dimity-lawn · 1 month
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gwydpolls · 4 months
Lucian's Library Winners Round 3: Heat 1
This poll is a run off between previous winners.
Feel free to suggest never written books you wish you could read for future rounds.
Yes, I know he might have written the Igors and Igorinas book, but he might not have.
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pratchettquotes · 9 months
"I suppose men are the same the world over," said Polly.
"On the inside, certainly."
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
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waxworks1992 · 1 year
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when the regiment is monstrous!!!
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doctordragon · 9 months
Thinking about that one part of monstrous regiment where Polly talks about how both the igors and the nugganites view the body as clothing. And how that connects to the themes of the book of freedom of gender expression vs the harshly enforced gender roles of the nugganites.
The igors can change their body parts around, just like you can with clothing. "You" is not confined to the physical parts you have, but rather a more metaphysical concept. Body parts are just another facet of presentation to the igors, including gender presentation.
The nugganites share the same idea of a metaphysical soul, yet they view the clothes you wear as a part of you. A devout follower must conform to strict standards in order to not be an abomination. The clothes represent a projection of their true self, yet ultimately only fulfil a goal of not violating a strict, arbitrary code. To the nugganites, your body, sex, gender, and presentation are all unchanging truths about yourself that you must constantly project out to the world.
Do you get me.
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pourablecat · 4 days
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A promo sketch! It was going to be pencil and watercolour - but I left them all in Glasgow so, scribbles instead.
So a couple of months ago I was proposing the Monstrous Regiment stageplay at Edinburgh and we didn't get a slot, but reproposing will happen next semester! Fingers crossed!
Also, un-updated promo sketches under the cut! Needless to say, they leave something to be desired...
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lol hi
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Ok just finished monstrous regiment today. I’m gonna dump some of my thoughts, will post fanart sometime this week.
First of all, I’m a little surprised people are shipping Polly and Maladict? Like in my mind there is a significant age gap lol but if you read them closer in age I guess I see it
Ok I know Maladict is canonically a woman but I still read him as a man. Like He/They maybe because who really knows about vampires you know?
Jackrum being a trans man makes sense to me. Literally said “I am your dad now” in more ways than one 😂
Honestly I read Polly as gender fluid? I haven’t seen many people talking about this. Like, there are moments, at least two, where she feels like she’s dressing *up* as a woman, not just dressing *as* a woman, and I guess the end where she tells the girls they can choose might indicate this but also I guess was more there for plot reasons but still.
Ok, also I absolutely love Otto the Vampire?? What a character entrance 😂😂
I haven’t actually read many other discworld books. I wasn’t aware until after I finished this book that some of the side characters in here are major discworld characters, and I’m excited to keep reading it!!
Oh more about Maladict. I also didn’t reread the physical description until the end, and I view him as very short and not actually really skinny like it describes him oops. But it’s too late I already have my image of him. Anyway I love how in discworld the vampires are like, middle aged men, rather than sexy Twilight high schoolers forever 😂😂
Also Igorina is so cute??? I’ll never get over characters who are like aliens or something, enjoying something that tastes bad to other people. It’s always so wholesome 😂
Also Blouse!!! Super fun! I love him. He’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit. And also he is actually really smart! And he sticks up for them when it matters :) Good for him.
Ok I think that’s it for tonight oof
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iamthespineofmybook · 11 months
Just had a realization while reading Discworld’s TV Tropes page:
Igors and Igorinas would be amazing for gender affirming surgery, considering how skilled they are.
It’d be like this comic/meme/thing for all the trans people of the Discworld who go for it:
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just-spacetrash · 4 months
igorina and maladict shouldve made out sloppy style im not debating this cause i am right
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batteryfisher · 2 years
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"I promith you, your brain ith entirely thafe from me, Corporal" - Igor, Monstrous Regiment
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dimity-lawn · 1 year
Yesterday evening I found out what Carborundum looks like and had a sort of Pratchett induced I can't believe I missed that moment: Carborundum is rainbow.
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gwydpolls · 5 months
Lucian's Library Winners 3
This poll is a run off between previous winners.
Feel free to suggest never written books you wish you could read for future rounds.
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igorigorina · 16 days
Igorina, what do people in Borogravia do in the summer? Are there beaches? Any fun festivals or parties?
Generally we farm and stay very hot. It's a landlocked country and baskets and napkins generally have to be the regulation size for a picnic.
My grandfather always let us kids come down to play in the dry ice cellar though.
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pourablecat · 1 year
Miscellaneous pencil doodles
Found a 2B pencil and had some fun: my nerves are strung up so high lately...
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#1: Igorina, stitching on that scalp. Came from long, painful memories of trying to gel individual hairs onto my scalp away from my neck when I was supposed to scrape everything into a clean, mess-less ballerina bun. You ever see people do that? How do you manage it? Kudos to all Igor(ina)s, and also our beloved Reg Shoe, I love imagining them repairing themselves with needle and thread in their spare time, I dunno, seems weirdly peaceful
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#2: This came from my personal headcanon that Vetinari's "Si non confectus, non reficiat" motto applies to the Patrician's Palace. Hence, he never got around to fixing all the holes left in the corridors or whatnot by the dragon, and when winter comes the dirty snow blows in and leaves terrible moldy patches (he also insists in sleeping in his old room, the one the dragon blasted a hole in. Y'know, the several-floor drop to the main hall hole?)
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#3: Sam Jr., sleepy... which I am too, by the way. Just a moment and Da will pack everything up and come read Where's my Cow? I know my last Sybil isn't black, but none of my character designs are solid at all. In fact, this was supposed to be a Sybil sketch before I realized it was running in entirely the wrong direction! Says a lot about how I draw.
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bluedestinybluebird · 8 months
Zaczyna się moment zmian w moim życiu i chociaż to najwyższa pora, to dalej nie mam pojęcia, na co chcę zmieniać to, co jest teraz. Chociaż może kluczem jest przekonanie, że chcę zmieniać z czegoś, a niekoniecznie "na co". Co jest ważne samo w sobie.
(A te wszystkie przemyślenia są raczej płytkie niż głębokie, ale zawsze lepiej mieć mały strumyczek niż puste korytko. Chyba że jest się kornikiem, to wtedy jednak korytko jest bardziej praktyczne).
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