#shes amazing and i love her arc she really deserves so much more appreciation than she gets
lurkingshan · 7 months
Cherry Magic Episode 12
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MY HEART IS FO FULL. This adaptation has exceeded my wildest expectations to become one of my favorite bls of all time. They really put their backs into it and gave us everything we could want for these characters, and I will always be grateful. This show managed to be a faithful manga adaptation, a loving homage to the jbl, and a fresh take on the story all at once. An amazing feat to pull off and this creative team deserves so much love and kudos.
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The way Achi and Karan have grown together over the course of this show has been fantastic to witness. I love how seriously the show took their growth, and that we got to see them put in the work to improve their communication and become a great team. Meeting the parents was a big step for them, especially because they were uncertain how their respective families would react, but I loved that they were so open with each other throughout about how they were feeling. I loved, too, that we got a contrast, with Achi's mom being so warm and loving (but still managing to get a dig in on her son, lmao) and Karan's being more avoidant and passive aggressive and needing a talking to her from her eldest child to get her shit together. I love that the drama created space for things to not go perfectly with the parents, and to show us that people can be moved to acceptance.
We got a bit of a parallel with that message in Jinta and Min's story this week, with Min's fans initially attacking Jinta, but backing off once Min named him as his faen and asked them to respect his relationship. I like the choice to model positive fan behavior, and it felt a bit pointed from this production company. Both with Pai and now with this new group of fans, the show has said consistently that being a fan should be about love and support, not control. That you can admire your idols but you also need to give them privacy. That it's not your place to judge who they love. I just love that message.
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Of course, I have to talk about the mutual proposal and the wedding. I am pretty sure Karan has been carrying that ring around in his pocket since the second day of dating, but it was such a welcome surprise to see that Achi had already made his own plans, too. The show really succeeded in taking this relationship from something that felt a little one-sided to a very mutual partnership I can believe in. I teared up when right along with Karan when Achi followed Karan's proposal with his own, and you could see how much it meant to him to know that Achi is really truly on the same page. Getting to see their wedding and the love surrounding them on their special day was the cherry (lol) on top of this fantastic love story. I also absolutely loved the wink to the jbl elevator non-kiss in the way they framed their final married couple kiss and then cut away from the bed.
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Continuing the love fest, I also love the changes this version made to the side couple's story. Min getting to fulfill his dream, Jinta being an excellent supportive partner, their agreement that they will marry someday when they're ready--it was all just lovely. The nod to the jbl pen proposal was cute, and I love that they took it a step further by drawing rings on each other. The flip in the sexual relationships was also quite welcome, with that triumphant arc reserved for the main couple in this version. Jinta ended the show with his magical powers still intact, but it didn't seem like that would be the case for long.
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As for Rock and Pai, I am happy with how the show handled their story. To the end, Pai stayed true to herself, and Rock came to know her better and understand what kind of romantic relationship he could reasonably expect from her. She will always have her head more on her ships than on her own love life, and he seems okay with it. I think you can still take an aroace read on this Pai if you choose, and I appreciate that the show made space for that. I like, too, that Pai helped Rock reconnect with his own passion for dancing and find a fun outlet for his creativity. They were another reinforcement of this show's overarching themes about the importance of kindness, support, and clear communication in relationships.
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This show left me with such a warm feeling. I'm so glad they stuck the landing, that episode 8 never happened, and that we can rewatch and remember this Cherry Magic so fondly. I never expected Thailand to go so above and beyond the original live action drama, but they have undoubtedly delivered my favorite version of this story.
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inamindfarfaraway · 3 months
Elena of avalor goes crazy
Esteban’s song something I would never do Is essentially a whole soliloquy in a preschool show
Elena of Avalor goes SO HARD. Sometimes it’s pretty standard Disney Junior fare, but then every now and then, to keep you sharp, it punches you in the jaw with darkness or moral complexity or really profound, emotional storytelling. Esteban’s whole antivillain-antihero ping pong arc is rightfully iconic. But I want to call out Elena herself too. The protagonist of this Disney Junior princess TV show, the one little girls even younger than Disney’s average demographic are meant to look up to and connect with, clearly has PTSD, repeatedly demonstrating symptoms like flashbacks, panic attacks and hypervigilance. Her character growth is so well-done. She has serious flaws and makes meaningful mistakes, and then matures and takes accountability for them. Not all her issues are resolved within a few episodes or even whole seasons. In Season Three she gets a lot worse in some ways due to trauma. But she chooses to do the right thing enough, and receives enough help and support from her loved ones, to remain a good person and become a better one. She’s a genuinely great role model for kids and has so much older people can relate to and appreciate.
Like, Frozen has got a lot of praise for its portrayal of mental illness. And I am so glad that it did what it did, giving symptoms of anxiety and depression sympathetic representation in a mainstream, theatrically released, incredibly popular Disney movie. But Elena does everything Elsa does on Disney freaking JUNIOR and more over more time. Superpowers? Check. Beautiful, evolving relationship with her younger sister? Check. Rules a kingdom? Check. Is mentally ill, uses unhealthy coping mechanisms like emotional repression and learns healthier ones? Check. Sings amazing musical numbers? Check. Never falls in love? Check. None of the main cast have a romantic subplot! The importance is all on family and friendship! It makes this asexual very happy. Nearly kills people? Multiple times! Actually kills someone? Check. Wait, what? Elsa didn’t do that!
Yeah, let’s talk about the murder, shall we? I particularly love how this series handles revenge. Elena really, really wants to kill Shuriki, both to protect her country and to avenge her parents and herself. Her family have a debate about this. Do they argue that killing or acting in hatred and anger is always wrong? That not even the pure evil Shuriki deserves it? That it would be an irrevocable moral stain on her soul to take any life? Nope! They argue that she matters too much as the ruler to run off and attack an extremely powerful, deadly threat and it would be more effective in the bigger picture to let her royal guards do their job. Their disagreement is entirely practical. Nobody suggests that Shuriki should be forgiven or offered a second chance. When Elena later defeats Shuriki in an epic final duel, she does indeed kill her! She incinerates her with a fire spell! The narrative never shames or punishes her for this, only rewards her, and she doesn’t feel any remorse or forget to value life as a result. A Disney Junior princess commits first-degree murder in cold blood and it’s depicted completely positively. She did what she had to do and is happier and safer for it. BUT then in the next season, she really, really wants to kill Esteban because he was directly responsible for Shuriki getting to do everything she did to Avalor and its royal family, even though he initially has no malice toward anyone and just doesn’t want to be imprisoned. Her pursuing him with unnecessary aggression and coldly disowning him when he tries to make amends gradually drives him to seek power and be an actual villain to compensate for his ruined life. She’s disproportionately fixated on catching and hurting him over the greater good and her own wellbeing. This time her thirst for vengeance is negative because it harms herself and others who don’t deserve it. She’s sympathetic and understandable throughout, but not making wise or kind decisions for herself or her loved ones, like not letting Isabel to talk about her feelings on Esteban with her. In the end, she does need to forgive Esteban to save everyone and have peace. But only after he tangibly proves his change of heart by sacrificing himself for her. The NUANCE.
Also, going back to Frozen comparison, I would like to point out that if you’re sick of them, Elena of Avalor has no twist villains. But it does have an array of interesting villains who are fun to watch and can be surprisingly layered and dynamic. Victor and Carla have a natural redemption arc building off their established true love for each other. Ash loses her love for her family to become even more immoral. She essentially kills (petrifies) her husband before their daughter’s eyes. They didn’t need to go that hard, but they did. Shuriki is a sorcerer queen with classic Disney villain confidence and flair, and has the added menace that a) she literally murders Elena’s parents in front of her in her first scene and b) she’s a colonising dictator who we actually see oppressing her conquered people through realistic methods of cultural suppression and police intimidation. They didn’t need to go that hard, but they did!
Thanks for the ask!
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spuffybot · 3 months
Rating BTVS ships I don’t ship:
1. Fred & Wesley: I don’t really ship Fred with anyone because I think she deserved to be on her own and to come into her own strength and power without a man. But this ship does have a decent amount of pining, which I appreciate. It definitely gets points for enduring Fred’s crush on Angel and her love triangle with Gunn. And we can’t forget that it also comes to one of the most painful ends and I challenge you not to cry when Fred becomes Illyria. Still, Fred died to further the emotional and narrative arc of a man so we’re gonna have to dock points for that.
2. Fangel (Faith & Angel): ok so this is not a super popular ship and I genuinely don’t understand why. I don’t ship it, but it wouldn’t take a lot to make me ship it. These two have amazing chemistry, they’re trauma bonded, they’ve got that whole inner darkness thing going on. There’s something sexy about Angel wanting to save Faith when she doesn’t want to be saved. Plus Angel is so repressed and Faith is so innately sexual. The inevitable smut just writes itself. WOW. Am I talking myself into this one? Do I ship this now?
3. Spanya (Spike & Anya): I’ve always appreciated the small moments we got between Spike and Anya. They are both genuinely hilarious and I feel like it was a missed opportunity not to have these two extremely old supernatural creatures who are hanging out with a bunch of 20 year old humans vibe more. That being said, I just don’t feel the sexual tension between them. The scene where they hook up is brilliant but it’s not about them it’s about the people they love who don’t love them the same way. So while I think these two make fabulous friends, I’m just not sold on them as a couple. If anything they’re too similar. Snarky, broken, hopeless for love (but overcompensating because they hurt so deeply.) I guess if you’re someone who defines compatibility as similarity this is a ship for you.
4. Joyce & Giles: Buffy already has so much parent drama, can you imagine if these two actually got together??? But ok let’s break it down, these two have chemistry but it’s entirely linked to the people they used to be. It’s pure midlife crises. And there is something nostalgic and romantic about trying to recapture the wild, carefree, young person you used to be. I also think there’s a bit of jealousy and resentment fueling these two. Joyce resents Giles for being Buffy’s Watcher and for having access to a part of Buffy she doesn’t truly understand. I think this one has some depth but ultimately there isn’t enough between them to justify for than a one night stand or two.
5. Xander & Willow: So this is a classic story. The girl next door who pines away for the boy who doesn’t notice her. There’s real love and friendship between these two, and even as we inevitably saw, some sexual tension and chemistry. I’ve just never been someone who roots for this dynamic. I didn’t want Dawson to get Joey. I didn’t want Ross to get Rachel. I think there’s too much entitlement and self pity in the long suffering crush to create the fire you need for a really monumental ship. That being said, I do think Xander and Willow are compatible and I do think they deserve a bonus point for their Dopplegangland dopplegangers who I would absolutely ship if we got to see more of them.
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cosmics-beings · 1 year
posting twitter thoughts here - again.
You know, I really do think that Starscream deserved better idw and to have an actual, fleshed out redemption arc that gave him respect. Idw had such an amazing opportunity to expand on him because it expanded on other evil, later turned morally grey/good characters. Especially Megatron, but I just don’t understand why Starscream didn’t get that same love and depth.
Part of me thinks its because the writers, like  a lot of people were just stuck on the fact that Starscream himself is an incompetent leader that doesn’t deserve redemption because he will always be evil and unstrustworth. And that REALLY sucks because a.) other continuums have shown us otherwise and b.) in idw where so many characters got to have better written nuance and unique characterization that subverted what we believed their intentions were, how come Starscream couldn’t have that?
I think it was 100% possible, the writers didn’t want to commit to it. I am not saying that he had to be redeemed or made into this innocent, flawless person. By all means, keep him flawed, make him struggle with what is right and wrong, but actually give him growth. Make him be the leader that he imo deserved to be, but also make him prove it and show us that he can be a great leader.
And I would’ve loved for him midway to find out that prophecy was bogus – which to be fair he thought it was, but actually develop as idk a good leader and a decent person.
A lot of people say his sacrifice was his ultimate redemption and yeah—but I also think he deserved better. I think we deserved to see him be redeemed and get an actual character change where he isn’t written as an unapproachable idiot who is just determined to being evil and pushes people away. Any by change i mean someone who is just like, a better leader and a better perosn. Still make him sly, still make him have questionable thoughts, make him tricky and wicked - but like also make him have an actual narrative where he changes, where he leads, where he is good when he's supposed to be and more importably is a loved and appreciated leader because he cares.
What would've been great too is that when optimus talked shit about stascream to windblade, starscream completely subverted most of what optimus said to her and she saw that he was actually struggling and growing to be a good person and she helped him with it and they actually became really good friends and she vouched for him, same with bumblebee.
like yeah he isn't 100% goood but he changes.
Starscream’s greatest enemy in idw was the writing because from the trial (which made starscream a joke) to his ending they didn’t really know how to handle him. And I think writing him as an incompetent leader and not giving him and clear nuance outside of him being morally ambiguous but actually a shit, and not giving him the same amount of redemption care and arc as megatron got is just unfair to his character.
Its why, as much as I love IDW and what it does for other characters I think I hate what it does to him. But it sucks because idw star is my fave.
i get 'not everyone has to be redeemed' and that's true, but also when you have a character that has been through a lot and the writing is possible because it HAS happened before, and other characters who have done far worse than and to that character get redemption, then what's so wrong with that?
and it goes without being said but no im not excusing starscream's actions or acting like he's an innocent person. i just wish he got the same redemption arc quality/writing as megatron did. and i dont even dislike that megatron got a redemption arc, for all that happened to him i think he deserved one, but why not starscream?
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hellyeahheroes · 1 year
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2022) review 1-5
Okay, Cody Ziglar, now you have my attention.
Alright, Cody Ziglar, the first Black main writer of Miles Morales’ comic(not to disrespect Bryan Edward Hill but he only wrote one annual and it was bad), had a dubious honor of following Saladin Ahmed in writing Miles Morales. Just to sum it up, Ahmed’s strengths were that he greatly expanded on the supporting cast and rogues of Miles while giving Miles’ characterization that is more in line with Spider-verse. He modeled his writing after Romita’s run of Amazing Spider-Man that followed Ditko. His flaws were that he failed to actually commit to things in the end as he quickly dumped all of his work in expanding said supporting cast the moment his Creator’s Pet Starling comes around and it becomes all about Clones and Multiverse. After a strong start, Ahmed’s run came to a weak and disappointing end.
Now it’s Ziglar’s turn and I heard ramblings that he wanted Miles to be more around street level black heroes like Misty Knight because they operate differently than the white heroes and don’t have the same privileges. Compare Blue Marvel to Tony Stark and you see what he’s talking about. Anyways, Cody starts his run making parallels to Miles’ Irresponsible Destructive Savior tendencies and his lack of appreciation for his opportunity at Brooklyn Visions Academy.
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Miles is being criticized, perhaps unfairly, on both aspects. On one hand, Agent Gao can point out all of the destruction Miles “caused” but if you reread the issue, you will find that most of the damage was caused by Scorpion prior to Miles arriving to the scene and saving that girl, which said girl ends up being wildly important later on. His teacher scolds Miles for being unappreciative of his opportunity that he feels Miles is squandering overlooking the fact that Miles won a lottery to a charter school that is taking funding from underfunded public schools.
So Miles is being attacked by an overly funded police force that loves persecuting vigilantes, especially people of color, and a school system that takes kids from their communities and places them in boarding schools. Both take funding from public schools that, if properly funded at the same level as Brooklyn Visions, could have avoided the future problem that happens in this arc.
Miles’ won that lottery because his lucky number 42 was called. But what happened to the others balls? What happened to 41?
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This is Raneem Rashad. Number 41. And she really needed that spot at Brooklyn Visions Academy. And the girl Miles saved in the beginning of the first issue.
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Raneem lost her parents who were immigrants from Jordan. She was poor yet gifted and had to enter a school system that didn’t challenge nor uphold her. Her mother died because of inadequate healthcare that failed to catch an ailment on time. And her father’s last lament was for his daughter, his greatest gift, would be saved from the struggle of poverty.
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Now Raneem blames Miles taking what she feels was her opportunity. Now you can say that her angry is misdirected, but the narrative is very much aware of that. Both Starling and Miles point out the flaw in her justification. Why be mad at Miles when she could be mad at the fucked up system? That’s not the point of Raneem Rashad aka Rabble. When Bendis watched Waiting For Superman, he was inspired to make that part of Miles’ origin. Miles origin is not propaganda for Charter Schools, Private Schools, or Advance Placement Schools *cough* Spider-Man MCU *cough*. It’s a deconstruction of and a social commentary on it. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse isn’t saying Charter schools are awesome. It’s pointing out the alienation Miles feels attending such institutions. And Raneem is now asking the audience the important question that do these kids who did not win deserve to be left off? They are gifted too. Just as if not more so than Miles. And should Miles be forced to carry the burden of the American Education System inadequacy just because he won a lottery?
While Saladin explored how a school system targets students of color like Miles with characters like Assistant Principal Dutcher and Sean, Cody is looking at the systemic impact of schools like Brooklyn Visions through Raneem. And it’s fantastic. It’s all fantastic.
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As for the character herself, Raneem Rashad is Miles Morales’ narrative foil. That is his forever enemy. A true Spider-Man Classic villain throwback. While Bruce Wayne’s rogues spiraled into mental health caricatures, Spider-Man’s rogues has always been about unchecked corruption from the top filtering to the masses. There are levels to Spider-Man villains. You have guys like Sandman and Rhino who are down on their luck or you have folks that have been spurned or sleighted by higher institutions like Doc Ock and Vulture. Then you have Norman Osborn or Wilson Fisk. Raneem is a little column A and Column B. What makes her special that she is specifically a Miles Morales Spider-Man villain. Slott can’t just pluck her out and have a character that he’s writing embarrass her like he did the Assessor.
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Rabble is a Miles Morales classic that is so specific to Miles that it would be highway robbery to pair her with someone else(not that it would stop Tom Holland’s Spider-Man from trying).
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You can’t replicate this animosity.
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And yeah. I mess with it.
Cody, just like Ahmed was, is the right choice to helm this comic because Cody is,not meant as a pejorative, woke. The art is fantastic which is expected from Federico Vincentini and colors Bryan Valenza. This isn’t Federico’s first time drawing in a Miles Morales comic as he was also behind the Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales mini so it’s nice that his chaotic and frantic style was given some room to explode on the page.
My only critique is that this arc should have at least highlighted Miles other supporting cast that goes beyond Ganke Lee and Miles’ immediate family. Barbara Rodriguez, Judge, Sean, and etc. but otherwise, BRAVO, Cody Ziglar. I look forward to your future additions to this run.
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arttheclown · 2 years
💖 + your MLP faves and your Digimon faves and why. Now
💖 send me this & i will ramble about my faves!
🐴 discord — amazing slow-burn (& realistic) character development, excellent voice acting by one mr. john de lancie, has chemistry with nearly every character he interacts with, sympathetic while still retaining a wild & unpredictable edge. has NO right to be as funny as he is. my baby boy.
🐴 tirek — manages to be endearing & kind of stupid without erasing how dangerous he can be; surprising soft side that doesn’t erase his cruelty; interesting backstory & dynamics with his family; reluctant dad dynamic with cozy glow that melts my heart. also he’s super hot sowwy 😔
🐴 twilight — highly relatable 2 me on a personal level; an extremely dynamic main character that the writers weren’t afraid to depict as flawed or a little ugly sometimes. really good friend and big sister. needs to be nicer to herself 😭 i just care for her a lot & all of her accomplishments on the show felt really earned
🐴 celestia — ugghhh she has such a fascinating backstory & there are so many interesting implications about her character that i wish the show explored better. this lady has dealt with so much grief in her life while having to maintain an image of poise & dignity for her kingdom. i like that they showed us she has a sense of humour & is nowhere near as perfect as she seems but i do wish they took her. a Little more seriously. i care her 🥺
honourable mentions: fluttershy, pinkie pie, trixie lulamoon, queen chrysalis, rarity, applejack, spike, big mac.
👾 impmon / beelzemon — i like him for a lot of the reasons i like discord tbh. his character arc is one of my favourites in fiction, ever, and never ceases to rip my heart out every time i rewatch the show. i appreciate how seamlessly he goes from annoying comic relief to tragic to a near-complete monster to atoner to genuine friend to the main cast. in the span of less than 50 EPISODES too, wtf. not to mention he’s the other half of one of my fav. fictional ships & great with kids to boot. there’s little i Don’t like about that little man (or big man, depending on what form he’s in).
👾 renamon / sakuyamon — would defend her with my life tbqh. anyone who reduces her to being an uwu sexy furry bait or an extension of the people she cares about i will bite the FUCK out of you. she’s so much more than that & had a whole arc of her own, if not one of the best ones of the series, but people won’t mention it or all the interesting implicative lore surrounding her because she’s quiet or because they’re too busy ogling her. big sigh
👾 mitsuo yamaki — why does no one TALK ABOUT THIS DUDE. not only is he super funny in the english dub but his character development is fantastic in both versions of the show. (seeing a pattern here?) i love that he goes from a well-intentioned extremist to a villain to a weird uncle figure to the kids. he deserves way more attention than he gets & i get so excited every time i see fans acknowledging him at all 😔
honourable mentions: jeri katou / juri katou, janyu wong / janyu li zhenyu, terriermon, calumon / culumon, henry wong / lee jianliang, leomon.
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sepyana · 1 year
Jjba Stone Ocean Ep 13-22 Thoughts
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50% Crying about F.F. %40 Sports Maxx arc %10 Making fun of Anasui. Also Pucci is there.
Ep 13-14
A lot happening this arc. I don't really know where to start. Let's talk Ermes first.
Turns out, Ermes ended up in prison to get revenge on her older sister's killer, who is getting out of prison in a year. Araki says Ermes's position in the story is like Polnareff's (in the stand commentaries iirc) though their arcs are handled very differently.
The most important one is that Ermes's revenge is framed as a good thing. Polnareff got Avdol "killed" in his pursuit. Much like Ermes, he didn't care what would happen to himself as long as he got his revenge. Kakyoin says Polnareff shouldn't go sacrifice himself. They both lack self preservation. They both run on their own and refuse to get help from others. Ermes straight up ran in for the kill and got severely injured for it.
What I'm trying to say is Ermes's revenge is framed as good (mostly) while Polnareff's is framed as bad. Her sister comes from the heaves to hug her when she kills Sports Maxx. She does it alone at the end too. If her arc was a counter-argument to part 3's in some way it would be one thing but it doesn't do that at all. If Polnareff's arc never happened I wouldn't have cared about the message of this arc but It's so hard to ignore it when part 6 is basically the direct sequel to part 3. It's looks like Ermes just got lucky that no one got gravely hurt or kicked the bucket.
I don't wanna be mean. Pol is one of my favourites and I already like Ermes a lot. I don't wanna make it sound like Pol's arc is great either. It has it's own issues.
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There is still a lot of stuff I liked though. I liked the visuals and the music of this arc especially. The shot of Ermes landing the killing blow along with the music is obviously amazing, it's over the top but I adore that. The music playing is Dio's world iirc. It plays at the finale of both part 3 and part 4 when the main casts face off against the villain. It plays here because Sports Maxx is Ermes's main villain. I don't think Sports Maxx is cool enough to deserve this theme but I like the effect regardless. I appreciate it when music from part 3 plays every now and then.
This might just be me being an F.F. fanboy but I really liked the part when they shot the alligator straight in the mouth. Determination is one of my favourite tracks from part 6. I might like it a bit more than the main theme.
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So she can use her strings to sense movement in the area around her. Ok. Okay.
(This bit is from later episodes but it fits better here)Talking to Sports Maxx, Pucci says "There is a fixed amount of souls in the universe". And then he talks about how if someone had thousands of souls at once. Now I know that this is referring to the green baby, I initially thought this was because there weren't enough souls. Since the number is is fixed souls would get divided in the afterlife maybe. It's sort of interesting to think about. If there are too many souls do they get destroyed? Or jjba has already reached the limit and souls are getting reincarnated. Reused, if you will.
Pucci does care about Dio but I do think their relationship was more transactional than he would like to admit. It's not as bad as Dio but Pucci does treat everyone around him like tools, and cannot trust others enough to connect with them. The concept of heaven is too vague for me to comment on it right now, though I do think it is not as different from Christian kind as you might think at first.
Ep 15-16
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Anasui is a character that exists. I saw him way before I got into jjba. I liked his design back then and he still has one of my favourite designs now. I remember seeing a post saying "How can such a naked character have this many articles of clothing" and I think about it every day.
Personality wise... I'm sorry but he is just so fucking boring. He is a murdered that likes disassembling things and he loves Jolyne. That's it that's the whole thing. His specific obsession with "marrying" her could be interesting potentially. Then you could ask "Why does he care about marrying Jolyne so much? What is his view of marriage to begin with? Any personal history about that? Maybe his worldview might relate to it. etc. etc.
Another interesting thing is why he is with Weather and Emporio in the first place. Emporio says Weather is the only person who keeps him in check. I am interested in seeing them interact now.
It's a shame they changed Anasui's gender early on. I love problematic lesbians, if my adoration for Shiori and Homura means anything.
The survivor fight could have been shorter. That's all I'm gonna say I thought it was kinda boring tbh. Other than Jolyne flipping off the guard 4 different ways.
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Ep 17-18
F.F. my best friend F.F.
I don't really have much to say about episodes 16 to 20 as it's mostly fighting. I think Dragon's Dream is a cool concept and it was executed pretty well. What can you do against an enemy when fate has their back? This arc also has the issue of being too long I think. Some of the bits drag on for too long.
Jolyne tunning to save F.F. despite all her injuries... My heart... I love them..
Ep 19-20
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Jotaro not letting anyone take off his hat while in a coma, with no memories and half a soul. Jjba is pretty funny when it wants to be.
Jotaro injuring himself and it just happens to spell Jolyne. And the same cuts show up on Jolyne too. I get some families in jjba have psychic links but this is too much. My suspension of disbelief can only go so far. I can excuse the Dio bone plot but I draw the line at this.
Anasui actually tells F.F. to push Jolyne so he can hug her with zero shame. F.F. rightfully calls this sexual harassment. How does plankton who entered society like a few weeks ago has better morals than him. Get your shit together Anasui.
People loathe Yo Yo Ma. I don't think it is as bad as some say. Don't get me wrong though, it is bad. It's main problem is that it's really fucking boring. I shit you not I almost fell asleep while watching this which is absolutely huge for someone like me who takes an hour to fall asleep. It's not the worst part of jojo but it is up there.
Ep 21-22
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Well after the pretty boring stretch we got the last few episodes we get this gem -> completely ignoring the green baby thing
Wow so much to talk about that Dio and Pucci interaction huh. I was initally iffy on what Dio's character was going but I'm loving it.
Do you remember Dio's whole peace of mind way back in part 3? I mentioned it while talking about Kira but I never thought it would be relevant again. Arakkiiiiii please more of this.
So firstly, this pretty much confirms peace of mind is what Dio seeks despite talking about humans. Dio from birth had absolutely zero time to chill, he couldn't trust anyone, he couldn't depend on anyone. Pucci is the person he is closest to but even then he cannot fully trust him.
This is just speculation from my part but maybe that's what heaven is? That serenity, the ease. For someone like Dio who has made so many fucking enemies by this point that peace of mind is not really possible for him outside of reaching heaven. Much to think about.
Also Leonardo Da Vinci is a stand user. This is the jjba equivalent of Joan of Arc being a magical girl in pmmm to me. Why would you tell me this.
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Araki can't play with my heart like this. I thought F.F. might make it for a second.
F.F. started to have flashbacks and all I could think was "It's so over". The fight with White Snake was incredibly tense. Having a stand disc like that on hand was a good idea from Pucci.
The moment when Weather caused rain to help F.F. was so hype. It's a good comeback. I always love seeing White Snake suffer. He is annoying as shit.
Jolyne hugging "Weather" was really wholesome despite what we learn later. Despite what Anasui thinks I don't think there is gonna be a romance between the two. More like a positive male figure in her life (Which she seems to lack).
Then here is my least favourite insulting my fave and you already know what I'm gonna say. It would be one thing if Anasui talked shit about F.F. after Ep 22. But Anasui just keeps going on about how they don't deserve to live and that they are lesser because they aren't human and dude. F.F. hasn't even done anything. They only told you to stop being a immature baby about Jolyne hugging a guy when they've got Pale Snake to deal with, rightly so. I'm not even mad I just have no idea why he is reacting like this. All this shit talk over nothing and F.F. still decides to save Anasui instead of themselves.
I didn't see the reveal coming at all. It's was as much of a surprise to me as the characters because 1. I am dumb 2. I don't think Pale Snake has shape shifted up to this point.
Pucci's remarks about how much Jolyne has grown is definitely true. I thought she was just as immature as the other protags despite being older than most of em but that's definitely not the case anymore. My girl ate the musrooms growing on her bedframe in prison. Just to get a chance at saving her father. She has definitely grown... Stone Free grew with her too.
F.F. is not the most unique character. There are so many media that has handled "someone with a newly acquired consciousness learning what it means to be alive" trope way better. But I still found it heartwarming. They are just happy to be there and I appreciate that. They have memories and people dear to them. F.F. didn't have a life before meeting Jolyne. Living a life gave them a reason to sacrifice it for their loved ones. They have a soul now and here come the tears again
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Love getting emotional about jjba because I will look at what I am actually crying at and it's the goofiest most nonsensical shit ever and I instantly stop
One thing that's weird is why F.F. without a body looks like Atroe instead of their normal design. Their soul too. I know why they did it and it was the better choice probably. To us Atroe look is F.F. Plus it's easier to make it emote than the Foo Fighters form.
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doofus-and-dragons · 1 year
Thoughts on Red, White, and Royal Blue(Taking notes helps me retain information so ofc I do it about my media like a goddamn nerd)
Overall thoughts:
I give this movie a 4/10. The actors were incredible and the jokes landed where they were suppose to. I was really excited for the movie, and I probably would have loved it if I hadn't read the book first (I don't regret reading it first. I adore the book, probably going to reread it). For me, the pacing was just extremely distracting. I didn't know where I was at any point in time. By the time I would figure it out, I was somewhere else. I also think that the removal of certain characters (June,Rafael, and Leo), the sugar coating of Zahra, and the microdosing (idk what else to call it) of other characters (Nora, Bea, Percy, and Shaan) really takes allies away from Henry and Alex, along with major plot devices within the main story. I felt like the movie cut out a lot of scenes (Star Wars, historical letters, the Rumors, Henry's date with June, the campaign, Nora in general, Alex's reaction to the leak, and the exposing Richards to name a few) really hurt the integrity of this movie for me. I was super excited going in, but now I'm just kind of bitter.
I did like how Henry and Alex's actors had some (from my pov) really good chemistry. That or they're just really good actors. They are, but like...differently. loved Oscar, loved the charcarization as a whole (other than maybe Bea (she felt kind of bland) and Zarha (she felt sugar coated). As a whole, all the actors (and yes, I do mean all) did an amazing job. Set design was absolutely breath taking. Most of the music was spot on (still salty about "Your Song" being cut out but yknow), and I'm a band kid and a theater kid so music means a lot to me. I loved the little metaphors, like when Alex gave Henry the key to his house (a bold choice, but it worked). I feel like Ellen deserved more of a "Im struggling to find an election balance and a mom balance" arc that Book!Ellen got, but Uma Thurman did a great job with Ellen. She didn't play too hard into the accent, and it was tasteful (much appreciated by the by). Loved Amy (wish we could have seen he do crafts tho...and her dog). LOVED it when they decked Henry out in commoner clothes!
So, yeah. My review of the movie is a 4/10. Here are the notes that better explain my personal opinion. If you enjoyed it, I'm so happy for you/gen.
• The lack of June as a character takes away so many plot points and character building opportunities from all of the characters
• The loss of Leo as a character takes away from much of the drama not only within the First Family but also within the debate
• Who decided Miguell as a character???seems like they took that Post reporter from the book and turned his affection to Alex instead, which I guess they had to since the tossed June.
• I love Ellen,  Oscar, Zahra, Amy, Pez (why can't they ever call him pez?), Nora, and Shaan. 
• The movie is moving really fast.  I can hardly keep up with.  I'm constantly in a state of "Wait, where am I?  Why am I here?  This isn't supposed to happen yet is it?"
• I can't explain it, but Henry has very gay
• Where's Rafael?  He's like the reason for the climax (lmao)
• Sending him to Texas? But he's not supposed to be there yet! 
• I'm so lost that I can't keep up with the movie.  I can't even enjoy the sap from the email reading because I'm really confused.
• The acting is really good!  The pacing is just off.
• I hate this Miguel guy. 
• Not enough Bea
• I am enjoying this 20 Questions scene, very cute yet very sad
• Zarha is suppose to be angrier at him for being awake.
• Henry in the closet will never not be funny to me.
• "...good morning!" -Prince Henry of Wales, 2023
• "And my sister" "awww I didn't know that!" "Yeah she was really happy for us."
• "Tetnhically I'm the spare!" "Not talking to you sir!" So funny!
• I'm assuming Miguel is the leak
• I'm back to being confused.  Also, not enough Amy.  I need more of her.  I need to see her dog Johnathan
• "She happens to be a he....and he happens to be henry..."
• Ellen is the best mom I love her
• Love how he's got a University of Texas Austin hat (it's not UT to me I'm from Tennessee, UT is University of Tennessee)
• Love how they Texas-ified Henry
• Sad we didn't get the kimonos
• So Oscar is Sen. Of Texas??? I thought that was Ellen before elected?
• Haha gays
• Needs more Pez
• Ok, wait, I know where I am! The start of the week of sad!
• Already? It feels like I've been sitting here for like half an hour.  I'm not retaining any of this.  God the pacing is killing me
• Also they didn't include them Skinny dipping which is honestly tragic
• Sad gay prince hours
• *megamind meme* No bunk beds?
• Bea calling him Hen is the world.  That's it. 
• Alex was suppose to be angrier, making a scene.  Shaan needed to almost throw him out. I need more Shaan.
• Eye opening for Henry time ehe
• Did he put his ring on the mantle I didn't catch it. 
• He was suppose to have make up time THEN go to the museum I'm lost again
• I can't help falling in love" and not "your song is" a choice
• They didn't bring up Sampson :(
• Wait he was suppose to put the ring on the chain.  It was sweet to give him the key tho.  I see you "key to my heart" symbolism.  I see you and I love you.
• Where's Zarha's anger? Alex's concern?  AHA Zarha and Shaan engagement real??? 👀
• Miguel is the leak and I dispise him.
• No meeting with the king? No Catherine? No Phillip getting hot tea spilled on him?  Tragic.
• Henry not getting to get a word in is tragic.
• I love Alex's speech it's so heart wrenching
• I need to see zarha's anger- oh Shaan is into it isnt he?  Love those two!  They are the true heros of this movie. 
• "I'll break the sound barrier for you" 🥺😭
• Henry playing Yankie doodle and Alex playing God Save The Queen is wonderful
• "Im white and upperclass so my affection comes on strings"
• Alex fidgeting with Henry's ring 🥺
• Stfu Pip, the fact you're the only one sitting on the side of the king is telling
• Stfu king Mary (he has no name just king so he's king Mary now).
• "Uh-bec-becu-because!!" 🙄
• Bea needs to spill tea on Phillip pls
• We don't get to see Alex's rslley speech? We're already at the election?
• No Zarha/Shaan makeouts? Srsly?
• No Liam? Where did the bikes come from?
• This movie has so many plot holes, it's like driving down a secret highway...
0 notes
jennathearcher · 1 year
For the violence asks for whichever fandom(s) you would like: 8, 12, 17 & 22?
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
WELL I hesitate to call any fanon opinion so collective that it applies to EVERYONE, but with that being said....it's hard to pick just one :P The most egregious ones for me are unfair mischaracterization of specific characters, especially when the motivations for doing so are so obvious and malicious? Just as one example, when I see writers of Eddie x reader fics who will use Chrissy as a blanket "mean girl" character or otherwise use her in ways that just do not suit her character, for the purposes of making the reader insert character look more appealing by comparison? Just leaves a really bad taste in my mouth
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
*deep inhale* if we're sticking with the Stranger Things fandom y'all know exactly what I'm about to say -- BILLY HARGROVE. I went into s2 and s3 of the show SO determined to hate him, but the further along I got....the more I realized that I could actually really sympathize with him?? Shocking coming from me given my fandom history, I know :P But while I don't go out of my way to get involved in any sort of discourse, I am a pretty staunch Billy defender and I enjoy a lot of Billy ships :3
there should be more of this type of fic/art
ooh, this is a tough one XD Cause I just love pretty much ALL of the amazing fan content that insanely talented people create for my favorite characters and ships :3 That being said, the only thing that comes to mind is stuff like rarepair ships that don't get a lot of content to begin with :P I know in the Stranger Things fandom, I've become partial to Billy/Chrissy or Calicheer as a rarepair ship :3 And of course longtime followers know that I am and always have been massively into the rarepair Marvel ship of Loki/Wanda or ScarletFrost :P
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
HMMMM that everyone else IGNORES :P Keeping the theme going with Stranger Things, there NEEDS to be more appreciation out there for Kali as a character and what she contributed to El's arc in s2 :3 I ADORE Kali and it's admittedly hard to encourage more content for her when they've basically been ignoring her existence on the show for two seasons, but she deserves a lot more love than she gets :3
Thank you again so much for asking, Laura!! <3
0 notes
spacedlexi · 3 years
I'm going through your s4 YouTube playlist and bro I LOVE your commentary???? Violet is so important to me and YOU UNDERSTAND ;-;
also playthroughs when the person doesnt know how the game is going to go are good, but yours, when you know like everything??? peak cinema. chefs kiss
shdsj aw thank you anon im glad youre enjoying it!! i know most people usually do blind playthroughs but idk i wanted to do my kinda "perfect" playthrough with my favorite choices and also just discuss my feelings on the game and characters as a whole. and also mention cool little details! like how violets hair only gets animated with the arrow if you miss the choice for some reason
plus violet deserves a playthrough where shes really appreciated cuz the ones ive seen are either indifferent to her or get mad at her especially towards the beginning where shes kinda mean to clem. which is interesting cuz like... thats kinda part of her arc ya know where she knows shes way meaner than she means to be, but its because she tries to distance herself from people emotionally. and you KNOW she doesnt mean it before you even talk to her if you pay attention to her watching clem from the wall. like shes Obviously interested but then when you first speak and shes like "fuck off" its like "hmm ok im not buying your 'mean girl' thing" and i think people miss this??
people get mad at her for that but then when she compliments clems fighting skills people Then realize shes not as abrasive as she first comes off. but then they dont carry that idea through with them for the game and still dont understand her character aND IM LIKE....... please i love her shes a HUGE softie under all that tough exterior (and scared like the rest of the kids shes just better at hiding it but its part of why she walls herself away) and so many people miss this. she even tells clem in the dorm that she doesnt mean it and people still get frustrated with her.... but i need to stop myself now because i could talk about violet forever i love her so much 🥺💜 and she gets a lot of hate for no reason. if you hate violet i dont trust you
also so many people even miss that shes so fucking gay and head over heels for clem its embarrassing like im embarrassed for them. the amount of times people end up on the bell tower and go "wait why does this kinda feel romantic?" IM LIKE I CANT DEAL WITH YOU PEOPLE its so frustrating this is why i wanted to watch an lgbt stream of it but could never find one 😭 so i was like FINE i'll do it myself!!! so im glad youre liking it anon 💕
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toukatan · 3 years
You read every gojohime fic???? That's amazing!!! What are your favourites?
hello anonie! i guess i can say i’ve read at least a good 80% of all the fics, at least. probably. most likely because the fic tag at the start of the year was tiny and now the community’s grown so much there’s almost 600 of them. that’s insane to me. like hello?
i have a lotta fics that come to mind, that i should honestly make a master post on because i love them all. so here are a few many that came to mind immediately as i typed this up.
gojohime fic recommendations!
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limitations by ohmytheon 
“Parenthood chooses you," her mother used to tell her, but Utahime never understood that saying more than the moment she realized she was pregnant with Gojo Satoru's child. They were never meant to be something serious - never meant to be more than they were - and yet they both suddenly find themselves in a world that doesn't care about their desires - and that brings them closer in a way that no one else can understand. It won't be easy and it won't be kind to either of them, but it appears as if the universe has other plans for them
no one is what they were before by ohmytheon 
The world broke when Gojo Satoru turned on jujutsu society. It's not the hopeful place it was before, but Utahime has never been one to give up. Until she's placed in a dangerous position directly in his path, and she finds herself trapped in a web that doesn't seem intent on ever letting her go.
and touch me like you never by ohmytheon 
In public, Gojo is a special grade bastard, especially to Utahime, and has been all their lives. He knows exactly what insults to throw and what buttons to push to drive her up a wall. In private, however, he's got quite a few other things to tell and show her, which only makes things more confusing. It would be easier if she could avoid him entirely, but for some reason, he won't let her go entirely.
gravity by aerfei
This is Utahime, fierce and indomitable, and this is Satoru, who despite holding the world’s regard, still craves something that Utahime has had all her life. Coming together is sometimes an act of desperation, and sometimes a deliberate choice. Or: An Iori Utahime character study, through the lens of her relationship with Gojo Satoru, starting from the beginning and ending at the Goodwill Event arc. Manga spoilers and (at least 95%) canon-compliant through (at least) chapter 135.
count every single leaf in autumn by florieneofthesea
“I told my family we’re dating.” Utahime’s hand hovers over the door. “What?!” (or: Gojo tells his family that he's dating Utahime to get them off his back, so of course they invite her to the dreaded family dinner™)
favourite colour by otherthingsonhold
At 28, Satoru Gojo's responsibilities only start to multiply. With his clan looking to him to lead the family, and the balance of the universe in his hands, Gojo isn't thinking of much else. But when his mother brings something to his attention, the only thing Gojo can do is follow through. But how is Utahime Iori part of all of this?
gojo catoru by ashittywriter
Utahime is tasked to catsit a suspiciously large Persian dollface cat with pristine white hair, the most boop-able nose, and to top it off the cutest cerulean eyes. Too bad the cat also happens to be her idiotic colleague Gojo Satoru.
at the tail-end of spring by florieneofthesea
Utahime doesn't expect to remember her ex's number off by heart but it comes in handy when she's a little less than sober outside a club in a city she's not familiar with and her battery on three percent. She just wishes things turned out differently for them. (Or, post-break up exploration where outer forces refuse to let them have their happy ending.)
a second chance by onewordmore
In another world, it wasn't Geto who sneered down at humanity, regarding them to be worthless monkeys that deserved to die. In another world, it wasn't Geto who openly defied the Jujutsu Council and brought down terror and fear to all. In another world, it wasn't just Amanai Riko who died that day, amidst the cheers and delighted cries of the insane. And Utahime was going to learn, first hand, the consequences of her own death.
from you to me by onewordmore
A drabble series regarding Gojo and Utahime. From fluff to smut to angst to love. This is going to have it all.
oceansize by aerfei
The marriage is arranged by their families, small clans both, with all their hopes and traditions laid gently upon the shoulders of their only heirs -- and yet, this distance is impassable.
under the cover of darkness by ohmytheon
It takes a little alcohol, early morning hours, and a game of truth or dare for Gojo and Utahime to admit some difficult truths to each other.
risk/reward by ohmytheon 
No punishment had ever been more effective in making Gojo do his actual job than receiving praise from his secretary - or more grueling than when Utahime withheld it.
like a good roommate by ohmytheon
Utahime has a problem: her bed wasn't delivered to the new apartment. Her ridiculous roommate, Gojo, has a solution - but he's kind of panicking on the inside.
aware of us by halspur 
“We did alright, didn’t we?” Gojo put his phone down after taking several dozen photos of Tsumiki walking across the stage, his eyes soft. “I mean, we were just kids, too.”
love song by halspur
“Because you’re weak.” Gojo said, muffled into the thin skin of her throat. “I can’t leave you alone.”
tear you apart by halspur
“I don’t want to be mean to you,” Utahime’s cheek was pressed into his spine, her voice muffled. “I like you.”
cuddles are for clean boyfriends by just_trying_my_best_everyday
Utahime finds Gojo Satoru sitting right behind the door, blindfold hanging on his neck, completely soaked in blood and petting her cat with both hands. And he stinks.
honey by florieneofthesea
Gojo Satoru experiences love a decade before he fully realises it.
roots by florieneofthesea 
At the start of winter, Utahime starts to cough up blood. She thinks maybe its just the lingering damage from her last mission, but the coughing persists and it starts to scratch her throat, and itch at her lungs and when she finally makes the trip to Tokyo to ask Shoko for her help, she doesn't even get the first word out. Shoko welcomes her at the entrance to Tokyo Metropolitan Technical School and Utahime hacks up a single, pale blue petal, smattered with blood. She stares down at the flora on the ground and wonders if she's been cursed. Utahime looks up, and Shoko's eyes are wide.
to have and to hold by ashittywriter
“M’sorry," Gojo said his voice slurring at the end. "But please go away, I have a girlfriend." Utahime blinked in confusion. What the fuck? 
souvenir by PrettyKittyLuvsU
“Aha!” Gojo tugged something out of his pocket, his long fingers curled around it as he held his hand behind his back. His other hand waved before him, a cheeky grin splitting his lips. “Ora, ora! Hold out your hand.” Utahime stared flatly. “Ora, ora!” Gojo persisted, continuing to wave his hand as he grinned. “Hold out your hand already!” Utahime scowled at the hand swaying infront of her face. She had half a mind to slap the man instead, but her students were closely watching. Even Gojo’s students, the second years mainly—for Sukuna’s vessel was apologizing profusely as the brown haired girl continued kicking him while the quiet one made no effort to stop her— looked in fascination at whatever ridiculous souvenir Gojo wanted to hand her. Utahime slowly lifted her arm, already planning on throwing the thing back in Gojo’s annoying face. Gojo gets Utahime a very special kind of souvenir. Set during the start of the Goodwill arc.
dayum this exposes me huh? i do be reading a lot but what can i say i love to see it. all these fics are amazing, to the writers y’all are doing fantastically like my goodness you be really putting ya girl in a loop with some of these fics with your plot-lines and doing it flawlessly. can’t thank them enough for them, their hard work and time!
be sure to show the writers some love and support with comments, bookmarks and fight that dayum kudos button when it smiles at you because lemme leave more—
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i think they’d really really appreciate it when they hear the bing and be sure to check out all of their stories including the ones in the pairing tag! happy readings 😙✨
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☀︎︎-: 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍 :-☀︎︎
Kimetsu no yaiba x reader
°•.《 characters 》.•°
Rengoku, Giyuu, Shinobu, Sanemi
Tw: Swearing because Sanemi is Sanemi
I'm definitely gonna binge write this series after watching the movie, I literally cant stop thinking about it--
Send in as much requests as you want!! :))
I do fluff, different AU's, angst and NSFW(we'll see).
Keep in mind, I havent read the manga. I'm caught up to the train Arc and that's it, so try not to spoil anything by requesting characters that havent appeared yet lol
« `` •"𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞~"• ´´ »
☼︎ ☀︎︎ʀᴇɴɢᴏᴋᴜ ᴋʏᴏᴜᴊᴜʀᴏᴜ☀︎︎ ☼︎
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Holding hands is sort of a need for him-
He's huge with PDA and holding your small hand within his reassures him quite a bit. He never needs to ask to hold your hand, he just grips it whenever and wherever.
I feel like he'll sense when your nervous and be really perceptive, so he'd hold your hand to ground you in a way
It's highly effectve.
"Delicious!" Your energetic boyfriend chirped, eating his takoyaki with fervour and a bright smile.
You ate your own food from across him, shaking your head a little with a slight smile slanting onto your lips.
It's definitely been a long day, so winding down and eating with your amazing boyfriend is definitely a preferable way to end it.
He sort of sensed your stress as you came back from training, sweat sleek across your forehead. And thus, he ran a bath for you and then took you out for dinner to take your mind off of whatever was bothering you.
He's always had a keen intuition and was brilliant at reading emotions on others. It was a weird super power at this point. But he noticed how relaxed you were now that you were with him, it melted his heart.
His eyes flickered over your expression, his eyes soft with adoration and affection." This is certainly calming after a long day!" He exclaimed happily.
At his jolly aura, you nodded in agreement," Honestly... It's like you have some weird superpower to make me forget about whatever was annoying me. Kinda freaky." You shivered.
Letting out a hearty laugh, the man reached out, interlacing his long fingers with yours suddenly. The warmth of his skin sending goosebumps over your arms.
"I just know you too well! Nothing wrong or freaky about that!" His grin was filled with light.
Your fingers tightened around his, his warm skin seemed to be heating up your own body as well. Thank God, you were beginning to get cold anyways.
"Have I ever told you about how cute your hands are!" It was more of a statement than a question, pulling his hand and your hand closer to him so he could get a better glimpse at your soft hands." So tiny... So soft. It's like I'm being touched by an angel!"
"Geez, you're cheesy."
"You love it~!"
"... Fair point."
•«☔︎ 𝙜𝙞𝙮𝙪𝙪 𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙤𝙠𝙖 ☔︎»•
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Bro I'm sorry, but I dont think he holds your hand much-
I feel like he thinks he doesnt need to show how much he loves you through actions, more so through blunt words.
But he will get the sudden urge to hold your hand every once in a while, so be prepared because he could get the jump on you at any point.
Doesnt like PDA that much, it makes him slightly uncomfortable because it's in public but I feel like he would get used to it later in your relationship.
Ocean-blue eyes stared at you hesitantly as you continued to speak about the new breathing technique you had learned.
Both you and Giyuu were walking peacefully through the garden you had grown over the years, the plants varying in different colours and sizes. They reminded him of you.
Your peaceful personality cued him to remember the petals of the flowers blowing gently in the breeze. Not to mention you smell very distinctly and sweet just like the flowers as well.
But as he walked with you in this haven, he felt pretty agitated and frustated. He hid it well with his usual deapan expressions, but he could feel the pit of the emotions growing bigger.
His hand twitched suddenly when the back of yours brushed against his, his cheeks tinting pink at the abrupt contact.
Gulping, he looked straight ahead with sharp eyes and a furrowed brow.
The atmosphere shifted.
And when you had stopped talking, he knew that you had noticed the harsh shift as well.
"Giyuu?... Are you feeling okay? You look like you're burning up." You questioned out of concern, a worried expression upon your face.
Shaking his head briefly, the ravenette continued to walk with his head staring straight ahead," I feel optimal. Why do you ask?" He was so obviously trying to change the subject.
You frowned a little at the stiff response and opened your mouth to respond but your boyfriend had beaten you to it.
"Let me h-... Hold your... Hand... Please." He uttered, looking down with red cheeks, an embarrassed scowl squirmed on his lips.
You were silent for a long while, making him wait nervously for your answer. What he wasn't expecting was the cute snort of laughter coming from you and grabbing his hand tightly within your own, your other hand wrapping around his forearm like it was a substitute teddy bear.
His cheeks heated up tenfold and he had to look away before you noticed.
"You're such a cutie. You don't need to ask to hold my hand you know?" You teased lightly, nudging him playfully by bumping your hip against his.
"I-it's embarrassing." He retorted.
"Whatever, cutie."
"Stop it."
꧁ꕥ 𝑲𝒐𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒖 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒐𝒃𝒖 ꕥ꧂
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She would sooo tease you for wanting to hold her hand-
Like, she would hold it obvi, but she'd tease you about it for a good 5 minutes before finally giving up lol
Flustering you is one of her favourite pastimes, it was what your relationship was built on top of in the first place. Teasing eachother was always a thing you guys did.
But Kocho takes teasing to a MAXIMUM.
It's like you guys are challenging eachother to a tease off and she just refuses to loose. She'd rather die.
Dramatic but true
What a fucking queen-
"Ara, ara~ what was that? You want to hold my hand?" The raven haired woman pressed her hand against her lips, raising a suggestive eyebrow at you." Oh~ How scandalous! You're saying we should do pre-martial hand holding? why, that's practically a crime!"
You deadpanned at your girlfriend's words," Holding your hand is a crime?..."
"But we literally made-out yester-"
She smiled at you passive-aggressively," I'm afraid we can't hold hands until we're married! Too bad!" She sighed, pretending to seem devastated ," How could you suggest we do such a lewd thing? In public, no less! You're quite the little scoundrel, hmm?~"
Your deadpan only deepened," Well then... I guess I'll just have to marry you then, hm? So I can hold your hand for the rest of my life." You chimed out, a slight twinkle in your eye. At the sight of Kocho's cheeks tinting a bright red, you smirked in triumph." Oya~? What's that I see? Is that blush?" You poked her warm cheek affectionately," I think it iiiis~!"
Biting her lip, Kocho scoffed and rolled her eyes," Just because you won doesn't mean you-... Shut up." She huffed out, losing her composure.
" Aha! So I won." You grinned out," I think I deserve a prize for winning for like... the first time." You said that last part quickly.
" You're not getting a kiss, if that's what you're referring to!" She smiled up at you passive aggressively.
Now the win didn't even feel like a win.
I guess, Kocho will always win in the end.
You pouted at her, eyebrows furrowed," You're so petty...." You groaned out, before a cheeky grin crossed over your lips," How about letting me hold your hand instead?"
Kocho stared at your grin with an unimpressed look, before her eyes softened and a gentle smile spread onto her perfect lips." Wipe that cheeky grin off of your face and I might consider it."
A bright smile instantly spread onto your lips and you held out your hand expectantly for her to take it. Her radiant smile only widened and her hand settled into yours, her warm fingers closing over your own as if she was keeping them safe in her hold.
" Now you have to marry me." She stated simply," I want to hold your hand in mine for the rest of my life as well."
᯾༄𖦹.𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕘𝕦𝕫𝕒𝕨𝕒 𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕚 .𖦹༄᯾
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Ok, so hear me out lol-
I have read up on his character a tiny bit and bro he's such a fucking SOFTY like-
If you were to ask him to hold your hand he'd highkey have to process what you said for like a minute or two before finally agreeing to it lol
He has such a tough-guy exterior when on the inside he's actually really caring to those who are important to him.
Definitely one of those characters who seem like pricks but they like something cute like cats or something-
"Uhm... Sanemi?" You spoke up suddenly, interrupting the peaceful silence.
Your boyfriend broke out of his daze of appreciating your beauty and hummed to let you know that he was listening, picking up some of his uneaten rice with his chopsticks.
"Can... Can I h-hold your hand?"
He choked on the rice he was eating, coughing into his fist and thumping his other hand against his chest to try and get the rice that shot down the back of his throat to go down.
You went to get out of your chair to help him, concern etched onto your face, but he held a hand up to stop you. Instead, you simply passed your water to him, as of which he chugged greatfully.
When he had finally gained his composure, he held out a slightly trembling hand, his cheeks tinted red as he let out a gruff," yeah... Of course you can, idiot. You don't have to ask..."
Adoration bloomed in your chest at his words and you grabbed his outstretched hand, instantly interlocking your fingers with his. Absentmindedly, you ran your thumb up and down his hand comfortingly as you smiled like an idiot to yourself.
Sanemi's heart thumped in his chest at the look of love on your face, feeling his whole body heating up. The wind pillar was known for being ruthless, intimidating and quite frankly... A bit of an asshole.
But around you? He's a completely different person.
Between you and his little brother, he's always going to have a huge soft spot for you both.
So he'll always treat you well.
Squeezing your hand lovingly, he let a slight smirk curl onto his lips," You look like a dumbass smiling like that.... You must really like me, huh?" He tried to tease.
"I don't like you."
Arrows shot through his heart, his smirk dropping in an instant," Oi-!"
You giggled at his response," I love you."
The frown on his lips wobbled a little, threatening to break out into an idiotic smile. Clearing his throat, he looked away from you and pressed the back of his unoccupied hand against his mouth to hide the smile that threatened to appear.
"Oh..." He could only respond with," y-yeah... Same here."
"You're so socially inept."
"I'm damn not!!" He grumbled, eyebrows furrowing," I fucking love you too!! Is that better?"
You grinned childishly, bringing his hand up to your mouth and placing a light kiss to it," much better."
It's safe to say that this was the day he vowed to marry you.
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von-frappe · 2 years
top 5 best and worst glee storylines
5 worst
Brittany's president storyline
yeah,,, this is just awful, brittany is really rude and disrespectful towards Kurt but for some reason kurt apologises and has to make amends even though Brittany was so clearly in the wrong, then brittany makes some girl power point and tells the guy she told to be embarrassed about taking his shirt off that it's bullying to call her an idiot for believing in leprechauns, she makes some big issue over how underestimated she is, then proceeds to prove why she was so underestimated in the first place by pledging to ban hurricanes and taking her shirt off on Tuesdays, also some fucking dino themed prom... I hate it here
2. Santana's coming out
the writers did not put an ounce of thought into this, the guy that outed her is somehow the hero?? and the one scene in which Santana takes autonomy and comes out to her peers herself is cut from the episode??? also her coming out to her grandma, although naya is amazing in the scene, is just so out of place, the only time we hear about Santana's grandma prior to this is santana talking about her grandma verbally abusing her, and there's no mention of how the negative reaction from her grandma impacted santana, it's honestly like they forgot it until s6 (which is a dogshit season overall)
3. Rachel bombing her audition
this storyline would be fine if Rachel didn't get into nyada at the end, but her fucking her audition up, being immature and harrasing the dean is rewarded in the end which is just annoying. I understand that Rachel is an extreme person so it's not bad writing that she would act like that after failing an audition it's just shit that she get's rewarded for it
4. the troubletones
an arc where under appreciated glee club members stand up for themselves and get what they deserve??? no,, but what they do have is Santana calling finn fat and brittany joining because santana tricked her into thinking leprechaun asked her to, honestly didn't give a flying fuck if they won or not by the end.
5. Quinn's overall arc
the whole pregnancy thing just took up too much time when I wished s1 focused more on the outcast kids than it did Quinn, the pretty popular girl, but I would be fine with Quinn's arc if it ended at the end of s3, but alas it didn't and I needed to experience s4-6 Quinn. 'I do' is a fun episode but it's unfortunately a gem amongst shit rather than a representative of Quinn. her character goes around in circles to an annoying point, every 5 minutes she comes to the realisation that defining by herself isn't great but proceeds to define herself by more men, then cries when the men she's only using for status/money actually don't really love her.
5 best
s2 klaine
listen, I find the over glorification of s2 klaine compared to other seasons a bit annoying,,, but s2 klaine just hits man,, the fact that they're besties and so clearly in love with each other but their relationship naturally grows from being best friends to boyfriends throughout the course of the season is just so amazing to watch
2. Mercedes path to being a singer
Mercedes was unfortunately so often delegated to being the supporting character for other people's storyline but even though this storyline deserved more, I loved what we did see, mercedes is clearly a strong person who stands for what she wants and is empowered by it, she doesn't let knockbacks stop her from achieving her dreams and it shows a side to her character that we hadn't see before.
3. Kitty's overall arc
yeah this girl is an absolute evil bitch, but it's interesting to watch a character who actually leans into being an awful person instead of trying to justify it with some tragic backstory, yeah the storyline acknowledges kitty's background and how it may affect it her, but they never act like it completely overrides her behaviour, and it's really nice seeing how she changed and actually enjoyed being in the glee club
4. Kurt's coming out
I think this is a really well built up storyline, we understand kurt and we see how much he wants to be accepted by his father and the lengths he will go to get that, we also understand burt and the type of guy he is,, this build up to the tension to Kurt's coming out moment is done in a really nice way that just makes it so satisfying when we get that moment of kurt telling his dad he's gay and his dad does accept him, and I also like that his dad's acceptance isn't completely perfect but it feels authentic.
5. Santana in s4/5B
Santana just really comes into her own and blossoms at these points for me, she isn't just the petty his school cheerleader, she's caring, even if it's expressed in unconventional ways, and she has personal ambition and we see her actually work towards it,, this overall just feels like the perfect progression of high school santana, like it's the most clear and perfect upgrade that we see s6 doesn't exist in this household
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thoughts on toga?
Sorry, I was putting some good music to do this 😌 our vampire princess deserves only the best.
First of all, I still maintain that she's one of the best written female characters of bnha.
I used to think she was heavily sexualized on the manga, and while I still maintain that she is hyoersexualized on the fandom and still sexualized on the manga, I came to realize some of Horikoshi's choices are not that bad. Of course, it has a lot to do with certain common motives and symbolisms.
I think my main complain about the way some people write Toga (pushing aside the way the ship her with adults), it's that people either put her a a total child or a total woman.
Oh God, Toga is so smart. She's so under-appreciated, so so much.
"She's a murdered". She's what? 16-17 years old? Let's see the facts.
Toga was born in a family with money.
The first memory we got from her is Toga bitting a bird and showing it to her parents. They reacted pretty bad, like it was terribly spooky and told her to put that away, rejecting her.
After that, she created a mask for herself. She started pretending to be normal, smiling a lot, becoming the sweet overexcited girl.
However, the feeling never went away, because it was part of her quirk. The need to bite people to become them, the joy of wanting to taste the blood of someone she loved.
This could be a side effect like a person with wings wanting to fly, or a person with fire wanting to see the flames.
After stabbing her school crush, she ran away and began a criminal career of stabbing other people, hiding from the police.
This all means she lived in a lie for at least 13 years of her life, before becoming a criminal and loving on the streets at least 3 or 4 more years.
Toga has both taste the high-middle class class and the low class. She knows what is like to have too much money and be empty inside because no one sees you or accepts you, as much as she knows what is like being hungry and with cold, but living with people that love you for who you are.
This girl learned to erase her presence from a young age, before any of the UA kids ever dreamed about having that level of skill. She knows how to fight pretty well in close combat, how to fight with knives, how to trick people, how to choose her preys and when to retire from a fight.
She's extremely smart because she has successfully infiltrated in the heroes side at least three times: during the license exam, during the overhaul arc and on the war arc.
Her great goal is to live and live well. This is fucking magnificent because many people with her experience would reject themselves, thinking they're the problem. Toga knows she's not the problem, but society. She knows she deserves to live and love and have friends and family and she fights for it. In fact, even when so many people say she's insane, she's uses her logic all the time, way more than many other members of the League.
She see humans as they are. Not villains, not heroes. She was able to love Izuku and Ochaco even when they were heroes, she was able to hate overhaul while he was a villain. This shows she's outside the hero-villain toxic narrative, clever girl.
She's not afraid to face anyone when it comes to her rights. She faces Tomura more than once (overhaul arc, mva arc), she doesn't let Dabi intimidate her, she protects Twice and sweetly answers to Mr. Compress and Spinner's worry.
And God, maybe she doesn't have a mutant quirk, but almost. See her pupils, see her fangs. The reason why she makes people uncomfortable it's because she doesn't fit their standards. And she's perfectly okay with people not knowing how to categorize her. In fact, her fight in the MVA arc was because someone was trying to frame her.
I don't know how to make this clear but she's not crazy or psycho.
Toga Himiko would have passed the UA test with honors. She's so further above from the rest. She knows the older generations are full of shit and she knows they can't follow their paths, enough to outgrow Stain's legacy and make her own ideals.
I love how she shows that one can be totally feral and go against the system without stop being oneself.
Her speech to Ochaco on the war arc was incredible. She quickly questioned the idea that heroes can decide who deserves to live and who doesn't by saving only the people they think that deserve to be saved. She criticized the heroes decision to forget and dismiss and put away real people suffering just because they were not passive about their pain. She also make Ochaco see that she was a girl, just like her, not some type of hell demon trying to consume her soul.
She refused to say Shigaraki and decided to call him Tomura instead. This is so important!!!! From a narrative point of view, she's rejecting AFO's last name and accepting Tomura, the boy mourning for a father, a family.
She's observant, analytical, good at judging people, great at adapting and changing her mind.
I love how she kept being so happy and vibrant even in the worst moments.
And she's not just a victim, please. Toga Himiko is not some lost child, not a know-it-all woman. She's a teenager that can understand the situation but still needs tsome guidance.
She's actively changing the system. She's not passive or easy to manipulate. Like Spinner said, she's a free spirit.
So I'd love to see more fanfics depicting this. She's an amazing character at the level of most male characters on bnha, just like Ochaco, for example.
I'd love to see more headcanons about her with people her age. Real headcanons.
What about Momo and Toga talking about how boring can fancy parties be? How people with money are crazy sometimes?
What about Toga talking with Jirou about beinf girls that are considered "bros" by her friends?
What about Toga talking about being a little mutant and Tsuyu talking with her about hating cold weather?
What about Toga and Kirishima being overexcited and full of positivity together? About Denki and Toga talking about celebrities and TigTog? About Toga and the people from class 1-B bonding over being considered less when they're as good as class 1-A? Toga and Shinsou? Toga and Koda loving cats? Toga and Shoji playing card games? Toga and Tokoyami loving metal music? Toga and Bakugo loving romance stories?
What about Toga admiring female pro-heroes? Mirko seems loud and determined, Toga would adore her under other circumstances. Fuyumi helping Toga with her self-care because she ran away young. Toga showing Eri that they both have "scary" quirks and it's not wrong! They're both went through really bad moments and they're not bad! Toga being a big fan of the Wild Wild Pussycats. Toga adoring Vlad King and Present Mic.
The potential is there.
Anyway I just want more creativity, maybe. People writing more about Toga and the implications of her childhood, about how insane she is a fighter and a human being.
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badass-princesses · 3 years
Season 3 first thoughts
Putting them under the cut so I don’t spoil anyone!
Also this got away from me and got so long. I regret nothing.
I LOVED this season. So much more than season 2, actually! The best way I can describe it is as a very loving sendoff for the Robinson family. The writers got to end the show on their terms, and gave everyone a satisfying conclusion. In the end, the show is, and always has been, about family.
Now into the nitty gritty.
One thing I complained about last year was how the Robinsons (specifically Maureen) seemed to have an answer for everything. No matter how difficult (or weird) the problem was, she always had a solution. This season, she was very clearly beaten down from their ordeal over the last couple of years, and more willing to say “I don’t know.”. They are no longer fresh-faced and exploring space with curious eyes. They’re tired. They’re stressed. They want to be left alone.
The Robinson kids have also grown up! Both literally and action wise. They took charge in most situations, and were confident about it, too. Will really is all heart, and Maxwell Jenkins plays him so, so well. The scene in episode 9, where the Robot sacrifices himself... bro, when Will grabbed the ashes... It was a beautifully done scene.
Judy admitting that she was trying to live up to impossible standards was such a relief. Poor girl had way too much placed on her this season, she deserves a nap and an Oreo.
Penny. My love. My light. The girl who kept the show when things got dark. She deserves a whole separate post so keep your eyes peeled for that when I do a series rewatch next week.
Also gotta do a separate post about the robot lore because that shit was WILD.
The soundtrack was most excellent. Ajay made me tear up with his rendition of “Three Little Birds”. I’m listening to it now as I type this out.
I love that Victor knows now that when the Robinsons show up, shit is about to hit the fan. He’s absolutely right.
The characters each got satisfying arcs and conclusions. Usually, when series end, I’m unhappy with one or two characters arcs, but here, they all fit. I was impressed that the writers agreed that these characters have worked so hard, and deserve to be happy.
Now, for the ships:
John and Maureen: Beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, inimitable. Girlboss and malewife energy. Biwife energy too.
Penny and her boyfriends: Is a love triangle ever necessary? No. Am I glad that more people than Vijay finally noticed that she is The Best? Yes. Still, PenJay all the way - especially after he brought her Oreos.
Don and Judy: Robinwest. Badass princesses. The reason I even have this sideblog. Honestly? I’m not mad about what the writers gave us. I think they gave us what they could without upsetting the people who were, you know, upset with their relationship in season 1. We finally got a hug! And not a brief back slap, but an honest to goodness embrace, complete with rocking back and forth. They had flirty banter, and got to interact so much more than in season 2. She called him her family. In my opinion, Don and Judy’s relationship was left completely open to interpretation, and I appreciate the writers not shutting the door on the relationship completely. It’s better than I could have expected, honestly.
Final thoughts:
I’m so happy that the Robinsons finally get to be at peace. Each character is living their dream (farmer John lol). They’re all together because they are, at the end of the day, a family. Sometimes, a family is three precocious geniuses, a former Navy SEAL, an astrophysicist, a mechanic/smuggler, a presumed dead astronaut, and a giant robot. And a chicken. and I think that’s beautiful.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 317: My Boy Was Just Like Me
Previously on BnHA: AFO randomly blew up Lady Nagant as a good reminder of why you should never make a deal with this fucking guy, smdh. Hawks was all “well if it isn’t my two best friends, Deku and Lady Nagant, both of whom I respect and love tremendously.” Everyone was all “??” and Horikoshi was all “shh... just pretend” because it was too embarrassing for him to admit that he forgot to write a couple of set-up flashbacks I guess. Anyway so Hawks got Lady to tell them where AFO was hiding out, and everyone said goodbye to her and Overhaul, who never did get to see his boss (sorry buddy, I’ll send you a vial of my tears in the mail), and headed out to a house in the woods. AFO was all “hello Deku :) :) it sure is fun making you suffer :) :) :) anyways this is a trap”, and blew up the house. Yeah, we all here are getting reaaaaaaaal tired of your shit, AFO.
Today on BnHA: The Hawksquad and Edgeplatoon meet in a warehouse and are all “what should we do about the fact that everything sucks?” Mt. Lady is all “here’s a thought, what if we tried battling AFO with more than six people.” Hawks and Endeavor are all “great initiative, but just a friendly reminder that our friends also suck and would probably betray Deku which would suck further still.” Shouto is all “ANSWER THE PHONE DAD” and Endeavor is all “[IRONICALLY DOESN’T ANSWER THE PHONE].” Meanwhile over in Sadtown, capital of Sadland Prefecture, Japan, Deku is all “All Might, as you can clearly see I am completely fine and good, never been better in fact, definitely not caught up in the throes of an epic mental breakdown which is shutting me down emotionally, anyway so on that note I would like to leave you now goodbye!!” All Might is all “[can’t actually form any words because he’s too distraught].” Fandom is all “o(╥﹏╥)o.” Horikoshi is all “(*^-’) 乃 [pew pew finger guns and barrel rolls into the darkness].”
sweet jesus lord
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this literally doesn’t even look like Deku anymore?? this looks like Dark!Deku who shows up to fight you in that one room in the Water Temple. he looks like he’s about to crawl out of my television set and murder me with his psychic powers good lord
holy shit lmao Horikoshi is really just shrugging his shoulders and resolving last week’s cliffhanger with a single line of dialogue
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fire is no one’s weakness. idk what other options you’ve got, AFO, but you’re gonna have to go back to the drawing board. maybe try bees or something. I’m just saying. we’re all expecting fire at this point but nobody is expecting bees
anyway so now they’re all sitting in some warehouse somewhere chatting about it I guess. shoutout to Horikoshi for finally giving my man Edgeshot some more dialogue at long last
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well, Edgeshot, to answer your question, she exploded. so naturally she’s fine
nah just kidding, Hawks says she won’t be able to help them out much because she’s recovering from being exploded. this is the part where we all ignore the fact that Hawks got set on fire for like a full ten minutes back during the War arc and was only in the hospital for a day. anyways enjoy your temporary plot hiatus Nagant
man there’s a lot of dialogue here and I’m trying to figure out where to insert commentary but it’s kinda difficult lol. basically, Edge and the others are saying that they should gather up the other remaining heroes and get them all caught up on the whole OFA situation. which, hmmmm
like on the one hand, these guys definitely aren’t going to cut it on their own, so it’s a reasonable suggestion on the face of it. but on the other hand, do we really want to entrust the OFA secret to a bunch of other people, most of whom shat the bed during the War arc to be quite frank? is it really worth the additional risk? especially given that any one of them might go spilling the beans to the public -- or worse, betray them to AFO??
also just a quick side note here, Mt. Lady’s character development never ceases to delight me. she’s become so committed to her responsibility as a hero these days, and it fucking suits her. I genuinely consider to be one of the elites now. I mean it doesn’t hurt that all the other elites are fucking dead lol but still
wait what? Death Arms retired??
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Death Arms as in the guy who was too afraid of a little fire to try and save a terrified 14-year-old kid who was slowly suffocating right before his eyes?? that Death Arms???? color me surprised. shocked, I tell you
...okay but holy fuck
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Death Arms. bro. my expectations for you were low but holy shit. like I’m sorry, but I don’t even have it in me to try and pretend like I feel the slightest bit of sympathy for him or Old Man Samurai or any of those other guys today. thanks for a whole lot of nothing my dude. good riddance
(ETA: so I’m rereading this the next day and realize this comes off as kind of harsh, so let me just try to clarify. it’s not the fact that he’s quitting that bothers me, to be honest. it’s the fact that he’s quitting specifically because he feels like the public is being mean to him. that’s it.
seriously. it would be one thing if he was quitting because he was scared, because now that is human. nobody wants to die, and I doubt any amount of training can ever fully prepare someone to go up against that fear. but the thing is, he never once mentions that, or talks about the danger aspect. instead, I got the distinct vibe from this speech that Death Arms is one of those people who only became a hero because of the limelight. and I just don’t have any patience for that. if all you care about are likes and subscribes then go become a fucking youtuber or some shit. nothing wrong with that! but you didn’t; you signed up to be a hero and protect these people. they gave you their respect and admiration because they trusted you to protect them. and now that they’re no longer in the mood to worship and applaud your every move on account of them being scared shitless because they’re living in the literal end times, you decide to dip. so like okay, fine then. don’t let the door hit you on the way out. anyways lol sorry for the rant.)
anyway so yeah. perfect example of why I don’t exactly have a ton of faith in most of the remaining heroes out there lol. also let me just once again give a shoutout to my best girl Mt. Lady whom I suddenly find myself appreciating all the more
“please calm down makeste. drink some water and enjoy this fresh new jeans pun” listen Horikoshi don’t tell me what to do dammit
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fine. it is a nice pun, I guess
-- damn so now Endeavor’s saying that the media is already being fed info by the retired heroes. so for some of these guys it wasn’t enough for them to abandon all the people they swore to protect and to leave their fellow heroes out in the cold; they decided they might as well actively make things worse for them while they were at it, huh. like I get wanting to spill all the dirty secrets from your old job that you just quit, but this isn’t Jeff Bezos you’re screwing over, this is a sixteen-year-old kid
-- like, yes!! this, right here!!
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exactly!! let’s not forget that there are already two prior instances of this happening. Endeavor arguably deserved it, but Katsuki not so much
huh. Endeavor seems to have a more optimistic outlook regarding this than I do lol
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I mean, this is the same public that didn’t hesitant to blame a kidnapped child for his own kidnapping, and then later on for being the downfall of the Symbol of Peace. but okay then
anyway so blah blah blah, more talk about how they need to use Deku as bait, which basically puts them back at square one, and then they’re all just trailing off into silence and sitting around in the dark lmao this is getting very depressing
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OH HOW THE TURNTABLES OMG. THE GHOSTER HAS BECOME THE GHOSTEE. Endeavor you petty son of a bitch. and what a brutal cut to that flashback too. “let’s stop Touya together” nah Shouto I’ve got a better idea why don’t I abandon you in U.A. and sally off with Hawks and Jeanist to found the “let’s pretend like we’re doing something to help Deku” club, which basically consists of us sitting around making terrible decisions all day long
Shouto, honey. you deserve better my little Coca Cola can. .........but if you really do have something important you need to tell your dad you could just text it to him. all the love and support, hugs and kisses, you’re doing amazing sweetie. but if you need to pass on any vital information you can just write it down and hit send honey that’s all I’m saying love
now he’s getting another call?? -- or, no, Hawks is getting a call from All Might
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so while you all were sitting around talking about how useless you are, the kid you’re supposed to be protecting was battling another hired gun. I see. please pardon me for one second, I have a phone call to make. the phone call is to RockLockRock and Manual. the reason for the call is to apologize for calling them the worst bodyguards ever back during the War arc. the reason for the apology is because it turns out I WAS SEVERELY MISTAKEN OMFG
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shoutout to Horikoshi for offscreening this fight. we get it, lol. Deku strong and scary, villains ineffectual and feeble, and AFO... [checks notes] yep, still a dick. the angst arc continues
-- the angst arc continues, SIR
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jesus christ I may have to rethink all of my opinions about Deku being framed for murder in movie 3 lmao. never mind. he did it, your honor
holy fucking shit Deku. “he might blow up, so please be careful” fdlskjflk jlskdjflk lwkejflk anyway so I’ve decided the explosion running gag can stay, actually
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lol why do I get the feeling some serious shit is about to go down. ALL MIGHT NEVER MIND BACK OFF I THINK HE NEEDS HIS SPACE
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shit. shit shit shit shit and OF COURSE all I can fucking think about is that stupid fucking prophecy and gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Deku please. please please please if you really are going to leave All Might here, please be so very careful in choosing your farewell words to him now because have this sudden horrible fear that this might be the last time you ever see him alive and oh god. oh god oh god
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holy shit. and the fucking callback to the prophecy now. just in case we forgot. WHICH FYI, WE DIDN’T. but that’s basically confirming that this is all still very much on the table and HORIKOSHI NEVER FORGETS oh my god someone please hold me
and the fact that Deku’s flashing back to it now too, though?? because he never forgot either, because of course he didn’t, and now all this stuff is happening, and AFO’s words are getting to him, and this is literally his worst fear come to life and so of course he’s distancing himself from everyone, and now it’s finally come to even this. even the person he admires most
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(ETA: just a quick note that even though some of the posts I’ve read have described these as All Might’s flashbacks, I’m pretty sure they are Deku’s. most of these are scenes that only he was there for, so yeah. even though All Might is the one thinking the thoughts on the next page, the flashbacks are what’s running through Deku’s mind right now, and so we’re getting that emotion from both of them, which makes it extra devastating lol.)
wait, what???
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WHAT??? do you really think that’s why he’s been so determined to protect you this entire time?? simply because you’re his successor?
-- oh no wait lol I think I got that mixed up, this is All Might saying that Deku feels the need to protect him. well that makes more sense lol
oh my god I cannot
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his last words. his last words to him. and we can’t even see if he is smiling, like All Might always encouraged him to do. but what are the odds he can’t actually bring himself to do it. what are the odds he’s actually crying. oh god this scene is going to rip my heart out and STOMP on it in the anime isn’t it. Deku’s VA is going to full on murder me with emotion. not that there’ll be much of me left to murder after the thorough job that Horikoshi has already done here
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nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope no words just feels just a big ol’ pile of feels. I do not have the strength. future me... [broadly gestures] good luck with all that
what breaks my heart here is All Might. All Might, and everything he’s been through, and history repeating itself, and forcing him to live this moment from both sides because he wasn’t strong enough to fix things.
Toshinori had only just turned eighteen when Nana died. like, I feel like we don’t mention this enough. the All Might we know is a sixty-something-year-old man, and so everyone always talks about him like he’s basically been an adult forever. but he was a child when he met Nana. and he was still just a child when she died. barely a year older than Deku is now. younger than Mirio was when we first met him.
and we don’t talk about that. we don’t talk about how devastating that was for him. and we don’t talk about how the reason he grew up to become so reserved and withdrawn -- for all that he always tried so hard to outwardly project the image of a bold, confident, smiling hero -- was specifically because of what AFO did to him. because AFO targeted him in the exact way that he is now targeting Deku. because that’s what he does. he goes after every new user of OFA, and he finds out what’s most important to them, and then he destroys it. and for Toshinori, that was Nana. if you’ve read All Might Rising, you know that AFO basically killed her in front of him (and only killed her, while letting Toshinori and Gran get away). Toshinori (while crying) later says she was like a mother to him. and interestingly enough, during this same conversation, Gran tells Toshinori that he can see “that madness in [his] eyes” when Toshi talks about becoming strong enough to defeat AFO. madness in his eyes. sound familiar??
what’s happening to Deku now is the exact same thing that happened to Toshinori when he was a boy. AFO tried every bit as hard to break him as he’s trying with Deku now. “the path you’ve chosen is a thorny one. every battle grinds away at your soul with no end in sight.” we don’t talk about how Toshinori experienced this same thing for forty fucking years. and all the while isolating himself, exactly like Deku is doing now. pushing people away, exactly like Deku. because he never had anyone who was able to reach out and pull him back. and those words that he now finds himself frozen and unable to speak -- “don’t push yourself”; “you can rest” -- are the same words that no one ever said to him until decades later, when it was already far too late to make any difference.
everything that Deku is experiencing now is what Toshinori also went through. and it’s only now, as he watches it happen to his student, the boy he loves like a son, that he’s finally starting to realize the full extent of how wrong it was. you shouldn’t have to fight alone. you shouldn’t have to bear that kind of enormous burden alone. you shouldn’t have to push yourself, and you can rest. you can rest.
but it’s too late. just as he’s finally coming to understand it all, it’s all too fucking late. and he can’t say the words, he doesn’t know how to say the words, and then just like that, Deku is gone.
and he’s alone. again.)
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I can’t. this can’t be their goodbye. I’m not ready. for this to be how they finally part, and then they never see each other again except in OFA. how is that fair. how is that fair. how is that fair
fuck me. lol. how many pages are left in this thing. let’s just wrap this up lol. so now of all the times for this fucking guy to finally show up
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I can’t believe Stain has been here literally this entire time hiding behind this random wall and cutting onions. that was you who was cutting the onions, right. no need to answer that we’ll just say it was
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Stain did you also let AFO give you a new quirk. what’s with you guys. do you like blowing up
oh nvm lol because they were talking about THIS GUY ohhhhhh my fucking god
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omfg. and so yes, good, the chapter is ending here now on page 15. for once I am FULLY on board with that lmao
anyway so tune in next week for more adventures of Werewolf Deku!! that is, assuming we don’t finally cut back to U.A. at long last, which is actually a strong possibility considering that this chapter will likely mark the end of volume 31. it sure wouldn’t kill Horikoshi to start giving us some hope after everything he’s just put us through lol. KACCHAN COME GET YA BOY
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