#if you squint at it
killian-whump · 9 months
Been thinking some deep thoughts today... Mostly, or at least starting out, with the song "I Will Always Love You" and how it might just be the greatest love song of all time, not in a romantic sense, but in a true, spiritual love sense. Specifically for the bridge lyrics:
I hope life treats you kind And I hope you have all you've dreamed of And I wish to you joy and happiness But above all this, I wish you love
It's not a song about being together, about needing someone or wanting someone or getting it on or any of the usual romantic nonsense. It's about genuinely loving someone and wishing them all the best in life - including - no, especially - love.
Even if that love is with someone else. That is the crux of true, unselfish, spiritual love. It's unconditional. It requires nothing. It demands nothing. It doesn't even ask for anything. It doesn't need to. It just is. And it's what we should all aspire to have in our lives, and to give to others, and to give to ourselves - which is often the hardest part.
Which then got me thinking about what Colin said during the Austin Galaxycon panel, about regrets he has and trying to be a better person to make up for them.
There's that old adage, "To err is human, to forgive divine." But I don't think it's quite right. Erring isn't something that's innately human. Animals also err - often with deadly consequences. Nature itself makes mistakes. No, to err is... natural. Universal, perhaps? Unavoidable, definitely.
I think regret is what makes us human. Apologizing is one thing; it's the right thing to do when we wrong another. Asking for actual forgiveness is a step further. But when we truly regret something we've said or done, it proves our actions were contrary to who we truly are as a person. We not only wronged someone else, but we wronged ourselves by letting our more baser impulses override our basic nature and lead us astray.
But forgiveness is divine. That part of the adage is correct. Forgiving others for the mistakes they make, seeking and accepting forgiveness from others for the mistakes we've made... and, hardest of all, forgiving ourselves.
We can forgive others more easily than we can forgive ourselves, because forgiveness is an act of love. And it is SO much easier to love others than it is to love ourselves. Most of us don't truly love ourselves anywhere near enough. Many of us don't even know what that means (Hint: It has nothing to do with egotism!). But if we loved ourselves, valued ourselves, as much as we love and value those who mean the most to us... We'd find forgiving ourselves to be so much easier of a task.
There was a song lyric somewhere... I've forgotten the song and even the exact wording of the lyric, but it was something along the lines of "I wish you loved you as much as I love you" and it resonated with me, because it's so relatable. I wish everyone loved themselves as much as I love them and I remember at the time I waxed poetic on this very blog about how much we all love Colin and how much I wished that he could see the wonderful things we see in him and love himself as much as we love him.
And I still do. I probably always will, same as I'll always wish for all the very best for everyone I love in this life - including all of you, the people who take time out of your lives to read my silly little words on my silly little blog and think about them a little. I wish all of you joy, happiness... and love. So much love! If you can't love yourself just yet, that's okay. You can work on it. Just don't forget that someone out there thinks you should!
And forgive yourself. You are a good person.
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I’m only just now realizing how absolutely bonkers Curtain’s plan was in book 3. Like, he really went “Gee, these kids like puzzles. Guess I better make them an encoded message that will be carefully shredded and thrown away except for one singular piece, (so they don’t get suspicious of it, you know?) and then, just in case, I’ll make another code as a backup and have my henchmen spend the entire night executing this plan. Im sure this is an efficient and effective way to kidnap children.”
And then he was right and they actually fell for it and got kidnapped.
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watermelonsloth · 5 months
There’s No Excuse for Naruto Not Changing the Village
I’d say the worst, or one of the worst, part of Naruto not being shown to have changed anything about the shinobi system is that it wasn’t even necessary for the sake of Boruto.
As someone who has attempted to write/imagine sequels for Naruto (including next gen ones), the only reason there’s a decision to be made about the system changing or not is the convenience of starting the sequel to a story about ninjas with the main characters being ninja. For circular storytelling purposes, it’s also appealing to start the next gen’s story with them as twelve-year-olds. I’m sure you can figure out why an author might choose to keep the shinobi system the same or poke holes in the world peace even if it hurts its predecessor (the ending was bad enough, how much worse can it get?).
The issue that I have is that, despite making the decision to keep the system as it was, Boruto (the series) never takes advantage of that. So it basically punches Naruto/Shippuden, any fans invested in the system changing, and any character who wanted it to change in the face for no reason. But who cares about Naruto, Sasuke, Neji, Nagato, Konan, Yahiko, Jiraiya, Obito, or Madara anyways? (And that’s not even mentioning all of the characters who were fucked over by the system but didn’t realize it.)
Seriously think about it. Boruto’s gen almost never go on missions in the manga, and they especially didn’t go on missions above a D or low C rank. So why couldn’t have the system have changed to prevent children from becoming ninja (just say Boruto’s gen is in the academy for all that’d change) or at least say children are barred from going on missions above a certain danger threshold? The chunin exams was already heavily lowered in difficulty and risk (round one went from psychological torture to try not to fall in the ink pit that won’t hurt you in any way), so why couldn’t everything else made for kids not also be dropped? Hell, it would’ve been better if the chunin exams we got was actually an academy test or simulation because then the fact that a ninja doesn’t actually have to be chunin level to pass the chunin exams isn’t so distracting.
Every conflict after the exams is basically some random Kara member/Otustsuki showing up to wreak havoc. Not only are the cast being ninja not necessary, but the stakes would be exponentially higher if they weren’t. The dissonance between Kawaki (and Sumire to a lesser extent), who was raised as a human weapon, and the rest of his generation would also be a lot more jarring.
Just another change Boruto made that significantly worsens the series by making an absolutely preventable mistake.
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trashy-greyjoy · 5 months
really love dynamics that are like 'it honestly doesn't matter if you view them as romantic or platonic, the point is that they love each other. the type of love is inconsequential, all that matters is that it's there'. gotta be one of my favorite genders.
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atissi · 5 months
i don't really like when people say dungeon meshi is accidentally good autistic representation, because while i understand not wanting to make conclusions without explicit confirmation from the author, there's always the weird assumption that non-western authors somehow don't know about things like neurodivergency/queerness/etc. (on top of the assumptions that east asian authors are somehow more naive or oblivious to "western" social issues).
given that dungeon meshi started being published in 2014, it's not really a "work belonging to its times"—it's as contemporary as any other media we discuss on this site, which means it should be fair to assume it engages with contemporary topics (and at the very least, you shouldn't say that the representation is accidental with so much confidence)
but anyways, the chapter "perfect communication" in ryoko kui's "terrarium in a drawer" is some of the most straightforward autistic representation I've seen, and from now on I'm going to assume that laios's character writing is absolutely intentional in that regard:
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Supervised Machine Learning
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eternal-moss · 2 months
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I forgot to post this, which I made while binging the manga
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lxboratorii · 10 months
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and they say wine is romantic
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aveloka-draws · 4 months
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The bishops of death
And some doodles
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skyberia · 8 months
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workarounds to having a vampire as your partner in crime
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infernumequinomin · 4 months
Have we considered what it means that Laois is so good at killing monsters, the one thing he loves, and so bad at fighting humans, the thing he feels most distance from. And inverse Kabru is terrible at killing monsters, the one thing he wants to destroy, but so good at killing humans he would have killed Falin 6 different times when he tried to kill her if her anatomy had been more human, despite his love for and drive to protect humanity? Have we considered what it means to be able to kill that which you love but not that you hate? Has anyone fucking considered the imposter syndrome that has to come from only being good at killing that which you love most??? The fear of not being able to protect yourself from the thing you most think is a threat simply because you cannot find a way to understand it enough to take it's life?
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demaparbat-hp · 7 months
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Prince Pouty ™
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tibby-art · 2 months
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broke: scar leaves his tie undone for hot guy purposes woke: scar can't tie a tie and only pretends it's undone for hot guy purposes
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atinymexicanbird · 5 months
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in which shadow cared !! (again)
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pigin-is-so-rad · 2 months
“When Scar fell, so did the first drop of rain.”
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The moment he died, the desert was brought to life for the first time since the beginning.
The smell of petrichor had never brought a more bittersweet sense of relief, nor a heavier sadness.”
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moch1rice · 7 months
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Pomni is a cat in this essay i will-
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