#if you made a request js know i will work on it!
psuedosugu · 4 months
guys the urge to write nsfw vox hcs is consuming me. i need this LG - 65” Class UQ70 Series LED 4K UHD Smart webOS TV carnally
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
hellooo!! I've been reading your stuff and oml I am OBSESSED!! You are such an amazing writer my dear human!! Thx for just being here to fulfill my hobie obsession lol
I don't often request so idk what u need but here goes nothing ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯ Could you do a hobie x fem! reader where the reader is super quiet until you start to talk to her?? Like she's nice but has a bit of an rbf and is just rlly silent until someone strikes up a conversation w her type thing. Maybe a story like she and hobie were assigned a job or smth together but they didn't talk for like the first few days cuz she can't hold a conversation (and it doesn't help that the man she's tryna talk to is literally so fine) but then eventually hobie's like "what is your deal why won't u talk to me?" Idk idk it's kinda a bad idea but it's stuck in my noggin
Anywayss thanks for considering/writing this!! Much love ♡♡⁠♡
I love!! Thank you and I’m glad you like my stuff (: also I js watched the little mermaid and seeing that made me so inspired to write sum like this 😭
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“Okay… Hobie and Y/n.” Miguel called you both up first, telling you the mission.
You didn’t know too much about Hobie, and you don’t know why you were being paired together. You usually worked alone.
“Uh, Miguel, sir.” You mumbled after he explained it.
“If you’re gonna ask if you can work alone, the answer is no.”
You mumbled something under your breath, looking at Hobie as he set a portal.
“So… I’m Hobie.”
You didn’t say anything.
“Y/n, right?”
You just looked at him.
“Alright then..” he muttered, thinking you were just being rude. You both started to swing.
You weren’t used to being teamed with people, and he was attractive. Like insanely attractive.
You focused on the mission, completing it easily.
But that one day of teaming up with Hobie turned into two, then three.
“Hey, Y’Know do you not like me or something? I’ve known you for three days and all I’ve gotten was stares.”
“It’s not you.” You croaked.
“Oh she talks.” He said.
“I just don’t like talking… to anyone.”
“Got it. Well, glad that’s cleared up.”
After a week, you had started to get more comfortable and talking more. Hobie was glad, because he liked hearing your voice.
“So, yeah, no it doesn’t make sense but it does if you know what I mean.”
“Nah, it definitely makes sense.” He said as you dragged the guy across the floor, webbing him up against the wall.
“Good job.” He said, nodding to the passed out man.
“It was light work.” You shrugged.
“So, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout with a few of some other friends I got..? They’re cool, and I think you’ll like them.”
You sighed and thought.
“I guess..”
He smiled at that. An I guess was the best answer he’s gotten out of you.
“Quit smiling.” You said, but smiled as you did so.
“You just smiled!” He put his arm around your shoulders, and messed with your hair.
“Knew I could do it.” He smirked to himself.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
(and pls a lil make out im begging you😔)
(also i love your work stay strong girl‼️🔥)
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Let’s give this thing a try
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! daughter of Athena! Reader
Pt 1 — pt 2
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The big house was quiet. Quiet was something you had to fight for, being a demigod your life was always chaotic and well noisy— so when you wanted to actually spend some time reading you would make arrangements to spend time in the big houses libary.
That’s how you now found yourself sitting in the library’s floor with multiple astrology books open around you and a note book filled to the brim with your findings
You heard the door open behind you, you looked back and saw clarisse standing in the door way with a few books in hand. Confused you raised an eyebrow studying the beautiful girls collected face. “What’s with the books?” You asked.
At first she didn’t respond, only setting them down on a chair. “Chiron asked me to leave some books here.” Her tone flat and uninterested, in the pile however you noticed a book about the stars that you had been searching for for hours.
You practically ran across the room grabbing the book like it was going to disappear. You looked down smiling at the cover— your excitement was innerupted as clarisse scoffed.
“I swear only Athena kids get off on this shit.” She rolled her eyes while turning to leave.
“Excuse me?” You spoke harshly.
Clarisse let out an irritated sigh. “What?— did I stutter I said Athena kids are the only people I know who can actually enjoy crap like this” she gestured her head towards the mess you had made earlier. “All you guys are the same boring blueprint of your mom”
“I’m not boring” you let out a scoff like laugh. Setting the book down on a table you crossed your arms not wanting to stand down from where you were.
Clarisse raised an eyebrow, it was clear she didn’t believe you. “Know what fine” you walked towards her. “Come here tomorrow midnight and I’ll show you that I’m not boring”
“And why would I do that?”
“Because I can get you out of whatever trouble your in with Chiron”
There was silence for a moment until clarisse rolled her eyes once more, threatening you to make it worth her time before actually leaving
You laid face down in your bed with Annabeth standing near by. You screamed into your pillow fustrated “and who does she think she is! I’m not boring she’s suc—“ you continued to complain until annabeth stopped you
“And Why do You Care what she thinks?” Annabeth sighed while sketching on a map of the forest, making plans for the upcoming capture the flag game.
You kept quiet.. annabeth turned in her seat looking over at you, her sharp grey eyes analyzed you until you knew the secret was you. You groaned in you pillow while annabeth sighed. “Her?! Really.. y/n there’s so many better options here but her your really gonna go with her?” She scolded you.
“Look, It’s.. fuck ok she’s really pretty and her being a bitch is attractive sue me” you rolled over in your bed embarrassed. Annabeth shook her head in disapproval. “Besides your not so innocent I see how you look at the son of Poseidon, uh Percy right? Yeah how does mom feel again about you fraternizing with the man she hates son”
She threw a pillow at your head in response. You just held the soft fabric close wondering how the hell you were gonna survive clarisse, you didn’t even like her that much
You did like her that much.. fuck
You sat in the big house looking out the wall length window admiring the stars. You had a telescope set up propped outside the window with a few books opened around you. Annabeth so graciously and forced helped you set up a cosy scene with some blankets and pillows.
You wore a cute form fitting black jumper dress with a light blue camp sweater underneath and a white ribbion in the back of your half pulled up hair. But this wasn’t a date. You had to constantly remind yourself that you were just proving you weren’t boring.
In mid thought you heard the libary door open, stepping in clarisse wearing some red plaid pj pants and her normal orange camp shirt. You felt your voice get stuck in your throat.
Clearing your throat you patted beside you. “Common”
“This looks boring I’m going back to my cabin”
Clarisse rolled her eyes and sat down— only there because you could get her out of cleaning the big house which you found out was because she may or may not of broke a kids jaw.
There was uncomfortable silence, it clear she was just trying to psyc you out so you would call quits but being the stuborn girl you were you refused.
You saw a shine in the corner of you eye making your face light up. “Look” you smiled. Clarisse groaned as she moved over and looked into the telescope. “It’s a meteor shower”
“I’ve been studying the stars for years but recently I’ve noticed a shift in some of the stars usual locations, see a meteor shower happens when the Earth passes through the trail of debris left by a comet or asteroid, As a comet gets closer to the sun, some of its icy surface boils off, releasing lots of particles of dust and rock—“
You had to stop yourself from continuing, proving you weren’t boring didn’t include you yapping about stars. The shower ended quickly and which was normal for a small storm like that one. While clarisse continued to look at the sky however You put a hand on the tool.
“Right here” you shifted it, you showed her the Aries constellation. “There’s Aries, and that red circle underneath it is mars” shifting the telescope some more you continued to talk “and there is the great square of Pegasus”
It was still quite the only round being the creaking from the telescope. You pulled away fiddling with your hands. “I—“
“It’s cool” clarisse mumbled “i guess” she looked over at you from where she was laying. Your cheeks flushed from the sudden compliment. “I still think your boring though spending all your time reading in here, but this” she titled her head more toward the window “this is all right”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not boring”
“Mmhm” she sat up stretching as she did.
The two just sat there looking at eachother. You now taking the chance to really admire the girls features with the only source of light being the moon. “Your hair.. I like it, the way you style it and keep your curls in such good condition… it’s pretty”
“You can touch them if you want” her offer took you back, but you didn’t deny her. You reached out and touch her soft hair wrapping a curl around your finger. “Your hair smells like fruit punch” you giggled.
“Thanks?” She laughed softly, her hand now tracing gentle circles on your thigh. You could tell she liked the jumper dress on you, making your heart beat faster.
You leaned closer to clarisse nervous you read the situation wrong. Your lips were close just barley brushing against eachother.
You felt your heart start to race, you’ve kissed girls before but something about clarisse made you nervous, nervous like you wanted to run away but excited like you needed more.
Clarisses hand trailed up your body and found its way to your waist, she gently pulled you forward finally kissing you. The kiss was short repeating a few times adding a sense of hesitation.
You felt clarisses Hands squeeze you lightly as you both looked into each others eyes. Your left arm was now around the girls shoulder with your other hand keeping you up for balance.
You moved you hand to her hair before leading her in for a more passionate kiss. It was immature and inexperienced but needy. Clarisse Bit You bottom lip making you moan allowing her to move her tongue into the mix, you moved while kissing her to sit on the girls waist.
You both fell now with clarisse laying on her back and you pinning her down, both panting while looking deeply into each others eyes. You kissed her again with a sense of urgency.
Whines and soft moans filled the air as you kissed. Clarisses hands finding themselves under your tight jumper dress resting on the sides of your thighs while you had your hands held the girls face.
Pulling away you hid you face in the crook of clarisses neck allowing her to shift positions around now with her on top, trailing kisses down your cheek jaw and neck.
She pulled back panting. “How far are we going” her eyes meeting yours.
“Only.. only this” You whispered, clarisse nodded before kissing your neck again while softly nipping leaving dark hickeys.
The following morning you had to hear a long lecture from annabeth about the marks on your neck and the new found relationship between you and the daughter of ares
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Annabeth - shes a terrible Person
Y/n - now it’s suddenly a crime for a woman to have a personality?
Go look at this persons post about Palestine and aid links
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ohbabydollie · 2 months
omg heyy 🤭 ive only just found your blog but i absolutely adore your writing!! could i please request some housewife headcanons? ty <3
my ideal career is housewife but i js need to marry schlatt so i don’t have to worry abt money first 😔
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taking care of him during streams!
bringing in water, food, anything he needs
he takes that chance to show you off to his stream, shower you in compliments before you head out of his office
he will literally take any chance he can to rub it into anyone’s face
“what am i eatin right now? it’s just some soup my WIFE made me, it’s whatever, she does it all the time” he says with a cocky grin
he loves home cooked meals and will asks for seconds constantly
he gets a taste for your cooking (and baking) to the point he doesn’t enjoy eating out as much
he loves that you basically can be around him 24/7 since he works from home and you don’t have a job
if he ever tries cooking for a stream, he’s struggling so hard
he gains so much respect for you if you make almost everything by scratch
if you take up a little hobby like baking or pottery or gardening
he shows off anything and everything you make
drinks from mugs you make, eats whatever you baked or grew and makes a point to tell everyone
“well ted, while you’re eatin’ your nasty ass rap snacks, i’ll be eating this” he says smiling and holding up a bowl of strawberries, “delicious, home grown, organic, non-micro plastic, strawberries, that my wife grew” he says with a satisfied smile “not to mention she also made the bowl, it’s bpa free”
hes literally such a dick to everyone about how he’s married to you
“i’m havin’ chicken n dumplins for dinner, they’re HOMEMADE by the way, not the nasty trader joe’s shit you gotta eat” schlatt says to ted with a grin “m’ wife is makin it all from scratch”
he says you “balance him out” with how sweet and soft you are
makes tradwife jokes all the time
he also likes making jokes about other people wanting you and actively brags about it
“we were a beach the other day and i saw men eyein her up, didn’t even care ‘cause i was the guy rubbin tannin oil on her back”
he loves buying you pretty new clothes, jewelry, makeup, etc.
he pays for you to get your hair, nails, etc. done
loves doing little things with you from grocery shopping to wasting time at a retail store
he says the cats got into something on stream and always comes back with light lipstick marks on his lips and face
looks for any excuse to kiss and touch you on camera
flirts with you even when you’ve been married for years
he only has eyes for you as you do him and every one knows
everyone can tell that even with the jokes he makes he loves you so much
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hazybisou · 3 months
🍊💌 and we both wanna say i’m sorry
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pairing ; fem!reader x quinn hughes
summary ; it’s been 1 year and a half since the breakup. of course they’ve both changed since that night. quinn just never expected to see her doing the one thing that reminded him of her.
authors note ; hi. so uh long time no see. honestly idk what came over me but like i js completely abandoned you guys. aside from that i’ve been busy with school and mid terms were what took up most of my time. but i’m back👌(for now at least). hopefully you enjoy this. anyways this has been on my mind for a while now and like i had get it out: orange peel theory!!! idk if i would consider this angsty or not but you decide. enjoy! <3
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it was extremely hot. the windows were open, letting in a slight breeze. he was laying on the couch in front of a fan. he laid there eyes closed. there was something about the heat that made him want to close his eyes and let the day get away from him.
slowly but surely his eyelids began to shut. all of a sudden he heard a pair of keys jingle, his head lifting off the couch as he watched her figure come into view. “hey, how was work?” he asked y/n who smiled at him. she toed off her shoes before making her way over to quinn.
he opened his arms as he felt her climb onto of him, head laying on his chest. she sighed, “it was good, surprisingly,” she closed her eyes, “how was you day?”
“it’s was fine. went out, ran some errands, bought some groceries.” he mumbled as he dug his face into her hair. “speaking of groceries, i got you what you’ve been asking for this whole week.”
her head lifted up from his chest. “oranges?” he nodded and she squealed. “oh, how i love you.” she began to pepper his face with kisses.
he chuckled and held her closer. “i love you too.” he pressed a peck to her lips.
he began to sit up with y/n in his arms as she climbed off of him and onto the couch. he stood up and she let out a yelp as she felt his arms wrap around her thighs and waist, picking her up bridal style. she tucked her head into his chest as he carried her towards the kitchen.
“where we goin’?” she whispered.
“why?” she lifted her head off of his chest.
he smiled at her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “im a little hungry.”
he turned walked towards the counter and set her down, y/n going to sit on one of the barstool. her eyes were trained on quinn who began to heat up leftovers from the previous night. her eyes suddenly caught the sight of the color orange. she smiled and reached out to grab the fruit.
y/n held it in her hands trying to peel it. as much as she loved having oranges available, she hated the hassle of having to take the peel off, especially with her manicured nails.
“quinny..” she trailed off. he turned around and hummed. she held the orange up with a small smile on here face. “open it, please?”
he shook his head and smiled before grabbing it out of her hands, complaining her request. one the last bit of the orange peel was off, he grabbed a couple of pieces for himself.
“quinn!” she whined but nonetheless took the orange back as he handed off the fruit to her.
he chuckled. “you asked for something, you pay the price.” he held the slices up. “this the price.”
she rolled his eyes but smiled at him and he grinned before leaning across the counter, cupping her face in his hands. he leaned down slightly as his lips found hers. he pulled away for a second before going in once more, this one with a lot more passion.
he pulled away and looked at her. “i love you.”
“i love you too.”
he hated it.
he hated this feeling he felt in his chest. was he sad? no. was he happy? definitely not. it was complicated, he didn’t know what he was feeling. all he could do was watch.
quinn was angry. angry at himself, at her. no..he could never be angry with or at her—only himself. he let her slip away and didn’t make the effort to bring her back.
quinn sat there across the room, watching her. watching as her head was thrown back, laughter coming out of her lips. she didn’t even realize it. he wanted to laugh. yet he couldn’t.
he still loved her.
after almost 2 years, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. she was like a plague. stuck in his mind and heart forever. he never saw her after that day. not a single text was sent. not a peep.
she had completely vanished from his life.
or, at least he thought she had.
yet there she was right in front of his eyes, sitting at a table with two other girls.
he looked down towards her hands and watch as her nail dug into the piece of fruit. she slowly began to peel it off. she was so delicate with it. she always was. with everything.
he watched as she peeled it all off completely before taking the trash to the garbage can. she took a piece and put it into her mouth.
he laughed.
he. laughed.
she had done it.
he knew she didn’t need him anymore. she never did. she just needed to learn how. and she did.
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i hate this. good night. isn’t 🙅‍♀️ proofread 🙅‍♀️why tf do i only write at night when ik i’m tired and running on 2 hours of sleep???
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memospacexx · 7 months
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Forgot to out my thing on MY BAD u can now send requests i think yayaayayay
Disclaimer!! This MIGHT be OOC cause we dont really know much about mammon as of now, when we get more on him i will be updating my general headcanons for him!!!
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- initially he js thought you were the one who brought the most money thats why you stood out to him(sure)
- in this scenario I’ll make it so you work under him, managing his sales and making the advertisments n shit or whatever but its up to you wholeheartedly
- a succubus????did u seduce him???😞
- he genuinely started to get hissy whenever anyone talks to you…not that anyone really knew-
-you did not know he saw that. YOU DIDNT KNOW HE EVEN ACKNOWLEDGED YOU
-tbh if he ever put his ego aside and actually asked you out it would be like this:
“Eyyy if it isnt my favorite Succubus!”
favorite?you have NEVER SPOKEN TO HIM BEFORE
“Hello Sir-“
“Drop the sir sweetheart, anyways, i was wonderin if you would accompany me to this fine new restaurant?to discus the..urm sales of course!”
Lie buzzer sound
You thought it was lies but like…u cant really say that to a sin-
“Oh, of course sir it would be an honor” was he fr is this rlly abt that
-Do people know? NO cant risk that-
-However Fizz did find out- walked into you two laughing together, and to fizz, THATS WEIRD…Mammon??being nice??making someone actually laugh without insulting them?? Time to tell ozzie(before he quit)
-also you and fizz get along. I js wanted to point that out, you managed the sales of his robo-self, thats how he found you, he thinks your funny, and when he found out you and mammon were an item he was like
“Are you alright”
-yeahhh…Ozzie does threaten him with it, like blackmail, but he wouldn’t actually leak that info unless it was an actual must, he knows how it feels 🤷‍♀️
-you two cant exactlyy go on dates, cos of the public, usually you two just watch a movie in his abode🫶🫶🫶
No he wont share popcorn. Get ur own (he will whine if u dont share yours cos he finished his)
If he were to buy gifts he asks his underlings to buy it. They dont question him (he will throw a hissy fit and probably kill them if they ask ngl😭)
Speeking of underlings they hate u lmaoo
They dont like the special treatment u get smh
But they arent mean to you( mammon will kill them💀)
And they refuse to tell anyone cause the fear they have for the sin of greed is INSANE
He made it clear if they gossiped he will indeed set everything they love on fire 😋
-you mention this new dress? Woah its on your (shared) bed
-scrolling thru ur phone and you linger on a specific item? Damn how did that get on your desk
-Favorite food? Say less(he ate it and had to get another but its okay)
But imma explain your job- basically you managed the sales and in-charge of the the advertisement,making sure it reaches the…right audience
And how you met(you didnt meet him when you got the job, someone else was handling it)
How he noticed you was all on accident
(You tripped infront of him . He thought it was the funniest thing for a day then he couldn’t get you out his head for a week)
He bought you VERY high heels as a joke bc of it😭😭😭
Tho a downside of his, in any relationship, doesn’t matter how much he gives and gives, it always feels like he’s taking too. You always have to be there, but not as a lover at times since your relationship isnt public. You have to always be there when hes out, he promoted you so you could be his “secretary “ so he had an excuse to keep you on a tight leash , he might try to isolate you tbh, hes greedy, he wants you all to himself, after arguing w him abt it he doesnt, thankfully, but hes just painfully possesive, but doesnt isolate you from anyone, just demands most of your time is on him
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I hope this is to your likingg🫶🫶🫶
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chuunai · 5 months
hey, congrats 100 followers !! i would love to join your celebration♡ may i request beastzai (or js adazai) with the scenario married life (1) & all in all, it was a typical tuesday (8) as the prompt ?
congrats on 100 again !!!! it’s a big number and a big achievement !!
I think Dazai is really hot too.
✧˚ · . vroom vroom, than a table for two - dazai osamu
he certainly couldn’t complain.
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summary ⋆ ★ comfort, fluff, established relationship (marriage with reader), SFW → icky PDA, cutesy nicknames, minor mention of sex (it’s like barely there though) and overall puppy husband dazai. also obvious mentions of suicide its DAZAI
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It was Tuesday.
And also another hardworking day at the Agency. So, so tiring, according to your husband—not that he ever worked—to the point where he simply needed a break with his lovely spouse. That’s how you found yourself hand-in-hand with him during your lunch break, walking down the sidewalks of Yokohama while he excitedly spoke about a new suicide method he had heard of.
Yesterday was a homemade shrapnel bomb, today was a wrecking ball.
“Basically, you hide out in a building that’s scheduled to be demolished and eventually it collapses on you! Pretty sweet, isn’t it?”
Quirking an eyebrow, he turned to you expectantly, a cheery smile on his face. It was quick, painless enough method of suicide. Beautiful in a way, too. Sunlight would be warming his skin, the air fresh and crisp and then tons of concrete and plaster would crush his entire body in one fell swoop. No pain, just gain of access to the afterlife.
Looking back at him, you sheepishly shrugged, replying back to amuse both him and yourself. 50% of the time, his attempts were idiotic and funny, the other 50% was genuinely worrying and mildly terrifying. Today seemed to be the former, though. Thankfully.
Plus, it wasn’t like the method would even work due to some random info you found out about on the internet.
“Yeah, but I’m like, ninety-nine percent sure they check the buildings for people before they demolish them. So you’d get found out.”
Your tone was as equally playful and light as his. He wouldn’t really kill himself. You weren’t ready for a double suicide yet, sadly. His lips curled into a frown when you mentioned how it wouldn’t work, his fingers squeezing yours as he exaggerated his sigh.
“And here I was, certain of my demise! Guess that means I’ll be with you a bit longer, darling.”
Not that he really minded.
Sure, he constantly went off about suicide and how beautiful the whole concept was, but at the end of the day, he wouldn’t want to die without you at his side. He’s firmly one of those people who’d kill himself after his beloved died. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself after you died. Sure, he made Odasaku a promise, but he made you a vow.
Until death do them part.
When you died, so would he.
But no one was dying today. Just a happy day for a happy couple.
Dazai’s hand slipped out of yours, curling around your hips instead as he pulled you closer to his side. He wanted to show off his pretty partner to anyone who happened to look over at you two. Show off the person who owns his heart and soul and is his perfect reason to live for just a little bit longer. No one else deserved his gorgeous belladonna.
Just him and him only.
Only Dazai could kiss your lips at any given moment—publicly or privately—, and only he could watch you dress up for dates, brushing out your hair while he mumbled compliments into the spot where your collarbone met your neck. Only Dazai could spend hours with you at night, hearing his name from your lips while his fingers intertwined with yours at the intimate moments.
No one else could hope to do the same with you.
That’s why he soon was leading you into a bakery, the smell of pastries and bread flooding the air as he looked over the treats in the display cases. Black sesame roll cakes, all squishy looking and yummy. The cookies ranging from chocolate chip to matcha and plain vanilla. They all looked so good, but the prices weren’t quite the same.
God, when it came to money, Dazai wished he was still in the Mafia. At least he had tons of it back then.
Now, he had to be a bit more frugal with his income from the Agency. Sure, you guys weren’t dirt poor or unable to afford food and other necessities, but you couldn’t always get special snacks like this. Maybe once every week or two, if you could do so.
Nudging your shoulder, he tapped the glass, looking at you expectantly. He always did this—letting you choose what the two of you would eat. Dazai didn’t mind either. You had good taste unlike his diet of canned crab and alcohol.
“I trust my lovely spouse’s taste and that you’ll pick something good like always.”
He was such a puppy. Only for you, he thought.
“Uhmm…dunno. Pick a number, one or two.”
Dazai placed a finger on his lips, pretending to be in thought like it was the most important decision in his twenty-two years of life so far. Brows furrowed in concentration, eyes darting between you and the sweet treats while he hummed quietly. One or two? Eh. He’d go with two. There was the two of you here, after all.
He watched as you pointed at a slice of strawberry cheesecake, your eyes looking at him for approval. Honestly, Dazai never understood why you wanted his approval for everything. You were his equal—his life partner, nonetheless—so there was really no need for this behavior. But he couldn’t blame you. Even now, he had a bit of a commanding aura.
“Oooooh, that looks good! Knew you’d pick something tasty.”
Dazai pecked your cheek affectionately while he held your hand walking to the counter, ordering two slices of strawberry cheesecake, taking out Kunikida’s credit card that he had ‘borrowed’ from the blondie earlier at work. Compared to the thievery he had committed in his younger years, it was practically begging to be used with how his wallet was smack dab in the middle of his desk.
Carefully holding the two plates of the cheesecake slices, he led you over to a table in the corner, giving you a fork as he sat down across from you. He didn’t eat until you dug into your piece first, making sounds of contentment as sweetness coated both your taste buds. Geez, it was good. Worth the price for sure. The corner of your lips were stained with the white frosting, and so he swiped his thumb over the mess, cooing at you like a parent.
“Ah ah, ‘donna. You’re getting messy.”
Dazai liked the flush of your face. How flustered you were as you insisted you could clean yourself and that you weren’t a baby and a fully capable grown adult.
“I’m not a baby, ‘samu! I can take care of myself, ‘kay?”
Of course, of course.
“Uh-huh. And you’re not a baby. You’re my baby. My clumsy little baby who can’t eat without making a mess.”
Chewing on the rest of his slice, minutes passed, filled with conversations between the two of you about work, how Atsushi was doing—probably still traumatized and fucked over, is what you both agreed about—, plans for dinner. You tastefully ignored his comment about what he wanted for dessert. At least there weren’t any kids in the bakery.
Thankfully for everyone else in the establishment, your ‘lunch’ was finished. Walking out of the cafe, he clasped onto your hand firmly, feeling his wedding ring rub against your skin. The sounds of honking and birds chirping filled the air, but all Dazai could hear were your gentle breaths coupled with the sound of your footsteps.
Nothing really mattered besides you, in his eyes.
His everything—his reason to live.
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Tags: @twst-om-lover, @sinfulthoughtsposts
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self-indulgent-writer · 7 months
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What if Dark Sam had a bimbo!reader roommate..? continuation
I made this one a fic instead…
so so so sorry this took legit years i js kinda forgot that i was a writer
warnings: CNC, performing oral sex on a strap-on, mentions biting in one paragraph so slight odaxelagnia(?)
Requested: by @f4riedimples
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Your feet padded across your shared apartment floors as you went to the kitchen.
The built-in clock on the oven read 8:50. Sam worked on the other side of the city and she got off of her shift at 8:30. She should be home soon.
You turned towards the refrigerator and opened the door. At least you knew how to cook. You put in your earbuds and put your main playlist on shuffle. You danced along to the beat of various songs as the time passed.
You were finished cooking up a quick meal for yourself just as Sam opened the front door. She heard the melodic humming of your favorite song and your feet tapping to the beat.
She stuck her head in the kitchen and almost chuckled at the sight. You were at the counter, mindlessly scrolling on your phone. Sam wordlessly came up behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist.
“Hey Sam! How was your day?” you turned your head towards her to greet her.
Sam sighed and removed one hand from around your waist to run it through her hair. She bent over slightly and rested her head in the crook of your neck.
“Fucking exhausting,” Sam’s hands strayed under your shirt. She ghosted her fingertips across the smooth surface of your stomach, causing goosebumps to appear.
Your breath hitched slightly each time she would touch a sensitive spot. You moved your hands towards hers and grab them softly, her rough hands creating a vast contrast against you soft ones.
“Sam, I already said i didn’t want to do this anymore…” you swiftly slid away from Sam’s arms and put distance between yourselves.
Sam feigned a sad face. Not like you could tell it was fake anyways. Sam knew you were dumb and she used it to her advantage to manipulate you.
“But think about all that I’ve been through. You would know how it is if you went through it. The least you could do is let me do what I want.” Sam closed the gap between the two of you.
She rested her hands on your hips and dipped her head to plant a soft kiss to you neck. Sam lifted her head back up and locked eyes with you.
“Please?” Sam begged hopefully. You broke the eye contact.
“Okay, but this is the last time” you shuddered as Sam’s hands lowered to your ass and lifts you on top of the counter.
Your lips locked and Sam trailed her hands to your thighs and squeezed them. Your hands gripped the counters alongside you. Sam grabbed the hem of your shirt and lifted it above and over you head, tossing it carelessly.
She slid her hands up to the hook of your bra and fiddled with it until the bra fell from your chest, letting you previously confined breasts fall.
Sam started to play with your boobs causing you to gasp, giving Sam the opportunity to stick her tongue in your mouth.
“Sammy…” you whined while tilting your head back to give Sam more access to kiss and litter your neck with bites and hickies.
“Be patient” Sam mumbled as she lowered down your shorts. She moved her kisses to the inner of your thighs and moved up to your wet heat.
She flattened out your tongue and licked a stripe up your whole pussy. She slowly flicked her tongue across your clit. You let out a quiet, high-pitched noise and stuck one of your hands in you hair, effectively ruffling it.
Sam attached her lips to your bundle of nerves and harshly sucked. Your toes curl and you bite your bottom lip just barely hard enough to draw a bit of blood.
Sam pulled away from your drooling pussy, dripping slick. A line of your juices trailed with her mouth as she jutted her tongue out to lick up the rest of your essence from her mouth.
“But I-I didn’t even get to finish, Sammy” you complained in discontent.
“I would much rather have you cum on my strap, baby.” Sam dropped her pants and grabbed the back of your knees and slid you closer to the edge.
Your heartbeat fastened in anticipation when Sam lifted you, her hands squeezing the bottom of your thighs, and lined your clenching hole up with her strap.
She slid you down onto her faux cock and groaned when you let out a near pornographic moan. She laid your back against the counter and held your hands beside your head, interlocking your fingers.
“Sammy! Fuck-“ Sam cut your drawn out sentence short by smashing your lips together once again. The fluidity of the kiss and the harsh thrusting of her hip brought you close to your release.
Sam lifted her head back up from your lips. Her pupils were blown wide as she watched you leaned you cheek on the cold counter. She removed one of her hands from your harsh hold and moved you hand to your naked stomach. She put her hand on top of yours and pressed. hard.
You let out a loud moan, causing your voice to echo through the kitchen. Sam slid her silicone cock out of you.
“On your knees. I want you to clean your mess.” Sam’s voice was full of confidence and authority. You complied. You were now on the floor, sucking Sam off.
Your head bobbed back and forth, and you hollowed out your cheeks. You kept going. Sam jerked her hips forwards, making you gag.
You immediately removed you mouth from Sam’s strap and coughed. Tears welled in your eyes and laced you lashes. Sam grabbed the back of your head and put you back on her cock.
Your hands flew to the back of her thighs and your nails dug into her skin. Tears were slowly dripping down your face as you took what you received.
Sam’s thrusts started getting sloppy, and she stopped altogether and came. She let out a low groan. She let you off her strap and helped you off the ground. She may use you, but she isn’t heartless. These were times Sam was thankful Tara had night classes. She didn’t know what she would do if-
“Sam? I’m home! What’s for dinner…” Tara’s voice trailed off as she saw the scene in front of her. You and Sam butt-ass naked in the middle of the kitchen. the only thing remotely close to clothing was the glistening strap attached to Sam’s waist. “What the actual fuck,”
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itsmealaiah · 10 days
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TW: sub bill, masturbation, cumming on a pillow, profanity, perverted shit, she/her pronouns, AFAB reader, sweet-talking, humping, multiple orgasms, mommy kink, sweet aftercare, handjob, riding bill, head (bill rec)
Request: Haii i think it was from @estxkios who did the sub bill imagine so credit to her for this request but can u do bill humping a plushy? Maybe reader comes home early and JS watches as he gets off and starts fingering herself while watching Bill. Sorry if this is long. Bye and ty!
Rating: nsfw down below! warnings are marked
WC: 1.6k
back in action boys
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Poor billy who can't even control himself long enough to wait for you to get back from your outings
He's so so desperate for you, the poor little thing. He always gets so needy for you, sometimes for no reason at all.
The erections would happen even when you weren't at home, because all he can think of is you, torturing his cock until it's practically sore.
He was lying on the couch of your shared home, ignoring the tv in the background, as all he could picture was you riding him, blowing him, giving him the best orgasms of his life as he would come for the fifth time, his body aching and sore as his hands were restrained with the cuffs you had put them in.
His cock was already as hard as a rock, and it was so painful, but the images of you wouldn't go away. He envisioned you doing so much to pleasure him, as you would every night.
Every single night, from what he could remember (because his brain turned to mush after the third orgasm) you'd have him tied down, his body straining against the many ropes holding his body to the bed frame.
His erection began to rub against his pants as he snapped out of his daydream, mewling in pain. He meekly moaned your name, not knowing how to handle it without you. You had never given him permission to masturbate by himself, not even once, and he obeyed your commands.
"m-mama" he whimpered, the friction creating a painful sensation in his body. He made his way to the bedroom, his body in pain as he sulked to the room. He tried to drink some water from the bedside table, but that didn't help in the slightest.
He buried his face into your pillow, turning over as he inhaled your scent, his arms wrapping around it. The hard-on rubbed against the sheets, and his face contorted into a frown.
He sat there, wallowing in his own misery, until, he had an idea.
Your scent was on the pillow, and that was close enough to you, so maybe he could try to cum? It was worth a shot, as the erection didn't seem like it was going to go away any time soon.
He shucked his jeans and boxers, his cock slapping against his lower abdomen as he moaned in pain, his red and nerdy cock standing straight up. He grabbed your pillow, and put his dick on it, beginning to move back and forth, creating a sensation that made his mouth gape in pleasure, his eyes swarming with lust.
His hips slowly moved across the pillow, the softness of the object making him feel so good. He envisioned you sucking off his cock instead of the pillow so he had a better chance to cum. It worked perfectly, as his balls began to grow heavy with his seed. He rocked his hips faster, his cock growing softer as his balls slowly filled up even more, his mewls becoming louder.
However, he didn't expect you to be home so soon, listening right against the door, furious at his actions. You knew he was pleasuring himself, and you were pissed. He was explicitly told not to do this, and he disobeyed you.
You opened the door slowly, watching his hips needily rock against the pillow you sleep with, ruining it. You huffed lowly, making sure he couldn't hear you. You watched him, his cock rutting against the pillow, his eyes shut in pleasure as he felt himself getting closer to the edge, his moans increasing in pitch.
He went harder and faster, panting. "m-mama!" he moaned, the sound echoing throughout the room. He began to squirt cum onto your pillow, his hips slowly decreasing in movement as he came, breathing heavily, riding out his high.
He held his hands on the pillow, calming down, still not seeing you in the doorway, your arms crossed in anger. "bill? what do you think you're doing?" you asked, practically seething in rage. He knew you could only give him an orgasm.
His eyes shot open, fear instilling in them. "s-sorry mama, i didn't kn-know you were going to b-be back so soon" he whimpered, his bottom lip beginning to tremble. "You know the rules" you hissed, nearing his body on the bed. "bad boys get punished" you tore off the rest of his remaining clothes, nearly ripping it in the process.
Your clothes were gone from your body very quickly as well, his eyes widened, and he gulped. Your hands pinned him down until one of them left to grab the handcuffs you used for bill. "m-mama please no-not those" he begged, and you grabbed his chin using your hand that was on his chest. You squeezed it roughly, his cheeks squishing together cutely.
You laughed as he writhed beneath you, your hands grabbing his wrists and cuffing them to the bedframe as he cried out, his hands flailing around, trying to escape them. "it-it hurts!" he proclaimed, but you tutted. "that's what bad boys get when they aren't good for their mommies" you smiled, your hand trailing down his stomach to his cock, rubbing it harshly.
"ha-haah!" he squealed, your hand torturing his cock, making him feel the burden of his actions as he moaned wildly. You leaned down, kissing his tip, letting your tongue swirl around it. His hands thrashed against the cuffs, begging to be set free, but you refused, ignoring his pleas.
Your mouth swallowed him, your hands working on what you couldn't fit as he whined and moaned, deep in pleasure. His eyes filled with tears, his tip hitting your throat, his body convulsing.
"s-shit!" he whimpered out. You smiled, your tongue encompassing his cock, rubbing against his shaft. Tears dripped from his eyes, the pleasure too much for his body to handle. He began to shake, his balls heavy with cum, ready to release it into your mouth.
You obliged, you wanted to make him sore. He whined desperately, his wrists becoming red from the force at which he tugged at the handcuffs. You let him rest for only a few seconds, before you began to slide your hips over his cock, teasing it. Your clit hit his tip perfectly, causing you to let out a groan.
"fuckk, only mommy can have this, right sweet boy? Only mommy can use your body?" you asked, your hand caressing his cheek. He nodded rapidly. "mh-mhm! only y-you mommy!" he let out a shaky moan, his eyes still brimming with tears.
"that's my sweet baby boy, i knew you would make mommy happy" you smiled, holding his cock to your entrance. You slid down on it, your walls gripping him tightly, holding onto him. His cock buried itself inside you, your head falling backwards in pleasure.
He never stopped with his pleas, to let him touch you, let him feel you, but each time, you didn't listen. Your torture on his soft cock was well, torture, and he began to cry again, soft tears running down his plump lips.
"p-please mama" he cried softly, your hips grinding down onto his abdomen as he moaned in pleasure filled pain. You only went faster, your pace too much for him to handle, as he spilled inside you. You didn't stop, you simply wanted to make sure he would never disobey you again.
"no-mngh-m-more" he let out a strangled moan, his cock twitching inside you, his stamina decreasing. He didn't even get to relax after the third orgasm, so he was out of breath, drool and tears spilling from his face.
"c'mon, just one more for mommy, then i'll run you a bath" you smiled sweetly, trying to coerce him. "o-okay" You let out a soft moan, feeling yourself going to cum. Your walls gripped his cock once more, and he couldn't take it, his moans going up a pitch. Your head tilted forward, a hand coming to his chest to steady yourself as you released on him.
You pulled off of him slowly, his dick falling limp on his stomach, his balls coated in the white-sticky substance. He was recovering from his multiple orgasms, panting heavily. Your hands unclasped his from the cuffs, his wrists sore and red, making you frown.
You picked him up, his arms wrapping around your neck as you led him to the conjoined bathroom, starting a tub for him, as promised. He whined as he left your arms, wanting to hold you close. He softly sighed as you washed his hair, moaning when you hit that one specific spot.
You washed all the cum off, being careful not to make him actually cum again. You turned off the faucet to the tub, and picked him up out of the water, his body clean. He smiled. "thank you mama" he said shakily, his body sore from the force of his orgasms. "no problem sweet boy" you dried him off with a nearby towel, making sure he was comfortable after. You drained the water out of the tub, and made your way back to the bedroom, his small frame in your arms.
You tucked him in, lying next to him. You kissed him goodnight, rubbing his arm. He held you close, and thanked you again. "of course my good boy, but don't ever disobey me again"
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Taglist 1: @madzandmore @20doozers @itsangelll @charliesgoodboy
Taglist 2: @tokio-motel @tomssexdoll @tomsonlyslut @roseroseluvrr
Taglist 3: @tomkaulitzjuicyballs @estxkios @ballhair @cherry-rawr @
Comment on masterlist post to be tagged!
Requests are open! keep sending them in 🤍
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transmascaraa · 3 months
Noelle Anon here! I loved your work! It was so cute and made my little sapphic heart explode! Could I maybe request the same thing with other genshin girls of your choosing? I just love them all so much!!!! Maybe with fem!reader this time?
Have a good night/day! <3
multiple characters headcannons!
cooking with them...
characters: furina, sucrose, arlecchino, navia x fem!reader
author's note: hiiiii i haven't written in a while😭 didn't have much time and not too much motivation for writing lmfao but now i'm here to write this because the req is adorable! i chose women that i thought you'd like because everyone likes them i guess so yeah<3 i hope you enjoy this and i tried my best to write smthn wlw i hope it's good enough
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♡ Furina
-we all know how she's not one of the best cooks. so, you being one makes it a bit better.
-still, if you wanted to cook WITH her, then the food would probably just have to be macaroni.
-not gonna judge, i love it js as much as she does.
-you decided to get prepared one day, to cook together, and prepare a meal for one another!
-although you know that the only options you had were macaroons and macaroni, where she only had one option.
-so you started cooking macaroons.
-it is always SO fun to cook with her. she's always smiling and talking with you, talking about the most random things ever.
-of course, if you don't like talking much, she'll talk less but not be quiet entirely.
-know that you're gonna get a few kisses during the tiem being.
-and when you finally finish both of your meals, and prepare them for eachother, furina literally has a new shine in her eyes.
-when she tried it, she mumbled something that she thought you wouldn't hear
-"i don't care. this is my new favorite food."
✿ Sucrose
-she's like noelle, so i think you get the point what she'd be like.
-whatever you'd cook for eachother, she'd like it. and the other way around.
-the cooking experience with her is very calming, too.
-you might chit-chat about something randomly but know that it's mostly quiet with the sounds of nature from outside.
-if you liked to talk a lot tho, she had no problem of listening to your pretty voice while she cooked something for you.
-you made a cheesecake for her!
-setting the table together, and finally sitting down to try the food.
-whatever she made you, it was really decorated and the only thing that you knew that it was some type of cake.
-and she recognized that your's is a cheesecake almost immediately.
-when she tried it, she started talking to you, blushing a bit, about how much she's grateful for you.
✧ Arlecchino
-i'm pretty sure this isn't too ooc
-now, what i know is that she's definitely a great cook.
-i mean, she's a 'father', a parent to her children, of course she knows how to cook!
-so you had no problems asking her to cook with her. you knew that the kitchen wouldn't be burned down. hopefully.
-alright, you start cooking something that everyone likes, cupcakes! but the ones that you were able to make for her were cherry ones!
-arlecchino wasn't entirely quiet throughout the cooking either. it was either you or her talking with some kisses that can't be missed. she talked about her kids and her missions, while you either talked about her work in return, or about why you still love her despite it all.
-when you finish cooking and come to the dinner table with her, there's not much reaction on her face yet, unlike your's which was clearly happy.
-she made you cinnamon rolls!
-(i'm sorry if it's something you don't like)
-when she tried the cherry cupcake, you got a smirk from her.
-"you're a good cook, pretty girl."
✯ Navia
-this girl will make you the best food ever. she will take this activity very seriously with you.
-usually, you'd think that maybe the conversations that you'd have throughout the process very little, but that's not the case.
-she would talk with you the whole time.
-"i remember once when i was little..."
-"do you remember when i..."
-"can you pass me the sugar?"
-you get the point.
-of course, she won't miss the chance to give you a few kisses.
-and finally when you cooked eachother the "special food", turns out the both of you made macaroons for eachother.
-that just resulted in a laugh from you both as you now started talking about whose are better.
-she said yours were better.
-but you denied and said the opposite.
-however you look at it, cooking with her is a great experience to not only get to know eachother better, but also just for the fun of it.
okay i love this one
it's so cute
i hope anyone who reads it likes it, especially you anon because i liked the noelle req too!!^^
| @mariaace <3
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AND ALSO (not a request tho teehee) best friends to lovers with leo js sounds sooo??? like childhood best friends to lovers? omg like what if he's had a forever crush on reader in the back of his mind but he doesnt realize it and instead rants abt every hot girl he sees and reader's just like ugh this again 🙄 until reader is lowkey crushing on this other guy and hes like what??? that shouldve been meeee
and like him and reader basically doing couple shit but "as friends" and everyone thinks they're dating but they're not?? UGHH
⋆⭒˚.⋆ leo valdez x childhood friend! reader hcs
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content: leo valdez x childhood friend! reader hcs warning: slight angst but enough fluff to make it okay author's note: DID YOU HONESTLY THINK YOU WERE GONNA DROP THIS THOUGHT INTO MY ASKS AND NOT EXPECT ME DO HCS TO IT??? GIRL BFFR LOOK AT HIM IM WEAK FOR THIS MAN IN WAYS THAT EVEN GOD DOESN'T UNDERSTAND- also, we lost the plot a bit. i'd love to do the whole jealous thing as a blurb later bc im just so happy with how angsty these hcs turned out and i don't wanna add that and change the vibe. sooooo just keep an eye for that tiny blurb in a bit!!
yet another foster family had decided they didn't want leo, sending him straight back to the nun-run orphanage
he wasn't even sure what he did this time, but he just went without a fight, knowing it wasn't worth it
this wasn't the first family to kick him out...and he had a sinking feeling it wouldn't be the last.
that's when he met you, completely down on his luck and glum as could be
you had been getting a bar of soap shoved down your throat when he was brought to the orphanage, the nun with him explaining that you had been caught talking nonsense, which was not tolerated there
leo's eyes stayed on you as they led him down another hallway, watching as you spit the bar up and followed him with your eyes too
"what'd you do?" leo asked, later, once you were shoved back into the rooms, with the rest of the orphans.
"i...i said i saw a dragon made out of metal. they said im lucky they're not throwing him into a psych ward," you whispered back to him and leo offered you a tooth grin.
"a metal dragon? that sounds pretty cool."
"the coolest."
you two managed to bounce from a few orphanages together, being close in age and personalities and whatnot.
though, following a rough falling out with a family, leo was rapidly packing up his few belongings in the middle of the night.
he silently walked over to your bed, doing his best to step over the orphan's that littered the floor and gently woke up, his hand grasping your shoulder while the other pushed your hair out of your face
"lee? what's going on? what's wrong?"
"i'm getting out of here, y/n. we're getting out. come on," he whispered back, tucking his hand into hers and tugging.
you allowed him to pull you out of bed before digging your feet into the ground and halting the both of you
"leo...we can't- i-"
"y/n, it's just going to be an endless cycle of people saying they want us and then kicking us to the curb the moment we're too much trouble or work. at least, on the run, we can live how we want. do what we want."
"...leo, i...i can't," you whisper, tears filling your eyes before dripping down your face.
you two stood staring at each other, unable to leave the other, but both knowing you had to
"i don't know if i'll find you again," whispered leo after a few seconds, swallowing down his own sobs.
"you will. if i know you, leo valdez, you'll find me again. take care of yourself out there, i expect to see you again and in one piece, mister," you choke out, smiling through your tears, hoping to provide him with some comfort.
"i'm gonna find you again, y/n l/n, i swear."
"atta boy," you mutter before pulling him into a bone crushing hug, crying into his shoulder and gripping at his shirt like you didn't want him to leave
leo squeezed back just as tight, his eyes firmly shut in fear you'd see the tears in them
after an eternity in each other's arms, leo reconsidered his decision, wanting to stay in your arms forever
but that was when there was a creak downstairs, surely one of the nuns on her way to check on the kids.
you quickly let go of leo and shooed him towards the window, helping him escape
you grasped his hand as you was on the other side of the window, his eyes instantly darting to you, pausing even though he knew he didn't have much time.
"i- i- you...you're the closest thing to home i've ever felt, leo. stay safe, please. i lo... yeah, stay safe," you gasp out, the words too heavy to state before leaning forwards and pressing your lips to leo's cheek
"im going to find you again simply because i can't see my life without you in it, y/n. i'll stay safe to see you again," leo replied without a ounce of hesitation but he was grateful for the dark night sky, as it very easily hid his blush.
you gave him one last dazzling smile before the creaking got closer, you quickly abandoning the window and rushing to your bed, hoping you could at least pretend to be asleep before she came in.
leo dropped from the window and quickly scrambled away, though not without risking a glance over his shoulders, his chest heaving as he left you alone in that building.
he tried not to think about the fact that he probably got you in trouble, more suds being shoved against your tongue.
leo never forgot you. ever.
you were his girl, even if it wasn't official and you were children when you first met and he hasn't seen you in nearly six years
he tried not to think about how large that number was
he tried not to think about you forgetting him
he tried not to think about you, still in the orphanage, waiting and waiting for him
he tried, he truly did
but something about riding in a chariot with his newly amnestic best friend, his other best friend that fell into the grand canyon only to fly back up with the aforementioned friend, a buff guy with a rainbow tattoo, and a blonde girl who was gravely disappointed by them just being them brought out these thoughts.
and leo wasn't even sure why he was thinking of you as he plummeted down into a lake
well, he wasn't sure until annabeth was giving them a tour, stopping at some training arena
jason, piper, and himself were taking in the place, leo's hands rapidly fiddling with whatever was in his hands as his eyes skittered over the place
"hey, not fair!" a familiar voice called with a laugh, leo's whole body jolting as the air left his lungs and his eyes frantically scanned for you.
"leo? you okay?" piper asked with a furrowed brow
"it's her," he whispered and piper's eyes widened, obviously aware of the girl that owned her best friends heart.
"are you sur-"
"do you think i would joke about this, of all things?" leo hissed, more than desperate, not even sparring her a glance before he spun to annabeth, who was clearly trying to figure the whole story out herself
"is there a girl here? y/n l/n? from texas?" he asked, rapidly.
annabeth just nodded her head, raising her hand and pointing over into the training arena, where you were sitting.
you're legs were crossed under you, a pair of shorts that would leave all the nuns with heart attacks and a smile so wide leo thought he'd just fall into it
his feet were moving before he could think about it, shoving and wiggling around other demigods to get to you
you, you, you
you, who he promised to find
you, who he found
"i told you i would find you," he whispered as he stood before you, suddenly self conscious but you didn't give him time to think like that as your eyes darted to him instantly
less than a second later, you were crying in leo's arms, which were tightly tied around you
leo squeezed you to him, worried you'd disappear, that this would all be some twisted dream and he'd wake up back at the retched wilderness school and you'd be nothing more than a figment of his imagination
but as he felt you pull back just the slightest bit before smashing your lips against his own, leo knew this wasn't just some dream
no dream could ever feel as good as this, that's for damn sure
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dixons-sunshine · 3 months
js read your shopping spree and dying for your haircut fics and omg
can u pretty please, with a bow on top, write another part to that series or like an au where they get separated at the fall of the world and a few season later (preferably that prison era of daryl he was so fawking sexy there like omg) they found each other again and i want some build up to their reunion yk like someone else finds r and brings them in and some ppl kinda chatting abt the new girl or wtv and dars not rlly gaf cuz he kinda getting tired of trying to find r (realistically i don’t think he’d give up easily but let’s js pretend yk) but then they see each other and they’re like omfg the love of my life’s here and safe and like i need that glenn and maggie type reunion but like tenfold bc r and dar alr loved and knew each other before the fall yk and like yeah😣
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idky but i’m a sucker for “r and daryl had a relationship beforehand, got separated, and reunited” trope (?) fic, blurb shit and you’d literally be godsent if u wrote this oml
I Found You | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Summary: When the dead started to rise and the world went to hell, Daryl got seperated from you, the love of his life. After over a year of searching for you and finding no evidence of your survival, Daryl was beginning to give up and count his losses. One day, Carol stumbled upon a wounded woman while out on a run with Glenn, and the two of them decide to accept you into the prison. Little did they know, that would end up being one of the best decisions they could've ever made.
Genre: Angst to fluff.
Era: Prison, pre season 4, post season 3.
Warnings: Swearing, blood, death, mentions of attempted sexual assault (not descriptive)
Word count: 4.3k
A/n: Thank you so much for the request! I've decided to write the au since there's already a part three for the SSHD (Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams) universe in the works, but this request was way too good to not write. I hope you like it! And I absolutely agree with you. There's something about prison era Daryl that just hits different. He was on another level completely.
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests.
(Just thought I'd say that both third- and second person is used. I referred to the reader in third  person when Glenn and Carol first met her, but it soon shifts to second person when she introduced herself. Just thought I'd let y'all know the shift is intentional.)
“Okay, so I can't guess what you did before all of this correctly, but I bet there is something that I will be right about.”
Daryl looked at Zach skeptically as they trudged through the abandoned store, looking for supplies to bring back to the prison. “Yeah? Wha's tha'?”
“You're brooding, quiet, you like to keep to yourself,” Zach started, leaning nonchalantly against one of the shelves while he watched the archer place multiple different packs and boxes into his bag. “The way you act most of the time would suggest you've never been in a relationship before, but there are clear signs that you were with someone before all of this.”
Daryl stiffened for a moment, his hand lingering above a pack, before regaining his composure and continuing his task. “Wha' signs?”
“Well, for one, you know exactly what kind of tampons and pads to get for the ladies at the prison. I would've just dumped everything in and have them sort through it, but you are only taking specific brands,” Zach pointed out, motioning to the box of tampons Daryl had just put back onto the shelf.
When Daryl didn't reply, Zach took that as his cue to continue. “And while we're on the topic of periods, you seem to know exactly what to get the girls for the pain and what to do to curve their bad tempers. What guy would know that if he didn't have a girlfriend before all of this? And to top it all off, and this is totally unrelated to everything I just said, I've seen that locket necklace you keep in your pocket. It's pretty worn out and faded, but you can definitely tell it's something from this generation, so it can't be something that was passed down from a relative, so that brings me to my conclusion. You, Daryl Dixon, had a girl before all of this.”
Daryl sighed, shutting his eyes tightly as he willed the onslaught of memories away. Memories that were too painful to think of, memories that did nothing but remind the archer of his failure. His failure at finding you, the love of his life, after the dead started walking. A failure he had to live with for as long as he remained alive.
Daryl opened his eyes and turned abruptly, leaving the young man behind him as he stalked towards the exit, his bag slung over his shoulder. Zach hurriedly caught up to him, struggling to keep at a steady pace beside him as Daryl strode quickly, wanting to put some distance between him and Zach.
“Woah, man! Slow down!” Zach complained, jogging to keep up with him. “Was it because I brought up the girl thing? I didn't realise it was a touchy subject.”
“It ain't none of yer damn business,” Daryl grumbled under his breath, stalking over to the truck him and Zach were using that day.
“Daryl! Come on, man. It's not that deep.”
Daryl gritted his teeth as he opened up the driver's side door of the truck, throwing his bag into the back before climbing inside. He started up the truck and revved the engine, a warning sign to Zach that he was about to leave, with or without him.
Zach hurriedly scurried into the passenger seat, barely having time to close the door before Daryl started speeding off. He gripped the edge of his seat, sending Daryl an exasperated look.
“Daryl, what the hell? Calm down!” he exclaimed, unnerved by the archer's sudden burst of fury. He'd seen Daryl angry before, but it was never directed towards him. It was downright scary.
“'M calm,” Daryl replied through gritted teeth, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.
“That's what you call calm?!” Zach exclaimed, motioning out towards the road. “You're driving like a maniac! Slow down!”
Daryl simply ignored the man, keeping his eyes trained on the road. Memories of you unwillingly flooded his mind. Memories of your smile, your laugh and your beautiful eyes. Memories of the calm mornings you'd spend with the archer in your shared sad excuse for an apartment where the hot water was a joke. Memories where you'd both stand under the cold water of the shower, Daryl embracing you from behind in an attempt to make the cold water bearable for you. Memories of your loving touch on his skin, your fingers lightly tracing over the scars on his back as you whispered reassuring things into his ear, assuring him that his father's abuse had nothing to do with him, that it wasn't his fault that any of that happened to him.
The more Daryl's mind wandered, the more he remembered some of the bad memories. All those arguments you had with him over some of his escapades with Merle, telling him that it would only get him into trouble, flooded his mind. One of those arguments ended up being the reason he got seperated from you in the first place.
Merle had wanted to go do some drug deal and had barged into your apartment, practically dragging Daryl from your bed. You had begged him not to go, arguing with him that it was a bad idea and that something would go wrong this time. He remembered being so angry at you for insisting during that argument that Merle wasn't good for him, that he needed to cut back on seeing him or set some boundaries with him. He had stormed out of the apartment without so much as a goodbye, and now he regretted it more than he's regretted anything before in his life.
Daryl blamed himself daily for not having listened to you that day. If he had, he never would've been seperated from you and you would've been safe by his side. He longed to have you by his side again, to tell you that he was sorry and that he loved you. However, even after all this time of searching, going out for extended periods of time to look for signs of you, it was to no avail. You were gone, and it was all his fault.
“Daryl? Are... you okay?”
Daryl snapped back to reality at the sound of Zach's concerned voice. He felt a droplet of water roll down his cheek and he hurriedly wiped it away, realising that he was crying. He hadn't even realised that tears had started to well up in his eyes, so immersed was he in his own thoughts.
“'M fine,” Daryl insisted, wiping his eyes hurriedly as he willed the tears away.
Zach furrowed his eyebrows, before realisation dawned on him. “You did have a girl before all of this. You lost her, didn't you?” he asked sympathetically.
Daryl hesitantly nodded, swallowing in an attempt to get rid of the lump in his throat. “I didn't lose her,” he began, bringing the truck to a halt in front of the prison gates as he waited for someone to open them.
“I don't know if she's even dead at all. She's just... Gone.”
“What are we looking for, exactly?” Glenn asked Carol as they scanned over the shelving of an abandoned pharmacy, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
Carol sighed as she looked upon yet another empty shelf, its medical contents a thing of the past. “Anything medical. With all the new people we've been taking in, the supplies we have aren't going to be enough.”
“Okay,” Glenn drawled hesitantly. “But it doesn't look like there's anything worth scavenging here.”
“Let's just do a once over before we check the back. If there's nothing, we head on back. It's getting late,” Carol instructed. Glenn nodded, and the two of them dispersed to sweep through the small store once more.
“So,” Glenn started. “Is it just me, or has Daryl been more grumpy than usual?”
Carol hummed in agreement. “He has. He gets angry at the smallest of things lately.”
“Do you know why?”
“No,” Carol said, shaking her head. “I've asked him, but he won't say anything. Just tells me to mind my own business. It's really odd. He's more like he was back at the quarry. More closed off and snappy and I don't know why.”
“It's ever since he came back from that run with Zach a week ago,” Glenn replied, meeting up with the Carol again to go into the back room. “I've asked Zach if he knows why, but he refused to say anything. Says it's not his place to say.”
Carol frowned, opening the door that lead into the back room. “That's odd. So that means something—”
“Stay right there. Don't move another inch or I swear to god I'll shoot.”
Both Carol and Glenn froze in their tracks. They looked up and locked eyes with a woman, who's eyes were fiery as they darted between them.
“Names. Now. And weapons on the ground.”
“Okay, alright,” Carol responded, trying to diffuse the situation. She slowly lowered her gun and knife to the ground, urging Glenn to do the same. “I'm Carol, and this is Glenn. Now before we answer anymore questions, what's your name?”
The woman hesitated for a moment. “Y/n. What are you doing here?”
“We were looking for some supplies,” Carol spoke truthfully, eyeing the gun aimed at her carefully. “We're running low on medical things.”
After a couple of long, tense moments, with you scanning them from head to toe, you nodded to yourself after spotting something. Deciding to trust them for now, you slowly lowered the gun. However, you quietly hissed in pain, quickly clutching your side as you stumbled to regain your balance. After you steadied yourself, you limped over to your bag and grabbed a few things before handing them over to Carol and Glenn.
“Here. Hope these help. The place was ransacked when I got here. Wasn't a lot left to clear out.”
“Thank you, but we need more than this. This isn't going to last us long,” Carol responded, placing the items into her bag.
“No offence, lady, but I think I need the supplies more than you do at the moment. And I gave you more than half already. I can't spare more,” you said, clutching your side tightly.
“What happened?” Glenn asked, pointing to the your side, unable to stop his curiosity from seeping through.
“Flesh eaters,” you replied nonchalantly, shrugging your shoulders. “I was fighting a bunch of them when one lunged at me from the side. It toppled me through a broken window, and a shard sliced me.”
“Don't you have a group? Couldn't they help you?” Glenn questioned.
“Nope. I've been on my own since this whole thing started. I guess I should probably find a group, though. Things like this wouldn't happen if I had backup.”
You gingerly lifted your shirt, and both Carol and Glenn grimaced at the painful sight. The wound was deep and oozing blood. It would definitely need stitches, as well as someone to remove the remaining fragments of glass that still painfully stuck out of the wound. It was terrible. You wouldn't be able to get it all out without a professional.
Suddenly, an idea struck Carol. “You gave us some of the supplies you scavenged without even knowing us. Why?”
“Well, you didn't try to kill me, even after I held you at gunpoint. And by the looks of it, you guys have a group and are set up somewhere. Figured I should do the honourable thing and offer up some medical things if there's kids involved.”
“How do you know there's kids?” Glenn asked, confused.
“I can see the toys in your bag,” you pointed out, motioning to the toy truck that stuck out of the top of his bag. “Figured that adults wouldn't be playing with toy trucks while the world was ending.”
“Still, why would you? You don't owe us anything,” Carol questioned, though her mind was already set on one thing.
“Some might call me naive, but I hope that by doing some good in this fucked up world, karma will decide to do something good for me. That probably makes me stupid as shit, huh?” you replied, laughing before wincing at the pain that shot through your side at the small action.
Carol smiled at you. “We have a group set up not too far from here, at the prison. You can join if you want, but you have to answer three questions first.”
You raised your eyebrows at her. “Three questions? That's it?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Alright, shoot.”
“How many walkers have you killed?” Carol began, watching you closely.
“A lot. Too many to keep track of at this point.”
“How many people have you killed?”
You hesitated for a moment, guilt creeping up on you. “Three.”
“Two of them were bit. They asked me to kill them. The other one... That bastard tried to rape me. I wouldn't let him.”
“I'm sorry,” Glenn said sympathetically.
“It's fine. I'm fine,” you waved him off, before turning your attention back to Carol. “How'd I do? Satisfactory enough?”
Carol nodded. “For me, yes. You'll still need to meet the leader and have him evaluate you, but I think you'll be alright. You'll fit in just fine.”
“Hopefully,” you laughed nervously, instantly paying the price for it with a sharp pain shooting up your side, making you visibly wince.
“Come on, let's get going. We have a doctor who can get that checked out for you,” Glenn prompted. He walked over to you and grabbed your bag, stopping your protest instantly. “It's fine, I've got it. One extra bag won't kill me.”
Together, all of you made your way out of the pharmacy and over to their car. You got settled in the back while Carol and Glenn got into the front, and before long you were setting off to the prison. Your eyes were beginning to droop, but Glenn seemed eager to get to know the new recruit better.
“What were you doing out there on your own anyway?”
“I was looking for my boyfriend. I was hoping that he might still be alive.”
“No luck?” he asked.
“No,” you shook your head, pursing your lips. “I'm beginning to think I might never find him, if he's even still alive.”
“Never say never,” Glenn encouraged you. “You'll find him someday, I know it.”
“I really hope so.”
“Have you seen that new chick Glenn and Carol brought back? She's a real looker.”
“I know, right? You think she's into blondes?”
“Even if she was, I doubt she'd go for your scrawny ass.”
“Easy, boys. She might not even be into guys. I could have a shot with her for all you know.”
Daryl groaned inwardly as he entered the cellblock. The new girl that Glenn and Carol brought in the day before was seemingly the hottest topic of discussion amongst everyone and he couldn't escape it, no matter where he tried to run to. Nobody, apart from Glenn, Carol, Rick and Hershel have officially met her, yet everybody had seemingly already formed an opinion about her. Although there were a lot of different opinions, everyone seemingly agreed on one thing; the new girl was hotter than hell.
Daryl was the only guy in the entire prison that hadn't seen her yet. He was out hunting when Carol and Glenn brought her back and he hasn't bothered to go out of his way to introduce himself to her ever since he got back. He'd meet her soon enough and he wasn't hoping to make friends with her. The more people he managed to keep at arm's length, the better.
“Yo, Daryl. What do you think about the new chick?” a guy called Mitchell asked him, snapping him from his thoughts.
Daryl shrugged. “Ain't met her yet,” he replied, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Okay, but have you seen her?” another guy called Ronnie asked. “I'm telling you, man, hotter than the sun on a summer day. I'm hoping she'll let me hit at least once.”
“How 'bout ya leave the poor girl alone?” Daryl snapped, turning to face the group that was walking with him. “She ain't even been here two days and y'all are already ogling her like she's some prize to be won. Have some more respect.”
“Jeez,” Mitchell whistled. “What's got your panties up in a bunch?”
“Nothin',” Daryl muttered angrily, turning around to walk further into the cellblock. “Jus' wanna get this fuckin' job done and all y'all can do is yap 'bout some girl ya dun' even know properly. I dun' give two flyin' shits 'bout who or wha' ya talk 'bout, but do it after the job's done. Y'all ain't free loadin' here. Do yer job, earn yer keep.”
“Sorry,” a girl called Ariana muttered, sending him an apologetic look. “What do you need us to do?”
“Take those planks over there and take em to the guard tower. Rick wants to fortify it and wants it done by the end of the week.”
“What are you gonna do?” Ronnie asked, crossing his arms as he sized Daryl up.
Daryl glared at him and squared his shoulders, looking down on his shorter, scrawny frame. “Hershel needs help with somethin'. I believe ya can understand tha' if the doctor needs somethin' done, it's considered top priority?”
Ronnie shrunk under Daryl's intense glare, nodding quickly. “Yeah, of course.”
With that, Daryl turned on his heel and set off to find Hershel. He didn't have to search far, however, because Hershel halted him before he could go outside.
“Daryl, over here,” the old man called after him, halting him in his tracks.
Daryl turned and walked over to Hershel, nodding at him respectfully. “Wha' ya need, Doc?”
“I'm sure you've heard of the girl Carol and Glenn brought back yesterday by now?” Hershel questioned, chuckling at the slight groan Daryl emitted.
“Who hasn't? Apparently she's really good lookin'. Her looks has been all people has to say 'bout her.”
Hershel nodded. “Unfortunately, that is true. Only Rick, Glenn, Carol and myself has had the pleasure of meeting her personally up until this point. She's a lovely woman. Had no problem that there wasn't anything to ease the pain when I had to stitch her side and she's more than willing to get up and start working to earn her keep. She won't be able to for at least another day or so since her side needs to heal up a bit first, but Carol and Glenn did good with bringing her back. She'll fit right in.”
“Good,” Daryl nodded. “She a good fighter?”
“From what I understand, she's been out on her own since the beginning. She's not dead yet, so I'd say she's alright,” Hershel replied, adjusting on his crutches.
“Alrigh', now enough 'bout her. Wha' did ya need me to do?”
Hershel gave him an encouraging pat on the back, confusing the archer. “You're going to be one of the very few people who gets to say they met the new girl for the next couple of days. I was hoping you could help her fix her bunk? One of the legs on the bunk broke and she's dead set on repairing it. She won't let me help because she keeps insisting I've done enough for her, so I told her I would send someone else to help. She'll be expecting you.”
Daryl pursed his lips but nodded, parting ways with the older man. He walked over to the cell that Hershel had pointed towards and stopped at the doorway, hesitating to make his presence known.
You had your back turned towards the door, hunched over as you inspected the leg of the bunk. You weren't aware of the archer that stood a few feet behind you, engrossed entirely in your own thoughts. That was, until he spoke up behind you.
“Hey. Hershel said ya needed help?”
You froze at the voice, willing the supposed hallucination away. You slowly rose to your feet and turned, locking eyes with the one person you've been searching for since the world went to hell—your boyfriend, Daryl Dixon.
The moment Daryl locked eyes with you, a whirlwind of emotions flooded his being. Relief, love, happiness, wonder, sadness, confusion and so much more that he couldn't decipher. Although his first instinct was to wrap you in his arms and never let go of you again, he hesitated, refusing to believe you were real. He took a step back, his eyes wide as he looked at you.
You stared back at him with equal amounts of disbelief. You took a hesitant step forward. “Daryl?” you whispered. The man in front of you looked slightly different; a little bit older and his hair was longer, but there was no mistaking it. The man in front of you was Daryl.
Daryl remained silent, his eyes locked on you as you continued to take agonizingly slow steps towards him. He watched as you stopped in front of him and hesitantly raised your hand, bringing it to rest on his cheek. Daryl instantly melted into your familiar soft touch, and that was all the confirmation he needed. Without another thought, he gently grabbed you and pulled you into his arms, tightly clinging to you as he pressed multiple kisses to the top of your head.
“Yer real,” he whispered, a laugh of amazement falling from his lips. “Yer real. Yer alive. Yer actually still alive.”
You laughed quietly against his chest as you held onto him tightly, never wanting to let go ever again. Your laughter soon turned into sobs, tears of relief and happiness falling from your eyes.
“I thought I'd never see you again,” you whispered through your tears, burying your face into his chest. “I thought you were dead, Dar.”
“'M here,” he whispered into your ear, a few tears of his own falling from his eyes. “'M alive. Yer alive. 'M never lettin' ya go ever again. 'M sorry I ever left tha' day in the first place.”
“It's okay. I'm sorry, too. I never should've asked you to cut Merle out of your life. He's your brother. It was unreasonable of me.”
“Nah, it wasn't,” he denied, placing another gentle kiss on the top of your head. “Ya were jus' lookin' out fer me. I never shoulda gotten mad at ya in the first place.”
“Let bygones be bygones?” you whispered against his chest.
Daryl chuckled before nodding. “Yeah, of course.”
The two of you held onto each other for a couple of moments longer until you pulled back. Daryl was about to voice his protest until you pressed your lips against his in an urgent kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. His arms settled on your waist, pulling you closer into him as he kissed you back. There was no lustful hunger behind the kiss—there was only love and longing, two broken parts finally reuniting and mending together as one.
Daryl pulled back and placed his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. “I missed ya so much,” he whispered, willing the lump in his throat to go away.
“I missed you too. More than you even know,” you replied, cupping Daryl's cheek with one of your hands. “But I found you. I finally found you.”
Daryl leaned into your touch before turning his head to kiss the palm of your hand. However, he soon pulled away from you and strode over to your bag, slinging it over your shoulder.
“C'mon,” he said, taking your hand in his as he pulled you to walk beside him.
“Where are we going?” you questioned, falling into step beside the man you loved.
“There ain't no need fer ya to sleep in there. Yer gonna sleep with me in my cell,” Daryl said simply, pulling you along to his cell.
You giggled but said nothing, silently following him into his cell. When he placed your bags down on the floor, Daryl placed a soft kiss on your lips before stalking out of the cell.
“Where are you going?” you called after him, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion.
“'M gonna find tha' prick who objectified ya and teach him a lesson. Yer hot as fuck, yes, that much I can accept people sayin', but Ronnie implied he wanted to sleep with ya outrigh'. He's really gonna regret sayin' tha' in a few moments. Dun' even try to talk me outta it.”
“Hey, Dar?” you called after him, halting him in his tracks. “I love you.”
Daryl smiled at you. “I definitely love ya more.”
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intotitties · 7 months
❃ A night to remember
pairing: Kit Tanthalos x reader
warnings: fem!reader, kit is a black cat around everyone but a golden retriever with jade and reader, no use of y/n, 18+ topics but no smut, js kissing, reader has seen Kit a few times but didn’t realise she was the princess before, her mother made her basically never leave the house and work indoors
song: “A night to remember” by beabadoobee and laufey
a/n: it was really fun to write, i hope you’ll enjoy:) if you want to request smh don’t afraid to! english is not my first language but i tried my best to find all the mistakes.
“I swear i have seen her before” Kit sighed as she swinged her sword in Jades direction.
“Yeah? So maybe you should go on a adventure, looking for a girl that you slept with in your dream” she replied sarcastically and repelled Kits attack.
“Oh spare me” she put her hands up, signalling end of the training, “i don’t even remember what she looked like” she groaned and put her sword to its scabbard.
“I don’t know, maybe you will see her again in your next dream” she laughed.
Dreams. Kit got many dreams in her life, but none of them could compete with that one she’s got a week ago. She’d never forget about that pretty girl underneath her white sheets, the soft kisses they shared and the night they spent.. she could remember every detail about that dream, the warmth, the scent of the other girl, the things she felt.. yet she still couldn’t remember her face.
After the training Kit went straight to the dining room, where her mother was already waiting for her.
“Where is Airk?” said Sorsha as Kit sat down next to her.
“I’m here mother” Airk showed up before Kit could answer, sitting down next to his sister.
“Good, now if you let me” she said as she stood up, “since you are getting married to the princess of Galladoorn” her gaze turned to Airk “there will be a party in two days, and i expect you two to show up” she announced.
Marrying a person you haven’t even seen before.. Kit gave her brother a look full of compassion. She didn’t even imagine what he must feel right now.
A weird feeling hit her when she noticed a girl talking with an older maid. Strange warmth filled her heart and a blush crept onto her face as she watched her every move.
“Kit?” Sorsha snapped her out of her trance, making Kit look at her.
“Sorry mother, i’m not hungry” she said as she stood up, when her eyes traveled back, the girl was done.
She ran to the older maid “Excuse me, do you know this girl you were talking with?” she asked politely.
What a stupid question.
“Oh, of course! She is my daughter” the old lady smiled “is there something wrong with her?” she asked worriedly.
“Oh no, no! My mother wants her to help with the food and everything at the party” she improvised, a nervous chuckle left her mouth.
The maid gave her a slightly suspicious look, because ber daughter wasn’t even working in the castle but before she could say anything, Kit was already on her way to Jades house.
“Calm down!” annoyed moan left Jades mouth as she had to listen her best friend ask her about the same thing for the 10th time.
“What do i even do” she cried.
“Make her a bouquet, give her something yours, be creative!” Jade hit Kits shoulder.
“Will you help me?” she looked at her, almost begging for help.
It’s not that Kit was totally clueless about romantic stuff, she was just kinda inexperienced and lost in the feeling. She’s got some little crushes before, but never asked anyone out. She was too scared of rejection, but this time was different.
For the rest of the day Kit and Jade were looking for the perfect bouquet to impress the girl from her dream.
The next day she was planning everything from the start of the party to the end. But i guess everything went to hell when she saw you in the crowd. The feeling of deja vu hit her when she took a longer look of your face.
Flowered blue dress with green corset made you look in her eyes like some goddess, making her even more nervous.
“She is so attractive” she mumbled into Jades shoulder, hiding her flushed face.
“Go talk to her” she answered.
Kit blew up every chance she got to talk to you, which annoyed Jade even more. She even brought her a drink to help her relax, but it didn’t seem to work. And this is how the past hour passed.
Eventually, Jade got mad and intervened. She dragged Kit to the dance floor, where you were talking with someone and pushed her at you, making it look like an accident.
“Oh i am so sorry! Are you okay?” Kit said, her voice trembling.
“Yeah.. yes i’m okay” you answered quietly.
After a longer moment of awkward silence she asked “Do you want to.. dance with me?” her hand waiting for you to grab it.
You nodded shyly and grabbed her hand, she guided you through the crowd to get more space to dance. Her hands rested on your waist as you slowly wrapped yours around her neck, making her slightly pull you closer.
You two swayed to the music “I feel like this happened before” you said quietly, smiling softly under your nose at how absurdly it sounded.
She wished she could see the smile of yours for the rest of her life.
“Well, it’s happening now” she looked into your eyes.
“Have i seen you before?” you said as you scanned her face.
“You don’t know me?” she asked in slight disbelief.
“Should i?” you replied with a nervous chuckle.
She took your hand again and led you through the hallway of the castle, you followed her without hesitation.
“Are you gonna tell me where are we going or i should start worrying that you want to kill me” you heard her quiet laugh at your words.
While the two of you were walking, a small but meaningful to you conversation started. Just about your hobbies, interests, nothing big but you two seemed like you’ve known each others for years.
After a longer while you could see a big garden with a lot of flowers and a big tree in the middle. It was dark outside so the only source of light came from the windows.
“We shouldn’t be there! The queen’s gonna be mad” you whispered, however she didn’t seem to care.
Kit sat down under the apple tree and signalled you to come closer “You look so pretty” she said as you stood in front of her.
A slight blush decorated your face. You sat down next to Kit, her hand brushing against yours “We are gonna get in trouble” you mumbled.
She sighed and looked you, you could notice her gaze on your lips “That might sound crazy but.. with you i feel like i belong somewhere” she said, looking at the cloudless sky “and i know we don’t really know each other but i would really like to get to know you better”
“Maybe it was meant to be like that” you grabbed her hand and looked at the sky as well, “you didn’t tell me your name” your face turned to hers.
“Kit, Kit Tanthalos” she said hesitantly.
The realisation hit you immediately, you were flirting with the princess! “this is so wrong, i shouldn’t be here” you stood up as fast as you could, but she was faster to grab your hand and keep you in place.
“There is nothing wrong with this! Please.. wait here for a minute, promise me” she said, begging you to stay.
You sighed loudly and sat down under the tree again, she disappeared immediately.
Kit couldn’t believe that she forgot the gift she got you. She was never running this fast, the risk of loosing you from her sight again was too high. She grabbed it quickly and ran back to the garden.
When she got back, you saw her with a big bouquet of jasmines, yellow roses and forget me nots that she was holding. Your mouth slightly opened as you watched her get closer.
“Where did you get that?” she sat next to you and gave you the flowers.
“Save those questions for later, i still have something to give you” she showed you a pretty ring “it’s amazonite” she put it on your ring finger and kissed your hand “i hope it will always remind you of me”
“It will, thank you.. but i don’t have anything to give you” you said, feeling genuinely sad “oh! wait” you said as you took off your necklace “it was my grandmas, it’s ruby stone” you kneeled behind her and put it on, she smiled at your gesture.
“Do you like your gift? It was really hard to get” she laughed under her nose.
“Why are you doing this?” you said quietly, she looked into your eyes again.
“Sometimes, people listen to their hearts and do things that they don’t really know why they are doing” she got closer to you, one of her hands traveled to your cheek.
“I guess they will figure it out” you whispered.
Her lips brushed against yours as you closed your eyes. She laid you down and kissed softly - as if she would hurt you if she kissed harder. You deepened the kiss and put your hand on her neck what gave her more confidence. The kiss got more comfortable as you two got lost in the moment. You could feel her smile between the kisses. Nothing else existed, it felt like you have experienced this before.
Maybe you did, in another universe?
taglist: @lxxk2sua @rin-idk @that-one-little-soybean @venusbequiet @vster0769 @cherryflavoured7777 @lightwhoranoutoflight
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costelloschoice · 4 months
Hello!! I absolutely adore your first! I was wondering if you could do a siren mizu x pirate reader?? Idk it's js been on my mind lately idk why 😭 you ofc don't have to if it's too much! Thank you and keep up the amazing work!! 😊💖
-Firstly, thank you <3. And two, I love this idea! thank you for requesting <3
Those Eyes
-Siren! Mizu x Pirate! fem! Reader
-warnings: strangers x lovers, seduction, some inspo from the Odyssey, yes I know sirens are incapable of falling in love but this is my fantasy so shhhh...
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You’re not sure how long you’ve been on the water, but it’s taking a drain on you.
You weren’t captain, but you weren’t the lowest on the deck. You weren’t the one that mops but not the one that leads. Being one of the only women was the hardest part. The constant teasing, the insults…It took a mental toll on you. You were lucky that the captain even let you stay in his cabin to protect from the other men at night. The captain never tried anything with you knowing he had a wife waiting for him.
That’s why when the captain stated the boat was passing through dangerous siren territories, you were their guinea pig.The captain order everyone to put beeswax in their ears, knowing it would protect them from the luscious sing from the women of the sea.
You on the other hand, were to be tied up to the mast of the ship. Your were going to hear the legendary siren’s call. Maybe it was a plot to get you off the boat, you couldn’t care. You had nothing waiting for you at home or any luck with treasure hunting and looting. The crew wasn’t exactly the best and yet you put your whole life into this. Maybe it was for the best..?
Leaving your family behind for treasure put a large dent in your relationship with them…But you promised to bring them back treasure you can help them with financially. Knowing that you failed almost made you want to die to the sirens.
You heard from legends around that these women were beautiful mermaid like creatures that have the face, voice, and body to lure men in to snatch them for dinner. You also heard of sirens with a beautiful women’s head but the body off a large hawk. But from both stories, their voice were sure to drag you in. Yet one questioned remained among the men. Since you were a women, would it even work in you? Many have doubt but some travelers believe the infectious song will make anyone delusional enough to come join the women in the waters.
And there was no way to get out of this. You were tied tightly to the mast, surely to have brush burn and bruising after this. You arms tired behind your back, ankles together, and finally your whole body tied to the mast. Your heart picked up when they put in their beeswax, knowing you can’t call for help.
As you tried to calm your breathing, you heard something in the distance…A song? A beautiful song with an even more beautiful voice…
The captain seemed to notice the fog slowly approaching. He hurried and ordered the hundreds of men to try and paddle the ship fast. Your heart was beating out of your chest, trying to take deep breathes.
Then that voice. That voice that pierced right through your heart....
You looked to see a woman with the legs of a fish sitting on a rock. Her piercing, almost glowing blue eyes stared at the ship. She was trying to catch her prey, though she was only one woman she could easily take them down. Her long black hair covered her breast, tailing slowly moving side to side as she sang. Suddenly you felt something take over you, take over your mind and emotions. Your body was betraying you, you felt yourself starting to thrash against your restraints, trying to get yourself free.
The captain noticed you thrashing trying to get yourself free. He foolishly tried yelling for the men to paddle faster. They couldn't hear him but can see the frantic look on his face. When they look at you, seeing your body get free from your wrist and ankle restraints. As they try and paddle faster, her voice got louder.
Her voice was pounding in your ears, hurting but soothing at the same time. The siren's voice was calling to you pulling you in. The struggle soon stopped then you managed to free yourself from the mast. The men watched in shocked as you tried to jump over the boat. The captain ran to you, grabbing the back of your shirt and holding you close.
You cried out when the men tried to stop you, "Let me go! Please Let me go! Please!" You cried, trying to fight off the 5 men that tried to hold you down.
Her voice grew louder, giving you an adrenaline rush. The rush gave you strength you the strength to fight back, pushing the men off. You leaped off the ledge, soon embraced by the cold rush of water. Even in the water, the song didn't stop. This is what she wanted...
Coming up from the water you swam to her, swimming closer to her rock. You panted like dog as you swam to her, coming closer to the siren. Her arms reached to you, seeming like she wanted to hold you. You smiled as she lifted you continuing to sing as she stares into your eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes drew you in as her song did, blocking out the yelling from the men from the ship.
You felt her come closer to you, to kiss you. Closing your eyes, you waited for the embrace...but were soon welcomed by cold water again. You were being dragged through the water, being pulled around by the deadly siren. You opened your eyes to see the siren's bright blue ones staring back at you...She was now going to eat you, just like the legends say...This is how you're dying.
Now it's time to accept your fate, fate of a foolish woman.
You waited for death, but it never came. You opened your eyes to see a damp, wet, and dark cave...Then the siren looks down at you, "You're lucky enough to live..." she said in a deep and smooth voice. They voice of them women was better then any treasure you could dig up.
“Y-Yeah…Why am i alive?” you asked too weak to sit up. She placed your head on her lap, your hair against her scaly tail. She stroked your hair, making you smile. This had to be a dream. A beautiful siren was here stroking your hair? “Why haven’t you killed me?”
She simply shrugged, “You’re different. I never seen a beautiful woman like you. I spotted you a few night ago when your hair was throwing a…party of some sort. You looked so lonely as those men discarded you like it was nothing…I felt bad for you..”
“Know selfish men like that, i knew they would set you up as soon as you went into siren territory. I told the other girls to give me some privacy to lure you in..” *she said, smiling at you. While you didn’t even know but be scared she had been stalking you and your crew….or to be flattered she should you beautiful. “I want you here…with me…forever. I want to just,..turn you into a siren forever..” she said, clearly optimistic from just a few minutes of knowing me.
But, could this work? Your family has probably already forgot about you…Your crew could care less to go back to you…Maybe you’ll like it here with her…You smiled up at her,
“I’d like that a lot..”
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wettestnjaay · 2 years
[VOL. 1 — (MALE)]
includes: Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Chrissy Cunningham, Vickie, Karen Wheeler, Joyce Byers (MORE IF REQUESTED)
warning: these are links that contain porn !!
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robin fucks you with a big strap and leaves you sticky and full of her thick white cum.
what robin sends to you when your not home
robin and you rubbing together while music in the background.
robin and you jumping eachother to cum.
nancy and you making out & eating out.
nancy letting you eat her out late at night, while everyone else is asleep.
nancy rubbing her clit across yours.
what nancy sends you when she’s home alone.
you just love chrissy’s ass.
what chrissy likes to send you when your not around.
chrissy and you fucking yourselves onto a double-sided dildo right after cheer practice.
fucking sub!chrissy with a dildo
vickie strap fucking you & spanking you. two
vickie and robin having fun with you.
vickie and you dry humping which causes a big mess.
vickie big mess she made just for you.
vickie likes sending you this.
karen fucks you dumb on teds favorite chair in the living room.
karen spanking you, and grinding.
karen home from work, early just for you.
karen helps you out in public.
joyce eating you out, while looking up at you.
joyce humps you on her sofa.
joyce spanks you for not listening to her.
dom!joyce fucks you hard with her strap.
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all444miles · 10 months
1610 miles with a girl whos js inlove with the beach and the ocean
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— pairing: 1610!miles x ocean loving!black!fem!reader
— genre: fluff
— summary: what it's like for 1610 Miles to date a girl with a love for the beach and the ocean.
— a/n: im always gonna make miles 1610 silly ! when i tell y'all im deadly afraid of the water so i had to think AS HARD AS I COULDDDD to make these hcs, i hope i did this justice !! ty for the request, and enjoy ‹3
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MILES + YOU = beach dates.
you two will go to beach and have a picnic, and he prepares it so sweetly for you ‹3
something like this !!
he knows how much you love the ocean, so he makes it special for you ‹3
he paints the rocks and gives them to you.
like when i say you have a collection of sea rocks with random things Miles has painted, you have a collection.
your favorite is the one that has two spiders with yours and his initials on it.
you two also collect shells, one time, you and Miles found a whole bunch, and made a necklace out of them.
"These seashells are so pretty, right Miles?" "Yeah, but what are we gonna do with em?" "..Oh! Wanna make 'em into necklaces?" "Oh yeah, I know how to do that!" "Really?" "..Nah." "You're so silly. C'mon, I'll show you."
He loves to take so many pictures of you in the water with his polaroid camera.
He'll take like four, then use them as reference so he can draw you - you're practically his muse.
After he's drawn them, he'll show them to you and let you keep the pictures.
You two watch Moana together. I dont care.
He calls you "Mi serenita", which means "my mermaid" in spanish
It's corny, yes, but it's so cute ‹3
Speaking of mermaids, the two of you most definitely paid tickets to watch the new little mermaid. twice.
"Miles! Can we go watch the new lil' mermaid?" "Wait, did we not already watch it?" "We did- but i wanna watch it again! Pleeaasee" "Of course."
snow cones!
He's always the first to get brain freeze because he eats them too quick.
Thankfully, he has spidey sense so he doesn't get stung by a jellyfish or pinched by a crab.
Because if he didn't? Pray for him.
You can't surf, but he can, and he'll never act serious when he does. He acts like a surfer boy on purpose.
"Cowabunga!" "Love, please, never say that again." "Nah, but did you see the way I rode that wave? That was gnarly!" "Miles, I love you, and it was, but you is not a surfer boy."
A lot of the times, you'll stay at the beach till sunset so you two can be alone.
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© all444miles 2023. do not plagerize, copy, or repost my work in any way shape or form, without my permission.
likes, reblogs, comments and asks are always appreciated !
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