#if you dont handle your trauma in a nice and acceptable way people hate you for it i guess
spacedlexi · 3 years
I'm going through your s4 YouTube playlist and bro I LOVE your commentary???? Violet is so important to me and YOU UNDERSTAND ;-;
also playthroughs when the person doesnt know how the game is going to go are good, but yours, when you know like everything??? peak cinema. chefs kiss
shdsj aw thank you anon im glad youre enjoying it!! i know most people usually do blind playthroughs but idk i wanted to do my kinda "perfect" playthrough with my favorite choices and also just discuss my feelings on the game and characters as a whole. and also mention cool little details! like how violets hair only gets animated with the arrow if you miss the choice for some reason
plus violet deserves a playthrough where shes really appreciated cuz the ones ive seen are either indifferent to her or get mad at her especially towards the beginning where shes kinda mean to clem. which is interesting cuz like... thats kinda part of her arc ya know where she knows shes way meaner than she means to be, but its because she tries to distance herself from people emotionally. and you KNOW she doesnt mean it before you even talk to her if you pay attention to her watching clem from the wall. like shes Obviously interested but then when you first speak and shes like "fuck off" its like "hmm ok im not buying your 'mean girl' thing" and i think people miss this??
people get mad at her for that but then when she compliments clems fighting skills people Then realize shes not as abrasive as she first comes off. but then they dont carry that idea through with them for the game and still dont understand her character aND IM LIKE....... please i love her shes a HUGE softie under all that tough exterior (and scared like the rest of the kids shes just better at hiding it but its part of why she walls herself away) and so many people miss this. she even tells clem in the dorm that she doesnt mean it and people still get frustrated with her.... but i need to stop myself now because i could talk about violet forever i love her so much 🥺💜 and she gets a lot of hate for no reason. if you hate violet i dont trust you
also so many people even miss that shes so fucking gay and head over heels for clem its embarrassing like im embarrassed for them. the amount of times people end up on the bell tower and go "wait why does this kinda feel romantic?" IM LIKE I CANT DEAL WITH YOU PEOPLE its so frustrating this is why i wanted to watch an lgbt stream of it but could never find one 😭 so i was like FINE i'll do it myself!!! so im glad youre liking it anon 💕
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ravysu · 3 years
Sannin headcanons and thoughts
The last thing I would like to post for the sannin week. It is still 24.04 here! :D @sannin-central
This is long. Spoiler alert. Mostly Orochimaru, some Tsunade, a little of Jiraiya (because his story is pretty clear and spoken and idk what I can add). Also I recommend to read this meta about Orochimaru, it has influenced me a lot and has some good points. Sorry for any posible grammar mistakes. Also I really should put here a lot of references to the manga or anime but it was something that was piling up for a year and I'm soooooooo lazy. After all, those are just headcanons. Also: Im not excusing Oro's bad stuff here, Im trying to understand the reasons.
Ive already posted some hcs, here, here and here.
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1. First if all, the chronology pic of sannin lifetime based on the info i found on naruto wiki and also some statements about wars from this post. It was tough considering what a mess naruto’s chronology is.
2. Sannin story shows what it cost to be a legend. They're like Team 7 but more realistic. Tsunade literally carried the war but left with nothing and developed a ptsd and have problems to just live on. Also anger control issues. I think she can be pretty bossy and stubborn which is not always nice. Jiraiya is the hero of the day but also very idealistic and can ignore some important details in the real word whether its the fight (he always injured during flashbacks maybe because each time he took too much to handle and on the one hand it's heroistic but on the other is a mistake that can lead your team to situations like in that Iwa cave) or your friends issues (I bet he saw what's going on but thought it's fine until Oro actually got red handed and left). He lives in his world and may have problems to get out to see it through someone else's shoes. As for Orochimaru, it seems like he was a normal guy for 20+ years (I mean, he didn't do crazy criminal shit and had something good in him and it was stated somewhere that it was his teammates influence. It is obvious they considered him as a friend, I don't thinks it was for nothing) but we mostly know his darkest side. Despite being a moster he is a human that have empathy and some ordinary human traits (man just decorates every bit of an environment he is in lol).
3. Tsunade was the leader of team Hiruzen.
4. Tsunade sometimes hit Jiraiya for some stupid things he did or said but never touches Orochimaru even if he did something same. Jiraiya complained about it once and almost got another hit.
5. Jiraiya had problematic parents that didn't care about him much and a lot of time he was wandering in the streets.
6. Judging by the look of Oro bangs and hair, he sometimes cut it off. A stress relief huh? And the fact that he doesn't do it now in Boruto..
7. It was shown that Tsunade and Orochimaru was acknowledged before they become a team. Maybe they did just before, or maybe some longer time before. I prefer the second option and hc that they met because both had no real friends - Orochimaru seemed weird and scary for everyone and Tsunade was Senju so everyone wanted to hang out with her but didn't really care. They weren't seen as what they were - people put the labels on them. But they didn't care about each other's labels and actually saw each other in true lights.
8. Tsunade knew it was an accident and it's not right but still she blamed Orochimaru for Nawaki's death for some time. It was something that seriously damaged their friendship and the team. Orochimaru was mad but also guilty, after all, he was responsible at least as a shinobi since Nawaki was under his watch. So he started to act cold and emotionless and was trying to distance himself from his teammates.
9. Jiraiya was in Ame while Dan died.
10. The whole his orphans mission was a bit irresponsible tbh. They already fought Hanzo and as he stated the conflict between Konoha and Ame is going to an end with Konoha's win. It's weird to stay here for three years in the middle of the war while there were other lands to fight. He left his teammates for some idea. Maybe that caused another crack in their team friendship.
11. If Tsunade would have find a way to live on with her trauma and follow the will of fire and stuff it would affect Orochimaru as well just as her grief affected him. It's like he would get an example that you can live on with this pain. So death isn't above human capability and we are not just the slaves of mortality (sounds stupid but i dont know how else to describe sorry). But as we know what he actually saw is that it broke her crucially to the point she couldnt be herself again. And so the death is above everything.
12. Oro wasn’t just acting as a cold pragmatic bitch in that cave but also tried to save Tsunade. Jiraiya knew it and that’s why he showed this sign to him like "I see what youre doing here" and that stunned Oro because he would prefer to look rather like a cold pragmatic bitch hehe
13. Just a thought. People in the village probably treated Oro as a foreigner or just wouldnt accept him because he looked so differently and had a weird attitude. That's why he sometimes didn't feel that Konoha is his home. After the wars where people were treated as means and tools, even the children, he himself developed this view on people - he dehumanized them and used as the means to his goals, just as his village did. Funny thing some people were straightly dehumanizing him too like Ibiki thought that he was a demon (tho he was a child). And he probably weren't the only one. Anyways the point is that it's logical that Orochimaru don't care about anybody but some few people, he's the product of his era. He's like Naruto that would chose the hatred way. But naruto had some good and understanding people around him and.. Orochimaru had them too, but match how Iruka treated Naruto and this Hiruzen's "I sAw tHe mAliCe in This cHiLd fRoM tHe BegGinNinG". And oro didn't even have a big ass evil fox in him. sry i hate hiruzen
ANYWAYS the moral of the story is not "go criminal if they hurt you" but always treat people like people. Waving my hand to Kant.
14. The reason why Orochimaru didn't pick some good morals to stick with through the hard times no matter what (like, idk, Jiraiya or Naruto) is because 1) I think he is/was pretty depending on people around him 2) the war fucked him and his friends up too much (Nawaki incident + Tsunade) 3) twisted addictions (though I don't think he's that sadistic, we never saw him torturing randoms just for fun, it was always some science experimental shit. He tends to get fun out of cruelty only when it's personal) that maybe developed as a way to sublimate anger and sadness caused by his parents loss (that's what they share with sasuke - unlicke naruto, they knew their parents and it's other kind of pain. Sasuke developed a revenge issue and Orochimaru - cruelty pleasure which... is kinda the same but less epic and more occasional lol).
15. Speaking of that, Orochimaru cared for Sasuke because he saw himself in him.
16. Oro hold grudges against Hiruzen for not choosing him to be Hokage not only because he was ambitious and/or egoistic, but also because Hiruzen was some kind of a father figure for him and his approval was important tho i doubt he was aware of that. He also probably could tell that Hiruzen was suspicios about him when he was a child and that led to many conflicts and was hurting as well.
17. Tsunade knew things weren't pretty with Orochimaru after the wars but she never expected them to be this bad. During the week that she was given in her arc she thought not only about how much she wants to see Nawaki and Dan again despite how wrong would it be but also was trying to bury all the good memories she had left of Orochimaru so it would be easier to kill him.
18. She poisoned Jiraiya exactly because she knew he would not let her do it. Jiraiya was always hesitant to kill and inclined to forgiveness, while Tsunade, as mentioned by Orochimaru, could be merciless (so much so that he was not surprised when Kabuto suggested that she wanted to use Jira for Edo Tensei).
19. That was one of her traits that scared Jiraiya and fascinated Orochimaru.
20. Remember how Oro grabbed Jiraiya's neck when the latter was trying to cover with hair jutsu? On the snake, in Tsnade's arc. Orochimaru could have easily kill Jiraiya by pulling the sword out of the mouth (arteries are right there) but he didn't. As well as he could kill Tsunade when she was still shaking - just aim for the neck or the heart. Instead, he just injured her lung and kicked her which is not a big deal for the kind of shinoby like her at all.. Also he helped Anko not accidentally kill herself but it would be way much profitable to let her do it. "Orochimaru has no feelings".
21. The reason he suddenly wanted to kill Tsunade instead of forcing her to heal his arms as it was planned (which is weird since it will not going to get him heals and he kinda said that he wouldn't want to kill her just minutes ago) is that not only she refused to help him (he thought he could work it out) but she also prefered the village over him (from his point of view). Out if everyone she was the closest to being able to understand him since the village caused her painful losses too but nevertheless she agreed to be on it's side.
22. He wasn't fighting her back in the end partly because he thought he deserved that. Somewhere deep inside hahah.
23. Tsunade got a fear to develop deep bonds so they probably weren't very close with Shizune (also the way she knocked her down in this hotel.. oh).
24. Orochimaru will be here when she'll die.
25. Orochimaru's eng dub to Tsunade: "I often wondered what it would be like to ring that pretty neck yours". No comments.
26. Orochimaru is either bi/pan or ace. Anything or nothing lmao
27. Hiruzen knew about at least some of the Oro’s illegal experiments and was okay just as he was okay with the Foundation all the time. Because it’s useful. Then he has discovered he went too far OR he knew everything and oro just became too inconvenient because of his methods. The way Orochimaru tells Sasuke about reasons they are well treated as the criminals is based on in his experience with Hiruzen.
28. As you may know the lyrics in Orochimaru’s music theme goes “don’t talk with the silence of the heart”. It was taken from one Indian song that also had lines like “don’t question life too much”, ”pain arose somewhere in the chest”, “don’t speak to the wounds of the heart”. Though I’m not sure 100% because I was translating it with some hindi dictionary with like zero knowledge of hindi
29. I like to think that this “silence of the heart” theme and the fact that he called his village a hidden sound village are somehow connected. The hidden sound is the possible explanation of all things waiting to be listened to but the truth is silent and you know it deep in your heart and it bothers you. The world is silent just like the life is meaningless but people can only hear. *Sigh* anyways
30. Orochimaru’s journey is the one about accepting death. When he saw Karin released her chains while was trying to get to Sasuke he understood that the death is a part of human’s strength.
Can’t wait to feel that everything I wrote is wrong or not enough or stupid and obvious lol. Anyways, it’s something that I wanted to share until I move to some other fandom.
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matches-is-meow · 2 years
Hello! I'm here to request a romantic MHA matchup if you could please! I'm a 16 year old female but I look and act mature for my age(due to trauma) so I often get mistaked as an 18 year old or even older sometimes. Some good qualities of mine are maturity, level headedness, and then I can be motherly. Some bad traits can include bluntness, coming off as cold, and stubbornness. I'm an introvert so i hate being around crowds and speaking infront of people I also have social anxiety so that doesn't help... I would much prefer staying at home watching anime and petting my pets than going out... More of my fun and loud side comes out around my friends or the right people. My hobbies or things I enjoy include hanging out with friends, swimming, listening to music, art, laying in bed on my phone, animals(I want to work with animals as a job), watching anime, the ocean(I love water if I could choose a quirk it would be water based), stargazing(I love galaxies, the moon and stars I find everything so fascinating), the colors black, blue, purple, then finally goth/emo style and aesthetic! Some dislikes of mine are bananas, P.E./sports(volleyball is okay tho), and men/father figures in my life-. My music taste includes the artists, The Neighborhood, Girl In Red, The Arctic Monkeys, Billie Eilish, Melanie Martinez, Alec Benjamin, Corpse, and Conan Gray! I'm bisexual/omnisexual so either gender could work but in mha I lean towards having a stronger preference for the guys compared to the girls so do with that what you will. Traits I dislike in others are immaturity, impatience, disrespect, pushing boundaries, and not listening. Traits I look for in others are respect, kindness, understanding, patience, and humor. A bit about my appearance is I have longish black hair, pale skin, freckles, i'm a bit chubby, and tall(5'8). Im also very insecure and I doubt myself a lot but I'm trying to work on that! Some love languages include words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch and sometimes acts of service. I have mental and physical health issues so I would need someone who could accept and be able to handle that. I would also need someone that would accept that I have trauma as well. I would want this relationship to be a two way thing so its very important that they give the same effort I'm giving into the relationship. I would prefer not to be matched with Denki, Bakugou, Iida, Tokoyami or any adult since I'm a minor. I think thats it... I'm sorry if I missed anything you needed or if this is to long! I understand if you don't get to me right away! I hope your having a nice day! Thank you!
alrighhhhtttttt girly pop thanks so much for asking, i really appreciated the specificity in the ask. and look, i know you said that you you leaned to the guys but i feel like you would mesh really well with Tsuyu if you didnt specify a dude. yall have similar vibes. But i eventually just decided against it, but uhhhhh heres your matchup!! i had a ton of fun writing this one.
and your matchup isss…�� *drumroll*
Shoto Todoroki (yay!)
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Todoroki made a very conscious effort not to get crushes on anybody, ever. He had seen how damaging relationships could get, and there was always an ambiguous fear that he would turn out like his father. Sooo very celibate he was.
until uh oh spegettio!! you dont choose who you are and what you love in this world!!!
He would not consider himself hot headed; he would not. He would not consider himself cold hearted; he would not. But somehow emotion flowed and ebbed easier with sensible, level headed you around.
or maybe…
maybe it was the time you sat him down and asked him how he was doing. What? Why did you ask him, what favor did you owe him? was this… just your nature? to care about people, care about him?
what probably reallllly did him in was the brief glimpses of affection you gave him. Little shoulder touches here, the touch of an arm there, barely noticeable to anyone not utterly starved of affection.
Todoroki is very starved of affection.
He would pine, long, and yearn for so long before asking you on a date. It would be weeks, months, years, even if he could wait that long.
He would ask you out in a carefully planned scenario with every variable double and triple checked.
he probably wrote a script of what he was going to say and deadass pulled it out to you in front of your face.
hes trying his best honey
He was very awkward at first, but after a couple of dates,,,,, oooh boy, he treats you like a queen.
he is so determined to not be like his dad that he will literally be the textbook definition of ”healthy stable relationship”
Mans opens the door, pulls out the chair, splits the check, after you beg for half of it, glares at mineta, remembers your birthday,, wow.
and. the best thing of all. is how he gets it. he knows how it is to just HATE. your father figure and to have a lot of trauma. he feels just such empathy because hes been there.
If you wanna rant, he's there.
you wanna pretend that father figures are just a societal hallucination, he’s there
if you wanna be held close, he’s there.
he thinks your so great, by the way. you ground him with your honesty when he feels like the world is drifting away a bit, and, not to be weird but he feels super happy on the inside that you have social anxiety because he gets a little scared that something bad might happen to you, and he loves quality time with his queen!
Also, sweetie, he has a sixth sense for when you feel insecure so just be prepared to be overly showered in love and affection when every you complain about yourself.
He is definitely a fan of nicknames, kinda gives darling and love kind of vibes.
oh, and one more thing.
he will kill for you.
hey hidey hey! I have no clue what possessed me with the kinda edgy ending there, but Todoroki would not date someone he is not prepared to risk it all for, sooooooo yeah. Tysm internet person, it was a really neat profile to work with.
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izzyliker · 3 years
Hey, asking you this as nicely as I can but can you give the immediate victim blaming a break. The absolute lack of respect you have for the people tmc abused is genuinely disheartening. Yes, he’s a shitty person, you’re entitled to hate him but immediately going “well you should’ve seen it coming earlier lol we’ve been saying this” is just ASTONISHINGLY shortsighted and cruel. Have your opinions about him and the situation all you want I would just ask that you please keep it to yourself due to the many many people he’s hurt that are still on here and can see you disparaging them.
ok, that is not what i have been saying. "well you should've known" is not an accurate summary of my feelings on this matter but apologies if thats how it came across. i have been in an abusive relationship where the person did a lot of the same things and i, too, defended that person without considering how it impacted other people. i almost lost my best friend because of how i acted as a result of keeping him in my life while people around me kept telling me to get tf out. i know.
what i am is im frustrated and annoyed by how long people were willing to publicly and passionately defend this guy while apparently fully aware what kind of shit he was doing to other people, many of which is detailed in the callout itself, and how this is now being framed as news. before the document itself was published all me (or anyone) had to go off of was vague posts that amounted to a "callout trailer" and almost all of the information on it was shit that was 100% completely public knowledge. 20+ people being aware of all that goddamn stuff and not one of them publicly stopping associating with him is frustrating. it comes across as spineless and yes, like one anon told GD, gaslighty (although i have my own issues with this being used on a large scale instead of in interpersonal relationships but i understand where they were coming from). his lesbophobia, transphobia (strange that none of the transphobia towards trans men was mentioned?), and panphobia/aphobia/biphobia were widely documented and seeing that on a callout post as if it were news was extremely tiring.
ive since read the callout. the interpersonal actions seem to have been horrible but sadly im not surprised (by which i dont mean "and neither should you" but rather. my spidey senses for this sort of behavior are pretty accurate most of the time and i did see this coming. this isnt me saying im Better than these people or that they shouldve as well but rather that i have learned to identify people of this genre.) by any of them.
also im 75% sure this is tumblr user GD. hello. if not then apologies, its just that the typing here is very similar. if it is, i think you trying to both take accountability for this and process whatever it is youre processing at the same time on tumblr is a bad idea and going to just lead to people feeling hurt and betrayed because while i truly do see where the reaction is coming from (like, truly, i understand, believe me), if you say "i take responsibility for how i acted while being manipulated" but then when people voice their negative feelings you tell them theyre victim blaming you it is going to reflect poorly on you. i dont think you understand how many people were absolutely hurt by the enabling you and your large, massively popular group of friends did for him, including the MASSIVE defense rant you typed up in defense of him when someone sent an ask to the bi jon event about him being panphobic and aphobic. whether its fair for people to expect you to immediately go into depth about it is questionable but dont invite people to do this when you obviously cannot handle it (i dont mean this in a bad way like "oh you should handle it". i mean genuinely this is how you get burnt out and possibly worsen possible future trauma. by trying to immediately placate people without having the mental resources to do so.)
i think the "we dont condone these views and never did!" without ever specifying what they were or doing any other work there is a lazy fucking cop-out. your circle was/is massively popular and a lot of people took all of you as authorities on stuff like headcanons and respectful portrayals of certain characters or identities to the point of accepting your meta as canon (something you havent really dissuaded ever), and associating publicly with someone who would constantly do this kind of shit and then defending him publicly while also positing yourself as an authority isnt something you can just "oops! we never agreed with him!" yourself out of. GD & TF specifically, you are massive blogs. you are babys first TMA blog. people in your askbox hurt and betrayed by this shit are not necessarily there to victim blame you. they are there because they trusted your word when they said "hey seraf reblogged anti pan and anti ace and weird transphobic posts" and you said "seraf is one of my dearest friends and would never do any of those things and im personally offended youd even imply that." i think you dont understand the real life consequences of the massively popular posts and sentiments he made & published and that you helped spread (despite apparently knowing that he was being a massive hypocrite and bigoted towards those groups or identities in his personal life). obviously interpersonal abuse/conflict is going to be "worse" but dear god i hope you collectively understand that "oh btw we never endorsed his views" is a massive copout and a shit apology for the hurt this association and endorsement caused. tmc has been terrorizing this fucking fandom for months with his bullshit and bigotry and you have not been passive bystandars but active enablers.
anyways, hope everyone involved gets to uh, heal i suppose, but i think expecting the people who seraf suicide baited, the groups of trans men he misgendered, the people who he targeted and harassed, the genuine fucking long lasting dysphoria he caused real people to have over his shitty takes re: transness and dysphoria, and the general shit behavior he was allowed to keep up with zero pushback from anyone in his circle of the fandom to drop all the anger or frustration they have for the people who enabled him and defended him aggressively is... unrealistic. and makes you look bad. especially when the doc doesnt even clarify which opinions you still support.
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mrthomasdoherty · 3 years
hi! i know you’re a chris/kurt stan, but i was wondering if you have any favorite blaine moments or blaine episodes? (also, i just wanted to say thank you for defending blaine/klaine so hard. so many kurt stans are so anti blaine and it really bothers me, so thank you for understanding where blaine is coming from too)
Hello there! General Kenobi.
Listen, I will defend Blaine Anderson on my death bed. The amount of shit people choose to hate him for is ridiculous and is more telling of them. Because there's enjoyment of enemies to lovers and then there's just extreme out of character "development" to make your enemies to lover ship seem like the better choice to canon because "omg abuse". Not here for it. Just enjoy your ship but keep the slander and hatred for Blaine Anderson out of it, wow so simple. Amazing.
Okay anyway. Favorite moments and episodes of one Blaine Anderson.
10. Never Been Kissed. I love his introduction. He grabs a strange dudes hand to take a shortcut, then pulls a fast one by being all "oh and by the way I'm a warbler so lemme serenade you real quick strange dude". WHO DOES THAT? It's ridiculous, it's perfect, and it's nice that he's introduced as someone who has also been through the hell of being bullied for something that defines him as a person, but still being the bigger person in the end and coming out stronger. He's there at the right time, the right place, and it's because of him that Kurt remembers he has a voice.
9. In season 6, watching him regain that confidence and stride that he had in season 2? Love it. It's nice to see that he went to therapy, stepped outside his box, and took a chance on something unexpected for himself (even if who he dates is stupid, and it makes me nauseous - I blame the writers for this stupidity and not the character. The character is just their pawn to get the viewers reaction). I like that he fights for Jane, I like how he confronts Rachel and Kurt and doesn't go easy on them in regards to the competition, and I like that even through the bullshit HE is put through he still doesn't let it consume him and make him into a bitter person. Plus, again, HE WENT TO THERAPY! I love that!
8. Dynamic Duets. Seeing Blaine take control of the school without anyone questioning him?! Amazing leadership. We see him being a great leader in other episodes, before and after this one, but this one really hits it on the head. He gets everyone to dress up as superheroes to help boost everyone's confidence, express themselves, and just get out of their box in such a creative and fun way. We see him struggling still with feeling like he fits at McKinley because the reason he transferred is gone and no longer his boyfriend. I like that we can see the struggle! He's lonely. He's depressed. He's trying so hard to be better at getting by, but we see the struggle emotionally and mentally. He almost transfers to Dalton again because he thinks it would be better for everyone. He has Sam now, and that's it (which, bleck blam, but it's still important this episode so whatever). We see how self-destructive he is but still comes out on top by doing something great for the community. I like seeing character development. I like seeing the tidbits of character thought process, because like Blaine I've been there. Wanting to feel apart of something where you feel WANTED not just accepted. — also this episode he shames Mr.Schue for not even noticing the trophy is gone which DRAG HIM ANDERSON!!! That hint of sass! LOVE IT. Also Nightbird as a whole? Yes. Good.
7. Puppet Master. I like seeing what would go on in Blaine's brain on drugs - is that weird? It's an interesting view into his subconscious. He doesn't handle things like everyone else with their fantasy world them being hot and desirable. Nope! Blaine wants to feel validated, appreciated, and interact with felt-people because real people have hurt him - but felt-people can't. Felt-people can be tossed aside without causing them harm. Felt-friends compliment his body. Felt-fiancé's do whatever you want (kinky - what were you going to do with Kurt puppet that night you tried to take him back from Sylvester, Blaine? Cheeky). I like this quirk. I just don't like the ending song, that's it.
6. I love his moments where he performs by himself or for Kurt specifically. There's something different about how he performs if Kurt is watching (Cough Syrup, Teenage Dream (acoustic & original), All of Me, Beauty School Dropout, Barely Breathing (though that's just a figment), It's Not Right) vs. when he's in a group number. He's good in every song he does, and maybe I just think he performs differently because I'm a sucker for the angst majority of those songs being but whatever. I like it.
5. Love the Blaine being dramatic as a whole. Remember his reaction to seeing Tina and Sam making out and then running down the hall? And how MUCH HE LOVES BUMPER BOWLING?! I do. It's amazing.
4. THE WHOLE THING WITH ELLIOTT!!! Why did they only have one scene together?! Elliott being so understanding, and supportive, and not at all thinking Blaine is this weirdo for just BARGING into his apartment the way he does. He just HANDS HIM A GUITAR and Blaine takes it and it WORKS. He lets Blaine vent, he doesn't take it personal, and then Blaine calms down and apologizes. AND THEN THEY JAM. The best thing. That friendship would've been god tier.
3. Also that sass. "Huh, that's so unlike you." "I would say bye, but I wouldn't want to make you angry." "Well, he's not coming out anytime soon." "Why dont YOU put it back because it's YOUR apartment?"
2. I also LOVE that he isn't perfect. I love that we see him struggle. It makes him more realistic. Seeing his body issues in season 5, the depression, the self-destruction, the people pleasing perfectionist, the meltdowns, the struggle - because we see him struggle and overcome it in the end. Despite everything he struggled with, he got his happy ending with his soulmate AND A CHILD. He's succeeding in life with a family!
1. Tested. The whole episode. His traumatic response to Kurt's traumatic response. His body and self-confidence struggles. His defensive attitude and self-destructing basically, before snapping that built-up wall and finally communicating with Kurt about what the underlying problem actually is. IT IS MY FAVORITE EPISODE FOR A REASON! For Blaine, for Kurt, for both of them. Because not everyone reacts to trauma the same! It isn't going to be pretty! It isn't rainbows and puppy dogs dancing on clouds. It's crumbling in silence, and trying to be stronger than you are, and shutting down, and not having processed something completely because life still goes on like the trauma never happened all around you. It doesn't stop. So you find ways to cope. Like eating too many cronuts that you gain more weight and start to slip down a self-loathing hill to the point where you make things up in your head because you're overthinking and not wanting to burden anyone, especially the person you admire and care for the most because then they'll be disappointed in you and that has to be one of the worst feelings. BUT IT ALL COMES TO A HEAD, and ugh. Love it. Dont care. I like the realism about it, angst and all.
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ketchup-monthly · 3 years
Sanders Sides D&D 2
Ooh fresh take: Jan is virge’s patron and that’s why there’s beef
Also: Jan is some sort of fae related being
Jan: i need you to do something for me Virgil: no Janus: that's not how this works!! Virgil: watch me :P
Okay so I was thinking of Patton as a cleric cuz ooh healer however, Patton as a Druid makes me so happy
I want logan to have Rage
(Also that could tie nicely in an arc about Logan learning to accept feelings)
but barbarian logan is going to be a scholar again and is gonna be smort
bc hes logan. he cant be not smart
Oh I figured he’d be the bbeg that eventually joins the party (hurt/comfort baybee!)(Remus)
he was the bbeg but then joined the party as a bardbarian or just a bard
plus, actual bard who accidentally casts vicious mockery instead of bardic inspiration
Side note: please include a scene where Remus attempts to seduce the dragon
also with this second au, i can start them at like level 5 so people can multiclass
Pat as cleric/druid
gasp logan as artificer/barbarian
janus sorcerer/rogue
because basically everything but alchemist would work well with barbarian, but alchemist feels very Logan
bc mad scientist being actually mad
alchemist logan making an experimental potion and going "here im not sure what this does but im sure its fine! someone drink it"
Remus does it voluntarily, but Logan usually tries to get Roman to drink it
Virgil will occasionally drink it when he's on his last legs and is just like.....100% done with the party
remus as a wild magic path barbarian and just fucking teleporting or doing something equally ridiculous whenever he rages
Oh my god Remus with rage would be a force to be reckoned with
You gotta describe the first time he goes into a rage really dramatically
obviously virgil is trying to "escape" his patron, Janus (really just do whatever he says to not do out of spite)
Eldritch knight roman
Feywild warlock virgil
hey so in the second d&d au, should roman and remus be actual full siblings but like remus went darkside and like romans just trying to get back at him for putting a dark stain on the family name
hey hey hey what about warforged Logan? (essentially a robot)(so like "i dont feel anything" becoming real)
okay hear me out. elf roman and elf base simic hybrid remus. so like maybe the reason remus went darkside was experimentation? so like. hes elf but special
virgil just transforming in the middle of a combat scenario and like his eyes turn into black pits and flightless skeletal wings appear on his back and like everyone near him has to make a charisma check and like he deals extra necrotic damage
Pat is the one human stuck in a band of misfits
so with it, roman would be a full elf, and remus would be an elf that has tentacles bc octopus
So robot logan
i meant literally he doesnt feel anything
like he has all the emotions, but he doesnt physically feel the need to like eat or sleep or stuff like that
he just.....he pretend he don't have the feelings.....but he do.....he feel so much and he hides it all in his littol mechanical heart <3
plus......if he warforged, then like.....AC huge
he stands in front of friends.....he protecc...."no, i don't have feelings, i am physically incapable of affection" but he do!! he do! he take hits for them because he do!! he care so much
Bro he spouts all this and then he uses a reaction to dive in front of someone and everyone’s just like oh
hey hey everyone needs to grow
and logan standing up for himself and other people stepping in and saying no stop thats not right
plus if canon wont give me roman facing the consequences of his actions towards Logan......
but also Roman learning how to properly handle his own emotions and how he interacts with others
logan who doesn't view himself as anything more than a machine to be useful to others
the party giving logan love and affection until he slowly learns his own worth as a person
Roman and Logan not getting along (maybe Roman has a Lore reason to distrust Warforged, maybe not) and slowly learning to trust each other
when Logan is feeling real down or having some issue, Roman actually comes through to help him, showing how far both characters have come
Okay yes but also can we please give Roman more confidence than canon? Like I’m sooooo sick of low self esteem being played for laughs or just being really really sad
this boy is going on a mission and will slap his brother upside the head and tell him to shut tf up remus youre not a monster just come back home and he will do it alone if need be
im unsure as to how, but it happened when he was an older teen/young adult. a simic scientist either picked him (read: kidnapped), or remus volunteered (potentially to escape court life, unaware what exactly the experiment was going to do to him physically
bc also, remus and roman are royalty
so like. how best to get at the nobes/royalty/rich famous people than by turning their kid into a monster
wait, wait, wait, because i'm lowkey a sucker for this trope, but i'm not sure if it fits Remus: the experiments left him with some fairly significant physical pain/uncontrolled magical reactions. through some combo of trying to deal with that and trying find a cure for his pain, he keeps like....absolutely wrecking random towns on accident but also deliberately wrecking certain places looking for either a) vengeance on the guy(s) responsible or b) someone who can make the pain stop
Yknow, for simplification purposes, we could say the True Bbeg just gave Remus lycanthropy and Remus hasn’t managed to control it yet
lycanthropy but simic shit?
Mr. I-Don't-Have-Feelings sees the poor dude in pain and also Roman in emotional pain from seeing his brother in pain and is absolutely like "i must resolve this like right now, immediately" because he definitely doesn't hate seeing his friend suffering, or his friend's brother whom he's just met
he definitely doesn't relate at all to the idea of someone else shaping your body and absolutely does not sympathize with Remus's plight
i was thinking the grappling thing and either manta glide or the ability to breathe underwater for the simic stuff, but like he doesnt have control over the tentacles yet?
Manta glide seems like we could have fun battle scenes
he just jumps off a cliff to avoid mushy talk/dealing with his actions/roman
Roman: Remus just because you're a monster and though i wish i was an only child-- Remus, jumping off a cliff: byyeeeeee Patton: Roman, look what you did! Virgil: dammit jan what did you do? Janus: why do you think i had anything to do with that? im a fae, not a genie Logan, thinking: what an asshole. i wish i could do that
oh my god Logan always being tired mentally bc he cant sleep
Oh my gosh I love that. So Remus got kidnapped super young, (from royal family) they never found him, as a result Roman had to grow up super fast (side effect: lowkey inconsiderate and forgets to ask for others input). Meanwhile, Remus was experimented on by True Bbeg and came out with some trauma and super cool additives
yep! chronic pain and ptsd and all sorts of other shit!
so like, simic hybrids are usually created when they're adults. but what if the true bbeg decided to go younger to see what would happen, and thats why remus has chronic pain and stuff
he was still growing when his genes were spliced, so hes dealing with growth plates shifting and his body maturing and puberty and body changes and stuff
Pat is going to have a lighthearted story. Im saying that now. Hes the one without all the baggage
Sure, but his parents have to lowkey be the really kind people who are surprisingly always down for violence
everyone: multiple crises Pat: y'all need help Pat: love and affection in spades for his little band of misfits
Patton (which I think would be pretty simple, honestly he might just see danger and jump in and suddenly everyone in the party has Feelings)
Mhm. So how did he grow up? Was he just poof created? Wait
What if he was created by the king?
To make up for remuss disappearance
wait, wait....angst......he was created to fight (hence the barbarian stuff) but alchemy is his real passion
wait so like. a second son???
hes there to replace remus?
Yea! (But like in a sympathetic grief way) But that causes a bit of a complex in Roman and ergo Roman and Logan have a bit of a beef
okay so like. hes there to be a companion for roman, and like take remus' place, even though hes not actually in line for the throne?
and just......the conflict of being created for a specific purpose (plus being, you know, robot and technically incapable of deviated from said purpose) vs the fact that he actually does have independent consciousness and like....wants to live life for himself
the parents made Logan a barbarian in hopes that him and Roman would be safe
okay. so logan was created by the king with the sole purpose to take remus' place as romans brother/companion, and to be his like guard? protector? and fight, but logan wants to be an alchemist and study shit
wait, wait, wait.....thinks about Asimov's Laws
he.....his first operative is protect (specifically protect Roman)
oh man. so hes literally just a shield
his second level operative is just like.....care for Roman's emotional well-being, but he doesn't really know emotions because he was kinda just spawned and nobody told him how
and he just....kind of....lets Roman treat him like garbage and take all his grief out on him because he's staunchly in denial of both having feelings or knowing how they work
Anyway Yea so Logan created by royal family in place of Remus which created angst between the two “brothers” and identity issues in Logan. Their arcs are learning how to healthily process emotions plus Roman apology and Logan commits to alchemy
So big question: why did virge make a deal?
he gave janus his name
and instead of janus like killing him or whatever the fae do to people who break the rules of dealing with the fae, jan was like. hey. i'll give you magic, but do what i say
Janus is lawful neutral, but leans towards being selfish
hes self serving, but he has a strong set of morals and rules he follows
Tho I want to Virgil to also not be pushover so let’s say loophole happened and Jan has to stay with virge (hence why Jan is a part of the party)
okay so a couple of the rules are dont give a fae your true name and don't try to figure out their true name
what if virgil accidentally gave up part of his true name, and got stuck in the deal, but then figured out janus' true name
so in the same vein that janus had control over virgil, virgil now has more control over janus
he still gets his magic from janus, so he cant break free completely, but virgil has more freedom and can occasionally tell janus what to do or when to shove it
there should a running gag where virge can explain how he learned Jan’s true name but Jan can make something loudly censor him every time
(he learned his name bc once he heard janus practicing his evil genius voice and talking to himself in the mirror and janus said his true name)
so maybe janus sent virgil on the quest to protect a town or stop something related to remus, but virgil dragged him along
he might just be trying to protect a town thats close to a ley line, or something fae-related, and they just happen upon the whole thing
janus is selfish. but lawful vs chaotic is where he comes through, in morals vs doing whatever. janus has a strong set of loyalties to the fae, and to himself
so like....Remus is just too close to Jan's stuff and he wants to take him down
Virgil is just like....exhausted and said "fine, but if i gotta do this, you're coming, too"
or at least figure out a way to protect his place, even if it doesnt mean fully taking out remus. just moving him would work for jan
Janus: virgilllllllllll hes going to mess up my magic storage locker Virgil: Jan, its empty Janus: but its mine
Yea. Remus attacks a city away from the fae: Jan: Yknow I’m gonna sit this one out Virge: oh no you don’t, get up
Janus vs Janice
so his real name is Janus, but Virgil calls him Janice
Virgil: This is Janice Janice: with a “U-S” Virgil: mhm, sure Jan
I'm a big fan of just like any of the old theory name being various aliases for Jan
Damien, Dante, Ethan, Declan, etc, etc
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daddy-daichis · 4 years
Yesterday the very beautiful and talented @fuwari-s tagged me in this game and since that post is already really long i figured id make a new one lol  (Also thank you for tagging me, it made me so happy)
The Game: Tag your 2D lovers + the other trend I saw yesterday and wanted to do which is Would you actually date them IRL. So ill put that under the cut because it is a lot.
HQ: Atsumu, Daichi, Issei, Bokuto, Hinata, and Kyoutani
BNHA: Bakugou, Denki, and Hawks
JJK: Sukuna and Mei Mei
Others: Kagami from KNB, Levi and Jean from AOT, and Mikoto Suoh from K
So if you want to know if i would date them irl that is below the cut lol
As for tagging... if you want to do it :) @eijirosriot @bokutosnumberonefan @hinosreis @tetsus-kitten @sugawarakoushihoe @mynameisjackattack and anyone else who wants to do one or both of these challenges.
Alright so would i date these men (+ mei mei) in real life. Short answer is yes lmao. Long answer, with some headcanons that may or may not  venture into 18+ category but only slightly. all aged up to be my age which is 26.
Atsumu - PLEASE, YES
we would be so chaotic together but he would also be really loving. As long as he can still prioritize me in a relationship, not over volleyball, just as much, then we will be golden. We would have such a good time and i feel like we would have a lot of fun bickering, which i really enjoy. Play fighting as a form of foreplay, if you will lmao. We’d probs be friends in HS and then get together after he starts playing for MSBY and he is secured in his position (and himself tbh). I just love this cocky bastard. he also gives me switch vibes and as a switch, i love that for me.
Daichi - YES
All i need is to be wrapped in his arms on the daily and i would be happy. Man would know how to take care of me and that is all. Love of my life, too good for this world. Wholesome husband. He would be able to manage my crazy side and chill me out when i get to anxious. I would want to be bratty just to get him to drop his good guy routine sometimes and I feel like he would like that.
Issei - YES
Funeral home employee can get it. Matsukawa Horse cock Issei can whisk me off my feet and straight into bed. we would have a lot of fun picking on oikawa together (out of love of course) but we would balance each other out a lot. His darker humor would go well against my lighter humor. Also I feel like our level of hotness is pretty comparable... like we aren't the prettiest in the friend group but still good (if that makes sense)
Bokuto - YES
Big ball of sunshine to light up my day, he would literally fuck the sad out of me every day I just know it. Like atsumu, as long as I am a priority to him itll work out. We also kind of have the same sad moods so I feel like we could either both just curl up on the couch together and watch a movie or bring the other out of a funk easily. I love this giant himbo so much.
Hinata - most likely yes
Pretty much the same reasons as bokuto but I feel like I would get drained of his energy faster, so he would def have to cuddle me more. For everyone else so far I can imagine being high school sweethearts, but with hinata i think he wouldnt settle down until later, or even start dating so it would probably be a lot of pining and watching him from the side lines for a while, which would be really hard tbh. but the way he would smile at me after a match would make it worth it so...
 Kyoutani - Hard YES
I love a boy with anger issues, what can i say... (cough couch my irl husband with anger issues couch couch) I would love to be his weak spot and the one person he would go to to help him not feel angry anymore. I think that my fun personality would help him to unbox himself a bit. I just want to give him cuddles and a place to feel accepted. id also i KNOW hes a monster in bed... 
if he was real the things i would do to and for him... A lot like kyoutani i would want to give him a place where hes accepted, and a place where he is unconditionally loved. I would be able to handle his misguided anger and calm him down and give him space. I headcanon that hes very cuddly in private to just his S/O which is something that i love. I love his lil smirk and would do anything to get him to smirk at me. As long as he is able to set me as a priority it would work out, but that would be what he struggles with so it would be a thing we would have to talk about. But I also feel that once you say something about it he would check in with you because of course he has to be the best bf/husband. I feel like I could talk for hours about him so Ill just wrap it up by saying that I love me a passionate man who would probs be a lil possessive, and I would use that to my advantage. 
Denki - GOD YES
I really do think that denki and I are soulmates. we are both the perfect blend of funny, pervy, while still being soft. I feel like there would be a lot of mutual pining at first but he would end up the golden retriever gamer boy to my alt bisexual and thats just the perfect pairing. We would pull so much shit and then get away with it because thats just us being us. I see us being scolded by bakugou a lot for the stupid shit we would pull. Also late night drives in his shitty tuned car to taco bell while we sing alt rock songs from the 2010s. also the switch vibes are immaculate.
 Hawks - Probably
So it would honestly depend a lot on what version of hawks.. him in the hero commission is a no, because he wouldnt be able to be honest with me about a lot of stuff. Like his name, or when i can see him again, and that would give me too much anxiety. When hes free of them and is actually allowed to be himself I think it could work then. I know that he of course wants to still be the best hero, so he would have the same problems as bakugou with finding a balance, but if he wants to i think he could. He would also have a lot of trauma from his relationship with his parents and the commission so I dont know if he would be able to give his love away as freely as he wants so we could get therapy together. I love that for us. But i would happily wake up next to this beautiful birb man if he would have me.  
Sukuna - A hesitant yes
so.. the anger issues that ive mentioned before.. yes. I would like sukuna. I would be his lil bride and sit on his lap on his throne as long as he didnt kill my loved ones or my cats lmao. I would also be ok with being his and itadoris gf while hes living in itadoris head. being with him is just asking for an unhappy ending tho, whether its a life always on the run, or someones trying to kill me, or someones trying to kill him, or hes trying to kill someone. But yes i would like to be with him but that would mean sacrificing a lot. 
Mei Mei - god yessssss..
Please Mei Mei step on me and make me ur lil house wife. I see us living in a pent house apartment with the most breathtaking view of the Tokyo skyline. I would want for nothing and she could take me where ever she wanted and i would just follow her around with heart eyes.
 Kagami - YES
my basketball husband! i love him and would love to be loved by him. Id follow him wherever. He would take care of me and is just so dreamy.. also i guess the mild anger issues.. but hes really not that bad. He would just be such a good s/o. He would cook us nice dinners, wed have a few cats, and he would carry me around a lot because hes so strong. While were on the topic of strong... his stamina... everyone on this list probably has good if not great stamina... but kagami just hits different..... have you seen him in the zone? have you seen his thighs? his sex zone has got to be incredible. 
 Levi - Yes
I was going to say it depends, but really it doesn't... if were in the aot universe and hes my captain and I fall in love with him u can bet ur ass im gonna try and get with him because i could die at anytime. if its some au where he is here in our universe and somehow we meet... like of course im gonna be in love with him. our height difference isnt too bad, im only like an inch or 2 taller than him. I think we would both have a great time together. I would make him laugh, and he would help me clean, because lord knows I hate cleaning. BUT i hate cleaning because its something that I always have to do alone, and I feel like levi would have us be cleaning together like he makes the scouts do. and hes just so sexy... 
Jean - big yes
This beautiful handsome man... idk what to even say about him. Hes strong, funny, handsome, cocky, but very much full of love. would love to run away from the world with him. I feel like if he was in love with me before *tries not to give away spoilers* the marco incident (?) that after he would become very clingy and attached and im ok with that. There would have to be lots of cuddles and reassurances and i just want to see him happy and not at war, with both real life people and himself... id give him the best kisses and he would become addicted to them. 
Mikoto - No? But maybe...
I feel like we could be.. but if you watched the show then you know.. But i would love to be Homra’s princess TBH. No one would mess with me or they would have to face the wrath of my big fire boyfriend and his whole ass gang. But on the other hand I feel like Mikoto wouldnt allow himself to fall in love, so it would probably be a hush hush topic. everyone knows the boss and I are in an entanglement, but they cant talk about it. Then Anna starts asking questions to Mikoto and he has to come clean to her, which would be so cute. He tells her is a secret but she doesn't care lmao. in conclusion, I would want to, but I dont think he would let me.... Maybe friends with benefits tho....
ok if you read all this im officially in love with you. Please take my heart. 
This took me like 2 hours to do because I love thinking about it so much. if you have any thoughts about any of this hop into my dms or comment on this because id love to hear them (especially if you think i belong with one more than the others lmao). 
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crystalelemental · 5 years
To me, Edelgard vs Dimitri is the difference between gradualism and revolution. I dont hate Dimitri, but I think his beliefs are nonsense. To think that forcing your beliefs on others is just self-indulgence... sometimes, forcing your beliefs on others is the only way to save the people those others are hurting, imo. I think Claude is also right, of course. It's just that class inequality isn't really a main focus of his, but regional/racial inequality. Which is also very worth addressing.
There's a lot to this, and I'm gonna do my best at it.
I think it ties in a lot to that sense of "what are the limits of free speech?"  If someone is actively causing harm with their speech and beliefs, then is it acceptable to let them continue?  No, of course not.  Unconditional freedom will eventually lead to restrictions placed on the most vulnerable.  In a scenario like with the Church, they are fairly permissive.  People can sort their own shit out, as long as their shit sorting doesn't rock the boat too much.  Which, by inference, means that things like the Tragedy of Duscur and blood experiments taking place in the wake of the emperor's loss of power, were permissible.  They're allowed within the Church's framework.  The Church itself may not condone the actions of the seven noble houses, or of Faerghus' decimation of the Duscur people, but those in power didn't intervene and indirectly permit these atrocities.  Allowing that to continue is definitely the wrong course.
In terms of how each route handles it, I still think Claude is the most correct of the three.  But I'm going to go in reverse order.
Dimitri's absolutely the least interesting, and frankly, least correct of the bunch.  He's purely the status quo route.  Nothing at all is addressed in his route aside from the immediate conflict.  None of the context that addresses what happened is ever talked about, the route solely focuses on Dimitri and his trauma.  Which...is weird, considering how much trauma every other kid in the house should also have, but never really gets to express in the main story.  Particularly with Dedue, but that's a different talk for a different post.  Dimitri's route just doesn't actually address anything.  It's a powerful personal story, but for the world at large, his outcome is the worst.  Nothing with the church is addressed.  Nothing with the Agarthans is resolved.  Nothing changes, at all, aside from a very standard "good guy beat bad emperor" ending.  Which in any other game would be fine, but in this game stands out as the least compelling.
With Edelgard's route, I see what you're saying, and agree for the most part.  You can't let injustice keep happening, and sometimes you do have to push for change.  Taking it to war is the extreme route, but is Edelgard's inherent philosophy incorrect?  Well...no, not really.  The people of the church are generally all nice people.  I like Rhea, I love Seteth and Flayn, and a lot of the knights are interesting too.  But an institution that's going to sit back and allow tragedies to occur, solely because they're about not intervening beyond what directly challenges them?  That can't be allowed to stand as a power, and Rhea's made very clear that she's not about to let go of that control, unless it's passing the baton to someone else who would continue to hold that control (Byleth in pretty much every ending).  I think Edelgard's right in that the Church needs to be dismantled, or at least its control over Fodlan removed, but...I think Claude did it better.
You mentioned that Claude's racial inequality wasn't the main focus.  And that's true.  But that's because, like he states, the story is taking place within Fodlan.  Fodlan is incredibly wrapped up in its own internal politics, and doesn't interact with the outside world in any capacity.  Hell, Claude even comments that the Church preaches against coexistence with other nations, likely so Rhea can keep Fodlan as a safe haven for the remnants of her family.  Outside interference could mean humans seek power again, and that could lead to harm for the few that remain of her people.  So it's understandable why Rhea's like this, but it's not the correct course of action.
I'm getting off-topic.  My point is, consider Claude's goal with opening the borders.  Free flow of goods, but also of ideas.  Of philosophy.  Almyra has its share of troubles, but also has things going well for it.  Claude believes that, if Almyra and Fodlan could make peace and communicate with one another, that they'd not only come to understand each other, but also the systems they live in.  Think about that.  For an isolationist territory like Fodlan, they'd have no means of grasping what could be different.  This is just how things are, you either continue to follow what's been done (Dimitri) or, as a radical with no outside reference of what's needed, go full on anarchy and decide the only thing to do is smash the whole system (Edelgard).  Claude offers a compromise that can avoid this binary choice.  Open your frame of reference.  The Almyrans don't have the Church.  They don't have strict doctrine.  Nor did the people of Duscur.  Yet they're societies, with some kind of power structure that, while it has problems, is working in other ways for them.  If the ideas are communicated freely between territories, perhaps the people of Fodlan can find that, hey, this other place is doing really well in this area, why aren't we doing that?  Instead of a pure "Smash the system" approach, there could have been a non-violent way to approach the problem, as Claude believes.  Better still, his solution, if it works, is one that helps expand the worldview of the populace.  If successful, it's not just expanding ideas about race relations, but about all sorts of issues, effectively allowing people to address every issue in due time.  His immediate concern isn't exactly the same as Edelgard's, but I feel like Claude's solution would eventually lead to a solution for Edelgard's problem, while Edelgard's solution would not do the same for Claude's.
For Edelgard to purely be in the right, I think what we'd need is the proof that the populace of Fodlan seeks that change, but the Church refuses.  That the Church is an active authoritarian structure itself.  But that also completely changes the context for Edelgard's character and actions, and I'd think for the worse.  That would create a simple black/white morality binary, and that's not what makes this game so good.  It's the fact that everyone has a point but also has their faults.  Dimitri's well-intentioned and thinks very carefully about the lives of his people, but that comes at the cost of ignoring pretty much every societal issue in Fodlan.  Edelgard recognizes society's problems and is willing to do whatever it takes to change them, but at the cost of instigating a war for the entire continent.  Claude's route seems the best on the outside, but I think his drawback is that his solution is based on a lot of faith.  There's no guarantee it will work.  People may not assimilate well, and exchange of ideas may not result in mutual improvement, but could become mutual digging in of heels that their way of life is better, and reinforcing the isolation.  Claude's route is correct in the moment, but long-term it's hard to say.  Edelgard's addresses the problem immediately, but...well, barring the ending cards (which I don't believe), would likely create equal problems with a central, unchecked locus of power for the entire continent once she dies.  Successors could easily unmake all her progress.
For me, I think Claude's the most correct in terms of context for this reason.  The Church does seek to keep Fodlan under control, but hasn't turned against the people's wishes just yet.  A non-violent approach is preferable in this situation.  If it didn't work, or if the Church tried to reinforce its authority by rejecting these changes, then Edlegard's route would have a bit more merit.  But I think setting up a situation in which she in the right, is only possible when the other sides aren't, which ruins the balance of morality the game is playing.  It's far more interesting to have the extreme approach pulled at this point in a societal change, because it raises that question of when a revolution is appropriate, and when is it something that’s just serving whoever’s going to inherit power in the aftermath?
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whrrlwind-a · 4 years
fill out & repost !
tagged by:  no one! i stole it from ren <3 tagging:  anyone who wants to do it!!
Tumblr media
my muse is:  canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK and im too afraid to find out Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL How strictly do you follow canon?  —  pretty strictly! it’s really only towards the end of SA2 and after it where i start taking creative liberties! as whirl nearly dies himself trying (and failing) to save his shadow, and then starts going into rider’s time instead of jumping into heroes.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  you like the adventure era sonic? you hate how he sometimes handles really serious scenarios or brushes them off like nothing, as if they aren’t traumatic as shit in any way? wanna see a pretty mentally and emotionally fucked up lad struggle with handling his troubles and keep up the dark/serious theme SA2 set that sega is too cowardly to go back to in modern day? well bOY DO I HAVE THE HEDGEHOG FOR YOU. this bad boy ACTUALLY has emotions and struggles with handling them and many other things due to the position he has put himself in over the course of his life, but also doesn’t completely wear him down and stop him from being who he is! as well as dealing with the fact he and his timeline are MUCH further behind than other alternates of himself and friends. sonic “ whirl ” hedgehog is a young hero still running his way through life the way he wants like the rebellious, free-spirited teenager he is, while learning that not only is he a hero, but he’s also a person.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — quite frankly, he’s sonic. there’s a lot of them out there. he can probably be too energetic, positive, etc, or perhaps this blog focuses a little too much on his trauma and internal struggles or even the general dark theme to the point it’s a turnoff or just hard to really read. he’s also an annoying idiot to the point it’s frustrating.
What inspired you to rp your muse? — yo sonic was my fucking LIFEBLOOD as a kid. lived and breathed this franchise. sa2 was my first game ever, sonic was my fav character (and still is), so my absolute love for this specific version of him became too much to internalize sooooo here we are ; w ;
What keeps your inspiration going? —  straight up, sonic is probably my biggest comfort character to exist ever. always makes me happy, always makes me feel better when im down, etc. there’s nothing he can’t do that doesn’t make me smile, regardless of how sega treats him. being able to pour my ideas into a character i love so much to the point he becomes really personalized (and personal for me), and it’s actually something people enjoy seeing and interacting with? it gives me so much goddamn sertonin.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters.
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Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? Do you frequently write headcanons?  YESSSSS I CANNOT SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT WHIRL ask anyone i Do Not Shut The Fuck Up even if i don’t post abt it on tumblr Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO just bc im bad at writing them abndhjbfd Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO Are you a sensitive person? YES / NO / SORTA. Do you accept criticism about your portrayal?  —  always!! i’m always willing to learn and improve on things, especially with the canon of some events from games and such, as i’m not 100% with everything besides SA2. all i really ask is that when receiving criticism, people are as nice as they can be with it! thanks adhd and personal trauma
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  ABSOFUCKINLUTELY I DO
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  mmmmm? mm. kind of? but also not really? like. everyone’s entitled to their own opinion ofc, i’m not gonna rip anyone apart for disagreeing with something, but like. i have adhd. i’m v hypersensitive to some things, so it can really be processed in my head the wrong way and it makes me feel bad. so i guess just....... be careful about it if you ever wanna tell me why?
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it? — i’d probably just kinda be like “ damn that sucks bro, but thats literally not my problem, there’s a whole ton of other sonics out there bye ” bc like. i dont care? don’t even really tell me bc honestly ur just wasting ur time lmao
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it? — ill be the first to admit im. v attached to sonic as a whole. he means a lot to me! so going off abt how you may (generally) hate him really....... is just upsetting to me. but thats just bc im v attached to him, and there’s nothing wrong with having that opinion on him!! we all get upset when someone talks bad about something we love. all i ever ask is that try to keep it away from me, especially if it’s abt whirl in particular, bc it can really upset me and thats just not fun for anyone <:3c
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors? — absolutely!! i make them all the time and i even have a friend proofread some of my stuff bc of how common it is aBJDBHBJC, again i just ask if people are nice about it when pointing that stuff out to me!!
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  oh fuckin yes absolutely, im tooting my own horn and i dont even care, im one of the chillest people on this fuckin planet
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Ok sure but this’ll be long so a readmore it is:-
Kirk: Tell me about a time you had to take a leadership role.
A few times. I ended up organising quite a lot of stuff with the costume team with my last couple of shows. I quite often end up taking on leadership roles at events and things because nobody... seems... to want to? And so stuff doesnt get done and we talk around things until I or someone else goes “Ok here is what we are doing.”
I think I did it most on the first show I worked on, and I hated it. I basically kept chasing people up on what they were doing and what they should be doing and kept snapping at one girl to leave jobs that werent hers well enough alone. (She kept fucking up the organisation of the costume rail). 
Spock: What kind of sacrifices have you made for others?
I left university for a year to look after my mother... despite the fact she would do a lot of shitty things. I’ve... sacrificed a lot for other people really but I dont know...
I’ve lived to regret a lot of them.
Uhura: Talk about the moment you were the most proud of yourself.
Honestly getting my 98% on my graded unit final this year.
This represents so much. 3 years ago I was depressed, directionless, I’d been unable to work because I was so emotionally low and trying to deal with my alcoholic mother. And then 2 years ago people told me to get out. People told me to study to do something, to escape.And... I did?
I haven’t done well in exams since high school when my cousin died and everything went to shit. But this year I got 98% on a unit in the highest level qualification I’ve done to date. I’m still depressed, I still struggle but my god look at me now. Im taking care of me.
Bones: Describe your closest relationships.
Complicated haha.
Jem - my partner is great. They understand me perfectly, excellent dinosaur nerd. We might not always agree, but we also agree that might be a good thing. We can talk about our problems and thats more than I could ask for.My family - do not get on with me a lot. Its still a relationship and an important one even if its not a good one. They shaped who I am and I just hope im not too much like their negatives. If anything I want to take my mothers (occasional) open-mindedness, My fathers self reflection and my brothers desire to learn and understand all people and things. 
My friends - I have a few, and the ones Im closest to should know who they are. Im very grateful to them for being there. For understanding. I don’t know where I’d be without friends like that, old and new.
Sulu: What is your relationship like to the world around you?
The world is a struggle but I’ll get there.
Chekov: How do you support your friends?
I try to be there, ask what they need and give it to them if I can. Im not always good at that. I like to find solutions and a lot of people dont want them... I’m working on that.
Scotty: Talk about a time you succeeded (or failed) in fixing a major problem.
I’m really not sure. On the last show run I did for class the dryer wouldn’t dry the clothes in time for the next show. But we uh... didnt fix that problem. We tried, I got us a bunch of hairdryers and we had a go at doing them that way. Tried pressing them dry and all sorts but uh... nope, actors went on stage damp. They were nice enough about it but I still felt bad ^^
Chapel: What have you gained, or what consequences have you faced, from pursuing your passions?
My passions so far have been “Get out of that house your parents live in” and so far I’ve succeeded. The cost? Im constantly looking for places to spend the holidays - friends who might be willing to take me because Im terrified of spending stuff like christmas alone...
Rand: How do you stay positive in bad situations?
Hahahahahahahahaah I dont.
seriously tho the worse the situation the better I am at dealing with it. I sorta... shut off emotionally and get through whatever needs getting through. I got hit by a car and I handled that. I lived in an abusive household and just emotionally switched off. Its immediately after the bad situation that I struggle. 
Enterprise: Tell me when/where you felt most at-home, like you belonged.
When I get there I’ll tell you. I cried last christmas because my friends made me feel so welcome... they just accepted me into their home, let me sit with them while the kids unwrapped presents. It... was so nice...
Khan: Tell me about a person you would do anything to protect.
I’m glad to say I’ve not been in a situation where I’d need to. I trust the people I care about, I’ve seen them protect themselves. I dont want to imagine a situation where the cant and I somehow can. The people i love are far stronger than I could ever hope to be.
Corbomite: What's the worst lie you've ever told?
“Seriously it doesnt hurt too bad I just tripped down some stairs.” ugh gives me shivers.
Deneva: Have you ever lost a loved one? How did you grieve?
My cousin died when I was 14. He was more like a brother to me really. I remember when I was told that he was dying and I literally couldn’t breathe. I vaguely remember someone holding onto my shoulders while I gasped in air. I then didnt cry until his funeral where I sobbed like a baby.Everything is a blur after that. Time got muddled in my head. I dunno if I ever stopped grieving completely. Still hurts like hell.
Empath: Talk about the time you needed someone the most. Did they come through for you?
Honestly people are there for me a lot, and they always try even if they dont succeed. But I needed someone through my transition and it just... didnt happen. I didnt need anyone specific but I needed or wanted SOMEONE. 
I’ve done this alone, I’ll continue doing it alone and that hurts. But I know it hurts people like Jem too. I know they want to be there almost as much as I want them to be. Sometimes its not a matter of how much we want things though.
Psi 2000: What are you really like, under everything?
Insecure, self reflective though not really sure if my analysis is correct. I think a lot of what you see is what you get tbh?
Horta: What do you do when you feel lonely and isolated?
I message everyone I know on facebook, skype and tumblr then hope someone will answer. Theres about 3 people maybe 4 who I know I can be blunt with. who I can just say “Im lonely please pay attention to me” It helps a lot. When that fails though I just try to sleep.
Talos IV: What would you do if someone you loved betrayed you?
Been there done that, numb to it now. It hurts but I’ve learned you can move on, learned you can meet someone knew who you can love and be loved by for a while (not saying romantically here). Losing people is a lot less frightening.
Organia: How do you react when you're proven wrong?
Depends on how? Attitude says a lot. If I’m politely corrected I might be interested and want to know more. If its super critical and about why Im a failure in every capacity I’ll be equally antagonistic. 
Farragut: Has something ever happened to you that you just can't let go?
Physical abuse, my cousin dying. Im not good at letting go of trauma. I wont ever forget that my little cousin harry looks up to me the same way I used to look up to David though. I strive to be what David was to me, for Harry, as much as I can.
Shore Leave: Describe your ideal life.
Somewhere to live, financial stability - moderate happiness and peace.
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Rules and Guidelines
Important Note: The icons I use for Hinata were made for me by my friend Foster at snakesage
1. Mun is 21+, Muse is at least 18+ by default. So there can and will be smut. I will not smut with minor muns or muses 2. Don’t reblog threads you aren’t apart of 3. I do gore, but character death is AU of the normal timeline and must be plotted for 4. No Godmodding 5. No rape, at least not for kink and not without super heavy plotting and readmore for trauma 6. No Female/Female romantic relationships or smut, Mun is not comfortable with it 7. No anon hate. Period. You will be blocked 8. I multiship. Chemistry is required but I am okay with plotting crack ships or arranged marriage AUs. Crack ships basically dont need chemistry, theyre ships based on fun or absurdness; this also means my muse may be a little OOC when it comes to that ship (but not much). 9.I am OC friendly, all I ask is that you have an about page for your muse and give them a little thought, or at the very least IM me and tell me about your muse so I know what Im working with. I WILL NOT RP WITH PERSONAL BLOGS, I HAVE BAD EXPERIENCES WITH THESE KINDS OF RPS 10. Don’t force ships. Im not really into NaruHina here, in fact that’s the reason for this blog. I don’t hate the ship and Im not saying ill NEVER RP it, but understand that I may not be thrilled to RP it and you’ll have to have a better reason than “because canon” 11. I don’t mind grammar issues as long as I can understand you, i know not everyone speaks English or has English as a second language. Plus my grammar isn’t the best either. 12. I don’t RP: Foot Fetishes, Water Sports, Scat, Rape Fetish or pedophilia 13. Tag images of spiders and clusters of holes in the human body. For these simply use the tags ‘spider’ and ‘trypto’ respectively. Spiders are a legit phobia of mine, but tryptophobia is more of a squick. It makes me SUPER uncomfortable but isn’t going to send me into a panic attack. Spiders however WILL cause me to have a panic attack. 14. This is a canon divergent blog. This means this is MY Hinata, she will act differently than Canon Hinata. I am ignoring 700+ but that doesn’t mean I wont interact with second generation muses. Just don’t act like Hinata is YOUR Boruto or Himawari’s mom, cuz shes not. Don’t complain that she doesn’t act “Like Hinata” because again, shes Canon Divergent. 15. I do not send in passwords. Assume that if Im following you, I have read your rules. Passwords make me anxious, I will never require one for any of my blogs and I wont follow people who do require them. 16. I cannot handle autoplay on blogs. It startles me and causes a bit of disorientation and sensory overload, especially when I cannot find where to turn it off. Do not expect me to follow back if you have autoplay, however if I do happen to follow back, I will look at your rules once and probably rarely visit your blog after that. Blogs with autoplay can still interact with me and RP with me, but all your replies will be done strictly from mobile, as that is the only way I can visit your blog without suffering sensory overload. 17. DO NOT TRY TO SAY MY MUSE SHOULD NOT BE UNCOMFORTABLE IN A SITUATION JUST BECAUSE YOURS HAS A DISABILITY. It is fine if your muse DOES things because of a disability, but EXPECT my muse to be uncomfortable not not okay with it.
Important Information:
1. Take your time with replies. I am online pretty much all the time so I reply pretty quickly. Don’t feel pressured to reply as soon as I do, I understand you have your own life and things to do. Sometimes you just don’t feel it. That’s cool 2. If i don’t reply after 1 week TELL ME I PROBABLY FORGOT OKAY :3 3. My IM and ask box are always open, don’t be afraid to use them. 4. I don’t practice “Reblog Karma” so feel free to reblog a meme from me without sending it. However if you do send me the meme before reblogging, im more likely to send it back. 5. Things I WILL NOT stop RPing with you for: Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Culture, Traditions, Beliefs, Mental State, Disability (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, gender expression, headcanons, ships 6. Things I WILL stop RPing with you for: Shitty attitudes (I.E hateful speech, discrimination), Pedophilia, Starting unnecessary drama, Treating me or my friends like shit, forcing ships, godmodding 7. You do not have to match my length. My lengths vary depending on the thread and my partner. I don’t like “fluffing” up my replies, this means I wont write 5 paragraphs when I can get my point across in 2-3 lines. Sometimes my replies can be a bit shorter but they’re never lacking in quality. I write to the best of my ability and I don’t expect you to return my 2 paragraph reply with 2 paragraphs of your own, because sometimes I cant do that either. That being said if you do give me a shorter reply, try to make it mean something. Give me something to work with, a one liner reply isn’t preferred but if you can give me something to work with I’ll reply. 8. I rarely drop threads for no reason. If i don’t reply I probably lost the reply honestly. If im ready to drop a thread, I’ll usually ask you or mention it in the tag of my reply. However I do reserve the right to drop a thread for any reason, I’ll usually tell you why though unless I forget. If you think I’ve dropped a reply, feel free to ask me about it. I may drop threads without warning if you aren’t giving me enough to work with. Again I can reply to one-liners if they give me something good to work with but if I start struggling for replies I may drop the thread 9. I am a very open and understanding person, I dont like seeming like a bitch because Im super self-conscious that people secretly hate me or will come to hate me. So Im very nice and open, DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS TO TRY AND BREAK RULES/DO WHATEVER YOU WANT OR I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BLOCK YOU.
Weekly Schedule: every week I will do themed days, some are the usual expected ones and some are ones I made up. Here is the tentative schedule, Sometimes I may forget to make prompts for these days but I always accept asks centered on that days theme: Sunday: Sinday –> Sexual themed asks/threads Monday: Munday –> Ask the Mun things Tuesday: TMI Tuesday –> Ask muse very invasive personal questions Wednesday: Wedding Wednesday –> Arranged Marriage AU threads/drabbles Thursday: Open Askbox Thursday –> Ask Muse anything you want Friday: Freaky Friday –> Ask muse about their kinks, turn ons and turn offs Saturday: Silly Saturday –> Send silly,random or out of the blue asks, try to make mun or muse laugh.
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burmillamute-a · 7 years
Rules and Guidelines
Note: this is a side blog! All follow-backs will come from gentlegrace 
Rules 1. Mun is 21+, Muse is at least 18+ by default. So there can and will be smut. I will not smut with minor muns or muses 2. Don’t reblog threads you aren’t apart of 3. I do gore, but character death is AU of the normal timeline and must be plotted for 4. No Godmodding 5. No rape, at least not for kink and not without super heavy plotting and readmore for trauma 6. No Female/Female romantic relationships or smut, Mun is not comfortable with it 7. No anon hate. Period. You will be blocked 8. I multiship. Chemistry is required but I am okay with plotting crack ships or arranged marriage AUs. Crack ships basically dont need chemistry, they’re ships based on fun or absurdness; this also means my muse may be a little OOC when it comes to that ship (but not much). 9.I am OC friendly, all I ask is that you have an about page for your muse and give them a little thought, or at the very least IM me and tell me about your muse so I know what Im working with. I WILL NOT RP WITH PERSONAL BLOGS, I HAVE BAD EXPERIENCES WITH THESE KINDS OF RPS 10. Don’t force ships. If you ship it, I probably do too. Just ask 11. I don’t mind grammar issues as long as I can understand you, i know not everyone speaks English or has English as a second language. Plus my grammar isn’t the best either. 12. I don’t RP: Foot Fetishes, Water Sports, Scat, Rape Fetish or pedophilia 13. Tag images of spiders and clusters of holes in the human body. For these simply use the tags ‘spider’ and ‘trypto’ respectively. Spiders are a legit phobia of mine, but tryptophobia is more of a squick. It makes me SUPER uncomfortable but isn’t going to send me into a panic attack. Spiders however WILL cause me to have a panic attack. 14. This is a canon divergent blog, I state this because Boruto is still ongoing and I have NO IDEA what direction Wasabi’s character will take. Things on this blog might change, but some things will stay the same, diverging her from her canon. 15. I do not send in passwords. Assume that if Im following you, I have read your rules. Passwords make me anxious, I will never require one for any of my blogs and I wont follow people who do require them. 16. I cannot handle autoplay on blogs. It startles me and causes a bit of disorientation and sensory overload, especially when I cannot find where to turn it off. Do not expect me to follow back if you have autoplay, however if I do happen to follow back, I will look at your rules once and probably rarely visit your blog after that. Blogs with autoplay can still interact with me and RP with me, but all your replies will be done strictly from mobile, as that is the only way I can visit your blog without suffering sensory overload. 17. DO NOT TRY TO SAY MY MUSE SHOULD NOT BE UNCOMFORTABLE IN A SITUATION JUST BECAUSE YOURS HAS A DISABILITY. It is fine if your muse DOES things because of a disability, but EXPECT my muse to be uncomfortable not not okay with it.
Important Information: 1. Take your time with replies. I am online pretty much all the time so I reply pretty quickly. Don’t feel pressured to reply as soon as I do, I understand you have your own life and things to do. Sometimes you just don’t feel it. That’s cool 2. If i don’t reply after 1 week TELL ME I PROBABLY FORGOT OKAY :3 3. My IM and ask box are always open, don’t be afraid to use them. 4. I don’t practice “Reblog Karma” so feel free to reblog a meme from me without sending it. However if you do send me the meme before reblogging, im more likely to send it back. 5. Things I WILL NOT stop RPing with you for: Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Culture, Traditions, Beliefs, Mental State, Disability (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, gender expression, headcanons, ships 6. Things I WILL stop RPing with you for: Shitty attitudes (I.E hateful speech, discrimination), Pedophilia, Starting unnecessary drama, Treating me or my friends like shit, forcing ships, godmodding 7. You do not have to match my length. My lengths vary depending on the thread and my partner. I don’t like “fluffing” up my replies, this means I wont write 5 paragraphs when I can get my point across in 2-3 lines. Sometimes my replies can be a bit shorter but they’re never lacking in quality. I write to the best of my ability and I don’t expect you to return my 2 paragraph reply with 2 paragraphs of your own, because sometimes I cant do that either. That being said if you do give me a shorter reply, try to make it mean something. Give me something to work with, a one liner reply isn’t preferred but if you can give me something to work with I’ll reply. 8. I rarely drop threads for no reason. If i don’t reply I probably lost the reply honestly. If im ready to drop a thread, I’ll usually ask you or mention it in the tag of my reply. However I do reserve the right to drop a thread for any reason, I’ll usually tell you why though unless I forget. If you think I’ve dropped a reply, feel free to ask me about it. I may drop threads without warning if you aren’t giving me enough to work with. Again I can reply to one-liners if they give me something good to work with but if I start struggling for replies I may drop the thread 9. I am a very open and understanding person, I dont like seeming like a bitch because Im super self-conscious that people secretly hate me or will come to hate me. So Im very nice and open, DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS TO TRY AND BREAK RULES/DO WHATEVER YOU WANT OR I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BLOCK YOU.
Weekly Schedule: every week I will do themed days, some are the usual expected ones and some are ones I made up. Here is the tentative schedule, Sometimes I may forget to make prompts for these days but I always accept asks centered on that days theme: Sunday: Sinday –> Sexual themed asks/threads Monday: Munday –> Ask the Mun things Tuesday: TMI Tuesday –> Ask muse very invasive personal questions Wednesday: Wedding Wednesday –> Arranged Marriage AU threads/drabbles Thursday: Open Askbox Thursday –> Ask Muse anything you want Friday: Freaky Friday –> Ask muse about their kinks, turn ons and turn offs Saturday: Silly Saturday –> Send silly,random or out of the blue asks, try to make mun or muse laugh.
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recoveringfromabuse · 8 years
the various reasons why i despise society and what needs to change in order to be more acceptable:
i come to the conclusion that although it’s 2017, after so many decades of wars, fights, revolutions, conflicts, human race hasn’t learned a thing. so here are some of the topics i came to conclusion that we  need to urgently address and change for the better:
longer penalties for animal abusers, human abusers, or similar treatments equaled to the crime committed. therefore if a person is killed they must undergo penalties fearful enough not to make them commit them again, if they mistreat a child or animal, make them undergo a painful punishment just as painful as their crime- otherwise from how bland we are with our justice systems, they will never learn. and the victims certainly dont recover so soon from psychological damages, they get scarred for a life.
have verbal , emotional, mental or psychological abuse be recognized as forms of crime and taken seriously by the society and authorities - no matter how you see it, this affects someone who’s a victim seriously and undermines their beliefs, as well as creating a sense of insecurity and lack of safeness in their whole lives. some become paranoid, but almost all will have traumas and trust issues, even on themselves for the rest of their lives. this needs to be addressed more.
teach children as well as remaining citizens and members of the society to not be afraid to be themselves , regardless of gender or sexuality as well as incult people that they are humans just like anyone else, and not some ‘monster with human skin’. they have legs, arms, eyes, mouths, and eat, drink, walk, run or laugh like all of us do.
homosexual marriage as well as adoption is not a sin . no matter how you say it is, you religious fanatics. that is the truth - and im not saying it out of my ass, i read the bible at least thrice and so far no passage whatsoever mentioned anything against such topics. they are all humans like us, enough with this.
promote equal rights for both men and women -enough of having women be paid less, not being recognized, being seen as a piece of meat, and never recognized of their opinion, called worthless, being seen as meaningless, or judged by their race, religion, culture or even the way they dress. the clothing does not define anything, enough with harassment, a mini skirt is not inviting you to assault her, a low cut top is not inviting you to comment on her chest. being a woman does not give you the right to catcall or diminish anyone in your presence, or use slurs or diminishing actions such as saying ‘ go back to the kitchen’. women are not your slaves, your piece of meat, your bone, your personal maid, or anything demeaning you might make them seen as. as well as women are not weaklings, and we do handle things men will never have a taste of. which brings me to my next topic
enough with making period talking a tabboo word. it’s a natural process in a  woman’s life, just stop being a weaboo and accept it. - we wear pads, tampons or diva cups to contain it inside our clothes instead of dispersing it all around outside; enough with the immature, stupid looking expressions whenever a woman is seen to possess hygienic items with her. enough with being disgusted by a woman complaining about her period pain or speaking overall about her experiences with it. it’s a natural process, what the heck did you expect? that we keep our mouths shut about it for our whole life? it’s a NATURAL PROCESS. it’s nothing out of the normal or a monster with 6 legs. it’s just a natural. process. and instead of being a douche about it, try to help or empathize and get knowledged on it. when we say that it feels like 20 punchs all at the same time going through our stomach or a knife in our back, we are not kidding, and instead of trying to deny it that it happens and calling us crybabies, try being nice and compassionate, because after all you never probably will go through that. not, not even if you try what the buzzfeed guys did in that video of childbirth pain. you will never have a fucking idea about it, stop trying to act so almighty.
everyone’s body is their own choice and territory, we are not government’s property to have our rights of choice over how we take care of it taken from us - we have the right to voice out our opinions and defend ourselves from criticism, and diminishing or changing views. we don’t care if you think these jeans look too tight, or if we gained weight or we look too thin . we never even asked you anything about it, did we? it’s our matter, our businesses.  our body our choice
abortion is not a sin, if you are not mentally/emotionally/psychologically/physically/financially available or have time or energy to invest on having a child, we have the right to say ‘no’ to childbirth and ‘yes’ to abortion. if one does not feel 100% capable of making such an accomplishment they should not have it and that0′s final. raising children takes a lot of attention and time, and patience and costs - they are not dolls with blood ties, they have feelings and physical needs. better not have it than neglect for the whole of their lives because you’re either too tired, without patience, not enough financial stability for their needs, or can’t control your mood swings. enough´
same logic applies with animals. why the hell do you go to that pet shop or shelter, take the animal with you only to have no time or energy or compassion for it, and abandon it later on, or make up an excuse for it? stop . they are animals, but they have feelings like us and needs, they are family the moment they are with you, stepping inside their new home.
combat hate groups and movements and help terminate them - no matter how much you say people are allowed to have free will and speech, if those same rights are in conflict with the security of others, then they are not rights but instead violations of other humans sense of security as well as a menace to democratic systems. laws exist so peace can exist, otherwise we would have a catastrophe in various levels. these groups should and need to be eradicated at all costs and be hunted down like the plague. after the nazis in the 40′s has human  race not learnt anything at all?!!!
to make people understand the problem is not the muslims but the criminals, and inhumane monsters who try to dirt their image. to understand people are not just about race, and spotting the differences but accept them as equal human beings with feelings and needs. we already had 2 world wars based on this matter, enough is enough, when will people learn ?! the same applies to afro-american, latinos, hispanic, asian ... stop being xenophobic. you don’t know what rich culture, and knowledge and fun you′re losing from putting interesting people with such enriching experiences and marvelous stories away from you. human race won′t be contributed with anything from racism . enough. 
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championfroggy4 · 7 years
You are enough, you think you aren't enough. I have to work on calming down and relaxing. This fear and trauma, it looms disheartening on Jordan's end because he does love me but I can't see it. Maybe he's loosing confidence that that could work because it's really sad to watch and it brings down his self esteem. Everytime I try to cut the cord off when I don't see my worth. I need to trust him. And his love too.
Work on when coming with a complaint, give a proper immediate solution on how he can appropriately fix the behavior so he's not dumbfounded and angry and continues to do ir. Also, explain why this bothered me instead of jumping to the next topic. Jordan does cut me off, but I should not cut HIM off. It's the polite thing to do and he does not mean harm. He wants to help, he just doesn't know how.
Jordan is a naturally quiet defensive guy. Cutting people off sentences is no it meant to be rude, but it's because he doesn't want to loose his train of thought according to him last night. Work on not getting the wrong idea even if it does hurt. He only wants what's best for us.
Keep talk about his family to a minimum. He says he can handle it because he's a big boy but he really has a lot of pain about it. Don't continue even when he says he's ok. Let him come to me about that. Let him open up about his family like him being the only one with a high school diploma. He told me that on his own. If he doesn't want to talk, reassure that I'm in no rush to know and we don't even ever have to talk about it when we hang out together. I might never know about the pain of what he's been through, but that's ok. I'm not searching through his horrible past. I'm trying to be a good supportive girlfriend.
Don't add feelings to his mouth. Really hates when someone says how he feels. Mom did that to him all the time.
It seems to me, with both of us, we are hitting a wall. Where he is defensive, I am constantly offensive. The more I act offensive, the more he's going to be defensive. I can't help it though. That's how I protect myself. But if I want to let Jordan in, I have to learn to put down the knife of assumptions and conclusion drawings and give him moments to speak. Be angry, whatever he needs. Even if he has nothing on his mind or nothing to say. Fill the gaps with endless amount of love and affection. He really likes that. And respect his complaints. Listen to them. And try to fix the problem in a way I think would be beneficial for his comfort. If he has a problem he has always told me straight up, so I have no doubt if the problem is in continuation I should hear it again in a much more annoyed and angry you didn't fix this tone.
Now this one I don't understand a lot.. but I need to keep note about and my eye on and try to respect it. Long periods of silence on the phone. He hates it and said it was agonizing and his pitch got faster and he was extremely extremely defensive and JUDT ACCEPT IT AS IT IS I DON'T LIKE IT tone. He didnt want to pushed into a cconversation about it. He definatey didnt seem receptive when I asked questions so I could get a better understanding and fix. I don't want to have to solve this puzzle as to why silence breaks him, but I think it's because he got hurt that he needs to fix that on his own and he wants to fix that on his own. REALLY REALLY BADLY. Jordan noted he likes the super clingyness. Maybe someone left that he loved out of his life and ended in complete silence. I am a very clingy girl. It makes him upset too. And the thoughts swarm. I think he worries. It's very painful. Although I don't know the initial reason why he dislikes it, I think even though he puts that barrier of "I just don't like it cait!" It will unfold for myself gradually throughout time and understanding. Hopefully, if I can open up to him more and this addiction progresses, we can reach a point where we both understand eachother and accept eachother. Jordan's always been a very kind understanding person. I think it's much harder for him when he has feelings for a girl. Because he doesn't know to outcome. And that is nerve racking. He just needs to know now immediately. We both struggle with that. Although, this is my perception of what I think he's doing and why he's behaving like so. It could be wrong, and if so.. we change it and hopefully he'll open himself to the real reason why and then I don't have to ask questions about it.
I was thinking about that^ and then I was thinking about our beginning phone calls. When we would be listening to music and not talking or whatever. What makes it now not okay? Is it because I'm his girlfriend and he does hold an immense amount feelings that he wants this behavior to change because it's different Now? Maybe its hard for him to admit that he has feelings for me and its paintul for him to love again or feel like he can have a successful relationship with a girl he loves? I know he doesnt want to bail or quit this. So work on being particular wirh not cutting off the relationship when hes opening up his opinions and feelings. I need to love him for him also. And that leads to him bottling up and leaving. Either way. Don't leave endless amounts of silence on a phone call. Not trying to daggars his mind, but trying to give hope for him while he has a friend. He feels alone. All the time. So I need to do my best to make him feel welcomed.
Jordan can be confidence, but his self esteem is low. Very very low. He puts himself down as much as I do, but in a different format. In his head. Silently. Not to say I dont do that too, but I have bottled it up so bad, that even when I do talk about my pain it still makes me feel alone .. or worse. I told him I was ashamed to opening up to him. What he doesnt know is for a long period of time I was hit for opening up my feelings. It is sad that I cant see he loves me sometimes. My fear is that being who i am might be too sad, or scary that he will close himself off for good. But even if that happens i still give him space, forgiveness and love. Although the space is nice for him, I should continue to give him compliments and love and good mornings and good night's and I'm thinking about you texts. Just so he is still at a clear understanding that he is loved and he does have talents. He says he doesn't need it, but he does. I bet you he really likes hearing it. It's just hard for him to accept of take in. So I'll keep doing it. Sit it gets worse I'll hit down but I'm not giving up on him. He's like me. With compliments. He can't see it for himself that he's an awesome guy. Even though he says he is. That's why I believe I can be the one to do this. I'm someone he has feelings for. And I can reach a bridge and give him hope that he is an amazing guy and he does have incredible things. Because he is. I'm in love with him.
My goal is to gain enough trust he feels comfortable enough to NOT act like he has to protect himself from me or my words and he can love me for me in silence. Just like after sex when we both stared into eachothers eyes in silence but he had Netflix in the back. He knew it was ok. That was love.
And lastly, try to wiggle different areas of conversation or topics. Jordan wants to talk sometimes. And he's annoyed when I repeat myself. I can't remember everything that I say because of being in the er.. So that's why jotting down is essential. If I open myself more, like telling him I used to sing. He will slowly open up to. Try doing hobbies or art or whatever. He can't appreciate it now in the moment, but when looking back months down the line he can say oh well cait and I discussed about choir and snowboarding.. instead of cait came to rant to me about her problems today. It's ok to have problems. But write them on Tumblr first. I don't think Jordan is fully healed enough to handle them at this moment. But in time he will be. I know it. I believe in him
Money. He closed off with me and money. Wants to do it himself. Feels uncomfortable. Don't push him with that. Trust him, it's his wallet.
Words. He attaches himself to the way I speak. Glueing to words and then cutting me off with defense. For example. I will say
"Your a responsibility Jordan. Technically you are still my boyfriend"
Jordan will look at that word technically and get VERY guarded by that and take it the wrong direction. Use specific words and read more books. Talk to him more and be very choosy with the phrases I say. It could help give him some relief
That is what I need to work on. It's a lot of dirt. But I couldn't be happier knowing it. This was the most open I ever heard Jordan. I'm really really proud of him.
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tits-and-curls · 7 years
Pros of T
listens to me
I feel like I can tell him anything
nice eyes
we oddly have a lot in common
makes me feel needed
I always love talking to him
first love
wanted him to get to know me
Cons of T
inconsistant communication
doesn’t know how to fucking spell or use grammar
will stop talking to me whenever his current gf comes back in his life
shitty father
tries to act cool
drug addict
takes forever to respond back
lives far away
flirty with others
drug dealer
drove me crazy
we fought a lot
caused a lot of problems between my parents and i
hurt me
Pros of P
Was there for me in the past
I liked kissing him
good hugger/cuddler
has that “damaged boy” charm
used to be hot… (see cons)
has a secret crush on my that boosted my self esteem
tried at one point to save our friendship
first serious crush
Cons of P
Ditched me for a crazy ass finance and didn’t even take my side when she was acting like a cunt
gave up on our friendship
Gave up on all our friendships
has a crazy cunt fiance
emotionally abused maria
used to tell me weird shit in middle school about how he could see the future and ghosts and shit
daddy issues
never happy
always has some kind of problem
socially awkward
mean to others
only liked me when i was with someone else or didn’t like him
is fat and ugly now
hurt me
ignored me… I think
Pros of M
educated on social justice issues
doesn’t pretend to be nice… for the most part
tall, good hugger
amazing at sex
was there for me at times like no one else has ever been
i wanted him to get to know me
always called me beautiful and popular and made me feel special
we had a nice connection
cool cat
isn’t afraid to take charge in a situation, assertive
poems, good writer
made me feel needed
i was always really excited to talk to him
liked animals
Cons of M
VERY insecure
pretended to be different things around different people
pretended to be more sexually active than he was
threw up on me
tons of emotional truama
projected emotional trauma onto others
shits on everything
doesn’t shower sometimes and smells gross
was interested in me at first but then started acting like i bored him
cares about actives more than people
obsessed with shit
ruined harry potter
puts people down because he isn’t satisfied with himself
probably wanted to use me when he thought i was a huge party girl and most likely wanted access to drugs
ignored me and treated me like shit when he was mad at me
unfriended me multiple times
tried to make me jealous
lied about not wanting sex and then had sex
made me feel like i had to meet his expectations and put me on a pedistol
hurt me
fight with me a lot
had to always be right
wasn’t there for me at later times
liked to fight with me a lot while i was sad
made me have a lot of bad days
would accidentally blow me off
gets caught up with dumb shit
was a douche bag about traveling
pretended to care about under privileged populations but was low-key privilege as fuck
low-key jealous as fuck
wasn’t good enough for me
manipulative as hell
never took my concerns seriously
ditched me sometimes
does stupid forgetful shit like forgetting to put gas in his car and locking himself out
i hated his friends
he probably didn’t like my friends either
did that thing where he would wipe his ass with baby wipes and let them sit in his garbage can in the bathroom so his bathroom smelled like shit
has A LOT of cons
know it all
Pros of S
I for some reason find her cute
big tits
has that shy-cute vibe
likes to be choked
cute legs
lovely hair
good listener
likes cuddles
low maintenance to be around
cute laugh
was an excellent friend before we became roommates
easily accessable
made me feel special
cooks food
always there for her friends…well used to be
good kisser
steven universe and video games
easy to talk to about concerning heavy subjects
horny freak when she’s drunk
Cons of S
always has to have a problem with someone
sucks at sex
has gross smokers breath… but i kinda liked it sometimes i guess
controlling and needs to be in charge
ditched me for sam multiple times and often when i needed her
talked about people behind their backs
told me she didn’t want me in her life any more
made me feel like a back up friend multiple times
can’t handle anger without exploding on you
made problems between me and tyler
hard to talk to sometimes… she made me nervous and anxious and i was always afraid of upsetting her
made me miserable in my own living space
shitty co-parent
complains all the fucking time
has trouble developing friendships and not turning them into romantic friendships.
rude sometimes
Things to work on after this relationships:
be more assertive about my boundaries
talk about things that might be upsetting to me without coming off as angry
just stop hiding my hurt and pain behind anger
don’t be so passive aggressive
don’t make people jealous because I’m insecure
don’t fixate on just the positives when there are a lot of negatives
Don’t ignore who a person is because you want them to be something else
leave a relationship alone if its hurting you this much
don’t make mountains out of molehills
actually go and talk to a person
don’t let things fester
be more considerate of others feelings
trust more
don’t just shut people out… talk to them even though its hard
don’t pretend to be something you’re not
don’t try and make yourself more like a person… see above point
dont be so needy. accept that people have other commitments and friends
you don’t always have to be number one all the time
don’t expect them to be okay with your relationship with tyler just because you’re poly
don’t send novel texts
don’t say things just to hurt someone even though they might be true
be kinder
don’t be so self-centered and egotistic
if you’re going to shut someone out, keep them shut out. don’t keep trying to have them back in your life just because you don’t know how to let go
be kinder.. to yourself
you can’t fix everyone. its not your job and you can’t do it.
stop having fantasies about these people that are unhealthy and perpetuating your longing for them
you don’t have to hate someone you once loved
its okay to be sad over these people and its okay to miss them
you’re not pathetic
if someone is constantly making you more depressed, maybe its time to reconsider that relationship
there are other ways to feel love without feeling like you need to feel pain
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