#if you end a ppost with
Vent post
Wow i didnt realise there was a tag limit
#this is aboit physical disabilities do not derail#if you end a ppost with#i dont care how good the ppst is#im not gonna share it#everyone has a different experience w disability#theres always more or less in common w other people#but like. shut the fuck up? mental is physical is mental is physical#the difference is a construction#diagnoses are constructions#illness isnt#mental and physical are constructions#i see that line and i see someone trying to cut me into pieces some of which are palatable and allowed and some of which are not#and guess what its all the fucking same to me#i remember when i realised i had a whole body and not a collevtion of body parts to have individual opinions on the shapes#or percieved beauty thereof#like that scene in mean girls when theyre at the mirror#im not my shoulders plus my calves plus my nose shape this is just my body#im not this PHYSICAL illness plus this MENTAL illness theyre not discrete things this is just my body#my mind is my body is my mind is my body#and if you cant deal with people who dont have yout exact shared trauma sympathizing and being in conversation with your post#maybe dont put it on the public internet#im not saying harassment is ok#im saying why are you saying anything if you dont qant to have a conversation#what qualifies as derailing why cant we help each other? why draw all these pointless divisions to squabble over#thats not very punk#are you part of a disability rights movement or are you treating this as your personal private support group?#im just exhausted and pissed off#ohysical disabilities only// guess I what need to cut my brain out before participating? oh wait#if yoi cant deal w public conversation dont start a public conversation#see this is in the tags indicating its a vent post its not for sharing its not for most people to see as they skim down their dash
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kittycowboy · 1 month
You can tell I got tired by the end of that ppost bcs there soooooooooo much I can say abt the last to examples that I didnt
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thatonegaybastard · 1 year
Sinc dive changed slot uhh and I'm makimg A canon timeline for these guys eventually here is. A bunch of canon stuff about the guys! Except in this ppost im only doing the humans. Because its long and my tablets gonna die soon
Jay - he/they
Witch of Breath but I might change his class. Derse dreamer. He is into all things music and likes to program. Theyre moriails or however you spell it with Drizee because yeah. Might be dating Jess or at least has at some point????? I haven't really decided
Hes a pretty nice guy! He just likes to chill out and make silly little songs that suck but that's okay. He always sees the good in others , buthe is a rather gullibld and naive. He also tends to act without thinking. More of an impulse emotion woah!!! Kinda guy I guess
Chumhandke will probably be like. waltzingBass or something along that lines because that's normally his chumhandle in the sim.
He has a brother that is in college. His brother is a LOSERMAN but that's okay. Loser Bro likes terrifying things like Horrorterrors and Anime.
Jay has a very rough time the entire session. Im not really sure what. if will be yet. Maybe the whispering of the horrorterrors or Abbysprite (idrk much about Abby ) or something just kinda makes him flip his lid A lot? And for some reason he goes murder mode and rap battles with Drizee, who he doesn't really get along with st this point. The rap battle sucks and he gets frustrated and goes to attack Drizee, but Drizee manages to calm him down and hes morialislsk wit them after that. He also probably dies but he gets godtier muagnw! Im not really sure if. Ill make goditer canom
Not sure if ill make this canon or not but I think after he enters the medium he would have realized he doesn't have a strife specibus and panic and add the nearest thing to his strife deck so now he has like. Chairkind or something. His sprite is Abbysprite, @/.scorittanius Plato's oc. Speaker of the furthest ring. From one of his bros books
Jess - she/her
Theif of Heart but I'm definitely gonna change her class. Prospit dreamer iirc? She likes fanfictiom and heros and silly romantic thingslike shipping. Might have dated Jay at some poimt. Im not sure yet
She's tends to act more cheerful and happy like ":)" all the time. Like Jay she sees the good in people, and she's willing to give everyone a second chance She has low self esteem and tends to base her worth on what others think of her. Awkward little mess who hates herself lowkey. Espically loves cute things
Her chumhandle is thorsHero or thorsHeart or something. thorsHammer? Ill probably change it wit her class though
Havent decided any family for her yet. Or any particular strife specibus. Maybe she could like combine her weapon with this pen she has its one of those pens with a big pom pom at the end and she combines it and has a big pom pom weapon.
In the session she has to deal with Heart aspect bullshit like evil clones of yourself that try to kill you and a.maze of mirrors that mock you and stuff like thst. Its like therapy but really weird
Susan - she/her
Slyph of Light, prospit dreamer. Loves action movies and gardening. Obviously she and Jess binge superhero movies together. She is eespically good friends with Olly. Or maybe they're in love. Who knows! I don't know.
She is very hopeful and very lucky. She's like. The nice,kind of boring girl at your school. she likes to help out people and she's more the quiet side. Even though she's pretty good with people, she doesn't like spending TOO much time around them. She looks like she exclusively listens to country songs and religious song but she actually exclusively listens to edgy internet songs and ghost and pals. Her favorite is Honey I'm Home.
I forgot her chumhandle 💀
I haven't actually decided any family but they'd definitely be VERY ANNOYING TO HER.
I never really decided A strife specibus but she'd definitely have Spadekind. Beat things up with her shovel
In the session she ends up helping out Olly grow and get more powerful and stuff alongisde Lurzar. Might be there when Olly godtiers but that feels more like a Lurzar thing because lurzars the knight. Also she's gonna die at some point. I don't know if I wanna permadie her because I'm attached to her :(
Olly - she/they
Page of Space, derse dreamer. Likes Detectives and DnD stuff and the ocean alot. Good friends with Susan. Besties even.
Olly is very quiet and doesn't really emote alot. She radiates cool energy even if she is kinda a dork. Theyre so.cool. not like Dave strider cool though. Like. Jyst A cool person. Theyre nice and care about others slot stuff like that I do t know I'm bad st describing personalities
i also forgot her chumhandle
Has a dad and she had a mom but her joint died when she was little totally not from a mmeteor. No wot hats silly why would it be a meteo
I don't really know her strife specibusw. I do know her sprite though! She has a big whale plush she calls her noble steed and they protrude that to get Whalesprite.
okay i! At like 9%
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nintendove · 4 years
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For personal reference, part 3
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twilitlegend · 4 years
I've just realized I've loved Twilight Princess for more than half my life and yet it seems like yesterday??? I've played and loved the game for so long that it doesn't feel like it's been over 10 years.....
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s4egusas · 2 years
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YUTANON 😭😭😭 400 EUROS ????????/)/)/(-(-(-(2?:?: THE DEDICATION !!!!! I LOVE YOUR DEDICATION TO THE FUNNY GLASSES MAN I AM SO PROUD OF YOU 💪💪💪 AND CONGRATS ON GETTING HIM !!!!!! the crying and screaming are worth it. and as for me,
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i’m crying ❤️
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avillegas · 4 years
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A forgotten urban mystery
kisaragi station is one of the most fated station posted a thread on 2 chan and 4 chan about a a female girl pposting the story real time on where she is,she rode her normal train station everyday every night but upon strangeness the train havent stopped for a maximum of 20 mins yes 20 mins is at seems that the train is usually going to just one stop because the normal train line only has one line and an underground let me tell you the translation of the post because the original was in japanese The disappearing railroads, the train that was supposed to turn which she explained, Empty music that can’t be heard Even, the letters Begin to dance in the station; Today, from there, a person came out Like this, being noisy like a fool Pretending to understand And do nothing Since that day, I've stopped moving Today too, I'm here in this place No one will see me No one could chase me Step over the rail So as to remain out of sight I cast my gaze downwards; Today, too shall rain That is, Somehow, ever so slightly, They are facing towards it.  So then,I closed my mouth,  I look that way The truth isI wished to go out to meet someone, so…Ah, well then Good night, it was one night when i just went to somewhere else,it was as if i came to a place to where i havent been, she tried to call someone and they answered but none answered and until a man came through the wooven rails and led me a ride to somewhere steepy and hill, and there i agaze one legged man it hased the man and told me to run, and then she ran and ran and here i came into a world of mine but years have passed since then it was the year 2012 and 8 years have already passed , yes the mysterious girl who started the whole thread came bqack 8 years later to finish the thread she havent revealed herself in order to protect what she saw there are souls of dead
sikaragi station 
the station of dead
and i bid my farewell
to end this miserable myth
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pinknamjin · 5 years
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carisclosetarkansas · 4 years
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With all of the madness going on right now I have completely failed to thank each and everyone of you for your continued support throughout the years. Please don’t give up on me yet. We may be changing addresses, but the attitude and the hustle haven’t gone anywhere ❤️. We were actually off to a record sales year this year and I was so excited for what the rest of the year was going to look like. It may take me a bit, but I’ll get there again come hell or Highwater. Please ignore all of the hateful pposts that keep poppingup. I just keep deleting them as I find them, but unfortunately lies just keep getting spewed. Here’s the deal, to make things perfectly clear for everyone I was given an ultimatum and unfortunately financially it was not something that I could do. Once I told her that she said that she could work with me but there was a $10 late fee that was going to be at it for every single day. To me that is not working with someone and honestly not someone I want to rent from anymore. It is what it is, but the more they keep posting on my page and her little friends keep posting on my page, the worse it is making the situation and making them look. I have nothing negative to say except that their proposal was not something that I could financially afford and now I’m paying for it as you see. Let’s not make the situation worse for people. This is already been a hard year for our family and anyone that knows me knows our situation. It’s not one that I’d like to share publicly. This is a hurdle we will get over and I’m just gonna keep my chin up, tits out and MoveOn. It’s looking like we will be out before the end of the month as I was able to make a lot of headway today. I’m starting to call consignors and make appointments to pick up there items or move to the online store. If I haven’t called you yet, don’t fear. I’ve been busy taking inventory to make sure all of my ducks are in a row and more calls will start again on Monday. Love, Cari (at Cari's Closet Consignment Boutique and Formal Wear) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2hVRil2Cv/?igshid=899ym7xzn6q3
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
‘He didn’t show no remorse’: Survivors recount confusion, horror during deadly El Paso shooting
‘He didn’t show no remorse’: Survivors recount confusion, horror during deadly El Paso shooting
By Eli Rosenberg, Heather Long, Griff Witte and Alex Hinojosa | Published
August 04 at 10:14 PM ET | Washington Post | PPosted August 5, 2019 |
EL PASO — It was the second-to-last weekend before the start of school, and 1,000 customers had crammed into the Walmart Supercenter on Gateway Boulevard, where pens, notebooks and crayons were all on sale. Children filled the aisles, trying on new backpacks and clothes.
The shoppers had come from both sides of the border that separates this Texas city from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Stocking up on back-to-school supplies is just one among many activities that draw the two communities together, making them feel like one.
Patrick Crusius, 21, had come from much farther, police would later say, driving nearly across the state. He was there, they said, not to shop, but to kill.
Just after 10 a.m. on Saturday is when Crusius is thought to have posted an anti-immigrant screed on 8chan, an online messaging board known for its racist, bigoted and anti-Semitic content, authorities said.
Over the next hour, gunfire would send adults cowering behind toy machines and panicked children fleeing for their lives across a parking lot.
By the time Crusius surrendered to authorities, 20 people would be dead, including seven Mexican nationals, and dozens more wounded in the deadliest mass shooting in America in nearly two years — and the first of two in a single bloody weekend for a country where such attacks have become habitual.
For Robert Jurado, it began as a regular Saturday. He had taken his car to get washed, then ridden with his 87-year-old mother to the nearby Walmart for groceries.
They were coming out of the store around 10:30 a.m. when they heard a loud bang, its origin uncertain. Maybe a car had backfired, Jurado recalled thinking.
An older woman politely pardoned herself as she hurried by with her shopping cart. Then another bang. And another. The woman fell to the ground, her head covered in blood.
There was a shooter in the parking lot, firing on anyone he encountered.
As he walked, he fired — with no expression on his face.
“He was, like, all calm,” Jurado said. “He didn’t show no remorse.”
Around that time, Vanessa Saenz, 37, pulled up in the Walmart parking lot with her mother and 1-year-old son to buy the week’s groceries.
Suddenly, she heard bangs that she initially mistook for fireworks. She saw a man who appeared to be “dancing.” She realized, with horror, that he had been shot.
She also saw the shooter who, she said, appeared to be firing “randomly.” He was wearing cargo pants, a black T-shirt and bulky earmuffs to mute the noise from the rifle he wielded.
Saenz made an abrupt U-turn and sped as fast as she could out of the parking lot. But there were children running “everywhere.”
Among them: a little girl who rushed to a car and tried desperately to get the door open.
“You could just see the terror in her face,” Saenz said. “Thank God she did get in. She wasn’t shot.”
Others were not as fortunate: Saenz said she saw five adults shot as she made her escape.
Nicholasa and Juan Velasquez were among those wounded on Saturday.
The couple had gone to Walmart to shop and had just parked when the shooting began.
Nicholasa Velasquez was shot in the stomach, near her ribs, and in her face. Juan Velasquez was shot in his side.
As she bled, Nicholasa Velas­quez tried to call 911, according to her granddaughter, Daisy Fuentes. But Velasquez couldn’t get through. So she called her daughter instead.
“We are just glad she called my mom,” Fuentes said. “She told her to stay calm and to wait for emergency services to get there.”
Police say the first call about the shooter reached them at 10:39 a.m., and they arrived by 10:45 a.m., meaning the gunman was on the move for at least 15 minutes.
Fuentes said that although her grandmother was stable on Sunday, the family was concerned about her grandfather, who was in critical condition after two surgeries — and awaiting a possible third. “We don’t know what’s going to happen,” she said.
After his rampage through the parking lot, the gunman entered the Walmart — with CCTV footage capturing his arrival.
As the gunman fired, employees sought to save customers. Tabitha Estrada, 19, who was working at a GNC vitamins outlet at the front of the Walmart, told the El Paso Times that she shepherded customers into a locked room and stayed with them until the police arrived. Leslie Diaz, a 25-year-old cashier, told the Times she led customers to the exits as the gunfire drew closer.
Jurado and his mother had hurried back into the store when they saw the parking lot carnage. In the entry area between the store’s outer and inner doors, he moved his mother in between two claw-hand toy machines.
Gunshots struck a wall behind him as Jurado felt glass fragments from a window rain down. Two women near him fell, he said.
Jurado, more exposed than his mother, sat and waited, unsure of whether the two would be safer inside the store.
“I couldn’t tell whether they were coming from the outside or inside,” Jurado said.
After minutes of shooting — the steady “pow-pow-pow-pow” of the rifle droning on — the Air Force veteran noticed the gunshots were getting louder.
The gunman had circled through the store, where police later said he caused the most casualties, and was now exiting through the doors where Jurado and his mother were hiding.
As the gunman moved toward the exit, he reloaded his weapon, while glancing Jurado’s way.
“He looked at me and I said ‘I’m a sitting duck here. I couldn’t take cover nowhere else,’ ” Jurado said. “I said, ‘Oh, God. This is the end of me’ because I was about, I’d say about five, eight yards away from him. He would have taken me out quickly,” he said.
But the shooter didn’t fire the bullet that easily could have ended Jurado’s life.
“I can’t understand why he didn’t take that shot when I was out in the open,” he said. “God works in mysterious ways.”
Most of Saturday’s victims were hit inside the Walmart, with a smaller number struck in the parking lot.
The shooter kept firing after leaving the store, but then he abruptly stopped and drove away. Police officials said Sunday that they don’t know why.
Crusius was apprehended a short distance from the Walmart at 11:06 a.m.
After the shooting ended, Jurado and his mother came outside the store, where two men who had been sitting at a card table for a fundraiser were both wounded. One was bleeding heavily after being shot in the upper thigh.
Another bystander gave the man CPR, but Jurado said he watched him die. He said he had seen violence while in the military but never anything of this scale.
“If you go to war, you know you’ll be at war and see gunfire,” he said. “Here, out of the blue …”
Authorities said Sunday that they are considering bringing hate-crime charges against Crusius, with U.S. Attorney John F. Bash calling it a “domestic terrorism” case. President Trump said Sunday that he thought mental illness was to blame for Saturday’s shooting and an overnight attack in Ohio that left nine people dead.
Jurado spoke to a Washington Post reporter on Sunday afternoon as CNN played in the background. At one point, the news network showed video of the Walmart parking lot, where Jurado pointed out his silver pickup, visible in the background.
Jurado said that the president deserved blame for the shooting and added that he felt less safe as a Latino American since Trump’s election.
“The way he is motivating people and stuff that Mexicans are ‘rapists’ and doing this and that,” Jurado said, “he’s putting us in a bad category where people are going to think bad about us.”
Jurado said his mother was still shaken up by the experience. He said he would be getting back to his usual routines soon enough.
“I guess once I get my truck,” he said, “we’ll go back to our normal lives.”
Hannah Natanson, Eddy Palanzo and Jennifer Jenkins contributed to this report.
‘How do you stop these people?’: Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric looms over El Paso massacre
By Philip Rucker | Published August 04 at 5:04 PM ET | Washington Post | Posted AAugust 5, 2019 |
President Trump has relentlessly used his bully pulpit to decry Latino migration as “an invasion of our country.” He has demonized undocumented immigrants as “thugs” and “animals.” He has defended the detention of migrant children, hundreds of whom have been held in squalor. And he has warned that without a wall to prevent people from crossing the border from Mexico, America would no longer be America.
“How do you stop these people? You can’t,” Trump lamented at a May rally in Panama City Beach, Fla. Someone in the crowd yelled back one idea: “Shoot them.” The audience of thousands cheered and Trump smiled. Shrugging off the suggestion, he quipped, “Only in the Panhandle can you get away with that statement.”
On Saturday, a 21-year-old white man entered a shopping center in El Paso, according to police, and allegedly decided to “shoot them.” Inside a crowded Walmart in a vibrant border city visited daily by thousands of Mexicans, a late-morning back-to-school shopping scene turned into a pool of blood. Twenty people died, and dozens were wounded.
After yet another mass slaying, the question surrounding the president is no longer whether he will respond as other presidents once did, but whether his words contributed to the carnage.
Since the moment Trump rode down his gold-plated escalator four years ago to start his renegade run for the White House, us-against-them language about immigrants has been a consistent and defining feature of his campaign and now of his presidency. Absent from his repertoire has been a forceful repudiation of the white nationalism taking rise on his watch.
Authorities in El Paso have not announced a motive in what they call an act of domestic terrorism, but at the center of their investigation is an anti-immigrant manifesto. Officials believe the shooter posted it shortly before he opened fire but continue to investigate.
Patrick Crusius has been named as the suspect.
Portions of the 2,300-word essay, titled “The Inconvenient Truth,” closely mirror Trump’s rhetoric, as well as the language of the white nationalist movement, including a warning about the “Hispanic invasion of Texas.”
The author’s ideology is so aligned with the president’s that he decided to conclude the manifesto by clarifying that his views predate Trump’s 2016 campaign and arguing that blaming him would amount to “fake news,” another Trump phrase.
The extent to which the El Paso shooter was motivated by the president’s words will be fiercely debated in the days to come, and could be answered by the investigation. But some Democratic leaders on Sunday said Trump’s demagoguery makes him plainly culpable.
Beto O’Rourke, a former congressman from El Paso running for president, said it was appropriate to label Trump a white nationalist and said his rhetoric is reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
“He doesn’t just tolerate it; he encourages it, calling Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals, warning of an invasion at our border, seeking to ban all people of one religion. Folks are responding to this,” O’Rourke said on CNN. He added, “He is saying that some people are inherently defective or dangerous, reminiscent of something that you might hear in the Third Reich, not something that you expect in the United States of America.”
Ensconced over the weekend at his New Jersey golf club, Trump was silent about the El Paso massacre other than a few tweets. In one sent Saturday night, he called the shooting “an act of cowardice” and said, “I stand with everyone in this Country to condemn today’s hateful act. There are no reasons or excuses that will ever justify killing innocent people.”
Although a press pool traveled with Trump to New Jersey, the president opted not to address the nation Saturday. He did, however, find time to stop by a wedding reception being held at the Trump National Golf Club Bedminster and pose for photos with the bride, according to images circulating on social media.
On Sunday afternoon, Trump announced that he had ordered federal government flags flown at half-staff in honor of the El Paso attack and a mass slaying early Sunday in Dayton, Ohio, and that he would address the shootings Monday at 10 a.m.
“Hate has no place in our country, and we’re going to take care of it,” Trump said in Morristown, N.J., just before flying home to Washington. He did not respond to questions from reporters about the El Paso shooter’s manifesto but said generally that “this has been going on for years” and acknowledged that “perhaps more has to be done.”
Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, flatly dismissed the suggestion that Trump was to blame.
“Goodness gracious, is someone really blaming the president? People are sick,” Mulvaney said on NBC. He pointed to the manifesto, adding, “If you do read that, you can see him say that he’s felt this way for a long time, from even before President Trump got elected.”
Mulvaney acknowledged that “some people don’t approve of the verbiage that the president uses,” but he argued: “People are going to hear what they want to hear. My guess is this guy’s in that parking lot out in El Paso, Texas, in that Walmart doing this even if Hillary Clinton is president.”
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tweeted that O’Rourke’s comments on CNN were “disgusting and wrong.” She added, “A tragedy like this is not an opportunity to reboot your failing presidential campaign.”
Regardless of the El Paso shooter’s motivations, Trump throughout his presidency has stoked fear and hatred of the other, whether Latino immigrants or black people living in cities or Muslims.
Although he has not directly espoused the “great replacement” theory of white supremacists, Trump has openly questioned America’s identity as a multiethnic nation, such as by encouraging migration from Nordic states as opposed to Latin America.
In speeches and on social media, the president has capitalized on divisions of race, religion and identity as a political strategy to galvanize support among his white followers. Last month he attacked four congresswomen of color and said they should “go back” to the countries they came from, even though three were born in the United States and all four are U.S. citizens. Most recently, Trump lashed out at Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.), one of the highest-ranking black lawmakers, by calling his Baltimore district “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” and claiming that “no human being would want to live there.”
Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a professor of history at New York University and expert on authoritarianism, said Trump has been strategic.
“This is a concerted attempt to construct and legitimize an ideology of hatred against nonwhite people and the idea that whites will be replaced by others,” she said. “When you have a racist in power who incites violence through his speeches, his tweets, and you add in this volatile situation of very laxly regulated arms, this is uncharted territory.”
FBI Director Christopher A. Wray testified in the Senate last month that the bureau has seen a recent uptick in the number of domestic terrorism arrests and that most involved some form of white supremacy.
But Trump has done little to vigorously confront this crisis that his own government is trying to combat. In the wake of the deadly 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Trump at first claimed there were good people on both sides before later backtracking, and only under pressure from his advisers.
And after a white supremacist was accused of killing 51 Muslims in New Zealand, Trump dismissed the idea that white nationalism was a rising threat, saying it was only “a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.”
Leonard Zeskind, author of “Blood and Politics,” a history of the white nationalist movement, said the ugliest phenomena often develop in countries when there is a vacuum of moral leadership. Zeskind explained that white nationalism is autonomous from any political formation, but that Trump energizes its followers.
“He gives it voice. He’s their megaphone,” Zeskind said. He added, “Donald Trump, dumping on immigrants all the time, creates an atmosphere where some people interpret that to be an okay sign for violence against immigrants.”
On the campaign trail Sunday, many of the Democrats hoping to defeat Trump drew parallels between his rhetoric and the El Paso shooting and denounced his handling of white supremacy.
“I want to say with more moral clarity that Donald Trump is responsible for this,” Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) said on CNN. “He is responsible because he is stoking fears and hatred and bigotry. He is responsible because he is failing to condemn white supremacy, and seeing it as it is, which is responsible for such a significant amount of the terrorist attacks.”
Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) told reporters outside a church in Las Vegas: “The words of the president of the United States have consequences.” Trump, she added, has “the responsibility of elevating public discourse, of challenging us to rise to our best selves, to speak to our better angels — not to talk about people on both sides being equal. Not to appeal to hate and division.”
And Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said on CNN: “What he has got to understand is that when you have language that is racist, that is virulently anti-immigrant, there are mentally unstable people in this country, who see that as a sign to do terrible, terrible things.”
To experts in the field, the El Paso rampage was predictable. Frank Figliuzzi, a former head of counterintelligence at the FBI, wrote in a column published just four days earlier in the New York Times that Trump’s words eventually could incite bloodshed.
“The president has fallen short of calling for overt violence against minorities and immigrants, but unbalanced minds among us may fail to note the distinction,” Figliuzzi wrote. “If a president paints people of color as the enemy, encourages them to be sent back to where they came from and implies that no humans want to live in certain American cities, he gives license to those who feel compelled to eradicate what Mr. Trump calls an infestation.”
Chelsea Janes in Las Vegas and Felicia Sonmez and Sean Sullivan in Washington contributed to this report.
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lindseytague · 6 years
4 Ways to Make a Splash at the Social Media Pool Party
  Everyone knows how vast and wide the internet has become in terms of opportunities for businesses of all sizes to not only grow but explode on social media. And make no mistake, these opportunities are flourishing by the day as technology rapidly advances. This is one of the main reasons why I am so passionate about what I do! There is always something new for me to learn with each being a unique opportunity for profound effects on one's business and is often times the missing catalyst needed for success!
  We are no longer in an era where just having an online presence is going to cut it. As I stated in a previous blog post, [social media] marketing is a blend of art and science, or creativity and analytics. A tailored, targeted strategy is going to be what gets you the most bang for your buck in terms of ROI. From video, to content marketing, community building, and podcasting to new platforms like IGTV, tech innovators are constantly looking for ways to fill in the gaps with new features and capabilities. And marketers can't wait to test them out!
  The downside to all of this is that if you are a business owner with limited time and energy, it can become challenging to know what to focus on first, especially if you are attempting to tackle marketing all by yourself - YIKES!
    But have no fear! I will be sharing a few key tips with you that will be your rock-solid marketing foundation to rely on, so that your clients, customers and fans know what to expect and most importantly can differentiate you from your competition effortlessly, no matter what platform or feature you are using!
These are the foundational aspects of your business that will stand the test of time because it is rooted in genuine connection and fosters long-term relationships.
So in essence, applying these 3 following pieces to the foundation of your business would be the equivalent of cannon-balling into the social media pool where everyone else is also trying to make waves!
Branding is the first step in setting your business up for marketing success. Branding goes well beyond a nice logo and website. I am shocked at how many companies don't have anything besides these two.
Your brand is your companies identity - a combination of your personality, purpose or mission, core values, your message, the day to day culture. All of these things comprise a consumer's interaction and experience with your brand on a deeper level and will remind them why you are unique and different.  So, Without identifying all of these components, you are leaving most of the consumer perception of your business up to chance and who wants to take that risk?
In my client consultations we lay the foundation by getting crystal clear on who your target customer base is and the experience you want them to have - soup to nuts. This piece is mandatory in order to determine the best strategy for reaching and engaging with them for the long-term.
In short, branding is the culmination of experiences, perception and interactions with your business both online and offline. It's up to you to guide your customers on that journey with branding as your first step.
  In what they call the post-trust era, I think we can all agree that we are sick of being inundated with advertisements. We are seeing a major shift in the way consumers want to be marketed to. I for one, think we are on the verge of an exciting, new chapter. One where most people can't get away with gimmicks or scams or simply only caring about what they are selling, and not who they are selling to.
This speaks volumes to me, as authenticity, genuine connections and the customer relationship is at the forefront of my own brand values and ethics.
  Storytelling has a unique ability to pull the curtain back and show your audience that you are human. That there are humans that work for your business.
The plague of perfectionism is like Groundhog Day on social media. If you have a neatly curated feed, repetitively sharing just enough information about your product/service and it's benefits will get you lost in a sea of monotonous content, shouting the same as everyone else, only in different words.
  Successfully story-telling fascinates, inspires, educates, impacts and/or teaches their audience something.
I think we can all learn a lesson or two from Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos. At the end of the day, the customer experience can make or break your company. One of the first questions I aim to ask my clients is -
Do you know who your SUPER FANS are?
  If you are left scratching your head, it's time to make this a priority. They say in the world of social media, in reference to those chasing "vanity metrics" [a false sense of success] it is more powerful to have 1,000 super engaged die-hard fans, then 10,000 fans that rarely or passively engage, and more importantly never buy from you. Find your super fans, or brand evangelists and make it a point to recognize them, give them superfan or elite status discounts, social sharing giveaways, put them at the forefront of a referral or affiliate program and most importantly groom them to be your influencers. Heck, you could throw a customer appreciation event if you are a local business. Beyond treating them special for being loyal super-fans, just think about the ripple effects that would have for social sharing and engagement, not to mention how you would stand out from your competitors! Your marketing dollars would go a lot further with this strategy then paying for an advertisement.
As my good friend Dr. Margaret Stewart puts it "Social listening promotes the changing equity of online conversations between organizations and consumers, where listening to messages has become as important as broadcasting them. This is a true reflection of the new media culture that is arriving, and demonstrates the power of social presence and its influence on customer relationship marketing and management. Social listening arrives as a response to listening during an era of technological determinism, and utilizing information discovered online in new and creative ways." - Dr. Margaret Stewart Ph.D. in Communications Media & Instruction Technology.
Social listening is the act of keeping a pulse on everything that is being said about your brand through monitoring mentions, re-tweets and hashtags etc. By listening, responding and engaging you are essentially joining the conversation and your audience will appreciate that you (or if I were managing your account) took the time to respond in a thoughtful manner.
A quick story, and one I love to share for frame of reference - I love all kinds of food, but I am a salad freak and I often eat these chopped salad mixes that I buy at the grocery store by the brand Taylor Farms. This is a brand employing all of the tips I shared in this post. You see, not only am I a marketer but I am most certainly also a consumer. I love to play both sides to be able to sharpen my skills. Long story short, I pposted my salad creations on my Instagram stories and feed, they listened, responded and engaged with me. Shortly thereafter I received a direct message asking for my address so they could ship me free coupons! So naturally, what do I do now? I share their product on my feed whenever I get the chance, because this is a prime example of true brand loyalty!
Not only does social listening give you the opportunity to gauge what is being said, but the ability to give your customers exactly what they are asking for, transforming into a memorable brand that they will  be loyal to for years to come, because you took the time to listen, tell a story, showcase your brand identity and make it your mission to be dedicated to the customer experience!
        Find additional info on: https://www.lindseytague.com
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junker-town · 7 years
Jimmy Butler demanded two life jackets, then capsized in a foot of water during his outdoor adventure
This was delightful.
Jimmy Butler is adapting to life in Minnesota after spending the first six years of his career in Chicago. Part of adjusting to his new scenery is getting out in the wilderness and experiencing the bounty his new home has to offer.
ESPN took Butler out for a day of wilderness appreciation, and it was better than you could possibly imagine.
He demanded having both life jackets before stepping in a canoe.
Jimmy couldn’t even zip up the second one, but it’s okay — because he felt safe. Butler said he needed both because he couldn’t swim, leaving ESPN writer Sam Alipour without one.
Jimmy Butler screaming as he capsizes in a foot of water is a delight
This is one of two impressive screams in the video and they sound the exact same. Butler can seriously hit those high notes, which I never would have expected. A ppost-basketball career of opera singer could be in the cards if he works at it.
Jimmy is not good at starting fires
Claiming he “saw this on TV,” Butler runs into the woods and grabs two damp pieces of wood twirling them around for a bit before giving up. The pair end up getting a fire started, but it’s mostly dry 2x4s that ESPN brought and some firestarter logs.
Did we learn anything else?
Aside from the goofs about Butler’s lack of outdoor acumen, this was a really great interview. Jimmy opens up on his time in Chicago and why he had to leave, how he feels about the Timberwolves’ youth and how his relationship with Tom Thibodeau has changed over the years. Definitely give it a watch.
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nintendove · 6 years
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i was looking for how to describe Marina’s eye color and found this picture in my folder and it looks like she’s checking out Pearl’s butt
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