#ik ive said it before but I’m having SO much fun writing again since I moved blogs
rinhaler · 8 months
Good morning beautiful people!!!
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olderthanthemorning · 3 years
south london forever (sirius black) part 1
pairing: sirius black x reader
summary: "and everything i ever did was just another way to scream your name." in which reader remembers adolescence and a certain someone's youthful grin.
wc: 1.6k
warnings: mentions of drinking
a/n: look so i fell off the face of the earth for the past few months but i'm in school and also mentally unwell so that's my excuse. this didn't turn our the way i wanted it to but i feel like that's ok?? not quite as painful as it could've be. (also ik i need to do gold rush pt2 but ive been trying to write it and never like what i write so :/) anyway, feedback is always welcome! also request stuff! characters or songs!! (p.s. i'm obsessed with SOUR by olivia rodrigo rn so pls request songs !!)
the night bus jolted and shook you awake. it was a long journey from hogwarts, but you were finally near your own neighborhood. as you looked around, everything seemed just slightly different. you were suddenly hyper aware of the fact that you would never be in any of these places as a student, or a child, again. the old church that had at least 4 weddings every spring seemed a little faded, the park and playground where you and your mates would drink at night looked much smaller in the light of early summer.
within the playground was a swing set, which hadn't meant much to you until a year ago. after a night of singing way too loud with a group of your friends, the manager of the local pub, david, kicked the lot of you out. after a few playful swears and hand gestures to the man, you promised to be back the next night and headed across the street to sit and sober up before trying to climb back into your bedroom window. the group you were with seemed larger than usual so you linked arms with mary, a fellow witch that lived up the street from you.
"picked up a few stragglers, have we?" you asked. mary was a social butterfly, and when you didn't know someone, you could count on her to know them.
"yes! and even better, they're from school," she was careful not to name hogwarts. one of the only downsides of hanging out with muggles was having to police your conversations. "that one there is james," she said pointing at a boy in a slacks and a button down that looked like it was only tucked in a fraction of what it had been at the beginning of the night. his hair is neatly cut and he wears glasses, although they make him look young, like you can see him growing out of them in while you look at him.
"he looks like he's far from home," you laughed, the boy seemed far to sheltered to have been just thrown out of a gay bar.
"tell me about it," mary snorted, "but no he's here with the other one," she nods at another boy who looks more like the others. he has on jeans and a t-shirt that is just short enough to threaten showing his middle at any moment. his hair is dark and curly but a lot messier than james', like he had been listening to a lot of rolling stones. "he's called sirius. apparently he's staying with james this summer because his parents kicked him out. they're pure bloods, real pricks."
"you'd have to be a knob to call your kid sirius," you snickered, letting go of your friends hand and flopping onto the grass. you looked up and saw the upside-down face of sirius, "just wait until you hear my brother's name."
you feel yourself go pale and cover your face with a hand, "shit. i'm sorry," although embarrassed, you couldn't help but giggle.
he chuckled, "no, it's alright. but i your going to make fun of my name, i should at least know yours." he sat beside you, prompting you to sit up, and frantically brush the grass from your hair. "i'm y/n," you say, sticking out your hand, "and that's mary."
"hi mary," sirius give your friend a knowing smile, which confuses you. "you're both going into seventh year?"
you nodded and he continued talking for a bit. sirius seemed to be engaged in the conversation with you and mary but would look around every so often, like he was expecting something. over the course of a few minutes, he managed to refer to three family members as "dickheads," admit to a prank that had involved a charm on a library door that resulted a tidal wave dowsing whoever tried to open it, and start an argument about how the chudley cannons were so much better than the holyhead harpies. the last of which you disagreed with, hence the argument.
"come on sirius, you're not fighting about quidditch again, are you?" james sat down on mary's other side.
"i like to think of it as educating our new friends. they support the harpies, james. they need all the help they can get."
"no no, harpies are decent. they've got you there." james replied, smiling softly at mary.
"listen, y/n, do you want go on a walk?" sirius suddenly turns to you.
"um..." you're caught off guard by his forwardness, you only just met the guy.
"yeah, come on. just a short walk." he pulled you up to your feet and dragged you away.
you follow him into the middle of the street, illuminated by a dim yellow glow from a light post. "how come i've never met you at school?" he turns around to look at you, walking backwards.
"dunno, not looking hard enough i guess?" you tried to test the waters of flirting, since he tried so hard to get you alone.
"i guess not," he smiled and stuck his hands in his pockets. a silence fell over the two of you as you continued to walk, just around the block.
as you rounded the corner to the opposite side of the park from your friends you decide to speak again, "so do you just really like walks or something? this seems like something you could've done alone." you continue to follow him up to a swing set and sit down in the swing next to the one he had perched in.
"you can be kind of thick, you know?" sirius looked at you as if he had just explained a simple concept to you.
"i'm sorry?" you felt annoyed, like he was mocking you. "look, you're the one that asked to be alone with me and then go on acting like a preteen boy that's never kissed anyone."
"y/n, i wasn't trying to put the moves on you, honest. i know i can go on a walk alone, but it's a little awkward to make out with someone while their best friend's right there, innit?" he pointed across the park to where mary and james were coming up for air from a kiss, giggling.
"oh." a different kind of embarrassment washed over you. "how long has that been happening?"
"james hasn't shut up about her for about a week, but tonight was the first time he's had the guts to actually talk to her."
"right." you had a sudden wish to recall a hex that would allow you to melt into ice lolly goo and seep into the mulch at your feet. you took a chance and glanced at sirius, who was grinning at you. "please don't say anything, my ego is already bruised," you said, dropping your head again.
"i mean, i'm flattered, really," he clutched his heart, dramatically, "but if i was really trying to pull you, we would be long gone by now."
"wow, you know some people find humility endearing."
"not me. how could i be humble with a face like this?" you're unsure if your eyes have ever rolled this much before in your life.
"so your ego has also had enough attention for the evening," you laugh. there is another short silence, much less awkward than the one during your walk.
"it's a star, by the way," it's sirius who breaks it this time. "sirius is a star in canis major," you realize he's referencing to your comment about his name earlier.
"yeah, i know. brightest star in the sky, right?" night lessons in the astronomy tower hadn't prepared you for much, but it was proving helpful now.
"something like that. i agree with you though, it's a little much. my parents are kind of," he paused, "supercilious? that's not the right word. but i'm not sure there is a good word for what my parents are."
"i didn't mean to give you shit about it earlier. i actually like your name," while calling it your favorite name would be a stretch, but you felt like this was the sensitive thing to say. he couldn't change it, after all.
"oy!" james calls to you two. the entire group had gathered and was waving you over.
"well, i guess that's our queue," you stand up and walk back together, making small conversation on the way.
the group had gathered because it was apparently time to call it a night. everyone said their goodbyes and started walking their separate ways. you were now waiting on mary to say goodbye to james, as she was always your buddy to walk home with. once again, you're left with sirius as he waits for james.
"well, it was a pleasure to meet you y/n, i look forward to next time." he said. you rack your brain and try to remember if you had made plans to hangout again. you were drunk but not still drunk enough to have missing memories.
"next time?" you ask.
"i've already bragged about how quickly i could charm you. now i just have to prove it." you hope the light post is dim enough to hid your slight blush.
"well, then i look forward to disproving you." and with that, mary is ready and the two of you link arms once again to walk back towards your homes.
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my annotations for chappy 11 of ysijwa
this is just for drea and leyla to read so if you're not drea or leyla pls keep scrolling :)
ok this is pretty chaotic and like i said earlier i treated this ike a wattpad comment section so... have fun ig :)
jealous y/n you say???
now i know why you ignored all my tiktok asks lmao
truly madly deeply intended :)
damn he's kind of a narcissist yk? like "I have to be serious my entire family depends on it" shut up mr darcy you're not special
devout in his religion hmmmmmm hopefully we see some more religious trauma content bc me too vampy
awww he wants kids but now he cant have them bc hes... dead :(
AWWW his sister taught him to knit :( if he doesn't knit bloodbag a sweater i swear to god
stuffy moron is correct
he's so dumb she was with him bc he's hot that much should be obvious to him🙄
i love that he remembers the spinal cord dislocation and the dead leaves . like yea im dead rn but the leaves in my hair are really what's bothering me the most
what the fuck is a maw
ok i looked it up i get it now
"attachment is for gullible idiots" yup and youre one of them vampy 😌
"the warmest skin his icy fingers had ever had the good fortune to touch" im so soft rn
oh so now she has "a wholesome beauty about her nature" ? i thought she was just cute enough 🤨
"the responsibility of keeping her safe, satisfied, and happy" how 🥺 🥺🥺
"as long as he breathes" i thought he didn't breathe lmao BUT I GET THE SENTIMENT
"always when it comes to her" IM SCREAMING RN THIS IS SO SOFT I CANT
ill never forgive him for being so dense either his brain is basically a rock
couldnt be me i dont want to be percieved
HEY a hamilton obsession is not childish😤
'the only person who was allowed to touch him there was y/n' he's like a little kid who's possessive omggggggg
oh this reminds me i rlly hope everything in that chest was new and had never been used on anyone else owijfowiejfioewj
oh please my irish king can control himself let y/n meet the other vamps🙄
"if they knew all along why did it take so long" yk im wondering the same thing dummy
"every day was a battle to earn her love and affection" wtffff how could she hurt him like that he is just a baby
i think he needs therapy tbh
yes he does deserve to be treated with respect and dignity😤
"supporting and tolerating them despite your differences" exactly unless they're a republican
they did everything backwards but it's what baby needed🥺
im literally gonna 🔪 bradley how dare he hurt my favorite ribeye like that
PROPER BOYFRIEND-GIRLFRIEND BONDING PLSSSSS im sure he makes sure to say stuff like "as your boyfriend' or 'since youre my girlfriend' all the time now
"everything that has to do with harry has always and will always make her feel safe and secure" ...who's gonna tell her👀
awwww my love language is also quality times bestiesssssss
(this is more serious you might want to change the words to nose kisses or something because esk*mo is a slur)
HE wants to be wrapped in HER arms and get forehead kissies like a little baby🥺🥺
i can tell you wrote this chappy bc leyla would never write about ice cream
omg i have a thot imagine if she got a heart murmur or something and obvi he knows bc he can hear it so now he has to find a way to make her get it checked out out without being suspicious 😭
“nearly blinds himself for eternity” what a drama queen i love him
maybe learn how to turn your brightness down grandpa
“can women sense emotional distress” why is this so funny oiewfjwieojfioewj
not a psychotic episode 😭😭
crippling mommy issues woejfkljdklsjsdf me too king
awwwww he made her a full buffet i would cry
matchy socks im gonna sob
king is a chef 😌
y/n’s head @ harry’s clavicle rn: 💥
“his plush chest” drea its ok you can say titties
“absolutely flawless”? are you sure shes not just cute enough 🤨
he got her oat milk 🥺the sign of true love
hes such a shithead i love him
she traces a tiny heart on him wtfffffffffff im sad
this… is hot
“theres no room on the counter” owifjlksjfslkfjklsj
HE WOULD WALK THROUGH FIRE FOR HER maybe then he’d be a little less cold
im sorry that was wrong of me lisjfskldjfwoiejewiojrei
oh boy hes gonna kill her
literally shut the fuck up mr english major
do it bestie kick him in the balls
“character development at its finest” what a self aware king
y/n stop being mean to him baby just wants to feel close ☹️
“I’m anemic” ok king whatever u say
ahhhhhhh it’s yoga time
“just ask your cervix” jlksdjflksdjflkdsjflk
“if only you knew” ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
yeah y/n isnt like those other girls 🤪 shes different 🤪
yes bestie objectify him
“He hasn't been this stiff since rigor mortis”
i think about this on a daily basis i truly do
grey shorts? what a slut
“call the lapd im pressing charges” me after walking up the stairs
him using his shirt as a towel im BARKING
“I wasnt jealous” yea ok 😃
yeah harold she just wanted a little kiss 😤
yeah 😃 its bc he ran track 😃
no bc thats so fucking cute that she pretended she had never seen the show before bc he was excited to introduce her to it 🥺
I would do the same tbh i feel like it would be fun to wash dishes with harry idk why
“that skank” oisjksldfjklsjfklsdjflkd
he gets her a cup of water 🥺
ok but like wouldn't she want to wash her hair after it got all sweaty at yoga
awwwww she got his toothbrush ready for him why am i so soft rn
memory foam mattresses sound nice but actually they kind of suck bc you sink down and feel trapped in them 😃
niall is probably on the dumbest side of tiktok idek what side but it’s probably annoying and he thinks it’s hilarious
noooo baby youre not a monster🥺 someone give him a hug rn
well actually you are kind of a monster but its ok we still love u bestie
I too run on caffeine and pizza pockets 😌
chatsnap hes such an old man 😭
true lmao if you dont have social media i immediately dont trust you
not the i just washed my hands tiktok 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“my eyes are stinging” hes such a baby 😭
“are you all right” “I dont know :(’ i cant handle this my face hurts from smiling lksjflkjafklj
he has a kitchenaid stand mixer omg thats so sexy
ok but has anyone ever gotten salmonella from raw cookie dough bc i think thats just a myth
fuck u for that one vampy
wow he could never deal with my chronically ill ass
I agree body is absolutely an instrumental masterpiece
“I know youre kinda into that (getting smacked in the face)” SHUT UPPPPPPP SKJFSKDLJFDS
“I think i popped something” ok old man 😭
why is the word wench so funny lkfjslkfjdslkfjsdlkfj
dont hand it over i want to see him snap
not guerrilla warfare 😭😭😭😭
do it bestie give him a concussion he deserves it
“no piece of art could ever compare to her” 🥺🥺
“remember that time you told me making out was childish” “no” i hate him 😭
THERE IT IS AGAIN “sex isnt the only way he can feel close to someone anymore” SHUT THE FUCK UP IM SOBBING
this reminds me of the dehydrated intercourse with demonrry
“don’t care, relationships are about sharing’ hes so sdjfksldjfklsjf
suing disney for false advertisement 😭
THIS SCENE IS KILLING ME LKJFKLSJFLDSJ “just pucker your lips over it” “You have actual brain damage, dont you?” DREA I LOVE YOU KSDJFLDSKJFLKSDJ
how do those bubbles taste babe
ok drea wtf i was so happy and now this??????
“everything’s wrong” NO SHUT UP SHUT UP ITS HAPPY HOURS
not the boob privileges 😭
WAIT THIS IS FROM THE BSE MV ISNT IT “dance is just so hot rn” “depressing shades are just so hot rn”
“youre so fucking cute, my baby” me when i see literally any picture of him
“betrayed. objectified. taken advantage of. used. “ i hate him sm 😭😭
stop him worrying she’ll think it's weird and wont want to do it 🥺
“bold of you to assume id ever be convicted” PLS DREA LAKFJDKSLFJ
“the more you talk, the more appealing manslaughter sounds” I CHOKED DLSKFJDSKLFJDKSJFDSKLJ
Im sorry but its really funny to me how you wrote the sentence “wrong metal, he thinks ironically” … get it ? like IRONically lkfjdslkfj im sorry i’ll show myself out
“this boy?” what a fucking cutie i want to kick him
I forgot what a bop helpless is thanks for reminding me im gonna go listen to the entire soundtrack again-
theyre so fucking cute i hate them
so yea bascally this is the best thing ive ever read and i love you so much and my face hurts from smiling :)))
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parkjmini · 5 years
history | pjm
➳ park jimin scenario 
you didn't come to see your friends, I know you came for me. I like your dress, but you fit better in my wrinkled tee. We moved on to newer things, but we got history
➳ word count: 2156
➳ genre: angst/fluff ig 
a/n: hey yall, ik ive been pretty MIA. im trying my best to find time to stay active. college rlly sux, but this is based off of the song, history by rich brian, it’s a really good ass song and it reminded me a lot of jimin. and i had this in my drafts ever since October so im glad i was able to finish it on my birthday and to release it as a birthday present for myself and everyone else that i finally released some content. 
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You were more than an ex-girlfriend to Jimin. You were his whole world for a brief moment of his life. If anyone were to value you anything less, he would not hesitant to defend you. You and Jimin dated in sophomore year of high school, almost being destined as high school sweethearts, almost. 
Long distance had become strenuous for the both of you, mainly you. Jimin didn’t stray far from your hometown, but you had traveled miles away. It wasn’t until your second year of college when things were becoming clear that you two were not working out. 
Phone calls slowly became a hassle. You never really came back home for the holidays, so Jimin saw you a lot less. It was simply two separate lives and no matter how much Jimin wanted to stay together, the relationship had been taking a toll on you. 
Jimin was definitely more emotionally stable than you were. He didn’t have to move far from home for college, so his support system was still close. His best friends, Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook went to the same college as him. He didn’t need you as much as you needed him, physically. 
You were thousands of miles away from your family and friends. You went to the college of your dreams, but you had to start over. So being in an old relationship in the next chapter of your life was hard. You were meeting new people every week your first quarter in school, but every happy face felt fake. There was no familiarity and the loneliness ate you up by the end of your second quarter.
Seeing Jimin through your screen only made you miss him more. Hearing his voicemails made you cry harder. You’d always think you’d adjust, eventually, but you never did. And admitting all that pain to Jimin was the hardest thing you had to do. 
The breakup was not bad, but it also was not the best. You knew you couldn’t stay friends with Jimin, because you were still madly in love with this man and so was he. To move on, you had to avoid any contact with him and that didn’t sit well with him. He was too stubborn to move on. He kept telling you that he’d wait for when you’d come back for him. 
Those were not the words you wanted to hear. Jimin respected your decision to break up, but it was his own to decide whether or not to move on. Frankly, you thought he’d give up on you the moment the second quarter started. It was college, and you were never the one to hold him back from having fun and going to parties. The boys went to parties practically every weekend, some were for the sake of meeting new people to hook up with.
As much as his friends did those things, Jimin remained incredibly loyal to you. No other girl could compare to his girlfriend and if someone were to make a move on him, he’d stop it immediately. He’d text you when he got back to his dorm after every party, drunk or sober (most of the times, he was drunk). He didn’t hesitate to brag about his wonderful girlfriend to his entire hall. Jimin was all about you, it had always been like that for him. 
So it was no surprise when he reacted the way he did during the breakup. Jimin swore that he’d come back for you one day. You meant everything to him and he knew you like the back of his hand; he knew you better than yourself. You two had a history that no one else had.
Jimin was coming down for the long weekend with the boys for a close friend’s weekend long birthday extravaganza. It had been six months since you two last spoke, but the mention of your college caused his heart to shake. 
“I highly doubt we’d see her at the party. Namjoon told me that he has never bumped into (y/n).” Hoseok waved off Jimin’s nerves before Namjoon greeted the boys with open arms and a big grin.
“My favorites, I’m glad you were all able to make it down here for my big birthday bash.” He wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s broad shoulders and bumped at Jimin’s arm, “lighten up. You won’t see her here tonight.” 
“And what makes you so sure about that?” 
Namjoon shrugged nonchalantly, “you’ll be too drunk to register her face if she does show up.”
His statement earned several laughs from the boys, but Jimin could only roll his eyes. He really debated on simply going home and skipping this weekend trip because now, he was too close for comfort. He was on your territory and he wasn’t sure what to do if he saw you again. 
Six months was not enough time for Jimin to fully move on. He slept around with a few girls, but you were always in the back of his mind. Whenever he closed his eyes, your sweet smile would flash in the darkness. He would have reoccurring dreams about your shared memories. He’d hate to admit it, but he really missed you. 
But your words rang in his ears whenever he would selfishly indulged in your past, “I don’t want to see you for a very long time, Jimin. I just won’t be able to do it. I won’t be able to move on if we stayed friends.” He wanted to uphold your wishes because you still meant so much to him, it was the least he could do. 
Jimin entered Namjoon’s huge house, the scent of alcohol and weed filling his system and music traveling through his pulse. There were occasionally greetings from a few mutuals and smiles from pretty girls, but Jimin went through the house without much defeat.
Jungkook was lost in the crowd after passing by a group of girls. Namjoon was bombarded with hugs and birthday wishes. Jimin headed towards the standing bottles of alcohol, pouring himself a cup full of something dark. He sipped his drink, scanning the house as he leaned against the kitchen island. 
He finished his drink with impressive speed, not entirely aware of the rate he was consuming. The moment he turned around to pour himself another cup, a voice caused him to freeze. “Can you also pour me one?” 
He had thought the alcohol was tricking him into believing the voice belonged to you, but when he turned around... he knew it wasn’t the alcohol messing with him. “(y/n).”
You blinked back at his stunned figure, equally as shocked. He admired how good you looked. He had to stifle in a laugh at your revealing, black dress. It hung loose around your shoulders and wrapped around your middle --- the dress he bought you for your guys’ 2nd anniversary. 
He wasn’t sure what to believe at this point --- the fact that you’re actually standing in front of him after such an extensive time or the fact that you still wore the things he bought you. 
“What are you doing here?” Your voice was just above a whisper and your hand automatically went to twirl the necklace around your neck. It had a small pendant of the first letter of your name and your fingers instinctively went towards it whenever you got nervous. 
Jimin set down his drink, “I’m close friends with Namjoon.”
“No way. My friend has the same writing class as him.” You tried to act normal, like you didn’t bump into your ex-boyfriend at a party. He looked exactly like how you left him, maybe a bit more tired and gray. Oh how you missed his soft, plump lips or how strong his arms felt. 
As much as you wanted to forget about him, he always resurfaced in your mind at the strangest times. You could be studying and he’d pop up. You’d be clubbing with your friends and you’d think he was across the room. You still held onto him. 
“It was good seeing you again, (y/n).” Jimin said before he handed you a cup of your favorite mix. 
“Wait---” The words were flowing out of your mouth before you could catch them. “---Do you want to dance?” You couldn’t see him go anymore.
His eyes lit up and he smiled, something that always ran chills down your spine. “You want to dance with me?”
“Why not?” You smiled back and finished your cup before hitting the crowds of drunk, dancing people. You had gotten really close to Jimin, to the point where your chest was against his. 
You could tell he was holding back, like he was trying so hard to respect your space still. But you blinked back up at his sad eyes, and noticed they were filled with love and wonder. And almost every memory you two shared came crushing down, wrapping you in nostalgia. 
Grabbing his hands, you let them rest on your waist and his eyes widen at your bold action. Maybe it was the alcohol doing all the work, but you really wish he’d stop holding back. You always remembered Jimin to have huge restraint and patient. He was strong willed --- stubborn --- and was reserved. But once his boundaries were gone, he was something amazing. 
“Why are you holding back, Jimin?” You asked before you could process the question. An evident pout appeared on your face and his hands dropped from your body.
“I can’t, (Y/N). I refuse to give you all of me just for you to hurt me again.” He whispered and walked off the dance floor. That was one of the biggest blows you’ve ever felt. You hurried on after him, trying to find a needle in a hay stack. 
It was difficult, everyone blended with one another and you weren’t fully sober to play Where’s Jimin. You spotted a frantic Jungkook being mauled by girls left and right, so you hurried toward the crowd. You grabbed Jungkook by his collar and dragged him out of the sea of desperate girls. 
You two stood outside of the house and Jungkook took several deep breaths before thanking you for saving him, “now, what do you want?” 
“Where did Jimin go?” 
“Why do you care where he went?” He said leaning against the stature of the overflowing building. The stern look on his face caused much intimidation and it was as if he had forgotten all the great memories you two had shared as friends. 
Sighing, you racked your brain for any reasonable explanation besides that you want to see him. It was selfish of you to not consider how Jimin still felt about you, but you had been restraining yourself from viewing his social medias and even thinking about him at night. It was as if something went off when you did see him, you simply wanted more. 
“Because I want to apologize to him for what had just happened. Please.” You were on the verge of tears and Jungkook rolled his eyes. 
“Follow me.” He grumbled and started walking up the stairs to the second floor. He walked past several doors in the hallway before reaching the end. He knocked a specific pattern and the door cracked open slightly. Jungkook gestured for you to enter and whispered, “don’t hurt him anymore. That is all I ask of you.” Jungkook walked away as you entered the big room. 
Jimin sat on the edge of the neatly made bed, back facing you. “Whatever it is, Kook, I don’t want to hear it right now.” His voice was hoarse and raspy.
“Jimin, I’m sorry for pushing you out there like that.” 
His body turned stiff, like a thief caught in a crime. He cleared his throat, “it’s fine.”
“No, it’s not fine. I was never considerate to how you felt, and I want to change that.” The bed shifted with you weight pulling the mattress. Jimin’s warmth surround your left side and it hurt for you to remember how safe you felt in it. 
He was hesitant to reach for your hand, but you grabbed his to reassure him. “I’m still so in love with you.” He admitted. His thumb ran across your knuckles. “Every time I see you, I feel nostalgic. There is no one in the whole world that knows me like you do and that means something. You will always mean something to me.”
And you blinked at him with words unspoken. Your heart was shaking in the palms of his hands. A part inside of you felt okay with that, like if were to let anyone ruin your life, it would be him. 
Jimin picked up your chin. Looking into his glossy, red eyes, he read every bit of you and searched for the one sign he needed. Then he saw it, the familiar small twinkle in your eyes, and he knew exactly how you felt. 
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Diego x MC
OKAY! I suddenly thought of this and had to write it down and save it in my drafts bc Ik I would forget it later. This is about MC and Diego planning their wedding.
Because fuck Dracula and I’m still in the corner crying about what’s happening to Diego and I hope this can lift up our spirits
Or well other people’s spirits since I always think my stuff is trash.
But anyway take this!!!!
Also this in a time where they defeated Dracula after he tried to kill Diego bC fuck it and I’m skipping the heartbreak and just taKE IT
Also since I probably won’t be able to describe the dress properly to make you imagine it I wanted this kind of dress for the MC:
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This type of dress has always been my dream dress. Idk them sleeves make me lose it and I LOOOOVE THEM. I just love how they’re in a like flower form. But never mind back to the story
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“I have to pick out my dress soon,” MC said. Diego had finally proposed and MC couldn’t be more excited. Now that they got rid of Dracula, they could finally prepare. Diego looked up from the computer where he was typing from. He was excited about our wedding but still needed to do his patients from time to time. However, he usually spent time off just to help get things together. I loved how sweet he was. Even if he had his head in his ass for awhile when he told me he “couldn’t propose”. But it all worked out in the end. “Why don’t you take Havenfalls Finest with you?” I smiled at the nickname. Whenever me or Diego wanted to refer to the group, instead of saying their names we would just say “Havenfalls Finest”. “Oh yeah, I can’t let you see my dress,” I said as I laid my head on his his shoulder, looking at what he was typing. He laid his head on my head and hummed. “Gotta keep tradition alive.” I could already tell he was smirking like a smartass. I got above him and he looked up at me. “MC, what are you-“ I gave him a noogie. He moved his computer and started to pull me down into his lap. He smiled at me so evil. “Diego. Don’t,” I told him. He continued to smile that smile and slowly moved his hands above me. I tried to scramble away to no avail. He started touching my ribs and tickling me. “Diego stop!” I shouted in between my laughs. He moved up to my neck and I couldn’t stop laughing. Well, it was a mix between laughing and screaming for mercy. He suddenly stopped and I starting breathing again. I looked at him and saw him smile the most amazing smile at me. “Do you know that you’re my best friend?” I asked him. Diego seemed taken aback by what I said. “Really?” He said to me with a childlike wonder look on his face. I smile and laugh and nod. “I thought JD or Grace would’ve been your best friend,” he said with all honesty. I laughed even more. “They are but you’re my best best friend,” I told him. Diego pulled me up and kissed me very passionately. After he pulled away, he started to work on his patients information and I just watched. I know it’s confidential but Diego has basically thrown that out the window. He’s told me a lot of patient stories. I loved that he trust me that much.
Soon the day had come when I needed to pick out my dress. “I need to find a day when you are all available,” I told the group. We met at the bowling alley like usual on my day off. “I’m available right now,” Razi said. “I’m available as well,” JD said. Mackenzie said the same thing. And of course, Grace said the same as well. Since she found out Diego proposed, she came home for this one day and decided to help me pick out my dress. However, I already had a specific dress in mind. Grace knew this too but she wanted to help me find the right one. Me and grace loved to talked about our future weddings. However, as I grew up, I started to think that nobody would love me. Now, I have someone who loves me like I love him. I knew Grace was thinking “I told you so” to me when I found that someone loved me. I can see all of Havenfalls Finest have a big grin on their face. I was happy that my family wanted to come with me. Antonio and Eva would also go along. I’m not brave enough yet to call them Family. Especially, Antonio. I’ve moved past the sister kidnapping thing but I haven’t forgotten it all the way.
They take me to a really fancy one in Indianapolis. I looked around and I saw a lot of white and very fancy dresses. Razi has Diego’s credit card since he couldn’t go with us. Mainly because of tradition but also since he was very busy today. “Do you have any dresses in mind?” Mackenzie asked me. Grace basically beamed. “Yeah I do,” I said a bit happily. Before I could explain a lady came up to us to show us where to find the dresses and the dressing room. The lady also asked me what kind of dress I had in mind and I explained it. “Ive always wanted a long dress, a bit puffy, but not too puffy, and it has those see through flower sleeves,” I told her. Everyone else looked confused. However, that lady, and Grace, both smiled at me. “Follow me,” the lady said. She took me to a section that had to dress I really wanted. She pulled out one dress and showed it to me. “This one is about 5,000 dollars,” the lady said with a smile. I instantly let out a little oof. Antonio lowkey hit me on the back. I ignore it for awhile. “I’ll leave it here for you and you can pick out any other dresses you’d like to try on,” she said. As soon as she walked away, I turned around and punched Antonio in the chest. “Don’t hit me,” I said. Eva and everyone else couldn’t help but a laugh a bit. Before Antonio could say anything, Razi cleared his throat. “So, what dress do you think you would like? Or would it just be this one,” Razi asked me. I looked at the dress and being honest, I loved it. My 7 year old self would be screaming and jumping up and down. But, I kept my composure. “Yeah, I should try this one on first,” I told them. Grace smiled and looked like a 4 year old when their parents said they could have some candy. “Now we just need to find a dressing room,” I said. We asked one lady and we found a room. “Do you think you might need some help?” Grace asked me. I looked at the dress and nodded. “I’ll come in and help,” Grace said.
Grace has pulled me into a dressing room while everyone else waited outside. Grace had helped me put my dress on and when it was on Grace let out a little gasp. I turned around and to be honest, I was in shock. Ever since I’ve been young, I never really liked what I looked like. I never had full confidence or liked anything about myself. Yet, I was fully confident this time. It didn’t make me feel uncomfortable. There was no cleavage, the sleeves felt so smooth and soft. The dress wasn’t too puffy. Grace came up behind me and hugged me. “Do you think mom and dad would be proud?” I couldn’t help but laugh a bit. Some with sorrow yet some with happiness. I couldn’t believe my parents wouldn’t be there for our weddings. “Yeah. They would be,” I whispered to her. She clapped my shoulders and walked to the door. “You ready to show everybody?” She asked me with the biggest smile on her face. I nodded. She opened the door and I took a deep breath and walked out there. I got in front of the big mirror in the room and I looked even more beautiful than ever. “It looks so pretty,” Eva said. “It’s really beautiful, MC,” Mackenzie said. Everyone else almost said the same thing. To be honest, JD surprised me with how nice and sincere they were being. “Do you think this is the right one?” Razi asked me. To be honest, I was already tired. Being a vampire should make me not tired but nope. I hate trying on clothes for so long. I loved this dress a lot. The dress I’ve always wanted. I nodded and smiled.
We had payed and starting to head back to the bowling alley. By the time we got back, Diego had met us there since he didn’t have any more patients for the day. “Did you have fun?” Diego said. I smiled and nodded. “She only tried on one dress so it was pretty fast,” JD said. Diego seemed a bit surprised. “One dress?” He said. I nodded. “There was always a certain dress I’ve had in mind and I got that dress and I love it,” I explained to him. “I can show you-“ JD started. I glared at them and they backed down. “Never mind,” they said a bit sadly. Everyone else laughed at their tone. “When are you planning anything else and do you need any help?” Mackenzie said. I looked at Diego and raised an eyebrow. “Do we need any help?” I had asked him. He thought about it for a moment and shook his head. “We can probably manage by ourselves,” he said. Everyone looked a bit grim. “We’ll come to you if we need any help,” I said to hopefully lift their moods. They all got a little happier at that. For the rest of the night we had done some drinks and talked about the wedding. We had planned a few things there before we got really drunk and decided to not do anything that we would regret.
Diego and me got home and as soon as he walked in he couldn’t help but ask me a question. “Are you seriously not gonna let me see the dress?” Diego said. I smiled mischievously at him. I walked over to him and leaned into him and got in his face. “Nope,” I said very softly. I laughed and pulled away and went to the bed. However, before I could sit down I felt someone’s hands wrap around my waist and lift me up in the air. “Diego!” I screamed to him. He threw me on the bed and got in between my legs and started playfully biting on my neck and kissing it. “Diego,” I started. Diego looked up at me and moved a piece of my hair out of my face. He looked into my eyes and he looked so in Love. Whatever he saw in my eyes made him just stare at me. “What is it?” I ask him laughing. He just shook his head. “It’s nothing,” he said. “I’m just looking at my fiancée .
That made my heart melt. I thought it was nice to be called his lover or girlfriend. But fiancée is a whole new level and I love it. I couldn’t even say anything. So I didn’t. I leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Diego put his hand on my cheek and stroked it. He pulled away from and laid his head on my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair. I could hear him let out a groan of pleasure and he closed his eyes. “I love you, MC,” he told me. I kissed the top of his head. “I love you too, Diego,” I whispered to him.
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Okay. I’m sorta proud of this but at the same time I’m cringing. OKAY. I hope this is good???! Idk. I’m actually cringing but then I love it. Idk. I hope this was okay and not as cringey to you as it was to me. But thanks for reading. And you can request anything to me at all since I’m bored and I’m done writing this so I need something to do.
But thanks for reading and ily and have a nice day
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aliwept · 5 years
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ok so !! rn i’m thinking based on the results (you can still vote im just.. sharing what i think rn and kinda what you guys might expect in case u wanna change ur minds):
zuko will be added as the top voter in the first section but . probably won’t do him as much as the other characters cause i’m bad at character arcs :’) well. ones i dont create myself (ex: aria sacturi luca tokoyami the list goes on) tbh i’ll let u guys kno now i have a soft spot for zukaang but i dont tolerate gay fetishing i just genuinely think they’d work well
i rly need to rewatch SMDGFKD but im probably not going to it’s ok tho .. i can hear like. their voices in specific quotes so i think i’ll be ok .. maybe watch the beach episode that was wild
suki as second to top .. Good. Good. im glad my mini tag ted talk bumped her up.. she’s bi and what an icon. actuallly. i might make .. xe/xyr for suki. yea ok
ty lee .. the lesbian .. good. ok. also ik i said this before but she’s trans. and so im not . gonna ship her w any guys and im def not going to accept any transphobia thanks !  i mean not that i wld anyway but yk
sokka i might add as like .. again a side muse like zuko but .. since figs is picking him up i might not? debating whether to make him bigender sDGDS so .. i might make him but if i do he’ll be a side muse
i really need to update my mobile rules list
yue i might add just cause i’m so soft for my moon lesbian. also cause like ive said before .....  i had the Biggest crush on her for . literal years
jet’s an asshole we all kno but if he gets bumped up i might .. make some threads abt his past and kinda .. before he meets his Squad tm and .. yea jet does some Direct Fucking Action and it goes too far but .. i do like how he must’ve been before he got that power rush / etc. also .. im not gonna do anything related to ba sing se w him cause that freaked me tf out and i.. kinda dont wanna rewatch that
asami: good . bicon. i rmmr i had her on my muses list before but took her off cause no one seemed interested but :”) at least ppl like her now SDFKJ and korrasami is .. probably the only ship id do with her .. her thing w mako .. idk i just wasnt a fan of how they portrayed her in it like the sterotypical jealous gf .. tho maybe that was during her bi awakening tm... also icb im writing both sides of this ship .. who needs rp ill just write w myself SDFK
prince wu: ok that’s some . that’s som egood shit. idk how well i’ll do him since we have’nt seen him much but .. he’s . he’s good also i only ship him w mako atm thanks cause i feel like they’d. balance each other out well and can rly learn from each other and also just. wld get along
FUCK I FORGOT TO ADD KUVIRA TO THE LIST IM DOING IT NOW ... ok so with her like.. i’d probably not do much related to her rise to power cause that was all sorts of weird . but def post-canon completely!
mako: i have mixed feelings abt him but i feel like i cld make him. actually likeable instead of how he appeared in the series and more of a. brother guy and u kno. respectful of people’s feelings but also not making him too . canon div like .. again ‘id probably postly write post-canon or pre-canon or .. aus DSGKDS .. like he’s still a bit of an asshole / control freak and i rly dont think mako n korra or asami bc of their love of freedom would’ve worked out regardless .. so while im not like making him canon divergent i will .. mostly write him out post- and pre- mako arc
bolin .. son .. sun .. you deserve the world.  i love you. thank you. also he’s trans bi . ok . thank you for my life that’s all i have to say. you all know how muc h i love hinm. actualyl i do have more to say he’s such an underappreciated character and .. he was so respectful to korra and did’nt take it out on her even tho his heart was broken (see: mako) and his lavabending he was so excited and im just .. soft
tahno ...... asshole. rat. im probably only gonna write him . Again. post-arc (amon) cauase .. that’s the part of him th’ats most interesting to me? and i can’t really.. connect with him pre-amon cause .. while i can vaguely understand him based on the info they give to us as creators i don’t feel .. comfortable writing him out ?
kya: ok tha’ts fair she’s kinda old. just saying she’s a lesbian and i love her so fucking much and she’s a wonderful mentor and strong and i really wld love to flesh her out
(also what about that cousin huan with theggreen streak art boy like .. just a sec imma add him just in case he’s tokoyami but . Not quite as sensitive and just .. SMGDKJ mostly for jokes but he was a rly fun chara)
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Requested by @missspookyskeleton: I'M GONNA REQUEST IF YOU'RE TAKING REQUESTS BUT TAKE YOUR TIME HONEY *slams hands on a table that randomly appeared, grabs the mic that also magiclcally appeared and breath in really loudly (ew gross)* wolf!woozi PLEASE THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOUR BLOG THERE'S NOT ENOUGH WOOZI OKAY BYE
okay this turned out alMOST AS LONG AS WOLF!WONWOO AND IM SCREAMING BC THAT WAS SUPER LONG SO??? GET READY TO READ A LONG SCENARIO AGAIN Y IKE S but anyways this is what yall have been waiting for since last month whOOPS IM SORRY!! here it is happy reading my children!!! <33333
warnings: this is a piece of garbage like wolf!wonwoo, brief mentions of gore but its barely anything bc i dont like gore/horror, mentions of violence, lots of flashbacks whOOPS, lots of vanilla ice cream!!!
His eyes are trained on his opponent sitting directly across from him
“Your move,” his voice drops an octave, a slight edge detected in it
The other man’s hands remain clasped in his lap until he slowly stretches one out
His eyes follow the man’s hands with bated breath as he grasps the smooth marbles in his fist
“No, no…. nO!!”
“GODDAMMIT,” he frustratingly runs his fingers in his blonde locks
“You guys really need to chill,,,,, it’s just mancala,” Seungcheol calls over his shoulder in the back of the room as he reads the papers
“Okay grandpa,,,, you’re no fun,” Jeonghan retorts, a sly grin on his face, “and don’t be so pouty, Jihoon”
“Whatever,” Jihoon mumbles as he and Jeonghan put away the board in its box, “there’s not much we can do if we’re in this dump so might as well do something a little less boring, like reading the news”
“Hey! I’m scouting for updates on our pack, you ungrateful punk. Need I remind you guys why we’re here in the first place?”
“To protect us from the hunters and keep a low profile,” everyone chorused
“Huh. Nice to know you punks are listening,” Seungcheol clucks his tongue and resumes scanning the pages
“Anyways, Jihoon and Wonwoo are gonna be the ones to restock our food supply today. You know the drill”
“Ugh fine,,,,,” Jihoon grabbed his coat on the rack while Wonwoo set aside his latest novel on the table
After securely placing a beanie all the way to their ears with a hoodie on top of it, they set out
“We look ridiculous,” Jihoon sighs
“C’mon, we have to do it,,,, and plus we can use the cold weather as an excuse,” Wonwoo reminds him
Jihoon merely shrugs and darts his eyes around the store as they round the corner, “let’s just get the stuff and leave”
When jihoon and wonwoo are lined up in the checkout aisle, jihoon suddenly hears a small gasp
“Oh my god. You got the last vanilla tub,,,,”
He turns around and sees someone pouting, pointing at the ice cream on the conveyor belt
His initial thoughts were wow. How cute -- wait we really need to lEAVE
Jihoon: *sigh* do you want it?
“But… you’re literally just about to buy it….”
“It’s fine, you’re the one who wants it more out of the both of us” he says as he screams internally
“I feel bad though,,,, ahh just forget I said anything,,,,”
Too late, he’s already thrusted it in your hands
By this time Wonwoo is looking at him expectantly with an eyebrow raised, the groceries in his hands already
He sighs again and blurts out, “if you really feel bad just take it and don’t say another word.”
He grabs the other grocery bags and leaves you staring at the tub
Hm, hoodie boy sure is grumpy, you note as the cashier scans your items
Jihoon and Wonwoo arrive back at the rundown storage warehouse lmao i know how cliche???
“Here’s your feast,” jihoon says, dropping the bags on the table
Everyone scrambles to snatch a bag of chips or the assorted candy
Joshua and vernon are like,,,, where’s the vanilla ice cream
“Jihoon gave it to some other person,” Wonwoo nonchalantly mentioned as he put the other dairy and red meat products in the fridge
Everyone freezes and stares at Jihoon
“He gave up… vanilla ice cream?”
Jeonghan is like um what jihoon being generous??? And sharing vanilla ice cream out of all things???? What happened to him
“Stop making such a big deal,” Jihoon says, exasperated as he situates himself in front of the bookshelf, “seemed like they wanted it a lot more so I just let them”
Seungcheol clears his throat and tells everyone to go back to what they were doing
He quietly approaches Jihoon and stands next to him to also “browse” the shelf
“You know why the guys are like that, Jihoon…. You know better than anyone else,” his voice drops to a barely audible whisper
Jihoon drops his eyes briefly and slightly nods, “I know… I know.”
Seungcheol sadly smiles at him and claps his shoulder, “We’re just looking out for you. That’s all we do around here, so don’t get too riled up by their antics. They have good intentions. We’re just worried about you.” He lightly pats his shoulder and leaves
Jihoon grabs a random book and settles on an old leather couch fully knowing he’s not gonna read a word of the novel he’s opened up
All he can do is try not to think about Vanilla Tub Stranger
And brush off the uneasy stir of his stomach every time he does
You go to the supermarket weekly in hopes of meeting Jihoon along the way again
And little do you know he starts to volunteer getting the food more
The guys: we see u jihoon
Jihoon: what i just wanted to,,,, get some cheese
“We’re eating steak though???”
“Shut up mingyu i’m not making you that grilled cheese then”
“???? i make those for you while you stand there and complain”
But alas!!! You guys don’t meet anymore :(((
You end up going at different times than him but it's sO CLOSE YET SO FAR
Like an hour after he leaves you enter smh
But you notice that every time you go to the ice cream aisle, there’s always one vanilla tub,,,, coincidentally,,,,
Jesus christ how many vanilla tubs do ppl buy in this au
And you can’t help but to smile to yourself
One day as you’re walking down the street you spot a familiar blonde haired boy
!!!!! it’s hoodie boy!!!!
You’re nearing each other and you smile really widely and put up your hand to wave at him
But he simply ignores you and strides right past
You’re like,,,, what,,,,, did he not remember me?
You turn around and tug on his arm
“Hey you’re hoodie boy from the supermarket right?”
He still avoids eye contact and remains stiff as cardboard
“,,,,I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“You offered me your vanilla ice cream??”
“Must have been someone else; doesn’t ring a bell,” he coldly shakes you off and stalks off
You stare at him until his back disappears around the corner of the street and you’re a deflated lil puppy :(((
Jihoon is hiding behind the nearest building, his balled up fist on the wall
“This is for the best,,, this is for the best for the both of us,” he keeps repeating
The slight worry your voice hinted, the anxious look in your eyes,,,,
It was too familiar
Jihoon only shook his head and continued on his way
He was using that day to clear his mind since there wasn’t anything really major happening
Plus he kept thinking about you
It was well into nighttime and he decided to take a detour back home
You had to run to the supermarket really quickly for a last minute meal
You ran out of ramen packs and needed to hit up the closest store
You were skeptical of going out late at night without another buddy with you but you really needed food and had to continue studying asap
“It’ll just be for a little while,” you calm yourself as you’re grabbing your coat and keys
You successfully go to the convenience store a few blocks down and you’re on your way back when the hairs all over your body start tingling
You turn around but you don’t see anyone and you’re just like,,, yI KE S and start power walking
You’re walking a little inward where a good amount of trees surround you but you can still see the city on your left
You still have one or two more blocks left when someone drAGS YOU to the side and pins you against the closest tree trunk
“You won’t scream if you know what’s good for you”
You’re just frozen in shock and terror, your arms held on top of your head and your breath hitched in your throat
The man lets out a low chuckle at your fear
“Don’t be scared… it’s just protocol,” his deep voice sends shivers up your spine as he traces your face and neck with his hand
You just want to punch this jerk and use your pepper spray but he has too much of a strong grip on you
You lift your leg to knee him but he easily stops it with a hand
“Ah ah, don’t hurt the goods,” he laughs disturbingly similar to shattered glass
You turn your head and bite down the arm that’s pinning your arms and now he’s like ok looks like we’re gonna have to do this the hard way
“You just won’t stay still, will you? This should do the trick,” he menacingly cackles as he pulls out a blue fluid glowing in a syringe
He jams his arm up your neck so you don’t easily escape and to stop whatever screams that may escape
Your eyes widen and you’re about to blindly kick his legs when the syringe gets dangerously closer to your neck
“Just… hold… still!” He presses you more against the wall as you squirm more under his touch
You can feel the needle on your skin and he’s about to push the plunger but one second your oxygen circulation is cut off and the next you hear a grunt
You can only look down at your feet where the predator is now at, holding his side
A boy is bent over the body and spits out, “still taking orders from that crap boss you have?”
“Jihoon… We meet again.”
“Like the first time wasn’t enough. Looks like you never learn from your mistakes”
“That girl didn’t have a chance anyways. Now look at where she is now,” he sneers
You see the boy’s frame tense up and his hands balling up
“Guess we’ll just have to pick up where we left off,” the boy smirks
And right before your eyes he goes from a two legged human to a wOLF ON ALL FOURS
And the man does the same thing and you’RE LIKE W HA T THE
You can’t tell who launches at who first but you’re just like o KA Y I GO TT A JET AND STUDY BYE
You’re sprinting across the dirt when one of them stops in your way and you can’t tell which one it is
He’s growling at you, his eyes gleaming in bloodlust that would match his red coat if his eyes could change color
You back away and you turn in a different direction but the other one is there too and you’re like oH JESUS CHRIST COME ON
The first one tries lunging at you but the other one tackles him first
“At each other’s throats” has never been so literal,,,, and gory yikes
The fight just continues on like that for what seems like half an hour but is probably just ten more minutes
Every time you turn to escape someone is always stOPPING YOU AND YOU’RE LIKE P L S OH MY GOD
You hear one of them snort and you’re like um excuse u. I have ramen and i’m not afraid to thROW IT AT YOU
The one with the light brown fur is lowkey rolling his eyes at you
“Ok well if y’all are done fighting i gotta get home lmao so can you like,,,,, move”
Both of them revert back to their human form heavily panting
Bruises and scratches scatter all over their bodies with some black eyes and swollen cut lips
“F...fine… you’re not even worth it,” the man mutters and struggles to get up
It takes him a while to leave and you tentatively crouch down next to the blonde boy
“Okay i have absolutely no clue what just happened but,,,, thank you”
He coughs on his side as he weakly responds, “just go home. You weren’t supposed to see any of that, and now you might even be more in danger”
“.....hoodie boy?” you’re taken aback as the guy who so generously gave you up his dessert is now beaten up on the ground
“.....Go. Home.”
“But your wounds,,,,”
“We heal fast.” And sure enough you can see the majority of his scrapes and scratches slowly disappearing
“You at least owe me a good explanation to what just happened back there”
“Don’t worry about it. Go home. Now. And that’s not a suggestion”
“Just tell me--”
“I can’t have you ending up like her!”
And his tone just leaves you speechless
The amount of emotion that surged in just those words,,,,,
“I can’t…. Let that happen to you….” he says much softer
After a moment of silence, he continues
“He turned her into a wolf,,,, and brainwashed her into entering his pack. Once she had done all the orders, they disposed of her. Drained out all of her blood for their own meal and discarded her body in front of my pack’s doorstep.”
“But she was your,” you pause and try to grasp for the proper term, “love and i’m just,,,, someone who you gave ice cream to. Why are you so concerned?”
“,,,,,You’re Y/N, right?”
You’re like ??? how did you know
“You helped us out a lot. Donating food, blankets, utensils,,,, you were also the person who made us that special soup when all of us fell ill to the virus, right?”
You’re racking your brain bc you don’t remember doing that at all
But then you’re like,,,, wait a minute
“Hey, y/n, can you make that soup of yours?” Your family friend asked you, “I know a bunch of people who got sick and the cure for it needs a lot of ginger, which you incorporate so nicely without making it overbearing”
“The same guys are in refugee right now,,,, they’re just all over the place trying to seek shelter.” “Oh, they can have a couple of spare blankets I have and some plates and bowls.” “But,,,, you’re living here by yourself,,,,” “No biggie, I don’t even use half of these!” You say as you’re already dumping 4 blankets in her arms and packing a good chunk of your utensils in a bag. “Plus, you needed someone to do something, so you came to me, right?”
She only smiles to herself. “It’s no wonder he’s so smitten by you…”
“You were a part of that group?”
By now he’s healed considerably and begins sitting up and leans against the trunk
“She would always tell me to look out for you when she was unable to because of her work”
“Did you scare off those kids who picked on me?”
“Did you drop off my USB in the office that one time I had a presentation and forgot it?”
“That’s right”
“Did you coincidentally buy those shoes I told her I’ve always wanted?”
“U-um…. No. Okay maybe”
You laugh in spite of yourself
“Guess I finally see you as a woman now”
You stiffen at the familiarity of those words
“Jihoon, when will you see me as more than just a little sister?” you pout
“I don’t know shortie, maybe when you can take care of me?” he ruffles your hair
“Just wait until I’m able to buy a house and have a lot of money!”
He laughs and shakes his head, “we’ll see, shortie ;)”
It only hits you now that this is the same jihoon who you lost in touch after all of these years, the one who was always in the back of your mind
Wow he glowed tf up
“That…. That was when we were little kids”
“Yeah,,,, i never would have admitted it but i liked you, lopsided pigtails and all”
You notice the past tense and you look down
“....Liked? But you just said….”
“That’s right, liked.” He gently reaches out to grab ahold of your face
“Because i realized that,,,,,, i might be in love”
As you stare in his resolute eyes, you’re suddenly getting a wave of nostalgia
The same eyes who would only look at you jokingly to tease your choice of clothes
Or how you couldn’t tie your shoelaces
They’re now looking back at you with newfound feelings
Or maybe they’ve always been there
“I pretended to not recognize you because well,,,, i didn’t want you to be caught in this but looks like it’s a little too late for that. And you’re wrong”
You cock your head to the side, “about what?”
“You called her my love. If she was really my love, I wouldn’t do this”
And you’re like do what--
And he seals his words wITH A K I SS
You’re like O H W HAT IS HAP PENI NG
But you realize that this is literally what you have been waiting for all your life
You’re kissing him back fervently, your hands gripped tightly on his shoulders to reassure yourself he is not a dream and he’s actually real and this is actually happening wo w o h go d
You’re both panting when you break away
“Wait but who’s the shORTIE NOW”
“shUT UP,” he pouts and pulls you in agAIN
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earachne · 7 years
i was tagged by the amazing @danielhowellsbooty Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag! THE LAST… 
1. Drink: water (boring, ik) 2. Phone call: my friend @valentinadunn12 3. Text message: my other friend @kaokaru 4. Song you listened to: Na Na Na by MCR 5. Time you cried: a week ago HAVE YOU EVER… 6. Dated someone twice: Nope, im lonely 7. Been cheated on: Nope 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yep 9. Lost someone special: yes, my Grandpa 10. Been depressed: yes and i still am 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nah, im too young LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLORS: 12. Black 13. Blood red 14. Blue IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 
15. Made new friends: yes, i made loads or friends on tumblr! 16. Fallen out of love: i guess, im not sure though 17. Laughed until you cried: yes, almost everyday! 18. Found out someone was talking about you: not that i can remember.. 19. Met someone who changed you: yes 20. Found out who your true friends are: yes, i found out that my friends from my old school werent real friends and were actually bitches.. :/ 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no, i dont have facebook 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: still dont have facebook XD 23. Do you have any pets: I have a tabby cat called Bronté 24. Do you want to change your name: no, im pretty happy with my name :) 25. What did you do for your last birthday: I went to Byrons Burgers with my friends, it was a lot of fun 26. What time did you wake up: today I woke up at 6:30 for school with an alarm but i naturally wake up around 7 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: I was writing fanfiction or reading Shane Dawsons book, im not sure. 28. Name something you cannot wait for: I cant wait for school to break up so i can go to Spain 29. When was the last time you saw your mother: this morning before i left for school 30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i could have changed some of the decisions that i made in my past 31. What are you listening to right now: My teacher talking 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no but i had a friend called Thomas 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My parents not understanding my sexual orientation 34. Most visited website: Tumblr or Youtube ofc 35. Elementary: to be honest, primary school wasnt that great, i was made to be someone i wasnt and pressured into doing things i didnt want to do.. 36. High School: im in secondary school right now and im enjoying every second, ive met some of my bestest friends and had some of the greatest moments of my life 37. College/university: im not in college/uni yet, but i aspire to go to my schools sixth form and then hopefully get into Cambridge University 38. Hair colour: dirty blonde 39. Long or short hair: i used to have v v long hair almost down to my knees but last week i cut it so now its just above my shoulders (there are pics on my blog if you wanna see) 40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes, but it will never happen 41. What do you like about yourself: well i used to like my hair but now that thats gone its probably my eyes, theyre bright blue; but if i was talking about my personality, i like how daring i am 42. Piercings: i only have my ears pierced but i want to get my cartilage pierced and my cheeks 43. Blood type: O (v common ik) 44. Nickname: nel, neleanor, tickles (im ticklish), frying pan (idek with this one) and some more that i probably forgot 45. Relationship status: its weird, but i think ill say im single 46. Zodiac sign: Gemini 47. Pronouns: them/they 48. Favourite TV show: do animes count? Cause right now im watching black butler and i love it, but i also love doctor who 49. Tattoos: no, im not sure if i want any, i guess ill wait till i find a design i like 50. Right or left hand: im right handed but i always choose to go left FIRST… 
51. Surgery: never had one unless you count the c section my mum had when i was born :/ XD 52. Piercing: ears 54. Sport: swimming when i was a baby up until now 55. Vacation: Spain, i go every year since my grandma has a second house there 56. Pair of trainers: converses if those count as trainers 57. Eating: i asked my mum and she said she thought it was mushed up carrots, appetising ik 58. Drinking: i havent drunk yet unless you count the tiny bit of limoncello i had when i was 12 59. I’m about to: feed my cat 60. Listening to: my parents talking 61. Waiting for: waiting to eat dinner 62. Want: food 63. Get married: meh, id rather not to be honest 64. Career: i dont have one right now and im not sure what career i want, i used to want to be a doctor YOUR TYPE… 
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: taller, its more comforting 68. Older or younger: older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: i dont mind much tbh 71. Sensitive or loud: loud (but again, idm) 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship, im demiromantic so… 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: idk, cause id love to have someone that was as adventurous as me, but i need someone sane to keep me in line XD HAVE YOU EVER… 
74. Kissed a stranger?: no 75. Drank hard liquor?: nope 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses?: no but im gonna 77. Turned someone down: yes, last week actually 78. Sex on first date: nope 79. Broken someone’s heart: i think so.. 80. Had your heart broken: no, not really 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: yes 83. Fallen for a friend: yes DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 
84. Yourself: nope 85. Miracles: depends, but yea i think i do 86. Love at first sight: nah, thats bs 87. Santa Claus: nope, ive seen my parents putting presents in my stocking 88. Kiss on the first date: no 89. Angels: no OTHER… 
90. Current best friend’s name: i have a few, Lucy, Valentina, Olive and Siham 91. Eye colour: blue/grey 92. Favourite movie: Coraline and Miss Perigrines home for peculiar children (but the book was wayyyy better)
i cant think of 25 peeps to tag, but i tag: @kaokaru @valentinadunn12 @hamiltonrules @francis-the-fuckface @savannahistrash @spookydaddyjim @scenethefangirl @vgetables @the-tol-one @pansy-parknson @euphoricphil @pan-potato @phanlegs and @nekdepppppp if you are reading this and you want to do it, go for it and just say i tagged you!
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mintyicee · 7 years
Warning: skip this post if want
It’s a rant...and i absolutely hate you tumblr app bc i had to redue this twice now! >:(
Anyway, I’m used to being ignored. Everyone around me since i was little to being a young adult now has left me to own thoughts and corner in my home since forever. Though i am partially to blame being an introvert and an absolutely horrible friend in keeping contact with friends online, I mostly do so if i feel no one wants to hear, see, speak, or look at me. I will personally disappear and hide myself bc i feel it will make others happy if i wasnt around. As if i didn’t exist. True, not everyone in your life will be around forever and true, being oneself is your greatest friend. But, as shy or quiet as i am, I love being around other ppl. I dont want to be around ppl 24/7 but i do want to connect with ppl i feel can appreciate me at my fullest and without feeling like im weird or the odd ball that doesnt belong.
With that being said, I may be USED to it but i ABSOLUTELY HATE IT. As any human being would of coarse and a lot of ppl have it worse dont get me wrong. Making this rant already makes me feel selfish and in need of pity which isnt why im writing this. Simply put i want to push this anger out of me and get it out of my system bc i feel i cant move forward until i do so. And when it comes to my problems i suck at communicating it to others bc i feel they have much more important things to be doing then to babysit someone who is feeling down (but id drop everything to listen to others sadness bc i care way too much). 
I hate feeling like i did back when i lived in my hometown. Very lonely and sad. Constantly crying. I wouldn’t do anything all summer but cry in my room bc of how alone i felt. And i gave a very important part of me away just to make sure i had at least one person hanging around. I regret it very much but my efforts to hang out with the friends i saw at school outside of school would be very close to zero. Everyone is either busy or just low key didnt want to hang out with me. Tho i was lucky to have at least one friend I would see more in certain grades, it wasnt constant. And once all the drama with my nuclear family subsided, i was much more alone in the house than before middle school. 
I didnt have a cellphone or home phone, no internet either till i moved and started high school. The things that kept me going usually was my writing, music, and cartoons. Seriously being serious here. The way Id touch base with any of my school friends was to walk to their house and be lucky if they had time or were home. When i moved i had so much hope that Id find ppl to share and spend time with. Not only that but i was in the real world and no longer stuck in a house like a prisoner or place for that matter. But like stupid ppl or racists, the same ppl pop up everywhere as well as the loneliness i was hoping to leave behind. Only it came in a new form: even when im around others. I am/was happier here tho. No longer confined in my hometown house. But recently it feels like i am. This summer has been my loneliest since the move and the feeling like no one cares about me at all have all come back at my lowest and most crucial decision making time of my life. Not being in school this semester/school year is hitting me hard and no job call backs for a whole month now either. 
Partially my fault tho. The new friend crew ive been spending time with have been ignoring anything i said in the group chat. Id be skipped over and lately it feels as if im just upsetting certain ppl and end up talking about me behind my back. Really nothing new but I’ve just had enough of it. Like always I distanced myself and stopped talking all together. I’ve been more political upset in recent days due to certain issues on twitter but I’ve only been talking to my boyfriend and my mother. In hindsight tho, they really are my best friends. They are here for me at my highest and lowest no matter how many times i cry or how suddenly i get upset or frustrated. They are the ones to accept me for who i am. No one else has done this to the extent as they have and really thats all i need. Even if i dont get any other long term friends i dont care bc i know they will be by my side till the end. 
But I also want to say that if you didnt want to be my friend in the first place or you wanted me to initiate the conversation first then u should at least comment back at what im saying. If i said something dumb or something that didnt add to the convo then tell me dont just ignore me like im stupid. I refuse to be your “friend” that you only want around to be made fun of. I’ve been through a lot and yes ik u have your share of problems but if your going to only look at yourself and care about yourself then i dont need you. Im good without having that in my life. Ive had my fill of people who act like that to me. And im also tired of people who dont care about others and present issues. I CRY ABOUT PPL I DONT KNOW THAT ARE ON THE NEWS WHETHER NAMED OR NOT. HELL I CRY EVEN IF THEY ARENT ON THE NEWS! There are soooo many ppl who have it way worse than myself who suffer daily and im sick of hearing ppl dont care about the ppl and situations around them! I wont sit here making an excuse as to why i cant help its the same old issues no money (no job as mentioned above) hell even no car but that doesnt matter. I still pray! I pray for safety of others and i pray that ppl will be alright and i pray that things will get better! And also mentioned earlier, ive been reposting about current issues on twitter! This is small but i want to try!
So please if you had no intentions of sticking around me at any of my current moods, dont appreciate the person i am, or relatively dont give a fuck then dont involve yourself in my life. Yes it hurts to be alone but Id rather have that and be alone then FEEL ALONE WITH PPL IVE COME TO CARE FOR! Also, if I have helped you through thick n thin and you think u can pop into my life whenever you feel like it only to stop talking to me or purposely upset me and even threaten me? GTFO of my life and dont come back! Ever (yes this is about a certain friend who moved away and i helped not commit suicide that im holding a grudge at)!  And if you honestly are going to get upset at the actions ive done and say you do good things when you have zero sign of love for others in your hearts, live in a bubble of your own world, and follow the bible “word for word” get out of my face too bc i dont need ppl who say they are here to help others only to shun me if i dont constantly keep verses in my head or do things the way you want them to be and to have me fight my own demons while going against your beliefs and saying that im not doing what im supposed to (yes this is about church)! I DO THINGS AND CARE WAY MORE THAN YOU DO TRUST ME AND THIS IS THE ONLY TIME IM EVER GOING TO SELFISHLY SAY SO BC ITS BETTER TO BE HUMBLE AND NOT ARROGANT. I TRY SO HARD NOT TO JUDGE YOU YET YOU GET TO JUDGE ME? NO I DONT THINK SO YOU SHOULD START AT LEVEL ONE AGAIN AND LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE! (still about church not friends here). Also dont worry about the level one thing; you would know what this means if you went to the same church. 
I’ve been couping with the idea that all i need is two friends. I’m so grateful and blessed to have them in my life and if im truly meant to have more than it will be so. I know two others of whom i need to apologize for hardly emailing or sending a message to. I feel so bad i have neglected them only bc ive been feeling so down about this and other issues (like before: school, no job/car, possibly changing career and life goals, etc) but really is no excuse. Welp I’ve said all i wanted to say for the moment. There is another topic i wish to vent about but it will have to be for another day bc i have no energy to complain about that topic. If anyone read all this im sorry i took time out of your day and that I hope you are doing well. I hope you continue to live your life to the fullest and to celebrate the good things not the bad that comes along. I just really needed to vent these emotions so i can finally concentrate on what i need to do. Thank you for listening <3
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