#mental and physical are constructions
Vent post
Wow i didnt realise there was a tag limit
#this is aboit physical disabilities do not derail#if you end a ppost with#i dont care how good the ppst is#im not gonna share it#everyone has a different experience w disability#theres always more or less in common w other people#but like. shut the fuck up? mental is physical is mental is physical#the difference is a construction#diagnoses are constructions#illness isnt#mental and physical are constructions#i see that line and i see someone trying to cut me into pieces some of which are palatable and allowed and some of which are not#and guess what its all the fucking same to me#i remember when i realised i had a whole body and not a collevtion of body parts to have individual opinions on the shapes#or percieved beauty thereof#like that scene in mean girls when theyre at the mirror#im not my shoulders plus my calves plus my nose shape this is just my body#im not this PHYSICAL illness plus this MENTAL illness theyre not discrete things this is just my body#my mind is my body is my mind is my body#and if you cant deal with people who dont have yout exact shared trauma sympathizing and being in conversation with your post#maybe dont put it on the public internet#im not saying harassment is ok#im saying why are you saying anything if you dont qant to have a conversation#what qualifies as derailing why cant we help each other? why draw all these pointless divisions to squabble over#thats not very punk#are you part of a disability rights movement or are you treating this as your personal private support group?#im just exhausted and pissed off#ohysical disabilities only// guess I what need to cut my brain out before participating? oh wait#if yoi cant deal w public conversation dont start a public conversation#see this is in the tags indicating its a vent post its not for sharing its not for most people to see as they skim down their dash
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I truly can’t stand the type of tradesmen who think that the trades are some kind of ultimate masculine power fantasy. You know the ones who are like “this is a job for MANLY MEN, not for SOYBOY PUSSIES . . . society couldn’t FUNCTION without us . . . we work backbreaking shifts for SIXTY HOURS a WEEK for NO GRATITUDE and LITTLE PAY while the burger flippers are making MORE than us . . .”
First of all I’m a 5′2″ fat woman and I’m better at this job than you, so cool it with the testosterone poisoning there Rambo
Second of all working 60 hours a week for $15 an hour isn’t a badge of pride, join your fucking union
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iishmael · 10 months
I’m so exhausted
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berah-ronah · 2 years
OKAY i feel like ive given enough time for people to blacklist my new horny tag. ANYWAY i know its mostly because im touchstarved and lonely and don’t live near anyone I can casually/platonically touch, but GOD i want someone to lovingly inflict mild-to-moderate pain on me, and for them to revel in the process of inflicting that pain
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wizardnuke · 2 years
the shadowgast pacific rim au that exists in my brain.
#LONG TAGS LORE DUMP FOR A FIC I'M NEVER GONNA WRITE PROBABLY#deirta is pentecost she lost her husband in a battle and piloted the jaeger to shore alone - verin is tendo he could fight but deirta#doesn't want either of her sons in a jaeger ever. verin is okay enough with this. essek is not.#caleb ran a triple arm jaeger with astrid and wulf and lost his mind a little bit when they died. he felt them die. the added stress of#piloting a jaeger to shore on his own put him in the hospital and then a psych ward for three months#before he began helping with wall construction as equipment maintenance. clearly this is still a magic au and tech = magic etc etc#I CANNOT stress enough that jaegers are powered by luxon beacons.#anyway essek is in mako's position and caleb is beckett. the restless assistant and the tired veteran#essek chooses caleb's candidates - the candidate process is a little more complicated because these fantasy jaegers#work off of both magic and manual physical effort - candidates have to be evenly matched in both physical and mental fields#blumendrei only worked because caleb and astrid combined matched wulf in physicality. astrid and wulf matched caleb in casting.#it was. unhealthily competitive between them at times and astrid was the worst about it. he still misses them every single day.#it's like. shit hurts to do when one arm or leg is weaker than the other. it's like that. it has to match#essek and caleb have little noodle arms and truly insane skills w casting. so they're compatable. essek is sure. caleb does the same#'why do you keep making that face' bit like beckett did bc he's tired of essek's attitude and deirta's flat dismissal of him#they metaphorically roll the same exact initiative and the fight ends in caleb casting firebolt/essek casting sapping sting#and the two of them both use their reaction to counterspell. they both move to cast again when deirta is like Okay Stop Fighting I Get It#heehoo. the first time they drift together caleb leans that essek secretly recovered a beacon from a downed jaeger and has been using it to#advance his research while passing himself off as a genius - not that he isn't. he just has another stepping stone as well.#essek gets to live thru caleb's experience of feeling two (2) people die at the same exact moment. yeah verin has to pull that fuckin plug.#other notes. veth and yeza r the scientists. OBVIOUSLY veth drifts with a kaiju brain like are u KIDDING me#other jaeger teams are fjord+jester yasha+beau and the tealeaf triplets.
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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The Defenders (1972) #24
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Enhancing Construction Safety through Mindfulness and Wellness
Enhancing construction safety through mindfulness and wellness in the demanding world of construction safety remains paramount. However, a crucial aspect often overlooked is the correlation between mindfulness, proper nutrition, exercise, proper sleep hygiene, and construction safety. This article delves into how these elements collectively contribute to a safer and more productive construction…
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wickedzeevyln · 7 months
Pamper Yourself with Learning
Embark on a journey of personal and professional growth with our blog dedicated to self-development.
When it comes to self-development, don’t go cheap on yourself. Be lavish and extravagant. You deserve an exquisite learning experience. Pamper yourself with golden nuggets of knowledge, mastery and craftsmanship. Be obsessed, and push yourself to the limit and hone your skills to perfection—let your passion create a definition that will be synonymous to your name. Whether sports, art,…
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helaven · 11 months
Weapons of Mass Construction
#THE WEAPONS OF MASS CONSTRUCTION#I C B M#I = INTELLECT {g_yan}#Yes#letter “I” infers to Intellect or Gyan or Wisdom. Intellect is the foundation of a constructive mind. Intellect or Intelligence differenti#000 years ago with a clear understanding of progress in life from “balashram – yuwaashram – grihasthashram – vanprasthashram”. Our history#the temporary is so permanently sedimented that we waste 3/4th of life behind fragile belongings and are left with little or no energy by t#I am not sure what science will achieve by linking electronic chips with human brains. Though people are claiming to find solutions for dis#Schizophrenia – BUT can an electronic chip really ‘re-wire’ the brain which has not been understood by science OR else we could have re-cre#Educate your children to study the old scriptures about the purpose and philosophy of life. Teach ourselves to learn to live a patient#peaceful life. Money is only a commodity to survive#WE should not become a commodity for Money! Think Simple#Eat Healthy (NO MEAT)#Keep yourself clean – physically and mentally#Make people around you smile#Learn to Live and for Lives of Other Humans#Sleep like a baby#Love like a child loves mother#Use intellect for inner self & not Destruction.#Cultivate intellect in your personality. It is very easy to be wise – you only have to develop habit of listening#patience and a calm attitude. As per scriptures wisdom can be attained from saints or sadhus. I am of the opinion that wisdom is to act rig#it is the external knowledge that corrupts human wisdom and tweaks it.#Gurukuls in ancient times used to impart knowledge to sharpen our wisdom#to brighten the wise thoughts. Humans grew understanding that all around us is nashwan meaning WE are nashwan#hence having a false “ownership” of things around us or should I say a false “MY THING” is un-rudimentary. What is around us will remain in#Think#Think – is it really wise to run behind ‘ownership or acquisition’ of things – Things that you and me slog to ‘own’ will eventually remain#C = COMMUNICATION {U_wach}#Communication is to hear what is being heard and what is not being heard. Lord Krishna communicated “Bhagwat” only to Arjun in presence of#factories
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bluepriestess · 1 year
At first I wasn’t sure if I could use Summers fallout backstory as a blueprint for other stuff I plan on putting her in but surprisingly it’s working out just fine, as if it matters whatsoever lol 🙄
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yourmoonie · 5 months
How to live in the end
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Are you feeling anxious about your upcoming photoshoot? Your exams? Sp? Or maybe an event that hasn't occurred yet?
I have got your back
1. Focus on your end goal and not on the "lack/circumstances"
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Our fave stickman wants to go to Barbados, but instead of focusing on Barbados (aka the end goal) he starts focusing on not having the tickets or not having the money to buy the tickets (circumstances)
His entire attention is on the circumstance and not on the end goal
“Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.” ― Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune
2. Thinking from THE end
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This is based on the timeline jumping method ( the thread, ♡ the visual thread )
So what do we do here?
Tickets are just the bridge of events for your end goal
We mentally go to Barbados and think FROM Barbados and not OF it
(That's how Neville manifested his trip, btw)
"Thinking from the end is the beginning of all miracles" - Neville Goddard
The art of thinking from the end is about internally seeing the world as you would see it if your desire has already been achieved, even if it hasn't physically manifested yet.
3. Not seeing any movement?
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The stickman has got a photoshoot at MoonMoon studio in 2 weeks
On top of that the stickman is manifesting their desired body
> Out of the blue, the stickman gets anxious about their desired body and how they would look during the photoshoot because they "can't" see the results in the 3D
"The journey is in yourself. You travel along the highways of the inner world. Without inner movement, it is impossible to bring forth anything." - Neville Goddard
4. Think FROM & AFTER your desire
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They become anxious about the photoshoot BUT
How can the stickman get out of that anxious state?
Instead of thinking OF the photoshoot, they will think FROM and AFTER the photoshoot
They will mentally imagine that the event has already occurred
5. How to get into the state
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And they ask themselves this question
"How do I feel now when the photoshoot is done?"
"Wow, I like how the photos have turned out. I look so hot,"
They mentally prepare themselves for the best outcome and it helps them to get out of the anxious state
Inner action is an introverted sensation. If you will construct mentally a drama which implies that you have realised your objective, then close your eyes and drop your thoughts inward, centering your imagination all the while in the predetermined action and partake in that action, you will become a self-determined being.
6. You are THE observer
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The Timeline jumping method in nutshell:
This is how you think FROM + After your desire
The observer effect in quantum physics states that where you direct your attention is where you place your energy. As a consequence, you affect the material world. - Joe Dispenza
“Imagination is the act of creation. Imagination creates reality." - Neville Goddard
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doberbutts · 1 year
Anyway yes, people who can X should be accomodating to people who can't X. People who can walk should accomodate people who can't. People who can hear should accomodate people who can't. People who can see should accomodate people who can't. And on and on. When that doesn't happen, it's a problem that deserves to be talked about.
But the problem is not and has never been "physical disabilities are more important and deserve more accomodations than mental disabilities"- nor the other way around either.
People love to dunk on folks with ADD/ADHD but you know? As someone with ADD raised by diabetic parents I gotta say there's a lot of similarities here. People with ADD, myself included, often forget to eat and when they do eat they often load themselves up with carbs and sugars because those foods make their brains feel good. People with diabetes have to closely monitor their meals and often crave sugars and need a blend of sugary and protein-rich snacks on hand. This is not to say ADD and diabetes are exact one-to-one disabilities.
But having grown up watching my parents manage their diabetes, I too am very aware of meal times and blood sugar and constructing meals that will tide you over and having a blend of sugary and protein-rich snacks on hand Just In Case. I am able to manage my ADD better in this way because I have experience from watching my parents. I also need access to snacks and to be able to say to my boss "I need to go eat something real fast" without being punished.
I had a training client who was the image of "able bodied mentally ill" outside of the usual creaks and squeaks associated with age, her body worked just fine. But after a series of incidents in her youth- a car accident that left her with a serious brain injury, coming home from the hospital afterwards to immediately have her house broken into and herself raped by an intruder, and assorted medical malpractice while she was healing from both- she has a serious and extreme case of agoraphobia and spent the next 40 years completely unable to leave the house. She would hide and wail and scream when deliveries of groceries and other goods would come, because it meant a stranger (and usually a man) would be at her door. She could not go more than a couple steps outside to get her mail and especially not if other people were outside.
At some point her therapist suggested getting a pet, one that *had* to go outside, to help her. So she got a dog and contacted a trainer (me) and we got to work. And she did improve! The dog has been a huge help to managing her symptoms! But you cannot seriously expect me to have worked with this woman for years and then belittle mental illnesses as being lesser when this woman also shares the inability to even leave her house let alone go inside a grocery store. Even today there are times when she simply cannot, she cannot will her body to move out of her door and into transportation let alone into the building.
When she first started coming to me she thanked me for not belittling her or making her feel bad for classes she had to cancel because she couldn't force herself to take the first step over the threshold. That is when she told me what happened to her and that while it sounds terrible she was really happy to have found a trainer who knew something personal about trauma and brain injuries. She is also a case where I feel her ESA should be considered service dog not because of training or tasking but because her need is so high and she is just completely incapable of doing anything without the dog in her arms.
Anyway I think of her any time someone says "but you can walk through the door". There's nothing wrong with her legs so in theory sure she could. But often she *can't*, not because of anything physical, but because she is very severely mentally ill.
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emo-batboy · 8 months
Battinson Guest Starring on TV Shows
For someone who holds the title of Richest Man in the World, Bruce doesn’t do a lot of traveling.
Which is to say he does a LOT of traveling, but he always tries to find a way out of it.
(Are there bat-related reasons for this? Are there people-related reasons for this? Are there anxiety-related reasons for this? Who knows?)
But partners and sponsors aren’t always going to tolerate his hermit-like tendencies. So once every month or so, Alfred wrangles Bruce into a private jet and sends him off to who knows where so he can represent the company.
Usually, it’s somewhere close on the East Coast, maybe it’s across the pond, even Asia isn’t off the table, but the rarest place to spot Bruce Wayne is actually the West Coast of the US.
One day, it is announced that Bruce Wayne will be spending two (count ‘em, 2) consecutive weeks in California with his kids for some grand business convention.
The West Coast media goes feral with the news, ESPECIALLY interviewers. And because Bruce kicks up such a fuss this time, Alfred has the gall to sign him up for FOUR TV appearances.
Here are these appearances :)
RuPaul’s Drag Race
Drag Queens, especially Drag Race all-stars, contribute to a wide variety of charities
So on a new episode, the queens are challenged to design and shoot a promotional ad for their own charity
And who better to act as a guest judge for this episode than the show’s largest benefactor, CEO of the Wayne Foundation, Bruce Wayne?!
Physically? He’s older than half of the contestants. But spiritually? He screams Baby Gay.
Fifteen minutes into the episode, Bruce is welcomed into the werkroom where he gives them pointers on their campaign. He’s in his cute little three-piece suit (Alfred’s idea) with the intention of looking put-together and knowledgeable. But that’s not the only outcome.
They all flirt with him. Everyone, single or taken. The confessionals are so thirsty.
“He’s lucky the cameras are on. Otherwise, I’d eat him up faster than a bachelorette party in a buffet line.”
“My celebrity crush is talking to me, and all I can focus on are his gorgeous eyes. How am I supposed to know what he's saying?”
Of course, they shoot their shot, but most of it is joking since they don't know he's bi yet.
“Are you single, honey?” Bruce blushes. “It’s complicated.” “Well, I’ll make it simple for you.”
We all know this man can't handle being flirted with. We saw how he froze when Selina did it. It’s like he mentally bluescreens when someone calls him a pet name.
Only THEN do they learn he's bi
One of the queens jokingly asks him, “Ever been with a man before?” thinking it would be a firm no, but Bruce says, “Actually, yes.” “Oh shit, really?” And to Bruce’s embarrassment, the whole room hears him.
The flirting is thus taken up a notch.
On the main stage, Bruce has a lot of great constructive criticism. He talks about how to find the right audience, the importance of a good slogan, and even goes on a little rant about logo design.
(You cannot convince me that Bruce hasn’t hyperfixated on the business of charity work before. Or the science of marketing. They’re his favorite business topics.)
After about three minutes of him complimenting one contestant for their Drag Library pitch, he stops himself mid-sentence and says, “Oh sorry, am I talking too much?” “No, please! Keep talking, sweetheart.” Bruce covers his face to hide his blush. “Why is everyone flirting with me?” “Baby, have you seen yourself?”
While the judges deliberate, RuPaul mentions Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent. Bruce nods along for a while then suddenly just blurts out, “Wait, does it spell ****?”
The judges pause then burst out laughing. “Oh no, we’ve traumatized him!" Bruce is blushing up a storm. “I just never thought about it like that!” “Sweet, innocent Bruce. We’re so sorry.”
It’s later revealed that Bruce offered to help some of the queens launch their charity projects through the Wayne Foundation.
It’s v cute 🥰
Nailed It!
I love Nicole Byer.
She is Mother.
In all seriousness, she’s so fucking funny and she’s personable enough to pull Bruce out of his shell a bit.
The theme for this episode is Found Family. Three pairs of family members compete together—a gay father and his adopted son, an aunt who adopted her niece, and a stepfather and stepdaughter.
Because Bruce Wayne famously adopted two children, he is invited to guest judge.
So Nicole opens the episode with a zinger, the contestants are introduced, and Bruce is welcomed onto the judge’s panel beside Nicole and Jacques.
(Yes, Bruce does speak French. Yes, Nicole makes a joke about it being hot.)
Nicole: “We were surprised you accepted our invitation, Mr. Wayne. You’re notorious for staying on the East Coast. What brought you to the Nailed It! Studio?” Bruce: “My children love this show. They always tell me I should be on it since I’m so bad at baking.” Nicole: “Really? Maybe we should do a celebrity season of Nailed It! and have you compete.” Bruce: “No, you should not.”
Nicole: “So, Bruce, I know you have a butler at home who bakes for you. But what’s the grossest thing you’ve eaten? Escargot? Bad caviar?” Bruce: “I drank olive oil straight from the bottle once.” Nicole: “…What?”
The problem for Bruce is he can’t say anything bad. It just feels mean :(
(And he would rather jump into oncoming traffic than gamble with a social interaction)
For the first challenge, the contestants make cake pops. But when Bruce tries the first one, there is a sickening crunch. Bruce’s eyes widen for a second and he slowly chews.
Nicole: “What was that? Bruce, are you okay?” Bruce, clearly struggling: “It’s…good.”
“Bruce, you can spit it out. It’s okay.” “I already swallowed it.” “Oh, you poor thing.” Bruce chokes for a second, and Nicole pats his back. “Please don’t die. We can’t afford it.”
For the big challenge, production has a surprise in store for Bruce.
Dick (9) and Jason (7) run onto the set and smother Bruce with a hug.
It’s adorable. Bruce no longer cares about paying attention, okay? His kids are here :D
The two boys read from cue cards to announce the second challenge: a three-tiered Gotcha Day cake. And as per tradition, the winner of the first challenge gets a leg-up.
This time, it’s a Helping Hands Button. When they hit the button, Dick and Jason will run over and help them for three minutes. (While being supervised, of course.)
As the contestants bake, Nicole says hello to Dick and Jason, who are clambering all over Bruce like a jungle gym. They both shake her hand and talk about how they love the show.
Nicole looks pointedly at the two empty chairs beside Bruce. “You know, we brought these chairs for you two to sit in.” Dick, on Bruce’s shoulders: “We’re fine, Ms. Byer!” Nicole: “Ms. Byer? Oh, you’re a cutie, aren’t you?”
Just ten minutes before the challenge is over, the Helping Hands button is pressed, and Dick and Jason are given stools so they can help the aunt and niece stack their cake tiers.
Two minutes in, the aunt instructs them to let go of the cake. But the moment Jason pulls his hands away, the cake topples over and covers him in frosting. Jason, whispering: “Oh f*ck.” Bruce: “Jason!” Jason: “I didn’t say that! Dick did!” Nicole: *cackling as Bruce buried his face in his hands*
Jason gets cleaned up, and Dick helps them stack what can still be salvaged.
When Wes brings out the trophy, he’s dressed as Batman. Dick and Jason gets a kick out of that.
Celebrity Family Feud
Bruce was invited to the show after his SNL skit went viral a few months ago
This episode, the teams are split up by cities they grew up in. Gotham v. Star City. Naturally, his team is playing for the Wayne Foundation.
It’s a pretty odd cast of people, most of them having moved to LA or Hollywood. Bruce is the only one to still live in Gotham.
They have fun, though, despite their limited common ground. The audience has a few good laughs.
(Some at Bruce's expense)
Harvey: You're a very wealthy man, Mr. Wayne. What do you really do in that tower all day? Bruce: I, uh…business? Harvey: …You business. Bruce: ……Wait-
All in good fun. Bruce just vibes in his little corner until he needs to answer a question. It's pretty chill.
For exactly half of the episode.
Then it happens.
Steve Harvey takes two people from each team up to the buzzer and says, “We asked 100 people: Name something your parents always told you as a kid.”
What the production failed to consider is how this particular question might be a sensitive topic for some contestants.
Bruce’s team gets the question, and Steve saunters up to Bruce, completely oblivious.
“Alright, Bruce Wayne!” Bruce nods awkwardly. “Hi, Steve.” “Bruce, what’s wrong? You’re looking a bit uncomfortable.” “…I don’t like this question, Steve.” “Why not?” Bruce just gives him a desperate look, and it clicks. “Oh! Oh my gosh!”
Let’s be real. Bruce is awkward enough, but Steve Harvey cannot save an awkward moment for his life either.
But he tries his best anyway and asks, “Are you okay with answering this question, or would you like to pass?” Bruce nods frantically. “I can answer. ‘I love you.’” “I love you too, Mr. Wayne.” “No, uh, my answer is ‘I love you.’” “Oh! That’s a good one.”
Thankfully, the audience erupts in laughter. That little interaction cuts the tension, and Bruce’s answer ends up on the board.
And by god, the memes
“I love you too, Mr. Wayne” is the new “Enjoy your meal.” “You too.”
The audio clip of “I don’t like this question, Steve” goes viral on TikTok
Someone gets a pic of Bruce and Steve looking at each other with palpable fear in their eyes, and it makes its rounds all over Twitter
10/10 never again
Running Wild with Bear Grylls
Now this is the most challenging. Not because it’s difficult, of course. But because Bruce has to look stupid enough to maintain his Brucie Wayne persona but smart enough to keep himself safe.
For this episode, Bear takes Bruce to the California desert.
“How much do you know about survival, Bruce?” Bear asks. Bruce nods carefully. “I did some survival training once with a friend from boarding school.” “Oh really, how did you do?” “Fine, I think.”
This is, of course, his way of saying I trained with a league of assassins for years, but Bear can’t know that! And that’s how most of the episode goes.
Thank god Bruce's fear of being caught is mistaken for being scared of the physical challenge because every time Bear points out how well he’s doing, he breaks into a sweat.
Bear: For a businessman, you’re surprisingly fit. Bruce, sweating bullets: Oh, this is all just for show.
Bear: Wow, you’re a natural. Are you sure you’ve never set up a zip-line before? Bruce, gripping his equipment so tight he gets rope burn: I think it’s just the survival instincts.
Of course, he pretends to be out of breath a few times. The Drama.
Bruce, pretending to slip and fall: Ouch! Who knew the outdoors were so dangerous? Bear, you are crazy. Bruce, internally: How much longer are we doing this?
Bruce being a vegetarian is actually a point of contention. You see, Bear always makes their celebrity guests do something crazy for food like skin a snake or eat a mouse. Scavenging for berries just doesn’t grab the audience’s attention.
But do you know what is vegetarian?
Bear: Now, in extreme cases of survival, it’s not rare for humans to resort to drinking their own pee. That’s what we’ll be doing in a moment. Are you up for it? Bruce, visibly repulsed: I’ve had Gotham tap water. I’ll be fine.
How on God’s Green Earth did Alfred convince him to do this?
To get to the extraction point, Bear takes Bruce down a cliffside.
Bear shows Bruce the meticulous process of properly belaying from the top of a cliff, and Bruce, who has done this over 100 times is like, “Wow that’s so dangerous :( Will we be okay?”
He really tries to ramp up his acting skills this time.
(Little does he know that’s not necessary.)
Bruce goes down first as Bear belays with a cameraman filming from the top. Halfway down, Bruce hears a scuffle, and the cameraman yells, “F*ck!”
Bruce looks up, arms already out for protection, and he sees a small disk falling towards him. It’s the lens cap. He catches it on instinct.
For a second, he thinks, “Shit, was that too skilled? That’s not enough to make people think I’m Batman, right? I just caught it in midair while dangling from a cliff. That’s totally not weird and suspicious. Normal people do that—“
Then Bear yells, “Bruce, drop it!” Bruce looks up at Bear, confused. “Why?” “There's a scorpion!” That’s when Bruce looks at the lens cap and sees a black scorpion perched on top with its tail ready to strike.
They don’t have those in Gotham.
Bruce jumps in his harness and flings the cap at the rocky cliffside. He hears a crunch, and the scorpion and cap tumble to the ground. Bruce frowns. Can a scorpion survive that drop?
“You just killed a scorpion, mate!” Bear cries. Bruce looks up in horror. “I killed it?!” “Hell yeah!” Bruce’s face falls. “No!”
Because oh. shit.
Bruce just killed something. The sad, orphaned vegetarian just killed a scorpion.
Bruce has a meltdown.
He didn’t mean to kill it!!!! Oh no, he just killed an innocent little creature. Yeah, he punches people for fun sometimes, and he definitely put a few violent criminals in the hospital, but he’s never committed MURDER!!
This poor little scorpion died due to his own negligence, and he feels so so so bad about it.
Bruce is a mess as he climbs the rest of the way down.
Bruce, cradling the scorpion’s body: I don’t know how to perform CPR on a scorpion! Bear: Bruce, you took its head clean off. Bruce: *sad noises*
Legit inconsolable. To him, it’s like he just murdered a puppy
Once they're out, Bear is trying to cheer him up. Bless him.
Bear: We’ve conquered the wild! Haven’t we, Bruce? Bruce, head between his legs, still mourning the scorpion: I’m never going outside again.
Yeah, no one’s going to think he’s Batman after that.
And that's all four of Bruce's TV appearances from the West Coast :) Dick and Jason never let him live any of it down. Alfred is almost sorry. (He is not sorry.)
Let me know your thoughts! What other TV shows do you think Battinson would appear on as a guest?
Okie dokie :D Love y'all! Have a good day <3
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isitovernow-ootw · 2 years
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Support and Rehabilitation Programs for Construction Workers
In the physically demanding world of construction, the well-being of workers is paramount. Support and rehabilitation programs for construction workers play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and productive workforce. This article delves into the significance of these programs and the various components that make them effective. The Critical Need for Support and Rehabilitation The…
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ten-simm · 8 months
Time Lords and humans having essentialy distinct ways of displaying intimacy.
This is just a personal headcanon of mine. But considering one of the fundamental characterizations of Time Lords surrounds intellectuality, psyche, the construction of the mind, etc, it's reasonable to infer that their way of establishing affinity and how they percieve relationships and bonding in general is likely tied to the same principle - as such, physical contact almost not being used as a form of expressing affection, since they value much more the mental aspect and its understanding when related to another person.
Following this sense, forming a psychic/telephatic connection with another Time Lord can possibly be seen in Gallifrey as a much more intimate contact than what kissing is to humans. Or something else.
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