#if you're seeing this thru tags. I would really appreciate if you looked at the rest of my art <3
softwaluigi · 10 months
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had a moment watching kitchen nightmares (feat @mikiruma)
single image under the cut
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altraviolet · 5 months
so im neck deep in reading echo garden - hi, hope ur doing well, holy hell what is this beautiful piece of writing and worldbuilding omg? i originally wanted to ask you something like; 'what's your inspiration for your worldbuilding, what ideas did you come up with, pull/build from etc'
..but instead i wanna try and ask you a different question/for advice, if that's okay? (your writing went and gave me a mild crisis, congrats you've reached peak 'make-ppl-feel-things-thru-writing' skillz. :}) how do you even 'do' worldbuilding? because i'm doubting myself, reading your story lol. i know the whole.. 'we get inspiration from literally everything around us', 'there's no such thing as a truly original idea' etc,
but i'm just now breaking free of the thought that i have to.. produce something big and unique and grandiose? (for others? it's a weird attention-y 'ey look what i made' thing.) like, honestly, i fell in love with your worldbuilding but feel.. envious? like, 'oh, damn, i wish i was this good.' which, yeah, I KNOW is silly.
I don't know.. how to worldbuild/craft (whatever term) something that feels like mine? I keep comparing to others, and keep feeling like whatever bits and pieces come to me isn't good enough. Isn't unique/cool/giant/'oh-so-new-&-different' enough. like I have to somehow reach that impossible 'true original idea', without using any inspiration at all (otherwise it's not 'mine') - when everything's already been thought of before by countless people.
I'm sitting here in a really weird, silly, downright stupid at this point, circular loop and I don't know how to get out of it. I think not understanding what worldbuilding is, or how it works or even how having ideas works, might be why I've screwed myself here? And the internet's weird.. impossible standard for idea-having.
I have tiny pieces, the barest little foundations, I just don't know how to grow them into.. something, anything. (is maybe the thought that I ought to grow them in the first place one of the reasons I'm having trouble? and it's.. okay to not? that just because they're tiny, or simple, or mundane, doesn't mean they're worth less than 'bigger & better' chunks of ideas/worldbuilding?)
Hi! I'm doing okay, thanks. Vacation could be structured more to my liking, but family & obligation something something.
Anyway. Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying Echo Garden. Especially the worldbuilding, which is one of my favorite things to do. It seems like you're feeling a lot of mixed and heavy things about it. I don't know if I'm any authority to help you with that, but I'll give it a shot. Let's go through what you've sent me, albeit out of order. I'mma put this behind a cut, because it got very long.
>what is this beautiful piece of writing and worldbuilding omg? Thank you! I appreciate that. Here I would like to stress that this writing has taken me almost 4 years and hundreds and hundreds of hours, and hundreds of thousands of words to accomplish. If you think it is beautiful, I am happy to hear that! I will be honest: I am very proud of what I've done. But what I'm stressing here is that it was not effortless. It is beautiful, but it has taken a lot of work.
>i fell in love with your worldbuilding but feel.. envious? like, 'oh, damn, i wish i was this good.' which, yeah, I KNOW is silly. No, that's not silly. That's legit. Envy or jealousy are totally normal things to feel in any given situation. If the situations were reversed, I'd feel the same way. When I see people who have things or skills I wish I had, I feel it. This might be a good time to drop a little story about when I first thought about writing TF fic. Please do me a favor and go read this ask, you can skip down to the bold words that say NOTE THE WARNINGS AND TAGS BEFORE READING. Here I talk about how I didn't write for a year because I read a fic so good I knew I could never be that good.
tl;dr and/or moral: it's ok and natural to feel envious. Don't let it stop you from writing, though. If I had let TGWP stop me from writing, you'd never have Echo Garden. That'd be a shame, I think. I'm glad I decided to try writing, even though I knew I couldn't do something as good as what I admired. I did something else.
>how do you even 'do' worldbuilding? because i'm doubting myself, reading your story lol. i know the whole.. 'we get inspiration from literally everything around us', 'there's no such thing as a truly original idea' etc, I'll come back to your first question eventually, but I wanna address the latter statements: "We get inspiration from everything around us," yes, this is true. Being a sponge, being observant of the world, will help you build a 'library' of ideas. Artists have a term for this that escapes me at the moment, but the idea is, if an artist draws 1000 trees, and within those, 50 different kinds of trees, they now have an excellent mental tree 'library' to reference when they need to draw a tree. And since it's super easy to find irl references of trees, one might ask, what's the use of the mental library? It gives the artist the basics and a ton of variations on The Concept of a Tree. In a similar way, observing the world, reading stories, listening to music, absorbing creative works, etc will also add to your mental library. You can call on these things when worldbuilding later. Quick example: if you know the ins and outs of a hospital, because you're a nurse, you'll have a fantastic basis for a realistically operating sci fi hospital on another world. Take a concept relating to the hospital, as we know it on Earth, and change it. What if patients can regrow internal organs but not limbs? See what that does to the organization of the hospital. The staff, the pharmacy, the stock, the medical supplies. What changes? Organ donors aren't needed anymore. Would this mean an actual reduction in the species's understanding of how those organs work? An irl nurse won't have to do a ton of research to get the basics which are drawn upon to answer those questions.
This line of questioning took me to something I want to expand upon later, but for now: What kind of cultural issues could arise from this species's healing ability? Is someone who was forced to grow a new liver due to an accident "less than" someone who has their original liver? Hold onto the fact that we just went from hospital -> biology -> culture. "There's no such thing as a truly original idea," I disagree with this statement, though I know it is a very, very popular one. I think it is true that plots and archetypes are commonly used over and over again. I think there are still original ideas out there, though. I pride myself on it, to be honest. Some of the worldbuilding you like so much comes from ideas that I've not seen in either TF canon or fanon. They tend to be smaller details that feed into bigger systems, once you take them to their logical endpoints. More on that later.
>I keep comparing to others, and keep feeling like whatever bits and pieces come to me isn't good enough. Isn't unique/cool/giant/'oh-so-new-&-different' enough.
All I can say here is that comparison is the thief of joy. If we're talking strictly fanfic, it shouldn't be this stressful on you. People love tropes for a reason. Don't be afraid to use them. Echo Garden itself has a few. "Enemies to lovers" never quite felt like the correct term, but it is recognizable and there are tons of fans of it. Remember the thing about me not writing for a year cuz I thought I wasn't good enough. Don't do that. Comparison is the thief of joy! >like I have to somehow reach that impossible 'true original idea', without using any inspiration at all (otherwise it's not 'mine') - when everything's already been thought of before by countless people.
Again, I do think there are truly original ideas still out there. You have a unique view of the world. Writing is one way to share it. All your experiences, your education, your hardships and your victories shape who you are. No one else will be looking out the same eyeballs. With practice, you can find ideas. I'll explain how I do it. Maybe that will help you, too. Though you do have, by your own words, little pieces: I have tiny pieces, the barest little foundations, I just don't know how to grow them into.. something, anything. Little pieces are a good place to start. And if they stay little, that's fine. Having a ton of little pieces layered on top of each other is what contributes richness to your world.
My goal with all the above was to address the emotional aspect of your ask. I haven't gone through everything, but I'd like to get to your core question. I am going to answer it literally, in a way that might not help you, then try to break it down into something that might be helpful.
how do you even 'do' worldbuilding?
I think. All the time. I am one of those people who has a laser focus and is able to make connections between unrelated ideas. I am always, always thinking. It's not really daydreaming. It's thinking about a single idea and then taking it for a ride down a million "what if?" paths. Put it this way: I think watching astronomy lectures is fun and I loathe parties. Fun for me is world building: building literal worlds. Playing with ideas. So how do I 'do' worldbuilding? Mostly in my head. Once I get some ideas that make sense, I write them down so I don't forget them. If I'm lucky, I'm at home at my computer and can type them fast. If I'm not, I'm at work, and I scribble them on pieces of paper. It can be anything, from a huge plot point to a teeny tiny detail.
How do I think? If I'm world building from nothing (as opposed to solving a problem or building on top of previously thought of stuff), I just... think of things that fascinate me. For Transformers, that's their biology and how it links to culture. It's their alienness. The possible geology of their world. I freaking love just thinking about that!
Once you have a fascinating idea, you push it. What does that mean? Do you recall, in the nurse/hospital example above, I noted that, while we started with 'hospital setting,' it moved to how that healing factor could be interpreted in the culture of that species? That was what I mean: taking the idea of 'alien hospital' to 'what does this mean about their biology?' to 'what does this mean about their culture?' And to be honest, this is how I do a lot of world building. Culture comes from biology and geology. This is a personal theory I have, I'm sure anthropologists have a better definition of culture. But that's the one I use for worldbuilding. What is the consequence of your fascinating idea? That is the key for me. That is how I worldbuild.
If I'm worldbuilding on top of previous stuff, it's sometimes a bit harder or easier, depending on how the previous stuff narrows your possibilities. But in that case, I usually try to be as logical as possible. Here's an example for Echo Garden:
canon facts: the Lost Light has a fuel furnace and an engine room and a bridge
me: hmm, okay, the LL has utilities and facilities, kind of like a small town. someone has to tend to those things. I'm sure some mechs have specialized knowledge that makes them a better fit for maintaining/upkeeping certain things than others. We saw Blaster on the bridge acting as a communications officer of sorts. Hmm, he's probably the best bet for keeping comm-related stuff clean and running. Hmm, that fuel furnace... I bet it's really hot in there, lol. I bet it's complicated in there. They probably have to color code the pathways to the different furnaces. I bet most mechs wouldn't like being in there because it's so hot. I wonder who'd get stuck with that chore. Well... Rodimus is fireproof, basically, and Trailbreaker could protect himself with his shield. So they can do that chore.
It feels rambly when I write it out. I suppose it could be. I do this very quickly in my mind, though. I pull from everything I know: canon, fanon, things I know from my own life experiences. This 'pulling' happens all at the same time. So, going back to that 'mental library,' as you can see, that's a powerful thing for me to have for my worldbuilding method.
Okay okay, so how can I make all that into something actionable by you? Good question. I suppose I will answer it with more questions!
Precisely define what it is you want to worldbuild. Is it cultural (language, food, clothing, music, etc)? Is it biological (bodies, adaptations, appearance, etc)? Is it environmental (geology of the world, or the inside of a space ship)? What exactly do you want to accomplish?
Once you have selected your Topic, think about all the things related to that Topic. What are the usual characteristics of Topic? Which of those characteristics can you change to fit your world? Example: food in TF. Food is often energon or engex. Food in real life is a huge part of culture. If your goal is to showcase a character making a special dish, maybe pick an irl dish you like, and see how its preparation would change if it was made out of a pretty, glowy energon-y substance instead of whatever it's made of on Earth.
If you haven't worldbuilt to your satisfaction, try another avenue. What else about Topic can you think of? What are your personal experiences regarding Topic? Maybe go do some research on Topic- you might find a neat little tidbit to incorporate into your writing.
Once you've worldbuilt Topic to your satisfaction, link it to the rest of your world! What does Topic existing do to your environment? To your characters? It's okay if Topic isn't a huge deal. That's totally fine! It's lovely to just have little worldbuilding details hanging around in the background. Remember- layering lots of tiny details really helps make a world feel rich and lived in. In the event that Topic is a big deal, repeat step 2 to discover how it affects your world.
Once Topic is happily integrated into your world, repeat the process! Take breaks, listen to music. Zone out. See if your brain can make some weird connections while you're not even really thinking about it. Be open to something that sounds kinda nuts at first. Maybe there's a way to pull it off! Or maybe not.
Side note: if you think of a really cool idea but it doesn't fit into the story you're writing right now, stick it in a file for later. Mmm, delicious ideas file, ready to be cannibalized for your next story.
So... yeah! That's how I worldbuild. Thinking a LOT and connecting ideas together and then pushing them to logical extremes/conclusions.
If you have any specific questions about anything I've written, feel free to ask. I don't think my method will work for everyone, but hopefully you can put your own spin on it and find a method that works for you.
Best of luck and happy worldbuilding :)
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baahsu · 11 months
in my thinking about yonjis absurd strength era so woe yonji focused vscest appreciation post be upon ye
or more so specifically appreciation of how *easily* he could overpower pretty much all his siblings?? the only one we've seen be able to injure him in canon is sanji so he might be the exception but yk sanjis too much of a bottom to really fight back anyway lol
just. hear me out. yonji wanting to fuck a certain sibling and just.. looking at them for a moment before walking over to them, effortlessly picking them and then hauling them to the nearest private area. like imagine the first time this'd happen!!!
timeline wise he'd probably do it to niji first?? maybe yonji was watching niji flirting with a few service girls and then got unknowingly jealous- leading to him walking over and picking up niji in one arm, hauling his ass over his shoulder and bringing him to one of their bedrooms. niji was probably beating his hands against his back the whole time- face red, voice high pitched with embarrassment, and punches getting more and more aggressive until he was thrown onto a bed and *forced* to shut up.
idk i just think yonji should fuck niji dumb sometimes to get him to shut his noisy ass up 😌😌 niji deserves to be edged and teased to tears- not get fucked into oblivion- but hes hot as a bottom so ig he gets a pass. by the end of it i doubt he could talk, too high on good sex to form anything coherent… bimbo energy…
cant decide if reiju or ichiji would be next timeline wise but I'll go ichiji so reiju can start The Whipping post wci <3<3
but even saying that idrk what scenario would lead yonji to picking up ichi… uhhh hmm maybe… post 14ji mission the two r alone together and ichiji takes off his raidsuit in front of yonji, leaving him butt ass naked (a common occurrence that happens btwn the siblings even pre when they started fucking lol) and yonji is suddenly struck with the Vinsmoke Horny Gene™ which leads to him robotically walking over and picking ichi up :))
methinks yonji would pick ichiji up by folding his hands under his ass and trusting ichiji to wrap his legs around his waist (which ichi does, all while looking through his shades at yonji like "??" bc while hes not complaining/worried he IS confused lmao) this eventually leads to yonji carrying ichiji to the nearest bed, setting him down and just start *ravishing* him. by the end of it they're both numb (in a good way) and panting and ichiji looks over and says "Why didn't you just ask?" with yonji replying back w something along the lines of "Idk actually, you're just really hot." ichijis satisfied enough with that answer :]]
OKAY wci and sanji next <3<3
this ones easy for me- germa/124ji get sanj back and ofc immediately start wanting to fuck him upon seeing how hot hes become and sanji, while admittedly VERY confused and frightened, is like 'sure??' cause 124ji is hot and sex is sex lol. so sanjis walking (more like limping am i right :3c) around germa maybe a day or two before arriving at wci and yonjis just struck with the need to fuck him and fuck him *up* before he loses the vinsmoke name. so yonji walks over, throws that pretty boys ass into a firemans carry, and laughs as sanji is unable to fight back with his legs in that position.
yonji just drags him to a bedroom and throws him down before continuting to make sanji see stars- both because sanji looks good and pretty moaning underneath him and also bc this is kinda yonjis own fucked-up-horny-way of apologizing for all the bs he and 12ji put him thru. fuck away the trauma fahjkhjkklsas.. by the end of it sanjis only half conscious- covered in hickeys with a steady stream of blood coming out his nose and a stupid doped out smile on his face.. yonji likes that look on em
aaand last but not least mommy reijuuu <3<3<3
admittedly this one is more fluffy than smutty but 0&4 dynamic have a very specific place of joy in my heart so let me have this lol. so reijus out tryin on new clothes, yonji tagging along as her pack mule bc she promised him a reward 👀 for doing so, but as she walks out to keep showing off the outfits shes trying on (yonji just says they all look hot on her lmao) yonji eventually notices a creepy looking group of guys eyeing her up. now ofc reiju can take care of herself but.. whenever one of the dudes eyes linger too long on reijus ass whenever she walks out in a mini skirt well thats just too far for yonji. he straight up walks over to reiju, (gently) picks her up bridal style, and punches the douchebags through the wall on his way out. no they didnt pay for the clothes but the hells the store owner gonna do?? contest the man who put a hole in his wall??
anyways yonji carries her all the way back to a germa ship and only sets her down once they're alone and secure inside a bedroom- and reiju is IMMEDIATELY on him the second he puts her down (she could've gotten out of the hold anytime mind you- it was just a really sweet gesture so she didn't want to <3) her littlest brother?? showing concern for his nee-chan??? oh he deserves a reward :)) (his reward is being teased touched and ridden until hes screaming and drooling and laughing like a sex drunk idiot <3<3) what can reiju say?? that was a big step in yonjis journey of being able to Feel ofc she was gonna spoil him for a day ;]
And it's even better because by the end he's starting to feel and omgkdjfksdfj but everything before that was so incredible too, his dynamic with each of the siblings was so accurate to me, I've never read 1k words so fat in my life, I WAS DEVOURING THIS
Niji being sort of tamed by yonji is incredibly hot, ichiji 100% trusting yonji is incredibly hot too, sanji having that starstruck look on him while covered in his nosebleeds is also incredibly hot and so reiju rewarding yonji. I'M ON MY KNEES OVER HERE, THANK YOU FOR THIS MASTERPIECE
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I posted 241 times in 2022
(this shit is so long bc it kept my long ass writings so im putting it under a keep reading mark 😭)
That's 241 more posts than 2021!
233 posts created (97%)
8 posts reblogged (3%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 241 of my posts in 2022
#lookism x reader - 105 posts
#requests - 92 posts
#answers - 53 posts
#viral hit x reader - 48 posts
#how to fight x reader - 47 posts
#james lee x reader - 30 posts
#james lee - 30 posts
#dg lookism - 29 posts
#love letter - 28 posts
#juntae anon - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#help. im sorry if it sounds like i was insulting u thru goo's thoughts im sure ur wonderful and amazing but goo's just a bitch so.. 😭😭😭
My Top Posts in 2022:
reader giving small pecks on the boys lips until he asks for a real kiss <3!!!! they practically beg and pout about it 🤣 thanks bye bye (headcanons,reactions etc)
giving 'em pecks until they ask for a kiss
details: gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, reader has been dating character for a while
a/n: thank u for the request ^_^ ! (this was written assuming reader's trying to play a trick on their lover; im not 100% sure thats what the request is asking 😭)
> he always appreciates a little sweetness from you :]
> would not catch on to what you're doing
> well. maybe if you drag it out for long enough, but mostly he's just like, "my partner isn't doing this on purpose, right...?"
> he'd try his best to not ask for an actual kiss to avoid sounding "greedy" but he'd give in eventually and quietly ask for one <3
> gets very pouty and embarrassed when he finds out you were trying to get him to ask for a kiss 💔
> "you're a bully... T_T"
> expresses his love physically so he appreciates when you give that kind of love back in the form of pecks!
> may or may not pick up on your trick. if he does, he likes playing along 💖
> actually he will straight up turn the tables on you LOL you're trying to embarrass him by making him beg for a kiss? no problem, he'll beg, but he'll be super dramatic and cringey about it so good luck if you both happen to be in public ★
> sometimes he'll be normal though <3 like trapping you into a hug and just going, "c'mon, just one proper kiss on the lips, please~?" and as soon as he gets what he wants, you're free to go ^_^
> returns the favor but does this trick during his own time as well <3
> if he somehow never picks up on your trick, then he will genuinely pout and ask you to give him a real kiss
> for an (unintentionally) showy man, he actually enjoys the little things in life and prefers pecks over kisses!
> still, if you make it look like you're going in for a kiss, only to give him a peck, he'll just go "??? weren't you going to kiss me? :D"
> if that doesn't make you want to kiss him already because he's so darn cute and you instead continue to deny it, then he will get pouty later <3
> may get unironically dramatic if you push the joke for long enough; think of him kneeling while holding your hand with both of his and going, "my dear, why do you refuse to kiss me...? have i done something wrong...?!"
> overall he doesn't really make a big deal out of it though because it never even crosses his mind that you would play a trick like that, or that a trick like that even exists lol
> even if he does find out, he just laughs it off because he knows it's just teasing~
> he's highkey touch starved so he welcomes your pecks with Very open arms
> only notices something is off if you're usually not that physically affectionate
See the full post
166 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
Some headcanons with reader admiring the boys abs and muscles and teasing them about it Jake Samuel Vasco Danny Eli sorry if i passed the limit or smth you can take vasco out if you want :))))
You can write about their reactions too
admiring their muscles
details: gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, reader has been dating character for a while
a/n: thanks for the request~ 💕 + u can check my request rules if ur worried about the limit but ur fine T_T !
> he'll notice the second you start admiring his figure and tease you before you can even start your own teasing of him (even if you do, he's not that affected by your words)
> this man will literally put on a show for you
> mainly in the form of flexing and getting reeeeaal close to you. you're already staring, why don't you get a closer look~?
> it depends on the mood but his flirtiness either comes off as cringey or him trying to rile you up lol
> honestly, he loves whenever you admire him. it's good for his ego and gives him an excuse to tease you (not that he needs one 💖)
> sometimes he even strategically places himself in a place where he knows you'd be able to stare just so he can tease you ^_^
> this guy wears comically tight shirts nearly 24/7. you can ogle at him whenever you want
> samuel's a hit or miss when it comes to him teasing you back, but he definitely notices every time you stare
> sometimes he'll stare back! sometimes he'll ask in a rather sultry voice, "do you need something?" sometimes he'll just ignore you <3
> when he feels like entertaining you, he'll often reflect your teases with arrogant things like, "oh, you don't say?" otherwise he's not really affected lol
> acts like he doesn't care whenever you give him this kind of lighthearted attention but he does care. a little bit. only because it's you <3
> if you want a blushy samuel--you have a better chance achieving that by showing him genuine kindness/trust instead of teasing him about how hot his muscles are!
> think about the most dense object in the world. now multiply that by two and you have vasco's amount of denseness
> you really do have to be straightforward with your teasing or else vasco is going to misinterpret you for friendliness (as in, no romantic intentions, even though you two are dating) or possibly even making fun of him ("are you... downplaying the effort i put into my muscles? :(")
> once he does realize, he'll get a little embarrassed but prideful because his loving partner is complimenting him <3 he appreciates the fact that you're admiring his muscles either way !!
> 100% compliments you back but in his own... unique, charming way, you know?
> "would you like to touch my muscles? since you are such a big fan of them ^_^" <- might sound flirty but you know he means it in the most innocent way
> finds your teasing/admiration cute :]
> will always get flustered when you tease him, but the intenseness of said feeling decreases the more he gets used to dating you~
> mostly just a stammering mess
See the full post
189 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
thoughts on taehun and hickeys. not even in a sexual way, like affectionately. i think he’d be into it!
taehun seong and hickeys
details: gender neutral reader, general canon au, you and taehun have been dating for a while already
a/n: thank u for the request, anon~ and yes u are absolutely right >:]
> you just had to know what you were walking into the second you agreed to dating taehun
> like. he's not called a "nutjob" for nothing lol
> he doesn't mess with you all the time, of course, but when he's in the mood to, it's... really something.
> one of the things he does to mess with you is definitely giving you hickeys. i'd imagine bite marks aren't too behind 😭
> it's a "surprise attack" kind of thing <3
> he always does it when he manages to get your guard down, too 😔 ex: cuddling together and suddenly he's giving you a neck kiss aw how cute--nevermind, the bastard's intending to leave a mark 💢
> once you start noticing his patterns, he's definitely going to try to find different ways to catch you offguard lol
> but seriously if he knows the hickeys could get you in actual trouble (like, if you have overly protective parents or something), he'll tone down a bit. would still try leaving hickeys in places that wouldn't be seen easily tho
> otherwise he's happy to show you off and the hickeys. 100% also does this to make hobin and co uncomfortable because it's funny to him
> "yeah, you see that hickey there? we were getting at it last night. bet you losers wish you were getting some action, too" [in reality, you two had spent the night watching a movie and taehun "attacked" you out of boredom]
> btw good luck trying to get back at the guy because 1. chances are you're probably shorter than him and 2. he almost always has his guard up as a general thing
> if you do manage to give him a hickey back, though... he'll just reciprocate with twice the enthusiasm <3
> also, if you're lucky, taehun will take psychic damage if you give him a hickey he can't cover up for whatever reason and his dad manages to see it (hansu is one of the few people who can easily embarrass him ^_^)
> he might leave you alone for a little bit after that. might. but again, he will bite back twice as hard <3
197 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
bastard (taehun seong x reader)
details: fluffy drabble, gender neutral reader but written 2nd pov, general canon world au, you and taehun have been dating for a good while already
summary: taehun is a shameless pervert
a/n: inspired by this post !
particularly this part LOL
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When you noticed your boyfriend's pretty face a little bruised, you asked him about it. He shrugged and said he got in a "little fight" at the arcade. That made you sigh and drag him by his collar to sit down on a couch.
"I'm fine," he insisted with a grumble, but you ignored him and went off to find a first aid kit. When you came back, he continued to grumble as you unpacked the kit and took out an ointment for bruises. You gave him a light lecture even though you knew he wasn't going to be listening. Maybe one day he would.
Eventually you moved upwards on his face and had difficulty applying the medicine on to the side of his forehead due to his height. It made you complain, "Ugh, will you just lean downwards so I can reach that spot there?"
Taehun looked you straight in the eyes as he straightened up even more. In retaliation, you huffed and straightened up as well. Now standing on your knees, you put an arm around his nape and jerked him downwards, catching him by surprise.
"The hell...?"
You lowered him with you as you properly sat back down. You didn't even care about how his back might be hurting from leaning down so much because of how bratty he was acting.
"Don't move," you warned, before putting a bit of the ointment on your finger. You then brushed away some of his bangs and began to apply the medicine.
"Hmph." A pause. And then as if said with a smirk, "Well, actually, I guess this ain't too bad."
Uh oh. You did not like that tone one bit.
You finished up applying the medicine before glancing downwards and realizing you had unintentionally brought his face close to your chest. Your face began to warm up.
"Taehun, you perv--!" You didn't get a chance to finish before he practically tackled you down on the couch, not even sparing a second to lay the side of his face on your chest. His arms also quickly locked around your torso, preventing you from escaping.
"Hey, you did it first," he smugly stated, adjusting his head's position to presumably lay more comfortably, but it honestly just felt like he was taking the chance to rub his face against your chest.
"I didn't mean to!" you protested, feeling beyond embarrassed. You were struggling to escape from underneath him.
You groaned at his sarcasm and then squirmed a bit more before giving up. Laying still, you simply said, "Ah, fuck it. I'm trapped."
Taehun chuckled. "You finally accepted your fate."
"Yes." You semi-lightly whacked his head.
"Good. It was fun when you were wriggling around though."
Your face heat up again and you blurted, "I can't believe I agreed to date you."
"And I am beyond grateful you did," he replied as condescendingly as possible.
You let out a deep sigh.
264 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
make some headcanons with the boys leaning down to give their fem s/o a kiss on the cheek <3 and she holds his face and gives him a big smooch on the lips lmao thought it was cute.
Danny,Eli,Zack,Jake and Vasco pls you can take zack out if is too much. Thx!
lookism boys leaning down to give reader a kiss
details: fluffy headcanons, gender neutral reader but written in 2nd pov, reader has been dating character for a while
a/n: sure, anon!! its a very cute scenario <3 and i only write for genderneutral, please check request rules T_T
the headcanons kind of came out as mini scenarios themselves;; hope that still works for you !
> ever since you two started your date, he's been wanting to lean down and kiss your cheek as a dating milestone for him but his nervousness kept stopping him
> believe me, he's attempted like 5 times but whenever you turned his way he'd straighten back up and exclaim something like, "n-nice weather out today, huh?"
> eventually he gets the courage to towards the end of the date out of a last minute pressure
> it's a quick, shy peck and he backs away pretty fast. his initial reaction is to scream internally and then feel proud of himself before immediately apologizing to you if the kiss was bad
> you just smile and cup his cheeks, gently leading him back down to give him a loving kiss on the lips as reassurance <3 he melts into the kiss and becomes like a lovesick puppy!
> when you two part and he heads home, he's rolling around in his blanket thinking about how much he likes you and how he can't believe you like him, too <3
> being one of the few (the only? lmao) men with actual romantic experience, kisses come much more naturally and casually to him
> simple kisses are an easy way for him to be physically affectionate, alongside holding your hand
> so, it's not uncommon for him to greet you with a kiss! especially if you two have been apart for a while. he'll stroll over to you and lean down to kiss your cheek.
> "i missed you."
> of course, you missed him, too, but today the feeling was just stronger than usual. before he straightens back up, you hold his face in place before giving him a smooch on the lips <3
> he's pleasantly surprised, but kisses you back, smiling into the kiss. when he pulls away, he cups your face back and adds an extra kiss on your forehead while chuckling~
> the kiss came as a surprise to both of you honestly
> at a carnival date, you end up scoring a high score with one of the games and he leans down to smooch your cheek before pulling away to exclaim in joy
> it's only after his adrenaline sizzles away does he realize what he did. he tries to play it cool though, like it was totally planned
> it's easy for you see through the act though and you decide to grab a hold of his face and kiss him on the lips in a sort of teasing way <3
> despite his shock, he doesn't waste a second before kissing you right back. when you pull away, he's grinning like a lovesick fool
> "if i win you a prize at a different game, will you kiss me again?"
> he's very playful so he's almost always leaning down, pretending he's about to do something important when all he does is give your cheek a quick kiss (and occasionally he runs off after lol)
See the full post
675 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jakeperalta · 1 year
Yes I agree with everything you said! Now that I think of it..I always read a lot of summer romance type books or set during the summer. Haha with the name thing..for a while it just felt like the book was following me or something. With these books..I guess maybe it just felt like I read it at the right time in my life or like this book was for me..which made it special and it was something I could relate to in my real life which maybe usually other people can't. One of them tells a full story which helped me grieve at the time and the other one is like getting thru the loss..and I read it at the right time for that too. I get why some people wouldn't like them..I didn't think it was perfect either..but I could just relate to it. Like with the Stepping Off Place..it had more characters and somehow I felt like I was every character..then I started making up headcanons or extra scenes or references to other things in my life too..sort of putting myself in all the characters. I remember reading a quote on your blog in the grief tag that said..it helps you heal to see characters go through something you went through so I always think of that too. I also think Stepping off Place would make a great movie..kinda similar to All the Bright Places or Looking For Alaska. Ever since Taylor said she was writing a movie..that inspired me and ive been thinking about this lol but of course this is specific to me and other people might not like it or disagree with stuff I added idk. My sister has been kinda working on her own movie too so we have been bonding over that lately lol. I'm not sure about If He Had Been With Me..if it would translate as well but I would want that too. It has more of an old fashioned vibe to me I think cuz it reminds me of Flipped maybe..so maybe like that and the other is more modern..and that might influence which one you like more and they're kinda similar. They both also fit the Folklore love triangle in a way more with liking two people at the same time..which is something I also relate to so I appreciate that perspective lol. This is just to give you more info why I liked it or what it meant to me..and if you are interested..but I'm glad you care about my recommendations! Please recommend me some good books as well!
I love when it feels like you read the exact right book at the right time for you and it's as though the author has put your feelings into words — for me a couple like that were Writers & Lovers by Lily King (fairly recently) and All the Bright Places and When We Collided back when I was a teen. It's always interesting to know why people enjoyed with a book beyond just things like good writing, I'll have to read both and see which one I connect with more. Also that's so cool that you're thinking about movie writing (with tour and rerecords going on I keep forgetting that we've got Taylor's movie coming up at some point!) I think when it's with ideas that feel really specific to you those can often be the kinds of stories that actually resonate strongly with someone else who's had a similar experience or feeling!
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lovelytarou · 3 years
kiss me thru the phone — bakugo katsuki
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— katsuki always calls you on the phone, making sure that it's his voice you hear when you wake and the one you'll listen to as you fall asleep.
pairing: bakugo katsuki x reader
tags: established relationship, swearing? cuz this is bakugo hehe. not proofread!!
genre: fluff, kinda angst
word count: 1.4k
a/n: 1/7 of the 200 follower event, i can just see him doing this lmao. sorry if the header doesn't look good, i tried my best (˘・_・˘) not at me saying i'll upload this yesterday night but it's already 2am here. it is what it is.
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bakugo katsuki is a busy man. 
even when he was in his UA days, you always see him training by himself and excusing himself early to go study and then eventually, sleep. his friends often tease him for being a grandpa and not having time to go and have fun, but when he met you that's when he really started to let himself free and experience fun things with his friends albeit he's masking it as having “no choice but to join” under the guise of watching over his friends as to not make themselves look like idiots, but you know better. you know that when he says he doesn't care, you understand the meaning that he actually does. and deeply too.
he's just a big tsundere who cares a lot for the people he loves. 
now that he's a pro hero working his way up to the top, hectic times and cancelled dates cannot be helped. he has to always excuse himself and apologize over and over for not going to the date you both planned as promised and you always have to say that it's alright, that you understand over and over. and if anyone knew bakugo, it's that he would never settle for less. a simple ‘okay’ isn't enough for him. 
so when you woke up one morning to the ringing of your phone and the rare photo of your lover smiling instead of your cacophonous alarm, you knew it had to be one of those days where bakugo was feeling particularly soft for you.
rolling over on his side of the bed, you answered the call with a smile on your face despite him not seeing it. the warm streaks of sunlight coming through the windows illuminated your face, making you shut your eyes for a moment.
“hi, baby.” you croaked, voice scratchy and raspy upon waking.
you heard his chuckle on the other end before he greeted you as well.
“good morning, sleepyhead. it's 10am already, you should be getting your ass out of bed,” he scolded you. you rolled your eyes as you lied on your back, staring up at the ceiling while you twirled a piece of your hair like a lovestruck schoolgirl talking to your crush. 
“i know, i know. but the bed's still warm and i wanna stay in bed for a bit.” you whined, even pouting for effect that you knew he wouldn't resist. 
you heard him click his tongue in annoyance at your statement. knowing him, he's probably shaking his head in disapproval at your lazy behavior. 
“get the fuck out of bed or else your breakfast will get cold. you don't want to eat cold food, do you?" 
“wait, you made me breakfast?” you felt your stomach do flips at the thought of bakugo waking up early and even having the time and effort to cook for you. 
you heard him scoff at that, “course i did. i know your dumbass will complain about how i didn't cook you anything before i left if i didn't. so eat up, okay? i know i'm not always at home to eat with you and this is the only thing i can do to make you feel that you're not alone. and i'm sorry about that. i promise one of these days, i'll take you out for dinner, alright?” 
he can only hear sniffles and soft sobs on the other end as you nodded. 
“oi, are you crying?!”
“yes! why the hell are you so sweet? and it's too early for me to be crying like this!” you wailed, tears streaming down your face like a waterfall, trying your best to wipe them away with your night shirt. 
“i'd like that very much. you're the best, katsuki. take care and good luck at work!” 
“i know i am, babe. take care as well, don't wait up for me tonight, i'll call you.” you both bid your goodbyes with words of love before he hung up to do his hero work and for you to get ready for the day. you ate your breakfast with a smile on your face and heart feeling much fuller than your stomach with the thought of katsuki.
some days, when he's away on a mission, he'd love to call you randomly and he wouldn't even care if you're doing something or if you're busy. what he knows is that he needs to hear your voice more than anything. 
on a particularly busy and dreadful day, bakugo had called you during work and you picked it up without second thoughts, worry already clouding your mind. 
“tsuki baby!” you greeted in a joyful tone. your smile evaporated when he didn't return the sentiment.
“katsuki? are you okay? what's up, baby?” you tried to make your voice as soothing as possible, knowing that any other unwelcoming approach might set him off.
he sighed on the other end, and you can only guess what happened.
“i'm fine...just...i missed your voice,” his own had a low timbre to it, sort of a deep vulnerable tone he only let you hear when he wanted you to see his true self without the facades and the mask. 
“i'm here now, katsuki. do you wanna talk?” being a pro hero can be stressful as much as he loves it. he's also human, and he can only handle as much when faced with a lot of obstacles in life.
“yeah, that'd be nice. tell me about your day, how are you?” he might be diverting the topic towards you instead but you indulged him in his request and started to tell him about your day – from the time you wake up to the time you arrived to work.
“oh! and um, i also bumped into my old friend a while ago. they asked me about you and i told them that we should meet up someday, you know, like a double date?” 
“sure, yeah. i'd love to meet them. they seem like a cool person.” 
“they are! anyway, what about you? anything happened in there on the mission?” you waited patiently for his response which he appreciated a whole lot than what you realize. 
“it was okay. the mission was going smoothly with everyone helping and then...i just, we rescued this man and his...wife got–” he faltered, you heard him choke a sob through the phone and you can only wish you can hold him right at that moment if you weren't only miles away from each other. 
“it's okay if you don't wanna continue, tsuki. i understand this is heavy for you. i'm sorry you have to suffer through that alone. i wish i can be there for you,” in your head, you're imagining that you're comforting him and kissing his worries away as he's nuzzling into your neck. and you'd tell him that everything will be alright and that you'll always be there for him.
“i'm sorry...thank you, for staying with me and being in my life. i wouldn't know what i'd do without you, honestly. maybe be the same asshole that i was before we met,” he joked, chuckling at the fond memory that felt like ages ago today. 
“no worries, babe. you know i'm always here if you want to talk. i'll listen and you can never talk my ear off because i love listening to you sexy voice.” you teased, knowing it would make him as red as a tomato. the both of you laughed and it felt like you're together, probably at home as you lounged in the living room without worrying about anything.
“whatever. i like hearing your voice too, i guess. anyway, i gotta go in a few minutes. i'm calling again later before you sleep, make sure you don't doze off on me!” you can practically imagine the smoke coming out of his ears as he yelled at his phone.
“yes, yes, i will. i already told you i'm sorry! go kick some villain ass in there, baby. i'll be waiting for you back home.” 
“good. goodbye, i miss you. stay safe and always lock your door and the windows! don't stay up too late or i'll swim there to make you sleep myself–”
before he went on a tangent about his usual scoldings you told him that you still had work to do and he can save them for later, but you felt warm inside knowing this is how he tells you he loves you without really saying them. time and distance may keep you away from each other, but your love can travel through great distances and defy all odds. 
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Taglist: @chibishae34
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thedreadvampy · 3 years
this is kind of a Hot Take (and rlly long) so don't feel pressured to post this
also no one cancel thedreadvampy over posting this ask if she does these are my beliefs and not necessarily hers kthx
I'm honestly really uncertain why people are so militant about aphobia on this site. like obviously aphobes are Not Nice People and it's good to be against their shitty beliefs. But I've been on this site for ~5 years and I have never, in my memory, seen an aphobe (with the few exception of like. literal nazis but their main label isn't aphobe). I have seen a lot of people who were then harassed/cancelled being called aphobes in addition to a lot of other things like (homophobic, racist, abusive, etc) but as far as I bothered to figure out, the label of aphobe came from one specific phrase they used or one post they reblogged (though I can't be bothered to Deep Research so I genuinely don't know on this one).
(I have seen casual acephobia in my own personal life. however, that is not Tumblr.)
I have seen scores of posts along the lines of "aphobes are bad" "aphobes dni" etc etc.
Maybe it's just who I follow, but it seems like there's a lot more anti-aphobe sentiment than aphobes. Which is good! It's the goal! However, I think it's possible that that anti-aphobe sentiment has not become "look how few aphobes there are! yay!" it's "there are hidden aphobes all around us and you have to interrogate everyone to know who to ostracize"
You're a fairly popular figure in the mechs/tma fandoms and the thing about Tumblr is that it hates popular figures. And more than that, you're visible, so a) people will see if you answer a bunch of questions about ace things, and b) you exist in everyone's brains more than little blogs.
to be clear. to be absolutely crystal 100% clear: I am not saying that people got together and went "let's interrogate all the popular blogs so we can pretend theyre acephobic and have fun bullying people," I'm saying it's possible that what was once a positive emotion, "we don't tolerate intolerant people" has possibly, in some people, morphed into a fear that intolerant people are hiding all around them. And frankly, that fear can be understandable (not right, not kind, but understandable), especially if they face hate irl and their only outlet for emotion is tumblr. shit, Tumblr is one of my emotional outlets.
I don't think it's bad to engage with these people in good faith, or to answer questions, but I think it's possible that some of them are coming from the "intolerant people are hiding all around us and must be ferreted out" kind of perspective instead of a "hey I wanna check that this person isn't an intolerant asshole before following/supporting them" or "I want to engage with a person who may be ignorant" (I'm not attempting to imply that you're ignorant). Im not saying "not answer their questions" this is just, like, my opinion. I'm not making a lot of actionable statements here.
that's my whole Hot Take, hopefully I made some kind of sense, I just honestly feel kind of mad on your behalf that you have to go thru an interrogation to be Not Tumblr Cancelled. If people were generally having a nuanced discussion then that would be fine but you've already stated several times that ace/aspec people are valid and deserve love and respect etc etc. which as an aspec person makes me feel that your blog is safe for me, and I don't feel the need to play 20 Questions Are You Sure You Aren't An Aphobe
I don't know how much of this I entirely agree with and I refuse to think
(not about this. just in general. today I refuse to think)
my main response to this is:
a) I think my confusion is I have less than 1500 followers I think I always assumed the You Are Now A Public Figure People Have Opinions On mark had to be higher than that but this appears to have been a totally incorrect assumption
b) I don't feel like. a threat of Cancellation except inasmuch as I don't want Kofi to eventually get any kind of kickback if I turn out to be or people understand me to be a shitty person. I didn't ask for a platform or do anything to deserve it, if I get distressed it's largely just that I don't want to be a shitty person! and I have a whole thing about. I don't ever feel secure in my ability to say I'm NOT being shitty so like if enough people start saying AH RUTH THEDREADVAMPY IS A GARBAGE PERSON I definitely do stay wondering if they're right even if I think my position is morally defensible. like I'm very easy to get into a spiral of I think that's highly defensible but maybe I'm just in denial/trying to cover my ass/self-justifying so I can avoid accountability/etc. like this is a thing and it's why I'm very uncomfortable with absolutism, a lot of my family in my experience have a phenomenal capacity for denial and for rewriting reality into something they Fully Believe despite all the evidence, and so I'm really conscious of the possibility that I'm doing that and I wouldn't. know about it. it's a really really powerful subconscious force and that's been like. a big fear point for me my whole life. that I could be being a cunt and be obviously being a cunt and be so deep in denial that it just doesn't register at all. this is like. the thing I fear most. So I DO want people to tell me if I'm being a dick because the only way I can 100% know I'm not just in denial is if I can trust people to call me in, but I really, really, really struggle with when people say I'm being a dick and I disagree, not because they're harassing me necessarily but just because it really sends me into a spiral of doubting my own ability to be sure about like, anything. at all. it's a whole unreality thing which is, uh, it's MINE to deal with, it's not something I would want to put on other people, but it very much does affect my responses and I didn't mean to write this but hey, no therapy last week and it shows.
oh also c) on reflection I don't agree that there's very little aphobia on Tumblr (although as I've said I'm not ace or aro so my opinion should hold little weight) but I do think that there's a lack of give and take, not just in aphobia stuff but also in general, in these kinds of conversations, like sometimes yeah people are actively hateful but I don't think there's any room for misunderstanding, poor phrasing, or questioning, and I understand that that's coming from a really genuine place of pain and devaluation of aro/ace experiences but I also think people jump straight to assuming active malice very fast, and often explicitly consider "actively not stating an opinion" to be an offence on the level of "actively staying a harmful opinion," which I think is unhelpful. like. we learn by listening, there are times in my life where I would have been lying at the time to agree unconditionally with something like "I think we should believe survivors" (I was a 2000s teen who hung out with 4channers) but I also was conscious of the harm that it would do to publicly debate from the perspective that No We Shouldn't Believe Survivors, so you know I waited and I listened and I thought about it and ultimately I came to a position I could say with my chest. but like. The online social more that you Have to have an opinion and I Have to hear it to prove that you have the Right opinion is. uncomfortable to me to say the least. I don't think it gives you much room to learn and improve, especially given that everything on the internet is permanent and often treated as if it forever reflects your current beliefs. like I have changed my opinions So Much since I was 16 and if someone went back through a tag on my blog to Prove My Bad Opinions they could paint pretty much any picture they wanted with 12 years of changing opinions.
anyway yeah like. no I don't fully agree with this ask but I appreciate the alternate perspective. I also did not mean to write another wall of text I'm just very much In A Brain Hole today and sometimes words Just Happen.
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bella-ca · 5 years
Y/N has always known she was different. She just didn’t realize how much. Upon her 18th birthday she gets information that will forever change her life. The stuff of her nightmares is reality. The things that go bump in the night really do exist. It’s up to her and her family to fight these monsters. Her life will never be the same. What happens when she falls in love with one such being? Will she live up to her legacy or become what she hunts?
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A/N: My muse kept telling me this story needs to be told. I love anything related to supernatural/horror beings. I decided to use the Y/N= your name format. This is a TRR love story. It is a slow burn. This is unbeta. All mistakes are mine. I hope you enjoy. Disclaimer: All characters belong ito choices by Pixelberry. I’m just borrowing them. Same with the pics they are not mine.
Warnings: violence, cursing, murder, revenge, death. By reading you are acknowledging you are at least 18 years of age.
Word count: 1608
Chapter 1
You’re running through the forest chasing another one. You hear the howl in the moonlight. You smirk. Like that is supposed to scare you. With your inhuman speed you catch up to the beast easily. You throw a dagger catching the beast in the shoulder blade. It howls in pain pulling out the knife and changing direction. You stop to pick up your dagger. You wipe the blood off the knife. The silver of the blade gleaming in the moonlight, You were surprised it touched the silver dagger. Pure silver is very painful for them to touch. It is one of the only things that can harm them. Usually you only got them back after killing the beasts. You keep the dagger in in your left hand and remove your gun from it’s holster. The clip loaded with silver bullets. You follow the trail of blood deeper into the forest. You approach cautiously listening for any movement. You have been tracking it for a while. You finally got a break after learning that this beast attacked a man earlier in the evening killing him. You caught his scent and have been tracking him ever since. You hear movement to your left and follow. You catch a glimpse of fur out of the corner of your eye. You throw the dagger catching him in the leg. He howls in pain but doesn't stop. He slows just enough for you to get a lock on him. You fire your gun twice catching him in the back. He slows but doesn't stop. He runs into a cave. Stupid bastard you think to himself. You cautiously walk to the entrance of the cave and find the beast. Laying on the floor. Bleeding out. It grabs the knife in his leg and throws it back at you. You dodge out of the way the dagger hits the floor with a clang. You smirk at the beast. “You have to do better than that.” You tell it as you aim your gun at the creature. It growled menacingly. You may kill me, but more will take my place. You hear in your mind. “You laugh then I will kill them too, until all you bastards are gone.” You aim for the heart and pull the trigger. Putting the beast out of its misery. As soon as you did it turned back into a human. You sighed pulling the body into the woods to bury it. That was the part you hated the most. Usually you could burn the body but you were afraid of the smoke attracting people so you would cut off the head and bury the body. It was dirty work, but hey you do what you gotta do.
7 years ago
“Happy Birthday Y/N!” You smile as you wake up. Your mom, dad and sister stand there. Thank you you say as they each hug you.
“Your an adult now. How do feel?” your little sister asks you.
You laugh “The same as I did yesterday.” you say taking a sip of the coffee.
“So do you have plans tonight? Your father asks.
“Well, I was going to head out with Alex and Josh. They said they want to go out clubbing tonight.”
Alex and Josh have been your best friends since you moved to Washington in 5th grade. They were like the brothers you never had. You were all very close. Your father didn't like the fact that your best friends were boys. Especially when you got older, but you told him that they were nothing more than friends. Your father was a well trained bodyguard and taught you everything you knew. He knew you could handle yourself around boys. Growing up you never got along with girls. They seemed to dislike you the second they saw you. You used to come home upset when you tried to make friends with them at school. Your mom and dad always told you it was just because they were jealous of you. You never understood why. It just seemed like they could sense something in you and they didn't like it.
As you got older, you saw the way all males were immediately drawn to you. They always told you how pretty you were. They would all make advances toward you but Alex and Josh made sure that they all left you alone. Sometimes they were a little too overprotective. You would shrug it off as them being overprotective of their little sister. After seeing how they protected you, your father warmed up to them quickly and considered them family. You were always more of a tomboy growing up. You excelled at sports. When you were about 16 you started to feel different. Your senses started to become sharper and you were stronger than most girls your age. You just thought it was puberty and all the self defense training your father was giving you was making you strong.
After finishing your breakfast, you got up to go for a run. You loved running feeling the breeze thru your hair. You felt free. It gave you time to enjoy nature and also helped to keep you in shape. After your run, you went back home and started working out in the basement of your parents home. Your father had changed into a training room for you to train in. You started hitting the punching bag.
“Hey sis” your sister Sofia called to you.
“Hey” you said back while throwing a spin kick to the bag.
“Don’t you ever get tired? She asks you rolling her eyes. She was always more of a girly girl. She stayed in shape, worked out and could defend herself to a point, but she never had the senses and strength that you had when you were her age. She was always the one chasing after the boys while you competed against them.
“I was wondering….can I go clubbing with you tonight?”
You paused and turned to look at her. “Seriously? You asked surprised.
“Umm...yeah” She says shrugging her shoulders.
“You know Dad will never allow it.” Your sixteen. How would you even get in?”
“Y/N I have been to clubs before .” she tells you rolling her eyes. “I don't know sis.” you tell her punching the bag again. “Aww come on Y/N please???” You don't turn around. You know if you see her puppy dog eyes you would say yes. She grabs your arm making you look at her. You see tears welling in her eyes as she gives you the puppy dog look. “Ugh ok.” you tell her. “But you have to be the one to ask Dad.” “Okay” she says a smile on her face as she leaves to go to school.
You smile going back to the bag. You know your father would never let her go. The only reason he let you go out at her age to parties was because of Alex and Josh. Sofia had friends but mostly girls so your dad was even more protective of her. Being your birthday, you took the day off from work. You spent the morning with your mom and had lunch with her at your favorite restaurant and went shopping with her for your birthday. She helped you pick out an outfit for the club that night. Of course you disagreed on what to get. She wanted to buy you a dress, but you felt more comfortable in jeans. When you got home you saw your dad was there. “Hey Dad your home early.” You tell him. Yeah, I took the afternoon off to spend time with your mom.” “Awww you old people are so cute.” you tell him with a smirk. “Excuse you, I am not old.” He tells you drawing you in for a hug. “You're lucky it’s your birthday or you would pay for that remark.” You both laugh. “Hey I got something for you.” He says giving you a box with a bow. “Happy Birthday Mija.” He tells you.
You open the gift and find an all silver dagger with beautiful etching on the handle with your initials on it.
“Dad it’s beautiful. I love it.” You take it out of the box and began to flip it in your hand. He taught you how to use various weapons but you always loved knives and daggers of all kinds. The way they felt in your hand. You loved practicing with them and you were damn good at it too. “Hey keep the fancy moves for the training room.” he tells you with a smile.” You grin putting it back in the box.
You were very close with your parents. They were always there for you. You trusted them with everything. There were never any secrets between you. You and your parents hung out together for a little bit before going out for a afternoon movie date. You were having a great day so far spending time with them. Little did you know the night of your 18th birthday your life would forever change.
Chapter 2
Thank you for reading!! Reblogging and comments are appreciated. It will keep me motivated to write 💜💜
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Tagging those I think would be interested:
@katurrade @bobasheebaby @elles-choices @furiousherringoperatortoad @hopefulmoonobject @stopforamoment @tornbetween2loves @indiacater @annekebbphotography @gibbles82 @blackcoffee85 @ownworldresident
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smallcowplant · 5 years
Hi! Hi! I have a bit of a history challenge question/request for advice? :) I'm wondering if you have any ideas rn of how you're going to dress your sims for the colonial/western era (thats the era im on, for me theyre just one era together though)? Idk the difference between colonial/western clothes and industrial clothes? Any advice? Appreciated even if not! :)
Hey dude!
At this point, I'm honestly not too fussed about getting cc together for gen6 + gen7 bc I literally just realized that I accidentally deleted most (if not all) the cc I had downloaded for gen5.....I take file folders of cc out of my mods folder periodically to free up space in my game for other saves....rip. I'm currently just going thru the motions of not wanting to redownload everything.....while also losing all desire to open the game at all!! Lol!!
I don't want to be a total loser and I'm gonna answer your question! Kinda!
*Disclaimer: Ya' girl is not about total....or even partial tbh....historical accuracy when it comes to my HC! I love history and historical fashion, but I mix-and-match cc from all over the web nine times out of ten!*
When I think colonial, I think puritanical New England/Quakers, with their bonnets, heavy shift dresses, boots and a penchant for detestable behavior! Tricornes and waistcoats also seemed to be very popular among men.
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It's a bit hard to find cc for any gen that is set in colonial America, bc these restrictive fashions were defined by LOTS of layers! Petticoats, aprons, and lots of chest coverage (bc god forbid anyone knew u had collarbones, u filthy harlot!!) Lots of historical cc, while gorgeous (I love you cc creators thank u for blessing me w/ur creations) favor rococo/southern belle-esque aesthetics (obviously, bc they're much more aesthetically pleasing than layers of gravy-colored fabric)
!! Which u can kind of get away with bc these styles actually WERE seen and worn in colonial America
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Really, what it boiled down to was where you lived and how much money you had. (And mostly, who your dad was.) If you have, say, a wealthy family (of garbage people), their daughter might be bedecked in gorgeous frocks and day-dresses like those seen above. If you have a poorer family (of different, but ultimately probably still garbage people), you'd probably wear dull colored dresses and drooping bonnets (and hope that a bunch of your peers wouldn't rat u out to the nearest church as a witch to get some sweet sweet validation and attention in general)
@historicalsimslife, @javitrulovesims, @budgie2budgie have some beautiful pieces that I think you could definitely work into semi-colonial looks!
I would link directly to some of my faves of theirs, but I'm on mobile! (Also, if you just scroll through sssvitlans 'historical' tag, you'll find some good stuff too!)
When it comes to western cc, there's sadly not a TON of strictly cowboy-driven creators out there! There are some, don't get me wrong! If you go through sssvitlans 'western' tag, there's some real winners that I downloaded without a second thought!!
Before I get into some of my inspo for cc hunting, please know that a lot of our perception of cowboys/the wild west comes from Hollywood and spaghetti westerns! And even though young Clint Eastwood is an entire snack and a half
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he is NOT what most cowpokes looked like (not gonna get into how many cowboys were decidedly not white or straight but for the record, most of them were neither white nor straight lol)
Here's some Looks that I'm all about and that I used as CC-hunting inspo
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Think neckerchief's, leather, vests, and trousers. Oh, and suits. Clothes in the Wild West were not mass-produced---if you needed new duds you had to make your way to a tailor. That's why you might see historical photography/films show their cowboys in suit coats/vests/dress pants....it wasn't for the fashion! It was because they were buying everything second-hand! The fancier the clothes, the harder to sell (if your main source of consumers is a bunch of guys who work long hot days out in the desert)....thus, the resell prices were cheaper
As for women! If she's out in the West, she's going for comfort and the basics---I mean, as much as she can with the restrictive fashions and general cultural/gendered norms of the day
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Think muted colors, long skirts, belts, buttoned or high-necked blouses! There can be some overlap here with early Victorian looks, but keep it simple!
As for the industrial age, I honestly just consider that gen of the HC to be ripe for overlapping all the beautiful Victorian/Edwardian CC that the likes of @historicalsimslife and @retro-pixels have blessed us with! Corseted gowns, high necklines and beautiful hats!
I mainly look for inspo in the films I watch and the books/articles I read! Pinterest is a great tool to inspire some creative thought when it comes to CC-hunting. You might find the perfect blouse/trousers in a completely modern CC post. It just takes a little bit of a journey!
If u want like....a Wild West inspired CC lookbook....I could do that! I've actually been considering it for a bit lol
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caitydestroyz · 7 years
Tag You're It!
was tagged by the beautiful @theonethatgotaway213 ♥
Anyone can do this, but tagged blogs are listed below c:
☞ Are you named after anyone? ☾ I mean, if you consider a character from a vampire movie as being anyone lmao ☞ When was the last time you cried? ☾ yesterday morning, I believe~ ☞ Do you like handwriting? ☾ yes tho ♡ ☞ What’s your favorite lunch meat? ☾ torn between turkey or buffalo chicken breast LORT ☞ Do you have any kids? ☾ no, but I’d like to have some in the future when I’m financially stable lmao ☞ If you were friends with another person, would you be friends with you? ☾ hellz yeah, I’m a fucking delight fam ☞ Do you use sarcasm? ☾ if the moment feels right lmao but all da time tbh ☞ Do you still have your tonsils? ☾ lmao nope. I got them taken out in like..2nd or 3rd grade I think ☞ Do you bungee jump? ☾ see, I wouldn’t bungee jump, but I would skydive. Don’t like being bounded to the earth like that lmao ☞ What’s your favorite cereal?  ☾ cinnamon toast crunch or honey combs tbh  ☞ Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? ☾ majority of the time, I slip them off cuz im lazy. Then again, if they’re tied tight enough, then I have no choice but to do so ☞ Do you think you’re a strong person?  ☾ lmao that’s debatable. Most days, I am. ☞ What’s your favorite ice cream?  ☾ I mean, I can eat any type of ice cream, whether it be hard ice, soft serve, etc. But my fave flavors are vanilla, cookie dough,, and cookies ‘n cream from any brand  ☞ What’s the first thing you notice about people?  ☾ now that I think about, I always look at the hair and eyes tbh  ☞ What is the least favorite thing about yourself?  ☾ agreed, self-doubt  ☞ What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?  ☾ wearing pajama shorts whilst barefoot lmao  ☞ What are you listening to right now?  ☾ ok, I’ve been fucking obsessed with Bendy and the Ink Machine, so DAGames’ “Build Our Machine” is so fucking good holy fuck??? I dance to it all the time lmao ☞ If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?  ☾ tbh, pastel pink or blood red. ☞ What’s your favorite smell? ☾ anything food related lmao. Nah but yo cucumber melon from bath and body works has my heart ♡ ☞ Who’s the last person you talked to on the phone?  ☾ my grandmother cuz she won $3,000 at the casino lmao jfc ☞ Favorite sport to watch?  ☾ used to love watching football, but haven’t sat down to fully appreciate a game lmao ☞ Hair colour?  ☾ black with a purple ombré ayy ☞ Eye colour?  ☾ brown ☞ Do you wear contacts?  ☾ no, but I really should wear the pair I have lmao ☞ Favorite food to eat?  ☾ jfc so many to choose from, man. but like my fave filipino delicacies, indian, and anything with potatoes tbh. ☞ Scary movies or comedies? ☾  torn between scary and dark comedies tbh lmao ☞ Last movie you watched? ☾ from what I can recall, I think it was Coraline for like the umpteenth time tbh?? love Laika Entertainment so much jfc ☞ Color of shirt you’re wearing? ☾ one of my dad’s old white work shirts cuz my mum touched up my hurr ☞ Summer or winter? ☾ winter ☞ Hugs or kisses? ☾ both tbh ☞ What book are you currently reading? ☾ I “was” reading a book by Lemony Snicket, but now I have no motivation to read, unfortunately ☞ Who do you miss right now?   ☾ I miss daddy. lmao chill nah dont miss anyone except for 2 trash lords tbh ☞ What’s on your mouse pad? ☾ I don’t normally use one lmao ☞ What’s the last tv show you watched? ☾ Red vs. Blue, Season 12?? Haven’t sat down to catch up with the last..3 seasons?? ☞ What’s the best sound? ☾  the beeping of the punchpad as I clock out of work for the day lmao ☞ What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled? ☾ where?? lmao Honolulu, HI tbh. god i wanna go back ☞ Do you have a special talent? ☾ I can sing? Not really well, but im an alto and it makes my days sane enough to get thru lmao when I do sing.
☞ Where were you born? Good ol’ New Jersey, my dudes
tagging: @snowgirl29, @federalchickensoup, @zephyrial, @kate-recovers, and anyone who sees this can join in!
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bella-ca · 5 years
An Unexpected Love- A Mobster TRR AU Crossover
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A/N: This is my first time writing. This is a love story eventually but it does get dark. I was inspired by @katurrade by her Mobster Liam AU and decided to try my hand at writing. This is unbeta. All mistakes are mine. I hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to choices by Pixelberry. I’m just borrowing them. Same with the pics they are not mine.
Warnings: violence, cursing, murder, revenge, assassination. By reading you are acknowledging you are at least 18 years of age.
Word count: 1321
Chapter 10
Constantine is in his study when he hears a knock on his door. “Come in.”Bastien walks in with a DVD in his hand. “Sir, I went thru the motel’s CCTV it shows that Tariq was talking with a woman at the bar. It shows them talking for a little bit and then she follows him to his room. There is no evidence of her leaving his room. It does show where Liam and the boys knock down the door and then Liam leaving. He plays the footage for Constantine to look at. “Liam did not mention seeing a woman in his room. Do you recognize her Bastien?” “No sir. I have never seen her before.” I need you to look thru all of the camera footage for the day. I want to know when and if she left the hotel. I also want you to find out who she is and how she is involved. For all we know the clanless used her to lure him to his room. “Yes Sir.” Bastien leaves the room. Constantine rewatches the footage stopping on the woman’s image. He does not know who she is. Once we find her and get her to talk we will finally have the Phoenix where we want him. He thinks to himself. He sends word for Liam to meet him as soon as possible.
Bella startles awake. A strong pair of arms still wrapped around her. She looks up to see Liam sleeping next to her. She smiles kissing his lips. He slowly wakes up responding to her kiss. “Hey Beautiful” He tells her. How long have we been out?” “About an hour.” she tells him getting up to stretch. He pulls her back down and starts to kiss her again. Then his phone goes off. He ignores it. It goes off again. Then it starts ringing. “You better get that.” she tells him with a smile. He chuckles “Fine.” As soon as he looks at the caller ID his face gets serious. “Hello? Yes…...ok I will be right there. He hangs up and looks at Bella. “Something wrong? She asks getting up to dress. Yeah I need to speak with my dad. He says while he dresses. “I want to see you tonight. Can I call you?” “Of course.” she smiles at him putting her number in his phone. He sends her a quick text so she will have his number. “Liam….can you promise me something? “Anything.” he says. “I don’t want anyone to know about me. He looks at her confused. “I mean I don’t want anyone to know I’m alive. At least not yet.” “Of course Love. The last thing I want is for your life to be in danger. You have my word.” he tells her pulling her into his arms. “Thank you Liam.” “Can I walk you home? He asks her as her phone goes off. She walks over to see who it is.
Damien: Hey can we meet?.
Bella: Of course text you in a few.
Damien: ok
She locks her phone and turns to Liam. Actually, there’s something I need to do. She tells him. “You can walk me back to the bridge.” “Ok.” he tells her giving her that smile that makes her heart jump. When they get to the bridge, He kisses her deeply reluctant to leave her. “I will talk to you soon love. “Okay” she tells him with a smile. He leaves. She watches him go. Her heart still pounding in her chest. When he is gone she pulls out her phone.
Bella: Meet me at the bar we went to in an hour.
Damien: See you then.
Liam knocks on the door to his father’s office. “Come in”. “Father, what's wrong.” “It looks like Bastien found some interesting footage of the hotel. Do you remember seeing a woman in Tariq’s room? “A woman? No. Liam says surprised. Constantine plays the footage for Liam. “Do you recognize her?” He asks Liam. Liam plays the footage over and over. “No I don't.” “I believe she was used to lure Tariq to his room where the Phoenix was waiting. “There's no footage of her leaving the room.” Liam turns to look at his father. “When we opened the door, the sliding door was open. I think they escaped thru the balcony. Where's the other footage?” “Bastien is looking thru it now.” Constantine tells Liam. “Once I know more son, I will let you know. Until then we must be cautious.” Liam nods. His mind racing.
Bella walks into the bar and sees Damien in a booth in the back. He get up and gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Hey Bella” “Hi Damien. so what's up?” “I got some interesting stuff for you. Since saving the president you’d be surprised the information you could get.” Damien says with a smirk. Bella rolls her eyes. “I was wondering when you would bring that up.” she says smacking his on the shoulder. “So violent Bella” he says with a laugh. He hands her the envelope. “Just a heads up, Alot of this stuff is serious. You sure you wanna get involved?” She gives him a look. “I wouldn't have asked you if I didnt” she says.
“Okay, just if you need anything, call me.” “Thanks D.” She goes to get up and leave. “Hey, you're not even gonna have a drink with me? Damien asks fainting being hurt. Bella laughs. “So dramatic. Ok I will have a few.” She orders a few shots of Bacardi. Instantly feeling better after the shots. Her mind can't help but wander to Liam and the amazing time they spent together. How he was not just a dream. She couldn't believe that she forgot their whole relationship. This is so fucked up! “Bella….Bella….you in there?” Damien asks waving a hand in front of her face. “Sorry.” she says embarrassed. She could feel the heat on her cheeks. “Ok who is he? Damien asks laughing. “I...um...what?” she asks trying to regain her composure.
“Don't play dumb with me Belle.” I could smell the cologne on you when I hugged you.” He says with a smirk on her face. She looks at him in shock. Her face even redder than before. It makes Damien laugh even harder. “Shut up Damien. A lady doesn't reveal anything.” She tells him. “Ok, well when you see a lady, let me know” he tells her with a huge grin.” She glares at him. It makes him laugh so hard tears roll down his cheeks. When he finally catches his breath, she is still giving him a death glare. “Aww come on Belle, I was just kidding.” “Whatever” she says rolling her eyes getting up to leave. “Come on Bella, stay..It was just a joke.” “I have to go. Theres other things I need to do.” she tells Damien. “Thank you for the info. I will be in touch.” “Dont be a stranger Bella, tell the boyfriend I said hello.” She rolls her eyes and get up to leave but not before getting up to give him a hug. He chuckles hugging her back and kissing her cheek. “He really does smell good.” he tells her laughing again. She punches him in the stomach. “Ow...rude!” She turns away not giving him a chance to replay. She could hear him laughing. She gets home dropping the folder on her bed and heads straight to the shower. Damien’s remark made her uncomfortable so she wanted to wash away the “evidence” as soon as possible. After her shower she goes and opens the folder. She sees several folders of paperwork and looks at pictures of Constantine. Then she sees one photo in particular and her heart stops. The name William Rhys...It’s him Liam. The room begins to spin..NO It can't be!!
Chapter 11
Thank you for reading!! Reblogging and comments are appreciated. It will keep me motivated to write 💜💜
If you would like to be added or removed from the tag list, let me know.
An unexpected love tag list:
@katurrade @bobasheebaby @elles-choices @furiousherringoperatortoad @hopefulmoonobject @stopforamoment @tornbetween2loves @indiacater @annekebbphotography @gibbles82 @blackcoffee85 @ownworldresident
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bella-ca · 5 years
Bound: A TRR AU
Mireya has always known she was different. She just didn’t realize how much. Upon her 18th birthday she gets information that will forever change her life. The stuff of her nightmares is reality. The things that go bump in the night really do exist. It’s up to her and her family to fight these monsters. Her life will never be the same. What happens when she falls in love with one such being? Will she live up to her legacy or become what she hunts?
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A/N: My muse kept telling me this story needs to be told. I love anything related to supernatural/horror beings. I decided to name my MC. the Y/N= your name format was a little too impersonal for me. This is a TRR love story. It is a slow burn. This is unbeta. All mistakes are mine. I hope you enjoy. Disclaimer: All characters belong to choices by Pixelberry. I’m just borrowing them. Same with the pics they are not mine.
Warnings: violence, cursing, murder, revenge, death, underage drinking. By reading you are acknowledging you are at least 18 years of age.
Word count: 1571
Chapter 3
7 years ago
Before you could scream they attack. Alex pushes you out of the way as they descend. You scream seeing the wolves bite Alex. You hear Josh scream as one attacks him. You reach for your dagger pulling it from the holster. One of the wolves tries to bite you and you lash out with the dagger stabbing it. It howls as the dagger tears into the flesh, the wound starting to smoke and burn. You stab it again and it retreats running away with a howl. You run to Alex and stab at the beast. You managed to get stab it once before you feel the other one grab you and throw you against the wall. Your head hits the concrete wall pain erupting from your skull. You feel dizzy you touch your head and see blood on your hand. You grab the dagger right before the beast comes at you again. You stab it and it howls. It takes off. The other one growls at you before following the others. Once they are gone, You look and see Josh laying next to you dead. The look of fear still in his face. “Josh!” You scream crawling to him cradling his hand in your head. “No Josh please!” you scream looking for your phone. He’s already gone. You hear moaning and look over and see Alex still alive and bleeding out from a wound to the stomach. “Alex!” you scream running over. You grab your phone seeing that it was smashed in the attack. “Shit!” you yell. You place your hand on Alex’s stomach to try to stop the bleeding. “Reya..” He says coughing up blood. “No Alex dont talk.” you tell him. Tears running down your face. You grab his phone and dial 911. You tell them where you are and wait for them to arrive. “Help!” you scream. “Someone help!” “Reya..” you hear again looking down. “Shhh..I'm here you tell him. “You're okay? He asks. “Yes Alex I’m okay.” “I…..I…” he tries to talk coughing up more blood. “No Alex..stay with me dammit. Don't you leave me!!” you tell him tears streaming down your face. “Reya, I have to tell you.” He says looking into your eyes. “I...I...have always loved you. You are everything to me...even….even if you don't love me back.” He tells you tears streaming down his face. “I...I..just had to tell you before I...I….” “No damn you No!! This is not goodbye Alex!” You tell him “You can't leave me!” “I...I..love you Reya.” You bend down and kiss him gently on the lips. You hear sirens in the distance. “I love you too Alex...please, don’t leave me.” He gives you one last smile before closing his eyes forever.
You are in a daze as the police and ambulance find you in the alleyway. You can hear them asking you questions, but their sounds far away. All you can see is Alex and Josh dead in your mind. Alex confessing his love for you and closing his eyes. You don't even notice the paramedics talking to you. “She’s in shock.” You hear one of them say. Then the voices blur once again. You begin to feel dizzy unable to catch yourself. Then darkness.
You wake up in the hospital with your mom, dad, and sister at your side? “Mireya.” your mom says grabbing your hand. “Alex, Josh...where?” you start to say, then the events of the night flash thru your mind. You try to get up. Your head pounding. “No! Alex Josh!” You cry looking at your mom as you sob. “I’m so sorry Reya.,” your father tells you pulling you into a hug. “No!” You scream crying. You fight to get out of bed. “No!..I need to see them!” you say trying to get out of the hospital bed. “I’m sorry mija. They are gone. You need to take care of yourself.” your father tells you. “No!...It’s all my fault…” you tell them. “They died protecting me! It’s all my fault.” You break down in your mother's arms until exhaustion takes over and you cry yourself to sleep.
“Is she okay? Liam asks. “Yes she is fine. Her father gave her a silver dagger. She fought and wounded Nicolas and the women and they ran off.” Drake tells him. “I tried to warn her, but she didn’t listen.” He says rubbing his forehead. “You weren't supposed to warn her Drake. You weren't supposed to be seen.” Liam glares at him. Drake looks away rubbing his neck. “What of Nicolas and the women?” Liam asks. “I took care of the women. They will no longer be a problem, but Nicolas fled. I tracked him, but he hid himself well.” “He will be a problem.” Liam says taking a drink of scotch. “Keep looking. He needs to be stopped.” Liam tells Drake. Drake nods. “Does she know what she is?” Liam asks Drake. “I don’t think so.” She has not left her home since the funerals. Liam nods. “Keep me informed Drake. “Once she knows her legacy she could become a problem for us.” “Will do” Drake tells Liam before heading out. Liam sighs. He had heard of the prophecy, the one who would put an end to all of his kind. He never thought it would be a reality. The more he hears about this woman and her heightened abilities, the more he believes that the prophecy is true. She would either destroy or unite his kind for the better good. He had yet to meet her or see her, for fear he might imprint. He has heard stories of how beautiful this woman was and how one look would make him want to protect and even love her. Drake already broke protocol by warning her of the attack. He was supposed to watch her and not reveal himself to her, but he couldn’t help himself around her. If his greatest warrior couldn’t resist her, then Liam knew he had to be strong. There might be a chance that he would have to kill this woman himself in order to save his kind. He needed to be the one strong enough to save his people. All he can do is hope she would understand and that it wouldn’t come to that. He paces back and forth. He needs to run. He waits until dark and then shifts to his wolf form. He runs thru the forest his mind on this woman and the prophecy that was foretold.
It's been two weeks since Alex and Josh’s funeral. You told the police everything you knew and they looked at you like you were crazy. They said it was probably wild wolves that attacked you but you knew better. The police confiscated your fake ID and wrote you a ticket. They did not give you jail time due to the deaths of your friends and left it up to your parents on how to punish you. Your parents put you under house arrest. You took a leave of absence from your job. You spent your days locked in your room staring at photos of your two best friends. You spent most of your time on the computer researching everything you could on werewolves. Your parents and sister did their best to console you but it was no use. You had managed to get ahold of a bottle of liquor from your parents stash and drank it to numb the pain. Your father had finally had enough and dragged you to the basement when your sister and mom were away for a weekend. “Mireya, we need to talk. This had to stop.” He tells you “Dad, I know but they were my best friends. They died because of me.” you tell him tears falling from your eyes. Your father sighed giving you a hug. “I wanted to talk to you about the attack.” “What about it? “You asked him “I believe you.” He says looking straight into your eyes. “What do you mean?” You ask him. “I believe you about the werewolves.” He tells you. “You...you do?” You ask. “Why do you think I gave you that specific dagger?” He asks you. “It was pure silver. Why do you think the werewolves ran away. Silver is one of the few things that can harm them.” You eyes grew wide taking in your father’s words. “He walks over to a statue in the corner of the room. He reaches behind it and pushes a button you had no idea was there. The wall slides open revealing an array of pure silver weapons from knives to guns, silver bullets and the like. You see a row of books on one side with the name Lycanthrope. You walk over to the hidden room. “What is all this? You ask your father. “Well for starters, It has to do with my job.” He tells you. You look at him surprised. “I am a bodyguard yes, but not the kind you think. I protect people...from werewolves. We come from a long line of hunters. Werewolf hunters.” You look at your father speechless. Your father looks at you with a grin. “I have been training you since you were sixteen for this moment. It’s time you knew about the family business.”
Chapter 4
Thank you for reading!! Reblogging and comments are appreciated. It will keep me motivated to write 💜💜
If you would like to be added or removed from the tag list, let me know.
Bound Taglist:
@bobasheebaby @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @hopefulmoonobject @alj4890 @super-secret-fandom-blog @thequeenofcronuts @indiacater @katurrade @furiousherringoperatortoad
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