#ignore that he looks nothing like william in that one on the right I REALIZED IT TOO OK. i will perhaps shift around some design stuff so
infizero-draws · 1 year
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maikol doodles
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gh0stsp1d3r · 11 months
maaay I request a fic where reader is in the mood while peepaw is just trying to work? Maybe they sit on his lap and it escalates from there, and he has to pretend nothing's happening while people come in and out of his office 👀 love your work, keep feeding us
I LOVEEEEE, I’m glad!!!
Warnings: Smut, 18+ MDNI. Oral (m receiving), getting caught making out, grinding
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“Yeah. Yeah, the jobs still open.” William said, moving around in his chair, which was something he liked to do a lot.
“Great. I’ll..” his voice faltered when you opened the door, walking in innocently and shutting it again.
“I’ll call you back with all the details.” He said, the man on the line said a goodbye and hung up.
“What are you doing here? Not while I’m working, because-“ he started when you walked towards him. You rolled your eyes, and settled yourself in his lap. He shut his eyes, trying to ignore his building arousal.
“Hello to you too.” You said, giving him a kiss, and turning yourself to face him, now straddling him as you guys made out like a bunch of teenagers.
Some one entered the room, an intern. He held a few papers and stood there like a deer in headlights when you both stopped and turned to look at him.
“Sorry- sir! I was just.. I’ll go.” He said, quickly, opening the door and leaving as fast as he could.
You looked back at William, you laughed at it.
“Stupid interns.” He mumbled, grabbing your jaw and kissing you again.
It all escalated when you started to grind down on him, he let groans escape him.
Then there was a knock at the door, and so he pushed you onto the floor, fixing his tie as you huffed in annoyance.
“Come in.” He said, looking down at you with a warning gaze and back up to his door.
You didn’t listen to his warning, ignoring it as a brilliant plan started in your head.
“Sit, sit.” He motioned to the man, as he sat down across from him.
“So, the pizzeria job didn’t work out..?” He asked, slightly frustrated with the fact that his plan obviously did not work.
“No. I was wondering… if there was anything else..? I’ve been really struggling and-“
William nodded, and you slowly unzipped his pants. He sucked in a breath, and looked down at you. You looked back at him with a smirk.
He tried to kick you away lightly, but it didn’t work. When he looked back up at Mike, he sighed and looked through a file, trying his best to remain professional as you slowly took
“Mmm..” he let slip, playing it off as if he was thinking as he fumbled through the files.
He was up to the desk as close at possible, hoping to god that Mike wouldn’t realize. You licked the tip, giving it a kiss as he slightly shifted around.
“I- you- might have to give me some time.” He managed to get out, right after he finished his sentence you put him completely in your mouth, hollowing it.
“I’m- very busy right now and-“ he took in a deep breath, trying to contain all his noises. “And- yeah… it’s doable, just- some time.” His words were quick.
“Okay…” Mike said, a little suspicious but got up nonetheless.
“See you later.” William said awkwardly, letting a sigh of relief out when he shut the door. He looked back down at you.
“What the fuck was that?” He asked, letting out a moan at the same time, letting his hands fall to the armrests on the chair.
You released him from your mouth, a line of drool following you. He took a picture in his mind.
“Just wanted to have some fun. I was bored.” You said, resting your head on his leg, tracing circles on his thigh.
“Well don’t stop now.”
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 3 months
Possessive ( Soldier Boy)
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Description: Soldier Boy is a possessive and jealous type Boyfriend
Word Count: 777
Request: Hey lovely. I saw your requests are open for The boys. Could I request something for solder boy ? 🥰 I’m obsessed with the man I don’t know why but I always imagine him a dash insecure and possessive for this new world and perhaps his girlfriend in this new world he’s been dropped in 🙈🫣
Author’s note: Taking request for the boys!!!!!
As much as Y/N loved Ben she was a little annoyed at how possessive he could be. She hated that when any man talked to her, Ben would have to show them that she was taken even if the guy had zero interest in her. Y/N had never met Homelander until this very moment and he wasn’t shy at all. “Well William, who is this?” He asked as he eyed the girl. “Y/N.” She said sternly not wanting to interact with him. “Well Y/N you are mighty gorgeous.” He said.
She looked at him with a weird look but before she could even utter a word her boyfriend stepped in. “Are you flirting with her?” Ben asked not even hiding the possessiveness. “Maybe I am, old man.” He said not realizing that they were together. Ben stepped forward not afraid of the cape wearing psycho. “Well back off bucko she’s mine.” He growled. Homelander let out a laugh, “That beauty is yours?” He asked in disbelief. Nobody else found it funny. “Yeah and what about it?” Y/N looked between both men and could see the thick tension.
Homelander shrugged, “Just that. She could do so much better than you.” He said like it was nothing. Ben scoffed, “Oh yeah? And does that mean you?” Ben asked. “Could be.” Ben didn’t hesitate to punch the man in the face with all his might. Homelander backed away holding his face but he was laughing. “Wow you uh ya got jealous there huh?” “Not jealous, just don’t think you should be talking like that.” Ben said but Y/N knew that he was jealous. Though he had no reason to be. Billy was getting annoyed with the high school drama and lasered passed Homelander. They all looked at him and he shrugged, “Quit ya yappin’ about that shit. Ain’t why we're here.” Y/N agreed with the man but Ben and Homelander didn’t stop. They were fighting and punching all while Homelander told Ben that he wasn’t worth Y/N’s time.
Ben could even be possessive around Hughie as if Hughie wasn’t with Starlight. Y/N laughed as Hughie said something funny but Billy just rolled his eyes not finding it funny. Y/N being the only one that laughed made Ben tense up. He watched as she laughed at the nerdy boy’s jokes. A scowl sat on his face and Frenchie laughed. Ben looked over at him, “Something funny?” He asked him. Frenchie held up his hands, “It’s just you’re getting possessive over nothing.” Frenchie said with a shrug hoping not to get killed. Ben rolled his eyes, “Am not getting jealous.” He said.
He hated that everyone thought that when he knew that he had the prettiest girl in the world and that he himself was hot. “But you’re staring at them like you wanna kill them.” He points out. “Would you rather I stare at you like that?” He asked, glaring at him. Frenchie shook his head and walked away. Y/N got up and walked over to Ben who looked grumpy. She wrapped her arms around his neck, “Hey sexy man. What’s got you so down?” She asked with a flirty tone.
“Having fun over there?” He ignored her question. She looked over where Billy and Hughie were sitting and sighed. “Ben seriously?” She looked back at him. “You were laughing like he just told you the funniest joke in the world.” He said. She rolled her eyes, “Maybe he did but so what?” “No man besides me should have you laughing like that.” He said. “Ben, you have nothing to worry about. I love you and only you. Plus Hughie has a girlfriend.” She pointed out. He sighed, he knew that she was right but he couldn’t help himself. “How about I show you that you have nothing to worry about?” She whispered in his ear. He perked up at that and smirked. “How about I show all these assholes that you’re mine?” He challenged and got up. “They already know but I’m not opposed to that.” She said.
He chuckled and leaned down and kissed her. She kissed him back and he grabbed her thighs causing her to jump up and wrap her legs around his waist. The kiss deepened and she moaned into it when he grabbed her ass. “Ay can ya take it somewhere else?” Billy asked not wanting to see them fuck. They pulled away from the kiss and looked at the man. “We can take it somewhere else but you’re still gonna hear it.” Ben said, causing Y/N to gasp. Billy didn’t say anything, he just rolled his eyes as Ben carried Y/N to their room.
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nevermorgue · 18 days
What does he do with no roommate? Alone?
Will practices. If he falls out of favor yet again, he will be pushed aside. He would not be taken care of the way Duke was though- they wouldn’t waste the time and resources on him. It would be a simple shove out the window or snapping of the neck. Quick and out of the way.
He selfishly turns into Ada when he feels his face turn red with rage. Just thinking of her clinging to Montresor and nagging with that shrill voice of hers- it makes his chest hurt.
And he watches her with envy so much, his rendition of her is pretty good. Her hair is near perfect, the curl of her ponytail a bit larger than it should be. Her eyes are a bit sharper, lashes longer. He completely forgets her collar, and her dress length shifts from knee length to a bit shorter. Little details he doesn’t bother to remember, his gaze usually too focused on her terrible face and the expressions she forces to seem more good looking.
And then he would relish in her frown. He would let himself get mad, tears in the corners of his eyes. Seeing Ada’s expression contort with his emotion brought him relief.
“No, Monty! You can’t leave me, darling! S-surely this is a mistake!” he would cry in her sweet, emotional voice. He would ignore the fact that most of the things he says as her apply to himself as well.
The night he practices Montresor could be any night. He does it often when he’s able to manifest. Sometimes he does it just to stare at him, his hand gently tracing along the stubble on his chin. He glances down at his uniform, every single thing in place. Even the belt buckle was the correct shade.
And then he would take a deep breath and speak. Speak to the mirror, his thumbs looping the belt holes of his uniform pants, slouching.
“Yer important to me, Will.”
“We don’t need her around right now. We got important things to chat about, just us.”
“That spectre ‘a yers is pretty damn useful..”
He loves hearing it. He loves hearing the impossible in that southern drawl. He reaches to adjust the toothpick in his mouth, only to realize that he does not have one. He forgot that he was Will.
Another night, he stands in the mirror as Prospero. The details aren’t as accurate as Montresor. His eyes shift between shades of orange, as Will was too intimidated to look the man in the eye for too long. His gloves are the most accurate. Will stared at them a lot whenever Prospero guided him by the shoulder or touched him in general.
He stood rigidly straight, folding his hands behind his back. He would narrow his eyes at the mirror, clearing his throat as he tries to speak in a more refined manner.
“William,” he would start, trying to get a feel for Prospero’s accent and stern tone. “I am impressed. You have grown considerably.”
And then Will would falter, covering his mouth with a gloved hand. He did not realize how much hearing such words in the man’s voice would affect him. It made him feel important. Seen.
“Your efforts have not gone unnoticed,” he continues, adjusting his cravat with shaky, amateur hands. What the hell even is this thing?
A hand would touch his throat, remembering how the fabric of the gloves felt against his neck when he was checking his injuries. The touch was feather light, nothing like what he expected. Prospero’s expression at the time was mild irritation and concentration, but his touch felt caring. Well, all touch does. Even the harsh pulls and shoves from Montresor. He cares enough to extend his hands to touch him.
Lastly, he stands in front of the mirror a tad bit shorter than he is used to being. The long, thick curls trailing down his back feel foreign and heavy against his scalp. Bright blonde lashes stare back at him, his finger instinctively reaching up to twirl one of the blonde strands around his finger.
He would smile. It is nothing like Annabel Lee’s smile. It’s kind and nervous, nothing she would show to the public.
“William, love…we require your assistance.”
His accent is terrible. He is trying to figure it out, but it’s a work in progress for now. That’s why he makes excuses every time Montresor asks him to try turning into Annabel for their secret planning.
“What do you wish to bring up, William? We value your input,” he continues on, a giddy smile on ‘his’ face as he imagines the group all waiting for his opinion on the fictional conversation he just made up. The thought of their eyes on him makes his stomach twist with nervousness, but a thrill that he craves all the same.
He smooths out her skirt and does a little twirl.
“Yes, I think you are the most important member of the group, love! What do you propose we do next?”
He knows he’s out of character. It was for his sake- rather than practicing what she really would say. He knows her vocabulary well enough. Being ignored most days leaves many hours for watching others.
And then he turns back. The moment he’s back to looking at dull grey eyes and a sunken, hollow look…he tears his gaze from the reflection, promptly covering the mirror with his robe again.
The curtain has closed for the night.
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pinguwrites · 9 months
Drabble: William gets needy when he's jealous
pairing | william killick x wife!reader
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Warnings: william's possessive, smut (riding), he's lowkey sub?? someone please write sub!william i'd eat it up
Disclaimer: The Edge of Love characters, plots, quotes, etc. do not belong to me and belong to the rightful owner(s). This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
A/N: Just thought I'd get a little something out. Nothing special but I hope you guys like it.
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You knew William like you knew your own mind. In all these years of friendship, courting, and finally, marriage, you had observed every facial expression, every slight of behavior, enough to know when he was upset.
The entire night William had not left your side. His arm was around your shoulder, rubbing your skin with his thumb, a tight expression on his face as he watched the other men at the party flirt with you.
William was bold, but he was also quiet, and his jealousy seething and simmering. You, of course, ignored people’s comments, politely excusing yourself from the conversation before things got awkward, but even after the night ended, William was still by your side, clutching onto you with a grip that almost hurt.
“You do realize that you’re my wife? Mine and mine alone,” he had said as you both got into the car.  
Taking off your painful heels, you chuckled. “I know. No need to be jealous. I was all over you tonight, waving my ring and kissing your cheek, I don’t know why they didn’t get the hint.”
William looked down, not starting the engine. You could tell he was feeling a little insecure. He’d always been this way, it was why he was so possessive over you, so adamant that you were his. 
You had placed your hand underneath his chin and pushed it up, forcing him to look at you. He looked so beautiful, with his dark hair falling over his eyes — deep, light blue, like water.
William leaned into your touch, pressing his lips against your hand and giving it a little kiss. “Let me have you. Let me show them how much better I am.”
“Oh?” A hint of a smile appeared on your face. “Here? In the car?”
“Yes,” he confirmed, kissing your hand once again. A soft sigh escaped his lips. “I want you . . . I need you.”
That was how you both ended up in the backseat, you on top of William, riding him with wanton moans, his hands gripping the flesh of your body, guiding you forward and backward as the car shook. The windows were fogging up, your skin hot and mildly sweaty, while he whispered sweet things in your ear.
William’s head hit the backseat. “Mmm,” he groaned, lips wet with saliva — both yours and his. “None of those men could make you this wet. See, look at you. You’re — oh, fuck — leaking — between your thighs.”
You nodded, but it wasn’t in a straight line, more of a wobble of your head. You were too focused on the feeling of him inside of you, of his warm hands on your body, of his nose brushing up against your ear, and his huffs and grunts.
“No one but you,” you agreed, eyes fluttering shut. “Just you Will . . . jus’ you.”
In the end, you sort of enjoyed it when William got jealous. The way he claimed you, let you use him just to prove how much better his cock was made you wild with desire. You knew that once you two got into bed he would be wrapping his arms around you, resting his head on your chest, snuggling up against you. If there was one thing William craved most in this world it was you. Your love, your touch, your affection. And giving it to him was one of the most pleasing things you could do. 
You were his, completely and unequivocally. And he was yours, too.
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@shroombloom-rry @madnessandobsession @Meetmeatyourworst @henrywintersdearestgirl @mrkdvidal1989 @slut4thebroken @qqquartz7 @madeinuk
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a-strange-inkling · 3 months
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i have nothing to offer for hellcheer anniversary week except tiny snippets of my too many wips 🙈
here is a bit of the mechanic au for the ‘coworkers prompt’:
“Hey, Jonathan,” Eddie beckons quietly through the side of his mouth, still feeling Wayne’s warning scuff burning beneath the waves of his hair. “Jonathan…Jon…Jon… Jonny… Jonny Quest…Jon Bon Jovi.” His half brother finally gives in, rolling his eyes in heavy agitation before glancing up from the other side of the car.
“Hey uh…” Eddie peaks over at Chrissy on the other side of the garage, working dutifully on the Prius, her headphones still in her ears. In her own little world. He’s not really bothering her if he’s asking someone else about her. Right? He cups his mouth with one hand as he whispers. “What’s the deal with Tinker Bell?”
Jonathan’s dark eyes jump over to Chrissy instantly, then back to Eddie, his face turning pink before he clears his throat loudly and gets back to work. Oh, so he’s not the only one who’s taken a fancy, apparently. “What about her? You have a problem working with a girl or something?”
“No,” Eddie feels himself bristle defensively. “Course not… just wondering how someone like her ended up in this dump…I mean, c’mon, look at her.”
The girl is beautiful and polished and tiny like she should be wearing pearls and cashmere while being courted by some frat boy at an Ivy League campus that drives the same car she’s currently tuning up. And yet here she is instead, in children’s sized coveralls with an allen wrench in her hand and a smudges of motor oil on her face.
He can tell Jonathan doesn’t appreciate the jab toward the ‘family business’, but he doesn’t care enough to argue about it. He just shrugs his shoulders dismissively as he reaches over for something from the tool box. “Why don’t you just ask her yourself?”
“Because she doesn’t talk to me,” Eddie mumbles, trying not to sound as deflated as he feels about her single syllable greetings and guarded nods of acknowledgement when she punches in. “I think she’s scared of me.”
“She’s just shy,” Jonathan replies, turning his gaze her way again empathetically. “Took her a while to warm up to the rest of us too.”
“Well you two must get along then,” Eddie mutters, rolling his own eyes now, a little sting of irrational jealousy swelling in his chest area.
“We do.” Jonathan answers flatly, keeping his eyes on the stubborn, rusted bolt he’s having trouble loosening.
“Oh yeah, are you guys an item or something?” Eddie grins, mean and pestering. It’s admittedly fun to get under Jon’s skin.
“He wishes,” Will says quietly from where he’s reading his comic book on the old leather couch by the office. Eddie didn’t even realize he was there. Jonathan gives his little brother the side eye, but ultimately ignores him.
“No, she’s got a boyfriend,” Jonathan informs him.
“Total jerk.” Will adds, turning a page.
“Ahh,” Eddie muses, smiling in amusement at young William’s side commentary. “…Serious?”
“I guess,” Jonathan answers, trying for indifference and failing. “Five years.”
“Holy shit,” Eddie chuckles away the sinking feeling in his gut. “Five years… Jesus… I’ve never been with anyone longer than five days.”
Jonathan makes an annoyed face that says I’ve never been with anyone period, asshole.
Eddie decides to steer his irritation in a mutually beneficial direction. “…So he’s a jerk?”
Jonathan meets his gaze, on the cusp of a rueful smile. “Yuppie douchebag.”
“Awful lot of chatting going on over there,” Wayne calls over from beneath the Ford. “The chief is expecting that Blazer ready by the end of the day, boys.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie waves his hand in the old man’s direction dismissively, not remotely concerned about Hopper.
Jonathan gets back to work, while Eddie lets his gaze slide back to Chrissy, who’s right where he left her, that pretty little enigma. She’s gently bobbing her head along to the music, completely focused on her work, her button nose all scrunched.
Damn, she’s cute.
“Why’d you ask?” Jonathan says under his breath, and Eddie realizes that he had asked the question at least twice now.
“I dunno, curious,” he supplies easily. “Not a lot going on around here.”
Jonathan nods his head, brows furrowing in a ‘yeah, sure, bullshit’ sort of way.
“Don’t worry,” Eddie tells him a little bitterly, finally getting back to work. “Wayne’s forbade me from bothering her.”
Jonathan just snorts softly in reply and the garage quiets back into a companionable silence.
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
It's a crime just how there's no content for this series, especially because the men in this show are just out of this world. Lucky you, I have thing for the Lord of Crime.
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Hell is empty and all the devils are here - that is what William liked to tell you from time to time.
Afternoon tea with William James Moriarty and on occasion his brothers as well, was always lighthearted and enjoyable. Their home was always warm and welcoming, their smiles contagious as the sun and the food they would fill your belly with was always out of this world delicious. Playing games with William became one of your favorite hobbies ever since moving to this neighborhood the Moriarty family took an odd liking to you, William in particular. He would tease you until your ears would burn from embarrassment, his red eyes gleaming with mischief as he would sit across you, a knowing little smirk on his face. He was a bit of a bully like that but it was all in harmless fun at the end of the day. William would never take it far, he detested seeing you in a sour mood. Sometimes if he felt like it, even his elder brother Albert would join in on the fun as Louis calmly watched the commotion in the background, his stance seemingly neutral.
Yes, the Moriarty brothers were a charming little bunch. You loved being with them, you loved being with William. You couldn't deny the way in which his mere presence made your heart flutter. He was handsome, so incredibly handsome. And his unmatched wit only make him more lovable, how could you not fall for him? On the surface he really was the perfect man of anyone's dreams. One simple glance from him took your breath away, as if he somehow managed to crush your lungs with some otherworldly ability unknown to you. William James Moriarty really was the perfect man.
Which is why it became harder to ignore some of the things which disturbed you in the dark of the night.
Suspicious men would linger around the estate, like wild beasts out on a prowl. You managed to identify them as the Moriarty house staff and there was a question which would linger in your mind for ages - what in the devil were they up to in the middle of the night?
They could not be this active by their own choice, someone most definitely ordered them to make haste with whatever mysterious task they were up to. The men clearly knew what they were doing as they would always move with precision and determination, their weapons always hidden well despite being safely covered by the inky black darkness.
You lost sleep over this, monitoring them quickly bled into your evening activities. The Moriarty brothers were hardly ever spotted, it was mostly just the staff. At first you figured that you were nothing more than paranoid and was just looking for an excuse to oogle at William, which wasn't necessarily untrue either. To any random person passing by the men were doing house chores and obeying their bosses. They were good and hardworking men, you had no right to judge them for something that they clearly were not at fault for.
Things took a sharp turn once one of the men came back to the Moriarty estate with a few splatters of blood on his fine white shirt. It was carefully concealed in order to avoid suspicion and yet you still saw it.
Someone out there was dead or dying and you knew who was responsible.
There was no turning back now.
And William, ever the charmer, kept luring you in. The more you observed him the more you came to pick up on his ticks and came to the realization that he was not the simple but perfect gentleman who had so carefully crafted his image. He was like a venus flytrap and you the dumb little fly, it was inevitable that he was going to catch you one way or the other.
He found it amusing how you watched over everyone like a hawk. It could not be more obvious but he still silently praised you for your efforts. It was good to remain vigilant, especially in a cruel world like the one you both lived in. Evil and wicked men roamed on the streets freely, who knew just when one was going to snatch you up.
In your eyes, maybe he was one of those men too. Regardless, he was planning on enjoying this silent game of cat and mouse he had set up. And you never failed in taking on the bait, each and every time.
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maviezz · 6 months
˚₊‧ა ☆ ໒ ‧₊˚Jealousy (Steve Raglan x fem!reader)
tags: smut, oral(m receiving), pet names, jealous william, fluff,
note: Steve’s quite subby here hehe. reader is in her early twenties, Steve on his mid-late forties. This contains mature content.
Word count: 1.4k
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I stumbled upon the counseling center job almost by accident. Fresh out of college with a degree in psychology, I was eager to put my knowledge into practice. But job opportunities in the field were scarce, and I found myself settling for a position that was mediocre at best and not so well-paid.
As I settled into my role at the counseling center, I quickly realized that while the job might not have been the most glamorous, it had its perks. One of them was Steve Raglan, my boss. Tall, with a confident demeanor and a penchant for gold aviator glasses. His salt and pepper locks adorned his beard and hair, adding to his allure. He was the epitome of charisma.
Our relationship started off strictly professional, but as time went on, there was an undeniable chemistry between us. The more we worked together, the more I found myself drawn to his magnetic personality and charm.
Despite our best efforts to keep things purely professional, and also considering the fact that he was almost as old as my own father— it became increasingly difficult to ignore the growing attraction between us. Eventually, we couldn't resist the pull any longer, and our professional relationship blossomed into something more, resulting in a romantic relationship that neither of us saw coming.
"Steve, is everything good?" I asked, my tone laced with a hint of worry. I had come to his office to deliver some expedients, but I noticed he was silent, quiet even. It was highly unusual coming from someone as charismatic and outgoing as him.
"Yeah, everything's fine," Steve replied with a forced smile, but there was a hint of tension in his voice that I couldn't ignore. He glanced away, avoiding my gaze, which only added to my concern.
His response seemed a bit off, and as I glanced at him, I could tell that something was bothering him. Despite his attempt to reassure me with a faint smile, there was a tension in his voice that hinted at underlying distress.
“Are you sure everything's okay, love?" I pressed gently, my concern growing as I observed his troubled expression. "You seem a little... off today."Steve sighed, running a hand through his graying locks, his usual charisma momentarily faltering
“Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, but his words lacked conviction. "Just dealing with some stuff. Don’t worry, princess."I hesitated, debating whether to push further or respect his privacy. But as I met his troubled gaze, I knew I couldn't simply ignore his obvious distress.
"Steve, come on, just tell me what’s wrong," I urged gently, leaning in closer. "We’re supposed to trust each other, right?" My tone was soft but firm, conveying my sincerity and willingness to listen. I could sense his hesitation, but I hoped my words would encourage him to open up.
Steve shifted uncomfortably in his chair, avoiding my gaze. "It's nothing, really," he muttered, but I could see the turmoil behind his eyes.I sighed, sensing that there was more to it than he was letting on.
“Honey, look at me," I said firmly, gently tilting his chin up to meet my gaze. "I care about you, and I want to understand what's going on. You can talk to me."After a moment of silence, Steve finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I just... I can't help but feel insecure sometimes," he admitted, his vulnerability catching me off guard. "I see all these younger guys around, and I can't help but wonder why you're with an old guy like me."
My heart ached at his confession, my lips curved into a soft grin, offering him a reassuring smile.
“Steve, you're not just 'an old guy' to me," I said sincerely. "You're kind, intelligent, and incredibly attractive. Age has nothing to do with it. I'm with you because I care about you, and I want to be with you."As I spoke, I could see the tension in Steve's shoulders begin to ease
"But—" Steve began, his voice trailing off, but I gently cut him short, placing a finger on his lips to silence him."No 'buts,' Steve," I said firmly, meeting his eyes with unwavering determination.
"I'll make sure you understand how much I love you," I whispered, my voice filled with sincerity, though laced with a hint of desire.Feeling overwhelmed with emotion, I slowly knelt down in front of him, maintaining eye contact as I reached for both of his thighs, slowly running my hands up and down over his pants, tickling the skin underneath
delicate fingers dug into the fabric of his pants, causing a shiver down his spine, making his cock twitch in its confines. "I’ll suck the jealousy out of you" I murmured sensually, my words coming out sweet and honey coated. My tiny hands slowly slipped inside his pants, grasping firmly at his leaky and aching erection.
"Look at you, could a younger guy possibly compare to this?" I asked in a low voice, barely above a whisper, as I leaned in closer. My hands continued to explore, tracing the contours of his length with gentle fingers, sliding my fist back and forth over the length of his arousal while running the pad of my thumb over the tip, collecting his sticky fluids for a taste.
"H-Hng~, Honey..." Steve panted loudly, clawing at the armrests of the chair, tighter and tighter...eyes rolling back into his head with an audible groan.
The hair on his forehead was damp with sweat and stuck to his skin, the small droplets of moisture dripping onto his face. His breathing was short and rapid, his body trembling under the exertion, his breaths coming in short, shallow gasps as I ran my tongue over every single inch of him—one hand stroking his swollen and sensitive balls while i bobbed my head eagerly.
The smell of sweat was growing thicker, permeating the atmosphere and making it feel heavy and oppressive. His breathing was becoming visibly more rapid and shallow, small whines and groans filled the room alongside lewd and wet sounds as my hands and mouth worked their magic on his aching dick.
"Does it feel good, honey?” I purred playfully as I pulled away from his length. my chin coated in saliva as I looked at him with a naughty, almost teasing grin on my face.
"F-fuck…oh God, yes..." Steve panted out a breath, spreading his legs further for more access. His entire body was tense with the exertion of each movement, the heat growing between us becoming intense. He could feel himself growing harder—if it was even possible— as he looked at me, each movement and breath he took becoming more passionate. “I’m gonna cum..”
his fingers tangled in my messy hair, guiding my movements to a certain extent. His grip was firm, yet gentle, he was holding my head with authority, while he was also encouraging me to take him deeper into my throat. I could sense him enjoying the pleasure I was giving him, encouraging me to go deeper until my nose made contact with his pelvic floor.
his hips bucked slightly, it was a clear signal that he was about to reach his peak. I could tell from the way he was moving and the sounds he was making, his body tensing and his breath coming in short gasps. I redoubled my efforts, taking him deeper and hollowing my cheeks harder to intensify the suction.
“Oh m-mhm~ princess” His body lurched forward, his muscles tensing and his body twisting slightly. A louder moan echoed throughout the room, the wet and sloppy noises growing louder as his thrusting became more erratic and sporadic. His body started to convulse slightly, his body jerking suddenly as he reached his climax. Thick and heavy ropes of cum coating my mouth and throat. the sweet and tangy taste enveloping my senses.
“Oh, baby…”I gently pulled away from him, standing up on my feet. His body now lay there limp and relaxed, his hair messy with a few strands sticking out of place. His lips were swollen and red from biting on them, his cheeks flushed from the intensity of the blowjob. He was panting heavily, a wide grin painted on his face as he came back down to reality. He laid there motionless, taking a moment to regain his breath and come back down to his normal state.
"Was this enough to reassure you, love?" I said with a softer giggle, unable to hold back the reaction to his messy and disheveled form.
And oh yes, it definitely did reassure him.
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polyklok · 8 months
Omg omg i love your writing!!! No words can describe how much I love it!
Imagine muderface with a s/o or crush that says the weirdest stuff, like some stuff that they have been through. It is so random! Like those tik toks that say "the Egyptians believed the most significant thing you could do is die" in the most randomest of situations.
Like imagine just chilling out doing nothing and y/n looks over at muderface and says "would a zombie apocalypse be a formal event? Like your buried in your best clothes?"
It woukd very so cool if you could write something for this but if you don't want to that's cool!
Just wanted to share my thoughts. No one I know watches Metalocalypse.
Thank you!!!
Have a wonderful day or night!!
(I didn't really check my grammar or spelling that well, I am sorry)
Murderface with an S/O that says ~random~ things!
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“The color is actually named after the fruit.”
You baffle him daily. He never asked to be spoonfed random trivia, shower thoughts, or absurd hypothetical questions. And yet, here he was, eating it all up.
When William was first met with your verbal hijinks, he was just so, so confused. Why did you know this? Why were you telling him this?
“Orange. Like, people just described the color as yellow-red or something before the orange fruit was spread around Europe and they got a new word for it. The color is named after the fruit.”
For a while, he thought you were trying to give him clues about something. He was just extremely suspicious of you. Like, surely there had to be a reason behind it, right? Well, no, and he soon just found it was a quirk of yours.
He was always told to shut up whenever he tried to pipe in or had an interesting fact to share, so you defying one of the fundamental rules of his life is a bit jarring.
As he grows closer and more comfortable to you, he gets used to your pondering and even begins to consider them. Maybe you have a point?
“What’s the minimum amount of ducks do you think it would take to fully kill an adult rhino?”
“I don’t fuchkin’ know. Probably a schit ton.”
“I bet, like, five. They’d just swarm him.”
“You are scho wrong. He’d schtomp them all to a pashte.”
Well now he’s gonna stay awake all night thinking about it. He can’t decide if you’re the stupidest person he’s ever met or the smartest. Either way, he gets a little flustered when facing the seemingly infinite expanse of your mind.
After a while, he begins to pick up your habit. In his own Murderface-way, of course. He had a pretty obvious interest in things like car mechanics and war history, but now he’s more willing to share all of what he knows with you. He’s really excited that someone finally seems interested in what he has to say, no matter how meaningless it is.
And once that door is open, he becomes more willing to open up on a deeper level. Even though he’s a dumbass, he does have a depth of intelligence, even if he isn’t great at articulating it. Be patient and you’ll get some fascinating conversation from him.
“Even if there isch a God…like, what the fuck, man?! You juscht gonna leave us all down here to suffer and schit? I might as well ignore you juscht to schpite you! What a dick move.”
William never realized how valuable it was to him just to be listened to. Simply talking to you slowly becomes one of the better parts of his day, everyday.
It takes a lot for Murderface to love and it takes even more to love him back. But the effort is well worth it with these types of riveting discussions;
“You have to fight a bug that’s 100 times its original size and you get one weapon from the medieval era. What is your bug and what’s your weapon?”
“Easchy. Butterfly, Croschbow. One arrow for each wing. Instant win.”
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addisonnie · 1 year
Hmmmm i feel like feeding you a little bit so open wide my wittle princesses here’s part 1 of a (depressing) draft I never finished lol.
Nothing in the world is worse than someone who doesn’t have to try at anything in order to be good at it. Especially in academic settings; What do you mean you didn’t study and you got an ‘A’? Eat shit, honestly.
On the topic of complaining, there is also nothing worse than taking a class you believe has nothing to do with anything regarding your major. Yet here you are, in ‘Dinosaurs: What Walked Before Us?’ instead of English 2400. Sure, dinosaurs are cool, whatever.
Ellie Williams seems to really, really enjoy dinosaurs. So much to the point that she doesn’t have to take notes or pay attention to lectures for any reason other than pure interest. Yep, she’s one of those. The auburn haired girl sits directly next to you in the lecture hall, she’s constantly talking to herself under her breath and doodling random dinosaurs and shapes in the blank expanse of her notebook. Not one note has been taken in that stupid spiral-bound notebook all semester and the thought of Ellie actually studying for this class is a mental image you just can’t picture.
She really pisses you off. Her stupid lanky fingers tapping on the desk. Her stupid toned arm reaching skyward to answer the professor's question. Why does she know so much about velociraptors?
“Psst. Hey.” She turns in her chair to look at the side of your face.
You ignore her and continue jotting down your notes. She’s not that easy to shake off, though,
“Hey—hey! Do you have a pen? Or pencil, I’m not particular.” She whisper-shouts in your direction and taps her skinny finger on your notebook. You attempt to continue ignoring Ellie and write down everything the professor says, she’s facing you and breathing really close to your ear and tapping your notebook and— Jesus Christ.
The tip of your pencil snapped off from writing too aggressively, the led resting on top of the paper serves as a taunting reminder that Ellie is still looking at you.
“Ooh. Rough. Hopefully you have two extras.” She smirks at you.
You scoff and turn to dig through your bag, turning to face Ellie when you fish out two pens, one pink and one blue.
“Thanks!” She roughly twists to face forward again, listening intently to the professor once again.
The professor. Shit. Fuck. What did he just say? The largest dinosaur was the what? You’re so fucked. Thank you, Ellie.
“You will be working in small groups—pairs of two to be exact. The person seated to the right of you will be your partner for this assignment. And remember, this is a massive assignment, worth forty percent of your grade. Alright, folks, that’s all for today. I’ll see you all next class.” Stupid smug professor. He knew exactly what he was doing! You took a quick look at the girl to the right of you and sighed when you realized Ellie Williams was, in fact, your partner for this massive project.
“Hey, partner.” Your eyes practically roll into the back of your skull when she slaps a hand onto the back of your chair, “you and me, huh?”
Instead of dignifying her with a response, you grab her arm from the back of your chair and aggressively push up the sleeve of her sweatshirt. A tattoo covers the majority of her forearm and the skin beneath it is raised slightly, swirls of scarred skin blur beneath the leafy pattern of ink. Uncapping your pen, you write your phone number on the back of her hand.
“Well, alrighty then. Assaulting a classmate. Nice. ” Her eyes scan the digits written on her hand and when she looks back up, you’re already halfway out the door with your backpack thrown carelessly over your shoulder.
Your phone vibrates in your back pocket while you walk down the front steps of the academic building. Once, twice.
It’s Ellie.
The library is quiet aside from the incessant rapping and tapping of Ellie’s fingers on the desk between the two of you. Multiple books are strewn across the table, notebooks filled with highlighted annotations rest in the remaining space. You massage your temples and squint, attempting to block out the sound of her fingertips smacking the wood over and over and over again.
“Can you fucking not do that? For literally five seconds.” Ellie looks up from her book quickly and sheepishly smiles, “sorry.”
She rolls her eyes, “listen, I know you’re mad about being paired with me, but you don’t have to be such a grouch about it.”
What? You’re not even being a grouch. She’s just annoying as shit.
“I’m not a grouch—“ she cuts you off, “—yeah, you kinda are. Oscar the Grouch.”
Scoffing, you respond, “I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer.”
“You just did.” She smirks and you groan loud enough to be shushed by several of the people sitting nearby, “just do your part of the assignment.”
She doesn’t, of course. She spends the next thirty minutes spinning round and round in her desk chair, occasionally stopping to ensure the dizziness dissipates.
“You know,” here we go again. Ellie fully stops spinning, placing both of her hands down onto the table and stares straight at you.
“Instead of reading these boring books, what if we went to the museum instead—“
You cut her off, “no. No way.”
“Oh come on!” She drags out the last syllable, “it would be way more enjoyable than this! Plus, we could get some killer pictures for that hunk of shit slideshow you’ve been working on.”
“Hey—! My slideshow is not a hunk of shit!” Ellie scoffs and rolls her eyes, “it’s pretty fuckin’ bad.”
Okay, so maybe your slideshow sucks a little bit. It’s boring and overly colorful with too much information on each slide—yeah, the more you look at it, the more it does look like a hunk of shit.
“Fine. Let’s go to the museum.”
The ride to the dinosaur exhibit is arguably the worst part of this project—a whole hour stuck in the car with Ellie, who can’t drive for shit, by the way. An old jeep wrangler parks messily on the street in front of your house and several shrill honks ring out from the old hunk of junk.
You slip on the shoes closest to the front door and quickly grab your tote bag, slinging it over your shoulder as you slam the door behind you. Ellie doesn’t notice you approach her car, much too enthralled in the music blasting from her busted speakers. You tug on the handle only to find that the door is locked. After knocking your knuckles on the window, the girl jumps and whips her head to face the window.
“It’s locked.” You mouth over the music, she shrugs.
“Guess you’ll have to walk.” A smirk spreads across her face, “I’m getting ready to key your car, Williams.”
She frowns quickly and unlocks the door, “good morning, grumpy! How are you this fine morning?”
You roll your eyes and slouch into the seat, “don’t start this now, please.”
Ellie huffs and turns the music up louder. Her arm reaches across the back of your seat as she turns her head around to reverse without hitting your already-damaged mailbox. Her buff, toned arm. Her tanned, tattooed arm. You can’t help but wonder how it would feel wrapped around you—no. You’re not doing this. Not with Ellie Williams of all people.
The ride is surprisingly quiet before Ellie slams the breaks, her arm slinging out rapidly to shove your body back into your seat. The force of her hit had you doubling over in your seat, wheezing out several coughs.
“Shit—shit. I’m sorry! You…kind of deserve it though.” She chuckles while you swat at her arm, shoving her away.
“You infuriate me. You know that? Like, seriously infuriate me.” Ellie fully removes her arm and drops her hand into her lap, frowning.
“I don’t know why. I think I'm pretty tolerable as far as everything goes.” She sounds genuinely sad, and you kind of feel bad for a moment,
“You just—I don’t know.”
Ellie is quiet for the rest of the ride.
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thatruerealmwalker · 6 months
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Even as this Cradle burns down... From the Ash I will Rise once Again. - Finale Quote
This is William Rivers (Full name drop!) which has appeared on the blog before! Now you may ask me- "Realm? Why is William a Magical Boy now?"
Well one- He is a Magical Girl- because calling him that makes him scream- and Two- It's complicated.
William pretty much as the same back story and personality as Innocent Ash- I just never gave Ash a civilian form or an actual name. So when I did make William- I realized "Wait... this is just Innocent Ash."
So two became one and here we are. I'm not going to mention the certain flower girl toy mascot horror game- because unlike Claire, William was pretty much fully formed- just no name. Or some smaller details I've ironed out now. I have no 'legal' basis to tag this under Poppy Playtime- (Maybe I do? This situation is strange)
However- for the sake of being fair- and because I want to- Thank you @realizinau for indirectly helping me fully realize the OC. (I also think you maybe want to see this? It has a bunch of extra William lore if you just take out the Magical stuff and ignore the other characters mentioned- Great work by the way as always Vis, hope your vacation/trip is going well!)
As before with Claire- who if you have missed you can find HERE-
Below are some details, and under that is a short story telling you more of how he got to this point- In "We who are Blessed Under Starlight" specifically.
William is a Magical Boy by the name of Innocent Ash. He's rather young, one of three of what the Blessed call "The little Trio" which make up him, his adopted sister Swan, and Alice's adopted brother Mako. The three of them are pretty much inseparable (which took William's survivor guilt getting addressed- but more on that later)
William fights with a short sword on occasion- really just when he needs to. His main way of fighting is with his power- FIRE. Be it burning, destroying, or even warding things away, William fights like a fire bender who just wants to see the world burn.
His flames are sadly pretty one note- except for detail that he has almost always perfect control on what his flames will burn. He has also found that changing their color is pretty easy, not that it does much. This has lead to some... creative applications of fire. (One time, he was bored, so he tired to make a normal tree look like Christmas cam early. He is now asked to make flame decoration whenever he can. It's an art form at this point even though William isn't an artist.) (He does it for Swan.)
William is a quiet kid, who's rather smart but that comes from just how perceptive he is. He notices things. Be it moods or information others may miss, he always seems to catch that stuff first. It doesn't help his natural paranoia, but when it's needed- he uses it. (He... has had a lot of bad experiences in orphanages. Even now it clings to him. The feeling of someone trying to hurt him, right behind him- even when it's nothing at all)
William is an Orphan. His parents died in a home fire when he was young. Unluckily, his entire life has been accidents and hardship like that. From one orphanage that met the same fate his parent home did, to one who's entire child populace made his time there hell. He sadly had grow accustomed to wearing a mask- seeming meek and not worth the abusers time... even if it didn't always work. (The only time he's snapped is when his life was really in danger- when things actually got violent- those would also lead to him moving orphanages.) (The only time he harmed someone without violence... is when an older man who worked at the orphanage he was staying at at the time tried to touch him. William had to be dragged away from the man's blood face.)
As said before, he's the adopted brother of Swan- who's parent's took him in after he finally began to trust that he won't be the one person left again- that he won't be left alone again. Even if his new parents love him... he still has trouble sharing that back. He isn't trying to replace what he lost... but he has to tell himself that.
Swan's parents adopted him when he went back into school... there was an entire thing with the law trying to throw him back into the foster system- Claire and Zaken both has paid for a really good lawyer to help win custody and deal with the whole issue. (Later he learned that why it was so hard was that the Orphanage he was last at was only keeping kids so the government paid them- and was trying to keep it hush hush.)
William loves reading. It's his favorite pass times. He usually spends that time helping Swan to read. He cannot lie he doesn't enjoy teach now and again. (It's even better when it's all three of them. Him, Swan, and Mako.)
He has a weird bond with Kaito. Both of them once living on the streets- they kind of get on well together. He does not like when Kaito goes full gremlin and starts stealing stuff. (He usually has to be the one to place everything back. He just remembers where things were easily.)
As much as his entire brand is fire- he likes all of his drinks cold. Give him hot chocolate and he will place it in the freezer to cool it down quickly. Several other of the Blessed have issues with this. Swan emulates him to their collective horror.
William has periods where he just needs to be alone- be in silence and calm down. Over stimulation can get to him easy. Best one can do is give him that. (He tries to deal with it sometimes, pretend it isn't happening. Claire can always somehow tell though. She always makes sure he gets the room he needs)
And that is everything I have for now! Again, if you enjoyed reading about this story and William, feel free to reach out! Messages and the Inbox is always open- I love meeting new people!
Thank you for reading- but wait! There is still a short story about William down below. You might want to read that too on your way out. Either way, have a wonderful night!
William Rivers Story:
William believed himself to be Cursed for the longest time.
He had evidence for it. Just look at his life.
When he was only 5- he had to watch his parents burn alive in their home. When he was growing up he had to be tossed from orphanage to orphanage because he caused 'problems.'
Few wanted to adopt him- none ever fully committed after hearing everything he's been in. They said he was too quiet, too antisocial, too cold.
Maybe what else they called him was true... but he was never cold. He only learned how to hide the flames, hid the emotion. To put on a mask and seem like he was only part of the background. It helped, stopped at least the other children from bothering him- either in misguided blame or genuine attempts at friendship only missing the endurance to break through the shell- so he kept doing it.
He was the center of tragedy. No matter what, he always came out fine. He was always the lone person to survived unscathed. Eventually, he believed that to be true. That no matter what, he would be the only one to survive- only one to live. And so he would be alone. That is what he internalized during his time through those dark days.
One day, a Star had fell into a nearby forest. William, who had nothing better to do, followed to where he saw whatever fell from the sky above. Starlight seeped into him as he stepped forward towards the light in the clearing, clinging to his form.
His mind grew cloudy as his skin began to heat. Flames struck and clung to nearby trees. Soon, this once living forest became kindle to a flame unending.
And yet- William did not. Even as fire threatened to make him one with it- he stepped forward and reached for the Star-
The flames that once ate at the green plant life around him snuffed out in an instant, his body back to as it was before he stepped into this place- now with his Matrix, a bright shining Flame above what he knew was meant to be ash, hovering in front of him.
William, with his new found powers, ran. He lived on the streets, away from the constant hurt that came from the places that tried to board him.
One day, a Stranger appeared, and promised him he would grant him his most wanted wish- if only he were to gather Starlight until his Matrix was bursting.
Unannounced to the Stranger, he chose his lie poorly. William, despite it all, never truly wished "For his parents to come back to his arms." They were gone, and he had accepted that.
And so William distrusted The Man who Thought Himself God from day one.
Sadly for William, others did not share his worry, blindly trusting that horrible man's promises. And so- he was brought into the fight orchestrated by the one who sought to claim God's throne.
He did not trust any other Blessed, and did not fight against the Cursed. He defended himself when those who realized the other Blessed carried far more Starlight then a normal Cursed ever would. He ran when the one who could freeze others with just a touch approached him-
And again and again and again.
She wouldn't stop. She even started to do it outside of her costume- with no weapon and powers weakened. He didn't understand.
So he watched her.
He watched how she fought not for some stupid Wish... but for the sake of protecting others. How she had a smile when she saved that child from being eaten by the Cursed teddy bear. How she laughed in joy when she finally beat the tainted master of the towns local Dojo- before undoing as much corruption as she could- not thinking to harvest the poor soul for even a second.
Watching became brief interactions. Where he would ask a question- and she would answer as well as she could.
That too turned into him aiding in fighting- no protecting people. And soon he met others like her- Like Alice. (That was her name... why did it take him so long to ask?)
Then... he met the girl who would become his sister.
Later... he met the boy who he and she would call their brother.
Slowly but surely... he learned he had wandered into a family. He was afraid. Afraid they would die, and leave him... But they proved him wrong.
Again and Again and Again-
They lived. They survived. And they all went back home together in the end.
Even when it got hard. Even when the world itself chose to challenge them- to try and slaughter them as they tried to do what was right-
They did not leave him.
He isn't alone- and won't ever be again.
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avalanchesumich · 10 months
the breakup
december 6
cameron looked up, slightly annoyed that people decided to sit at the table right next to her. she was the only one in the library at the moment, writing her final paper. it was her last one. after her class, her, val, and tim would be heading home for winter break.
she quickly looked away as she realized who the pair was; raegan williams and andie johnson. the two of them always liked cam’s insta posts only if gabe was in them, and they always commented on gabe’s posts. she brought it up once to gabe, but he assured her she had nothing to worry about. and she believed him, but it still hurt her to see.
cam just took a deep breath and she went back to her paper, ignoring them until they started to speak louder, which was when val dropped by the library.
“hey,” she whispered, considering library etiquette, her eyes widening when cam put a finger over her mouth. “geez, sorry.”
“no,” cam leaned closer to val as she whispered. “it’s the girls always in gabe’s comments. they’re talking about him.”
“hate to break it to you, but gabe has a bunch of girls in his comments. he’s cute and good at hockey.”
cam slouched in her seat and glared at the document in front of her. now, she was jealous and unproductive.
“yeah, i mean, he was telling me he was thinking of breaking up with her,” raegan said in a normal voice, catching cam and val’s attention. “he said he’s basically in with her brothers, so what was the point anymore since he got what he wanted.”
cam set her jaw as she felt the burning sensation behind her eyes. in her mind, she replayed everything cale had tried to burn into her brain before he was yelled at by all the women in his life. she was brought back to her first boyfriend, who only dated her to get in with a stanley cup champion.
he’s just using you. she couldn’t see sense, only that she should have known better.
cam blinked rapidly, refusing to allow herself to cry at the moment. her eyes darted to the time in the bottom right corner of her laptop. swallowing thickly; she closed it.
“i have to get to class,” she mumbled to her friend. “i’ll see you later.”
val watxhed in shock as cam walked away slowly. she stared at the two girls beside her, eyeing the open water bottle. scoffing to herself, she stood up and walked by the girls, accidentally bumping into the water bottle. she watched as the contents poured all over raegan.
“oh my god! i’m so sorry!” val gasped. “i didn’t mean to.”
raegan glared up at her, standing up in shock. “of course not,” she muttered out.
“i’ll get paper towels,” angie said, side eyeing val as she walked to the bathroom.
“sorry again,” val smiled sweetly and walked away, pretending she didn’t hear the ‘bitch’ that followed.
only an hour had passed since the moment in the library, and cam was finally able to catch gabe alone.
“hi, pretty girl,” gabe grinned as she closed the door. “how are you? missed you.”
cam had planned to go about the conversation with a level head, but hearing him say that brought back every negative emotion she felt listening to what raegan had to say.
she felt the stinging sensation again, and this time she didn’t try and force it to stop. she let it happen this time.
“how are you?” she snapped at him. “i don’t know, gabe, how are you?” she watched as his face contorted into confusion. “i trusted you. i told you i was afraid of dating another guy like you. i told you what my brother had to say about us. i told you about my ex. and for what? for you to lie about your intentions to my face? how could you?”
“whoa, whoa,” gabe shook his head. his heart was racing because he had no clue where this was coming from. he jumped from his bed and came to stand in front of her. he tried to take her hands in his own, but accepted it when she took steps away from him. “what are you talking about?”
“you wanting me to get to cale,” cam said flatly. “i overheard her telling her friend everything. even the part where you were gonna break up with me now that you’ve finally got cale’s trust,” she swallowed as she said. “well i’ll do you one last favor. i’m breaking up with you.”
“what?” gabe’s voice cracked. “baby, no,” he shook his head. they both snapped their heads to the door that swung open. will rushing in with ryan in toe, both slightly out of breath.
“i have a flight to catch,” cam said, not leaving any room for gabe to argue, pretending her heart didn’t shatter any more seeing gabe cry in front of her.
it’s his own fault.
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kristencsummerlin · 2 months
Fanfic ask game - L and M!
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
After I finish a chapter. I self edit two to three times than I send it to my sister to read. She'll correct my grammar. After her feedback I edit again. Send it to her to re-read. And then if I'm feeling paranoid I'll read through it incase I need to edit a second time.
After posting I tend to ignore it for a while, writing the other chapters til I decide to read through it again and it more than often results in me editing it here and there.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
I'm assuming I answered the question incorrectly last time which is my bad. I'll tell the stories and ideas I've thought about but done nothing with nor do I think I ever will do anything with. And for fun and it make it easy on others I'll give everything names.
The Fraggers!: LOL So Lobo, New 52 Lobo, Sheba (who I think was supposed to take Lobo's spot in New 52 before they created New 25 Lobo), Slobo from Young Justice, Crush/Xiomara Rojas Lobo's daughter, and my OC Leah (fun fact I created her when I was 11) get forced into an Alien Family Game Show. Sort of like Big Brother except it's families competing other families. Everyone agrees to it because there's this huge cash reward for winning. And everyone in the family likes money to some degree. Crush is lucky to have Slobo because he's the one making sure Lobo doesn't betray everyone. There's supposed to be bonding and fights. The Lobos keep fighting for the name and because they think they know how to handle teenagers better than the other.
Maggie Opal: It's about a young adult girl with an imaginary troll friend/boyfriend named Hank. Our girl basically has schizophrenia and is leaving in a shitty life. People start going missing in her town including our girl's bully so she looks into it. It's played throughout the whole story that magic isn't real. Like the woman kidnapping and killing people is labeled a "Hag" but she's not supposed to be. Until Maggie finds out she's pregnant which makes no sense to her because she's only done sexual things with her imaginary boyfriend. And than plot twist magic is real. Our girl hasn't been imaging anything. Hank is an actual troll. The woman she fought was an actual Hag. Magic just doesn't have a kewl color effect or anything like that. And Maggic never realized the truth because her extension of belief was too strong.
Yandere Boyfriend: A yandere killer becomes obsessed with a detective. So he's been going after and killing criminals that the law's been letting get away due to the lack of evidence, lawyers, or simply because the person has money and power. So our yandere has been playing Dexter, murdering them in the hopes our detective will fall in love with him that way and or to make their life less stressful. Of course the detective will catch on and try to stop the yandere despite believing he's doing the right thing because a crime is a crime. I even thought about the yandere having a pet turtle name Mr. Williams who he talks to about everything.
Demi: It's my demigod college AU story. Like Nicktoons it's gonna be a freak of the week so different stories about different characters at the time. All the characters are somewhere between 18 to 30 years old unless they're a staff member. I guess the premise is "I the writer love mythos and fables."
The last two are connected to my posted fics. One being Hellsing Dracula, which is the story Dracula but what I think the Hellsing's version of it is. Because as much as Hellsing is accurate to Bram Stroker's Dracula, it also isn't. So I figured it would be fun. The second would be a different story of how Shirley and Alucard met. Although I don't think it would be a good read which is why I've done nothing with it. Next would be my altered version of Nicktoon episodes and movies but in my universe. Again never done anything because I think I can explain those events through the Nicktoon series. I guess a fanfic for Dracula vs Hitler being it's my guilty pleasure book but it's too insane to every do anything with. And lastly the Future Hellsing/Blue Exorcist crossover but I need to finish the previous stories before heading to the that one.
Hopefully I answered the question correctly this time lol. I don't know what else to say I don't really come up with themes or messages for stories. At least not before I write them I just pants the stories.
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fightingformysoul83 · 6 months
I can't believe it....
Well, I guess I can. My sister and I are very different, but she thinks we have to be the same. Well today I found out my sister is a Sugar or a Sussex Squadie. She actually thinks MM is okay... she thinks the Royal Family treated her badly and that I believe everything the Royal Family says.
She claims to have read Spare.... however doesn't know that like half the book has been proven lies. Harry admits in the book that MM treated the staff poorly, which is one part of book that is proven true. He also has admitted it was MM who made Catherine cry not the other way around like MM says. My sister doesn't realize that the Royal Family hasn't even said anything negative about the duo, they have more class then that. My research has been based on the accounts of people who are close to both sides, you know what we have all been looking at for years. She believes William cheated, even though it's been debunked so many times. She laughs at the meme about William loosing his hair, about Diana snatching her looks back. William is still handsome, he still has that sweet smile and gorgeous blue eyes, he's tall and fit. Hair is not the only thing that makes someone good looking. My sister has no right to judge anyone else's appearance.
I don't even think my sister realizes that Diana wasn't as good as everyone likes to think she was. Diana was passionate about her charities and did want to help people, she passed that down to William, she also passed on her charisma to William.
However Diana was rude to staff, was childish and selfish, Harry got those traits.
Now I don't think Harry is innocent in all this but MM manipulated him and they married too soon and I think he would have been better off without her.
She says there's nothing wrong with MM. I can't believe mt sister doesn't know about the lying, manipulating, narcissistic person MM is. Which I don't really want to talk about. Just say that so many lies told by this duo has been proven to be lies.
Harry broke the promise he and William made to each to not drag each other in press or in public (as we all know siblings fight, they know dirt on each other). The only thing Harry can say about William is that he lost his hair. Then claims William didn't marry for love... only he and Meghan did.
Whereas William could let leak everything that Harry has done in the past and completely ruin him, but William won't, he has class and is a stand up guy. I am so sick of people, mostly fellow Americans believing Harry and Meghan, they are awful people.
Mind you I didn't get fully ingulfed in the Royal drama until about a month and half ago. I knew a little here and there but always sided with William and Catherine, I have always had a good instinct about people, like since I was a kid, , a fact my sister seems to forget or ignore.
I even got into it with Sugar on Threads this week because they couldn't believe and American would side with Wales'.
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daimonclub · 1 year
100 magnificent quotes
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100 Magnificent quotes 100 magnificent quotes, great aphorisms, ideas, maxims and quotations by various famous authors selected for the World of English by Carl William Brown, the literary avenger. Oh, love isn't there to make us happy. I believe it exists to show us how much we can endure. Hermann Hesse Madness is something rare in individuals - but in groups, parties, peoples, and ages, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge. Plato The mirror is my best friend because when I cry it never laughs. Charlie Chaplin Aphorisms are the true form of the Universal Philosophy and containe the greatest quantity of thought in the smallest space. Friedrich von Schlegel Educate the children and it won’t be necessary to punish the men. Pythagoras If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them. Isaac Asimov Without goals, the very concept of intelligence is meaningless. Steven Pinker I suppose that in no educational institution can one become an educated person. Mikhail Bulgakov No one's fate is of any interest to you except your own. Mikhail Bulgakov Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment. Sun Tzu The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept. George Carlin A fool contributes nothing worth hearing and takes offence at everything. Aristotle By now humanity has become so imbecile that we often tend to mortify intelligence, in order not to offend stupidity. Carl William Brown Show respect to people who don't even deserve it; not as a reflection of their character, but as a reflection of yours. Dave Willis Life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim. Bertrand Russell It is far better to be silent than merely to increase the number of bad books. Voltaire The more real you get, the more unreal the world gets. John Lennon The more intelligence you have, the more you will suffer. Arthur Schopenhauer
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Voltaire quote Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most. Abraham Lincoln The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn. Bertrand Russell Love on one side is not enough, love is a dialogue, not a monologue. Oriana Fallaci Interacting with people that don't like you it's a fundamental process to study human stupidity. Carl William Brown The measure of a man is what he does with power. Plato No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up, and never give up. Regina Brett The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. Socrates Fashions have done more harm than revolutions. Victor Hugo A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears. Montaigne From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs. Karl Marx There is nothing in the world so much admired as a man who knows how to bear unhappiness with courage. Seneca The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. Isaac Asimov A man's manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait. Goethe I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party and I attended with my real face. Franz Kafka Without love living is easy; but it's meaningless. Leo Tolstoy Nobody is going to pour truth into your brain. It's something you have to find out for yourself. Noam Chomsky Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds! Bob Marley Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind. Plato Those who look for the bad in people will surely find it. Lincoln It is not the man who has too little, but ht eman who craves more, that is poor. Seneca
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Nietzsche quote You can’t get much done in life if you only work on days when you feel good. Jerry West The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog. Mark Twain In our society logics is intertwingled with nonsense, good things with evils ones, and most of the time you can't tell which is which, therefore there is nothing more truly realistic than stupidity. Carl William Brown Avoid doing what you would blame others for doing. Thales To destroy war, destroy patriotism. Leo Tolstoy I don’t trust anyone who’s nice to me, but rude to a waiter because they would treat me the same if I were in that position. Muhammad Ali Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist. Pablo Picasso A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. Seneca Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal. Alber Camus Non serve a niente essere vivi, se bisogna lavorare. André Breton All cruelty spring from weakness. Seneca Be careful what you tolerate, you are teaching people how to treat you. Dr. Phil McGraw Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life. Bob Marley For the Putrid President of Russia, remember Sun Tzu wise words, that is to say, the greatest victory is that which requires no battle. Carl William Brown Get busy with life's purpose, toss aside empty hopes, get active in your own rescue. Marcus Aurelius All media exist to invest our lives with artificial perceptions and arbitrary values. Marshall McLuhan Life is such a great a teacher that when we don't learn a lesson, it will repeat it. Anonymous Fishes live in the sea, as men do on land: the great ones eat up the small one. Pericles A bad system will beat a good person every time. W. Edwards Deming Our life is what our thoughts make it, used to say Marcus Aurelius, but I would add that sometimes it is even worse! Carl William Brown
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Chomsky quote You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Simplicity is not a mere idea. To be simple demnds a great deal of intelligence and sensitivity. Jiddu Krishnamurti People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them. Epictetus Disturbance comes only from within, from our own perceptions. Marcus Aurelius All higher humor begins with ceasing to take oneself seriously. Herman Hesse The longer I live, the more convinced I am that this planet is being used by other planets as a madhouse of the universe. George Bernard Shaw The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts. C.S. Lewis Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil. C.S. Lewis A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. Bruce Lee We have freedom of thought, now we need thought. Carl Kraus I may not have been sure about what really did interest me, but I was absolutely sure about what didn't. Albert Camus No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another. Charles Dickens Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large group. Geroge Carlin The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them knows anything about the subject. Marcus Aurelius Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall. William Shakespeare Never depend on the admiration of others. There is no strength in it. Personal merit cannot be derived from an external source. Epictetus The old world is dying, the new world is slow to appear and in this chiaroscuro the monsters arise. Antonio Gramsci In most men, intelligence is a field which remains uncultivated for most of life. Eugène Delacroix Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is. Albert Camus Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. Helen Keller
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Karl Marx Wise men speak when they have something to say, fools speak because they have to say something. Aristotle What moves those of genius, what inspires their work is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is still not enough. Eugene Delacroix Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. Helen Keller An honest man is always a child. Socrates Open your mind before your mouth. Aristophanes Neither Christ nor Buddha nor Socrates wrote a book, for to do so is to exchange life for a logical process. William B. Yeats Why should we feel anger at the world? As if the world would notice. Marcus Aurelius Love is the state in which man sees things most decidedly as they are not. Friedrich Nietzsche Only during hard times do people come to understand how difficult it is to be master of their feelings and thoughts. Anton Chekhov Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility. Sigmund Freud I no longer know if I wish to drown myself in love, wodka or the sea. Franz Kafka The first thing that reading teaches us is how to be alone. Jonathan Franzen There is no greatness where simplicity, goodness and truth are absent. Leo Tolstoy Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways. Sigmund Freud The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man. Charles Darwin Experience is the hardest kind of teacher. It gives you the test first and the lesson afterward. Oscar Wilde The most common form of despair is not being who you are. Soren Kierkegaard Each of us assumes everyone else knows what he is doing. They all assume we know what we are doing. We don’t. Philip K Dick Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late. Benjamin Franklin Nothing shows a man's character more than what he laughs at. Goethe
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100 magnificent quotes to read He who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions. Confucius Gentleness is stronger than severity, water is stronger than rock, love is stronger than force. Herman Hesse Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life. Bob Marley Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known. I am inclined to say that it is the only real mode of individualism that the world has known. Oscar Wilde Everyday is like a fashion show and the whole world is the runway. Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside. Coco Chanel There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. Friedrich Nietzsche Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat. Harry Emerson Fosdick If you wish another to keep your secret, first keep it to yourself. Seneca the Younger When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them. Confucius It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone... but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. Kahlil Gibran He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at. Epictetus L'amore è l'arte che non si impara mai e che si sa sempre. Benito Pérez Galdós The more we value things outside our control, the less control we have. Marcus Aurelius The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others. Vincent Van Gogh The greatest victory is that which requires no battle. Sun Tzu Facts or opinions which are to pass through the hands of so many, to be misconceived by folly in one, and ignorance in another, can hardly have much truth left. Jane Austen Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. Epicurus People may spend their whole lives climbing the ladder of success only to find, once they reach the top, that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall. Thomas Merton For we are all divorced from life, we are all cripples, every one of us, more or less. We are so divorced from it that we feel at once a sort of loathing for real life, and so cannot bear to be reminded of it. Fyodor Dostoevsky Don’t miss these other similar posts: 100 best quotes and aphorisms 100 magnificent quotes and aphorisms 100 brilliant quotes and aphorisms 100 famous quotes and aphorisms 100 memorable quotes and aphorisms 100 top great quotes and aphorisms 100 excellent quotes and aphorisms 100 great quotes and aphorisms on Love Great and famous philosophy quotes Quotes by authors Quotes by arguments Thoughts and reflections Read the full article
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betweenthings2 · 3 months
queen if u just got a somewhat long ask that just stopped randomly IGNORE. i am silly and closed tumblr halfway through typing 😞 anyway i'll redo it because this fic has changed my brain chemistry. oh my GOD. it's just so amazing. i can't even put it into words. sorry in advance for how long this is by the way!!
"Even in all of that, though, nothing hides the way George looks at him like he’s grieving. Matty knows that there is something to grieve, not just from George’s perspective. Something in him died in that house, at William’s hands. Something in him was butchered, was left to bleed out on the carpet." nevermind george grieving I'M GRIEVING. this is SO beautiful. the use of butchered like he's just some helpless animal I NEED TO BE SEDATED
"Matty is quiet for a moment, thinking, then he admits, “I don’t know what to do with that, George. I don’t know how to let you love me in the way you want to.” " im gonna scream and cry he's so sad i can't deal with this. fuckass william needs a kick in the balls and i will invade this fictional universe to do so
"the sex he didn’t want but couldn’t say no to because he was too high, all the sex he tried to say no to." im about to throw a tantrum and yell and die this is the most heartbreaking thing i've ever read
"“He haunts me, George.” William is a specter in the corner of every room, in the corner of Matty’s head." a person has died and the person is me. STOP IT I CAN'T TAKE THIS
"He looks godlike and Matty feels very small in a very good way." MATTY GOING FROM FEELING SMALL TO HIDE TO FEELING SMALL LIKE THIS. i'm going to start convulsing this is so. like. my heart is about to explode in my chest
"Matty shrugs, a little helpless. “It felt like love. It felt like the love I deserved.”" i changed my mind, this is the most heartbreaking. 'it felt like the love i deserved' i am screaming into a pillow.
i genuinely cannot express how beautiful this is, like, your writing as a whole is just. MWAH. but this was so !!!!!!!! i love your writing so much 🫶❤️ also, again, i apologise for sending you a whole essay
(ps, can i pretty please be an emoji anon 😇 if so, could i use this 🕸 ? it's okay if not!!)
Welcome to the team? club? group? Spiderweb Anon!! 💚💚
Thank you so much for the ask and the compliments--I love long asks so much!! There will be a suitably long answer =)
I actually thought long and hard about the verb here. Killed seemed to passive, murdered wasn't the right feeling, and things like destroyed, or ruined, or ended didn't really capture the helplessness and hopelessness. Butchered, though, feels raw and a little bit graphic and I think makes that bit what I wanted it to be--raw and uncomfortable and confrontational. I used the phrase 'like a lamb to slaughter' in Cherry Wine and I think the word choice here continues that metaphor--that fictional!Matty feels helpless, blind, desperate, unable to get off the path he's on, docile and non-confrontational to the point it harms him. (Lambs are not, for the record, docile and non-confrontational. They're awful and they will bite.)
"fuckass william needs a kick in the balls" is possibly one of the funniest things I've ever gotten in an ask, particularly in regard to The Big Light fics. This fic was almost called This Is What Love Looks Like because fictional!Matty spends most of it trying to understand how fictional!George loves him and how to accept that. He's trying so hard, they're both trying so hard. Things will get better for them, eventually.
I love the concept of a haunting, or the idea that there is something you can't or won't let go of or that won't let go of you. Fictional!Matty can't let go of everything that's happened, in part because it's still there for him, physically, but it also won't let go of him because he blames himself for so much of it. The haunting in this fic, and is this whole series, is, I think, synonymous with guilt and shame and fear for fictional!Matty.
I didn't even realize the continuity in fictional!Matty feeling small until you pointed it out here, but now that I see it, I'm feeling quite proud of myself, so thanks for that =) In all of this, fictional!Matty sees fictional!George as his safe place, fictional!George encourages it, of course, and sometimes fictional!Matty quite likes that he can be small and have it be safe. It's the difference between being cozy in bed with a bunch of blankets and being alone when it's storming or something for him.
Poor fictional!Matty didn't/doesn't really like himself all that much, especially when he was using, so the conditional affection or kindness that comes hand-in-hand with violence is what he'd do to himself. People don't, as far as I understand, take themselves out of bad situations that they think they deserve, and fictional!Matty is no different. Plus, as he said to fictional!Adam, he got drugs out of the deal and that's what he really wanted at that point.
Thank you so much for the ask and kind words!! Here's an essay in response--I've never shut up a day in my life so this is what we get.
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