was surprised. "Oh, I see. Well… I've missed you too. Bro…"
"I'll come home too. Camila's bed is too small for the two of us."
"I know. I have to update you on all that."
"Okay!" Stella broke out a smile and stood up. "Dame un abrazo, puta."
That was much easier than Annalise had anticipated. She stood up and hugged her best friend, relieved. Stella wasn't one to hold a grudge, nor was she as stubborn as her roommate. It was another person to cross off the list.
Shawn had social media mainly to get his music out there. Yes, he interacted with his friends on Snapchat, and some fans on Twitter. Most of the time, Shawn just tweeted when he had new music coming out. He didn't check any of his social media very often, not even to stalk Ann's accounts because she was rarely on her's. He didn't even have his notifications on, purely to keep himself from the possibility of getting too attached to the opinions of random strangers online.
That was why he woke up that morning to a number of texts from Camila.
So to Twitter he went. Shawn rubbed sleep out of his eye as he went to his profile. He had around 10k to begin with, that he built up on his own over the last couple of years. He nearly dropped his phone on his face as he read the new number.
"What… the fuck?" he breathed out as he sat up in his bed. He scrolled through the list, making sure this wasn't a series of spam bots.
His mentions were just as wild, and it explained the sudden blow up.
@hollaestor: @shawnmendes hiii bella told me to follow you
@samxriv: @shawnmendes i am free to hang out on tuesday to hang out when i am free
@gisellenjh: @shawnmendes bella sent me here and im glad she did! loving your music!
And there were plenty more like that. There were so many tweets, Shawn couldn't even get through all of them. It was making his head spin. There was only one Bella he knew about too… He just couldn't spell her last name. Thankfully, her handle was just @bellasanti, and it was the first one to pop up when he typed it in the search bar.
Right under Bella Santiago's name and the blue checkmark were the two little words: Follows you. Shawn refreshed the page ten times before it sank in. This YouTuber, who has over 2 million followers, somehow found Shawn's music… and she liked it. She liked it enough to tweet about it… 3 days ago.
@bellasanti: underrated spotify artists: @shawnmendes. give him a listen. send him some love. truly talented guy💖
Shawn had only overheard Bella's videos when Ann was watching them in the other room. He never really watched any of her content. But he wanted to pass out at the fact that she took the time to listen to his music and tweet about him. He wanted to jump on the bed. He wanted to call-
He texted Camila back. "Wtf why did no one tell me sooner?? This is so crazy!!!!!"
"We thought you knew and you were keeping it from us!! LMAO congrats rockstar!"
He couldn't believe it. His follower count was rising. He was getting emails from Spotify saying his songs were being added to many different playlists.
@shawnmendes: @bellasanti wow thank you so much! Love you bella❤
He deleted the last bit before tweeting it. Holy shit. Shawn lied back down on the mattress, completely breathless.
How does someone like Bella Santiago find Shawn out in cyberspace? What Spotify rabbit hole did she go down that led her to him? How many of his songs did she listen to? How many songs did she save to her library? How many of those playlist emails were from her? Shawn had so many questions.
There were two things Annalise noticed when she was out on the courtyard after Biology. The first thing was a table on the side of the walkway, with a handmade banner hanging off the front. It read in big letters: Shawn Mendes: Live at The Cameron House. Brian, Alessia. and Camila were all sat on the same side at this table, talking to a student who was interested in the little display.
"The lounge called back," Annalise muttered to herself.
The other thing Annalise noticed was Patrick sitting under a tree nearby, reading a book. She went to him first.
The last time she had spoken to Patrick was when they cut up flowers together. He was never one to explicitly state when something has upset him, and he has seen Annalise in a depressive episode before. Annalise knew him well. Patrick kept his distance because he didn't like the negativity around her, and he couldn't afford any more of it himself.
"Hey," she greeted.
His blue eyes tore away from his book to meet her gaze. "'Sup?"
"Trying to be less fucked in the head," she told him.
Patrick nodded in approval. "Cool."
That was all that was needed for the two of them. Content, Annalise turned and went for the table. A small line had formed when she wasn't looking, so she waited behind the last person. However, with three people running the thing, Annalise got to the front fairly quick.
"Oh, she actually showed up," Brian chimed, amused.
"Meaning?" Annalise asked.
"Thought you were too pissed at Shawn to care about his show, that's all."
She swallowed the pit of annoyance, discovering that even more people knew about that. Brian is his friend, though, of course he'd know.
"Selling tickets or something?" Annalise turned her attention to the two girls.
"Yeah! Ten dollars a piece!" Alessia explained.
"Cool, I'll take one."
Just as she opened the flap on her book bag, Camila spoke up.
"Wait. I'm pretty sure Shawn said he wanted to buy you your ticket himself."
Annalise rolled her eyes. "Well, he's not here and I can do things for myself." She pulled out her wallet and paid her own goddamn ticket.
Camila breathed out a laugh. "Are you ever gonna let him do anything nice for you?"
None of your fucking business.
A new thought occurred to Annalise. "Why are tickets being sold for this show? Aren't his gigs usually free?"
"There's more production going into this one," Brian told her. "The lounge gave him the option to make it a ticketed event, and we need to make back what we already put into it. So now, it won't be a performance, it'll be Shawn's performance."
Shawn already knew how to make an audience his bitch, but…
"Alright then." Annalise shrugged and then accepted her ticket and receipt from Alessia.
The ticket alone was already quite extravagant. There were little red roses designed around the edges. This boy really loved his fucking flowers.
"I'm guessing rose petals will fall from the ceiling or something?" she guessed with a chuckle.
"I was given strict orders to not spoil anything," Brian told her, folding his arms.
The two had a mini staredown until Annalise shrugged again. "Whatever."
Then, Camila piped up again, suddenly excited. "Ooh, Ann did you hear? Bella Santiago followed Shawn on Twitter!"
"She what?" Annalise stupidly replied.
Camila practically squealed. "She gave him a shoutout too! He's blowing up on Spotify! Isn't that awesome?"
Annalise wanted to say something, but her brain wasn't quite caught up yet. So she just walked away.
The other three students watched her leave. Needless to say, they were confused.
"Is she ever gonna be happy for him?" Alessia wondered.
"I think she was excited?" Camila said tilting her head.
"I can't believe Shawn is going through all this trouble for that," Brian said with a scoff.
"I can still hear you!" Annalise called over her shoulder as she kept walking.
All three of them went red in the face, embarrassed. Brian would have made a comment about her being a vampire with supersonic hearing, but he didn't want to be called out again.
taglist: @normalcyisoverrated-beyou  @ilsolee @mendesromano @1-800-khalid-mendussy @kitykatnumber @strangerliaa @iloveshawnieboi @goldenmndes @shawnvvmendes @shawnsunflower @shawmndes @ruinhoney @someoneunimportantxx @calyumthomas @yourdeflightfullyleft @havethetimeeofyourlifee @wronglanemendes @chillingbythesea @softmendesss @mutuallynotmutual
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captain-s-rogers · 6 years
Yours Truly
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(gif credit to the creator)
Part Four
Master List
Pairing: Chris Evans x OFC // Chris Pratt x OFC Word Count: 1,573 Warnings: language, sexual tension Summary: As the presidential campaign heats up, so do things between Chris and Caroline. A/N: Here it is! Part four of me and @whiskeyxcola‘s new collab! Be sure to check out part three here! I hope you guys enjoy it! Leave some feedback so Nicole and I know how you feel about this! If you want to be tagged just send me an ask and let me know! :)
June 20
Sadie --
The pictures you sent with your last letter are gorgeous! Layla is adorable, and that farm looks like a beautiful, calm place to live. Want to trade places? You can run around D.C. and prep for a presidential debate, and I can relax on the farm. How does that sound?
For the record, I don’t have it bad for Chris. He’s just attractive and I happened to notice -- it’s not hard to. I mean...just look at him. As for not talking about Charlie, well...I don’t know. I haven’t been spending much time with him since the campaign is taking up pretty much all of my time.
To be honest with you, I think things with me and Charlie are on the verge of ending. He’s been more possessive than usual lately, probably because he feels threatened by Chris and how much time I’m spending with him -- but HELLO,, it’s my job. He texts me non-stop during the day and calls repeatedly, even when I don’t answer. I’m tired of dealing with him and I’ve been avoiding him like the plague. He’s not happy about it.
How is everything going with Farmer Pratt? You make him fall in love with you yet? If not it’s only a matter of time. I’m kidding….or am I? ;) Fill me in. I’ve gotta go, the debate starts in a few hours and I need to prep Chris. By the time you get this letter it will have already happened but I hope you watch! You might get a glimpse of me on the small screen!
Yours truly,
 Caroline sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. She stopped pacing in the middle of Chris’s office and turned to stare at him, her arms crossing over her chest. He looked back at her, smirking.
“On a scale from one to ten, how bad do you want to kill me right now?” Chris chuckled.
“I’m hovering somewhere in the high thirties.” Caroline bit back. “I just don’t even understand why this is even being debated right now. Just put on the fucking suit.”
“I get that this is a high profile debate, I get that it’s the first debate of the election season, but what I don’t get is why what I’m currently wearing is such a problem.”
Caroline let out a frustrated groan. “Do I look like I’m in the mood for games right now, Christopher? No. If this was a fucking free-for-all, I wouldn’t be wearing this damn suit myself. Contrary to popular belief I would much rather be bumming out in my pajamas, but no. I have to work, and so do you. So, if I have to wear heels and a fucking skirt then you need to put on the fucking suit! A sweater and dress pants is just not gonna cut it. You can’t wear a tie and call it a day on looking professional.”
Chris looked at her and started laughing.
Chris just laughed harder.
“What is so fucking funny?”
“I’m gonna put on the suit. I was always gonna put on the suit.”
“I don’t … why did you … ? What?”
“I was messing with you, Linney,” Chris said, his laughter finally dying down. “You need to loosen up just a little. We spend a lot of time together, and we’ve still got months, hopefully years, left to go. If this thing goes our way, I’ll be spending more time with you than with anyone else in my life. You can’t be so damn uptight all the time.”
Caroline stared at him in disbelief as he picked up the suit from where it was draped over the back of a chair and walked out of the room to change and get ready for the debate.
When the debate was over, the entire campaign staff was running on adrenaline. Chris’s statements and arguments for his stances on the various issues were flawless, and it was clear that he was the winner. When Chris left the stage, he quickly found Caroline and hugged her fiercely.
“I couldn’t have done that without you,” Chris grinned, releasing her, “let’s celebrate!”
“You go ahead, celebrate with the rest of the team,” Caroline smiled, “I’ve got some phone calls to make, interviews to set up, and quotes to give. I’ll swing by when I’m done, if it’s not too late.”
Chris nodded and started to walk away.
“Oh, and Chris,” Caroline said; Chris turned to look at her. “Great job tonight. Congrats on the win.”
Chris smiled and gave her a small nod before leaving the backstage area. As soon as he left, Caroline went into press mode, making more phone calls than she could count. By the time she had finished speaking with the media on site and made her last phone call, it was well past midnight. She knew she should have gone home, or even gone to Charlie’s, but instead, she decided to head over to Chris’s house and see if he was still celebrating.
When the town car pulled up to the house, she noticed the lights were still on. Taking that as a good sign, she thanked the driver and climbed out of the car. She headed up the front steps and let herself in with her spare key. When she walked into the house, the place seemed empty, despite all the lights being on. She called out for Chris and waited a few seconds for him to respond. Figuring he had gone to bed and forgot to turn the lights off, she turned to leave, switching lights off as she went. She was almost back at the front door when Chris came stumbling into the living room, a bottle of champagne in his hand.
“Linney,” he smiled, only slightly slurring through his new nickname for her. .
“You’re lucky you’ve got the day off tomorrow,” Caroline smirked, crossing her arms over her chest, “or you’re lucky I made sure you have the day off tomorrow, rather. I had a strong feeling you would win and I also had a gut feeling you’d party if that was the case. Clearly, my gut is never wrong.”
“Yeah, I may have gone slightly overboard, but since you’re here -- have a drink with me,” Chris said, sitting down on his living room couch. “After all, I won because of you.”
“You won because of you,” Caroline smiled, setting her purse on the table, “I just helped. But, if you insist, I will have one celebratory drink with you.”
Chris grinned and practically jumped up from the couch. He made his way into the kitchen and came back with two glasses and a fresh bottle of champagne. Caroline cocked an eyebrow at him as he set the glass down in front of her and popped open the bottle.
“I said one drink, Chris.”
“Loosen up, Linney. Pretty sure if I have the day off tomorrow, that means you do, too. So, you can have more than one drink.”
Caroline couldn’t argue with his logic; she  accepted the glass of champagne he was offering her. Despite her better judgement, and knowing that she should go home and get some sleep, Caroline helped Chris finish off the bottle of champagne. Finally, a couple hours after they had opened the bottle, Caroline decided it was best for her to head home. Chris walked her to the door and stopped her just as she was about to leave.
“You consider me sexy, right?” Chris asked.
Caroline stared at him, shocked by how blunt his question had been delivered. “Umm...I  honestly don’t know how I should answer that.”
“It’s just a yes or no question,” Chris chuckled.
It was then that Caroline noticed exactly how close Chris was standing to her. Her back was flush against the front door, and his lips were only a couple of inches away from hers. It was almost as though he could read her mind; he knew exactly how she felt about him and he wanted to hear her say it.
Her eyes flitted from his eyes to his lips and back again. Her answer came out just above a whisper, with mixed notes of confidence and caution.
The tension between them was palpable. Chris moved agonizingly slow, closing the small gap between them a millimeter at a time. His lips had not finished brushing over hers when her phone started ringing loudly from her hand, bringing them both back to reality. Chris cleared his throat and stepped back.
Caroline took a deep breath and looked down at her phone; Charlie’s name was flashing on the screen. She rolled her eyes, silenced her phone and shoved it into her purse before looking back up at Chris.
“I’ll uh…” she cleared her throat, “I’ll uh...see you in a couple days. Get some sleep, Chris.”
Without waiting for a response from him, she turned and headed out of the house. Her apartment was only a few blocks away, and she was more than grateful for the late hour, as it allowed her a quiet walk home, alone with her thoughts.. By the time she reached her apartment door, she was more confused than she had been when she left his house. Scrambling for paper and pen, she did exactly what she needed to do to work out her thoughts -- she wrote a letter to Sadie.
@ellen-reincarnated1967 @growningupgeek @pheonixfyre374 @crazililwabbit @catching-up-with-kayla
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karenstensgaard · 6 years
Last weekend, I braved the mobs, so you don’t have to! I spent a full day at D.C.’s convention center standing in line and squeezed into seats. I attended what may be the biggest free to the public book festival hosted by the Library of Congress.
According to the Library of Congress, their 18th annual festival included a diverse lineup of 115 authors featuring U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, eminent historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, acclaimed novelist Amy Tan, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, U.S. Poet Laureate Tracy K. Smith, and two-time Newbery Medal winner Kate DiCamillo. As usual, I took another route with detours right from the start.
Entering the grand hall when the crowds were more manageable!
On my way to hear Dave Eggers, I could tell the crowd was growing and saw a panel on Spywork and John le Carré. The title sounded mysterious, and since my next novel will include some espionage, I ducked in to get a seat. John le Carré (real name: David Cornwall) wasn’t there. Authors David Ignatius (The Quantum Spy), Joseph Kanon (Defectors), and Adam Sisman (John le Carré: The Biography) with Pulitzer Prize-winning author and moderator for the panel, Kai Bird (American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer) chatted about le Carré spy stories and his influences on storytelling.
Afterward, I hustled down three escalators and over to the Fiction room to hear Jeffrey Eugenides (well-known author of The Virgin Suicides) and a new book, Fresh Complaint. After waiting over 20 minutes, we were complaining. Since he was running late, the event was canceled.
With time to kill, I slipped across the hall and heard the second half of murder mystery and spy novelist Hank Phillippi Ryan’s update on her new book, Trust Me. She encouraged fellow career changers doing this later in life. She didn’t start her writing career until she was in her 50’s. My husband asked me if Hank was a man. Her real name is Harriet, and Hank was a nickname from college. She has a definite edge since statistics say men writers sell more. Just look at J.K. Rowling: her new books are penned by Robert, not Roberta, Galbraith. A sad fact, since Joanne, of all writers, can afford to be a woman!
At the book fest, authors were grouped mainly by topic or type of book (history & biography, main stage aka big names, teens, poetry & prose, understanding our world – a catch-all mix, fiction, and genre fiction. A few I didn’t check out – two children stages, and a Library of Congress Hall. Each author or group had an hour to discuss their book with an interviewer and a few minutes for Q&A.
On the right, interviews for TV channels were conducted later:
I met my husband for a book discussion by David Ignatius for his spy thriller, The Quantum Spy, about the Chinese ruling the world via computer. David was part of my first lecture on Spywork. Besides being a novelist, he is a journalist and writes a column for the Washington Post. He might have noticed me if he’d learned from his characters. Spies supposedly watch their surroundings closely. But with the packed crowd, I blended in and was undetected. But just wait for my run-in with Security!
After another wait for lunch, I returned to the Fiction salon to hear Andrew Sean Greer talk about his novel Less. Less really means More since he won the Pulitzer Prize with his edgy modern travel love story. Congrats! And the award couldn’t go to a nicer guy. Andrew came across as laid back and friendly joking with the crowd. When he found out one of his teachers was in the crowd, he didn’t hesitate to get to the edge of the stage to hug her.
Now my plan fell apart, and I almost pitched my free book tote bag in disgust. I had hurried across what seemed like miles of convention room carpeting while dodging attendees who are either are from the UK or prefer walking on the wrong side of the hallways. I followed the signs to Room 146, but somehow, I’d left, without leaving the building, and had to ask a security guard for help.
After another delay with another security check and backtracking, I found one of the hundred plus Ask Me volunteers lingering everywhere. She pointed out the best route to the elusive Room 146. But when I arrived, many others had too, and a large line snaked around the corridor.
Here’s why. Room 146 had a captivating title: Understanding Our World. So necessary anytime, but perhaps mission critical if you live in DC. I knew I wouldn’t hear any of the Conversation: Americas Great Struggle for Racial Equality featuring Brooks D. Simpson and Isabel Wilkerson.  But it was the next event that was on the top of my wishlist: Conversation: Sea Creatures.
What would the authors share with us on behalf of these creatures from the ocean and 70% of planet earth‽  (The ‽, a question-explanation mark combo called an interrobang, is official and grammatically correct. I couldn’t resist using an interrobang for the first time in such a deserving situation.)
The sea creature conversation included an interview with Sy Montgomery, the author of a book I loved: The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness. Who knew octopi have such personalities and are as smart as a whip‽Times eight, of course. Sy has a new book: Tamed and Untamed Close Encounters of the Animal Kind. Juli Berwald’s book also sounds fascinating. Spineless: The Science of Jellyfish and the Art of Growing a Backbone.
I hate to admit with these long afternoon lines; I’d lost my can-do festive mood. Instead, I found a seat and watched the long line hover and grow resembling the long leg of you know what. My seat buddy, armed with what looked like an ordinary cane, told me about the good old days in D.C. when it was a two-day event held on the Mall under massive tents. She lamented how much easier it was to see inside and hang around outside the tents if the seats were full. And except for the possibility of rain and mud, or scorching heat and humidity, book lovers managed just fine.
Right next to us, the doors opened for the next session in Poetry & Prose with a short and manageable line. So I went high-brow listening to the panel on Literary Lives with authors Mark Eisner (Neruda: The Poet’s Calling) and Kay Redfield Jamison (Robert Lowell: Setting the River on Fire” A Study of Genius, Mania and Character). Fiona Sampson, the author of In Search of Mary Shelley: The Girl Who Wrote Frankenstein, was ill and couldn’t leave the UK. Her book was of particular interest since Mary Shelley and Frankenstein are in my second still to be published novel.
My sixth and final event was again in the Poetry & Prose room: How Writers Think and Work. So apropos since I’m a novelist. I continually compare notes with the experts. But from what I’ve learned in writing, there are no rules, and if there are, no one agrees. Some renegade writers even urge you to break any you happen to find.
This last discussion included authors Lorrie Moore, See What Can Be Done: Essays, Criticism and Commentary, and Richard Russo, probably best known for his novel and TV show, Empire Falls. His recent book, The Destiny Thief: Essays on Writing, Writers, and Life was another book I had read. Two, out of about 200 new books, isn’t too bad.
The book fest ended for me since I lacked the energy for the last few lectures scheduled elsewhere. Isn’t this blog exhausting? In the Amazon carousel below, I’ve added a link to some of the books by the authors I heard speak, including one from yours truly.
[amazon_link asins=’1521210519,0393254151,0765393077,031631613X,1451697724,1524732486′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’karenstensg01-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’128fc14f-b47e-11e8-8899-c9d48c37cf6b’] P.S. If you were hoping to see another library blog, here is a photo of the beautiful Carnegie public library at Mt. Vernon Square across from the convention center. Since it looks like a beautiful spot, when the renovation is done, I’ll be back. And here’s a photo of me with an adorable portable library on the way to H Street behind Union Station and my favorite D.C. restaurant, Ethiopic.
Get an insider's view of Washington D.C.’s 18th Library of Congress National Book Festival. Last weekend, I braved the mobs, so you don’t have to! I spent a full day at D.C.’s convention center standing in line and squeezed into seats.
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