#if you have tumblr with a obscure background it'll look amazing
pencil-for-a-dog · 1 year
Tumblr media
《Admire him!
He! The one with our universe in his body and their universe in his back!
He's the king!》
Oh yeah, he's not having a good time.
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tenebrius-excellium · 23 days
If you are still doing the fandom asks:
6. something you see in art a lot and love
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
Hi Silver, oh I am thank you! You made my day with these ones! :D
6. Phewww, basically what makes me reblog a piece of fanart? If an expression is true to the character. GREAT LIGHTING. Abstract use of color and texture, lately. Creative outfits. Lighting. If you want the short answer, it'll always be great lighting, I think.
For what I'd call "expressive clarity", my favorite artworks on Tumblr have always been by @/itistimetodisappear, @/monoflaxart, @/dreamsoffools, and @/jackthevulture. They all did lots of Httyd art back in the day, even though each of them has moved on from it now and it would be hard to track down anything of their work if one is not willing to do a deep dive into their archives or whatever.
For the background grunge that I so crave more of, I've been paying attention to @/alouavic and @/yusufart. @/snekky-arts too, but you know that one ;)
As for motives that I love seeing...dragons? Any flying creatures? Well made, fleshed out character designs? Architecture? Dunno, could be anything - if it's my style, I'll put it on my blog! Sorry, that was an unnecessarily long answer now, but I kind of found it a hard question!
16. A detail in the Httyd canon that I appreciate A LOT are just Hiccup's outfits!!! They are BORING!!! (Mainly talking about 1 and 3 here) I LOVE THEM SO MUCH YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW they are not hyper-overdone, they look functional, comfortable, appropriate, and they put the focus on Hiccup's character rather than his appearance. My dude is wearing simple greens and browns. What. And I didn't like his Httyd2 outfit, but it was clever and looked absolutely silly on him. It was so so cool but at the same time, you know, nothing to brag about, like a swimming champion in a speedo and goggles. It makes him amazing at what he does, but it's not conventionally attractive, if you get the gist??? It's fantastic.
A detail in Tales of Arcadia that I love is the way shadow magic works and the way Claire manages to master it. It's generally a less trafficked road to go, an introvert's realm if you like, away from the noise of changelings invading schools and the like, ...so she gets to experiment with it and makes it hers. Nice.
A detail in Narnia that I love is the sea of lilies that the party encounters at the end of the world in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
And a very neat detail in Trigun Stampede is the way Vash's glasses reflect light, sometimes obscuring his eyes or suddenly making them visible, which is an AWESOME feature to make the viewer guess his thoughts. You should give it a watch, maybe only the first episode! I wouldn't know if you like it, but there's a certain tenderness about Vash that you might appreciate as well :)
Sorry, my answers to this ask are a little all over the place. It's very late and I should go to bed lol, also life is lifing and I can't forget to put the snails into my fish tank before I turn off the light--
Lots of love to you, friend, it's nice seeing you on my dash! <3 Been missing you!
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beyond-a-name · 1 year
Top five music albums of the 2010's :3
Oh god I have to actually think about what came out in the 2010s. Uhhhhhhhhhh
1. Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino by The Arctic Monkeys: This is one of the first times I really excitedly bought an album and listened to it as a cohesive artistic piece, rather than just as background music or something I got with family. It is one of the few albums I let take up the very limited storage on my phone, and it is the first album I was interested in enough to research its meaning and concept. 10/10
(Uhhh okay I gotta go look up some other albums I'll be back.) [Exit stage right]
[Some time passes.]
Okay I'm back and I have reviewed albums.
2. Unearthing the Sentience by Beyond Flesh: So first off, I discovered this album this year through a friend of mine, and I absolutely love it. It's a technical death metal producer duo that released this and another album (the other one came out in 2020 and so doesn't count for this :/). It is entirely instrumental, but each song is so distinct. It'll introduce a concept, put a few spins on it, then tie it all together in a beautiful conclusion. The songwriting methodology honestly reminds me of Super Mario level design (as laid out by GMTK on youtube) in its expressive focus. Half of the duo, Juan Carlos Hernández, has genuinely become one of my favourite artists of all time. I have not yet had the pleasure of exploring his whole discography, but what I have thus far listened to has been extraordinary. Every piece is an imaginative journey that I delight in being swept up in. If you want to enrich your musical tastes a little more, you can find more of his work spread out across a few different bandcamps (his dungeon synth/ambience/fantasy works, his doom metal project, and his other works) or check out the occasional work posted to his tumblr at @imsobadatnicknames2. The works are entirely prolific and delightful, and this album in particular has been one of few that's started me getting into more metal. 11/10
3. Transgender Dysphoria Blues by Against Me: I also found this one this year, and it was recommended through another friend. Amazing punk music about being trans (and other topics, of course). I had shown great interest in punk culture and aesthetic approaches, but this was a really good deliberate foray into the music itself that resonated with me personally (I'm a trains). The album was released after the singer and frontwoman came out as a trans woman, and it heavily centres her experience in doing so in a way that is really provocative and heartfelt. Some of the songs seem, I guess the word is insecure? In a way I don't really resonate with, but I guess that's the point, isn't it? The first two songs, Transgender Dysphoria Blues and True Trans Soul Rebel, have been permanently etched into my heart. I also really like Paralytic States. Really good to listen to as a full album. 10/10
4. Morning Coffee Chillhop Lo Fi Electronic Mix by Various Artists: "But wait!" I hear you exclaim. "That's not an album, it's just a youtube lofi mix!" Yes. Anyway, this mix has been my absolute favourite since I first heard it, and it really kickstarted my exploration of lofi. Like before this I was checking it out, but upon hearing this, I was well and truly hooked. The first song overlays audio from a tv scene (I think it's twin peaks?) about rewarding yourself every day, ("Every day, give yourself a present,") and it's a lovely sentiment to begin an album a mix on. the use of additional audio throughout is typical for lofi, but it is used to great effect here to elevate the music it's played over rather than obscure it while rendering each song distinct. It was also the first time (or at least most memorable time) I heard something like that. I do not know the name of a single song on this mix, and if I ever lose access to it, I will kill everyone within a five kilometer radius. 10/10
5. Starbomb's Self-Titled Debut Album: This is a comedy album around video games composed of several Game Grumps members, and I bought it as a teenager and listened to it front to back maybe more times than I got a good night's sleep. I'm not really into Game Grumps anymore, and now I kind of tend to skip NSP (other Game Grumps-adjacent band) when it comes up on older playlists of mine. But like, I couldn't un-memorize this thing even if I wanted to, and it is somehow one of like 6 albums still on my phone (Tranquility Base was unwittingly bought on Google Play Music and did not outlast its end) even since getting a new phone. Even the Caravan Palace album, while it's still on my device, didn't soundtrack my teenagedom nearly as pervasively, and it does not stand out as much as the other entries here (you should still listen though). I can sing along flawlessly to every track, and it is lovingly catalogued by that dorky teenager I carry in me as I keep growing through adulthood. It's my alarms sometimes. I want to rate it lower, but I have loved it too entirely for too long. 10/10
Surprise Bonus Play!!!!!!!! (Woa!) (Honourable Mention)
6. Greatest Hits, Vol. 1 by The Flaming Lips: This one is maybe cheating a bit as it's a greatest hits album, but whatever. I initially bought this on impulse as a gift for a friend for his birthday (I bought myself one as well), and I fell in love with how silly the song names and premises were. We all loved it, and had a blast listening to it via his playstation, then later in the car when we went camping together. I genuinely did not realize that it might be a somewhat well-known band before I saw the inclusion of one of their songs in the game Hi-Fi Rush. (Hint: They are very well-known. They have many awards and a long history. Their discography has its own wikipedia article seperate from their main article. I didn't know any of this until I came to wrote this.) I especially like "She Don't Use Jelly," which aside from being very funny, also implies a delicious toast recipe which I wholeheartedly recommend everybody try. 10/10
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