#if you know me don't be scared about dming me about this
stop-talking · 2 months
Breakdown of the @joshsbimbo controversy.
@mike-schmidtten already made a detailed list of every reason why people are upset with you, "lamb", but I'm going to quickly go over it all anyways because you obviously didn't get the memo.
Extreme trigger warning for this entire post, I'm going to be talking about rape, SA, assault, violence, abuse, incest, stepcest, pedophilia, substance abuse, and probably a lot more.
First of all, you tagged this fic where Mike literally rapes the reader as "cnc". That is not correct.
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I mean, if we look at the definition of CNC, it says "this type of scene does not encourage ACTUAL rape. All proper scenes are done after much negotiation between of-age, consenting adults."
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But I don't need to explain that to you, do I? You know what CNC is. You said yourself MONTHS ago that you tagged your fic incorrectly and NEVER went back and fixed it.
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Mike's next point was that you make it impossible for people to "steer away" from their triggers when you don't tag your posts properly.
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And as an example he used this post of straight up incest porn between Mike and his little sister. All completely out in the open, tagged under "#mike schmidt" and "#mike schmidt x reader" for all to see.
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He followed it up this this. A plea for you to, at the bare minimum, tag the major triggers in your posts and hide it under a "read more" section.
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Let's take a look at how you responded to that very reasonable request.
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Oh. You DM'd him the word poop and blocked him.
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Instead of reblogging to respond, you actually deleted your origional post so your followers couldn't see the criticism of you as easily. I wonder why? You made your stance clear, though. "I should have put more warnings on my work, but it doesn't matter anyways because it's all fictional." But then, immediately after, you started relogging an account that makes photoshopped foot fetish content of male celebrities for some reason...?
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(I censored the feet myself because its just weird) Oh, and weird AI pictures of him, too.
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There were worse ones, but I didn't screenshot everything, and you deleted these posts just a few hours after reblogging.
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You followed it all up with this now-deleted post about how you wish you could make your notes private. Again, I wonder why? If it really is OKAY to sexualize incest, rape, and abuse just because it's fictional, why would people be scared to support you? Why is no one willing to publicly like your posts, or speak out in your favor? Even some of your biggest supporters (@leah-hutcherson @teenagedreamsss @cuteskunkz @renaissancebewbies) who continue to like (some) of your posts, still haven't come to your defense. If writing about fictional rape, abuse, and incest really and truly wasn't harmful, why would you need to hide?
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Once other people started catching wind of what was going on, you responded in some... interesting ways. Like here, in response to this ask (from a person who is a minor BTW). You switched up your story from "I should have tagged my work better" to "everyone hates me now because I forgot to put warnings on ONE story" (which was just blatantly false, as you had been posting other triggering things at the time with no warnings whatsoever.)
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It was absolutely ridiculous of you to claim you put warnings on your work when I could scroll down two posts (back before you deleted this) and see a post about Mike beating his kid.
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Like... please show me where exactly the warning is?
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Then, when this person, (another MINOR, btw!!) posted after reading Mike's breakdown of your behavior, your responded by DMing them a slur.
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I don't even know what to say to that. A minor. A slur.
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But as much as you like to INSIST your work isn't for minors, you sure seem to interact with them a lot.
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This person who reblogged your masterlist? They're a minor.
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^^ You can't say you don't want minors to read your work without actually taking all precautions possible to prevent them from seeing it. (Tagging your content, blocking ageless accounts, NOT REBLOGGING MINORS!!!)
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Yes. This person is also a minor. Which makes, what, the 4th minor you've interacted with in the past few days? At least from what I can tell.
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They also hate you btw so I don't even know why you reblogged them.
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FINALLY, this user commented under one of your posts in an attempt to get you to AT LEAST tag your posts correctly if you're going to write triggering shit. (Which was the same think Mike asked you to do, if you remember, but he got "poop" and reblogs of foot fetish posts as a response.)
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But then it looked like you either blocked them or removed their comment, so they tried again.
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You ignored this message, then apparently posted this?
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So they tried again (being much nicer that I would have)
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And you finally responded (and still got blocked anyways because your posts are DISTURBING and GROSS)
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I doubted you'd actually fix your page, because again, you ignored the same request when Mike asked, and in the past admitted you tagged your fics wrong but just never bothered to change it.
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But surprise surprise, you actually went through with it and added trigger warnings to your content.
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Though, I'm still not sure "non-serious" is an appropriate tag for a post where mike beats you to death...??
Look. I appreciate that you're at least TRYING now, but it was a fucking FIGHT to get you to do the bare minimum. What I, and apparently 84% of people actually want you to do is delete your account.
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(This is from @mike-schmidtten's breakdown post from a couple days ago)
I know you want to PRETEND that just because something is a work of fiction, it doesn't have negative real-world effects, but that's just not the truth.
A lot of people were hurt when you posted things without trigger warnings.
And even now, as you continue to post fetish content for rape, incest, and abuse, people are still being hurt. MINORS are still being hurt.
Yes, obviously, if you post something on the internet, you can't completely 100% control who sees it. But you don't even seem to TRY.
(Dming minors slurs, letting minors reblog your masterlist, letting ageless accounts interact with you, reblogging minors, answering asks from minors, etc)
People, minors, CHILDREN, are raped and abused by those closest to them every day. It's disgusting and horrifying to think about, but it's the world we live in.
You aren't "helping people cope" by writing these stories. You're normalizing abuse. And allowing the most vulnerable people to read it.
You're taking actual things that have happened to real people, and sexualizing it for others to get off to. It's immoral, disturbing, and disgusting.
To my followers, if any of you support this kind of content, you are NOT welcome on my page. Please unfollow or block me and go seek help.
And to you, lamb, I hope you come to your senses and either delete all of your rape & incest fetish content or delete your account entirely.
At the end of the day, you KNOW you're in the wrong. Or at least some small part of you does, or you wouldn't have been afraid to reblog Mike's post and respond defending yourself directly. And you wouldn't be afraid to reblog mine either, which you undoubtedly will.
I know you used to follow me, so maybe you'll take this all to heart. But probably not.
I won't block you. (for the next few days, at least). I'll be here if you want to try and have a civil discussion. But just know I will NEVER agree with the sexualization & glorification of violence and abuse.
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lorelune · 4 months
hey fellas and folks i have been meaning to write something up about this but haven't known where to start or where i'll end up. but i DO feel like it deserves addressing.
(having my joker moment joker moment)
i really love this niche. i found a home in it during a very difficult time in my life, and have found many friends and lasting irl connections from the writings shared and conversations had. this place is so incredibly, INCREDIBLY dear to me. despite going through many horrors (tm) while in this community, i continue to stay because there is a lot about it that i love.
however, in the last... i don't know, year or so? there has been such an abundance of discourse, gossip and drama both publicly and privately that has exhausted me to no end. these things have always existed, they always will, but in the past year they have felt so draining and despairing that it has made finding the same comfort and joy in this community is hard. a lot of times, impossible!
one of the things that genuinely makes me SO sad is the tags. i made most of my lasting friendships in this niche but seeing a writing in the tags that i enjoyed and dming the author and shouting together. i have found so many great writers in the tags, and i still crawl around them today looking for fic!! HOWEVER. i find it difficult, not just because of the abundance of vague smut-related comphet posts with a slew of character names underneath from unrelated fandoms (to each there own but it isn't a posting style i enjoy!) but moreso because of the INSANE number of posts by antis that get thrown into the tags. main tags, character tags, x reader tags. it is so deeply disheartening to be looking for fic to enjoy and get jump scared by a posts saying horrible things about those who enjoy dark content. respectfully if you're above the age of eighteen and looking for writing on tumblr dot gov, i HIIIIGHLYY recommend using your literacy to first read ANY article or study summary about human psychology and sexuality and why fantasy does not equal what someone actual desires! signed a sex-repulsed ace spec mf who writes and enjoys smut. hate to use myself as example, but i hate even more to see folks in the tags be puritanical and pro-censorship under the guise of progressive ideology.
i want to say that there are parties within this niche that are CONSISTENTLY at the center of drama and conflict. no matter what fandom, no matter the url changes and lurking, they are there and its the same mfs. this is a complete vague, as i'm sure the parties in involved in the targeted harassment and ensuing drama do not know who i am, nor know that i know. but i DO <3, and so do plenty of other writers in our niche who have politely blocked and left you alone. do us all a fucking favor and do the same, instead of instigating harassment and being hateful cunts.
in this vein, in my closer circle, i know that these events (especially in the last six months) have caused folks to become conspiratorial and assume bad faith. i understand this is a protective measure because folks have gone through the wringer. however it makes me so sad to see what is often folks who likely do not know any context or horrors of the community, be painted so poorly in casual conversations when most of the time, communication is made to create a connection, not to start a fight.
i find myself reflecting on WHY i have come to not feel comfortable in this community. why i don't enjoy writing the same way, why i don't feel the same security i once felt, why i get so damn nervous to post a silly thought or thirst on main, and i find myself coming back to these experiences and the subsequent fear that follows. perhaps i am a weak-hearted coward, but i find it hard to find joy when i feel surrounded by constant negativity and genuine cruelty. it is hard to want to share any of myself when i am so deeply aware that whether it is strangers or people i have become close to, what i enjoy and what i choose to express and share can be so easily twisted into something it is not.
i know it would be easier if i had a thicker skin, or felt secure enough that this didn't bother me, but part of the core problem is that this community has made me insecure. it's a loop. it is one that makes me genuinely sad, as this place once felt so much like home. i know it still can be, but it certainly won't be sitting here, starting at blank documents and text posts wondering to myself 'why can't i just put words on paper' while i have the cortisol levels of a prey animal.
i'm not sure if other folks have felt similarly, or find themselves in the same point. however if you do, or you find yourself resonating, here's to feeling seen 🥂
- papa salami (lore) 🌙
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saphig-iawn · 10 months
Day 7 of Turning me into Me
I've done it. My dear sweet girlies, my shes, gays, theys, and whatever-the-hays, I've done it. I have gone 7 whole days sticking to my plan. On November 12th I saw my face without a beard for the first time in 11 years and while my mask of masculinity was gone I still didn't like what I saw. I chose that day to be the worst I would ever feel about myself and made a decision to put the future me into production, rather than wait for HRT to do it all for me. I was inspired by a trans friend of mine who went through a similar journey to get surgery and she just told me so bluntly how easy it'd be. So I did.
And here I am, a whole week of walking every day, a whole week of not eating when I'm bored, a whole week of no sugar drinks (sorry monster). I am the happiest I have ever been. My head is so full of the things I'd wear, the makeup I'd try, the ways I can enjoy my body (also tbh I am really excited about the clothes holy FUCK). It was as easy as my friend said, "just don't do it, lol" were literally the words out of her mouth. I even took my first selfie that I liked.
But these aren't the only reasons why I'm still going. It is everyone who has come by and seen me talking about my journey and have shown me support. I've had DMs, Asks, RBs all telling me how they found my writing at the right time, and also at the wrong time and giving them something to think about. The fact that little old me could be a single part of someone's journey into their true self is just.. it.. it makes this so much better and so much more worthwhile.
You see, I used to be in a big discord server that belonged to a streamer. Over time it became harder to remain there. I wasn't out at the time but had so many girlies who were and they fought so well when laddish bigotry and cishet male-ry would bubble up and ruin people's day. But then one particularly bad night would result in blatant transphobia being slung in the chat and despite so many girlies calling it out, it was normalised by the server owner. I was DMing the girlies about how it just fucking sucked and that I wanted to do something but I was so scared and so tired and they sympathised with me. But I had had enough and thus turned my coming out into a weapon. I wanted them to know that their words hurt so many more people than they think; the silent queers that sit and see bigotry become commonplace in a space that has been advertised as safe, the questioning girls-to-be and boys-to-be seeing people write off their feelings under Devil's Advocacy. I told them they weren't allies, there was no support, and I was coming out and they better fucking pack it in. But when the culture is entrenched, even something like that doesn't change much. But my coming out caused a ripple, and I did see the names of people I had never interacted with before show love, and I knew that it was enough for them. I hope that me, setting myself ablaze in that server and leaving from the ashes, was enough for those names I saw.
A big thank you to everyone who has said hello, got in touch, or even just liked. I have such a deep and unshakeable love for you.
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page-soobinnie · 1 year
Hello 🤗🤗🤗
I just saw that you write for Strangers From Hell characters so I wanted to request dating and jealousy headcanons for Moonjo, Jongwoo, Seokyoon and Jieun separately.
I know it's a lot 😅 but there's so little contents about them. So I would really appreciate it if you would. But it's ok if you can't. Thank you anyways ❤️ ❤️
✮Them Being Jealous✮
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✮Special thanks too: Anon, Moonjo, JongWoo, Seokyoon, Jieun
✮Note: Hi hello!! Thank you for requesting and being my first Request on this account I hope you enjoy it and remember you can request any time as long as it fits my rules ♡︎
✮TW: Moonjo : Psycho JongWoo : Jealousy : Yandere themes : mentions of murder : mentions of a pervert : teeth (Moonjo) : gender of reader is not specified : creepy man in Seokyoon's : Jongwoos boss being weird :
✮Taglist: No one yet but you can join by clicking this link and commenting the category you want or dming me or sending an ask
©Yawnzzznnn do not steal or copy my work
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Moonjo
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Oh boy... He is very protective and Obsessive so he won't let you out Eden without him and the only time he leave leaves is for work so you don't really get to leave maybe once(1) or thrice(3) a week even then your not allowed to look at someone or speak to anyone that's not him
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥So if he was to get jealous it would be of someone at Eden no it's not the pervert or the twins, but instead let's say it's Seokyoon
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥I mean Seokyoon is young and cute who wouldn't fall for him, although you already had Moonjo you couldn't deny the little butterflies whenever he smiled at you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Moonjo isn't stupid he saw how shy you get around Seokyoon so before bed he brought it up to you "Yn" he said "do you have somthing to tell me?" He continued confused you shook your head "oh no?" He mocked "so you don't feel anything when Seokyoon looks at you? You didn't think I noticed how shy and giggly you get when he smiles at you?" He spoke his voice raising every word, in response you gasped "it's not like that" you say Moonjo wasn't buying it "it's not like that?" He scoffed and looked at the door
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥"fine if you like Seokyoon so much" he mumbled rushing out the door with a familiar syringe in his hand you knew you couldn't stop him and if you tried too it'll make it worse on your end
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳Later that night Moonjo walked through the door with a bracelet filled to the brim with teeth "here these are Seokyoon's" he said trying to put the bloody bracelet on you in response you jerked your hand away looking up at your face he gave you the crazed smile before setting Seokyoon's teeth down on the table "now to take care of you"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥JongWoo
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Its no secret that JongWoo has an attitude with people he can't stand or that annoy him or weird him out
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥The two of you were at his work place you visiting to give him emotional support because of the things he's told you about Eden and how scared he was
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥"Yn" he said causing you to raise your head from his shoulder "do me a favor and get documents from there" he said pointing at a file cabinet through a glass window after describing the kind he needs you walked to the file cabinet and bent down to search
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Unknown to your knowledge you've attracted a viewer the quiet guy who sits next to JongWoo was not so subtly starring at your butt
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥"Yah" Jongwoo said grabbing the attention of everyone in the room including you "dont stare at my partner like that" he said the guy looked around a bit embarrassed "wait what happened" you said coming back with what JongWoo needed JongWoo snatched the file from you before grabbing your arm and forcing you back to your seat on the other side of him
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥"I caught him starring at your butt" he said loud enough for everyone to hear you gasped before you heard giggling "that's gross" you heard the girl next to you mumble the guy looked down "your not even going to apologize?" JongWoo said standing up from his chair getting ready to grab the dudes keyboard you were quick to stop JongWoo
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥"Don't your gonna get yourself in trouble" you mumbled holding on to his hands JongWoo scoffed "I don't care he needs to apologize" JongWoo said snatching his hand away from you "yah!" He said the guy refusing to look at him
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥"what's going on out here?" The big boss said coming out his office "JongWoo caught him starring at yn's butt" the girl said next you in a disgusted tone "are you not going to apologize?" JongWoo scoffed "yah asshole!" JongWoo yelled kicking his chair the guy flinched "JongWoo!" You gasped "stop Yn" he said trying to pull his hands away from you "dont jeopardize your job for me" you said pulling him into a hug hoping to calm him down
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥JongWoo visibly relaxed before wrapping his arms around your waist "your more important to me than this job" he whispered you sighed "baby please I dont want to see you suffer because some hentai loving asshole can't keep his eyes to himself" you said rubbing his back JongWoo slightly giggled "I love you" he said swaying the two of you back and forth "I know" you said hearing him slightly gasp before pinching your back you giggled "I love you too now let's get you back to work" you said the rest of his time working there JongWoo had a really bad attitude towards the guy
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Seokyoon
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Seokyoon is a very understanding person he prefers to look on the bright side of things which means he hardly ever gets jealous
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Hes more protective of you like let's say you go to a bar with him after he begged you too, the two of you were relaxing having a good time cuddled up to one another in the corner kissing every two seconds Seokyoon stood up saying he had to use the toilet he promised to be fast and when Seokyoon makes a promise he'll keep it
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥While waiting for your boyfriend a random man comes and sits Infront of you "are you alone?" He asked eyeing your body you shifted uncomfortably in your seat "no-no I'm here with my boyfriend" you said quietly "boyfriend?" The man laughed "you mean that kid that walked to the bathroom?" He said acting like he just said the funniest thing in the world "Seokyoon isn't a kid don't call him that and please leave me alone" you said fear washing away replacing with irritation
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥In response the man laughed "you could date a real man" he said emphasizing 'real' you scoffed "I told you I have a boyfriend" you said leaning back in your chair slightly jumping when you felt a familiar hand touch your shoulder "besides your not much of a real man if you can't take a hint" Seokyoon hissed out towards the man
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥The tone in Seokyoons voice was something you never heard before the man gulped "sorry" he said standing up before rushing away. You and Seokyoon sighed in unison before you both bust out laughing after a minute or two Seokyoon sat back in his chair on the right side of you trapping you between him and the wall again
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥"Sorry I couldn't get here faster baby" he said playing with your fingers "it's fine I just wanted him gone he stank" you jokes scrunching up your nose Seokyoon giggled before leaning in to kiss you
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Jieun
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Jieun is a pouty type of jealous like if your paying too much attention to another girl that isn't her she'll pout and latch herself to your arm
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥when the two of you leave that conversation she'll speak on it "you know she was flirting right?" She mumbled "that's why I left as soon as possible I don't need her I have an amazing girlfriend right here a clingy but adorable one too" you said ripping your arm out her hold in order to hug her "oh whatever" she said wrapping her arms around your waist
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Jieun needs reassurance so you being the amazing partner you are made sure she gets that assurance
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unholy-lamb · 3 months
RP CALL // About The Writer
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Hey gang!! Call me Lamb. I'm a twenty-two year old cisfem loser in the CST time zone who has been in the RP community way too long. I've been writing since I was about twelve. I'm always fiending for new threads and looking for new people with whom I can write!
I do NOT write with minors or anyone under the age of eighteen.
The Basics
My favorite pairings to write are OC/Canon. I do not write Canon/Canon ships, but I can be persuaded into writing OCs together if we vibe!
I am mostly familiar with writing MxF and FxF ships, and I will ask you to write either one of those for me. I can write any kind of ship for you. I am also more than okay with poly ships.
I am a master at doubling up. Seriously, it's my specialty! Come at me with all your craziest ideas. I adore hearing about OCs and their unique stories. I put the same amount of energy into both threads when doubling. I ask you do the same.
When doubling, I am more than happy to write anyone for you in return as long as they are not someone I'm wanting. Doubling is not necessary if you'd just like to write a canon character.
I have no problem doubling up in another fandom as long as I am familiar with the source material!
My writing style is literate to adv. literate. On average, I write roughly three to six paragraphs in a post. I do tend to do a lot more when writing starters or when the scene calls for it, and I can do less. I tend to mirror my partner's writing length and style.
OOC talk is not necessary, but I heavily prefer it! I love just going wild about headcanons, AUs, silly shitposting, plotting, etc.
I am VERY active in responses. Usually I tend to respond right away and I can write upwards of ten or so posts a day depending on engagement. I ask that my partners be able to post at least once a day to keep up interest! That being said, please let me know if something comes up, I'm more than understanding! We're all adults, adults get busy, no pressure.
My favorite genres/tropes to write are an entanglement of horror, fluff, dead dove, smut, angst, all of it! Give me a bit of everything!
I write exclusively on Discord. Servers are wonderful for organization.
Triggers & The Smut Stuff
NSFW will most likely come up in my threads. I ask that you be comfortable writing it! That being said, I prefer a 70/30 plot-to-smut ratio where the plot and characters take the central focus.
Triggers, limits, and no-goes will be discussed privately beforehand!
i. Cartoons - The Owl House - Inside Job - OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes - Arcane - Gravity Falls & Reverse Falls (AU) ii. Games - Portal & Portal 2 - Lies of P - Resident Evil - Transistor - The Wolf Among Us - Tell Tale's The Walking Dead - The Last of Us - OFF - Boyfriend to Death & The Price of Flesh iii. Internet Based Media - Creepypasta - Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared - Happy Tree Friends - Lackadaisy iv. Shows & Movies - The Boys - Stranger Things - IT (2017) & IT Chapter Two (2019) - The Umbrella Academy
Wrapping Up
Thank you for reading my yapfest! If you're interested, please let me know by DMing me on here or leaving a like on this post and I'll reach out!
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littlesislovesyou · 15 days
Well I passed out not long after so my body made the decision for me LMAOOO and you do dw you help me alot <333 I...also have insomnia. Is that why we're always up at the same times at night lol
I feel like one of the single person at a bar in the corner, just drinking my problems and ability to think away and you sit down beside me and offer to have a chat. And before long we're drinking and talking the night away and the next we're groping each other up on the drive to one of our places and then fucking like feral animals the moment we get through the door XD
But I do enjoy talking to you so I appreciate that alot. And I'm glad you don't mind <333 I really needed that and while you can't push me to do anything while my heart's not in it. You are INCREDIBLY talented at getting my heart into it (and you, and maybe more than just the heart-) by just being you lol
I wish I could see some of your emojis cuz they're boxes for me but I'll assume it's a happy emoji lmao but thank you honey I really appreciate it~ 💓 I'll try not to be too hard on myself.
'Only' teasing... As if your teasing isn't one of the most dangerous, feral inducing things I've seen and felt on the planet. Like a siren lulling people with their songs...but at least your teasing won't kill me. Just mildly inconvenience my lower half of my outfit for hours...on end...and turn me into a feral monster by the end of the night 😭 I'm looking forward to us finally dming both being lightly concerned at how much you'll tease me at work and turned on at the same time.
Gonna be using the bathroom way too often lol and I know you are it's cute though...and it's hot knowing I've ruined so many perfect pair of panties and made you soak them like the needy little slut you are for me~ 🖤
Maybe I do it knowingly while we live together as siblings. Hidden behind anon and knowing you'll come into the laundry area to get them washed and cleaned. I'll be stalking you every step of the way and while you're about to put them in...I'll sneak up behind and grab you and muffle your mouth with one hand while holding you with the other. Hissing at you not to move or scream as I admire the ruined state of my sister's panties...admiring the state I caused and your eyes widening as you put two and two together before flushing in embarrassment and arousal as I pull away and saying I just wanted to confirm that. Sorry for scaring ya, sis...and then walking away before you grab my hand and plead for me to 'help' you do your laundry.
Helping you put every single one away to wash and catching glimpses of your ass bent over and picking them out of the basket and blushing when you catch me staring and before long we're touching each other lightly, brushing each other's hands or hips by accident and then they become more purposeful. Intentional... and then you notice how hard I am between my legs and eagerly offering to wash my clothes right away while we're here since I've been in them since going to work this morning.
I'd give you a weird look before smiling teasingly and shrugging sure as I strip boldly in front of you. And you notice a stain in my underwear from precum and your thighs squirm and squeeze together subconsciously as I'm fully naked and hand you my clothes to go in the next batch. And then offering to take off your clothes to send in with the rest of yours right now. Getting it all done in one fell swoop is just efficiency...right?
And it's the last coherent thought we both have and agree on hesitantly before you're bent over the dry and taking your older sibling's needy cock deep inside of your soaking wet cunt~ The whole situation subconsciously turned you on from the start and the moment you realized who I was...It was unsurprising to find another pair stained when I took it off you while teasing and slapping your cunny and making you moan my name and title. Fucking your brains out and slapping your ass and pinning you to the dryer's surface as I hiss in your ear what mom would think of us...? Fucking like animals in heat in the laundry room~ And I'm glad feel your pussy clench and get tighter as you wrap your legs around me and I chuckle mockingly and give you another smack and whispering huskily in your ear, "atta girl~" and praising you for being such a good sister for me while degrading you for being such a naughty fucking whore and how I'm gonna turn you into my personal fuckpet as you thank me incoherently and begging nonstop, whining out please over and over as we both get closer to cumming and you beg me not to cum in you with tears in your eyes and it makes me throb and fuck you harder until I creampie your tight cunt with my seed 🤭🔪
I did indeed start it...and I'll finish it. Inside of you of course~ 🖤 I think I like making you horny too sweet girl so the feeling is mutual... 💕
Good girl...I'd love to have you sit on my face and let me worship in between your legs while you ride me and my hands grip your ass and thighs tightly. Digging into your skin and spanking you until you cum all over me. I'll pull you as close as I can because I won't be able to get enough of your soaking wet pussy that's as sweet as you 🥴🥵
Just gonna ah.. touch myself thinking about that later 🥺💓💓 you always know just what to say to get me going, it’s crazy<3
Also I’m happy to hear from you! I’m glad you got some rest at least I hope you’re feeling better, I was thinking about you earlier and was hoping you were alright!💓💓💓
Ah I’m sorry to “mildly” inconvenience you especially while you’re out and about and at work;’) I totally don’t do it on purpose or anything like that big sibling~ hehe
I’m really glad you like my teasing<3 💓 I try my best especially with you!☺️
Ahhhh I am your needy little slut at this point;’) 💓
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May I please have permission to info dump on a few smiling Critters aus I made up
If not, that's understandable, if yes, I hope you don't mind me DMing you about that, but it's only if you said yes tho
Yes of course! Go right ahead!^^ also I apologize if I don't answer right away as I have social anxiety and will over think my responses- and like I said on my crk blog, I don't mind people dming me as long as they let me know beforehand so I don't get scared^^
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arodata · 8 months
I really didn't want to make this public but I'm genuinely afraid that this person is going to twist this into some sort of smear campaign against me and/or my system so I'd like to be the first to explain what's going on
Last night I was dming @/kittyfag aka @/bromantically on my nsfw blog, and the following interaction happened. I'm leaving out the earlier messages for privacy and because the specifics aren't especially relevant
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Tl;dr I was made uncomfortable, it was not intentional, and I thought we had settled it. I was still uncomfortable with the way the situation was handled & I already clearly stated that I wasn't comfortable with him interacting with my nsfw, so I blocked from my nsfw sideblog specifically. Then today I was messaged here on my personal blog, which someone else in the system responded to as I was away from the front. These had to be combined for tumblr's image limit, I apologize if it affects the readability
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This escalation of behavior made us more sure that we don't want to interact with this person/system at all, and we blocked them from the rest of our blogs. This was then posted a few hours later
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That "staunch hounding" never happened, all I did was communicate honestly and set a boundary. I am not proship, nor is anyone else in my system. We never have been, and this can be verified with a search of our blogs. I don't know where he got that information, assuming he actually believes this, and I don't know why he's acting like this. I also have anxiety and have left that out of this discussion because it didn't feel relevant but I really don't want a lot of drama, I really tried not to make anyone angry, and I especially don't want lies being spread about me all because of this. This is extremely stressful for me. Please just don't believe whatever kitty or the rest of his system says about me. As you can see it's just blatant lies and manipulation. All I did was tell him no and it turned into this and I'm really scared right now
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I've had this account for over a year and it's been long enough that I should make one of these
Hello everyone, I'm plague-doctor-on-tumbler but since it's a mouthful you guys can call me Sham (obviously not my real name but a close amalgamation/english bastardization) or Kaenan (another name I use).
personal stuff I don't care if you guys know: my birthday is august 28, I'm Canadian, I'm pansexual, im a weird enbie/voidpunk thing, I have a cat (his name is Lionel)
Fandoms I'm in (this will be edited depending on if I gain/lose an interest): Calvin and Hobbes, Cosmere/Brandon Sanderson, Dungeons And Dragons, Fencing, Plague Doctors, Team Fortress 2, Warframe, Warhammer 40k.
For some specifications on my fandom factions:
Calvin and Hobbes: I like Hobbes more
Cosmere/Brandon Sanderson: Shadows of Self is my favorite book in the cosmere, if I was anything in the cosmere I'd want to be a feruchemist.
Dungeons and Dragons: most of my OCs come from here, I main Bardlock when I'm not DMing, I usually am the DM
Plague Doctors: Yes I have a mask and a basic costume.
Team Fortress 2: Medic/Spy main, I miss madcap, I still hope that comic 7 will come out one day
Warframe: completed base solar system, too scared of steel path to touch it with a ten-foot pole, perfer drifter over operator, keep switching my main currently it's Kullervo
Warhammer 40k: LET'S GO NECRONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, i am a necron player (sorry if it was hard to tell), after necrons I like Alpha Legion (they are still loyalists), Kreigers are my little fanatic boys so they're third, got into warhammer 40k via a youtube video about flayed ones that popped onto my recommended.
If you guys want to private message me you can use my discord which is: morally_gay
That's it i guess, if I want to add more stuff I'll add it
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bcofl0ve · 5 months
So, genuinely and respectfully, I have a question. Your previous anons about Vanessa and why people don't like Kaia got me thinking. It seems like the more hard-core fandom is split into people who like Kaia and vocally support the relationship, and people who don't like her and are vocal about thinking it's PR or that they'll break up. I have seen people who don't like her say it's PR, they're not soulmates, she's a nepo baby, etc. I've also seen people who do like her say they'll get married and have kids, and handwave away anything about her that comes across as problematic. Both sides are also very vocal about thinking the other side is delusional, from what I can tell. My question is: if they were to break up and he dated someone else, do you think Kaia's supporters would dislike the new girlfriend in the same way her detractors dislike her? I'm not suggesting that you (or anyone else) necessarily would, but your anon about Vanessa in particular made me wonder. If he dated someone else, it would be easy for people to nitpick the new person simply because she was *not* Kaia, or insist that the new relationship wouldn't last. Or call her *insert negative personal attack here* in comparison. I'm not saying that's what would happen, or accusing you or anyone else of anything. I'm just curious to know your thoughts on whether, if Austin and Kaia did break up, Kaia's supporters/fans specifically would dislike the new girlfriend by default. This is more of a psychological 'let's put on our how women treat women in the social media sphere goggles' type of question than anything else, but I just wondered if you had thoughts.
i actually love doing fandom psychology LOL so don't apologize!
me personally, while i'd be bummed if they split bc i really like them together- anyone austin was with that wasn't like, genuinely problematic i'd "accept" him with. i want him to be happy more than i want him to be/not be with any one specific person. whatever that looks like- so long as it doesn't appear to be genuinely harmful or something, i'll trust his judgement calls on his own life.
whether i would make those calls myself or not. like for example, i joke a little sometimes about how the ppl who hate kaia would be throwing even bigger fits if he ended up with alana champion (a model he followed that 2021 summer he was single. no proof they were ever ~involved~, hence my being jokey about this). not bc she's a bad person- i don't dislike her personally! but bc just objectively ppl who wanted to nitpick would imo find more to nitpick. she's good friends with dasha of red scare pod fame and i just...can you imagine if austin was in that circle and we were doing red scare pod discourse on here as opposed to "kaia can't act" discourse lmfao. we got lucky! but i say that to say even so, if it was alana he found his happiness with i would've been ~fine~.
if they broke up i wouldn't endorse others being nitpicky about this hypothetical new girl if wasn't actually problematic or a "bad person". though i mean, i'm human and not without my own biases. so i think it'd take me a hot minute to "adjust" since at this point i am genuinely a fan of kaia on her own! but idk if i'd blast any of those hypothetical feelings all over in public posts as opposed to just dming my friends about it. (a self control skill i think more people could use lol!)
i feel like im word salading here so hopefully i made sense!
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psykopaths · 5 months
OK….. im the same anon that talked abt the itty bitty chest. oddly, ur answer is very comforting to hear lmao thank u! but anyway AGAIN like,,,,, im. not sure if i seem offputting to people in general but usually guys dont rlly look in my way, i haven’t been dating for years honestly. however girls all my life have been really nice to me and they compliment me and say im cute 🥹 does being physically attractive matters? i wld say i fall in the similar age range as you. gawd idk i feel like i’m ready to dip into the dating pool but at the same time the first step seems scary.
ps: im not tryna like sound weird?? really just asking for advice/just wanna have a chat!
I think you're just overthinking. There's nothing much to it. Guys these days are dating a tree 🌳 and you're a alive human girl. You probably lack exposure. And I'm sure ur cute most of the time us guys are really intimidated by pretty girls and we don't go up to the girls we like because well these days anything could send u in jail especially in my country. you can dm me we can talk about it? I'll be able to explain it much better. Because this anon talk just ruins the flow of the conversation. And If you're not comfortable dming let me give u a piece of advice, just go up to the guy you like and start a conversation (me thinking that the girl I gave crush on would come and talk to me) it's literally every guys wet dream. If you're too scared to do it irl then just text them and get to know them :)
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keeganmantle · 9 months
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Well, it's been 2 months since that situation, and everything is back to normal, but you might be wondering how I'm feeling right now. Well, at least Tumblr is fine now. I feel fine, but of course I'm never gonna get over what that guy did. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, 2 months ago I got in some beef with this guy. I'm not saying his name since I moved on, but I'll say that I did not start it. I don't know what his deal was. He liked my stuff, said my art was good. He asked about an art trade once which I said no. What did I do to deserve this? Was he mad I turned down an art trade? Was he jealous of my work? I'll never know, and I don't care. Because as time passed, one day I'm just on my computer and I get mentioned in a post where he just keeps going off about me. When he doesn't know me at all! Talked smack about me. What was he so mad about?! Why was I a target?! I did nothing to this man. And I don't care about him at all because he's crazy. Here's why. So I just called him out and blocked him. Nothing too crazy. But then the next morning, I wake up, check my Tumblr, and I get this DM from him. He was using different accounts to harass me. He sent me very disgusting and disturbing art of him killing me. Then said he knew where I lived, knew my parents. Like, how? What a freaking maniac! I should mention he's from China and knowing what they're capable of it should be no surprise.😐
I still don't understand what he's so mad about. He kept saying awful things like he was gonna find me, do horrible things to me, all because I blocked him. If you get so butthurt about someone blocking you that you decide to threaten them, you need some serious help. I have all the evidence of what he did. I took screenshots. They're all over the internet. He was mad at me because he's crazy that's my guess. Because I like to post about my comfort characters so what? They helped me through a lot. I came to Tumblr to expand my social media content and also because Twitter keeps crapping itself. And now thanks to that guy, I kinda have trust issues on here. I'm trying to be careful interacting with people. I just don't want this to happen again. And he made me really scared of DMs. When I was on Facebook 3-4 years ago, I was 17 at the time, a bunch of middle-aged perverted women kept DMing me. It really scarred me. That was the start of me having comfort characters. I just wanna stay away from awful women. Is that so wrong? Also, since I'm in a distant relationship with my girlfriend, comfort characters help me through being lovesick.😊
But yeah, that man has traumatized me. C'mon, he said he knew where I lived, said he was gonna find me and kill me and my family! He's a psychopath! I hope he's doing his own thing now. He should've got off the internet because he came back claiming he's the victim. It makes me laugh. I know I have nothing to worry about as you guys know the truth and I know crazy people usually try to gaslight the whole situation.😁
He said I made up the whole thing. How in the world could I make this up?! He also said I made those drawings. Dude, I don't draw like that! Why would I waste my time trying to make him look bad and make those drawings myself? Why would I do that to myself?! I was just documenting what he was doing. He ruined his own life. I'm not going to apologize. I'm not gonna forgive him. Why should I? He doesn't know what I've been through. And he just cause even more anxiety. Now you see why I need my comfort characters? Because people like him exist. Also I was having suspicions about him. This thing of him threatening me in the Tumblr DMs went on for a few days. He also said to have s*xual fantasies about me. And what he did that made me lose it and end his whole career was something that would make your blood boil too. He sent me something very awful. It was an art of him violating my girlfriend! The love of my life! Then said very perverted things about her and my mom. Now see why I think he's a pervert? A predator? More importantly a r*pist?! He might as well be! You don't do that to people. Words can hurt. Actions can hurt. It all hurts.😥
I love my girlfriend so much. We met nearly 2 years ago. She was a fan of mine. Then we became good friends and then eventually started dating.😊
The whole situation of what that guy did made me feel insecure, but I know that she loves me. She told me so. Our bond is strong. I know she's fine. I feel like we were meant to be. I feel like I found the woman I wanna spend the rest of my life with. What that guy did made me really worried about her. I know it was just an art but it felt real. I get very sensitive when it comes to violence towards women. It really makes my blood boil!😡
I still cry a bit from that art. I don't want her to get hurt. Anything about women getting hurt makes me cry a bit. I don't know why, I just don't wanna see that stuff. Especially if it's my girlfriend! Whenever something like Lifetime is on TV and they're playing a movie about a girl getting abused or something I sometimes have to either try to lock my eyes to my screen if I'm on my phone or playing a game, or sometimes just walk out of the room. I'm sorry, I just can't do it. I can't handle it. Just goes to show how much I care about women at least.😁
Really, he knows nothing. He traumatized me. What he did made me wanna let out some stuff I've been holding back or at least wanted to tell you but Twitter limits so much. I can have comfort characters. These female characters helped me remember there are good women in the world. As I still deal with some disgusting cougar moms mostly p*rn bots!😐
Even on here. I got weird DMs of women saying they're h*rny and wanted to chat in a sussy link. Just give me a break! I'm not that kind of man! Anyway, thank you all so much for the love and support. It was a really embarrassing yet traumatizing situation. You don't do that to people! If you hate something, just ignore it! That's what I do. Let's make this year even better. Let's try not to let any mishaps happen. Screw the haters. Lowlifes suck! Love you guys. Thank you.❤️
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lunarmourning · 3 months
Ok hi i have just one quick thing to ask. Can you explain the times where you've gone into servers and gcs and told greg you were mad at her and then when asked why you didn't tell it???
hi I don't usually like to answer these on my Tumblr especially since the situation has so much more than I could ever explain from an ask (when I say every situation I've been accused of has two sides, I mean it! I know for a fact that a lot of the stories people heard are lacking so much context) and I am really not comfortable airing trauma I haven't fully revovered from on Tumblr but I will answer this one. If I'm assuming what you're referring to right (if I'm not, don't be afraid to shoot another ask! i haven't gotten a lot of explanation of what I did wrong from. anybody. Also I am in no way uncomfortable with someone reaching out to me through dms, I would not be mad at anyone who got wrapped up in this situation for wanting to talk. Even Greg, I promise I would be comfortable with dming with her about if asked). (warning this is gonna be rambley, I just woke up)
I assume this would be when I would talk in a gc about my feelings in the relationship. I would like to explain that the only times I've talked about Greg in a gc were when I was mid breakdown or meltdown (often triggered by Greg doing or saying something triggering and then just. leaving me alone. which, happened several times.). Also, I would never talk with anyone that I knew Greg was friends with. I didn't feel like my breakdown gave me the right to ruin anyones relationship or perception on it. Which is, genuinely, the only reason I never came to anyone from the sunshine cult for support about her in my relationship because of how. many toxic that had been done to me in the relationship (which is the reason I eventually broke up with her after months of consideration, and the reason I blocked her. I felt sick talking to it and kept getting flashbacks. just generally felt uncomfortable and decided the best thing would to put distance. I in no way meant to hurt her through this). So, I talked with friends she didn't know very well (like Pip! hi Pip thank you for being supportive when my ex was being weird about my disability). I would like to repeat, I would only do this mid breakdowns.
About not communicating that I was mad. i literally. did. and tried. so many times. One of my earliest problems in the relationship is that we just didn't communicate at ALL. And Greg kept repeatedly hurting me because of it. It got to the point I was scared of her. I tried multiple times to talk about how the things she was doing was hurting me and every time I would be shut down and given excuses. Like that she didn't know how to communicate (I'm actively getting hurt here and I'm trying to express that. so we would end the conversation, I would have a breakdown alone in my room and she would go to bed. and it would happen again. I would like to say in a relationship where both people [likely,I am unsure if I have It fully yet. still researching] have bpd, that communicating is SO important and the lack of it is why we both feel we were hurt in the relationship. Greg never expressed when I was hurting her so I never knew. And I would like to say that it's valid and I'm so so sorry if I hurt you, but if you had told me I would've stopped in a fucking heartbeat. I told you when you hurt me, you just didn't care.). Or that she was dissociating (which is okay!!! often times I didn't even know and then I would be in "trouble" for trying to make her talk In that. Pls I promise if you had expressed that you would talk about this later and not just use it as an excuse for not talking about it ever I would be okay!!! it's just when every single time on four or more occasions, every time I was trying to express how I was getting hurt from toxic behavior. Also a lot of these dissociations wouldn't come until I tried to communicate so. hm. and this happened every time). So after repeated times (throughout MONTHS) communicating things that she would do over and over again, I kinda. gave up. If I ever told her I was mad and didn't explain, I'm so sorry and looking back that was wrong of me to do. but. I did. i did tell her. and after getting yelled at and ignored for hours to days on end for simply trying to fix something that had hurt me. i gave up. Can you blame me for making a stupid decision with someone who would never listen?
Greg at some point also sent screenshots of me trying to communicate for the final time before I gave up to people without my permission. My friend, who actually talked to me about my side of the situation unlike everyone else, sent me what Greg sent. And I was not surprised to see how much of that conversation was cropped out. A lot of the stories being told about me are half-truths, with things left unsaid to make me seem like a bad person.
(this situation also has a lot more behind it so please don't take this statement as all of it. Both this singular accusation and everything else has SO much context. This is simply me trying to explain one or two situations. Like I said, if anyone has any questions about another situation don't be afraid to reach out. I would be happy to talk to anyone who was willing to listen.)
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 8 months
I’m a straight woman who thinks jimin may be gay/bi but totally independent of jikook or any ship. I don’t think any other members are queer actually but I also don’t follow them as closely as jimin. My oT7 real life army friends are also of this thinking but they are very not online and don’t even know about the jikook taekook stuff lol.
The way I see it, those PJMs who react aggressively to any jimin being queer talks are just overcorrecting for the jikooker stuff that they see is hurting jimin. Idk just my opinion.
I truly don’t care what jimin is I just love his gentleness and strength and kindness and wonderfulness and these qualities you rarely see in cis men, especially ones that rich and famous. He’s so special 🥺
I do ship him with wi hajoon and Charles melton in my head tho 😶‍🌫️
I got into BTS in mid 2017, and only started thinking there was something between jikook in late 2018- early 2019. But even before that, I already thought Jimin wasn't straight.
People who think more than two BTS members are queer are SO DELUSIONAL I CANT STRESS IT ENOUGHHHH. Sometimes I think even two is kind of a reach but it's still a sensible statistic. I actually don't think many idols are queer.
Even for Jungkook, the only reason shippers have to think he's gay is ships 😭 there's not much he does outside of skinship and other BTS related stuff that could be used as proof he's queer. I mean, in the real world. In the world of a kpop fan, wearing a crop top is peak queerness. They're an easy public.
Imagine if Jimin was the one watching and liking tiktoks of a girl showing her thong, or dming female dancers on Instagram, copying her choreography, or constantly interact with a girl group member the way Jungkook did with chaewon. The video inside his apartment, as well. And that's only talking about the recent stuff, because if we go way back there's years of actual evidence of Jungkook having close relationships with women that his same fans would use to shit on Jimin. Even jikookers would think Jimin liking a girl showing her thong was a red flag as to how he's straight. They believe Jimin saying wow during a hwasa performance was peak heterosexuality and bring it up every 3 business days. Makes you wonder why they don't do the same with Jungkook seemingly showing interest on women.
Yeah, a lot of pjms react to strongly because they can't look past the ship or because they don't want others to use "gay" as an insult towards Jimin. But that's not helping any matters.. being called gay never was and will never be an insult, no matter who or why they say it.
I don't care what he is, either. I just have a feeling and that's it. I've had the same feeling about other people all my life and I've always ended up being right lol.
Just a funny anecdote; I think Ashley Benson was my craziest case of impeccable gaydar. I watched the first season of pretty little liars when it came out. I was 14, and while watching the show and the interviews and all, I kept thinking Ashley wasn't straight. A million years ago by, and she ends up dating Cara Delevingne. It was crazy just because of how young I was, and I knew nothing of Ashley except for the show.
In 2019, I was watching an interview of the queer eye cast without knowing anything about them (because that's how I go about when I'm getting into something -trying to get to know it by myself), and while watching I couldn't stop thinking "this one's not gay, he's bi" about Antoni. A few weeks later, I found out Antoni had come out as bisexual.
But you won't see me talking about that stuff because I don't really go around telling people "I think this one's gay", I don't care like that; it's just thoughts that cross my mind, a feeling, a hunch or whatever. If I end up being wrong, it's not a big deal since I was never going to put my hand on the fire for any of it. I'm not scared of being wrong. That and... I know that Jimin is a real person. There's more to him than his sexuality, and it's not the reason I started liking him in the first place.
Yes, he's totally secretly dating wi hajoon and dated charles for like a month in the past. We all saw charles putting his arm on Jimin's back and that can mean only one thing in Korea.
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How do you deal with an internet cyber bully/stalker?
It’s very difficult not responding at times but I’ve learned not to the past few days I haven’t responded and I just block every account I believe is theirs or know is theirs. They keep starting rumors about me and rallying other users against me to abuse me out of the trauma tags and luckily nobody fell for the smear campaign but it’s getting a bit obsessive and too much. Like they’re DMing me from multiple accounts tagging me on other accounts they have and claiming I posted bad things in the past on my account that I know I would never post….bc it’s not like my character to do the things they claimed I did. They’re saying I deserve the abuse. I’m scared and it’s caused me an anxiety attack already but I’m refraining from posting about them, refraining from responding, and simply blocking every time. It’s not like I sent nudes or anything so they don’t have anything to like threaten me with… I ignore them so idk what they’re doing bc I try not to look at any of their posts so idk everything they’re saying about me other than the threatening messages. I don’t post about them ever, like I don’t bc the one time I did post about them to prove to people I was being harassed I deleted it bc they threatened me with fake evidence against me…. So I post nothing publicly and never answer DMs. but I do DM friends online and tell them not to post anything public about it bc I don’t wanna piss my stalker off. They do claim they know things about me which is creepy. Idk that’s all. Get to this when you can no rush. Thanks for listening.
- Amanda
Hi Amanda,
I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this. The best options are 1) continue to ignore/block, 2) report their posts/blog for harassment, and 3) get authorities involved if it continues. As frustrating as it is to see entirely falsified things being spread around, it can help to remember that anyone who falls for it lacks critical thinking skills, and as long as the accusations are truly false, you don't have much to worry about. Some people have too much time on their hands, and it sounds like you're dealing with one of them.
There are some people that are worth talking it out with, and some people that aren't. One time I was getting repeated hatemail from the same user who was upset by something I said but didn't express that. Instead, she told me that I deserved everything that happened to me and that her abuse is worse than mine, so I have nothing to complain about. When I blocked her, she made alt accounts and spammed my DMs. I'd block her, she'd make another alt, etc. I ended up blocking 12 blogs and I just thought it would go on forever, so I texted back saying "Wait, can you tell me what happened, what did I do to upset you" and then she explained that I said something that personally offended her. I apologized, she apologized, and I never heard from her since. But of course, there are people that double down even when you try to communicate and sort things out. But perhaps it's worth a try.
If anyone has other suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help and please let us know if you need anything.
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marvinforyou · 7 months
Dear Marvin.
I saw the question you asked Mr. Gaiman. That was smart, asking a public figure you know lots of people trust.
Be more careful with random strangers on the internet like me. Many people do mean well, or at least don't mean any harm! But you just can't be sure. So take what I and any stranger says with a grain of salt.
That said, I'm DMing you because your plea to Neil Gaiman tugged at my heart, and I wish I could help. Being a teen is never easy, and if you have any kind of humanity, it's harder to feel hopeful when current events are... distressing.
I don't know what's making you scared, but I remember feeling hopeless and afraid as a teen during the Cold War.
It turns out, the very year I was most afraid, when a classmate's father came from the Pentagon to tell our social studies class about Mutually Assured Destruction, the nuclear war we kids weren't supposed to worry about even though it could kill us at any second almost DID happen. Twice.
In September 1983, one Lt. Colonel Stanislav Petrov heard the warning sirens at his station in Soviet air defense telling him that US nuclear missiles were launching. One. And then another. And then another. Five intercontinental missiles, incoming.
According to his orders, he should have notified his superiors and prepared a retaliatory nuclear strike. He didn't. Something felt off. Why start armageddon with only five missiles? It was a false alarm.
A few months later, there was an even bigger scare. In November 1983, the US and its NATO allies were holding a huge joint military exercise, Able Archer, practicing how they'd respond to a Soviet attack. Unfortunately the USSR didn't believe it was an exercise and thought they were mustering for WWIII. They prepared accordingly, including loading live nukes onto squadrons of planes for air strikes. Top military and government officials debated whether to strike before the west could launch its attack, or what constituted provocation. The US Air Force's Lt. Gen. Leonard Perroots saw these preparations, including the nuclear-armed squadrons, but opted not to respond. This time he, and probably many others making small but crucial decisions, kept us from falling over the cliff of nuclear annihilation.
Afterwards, when it became clear to both sides the exercise had nearly triggered WWIII, Reagan and his Soviet counterpart Andropov began to hammer out lines of communication to avoid such misunderstandings happening again. The Cold War began to thaw.
I'm telling you this history lesson which I've learned myself only in the past ten years. Back then, it felt hopeless. I was convinced the world was on a one-way course to a nuclear apocalypse, and I wouldn't live to see 30.
 A lot of terrible things have happened since then, like AIDS, the Rwandan Genocide, 9/11, and the US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. But also, so many good things. The World Wide Web. Seeing the face of Pluto, and learning it has a heart The birth of a lot of great people, including you.
No matter how bad things are, there will always be some people who look at crap choices when the time comes and say, "HELL no, I am not doing that" or"Let's see if we can make this better." There's not always That One Person at the right place and time, and people can't always succeed, but they try often enough that there is always hope.
And there's something else. Teens have gone through some pretty harrowing times in human history. That's not to belittle your fear or depression or any of the challenges you face — we're all different, and hard is hard — but to say that if other ordinary, imperfect, confused, hormonal teens dealing with family drama and stress and periods and mental health issues got through wars and plagues and riots and all the other crazy stuff that's happened on this planet— they made it, so there is hope for any of us.
And you have one tool they didn't in the palm of your hand. You have the power to reach out to other people far away, to ask questions, to seek answers, to make connections, and to affect people... maybe just for a moment with a word or thought, maybe in more lasting ways. You can make a difference. Or you may find people who understand, at least a little.
There is hope in that, too.
Thank you, Marvin, for inspiring me to think about hope.
I hope I haven't scared you with this huge wall of text, or this essay on hope in uncertain times.
Take it if it helps. Or close the window and walk away.
— Ellen
Thank you so so much for this (and the psa about stranger danger) it feels so incredibly scary to exist and live on this floating space rock we call home but to see so many people reach out and offer advice and differing perspectives gives me some sort of hope for at least a short future. I'm scared for a lot of reasons, I see my rights and the rights of my friends being taken away at every turn, I see genocide happening daily, I see myself not knowing who I am or who I want to be. seeing older generations talk about their experiences and learning from them is incredibly helpful and I hope more people can benefit from this ask like I have. Thank you Ellen for sharing your story. Things have always been bad but things could get better and I think that's what matters most. I'm still incredibly terrified for the future but this has given me some small shred of hope.
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