#if you know some more burlesque dancers feel free to add
gagfadget · 11 months
Here’s some burlesque dancers that I want to share that aren’t Dita Von Teese:
✨Simone Delmar✨
@simonedelmar on insta
If she looks familiar it’s because she’s the woman who flashed Lestat in episode 2 of iwtv. I’ve seen her live and she’s amazing!
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✨Ariana Amour✨
@lovejustlied on insta
A trans woman astrologist and psychic who also does burlesque on the side.
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✨Winona J Fox✨
@winonajfox on insta
A Latina burlesque dancer who’s also a show producer and entrepreneur.
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✨Indie Sinclair✨
@indie-sinclair on insta
If you like more horror and shock in your burlesque shows then you’ll dig her.
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✨Dirty Martini✨
@dirtymartininyc on both here and insta
Literally in love with her and she’s a big inspiration of mine and makes me want to do burlesque 😭
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✨Perle Noir✨
@theperlenoir on insta
My biggest inspiration. She’s an icon and has been doing burlesque for a while now. She also teaches how to find healing through seduction and burlesque.
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✨Flower Bomb✨
@ohmyflowerbomb on insta
Korean dancer who also teaches at a burlesque school in Seoul. Obsessed with her.
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✨Gigi Holliday✨
@gigiholliday on insta
A non-binary dancer who I found not to long again through Duane Park’s insta. Also obsessed with them 😭
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✨Onyx Noir✨
@superflybrowngirl on insta
Another performer I found through Duane Park not to long ago. She’s also an insane aerialist and too beautiful to look at ♥️
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I’ll add more later but these are the ones I can think off the top of my head rn ♥️
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kengan-daddies · 17 days
Hey!!! I have a request for some of the Baki men. But first i would like to so that I personally LOVE your Baki x Motherly reader series! Now on to my request: How would the Baki men react if reader was part time fighter and part time Burlesque dancer? And if your asking what a Burlesque dancer is, basically people who put on very suggestive dances and performances.
For the characters can you please do, Baki, Hanayma, Retsu and Katsumi? Feel free to skip any characters or add!
First Baki ask, LETS GOO!!
Most of there's POV's are relatively the same, aside from their thoughts, Baki's is probably the most different, and with the most 'plot' coming in from the views of a young high schooler.
(S/N) = Stage Name
The boys aren't aware of your second occupation, you're a great warrior and an even greater friend, but to know that you had such a secret life was far beyond them.
Burlesque dancer? - Retsu, Katsumi, Hanayama, and Baki
Anime : Baki: Son of Oger
Characters : Retsu Kaioh, Katsumi Orochi, Hanayama Karou, Baki Hanma
Warnings : Mention of drugs, alcohol, misuse of drugs
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When he went into the club, he wasn't there for anything promiscuous, he was here for business, a meeting with Hanayama, Katsumi, and Baki. It wasn't an ideal place, but it was the most discreet place. The dancers on stage were ignored by him as he kept his eyes on the people around him, taking in his surroundings. It was an atmosphere that he wasn't used to but not unfamiliar with.
He pushed through the sweaty bodies that smelled of alcohol and musk, it wasn't a present smell, but he smelt worst. The sight of people slumped against the walls caught his attention, people slipping pills and others grinding and kissing. It was disgusting but it was also very human. Every sin that you could think of, was in this place.
He didn't hate it, but he didn't agree with it. The lights suddenly dimmed, catching his attention, but he didn't give it much thought. 'Must be the climax of the party.' He thought as he continued on his way. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!"
The sound of men cheering excitedly caught his attention, and he looked around, hearing the excited cheers. "This '(S/N)' must be very talented." He spoke aloud as he looked at the stage. Multiple spotlights came on, lighting up the catwalk, he watched as a young woman walked down the catwalk, her legs like a cat, her hips swaying like a seductress. His lights lit up in recognition when he saw her face. "(Y/N)!?" He called out in shock as he watched her approach the crowd of men.
'To think, that this was a means of living for her. She's a warrior, surely she could've made more money by fighting. Hell, she could even ask me for a few dimes, I'm more than willing to give.' He thought his eyes lingered on her for a moment longer before stalking off through the crowd, making his way, admittedly, much smoother through the now still crowd. He could see an opening and he made a beeline for it, unashamed that he might have to stand on a table just to see where his comrades were, but he was most pleased when he saw them.
Baki was the first to notice him. He watched as Baki's eyes widened and a small smile graced his face. His arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence." Hanayama said. Retsu nodded.
Walking through the crowd of drunken people was like a maze for him, it wasn't too difficult but it wasn't pleasant either. However, he kept calm as he walked through, making his way to the meeting area. He gave a relieved smile when he saw Baki and Hanayama sitting at the rounded booth, half a bottle of champagne sat in front of Hanayama, along with a champagne glass that he was drinking from. "Hey boys, long time no see." he casually greeted as he walked within hearing distance. Baki and Hanayama both greeted him. Hanayama with a curt nod and Baki with a small smile.
"Katsumi, how ya been, man?" Baki asked as he watched Katsumi sit on the booth and he scooted his way in. "I've been well, training has been very promising, my students are improving every day. What of you two?" He asked as he got comfortable. Hanayama shrugged. "I've been well, but not much has happened in my life, it's been the usual but also rather calm... Which is troublesome." He said. Katsumi gave him a small smile of pity. "Yeah, I know what you mean, quiet days are welcomed, but they never promise any good." He agreed. Hanayama nodded before he looked over at Baki.
"What about you, Baki?" He asked. Baki snapped from his thoughts as he looked up from the table and up towards Hanayama, a wide but sheepish smile on his face. "Hmm?... Oh um, yeah... I've been pretty good too, same ol' same ol', going to school, kicking ass." He said. Katsumi chuckled. "How's school been, Baki?" He asked. Baki looked over at him. "Oh you know, boring as ever." He said with a wave of his hand. Katsumi chuckled. "Oh yeah, I remember those days." He said as he sat back in the booth, a nostalgic smile on his face. Hanayama nodded. They were quiet after that, lost in their own thoughts.
the lights suddenly dimmed, catching all of their attention. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!" Came the announcer's voice, they all looked over towards the stage, watching as the lights slowly lit up the catwalk. "An entrance like this for a single woman? She must be something special." He said aloud. Hanayama nodded. "Yes, she must be for such high praise, and the silence of these men, she must be a fan favorite." He added.
A shadowy figure came forth, stepping into the light. Katsumi's eyes widen. "(Y/N)!?" He practically shouted in shock as he stared on. 'But... why?... Unless this is just some sort of side gig she just happens to enjoy.' He thought as he watched. Her legs were like a cat, her hips swaying like a seductress, he was nearly hypnotized. You're an attractive woman and an amazing fighter, it's just easy for him to forget that you were a woman. It was always a secondary thought in his mind when it came to you, you were like one of the boys honestly.
He was pulled from his thoughts when Baki's arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. He looked over at Baki before he looked over, from the crowd, Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence. " Hanayama said.
He was the first of the boys to arrive at the club, the first thing he did was flag down a waitress and order himself a bottle of champagne. His fist cup in, and Baki was the first to arrive. A soft pat on his shoulder made him turn around in question, seeing a smiling Baki standing there as he waved at him. "Sup Hanayama." He happily greeted as he walked around. Hanayama nodded in return. "Baki, I'm surprised to see you here so early." He said as he watched Baki get comfortable in the booth.
Baki chuckled in amusement as he looked around the club, honestly so am I." He said. Hanayama looked away from him as he took a sip from his glass. "So, what's this meeting gonna be about?" Baki asked. Hanayama looked over at him as he placed his cup back down. "Honestly, it's just a way for us to get together, along with the topic of Pickle." He said. Baki cocked a brow at him. "That's it? A simple get-together?" He asked in disbelief. Hanayama stared at him for a moment before he looked off from him.
Baki stared at Hanayama for a while longer before he looked off and over towards the stage, seeing the women dance, a relaxed smile on his face. "Well, a simple get-together isn't so bad." He said aloud, Hanayama nodded as he took another sip from his drink. "Hey boys, long time no see." Came a familiar voice, both Baki and Hanayama looked up in curiosity before a familiar gleam shined in their eyes. Hanayama gave him a curt nod and Baki gave him a small smile.
"Katsumi, how ya been, man?" Baki asked as he watched Katsumi sit on the booth and he scooted his way in. "I've been well, training has been very promising, my students are improving every day. What of you two?" He asked as he got comfortable. Hanayama shrugged. "I've been well, but not much has happened in my life, it's been the usual but also rather calm... Which is troublesome." He said. Katsumi gave him a small smile of pity. "Yeah, I know what you mean, quiet days are welcomed, but they never promise any good." He agreed. Hanayama nodded before he looked over at Baki.
"What about you, Baki?" He asked. Baki snapped from his thoughts as he looked up from the table and up towards Hanayama, a wide but sheepish smile on his face. "Hmm?... Oh um, yeah... I've been pretty good too, same ol' same ol', going to school, kicking ass." He said. Katsumi chuckled. "How's school been, Baki?" He asked. Baki looked over at him. "Oh you know, boring as ever." He said with a wave of his hand. Katsumi chuckled. "Oh yeah, I remember those days." He said as he sat back in the booth, a nostalgic smile on his face. Hanayama nodded. They were quiet after that, lost in their own thoughts.
the lights suddenly dimmed, catching all of their attention. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!" Came the announcer's voice, they all looked over towards the stage, watching as the lights slowly lit up the catwalk. "An entrance like this for a single woman? She must be something special." He said aloud. Hanayama nodded. "Yes, she must be for such high praise, and the silence of these men, she must be a fan favorite." He added.
A shadowy figure came forth, stepping into the light. Katsumi's eyes widen. "(Y/N)!?" He practically shouted in shock as he stared on. Hanayama's eyes widened when he saw that it was you, his mind raced with questions. 'Why?... She's a proud warrior, so why?... Is she struggling to make ends meet?... She could've just asked me and I would've helped her, no payment needed in return.' He thought as he observed her. Her legs were like a cat, her hips swaying like a seductress, he was nearly hypnotized. You're an attractive woman and an amazing fighter, to see you in such a position, made Hanayama slightly sad.
He was pulled from his thoughts when Baki's arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. He looked over at Baki before he looked over, from the crowd, Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence." Hanayama said. He'll probably find a way to pull you to the side and get some answers out of you.
The music was blaring and it was nearly deafening, Baki wasn't used to coming to these places, hell, most high schoolers weren't... But Baki wasn't a normal high school boy, so this was just a part of the package deal at this point. "Guess being the Oger's son... has its perks." He said aloud to himself as he remembered the bouncer immediately allowing him access once he heard him say his name was "Baki."
He eased his way through the crowd, taking mental notes of every little detail, his young mind acting like a sponge. He couldn't help but notice every little thing, his eyes gleaming in innocent curiosity when he would see the strangest things, from people slumped against the walls to others pouring liquor and slipping pills. It was grotesque and yet he couldn't look away from it all. He looked forward and he sighed with relief when he seen that there was a gap in an opening from between the bodies.
He pushed his way through taking a much-needed breath of slightly fresher air once he was able to pull from the crowd, he looked back at the people with a sheepish grin. "Yeesh... I wonder how they're able to breathe in there... The air is so dense." He said aloud before he looked forward and his eyes gleamed in familiarity and relief when he saw Hanayama sitting at the table, a freshly opened bottle of champagne on the table. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked over to him, coming up from behind him he placed his hand softly and invitingly down on his shoulder, making Hanayama turn around in curiosity.
"Sup Hanayama." He happily greeted him as he walked around. Hanayama nodded in return. "Baki, I'm surprised to see you here so early." Baki gave a quiet sigh as he walked around the booth, sliding in his eyes and taking in the contents of the table before he looked up at Hanayama with a small smile on his face before he chuckled in amusement as he looked around the club, honestly so am I."
He said aloud as he thought over the fact that it was a miracle he even found where Hanayama was sitting. He's never been to a club before so this was all so new to him. Hanayama looked away from him as he took a sip from his glass. Baki looked back at Hanayama, taking in his relaxed poster, his eyes dull with slight boredom. 'Man, I bet he's real familiar with this type of atmosphere... This must be a common site for him.' He thought as he observed Hanayama.
He sat up straight in his seat as he leaned onto the table in front of him. "So, what's this meeting gonna be about?" Baki asked. Hanayama looked over at him as he placed his cup back down. "Honestly, it's just a way for us to get together, along with the topic of Pickle." He said. Baki cocked a brow at him. "That's it? A simple get-together?" He asked in disbelief. Hanayama stared at him for a moment before he looked off from him. Baki stared at Hanayama with a perplexed gaze before he relaxed back in his seat.
'Just a simple get-together?... I mean... I guess there's nothing wrong with that... But in a place like this?... Why not the park or something?...' He thought in confusion as he observed Hanayama in confusion. He'd never be able to understand the man before him, but he will admit, that Hanayama always moved with purpose. Baki stared at Hanayama for a while longer before he looked off and over towards the stage, seeing the women dance, a relaxed smile on his face. "Well, a simple get-together isn't so bad." He said aloud.
"Hey boys, long time no see." Came a familiar voice, both Baki and Hanayama looked up in curiosity before a familiar gleam shined in their eyes. Hanayama gave him a curt nod and Baki gave him a small smile. "Katsumi, how ya been, man?" Baki asked as he watched Katsumi sit on the booth and he scooted his way in. "I've been well, training has been very promising, my students are improving every day. What of you two?"
He asked as he got comfortable. Hanayama shrugged. "I've been well, but not much has happened in my life, it's been the usual but also rather calm... Which is troublesome." He said. Katsumi gave him a small smile of pity. "Yeah, I know what you mean, quiet days are welcomed, but they never promise any good." He agreed. Hanayama nodded before he looked over at Baki. Baki looked between the two, taking in their conversation, he honestly didn't know what the hell they were both talking about.
Small talks were never his strong suit. "What about you, Baki?" Came Hanayama's voice. Baki snapped from his thoughts as he looked up from the table and up towards Hanayama, a wide but sheepish smile on his face. "Hmm?... Oh um, yeah... I've been pretty good too, same ol' same ol', going to school, kicking ass." He said. Katsumi chuckled. "How's school been, Baki?" He asked. Baki looked over at him. "Oh you know, boring as ever." He said with a wave of his hand. Katsumi chuckled. "Oh yeah, I remember those days." He said as he sat back in the booth, a nostalgic smile on his face. Hanayama nodded. They were quiet after that, lost in their own thoughts.
Baki felt a bit out of place, first, he was in a place he wasn't very familiar with... Actually, scratch that, this was like a different world entirely. second, he was talking about his life like it was sooo normal, because yeah... His life is totally normal... and he totally knows how to have a normal conversation about his very normal life... Yeah, know?... Like normal people do.
the lights suddenly dimmed, catching all of their attention. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!" Came the announcer's voice, they all looked over towards the stage, watching as the lights slowly lit up the catwalk. "An entrance like this for a single woman? She must be something special." He said aloud. Hanayama nodded. "Yes, she must be for such high praise, and the silence of these men, she must be a fan favorite." He added.
Baki stared in his confusion, wondering what all the hype was. 'She's just another woman... What's so grand about her? Is she like rich? Super attractive?... Tall?' He wondered as he looked around at all the people who've all gone quiet.
A shadowy figure came forth, stepping into the light. Katsumi's eyes widen. "(Y/N)!?" He practically shouted in shock as he stared on. Baki's eyes widen as well when he sees you. 'HUH!?' He thought in surprise. First, this weird ass place, second the very normal small talk, and now this!! What's next, clouds are going to start falling from the sky now??
He watched as you walked down the catwalk, your legs were like a cat, hips swaying like a seductress, he was nearly hypnotized. You're an attractive woman and an amazing fighter, to see you in such a position, was confusing for Baki but at the same time he could understand that bills have to be paid, food needs to be bought, or maybe it was just something you simply enjoyed... Either way, it wasn't really any of his business, you were an adult, and you knew what you were doing.
He looked away from the stage for a moment, letting his eyes trail along the crowd when his eyes widened and a small smile graced his face. His arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence." Hanayama said.
'Thank god... because I don't think I can be here for another second.' Baki thought.
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aidenhollow · 4 years
( KAT MCNAMARA, CIS-FEMALE) - Have you seen AIDEN EVELYN HOLLOWAY? EVIE is in her SENIOR year. The Journalism Major is 24 years old & is a SCORPIO. People say SHE is CARING, COMPASSIONATE, JEALOUS and SARCASTIC. Rumors say they’re a member of WINTHROP SOCIETY. I heard from the gossip blog that EVIE has a two-year old daughter that is back home with her parents and she hasn’t told the dad about the child. She makes money by being a burlesque dancer .  (KT. 21+. PST. She/her.)
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Hello! My name is KT, Im 28 and currently awaiting a transplant! Im pretty chill, whenever Im at appointments or anything, Im always lurking on mobile and I also have discord! Which will be a better way of getting a hold of me, because I don’t ever log off out of that thing. Uhmmm, Im getting ready to get a bone marrow transplant but I have my computer with me and will bring it to the hospital once I go in. Also, feel free to message me and hit me up for plots! Here a few things on Aiden <3
Aiden Evelyn Holloway was born to Jackie and Hank Holloway, making her the youngest child and made her younger than her twin brother, Adam by five minutes. Their older three brothers Jack, Kinsley and Felix were excited to have a pair of twins in the family.  You can say that the Holloway house was filled with laughter, crying, screaming, cursing and they got hurt a lot. Aiden and Felix were known to be double trouble when they were younger, since Felix was the youngest boy and Aiden was the youngest, the two of them bonded rather quickly. They would chase each other in the yard, while Jack and Adam worked on their cars in the garage while Kinsley worked on his motorcycle and the two youngest sometimes would climb their parent’s apple tree. In which, resulted Aiden getting her hand split opened and the four boys rushed their sister to the hospital, where their mom found out that they were climbing the tree after her and her husband told them not to. All of them ended up grounded, the three oldest brothers had to take the youngest ones to school and picked them up from their after-school activities and had to come straight home.
You can say that the Holloway family had the perfect life, until one rainy night where their father was coming home from his office when a truck rear-ended his car. Jackie was working twelve nights straight that night and had to see her husband on a stretcher. Throughout the night, they didn’t know if he was going to be able to make it.  That December, they had to bury their father, and nothing was the same again. Aiden noticed that her mom worked overtime a lot more, her older brothers picked up other jobs and her double trouble buddy ended up distant and cold. She knew that Adam was struggling, she was struggling herself. As she grew up, Aiden often turned towards superheroes, skateboarding and anything that would catch her attention more than five seconds.
About three years after Hank’s death, Aiden started to notice that her mother would wear makeup and bring a duffel bag to work. She started to follow her with her bike, until she saw that her mother was going on secret dates and seeing someone new. She sped home and told her twin brother about what she had seen, and j was asleep in front of the tv. She would go onto the roof to look at the stars, hoping that they would some kind of answers and then she would go on a search for a party, knowing that she can get score some drugs and alcohol. Nothing would help her cope with the loss of her dad, but that didn’t mean she gave up trying. She met a guy named Roman, who you can say is the “bad boy” of the school and had been living with his grandmother. She wouldn’t say it was love at first sight, it was more of a toxic relationship and she was addicted to it. They would often fight for two days and make up like they never said hateful words to each other. However, that all stopped when Aiden spotted Roman with another woman and turned out that he was also dating the girl. So, that kind of made her straighten up a bit, along with her brothers holding an intervention for her to get help to cope with their father’s death.
Two years later, Aiden graduated from high school with a GPA of 4.0 and full ride (Thanks to George for helping her out a bit) to Yates. Aiden didn’t want to leave without her twin, so she asked Adam to tag along and he got accepted into University of Vermont-Johnson, that way she wouldn’t get home sick. Aiden also got accepted into the Winthrop Society, where she felt that she belonged and called home for the next four or five years. However, one thing that Aiden didn’t plan for, was having a daughter at twenty-one. One night, during a heavy make out session in the parking lot of the Sugar Shack, a burlesque club where she was working, she snuck away with some guy after her shift and ended up having a one night stand. She quickly slipped out of his car when she noticed that he was on the phone and headed straight to her car, with her clothes in her hands. Fast forward nine months later, she welcomed a beautiful baby girl named Odette Evelyn Holloway and promised that she was going to give her a great childhood like she had when she was younger. She never contacted the father, since she doesn’t remember the name and figured that it would be a waste anyway, she accepted that she would be a single mother and knew that she could do it. Especially with the help of her brothers and friends. However, she knows that Yates has a reputation to uphold, she made a deal with her brothers that they act like Odette is their baby sister in public but behind closed doors and to close family & friends, she’s Aiden’s daughter.  Recently, Aiden’s been sending money to her brothers and Odette, to make sure that they’ll keep a roof over their heads while she’s studying Creative Writing. She also thought of a book idea, which can be considered as a Young Adult novel.
sex money feelings dies - a one-night stand but on top of that a frequent hook up. every time they say that they won’t hook up with each other again. it’s not healthy, you both want past the relationship and let it go, but the moment y’all see each other from across the bar or at a party you just know you’ll end up in each other’s bed again. -OPEN
 i saw you in a dream - they were close. so close. thought there would never be a time they wouldn’t talk, but one thing lead to another and Aiden’s left thinking about them when it’s just her and her thoughts. without them in her life really hasn’t been the same, but is it worth getting past what happened to pick up the phone and call them?- OPEN
painkiller  - best friends forever. literally. this person knows Aiden inside out and she can’t see a day without them. they’re essentially her painkiller. She tells them everything and them back to her. they can tell if she’s feeling down just by the way she send her snapchat streaks that morning. She can’t see a day without them.- OPEN
 call your girlfriend - this one is pretty messy. one of them is in a relationship, but there’s a huge flirtationship between the muses. the flirtationship essentially becomes to both of these people attached to each other and maybe... even in love. but there’s still that relationship that’s in the way... YIKES- OPEN?
Looks a lot like a tragedy now- details will come soon <3- Miles
perfect places- party buddies but make it you guys just getting lost in the vibes because you don’t want to deal with life. it’s a good friendship. you guys get the thoughts in your head to go numb, but at a point it’s like what’s the point ?- OPEN
will add more if needed <3
Interesting Facts on Aiden:
Wears a leather jacket, along with sometimes combat boots but she’ll wear tennis shoes.
Has been working as a Burlesque dancer for three and a half years, goes by the name Cherry Bomb. Her parents doesn’t know that she’s been getting her money from there.
Has a two-year old daughter named Odette Evelyn Holloway, born on the 9th of December. She makes sure to Facetime her every night and ends up reading her favorite book to her, which she has a lot of favorite books.
Has a rough time trusting people right away because of past trauma, but has a few people who she trusts with her secret and her life.
Sometimes skateboards to classes or to her brothers’ house, learned how to skateboard back in her middle school days.
Won’t pass up the chance to put someone into their place, though she comes off timid when you first meet her. 
Has a rose tattoo on her right hip, wanting to get a sleeve on her left arm, but isn’t for sure.
Wears wigs when she’s working and covers up her tattoo with makeup. 
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twiddlebirdlet · 6 years
Post Digest
The words belong to the anonymous original writers. They do not reflect my opinions. My posting of them doesn’t imply any endorsement.
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·  Anonymous said:
Your answer made me think on that gif of Obama dropping the mic. Great assessment of the situation!
·  Anonymous said:
Hi! I’m a Capitol Hill (senate) staffer and I completely agree with your summary of the situation. We don’t even let interns get photographed in our offices materials because of concerns about their age and safety. Also they are unpaid and TEMPORARY). Chris already has a frivolous reputation in some of the more serious offices on the Hill (it’s notable that he’s been to almost none of the offices running in 2020). House offices are relaxed and open because no one cares too much about them.
senate staffer part 2: Bella probs fucked up a major opportunity. Being an intern can lead to a Hill job but also easily be squandered because there are SO MANY INTERNS in the House. You have to stand out &be professional to get a full time gig. No members want the possibility of scandal on their hands. And if Chris wants to be taken seriously in this game, he really needs to work on the image he projects overall. People who disagree with your politics will use any opportunity to discredit you. 
·  Anonymous said:
Mod, regarding your pov on the situation...well said. My feelings exactly!
·  · Anonymous said:
Liked what the PR/crisis anon mentioned, that it's wrong to think Chris was uninvolved in JS and MK's stunts when he dated them. It's naive to think he is that helpless and easily controlled.
·  Anonymous said:
Its funny to me that people are still saying that some were upset because of the burlesque show. I guess people never cared about the intern. Oh well seems all over now because now we chip wars, him tweeting to RDJ and Disney sightings. Stuff gets buried fast with him. Hope you're having a great day.
·  Anonymous said:
You don't have to publish this but I must say, I'm very disappointed. The evidence is irrefutable. Mark following this girl means they keep in touch. That dancer's comment ("you guys are so wonderful") cancels Manuel's narrative that Chris was alone. Belle couln't have paid such expensive ticket, it's obvious he invited her, paying for her ticket. It's naive to think he did that only to talk. She was available to him and he accepted. She's now probably his go to fuck buddy every time he's in DC.
·  Anonymous said:
"You all immediately want to think the worst of him" <- I call it the Jenny Slate impact.
·  Anonymous said:
I know this will probably end up in a digest but I had to point out a few things. It does not cost $2,000 to get into The Box that price is for table, regular admission is free. Bella wasn’t touching Chris inappropriately for a fan, go back and look a fan pics there are so many with the same pose and similar comments from the fan. The way he talked to her friend in the vid makes me think he probably talked to her in the same way so I don’t think anything happened.
·  Anonymous said:
James McAvoy follow up: 1. It was after his divorce. 2. It’s a really sophisticated club where all of our local celebs go to be seen. 3. He only ever went for Friday night production parties with the cast. He was the most recognizable cast member, so he always got the most attention.
·  Anonymous said:
Thank you for have posted all our asks even if you can't answer all of them. You are anyway a superheroe girl! I will add to not forget that Sunrise Ruffalo didn't want that her husband hang out with Chris for these reasons 😉
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juiceboxandcrackers · 6 years
Last night at The Estuary
I assume that every location has their own little groups where you can meet and greet and explore ALL OF THE BDSM THINGS... That being said, our area has two active groups. Through The Looking Glass (we haven’t been) and The Estuary. We discovered them on Fetlife and check out the actual location about a month ago. The people were so welcoming and they don’t seem to fuck around. There are rules. There are safeguards.
Last night was the second time there and even though we had a rocky start to the evening because of some stupid shit I did... it was a head first dive into open play. Open play at The Estuary means you can create a scene using any of the equipment and tools available to explore your kinks. They have a Saint Andrew’s cross, a queening chair (I think?), this massive metal wheel you can be tied to, a spanking bench, and hooks and things to be suspended from.
Side note: There are some talented shibari rope play folks in this group.
I prepped the hell out of myself for it because Daddy told me he was putting me on display. Shaved all of the things, spent a little more time on hair and makeup because it calms me and its almost ritualistic for me. I have to sit there and think about WHY I am doing it and all the eyes that will be on me. My anxiety was twitching. Daddy requested that my nipples be seen but since I need support and don’t want to feel completely naked, I got to wear this pretty quarter shelf bra that I got from Lane Bryant yeeeaaaars ago and never had a reason to wear it. Support AND the nipples are free for sensation play. Winning. I wore crotchless panties because Daddy also wanted me to wear the tail he bought me... for more sensation play.. we will get to that. Threw on some thigh highs, a cute skater dress, and some five-inch stilettos... BAM.. Livvie was PREPARED.
I have a playlist in my Apple Music titled “TIE LIVVIE TO THE BED” which was used for our scene. I need to add more stuff to it, but what was played was perfect for our first scene.
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Note: Crazy Train is not actually on the list. It was just a song I introduced to the nugget earlier today.
We opened the scene with Until We Go Down.
Daddy had me stand in front of the Saint Andrews Cross as he knelt down and slowly removed my shoes and as he came up lifted and removed my dress. I don’t think I looked away from him from that moment on. You see... The Estuary has this dungeon room of sorts (where our scene was) and sort of above it is a viewing area where other members can quietly and respectfully watch whatever is going down in the dungeon. So basically I am being cuffed and chained facing forward in little to nothing. Just focus on Daddy. Don’t look at the peoples. I watched Daddy like a hawk until I couldn’t. Cuffed to a cross, he teasingly put hair clips on my nipples, stuck a ballgag in my mouth and then ....blindfolded me. Oh. My. Fuck. That is the most terrifying and freeing feeling in the whole goddamn world. Vulnerable is not a strong enough word.
Daddy is crafty with sensation play. One of the tools he used on me last night was a basic dental cleaning tool that your dentist uses on you.
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The feeling you have when it is drug across the skin is similar to having a knife tip graze your skin.... just smaller. It leaves these fun little lines all over the skin. I hope for knife play next time though.
Please, Daddy?
Betcha he says, “Yes, Babygirl.” Betcha!
He ran that thing all over ever inch of visible skin on my body... my favorite areas for this tool are my sides. It hurts and tickles at the same time. I love that fucking sensation so much.
He used Blue, his 42-falls blue suede flogger in various levels impact on my skin. I will introduce you to Blue in another tumblr post. I am being lazy and not wanting to get off the couch until this is complete to go take a picture of Blue. I love Blue. It is my favorite toy ever. Daddy knows how to make it feel good... like a friggin massage... and also hurt like the hand of God lighting your ass up. But it never leaves a mark. We love that. Aside from the tiny scratches from the dental tool that will be gone by tomorrow, we are not fond of bruising and damage to the skin. Daddy takes great care in preventing that. He is the bestest. Besides... as a burlesque dancer, I do not need to be shaking my ass on stage looking like I got in a fight.
He used Mr. Pinky (vibe) on my clamped nipples before removing them, unhooking me from the cross and turning me around to cuff me back to it. Here is where shit gets real.
We have made friends with a lovely couple at The Estuary that go by Dragon and his little Cherry (she is this adorable pixie-like creature). Dragon let Daddy borrow a reed type impact toy to try on me. I protested a couple times before I was on the cross, but honestly... I knew I deserved what was coming to me after the aforementioned bullshit earlier in the evening. I wish I had snapped a picture of the thing to post here because me trying to describe it verbally is pointless.
All I can really say at this point is that it got my fucking attention. Little taps with it are actually quite nice... but when Daddy puts a little power behind it (doesn’t take much) it stings like hellfire. I am undecided if *I* like it, but I know Daddy loved it. I think he likes the noises that escape my mouth when he gets me with it.
There was a point when I was facing the wall where Daddy removed the gag...
“Let me hear you...” he said in my ear.
I am thankful for that. The ballgag we have is a little ... big and it is hard to hear anything when I am wearing it. And left in too long and I feel like I have lockjaw or something. I hope we can find one similar, but smaller because I actually do love being gagged.
But back to the commands whispered in the ear... fuuuuuuck that gets me all kinds of wet. Maybe its not even the commands really... just the dominant voice Daddy has that I have apparently been obsessed with and turned on by since we were kids. Daddy voice is a real thing and it is heaven.
The scene ended before I realized it and I wanted more... but I was already in subspace to the point of almost incoherent communication.
I don’t know who brought me the super soft blanket to wrap up in but it felt like microfiber heaven on my stinging back and ass. Cuddles in the Aftercare Room were nice and next time I am bringing my favorite koala in case Daddy needs to leave the room.
Quiet cuddles in a dark room after that scene were necessary. That was one of the most intense experiences of my life. Daddy called me his little exhibitionist. I think it is too soon to call me that. Haha. I mean... I don’t hate it, but I am still not quite sure I could do it without the blindfold to make me forget where I am.
We shall see.
I have no doubt there will be more scenes in the future. I am excited to see where things go.
We went to breakfast with Abracadabra and his sub, Blue. That was honestly the best way to end the night... breakfast at 5 a.m. with new kink friends. They are such nice folks. After my second time being around everyone, I am not even sure why I was scared to begin with.
Now... to get Daddy on the cross under Goddess Victoria. Muahahahahaha. 😈
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14 Awesome New Year Parties In USA That You Must Be A Part Of
New Year’s Eve is the most awaited time of the year when you celebrate and make the most of your time with family and friends. It is now a part of tradition to bid aloha to the dying year and welcome the new one. Everyone wants to be a part of the best New Year parties in USA. Our sense of optimism is at its zenith when we are facing the last day of the year. We want the new year to be friendlier and kinder to us than the last one.
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14 Best New Year Parties in USA
The festivities at the Times Square in New York, the madness of Las Vegas, and the food and drinks festivals everywhere around you, you will find no other country more geared up to celebrate the New Year than the US. Here’s a list of 14 new year parties in USA:
1. New York City
Perhaps the most iconic and most visited places on New Year’s Eve, Times Square in New York City tops our list of the best places to visit for New Years. It may be the largest New Year’s Eve celebration in America. The lowering of the ceremonial ball, the gathering of people bustling with crackling anticipation almost hidden from view in the confetti, all this adds up to make New Year’s in New York a memorable experience. Being one among the thousands at The Square or in a party nearby makes you feel you are a part of global happening. In Brooklyn, some of the parties may offer you a view of the amazing display of fireworks. The US is bursting with places where you can bring in the New Year but the best New Year party in USA can only be experienced in the madness of The Times Square.
2. New Year’s Eve Fireworks at Honolulu
Aloha Tower Marketplace celebrates the best New Year’s party in USA, with unmatchable festivities including waterfront dining, free live entertainment shopping, and a fabulous midnight fireworks display over the Honolulu Harbor. Celebrations commence at 7pm with many events like live entertainment, face painting, and free giveaways, among others. Head to the Tower with your family and enjoy yourself to the fullest.
3. New Year’s Eve in Las Vegas
It is the biggest party in the country! America’s Party is the name given to the New Year’s Eve celebrations that are organized at The Strip. It includes fireworks at midnight, extravaganza at the Las Vegas Strip, dining experiences, and live concerts among others. More than 330, 000 revelers throng the streets on a yearly basis to soak in the party atmosphere of Las Vegas.
4. New Orleans
New Orleans is known for its parties and it is known to throw the best New Year’s party in USA! Warm and friendly people, the perfect weather, pubs and bars which are open for business late into the night and merrymakers strolling down the lanes with their favorite drinks in hand; now who wouldn’t want to be a part of that? Go straight to the famous Jackson Square in the celebrated French Quarter. Musicians and entertainers play through the night which ends with the floating down of the iconic symbol of New Orleans, the Fleur de Lis, when the clock strikes 12. But don’t worry as the party continues across the many bars and restaurants in the Bourbon Street. If you are in the mood for something special then go aboard the Creole Queen or Natchez to enjoy a fireworks cruise.
5. First Night Arts Celebrations
Touted as the largest New Year’s Eve celebration in America, First night Boston celebrates the arts. It showcases Boston’s cultural and artistic talents through more than 250 art-shows and performances by both nationally and internationally renowned artists. The festivities begin at 1pm and continue to midnight. The celebrations include the Boston Pops Symphony Hall concert which is broadcast live and a fireworks show over the harbor.
6. Los Angeles
The City of Angels is pretty large one and thus, you have a selection of many events happening across the city. The biggest party happens at the Grand Park with scores of food trucks, live music and fun people to party with till 1 a.m. It is especially for families who want to celebrate outdoors as it is alcohol-free, but there are many bars that throw New Year’s parties. Prohibition at the Union Station is another famous event which is usually themed around the ’20s with an open bar, deejays, burlesque dancers, and live jazz music. Cap it all off by going aboard Queen Mary which just might be the best place to spend New Year’s Eve in USA, with its international-themed party, entertainers, live music, and fireworks at midnight.
7. Chicago
If you can brave the chilly winds then head to the windy city this New Year’s Eve. Chicago is chilly during New Year’s, but they surely know how to throw parties aimed at singles and families too. Walk down to Navy Pier with your family and enjoy the rides, and attractions. Just as the clock strikes 12 at midnight, the fireworks burst into a dazzling symphony of light and heat over Lake Michigan. Perhaps the best New Year party in USA can be found at the Lincoln Park Zoo with millions of twinkling light draped across all the spots in the zoo. There are ice carvings, a live DJ, games, free carousel rides and much more at only $10. The hotels, restaurants and clubs have their own offerings.
8. Washington D.C
The regal seat of power in America has a lot to offer on New Year’s Eve. From parties to balls, locals and visitors have plenty to see and enjoy. You can also head down to the nearby cities like Alexandria and Maryland to soak in the New Year’s vibes. Washington DC restaurants offer some of the best cuisines and drinks for your palate. There are many First Nights celebrated across the cities near the capital of America.
9. Houston, Texas
The fourth largest city in USA, Houston celebrates New Year’s Eve in style. Houston attracts many tourists during the month of December, with locals waiting for the New Year’s Eve eagerly themselves. You ask for it and Houston has it - live performances, tasty dinner options, the best of wines and fireworks to round the whole thing up.
10. The Fontainebleau, Miami
The people at the Fontainebleau resort are the best at throwing New Year’s Eve parties. Trust them to get some of the best performers to sing down to the New Year with unmatchable entertainment. This year they have roped in Demi Lovato and Kygo to sing along the poolside and steer the party to midnight revelries.
11. New Year’s Eve Ball and Showcase, Dallas
Dallas has many parties and event themed around the end of the year celebrations. One of the best is the New Year’s Eve Ball and Showcase. Dance your way across the ball room and just soak in the soulful atmosphere of good food, great people and amazing drinks. The party is a black tie only and that’s more than enough encouragement for us to ring in the New Year in style.
12. Nouveau: A Glamorous New Year’s Eve
What a novel way to celebrate the New Year’s! The Orlando Museum of Art is organizing a memorable night filled with delicious hors d’oeuvres, open bar, live music, photo booth, deejay, and a champagne toast with the fireworks on display.
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13. Nashville, Tennessee
If you have not been to a southern party then you have been missing out on a lot. Nashville is the hub of country music. The city hosts several New Year’s Eve parties across its bars and restaurants and sometimes even throws in a live concert or two of famous country singers. If country music isn’t your thing then head toward the many parties and events for the ultimate New Year Eve party in USA, 2019.
14. New Year’s Eve in Walt Disney Resort
The Walt Disney Resort in Orlando is the best place to spend New Year’s Eve in USA with your entire family. Salute the brand new year with lip smacking delicacies, tasty drinks, sparkling dance parties and unforgettable fireworks. Every year Disney World offers amazing packages across its hotels, the most popular being eating while enjoying the Magic Kingdom fireworks at Disney’s Contemporary Resort California Grill. You cannot find any place better than the Disney World to make your New Year night memorable!
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elegantmoonchild · 7 years
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|Sneak peek snippet from the upcoming first chapter of SweetVee fanfic “No Angel,” coming soon to an AO3 near you...|
Chapter One
by elegantmoonchild
Sweet Pea’s mouth suddenly grew dry at the sight of the dark-haired dancer, strutting over in a new outfit, peach silk flowing around her in a robe-like cut draped over her luscious looking creamy tan skin. Underneath, there was a peek-a-boo of a teal lace bra, and the tightness that had begun to subside in his pants came back full force.
She shot him a look that hinted at mystique, and he found himself growing more and more curious about her. However, the air she held in her posture filled him with instant annoyance, her pedigree obviously shining through in the dank space of the club around them. He felt self-conscious, the rough leather and dirty boots that adorned him making him seem like a mere pauper in front of this elegant, prim princess before him.
She stopped beside Cheryl and shot the group an award-winning smile. This must be how she makes the big bucks, Sweet Pea thought, immediately turned off by her attempt at charisma.
“Good evening, gentlemen.” She turned to address Toni. “Lady.”
“Toni, fellow Serpents, this here is Veronica Lodge, better known as Lola Mi Nue – the brightest gem in all of Blossom’s bunch here at the Whyte Wyrm. You won’t find a better dancer out there -- though I guess I don’t have to tell you that. You just watched her dance.”
At least she has the modesty to appear bashful, Sweet Pea thought, his eyes glued to her every facial expression as it went from confident to humble and back to self-possessed in a mere matter of seconds.
Cheryl turned to address Toni directly again. “So who’s next in line? I know Veronica here would like to show them some of the moves she didn’t perform on stage.”
Toni turned to face Sweet Pea, her eyebrow quirked in curiosity. It just so happened, by sheer legacy alone of his father’s former place in the Serpents, Sweet Pea had risen to third in line for the throne.
“What do you say, Pea? Care for a dance?” Toni wiggled her eyebrows at him and he knew she would consider him a fool to turn this woman down.
However, Sweet Pea had his own agenda tonight and getting a lap dance or whatever it was that went on behind the walls of the VIP room was not on his list.
“No thanks.”
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Her life was wrapped up in one brilliant white Tiffany bow – the money, the privilege, the opulence of her family’s legacy the perfect inscription on the dull boring epitaph that left Veronica Lodge feeling dead inside. To escape, she dances, grasping onto her freedom as she moves across the stage of the burlesque club, The Whyte Wyrm, owned by former sorority sister Cheryl Blossom. One night, though, her world is turned upside down when she locks eyes with biker and former Marine Sweet Pea, and the vitriol they soon spew at each other only adds fuel to the flame between them. 
Both controlled by their own demons, both unwilling to relent to the way they feel, they stomp around their emotions, night after night, dance after dance. Sweet Pea has his sordid past, rife with memories of death and violence, but Veronica has her own skeletons, locked behind the walls of her heart, and freeing them will only prove that she’s no angel after all.
Can these two broken souls that feel such scorn for each other give in to the heat between them, learning to keep the flames ablaze despite their differences and hostility for each other, or will their fire only serve to combust and burn out in the dark of night?
Relationships: Sweet Pea x Veronica Lodge, hints of Cheryl Blossom x Toni Topaz
Notable Tags: Extremely NSFW, Enemies to Lovers, Vulgarity, Language, Slow Burn, Cheating, Southside Serpents, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut
Six chapters filled with glitz, glowering, and extremely provocative smut coming to you soon on AO3 in this original pairing that’s anything but canon.
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aspiestvmusings · 5 years
GROUP B/ GROUP 2: (contestants 7 - 12)
EP 3x04: CLUES & MORE: RECAP for remaining 5:
Location: Hollywood (CBS?) Lot: 1920s street/building 
His clues video is done in black & white (like a 1920s silent film) 
B&W image: MIB sitting on a bench, on a street, as newpapers are being thrown at them (by a paperboy)
Newspaper: The Daily Ribbit (price: 5 cents) 
Newspaper headline: Frogs are jumping! Frogs are jumping!
Newspaper headline: Tadpole plucked from large creek!
Newspaper article subtitle: Toad’s crazy ride begins! 
Newspaper photo credit: Frog joins The Masked Singer 
Newspaper article [this is a nod to the detectives among us, viewers]: TEXT HERE LATER “So there was this tadpole just swimming along, doing its tadpole thing, thinking “Hey, life is pretty good!” Who needs legs anyway?” Then one day it was swimming near a horseshoe and mustve felt lucky. It waived it’s little fishy tail and swam faster than ever and the metamorphosis began in the blink of a frog’s eye. Good bye tail, hello legs! “What arethese weird spongy things in my body? Oh, lungs! Cool!”  The tadpole became a frog, but seriously are you actually  reading all this? Did you pause on me? Are you hoping for more clues? Or should I say hopping for more clues? Well here’s a frog joke: Why are frogs so happy? Because they eat whatever bugs them! Hahaha. Sorry, that wasnt a clue, but hopefully there’s a kid in the roomto enjoy it. I’m impressed you’re still reading this small print. Back to the frog: it really did have a wild, wild ride. Though it did have some interesting eating habits and I'm not just talking about dining on flies. By the way, have you seen slo-mo videos of frogs using their tongues? Pretty fascinating. Okay, you’ve made it this far. I’ll just tell you the tadpole who became a frog is the celebrity we all know and love who goes by the name” [ARTICLE ENDS HERE] 
Sign on the wall of the building “arrow pointing to the left” 
Papar bags on the ground next to the bench with “Leftovers” written on it & “leftovers” from one nag have fallen out...to the ground. 
The frog’s shadow behind the window/glass is seen using his tongue to catch/eat a fly on the glass
Poster on the (office) floor: 1996 Games: 1000-Meter Leap Frog
The frog & MIB doing dance moves on the street (as he comes out of the building) 
Old school michrophone with the “LIKE” sign on it. 
Dollar bills on the “counter”: 100 dollar bill +  5 dollar bill + 1 dollar bill (100 + 5 + 1 = 106 dollars) 
“News Flash: My metamorphosis has been anything but typical.”
“I leapt to stardom as fast as the lightning bolt.” 
 “Never had a chance to evolve my image, and do things my way.” 
“I was slitherin with the big frogs from Jump-Jump. Just had to fit in and survive.” 
“But now I can write my own masterpiece” 
“Showing this new side (of me) gives me butterflies in my stomach.”  
“But I'm ready to drop the hammer, and sing my face off.” 
Song choice: “U Can’t Touch This” by MC Hammer 
Look/Costume: Frog is wearing a purple suit & a yellow/purple checkered tie. He has a matching hat with a feather (1920s “gangster” style) & “Gatsby” style shoes. 
Stage: Moves around & dances a lot, while rapping. Very energetic. Touches the brim of the hat during “questining”
Height: Short. Seems around 170 -173cm = 5 feet 6 inches 
Build: He’s small, but athletic. 
Mic hand: Right. 
Talking: “I feel free, baby! I came here to win it all, baby, that’s what I came to do - win it all!”  (when answering "How does it feel to dress up as The Frog?”)
Shad Moss aka (Lil) Bow Wow (rapper/singer/musician) - for me the dance moves confirmed it’s him, cause I am not super familair with his voice alone. But last  year when many suggested he could be "The Rottweiler”, I looked him  up, and the dance routines he and his kid do in several of his posts leave me with no doubt that it’s him. I would not have gotten this one from the voice alone. 99% chance 
Paper bag “Leftovers” = Doggy Bag -- his artist nme was/is Bow Wow + it’s the title of one of his albums (Doggy bag)
Mic + Like sign = Like Mike 
106 dollars = he hosted the”106 & Park” music vid show
Location: many clips used from Georges Méliès silent film(s) - “Astronomers Dream” watch on YT 
Silent film era style clips from a (movie) theatre
Most of her clue package is in black & white, in “silent cinema” style. Lot of footage from the time films were first made & lots of references to the film of that time. 
(Stage) Curtains opening
B&W: People watching the performance though binoculars. 
B&W: Audience clapping (during the performance) 
Kitty Mask appearing on each lens of the binoculars. 
B&W image: a group of men coming to the stage, in one line...as we see it from the audiences POV. And Kitty Mask appearing in front on them...as the only in COLOUR image that has been added to it. 
B&W: (Astronomical) Observatory with a telescope pointed at the Moon. There is a globe in the room. A stand with drawings and shapes (geometry) on one side & a blackboard with AB + CD = [more math...which I can’t type in here...for reasons] An old man/astronomer in a wizard hat is sitting on a chair, reading a book. Then gets up to write something on the blacboard. There is a coat of arms on the back of the chair. - a clip from Georges Méliès "The Astronomer's Dream" (old film from 1898)
In colour:  Kitty walking to center stage - alone on the stage, in an ampty theatre 
B&W: The Moon with a face being blown up - a clip from Georges Méliès "The Astronomer's Dream" (old film from 1898) 
Blinking dressing room lights (a wall full of them) in the background of Kitty Mask 
A glass jar/bottle of milk  + a glass of milk...with Kitty mask sitting on top of he glass...as milk is poured into it.
B&W: Pirates sword-fighting on an old ship deck. 
Kitty doing the CATwalk... with greenish-blueish lights in the background...
A (big) glass rose shattering to pieces as it falls to the ground... with rose petals fling everywhere... 
“In all my wildest dreams I’d never imagined I’d be here where I feel at home among the weird and the wonderful.”
“It’s almost like this show was made for me. -- A little bit of heaven where I can wipe the slate clean as the purest snow.” 
“Sometimes it feels lonely, because people don’t think of me as the person I’ve become, but the person I once was.”
“But now under these light - among the cream of the crop - I get to start from scratch.”
“And just like a Kitty will always find a way to nuzzle into your heart, Tonight, for my big debut, I'm going for high drama...as I show you why I'm the pick of the litter”
Song choice: “Dangerous Woman” by Ariana Grande 
Look/Costume: Burlesque/(Vegas) showgirl costume - sparkly dress with straps, and feathery skirt + feathers on top of the head (inside a small crown”, and added to that are sparly silver boots. Wearing a leotard under the dress (it seems to be a  Red Silver Tabby cat). Kitty mask with different-coloured eyes (heterochromia) - one blue & one brown. The costume has a kind of Satine from “Moulin Rouge” feel/look to it. 
Stage presence: Dancing sensual “Cabaret” chair dance while singing. Her backup dancers are dressed as “Chesire cats” 
Height: Short, looks around 155-163cm =  5 feet 1 to 5 feet 4
Build: Petite. Very small & slender. 
Mic hand: Alternates between left & right 
Talking: “I am being somebody that noboby has ever seen before, and its always been inside of me, so... it’s great!”  (when answering “Whats it like being The Kitty?”) 
Sarah Hyland (actress) -- the voice & the stage presence remind me of her...the most, though alost none of the clues fit her (rose for BF & drama for being on a popular mock series with lots of “drama”...are the main ones fitting her) 50% chance 
Emma Watson (actress) - several clues fit her, but I am uncertain about the voice being a good match
Chloë Grace Moretz (actress) ...so many clues seem to reference to the movie “Hugo” she was in...that was a “tribute” to Georges Méliès...
Kate Bosworth (actress/model) - she has heterochromia + several clues fit 
Mila Kunis (actress) - she has heterochromia 
Lily Rose Depp - I am not that familiar with her voice to make a definite yes/no decision, but several clues match - pirates connection through her dad & French connection though her mom. She starred in a film titled “Planetarium”... and in the Vanity Fair’s “Secret Showcase/Talent” she did has a very similar oldie feel to it...like the clue package has 
some/any “former” Disney actress, who is now in their late teens to late 20s
With this Mask I am more confused than I have ever been with any other mask...any season. Some fit the voice, some the stage prsence, some the clues. But none seem to fit (to me/to my knowledge) them all. And I still cannot decide on the voice..even after re-listening/watching. I really need that 2nd & 3rd song to make up my mind. 
Location: (Restaurant) Kitchen 
Location: Hollywood (CBS) Lot: streets/parking lot 
MIB dressed as chefs (in buffed up/sumo suits) preparing food - tacos
The taco lying on the plate as MIB chef adds some seasoning to it 
VHS tapes...on the counter 
Anchor (nautical.. ships anchor) on a plate 
A (solved) Rubik’s Cube on top of a bowl filled with lemons/limes. 
Fresh food in the fridge as the door is opened (salad, peppers) - a red trolley (tramcar/streetcar) is on top of the food 
The MIC chefs adding more seasonings, and then ketchup to the taco. Writing TACO as a decoration on the plate, next to the taco, with ketchup. 
The taco jumps off the plate, and onto the kitchen floor, adn starts running away..as the MIB chefs run after him (with ladles in hands)...He runs out of therestaurant...and onto the street
The MIB looking out between large TMS door and waving for Taco to come their way...and the Taco running into the studio...as the doors close just in front of the chasers
Sign next to the TMS mask logo doors: Studios 36 & 46 Main Entrance [arrow pointing to the left]
Sign on the wall inside the TMS studio doors: Stage 46 [arrow to the right] 
“Like the comfort food I am, I’ve been a confirting part of your lives for decades” 
“I’ve got plenty of seasoning & I'm in a good place, but my routine can get a bit mild, so I'm here to bust out of the buffet...and spice things up.” 
“To enchiladas and beyond!“ 
“Here I go...as fast as I can.” 
“I want to be the last mask standing.” 
“I just hope I don’t fall apart out there.” 
“Time for Taco Wednesday.”
Song choice: “Fly Me to the Moon” by Frank Sinatra 
Look/Costume: Dark green suit under a taco suit/costume. Cherry tomato for a head. Ketchup bottle for a mic. suits in the background. 
Stage presence: Moon & stars theme: Big Band with starry suits. Swing music style..very 1960s Sinatra vibes. 
Height: He’s around 170cm = 6 feet (about the same height as the host, Nick)
Build: Tall-ish & lean-ish. 
Mic hand: Right 
Talking:  "This is how  dress normally! No(w), the weirdest thing about this experience is being ignored by everyone, cause they don’t know who I am. For the first time (in my life) I feel invisible!” (when answering “How is his normal life different from being on TMS?”) 
Tom Bergeron (TV show host & comedian) 99% chance 
Tim Allen (actor/comedian) 0.5% chance 
Tom Hanks (actor) 0,5% chance 
Though the voice at times makes it seem as this could be the actor (and comedian, and writer, and artist) John Lithgow and/or the clues at times make it seem as this could be the actor Ted Danson...it cannot be either of them. They’re just too tall to be the person in that costume. 
VHS tapes =  America’s Funniest (Home) Video’s - he hosted the show..for years
The trolley = the exact trolley/model like in “Mr. Roger’s Neighbourhood” +the 2019 film about him - hesang a song on the 2019 films “soundtrack”
“...as fast as I can” = the title of his (autobiographical) book is “I'm hosting as dast as I can” 
Location: Football field 
The Mouse holding a megaphone & gicing orders through it to others (shes the boss of them all)
MIB dressed in dark slacks & yellow jerseys + wearing helmets...ready to play some “american football”
One MIB is dressed as a cheerleader - with pink tutu skirt & golden pom-poms...cheering them on...
There is a dark football helmet with the US flag on the bench next to the Mouse Mask
The Mouse standing on top of a car/trcuk tire...that’s on the foorball field 
Whiteboard with game strategy on it. Title: Bang Bang Formation. Football field drawin under it...with each players moves indicated. 
The four cardinal directions: N for north, S for souts, W for West & E for east (in a different colour!) on each side of the table. 
The MIB athletes doing push-ups..with The MOuse standing on top of one of their helmets
The MIB yellow jerseys say “Wariors” & their numbers are “19″ & “79" 
The MIB athletes tackle the trainign equpment the mouse is standing on, making her fly, and (crach) land of the grass
“Just like a mouse I’m small and cute. But don’t let my size fool you, because my presence is larger than life. ” 
“I’ve always been a leader in my field, really.” 
“I wrote the Playbook.” 
“But as much as I love calling the shots, and showing everyone who’s the boss, I also love having a walk-on role to play.” 
“They say: “Don’t sweat the small stuff.”  But now that I'm putting myself in, you should. Because I never accept anything less than gold.” 
“So, to all my copetitors, you “cheddar” watch out” 
Song choice: “Get here” by Oleta Adams 
Look/Costume: Pink-ish mouse costume, wearing a long fairy skirt/dress (with flowers in front) & fairy wings on the back. 
Stage presence: Static. Sitting during both the performance/singing AND the “panel guessing” part [indicating she’s older and/or has a health issue and/or it’s done just to fool the viewers about her height...and hence the line “don’t let my size fool you” in the clue package] 
Height: Shorter than the host, Nick. Seems about 170- 175 cm = 5 feet 5 iches to 5 feet 7 inches  tall. 
Build: “Normal” ...to smallish
Mic hand: Right 
Talking:  “Not being able to talk. Yeah, you know, I’m a chatterbox. And I love talking and they always tell me...that I can’t say anything to anybody.” 
(when answering the question “what makes this experience different from her day-to-day life?” 
Warriors 19 & 79 = 1979 [the year, the number] = This is  the year, when her album “Dionne” was released.
Gold (pom-pons) in her clue package = many of her (her bands) albums/songs have gone Gold. 
Dionne Warwick (singer) 90% chance 
I dont really have other guesses. I was conflicted for a bit during the original airing, cause it looked like she was wayshorter than the host, but thats cause I did not pay attention to the fact that she was sitting the whole time. So my confusion “that’s D.W.s voice, but the height excludes her... cause she is a bit taller than that” was over as soon as someone pointed it out to me, and I was able to re-watch & see that she sat not only during the Q&A, but also her performance. 
Location: Football field 
Location: Party/Tour bus 
Four small fruit-shaped “hobbit houses” - one pear, one stwarberry & 2 watermelons...behind a white picket fence + theres a bicycle nxt to the fence 
Banana sleeping & “yawning”  outside, on a grass (football field)... on a blanket
A cowboy hat next to the sleeping banana 
A tomato & a blowfish next to the sleeping banana 
MIB texting “Banana! Where R U?” to him..on an orange-coloured phone 
All kinds of veggies and salads + a banana peel..on the grass. The MIB “walking and texting”, and hence not seeing the banana peel & slipping on it & falling down next to the blanket 
The Banana sleeping under the blanket...with two dressed in green “cowgirls” sleeping on either side of him. The Bananas clothes/costume is on the floor/grass next to them...so he’s “naked” under the blanket 
All kinds of veggies lying around the blanket, on the grass õA
A blue (dog) collar on the grass next to the blanket
Banana partying on a tour bus with the two green creatures
Banana dancing on the table...
[Banana sleeping on a football field & getting a text “Where R U” from MIB] “What? Where am I? Oh, no, I’m late for the stage! Aaahh” 
[12 hrs earlier] “Ugh, I cant believe I overdid it last night. You’d think this was my first rodeo.”
“I’m the banana because I'm tough on the outside, but a total smoothie on the inside. And a hoot to have at parties. Am I right, ladies?”
[getting up from under the blanket] “Help me get dressed, dadgumit.” 
"I cant wait to peel back my layers, and show I can use my voice in any environment.” 
"I just wanna see you smile.” 
Song choice: “A Little Less Conversation” by Elvis Presley 
Look/Costume: Yellow costume suit & a banana head with banana peel for a collar
Stage presence: Very energetic, moving around & dancing a lot. Ends the song with an “Iron Man landing pose”
Height: He’s around 180cm = 6 fee (around the same height as the host, Nick) 
Build: He’s tall & lean
Mic hand: Right 
Talking: “[chuckles] Technically... No. My kid. -- I’m getting ready to work out -- she hands me a banana, and it’s a sign. So here I am - The Banana. And I’m peeling it. I’m peeling the music.” (when aswering the question “Did you always want to be the Banana?” 
Bret Michaels of “Poison” (singer/musician) - those denace moves! and stage presence just give him away. 
Cowbvoy hat = he wars one quite often (its kind of one of his trademarks) 
Blowfish = they are poisonous & “POison” is the name of his band 
The MIB slipping on a banana peel & falling = Bret famously fell once during Tony Awards in 2009
Blue Collar = he has a pet clothing line + his daughetrs name is Bleu 
First mask to be voted out in ep 4! 
I am sad, cause I really liked his performance. But I get it...they’re all really equal, so it just depends which voie/mask has most “fans” in the audience that day/moment. 
The clue package video hinted at a sportsman (athlete: skateboard, acrobatics, parkour, snowboarding...or similar..based on the MIB choreography). An individual sport, not team sport. The blue birds hinted at his company name + kinda his last name, too. 
What people shoul’dve picked up, too were: his “limping” as he entered the stage. His “sliding to his knees” on stage (a move in his sports...to protect from falls). And... even though it was most likely just about “he's moving to the beat of his own drum” with the drums/drumming, but Id like to think that is was a nod to his role in that “Guitar Hero” add, where he & 3 other famous athletes played band members...and he was the drummer.
As promised, I’ll be doing this for the first episode of each group (3x01 for group A, 3x04 for group B, and in a few weeks 3x07 for group C). But that’s all I’ll be doing. Those three. Cause I have no time or energy to write it all down each week. 
0 notes
dickbaggins · 7 years
Title: Backstage Ship: Sam/Dean/Castiel Rating: Mature Link: AO3 Word count: 1884 Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe,Rich Castiel, Dancer Dean Winchester, Dancer Sam, Burlesque, Alternate Universe - Burlesque Club, Prostitution Created for: @spnpolybingo​​​​ Square: Burlesque AU  
Castiel has way too much money and he decides to throw some around to his favourite dancers, the ultra-suggestive Winchesters.
Castiel had been coming to these shows for four months now. Wednesday and Friday nights, the dive bar by his condo put on burlesque shows and since he found out, he hadn't missed a single one. The girls were pretty, of course, ruby-red lips and round, bouncy asses born of hard work. More than once, he contemplated taking a few of them home.
But the reason he'd come in the first place was the Winchesters.
The faintest, quietest rumor started on some fetish site or other, about these brothers who did a show together and if they did all that for the public, what did they do in private?
The show didn't disappoint; the brothers – if they were in fact brothers – moved like they were in tune with each other. Like they knew each other's next steps automatically, like they'd been this close their entire lives and it was really a beautiful sight to behold. The push-pull, the artful choreography that changed every few weeks.
And of course, the matching outfits.
Castiel didn't know their names and found himself thinking of them in terms of big and small. Not that 'small' was actually small at all. No, small was actually quite beefy, bow-legged and blond-haired, thick in all the right places. The few times Castiel took a front row seat, he noticed small had green eyes, too, and long thick lashes that weren't at all covered with mascara, as he'd been expecting. He was just naturally gorgeous.
And through the soft lace of his usually pink panties, Castiel could also see that his dick was huge.
That was nearly the only resemblance he bore to the man supposed to be his brother.
Tall, as Castiel thought of him, had long brown hair and a long dancer's frame, hard-packed with useful muscles. He had at least five inches on his brother, top to bottom, and another one or two in his pants. At least. He usually wore black where small wore pink, but sometimes they matched a little more. It certainly depended.
For all the whispers of incest, it was very artfully contrived. They rarely touched. The performances were all carefully cultivated longing and showing off for each other as much as an audience. That was what drew Castiel slowly to the front row, instead of the back, where he'd started.
If they were actually brothers, the no real touching thing seemed appropriate enough. But if they weren't, then what was the point? Just a well-manicured longing for the audience to see? It didn't add up.
It wasn't the norm, Castiel knew that, but midway through the show, he found the petite little MC who he knew to be the organizer as well and after flashing a fifty, she sat and listened, a sly smile growing on her pretty, made-up face.
“Yeah, I'll see if they're interested. Back room after the show, alright? If they don't show after five minutes, might as well leave. They're a little temperamental.”
Castiel figured that was fair enough. He watched the fifty disappear into her bodice and her ass bounce as she walked away.
During the Winchester's set, he definitely felt their eyes on him. More than once. They seemed to skirt a little closer to the edge of the stage, touch a little longer, maybe move a little closer together than before.
Or maybe it was all just some very wishful thinking.
After the show, he found the back room. It was warm and inviting, decorated gold and reds with a few fancy pieces of furniture, a big long couch and some matching chairs. It seemed to suit the impending situation fairly well.
Still, he waited a tense few minutes, checking his phone for the time; before five minutes were up, a side door slipped open and there they were; small first with tall next, towering in the doorway. Disappointingly, they weren't dressed for the stage but done up more casually, jeans and t-shirts, hair damp around the edges. Castiel immediately thought of them in the shower and how did that go? Together? Separete? He'd kill to find out.
He stood up as soon as they approached and found he was at least as tall as small, while tall hovered deliciously high above both of them, even larger up close. He shook hands with both of them, discovering names and feeling like he was privileged, like a detective digging up clues.
Small was Dean.
Tall was Sam.
Sam and Dean.
It rolled off the tongue, in his head, at least.
When they sat, they took different areas; Dean on the couch and Sam the largest chair, his long legs spread out in front of him.
“I understand you don't usually entertain after shows.”
“At all, really,” Sam corrected him, his voice coming out smoother than expected but still sweet as anything.
“I consider myself lucky,” Castiel smiled, and they didn't.
Even being in the same room with them seemed erotically charged, somehow. They shared glances from afar and it made Castiel's heart pound, his mouth water.
He decided it was time to stop beating around the bush.
He walked to the coffee table, pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and counted out a grand in hundreds, let them fan out against the dark wood.
“One night, the three of us. My place or a hotel, I don't mind either way. Tonight or not.”
He watched them share another look, unreadable between them.
“We don't do that,” Dean said and his voice murdered Castiel outright. It was nothing he'd expected, like gravel stuck in honey.
“Then I'll watch,” Castiel suggested next, sticking to his game plan.
“We definitely don't do that,” Dean said again.
Which was perplexing, given the show they put on, the push-pull, the glances, the simple bare tension of being in the same room with them.
“Never?” Castiel asked.
“Never,” Sam answered, the slightest hint of amusement curling his mouth.
Castiel pursed his lips in thought, determined not to let much else show. He dug into his wallet again and counted out another five hundred, stacking it under the previous bills.
He didn't say anything.
They didn't, either.
Five hundred more, then, until two grand spread out on the table and neither had much of a reaction.
Castiel felt, a little, like he was already being played.
But he'd come prepared and realistically, he had little else to spend his money on. His condo, his car, most of his life, it was all paid for with a cushy but thrill-free job. This was as close as he came to being a big spender and, hopefully, he'd hit the right price in the next few minutes.
He was five thousand dollars deep before the strangest thing happened.
Dean laughed, like a bark, slapping his leg. It started Sam laughing next, his shoulders shaking with the effort of keeping it in.
“Dude,” Dean said, through a gasped breath, “Dude, would you just keep throwing cash down on the table until one of us sucked your dick or what? How much d'you have in there?”
Castiel blinked, his mouth gaping open dry, his fingers still scratching against the bills in his wallet. He never walked around with so much cash and he certainly wasn't going to admit to them now how much he had.
“Dean, don't be rude, he's being pretty polite.”
Castiel looked from Dean to Sam and back again. Then Dean patted the couch beside him and Castiel made his wide-eyed way over there. “I didn't mean to offend you, I just assumed - “
“We're not not for sale,” Dean admitted, speaking more low now that Castiel was close. “May I?” he reached right for Castiel's wallet and he let him. “Jeez.”
Dean passed it over to Sam, who counted it quick and whistled.
More looks between them, then, undecipherable and scotching hot and he prayed and prayed they'd say yes. He'd be content with even a kiss shared between them, now, he'd even pay double for it.
“Dean wasn't lying; we haven't ever...not together. It's not like that,” Sam tried to explain, but the way he licked his lips, the way he threw his glance over to Dean betrayed them both somehow.
They wanted to, Castiel saw now.
They wanted an excuse.
“I have ten thousand dollars,” Castiel said, matter of fact. He had been walking around with that much in his wallet, fat and ready for anything and that had to be enough, didn't it? “I have a beautiful condo with a river view. I have two cars, one of which I never drive, so you're welcome to that. I can get you more of anything you'd like, I just...you're charming. The two of you. Charming and enchanting and I can't stop.”
He felt like he'd been bled when he finished, an embarrassed flush creeping up his neck, dotting his cheeks.
“That's sweet,” Dean said, breaking the silence first, “That's means a lot. Doesn't it, Sam?”
They both looked over to Sam, his eyes deer in the headlights wide, his mouth slacked open just a little. He wet his lips, ran his hands down his jeans and looked at Dean first. First and only.
Castiel watched, watched everything and missed nothing. He was a stellar judge of character, of situation and this, tense and taut and fraught with indecision, was a great place to be.
Sam moved first, flickered his glance over to Castiel and slid between the table and his brother, lowered in the middle of them, a leg draped over each. The couch creaked. Castiel couldn't breathe, seeing him up close, imagining what was going to happen.
Then it happened.
Sam put a hand on each face but his eyes lingered on Dean's until the dam broke. All the tension in the world snapped hard and Sam kissed his brother, sweet and gentle. So close and Castiel heard the dry rustle of Sam's fingertips on Dean's cheek, heard the soft wetness of their lips pressed together and his dick stirred faster than ever.
They continued kissing, soft, warm, and Castiel wasn't jealous, not exactly. He was gratified to get to see such a thing so close, lucky more than anything and he didn't have much more time to ruminate on it.
Because they started laughing, again, the sounds swallowed by each other's mouths for a moment, until the broke apart.
Two hands hauled Castiel into their heated kiss, still laughing, hands undressing him and pawing and when he felt the slick slide of two tongues against his, diving into his mouth and still quivering with laughter, then he knew.
“This isn't your first time,” he muttered.
“Sorry,” Sam apologized first, breathless, his hazel eyes sparkling.
“We can't keep it up like that for long,” Dean went next, “It's impossible. Hope you don't mind. We're totally gonna fuck you, though.”
Castiel thought about it for a second or two. All the time he'd spent thinking about them, watching them, planning and scheming and they'd duped him in a second.
And he didn't care.
Not one bit.
They could have whatever they wanted, especially him.
He kissed back into the tangle of their mouths, all the dirty things he wanted in the dead of night still very much in play.
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artificialqueens · 8 years
Vanilla (Chapter 2) - Honey Blue
AN: Hey! I’ll be uploading this around weekly by the way, I forgot to say that last time. Comments and feedback really helps motivate me to actually write the ending to this! I have a drag race blog here if you’d like to talk to me in any sort of depth or if you’d like more frequent updates.
Summary: Trixie and Katya have been best friends for years. When a confrontation with Katya’s abusive boyfriend goes drastically wrong, they go on the run.
AO3 Link Chapter 1
The second time she’d met Trixie had been on purpose. They’d talked over text for a month.
Tricks (19:34): I’m outside, you dirty disgusting waste of space x
Katya smiled at her phone before texting back with her spare hand, other hand was nursing a beer.
Basically A Waste Of Lungs (19:36): I’m inside by the bar. I got my drink, you’re late. Beware of angering me, you would not care to do that x
Moments later, Trixie landed in the stool next to her.  They grinned at each other.
“So, do you come here often?” Trixie joked.
“That depends, what are you wearing?” Katya retorted. Trixie threw her head back laughing.
“You can fucking see me bitch.”
“No, I can see through you.”
Trixie shook her head, and put an arm around Katya. After a hug, Katya’s grin grew. There’s a moment of comfortable silence.
“Get me a drink,” Trixie ordered.
“Fuck off,” Katya responded whilst motioning to the bartender for another.
“Is that everything?” Trixie swallows. She looks at the torn-apart room and feels ill.
“Think so, come on. We’ll head to yours, grab your stuff and head off.” Katya doesn’t wait for a response, “We have our stuff. We have your car, which we’ll drive until we can find an alternative. We need money. We’ll pick a city and head there. People have money,” Katya concludes.  “We can get money from people.”
“All of the criminals in movies head to Seattle,” Trixie contributes.
Criminals. That slows down Katya’s thinking. Her eye hurts.
“Then we won’t head there. Chicago maybe?”
Going back to Boston crosses Katya’s mind, but she pushes it away. That’d be stupid. Obvious. And painful. If she’s going down, she’s not dragging her mama into this.
Trixie zips up Katya’s suitcase. It’s a carry on one, small enough for an airplane.
“I’ve always wanted to go to Miami?” Trixie suggests. She picks up the suitcase, forcing her fingers to obey her. Her body is shaking beyond control.
“Miami then,” Katya settles. Exhaling lightly, she tries not to look at his side of the room. Don’t panic. She looks at Trixie, “come on.”
Katya walks out of the room. As she walks past the kitchen, she closes the door. The amazement mixed with horror which is filling Trixie paralyzes her. She stops. After noticing the stillness, Katya turns, “what?”
The suitcase hits against Trixie’s legs as her arms shake,  “how the fuck are you this fucking composed Katya? I fucking killed your fucking boyfriend. Our whole lives just fell the fuck apart- Honest: how are you doing this? How the fuck are you doing this?” Trixie’s voice cracks. There are tears in her eyes again. Part of her wants to punch something, another part of her wants to curl up in a ball and stay there for eternity. She’d do anything to feel numb.
Katya swallows looking at only Trixie. Thoughts swirl so violently in her head that she’s surprised Trixie can’t hear them.  “It’s because I’ve got a job to do.”
It was the first time Katya had ever been in Trixie’s apartment.
“Are you seriously trying to tell me your family were spies?”
Katya laughed, her head rolled back against Trixie’s sofa.  They were both wine drunk, steadily becoming the best of friends.
“Obviously they weren’t. They just moved to the country. You know, work, life, opportunities, a willingness to fuck dogs.”
After snorting and nearly dropping her glass, Trixie giggled out “well, how the hell am I meant to tell? Everything you say is bullshit.”
Katya chuckled, before sticking her tongue out at Trixie, “what do you want from me? I am what I -”
“Please don’t start singing, you’re tuneless. I could use being able to hear tomorrow, I have work.”
Katya snorted, “you’re so mean to me.”
Trixie’s apartment was small, her living room was even smaller.  
“Seriously, how much of what you’ve told me has been lies?” Trixie asked.
Deflated, Katya answered, “some. My family aren’t spies. I’m not the most flexible woman in the world and I haven’t actually ever been in an orgy. I haven’t actually ever been a getaway driver. I also don’t have an IMDB page. I wasn’t in Star Wars.  My family also don’t like fucking dogs, that’s just me.”
Trixie laughed and placed a hand on Katya’s knee, “well, that’s disappointing.”
“Nobody is more disappointed about it than I am,” Katya joked. She started picking at her own finger nails, “I can start being more honest if you like.”
Grinning, “really?”
Katya smiled and poked Trixie in the side, “honest.”
Trixie’s apartment is organized. That makes life easier. It’s how it is whenever Katya walks into it. It smells the same. No metallic stench, no sickness.
It doesn’t feel the same. They both head to Trixie’s bedroom.
“Help me pack,” Trixie orders.
“Bring your makeup,” Katya adds. Trixie stops still, nearly falling. Katya whips around, she reaches out and grabs Trixie’s hand, “Come on, we’ve got to-”
“I’m not going to cosmetology anymore.”
The room turns silent. It isn’t comfortable. It’s aching, and awkward. Katya doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t know anymore.
After a small heart break, Katya tries squeezes her hand, “I’m sorry.”
Trixie snorts. There’s a headshake, a small recoil away from Katya’s touch. “It isn’t your fault. But that was my dream. I moved here for that opportunity. I left home for that. That-I almost had it.”
Their eyes meet. Trixie’s are red. Katya refuses to cry. Everything hurts, but she will not cry. Pain is seeping into the edges of her numb state.
“It certainly isn’t yours,” Katya corrects her. “And I’m sorry, but the makeup is for me.”
Katya smiles. Trixie frowns.
“Why do you need it? Why now? You’ve always looked like this?” Trixie says.
After a beat, Katya laughs. The pain disappears before crashing back down.
“It’s for my eye,” Katya explains. “We’ll get questions if I look like I’ve just been to battle.”
Trixie’s blood runs cold again. With her free hand, she reaches up and strokes a thumb softly over the bags underneath Katya’s eye. The intimacy of the moment strikes Katya as strange. It isn’t something she’s used to. She leans into the touch for a second, before recoiling away.
“Katya, I-”
“Later, I figure we’ll stop at a motel. Proper ‘runaway’ style. I can’t do this now. But honest: we will,” Katya stands up. A sigh escapes Katya’s body, her heart beating hard in her chest. It hasn’t stopped beating at a million miles per hour.
Trixie stays looking up at her. “Leave your phone behind.”
“You have to be able to do makeup, you’re a fucking burlesque dancer.”
“Trixie Sugartits Mattel, Honey, do you really think they’re looking at my face?”
Trixie pulled the eyeshadow brush away from Katya’s face whilst she doubled over laughing. Katya swatted at her arm.
“Hurry up! I wanna hit the town,” Katya shouted.
With a shake of her friend, Trixie straightened up and started applying the eyeshadow again. Katya grinned at her.
“Stop looking at me!”
“You’re too pretty!” Katya giggled. “Maybe I don’t need to hit the town, I’ve got a fucking Miss Wisconsin in front of me!”
Katya reaches out to tickle Trixie, who pulls away from it.  Trixie started laughing again, “I require a drink and an engagement ring before you play any games with me Miss Boston.”
Nodding slowly, Katya hummed in contemplation, “how about no drink and the ring is one of those edible candy ones that kids choke on?”
Trixie snorted before giggling out, “sold. I’m yours.”
The makeup that usually took her twenty minutes to apply took her an hour. The laughter and alcohol had Katya’s heart thumping out of her chest, and she wasn’t complaining.
Trixie brushes the makeup onto Katya’s face as quickly as she can. There’s no laughter this time. Little strokes with unclean brushes. It sends her to her happy place for a second at least. She tries to not remember their old nights out. They could be about to go clubbing on a Tuesday, their shared evening off. It could just be a night full of laughing, crossing lines and fireworks of emotion. It could be one of those nights that Trixie would watch as Katya takes a lucky girl or guy home. Trixie wouldn’t carry a bud of resentment, but the lonely feeling would sink back in.
It could have been one of those nights, when their friendship was young and Katya still drank and they didn’t carry a single scar.
Isn’t it shitty how things change?
The hand on Katya’s jaw is shaking. Trixie hasn’t stopped shaking. She twists Katya’s head to check the job she’s done.
“It’s finished,” Trixie nods. She lets go.
Katya smiles at her. It doesn’t spread to her eyes.
Together, they gather just under $700 from their savings. They walk to the car in silence, the money in Katya’s purse. It should get them some of the way, but Katya’s mind is flying through where to go next.
“You’ve been quiet,” Trixie whispers.
They’ve been driving for two hours and thirty seven minutes. Trixie’s thinking too fast. She’s been counting time, watching the roads, and clasping too tightly to the steering wheel as she drives. Katya’s been reading the map for fourteen minutes.
“I’m sorry,” Katya says back. Her throat clears at the beginning of the sentence. “I’ve just been consumed by- everything? Thought? I don’t fucking know,” she crunches the map up in her hands and chucks it at her feet.
“You? Thinking?” Trixie jokes.
Smiling, Katya answers “I’ve been known to do it occasionally.”
Trixie’s grasp on the steering relaxes slightly. The sick feeling in her stomach remains still.
“I should do it more often,” Trixie sighs.
“You’re not stupid, don’t give me that shit.”
Katya looks out the window. Passing buildings that make no particular impact on her. She analyzes the faces of people they’re passing, none of them look even mildly happy. Everyone in this fucking world is miserable.
Trixie’s grip tightens again, “honest: If I wasn’t stupid, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”
Silence. Katya stares at her, her stomach flipping over and over. Slowly, a laugh escapes Katya. Trixie’s eyes widen.
“I hate that honest thing we do. How fucking elementary school. How do you know you’re being honest? How do you know you’re not wrong? And you’re not being honest, believe me, you’re not the stupid one.”
The words settle in Trixie’s mind. Her heart skips a beat. The car is warm. It’s starting to get dark outside. They’re in suburbs right now. There’s going to be a point where they have to start avoiding main roads, but for the time being they use them.
“You started the honest thing and I’m keeping it. And, honest: you’re not stupid Katya,” Trixie responds. She cringes after she says it, bracing herself for the response.  
Katya looks at Trixie, who looks dead ahead. Swallowing, she says, “we should keep driving tonight. I can drive when you get tired.”
A beat of comprehension.
“Aren’t you going to sleep?”
Katya lets her silence answer the question for her.
Trixie woke up on Katya’s sofa years earlier with Katya staring over her.
“Well, hey there,” Trixie said as she pulled herself up into sitting. Katya passed her a coffee as she sat next to her.
“Morning,” Trixie replied. She rubbed at the ache in the back of her neck, “sorry for falling asleep here.”
“I don’t give a single shit Trixie,” Katya responded. Trixie laughed into her coffee as she attempted to take a sip.“I had a dream with you in,” Katya continued.
“Sexy or really sexy?”
“Sexy. We went on a holiday, like a road trip. I think you fucked a marine.”
Trixie nodded slowly to herself, “I have always had a thing for fish.”
Katya snorted, she grabbed Trixie’s thigh as she laughed. “Yeah! Crabs!”
Despite it all, Katya does fall asleep. Exhaustion creeps into her, lowers her defenses.
Trixie keeps driving. They used to want to do this trip. Go all over America, doing whatever they wanted. See sights and drink beer and kiss strangers.
She blocks words out of her head and vetoes thoughts. No mentions of body, or his name, or Katya’s bruises, or blame.
Trixie looks over occasionally at her friend, able to smile at the peace on her face; for this second, Katya is happy. She hasn’t seen Katya happy, or even restful, in far too long.
“Come on, you rotten carcass,” Trixie laughed. Katya was slung over her shoulders. They were making their way up to Trixie’s apartment, it’d been a long night.
“Listen! I’m not rotten! I’m dew-faced, elegant, ready to rumble and lonely!” she shouted before she fell into heaps of laughter. Rolling her eyes, Trixie pulled Katya along.
“You’re so drunk,” Trixie chuckled. They were nearly at the door.
Giggling, Katya kissed her cheek. Trixie’s smile grew. “You’re so special,” Katya said.
Trixie didn’t dignify it with a response, she opened her apartment door. Pushing past her, Katya rushed in and jumped on the couch with a loud scream of Russian.  
“You good there Katya?” Trixie checked, she flipped the light switch and relocked the door.
“Yeah.” the answer was drawn out. Laughing again, Trixie nearly tripped over.
“Honest?” Trixie asks.
There’s a break before Katya responds, “honest: No. Everything’s spinning?”
Shaking her head, “go to sleep,” Trixie ordered.
There was a mumble into a pillow, which earned a smirk from Trixie. Trixie walked to the kitchen. Whilst there, she filled two glasses of water and grabbed some paracetamol. She put one glass down on the side, and took the other to Katya.
Katya was asleep. Knocked out. Completely. Her mouth was open slightly, and her breath whistled. Shaking her head again, Trixie rolled Katya onto her side in case she threw up. She put the drink and the paracetamol on the floor next to the couch.
For a moment, Katya looked restful. That is the first time Trixie’s ever seen her sleep.
Walking out, Trixie wished her sweet dreams and turned off the light.
The world is in that weird transition between night and morning. Liminal space between today and tomorrow. Trixie’s wide awake. Her heart beats hard in her chest. She couldn’t sleep, she sees the blood every time a red car drives in the opposite direction.
Katya stirs, head turning further into the seat. Her black eye is starting to show again. Trixie doesn’t even know the extent of the damage. She’d seen less of Katya recently, but could she have imagined this?
If Katya never gets hurt again by that man, does Trixie even regret it? The guilt is clawing at her mind, scratching at sleep. Trixie didn’t mean too, she never intended this.
“Does that make it better?” Trixie whispers.
On time, Katya moans slightly into the back of the chair. Trixie smiles, she stares ahead at the road. Keep driving, head to Miami. Keep Katya safe.
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14 Awesome New Year Parties In USA That You Must Be A Part Of
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New Year’s Eve is the most awaited time of the year when you celebrate and make the most of your time with family and friends. It is now a part of tradition to bid aloha to the dying year and welcome the new one. Everyone wants to be a part of the best Happy New Year 2019 Wishes in USA. Our sense of optimism is at its zenith when we are facing the last day of the year. We want the new year to be friendlier and kinder to us than the last one.
14 Best New Year Parties in USA
The festivities at the Times Square in New York, the madness of Las Vegas, and the food and drinks festivals everywhere around you, you will find no other country more geared up to celebrate the New Year than the US. Here’s a list of 14 new year parties in USA: 1. New York City Perhaps the most iconic and most visited places on New Year’s Eve, Times Square the best places to visit  in New York City. It may be the largest New Year’s Eve celebration in America. The lowering of the ceremonial ball, the gathering of people bustling with crackling anticipation almost hidden from view in the confetti, all this adds up to make New Year’s in New York a memorable experience. Being one among the thousands at The Square or in a party nearby makes you feel you are a part of global happening. In Brooklyn, some of the parties may offer you a view of the amazing display of fireworks. The US is bursting with places where you can bring in the New Year but the best New Year party in USA can only be experienced in the madness of The Times Square. 2. New Year’s Eve Fireworks at Honolulu Aloha Tower Marketplace celebrates the best New Year’s party in USA, with unmatchable festivities including waterfront dining, free live entertainment shopping, and a fabulous midnight fireworks display over the Honolulu Harbor. Celebrations commence at 7pm with many events like live entertainment, face painting, and free giveaways, among others. Head to the Tower with your family and enjoy yourself to the fullest. 3. New Year’s Eve in Las Vegas It is the biggest party in the country! America’s Party is the name given to the New Year’s Eve celebrations that are organized at The Strip. It includes fireworks at midnight, extravaganza at the Las Vegas Strip, dining experiences, and live concerts among others. More than 330, 000 revelers throng the streets on a yearly basis to soak in the party atmosphere of Las Vegas. 4. New Orleans New Orleans is known for its parties and it is known to throw the best New Year’s party in USA! Warm and friendly people, the perfect weather, pubs and bars which are open for business late into the night and merrymakers strolling down the lanes with their favorite drinks in hand; now who wouldn’t want to be a part of that? Go straight to the famous Jackson Square in the celebrated French Quarter. Musicians and entertainers play through the night which ends with the floating down of the iconic symbol of New Orleans, the Fleur de Lis, when the clock strikes 12. But don’t worry as the party continues across the many bars and restaurants in the Bourbon Street. If you are in the mood for something special then go aboard the Creole Queen or Natchez to enjoy a fireworks cruise. 5. First Night Arts Celebrations Touted as the largest New Year’s Eve celebration in America, First night Boston celebrates the arts. It showcases Boston’s cultural and artistic talents through more than 250 art-shows and performances by both nationally and internationally renowned artists. The festivities begin at 1pm and continue to midnight. The celebrations include the Boston Pops Symphony Hall concert which is broadcast live and a fireworks show over the harbor. Venue: Boston 6. Los Angeles The City of Angels is pretty large one and thus, you have a selection of many events happening across the city. The biggest party happens at the Grand Park with scores of food trucks, live music and fun people to party with till 1 a.m. It is especially for families who want to celebrate outdoors as it is alcohol-free, but there are many bars that throw New Year’s parties. Prohibition at the Union Station is another famous event which is usually themed around the ’20s with an open bar, deejays, burlesque dancers, and live jazz music. Cap it all off by going aboard Queen Mary which just might be the best place to spend New Year’s Eve in USA, with its international-themed party, entertainers, live music, and fireworks at midnight. 7. Chicago If you can brave the chilly winds then head to the windy city this New Year’s Eve. Chicago is chilly during New Year’s, but they surely know how to throw parties aimed at singles and families too. Walk down to Navy Pier with your family and enjoy the rides, and attractions. Just as the clock strikes 12 at midnight, the fireworks burst into a dazzling symphony of light and heat over Lake Michigan. Perhaps the best New Year party in USA can be found at the Lincoln Park Zoo with millions of twinkling light draped across all the spots in the zoo. There are ice carvings, a live DJ, games, free carousel rides and much more at only $10. The hotels, restaurants and clubs have their own offerings. 8. Washington D.C The regal seat of power in America has a lot to offer on New Year’s Eve. From parties to balls, locals and visitors have plenty to see and enjoy. You can also head down to the nearby cities like Alexandria and Maryland to soak in the New Year’s vibes. Washington DC restaurants offer some of the best cuisines and drinks for your palate. There are many First Nights celebrated across the cities near the capital of America. 9. Houston, Texas The fourth largest city in USA, Houston celebrates New Year’s Eve in style. Houston attracts many tourists during the month of December, with locals waiting for the New Year’s Eve eagerly themselves. You ask for it and Houston has it – live performances, tasty dinner options, the best of wines and fireworks to round the whole thing up. 10. The Fontainebleau, Miami The people at the Fontainebleau resort are the best at throwing New Year’s Eve parties. Trust them to get some of the best performers to sing down to the New Year with unmatchable entertainment. This year they have roped in Demi Lovato and Kygo to sing along the poolside and steer the party to midnight revelries. 11. New Year’s Eve Ball and Showcase, Dallas Dallas has many parties and event themed around the end of the year celebrations. One of the best is the New Year’s Eve Ball and Showcase. Dance your way across the ball room and just soak in the soulful atmosphere of good food, great people and amazing drinks. The party is a black tie only and that’s more than enough encouragement for us to ring in the New Year in style. 12. Nouveau: A Glamorous New Year’s Eve What a novel way to celebrate the New Year’s! The Orlando Museum of Art is organizing a memorable night filled with delicious hors d’oeuvres, open bar, live music, photo booth, deejay, and a champagne toast with the fireworks on display. 13. Nashville, Tennessee If you have not been to a southern party then you have been missing out on a lot. Nashville is the hub of country music. The city hosts several New Year’s Eve parties across its bars and restaurants and sometimes even throws in a live concert or two of famous country singers. If country music isn’t your thing then head toward the many parties and events for the ultimate New Year Eve party in USA, 2019. 14. New Year’s Eve in Walt Disney Resort The Walt Disney Resort in Orlando is the best place to spend New Year’s Eve in USA with your entire family. Salute the brand new year with lip smacking delicacies, tasty drinks, sparkling dance parties and unforgettable fireworks. Every year Disney World offers amazing packages across its hotels, the most popular being eating while enjoying the Magic Kingdom fireworks at Disney’s Contemporary Resort California Grill. You cannot find any place better than the Disney World to make your New Year night memorable!
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8 Awesome New Year Parties In USA That You Must Be A Part Of
New Year’s Eve is the most awaited time of the year when you celebrate and make the most of your time with family and friends. It is now a part of tradition to bid aloha to the dying year and welcome the new one. Everyone wants to be a part of the best New Year parties in USA. Our sense of optimism is at its zenith when we are facing the last day of the year. We want the new year to be friendlier and kinder to us than the last one.
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8 Best New Year Parties in t USA
The festivities at the Times Square in New York, the madness of Las Vegas, and the food and drinks festivals everywhere around you, you will find no other country more geared up to celebrate the New Year than the US. Here’s a list of  
1. New York City
Perhaps the most iconic and most visited places on New Year’s Eve, Times Square in New York City tops our list of the best places to visit for New Years. It may be the largest New Year’s Eve celebration in America. The lowering of the ceremonial ball, the gathering of people bustling with crackling anticipation almost hidden from view in the confetti, all this adds up to make New Year’s in New York a memorable experience. Being one among the thousands at The Square or in a party nearby makes you feel you are a part of global happening. In Brooklyn, some of the parties may offer you a view of the amazing display of fireworks. The US is bursting with places where you can bring in the New Year but the best New Year party in USA can only be experienced in the madness of The Times Square.
2. New Year’s Eve Fireworks at Honolulu
Aloha Tower Marketplace celebrates the best New Year’s party in USA, with unmatchable festivities including waterfront dining, free live entertainment shopping, and a fabulous midnight fireworks display over the Honolulu Harbor. Celebrations commence at 7pm with many events like live entertainment, face painting, and free giveaways, among others. Head to the Tower with your family and enjoy yourself to the fullest.
3. New Year’s Eve in Las Vegas
It is the biggest party in the country! America’s Party is the name given to the New Year’s Eve celebrations that are organized at The Strip. It includes fireworks at midnight, extravaganza at the Las Vegas Strip, dining experiences, and live concerts among others. More than 330, 000 revellers throng the streets on a yearly basis to soak in the party atmosphere of Las Vegas.
4. New Orleans
New Orleans is known for its parties and it is known to throw the best New Year’s party in USA! Warm and friendly people, the perfect weather, pubs and bars which are open for business late into the night and merrymakers strolling down the lanes with their favourite drinks in hand; now who wouldn’t want to be a part of that? Go straight to the famous Jackson Square in the celebrated French Quarter. Musicians and entertainers play through the night which ends with the floating down of the iconic symbol of New Orleans, the Fleur de Lis when the clock strikes 12. But don’t worry as the party continues across the many bars and restaurants in Bourbon Street. If you are in the mood for something special then go aboard the Creole Queen or Natchez to enjoy a fireworks cruise.
5. First Night Arts Celebrations
Touted as the largest New Year’s Eve celebration in America, First night Boston celebrates the arts. It showcases Boston’s cultural and artistic talents through more than 250 art-shows and performances by both nationally and internationally renowned artists. The festivities begin at 1pm and continue to midnight. The celebrations include the Boston Pops Symphony Hall concert which is broadcast live and fireworks show over the harbour. 6. Los Angeles
The City of Angels is a pretty large one and thus, you have a selection of many events happening across the city. The biggest party happens at the Grand Park with scores of food trucks, live music and fun people to party with till 1 a.m. It is especially for families who want to celebrate outdoors as it is alcohol-free, but there are many bars that throw New Year’s parties. Prohibition at the Union Station is another famous event which is usually themed around the ’20s with an open bar, deejays, burlesque dancers, and live jazz music. Cap it all off by going aboard Queen Mary which just might be the best place to spend New Year’s Eve in USA, with its international-themed party, entertainers, live music, and fireworks at midnight.
7. Chicago
If you can brave the chilly winds then head to the windy city this New Year’s Eve. Chicago is chilly during New Year’s, but they sure know how to throw parties aimed at singles and families too. Walk down to Navy Pier with your family and enjoy the rides, and attractions. Just as the clock strikes 12 at midnight, the fireworks burst into a dazzling symphony of light and heat over Lake Michigan. Perhaps the best New Year party in the USA can be found at the Lincoln Park Zoo with millions of twinkling light draped across all the spots in the zoo. There are ice carvings, a live DJ, games, free carousel rides and much more at only $10. The hotels, restaurants and clubs have their own offerings.
8. Washington D.C
The regal seat of power in America has a lot to offer on New Year’s Eve. From parties to balls, locals and visitors have plenty to see and enjoy. You can also head down to the nearby cities like Alexandria and Maryland to soak in the New Year’s vibes. Washington DC restaurants offer some of the best cuisines and drinks for your palate. There are many First Nights celebrated across the cities near the capital of America.
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burlesquefinal · 7 years
“Shades of Burlesque has huge crowds because the audience, predominantly people of color, wants to see themselves reflected,” Sweet Lorraine says, “They want to see themselves on stage.” Lorraine is the founder of Shades of Burlesque, which she touts as New York City’s only all-black burlesque show. As Lorraine says, the city is oversaturated with burlesque shows right now—you can find them in various venues stretching across New York almost any night of the week. But what makes Shades of Burlesque stand out is its emphasis on race and sexuality. “My new disclaimer is, if you aren’t into seeing bodies that are voluptuous or not the norm, if you are not into seeing non gender-conforming people or black women, then just don’t come to the show,” she says.
Burlesque is a dance form that is typically described as a variety show, often including some striptease. While it picked up popularity in the 19th century, burlesque shows in the city today happen almost every night of the week in various neighborhoods. But according to Chicava Honeychild of Brown Girls Burlesque, while burlesque shows may be everywhere, many of them are free. “We have a following, but there’s a problem with the economic model,” she says, “It isn’t a problem of frequency but the fact that many of the shows are free means it negatively impacts out ability to become a formidable part of the entertainment industry.” And as Lorraine adds, just because there are more burlesque shows does not mean more gigs for black dancers, who may often be the only black dancer in a show. “I wanted the experience of not being the only black burlesque dancer,” she says, “Being a part of this group is a completely different experience. I wanted to feel the camaraderie and I wanted to give more visibility to us.”
African American women have been performing in burlesque since the late 19thcentury. From Josephine Baker donning a banana skirt and performing in Paris to Ada Overton Walker and Dora Dean in Oriental America, a burlesque spectacle that subverted the exotification of women of color. These are all iconic moments in burlesque history. Burlesque, as Richard Allen chronicles in his book, Horrible Prettiness: Burlesque and American Culture, flowered in the mid-19th century as a form of theater made almost exclusively for male audiences. During this time, The Creole Show (1890) blossomed into the first variety show to cast a large number of black women. As Allen discusses, “the show was revolutionary…an innovation on the burlesque circuit, a landmark event.” Previously, most burlesque shows took a minstrel format—in which white dancers would use ‘blackface’ to portray black characters.
It was the Europeans who brought burlesque to America. Produced in 1866, The Black Crook, with its troupe of around fifty ballet dancers, is often regarded as the precursor to later American burlesque productions. It was a time of puritanical sensibilities in America and “burlesque women were as large as the repressed pleasures of the Victorian age,” according to Jayne Brown, author of Babylon Girls: Black Women Performers and the Shaping of the Modern. In fact, even the early burlesque performances, featuring curvaceous women smoking, cross-dressing, and swearing, were radical in presenting “a physical and ideological inversion of the Victorian ideal of femininity,” as Allen argues. Burlesque productions and performers were explicitly involved in challenging boundaries of gender, sexuality, and humor.
Fast-forward to burlesque performances today, and they continue to be a running theme. In its own way, Shades of Burlesque, too, challenges predominant ideologies of gender, sexuality, and race. As Lorraine explains, “as black women, there are so many negative stereotypes and stigma around our sexuality. Sometimes to boldly express our sexuality is to be shunned.” With Shades of Burlesque, the dancers are encouraged to feel empowered by their sexuality—to assert that they’re not some “video hoes” in a rap video, they’re professional dancers who tell a story, with or without clothes on.
Central to the dance group is the representation of diverse body types. With abundant curves that are reflected in both her movement and her body, Lorraine describes her own body as “far from a size 2.” She talks about her burlesque persona as if it were somebody else:  “Sweet Lorraine is one of the most confident people I know,” she says. “She is not ashamed of her body, she is not ashamed of her curves. Burlesque helped me with that. I don’t worry about stretch marks. I don’t worry about gaining a few extra pounds.” As Karma Mayet, an audience member and loyal fan of the group who’s been following their work since they began, says, “It’s very healthy for the soul—jiggles bring joy, it’s very important to enjoy the joy of the jiggle.”
According to Ebony magazine, when JET launched in 1952, readers got a glimpse of black burlesque stars of the time—Rose Hardaway, China Doll, Betty Brisbane, and Lee Ta Harris. At this time, black burlesque was in its prime. In fact, Honeychild writes in Ebony, black burlesque dancers got more press coverage than their white colleagues. But as 1970s rolled around, the burlesque scene had dissipated into the modern strip club joint, where maybe a few performers mimicked or echoed some burlesque style and tradition. After a momentary pause, the neo-burlesque movement—a modernization and overhaul of the traditional burlesque form— took force in the 1990s, and according to Honeychild, “it continues to grow each year.”
Honeychild is part of New York-based Brown Girls Burlesque, a group that prides itself as being “the number one movement for burlesque dancers of color,” according to its website. But as Honeychild writes in Ebony, “today’s dancers continue the legacy of dancers like Lottie the Body, Tine Pratt, and Toni Ellington by producing shows that embrace the genre’s theatrical roots while emphasizing body-positive/woman-affirming sensuality.” Honeychild says that when it comes to the representation of women of color, Shades of Burlesque and Brown Girls Burlesque are “collaborators.” She says that there are distinctions between them, though: “It all comes down to the vision and the way the shows are constructed. But I will say that both work together and are very inclusive.”
For Genie Adagio, who’s been performing with Shades of Burlesque for a while now, the show is particularly enjoyable because of the increased control she has. “I enjoy that aspect of having more control over my time on stage and off—I do my costumes and choreography, I choose the music and my time on stage,” she says. Prior to burlesque dancing, Adagio was a ballet dancer— “Whereas what I was doing before, you know, 400-year-old choreography, somebody is picking what you’re wearing and you’re dressed like twenty other girls. So I enjoy this part of it.” Adagio found the ballet industry to be extremely whitewashed: “It was very blatantly not interested in letting go of that white supremacist traditionalism—I felt like there was no room for me.”
Munroe Lilly, another dancer in the troupe, also enjoys the creativity afforded by Shades of Burlesque, saying, “Whatever I dream up or think up, I can turn into a routine here. There are no rules.”
As the show lights dim and the dancers take the stage to bow, the crowd cheers. John Thomas, in the audience, claps enthusiastically, even throwing in a wolf whistle as the dancers exit. “It’s such a delight to see women of color being represented in burlesque,” he says, “I was in Paris recently and saw the Moulin Rouge showcase and there were no women of color. But it’s refreshing to come home to Brooklyn and get to see these young ladies throw on a fantastic show.”
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thebibliophagist · 7 years
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When womanizer Jude Sinclair meets sexy dancer Claire Anderson, sparks immediately fly.  It might seem like these two were meant for each other, but Claire’s keeping a secret and Jude’s rocky family life makes things difficult.  Although Claire and Jude love each other fiercely, is love enough to make their romance last?
Okay, that’s about as much PR-style writing as I can possibly muster up for this absolute mess of a book.  I don’t think that there was one thing that I liked about it.  Let me give a more honest summary:
Our hero is the “campus manwhore” who “gets more ass than a toilet seat.”  Claire is “not like other girls” and has some serious intimacy issues.  She’s also never felt a single emotion for a man.  Their eyes meet across campus and they have a heartwarming conversation about how Claire’s friend has crabs -- yes, the STD.  Somehow, this conversation is incredibly arousing to Claire and Jude, and they immediately fall into the most cringy, cheesy instalove I’ve ever read.
Please be aware that, while I’m not going to give away any of the major plot points, there will be some minor spoilers below.
My initial impression, from about the first 3% or so, was that Jude is a cocky jerk.  I didn’t understand what Claire saw in him, and honestly, having finished, I still have no idea.  I’m not sure whether Jude is supposed to seem immature, but he does.  He is incredibly immature.  At one point, he says, verbatim:
I love riding my bike, though. It’s probably my third favorite thing to do after hockey and sex.
Because that screams twenty-year-old womanizer, right?  Certainly not twelve-year-old-trying-to-sound-cool.  And let’s talk about this womanizer thing for a second, okay?  I don’t have a problem with the fact that Jude has slept with the entire campus.  What I do have a problem with is
His attitude about it, and
Everybody else’s attitude about it.
Because Jude can’t understand that he was a jerk.  He went around telling girls it was just a one night stand, but if he ever decided to start dating, that he’d call them. Apparently, he said this to every girl.  And now he can’t understand why these girls are upset that he’s dating somebody else.  He says, and excuse me, but I almost threw the book across the room at this point:
“I said if I started dating I’d call, but I never promised it.”
I’m sorry, are you eight years old?  Like someone got upset with you on the playground and you said, “IT’S NOT LIKE I EVER PROMISED I'D PLAY WITH YOU!” The worst part of this is that it seems like we’re supposed to take Jude’s side in this confrontation.  The girl he’s talking to makes absolutely valid points.  You don’t lure somebody into bed with the possibility of a future relationship if that’s not something you’re actually interested in. Jude is an entitled, sexist jerk.  If you don’t believe me yet, just wait.  There’s more coming.  But for now, let’s move on to the next point: everybody else.
I’m not sure what kind of college Bellevue is supposed to be, but apparently, everybody knows everybody else’s business.  Jude actually has to change his phone number to stop getting texts from every girl he’s ever slept with.  People come up to Claire at all hours of the day to discuss her boyfriend’s sexual history.  How everybody knows that Jude is her boyfriend, and, on top of that, how everybody knows about his sex life is beyond me.  I mean, I went to a huge university.  There were over 40,000 students, so to think that I might know about some random girl’s boyfriend is insane.  Maybe this would make sense if Bellevue were a tiny college -- but they can’t be too tiny if they have such great athletics.
But even setting the suspension of disbelief aside, the idea that random people would come up to you in class or while you’re at work or while you’re walking down the street just to tell you that your boyfriend has had a lot of sex?  That’s weird.  Is that a thing that people really do?  Do you, personally, see a girl walking down the street and think to yourself, “Oh. My. God. I think she’s that girl from Jude’s Facebook picture. I should tell her about his sexual history!”  No, you don’t, because you’re not insane.  It’s just this weird, unnecessary drama that adds nothing to their relationship other than a minuscule bit of tension -- because Claire legitimately doesn’t care.
Anyway, let’s talk about Claire.  Claire is, I suppose, an infinitely better character than Jude.  She’s strong.  She’s independent.  She’s not afraid to put herself first or to go after what she wants.  But Claire is a huge hypocrite.  She absolutely derides her deceased mother for her life choices while living a life that’s not much different.  Her mother was a stripper, a drug addict, and slept around a lot.  It’s understandable that a kid might have a complex from growing up with that.  I get it.  But Claire works as a burlesque dancer, and while she doesn’t take her clothes off for money, she does perform sensual dances for horny men while wearing only underwear.  She used to sleep around with older men and do drugs but changed her life a couple years back.  So what I’m getting at here is that Claire got help, something her mom didn’t have.  She got clean and she stopped putting herself in dangerous situations.  But, given that she experienced all of that, shouldn’t she have some compassion for her mother?  Or, even if she doesn’t have compassion, maybe she could hate her mother for treating her poorly or for constantly putting her at risk.  Not for her occupation.
Claire’s major characteristic, aside from her “banging body,” is the fact that she’s “not like other girls.”  Now, what makes her “not like other girls,” you might wonder.  Well, you see, it’s the fact that when Jude watches her dance team practices, she’s in shorts and a t-shirt.  Maybe he thinks that girls do their athletic practices in ball gowns and high heels, I don’t know.
This book was so bad.  Just so, so bad.  I’m sorry that I have to subject you to that in this review.  Please feel free to stop.  I know I wanted to DNF this book so many times, so I can’t expect you to read a review about that is bound to be about as long as a full-length college essay.
Can we move on to the plot for a second?  Now, in general, I have no problem with the premise.  I actually really enjoy sports romances when they’re done right.  I don’t mind reading about bad boys being tamed by the right girl, and I think by now everybody knows that romance is kind of my thing.  But the plot is so disappointing.  I saw all of the major twists coming, so even the climax of the book felt boring.  When I was about 10% in, I made a note in my Kindle that “I bet this book ends with an engagement or a baby,” because I would expect nothing else from this type of book.
The writing here is a little off as well, which surprised me since most of the reviews I’ve seen have praised it for being so well-written.  Well, I’m here to tell you that if you have opinions about grammar and sentence structure and the use of super as an adjective, you should probably think twice about reading this book.
So, there are weird chunks of the book where the word “ya” is substituted for “you.”  Like, just randomly. I’m originally from Wisconsin, so this makes me read the book in a midwestern accent, and I know that’s not what the author intended.
• “I’ll text ya when I’m done” • “I guess you can say I missed ya” • “Yeah, whatever, don’t tell him I told you that or I’ll push ya next time” • “Wonderful to meet ya”
I just… no.  And then the supers.  I wish I’d been counting the supers from the beginning because there are just so many of them.
• “I’m supertired since I didn’t get in till late” • “That was superlow, Rach” • “I’m going to make love to you. Probably superfast.” • “That was supercorny” • “Mrs. Sinclair, Lucy, Angie, and Jace were amazing, good people and superfun” • “You are a superconfident man.” • “They are superhot. You should wear them to bed one time.” • “He’s a supercool dude. He can’t hate me – I’m a cool dude!” • “Lol! U dork! Say hi, he’s supernice.” • “He is great! Superawesome!” • “Each guy is looking at me like I’m trying to steal her virtue, and all the women are looking at me like I’m a piece of cake. It’s superweird.” • “You’re actually super-romantic.” • “He’s fast, though. Superfast.” • “Okay, well, Reese is supertired, so we’re going to go.”
Um, so, adjectives other than super do exist.  There are words like really and very and extremely and so and quite and overly and utterly and excessively and should I go on?  I think you get the point.
There are also weird anachronisms that don’t make much sense.  For example, there’s this scene where Claire texts Jude to ask him if he knows “Don’t Matter” by Akon.  I’m not sure if there’s an American millennial in existence that doesn’t know that song, but Jude’s all like, “LOL no! I’ll download it!”  It’s hard to tell whether Jude is supposed to be too young to know it (in which case I’ll cry at my old age) or if this book was written a while ago and just took some time to be published. Regardless, “Don’t Matter” becomes their anthem -- the first of many.
A few more points on the writing and then I’ll move on to something else I hated.
I think I’d like to talk about euphemisms now.  This is a difficult thing in romance writing, because the very clinical “then I got an erection and put my penis in her vagina” is not sexy, and on the flip side, something like, “then I got excited and put my love rod in her woman cave” is just cringy.  It’s a fine line that can make or break a book.  Well, when Jude’s narrating, he has this habit of saying things like, “Everything inside me is hard.”  We all know what you’re talking about, Jude. You’re not fooling anybody.  It’s not like your intestines have calcified.  Your dick is hard.  I was rolling my eyes so much at the sex scenes because they’re just so over-the-top.
And jumping over now to the responsibility side of things, I want to talk about safe sex.  Now, both Claire and Jude have had a lot of sex.  There is nothing wrong with that.  I want to reiterate this -- there is nothing wrong with couples who have extensive sexual histories.  But when these characters have known each other for mere days, when they know about each other’s past and decide to become intimate, I expect them to use a condom.  That’s the bare minimum that you can do while still being responsible.  So, sure, Claire and Jude use a condom the first time.  And then never again, because they “trust each other.”  You can trust somebody and still use a condom.  Heck, you can be married to somebody and still use a condom.  It has nothing to do with trust and everything to do with being a responsible adult.
What kind of message does this kind of writing send?  The message that if you’re really horny, nothing bad will happen if you forgo the condom, provided you really, really trust the person you’re having sex with.  NEWSFLASH: Anybody can say, “Don’t worry, I got tested last week and I’m clean.”   Anybody can say, “Don’t worry, I’m on the pill.”  Anybody can say, “You’re the only person I’ve ever done this with.”  It doesn’t make it true.  Especially when it’s someone you’ve only known for a few days.  I absolutely despise this trend, which seems to happen primarily in new adult romances.  This attitude is so damaging and I really hope that it’s not seeping into real life.
Alright, remember how I said, like 1500 words ago, that I’d get back to Jude’s sexism?  Buckle up, because here we go.
“I’m the man -- I drive.”
Jude actually says this to Claire about her own car.  Like, he won’t even let her drive the car that she owns.  It’s not like he’s being possessive of his vehicle, or even saying that he’d prefer to drive her around in his car.  Nope, he’s literally telling her that, as the woman, she should get in the passenger seat of her own vehicle.  I’m sorry, I thought we were in the 21st century.  I must have forgotten that we went back to the 1950s.
“Taking a step toward her, I expect her to take a step back or even run from me, but I forget that Claire isn’t like other girls.”
Okay, setting aside the once again problematic “not like other girls” trope, let’s focus on the other part of this.  The fact that a very angry Jude takes a menacing step toward Claire and expects her to run from him.  The fact that he wants her to be afraid of him.  This is not loving behavior.  This is not sexy behavior.  This is unhealthy.  This is wrong.  And I’m glad that Claire stands up to him and doesn’t run, but then I’m also not because three seconds later, they’re in a full-on makeout session, which just reinforces Jude’s awful behavior.
“You’re basically your mother. Better pick up the crack pipe since you have the stripper part down.”
This is our hero… talking to our heroine.  Somehow this is supposed to be okay since his feelings are hurt.  Since he’s just lashing out in pain.  But he doesn’t even apologize -- Claire has to apologize to him!  I cannot believe that, in the 21st century, this is the kind of behavior that I have to be subjected to.
I’m just so done.  I’m not going to read the other books in this series. I’m not going to read anything else by this author.  I am so, so disappointed in this book, which somehow has a higher average rating than some of my absolute favorites.  There are people that think this book is cute.  There are people that think the relationship between Claire and Jude is sweet. That it’s #goals.  I can’t help but feel like those people read an entirely different book.
I honestly could keep going -- my review was originally eleven pages (single spaced) of quotes, rambles, and inappropriate GIFs -- but I’ll stop here.
If you’re looking for a good hockey romance, try Elle Kennedy’s The Deal. If you’re looking for a good instalove story, try Ruthie Knox’s Madly. If you’re looking for a good college romance, try Tiffany Truitt’s Seven Ways to Lose Your Heart.
A lot of people have loved Boarded By Love, but I’m not one of them.
Final rating: ★☆☆☆☆
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i-mr-couch-blog · 8 years
A Brief History in the Hosts of Horror
Whether you’re face to face with Aliens, Mummies, Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, Ghouls or Ghosts you’ll always need someone to show you the way. Thus, the introduction of the Horror Host was created, but where did it all begin? It all started with a promotional package of movies called Shock!, which consisted of 51 feature length films. So why was this promotional package of films so important? Well, in the packet it specifically goes into detail on how to host the films whether it was a live viewing or on a television network. It went into detail about how to participate with the audience, contests, and theming that the stations to utilize. It promoted synergy within the station by utilizing the other programing, like suggesting the live news program to interview a different monster every week to promote the show. This promotional package did so well that they made a second catalogue grouping called Son of Shock. These are inevitably the beginning of a new style of programing that no one had ever seen before.
 Some of the United States’ famous horror host are Chilly Billy, Ghoulardi, Vampira, Elvira, and Zacherly. Each one bringing something a little more unique to the table to make their programing that much more enticing. Although some of these host’s programs eventually became syndicated and shown across the country, each one started out on local channels. Now we see them as essential horror icons of nostalgia’s past. I can personally say that I remember vividly the first time I saw Elvira light up the screen and spew some sarcastic remarks before the begin of a film. Not to mention, her sense of eye-catching “style” that comes with her character’s persona. In order to truly appreciate the genre, art, and effort that goes into a horror host program we really need to dive into the history and style of the great performers that dawn the robes and makeup to guide us through tales of terror and macabre motion pictures of ghosts and ghouls.
 In a world filled with creatures and features Chilly Billy Cardille rose to fame as the classiest horror host to be seen. He wore a suit and tie but as time went on so did his formalities as he traded his suit in for a tux. The thing that really set him apart was his fast-talking nightclub crooner act mixed with skits from his two lovely assistants, one castle keeper, and a little prankster. The mod squad 60’s style is what gave his act flair and his innuendos is what he will really be remembered for best. It felt more like a variety show with a horror twist added on, it was fresh it was new, but it also gave that good old monster vibe. It was interesting to watch him perform each and every task that the Shock movie package suggested but as his own crooning character. This is why we regard him as one of our top most influential horror hosts.  
 Next on our list we have the one and only Ghoulardi the fanatical mad scientist. He hypnotized us with his warping spinning frame while he entertained and set off the “Boom Booms.” You would often find him smoking away and slaying time by blowing up things. It became so popular the fans began to send in spooky items for him to blow up on live TV. Nothing beats a night of fright and explosives and this mad scientist just couldn’t resist. The man behind the lab coat was Ernie Anderson and actually was under contract with the local TV station. Tim Conway actually got his start on Ghoulardi writing with Ernie for his skit portions of the night and boy can you tell their absurdist comedy clicked. It was truly Ghoulardi’s relaxed antihero persona that ended up being his defining characteristic. It allowed viewers to feel like they could kick back and watch his intoxicated self, perform prop gags galore between the film, blow things up and puff away on his cigarette.
 Although her career as a horror host was short lived, she really became the model for all horror hosts. It did help that she was one of the very first to have a horror hosting show, even though it only ran for one year in 1954. Her look was derived from Morticia Adams but tighter with a neckline that plunged even deeper. Her hair flowed long and black as she cascaded and seemingly floated down the fog filled hallway, candelabras on either side, and just as her face came up to fill the screen she lets out a blood curling scream to begin the show. Vampira formerly known as Maila Nurmi, was a young actress with an impossible figure of 36-17-36. She originally worked as a model for men’s magazines, and at nights a burlesque dancer. The popular comic The Adams Family was booming in the 50’s and although the characters didn’t have names yet their style and taste for the macabre was alluring. Her breakthrough actually came through at a Halloween party in 1953 when she crafted a prototype of her Vampira character dawning the tight black plunging dress, and the rest was history. It truly was her elegant, gothic, horror filled, yet sexy style that enticed viewers and set the tone for horror hosts to come.
 You can see Vampira’s handiwork in another famous horror host who took her act and cranked it up to eleven. You probably know her as Elvira, Mistress of the dark. This sharp toungued, quick witted, dark, valley girl really put a face to horror hosts. She is remembered for her style, look, and a sharp mind to keep all the boys at bay. Formally known as Cassandra Peterson, she began her career with a trip to Las Vegas and became one of the youngest showgirls ever at the age of 17, with written permission from her parents of course. There she actually dated Elvis for a brief time and posed for Playboy. After this she joined The Groundlings improv troupe to improve her acting, it was here that she was picked up to hose Movie Macabre and dawn the black beehive wig to cover up her strawberry blonde locks. When you think of horror host you think Elvira mainly due to her popularity and sass that she brought about the old films she was showing and quickly became broadcast nationwide instead of just a local channel. After this she got her own movie, Elvira, Mistress of the dark. This lead to more and more programming and even a sequel to her film. Thanks to Elvira horror hosting was once again risen from the grave to creep upon a modern generation of viewers.
  Lastly we end our list with Zacherly, the cool ghoul who embodies the perfect stereotype for a horror host. His character was always in character, you always believed that he was a real ghoul. He staked his “Dear” when he got upset and pulled them out when he was happier. His snarky words, to quick witted mumblings he embodied a Renfield-esk character quick to maim those who defy him. He was also the first to utilize film splicing to make himself appear in the film as a body on a morgue slab or, in “The Mummy,” a mysterious figure in a fez behind a beaded curtain. It made his film worth watching because they were unique and added that extra twist of disbelief. This is what made him such a fantastic horror host for every generation to learn from.
 Today we have new hosts who are utilizing the new forms of distribution and media to reach more markets. With so many advancements it great to see the old techniques and concepts have still remained the same. A new trend setting host goes by the name of Johnny Necropolis a dead crooner who encourages sophistication, inebriation, and swank when visiting his Cinema Cemetery. His style feels like a blend of Vincent Price and Sinatra. He also provides more information surrounding the film instead of solely talking about himself. It is a fresh new look at an old programing style. A huge new asset that he brings is classic films in HD for free via YouTube. This is something that is so simply yet so difficult to find. The copies are almost always artifact. His style emulates Chilly Billy, Elvira, and Zacherly all rolled up into one. He adds less cleavage and more class at higher qualities.
Cardille, B. (n.d.). Bill Cardille History. Retrieved January 22, 2017, from http://www.chillertheatermemories.com/BillCardille.html
Cassandra Peterson. (2016, June 13). Retrieved January 22, 2017, from http://www.biography.com/people/cassandra-peterson-17175750#elvira-mistress-of-the-dark
Dealer, J. P. (2013, January 12). Cleveland's Ghoulardi went on the air 50 years ago and cast his spell over the city. Retrieved January 22, 2017, from http://www.cleveland.com/tv/index.ssf/2013/01/clevelands_ghoulardi_went_on_t.html
Grimes, W. (2016, October 28). John Zacherle, Host With a Ghoulish Perspective, Dies at 98. Retrieved January 22, 2017, from https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/29/arts/television/john-zacherle-dies.html?_r=0
Lowbrow, Y. (2015, October 16). SHOCK! A Fabulous 1958 Universal Studios Horror Movies Pressbook |. Retrieved January 22, 2017, from http://flashbak.com/shock-a-fabulous-1958-universal-studios-horror-movies-pressbook-42958/
 Poole, W. S. (2014, September 02). The rise and fall of Vampira, dark goddess of horror. Retrieved January 22, 2017, from http://boingboing.net/2014/09/03/the-rise-and-fall-of-vampira.html
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