#iggy's writing tag
this fic took me two years to finish
its not mcyt but i think yall would like it anyways :]
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melon-official · 5 months
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She wails as though a part of her has died.
oh man. i picked up the sidestory to @just-a-carrot's five-arc horror epic a couple days ago and i'm so glad i did. i'll probably be talking nonstop and/or drawing about it for days
there's a handful of whiteboard doodles with other characters under the cut, but rly i just wanted to pay a homage to the scene that hit me the hardest... enjoy
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lil-charmy · 2 months
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Happy Iggy Koopa Day!
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The Miracle We Need
Chapter 4
<-previous next->
Will Holly be able to learn the secret of the enemy’s water Stand and defeat it before it claims yet another victim?
Read on AO3 here!
Warnings for violence, blood, death, suicide (N’Doul) (anything that happens in canon)
Chapter 4: Headlong, Out of Control
Holly wasn’t even thinking. She got up, digging her feet into the sand, and took off at a full run to save Kakyoin. Unfortunately for her, in her groggy state after being unconscious, a full run was neither fast nor coordinated. She almost fell several times. Something about seeing a young person get hurt that way overrode her self-preservation instincts immediately.
“Polnareff, right?” Holly said, finally slipping and falling. “Use your Stand! Protect yourself!”
Polnareff stared at her. He was completely shell-shocked. Beside him, the water Stand reared up like a cobra, flexing its talons again.
“It’s gonna get Polnareff too!” Joseph said. “Shit!”
Just as the Stand started to pounce at him, a shrill beeping sounded from a distance away. It was the digital watch on the wrist of the deceased pilot. The Stand immediately turned, rocketing towards the corpse.
Polnareff exhaled heavily and blinked a few times. Holly picked herself up and hurried the rest of the way to see Kakyoin. Surely she could help with her new Hamon skills…
When the Stand got to the pilot’s corpse it destroyed the watch, slicing off his hand in the process.
Holly was barely paying attention. She was knelt next to Polnareff, cradling Kakyoin’s head in her hands. She placed her hand over his eyes and started channeling Hamon there.
“Why did it go for the dead body?” Joseph wondered aloud. Holly could just barely hear him over her heart hammering.
“It didn’t do it for fun,” Jotaro said. “It broke the watch because of the alarm.” Holly was proud of him for realizing that—it wouldn’t have occurred to her.
“It’s the sound, then!” Avdol said, voicing Holly’s exact thoughts. “That’s how it finds us.”
Polnareff was confused and still shaking a little. Holly felt bad for him. He’d panicked, and now he was clearly kicking himself over it.
“Try to stay calm,” Holly said quietly, carefully regulating her breath so she wouldn’t hurt Kakyoin with an irregular healing flow.
The Frenchman nodded vigorously. “Mrs. Kujo, may I ask what you’re doing to him? Is it your Stand?” He said, his voice unsteady.
“No, Hamon. You’ve probably seen Joseph use it,” Holly replied. “And you don’t have to call me Mrs. Kujo—my name is Holly. Nice to meet you.” She smiled a little.
“Jean Pierre Polnareff,” he said, swallowing hard. “Likewise.”
Holly took her hand away from Kakyoin’s eyes to check her progress. It was slick with blood, making her flinch.
As she assessed, a few droplets fell from her hand.
The water stand immediately whirled to face her. Just those tiny sounds had alerted it? She stiffened.
“Jean, run away! Go now!” Holly said. She pushed him to his feet.
“Oh my god!” Joseph shouted. “Get to the car!”
Polnareff quickly overtook Holly due to his long legs but he was slowed down by the extra weight of carrying Kakyoin. He slowed to the same pace as her after the initial burst of speed.
Holly felt the sandnear her ankles swishing. It was the water Stand barely failing to hit her. She tried to run faster and not risk it, but no more speed would come.
“Quick! Get over here!” Joseph called. “Hurry!” Holly looked up and saw that he and the others had climbed onto the buggy, taking advantage of the enemy Stand being in pursuit.
“Ack!” Polnareff nearly fell. Holly’s heart skipped a beat. She tried to slow down for just a second and draw the Stand’s attention.
No response. It continued to pursue him, waiting for another stumble. In this chase it was a persistence predator, relying on tiring out its prey.
It was the last stretch before finally reaching the car. The water Stand put on a burst of speed previously unseen. It easily reached Polnareff, slashing a huge cut into his calf muscle and causing his leg to stop working.
Polnareff pitched forward, pushed off balance by the sheer force of the attack.
Just in time, Joseph reached out with Hermit Purple and caught Kakyoin and Polnareff. He grimaced at the exertion. “Pull them in!” He said to Avdol and Jotaro.
Holly leapt up onto the hood of the car as the Stand whipped at her leg. Upon her feet leaving the ground the water immediately vanished, dropping into the sand like it was never there.
She’d tried to keep her Hamon breathing steady so her energy would be untouched, but the stress of the chase had caused her to falter. She gasped to catch her breath, imagining the earful she’d get from Lisa Lisa.
Her Hamon training…would it be wasted? If she continued at this rate with this type of flawed technique, all she’d do is hurt herself and put others in danger in the process.
“It’s gone,” Avdol said. He adjusted his clothes and jewelry, which had gotten messed up as he ran.
“So that’s it,” Joseph said, momentarily taking his hat off so he could wipe his brow. “It tracks us via sound and hides in the sand until it needs to attack. It could be anywhere at any time, and on top of that it’s probably long-range.”
“How’s Kakyoin?” Polnareff said, completely out of breath and more pale than before. He was starting to look clammy as the pain and blood loss took hold.
“Not good, but I think whatever Mom did helped him. We should get him to a hospital quick,” Jotaro said. He was cleaning and binding Polnareff’s leg wound with supplies they’d grabbed from the first aid kit in the car. Beside him lay a once pristine white pant leg he’d cut off. It was completely soaked red.
“She said it was…Hamon,” Polnareff said. He was starting to breathe heavily. “Apparently you do it as well, Mr. Joestar?”
Holly swallowed. If she hadn’t messed up her breathing, would she have been able to stop this?
“Hamon?” Joseph repeated, his brows shooting up. “How’d you learn that?”
“Mama called Grandma over. She gave me a crash course,” Holly said.
“Mom?” Joseph said incredulously. “Suzi was able to get ahold of her?”
“Yeah, easily. Also, about Mama…she’s worried sick and needs to hear your voice,” Holly said. “Give her a call once we get out of this.”
Joseph blinked. He hadn’t been able to get Lisa Lisa to answer her phone in quite a while. Had she changed numbers again and not bothered to tell him? She always liked messing with him in that way. “Of course. I’ll call Suzi as soon as I can.”
Jotaro finished bandaging Polnareff. He tugged on the wrappings one last time to make sure they were snug, making Polnareff swear loudly.
“Be more gentle, would you? That hurts.” The Frenchman said.
“Do you wanna bleed out?” Jotaro said flatly.
(4 Kilometers away from the Joestar party’s location, a young man sat with his legs crossed and his shoulders covered by a cloak. He leaned his ear against a precisely crafted cane, his golden earring clinking against it.
His name? N’Doul.
“They all got in the car…” he chuckled. “It seems that they figured out that I’m hunting them by sound. Not that they can do anything about it.” His lips curled into a smirk.)
Iggy, who was previously sleeping, caught a scent and hopped out of the buggy nonchalantly.
Immediately after, the car violently pitched. It started to creak and groan as the metal was contorted under stress.
“The tires are sinking!” Jotaro hissed. “The ground is pulling us in—It’s like quicksand!
(N’doul snapped to attention—something light that stood on four legs had landed on the ground. It was the dog he saw earlier, the one who stared at him.
He grumbled. “The dog predicted my attack. It’s going to be a pain, I see. What to do, then? Should I kill it first?”
Just as he got his Stand ready, the dog plopped down onto the sand, circling and curling up to take a nap.
He heard the buggy sink further. The Joestar party were no doubt crying out in fear, but the dog didn’t budge.
N’doul laughed. “Forget the dog! It has no allegiance to any of these people, and as for them, they have much bigger problems!”)
The water Stand slashed at the buggy, cleanly slicing off both of its front wheels. It leaned, but snapped back upright as it sank deeper and quicker.
“Damn it!” Joseph said. “That was his plan! Everyone hold on!”
The shifting was too much; all of them were thrown off of the buggy, landing scattered around the area. Iggy remained asleep, rolling over and kicking like he was chasing something in his dream.
Avdol recovered from the tumble first. As the water dissipated into the sand, an idea dawned on him.
No one else was moving before, but now they truly froze in place. Joseph, Polnareff, and Kakyoin were all together across from Avdol, while Holly and Jotaro were together in the middle.
Jotaro was holding onto Holly protectively—and so she wouldn’t try anything like she did earlier. She didn’t have any intention to, but she appreciated that he cared.
Avdol swallowed hard. One by one, he slipped off his bracelets.
(N’doul smiled, victorious. “No use in being quiet. I know exactly where all of you are.”)
He tossed a bracelet roughly the same distance as a footstep. It landed lightly in the sand. Nothing happened.
(N’doul paused. “Hm?”)
Avdol threw more bracelets, carefully alternating them. Sweat trickled down his brow but he wiped it up before it could hit the sand and alert the enemy.
Holly was holding her breath. She flinched every time Avdol made a toss, half-expecting the Stand to immediately appear and attack him.
(“Five steps now. He’s being quiet, but not so quiet as to escape my notice.”)
Avdol paused. He took a breath, settling a bit and bringing up his hands. Was he about to summon Magician’s Red?
Holly realized his gambit now. He intended to completely incinerate the Stand once it surfaced and therefore fell for his trap.
The longest five seconds of Holly’s life passed, then there was the slightest impression in the sand. Avdol brought forth Magician’s Red, the bird Stand giving a shrill, echoing shriek.
(“Wait. Why did he stop? What’s he doing?”)
Magician’s Red struck at the water Stand as it flew at the decoy, but it turned at the last second, evading Magician’s Red and shooting towards Avdol instead. He shouted in confusion and hurried to dodge.
Magician’s Red swiped upwards, a crackling blaze following his hand. There was a hiss and a plume of steam where he successfully hit the water, but then silence. Avdol stood frozen for a moment.
“Avdol!” Joseph said. “Are you okay?”
Avdol stumbled, his eyes becoming unfocused. “He’s…” he fell to his knees. “He’s strong…”
He collapsed, falling forward like a rag doll. a wound on his neck became visible as it began to bleed. It quickly created a puddle beneath him. He wouldn’t last long if he continued to bleed at this rate, but how were they supposed to reach him to save him?
(N’doul grimaced as a blistering burn appeared on his arm. “That was clever, I will admit. I should pay more attention to the sounds they’re making. It seems that he threw some sort of ring-shaped objects.”
He touched the injured area of his arm to see how badly it was hurt. “A burn…it must have been Avdol I attacked. I’ll take care of him swiftly.”)
The sand dipped behind Avdol’s crumpled form and the water Stand once again collected itself into a pillar.
Jotaro glanced at Holly. His face asked a question—did they have the same thought? She nodded, confirming she would help him.
Slowly, painfully, the water Stand reached its claws for Avdol. Polnareff shouted in distress.
Holly and Jotaro broke into a run. Holly stayed just behind him, walking in his exact footprints and using Hamon to scatter the sound of her steps like walking on water during her training.
“Jotaro! Holly!” Polnareff exclaimed, his face looking just as pale as his hair.
Joseph stared in shock. “They cant be…”
(N’doul’s brows furrowed. “I’m absolutely certain it isn’t a trick this time. Where is he intending to go? There’s no sanctuary in any direction, I made sure of it.”
He adjusted his cane to hear better. “His stride is incredibly long, meaning he’s tall…but he moves like a young man. It must be Jotaro. Where is he going? What’s in that direction?”
He huffed, readjusting again. “Why am I suddenly getting so much interference? Is he deliberately kicking up sand to try and mask his location? Something that juvenile won’t work on me.”
N’doul sent his Stand after Jotaro instead. Avdol was out of commission anyways. “Jotaro’s Star Platinum is by far the strongest Stand in this group. Lord DIO will be pleased if I defeat him.”)
Jotaro made a beeline for Iggy, Holly right behind him. The dog woke up, but too late to react. Jotaro skidded like a baseball player and grabbed him off the ground, much to Iggy’s annoyance.
“Good grief…You can smell the Stand, can’t you?” Jotaro said, holding Iggy up to eye level and glaring at him.
Jotaro stopped moving entirely. Holly almost bumped into him, having been too concentrated on her Hamon. Once she stopped, she made sure to stand on the very tips of her toes to further dissipate her shape. She hoped the Hamon flow either wouldn’t register or would come up as essentially static.
Taking ballet as a young girl was coming in handy for all this tiptoeing, even if she was a little rusty.
(“He just picked something up. What was at that location?” N’doul said. He focused harder, but then it dawned on him. “The dog! He grabbed the dog! Damn it, he knows…”
He composed himself and returned to listening.
He felt Jotaro stop moving. A stupid choice, but he wasn’t going to complain.)
“Iggy, we need your help. You can smell the Stand, so can you take us there?” Holly said. She flinched as Joseph called out to them, telling them not to stay still. She hoped he would be able to trust her and not try anything rash.
Jotaro glanced behind them. “Time to finally pull your weight. Where’s the Stand coming from? Tell me, Iggy,” he growled. “If you don’t we’ll all die. I’m not letting you go.”
Holly grimaced. “Please, just this once. We don’t have any gum for—“ she stopped speaking and stared.
Iggy brought The Fool out and made him into a glider, replacing the usual rear wheels with two bat-like wings. He started to drift upwards as the wings solidified and caught the breeze.
“Iggy, you can fly?” Holly exclaimed. “That’s—“
“Not so fast,” Jotaro said, jumping up and grabbing onto The Fool. Iggy yelped and complained, thrashing his legs. Holly quickly followed suit.
With the extra weight the glider dipped a bit, but corrected as Iggy angled the wings better. The Fool moved surprisingly fast this way.
(N’doul lurched forward, completely shocked. “What did he just do? He jumped, but he hasn’t landed! Did he vanish into thin air?”)
Moving forwards now, The Fool quickly lost altitude. Holly and Jotaro bent their knees, but it didn’t help. Iggy was clearly under stress.
“I’m sorry, Iggy…I know we’re heavy. Just a bit longer!” Holly said, hoping to encourage him.
“It’s no use…I’ll have to help.” Jotaro looked down, bringing out Star Platinum’s leg. “He’ll realize what we’re up to as soon as I do this, though. Get ready.”
Holly nodded. “Do what you have to.”
Jotaro bent his leg, then kicked off the ground with Star Platinum’s strength. The Fool immediately soared upwards, leaving a cloud of disturbed sand and an echoing “ora!” In their wake.
(“Ah!” N’doul heard a big impact. “So that’s it! The dog’s Stand can fly…and they’re coming right towards me. I’ve got to kill Jotaro before he gets any closer…”)
The water Stand appeared behind them in mere seconds, tossing chunks of sand all around. It breached the sand like a dolphin, the sunlight glinting off it in blinding streaks.
Holly glanced back, then at Jotaro. “What do we do?” She whispered. She wasn’t sure if the enemy could hear their voices, but Iggy had been complaining this whole time and the Stand didn’t find them.
Jotaro stiffened as he spotted something on the horizon. He summoned Star Platinum to see better, leaning forward.
Holly couldn’t help but stare. The first time she ever saw Star Platinum he had been nothing but intimidating, and that fear lingered for her. Now, however, he looked more gentle.
His eyes still shone cold and bright, but his face looked more like Jotaro; it was an expression of contemplation. However, where Jotaro usually looked angry just from his resting face, Star Platinum did not. He was harsher and gentler than Jotaro all at once. Holly wasn’t sure what to make of it.
Jotaro sent him away, then turned to Holly. He pointed ahead. “The user is 400 meters away. Looks like he’s blind.”
Holly nodded.
Above her, a few light taps sounded, then more and more. She craned her neck to see what was happening.
Sand was falling from above, hitting the top of The Fool’s wings. Holly initially didn’t understand, but then it dawned on her. This was how the enemy located the Speedwagon helicopter.
Jotaro seemed to realize as well. “He’s using the sand like sonar. He knows where we are.”
Before either of them could say anything else, the water Stand shot out of the ground, aimed towards Jotaro. He was barely able to get Star Platinum out in time, however he failed to deflect. The water sliced a deep gash in his shoulder, making his hand start slipping as he lost feeling in it.
“Shit.” He grimaced. “Mom, try to be as small as possible. I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to protect you.”
“Jotaro, you’re bleeding!” Holly brought out The Miracle and used its vines to wrap around his chest and uninjured shoulder, creating a makeshift harness. “That should take some of the stress off your arm.” She grimaced as she felt a bit of the weight pulling on her via her Stand.
Jotaro exhaled through his teeth. The enemy now attacked The Fool, cutting through one of the wings like it was paper.
Iggy started to panic and flew down towards the ground until he was dragging Jotaro and Holly through the sand, right towards the waiting claws of the water Stand.
“You lousy mutt,” Jotaro hissed. He brought out his Stand.
Holly had barely gotten her Hamon ready in time. She sent some up through The Miracle so Jotaro would be harder to find as well.
However, before it took hold, the water Stand located him and surged forward.
Jotaro grabbed Iggy with Star Platinum, wound up like a baseball pitcher, and threw him full-force towards the enemy. Holly blinked and he was just a speck.
“Jotaro! Wasn’t that harsh?” She said. “Iggy’s just a dog…”
(“What? He just threw something at me! I felt the wind gust! But what was it?” N’doul said, leaning down harder on his cane.
He flinched. “The dog?” He exclaimed. “He’ll smash into me! I have to get my Stand back!”)
Iggy hurtled towards the enemy and summoned The Fool right as the water Stand returned. Iggy slowed his momentum by slashing downwards with The Fool, causing N’doul to drop his cane.
He frantically swished his hands over the hot sand, searching for his cane. “I can’t believe he actually threw the dog…I was so distracted I lost his position…”
N’doul’s found the cold handle of his cane. He grabbed it and hurried to put it to his ear. “Where are you, Jotaro?” It was dead silent in all directions. He swore, digging the cane further into the sand. Maybe he just wasn’t hearing right?
Jotaro was behind him. He looked down at N’doul, his eyes cold. Holly was next to him, still masking her location with Hamon.
N’doul cursed under his breath. “He’s got to be close…standing still somewhere…”
Iggy yelped in fear, which alerted N’doul. He brought the water Stand back, guarding his flank. It lapped at the ground and fanned out until it nearly reached Jotaro’s shoe.
N’doul took a breath. “I see. I wasn’t aware you were this close. If I didn’t guard, you would have attacked me by now.”
Jotaro said nothing. Holly glanced at him, unsure what to do.
N’doul held out his cane. “I don’t need a cane to hear you when you’re at this distance.” He let it fall. “But I’ll need it when I go home.”
Iggy suddenly cried out, completely panicking. He ran away as fast as he could.
Holly realized too late that Iggy had sensed N’doul’s Stand moving and fled to save himself.
“Jotaro, he’s—!” She reached out with The Miracle, grabbing Jotaro and pulling him to the side. The water Stand stopped mid-strike, plopping back into a puddle.
“A woman?” N’doul said, shocked. “How did you manage to get here without alerting me even once? I never realized you left the crash site.”
“I outsmarted you,” Holly said. “Your technique is flawed.”
“Don’t argue with him, M—“ Jotaro stopped himself. “Just don’t.”
“That’s your mother?” N’doul said with an incredulous laugh, causing Jotaro to flinch. “Why would you bring her here?”
“Why does it matter? I’m here, and we’ve beaten you,” Holly said.
N’doul said nothing, but he did smirk. Suddenly, his Stand struck at Holly, having ascertained her position from her voice.
She sidestepped it perfectly.
N’doul growled and attacked her again.
Another dodge.
Holly would outperform him. That’s all she had to do. Just wear him down.
One more perfect dodge. Two after that. It became like a dance. Iggy was whimpering now.
“Damn it!” N’doul hissed. “Why can’t I hit you?”
Jotaro bristled. N’doul gritted his teeth and threw a huge slash at her. She realized she was too close to Jotaro and he might be hurt, so she leapt away and sustained a hit to her upper arm that ripped her sleeve.
She checked it. The cut didn’t even break the skin. Jotaro turned to her. “Are you—“
While his guard was down, N’doul struck at him instead. Jotaro whirled around and brought out Star Platinum.
He stepped back, throwing a punch that hit N’doul’s chest. Simultaneously, the water Stand came just short of hitting Jotaro in the neck. It clipped his cheekbone and sent his hat flying off his head.
A spatter of blood hit the sand as N’doul fell back. Holly rushed to Jotaro’s side. “Are you okay?” She said, noticing the blood all over his face. Everything just now had happened too quickly for her to know what was going on.
He closed his eyes for a moment, nodded, and turned to N’doul. “You knocked my hat off. I don’t even take it off when I’m underwater.” He pushed his hair back from his face, but the unruly waves just fell back down. “You won’t die from that wound, don’t worry. I went easy on you.”
N’doul cracked a smile. He stabbed his Stand through his own head like an arrow, opening a wound that immediately gushed blood.
“Why would you do that?” She said, kneeling next to him. “With your own Stand…?” She put her hand to her mouth.
Jotaro knelt next to her. His brows were furrowed and he looked a bit green.
N’doul coughed. “You two were planning to interrogate me…and ask about the other eight Stand users, right?” He laughed, and it was a hollow sound. “I would sooner die than tell you anything that would put him at a disadvantage.”
“You’d die for DIO? Your loyalty is that strong?” Jotaro said. A bit of surprise crept into his voice.
“He doesn’t care about you,” Holly whispered, holding back tears. “It’s not worth your life…”
N’doul put his hand up weakly. “I’m not afraid of dying. Thanks to my Stand, I haven’t known fear since I was a child. I could win any fight. I could have whatever I wanted. Others were powerless to stop me. Killing, stealing…I had nothing to fear from anyone, not even the police.”
He rolled his head over and looked at the cowering form of Iggy. “I’m sure the dog knows how I feel.”
He smiled, almost nostalgically. “Lord DIO was the first and only person I met who I knew wasn’t against me. He didn’t want to kill me. He was so strong and wise, so great and beautiful…he was the only person who ever saw purpose in me. I had been waiting my entire life to meet him.”
“I’m not afraid to die. I never have been. Now that I have purpose, my only fear is disappointing him.” He coughed.
“You put up a good fight, so I’ll tell you something. My name is N’Doul. My Stand is from Egypt, the birthplace of the Tarot…one of the Great Ennead, the nine great gods of Egypt…it is Geb, the god of earth.”
“Nine gods of Egypt?” Jotaro repeated. “What are the others?”
“Don’t be greedy,” N’Doul said with a laugh. “I’ll only tell you about my own ability. After all, you beat me…you’ve earned that much.”
His eyes drifted closed. Soon after, his breaths came fewer and further between until they stopped coming at all.
Holly dropped the last handful of sand onto N’Doul’s grave. His cane acted as the headstone, spinning in place every once and a while due to the breeze. She hoped he would be at peace in this resting place and enjoy the solitude where no one would be around to trouble him.
Jotaro was a few paces away, looking up at the sky. Holly walked up behind him. “Hey, how’s your shoulder?” She said gently.
“I’ll live. Thanks for healing it.” He looked away. There was still smeared blood on his cheek—without water it was hard to clean it all.
She had only managed to heal his shoulder partially. It seemed if she did too much it would just stop working. The same thing had happened with Kakyoin.
“How did you dodge him?” Jotaro said, after a companionable silence. “Dumb luck?”
“I was using my Stand,” she said, then realized. “You never had time to see it, did you?”
She extended her arms and the green vines grew around them in spirals, coiling on her fingers and palms before sprouting berries. “This is The Miracle. From what I know, my ability is to capture and replay any sensation I choose. I can also use the vines like Papa uses Hermit Purple.”
Jotaro’s eyes widened imperceptibly. “I see. Did you use it to predict Geb’s movements?”
“Exactly!” She smiled. “I captured how the sand felt before he attacked, then whenever I felt that sensation again I knew it was time to dodge.”
His mouth curved up ever-so-slightly and he nodded. “That was smart.”
“I’m so glad you think so!” Holly said, shaking out her arms to send away The Miracle. “What about Star Platinum? What all can he do?” If she was being honest, she just wanted to see Jotaro’s Stand again—she thought he was adorable.
Jotaro summoned Star Platinum. “He’s extremely fast and precise. He has enhanced vision and strength. A while back I found out he can do a trick where he extends his two fingers. That’s it…I usually just punch people.”
Star Platinum was sparkling in the light of the setting sun, his starry hair caught by a breeze that only affected him. She might have been seeing things, but it seemed like he was smiling at her.
“Oh, and…mom?” He mumbled.
He turned away so she wouldn’t see him. Star Platinum faded away. “I wasn’t sure if you’d wake up.”
“I’m fine, and I’m sorry I did that to you.” She stood on her tiptoes and he leaned his head down so she could give him a kiss on his cheek.
She paused for a moment, then hugged him. “I missed you so much.”
He stiffened momentarily but eventually relaxed and buried his face in her shoulder, leaning most of his weight on her. She couldn’t imagine how tired he was.
“It’s not safe for you here. You should go home,” he said after a moment.
“I feel the same way about you. I think the best thing we can do is agree to disagree…and most importantly, we protect each other. Is that okay?”
He sighed heavily. “Yeah.”
She held him for a moment longer, then they stepped apart. She looked back at the makeshift grave.
“You know, something about the way N’Doul was talking gave me a weird feeling,” Holly said.
“Agreed. DIO has control of these people like a cult leader. It makes me wonder what he’s like to get so many people on his side.” Jotaro touched his chin.
“I see him in my dreams sometimes. He has an aura that completely freezes me in place. Looking at him makes my head spin, and that’s just a dream.”
Jotaro looked at her for a moment, processing that. “You dream about him?”
“Almost every night.” Holly decided not to tell him about how she saw him die in her dreams almost as often as she saw DIO. Having her son in front of her, alive and well, nearly made her cry.
He looked away, thinking. His jaw tightened.
Behind them, Iggy suddenly started growling. Holly turned around.
“Iggy?” She said. “Why are you upset?”
“Hey, relax. We aren’t mad you tried to sacrifice us,” Jotaro said. “I don’t blame you for it. You don’t know us and you didn’t ask to be brought here.” He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a stick of gum. “Here, you want this?”
Iggy jumped and grabbed it out of his hand, running away and growling.
“That dog’s a pain in the ass,” Jotaro said, shaking his head. “He can stay in the desert for all I care.”
“Don’t be too harsh, Jotaro.” Holly said. “He just takes a while to warm up to you.”
Iggy trotted up to Jotaro, holding the boy’s hat in his mouth.
“See?” Holly said. “Thank you, Iggy! That was very considerate.”
Jotaro bent down and accepted his hat. “Well, what do you know. Maybe you aren’t so bad after all.”
Iggy walked up to Holly and she happily gave him some scratches.
Jotaro put his hat on, but while he was straightening it, he felt something on the brim. He pulled his hand away. Chewed-up coffee gum stretched out, forming strings. He sighed. He should have known better. “Damn dog.”
Holly saw the gum all over his hand. She burst out laughing. “He put gum on your hat?” She looked down at Iggy. “Good one!”
Jotaro rolled his eyes. “Gimme a break.” He looked away so they wouldn’t see him smile.
Holly’s presence, which he’d initially thought to be a curse, might end up being a blessing after all.
Thank you for reading!
Edit: I received more fanart! Here and here! Thank you!
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ruinedbycatastrophe · 10 months
@covetousstarlight from here.
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"Now, now. Calm yourself." He spoke, although stern there was a softness in the edges there. Like one would use when scolding a hissing cat. Gale placed his hands on his hips, and nodded as if he were thinking over what to say before actually saying it. And in this case, he was. Astarion was a wild card, a frightened animal waiting to jump. Fight or flight. "Your condition and mine are quite. . . similar." Finally he spoke. "And as long as you ask before you bite, we will be right as rain. Alright?" Gale thought again for a moment. "Although, perhaps, not biting me persay. I am unsure how my condition will effect you."
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flargablarga · 1 year
If... if you don't like how the series is turning out or how the author is handling their characters, not even in any sort of "not handling a characteristic the author gave them to be inclusive TM", but just not liking how they're writing characters in their own story...
You can
You can stop reading
You can stop watching it
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digirainebow · 2 years
played all of beacon pines instead of more exocolonist. and it was good, but it just made me miss playing exocolonist
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fanonsupremecy · 2 months
Why do us as tumblrinas leave all our best talking points in the tags. Yes this is about my reblog about mickey milkovich where I leave my mickey and iggy post canon reunion hurt comfort fic idea in the tags.
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hauntingblue · 4 months
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a silly little wip. :3
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limepigeon · 1 month
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It's finally here!! Coming Home: A Fallen Hero Fanzine is the joint work of 30 incredible contributors and one editor, culminating in a 70+ pages long zine filled with artwork and writing! I am beyond proud of the work and effort we all put into this, it turned out to be a lot bigger than I initially thought but the result has blown me away! I have learnt a lot while organising this project which I am very grateful for. Thank you to all contributors who made this possible! And with that, I am very excited to finally be able to share it with you! Coming Home: A Fallen Hero Fanzine (2024) - Link to PDF
List of contributors: Wednesday (he/they) - crowshuh.tumblr.com Borf (she/her) - no socials Capricule (she/her) - Linktr.ee/capricule Sam (they/them) - seawardboundsammy.tumblr.com / Sandcloud27 (AO3) Allen "Chocolate Dreams" (ne/nem, it/its, they/them) - allens-chocolate-dreams.tumblr.com Beem (she/they) - callmebeem.tumblr.com Bookish (they/them) - silvery-bluish.tumblr.com Mo (he/they) - mosartandjunk.tumblr.com Wenrys "Echo" (they/them) - echoesofwinter.tumblr.com / EchoesOfWinter (twitter) Gingham (he/him) - glamgingham.tumblr.com Chainchaser (he/him) - chainchaser.tumblr.com Pulp (he/they) - sidesteppostinghours.tumblr.com Sal (he/him) - steelh4ze.tumblr.com Lori (they/them) - disastersteps.tumblr.com Jackal "Cigs" (he/they) - cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal.tumblr.com / Knockoff_Indulgences (AO3) Godshaper - godshaper.tumblr.com / Godshaper (twitter) Westealtoys (she/her) - westealtoys.tumblr.com Wonda (she/her) - wonda-fhr.tumblr.com Karo "HarbingersEcho" (he/him) - harbingersecho.tumblr.com Ripley (it/its) - asthecrowrambles.tumblr.com Ellie (he/him) - hawkepockets.tumblr.com Kalee (she/her) - bigfreckledears.tumblr.com Hen (he/they) - side-stepping.tumblr.com Isobel "Iggy" (she/her) - iggydabirdkid.tumblr.com / iggys_artstuff (IG) Idle (he/him) - idlenight.tumblr.com Dogueteeth (they/them) - dogueteeth.tumblr.com Phopho (he/him) - phosilli.tumblr.com / phosilli (IG) Aedan "Kidhellion" (he/him) - kidhellion.tumblr.com Shark "SixLeggedBoar" (he/they) - sexleggedboar.tumblr.com Cassie "Calnexin" (she/her) - calnexin.tumblr.com Tom "Lime" (they/them) - limepigeon.tumblr.com The print-at-home PDF will come later this year! Coming Home: A Fallen Hero Fanzine (2024) is a free, non-profit fan project based on the interactive fiction series Fallen Hero (2018). Fallen Hero (2018) is written by Malin Rydén and published by Hosted Games, it can be found at Choice of Games and Steam.
Tags for contributors under the read more
@crowshuh @capricule @seawardboundsammy @allens-chocolate-dreams @callmebeem @silvery-bluish @mosartandjunk @echoesofwinter @glamgingham @chainchaser @sidesteppostinghours @steelh4ze @disastersteps @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal @godshaper @westealtoys @wonda-fhr @harbingersecho @asthecrowrambles @hawkepockets @bigfreckledears @side-stepping @iggydabirdkid @idlenight @dogueteeth @phosilli @kidhellion @sixleggedboar @calnexin Contributors, feel free to upload your zine artwork to your own socials and tag me or use tag fallen hero fanzine 2024 so I can find it and reblog it! 💛
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tangerinesgf · 5 months
Okay but imagine Tom Ryder falling for a fan who has ZERO and I mean zero clue on him being famous. Like he met the fan on accident and then was expecting the fan to go crazy when seeing him but the fan wasn’t even interested
And he’s like so into it becuase this hasn’t happened to him before!
Also female reader as the fan!!!
Tags/warnings: nothing I think.. Tom being an ass before being nice.
A/N: this was really fun to write. I'll be honest i had to keep myself from making him too much of an asshole, but i think this is pretty in character. Anywaysss tysm for your request and i hope you like itt<3
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Tom Ryder has never met someone who doesn't know him. He's the biggest star of the world, everyone and their mother's knew about him. Or at least that's what he thought.
He was at his favorite coffee shop, undercover with a hat and black sunglasses. Usually he'd love the attention and praise from his fans, but today he wasn't really in the mood.
As the barista hands him his coffee order (a grande Caramel macchiato, 1/3 whole milk, 1/3 almond milk, 1/3 soy milk, 1 shot of extra espresso decaf, whipped cream and caramel drizzle on top), Ryder turns away to walk out of the shop.
Without noticing he drops his bank card which he used to pay with. You notice this while standing behind him in line and pick the card up.
"Oh, sir!" You call out as you rush after him.
Tom sighs and rolls his eyes before turning around to face the girl. "Here we go.." He mutters to himself.
"You dropped your-"
He instantly cuts you off before you can even finish your sentence. "Yeah, yeah it's me I'm amazing and the hottest man you've ever seen blah blah I know.."
You stare at him for a bit while still holding onto his card. "What?"
"What do you mean what?" He looks annoyed, you're wasting his time every second that he stands there facing you.
"I found your card.. what are you talking about?" You hold the card up to show him, your face still scrunched up in confusion.
"I'm Tom Ryder. Did you honestly not recognize me?" He raises his eyebrow at you. Is this girl stupid? He thinks to himself.
"Was I supposed to?"
"Yes. Everyone does I'm Tom Ryder." He says almost baffled that you don't recognize him.
"You keep saying your name but it doesn't ring a bell." You shrug your shoulder
"Tom Ryder." He repeats once again as if saying it for the third time would help. "Action Pact franchise? Hot Earth? Bad Cop, Good Dog? Metalstorm? How about biggest moviestar of the world?" He explains to you like you're a child.
"Oh I did hear about Metalstorm. Isn't that with that actress Iggy? Was that her name? She's cool."
"What no- I mean yes she is in it, but it's my movie. I'm the lead actor." Tom says in an agitated tone. How could you not know him, everyone knows him. Yet for some reason you kept staring at him with those confused eyes. Those beautiful confused eyes..
"Right well- good for you." It's a genuine smile, it's adorable. Why are you smiling at him like that? You should be wanting to jump on him out of excitement. Tom has never felt so confused in his life.
"Don't you watch movies at all?" He questions you.
"Ofcours I do. Indie movies." You say with a soft smile on your face.
Indie movies. Right. Tom Ryder was known for big budget blockbuster films, not smallscale indie stuff. Although now that he thinks about it everything could be a blockbuster with his name attatched to it.
"Right- so my face means nothing to you?"
"I mean.. I guess it looks slightly familiar but no.. not really. Sorry." You smile apologetically.
A strange sensation washes over Tom as he realizes this girl does not care about him at all. It's oddly humbeling even for him. "No it's fine I guess, I just never met someone who isn't crazy about me."
"Well I could still do that." You chuckle and finally hand the bank card back to him. "I'll just pretend to be obsessed with you and then you can roll your eyes at me or something."
"You'd really make a fool out of yourself for me?" He raises his eyebrow at you. Sure he's used to everyone doing everything for him whenever he asks, but this felt nice, less forced than usual.
"Yeah, look." You smile and then turn your back to him. A second later you turn to face him again, your face laced with excitement.
"Oh my god, you're Tom Ryder! I've seen like all your movies and you're so cool and hot and so amazing. Can we take a picture oh and an autograph, will you marry me?!" You say acting like an obsessed fangirl that's in love with him.
"Alright alright.. I get it." He laughs, readjusting the sunglasses on his face. He was starting to like her more and more.
"Really? I can go on if you'd like. There's this whole part where I improvise your part in a movie." Yoi brush your hair back from where it had fallen in front of your face and Tom's eyes can't help but linger at every move you make.
"No it's alright." He chuckles. "But I will say you're missing out. I've won many awards ya know. I'm not just a pretty face." He says with a grin on his face, trying to impress her.
"Never said you were. Maybe I should go see your new film at the cinema then." You tease playfully.
He chuckles softly at that. The idea of you going to see his movie made him excited. He wanted to know what you'd think about the film eventhough he had just met you 5 minutes ago. Then an idea suddenly pops into his head.
"I have a better idea. How would you like to go to the premiere, hm?" He grins
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A/N: Tysm for reading I hope you enjoyed it!! Comments and reblogs are so much appreciated you don't even understand. Love you guyss<3
Taglist: @earth-elemental18 @cockete @allaroundjejje (lemme know if you wanna be removed/added)
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rayrayor · 6 months
Self Rec , Saturday, in my case Monday 🤬😈
Thank you @jrooc for the tag.
My Galladad series is my gooey love. I adore writing this world for them. Liam and Lily are living their best life with their dads. This one has toddler Lily, smart and sweet Liam, Ian being a pod cast sensation ;oh and Mickey trying to keep up with his family. And carving out adult time with Ian. Plus Iggy, a kick ass cat dad with boundaries.
Oh and art by @luluxa and Lily lol
Tagging @bawlbrayker @sweetperversiongirl @gallavichgeek @spacerockwriting @creepkinginc @depressedstressedlemonzest @starcrossedsoulmates84 @mybrainismelted
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ilikebookssomuch · 1 month
So I had this AU idea a while ago and today I finally got around to writing it in class :D
So um. Read. Cry. Enjoy.
*TW implied suicide* read with caution
By Cricket
Keefe wished Havenfield had normal windows. He figured having floor-to-ceiling windows was nice, but it was making it really hard to break in, especially while levitating. Keefe cursed under his breath, painstakingly removing the panes of glass. When they finally gave way, he rolled inside, the flower petals in Sophie’s rug crushed beneath him. Iggy rattled his cage, reaching tiny hands through the bars. 
“Hey, little guy,” he whispered, tickling Iggy’s chin. “I’ve got something for you.” Keefe pulled a vial of dye out of his pocket. After popping the quark, he opened the cage and poured the elixir into Iggy’s water bowl. The imp gulped down the elixir and released a loud burp. A moment later, his fur turned shades of green-pink-blue-purple with stripes. He looked like a mermaid with wings, and Keefe released a chuckle.
Iggy seemed very pleased and started licking his new fur. Keefe walked over to Sophie’s desk, digging through the drawers until he found a scrap of paper and a pen. He wrote his note quickly, not wanting to leave time to reconsider what he was about to do. When he was finished, he scanned over his work.
To the Mysterious Miss F,
Ugh, I’m already regretting saying this. But this is serious.
 I know that a lot has been happening lately, with your abilities, and my crazy mother. And I’m sorry. But I figured out a way to control myself. I hope you won’t hate me for it. 
This is for the best. 
Love, Keefe.
P.S. I love you, Sophie. Always have. Always will.
Keefe tucked the note next to Iggy’s cage and then headed to her bathroom. He knew that the Ruewens had a large supply of medicine, and knowing Foster, he could find what he was looking for in her cabinets. 
Bingo. He tucked the vial into his cape pocket and pulled out his Pathfinder, spinning it to a random facet and raising it to the light streaming through the windows. Before he stepped into the shimmering beam, Iggy fluttered to the top of his cage and grabbed his hand, gazing up at Keefe. Iggy’s small hands wrapped around his finger. 
Tears filled Keefe’s eyes, but he blinked them back and said, “Take care of Foster for me, okay?”
Iggy seemed to nod and reluctantly let go of his finger. The last thing Keefe saw as he stepped into the light was Grady opening the door to Sophie's bedroom, eyes widening in surprise. “Keefe? What are you doing here?”
But Keefe was gone. 
He glittered back into existence in a small wheat field in the Forbidden Cities. Keefe glanced around, but he saw no other humans. Good. This would work. 
He pulled out the medicine, reading the small label that said to take a sip every three hours. Ha. Keefe ripped off the label, shoving it in his pocket before opening the bottle. 
He downed the whole vial, collapsing onto the tall yellow grass. 
“Sleep,” was all he was able to croak out as his vision rapidly darkened.
Then everything faded to black.
And he was silent.
Ok I know I know I know please don't yell at me. There might be an alternate ending to this, so don't hate me yet :/ (It hurt me to kill off my boy too, jsyk)
Tag list because...why not. @myfairkatiecat because we were going to write this together and I think you'll want to read it. @ham-cheese-toastie because COGNATEEE <33333 @alaydabug2 @permanently-stressed because other fic writers. And my brain is blanking on me, so that's all.
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kotlc-rp-official · 7 months
Welcome to the KOTLC RP<3
Hello there! You may have heard of us from time to time, but we're a tumblr KOTLC roleplay that just kinda vibes from time to time.
This blog is the MAIN KOTLC RP blog. If you have questions, wanna join the rp etc. you can just drop an ask or tag us in a post. All roleplayers have access to this account so we'll be able to answer your questions at any time of the day
I am writing this as if theres some random entity who is in charge of the account, but we're all in charge of the account.
(The person writing this is Red, owner of the forkle and leto accounts)
⬇️ scroll down to meet the roleplayers ⬇️
MEET THE ROLEPLAYERS side note: i added the names of the actual roleplayers because timeo asked
Sophie - @therealsophieelizabethfoster
Fitz - @fitz-avery-vacker
Keefe - @keefe--sencen
Tam - @tam-shade-song
Dex- @dex-the-smart-one (Everett)
Biana- @sparkles-make-anything-better
Linh - @linh--song (Kory)
Maruca - @the-only-maruca-chebota
Wylie - @flasher-boi-endal
Amy - @amy-rose-foster
Stina - @im-just-cooler (Stella)
Marella - @shut-up-i-will-burn-you (Kay<333)
Jensi - @jensi-babbles-lots
Rex - (i do not know the @ but i know kale runs the account)
Alden - @alden-dendrick-vacker
Quinlin - @quinlin-sonden
Grady - @not-a-fan-of-that-boy
Edaline - @edaline--ruwen
Elwin - @elwin-at-your-service (Elle!!! hi mom! /hj)
Magnate Leto - @magnatetheleto (Red aka me)
Cassius - @thebestsencen
Juline Dizznee - @julinekdizznee-off (brooke)
-Black Swan Members-
Squall - @the-prettiest-ice-cube (Brooke)
Blur - @blurrieidentities Mr Forkle - @norwegian-trickster-god (Also Red)
Tiergan/Granite - @prentices-husband
Livvy - @candies-and-sparkles (Eve)
Jolie - @jolie-lucine-ruewen (venus)
Terik - @terik-the-councillor
Bronte - @bronte-the-inflictor
Oralie - @oralie-pretty-in-pink
Emery - @emery-is-a-king
Fintan - @fintan-pyren
Lady Gisela - @lady-gisela (kale i think)
Vespera: @vespera-neci-folend
Ruy: @chronically-ill-psionipath and or @ruy-tonio-ignis
Alvar - @alvar-not-vacker (also kale, I think)
Glimmer (Rayni) - @little-miss-neverseen
Trix - @trix-up-my-sleeve
Brant - @brant--redacted Umber - @umberthebettershade
other people (animals???)
Sandor - @igowhereyougo
Silveny - @therarestprattlespin (AEYLIS)
Ro - @hunkyhairs-backup
Iggy - @iggy-the-imp (THERE ARE YOU HAPPY TIMEO?)
Black Swan official acc (onyx runs it) @black-swan-official (Asta)
Nerverseen - @neverseen-official
Foxfire - @foxfire-official (I actually do not know)
Exillium - @exillium
Matchmakers - @thematchmakingoffice and @the-official-matchmaking-office (Denny and Timeo)
The Council Intern - @thecouncil-official
Eternalia's Library - @eternalialibrary-official
The official tags for the main rp blog are: asktherp, kotlcrpofficial
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cocoa-rococo · 4 months
Koopaling Headcanons: Larry
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Larry | Morton | Wendy | Iggy | Roy | Lemmy | Ludwig
Everyone's favorite little brother and general pest for plumbers! He's just a lil' rascal.
Right handed.
His love of tennis originally started as a way to stand out from his siblings, but eventually, he really enjoyed the sensation of playing.
He became a big fan of a Horse Girl animated show after the Olympics, but is super embarrassed about it and won't tell anyone because he thinks it wrecks his ‘cool guy’ image.
Red-green colorblind.
He likes painting with Bowser Jr, and he's a decent comic artist, but he's pretty shy about showing people his work, partially stemming from feeling inferior to Ludwig.
Hypoglycemic. Combine that with his age and his tennis hobby, this boy burns through glucose like a powder trail. It's also partially why he eats so much.
Very much a visual learner, as he tunes out if people tell him things without example, and gets frustrated if asked to try and do something on his own / with his hands and zero instruction.
A frighteningly good pickpocket. He once had a conversation with Bowser and managed to take off all five of his spiked cuffs in three minutes. It's only when he returned them did Bowser even realize they were gone.
He's a big fan of milkshakes, especially chocolate ones. Also a big fan of blowing his straw wrapper at his siblings before he drinks, and blowing bubbles in his drink if he's thinking.
Favorite breakfast food is waffles, with butter, syrup, chocolate chips, and fruit.
Can beatbox almost anything, and he's learning how to breakdance, too. He likes looking up tutorials and practicing in his room for both the space and privacy.
He does gaming streams in his free time, mostly online team-based games or RPGs that let you sink hours of play into useless but fulfilling sidequests. Gaming companies love him because they’ll get guaranteed sales if they offer a trial.
Has a pretty good head for directions, but only for cities. If you tell him you need to find a building from a particular place, he'll give you precise instructions on where to go. Highways and roadmaps are a completely different story.
That said, he got lost so often as a kid that Ludwig gifted him a compass, and he carries it with him constantly.
Not really a flower person, but ever since he got an anonymous bouquet of them, he's got a small appreciation for forget-me-nots.
He's a big fan of punk rock bands, and would love to attend a concert (and be a professional rockstar).
Favorite fruit is either strawberries or pears, but one of his favorite treats is caramel apples.
He’s got a leather jacket that's got a big star bedazzled on the back. It’s his prized possession because he thinks it makes him look cool (and it does, marginally).
Saw a flyer for a new DJ at the Electrodrome and applied on a whim. He got hired (much to his surprise), and greatly enjoys his work. In fact, his time learning the electronics is what inspired his light company.
Likes watching baking and cooking shows with Morton, but while Morton watches to improve and get ideas for recipes, Larry watches to yell at the contestants, because what the FUCK, Michael!!!!! Don’t put your custard on a high temperature, it!!! Is going!!!!!! To curdle!!!!!!!!!!!!
Legitimately has a very good palate for food, and can point out individual flavors where others can't. He will also visit a five-star restaurant and order chicken tenders off the kids menu.
One of his favorite things to do when he was a kid was hiding around the castle and pretending he was a spy; listening in on conversations and writing them down, coming up with codes, always carrying a walkie-talkie, the works. It started his earlier pictographic babble, and what lead him to being such a sneakster later on.
Can and will cheat outrageously at any card, board, dice, or wheel game. Not at video games, though. Those are sacred. That and laser tag.
Looooves chocolate, especially fudge. Do not let him get anywhere near fudge.
He was a shark kid growing up. He dreamed of visiting the aquarium for his birthday, and when he finally got to do so, came home with an armload of various shark plushies and memorabilia.
A big fan of giving and receiving nicknames. Bowser once called him ‘blueberry’ and he cried about it for like seven minutes.
He’s got an admiration for Princess Daisy, for both her fearless attitude and tennis skills.
Favorite candy is gummy worms, but is really fond of sour stuff, too, along with super sugary energy drinks.
Loves sci-fi books / comics and mecha anime with Iggy, but personally loves the adventure genre with pirates and treasure hunters and wild westerns.
Has a private stash of snacks he keeps hidden in rotation for both late night munchies and keeping away from his siblings.
Genuinely likes cooking, but baking feels too precise for him. That said, he's more then happy to taste the end results of both.
Likes going skating with Wendy and Lemmy. He keeps trying complicated moves and keeps running into the walls.
Runs a recipe blog that doubles as a restaurant critique and rating site. It's gotten surprisingly popular.
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