#if you don’t stop to pet every baby chocobo what are you even doing
gilly-moon · 7 months
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Favorite part of Rebirth so far ♡
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whitherliliesbloom · 3 years
birds of a feather
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[ ffxivwrite2021 ] ★ [ masterlist ] ★ [ prompt #16 - crane ]
[ illya & friends ] ★ [ 1,847 words ]  ★ [ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ] features ancientechos’ laurelis and two of my other ocs.
crane: a tall, long-legged, long-necked bird, typically with white or grey plumage
though their species varies as much as the colors of their plumages, birds of a feather flock the warrior of light together
“So...” Sigfred’s puzzled expression is framed by the furrowing of his eyebrows as he looks down at the young woman as she tries and fails to protectively shield her newest little companion away from his view. “You decided your aviary isn’t quite populated enough, did you?”
He says little, but the creature stood a good two feet taller than the comparably tiny lalafellin in front of it, the red tuff that crowned its head not helping it stay out of sight and unnoticeable either.
Of course, even if the peculiar thing hadn’t been almost the size of a small hyuran child or had striking plumage, it wouldn’t distract anybody from the fact that the lanky, majestic creature Illya had herded back home was yet another bird - a wild crane hailing from the far east.
“It wasn’t my decision to make.” Illya frowns, shaking her head while she idly raises her hand to rest upon the crane’s head, stroking it gently. “She just followed me back.”
“All the way from Yanxia?” The disbelief in his voice is his understandable, as is the skeptical crossing of his arms. He has trouble believing that a wild animal would doggedly tail Illya thousands of miles away from it’s natural habitat. Though his cynicism quickly fades when his scarlet eyes meet starlit ones, and he is reminded of the supernatural affinity the girl has with feathered creatures when a pigeon casually flutters over and lands on top of her head. 
He cannot tell if the lack of the wild animal’s natural fear of people when it came to Illya was more absurd, or the fact that she seemed completely nonchalant about the way a bird was nesting atop her hair. 
“Yes.” She answers, voice dipping slightly in pitch to convey her seriousness. “Hien had quite a struggle to chase her off the boat.” 
Evidently, the Prince of Doma had failed spectacularly... and as if self-aware, the crane puffs it’s chest out and tilts her head high into the sky. 
Next to Sigfred, the bard’s shoulder shakes in mirth, his loud guffaw echoing through the shroud of trees and causing the pigeon that had been peacefully resting on Illya’s head to flee, much to her unspoken chagrin. 
“Gods, I’m not even surprised anymore.” Wiping a stray tear from the corner of his eyes, E’lija finally speaks in between choked laughter. “Illya brings home a new bird like every other day.”
Heat spreads across the young lady’s face, though as if sensing her embarrassment, the cockatiel that had been sitting quietly upon the branch of Illya’s wisteria tree flys over before landing on her shoulder, now nudging it’s head against her cheek.
“I-I... I don’t choose to, most of the time at least... Plus, if I take good care of them, there shouldn’t be a problem. Isn’t that right, Orion?”
The cockatiel bobs its head up and down, much to the utter shock of E’lija who throws his arms up.
“W-wha- It can understand her??”
Orion doesn’t spare even a second to pause before turning it’s head to lock his beady, round eyes upon the miqo’te before his beak parts to voice his detest towards the man who would embarrass his master.
“Piss off.”
“IT CAN TALK?!?!” E’lija so very nearly falls off his fold up chair, threatening to take the cups of coffee and biscuits onto the floor with him.  “WHERE- Where did it learn that from???” 
“.....Estinien.” Illya frowns, lifting her index finger to poke at the cockatiel’s forehead in disapproval. “He got into a fight... well... argument with Orion. It wasn’t pretty.”
She really should find a way to tactfully ask the man to cut his expletives down... or at least not feel the raging urge to get into a debate with a mere bird, lest she have a harder and harder time convincing people that she was not in fact the one responsible for teaching her pet cockatiel how to yell ‘Thal’s balls’ in a guest’s ear. 
Sigfred merely hums, his hands stroking his chin as he narrows his eyes at the crane. 
“What kind of crane is it, anyway? We didn’t see a lot of it’s kind back in Doma.”
“It’s a Manchurian crane - one of the rarest species of cranes in the world, I believe. It’s particularly highly revered in the far east... which was why I had to hide her below deck while we were sailing by Kugane.”
His interest piqued, the redhead straightens himself and adjusts his hat before leaning back into his seat. 
“Why’s that?”
“Um... well, if I remember right, it symbolizes good fortune, longevity and immortality.”
E’lija has to stop his jaw from dropping so low that it’d collide with the table. Archons, and this apparently rare crane from the far east that represented god given virtues has now taken a liking to Illya so much it’d leave Doma to stalk her all the way back to Eorzea?
Internally, he wonders what sort of karma he must have to obtain such divine blessings. 
With a clear of his throat, Sigfred steers the conversation back on track.
“So what now? What do you plan on doing next with it?”
“I-I.... I don’t... I don’t know? She’s stubborn... wouldn’t budge for anyone. I had thought maybe letting her see just how different the shroud is from Yanxia, she’d want to go home but...”
A hearty, more pleasant giggle rings out next to her, and Illya turns to look at a pink-haired miqo’te who she had assumed would be too pre-occupied with cuddling her baby dodo to have paid attention to her conversation with her other party mates.
Laurelis still is, to an extent... her arms wrapped tightly around the plump, round creature as it lets out an occasional squawk. But as usual, when it came to the topic of animal adoption and welfare, she was ever the first to jump to contribute to the topic.
“Why don’t you just adopt her then? You already know how to take care of other birds so... just one more won’t make much of a change, would it?”
That was the exact mindset that would lead Laurelis to have an ever growing household of cats and dogs that she’d find on her travels... but Illya thinks pointing out the irony to that would only get lost to her dear friend. 
“Well... I... I have my reservations.” 
Illya turns behind to look back at the crane as it stares intently back at her. Whatever that was going through it’s head, it certainly had no intention of returning where it came from... But that in itself was a bit of a problem.
“Manchurians cranes are an endangered species... I’m not sure I’m qualified enough to take care of one, let alone adopt and keep one for the rest of it’s life, when it should rightfully be wild.” 
There was a drip of hypocrisy in her statement, certainly. It wouldn’t be the first time she’s had to shelter a wild animal only to be forced into a position of adopting it - and it didn’t just apply to birds either. 
But caring and raising a species at danger of going extinct was an entirely different issue that she rightfully felt she had no place dabbling in - not without professional training, at least... and the twelve knows when she’d find an expert in the matter willing to teach her.
Ethical concerns aside, Illya also struggled to find a concrete reason for why she absolutely had to keep this beautiful creature in her home. 
For most of the other animals she’d adopted, they had been rescued in some form or the other. Hazel for example, the brown sparrow that she had found with broken wings near Bentbranch Meadows a few summers ago. Though Illya had full intentions to release her as soon as she healed from her injuries, the little sparrow grew attached and has rarely ever left her side since. 
She’d struggled to find an adopter who would be willing to take in her mobirdly obese chocobo chick Lawrence, due perhaps to their reservations in regards to providing for his demanding diet. And likewise, the hunting hawk that she’d met upon a pirate ship had been abandoned after losing it’s eye... and his protectiveness over not just herself, but anyone he knew to be someone Illya cared for, made it difficult to even find ways to put adverts for his adoption. 
Illya had thought the reason why birds seemed to flock to and very often stay by her side had been for the simple fact that she’d saved them... and that their attachment to the one who saved them made it impossible for them to part from her. 
The Manchurian crane however, would perhaps be the clearest proof that her affinity with birds was... unnatural, to say the least. 
Not that she minded, of course... Because for as much as she would bring doubt to her own abilities to care for the animals under her care, she did secretly have a soft spot for birds that perhaps made it hard for her to give her feathered friends as much as it would be for them to find a new home. 
“Maybe I could foster it for a while before bring it back to Doma.” Illya hums, but hears Laurelis whine pitifully in response.
“But she’s clearly attached to you! I’m sure she’ll be happiest by your side. At the end of the day, her happiness and wellbeing is the most important, right? I’m sure you’ll do just fine, Illya!” 
The miqo’te points out, gesturing to the yard full of birds who roosted quietly - from Lawrence who was now rolling about in his little playpen full of sand, to Captain Blackbeak who sat vigilantly atop the purple mailbox decorated with golden leaves and stars that sat right outside her yard. 
Illya hears hazel singing from where she sat on the roof of the pagoda, and the nudging of the crane’s beak against her face, as if both voicing their agreement for Laurelis’ words... and Illya lets out a heaving sigh that was copied comically by the cockatiel on her shoulder.
“I-I’ll think about it.” Though there’s still a hint of hesitation, the fact Illya was willing to even consider was enough to cause Laurelis to break out into a grin, lifting her hands up to clap in delight.
“Oh goodie! Now think of a name for her!”
“N-now??” With widened eyes of gleaming lavender stars, Illya parts her mouth and shakes her head frantically. “W-when I’m put on the spot like that I can’t--... I can’t think of anything-”
“Oh!” Evidently more than happy to suggest some ideas, E’lija blurts out. “I have some ideas! How about... Queen crane! Or... Immortal Nancy! Or-”
“Shut up stupid! Shut up stupid!”
Bouncing up and down, Orion squeals out, causing the bard to finally collapse off of his chair and spill his milk coffee, which Illya is certain that Lawrence would be more than happy to hop over and drink off the floor.
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acedesigns · 4 years
Wrong Number [FF7: Sephiroth Oneshot]
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A/n: Not too much of a reader-insert as this is in third-person.
Word Count: 2626
His phone vibrated. With a sigh, thinking it was Lazard or someone needing something, he pulled it out. It was a text from an unknown number. It read, “what the fuck is he doing?” Sephiroth raised an eyebrow and went to text back, saying the person had the wrong number. Then, a picture popped up before he could.
There was a ferret laying on a plate eating some food. The ferret wasn’t just sprawled out across the plate. No, he was laying around the outer edge and eating from the middle of the plate. It was weird looking, if not a bit silly.
Now, Sephiroth wanted to know more about the ferret, but most definitely did not want to let some random person know who he was. If his fan club got his phone number, it’d be a huge headache. He’d be able to change his number, but it’d still be an annoyance.
I don’t know. What is he doing? Sephiroth replied, putting his phone away.
Being a huge fucking dork! now brat is hissing because i took away a milk jug. whhhhhyyyyyy?
Sephiroth let a smirk form on his face out of amusement. He rested his cheek on his hand and texted back with one hand. How many ferrets do you have?
Sephiroth watched as the dots appeared before stopping. He placed his phone on his desk and continued to work on the paperwork he was in the middle of. Then, his phone vibrated again. He glanced over, debating on if he should just ignore his phone or actually work. He glanced at the clock, seeing that it was really past when he should be done working. The paperwork could wait until morning.
I have the wrong number, don’t i?
Yes. But you didn’t answer my question.
4. Baby Brat, Baby Bear, Baby Boy, and Saki. Baby Bear was laying on the plate.
Sephiroth’s eyes widened at the number. He didn’t realize that people had more than one ferret. Then again, he didn’t actually know anyone that had a ferret. Still, his curiosity was peaked. The one eating on the plate was rather cute – not that he’d let anyone know he thought that.
Then, you must have pictures of all of them.
One by one, pictures were sent. It was as if the person was excited to show off their ferrets. With each picture, they’d send the names. It was just a picture of the ferret and whatever they were playing with or sleeping in. None of them had any hint as to what this mysterious person looked like.
Sorry about texting you, btw
Don’t worry about it. It’s definitely not the worst wrong number I’ve received. Most pictures I get by mistake are more explicit.
Precisely. Sephiroth paused. He did actually enjoy this wrong number. Now, as an apology, I expect to receive ferret pictures or anything similar every day.
Sephiroth put his phone away and stood from his desk before making his way back towards his quarters within the building.
At about ten that morning, Sephiroth’s phone vibrated. He glanced around to make sure no one was looking before he hurriedly took it out. He opened a text message with an image attached.
Good morning! I hope I’m not waking you up. Here’s Baby Boy.
There was a ferret asleep. Though, his tongue was sticking out far more than anything Sephiroth had ever seen. He shot one of his gloved hands up to cover a snort that escaped his nose. The side of his eyes crinkled while he grinned at the photo.
Most graceful, he replied and put his phone away. He couldn’t risk anyone else seeing his smile when he worked hard to build his reputation.
A couple of weeks past. Each day there was at least one picture. Sometimes, more than one image was sent. Whenever there was an additional image, it was when Sephiroth needed it most. He almost questioned how the person knew, but played it off as it just being a coincidence.
When it was day sixteen, Sephiroth found himself exceedingly stressed out. There was a recent attack on a mako plant and tensions between Shinra and Wutai were starting to get out of hand. He was about to explode at Hedeigger’s ignorance when his phone vibrated.
“Excuse me, I need to take this,” Sephiroth hissed and left the room. He leaned against a wall in the hallway and pulled out his phone.
THERE’S A SNAKE IN MY BOOT! There was a ferret’s butt, tail, and hind feet sticking out of a boot. Sephiroth took a deep breath and allowed himself to stare at the picture and let his stress flow out of him. He scrolled up at previous pictures. With each picture, more and more of his stress was going away.
You are heaven-sent. Today has not been a pleasant one and this has helped. Thank you. It was the most he replied to any of the pictures. Most of the time it was just a couple of words or a thumbs up.
Is everything okay?
Ah, yeah. Too bad you don’t own your own business.
Sephiroth narrowed his eyes, not exactly sure where they were going with it. ????
A group of ferrets is called a business.
Sephiroth formed a small O with his mouth. I should look into it. But then again, I have you. He narrowed his eyes at the text message he sent. That could sound a bit weird going to someone he never really spoke to nor had any idea as to what their name was.
Dawww, I’m flattered. I am super awesome, huh?
I suppose so. He sighed a breath of relief that they played it off so well.
Just suppose? I’ll have to make sure my awesomeness is more apparent then. Since you’re having such a bad day at work, you have earned yourself more ferret pictures. Do you like cats or dogs? I can get those, too.
You have them?
No. But whenever I go on a walk they usually come up to me.
Either will be fine. I do prefer cats.
Gotcha! Just give me a second, but here are some ferrets!
A stream of ferret pictures and some gifs were immediately sent. They must have them on hand whenever they need them. Sephiroth stayed out, scrolling through all of the pictures. His shoulders were no longer tense. And a small smile formed on his lips.
“Sephiroth?” Sephiroth jolted at the sound of his name and hid his phone. He glanced over and saw Angeal look at him with a raised eyebrow. “What are you grinning on about?”
“It’s nothing,” Sephiroth cleared his throat. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. His hand itched to look at what the person was sending him, but he refused to look when someone else was nearby.
“You sure?” Angeal stepped forward. “You dating someone or something?”
“No,” Sephiroth sighed. He turned towards the room where Heidegger was. Without another room, he entered to doom himself to listen to more of the idiot’s bombastic plans. His stress was coming back. He glanced around and saw Angeal was paying attention to Heidegger. If Heidegger noticed Sephiroth looking at his phone, he wouldn’t say anything. Just be annoyed.
Slowly, Sephiroth slipped his phone out. He felt like a child again, doing something he shouldn’t be. But the temptation was all too real. He held in a laugh at a picture of several cats looking up at the camera. Below it was a single caption.
These aren’t my cats.
From that day, pictures of other animals would appear. All of them captioned with them not belonging to this mystery person. Some of them were normal, like dogs and cats. Then, there was an occasional chocobo. The person wore a gloved hand while petting the chocobo, so Sephiroth could tell that it was up close. Then, there were outright ridiculous pictures. Pictures of animals that the person had no business being up close to. Wild animals.
Why are you getting within such close proximity? Sephiroth finally broke down and asked when he was taking a break.
No, no, no. They get close to me. I try to keep my distance, but they don’t! It’s been like that since I was a kid!
Sephiroth raised an eyebrow with some speculation. Then again, the pictures were there as some sort of proof. He shook his head, deciding it was easier to just accept it as the truth than any other possibility.
Just be careful. He quickly texted.
Awwwwwwww, are you starting to like me?
Something about that made Sephiroth’s heart flutter. He shook his head of a blush that was threatening to surface. He hardly knew this person. No, the person was still a stranger. He couldn’t possibly like them. If anything, he just found amusement in the pictures that they sent or the stories that they would tell or the fact that they were always making sure he was okay.
Hey, do you know if there are animals in Midgar? The person texted again before Sephiroth could reply.
Some, but not many. Why?
I have to go there on a business trip soon. I was wanting to see if I needed to keep a stock of pictures to send you or if I could get away with getting pictures there.
Sephiroth hesitated at the thought of this person coming to the city he was stationed at. This would be a perfect opportunity to meet face-to-face. But that would get rid of the anonymity between them. His thumb hovered over his screen, trying to decide if he should even tell them that he lived in Midgar.
“So, they’re going to actually be here, huh?” Angeal sounded from over Sephiroth’s shoulder.
Sephiroth swung around to look up at Angeal with wide eyes. He pressed his phone against his chest to hide the screen. “What are you talking about?”
Angeal sighed and took a seat next to his friend. “You’re not being as discrete as you think you’re being. Plus, I’ve seen your lock screen has changed from just the standard picture it comes with. You’ve never done that. Now, it’s changed multiple times to different pictures of ferrets. You, Sephiroth, don’t have ferrets.”
Sephiroth glanced at his phone and sighed. “Fine.”
“So, what’s their name?”
“I don’t know,” Sephiroth admitted, feeling a tinge of embarrassment.
“You don’t know?”
“They texted the wrong number. We’ve never introduced ourselves.”
Angeal raised his eyebrows in shock and leaned back in his chair. “Well, that’s something that doesn’t always happen. Aren’t you worried that they could be some horrible person?”
“They’re not,” Sephiroth responded immediately. “They couldn’t be.”
Angeal sighed. “How can you be so sure? Maybe meeting with them would be a good thing. You can make sure they’re a somewhat decent person.”
“Maybe.” Though, Sephiroth wasn’t wanting to confirm that they were a good person. No, he was wanting to know more about who they were.
He unlocked his phone past a picture of one of the person’s ferrets and started to text.
Seeing as I live in Midgar, maybe keep a stock of pictures. He hit send before pondering how to respond.
You do?! Oh! I know of a fun game we could play! If you’re up for it, that is.
What did you have in mind?
This is just if we want to try meeting up. I totally understand if you don’t want to, no pressure! I’ll send you pictures of things depending on where I’m at. You can, too. But I have no idea where anything in Midgar is. Anyways, we try to find each other just based on the pictures. It could be like a scavenger hunt or something.
Sephiroth felt himself smiling at the idea, something that did not go unnoticed by Angeal. However, Angeal had grown used to seeing that soft smile of Sephiroth’s. It was why he refrained from saying anything to his friend. He didn’t want Sephiroth to feel like he had to give something up that made him so happy.
Sounds like a plan.
Sephiroth had cleared his day of any meetings and informed the appropriate people that he was not to be bothered that day. Though he didn’t want to be disturbed, the moment he woke up, he turned his phone’s volume up from its typical vibrate. That day, he had a person to find in the huge city of Midgar.
A ding went off. Sephiroth immediately pulled out his phone and opened the attached photo. It was an image of a sculpture of red tubes intertwining with one another. He felt his heart skip a beat. He knew where those sculptures were located. They were right outside of Shinra Tower. He stood from his desk and quickly maneuvered to the window. He peered down the dozens of stories to the streets, trying to see if he could make out any of the people. From where he was standing, they all looked like ants.
Sephiroth ran out of the office and towards the elevators. In a rush, he almost forgot his keycard. Almost. With a swipe, the elevator started its slow ascent to his floor. He tapped his foot impatiently. It was too slow in a time where he wanted to rush so he wouldn’t miss the person.
Finally, with a ding, the elevator’s doors opened. He stepped inside, swiped his card, and waited as the elevator descended. He turned to look out to see if there were people still looking at the statues. No one was there and a frown took a hold of his face.
Once the elevator opened, he glanced around the front lobby to see if anyone looked like they may be taking pictures. No one was there besides the normal workers. He wanted to see if anyone checked in with security, but he wasn’t sure if that would be cheating.
The man ignored the stares of the employees before he stepped out the front door. With great disappointment to him, no one was loitering around.
Then, his phone buzzed.
He opened it and saw the giant tree growing within the relaxation area. He exhaled sharply and pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing he had just missed them. Walking back inside, he went straight to the elevator and up to the sixty-first floor.
Chattering died the moment he stepped into the relaxation area. People were openly gawking at the man of legend. Though, like ferrets, their attentions were soon diverted elsewhere. He walked around, looking for anyone that could possibly look like they would own a ferret. Then again, he wasn’t even sure what that even meant.
His phone vibrated and he opened it. He stilled when he saw it was a picture of himself.
This might be a dead giveaway as to where I am, but holy shit!
Sephiroth looked up from his phone and around him. Then, he felt his heart race when his eyes landed on the most breathtaking person he’s ever seen. They were just putting their phone away. His eyes trailed along their body. There was a ferret necklace, hanging delicately from their neck.
Sephiroth found himself slowly walking towards the person as if he were in a trance. The person looked up at him with some slight alarm – probably thinking they were in trouble for taking a picture of him.
Before the person could say anything, Sephiroth took out his phone and showed them his lock screen. “Is this one of your ferrets?”
“You’re the wrong number,” the person said with a light laugh, but then they grew deadly serious. “Oh man, I just sent you a picture of yourself.”
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yshai-tia · 4 years
. layercake
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name: y’shai tia
“at yer service, mate. aye, though ye might wanna ask again inna moon ‘er so-- lil’ more papers ‘ta push through an’ the last bit’ll change there. still can’t gods damned believe it if y’ask me.”
eye color: blue (left), green (right)
“pree’ common combo fer seekers, y’know? green from me ma, can only guess the blue from dear ol’ pops. is tha’ how it works? i ain’ a genetics sorta guy.”
hair style/color: black, lackadaisical
“oi now, leas’ it ain’ a qiqirn’s nest. take care ov’ me braids though, if yer lucky jus’ might tell ye what they mean some day.”
height: 5 fulms, 9 ilms
“look, ‘m tall fer a miqo’te, thas’ gotta count fer somethin’. ain’ about the height, mate, s’all ‘bout how ye use what yer slapped with.”
clothing style: predominately black with abhorrent amounts of leather
“what, like either ov’ those things ‘er ev’r gonna go outta style? lookin’ good an’ bein’ durable, ye can’t really go wrong there. an’ it ain’t like ‘m allergic ‘ta change, startin’ ‘ta get used ‘ta this whole buttoned ‘ta the throat business. sorta.”
best physical feature: absolutely everything, take your personal pick
“c’mon now, lookit yers truly, notta shortage ov’ ‘bests’ in sight, choosin’ jus’ one would jus’ be cruel. thick thighs, thick arse-- lil’ thick in th’ head sometimes but, aye, leas’ yer lookin’ at somethin’ nice.”
your fears: physical restrictions, i.e. being bound, failing to protect those he loves and/or hurting them himself, powerlessness and ineptitude, particularly large coeurls
“cor, jus’ had ‘ta go from a fun question straight ‘ta this. lighten up, mate.”
your guilty pleasure: who’s guilty?
“ain’ nothin’ guilty ‘bout indulgence-- an’ i sure as shit don’ think ‘bout-- ... ah, fuck. guess there was one time... but that was long ‘go now, ain’ no point bringin’ it up.”
your biggest pet peeve: don’t get him started
“the fact that ul’dah exists, does that fuckin’ count? aye, yer right, ‘ta big ‘ta be a peeve. cor, i dunno, what ye cryin’ over spilt yak’s milk fer. i guess... aye, well, this is a personal one-like, but whiddle this fer a second; self-proclaimed sorts ov’ engineers who go off wif’out a single thought fer consequences. ... aye, aye, i hear ye, real fuckin’ bold fer someone like me ‘ta bitch ‘bout that, but, listen, a guy can change. it’s one thing ‘ta fuck ‘round with things ye don’ understand fer the sake of curiousity but ye also don’ see me gettin’ ass deep in allagan bullshit jus’ cause there might be a fancy toy there that tickles me boredom away fer a spell. shit’s got its conveniences, aye, not like i dunno the uses ova’ tomephone-- but most ov’ it is also fuckin’ dangerous, not sayin’ that it shouldn’ be explored proper, but not by some renegade blighter who fancies himself some magitek wiz so far up his own arse it makes yer local garlean look like a dozen o’ roses.
swear, ye got folks out here thinkin’ jus’ cause they can take apart a chronometer ‘er do some basic maintenance on a firearm that they’re ready fer solo-scavenging-- next ye know they’re wadin’ in aetherochemical spills an’ huffin’ ceruleum.
so that’s one fer the road there, ask me again sometime an’ i’ll enlighten ye ‘bout all the fuckin’ joys ov’ seeker racism ‘ve ‘ad the pleasure of gettin’ ���ta know.”
your ambition for the future: much and more
“one day ‘atta time has always been me go of things, aye, gander though i ain’t without dreams, ‘specially now with tha’ stability in me life-- let me think ‘bout things that i nev’r really thought mattered ‘ta much ‘ta me ‘fore, the future an’ like.
firs’ thing that comes ‘ta mind would be me projects, bein’ able ‘ta have me own workshop has been both a blessin’ an’ a curse; blessin’ fer obvious reasons, curse cause ‘m startin’ ‘ta have one ‘ta many irons in the fire, if ye whiddle me meanin’. the biggest one though... even i gotta admit tha’ this is a generational project at bes’ outlook, but. workin’ ta’wards bein’ able ‘ta purify an’ clean the land ov’ the remnants of war-- speakin’ ov’ ceruleum spills an’ the like. with hope me husband says that we could maybe one day bring th’ elementals’ blessin’ back ‘ta tainted lands, thas’ his field of expertise at work there... jus’ bein’ able ‘ta rid the land ov’ imperial consequence is a worthwhile goal ‘ta me, i reckon.
oth’r than that.. there’s some silly things, aye, winna big marksman competition ov’ sorts, fish up a catch that no one’s ev’r seen ‘fore, get stronger... thas’ one thas’ nev’r changed, fer differ’nt reasons now mind.”
your first thoughts waking up: depends on the morning
“considerin’ the curr’nt season an’ all, most of me mornins’ start with me husband latchin’ on ‘ta me an’ not lettin’ me leave the bed at leas’ an extra bell fer the sake of warmth.
which is ‘ta say me first thoughts when wakin’ are pree’ fuckin good ones.”
what you think about the most: his husband, work, personal projects, underlying worries and responsibilities he’s not prone to publicly airing
“i ain’ exactly the ‘fee-low-sof-ick-al’ type, mate. keep it simple-like, thinkin’ ‘bout what’s in front ov’ me, the next step aft’r that.”
what you think about before bed: depends on the night
“‘pends on if ‘m too fucked out ‘ta even think ‘fore sleep takes me ‘er not. still, thoughts still mostly the same ‘gardless-- usually somethin’ long the lines of jus’ how godsdamned lucky i really am.”
you think your best quality is: once again.... take your personal pick
“well, ‘lready mentioned me ass, me thighs... if ye fancy scars me chest an’ back are pree’ damn nice too, me arms got some neat lookin’ ones lemme-- oh, y’don’t mean physical this time. cor, why didn’ ye say so.
shit, uhh... well, i ain’ the type ‘ta give up, come hell ‘er high water. shit tha’ might be a flaw but fuck it, it gets results, at leas’.”
single or group dates: single
“the hell issa group date? like a bunch’a folk all mated goin’ out? separate mated pairs? yer missin’ me here. only got eyes fer one, so the point is prolly moot.”
to be loved or respected: respected
“this issa easy one. trus’ me, know what is like bein’ ‘loved’ without respect, shit’s fun fer a spell, strokes the ego ‘til yer cummin’ yer own pride an’ fumes, but is all the same as a grog binge down at the Wench-- ev’ry single time ye’ll wake up feelin’ like shite an’ prayin fer death. ye can get mighty high on’a pain an’ pleasure cycle like that, aye, but ‘ventually the pain wins out.”
beauty or brains: they correlate
“me baby’s got both, so it ain’t like i gotta choose. ‘m a spoiled bastard, i know.”
dogs or cats: both
“cute buggers aren’t they, the both ov’ em. been at the mercy ov’ the teeth ov’ ‘em both too-- from coeurls ‘ta imperial trained bloodhounds. still, can’t rightly hate the animal fer instincts an’ trainin’, all jus’ tryin ‘ta survive.”
lie: naturally. but also poorly
“ain’ ‘xactly me strongest suit, fair, but ‘ll bullshit me way ‘round somethin’ if i gotta.”
believe in yourself: of course-- sincerity is a non-factor
“fake it ‘til ye make it, mate. call it cheesy writin’ on the wall ‘er what’ver ye like, shit does the job. no one gives a shit how ye feel ‘bout yerself-- jus’ fuckin’ tell yerself that ye got this an’ go. don’ look back.”
believe in love: he’s in it
“kinda hard ‘ta refute somethin’ ‘m experiencin’, y’know.”
want someone: every second of every day
“jus’ ‘cause ye already have it don’ mean that ye stop wantin it. aye, if anythin’ jus’ want ‘em even moreso. constantly, shit never stops. it’s fuckin’ heaven, lemme tell ye.”
been on stage: not professionally
“nothin’ like singin’ er dancin’, less ye count bar tables as impromptu stages.”
done drugs: not always consensually. but a moko edible every now and again isn’t such a crime.
“relax, ain’ like i make a habit ov’ it. special occasion, really. don’ fancy bein’ out ov’ it ‘ta of’en.”
changed who you were to fit in: naturally
“ye gotta if ye wanna survive beyond yer own comforts, mate-- that is if yer lucky ‘ta be born inta’ such ‘ta begin with. look, is called adaptin’, an’ if ye haven’ noticed we miqo’te are pree’ fuckin’ good at it. not even mentionin’ tryna fit in at home-- when i left it was change ‘er die; changed when i started learnin’ the common eorzean tongue, changed when i started dressin’ different, when i started learnin’ how ‘ta act, walk an’ talk so as ‘ta survive, hold me own. y’see it all the godsdamn time-- lookit every miqo’te who changed their name once they started livin’ in one ov’ the big cities, aye, not all ov’ ‘em do, but ‘nuff do ‘fer us ‘ta notice.
it’s adaption. it’s survival. hide parts ov’ yerself ‘ta preserve the greater whole. ain’t sayin’ it’s a nice thing tha’ we gotta do it-- but, aye, survival rarely is ev’r nice.
... if yer lucky though, if ye live long ‘nuff, ye can start reclaimin’ them hidden parts ov’ yerself back, aye, s’process.”
favorite color: black
“were ye expectin’ anythin’ else? ain’t gonna say no ‘ta gold either-- ‘specially of the rosey sort. they jus’ go ta’gether so well, y’know.”
favorite animal: jaguars, of course
“biased? me? ‘course not.”
favorite food: seafood in general, rustic homecooked meals, spicy food, way too sweet cream-filled coffee, nostalgic preference for almonds, coconuts, and fruit based desserts
“ye ev’r have those lil’ balls of cod deep fried in batter? could get meself sick on those buggers. too damn good. ‘specially if ye add a generous ‘mount ov’ dragon pepper ‘ta the fish ‘fore hand. ‘course if it’s good, fresh catch then ye can’t go wrong with simplicity neither, crab meat straight from the leg with no bells an’ whistles issa snack fit fer the finest.”
favorite game: card games, puzzles, anything that can spur fun competition, whether it be from hunting, to racing, to a snowball fight, isn’t adverse to the cheap thrill of betting on a race chocobo every now and again
“anythin’ can be good, fun competition if yer willin’ an’ rarin’, nothin’ like a lil’ friendly fire under yer arse ‘ta get the legs movin’ an’ cogs whirrin’.”
day your next birthday will be: 28th day of the first umbral moon
“would be pree’ wild if me nameday wasn’ on.... me nameday.”
how old will you be: 29
“ugh, c’mon, i’m tryin’ not ‘ta think ‘bout it. knock it off.”
age you lost your virginity: between the ages of 19 and 21, he does not specify
“whas’ it matter? past is the past. leave it alone.”
does age matter: to an extent
“i ain’ no damn preacher, but it’s pree’ godsdamned obvious when someone is exertin’ power ov’r another. s’reason there be words like kid an’ adult. don’ fuckin’ be that person.”
best personality: bullheaded, smart, witty, compassionate, strong-hearted and strong-willed, brave, stubborn, impatient, and rather tactless
“maybe toss in a damn fine arse an’ voice like’a songbird-- wait, those ain’t personality traits?”
best eye color: rose gold
“bonus points if they gotta nice, natural glow ‘ta’em.”
best hair color: a warm rose peach with a streak of pale blonde
“what? ‘m a guy who jus’ knows what he likes. an’ i like what i like, cuff me if issa crime.”
best thing to do with a partner: exist with them in the entirety of life’s capacity
“call me fuckin’ sentimental, but learnin’ ‘ta fuckin’ live, really godsdamn live, with ‘em rath’r than jus’ survive... can’t fuckin’ be beat, jus’ can’t. shit’s golden, can’t wait ‘ta do it ev’ry single day on this star ‘til me times’ up.”
i love: “me husband.”
i feel: “pree’ chuffed, might go fer a nap.”
i hide: “poorly. mean have ye seen me, mate? ain’t easy hidin’ when yer this big. less’ maybe was in a house built with roes in mind.”
i miss: “me ma. aye, still lot’sa things that make me miss home, wouldn’ change where i am now fer the world, mind.”
i wish: “... fish. er, sorry, mind blanked there. they rhyme. been at sea fer the past few days now.”
tagged by: @ffxiv-sunderedsouls​ tagging: this is a stupidly late response so not sure how alive this particular meme is still but, here’s the deal; you wanna do this? do it and tag me THAT WAY i’ll know in the future to tag you in other things, good deal, right? right?!
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
Headcanons for the chocobros meeting their future child (4yrs old) with the reader even though they're not even together yet. Each kid has a different quirk like Notcis's kid just instantly falls asleep when held longer than 2 minutes by him, Prompto's is terrified of Chocobo's due to their father's obsession, Gladio's can read way above their reading level, and Ignis's already drinks ebony due to an accident and loves cooking with him! please and thank you! and congratulations on the wedding!!!
Thank you so much, Anon! 😘
Let’s be honest, these are tiny fics, not hcs lol. 
There are even some bonuses! I hit some writer’s block and couldn’t think of what to do for the other characters, today. If anyone wants me to do Ardyn, Cor, Aranea, and/or Nyx, just let me know. 
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean
If you like what you read, please consider supporting me on Patreon or buying me a Ko-fi!
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Scene: Shiva visits each of the following characters individually in their sleep. She wants to show them the future they’re fighting for, and that happens to include a child. In this dream, they get to interact with their future child, even if neither will remember it when they awaken.
His child instantly falls asleep when held longer than 2 minutes by him
Like, they can sleep anywhere.
But he loves it.
He stands there, just holding them.
Their little arms around his neck.
It warms Noct’s heart that they WANT to be held by him.
In the dream, there’s no hesitation.
The child sees him and walks right up to him, arms outstretched.
Noctis isn’t sure what to do with kids, normally.
He’s one of those “I’ll break your baby” types.
But this kid is easy.
They simply want to cuddle.
Noctis absolutely loves it.
He stands there, bouncing the child lightly and petting their hair.
Their every sound and movement is adorable to him.
Eventually, he would sit down and nap with them.
When Shiva returns to him, beckoning him to the waking world,
Noctis sets the child down in a bed,
It rubs its eyes with little fists, but goes back to sleep.
“Sleep well, little one. I’ll see you when you wake.”
His child is terrified of Chocobo’s due to their father’s obsession.
Prompto appears in a child’s bedroom in the dream.
It’s brightly lit, with stuffed animals everywhere.
A little child looks up at him from the floor.
They’re playing with toy vehicles.
“Er…hey there!” Prompto greets.
They’re silent, shyly looking up at him.
Prompto would sit down next to them, asking about their toys.
Eventually they play together.
It doesn’t take long after that before Prom has the child in giggling fits from his sound effects.
“But you know what this game really needs?”
Prompto gets up, looking around the room.
Any child of his HAS to have tons of these.
It takes him awhile, but he finds what he’s looking for stuffed in a cupboard.
“A Chocobo!” He presents the yellow plush with jubilence.
The child looks horrified.
They start to cry!
“Oh no! OH NO! Oh no!”
Prompt is panicking!
He made a kid cry!
His kid!
“What’s wrong? Oh, don’t cry, it’s ok! See?”
He trys to bring the plush closer to the child, but they scoot across the floor away from him.
Finally, it dawns on Prompto.
“Look! No more chocobo! It’s gone!”
The child still has tears in their eyes and looks scared.
But they let Prompto get close.
“Come’ere,” he says, sitting on the floor.
They come over and cuddle up next to him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Chocobo’s are scary!” The child states matter of factly.
“They’re what?!” Prompto is honestly shocked.
“They’re mean and they don’t like me!” The child is full on pouting now.
“Why do you think they don’t like you?”
“Because they peck at me.”
Prompto can’t help but laugh. He was scared of things as a child, too.
“I’ll tell you what, how about we find you a really really nice one.”
“No! I don’t want one.”
“Ok, ok, no chocobos.”
Well, there goes Promp’s dreams of owning a chocobo farm.
But this kid might be worth it.
“I want a moogle!” The child pipes up.
Prompto laughs.
“You like moogles? Tell me more!”
Prompto listens as the child regales him with “facts” about moogles and how much they love them.
He loves their enthusiasm.
When it’s time to leave, the child gives their (future) father a big hug.
Prompto is shocked at first, but hugs them back.
“Take care, bud. I’ll see you soon.”
His child already drinks ebony due to an accident and loves cooking with him
Ignis appears in the kitchen of a home.
The sun is rising outside.
A small child is awake, standing in the middle of the kitchen.
“Well, hello,” Ignis greets it.
The child doesn’t even look at him.
Instead, it goes straight to the fridge.
It has to throw it’s body back to open the stubborn door.
At least half of the fridge is just cans of Ebony.
The child takes one.
Using both hands to support the can, they start to drink.
Barely stopping to breathe.
“I doubt that is recommended for a child.”
Ignis crosses the kitchen to them.
“Dad lets me.” Finally! They speak!
Ignis is doubtful.
“I drank his once when I was a baby, now he lets me drink them.”
“Why would your father leave coffee where you could get to it?”
“He didn’t, he gave it to me.” The child finishes the rest of the can.
“He wasn’t awake and put coffee in my cup instead of milk.”
Ignis’s head is in his hand.
Is HE truly going to do that?
“Duly noted…”
They stand in the kitchen, simply staring at each other.
This is not a touchy child.
“Well…Do you want some breakfast,” Ignis asks, figuring he may as well do something.
“Sure! I’ll get ready.” They perked up at this idea.
Iggy is expecting them to get washed and set the table.
Instead, they get out a child’s apron, a stool, and a colorful whisk.
With some struggle, they bring the stool over to where Ignis is standing and set it down next to him.
“OK! What are we making.”
The whole scene is honestly adorable.
Ignis decides to make them pancakes and fruit.
Everything he does is met with, “I want to help!”
The child pours cups of ingredients into the batter and stirs everything.
Ingredients go everywhere, but the child is trying their best. 
At first, Ignis won’t let them near the stove.
But eventually he gives and lets them flip one pancake.
He certainly won’t let them near the knives!
Fruit pieces do go missing from the counter as they continue making breakfast.
Ignis’s heart is so warm.
He’s smiling ear to ear when they sit down to eat.
As they finish their food, Shiva returns to take Ignis away.
The child looks scared as he gets up to leave.
They jump up and hug his legs.
“Don’t go!”
The scene breaks Ignis’s heart.
“I’ll return soon, little one,” he whispers as he kisses the top of their head.  
His child can read way above their reading level
Gladio is in the library of the Amicitia Estate.
In among the towering dark shelves and countless books,
He sees large stacks of random books on the ground.
Small eyes peer out at him from behind them.
He crouches down to be level with them.
“Hey there.”
“Hi,” is all he gets back.
“Whatcha reading,” Gladio asks, taking a nearby book.
“What kind of stuff?”
“All of it.”
Gladio smiles. They respond just how Iris used to.
“Cool.” He sits down and takes a nearby book, opening it up to read.
“That’s not a good one,” the books squeak.
Gladio looks up before examining the cover of the book.
“The Metamorphosis…Nope! It certainly is not.” Gladio sets the book down suddenly.
What was that doing in a child’s book pile?
“This one is better!” Finally, they come out from behind their books.
They bring an old red leather bound book to hand to Gladio.
He takes it.
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream, huh? Have you read this?”
The child sits down next to Gladio.
“Yeah. I liked it.” They lean up against him.
“Well…ok,” Gladio cracks open the book and starts reading.
The child is reading over his shoulder.
He smiles at them and starts reading out loud.
He makes all the voices and uses his best dramatic reading skills!
They love it! Laughing often.
They’re to the second act when Shiva returns.
Gladio sighs as he stands, handing the book back to the kid.
“Can we finish it later,” they ask, looking up at him.
“Absolutely, kiddo.” He ruffles their hair, looking down at them lovingly.
He starts to walk towards Shiva when he feels them tackle his leg.
The scene makes him want to cry.
He picks them up, hugging them.
“Daddy will be home soon.”
Oh baby, this kid has the scowl down pat!
They stand in Fenestala Manor, staring at each other.
It’s a scowl off.
But, just like Ravus, they can’t hold it forever.
They turn from him, suddenly taking off through the halls!
“Get back here!” The High Commander of Niflheim chases after a child through his own home. 
They run off towards the conservatory, slipping through the doors just before Ravus.
He pushes the great doors open, stopping for a moment as the feeling of the room hits him. 
It is warm and humid with the smells of flowering plants from all across Eos.
It’s silent, except for birds chirping high overhead.
All the eye sees are greens and bright colors from the flowers. 
Breathing deeply, Ravus can taste the flowers in the humidity.
This was always one of his favorite rooms.
If this truly is his child, it’s no surprise that they ran here. 
Ravus and his mother had tended many of these plants.
It was always a place where he could feel closer to her memory.
The bushes rustle.
Ravus takes a moment to close the great doors, before walking the halls between the great plants.
More rustles.
He follows the noise.
He comes upon a very unique bush.
The plant is massive, stretching from floor to the 30 foot tall ceilings and at least half that in width.
The branches are greenish bark, bushing out from the ground.
The leaves on it are small, especially in comparison to the palm sized white blossoms that appear amply over the bush.
Currently, the bush looks to be more blossom than leaf.
This particular plant is extraordinary and only an expert would know it’s secrets.
Ravus can hear small noises behind the bush. 
He whistles. It’s a half second long high note made between the tongue and the lips.
The plant shakes, coming to life.
All of the flowers close, the petals folding inwards to protect the pistil.
The child is revealed, their hiding place behind the bush now obsolete.
They look utterly shocked.
“How did you do that,” they demand of Ravus.
He can’t help it.
He smiles at the scene.
Many years ago, he said similar words to his mother when she showed him the trick.
“There’s much you don’t know about the occupants of this room.”
“Show me!” The child creeps out from behind the bush to stand before him.
“Only if you say please.” Ravus can hear his mother saying those exact same words.
“Please…” The child adds.
“Come.” Ravus begins to walk the halls of the great conservatory, stopping at each plant to discuss it with the child.
“What about that bush…will it be ok,” the child asks, looking back on their hiding spot.
“Yes, with a little time, the flowers will open back up.”
As Ravus makes for another plant, the child takes his magiteck hand, holding it.
He’s shocked!
His instincts almost kick in to push them away.
But something else holds him back.
They walk through the gardens, hand in hand. Ravus answers every question the child can think of.
Coming full circle, they see that the bush’s flowers have reopened.
“Look!” The child bounces excitedly.
“I see!” A smile graces his harsh face.
Shiva appears, framed by the great flowers, holding a hand out to Ravus.
“NO!” The child folds into him, gripping his leg. “Please, don’t go!”
You can hear the High Commander’s heart shatter.
Images of his mother’s smile flash in his mind.
He leans over, wrapping the small child in his arms.
“When you awaken, I will be right here, little blossom. I will never leave you.”
Luna’s child is mischievous, just like she used to be.
Shiva takes her to the doorway of a grand bedroom.
It’s a child’s bedroom; there are toys everywhere.
But it appears no one is here.
“Hello,” Luna asks the room.
Luna takes a step forward.
“BOO!” A child jumps in front of her from behind the door.
Luna gasps, startled, hand flying to her chest.
The child giggles.
Then Luna does.
“Gotcha,” they tease.
“Yes, you did!” Luna bends over to greet the child, a warm smile on her face.
The child smiles back.
“Want to color with me?”
They settle on floor cushions at a low table, crayons and paper spread out before them.
“Here, you can use this one!” The child hands Luna a silver ink pen.
“Thank…” Luna responds before the pen shocks her!
The child laughs at their prank.
“You really are a trickster, aren’t you?” Luna is giving them a mocking side eye.
Luna does her best to come up with a way to trick the child.
“Do you want a snack,” they ask some time later.
“I’d love one,” Luna responds.
“I’ll go get us one!” They take off running out of the bedroom.
In that time, Luna switches the caps on all of the markers in the box the child was using.
Then, she hides in the closet.
The child returns with fruit.
They’re quiet at first.
“Are you still here,” they call.
Luna watches, waiting.
The child puts the tray of fruit on the coloring table.
“BOO!” It’s Luna’s turn to jump out in front of them!
They squeal.
“You got me,” they shout through toothy giggles.
They both laugh and settle in for snacks.
Luna gives them a look before biting into an apple.
“It’s safe! I promise,” they plead.
She smiles and bites into it.
The child goes back to coloring.
Soon, they dramatically sigh.
“What is it,” Luna asks.
“I have a purple sun…” the child holds up a purple marker with a yellow lid on it and their paper with a large purple circle in the corner.
Luna starts to giggle.
“You did that,” they shout, giving her a fake pout.
Both of them laugh and enjoy the day.
When Shiva returns, Luna stands to leave.
“Wait! Here!” The child hands her their drawing.
It’s of the two of the under a big purple sun.
Luna smiles fondly at it.
“So…you don’t forget about me,” the child says.
“I could never forget about you, little star.” She holds her future child tight.
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windup-dragoon · 5 years
@ishgard had asked for OTP Questions with Kiri and Aymeric, however, I lost the original post??? But you didn’t specify a number so, since it was the only ask for this prompt, I just did them all. ;u; THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!! 
1. Who laughs at their own joke and who deadpans at the joke?
Kiri cracks the jokes in this relationship. Usually just bad puns that give Aymeric a reason to sigh. But he loves it. 
2. If they had a secret handshake, how would it go?
Stupidly complicated. Both often forget important parts. Everyone regards them with caution. 
3. It’s movie night, what movies are they gonna watch together?
Adventure movies! They both get overly excited like children if the story is good. 
4. It’s time to name their pet they adopted together, who gets to name it? How do they come to this decision?
She would give Aymeric the honors of naming their adorable fur baby. But should the name be too fanciful or too gaudy, she’ll give the pet a nickname.  
5. Who would they love to go on a double date with? 
Estinien and Shuri, Haurchefant and Laurelis, Alphinaud and Illya. They’d be pretty chill to go out with anyone. I EVEN HAVE A HEADCANON THAT THEY ALL GO TO GOLD SAUCER ON A DATE OR THE MOOGLE CHOCOBO FESTIVAL FROM FF15. AAAAAAAA
6. Who wakes the other up in the morning? How do they wake them up?
Aymeric is the first to wake up, he’s set in his routine, so he gets the pleasure of waking Kirishimi. He would wake her up as softly as possible. Feather soft kisses, a tender touch of her cheek. Flat out telling her to wake up just results in a zombie Kiri for a vast majority of the morning. 
7. How do they celebrate Halloween?
COUPLES COSTUMES. Kirishimi starts thinking of costume ideas extremely early because they’re so extravagant. Aside from a few social parties, they don’t mind dressing up and just going for a walk.
8. Who is more likely to call their partner ‘dude’?
Kiri would address Aymeric as such. She often forgets to put the Ser before his name, or Lord, while in public so it wouldn’t be unlikely that she’s so casual with him. 
9. During a thunderstorm how do they react? Is one scared? Do they both love it? Do they take pictures? ECT. 
They both enjoy storms. If Ishgard gets storms??? A great time for cuddles in warm sweaters and sipping tea together. Incredibly loud thunder, the kind that shakes a foundation, might startle Kirishimi however. Booming noises don’t usually bode well in her field of work.
10. Who would looking lovingly at their partner and call them ‘idiot’?
Aymeric to Kirishimi. He’s proud of his idiot though. 
11. It’s time to get groceries, who likes to look at everything and who just wants to power through and get everything done so they can go back home?
He would be a casual shopper, taking his time to locate each item on a neatly written list and price match. She runs around like a gremlin collecting snacks and hurries back, ready to leave only after five minutes of shopping. 
12. Who is more likely to make a mess in the kitchen?
While she isn’t a horrible cook, in an attempt to make a lavish meal for Aymeric, the kitchen would be rendered inhabitable for a time after. She always does her part to clean it though once their meal has been had. 
13. Who likes to try to prank their partner?
Initially it was Kirishimi who would prank Aymeric. Yet bad habits are easily caught. They both prank one another, however, Aymeric’s idea of pranks are lacking in creativity. 
14. When scrolling on their phone, who is more likely to show their partner a cute picture/video of an animal?
As a woman who adores nature and wildlife, each and every cute animal to stray across her screen would be shoved into Aymeric’s face so he could enjoy it as well. She fusses non-stop over them. 
15. Who causes the tomfoolery and who has to try and stop the tomfoolery?
Kirishimi is literally just a gremlin. She runs amok through Ishgard, playing tag with Estinien as a way of training, to bringing baby coeurls home. The Lord Commander definitely has his hands full with this wild card. 
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dragons-bones · 5 years
FFXIV Write Entry #13: To Tend the Flame
Prompt: wax | Master Post | On AO3
Notes: Spoilers for Shadowbringers MSQ and spoilers for the Binding Coils of Bahamut side story.
She first noticed it during the battle at Laxan Loft, but it’s not until they reach Il Mheg that Synnove really paid attention to the new aether curling and weaving amongst her own.
Oddly enough, it’s not the Lightwarden’s. That had felt ice-sharp and rotten-soft at the same time, white to the point of pain and not singing but screeching of broken glass and denied, raging hunger. No, that aether sat in the core of herself, sulking and bitter, but otherwise not influencing her spells.
No, this aether was…warm. Fiery, but the welcome flame of a campfire in the night, or the hearth of a well-loved home. She outright dismissed it as Ifrit’s aether leaking from Ivar; that was too distinctive and too familiar. This new aether was familiar, too, and the way it intertwined among her own, yet remains separate, reminded her of a primal’s lingering touch, so clearly at some point she had come into contact with it.
There was a niggle of an idea at the back of her mind. The hypothesis was set; now to observe.
First: the Dreadwyrm’s aether coalesced much faster. Previously, she had needed to trance at least twice to build up sufficient reserves to (grudgingly) indulge Ivar and use him as the core to summon Demi-Bahamut to the field. Now she only needed to trance just the once. Ivar, at least, was delighted by this change, her bloodthirsty, rage-filled boy.
(And at least she’d stopped having panic attacks every time she’d needed to activate that array.)
Second: the new, strange aether reached peak coalescence only after she had finished coalescing Dreadwyrm aether, and then dissipating it with a summon of Demi-Bahamut. In fact, she couldn’t even tap into Dreadwyrm aether again until she’d tranced with the new aether.
Third: while trancing with the new aether, it affected two of her spells. Outburst was a relatively new creation that the aetherochemistry department had only recently finalized; Synnove had offered to field test it shortly before she and the others had been whisked away to the First. That spell fluctuating due to an unexpected outside influence was unusual, considering how rigorously the Guild tested and developed their arrays, but not impossible. Ruin III, however, was an old standby, a tried and true blast of pure, unaspected power reserved for the most talented members of the Guild that had been in circulation for years. The only arrays more stable were the ones for the rest of the Ruin series and the standard carbuncle summons they gave to the baby arcanists (who weren’t insane overachievers like herself who had to write her own from scratch).
And it wasn’t just subtle effects. No, both Ruin III and Outburst were unaspected; arcanists liked working without the interference of specific elemental affinities, or alternatively with an equal amount of each kind so that they all canceled one another out, it made the math behave. (There was a bloody good reason she’d run into the wall on her artificial aether infusion project: working with elementally aspected aether was essentially working with literal fucking chaos and sometimes it was fun, but sometimes it just sucked.) This new surge of primal aether turned her respectable, unaspected spells into roiling balls of fire and pitch.
Ivar, of course, loved it. Heron and Alakhai, who also preferred to fight in the melee, not so much.
Fourth: the aether sang, as it always did. It reminded her very strongly of the Dreadwyrm aether’s dirge-like ballad, but this aether’s song was slower, more solemn. Wordless crooning matched with the resonant tones of an Ishgardian pipe organ. It was a funeral hymn: no rage, only deep, boundless sorrow, and a bottomless well of love.
Observations complete, she compared the data sets the night they vanquished Titania, absently rubbing her chest every so often as she did. The carbuncles curled up around her in various stages of patience—Galette in her usual spot around her neck, Tyr loafed next to her, Ivar sprawled in her lap and reaching up to either bat at his sister’s tails or his brother’s ears—as she set up the portable readout device she’d thankfully packed back on the Source. Synnove flipped open her grimoire sitting on the ground next to her on the opposite side of Tyr, paging through until she got to the first page of the arrays for Ivar’s passive sensor programming.
Humming quietly, she took the channeling stylus from her mouth, and placed the tip on the activation sigil. The array lit up, and so did the readout device, pulsing out a hologram that scrolled through the most recent aether readings. Synnove squinted as she skimmed the data, scratching Tyr’s neck until the big carbuncle turned into a happy puddle of brass purrs.
Then she called up data from nearly four years ago.
She looked up, only a little startled, to meet Alisaie’s worried gaze.
“Is everything all right?” said Alisaie.
Synnove looked back at the data, gnawing on her lower lip as the implications of the data sunk in. She let out a slow breath and said, “Don’t know yet. Fetch your brother, please, the both of you need to see this.”
Alisaie, Twelve bless her, didn’t hesitate, just turned and hurried off to find Alphinaud. She returned with her twin in a handful of minutes to the spot out in the fields surrounding Lydha Lran that Synnove had settled in to review her notes. By the time they reached her, Synnove had pulled up both data sets onto the viewer at once. She gestured, and the siblings both sat in front of her.
“So,” said Synnove, setting down her channeling stylus carefully to ensure the tip still touched the activation sigil of the array, “I’ve noticed a peculiar bit of aether mixing with my own recently and no, it’s not the Lightwarden’s.”
Alphinaud and Alisaie’s looks of alarms quickly subsided, in favor of concern and interest as Synnove outlined for them the changes she noted. Then she pointed to the readout device.
“The display on the left is the recent data Ivar’s passive sensors have recorded,” she said. “I’m sure Galette and Tyr’s would read the same, but since Ivar is the only one installed with the Dreadwyrm Protocols, he has the most complete set.”
Alphinaud scratched Tyr behind the ears, as the big carbuncle had crawled forward for pettings during Synnove’s explanation. “And I note that it’s exactly the same as the display on the right,” he said.
Synnove hummed agreement, rhythmically running her hand down Ivar’s back from his head to the base of his tails
Alisaie sat with her arms crossed, just staring at the displayed data. Finally, she said, “The data from the right is from the Binding Coils, isn’t it?”
“It is,” said Synnove, quiet and serious.
“That’s,” and Alisaie swallowed, “that’s Phoenix’s aether.”
“I believe so.”
Alphinaud didn’t look as rattled as his twin, but Synnove had known him long enough to spot the tension around his mouth and eyes. “Why now?” he said. “You’ve been using the Dreadwyrm Protocols for a number of years by now, so why has Phoenix’s aether remained dormant for so long?”
“My best guess,” said Synnove, “is because we’re here on the First. Eorzea is upfront about the fact that Dalamud’s fall and Bahamut’s rampage unquestionably fucked up the continent both on a physical and metaphysical level. The rest of our home star claims suddenly only having a single moon in the sky after the second one blew up a few miles directly above the surface had no effect on their magicks and aether, but we can all three agree that they’re probably trying to save face to a bunch of foreigners how mucked up things got for them, because that is a load of chocobo shite.”
Alphinaud coughed, smothering a smile, as Alisaie momentarily forgot her distress and snickered loudly.
“Bahamut’s aether didn’t just insinuate itself into everyone at Carteneau,” continued Synnove, continuing to pet Ivar and reaching up with her other hand to scratch behind Galette’s ears. Both carbuncles purred happily. “And it didn’t just insinuate itself into everyone in Eorzea, though I’ll grant that Eorzeans have the highest concentrations. No, Bahamut’s aether is everywhere on the Source; it’s permeated every rock and tree and beastkin and Spoken.
“It’s always been too easy to coalesce Dreadwyrm aether; when I’ve run through my own aetheric reserves, I can still use the Protocols without much fuss. If I was only ever using the aether comingled with my own, I should run out, but I don’t. Thus, I have to be unconsciously drawing upon the Dreadwyrm aether all around me.”
“But here on the First,” said Alphinaud, thoughtful, “Bahamut’s aether only exists in you and us Scions. I have noticed you still have had no issues using the Protocols, so we can assume you are able to draw on the Dreadwyrm aether within us and the others.”
Synnove inclined her head to him. “Just so.”
“So, with a finite amount of Dreadwyrm aether,” said Alisaie, “Phoenix’s aether is finally detectable, and even able to exert influence and become usable with the dissipation of Bahamut’s. And with how quickly and how strong it coalesces, it needs to be dissipated in turn before repeating the cycle.”
“That is my theory for what’s occurring,” said Synnove. “And, of course, I’ve noticed it steadily growing stronger and more stable since this began. No doubt it’ll continue to do so, although at the moment I couldn’t tell why.”
The twins shared a long, silent look. Alphinaud raised a single eyebrow. Alisaie nodded.
They turned back to her, their expressions serious, but the gleam of excitement was in their eyes. Synnove recognized it and grinned; bless their nerdy hearts, her darling little sibs.
“What would you like to do with this, Synnove?” said Alphinaud.
“And how can we help?” said Alisaie.
“Well,” drawled Synnove, “we’ll need to build some arrays to control how Phoenix’s aether warps my spells when I’m trancing with it. And then, I believe, we should prepare for the day when his aether has grown strong enough that Phoenix will fly the skies of the First as he once did at Carteneau to vanquish Bahamut, with all the prayers of Eorzea to guide him. If you two are all right with that?”
The twins dove forward to embrace her; Galette squwaked unhappily at being jostled, but they ignored her. Synnove returned their hugs, smiling, and tucked them in under her arms. Tyr immediately came over to flop across all three of their laps.
“You’re the only one I’d trust with it,” Alisaie said.
“We couldn’t think of anyone better suited,” added Alphinaud.
“Thank you,” Synnove said, as heartfelt and honored as she could. “Now then, my fellow nerds, let’s get to it!”
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breakfastteatime · 5 years
FFXV Minific - Save the Cat(s)
(Is it really a minific if it’s over 1000 words??)
Sunday night is always a good time for something cute. Brotherhood era fic awaits!
Ignis arrived at Noctis’ apartment the same time Gladio did. The pair stared at each other. They didn’t even need to ask. They’d both received the message from Noctis’ new friend, Prompto. He’d been around for six months and showed no signs of leaving. Ignis admitted he’d been wary of the boy at first, but Prompto had grown on him. He must have for him to have received both Ignis’ and Gladio’s phone numbers. But this was the first time Prompto had ever used them. Ignis knew Prompto was a little nervous around him, but whatever had inspired him to send his very first text message certainly hadn’t sounded like an emergency. It contained far too many chocobo emojis.
You guys HAVE to see this. In person! I’m not even sending a photo. Get here and witness the wonder yourselves!
Gladio opened the apartment building’s door for Ignis. “Do you have any idea what this kid’s talking about?”
“None,” Ignis said, stepping in, glad to be out of the rain. Insomnia was in the grip of an incredibly unseasonable storm, the wind and rain lashing at the city for the past two days. Frankly, Ignis was ready for summer to really kick in. “Do you know Noctis insisted on walking home from school today. I have absolutely no idea why.”
“Huh,” Gladio said, following Ignis in. “Maybe we’re about to find out why.”
They took the elevator up to Noctis’ apartment. Ignis opened the door, letting them both in. They didn’t even have a chance to get their shoes off before Prompto came skidding into view. He had a massive grin on his face, his socks padding against the ground as he danced from foot to foot. “You’re here!” he said, keeping his voice low.
Gladio sighed. “Where’d Noct fall asleep this time?”
Somehow, Prompto’s grin broadened. “Oh no, not where. With what.”
Ignis couldn’t help smiling. Prompto’s glee was infectious. “Perhaps you’d best show us.”
“Okay!” Giggling, Prompto skipped away. Gladio snorted and followed. Ignis brought up the rear. Which meant he was the last to see Noctis, asleep, spilling off the couch like he’d melted. His head, a damp towel still draped over it, was bent to one side, the seat cushion acting as his pillow. His legs were curled beneath him, but it was the sound coming from him that had Ignis frowning.
Noctis appeared to be purring.
“Oh man,” Gladio said. “This is why he wanted to walk today.”
“Isn’t it the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?” Prompto had his phone out, snapping photos. “You guys can send these to his dad, right?”
“Definitely. They’ll look great next to all those formal photos His Majesty keeps in his office,” Gladio said. He turned to Ignis. “I think Noct has picked up a few pets.”
“A few what?” Ignis approached and saw cats. Many cats. Kittens, actually. Except for the largest. Their mother. They were curled around each other, snuggled against Noctis. It looked like he’d sat with them, only to fall asleep right along with them.
“They do say to sleep when the baby sleeps,” Gladio said.
Ignis sighed. Honestly, Noctis couldn’t just bring animals in off the street. They could be carrying so many diseases or –
“He said he couldn’t leave them looking all sad out there in the storm,” Prompto said. “It was, like, the only thing he talked about at school today. Said he spotted them on the way in this morning.” He held out his phone, showing them the photos. “Any good?”
“Nice,” Gladio said. “Send them to me.”
Prompto tapped away at his screen. “Done.”
Gladio’s phone chimed with the incoming message. “Thanks,” he said. “I know someone who’s gonna love this.”
“Noct said you had a little sister,” Prompto said.
“Yeah, Iris. If you hear a high-pitched squealing noise coming from the distance after I send these, it’ll be her.” Gladio chuckled. “She’ll probably print these.”
“What? Oh, no. Noct’s gonna kill me,” Prompto said.
“Nah, he doesn’t mind. Well, only if you gave them to the media,” Gladio said.
“I wouldn’t do that! I swear, I –”
“Chill, man, I know you wouldn’t,” Gladio said.
Prompto let out a huge breath. “Okay, good.” He looked over to Ignis. “Is he really asleep right now or is he totally faking?”
“I’m quite certain he’s asleep,” Ignis said. “Noctis sleeps through most things when he chooses to.”
“Haha, wow. I thought he was kidding,” Prompto said.
“Nah, no way,” Gladio said. “Let me tell you about the time he slept-walked and had half the Citadel screaming for him. None of it woke him up.”
“Dude, no way!”
“Yeah, so he’s about fourteen at the time, and –”
Ignis tuned the pair out. He tapped his glasses up his nose. There was going to be cat hair everywhere. He could already see it coating Noctis’ school uniform. Ignis knew Noctis loved cats, doted on the ones that found their way into the Citadel, even the ones that definitely didn’t need his help, but this was the first time he’d brought them back to the apartment. Probably because he wasn’t under the watchful eye of the Citadel’s staff.
That did not mean the cats could stay. Especially not a mother and her litter. Ignis wanted to wake Noctis up, but if he did that, he’d probably wake the cats up too, and the last thing he wanted was to send them running off in all directions. The thought of playing hide and seek with kittens left him shuddering.
“Um, Ignis?”
Ignis looked to Prompto. “Yes?”
“Are you alright? You look a little, uh –”
“Oh, is that big vein going in his forehead?” Gladio asked. “Ignis, chill. We’ll herd them out once the storm’s over.”
“Noct even stopped for cat food,” Prompto said, pointing to a soggy paper bag on the kitchen bar.
“Thoughtful,” Ignis murmured.
“You’ve already lost this battle,” Gladio said.
Yes, he really had, hadn’t he? And, if he was being just a little bit honest, it was a rather sweet sight.
“But they’re all going to a shelter in the morning,” Ignis said.
“You’re not going to let him keep them?” Prompto asked.
“Absolutely not.” Because only one person would tidy up after them, and it wouldn’t be Noctis. Ignis had his hands full already, thank you very much.
“You don’t wanna teach him all about responsibility for other lives?” Prompto asked.
Ignis shook his head. “I think he gets enough lessons in that regard.”
Prompto blinked. Ignis could see the wheels turning in his head. “Oh. Right. Future king and all that.” His cheeks took on a pink blush.
Gladio laughed. “You forgot?”
“I guess I just don’t think about it that much,” Prompto said. “He’s Noct. Prince of kittens right now.”
As if on cue, one of the kittens stirred. It dug its tiny claws into Noctis’ leg. Ignis silently bemoaned the loss of his school uniform as visible holes appeared in Noctis’ clothing. But the stirring creature did a fantastic job waking Noctis up. He blinked, his hands moving to hold the kittens and cat closer to him.
“Ahem,” Ignis said.
Noctis looked up, having to rock his head to one side to see past the towel. “Oh.”
“Yes,” Ignis stated.
“You’re not kicking them out tonight,” Noctis said, curling protectively around his little brood.
“Tomorrow,” Ignis replied.
“Prompto, let’s go get a pizza,” Gladio said, heading out of the room.
“Uh, okay?” Prompto followed Gladio.
Ignis let them go. Noctis carefully lifted his bundle and sat with them on the sofa. “You know you can’t keep them,” Ignis said.
“But –”
“No buts.” This was an old argument, one Noctis would never win. “This apartment complex doesn’t allow for pets.” It was one of the reasons it had been chosen for Noctis. Umbra might come by every now and then, but he hardly counted as a ‘pet’.
“I know,” Noctis said. “But I couldn’t leave them out there in this weather. It’s just for tonight.”
“We’ll drop them off at a local shelter on the way to school tomorrow,” Ignis said.
“Fine,” Noctis said, stroking the kitten that had woken him, soothing it back into a doze.
Ignis pulled the towel off Noctis’ head. “You should dry off so you don’t catch a cold.”
“I will later,” Noctis said. “They’re too cosy right now.”
“Cats can manage quite well alone,” Ignis said, even though he was quite determined to keep them contained to one place in the apartment. The idea of cat hair coating every surface was enough to make him shudder. Maybe he could find a box to put them all in.
“Yes, Noct?”
“It really is just for one night.” He looked up at Ignis, expression composed. “I swear.”
Something twitched inside Ignis. It could’ve been guilt. Whatever it was, Ignis crushed the feeling. Duty had to come first. It seemed Noctis had finally begun to learn this too. “One night.” He stepped away. “I’ll find a box for them to sleep in.”
“Already got one. It’s in the kitchen on the ground with a blanket in.”
“Oh.” Ignis sounded entirely too surprised for his own liking.
Noctis smirked. “I knew you’d hate cat fur getting over everything.”
“Indeed.” Ignis retrieved the box and blanket from the kitchen. “Although your uniform is clearly a lost cause.”
Placing his furry friends in their box, Noctis stood up. “I’m gonna take a shower.”
“Good idea,” Ignis said.
“The cats better still be here when I get back,” Noctis called over his shoulder as he walked away.
“They will be,” Ignis said. Looking down at the little creatures, he couldn’t deny just how adorable the tiny, mewling kittens were.
All the more reason they had to leave before they sunk their little claws into his heart too…
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zazamun · 7 years
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Layers - Zazamun Bubumun
Name: “Zazamun Bubumun, but everyone calls me Zaza” Eye Color: “Pink. ” Hair Style/Color:”It’s white, but sometimes my real color comes through so patches of black here and there“ Height: “Short even to a lalafell I haven’t seen anyone shorter then me yet, don’t let that fool  you into thinking I’m weak though.” Clothing Style: “Easy as long as I’m comfortable that’s my style.“
Your Fears: “Err...um fire and the dark funny enough oh oh tight spaces too.“ Your Guilty Pleasure: “Hmm I don’t really have any ‘Guilty‘ pleasures, I guess if I had one it’s dancing? I’m not very good at it so I just dance with a very very select few people but it’s fun.“ Your Biggest Pet Peeve: “Treating me as if I was a child, just cause I’m small doesn’t mean I’m a child I’m a full adult I have a job and have killed before” Your Ambition for the Future: “Future? I’ve barely a promised tomorrow.“
Your First Thoughts Waking Up: “I wish I was still asleep.“ What You Think About the Most: “Hmm...lots of things my brothers, my retainers, Mr Chickenhead, and of course Ruby“ What You Think About Before Bed: “Usually what I did that day.“ Your Best Quality Is: “Hmm not sure really, that’s something you ask someone else.”
Single or Group Dates: “Dates? The more the merrier? Iv’e never been on a date before.“ To be Loved or Respected: “Oh loved that’s another easy one, I never understood the need to be respected.“ Beauty or Brains: “Brains, with that I can be better at fights and surviving.” Dogs or Cats: “Hmm I’ve actually never had either, if I had to pick maybe a cat? They aren’t usually super ”
Lie: “Who doesn’t? Sometimes a lie is better then the truth...most times a lie is better then the truth.“ Believe in Yourself: “I usually don’t but I believe in the people who believe in me.“ Believe in Love: “Oh of course there are tons of different type of loves and you se it every day, some good some bad.“ Want Someone: “Want someone? Want someone to what?“
Been on Stage: “Not one with a crowd, the Sweet Spot had it’s own little stage I’d mess around on.“ Done Drugs: “Only medicinal Nononasu and Galado would have my head if I did other types.“ Changed Who You Were to Fit In: “Only in the most minor of forms, like trying to seem more interested in books with Calicia, dancing more with Ruby, wearing heavier armor around Galado. Just adding to me when it makes people happy.“
Favorite Color: “Easily Red it really stands out on me, oh and pink and purples a close second. “ Favorite Animal: “I love chocobo’s but I think that’s because me and Mr. Chickenhead are so close she’s the best.” Favorite Food: “Rolanberry cheesecake is the only right answer it’s so good, but so is anything rolanberry.“ Favorite Game:
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: “Hmm well that’s my little surprise isn’t it, but as a hint it’s going to be happening fairly soon.“ ((he’s not good with dates)) How Old Will You Be: “Ill be ...hmm I’m not sure I stopped keeping count really.“ ((he’s also not very good with numbers poor spud.)) Age You Lost Your Virginity: “Err, quite a while ago I was still with my brothers when we were mercenaries...hmm...“ ((17)) Does Age Matter: “Does age matter to what? Some things I guess, please don’t give babies knives or bombs or guns, age matters there. “
Best Personality:  “Hmm sweet, and caring, oh and knows how to beat people up, cause then we can fight side by side, that part would make fighting easier on me.“ Best Eye Color: “Best eye color? That doesn’t matter really.“ Best Hair Color: “Does that even matter at all?“  Best thing to do with a Partner: “As if there is a bad thing to do with a partner?“
I love: “...Many things.” I feel:  “...Often.” I hide: “...Many Secrets.” I miss: “... My brothers.” I wish: “...I was better.”
Tagged by: no one but I saw @kohaku-son do it and it looked like alot of fun Tagging: @trishelle @aurelle-ffxiv and @poe-lhyzeal
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mzargentum · 7 years
I just saw you put up the prompt list!! I'm so excited!!! 🎉🎉 Can I ask "Quit it or I'll bite"? With anyone you want!!! 😊❤
So my babeh love @insomniasix requested my favorite prompt and I got hella excited about it so here’s my attempt at adorable humor. xD Enjoy.
I Can Fix It (SFW)
Warnings: None | Word Count: 1,062 | OC’s: Arcana (Six Ulric & Muerlinian Zeyphr | Relationships: Promlin (Prompto x Muerlin)
“Oh, man…oh, man. Oh, man!”
Prompto ran his sweaty hands through his hair as he anxiouslysifted through a giant black spell book in the living room of the apartment heshared with his girlfriend.
His fingers trembling with fear as he thoroughly scannedeach page in desperate search for a solution to the disaster in his midst, butas much as hated to admit it, out of all the screw ups and backward shenaniganshe’s gotten himself into…
This one was a real doozy.
Especially since he can’t even remember how many timesMuerlin warned him NOT to touch her alchemy table.
Only thing he did know was that if it wasn’t a million, itwas damn close enough.
And now the result of his irresponsible mishap was perchedon the sofa clear as day. It’s vicious glare chilling the man’s fragile bones…andthere would be absolutely no way to hide it from his silver haired minx.
He shouldn’t have been surprised this went so awry. Muerlinalways told him that spellcasting required a lot of patience, skill and focus.
And he didn’t have any of it for the mystic arts.
“Okay…keep it together, Prompto”. The poor boy pantedattempting to calm himself.
He couldn’t just sit here twiddling his thumbs in fear. Hehad to be a man about it and a man fixes things.
Besides…the guys would never let him live it down.
“AH-HA!” the freckled blonde exclaimed once he finally foundthe spell he needed for a potion. Counting every ingredient he remembered inMuerlin’s storage as he went through the list. His confidence in the situationwas finally beginning to take a turn for the better until…
“Amethyst Stone?”
Prompto shrieked in offense at this random ingredient. Outof everything that he could be missing, it couldn’t be the sea salt or anythingelse that he could easily pick up at the convenient store down the street.
“Son of a bitch! How in the hell am I supposed to-“. Alightbulb suddenly popped on over his head as he happened to remember a certaincharismatic jeweler who happened to be in town for a few days.
Knowing Dino, he’d be more than happy to help…for a favor,of course. But that didn’t matter. Prompto was desperate.
“Pleeeeeease don’t let me regret this”, the mentallyexhausted chocobo sighed as he stuffed his keys into his pocket, darting out ofthe apartment.
Unfortunately for him, fate was not on his side.
Prompto had only been gone for a half an hour when…
“Pom-kiiiin!” Muerlin sang as she finally returned home.“You here?” she asked realizing her beloved wasn’t home.
Hmm…probably fartin’ around with Noct she thought to herselfwith a light chuckle.
As she placed her stuff on the floor by the sofa, she haltedafter she noticed a silver glimmer in her periphery.
“What the…”, Muerlin thought out loud before a sharp gaspnearly choked the life out of her upon discovering  their new household guest.
“O.M.G. He didn’t…” she screeched, flailing like a schoolgirl. The giant shimmery silver eyes piercing into her soul, the soft speckledfur coat, the itty bitty toe beans and perfect boop-able wet nose.
“He got me another couerl!!!”
Muerlin shouted with glee as she scooped up the lightningpup into a mushy hug, smothering it was kisses.
“Aren’t you just a little cutie-patooty-wootsy babyyyy”, theenthusiastic wizard cooed at the little floof.
“I can’t wait to show Six!” she giggled. “Ooo!!! I know! Wecan send her a video so you can say hiiiii”.
Fishing her cellular from her pocket, Muerlin squished thetiny critter’s cheek against hers and started recording.
“Six, look what Prommie got me! Now Scoobs has a littlefriend!” she grinned at the camera. Her excitement of her new pet through theroof. “You wanna say hi to your auntie, Six?” Muerlin cooed at the baby floof.“Say mew mew? Lemme hear that cute little voice”.
“Quit it, or I’ll bite”.
Muerlin’s eyes became saucers at the sudden growl that slitheredinto her ear. Did this couerl actually…talk? Not only that, but the voicestrangely sounded kind of….familiar?
Kind of sounded like…
Muerlin stared in utter shock at the glaring kitten in hercamera.
“You can put me down now”, the irritated glaive respondedbefore the wizard silently sat her back down onto the couch.
It wasn’t every day that the Queen of Willownoire wasrendered speechless, but there was a first time for everything. After a momentof pondering how on Earth this could’ve occurred, Muerlin sighed upon herrealization.
“Prom messed with my alchemy table…”.
“Ya don’t say”, Six retorted in a pout. She was so pissedand had every right to be, but the longer Muerlin stared, the more and moredifficult it was to contain her laughter.
“What in the hell is so funny?!” Six growled at her bestfriend who was tearing up stifling her giggles.
“It’s just…you look so cute”, Muerlin continued to giggle atthe infuriated glaive.
“SHUT UP!” the floof hissed as she swatted Muerlin’s legswith her baby paws, which didn’t at all help the situation. “This is serious!!I HAVE 6 NIPPLES!!”
“Aww, come on, lighten up. It’s only like 4, see?” Muerlinreplied as she gently took hold of the glaive kitty’s front paws, standing heron her hind legs.
“Ugh, wait until I get my hands on that chocobo ass”, Sixgrowled, completely fed up with the wizard’s obvious entertainment, just beforethe front door suddenly swung open.
“Speak of the devil”, Muerlin giggled before turning to seeher Prompto, panting and covered in dirt and small cuts.
“What the hell happened to you?!” Muerlin shouted uponviewing her disheveled chocobo.
“We…were…out of…amethyst”, he vaguely explained, panting inbetween his words. “I can…fix…it”. The girls glanced at each other wide eyed.Their hearts melting at the obvious effort he put into retrieving the amethyst.
How could they possibly be mad?
“Dooon’t worry, Six…I’ll have you fixed…in a jiffy”, hecontinued on as he stumbled toward the alchemy table.
“Um…sweetie?” Muerlin interjected abruptly, stopping him.
“Just let me do it”, she suggested with a sympathetic,loving smile.
“Ya sure?” the sweet man asked, sincerity in his eyes.
“Yeah”, she replied with a light giggle. “I think you’ve hadabout enough magic for one day”.
Tagging: @digitalkanvas @aquathemermaidstripper @titty-sprinkles-6969(xD) @nemo-ne-impune-lacessit @prettyprompto @ravagekamisama @a-new-recipehhh
If you would liked to be tagged, please let me know. ^^
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
Smol child Gladiolus
Oh yes, smol child Gladiolus.
Baby Gladio dressed in a garula onesie.
When he’s in it he baby growls at everyone he sees and ends up giggling because he feels so scary.
Look at him. So scary. Don’t mess with him.
Almost 2 y.o. Gladio has mastered Running.
Somebody please catch that child.
Almost 2 y.o. Gladio escaping from his parents’ grasp and running across all the Citadel at least twice. ALL. The Citadel.
Cor’s running behind him.
“Does this child never tire!?”
He does. But his will is stronger than you can expect.
2 y.o. Gladio stopping for a breath unless somebody’s near.
2 y.o. Gladio’s a rocket.
You won’t catch him, sorry.
2 y.o. Gladio’s in the Council room meeting.
2 y.o. Gladio’s pulling at Dad’s cape and sleeve.
The king will stop the meeting to give Clarus a chance to see what’s wrong.
“I wanna pee, papa- oh…no…wait…I don’t wanna pee anymore, papa. :’(”
2 y.o. Gladio screams No when Papa Clarus has to leave for work.
2 y.o. Gladio hugs Clarus’ leg and clings to it.
Clarus walks all the way to his car with 2 y.o. Gladio hugged to his leg.
He weights nothing, the little ass.
2 y.o. Gladio’s usually left home.
3 y.o. Gladio isn’t.
3 y.o. Gladio figured ways of sneaking into Papa’s car when he’s not watching.
3 y.o. Gladio inevitably back in Citadel, running.
3 y.o. Gladio watching the Crownsguard train.
3 y.o. Gladio is personally amazed by Cor.
You shouldn’t have taught smol child Gladiolus to talk.
4 y.o. Gladio’s favorite phrases:
“Are we there yet papa?”
“NOOOOO! ;_____;”
“I’m bored”
Putting smol kid Gladio to sleep.
“I need no nap! Naps are for kids! I am not a kid, I’m 4, I’m a grown up and I have a sword and I have a shield and I have a hundred feet tall behemoth by pet and I-”
4 y.o. Gladio sleeps either way.
Smol child Gladio loves naps.
Even adult Gladio loves naps but no time for adult Gladio here.
Smol child Gladio’s very social.
Smol child Gladio tries to befriend everyone.
4 y.o. Gladio suggested 3 y.o. Iggy to adopt a stick so that his pet rock Lord Petram Lapis Ishi Iwa the First wouldn’t be lonely.
5 y.o. Gladio’s favorite phrase
5 y.o. Gladio asked Cor to teach him “stuff and things and that other thing you do like *motion* SNAP ZAH BOOM I wanna be like you and dad!”
5 y.o. Gladio’s taught the basics of the basics by Cor.
5 y.o. Gladio cartwheeling. WATCH HIM.
5 y.o. Gladio learning to backflip. WATCH HIM.
5 y.o. Gladio with a wooden sword.  WATCH HIM, SWEET ASTRALS, WATCH HIM.
Smol kid Gladio hates homework.
Smol kid Gladio doesn’t want dad to leave home.
Unless he goes too.
When he can’t go and stays home, he knows when Papa’s coming back.
3 y.o. Gladio sits at the door half an hour before Clarus’ supposed to arrive.
3 y.o. Gladio will just stare at the door, the clock, door, clock, door.
3 y.o. Gladio will yell out “NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” when it’s ONE minute past Clarus’ usual hour of arrival.
3 y.o. Gladio won’t shut up until Clarus opens the damn door.
“NO! >:’(”
No what? Nobody knows. Just…no.
Smol kid Gladio’s stealing your food.
4 y.o. Gladio’s staring at you waiting so you get distracted so he can sneak a hand up to your dish and steal your food.
“Does this child not eat at home?”
Smol kid Gladio eats in excess.
How is this child not growing fat, he eats like an adult, omg.
Smol kid Gladio doesn’t know how to win argues with grown ups.
So he just repeats what they said.
Smol kid Gladio doesn’t make weird faces or distortions the voice to mimic you funnily.
He’s literally just saying what you just said, normal voice.
Also staring at you like ._.
4 y.o. Gladio starts going to classes.
4 y.o. Gladio always has cookies in all the pockets of his uniform.
Also fills the pockets of his backpack with more cookies.
4 y.o. Gladio reaches to befriend other kids and gifts them a cookie.
Smol kid Gladio’s always cleaning his nose with his sleeves.
Smol kid Gladio’s scared of thunders and lightning.
Smol kid Gladio wants bedtime story ALWAYS.
“Gladio, I’ve already read you this one-”
“But we’ve read it 10 times alrea-”
Smol kid Gladio sneaking into the Citadel’s library.
“They have no children books here, papa :’(”
Smol kid Gladio’s sanctuary is the school’s library.
Smol kid Gladio’s hitting the table with the fists to a certain rhythm like it’s an ancient ritual cause IT’S EATING TIME, HE’S SO EXCITED.
Smol kid Gladio’s licking everything. 
6 y.o. Gladio smacked a kid in the face because kid was being mean to smaller kid.
6 y.o. Gladio turns into smaller kids’ protector.
6 y.o. Gladio also smacked 7 y.o. that was picking on 5 y.o. Iggy.
“You don’t punch him just because he’s so smart and annoying. He IS smart and annoying but I don’t punch him just for that, he’s a good kid >:(”
6 y.o. Gladio’s jumping into every puddle he sees.
6 y.o. Gladio’s running from nannies when they try to get him clean.
6 y.o. Gladio’s running and screaming NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOO when nannies want to bathe him.
6 y.o. Gladio’s also running from them when they want to comb his hair.
Smol kid Gladio’s pulling at the collar, sleeves, edges, buttons and every other inch of the suits he has to wear to his father’s formal events.
6 y.o. Gladio once used his tie to smack another kid in the face because he was saying a mean comment about 3 y.o. prince Noctis.
6 y.o. Gladio was personally upset and offended for like a month.
Smol kid Gladio’s going around Citadel pretending he’s Gladio the Super Immortal looking for innocent victims that require his aid.
He has his toy sword with him and takes very seriously his patrolling.
“*gasps* OH NO, they’re fighting, I will stop them!”
“Gladio, they’re training”
“*gasps* Oh no, an old man that needs my help! Don’t worry, old man, I will protect you, I’m your…whatisitcalled…your personal guard!”
The man was going to the bathroom. Also he’s just 50 and Council member.
“*gasps* Oh no, the smart kid’s crying! Don’t worry, smart kid, who hurt you? Was it a daemon? I have a sword, I can protect you, it won’t come back, are you okay do you want- have this cookie. It’s the last I have but you can have it, I have another one home so it’s okay, please don’t cry.”
“Papa nothing dangerous every happens at the Citadel, how am I supposed to protect the prince and everyone if nothing ever happens? :’(”
Clarus SO asked different Crownsguard trainees to pretend to be possesed by “the spirit of evil daemons” and “attack” him or attack each other when Gladio’s nearby.
Smol kid Gladio’s work and schedule is “so heavy, so much work lately.”
Smol kid Gladio the Super Immortal is defending people from other people’s attacks and makes sure not to kill the attacker because “Dad says ‘no kill unless necessary’ and you’re a Lucian citizen and I am the great heir of the Amicitia so I’m super strong and it’d be unfair if I attack you because you’re not as strong as I am and I don’t wanna hurt anyone :’(”
“Papa, I don’t wanna hurt anyone :’(”
Smol kid Gladio is protector of other children in his school and that never changes.
Smol kid Gladio’s ALWAYS trying to help and ALWAYS offering help around.
To everyone he sees.
A L W A Y S.
3 y.o. Gladio patrolling around newborn Noctis’ crib.
3 y.o. Gladio attacks Noctis’ nannies if they get near.
Not on his watch, uh uh.
3 y.o. Gladio’s questioning both king and queen when they enter.
Regis and Aulea just laugh every time.
“Gladiolus, you’re not supposed to put the queen and king to question, you, rude kid!”
“It’s okay, don’t nag him. He’s going to be a fantastic shield, Clarus. :)”
The queen has passed.
Smol kid Gladio’s patrolling the door and not the crib.
“Why’re you outside now, Gladio?”
“I once read in a tale that ghosts and spirits appear to their loved people in privacy, so I don’t want to stop the queen from visiting prince Noctis. I think I’d like my mama to visit me if I lost her too, and I’d be very upset if there was somebody else stopping her from visiting, so I thought it was fine to patrol outside so I wouldn’t interrupt. I think she visits the prince very often, he never cries during naps. :) Maybe she’s humming for him like before, do you think she’s going to leave if I hear? Cor? Are you upset? Did I say something bad? Should I- I’ll go patrol inside if you want to…why are you crying, Cor? I’m sorry :’(”
Gladio thinks about it for a week…
But smol kid Gladio will offer his eternally favorite, dearest, most loved book to King Regis, with a bow on it.
“What is this, Gladio?”
“It’s my favorite book. It’s about a queen and a moogle and a purple chocobo, and there’s an evil wizard and behemoth fights and super amazing adventures. I have it since I was small” Regis smiles at that part “and it always makes me very very very happy.”
“Then you should keep it, Gladiolus. It’s your favorite. I’d feel bad accepting it.”
“And I’ll feel bad if I don’t give it to you, King Regis. You say it’s fine but I think you’re very sad. I would be if I lost my mommy. She was not your mommy, but you loved her, right? And I love my mommy, so it’s similar, so if I’d get sad I imagine you are sad right now, and I don’t want you to be because you’re the best person I know and you’re so important and you’re so awesome and you should be happy, so this is my strongest tool of happiness. You’ll like it, I swear. And don’t worry about the prince, I patrol outside instead of around the crib this time :)”
Regis doesn’t understand that last part and won’t ask for explanations.
He’s kinda broken and touched right now to care. :’(
Smol kid Gladio’s starting to patrol outside Regis’ door as well.
“Papa, the king must be so sad, and if he’s sad he can’t fight, right? So we should- PAPA WE SHOULD PROTECT HIM”
“I already do, son”
Gladio’s on watch at Regis’ door at times.
Sometimes along Clarus. :)
Smol kid Gladio fights with all his might against sleep until he literally can’t stand on his feet.
Smol kid Gladio asleep carried away by a super proud Clarus.
8 y.o. Gladio watching the first generation of Glaives start their training.
8 y.o. Gladio swearing on top of his favorite book that he’s going to be the best Glaive and Shield one day.
8 y.o. Gladio sneaks into the Glaive’s garrison and tried on a uniform.
It fitted him past big. It’s ridiculous.
8 y.o. Gladio tried stealing the uniform. 
The only thing that stopped him was his own honor. 
“I’m a bad person, I shouldn’t steal :’(”
Cor’s gift to 9 y.o. Gladio was a Glaive uniform his size, just with no official symbol to it.
“You’ve got to earn it yourself, did you hear me?”
“YES SIR :3″
9 y.o. Gladio’s SUPER CONFIDENT and SUPER MOTIVATED to be the damn best and earn his real uniform at his time.
This is smol kid Gladio.
Here’s smol kid Noctis.Here’s smol kid Ignis.Here’s smol kid Prompto.
Both are adorable. Hug them. Protect them. Love them.
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zacklover24 · 7 years
Prompto in Wonderland Chapter VII
Tagging: @femmescientia, @itshaejinju, @themissimmortal, @blindbae, @stunninglyignis, @sweetchocobae, @neko-otaku13, @mini-moogle-queen, @wolfissac, @eternallydaydreaming2015, @lady-asuka, @rubyphilomela
Prompto woke to a sandpaper like tongue licking him. He cracked open one baby blue eye to see his pet was licking him, and he woke to the sound of someone knocking on his door. With a tired groan prompto sat up, sending the Corel tumbling down the bed.
“Come in.” The blonde yawns stretching his arms up, Cor came in without a word carrying a tray of food.
“Good morning prompto. Did you sleep well?” He asks setting the tray down on the table and opening the doors to the balcony.
“Good, what time is it?” He asks yawning again and rubbing his eyes. He looked up at the ceiling to see that the ceiling, had changed from night to day. The sky was clear with sun shining down on the blonde.
“Early/late depending on the who. I talked with the king this morning and by his order I am to be your bodyguard.” Cor explains.
“What?” Prompto was in shock.
“The king has ordered me to be your bodyguard. After you eat, bath, and dress you may go and see the hare.” Cor bowed and left the room. Prompto was still in shock over the new news, but if he could go and see Noct, who was he say anything. He also came up with a name for his Corel, his name was now cloud. And Prompto loved his new dress.
“I look good.” He whistles as he looked at himself in the mirror on the bathroom door. The base of the dress was ivory colored with soft blue trim on the hem of the skirt which just ended below his knees. The bodice had flowers and butterflies in purples and pinks, while the sleeves and neckline with trimmed in soft pink. He tied a white and yellow bow in his hair and put on a pair of white stocking his black shoes. Those cloud didn’t like it Prompto tied a pink and blue ribbon around his neck.
Cor was waiting for him by the door, he didn’t look bored.
“Shall we?” He asks gesturing down the hall. With a nod, Cor started to walk down the hall. Prompto noted that each door that different crest on it. And all the maids looked human and smiled at him.
“Noctis room is the one with the hare on it, if you ever wanted to come here without me.” He tells Prompto as they stopped in front of a door with a gold hare on the front, “I need to see his majesty and to my other duties.  If you need me or any of the maids please bring the bell.” As he bowed.
“Thank you, Cor.” Prompto whispers.
“Your very welcome.” Leaving Prom,  Noctis room was very the same as Prompto. Expect instead of flowers on the walls it was a forest. The forest had chocobos, foxes, birds and other animals milling about. And laying in the bed was Noctis. The young hare looked pale, but was alive. The hare looked peaceful sleeping in the bed with a stuffed carbuncle next to his head.
“Why did you do that?” Prompto whispers as cloud climbed onto the bed. Noctis didn’t answer. Cloud let out meow made himself at home on the bed. As Prompto eased into the chair next to the bed, he noticed a book, the title was a little funny,
“Alice in Wonderland? Would you mind me reading to Noctis?” He asks opening the book to chapter one, seeing noctis didn’t say no,
‘Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice `without pictures or conversation?'
So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.
There was nothing so very remarkable in that; nor did Alice think it so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, `Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!' (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the Rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge.´
“You have a nice reading voice.” Noctis says, causing Prompto to let out an eep as he drooped the book, “Sorry. Where are we?” He asks sitting up, he knew he was not at the old looking glass.
“The White King’s castle. After Gladio and myself were kidnapped Ignis brought you here. And then Nyx and Crowe got me, Gladio and Lady Lunafreya here.” Promtpo explains picking up the book.
“Okay by where is there a Corel on my bed?” He asks staring at the cat who just flicked his tail at Noct.
“Oh, he’s mine, I guess because I showed him some kindness he took me to me. He’s name’s cloud. Cute, right?” Promtpo smiles. Noctis smiled back and settled back against the pillows, he knew his body wasn’t strong enough yet. And he knew the king would be here the moment he found out he was awake.
“I was wondering, if you don’t need to see the king. Could you umm?” Noctis mutters turning his head to face the wall with the fireplace. Prompto smiled and opened the boo back up,
‘In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.
The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.
Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next. First, she tried to look down and make out what she was coming to, but it was too dark to see anything; then she looked at the sides of the well, and noticed that they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves; here and there she saw maps and pictures hung upon pegs. She took down a jar from one of the shelves as she passed; it was labelled `ORANGE MARMALADE', but to her great disappointment it was empty: she did not like to drop the jar for fear of killing somebody, so managed to put it into one of the cupboards as she fell past it.
`Well!' thought Alice to herself, `after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! How brave they'll all think me at home! Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the house!' (Which was very likely true.)
Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end! `I wonder how many miles I've fallen by this time?' she said aloud. `I must be getting somewhere near the centre of the earth. Let me see: that would be four thousand miles down, I think--' (for, you see, Alice had learnt several things of this sort in her lessons in the schoolroom, and though this was not a very good opportunity for showing off her knowledge, as there was no one to listen to her, still it was good practice to say it over) `--yes, that's about the right distance--but then I wonder what Latitude or Longitude I've got to?' (Alice had no idea what Latitude was, or Longitude either, but thought they were nice grand words to say.)
Presently she began again. `I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! How funny it'll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downward! The Antipathies, I think--' (she was rather glad there was no one listening, this time, as it didn't sound at all the right word) `--but I shall have to ask them what the name of the country is, you know. Please, Ma'am, is this New Zealand or Australia?' (and she tried to curtsey as she spoke--fancy curtseying as you're falling through the air! Do you think you could manage it?) `And what an ignorant little girl she'll think me for asking! No, it'll never do to ask: perhaps I shall see it written up somewhere.'
Down, down, down. There was nothing else to do, so Alice soon began talking again. `Dinah'll miss me very much to-night, I should think!' (Dinah was the cat.) `I hope they'll remember her saucer of milk at tea-time. Dinah my dear! I wish you were down here with me! There are no mice in the air, I'm afraid, but you might catch a bat, and that's very like a mouse, you know. But do cats eat bats, I wonder?' And here Alice began to get rather sleepy, and went on saying to herself, in a dreamy sort of way, `Do cats eat bats? Do cats eat bats?' and sometimes, `Do bats eat cats?' for, you see, as she couldn't answer either question, it didn't much matter which way she put it. She felt that she was dozing off, and had just begun to dream that she was walking hand in hand with Dinah, and saying to her very earnestly, `Now, Dinah, tell me the truth: did you ever eat a bat?' when suddenly, thump! thump! down she came upon a heap of sticks and dry leaves, and the fall was over.
Alice was not a bit hurt, and she jumped up on to her feet in a moment: she looked up, but it was all dark overhead; before her was another long passage, and the White Rabbit was still in sight, hurrying down it. There was not a moment to be lost: away went Alice like the wind, and was just in time to hear it say, as it turned a corner, `Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting!' She was close behind it when she turned the corner, but the Rabbit was no longer to be seen: she found herself in a long, low hall, which was lit up by a row of lamps hanging from the roof.
There were doors all-round the hall, but they were all locked; and when Alice had been all the way down one side and up the other, trying every door, she walked sadly down the middle, wondering how she was ever to get out again.
Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table, all made of solid glass; there was nothing on it except a tiny golden key, and Alice's first thought was that it might belong to one of the doors of the hall; but, alas! either the locks were too large, or the key was too small, but at any rate it would not open any of them. However, on the second-time round, she came upon a low curtain she had not noticed before, and behind it was a little door about fifteen inches high: she tried the little golden key in the lock, and to her great delight it fitted!’
“How’s Luna?” Noctis asks as Prompto paused.
“I don’t know, once we got here she went right to her room. That guy Nyx took her.” Noctis smiled a hidden smile. Well it would seem that Nyx was going to be one happy bastard.
“Do you want me to keep reading or do want to get some more rest?” Prompto.
“You can read a little more if you want, I might fall sleep listening to you read. Not sure what the king has in store for you.” The hare smiles.
‘Alice opened the door and found that it led into a small passage, not much larger than a rat-hole: she knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest garden you ever saw. How she longed to get out of that dark hall, and wander about among those beds of bright flowers and those cool fountains, but she could not even get her head though the doorway; `and even if my head would go through,' thought poor Alice, `it would be of very little use without my shoulders. Oh, how I wish I could shut up like a telescope! I think I could, if I only know how to begin.' For, you see, so many out-of-the-way things had happened lately, that Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible.
There seemed to be no use in waiting by the little door, so she went back to the table, half hoping she might find another key on it, or at any rate a book of rules for shutting people up like telescopes: this time she found a little bottle on it, (`which certainly was not here before,' said Alice,) and round the neck of the bottle was a paper label, with the words `DRINK ME' beautifully printed on it in large letters. It was all very well to say `Drink me,' but the wise little Alice was not going to do that in a hurry. `No, I'll look first,' she said, `and see whether it's marked "poison" or not'; for she had read several nice little histories about children who had got burnt, and eaten up by wild beasts and other unpleasant things, all because they would not remember the simple rules their friends had taught them: such as, that a red-hot poker will burn you if you hold it too long; and that if you cut your finger very deeply with a knife, it usually bleeds; and she had never forgotten that, if you drink much from a bottle marked `poison,' it is almost certain to disagree with you, sooner or later.
However, this bottle was not marked `poison,' so Alice ventured to taste it, and finding it very nice, (it had, in fact, a sort of mixed flavour of cherry-tart, custard, pine-apple, roast turkey, toffee, and hot buttered toast,) she very soon finished it off.’ Prompto looked up from the book to see the hare was indeed asleep.
“Thank you.” A soft male voice says form behind prompto. The young blonde let a startled sound and feel out of the chair and onto the floor. Prompto looked at the man, he was tall. He had light black hair with some grey and warm green eyes, he wore a white suit with a blue rose in the pocket. On his right knee was a gold brace, he had on black shoes which looked freshly polished, and an oak cane with a silver dragon topper.
“Umm who are you?” Prompto asks getting up from the floor.
“How rude of me, I am King Regis the White King of Wonderland. I came to check on Noctis, I am happy to see that he is doing better.” Prompto quickly bowed to the King.
“It’s an honor and pleasure to meet you your majesty.”  The king let out a chuckle.
“The honor is all mine, tell me Prompto would like to join this old man in a stroll through the gardens?” Regis asks.
“I would love to.” Prompto smiles. There was no way in hell he could say no to the king.
End of line
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iamthechocobabe · 7 years
We All Have Battle Scars
The nerd is strong in me-was working on my ghost Gladio schtick and realized I did not like any of it. Long story short, I scrapped it and am starting over. But to tide the nerd in me over, I’m going to go ahead and post a few more chapters of my soulmate AU, inspired by We Intertwined. 18 chapters are done, but ain’t nobody got time to post every single one. MEEEMES. 
If I got time, I may also post a little surprise I’ve been cooking up...we shall see *evil face* 
We All Have Battle Scars
~Chapter 2~
Word Count: 2,350
The sun was just beginning to set as Ignis pulled into the Chocobo Outpost. The smell of grass and must hung in the air as the people who worked on the ranch were beginning to close everything up, their exhausted laughs lingering.  
There were only a few Chocobos out for some reason and the ones who were out were being led to an enclosed shed in the back while the tables and chairs that surrounded the ranch were being pulled towards the porch to protect from the coming rain later that night. There were still a few birds that hadn't been led into the shed yet and Prompto wanted to go straight to them. 
"We're taking a break to look at a bunch of giant birds," Gladiolus continued to grumble at the waste of time as they all piled out of the car. 
"You know you love them," Noctis said, smugly. 
Prompto wasted no time-he went straight to the bright yellow chocobos and began cooing at them nonstop, with Noctis following while Ignis went to see how much it was to rent the caravan that was nearby. Gladiolus began chatting up the vendor that sold weapons and such, wondering about the latest upgrades. 
The Chocobo that Prompto chose to gush over was about medium sized, with some of his feathers being white in the midst of yellow. It was no wonder that Prompto felt drawn to the bird and he was more than happy to pay the ten gil to get an opportunity to feed the bird. 
He pet the giant bird after feeding it and the bird shook his head for a second before sneezing in Prompto's face. 
"AGH," Prompto took off his black leather vest and used it to wipe his face while looking at his favorite animal with a heartbroken stare. "My perfectly groomed hair..." he whispered softly, as if saying goodbye to an old friend. 
"That’s Bongo-that means he likes you," An older gentleman with a grey wool cap who looked to be in his late fifties came up to Prompto and Noctis. "Name's Wiz-you from the Crownsguard?" 
"Is it that obvious?" Prompto asked after wiping his face with a sanitizing wipe one of the workers had given to him. 
"Crownsguard are always easy to spot, mostly from how much they stink from sweating in all that leather," 
Self-concious, Prompto smelled his underarm while Noctis smelled his coat to see if they really did stink. 
"I'm kiddin'," Wiz smiled kindly at the strangers. "Sorry to disappoint, but only a few Chocobos are coming out of their pens now. There's this daemon, they call it a Behemoth, has been terrorizing the area around here and it scares the birds for some reason. I think it's the smell but only a few of my most courageous ones are able to come out everyday-forget about Chocobo racing," 
Prompto looked like he was about to faint. "Ch-ch-Chocobo RACING???" 
Wiz nodded; he was used to seeing Chocobo enthusiasts at the ranch nearly everday, so the young boy's attitude didn't surprise him much. "Yeah, one of our best activities here-too bad our birds are too scared to run the track though," 
They were all distracted by hearing loud bickering from nearby-towards the front of the ranch near the driveway were three young boys and a woman looking to be in her late teens to early twenties. The boys seemed to be giving the woman a hard time and judging from the tenseness in the woman's voice, she was about to lose her temper. 
"Oh, that's Ali," Wiz said and began to run to the rescue. "'Scuse me," 
"I told you, we're closed," Prompto heard the girl said to the boys, her patience clearly about to reach it's end. 
From what he could see, the girl had messy golden brown hair that was pulled into a loose bun at the back of her head that made her look kind of cutely disheveled. Her black and red checkered work shirt was covered in dirt, her skinny jeans had holes in the knees and her sneakers were caked in dried mud. He couldn't really see her face, but he felt drawn to her somehow, like he'd seen her or known of her before this. 
Out of curiousity, he walked a little closer to hear more, circling the group so that he was to the right of them. 
"You can stay in the caravan over there for the night or come back in the morning, but the chocobos aren't coming out because of the Behemoth and the resturant is closed because of issues with the grill. I apologize for any inconvenience, but-" 
One of the boys gave the girl a smug smile. "Is it possible we can talk to someone who doesn't look like they had acid thrown on their face?" 
Prompto was confused by this statement-she looked fine to him, what was the kid talking about? But Prompto realized what he meant when she turned to face the boy, showing Prompto her whole face. 
The girl had a very nasty looking scar that looked like a burn scar-it was on the lower left half of her cheek and spread to her neck and chest. Even from the distance, Prompto could tell the scar was brutal, with the redness standing out in comparison to her pale skin. Ridges of pale skin that webbed throughout the scar made it very gruesome looking and it made Prompto think of a memory he had forgotten about. 
When he had been around two, Prompto was at this woman's house (though he didn't remember who she was) and suddenly felt this weird burning sensation on the left half of his face, neck and chest. It hadn't been too bad, but it still hurt a bit-it was like someone had poured hot water on him and he swore something had broken and was burning him, but when the woman looked, there was nothing wrong with him. The woman had scolded Prompto for making a scene but the memory stuck with Prompto because of how bizarre it was. 
The woman with the scar looked like she was about to kill these boys when Wiz stepped forward. "No," he said, referring to their previous question. "But you can never set foot on my property again-get out and don't come back," 
The three teenage boys clearly wanted to say some other things but a few of the workers came by and quickly escorted them off the property. Prompto smiled out of relief, feeling happy that the father of that girl was so willing to defend her and relieved that she clearly had a great support system. 
"Don't let them bother you, Chocobee," Wiz put his arm around the girl and hugged her to his side. "They're just a bunch of pissants who were mad they weren't getting their own way," 
"I know, dad," Prompto heard the girl talking softly, like she was trying to be brave, and he felt her pain. 
Prompto knew what it was like to have people insult you to your face and how you had to force yourself to not let the words bother you. People had always taunted him when he used to be overweight and made rude comments about it. He always had to force himself to be happy, despite the comments bothering him immensely, so he empathized with this girl. 
"I'm gonna go fill the feeders," the girl said and walked towards the right of the ranch. When she passed Prompto, their eyes met for a few seconds before she averted her gaze and walked on. 
"Well, we've secured the caravan for ourselves," Ignis came up next to Prompto and followed his gaze to the girl that was pouring Chocobo feed into some type of silo that Prompto guessed was a way that fed the birds. "Please don't try to jump in that, it's filled with very sharp knives that is used to cut the bird feed finely-"
Prompto looked at Ignis, confused by what he was talking about. "What? No, I wasn't thinking of jumping in the silo thing-is that what it does?" 
"It's something used to chop the bird feed so it's fine enough for baby Chocobos to eat," Noctis didn't even look up as he came up next to the two with a brochure in his hand. When he looked at Prompto, he followed his gaze, quickly figured out what he was staring at and smirked. "It's rude to stare, Prompt," 
Prompto averted his gaze and started blushing. "I'm not staring!" 
"Don't they have magic treatments and surgery for those kinds of burns?" Noctis asked Ignis, turning back to the brochure. "You don't see people with those kinds of scars in the Crown City who aren't part of the Crownsguard," 
"That kind of treatment can be very expensive, I imagine," Ignis explained. "Even with treatment, I imagine that the scar wouldn't be eradicated completely-depending on how the scar was managed after the burn and how long it took for medical treatment to be given, it's quite possible that by the time they got to the hospital, it was too late to do much else without it costing a fortune," 
Prompto looked around the outpost and couldn't help notice that while it was very small and quaint, it was beginning to look rundown and was starting to fall apart. "This place doesn't look like it's flowing in moolah," 
"Because normal people don't like to look at chickens," Gladiolus joined the three and continued his grumbling. 
"The demand for Chocobos aren't as high as they used to be," Ignis said. 
"We're doing fine, thank you," Wiz had approached while the boys were talking and pulled a tarp over a bunch of lawn ornaments. "I hear you guys were staying in the caravan-the resturant's closed because the grill's busted, but we have some frozen meals we can still heat up, if you want," 
Prompto stared at the girl, who was now disposing of the empty bags of bird feed in a dumpster at the edge of the fence around the property; another ranch hand with pigtails was asking her something and the girl with the scar started to giggle, her smile being soft, but still genuine. 
He felt his heart stop when he saw her smile, noticing even from the distance how her two front teeth were pushed forward but that they weren't large enough for her to be considered buck-toothed. It was oddly cute and...something was weird. 
The strangest feeling was washing over Prompto, but he couldn't seem to understand it; he knew this girl. He didn't know how or why, but he knew this girl. He knew of her or had met her before, but he knew who she was and Prompto was trying his hardest to place her. Had he seen her in the Crown City before? He couldn't remember seeing someone with that kind of scar in the city but maybe he had seen her in passing and had forgotten? 
Wiz noticed Prompto staring and couldn't help feeling a little agressive about his daughter; it wasn't the first time people stared at his daughter, fascinated by the type of burn scar that not a lot of people had these days. It didn't make Wiz any less pissed off, though. 
"That's my daughter, Alaea," Wiz said to Prompto. "If you're gonna stare, you might as well go say 'hi'," 
Prompto finally broke his gaze to look at Wiz, wanting desperately to know where he's seen this girl before. "I'm sorry, it's just...I feel like I've seen her before..." 
Wiz raised his eyebrow and glanced at his daughter, then looked back at Prompto. "Don't know how that's possible, kid-she's never been to the Crown City and I haven't been there since I was a kid," 
"You used to live in the city?" Noctis asked. 
Wiz nodded and began to tell the boys how he had come to own the outpost near Lastallum while Prompto found his eyes drawn to the girl-Alaea-once again. She was standing next to a mirror near the Chocobo pen and was staring into it while covering the scar on her face with her left hand,. 
She looked...sad. Like she wanted to be normal more than anything and knowing that she couldn't be normal was eating her up inside. Prompto had the urge to go give this girl a hug and tell her that she was beautiful no matter what and to not listen to assholes with nothing better to do than make others feel bad. 
Prompto was distracted when he felt a raindrop plop on his head-looking up, he noticed it was beginning to rain, like the weather had predicted this afternoon. Normally, Prompto would have been obsessed with his hair, but he was too busy observing and staring at Alaea...
Where had he seen this girl before? It was driving him crazy...
"Well, I'll chew your ear off some other time," Wiz said, noticing the rain as well. "Why don't you boys go on into the caravan and we'll bring you guys some dinner? On the house," 
The boys started heading off to the caravan after thanking Wiz for being so generous with what food they had. Wiz followed, intending to pull the side awning for the caravan out so that the boys could eat outside if they wanted to. 
While following, Prompto scratched the back of his head, moving the tuft of hair that hung on his neck in the process so Wiz could see the back of the boy's neck and Wiz suddely lost the urge to move when he saw the familiar mark. 
Wiz didn't need to be right behind the boy to be able to see the mark that was on the back of his neck, just below his hairline and how it was shaped like an Ulwaat berry with its stem curving to the right. 
An exact mirror of Alaea's mark. 
This blonde Crownsguard was his daughter's soulmate.
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itsareactiontosmut · 8 years
Love You Stretch Marks and All. Prompto x Reader ~ Fluff
Inspired by @anotherchocobroheadcanon post about what they say while s/o is asleep. Prompto’s made me go ‘awwww’ and this came to mind. The first Post and the second Post.
“Prompto has been acting differently lately.” Gladio remarked as he was setting up camp, noticing the thin blond was gathering wood instead of taking pictures.
I looked over at where Gladio was looking sure the camera was out but he wasn’t snapping away like normal at everything that caught his interest. My sunshine boyfriend was super adorable when he was running around taking photos of things sometimes it was dangerous during a battle but I generally kept an eye out on him taking out any prey that was after him. I joined up with Prince Noctis and the others when they had just killed off the Behemoth Deadeye I had been taking care of my sick Chocobo, Rex. I wasn’t the greatest hunter around I was waiting for some friends to come and help me take down Deadeye as I knew there would be no way I could do it myself. In the end the Chocobros had taken Deadeye down me joining them after some begging to help Prince Noctis find all the Tombs of his Elders.Prompto had been the one that convinced them to let me go along with them specially since I had a pet Chocobo that Prompto wanted to love up on. The two of us fell in love rather quickly, his sunshine like personality was just so addicting his beautiful blue eyes were enough to drown in staring at all his freckles made him blush like crazy but I loved inspecting them all.
“I think I know why.” Ignis replied as he turned on the burner stove gathering up a few pots and pans.
Shedding off my jacket it covered in some Anak blood and needed to be washed I heard the tell tale click of a camera. A smile on his lips Prompto gave me a small wave as he placed a pile of sticks and branches to start afire.
“Well then explain.” Gladio said as he finished setting up the chairs as Prompto rushed over to help Noctis help set up the tent as he was struggling a little with it.
“Well it’s Miss L/N over here would be the answer. Ever since she joined the group Prompto has slowly been putting more effort in everything he does but if you pay attention it’s to the things that benefit F/N.”
I blushed quickly sneaking a glance at Prompto as he was speaking to Noctis about King’s Knight.
~~ That night ~~
In the tent I was sleeping next to Prompto out like a light, well I would be if it weren’t for Gladio’s snoring. So I did what I normally did meditate until I could finally drown out the snoring. Prompto was snuggled up against me he had me close to him head resting on his stomach. His right hand stroking through my hair free hand running the controls on his camera it was so relaxing listening to the soft breathing. His heart beat was steady and comforting to hear I love snuggling up against him.
“You know it makes no sense why you love me so. You know that Y/N?” Prompto muttered softly under his breath.
Clearly he was just musing aloud to me thinking I was asleep. I didn’t want to interrupt him wanting to hear what was truly on his mind.
“I’m trying so hard to be someone worthy of you. I’m not really good at anything not really funny - well I guess funny looking or do funny things but not legitimately funny. I have zero money I’m always scraping for pennies to pay bills and stuff I’m wearing the same shoes from like high school. My looks…well I’m not gorgeous like Ignis or muscled like Gladio and fuck I’m not royalty like Noct.”
His voice started to waver a little as he spilled his feelings. It made my heart hurt for him to say such things about himself. Sleepily I nuzzled my face against his chest wrapping a arm around him hugging him acting like I was still asleep but comforting him as well.
“Praise the Six you are so cute. All your talent and you hang out with me. Like you practically come out of every battle looking fresh as a daisy beautiful hair flowing behind you picture perfect every time. Even on my best days I look like something the cat dragged in. I have awful stretch marks on my stomach ever since I lost all that weight…you are cute and cuddly all around head to toe. I’m such a social misfit I’m not even sure why the others like me. I’m just so lucky to have you but I get so scared that you will find someone better than me and to be honest anyone is better than me and leave me.”
I felt some thing wet hit my face causing me to shift a little as it startled me. Was he crying? Peeking my right eye open a bit I saw in the dim light of the tent Prompto’s face all red eyes glistening with tears. My sunshine boy…the pang of sorrow hitting my heart as my precious cinnamon roll of a lover was having a rough time.
“I get so scared jealous even when you talk so openly and easily with the others. Dark thoughts swirl in my mind of how they are probably better for you than me or how you leave me like my family left me leaving me alone for something better.”
I had enough there was a small pit of rage that went through me propping myself up I pushed Prompto back a little. His eyes went wide in shock as a few tears fell from his long golden eyelashes. Wrapping my arms around him tightly squeezing him as I did.
“Don’t say things like that Prompto, I love you and I heard all of what you said.” I said muffled with my face buried in the crook of his neck.
“Hah, I didn’t say anything you were asleep Chicky.” He said nervously trying to laugh everything off calling me by one of his pet names for me.
Reaching up my right hand I cupped the side of his face bringing it to mine fingers brushing away the few tears. His handsome face was red from embarrassment and shame his baby blue eyes intense looking from the crying making them look even more beautiful. How could he not see he was beautiful and wonderful?
“Are you blind?” I asked indignantly.
“No…I just…” Prompto said with a heavy sigh leaning into me pulling me onto his lap burying his face in the crook of my neck taking a deep breath placing a soft sensual kiss on my neck.
That sensitive intimate gesture of his made my heart leap in my chest sending a tingling sensation down my spine. Wrapping my arms around him I hugged him tightly. Gladio’s snoring came to a stop and he let out a grunt as he rolled over muttering in his sleep calling out a name, “Wren” then back to snoring. The others still out like lights as if we weren’t having a full blown conversation at one in the morning.
“I feel so worthless, babe.” He admitted softly his voice wavering a little.
“You are not worthless Prompto. Not in the slightest don’t you ever think that okay?” I said adamantly pulling back some looking him directly in the eyes.
“You really think so?” He asked a hopefully lilt in his voice.
“I know so. You are the glue that keeps this group together. Prompto you are my sunshine you shine so brightly sometimes that it’s blinding. I love your humor your smile that hair is so cute when you wake up first thing in the morning and it’s all messy. Cuddling up with you after a long day makes me feel like the most important girl in the world. Your pictures Prompto are excellent I bet you could get those in magazines and such make quite a bit of money off them too. Noct makes a great model.”
“Yeah because  Noct is gorgeous…”
“And you are too I am not bothered by the stretch marks at all Prompto. It’s proof that you survived that struggle leapt over that hurdle in your life. You wanna know a secret?” I asked brushing a few strands of downy feather soft hair out of his eyes.
“What?” He asked curious his eyes on me intense paying strict attention to me as if I was the only person in the world, another thing I loved about him.
“You know how I got a bit grouchy and bitchy when you suggested I wear shorts like Cindy wears?” I said as I brought up a embarrassing conversation we had a month ago.
“Yeah I am sorry about that…”
“Well when I was a teen in high school I was really depressed a lot because no one ever wanted to be friends with me they just wanted answers for the tests. My family life sucked I had a abusive step brother and the only Control I had over the own pain I gave myself. So I ended up cutting myself in my inner and out thighs. They are deep so they look bad if I wear shorts and stuff and why I like to have sex with the lights off I’m ashamed of what I did to myself.”
I had taken off the blanket pulling down the sweatpants showing just below my underwear on my right side several thick knotted scars. With a quivering hand Prompto reached out brushing his fingers over the scars admiring them.
“Don’t be ashamed babe I understand that pain…I love you Y/N so much.”
I leaned forward cupping his face kissing him passionately feeling his hands rubbing up and down my sides, nipping on his lower lip listening to his erotic whine.
“I love you Prompto and please don’t insult me in thinking I would leave you just because someone flirts with me or is somehow magically better than you. For me there is no one better than you, Prompto you are the bees knee, my darling Chocobo lover, my sunshine. I’m not a floozy I am a loyal person to a fault to the person I love I will stay with them until the very end.” I said reaching a hand up under his shirt rubbing the stretch marks feeling his stomach go tense under my touch.
Prompto let out a little whimper as he stared down at me as I place a kiss on his chest right over his heart then moving my lips to his neck placing a few kisses there.The heart beat going like crazy making me smile.
“Thank you so much…you are so wonderful I am so lucky.”
“Feel better birb-boy?” I teased happily looking up at him, reaching my hands up his sides then to his shoulders gently massaging them, planting a kiss on his lips tasting a bit of salt from the tears.
“Yes, snuggle with me until I fall asleep?” He asked nuzzling his nose against mine wrapping his arms around me pulling me close laying back down on the sleeping bag.
“Uhuh.” I giggled, pulling the blanket around us I slid my hand under the tank top rubbing the stretch marks as I snuggled up against his chest humming the Chocobo song. “I want to ride my Chocobro all day.~”
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
If inspiration hits you, would you be able to write headcanons for Nyx meeting their future child as well? It’s alright if you don’t want to. Thank you for sharing your writing with us all!
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Rotfl, I’m so flattered that you all liked my last fic! I had drafted a version of Ardyn’s child when I wrote that last post, but it didn’t feel right. So, I think I’ll redo much of it.
I apologize for how long this took to do! I do enjoy working with these prompts, so let me know if there’s anyone else you want to see!
Be warned all ye who enter: Angsty waters lie ahead…
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean, @mysme-already
If you like what you read, please consider supporting me on Patreon or buying me a Ko-fi!
Meeting Future Children, Part II
Ardyn’s child loves animals.
As a child, Ardyn himself loved pets.
He was especially fond of his black chocobo.
Shiva has brought him to a small house on the coast.
She wants him to realize that he does have a future.
That this whole world has a future.
He sighs because he doesn’t see why humanity needs a future,
They’ve squandered the present.
But he’ll play along.
He’s transported to a small cottage on a cliff by the sea.
He sees a child, sitting in a small shed by the house.
Curious, Ardyn approaches.
The small child is surrounded by kittens and adult cats.
A small smile crosses Ardyn’s face as he crouches at the doorway to the shed.
“What have we here,” he asks the child. They refuse to look up at him.
“Shh! You’ll wake the babies,” they respond.
Ardyn hushes. “My apologies.”
The child continues to pet the kittens.
“May I join you,” Ardyn asks.
The child nods.
The dark man enters, settling on the dusty floor.
One of the adult cats raises its head at him, then decides to go back to sleep.
“Are they a family?” he asks the child.
“Yeah. They just let me pet them.”
“Do they have names?” Getting this child to talk is like pulling teeth.
“Yeah!” That was it, that was the question the child needed.
They go into detail about every cat and kitten, telling Ardyn all of their names and personalities.
Ardyn can’t help but smile.
Their love for these small creatures and enthusiasm is adorable.
Eventually, one of the adult cats comes over to Ardyn and lays down on his lap.
He’s a bit shocked by all of this, but the purring creature brings great comfort.
“They like you,” the child pipes up.
“Or I’m just warm…” he remarks, ever the cynic.
The child looks down, defeated.
A pang of guilt stabs Ardyn’s heart.
“I didn’t mean to insult your feline companions,” he remarks, trying to ease the tension.
“That’s not it!” The child almost yells. “They’re just cats, but…I like them. And I want to like them. So even if they don’t like me, I don’t care. I want to take care of them.”
A once and future king is defeated by the words of a child.
“Besides, cats need someone! Maybe they claw you, but scratches heal! That’s just who they are! They don’t leave, they don’t yell, they didn’t do anything wrong! Not everybody has to be left…”
Tears fall down the child’s cheeks.
Ardyn is numb.
What has he done?
No, it must be one of Shiva’s tricks!
He gently moves the creature from his lap before jumping to his feet and bounding outside.
“Where are you going?!” The child calls after him.
Frustrated air escapes the man’s lips as he makes his way to the cliff over the ocean.
The sun shines down on his face.
The light…
It doesn’t hurt him!
This truly must be a dream…
But what god would control his very thoughts and not torture him with the light?
Ardyn takes a deep breath of the salty air and his skin is warmed in the setting sun.
Where is he?
When is he?
What has he done?
The child is running out of the shed, having freed themselves from the tangle of cats.
That word…that single word strikes through Ardyn’s very soul with more ferocity than any of Bahamut’s blades could ever hope to.
He falls to his knees.
His head falls in defeat, as his arms open wide, embracing the child that falls into them.
“Don’t go, Daddy! I’m sorry! I’ll be good…”
Hot tears stain the dark coat.
Ardyn’s tears fall into the child’s hair.
Petting their head, he shushes them.
“Don’t fret, my darling. Daddy isn’t going anywhere. You have never, nor could you ever, do anything wrong.”
“I love you, Daddy…”
Ardyn smiles at his future.
“I love you, too, beloved.”
Father and child embrace for a long moment as the sun sets.
Eventually, they make their way inside, bringing their feline family with them, for a true feast and a warm bed.
Ardyn learns what a wonderful child he has.
They are caring and funny,
With an adorable laugh.
Everything about them is precious.
They offer to help him cook,
But Ardyn soon learns that they can only cook instant noodles and toaster pastries.
It truly is a disgrace.
So Ardyn makes small meat scraps for the cats,
And stew for himself and the child.
Letting them help with dishes.
After dinner, the entire group snuggles by the fire,
As father and child read a bedtime story.
Right now, everything is warm and quiet.
Shiva arrives as the moon watches overhead.
Ardyn emerges from a bed of kittens and a child’s embrace.
He looks the goddess in the eyes,
“I’m not sure what game you are playing, but you’ve surely defeated me.”
He turns back to admire his sleeping child.
“In what world am I heartless enough to leave them so alone?”
Shiva smiles,
“Many creatures are helpless in comparison to the power of the gods. It is our decision how much we care and love them.”
Ardyn sighes,
“Then I have made my decision.”
Shiva holds out a hand that Ardyn takes.
Her smile illuminated by the moonlight.
Nyx is the father to the second adept of Eos.
His child is the second person ever to be able to pull magic straight from the crystal and not be part of the royal line. 
All of this magic is in the hands of a four year old, so you can imagine the consequences.
Nyx sits, taking his last breaths, admiring the sunrise, when Shiva comes to him.
His last reward is to see the world he has sacrificed everything to save.
And the piece he gets to see, is a rooftop in Lestallum.
Next to a water tank, under a dark sky, dances a small child.
Where their feet land, snowflakes bloom.
Nyx smiles at the strange dance. 
“What’re you doing up here alone, little one?” he asks, coming up to the child.
They stop dancing to respond.
“I’m not alone, you’re here too!”
Nyx laughs before noticing something on their hip.
“Looks like you brought protection, too, huh?”
On the child, it looks like a small sword,
But when they unsheath the weapon,
It’s one of Nyx’s kukris!
He’s stunned.
“How’d you get that?”
The child turns it over in their hands.
“It…it was my daddy’s.”
“It was…what?”
“It was my daddy’s. I never got to meet him, but I’m told it was his by Uncle Libertus.”
Nyx has to sit down on the ground due to his shock.
“Mister, are you ok?”
It takes the warrior a moment to catch his breath.
“Your face looks pale, are you cold?” A flame appears in the child’s hands.
If this is the afterlife, it sure is throwing Nyx for a loop!
“How did you do that?!” The Glaive askes, incredulously.
The child closes their hands, extinguishing the flames.
“I…don’t know.”
They’re backing away from Nyx; he’s scared them.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you…How about you tell me about yourself.”
The child sits down across from Nyx.
They just chat.
To the Glaive, this child is perfect.
They are just…amazing.
It takes time, but Nyx get’s to his feet.
“How about I show you how to use that kukri?”
The child is so excited.
It turns out, this little kid can warp!
But their accuracy is terrible…
Most of the time, they hold on to Nyx’s back as he warps.
Giggling the whole way.
When they try to do it themselves, they end up at least four feet off of the mark.
And their magic!
They have more control than Nyx could even dream of having!
They can make the elements take the form of shapes!
Flowers bloom in their hands and small animals made of fire dance around them.
They even play a few small pranks on their father:
Shocking him in the ear or making creatures disappear into smoke as he goes to touch them.
In this little body, Nyx’s hopes for Eos are alive.
Father and child dance across the city.
Until Shiva arrives under a starless sky.
She holds her hand out to Nyx.
“Are you going to go, Mister?” The child asks, looking up at him with innocent eyes.
“It looks like it, little one.”
“Am I going to see you again?”
Nyx’s heart breaks.
He gets down on his knee to hug the child.
“Someday, little one. Someday.”
He kisses their forehead, before pulling away to look them in the eyes.
“I have a big mission for you, ok, little Glaive?”
“OK!” The child says with determination.
“Take care of this world for me, ok? It’s a big mission, but this place needs you. Can you do that?”
“I’ll try.” The child thinks for a moment. “Will you help me?”
“I can’t anymore, kiddo. But I’ll always be cheering you on.”
Shiva touches Nyx’s shoulder and he fades away within the child’s arms.
“I love you.” Are the last words Nyx is able to leave his little one with as he returns to the rising sun.
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
How about smol Prompto meeting a Chocobo for the first time? :)
[Adding a Read More at some point]
Ah, our little ray of sunshine. ☆ ~(‘▽^人)
First time smol Prompto met a Chocobo:
There was a small festival at Insomnia this once, and some of the farmers of the outskirts brought their chocobos for exhibit (don’t worry, they’re treated well).
As you know, smol Prompto spends the while left with nannies more than he gets to live with his parents, but Cor visits every now and then.
So, it was totally papa Cor who took him there.
Papa Cor considers it’s important for the child to go out and have fun and see and discover things, so as his parents barely have the time for that, he picked smol Prompto that one day to take him to the festival.
Cor’s initial intention had not been necessarily to bring him to the chocobos; he just wanted to take smol Prom in the festival and see what they found.
Smol Prompto’s 2 years old.
Smol Prompto’s not used to this quantity of people.
2 y.o. Prompto’s asking to be carried the entire time.
Smol Prompto’s scared of so many people  o(TヘTo)
Still, smol Prom’s pretty amazed by all the colors and pretty things, so he’s staring at everything.
He’s pretty excited the entire time, actually, he just gets scared/shy whenever he finds someone staring at him.
But when he’s “on his own”, he’s staring around like
“Ooooh!  (°o°)”
“Aaaah!  (〇_o)”
Cor likes to just walk around, little Prom’s not even asking for any candy or any game stall, he seems content just staring at the confetti and the banners and everything else.
Smol Prom seems to be curious of the people when they laugh and seems to enjoy of that, but he can’t stand people looking at him.
Whenever they do, smol Prom buries the face in cor’s shoulder or chest.
The poor thing  ♡
How does any of this have to do with the chocobo, you ask?
Simple: it’s the only thing smol Prom asked for in the festival.
Literally the only thing he asked for.
While strolling around, smol kid Prom got easily distracted whenever he saw a chocobo themed something.
Smol kid Prom already has an affinity for Chocobos (something you can easily tell by the quantity of chocobo plush toys and other chocobo themed stuff in his room that we talked about in his original post), but he had no idea it was really a thing.
Smol kid Prom thought chocobos only existed in his room.
So, smol kid Prom shows extra surprise and awe whenever he sees someone with a chocobo-themed hat walk by.
Smol kid Prom’s gasping quietly and intensely staring at all the chocobo-themed things he sees, because he really had no idea other people knew about them.
Smol kid Prom’s gasping at the chocobo shirts.
Smol kid Prom’s turning in Cor’s arms to look over his shoulder when the girl with the chocobo plushie walks past.
Smol kid Prom is so confused.
You should have seen his reaction when he saw a REAL chocobo.
Flesh and bones and feathers, real, living, breathing and tangible chocobo.
Prom spotted them from afar.
Cor was still walking around when it started to smell funny, andsuddenly there was a loud KWEH!
And smol Prompto’s heart stopped and he gasped super loudly because he thought that chocobos were cartoons from TV but that sounded so real and so close so mother of Eos are chocobos real Cor omg did you hear that Cor where did that come from Cor please stop stop stopa sodpjpofds
That’s his thoughts.
On the outside he’s like  Σ(°△°|||) and he hurries to climb onto Cor’s arm to get a look over his shoulder.
And he, finally sees them.
It’s the chocobos.
It’s chocobos.
Real chocobos.
Huge, real chocobos standing there, some yards behind them.
At first Smol Prom was in so much shock he could not react, but seen as Cor was walking away, he had to do something.
Smol Prom started bouncing in his arms and patting at his back with a hand while the other pointed at the chocobos, and he kept doing these adorable baby noises of complaint.
Cor stopped and paid attention to him.
“Hm? What is it, Prom?”
“Kweh Kweh! Kweh Kweh!”
At first Cor’s like ?? because the child is not playfully imitating a chocobo, he’s pointing and flailing in his arms almost with desperation, so Cor knows he’s not trying to play, he’s trying to tell him something.
So Cor takes him in his hands away of his shoulder and in front of him.
Smol Prom’s legs and arms are flailing all around him and he has this .A. expression while still looking over Cor’s shoulder.
“What is it, Prom???”
“KWEH KWEH CHOCOBO!!!!ヽ(°〇°)ノ”
Finally, Cor turns when he sees where Prom’s looking and pointing.
“Oh? The chocobo? Of course, how did I not…I thought they would scare you, boy. You sure you want to-”
Cor can’t deny anything to this kid, goddamit.
By the way, papa Cor is smiling.
So Cor decides to go look at the chocobos,still a bit unsure of Prom’s reaction.
When they’re finally close, they wait until the way’s clear so they can reach close to a chocobo.
At first Cor just stands there.
You should have seen smol Prompto’s face.
You have to understand him, the 2 year old had no idea chocobos were real (well, didn’t remember), he was fascinated by every plush and every toy and every drawing and every cartoon of them, so to FINALLY come in contact for the first time (at least consciously) with one of them…
Little Prompto’s staring at the chocobo with awe.
His eyes are open full and his mouth is open.
He’s looking at the chocobo like a believer up to his god itself in person.
Prompto’s not bouncing in joy or clapping furiously or laughing, no.
He’s starstruck.
He can’t speak or do anything at all.
Cor stays quiet and understand Prom’s fascination for chocobos, but wonders if the kid remembers anything…
Smol Prom’s still .A. in front of the chocobo and stays like that for a good three minutes.
After that, smol Prom turns to look at Cor almost as if asking “Is it real?”
He looks back at the chocobo, at Cor, chocobo for a few times before putting a hand up for Cor.
“Pat pat?ヽ(・、・)ノ”
“Oh? You want to pet it? Sure, Prom, be careful…”
Cor got a bit closer so Prompto could try.
The smol kid is already terrified of social interaction with anything that isn’t dogs or kittens, please understand him.
So, baby Prom’s actually a bit scared.
He’s like  \ ('~`;) as he reaches a hand close to pet the chocobo.
The chocobo gave a tiny, tiny ‘kweh’ when Prom’s hand was close.
It scared the child.
Little Prom made a baby noise of fear and took his hand back and turned to hide in Cor’s shoulder again, hugging him and holding ot his shirt. 
Cor’s a bit shy when a few people watching went ‘Aaw’, but come on, it IS adorable.
You should hear papa Cor’s voice, it’s so much different than normal Cor, so soft and careful.
“What’s wrong, little one? Come now, Prom, you’re not scared are you?”
“It’s harmless, Prom. And I think it likes you. You won’t deny a little pet to the head, right? Look at it. Come on, look at it :)”
It takes Cor a few more moments before baby Prom dares to look at the chocobo again, and another moments to convince smol Prom to touch it.
Cor gets close again, encouraging Prompto, and the kid takes a few moments like 
“Hm… (。•́︿•̀。)”
So, smol Prom reaches one of his tiny hands ahead again.
“You can do it, baby boy, it’s fine.”
“Hmmmmmm…. \ (>~
And so, finally, baby Prom’s hand lands on the chocobo’s neck. 
He stays frozen for a few moments, and then the chocobo made a small “Kweh” noise before bowing the neck and putting the head down.
“I think it likes you, Prom :)”
“Oh? (。•́__•̀。)”
“Yeah, realy. Look at it.”
The chocobo’s keeping the head slightly down as if not to scare Prom, and the baby boy starts petting it properly.
Cor’s smiling as Prompto keeps petting it, still like (・、・)
Smol Prompto’s hand is moving slow and soft, and it moves from the neck up to the head.
The chocobo gives a little whine of joy when he touches there.
And it finally happens.
Little Prom lets out a little laugh.
It was short and shy, but it was there, and Cor can’t help but smile at him and watch him pet the chocobo, a bit more confident on it now.
Smol Prom continues, and when the chocobo shakes the head lightly, he doesn’t get scared again, but rather laughs again.
“Hahaha, aah…(o´▽`o)”
Smol Prompto’s moving in Cor’s arms so he can stretch both arms and use both hands to pet the chocobo, who’s still kwe’ing at his touch.
Cor stays there for so long it’s ridiculous.
It’s good to see Baby Prom this confident, but it’s a bit tiring.
Cor’s lucky Prompto’s adorable, or it would have been boring six minutes into the kid just petting the animal non-stop.
Smol Prompto’s saying nice things and saying ‘Chocobo’ as he pets it.
“Hahaha…chocoboo, chococho…nice chocobweh….nice, nice chocobweh…( ´ ▽ ` )”
Smol kid Prompto’s doing those baby noises that it’s kind of like “Aaw” without opening the mouth.
He’s so satisfied and happy, geez.
“Chocoboo…pretty chocoboo…pretty pretty, fluffy, pretty chocobweh…(o^▽^o)”
Cor has spent a good fifteen minutes just standing there holding the child and watching Prompto pet it.
Cor’s a bit embarrassed by now by how ridiculous he must look, but Prom’s happy so he’s staying there.
“Big, big chocoboo…warm chocoboo..warmy warm, soft chocoboo….so soft, chocobo, soft soft Kweh. Happeh Kweh, Flappy Kweh, little pretty chocoboo (´ヮ`)ノ”
It’s been….twenty minutes…
Baby Prompto finally lets go of the chocobo while still saying nice things about chocobos.
“…so, you done, Prom Prom?”
Baby Prompto points to the chocobo at a side.
“…you’re not planning to pet ALL the chocobos, are you, Prom?”
“KWWWEH!! Chocoboo, chocobo, I wanna pet!”
Cor, you can’t complain, it was your idea to bring him here.
Yes, baby Prompto’s going to spend the rest of the evening petting all the chocobos.
Baby Prom tried to steal a baby chocobo.
You should have seen him.
It’s baby Prom sat on the ground hugged to a baby chocobo that’s almost as big as he is, it’s ridiculous and so adorable, people are asking Cor if they can take pictures of “his son”.
“That’s…that’s not my….I mean… *sigh* No cameras. Not my kid.”
Baby Prom won’t stop hugging the chocobo in half an hour in which Cor could read a full magazine no troubles.
Every time he looked up, the kid was still hugged to baby chocobo and saying things.
“Soft baby chocoboo, little, tiny chocobo Kweh, you so small, little friend, you so warm and so soft, you so pretty(o^▽^o)”
Prompto sung the chocobo song like fifty times in a row.
Both when petting the adult chocobos and when hugged to the baby one.
You can easily tell baby Prom was not content with the idea of leaving until Cor got for him his millionth or so chocobo plushie.
“But I want the real chocobweh ;_____;”
Cor tried to reason with him on why he couldn’t keep a chocobo as a pet.
Baby Prom understood, but he was still pretty sad.
….so, of course, Cor asked the caretaker if he could take a few feathers.
That’s smol kid Prom’s beloved, sacred treasure, the four chocobo feathers Cor gifted him.
It reminds him of the day he learned chocobos were a real thing and the first time he ever petted one. ♡
Ah, smol Prompto. ♡ ~('▽^人)
Thanks for asking!!
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